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EnergyProcedia 158
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10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018), 22-25 August 2018, Hong Kong,
10th International Conference on Applied Energy
China(ICAE2018), 22-25 August 2018, Hong Kong,
A Review of Lithium-Ion Battery for Electric Vehicle Applications
A Review of
15th InternationalBattery
and Beyond foronElectric Vehicle
District Heating Applications
and Cooling
and Beyond
Assessing the feasibility
Weidong Chena, Jun Liangof using
b, the heat
, Zhaohua Yangdemand-outdoor
, Gen Lib

temperature function for a long-term district heat

Weidong Chen a
, Jun Liang b,
, Zhaohua Yang a
, Gen Lib forecast

Automated institute, Foshan University, No.18, Jiangwan first road, Foshan, 528000, China
aa,b,cinstitute, CardiffaUniversity, Queen’s Buildings,
Automated institute, Foshan University,a No.18, 14-17first
The Parade, Cardiff CF24cChina
I. Andrić b *, A. Pina , P. Ferrão , J. Fournier ., B. Lacarrière , O. Le Correc
Jiangwan b road, Foshan, 528000,
Energy institute, Cardiff University, Queen’s Buildings, 14-17 The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AA, UK
IN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research - Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
Veolia Recherche & Innovation, 291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
Département Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement - IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
Among many kinds of batteries, lithium-ion batteries have become the focus of research interest for electric vehicles (EVs),
thanks manynumerous
to their kinds of benefits.
lithium-ion batteries
there are manyhave become the
limitations focustechnologies.
of these of research interest for electric
This paper reviews vehicles (EVs),
recent research
and to their
developments numerous
of benefits.
lithium-ion However,
battery used there
in are
EVs. many
Widely limitations
used of
of technologies.
battery sortingThis
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the are paper reviews
presented. The recent research
and developments
greenhouse of lithium-ion
estimating from battery
the used sector.
building in EVs.
useful Widely used and
life systems
These (RUL) methods of battery
require high sortingwhich
investments arecritically
are presented. Thethrough
are returned along
a sales.
and Due of
discussion to of
the changed battery’s
strategies climate
to conditions
solve these and
A newbuilding
ofand policies,
sorting heat
retired lithium-ion are in theand
batteries future couldalong
estimating decrease,
the with
SOC of the the investment
of the strategies
retired return period.
to solve
lithium-ion these is
batteries issues. A new method of sorting retired lithium-ion batteries and estimating the RUL
and mainofscope of thislithium-ion
the retired paper is tobatteries
assess the is feasibility
proposed. of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand
forecast. ©
Copyright The district
2018 of Alvalade,
Elsevier Ltd. All rightslocated in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
2019 ThethatAuthors.
vary Published
in both by Elsevierperiod
construction Ltd. and typology. Three weather scenariosth (low, medium, high) and three district
Copyright and
© peer-review
2018 Elsevier under
Ltd. All responsibility
rights reserved.of the scientific committee of the 10 International Conference on Applied
This is an open
renovation access article
scenarios under the CC
were under
developed BY-NC-ND
(shallow, license (
intermediate, deep). To estimate
Selection (ICAE2018).
Peer-review and peer-review
under responsibility of responsibility
the scientific of the scientific
committee committee
ICAE2018 – Theof thethe
10th 10error,
th obtained heat
demand on
values were
on Applied Energy.
compared with
Energy (ICAE2018). results from a dynamic heat demand model, developed and validated by the authors.
The results
Keywords: showed Battery;
Lithium-ion that when only weather
Optimization; SOC;change is considered,
Algorithm; Second life the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
(the errorLithium-ion
Keywords: in annual Battery;
was lower SOC; than 20% for allSecond
Algorithm; weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
life battery
scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and
renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
EVs Electric vehicles
RUL Electric
useful life
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
RUL Remaining useful life
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
* Jun Liang. Tel.: +44 29208 70666; fax: +44 29208 70666.
* Jun address:
Liang. [email protected]
Tel.: +44 29208 70666; fax: +44 29208 70666.
Keywords: Heat demand;
E-mail address: Forecast; Climate change
[email protected]
1876-6102 Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and
1876-6102 peer-review
Copyright under
© 2018 responsibility
Elsevier Ltd. All of the scientific
rights reserved. committee of the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018).
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018).
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
1876-6102 © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of ICAE2018 – The 10th International Conference on Applied Energy.
4364 Weidong Chen et al. / Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 4363–4368
2 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

SOC State of charge

OCV Open circuit voltage
CVDs Cell voltage differences
CDM Cell difference model
EKF-UKF Extended Kalman filter--Unscented Kalman Filter
DSTs Dynamic stress tests
MAPE Mean absolute percentage error
MLSERRC Mixed least square estimator ramp rate compliant
LSE Linear estimate
MA Moving average
SOH State of health
HPPC Hybrid pulse power characteristic
EIS Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy

1. Introduction

Petrol and diesel fuel vehicles cause a large amount of carbon dioxide emission, which leads to some serious
consequences on global warming [1]. To avoid worsening the above problems, recently, the government of the UK,
France, Germany, Netherlands and other countries have announced a schedule to stop producing petrol vehicles,
most of which are from 2025 to 2040 respectively [2]. In the foreseeable future, EVs will replace petrol vehicles to a
large extent. The rechargeable battery is the core component of an EVs, which requires a high performance [3].
Compared with other commonly rechargeable batteries like Ni-Cd, Ni-MH and Lead-acid battery, the lithium-ion
battery is featured by high energy and power density, long service life and environmental friendliness and, thus, has
been widely applied in consumer electronics [4]. However, in the applications that require lots of power, like EVs
and energy storage systems, a large number of batteries need to be packaged in serial and parallel to be a battery
pack. This causes problems of costs, stability, consistency and safety. These problems limit the applications of
lithium-ion batteries.
Lithium-ion batteries must be operated in a safe and reliable operating area, which is affected by the charge rate,
temperature and voltage range. Exceeding these ranges will lead to rapid attenuation of battery performance and
even result in safety problems. In addition, to ensure the reliable operation of lithium-ion batteries, it is important to
evaluate the lithium-ion battery capacity and predict the RUL over the entire service life. Moreover, cell sorting
methods, referring to the selection of qualified cells from raw ones according to quantitative criteria, such as
capacity, resistance, open circuit voltage (OCV), are indispensable processes to assure reliability and safety of cells.
The retired batteries from EVs still have 80% of primary energy [5]. The reuse of retired batteries from EVs in the
applications, energy storage systems and renewable energy plant, is a proper way to make the best use of retired
batteries. The second life batteries can be obtained at a lower cost than brand new batteries, however, the reliability
of the reused batteries becomes an important issue. The reason is that these batteries may suffer from failure and
degraded performance [6]. All of these researches will be introduced in this paper.

2. Sorting of the lithium-ion batteries

The battery pack consists of large numbers of batteries in serial and parallel. In the process of using these batteries,
the battery cells performance (SOC , RUL, OCV) are inconsistent. The inconsistencies performance are caused by
the inconsistencies of the battery parameters. It have a great impact on the efficiency and longevity of the battery
pack. Take cylindrical LiFePO4 battery as an example, 20% parameters mismatch reduces lifetime by 40% [7].
Compared with the single battery, its service life is greatly reduced. Therefore, optimizing the battery parameters
consistency is of great significance to improve the performance of battery pack.
Recently, considerable attention has been paid to study cell-to-cell parameters variations about resistance, OCV
and SOC, which are closely pertaining to cell sorting [8]. Battery sorting means that by using some methods, the
batteries have the same performance will be put together to improve the consistency of batteries and to reduce the
Weidong Chen et al. / Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 4363–4368 4365
Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 3

negative impact of initial differences among batteries, so as to improve the use efficiency of the batteries and
prolong their service life. This section describes different methods in sorting lithium-ion batteries.
Battery sorting includes single parameter sorting methods, multi-parameter sorting methods, dynamic character
sorting methods and model sorting methods. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, as summarized
in Table I.

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of existing battery sorting methods.

Methods Advantages Disadvantages

Single parameter Internal resistance Simple Low accuracy, open loop,
easily affected by the temperature
Open circuit voltage(OCV) Simple Low accuracy, sensitive to the
voltage sensor precision
Multi-point spectral impedance Accurate, reflect the battery Reflect the battery characteristics
internal information in a particular state
Multi-parameters Capacity+OCV+internal resistance Generic,accurate Time-consuming,complex
Voltage charging time ratio+Self-
discharge rate
OCV+ Short circuit current+internal Generic,accurate, Difficult to obtain data,complex
Resistance+maximum power point comprehensive
Dynamic sorting Pulse charging and discharging Generic, reflect the dynamic Not comprehensive enough
voltage curve under different information of the battery
Capacity curves at different Simple, generic, Sensitive to the collecting data
temperatures easy to get data
Model sorting Thevenin model Reflect the battery dynamic Large amount of computation,
Characteristics, simple model complex model
PNGV model Higher accuracy than Thevenin Too many parameters,
model complex mode
According to the aforementioned methods, it can be concluded that there are lots of sorting methods can solve the
problem of inconsistencies of batteries and some progress has been made. However, these methods still have many
drawbacks, such as low accuracy, time-consuming, sensitive to the collect data, poor applicability and so on.

3. State of charge estimation

Due to electrode potential and material limitations, the voltage and capacity of each battery cell cannot fully meet
the requirements of the voltage level of EVs [9]. Therefore, thousands of battery cells have to be connected in series
and parallels. However, inconsistencies of battery pack parameters and uncertain operating conditions may cause
significant differences in batteries’ capacity. In addition, a reliable estimation of the rest of the driving range of EV
depends on the accuracy of the SOC data, This section introduces some strategies of SOC estimation.
Reference [10] proposed a mean plus difference model (M+D model) by testing the battery voltage in a small
battery pack. The cell voltage differences (CVDs) between the cell and the "mean cell" are studied by a low-
frequency cell difference model (CDM). This model considers differences in SOC and internal resistance. The
model can be used to estimate OCV difference. With the help of this method, current measurement techniques can
be used to accurately estimate the SOC inconsistencies of lithium-ion batteries during EV operating.
The above method get the result by calculating the relationship between SOC and OCV. Other parameters are
ignored. The inconsistent situations in other SOC rates need to be evaluated.
A parametric modeling method is proposed [11] by using developing model-based SOC estimation approach.
Based on the analysis of the mapping relationship between battery parameters and SOC, a three-dimensional
response surface open-circuit voltage model is proposed to correct the SOC estimation. Fig. 1 shows the schematic
4366 Weidong Chen et al. / Energy Procedia 158 (2019) 4363–4368

4 Author name / Energy Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

Fig. 1. The schematic diagram of the lumped battery circuit model.

diagram of the battery model. The model is too simple to describe the equivalent circuit model accurately.
In addition, this paper[11] proposed a model-based two-scale unit SOC estimator. It uses micro and macro time
scales methods to estimate SOC for selected and unselected cells, respectively. The results show that the maximum
estimated errors of the battery voltage and the SOC are less than 30 mV and 1% respectively for the uncertain diving
cycle and the battery pack.
Compared to the M+D model method, this method conducted a more detailed study impact of the battery’s
parameters on SOC in a micro and macro time scale. The battery parameter model is more accurate. But this method
is not applicable to the batteries has been deeply discharged, the OCV analytical equations should be redesigned to
improve the calibration performance of this method.
In this section, many different methods for estimating the battery’s SOC have been discussed, such as Mean-plus-
Difference Model, three-dimensional response surface open circuit voltage model. These methods show the ways to
estimate SOC, but it has some drawbacks. The equivalent circuit model [11] cannot describe the battery effectively.
Some parameters are ignored such as temperature, remaining used of life, constant of charge rate. Besides, the
robustness of SOC estimation algorithms cannot deal with unexpected situations.

4. Rul of second used battery

In the EV industry, the batteries must be retired when they drop to 80% of the primary capacity. But these retired
batteries still have lots of available capacity and long RUL [12]. It is predicted that by 2028, the retired battery will
reach to 120 Gwh [13]. With the increasing number of retired power batteries from EVs, how to deal with retired
battery is a significant challenge. One of the best ways to solve this problem is to reuse retired power batteries in
other applications such as energy storage systems, mobile battery charging station, frequency response service. To
make the best use of the retired power battery, the characteristics of the retired lithium-ion battery need to be studied.
In order to study the aging effect of energy storage system, a mixed least square estimator ramp rate compliant
(MLSERRC) algorithm is developed [14]. This algorithm considered a linear estimate based on a parabolic estimate
(LSE) instead of a linear estimate complemented with the ramp rate compliance. The result of MLSERRC algorithm
is better than using LSE-based least squares estimation and moving average (MA) filtering algorithms. The
MLSERRC algorithm also helps to reduce the size of the battery energy storage system and the required to provide
smoothing of output power.
This strategy saves the cost of energy storage system. However, the power profiles obtained from this study use
brand new batteries as second life batteries. Because there are lots of differences between brand new batteries and
retired batteries, there may be very different results compared to using second life battery. Therefore, to analyze the
performance of retired batteries and their aging behaviour, more tests need to be carried out on second life battery.
To evaluate the performance and degradation behaviour of the retired lithium-ion battery [15], this paper uses
retired EV batteries in two applications: residential demand response management services and power smoothing
application. The experiment is divided into two groups: one group is the experiment on the single battery cell,
another group is on battery packs. All of these batteries have different state-of-health (SOH) before the experiment.
Detailed tests include capacity, hybrid pulse power characteristic (HPPC), OCV, electrochemical impedance
spectroscopy (EIS) measurements and impedance parametric tests.
From the experiments, the result shown that the retired batteries are more prone to aging than brand new batteries.
All batteries with large direct current internal resistance (> 175% relatively) are difficult to use in circumstances
where strict requirements are needed. In addition, the retired batteries that were reused in second life applications
before reaching the "aged knee" [16] (i.e. before the dominant mechanism of aging was changed) showed very good
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performance. Otherwise, these batteries cannot be used because of their rapid decline performance of capacity.
This paper aims to find the relationship between aging and performance of retired batteries. The experiments
obtained some progress, but they did not locate the main factors that affect the battery aging rate. Besides, the
battery pack is made up of 3 batteries in series. The number of batteries, battery string parallel state and temperature
are ignored, these factors have lots of affect on battery performance. Furthermore, they did not propose the aging
performance model about the retired battery.
As is shown in this section, predicting battery performance and battery life, battery model and estimate algorithm
are the main research points about retired batteries. The research on these aspects has achieved certain acheivements.
Some models and algorithms are created. However, these studies have some shortcomings: experimental results
were obtained by a small number of batteries; the prediction of the of the retired battery was only conducted by
simulations without actual retired battery experiments; the of parameter selection is not accurate enough;
comparative experiments between the aged and brand new batteries are not enough.

5. Discussion

5.1. Assessment of sorting methods

From measurement to statistical estimation, there are many different kinds of empirical methods to classify
batteries, each of them has pros and cons characteristics. The multi-parameter sorting methods use some measured
parameters value at a special time to sort the battery, but the value will change with the use of the battery. Therefore,
this method is of no use. In contrast, dynamic parameter sorting methods do not have this problem. However, some
dynamic parameter sorting methods can only analyze a phenomenon at the same time. It is difficult to consider a
variety of different situations together. For example, self organizing map method can get a good result in its special
condition, but it can not perform well in other batteries (different material, capacity). Methods like electrochemical
models and equivalent circuit models perform well but can not be used directly in the serial parallel model.

5.2 Assessment of estimate SOC and RUL methods

Each proposed method seeks to improve accurate estimate SOC and RUL in different ways, but each method has
its own drawbacks. Many studies have used accelerated life tests to solve the problem of aging batteries, which leads
to some errors data in test. Many algorithms are used to calculate the battery's SOC and RUL, it is useful to some
extents. But these algorithms need to be based on a lot of historical data. The robustness of the algorithms is not
good, they can not effectively calculate the battery SOC and RUL in some unexpected situations. Moreover, the
lower battery using time as well as the complex interaction between each variable were not considered in these
The estimate of battery SOC and RUL requires an easily flexible method. Thus, an ideal method should perform
quickly with a few and easily obtainable variables and it needs able to adapt to a variety of situations.

5.3 Proposed methods

From section IV, we know that few studies are about the retired battery but its future application prospects are
very broad. Therefore, in order to find out the characteristics of retired batteries and clear the obstacles for its
application, a method is proposed in this section.
This strategy aims to sort the retired battery and predict the SOC and RUL of the retired battery.
For sorting the retired battery. There are lots of parameters that affect battery consistency include the battery
capacity, open circuit voltage, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, ohmic resistance, charge-discharge
efficiency, self-discharge rate, these parameters will be chosen as the first sorting series. Because each parameter
has a special impact on battery consistency performance. Firstly, the relationship among these parameters and their
shares on the effect of battery performance will be studied by experiments and quantitative assessment method.
Secondly, principal component analysis algorithm will be used to determine the main parameters that affect the
battery consistency. Finally, using data fitting method to establish the parameter comprehensive model. With this
model, batteries with consistent performance will be sorted out.
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For estimate RUL, at the first stage, parameters about the number of battery cycles, open circuit voltage, internal
resistance, capacity and temperature will be included. A set of experiments will be done to figure out the impact of
each parameter on the retired batteries. Principal components analysis used to analyze the affect of these factors on
RUL. Find the principal component factors and fit out the correlation function. Then, using Matlab building a model
about this function. Lastly, the comparison between simulation experiments and real data will be done to proof the
correct of this method.
For estimate SOC, at the beginning, get SOC data about aging batteries with different degrees and other data
about OCV, cycle time. The electrochemical model contains polarization resistance and polarization capacitance
will be figure out and it can reflect the detail of the battery equivalent circuit. Secondly, using principal components
analysis to identify the main influencing factors like battery’s aging degree, OCV, cycle time. Thirdly, EKF-UKF
and MLSERRC algorithms will be used to improve the accuracy of estimate SOC. Lastly, the simulation will be
done to verify the effect of this method.

6. Conclusion

This paper summarizes the key research issues in the lithium-ion battery, including estimation of battery capacity,
sorting of battery, remaining use life of the battery, battery circuit model and SOC algorithms. The advantages and
disadvantages of these methods are discussed. New method and model for sorting retired battery and estimate SOC
and RUL of the retired battery are put forward. Which improve the consistency of retired batteries, decrease the
degradation of the retired battery, prolong the battery cycle life. In the future, experiments will to be done to prove
the effectiveness of this method.


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