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Universidade do Estado do Pará

Disciplina: Fonética e Fonologia da Língua Inglesa

Prof: André Diniz

Exercises on phonology – Connected speech

1. Listen to the following song and identify the phonological phenomena related to connected speech:

Glad You Came

Boyce Avenue

1 The sun goes down 25 Is here and now

2 The stars come out 26 My universe will never be the same
3 And all that counts 27 I'm glad you came (2x)
4 Is here and now
5 My universe 28 You cast a spell on me, spell on me
6 Will never be the same 29 You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
7 I'm glad you came 30 And I decided you look well on me, well on me
31 So let's go somewhere no-one else can see,
8 You cast a spell on me, spell on me 32 You and me
9 You hit me like the sky fell on me, fell on me
10 And I decided you look well on me, well on me 33 Turn the lights out now
11 So let's go somewhere no-one else can see, 34 Now I'll take you by the hand
12 You and me 35 Hand you another drink
36 Drink it if you can
13 Turn the lights out now 37 Can you spend a little time,
14 Now I'll take you by the hand 38 Time is slipping away
15 Hand you another drink 39 Away from us so stay,
16 Drink it if you can 40 Stay with me I can make,
17 Can you spend a little time, 41 Make you glad you came
18 Time is slipping away,
19 Away from us so stay, 42 The sun goes down
20 Stay with me I can make, 43 The stars come out
21 Make you glad you came 44 And all that counts
45 Is here and now
22 The sun goes down 46 My universe
23 The stars come out 47 Will never be the same
24 And all that counts 48 I'm glad you came (several times)

1. Notice the pronunciation of the articles the and a/an in the song. Are they fully pronounced? What other words have
been reduced?

2. Notice how words are spoken in English. They are not spoken isolatedly. They are uttered in chunks. Check the
examples below. See if you can find any other ones and practice linking with them.
1 The sun goes down
8 You cast a spell on me
17 Can you spend a little time,
18 Time is slipping away,

3. Notice what happened to the following words when they are together. Is this a phonological rule in English? What
rule can you deduce from that?
I. 3 And all that counts  / 
13 Turn the lights out now  / 
18 Time is slipping away  / 
20 Stay with me I can make  / 

What is assimilation?

II. 7 I’m glad you came  / 

10 And I decided you look well on me 
15 Hand you another drink    

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