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Inner Diameter of Vessel D 610 mm

Overall Vessel Length L 3450 mm
Shell thickness t 9.5 mm
Empty weight of vessel (Add 10% for Insulation) LOAD 1650 kg
Impact Factor 2
Total Load for Lifting Lugs 3300
Number of Lugs 2
Design Loads per Lugs in normal Lifitng 1650
Lifting Lug height H 120 mm
Outside Radius of Lifting Lug OR 40 mm
Hole diameter d 40 mm
Width of Lug W 120 mm
Lifting plate thickness t 20 mm
Weld size weld 8 mm


Material of construction of Lifting Lug IS 2062 Gr. 2
Allowable stress in Tension SA 1100 kg/cm2
Allowable stress in Bending = 1.5 x SA SB 1650 kg/cm2
Allowable stress in Shear = 0.8 x SA SS 880 kg/cm2
Allowable stress in Shear Welding = 0.49 x SA SSw 539.0 kg/cm2
Assumption for weld analysis
All load is carried by two Lug
All load cases analyzed independently
Do not move or support vessel with this lug, when Full or Pressurized

Tensile Stress (Case 1)

A1= t x ( OR - d/2 ) x 2 = 800 mm2

Stress = Load / A1 < SA 206.3 kg/cm2 < 1100 kg/cm2

Pin Bearing Stress (Case 1 & 2)
A2= txd = 800 mm2

Stress = Load / A2 < SA 206.3 kg/cm2 < 1100 kg/cm2

Bending Stress (Case 2) 1

Moment Load x Center height from sh 198000
I= t x W 3 /12 = 2880000 mm4
c= W/2= 60.0 mm

Stress = M x c / I < SB 412.5 kg/cm2 < 1650 kg/cm2

Shear Stress (Case 2) 1

Area = W x t = 2400 mm2

Stress = Load / Area < SS 68.8 kg/cm2 < 880 kg/cm2

Weld Stress (Case 1) 1

Peripherie (W x 2 + t x 2 + Weld x 4 312.0 mm

Area = Peripheries x weld = 2496.0 mm2

Stress = Load / Area < SSw 66.1 kg/cm2 < 539 kg/cm2

Weld Stress (Case 2) 1.00

Moment Load x Center height from sh 198000.0
I= (t+2xweld) x (W+2xweld)3/12 - I= 4666368 mm4
c= W / 2 + weld = 68.0 mm
Stress = M x c / I < SSw 288.5 kg/cm2 < 539 kg/cm2
In all the Cases Stresses are less than Acceptable limit, hence design is OK

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