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Rajbari, Cooch Behar




During the course of time, Cooch Behar was converted from a Kingdom to a State
and eventually got merged with the province of West Bengal in January 1950 and
emerged as a new District within the map of West Bengal. During the British era, the
town of Cooch Behar was the seat of a princely state of Koch Bihar, ruled by the
Koch dynasty.

In fact, being the place of Raj monarchy, the District still captures the glorious past
with the royal touch, which is in the moods of the local people even today. People in
this District boost of this beautiful city where the Maharajas used to stay. Any one
visiting Cooch Behar would appreciate the beautiful planned city with infrastructure
quite similar to any forward looking city without the din and bustle of busy cities.
The usual comfortable North Bengal weather all through the year, with the
temperature being seldom excessive, is just fine to let people feel the freshness and
beauty of nature all around.

Away from 150 kms from Siliguri, the District of Cooch Behar is located in the north
eastern part of West Bengal and bounded by the District of Jalpaiguri in the Norh,
the North Eastern states starting with Assam in the East and by Bangladesh in the
west and the south. The District forms part of the Himalayan Terai of West Bengal.
The District comprises of five Sub Divisions which, apart from Cooch Behar Sub
Division also include Dinhata, Mathabhanga, Mekhliganj and Toofanganj Sub

Surrounded by Sikkim, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and the state of Assam &
adjoining north eastern States, Cooch Behar is well connected by Road from
Kolkata (via Siliguri) and Assam, by Train from all directions of the country and by
Air as well (Bagdogra Airport near Siliguri) .

With a population little over 28 lac (as on 2011), the District has a literacy rate of
75%. As regards public health scenario, the District administration considers health
sector as one of the core sector for development. Efforts are being made to make
improvements in the key health indicators viz Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal
Mortality Rate (MMR), safe delivery etc. As for main health infrastructure is
concerned, the District has one 400 Bedded District Hospital and four Sub
Divisional level Hospitals with an average bed strength of 120 beds, one TB cum
Infectious Disease Hospital of 120 Beds (JD Hospital) and a 10 Bedded Mental
Hospital apart from Rural hospitals/health centres at the Block level of the District.
However, there is a definite void as far as facility of multi speciality hospital is
concerned though the District is ideally suited for such facilities for the benefit of
huge population surrounding the District.

The Department of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW) is seriously contemplating to

establish more medical education facilities to cope with the scarce availability of
medical personnel in the state and at the same time taking initiatives to create
avenues for expanding the benefits of multi-speciality health care services to the
population at large. In this context, the location and environment of Cooch Behar
makes it the perfect place for setting up Medical Education Institute and Multi-
speciality Hospital for the benefit of huge population in the entire North Bengal

including the hills, Sikkim, the surrounding states e.g Assam and some parts of
Bihar and the countries of Bhutan, Nepal and parts of Bangladesh. What is also
significant, by its initiative to set up these facilities, the state is also looking after
the aspirations of the people in the state.

With this backdrop, the DoHFW intends to set up medical education facility with
multi-speciality hospital at Cooch Behar. Taking stock of the limitation of its
existing resources and by utilizing the strengths of both the partners, the DoHFW
has considered Public Private Partnership (PPP) a chosen approach for
establishment of this medical education facility at the most preferred destination in
the Northern part of Bengal --- COOCH BEHAR.

The following sections describe the scheme and the details for operationalisation of
the proposed initiative of the DoHFW





a) Health sector in our country has been witnessing mammoth changes with an
unprecedented growth and is now the fastest growing category of private expenditure.
Growing population, increasing government initiatives, greater access of the
community at large to health facilities for treatment, increasing life style related health
issues and insurance penetration are some of the driving factors for growth in health

b) In the midst of such a national scene, the state of West Bengal has also made
significant progress in the health sector over the years and more at a rapid pace in the
last two years. The state has at present one of the highest patient utilization records in
government health facilities in this country in terms od in-patient services. The
percentage of patients getting in-patient services from the government health facilities
here is as high as 73% against the national average of 40%. Significant improvements
have been recorded in the state on some of the key health indicators e.g Infant
Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Institutional Deliveries and in
other public health as well as reproductive and child care related areas.

c) In terms of budget, the increase in proportion of health budget to the state budget has
also shown an increase from 4.4% in 2006-07 to 4.7% in 2009-10 with a quantum
increase in annual expenditure over the last five years.

d) In the recent past, newer initiatives have been undertaken by the GoWB for health
sector reform at all levels-primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities for the benefit
of population at large across the state.

e) In the areas of medical education, the intake capacity for MBBS students has
increased to 1900 in 2012-13 as compared to 805 in 2001-02. The number of Medical
Colleges has also increased to 13 at present from 7 ten years back.

f) However, amidst such growth, the key issues that the DoHFW, GoWB is confronted
with are

1) the demand supply gaps relating to availability of Doctors and Bed Capacity for
patients in the state. Recent reports from Government of India indicate that the
country has just one Doctor per 2000 population. The standard set by World
Health Organization (WHO) is 1: 1000. The Planning Commission’s high-level
expert group (HLEG) on universal health coverage (UHC) has predicted that this
figure is expected to be achieved by our country only by 2028. The HLEG has
suggested setting up 187 Medical Colleges in 17 high focused states during the
12 th and 13 th five year plan to achieve the above figure. Against this national
scene, the Doctor: Patients gap further widens in West Bengal. The state is way
behind the national average with a Doctor Population ration of around 1:2600.

2) lack of facilities of Medical Colleges and Hospitals in our state and in particular
areas underserved by Doctors and Medical Colleges. The state has a density of
one Medical College per 70 lakh population, whereas in comparison the country
has a density of one Medical College per 38.41 lakh population. What is also a
matter of worry, the state has at present 13 Medical Colleges & Hospitals

including one private institution, out of which seven of the Medical Colleges &
Hospitals are located within the city of Kolkata and its periphery. Thus, apart from
the imbalance in the availability of Medical Education Facilities in line with the
national average, a large inequity also exists within the state particularly in the
rural areas of West Bengal.

3) non-establishment of new medical colleges in the state by private

institutions/Trust/Society over the years except only one in the past. The state is
lagging behind some of the leading states in this respect as is evident below from
the available data as of 2012/13:

State Number of Number of other Total Number of

Government Medical Colleges Medical Colleges
promoted Medical (Private/Trust/Society)

Andhra 14 23 37

Maharastra 19 22 41

Karnataka 10 31 41

Kerala 4 19 23

WEST 13 1 14

In addition to the above issues, the DoHFW is also concerned with the problem of

4) non-availability of required Faculties for medical education in our state

g) In order to bring in an overall improvement in the medical education field nationally,

steps have been taken and are also being considered by Government of India (GoI)
and these include enhancement in the age limit for medical faculties, increase in the
intake capacity at MBBS level, relaxation in the norms for setting up Medical Colleges.
In addition, GoI has also felt the need to promote initiatives under Public Private
Partnerships (PPP) in areas where there is urgent need for more medical institutions.

h) In the context of West Bengal, several initiatives have been and are being taken by
the GoWB in the last two years for health sector reform at all levels-primary,
secondary and tertiary care facilities. These initiatives also include establishment of
multi-speciality / super-speciality hospitals in the district and sub-district level of the
state. However scenario in the field of Medical Education Facilities in the state in the
national context calls for definite improvement on priority. The GoWB has taken
stocks of the situation and felt the need for establishment of Medical Colleges more
importantly in areas underserved by Doctors and Medical Colleges in this state.

i) Keeping in view of the several advantages and considering the long aspirations
of people in the Northern parts of the state, the surrounding hills (including
Bhutan) and the bordering states (Assam etc) in the vicinity of the proposed
medical college & hospital, a scheme has been considered for setting up
medical education facility under PPP in the District of Cooch Behar. This is in

conformity with the ‘Plan of actions 2011-15’ of the DoHFW, GoWB, which inter
alia focuses on exploring the PPP model for setting up superspeciality health
facilities and new Medical Colleges in the state.

j) A significant plus point for selecting Cooch Behar as the ideal choice is the
availability of required land within the JD Hospital of the DoHFW under Cooch
Behar II Block, where the proposed medical education facilities along with the
teaching hospital would be established. In addition, the District Hospital at
Cooch Behar under the DoHFW is also located within 10 kms of the JD Hospital
and the facilities of this Hospital may be utilized during inception for the
proposed Medical College & Hospital under a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) between the Private Sector Partner (PSP) and the DoHFW as described
under Section 3e sunject to compliance of regulations of the Medical Council of
India (MCI).

k) Establishment of the above Medical College & Hospital (MC&H) shall contribute to
increased intake of MBBS students which in turn create more medical personnel
enabling the GoWB to offset to an extent the shortage of medical personnel which the
state is facing today. In addition providing facilities for multi-speciality hospitals
ensures benefit for the community at large in the backward areas and in the hills of
the state as well as for the people in the bordering states


a. Locations

The proposed Medical College and Hospital (MC&H) will be established within
the campus of the JD Hospital located at Khagrabari area under Cooch Behar II
Block in the District of Cooch Behar. The Hospital is on the National Highway
(NH) 31 and is around 6 kilometres from the Cooch Behar Town, the Head
Quarter of the District. The required land (20 acres) will be made available within
the premises of the Hospital. The Hospital has 120 Beds comprising of 100 Beds
for TB and 20 Beds for Infectious Diseases.

As per Gazette Notification dated 01.06.2012 relating to amendment in the MCI’s Establishment of Medical College
Regulation 1999, it has been stated that under the heading QUALIFICATION CRITERA, it is to be added that in
some states including West Bengal, establishment of medical college shall be allowed on two pieces of land
comprising minimum of 20 (twenty) acres of land. However, one plot of land shall not be 10 (ten) acres and the
second plot of land shall also be not less than 5 (five) acres. The distance between two pieces of land shall not be
less than 10 (ten) kilometers with well connected road and free transportation facility for students and staff. The
hospital should be on one piece of land and the building of the college including library, hostels for the students,
interns, PG/Residents, nurses may be housed on any of the two pieces of land. The said hospital should be
functional for at least three years.

The above relaxation shall not be available to a person seeking permission to establish a medical college in a
District in these states where two or more medical colleges are already in existence.
(complete and full text of the amendment may please be referred in this context)

b. Facilities and Infrastructure of the MC&Hs

™ The MC&H as proposed shall be set up with the facilities for 150 MBBS annual
students intake along with teaching hospital (750 Bedded hospital or as per
norms of MCI) along with services for Investigation and Pharmacy. The various
Departments of the Medical College required for 150 MBBS annual students
intake must be in accordance with the MCI norms.

™ The Teaching hospital shall comprise of the following services and need to have
provision for additional services as and when required.

o Outpatient, In-patient and emergency services

o Blood Bank
o Diagnostic Facilities
o Pharmacy
o Provision for liquid Oxygen
o Surgical Services
o Medical Services
o Cardiological care
o Paediatric Services
o Gynaecology & Obstetric Facilities
o Orthopaedic Services
o Ophthalmology Services
o ENT Services
o Neuro-Medicine facilities
o Dental care
o Dialysis facilities
o Skin and Dermatological care

™ Facilities for allied institutions e.g. Dental College, Nursing College etc may be
considered in future with the concurrence of MCI and other competent authorities
and subject to availability of land.

™ In addition, provisions for Post Graduate Degree/Diploma as well as post-doctoral

medical courses may also be considered in future

c. Operationalization of the MC&Hs

i.If no functioning hospital (300 bedded) is available with the Private Sector Partner
(PSP) within 10 kms of the proposed site and the PSP is unable to utilize any such
existing hospital to start with for setting up the Medical College as per requirement
of the MCI, in such case, in order to expedite the process of establishment of the
medical education facilities, the PSP, during the inception phase, may be permitted
under a separate MoU with the DoHFW to utilize the facilities of the existing District
Hospital owned and managed by the DoHFW at Cooch Behar town located within 10
kms of the proposed site subject to compliance of the norms and requirements of
the Medical Council of India (MCI). The MoU in such case shall be valid for a period
of three years or till such time the PSP establishes its own Hospital at the allocated
site, whichever is earlier.

ii. In case, the above option as mentioned under “i” above is not workable, the PSP shall
be required to establish and make its own hospital functional and thereafter set up the
Medical College in accordance with the norms of the MCI

iii. The legal agreement between the DoHFW and the PSP shall be accordingly worked out

iv. It is essential that the PSP needs to secure all relevant clearances from the MCI for
operationalisation of this scheme.


a. Key Participants

Under this scheme, the key partners of the project will be the DoHFW, the concessioning
authorities and the selected PSP under PPP, the concessionaire. The PSP may be a
single entity or a consortium. The DoHFW, if required, may engage an Organization as
Transaction Advisor from the empanelled list of the Government of West Bengal to
oversee proper implementation of the project. In addition, the DoHFW shall extend
necessary support for proper implementation and management of the Institution.

b. Agreement

The scheme for establishment of the medical education facility will be executed through a
legal instrument – an agreement. The parties to the agreement will be the concessioning
authority (the DoHFW) and the concessionaire – the selected bidder/the Special Purpose
Vehicle incorporated by the selected Bidder/consortia. The detailed terms and conditions
including the duration of the agreement will be included in the agreement. Provisions
relating to land for the infrastructure to be incorporated in the agreement and options for
renewal have been described under “d” of this Section

c. Operation and Management of the Institution

The selected Organization shall be responsible for entire operation and management of
the Institution as per applicable norms with its own resources and collect revenue by way
of Fees from students using the applicable guidelines as well as from user fees collected
from the hospital as described under ‘g’ in this Section.

d. Land for the Infrastructure

1 As stated under Section 2a, the proposed Medical College & Hospital (MC&H) shall be
established within the campus of the JD Hospital at Cooch Behar. The DoHFW shall
provide 20 Acres of land as per requirement for this project. The required land will be
leased out to the PSP following the provisions of the existing norms of the Government
of West Bengal including the land policy in force. The required area shall be provided to
the PSP for a period of 99 (Ninety nine) years or as per guidelines of the MCI, if

2 In accordance with the Rule 245 of West Bengal Land and Land Reforms manual
1991 as amended hereafter vide no. 518-LR/3M-11/06 GE (M) dated 20.02.2006, the
PSP shall make payment by way of one time Salami @ 40% of the market value of
the land and @ 0.3% of the market value of the land as annual rent. However, in
respect of establishment of the Medical College & Hospital at Cooch Behar
through PPP, if the PSP, during the inception phase, is able to utilize any existing
300 bedded hospital for this scheme within the permissible distance (which is 10
kms at present) of the proposed site as per requirement of the MCI, a suitable
mechanism would be worked out to refund the salami amount and provide full
rent waiver to the PSP if the PSP is able to complete required formalities and
secure all relevant clearances and actually start classes for MBBS within two
years of signing the legal agreement (In order to expedite the process, the PSP
may be allowed to utilize the facilities of the District hospital during inception as
described under “e” below). However, in case such Hospital as mentioned above
is not available within 10 kms of the proposed site, the PSP shall be required to
build and operationalise its own hospital at the allocated site and thereafter
establish the Medical College in accordance with the regulations of the MCI, In
such case, the provision of refund of salami and rent waiver should be applicable
if the PSP is able to secure all relevant clearances and actually start classes for
MBBS within five years of signing the legal agreement.

3 It may be mentioned here that Bank Guarantee from any nationalised/scheduled

Bank acceptable to the DoHFW shall be accepted towards Salami and annual rent
for the land earmarked for establishment of Medical College & Hospital through
PPP as described under ‘2’ above

4 As regards renewal of the lease/agreement, it is to be noted that the operating

PSP shall have the first option to renew the lease/agreement after expiry of the
existing lease/agreement.

5 In case, the allocated land have some old buildings, the same will be treated as
land as per West Bengal Land & Land Reforms Act 1955. The private partner may
be given the power to demolish/alter/modify the existing building and structure
as may be necessary to build the new Institution in accordance with the plan to
be approved by the local municipal authorities/other appropriate authorities.

e. Utilization of the facilities of the District Hospital at Cooch


As stated under Section 2c, subject to compliance of the norms and requirements of the
MCI, in order to expedite the process of establishment of the Medical College, the PSP
may be permitted, during the inception phase, to utilize the facilities of the District
Hospital at Cooch Behar Town owned and managed by the DoHFW located within 10
kms from the proposed site at the JD Hospital for a period of three years or till such
time the PSP establishes its own Hospital at the allocated site, whichever is earlier
under a separate MoU to be signed between the PSP and the DoHFW specifying
therein the terms and conditions for utilization of the facilities in the said Hospital. Under
this MoU, the PSP shall be permitted to utilize the facilities of the hospital relating to the
needs of the Medical College at Cooch Behar.

f. Obligation of the PSP
™ The minimum obligations of the private partner under this project will be to design,
finance, build, operate, manage and run the Medical Education Institution with an
initial intake capacity of 150 under graduate MBBS students as per applicable
norms of Medical Council of India (MCI) with provision of enhancement of
undergraduate MBBS seats. The various Departments of the Medical College
required for 150 MBBS annual students intake must be in accordance with the MCI
norms. The PSP shall obtain necessary affiliations from the MCI for running of the
Institution. In addition, the PSP shall also operationalize a teaching hospital of 750
bedded or as per requirement of the MCI with the services mentioned under
Section 2b.

g. Share for the DoHFW

1 The PSP shall have to ensure that a minimum of 33.33% of the total seats for
undergraduate MBBS students are reserved for the DoHFW for admission
through the Entrance Test as will be applicable in the state of West Bengal. .

2 The bidding parameter for selection of technically qualified applicants shall be

the percentage of medical seats earmarked for the DoHFW over and above
33.33% as mentioned under ‘1’ above.

3 The PSP shall also keep a minimum of 25 % of the total number of indoor beds
free for the poor and vulnerable section of the population in the hospital for free
treatment with all facilities analogous to facilities available for existing indoor patients
under free beds in Government Medical Colleges & Hospitals of the state. However, an
alternative provision shall be kept by way of concession fee to be paid by the private
partner to the DoHFW on monthly basis. The amount of concession fee shall be 25% of
the total receipts from patients admitted in the In-patient Department (IPD) of the
hospital in each month. The said concession fee shall be utilized by the DoHFW for free
treatment of the poor patients, admitted in this hospital, with all facilities analogous to
facilities available for existing indoor patients under free beds in Government Medical
Colleges & Hospitals of the state. The proceeds of the concession fee shall be used by
the DoHFW for reimbursing the cost of such services to the PSP under this provision.
The private partner shall have the option to choose any one of the above two provisions

h. Revenue for the PSP

1. Fee Structure for undergraduate MBBS students

a) The fee structure and admission procedures will be regulated by the existing rules and
regulation as well as by the Order of Apex Court issued on these matters

b) Fee structure shall be fixed by the private partner subject to approval of the DoHFW.

c) As described in earlier sections, the Medical Education Institution will be

operationalsed with an initial intake capacity of 150 under graduate MBBS students as
per applicable norms of Medical Council of India (MCI) with provision of enhancement
of undergraduate MBBS seats.

d) 33.33% or more (as per bidding parameter) of the total number of seats will be
governed by the DoHFW for admission through the entrance test as will be applicable
in the State of West Bengal for admission. NRI quota may be kept as 15% of the total
numbers and the balance numbers will be under management quota (including the
NRI quota).

e) In compliance of the judgement and order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 12th
August 2005 in Civil Appeal 5041 of 2005, the DoHFW vide Order no.
HF/O/MERT/1035//2D-05/2004 dated 14/11/2008 has formed a permanent committee
under justice Hon’ble Asit Kumar Bisi to decide on the fee structure for private medical
college/dental college. The said committee laid down the fee structure of the KPC
Medical College, the private medical college at Kolkata, for three years (2008-09,
2009-10 and 2010-11)

f) The fee structure as existed in KPC Medical College for 2010-11 for students for
MBBS are provided as under:

Category of students Tuition fee per Admissio Caution

semester n fee money
(in Rs) (in Rs) (refundable)
(in Rs)
MBBS seats through JEE 60000 40000 10000

Others i.e under management quota 240000 40000 10000

(excluding NRI quota)

The above information has been incorporated in the scheme only to give an
indication to the applicants on the existing fee structure of the private medical
college. However, it is to be noted that the fee structure shall be worked out by
the recommendations of the existing permanent committee of the DoHFW as per
Order of the Apex Court

2. User Fees for the services in the multi-speciality hospital

The PSP shall charge, collect and retain user charges for the services provided
to the patients treated in the hospital.

i. The Bidding Parameters for selection of the PSP

The selection process, the eligibility criteria for the applicants and the bidding
parameters have been described in details under Section 6. However, it is to be noted
that the selection of the private partner will be made through the processes of Bidding
which include submission of general and technical proposals and also proposal relating to
percentage of seat sharing for MBBS students by the Organizations. Initially, the technical
proposals submitted by all the applicants will be opened and scrutinized followed by
opening of proposals relating to seat sharing of only technically qualified Bidders.

The bidding parameter of the technically qualified applicants shall be the

percentage of seats for MBBS students offered by the applicant over and above
33.33% for the DoHFW

Applicants who would qualify on technical parameters and offering the highest
percentage of medical seats over 33.33% would be selected for establishment of the
proposed Medical College & Hospital through PPP.

j. Engagement of Academic Faculty and other staff

1) The PSP shall deploy academic faculties as per existing norms of MCI.

2) The PSP shall also deploy required technical/non-technical staff for proper
management of the Institution

k. Take off time for the project

1. On selection of the PSP and following execution of the deed of agreement and
possession of the land/building to the selected organization, the PSP shall be
required to submit a Comprehensive Project Report (CPR) as referred under ‘k’
below within 45 days of the date of execution of the deed of agreement for
approval of the DOHFW Department. The actual inception of the project starting
with the construction activities of the buildings/infrastructure (in case of
establishment of the hospital, if required) should start within a month of the
approval of the CPR as mentioned above.

2. In this connection, it needs to be mentioned here that for establishment of Medical

College, the PSP needs to comply with all the requirements as per regulations of
the MCI and according to the MCI regulation, no organization shall establish a
Medical College except after obtaining prior permission from the Central
Government by submitting a scheme in prescribed format and complying with other
requirements of the MCI.

Essence of the Comprehensive Project Report (CPR)

The CPR to be submitted by the selected PSP for approval of the the DoHFW should
be in line with the requirements of the MCI and also specify the following:

ƒ The details of the infrastructure of the proposed facility including plan, location of each of
the buildings with landscaping covering the allocated land and estimated project cost

ƒ The man power deployment plan for all categories

ƒ Compliance of the Services to be provided as mentioned under Section 2 relating to

multi-speciality hospital with detailed plan

ƒ Complete details of the different wards, operation theatre, ICCU, ITU, Indoor set up,
OPD, emergency unit, mortuary, security, pharmacy etc relating to operation of the

ƒ Equipment planning

ƒ Diagnostic facilities

ƒ Quality Assurance norms/systems

ƒ Maintenance Plan for running of the Medical College and Hospital


a. The DoHFW shall arrange to execute the Deed of agreement and hand over the
project site as per terms of the agreement after execution of the said agreement
within one month after completion of necessary formalities.

b. The DoHFW shall approve the CPR within the agreed time relating to
establishment of the proposed set up.

c. A monitoring cum grievance redressal committee shall be formed by the DoHFW

with competent personnel for overseeing implementation of operation and
management of the Medical College & Hospital as per agreed terms as well as to
address issues on grievances if any reported by the PSP. A soft ware package
shall be installed by the PSP to disseminate information on defined parameters
relating to performance of the Medical College & Hospital. The PSP shall also
submit monthly reports in prescribed format to the above committee on monthly



a. The PSP shall prepare the CPR within the agreed time frame for approval by the

b. The PSP shall submit necessary documents to MCI and comply with all the
requirements for obtaining necessary clearance from the MCI for
operationalisation and functioning of the Medical College & Hospital.

c. The PSP shall maintain performance standards and comply with all statutory

d. All necessary approvals and clearances relating to the establishment and

operationalisation of the institution will be obtained by the PSP. However, the
DoHFW may provide necessary help and support for obtaining such clearances as
and when required.

e. The PSP shall fulfil all the requirements as described under Section 3d on land for
the infrastructure
f. The PSP shall comply with the requirements relating to fee structure and
admission procedures as described in this scheme.

g. The PSP shall be responsible for deployment of necessary medical and technical
personnel and other staff as may be required for proper functioning of the Medical
College and the Hospital and comply with the MCI regulations in this respect.

h. The PSP with the approval of the DoHFW shall install a soft ware package with
defined parameters to facilitate monitoring of the activities of the institution by the


a The agreement made with the PSP shall stand terminated if the PSP fails to
obtain clearance from the MCI in two successive years. In such case, the DoHFW
shall take possession of the entire property including any construction made by
the PSP and no compensation whatsoever shall be paid to the PSP for expenses
incurred by the PSP for such construction.

b As stated under Section 3b, the project will be governed by the legal agreement
incorporating therein the terms and conditions in line with this scheme and signed by
the selected PSP with the DoHFW. Upon occurrence of any of the defaults or on
breach of any of the terms of the agreement, the DoHFW shall be entitled to issue
written notice of show cause to the PSP. If the PSP fails to demonstrate to the DoHFW
that the default/ breach has been cured/repaired or fails to satisfy the DoHFW, within
nine months of the date of issue of the notice, in such case, the DoHFW may at its
discretion terminate the agreement after the expiry of nine months without any
compensation whatsoever. The decision of the DoHFW to terminate the agreement
shall be final and binding on the PSP.

c As regards land lease agreement, the same shall be governed by the terms and
conditions of the lease as allowed by the Land and Land Reforms (L&LR) Department
and clauses related to termination of lease as enumerated therein shall be applicable.


a. Selection Committee
The DoHFW shall form a Selection Committee (SC) to undertake selection of the applicant
for establishment of the medical education facility under PPP:

b. Qualification (eligibility) Criteria of the applicants
The eligibility criteria for application of interested organizations for consideration of
selection of the Organization for operation and management of the Hospital under PPP
are provided as under:

1. The Applicant shall be national or international Firm (Limited

Company/Private Limited Company / Partnership or Proprietary Firm /
NGO / Trust / any combination of them in the form of consortium
managed by a single lead member. The maximum number of members in
a Consortium is limited to three).The applicants must be registered under
The Societies Registration Acts / The Trusts Act / The WAKFS Act / The
Companies Act of the appropriate statutory authority of the Government
of West Bengal or the Government of India.

2. The applicant or its member of consortium has experience in health

sector for at least three years. The applicant or its member of consortium
has experience of establishing and running Medical College & Hospital or
establishing and running medium to large multi-speciality hospital (at
least 300 bedded) under PPP or as a private institution/trust/society.


The applicant or its member of consortium has experience in Education

Sector (in technical / professional courses other than Medical Education,
e.g engineering courses) for last three years. The applicant or its member
of consortium has experience of establishing and running Educational
Institution under PPP or as a private institution/trust/society with an
annual intake capacity of minimum 200 seats

3. The applicant or lead member of the applicant in case of consortium

should have annual turnover of minimum 100 crore INR in each year for
last two financial years ending March 2013 or 200 crore INR in aggregate
of the last two financial years ending March 2013. It may be mentioned
here, for computing the annual turnover, the total turnover (i.e the group
turnover) of the applicant / lead member of the applicant in case of
consortium comprising of all its business/activities/services will be
considered. The organisations may submit their relevant documents
including the audited reports accordingly.

4. The applicant or any of the members of the consortium has not been
barred by the Government of India and/or the Government of West
Bengal for participation in any project and the same subsists on the day
of submission of EoI. (a declaration needs to be given by the applicant to
this effect).

However, it may be mentioned that the Selection Committee may relax one or more of the
qualification criteria (excepting sl no.4) in case of deserving applicants

c. The Bidding Parameters and Evaluation of Bids
A single stage selection process by inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) shall be
undertaken, which include technical assessment of the proposals submitted by the
applicants followed by the evaluation on the bidding parameter containing offer on seat
sharing submitted by the applicants.

The bidding parameter of the technically qualified applicants shall be the

percentage of seats for MBBS students offered by the applicant over and above
33.33% for the DoHFW

Applicants who would qualify on technical parameters and offering the maximum
percentage of total seats above the minimum of 33.33% would be selected for
establishment of the proposed Medical College & Hospital through PPP.

The information and documents relating to ‘general and technical information and the
offer on seat sharing as stated above will be submitted by the applicants in two separate
sealed envelops marked ‘’Technical Information with copy of required documents’’ and
‘’Offer on percentage of seats for the DoHFW’’ respectively. The envelope on the offer
on percentage of seats will only be opened for technically qualified applicants.

Selection process would involve short-listing of applicants on technical evaluation based

on marks scored by the applicants on general and technical parameters as provided under
Annexure 1. The maximum possible marks, which may be scored by an applicant, are
100. Minimum qualifying marks are 60 out of 100 (i.e. 60 % of the total possible marks).
The applicants scoring 60 and above would be short-listed for next round for selection

After short-listing of applicants based on general and technical parameters as

mentioned above, final selection of the organization/consortium from the short-
listed applicants would be made on the basis of their offer on percentage of seats
over and above 33.33% for the DoHFW.

The SC can call for any further clarifications or information or documents at any point of
time. The applicant may also be called for explaining or clarifying issues, if there be any.

Decision of the SC on selection of the organization/consortium is final.

Upon final selection, the offer letter will be issued to the selected organization and on
acceptance of the offer, firm engagement letter with legal agreement incorporating all the
terms and conditions will be signed by the PSP with the authorized signatory on behalf of
the DoHFW for commencement of the project.

Annexure II contains information relating to filling of application as well as information on

Pre-BID meeting. The format of the application to be submitted by the applicant for
technical evaluation is provided as Annexure III and the prescribed format for the offer to
be submitted by the applicant on percentage of seats over above 33.33% for the DoHFW
has been provided as Annexure IV.

Annexure 1

Evaluation of EoI on general and technical parameters on the basis of application

submitted by the applicants for establishment of Medical Education Facility at
Dhubulia (Nadia)

Name of the Organization/Consortium:

Parameters Total Marks Marks


1. The applicant has experience in health/education a. > 3-5 years: 10 marks

sector for more than 3 years
b. > 5 -7 years: 15 marks

c. > 7 years= 20 marks

2.The applicant or its member of consortium has a. Medical College with

experience of establishing and running Medical 100 annual MBBS
College and Hospital or running medium to large students intake: 20 marks
multi-speciality hospital (at least 300 bedded) under
PPP or as a private institution/trust/society b. Medical College with
150 or more of annual
MBBS students intake: 25

a. 301 – 400 bedded

hospital : 20 marks

b. Above 400 bedded

hospital: 25 marks

2.The applicant or its member of consortium has a. Educational Institute

experience of establishing and running Educational with 200 annual students
Institute (in technical/professional courses other intake: 20 marks
than Medical Education) under PPP or as a private
institution/trust/society with an annual intake b. Educational Institute
capacity of 200 seats with annual students
intake above 200: 25

3. The applicant or lead member of the consortium 201 crore -- 300 crore in
have annual turnover of minimum 100 crore INR in aggregate of last two
each year for last two financial years ending March financial years ending
2013 or 200 crore INR in aggregate of the last two March 2013: 20 marks
financial years ending March 2013. The turnover
includes the total turnover (i.e the group turnover) of 301 crore -- 400 crore in
the applicant or lead member of the consortium aggregate of last two
comprising of all its business/activities/services. financial years ending
March 2013 : 25 marks

Above 400 crore in

aggregate of last two
financial years ending
March 2013 : 30 marks

The total possible marks are 100. The applicants scoring 60 and above would be
short-listed for next round for selection

After short-listing of applicants based on general and technical parameters as

mentioned above, final selection of the organization/consortium from the short-
listed applicants would be made on the basis of their offer on percentage of seats
over and above 33.33% for the DoHFW.

Annexure II

Information to organizations regarding submission of application and Pre- bid meet

1) The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 1, 00,000/- (Rs one lac) only by way of
demand draft/Pay Order from a nationalized/scheduled Bank must accompany
each application. The draft should be made in favour of “Executive Director,
West Bengal State Health and Family Welfare Samiti ’’

2) The EMD of the selected applicant will be returned upon the applicant’s
executing the contract. Unsuccessful applicants’ EMD will be returned within
30 days after the successful completion of the Bidding process. The EMD may
be forfeited if the applicant withdraws its BID during the period of BID validity.
The EMD of the selected applicants may be forfeited if the organization fails to
sign the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions.

3) The application is to be submitted in the prescribed format (provided as

Annexure III) containing general and technical information along with copy of
documents to be submitted as per Annexure-III. The Demand Draft / Pay Order
by way of EMD must accompany the application. This application is to be
sealed and superscribed “General and Technical Information with EMD with
copy of required documents submitted by ______________________ ’’

4) Format for the offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the
DoHFW by the applicant is given in Annexure IV. This document is to be sealed
and superscribed: “Offer for percentage of total seats for MBBS students
earmarked for the DoHFW submitted by ____________”

5) A covering letter as per Annexure V is to be submitted in the letter head of the

applicant addressed to
The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, GN 29 Salt Lake

6) The sealed documents as mentioned above under 3, the sealed documents as

mentioned above under 4 along with the covering letter as mentioned under 5
should be put in one envelope superscribed:
Application for establishment of Medical Education Facility at Cooch Behar
through PPP

7). The application is to be submitted in the following address:

The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, Wing-A, 4th floor, GN 29 Salt Lake

8) The last date for submission of application is November 29, 2013 till 5pm.
Applications received after 5.00 pm will not be accepted.

A pre-bid meeting was held with the interested applicants on 24.10.13 at 4pm at the
Conference Hall, first floor, Swasthya Bhawan, Department of Health & Family
Welfare, Sector V, GN 29 Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091. Applicants may contact
Telephone Nos: (033) 233-0613/233-0628 for any clarification on this scheme.

Annexure III

Format for Expression of Interest (EoI) for selection of PSP for establishment
of Medical Education Facility and Multi-speciality hospital at Cooch Behar
under PPP
1) Name and address of the Organization:

Name and address of all Organizations in case of Consortium (indicate lead


2) Information and Activities in brief of the Organization/ each member in case of

Consortium in not more than 2 pages of A-4 size

3) Number of years of experience of the Organization/Consortium in the Heath Sector:

4A. Information required to be submitted by the organization relating to running of

existing Medical College & Hospital or only Multi-speciality Hospital (please fill up
whichever is applicable):

Name of the Medical College & Hospital / Multi-speciality


Name of the State/location within India

Type of this project (PPP/Private/Trust/Society managed

Medical College & Hospital / only Multi-speciality Hospital)

Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running Medical

College & Hospital

a. Year of commencement of operation of the Medical

College & Hospital

b. Number of intake of students for the undergraduate

(MBBS) course

c. Total number of academic faculties for the Medical


d. Seat sharing arrangement with the Government, if any

e. Details of the fee structure for the students of the Medical

f. Total number of Beds in the Hospital

g. Services provided in the Hospital (please mention all

services provided including Diagnostic, Pharmacy and
arrangement for provision of liquid oxygen)

h. Number of free Beds in the Hospital

i. Existing utilization of the Hospital (in last one year) i. OPD: Number of
outpatients / month

ii. IPD: Number admissions

/ month

iii. Emergency : Number of

patients attending

j. Project cost for establishment of the project

k. Average operational cost per month

l. Structure and Board of management for the Medical

College & Hospital

Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running only Hospital

a. Year of commencement of the services of the Hospital

b. Total number of Beds in the Hospital

c. Services/Facilities provided in the hospital (please

provide all services and facilities provided including facilities
of Diagnostics, Pharmacy and arrangements for provisions
of liquid oxygen)

d. Number of free Beds in the Hospital

e. Existing utilization of the Hospital (for last one year) i. OPD: Number of

outpatients / monthii.

ii. IPD: Number admissions

/ month

iii. Emergency : Number of

patients attending

f. Project cost for establishment of the Hospital

g. Average operational cost per month

h. Structure and Board of Management of the Hospital

4B. Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running only
Educational Institution (other than Medical Education)

Name of the Institution:

a. Technical / professional courses provided in this


b. Location and State

c. Type of this project (PPP/Private/Trust/Society

managed Educational Institution)

d. Year of commencement

e. Total number of seats in the facility

f. If the Institution has multiple centres, specify the total I

number of centres

g. Mention some of the highlights of the Institution

h. Project cost for establishment of the Institution

i. Average operational cost per month

j. Structure and Board of Management of the Institution

5) Annual turnover of the organization / lead member of the consortium for each of the
last two financial years ending March 2013:

™ April 2011- March 2012:

™ April 2012-March 2013

(Information regarding submission of documents on annual turnover has been

provided under Section ‘7b3’ of this document)

Documents enclosed

i. Declaration that the organization/members of the consortium have not been barred by
Government of India or Government of West Bengal for participation in any project and the
same subsists on the day of submission of EoI

ii. Copy of audit reports for last two financial year ending March 2013.

iii. Copy of Registration of the Organization or Memorandum of Association as applicable

iv. Copy of partnership agreement (if applicable)

v. In case Consortium, Power of Attorney in favour of the Lead Member signed by all the
members of the Consortium

iv. Copy of relevant documents the applicants may desire to submit relating to sl no.4A or
4B (as applicable) above of this format for EoI


Name in full:



Annexure IV


The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, Block- GN, Sector-V, Salt Lake

Sub: Offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the the DoHFW over
and above 33.33% of the total seats


With reference to your advertisement dated _________ for selection of Private Sector
Partner for establishment of Medical Education Facilities and hospital at Cooch Behar
through PPP, we offer to earmark the following percentage of seats for MBBS students for
the DoHFW out of the total seats:

Seats Minimum Percentage of total seats

percentage offered by us*
of seats
In figures In words
Percentage of Seats for MBBS students 33.33%
for the DoHFW

* The percentage offered by the applicant needs to be mentioned without any decimal

Yours faithfully,

Signature of the applicant with stamp:

Name in full:



Annexure V

Draft of the covering letter to be submitted in the Letter Head of the

Organization along with application and other documents



The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, Block- GN, Sector-V, Salt Lake

Subject: Application and BID in response to your Advertisement dated. ----------- for
establishment of Medical College & Hospital at Cooch Behar through PPP

Dear Sir,

With reference to your advertisement dated ________ for establishment of Medical

College & Hospital at Cooch Behar through PPP, we beg to submit our Application
and offer for Concession Fee for your consideration.

As required, we enclose the following documents in sealed cover along with this

1. Expression of Interest duly filled in as per prescribed format along with copy
of documents as per Annexure II of the scheme document. The EMD for
Rupees 1, 00,000 (Rs one lac) vide DD/Pay Order no. ____________ drawn on
______ Bank is also enclosed

2. Offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the DoHFW over
and above 33.33% of the total seats

Yours faithfully,

Signature with rubber stamp

(Name and Designation of the signatory)
Encl: as state





Nadia is a very important District in the state of West Bengal. Apart from its close
propinquity to Kolkata (just 100 kms) and North 24 Parganas towards South and
South East, the District can really boost of a good network of both rail and road and
is easily accessible from Kolkata as well as with some of the important and large
Districts of the state. On the North, Nadia is well connected with the Murshidabad
District and on the West with two large Districts-Bardhaman and Hooghly. Even the
neighbouring country Bangladesh is easily accessible in the Eastern part of the
District. Moreover, the National Highway (NH) 34 passes through this District and
joins with other parts of the country e.g the North eastern states.

Nadia is famous for its diverse heritage from the past history and its rich culture.
With a population of 51 lac (as on 2011), the literacy rate of the District is as high as
76%. Krishnanagar is the Head Quarter town of the District, which is just 100 kms
from Kolkata, The District comprises of four Sub Divisions (SD), which apart from
Krishnanagar SD also include Ranaghat and Tehatta SD. Kalyani is an important
town of the District located around 50 kms from Kolkata and the town has a Medical
College under the Department of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW), Government of
West Bengal (GoWB). As for other main health infrastructure is concerned, Nadia
District has one 525 Bedded District Hospital located at Krishnanagar and two 120
Bedded SD level Hospitals namely Ranaghat SD Hospital and Tehatta SD Hospital.
The District also comprises of three State General (SG) Hospitals in three different
towns namely Santipur SG Hospital, Nabadwip SG Hospital and Chakdah SG
Hospital. However, amidst such set up in the health sector in this District, there is a
definite void as far as large multispecialty hospital is concerned.

But then, the District has a large TB Hospital under the DoHFW- ‘Dr B.C.Roy Chest
Sanatorium’ within a large area located at Dhubulia around 10 kms of
Krishnanagar Town. Close to the National Highway 34, Dhubulia is well connected
by Rail route and Road with Kolkata and other important Districts of West Bengal as
well as with North Eastern States starting with Assam

The DoHFW is seriously contemplating to establish more medical education

facilities to cope with the scarce availability of medical personnel in the state and at
the same time taking initiatives to create avenues for expanding the benefits of
multi-speciality health care services to the population at large. In this context, the
location of Dhubulia in Nadia District and its proximity to Kolkata makes it the
perfect place for setting up Medical Education Institute and the Hospital for the
benefit of huge population of our state and the bordering states. What is also
significant, by its initiative to set up these facilities, the state is also looking after
the aspirations of the people in all these areas.

With this backdrop, the DoHFW intends to set up medical education facility with
multi-speciality hospital at Dhubulia in Nadia District. Taking stock of the
limitation of its existing resources and by utilizing the strengths of both the
partners, the DoHFW has considered Public Private Partnership (PPP) a chosen
approach for establishment of this medical education facility at the most preferred
destination in Bengal --- NADIA DISTRICT.

The following sections describe the scheme and the details for operationalisation of
the proposed initiative of the DoHFW





a) Health sector in our country has been witnessing mammoth changes with an
unprecedented growth and is now the fastest growing category of private expenditure.
Growing population, increasing government initiatives, greater access of the
community at large to health facilities for treatment, increasing life style related health
issues and insurance penetration are some of the driving factors for growth in health

b) In the midst of such a national scene, the state of West Bengal has also made
significant progress in the health sector over the years and more at a rapid pace in the
last two years. The state has at present one of the highest patient utilization records in
government health facilities in this country in terms of in-patient services. The
percentage of patients getting in-patient services from the government health
facilities here is as high as 73%, which is significantly higher than the national
average of 40%. Considerable improvements have been recorded in the state on
some of the key health indicators e.g Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality
Rate (MMR), Institutional Deliveries and in other public health related areas.

c) In terms of budget, the increase in proportion of health budget to the state budget has
also shown an increase from 4.4% in 2006-07 to 4.7% in 2009-10 with a quantum
increase in annual expenditure over the last five years.

d) In the recent past, newer initiatives have been undertaken by the GoWB for health
sector reform at all levels-primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities for the benefit
of population at large across the state.

e) In the areas of medical education, the intake capacity for MBBS students has
increased to 1900 in 2012-13 as compared to 805 in 2001-02. The number of Medical
Colleges has also increased to 14 at present from 7 ten years back.

f) However, amidst such growth, the key issues that the DoHFW, GoWB is confronted
with are

1) the demand supply gaps relating to availability of Doctors and Bed Capacity for
patients in the state. Recent reports from Government of India indicate that the
country has just one Doctor per 2000 population. The standard set by World
Health Organization (WHO) is 1: 1000. The Planning Commission’s high-level
expert group (HLEG) on universal health coverage (UHC) has predicted that this
figure is expected to be achieved by our country only by 2028. The HLEG has
suggested setting up 187 Medical Colleges in 17 high focused states during the
12 th and 13 th five year plan to achieve the above figure. Against this national
scene, the Doctor: Patients gap further widens in West Bengal. The state is way
behind the national average with a Doctor Population ration of around 1:2600.

2) lack of facilities of Medical Colleges and Hospitals in our state and in particular
areas underserved by Doctors and Medical Colleges. The state has a density of
one Medical College per 70 lakh population, whereas in comparison the country
has a density of one Medical College per 38.41 lakh population. What is also a
matter of worry, the state has at present 14 Medical Colleges & Hospitals
including one private institution, out of which seven of the Medical Colleges &

Hospitals are located within the city of Kolkata and its periphery. Thus, apart from
the imbalance in the availability of Medical Education Facilities in line with the
national average, a large inequity also exists within the state particularly in the
rural areas of West Bengal.

3) non-establishment of new medical colleges in the state by private

institutions/Trust/Society over the years except only one in the past. The state is
lagging behind some of the leading states in this respect as is evident below from
the available data as of 2012/13:

State Number of Number of other Total Number of

Government Medical Colleges Medical Colleges
promoted Medical (Private/Trust/Society)

Andhra 14 23 37

Maharastra 19 22 41

Karnataka 10 31 41

Kerala 4 19 23

WEST 13 1 14

In addition to the above issues, the DoHFW is also concerned with the problem of

4) non-availability of required Faculties for medical education in our state

g) In order to bring in an overall improvement in the medical education field nationally,

steps have been taken and are also being considered by Government of India (GoI)
and these include enhancement in the age limit for medical faculties, increase in the
intake capacity at MBBS level, relaxation in the norms for setting up Medical Colleges.
In addition, GoI has also felt the need to promote initiatives under Public Private
Partnerships (PPP) in areas where there is urgent need for more medical institutions.

h) In the context of West Bengal, several initiatives have been and are being taken by
the GoWB in the last two years for health sector reform at all levels-primary,
secondary and tertiary care facilities. These initiatives also include establishment of
multi-speciality / super-speciality hospitals in the district and sub-district level of the
state. However scenario in the field of Medical Education Facilities in the state in the
national context calls for definite improvement on priority. The GoWB has taken
stocks of the situation and felt the need for establishment of Medical Colleges more
importantly in areas underserved by Doctors and Medical Colleges in this state.

i) Keeping in view of the several advantages as described in ‘Prelude’, a scheme

has been considered for setting up medical education facility under PPP at
Dhubulia in the District of Nadia. This is in conformity with the ‘Plan of actions
2011-15’ of the DoHFW, GoWB, which inter alia focuses on exploring the PPP
model for setting up superspeciality health facilities and new Medical Colleges
in the state.

j) A significant plus point amongst many of the other advantages for selecting
Dhubulia in Nadia District as the ideal choice is the availability of required land
within the premises of Dr B.C.Roy Chest Sanatorium of the DoHFW under
Krishnanagar II Block, where the proposed medical education facilities along
with the teaching hospital would be established. In addition, the District
Hospital at Krishnanagar Town under the DoHFW is also located around 10-13
kms of the Chest Sanatorium and the facilities of this Hospital may be utilized
during inception for the proposed Medical College & Hospital under a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Private Sector Partner (PSP)
and the DoHFW as described under Section 3e sunject to compliance of
regulations of the Medical Council of India (MCI). The 30 Bedded Dhubulia Rural
Hospital of the DoHFW is also located within 3kms of the Chest Sanatorium.

k) Establishment of the above Medical College & Hospital (MC&H) shall contribute to
increased intake of MBBS students which in turn create more medical personnel
enabling the GoWB to offset to an extent the shortage of medical personnel which the
state is facing today. In addition providing facilities for multi-speciality hospitals
ensures benefit of large population in and around the District

l) It may also need to be mentioned here that DoHFW has been at the forefront of
initiating lot of activities in the last couple of years to involve private sector and has
made PPP a part of its key strategy to strengthen the health care services in the state.
Establishment of the Medical Education Facilities through PPP is one such initiative to
fortify the medical care services in the state.


a. Locations

The Medical College and Hospital (MC&H) is proposed to be established in the

vacant land within the campus of the Dr B.C.Roy Chest Sanatorium located at
‘Dhubulia’ under Krishnanagar II Block in the District of Nadia. The place is
close to the National Highway (NH) 34 passing through the District and is around
10 kilometres from Krishnanagar Town, the Head Quarter of the District. The
available land of the entire area within the Hospital campus is around 190 acres
plus. The required area of vacant land (20 acres) as described under

As per Gazette Notification dated 01.06.2012 relating to amendment in the MCI’s Establishment of Medical College
Regulation 1999, it has been stated that under the heading QUALIFICATION CRITERA, it is to be added that in
some states including West Bengal, establishment of medical college shall be allowed on two pieces of land
comprising minimum of 20 (twenty) acres of land. However, one plot of land shall not be 10 (ten) acres and the
second plot of land shall also be not less than 5 (five) acres. The distance between two pieces of land shall not be
less than 10 (ten) kilometers with well connected road and free transportation facility for students and staff. The
hospital should be on one piece of land and the building of the college including library, hostels for the students,
interns, PG/Residents, nurses may be housed on any of the two pieces of land. The said hospital should be
functional for at least three years.

The above relaxation shall not be available to a person seeking permission to establish a medical college in a
District in these states where two or more medical colleges are already in existence.
(complete and full text of the amendment may please be referred in this context)

Section ‘3d’ shall be made available within the campus as per norms of
Medical Council of India (MCI) for the proposed set up of the medical
education facility.

b. Facilities and Infrastructure of the proposed Medical College &

Hospital (MC&H)

™ The MC&H as proposed shall be set up with the facilities for 150 MBBS annual
students intake along with teaching hospital (750 Bedded or as per norms of
MCI) along with services for Investigation and Pharmacy. The various
Departments of the Medical College required for 150 MBBS annual students
intake must be in accordance with the MCI norms.

™ The Teaching hospital shall comprise of the following services and need to have
provision for additional services as and when required.

o Outpatient, In-patient and emergency services

o Blood Bank
o Diagnostic Facilities
o Pharmacy
o Provision for liquid Oxygen
o Surgical Services
o Medical Services
o Cardiological care
o Paediatric Services
o Gynaecology & Obstetric Facilities
o Orthopaedic Services
o Ophthalmology Services
o ENT Services
o Neuro-Medicine facilities
o Dental care
o Dialysis facilities
o Skin and Dermatological care

™ Facilities for allied institutions e.g. Dental College, Nursing College etc may be
considered in future with the concurrence of MCI and other competent authorities
and subject to availability of land.

™ In addition, provisions for Post Graduate Degree/Diploma as well as post-doctoral

medical courses may also be considered in future

c. Operationalization of the MC&Hs

i. If no functioning hospital (300 bedded) is available with the Private Sector Partner
(PSP) within 10 kms of the proposed site and the PSP is unable to utilize any such
existing hospital to start with for setting up the Medical College as per requirement
of the MCI, in such cases, in order to expedite the process of establishment of the
medical education facilities, the PSP, during the inception phase, may be permitted
under a separate MoU with the DoHFW to utilize the facilities of the existing District
Hospital of the DoHFW at Krishnanagar located around 10-13 kms of the proposed
site subject to compliance of the norms and requirements of the Medical Council of
India (MCI). The MoU in such case shall be valid for a period of three years or till

such time the PSP establishes its own Hospital at the allocated site, whichever is

ii. In case, the above option as mentioned under “i” above is not workable, the PSP shall
be required to establish and make its own hospital functional and thereafter set up the
Medical College in accordance with the norms of the MCI

iii. The legal agreement between the DOHFW Department and the PSP shall be
accordingly worked out

iv. It is essential that the PSP needs to secure all relevant clearances from the MCI for
operationalisation of this scheme.


a. Key Participants

Under this scheme, the key partners of the project will be the DoHFW, the concessioning
authorities and the selected PSP under PPP, the concessionaire. The PSP may be a
single entity or a consortium. The DoHFW, if required, may engage an Organization as
Transaction Advisor from the empanelled list of the Government of West Bengal to
oversee proper implementation of the project. In addition, the DoHFW shall extend
necessary support for proper implementation and management of the Institution.

b. Agreement

The scheme for establishment of the medical education facility will be executed through a
legal instrument – an agreement. The parties to the agreement will be the concessioning
authority (the DoHFW) and the concessionaire – the selected bidder/the Special Purpose
Vehicle incorporated by the selected Bidder/consortia. The detailed terms and conditions
including the duration of the agreement will be included in the agreement. Provisions
relating to land for the infrastructure to be incorporated in the agreement have been
described under “d” of this Section

c. Operation and Management of the Institution

The selected Organization shall be responsible for entire operation and management of
the Institution as per applicable norms with its own resources and collect revenue by way
of Fees from students using the applicable guidelines as well as from user fees collected
from the hospital as described under ‘g’ in this Section.

d. Land for the Infrastructure

1 As stated under Section 2a, the proposed Medical College & Hospital (MC&H) shall be
established in the allocated land within the campus of the Dr B.C.Roy Chest
Sanatorium at Dhubulia in the District of Nadia. The DoHFW shall provide 20 Acres of
land as per requirement for this project. The required land will be leased out to the PSP
following the provisions of the existing norms of the Government of West Bengal

including the land policy in force. The required area shall be provided to the PSP for a
period of 99 (Ninety nine) years or as per guidelines of the MCI, if any.

2 In accordance with the Rule 245 of West Bengal Land and Land Reforms manual
1991 as amended hereafter vide no. 518-LR/3M-11/06 GE (M) dated 20.02.2006, the
PSP shall make payment by way of one time Salami @ 40% of the market value of
the land and @ 0.3% of the market value of the land as annual rent. However, in
respect of establishment of the Medical College & Hospital at Dhubulia through
PPP, if the PSP, during the inception phase, is able to utilize any existing 300
bedded hospital for this scheme within the permissible distance (which is 10 kms
at present) of the proposed site as per requirement of the MCI. a suitable
mechanism would be worked out to refund the salami amount and provide full
rent waiver to the PSP if the PSP is able to complete required formalities and
secure all relevant clearances and actually start classes for MBBS within two
years of signing the legal agreement. However, in case such Hospital as
mentioned above is not available within 10 kms of the proposed site, the PSP
shall be required to build and operationalise its own hospital at the allocated site
and thereafter establish the Medical College in accordance with the regulations
of the MCI, In such case, the provision of refund of salami and rent waiver should
be applicable if the PSP is able to secure all relevant clearances and actually
start classes for MBBS within five years of signing the legal agreement.

3 It may be mentioned here that Bank Guarantee from any nationalised/scheduled

Bank acceptable to the DoHFW shall be accepted towards Salami and annual rent
for the land earmarked for establishment of Medical College & Hospital through
PPP as described under ‘2’ above

4 As regards renewal of the lease/agreement, it is to be noted that the operating PSP

shall have the first option to renew the lease/agreement after expiry of the existing

5 In case, the allocated land have some old buildings, the same will be treated as land as
per West Bengal Land & Land Reforms Act 1955. The private partner may be given the
power to demolish/alter/modify the existing building and structure as may be necessary
to build the new Institution in accordance with the plan to be approved by the local
municipal authorities/other appropriate authorities.

e. Utilization of the facilities of the District Hospital of the DoHFW

at Krishnanagar

As stated under Section 2c, subject to compliance of the norms and requirements of the
MCI, the PSP may be permitted, during the inception phase, to utilize the facilities of the
District Hospital at Krishnanagar owned and managed by the DoHFW located around 10-
13 kms from the proposed site at Dhubulia for a period of three years or till such time the
PSP establishes its own Hospital at the allocated site, whichever is earlier under a
separate MoU to be signed between the PSP and the DoHFW specifying therein the terms
and conditions for utilization of the facilities in the said Hospital. Under this MoU, the PSP
shall be permitted to utilize the facilities of the hospital relating to the needs of the Medical
College at Dhubulia.

f. Obligation of the PSP
™ The minimum obligations of the private partner under this project will be to design,
finance, build, operate, manage and run the Medical Education Institution with an
initial intake capacity of 150 under graduate MBBS students as per applicable
norms of Medical Council of India (MCI) with provision of enhancement of
undergraduate MBBS seats. The various Departments of the Medical College
required for 150 MBBS annual students intake must be in accordance with the
MCI norms. The PSP shall obtain necessary affiliations from the MCI for running
of the Institution. In addition, the PSP shall also operationalize a teaching hospital
of 750 bedded or as per requirement of the MCI with the services mentioned
under Section 2b.

g. Share for the DoHFW

1 The PSP shall have to ensure that a minimum of 33.33% of the total seats for
undergraduate MBBS students are reserved for the DoHFW for admission
through the Entrance Test as will be applicable in the state of West Bengal. .

2 The bidding parameter for selection of technically qualified applicants shall be

the percentage of medical seats earmarked for the DoHFW over and above
33.33% as mentioned under ‘1’ above.

3 The PSP shall also keep a minimum of 25 % of the total number of indoor beds
free for the poor and vulnerable section of the population in the hospital for free
treatment with all facilities analogous to facilities available for existing indoor patients
under free beds in Government Medical Colleges & Hospitals of the state. However, an
alternative provision shall be kept by way of concession fee to be paid by the private
partner to the DoHFW on monthly basis. The amount of concession fee shall be 25% of
the total receipts from patients admitted in the In-patient Department (IPD) of the
hospital in each month. The said concession fee shall be utilized by the DoHFW for free
treatment of the poor patients, admitted in this hospital, with all facilities analogous to
facilities available for existing indoor patients under free beds in Government Medical
Colleges & Hospitals of the state. The proceeds of the concession fee shall be used by
the DoHFW for reimbursing the cost of such services to the PSP under this provision.
The private partner shall have the option to choose any one of the above two provisions

h. Revenue for the PSP

1. Fee Structure for undergraduate MBBS students

a) The fee structure and admission procedures will be regulated by the existing rules and
regulation as well as by the Order of Apex Court issued on these matters

b) Fee structure shall be fixed by the private partner subject to approval of the DoHFW.

c) As described in earlier sections, the Medical Education Institution will be

operationalsed with an initial intake capacity of 150 under graduate MBBS students as
per applicable norms of Medical Council of India (MCI) with provision of enhancement
of undergraduate MBBS seats.

d) 33.33% or more (as per bidding parameter) of the total number of seats will be
governed by the DoHFW for admission through the entrance test as will be applicable
in the State of West Bengal for admission. NRI quota may be kept as 15% of the total
numbers and the balance numbers will be under management quota (including the
NRI quota).

e) In compliance of the judgement and order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 12th
August 2005 in Civil Appeal 5041 of 2005, the DoHFW vide Order no.
HF/O/MERT/1035//2D-05/2004 dated 14/11/2008 has formed a permanent committee
under justice Hon’ble Asit Kumar Bisi to decide on the fee structure for private medical
college/dental college. The said committee laid down the fee structure of the KPC
Medical College, the private medical college at Kolkata, for three years (2008-09,
2009-10 and 2010-11)

f) The fee structure as existed in KPC Medical College for 2010-11 for students for
MBBS are provided as under:

Category of students Tuition fee per Admissio Caution

semester n fee money
(in Rs) (in Rs) (refundable)
(in Rs)
MBBS seats through JEE 60000 40000 10000

Others i.e under management quota 240000 40000 10000

(excluding NRI quota)

The above information has been incorporated in the scheme only to give an
indication to the applicants on the existing fee structure of the private medical
college. However, it is to be noted that the fee structure shall be worked out by
the recommendations of the existing permanent committee of the DoHFW as per
Order of the Apex Court

2. User Fees for the services in the multi-speciality hospital

The PSP shall charge, collect and retain user charges for the services provided
to the patients treated in the hospital.

i. The Bidding Parameters for selection of the PSP

The selection process, the eligibility criteria for the applicants and the bidding
parameters have been described in details under Section 6. However, it is to be noted
that the selection of the private partner will be made through the processes of Bidding
which include submission of general and technical proposals and also proposal relating to
percentage of seat sharing for MBBS students by the Organizations. Initially, the technical
proposals submitted by all the applicants will be opened and scrutinized followed by
opening of proposals relating to seat sharing of only technically qualified Bidders.

The bidding parameter of the technically qualified applicants shall be the

percentage of seats for MBBS students offered by the applicant over and above
33.33% for the DoHFW

Applicants who would qualify on technical parameters and offering the highest
percentage of medical seats over 33.33% to the DoHFW would be selected for
establishment of the proposed Medical College & Hospital through PPP.

j. Engagement of Academic Faculty and other staff

1) The PSP shall deploy academic faculties as per existing norms of MCI.

2) The PSP shall also deploy required technical/non-technical staff for proper
management of the Institution

i. Take off time for the project

1. On selection of the PSP and following execution of the deed of agreement and
possession of the land/building to the selected organization, the PSP shall be
required to submit a Comprehensive Project Report (CPR) as referred under ‘k’
below within 45 days of the date of execution of the deed of agreement for
approval of the DOHFW Department. The actual inception of the project starting
with the construction activities of the buildings/infrastructure (in case of
establishment of the hospital, if required) should start within a month of the
approval of the CPR as mentioned above.

2. In this connection, it needs to be mentioned here that for establishment of Medical

College, the PSP needs to comply with all the requirements as per regulations of
the MCI and according to the MCI regulation, no organization shall establish a
Medical College except after obtaining prior permission from the Central
Government by submitting a scheme in prescribed format

k Essence of the Comprehensive Project Report (CPR)

The CPR to be submitted by the selected PSP for approval of the the DoHFW should
be in line with the requirements of the MCI and also specify the following:

ƒ The details of the infrastructure of the proposed facility including plan, location of each of
the buildings with landscaping covering the allocated land and estimated project cost

ƒ The man power deployment plan for all categories

ƒ Compliance of the Services to be provided as mentioned under Section 2 relating to

multi-speciality hospital with detailed plan

ƒ Complete details of the different wards, operation theatre, ICCU, ITU, Indoor set up,
OPD, emergency unit, mortuary, security, pharmacy etc relating to operation of the

ƒ Equipment planning

ƒ Diagnostic facilities

ƒ Quality Assurance norms/systems

ƒ Maintenance Plan for running of the Medical College and Hospital

a. The DoHFW shall arrange to execute the Deed of agreement and hand over the
project site as per terms of the agreement after execution of the said agreement
within one month after completion of necessary formalities.

b. The DoHFW shall approve the CPR within the agreed time relating to
establishment of the proposed set up.
c. A monitoring cum grievance redressal committee shall be formed by the DoHFW
with competent personnel for overseeing implementation of operation and
management of the Medical College & Hospital as per agreed terms as well as to
address issues on grievances if any reported by the PSP. A soft ware package
shall be installed by the PSP to disseminate information on defined parameters
relating to performance of the Medical College & Hospital. The PSP shall also
submit monthly reports in prescribed format to the above committee on monthly



a. The PSP shall prepare the CPR within the agreed time frame for approval by the

b. The PSP shall necessary documents to MCI and comply with all the requirements
for obtaining necessary clearance from the MCI for operationalisation and
functioning of the Medical College & Hospital.

c. The PSP shall maintain performance standards and comply with all statutory

d. All necessary approvals and clearances relating to the establishment and

operationalisation of the institution will be obtained by the PSP. However, the
DoHFW may provide necessary help and support for obtaining such clearances as
and when required.

e. The PSP shall fulfil all the requirements as described under Section 3d on land for
the infrastructure
f. The PSP shall comply with the requirements relating to fee structure and
admission procedures as described in this scheme.

g. The PSP shall be responsible for deployment of necessary medical and technical
personnel and other staff as may be required for proper functioning of the Medical
College and the Hospital and comply with the MCI regulations in this respect.

h. The PSP with the approval of the DoHFW shall install a soft ware package with
defined parameters to facilitate monitoring of the activities of the institution by the


a The agreement made with the PSP shall stand terminated if the PSP fails to obtain
clearance from the MCI in two successive years. In such case, the DoHFW shall take
possession of the entire property including any construction made by the PSP and no
compensation whatsoever shall be paid to the PSP for expenses incurred by the PSP
for such construction.

b As stated under Section 3b, the project will be governed by the legal agreement
incorporating therein the terms and conditions in line with this scheme and signed by
the selected PSP with the DoHFW. Upon occurrence of any of the defaults or on
breach of any of the terms of the agreement, the DoHFW shall be entitled to issue
written notice of show cause to the PSP. If the PSP fails to demonstrate to the DoHFW
that the default/ breach has been cured/repaired or fails to satisfy the DoHFW, within
nine months of the date of issue of the notice, in such case, the DoHFW may at its
discretion terminate the agreement after the expiry of nine months without any
compensation whatsoever. The decision of the DoHFW to terminate the agreement
shall be final and binding on the PSP.

c As regards land lease agreement, the same shall be governed by the terms and
conditions of the lease as allowed by the Land and Land Reforms (L&LR) Department
and clauses related to termination of lease as enumerated therein shall be applicable.


a. Selection Committee
The DoHFW shall form a Selection Committee (SC) to undertake selection of the applicant
for establishment of the medical education facility under PPP:

b. Qualification (eligibility) Criteria of the applicants

The eligibility criteria for application of interested organizations for consideration of

selection of the Organization for operation and management of the Hospital under PPP

are provided as under:

1. The Applicant shall be national or international Firm (Limited

Company/Private Limited Company / Partnership or Proprietary Firm /
NGO / Trust / any combination of them in the form of consortium
managed by a single lead member. The maximum number of members in
a Consortium is limited to three).The applicants must be registered under
The Societies Registration Acts / The Trusts Act / The WAKFS Act / The
Companies Act of the appropriate statutory authority of the Government
of West Bengal or the Government of India.

2. The applicant or its member of consortium has experience in health

sector for at least three years. The applicant or its member of consortium
has experience of establishing and running Medical College & Hospital or
establishing and running medium to large multi-speciality hospital (at
least 300 bedded) under PPP or as a private institution/trust/society.


The applicant or its member of consortium has experience in Education

Sector (in technical / professional courses other than Medical Education,
e.g engineering courses) for last three years. The applicant or its member
of consortium has experience of establishing and running Educational
Institution under PPP or as a private institution/trust/society with an
annual intake capacity of minimum 200 seats

3. The applicant or lead member of the applicant in case of consortium

should have annual turnover of minimum 100 crore INR in each year for
last two financial years ending March 2013 or 200 crore INR in aggregate
of the last two financial years ending March 2013. It may be mentioned
here, for computing the annual turnover, the total turnover (i.e the group
turnover) of the applicant / lead member of the applicant in case of
consortium comprising of all its business/activities/services will be
considered. The organisations may submit their relevant documents
including the audited reports accordingly.

4. The applicant or any of the members of the consortium has not been
barred by the Government of India and/or the Government of West
Bengal for participation in any project and the same subsists on the day
of submission of EoI. (a declaration needs to be given by the applicant to
this effect).

However, it may be mentioned that the Selection Committee may relax one or more of the
qualification criteria (excepting sl no.4) in case of deserving applicants

The Bidding Parameters and Evaluation of Bids

A single stage selection process by inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) shall be
undertaken, which include technical assessment of the proposals submitted by the
applicants followed by the evaluation on the bidding parameter containing offer on seat
sharing submitted by the applicants.

The bidding parameter of the technically qualified applicants shall be the
percentage of seats for MBBS students offered by the applicant over and above
33.33% for the DoHFW

Applicants who would qualify on technical parameters and offering the maximum
percentage of total seats above the minimum of 33.33% would be selected for
establishment of the proposed Medical College & Hospital through PPP.

The information and documents relating to ‘general and technical information and the
offer on seat sharing as stated above will be submitted by the applicants in two separate
sealed envelops marked ‘’Technical Information with copy of required documents’’ and
‘’Offer on percentage of seats for the DoHFW’’ respectively. The envelope on the offer
on percentage of seats will only be opened for technically qualified applicants.

Selection process would involve short-listing of applicants on technical evaluation based

on marks scored by the applicants on general and technical parameters as provided under
Annexure 1. The maximum possible marks, which may be scored by an applicant, are
100. Minimum qualifying marks are 60 out of 100 (i.e. 60 % of the total possible marks).
The applicants scoring 60 and above would be short-listed for next round for selection

After short-listing of applicants based on general and technical parameters as

mentioned above, final selection of the organization/consortium from the short-
listed applicants would be made on the basis of their offer on percentage of seats
over and above 33.33% for the DoHFW.

The SC can call for any further clarifications or information or documents at any point of
time. The applicant may also be called for explaining or clarifying issues, if there be any.

Decision of the SC on selection of the organization/consortium is final.

Upon final selection, the offer letter will be issued to the selected organization and on
acceptance of the offer, firm engagement letter with legal agreement incorporating all the
terms and conditions will be signed by the PSP with the authorized signatory on behalf of
the DoHFW for commencement of the project.

Annexure II contains information relating to filling of application as well as information on

Pre-BID meeting. The format of the application to be submitted by the applicant for
technical evaluation is provided as Annexure III and the prescribed format for the offer to
be submitted by the applicant on percentage of seats over above 33.33% for the DoHFW
has been provided as Annexure IV.

Annexure 1

Evaluation of EoI on general and technical parameters on the basis of application

submitted by the applicants for establishment of Medical Education Facility at
Dhubulia (Nadia)

Name of the Organization/Consortium:

Parameters Total Marks Marks


1. The applicant has experience in health/education a. > 3-5 years: 10 marks

sector for more than 3 years
b. > 5 -7 years: 15 marks

c. > 7 years= 20 marks

2.The applicant or its member of consortium has a. Medical College with

experience of establishing and running Medical 100 annual MBBS
College and Hospital or running medium to large students intake: 20 marks
multi-speciality hospital (at least 300 bedded) under
PPP or as a private institution/trust/society b. Medical College with
150 or more of annual
MBBS students intake: 25

a. 301 – 400 bedded

hospital : 20 marks

b. Above 400 bedded

hospital: 25 marks

2.The applicant or its member of consortium has a. Educational Institute

experience of establishing and running Educational with 200 annual students
Institute (in technical/professional courses other intake: 20 marks
than Medical Education) under PPP or as a private
institution/trust/society with an annual intake b. Educational Institute
capacity of 200 seats with annual students
intake above 200: 25

3. The applicant or lead member of the consortium 201 crore -- 300 crore in
have annual turnover of minimum 100 crore INR in aggregate of last two
each year for last two financial years ending March financial years ending
2013 or 200 crore INR in aggregate of the last two March 2013: 20 marks
financial years ending March 2013. The turnover
includes the total turnover (i.e the group turnover) of 301 crore -- 400 crore in
the applicant or lead member of the consortium aggregate of last two
comprising of all its business/activities/services. financial years ending
March 2013 : 25 marks

Above 400 crore in

aggregate of last two
financial years ending
March 2013 : 30 marks

The total possible marks are 100. The applicants scoring 60 and above would be
short-listed for next round for selection

After short-listing of applicants based on general and technical parameters as

mentioned above, final selection of the organization/consortium from the short-
listed applicants would be made on the basis of their offer on percentage of seats
over and above 33.33% for the DoHFW.

Annexure II

Information to organizations regarding submission of application and Pre- bid meet

1) The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 1, 00,000/- (Rs one lac) only by way of
demand draft/Pay Order from a nationalized/scheduled Bank must accompany
each application. The draft should be made in favour of “Executive Director,
West Bengal State Health and Family Welfare Samiti ’’

2) The EMD of the selected applicant will be returned upon the applicant’s
executing the contract. Unsuccessful applicants’ EMD will be returned within
30 days after the successful completion of the Bidding process. The EMD may
be forfeited if the applicant withdraws its BID during the period of BID validity.
The EMD of the selected applicants may be forfeited if the organization fails to
sign the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions.

3) The application is to be submitted in the prescribed format (provided as

Annexure III) containing general and technical information along with copy of
documents to be submitted as per Annexure-III. The Demand Draft / Pay Order
by way of EMD must accompany the application. This application is to be
sealed and superscribed “General and Technical Information with EMD with
copy of required documents submitted by ______________________ ’’

4) Format for the offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the
DoHFW by the applicant is given in Annexure IV. This document is to be sealed
and superscribed: “Offer for percentage of total seats for MBBS students
earmarked for the DoHFW submitted by ____________”

5) A covering letter as per Annexure V is to be submitted in the letter head of the

applicant addressed to
The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, GN 29 Salt Lake

6) The sealed documents as mentioned above under 3, the sealed documents as

mentioned above under 4 along with the covering letter as mentioned under 5
should be put in one envelope superscribed:
Application for establishment of Medical Education Facility at Dhubulia (Nadia)
through PPP

7). The application is to be submitted in the following address:

The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, Wing-A, 4th floor, GN 29 Salt Lake

8) The last date for submission of application is November 29, 2013 till 5pm.
Applications received after 5.00 pm will not be accepted.

A pre-bid meeting was held with the interested applicants on 24.10.13 at 4pm at the
Conference Hall, first floor, Swasthya Bhawan, Department of Health & Family
Welfare, Sector V, GN 29 Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091. Applicants may contact
Telephone Nos: (033) 233-0613/233-0628 for any clarification on this scheme.

Annexure III

Format for Expression of Interest (EoI) for selection of PSP for establishment
of Medical Education Facility and Multi-speciality hospital at Dhubulia
(Nadia) under PPP

1) Name and address of the Organization:

Name and address of all Organizations in case of Consortium (indicate lead


2) Information and Activities in brief of the Organization/ each member in case of

Consortium in not more than 2 pages of A-4 size

3) Number of years of experience of the Organization/Consortium in the Heath Sector:

4A. Information required to be submitted by the organization relating to running of

existing Medical College & Hospital or only Multi-speciality Hospital (please fill up
whichever is applicable):

Name of the Medical College & Hospital / Multi-speciality


Name of the State/location within India

Type of this project (PPP/Private/Trust/Society managed

Medical College & Hospital / only Multi-speciality Hospital)

Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running Medical

College & Hospital

a. Year of commencement of operation of the Medical

College & Hospital

b. Number of intake of students for the undergraduate

(MBBS) course

c. Total number of academic faculties for the Medical


d. Seat sharing arrangement with the Government, if any

e. Details of the fee structure for the students of the Medical

f. Total number of Beds in the Hospital

g. Services provided in the Hospital (please mention all

services provided including Diagnostic, Pharmacy and
arrangement for provision of liquid oxygen)

h. Number of free Beds in the Hospital

i. Existing utilization of the Hospital (in last one year) i. OPD: Number of
outpatients / month

ii. IPD: Number admissions

/ month

iii. Emergency : Number of

patients attending

j. Project cost for establishment of the project

k. Average operational cost per month

l. Structure and Board of management for the Medical

College & Hospital

Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running only Hospital

a. Year of commencement of the services of the Hospital

b. Total number of Beds in the Hospital

c. Services/Facilities provided in the hospital (please

provide all services and facilities provided including facilities
of Diagnostics, Pharmacy and arrangements for provisions
of liquid oxygen)

d. Number of free Beds in the Hospital

e. Existing utilization of the Hospital (for last one year) i. OPD: Number of

outpatients / monthii.

ii. IPD: Number admissions

/ month

iii. Emergency : Number of

patients attending

f. Project cost for establishment of the Hospital

g. Average operational cost per month

h. Structure and Board of Management of the Hospital

4B. Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running only
Educational Institution (other than Medical Education)

a. Name of the Institution:

b. Location and State within India

c. Type of this project (PPP/Private/Trust/Society

managed Educational Institution)

d. Year of commencement

e. Total number of seats in the facility

f. If the Institution has multiple centres, specify the total

number of centres

g. Mention some of the highlights of the Institution

h. Project cost for establishment of the Institution

i. Average operational cost per month

j. Structure and Board of Management of the Institution

5) Annual turnover of the organization / lead member of the consortium for each of the
last two financial years ending March 2012:

™ April 2011- March 2012:

™ April 2012-March 2013

(Information regarding submission of documents on annual turnover has been

provided under Section ‘7b3’ of this document)

Documents enclosed

i. Declaration that the organization/members of the consortium have not been barred by
Government of India or Government of West Bengal for participation in any project and the
same subsists on the day of submission of EoI .

ii. Copy of audit reports for last two financial year ending March 2013.

iii. Copy of Registration of the Organization or Memorandum of Association as applicable

iv. Copy of partnership agreement (if applicable)

v. In case Consortium, Power of Attorney in favour of the Lead Member signed by all the
members of the Consortium

iv. Copy of relevant documents the applicants may desire to submit relating to sl no.4A or
4B (as applicable) above of this format for EoI


Name in full:


Annexure IV

The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, Block- GN, Sector-V, Salt Lake

Sub: Offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the the DoHFW over
and above 33.33% of the total seats


With reference to your advertisement dated _________ for selection of Private Sector
Partner for establishment of Medical Education Facilities and hospital at Dhubulia (Nadia)
through PPP, we offer to earmark the following percentage of seats for MBBS students for
the DoHFW out of the total seats:

Seats Minimum Percentage of total seats

percentage offered by us*
of seats
In figures In words
Percentage of Seats for MBBS students 33.33%
for the DoHFW

* The percentage offered by the applicant needs to be mentioned without any decimal

Yours faithfully,

Signature of the applicant with stamp:

Name in full:



Annexure V

Draft of the covering letter to be submitted in the Letter Head of the

Organization along with application and other documents



The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, Block- GN, Sector-V, Salt Lake

Subject: Application and BID in response to your Advertisement dated. ----------- for
establishment of Medical College & Hospital at Dhubulia through PPP

Dear Sir,

With reference to your advertisement dated ________ for establishment of Medical

College & Hospital at Dhubulia (Nadia) through PPP, we beg to submit our
Application and offer for Concession Fee for your consideration.

As required, we enclose the following documents in sealed cover along with this

1. Expression of Interest duly filled in as per prescribed format along with copy
of documents as per Annexure II of the scheme document. The EMD for
Rupees 1, 00,000 (Rs one lac) vide DD/Pay Order no. ____________ drawn on
______ Bank is also enclosed

2. Offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the DoHFW over
and above 33.33% of the total seats

Yours faithfully,

Signature with rubber stamp

(Name and Designation of the signatory)
Encl: as state





South 24 Parganas District has a population of more than 81 lac as per 2011 census
and is the second most populous District in West Bengal. On the national scenario,
the District happens to be the sixth most populous District in the country.
Geographically, the District has got two extremes, the urban periphery of Kolkata on
one side and the far-flung riverine villages of Sundarban on the other. Overall, the
District is well connected by Road, Rail and Launch. However, inspite of its being so
close to Kolkata, the District was in the list of 250 most backward Districts in the
country and is now one of the eleven Districts in West Bengal receiving Backward
Region Grant Fund (BRGF) for development in key areas.

The health scenario too does not look encouraging for the District, which lacks
proper health and medical care services over the years in many of the places within
the District. Bhangore is one such area in the District, which, being so close to
Kolkata (just 25 kms by Road) has inadequate medical care services for the benefit
of large section of the population including the vast minority population in these
areas, who have little access to avail of proper medical care services.
As for main health infrastructure is concerned, the District has one 600 plus Bedded
District Hospital located at Tollygunj, Kolkata, which is around 30 kms from
Bhangore by Road. The 120 bedded Baruipur Sub Divisional (SD) Hospital is also in
the region of 35 kms from Bhangore by Road. Overall, the District has three more
SD Hospitals and in addition four State General (SG) Hospitals with each having
beds only ranging from 100-250. Thus, there is a huge void for large multi-speciality
hospitals to cater to the needs of the community at large in this most populous
District as a whole and more in particular at Bhangore and its adjoining places.
In respect of Medical Education Facility, the Government of West Bengal (GoWB) is
seriously contemplating to establish more medical education facilities to cope with
the scarce availability of medical personnel in the state and at the same time taking
initiatives to create avenues for expanding the benefits of multi-speciality health
care services for the population at large. In this context, the location of Bhangore in
South 24 Parganas District and its proximity to Kolkata makes it the perfect place
for setting up Medical Education Institute and Teaching Hospital for the benefit of
huge population. In addition, South 24 Parganas is one of the 12 minority
concentrated districts of the state. With around 27% of population belonging to
minority communities (roughly corresponding to 2.7 crore), West Bengal has the
second largest concentration of minority population in the country. The Prime
Minister’s high level committee on socio-economic and educational status of
Muslims in the country has highlighted the alarming level of backwardness of
Muslims of the state in all spheres of life especially on health and education.
With this backdrop, the Department of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW) and the
Minority Affairs (MA) and Madrasah Education (ME) Department, Government of
West Bengal (GoWB) intend to set up medical education facility with teaching
hospital at BHANGORE in South 24 Parganas District . Taking stock of the limitation
of its existing resources and by utilizing the strengths of both the partners, the
DoHFW has considered Public Private Partnership (PPP) a chosen approach for
establishment of this medical education facility at the most preferred destination in
The following sections describe the scheme and the details for operationalisation of
the proposed initiative of the DoHFW and the MA&ME Department of the GoWB


Department of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW) and

Minority Affairs (MA) & Madrasah Education (ME) Department
Government of West Bengal

a) Health sector in our country has been witnessing mammoth changes with an
unprecedented growth and is now the fastest growing category of private expenditure.
Growing population, increasing government initiatives, greater access of the
community at large to health facilities for treatment, increasing life style related health
issues and insurance penetration are some of the driving factors for growth in health

b) In the midst of such a national scene, the state of West Bengal has also made
significant progress in the health sector over the years and more at a rapid pace in the
last two years. The state has at present one of the highest patient utilization records in
government health facilities in this country in terms of in-patient services. The
percentage of patients getting in-patient services from the government health
facilities here is as high as 73%, which is significantly higher than the national
average of 40%. Considerable improvements have been recorded in the state on
some of the key health indicators e.g Infant Mortality Rate (IMR), Maternal Mortality
Rate (MMR), Institutional Deliveries and in other public health related areas.

c) In terms of budget, the increase in proportion of health budget to the state budget has
also shown an increase from 4.4% in 2006-07 to 4.7% in 2009-10 with a quantum
increase in annual expenditure over the last five years.

d) In the recent past, newer initiatives have been undertaken by the GoWB for health
sector reform at all levels-primary, secondary and tertiary care facilities for the benefit
of population at large across the state.

e) In the areas of medical education, the intake capacity for MBBS students has
increased to 1900 in 2012-13 as compared to 805 in 2001-02. The number of Medical
Colleges has also increased to 14 at present from 7 ten years back.

f) However, amidst such growth, the key issues that the, GoWB is confronted with are

1) the demand supply gaps relating to availability of Doctors and Bed Capacity for
patients in the state. Recent reports from Government of India indicate that the
country has just one Doctor per 2000 population. The standard set by World
Health Organization (WHO) is 1: 1000. The Planning Commission’s high-level
expert group (HLEG) on universal health coverage (UHC) has predicted that this
figure is expected to be achieved by our country only by 2028. The HLEG has
suggested setting up 187 Medical Colleges in 17 high focused states during the
12 th and 13 th five year plan to achieve the above figure. Against this national
scene, the Doctor: Patients gap further widens in West Bengal. The state is way
behind the national average with a Doctor Population ratio of around 1:2600.

2) lack of facilities of Medical Colleges and Hospitals in our state and in particular
backward areas underserved by Doctors and Medical Colleges. The state has a
density of one Medical College per 70 lakh population, whereas in comparison
the country has a density of one Medical College per 38.41 lakh population. What
is also a matter of worry, the state has at present 14 Medical Colleges &
Hospitals including one private institution, out of which seven of the Medical
Colleges & Hospitals are located within the city of Kolkata and very close by.
Thus, apart from the imbalance in the availability of Medical Education Facilities

in line with the national average, a large inequity also exists within the state
particularly in the rural areas of West Bengal.

3) non-establishment of new medical colleges in the state by private

institutions/Trust/Society over the years except only one in the past. The state is
lagging behind some of the leading states in this respect as is evident below from
the available data as of 2012-13:

State Number of Number of other Total Number of

Government Medical Colleges Medical Colleges
promoted Medical (Private/Trust/Society)

Andhra 14 23 37

Maharastra 19 22 41

Karnataka 10 31 41

Kerala 4 19 23

WEST 13 1 14

In addition to the above issues, the DoHFW of the GoWB is also concerned with the
problem of

4) non-availability of required Faculties for medical education in our state

g) In order to bring in an overall improvement in the medical education field nationally,

steps have been taken and are also being considered by Government of India (GoI)
and these include enhancement in the age limit for medical faculties, increase in the
intake capacity at MBBS level, relaxation in the norms for setting up Medical Colleges.
In addition, GoI has also felt the need to promote initiatives under Public Private
Partnerships (PPP) in areas where there is urgent need for more medical institutions.

h) In the context of West Bengal, several initiatives have been and are being taken by
the GoWB in the last two years for health sector reform at all levels-primary,
secondary and tertiary care facilities. These initiatives also include establishment of
multi-speciality / super-speciality hospitals in the district and sub-district level of the
state. However scenario in the field of Medical Education Facilities in the state in the
national context calls for definite improvement on priority. The GoWB has taken
stocks of the situation and felt the need for establishment of Medical Colleges more
importantly in areas underserved by Doctors and Medical Colleges in this state
specially for the benefit of meritorious students in general and also for the benefit of
minority students in particular, who can ill afford to go elsewhere to undertake medical
education facilities.

i) Keeping in view of the several advantages as described in ‘Prelude’, a scheme

has been considered for setting up medical education facility under PPP at
BHANGORE in the District of SOUTH 24 PARGANAS for the benefit of the
minority population. This is in conformity with the vision of the GoWB which

inter alia focuses on exploring the PPP model for setting up super speciality
health facilities and new Medical Colleges in the state for the benefit of all
sections of the population including the minority section.

j) A significant advantage amongst many of the other positive points for selecting
Bhangore as the ideal choice for establishment of Medical College is the
availability of required land in the area, where the proposed medical education
facilities along with the teaching hospital would be established. Moreover, the
area is closer to Kolkata (just around 25 kms) and conveniently accessible by

k) In addition, as stated earlier, there is a large gap in respect of facilities of large

hospitals in the District as a whole and in particular at Bhangore and its
surroundings. The 600 bedded District Hospital of the State Government is
located around 30 kms of Bhangore and so is the 160 bedded Sub Divisional
Hospital at Baruipur which is around 35 kms from the location of the proposed
set up. The 30 bedded Nalmuri BPHC is the main government facility
functioning in the area. In such a situation, the proposed teaching hospital will
certainly bring in improved treatment facilities for the benefit of the population
at large in the area and its surroundings.

l) Establishment of the above Medical College & Hospital (MC&H) shall contribute to
increased intake of MBBS students which in turn create more medical personnel
enabling the GoWB to offset to an extent the shortage of medical personnel which the
state is facing today. In addition such initiatives would also cater to the needs of the
meritorious students in general and the minorities in particular especially in areas
which suffered from lack of development and proper education. Moreover, providing
facilities for multi-speciality hospitals ensures benefit for the community at large in the
backward areas of the state.

m) It may also need to be mentioned here that the GoWB has been at the forefront of
initiating lot of activities in the last couple of years to involve private sector and has
made PPP a part of its key strategy to strengthen the health care services in the state.
Establishment of the Medical Education Facilities through PPP is one such initiative to
fortify the medical care services in the state.

a. Locations

The proposed Medical College and Hospital (MC&H) will be established on 22

acres of land belonging to Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) at Nalmuri
Mouza (JL No. 101, Plot No.174) under Bhangore Police Station in the District of
South 24 Parganas. The KMC has submitted an NOC to this effect for the
purpose of setting up proposed Medical College & Hospital under the DoHFW
and the MA&ME Department. The minimum required area of land as per
norms of Medical Council of India (MCI) shall be made available for the
proposed set up of the medical education facility as described under ‘b’.

b. Facilities and Infrastructure of the MC&Hs

™ The MC&H as proposed shall be set up with the facilities for 150 MBBS annual
students intake along with teaching hospital (750 Bedded or as per norms of
MCI) along with services for Investigation and Pharmacy. The various
Departments of the Medical College required for 150 MBBS annual students
intake must be in accordance with the MCI norms.

™ The Teaching hospital shall comprise the following services

o Out patient, In-patient and emergency services

o Blood Bank
o Diagnostic Facilities
o Pharmacy
o Provision for liquid Oxygen
o Surgical Services
o Medical Services
o Cardiological care
o Paediatric Services
o Gynaecology & Obstetric Facilities
o Orthopaedic Services
o Ophthalmology Services
o ENT Services
o Neuro-Medicine facilities
o Dental care

As per Gazette Notification dated 01.06.2012 relating to amendment in the MCI’s Establishment of Medical College
Regulation 1999, it has been stated that under the heading QUALIFICATION CRITERA, it is to be added that in
some states including West Bengal, establishment of medical college shall be allowed on two pieces of land
comprising minimum of 20 (twenty) acres of land. However, one plot of land shall not be 10 (ten) acres and the
second plot of land shall also be not less than 5 (five) acres. The distance between two pieces of land shall not be
less than 10 (ten) kilometers with well connected road and free transportation facility for students and staff. The
hospital should be on one piece of land and the building of the college including library, hostels for the students,
interns, PG/Residents, nurses may be housed on any of the two pieces of land. The said hospital should be
functional for at least three years.

The above relaxation shall not be available to a person seeking permission to establish a medical college in a
District in these states where two or more medical colleges are already in existence.
(complete and full text of the amendment may please be referred in this context)

o Dialysis facilities
o Skin and Dermatological care

™ Facilities for allied institutions e.g. Dental College, Nursing College etc may
be considered in future with the concurrence of MCI and other competent
authorities and subject to availability of land.

™ In addition, provisions for Post Graduate Degree/Diploma as well as post-doctoral

medical courses may also be considered in future

c. Operationalization of the MC&Hs

If no functioning hospital (300 bedded) is available within 10 kms of the proposed site and
the Private Sector Partner (PSP) is unable to utilize any such existing hospital to start with
for setting up the Medical College as per requirement of the MCI, the PSP shall be
required to establish and make its own hospital functional and thereafter set up the
Medical College in accordance with the norms of the MCI

The legal agreement between the DoHFW & the MA&ME Department on behalf of the
State Government and the PSP will be accordingly worked out

It is essential that the PSP needs to secure all relevant clearances from the MCI for
operationalisation of this scheme.


a. Key Participants

Under this scheme, the key partners of the project will be the DoHFW and MA&MC
Department on behalf of the State Government (the concessioning authorities) and the
selected private partner under PPP, the concessionaire. The PSP may be a single entity
or a consortium.

b. Agreement

The scheme for establishment of the medical education facility will be executed through a
legal instrument – an agreement. The parties to the agreement on behalf of the State
Government would include both the DoHFW and the MA&ME Department. The parties to
the legal agreement will be the concessioning authority (the DoHFW and the MA&ME
Department) and the concessionaire – the selected Bidder/the Special Purpose Vehicle
incorporated by the selected Bidder/consortia incorporating therein the full terms and
conditions including the duration of the agreement.

c. Operation and Management of the Institution

The selected Organization shall be responsible for entire operation and management of
the Institution as per applicable norms with its own resources and collect revenue by way

of Fees from students using the applicable guidelines as well as from user fees collected
from the hospital as described under ‘g’ in this Section.

d. Land for the Infrastructure

1 As stated under Section 2a, The proposed Medical College and Hospital (MC&H) will
be established on 22 acres of land belonging to Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC)
at Nalmuri Mouza (JL No. 101, Plot No.174) under Bhangore Police Station in the
District of South 24 Parganas for which the KMC has submitted a NOC for the purpose
of the proposed establishment of the Medical College & Hospital. The DoHFW shall
provide the land as per requirement for this project. The required land will be leased out
to the private partner following the provisions of the existing norms of the Government
of West Bengal including the land policy in force. The required area shall be provided
to the PSP for a period of 99 (Ninety nine) years or as per the guidelines of the
MCI, if any.

2 In accordance with the Rule 245 of West Bengal Land and Land Reforms manual
1991 as amended hereafter vide no. 518-LR/3M-11/06 GE (M) dated 20.02.2006, the
PSP shall make payment by way of one time Salami @ 40% of the market value of
the land and @ 0.3% of the market value of the land as annual rent. However, in
respect of establishment of the Medical College & Hospital at Bhangore through
PPP, a suitable mechanism would be worked out to refund the salami amount
and provide full rent waiver to the PSP if the PSP is able to complete required
formalities and secure all relevant clearances and actually start classes for MBBS
within five years of signing the legal agreement with the DoHFW and the MA&ME
Department. However, in case, the PSP, during the inception phase, is in a
position to utilize any existing 300 bedded hospital for this scheme within 10 kms
of the proposed site as per requirement of the MCI, in such case, the refund of
salami amount and providing full rent waiver shall be considered if the PSP is
able to complete required formalities and secure all relevant clearances and
actually start classes for MBBS within two years of signing the legal agreement
with the DoHFW and the MA&ME Department.

3 It may be mentioned here that Bank Guarantee from any nationalised/scheduled

Bank acceptable to the DoHFW shall be accepted towards Salami and annual rent
for the land earmarked for establishment of Medical College & Hospital through
PPP as described under ‘2’ above

4 As regards renewal of the lease/agreement, it is to be noted that the operating PSP

shall have the first option to renew the lease/agreement after expiry of the existing

5 In case, the allocated land have some old buildings, the same will be treated as land as
per West Bengal Land & Land Reforms Act 1955. The private partner may be given the
power to demolish/alter/modify the existing building and structure as may be necessary
to build the new Institution in accordance with the plan to be approved by the local
municipal authorities/other appropriate authorities.

e. Obligation of the PSP

The minimum obligations of the private partner under this project will be to
design, finance, build, operate and manage & run the Medical Education
Institution with an initial intake capacity of 150 under graduate MBBS students as

per applicable norms of Medical Council of India (MCI) with provision of
enhancement of undergraduate MBBS seats. The PSP shall obtain necessary
affiliations from the Medical Council of India (MCI) for running of the Institution.
In addition, the PSP will also operationalize a teaching hospital of 750 bedded or
more as per requirement of MCI with the services mentioned under Section 2b.

f. Share for the Government of West Bengal

1 The PSP shall have to ensure that a minimum of 33.33% of the total seats for
undergraduate MBBS students are reserved for the Minority Affairs & Madrasah
Education (MA&ME) Department of the State Government.

2 The bidding parameter for selection of technically qualified applicants shall be

the percentage of medical seats earmarked for MA & ME Department over and
above 33.33% as mentioned under ‘1’ above.

3 The PSP shall also keep a minimum of 25 % of the total number of indoor beds
free for the poor and vulnerable section of the population in the hospital for free
treatment with all facilities analogous to facilities available for existing indoor patients
under free beds in Government Medical Colleges & Hospitals of the state. However, an
alternative provision shall be kept by way of concession fee to be paid by the private
partner to the DoHFW on monthly basis. The amount of concession fee shall be 25% of
the total receipts from patients admitted in the In-patient Department (IPD) of the
hospital in each month. The said concession fee shall be utilized by the DoHFW for free
treatment of the poor patients, admitted in this hospital, with all facilities analogous to
facilities available for existing indoor patients under free beds in Government Medical
Colleges & Hospitals of the state. The proceeds of the concession fee shall be used by
the DoHFW for reimbursing the cost of such free services to the private partner under
this provision. The private partner shall have the option to choose any one of the above
two provisions

g. Revenue for the PSP

1. Fee Structure for undergraduate MBBS students

a) The fee structure will be regulated by the existing rules and regulation as well as by
the Order of Apex Court issued on these matters

b) Fee structure shall be fixed by the private partner subject to approval of the DoHFW.

c) As described under ‘e’ above, the Medical Education Institution will be operationalsed
with an initial intake capacity of 150 under graduate MBBS students as per applicable
norms of Medical Council of India (MCI) with provision of enhancement of
undergraduate MBBS seats.

d) 33.33% or more (as per bidding parameter) of the total number of seats will be
governed by appropriate methods adopted by the MA & ME Department for
admission. NRI quota may be kept as 15% of the total numbers and the balance
numbers will be under management quota (including the NRI quota).

e) In compliance of the judgement and order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 12th
August 2005 in Civil Appeal 5041 of 2005, the DoHFW vide Order no.
HF/O/MERT/1035//2D-05/2004 dated 14/11/2008 has formed a permanent committee

under justice Hon’ble Asit Kumar Bisi to decide on the fee structure for private medical
college/dental college. The said committee laid down the fee structure of the KPC
Medical College, the private medical college at Kolkata, for three years (2008-09,
2009-10 and 2010-11)

f) The fee structure as existed in KPC Medical College for 2010-11 for students for
MBBS are provided as under:

Category of students Tuition fee per Admissio Caution

semester n fee money
(in Rs) (in Rs) (refundable)
(in Rs)
MBBS seats through JEE 60000 40000 10000

Others i.e under management quota 240000 40000 10000

(excluding NRI quota)

The above information has been incorporated in the scheme only to give an
indication to the applicants on the existing fee structure of the private medical
college. However, it is to be noted that the fee structure shall be worked out as
per Order of the Apex Court

2. User Fees for the services in the multi-speciality hospital

The PSP shall charge, collect and retain user charges for the services provided
to the patients treated in the hospital.

h. The Bidding Parameters for selection of the PSP

The selection process, the eligibility criteria for the applicants and the bidding
parameters have been described in details under Section 6. However, it is to be noted
that the selection of the private partner will be made through the processes of Bidding
which include submission of general and technical proposals and also proposal relating to
percentage of seat sharing for MBBS students by the Organizations. Initially, the technical
proposals submitted by all the applicants will be opened and scrutinized followed by
opening of proposals relating to seat sharing of only technically qualified Bidders.

The bidding parameter of the technically qualified applicants shall be the

percentage of seats for MBBS students offered by the applicant over and above
33.33% as mentioned above under 3f2.

Applicants who would qualify on technical parameters and offering the highest
percentage of medical seats over 33.33% to the MA & ME Department would be
selected for establishment of the proposed Medical College & Hospital through

i. Engagement of Academic Faculty and other staff

1) The PSP shall deploy academic faculties as per existing norms of MCI.

2) The PSP shall also deploy required technical/non-technical staff for proper
management of the Institution

j Take off time for the project

1. On selection of the PSP and following execution of the deed of agreement and
possession of the land/building to the selected organization, the PSP shall be
required to submit a Comprehensive Project Report (CPR) as referred under ‘k’
below within 45 days of the date of execution of the deed of agreement for
approval of the DoHFW. The actual inception of the project starting with the
construction activities of the buildings/infrastructure (in case of establishment of the
hospital, if required) should start within a month of the approval of the CPR as
mentioned above.

2. In this connection, it needs to be mentioned here that for establishment of Medical

College, the PSP needs to comply with all the requirements as per regulations of
the MCI and according to the MCI regulation, no organization shall establish a
Medical College except after obtaining prior permission from the Central
Government by submitting a scheme in prescribed format

k Essence of the Comprehensive Project Report (CPR)

The CPR, to be submitted by the selected PSP to the MA & ME Department, should
specify the following:

ƒ The details of the infrastructure of the proposed facility including plan, location of each of
the buildings with landscaping covering the allocated land and estimated project cost

ƒ The man power deployment plan for all categories

ƒ Compliance of the Services to be provided as mentioned under Section 2 relating to

multi-speciality hospital with detailed plan

ƒ Complete details of the different wards, operation theatre, ICCU, ITU, Indoor set up,
OPD, emergency unit, mortuary, security, pharmacy etc relating to operation of the

ƒ Equipment planning

ƒ Diagnostic facilities

ƒ Quality Assurance norms/systems

ƒ Maintenance Plan for running of the Medical College and Hospital

a. The DoHFW along and the MA&ME Department will arrange to execute the Deed
of agreement and hand over the project site as per terms of the agreement after
execution of the said agreement within one month after completion of necessary

b. The DoHFW shall approve the CPR within the agreed time relating to
establishment of the proposed set up.
c. A monitoring cum grievance redressal committee shall be formed by the DoHFW
with competent personnel for overseeing implementation of operation and
management of the Medical College & Hospital as per agreed terms as well as to
address issues on grievances if any reported by the PSP. A soft ware package
shall be installed by the PSP to disseminate information on defined parameters
relating to performance of the Medical College & Hospital. The PSP shall also
submit monthly reports in prescribed format to the above committee on monthly


a. The PSP shall prepare the CPR within the agreed time frame for approval by the

b. The PSP shall obtain necessary clearance from the Medical Council of India (MCI)
for functioning of the Medical College & Hospital.

c. The PSP shall maintain performance standards and comply with all statutory

d. All necessary approvals and clearances relating to the establishment and

operationalisation of the institution will be obtained by the PSP. However, the
DoHFW may provide necessary help and support for obtaining such clearances as
and when required.

e. The PSP shall comply with the requirements as described under Section 3d on
land for the infrastructure

f. The PSP shall comply with the requirements relating to fee structure and
admission procedures as described in this scheme.

g. The PSP shall be responsible for deployment of necessary medical and technical
personnel and other staff as may be required for proper functioning of the Medical
College and the Hospital and comply with the MCI regulations in this respect.

h. The PSP with the approval of the DoHFW shall install a soft ware package with
defined parameters to facilitate monitoring of the activities of the institution by the


a The agreement made with the PSP shall stand terminated if the PSP fails to obtain
clearance from the MCI in two successive years. In such case, the DoHFW shall take
possession of the entire property including any construction made by the PSP and no
compensation whatsoever shall be paid to the PSP for expenses incurred by the PSP
for such construction.

b As stated under Section 3b, the project will be governed by the legal agreement
incorporating therein the terms and conditions in line with this scheme and signed by
the selected PSP with the DoHFW & the MA&ME Department. Upon occurrence of any
of the defaults or on breach of any of the terms of the agreement, the DoHFW shall be
entitled to issue written notice of show cause to the PSP. If the PSP fails to
demonstrate to the DoHFW that the default/breach has been cured/repaired or fails to
satisfy the DoHFW within nine months of the date of issue of the notice, in such case,
the DoHFW may at its discretion terminate the agreement after the expiry of nine
months without any compensation whatsoever. The decision of the DoHFW to
terminate the agreement shall be final and binding on the PSP.

c As regards land lease agreement, the same shall be governed by the terms and
conditions of the lease as allowed by the Land and Land Reforms (L&LR) Department
and clauses related to termination of lease as enumerated therein shall be applicable.


a. Selection Committee
The DoHFW shall form a Selection Committee (SC) to undertake selection of the applicant
for establishment of the medical education facility under PPP:

b. Qualification (eligibility) Criteria of the applicants

The eligibility criteria for application of interested organizations for consideration of

selection of the Organization for operation and management of the Hospital under PPP
are provided as under:


1. The Applicant shall be national or international Firm (Limited

Company/Private Limited Company / Partnership or Proprietary Firm /
NGO / Trust / any combination of them in the form of consortium
managed by a single lead member. The maximum number of members in
a Consortium is limited to three. The applicants must be registered under
The Societies Registration Acts / The Trusts Act / The WAKFS Act / The
Companies Act of the appropriate statutory authority of the Government
of West Bengal or the Government of India.

2. The applicant or its member of consortium has experience in health

sector for at least three years. The applicant or its member of consortium
has experience of establishing and running Medical College & Hospital or
establishing and running medium to large multi-speciality hospital (at
least 300 bedded) under PPP or as a private institution/trust/society.


The applicant or its member of consortium has experience in Education

Sector (in technical / professional courses other than Medical Education,
e.g engineering courses) for last three years. The applicant or its member
of consortium has experience of establishing and running Educational
Institution under PPP or as a private institution/trust/society with an
annual intake capacity of minimum 200 seats

3. The applicant or lead member of the applicant in case of consortium

should have annual turnover of minimum 100 crore INR in each year for
last two financial years ending March 2013 or 200 crore INR in aggregate
of the last two financial years ending March 2013. It may be mentioned
here, for computing the annual turnover, the total turnover (i.e the group
turnover) of the applicant / lead member of the applicant in case of
consortium comprising of all its business/activities/services will be
considered. The organisations may submit their relevant documents
including the audited reports accordingly.

4. The applicant or any of the members of the consortium has not been
barred by the Government of India and/or the Government of West
Bengal for participation in any project and the same subsists on the day
of submission of EoI. (a declaration needs to be given by the applicant to
this effect).

Desirable:- The applicant or its members of consortium has experience in the

management, control and operation of the health institutions belonging to minority or in
the minority dominated area.

However, it may be mentioned that the Selection Committee may relax one or more of the
qualification criteria (excepting sl no.4) in case of deserving applicants

c. The Bidding Parameters and Evaluation of Bids

A single stage selection process by inviting Expression of Interest (EoI) shall be
undertaken, which include technical assessment of the proposals submitted by the

applicants followed by the evaluation on the bidding parameter containing offer on seat
sharing submitted by the applicants.

The bidding parameter of the technically qualified applicants shall be the

percentage of seats for MBBS students offered by the applicant over and above
33.33% for the MA & ME Department

Applicants who would qualify on technical parameters and offering the maximum
percentage of total seats above the minimum of 33.33% would be selected for
establishment of the proposed Medical College & Hospital through PPP.

The information and documents relating to ‘general and technical information and the
offer on seat sharing as stated above will be submitted by the applicants in two separate
sealed envelops marked ‘’Technical Information with copy of required documents’’ and
‘’Offer on percentage of seats for the MA & ME Department’’ respectively. The envelope
on the offer on percentage of seats will only be opened for technically qualified

Selection process would involve short-listing of applicants on technical evaluation based

on marks scored by the applicants on general and technical parameters as provided under
Annexure 1. The maximum possible marks, which may be scored by an applicant, are
100. Minimum qualifying marks are 60 out of 100 (i.e. 60 % of the total possible marks).
The applicants scoring 60 and above would be short-listed for next round for selection

After short-listing of applicants based on general and technical parameters as

mentioned above, final selection of the organization/consortium from the short-
listed applicants would be made on the basis of their offer on percentage of seats
over and above 33.33% for the MA & ME Department.

The SC can call for any further clarifications or information or documents at any point of
time. The applicant may also be called for explaining or clarifying issues, if there be any.

Decision of the SC on selection of the organization/consortium is final.

Upon final selection, the offer letter will be issued to the selected organization and on
acceptance of the offer, firm engagement letter with legal agreement incorporating all the
terms and conditions will be signed by the PSP with the authorized signatory on behalf of
the DoHFW for commencement of the project.

The format of the application to be submitted by the applicant for technical evaluation is
provided as Annexure III and the prescribed format for the offer to be submitted by the
applicant on percentage of seats over above 33.33% for the MA & ME Department has
been provided as Annexure IV.

Annexure 1
Evaluation of EoI on general and technical parameters on the basis of application
submitted by the applicants for establishment of Medical Education Facility at

Name of the Organization/Consortium:

Parameters Total Marks Marks


1. The applicant has experience in health/education a. > 3-5 years: 10 marks

sector for more than 3 years
b. > 5 -7 years: 15 marks

c. > 7 years= 20 marks

2.The applicant or its member of consortium has a. Medical College with

experience of establishing and running Medical 100 annual MBBS
College and Hospital or running medium to large students intake: 20 marks
multi-speciality hospital (at least 300 bedded) under
PPP or as a private institution/trust/society b. Medical College with
150 or more of annual
MBBS students intake: 25

a. 301 – 400 bedded

hospital : 20 marks

b. Above 400 bedded

hospital: 25 marks

2.The applicant or its member of consortium has a. Educational Institute

experience of establishing and running Educational with 200 annual students
Institute (in technical/professional courses other intake: 20 marks
than Medical Education) under PPP or as a private
institution/trust/society with an annual intake b. Educational Institute
capacity of 200 seats with annual students
intake above 200: 25

3. The applicant or lead member of the consortium 201 crore -- 300 crore in
have annual turnover of minimum 100 crore INR in aggregate of last two
each year for last two financial years ending March financial years ending
2013 or 200 crore INR in aggregate of the last two March 2013: 20 marks
financial years ending March 2013. The turnover
includes the total turnover (i.e the group turnover) of 301 crore -- 400 crore in
the applicant or lead member of the consortium aggregate of last two
comprising of all its business/activities/services. financial years ending
March 2013 : 25 marks

Above 400 crore in

aggregate of last two
financial years ending
March 2013 : 30 marks

The total possible marks are 100. The applicants scoring 60 and above would be
short-listed for next round for selection

After short-listing of applicants based on general and technical parameters as

mentioned above, final selection of the organization/consortium from the short-
listed applicants would be made on the basis of their offer on percentage of seats
over and above 33.33% for the MA & ME Department.

Annexure II

Instruction to organizations regarding submission of application and Pre- bid meet

1) The Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs 1, 00,000/- (Rs one lac) only by way of
demand draft/Pay Order from a nationalized/scheduled Bank must accompany
each application. The draft should be made in favour of “Executive Director,
West Bengal State Health and Family Welfare Samiti ’’

2) The EMD of the selected applicant will be returned upon the applicant’s
executing the contract. Unsuccessful applicants’ EMD will be returned within
30 days after the successful completion of the Bidding process. The EMD may
be forfeited if the applicant withdraws its BID during the period of BID validity.
The EMD of the selected applicants may be forfeited if the organization fails to
sign the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions.

3) The application is to be submitted in the prescribed format (provided as

Annexure III) containing general and technical information along with copy of
documents to be submitted as per Annexure-III. The Demand Draft / Pay Order
by way of EMD must accompany the application. This application is to be
sealed and superscribed “General and Technical Information with EMD with
copy of required documents submitted by ______________________ ’’

4) Format for the offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the MA
& ME Department by the applicant is given in Annexure IV. This document is to
be sealed and superscribed: “Offer for percentage of total seats for MBBS
students earmarked for the MA & ME Department submitted by ____________”

5) A covering letter as per Annexure V is to be submitted in the letter head of the

applicant addressed to :

The Director of Medical Education

Department of Health & Family Welfare,
Swasthya Bhawan, GN 29 Salt Lake

6) The sealed documents as mentioned above under 3, the sealed documents as

mentioned above under 4 along with the covering letter as mentioned under 5
should be put in one envelope superscribed:
Application for establishment of Medical Education Facility at Bhangore
through PPP

7). The application is to be submitted in the following address:

The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhawan, GN 29 Salt Lake

8) The last date for submission of application is November 29, 2013 till 5pm.
Applications received after 5.00 pm will not be accepted.

A pre-bid meeting was held with the interested applicants on 24.10.13 at 4pm at the
Conference Hall, first floor, Swasthya Bhawan, Department of Health & Family
Welfare, Sector V, GN 29 Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091. Applicants may contact
Telephone Nos: (033) 233-0613/233-0628 for any clarification on this scheme.

Annexure III

Format for Expression of Interest (EoI) for selection of PSP for establishment
of Medical Education Facility and Multi-speciality hospital at Bhangore under

1) Name and address of the Organization:

Name and address of all Organizations in case of Consortium (indicate lead


2) Information and Activities in brief of the Organization/ each member in case of

Consortium in not more than 2 pages of A-4 size

3) Number of years of experience of the Organization/Consortium in the Heath Sector:

4A. Information required to be submitted by the organization relating to running of

existing Medical College & Hospital or only Multi-speciality Hospital (please fill up
whichever is applicable):

Name of the Medical College & Hospital / Multi-speciality


Name of the State/location within India

Type of this project (PPP/Private/Trust/Society managed

Medical College & Hospital / only Multi-speciality Hospital)

Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running Medical

College & Hospital

a. Year of commencement of operation of the Medical

College & Hospital

b. Number of intake of students for the undergraduate

(MBBS) course

c. Total number of academic faculties for the Medical


d. Seat sharing arrangement with the Government, if any

e. Details of the fee structure for the students of the Medical


f. Total number of Beds in the Hospital

g. Services provided in the Hospital (please mention all

services provided including Diagnostic, Pharmacy and
arrangement for provision of liquid oxygen)

h. Number of free Beds in the Hospital

i. Existing utilization of the Hospital (in last one year) i. OPD: Number of
outpatients / month

ii. IPD: Number admissions

/ month

iii. Emergency : Number of

patients attending

j. Project cost for establishment of the project

k. Average operational cost per month

l. Structure and Board of management for the Medical

College & Hospital

Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running only Hospital

a. Year of commencement of the services of the Hospital

b. Total number of Beds in the Hospital

c. Services/Facilities provided in the hospital (please

provide all services and facilities provided including facilities
of Diagnostics, Pharmacy and arrangements for provisions
of liquid oxygen)

d. Number of free Beds in the Hospital

e. Existing utilization of the Hospital (for last one year) i. OPD: Number of
outpatients / monthii.

ii. IPD: Number admissions

/ month

iii. Emergency : Number of

patients attending

f. Project cost for establishment of the Hospital

g. Average operational cost per month

h. Structure and Board of Management of the Hospital

4B. Information required to be submitted if the applicant has been running only
Educational Institution (other than Medical Education)

Name of the Institution:

a. Technical / professional courses provided in this


b. Location and State

c. Type of this project (PPP/Private/Trust/Society

managed Educational Institution)

d. Year of commencement

e. Total number of seats in the facility

f. If the Institution has multiple centres, specify the total I

number of centres

g. Mention some of the highlights of the Institution

h. Project cost for establishment of the Institution

i. Average operational cost per month

j. Structure and Board of Management of the Institution

5) Annual turnover of the organization / lead member of the consortium for each of the
last two financial years ending March 2012:

™ April 2011- March 2012:

™ April 2012-March 2013

(Information regarding submission of documents on annual turnover has been

provided under Section ‘7b3’ of this document)

Documents enclosed

i. Declaration that the organization/members of the consortium have not been barred by
Government of India or Government of West Bengal for participation in any project and the
same subsists on the day of submission of EoI

ii. Copy of audit reports for last two financial year ending March 2013.

iii. Copy of Registration of the Organization or Memorandum of Association as applicable

iv. Copy of partnership agreement (if applicable)

v. In case Consortium, Power of Attorney in favour of the Lead Member signed by all the
members of the Consortium

iv. Copy of relevant documents the applicants may desire to submit relating to sl no. 4
above of this format for EoI


Name in full:



Annexure IV



The Director of Medical Education

Department of Health & Family Welfare
Government of West Bengal
Swasthya Bhawan, GN 29 Salt Lake

Sub: Offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the MA&ME
Department over and above 33.33% of the total seats


With reference to your advertisement dated _________ for selection of Private Sector
Partner for establishment of Medical Education Facilities and hospital at Bhangore through
PPP, we offer to earmark the following percentage of seats for MBBS students for the MA
& ME Department out of the total seats:

Seats Minimum Percentage of total seats

percentage offered by us*
of seats
In figures In words
Percentage of MBBS Seats for the MA&ME 33.33%
Department over 33.33%

* The percentage offered by the applicant needs to be mentioned without any decimal

Yours faithfully,

Signature of the applicant with stamp:

Name in full:



Annexure V

Draft of the covering letter to be submitted in the Letter Head of the

Organization along with application and other documents


The Director of Medical Education
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Government of West Bengal
Swasthya Bhawan, GN 29 Salt Lake

Subject: Application and BID in response to your Advertisement dated. ----------- for
Establishment of Medical College & Hospital at Bhangore through PPP

Dear Sir,

With reference to your advertisement dated ________ for establishment of Medical

College & Hospital at Bhangore through PPP, we beg to submit our Application and
offer for Concession Fee for your consideration.

As required, we enclose the following documents in sealed cover along with this

1. Expression of Interest duly filled in as per prescribed format along with copy
of documents as per Annexure II of the scheme document. The EMD for
Rupees 1, 00,000 (Rs one lac) vide DD/Pay Order no. ____________ drawn on
______ Bank is also enclosed

2. Offer on percentage of total seats for MBBS students for the MA&ME
Department over and above 33.33% of the total seats

Yours faithfully,

Signature with rubber stamp

(Name and Designation of the signatory)
Encl: as state


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