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DLP No.: 22 Learning Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 1 Quarter: 2 Duration: 50 mins

Code: M1NS-IIe-30.1
Competency/ies: Creates situations involving addition of whole numbers including money.
Key Concepts/
Understandings to In creating situations using a given data, meaningful and realistic situations must be considered.
be Developed To create word problem, you need the following:
• data or numbers
• word clues/operation
• the questions asked or needed to be answered
To check if the problem created is correct, all the given data that are needed to
solve the problem should be there.

Knowledge Explain the process/steps in creating word problems including money.
Skills Create word problems using the given data.
Attitudes Display cooperation in group activities.
Values Work collaboratively in group work activities.
2. Content/Topic Creating Situations Involving Addition of Whole Numbers Including Money
3. Learning
Resources/ Math Worktext page 26-28
Materials/ Flashcards, pictures, manila paper, strips
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach and indicate the no. of minutes each step will consume)
10 minutes 1. Drill on basic addition facts.

2. Group pupils into 5. Distribute the cutouts to each group. Each group will arrange the cutouts
to form into a word problem. They will do it for 20 seconds. First group to do the task first,
wins the game
Fe has How many rubber bands are there in all? 42 yellow rubber bands.

31 red rubber bands. Janice has

3. What foods did your mother usually buy in the market? Can you name them?

20 minutes 1. Post the problem on the board.
Mother went to the market to buy their needs.
Here is the list of the things mother bought in the market.

Fish – P 185
Vegetables- P 70
Fruits – P 84

Ask the pupils:

Who went to the market? (Mother went to the market)
What are the things she bought? (Meat, vegetables and fruits)
What can you say about mother? (Mother is thrifty, industrious)
Why do you say so? (She bought only three things, she does many works)
What do we do with the problem or situation? (We use the process of
addition of whole numbers to tackle the money problem.)

2. Solve the Problem

Where did mother go? (She went to the market)
So we write, Mother went to the market. (Teacher writes on the board)
What did she buy? (She bought meat at 185 pesos, vegetables at 70
pesos and fruits at 84 pesos)
We write:
She bought meat at 185 pesos, vegetables at 70 pesos and fruits at 84 pesos.
What do we want to ask? (The money she paid to the things she bought)
So we write:
How much did she spend in all?
Now let us write the word problem.
(Mother went to the market. She bought meat at 185 pesos,
vegetables at 70 pesos and fruits at 84 pesos. How much did she spend in all?

Say: Let us discuss how we arrived at the problem.

What did you do first in creating the problem? [We read and understood the situation.]
What did we do with the given facts? ( We used them as the given facts in the problem)
How did we come up with the question? (What we want to know based on the given facts?

Post a picture of a biscuit and a juice. Let pupils create situations which involve addition.
(This can be done through group collaboration).

biscuit= P6.00 fruit juice= P 6.00

How much did she pay in all?

Have pupils read what is in the illustration.

Ask: How much is the biscuit?
How much is the fruit juice?
Have pupils recall that numbers in the problem are the given.
What is asked in the problem.
What are the data needed to create a word problem?
Can you identify those data in the illustration above?
The teacher will make markings on the illustration to emphasize the data needed to form a
problem. Guide pupils to create a word problem involving money using the given data.
Discuss their answers. How did you come up with the created situation?

3.Ask: How do we create a word problem involving money?

To create word problem, you need the following:
• data or numbers
• word clues/operation
• the questions asked or needed to be answered

Practice Group Activity

10 minutes Divide the class into five groups. Give each group an activity card with the data to be used in
creating a problem. Then let each group post their work on the board. The leader will present their
output to the class.

Directions: Create a word problem involving money using the data below.

Monday’s savings-P15.00 Tuesday’s savings- P10.00

How much did Ana saves in all?

pencil – P6.00 pad paper - P11.00 ballpen - P12.00

How much did Alexa pays in all?

*Valuing: Why did Group ___ got the correct answer and finished on time?

5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or

Analysis of Learners’ Product and/or Tests)
Written Test
5 minutes Directions: Study the given data. Create a situation using the given data.
1. Given: apple – P 10.00 and mango - P 15.00
Ask: How much di she pay in all?
2. Given: P 30.00, P 20.00
Ask:amount of money

6.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson or Preparation for a new lesson)
3 minutes Directions: Make a situation involving addition of whole numbers from the given data.
1. Given: pencil-P 6.00, eraser- P 2.00
Ask: total amount she paid to the cashier.
2. Given: a red rose at P18.00 ,a white rose at P23.00
Ask: spent in all

7. Wrap-up/ Concluding Activity

2 minutes Close the period by wrapping-up the day’s lesson

Prepared by:

Name: Perlie G. Castro School: Lawaan Elementary School

Position/Designation: Master Teacher I Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09232869131 Facebook Account:Perlie Gomez Castro

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