Distributed Systems: C6 Termination Detection (TD)

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Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Computer Science Department

Distributed Systems
- Master in CS -

Termination Detection

Fall 2020

 Context
– In DS, a problem is solved by the
cooperation of a set of processes
– In some applications, the problem to be
solved is divided into many subproblems,
and the execution of a subproblem cannot
begin until the execution of the previous
subproblem is complete
 Determining computing termination - a
fundamental problem in DS

 In a DS inferring if a DC has ended is
 the results produced by the computation can
be used (may be in solving other problems)
 DC termination detection - a difficult
– Problem complexity due to
» No process has complete knowledge of the global
state, and
» Global time does not exist

Introduction (2)
 A DC is considered to be globally terminated if
– every process is “locally terminated” and
– there is no message in transit between any processes
 “locally terminated” state
– a state in which a process has finished its
computation and
– will not restart any action unless it receives a
 In the TD problem
– a particular process (or all of the processes) must
infer when the corresponding computation has
 TD algorithms
– infer if a certain DC has terminated

Introduction (3)
 Two distributed computations taking place in the
distributed system
– The business logic computation and
– The TD algorithm
 Basic messages
– Messages used in the business logic computation
 Control messages
– Messages used by TD algorithms
 A TD algorithm must ensure
– Execution of a TD algorithm cannot indefinitely delay
the underlying computation (i.e. the execution of the TD
algorithm must not freeze the business logic computation)
– The TD algorithm must not require new communication
channels between processes
 TD algorithms based on:
– Distributed snapshot collection,
– Weight throwing,
– Spanning-tree

System Model (1)

 DC
– Set of processes that communicate by
message passing
– All messages are received correctly
after an arbitrary but finite delay
– Communication is asynchronous
» i.e., a process never waits for the receiver
to be ready before sending a message
– Messages sent over the same
communication channel may not obey
the FIFO ordering

System Model (2)
 At any given time during execution
of the DC, a process can be in only
one of the two states:
– Active (or busy)
» it is doing local computation
– Idle (or passive)
» the process has (temporarily) finished the
execution of its local computation and
will be reactivated only on the receipt of a
message from another process

System Model (3)

 Active processes becoming idle
– It may happen at any time
– Corresponds to the following situation
» the process has completed its local computation and
» has processed all received messages
 Idle processes becoming active
– An idle process can become active only on the
receipt of a message from another process
=> an idle process cannot spontaneously become
active (except when the DC begins execution)
 Only active processes can send messages

System Model (4)
 Since we are not concerned with the
initialization problem:
– we assume that all processes are initially idle
– a message arrives from outside the system to
start the computation
A message can be received by a process
when the process is in either of the two
states, i.e., active or idle.
– On the receipt of a message, an idle process
becomes active
 The sending of a message and the receipt
of a message occur as atomic actions

System Model (5)

 Constraint
– We restrict our discussion to
executions in which every process
eventually becomes idle, although this
property is in general undecidable
 If a TD algorithm is applied to a DC
in which some processes remain in
their active states forever
=> The TD algorithm itself will not


System Model (6)
Definition of termination detection

 Notations
– pi(t) - the state (active or idle) of
process pi at instant t and
– ci,j (t) - the number of messages in
transit in the channel at instant t from
process pi to process pj
A distributed computation is said to
be terminated at time instant t1 if:
( Vi, pi(t1) = idle ) ^ (Vi,j, ci,j(t1) = 0)



Termination detection using

distributed snapshots
 Fact (used by the algorithm):
– A consistent snapshot of a distributed system
captures stable properties
» Termination of a distributed computation is a stable
=> If a consistent snapshot of a distributed
computation is taken after the distributed
computation has terminated, the snapshot will
capture the termination of the computation
 Algorithm assumptions
– There is a logical bidirectional communication
channel between every pair of processes
– Communication channels are reliable but non-
– Message delay is arbitrary but finite


Termination detection using
distributed snapshots
Informal description
 The main idea behind the algorithm
– when a computation terminates, there must exist a
unique process which became idle last
 The process that request termination detection test
or any external agent may collect all the local
snapshots of a request
 When a process goes from active to idle
– it issues a request to all other processes to take a local
snapshot, and
– also requests itself to take a local snapshot
 When an idle process receives the request
– if it agrees that the requester became idle after itself, it grants
the request by taking a local snapshot for the request
 A request is said to be successful if
– all processes have taken a local snapshot for it
 If a request is successful:
– A global snapshot of the request can thus be obtained and the
recorded state will indicate termination of the computation
 Termination detection in the recorded snapshot
– In the recorded snapshot, all the processes are idle and there is
no message in transit to any of the processes


Termination detection using

distributed snapshots
Formal description (1)

 The algorithm needs logical time to order the requests

 Each process i maintains a logical clock denoted by x,
which is initialized to zero at the start of the computation
 A process increments its x by one each time it becomes idle
 A basic message sent by a process at its logical time x is of
the form B(x)
 A control message that requests processes to take local
snapshot issued by process i at its logical time x is of the
form R(x, i)
 Each process synchronizes its logical clock x loosely with
the logical clocks x’s on other processes in such a way that
it is the maximum of clock values ever received or sent in
 Besides logical clock x, a process maintains a variable k
such that when the process is idle, (x, k) is the maximum of
the values (x, k) on all messages R(x, k) ever received or
sent by the process


Termination detection using
distributed snapshots
Formal description (2)

 Logical time is compared as follows:

(x,k) > (x',k') if (x>x') or ((x=x') and (k>k'))
 In other words
– a tie between x and x' is broken by the
process identification numbers k and k'
 The algorithm is defined by four rules
– The guarded statements are used to express
conditions and actions
– Each process i applies one of the rules
whenever it is applicable



Termination detection using

distributed snapshots
Formal description (3)

 Rule R1 (process active, sending B

– When a process i is active, it may send
a basic message to process j at any
time by doing
send a B(x) to j

 Rule R1 states:
– When a process sends a basic message
to any other process, it sends its
logical clock value in the message


Termination detection using
distributed snapshots
Formal description (4)

 Rule R2 (receiving B messages)

– Upon receiving a B(x’), process i
let x := x' + 1
if (i is idle) -> go active

 Rule R2 states:
– when a process receives a basic
message, it updates its logical clock
based on the clock value contained in
the message



Termination detection using

distributed snapshots
Formal description (5)

 Rule R3 (process going idle, sending R

– when process i goes idle it executes:
let x := x+1
let k := i;
send message R(x, k) to all other processes
take a local snapshot for the request by R(x, k)

 Rule R3 states:
– when a process becomes idle:
» updates its local clock
» sends a request for snapshot R(x, k) to every
other process, and
» takes a local snapshot for this request


Termination detection using
distributed snapshots
Formal description (6)

 Rule 4 (Receiving R messages)

Upon receiving message R(x', k'), process i do:
if ((x', k') > (x, k) and (i is idle))
let (x, k) := (x', k');
take a local snapshot for the request R(x', k');
if ((x', k') ≤ (x, k) and (i is idle))
do nothing;
(2) if (x', k') ≤ (x, k)
if (i is active) - => the sender of R(x', k')
let x := max(x, x') terminated before this process
- Hence, the sender of R(x', k')
(1) On the receipt of R(x', k'), the cannot be the last process to
process takes a local snapshot if it terminate
is idle and (x', k') > (x, k), i.e., the - Thus, the receiving process
message is later than the local does not take a snapshot for
time at the process it.
=> the sender of R(x', k')
(3) The receiving process has not
terminated after this process
- In this case, it is likely that the even terminated => The sender
sender is the last process to of R(x', k') cannot be the last
terminate and thus, the receiving process to terminate and no
process takes a snapshot for it snapshot is taken.
- and …every process will Note. The last process to terminate
eventually take a local snapshot for will have the largest clock value.
the last request when the Therefore, every process will take a
computation has terminated => the snapshot for it; however, it will not
request by the latest process to take a snapshot for any other process.
terminate will become successful


Termination detection
by weight throwing
 In this technique, a process called
controlling agent monitors the
– The controlling agent can be one of
the processes involved in computation
A communication channel exists
– between each of the processes and the
controlling agent and also
– between every pair of processes


Termination detection by
weight throwing
Basic idea
 Initially, all processes are in the idle state
 The weight at each process is zero and the weight at the
controlling agent is 1
 The computation starts when the controlling agent sends a
basic message to one of the processes
– The process becomes active and the computation starts
 A non-zero weight W (0 <W ≤ 1) is assigned to each
process in the active state and to each message in transit in
the following way:
– When a process sends a message, it sends a part of its weight
in the message
– When a process receives a message, it add the weight
received in the message to its weight.
=> The sum of weights on all the processes and on all the
messages in transit is always 1
 When a process becomes passive
– it sends its weight to the controlling agent in a control
message, which the controlling agent adds to its weight
 The controlling agent concludes termination if its weight
becomes 1



Termination detection by
weight throwing

W - the weight on the controlling agent

and a process
 B(DW) - a basic message B having DW
as its assigned weight is sent as a part of
the computation,
 C(DW) - a control message C having
DW as its assigned weight is sent from a
process to the controlling agent


Termination detection by
weight throwing
Formal Description

 The algorithm is defined by the following

four rules [Huang]:
 Rule 1:
– The controlling agent or an active process may
send a basic message to one of the processes,
say P, by splitting its weight W into W1 and
W2 such that:
» W1+W2 = W, where W1 > 0 and W2 > 0
– It then assigns its weight W= W1 and sends a
basic message B(DW := W2) to P
 Rule 2:
– On the receipt of the message B(DW), process
P adds DW to its weight W (W := W +DW).
– If the receiving process is in the idle state, it
becomes active



Termination detection by
weight throwing
Formal Description (2)

 Rule 3:
– A process switches from the active state to
the idle state at any time by sending a control
message C(DW=W) to the controlling agent
and making its weight W: = 0
 Rule 4:
– On the receipt of a message C(DW), the
controlling agent adds DW to its weight (W:
= W + DW)
– If W = 1, then it concludes that the
computation has terminated


Termination detection by
weight throwing
Formal Description (3)

 Algorithm correctness
 To prove the correctness of the
algorithm, the following sets are defined:
– A: set of weights on all active processes;
– B: set of weights on all basic messages in
– C: set of weights on all control messages in
– Wc: weight on the controlling agent



Termination detection by
weight throwing
Formal Description (4)

 Two invariants I1 and I2 are defined for the


 Invariant I1 states:
 The sum of weights at the controlling
process, at all active processes, on all basic
messages in transit, and on all control
messages in transit is always equal to 1.
 Invariant I2 states:
 The weight at each active process, on each
basic message in transit, and on each control
message in transit is non-zero.


Termination detection by
weight throwing
Formal Description (5)

 As a result:

 Note that (A U B) = 0 implies that the

computation has terminated
 Therefore, the algorithm never detects a false
 Further

 Since the message delay is finite, after the

computation has terminated, eventually Wc = 1.
Thus, the algorithm detects a termination in
finite time.



Termination detection
based on spanning trees
 Assumptions
– N processes Pi located in the nodes i, 0 ≤ i ≤ N, of a
fixed connected undirected graph
– Graph edges represent the communication channels
 The algorithm uses a fixed spanning tree of the
graph with process P0 at the root
 Root node (process P0)
– Responsible for termination detection
– Communicates with other processes to determine their
– The messages used for this purpose are called signals
– Concludes that termination has occurred, if it has
terminated and all of its immediate children have also
 Leaf nodes
– All leaf nodes report to their parents, if they have terminated
 Interior node
– Reports to its parent when
» it has completed processing and
» all of its immediate children have terminated

Termination detection
based on spanning trees
 TD algorithm generates two waves of signals
moving inward and outward through the spanning
 Initially, (as a request from the root) a contracting
wave of token signals, moves inward from leaves
to the root
 If this token wave reaches the root without
discovering that termination has occurred, the
root initiates a second outward wave of repeat
 As this repeat wave reaches leaves, the token
wave gradually forms and starts moving inward
 This sequence of events is repeated until the
termination is detected



Termination detection based

on spanning trees

 Token wave
– A contracting wave of signals that move
inward from the leaves to the root
 Repeat signal
– If a token wave fails to detect termination,
node P0 initiates another round of termination
detection by sending a signal called Repeat, to
the leaves.
 Set S
– The set of graph nodes having one or more
tokens at any instant


Termination detection based
on spanning trees
A simple (but incorrect) algorithm

 Initially, each leaf process is given a token

 Each leaf process, after it has terminated, sends
its token to its parent
 When a parent process terminates and after it
has received a token from each of its children, it
sends a token to its parent
– This way, each process indicates to its parent process
that the subtree below it has become idle
 In a similar way, the tokens get propagated to
the root
 The root of the tree concludes that termination
has occurred after
– it has become idle and
– has received a token from each of its children



Termination detection based on

spanning trees
A simple algorithm (incorrect)
Algorithm problem (1)

 After a process has sent its token to its parent, it

should remain idle but this is not the case
 How the problem is generated:
– A process pi sent a token to its parent and then
– Receives a message from some other process pj
– As a result, pi becomes active again
=> The simple algorithm fails
 The algorithm has to be reworked to accommodate
such message-passing scenarios

Figure 1 - Node 5
sends a message to
node 1 (source [3])


Termination detection based on
spanning trees
A simple algorithm (incorrect)
Algorithm problem (2)

 The problem is explained with the example

shown in Figure 1
 Assume that process 1 has sent its token T1 to its
parent, process 0
 On receiving the token, process 0 concludes that
process 1 and its children have terminated
 Process 0 if it is idle, can conclude that
termination has occurred, whenever it receives a
token from process 2. But now assume that just
before process 5 terminates, it sends a message m
to process 1
 On the reception of this message, process 1
becomes active again
 Thus, the information that process 0 has about
process 1 (that it is idle) becomes void



Termination detection based on

spanning trees
The correct algorithm

 Thecorrect algorithm was

developed by [Topor]
– It works even when messages such as
the one if Figure 1 are present
 The idea:
– Color the processes and tokens and
change the color when such messages
are involved


Termination detection based on
spanning trees
The correct algorithm (2)

 Basic description
 Use a coloring scheme
– Enables the root node to know that a node in its
children’s subtree, that was assumed to be terminated,
has become active due to a message
– The root determines that an idle process has been
activated by a message, based on the color of the
token it receives from its children
 All tokens are initialized to white
 If a process had sent a message to some other
process, it sends a black token to its parent on
termination; otherwise, it sends a white token on
 The parent process on getting the black token
knows that its child had sent a message to some
other process



Termination detection based on

spanning trees
The correct algorithm (3)

 The parent, when sending its token (on

terminating) to its parent, sends a black token
only if it received a black token from one of its
– This way, the parent’s parent knows that one of the
processes in its child’s subtree had sent a message to
some other process
 This actions gets propagated and finally the root
node knows that message-passing was involved
when it receives a black token from one of its
 In this case, the root asks all nodes in the system
to restart the termination detection
– For this, the root sends a repeat signal to all other
– After receiving the repeat signal, all leaves will restart
the termination detection algorithm


Termination detection based on
spanning trees
The correct algorithm (4)

 Algorithm description
1. Initially
– Each leaf process is provided with a token
– All processes and tokens are white
The set S is used for book-keeping to know which
processes have the token
=> S will be the set of all leaves in the tree
2. When a leaf node terminates, it sends the
token it holds to its parent process
3. A parent process will collect the token sent
by each of its children
– After it has received a token from all of its
children and after it has terminated, the parent
process sends a token to its parent



Termination detection based on

spanning trees
The correct algorithm (5)

4. A process turns black when it sends a

message to some other process
– This coloring scheme helps a process
remember that it has sent a message
– When a process terminates, if it is black, it
sends a black token to its parent
5. A black process turns back to white
after it has sent a black token to its
6. A parent process holding a black token
(from one of its children), sends a black
token to its parent, to indicate that a
message-passing was involved in its


Termination detection based on
spanning trees
The correct algorithm (6)

7. Tokens are propagated to the root in this way

– The root, upon receiving a black token, knows that a
process in the tree had sent a message to some other
– Hence, it restarts the algorithm by sending a Repeat
signal to all its children
8. Each child of the root propagates the Repeat
signal to each of its children and so on, until
the signal reaches the leaves
10. The leaf nodes restart the algorithm on
receiving the Repeat signal
11. The root concludes that termination has
occurred, if:
(a) it is white;
(b) it is idle; and
(c) it has received a white token from each of its



Termination detection based on

spanning trees
The correct algorithm (7)

 An example
1. Initially, all nodes 0 to 6 are white
(Figure 2). Leaf nodes 3, 4, 5, and 6 are
each given a token. Node 3 has token
T3, node 4 has token T4, node 5 has
token T5, and node 6 has token T6.
Hence, S is { 3, 4, 5, 6 }.
2. When node 3 terminates, it transmits T3
to node 1. Now S = {1, 4, 5, 6}. When
node 4 terminates, it transmits T4 to
node 1 (Figure 3). S = { 1,5,6 }
3. Node 1 has received a token from each
of its children and, when it terminates, it
transmits a token T1 to its parent (Figure
4). S = { 0,5,6 }


Termination detection based on
spanning trees
The correct algorithm (8)

4. After this, suppose node 5 sends a

message to node 1, causing node 1 to
again become active (Figure 5).
5. Node 5 is colored black, since it sent a
message to node 1.
6. When node 5 terminates, it sends a black
token T5 to node 2. Now S = { 0, 2 , 6}.
After sending its token, node 5 turns
white (Figure 6). When node 6
terminates, it sends the white token T6 to
node 2. S = {0, 2}
7. When node 2 terminates, it sends a black
token T2 to node 0, since it holds a black
token T5 from node 5 (Figure 7).



Termination detection based on

spanning trees
The correct algorithm (9)

8. Since node 0 has received a black

token T2 from node 2
– It knows that there was a message sent
by one or more of its children in the
tree and hence
– sends a repeat signal to each of its
9. The repeat signal is propagated to
the leaf nodes and the algorithm is
10. Node 0 concludes that termination
has occurred if it is white, it is idle,
and it has received a white token
from each of its children.

Termination detection based on
spanning trees
The correct algorithm (10)

2 All leaf nodes have

tokens S = { 3,4,5,6}
(source [3])

3 Nodes 3 and 4
become idle
S = { 1,5,6}



Termination detection based on

spanning trees
The correct algorithm (11)

4 Node 1 becomes idle

S = {0,5,6}

5 Node 5 sends a
message to node 1


Termination detection based on
spanning trees
The correct algorithm (12)

6 Nodes 5 and 6
become idle
S = {0,2}

7 Node 2 becomes
S = {0}
Node 0 initiates a
Repeat signal



Termination detection based on

spanning trees
The correct algorithm (13)

 Performance
 Best case message complexity of the
algorithm is O(N), N is the number of
processes in the computation
– The best case occurs when all nodes send all
computation messages in the first round
In this case, the algorithm executes only twice
and the message complexity depends only on
the number of nodes
 Worst case complexity of the algorithm is
O(N * M), M is the number of
computation messages exchanged.
– Worst case occurs when only computation
message is exchanged every time the
algorithm is executed


Termination detection in
a general DC model
 Until now, we have assumed that the reception of
a single message is enough to activate a passive
 In the general model of distributed computing, a
passive process does not necessarily become
active on the receipt of a message
– Instead, the activation condition of a passive process is
more general and a passive process requires a set of
messages to become active
– This requirement is expressed by an activation
condition defined over the set DSi of processes from
which a passive process Pi is expecting messages
– The set DSi associated with a passive process Pi is
called the dependent set of Pi
 A passive process becomes active only when its
activation condition is fulfilled



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