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Use in air conditioning

In air conditioning systems, chilled water is typically distributed to heat exchangers, or coils, in
air handling units, or other type of terminal devices which cool the air in its respective space(s),
and then the chilled water is re-circulated back to the chiller to be cooled again. These cooling
coils transfer sensible heat and latent heat from the air to the chilled water, thus cooling and
usually dehumidifying the air stream. A typical chiller for air conditioning applications is rated
between 15 to 1500 tons (180,000 to 18,000,000 BTU/h or 53 to 5,300 kW) in cooling capacity.
Chilled water temperatures can range from 35 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (1.5 to 7 degrees
Celsius), depending upon application requirements.[1][2]

[edit] Use in industry

In industrial application, chilled water or other liquid from the chiller is pumped through process
or laboratory equipment. Industrial chillers are used for controlled cooling of products,
mechanisms and factory machinery in a wide range of industries. They are often used in the
plastic industry in injection and blow molding, metal working cutting oils, welding equipment,
die-casting and machine tooling, chemical processing, pharmaceutical formulation, food and
beverage processing, paper and cement processing, vacuum systems, X-ray diffraction, power
supplies and power generation stations, analytical equipment, semiconductors, compressed air
and gas cooling. They are also used to cool high-heat specialized items such as MRI machines
and lasers, and in hospitals, hotels and campuses.

The chillers for industrial applications can be centralized, where each chiller serves multiple
cooling needs, or decentralized where each application or machine has its own chiller. Each
approach has its advantages. It is also possible to have a combination of both centralized and
decentralized chillers, especially if the cooling requirements are the same for some applications
or points of use, but not all.

Decentralized chillers are usually small in size (cooling capacity), usually from 0.2 tons to 10
tons. Centralized chillers generally have capacities ranging from ten tons to hundreds or
thousands of tons.

Chilled water is used to cool and dehumidify air in mid- to large-size commercial, industrial, and
institutional (CII) facilities. Water chillers can be water-cooled, air-cooled, or evaporatively
cooled. Water-cooled chillers incorporate the use of cooling towers which improve the chillers'
thermodynamic effectiveness as compared to air-cooled chillers. This is due to heat rejection at
or near the air's wet-bulb temperature rather than the higher, sometimes much higher, dry-bulb
temperature. Evaporatively cooled chillers offer higher efficiencies than air-cooled chillers but
lower than water-cooled chillers.

Water-cooled chillers are typically intended for indoor installation and operation, and are cooled
by a separate condenser water loop and connected to outdoor cooling towers to expel heat to the
Air-cooled and Evaporatively cooled chillers are intended for outdoor installation and operation.
Air-cooled machines are directly cooled by ambient air being mechanically circulated directly
through the machine's condenser coil to expel heat to the atmosphere. Evaporatively cooled
machines are similar, except they implement a mist of water over the condenser coil to aid in
condenser cooling, making the machine more efficient than a traditional air-cooled machine. No
remote cooling tower is typically required with either of these types of packaged air-cooled or
evaporatively cooled chillers.

Where available, cold water readily available in nearby water bodies might be used directly for
cooling,place or supplement cooling towers. The Deep Lake Water Cooling System in Toronto,
Canada, is an example. It dispensed with the need for cooling towers, with a significant cut in
carbon emissions and energy consumption. It uses cold lake water to cool the chillers, which in
turn are used to cool city buildings via a district cooling system. The return water is used to
warm the city's drinking water supply which is desirable in this cold climate. Whenever a
chiller's heat rejection can be used for a productive purpose, in addition to the cooling function,
very high thermal effectiveness is possible.

[edit] Vapor-Compression chiller technology

There are basically four different types of compressors used in vapor compression chillers:
Reciprocating compression, scroll compression, screw-driven compression, and centrifugal
compression are all mechanical machines that can be powered by electric motors, steam, or gas
turbines. They produce their cooling effect via the "reverse-Rankine" cycle, also known as
'vapor-compression'. With evaporative cooling heat rejection, their coefficients-of-performance
(COPs) are very high; typically 4.0 or more.

In recent years, application of Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology has increased efficiencies
of vapor compression chillers. The first VSD was applied to centrifugal compressor chillers in
the late 1970s and has become the norm as the cost of energy has increased. Now, VSDs are
being applied to rotary screw and scroll technology compressors.

[edit] How adsorption technology works

Adsorption chillers are driven by hot water. This hot water may come from any number of
industrial sources including waste heat from industrial processes, prime heat from solar thermal
installations or from the exhaust or water jacket heat of a piston engine or turbine.

The principle of adsorption is based on the interaction of gases and solids. With adsorption
chilling, the molecular interaction between the solid and the gas allows the gas to be adsorbed
into the solid. The adsorption chamber of the chiller is filled with solid material, silica gel,
eliminating the need for moving parts and eliminating the noise associated with those moving
parts. The silica gel creates an extremely low humidity condition that causes the water refrigerant
to evaporate at a low temperature. As the water evaporates in the evaporator, it cools the chilled
The use of silica gel desiccant keeps the maintenance costs and operating costs of adsorption
chillers low.

[edit] How absorption technology works

Absorption chillers' thermodynamic cycle are driven by heat source; this heat is usually delivered
to the chiller via steam, hot water, or combustion. Compared to electrically powered chillers,
they have very low electrical power requirements - very rarely above 15 kW combined
consumption for both the solution pump and the refrigerant pump. However, their heat input
requirements are large, and their COPs are often 0.5 (single-effect) to 1.0 (double-effect). For the
same tonnage capacity, they require much larger cooling towers than vapor-compression chillers.
However, absorption chillers, from an energy-efficiency point-of-view, excel where cheap, high
grade heat or waste heat is readily available. In extremely sunny climates, solar energy has been
used to operate absorption chillers.

The single effect of water-cooled machines and instruments. The water flows from the chiller to
the application's point of use and back.

If the water temperature differe in the tank.

One of the newer developments in industrial water chillers is the use of water cooling instead of
air cooling. In this case the condenser does not cool the hot refrigerant with ambient air, but uses
water cooled by a cooling tower. This development allows a reduction in energy requirements by
more than 15% and also allows a significant reduction in the size of the chiller due to the small
surface area of the water based condenser and the absence of fans. Additionally, the absence of
fans allows for significantly reduced noise levels.

Most industrial chillers use refrigeration as the media for cooling, but some rely on simpler
techniques such as air or water flowing over coils containing the coolant to regulate temperature.
Water is the most commonly used coolant within process chillers, although coolant mixtures
(mostly water with a coolant additive to enhance heat dissipation) are frequently employed.

[edit] Industrial chiller selection

Important specifications to consider when searching for industrial chillers include the total life
cycle cost, the power source, chiller IP rating, chiller cooling capacity, evaporator capacity,
evaporator material, evaporator type, condenser material, condenser capacity, ambient
temperature, motor fan type, noise level, internal piping materials, number of compressors, type
of compressor, number of fridge circuits, coolant requirements, fluid discharge temperature, and
COP (the ratio between the cooling capacity in RT to the energy consumed by the whole chiller
in KW). For medium to large chillers this should range from 3.5-7.0 with higher values meaning
higher efficiency. Chiller efficiency is often specified in kilowatts per refrigeration ton (kW/RT).

Process pump specifications that are important to consider include the process flow, process
pressure, pump material, elastomer and mechanical shaft seal material, motor voltage, motor
electrical class, motor IP rating and pump rating. If the cold water temperature is lower than
−5°C, then a special pump needs to be used to be able to pump the high concentrations of
ethylene glycol. Other important specifications include the internal water tank size and materials
and full load current.

Control panel features that should be considered when selecting between industrial chillers
include the local control panel, remote control panel, fault indicators, temperature indicators, and
pressure indicators.

Additional features include emergency alarms, hot gas bypass, city water switchover, and casters

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