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1 Donald R. Holben, Esq.

(SBN 108401)
Nia K. Perkins, Esq. (SBN 323892)
5030 Camino de la Siesta, Suite 350
3 San Diego, CA 92108
Telephone: (619) 220-5555
4 Facsimile: (619) 220-0033
Email: [email protected]
Attorneys for Plaintiff,



12 Plaintiffs, DAMAGES:

13 v. 1. Discrimination Based on
Race/National Origin, Disability, and
14 BELL HELICOPTER TEXTRON, INC., a Gender (Gov’t Code §§ 12940 et
Delaware corporation; TOBIAS HANKINS,
an individual; and DOES 1-25, inclusive, seq.);
15 2. Harassment Based on Race/National
16 Defendants. Origin, Disability, and Gender
(Gov’t Code §§ 12940 et seq.);
17 3. Failure to Prevent Discrimination
and Harassment (Gov’t Code §
18 12940(k));
4. Retaliation in Violation of
Government Code § 12940(h);
20 5. Whistleblower Retaliation in
Violation of Labor Code §1102.5;
21 6. Hostile Work Environment; and
7. Constructive Termination
22 8. Violation of Labor Code §1101 and



26 (hereinafter “Plaintiff”), alleges the following causes of action against Defendants, BELL
27 HELICOPTER TEXTRON, INC. (hereinafter “Bell”) and TOBIAS HANKINS (hereinafter
28 “Hankins”), demands a jury trial, and seeks monetary compensation as alleged herein.
1 I.


3 By way of this action, Plaintiff is seeking to recover damages for the following: (1)

4 unlawful discrimination based on race/national origin, disability, and gender; (2) harassment

5 based on race/national origin, disability, and gender; (3) retaliation in violation of Government

6 Code Section 12940, et seq; (4) hostile work environment; (5) failure to prevent discrimination

7 and harassment; (6) constructive termination; and (7) violation of Labor Code Sections 1101 and

8 1102.

9 II.


11 1. Plaintiff is an individual who, at all times relevant to this matter did reside in, the

12 County of San Diego, in the State of California.

13 2. Plaintiff is informed and believes and based upon such information and belief

14 alleges that Defendant Hankins is an individual who, at all times relevant herein, resided in

15 and/or conducted business in the County of San Diego, State of California.

16 3. Plaintiff is informed and believes and based upon such information and belief

17 alleges that Defendant Bell is a Delaware corporation authorized to conduct business in the State

18 of California and that, at all times relevant herein, did conduct business within the County of San

19 Diego, State of California. Defendant Bell was at all times relevant herein Plaintiff’s employer.

20 4. The true names and capacities, whether individual, corporate, representative, or

21 otherwise, of DOES 1 through 25, inclusive, are unknown to Plaintiff, who therefore sues them

22 by such fictitious names. Plaintiff will seek leave to amend this Complaint to show the true

23 names and capacities of said Defendants when they are ascertained.

24 5. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereupon alleges, that each of the

25 Defendants named as a DOE, along with the named Defendant, is responsible in some manner

26 for the occurrences herein alleged, and that Plaintiff’s injuries herein alleged were legally or

27 proximately caused by said Defendants. Wherever it is alleged that any act or omission was or

28 was also done or committed by any specifically named Defendant, or by Defendants generally,

1 Plaintiff intends thereby to allege, and does allege, that the same act or omission was also done

2 and committed by each and every Defendant named as a DOE, and Defendant, both separately

3 and in concert or conspiracy with the named Defendants.

4 6. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that each Defendant herein

5 was an agent, employee, or representative of the remaining Defendants, and that each Defendant

6 was acting within the scope, course, and authority of that relationship, within the County of San

7 Diego, State of California.

8 III.


10 7. The Court has jurisdiction over this action because the amount in controversy,

11 exclusive of costs and interest, exceeds the sum of $25,000.00. Venue is proper in this judicial

12 district, pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure § 395(a). At all times relevant herein

13 Defendants either transacted business in the County of San Diego or resided therein, and are

14 within the jurisdiction of this Court for purposes of service of process.

15 8. At all times relevant herein, Defendant regularly employed five (5) or more

16 persons, bringing it within the provisions of California Government Code, Section 12900 et seq.,

17 which prohibits employers or their agents from discriminating against an individual on the basis

18 of his or her race, national origin, disability, and age, among other characteristics.

19 IV.


21 9. Prior to the filing of this action, Plaintiff filed a complaint with the California

22 Department of Fair Employment and Housing and obtained a right to sue notice from said

23 agency, which was issued on or about February 19, 2020.

24 V.


26 10. Plaintiff, Tywysog Llywelyn Jones Cymru, who is of Welsh descent, began

27 working as a Field Service Representative for Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. on or about June 14,

28 2010.

1 11. In or about May 2016, an international tribunal sitting in Tokyo, Japan recognized

2 Plaintiff’s “Welsh native incorporeal hereditaments” which, in essence, recognized him as “His

3 Royal Highness Prince Llywelyn, the lawful King of Britons.” In holding this title, Plaintiff

4 administers the affairs of the exiled Welsh government.

5 12. Plaintiff thereafter petitioned a California Court to legally change his name so that

6 it too accurately recognizes his title (i.e. Tywysog Llywelyn Jones Cymru); with his petition

7 being granted on or about March 6, 2017.

8 13. During the course of Plaintiff’s employment with Defendant Bell, Plaintiff

9 received positive customer feedback regarding his performance. Plaintiff’s performance

10 evaluations were for the most part positive, and he was named employee of the quarter for the

11 entire company for FY2016 Q1.

12 14. Plaintiff’s career path was derailed after he formally complained of being

13 sexually harassed by one of his supervisors, Shawn Shea. Shawn Shea had repeatedly conveyed

14 his dislike for Plaintiff.

15 15. Mr. Shea was observed on multiple occasions watching Plaintiff as he showered

16 in the bathroom at his worksite after returning from the gym. After reporting Mr. Shea’s conduct

17 to Defendant Bell’s Human Resources department, Plaintiff was advised that the conduct was not

18 unlawful sexual harassment because the conduct was “male on male.” Bell Human Resources

19 told Plaintiff that Mr. Shea was “just trying to make sure that [Plaintiff] made it back from [his]

20 lunch breaks on time.”

21 16. Human Resources advised Mr. Shea of the complaint Plaintiff made against him.

22 Subsequently, Plaintiff was effectively ostracized by the entire office.

23 17. In another incident which occurred in or about July 2016, Mr. Shea flew from

24 California to Okinawa, Japan, where Plaintiff was stationed, to give performance reviews to both

25 Plaintiff and a co-worker. During the performance review dinner, Mr. Shea relayed a story about

26 himself and a friend “sharing a Filipino prostitute.” Mr. Shea detailed the incident by describing

27 how he sat in a chair while his friend received oral sex near the end of the bed. Mr. Shea told

28 Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s coworker he “could see her brown hand come up between his legs and

1 grab his perfect white ass while performing oral sex” In response, Plaintiff’s co-worker sent

2 Plaintiff a text message while they were all seated at the table, expressing how uncomfortable he

3 was.

4 18. In another incident that occurred in or about July of 2017, Mr. Shea again flew to

5 Okinawa to give Plaintiff and his co-worker their annual reviews. During a lunch meeting, Mr.

6 Shea reached across the table and showed them a photo of him laying on a bed with his bare

7 buttocks exposed and asked them, “What do you think about this?”

8 19. Plaintiff is informed and believes and upon such information and belief alleges

9 that on or about October 12, 2017, Plaintiff’s co-worker was informed by one of Defendant Bell’s

10 customers that Mr. Shea had shared that same photo with members of the United States Marine

11 Corps.

12 20. On or about November 1, 2017, Plaintiff again reported Mr. Shea’s conduct to

13 Human Resources, along with a copy of the nude photograph of Mr. Shea. Ultimately, Mr. Shea

14 was terminated from his position in or about January 2018.

15 21. In addition to the instances of unlawful sexual harassment, Plaintiff was harassed

16 and discriminated against based upon his heritage and national origin. Specifically, in or about

17 March 11, 2017, Mr. Shea sent Plaintiff an email in which he expressed concern for Plaintiff’s

18 security clearance after reading an article about the inheritance of his “incorporeal

19 hereditaments.”

20 22. On or about March 16, 2017, Plaintiff received an email from Defendant Bell’s

21 Security Manager who advised Plaintiff that his then recent name change could have an adverse

22 effect on his security clearance. After forwarding evidence of Plaintiff’s official name change to

23 the FBI, the FBI determined that the name change would not impact Plaintiff’s security clearance.

24 23. In February of 2018, Plaintiff was scheduled to return to the United States to work

25 at his original job site in Miramar, San Diego. On or about February 9, 2018, Mr. Shea’s best

26 friend and replacement, Defendant Hankins, sent Plaintiff an email in which he advised Plaintiff

27 that he would no longer be working at the Miramar site upon his return to San Diego because he

28 was being reassigned to a position at Camp Pendleton. Plaintiff is informed and believes that the

1 reassignment was made in retaliation for his reporting of Mr. Shea’s unlawful conduct which,

2 ultimately, cost Mr. Shea his job. Furthermore, the reassignment violated the express terms of

3 Plaintiff’s contract with Defendant Bell which provided that he would be allowed to return to his

4 original job site upon his return from his international assignment in Okinawa, Japan.

5 24. During this time, Plaintiff continued with his administrative duties for Wales. In

6 or about February or March 2018 , while Plaintiff was on leave recovering from knee surgery,

7 Defendant Hankins sent Plaintiff a text message in which he stated that the company would like

8 to help him with his work for Wales and, to that end, offered him a position in England so that

9 he could be closer to Wales. Defendant Hankins further advised Plaintiff that the company was

10 willing to move hm directly to England ahead of his then scheduled repatriation date of October

11 1, 2018. However, Plaintiff rejected the offer because he would not have felt safe working for a

12 prolonged amount of time in England given the then-current political climate existing between

13 Wales and England.

14 25. On March 30, 2018, while Plaintiff vacationed Wales, Plaintiff participated in a

15 diplomatic protest of the unlawful annexation of Wales.

16 26. While in Wales, Plaintiff received a text message and an email from Defendant

17 Hankins, stating that someone from Fort Worth had advised him that Plaintiff had been arrested

18 in Wales. In response, Plaintiff stated that he had not been arrested and demanded to know who

19 was spreading the false information. In response, Mr. Hankins refused to tell him who was

20 spreading the false information other than saying that it was “management.” Mr. Hankins

21 thereafter sent Plaintiff an urgent demand in which he insisted Plaintiff convey his whereabouts

22 and location.

23 27. On May 1, 2018, Plaintiff’s manager, Mike Sheerin, sent Plaintiff a message

24 requesting Plaintiff call him. When Plaintiff called in at the agreed-upon time, Mr. Sheerin

25 advised him that his Human Resources partner was listening in on the phone call. During the

26 conversation, Mike Sheerin and his Human Resources partner instructed Plaintiff to either

27 voluntarily terminate his employment with Bell or immediately cease the political work that he

28 had been doing for Wales.

1 28. Plaintiff asked Mr. Sheerin, “What does ceasing and desisting my political work

2 for Wales look like?” In response, Mr. Sheerin told Plaintiff he was required to remove all social

3 media posts regarding the political movement and cease engaging in any political demonstrations

4 in Wales. Mr. Sheerin further instructed Plaintiff remove all of his personal social media that

5 reflected Plaintiff’s name, including but not limited to Plaintiff’s Instagram, Facebook profile,

6 and Twitter. Mr. Sheerin stated that Plaintiff must choose a priority- his job or his political efforts

7 for Wales.

8 29. Plaintiff asked if he could speak to an attorney prior to making his decision. Bell

9 gave Plaintiff twenty-four hours. On or about May 4, 2018, Plaintiff sent an email to Mr. Sheerin

10 in which he provided a recap of their conversation. Mr. Sheerin responded to Plaintiff’s email by

11 noting his disagreement with “the intent and spirit of the phone call.”

12 30. On or about July 5, 2018, some seven months after Mr. Shea was terminated from

13 his position, Mr. Shea sent Plaintiff a Facebook message stating he was aware that it was Plaintiff

14 and on of Plaintiff’s co-workers that reported him for sexual harassment. Mr. Shea then stated

15 that “what comes around goes around.”

16 31. On or about July 9, 2018, Plaintiff reported the sexual harassment as alleged

17 herein to the DFEH.

18 32. On September 24, 2018, Dr. MacHue, who worked at the Camp Foster Family

19 Medicine Clinic in Okinawa, Japan, recommended Plaintiff for FMLA leave as a result of the

20 workplace stress and hostile work environment to which had been subjected during the course of

21 his employment with Defendant Bell.

22 33. On September 25, 2018, just one day after being recommended for FMLA leave,

23 Mr. Anthony Caldwell from Defendant Bell’s IT Department advised Plaintiff that his computer

24 lost its trust relationship with the Bell network which effectively prevented Plaintiff from

25 accessing the engineering sites and performing one or more of his essential job functions.

26 Plaintiff thereafter repatriated to the United States on or about October 1, 2018.

27 34. On February 15, 2019, Defendant Hankins called Plaintiff and asked him to meet

28 at a location on Camp Pendleton so that they could speak in person. During the course of that

1 meeting, Defendant Hankins presented Plaintiff with a “Final Written Warning” which stated

2 that a customer had complained about his 2018 performance and that, while acknowledging his

3 period of FMLA leave, his “availability and dependability” were questionable.

4 35. Starting February 19, 2019, and continuing through February 26, 2019, Plaintiff

5 emailed the site lead at Okinawa, Darrell Stanley, regarding Plaintiff’s 2018 performance

6 evaluation. In response, Mr. Stanley stated, “the final written warning was overly harsh. I cannot

7 reconcile the statements in the warning with what I provided in the review. I am sorry if I

8 provided ammunition against you for this. That was not my intent. Performance reviews are

9 meant to provide both pros and cons of the employee, but I do not agree with a review being used

10 for the purpose of threatening termination. They are supposed to be used as a yardstick to measure

11 employees in order to rank them, and also provide feedback to the employee to let them know

12 where they need improvement. Just a personal observation about this warning. It sounds like

13 someone has made their mind up that you should go, and this is the official way to set that up.

14 My suggestion is to outperform their expectations while you look for other career opportunities

15 within the company that have a different management chain.” Ultimately, in late February 2019,

16 Plaintiff received a negative performance review for 2018 which was essentially a verbatim

17 recitation of the purported deficiencies that were noted in the final written warning.

18 36. On or about April 11, 2019, Plaintiff received an email from Defendant Hankins

19 in which he advised Plaintiff that he would once again be sent on an international deployment

20 commencing in November 2019 notwithstanding the fact that he had just completed an overseas

21 deployment. Plaintiff is informed and believes and upon such information and belief alleges that

22 the redeployment orders were retaliatory for his having complained about Mr. Shea’s unlawful

23 sexual harassment and for his refusal to cease all of his Welsh activities. Ultimately, the unlawful

24 discriminatory, harassing, and retaliatory conduct to which he was exposed during the course of

25 his employment with Bell created a hostile working environment that any reasonable person in

26 Plaintiff’s position would have found to be intolerable. As a result of that environment, Plaintiff

27 was forced to tender his resignation as he was constructively terminated from his position with

28 Defendant Bell.

1 VI.



Discrimination Based On Race/National Origin and Gender Pursuant to Gov’t Code
4 §12940 et seq.
5 (Against Defendants Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. and DOES 1 through 25)
6 37. Plaintiff incorporates and re-alleges by reference all previous paragraphs, and
7 each and every part thereof, of this Complaint, with the same force and effect as though fully set
8 forth herein.
9 38. At all times herein mentioned, California Government Code sections 12940, et
10 seq. (the “FEHA”) were in full force and effect and were binding on Defendant Bell Helicopter
11 Textron, Inc. These sections mandate that Defendant Bell, as an employer within the meaning of
12 the FEHA, refrain from discriminating against any employee on the basis of, among others,
13 race/national origin, gender, and disability. Due to Defendant Bell’s unlawful treatment of
14 Plaintiff as alleged herein, Plaintiff alleges that he was unlawfully discriminated against based
15 on his race/national origin, gender, and disability, all in violation of California Government Code
16 sections 12940, et seq.
17 39. Plaintiff was discriminated against based on his gender when Defendant Bell
18 subjected Plaintiff to explicit and inappropriate comments to him of a sexual nature. An
19 employee or agent of Defendant Bell watched Plaintiff while he showered and showed him
20 inappropriate photographs involving nudity. All of such conduct was unwarranted and
21 unwelcome by Plaintiff.
22 40. Plaintiff was also discriminated against based upon his nation origin of Welsh
23 descent. Plaintiff F is informed and believes and upon such information and belief alleges
24 Defendant Bell expected Plaintiff’s subsequent name change to result in the revocation of his
25 security clearance. When the FBI determined that Plaintiff’s clearance would not be impacted
26 by his name change, Defendant Bell sought to force Plaintiff out of his position by change his
27 situs, sending Plaintiff on numerous overseas deployments, and giving Plaintiff negative
28 performance reviews.
1 41. As a direct, proximate, and legal result of Bell’s willful, knowing, and intentional

2 discrimination against Plaintiff in the workplace, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer

3 pain, humiliation, stress, anxiety, and emotional distress, all of which are not currently

4 ascertained, but which will be proven at trial. Plaintiff was further prevented from performing

5 the work required of him in his position, thereby causing him loss and damage to his professional

6 reputation and to the opportunity to advance in his career with Defendant Bell.

7 42. As a further direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendant Bell’s willful,

8 knowing, and intentional discrimination against Plaintiff, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue

9 to suffer a loss of earnings and other employment benefits and job opportunities in an amount

10 not currently ascertained, but which will be proven at trial. Plaintiff is, therefore, entitled to

11 general and compensatory damages in an amount to be proven at the time of trial.

12 43. As a further direct, proximate, and legal result of Bell’s violation of the FEHA,

13 as hereinabove alleged, Plaintiff has been compelled to retain the services of counsel in an effort

14 to enforce the terms and conditions of the employment relationship with Bell, and to redress its

15 violation of the FEHA, and has, thereby, incurred and will continue to incur legal fees and costs,

16 the full nature and extent of which are presently unknown to Plaintiff but which are recoverable

17 at trial.

18 44. Defendants, and each of them, committed the acts alleged herein maliciously,

19 fraudulently, and oppressively, with the wrongful intention of injuring Plaintiff, from an

20 improper and evil motive amounting to malice, and in conscious disregard of Plaintiff’s rights.

21 Plaintiff is thus entitled to recover punitive damages from Defendants, and each of them, in an

22 amount according to proof at trial.


Harassment Based On Race/National Origin And Gender Pursuant to Gov’t Code §
24 12940 et seq.
25 (Against All Defendants)
26 45. Plaintiff incorporates and re-alleges by reference all previous paragraphs, and
27 each and every part thereof, of this Complaint, with the same force and effect as though fully set
28 forth herein.
1 46. At all times herein mentioned, California Government Code sections 12940, et

2 seq. (the “FEHA”) were in full force and effect, and were binding on Defendants. These

3 sections prohibit Defendants from harassing any employee on the basis of, among others, his or

4 her race/national origin, disability, or gender. Due to Defendants’ treatment of Plaintiff as

5 alleged herein, Plaintiff alleges that he was unlawfully harassed based on his race/national

6 origin and gender, all in violation of California Government Code sections 12940, et seq.

7 47. As a direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendants’ willful, knowing, and

8 intentional harassment of Plaintiff in the workplace, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to

9 suffer pain, humiliation, stress, anxiety, and emotional distress, all of which are not currently

10 ascertained, but which will be proven at trial. The unlawful conduct to which Plaintiff has been

11 subjected materially interfered with his ability to perform one or more of his essential job

12 functions, thereby causing him loss and damage to his professional reputation and to the

13 opportunity to advance in his career with Defendant Bell.

14 48. As a further direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendants’ willful, knowing,

15 and intentional harassment of Plaintiff, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer a loss

16 of earnings and other employment benefits and job opportunities in an amount not currently

17 ascertained, but which will be proven at trial. Plaintiff is, therefore, entitled to general and

18 compensatory damages in an amount to be proven at the time of trial.

19 49. As a further direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendants’ FEHA violations

20 as alleged herein, Plaintiff has been compelled to retain the services of counsel in an effort to

21 enforce the terms and conditions of the employment relationship with Defendants and to redress

22 their FEHA violations and has, thereby, incurred and will continue to incur legal fees and costs,

23 the full nature and extent of which are presently unknown to Plaintiff and which are recoverable

24 at trial.

25 50. Defendants, and each of them, committed the acts alleged herein maliciously,

26 fraudulently, and oppressively, with the wrongful intention of injuring Plaintiff, from an

27 improper and evil motive amounting to malice, and in conscious disregard of Plaintiff’s rights.


1 Plaintiff is thus entitled to recover punitive damages from Defendants, and each of them, in an

2 amount according to proof.


4 Failure to Prevent Discrimination and Harassment

5 (Against Defendants Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. and DOES 1 through 25)

6 51. Plaintiff incorporates and re-alleges by reference all previous paragraphs, and each

7 and every part thereof, of this Complaint, with the same force and effect as though fully set forth

8 herein.

9 52. Defendants and each of them knew, or should have known, that Plaintiff was

10 being subjected to a work environment in which his race/national origin and gender were

11 substantial factors in his being subjected to a severe and pervasive pattern of discriminatory,

12 harassing, and retaliatory conduct as well as adverse employment actions being taken against

13 him.

14 53. Defendants and each of them knew, or should have known, of the unlawful

15 conduct to which Plaintiff was being subjected because he made numerous complaints to that

16 effect, and no action was taken to prevent the unlawful conduct from continuing. The actions

17 and failures to act as alleged herein constitute a failure to take all reasonable steps to prevent

18 discrimination from occurring, in violation of California Government Code, Section 12940(k).

19 54. As a direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendants’ willful, knowing, and

20 intentional discrimination and harassment against Plaintiff in the workplace, and its failure to

21 prevent same, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer pain, humiliation, stress, anxiety,

22 and emotional distress, all of which are not currently ascertained, but which will be proven at

23 trial. The unlawful conduct to which Plaintiff has been subjected materially interfered with his

24 ability to perform one or more of his essential job functions, thereby causing him loss and

25 damage to his professional reputation and to the opportunity to advance in his career with Bell.

26 55. As a further direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendants’ unlawful conduct

27 as alleged herein, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue to suffer a loss of earnings and other

28 employment benefits and job opportunities in an amount not currently ascertained, but which

1 will be proven at trial. Plaintiff is, therefore, entitled to general and compensatory damages in

2 an amount to be proven at the time of trial.

3 56. As a further direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendants FEHA violations

4 as alleged herein, Plaintiff has been compelled to retain the services of counsel in an effort to

5 enforce the terms and conditions of the employment relationship with Defendants, and to

6 redress its violation of the FEHA and has, thereby, incurred and will continue to incur legal fees

7 and costs, the full nature and extent of which are presently unknown to Plaintiff, but which are

8 recoverable at trial.


10 Retaliation in Violation of Gov’t Code § 12940(h)

11 (Against Defendants Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. and DOES 1 through 25)

12 57. Plaintiff incorporates and re-alleges by reference all previous paragraphs, and each

13 and every part thereof, of this Complaint, with the same force and effect as though fully set forth

14 herein.

15 58. At all times herein mentioned, Plaintiff was engaged in protected activities in

16 reporting and complaining about conduct by, among others, his former supervisor and Defendant

17 Hankins, that he believed was unethical, illegal, and discriminatory under the laws of the State of

18 California, to responsible agents and employees of Defendant Bell.

19 59. As a direct, proximate, and legal result of Plaintiff’s having engaged in protected

20 activities as alleged herein, Defendant Bell took adverse employment actions against him as

21 herein alleged.

22 60. Plaintiff is informed and believes and upon such information and belief alleges

23 that, given the close proximity in time between Plaintiff’s having engaged in the protected

24 activities as alleged herein and the adverse employment actions that were taken against him, a

25 legal nexus and causal link exists between those protected actions and the adverse employment

26 actions taken against his by Defendants as alleged herein.

27 61. As a direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendant’s willful, knowing, and

28 intentional retaliation against Plaintiff in the workplace, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue

1 to suffer pain, humiliation, stress, anxiety, and emotional distress, all of which are not currently

2 ascertained, but which will be proven at trial. Plaintiff was further prevented from performing

3 one or more of his essential job functions, thereby causing him loss and damage to his professional

4 reputation and opportunity to advance in his career with Bell.

5 62. As a further direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendant’s willful, knowing,

6 and intentional discrimination/retaliation against Plaintiff, Plaintiff has suffered and will continue

7 to suffer a loss of earnings and other employment benefits and job opportunities in an amount not

8 currently ascertained, but which will be proven at trial. Plaintiff is, therefore, entitled to general

9 and compensatory damages in an amount to be proven at the time of trial.

10 63. As a further direct, proximate, and legal result of Defendants’ violation of the

11 FEHA as alleged herein, Plaintiff has been compelled to retain the services of counsel in an effort

12 to enforce the terms and conditions of the employment relationship with Defendant Bell and to

13 redress its violation of the FEHA and has, thereby, incurred and will continue to incur legal fees

14 and costs, the full nature and extent of which are presently unknown to Plaintiff but which are

15 recoverable at trial.

16 64. Defendants committed the acts alleged herein maliciously, fraudulently, and

17 oppressively, with the wrongful intention of injuring Plaintiff, from an improper and evil motive

18 amounting to malice, and in conscious disregard of Plaintiff’s rights. Plaintiff is thus entitled

19 to recover punitive damages from Defendants, and each of them, in an amount according to

20 proof.


22 Whistleblower Retaliation in Violation of Labor Code Section 1102.5

23 (As Against Defendants Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. and DOES 1 through 25)

24 65. Plaintiff incorporates and re-alleges by reference all previous paragraphs, and each

25 and every part thereof, of this Complaint, with the same force and effect as though fully set forth

26 herein.

27 66. Subsection (b) of Labor Code Section 1102.5 prohibits retaliation by an employer

28 against an employee who discloses information about a violation of state or federal statute; and/or

1 refuses to participate in an activity that would result in violation of a state or federal statute, or a

2 violation of or noncompliance with a local, state, or federal rule or regulation; subsection (c)

3 prohibits retaliation against an employee for refusing to participate in an activity that would result

4 in a violation of state or federal statute, or a violation of or noncompliance with local, state, or

5 federal rule or regulation. The California Legislature enacted Labor Code § 1102.5 (b) and (c)

6 with the express intent “to protect employees who refuse to act at the direction of their employer

7 or refuse to participate in activities of an employer that would result in a violation of law.”

8 67. As more fully alleged herein, Plaintiff engaged in protected activities, and is

9 therefore protected by the mandates of Labor Code § 1102.5(b) and (c). Plaintiff disclosed

10 information to Defendants regarding what he believed to be violations of California Gov’t Code

11 § 12940(h) and federal employment laws. As a result, and shortly following his having engaged

12 in such protected activities, Plaintiff was subjected to adverse employment action(s) in violation

13 of Labor Code Section 1102.5.

14 68. After making his complaints, Defendants retaliated against Plaintiff by engaging

15 in the conduct alleged herein. To the extent that one or more individuals participated in such

16 conduct, that conduct is imputed to Defendant Bell as those individuals were agents of Defendant

17 who had supervisory responsibilities over Plaintiff.

18 69. At all relevant times, Plaintiff reasonably believed that he was complaining about

19 unlawful discrimination based on his status as herein alleged as well as illegal acts and/or

20 omissions which Plaintiff reasonably believed to be unlawful, unethical, and/or against Bell

21 Helicopter Textron Inc.’s established or purported policies.

22 70. DEFENDANTS’ conduct constituted unlawful retaliation in employment based

23 upon Plaintiff’s having engaged in the protected activities as alleged herein, in violation of Labor

24 Code section 1102.5, et seq.

25 71. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ unlawful retaliatory conduct as

26 alleged herein, Plaintiff has suffered, and continues to suffer, substantial losses in earnings, future

27 earnings, bonuses, retirement, deferred compensation, and other employment benefits, in an

28 amount to be proven at trial. Plaintiff has also suffered, and continues to suffer, emotional

1 distress, including: mental anguish, outrage, frustration, severe anxiety about his future, harm to

2 employability, damage to his reputation, embarrassment, and disruption of his personal life.

3 Plaintiff is thus entitled to receive compensatory damages for these losses, and hereby demands

4 an award of compensatory damages against Defendants in an amount according to proof at trial.

5 72. As a result of Defendants’ wrongful and unlawful retaliatory actions against

6 Plaintiff, Plaintiff has incurred, and continues to incur, attorneys’ fees and legal expenses, and

7 hereby requests recovery of their attorneys’ fees and costs of suit in an amount according to proof

8 at trial.

9 73. Defendants committed the acts alleged herein maliciously, fraudulently and

10 oppressively, with a wrongful intent to harm Plaintiff, with an evil motive amounting to malice,

11 and with a conscious disregard for Plaintiff’s right to be free from unlawful

12 harassment/retaliation. Plaintiff is entitled to receive, and hereby demands, an award of punitive

13 damages from these Defendants in an amount according to proof at trial.


15 Hostile Work Environment

16 (As Against Defendants Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. and DOES 1 through 25)

17 74. Plaintiff incorporates and re-alleges by reference all previous paragraphs, and each

18 and every part thereof, of this Complaint, with the same force and effect as though fully set forth

19 herein.

20 75. Plaintiff was at all relevant times herein employed by Defendant Bell. As alleged

21 above, Defendants, and each of them, and their respective employees, subjected Plaintiff to a

22 continuous, pervasive and severe pattern of unwanted harassing conduct based upon Plaintiff’s

23 race/national origin, disability, and gender.

24 76. The unwanted harassing and discriminatory conduct as alleged herein

25 commenced in approximately 2016 and continued unabated through the date of Plaintiff’s

26 separation from his employment with Defendant Bell herein.



1 77. The nature of the discriminatory and harassing conduct was of such severity and

2 pervasiveness that a reasonable person in Plaintiff’s circumstances would have considered the

3 work environment to be hostile or abusive.

4 78. Plaintiff considered the work environment to be both hostile and abusive and

5 made complaints to that effect to his direct supervisors at Bell. Rather than taking appropriate

6 action, Defendant Bell sanctioned the unlawful conduct based upon PLAINTIFF’S membership

7 in one or more protected classes.

8 79. Plaintiff is informed and believes and upon such information and belief alleges

9 that the conduct complained of herein was carried out at the direction of Defendant Hankins and

10 others in their respective capacities as employees with supervisory authority over Plaintiff.

11 Defendant Bell knew, or should have known, of the unlawful conduct and failed to take

12 immediate and appropriate corrective action to prevent the conduct from occurring.

13 80. As a direct result of Defendant Bell’s willful, knowing, intentional, severe and

14 pervasive failure to prevent the hostile and abusive work environment as described herein,

15 Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer substantial losses in earnings and other employment

16 benefits.

17 81. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant Bell’s willful, knowing and

18 intentional violation and failure to prevent the hostile and abusive work environment as alleged

19 herein, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages including, but not limited to,

20 humiliation, emotional distress, mental and physical illness, pain and anguish, all to his damage

21 in a sum according to proof.

22 82. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur legal expenses and attorneys’ fees

23 which are recoverable at trial. Plaintiff is presently unaware of the precise amount of these

24 expenses and fees and prays leave of court to amend this complaint when those amounts are more

25 fully known.

26 ///

27 ///

28 ///


2 Constructive Termination

3 (As Against Defendants Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. and DOES 1 through 25)

4 83. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference all previous allegations in this

5 Complaint as though fully set forth herein.

6 84. Defendant Bell, acting by and through, among others, Defendant Hankins in his

7 capacity as one of Plaintiff’s direct supervisors, intentionally created or knowingly permitted

8 working conditions to exist that were so intolerable that a reasonable person in Plaintiff’s

9 position would have had no reasonable alternative except to resign his/her position.

10 85. As a direct and proximate result of the working conditions that existed at

11 Defendant Bell during the course of Plaintiff’s employment as alleged herein, Plaintiff was left

12 with no alternative but to resign from his position because of those intolerable working

13 conditions.

14 86. As a direct result of Defendant Bell’s willful, knowing, intentional, severe, and

15 pervasive failure to prevent the hostile and abusive work environment, Plaintiff has sustained

16 and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings and other employment benefits.

17 87. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant Bell’s willful, knowing and

18 intentional failure to prevent the hostile and abusive work environment as alleged herein,

19 Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages including, but not limited to, humiliation,

20 emotional distress, mental and physical illness, pain and anguish, all in a sum to be proven at

21 trial.

22 88. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur legal expenses and attorneys’ fees

23 which are recoverable at trial. Plaintiff is presently unaware of the precise amount of these

24 expenses and fees and prays leave of court to amend this complaint when those amounts are

25 more fully known

26 ///

27 ///

28 ///


2 Violation of Labor Code § § 1101 and 1102

3 (As Against Defendants Bell Helicopter Textron Inc. and DOES 1 through 25)

4 89. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference all previous allegations in this

5 Complaint as though fully set forth herein.

6 90. Labor Code § 1101 provides; “No employer shall make, adopt or enforce any

7 rule, regulation or policy: (a) Forbidding or preventing employees from engaging or participating

8 in politics, or (b) Controlling or directing the political activities or affiliations of employees.”

9 91. Further, Labor Code § 1102 provides: “No employer shall coerce or influence

10 his employees through or by means of threat of discharge or loss of employment to adopt or

11 follow any line of political action or political activity.”

12 92. By requiring Plaintiff to cease his political work in Wales, forcing Plaintiff to

13 choose between his political efforts or his job, and forcing Plaintiff to remove all political

14 statements made on his personal social media, Defendants committed violations

15 of sections 1101 and 1102.

16 93. As a direct and proximate result of Defendant Bell’s willful, knowing and

17 intentional failure to prevent the hostile and abusive work environment as alleged herein,

18 Plaintiff has suffered and continues to suffer damages including, but not limited to, humiliation,

19 emotional distress, mental and physical illness, pain and anguish, all in a sum to be proven at

20 trial.

21 94. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur legal expenses and attorneys’ fees

22 which are recoverable at trial. Plaintiff is presently unaware of the precise amount of these

23 expenses and fees and prays leave of court to amend this complaint when those amounts are

24 more fully known

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1 VII.


3 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for Judgment against Defendants, and each of them, as

4 follows:

5 1. For general and special damages according to proof;

6 2. For compensatory damages according to proof;

7 3. For punitive damages as against permitted by law;

8 4. For prejudgment interest on such damages as may be authorized by law;

9 5. For reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in this action; and

10 6. For such other and further relief as the court deems just and proper.


12 Dated: January 15, 2021 DONALD R. HOLBEN & ASSOCIATES, APC


By: ____________________________________
15 Nia K. Perkins, Esq.
Attorney for Plaintiff,

PLAINTIFF hereby demands a trial by jury.


22 Dated: January 15, 2021 DONALD R. HOLBEN & ASSOCIATES, APC



25 By: ____________________________________
Nia K. Perkins, Esq.
26 Attorney for Plaintiff,


1 Tywysog Llywelyn Jones Cymru v. Bell Helicopter Textron. Inc.. et al
San Diego Superior Court Case No.: 37-2020-00040580-CU-OE-CTL

4 I am, and was at the time of service of the papers herein referred to, over the age of 18

5 years, and not a party to the action. I am employed in the County of San Diego, California, in

6 which county the within-mentioned service occurred. My mailing address is 5030 Camino de la

7 Siesta, Suite 350, San Diego, California 92108.

On January 15, 2021,1 served a true and correct copy of the following document(s):
I FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES: 1: Discrimination Based on Race/National
9 Origin, Disability, and Gender (Gov't Code §§ 12940 et seq.); 2. Harassment Based on
Race/National Origin, Disability, and Gender (Gov't Code §§ 12940 et seq.); 3. Failure to
Prevent Discrimination and Harassment (Gov't Code § 12940(k); 4) Retaliation in Violation of
11 Government Code § 12940 (h); 5. Whistleblower Retaliation in Violation of Labor Code §
1102.5; 6. Hostile Work Environment; and 7. Constructive Termination; 8. VioLation of Labor
12 Code § 1101 and 1103.

13 on the parties in this action addressed as follows:

14 Tracie Childs
Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart, P.C.
4370 La Jolla Village Drive, Suite 990
16 San Diego, CA 92122
T: 858-652-3100; F: 858-652-3101
17 Tracie.childs(
18 || """"—-"—————-—-
BY MAIL: I placed true copies of the above-referenced documents in sealed envelope(s))
addressed as indicated above with postage thereon fully prepaid. I am readily familiar with the)
firm's practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. It is deposited with the^
U.S. Postal Service on that same date of this Declaration, in the ordinary course of business.

21 || El BY E-MAIL OR ELECTRONIC TRANSMISSION: Based on a court order or an

agreement of the parties to accept service by e-mail or electronic transmission, I caused the
documents to be sent to the person(s) at the e-mail address listed above. I did not receive,
within a reasonable time after the transmission, any electronic message or other indication that
the transmission was unsuccessful.

24 I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the

25 foregoing is true and correct. Executed on January 15, 2021, at San Diego, California.


27 /1,^ ^
2g Martha Villavicenzlo


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