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Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2019-20 (CBCS Scheme)


Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Data Base Management System
TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Module – 1
Compare DBMS and early file systems bringing out the major advantages of the
(a) database approach. 6M

Q.1 With a neat block diagram, explain the architecture of a typical DBMS. (10 .Ylarks)
(b) 10M
Explain different types of user friendly interfaces and types of user who typically use
(c) each. 4M

Define the following with an example:
(a) (i) Weak entity type (ii) participation constraint 10M
Q2 (iii)cardinality ratio (iv) recursive relationship (v) specialization
Develop an ER diagram for keeping track of information about a company database
(b) 10M
taking into account atleast five entities.
Module – 2
(a) Define the following terms i) Key ii) Super key iii) Candidate key 5M
iv) Primary key v) Foreign key
(b) Consider the following COMPANY database 10M
Q.3 EMP(Name,SSN,Salary,SuperSSN,Gender,Dno)
Write the relational algebra queries for the following
(i)Retrieve the name, address, salary of employees who work for the Research
(ii) find the names of employees who work on all projects controlled by department
iii) Retrieve the SSN of all employees who either in department no :4 or directly
supervise an employee who work in department number :4
(iv) Retrieve the names of employees who have no dependents
(v) Retrieve each department number, the number of employees in the department and
their average salary.
Summarize the steps involved in converting the ER constructs to 5M
corresponding relational tables.
(a) Explain with example basic constraints that can be specified when a database table is 4M
(b) Write SQL syntax for the following with example: 6
Q.4 (ii) ALTER
(iii) UPDATE
Consider the following relation schema 10M
located_in (Cname, city)
Write the SQL queries for the following
i) Find the names of all persons who live in the city Bangalore.
ii) Retrieve the names of all person of "Infosys" whose salary is between Rs .50000
iii)Find the names of all persons who lives and work in the same city
iv)List the names of the people who work for “Tech M” along with the cities they live
v)Find the average salary of “Infosys” persons
Module – 3
Q.5 (a) Explain the following constructs used in SQL with example: 5M
(i)Nested queries ii)Aggregate functions iii) Triggers iv)Views and their updability v)
schema change statements
What is Dynamic SQL? How it is different from Embedded SQL 10M
(c) Consider the following COMPANY database( 10 marks) 5M
Write the SQL queries for the following
i) Retrieve the name of the employee who works with same department as ravi
ii)Retrieve the number of dependents for an employee “Ravi”
iii)Retrieve the name of the managers working in location “DELHI”who has no female
iv)List female employees from Dno=20 earning more than 50000
v)List “CSE” department details
(a) What is SQLJ? How it is different from JDBC. 4M
(b) Draw and explain 3-tier Architecture and technology relevant to each tier. Write the 6M
Q.6 advantages of 3- tier architecture.
(c) Write a short note on 10M
a)html forms b)Java scripts
c)CGI d)Application servers e)Servlets
Module – 4
(a) Explain insertion, deletion and modification anomalies. Why are they considered bad? 4M
Illustrate with example.
(b) Explain 1NF,2NF,3NF with example. 6M
Q.7 Consider the relation schema R(A,B,C,D,E,F) and the functional dependencies 10M
(c) A->B,C->DF,AC->E, D->F.What is the primary key of this relation R?What is its
highest normal form?Preserving the dependency,decompose R into third normal
(a) Define non-additive join property of a decomposition and write an algorithm for 5M
testing of non additive join property.
(b) Write the algorithm to find the minimal cover for a sets of FD’s 10M
Consider R={A,B,C,D,E,F} .FD’s {A->C,AC->D,E->AD,E->H} Find the irreducible
cover for this set of FD’s(minimal cover)
Given below are two sets of FD’s for a relation R(A,B,C,D,E).Are they equivalent? 5M
(c) F={A->C,AC->D,E->AD,E->H} and G={A->CD,E->AH}

Module – 5
(a) Briefly discuss on the two phase locking protocol used in concurrency control. How does 10M
it gurantees serializability.
Check whether given schedule is serializable or not using precedence graph. Explain 6M
Q.9 (b)
with algorithm.
S1:R1(X) R2(Z) R1(Z) R3(X) R3(Y) W1(X) W3(
Y) R2(Y) W2(Z) W2(Y)
(c) Explain Basic time stamping algorithm. 4M

(a) Explain multi version concurrency control protocols. 10M
(b) Write short notes on the following 10M
I. transaction rollback and cascading rollback.
II. transaction support in SQL
III. shadow paging
IV. NO-UNDO/REDO Recovery Based on Deferred Update
V. Recovery Techniques Based on Immediate Update

Table showing the Bloom’s Taxonomy Level, Course Outcome and Programme

Question Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Course Programme Outcome

attached Outcome
Q.1 (a) L2 CO1 PO1
(b) L2 CO1 PO1
(c) L2 CO1 PO1
Q.2 (a) L1 CO1 PO1
(b) L3 CO1 PO1
Q.3 (a) L1 CO1 PO1
(b) L3 CO1 PO1
(c) L2 CO1 PO1
Q.4 (a) L2 CO2 PO2,PO3
(b) L2 CO2 PO2,PO3
(c) L3 CO2 PO2,PO3
Q.5 (a) L2 CO2 PO2,PO3
(b) L2 CO2 PO2,PO3
(c) L3 CO2 PO2,PO3
Q.6 (a) L2 CO4 PO1,PO3
(b) L2 CO4 PO1,PO3
(c) L2 CO4 PO1,PO3
Q.7 (a) L2 CO3 PO2,PO3
(b) L2 CO3 PO2,PO3
(c) L3 CO3 PO2,PO3
Q.8 (a) L2 CO3 PO2,PO3
(b) L3 CO3 PO2,PO3
(c) L3 CO3 PO2,PO3
Q.9 (a) L2 CO3 PO1
(b) L3 CO3 PO1
(c) L2 CO3 PO1
Q.10 (a) L2 CO3 PO1
(b) L2 CO3 PO1

Lower order thinking skills

Bloom’s Remembering( Understanding Applying (Application):
Taxonomy knowledge):𝐿1 Comprehension): 𝐿2 𝐿3
Levels Higher order thinking skills
Analyzing (Analysis): 𝐿4 Valuating (Evaluation): 𝐿5 Creating (Synthesis): 𝐿6

Model Question Paper-1 with effect from 2018-19 (CBCS Scheme)


Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination

Database Management System
TIME: 03 Hours Max. Marks: 100

Note: 01. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing at least ONE question from each MODULE.

Module – 1 Marks

Q.1 (a) List and briefly explain the characteristics of Database Approach 8
Briefly explain the Following
(b) 2
i.Database ii. DBMS

(c) List and briefly explain the advantages of using DBMS Approach 10

Q.2 Briefly explain the following
(a) 2
i. Database Schema ii. Weak Entity Type
(b) With a neat diagram, explain the Three Schema Architecture 8

(c) Draw an ER Diagram for University Database by considering at least 5 entities 10

Module – 2 Marks
Q.3 (a) List & briefly explain the characteristics of Relations 8

(b) Briefly explain the following 2

i. Domain Constraints ii. Referential Integrity Constraints
By refereeing the following Database schema. 10
(c) Employee(Fname, Minit, Lname, SSN, Bdate, Address, Sex, Salary, Sup_SSN,Dno)
Department(Dname, Dnumber, Mgr_SSN, Mgr_Start_date)
Dept_Locations( Dnumber, Dlocation)
Project( Pname, Pnumber, Plocation, Dnum)
Works_On( Essn, Pno, Hours)
Dependent (Essn, Dependent_Name, Sex, Bdate, Relationship)
Write the relational algebra expressions for the following queries
(i) Retrieve all the employee names who are working for department number 5.
(ii) Retrieve all the projects which are controlled by department number 4.
(iii) Retrieve the names of employees who have no dependents.
(iv) Retrieve all the Employee Name who is working on all the projects in which John Smith
works on.
(v) Retrieve all the project numbers along with number of employee working on each project
Q.4 (a) With an example explain the steps of ER to Relational Mapping Algorithm 10

(b) List and briefly explain the various attribute Data Types and Domains in SQL 7
With an explain, UPDATE Statement in SQL 3
Module – 3 Marks
Q.5 (a) By refereeing the following Database schema. 10
Employee(Fname, Minit, Lname, SSN, Bdate, Address, Sex, Salary, Sup_SSN,Dno)
Department(Dname, Dnumber, Mgr_SSN, Mgr_Start_date)
Dept_Locations( Dnumber, Dlocation)
Project( Pname, Pnumber, Plocation, Dnum)
Works_On( Essn, Pno, Hours)
Dependent (Essn, Dependent_Name, Sex, Bdate, Relationship)
Write the SQL Queries for the following
(i). Retrieve the name and address of all employees who work for the ‘Research’ department.
(ii). Make a list of all project numbers for projects that involve an employee
whose last name is ‘Smith’, either as a worker or as a manager of the department
that controls the project.
(iii). List the names of managers who have at least one dependent.
(iv). Find the sum of the salaries of all employees, the maximum salary, the minimum salary,
and the average salary.
(v). For each project, retrieve the project number, the project name, and the number of
employees who work on that project.

With an example, explain Specifying Constraints as Assertions in SQL 5

(c) With an example, explain the concept of View in SQL 5
Q.6 (a) With an example, explain Cursors in Embedded SQL. 5
(b) List & briefly explain different types of JDBC Drivers 5
(c) With a neat diagram, Explain Three Tier Architecture Database Applications and 10
briefly explain the advantages of Three tier Architecture
Module – 4 Marks
(a) With an suitable explain Informal Design Guidelines for Relation Schemas 10
(b) With an suitable explain, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form, & Third Normal 10
(a) With an suitable example, explain Properties of Relational Decompositions 10
(b) Consider the relation REFRIG(Model#, Year, Price, Manuf_plant, Color), which is 10
abbreviated as REFRIG(M, Y, P, MP, C), and the following set F of functional
F = {M→MP, {M, Y}→P, MP→C}
(i) Evaluate each of the following as a candidate key for REFRIG, giving
reasons why it can or cannot be a key: {M}, {M, Y}, {M, C}.
(ii) Based on the above key determination, state whether the relation
REFRIG is in 3NF and in BCNF, giving proper reasons.
(iii)Consider the decomposition of REFRIG into D = {R1(M, Y, P), R2(M,
MP,C)}. Is this decomposition lossless?
Module – 5 Marks
(a) List and explain ACID Properties 5
Briefly explain two phase locking protocol 5

(c) Consider the three transactions T1, T2, and T3, and the schedules S1 and S2 given 10
below. Draw the serializability (precedence) graphs for S1 and S2, and state whether
each schedule is serializable or not. If a schedule is serializable, write down the
equivalent serial schedule(s).
T1: r1 (X); r1 (Z); w1 (X);
T2: r2 (Z); r2 (Y); w2 (Z); w2 (Y);
T3: r3 (X); r3 (Y); w3 (Y);
S1: r1 (X); r2 (Z); r1 (Z); r3 (X); r3 (Y); w1 (X); w3 (Y); r2 (Y); w2 (Z); w2 (Y);
S2: r1 (X); r2 (Z); r3 (X); r1 (Z); r2 (Y); r3 (Y); w1 (X); w2 (Z); w3 (Y); w2 (Y);
Q.10 (a) With an example, explain basic Timestamp Ordering algorithm for Concurrency 6
(b) Briefly explain Transaction Support in SQL 4
(b) With an example, explain ARIES Recovery Algorithm 10

Table showing the Bloom’s Taxonomy Level, Course Outcome and Programme

Question Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Course Programme Outcome

attached Outcome
Q.1 (a) L2 CO1 PO1
(b) L1 CO1 PO1
(c) L1 CO1 PO1
Q.2 (a) L1 CO1 PO1
(b) L2 CO1 PO1
(c) L6 CO1 PO3
Q.3 (a) L2 CO2 PO1
(b) L1 CO2 PO1
(c) L3 CO2 PO3
Q.4 (a) L2 CO2 PO4
(b) L1 CO2 PO1
(c) L3 CO2 PO3
Q.5 (a) L3 CO3 PO3
(b) L2 CO3 PO4
(c) L2 CO3 PO3
Q.6 (a) L2 CO3 PO1
(b) L1 CO3 PO1
(c) L1 CO3 PO1
Q.7 (a) L1 CO4 PO1
(b) L2 CO4 PO2
Q.8 (a) L2 CO4 PO2
(b) L5 CO4 PO4
Q.9 (a) L1 CO5 PO1
(b) L2 CO5 PO1
(c) L4 CO5 PO2
Q.10 (a) L2 CO5 PO1
(b) L1 CO5 PO1
(c) L3 CO5 PO4

Lower order thinking skills

Bloom’s Remembering( Understanding Applying (Application):
Taxonomy knowledge):𝐿1 Comprehension): 𝐿2 𝐿3
Levels Higher order thinking skills
Analyzing (Analysis): 𝐿4 Valuating (Evaluation): 𝐿5 Creating (Synthesis): 𝐿6

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