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Study of the Rifampin Monoresistance Mechanism in Mycobacterium

Yu Pang,a Jie Lu,b Yufeng Wang,a Yuanyuan Song,a Shengfen Wang,a Yanlin Zhaoa
National Center for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing, Chinaa; Institute of Plant Quarantine, Chinese
Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, Beijing, Chinab

Rifampin (RIF) susceptibility is a key factor in determining the treatment effectiveness of the standardized treatment regimens.
In Mycobacterium tuberculosis, both target gene mutation and the efflux pump play major roles in the resistance to antitubercu-
losis drugs. By eliminating RIF-resistant strains with rpoB mutation, the choice of RIF-monoresistant strains may allow us to
identify the RIF-specific efflux pump genes. This study explored the RIF monoresistance mechanism in M. tuberculosis. Data
from DNA sequencing and MIC measurements revealed that specific mutations, including Ser531Leu and His526Asp in RpoB,
show high-level drug resistance. Three-dimensional structure modeling provided further evidence that the affinity between RIF
and RpoB mutants was in accordance with the drug resistance level of the corresponding isolates. Furthermore, transcription-
level analysis among the nonmutated isolates indicated that three efflux pumps (Rv0783, Rv2936, and Rv0933) might be involved
in exporting RIF from the cell. Compared to 8 ␮g/ml for wild-type Escherichia coli, the MICs for the transgenic E. coli strains
with either Rv0783 or Rv2936 were 32 and 16 ␮g/ml, respectively. In conclusion, our study indicated that several RpoB mutant
types, including Ser531Leu and His526Asp, show high-level RIF resistance attributed to low affinity between RpoB mutant pro-
teins and RIF. In addition, this work demonstrates that Rv2936 and Rv0783 may be responsible for low-level resistance to RIF by
exporting RIF from cells. The predicted structure of RpoB and the newly identified efflux pumps in this study will provide a
novel approach to design new drugs and develop novel diagnosis technologies.

T uberculosis (TB), one of the most widespread and lethal infec-

tious diseases worldwide, caused 8.8 million incident TB cases
and 1.45 million deaths in 2010 (1). With the introduction of
amino-terminal region of rpoB, where the mutation in codon 176
results in high-level resistance to RIF (MIC of 1 to 32 ␮g/ml) (8).
In addition to mutations in the RRDR of the rpoB gene, an
effective antimycobacterial drugs about half a century ago, the efflux pump may be responsible for approximately 5% of clinical
prevalence of TB appeared to be under control (2). However, the RIF-resistant M. tuberculosis strains with no mutation in the
emergence of drug-resistant TB, especially multidrug-resistant RRDR (4). Efflux pumps, by which various molecules are ex-
(MDR) TB, defined as resistance to at least isoniazid and rifampin ported outside the bacteria cell, are involved in the drug resistance
(RIF), has hampered effective TB treatment and control (3). A described in several mycobacterial species (18), and the design of
large number of recent studies have focused on the mechanisms of new therapeutic strategies may depend on the characterization of
drug resistance. Several molecular and genetic mechanisms have efflux pumps (19). Several putative efflux pumps have been re-
been discovered to cause the resistance to most routine anti-TB ported to play a role in RIF resistance in M. tuberculosis based on
drugs, including RIF (rpoB), isoniazid (katG and inhA), and strep- large-scale transcriptional data (4, 20).
tomycin (rspL and rrs) (4–6). In the past few years, several studies have reported on the rela-
RIF is the most important first-line antituberculosis drug and tionship between the RIF resistance level and the codon mutation
is a key factor in determining the treatment effectiveness of the rpoB (16, 17), while no explanation has been offered for the drug
treatment regimens (7, 8). Because more than 90% of RIF-resis- resistance difference mentioned above. Hence, it is meaningful to
tant strains are also resistant to isoniazid, RIF resistance can be gain an insight into RIF resistance mechanisms, which will pro-
used as a valuable surrogate marker for MDR TB (9, 10). The vide a novel track to design new drugs and develop new diagnosis
mechanism of action of RIF is to arrest DNA-directed RNA syn- technologies (4). By eliminating RIF-resistant strains with an rpoB
thesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by interacting with the ␤ sub- mutation, the choice of RIF-monoresistant strains may allow us to
unit of RNA polymerase (RNAP) (8, 11). Previous research has identify the RIF-specific efflux pump genes. The aim of the present
demonstrated that rpoB mutations of 95% of strains with RIF
resistance are more likely located in the 81-bp region (codons 507
Received 18 May 2012 Returned for modification 11 July 2012
to 533) called the RIF resistance-determining region (RRDR) (12, Accepted 26 November 2012
13). Inside the 81-bp RRDR, mutations within codons 516, 526, Published ahead of print 3 December 2012
and 531 are responsible for up to 90% of RIF-resistant strains (14, Address correspondence to Yanlin Zhao, [email protected].
15). However, not all mutations within the RRDR display the Y.P. and J.L. contributed equally to this article.
same loss of RIF susceptibility (16, 17). The amino acid alterations Supplemental material for this article may be found at
of codon 526 or codon 531 cause high-level resistance to RIF, the /AAC.01024-12.
MIC of which is greater than 32 ␮g/ml. In contrast, mutations in Copyright © 2013, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.
codons 511, 516, 518, and 522 cause low-level resistance to RIF (8, doi:10.1128/AAC.01024-12
17). Outside the RRDR, RIF-resistant mutation is also seen in the

February 2013 Volume 57 Number 2 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy p. 893–900 893
Pang et al.

study was to explain the mechanism of RIF resistance in RIF- mixture, 2 ␮l of DNA template, and 5 pmol of each primer set. The PCR
monoresistant strains for the first time, including both the classi- amplification program was 94°C for 3 min, followed by 32 cycles at 94°C
cal mutations in known target genes and efflux pumps. for 1 min, 60°C for 1 min, and 72°C for 1 min, with a final extension at
72°C for 5 min. Next, 3 ␮l of amplicon from the reaction tube was run on
a 1.5% agarose gel, and a 100-bp ladder was run every six lanes. The
MATERIALS AND METHODS images were collected and analyzed using Quantity One software (Bio-
Bacterial strains and culture conditions. Bacterial strains were all iso- Rad).
lated from tuberculosis epidemiology surveillance in China. All bacterial Modeling of three-dimensional structure for RpoB. Modeling of
cells were stored in Trypticase soy broth containing glycerol at ⫺70°C. protein structures and analysis of protein-ligand interaction were carried
Prior to characterization of the RIF-resistant isolates, the strains were out by Discovery Studio 3.1 (Acclereys). The wild-type protein structure
recovered on Lowenstein-Jensen medium for 4 weeks at 37°C. with an RIF ligand was modeled from residues 112 to 1226, using a Build
Conventional drug susceptibility testing and Mycobacterium spe- Homology Models module with Protein Data Bank (PDB) (
cies identification. Four first-line anti-TB drugs (isoniazid, RIF, etham- file 1I6V (13) as the template. After refinement by the
butol, and streptomycin) and two second-line anti-TB drugs (kanamycin Loop Refinement (MODELER) module, a Smart Minimizer algorithm for
and ofloxacin) were used in studies of conventional Mycobacterium iden- energy minimization was performed to an RMS gradient of 0.0001 kcal/
tification and testing of drug susceptibility toward clinical TB strains, (mol ⫻ Å) with the protein backbone atoms fixed. The Build Mutants
which were performed as recommended by the World Health Organiza- module was utilized to produce the structure models of Ser531Leu,
tion (WHO) and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung His526Asp, His526Gly, His526Leu, His526Arg, and Leu533Pro; the Align
Disease (IUATLD) (1). The concentrations of drugs in medium were as and Superimpose Proteins module was used to compare the mutant struc-
follows: isoniazid, 0.2 ␮g/ml; RIF, 40 ␮g/ml; ethambutol, 2 ␮g/ml; strep- tures with the wild-type structure. The interactions between RIF and wild-
tomycin, 4 ␮g/ml; kanamycin, 30 ␮g/ml; and ofloxacin, 2 ␮g/ml. Medium type or mutant RpoB were analyzed using the Analyze Ligand Interactions
supplied separately with paranitrobenzoic acid (500 mg/ml) and thio- and Structure Monitor modules.
phen-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide (5 mg/ml) was used to perform Myco- qRT-PCR. Bacteria were harvested from 7H9 medium with oleic acid-
bacterium species identification. All drugs were purchased from Sigma- albumin-dextrose-catalase (OADC) supplement after growing for 4
Aldrich (St. Louis, MO). weeks. RNA was isolated by TRIzol according to the instructions of the
Genomic DNA extraction. Genomic DNA was extracted from freshly manufacturers. After treatment with DNase I (Invitrogen), the cDNAs
cultured bacteria. After being transferred into a microcentrifuge tube con- were reverse transcribed from 5 ␮g of total RNA with a SuperScriptIII
taining 500 ␮l Tris-EDTA (TE) buffer, the cells were centrifuged at 13,000 reverse transcription (RT) kit (Invitrogen). The quantitative reverse tran-
rpm for 2 min. The supernatant was discarded, and the pellet was resus- scription-PCR (qRT-PCR) was performed in a 20-␮l system containing
pended in 500 ␮l TE buffer and then heated in a 95°C water bath for 1 h. 10 ␮l of 2⫻ the mixture supplied with SYBR green (New England Labo-
After centrifugation of cellular debris, DNA in the supernatant was used ratories), 2 ␮l of cDNA template, and 5 pmol of each primer set. The
for PCR amplification (21). primers for qRT-PCR analysis are listed in Table 1. Poly(A) was used as
PCR amplification and sequencing of the rpoB gene. A 450-bp region the internal control in respective PCR experiments.
of the rpoB gene containing the 81-bp RRDR was amplified by PCR. The Data analysis. The genotyping data were analyzed using BioNumerics
forward primer was 5=-ACCGACGACATCGACCACTT-3=, and the re- 5.0 (Applied Maths, Belgium) software. Cluster analysis was performed,
verse primer was 5=-GTACGGCGTTTCGATGAACC-3=. The content of and a dendrogram was generated in BioNumerics using the similarity
50 ␮l of PCR mixture was 5 ␮l of PCR buffer, 2 mM MgCl2, 200 ␮M each coefficient and unweighted-pair group method using average linkages
deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP), 0.2 ␮M each primer, 2 ␮l of (UPGMA) coefficient. In addition, SPSS 14.0 (SPSS, Inc.) was used to
genomic DNA, and 0.5 of ␮l AmpliTaq DNA polymerase. The PCR pro- perform chi-square analysis, and differences were considered to be statis-
grams were performed with an initial denaturation at 95°C for 5 min, tically significant when P was ⬍0.05.
followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 94°C for 1 min, annealing at 58°C
for 1 min, extension at 72°C for 30 s, and final extension at 72°C for 7 min.
The primers were synthesized by Invitrogen. After purification with a RESULTS
QIAquick gel extraction kit, the amplicons were sequenced with an Ap- Identification of rpoB mutation. RIF-monoresistant clinical iso-
plied Biosystems ABI Prism BigDye terminator cycle sequencing kit with lates (24 strains) from the national baseline surveillance were ex-
an ABI Prism 3130 genetic analyzer. amined for RIF MIC and rpoB sequence. Among the 24 strains
Determination of MIC. To determine the MICs of RIF-monoresistant monoresistant to RIF, the MICs of 13 isolates were ⬎32 ␮g/ml,
M. tuberculosis strains identified by conventional DST, a microplate while the MICs of the others were ⬍16 ␮g/ml. Meanwhile, se-
alamarBlue assay (MABA) was performed as described previously (22).
quence details of the rpoB locus were obtained from the 24 mutant
Final RIF concentrations were 0.125 to 512 ␮g/ml. The MICs were defined
as the lowest concentration of antibiotic that reduced the viability of the
strains. Surprisingly, no mutation was found in the RRDR of
culture by at least 90%, as determined by fluorescence measurements at the rpoB gene in more than 30% (8/24) of isolates. The rpoB
room temperature in top-reading mode, in which the excitation wave- mutation in the RRDR was observed in the other 16 isolates,
length and emission wavelength were 530 nm and 590 nm, respectively. including His526¡Gly (CAC¡GGC) (two isolates),
The MIC breakpoint concentration for RIF was defined as 0.5 ␮g/ml. The His526¡Asp (CAC¡GAC) (two isolates), His526¡Leu
protocol for detection of the MIC of Escherichia coli was referred to in the (CAC¡CTC) (one isolate), His526¡Arg (CAC¡CGC) (one
previous study (19). isolate), Ser531¡Leu (TCG¡TTG) (nine isolates), and
Molecular typing methods. The spoligotyping method was per- Leu533¡Pro (CTG¡CCG) (one isolate) (Table 2). Codon 531
formed using primers DRa and DRb as previously reported (23). ECL had the highest mutational frequency (9/24 [37.5%]), followed by
enhanced chemiluminescence detection liquid was used to detect hybrid-
codon 526 (6/24 [25.0%]) and codon 533 (1/24 [4.2%]) (Table 2).
izing DNA, followed by exposure to X-ray film. The original spoligotyping
patterns were converted into octal formats. The mycobacterial inter- Determination of the MIC. To better define the relationship
spersed repetitive unit–variable number of tandem repeat (MIRU- between the different rpoB mutations and the RIF resistance, we
VNTR) typing method was performed with the primers in accordance analyzed the MIC according to different point mutations in the
with the standardized protocol (24). The PCRs for all MIRU-VNTR loci rpoB gene. The RIF MICs of strains with mutations at codons
were performed in a reaction volume of 20 ␮l containing 10 ␮l of 2⫻ Taq 531and 526 ranged from 64 ␮g/ml to 256 ␮g/ml and 0.5 ␮g/ml to

894 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

RIF Resistance Mechanism in MTB

TABLE 1 Primers used in this study for qRT-PCR amplification TABLE 2 Mutation and MIC detected in RIF-monoresistant M.
Locus tag
tuberculosis study isolates
or gene Length Prevalence MIC
product (bp) Primer Strain ID Codon (%) Mutation (␮g/ml)
Rv2936 146 5=-TAGACATCGCGTGCGGATTGGT-3= F TB1 531 37.5 TCG(Ser)¡TTG(Leu) 256
Rv0783c 147 5=-ACCGCACAGAACATCCGCTCATAG-3= F TB10 526 25.0 CAC(His)¡GGC(Gly) 1
Rv1819c 396 5=-CGGCGACTTCCTTCGGCAACAT-3= F TB24 — 128
Rv2994 146 5=-ATGCGTCCCGTCCGCCTGAT-3= F Characterization of genotyping. The dendrogram (Fig. 1)
5=-GGTGGCTTCTAGCCCGTTGTCC-3= R based on MIRU-VNTR profiles illustrates the genetic relation-
ship and correlations between genotype and resistance pheno-
type. As shown in Fig. 1, the minimum spanning tree (MST) of
5=-GCCAACCAGGTGCCCAACA-3= R the RIF-monoresistant strains involved three major branches.
Rv2459 212 5=-CGTCGCCCTGATCGCATACA-3= F The largest essentially contained the Ser531Leu mutation type
5=-CAGGACATCACCACGAAGTAGACG-3= R and other strains with high-level RIF resistance, except for
Rv0933 94 5=-CTGGACCCGACTACCACCGAGAA-3= F strain TB3. The other two branches predominantly included
5=-GCCTGGGCAAGGTTATGGGTC-3= R strains with low-level RIF resistance, including H37Rv. Inter-
Poly(A) 180 5=-GTCGTGGTTGGACCTTGGAGGG-3= F estingly, the genotype of drug-resistant strains showed similar
5=-GCGTCCGTATCGTCGTCATCG-3= R profiles to the level of RIF resistance. Additionally, spoligotyp-
ing analysis revealed that 92.9% (13/14) of strains with high-
level RIF resistance belonged to the Beijing family, while only
256 ␮g/ml, respectively. The RIF MICs of resistant strains without 50% (5/10) of ones with low-level RIF resistance were of the
mutation ranged from 0.5 ␮g/ml to 128 ␮g/ml. For the resistant Beijing genotype. The Beijing family was therefore more likely
strains with the same mutant type, the MICs were similar, and the to be related to the strains with high-level RIF resistance than
specific alterations, instead of all mutations, in codon 531 (Ser¡Leu) the non-Beijing family (P ⫽ 0.017).
and codon 526 (His¡Asp) resulted in high-level resistance to RIF
(MIC of ⬎32 ␮g/ml) (Table 2). In contrast, most of the isolates
with no mutation resulted in low-level resistance to RIF, except for TABLE 3 Effect of different rpoB mutations conferring RIF resistance as
measured by MIC
two isolates, the MIC of which was 128 ␮g/ml (Table 2). As shown
in Table 3, the average MIC of six mutants with Ser531¡Leu was rpoB mutation type No. of mutants MIC (␮g/ml)
192 ␮g/ml, followed by 256 ␮g/ml in two mutants with Ser531Leu 9 192
His526¡Asp, 0.75 ␮g/ml in two mutants with His526¡Gly, 4 His526Asp 2 256
␮g/ml in one mutant with His526¡Leu, 2 ␮g/ml in one mutant His526Gly 2 0.75
with His526¡Arg, and 0.5 ␮g/ml in one mutant with His526Leu 1 4
Leu533¡Pro. In addition, the average MIC with no mutation was His526Arg 1 2
Leu533Pro 1 0.5
42.2 ␮g/ml.

February 2013 Volume 57 Number 2 895

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Structure modeling and comparison of wild-type and mu-

tant RpoBs. For further structural analysis, wild-type TB RpoB
was modeled by Discovery Studio 3.1 using the crystal structure of
Thermus aquaticus (Taq) core RNAP complexed with RIF as a
template (13). The predicted structure of TB RpoB was very sim-
ilar to the crystal structure of Taq core RNAP, and the root mean
square deviation (RMSD) value of the main chain atoms between
these two structures was 3.572 Å (Fig. 2A). As shown in Fig. 2B, the
RRDR of TB RpoB (Gly507-Leu533) formed a sheet-helix-sheet
motif, which made up the main structure of the RIF binding
FIG 1 Dendrogram of 24 RIF-monoresistant M. tuberculosis isolates. The pocket. The RSMD value of the main chain atoms between the
phylogenetic tree was generated with a 24-VNTR locus set. The colors repre- RRDR of TB rpoB and the corresponding region of Taq core
sent different MICs, and the numbers indicate the strain identifier (ID).
RNAP was 0.505 Å. Twelve residues participated in the intermo-

FIG 2 Structure model of wild-type TB RpoB and detailed interactions of the RIF-RpoB complex. (A) Superimposition of wild-type TB RpoB (light brown) and
Taq core RNAP (cyan; PDB code 1I6V). (B) RIF (carbon atoms in green) binding pocket of wild-type RpoB, with the RRDR segment highlighted in yellow. (C)
Detailed interactions between wild-type RpoB and RIF. The intermolecular hydrogen bonds are indicated by black dashed arrows. Residues involved in hydrogen
bond, charge, or polar interactions are represented by magenta-colored balls, and residues involved in van der Waals interactions are represented by green balls.

896 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

RIF Resistance Mechanism in MTB

FIG 3 Structural comparisons between wild-type RpoB and the Ser531Leu (A), His526Asp (B), His526Gly (C), His526Leu (D), His526Arg (E), and Leu533Pro
(F) mutants. The carbon atoms of wild-type and mutant RpoB are shown in blue and orange, respectively. The intermolecular hydrogen bonds in wild-type and
mutant complexes are indicated by blue and orange dashed lines, respectively.

lecular interactions between RpoB and RIF (Fig. 2C), and eight of 526Arg residue had hydrogen bond contact with and electrostatic
them were located in the RRDR, including the His526, Ser531, and attraction to the RIF molecule, but the larger size of the Arg resi-
Leu533 residues analyzed in this study. due led to structural bumps (Fig. 3E). In the wild-type RpoB-RIF
The structural comparisons between wild-type RpoB and mu- complex, Leu533 contacted the RIF molecule through van der
tant RpoBs resistant to RIF are shown in Fig. 3. In wild-type RpoB, Waals interactions. The replacement of Leu533 by Pro neither
there is an intermolecular hydrogen bond between the side chain changed the interaction nor introduced structural bumps (Fig.
of Ser531 and the RIF molecule. In the Ser531Leu mutant, the 3F). The changes in intermolecular interactions between mutant
replacement of Ser531 by Leu531 disrupted the above-mentioned residues and the RIF molecule from the wild type to the mutants
hydrogen bond and led to structural bumps between the side are summarized in Table 4.
chain of Leu531 and the RIF molecule (Fig. 3A). His526 in wild- Identification of efflux pump. We selected the RIF-monore-
type RpoB had a positive charge opposite the nearby RIF surface, sistant isolates without mutations in the RRDR to investigate the
and its side chain formed an intermolecular hydrogen bond with transcriptional level of 20 efflux pump genes related to drug resis-
the RIF molecule. After replacement by Asp526, the charge char- tance. Three efflux pump genes (including Rv2936, Rv0783, and
acter of the residue changed from positive to negative, which Rv0933) were found to be overexpressed among clinical isolates
could repel the negative charge on the RIF surface, and the hydro- with high-level resistance, in accordance with the level of drug
gen bond in the wild-type RpoB-RIF complex was disrupted (Fig. resistance (Fig. 4). The other 17 pumps revealed no significant
3B). The replacement of His526 by a neutral residue of similar differences among various drug-resistant strains. To further assess
(Leu) or smaller (Gly) size only disrupted the hydrogen bond the function of the three candidate efflux pump genes conferring
between wild-type His526 and the RIF molecule and didn’t lead to RIF resistance, real-time PCR experiments were performed in
a structural bump (Fig. 3C and D). In the His526Arg mutant, the seven MDR strains, and the data revealed that there were no dif-

February 2013 Volume 57 Number 2 897

Pang et al.

TABLE 4 Changes in intermolecular interactions between mutant TABLE 5 In vitro RIF susceptibility of overexpression of Rv2936,
residues and RIF molecules from the wild type to mutantsa Rv0783, and Rv0933 genes as measured by MIC
Hydrogen van der Waals Electrostatic Structural Construct in E. coli MIC (␮g/ml)
Mutant bond interaction repulsion bumps pET28a 8
Ser531Leu Yes¡no No¡yes No¡yes pET28a-Rv2936 32
His526Asp Yes¡no No¡yes pET28a-Rv0783 16
His526Gly Yes¡no pET28a-Rv0933 8
His526Leu Yes¡no
His526Arg No¡yes
Changes from wild type to mutant are represented from left to right, respectively. sistant strains were located in codons 526 and 531, and Ser531Leu
was the most dominant mutation type, in accordance with previ-
ous reports (25, 26).
ferences in the transcriptional level (see Fig. S1 in the supplemen- In the present study, the dendrogram analysis revealed that
tal material). most strains with low-level resistance were clustered in one clade,
The E. coli strain transformed with expression vector while strains with high-level resistance were revealed in other
pEASY-E1 as a control showed an initial drug resistance to RIF, clades. Also, strains with low-level resistance appeared to be less
the MIC of which was 8 ␮g/ml. The MICs of E. coli clones trans- polymorphic than ones with high-level resistance. In this study, a
formed with pEASY-E1-Rv2936 and pEASY-E1-Rv0783 were 32 drug-resistant strain was always the product of an anti-TB drug,
␮g/ml and 16 ␮g/ml, respectively. In comparison, transformation and selection at low concentrations of the drug produced many
of the E. coli clones with pEASY-E1-Rv0933 revealed no effect on mutants with low-level resistance. As selection pressure increased,
RIF resistance, and the MIC was still 8 ␮g/ml (Table 5). a mixture of variants became prevalent, which has been proven by
fluoroquinolone supplementation in M. tuberculosis (27). Hence,
DISCUSSION a high drug concentration might be responsible for high diversity
Resistance to RIF is one of the major reasons for treatment failure of M. tuberculosis strains. As strains with high-level resistances
and fatal clinical outcome in TB patients (7, 8). Both classical are generated from high drug concentration pressure, they will
mutations in known target genes and efflux pumps confer drug show more polymorphism than ones with low-level resistance.
resistance in M. tuberculosis strains. As previously reported, mu- Interruption of anti-TB treatment is a strong predictor of drug-
tations in the RRDR are responsible for resistance in up to 95% of resistant TB, especially MDR (28). Following several months of
RIF-resistant strains. In this study, RRDR mutations were de- selection of high concentrations of antibiotics in treatment-inter-
tected in two-thirds of clinical isolates (66.7%; n ⫽ 16), while rupted patients, the TB population may show high diversity, in-
more than 30% of strains harbored no mutation in the RRDR. cluding drug-resistant colonies. In contrast, completion of the
One possible explanation for this is that only RIF-monoresistant course of anti-TB treatment would kill variants effectively, instead
isolates, instead of all RIF-resistant isolates, were collected in this of producing “super extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis.”
study. In addition, the most frequent mutations in RIF-monore- The binding affinity between a ligand and its receptor protein is

FIG 4 Relative expression levels of 20 different putative efflux pump genes in 8 M. tuberculosis isolates. qRT-PCR was performed in triplicate using independent
RNA samples prepared from different strains. The points on the line chart indicate fold increase relative to the H37Rv value (arbitrarily set to 1) of the same efflux
pump gene.

898 Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

RIF Resistance Mechanism in MTB

mainly dependent on the structural complement and intermolec- In conclusion, we have successfully performed a comprehen-
ular interaction. Both a good structural complement without any sive study of the RIF resistance mechanism of M. tuberculosis.
structural bumps and a strong intermolecular interaction, such as Specific mutant types located in the RRDR, including the
hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interaction, led to high binding Ser531Leu and His526Asp mutants, show high-level drug resis-
affinity between the ligand and receptor. Both the mutations tance due to low affinity between RpoB mutant proteins and RIF.
Ser531¡Leu and His526¡Asp disrupted the intermolecular hy- The predicted three-dimensional (3D) structures of RpoB mu-
drogen bonds between mutation residues and the RIF molecule. tants described here provide us the molecular rationale for strat-
In addition, the replacement of Ser531 by Leu531 led to structural egies to modify RIF, which will inhibit the growth of the RIF-
bumps and the replacement of His526 by Asp526 introduced resistant strains more efficiently. In addition, this work
charge repulsion, which further reduced the affinity between RIF demonstrates that Rv2936 and Rv0783 may serve as RIF-related
and RpoB. Thus, Ser531Leu and His526Asp mutants have low efflux pumps, conferring low-level resistance to RIF. Further
affinities to the RIF molecule, and the strains with these mutant study will be carried out to identify their function as RIF-resistant
RpoBs showed high-level RIF resistance. Although the mutation efflux pumps among a large number of M. tuberculosis isolates.
His526¡Arg led to a structural bump between the mutated resi-
due and RIF, the Arg residue has the same charge as the His resi- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
due, which maintained the hydrogen bond interaction and charge This study was supported by the National Grant Research Program of
affinity between the mutated residue and RIF. The mutations China (2008ZX10003-009).
His526¡Leu and His526¡Gly only disrupted the hydrogen We thank Lisa Maynard from PATH for manuscript editing. We are
bond interaction, and the mutation Leu533¡Pro did not signifi- grateful to all members of the National Tuberculosis Reference Labora-
cantly change the intermolecular interaction between RpoB and tory at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention for their
RIF. Therefore, compared to wild-type RpoB, mutations cooperation and technical help.
His526¡Gly, His526¡Leu, His526¡Arg, and Leu533¡Pro did
not significantly reduce the affinity between the RpoB and RIF, REFERENCES
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