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A. Vyasa for Each Mahayuga. One Manvantara has 71 Mahayugas. Each

Mahayuga has four yugas, namely Satyuga/Kritayuga, Tretayuga, Dvaparayuga
and Kaliyuga. During every Dvapara Yuga of a Manvantara, different Vyasas take
the role of dividing Vedas. This means, Vedas have been divided 28 times so far
during this Manvantara. Present Manvantara is named as Vaivasvata Manvantara.

B. Present Vyasa. We are passing through the 28th Mahayuga (out of the
total 71) of Vaivasvata Manvantara. Krishna Dwaipayan, son of Rishi Parashara
and Satyavati is the present Vyasa.

C. Variations Based on Source Documents. The list of Vyasa is found to

have variations in the names based on the source. A look at the list of Vyasas from
Vishnupurana, Sivapurana and Kurmapurana reveals that there exist variations.
Probably, the story could be same if we get another source. The message we
need to understand is that at every stage of Mahayugas, the Vyasa was
different. It’s worth noticing that in Vishnupurana, Bhardwaj is repeating at
numbers 12 and 19.

Table of Vyasas as per Vishnupurana, Sivapurana & Kurmapurana

Sl No Vishnupurana Sivapurana Kurmapurana

1. Lord Brahma Svayamprabhu Svayambhuva Manu

2 Prajapati Satya Prajapati
3. Shukracharya Bhaargava Ushana
4. Brihaspati Angiras Brihaspati
5. Surya Savitr Savita
6. Mrityu Mrtyu Mrityu
7. Indra Satakratu Indra
8. Vashishta Vasista Vashishtha
9. Saraswat Saarasvata Sarasvata
10. Tridhama Tridhaama Tridhama
11. Trishikh Trivrta Rishabha
12 Bharadwaj Satatejas Suteja
13. Antariksh Narayana Dharma
14. Varani Raksha Sachaksha
15. Trayyarun Trayyaruni Trayaruni
16. Dhananjay Deva Dhananjaya
17. Krutunjay Devakrtanjaya Kritanjaya
18. Jay Rtanjaya Ritanjaya
19. Bharadwaj Bharadvaja Bharadvaja
20. Gautam Gautama Goutamaa
21. Haryatma Vaacassravas Vachashrava
22. Vajshrava Susmaayana Nara-Narayana
23. Trinbindhu Trnabindu Trinavindu
24. Valmiki Yaksha Valmiki
25. Shakti Shakti Shaktri.
26. Parashar Paraasara Parashara
27. Jatukarn Jaatukarnya Jatukarna
28. Dwaipayan(Present Vyasa) Dwaipayana Dwaipayana

Note: - 1. Please ignore the correctness of spellings due to transliteration.

2. For example, in Sl No 6, Mrityu and Mrtyu are same.
3. Similarly in Sl No 5, Surya and Savitr could be same as both are
Aditya-the sons of Aditi and many times both names are used to represent

Compilation: - Sree@BGP

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