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Unit 9 Written quiz Name: __________________________ Total Score

Date: __________________________ ______ /50 points

A Listen to Brian tell Marilyn about some things he bought. Circle True or False for each statement.
1. Brian bought some things at a store near his gym. True False
2. Brian paid the full price for the painting. True False
3. Marilyn does not like the scarf. True False
4. Brian and Marilyn agree to have a garage sale. True False

A _______ /8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the sentences to report what these people said. Change the tense.
1. My neighbor: “I can’t save any money.”
He told me _______________________________________________________ .
2. My father: “I want to make a detailed budget every month.”
He explained that _______________________________________________________ .

3. A classmate: “Maybe I’ll stop charging things to my credit card.”

She said _______________________________________________________ .
4. Some married friends: “We haven’t kept careful track of our money.”
They said _______________________________________________________ .
5. My grandparents: “We started setting money aside fifty years ago.”
They told me _______________________________________________________ .

B _______ /10 points (2 points each)

C Report the content of these sentences. Rewrite the sentences in your own way.
Use past continuous reporting verbs.
Example: A father: “I’m a little worried about being a dad. I’m just starting out as a dad!”
A new father was saying he was a little worried about being a dad. He was saying he was
just starting out as a dad.
1. A friend of mine: “I don’t have a lot of possessions because I move a lot. In fact, I’m moving again next month.”

2. The man next door: “I love to shop. I go to sales and buy stuff I don’t even need.”

3. A woman from school: “I can never stay on a budget. I tried it once, but it didn’t work.”

4. A guy from work: “I just used my credit card to buy some furniture. I’ll pay it off in three or four months.”

C _______ /8 points (2 points each)


Touchstone 4 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 9 Written quiz 1

D The underlined words are in the wrong sentences. Match the underlined words to the correct sentences.
Write the correct words on the lines.
1. A friend of mine invests his money in allowances. ______________
2. My sister is making regular bills on a car loan. ______________
3. I have a budget at the bank. ______________
4. My parents try to stick to their savings account every month. ______________
5. My uncle gives his kids payments every week. ______________
6. My roommate always pays her stocks and bonds on time. ______________

D _______ /6 points (1 point each)

E Imagine you went to a bank to ask for a loan and the loan officer asked you these questions.
Write reported questions. Use asked me or wanted to know. Change the tense.
1. “Do you have a savings account?” The loan officer
2. “What’s your monthly income?” She
3. “How much debt do you have?”

4. “Can you pay all your monthly bills?”

E _______ /8 points (2 points each)

F Read the article. Add the missing sentences. Write the letters in the blanks. There is one extra sentence.

a. Talk with your credit-card companies.

b. And even following a credit agency’s plan, it may still take a long time to get out of debt.
c. For example, decide to stop charging any more purchases to your credit cards until you get out of debt,
and cut up all your cards.
d. You should try to pay everything off at once whenever you get a credit card bill.
e. Find out exactly how much you owe and who you owe it to.
f. If you can’t, can you do without any cards at all for a while?

F _______ /10 points (2 points each)

Touchstone 4 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 9 Written quiz 2

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