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The Ukrainian theatre

by Yura Olesnevych

2. The development of the Ukrainian theatre.
3. Serhii Danchenko.
4. Danchenko`s rising to the top of the ladder.
5. Danchenko`s choice of plays and his big dream.
6. The most marvellous theatres in Ukraine.
7. Conclusion.
Nowadays theatres are becoming more and more popular all over the world.
Plays in theatres not only entertain us, but also leave us with a sense of being
deeply moved. I am fond of Ukrainian theatres and everything, which is
connected with them.
So, I`d like to tell some words about it.
The development of the Ukrainian
Theatrical art in Ukraine arose from ancient folk plays, dances, songs and ceremonies.
The Ukrainian theater based on the native culture of Ukraine customs, language,
traditions. In the second half of the 19th century in Ukraine the amateur theater became
popular . Plenty of up-and-coming actors started their career at that time, such as
Mykhailo Starytsky, Marko Kropyvnytsky and Ivan Karpenko-Karyi. The leading
female star of the Ukrainian theater of that time was Maria Zankovetska.
The development of the Ukrainian
Despite the suppression by the Soviet power of national traditions, Ukrainian theatres
continued to develop with the number of theatres and drama troupes constantly
increasing. Many Ukrainian producers and actors were recognized all over the world.
Independence has encouraged the dramatic arts. Private theatres have emerged and held
festivals that feature the best acting groups from many countries of Europe, America,
and Asia. Among stars of the contemporary Ukrainian stage, there are some famous
personalities, such as Bohdan Stupka, Borys Kozak and others.
Serhii Danchenko

Moreover, there are some well-known personalities, which played a significant role in
the development of the Ukrainian theatre. One of its outstanding figures is Serhii
Danchenko. He was a professor, an actor and artistic director of Ivan Franko National
Academic Drama Theater in Kyiv.
Serhii had a tremendous influence on theatre both at home and across the former
Eastern Block. He had theatre in his blood, as his parents were actors and grandfather
was a theater director. Serhii discovered and nurtured what would become the cream of
modern-day Ukrainian theater, such as Andry Zholdak, Bohdan Stupka, Anatoly
Khostikoyev and others.
Danchenko`s rising to the top of the

Danchenko entered the theater in western Ukraine and rose to

the position of theater director himself at the Zankovetska
Theater in Lviv. Danchenko was influenced by Lviv's
cosmopolitan atmos­phere and became a member of the "'60s
Generation." Through the Zankovetska Theater, Serhii helped
preserve the integrity of Ukrainian theater, as most aspects of
Ukrainian culture had been largely forced underground by the
Soviets. His first plays "Stone Master" and "Richard III"
became landmarks of Ukrainian culture. Danchenko became
artistic director of Ivan Franko National Academic Drama
Theater. He raised artistic standards and refused to shy away
from philosophical themes like the meaning of human
Danchenko's choice of plays and his
big dream
Danchenko's choice of authors and plays, however, was never influenced by short-lived trends.
He preferred classics to modern authors. He gave more many plays he produced - including
Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya," Lesya Ukrainka's "Stone Master," and Ivan Kotlyarevsky's "The
Stupka started out as a student of Danchenko and worked closely with Danchenko until his
dying days. He also plans on opening a small experimental theater - Danchenko's dream for
many years – by the end of the year adjacent to Ivan Franko National Academic Drama
Theater. Naturally, it will be named after Serhy Danchenko.
The most marvellous theatres in
Nowadays there are many theatres in Ukraine. All of them cater for all manner of
spectators’ audience, differ from each other with repertoire, actor cast and stage
director's finds.

Lviv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre

Odessa National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater

National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre, Kharkov

Taras Shevchenko National Opera and Ballet Theatre of Ukraine

Academic Drama Theatre of Taras Shevchenko, Ternopil

To sum up, I can say Ukrainian theatres are so diverse that can
satisfy both curious interest, and exacting taste of theatre art

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