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An Unchained Melody
Playtest Edition
Sleney, Clark and Cox
This is the rock and roll future of yesteryear that never was—and
nobody wanted. “Trailer for sale or rent.
It is an intergalactic age of cowboys, outlaws and bandits playing Rooms to let, 50 cents.
on an interstellar stage. It is a time of hyper-capitalism and a
cutthroat gig economy. Unreliable trash-heaps carry scrappy
underdogs to their next gig, and corporation freighters lumber
No phone, no pool, no pets.”
across the horizon laden with an empire’s bounty. - Fairview Motel, New Reno, Sutler System
The backstreets of every terraformed metropolis brim with a
thousand lonely hearts and a thousand more venal vendettas.
The burnt-out wastelands between bright lights are lawless bat
countries—anachronistic Americana languishing beneath
multiple moons. Madness lies in every direction at every solar

These are the music-fuelled, moon-age daydreams of a rebel

space age.

These are your


A book by SoulMuppet Publishing

Written by Sam Sleney and Zachary Cox

Art by Josh Clark

Editing by Jared Sinclair

Music by Chris Bissette

Project (and bad layout and cartography) by Zachary Cox

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Welcome to the Orbital Blues Quickstart. Stats
We’re treating this like a playtest, ahead of the launch of our Muscle is the strength of your arm and the bulk under your jacket.
Kickstarter in March 2021. We’re including the very basic rules of Use Muscle to force open a door, hit something or someone, or do
the game and a short adventure, where you explore a region of the some heavy lifting.
Outlaw Galaxy known as the Sutler System.
Savvy is the speed of your arm, the pull of your trigger finger. Use
Instead of including the full Orbital Blues character creation Savvy to lie about why you haven’t paid a debt, or to see how fast
system, we’ve provided six pre-generated characters, who make you can draw your gun when that conversation goes south.
up the crew of the Unchained Melody, a small freighter ship. The
characters are workers in the “Gig Economy”, taking jobs as Grit is your ability to never give up and never give in. Use Grit to
smugglers, thieves or bounty hunters. resist pain, continue on with arduous tasks without rest, or keep a
straight face during a high-stakes game.
Feel free to change the names, pronouns and appearances of these
characters to suit your needs.
To give feedback on the playtest, start a discussion with us on the
SoulMuppet discord, tweet at @SamSleney or @JellyMuppet, or Heart is your ability to get hit and keep going. It’s your physical
email us at [email protected]. Keep an eye out for the health and wellbeing. Should a character’s Heart drop to zero,
Kickstarter in March/April. they’re on the brink of death—better plan a suitably dramatic exit
before your character bites the bullet.
We’re currently working on the following features:
Blues is a character’s past sins, personal grievances and guilty
• Full Character Creation • Things to do with Money hangups. You gain Blues from your Troubles. They also serve as a
measure of growth and experience—in the full game, you gain
• More Troubles and Gambits • Crew Equipment additional Gambits and Troubles as you accrue Blues.
• Character Progression • Lots of Random Tables
• Detailed Vehicle Rules • More Weapon Mods/Crafting Abilities and Equipment
• Storyteller Tools • Layout by someone good Gambits are talents, tricks and reliable assets that characters call
upon to get jobs done. They might reflect a character’s past, social
The Unchained Melody ties or abilities, and they make player characters stand out in the
Frontier Galaxy.
Medium Vehicle
Body 2 Troubles represent your misgivings, misdeeds, vices and regrets.
Integrity 1 Troubles create backstories, generate contacts, and provide a
Systems 0 source of Blues.
Damage 8
Fuel 4 Equipment & Mementos. Besides the clothes on your back, you
start play with some basic weapons, and a personal memento from
your past deeds.
Purpose: Scrap Hauler
Origin: Found on a junk-heap
Chassis: Slowly Falling Apart
Features: Freighter’s Claw,
Empty Junker’s Hold
3 4





WEAPONS: Pistol (Personal: WEAPONS: Shotgun (Personal:

Concealable), Stun Baton (Melee: Shot), Wrench (Hand: Stunning)
MEMENTO: The keys to your first
MEMENTO: Golden pocket watch. spaceship.

MAJOR GAMBITS: Heard It Through the Grapevine MAJOR GAMBITS: More Like Guidelines Anyway

Once per Arc, your character can make a Savvy check to discover In a tight spot, you can jury-rig and overdrive systems on your ship.
something advantageous regarding the Crew’s current predicament. Decrease one of the ship’s Stats by 1, and increase another Stat by 1. After
Additionally, you have the Upper Hand when on all rolls related to an hour, the increased Stat returns to normal, and you make a Savvy
gathering rumours or obtaining suppressed information. Check to attempt to return the decreased Stat to normal. If you fail, it will
need some replacement parts - gain a Debt.
MINOR GAMBITS: Thick Pockets
MINOR GAMBITS: Just Nuts and Bolts
Your pockets bulge. You always count as having Savings. You can
surrender this advantage at any time for a single Payoff. Tell the other You are a mechanical wizard. When you come across a broken piece of
characters where your recent wad of cash came from. technology, the Storyteller will always tell you what parts you need to fix
it and how long it will take.

TROUBLES: Through Your Teeth TROUBLES: Yellow-Bellied

You've never found an honest word that wasn't outperformed by a perfect lie. They called you a coward. Worst is, they ain’t wrong.

Answer two at character creation: Answer two at character creation:

• Where did you learn to weave such compelling falsehoods? • Why are you so scared?
• What is the biggest thing the truth ever cost you? • Which friend did you lack the stomach to stand up for?
• How do you turn lies into money? • What ideal did you betray because you weren’t strong enough?
• Whose trust did your silver tongue cost you? • Who did you try to stand up to, and what did it cost you?
• Who would seek your ruin if they knew the truth? • Who always stood up for you no matter what?
Once per Scene, when you answer one of the remaining questions during Once per Scene, when you answer one of the remaining questions during
play, gain 1 Blues. play, gain 1 Blues.
Gain 1 Blues when: Gain 1 Blues when:
• Someone doesn’t trust you even though they should. • You bottle it.
• You lie out of habit. • You ruminate on the worst thing that could happen in this situation.
• You accidentally reveal something true about yourself with a lie. • Someone calls you a coward, and they’re right.

5 6





WEAPONS: Sniper Rifle (Military: WEAPONS: SMG (Personal: Rapid

Precise, Long Ranged), Machete Fire), Knuckleduster (Improvised:
(Melee: Intimidating) Stunning)

MEMENTO: Postcard from your MEMENTO: Gang tattoos.


MAJOR GAMBITS: Fast Hands MAJOR GAMBITS: Fighter, Not A Lover

When rolling Initiative, you roll 2D3 and add the higher to your Savvy. The first time each Session you would spend Heart for Exertion, roll a
You are always on edge. If the party is Suprised, you can still act on your Blues Check instead. If successful, you do not spend Heart.
first Turn.
MINOR GAMBITS: Locked and Loaded
You are very intimidating. It has its benefits, including but not limited to
Add an extra keyword to one of your starting Weapons. rolling with the Upper Hand against the cowardly, or Against the Odds
against those with something to prove.

TROUBLES: Lovesick TROUBLES: Red Right Hand

You had a lover, but now they’re gone. You’re still pretty sore about it. The quickest way to end a fight is to do spectacular violence before your rival.

Answer two at character creation: Answer two at character creation:

• How did you meet them? • What was the first fight you ever won?
• Who said “I love you” first? • Which scar do you wear with pride?
• How did you spend your happiest day together? • What enemies have you worked hard to earn?
• When did you realise it was over? • When was the last time you killed someone you only meant to maim?
• Where did it end? • Which old friend now fears your brutality?
Once per Scene, when you answer one of the remaining questions during Once per Scene, when you answer one of the remaining questions during
play, gain 1 Blues. play, gain 1 Blues.
Gain 1 Blues when: Gain 1 Blues when:
• You struggle to open up to someone, because it hurts too much. • You lose your temper.
• Something reminds you of them, and it stings. • You reach for weapons before words.
• You see something that you used to do with them. • You leave a foe cowering in submission.

7 8





WEAPONS: Revolver (Personal: WEAPONS: SMG (Personal: Rapid

Intimidating) Switchblade Fire) Baseball Bat (Improvised:
(Improvised: Concealable) Stunning)

MEMENTO: Outdated police badge. MEMENTO: Brochure for the

pleasure yacht ISP Watson.

MAJOR GAMBITS: Devil’s Right Hand MAJOR GAMBITS: Friends In Low Places

A pistol is as much a weapon as it is an extension of your will. You always When you return to an old haunt and seek some old friends, roll a Blues
have the Upper Hand when attacking with pistols, and you can use your Check. If you succeed, in addition to gaining a Blues, roll with the Upper
pistol to incapacite, disarm or perform other unconventional trick shots Hand on your next check to obtain or coerce something from them.
at a standard difficulty (without rolling Against The Odds).
MINOR GAMBITS: It’s All In The Details
You are attractive by any measure. It has its benefits, including but not
You notice all manner of things others might not. You have the Upper limited to rolling with the Upper Hand on Checks against the smitten, or
Hand on Observation Checks to notice small details. Against the Odds against the envious.

TROUBLES: In Too Deep TROUBLES: Party Animal

You got involved with the wrong people and did things you’re not proud of. You know how to live. Let the naysayers hang, damn their eyes.

Answer two at character creation: Answer two at character creation:

• Which unsavoury organisation did you work with? • Where do you go to blow off steam?
• Which lawman would remember your face? • What is the worst crime you’ve done to have a good time?
• When did you realise you’d gone too far? • Who do you party with?
• How did you wriggle free? Are you off the hook? • Which narcotics help you find that ever-fading zen?
• Which old friend would help you with something illegal if you asked? • What feeling do you bury deep beneath drugs and bad decisions?
Once per Scene, when you answer one of the remaining questions during Once per Scene, when you answer one of the remaining questions during
play, gain 1 Blues. play, gain 1 Blues.
Gain 1 Blues when: Gain 1 Blues when:
• You rely on a talent learnt from your old job. • You enjoy yourself more than you probably should.
• You handle consequences you used to not have to worry about. • You do a careless thing in a serious situation.
• You force someone to do something they don’t want to do. • You cover your true feelings with debauchery.

9 10
Playing The Game “We’ll deal the cards, and you
One player assumes the role of the Storyteller. They narrate the story of
the players, known as the Crew. The Crew, in turn, describe what their
roll the dice. Open 28/12.”
characters do. - Denning Bueller Casinos

Stat Checks
When a player character or NPC attempts something with a chance of
failure, they roll a Stat Check. Opening an unlocked door doesn't require a
Stat Check, but forcing open a jammed, locked or blocked door does.
Walking across a clear room is easy enough, but quickly traversing a room
filled with security measures needs a Check. Stat Checks also determine
how well you can shrug off narcotics, dodge explosions or resist a vice.

A Stat Check uses either Muscle, Savvy or Grit. To make a Stat Check, roll
2D6 and add the relevant Stat. If the total is 9+, you succeed. Otherwise,
you fail. Either way, the Storyteller narrates the result.

A Stat Check’s target number is always 9. If the situation is easier or

harder, roll with Upper Hand or Against The Odds, as appropriate.

The Upper Hand

Stat Checks that are easier than average—whether due to a Gambit,
training, equipment or environmental circumstance—have the Upper
Hand. For example, a door is easier to force open if you have help, a
crowbar, or if the mag-lock circuits are blown—roll with the Upper Hand.

When you have the Upper Hand, roll 3D6 and discard the lowest die
before adding the appropriate Stat as usual.

Against the Odds

Similarly, Stat Checks that are harder than average—whether due to a
Gambit, adverse effects, lack of training or equipment, or environmental
circumstances—are Against the Odds. It is harder to force open a door
when you are injured, in waist deep water, or if the door is well-
constructed or jammed—roll Against The Odds.

When you are Against The Odds, roll 3D6 and discard the highest die
before adding the appropriate Stat as usual.

11 12
Multiple Instances Exertion
Each instance of the Upper Hand cancels out an instance of Against the Characters can spend Heart on Exertion to overcome poor dice rolls. After
Odds, and vice versa. If you use a crowbar (Upper Hand) to open a rusty you roll a Stat Check, Observation Check or Attack, or after an opponent
iron door (Upper Hand) while in low gravity (Against the Odds), you rolls an Attack against you (but before the Storyteller narrates the roll’s
make the Stat Check with the Upper Hand, as the two circumstances result), you can spend any amount of Heart, and reroll one die for each
granting the Upper Hand outnumber the one Against the Odds. However, Heart spent.
if the door is also blocked by something on the other side (Against the
Odds), they all cancel each other out and you roll 2D6 as normal. Regardless of the outcome, the new results stand. You can never use
Exertion to reroll a die you have already rerolled.
Stat Checks never roll more than three dice.

A Stat Check with three or more instances of the Upper Hand after Blues Check
cancelling is Trivial. It succeeds automatically, without a Stat Check.
A character makes a Blues Check whenever something terrible happens to
A Stat Check with three or more instances of Against the Odds after them. It is a measure of stress and turmoil for an outlaw. Blues Checks
cancelling is Impossible. It fails automatically, without a Stat Check. often relate to a character’s Troubles, but anything that saddens them
might call for a Blues Check.

Observation Checks To roll a Blues Check, the player rolls 2D6 and adds their Grit. If the total
is 9+, the character is shook up, but they take it in stride. They gain 1
Make Observation Checks to discern an environment’s unusual Blues. If the total is 8 or less, the feeling passes, and they gain no Blues.
features—to see, smell or hear something that isn’t obvious. Characters
can normally hear companions’ speech in a quiet room, but might not
hear it amid a roaring crowd or a blistering gunfight. Trouble’s Brewing
Following the Storyteller's general description of a location, players may Once per Arc, when a character has at least 8 Blues, they can declare one
ask for further details, potentially requiring an Observation Check. of their Troubles is Brewing. Sad music plays as they try to assuage their
Alternatively, the Storyteller might request an Observation Check to Blues by confronting the source of their Trouble. They might seek a
notice hidden details or dangers such as traps or enemies. verbal confrontation or a violent one. They might have a depressive or
manic episode, indulge a vice or wallow in their Blues.
Unlike Stat Checks, an Observation Check has no modifier: simply roll
2D6 against a target of 9+ to succeed, otherwise the Check fails. Either For the rest of that Scene they can spend Blues for Exertion instead of
way, the Storyteller narrates what the character observes. Heart. They take half damage from all attacks during this Scene.

On a failure, the Storyteller can provide a description reflecting At the end of the scene, they reset their Blues to zero. They also choose
uncertainty, or provide unreliable or lespartially correct information. one of the following:

• Gain a new Trouble. • Restore all missing Heart.

Measuring Time
• Gain a new Gambit. • Increase a Stat by 1 (up to 3).
A Scene is usually defined by one or two connected backdrop locations,
and a few key events, exchanges or altercations. A Scene could be a tense Even if the character survives the Blues, nothing they do will make them
moment at the casino, a barfight that spills out into the street, or a feel much better.
particularly heated argument on the bridge between jobs.

An Arc is a collection of Scenes. It could be anything from the events

taking place over one black-out weekend, to a several-year hunt of a
particularly notorious bounty.

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Money Payoff
If your Debts are greater than your Credits, roll or choose one of the
Cold hard cash. You want it, your debtors need it, and for some reason, following:
your friends are always asking for it, too.
1. You take out a Loan from an amenable contact.
Rather than tracking each individual credit, we manage the Crew’s 2. If you have any Savings, you lose them.
expenditure with the following abstract mechanics.
3. A friend helps you make ends meet—you owe them a favour.

Debt and Credit 4. You lose a friendly contact.

5. You gain an unfriendly contact
At the end of each session, the Crew calculates their Debts and Credits:
6. You sell something important.
Gain 1 Debt if:
If your Debts are 3 greater than your Credits, choose again from the above
list. Alternatively, the Storyteller might tell you which option has
• Your ship needs repairs. happened, without allowing you being able to choose.
• You crashed your ship.
If your Credits are greater than your Debts, roll or choose one of the
• One of the Crew Members recovers their Heart. following:
• You used your ship to fly any distance.
1. You bank the money—gain some Savings.
• You used your ship to fly between planets.
2. You pass on your windfall to a friend—they owe you a favour.
• You used your ship to fly between systems.
3. Repair your ship’s Hull or set your Fuel to full.
• You have an outstanding Loan.
4. You advance a Crew Project by 1 pip.
• You fired a weapon with Limited Ammo.
5. You lose an unfriendly contact.
You might spend money on assets during the session, which will require 6. You gain a friendly contact.
you to take additional Debts.
If your Credits are 3 more than your Debts, choose 2 from the above list.
You get paid in Credits for doing jobs or selling important items.
If you don’t pay your Debts, someone will send a bounty hunter after you.
• 2 Credits might be a simple job, like capturing a minor criminal for a
bounty, moving simple goods a short distance or roughing up some
local criminals. Crew Projects
• 4 Credits might be a standard job, like apprehending a career criminal
for a bounty, transporting valuable goods between planets or dealing Some Crew Members spend their downtime assembling, designing or
with a gang. saving for upgrades to their Equipment and Crew.
• 6 Credits might be something more complex or dangerous, like
capturing a wanted mob boss, moving illegal goods across a system or Add the end of each session, you can use Payoff to advance a Crew Project
murdering someone. by 1 pip. When you fill a number of pips equal to the number of Crew
Members, do one of the following:
• 8 or more Credits might cover incredibly dangerous jobs, like bringing
down an entire gang, getting involved in drugs or weapons • Upgrade the Ship: Increase one of the ship’s Stats, Hull or Fuel by 1.
trafficking, or robbing a bank.
• Obtain Asset: Create or purchase a new piece of Crew Equipment.
Illegal work pays more Credits, but has its own risks. • Scientific Breakthrough: Invent a design for a new piece of Crew
Equipment. A prototype must be further purchased by Obtain Asset.
If you have any Savings, you gain an additional Credit at the start of every
session. • Upgrade Weapon: Add a Trait to a ship or Crew Member’s Weapon.

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Combat “War? What is it good for?”
-Common Political Mantra of the anti-expansionist
Whether it’s a quick flash of switchblades in the street, a deadly brawl on
top of a moving mag-train or an adrenaline-fuelled raid on a high-rise
New Ohio movement.
apartment full of mobsters, combat is bound to happen.

In combat, time is divided into Rounds. Each Round represents a scant

few moments—around 10 seconds of in-game time. During a Round,
characters take Turns moving and acting.

On their Turn, characters can move a short distance and perform an

action—like attacking, using equipment or interacting with the world.

Initiative determines the order of Turns within a Round. To determine
Initiative, each character rolls D3 and adds their Savvy, taking into
account any modifiers from Gambits. Characters take Turns in
descending Initiative order.

Recalculate Initiative at critical or dramatic moments, with +1 or -1

modifiers awarded based on the narrative circumstances of the conflict.

In the rough and tumble landscape of the Frontier Galaxy, fair fights
rarely happen. A character who is not ready for combat is Surprised, and
cannot move or take any actions on their first Turn in Initiative.

Knives to a Cinematic Gunfight

Fortune favours the brave, not those who hide behind crates and blindly
fire semi-automatic weapons.

Guns can be clunky and slow compared to the simplicity of a melee

weapon. When rolling Initiative, characters using a Melee Weapon roll
2D3 and add the higher to their Savvy.

Once per combat, a character using a melee weapon against opponents

armed with guns may evoke the “Rule of Cool”, granting them one roll
with the Upper Hand. They could use the roll to close the gap at a weak
point in the enemy gunline, disarm a hitman, or make the critical slide
over the hood of the mobster’s car to get started with the hand-to-hand.

17 18
Distances Attacking
Distance and space in combat is simplified into four bands called Ranges: As an Action on their Turn, character can make one Attack:
Close, Nearby, Far and Remote:
1. Determine the Target Number to hit the enemy. The default Target
• Close is melee range. Close characters can exchange blows or whisper. Number is 8, modified by equipment and Gambits.
• Nearby is the size of a small room. Nearby characters can talk without
2. Roll 3D6. Choose two of the dice and add the appropriate Stat for this
shouting, toss things to each other without difficulty, or move to
type of Attack. If the total meets or exceeds the Target Number, the
Close at a moment’s notice.
attacker successfully hits the enemy. If no two of the dice (with the
• Far is shooting range. Far characters must raise their voices to talk. added Stat) can meet the Target Number, the attack misses—but
maybe something bad or inconvenient happens instead.
• Remote characters have a lot of space between them. Remote
characters require specialised weapons or equipment to interact.
3. On a successful hit, the remaining die serves as damage. Subtract its
Remote fighting requires scoped weapons, and communication
value from the target’s Heart, plus any modifiers from the Weapon.
requires a phone, earpiece or radio.
Measure Distance from the characters to important threats, When Attacking with the Upper Hand, roll 4D6 instead and discard the
environmental features and objectives. lowest die.

Use common sense to decide how Range bands affect play. For example: Similarly, when Attacking Against the Odds, roll 4D6 but discard the
highest die.
A Trivial Attack hits automatically, regardless of the Target Number—
• You can declare a melee attack against any Close enemy. roll 2D6 instead, and deal the higher die as damage, plus any modifiers.
• The ideal Range for Hand weapons is Nearby.
An Impossible Attack has no effect on the target.
• The ideal Range for Standard weapons is Far.
• Roll Remote Attacks Against the Odds (unless the weapon is Scoped).
• Roll ranged Attacks at non-ideal ranges Against the Odds.
When a non-player character is reduced to 0 Heart, they die. They might
instead be knocked unconscious if the attacker wants.
• You can move from Close to Nearby (or visa-versa) freely on your Turn. When a Crew Member is reduced to 0 Heart, roll D6. If the result is equal
to or less than the number of Troubles they have, their story comes to an
• Moving from Far to Nearby (or visa-versa) takes an Action.
end. If the result is greater than their number of Troubles, they find
• Moving from Remote to Far (or visa-versa) takes several Actions. themselves Knocking on Heavens Door.
• To move towards or away from an enemy while they are chasing or
shooting at you, roll a successful Savvy Check. If you fail, either
choose to stay put or allow the enemy to Attack you.
Knocking on Heaven’s Door
• In a chase, both parties roll a Savvy Check. If both parties pass or fail, Characters who find themselves Knocking on Heaven’s Door are
then they remain the same Range. If one party passes and the other unconscious, delirious or injured, and rely on their companions to save
fails, then the winning party closes/widens the gap by one Range them. When a character is Knocking on Heaven’s Door, they may
band. If the chased party moves to Remote Range of their pursuer, disclose a great regret, fear or disappointment.
they escape.
Without medical assistance, a character Knocking on Heaven’s Door
regains consciousness in 2D6 hours. They gain a new Trouble, as skirting
the brink of death takes its toll.

19 20
The weapons that player characters may begin play with are typically
commonly available, hand-held weapons befitting storied individuals
who regularly engage in the acts of self-defence and small skirmishes
common in the Frontier Galaxy.

There are 4 types of weapons:

• Improvised Weapon: A discreet melee weapon. Possibly a tool used as

a weapon, like a wrench or switchblade, or knuckledusters or a fist.
Roll Attacks Against The Odds against Mobs. Choose One:
Concealable, Intimidating, Stun.
• Melee Weapon: Dangerous but Conspicuous. Maybe a sword, a stun- • Silent: Doesn’t make a thunderous racket when you fire it.
baton, or a machete. Choose One: Armour-Piercing, Defensive, Stun,
Intimidating. • Stun: At zero Heart, targets are unconscious instead of dead.
• Personal Weapon: A small firearm, legal on most worlds. A pistol, • Rapid-Fire: On a hit, reduces the Size of a Mob by an additional 1.
sawed-off, or a low-powered rifle. Choose One: Armour-Piercing, • Precise: Attack a specific location on or near a target without rolling
Concealable, Intimidating, Precise, Rapid-Fire, Shot, Silent, Stun. Against The Odds.
• Military Weapon: A weapon meant to do harm to the wicked, or • Shot: Shoots lots of small pellets from a single shell. Roll with the
anyone else who stands in your way. Require a license on most worlds. Upper Hand to attack Close and Near targets. Roll Against The Odds
An assault rifle, shotgun, sniper rifle, or a grenade launcher. Deadly on Far targets. Attacks are Impossible against Remote targets.
but Conspicuous. Choose One: Armour-Piercing, Explosive,
Intimidating, Long-Range, Rapid-Fire, Shot, Silent. Choose One:
Heavy, Loud, Limited Ammo. Drawbacks
• Loud: When you fire it, folks the next moon over probably hear it, too.
Traits Enemies will come running.
• Armour-Piercing: The Target Number for Attacks is always 8, even if • Heavy: Requires at least 1 Muscle to lug it around.
the target is wearing Armour.
• Limited Ammo: Ammunition is rare, expensive and heavy. Attacking
• Concealable: Small, easy to hide. Roll with the Upper Hand on Checks with it imposes a Debt.
to conceal.
• Conspicuous: Roll Against The Odds on Checks to conceal. Ship Weapons
• Dangerous: Automatically takes a Goon out on a hit.
Ship weapons work the same as normal weapons, but are much larger:
• Deadly: Automatically takes a Goon out on a hit. When attacking
Mobs, reduces Size by 1 extra. • Improvised Weapons might be ramming your opponent’s ship, or
clever use of weaponised exhaust, like engines or thrusters.
• Defensive: +1 Target Number when defending against melee attacks.
• Melee Weapons are rare, but might be a battering ram, salvage-
• Explosive: Damages nearby structures when fired. When attacking lasers, EM-grapples or boarding-hooks.
Mobs, reduces Size by double the normal amount. Choose Loud or
Limited Ammo in addition to any normal drawbacks. • Personal Weapons might be re-purposed salvaging or mining tools,
like mining lasers, plasma cutters and harpoon cannons.
• Intimidating: Looks fearsome. You put the fear in the hearts of lesser
folks. • Military Weapons are purpose built anti-ship weapons, like railguns,
torpedoes or flak-launchers. They tend to draw a lot of attention, and
• Long Ranged: You can shoot Remote targets without penalty. only be seen on dedicated combat or law-enforcement vessels.

21 22
Enemies A Mob of Goons
When a Crew does something worth dispatching a squad, then a Mob of
Combat is an unfortunate inevitability of the Outlaw life, so it’s important them might show up to deal with it. As few as 3 Goons can be a Mob,
for a Crew and its players to know what they’re up against. acting as follows:

There are two three kinds of enemies: Goons and Marks. Large groups of • They have a shared profile, often slightly better than a Crew Member.
Goons can be grouped in Mobs or Organisations, reflecting their • They act together with the same Initiative and Turn.
combined efforts, resources and training a collection may possess.
• Acts which require high levels of coordination, roll a Savvy Check.

Goons • When rolling Initiative, Mobs roll 2D3 and take the lower, then add it
their Savvy.
Goons are exactly what they sound like—the galactic chaff in every two- • When attacking a single target, they deal additional damage equal to
bit gangster’s backroom, guarding every crooked casino door, and their Size.
patrolling the interstellar streets in the name of domineering laws.
Typically out-gunned, out-witted or out-maneuvered alone, Goons • Mobs may split their fire between a number of targets up to their
commonly strike against Crews in number. Alone, they don’t pose any Size, but if they do so, they roll all attacks Against The Odds and do
real concern. Any attack that deals more than 3 damage takes down a not add additional damage as above.
Goon. • Each attack that does more than 5 damage reduces the Mob’s Size by
1. When the squad Size drops to zero, the Mob is taken out of action.
Goons have two profiles: one for individuals, and another for when they
Mob up.
Police Squad
An example of Goons is a planetary district’s local cops. Alone, the Loyalty: New Houston Police Force Size: 3 or more
average individual cop on a district’s force is unlikely to bust any of the
Crew’s schemes, figure out their grifts, or gun down an outlaw in a one- Muscle: 2 Savvy: 1 Grit: 1
on-one shootout.
Weaponry: Pistols | Batons | Shotgun (1 in 4)
Equipment: Radios | Handcuffs | Patrol Car (1 in 3)
Loyalty: New Houston Police Force
Moods: 1. Disorganised | 2. Blundering | 3. Aggressive
Muscle: 1 Savvy: 1 Grit: 0 | 4. Relentless | 5. Arrogant | 6. Destructive
Weaponry: Pistol | Baton This squad is a good final hurdle in a chase or shootout. They have one
patrol car for every 3 members, and one shotgun for every 4 members.
Equipment: Radio | Handcuffs

Moods: 1. Paranoid | 2. Arrogant | 3. Imperious

|4. Disorganised | 5. Oafish | 6. Corruptible Which type of enemy should I use?
Goons do not have access to Gambits or Troubles, though they do have • Use Goons to oppose one Crew Member, or in scenes with low stakes.
D6 Moods to suggest how they might operate in play, as well as a Loyalty
to whomever they work for. Goons have a basic array of Weaponry and/or • Use Squads when you want a blazing gunfight or a chase where the
Equipment, and lower stats compared to a single Crew Member. whole Crew are on their back foot.
• Use Organisations to oppose an Crew over a whole arc.
• Use Marks as social threats, bounty targets or as a serious enemy you
want to put a face and a name to.

23 24
Organisations “No one dared to ask his business, no one
Groups of Goons may also operate in large enough numbers to become an dared to make a slip, for the stranger there
Organisation—a whole syndicate, gang, precinct or corporation.
Organisation profiles are not intended to be used in combat, but rather to among them had a big iron on his ship.”
make social or intrigue-based rolls. They have Resources, instead of
Equipment and Weaponry, and a Reach, which defines their scale. - Monarch-Daxon Firearms Marketing Slogan

Police Precinct
Loyalty: New Houston Police Force Size: 40+

Muscle: 2 Savvy: 2 Grit: 1

Resources: 5 Police Squads | 5 Patrol Cars | Armoured Shuttle | 2

Undercover Agents |

Reach: Trusted, Planetary

Marks are notable NPCs or antagonists who merit more detailed profiles
and abilities. A Mark could be anything from a Crew’s bounty hit, a rival, a
competitor, or a soured benefactor. Marks are always individuals, and
have full profiles like Crew Members, complete with their own Gambits
and Troubles.

A example Mark to rival an Crew might be a hard-bitten Police

Commissioner set on busting them:

Commissioner Jack DeLacy

Loyalty: New Houston Police Force

Muscle: 1 Savvy 3 Grit: 2

Heart: 9 Affluence: 2

Weapons: Pistol (Revolver)

Gambits: Heard it Through The Grapevine | Friends in High Places

Troubles: Papa Was a Rolling Stone

Reach: Respected, City-wide

Between his high Savvy and resourceful Gambits, DeLacy could cause a
Crew some problems—with DeLacy and a squad or two of Cops closing in
on them, even a competent Crew would struggle to make a clean getaway.
But Delacy also struggles with his own troubles, living in the shadow of
his predecessor (Papa Was A Rolling Stone). A clever Crew could leverage
this information to undermine or defeat DeLacy.
25 26
Vehicles “Automatic. Systematic. Hydromatic.”
- Murdoch Transport “Model G” marketing copy.
The Frontier Galaxy is a vast place, filled with a near-infinite number of
junkers, speeders, freighters and fighters, and the diversity of ships is as
varied as the galactic populous itself. These rules are intended to work for
interplanetary space ships, but they can just as easily be used for ground
vehicles or sub-atmospheric vessels.

Vehicles are driven by Pilots. You might use the Vehicle’s or Pilot’s Stats.

Vehicle Stats
Body is the strength of a vehicle’s build. It encompasses how well the
vehicle is made, how well it has aged, and how well it copes with the
pressures of use.

Integrity is how well a vehicle does the job it was built for. It covers how
much cargo a pirate’s freighter can carry, the capacity and reliability of a
transport vessel, the manoeuvrability one-pilot speeder and how fast a
muscle car can eat up tarmac.

Systems is the effectiveness of a vehicle’s auxiliary systems, such as

scanners, radar, on-board computers, stabilisers or targeting systems.

In addition to their Stats, vehicles have Hull and Fuel.

Hull is a vehicle’s “health” for the purposes of combat and arduous

journeys. Ships have Hull equal to 6 plus Body. If you run out of Hull, the
vehicle is taken out of action and the Crew will either have to attempt a
fix of the damaged systems, or abandon ship using escape pods or
shuttles. If the ship is in low orbit of a planet, it might crash. You can
repair a point of Hull by rolling a Stat Check, or fully restore a vehicle’s
Hull at appropriate locations using your Payoff.

Fuel is a measure of how far a vehicle can go on what’s left in the tank.
Ships have a maximum Fuel equal to 3 plus Integrity. A vehicle loses one
point of Fuel for every Scene where it is used. If you run out of Fuel, best
turn on a distress signal and hope someone friendly shows up. You can
fully restore a vehicle’s Fuel at appropriate locations using Payoff.

Vehicle Combat
Vehicle combat works like normal combat, but everything is bigger.
Ranges are measured on larger scales, appropriate to the type of vehicles
involved. Attacks made by and against vehicles tend to use heavier, larger
weapons, but still use the same rules. Roll Initiative with the vehicle’s
Integrity or the Pilot’s Savvy. Pilots can use their own Heart or the
vehicle’s Hull or Fuel for Exertion. If a Vehicle attacks a human target, it
does double damage.
27 28
The Sutler System Reno-12,
A backwater system situated around a dying sun, the Sutler System is an
isolated pocket of space where fledgling crews can expect to come up Georgia-
against smugglers, petty crime, and cutthroat mobsters. It is a poorly-
policed system of dying industry, and perfect for beginning larger Alpha-2
adventures with interstellar outlaw Crews.

The Parazzo Family, led by eldest sister Toni, are slowly increasing their
control over the crime and business in the system. They want to quash a
rival drug smuggling operation emerging under Saul Jackson, reclaim
money stolen by Indie Carter, and crush their rivals, the Reno Snakes, led
by Francine Dubois. Sutler Sutler-47
Locations Orbital Route Fuel
• Sutler Orbital: An independent space station that closely orbits the
sun. It has a small number of services and acts as a primary hub for
travellers to the system.
• Sutler-47 Route Fuel Hub: A fuelling station on a slow, wide orbit in
the interior of the system. This kind of fuel stop is a common
stomping ground for long-haul truckers and travellers from farther
• Reno- 12, Georgia-Alpha-2: The primary hab-city of the system,
located on the desert planet of Georgia-Alpha-2, in the Northern
Hemisphere. Due to the arid atmosphere, much of the surface is
covered with moisture farms and salt flats, but Reno-12 provides a
concentrated hub of small-city living. Most of the industry here is run
by the powerful Parazzo Family.
• Irvine Industrial, Georgia-Delta-3: A mining outpost city on
Georgia-Delta-3, a mineral-rich moon orbiting Georgia-Alpha-3. A Irvine Industrial,
mining boom a few years back brought brief prosperity and rapid
development to the outpost, but drier times herald economic decline.
Getting Started
You could start your crew mid-job, loose on the promenade of Sutler
Orbital, or talking to someone who will offer them work. The characters
might be from out of system, or tied into one of the existing factions.

• Smugglers: Saul Jackson on Sutler Orbital.

• Bounty Hunters: Mary O’Neil on Sutler Orbital.
The Sutler System
• Punks: Francine Dubois in the Viper's Bar and Grill on Reno-12. Points of Interest
• Thugs: Luciano Parazzo at the High Rollers Casino on Reno-12.
29 30
Rumours Peacekeeper
Loyalty: Sutler System Security
In the Sutler System, everyone is talking about something. Rumours are
rife on the Undercarriage Bar in Irvine Industrial, in the High Rollers Muscle: 1 Savvy: 1 Grit: 0
Casino and the Strip on Reno-12, and everywhere in Sutler Orbital.
Weaponry: Pistol (Personal)| Baton (Improvised: Stunning)
1. Businesspeople have been seen skulking around the Tomaton
Automobile Factory on Reno-12. If someone throws some credits at it, Equipment: Radio | Handcuffs
they could get it running again and revitalise the local economy.
Moods: 1. Paranoid | 2. Arrogant | 3. Imperious
2. There’s a big fight happening soon in the Undercarriage Bar on Irvine |4. Disorganised | 5. Oafish | 6. Corruptible
Industrial. Local landowner Casey Parazzo is set to fight Jessie "Red"
Rhodes, an out-of-system champion!
The Bounty Board
3. If the Parazzos give you trouble, the Reno Snakes are always willing
to lend a hand. Sutler System Security offers bounties for prominent criminals
throughout the system. Escort captured marks to the outposts on Reno-
4. The board shows an unusually hefty bounty out on Jon "Tequila" 12 or Sutler Orbital for cash rewards.
Rogers, who broke out of prison recently.
Bounty Boards throughout the system repeat stock messages, reporting
5. Pirate attacks are getting worse, and the crew of the New York Groove the appearances and crimes in a dreary monotone interspersed with
recently hijacked the cargo ship Green Harrier. catchy but mundane ad reels for household cleaning products and adverts
for local establishments.
6. Casey Parazzo killed a man a few weeks ago, just for looking at her
the wrong way! • Jon "Tequila" Rogers recently escaped from Folksong Penitentiary
Station. His previous crimes include gambling, fraud and identity
theft. His bounty is unusually high—6 Credits, Alive.
The Law
• Tequila hired a mob of petty thugs, who are all wanted for various
Law in the region is managed by the Peacekeepers of Sutler System petty crimes—collectively worth 2 Credits, Alive.
Security, who have bases on Reno-12 and Sutler Orbital. Ostensibly a
force of law and order, they are underfunded, underappreciated and Small-time bounties, 4 Credits each:
noticeably corrupt, giving the Parazzo Family and their allies a wide • Wallace Forbes, a greasy, paunchy con man. Wanted alive in
berth. connection with numerous heists on big-name casinos. Last seen
A Peacekeeper Barge, the SAV Fenring, and its crew of 4 Peacekeepers heading towards Reno-12.
handle particularly egregious criminals, but the department prefers to • Aileen Blatto, wanted for robbery and grand theft auto. Leader of the
stake bounties and rely on independent contractors. The SAV Duncan and Desert Cats, a biker gang on the Backroads of Reno-12. Wanted dead
Halleck are usually out on patrols elsewhere. or alive. No confirmed visuals available, known by her trademark red
leather biker jacket.
Peacekeeper Barge • Ivan Delshik, an arms dealer. Last seen at Irvine Industrial. Reported
Loyalty: Sutler System Security to change appearance frequently, but recognisable by a faded tattoo
below his right eye in the shape of a tear. Wanted alive for
Body: 1 Integrity: 1 System: 1 questioning.
• Alice Rutters, part of an intergalactic smuggling ring. Wanted alive
Hull: 8 Fuel: 5 for questioning. No known vessel of her own—known to coerce male
truckers for rides between systems. Blonde, permed hair, blue eyes.
Equipment: Light Railgun (Military: Armour Piercing, Loud), Cargo
Scanner (checks a vehicle for illegal cargo), Warrant Scanner (checks for
any crimes attached to a vehicle or its last registered owner)

31 32
D6 Space Travel Events
It takes about a day on a normal ship to head between any of the 4 points
on the map of the Sutler System. Roll D6 for any journey.

If you have already resolved any of the situations, roll again or just use
more 1. Pirates!

1. Pirates!
A Pirate Crew approach and make to board your ship.

2. Debris Rupture
Heavy, drifting debris blocks your exterior vents. Someone needs to go
outside and clear it out.

3. Authority Checkpoint
The Peacekeeper Barge SAV Duncan and its crew of 4 Peacekeepers hails
you from a distance. They have taken an interest in your recent arrival,
and politely request to board your ship to confirm licenses and personnel.

4. Distress Signal
An automated, tinny distress signal rings out from the Sutler-47 Fuel
Route Hub. If the situation there is already resolved, the distress signal
emanates instead from the cargo hauler, Sovereign. Some Pirates (see
Event #1) aim to take a shipment of precious metals worth 3 Credits from
its hold.

5. Cargo Escort
A cargo hauler, Washington’s Song, headed to Irvine Industrial asks for an
escort to avoid Pirates in the area. The ship is carrying one of the

1. Liquor for the Undercarriage Bar.

2. Space suits for orbital miners.

3. Tightly-packed mining charges.

6. Tour Shuttle
A tour ship, New Caldera, carrying Hollie Astro & The Flyboys is out of
fuel and drifting. They’re looking for someone to ferry the four-member
band to Viper’s Bar on Reno-12 in time for a gig next solar cycle. The
band party hard—they have a significant amount of liquor and drugs, and
they’re more than willing to share.

33 34
Sutler Orbital Marvin Howard
Balding, moustachioed, and missing one eye. A former prospector at the
A backwater station, favoured by interstellar outlaws for its remote nearby Irvine Industrial Mining outpost, retired after a “mining injury”
location among mining moons and declining civilisations. The Station (supposedly unrelated to his eye). Now runs the Providence Tap. Rumour
floats quietly in the light of the system’s dying sun, its peeling paint has it he used to be a smuggler, but he laughs it off and says good, hard
exposing an aging chassis. Sizzling halogen lights illuminate the work is the only thing he’s ever known.
hallways. Everything here is faded and in need of renovation.
The Old Days
Rumours flow freely on Sutler Orbital, and everyone has thoughts on the
latest bounty or news broadcast. Business on Sutler Orbital is dull—Howard longs for a taste of the old
days, and his old ways. He has a tall tale for any interstellar outlaws that
swing by about a smuggler’s cache hidden in the foreman’s office at the
The Providence Tap old Ferris Iron quarry on The Backroads of Reno-12. If anyone were to
verify the old rumours, he’d appreciate hearing what they find.
A smoky drinking hole with lacquered wood and sticky tables. The back
windows overlook the vast open-space docking bay. It is quiet, and the
Jukebox requires a good, solid hit to work right.
Saul Jackson
A sly, middle-aged man with slicked-back hair and a penchant for
• Marvin Howard runs the tap most hours of the solar cycle. cigarillos. Many previous vocations and former lines of work, but
currently the coach and manager of Jessie "Red" Rhodes, a prizefighting
• Saul Jackson is a frequent visitor recently, keeping an eye on the Boxer. Actually a former money launderer for the Parazzos. Looking to
window that looks out to the ship port. He is looking for a crew to pay off his debt to his boss, Toni Parazzo, by turning in Indie Carter.
courier Jessie "Red" Rhodes to a boxing match on Irvine Industrial.
Cash in Hand
Port Parts Inc. Jackson is looking for a crew confident enough to smuggle Red into Irvine
A ship outfitting and engineering garage built into the ship port. An Industrial in time for an underground boxing match against Casey
archaic chain now mostly out of business, a franchise persists at Sutler Parazzo, a renowned bare-knuckle boxer. Jackson is secretly using Red to
Orbital under Todd Reed’s greasy management. The place stinks of smuggle “Grease”—a gel-based stimulant—onto the station under Red’s
rocket fuel and oil, and tattered pin-ups dot the walls between tool racks. boxing gauze, in a vain attempt to appease the Parazzo family. Terry Roy
will pay 2 Credits to the Crew for delivering Red to the Undercarriage
• Todd Reed, an unassuming mechanic, manages the garage and Bar—significantly less than the Grease is worth.
oversees most repairs. Runs a small side business selling small arms
and otherwise illegal ship parts off the books. His stock is limited to
what he has been able to take from ships coming through recently. Todd Reed
• 3 Standard-Quality Remote Explosives. Lean, wiry. A former hippie who wears his long, greying hair in a ponytail.
Poorly hides a shady past as an eco-terrorist, and still has some
• Scan Detection Monitor. connection to arms dealers and black market part fitters. Has a small
selection of black market equipment he will part with for the right price
• 4 System Communicators.
or a favour from a friendly contact.
• Warrant Scanner.
Boom & Bust
• A small, sleek shuttle in one of the repair bays can be
attached like a sidecar to a ship’s main hatch. In days gone Todd caught word that a biker gang on Reno-12 is interested in restoring
by Reed used it to smuggle arms to eco-resistance fighters. the Tomaton Automobile Plant. He’d love to relocate there to help get
It is outfitted to be undetectable to scanners, but he has no the old thing working again. He needs a Crew to get him there and signed
use of it now. He will part with it for a Crew Project worth up with whoever’s in charge, and he is willing to part with a Ship
of cash. Cloaking Device in exchange for the favour.

35 36
Frontier Security Services . Indie Carter
A security franchise on a government contract to operate interstellar Dishevelled and weaselly, with straw-like hair and an ill-fitting grey suit.
bounty boards and authority holding cells. Built to template across the Former business partner of Saul Jackson. Saul threw Indie to rookie
galaxy, once you’ve seen one Frontier Security Service, you’ve seen them hunters to avoid being taken in on a bounty. Now, apprehended by a Crew
all. a few days ago, Indie finds himself awaiting authority pick-up in Sutler
Orbital’s Frontier Security franchise. Previously an accountant, he knows
• A Bounty Board provides a feed of the system’s latest bounties, he won’t last five minutes in a penitentiary—he is desperate for a way
updated every half-hour. out. Anyone interrogating Indie Carter will find he responds poorly to
threats of violence, but fears authority and legitimate sentencing—bones
• Mary O’Neil works behind the counter, taking in any live captures and heal faster than most jail sentences.
verifying biodata from “cold hits.”
No Space for Old Men
• One of the two holding cells in the back houses Indie Carter, taken in
Indie knows Saul Jackson’s sudden interest in boxing is just another
for smuggling narcotics. As he is allegedly involved in smuggling
front, and he knows drugs will be involved somehow. While Saul’s
operations around the system, any registered Hunters are entitled to
testimony was airtight, Indie ran a relatively clean grift on mining taxes,
time with him for questioning.
cooking the books at Irvine Industrial on behalf of the Parazzos. He
skimmed several million credits off the top and left it all in a suitcase,
Mary O’Neil hidden in a vent between rooms at the Sutler-47 Fuel Route Hub Motel.
He wants it delivered—not a cred missing—to Toni Parazzo on Reno-12
Peroxide blonde with smoky eyes and a mean scar across her left cheek. to secure a breakout and a clean slate.
The aging beauty of Sutler Orbital’s Frontier Security Services. A chain-
smoking ex-Hunter who retired after the death of her son to enjoy a
quieter life. She’s putting in a few more months of work with the
franchise before planning a proper retirement to a more temperate
planet—preferably one with some beaches.

One Last Job

Ten years ago, Mary O’Neil came to the Sutler System on the trail of a
lucrative bounty for a masked interstellar outlaw known only as “Paz
Junior”. The trail went cold, and lack of money meant Mary had to settle
down for a few months—and before she knew it the months became
years. She still has the bounty writ, and will share it with any Crews that
catch her eye. She has a hunch Paz Junior is still in the system
somewhere. If someone were to find them, the hefty payout would
provide a comfortable retirement. The only clue she has is a porcelain
masquerade mask.

Paz Junior
The real identity of “Paz Junior” is, or was, none other than a young Toni
Parazzo—back when she cut her teeth as a pirate before she inherited her
father’s casino and criminal network on Reno-12. The telltale mask
hangs above her desk in the Parazzo Penthouse Office. The only people
who know about her past are her siblings, Saul Jackson, and Indie Carter.
The bounty for Paz Junior is old, and requires the mask and the target—
dead or alive—brought in for verification. The writ is worth 8 Credits to
the successful party, even with Mary taking her finder’s fee.

37 38
Other Points of Interest
The Hot Pot, an interstellar conglomerate service station and coffee shop.
The coffee is great, but best avoid the sandwiches. Jessie "Red" Rhodes
stops in there every morning.
Commway Communication, a chain business providing small booths with
net access for a few hundred credits per minute. Here, travellers can keep
up to date with interplanetary news (updated every half-hour) and make
calls across planets and systems.
Blast-Off! Burger, a cheap and greasy intergalactic burger chain that
dominates the fast food industry. Regrettably the best food on the station.
8/12, one of the galaxy’s leading convenience store chains. Sutler
Orbital’s residents get all their necessities here, and any transient visitors
can pick up ammunition and other essentials.

Jessie "Red" Rhodes

A powerful woman, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. A shock of
copper hair, a luxurious fur-coat and designer jeans. Surprisingly quiet
and reserved. Often found minding her business in the Hot Pot with a
black coffee and a bear claw.

A Way Out
Jessie is Saul Jackson’s accomplice and will not remove her gauze
bindings for any reason. She tells the truth to anyone who bothers to get
to know her, or speaks highly of her previous fighting record—she knows
this work is beneath her, and she hates herself for falling in with Saul.
She believes her old flame, Jon "Tequila" Rogers, is somewhere in the
system, and that he might be able to help her. Jon has a bounty on his
head, but Jessie can’t condone the Crew claiming it. If the Crew get her to
him safely and see them both off, she’ll see about having Jon sell the
drugs and give the Crew a share—worth 6 Credits.

Jessie "Red" Rhodes

Muscle: 3 Savvy: 1 Grit: 2
Heart: 10
Weapons: None
Gambits: Knife to a Gunfight Trouble: Lovesick (Jon Rogers)
Reach: “One to Watch” according to the Interstellar Boxing Network.

39 40
Sutler-47 Fuel Route Hub Toilets
Chipped white tiles and a row of toilet stalls. A series of washbasins and a
A brightly sign-posted fuelling platform and motel slowly orbiting the graffiti-covered mirror. Two Hired Gun Mooks:
system’s dying sun. Built to the same archaic specifications as a million
more across the stars. Things here are a little too quiet—anyone passing • One wears a white shirt and black suit pants, doing a line of Nebulae
by hears the shrill ping of a distress signal across their ship’s monitors. from the washbasin counter. Sweating and twitching, he has a pistol
at his waist, but left his SMG on top of the cistern in one of the stalls.
The Distress Signal • Another is stuck to one of the toilets, loudly complaining about the
quality of gas station hot dogs these days. He’ll be there a while.
The distress signal from the Hub is from a personal communications
device, reporting a hostage situation. Ports are open and awaiting
support. Local authorities are nowhere to be seen. Motel Rooms
Up the stairwell, a series of three small rooms, all unlocked.
Ship Parking Lot
• Room 1. Alice Rutters hides in the wardrobe with a deringer, under the
As the Crew’s ship docks, the airlock closes behind them and emergency impression the raid downstairs is for her.
lights flicker on.
• Room 2. A suitcase full of a small fortune in bond chips (12 Credits
• There are two other ships in the dock: worth) is hidden in the air vent running between Rooms 1 & 2. The
• Midnight Runner, a medium-size personnel carrier, with money will be incredibly difficult to cash out at a bank or casino
scratched yellow paint scorched from blaster fire. Scans show it without raising questions. Indie Carter hid it here, but it belongs to
holds no cargo, and was last registered to a J. Rogers. the Parazzo Family.
• Bossanova, a bulky, rectangular freighter with cherry-red paint. • Room 3. Will Bart sleeps heavily on the bed, unaware of the
Scans show it holds a shipment of high-quality liquor bound for distressing situation below.
Reno-12, and was last registered to a W. Bart on behalf of Galacti-
Go Shipments. A sawed-off shotgun is strapped to the roof above
the pilot’s seat. 8/12 Convenience Store
• An airlock door hangs slightly ajar, dim fluorescent light eking in Their commercial layout unchanged for generations, this Fuel Hub’s
from the hallway beyond. convenience store is like any in the glamourous videos of Old Earth—
down to the mob of Hired Guns occupying the shop floor.
Sutler-47 Fuel Route Hub Interior • Behind the counter, Jon "Tequila" Rogers presses a gun into the
Fluorescent ceiling lamps and decrepit, beige paint. A potted plant beside young shop worker’s back. He insists the worker call off the distress
a check-in desk for the motel rooms upstairs. signal to the authorities, and contact someone who can fix his ship or
get him to Irvine Industrial, no questions asked.
• A receptionist sits behind the desk, his mouth taped closed and his
hands bound with a cable tie. Once freed, he nonchalantly says this • Two Hired Guns in ill-fitting black suits sit on the freezers smoking
place gets held up every year or so. cigarettes and sharing a bag of chips. They carry SMGs on shoulder
straps and pistols at their waists.
• Tells the Crew there are two Hired Guns in the Toilets, and three
more in the Convenience Store with their boss. Two guests • To the rear of the store, a third Hired Gun helps himself to a beer
upstairs—Will Bart and someone who only gave the name Alice— from a six-pack in the fridge.
and he’d appreciate it if the crew could check they’re all right.
• A small 8/12 convenience store entrance glows at the end of a tiled
Hired Gun
corridor. Loyalty: Jon "Tequila" Rogers
• A swing door to the left leads to the Toilets. Muscle: 1 Savvy: 1 Grit: 0
• A heavy double door to the right leads to a stairwell up to the Motel Weapons: SMG (Personal: Rapid Fire)
41 42
“Never an empty shelve at 8/12.” Jon "Tequila" Rogers
- Derring and Sons Marketing Agency A sharp, thin man, with carefully coiffed hair. Floral shirt, high-waisted
pants, and a high-calibre pistol with dogs playing poker painted on the
grip. An eccentric man, he makes friends easily, and has a history of
casino fraud behind him. Jessie "Red" Rhodes’ former lover. He heard
about Jackson’s schemes while in jail,, and escaped Folksong Hub
Penitentiary to dissuade Red from smuggling drugs.

Jon "Tequila" Rogers

Muscle: 1 Savvy 2 Grit: 2 Heart: 9
Weapons: Revolver (Personal: Armour Piercing)
Gambits: Fast Hands Troubles: Through the Teeth
Reach: Beloved by Sutler System Criminals

On The Run
Jon wants to reach Irvine Industrial in time to disrupt Red’s bout,
persuade her to abandon smuggling and run away with him to start a
better life. If Jon and Red reunite before that point, the pair ask the Crew
for assistance getting to Beauford Terminal on Reno-12 to catch a ride
out of the system. Saul Jackson and a mob of 4 Hired Guns intercept them
(and the drugs) at the terminal.

Will “Willie” Bart

A paunchy, aging trucker for Galacti-Go Shipments. Hard-working—and
hard-drinking—with a penchant for big gold chains and denim vests.
Formerly a miner, he now makes a living running commodities from out-
of-system. In off-seasons, he runs cargo transporters for the mining
facility—he knows how to get in and out of Irvine Industrial in a jiffy.

Lost Love
Laid out in the Sutler Fuel Hub, Willie is sleeping off a hangover from a
wild night at Sutler Orbital. He had the most amazing time with a real
heartbreaker, and in a drunken stupor they made shotgun vacation plans
to visit a Hospitality Station—Willie even has the tickets. The problem is
he can’t remember her name, and she disappeared the next morning. All
he remembers are her smoky eyes and the scar on her cheek.

Never Too Old

Willie’s lost lover is Mary O’Neil. If the Crew reunite the pair, Mary
remembers him perfectly well—and is willing to give the old trucker a
shot. Between her and the Crew, she doesn’t reckon she’ll be coming back
to Sutler if she hits the road with Willie. She gives the Crew one of her
lucky—if gaudy—rose gold-plated revolvers as thanks for their help. If
she hasn’t already, she’ll also hand over the bounty writ for her One Last
Job, saying she doesn’t have much use for it now.
43 44
Irvine Industrial
A bustling, obtuse station built into the pale, brown rock of a mineral-
rich moon. A beehive of steel, mining shuttles and cargo carriers come in
and out at all hours. Fragments of the moon, blown clean from the
bedrock, hang in orbit as mining crews prospect for precious minerals.

A colossal bay, large enough to accommodate even the bulkiest freighters.
The hustle and bustle of cargo and personnel vessels make it one of the
busiest spots in the system—surely no one would notice an independent
ship slipping in.

• Be careful entering the port without declaration—even the smallest

bump from a cargo hauler will send a crew ship.

• Ships coming in to dock must connect with an airlocked docking

bridge before proceeding to The Hub.

• A System Authority Vessel, the SAV Halleck, crewed by four

Peacekeepers patrols the dock. They halfheartedly stop and search
any suspicious ships coming in or out of the port.

The Hub
A central amphitheatre plaza with harsh iron balustrades and mezzanine
platforms. Individual strut corridors run off to mining shuttle docks,
living quarters and services—though most are off-limits to non-mining
personnel. A giant halogen light-plate in the ceiling does a poor job of
emulating a night and day cycle.

• A small selection of offices, convenience stores and eateries built into

a few small alcoves.

• A Hot Pot coffeehouse, franchised to the mining colony. Ivan

Delshik works here as a barista, his cap pulled down, keeping to
himself. The rest of the staff know him as Thomas Smith, who
came in recently for the job.

• Medivate Pharmaceuticals, a medical supply store, selling a

selection of compresses, painkillers, muscle supports and
stimulants. Rudimentary computers built into the walls eliminate
the need for staff, and offer basic diagnoses and product

• Offices for accounting, logistics, and finance in the alcoves. Casey

Parazzo is turning the former accounting office of Indie Carter
upside down, eager to find the Parazzos’ missing money.

45 46
Living Quarters Terrance ‘Terry’ Roy
Rows of single-bed apartments for miners living on-station, with Owner of the Undercarriage Bar, and a former System Authorities man
communal kitchens and amenities. Heady smells of cooking and the with a criss-cross of scars across his face. Anyone less intimidating would
sounds of myriad languages. Off-duty miners play cards and watch TV. struggle to hold authority in a miner’s bar. Famous among miners for
never losing an arm wrestle. A crooked sign above his station at the
• The miners don’t take kindly to people coming in and poking around Undercarriage promises free drinks to anyone who can best him—it has
in their living space, however shared it seems. Anyone who puts in the yet to be claimed.
effort to get to know them or talk among them hears a Rumour.
Old Habits
The Undercarriage Bar In his day, Terry was as crooked as they come. He only settled down when
A grimy, metal-clad drinking hole for Irvine Industrial’s miners. Music he bit off more than he could chew. He’s kept clean for a few years,
blares at all hours, and a variety of sports play on blocky screens hanging making a decent living running The Undercarriage, but old habits die
at the corners. Smoking is technically prohibited everywhere on the hard.
station, but good luck telling any Undercarriage patrons that.
If Cash in Hand has been completed, Terry has a new scheme planned.
• Terry Roy tends bar here, and runs a tight ship—if you want to fight, He’s hoping to get the miners hooked on Grease to provide a stable
take it downstairs so the Peacekeepers don’t see. customer base. He’d like someone unconnected to convince Casey
Parazzo to use Grease in her upcoming fight—some shockingly visceral
• Below the bar proper, there is a function room for the occasional advertising. He’ll pay someone 2 Credits if they can convince Casey to
music gig or sports event. Currently it contains a boxing ring for the partake in this body-building drug. Anybody who fixed the fight could
fight between Jessie "Red" Rhodes and Casey Parazzo. also make a tidy sum gambling on it too!

The Fight If Cash in Hand has not been completed, he will push the Crew toward
Saul Jackson if they seem like capable smugglers.
The fight takes place the night after Red arrives at Irvine Industrial.

• If Indie Carter hasn’t been taken care of for Luciano Parrazzo, or if Casey Parazzo
Casey hasn’t got the suitcase back, Casey’s head isn’t in the fight, and The warmer, more colourful middle sister of the Parazzo siblings. Toni
Red wins. Parazzo’s most trusted contact and enforcer on Irvine Industrial. Shaved
• If Indie (or his money) has been delivered to the Parazzos, or if Casey head, marked with an elaborate network of spiderweb tattoos. She is
is juiced up on Grease, Casey gets into the zone in time, and wins by physically intimidating, and brokers no hassle from her fellow miners.
fighting dirty. Anyone who thinks otherwise gets a killer right hook.

• If Red left with Jon "Tequila" Rodgers or was apprehended, the fight New Money
is off. Toni Parazzo will put a bounty of 4 Credits each for Saul and
Jessie if brought in alive under the pretence of narcotics smuggling. Booked to fight Jessie "Red" Rhodes in an upcoming underground boxing
match, Casey has been preoccupied of late. She is currently trying to find
• If Casey is in no state to fight (perhaps due to Francine’s payback), the money Indie Carter siphoned from Irvine Industrial for the Parazzos.
the fight is off. Red heads to Reno-12 to buy a one-way ticket out of Before Casey could collect Carter’s haul on her sister’s behalf, Carter was
the system. If Saul tries to stop her, she’ll break his nose. booked by a team of rookie hunters on his way back from a weekend at
Sutler Orbital. It would mean a lot to Casey—and the Parazzo family—if
• If none of the above are true, it’s a fair fight. the suitcase of bond chips he stole was located and returned to her.

The Mines
Industrial units, full of rowdy miners, heavy machinery and foul-
mannered foremen. They don’t let anyone who isn’t a miner in, and even
if they did, there’s nothing interesting to steal here apart from a couple
hundred kilotons of ore awaiting the next cargo hauler out of system.

47 48
Reno-12 “In the desert, you can remember your
name. Come to Reno-12.”
A dry, dusty town with few high-rise buildings. The boom-and-bust
economy of the frontier galaxy took its toll here—boarded-up buildings, - Georgia-Alpha-3 Tourism Board
graffiti-clad construction projects, eroding glamour. The town sits alone
in a vast desert among a few outlying fields of solar panels and tech-
assisted farms. It is a poorly-kept secret in the Sutler System that the
Parazzo family owns most of the town—and much of the planet—though
recently the Reno Snakes biker gang have posed some resistance to the
Parazzos’ monopoly.

The Strip
A dusty, pothole-ridden road that connects the town, the Strip is an
assault on the eyes—flickering neon lights battle against the glaring sun
to draw attention to the town’s few notable services.

• Rostovic’s Arms and Equipment, under a giant flashing pistol with

“Bang!” written in cursive neon beneath. Rostovic’s sells most arms
and legal personal bounty equipment The salesperson lets anyone
who name-drops Toni Parazzo browse a selection of black market
wares in the back.

• A gated driveway guarded by two enamel statues of burlesque dancers

leads to the High Rollers Casino. Visitors pass through a checkpoint
manned by two Parazzo Family Enforcers. The guards take any
weapons for “safekeeping.” Motorbikes and their riders are expressly

• The Family Value Hypermarket, for all of Reno-12’s resident’s needs.

There is a small Hot Pot inside, and a huge selection of domestic goods
down its labyrinthine aisles.

• Reno Gold Accounting. A stuffy, beige building, filled with stuffy, beige
people. The headquarters of a galaxy-wide insurance firm, Reno Gold
provides a great deal of work and stability for the few residents left on
Reno-12. Toni Parazzo has a growing interest in the firm.

• A small, under-funded branch of Sutler System Security houses a

beleaguered precinct of Peacekeepers. A Bounty Board flickers

• A variety of small offices, convenience stores and recreation services.

49 50
High Rollers Casino Toni Parazzo
The most glamorous attraction on Reno-12, the High Rollers Casino is a An icy heiress of old money, wiry and sharp-featured. She cycles through
touch of class on an otherwise undignified rock—according to the a range of hair styles, colours and looks on a near-daily basis,
Parazzos, anyway. Owned and operated by the Parazzo family, the maintaining only a sharp navy suit of Old Italian design as a hallmark. She
interior of the casino is a gilded and glittering affair—luxurious red considers herself queen of Reno-12, and will stop at nothing to achieve
carpets, black furnishings, and handsome attendants attentively awaiting absolute monopoly over her planet—and in time, the entire Sutler
patrons' needs.

• A lobby in the entrance leads to the casino, with elevators up to a Mob Rules
sizable, though often empty, hotel.
Nothing and nobody comes in or out of Reno-12 without Toni Parazzo
• A wide variety of gambling in the casino—cards, roulette slots and knowing about it, and the same goes for transient Crews. Eager to win
them over quickly with credits—and cautious not to allow them to
craps. fraternise with the locals lest they develop feelings for their causes—Toni
sends an intermediary to meet any noteworthy Crews visiting Reno-12 at
• A Mob of 8 Parazzo Family Goons keep an uneasy peace here. In the Beauford Intergalactic Terminal. Through proxies, Toni offers a series of
interest of civility, they always attempt to disarm and detain before “quick and dirty” jobs. She insists the only difference between a
resorting to more extreme measures. registered bounty hunter and a hit crew is who pays the credits and who
reports the crimes. Toni offers the following work, in numerical order, to
• The High Ball Glass is the casino bar. Run by Luciano Parazzo, it anyone looking to join up with the Parazzos.
serves a range of sophisticated cocktails and imported beers.
1. Injure a Reno Snake as a show of loyalty. 2 Credits.
• Wallace Forbes slopes around the casino, scoping it out for a potential
heist. Toni Parazzo already has him figured out, and is simply waiting 2. Ensure Casey Parazzo wins her upcoming fight against Jessie "Red"
for him to slip up. Rhodes. 4 Credits, access to Rostovic Black Market stock.

• Toni Parazzo and 4 Parazzo Family Enforcers oversee operations 3. Dispatch Saul Jackson unless he delivers his Cash in Hand to her
from a penthouse office, only accessible with a secret numerical input contact, Terry Roy. 4 Credits, black sedan transport provided on
for the elevator known by most Parazzo Family Gang Members. The
office itself has an elaborate wall of screens providing a variety of 4. The Viper’s Bar is an eye-sore. Burn it down. 6 Credits, an escort of 3
CCTV feeds from the casino. A porcelain masquerade mask hangs Parazzo Enforcers while on Reno-12.
above Toni’s desk.
5. Dispose of Indie Carter, if Luciano hasn’t paid someone else to do it
by now. 4 Credits.
Luciano Parazzo
Toni invites anyone who takes care of all these tasks to the Penthouse,
Soft-spoken and genteel, the youngest of the Parazzo siblings—and the where she requests one final job: dispose of Francine Dubois. In her
most overlooked. Though relegated to running the High Ball Bar and a heyday, Toni was a valuable bounty, and if their feud wasn’t reason
token share of the Parazzo estate, Luciano is happy with his lot in life. enough for one final hit, she suspects Francine is a hunter playing the
Unlike his sisters, he wishes things would quiet down around Reno-12 so long game. Anyone doing this will earn their place as a trusted advisor in
he can tend bar and enjoy his quiet life in peace. He has no taste for the her criminal empire, with a full salary for life.
Parazzo siblings’ usual dirty work, and is always on the lookout for
transient Crews of interstellar outlaws he can pawn the dirty work off on The Queen of Reno-12
in exchange for Credits. Toni Parazzo believes she has the best interests of Reno-12 at heart. The
Tomaton Automobile Factory sits on one of the biggest lots in town, and
Cleaning House would make for a great spot for a second casino. Reno Gold is holding all
the necessary paperwork for the highest bidder. Toni was ready to buy it,
Luciano has a soft spot for interstellar outlaws—he loves to hear stories until Indie Carter lost a suitcase full of her credits. Toni set her sister to
about drifting through space, living hand-to-mouth. Alas, he has a finding the suitcase, and her brother to taking care of Indie, but if a new
comfortable life and stable employment to be getting on with. His sister third party takes care of both, she makes sure those new benefactors are
wants him to take care of some loose ends—namely Indie Carter, who got set for life.
busted while on a job at Irvine Industrial. He offers 4 Credits for anyone
who brings Luciano one of Indie’s kitschy ties as proof of the “clean up.”

51 52
Sunshine View Francine Dubois
A habitation block for the planet’s residents and the off-season miners at Staunch and tenacious, with braided locks and tattoo sleeves of writhing
Irvine Industrial. Toni Parazzo recently bought up the apartments and serpents. A former bounty hunter turned business owner. She came to
rents them at a premium to outsiders—or for a pittance to her own. She Reno-12 after hearing about its miles of open, abandoned roads and
aims to own the block by the end of the system’s year. readily available property. A motorcycle enthusiast, Francine became
enamoured with the planet’s open stretches, and a cult following of like-
A holdout for Parazzo Family Gang Members, the hallways and minded enthusiasts quickly followed suit. Detested by the Parazzo Family
communal areas of Sunshine View are dilapidated and riddled with bullet for their noise and raucous behaviour, a turf war developed between the
holes. The whole building is covered in cracking tan paint, plastic plants crime family and the bikers, and the Reno Snakes motorcycle gang found
and generic paintings. A few Mobs of Parazzo Family Enforcers loiter itself the main resistance against Toni Parazzo and her family. Now the
about, playing cards or dice, or patrolling the halls. They won’t hesitate to de facto leader of the Reno Snakes, Francine runs Vipers Bar & Grill, and
accost any unexpected guests. is eager to enlist any transient Crews to tip the turf war in her favour.

Viper’s Bar & Grill A Spot of Payback

A smoky roadhouse establishment on the outskirts of town, and a bastion Anyone who spends some time at Viper’s Bar can tell that Francine is real
against the Parazzo Family’s monopoly on Reno-12. It is frequented by sore about something. Turns out, Casey Parazzo smashed her antique
members of the Reno Snakes Biker Gang. motorcycle to pieces before leaving for Irvine Industrial, and Francine
wants the score settled. Francine will lend her sawed-off, Equaliser, and a
• Owned and tended personally by Francine Dubois, who enforces a Mob of 3 Reno Snakes to anyone willing to make the trip to Irvine
degree of peace with a booming voice and unwavering loyalty from Industrial to make sure that Casey loses her upcoming bout against Jessie
the bikers. Should that fail, Francine’s sawed-off, Equalizer, hangs in "Red" Rhodes. If the fight is called off due to the Crew’s actions, Francine
pride of place above the liquor. asks them to rough up her brother Luciano after his shift at the High Ball
Bar instead. Either way, anyone who does as she asks is an honorary Reno
• The stage frequently hosts visiting jazz, rock and swing bands. Viper’s Snake for life—and she’ll see about getting them some bikes of their own.
is known among music enthusiasts as a great stepping stone on the
road to stardom. The Queen of Reno-12
• A dozen Reno Snake Bikers can be found here at any given time— What Toni has in cold, hard credits, Francine has in connections around
more on evenings and weekends. Reno-12. She’s almost ready to make a serious bid on the disused
• If the crew missed him at the Fuel Hub, Will Bart is here, enjoying Tomaton Automobile Plant to begin restoration. A contact at Reno Gold
what he says are the best ribs in the galaxy. Accounting is holding the lot for cheaper than they’re willing to sell it to
Toni, but Francine just needs a fraction more. She doesn’t expect or want
• The Desert Cats, new rivals to the Reno Snakes, come in every Sunday charity, but an old flame of hers, Mary O’Neil at Sutler Orbital, tipped her
night to kick up a ruckus with the regulars. off that the Parazzos have misplaced some money after Indie Carter’s
capture. If someone could find that missing cash and bring it to her,
Francine will make a serious, above-board blow against the Parazzo
Canyon Avenues Family.
A series of cul-de-sac housing projects, the Canyon Avenues are the Reno
Snakes’ stomping grounds. They lounge around in the desert sun,
tinkering with their bikes before riding out to the desert network.

• Gangs of Reno Snake Bikers ride around, keeping a degree of peace

and giving no hassle to residents.

• The Parazzo Family and their associates are not welcome here, but
that doesn’t stop them from rolling up in dusty saloon cars to start
fights when the casino has a slow weekend.

53 54
Tomaton Automobile Plant The Backroads
A derelict automobile production facility on the outskirts of town. A key A network of roads laces across the surface of Reno-12, dotted with
battleground for the Parazzos and Reno Snakes alike, both parties have a abandoned gas stations, entrances to long-exhausted mine shafts, and
vested interest in maintaining absolute control of the disused facility. dilapidated cul-de-sacs reclaimed by the sand. These roads are the
domain of the Reno Snakes biker gang, though lately the Desert Cats
• Toni Parazzo wants to own the space, demolish it and build a second have been claiming territory—and getting violent with any Reno Snakes
casino. that stray too close.
• Francine Dubois has the means to restore the automobile plant, • If you explore the Backroads, roll every few hours spent on the road:
revitalizing Reno-12’s automobile industry—with some collaboration
from neighbouring systems. • A Mob of 3 Desert Cat Bikers, ready to defend their territory.

• Both parties are close to securing the rights to the plant from Reno • Two Reno Snakes, out of fuel and in need of a ride.
Gold Insurance. They each seek a third party to tip the scales in their
favour—and potentially dispose of any rival squatters on the lot. • A Mob of 3 Parazzo Family Goons, disposing of 2 bodies.

• Parazzo Family Members and Reno Snakes frequently clash here. • Hitchhiker. A common sight, mostly yuppie thrill-seekers.
Fatal casualties happen every couple of weeks.
• 2 Desert Cats and 2 Reno Snakes caught in a standoff at a
• The exterior lot is a spacious expanse of rusted-out car chassis and dilapidated gas station.
disused machinery—ample cover for a good old-fashioned shootout.
• A Stray Dog wandering by the roadside. Small and vicious, but
• The interior of the plant is a decaying spiderweb of machine tools, willing to be loved.
assembly conveyor belts and a teetering mezzanine walkway.
• The Desert Cats and their leader, Aileen Blatto, live in a disused diner
and motel a half day’s drive east out of Reno-12.
Beauford Intergalactic Terminal
• The Ferris Iron Quarry is a day’s drive south from Reno-12. A bag
A planetary landing pad and commercial spaceflight terminal, Beauford under the desk in the foreman’s office contains 2 Affluence in Bond
Intergalatic Terminal (the BIT) is the one-stop gateway to the rest of the Chips and a sun-bleached photograph of a young Marvin Howard,
galaxy for those without a vessel of their own. Transporter-Class ships Terry Roy and Toni Parazzo. They are holding a porcelain
land and take off from here daily, though they mostly find themselves masquerade mask and laughing in what is now Viper’s Bar.
loaded with imports and exports.

• Anyone landing on Reno-12 comes and goes through here.

Checkpoints at the terminal are half-hearted at best.

• A Wheel Deals car rental franchise is attached to the terminal building.

Visitors can rent a car—essential for getting around Reno-12—for a
small deposit. Trash the car, lose the deposit (1 Debt).

55 56
Marks and Goons
Parazzo Family Enforcer Parazzo Family Goon
Loyalty: Parazzo Family Loyalty: Parazzo Family
Muscle 1 Savvy 0 Grit 1 Muscle 0 Savvy 1 Grit -1
Equipment: Assault Rifles Equipment: SMG (Personal:
(Military: Rapid Fire) Rapid Fire)
Moods: 1. Distracted Moods: 1. Bored | 2. Tired
| 2. Tenacious | 3. Corruptible | 3. Suspicious |4. Friendly
|4. Arguing | 5. Alert | 6. Violent | 5. Scheming | 6. Vengeful

Reno-12 Biker Pirate

Loyalty: Gang (Reno Snakes/ Loyalty: Cash before Crew
Desert Cats)
Muscle 0 Savvy 1 Grit 0
Muscle 1 Savvy 0 Grit 1
Equipment: Pistol, Cutlass
Equipment: Shotgun (Personal:
Moods: 1. Argumentative
Pellet), Bike
| 2. Curious | 3. Confused
Moods: 1. Lazy | 2. Drunk |4. Sad | 5. Greedy | 6. Aggressive
| 3. Impatient |4. Disorganised |
5. Drunk | 6. Angry

Miner Peacekeeper
Loyalty: Miner’s Union Loyalty: Sutler System Security
Muscle 2 Savvy -1 Grit -1 Muscle 1 Savvy 1 Grit 0
Equipment: Fists, Tools Equipment: Pistol, Radio,
Moods: 1. Sleeping | 2. Drunk
| 3. Hungry |4. Grumpy Moods: 1. Paranoid | 2. Arrogant
| 5. Distrustful | 6. Enraged |3. Imperious |4. Disorganised
| 5. Oafish | 6. Corruptible

Making your Mark

Start of a Mark with the same profile as a relevant Goon, then add a
special piece of equipment, give them+1 to two Stats and between from
8-16 Heart. If you can think of one, give them a Trouble or a Gambit.
• Mary O’Neil could be a Peacekeeper with +1 Grit, 12 Heart and her
rose gold-plated Revolver.
• Francine Dubois could be a Reno-12 Biker with +1 Muscle, +1 Grit,
Equaliser, her shotgun, Fighter, Not A Lover and 18 Heart.
• Toni Parazzo could be Parazzo Family Enforcer with +2 Savvy, 16
Heart and Devil’s Right Hand.
57 58
This is the rock and roll future of yesteryear that never was—
and nobody wanted.

It is an intergalactic age of cowboys, outlaws and bandits

playing on an interstellar stage. It is a time of hyper-
capitalism and a cut-throat gig economy. Unreliable trash-
heaps carry scrappy underdogs to their next gig, and
corporation freighters lumber across the horizon laden with
an empire’s bounty.

The backstreets of every terraformed metropolis brim with a

thousand lonely hearts and a thousand more venal vendettas.
The burnt-out wastelands between bright lights are lawless
back countries—anachronistic Americana languishing
beneath multiple moons. Madness in every direction at every
solar hour.

These are the music-fuelled, moon-age daydreams of a rebel

space age.

These are your...


A book by SoulMuppet Publishing

Written by Sam Sleney and Zachary Cox

Art by Josh Clark

Editing by Jared Sinclair

Music by Chris Bissette

Project (and bad layout and cartography) by Zachary Cox

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