(Indicate The Steps You Will Undertake To Teach and Indicate The No. of Minutes Each Step Will Consume) 10 Minutes

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DLP No.: 34 Learning Area: Mathematics Grade Level: 1 Quarter: 2 Duration: 50 mins

Learning Visualizes,represents, and subtracts one-to two- digit numbers with Code: M1NS – ll I –
Competency/ies: minuends up to 99 with regrouping 34.1
Key Concepts/ To subtract numbers with minuends through 99 with regrouping , we follow the following steps:
Understandings to Write the subtraction phrase in column. Regroup the minuend and subtract starting from ones place.
be Developed
Knowledge Visualize situations when subtraction is used.
Skills Subtract 2 – digit numbers with minuends up to 99 with regrouping.
Attitudes Display enjoyment in doing the activity.
Values Show collaborative effort upon doing the activity.
Visualizing,Representing, and Subtracting Two- Digit Numbers With Minuends Up To 99 With
2. Content/Topic
3. Learning
Resources/ Math Worktext page 44-45
Materials/ Flashcards with subtractions, counters
4. Procedures (indicate the steps you will undertake to teach and indicate the no. of minutes each step will consume)
Preparation 1. Flashcard drill ( Subtraction Facts).
10 minutes 2. Call a pupil to find the difference.
1.) 59 - 5 =_____ 2. 74 - 8 = _________
3. Teacher asks: Do you eat mango? Why?
Presentation 1. Present the story problem.
20 minutes In a basket there were 35 ripe mangoes. Mother gave 17 mangoes to her bestfriend. How
many mangoes were left in the basket?
Teacher demonstrates how to subtract 2-digit numbers with regrouping.
First write the vertical form
- 17
Secondly, identify the ones place and then the tens place.
3 5 ones place 3 5 tens place

- 1 7 - 1 7

Thirdly, show how to regroup the numbers. Teacher explains the regrouping to the pupils.
35 = 30 + 5 20 + 15
- 17 = 10 +7 → 10 + 7
10 + 8 = 18
2. Let pupils answer the numbers quickly using their show me board.
32 85 90
- 24 - 58 - 68

3. How do you subtract 2- d-git numbers from minuends up to 99 with regrouping?

Practice “Winner takes it all”

10 minutes Each group will be given cards of numbers to subtract. The group to finish first will be the winner.

54- 38 = 71 - 57= 21 - 9 =
72 -56 = 35 – 18 = 90 – 53=
91 – 37 65 - 27 67 – 49=

Group l Group ll Group lll

5. Assessment (indicate whether it is thru Observation and/or Talking/conferencing to learners and/or
Analysis of Learners’ Product and/or Tests)
Written Test Direction: Find the difference
5 minutes
1.) 9 0 2.) 5 8 3.) 6 4
-34 -19 - 1 8

6.Assignment (indicate whether it is for Reinforcement and/or Enrichment and/or Enhancement of the
day’s lesson or Preparation for a new lesson)
Reinforcement Write the numbers in column then subtract.
3 minutes 1. 70 - 35 2. 21 – 15 3. 56 - 39

7. Wrap-up/ Concluding Activity

2 minutes Close the period by wrapping –up – the day’s lesson.

Prepared by:

Name: Lorna A. Penalosa School: Danao City Central

Position/Designation: Teacher ll Division: Danao City
Contact Number: 09430608745

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