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True & Faithful Relation

of What Passed for Many Years

Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits


Merle Casaubon

ISBN 0-7661-0812-0



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What paifed for many Yeers Between


(A. Mathematician of Great Fame in Q ELIZ.
and King Juu I'thcir Re.gncs) and

TENDING (had it Succeeded)
'To a general ~ Iteration of moll S cr ATE Sana '
/(1 :J{ q V 0 M E S in the World.
His 'Private (on{trences with RODOLPH! Emperor of Germany, STEPHEN
K. of/Poland, and divers other PkINCES about it.
The Particulars of his Caufe,as it was agitated in the Emperors Court;
By the PoP. s Intervention: His Blnifhm,nt, and Reftoruion in part.
A. A L ,Q

The LETTERS of Sundry Great Men

and PRINCES (fomewhereofwere prefent at fomeofthefe
Conference.) and Apparitions OfSPllllTS :) to the f~id D.DEEo

OUT 0 p
The Original Copy, written with Dr. DEES own
Hand: Kept in the LIB RAR Y of
Sir T H O. C 0_ 7 TO :J\(, Kt. Baronet.
Confirming the cP eality (as to the Point ofS P of
\I This RELATION: and {hewing the feveral good Us Ii s that

a Sober ChriRian may make of All.


I LON 1) 0 lX. j

Printed by _1). M,XlI1tll\.. for T. GARTHWAIT, . and fold at theLild ,,~

"North door of,). fauls, and by other Stationers. 16S9.


~~~'7f.C~ Ii A T is here prefented unto thee (Chrifl:ian Reader) be-

ing a Trt4t and FlfitbJul 1{tlation, (f/'C. (as the Title .bearc:th, and
will be further cleart:;d by this Preface) though by the carriage
of it, in fome refpects, and by the Nature of it too, i~ might
be deemed and termed, ' A Wor" oj 'Darkneffe: Yet ii: is no '0-
ther then what with great teriderneffe artd, circumfpection,
was tendered to men of higheil: Oignity in Eurepe, Kings and Princes, and
by all (England excepted) liRned unto for a while with goodrefped-. By fome
gladly embraced' and entertained for a long time; the hme whereof being car-
i'}'ed unto lJ\,ome,it made the Pope to beLlir himfdf, nbt knowing what the eveIit
of it might be, and how much it might concern him. • And indeed, filled all
men, Learned and Unlearned in moil places with great wonder and aftonit'll.:.
mem: all which things will be {hewed and made good (to the utmoll: of
what we have [aid) in the Contents of this book, by unqueftionable 1\ecords.
and evidences; A~d , therefore I make no queftion , but there will be meri e-
nough found ,in the wodd whdfe curi06ty will lead them to Read what I tbihA
it 7IOt to he parallel/'d in that l(ind by any boo/t that b4 rh l1een Jet oui in any Age to read: I
fay, though it be to no other end then to fatis6e their ciIriofity. But \vhatfoever
~ther men~ acco~ding ~o their feveral inclinations; ~a! propofe to th~r.nfelves
10 the readmg of It , yet I may and muA: here profdfe 10 the hrll: place; 10 Truth
and Sincerity, that the end that 1 propofe to my felf ([0 fat as I -have coritri-
buted to the Publiiliing of the Work) is not to fatis6e cui"idfity,but to do good,
and promote Religion. When we were 6rft acquainted with the Book, _and.
were offered the reading of it, having but lately been converfant in a Subject of
much Affinity; to wit! of Mflaken In/piration .and PojJeJsio~J, through i~~orance
ofNaturdl caufes (whIch ~abour of ours, as It was our alme at the ,firlt In pub-
lifhing c::>f it, to do good, 10 we have had good ieafon {ince to believe; that We
did not altogether mifTe of what we aimed at) we could not but gladly accept of it.
And as we gladly accepted, fo we read UntO the end with equal eagerneffe and
Al~crity: Which when we had done, tru'ly it was our Opinion,. That the
Publifh:ng of it could not but be very Seafonable and 11,feful, as againA: Ac1)eijlJ
at all times, fo i~ t~de Times efpecially, when the Spirit of E~ror and IlIufi-
on, 'not injrofeft Anab.ptifts only, even of ~he \vorA: kind that former Ages have:
known an abhorred, doth [0 much prevail, but in ~any alfo' , who though
they difclaim and deteA: openly (and heartily too, I hope, moA: of them) the
fruits and effects that fuch caufes have, produced in others, yet grolind them-
[elves nevet:thelefTe upon the fame principles of Suppofed b1piration and imma-
ginary 'R.!l1tlations; 'and upon that account deem themfelves, if not the Only, yet
much better ChriA:ians then ot~ers. And I was much Confirmed in this Judg-
ment when I was told (as indeed 1 was, at the 6rA:, by them that knew very
well) tha.t th~ MoIl: Reverend, Pious and Learned .,Irchbijhop of ,AtmalA la.tely
crbe P ~ 8 F ~ CB.
d~ceafed, upon reading of the faid book, before his death, had declared him-
felf to the fame purpofe, aQd wi/hed It 'Prillttd. " But becaMe it is very pollible,
that every Reader will not at the fidl: be fo well able of himfelf to make that
good nfe by good and Rational Inferences and Obferv'acions of this fad Story
as is aimed at, my chiefdl aim in this Preface is to help fuch. And becaufe it is
not leffe 'probable that this~icent~ous ~ge ~ill afford y~ry many, who with the
Saduces of old (that is, Jewtfh EpIcures) belteve no Spmt, or Angel, or Refilr-
rection j who therefore being prepoffdfed with prejudice when they har offo
many Spirits as are here mentioned, and [0 many ftr.ange Apparitions, in feveral
Kinds, will not only fling back themfelves, Qut WIll be ready to laugh at any
other that give any credit to fuch things. A~though I will not ta·ke upon me to
convert any by Reafon that are engaged into fuch an.()pinion by a wicked life,
that is, Unju/l practifes, Luxurious lewd courfes,open profanendfe, underthc
name of Wit apd Galantry, and the like, becaufe, I t~ink, it is very juft with
God to leave fuch to the error and blind ndfc of their Judgments j fo tbat with-
out a Miracle there can be little hopes of fuch. Yet I £hall hope that filch' as arC'
Rational men, fober in their Lives and Converfations, fuch as I have known
my felf; yea, men of excellent parts in other things, men t~at are both willing
to hear and able to confid~r: ' thatfuch, I fay, may receive tome fat.isfactionbv
what I £hall fay. and propoCe to their Ingenuous confideration in this matter.We;e
W~to ai:gue the cafe by Scriptu~e, the bufineffe would foon be at an end ~ th~re
bemg no one Controverted pornt among men, that I know of, that can receIVe
a. more Ample, Full, Clear and fpeedy determination, then this buGnefs of Spi~
rits,and Witch!s, and Appar.itions. maYrif the Word of God might be Judge~ But
I will fuppofe~h;lt I have to do with fuch, who though they do not altogether
deny the Word,ofGod, yetwillnoteafily, however, admit ofanythingthac
they :think contrary to Reafon, or at leaft not to be maintained by Reafon.' I
£hall therefore forbear all Scripture Proofs and Tefhmonies in this particular,
and defire the Chrilhan Reader ( who otherwife might }ullly take offi:nce) to
take notice upon what ground it is that I forbear.
Bue though I will not ufe any Scripture for proof, yet by \vay of Applic:nioJl
I hope I may be allowed to ufe fome Scripture words, which may direa: us
percliance to a good Method in the examination of this buGndfe. The ApoJHe
faith in a place, ,Jf'1I0t1t1 tIP''' "•••1, i,."f4,9""..,: (proft/ling tbtmJt/"vts to be "'.ife, tlJtJ became
fools) I lliall notc;nquire {)f whom, and upon what occaGon it Was fpoken: I
draw no ~rgti.ment from ic; only becaufe there is a fhew of grea·t Wifdom in
this Opinion; and yet, as I conceive, as much of Error and Wfhood (that is ,
Folly, as the word is often ufcd) as in any other faife opinion that is leffe popular.
I will frame my dikourfc'c6 this i{f.ue, fir£l:, eo enquire wh:u ie is chat makes
it fo popular and pl:mfible, amon~ them cfpeciall y that pretend to more then
ordiruuy W ifdom; and then {(condly, lay it open(as I am able) to the view in its
right colours, that the FoD} or faUhood of it. may be difcernable' evea co ordi-
nary judgments.
Filflthen, (as forthem thatden1 Spirits, &c.) we fay,. The world is fuU ofim-
pofiure; to know this, to obferve it in all Trades, in aU ProfeiIions, inall ranks
and degrees of men, is to know the world, and that is to be wik~ Though we
call them J''l.l~rs, yet they defcrve to be thought the plaine£l:dealing men of the
world that £hew their tricks openly in the ftreets for money; for they profeOc
what they are. They arc the trudl: Juglc:rs that do thcid~~s (and ,hey for mo-
Cf"he P 1\.E F .A C E.
rt1too,mo1l: orthem) llhaer the Veil and Reputation ofHolirieffe,Sancbty, (or,
Saindhipl Religion., Virtue, Jull:ice, .Friendlliip; fine words to catch tI)en " th~t
are of eafi,e Belief, and thinks- that every thing that glitters mull: n~ed.s be gold.
Hence it is, that me~ ·that have had the R~putation of ~ife men in the wt>rld J
have commended thIS unto us as greateH: W Ifdom, 'No T E It. S I L Y To Bs.;.
LIE V !.: Nii,I, '!1 fl.'i·,,""· t". . ,S-Ij,: :rTr"l"vTc 1., ,pIli,· f3p.ichamiUs gotmQre credit for
this one faying (and hath d~me more good too', 'per~h~nce) theq. many, that
have been· the Authors o.r vail:. V (Humes. Now if t.nofe things that are expofed
to fenfe, the proper Objects of our Eyes and Eares, be lyable to fo mueh Im-
pofrure and Deceit, : that the wilefr can fcarce know what to believe: How
-much 1110re ca~tion do we need in thofe things that are fo much above ~en[e,
and in :fome refpects coimary tq Senre (and that is Spirits) that we benot deceiv-
ed ? If we confider the Nature Qf man, his Bodily frame, the Affections of his
foul, the Faculties :of his Il1ind; we {hall have no occa{jon at .aU to w.onder if
mofrmen are apt to believe and to be cheated. Butasnocaufe cowOilder, loas
little caufe to imitate: Felix qui rerum pott4it cognofcere caufor! 71r"I!M,,(c ., a deJire of;
01' to ~YI~nge things that 'may ca ..fe ama:{tmmt, is the proper affection of the vu!gar,tliat
is, of mofr men, which they bring into the world with them, (it is ~heob­
fervation of the wifell: of meO n that have written concerning.the affairs and aai-
ons of men) and cann-ot be rid of but by wifdorn, which is the happindfe of
few: . Errand;, non necefsitas tal/tum, jed amor, Seneca fomewhere fpea.king of the
Nature of Man; There Was a time when the world was much governed by o-
racles; private men went unto them as unto God, Kings and Princ(:S fent : unto
them to be advifed about greatefr matters: and·fo much faith was afcribed tinto
them, generally, that the very word became a Proverb appliable untothofe
things, whereof no quefrion can be made. Yet thofe very ancient Heathens,
that tell us of thefe Oracles, tell us of th~ir .vanity;: and though they fay not,
~hat al! were falfe and counte~fcit, yet ~hikfl th~y ackno\vledg it of. {ome,they.
glv~ us Jufr occafion to [ufpect: that It mIght have been found as true of the rell
aIfo, had like care been taken to examine the truth of them alfo.
Again, the~ wasa time (and that ti~e not many hundred years yet/all)
when Miracles were the only difcourfe and d~light of ·.'m en : Ghofis an ~pi~
tits were in every houfe; ,and fo prone were men to receive what W4S delive-
red Unto them in that kind, that Miracle-makers were much put to it; not
to make their frories probable, (for that was not frood upon) but to make
them wonderful enough; infomuch that fome have been forced See theLife ol.Ai.
to complain publickly of the credulity of the people, who yet them- . hm", M.
[elves tell US ~uch more, I dare fay, then wall ever true. As of Miracles, . fo
of Bxorci[mes: How many Divels.and Spirits have beendrive1l OUt of ~en and
women, filppofed to be P!ffijJcd, by folemn Exorcifmes, to the great wonder
of the beholders, which afterwards upon further and examiryation, have
been convicted to have been nothing but the artifices and hlbtil contrivances of
men? Sentences and Judgments have paffed upon luch cheats when they have
been difcovered in mofr places of Europe, which have been publifhed; But
they have done Grange things though (fome that were though: po(fdfed) and
things impoffible, to ordinary fenfe, to be done by Nature. It is very true,forpe
have: BUt they that know what Grange ·things· may be done to the amaze-
7" he P ~ E F ACE.
ment of'all not acquainted with fuch myR:eries, by long Ufo and Cuflome, they
will not eafily wonder ([0 as to make a fupernatural thing of it) though they
fee things, which, to their fight and of moR:, cannot but feem very wonder-
ful , and almoR: impoffible. As for the bodily temper of man and of his 'Brain,
it hath been fufflciently by fome late books of that fubjeCl: (Entbuftafm,)
both by reafons from Nature, and oy fundry examples proved, that a very lit-
tle difl:emper of the brain,fcarce difcernable unto any,but thofe that are well verled
in the R:udy of Natural cau[es, is enough to'reprefent Spirits, Angels ,and Oi-
ve\s, Sights and Stories of Heav(n and Hell to the Fancy: by which fober kind
of Madndfe and deli ration, fo little underfl:ood ,vulgarly, many have been, and
are daily deceived; and from thefe things, through the ignorance of men,
fl:range things fometimes have en[ued, and the peace of Common-weales hath
fuffered not a little.
.Ariflotle, in his Meteors, tells of one thatalwayes raw (fo he thought,at leaR:)
another man's fhape before his eyes., and how they happened unto him naturally
he gives a reafon. Hyppocraus, n.p; ""t8.,t ..,. (a very Thore Oifcourfe, but [uli
of excellent matter) fheweth how fome, both men and women, chrough Na-
tural caufes, come to fancy to themfelves that they fee ;';",..,/&1. Divels and Spitits
and to be tormeneed in their Souls, even to the making away of themfelves by
their own hands: The Author of the book, 'De Morbo Sacro, {very ancient coo
but not right HYPPOCflttes, as many are of opinion) hath 'excellent m:ltter too t~
the fame: purpofe. but I have not the book a:: this time by me. Hyppocral~s,
(where bCfore) fhewethhow many in that cafe were gulled by the PrieR:s of
thofe times, making them believe, That this happened to them through the
anger of {orne god. "They that arc veril in the OpticAs know,That there is a
" way, through the help of glaffis that £hall not be fcen, to make moving fha-
~(dows that {hall appear like Ghofl:s, to the great terror of 'the ignorant behold-
i( er: and it is faid, That ptetended AR:rologers and Fortune-tellers cheat many
" by thofe fights. It is the opinion of fome Jewi£h Rabbins, That what
GhoflsorSoulsare raired by 1\!cromanCJ, theyalwayesappear inllerfocorpore, that
is, their head do wards and feet upwards. Though nothing is to be wondered
' at in Rabbins, who '(commonly) ate. as full of ridiculous conceits as ever came
into the head of any Bedlam: Yet my opinion is, "That the firR: ground of
"this wild conceit was, fome appearance by the Species of an object, gathered
"through a little glajfe into a dark room. For fo indeed the objeCl:s muR: ap-
" pear iiJ'ver{o corpore if it be done in a high room, a,pd the objects from whence
" the Spiecies are gathered be lower ..hen the glaffe through which they palfe. And
the reafon of it is very DemonR:rable to the fight of any reafonable man. Cer-
tainly,by thi.) fecret(which yet is no great fecret,being commonly feen and pr Jt}:.f-
ed among them that are any thing curious) ilrange thtngs may be done by a
Cunning man, to their great amazement that know not the caufe. There
would be no end if I {bould attempt to gather from feveral Authors what hath
been invented by men, aAd what may be done by Art to cheat men in matters
of this nature. Let any man, that is yet a R:ranger to it, b~t read the life of.;lltx-
ander the faljt Prophet, or ~rognoR:icator, written by Lt4cian, and he null fee no-
table example) of fuccefleful Cheats and Impollures, fcarce credible indeed, but
that the thtng Was yet then freth and famous, and that all circumR:ances of
rrhe P <J(E F ACE.
tIiflory confirm the truth of the relation. And let him that reads it judge,
what dull and dry fellows the Mountebank-Afuologers, Prognofricators and
Fort~ne-tellers of there dayes arc, tO,this Neble., Renown~d Alexander. Only
let him know that reads, that LUCIan was a profefl: Athelfl:, and therefore no
wonder if he find 8p;CUTUS fpoken of with great refpeel, whom all Atheifrs, and
Atheifrically inclined are fo much obliged to honQur. This.excepted, I think,
the Story is verywonhy to be known, and much more worthy to be read by all
men (confidering the good ure tha~ may be made of it) then manybookS'that are
daily tranOated out of other lan C7 uages.
Butlafrly, If there were any fuch thing, really as Divels and Spirits that ufe to
appear unto men; to whom Chould ther (probably) foo~er appear, then to filch
as daily call upon them, and devote their Souls and Bodies unto them by dread-
ful Oaths and Imprecations? And again, then to [uch, who through damnable
curiofity have many times ured the means (the befl: they could find in books by
Magical Circles, Characters and Invocations) and yet never, neither the one ~or
the other Caw any thing ?
I have faid as much as I mean to fay (though (~mewhat perchance might be
ldded) to Chew the plaufiblendfe of the opinion, in oppofitioh to vulgar appre-
hcnfions and capacities, whereby (as I conceive, for I have not Wittingly o~
·mitted any thing that I thought material) it chiefly intides it felf to witdom
and more then ordinary prudence, whicb aU men generally are ambitions of.
Yet I would not have it thought that all men, that hold this conclufion, That
there be no Spirits, &c. go [0 rationally to work, or can give this account or
any other more rational and plaufible for what they hold. God knows ther~
be many in the world, men of no learning, and J;llean capacities, who can fpeak
QS peremptorily as the beft, not becanfe they have confidered of it, and under·
fund the grounds of either opinion, but becaufe they know, or have heard it
is the opinion of fome Learned, and they hope they £hall bethought learned
too if they hold with (h.em. Befides an ordinary (for fome have been learned)
Ep;turean,who makes it his Motto (to himfelfand inhis heart) Ii', .,.; I-'lI/b ;,1"41,
~hm ~I,,: and reeks his cafe in this world ( ..."1..p,,~I ..,. their own word, which
imporrs Tranquility both of mind and body; a good word but ill applyed) as
his fummtlm b9num, or chiefefl: happindfe: It is' a great eafe to him when any
frrange things doth happen by Witches, Wizards and the like; and other [orne
to fatisfie their fa'ich, others their reafon and curiofity, are PUt to it to enquire
of men by conference, and to {earch into books ancient and late, Sacred and
Profane, and all little enough. A great eafe, I fay, for him, then, and upon
all [uch occafions, co poffeffe his Soul in fecure ignorance, and to fave his .cre-
dit (yea, and to gain cledit with fome) by barely faying, Fabula eft, I do not Ee-
lit11t it. We fhall hear fome of th~m by and by acknowledg, in effeCt, as much
as I have faid: I impofe nothing upon them. I will not take upon me to
judge of a book that I never read; I cannot fay that I ever faw it. But becaufe
I have heard fome men magnifie an Englifh book written of this filbjeCl: to
prove that there be no Witches, I will impart unto the Reader that hath not
obferved it, the judgment of one of the Learnedit men that ever EnglaJzd law
( I willi he had been more gently dealt with when time was j of thac book,
whereby it may appear (if his judgment be righc,as I am very inclinable to be-
7' he P ~ E F ACE.
lieve, becaule of his Learning, and wonted circumfpeetion in his cenfure'S)
what greatu,ndertakersmany men are,upon very ,little ground~ a~d ~o\v prone
others to extol what doth bvour thelT caufe, though to the preJ.udlce.of their:
'l>etter jttdgments, if they would judfe impartially. Dr. fltainolds in thofeda-
borate PrlileCiionts de libris Apocryphu, where he doth·cenfure' fomeopinions of
!BodintlS as prejudicial to the Chriftian Faith. '1\tginaldus Sc~tUJ, noflrlU, (faith he)
qui contrari.m rJ3odino in/anit inja"niam, ait Papiftas confittri, non poffi 1)emo1l44 ne' au,.
dirt qUidem nomen JthOllli. Acetptt{!ll iJJe a.13odinq, (!J' attribuit Papiflis i"gener~, tall-
quam umnes Papifl41 in 10 eon(pirarent. tpergit ipfi, C? quoniam imimaJlIerterat quajilam
j.tmintJ4 ma/rreas, aliquando iflit# ~odi narrationtJ ementiri, putallil omnia e/fo fi.Ela; ex
impcritia 1)iaie8;ett, & aliarum bonarutn arrium: Ut qui nullo judicio, nuUa methoJ~
nulla optlmarwn' artiuriJ fcitntia) eodem modo au,rejJus fit bane Ttm,qrc011lodo'PQeta loqAi~
tM, .
- -'- Tenet infatiabile quo{dam Scrihendi cacoethes:
& eo~e"! prorftls modo ratiocinatur ~ ~c. We have been the more willing to pr?_
duce thiS pall age oue of the wrmngs of that Learned man, becaufe we alfo m
our anfwers may have oecafton to fay. fomewhat to the fame purpore; not of
that Author or his book, \v hich he judgeth, any thing, but of the ground UPOR
\vhich he builded, which we {hall find to be the fame upon which other.:; aBo
that deny 'Sp~rits ?ave gone upon. But we will, go Met~odj.cally to work, and
take every thing In order, as we have propo(ed In the obJect&ons.
Firfl, We faid, T he world was full of Impofture. It is granted, of Im·
poftors and Impoftures. But what then fhall die conclufion be, That there.•
fore there is no truth in the world, or.l.t leaft not to be attained unto by mortal
man? Truly, many bOOKS of old have been written to that effect. Sextus &I-
piricus is yet extant, a very learned book it cannot be denied, and of excellent ufe
for the underftanding of ancient Authors, Phylofophcrs efp~cially. I could
name fome ChriA:ians aifo? by. profeffion, men of great learning that have gone
very far that way. But thiS wIn not be granted by fO'me 1. am fure ~hat are or
ha~'~ been thought gr~at oppugners of the co~mon opi~ion about Witches and
Sptrlts; fome Phyficlans I mean, and Naturahfts by tlielC profeffion. But may
not we argue as p1aufibly againA: that which they profeffe, as they have done or
can do againft Spirits and Apparitions? We would be loath to make fo longa
digreffion; we have had occafion elfewhere to fay fomewhat to this purpofe:
and they that will be fo curious may fee what hath been written by Cornel. ,/1grip-
pa (who is very large upon this fubject) about it, not to name any other~. Ie is
not yet a full twelve-moneth , that a friend of mine, a Gentleman of quality,
brought his lady to London (fome 60 miles .and upwards from his ordinary
dwelling.) to have ehe adviceof Phyficiansabout his wife (a very Virtuous and
Religious Lady) trou bled'lvith a weak ftomack an4 ill digeftion ; which cauC-
ed gl ievous fymptoms. I th-i nk he had the advice of no leffe then a dozen lirft
and laft: I am fure he named unto me five or fIX of the cniefeft in Credit and
practice chat the Town aff'ordeth. Not one of them did agree in their opinions,
either concerning the Caufe, or the means to be ufed for a Cure. So that the
Gencleman wene away more unfatisfied chen he 'came. WhOle he did I knovv
not! I knovv vvhat fome men vvollld have inferred upon this. Yet I, for my
p:41't, fol' the benefit that I hav~ received by it, and the effeas that I have ken of
'The P 1\ S F ACE.
it, both upon IIIy [elf, and others in my life-time, upon [everaloccaGons
( ·where learned Ate/fis, not Empirick.! have been em~loyed) though all the
world !hould be of another opinion, I think my [e1fbound to honour, as
thq>rofeffion, [0 all Learned, Ingenious Profeffors of it : and I make no
quefiion but the worfi of Agrjppa's objeCtions, by any man of competent
judgment and experience, may eafi1y be anfwen:di I fay therefOre that as
in other things of the world, [0 in matters of Spirits and .Appariti(;ns, though
lyable to much error and impofi:ure, yet it doth not follow but there may
be reality of truth and cc:rcainty difcerna.ble unto them that will take the
pains to fearch things unto the bottom; where truth commonly is to be
found, and art naturally tndowed '\Tith competent judgments to di[cern
b~ween fpecious arguments and folidity of truth.
But this proveth nothing, No: but the removing of this common ob-
jection may difpore the Reader, I hope, to confider of what we have to
fay with Idfe prejudice. And that !hall be our next task,what we have to ray
[or Spirits, &c. before we come to particular Objections. Wherein never-
theleffe I will be no longer then I mull: at this time, becaufe I !hall have a
more proper place in two feveral Tra€l:ates, the one whereof hath been a
long time in 100[e notes and papers, not yet digefied, to wit, my Second
Part of &ubu{tttfme: the other, in my head yet wholly, but inbetter re~­
dineffe to be brought to light,becaufe of later conception. to wit,A 'Difcourfi
of Utdulity and Incredulity, in thing; l{attlral, (illil and 1)il1i~e, or neolG.gical. We
{hall meet there with many cafes not fo nece{fary here to be fpok~n of1which
will help very much to clear this bufinefs.
~ But here I fay; firll: of all; It is a Maxim of AriJlotlls ~the great Orado
of Nature, which many have taken notice of, and applyed to their feveral
purpofes : o· 9.~' I.d;, ,'UTI ,T,&I "~,.t,, nat which i5 generaUy beliel1eJ, i5 moft lilt.e-
{y to be trtlt. Who al[o in another place of the [arne book doth approve the
faying of Heflod1 tn,." J"~J1il" 'K"J.p...,., J....&u,.,,.,, ;:,11~. MO' n'M,1 'tffd~..~,· Now if a-
ny opinion whereof quefiioni:. made can julUyprerendto a generalaffent
and confeht of all people, places,. ages of the world, I think, nay, 1 know,
and iE will be proved thatthis of Witches, Spirits, and Apparitions may.
I do not know [carce any ancient book extant of Philofopher or Hifiorian
(the Writings of profdfed Epicureans excepted, of Ariflotle we !hall give
an accollnt by and by) but doth alford rome pregnant relation, tefiimony
or paffage to the confir~ati<1n of this truth. 1 dale fay,- fhould a man
collea: the relations and tell:imonies out of feveral Authors· and hooks (that
are come to our knowledge) within the compaffe of t\va thoufand years,
of Authors well accounted of, generally, and vvhofe tefiimonies (Hi fiori-
a05 efpecially) "ve receive in other things; a man might make a book of
the biggefi fize and form that ordinary books (vvhich vve call Folioes) are.
It is truc, many Authors may vv.rire one, thing vvhich may prove falfe, as
the famous hil1:ory of the Phenix; perchahce, or rome fuch; but UpOlt ex-
amination it vvill appear that thole many take aH from orie or tVVO at the
molt, vvho firll: delivered it. They add nothing in confirmation of their
ovvn knovvledg or experience. But here it is quite othervvife s thofe ma-
rry Anthors that I [peak of (Hifiorians efpecially of feveral ages) they tell
7' he P 'R E F ACE.
us different things that hapned in their own times, in divers places of the
world: and of many of them we may fay they were: fucb as knew little of
former books, or ftories of other Nations but their own. Withi ll thefe
'00 years the world, we know, by the benefit of Navigation hath been
mote open arid known then before; yea, a great part of the world difco-
vercd diat was not known bcfore~ I have read many books, ,the bell: I
could meet with, in feveral Languages, of divers Voyages into all parts of
the world: 1 have connrfed with many Travellers, who~ I judged faber
and di[creet. 1 never read any book of th~t argumeht, nor yet met with
man that 1 have had the opportunit), to confer with, but ,was able of his
own' knowkdg to fay fomewhat whereby my belief of thefe things might
be confirmed. ,
Now for the Epicureans (ofall Philofophers the moll: inconfiderable in
matters of knowledg, as former ages have defcribcd them) no man need
to wonder if they denyed thofe things which by tbe folemn enga:ement of
their SeEt they were bound and refol ved, notwithA:andi ng any fight or fenfe,
experience or evidence to the contrary" not to believe, at Jcall: not to
ac.knowledg. This doth clearly appear by one that may be believed
(though I have met with it in more) in fuch things. Lucjall (himfelf a
profdl: Epicurean Atheill:) who doth commend '1?tmocritus , lipicurus and
Mtt roJo1us (the moll: famous of that Sect) for theu .J'1If/A,7'm ",,,"'", , as he
calls it their fixed, irtt'llo/('eablt, uneonqutra6lt rtJolution, when they faw any
Rrang~ thing tha~ by others vvas admired as ,miraculous., ifthey ~ould
find the caufe or gtYe a probable guelfe, vvelland good, If not, yet not
to depart from their firll: refolution, and Rill to believe and to maintain
that it vvas falfe and impoffible: It is a notable paffage, andvvhich excel-
lent ufe may be made of. I vvill therefore fet dovvn his ovvn vvords
for their fake that underRand the Language ~ - -' .:~• .".J.,~ 1~ "",xi,.,...
(fpeaking of fome of Alexander tbe falft Prophet his devices)
La i •• In Alta. Ald.
eat, p.179·
.;>"'" ii.,.••,1,..1"." ; ~ ..til; 1 ...11"",,,,, • M.7,,/J,.. .1I~11,", .,., , ........
1"..u..... ",eI""" lX"'''' .:, ...../~;;,.I&I. ~ if, ,;.u.., ~ Ii tAl ••,.i, 1"
~ 1~
1,tn, iN,.,., i ••i,. ".ii, .".,•..-n'H"I'.". :'/1 A..... S., "~7a, '1,&...., 1iir ", .."r..,.1",,: 1~ J'" .:, ...., ""cUI"
~~/. ~ ",,,.,.., ·1'01,..1." Who doubts that this is the refolution of many alfo
I~ ~hefe dayes, not of t,hem only vv ho are Epicureans, vvhofe manner of
hVlng (as vve have ~ald ?efore) dot? engage them to this opinion, but
of others alfo,~vho thlOk It not for their credit (the vanity of vvhich belief
~leverthelefs might ea~tyappea~,there being nothing fo mean and ordinary
10 the vvorld vvherem the W.fdom of. die vvifell: in the confideration of
the, caufes, ~ the confeffion of bell: Natmali{ls " may not be pored) to
belIeve any, th,~g that they cannot g.ive 1, probable teafon of. Not to be
wondred th,en If we fee many, nocwlthftanding daily experience to the con-
trary, t? ll:lck fo clofe to thofe tenets which they have wedded themfelves
unto With fo firm a refolution f{(fm the beginning never to leave them
be they right or wrong. ' ,
As for Ariflotle" ~ confdfe ~is authority is very great \vith me; not be-
caure I am fuperll:lt1ouOy addicted to any of his opinions which I {hall e-
vcr be ready to forfake when better !hall be fhewed unto' me., but becaufe
rrhe P 1\ £ F ACE.
(befides the judgment of all accounted wifeapd learned in former a~es j I am
conviaed in my judgmerit,that fo much folid reafon in all Arts and Sciences
never ilfued from mortal man (known unto us by his writings) without
fupernatural illumination. Well': .:Ariftotle doth not acknowledg 'Spirits ,
he mentions tht!m not in any place. Let it be granted: And why ihollid
it be a worider to any man that knows the , drifr and purpofe of AriJIotlls
Phylofophy? He.lived when Plato lived; he had been his fellow Scho-
ler unde.r Socrates, and for fome time his Scholer; b,u t aft~rwards he ' be-
~aine his ~mulus, _and pleafed himfelf ver~ mll~h to opP?f'e h~s Doarine ,
lnfomuch as he IS cenfured by fome AnCIents for hiS IngratItude. The
truth is, Plato's writings are fuU of Prodigies, Apparitions of Souls, pains
of H~ll and Purgatory, Revelations of the ~ods, and the Ijke. Wherein
he is io bold that he is fain to excufe himlelf fometimes) and ,doth not
ddire that any man fhonld believe him, according to the letter of his rela-
tions, butin grolfeonty, thit fomewhat was true to that effeCt. Indeed
he hath many divine paffages, yea, whole Treal:ifes, that , can never be fuffi-
ciently admired,in thei.r kind; but too hIll of tales, for a Phylofopher, it
cannot be denyed. .Arifl9tl~ therefore reColved upon a quite contrary way:
He would meddle with nothing but what had [orne apparent ground in
Nature. Not that he! precifdy denyed all other things, but becaufe he did
not think thac ic was the part of a P!lylofopher to ,?eddle with thofe things
that no probable reafon could be gIven of. ThiS doth clearly appear by
;l. Div inc palfage of his, 'De part. anim.l. J. r. s. where he divides Subfunces
in ~,."'ii1 •• r ~ ~.,9"t1..,t. Eternal and Incorruptible, that is, 'in effect, SpiTitual (for,
even Spirits that wer~ created might be termed ..,.,[,"1." that is, properly,:nat
ha'Ve not their begmning by Gmeration; ,out we will eafily grant, that the , cre-
ation of Angels, good or bad, was not known to dTiltotit: (we may un-
dcrfb.nd Gods and Intelligences) ' and thoie , that ,.ilt:x..t' ,..,1,,..,, '!l , thac is,
.re modals,. He goes on, As /ot 'Df"ine Subfiancts, ",bieb ~e hf)ilour, we can fay
hut little of them, though we deJireit; hecaufo (0 .little of them ,is expofod to /enfi
[and Reafon.] ,Mortal things tbat ,wt are faljll/iarlyacquaillted. and d~lly cOII'Verft
with, we may /tno"JQ if we take pains; , 13ut mucb more jhould we r'joice ill Jhe /{no,,,';'
ledg (yea though "JQe know bitt a rver), little part) of t!ungs Villilit {or ,heir ~xc~ile~­
'13 then in the AnotPltdg,of tbefe worldl~ tbings thougb ne)ler foj)trf~El and gen~ral r.But
t~e comfort tbat we IJ4'Ve of them (",hlCb doth millte flmc ar,nw !) 14 the certamty, an4
that they come wiel,hI. the compajJe' of Sciences; : What could be faid more Di-
v.incly by a mail dut had nothing by revelation ~ Truly, there appeareth
iltlto ine (if I may fpeak without offence and mifconfhuction) more Di-
vini~y in thQre words, thert in fome books th3.t pretend to nothing elk. Add
to this another place of his in his Metapbyfick..s, where he faith, That though
things fupernatliral be of theinfelves clear and ceruin, yet to us they are
nodo , who fee them only wich Owles eyes.. Can we fay thtn that Ari,-
flotle deriyed thof~ -things that he forbore to write of, betaufe they were
(~heir natures ~nd their qualities) above the knowledg of man! Neither
is it abfolutely true that Arijlotle never Wrote of Spirits and Appari::i()os.
Cimoin his firfrb~ok 1)e 1)jl1matjone~ h;lth a long ftory Ollt of him of a fhape
or Spirit that a dream to one "iiudcl111U (hiS familiar friend and
7he P ~ E F ACE.
~quaintance) and foretold him llran ge things th,at ~ame t~ patTe: {ltmms
AltxJnati11Ms hath a (h1nge fl:ory out of him, of a MagIcal RIng, one or two,
which E~'eflus, King of the PhQcenfes did ufe, and foreClw things future
by them. ,It is to be 'found and feen among the fragm~nts of ArYlotlfl works.
And that he did hOt deny Witches, may appear by tha.t mennon he m~kes
of them in mort; then one place. How much· he a{~.l·ibed co common re-
port and experience, though no reaCon cOlild be given, appear by his
Preface t.o his Treatife De 1)i)1in.1tiotle per jllfoIH',ia: where he propoCeth the
cafe, how hard it is' for a F.itional man to believe any thing upon repore
whi l h hee:.n fee no reaCon for; nay, which feemeth contrary to r"alon :
as, for a man to forete) by dream what -£hall happen in another KingJomc
far off withom any apparent caufe. But on th.e other fide, faith he, not leIS
hard to deny that which all men, or moil men, do be:ieve, to wit, rhat
there be Cuch predi.:tions. For to fay (hi$ own word:;) that fitch dreams
come froro God, bdides what elCe might be 'objected (which inight eafily
be undedtood by themt~at llndedland his Doctrine) It is ·moll: lTorea1on-
able to beHev'e that God would fend them to men either vi:ious in their
lives, or idiots andfools, of all men the mofl: vile and contemptible, who
'have been oblerved (0 have fuch dreams oftner then better' and"wirer men.
So leaving the bufineffe undetermined, b~ do~h proceed to the confideratiotl
of chofe Propherick dreams, for wh ich fome probable reaCon may be given.
Yet in the fecond Chapter he faith·.Ii I e6tly, That thO'ugh dreams be not
' '1 t
* TJ.lie: La tlOe: n er-
. yet
. they may be perch
. tnce >f. .1'",,.6,,,,, fo'r fitch
pre1cr rranflues it- he acknowledges Nature to oe, not e,I",. but 1''''p."I.. , on-
DI"" ".i.. ;~lkllolJ1 Iy. "1 will not enquire further irito the meaning of thefe
not hllw It cln be d' · .b d
bem:r txprc/fed. wor silt IS not to e one In Jew wor:i.
. C ' d 'It Ipalo' Iy ap-
though. lyalJlc tu pears chat nothing troubled him fo much. (for. he repeats
.mblgulty. . the c:>bjection twice or thrice) ~s that God (}iould ~e thought
to favQur either \'Vi.cked men or fools, I wlfh no work Doctnne had e-
ver bee? Printed or Preached concerning God. aut flill le~ it be remem-
bred that he knew of no Divine Word or Revelation, Yet Jul. Scal/geT in
his CO!llmentaries upori Bypocr.ttwDe In(omniu, doth wonder that ",{rift.otle
fhould flick fa much at this, and kern.) hirnfelf to give· a reafon grounded
in Nature. ln'deed he faith fomewhat as to the cate of fools and idiots,
but nothing (that I remember) thar·relcheth tQ wicked inen .lIfo. Let
there thitigs be confiqered, and let tl,le Reader judge of how different tem-
per A,jjlo.le was. from that of ancient or later Epic~res~ This mention of
Arijlotle apd 1'1~/o puts me in mind of Socrates their Maller, his Famili41
Spirit; no Shape but a Voice only, by which his life and aCtions were
much direCted. .The thing is attdled by {a many, [0 grave Authors where-
ef fome livd at the very time, others not long after, or in times n~fvery
remete, that I know not hdW it can be queflioned by any man~ Ne,i thet
indeed is it, thlt I remember, by any Heathens or' Chri fl:ians of ancieric
times, anq there have been books written of ie, d,ivci!', in Greek and Latine,
whereot fome are 1et ext.'lnt. But whether it were a go~ Spirit or all
evil, fome men · have doubted, and it is free for any man to frunk what
he pl~akth of it. For my pare I ever had aReyerend opi·n ion Qf Somms ,
'The P 1\ £, Fife E.
and ,do b-elieve (if there be no impiety in it, as I hope not) that he.was.1 as
among Heathens in ~ome refpect, a fore,~ullner of ~ll[ill:, to difpofe thern
the better when the tIme lliould ~ome to Imbrace (and i(did it effectually)
the Gofpe~. Many oth~r .Phylofophers, that have been o.f greateR fame)
were cmaInly ~reat .Maglclans, as OrpTJe~? PytTJagortU, Empedocles , and the
like, as by thofe things that have been wntten ot them by feveral ancient
authors ~ay be coll-ected. But ~bove aU I give the 'pre-eminence to Alol-
lonius 1lJtaneus, a man of later tlmes, and .of whom we may fpeak with
more confidence and certainty. Thi-s was the man whom ancient Hea-
thens very tenacious of their former worlliip and fuperll:iti<ms, did pitch
upon to oppofe unto Chrill:. H is Lif~ hath been written by divers; four
ot them were .joyned together and oppore~ to the four Gofpels: and
Bierocles, a famous Phylofopher of thofe tImes, made a Collation of his
·Miracles with thofe of Chri~l:s , who wasanfwered by Enjebills, yetextanr.
Sure it is, they prevailed fo much; thath~was for a long time worlliipped
by many, and in [un~ry places as a very God; yea~ by [orne Roman Em-
perors, as we find in Hifl:ory. Philojlratu; hath written his Life in very
Elegant ll:ile (as PhOfi~ judged) in 8 books, which are ~xtanr. And
though they conuin many fabulous things, as any man may expect by the
undertaking, yet have they fo much truth and v;uiecy of ancient learning
that I think they deferve to be better known then commonly they are ~
but c~nnot be undedl:ood, I am fure, as they {houl~ be, by any tranna~
tion either Latine or French that ever 1 faw: For the Paru Edition,though
it boall: of great things (as the manner ·is) yet how little was perfo~med
may eafilyappear unto any that \viII take the pains to compare it with the:
former edition of .AldlU: Which I fpeak not to find fault, but bec:aufe I
willi that [orne able man w-ould undertake the work; there is not any
book, by the Tranflations yet extant) that more needeth it. What ufe Sea..
liger made· of him ~ may appear by his frequent suotations in his Notes
,upon Eufeb,~, in ~he Hiil:ory of thofe times. As for AppoUoni/u his Mira-
cles or wonderful Acts (which is our bufindfe here) though many things
have been idded , fome, probably, done by Impoll:ure 1 yet I do not fee:
how it can be doubted but hedi<,1 many Rrangc" thing~ by the help ·o f Spi-
rits) which things may be judged by due obfervation of ci.rcumil:ances; as
for example) That being convented before 1>omitial1 the Emperor in the pre-
fence of many, he prefently vanifhed and was feen a great way off (at Putt-
oli I think) about the fame time. That at the very time when 1)omitian
was killed at fl\!Jme) he fpake of it publickly ~nd of the manner of ~t at 8-
ph/us: and fo of many others, which [eem to me (as unt<? moll:) almoG
unquellionabk. The greatetl wonder to me is, that filch was his pore and
outward appearance of .sanctity. aud Simplicity, that even ~hrifl:ians have:
though~ reverently of him; and believed that he did his wonders by the
power of God; or by fecret Philofophy and knowledg of Na~ure not re-
vealed unto other men. So Juftine Mart}r J one of the ancient Fath~rs of
the Church judged of him, as is well known. Moil: later Phylofophers
that lived aboutlu/ians time, and before t~a.t, as alfo t~eEmperors them-
,{tlves, many 0 them; wexe great MagiCians and :i'{fcromAncers, as may
7: he P 'R E F .A C E.
eafily ~pp~~r, pardy by tl)eir own writings, and partly by the HiflOlY of
thofe times.
I do 'Very,much wonder whether any man, being a Scholer; and no~
fl:rongly prel'olfdfed, t~at doth not believe Spitits, &c. can fay that he e-
ver read the books of Try~ls and ~onfeflions of Witches and Wizarcis, [uch
I mean, as have been writren by learned and jq.dicious me~. Such as, ,for
exa~rle, ~ accou?c Nichol. ~m~jlU, his J?tmon8Iatria: ex 'ju~iciu capitalibus
900 plus mmus hOmmt4m, &c. grounded efpeclally ltpon the Confeffions and
Condemnations of no leffe then 900 men aQd women in Lorrame within
th~ compaife of few Ye,ars. 'l"hat he was a learned man, I think no body
wi~l deny that hath read hi~ A and that ~e was no very credulous and'[uper~
fiiuous man (though a Papl1t) that alfo 15 moft certaIn' : and 1 have won-
dred at his liberty many times. . I know not how it is now'in thore pla-
ces; but by what I have read and heard of the doings of Witches and Sor~
J' cerers in Genella and Sa'llo} in fdrmer times (I could fay fomewhat of my
" fclf,how my life was pre[erv~d there very fl:rangdy , but my,w itneifes. are
« not,and I will not bring 'their credit in quefl:ion for fuch a bufindfe.) I
am of o'pinion, That he i,hat fho:.dd have maintained there that there was
no fuch ching .as Witches, or Spirits, &c. would have been thought by
moft ei,ther mad and brain-fick ([0 frequent arid vifible were the etteCls to
fober eyes) or a Witch himfelf. For indeed' it is ordinary enough, .that
tho[e, that are fo rcally, are very willing (which deceiveth many) to be
thought Impoftors, and .there is good reafon, for it:- I fhould Cooner fuf-
pea: him an Impoftor that doth profeffe himfelf (except it be: by way of
(onfeffion, as many have done) and is ambitious to be counted a Witch or
Sorcerer. I remember I [awa bookfome years ago, intituled, 'De l'incon-
fiance drs ' maul/Ais Anges & Demons, printed at tp!'Tu J 6. 2. in quart", and anO'" of the fame Author; and fize, intituled, L'incrt.~ulite '& me{crtauce du jor..
tilegt, Paru .642. Strange ftorie:s are told there of a Province of France, a,.
bout ,that time (or little before~ marvelloutly infefled with Witches and
Sorcerers, 'infomuch that people did- not know dne another (in fome
one place) in the ftreecs, by rea[on of, evil Spi~its ~ppearin~ publkkly in the
{hape of men; and that the proceedlOgs of Juihce (whIch doth not hap-
£en often) were fometimc:s <fifturbed by them. I think the Author him-
1elf ~as one that wasfent to the place by the King with [orne authority ,and
to make report. But as 140 not altogether truff my memory, having had
bu't a fight of the books (it was at,the IJJtO in St. Pauls Church-yard:) So I
be,feech the ,Reader not to reR; upon ~his accoUt'1t that I give him upon my
beft rernembrance,but to peru[e the books hlmfdf. I am confident he may
receive good farisfaClion, being things that were no~ done in a tomer, but
very publickly and weU 'atteftcd as r remember. However the reader mull
give me leave (though it be not' to this . purpofe, left my fl-
i.~~ c~t. ~.~~~: .lence be ,drawn to the prejudice of the truth) . to tell him,that
l met With one great failliood"therc concerOlng my own fa-
ther (of 1JJ1. M.) which I have ;lbundantly refuted, and, all others of that
nature, wh~n I was yet! very young. Butthat (as I conceive) which in all
thefe ftories would moil puzzle a rational ·man" is the .fignes which are fet
'The P 7(.E F .A C E.
down by many how witches may \:>e known,a5 Teats, fll1immin,g upo~ the wa~
ter, dry eyes, and the like: which things ind~d have rome ground of trath .
being limited to particular times and places, but are not of . I
2eneral application. Mr. Pofiius- had therefore uafon to r.ff. de IdoloL lu.
hn d f:au1t Wit ' h SprmgtrflS
', an d :DOa'mus ror
Ii) C
rnak'109 t hat a 180,181.
certain token of a Witch ~hat {he cannot weep. Who alfo in th~ fam~
place doth well except agalOll: the 'tryal of jf", ..i'A~""" as he calls it (com-
monly, purgatio per aqu;tm friJidam) condemned by many. But he had done
well to have limited his exception, and to have fhewoo how, and when ~
and how far filch obfervations may be ufed.. For cenainly they are noc al-
together to be neglected. But the reafons of fuch obfervations or marks
that are given by fome, are fo ridiculous, that they would make a fober
ma:n (that hath not patience enough to ponder all things diligently.) to
fufpeel: all the reft. . So one eels us, That when the Cock. croweth the fo-
lemn meetings of Witches {VJhich opinion perchance may prove ancient
enough, as we {hall {hew dfew bere) are diifolved: and he thinks a rea.;,
fon may be becaufe of the crowing of the Cock in the Gofpel, when Sc;
Peter denyed Chrift. Another tells us, That Witches being well beaten
tmnco )litis (with a Vine ftick or club) MMltficia ill.ta folvere j.e1li/iina coguntur;
have no more force to do hurt, or, tbat the party bewitched recovereth.
And the rearon (he tpinks, :lnd yet he no ordinary man
neither) ex myjlerio )lini &' )line.t di/eEl,. Deo, ex cujus tnJfterio So ;io my Copy. i~ !Day
quotl'd'Ie Sacramentllm Sacro;all"~l
,{ n ' San.gumu " 'D" omm. confi Cltur,
' "i".be It thould be ,,,,,, (j'

&c. But I (hall have a more proper place for the full
examination Df thefe things in one of the two Treatifes before mentioned.
It cannot be denyed but this whole-butirieffe of Witches, what through
ignorance, \vhat through malice, is very lyable to many milb.kes and di-
versimpofturcs. Andie were tO 'be wi{hed that ,in all fuch Trials fome
prudent Divines, and learned experienced Phylicians might be joyned.
But hence to conclude with W,erifU (who nev~rthddre doth aCKnowledg
Spirits, and the Illutions and Apparitions of Divds, and their mifchiev-
ous opperations as mu~h as any, and tells as flrange things of th'em) and
fome others, that therefore there are no, Witches and Sorcerers, is as if a
man {hould deny the power of herbs becaufe a thouCand things bave been
written of them of old, and are yet daily falfely a,nd fuperflitioully. _ And
indeed it fa fell out once in ~me,as by Pljnit is recorded at large, Where when
(orne .afcribed fuch power unto Herbs, as though Sun and Moon had been
fubject unto them, the dead might be raired, armies vanquifhed, and
what not! which was not very well reljilied by many:. adaR came Ajcle~
piades, who perfwaded men thilt were very well difpofed to be perfwaded;
lhat all Phyfical ~fe of Herbs and 'Simples was a meer cheat, and that men
were better want them, there being other means eaGer anc\leife trouble-
[orne to reftore hea,l th and o_vercome difeafes , w hieh he profelfed to teach ~
and prevailed roJar for awhile, tbat they were laid afide, and a neW COutre
of PhyGck introduced. Which for a while, as I [aid, (fo prone are men
commonly to entertain new divices) gave govd content generally, It is
well obferved by Ariflotlt (and I think a great part of humane wifdom~

'The P ~ e F A CB.
dependeth on it) , that in, all thi~gs ef the world chat are cO,mmendabIe,
;.s. there is fomewhat which is true and real, fo fomewhat alfo whiE;h is
counterfeit and falle. There is beauty Natural, faith he, and ·ther~ is Ar-
tificial beauty by pll:intingand trimming; A tr.ue,found,healthy complex-
ion, and'that which makes a good tnew, but 1S not found. True, real
gold and nIver, butdivers thingsalfo that may be taken for gold andfil~
vcr at a di£lance, or b.y them that judge at the outward appearance. So,
true found Ratiocination 1 and thelt which kerns fo to the unlearned,
or td corrupt jud&ments, though it be very falfe • ., They that confider well
of this, ma.y the Fooner come to the knowledg' of trnth in all things.
Well: we goon.
There was in Aix (Aquil Sextill anciently, now Aquenfll Ol1itas) in Pro~
rvence (a County of Prance (0 ' called) in the year of the Lord .6 I (. a Ro-
mifh Prle£l tryed, c~nvia:ed, and by Sentence of the Court or Parliament
condemned to be burned alive for abominable p~aa:iks,and _horrid lhings
by him upon , divers (fome perfons of quality) committed with and by
the Dive!: He had l~ng ddired it and fought it; at laft the divel appeared
to him in the habit of a Gentleman. The £lory is in divers books, Frtncb
and Latine, anp ~rannated (at that time I believe) in divers languages. I
would goe forty miles with all my heart to meet with that man that could
tell me any thing \vhercby I might but probably be induced to believe, or
at leaft to fufpect, that there might be fome mi£l:ake in the particulars'of
his Sentence. For my rea{on, I mu£l (,onfelfe, was never more pofc:d in
a,ny thing that ever I read. of that natUre. GajJe~dus ~ndeed. i? Peresfr..i~s his
11 fe, hath fomewhat -(as I remember) of hIS OpinIOn, as If he
thought fome of thofe· things he confeffed might be afcribed unto imagi~
nation; but I fee no reafoh given: neither ,are the things of that nature 1
that can admit .any fueh fufpician. Befides, Triflan, of tbe Ulles 0/ tbe Fm~
ptrors and their Coynes; will tell you fomewhat which may make a doubt
w hecher Gaffindus ought to be believed in all things that he reportetA con:
cerning that fainous man. I am not very much fatis6cd cf what Rdigi~
on (rhough trulY ,a very learned man) GajJelldus was. And by the way
( which is fomewhatto the cafe of Wicches in general) if[ be not mi£lak-
en (fod have -it not atchis time) there is a rclation in that very book of
fomewhat that hapned to PeresAi!4S )y W itches when he was a child. That
wicked Sorcerer which was burned at Aix, foretold-before his death that
fome misfortune would be done at the time and place of his execution,
which hapneq accordingly, and very !!rangely too. Somewhat 19ain, I
mua confeffe, I h~ve feen printed (Mimica Duba/i, &c.) to cake: away the
fcandal of ro~e part of his confc:fIion, or the Devils faying of M~lre., &c.
fome part of which things might perchance with fome colonr be afcribed
to imagination: but that is notie that troubles mc. But enough of
What man is he, that pretends to learning, that hath not heard, and
doth not honour the memory of 1bacbimns , Camera~;U6, that great light of
German)? fo wife (and for his wi(dom, and other excellent pares, fought
unto by many Princes) fo moderate a·man {an cxcellemr temper for tbe
7"he P 1\.E'P ACE.
'attaining 'ofTruth) and ' fo verfed in all kind ,o f learning, that we fhall
fcarce among all the learned of thefe later Times find another fo generally
:tcc()mplifhe~. The firangefl: relations that eVer I re.ld, or . at leafi as
firange as any I have read of Witches, and Sorcerers, and . Spirits, I have
read in him: fuch as either upon his own knowledge, he doth relate, or
fuch as he believed true upon (he tefiimonie of othe~s kno\vQ Unto him.
The 12il work that he ever \vent about for the publick wa~, ' 1)t gtneribus
1)j~inationul1J, but he ,did not live (the more·the £liey) .to make an end ~f it.
But fo much as he had done was fet ou~ by one of hiS learned fons, L'pjitt,
an, Dum. l576. There p' 3~. he ·hlth there words, 'De SpiYltuumt'"Vero" q~
Jum Gritcu ;...",&";,, admirabili non filum efficltcitate, /td Inanjfefta Specie" qu.e ~J.~ILtt1!1.
perl,ibentur, pr.tJe IJti.1 ; incred,btlfI extant paJsim 'lIeterum n'frratio~es, &' lloftris ~I m-
paribus (uperantia fiJolI comperta JUlit, extra etiam i'.n', ':,-, de quibus poflea Jicetur. So
p. 89. & P .5 I, again and more fully. But his firangell: relations are in
his IPro.tmiu1n to rplucarcbs tWo T reatiles, 1Je 'DefeElu Oraculorum, and De Fi·
gura E l' [onfecrata 'Delpbu, fet out by him with Notes. , Here I ' could come
in with a whole clciud of wimelfes, name hundreds cif men of all Nations
and profefIions that have 'lived within'this lafi hundred ' years, and not any
among them but fuch as have had, and have yet generally the reputation
of HoneA:, Sober, Learned and Jud~cious, who all have been of this opini-
on that we m~int.ain. But becaule we have to do with them efpecially
who by their PrOteffion pretend to the Knowledge of Nature above other
men, I will confine my ielf for further tefiimony to them th~t have been
of that Prcifeffion.. I have been fomeWhlt curious for one of my Calling,
that had no other end but to attain to fome ~nowledge of Nature, with-
out which :). man may quickly be lead into manifold ,delulions and 1m-
poft-ures. I have read fome; looked into many: 1 d? not remember I
have met with any profdTeJ P hyGcian or Naturalifl:' (fome one or tWo ex-
cepted, which have b('en or {hall be named) who made any 9uefl:ion of there
things. Sure I am, I have met with divers firange relations in iundry of
them, of things that themfelves were prefent at ; and fllw . with th~ir own
eyes, . \vhere they could have 110 end, that,aoy man ~an probably JufpeCl:,
but to acknowled~e the truth, though WIth fome dlfparagement to them-
[elves (according to the judgment of many) in the free confd1ion of their
own ignorance and difability to give reafons, and to penetrate inco ca~.res.
Wen: what theri {hall we fay to fuch as Jut. C.e(ar, Scaliger, 'FerneliUl, Sen-
1Iertus, the \-vonders and Oracles of their times? As Phyficians fo Phylo-
fophers, men of that profound w ifdom and experience (~uch improved
in fome of them by long life) as their writings {hew them to have been to
this qay. What {hall we make of them? or what do they m ake of them-
[dves, that will cenfure filch ,men a.s either cheaters or 'ighorant id!ots?
.fltntricus SaxlJnia, a'Learned Profdfot and PraCtifer of PhyGck in Padua,
i11 that B09k he hath· written of that horrible Polonian Difeafe, which he
talls Plicam; which turneth mens hairs (in fight) to 'Snakes and Serpents;
in that book he doth ~fcribe fo much ~o the power of Witch~s anq Sorce-
iers in caufing Difeates, not private only but even public~, as .Pell:il:nces
and the lih.c, as himldf confdfeth he could never have beheved, un:ll he
crhe P ~ e F A ~ B.
Was convi< manifcA: e:J.perience:; and i.nt~eed. is wonderful, and may
well be thou~hdnccedibl~ u~to moll:, yet IS .rnalnuineda~d a.frerted .. b~
Sm1ltrtus 'De ftbnbus. and 10 hrs .fixth book (as I remember) 'De Morht4 IS
fafdno; incantdtione; & "'I~tficjis_jfldufli4. I will forbear the name$of ma.ny
men of fame and credit, Phyhcians too, becallfe mQll: of them an: named
(and commonly enough known) by Smltertus upon this occafion • . There
is onc whom I think inferiour to none, though . perch;lrice not fo ~otn­
monly' kn~wn or read, and that is,Gcorgiul1ta~uJa;~ a Ven~tian, ~V~? by his
fidl edacation·and ·profeffion was an Afl:rologer, call: many NatlvICles, and
took upon him to Prognofricate; but afterwards . confcious to ~imfetf of
the var,lity of-the Art (that is, when the Divel doth not intermeddle, as al.
waycts mull: be undedlood: for fome All:rologers have been Magicians
withall, and have done (!range things) gave it ovel, · and hat~ written a·
gainfl: it very Learnedly and Solidly. Read him)f YOIl pleaft.;in his Chap-
ters Vt Md;gu, 'De Oracu/u; yea, through his whole Book De 'Dll1lnatione , and
y~u maybe f:ui s6ed what he thought of thefe things: he al(o was a Phy-
fician. But I mull: not omit the Learned Author that fet otit Mufoum .Viro..,
nen/e, a great Nacuralifl: and .a- Phyfician too; he handles it aE the end of
that wo~k fomewhat roundly and to the quick, 1 mull: confdfe, but very
Ra:ional yand Solidly, in my. jlldgme~t, againfl '~hofe pretended .i>ei"ipa.
teticians, (hat would be thought to ddend the opinioh of Ariflotlt berein.
I could fay iomewhac of ancienter phyficianstoo; and give fome account
of tbofe many Spels and Charmes that are in .Trallimul, in all his books;
an ancient Phyfician; in ~igh efl:eeme with lome eminent Phyficians of
thefe lat.: times, as they diemfelves hilve told me; though not for his
Charms,"but fot his other learning and excellent elCper,ience, which they had
found good uk <{But this I referve fot another place & work. Arid this men-
tion of that eminent Phyficiln who commended T,.OienU$ unto me, puts me
in mind of what he imparted himfelf, not long before his death; of his
ow~ knowledge and e~pe(ience; and particularly of ~he account he gave
me of the examination ofa Conjur,er in S(I/isbury, at which,he faid,none ,vere
prefenc but Ki ng 7amtf J( of moll: Blelfed Memory )the Duke of~utk.i~ham,and
himfelf: It is likely fome others may have heard the Came,and I had rather
any body ihOllld tell it then I, who was then a p:nient under him, and
dm a· not ,were I put to it, trull: to. my. memory for every circum-
fiallce . '
Hitherto I have gone by AuthPrities rather then Arguments., partly
becaufe I thought that thi: fhortea and the clearc:fl: way for every bodies
capacity, and partly, becaufe fuch Arguments .( jf any befides thefe we
have' here) as have been ufed againfl: this opinion, may be fonnd fully an·
fwered in chofe I have cited. The· truth is, it is a Sllbje<l of that nature
as doth not admit of many Arguments, fuch efpecially as ma.v pretend co
filbcjlry ofReafon, Sight, Senfe,and Experience (upon which ,moll: Humane
KnOWledge is grounded) generally approved aud certain, is our bell Ar-
gument. Bue before I give over;I will ufe one Argument which perchance
may pr.ove of fome force and validity, and that is, A conlidera(iGn of the
il:range fhifts and eva-lions and notorious abfurdities that thefe m~n lIe PUt
Y he ')-' ~ e /4 J1 C c.
to,who not being able to deny the ",.or matter ofFa8,wouldfeem to fay fome-
what rathe'r then to acknowledg Spirits, a~ Divcls,and WitchcrifL Pompo-
naciul;who hath not heard of? I once had thebook,l know not· now what is
become of it:But I remember well;1 I)ever was more We4ry of reading then
wh'en I read him; nothing that ever I ~ead or heard of Ltgends and old
\vomans tales did fee,m ro me more groundlef(e and incredible. But be-
£aufe thofemen bear themfelves very much upon the power of imagina..,
tion ,(which indeed is very great, and doth produce llrange effects) l!hall
comm~nd to the .fober Reader that hath not yet met with him, Tbo. FienUf
his. Learned Trafut; 'D~ Jljribus Imaginationu 1 a very Rational and Phildfo-
phical .difcoude. Of their miferable !hifts and. evafions in . gen~ral, the
Author or Obfervator rather of Mu/,-um Veronen[t, before quoted, will give
you a aoed account. I have at this prefent in my hands the writings of
a Phyft'ci;n, dllgrrius Fmeriu; by name. What he was for a Phy,fician I know
not; all (1 doubt j of that profeffion will not allow ,very well of his 'Pre-
face to his Cafligatioms Pra8iclt Medicinlt, whatever they thjrik of the Cafli-
gationu themfelves. But in general, his Stile, and various reading, and
knowledge of good Authors, fpe4k him a Learned man fufficiendy. Th,,-
anus in his HillOl:Y gives him a moil ample Elogium, and makes him to have
been Jul. c. Scaligu his intim~te acquaintance and much ~efpea:ed by him.
But 1 doubt whether 1'huanus had ever feen this , book of his: . it doth not
appe~r by that Eiogium that he had. Well, this Learned man in his Ohap~
ter 'De Homerica (fo he calls it) MeJieatione, where he treats of cures done oy
Charms and Spe1s; by Words and Charaders, which others impute com-
manly to Witchcraft: firil, for the t1" he doth not deny it: (Nam iu iult
fe1}fibus expo/ita junt eontra"llmire, fan; heminu non eft.) He thinks them . little,
better. th¢n mad ~en that will deny that Which is ap~roved by (0 vifible
expenence; Yet 1t f~ems he was one of ~hem that did notbeheve, or
would not believ.e (though he doth not fay fo pofitive1y) SpIrits: and Witcb-i
~1, and Supernatural Operations. What then? he plainly maintaineth
and afgllleth it (though he quote no Gofpel for it) that [uch is the nature
of the Soul of man (if he know how to ufe it) that by a ilrong faith and
confidence it may work any miracle without a miracle: Vtrum conjiJt1rt;"
ina, acfirmaperfuafil) (that you may have fome of his words if you have
not,the book' (ompArat~r . indo8is animu 'ptr opinionem qU4m de [araC'teribus (It
flleru'Ver.bu concepert4"t. 1)08~ C7 rerum inttnigenti~m h4bentibiu, nibtl opus eft
txterlli:/ed c(Jgllita )Ii ammi,per earn miracula edtre pofTimt. &e. And again a.nttle
after., 110Bils .1Iero. & fibi (impanl folo )lerba Janabit. I do not bence conclude
that ' thi~ Ftrrail4s t though he fp~ak as though he were, and names no body
eIfe, duthe was thdirll' or.only that hath been of this opiriion • .A'JIictnnt
the Arab was the fidl:,as I take it, that fee it on foot: fome others have fol-
lowed him in it. But fince ·thefemenacknowledg the Grange etfects th:..t
.others deny, le.t the fober Reader judge whether of the two more likely ' to
grantSpirits Clnd Divels, ouo make the Soul of man (of every man, na-
turally) either a God or a DiveL But let men take heed how they attempt to
do Miracles by their. ilrong faith and confidence, for that is the ready yvay
to bring the Divelunto them, and that is it which hath made many Wnch·-
7he P~EFACE.
es and Sorcerers. As for t,hac Faith whereby men did work Miracles in
the Primi~ive times; fpoken of in the Gofpei, commonly called, The
Faith of Miracles, that is quite another thing, which I lhall not need to
[peak of in this place. Of a 1hong confidence in God, even in them that
are not otherw.ife very godly, whtthei ~t may not, according to Gods hrll:
order and app0lntmenc, produce: fomeClmes fome ltrange effeCts; we have
had a confideration elfewhere, whore we treat of IPmatorit Bmbufiajm. But
this alfo is quite another thing; as may appear by what we have written
of it.
But to conclude this par~ upon due conftderation of the premifes, and
what eife I have in readinellc upon the fame SubjeCt (if God give melife
and health) I cannot fatisfie my felf how any Learned man, fober and
rational, can entertain filCh an opinion (fimply and ferioully) That there
be no 1)i'lltis nor Spirits, &c. But upon this account which I give my felf
(leaving all mtn ~o theiro\vil judgments herein) that if there be any fuch
truly-and really, ic mull needs bc becaufc being at firll prepo£fdfed upon
fome plaufible ground, and being afterwards caken up with other thoughts
and employments; they are more willing to frick to their former opi-
nion without further trouble; then to take the pains to feek further.
f>V/"f ..1"",,1••,0, '/oi, ••M.o;, ~ e~1""lf '/ii, .11."911.." >& ....J1~ 1TO/f'" "iMt, 1ri.....1u, as TIJUCJ-
Jidts doth very well obferve. And when we fay, .A Lear1lt,l man, there
is much ambiglJity in that word. For a man may be (not to fpeak of
tltt ignorance of the co~mon people, in thofe climates efpecially, who
think all Learning concluded in Preaching; and now in thefe times
eo,?; them beft Preachers that in very deca have leafi: Learning, but
preach by Liflin8 and bifPiult;on; as they call it) but a man, I fay, may
be.a L,arned Man, a very Learned man in fome one kind or profeffion, even
to EJtCdlency and Admiration, who neverthddfe is and may be found
ignorant enough in other kinds I but a general Learned man is a thing of
a 'Vail extent, and not often feen. It is a bufineife of an infinite labour,
bdides that itrequireth Natural parts anf\,..,erable; without which (judg-
ment fpecially) the more pains fometimes the more ignorance. I aim
not by this at any particular mao or men (DtUm teftor) I would much rather
fubmit to the cenfure ofothers my fclf, then takc Lipon me to cenfure any;
hut the obfcrvation is of very good afc, I know it, and may givc much fa ..
tisfadion in many cafcs,and have given an infrance of it in TmuiJian,and fome
others elfewhcre.
I have done for this time; I come now to the Objections, wherein HhaU
not need to be very long, becaufethcy run much upon one thing,Impofi:ure,
which hath already been fpoken of andanfwered. But yet fomc:what more
particularly ilial be anfwCfed.
Firfr, Of M"acles. It cannotbedenyed but the world is full of horrible
I~polhttes in that particular: Yet I believe, that forne fupernatural
thlOgs, as c~res, &c', do happen in every age, fbr which no re~­
fon can be gIven, whIch alfo for the frrangendfe may be called Ml-
racles. B,ut if ~e limit (with mofr) the word to thofe things that
proceed ImmedIately from God or divine power: I [hail not be
crhe P 'Z E FAG E.
- - -- - - -
very ready to yield thac many fuch Miracles are feen in thefe Daye.;. . Bt:t
I will not further argue the Cafe in this place. Well, Icc us take Miraclts
in the ordinary Senle: I verily believe that 1!!ariy fuch things do happen.
in man~places; but that through ne~lig~nce partly', and partly through
incredulity, they ar.e not regarded ohentJrnes, or toon forgotten. And
wifer men, fometimes, though they know or believe fuch things, yet are
not they very forward · to . t~ll them, leO: they br~ng themfelves into con-
tempt with thofe filppored wife men, \~ho will looner laugh at any thing
they do n~t ~mder£lartd, then take the rains to rechfie their ignoran~e or
inform thelr Judgments. 1 hope I {hal do no wrong to the Memory of
that Venerable, Incomparable Prelate, B 1 S H O · pAN DR E. W E s, for
Sound Learning and True Piety whileO: he lived, one of the greateO: Lights
of this Land; if I fet down two Stories, w~ich we may call Mira~/es,
both which he did believe to be trule, but for one of them, it kernes, he
did undertake upon his owr:t know ledge ,: The one, concerning a noced ,
or at leaO: by many fufpected Witch or Sorcerers, which theDivel,in aRrange
fbape,did waic upon (or for rather) at her deat~. The' other, concernin o a
man who after his death was reO:ored to life to make CQnfefIion o~ a
horrible Murder committed upon his own Wife, for ':vhich he had never
been fufpetled;l both there, as he related chern to my F. (in familiar con-
verfation) and my F. did enter them for a remebrance into fome of his
.Alver/aria. In the fubfb.nce I believe there could be no mill:ake, but if there
be any mifbke in any Circumftances,as ofNames,or otherwife, that mull: be
imputec! to my F. who was a Granger, not to the tongue only, but to all
bufindfes (more then what might be known by l'rintc:q books, andfuch
publick wayes) of England.
The FiIft,thu!i I
L. 'Vttuia LonJinmjis, cui. mOr;t"t; 1)iabolUi ajfuit.
Mira Hifloria iua~ narrahat ut fib; comptrtifiimam 'Dom.BpjfCop~s. Fuji qu,tdam L.
mulier ditifsima) . et CUYIOfis 4rti.u$, addiEliJsima: ")l;c;na ;td/btu Fl1lconis, qui
fuit paur Domini Fukonis, tota Angiia aitherri"';. atque aJeo leElifs'lnit ma..
tronit, mutr; ejuJdem Fulconis; famiii4rifiiina; pet o;nm:m vitam forti.
Itglu dedita, & eo nomine .infamium mulierculArum amica ' et parrona .: (uit1/o-
rienti cum adflarent qua ")li;i ,. qua (itminit gra"Vi/simi; animad"'erf~m tft jilb
boram m3rtu , adftitiffi a&l pedes ltai bominem liultu terribiiem, 'Vtlipinu pelliblu
4miElum J que", ipJ4 conttntu oeulis intuebatur; ille, if/am. f2!i.tfitum eft a janito-
re, quare ilium admifijJet jUe negar.t fe ")l,l ")l;dijfe. Tandem [eceaunt ad .fme.
ftram duo ")lei tres) confilium capturi quid illo (actrent. Erat quidam SefJatfJr in-
gent~ nomi"u. • • •• qui bu PritlOr Londinenfis fuit: . item Pater FulcoOlS)
tt alii. Placet iUu ip(um compeUare It rogare quis effit. Hoc aniJ:no rtpetunt pri.
ora loea lua ad leRum. Interim L. ")locem magnam edit, quafi animam agtre(;
omnes ii/am curare, {peRare, fubie~are; mox wlit ad fe iDi ignolum iUum requirullC
oeuiu. ~Jquam apparet. Ante bori (patif4m morieur ltgra.
The other thus,
/(alend. Auguft. 'Narrabat bodte ·mibi rem miram ,. IJ( t'"ver(ndijJ.
fPr4u1) 'Domin. Epifcop. Elienfis: quam iUe acceptam auribus fun a reo
pe ocutato &' au8ore, credebat ejJe 'Veriftim~m. Eft ")l/cus in U, he Landino,
7' he P ~ E F ACE.
qui dicitur, Vicus LOllgob,mlorum. In eo "Vico Par.ecia tP, & .t.dts par.t.cialis, in
qua luit PreJbyter, homo fumm.t. fidei, tt notlt PittatH, ••••• All. 1;6~. quo
anno, fl t4nquam a/ids, peftn graJfata eft per bane Urbem Londinum. 'N.4rra'Vit ~i­
tur hie 'Parroc"~ et pafsim alii6, et ipfi quoque 'Dom. . Epi{copo fibi hoc acc;diffi.
Er4t illi amicus in Jila. Par~eia infigni&; )Ir, 14t omnts txiftima~ant, probus et plUl.
Hie pefle corrfptus ad)loea11it 'Prtsbyterum iUum filum amiCt4m, qui tt ~l.rotant; affu-
it, et "Vidit morientem n~e defernet nifi mortuum; ita :J)tmum repttiit domum /uam.
Pop /ioras faeu mulw d morte bujiM, cUm ipJt pro mortuo effit ,e/iElus in cubiculo;
uxor IJJilU idem cubiculum eft ingrtjJa, ut ex area. promertt Lodictm, fine lillteilmrn ad
ip/um t,1."M." ut eft moru. Ingreff4 audit hane 11oeem, 0ptl i intmta. Qui6 hic rfl ~
rerrer; lila, tt 1)elle egredi, fed auditur iterum l>OX ilia: ' !l!!.i6 hie tfl ~ Ac tandem
compert04fe mariti l>ocem, aCtedit ad iUum.: !2!!id~· ait, mar;tt ; tu ~itu" mortuus 1.on
es ~ tt no~ tt pro .'1II')rtuo c~mplJjirum d~ferlleramlU: Ego 'Vero, rejpond,t lilt:, . 'Ver~
morWIU lUI: lea Ita Deo 'VIrUm, ut amma mta red"tt aJ corplU. Sed tu UXVl', alt, S,
quid habet eibi parati, da mihi elurio enim. 'Dixit iUa l>eruee;nam h.Jbere Je, pullum
gallinaceum, et n1C1o quid a/iua : 'jed omnia ineoEla, quit bre); tjJet paratura; Ego,
IIit illt, Moram ~lOn jero; pa1Jem liabes, ait, tt caJeum ~ quum annU,Dt/, at.qut pe-
tiiffi! aiferri, eomedit jpetla1lte uxore: deinJe adlioeato PWb)ttTO, et ju(su exire
e~ubiculo omnibus qui aJerant; narrat illi hoc ~ Bgo, 41t, )trt martulU lui; ·fed tufa
eft animol redire ad Juum c~rpus, ut jetllU apperir.m ore mea, manibw mei6 admiffum,
de quo nulla unquam euiquam nota eft ju}p;,io. IPriorem namque uxorem meam ipft
Qccid, -mdn;bus mei6, tama. 'Va/ritie, ut omnes res laterte: dtinde modum perpeCTat,
fcd~rif expofuit; nee ita multo poft txpiral>it, ac 11ere tum mortulU eft.
There is no neceffiry that any body fhould make of either of there re~
lations an Article of his Faith; yet I thought them very probable,becaufC
belieyed by fuch a mao, and therefore have given them a place here. So
much of Miracles.
Of Exoycijmu \ve mull: tay as of Miracles. One notabfe example of a.
counterfeit J.>ptfeffion, .and of great ll:irs likely [0 hav~ infued upon it in
France, we have out of IhuanlU, in our late Trtatifi of EntbufiaJme. Tbe Hi~
flOr) of the :BU) of Bllfon is extant, who by the Wifdom and Sagacity of the:
R'RJ F. in God ThomM, lord Bifhop of Licbfield and COllentry, wasdifco~
vered to be an lmpoltor on purpofe fee up and fuborn~d to promote the Ro~
mil11 caule, An.. 'Dom. 1610 . Such examples and fiories moll Countries have
afforded good fiore, which are extant in divers Languages. Neith~r mull:
it be concealed (by them that feek truth without paniality) that fome, once
call~ :J)1!ciplinariam,. now mo!e known by ano~her name, have attempt~d
to deal In thofe thlngs, hopIng thereby to gam great advantage to theu:
caufe. It was a famous Story in QEli;zabttb's Reign, though now per~
ch.uice out of the knowledg of many, . and beyond the remembrance of any
living, how one Mr. 'D. a very zealous man of tha.t Sea, did cake upon
him by long prayers to call: out Divels , fo maintained· and afferced wirh
great vehc;mency by him and forne others that favoured chat caufe ~ though
upon legal examination they proved otherwife, which occafioned many
books on both fides in thofe dayes, but cwo, melioru notli, as we (ay, writ-
ren by Dr. H. concerning Exorei/mes. the one againfi Papifis, rhe other a..
gainft P. I have them both fomewh~re yet, 1 hope, but can not come at
The P 7(E F ./I C E.
them ;l.t this time, which is th~ cauk cha? I cannot particularize that bu-
finefrewii:h cirCl1mfl:ances of times, and names or perfons as I would. But
there were many ocher books written (fome very big which I have feen )
about it, as I laid before; fo that the whole bufineffe', with very. little in-
quifition; if any ha,:e a mind, may quickly be found out. One Book-
feller in Lictle ,:Britain did ~elp me to die fight of fix; or feven :tt once; yet
one of the books then wncten, and as. I , was told, upon this occafion much
commende,d unto me by fome very Learned, to wit, Dr. Jordan, of the
Suffocation of the M.Jtrix, llong.fought before I could meet with it. And
fnch was the is.norance of fome Bookfellers, that I could not perfwade them
there was any luch book extant: but now at laA: I have got it. AU che
ufc.I {hall make of it at this timeis, that whereas the whole drift of che book
tends unco this, to {hew, the error of many in afcribing nat mal difeafes to
fupernatural cauks ; which might be thought by fome to favour their o-
pinion that believe not Wiuhn, &~; The Author doth very prudently and
pioufly make this profeffion in the Preface, i do not deny hut that God doth in
tbefe dayes work. extraprdinarily for tbe deli "trance of hu children, and for other ends
heft kztown to him(e(/; and 1F,at among ad"r there rn9 be both poJJijsions hy th,e 1Ji11el,
lin. obfelsians, and Wltcb-craft, &c. and dif?offifs;on alfo through the !Prayers and Sup-
plications of bu {er11ants, ",hi,h uthe onl1 means lelt untl) ui for our relief in that cafe,
hut fuel) examIJies being rueTY rare now adayes, &c; Yet for aU this I do not con-
clude that Mr. D. was guilty of any Impoflure: he might do it through
ignorance being 'cozened by others. I h~ve heard he was an honefl man,
and dyed pioufly, and difclaimed to the very laR: that he did ariy thing in
that bufinetfe otberwife then :Bona Fide I would judge charitably, even
<>f thofe meri that art not guilty of much charity towards others; whofe
judgments and confcicnces will not [uffer them (though rn,en of approv-
ed worth and piety othcrwife) to fay as they fay, -and to do as they do in
all things, . Be it granced therefore, that this bufineffe of Exorcifmes is·ly-
able to much Impof1:ure: -however, no man_ that hath read the relations
of men and women poffdl:, in feveral places, with due obfcrvation of .cir-
cumll:ances; fome of which relations, befides other perfons of credit, have
been attel1eq; yea, fome penned and publi{hed by learned Phyficians and
Naturalif1:s, who have been employed about the Cure, obferyed their car-
riage, heard fome of them [peak ftrange Languages: filly women poffeR,
difcol1rfc: of ~ighcA: points of PhyJofophy, or the Mathematicks and the
like. No man, -I fay, that is not a {hanger to thefe things (beGdes what
fame Travellers, no way. intereffed in the -caufe, can aver upon their own
knowltdge) will make any queA:ion eicher of the real poffeflion of divers,
according to relations that have been made, or of the Divels fpeaking in
them and by t'hem when they have been Exorcifed; -arid '~0r.netimes ur0!l
hare conference; And though fome Proteflants are of opmlOn, That It IS
not lawfnl or ,vartantable for any mari to cake upon him to EXo'rcife-upon
fuch occafions, thac is, (as I conceive) by way of abfolure ppwer and au-
thority-, and 'by fuperA:itious wayes and means, as is ordinarilydor:te :
Yet where a man hath a Calling, as i~ he be lawfully Called to the Mmi-
Hey, and fcc over fu<;h a Pariili where any happen to be poffeffed (as in-

1" he PRE F ACE.

dwi l1iy leH have a Pari!h, that is, right to a Parifh as good
B. 11. "1 l'.
::5the Laws of the Land can give me, which hath been grievoufly haunt-
ed, though not altogether in the fime kind, this· many years, to tbe un-
doing of many there; : but I mufl not come near it, nor have the benefit of
the LaW' to recover my right, though neyer told why) and he find
himfelf zealouOy moved, yet without prefumption, I would notdefpair,
bu~ his prayers, with other performances of devotion, and the affiflance:
of fome others of the: fame calling, might prove available before·.God :
but il:ilI prefuppo[ed, as moil: expedient and necdfary, that the opinion
and refolution of fome Lea tned and confcionable Phyftcian, one or more,
be had in the cafe; and their prefence alfo in all a.Ctions, if it may be had
obtained. Some, it may be, will thank me, and I hope it will offend none~
if I impart unto them what I have found in my F. his Ephemeris (or, 1)a;~'
account o{ hil life) tending to this purpoCe .
.Anno 1)om.,6o~. ~al. Junii. 2!!.!m mem(em,et rt[j~uos omnes ')tlid VtlU,&C.
HUllC .q. ltttum egimus, cum matre, u:x:ore, 'affine, et )iro nobiJi, 1)om. de (ounf. It
noblli iwn matrol/", 1). de St. Pons: qui dmnes;n re pittatu 0/-,'1,.,.;;.7", Beclefi""'
lUJus /Q[; afsidue cttebra)limus. Inter alios Serm:mts quos habu; cum D. de Sc.Pons~
Je mimflrf) pr:»)i,!lcitt V/l1artt;i .Jumus locut;, cui nomen Mercero: ~g;t ;U,;n to
traElu plmrs pJr"V1U 6cc/tJiIU; habitat a. ;11 loco,4u; dicitur, Chafleau-double.
Acceperam de eo ex l1u{gi rummbul, quod rvim 1)~monas tjicitndi habertt ~ quttfiviJ.
•"',fJ ....'., de D. de St. Pons quid rei effete lila forio atfirma111t, flurts 1>ttmo"iHacos
(decem aut c;iciter) in Be,lrjiam aICduClos, eo cOJicionante pr~mum , Jein orantt,
palam, et LonJrJuont omllium fuiJfe /anatos. O!!ofdam Demonu ita eum emu /ignis
trupide, ut: res apud omnes fizret tijlaei/sirnJ. tpomJ auttm omnes qui I~nati Junt ,
!ftei~;onem (athol/cam 'l\omflnAm antt femper prOft/fol. Mercerum )ltro impatientif-
fime fm e- ,fi qnis inter loquendum, ut fit, dlceret, Mtrcerum Djah%s tjicert, non
fillm ff.,lItrum &clefiam 'Dti ejJe nommandJm, wjlH prec;bU4 ardentiffi11lis Dei au-
res p.uuer;nt. 1)1;'" tt iUi et u'lti)ltr{o greg; [uorum btnedicat. Amen.
In Engli!h '(for their fakes thu undedhnd no Latine, and that it be
not req~ired alwayes, for it would be very tedious) this is the effeCt,
At f'uch a time, in luch a place, he had the opportunity to meet with a grave
(whl!ther Lady or Gentlewoman) Matron, one he had a very good opini-
on 9f; her name M.deSt.tpons, and having often heard by commonre~
port oJ a certain Proceflant Minifler that was faid to ' cafl out Divds, he
did accurately inform himfelf by her (!he living, it (eems, very near, if
not in the lame pari!h) . of all particulars concerning that bufineffe i
who did avcrre it to be mofl true, and that ten, or thereaboUts, Demo-
moniacks, or poffdled men (all making profeffion of t1~e Roman Catho-
~ick Religion) ha~ been brought to the Church (atfe.veral times, as I take
It) and that ,publtckly, and by the gencTall cOl,lfeGlOn of aU then pre-
Cent, and by. fome nOtable fignes (fometimes) at the going OUt ·of the
Devils; they were, upon his Praying after Sermon, all delivert:~. But
th:u he took it very hainouOy ifany faid, that he had cafl out t F~r,
nve I, {aid he, but the earnefl Prayers of the Church, have prevaIled WIth
Almighty God to work this wond~rful thing.
As for Oracles: It is true, Heathens themfel yes acknowledg, that fome
The P:I(E F ACE. -
were the juggli.n~s of men. . S~metim~s Pri-~-ce-s-;--;fi;:-o-m-e-:ti~m-e-s-p-:ri~v-at-e:-m-e-n-:
(as now of RehglOn, ofPreachmg; and PraYing, and Falling. of Malfes
~nd Proceffi~ns: moll Princes and States in' all p!.ces) made good ufe of
them to thelf owne ends; and made them fpeak what themfelves had prom-
pted. But a m~n might as probaoly argue; becaufe fom~ hav~ b~en fa fre:e:- .
Iy acknowle~ged to have been by com pad: and fubornanon, It IS the more
Jikdy, that thofe of which never any fufpicion was, fhould be true:. We:
read of many in Herodotus: o~ one, which Was contrived by fraud; but
there: we read alfo, that when It came to be known (thauah 0
care had been
taken that it might not:) the chief Contriver, a great man wasbanifhed or
prevented worfe, by ~ voluntary Exil:; and the ~acred Vir~'?l or Ifropbeuj}t,
~epofed . But not to mfilt upon paruculars, whIch would be long, it is
moll cenain, and it will cleerly appeal: unto them that are well read in anci-
ent Authors and Hifl:ories, That all He:a~hens,general1y the wifdl: and learn-
e~elt of them? tho.1e efpecially, lived when Oracles were, molt frequent;
dld really believe ttlem to be, whlch they pretended unto: and that they
were fo indeed, for the molt part (taking it for gr~nted that their 90ds were
1)illcis or ElIil SpiTlts) by many ,ircumftances of Stories, and by other good
proofs, may be made as evident: neither wa~ it ever doubted or denyed (a1-
wayes granted and prefuppofed, that, as in all worldly things, much impo-
fture did in tervene and intermingle) by ancient Chrillians acknowledaed [
am fure, by moll, if not all. But I have lpoken of them elfewhere 'ai~aJy,
and therefore will be the lliorter hete.
Our laft Obje8;on was: If there: be 1)ell;ls and Spirits, Why do they not ap.
pear unto them, who do what they can, as by continual curfesJo by profane
curiofity to invite them? Fidl:, We fay, ",.1:'t"",{Ju-.t xet"",1 ....,;n, ~ ",.1:'x,I ..,"" ..1
;1'.1 ..,h.. When we have good ground for the 171 , to ltick at the 1"'71, be·
caufe . we do not undedund the: rcafon, is as much as to fay, that we think
we fhould be as w He as God~ .Ariflotle did not meddle with things that he
could give no reafon of j yet .he did not deny them (as We have {hewed)
;lnd it is one ching to require a reafon of things meerly natural; and another
ofthofe that happenbyameerfecret Providenc.e. Butthi:i \~illgive them
no great fatisfaCtion who perchance believe a God (fome) as muc" as they
believe a Devil. Stcondly, Therefore we [ay, There may be [orne natural rea·
fon too, upon Arift~tles grounds. Ariflotle (as hath been lliewed elfewhere)
compares the effects of Melancholy, from whence he deriveth aU kind of En-
tbufi"-fm, to the known effeCts of Wint. W bat is tbe reafon, that foll).e men
wi~h little wine will quickly be drunk; and become other Creatures? heing
deprived for the time of the ufe of reafon ! Others thou:gh they dnnk ne.;,.
ver fo much willlooner burlt then red, or fpeak idly. as fome: in their
excefs grow ~erry, others fad: [orne calm and better natured; others furi-
ous: fome talkative, others ltupid. The De:vil knmves what tempers are
helt for his turn; and by fame in whom .he was deceived, he hath go~ no
credit and wifhed he had never meddled WIth them. Some men come Into
the w~rld with 'Brains; their heads are fu:ll of mylteries; they fee
nothipg th~y read nothing but their brain is on work to pick fomewhat
out of it ~hat is not ordinary; and out ofche very A !B C that ch.ildren are
taught, rather then fail, they will fetch all tbe Secrets of Gods W Ifdom, tell
7"he P'1\ E F J1 C E.
you how the world was .created, how governed, and wha: will be the end of
all things. Rea[on and Senfe that other men go by, they think the acorns
that the old world fed upon; fuols a~d children may be content with them
but they fce into things hy another Light. They commonly give good re-
fpect unto the Scriptures (till t~ey come to Frofdl: AlI4haptifls) becaufe they
l>elieve them the Word of God and not of men; but they re[erve unto them-
felves t he Interpretation, and [0 undet the ti~le of 1)~-v;ne ScriftNre, worfhip
what their own phanfie prompts, or the devIl PUts Into theu heads. But
of aU Scriptum die lJ{,e"Vtlation and the obfcure Ptophcfies are their delight;
for there they rove fecurely; and there is not any thing fo prodigious or chi_
merical, but they c~n fetch it out of foiri"e Prophetie, as they will interpret it.
Thefe men, jf they be upright in their lives and dealings, and fear God tru-
ly, it is to be hoped that God Wi~l prefcrve the~ fr~m further evi]; but they
areof a dangerous temper; CharItable men wlll pIty them, and fober men
will avoid them. On the other fide, fame there arewhofe brains arc of a.
.l1:i£fand relhve triould; it will not ~afily receive new imprdfions.They will
hardly believe any thing but what they fee; and yet rather not believe thelf
eyes, then to believe any thing that is not accor~ing to the courfe of nature,
and what they have been u[ed unto. The deVIl may tempt fuch by fenfual
baits, and catch them; but he will not eafily at~empt to delude them by ma-
gical Shews and Apparitions. And what faber man, that believeth as a God,
fa a divcl,doih doubt, but they that make it their daily practice to d~mn them-,by fuch horrid oaths and curfes,are as reall, poficfl:,yea far more in the
poffdsion of the devil,theri many that foam at the mouth, and [peak firange
languages. ?
But JdlY Some have tried and hfed the means,but could never .fee any thing
but ~w hat if others that never deured it really,but in [orne wanton curiofity,
ulladvifedly? that they might be t~e better able. to ~onfLU:e the fimplicityof
fome others as they though.t,rather then that thelt fauh wanted any ruch con-
firmation, haye ~ryed fome-things~oi: have been prefentat [omeexperiinents
and have feen (wIth no fmall afiomllimenc) mdre then they expected or de-
fi~cd? Some perforis of credit arid qiulity, I am .cure, have made it their can..
fefsion Unto me,that it hath fo hapned unto them; who have becn-fo· affedcd
with it,that they would nritror aworld be'fo furprizc:dagain.
But 411 and lafl:ly, The Confefsions df fame Magici4nI are extant in print~
who tell very particularly what means they ufed, what books they read, &c.
and they f;tw and fo~nd (if we believe them; and what {hould tempt them
'to lye, no melancholy men, I know not) till they were: weary ,and Gods grace
wrought upon their hearts to bring t.hem to r~pen~nce: There be fuch confef-
bons extant,but the Reader {hal pardon me,lf I give hIm no further account.
It would much better beco·m themtherefore,that have made [uen dfays with-
out fuccdfe, to repent, and to be thankful UJlto God,then to mak~ that an ar-
gument, that theres no divel, arid perchance rio God. There is II terrible fay ..
ing (if well underflood) in the Scripture; ·'0 PI/'II"M' p.';;m", Re tb..t ~ filthy Itt bim
htfiltby /liD Let them take heed (I advife them as a friend) if they perfifi in
their ~ard~efs otheart and infidelity, left Gdd. in ju(l judgmenc,though they
leek fhll,and provoke as much as they can, WIll not fuffer th;tt they £hall fee
.anyrhing,lelhhey {liouid fear and be converted.
1" he P 'R E F .A C E.

Come now to Dr. 0 E E, and to lhil 13001< of his, which hath bea:n

I the occafion of all the l)ifcourfe hitherto. As for his Perfon or Pa-
rentage, Education and the like, I have but little to fay more thert
what he fairn himfdf in his fidl: Letter to the Emperor (RODOLPHE) of
6emlany, that being yet very young he was fought Unto (ambi)1mmt me) by
tWO Emperors, CHARL"S the sth and FERDINANDO his Brother and Suc-
cdfor in the Empire. Mr; Camhden indeed in the year I S7J makes honou-
rable mention of him, and calls him, Nobilil Mathemttticus. He dedicated
his MOIIM Hler(jg~phica to MAXIMILIAN SuccdTor to FERDiNANDO; firfi
printed at Antwerp I An. Dom.I'564' and afterwards . at Francford, 159 I. and
what other places I know not. In the year -,95' hedid write (a~d was
printed I .~ 99 I am fure? but wbet~er before that or no, ~ cannot certainly
(ell) A dlfcourft Apologetteal, &c. duetted to the then .Arcbbijh~p of Canurbury ,
wherein he bath a Catalogue of books written by himfelf, printed and un-
printed, to the number of 48. in aU, and doth alfo mention the. books of
his Library about 4000 volums in all, whereof 700 ancient ~anufcripts ,
Latin, Greek,and HeBrew. There alfodoth he produce a Tdlimony of the
Univerlity .of Cam6ridg, dated '548. But this whole Difcour[e of his being
but (borr, tor the better fatisfatl:ion of the Reader, I thought good ~o have it
here reprinted the next after this Preface. His Mathenratical Preface before
Euclld, is that I think which of all his writings publi(bed hath been moa:
taken notice of in ,England, and added much to the worth and commendati-
on of that Edition of EtlClid. He .wa5 a married man and had divers children,
as. will appear by this Relation; a great Traveller, and lived to a great age.
But as I faid before, I do not prete.ncf CO give an account of-his life in gene-
ral; unto others, which my felf am yet a {hanger co. What concerneth
this rf{elation I ain to give an aq:ount, . and I hope there lhall be nothing
wanting co that. Four things I propofe CO my [elf tb that end,
F'rfl, Somewhat co confirm the truth and finGerity of this whole IJ?.!-
[ati m.
Se(ondly , T<> an(wer fome Objed:ions that may be mape againll: fome
pam of it.
Thirdly, To give fome light to fome places, and to fatisfie the Reader con-
cerning the perfeCtion and imperfection of the book, as allo, concerning
the Onginal Copy.
Fourtbly, and lafHy, To !hew the many good ufes that may be made of all
~y a fober ChrHl:ia.n.
I. it feems that Dr. 'Dee began co have the teputat~on of a Onjurer be-
times. He doth very grievouOy complain of ir in that Preface to Euclid
but now fpoken of, about the end of it, and yet there doth alfo
term him{df, An old for worn Mathematician. For my. part whether
he could ever truly be fo called, I yet fome quefbon: But I am
very confident, that himfelf did not kn~w or think himfelf fo , but
a zealous worfhipper of God, and a very free and fincere Chriilian~
How this i~ to be reconciled with the truth of this !J?.elation, (lull be af.
terwards confide red of. For the truth and fincerity of the fR.!lation, I hope
D no
1:he P ~ 8F A C8.
no body will fo gto~y miftak~ us as tho~g~ ~e intended thereby to
tuaifie what is here pnn~ed agatnft any fufpmoD "of forgcrry i as if aAY
man taking the advantage 'of Dr. VetS nam~ and ,fame .of 'a Oni"rer
could be fufped:r.:d to have devifed and invented thefe things in his' 6W~
brain to abufe the world. , I fhould ~e forry . my Dame fhould appear
ih any kind to any book lyable t? fueh a fufpmon; ~rid th,e very,name
and credit of that {o much and fo defetvedly pnzed Lihr411 from
whence, this is pretended to ~e taken, is fuBicient (with civil under-
ll:anding men) 'to prevent th~ grolfenefIC of filch a it}iftake. Befl.des
th¢ Original Copy it fdf, all w~i[[~n with Dr. 1)~eJ own hand, 'there
kept and pre~rved. ~ut by Trut~ and S;nce~ity, intending not only Dr.
Vee'S fidelity tn , relattng what hlmklf believed, -but alfo the rtalit} of
thofe things that he fpeaks of, according to his rtlation : his only (but
oreat and dreadful) error b~jng. that be miflook falfe lying Spirics for
A-ngel sof Ligbt, tbe Divelof Hell (as we commonly term him) for the
God of Heaven. For, the Truth chen, and Sincerity or fJteality of the ~la­
tioll in chis fenfe, I £hall fidl: apeeal to the Book it felf. I know it is
the fafhi9n of many (I will not.fay chat (I never did it my kIf) tbat are
buytlrs of books; they will turn five or fix leaves" if they happ~n up-
on fomewhat tbat pleafc:th their fancy, the book is a good book, and
when ,th~y have bought it, it c.o ncerneththem to think fo, becaufe they have
piid for it,: , b~t on the other fid~, . if they light upon , fomewhat that doth
not- pleafc (which' may happen 1-0 the beft) they are as ready to condemn
and call a~ay. It is very pollible that fome fuch buyer lighting upon this,
~nd in it, upon fbmeplace~ here ~n~ ther~" ~here ,rome odd ~lnCOUt~ things
may offer themfc:lves; things ndlculous, mcredlble to ordlna:ry fenfe and
conftrucbon,he may be ready to judge of the whole accordingly. Buc for all
this, I will in tbe firft place appeal to the book it [elf; but wi'th thii refpeCl to
the Reader, that he will have patience to read in order one fourth part of the
book at leall before he j~dge;, -and if by that time he be not convitl:ed,he £hall
have my good will to give it over. Not bue that all the reft, .even to the end
doth help very well to confirm the truth and reality of the whole Story ~
but becaufe I think there is [0 much in any fourth part, if diligently read and
ftvith due confideration, that I defpair of his a{f~nt, that is not convia:d by
, it. For my part,whcn the book was firft communicated'un-
~~,~!~~M "1111 to me by that Right worthy Gentleman who is very ftudi-
ousto purchafc:!lnd procure fl:1ch Records and'Monuments
1s ,may advantage the truth of God (all truth is of God) and the honour of
this Land, following therein the example of his noble Progenitor, by his
very name, Sir ~bert Cotton, known to all the Learned as far as Eu-
rope extendeth. I read , it curforily becaufe I was quickly convinced in
roy felf that it could be no counterfeit immaginarie bufineffe, and Was
very defii'ous ro fee the end; fo far as the book did go. Afterwards
w h~n I underflood t~1a[[he rai~~or~hy Gentleman,(ef~ecially ',as I filppofe :
.tdymg upon my. L.,J '01 Armagh S JUJgment and te/llmOntt, whtch we have
befordpoken of) was willing it fhould be publifhcd; and tha't he had com-
rrhe P 1\ 6 F J C E.
mined che\Vh(j)lebufinersl1n~O ~e; I rea.dit ovef'very exactly, and took
notes of the mofl: remal ~able, pa/fagesJ~s they appeare.chmto me) truly
I was fo much confi,rmed In thiS .firfl: opInion by my fecond 'reading ~ . that
I {hall ~oc be afraid to pr~fefs chac I ne~er gave more credit co any Hu-
mane Hdlory of former times.. All chlngs feemed u~~o me [0 fimply ,
and yet fo accura.tely, and With fo much covfirmation 'o f all manner
of circumll:ancts written and delivered, that I cannot yet f?tisfie my [elF
but all judicious Readers will be of my opinion. ' But neverthelefs t~
help them that crull: not mnch, to their ' own judgments, let us fee. ~ha:t
can be [aid.
fir{i, I would have them,. that would be further fatisfied, to read Dr.
!Jee in that forecit~d Prefac~, whert!.he doth, plead his O\:vn caure, to acquit
himfelf of that gnevous cnme and Imputation of a COl'll/rer. But that was
written, I mull confers, long before his Communication with Spirits:
yet it is fomewhat to know what opinion 'h~ had then of them that deal
with Divels and evil Spirits.. But after- he was made acguainted, and in
great dealings with them, and had in readinefs divers of thefe his books
or others of the fame ' Argument, containing their feveral conference;
and communications, to fhew. , . and the manner of their 'appearing exaCtly
fcc down; obferve, I pray, with what confidence he did addrefs himfelf
to the greatefl: and wiiefi in Europe. To Queen Elizaheth often, and to
her Council, .4S by many places of this RelatIon doth appear; but more
particularly by his Letter to Sir Fr(jnc~ Walfilll.bam, Secretary, &c. That
he did the like to King James and h is Councel, may ' eafily be gathered by
the Records (in this 'l{elatioll) of .607. but much defective. But then to
the Emperor.lJ\odolpfJe, to Stephen King of Poland, and divers other Princes
and their Deputies; the wifefl: and learnedfl:) .their feveral Courts did af-
ford for the time: the particulars bf all which addrelfes , and tranfactions
are very exaCtly fet down in the book. Nay) fuch was his confidcQce, that
had it not been for the NUllcilU ApOflOlicf,U his appearing againfl: him at the
Emperors Court by order from the Pope, he was, as by [orne places may
be colleCted, refolved for !J(ome alfo, not doubting but he fhould approve
nimfelf and his d9ings to the Pope himfelf and his Cardinals. In all there
his addrdfes and applications being fl:ill very ready to impar,t all things
Unto them that wouid entertain them with that refpea: he thought they
deferved. yea readily which is very obfervable, even to receive them into
,,) h h h -
this Myll:ical Society) whom he t oug t wort y) and in lome capacity to
promote the defign; as de laUo he did divers in feveral places: Alhtrtlls.A-
lafco, PrincQ Palatine of Polonia, PI/ce;us a learned man, and Prince ~(em­
ber!, in Gemutlly, who were long of the Society, be.fides fonie admitted to
[orne ACtions fo~a while, asStepfJenKing of Polanti, andfomeothers. We
will eafily grant (a~ elfewhere hath been treated and handled at .large) that a
difl:empered brain may fee, yea, and hear firangethings, and entertain them
with all pollible confidence, as real things, and yet all but fancy, without
any real found .or Apparition .. But thefe fights and Apparitions that Dr. Vet
gives here an ac~ount) are quite of another nature; yea, though poffibly the
Divel might reprerent divers pf there things to the fancy inwardly
'The P ~E F ACE.
which appeared outwardly: Yet of another-n-a-cu-.r-e-,I;-;;;fa-y-,-an~.d-;-n-o-t-w-l-·t:-ho-u-t
the in eerv.ention and opera.tion of Spirits, as will eaftly appear to any man
by the particulars. Bdides the long Speeches, Difcourfes, Interlocutions
upon all occafions and occurrences in the prefence of more then one al-
wayes; and externally audible to different perfons, for the moll: part or very
frequently. Th%t thefe things could not be the operation of a dill:em ..
pered Fancy, will Qe a fufficient evidenccco any rational man.
~gain, let his ufual . preparat~ons and ~rayers again A: , an Apparition or
ActIon (as he called diem) hIS extraordmary prayers ' upon fome extra-
ordinary occafions, as upon Ed",ard l\!Oty his temporary repentance, and
another for him when he was about to forfake him (in Latine a long one,
Sttphen King of tfoland being then prdent. And again, when his Scm Ar-
tbur was to be initiated to thefe Myflical Operations and Apparitions, in the
place of EJ'A,arJ-l(tU?, and the like. And again,. his HumilitYi Piety ,
Patience, (0 what pity that [uch a man fhould , fall mto [uch a delufion!
but we {hall confider of the cauies in its right plice afterwards) upon all
occafions temptations, diA:rdfes, moA:' eminent throughout the whole
Book. Let thefe dtings be well confidered, and above' the refl, his large
and punaual relation of that fad abominabl~ flory of their (fIromifcuous, car-
MI (;opuI.stwn, under the pretence of obedience ,to God. - Let tbefe thingsa
I fay, be well confidered, and I think no man will make any qudlion but
the poor man did deal with all poffible fimplicity and fincerier, to the ut-
moR of his underlbnding at diat time. And truly, this one thing (as we
(aid before) excep~ed, his milbking of ~vil . Spirits f~r good, it doth nOI:
appear by any thlDg but that he liad hIS underftandmg, and the perfea:
ufe of his Rcafon to the very bil, as well as he had had any time of his
Again, let it be conlidered, that hecarryC!d with him where ever he went
A STON6, which hc.called his Jn~el;c411 St01Jt, as broul,ht unto him by an A,...
Jel, but by a Spirit {we enougb·, .which he {hewed unto many; to the Emperor
among others, or the Emperors D~puty ,Dr. Cutts, as I remember: But more
of this Stone afterwards. We may therefore conclude furely enough, That
Dr. 'Dee in all this Relation did deal with all fimplicity and fincerity.
I {hall only add, That whereas I uCcd the word. ~ealjt} before, concerning
thofe things that appea!ed, according to this Relation.: I. would not be
miflaken., as thougn Imtended that whatfoevet the ,DIVel did feem to do
or reprefent; it was l'R..!aOy and Subftanti40y as it feemedand appeared, that
would be a great and grofs miilake. The very word .Apparition doth rather
impon the contrary. All I underfland by 1J\!4lit}, is, that what things ap-
peared, they did fo appear by the power and operation of Spirits,! actually
prefent and working, and were not the effects of a depraved tancy and
imagination by meer natural cauCcs. By which, flrange things, I confefs,
may be prefented and apprehended too; fomttimes by the parties with all
confidence, as we faid before, though all be but fancy and ~magination.
But all circumA:ances well conftdered, make this Cafe here to be ofanother
nature; and it may be it was the policy of there Spirits to joyn t",o of
purpofc: in this bufinefs, to make the truth and reality of it the more un-
que 4
7he P~EFACE.
q~dl:ionable; hor~ng (if God had given way) they {bould hav~ palfed, in
time for good Spmts abroad generally, -and then we {bould have feen what
they would have made of it. ' From le{fe beginnings, I am fure, great-
ell: confufions have proceeded and preva,iled in the world, as we {hall {he,'¥"
elfewhere. And fince that in all ' this bulinefs, as we faid bUt now, Dr.
'Del did not deal alone, but had a confrant Partner or Afsiftant, ,vhom
fometimes himfclf caUeth his Sm, or Skr)er, one by name EJ",ard /(elly : it
will be requifite before we proceed further, that we give ' fome account of
him alfo. According to Or. Vte'sown relation here,.An.Vom. ,s87.April7.
Trtbon~: in the particulars of his Son Artburs Conficr4tion (after his manner,
which he calls, His offering ~nd l'r8(tnting o{ bim to tbe fir~ice of God:) Uriel
(one of his chiefe£l Spirits) was the ~uthor of. their ConjllnElion: but when
and how it hapned (being but obiter mentioned there) we do not find any
where; and more then what I find here I have nothing to fay: For certain
It is by this whole £lory, from the beginning to the end of it, that !VOty
was a great Conjurer, one that daily converfed by fuch arc as is ufed by
ordinary Magicians, with evil Spirits, and knew them to be [0. Yet I
would fuppofe that he was one of the bell: fort of Magicians, that dealt
with Spirits by a kind of Comman,i (as is well known fome do) and not by
any (omp<18 or agr~crnent: thi~ may probably be gathered from fimdl'Y
places. But that he was a Conjurer, appearereth firll: by that, where he
proffered to raife forne eTil Spirit before the Poliih Prince Palatine, Albert
Lasky (of whom more by and by) for a proof of his Art. But Dr. 'Dee
would not fuffer him to do it in his houfe. Wicked fpirits are caLl: 'out of
him to the number of 15' p.p. But! make no great matter ofchat in poi'n t
of proof, -hecaufe aU there upon his ba~e report onl}'. But fee p,6~. &c.
where it is laid to his charge, and he anfwereth for himfelf and his Spirits.
See alfo where at la£l he yielded to bury not to burn his Magical beoks.
But read his own confefsion (where you {hall find him [peak like one that
knew very well what did belong to theArt) and the record made by Dr.
1)u concerning a fllrewd come£l that hap ned between Dr. Vet and him,
(it was about lome Magical thIngs) wherein EJ",ard I\!lly carried himfelf fo
fiercely, that Dr. Vet beingafraid of his life, ,was forced to call for help.
Perufe well this prace and I prefume you will require no further light as
to this particular concerning K!lly.
As for the feveral Epiflles (in Latin moll:) that will be found here, as aHa
Narratives of feveral meetings and conferences, they carry fo much light
with them, being fet out with fo :ffiany remarkable circumll:ances of time,
place, perions, &c. that no man of judgment that hath any knowledge
of the world, will or can make any fcruple of the fincerity and fidelity of
either reportS or Deeds and monuments (fuch ['account the Letters to be)
herein contained. A man mig-ht with little labour (that had all kind of
books at command) have found fomewhat concerning mo£l (outlandifh)
perfons in them mentioned. I could not intend it, and I think it would
have been a needlefs labour. If any make any qlle£lion let them make
fearch, I dare warr:LOC it unto th~m they {ball find all things to agree pun-
ttually_ But becaufe Albert L4sA.y (next to Ed",4ra IV/It) is the man molt
'The P ~ 8F A CB.
interrdrcd in this ft~ry; I will give you fome account.of him out'o f Mr.
Cambdtn his , ,
Anno Dom: I SS~. E IPolonN, 'fJ{ufsi/t 'l(icin~, hac Iljla,tt 1I1n;t in ~1I!.liam ill
~tg;nam, Albert'us Alafc(j,~a14tinUl SiraJienjis 11;;· trJiditUl; corporis linta"
mentis harM promififs;m,a, 'llepitu atcOro,:"& ptrllenuflo; qui ptrhthigne ab ' ipfa nobi-
MufquJ magnoque'ilmore & lautiti;" tt ab ,AccaJ,mi" ()xonienji trw/itis obleRationjb,u
at1ue rvariis jptRacu/ii txCtptus, pOft 4· menfts /tre alieno ofprtfJl4S, clam , rt:
ctlsit. .
But of all Letters here exhibited, I am m,ofl: taken, I mull confefs, with.
the Bifho£s Letter. th~t ~as ~unc;UI.;Ipof!..I"us, : "he fc:emes to ~e t~ fpeak
to the caLe very pertinently (take IP~c,"U! hiS a~cou~t along In ' hiS long
letter to ·Dr.D", of his conference With tbd:ucf BI.lhop conctrn~Qg the
fame bufinefs) and to have carryed himfelf towa(ds Dr.-Vtt very moderate-
ly and friendly.
I I. Now to Objeaions :
The firfl: fhall be this: Although 'tis very probable that Dr.1>tt him-
felf dealt limply and fincercly; yet fince " he himf~lf faw nothing (for fo
himfHf acknowledgeth in fome places) 'bilt by [(jOels eyes, and heard no-
thing but with . his tars. Is it not pofsible that I\!~eJ being a cun-
ning 'maQ, .and well praCl:iCed in thefe thiQgs 'might impole ~pon the
credulity of Dr. Dee (aogood innocent man) and the rathel:; becaufe by
tqisoffice under the Qoaor .he got 50'1, by the year, as appei-reth. Truly
thOis i$ plaufible as it:is propofed; 'and like enough that it mig~t g? a great
way with them thatatefoon taken~ and therefore fHdom fee any thing in
the truth o~ true n~ture of it, ,bue;in the outward appea'rance of it only~
But read and diligendyand you will ,find it far otherwife : Itis
true in~eed, that ordinarily, Dr.Vee faw not himfelf; ~ his bufiilefswas to
write what was feeri (bu~ in his prefe~ce though) and heard by I\tO~.
Yc:t that himfdfhe~rd often .imm~iatc:ly appc:areth by many places J I {hall
not. need any quotations for that hlmfdf feeleth as well as !\.!fJej. In the
rdation of the Hol] Stone, how ta/r..en aIDa) by one that came in: at a Win-
dow in the {hape ()f a man, .and 1]1)/p reJlored; both fa'w certain]y. In the
fl:ory of t~e Holy (Books, how burned an~ how rellored 'again tpart of them at
lea!t) whIch Dr . 1)e~ made-a grc:atMuacle of, asappeareth by fomeof thofe
places; there alfo both faw certa~nly. And Albert LasAy, the Poloni... Palatine
jaw as , IDeO a& I\!llty. ' B~fidOi, I~ ' doth dearly appear throughout all the
book that l\!llt) (tho"ugh fotrietime~with much adoe perfivaded for a while
to think better ofcqem) had genc:tally no other'opinion of thefe Appa.
ritions bu~th~tthey were meet ilIu'fions of the Divc:l and evil Spirits) fuch
as himfelf could command bX his art when he tilled., and, w~ a:eqnainted
with 1 infomuch that we find him for this _very cau[c forfaking, or defirous
to fOrf.1ke Dr. 1m, who Was mu~h troubled 'about ~~; arid is ,forced iq a
place to Pawn his Soul unto him (to ure his own w?rds~ that it ,Was. not fo )
and that they were good Spi'rits Cent from G~ in 'gr~t favour Unto them.
But for aU this Ktlley w'ould n«;)t he fatis6e:d, but would ha\rt hi6 Declarati-
on'or Protell~tion of his .fur~tjon to amed 'into the book;
which ydu {ball find, will be worth. yoUt reac:iing. 1 could fur:her
Cfhe P'R... e F ACE.
alledge, that if. a man confiders the things geiivered .here upon feveral occa-
fions, being of a different pature, fome Moral, fome Phyficat, fome Me-
uphyfical,.and Theological of highell: points (though fometillies WIld e-
nough, and not warIa mabie; yet for the moll: part very remote from vulgar
cap'acities) he \vill not e~fily believe that l(etlry, who fcarce underll:ood La-
tin'e) notto fpeak of fome things de~ivered 'in Greek. in follie places) and be-
took bimfelf to the fiudy of Logick ,long after ' he had eotred himfelf into
this courfe , could utter fuch th.ings: no, nor anY,ma.o liv'i ng perchance
that had not m it his Rudy all his life-time. . But that which muR need~
end this q uartel (if any ' man will be pertinacious) ~nd put all things out of
doubt, is, that not lVI/e) only ferved in this place of Seer or Skryer; but o-
thers a1fo, as his fon ,Arthur, 1nd in his latrer, when F\!l/ry was either
go~e .or fick, one 13arth~lome~, ~s will be found in all ,the' AEliom an!1.Ap-
parltlons of the year 1607. whIch {as I fufped} was the lall: year of the Do-
Ctors life, or beyond which I think he did not live long.
Seco.;dly, It may be objected, or ll:uck atluaR, How Dr.1)u,fo good fo
innocent, yea, fo pious a· man, and [0 Gncere . a ChriRian as by thefe pa.-
pers (his delufion an~ the effects of it ll:ill excepted) he doth feem to have
been, God would permit fuch a one to be fo deluded and ~bufed, fo rackt
in 'his foul, (0 hurried in h~s body for fo Jong a ti~e, notwithRanding his
frequent, ,earn:tl:, zealous prayers and a.Cldreffes u~~o God, . by, evil Spirits
(eyen to hIS dyIng day, for ought we know) as he IS here by hIS own rela-
tion fet OUt unto us: ? Truly, if a man {hall confider the whole carriage
of, this bu(jn~ffe, from the beginning to the end, according to this true and
faithful (for I think I may 10- fpeak with: confioence) account of it here
prefented unto us, this poor man, how from time Co time lhamefuUy ,
groOy delayed, deluded, quarrelled without caufe, . frill toled on with fome
{hews and appearances, and yet 'll:ill frutl:rated and PUt off: his many
pangs and agonies about it, his fad condition after [0 many years toil, tra-
vel, druJgel'y and earneR expetbcion, at the very laft (as appeareth by the
AElions and apparitions of the year 1607') I cannot tell whether/l lhould make
him an object of more horror or compaflion.; but ·of both certainly in a;
great m\!a~1re to any man that hath any fenfe of,Humanity, and in the ex-
amples of others of humane frailty: and again, any regard of pam and
worth, Iuch as were in this man in a high degree. 'True it is, that he had
jrJ}es \l\'itha~ and comforts, imaginary,delufory , it is true; yet fuch as he en-
joyed and kept lip his he.arc, and made him outwardly chearful often times,
I make no queftion ; iuch as the Saints (as they call themfelves) ana Sc1Jif
maticlo of there and former times have ever been very prone to boall: of, per-
t\vading therrifdves that they are the effiEls of Gods bleffed Spirit. Buteven
in theCe his joys and comfortS, the fruits and fancies of his deluded foul (as
in many others of a diftempered'brain) is not he an objea: of great compaf..
paffion to any; both fob~r and c.haritable? If this then were his·cafe indC'ed,
what {hall we fay? if nothing dfe, I know not but it ought to fatisfic a
rational, fober, humble man: If we fay, That it is not in ·man to give an
account of all Gods judgments, neither is there any ground for us to mur-
mme becaufe we do not undedland them, or that they often fcern contrary
'The P 7<... E F ACE.
to the judgment of.humane reafon, becaufe it is againll all Reafon as well as
Re1igion,to believe ~hat a creature fo much inferior to God,by nature as man
is, ilipuld fee every thing as he fee~h,and.think as he thinks; and confequent..
Iy judge a~d determine in and of aU things as God judgeth and determineth.
The ApofHe. there~ore not with?ut caufe ., would have all private judg-
ments (for of pubhck for the maIntenance of peace and order among men
it is another cafe)deferr'd to that time, U1btn I~ hearts of all men/hall he laidoptn:
all h!dden tlJ.inl,s and fiem counftls 'elltaled~ \ But we have enough to fay in this
cafe without it. For if Pride and Curiofity were enough to undoe our firft
Parent, and in him All mankind, when otherwi(e innocent, and in poi:
feilion of Paradife. Should we wonaer if it had the fame event in Dr.
XYu, though otherwife, as he doth appear to us, i'nnocent, and well qua-
lified? That ,this was his cafe and error, I.will appeJ.I to his own conter-
fio~ (t~oughhe makesithis boaR:) in morethen'oneof his Lecters orad-
drel'fes,. where he profdfeth, That lor diwrs years be had been all eameft Juter un-
to God in pray" for W{dom; that is, as he interprets himfelf, That lJt might UIl-
dtrfland tlJt {tcrets of Nature that had not .hun re)leaied }Into mt1l hitherto; to the
end, as he profdfeth, and his own deceitful heart it may be fuggc:fled un-
to, him, Th.t be might glorifie God; but certainly, that himfelf might become
a glorious man in the world, and beadmired,yea,adored every whel'ealmoll,
as he might be fiue it would be, had he compaffed his delire. And what
do we thi~~ lliould put hi':1 upon , fUGh a ddir:, with hopes to obtain it ,
but an 0plnlOn he had of hlmfelf as ~n extraordinary man, both for I'~rts ,
aI)d for fallour U1ith God ~ Bu~ however, had he been to the utmoA: of what
he could think of hi~felf, belides his Spiritual pride of thinking fo of
himfelf ,(as great a fin as any in die eyes of God) his }?raying for futh a
thing with ~o much importunity, ~as a gteaqempting of God, and deferv-
ing greateR: Judgments. Had he Indeed been a Curer un~o God for fuch
Wifdomasthe Prophe~Jtremie defcribeth (II.V.14,15.) Letnotlbe Wfeman
,,/orie ;n hu U1ifdom, &c. but let him tbat gtoriuh, (Fe. And for fuch !c.lIoU1ledl.
~s our Saviour commandeth, Job .. 7+ And thu is lifttttrn.1/, that tbey -may
ltno"ll1 t~te, &c. And his blelfed ApoA:le ( I Cor. r 1.2.) For I determined not to
know All) tl,ing, &c. he had had good warrant for his prayers, and it is very
li~ely that God would haye granted him his requeR:, [0 Far as might, have
concerned his own falvatio~ and eternal happinefs. Befides., it is lawful
(nay fit) for a man to pray for Gods bldling upon his labours, for coin-
l'etency of wit and capacity that he may do well in his vocation and glo~i­
fie God. But for a man to afpire to fuch eminency above other men, and
by means that are not ordinary (as that conceited Plryi%JfiJtrs Stone, and the
like) and to intereA: God by' earneR: , folicitations in his ambitions extrava-
gant defires ; that God, who hath [aid of himCdf, nat he refiJleth the proud,
bf4t gii>rth grace unt~ the bumble, muA: needs be to great and [0 high a provoca-
tion (if well conlidered) as that I begin to doubt whether it be charity to
piey him that fuffered ,fo.juflly and' defervedly. 1 do not know bue it is
as lawfuU for any man obt~urdy born to pray tor a Kingdom, fOli a
Common ,Sou·~dier :~hat he may have R:repgtp to enc~>Unter thoufands, or
for an ord103ne MaId, that ilie may become the fauefl of wQmen. In
1"he T ~ E F ACE.
all thefe it is poffible to glorifie God, we grant, were it fi~ for us co pre-
fcribe unto God, neglecting chofe that he hath :lppointed, by what means
hefllodd be glorified; and could we fecure our felvesthat in pretending to
Gods glory we do not feek our Qwn. 1 willi that our great undertakers and
retormers ([uch is their wifdom they think) of Arcs and Sciences would feri-
Olifly think of this; they efpecially who take UpOI1 themfdves to make all men
wile and of one mind, and to reconcile all doubts and difficulties ~q Religion,
and otherwife; in a word,to make Truth to be imbraced by all men: Should
[hefe men tell us that if they had had the creating of the world, and the orde-
ring of all things (and there be, I think, in the world that have faid little Ids)
from-the beginning,they would have made an other guefS of things then God
had done:We would ha~e confiderd ofit perchance what ~igh.t be the ground
in any mortal man of fucq wonderful confidence. But fuch being the condi-
tion of the world,as it is,and fuch of men,naturally;or to fpeak asa Chriflian,
fince the fall of Adtlm,and the confequencies of it,the curie ofGod,& make
all men wife, of one mind, good, religious, without an infinite omnipotent
power/nch as of nothing was able to create a world: can any m:lO(foher and
wife) hear it;hear it with patience, that thinks it impofIible, yea flrange, that
Callies lliould be built in the air, or the heavens battered with great guns?
And yet fl.ich books are read, yea and much fet by, by fome men. My judg-
me~t is, Thatthey ar~ to be p~tyed (if d~fle~£erbe the_c~ufe,as I belie~e it is
ih fome )that boafl: of fuch dungs; but If wtie and polmck,to get credIt and
money (as fome I believe) it is a great argument of their confidence, that there
be many in the word that are not very wife. B:Jt to return to Dr.Dee: 11:
might be further added and proved by exampl<!s, that fome men of tranfcen·
dent !lo/intIS and mortification in the fight of men) fo feq ueAnd from the
world(fome of them) and the vanities of it, chat for many years they had ~on­
verred with God alone in a manner; yet through pride and conceit of their
own parts and favour with God/ell into delufiMs ana temptations, if not alto-
gether the {~me, yet not lefS ftrange and dreadful. Such examples Ecclefialti-
cal Story will afford,and Other books of thac nature, but I have them not at
this time, and ( conceive I have faid enouoh to this particular.
Bm of his Prayi!lg too, fomewhat woul~ be obferved. Hu Spirits tell him
fomewhere, that he had the Gift of Praying. Truly I believe he had, as it is
ordinarily caUed : that it is,that he could exprefs himfelfvery fluently and ear-
ndHy in Prayer,and that he did it often to his own great contentment. Let
no man wonder at this; I have {hewed elfewhere chat forne that have been
very wicked, yea, lome that dyed for blafph;:my, and with blafphemy in
their mouch to the laO: gaip, have had it in a great meafilre, and done much
mirchief by it. Ie is no difparagement to Prayer, -'00 more then it is to the
beft tbings of the world (and what better and more heavenly chen prayer well
uCed !) if they be abufed. And it is commonly obferved,chat the corruption
of beft things is mofl dangerous. What bred thofe pernicious hereticks
that fo long troubled the world) and could not be fupprdfed but by abfoluce
deO:ruction, but long affeCted prayers (ther~fore called Euchius or MeJfaliani,
that is to fay,the Prayers) and Enthufiafms ? ' And as to that point of in"R1ara
joy tend compl4cency ) which fome Schifinaticki and wicked men find in
E iliem-
7'he P 7\ £ F ACE.
themrelves at their prayers, which ignorant deluded people think to bean
argument of the Spirit: It is certain,and is a myil:ery of nature that hach(may
I fpeak it without bragging) been brought to light (of late years. at
leaA:) by my felf and fully dircovered , 'That not only the inward heat of
"mental conception (w1!ere therds arty vigor) but alfo the mufick of out-
" ward words, IS'able to occafion ic~ Indeed it is a point that doth deferve
to be well con fidered of in thefe times efpecially. For when young boyes
an~ illit~ate ~en (and the number is likely to inc-reafe now that (atccbi~n~
is 10 much negleCted) are turned loofe to exercife themfelves in this gift (as
they call it) and when by long praCtice they have attained to fome read inefs
and. volubility ,which doth occafion fome inward lightfomenefs and excita-
tions, or per-chance fomewhat that,may have fome refemblance to fpiritual
forrowand compunCtion, thc:y prefently think ihemfelves infpired, and fo
they become Sair,t; before they know what it is ' to be O"jlians. Arid if
they can Pray by infpiration, why not Preach alfo? So comes in dllitbaptifm
by degrees, which will be the ruine of all" Rdigion and civil Government
where ever it prevails. And I believe thllt this fond foolifh conceit of Ir.{pi-
ratioll, as it hath qeen the occafiou of much other mifchief, fo of that horrid
iacriledge, fhall I call it, or profanation (I, hope I may do either with-
out offence, for it is not done by any publick Authority that I kQow
of) thec:lfi:ing and banifhing of TH£ LORDS PRAYBR out of nianypri.
vate boufes and Churches; then which, I think, C~riil: never received a
greater affi ont from any that~l1ed themfelves ChriA:i~ns. I am nor-fo uncha-
-ritable as to believe that it is done in direCt.oppofition to Chriil: by any re-
al Chrill:ians, but in a furious zeale by many, I beliefe, againil: fe[ prayer~.
But this is nor a place to difpure it: Cenainly, as the Lords Prayer is '~
Prayer of moil: incredible comfort co them that u[e it devoutly and upon
good grounds (a good foundation of Rdig~onand found Faith, Imean) fo
I believe that fet Prayers in general are' ot more concernment to the fet-
ling of Peace in the Commonwealth then many men are aware of.
But let this pafs for my opinion;- there be worfe I am fure that pars
Again, A man may wonder (I cannot tell whether an objeCl:ion may
be made of it) that Dr. Vee, though he were at the llril: deluded (to w~ich
bi~ OWn pride and pr_ erumpEion did expofe him) as 'many .have beea ;
yet afterwards in procefs ,o f time when he found himfelf [0 deluded and
fhuffled with; when" Ed"Mrd l(elley did ufe fuch presnanc. arguments to
hi!1l (as he did more then once) to petfwade him th~t tlley were evil Spirits
that appeared unto them; nay,wh.n he had found by certaineiperience, thac
his Spitits had [old him many lies, foretold many things concerning Princ,es
and Kingdoms, very particula.rly limited with circumil:ances of time,
which when the time was expired did n9t at all come co pafs ; yet for all
this he durll p",;,n his Soul [Dr .them that they were good .Spirit~, and con-
tinued in his confidence ([o farre as our Relation goes) to the Jail:. I
anfwer, Such isthe power of thjs kind.of Spiritual delufion, it doth [0 pof-
fefs ,them whom it hath once u.ken hold of, that they [eldom, any of them,
recover themfelves. In the dayes of Marlin Luthi; (a great and zealous refor-
7he P~EFACE.
mer of Religion; but one that would haTe detefted them as the worl! of
Infidels that had ufed the 'Prayer, as fome have done in our dayes, as
appears by what he fait.h of it i~ more then one place) there lived one Micha-
tlStifelilU) who applyIng to hlmfelf fome place of the .ApocafJ.p(t, took up-
on him t6 Prophecy. fie had fore[()ld that in the year of the Lord ISH.
before, the 29 of September t~e end of th~ world, and Chrifis coming to
JudgmentIWoulJ be;- He did {hew Co much con6dencc, that Come write,
.Luther h'imfelf was fome\vhat {larded ~t the firfr~ But that dar paft, he came:
a. fecond time to Luther with new ~alculations; and had dlgdled the whole
bufinefs into u. Articles, theeffefrof which was to demon1l:rate thac the
end of the world would be in 080ber following. But nmv Luther thought
h~ had had tryal el!ough , 'and gave fo little credit to him, that he
(though he loved the man) filenced him for a time; which our Apocalyp-
tical Prophet took very ill at his hands, and wondred much at his incre~u-.
litY. Well, that moneth and fome after that over) our Prophet (who had
made no little ftir in the Country by his Prophecying) was caft \nto .prifort
for his obl1:inacy. After a while Lut'Jer vihced him, thinking by thatcime
to find him of another mind. But fo far was he from acknowledging his
error, that he down right railed at Lut/Jer for giving him good .counftl. And
fome write that to his dying day (having lived to the age of 80. years) he
never recanted. And was not this the cafe of learned Po{leUus, who fallen
-into fome grievous wild fancies in hiilatter dayes, though found enough
frill in other things, could never be' reclaimed . though means were ufed
from time to time the beft and gentldl: (in refpc~ to his wonft and perron )
that could be thought of? Bat 'lfhat calk we of particular men? Con-
fider the .Anabaptifts in genera\. ; Above an hundred years ago they troubled
Germany very much : it call: many thoufands their liv~s. They roved up and
down. No Cooner defl:royed in one place but they [prung (whilel! thar fea.
fon lafl:ed) in another. Their pretences every where were the [arne; rJ?...e-
)leiatiollJ and the Spirit: the wickednefs of Princes and Magifrrates, and
Chrifl }JIU to be ftt up in bu Tbrone •. Well, at lallthey we(e defuoyed in moll:
places. Stories of them have been written in all Languages, read every
where, and their lamentable end. Can all this hinder but-that: upon every
opportunity of a cori fu fed and confounded Government, they fiare up a-
gain in the fame lhape and form as before; the fame preten~es, the fame Scri.
ptures,for all the world,miferably detorted and abufed, to raile tumults and.
feditions in all places .• Sllch is the wretchednefs of man (~at is once out of
the right way of Realon and Sobrie.ty; But withall we mua fay in this
particular cale of Dr. Vee's, though hisobftinacy was great and marvellous,
yet it mull be acknowledged, that great was the dHiJenct and fubtility of his
Spirits to keep their hold: and fome tbings fometimes happened (as his
danger and prefervation about Gralle{end, when he firft , here rdated, went
OUt of the Realm) very frrangely,and Cuch was the unhappinefs of his mif-
applyed zeal, that he made a Providence of whatfoever hapned umo.-him
as he defired.
So much for Dr. 'Dee himfelf. But of his Spi,its a greater queAion per-
chance may be meved : If evil" wicke~) lying Spirits (as \ve hav~ reai-on
Ea to
'The P 7\ £ F ACE.
to believe, and no man I think will queGion) how came they to be fuch
per~wader~ to' Pi'ety and godlincfs, yea,. fuch preach~.~s?f Ch~ill, his Incar·
nation, his Paffion, and Other My/}encs 9f the ChilQlan Faltn, not only
by them here: a~kno\'ll'lCdgcd, but in.~(>mc phl(eS v~ry .~holafi~al1y fe~ out
and, declared r ' It feemeeh fomewhat (~t.rary to .reafon an4 ~s C:9Otrary to
the words of our Saviour, BV'try JQn,gdon" lli'l1iJtd (J!,ain/l it Jelf;. &,c. But
fidl,. to the ftl.1t~e~ ufof~Cl:: 'The Divcl~ we kn~weven in the G9fpc:I' did
acknawledg:; nay, mfome ~~Jinctproclalm ' Chna: to be the , SQBofGpd;
~hich is the mairi ~nicl.e he: did contell with Ch.rHl: :by Scripture! ~u~ho­
ncy; and by S. 1P4ult-te6hmony "can uansform hlmfelf, wh~ hdlfhn,t9
an Angel of light. .And ,in {om¢, relations well attelled, of ~(){fdIi~
and publick Bxorcifms that have bten ufcd; we; find the Djvclpflcr) fpeak:-
ing by the mouth of women, rather like a Monk out of the PLJlpi[, ptr,.
fwading c() temperance, rebuking vices, ex~unding of mylleri~, and ~he
like; then as one ~hat were an enerpy to truth and godJinefs. ' Infomuch
chat fome have been ready to make a great myllery 'and ttiumph of it'·
ther-eby toconvict Htrecicksand AtheHl:~, in time, more effeteuaHy , , th~
they have been by any other meanS that have been ufed ruchel to: andole.
cTibing t?e whole bufiriefs not. to t~e Div~l hi~fd~, but the great power
and PrOVidence of God, as forcmg him agamll hiS WIll co be an inflrumenJ:
of his Tru~h. For my par~, I fce auk enough t~ believe tb~t [ucb things,
chefC con tamed at large, mIght come from the DIVc:l; that IS, might tru-
ly, and really' be fpoken by perfoD9 poLfdfed and iofpircd by the Divcl.
But that they are imployed by Goa to that end, I {hall not eafily grant.
I rather ~ufp.eCl: that whatfoever cbmes fro~ t~em in·that ~i~d, though it
be good In it [elf, yet they may have a mlf,hlevous end In IC; and that I
believe willfoon appear if othey ~n ' once gaine fo much credit among me~
as to be believed to be fent by God to bar ·teftimony to the truth. A mail
may fee fomewhat already by thofe very Relations ', and that account that is
given us there. And therefore I do not wonder if even among the more
fo ber Papifl:s this project (as the relater and publi!her complaineth) hach
found oppofition. The Div-cl is ,very cunning; a notable Polititian. s.
fPaul knew him fo, and therefore he ufes many words to fet out his frauds.
He can lay the foundation of a plot, if need be, a hUnOred years before the
effects !hall appear. But the~ he hath his end. It is nor good trulling of
him, or dealing with him upon any pretence. Can any man fpeak bet-
ter then he doth by the mouth of Anabaptifls and Schifmaticks! And this
he will do for many years together if need be, that they that at firfl flood
off may be won by time. But let th~m be once abfolute mallers, and
then he will appear in his own {bape. ,There is one thing which I won-
4er much more at in thole Relations I have mentioned , and that is, that
the: Divd himfelf {bould cum fuch a herce accu[er of them thaf have
ferved him fo long, Witches and Magicians. I he doth here fo [00
in fome kind, 'in more then one place. He doth much inveigh againfl
Divels a.nd .all that have to do with them, Magicians, &c. But that is
in general only, . or in K!llt)'s particular ca~, upon who~ he had a-
nother hold; which he made more reckonmg of ) to Wit, as he ap-
The P ~ 8 F ACe.
peared to .hem. as; an An~el. of ligh.t.Any thing to, mairtrain hrs interefi:
there, an,d the,Ir good Op1DIOn of him;" for he had great hopes from that;
plot,. Bu~ that he lliould purfue fo ridgedly pa.rtkubr men ,and women
whom he had~ red fo long, to death, a:nd do the part of-an info.rmCl\ a-
gainllchem; miy feem 'mote lik.e unto a KingdoI,ll d~ided .againG: it felf,
but it is not our cafe here.) mither am '-J very w'dl fatis~ed) that what-
[oevor the [;)ivd faith or b.yesto th~ diarg1: of th~ by whore mooch he
fpeaketh ,. ought t'O be receiized for good' ceil:imony. ~re:it may be. WieriJU
h.a~ fome realon; for 1 doubtfome have been too' t:rcdulpus. Bqt this by
the ,~ay 01a11 fl,1ffice. ,
That i1u: Divdfhould lie ()fi~n, od)6 miftaken himfelf, in his f'J'i:opht-
,its, as by many particulars of this Rdation 'will appear, I will nodook
upon that~ ~ if any objechon"could be made of it: But it may be won.-
dred, pctc.bance, Dr. Vet being' often ' in. fo great "Atam of monies, tha~ he
did rio~ ~IJO\\1' which way to turn" what (bitt to make;' at which ume
he did,:!.lw.ayes with mu.:.h hurrtility addrds himfelf to his Sl'irits, rna,k ing
his wants known unto them ; and the Di\'el on the other fide, both by
his oWn boafiing, and by the tdli~onie of thofe Who could not lie" having
the good$ of chis , world (thol1gh Rill. under God) much at his di[pofing ",
a.nd alw~yd, as he kemed, very defirousto give Dr. 'Det al} -pollible fatis.-
faction: tha.c in this cafe, 0':lce or t\vIce percharice excepted, when the
Dr. was well furnillied (for which the Spirits had his thanks) at all other
times ~e was llill) to his very great grief and perplexity, left to himfelf
~o lliitt as he could, and fome pretence, \Vhy not othcrwife fapplyed, cun-
ningly dcvired by. them that ,were [0 able, '.lnd to whom he was fo dear.
But 'l m:.lll remember my [elf: '1 [aid fo'"able; but in [orne places his Spi-
rits tell him plainly, It was not in their power, becaufc: no part of their
CommifSion, or becaufe it, did not belong unto them (fuch as deale with
h,i m) to, meddle with the Trcafures of the earth; and fometimcs that
they were things beneath their cogniLance or intermedling. Of the ditf~­
rent nature of Spirits, we {hall fay [omewhat by and by, that may have
fome rclation co thIS aifo, perchance, But granting that the Dive! gene-
rally hath power enough both to find mony and to gratifie with it where
he leeth c;lufe. Yet in this cafe of Witches and Magicians, direct or in-
direct, it u certain dll4 obferlitd by many as an argumt1lt of Gods great Prol1ide""
over men, thatgtncraUy he bath not: It is in '1ery deed a great Argument of a
fuperiour over-ruling power and Providmce~ . For if men of all ptofef-
!ions will hazard (their SOllls) fo- far as we fee daily to get money and
dlaccs by indirect unconfcionable wayes, though they are not alwayes
fure, and that it be long oftentimes before it corrtes, and oftenti,rnes prove
thei~ ruine, even in this world, through many cafualties; as Ollterations
of times, and the like: what would it be if it were, in the power of tHe
D. to help everyone that came unto him I yielding but co fuch and fU'Ch
conditions,a.ccording as they could agree ?
Hitherto 1 have confidered what I thought might ,be objeCted by others.
I have one ob;eBion mort, which' to me ,was more confiderable .( as an <?b~..
ction, I mean, not fo readily anfivered) then all the rell: 'DeviJS, we think
'The P 7(E F .d C E.
genl:r~lly, both by their natur~ .as Spi~its, ~nd b-y-t7h-e-a-;dc-v-an-t-.-ge-o-f long
txpenence (a very great advantage Indee? In POInt of knowledg) cannot but
have perfed: knowledg of :Ill natural ,thmgs, and all fecrets::of Nature which
do not req ui fe an infinite unpcrfbnding; which br that meafure of know -
l~dge that e~en ,men h~ve attained unto in .a little tiine,. is not likely,to be
fo necdfary 10 mofl thlOgS. . Butlefl any man fhould quarrel ;at' the word
Ptr/tl:l, becaufe all perfection .belong~ unto G~ prop!=rlYl 'it {hall fuffice
to Cay, That the knowledge,Dlvcls have of thlOgs Natural. and Humane
is incomparably' g~eatef . then man·.is capable of. If fo, how comes it to
pafs that in ma-ny places of this Relation we find him aCting his 'part rather
as a Sophifte[ (that I far nat a Juggler) then a perfeCt Philofopher; as a
~ack, or an E~pirick fometimes, then a True, genuine Naturalift. And
for language (not to fpeak of his Divinity, which he might-difguife of PUl'-
poCe to hisdwn ends) r~t~er a.sone that had Jea[J~ed Latin ' by reading of bar.
barous books, of the mIddle age, ~or the moll part, then of one that had bc:en
of At4l,t4fluJ his time, and long before that. But that which is ftrangeft of all
is, that as in one place the Spirits were difcovered by Ed.i\..!OIJ to fleal out of
Agrippa ~r Tritbtmi~ (Co ~e dlought.a~ .leafl) fo in divers other places, by the
phrafe, and by the doCtnne and oplDl<?ns a man may trace noted Chymical
and Cabaliflieal Authprs of later times; yea, (if I pc not much miflaken)
and far~ctlJus himfelf,that prodigious creature, for whom and agai'nfl whom
fo . ~uc}t hath been writccn fincl: he lived; thefe things ~ay ~eem ftrang~,. but
I think they may b~ anfwercd. For firfl, we fay, The DIVe! IS not amomous
to {hew hiJl1felf and his abilitiesbefore men, but his way is (Co obferved by
mahy) to fit himfelf (for matter and words) ,to the genius and capacity of
thofe that he. d~aletb with. Dr.Vet,ofhimfelf, long before, any Apparition,
was a Cabaldhcal man, up to the ears, as I ma.y fay; as may appeareo any
man by his Monas Hie;eglyphica, a book much valued by himfelf, and by him
Dedicated at the6.rfl toMaximilian the Emperor, and fince prefented (as here
related by himfelf)to fJ{,adolphe ~ a choice piece. It may be thought fo by thofe
who dl:e:em fuch books as Dr. Ploid, Dr• .AJabajler,and oflare GafartO"and the
like. For my part I have read him; it is foon ,don, it is but a little book: but
I mutt profefs that I can extraCt no [enfe nor rcaCon (found and fotid) out of
it: neither yet doth it feem to me very dark or myflical. ,Sure we are that
thofe Spirits did act their par,&s fo well with Dr.Vee, t4at for the moll: pan(in
moll: Adions) they came off with good credit; and we find the Dr. every
where almoftextolling his SpiriLu~ teachers and inflruCters~ and prayfing
God for them. Little reafon therefore have we to except againll: any thing(in
this kind ),that gave him content, which was their aim and buunefs.
Secondly, I fay, If any thing reliili here of rrjtbmaius or q>aracel(us"or any Cuch,
well ~ay we conclude from thence, that the Dive! is like himfelt. This is the
uuell: inference. It i,s he t~at infpired T~;tbtmius and fParaatfus,&c. that fpeak,-
c:th here J and wonder ye if he' fpeaks lIke them? I do not etpecl: that ~,l
men will be of my opinion; yet I fpeak no q>aradoxes: I have both reaton
and authority good ,and plaufible, I thi nk, for what I fay; but to argue the
cafe at large would ~e teaious. Of T,itbtmi~ fomewhat more afterwards will
be: raid. Bilt we mufl go far beyond that time. A thouCand years and above,
crhe 'P ~ e F A C8.
b;fort either-of them was born, was the Bo QK. OF EN"o eM well known in
the world; and the~ alfo was Ljngt4~ Adami(upon which two moR of the
Cabah Rands) ~uch-talked of,as 'appear:; by Greg.Niffin his learned books a-
gainR BunomitH the Heretick; To fpeak more particularly (becaufe fo much of
itiA this Reiatit>n) the BooK. OF ~NOCH was written b~fore Chrill:; and it
is thought by fome very learned (though denyed by others) that it is the very
book-that S. Ju~e intended. A great fragment of it in Greek (it was written in.
Hebrew fidl:) is to be feen in Scaligtr (that incorrtparable man, · the wonder of
his Age) if not rather of all Ages) his learned NOw UpOll Eufebius. It was fo fa-
mous a book antiently that .vcn Heathens took notice of it; and grounded
uf'on it objeCtions againR ChriRians. It.may appear by Or~en againR Ctl(ur ,
in hi. book S.p. 2. 7 S· nJ,. n '."iIX.""",
(falth he) .,1.
"'1,'1'1", 'M".Shu, "'Of .i,Orol"o.,
.in-0hOl' '~t1.i .... 1jo"""1.:r JOrC"hMf th9.'TC Olf Au,.h , .... ~ 1.. , i, 1.. E,.,)X ')<'I'P«i-<l"f ... , :l.T"C ~.I" "uTk'
",h'T'" c,c"",},., ~ul't )""'ri,"I hi .. 1£'(,I! """ul.u( •• ~,;.,. ,'ptTC' oi, 9.,c ill i7')'.",Cp.p.t, .. 1' E'vOOX
Mb,[ .. BlIt S. Jtrome and S. Augufl'M fpeak of It more peremptorily as a fabulous
book, and not ailowed by the Church. How much of it is extant, b,efides
what we have in Scaliger, 1 know not; nor what part it is fo ofren mentioned
in thi:> Relation. By what I have feen it doth appear to me :l very fupedl:iti-
ous. , foolifh, fabulous writing; or to conclude: 'all in one -w ord , Cabali!HcaJ ,'
filCh as the O·ivel might own very well, and in all probability was the author
of. As for that conceit of the tongue ¢hich Was fpoken by .Adam in Para~
dife, we have: alreadr faid that it is no late in"'ention ; and 1 make: no quefl:i-
on but it proceeded from the fame Author. Yea, chofe very Chara~ers com-
mended untQ Or.Dee by his Spirits for holy and myfl:ical, and the original
Cha~aCters (as 1 take it) of the holy tongue, tb~ are no other ,fot the moR part
but fuch as were fet out and publifhed long agoe by one Tbtfius Al1Jbrofii& out
of Magical books,as himfelf profeffeth: you fhall have a view of them in
{ome of the Tables at tlJe end of the Preface. Some letters are the fame, others have
much refemblace in the fubRance ; and in tranfcribing it is likely they might
fuffer fame alceration.But it may be too the Spirits did hot intend 'they fhould
be taken for the fame, becaufe exploded by learned men, and therefore altered
the forms and figures of moR of them of purpofe that they might feem new,
and take the better. So chat in all't his the Oivel is but Rill confbnt unto him-
felf,and this conA-ancy fl:ands him in good fi:ead,to add the more weight and
to gain credit to his Impofl:ures. Not to be wondred therefore if the faille
things be found ellewhere, where the D. hath an hand.
With Cabaliflical writing~ we may joyn ClJymical, here alfo mentioned in
many places. I have nothing to fay to Chymiflrie as it is meerly natural, and
keeps it [elf within the compafs oHobriery.It may wel go for apart ofPhyiick,
for ought I know, though many great PhyGciarts, becaulc of the abule and
danger of it,ai I conceive, have done their beR (fdfrherly) to cry it down. I
my [elf have feen fl:rarige things done by it: and it cannot be denyedhutthe
wonders of God and Nature are as eminently vifible in the experiments d
that Art as any other natural thing: HOll7e1Jer ,it is not improbable that di1Jers (emu
of it came tDlbe knoll7ledg of man by the lJ\e1Jelasion 'of ~pjrits. And the praCtice and
profeffion of it' in moR (them e'fpecially that profefs nothing eUe) is accom-
panied with fd much Superfl:ition and· ImpofIure, as it wOlild make a fober
man,that tendreth the prefervacion of hi mfc:lfin his right wies, to be afiaid of
'The P 1(E F ACE.
it. Of the (~!fnfmutaijon of Metals, what may be clone by Art I will not take
upon me to clete.r mine: I am apt enough to believe that fome ,ftrange things
(iii that kind) done,if a man will go to thecoft of it, and undergoe t~e
trouble upon ~o much uncertainty of the event. But that which we call ordi-
Jilarily,and molt underftand by it,Tht PbJlofophers Stont,is cem.inly a meer cheat,
tbe firfl aUthor and inventor whereof was no. other then the Divel. Leg;
etiam Spiritum fuptrnorum rtw/atione traaitam ant;iuitJU tern faciendi Auri,& me .tla-
tt idem uJu e-venijJe,&c. faith one (Jo.Franc/Picus Mirandula) of the Jeatned,ft Au-
thor that I hne f.een of that fubjea, in defence of it, I meant. If he mean Su-
pernos Spiril~s, fuch as appear in form of Angels of Light/uch as deluded Dr.
Du,and dally doth thole that hunt aftet (}te'Velatlons, and Prophecies, and un-
lawful Curiofities, I grant it. But that any good Angels did ever meddle in a
praCtice commonly attended with fo much impofiure, impiety, coufenage as
this commonly is, I {ball noteafily grant. Though I muftadd, I make great
difference (if we will fpeak properly} between Arts facienai auri (a thing I do
not deoy to be feafible by natural.means)and that we call the Pbylofophers Stone,
as before already intimated. And for that objection of his, why evil Spirits
fhould not be th~ Authors or revealers of it unto any (though otherwife for
fome other reafons he thinks it probable) bequle it is not likely that God
would fuffet them to give fuch power unto men like themfelves, whom only
among men they favour and refpett, that is, wicked ungodly men. Fidt, I
anfiver, That is a very weak objeCtion,fince we know by confiant experience
of prefent and future Ages, that they are not of the beG: of men commonly
that are.the greatdl and richefl. But Secondly, There is no great ca.ufe to fear
that any thing hitherto revealed (or hereafter to be revealed, I believe) of this
fecret, lhould enable men (good or bad) to do much hurt in;the world. The
~reatefl hurt is to themfelves who are deluded(yea,and beggerd many fiIft or
laft) and to fome few not very wife whom they coufen as themfelves have
been coufened. Ana for this that they can do n.o more, we are beholding
not to the Divel who certainly' would not be vvaming to himfc:lf or to any
opportunity to do mifchief by himfelf or his Agents, but to God vvho doth
not give him the povver: $0 much to Mirandula, out of my refpect to his
name, ana for the better fatisfacbon to the Reader. I ovve the fight and uk
ofthc: book to my Learned friend Dr.Windttt before mentionc:d-, I am much
confirmed in that opinion (of [he Divel being the Author) by vvhat I find of
it in the book vvhich hath given me this occafion to fpeak of it. Were there
nothing elfe but the gro[s and impudent forgeries that have been ufed to com-
mend it unto men, [orne entituling the Invention to Adtlm himfelf, others to
Soiomon,and the like; and the many books that have been counterfeited to the
fame end;and again the mofl ridiculous and profane applying ~ ex:p~un~ing
of Scriptures,a thing ufually done by moft that are abettors of It,thofe thmgs
vverc enough to make a man to abhor it. Sure enough it is,thatnoc only Dr.
Vee, but others alfo vvho had part of that prec;otU PO'ilder brought unto them by
Spirits, and expeCted gre4t matters of it, vvere all cheated and gull'd (arr~ I be-
lieve it coft fome of them a good deal of money . Prince f/{oftmberg particular-
ly) by thofe Spiritual Chymifls. Let them confider of it that have been deal-
ing in fi.lch'things as they £hall fee caufe.
The Preface.
So Hill we fee, that in all thefe things, as we faid before, the D~vd is not be-
holding to others, (as might be fufpected) but others hav'e been beholding to
him: As for his Divinity, in highefl: points, if he fpakc the truth., it was for
his o.... n ends, as ~c faid before: He 'can do it, who makes any.qudlion?
In controvened pOints, we maY,obferve, that ~e doth [erve the {eeJIe aad prefcnr
oecaGon ; and I make no queftlon,but bad Dr. Dee gone to Confiaiztinopie,and
been entertained there with refpeCt, his Spirits there would ha\'e iheweq them-
felvesas go,?d Mahomet4nJ, as clfewhere good KOPlan Catho/ick.!, or P"te!lttntJ.
Vve ha\,efomewherca very pretty Tale, (I would fay a curious Obfervation,
if. I thought it tru~) c~:mcerningthe ilat'Jre of the Serpent or Ad~ar, haRdfomly
exprdfed, how the tra'neth her yong ones to fet (hem out abroad mto the world,
that they mlly !hift for themfd\'es. Twemy days, as I remember, are fpent in
that work: Now whether it be [0 really, I cannot fay certainly, but I fufpefr
it. It is not in Ariftotle, and I looked in AldrovandU:1, and I could not finde
it: But whether it befo or no, let no body wonder; for this wa~ the maner of
Ireaching formerly (and may beyet perchancein fome places) among Monk$
and Fryars in great requcft. They would makca fiory of Man, or BeaRs, as
they thought fit thcll1Lc:Ives, and their Fancies ben ferved; prenyand witty1 as
much as they could; whether it had any ground of truth, or no, no man re-
quired; Tbe moralization was good. If the Divel have done fp here, it was
not through ignorance (for he is tooJ~ood a Naturalifl:; and I believe there is
(omewhat even in Natu~, though we know it not, why both in facred and pro-
phane Hinory, Spirit/and Serpents a'refo oftenj oy ned) of which is true and
real; buc,as hath been faid, it fer\'ed his turn~ and that is enough. ' And al.
though, having confidercd it as an ObjeCtion, how the Divel cometh to fpeak
fo much rruth~ as will be found in this Book; no man, I think, will expcCl: I
thould give an account of any falfe DoCtrine or Divinity, tbat it may
coma:n: Yet one point I thmk fit to take notice of, and proteLl: againftit; as
fal[~, erronious, and of dangerous confequence, and that is, wherc it is
la;d, , Th4t a man (in rome cafes) may kiD another man (Prince or other) '¥J'ithollt
apparent calt[e, or lawful Authority, and therefore punijhable bJ the Law.r of
Man; who nevcrtheleft, may expeCi It grellt reward At the ha"dJ ofGod for h~
lie;: How th is may agree V'f ith rhe Frinciples of New Lighu-, and Anabaptifii-
cal Divinity, I know not;, it is very contrary to the Principle~ of that O[[ho.
dox Divinity, lately profdfed and eftablHhed by Law in England.
I have now {aid in this main ObjeCtion, Cas I apprehended it) .... hat I thir~ k
was moll proper and percinent,and I hope may fat;{fie, But I haye fome",hat eIfc
to fay, wh ich in this ca(oof DivelfandSpiritl in general , I think it \'ery confi.
derable, and may {atisfie perchancc, in ,(~me cafes, ",here noth 'ng eIre, can.
\Ve talk of Spir;ts, and read of Spirits often) but I think it is \ ery little
that we know (the be(l ofus all) of them, of their nature or differences: And
how then can j t be expc:cted that we a.ould refolve all doubts? And though I
think it is not much that any man ever knew and r;gbdy apprehen-de~ or can,'
as he is a man. in this buGnefs; yctlny opinion is, (tbouv,h I know it is muth
gainraid and oppofed) that ancient Hatonick Phylofophers of the latter
times, undedlood much more then morl Chriftians; I do not write this,
as though i thought, or would have any thought by others to be the worf1:
Chriflian, for bcing ignorant in thefe things; but rather~ in my opinion, any
F mm
'1 he Pre/lice.
maQ ~he better Cbt~fi:ian,by much~ who dQtA not regard it or deGre it : For my
part, alcho~gh I J;rjri~ ac;kll0vded~e chat fo~c fcruples. of my mi~d~,di~ induce
me to loc,k Huomany Books, uAtlll was fatLsfied; wh:ch QtherWlfe I h:}d neycr
don~; yet J profefs co believe,that it isfolittle that C3n be knQ~ri by man Jnchis
fubjeCt) and fubjeCt to fo much illuGon, as thac I th:nk 09 ,fiudy is more vain
and foolifia; and that I would l1,o~g9 three fleps out of my doors ,(morcthen
what I did to fatisfie my minde in fOine mantrs of Faith, if any l~cn ICruple
did arifc) to knovv'asmuch as the pr~foundei t ,Platonick. . or Phylof~pher )'caJ
or Magician of t~ema.ll ever knew. Celtain~y heis bUC;l weak Chri!tian, when
[0 maDy high My(le(i~s are pr~pofed UR[O;US in Chrift by his Gofpc:;" a[)~ of fo
much cOi~fequcnce) that cannot beflow his, time bemr: They ,that have aily
hopes, through Faith in Chri£1:, and a' godly life, tQ be admitred one day iDlo
the prefenceof God, and to foe face to fate, as God hath pTOmiicd ;, :w:Il they
hazar4 fo glorious a hope, by prYIng through unfeafonable, l:lOp~06tablc curiou-
ty, into the n~ture9f thefe Y,affalSpirirs, 'WhichGod ' forbidd,c(l': But be-
caufeit doth concern Rclig: on in general, that we .bdie\'!= Spirits; and when
O,bjections arc made that canno.t be anfwered, t,nany are fcandalized, and .i\thc-
ifis ready to take t~e :tdv~ntage C!f it; I c;.Y!l that it lRould be no ,wonder to any,
fober and,radollaI~ if we cannot rdolve all doubts, {inee it is,fo Htlle that we
know, or can'know", beyond ~hcbare g.J'I in thi~ mam.r; M~!1: Chrifi:ians are
bred in and [0 this opi~i on~ ,that all Spiriu, (fo cO!1lffionly called) are either An-
gels of Heavell, orOivc:lso(Hell: , lknow,lloScripcurefor ir, or determina-
tion of any general COPACeJ, th~t lremern~~., at this cime :adeafi, and (0 long
I 'do not thiRk my felfb~nd'agamn appare~lt re~.rOD; For tbe conce;"faU evil
Spirits or Di".rte/J'·being ill HID, I tbilflt learlUd Mr. Meade hath ta~n thtZll~
".i'ltinfome of bis Wor'~s, and fufficiellt/y tOnfHled it: The v-ery WGl'd Spirit'.,
is a term of great AmbIguity; We underHand by it, C~nimonly, fubftances,
thac arc Many ofthe ancient Fathers, it is well known,
d:id not allow of ~ny ruch at all, bdides God: But welhink that to have DO vi.
fibleBody.1 and [\) be purdy immaterial, is :all one! God know, ,how many
degrees there may be betwec:n there) but we cannot k,now it, neither doth it
concern our Galv;ltion) for which we have rearon to pr~if~ God: But if ·11:
w~rc fo, that all Spirits arc either Divcls or Angds~ what (hall we make of
tbefe that arc found in mines~ of which learp~d A,gricola hath wriuen; cf
thofe that have been time out of minde called X6{3a.AQ/> (from w,heoce pro-
bably~ as we have raid elfewhere~ Gohelin in 'Englilh i$ derived), who,live in
private Houfes., about old Walls, and fralks'Of Wood, harmlefs other"i(~, but
vtry thieviln; fofr,equent and fo known in fome Coulmeys, ' that a man may as
"ell doub~ whethc;r there be any Horres in ling/tinct, bc:caufe 'there arc none
inJpmc 'parts of the World;' not found in alI- Al1IericII, I think, till fome were
c:an'iedtllither: Neich~r can I believe, that thofe Spirits that pleafc ,hemfdves
in nothing el(c ~Iit ~nnlds Ipons and wanronue{fC', fuch as li~lVC: Iteen known
in all Agcs; ruch as did urc to fhafe the hairs of PliniiM StCUndM his Ser-
vants in ~hc Night, as himfelf rdates (a vcr, creditable mail, I am lure) in his
Epifi:lcs, and tbe like; that [uch Spiri.:s, I (ay~ have any relation either to
Heaven o~ to Hell; W~ might inuCl in more particularS'; but we do not deure
to dwell upon it at this time; ~Dd there is yet fomewbat elfe to be raid: And
The Preface.
what I h~ve raid of {orne PlatObicks, r did not jlm:nd to jufiifie all
their abfurd or fuperfiitious Opinions in this Argument of Spirits: As they
have fcarchedfurrher into it then 6thers (beGdes damnable experience, having
iQnfounded Magick with PhyloCophy, yea almoll turned all ~hylorophy ' in~
to Magick) (o it was confequent, they would fall inco more 'Errors and Ab-
furditlcs; yet withal, they forncvvhat that doth better ,agree "ith
daily~xperieDce, then what is commonly kriown or believed. Si1lejifM was
a Blihop, but as he doth appear [0 us in his Writings> a better then
aChriflian: In a place (1n his TreatifcDeinJomPin) he {he"eth howe,,] Spi-
rits com,c, to inhabit mcn . and to po1fdfe their Bra~n s ~ H's terms are very
c~rfc~ and apparantly ridiculous; but there may be for:ne trilth in the Opini-
on: 'For if there were n~t It 'Very near and intimate conJim8ion) it were to be
wondered .how the Divel comes to the vlry thought.r of WitchtJ' and Ma-
gician.!, (J.5 nfOHnd by experience) averred by more ' then one: ,And'in thi4 ve~
ry B"o~ if I be not ",iffa~n, fomewhat ",ay be obftrved to that purpoft: It
is pOffible there may be more kindeJ' of poffeJJion then one, a1f~ that jo11te tl1en,
that never were {"JPeelee(, have had a Jiirit (beftdes theIr o'1J'n) refident in
thmi, aU, 'or 1J1o~i part of their lives.
I ,have done, with what I could think of, upon which obje~lion can be
made: The next thing is to make the way clearer to the Reader>'by fome 'cot;!..
fideration of the method of the Book.!, 2nd explanation of forne terms and
phraks rhtre ufed, at which perd:ance fome may flick at th,e firfi: . At t~e very
beg~nning a man may be to feek, It the Tide of ir, Liber fexti myfter;'orlilll, &-
lanai p~r"l/.elw, novalifqHe. IS 8 3. both as it rdates to that which follows~ and
as it rel1eCts upon fomewhat before, by which it may be inferred that the: qook
begip~ here abrl1 ptly andimperfeetly: of this I am now ready togive an account
to the Reader, and it is very fit it /hollld be done.
Firll concerning Titles, fuchas will be found h.ere f!1any more be{jd~ tllis.
the whole book, or relation being fubdivided inc.) many pans; in gen'e1'11 I
flY, th:u according to the Doctors genius (we ha,'e fa' d befort' he was very Cd-
baliftical, that is) foil of whimGes andcrotchers, under the notion of Myfieries.
a tbIDg that fomevery able,. olhen,j[e, 'h:lyebeen fubjechmro) and the h'i~h
opinion be had of thefe 2etions and apparitions; ', th':'y are o101Hy very conceal-
cd, alid (m fpeak the truth) phanra{bck, which mull: make them th'c Obfcu-
rer: I could give rhe RC:ider a vil':w of tbem all here PUt together, but it
'would bclllperRuous: There be lome foumen or fifteen Divi{icms in aIJnow
remaining, and fo rna~y Tides: 'Thel,"e is a Table at the beginning, that ooth
rcferro the beginning of every diviGon, where the Tide al[o will befound:
But at {he end of the viii. Divilion, I finde thele .,.ords, Se'lliitHl' liber 24. qui
hac die e~iatn incept1H eft, Ii 1!Ieridie: b(framcircit~r teriiam, per ipfum La-
vanael: But I findc nothing following, (but fome vacandhee~s, till we come
to tbe ix. DiviGoD> Myfterlmtm pragenJiflm) &c. And the lall DidGon heuh
ondy Come Fables, and before them) fome fi\'e or fIx pages of unknown my-
flical nords, "hicb ~"e know flot wh~t [0 make of; but of tha:t more afcer-
wards: ThG main b1.&Gnc:fs tobe refolved here (a~ hake it) iswhatit is-thatwe
have, and what nc have not, fo far as Can be gathered by what I'emaincth;
we thall fcc what we can fay to it. In theyear of the Lord, One,thoufand five
9. he Pref4Ce.
hundred eighty four, September the third, (being a MOllday) Dr. De~ fir froap--
pearc~ (being prcfcmed by Aonprable perioDS, and c:')·peCtcd) before.(hc' Em-
peror Rodolpb. A,mong other things he t~cn told, him, Tb4t for theft twtl
,eau ana a half, Gods holJ. Angels had "ftJto inform him: OW' Book, 'or firft
Action hete, begipueth 28 May," J 583. Accordjhg to this re4oning, "it muft
be, ' that above a yeararid ,three;Moneths before, began the firO: Apparition:
The account \heR of fifteen Moneths from the fiI ft Apparition, w~ want; How
II!uc:h (in bulk) chat mig~t come tOr I cannot tell '; aeitherwill I warrant all
perfect from thi&- 2.8 of May, I~8 ~ to the fourth of April 1~87. though for
the mofl part th= coherence i~ rJghi: eno!lgh to that time i But from ~hcn~e to
thetwenrieth of March. I6'?7· is a !ail: ehafma or,hilltll4, of .no,lefs tben twenty
years; How this harh happened, I cannot tcllcertainly; what I guc[s~ is this,
fomeyearsafcer Dr..DeeJ death ( ) Sir Kobert COttOM boughtrus
library (what then rc;mained of it) With his MtigiealTable, .(of which af~r·
wards) :and the Original M411l1foript, w=rimn With his owp hand, whereof
this is Copy; The Book had been buried in tbe ~arth, how long~ .years or
mo.neths; I know 'n ot;. but fo long, th.ough it was car~fully kept fince, yet
it retained fo l~u~h of the Ear~ht that,it began, to.moulder ,and p~rilh forne
years ago, wh!ch whcll Sir TbO/1tllS C. (before mentionc;~) obferved, he was
at the charges to have it written out, betore 'it (houldbe tOO late; Now full fif-
ty yearsJ or not many wanting, being pa£fcd ~nce this Original came [0 Sir
Rob,,.,, it is very likely, tbac had any !ll0re in all tliat rilI!e been heard of, Sir
Kobert, or Sir ThomllS, h:s Son and Heir, would have heard of it, and got
it as foon as any body, eire; And bccaufe no "more h;nh been heard of all this
'While, it is more then probable that no more is eXtant, not in England" nor I
chink ,an,y where dre; H~ppily the reft might peri~; fo~e pan~ (if noull)
even whlleO: the DoCtor lIved; and we thall nnde m thIS Rclatlon. That"
g~el part qf his holy Boo~J' were bllrn~d, bllt (whic' iI.ore flranJ:e) a gre~t
,art of the~, ~Y the help ~f Spir.its, rtco'Vered ana reft.ored: Of 1C may, be,
that Gncc hIS deatb, the rdl: (the place where they by beIng u~known) mIght
rot in the earth j ~w if, as probably no more be extantJ we may account this
that we have here, in tEatrefpect perfeCt) becaufe here is all that CaD be had.
But if any, (as it is the nature of many, if not mofl" rather to defire that
which' cannot he had, then to content thcmfclyc. w:th ;that which m.lY) tlJall
much l~fs of the rea, and be lefs pleafcd with this, bccau[e fo
much (though indeed we know not certainly whetPer mllch or little) i~ want-
ing; ,I wOIlld defire them co confider.with themfdvesJ in cafe there had been
tyfice or thrice,'as much morc as all thi~ comes too~ what fuo\lld have been
done with it? For my part) for fo much ~s is here fer our (all we had) I
thoug~t it would do beft) ,though [omc"hat long, yet as a ,hing veryextraor-
dinary, and of great confequencc to many good purpores ~nd u[cs; I tboughr,
I fay ~ it would do bcfl to have it all P~iO[ed ; ;' Yet we had fome cp~fidc:rati­
,on abOut it, and it may be fome others wo~ld have thought that lefs might
have. fcryed the curn: But I hope morc' will be of my minde, .and there be
but few aetions but ~ord fOlncwhat that is extraordinarY,Qnd for forr.e refpeS:
or other,obfc:rvable and ufefilJ'; How[oeverJ I am ~ob6dent~ if all bad been
extant, (fuppoling that the r.dl would have made much more) that Done or
The Priftlce.
very few ",o~ld have t~ought fit J~ hav~ :f1'jnred all; ;and jf i~ had once corne
to ~ contractIon or abridgement) l~, may bemuch lefs then this muf\:. have fer-
\'ed: It is fteef~raU meo to th in~ as they pleaf~ ; Jor my part all things ,coo"
udered, Hinde DO great "'ant of tbe reft .; -a .. d if I W.erc PUt to 'it, I canllQt ttll
whether I can fay, that I willi more wc:rc extant : ye~ it gives me gte2t content§
(and I hope there is no BlafphcqlY ~r SuperiEtion inir. if I adfcribe it to pro-
vidence) tbat afietthat long inrermtfIion, or hiat~, we have yct the lallAai-
ODS of all, w~c;reby it might appear, after many goodly fiI,e~s all~ promiles, ,fo
q1uch hope and expeCtation ; ~~ many Prayen.. (0 ~nany Thaflk givings and
Humiliation., what the end is of dealing with Dh;ds, and \lUNg mcans that
are not lawful, 'to compafs ambirious ,unwarrantable delires. Belides, be it
moreor lefs that is wanting, yet I ari1~ODfidentw? have the chiefell parta h~re
pr([erv~; as part:cularly) an,exaa account of hiS addretfes and dealings with
the Emperor; and other great men and Prin~eg, in the vii. and f-ome: following
Div:fions; and that fad flory of t,heir ,pr''''ifrHl1H Copulation, under tqe p~r­
{wafioo of obed:ence co' God, very particularly relat~ in the twelfth Divin-
on; . where~nas the cunning an~ rrialice~f evIl Spirits, to lead awa'l' from God,
"hen they moll pretend to God and godhnefs; fo the danger ofaffeCled lingu-
larity and eminehcy, ((he' firHground ~f all this miCcbicf) of Spiritual pride
and fclf-conceir, is eminently let out ta every mans obfer\'acion~ that is nor
alrc;ady far engaged ~~S in thefetimes too to many) jn filch Piirici-
But yet nevcr,theleCs I mila acknowledge~ that there is one part of the ft"ory
wanting. which 1 belicveby mof\: will lie much defired : For "hereas atthe
very beginning, mention is made of a Stone~ and that Stone not ondy there
mentioned, bat af(erw~rds in every aCtion almoil:, and apparition, througbout
the whole Book to the yetyend, ftil! occurring and commerrorattd as a pr~n­
cipal thing; _what it was, and how h.c by, it,.yea and,,~a~ became of,ir,
would be known, if by any means It mt,ght,: , All that we are able: to fay ot
it. ;s this, b 'lPtn aftone in which, anda.ut 'f which, b) perfon.nhat wtie qilali-
fled for it, .and admitted to the fig~t of it; tlU Shapes and F.igHru IIIentionet/ In
eve!") Atfton were fein, and voz"u heard: The form of It was round, as 2p-
peart:t'1 by rome courfe reprelentatiol1s of it in the Margins, as pig. ~ 95· 399.
b. 413 b'. and it (eems to have be~ of a pretty bignefs: It [cems it w~s moll like
unto Cryi\al, a~ it is called fomerimes"as pag. ~o. btfpeS~ Ch'(yji4Uo, and pllge
177· b. nihil vifibile apparuit,~n CbryftaUq Sacrato, pr.cttr ipji1H cryfi"Ui ~fihi­
Ii formam . t.. very body kno"s by common e;,pc:r:encc;- that (mooth thing~ are
fimft for rcpreICntar~ons) as Glall"es , and the like; but ordiilariIy {uch things
ondy are rcprdented. as fiandoppofitc;' and are vifiblc' in their fubf\:.ance. But
it i1 aJecret of Magiclt (which happily 71Iay be groHf!dcd, in par~ at' leaft, up,n
fl",e n4tural reafm, not klzoW1i unt9 ~) riprefint ObitEiI (ext!r'nilUy nDt'ili-
jible) in fmoDth thingl: And KDger Bacon (41~tII BaCH") in a M Inu(cripc infcri-
bed, De diCln&-[".tin [al[orultlMathe71laticDru",&- D.e",onum;commuoicated
un to me by my Learned and much efCeerned Friend~ ' D •• WindeltJ ProferTor of
Phylick .jn London , h.aeh an o.bfervatip~ to that purpofe, in thefe words, Hils
Mathemati~n in 1114/#ill fua comp/e,tn tlppilrent D.emollu ftilcibilittlr inflr~ bu-
mllna .&- aliil flrmn vizriil, &- dicu.1 &- f«iHn; tllHlta ell m;rllbiiia fecundHIII
G tJHlId
'1 he Pre/ace.
fHod DeHI permiltit. AliqHando apparent imaginarie Hi in ung lie piltr; virginis
carminatl; &- in pelvibHs &- e1lfibH4, &- in jfl1tbHla ar;tt;.r fteHnduln,/nodul1I
eOrHI1I c.nfeer.tis, &- in e~teris rebus politii: &- D£t1Ionel0fttndunt eis, omnia
tj"~ pel HIlt, peNnd,,", tjuod Deus permit~it. Vnde pueri fie infpieienttl respoli-
tll4 vident imagillar~e rlSfurtivt aeeeptM &- ad '/.lIem locII", 'deportat~ flint, &
tju~ per{on~ afportaverllnt ; &- fic de .ljis;multis,d~mo1fe.s apparente.r.ollinia N£C
iOnj'ejH,J' ojl",aunt.
'joileh. Camerar;H.t (that worthy man before (poken,of) in his Ftoelll,ium to
PI"tarth, De OracHlis, &c; hath a firange Story upon thc!=rcdit of a friend of
hi., whom he much re/j>c{t~d Cas himfelf profdlerh) for his Piety and Wifd<;>m.
AGendemail of Norimberg had a Cryfial (how he came by ie , is there to be
read) which had this venue:; Si qlla de re tertior fieri veDet, &e. if he defired
to know any thing or future, that concerned hirr., yca, or allY other (in
mofr things) let a yduug ~oy (CaflHm, ORe that was not ret of Age, &e.)
look into it" be {},ould 6rft fcc a man in it, .fo and ro apparelled, and afterwards
what he defired: No ~ther but a Boy, to quali6ed~ could fee any ching in ie.
:rhis Cry fial became very famous in' chofe p_arts; yea lome ~earned men came
to it to bdatis6ed in qoubtful poiD[s, and had their queflions refolved: ,Yccat
lafi, (as well. it dderved) it was broken in pieces by CllmerariH.1 his Friend.
Many fuch fior:cs are to be found of Magical Stones a,n~ Crynals: And though
Ferneliu.1; De t!~diti.trerllm ei/iljis; and after him (as I rerrember), onr', in
worth and eflecm of 'all Rlen, Ilot inferior to FerneJills, Dr, Harvey, lard), de-
ceafed, turns the rebtionof a llr01nge fronc broughtto one of the late Kings of
Fr4ltce, into an Atlcgory, or Phyfical explication of the power and proprieties
of the Element of Fire,; yet I am not fatis6cd, but thatithe relation mIght be
li~eraUy crue: For fo it is, (as I remember here aIlo, for I have none of thore
B90ks by me:lt this time) related by ThHilnus, and' fo by fome others, very
learned, underflood. -
Now for the mancr how he came by it, the particulars of the flory cagnot
be had I>y this h~re pref~vcd" but ondy. this in general, That it 'Yas brought
u~to him by fome, whom he thought to be A~gels; So we 6nde him telling
the Emperqr, That tb~ Angels of Ood ba~ brpugbt,to him'" Ston-e -f tbll~ value,
thll' nil earthly KingrWm is of that wllrthinefl, a.t to be compareJ to the vertllc qr
dignitY1bereof. Page2.7z.. i~ hiscollfercncc with Dr. CHl't.r, appointed 'by the
Emperor to trea~ with him; lind (lifo Itt him fee thefton~brOHght m~ by Angeli-
eal Milliftery: , And we 6ndc this, Note recorded, [Prilgue-,-luefday 25 Sep-
WllhriJ', l ,went to DilJRer 10 tbe SpanHh Ambalfador, a1fdcarried witbtite the
Stone brougbt tHe by an Angel, IIlld tbe fourtb Boo~, whereill tbem4tler of the
bringin~ of it iJ'expreffid.] And fot tbe ufo of the Srone, bcli4es what hath
been faid~ this is obfcrvable ': Some Spirits b~ing in fight of E. K. OUt of the
Stone, Dr. Dee would have the Stone brought forth, butEo K. faid, Rebad
,.IIther fee them thu/; 0111 of tbe ,Stone; to which ,the Doctor replies, That in
tbe Stolle tbey had Wllrrant that 1111 wieJt.!d Spiriu jbollld e~ter; but witbqut th~
Stllne iUudtr, might deal with the"" Nltleft God prevented it, &e. From which
patfage aleo we may leat:n, asfrom divers others the Book that alr.hough the
ftonc (aswcfaid bC:forc) was the place~ in which, and outof which, ordinari..
Jy~ moLl Apparitions were framed~ yet it was not fo a1"ays: Forwe thall meet
The Preface.
with divers things in that kinde that were feen and heard, withO'Jt any reference
to the Stone: From the fame place alfo we may learn, that the, faid Stone WQS
,he fline he alfo called tbe Shew-flone;' as ill many places beGdes. ,However~
it is ccnain enough that he had more Stones t~en one) wh:ch he accounted fa-
crcd; oblcrve P"incipal Stone,and this otber Stone; & jirfl SanClified Slone, HfH~
111 Shew-flone, and Holy-fione, may be thought opprfed and dlfferenr; but I
1I11Jcrlbnd it othcrwife: This is the account we can give of this prinCipal And to illpply the defect of 'the maner how it \"IrS , broughtto
him , the Reader, if he plea(e,may fiude fome fatisfaaion~ .if he read (he ",'irier
how it W{II ta~n away, and reftol'ed, very particularly fet down, as before (iip-
011 :morhc: .. occaGon) was oblerved. .
Bdides this Stone or Stoner , tbere are divers other l~crcd thjngs mentioned,
th'at belonged to th;5 perfonated SanClllary, but nothing 1110re freq ~lently men-
tioned then Curtains; a C,trtAin ' or 'Pail, as it is rom~timc:s called. A man
would think adirU, perchance, that it was [offiewhat outward, but it "ill be
found othervvife; it ~as feen in tbe Stone, and appeared of diffc:rentforrr sand
colours, as they that read will quickly nnde.
Ne~t unto. thefe the l!'ly Table is chiefly confider~ble) ordering of it is re-
ferred to Dr. Dee, which he dur1l: not take upon hlmfelfJ untIl he ha4 war-
nnt from his Spiritual Teachers: This Table, which may well be,callcd Ma-
gic:!.l, is preferved and to be [een in Sir Th0111M Cottons Library (from whence
we had the refl).-and by hisleave is herc:reprefented in a brafs Cur; mention is
made of it, as I take it, ,where Dr. Dee propofeth to his Teachers, Wh~thcr
tbe Table (for tbe middle croft of uniting tbe 4 prinCipal parts) be made perfeel
or no: Yon may CCel1Jorc of ir,it is aIfQ called League Table, Table ofCO'Zltnllnt,
njC1lf.J fO!deris in fome places: The PedeJfttl of it is mentioned in t"O or three
places, and indeed a \ery curious Frame beloAging unto it, yet to be [een in the
fa id L:brary. But I know not what to make of that, neither Nalu: nor the T.i-
ble appearetb; and the round Table or Globe appeared not. I bclieva it mufl: be
underl lood of [omewhat t,hat had appeared ' before iR' the {lone.1 The Reader
that will be fo cnrious, by careful readjng may foon node it our;- I was not
willing to bellow tOO much time upon it.
But here remaineth a main b\l!inefs, whereof we are to give an account to
[he Reader; Tbere were !TIany Tables or Schemes at the end of the Bock~
containing Letters, a,b. e. &oc. difpofed into little fquares, with an lnfcrip-
tion over each Table in that unknown Character (before fpok~n of) exprdfed
in ufual Letters hO\\l it thould be read. Ther~ is one for a Specimen here at
the end of the Preface; the refl were omitted, becaufe it w~s judged needlefs.
except it wue to increafe the price of tbe Printed book. For firll, Dr. Dee
hiul[df, 'though he took a gr.eac deal of pains to, underftand the Myflery of
them, and had great hopes given. him from c:me to time to reap ,the benefit
(himlelf compIaiils of it in more then one place) of his toil rome work and
long patieAce, yef It n~ver came to any .thing: and if bemade nothing of them
(to benefit himfelf thereby) what hopes had we? Beudes, we may judge of
[hefe TAbles, and ~n this myfte'ry of Letters, by what we have {cen in others
of the fame kinde. Joh4Tines Trithtmius was a man that was fu ppofed by morl
to have dealt vvith Spirits a long time~ and to'havebecn infiruCted by.them in
q he Pre/ace.
fome of [hare fecrets that he pretends Unto by hIs Books. I know Come
have thought him innocellt, or at. leaH, have attempted to ;uIU!ie him:
Some affeCt fu(:h things to the:w the.r wit, and think they (hall be thought
much wifer then other men) If thfY (ontradict,received Opin 'ons, though
the;r vanity and ll:rong conceit of their own parts. be tneir chief, if not
ondy ground. Learned and JudJci~us Mal1cr VoffiU5, hath tbewcd himfelf
very willitJg to thillk the bell of hIm and his Books; yet he g:ves jt over
at laft, aDd rather concludes on the contrary. ' They that dar:: d. .fend Apol~
lonim, the greatell IJpholder of bhnicifm that ever was J and by inoit H!a-
thens accounted either a God, or a Magician, need not Hick at any thing in
this kinde: But fay he was, what any man will haveof him, (Fritbemim we
fpeakof, h:s folygrapby, he fet out in his lifetime, dedb.ted to (he then .t:m-
peror: He tells the: World of the: grrateH wonders to be done by ir, that ever
were heard of: All vVildom and Arts, all Languages~ Elo(luence, and what
nor, included in it. But I never heard of any man that coule! make any thing
of it, or reaped any benefit in any ki.lide; wh; ch I think is the rca fan tim his
Steganogr.spby. meot'ooed and prondcdin this firfi: work was fo long afcer
hh death oetore it was Printed: It was expeCted it would have given fon:c.
light to the; firfr; but ne~tber of that) nor of this latter, could evCf any thing,
that ever I could hear, bemadeby any man. I have good ground forwhatl
fay: For belides what others have acknowledged, I finde learned Viginair~,
(whoin his old age wasgrown himfclf \'eryCabalifiicaJ, or it may be had fome
difpofidon that way, though very learned otherwife, from his natural temper)
as much grQunded in tbat book, as any man before him: He doth plainly
profers he could make nQching of it: And truly if he could not, that had be·
flowed fo m'Jch ,:me and pain., in chofe unprofitable fiudies, I fcc liltle hopes
that a,lYman dfe Lhould. It would make a man;llmofi: hate Learning, to fee
what dotage, even the mo(llearned, arc [ubject unto: I could bIds them that
know but lieck', fo them{cl\' e~ knew it is bue lIttle that they know, and n~re
hun-,blc: But it commonly falls out oth::rwife, that they that know but liule,
think thatliJtle to bemuch, and arc very proud of it; whereasrriuchknowledge
(or to fpeak propcrly, more knowledge) ;f well uled; hath this advanrage , rhat
it makes men molt [enfible of t~eir ignorance.; The reading of Vigenairer
book of Cyphm (which lance thought a rare piece! rs many ~ther thinbs of
the [arne Author, which I had read) hathexprefiCd theCe words from me in
tbi$ place; and becaufe j t hath fo much affinity with our pref.cnt Theme, 1
was the bolder; But to return. Upon th:s confideration, the Reader I hop(',
\"fill nqt beforry the ren: of the Tabler (being many in number) w~re omirted.
Though I muf\: adde withal, had I known or thought any u(e could be made
of them, having no better opinion of the A\lthor (him or them) I mean,
from '" h9m Dr. Dee had them) I fhould not have: been ,'cry forward tei) have
had a hand in their I::oming abroad.
I fhould have told the Reader befor" but it may do well enough here, that
befide. the particulars before fpecif1ed, there were other th ings that belonged
to this bQly Furniture (as Dr. Dee fomewhere doth fpeak) whereof mention
is made in feme places: as C"rpet, CIl1l~left;clt, Taper, Table-Cloth, Cujhioll,
and fome others perchance. But I know nothing needs be obferved upon
The PrifZlce.
any of therer I .make:: no-qud~ion but the D~Ycl in all thefethings had arefpeCl:
to the Ceremon:al La.\'Y efpeclally; as alfo In thofe word~~ Move not;, for tbt
place;1 holy, o~ten rep~ated, which are al~o dfew here expounded: The Inter-
Jocutprs in all thts relatton, are, A. (thac IS, Dr. Dee) andE. K. that is-Edw.
Kellej; and the Spiri~l, to the number of {orne twency, or thert:abouts, fo
many named: (Madini, Efemel~, MeriJri"Ath, Galuah, II, JHbenladece., Ga-
briel, Jam, Moreorgran, Aph, Lasbtn, V~iel, Naluage, Mapfamtl, Aue, llemefl;
G.'LIS, Vaa" Leveana~l, Ben,) at lean, but whether all Intcr1ocu~or~, I know
not, becaufe I do aot remember, neither doth it m'.lch cO.ncern.
There be divers marginal N:gtel. and Obfervations, which beillg of Dr. Pee
h:s own~ are for the moft part not InconGderabl~, and fome very I:emarkable~
all therefore here exhibited ; 'b' whereas in fome place$ he had ancmpted to
teprefent the apparition, or fom~ pare of it, in Fjgures alfo; this being'doncbut
fometimes, and in caCe it had been done oftner (except it .... ere to,' fatisne the
childith humor of many Buyers of Books iu this ~ge, w~eQ ~ecaufe thc:y buy
not to read, muft hav1! fomewhu to look upon; whence It cO.mes to paF;
that much tralh doth pafs for good warC3 for the trimming fak~, and OR the:
contrary) of little ufc, no notice is taken of it; except fome Figure be in the
Text i~ kIf, and of fQrnc confequcncc) for the Ixtter underflanding of the
The Greel{., p.~;. , b. is exaCtly fet out, as it was found, and yet to be
feen in thc originaC written by Dr. Dee himfc:lf: B'.lt little or nothing can be
made of' it, as it is written; and it is a fign that Dr. Det who writ it, as Edw.
Kelley repor~ed it \Into him, altd aft~rwarQs , plo~ded upon. it (as doth appear
by tome'ColJJeCtures and IntcrpretatlOns found,In th.e origmal, and here al{()
exhibited) as well as hecQuld. was no very perfea: Grecian; much lefs Edw..
KeUey, who could not fo much as read it, which made Dr. Dee to write fome
things that he would not have Kelley to read, in Greek Characters, thougq the
words were Engl~{h.: I would noi: alter ~~y thing that was in the Original:
B~t the words, I bel eve fpoken by the SP1fJt, (and fo the Greek is warrancable
enou~b) were the fe, Oc1o~ 6 i7ctl·e..Q~'Tb7o (no, clvf';,617t1: K617p.o~ )rlp '1r.eJlup.-o~ 'TU):tct,et
,:.: Kl tlun; 'l'ol7ou7oy 7ft1eg!.~t1C&,: '1n n I(o{'~t; tl~tA"u'{/ct~ ~,AfC&~: E'q6~ p.~7"rl ci.r/tiiJ d·
r;opp.j" 7I'etP'~ ~~ : Tct'~ ~ ci7l'ct7ett; I(o!",d'i 7I'a.e51-ITl(tu"~t1ct': f,et ITt ;;-,~ 7I'¢v1~t; tl7l'CA~7I'~':
This I think was intc;nded of Edw. KeUey, who was ever and anon Up011 pro-
jeCts to break with Dr. Dee, and to be gone, as here prefc:mly after, and iIi di.
vers other places of this relation; nay, did really forfake him fometimes for
fome t ilr ~: The fence CZlerbatimisrhis: rhn fellow (~r F~iend) will overtbr""
tbn work•.cof Apparit:ons you rriurt underftand, to which he was requifite, be·
C1Ure the uivcl had not that power over Dr. Dee! Body, [0 fit it, though ·he did
proinife it him; for ruch fights.) lIn bagg,age (orfurnitIJrt )il in 4 readinefl.Am$'
be doth very much endeavor: To withdraw himfelf from thil common friend-
flip. Tab,s heed, thilt you givt him no occaJion: For be cWth mightily plot by art
and cunning: How be may leave you for ever. neJ1rJp.o~, in , the firft line, 'may
fec:m un 1.1 fual,. for f'TOIP.or;, or 7I'e.91ue.9~; buc it is an elegant Metaphore. ntlei~f,c:t.
for 7I'E,ei~G-t, is not ufual; and happily it Ihould have been 7I'~eileth and [0 mter-
~d; but that is nothjng~ Cercainly hethatco~ld fpeak.fomuch Gree/t, (called
hereSyriltn, to jeer Ed. Kelley) could not want Lltinc at any time ~o expref-s
H himfdf1
'1 he Preface.
himlelf; which nevenhdefs, might be thought, where 'We '6ndc him fpeakiDg
El1gUh, to tbern mal: undedlood it nOt; 10 tnat Dr. Dee was fain to mterpret
it': But we cannot give aD account of all his fctchu and projeCts ::Be had ·a .coD.~
fiderarion, i make no qudl:ion.
I cannot think (1f any thing d[e thatthe Reader need robe told, ahat i, <?f
thi. nature., and itmay be fomc.what might have been fpared: However the
Reader will confider, th~t as in.all BOQks, fo in :tli·is: I.e is:one thing ~o read
from the begiuning, and [0 to go on with heed and obfervation, wl.rhol,ll ikip~
ping; aDd another lhing to read here and there, which would require: :\ perpe-
tual Cornmeflt) 'Vhich is the wretchtdnefa of moa Readers, iD dlefe QedilJing
days of Learning; and therefore they have C~mlllent.l (or XhapfoJUJ' ralher)
accordingly; ji1lli/u habmt lalm.lllclufu, never ~orc true of ,allY [hjng
It may be'(ome WIU' wODder what lllade the Spirit. (0 fall upon EngliJb Ge-
neillogiu and Stories; it is l!t v,cry begifllling, therefore I tak~. nQt ; c~ ot it for
the'Readers rake, that is yet (and cannot otherwir¢) ,a Uranga to ,the J3ook;
The buGncfs is, Dr. Dee waS lately grown grear league: and €Onfc:dera,y
with Albert Lallty, Cor a/"jco rather) a great man of Pulonill, You had before
what Cambdelt Iaah of hi;n of his co;niog to Englllnd; at thiS verytimc:, and hi,
going away; "hich dpth very well agrccw:lh Our dates here. It (etms, thqugb
nobly born, and to great dignity, yet his thoughts did;arpire much hjgher ;
and thou'gh no rich man, for ,3 man of his tank and quaEty•. yet expcd:ing fuch
matters from Qr. Di' and bil SPiril4 as hc did, he could nnac money enough
to fupply their "ants upon occahon. The Spiritl:wcrc'vc:ry glad ot the o"a-
fwn, and did what they .could to c~erilh him ac~ordiDg to hi. humor: Being
then at that very time upon qe!iberations, that much depended of Alb. LIIsk.!1
and his good opinion; amongolh'!rthi>lgs; his Pedc:grec" "hicb rr,ufi: 11ccds
plt:alc a vain m1n very weU, was ta~cn. into conhdcratioD: That e\'cq thing
there fa:d, doth exaCtly agree to the truth, as I do not, warrant it, [0 neither
am I aclcirurc at this time to take the pains to examino. We muft ue\'erlook
fl,lnher in thofe things that are d{livered' by ruch) then if i, were:. or be perti-
nent (true or faUe) to their end and prefent occauon. 'BcGde:s, it is vc:ri po[-
ftble, (which I dcfire the Reader to take good notice' of) tbat both here and
elfcwherethe Tranfcribers, as they could nO,1: read fomctimcs, and. were forced
[0 leave fome blancks ([bough feldorne to any confulerable prejudice: of tQe
fence) [0 they mightmifrakeaHp) having. to do with Original that was Ca~d
is yet to be feen) fo defaced and worm-eatcn a. th:s is, "ritten (a.s we have
laid) by Dr. De, himfclf.
Belides the authentrcknefs of the Original Copy) written by Dr. Dde him-
[elf; the Reader may know, that tbe Originals of the LeIters that .are here ex:-
hibitc:d, arc all, ormofl: of thcmyet prefervcd, and lobefc:enin Sir Tho. Cott01l1
IV. I am now COBle to the tall: ofthe four thiDgs that I pro.r1J.i[cd,(o (hew tbe
feveralgood ,,}tlthat may be'madeof this Book, and which were princjpaUy
looked UpOD in the publifhing of it. Thi$ order in~C(d I propoCed to my (df~
but great part of this occauon offering it [elf upon othcr ~atter, is already per-
formed in the former DircoQr[c, fo that but little is no" left to pc done·· HQw-
everI wUlfum them up-, and reprcfelluhcm together, that every Reader may
The Preface.
have tbem in readincfs and in view for his ufc the better.
The firfl: is :lVil1fi. Atheffi:s~ an~ fuch as. do not believe: that t~ere Do an1
D ivefs or Spirits: We have argued It, I confers, pretty largely, auhe beginning
of chis D;{collrfo or Prefoct, and I hope fome: may ·receive co~pctent latrsfa-
dian by what we: have/aid: Blit;f no. Argumenfhad been ufed, (fatting afido
Scr~pture AathoriC)', which would be Impcriinenc againfl: Athe:fis) -l do uot
know. what cari be more convincing then tbis fad Story,. (0 exaCtly to paaiea-
larly, fofaithfully delivered. Truly; they-mufllaefurthcrrhen 1 do, thar can
finde what to an{wer (rationally) and .to opp<?fe': This is a great pOinr, alld a
great ground of Ret gion; but ihis IS notall: For if there be Spirits indeed.
fo w:cked and malicious, (ofi.udious and [0 induilrious, -to delude-men, and
to do IPifchicf, which is their f'l1d, all which is Ii:> fully reprOehtro in this Rda-
tion; then certainly muf\. it follow, that there is a great C)\,er-ruLng Power,
that takes care of the Earth) and of ~he ~n~ab i [aitts .of it; of them efpedally
that adore that Power, and worthip lt w~ t-h true affeCtion and' fiocedlY : ,For
without this over rutng Power, what a mif<..rable World filould we haVd
"Vhat man fofo.ber orinnoc~nt, that couldcn;oy h i~{df atany time~i[h2ny
comforrorfecumy? Butagatn, whatmall can read thts fad fiory, and can be fo
perlwadedof his own Wifdoln or innocency; but will in fome degree reflect
Upon hhn£elf, and will be movtd to pfalfe God-, that notwlthfianding many
provocationsinfeveral k;ndes (asd;tmnable curioGry, open prophanencfs, frt~
quent Oathes, Curfes. Perjuries, fcandalous Life, and the: like) God hath
been pleafed to proteCt and preferve him froOl the force and violence of luch
enemies of mankinde ?
I fa:d before:, from lef~ beginn;ngs greatel1: confuGons had enfued, which is
very true as in the cafe of Bilccbu:t particularly many AQ;es before; and in the
calc of Mahomet afterwards . (two notable lewd EHthHfiaft.r, by Whom as Inll:ru-
ments, evil Spirit!, by G"ds permHIioll, brought great alrerati on~ in Govern~
ments, and wrought much mifthief aridvillany among Men and \Vomen) we
tha!lelfcwhcre {hew more at 13rge. By due conGderarion of all Circum fiances,
as chi:Ay (heir confident and reiterated Addrd'fc:s unto, and Auempts upon (0
nlany great men in Power and Authority, and the like; I am m~ch of opinion
that Ih~reSpirits hadas great hopes_of Dr. Dee, as ever they hadof BllcchM or
Mahomet. But God ""as not plded at that tin e to ptrmit that their malice and
fubtilty {hould prevail. And I thit:k, if we confider it vyell, we have-reafon to
pra ' ~e God for it. Engl,jnd might have been over-run with Anabaptifn (when
1 fay Anab~ptirm, I IT.eall Anabaprifm confirmed ~i1d in full power, not as it ~p:­
p~ars in its firn: pretenttons) long before t~is : God be thanked that it was nee
then and God keep it frotn it frill, I hope is the Prayer of aU truly fober and

Religious And in very deed.! know no reafon; .bur th~ W~fdom and prudence-
of the' r'M ljdtes Counce! thatthen w~t:e, in opp06ng Or.Dee-or frequent ad-
drdfes ~nd Sollicitat ions~ may (under God) challenge and dcfcr . e fome pan of
o~l rThanks and AcknoQYledgement., Thc'Divd we fee can Pray and Preacn, (as to outward appearance
we me~t1; for: truly:and really, Cod forDid that aay. thing facted and hofy
lhottldbe thought to-proceed frorI:: Divel~) 'and calk of SanCl:ity aqd Mortificati-
on, as well as thebefr'. And what hecan-in,bil own perfon;'orby li;mfeJfimmc-
'1 he Pre/lice.
diately; there is no quefiion, but he doth by his Minlfiers and Infiru-
ments much more, more ordinarily and frequently I mean: Let any man
judge '~bc:n, whether it be the part of a fober wife man, not ondy to hear
fucb men all can give no account of their calling, but alfo to follow them,
to embrace their DOCtrine, to be of their number or ,Congregation; and
all tbis, I,lpon this, account, becanfe they can pray and pr,each very weU,
(al they think and judge atleafi) apd talk very go dlily and zealoufly?
How mu~h more inexcufable they that will clea:, e unto luch, though they
fee a~4 know t,hem fcandalou!! in their Lives, ,Proud, Infol~nt, Ignorant,
Seditious, Intolerable, becaufe they can pray, ~Dd preach" and talk, as
beft agreeth 'w ith their own humor, and gives them bell: ~on,tent? Can
any man think they follow God in this, who would have aU thingS' done
in order:} and is not a God of'Coltfufion, C1 Cor. 14' 33,40.) when all they
do, tends to not~ing eIfe but diforder and confufion? I confefs it is polli-
b!ci, that men lawfully called may prove bad enough, we have divers ex-
amplesin the Scripture, Bue if a man, {imply and ignorantly be mi[·led
by [uch, certainly hi!! judgement will be much lighter then they can ex·
pea, who will no.t u[e the means ,that, God hath , ordained, in fo great
and weighty a bufinefs as the falvadon of Souls is. 1 know not vvhat thefe
men can fay for themfelves, exq:pt it be, that they are refolved to ,make
nfe of the Liberty of the times to pleale thdr humor; they may do It; but
if that bring the~ to Heaven, t~cy have good luck.
But the bufinds ,of praying, is that I would principally inGA upon =
You · fee here how Or. Dee, where he giv~, an account of himfe1f to, the
Emperor, and others, bears hi81fe1f much upoa this, that fo many years
he had been an earnefi Suitor unto God by Prll,'" to obtain Wi{dom,fl1ch
wifdo'm as he was <\mbitious of. I believe him, that he had prayed very
earnefily, and with mQch importunity many times: This w;aHhe thing
that made him fo confident of his Spirits, that they mufi needs be good
Spirits and Angels. I know a man, I have no comfort to tell it, ,b ut that
I would not conceal any thing that may be a warning unto others, and yet
I will have a refpea unto him too: But I knew qn<;,a very innocent man(in
his outward converCation, andas I believe 'Very really) Humble, Religious,
very Learned and Orthodox, and one that had fuffered for ,his Confci·
ence,- as others have done in thefe times: This worthy man, being en-
gage.din a controverted Argument, ~pon which his phancy had wrought
very much, or rather which had much wrought upon, hiS' phancy; 'he
had written much, 'filled much Paper, and was ddirous to communicate
unto me as his friend what he had done: 'But when I perceived that tbe
drift of his writing was out of the La VII an!il the Prophets, to {hew the new
ceffity of fome things which I thought of a more i,ndifferent uature; 1
was not willing to meddle with it; and begun to argue agai~ll: his' main
drift, and to {hew my difliking. After many words to and fro, he be-
gan to prefs me with,this, that he had OfUD prayed with much earnell-neu,
and he \1'1:19 very confident that God had heard his Prayers: ' Yea, he pro-
ceeded fo far, that if God were'true, he could not be deceived, and ,ufed
many other words to the {arne purpofe, at which I YVas much amazed, but
--' 'the preface ~ -
toulddo no good upon him, {uch wa.s his confidence and violence upon
this ()Ccation, though otherwife a very moderate ingenuous man: And
thus I found him more then once, or,twice. Truly, I thInk Goel was ve-
ry mercifu1 unto him, that too.k him away in good time. But certainly this
bu'linefs of Pr4Jer and prdi/lf1g, IS a bulinefs as of great comfort (the greatefi:
that mortal man is capable of upon earth) fo of much more danger and
dduGon, thm many do believe. And if caution and circumfpeClion be to
be nCed in any thing that belongs to Religion, I think it ought in Prayer,
a, much as.any thing. And fince rhavc adventured to tell one fiory upon
inil'le own cr~dit, I will tdl one more upon better authQrity, ",hich I' have
long defired (for the obCcrvablene[s of it) to communicate unto the
world, and to thar end, had once 'i nferted it in a Treatife of mine, which
I thought would have been Printed, but it was not: I will hrft give the
Englifll ,of it, that all men ~ay' reap the benefit, and then fet it down)n
the words of my Author (mine own Father IfaAc Caflluhon, of h.m.) as I
have it to {hew under his hand.
At Ii Confiftory ilt Geneva, upon II Friday, '18 July, .~89. The CAfoof one
Mr. Nicholas beil1g there propofed to tbe AJJembly to be conJidered of, who WM
wont to infrnuate himfelf into private HOl:lfo.r) undtr pretence of praying,. and
made jinall congregationS': Tbe fJHfineft 'WtH diflilz..ed by the Paftors; Firjl, be-
caufe nothing in the Church of God oltght to be dOlle without order~ Secondly, be ..
r:aufo to tltm filch dHtie.r of Religion to matter of Tr4fok to get 11IIJney olldy,
(without Ifny other end or calling) WdS not law/ltl. Thirdly and 14ftly, bi1 b61t4~
logy, (or vain repetition of words-) WIN not to be [nffered: ' Then upon thh oc-
cafton it WM related by Mr. Beza, that the Saturday before, whiltjlthat foarp
confliCJ WtH, which we had before our eye.r, (to ",it, between the Genevians,
a,d the Duke of Savoy! Forces) tbat a certain Woman addrelJedbrr felft9
him, faying, Wh4t Mr. Beza, will you mlt~ Prayerr bere? To which he had
an/wered, No: Wbat, do youthinb...l rU behold theft things witb mine eyes outly,
and do not pray 'to God in my heart? Givingthh realon for hh an/wer he had
mad: ,tothe Woman: [I~ is nor fo expre1I~din tbe Latine, that the follow-
ing words were Be'Z.a's words, but the coherence of matter doth [0 require
it] That Pr4y~r WtM certainly II holy tbing, wbich it did not become any man to
IIpply himfelf unto, (or to underiak.!) wilbont due preparation: And that they
were deceived, whpthought it fa eafiea thing to pray rightly: And that care alfo
jhould be tak!" left [under a colour of zeal and devorion] a way be mad, to
fuperftition: The Latine words are thefe,

rDie Veneris, Julii 18. 1589' Citm relatum 1:t in clXtH1It, de Mag. Nico-
lao, qui infinullret fe in domoJ varidS 7rU~tL(1E1 'I"~ I tI.:tl9'3c:t~, & ita 1I1i'luando cre-
tm, ttfi paruo.r, coire folitoJ, paftorrbus res improbata eft: Prim/till, quia ex-
tra ordinem, ni/jil in Dei EccleJia fieri debet: Deinde, quia 7rOV(1p.o~ facere
7"''I"P"0'It~a.", nerdS. T~rtio, homrnn f3a:'I"1o>..o),{& non ferend4 Narratu11i efl tum
a B ft die Sabbathi proxime pr£cedente, dum. 4cerrimUIH illud pr£lium committe...
Tetur, quod nobh erat ante oculos, interroglltll11l Ii mulier~cula, ~id tu D. B.
'lin prece.r hic[acere? ReJPondiffe, Nequaquall1. 1 u ne enim (ttit) me PlttdS, h£c
oCHli1 tantHmJPeCiare) n~c'llota in animo IldDtwn Opt. Mllx. fH"dere? OHlninq,
I rei
re.r [anaa ~ i~A::") ad quam non niJi mlditatum oporteat accedtre, jitUuntur enim
qui rem plttant effe faci/em, preces -·beIJe concipere. SilllHI ca'1lendum, ne .Iicui
peperffitioni '1li4m il1Jprudentes aperiamm.]

In the Ian place, All men may take warning by this example, how they
put themfel ves out of the proteClion of Almighty God, eithe.r by pre[um-
ptuous nnla wflll wi{hes and defi res, or by reeking npt unto DiveJs ondy, die
reaIy (which Dr. Dee certainly never did, but abhorred the thought of it
in his heart) but unto them that ha ve next relation unto DiveIs, as Witches,
lYh'LardJ, COfljurerJ', Afire/ogers, (that take upon them to foretell humlne
eve~1tS) F erllme te.llers, and the like, yea and all Books of that fubjea,
which 1 doubt, were a great ocean on of Dr. Dees aelufion: That men are
commonly I.:heated by [u( h, is Cure enough; and thofe that are not
very fools, would take heed how they deal with them, and avoid them,
to avoid the Imputalion of Fools; but thofe that are wife, much
more, if they can more then cheat; fer tbe more they can do, the more
tbey know they have of the Divelm them: Wretched people that will
not, dare not trua God, who as he is the ondy fountain of goodnefs, fo
ondy knows what iii good for every man. They may rejoyce for a time,
and applaud themfd yes in their conceited fuccdfes, but mifcry, if they rc:-
pent not, will be their end; and it is a great fign that God is very angry
with them. when he doth Cuffer them to thrive by means whiGh Himfelf


Ince this Prc:face'was written, and almoft printed, I \Vas /hewed a Book, ehtituled, Thtlltr.", Cht-
S m;cHm Britannic"",. &c.
concerning Dr.Dtt and
Eli," Afomole
Edw. Kell~,
Efqj and in fome
(there lliled Sir Ed..""rd
there, lIt the end, an account
KtlltJ) out of a DiarJof Dr. Dm, all
wri[(en wIth bis own hand: As I do not quelHon the Gentlemans fidelity in tbis buGnefs, fo I make as
Iictle quelHon but Dr. Dee's own band ..... iII be found to agree in all matters of Faa: botb bere and there,
if ~ny !ball take the ~ains to compare. And it may be the Reader may receive !ome further fatisfachon
in fome particulars by his labor, which is tbe reafon chat I mention the Book here, being but htely come
to my knowledge; His Judgement either concerning Dr. Du. or Kell,], I meddle not with; and it
may be, had he leen what is here to be feen, be would have been (Jf another opinion in fome tbirp:
Here is enough. I am fure, to fatisfie any man tbat is not very much preoccupied, or otherwife engaged
by particular ends. As fot thofe &portl concerning Keller, (fame whereof concern Dr. Dee alfo) he
tells us of, as I belieVe! him, cbat he hath heud (a, fa I mufl (and may truly) profefs, that I bave met with
far contrary, In~ in my judgement, and by this account here given us hy Dr. D<t, mucb more proba-
ble .' And particularly, that K'"t] was pllt in PriCon by tbe Emperor, for a notable Chymical cheat that
he had put upon him j the pJrticulars whereof, though they were fully related unto me, yet I Will not.
adventure upon, lell: I mifhke in fame terms of art, or petty circumflance of fad. And let the Reader
judge by that account, Dr. Dee (who brfl knew) doth giye us here throughout the whole Book of this
Ktll'J, whether WtvtlJ Story in his FH",,,r/ M am,m. p"g. 45, 46. of damnable N,crlm""Cl, and other
Di"b.lic,,1 C.njurarion, pradl ~ ed by K,IIt} in Lancajhirt, be not (be fides what is there fai4 and attefred)
much more probable, then any thing that hath been or can be faid by others. to his jullificacion or com-
mendation: Which indeed doth make Dector Det's cafe altogether inexcufable. tbat believing and know-
ing the mm to be fuch a one, he would have to do with him, and expected good by his Mini!l:erics; but
that the Doctor his Faith, and his intdlra:ualls (through Gods jull: judgement, as we have hid) were fo
much in the power and government of his ~pirit ; , that they might perlwade him to any thing, under
colour of doing {ervice unto God, yea had it been to cut bis own Fathers throat, as we fee in tbe Rtf,,·
tion,that they perfwaded bim to lie with ;nother mans Wife,and prollitute his own to I vile,and, by him-
felf bclived, Diabolical man.
Befides, I have been told by many, that Dr.Dtt, very poor and every way miCerable, dyed at Morl-
Jaci{" here about L andoll, which ,doth not fcem to agree with the report in thofe ,Annolllri.nn But e-
nough of them: Neicher indeed bave I faid any tbing at all of purpofe to oppofe the Author, but to
give this further fatisfaction to tbe Reader, or rather to the tfQch, which I thought I was bound to do.
The palfage in WevcrJ F"neral <.J'y(,n"m:ntl, pag. 45, 46. concerning Ktll'J, for their fatisfaction
that have not the Book, is this; KrlttJ. (otherwife called Tdim) th4t famous E"g/ijb Alchymiflof Qut
times, who flying OUt of his own Gountrey (after he had loll: both his ears at LAnclljler) was enrcrtain"
ed by R,dolph the fecond, and laft of that Chriflian name, Emperor of g,rma"J; for whom Eliz:."bttb
of famous memory, [ent (very fecrctly) Captain Ptetr GWl". with fomeolhers . to pecfiv;de bim to return
back to his own Native home, which he was willing to do; and th inking to efcape away in the night, by
ftealth, as he was c1ammering over a Wall in his own Houfe in l'rlltll' (which bear; his name to Ihis day,
2nd fometimes was an old Sanctuary) he fell down from the Battlements, broke his leggs, and bruifcd
his body, of which hurtSwithi~ nihilc nfter, he departed this Wodd.
Sed'1".r[lIm bote? ,you will fay: Then thus, This Diabolic3l qucftioning of the dead, for. the knowledge
of future Iccidents, was put in practice by the f&id K tl/", who upon a certain Night, in the Park ot"
Walton in It dale, in the COIlOty of L"neajtr, With one PA"I W" ri11g, (his fellow· companion in fuch
Deeds of darknefs) invocated fome one of the Infernal Regiment, to know certain palfages in the life,
as alfo what might be known by the Divels fordight, of the manner and time of the death of a Noble
yongGenticmanj as then in Ward!bip. The Black CcremQnies of that Night being cnded, ICtlltJ
demanded of one of the Gentlemans {ervants. what Corft was the laft buryed ;n LA'll' Church·yard, I
Church thereunto adjoyning, who told him of a poor man that was bury cd lhere but the fame day : He
and the faid Waring, intreated this forefaid fervant to go with thcm to the Grave of th e man fo lately
Interred, which be did; and withal, did help them to dig up the Carclfe of the poor Catiff, whom by
their Incantations, they him (or rather fome evil Spirit through hi, Or gans) to fpeak, who deli-
vereJ firange Predictions concerning the faid Gentleman. I was told thus much by the faid Serving-man,
I Sccondary Actor in that difmal abhorred huGnefs; and divers Gentlemen and others are now living in
LancAjhirt, to whom he h:lth related this Story. And the Gentleman himlclf (whofe memory I
am bound to honor) told me a little before his death, of this Conjuration by Kell", as he had it by re-
la~ion from hi, f~ id Servant and Tenant, onely fame circumllances excepted, which he thought not fitting
locome to h3 :,1 !tl:~rs knowlcd~e~


f.f++tf+tf#f* f~

Dr. Dee's Apology,

Sent to the Arch~Bifhop of CAN T E R BUR t. I, 9;.

A Letter contaIning a mofi brief Difcourfe A po.

geticaU, with a plain Demonfiration, and fervent Protefiation
for the lawfull , fincere ., very faithfull and Chriftian courfe
of the .Philofophicall Studies and Exetcifcs, of a certain
fiudious Gentleman: An ancient Servant to Her
mofi Excellent Majefty Royall.

To the ",oft Reverend Father ill god, the Lord Archbi}hop ofCanrerbury,
l'ri11tllte and Metrope/ilme of all England, one of Her MI1jeftie.t ",oft
Honorable .f'rivie COHncell: TIl) ftngulllrgood Lord.

brim bJy and heartiI y I craVe your Graces pardon, if

I offend any thing, to fend, or prefent unto your Gra-
ces hand, fo fimple a Difcour[e as (his is : AltlJough, by
forre {age and di'creet n:y friends their opinion, it is
thought not to be impertin(nt, to my ~ofi: nC'~dfuIl
fuits,prefently in ~ ; nd, (befere her mofi .l:,ccdlent Ma-
jelly Royall, your Lordiliips good Grace,. and other the:
Right Honourable Lords.other Majefi:ies Privy Councell) to tnal:e fome
part ofIlly former fiudies, ~nd fi:udious exercifes (within and fOf there: ... 6
years 1aft pall, ufed and co~tinued) to be firfi: known ?lnd di(covcred unto
your Grace, and other the r'ght Honourable, my good Lords of her Maje-
flies privy CounedJ : And fecondly, afterwards, the fame to be permitted
to come to publick view.: Not fo much, to fi:op the mouthes, and, at length
to nay the impudent attempts, of the ralli, and maliciou~ devifers, and c( n-
trivers ofinofi: untrue, foolHh, and wicked re ports, and fable., of, and con-
cerning my forcfaid fiudious excrcifes, paffed 0 ' er, with my ·~at.l (yea in-
credible) paines, tra' dIs, cares;and cofts, in the fearch, and l('~rningof true
:Philofophie; AR, rherein,' So, to cerrifie, and farisiie the gC'dly ,and on~rti.
all Cbrifiian hearer, or reader hereof: That, by his own judgemmt,{ upon
his due confideration, and examination of this, no little: .parcell, oftbcpar-
ticulars .of my iordaid fiudies', and exercifcs philofophicaU annC!xed) He
wUI, or rna y, be fufficientl y informc:d,and perfvv aded; Tha t I have wonder ~
fully laboured,lo fiAd,follow,u{e,andhaunt the rfue,fi:raight,:lDd moH nar-
row path, . leading all true, devour, zealous; fairhfull) and confiant Chri-

&- tel1ebrarJl1I1
ilian fiudents, ex valle bae,miferi~, &- miforia iftim 'Val/if:
R.egno ; &- tenebrn iftim Regni,.d montem fanCiHm Syon,&- 4dcreleftia taberntl-
cHla. All tbanks, are moll: duc,therefore) unto the Almighty. Seeing, it 0,0
pleJ{ed him, (even froll. my youth,by his divine fa vour, gr~ce, and help)
(0 infinuate into 11 y heart,:iIO inCa tiable zeal, and defire, to know hiG truth:
And in him, and by him,incdfantly to feek, and Ii 11 en after the fame; by the
true Philo[ophical method and harmony proceeding and afcending, l as it
were) gradatim, from things viGble, to confider of things invifible fro~n
things bodily, to conceive of things fpiritullll : from ,hings tranfit ;ry, and
momentary, to mediate of things permanent: by things morrall (vi[ibfond
invifible )to have fome perfeverance of immortality. And to tonclude,
moll: briefily; by the mofi mervailous name oftbe whole Wor,/d, philofophi-
cally viewed,and circum(peaIy 'Yei;hed,numbred,and mCl[ured(according
to the talent,and gift ofG 0 D, I rom abo'.e alotted, for his divine purpofcs
effeCting) mon faithfully to love, honor, and glorifie al vvaies, the Framer,
and Credtor ther(of: In whore workmanlhip, his infinite goodne[~, un-
fearchabl.: wi/do ~[:(', and Almighty power, yea, his eveflilfting power,
and divinity; IT ay (by innumerable means) be inanifefied , and de .. on-
{hated. The truth of which my zealous, carefull, and (onfianr intent, and
endeavour peci6ed, may (I Lope) eafily appear by the ~J'(lle, full and due
furvey, and confideration of all the Books, Treati[es, and D,kourfes, who'e
Titles ondy, are, :it this time, here annexed, and exprdfed : As they :lre let
down in tne fixth Chap er,ofanother little Rhap(oduall rreltif~, intituled,
the Compmdiom R.ehearfaU,&c ..... ritte! :abo' e tVl.·oyears fince : for thofe her,
M.ajefiies two bonorble Comiffioners; which ber moO: ' xcellellC Majdiy
had .1 oll: gracioufly rent to my poor Cottage in MortclaeJ:.t : to Ilnderftand
the matters, and caufes at full; throu\i.h which, I was fo extreamly urged
to procure at her Majdlies hands [uch Honorable Surveyors and wit-
nefies to be affig~ed, for tbc due proof uf the contents, of my moll: humble
and pi °tifull {upplicat'on, e~, hibited Ullto henToO: Excellent Ma jell:y, at
Hal~ptonCourt,AnoJ592. Novemb. 9' Thus therefore (asfolloweth) is
the/aid 6. Chapter there, rewrded.
~ My labour f and pain! beftowed at diver I tima, to pleafilre my native COUII-
trty; by '¥f ritingoffimdry Boo K s,nnd Treatifef : fome in Latine,fOme ill Eng-
Ii/b, and fome of them, written, at IJer MajefticlCommandement.
Of which Boo K s,:md Treatifes, lome are prin ted, and fome: unprin-
ted The printed BOOKS: and Treatifcs are thefe foHowing:
I. p. Roptideumata AphoriSiiea, De pr.efiantioribm'1uibltfclam Natltr.e vir'.
tHtibtM. AphoriJmi. 120. Anno,JS~l'.
2. Monas Hieroglyphica, Matheml1tic~, Anagogiceque expiiciita;
ad MaximilianH11I (Dei gratia) K011lanormn, B()hemi~,&- H1mgari.c, Kegem fu-
pimt1JimHIIZ., Anno (t; 64~
3. Epiftola ad eximiuin DHcj3 Vrbini M41hematicnm ( Fredericunz Com-
mandinllm) pr.cfixa libeUo Maeh"meti Bagdedini, De fitperficierum Divifillf!i-
bu:r;editfl in lucem,. oper. me., &- ejufd,m Commandini Vrbinali4 ; Im •.,reffa Pi-
fa"ri. Anno 157 0 •
K -1" The

4. The Bryti/h Monilrchy ( ,therwife caUed the Petty N~vy Royall; ). for the
politi~ue fecuritj; abundilnt wealth, and tbe triumpiJ4nt ft4te qf tbis l(ingdomt,
(withGod.rfavour,)procurint, Anno 1576.
5. My Mathematicall preface 4m1exed to E"clide, ('by the ri~ht worfhipfull
Sir Henry 0ilIingfiey Knight,in the t.nglilh language firft publijbeJ) writtmat
the earlieR requeft ofjundr) right worj'bipfull KnightJ', and other very welllearTl-
ed men. Wherein are many Arts, of me wholy invented (by name, defini-
tion, propriety and ufe,) more then either the Grzcian, or Roman Mathe-
maticians, have left to ou~ knowledge, Anno 1570.
6. My divers and mllny Annutations, lI"d Inventions Matbem.dicIIIl, added
infHndrJ places of the fore/aid' Engliih Eucllde, after the tenth Book.. of the
fame. AlUlo J 570;
7 Epifto/a prefix. Ephemeridibus ohannis Fdde Angli , CHi rationem de~
claraVIr alii EphemerideJ' eonfcribendi. An 11 0·.5 ., 7.
h. P ara/atied: COlflm~n1lllion13, Praxebfq; Nuclein 'luidam. Anno ( S7 3'

TheunprintedBoOKS and Tre;ttifes, are thefe: fome,

perfectly .finifbed: and [ome,yel unfinifhed.

9. T~e ~rfl gre~t volume ~fFamous and rich Difcoveries : w:herein (a1.
10)15 tile HIllary of Kmg SfI/OlllM, every three yean., hIS Ophiri4"
Voyage. The Originals ofPresb.' ter Jflannes : ano of the firll great Cbil'lI,
and his fuccdfors for many years following: The defcription of divers won-
ocrfull mes in the Northern,Scythian, Tartarian, and the other moil: Nor-
thern Seas, and neere under the North Pole: by Record, written above
BOO.• years fince: vvith divers-othcr rarities, Anno 1,76.
10. The Brytilh Complement,ofthe perfea: Art of Navigation; A great
volume: in which) are contained our QQcen Eli'Z.flbeth her Arithmeticall
Tables Gubernautick , for Navigation by the Paradoxa II compa{fe (of me,
invented ""no 1 '5 '5 7. )Ind Na vigation by great Circles: and for longitude~)
and latitudes; and the variation of the compaffe finding moO: eafily, and
fpeedily : yea, (if need be) in one minute of time, and {ometime~ without
light ofSWl,Moon or Star; with many other new anc1needfull inventions
Gubernautick, Anno 1~76.
1I. Her Ma;dties Title Royall, to many forrain Countries, Kingdomes 7
and Provtnces,by good tefiimony and fufficient proof recorded: and in 1'1.
Velum Skins of Parchment, fa ire written: for her Majeil:ies ufe: and at her
Majefties commandeme-nt, Anno 1578.
12. DeimperatOlis Nomine, Authoritate, & Potentia: dedicated to
her Majeftie, Anno I C; 79.
13' Prolegomena & DiCl:ata Parifienfia, in E"clid~ Elemcntorum Geo·
metricorum, librum primum, & fecundum; in C01legio Rhemenfi,An. 155 Q.
J4. De ufu Globi Crelefiii : ad Regem Edoardum fextuOl. An, 15, o.
15. The Art of Logick, in Englifh, Anno 1547.
16. The 13. Sophifiicall Fallacians, with their difcoveries, written ia
EngWh mctc:r, Anno.15..,8.
17. Mercuriu.

17. Mercur~us Ccr1c::fi:is: libri ~'+'. written at L01J4yn,. ~n. 1549.

18. De NublUm, Sohs,Lunz,.1c rehquorum Planetarum,lmmo lpfiua fld;"
liferi Ccrli,ab infimo Terra: Centro, diltantiis,mutuifq; imervallis,& eorun-
clem omnium Magnitucline liber,t'7ro8'e-.'ltTU,o,> acl Edoardu11t Sextum, Anglia:
Regem, Anno 155 1•
• 9. Apborifmi Aftrologki 300 • ~nno IS'S~.
20· The true caufe,and account ( not vulgar) of Floods and writ-
ten at the requell: of the Right Honourable Lady, L2dy Jane, Dutchdfe of
Northumb~rland, Anno 1553.
21. The Philofophicall and Poeticall Originall occaGons of the Confi-
gurations, and name5 of die heavenly Afieriiines, written at the requeft ~f
the fame Dutchefs, Anno 1553.
2 '1. The hfironomicall, & Logifiicall rnles, and Canons, to calcul~te
the Ephemerides by, and other necdfary Accourits of heavenly motions:
WI hten at the requefi, and for the ufe ot that excellent Mechanicien Ma .
fier Kich"rdCb,,'ue!or, at his lafi voyage into Mo{cho'Via. Anno I ~ 53.
~ ~ De Acribologia Mathematica; volumen magnum : Cexclecim conti-
nens libros, Anno 1555.
:24' j n vent urn Mechanicum, Paradoxum, De nova ratione delineandi
Circumferentiam Circu]arem : unde, valde rara alia excogitari perficique
poterunt problemata, Anno 155 6•
~ 5' De fpeculis Comburentibus: libri fex, Anno 1557.
26. De Perfpeetiva ilia, qua peritifsimi utuntur Pietores. Anno 1551·
'1.7. Speculum unicatis: five Apologia pro Fratre Rogerio Bach/me Anglo:
in qua docetur nihil ilium per Dzmoniorum fecilfe auxilia, fed philo(o-
phum fuilfe maximum; naturaliterque & modis homini Chrifiiano licicis,
maximas fecilfe res, quas indoctum Colet vulgus, in Da:moniorum referre fa-
cinora, Anno 1557.
28.1)e Annuli Afironimici multiplici ufu lib. z-. Anno 1557·
29 · Trochillica Inventa,lib.z. Anno 155 8•
30, TI'Fi clVl%.blba.fJP.riv ~.q?l.o;,,(~V, lib. 3' Anno 155 8•
31. De tertia & przcipua Ferfpeetivz parte, qUa! de Radiorum fractione
tracht, lib.3. Anno 1559.
3:2. De Itinere fubterraneo, [,b.z. , Anno 15 68 •
~ 3- De Triangulorum reClilineorum Areis, lib. 3. clemonfirati : ad exe1.
tiffimum Mathematicum PetrJlI1z Nonilll1t confcriptl, Anno 15~o.
34' Cabala: Hebraicre compendiofa tabella, A'nno 15 61..
35 . Reipublica! Bricanica: Synopfis: in Englifh, Anno 15 6 5.
36. De Trigono Circinoque Analogico, Opufcylum Matbcl1 aticum
& Mech311icum, lib.~. Anflo 1,5 6 5.
37. De fiella admiranda, in C:alrwpex Afierifino, crelitus demiiTa ad or-
bem lIfqllc Veneris: Iterumqm; in Creli penetralia perpcndiculariccr retra·
era, pofi: decimum fextu:ll lUa! apparitionis menfem~ An. I 5'~·
3lS . Hipparchus Redivivus, Tractatulus, Ant:10 1573·
39. De unico Mago, & triplici Herode, eoque Antichrifiiallo. An. 157'"
40. Ten fundry and very rare Heraldical Blafonings of one Creft or
CoI,.niCancc)lavvfulIy confirmed to certain ancient Arms, lib.l. An. 1574.
) K 2' 11. AI/(mfidis1
- - -- - -------:----- - - - - - - - - - ---
<&.1. Atlantidis,(vulgariter, Indi~, Occidentalis nominata:) cmcndatior
dc:fcciptio Hydrographica, quam ~lla alia adhuc cvulgata, An. IJ80.
4l. De modo Evangdii Jefu Cbrifti publicandi, propagandi,ftabiliendi_
qllc, inter Infideles Atlanticoi : volumen magnum, libris diftinctum qua-
tuor: quorum primus ad Sereniffimam nofiram Potentiffimamquc Regi-
Dam Eli-x.abetham infcribitur: Secundus, ad fummos privati fua: facra: Majc·
fiati.eonfilij fenatores : T erci us, Hi fpaniarum Regem,Philippmn : <l!Jar-
tU9, ad Pontificcm Romanuffi, Anno I ~ 8 I.
43.Navigationis ad Carthayum per Septentrionalia Scythia: & T artaria: Ii-
t~ra,Delineatio Hydrographica: Arthuro l'it,& Car% Jac:;mano AugIii, ver-
fu. ilIas partes Navigaturis,in manus tradita;cum admirandarum quarundam
Infularum,annotatione,in illis fllbpolaribus partibm jacentium, An. 15 80•
+4- Hemifph~rjj Borealis Geographi~a , atque Hydrographica defcrip-
tio : longe a vulgatis chartis diverfa ; AngUs quibufdam, verfus AtIaJ1tidi,
SeptentrioHalia litora, navigationem infiituentibus, dono data, All. I 58~.
45. The Originals,and chief points, of our ancient BrytHh Hifiories,dif.
courfed upon, and examined, An. 15 8 3.
4 • An advife & difcourfe about the Reformation of the vulgar Julian
yeare, "ritten by her Majdlies commandcment, and the Lords of the pri-
vy Councell, Anno 15 82 •
41. Cerrai n Confiderations,and conferrings together, of there three fen ..
tences, (alJncienrly accounted as Orade.( Nofoe teipfum : Homo Homini De-
w: Honto Romini Lupm, An. 159 1
48. De hommis Corpore, Spiritu, & Annima : five Microcofmicum to-
tius Philo(~phi:l: NaruraJis Compendium, lib I. Anno 1591.
With many other Books, Pamphlets, Difcourfes, Inventions, and Con-
c1ufions, in divers Arts and matters: whofe nallles , need not in this Ab.
firaa to be notified : The moil part of aU which, here fpecifi-
ed, lie here before your Honours upon the Table, on your Idt hand.
But by other books and Writings ofanotherforr, (Hit fo pleafe God, and
that he will grant me Jifc,health, and due mailltenance therero, for fome
ten or tWell c years next enfuing) I may, hereafter make plaine, and with-
outdoubt; thisfemence ro be true, Phtra llttent, 'luJm patent.
ThUll far (my good Lord)have I fet down this CatilloguJ',out ofthe forefaid
fixt Chapter, oftbe booke, whole title is this:
49. Th. Compmdiom rehellrfoUof John Dee, hid dutifuU declaration and
proofe oftin courfe and r4fe of hu fiudioHs life, for the JPace of halft lin bundred
yellrs, now (by Gods favour and belp ) fuU, JPmt, &oc.
To which comperi~ious rehearfall, doth now belong an Appendix, oj
thefe tw~ laft years: In which I have had many jufi occafions, to co nfdfel
tharHomo HominiDeUf,and Homo Homini Lupm, wasand is an Argument:
worthy of the decyphering, and large dHcuising:as may, one day, hereafccl
(by Gods help) be publifiled,in fome manner very firange. And. befidc8 a!
the reh~arfed Books & TreatiCes cf my writiug, or handling hItherto, I ha vc
juft canfe,]atdy given me to write &pub1Hh a Treatifc,with Title ()o.) D.
Hori-x.ontelEternitatis:to make evident,tha tone Andrtd4 LibaviM, in a book 0
his,printed the JaO: year,hath unduly confidered a phrafe of my Mtmas Hyero

gliphiciI; to hismiOiking ·, by his own unskilfulncffe in {uch matter: and not

underfianding my apt appJiC.1tion thereof, in one of the very principal pla-
ces, of the whole Book. And this book of
mine, by Gods help and f~vour ( fhall be dedi- membred, It may now be here alfo re-
that almoll thre~

Anclthi, Treatife doth contain three books; r

cated unto her mofi Excellent Majell:y Royall : ears afte~ the writing of this
etter, r dill [oltlewhit {.tistie
the requcft of an 'HonoUrabl,
I. The firIi: Inti,tuled, De Horhoute : fiber Friend in Court, by fpcedtly
Mathematicw &- Phyficw. pcnnin~ fome matter concern-
ing her Majefiies Sea-Save-
2. 'The fec(!)fld,De l£ternitale : Jiber Theo/'gicu.!,
raigntie : under thistitle.
Metaphyficln &- Mathelllaticln. , 51. Thlt/4ttDCTltt;4 Brp""I1;_
3. The third, De Hori<z.onte lEternitatn : e".
liber Theologicm, Mathematiclu) &- Hierotechni- Sjw,
em. De Brp""icD MAru i",ptr;D
C.lItffA".A Exro"'pormua : 4:
~ Truly I have great cau fce to prai fce Qnd thanke d,.rll", Spltci•• eel"; c'''fcripr"
God, for your Graces very charitable ufing ofme: cAI"",o. Anno. 1597. Septtml:
both in fundry points elfe, and alfo in your favour- , 20. r...Mal/ceftri,..
able yedding ~o, yea & notifying the due means for the performance of
her Sacred Majefties mofi gracious and bountifuII difpoGrion, rdolution
and very royaH beginning, to refiore and give unto me ( her Ancient taith~
full fervant) fome due maintenance to lead the reft of myoId daies in fome
quiet an~. comfor~; w,ith habilitie, to retaine fome fpe~dy , f~ire, ~nd Or-
thographlcall wnters, about me; and the fame sktlfull m Latme .olnd
Greek(at the leafi:)afwell for my own books) and Works, fair andcQw:8:
ly to be written (fuch I mea'n , as either her moil: Excellent M:jefiie, out
of the premi(fes \~ill make choice of, or command to be finiihed or pub-
liihed : or fuch or them, as your grace fhall think meet or \Yorthy for my
farther labor to be beftowed 00 ) as elfe for the fpeedy, faire) and trUe
writing out of other andent Authors their good and rare workes, in greek
or Latine: which by G ODS Providence, have been preferved from the
fpoilc made of my Librarie, and of all my movable goods here, &c. ARM
IS ~ i. "* In which Librarie, were about 4000.
., Although that my b'n
books; whereof, 700. were anciently written by voyage beyond the: Seas, was
hand ; Some in Gru~, fome in Lafine ) fome in ~llly unjertakrn ( by, her Ma-
Hebre'n!', And fome in other languages (as may by Jellies good favour and licence)
as by the fame words may ap-
the whole Catalogu.r thereof appeare.) But the pear in'tbe Lctcer, writtcrr by
great lo(fe s and dammages which in fundry forts I tbe Right Honourable Lord
Treafurer, unto your grace in
have.fuCtained, ,10 not fo much grieve my heart, as my ~half. and her inoCl:' Ex-
the ralli, Icwde,fond, and moft untrue fables; :md cellent Ma;e!He wilHng hi. Ho-
reports ofme, and my Studies PhilofophkaU) have Ilor fo to do. AI/RD. 1590. IP1
done, and yet do; which commonly, after th<:ir
fir[t hatching, and devilifh devifing,immediately with great {peed,are ge:ne.
rally all the Real me overfpread? and to fome? feern true; to other,th~y are
dou btfull; and to onel y the Wife, modefe, dJfcrcet, godly ~ and cll u'leable
(and chiefly tJ fuch as have fome acquaintance with me) they appear , and
are known to be fables, untruths, and utterly falfe reports, and flanders.
\Vell, thisfhall be my 1aft charitable giving of wartling , and fervent pro-
tertatian to my Countreymen, and aU other in this cafe;

A fervent PRO 1'E I TAT lON.

Eforethe AlmighlyoufG p,anrl your Lordfoipl good Grace; this day ,on the
B ptrill ofm) [ouls Jamnalion( if I lie, or ta~
his name in 'lIaineherein) 1 talz..e
'he J,me GOD, be my will1efle; Th4t with allm) heart, with all my flHl,witb
.11 tHy flrength, power and underfta"ding (ttCcording to the mea/ure thereof,wbicb
the Almighty hath givtn me) for tbe moff pITt oftbe time, from my youth hither-
to, I have ufod and ffill Ufo., goed., lawfHlI , honeft ., chriftian and di'Zlinely pre-
(cribed melltlJ to attain to the knowledge ofthoft truther, which are meet., and ne-
ceflary for me tD know; and wherewith to t:k his di'Vine Ma)efly {uch [er'Zlict', as
be hath, doth, altd ",ill call me Imlo, duriT11, this my lift : for his honDltr lind glory
ad'llancing,and for ,he benefit,and commD*tie pub/ique Df tbis Kingdome;[o mltcb,
M by tlJe _ill lind purpofo ofGod,ft)all iie in my skill,and hability to perform: tJ.S
a trlle,foitbfull, and moft fincerely dutifHll jer'Zlallt, to our moft graciolt.r and in-
comparabl, Q!!een Elizabeth, and tIS a 'Very C9fflfortable fellow-member of the
hody p,litique, governed tinder the feepler Koyal of our earthly Stlpreame bead
( !Qteen Eliz~betb) and a5 a lively fympathicall, and true (ymetricall fellow.
member o[thllt holy aitd myflicall body) Catholiquely extended and placed (where-
fo~er) 011 the -rarth: in the vie"" Kno"wledge, direClion, proteCl;Dn, illuminll-
tio" iJnd co0foliJtion ofthe Almigl~ty,moft Bltfled, moft holy, moft glorio".r, coma-
jefli.c4U, coeternllll, arzd coeffentiaU Trinity: The Head tlfthat Body, being only
oHrKedeemer, Cbriff1efie.r~ perfeCt God, lind perftS man: whofe retuM in glo.
ry, we fiJithfitlly awaite; and daily doe 'Very earneflly cry nnto bim, to bafte..,
1m ftcond contmingfor hiJ' eleasfake; iniquity doth fo on thit eartb abomld alld
pre'llaile, Andlrlte faith with Charity and Evangelic.ll jimplicity,btl'Vt imt cold;
Jlender 4nd Imcertriu intert aimmnt a111on.~ the "n1orldly-wife 111m of this .,vorld.
Therefore(berein conclltding) I beJeecb the Almigllty God, mefl abrmdiJf1;tly to
incrufo and confirm your Graces heavenly wifodome, and endue yo,. witb all the
reft of his beitVtII/y gift.r, for tbe relieving,relrcfoing and comforting, both bodily
and ffiiritually , his little flock of tbe faitbfitlL , yet miliwlt bere on eartb.

Good my Lord, I befc:ech Your Grace, to allow of my p'aine and com-

fortable Epilo.~Iu , for this matter at this time. I. Seeing my fiudious
exe:rcifes , and converration civill, may be: abund.mtly tdeified, to my
good credit, in the mofc parts of all Chrifce:ndome; and chat by all de~
grc=e:i of Nobility, by all degre:es of the: Le:arocd, and by verymany otber,
ofgodly and Chrifiian difpofition, for thcfpacc: of 46. ye:ars triall . (as ap-
peareth by the: Rec.ords lately viewed by two honourable vvirneffes, by
Commifsion from her Majefiie;) 2. And feeing, for there 36. yeari bH:
palt, I have been ncr mofi Excellent Ma jefiies ve:ry true, faithfull and du-
tifull fervanr; at whofeRoyall mouth, I never received anyone word of
reproach; but all offavouf; and grace,' In whofe: Princely Countenance, I
never perceived fro'Wile toward me, or difcontcmcd rcgard, or view on

me: but ataU times favourable,and gracious: ro the great joy and comfort
of my true, faithfull,and loyall heart. And ( thirdly) Seeing, the works of
my hands, and words of my mouth(here before notified, in the Schedule of
my books, and writiDgs) may beare lively witndfe of the thoughts of my
heart, and inclination ot my minde,generally,(asa!l wife men do k,now, and
Chri(l: himfelf doth avouch,) It m~ght, in manner feem needldfe,thus care-
fully (though moil briefly and fpeedily) to have warned or confounded the
fcornfull,the malicious, the proud,and the raat in their untrue reports;opi-
nions,and fables ofmy frudies, Cf exercifes Philofophicall : but that, it is
of llJore importance, that the godly, the hondt, the modefr , the difcreet,
grave, and charitable ChrHlian{linglijb or other,) lovers of Jufiice, truth)
and good learning, may hereby receive certaine comforl in themfdves ( to
perceive, that VeritM tllndem pr£va/~'bit) and fufficiently be weaponed and
armed with found tflith, t() defend Ir e againfi [uch kind of my adverfaries:
hereafter they will begin afrefh or hold on ohHinattly in their former er-
rors,vain imaginations,falfe reports, and mofi ungodly flanders of me 8l: my
fiudies.~Therefore,(to make all this caufe,for ever,before God & man,out
of all doubt:) Seeing, your Lordfhips good gra.ce, are, as it ~cre, our high.
Prieft, and chiefEcdefiafticall Miniilcr, (under our mofi dread and Sove-
raigne Lady Opeen Eli.z.abeth) to whofe cenfure and judgement,1 fuhmit all
my frudies and Exercifc:s ; yea aU my Books pafi, prefenr, and hereafter to
be written, by me ( ()f my own skill,Judgement, or opinion,) I do, at this
preCent time,mofl: humbly, fincerdy, and unfainedly, and in the name of
Almighty God, (yea for his honour and glory) requeil, a"d beCeech your
Grace,( when, and asconvCi)iently you may, to be ,well and throu~hJyter.
tified of me, \'Yhat I am, Intlu &- in CHte : KeverendijJime in Chriftq f ater ~ &
1. lignijfime Arcbipr£fie/, cognofce & .IIgnofce vnltum tam internum, quam exter-
num pecori<s tlti : And wherein I ha ve ufed, do or atall ufe, pen, {peech, . or
convcrlation, otherwile [hen' as it apperta.ineth to a fai~bfull ,carefull, fin-
cere, and humble fervant ofChrit Jefu, That your Grace would vouch-
fafe to advertileme. S'o, I cru1t, VltimartJPondebunt primi5: in titch {ort, as
this Autbent;tltRecord in Latine annexed ( ..d perpetua1l1 rei l1ml1.orial1t ) .doth
te1tifie: having never hitherto had occafion to {hew that, in any pla~ Qf
Chrillendome: to teilifie better of me, then they' had proofe ofm.:, tbem-
felves, by my converfation among them. (The Almighty, therefore, be
highly thanked, praifed, honoured.and glorified, for ever and cver,Amen.
But DOW, in rcfpe8:ofthe gemrall intmt of thill bride difcourfe, I mort
h ~lmbly, and reverently, exhibit to your Graces view, and p.:rufing, the ori-
giaall monummt, and authentick Record, before mentioned, fair written in
Parchmmt, with the Seal whole, and perfea,duly appendant: as I have 4 6 •
years, and fomewhat longer, prc:fcrved it. The truc Copy whereof, your
Grace doth fee, to be verbatim, as followeth.


U/11111, JI,cecanttllartU4 e~tufq; omn11 R.egenllH11I & . non RegenllHI1I; VI1;-

Ni~er/i~ SanEl~ mll~ri.s Etclefi~ filrj.!, ad q~o.! pr~rmte.r liteuf,ervmtl,r.e

'Verfitati.s Cal1tabrigi~, SalHtelll in DOlllillo [empittrnam Conditione.r &- Merita

hominum In noflta Vnitzierjitllte fludentiHm,."jJe£iu jincero perpendentei) eOJ' fllor
teftimonio.noftro orn4ndoseffi arbitramltr 'jltosfcimHub eruditionem, &- morHm~
probitilte1ll promertto.! rffi, 1'1 iftud bmeficlu11l J nobn 'C~"ft'iH4ntur : !l:!!lIino1mm,
dm boc tempore ipla v.erittH teftimonium noftru", fibi poftulat , veftr~ pietat;,
per.hM litertH jign'fic4111H.r ~Od qileS,u nobis in Chrifto. ;J oha,llD':s DeC', Ar-
tium M~gi{lerj in diela noflr" univerfitale' falidter VIr[at1H;plllr;l1lam fibi &-
doCirill4 &- hOlleftatis laude.m comparavit : De cuj"s grad,., &- conVerfalione
('lU~ honejliffiDla ftmper fuit,) ne 'lUll uJPialll amhiguittM, aut 'l"t£flio oriri poffit,
aplld eos, qUlblHhlljH1 viri virtHtes haud fatninootHerint, virum eft nobn,;n di..;
lii J,b,,"ni.! gr~liam,ba4literaJ noftrtM TeJiilllonia/uconfcribere; &- conftriptas,
puhlico Ac"demi~ noftr~ figillo, obfig';'are : ,9HO, majore", "pHd vo,f authoritat,m,
&- pondM Iilerz noftr~ IJabeant, ' Bene 'V,,/tie Datum Cantabrigi~) in pima
C(lnvoc4tiOfle Mag;flroru1H R.egentiN'" &- nOli RegentiuIII, Academi~ pr~diCi-;e :
J" . ell/end. Aprilis, Anno aLbrifto nato. 15 +~.
For certaill due rcfpeas tli r Ycry Image
ofthe tore(aid Seal, is not here in portra -
tule p.ablifildj the Moto LDi·"s V"; is,IIi.

P Bit O.R. • T I .().

T HtRedeemer:
Almighty and molt merciful} God,tll'e Fathcr;for his only Son ( onr
Jefus C hritt his fake: by his holy Spirit', 10 direct, bJe1fe,
and profper all my fiudiell, and exercifes Philofophicall, (yea, all my
thoughts, words, and deeds)heDceforward,even to the very moment ot my
departing from this world, That I may evidently andabundal!tly be found,
and undoubtedly acknowledged of the \\-ifeand Juft, to have been a zea-
10us.aDdfaithfuil Student in.the School ofYe;it), and an Ancieh[ Graduue
ill the School of Charity: to the honour and g:ory of the fame God Aimigh-
Jy;.and t.:> the found cbmfoft and confirming of fuch a. faithful1y love and
fear hh Divine Majc:ftie,and unfain(dly continue in labour to do good on
earth: when,while, to whom, and as they may, .Amen.
Very fpcdily writtcn,this twelfth even, and twelfth day,in my poore Cottage,
at Mortlake: c.Anno. IS9 5.&lIrTtnte AN4t;viUtt CI"ijli: 4, .An. 1 594.CIITn-
pk&II). Cllnctp&illM ejll(dnn, tllm IIl11Jem pr~urt. mefJjihIM, cllmple(U'•

.Afwll)eS, and '1)"1 dutifuU] , At .Jour grAces commandement:

Jo. Dee.
Of the feveral ./Iflions contained in this Book· \vith the mott
Confid~rable Matters, either ~f FaCl. and Hf;tory ; or
DoC/rille, in tach of them.

I. Page I. Mahometans. Set p. 18, ~Q, 6t.- & 'c. Aver)

effdlu.l way to d~aw people, finder colour of {l.
He firftapparitinn 'of Madimi, N ew La~, new hghcs, ana ,doCiriius; (which

in tbe foape of a Gir-le. Alb. Anabapulh bave abplIJts pretmded unto) fronJ
Lasky, his Niltgrtt, 7'hJs AI. HtIlvtit.
1. ("'h~rtof 1IIore ;,i the Pre- VIi ' p. i4' Divtrs my{licII( Apparitions, itnt!. di.
fac,e, ~ b~i~g the ' fir(ldejigntd [cour[ts. Charles Sleci, poJJeJJea and a;[,offiJJed.
, hJ the Spmcs,. liS ' 4' fit Inftru- VIII p. iB. Tht COllttllts, ana worthi1uJJI'of the
, 1IImt, 1mdtr petmce of goali~ Book.
rttfft IIna refortilation. to tur. all ,things upjitle~ IX ib. A [uadtll Sun-jhine. The Book namea
do",n in ,the World: But thlit plot f'ltiling, the'; the Some lints of it. Ed, ~dley's pangs,'lllld a!onit;
Emperour of Gemlany:afltr him Stephen K ing at J.m. Vijion" before Dr. Dee. Good Ant-els.
,fPolilDd: after him; Prince R.ofimberg, ;Ptre bo" to be k,."O'/ll/C fro", tvil.
though't upon, and appliclltions ( as";ill be found X p. 20. Promi[es to A. L. ~onfir1llu! by an oath.
here,) ",ade unto thent to that tnd. Whitt al- Ed. Kelley dejirolK ana reaay to rai[e a Devil
ttrations, a!ld dtftr"Qion, of 111(11 IIna k,.ingdoms by bit Art,befOT,t A. L; but Itot pmflitted bj
"ould htwe m[ued (hila God givell WIIJ, as ill Dr. Dee.
Maliomet! ' c4t, &c.) may ht colltlltd ,ut of XI p. 22. Apparitioni before -the Lotd Lasky:
[IIndry pllffllgtS 'f tbis Book. The Devil praJtth, ana (Anabaptifii'cally) be-
11 p. 3' Anabapti$cal txaggtrations oftbe gmt- "aileth. the .,piclvdneJJe of the World. Of Angel ..
rill ",ic1vdntJJe, and If Promi[e of a gmtrlll Re- GuarqHlns. Sudden deatb [rnttllced IIJ!llilt/t the
formation by A. L. Of Ifabel Liller tempted, L. Laskies [erv,lInt, fir iitterr;tptillg; ibmgh but
IIna, hiaJm Trttl{urts. C'afi,ally, tb~ Alhol}.
III p. 5. M,jtical lIumbtrs , alia letttrt, for a XII P', 23' Tbe Book, elld aivers injlTilCii01lS a-
MllgicIII Lamin. b'lIt the 'Writi,,~ of It.
IV ib. Ed. Kelley ,his "lIge and fury,ho'W reproved, XIII p. ~4' Apparitions ill tht .ir. , Ed. Kelley
alia appeared! Tht Book, ·tbe 'Scroll, alld tlu [candaill/ andllppt-a[ed. Prllj(rs for hiln in
powder. Llftint lind Englif' ; compored by the S!irits.
V p. 9. Grtat fhrtatnings of futurt jruIgel1fmts ill XIV p. 2'5. The Priiyer: th~ "re andrxcdlmry
all plaCtS. of it,
VI' p. 10. Divers Apparitions. Of.g;oa Allgels, XV ib. Apparitiol/s IlIIa Pro}hejiu, in tht lre-
never apptarin~;n tht f/Ulpt of. women; Tti- [tllrt of rbt LDTIl Lasky.
themius his itJJertton.reprovetl: Tbe'Book. Di- XVI. p. 26. The Boolt tobewrittm (~sicisnot
v;nt in[piration. (Sit III[e p. 2,,' as thou !halt i~probabl.e th~ Alman was: ) by ~pirifs. Some
find me to move thee, and divers other plarts,) thlnJ{s littered '" Grult,.: ( of WhIch fl" in tht
proi71i{ed .n th. writmg and. ord ~ ring of it. Prefitc< ) Ed, Keller p~eparillg to be gOlie.Jfaytd.
~ Thit Book (haa ih;ngs [ucrudttl ) Jhould "'ith the fromi[. of '50 pound party.
havt b~tII. i"!tt4a of a Bible; af tb. AIcoran, XVIl p. 2B. 'Divers info r nilf tim; lIi1a rttlliims
(IIlIIl milch of tht .fa1lle [lIhjea;) is 4111d11g th~ given ( bj Spirits ) t~ D.r~ Dee, i:onctrnitig [ecr~,
[ *] titrmi(s
The Table.
tlft",its "t CQurt, Sec. St,lIlfgt "'lfttriu cOnCtlll- ,ExII",ples of d"lIgtrolll ilirljiolls.
inl Guardian Angell. AI. Lasky's Still. XXXI p. S,. A Gllltilfll"tion hert afro. COIllf[.l
XVJII p. 30' NtJllprlln/v of Kellyes. Dr. Dee givtH tl Dollor Dee to hllTlI hu. blafphemolls.
-tII"cb ptrplt:ud. Dr. Dce himCeif hearach, &c. ( which h, "colII//,d molf holy) Books: 4f.A.
Mor, tb.' L. Laskies PuJtgrtt. Tht "'Jiltr.J of coll'ilfll"ti~It of th, jourlfty •
• I.t Trlfliiy, 'aich, Hope, and Claaricy : Ed. XXXII p. 56. The {"mt Projtl1 hm alfo. n,
Kelley d,{polft§ttl (i"pm,) of mall) dtvils. COIIC/Uf!~tI of tbM ( per{oHllud ) tt""tlltilll, by tht
XIX p. 33. Dr. Dee, a",lbis Co",pa"J,!rtoNt of app"r't"" of bttt" ( liS w!"P".!t. l{pirits.
Mordack ( ilf E"gl,,"d, If.t fllr fro >II London,) XXXIll p. 57.. Strlll4l1:li~e fb-ff"pf humility,per-
for Cracovia, jnPolonia. Theirdangtr, ""d dt- C~verancc, &c. Cabahfitcal d.etri", of emana-
li~(Wf(.r III Q!lccnboroush. tions, &c. Alb. Lasky tXC'lttd tlglliJIjf, IIntl
xx ibid, Divm App;'rit;",s. Str",oll-li~t /lu! . fslllt.,r~"i{ts rt1Ill.!J. ' .
atlivtrtd bftht Sp,rits.('If Latint) who tIll Dr. XXXIV p. S9· Somt plllw of ,ht ApocaIyps,
Dee thar it WIIS tOtl that hlld prt{trvt. hi", i" II". of ECdras IIpp!jea to tluf, Attions.
bis latt dlllfglT. ~ V,rl lilt..!!.J i,!dtt. that tht] XXXV y. 60. ECdras 'lI~ailf. Strll"g' Pridi-
""'"t tht i"''''tdiatt cau{l, "s of tht dallgtr, fo lIiollS t bllt Anabaptifiical, a"d fal{t ) of the
prt{trvlltiolf at that li"'t, tI IlItvi tht moTt bold dtftrul1iolf of ¥illgs Illld Killf,doms , ""i~hin ft.
IIPPIf hi", for"'t to 1;0"'t. for tOt, I~ll him yurs 4ttr. The New hWk, to ht illfte"J of
~fttlf of it, afttt7 I1Ttls. ~ 4 co"tilfllati'H of thl tht Bible. ($tt btfOTt, tb~ COlfttl;'S oj tb,
JO,llTntj. • ~i"'h hllion.) ~ A con';""",i,,, of tblir
XXI p. 3S. ApparitiollS ill tht prt{met of tbt L. Lo"urHe.J'
Lasky. M~(I thillgs htrt ill Llltillr, fir hil rll~t. XXXVI p. 62. ApPIl~itions: good ( fo ~fttt1llltl)
, A con,iHl/atiOH o/thl jourllt'/. ""d l'IIil {pirit, con'tlf.. Ed. Kelley rebllk,.ttl for
XXII p. 36. S,.vtral ApparirioHS. SO"'t tvil his Magick. New Lights of d.o{Jrilf~ promi{td.
[firits (ht acl!.lIo.",ltdgtd) IIPftllr, IIHd blll{- Th, holy Language, (>101 HIbr,.",) "Hd tire
pb' '''t. IItTtllt of it. Gabale of naUlre. Chrift's Ter-
XXI)I p. 39. Strmoll·li~t ftllff, of morti/ha- re(lial Kingd9Dl: liS btfoTt.
tlOll, Sec. Dockum, ( in Germany) to bt dt- XXXVII f. 6;. Chri(i to be Ttv~lIleJ. Do(J,,.
jfroltd, men WO>llen, a"" childrtH; " {lIvtd Dec's 'lPife lI"d ","id tbrrlltllttl bi App~~.
lit Dr. Dees pltafurt: "s his Spirics "'''k! hi", HiI . IIJfltirl ill England. Sir Henry · Sidner
brlitvt. ~ A contilluatillf of tht journt.J. [IIlflJ. r~porttd J~"d, b] {pirits. Alb. Lask,
XXIV p'. +1. Stllf,I-li/tt ""rri"gt, and [pttclltS, colt{pirttl "gltillft. Cracovia pro",i{,.,o Doll"
([lIcb lis is {tt" and ht"r4 i" PlIlpits {,mtti"'t" ) Dee" pl"c; of rtlf : (1l1Id af.lliH p. 70. )
of Spiri~s; "' 'Which Ed. Kelley is oJfmdtd; XXXVIII p. 69 Do{Jlr Dec's qu,ftions, "ot ",,-
howexclI{uJ. Prophtjits ,,"d threllt"in,s of ,u"t [Wired.
WOts. XXXIX ibid. '1h~ ql/ejtiolfs "gllin. "](ik"'~ "ltd
XXV p. 4;' Dr. Dee's {tvlrallJlleftiolls ofworla- Cabalifiica\ ,ll/fiollS. SO"'t things ob{Gur~(y 1111-
I, eOllCertl",eltts, eluatd by Ser",oll-liv ftlljf {Jlltred..
of S"nfjiji&"tioll, Sec. .,,"d {dme idl, Appa- XL p. 71. Alb •. Lasky in pllrt rlillltd, "s ll1/'JPor-
ritiolls. th]: ]tt, to bt Kitlg .f MoldaYia. ~ Their
~ Anabapcifiic~1 predi{1iolfs of {,T.'''' C~",motilIlS, cO"'illt, " Cracovia.
Sec. II·" d Chriils TerrelHal kingdom, p. +6. XLI p. 73. 7ht{e P,jiOlfs Ilnd AttiOlls ","g"ifieJ,
, C;:ontilllla,io" of Ihl jo'!r"q. liS ilt(.ompllrllhlt mercies alld f"vollrs. Th. 'r ri-
XXVI p . 47. Dr. Dec ( '0 his (,rt.t grief anJ nity ac/i..HoJIIltd,tlJ. Cabalifiical mlfttrits.
a",alr.tml11t) rtbu/ttlll for his IIbode, lind a!H- XLII p. 76. Grrllt 1//.Jftrries promi{ed. 49 Tables.
ons, iH unC.nttified places. ,TOt conft"nt 49 Calls, ¢Or.; '1htirvirtlu.
pr"aiet of his fiirits 1 whmlht.J eOlila ,M pt~. XLHI p. 77. All iill/jioll. A furthrr progrtJ{t ill
for'" wh"t tbtl bad promi{ta, to ","k,.e hi'" ht- th' Cabale of Tables ""d Calls: .",ith jh,." ( in
lit'llt it w"s for hi' or {omt of his tompallies of- tbt {pirits) of m"rvell.1II revtrtn".
{ttiCtI, "lid provoG"tiolts. XLIV (p. 78.) nt firft Table. MJjticll1 ,.".,
XXVII p. +9- GlorioUi Pro",i{es mil de to Dr. brrs "lfd Ittt,rs, &c.
Dee. His pre[tll' eft"te ill · England IIOt very XLV p. 80. Ed. Kelley, "Ma,ici"lI, lI"dfor
gooa. Ht doubtt!h this. J'r.t{tllt App"riliolt to it, reprov,d. Fllrth~r pTlctedi"g ill tbe pro-
bt iillljions If Dro,ls; IItid II milch trollhlt,tJ. miftJ Cabale. Grell' oppofiti,,, of Wick.pJ
XXVIII p. ~ I . Gods Grelltllt!t, ]uftice. Sec. {pirit' ( iH jhtW ) whiltft tbit JIIolIJtr!ul
f,t ollt in a proph.tic"l-lik,t ifilt. His Spirit it dtlivered.
twofold. XLVI p. 8~. A Pr.l ll", (in .ords ze,,[olll) u{ttl
XXIX p. 52. SO"'t {pirits ttll Dr. Dee, lIil for- '0
by tht {pirits, prt{cribtd Do{J" Dee, &c. P,,_
mtr "?pari/iolls JIIere bll' iilnjilHs of tvil fpirits, ctedings i" the Cabale. More oppojitio" (iltjhtw)
1111d ht t""dt " fill by ,he",. 'And al! thit of wic~td {pirits. Bodi(y reverences, "lid pray-
( whilt ht {uppofet' thtft to bt tbt ,emp'ati.11S of ers, oftelt /I{ed. 'Ibt firft Call entid. Th. IJr,.
tht Dtllif,) to miz/v him the m~ rt GOII/Uelft "t lind vITtlleof it.
.tbtr timn, wh'II thl Devil "pptared IInto him in XVII p. ~8. !Jor, oppojitio1l ( i.jh,.,,) of "';c..,4
II btltt r fo lllt, alld did ",oft IIb,,{t him. {piri,s.
X:XX p. 54. A '01lIi1tl("ti~1I of th, ["m, Projta. XLVIIJ p. 89. 1h, Sabbach (.T SlIIidll.J)to bt "'pr.
The Table.
XLIX ib. MDre oPPOfitiDn: ytt the wor~ pro- ~n!",.rtd b) Ed. Kelley, for illuder!, line/. fo:r.rn-
cttdtrh. .rs: 'll>ho. ;, 0!'P0!td b.J Do.llor Dee, .,..ilb m1lch
L p', 91. Nothing IIpptllrtth. Ed. Keller (upo" confidence. lind fom. appu,r!,na of r~4on. So."',
good g"ouna, ) 'II"! confidtllt, tbllt.tbU,w.rt De- m~II/1.k.,ts in lb. writing, ' from ","at c4Uft.
vils all, that hlld hith.rto ~ lind their LXIV 1'. 159. Ed. Kelley bold (lind pcr-
prttmdfl[ mJ!t.riu, 'IJtr.J [opptri.s, &c. ver(e, /If rellfurtd by DotlDt Dee,) with thr {p;:'
11 ib. Kelley, of tbllt mind }iill, tlnd rtfolvtt}, to rits : (yet naC wiehout good ground ' of re~­
brain Dollor Dec. Dollor Dee's grtllt confi-:- fOil; all well confidered.) Tht Book: , the
atHet ( b"t IIpon littl. t.rounds: wbtreof fet in ItllvtS, Jimiilfions, lint/. oth.r particulllrs of it:
tht Preface: ) of the contrllr.J. Not to,b. writttll, out b.J An!.tis. AI. Lasky Jtr
LII ib. Kelley r(pr ~ 'IJttJ. Tht mJ(ltrit of~um­ in favDur.
bers. Th. Crtation: Fit/I of Adam. Th~ LXV p. 160. God all in 1lI1. 'lbt 'Dtvil in ptrp.-
[allgulI! t ht [pal;,t, &c. ~ Ed: Kelley rt- lual oppofition. ~o,!" dangerolK ( truly [poken,
concil.d. though by the DevIl,) II deal 'With hi~. Infi-
LUI p. 93. S omtwhat hurd b.J Dollor Dec 111- puni(huJ.. AnabaptifHcal ProplJefitl and
fo, tQ his wond,ring. Str ,,,m-li1{.t fluff of Prt- Prom.ifrs. AI. Lasky fufpd/d.
dt(linatioKjEltQion,&c. dtlivtr.d by fpirits. Th. LXVI p. 162. Ed. K. rtprovttl., and, txhorttd t~
Keyes,' 'lhtir "ft lI11d 11trtue. Move not, &c. repent; tarn~!lly,y.a wit" ttllrS, in./I.·tw. Devils
(oft", r.p.attd) .xplaintd. Th. wor"'-. lind thtir b"finriJt"l botb ",jIb good. lind bai. Som,
f!,O(lon. Cabalifiical .(lljf, promiJ,d.
LlV p. 199. 'lbt wDrk..~DII Oil, but nDt ",ithollt (as ~ P.164. Ed. Kelley'S Confeffion 'f htr.tical,
H fon f..iv.d) 0lPofition. d"m""blt ot inion; by bim btld and belitvtd. HH
LV p. 102. 'M.J/liCIlI AppllritiDns: .xplailwl alld rep'Htance, "Ljuraijo.lI of Magical liTIS and pra.
applytd to Dol1~r Dee, &c. 'lb. holy Book QietS ; con'lltrfioll unto God; bel;tv.d b) Doli,r
tI b. writtm b) God himf'lf afcording tI pro- Dee ( upon great probabilities) ,to b. htart) IInel
mif·· fine",. Hit tb.n'v t. G,d for it.
LVI p. t04' .A prll)": t&e worl<,gm on. ~ 165. ' Mort of Ke1leY'1i convtrfion. No Apptt-
LVII p. IJ I. MyjtiCtt[ .Appa~itions .xplailltd. riti'lI,and wb} : divtrs ronjtQurts of Dr. Dee.
N.w in(lrulli,ns for future A£holls. Th. Daycs, LXXVI( p. 16'. Apparitions to comfort and COII-
tbt drclfe of th. pIllet. firm AI. Luky.
LV 1II p. IJ 5. A parable againft Ed. Kelley, LXVIII Vifions and Apparitions to Eel. Kelley,
who cOllt.( with the [pirits .bout the lllwful- fir/talont: thell in the we!mer of D,llor Dee:
Ht§. 'f hil Magick: }ti~d,th 1Itiltrthtl.§t , to Th. vifieatioo; the mercies,ofG,d; Grttttpro-
#fur) in th~ grollnd hil Magical Books, .nd Cha- mi{ts. Ex,bfition (b fpirits ) of to. Vi GoIi.
raaers: ",bich H aceqt.d, fo on. of 27 b. burn,J. ~ Ed. ~eney tem,ttd, .md tlouotful Itgaill. ,
An Apparition ./htwing (III it provtd) the pft- LXIX p. 171" A Vijioll to Ed , Kelley. lind At,
{nIt .jtat. of A. L- Lasky: ",ith promifts 6ut ofth. P[alnis.
UX p. 118. Kelley's ob,ditHer. Th. ",ork.,gm 011. LXX p. 171. Furniturtofth.Table: crrffis,&c.
Thi former etr.monitf ufttl. Th. Table of the Earth: Govtrno1lr;Angtls, &c.
LlX •• • • Ed. Kelley Itt laft vtr) well (a- The Book, (tb. titlt of it, Le't chore, &c.) ~ntl
tisfi.d, that all H fo", God: and ver) J.- J&l1r;ne of tnoch, Yt'lluld untJ him b) fptciall
'II0Ilf; favollr: cOllnttrftited b} D. Illla Milgiei4ns :
LX p.• 38. God, porPtr. H. ,,~t tJed to time. Th~ C.haraaers, Mjf/'ical Tables, FigureS;
Incarnatioll of Cbri!r ","-nowledg.d. Warnillgs yvor;:ls, t!1-c. Linea [piricus Sanai (a horriblt
to' AI. L. and promirU. , profanation; buc [uch are mofrCabal~jfiealrny;
LXI 1" 139. Calls, Ains: What a1!,d how to h. fieries) mJ!tic,zl,n;-,,&c.Solohl0ns k.,nowltdg.,
IIfttl.. DiviGofiS; tlnd Govtrnments of A.,gtls. (if you will b.lie'll' thtm) bOJr far it .xtelfduJ..
DiviGbllS of the Earr,~. AI. Lasky, hH taf•• ~ LXXI 1>. 178. Th. Ca:b'ale goti Oil . Th~ wonder-
Ma1>fam~, Dr Dic nobis, under GabrIel. Jefus fUl/ txttllt of it. Diftttf,s how to bt ,c ured, or
ack..noJr/.dgtd. Good Injlrltlli,ns, Humilit;, &c. procured bJ it. Montj COiil~d, and IIncoined,
A good Prayer, ill Ilpplyttl. ,' g;vtn by who 1
LXII p. 146. ' .An ;Iludtr. Obedience, Faith, ~ LXXII P f8i. LXXIII p. 183' ' The fecretsof
",ithout whiclJ,G,ds prbmi[ti not irrtvocable. Ex- States, ([0 TrirhtmilK too: we hive hi~ T4blts :
«mpltS in Scriptur.. Vi. Cabale of Calls; &c. bilt never was llny man' the wiCer:whereofinol'C
M b'tfort. 'in the Pref.u:t :) Mtdicint.' Chrin his urthly
LXIIl p, 153' Ed. Kelley doubtflll 4glfill. '1br Kingdom. A/Jthings in tht[t Tables. AvefudtJt;;~
partS gf tht E~rth: rtv.ttl.,/. Imto f>eolemy; by l,y ~o". : "Madimi appetlttth : Dollor Dee wiznttt4
1111 An[,t!. So.m. Ciillrllllprs lind Pro~h.fits of mone!, bur Call gtt none. .A gillgling (but falf.)
divers plaf.ts uf the W orld. ,( Some nllilaken, Prophe/ie, CbHi:trning thr Emperout to {u"tea
I believe,) C;onlbntinople. The Turk. T~. Rodolph. (Set /ll[o p. 243. )
Arke of Nae. Th't p(ace of Paradi[e. Ell, ~ Ed. Kell~ ,hu r'ltg. 4Ha ttviling,mllch diflilVd b)
Enoch, John: where " .t!erved. A.contra!i- Dr.., Dee; repentt. of bl Kelley hint{.lf: t lIk..t~
Dioll ob[trved bj Dollot Dec, Mt /fif1h,.,; by tb. IIDtier Df (hit rrptntllner) b, the [pirits. An ex-
{pirits. Rome. ", , rrll~rJ;IIIlTY ([0 apprehended b.J D. Dee) .jUr'" .f
~ 'fli. {pirits, ( u/OIi gooJ grol/llds )'!UfPfl1,d; /ifltI 7hlllleler Il1IJ Rai".
E* 2] ~ LXXIV
The Table.
~ L~IV,. ibid. M'r~ (Ab.lifiical l1(/lrll~iolls LXXXVUI 71, YI Viol :;11 tht Apoca-
Cfim."hJlt lilt..! Maglck, .i Kelley fkol(ght : ) lypCe; III ulliltrjfo01l' b) Douor pee., .A.
',pllctr}lill~ ' tht pr'!l1ict ,f it. Dm.afitl Pr'- vrr} good blclling;: l'T.,0llfU1Ir:ta . h,.n ~vill fpi...
phtfits, ~f {1I,ddtll 1f[,trlfljo>l.S ill t~1 WorM. AI. rit. DiwT! WOOl . d'IfQu~c"l. SO""'lPh4t ' of
:l,.asky, i" f If~OU~ .1'ht ~oo~ ~ bt prtplfrttl? Do(Jor Df:c;~ Wift: AI. !:asky-. D,lioT Dee,
Ikc; ~d. Kelley lI}rrita '!tJlfgici411" bJ bi.t 0"11 [tnl 10 R,q,J~ph"s Emperou;', .itb II. ,""JTlfgt, lIS
IICt),o."ltagt.mtllt\ fT.", Goa,
~ LXXV ..p, iS$. Plltjt1lf-f If1fJ Eflimilit", com- LXXXIX p. U7. Tht "4,,gtlic.1I1 Book. Nt.or-
lIIi"1t4~ A fr'f!} fi,mi[i,tudt ( if I,,/t : 1Phmof tim aboll~ it. 1\1. LaskY,fcoligh ~tjtlJ(d, )~tto
ft.,t ·an . ,th~ . Pr~fac~ . :) 'f Ih,t Adders Jtll[lI/g 6, grlill fOT II .hilt. Infpira~ion pTomi{._ I.Vr.
with htr j.;"'~, ' Inli<fclitr,hoj:",g;~1f.I ,jill. r t t Dec, i'boll~ II L,ttrr to tht. Emprrollr.
Ed: Kelley Jlillll1r:ua(tlo.., for IIll ihi#, .1IJV(~ ~ A COP) ' of th, {lfid Lcct ~ r (bJ · ~Ilfpi,..­
.reColute. , , , . tion ,robdl.! (1I0 U/I," of fpirits, lIS II "'"" ",tI)
~ LXXVI i~6. Cbrill, IIis ,0/llil1g)1I Triumph, Ihu pffr by the jflllf, ) to the Em}hour. StcrtC.J
&c •. Tht B.o,~ofIn:vqFltiQn . . SIIIIII1S (pr<.ten- 4ljirrJ. .
J.d) oppojitio". .80l1lt Proplltjits, Pr.", i[th ..iI. XC p. 219- Str",,;,-[i"" jluI. .'Ih, ;pWtT of
Jnfi:r1¢1io~s; . God. Sllltr~IWoes. Tht Trinicy,C'c; PT.
LXXVH 'p. J87•. '$o",t ljutjfi,o!ls, £tIOl1j,illg to tht Dee not bt#lI~ ",illi1lg 10 br. .put off lngtr, th,
Cabale, partl, tlud,ttl, p,IITtly 1I,,[w,mJ. . lovo- {piTits, ( Ilgai.tjt their ."ills) mtlltt f,,,,t pro-
Citions of /!.ODJ A';gels. Set PCilYcrs 11" Ill_iJ,td, gr,fft i" tbt Cabale. Do{Jor Dec, i" ,. tht tXt-
~H.d 'fll1a. Evil {eirit&, 1;.." 10 bt dtall "ili!. · Tin " of. God. 1I'ill) to prorud 1I'ith furn
)Jools, of InvocatJOIli: am., 1IOW, Scc P.rayers Il[' &c.
lowed of. XCI p . 22~. D.Cior Doe,.Jhlfrpl.! TtprlV(J 0.1
LXXVIII ·p" i~9. S,r",oll·li"" jfuff, of tht u[t tJrampl,p lII of 'h., Sqipture$, d1'c, ) for cbllfi1lg
of itfJfiliinn, &c. Som, promi[-s .to DoCtor Dee ( ."hrll i,,,,M put tD II;, choice) rluhtr p~rt"t Ifr-
41fd Ed .. Kelley. .4 Progrt/T" iii Ih, (;111111, f~ '/ff"nc" ,b,1I l~tigtr a114J.
.0fCalls. . ' XCII 11. 213. 7b, rllmt mlltttt htrt lI[f••
LXXIX p. 19S. Dollor Dc:e .na hit ftltD'" rt- 'Iht }tllrts . .of DD{]or Dec's ?'ft, 73'. a,,1i ,..
roved, Vofro;' pee, with great /Jum;fil} , tl~t" hlt'f; ( which perchance mlgbt · come very
Iinr",iT fOT ht'!!Jt!f. Enoch: t~r ' 5.o ft adi- ncar co th~ truth, if we could certainly· knoW!'
'V,tIOC4 IIIfto pj';' .. ( tht [a/tll, :11 {llb./, liS this, wbm hC'tlted :) a~I'r",j"tJ. E~ . ~e"1!f tJ'
'''tV. {II] : ) hj .(io,J . Hit Prll)lr ,,, HNlt/Wt! ait vio[mtl.!: (and Co h~ 4jd: for end..-
&~ . . ' vourin~ an efcape outofprifon, he brake~leg,
LX}.X LXXXI p. i97' 'Ihe[p~rits "1'p.il1,l thriT ' ~nd died of it ; as -gcricrally rcp<lm:d : ) DDfJor
Ii;'irt, lf1ldllp/'tllr. 'Iht pr"i{t rimt'p{ Chrilh Dec: dotb 'tp,~~ IIlIa · Tt;t,k,t hi.t choice, _;11
coming; 11';4 "t.M- Prophrjiu, not rrv'1I1 ea IUIto lief} good la"g14l1/h bllJ; t N(1I M!.II' a !.ooel
tntliJIor .Ihru flit fOils. ,grbund: .
LJC,X4JI LXXXII,J. p. 198. 199 . . 1ht [pirits, ~ D.Cior Dec's. Ltfttr r, Ibt King of Spain
&c. IS btfort. ·'Iloe ';illet.w , Calls, a1ld.f.t;" bi.t Agent ( OT Ambalfadour) flitll thr Empe-
£igill1f.il1~s. J:!>Ur, .b."t bit Letter; "lfil. "'~IIt1S, oj IICCt§t,
l-XX){lV p. 200. Mort Calls, I1nd ",)ft,ri,s; fo .h, Em!trow.
bstt Hot "jtholll (,rrttlld,d, ) o!,pojitioll of .",i'/I,,- XCIII StvtTII[ qu,jfi,ns l'ropo[ttl Ii) Dol1pr Dcc.
~iJ/Jirit"s. ~daDl'sf.ll" lht Curfe UpOIf it, 1t1ld Tht fpiries jhrrwdl.! pNI to il .bout " gt 1I'hie)

txxxv 'r.
.tht tfoP of tht} h"a tola; a1ld)tt b} tbt htlp If Caba-
p. 20ti. ·, .Mor, Calls IIn<l Aires. .All lillical qlltTIt,; jill!. dijtilflli01ls, ( b"t c{P,.ill[l].
,pjarml cO~II.rtidiiii'lt ob{ervd b, Dol1or' Dee; of Ansbaptillical illfallilltiqlll ill Do{10T Dec,)
bur" ciill"ingly t'vlfdtd b, ,bt {PiTits. DolloT tht) "",t off wilh ertait. In 'll'blft {tIf[t lJ'. t!or
D~e; hit H)'mne, .lId {pirillllf[ . (bill ".01 fTo. Dee IIfighl tTIIl] rll], Thai himfclf had fcen,
God, blelfu[t 1101 , fltll gm",dtd: ) rt)oJci1ig, ~hlll{Of!Itr J;:d. Kelley hIt/. (un·. ~ Do{]or 'pee
II"J . ,hll1lIt.;giv;"t. His [on ~olilnd ill grttU hit Lmer, 111ft!. Prt{tIIt, grllciilijT) rtCtiv,tlJ.y'rh,
tllfiigtr. ,. EmprrOllr . '
LXXX VI p. , 21th no{lw Dec', (01lujf "'ith hit XCIV p• . 1:18. .APP4rit;0,", If ;11 t~t 0'
fpar~s: bt _/ftrts hit on 11I1IOCtll'1> .lIa (t. thr Stone. . Thr priviltJf,' of apparitiqn in t&~
IIt"'olf of bi.t p01l'rr ) obtdi~1Itt: bll.t it ~IIJlltd b} Stone. 7lt . M)jfrrit of tbt Tn'n~y.. ft1:a-
tht fpirit·s. AI. L. rtjtlltd. fon II" tilt",! to God, (to- Dtlulio" Indeed,
LXXXVllp. 211. Tht { .comeftpr~f~'llttil. and wjl4nclfe: f~d, and ,foberl\eafon'; )
h(T.t IIlfo .; wit.h [o",t ti1ruI1IillgS. ·M tht {tirits 11'0./1. hll'l1t ' it, "Iht ~mpe­
~ Utir Cf",i"~ to Prague. ' ~ SO"'t Cbh,,;cll[ rpur t~"lIItlltd; ' ,Tbt IIIl1flt~ of tht [pir;t1 ·II, ..
g;bbrith ( pt fluff to "",uft unftftltd ~Tlfilltf .: ) "'ftlring, .".a hp." to bt found f1l tht Cabalilli.
foUnd ill tht borl{t, ""CtT'1I;", tht Pbllofophers .ca .Tables.
Stone. J{mJ thtrt, (and. fi rubeo m. fi~ , So",t arlln~ pr"lIk,.s of Kelley's, IINa w_~ hm
~np(~ ~,&c. . rmraea . ... A /~ttrr .fthtSp,anilh Embalfadour
~ p. 213' .P.D"" IdrfjtlIlITtl, .;intl 7IItaitiltiorfs bi.t , Secretary to DDlJQr . Dec, 7I'htrtb} lit doth
ofDo~.i; , Dct'S, IIPQ~. {01lft l!ItCtS of Scrip- jigllifi. tht Etilperours dtjirt and IIppoi,,"';;If1,
t.rt. to bail' hi_.conte to hi",. oaavitt~ .SpilJ~la,
The Table.
Chamberlilill, &c. brillgs billl t~ !Jim. All IICCOlillt it .; Iflld tbt gifc of healing: ( which diver EII-
,(whiff waf {aid 011 both fidts. Docior Dee's Mo- tblljiaJfs have boall:ed of; and if they have
nas, ( of which, fee more in the Prefllce :) bi! done any thiilg .rrally, chere is no queliioll
Rtvt/oltio,!s IIl1d Vijions: Hi! Angelical Stone, buc they have done it by tbe help of fpirits.
& :. How fafe thercfol'e it is to go unto fuch, let
~ XCV p. 231. Kelly's f~rm~r mircII,rrillge men confider,) Ed. Kelley prays for Do(Jor
tllk,.m 1I0tiee of : the caufe of It: It 11 for- Curtz hid [udden aeatb, .ut not htard.
f. ivm. D~lIor Dee, &or.. Their Office mllglli- ~ XCIX 1)' 243' The fame Commijioll,htrt IIgaill,
jitd. Killf,domts o( tho En,h to be del/roytd. Ifbout tbe Philofophers Stone: IIl1d tbe Empe-
Hierufalem rtJfortJ. ChriJf to Rt;gllt. Othtr rour, here al{o thrtlltllta: lI11d ,mothtr CEmc-
PrtdilliOIfS,verJ jfr4l1,~ t, ( bue not true) lI11d the fius) IflJig.m1 to bM plact. Rtportttl btTt to br
certllill Jear. Rodolph. ~mperour, to bt eXIII- poJJtJJtd b) /I Vevil.
ttd. Stephen Kilfg of Poland, to be de/froJtd. ~ (; p. :14+ Dollor Dee, comforted a"d COH-
Enoch's Tables. Dollor Dee his Prayer, lI11d jiTmttl b] hil {pirits , ,lfgainjf jUmd,rs, Ilnl. t'llill
Kelley'5 Vow. repoTts : Ollt 'f Scriptllre; &c. 4f The fpirils
~ DoOm Dee's Lttttr h OCl:avius Spinola, to "trt,{tem to /Illude to a pi1JJaf.t ,f the Sibyls
be Clmml/llicllted to tht Emperour : ht Hot de- Venes, ( /I eOll1fttrftit Bool<,:) M Dol/or Dee
livtrtd /It thllt time, by reafoll of tbe Emperour doth ob{erve at Ilfff, to agret '//lith it. Tht) ull
'bi, ab{tllee. DoCioT Dee ht j1' IIU bt 'With tbt Errlperour ill
~ XCVI p' 235. Ga. Za. Vaa: f,iritsinviced: [pigbt of tbe Devil : (fo they cart play upon
thllt is, called UpOIl b) Dollor Dec: their a,,[wer themfelves, when they lift, to fool men: ) but
illterpreted by him. dia /lot {a~ tTlle, and ;H t"lft jhtJuJ, tbelfl{tlvts
~ The former Letcer, ( '//lith fOffle a [ttTatioHs) de- "trJ DeVils; Ifllli that Doll'T Dee "'ight blfvt
livered, aHd the Emperours vir) gracio/K a,nf"er ullderjfood, had Hot his IIHdrrlflll/ding bern [0 blill-
fo it, by the faid Spinola. DoC/'or CurtzlU~,,, dta "ndellptivatta b) them.
Dolior of tbe Laws, olle of the Emperours ~nvy ~ Dollor Dee i1fViwl to Vi/lneT, by tht Spaniili
Council; IIccol/llted very Learlltd : appomt fd Embalfadour : who, a",ollg otbtr thillgs, PTO-
'by the Emperour to dtal '//lith 'Do!ior Dee, ill bit ftJJt~b bill/{tff to , be d,{, ,,,dtd of Raymundm
behalf. Lullms: that thIS R.aym. L. Cif we mil) bt-
~ xcvU P. 237. V ol/or Dee Ifsk.!th cOUlf{el', /uve him) by a TttiTed [olitlldt, witbout Book,.s :
( of God, he thought: ) ~ut jirjt mco~IIttr­ (the way commended by the late Method al-
,th '//lith Pilofus, (1111 evil fpirir : "~w IfS I {o: bllt indeed che moll: ready way co put
tlfk.! it :) alld hit ttmprarions. '. Ed. Kel~ey men OtiC of their wits:) of Ill/ igl"rallr illi-
ver, pmittnt jfill, bllt dtjir~II~, ( liS urlfit ) to terlftt "''''', btclfme vtry Itarned: IIl1d that he
be out of hil Office. Tee [p/TIts appear. , Re- bad th, Philofophers Stone: ."bertupoll he aotb
cOIlLiliilCion: !wofold: ('//lith God, '//I,t" ,the cOllclllde alld b:lild, tbat which Dlaor Dee rio-
Church, &c. Purgatory. The body of Chnll:, Ilft,d of hi>,,(e.'f, his vijions, alld rlve/ations, &c.
'!'be cil{e of R.odoiph. E,,;fe~cf(T, ill ~a{e ~e migbt be IIf ?~ffiblf, allli True. 'The Emperour,
obty, or difobt). Tbe fplnt of ChOIce ,n b) bim cS/f,melld. d
DolloT Dee, explailled. V,OOT Curtz If!lowtd 4f p. 246• '1'be [ecolld LttttT, '//Irittell bJ Dol/or
of· Dee to the Ltnperollt'. His cOlljidtnfe M grtllt
~ p. 239. Do'l1~r Curt'Z, allJ Dol/~r , Dee, (ilf- 'M tvtr; 411d purtieulara cOHctr)fillg the Phi-
ttr fO>lfe Complrmtllts by MtJJtIIgtrr ) "'tt~. lofophers SCOlle, , which be doth htre proll1i{t to
Thtir rOllfertllce o( jix hOUTS. • Dolior D,ce s the Empmur, (bemg fo perfwaded by his fpi:"
RelatioH of ~im[,lf, bj, Studlts, hu SUIte; rits, thouglt a'1ec,as ignorallc'ofit, as ever.)
(and ther~in;. though not apprc~ended . by ~ DolioT Dee at DiNlleT IIgltill '//Iitb thl S1)3niili
himfelf, h,s IIltollerable prrfumptloH, f Tlde , Embalfadour.
bigh opillion of himfrlf, &c.) RevelatIons, ~ Ed. Kelley trolibit{ome: Dol/aT Dee's confi-
Books, IfHa wOlldrrfull confidence; liS of ",oJf, dence ill God, aHdgreat penury.
that IITt (0 at/lldrd. ~ 1" '47. 1>T. Dee vifittd by Dr. Curcz,,,t his 'WII
~ Ed. Keliey /fralff,t/y tempttt!. "ollfe,His r,,,,pl,,illts: DT,Curu: acc'Ullt.f rhe Em-
~ Dol/or Dee's miflruji of V,llor Curtz, IIpon perollr (bis Majler) prtfmt apprehmfiolll of this
'Whlft gro~Hdt. bufillt[s: Some Mathemlftic,,1 BODk"S writttnb) Dr.
~ xcv 1I1 p. 240, tying: IIl1a frowar~~­ Dee"lIId Commandinus Ctl vtT) famous mall)&c.
tence: IIot "dinllTi/y exp'"lIdrd. Reconclha- 4f p. s~8. f'lotbtr LttttT of DoVJor. Dee's t. the
cion to tbe CbuTcb. Tht fill IIgllilljt the Holy Spam(h Embalfadour. His w,"dtrfull ronfi-
Ghoft : '//Iblft it it. Complaillts, Iflla PTophe- «tlltt, declining (wifely: his fpiritS had fo in-
jies Ifgltillji thl Emperour, ..nd DoOor Gurcz, firulted him, ) tht teJf of humane reafon, (rd-
btea~re of their infidt[it" a"d di{obtditnet. Do- Hris,for mentis to b, corTtl/rd, here.) ~ An
l/or Dee ill high fltvolIT:. England JiVtll to bim, arcollltt; ( ill" Pofifcripc ) of his lajt cOllfeTen"
alld for bit [/lk,.t, /lot drJfTo)t : Ttt the with Dr. l:urtz.
Crown thtu, to bt trallsferred, &c, VOl/OT ~ CI p. Z49. Afttr a{iPellil1l. Prtfacr, (fit-
Dee wltrTallred, Ifnd c6111",alldea to writt to the tt« fOT the Scene" a.lld Audieonfs) a I. Hg
EmptrollT, tbat he cOllld mllk..e the Philofophers Ji{collf'{e ( IIPOIl oeclljiOIl of Dollar. Dee hiS
Stone: tboll'~, ]tt, hHiulJ II0t, bllt is promi[td Wift's fick,.lI1Jt : ) of true Phylick, IIIU/.
[* 3] 'the
The Table.
the c~ufrsof Jj(tII{tS: ",uch (ItVOlITillg ( Tl'htrtof gltillfi, liS "_orshy, he'lIu[1 of tbtir filtS, IIlId
",ore ;11 s!u Preface:) of Paracclfus his fiy/e, IInthll1lk.{u/",j[t, for [0 mltlt) mercies. ,AIIDtbtr,
(llld {pirits. Rltrt jluJf, ",ojl fltrs of is, for II ( ."homfotf/;r DoOor Dee 'IIIou/d tbu[e) u,on eer-
Q!!.ack. . tlliH clI"ti~ns IIn.,J. CDHdilions, to b. rubftit~tta;n
~ ell P.Z53. CIII. p. lB. Tht f"me "'lItser pro- Ed. Kelley's pIllet\, Dollor Dee's [orro'lll, "nil
{ecut!(i,. "nJ pitrti~""trl} IIpplyed to Jane Dee, pumble . r'9J1.!t /lbout tbe PhiloCophers Stone.
( tht Tl'ifrof Dr. D~e, ) htr prtftnt eafe: Her Hil d~fire to be injlr;ul:ftd ( by bi# {pirits ) "boHt
l)iCea[c: lI1Ia Iht Remedy. tbt Sa~ranient of th. Lords. Supper. Tht ",y-
~ ..CHt p. 253. Do~or D~e repro1ltd, liS 1I0f fiery of it cabalillically unfoldld. The Trinicy,
ftllfiblr .tllough of Fba Goa blld Jont for /tim : Adam's (lIll, Chrilt's Ih.camation. Tht D,-
-w.hic,h i# pO"'PQUfl} fet . lilt h tht Spirits. Mo- l1ril(t of Tranfllbfiantiation : Of r'Cliviltg tm-
nt) Ifol to ' be txptlita front tbt[e fpirils, 'IIIbo der one kind: Of IIdHIlI/on of the Eucharill :
nt'llerlh.ltj[t pronti{td rbtnr (/lfltr II 'IIIbll.) grtllt B"t rtctiving of it, not IIllD'/IPta. .
,ie1lipf All Ibmgs : p,,,tr t. milkj, 1I1Id. mllrrt, ~ CXIV p. 373· lbeformtr D.~iltrbif,hly ",~,­
.,.h,m th,y plettfe, Sec. Ed. Kelley rtprtllta for nilitd: III Ill[o tbe Lelfon, ,,, Ch,..,ieal glb-
co.sriving 110'111 ro Jlelll IIT1'lIy; AI.• Lasky to pre- brilh, of multiplication, dignificacion, &e.
IIlIilllgltinft hi# tllem;es. ~ LXV · ibid, More of thtir IInwortbint!fe,
~ ~lIotbtr mlltin,: of Doaor Cum:, 11114 Dcaor ( throuJfojill) lI"a incaplI('ity,f,r [liebbigh lhings.
Dec's. The £mperours 411(JPlr 'j (by Doaor VoCior Dee prll).rh. AI. Lasky rejtDell. 1).Oor
Curt~ ) to.· [o~ p.'JJ~g~s of DoCtor Dec's ..,tf- Dee ..,uch trolli!td. .
IlIgt, iJtli1Jtre!i "lit. h; ... , liS fro", Go'. Dotlor .. CXVI ·p. 37'S. pO!1orDee 'II.,.,
Dee t/oth interprtt h;m[tlf. dl'ceplS of th. Em- {tcr.t 'f tht PhlloCopbers .Smne, f' often pro-
ltrDNrJ ,proftr, to do ~im good, &.c. ~ Dr. ·mi[tJ: ~Jlt tIJlJ.!. "//lith Strm",·lik."t fh1f of rt-
Curt~ 1I1fd, DoCtor Oee, togtth.r Ilgllill: but prDof: of plltimcr,lIfj!iiiions ; 'IIIorth) ilaHaking;
no "ccount of 17M two to the fmperOllr).t Conr. /lion, &c.
gl"~". Mllrh.ntAtielll illvtnriD1ls, of D~lIo' ~ l XVII P 378. Do!]or Dee bim[~lf hearcth,
(:'lI.r~z, &c. ~ A dr/lugbt for a Palfe, to 6e ud feeletb. Mor.t uproofts. D~{Jor Dee to
.btllinuJ of the Empetollr for D,Dor Vee, &c. prJ'IIltil IIg/lillj1 hM tlYnt!u: .but c,mntll"d"l
D.o Oorl)ee tak.,tr notice of tht rtfptOs of tlilO fpudil] to g , for Prague:, to prevtnt impri[oH-
SpilpiCh Embalfaoours, alld. IIn.,htT gr.llt M ¢It, mtnt,&c.
d.nt to bi", p"bti:'lt..'y . ~ The IICColint o( font. ~ CXVIII p. 37'. Hn" IIgain, h.find to bt
I'lli' ",' lItfhs, frilm 8 Oacb. 1584. to Deccmb.lo. goltt . . AI. L.hi#""[e.
are ..aHting. ~ (XIX ibid •. 'They ;tgill th:ir jOllTnlJ; but II" by
~ p. 3H. Thnrftcona IIrr~'II1I1 to Prllgc. DDO,r App"riTion ill tw,lI11J' .Jttr !ome goodly promj-
Dec·s Lttt~r to the Spamlb Embaffadollr j Hil [n ,,,,,dt 10 Do£Hr D~e. for .h;' obedience: IIlid
lIIondtrful progrtJJ'.t ( IlS h. tholigbt ) jll bigh mJ- Pmlillio>1s ( a'll fa1fe Y of judgements IIPOll till
fttries ifill. rtf/tlllliolts, &c. Emperour, "",d exalcation of Stepheu Kin!, of
~ Hilho_[, th.rt. ~ p. 354.'Dol1or Dec's Lttttr poland, &t. tbt) qt foillm""J,a to utllrll tile","
to 1);Oor Curtz : (ont of tht -Empcrours pri vy It{,,,,,,, "ltd to r..tllTn ~Q ~rague. ,- Which dQ,It,
('Ollfl:cil, &c. liS befort,) Contplaint of arptr.ft~nr, DDllDr. Dee's Child i# cJ,rilit.~d, font, of tht ~hi~f­
( & minis : ",, "imis, ItS print~d: ) I'ro- tli in th. Emperours Court bt/ng Godfathcrs,lInd
f<fJio,, _ of go,d ;/lttllti'IIS 1O'IIIlIrJ, tw Empe- Godmothers.
rour,&c.. . ,- CXX p. 3h: Tht Proph.ts of Dla timts [u",-
~ cv Ii.- ,3H. ( lIa . 361.) ulfg p"rdolielll, mOiled .. 'III!;>y vllited, Cre. The t'trn/l! f,tI1'rat;oll
~1t;",,4t! . App$.ritiDns; ( . ~"ieh DoOor Dee of Chrill, the Son of God, Platonically [tt out.
diJ .flO.r 1I'TJ 'IIIdt) nor NIIJerj1ll"J; liS lip-. Divine W«d!ity, tbe, clluf. of .ll tbinl,l: Ele-
p.irttbb} p. ' 361.) and [071lt lIiU 'DDDrinu, of lkion:. Perreverance, &c. Eltr"./l txpoftlllll-
tbe f~_r Qf.the Lor.d ; innocency, rantlifica- ti·.as, ...d t;(bDrtlltiolls. ChrHt /lgllin: The
tion in Chrill> &c. Cllbllli,iit"lly ftt out. th. Church Militll1lt., ll,1ld triumphll.t. DiiOor Dee
Philof~ers StOlle, ptomlftd t. tlte EmP .erpNr bJ IlndEd. Kelley /Hueh 11Ilr...II ."ithbis goodi.Jjilljf.
D'lWr ~Dee. lind confirmed ifl t.htir Erro"r.
~ C VI p,' 3' I. GOell tII}{1trits !(ot fD be JifptllceJ ~ p. ,81 • .Tw Prttiotll Lelfon,hefo~t -{{lo/ttl, of..
~;,i by ~cgrees; &c. The P~iJorophers S_ tone, " S{ rev,IIling . tbt [tcrtt of th. Philofophcrs
I[.NJt 1If.Jfter,. . tone. .
~ .( .VU p. 362. A prfgrt.D'eill tb, Corbale, 1 CXXl p: .,88. 'fhl t~lron, "IIJ {o"" .ob[ctirt
OpP&fitiQII liS b,forr. Tht Letfon (ft, p. ;87:) . lIfTas. of it, txptt§tJ iii :Engtjjh. Ed. Kclley,
. ,ous.f tbt BoQk of EnoCh. dtfirillH'" bt rit! of 11M o/fiu•
." CWllll" 36+ ~ CIX p. 365. ~ CX p. 366. ~ CXXll p. 389. Jane .Dee ( DoEl,r Dee's
_CXJ ""J CXll p. ,67' .A furthtr Pragrrj[t. lIIife ) hir 'IIrllejl-. • IId hu.ble Petition to (lod>
"be _nWerils.. of t.h'.t"..mby Ldlon bighl] ftt Ollt,
""d [D",t kind of tXP'fitioll of it: bllt liS Ed.
( fo the poor woman thollght ) ""d hit A1Ig,ls,
for rtlitf ill her gr~l1t ntct/fif]. Th, Petition
KdlC1 . flil,htl] jlldgtd, ignotum per ignotius. 1l1ip,.,.,J:, .firft "itb r.prlOf; .lIt C'''''''tn.lI-
]{tv'rtnCII r#quirtd. D.Uor Dec :in "fwotflld. tiDn; II.J pro",i[es, "furJlllltrJs. The fpiri! CDn-
dll .il/jjfioll,.([o prtttnaed.) f.f[tth, "e·had liD porlitr to prDeltre thtm ",0;'0;
~ ('XUl. P. 367. 'Dollor Dt:e, &r. rxccp&til ,,- bNI. inj1tlfd of it, put~1I4$ t. giv~ tin", good
The Table.
t:QjjN[~, .t~ grt o/lt 'o f Prage [pudil.J, &c. formall abColution, pronouncea b) ev.ill [pi-
~ A Recora of a liot conf/ill bttJllttn D~O'r Dee, rits.
",a, Ed. Kelley, IIhout [o~, Milgica( !"pm: ~ CXXX p, +° 1 • ~ Doaor Dee, &c. h,.,,,gbt
iii lPhich eonf/il1 D~lJor Dee thought him[,lf iii to Stephen, ( Killg.f Poland, ) d. "po" .fqme
.,}lIligtr ,f hit lif" IlnJ, lPM flline II ery out for IOnaitiiJlls, it willilfg II be pre[",t : yet maqs lin
"Ip. ohje!iim out of ScriptUre, liS not filII] [atisfieJ
~ CXXIII p.3 9[. All AfJp"rition fit tea fo" the th4t tht[e apparitions, &c. 1fere from qod. To
Dec,lIjion. lht fltvlt of Ed. Kelley's reJra?lori- ",hich Dol'lor Dee mak..ts II" IICCllrllt all[wer: (by
ft fjfe;llIia IIpon tht millirf lind fIIV! of the Devil, w.hich it doch appear, thar either he had flu-
Itnd [ollie pillct! of ECdras, Itpplitd to that died the care very well, or was helped; as o-
purflo[e, Ed. Kelley rtbul{ttl l kut comfor- ther reall Enthli!ialls, by his Cpiries :) bllt very
ud IIn4 con{ir",eJ. lPith II pro~i[e of no evil fUll of faults in theLopy, aIfJ{D printed. More
[pirit to be [lIfferttl to trouble him hmetfo,r th : and /fire, I think" then in .,z/l the Latine of thl
man) gOlel exhortlltiolls : "ith II Parable IIlfo t~ Book bejides. W.e t./(,e notice of it in the
that purpo[e. ~ Sume que(fi on~ propo[ia by Errata.
DoOor Dee, ,,1,0 is rtftr"a to tbt Book of ~ Befdre tbe Altioll, ,z fervent Prayer,of Doa,r
Enoch Dee's, of bid calling, revebitions. Ai. Laskie,
iCing Seephen, &c.
~ CXXIV p. 395. Doaor Dee, &c. /hllrply ,. In the hltion, or Apparitio~ ., King Stephen,
rtprovd for ' not f"/filfing the com manti. of ,z
fbarply repr,o'Pta for bH jilll. But upon condition
rtm1ydepllrtllrt,."itb more exptaition. He itc- ofrepenta,/C~, andlubmifJioN ~o God (ill tbit jp"y )
/vIow/tdgerb ( C01lTliaed by rome plaufible c"'fi- the Kings of the ell"tb (.intoxticati c~lice Me-
drrlltions, ) hit fllult, lind prayeth [rrvtl/t- recricis: II phra[e ofun ,,[e. in thil Book,: that
ly. Hdrunk with the cup of the Whore,) art to do
~ CXXV P' 396. The Stone /hilt up for twent} h07lfltgt unto him; IIna ht, (right i\nabaptiCme,)
JII}es. Their jOllTney (from Pragc, to Craco- tD lPor/t / rrllllge execution, &c. V&ry Ilfty lan-
Tia: ) lind in thl1PIIJ, {irange lPhirlewinJs. Some gllllgt, hert ufta: Fige pedem in Aquil.
/frife IIbout their houfe. AI. Lask;, by lPhom &c.
Dol1~r Dee it brought tD ,the King : ( CulHnero,
~ XXXII" 406. Sad ,,"'plaillt, ( as (rom God)
for fillerenl, to be correaea, &c. ) d,elhlers hit of inrredl/lit!: The Incarnation ' of Chrift, and
Conl7l'iJli~n, alc. He rtceivts the Communion:
!hertby privileage of ChrilHans IIbove tbe ICr'ael-
fo dotb Ed. Kelley. Its. Turs. Volfor Dee,[ent ",it(; lin errltna to
~ CXXVI P. 398. The Kings prefence required
King Stephen: IInd,z dirdi promi[e, anJ prof~r
by {piritl, Itt there Apparitions, , ~f the Philo(ophers Scone .
... CXXVI I ibid. SuperftitiolK fra!ers (by itp- ~ Dfaor Dee JelivtTS bH erranJ in Latill: (but
poi1ltlntnt 6f [pirits ) to the ANgels, GcivemOurs here our, records, I know not by what chance,
of Killgdo'ms IInJ N,lfioNs. Stephen ( ICing of
are vcr.y defe£tive. Kin~ Stephen, it feems
po13nd) gwtrl] i" favour (lPitb GoJ) IInJ to dill. not pr~ve Co . credulous, as · was n.-
be the Mi1li/fer of gTtltt tbillgs. pelled. )
Dll10r Dee dotb apprehenl, (",hieb Kelley Jorh of-
ulI1"'4ejftro 1111"e foulta i" bilff[,!f) that tbe [pi- '~ CXXXH p. 408 Tht [pirits IIrt IIngrl, IIl1a
rifs k..itew hH tb~1lghts. . tommand itll to be fbl/t "p, for It [~afon, tJlI fur-
~ Ed. KeIIlcy,'IIery .lffllliet, IIlIa blaJphem~lH: rtt ther m:Ler. ( thi: accciul\c 'of fome moneths is
cOIfjir",ttl. IIgllilf, b] rome Appllritiqlls; to Doilor wanting.) .
Dee's gr~ltt (""10'rt; who Jiill (very devoutly ,. CXXXl/l p. 409. The pO",lr of God. The
aad 'i nllQcendy,ha4 not he broughc chis grie- Jewes; 411":jcrufaJem .ubt rt/roreJ. AnanD.,,;
vous dalufion ' upon himfelf, by tempting God one F rands Pllccius ( a Florentine,. a ,,;etil,ui
fo grievoilfiy : ) Joth [lIhttIit IIIfto, ~IIl comfort tt'nJ.I14rHed PttpiJf, ) being ~lIttrtltjlltd, IIntf, -a*-
6i-Mf in a,a• mitred t, th,[efecrets: ~ith f,rtllt holrs of JO'me
... CXXVlII p. 4°0. Apparit;~ns in ri1t pre[tn.ct goo. to he don,,!» thit fell4JPfhip: R.ome IIlfo IH:-
of AI. Lasky. PTllll j[tS u Voll,,. Dee, AM .I II ;lIg , J,jiglft.a heitcef/lT't~ for the Scene: .( f(e p.
]{;,;g Stephen. Ai. Laskyupoll t,,,ditioN t. Je 4.7.}. t.W[pii-its .ppl, ffJirn{elves; IIl1d fit u,eir
r~eiW~UtJ; f~'iU" ,gtUlI. ~ Dollor nec .re- J~tch to t'hid ,,,J _ntI- .ct:.4jj,II1. Tht iltter/'r:tta-
Cti1m tlit. Communion ",,"M. . tio1l of Stti,pt~i·es. ', Tbe Fath,ers. T.e Chu.rch.
4( CXXlX p. '40I •. .App4ritJ_ .4 tht . (JIllrt 6f Lurller ,zna .C~IYin. : co"l'1(I1/,,1. The .PoP~ ~f
tbe King ,o f ~oland)ill the tre[mc~.f Al.. Lasky t
( Me of t/:it Fr;nces Palitine I{ t",'dolDll'r~ )
it .. fm.
V tho {firiu, {flaMN Jejfra,s;,,; /Jof tbl
Rome, '.11 "~ be (fa) Ibe {p,irits) th~ Antichrill:
ItNi ·tk;#IttJ,~Yp"oile it. El(hortations ~o . ,.It,"n
to tbe pjll.l'.ch: 11M. form of pr.yer, or 'I~a!lk.J­
IC 'Ng; (if ~ i;efirt it; ) .,. 10 {et Jnw }m/ct. .itb :titling, to thltt Pllr.pqft. In th.e conelufioll, the
L~ofll. J ill" .tb;r..i[~.."; if r,
AI. Las~1 hit ,piow anJ rtligiow IInf,.", ~"J
:r'4thtr. rprrits '.,ply tl#..relvri tp PUCCiIlS, per[olf,ul]:
loU. is r. ~~buk;,~ ,tin pr.e[tIIt POPf, (hn-e EIt(/d.
cboiet : for "hich he iI "",menel,J. : lhe [pints a wicked ~onfier;) ",,(f ",hom, if be will 1I0t
.",ilinot ",Jure, thougli tequtfttt/; t. Jtlll "'itb the be per[waaed, terrible judgttHtltls IIrt dtltoWlctd.
K;"g, i", tbe Hungarian To';gue. ThtY. 1":omife to 4f The [ttme Amon (bee,all[e th,e [pirits bert
fpeil/r" t. hi'" ill L.ti7!e; A gold bleJliIfU ."J Tllthtf che[e to [peilt,. Eliglifb; than Llltine: lPbtrt-
, 9f
The Table.
.f{",'tJlhilt iI {Ilia in tbe Preface: in Llltill' hj ~ p. 430. A collfliQ of hil, '/Pith tb, f"id Puccius,
D,Oor Dee. IIb.llt th., ir goi"l " RODle, &c.
~ CXXXIV p. 'P7. 71., {II"''''' .f Franci, ~ p. HI. A Pllp,r Jtliv",ab} Pllccius, to Do-
Puccius "is commif/iOlf, i" bi(h LClfgMllgl. FMtllT' li.r Dee, ill fr'''' tilt Nuncio; b} whicb the} II"
ACtions, i" Rome. ~ Bul btrl follo'W"b " 1I~[olv,a fr0"",ll crim.tS, (.",r, thl.J "lIIIr {o grtlll
hiacus ~f {om, 6 II'OIl"bs: 'Wbich ~trlilvts liS of (lIId ""i"olll) {o thl.J '/Pill g. to Rome., pucclus
"'''If} p"rliclI/"rs. 1" tht "'tIl" lim, bapptllttl hit i"co"jlIlIlCj "bout th.u PII"r. ~ Dolitr Dec'"
tbt fentence of banilhment "!,"illft Doli', r Dee, L,tt,r to th, {"id Nuncio, upo" Ihllt o'Cllji,' '':
"l Ihl POplS ""Jilltioll ""d "ulh.rit}; (liS his
Nuncio, }'. 434' aoll, IIc/t",."t,dgl ) IIlIa f. hrllV
'/Ph,,,i,,, II.O"f. .,her t"illgs, to rtll hi", oflhtft
BooII.; thilt ""a bltll b/lTlfta, "lid .,.tr, (mirll&ll-
,h, f>IIrp'[I of g.ill!, to RODle: Ih.llgb lIIucb ari- IIIIflJ) r,fi.m); IIl1a of ';'III1} "'Ort burll,d (part
vt" on "} Puccius, &c. liS will "NtIlr. of thefe R.,coras certainly) Ifol }tt u(l'rta, but
4f p·418. Dollor Dee's r,cortl of II./Irllll,' thilll, pro",i[,;' ""d ,xpelled. ~ '[he {Ilia Lttttr "f-
( II lItr) mira,le, ill bis jud!,t",tlfl,) thlll hllplI,tI. t,r {om' ""ttft IIhollt it, co"'",ilted 10 Pucci us, t.
i" h;, pr,f'''c" IIl1dfiLbr; to wit, BUll.; tbllt "lId b, 'IIrri,J "d a,liv",d. 4f Mor,.f Pucciui
bUll burllttl by hi"" (Dr ill h;, fight) ujima 1111- hillfot f"ithflll J,,,lillg. S "" Here/ies 1I1f. of
to hi", wh.l, "lIa ,lItir" hj fpirits, &c. hit. SO/ll, orh,r thillgs, Illid to 11i1 chllrg, b} Do-
~ CXXXV p. 419 Pri"c, Rofimberg (Jou Oor Dee.
11IIIJ ftt h;, Titles p. +1'). ) clIllrd, IIlIa IId",il- ~ p. 4 H. '[I" Popes Nuncius, bit ""{'/Ptr to Do-
wI into th, Society, to 10, pllrtllvr of th, My- llor Dee: /,rllVf, lI"d courttoUl. ( At Ih, htgi,,-
fieties; IIl1d thl Executioner .f cro fllppof,. ) Ifillg'f iI, alit, for aUlaD to 10, correCi. )
Gods juag,m'lIts, &c. ~ Prillc, R.olimberg, 4f p. 41')· .A PIlPtr, (hm i,,[,rib,J "lid flil,J,
upo" r,llItio" .f ",".t '",d '1'11 rllltlll,d, C'II-
tlrllillg himJtlf, IIcc,pts'f it thllllki,.lly: pro",i-
Ocaculum Divinum ) i" Kelly's "brtlfct, writ-
It. lind tltlivrrttl (,If D.lior Dee aorb b", rt-
fts IImtnJmtlft, lI"d prll}ts f.r the Emperollr, cml. :) by fpirieual and divine means: tht
(who{, Vice-Roy h, .,.iIl i" Bohemia, &c.) tllllt drift whereof is, to (ollfiT/1I prillc, Rolimbcrg,
hI mil} "ot 10, d,jlTOJ,d, but rt!'lIt rllther. .At whofe uqu,Jt, rhe [tllItllet of banilhmcnt is
4f p. 4 11 • A Letttr .f hil (withbil O'/P" '''''l) t. miligltted.
Dollor Dee, " Ih, f""" purpof,·
4f Dolior Dee's JOllrll'} to LeiJlfig. ~ H;, L"'er 4f eis p. 436. A 10llg "lid {uhmif/iv, Lllttr of F ran-
PUCciUS,IO Dollor Dee, &c. .",btu, IIIfI.lIg
t.Sir Francis Wallingham, S,crtrllr} t. ~tt" olh,r Ihi,,!,s, b, givtS hi", II v,r.! lUl/llII1I1 IICCOUllt
Elizabeth: wb,rti" iI ohf,rvllbl, hil wOlld,':'full ofwbll.t hll. P1:ta, ill al{eollr[t, b',Wtlll Ih, Popts
confidence; IIlIa Vllill b,"jlillg, (lhOllgb "ot witb- NunClus, "II himr,lf, c'lIc,rnilll thtir clluf"
out {01ll, grvu,,'/s .' ) ill II V"} Enthlliiall, lI"d d,- "PP"ritio"s, high IIItr1ll,ts, &c. (well worth the
IIIdld mil": though il ClllfJlolb, dtlfi,a,Ihill {O"" reading. ) His tllco/lllftr witb II Jefuir, btfo"
Enthllfialls, upOIl I,j{t gro""tis, (whnf Goa hllth the {llid Nuncio. Whitt IICCOUlIl Prilfce Rofim-
b,m plu{ed tI give WIIJ) hllv, hlld fllr better berg, ""d [0",' other gr'lIt "'tlf, ",,,d, of
{ucctiT,· the",.
4f p. 4 1 +. Oil' Jut AfcaDius, hit 'Lilt" I. D.Oor 4f p. 44+· Kelley, to Dolior Dee: Dollor Dee.
Dee, illformillg him of [0",' reports, ""d IItt,,,,pts
U h» Wif,; bit Ifothillg colljid,rabl, ill ,i-
agllillft him ill German1, /If" Necromancer,
&c. Ih".
~ p. 42S. A Lttt" of DoOtr Dee'sto Prillce ~ CX:XXVI p. +44-' ~ CXXXVII p. «s.
Rofimberg, &o",plllillillgof tho[, r,ports,"lIa lit· Appllrit"ns ilf the Stone, ( "fttr 6 ",on,ths 11/-
,,"'!ts,b} til, Nuncio, &c. u,,,,igio,,) UlltWta, witb '¥f'r,f/iOIlS of grelft d,-
4f +26 • .Allother, to rh, Emperour, 'f rh, {""" VPlioll,i" DoCior Dec: bllt with ",IIII} Woes ""d
{ubj,lf. ,brtllt"illgS, b} tbl fpiriu: "Il'b, Iftv,r/h, lr1f"
~ thl {mt'llu of Banilhmem IIgllilljl DoOor Dee,
PrlI/C, Rofimberg brillg prt{tIIt, pro",if, fllir to
&c. illlh, German '[o"g",. 6i"" "tla givt h,m {om' ;"jlrNliiolls, ho." /. '''rr.!
~ p. 429' Pri"c, R.o6ruberg hit qUljliolfS IIlIa p,-
titions , mir/lcllloJlflJ ( III Will COllc,iv,a) 11"- 4f Francis Puccius vtr} troubl,[omt; bNI Itt [,zft
rWtrttJ. .A whit, l"per h,i"g ret up." th, .All"r, quit/ttl .".itb tht r,ftitulioll (Dolior Dec, lit this
'/Phi/ltf Matre "'III [Ilia: the {Ilia P"P" lIfter tim" IIbolUld,tI. '/Pith ",Oll/), 2000 Ducats ill ."t
Maffe, '/PM fou"a 11// .,.rirr'lI, 11"1, /If {oo" III copi,d IIItg: Pri"c, RoJimberg hila II good pltrf,:)
OUl, .ll tht Let/,rsef it "'lIljh,a. A COP}./ ti, of 8eo. Florens: .".bich th, {IIi. Puccius
fllia pllptr, or (mirllclllolH) writtillg. hlld. for","1y co"trib"t,d for tb, {tTViCt.
4f ibid. Som,ob{,rv"tiolls of D'!lor D~e's, IIPO" 4f CXXXVIII p. '1-48. Dollor Dee "'"/t1S bola
Francis Puccius (of whom btfort) hil c.rrillg,; ro propo{, [om' q.tjfiolls ( r",aillg to tb, f,-
'/Plltr,b} it aid "pptllr IIIfto him"bar the {Ilia Puc- cr't of tht Philofophers Stone; liS III1V it : )
cius aia Hor at"l tru,1y IIlIa jillc,r,ly: '/Phi,h out of {,II{Olf; bllt ;s rejtlfta, IIlfd d.tb bNII/hly
troubl,a Dollor Dee, who mllt:6 dtjiml. t, lot rid {ubmit.



Part I I. acc\lrfed : Jet Popl=ry tl[e1IPbm jNfljfi"l. Kelley

fcandalized.t .Dolior 'Oeeill grtllt .4l(oIlY. Si!;"t

Cti~1I I p. I. S,rH1oll-lik.,e /luff; ·PoOor.Dee [mets oj cli(UIIOItiOIl T:tvetil,d bJ [pirifs. Tht
(having a zeal, but /lot according to Powder IIg4ill, ""d bo"", E. K. Clllllt bJ i.t. , Prt-
knOwledg e ) 'mervtlilollfly 6ffrlled with it. dJlliolls ~f En~ land? &c. (all falfc2nJ foolilll~
Pril1ce RofiQlberg hit, expelltltiol1 of mOl1ey Ed. Kelley his fiddity ["{"t ard. Cab'aliflical
tll1[rrertd, al1d eluded with grttlt [lIbtilty, byex- '''yfftries of Lttten) lind Numbers: Hot 1l'rlll111-
Itmp!e Oll~ of Scriptllre., of Abraham, David, dtrftq.od bj Dollor Dee) &.c. thlUgh .much ~tlp',td
Solomoll;&c. 7b.r pred.lls Powder he htld, how by his [pirits. Bllt at lit/f, be !;lIth j.y, ( 10 fpfrit
411i w.heH, /Q .be tifed. ]ud{.mullts to be exe- .:s be it pafwlldrd ) ~d ,,[oIVes to o't;tey
cut"'. UpOI1 fev:r,,1 Great ones, (fure enough. ~ Dot/or Dec, Ed. Kdlr:y, 11111 fhtir two Wipts;
if tbey' h~d prevaileJ ) by Pril1ce RoJimber8', tli ~bt i r (mfe, A!pT(~f1/fioIlS, ""~ r'fQlutiPl/.s,co.~,u:/I­
fom Go"; cd. 1{el1ey, hit ",ife btl rm: "by. IIIg t~/S ne;v·noCl:rne of promirc~o ,'i/ ,~,"u!'i:tl'/Jn t1t-
He veT) wear) of h;, ~JJi:-t: reproved (IT it, I1l1d jOJnrd: txvrrff,d ill (~ r,., of a Covenant ([q by
IIlIotber ( Arthur, D ,aDr Dee's [011, ) to be ["b- rJ,tm , .,f!.'d) with God: h:T' fir ;i txhibittd,:IIIJ
ftitllted ill hit plltet : }t1f,lIl1a bid portion of the afterwlI, ds~ p. 20 . compl/M.d, Illld J!d{crihtd bj
preci,us Powder to be tak,m fro", him, if h.e do 'hr Parties: ~ witb: a ...,.,tf wi"k,td ,cla ·.re, or
110trtpmt. conc\ufion, of drtadful ill:frrclltiolt.< to I/lllh4t
n p. 4. Arthur, /iril prt[mttd, ll11d prtpllred by Jh."tdbertafter C' '''t ' to the k.."~wledJ(t hf it, <r
prayer; &c. tIIttrs upo" his Office: Suth d,vers brilfg It to k,;:ow/e dge: whrrea/ ' it ij ",.lIch to lht
things il1 the Stone; Lions, Men, &c. but hear- gl~rJ of God, lind triu Rtligioll, that [uch fflyft'rits
~f Htlllllld dlf' k,.1IejJe, /hol/ld (Olllt to light, to b,
~th 110t.
Ilbh.rrtd by IlU men: and tha,t others "'IlJ bi
III p. S. Arthur Ilglfilf, liS before: '1hru Exer- 1fIarlled by /"ch [ild r.xfl"'plts, Hot to hUHt Ilfttr
ciCcs m o"e da,. lIew doCl:nnes, Illld pretende'" in[pir.ations Il,n d
IV p. 7. Arthur 1lJ!llil1, liS pefore : il1 two Excr- rtvtlatiolls.
cifes,"ore. ~ p. 17. Ed. Kelley his Declaration ' fhis difli~~;
V p. 8. Ed . Kelley, in hit Office Ilgaill : [en Il"d fro ... rhe beginllillg ~f theft ACl:ic.ns, in J!.tIf, hIll.'
bellrs. «before. Uriel, firJl a, rbour of 1>ollor His oppojitiollllpOIl occajion. Hit diflike ofthH
Dec's lI,d Ed. Kelley's conjunCl:ion. .A New new d.lIrillt (ilt ·p.lYticM!ar ) a/ contrary to tht
Law prom {ttl here Ilgai". · Anabaptifiica! Do- ,.tvt1lled WilJ of GoJ :. ~oJP [ilrisfie" ill[o>ut m,a-
llrille of committing Adlil~erl,ror Godsfllkj,&c. [urt: alld. the.rev.pon hil r~(tdinIJJ'e f<> ~~q . nllt
, 0 ,' fUll 1fI~rJs here, [tt tht Erra~a. upon tbe W'ffltllS profe§.·.J 'difl~k.!, IIni dtlllllrTl,;
VI p. 9. Here the [pirits begi" to. jhew them[e1ves rt[olves t? givt over all furtb,r deilling•
. i1t tile;' .""11 !ik..elliff~appartl,tI7, teaclJiHg do- VII P. 19· Apparitiom• . Thi. chitf St,Qlle cltr-
{frillts,f Dtlliis I ".~d yet jfill ( lII .thei1' inftru- ritR 111I'a! by [pirits in tbei/.' fi.~~t. Mptr' ,t~bor­
1IItllts lit t~H dill ill Jiv,rr pl4Cts ) 10 the name tlltio~s alld Itrf,lIl11ents, fer 'M'fjlZlI;e tv thit new
of God. Vollor Dee a.lld Ed. Keller, are eli!- doCl:rine. Offtr of Il Mtrac!t, for flirth rr WI-
horted, yea com .... lldtd, t'o i~ir lr;vts ill firmatioll.
co HI mOil. Tht ra[. IlrgutlJ on both jiJI'if,jiJ alld:
ugt r/y. Olher flralfgt nollril1t of Devils, ( Hottd,
Vm p. 21. An,tbt" (ff/'ilritio.n "P6.If: fiiftl'~
tludt) to confirm tbem III their . P1Jri~[i .PI alie ..
and rtjelled ilf the Pref~ce ) of murd~r cOIfJe.m- dUllet.
l1ul by the Laws of "'tII, Approved by God. Saillt IX p. 12. ret tt,!oth!r to tbe [J",. purport. lht
Paul impioufly flandtTtd. GTtat pr.D1Iti[ts, 111 C?~enanr torHt hJ K~lIey,•."' ~di' >;"07t lIt.itiil.t>J
tll/t 'of ~btdi'rHre. lhe Powder. The Pope htTt flilntS. Tht great powtr offhd: faith alta obe~
The Table.
dience, th, mil ill tbill~. Gmtt promi[,s. Judg,- {I,r Dee's IIPOIl th~ form,r Propofiti.", Sec. t. b,
"!tillS proll.rllc,d againjl Kelley bis tearillg tb, oJflrtd lI"tO Goa: IImo,,1, tb, relt, o"e for tb,
pltp,r of Covenant, Againjl otb,rs, ([ome al- J1takJ;,g of th' Pbilofophers Stone: Allot,,";
r , ad, ' Xtcuted) f or ,,,ri'i1f~bimpf'lty : B)'II'hicb for Kelley'S b,i"g fie ... : f.r hit Wife, b,i"g bar-
it ~~",s Kelley b,illg rerri!i,J, r,folv,s to farry, r'II: for hit OWII Wift fic"" Sec. The Empe-
and ob,y. ~ Th, Stone,ltrallgdy tak,.'H a."ay, perour of Mo(1;:ovie, hit t.rlll t opinioll of noOor
.u /lritngtlJ r,ifDr,a, ill th, pr,fNlce IIlIa figbt of Dee; /t7fd, fltvour oJf,rttl.
bnth. ~ But her1,llow,th tbil great hiatus, or i"ter-
X 7h 11[1 of obedirnce (good words, to coun- ruptiono Story, ",hicb b,r,aves U4 of ",an) )
tenance greatefi "illanies, never wanted: as (fpok,.ell of in the Preface: ) accoi/llt. All from
J "y ly rc:m : ) performed, w accepwl b)Ihtws ht"ce, to tht end, rtt out u"t, IK bllt th, [ad a"i.
an d [petcbr., . Conlmtndatioll of Wifdom. Stere- Ittmentable Catafirophie of thiL /ollg Dclufion.
cy II!joJnea. Kelley it liD moTt hura of 1I0W ; y,t the
Xl Cabalifiical Do[!rin"of the Creation 'f mllll : fpiries applar Jlill ill th, {/tmt }hape, 1/1 b,-
Th, [orll of mall. not tb, [ubJtll of f a1f Oi!icatioll, fore.
Sec. Grtat Promi[, s alia PrtailiiolfS : (,quail.!
trut) tllttrtain,d, (with th' Dollrille : )" wltb
comfort. ~ An. Dom. 1607· (St,lo Jill.) Mardi 20.
~ p. 18. Princt Rofiolberg: (th, mall 110'" i" B) thi! time Dollor Dee ,!,as become a vtry old "'a" :
favollr: but mi[lTabl.J attl[ed alia dtlll/lta:) tw. ~f b, WKe Sesagenanus ( .u be if !lil,J i" Puc-
Lttttrs of hit to Dollor Dee, Sec. S,v,ral qu,- cills bit Letter, P. I. +39.1. IS. ) a. d 1586. ht
ft i '1/S J) him propo[,tl, ItS ,x/I'llillg [pat thill~s ; nt'lli' lIt1ds b, four[eoTt atla upwards by ,h":
Il1fa ."boll] t. b, gov,rllta by thtir fpirits. His Bllt "".' Httll Hot t~Jc" the wora fo pr,cif~": How-
con!iatrlCt of a grtaf Treafure, in the Powder tvtr if towltrJs It th'II, (mort 01' ltffe) h, muft
delil/,rt . Ullto him. bt vtry.ld now, .u 1 f/til b,for,.
~ p. 30. Stveral !!l.!!ejlio1/s, aHd P,titiolls of Do-



Part I II. ""'0 hi"" of,. 1'lI'Int) illto a far Coltlltry, t.

b, rmdtrta~e" b] bi", in thit hit mif~rable ca[,
C,i'" I p. 32• Raphael ( prttt"tled) {ell' 11114 conJitio", .f purfe alld body, thrOllgbYllrs,

A ""to DoO.r Dee, to comfort hi""btillg ( b,-

fidts 01• .Agt) milch "jlilltll with povtrty
lind fick,."tIfe.
II p. H. 'lbt film, Raphael. Of II "rtai"
IIlId prt[",t fif."'ntff',
fit da1/g,r of 11M tli(,i,.i,!'c, htr';II, and rt1ParJ.
,f obedim,,; the Phdoroph ers Stone, Crc.
D.O.r Dee is WIlling. (0 rare faith: or ra-
TreaCure [,mt1Pht" u"d,r gr.rma, (as". fup- tber prodigious, but dcfcrved -infatuation!)
p.fed. ) Dollor Dee's lJ"t/liolls rathtr tllIJ,d, Sal,isbury,janJ. bis Devils; if the Vtvil m"] b,
tha" rtall] aH[w'Tta. P",-offs, ,,,d Promifts,(,f bi/ievta. '
"ondtrflll Wifdom, Cre. ) jWI. ~ p. 36. Som, CII{,s ilnd /ktjlions proPO[ttJ",,_J.
JII ibid. .II Voice ftnt t. DoOor Dee, tbtll ( ill t. be propof,d.
~ It {etms D.O.r Dec, Itt this time, to,lv-pon [,""
it [t,mlth ) 111011'.
IV p. 34. Rallhaelagaill .: do, "'it,h """1 fair to b, a Cunning-man. His 1/terffilJ whicb "iII
prltmfts , and 'VtrJ forc.bll Rb,~orlc~ (to fuch gr,at, ",igbt put him to it I. tryallmtans: bllt
II .1/e liS D,O,r Oee) doth J,[,v,r ,. mrIfal' 1 thinlr" ht .,,1/1 too ho",ft t. ,"rive hy it.
V p. 3"
The Table,
v f'
39· Tht fame Raphael. S011U q7le(l illls
I doubt, how truly) rt{olvtd about the Trea-
and ?robabl" with hit liff: or at lea(l, ( tbough
hit [pirits had promifed hi"" p. 34. "ddition of
lure. 'the ]ournt} hlfjfmtlJ. The Hijlor) of man] years) not long btfort hit death. 1 clln-
Tobias. ",t ]tt l,arn the dirtll time of hi~ duth : bllr
VI p. 40. Raphael in the Stone: The Jewel ; much about thit timt, (bJ all rtports : ) lind i"
tht P(lwd'Cr : in Doftor Dee's pofftffioll; bllt not England, certainl]. Though hit fin 'WIH vtr!
,:t of ufe [0 him. Hit thllnVubuff:, (good great ( M in tht Preface it jhtw:d:) y et btCllu[e
man.) of hit jimplt I",d jinetre ilfttntions ' towllrds G~d,
VII p. 41. Raphael 1I$4in in tht Stone. 7bt it mil} charit abl] bt hopd, that God "'''I "'ft"-
]ournt}. GTtat iromiftS of Wifdom, Cre. ']JO- cillll to hi"" IH to Itt him k..I1o", bit trrollr, lind tl
1I0r Dec's mtmitS at Court. M ,nq intmd:d b) . rtpmt of it, btfort hif duth.
tht Emp"rour (fo alfo p. 38.) to Dollor Dee, ~ p. +6. That which follows litre, it ctrtainly
hiHdtrtd. Somt eafn, conctrning othtrs, and intendtd for part of that holy Language)
himftl[, at hit rtqutjf anfwtml. which Adam in Parad,{t if [aid P. 1 p. 6h 92.
VIII p. 43-' Raphael: Divers ~tjfiOllS and to havt [p,k..m: and b) which grtat jppndtrs
cafts hy him anfwtrtd. 011: John Pontoys, l1/ig"tbtwrought. I havt neither faitb, 110r cu-
'IItry ambitiDlu to [:rve Dtllor Dee, in tbe[t Ap- rioftt,} to inquirt into it an} filnhtr : IItithtt-
paritions. ~ Wbich tlld hert in our Relation : will, (I thin;,') lin) {ober "'11".

NLlead of other Approbatioll :' the Reader ( befides the judgement of the late Arch-!;fhoP of AT--
I ",.gh: for his Piety and Learning fo famous every where; (poken of in the Pref/tce, firLl page!
ofit : and the judgen'lent of divers other~, that read the Book M anllfcript,and wilbed it printed;)
may confider, how follicitous the Devil hath been, when he faw his plols ( God oppofin&) not l~k~
Iy ·to take effell:; that thefe Myjferit$ ( thefe Papers and Records) might not come tei light. Fuit,
~y p. +18. and p. 431. ([)oaor Dee's Letter to the Pope5 NUllcio) and fome other l)l~ces of the
Book, it doth appear, that they were all burnt, by command; though fome afterwards ( upon a~
pearance of better ftrangeJy reLlored again. A:;a,in, Part II p. 21. is that horrible. i'!'prt-
cation; whereof more In the Tabl,. Lafily, thefe remaimng Papets and Records, here e:s::hlblted,
were under ground, God knows how long: imd fince that, though carefully preferved, wer~ even
at the very !aft, when the worthy Owner took care, and was at the coft to have them tranfcnbed :
and fo at tbe l.~ ( not unluckily, I bope for tbe publick good: ) they fell into my hands.
ERRAT A: Th~ if~t Book.
~ lljlflil be(QIlIIciliulle:liok.: · .l~ p'art. ~rotCc.alil« :(be6de'ord;illiy&1ir.,..,bltMID.lftnes; CYen *~.bcll.c.• ~ ilu.Il!a:)
. fto. t~. udc,,~dMJIe ohh'·' .'l : .""'flt m,..hi}i.ppcn,panly.rhr"qlll)le ll\t,•.~Ic"tcre.ef!he ",,,,..f It f.lf. 10 11M.
ily pla~Cl:' icrd partli' (<<>nflijrffaii'ib ,lie raicl:O;I,".I,,,bct~ lDolt'lllCibft. 'The t~re of "hicli IDUbi•• anol1aifwriri""
you tIIlf ji"HU ,. 1'1, bo.·C'f. eitrbcfidOl Uli*r. (aid', ir.lDar'" ~ba."11 ~I«le\l (tolD P. n..';'
,'.1; ..J•.and f.
IJ '1 to' ell.! (Olb!; «h&T:like pint'. ; ~It.aJ. K,IIt-t, for ~ 1D0n parr, whe", lit iIIa.!e)'qlCJrl I~ Doaor 'fufj lit ".Mallld fpcC.
cll~.&':( ~... crpefia1lj~ .. 0( {oAle le!J~~ ).l!id rt.""t..I>Otf "h .. he flid 'himCc1f, and· (0 might the ClfiCl'mlltakc. A CDOd
part of <1>, Cleek'. P. 1. I.. l ' ......Clllrr:cpor;tc",~nd lII'lb,k co;a. i. ~!d i~.. he.,Porfm;;>...: ,l-e04J lIc1.ioYC "!'fer throillihly UDo
der\tMa'by Qado.. 0., liiin~eJf: '"rll\nOt thercfor~ be clil'c!!ted o,h.",.fe.but Ih.t lhe.~ 1Io,0II1~ lie JII,n, Caul .. ~. 'h~· wri"nr; .: foc
"hirillweuhl no< ba"e tli~ 'III/1Oc:mr(tho i'r..",sand C.o:tt8ors,IID~'} to~_r lIIot'C. ~\albclc\wi codl., 10 tlie.. fl!ar ••Ycdiow-
fu¢.b("ho(c pllC'C,' ~c.pted ..rl~e .he Qrili.~l''''i~·Ye~,. f,uJII:} noDaI :eahl, !K! eorTtt\cd-by an .~i_
,!*.~~ ••
nCI ,Ihou"b m••J : _n
R ...dier ih" luonyen.. ,n ~ ot all ~,nd,:Ot l(qoc CCll{~.oI;Jcdiith a ••11.l0~ · l!crea9C)bt l\;etlict'oflhe _a.n
rcr, ~~e rt.. p.8}~(lbcr~ .nd.the.~,il """ bc;.. i11 be fe.urul , 'ltalonlble 5(lIoIer 1II~:bl: puno it:as., .
~t.,l ,-..tllll "./ti(tfItf ,{ifJ.r.."flli/: w~eh:ccn~.nIJ lIluR ~ rc.d,.IM'lJfJt.(mn,ipjis 'if'~iI/I :-di~e ~ioK-a lIIIo;felt (and (lo...i-
nellt ;'IM;on; In ~e w.ord., , I~, lhaf a.hc,~ji:al1"l.,.~oi.ici ( windrtt!'i'( i or, b... ,inl·: ) Of 'he, fQuI, . fo f.lDo~, in HI. J)",*~ ot
cltprCffi~lno b. found .n f'jtll4, ( (·r WtJrlts commonI1 tclfcqbcdlnfo) h1111' : )
JIM ".,..,;.,;, oildjlani :i/.,.
l'liiloliophen; Pl.,odilh .rpcmll.y: Tl!is
-.ltrOS&",.Tf I (wbichl\ Ihe famdil (If'il'!) INt·• .;en 'JiI.,..
.),.Jyer~1U I
is 60(,.. ~"""\~"h ,la'81 her•.• alf:lhese,· 1D'?7 be found< ~her~ ,laellcad.i mail t~.k. ro~ti"'. lo conGdO!l', (10
".pi",,,., as ••
is Latin<•
• 4><cioll,:) Ifh,. '!'inki" "or~ ,h...We, I h ... faid .. mo,tch ~, 1.1,,",lp!C!Cdfu.1~l;Id!,!! ~C\(Y''''I~' ~\fot'me .a~ thi";",,
c: Sinct,th" ,",.. tten, o~fervtn~ char ,. 4"J, ~~4'. ~h'" uri., lhet~ In hoth p",:cs, ".ery;tll faulu. (tar 1II0rolhere, dllD
any ·.. her. elf~; Ih .. I h ..o ob(tl •• d :) IlhougKr II "!M'ld'no< be •.m.!fe to correa I1)0f. t ..o Pilles. The Reador PIa, ,he bet-
'er koO'" "h'l h. barh.o do upon luch QCcaGon., IhouCh Jdare (.y he .. iU not meCc .. Ith sbeli" agalo 10 the "hole Book.

r. '••mi'.''lI.jI,! <fl..... it
q. 'lfi.s.wi•• i~ u. & ,l1Itr...
40J, 3....
II_1ft "if . ib. 1.1
{oad C••
".r.... 1. 8.
1,'1. N_1b
r. t, q , e.pir.'i.,
1. ,. i.rtUi,!'N'. p. ",. I. ! •.
ib• •
,btlle•• _ """.III.(e. J.
b_ae ,af.'" '.. ./tlViiftr. 18. , ..
,cilj,,, '! C!. f,l.
CI"'~I"''') --t 9.
'",b.,i"' ....
'4- ~.fltl. .
&1 p,i(ei,.,;-. J•• o.":u",',i••
j,bl"".,. ... ".'~.'.me. I It. N_ """ "ar. I .... ,.tqo."tts ..'" Ik. 1. lJ. i,!tmorC6.
I.d Cb .. jl.... ••• in&1pi ..I.M. .,.I:r.inl",md.r.u,: I.[tkmrtpttt~' i. Hzc lunt .er~q\lz locu,u. fumadYo., CURl
.dhuc e{fcm vob. L 3C? J I . ••II~ t§",,.pbtri.,,,1 :",,1. i,r.r•..... 'i,,_"'m" :1.
3a. Ittl. /i'll' ."lIbili iIIi. 8. " ••• ;, "I. 1. J'.
,'''rb:ri- v. \. J~. E~ la. • I-c. n. A"P". R.!'!tI~trOll. , riT, ,"atkllfu. ".J6. P,.tt"I!o, q•• iT, ~. ,8. AO."m I. -. tl ctr.,us c. J.".
P 'pf. iici',fi,l. 1. 4" &.tm",., ,,,,tl.,,,•• ,,. t>:"1I6m,, d, e. m.jI"".!JHc, 1. 43 • ..u.pb.~n. &. NOlO", m. f. J. 4i1 E"..•
,rliftr." I.
.rll'i411.' I. p. (eim.." & i-.b•• ~I. I. ''.J.
".,b~r;•• I. '4, u • • xp'rt§"'t· m. Eor itl.ql. I. "i.'II!Jibilt-q.
"al;e "04. I.I.9ui.( plJr••,_ tf/ I •.. Cb:H!i '.~ J. A~.~"" ~., (.,"'IItn".a', I. f . q... f.O••• C/",,'i.. r. cr."" f« . •.
I. I .•§m."';,. 1. If, U . 'II"'p. r. iif", ,:tift_liS D. J, 1,i.{i..".,.'II.ItI.I. L 16. 00]1,.,•• A. 1; . 19' .8i•••s: A.,.h",,,,
~r:-~, -b. I. to.!." ...
f. I•.s6; S...pil"., ...n, ., • ., D . 1. "1•.., .....afti:. d, a,; f1,Ii~ III. -- bll1li.u.,. I. )Q •. ~'kliJtt.
l"n·..~./1imlH. I: j~·",'i';firis" ... jiritb.. l\. 1.3 •. qwi I.••,,,;,, j./Jis '""t .. I,. ..ii,. I; _to .6tJ;~ri.", ."4i6,,,,,,. I, 4~ •
•",r ..; r..]/lro.ur,nII; ~.. 4'1 .•.,.... ~. ~" .,.", I~ 44 ... r~..... td m~""a't'.rI•• f. 1. :tf' ' '!oel/rlriI." 4~: . 1lJ1f'1. 0':: {,.~·ariil':
j' f.o.ft;"'~IfI..a~ C' 1, 1 q."iI.",-p,.,lfIrI' .II. I; ff. 'IIlrrh/ 1fY....f{IIlt".'. u. I. fof. MIll. 't .•. .lilt"" &" -- r"",r""'~1 Jr/,;,;
h Vtrt I. f/l "''110,.''- t1f': M. _ _ ·lr-r;fi't1....,lIII<m & 1111",- c, {mmll: I. ,a..." .... t: III Motglft (.,1
~Ioax!lc ;)
liz l.pii, i -· ".,."" .U/ni(: (:f '''''';'r. ,,,,,,.,../1,.
I . .....,.tkm.

~.,., I~gs IQ b,..rorrtlkJ. ill tb, Preface: tlw dllth9l1r heilfg thr. ill It J-flf"IJ. ."b/~ ~t./tf /rilltitlt illId
fD h¥ iilu.tleJ. re~tli", btill!, bJ t~ qlliC1Qt!ift of tb~ f",g,.
't:'lril. he detirei .10. Ro....... '0 cs'" AoIicc Ib_, h~ 8ad. his Ortboc;ilpbio 'Kertd 'il\ i!iYe;.s,pl~ :' '1' Pbil.nw~' lind p",r.f"
£"bc" i for l·bi/oApbit;&c.H.,~~r4f.s,. f!>t Hirr..r4'r~, . &(/. .Hi':pqj.~h>~ ~lfo:
: .ifTf.. bcl'bre A/!b"Nlb.: a.nd befor.c: r,.r:
,.;.,s: ••
.... f#IIJ1PiIIl~~.ror 'P'. in rhe fecond
whlClt d~\li lIIuch "bfcu'r. ,he renfe. fl tlcG'd'C1I~" : (bqt I muft d.urF the R.. dc~
fi'rlHo idere ih~ ft(4rtf ~iI'Ig-l>rillted ~ ) PiiC'1o :1i1lC 'r-" ,rtlli: 1•••, .,K to.rc.. I (JX,0" !P" I·:t4, Fli'jf thtn;(as crolii
them tho p. P.4f;"~fg • ~ ~'4-f.,+ hiOtrt ~"'h.,P.v,fJ1'·.l'·.Dd.O~hc'rll{ ~~o t p, 1.1-40 r', i"!(enuo\ll prof. 1':1"0.1. '4, i'lhicli
m,y car, P.I t.I ... 3. $0 JNi/tn. M So quotedmdcc~ ~nd beheved by d!ver~;but "0' rJl!~t~y: but bowev'r one p 11.1.'9.
,.w.flpijJiml «,. ..
!', '4.1.7. '. by ,he .o.up~ IbId ~ J1, fomt; ", " . ~~ IbId I. 40. If> .. . .he D. p. '.f ' l. 36, !.:~I;
C.[.' S,.I. p. II. I. '3i ~n~ .8 • .T,,J}s.,,lll. ,b.d I. .., . ,; 1I.eofon: fight. S.• bld I• • 1,. Ihol ,hoC. D\. p: t'.I. '3 . lb. eel.
p, 19. 1. '~1 ••,{mifi~1 Wt.fl.,rI'!', ib. 4', '· f.· illi it n, P. 19. 1: 1. 't{troir. Ib, io. i,1.Ai'T1f1~ . Ibid '0, .,.,irt... Ihid 4'.
thod.y.. am~nlt otben, one m.Ii.", '!Of", al._day, by'" H. Ol?;aM1n PM. A. ar.orw_rd. (fome~ . or 4, yeu. ~I,er ) l'npilh i.....
poQilros (tben ufd .nd-dirco.~rcd) 01 tbe nltUr., for .he JdnncClDCnr of· caufe, occofioned Ino.her of Ihe
Au,hour, and Sub jed., <.>:.,.if-1tS ) ogainn P.pi{ls. I hIY.,h· -. - - p• .,. 18, '1'.~o~.o:.7.:. ib:'J' •• '''' CIIJII
•• (. p. I !. I. n. Chron.. n,: .~kn•• b. H, InOre II>. H. Sec· Iherefore .... P" "4 4~ .• p. Fun'"" -r .. ,-r •• 'p.• ,. H' true a.
r. Chr. p. • 6. • S" cqucR t. p, ' 7, .6. yca re.dy, . .h· .a: II. forf.I'm,.;>. ",•• orul p. .. • . (in Lit. I" .,. "3.. pr.feD'ed ~
.ndoppr. P·J."1 · ..uena,.but~t"e~. lb. JI.ob . diJi~ Ib •. Jo. fortharp ••• • blmfdff; p. 1'.JI.,comD\<ndtth. p.l!.
7 •• ,lI"eee ...ea int.. lb· 0 I. n. oflhonlt·.· ha.t h d. p. h . 16· delayed a· P,31. ~~ ..confufe~ .or cqnr. p' ''U~ .7., De.iI ...· Ibid

mfeil und .. ~n old v'7-0r :) fo '*'

,. Hedi~'c. P·11.a:.Ii.ed;Th. h.6. more probably dcn· 1~' 11 , p',nllis(i*.,!ypm at .11, Ind .nO< rothcran.wcooJn.
lb. J6. hllh.had.a h· p. ~o".(pmr ..m." m...f. lb. lI.d. do ,h. lb. I f ·A,f.f.,· lb •• ~.
fOlmFr o. p. .. t. lJ , of whtt iu,. '1" .. J .t. lhey may h.t, (0111. pmbrncc d,. ibid 7. S).t(; ibid OJ, in the T· ibid H' concei.ed.
ibid 4J. rome Tablc·P"44·6. about a y. p·46.1. p,;;., of!;",..7· f· morc ofi,. I.t i••• ibi~ '1' 5clonJ:ed U, P'49'~ f. who b. ib.J "H.
,..,6""",@-· 31 • ..:,v..oImu. 44.lI'f • .:t.j(j-·. 4f. ""'I"~/l" P.f ' o .". 1.0M("s•• , .01.hi.,0I,. P., •• lo.1 kae".p.1l ,.nd praying.
P'JI(criprl ... mininery. . . .
BefideSlhefe 'E.m"6',: it is 611ho R.ader Ihould ~ nO\\' ,hoc Ih. "rincn Copy of ,h. prtf.ct had m.ny refeltnc .. to Ihel"'~e.
(II ,he Book M s · "hich bccaufcrhey did no< "g'" "hh ,h. printtd P'lIu, Ihe Prj!),er ,hought im~ertinentto ret Jo"n ' which
ne.enhtlelfe h,,~ !.red fomc.confulion In roine place.; OJ p. 46, 47 .• nd elfe"her.: bu. may be realfied'by the,.
at tho bc~innin2 . Alain, fo .... marcln .. quo<:n:ions ar. omilUd, . wbich m.y be ftlpplied. p. 34' .gainft Ibe 3, .. ' and 101-
Io .. in!/:nne.: [T".,if. 'fEnlbojif(_: Cb.... . aJ I •. •flUtflr. AlIi/. P,u/If' Enrh.] p. JI' .gainft line II, r •• &c. [y" •••
m,morllbili. Hjl"i.'tI·E"""",troj,&C·L!JI.P.,.16'f.dedica,cd 10 Ihe King of" ..".] P."".pinItI·I,7 , (:f,. [Dt
.,,,0,.,.,,,·1. r·fq·4"p·141, 14', ) . . '
LsnJ,., I eanno< ~; .. are~ron of',,,: . or dilf~r.nt I.,..,. io fom. pl .... : but .hll the Printer, or fome body clll:, " ....
pIe. red their, therein.
€ In.heT..bI,: Panl ~.Vl·.f,btr_"'''lrt. Afl·L(·"r. ,. 1•• 11. Dr. Doc. Aa. lxur: SOl!l.dJ.,· •• J"O/Imitt.
Mi. C/••h/"".: .f/.~jf, f, IIi' Ad.CIV. ito .c,· .fbi.{,,-, L· ibl4is ••• f, Ad· eVIl-;. fn C.bale. AfJ:. CXl(l. hI
rt,"'lIi" ,.[il r,., 1',.,.
.11· ex "( 11· fro", Alt. CXX. [,.(:.1- .,t; .et· CXXx. iniOltic' CXX,X V. b. "rb Irll b.1{ ,h./. j.
".tt 11 f.d · lX' I,UoIrutil",.
- ~- -
1 ~ 3'* f 1!l1 '7 t ~ ... II- t 1.. II- ,., ~ I/. e IL II- '" 10 If, 11 T /I- t Ill- (1 l /I- 1'-1& ",. &.:z: v e lJr-la-1. :314 ~ 16 71 II
, .1. 1 3 t f 6 '7 t '" t Ii,.," t l ~ II- ~ if, t (1 X II- r II- __ t. ls-I- r '- II- (1 .t II ~ r r
11-, Ii D ; 1,4 '5 6 7 a
.1 2 1 i f 6 7 If. f" e Ii II- fI. " II-
[4;~ 2. 1 5'16 '7' '0 r IJ e ,ttl- .. t Ii"
e f,," ;.,
D 11 II- l
II- 11.- (- I Is.
Z II- t 11.
'" t II- 1,
11 lc
Ii- II- ""
If, t t,.
Ii II-
1" 'Z
II- t l II- J, D n. +:5 l ~ 6
X. II- "' It. r ~' 14 1 .1 6
7 8
r; +
3 'J. J 61~ v ~ t t i ~ t 4:1~ II- II Xld. It. f'IJ e r k II- Lilli f' 0 II- 11- 'Z '" (- 11.,)'- 0 x It. 6 ~"14ri !t 718
(I r; +3 1, J 7 r t "' . II; e ... k1 ~ t 1.. II; L d. ,. ~ 1. " t,. \I 11., f' t lis. I- "' J e 1 II. .. ,I. n. ~, e 7 6 r 14 :5
D 1, 8
7 6 If 4 ; a t 11- If, % /I- t d. II- :z. if, ' " tit.'" ... %. '" (1 L l- II- 11-1(1 '" 1 '" Is, 11 (1 ' " .x '" r 8 7 6 ~ -+
f' D :3 l
~ x .. ,. 1ft. " .,. It " 11-"" .. rlJ e p.. '" '" t
J,. '" (I It (1 r la. ,.. 1. II ~ I /J e III- r h. If, ,t " II- t L. "I d. D fI. Z a. h.
F II- of. t " t Ir IfI. 11-, c. ,f" /I- ,..Il- II t e £ " 20 ;, ,.. IJ e 1J. (1 % II- ,t ",. It t L. t1. It 1 14 e Is. .. IJ. .. r " e ,I,
11 D 1 Z II- '" ,6 e P .... .. e t 11- lot. z '" e .. (I ~ '" ,. '" If. ~ V (I ,.. '" J r " It. e r IY J, I/. It. 1J. l'
If, " t .. l' IB t
;r r a. 8 e ,t n. II t " II- 11- ~ '"in. ~ t II- 0 )C '" f' n. .. , 1. II 11 " fl.1" If, 1\ 8 /I. r r .. L- till'" II- j. II f' ~ I~
fI 11 .. Z ", II- ILf e If .... II- % (I t • II- I" z 11 ,. e I" ~
II b. ,.' t 1 '" ~ It (I e h. '" '" I' " ,. 8 ~ 11- S' .. 11- II t. j I-
I! .. X II- -rIA. e m.1f' 11-.1. ." l''''''' ~ e rill. .. ~ r 1. r II- 'JJ. /J e L '"
II- II- t t ~ If. tI if, r t e S .. " t fL .. r
( '" [111 "I~ IJ Tit. Z II- tit ..... V iI It- J ". ~ I ~ t S II- II .,. 11 "'IJ If, I ". 11 II , t II- '" ~ , ,. ~ II- e ~ II- r S ,
II- 1 IA e .. t 11- , lit- '" l.t tit- II- e ~ 11 11 II 11- , .X:~ J ri 1 :I. ~ 1+ II e Id. '" e " 11 11 '", % II- , III. .. 1 If. " t '"
fI. II
II- e .' ., -r18 'e a. tt. " If IJ. 1.. " II- .t
.,. II- f~ 8 I B A <iIA F A ~ Ili1' t- II' ,j II- If v ~ " ", A- l '" "I;' p J' .. r III
IJ. t t t 1> ", 11- S .. '" 11 X. '" e '" lJ 6 1 B IA GIAI EIA I IS G 17' Nt- t I J IlJ II- (I 1.11 ... If.Ic7 " t 11 ~ '" I" e
v II ~g t 11 .. t1 II J,. II-I.t " t; , 11 ,IA 6 S'14 :3 ~ 1 ., 6 5 IlIA 18 II f jJ r t i l t Is. ., J , t /J. tH 18 I.e-
IJ.( .. ;.tll-~1I .. rt(;II"It-:~+11A165'.32,1765" IAGIA9't"'IIf' ... .t .... tA- ,LllJ.",
,.,r .... ~~tler~II- '3~666f,4:3a1766 33JA~,'II-t~ld""'. 4J'l1 l
'" II t iz. If. ;t a.;d. r .. J' r "'].. l. ~ 7" 714 u. e a.. ula-l3C a r ~ 7 7 I 2, "'" t l"'lv lll II- '" t- if, .Js, " 1,1, II-
:r: , f, t II- (. 1.. II r Is. ",,..t1 II 1 All 1 1 116 B l.ft '" B t V .B I 6 6 6. 'B AI:*. 11 " L '" '" " S til- I/. , II f,.
.. it 19 "'I" '" II- (. It ... 'II- S 11- . . 9 I B 2, '1. .2 0 0 () T "-10 a 1fI. ~ 5 5 A B 1",1 V jJ fl.l if, , T II- L. II- L .., II- t
1, II tll-lI.j.lrlll-a."'-"lIf' BBIA3~~OI)Ca.RHRe t1tI4-141~GlAly",J;~ .... lfI."er1s."'.%II-r,,-
Ii' t IA el!tt. "It .. :tIJ e t; f?IAIG4Iil~4BORINI( GOId.:3 3 31AG MJ 'II to!Le",[#. .ILll'" rl"'''''''
It __ 8 e 11- t II- r J. e n-~ II 16 kilA 5 51 'j nlJ 140 a OIPI}" a. .1 ~ :1, F lA 7 .. t II It- Itf erg r.[X II- ,. '.1
II- t :r: • .t ,,1lJ. "'1'1.1 ",I." " 151AFI~16 6141l Gin-Ki "-G ",1'1 1 1 1 ~tF 8"" l; Ii. sll a.IIIJs, __ 1'- .. 1t9 t
1 •L 11 l1l- II- till .. ",1 ~ II ,,14 F cJ4 ., 7 7 a. 0 " J' a It fit. 0 a- 7 7 "IlIA 9 " '" rib. It. II- ill' e ,rill. A- t ~ e
D r&I"-",,,,2: .. l.t"'l"'~ ~11J 11'l,,-n.ita.lll,fetI6166B I4"""'r,l. ... .x .. l,_"'e/s.e
o II- .t ~ 11\." (. 1 II II .t 11 Is. II I' ~ 11 .4 l ~ 3 g 6 " III J +
f J r; A .l C II e ~ r t If. I~ 11 .. l' J e. t ...
'" r :£ "'1.1 e 11- S " cl '" la." D I't l:nf .l 3 , ~6 7 11.' 1 SlA:A ~ 9'11.1 I- z /l.' 1", ... 2; /I. 1f.'/J e • +
Iff. Y c ~ . I/. l!. h- 11 l' '" ,.. , tt. 'I\: 0 A ~ 3 5 6 '1 J l 1 4[; ... -f ty '" is tilt &. a. I tJ • ".. V e r t e
~r • It- life l' jB I.. .: y. II- r ~ t "'I~ '" e BAG A E IA 13 A G- I 5 ~.x J, II " Z II- J. II- If If. Is- % i & 1. ..
If II 11- t (1 J I/. If v II- r" '1m '" t t '" ~:l61A EtA I BIA G 7 6~e f If. tt. " tilt II: ",11 It- .. h-IJ e b /I. r
/l. '-It jI,--g .. 1I-l4: elYI" II-IJ. til .. II (. t ... r;tf-l.lil~.ll .91Jff.! '" J." Ij is- r h. /f II fI. t1 t II- r v /I. rk',
11- 011 z a.J, '" ,,"L.'1' Is. ... ~12 e d.-", Ia. e /fIt '111- 1t.1J. If- ... 11 If ~ .. lb."" r" elk elll"'''~ t"
11, jI. t J led. It. Id 11 II- 14- II t91 ~ Ii r '" i 11 iJ '" Til II. It; I t. , n. II: It. n. e (I- /I. .. '4- , ft If· r J if, .. ~ It S
II. f II- fl. 5 '" 11-41 ct fJ r tho t z .. J, rt: II- ,It. /I. e "- i. f" '" It. J. , JC. ... .I- l,l.~· if, J, z If, n. If e , , 1t. 1l-111)(
o f' (, t .. ,! "r 11 "'I'lt II lit II- r a.d. ~ t .. Ill e A- Yo .. .,. (II! r r II If. I- I- l# /I. r 11 Z a. f' ~ ~I(
If II- X I/. l' .d- ', . 0 II II- t ~ (11- /. .. 11- ,
"til '" I~ .. % vir.- } ~ ... 1 ,f, If I! e III! II- 'X (I l' ~ e l' 114 t
: : J J "Id. r " .. d 11'" (, l II- '" i; II- '4, i ... t II II- It. .t -r It- n. r- It. t 11 ~ d. i It 11 (, b. II- .l II' II- t t l ,
L c ". t r 11. l 0 ~ ~ l' If e ~ r ... II- r It. e II- t vii I II- !J e I t (I k ",IJC. /I. r 8 e &. ft. II t.. s i
ll114 ~ 161718 "/I l 1. I/. :f ,. II- 'II-"
e 1.. ... " ~ Ii- 1.1 t h d e &' L II- d II- b. 0 r h- II- 7 6 5 4- 3 J. 1:
i; Ii
I~ 1;1+ 678 l D4 /I. It. f .. Ii" 11- t II- L 111- II- b. (I ,d a. ",If II- ... " ' " /I- l t t '11. 11 , 6 ~ 1-13 I I 71
6' i ' 16 718" e r.. r It. 41 J " )C II- ,. e I'" II- .. S II- 1ft. if, P V .,. "'Ii. ~ 1.1 It- 11 t '" t 41 It S .. 3' 141 ~ 11. 1 .,
6 If 14 ; 1.1 ~ 8 e "' ~f t D r II I/. b .... 11 t 11. a. .. r .... ;. . 41 ' 1J /I. l !Z 4>J. e It. It- '" ",If II 4< ~ " t i~ 6 ,.
7 ' 61~ f 11, ~ tJ. , n &' 1 II- l ~ 11- V ~ n. ,. II- b t J, ! 11 )(. It- J e r lis- II- t l "'11111- II h '3 1, ~' 4<, 6 7
t ~ h d. f' '" IJ. P t ~ 1. IL II-)f. V " .,. " '" II- If 11· II- e 1r. if, ... t It t II- +
., 6 ~ ilJ ~ In D 1)1 11-1 "" /I 0 L Z "'In- k1. t. "It, " .. ,t '" a. r Is. ia-v 11 i Ii 11- d e ~ ~3 4- f
1 3 '5
--; r- • ~'!""".ft..


Dr. DEE S dE/ions, ~ith/pirits.

L ,iber Myfteriorum(& Sandi) parallelus Novalifqlle. D. Is Dr. Dtt"

Le{den MAY 2.S. 1,83. E. K. E••'ITII
Ktl1tt Se•• h.
~ 0
J. arid E. K. fate difcourling of the Noble PolO1tid .A/birt/II
Lafci his great henotlr ' bere with us obteined, hi! great good
A. L.

Q liJdng of all Starrs ot rhe peciple, of them that eithet fee ' him
: or hear of him, and again how much I was. hi:holding tp God
o that his heart Chould fo fervently favour me, ~nd that he doth .'
fJ: fo much Ilrive to fupprelfe and confound the malice and envie of
o my Country-men againll me, fOl' my better credit winnin'"
Io.ll~~~~~~~:~ or recovering to do God 'better fervice liereafter thereby. &c':
u • C> 9 0 Q ~ Q" 0 c Suddenl)', there teemed to conie out of my Oratory a Spiritllllll
- -- - Crtllturt, like a pretry g'rlt of 7 or 9 yeares of age, attired ori
her head with her hair rowled up before,and hanging down very Icing behind, with a gown of
Sey, .....changeabltgreen alii red, and with Ii train Che feemed toplay up and down. ... ...... GrccnilidreJ:
like, and Ceaned to go in atJd OUt behind my books, lying on heaps, the big ~ ell ......... arid as
(he Chould ever go between them, the books feemed to give place fufficiently, dif.... one heap
from the other, whileChe palftd between ~ hen): And fo I coh6dercd, and .~ ... ;,.;., the djvetfe
reports which E. K. made umorne of this ptetry iuaiden, and ..... ;...... ;
bo. 1 faid ....... Whofe maiden arc you l
/:I.. Sh. . ........ YV~fe mltn art lOU ?
bo. I am the fcrvant of God borh by iny bOliild duty, and alfo (I hope) bi his Adoptiori • .
A voyce;·.. : •.. r01lJhllll bt btltWI if jou iel/. .
........ Am not I It fine /lrJlliatn? Givt me ItIt'!Jt to plill in )our houre; 'tit) Mothtr toM lite /h,
;,oATtl comt Itlla drnll htrt.
A. She W~1t Ul' and down with moll lively gellures of a young girle, playing by her fdfej
and diverCe times another fpake to her from the comer of my Iludy by a great Perfpeaive-
glalfe, but none wa'S feen belide her felfe. . . " .
• 1.... Shlill I? I ff>ill (Now file feem,c d to anfwer one In the forefald Cornet' of the Study)
...... I ?Til) )OU let me til") II liult [fpeaking to one in the forefaid Corntr]
A. Tell me who you are 1 .
......... I prA) iou Itt "'t pia) .",ith"you" liUlt, Alld I .",ill ttll JOu .ho I It";.
A. In the iiame of JcfllS then tell me. . Jelul •
.......... I rtjO)Ct ill the nll,!,e of Jerm, Itn~J Itm It po~r littlt Maidtn, Madini; I Inn tilt
/tIft but ont or "'} Mothrrs chl/artn; I bllve Ilttlt Bllbj~chlldrt1f at bo"'t. Pr./t,l,r..,
bo. Where IS your home? MUinl.
Ma..... I dltrt not ttllyou.",htrt I dlPtl/, I !lul!l bt btltttn. .
bo. You filall not be beaten for telling the truth to them that love ,the tluth. to the eter-
nal troth aU G'eatul'\!s umfi be obedient. 111" . her
Ma ....... I .",Arr."t lOU I ."ill.t obeditnt; M} SiJlrrs fll] tbt) "'"ft .• ll comt
tl.",elI 1J'ith]ou. us:ia-..
A. I defire
.II true2(elatio" of Dr . Dees .Aflions, »ilb/pir'tI.
-----o.-.-I-d7 e-;{j:"r-e-:th~at they who love God lhould dwell with me, and 1 with them.
Ma ........ 1 10llt YOIl HOW you tlflk,.' of God.
Dtt. t::.. Your e1deft filler her name is EfCmtli.
Ma. ... My fifttr ;, 1I0r {ojhorr liS JOIl ",Illv INr.
E{trr.ili. t::.. 0',
I cry you mercy, lhe is to be pronounced E{t",W.
E. K. She fmileth one calls her raying) Come a"ay Maiden.

Ma....... 1 will rtlla Olin' "'y Gentlewoemen firfr.

My Mlllttr Dee will rtllch flft, if I r"J "miffi.
t::.. Read over your GtII~tWOt"'t" as it plcafeth you.
Ma ....... I hllllt GentierilCfl 411a Gentlwoemtn, LooJuo/4 htrt.
E- K. She bringeth a little book out of her pocket,
....... Shepointeth to a in fiS"rI the book.
Mad . ...... Is HOt this" pretty",,,,,.
What is his Ilame ?
t::.. ,
Ma. ... ~My ....... {"ith, his """'t is Edwani,LoolJilu, h# I,,'th It Cro",,, upo" £is huil,HI] Mot6,,.
faith, Ihat th;, ",a" WIlS Dult ofTork.: .
E./(. She lookcth upon a piB"" in the Book "ith a CorOfld in his hand
and a eron upon his head.
Ma . ..... Th;,.","1 II jollJ"'/Il'llhtll ht ."Ils Killg ofEllgllllIJ.
A. How long finceisit that he was King ofElIgl"nJ 1
Ma........ Do JOu liSA;. "" {ueh 1£ qUlrtio,., I "'" but" littl, M"iJ", 1 Lo; 6tnlt bit FlttM',
Richard Plantagenet, Ilntl. hIS F I£t6er Illfo.
A. Howcallyouhiru? .
Ma • ...... Richltrd, Surtly this .,,/11 Richard E"rlt of C4H1brjJgI.
B. K. Sheturneth the book leaves, and faid.
Mad • .....:Htrt H II gri'" lord, Ht "'/ltth mt il{rllia.
A. Why doth he make you afraid? .
Ma ....... He is II fieri' ftl~ow, I a, 1I0t /vIo'll'iflf "h"t ht il. But thil ""s i6, DIIV .fCII~
rence. 1his"lls Filt/ltr to Richard Eltrlt of C" Lo, ht" is Anne bil 'IIift.
B. K. Turning over the lcafe,
"Iht {Ilflf' "IlS htir to 1111 Mortimers 14tuls.
Edmlmd "IlS her brother.
Lo, Sir, hert bt tbt wicked Mortimer•.
B]c. She turned over diverfe leaves, and then Ite [aid
Ma ....... This {"lttl is Roger Mortimer•
.... _ MJ Mother {Ilith this mit" "'"S Earl of the Marches.
nis {ltlttt is bis wift.
Ht hita'''grtllt atllltof lllllds by htr, for fot "IlS illS Heire.
nis {"mt il wild Genvill, her Fllth,r.
, •• vill•• Ht" is II 1'"," th'J cllll Webley, H,rt is Beudley. Htr, is Mortimers ClyherJ. HIT, is
"i/d Wenlock. HtTtis Ludlow. Htrt is StantOn Lacy. GeBvill his "ift "IlS Htire of.ll
tht{t. Hert;s Hugh lacy htr Fllth,r. Ht 'll'tIlrttb his hll;rt 101lg, for h, 'IIIlS Dtpllty of Ire.
land; Thllt ",,,k.,tth bim look., with {uch II 'll'Tithe" filet.
<..My jilttr h"th tornt out tht ,thtr f'/I'O It.11t1, I '¥rill bring tht", wh". you bll1lt rup~J.
I prill do IIOt ttllllllJ body of mt.
A.. We were earnc:lHy called for to Supper by my folks.

After Supper.
Ma ....... Htrt isWilIiaru Lacy Filthtr to Hugh.
Htrl is Richard his F Iltbtr. Anti. hert il Sir Richard his F Iltbtr, Illla htrt il William, Sir
Richards; Brothtrt HtTt i16is g'ing..iJlu France.
A. Q!!o allno ChrilH?
Her tldel\
Mad ....... I 'llII,,,llllt JOu 1ftJ tlatfi Sifttr 'IIill ttll yOIl Illl. Htr, is his going illto Denmark.
Siller. My Sifttr 'IIill CO 11ft jhortly, Ilna ttll JOU how ht ",,,,,ita ill Poland, Illla "bllt iffu, this Wil-
H., Sitleri. liam h"d.
lot.1l the A. I pray declare the Pedigree down to this Albert L«[cy.
retl. Ma ........ .Alill , I cllnnot ull whllts d'"t ill other Countrits.
A. I know you are not Particular of this Country, but Univerfal for all countries in the
whole world, which is indeed but one Countrey, or a great City, &c.
Mad ....... Wtll, "'J jilltr will (h~'tly CO",t Illld ttll JOU unloo/vtl. for, If JOU juagt thtft ,hillgs
",til thltt I 6"1It Jpo/vn. N am 'ten funt. Naru verus etl: qui me mint.
.A true r./{elation of pro -De~s .dE/ion!, 'JIJith fpiritJ. 3
, Truth is all that i; trl/tb.
'Iht Mortimer I [pa/!,.t of, is tht /irp of tht fix: rlurt 'Wtrt fix Mortimers Ellrlts of March.
Edmond was tilt laft, /llld Roger tht /ir)/:; that Mortimer 'Was tbt Grlt,tdftttltrrs Grlt"tlfllthtr ~f
th;,Edmond. '
E. K: There fl:emeth fome one to call her. whom 1 hear now.
Ma .... .• I come.
A. She took up her Skrolls on the ground, of which fame, were very old, and /he put ttl'
ber book.
Ma .. ... .. This may {talla Jor';l1 [omt {ttlla.
A. Mitte lucem tuam & veritatem tuam, Jefu Chrifre,Lux vera,& vc:ritatis percnnis Fon..

Richlfrrl Vt[C).
Ea'/Partl William Sir RiehaTJ
Dw;c Ebor. Lll{c}. L1t{c}.
Frallct. Richard. Ptttr. Richard
Frllllet. Dt'"marlt,.. Polalld. La[c) •
I. 2.
. 3· Willi"m LIl[cj.

GtffrtJ Gt1lVil.
Wild, Gtllvlll-
Rogerus primus comes
J,Il" Gmvi{/.

MOlltlll) 4 Mtritlit horlt 4- f . I_iii; ~ IS8) ,

Weptefented our felves,ready for infrruaion r«!td,ing,and prefumcd not to cill my
A. • •
good Minifrer fpiritual, but by humble prayer referred all to God hIS good pleafure.
E K. TheGoldcn Curtain which cov~reth aU the Stone hangcch aill,
buel he~re a voice or reotenc\.' thric~ repeAtedJ thus.
A voice ...... Sltll{]um, SiglflttNm,&- Iltl tt",l'us.
A. The fenCe hereof may be divers wares underfiood, and mote then I can iIllagine; but
which fenCe is to ourinllruC\:ioll would I faille know;
A voice •.•.... Sttllaum,quill hoc vtllt [u~m ; figi/[lttum qJlill dtttr",illlltum Iltl ttmJ'llS.
B-~. Hard fpc:eches, but he could not p.:rfecHy <.hfcern them· ,
A vOIce :..••• Ad ttmpUl &- "J. w;,pul(inqultm)qllill ttruirrc~"rum1ittttio;All things are at hand.
Tbt Stat H pupltrta.
1uftir.t hltth dtttrmilftt!.
nt Judgt iI "ot .Jtt )'Pillillg.
Mlr,} thrufttlh it-ftlf 6ttYPixt tbt Divillitj. But it is [<fiJ,
Tltt Ti",t/hall bt fhortntd. • .
E K. Saw no crearure: But the voice came behind him over his head,
till now; when he efpied aile: {landing on the Table belidc:s the filkc:
cloth on which the Stone aood; he teemed like a Husbandman all in rtd
apparel, rc;d hofe clofe to his legs, a rtd jacket, r('.d buttoned cap on his head,
yea, and red {hooes. He asked c.. K· how he did, and c· K· anfwc:red,
Wellithank God.
A. By your apparel it filould CetI1l you have fomewhat to Cay concerning the Commons
of this Realme, and not of high School-points, or Sciences. I am defirous to know who [tHt
you? What is your rue(fage? and what is your name? for a name YOll have peculiar as aU
Creatures dCe.
A. He patiCed a good while; whtreupon I asked him if hI! confidcred my [petches?
...... I (olfjidtr }OUr [pttcbtl,for I havt Itft nothillg btbilfa.
E. K· I:fe knedeth down and {eemcch to fay {omewhatJ his fpecch is
quick, round, and ready· He feemeth to pray in a flrange Language:; I per-
ceived thefe words among m~ny other, Ob Gab'ire Rlldna gepbn4 011
g,l}ire, &c·
His Countenance was directed towards the Stone,
.... .. Vtftr" noll mtlt fllcio. I.. E. K.
4 .4 "Ne~tl"ti()" of Dr. Dees .Af!ions, DitbJpiritJ..
E K. Now he tlandcth up .
.. ...., 116(1 Hoi tholl fi,id,Frollf "bt", c.",eft thill' •Wh.t;1 tb.1l1ftJfltlt' [l>.: He lookedt<>:,
. w.rd me lI"J h<rjt IITgd ",) "UIIt l S,,)illg, All thmgs han a name.' It is trtle ; fer f. tba

(). ~,1I thing. bllve b,ell,ife tht} Itu. HIlJt tbou lef' II"} tbiH!. IIIffilid I
h.~. name, l>. You I"chCllrfe lily (ip' eeches not ohely in~enera\~ but alfo in pltrticular.
'''0''''''"lib,; T he Will
Ttrt.,.", ' of God be done ( to hiS . gI01'1 ) or t he rcu. A ,'
~,.,..j:'I;' tit , ;, ~,,,,,, M) "uff"" is fro", hi"" i" whofellame 'iJollhilfi J,jir,tl i'> .hicb blltb fllitl lilt lIJ't~'!'
30 ,A,m ,x, 'jts,llnd loolt... "",,,(b,holli Ifll)) tht fum of my Commandments, t. What I ~ 2. Whof, MliI~..
~~"t'l. t fier~ you are, lind ( ItS i' is f"id btfou) 3. 'Io what end 1I,,1i plIT/oft it iI.
ou:c::~:·n~_ . '!b,,, cuf. '0 plud ."lttH Jlldl~",e,,' ft"lll.,tb i" plllet; Fcr 1I11 ,bi!,!s Ilr'" atter",i",d "lr..."J,}.
cd obrcrn' 1bt 7 doores arc optll,d. Th, 7 Governours bllflt almoft ended their Govemmmt.
, ion. Tbt EIlrtb Ilth.lITtth Its lick.., ]tll. jiC/(,lI1Ito Ju,i. ,
Nor. 1. Tht 1f'II.'trS ".IIT fortb .""pi"gs, Itlld hllv, "0' 7II,ijNrtt f,,~c;'II' "lju""b fbtir o.""fo"o",s.
Tbt. .AiN ."ithtrtth, ffr htr ",", ;s i"ft{Jtd.
Tht Firt ""fu""th ""d is fell.ldt" ."i,th his OW" btd.
Tht B diu "bov, Ilrt rtllil] to fll), Wt Itrt,Wtllr) of iIIIt cou,res.
N IltllTt would fll;" C,etP II.l"Us ill,. tht h./.", _[ btr go.d 1I11d [,T"ci'lis Mlljltr.
Vllrlt7ftfft is 7f01fl btllll) ItIlJ ji"lt,th d.w. t,!!."btT: Sbt INtth bllild,d btr f,lf,Jtll. (1 fit,} )./ht hll.,6
"dVlI.llctd M- f,lf i1l'o II. mi$h,} buildiltga/ht f";,h,U""t ""',,!or 1 "'" ;tll.y to r,e,iv, "'y bIlTJ",.
H,ll it frlf is 'IP'llTyof Ellrth: For ."hy? 'Ibt ff7f of Vllrk..,,'ff, ,c."",h 7fO. to ,hllllt7fl' hi'
A~ic"~i(\ his right: ""tI!tt;,,, all tbings prtplI.r,1. lI."d pro~idtJ, Jtji"tb" ,ftllblifh bimfcl[ II Itj"gl.o",; rllr
~.!!~ ,ns '''· ilt[" W, "i', ",." jfrollgt t1l01l!,h, Let us now build us a kin~dom lIpon earth, and Now cftablilh
pUll of .ran·that which we could not confirm above•

Som,,, •.
.,lIId thlrtfort, Btbtld ,,,d.
Wht7f tht timt comtth, 16t " •• .• th) [orrows lban be greater thah the fWeetilefJ"e" tht forro.,
(1 mIlt" ) of tiltt 'hou[e~rt ; 1 ""ir" i7f rtff,e of Iht f."",,,tfft of tb) /(,7fo."leagt. 7bt1l will JON
llt",tlt' "lid WltP f or thoft thou tbougbr,t .ert juJI 11ft". '
Labor. Wilt" yoJltllrlltjllJ prll,} it jhtlll bt fdll. l/llto ),. Labor. 1I'ht" you ."olClil
jhllll fllj, B, i'fo. ·
'ltv MtTe) Jllfti,'
. '
Thmfor, (Iftt.~) thirft •• t OfltT"'ItC": Foe fear leall thi capacity btcDllf,,,,,JtJ.
Ntitbtr ",.vt tbo" hi", ."hiehbllth ",ov,d 11.[[ tbillgs Itlrllld) to sb, tlld.
Bid 1.0 th~u tb'lt ."hicb;s r.HlIfI1I.1IJ,·J.
Nti'htr prt[cribt ,bou 1t7f) for", to GoJ bis buildill,•
.All ,bPigl jhll.l[ bt brought i7fto 11." 1I11i[0,,,,IIl Orur.
Whom thou fllJ,ft thll.t thou h"li 110' ),t collji,,,ltIl, ""jinrI .it" {"';' c,,,,,f,l. It iI ,,,iellfI""j
Itcctpttd b;JSt~ ,
.Ar, 1101 th<f, Nt1fIl f"pici,,,, ?
It ;, f";d" He foll.[[ ,01ltT71 "" II ptoplt: of h;"'ft/f ht C"lUIot, 16,r,!or, /,t bi'" beli#;1Je, ""t!
~ffio~.ln J. [ero7fl.lJ .1!.rjD]crchat the Angel of God hath Co governed him. nil' in Eleaioo '" Jh!,ll
,ovt,,, b'llf II. ptoplt.
D,jir,th Itt to htll.r of grttt.ttr bltfftd"tfft I .
o King. a, hltl" , '1bt1ljhll.llit btfll.idu"tohi""O Kmg. . '
y'lt/I I.",," tI. It follo.t'b cO"['iju,,,tl] thllt ht is elliltd, 1I.7Id tl,II' to II. IC,"!,f] Ojiet : For "horo,v" is An.
!JIII f·"',oc.{u nointc:d il1:the Lord, his ICillgJ.", it for evel·.
• .n,mb,;.
,UJ~ 'tV"lIL- 'b b 'r. .'r ~ -. 1 L tt ",,,,
" , 111< t,; JO" OJ ptr"'",." .
L' 6 . LL - r < - h ' t · ,r,, 'd
t til ."/t".,1S j nil tTl r~' ,,, t r "It,"',,, I OJ rfl e.
Prid.. 'Dtp,nIs6, ;,t1fIsl7,1l bim thiN b.a prayed (or bim;th.c Devu c:llVyc:th him,and his efiat~
Ttll hi,mth'" I f")fo.
Sit) it' ~s ~jhll."" fDr" Killgs SOli to cO"''''it 'btft; Itlld for bi", 'bitt ii Cltlltd, to do tk .or\"
#J fIIIr;ght'Dllr/lr~. SllIdit(t thou ,. pt'lI.ft billf I Give him Ihu}) and whGle[orne connCe\; For lD
~m (If.,) th,finolld alteration of the whole WorldjhllUbtgi.1I.
WQuliljl fbiu k,7fo." fro", 1 Clllfft I
But I.0.i' .Hu7IfblJ, it;s pltrtfo "' It,,) fllTtbtr ,bll." ",yebll.rgt.
BJIt ,• .d ,II f~id btfort Jl1ft~ rhet, S. jhrll itt.",t t. pltfft.
Mofes i6d " r,d "btr.tb~ h, "''', 4..7fo.", lI.7fd thl bI"d of God "Pf1rIWt.
Ltt bi",."ft Ibn-tfort" CIlTr) tltt rod of righteoufnelfe lIbou, hifll.
}'Mes 1. rtld. It"
Fo:, "'t ftv,II : ItM;H III ;, c,,,,prth,,,dtd rbltt rod ,.,bert."ith MoCes 'JfITougit. ..If it ;, b,..
s..OIllfJJit.,,· gUll fo I tttil;,t btN is 80ly [poi"ii;,g io tltt ••.••• _""..) billl (t"ltd "tid f,rtl;lldl
hItr,.~ ,t.,. 'lbertfor, tlTt plI.ti",et btT,iII WIt;! tht ti",t that it is Caid U11to thee·, .....
J" time.

V mi~J:) 'videte, ( 6- 10'1";"';"; ) JuJicill. "'til..

Ht ,bll.' [ltitb thlll ( I{~.1t of "'y {tlf, -" lid ItS (01lCtT7fi"l''''J ",,gt~ ~ tlJfI"I"'if~ tbe Ireat.
dF Angds, /,,,tl ~is """" is Murifri.
Ill.,i!,; my Thou h",ti ;,y,ift,,, ." ') "tt.lii. ""d 111.", of th7/{trl,,,I.t:r., brclluf, tb,}. ICII,~,t is ~f G';l.
Calender. 1" th, [,To""Js ,[ It II 'b) T IIbI,s thou./hilit jiHdt my )/1I."'t.
A. 1 remember not any Cuch name wl'i~ten by 1Il1:, 9Jlt it may be contained in (\)IDe ne""
Compolition, or Collellion. _
Mur....... It iUrllt ,for if tboll 6"dft rt""",brtilll.lI thoft t6i"ll: ~rh ,tilla 611ft ~;rtUl, ,b,1I
jho"IJ "Df"'J III,/J"g"",J. . A. If
.- - - - --- - -- - - _._ ---
d tr"e:~/lItion of Dr. Dees AfiionIj ~ith /piritI..
A. If I might withOllt offendin~ YOll, I would move t\ll'o' Petitions nnto YOu; one: concerning
the Soul, and theoc:hcr conceming the body: Concerning the . Soul, is for . one If/l.b~I Lijttr,
whom the wicked , Enemy hath fore affiiCted long wilh dangerous tempt-3tions , and hath
brought her knives to dell'roy her felf withal1;lbe rdifieth hitherto, and delireth my helping
c:ounCc:1, whirh how buall it is God knoweth. The other is of another wODlan,who hath greae
need, 'znd is driven to maintain het (elf, her husband, and three children by her hand la-
bour, and there· is one that by dre~ill is advertifcd of a place ofTreafurc hid in a Cellar,which
this womm :lrath hired chercupo", and hach no longer time of hiring the faid Cellar, bue till
MidfuDIIUcr nut. She, and this dreaming Maiden dlgged fomewhat , and found certain tp-
kens norefied unto I)cr:But fo left off.I wonld gl"dly have your help herein,if it pleafed Gmi
Mur ••.••.•• 1 a,,[wtr :tlNt, I",ill (omt again foo", ."d rlnu.( 1'tC~j"t a Mtdtcl"~ ",bieb jhall
".,h ,hN't' ",or\ h,Ip at Iht fir(t. '1ht fecond is \'anier, for it is not fo, but t~ th~ i"t,,,t that
.fl'" grut ' 9P' of tbM 'IF.r[J bJth i"(tll~d Ihe ""ak,.lings mi"dt: Defperation might ha"t Iht mot;
.~II ""d rua] t",raKee. Bllt ytlfh, jh.l! htel_forrtd for thy falv·
A. The praife be Unto God. .
Mur....... 'I Go . O"t thing I 1,11'" to fay, ht fiithful! i" illl thi"tl,
Ih.v~ faid.
A. I pf!lyed, and gave thanks hartlly to God for hismcrcies, and-gracc$ "lInd fo rofe up.
A. Then he faid write, M. 49. under V. R.
43 ' under 35. I . and 47. under~F. R. I.}
"ihitjhalltlld thu to m] "am~,h~ thM (tnl me h~ amon(ltyolI.A.Ameri,Amen,AtnCl1. 9· 33. 4"
A. Note in '[ab.1I Col/Ilia, (which I irfi gathered ofthe49. good Angels) I too the tbi'r d
letters out of the names, itistowit, out of the 49 th • name,and th ..... . 47. 9 33' 4 ~' _hicn
agreed werY well witll die letters, but thdive and thirtieth name did not yield R. In his third
later. Therefore I am..... in the ......
Monday after fupper 15 83. ]lInii 3.
A. . Aftcr. f~pper, as we were together in my fiudy, and attending fomewhat the return of
the good meJfager fl' iricual, znd faid that he lHomifcd to come again fuddenly) he appeared
md anfl'fereci.
Mur • ...... So I am, write 7. 3°.25. 44.,7. 35 46.
To the lira- S. to the fecond O.the! third L .th.: fourth G. the fifth A. the nxth R.the 7th. S.
~ . 1 bat maketh SOL G .A It S. .
Mur....... Ada thl firjl,a"d [aft Irll",btr "glthtr,it "'""'~th 53' lit Ihat be the Cmtit to th, r,ft.
A. To be put to the Center of the St~Ptllgo""",.
Mu.r....... So. The ground htreor M to bt f 01m$ ill rht third Table in the /ir}r boolV 1 mtll" i~Th.third T'-
Ik thlr~ ofthe feven,,thr TabllO! B. B. ere. btillgth~ /irft. blc in ,be lirn
My name is alfo to 6e fuund in the fame Table. . book.
. Form this upon a plate of lead: It prevailc:th as a cure againfi ruch infeetions. My prQmife'
IS done.
A. How is tbis to be ufed~
Mur..~., •• Vft it "po" the bod] ",olt{ftd, adJ.;n;. tht Ittttrs of her na"'t in 4 [",.ll Cirel, 011 tfir
".,/r,. httlf. ,,~t tht letrtrJ i" their for"" txprrfftd, bur Ihe numb" of [lieh ltturs.
A. We,know not how to number her !\lIme in oUI· letters.
Mur. ..... T.k.., thtm out of tht ftconaTlilit (IInY Tablt tift 'f tht -{tvmth .illf"."t) [0 f/"t 6 The r«ond
thou tak;.( Iht numbers III thou findt}t ,htn"plaeea "'itb the [elttrs. T ,b:e did not
A . How is this to be ured about l;Ier body? rern,8( therc-
Mur . .. .... As by d ;[ertlio. jh~l! bt thoutht btft: It prt'fJlliitth fu$c;t.tly, JD il bt J,.e, 'I/a rhul' ~ore lhllredhthe
rJ ~.r, It. ear.h b 4n ..J hm,L' .
III eo"etr"l1/g.".turt.
.1\ ." ere
the letters
7l~ btll{th ~f him ",bi , h ftllt III, b~ ti: ",."g(t .10". .Amm. mi,bt lit hoot
Ii.. Groria Be graciarum aaio perennis fit Dca Iloftrd omnipotenti uni &; Trino,A""IJ.

I{dtl Li-
ft ••• lb. The tore-
6.,1:, ~"t
.[rb. L.- part of cite
",i,,_ LlJilia,

Wedllefdaya MerUie eire. 2d• • '1 S8~. . ' . llf11il f .

~. E . K. Ha~ been ever nnce nll':~ of. the CI~ ~ the mOlning ill ..a ·11iI,r.vell\>.us ~1'eII~dif­
qUle~ne{fe of mmde. fury, and rage, by reafm his brother ,[h1mllt had brought him news that
6 A true Relation of Dr, Dees AElirms, with (pirits.
A mm un. a Gommiffion was Ollt co attache, and apprehend him III • ftl/o" for CO}";"g of mo"t). Second-
tou,h in <ve,y 'ly, that his wife was sonefrom Mifireffe Frttmll/ts houfe at B/~blt} , and how Mr. Hu{t} had
pm 'h.rc~f,' reported him to be It cornur, and had ufed very bitter and grievous reports of him now of latef
an~ ~ mab,,· and ~hat hi~ wife was at home with hel' mother at Cbippi", Norto" , whereupon;1 confidering
au. I)., his great difol'der and incumbrance toward him externally, and his greater offending of God
with his furious impatience internally I and remembring the whole premifes of God his fer-
vice to be performed by \IS two (if we would be dutifull fervants to his Divine Majdty)
1 was tonched with a great lung of Compaflion; both that srir Chrifiian Chould ufe fuch
fpeeches as he uCed, or be of fo revenging a minde and intent as he Chewed himfelf to be: and
alCo in reCpc8: of miile own credit to be brought in aoubt, for tmbrltciilg tbt compltll} of {Ileb It"
Ollt,1I dl{ordtrl] per{o,,; And thirdly, that the good fervice of God might hereby be taken
£rum our twO executing, to our great danger, both ill body and foul: Therefore to do my
"m;c.,.m om- duty as a man re('olllte (upon 01lT msiti?1g f.r G.ds {trvict) to do for b;", III for m} {tlf: I made
comm....;II. God my refuge for comfort, counfe!, and help in this great aftli8:ion , and croffe of tempta-
Whereupon after my vehement and humble prayer5 for the forefaid purpofe, this voyce
was heard of E. K.
I had (upon fome rcafonable refpea) fct the Chew-Ilone with the myftery in It, 00
the: Table by E. K. alfo.
A .voyce ....... Ltt tbe dlt"ghuTs 'f light
'Eltk.., liP their garments, Itt tbtm opm the .",inao."" ,f ,b,ir {tertI C,/",lIibers, for tbe vo}et of ",4"
blltb {llid. _ ,
Oh, thew thy felf to be a Ood ; yea, perform thit ~h/ch thou hall already prornifed, gll-
thtr }D/IT veJlures togt.h,r, for tho{e "ult ItTl fick.. b411t IIud ,f b,lp ,]'I.
art tbt childrtll of pitt}.
Nore,ofOe- lind in rbt lo;"s of r.ompaflion do}ou d"tll: For I hll11' {aid, you are. A"d I bltvt f"id,my Deter-
rcrmin.rion minatiol1 Chall IIOt fall, It/tbough .",itb tbt fons of men my Determinations mar be undeter-
undclCtl"im- milled.
~;<t tenta- Comt ~ltthtr up JOur glfrmmts, for tb, CII"icJrs are rip, , Itnd tb, Biting-worm {uJr"lb to gntr1ll
tion. by rhe i"to tht Lily.
Bitin,."onn, Ht bllth {ltid, let me prove them, fur they are not juft: r,.,
l,t mt tollch tb,,,, ,f.r tbt} Itr,
IInrighttow, Ih,w, gr."ttfJ him power, but '/Pithout prevailing, I bllvt [,illtn hi", .",t./O,,', bllt tbt}
ar, IIOt /hltrp"td, b;, {blgers Jhltll dtfilt, .,4 ytt Mt d,f4&t ; F~r I bllvt Itppoillttd bim a IIigbt ~ lid
bave prtfixtd Itl/end ,btTlUlltO, to tbe i"tent it mil} be Ir,.nowII .. 7bllt tb. fltr I bltllt Jlrt.chtd hi,
e. K. I have heard a voyce aboue the thew-frone very great, as though
men were beating down of mud walls. '
The thumping, thuffing, and clucteriog is ruch.
A voice ....... Ari[', I {"J, [or I will be revtnged IIgili"ft tbt [c.rnillg of tboft IJ'''. of tbof,
tb"t -ItTl {1I~kJi"gs.
A. After a great /ilenee and paufe, appeared one 011 the Table (without the skiruof
the /ilke farcenet ) like a \\omm having Qn a red kirtle and above that a white garment like
an Irifh M:.mtle, on her head a round thing like a Garland, green and like a Coronet under
the Garland, but not perfe8:ly to be difcerned; on her breafi a precious Scone of white co-
lour, and Oft her back another precious Stone; both which Stones; were. fet llpoll a Croffe, in
the very center ofthe Croffe.
A. Your external apparel (you Daughter of Light) you perceive that we have fome-
what noted: but by ~he power and mercy of the extental Light, we tnlfi and delire to nn-
derfimd fomewhat of your internal vertue.
She faid ...... What do JDU tbink.. I "", It Jt.",tlltrs TlJjft b} nI} apputl l
A. We deem you to be the Meffenger of him that hath for mankind purchafed the Jewel
of eternal Blilre, by the incomparable Jewel of his moft precious Blood. -
A Yay,e ow: ...... IYill )01/ have tbis too l
of:ihi~:r~. A. After a pretty while /ilence, I faid, We expel} the execution of the purpofe fur which
., you are fent.
She faid ...... It is .",iUt. tbltt Pridt '/PIIS .ht firft offtnct.
Githgulcag k"ntTII not binr{,lf.
'1btrefort bt '/PilS iglforltlft.
B K. She js much fimbliog about the Scone on her breall, and rc..
g~~~ .
E. K. Now She talketh with other whom r fcc noc 1 her talke is very
{hort and quick" but I cannot perceive what the faith.
She. ...... R.tlld wbltt 1 bltv, {"ia. -
I read the former word"
She..." .. iou1rill gr_n",,,e 'bitt Fria, II. tb, grtlltift jill.
----- - - - - -
d true ~/ation of Dr.. Dees Atlions) Dith fpiriti. 7
Pride '1PIlS th~ cllufe h~ Ir..n~1P "ot him[tlf.
'Iherefore PriJe iI tb~ C.IlU[~ of Igllorll"ce.
A. The Argument is good. .
She•.•.••• Ig"orll"c~ TPIlS the HIl/t,.ea"eJTe 1Phert'llithlll you 'Wtr~ firft tormmt~t,ll"a tht firft P IllguI
that fell ""to man was th~ wllnt of SCi~HCt.
B K. Now the fpeaketh to other again who appeare not, and they
{cern to anrwer her again.
She••••.•. 'Ih~ 1Pllnt of Scimc~ hillar~th you from It"now/tdge ofJour [elf.
B K. She looketh upon A. and fmileth· Now Ate fpcaketh to the
unfeen people again.
She........ Wh,[oro~r ther~fort Itno'Weth Hot him[tlf, is proud.
A. God help us to know our felves for his Honour Cake;
E. IC. She looketh upon A. and fmilcth.
She....... Tou hllve time mO'!f.h, therefore 'W~ mlly tlllr.,t le4ur~.
A. [ I made fpeed to "rite. J
c. K. She talketh again with her invifible company,
She....... Pride is rt'llaraealls fin, Ergo th~ firft offmaer 'Wits tlam,,~d. Wh.t [IlJ JOu Sir ~
[Cpeaking to E. K. ]
Whitt diJftr~lfCe is b~twml your mind and Pride?
B. K. Wherein am I proud?
She'; ...... In th~ fa",~ 'Wherein the Devil 'WIlS firft proud.
Who gloriji~tl tht Droil?
C. K. God·
l>.. God glorified not the Devil, but before he became a Devil he was in glory.
She. ...... 'Ih~ abuling of his Glorificiltion mllae him a Devil: So tb~ abufing of the good. ADCTll,
neffe of God toward this man, may make him a Devil. .
The 'Wor/v of the Spirit quicR.!n; th~ doi"?,s of th( F l~fh lelld u"to d~ftrlll1"". J!rt tbou oJfmd-
td to b~ called a D~vil? Then extol not thy felf above thy Eleaion.
No mit" iI eleQ~d bJ proper "nte,but Ilccordillg to tb~ melt[ure of "bit faitb, a1ld this faith;' Fakb;
livtlJ aHd hllth a quick,.lIi"g Spirit i" it fIr ever. I"aud thou Ilrt ig"or.nt , a1lt/, tb"efor~ t/,ou art
f/iffici~"tl.J plagued: my Joft thou boaft thy felf It"d fit:!; This 1 can do?
'Ih~ Kwu pip~, but it H lo"g of th~wi"J, and h~rei" thou fh~.",eft thiet thou k",,0'W~/f Hot tb} f~lf,
for thllt thou Itrt proud; pray thertfort thllt thou ",it)eft hllve 7IIIderjtlllldillg, Il"d caft ll'1PaJ pridt
if thou 'Wilt 1Iot be cOTJnt~tl a D~vil.
B) truefl1laerjla"aingyollltltT",firft to ~"Q'W JOUT [elflts'Whltt JOU Ilrt : of 'Whom you Ilre,lflld
fo "hltt entl you ar~.
'IhH ul/a~rftal/aillg cltufeth I/O ftlf-lov~, but Il fpiritulll f~lfe-I'fI~.
Tbil ul/d~rftll"ding ttllcheth no Bla[phemy.
'!hit u"d"f1Ilndillg tueheth fury.
It t~ach~th a mall to b~ Ilngr" but "ot wrltthful. Wratb;
For we mlly be IlIIgr], aI/a not offel/d. Wrath is to damnation.
'Ihe~efortt:ollfideriHg that Damlllttion was th~ el/d of.tht/irft; whicb 'WIlS Pride,."d Ig"Ol'lln",
th~ pUl/i"ment of th~ [eeo"d ('Which ;, v~r] loathfome. )
Prlty unto God th,u '"IlY~/I.void the firft, Il"d b~ unburdmed of th, [ecol/d.
COl/fiatT by 'Wh,,,, thou Ilrt coul/[~lltd, al/d of whom the cou1lftl;,: 'With IH thtre ;1110 cau[e of of-
fenet, neith~r;, th~ eoul/[t! ?,iven with a 'Wtltk,. mouth.
Wilt thou b~ wdl rt'llllrd~a? Why ftudi~fl thou not to do 1P~1l? Wouldft thou be Ol/t of tht cho.
[~1I ? fta"d fliff a"d b~ cOlltmtetl 'WIth Ill! t~mptlltiolls.
Is God a God of Juflice ?
E· K. It is true.
B~ thou th,ufore Il jllft J~rvltnt.
No mltl/ il/htrit~th the Kingdom of Ettrnity, without he conquer in this World.
No man clln eh~llt11[,e juftly It reward, 'lPithout be bt a CO"l/turour, or .do the 'Worlt"s of Juftiet.
Doth the DeVil perCwade thee? ATme thy ftlf Ilgllinft him.
Doth th~ World not lilte of thtt 1 1# H for two cau[es; eith~r for that thou livtft 'Wdlll"d "ot
~s a 'Worldlil/g, or elf~ beclllI[~ thy wiclttdntJ{e is [lich as 'thllt th~ World 'Wol/areth at it. If thou be il/
th~ firn Rejoyc~, For bltJJed Itre thofe whom tht World hateth; 'When they laugh at thJ' godlilltjfo,
B~ [orry and griroe thou Ilt th~ir jinfull/tJ{e. .
If tbou offend in the [mnd f/i~ httjlily from th~ World: Ttl/. the World 'What thou ~aft of bm,
and let 1m b~ a{hllmtJ, ,hltt thou htr.
Is thy f/tfh .(fiff-ntclt"d l F 11ft and prllJ, it doth avoid~ ttmptlltion.
Bt fOTTY al.,..ayes; For i" thH lVorld thert iI nothing to r~joJCt Ilt~ For fin onely provokctb Be fotl1 .I~
to forro\f, whether itbe of thy Celf or of another; r ,,'yes.
8 A true ~ elation of Dr. Dees Afiions, 'rPith fjirits
Be (tiff ,!gltill{t temptlttiolls, for JIIho[oevtr id not Itrmed ItS 1 tlm,.fhtl/l be vexed '/P,th tht JIItltPOIIS
of his II,lvtr[ltr). . ... •
Mv Garland is Godlillt"'t. m} Brellplate IS HU"llltt}, Itnd UpOII m} bltclI.. I JIItllr Patience.
k~_ ~ ~'.
foundod. Tbeft do 1 Jlltlfr to the inrmt 1 migbt./htTP }OU.,hIlt)OU ./hIJ 0/1 JIItllr.
The mire of Bllt IlS tbt{t thillgs Ilre placed in their cro§tS; fo do the croJfes 1t1"IN'yes folloJII tht", thlttJlltlt~
fpi,;,uli erca· the",.
,ures, .Ar~ tholl pun~(hed Its ItIl.Apo!lit? RejoJct; it it It hltP'; cTOfft.
Art tholl vtxed as Il T},r,"'t 'thltnk., God it i. in thM Worltl. F~r bl,§td Itre tho{t Ihltt art puni•
./hed here, to 'he inte"nhtirjiifs mtiJ be forgottin ·hereitfttr.
I ptT.[Jl'Itde to. the .confr~r}; ,Ilt bu",blt, Fttll.. trlle ""I{dom, .then ~re. )oll tr/ld, flt./hioned Itccor·
Good Angels. ding to JOllr Mltk"tr, illld..,hltit rrll JIIith Ut, JIIith HlIllellljlt in Heltvt1l.
I hltve ,,"n[tlltd, I hltvt done m) mtJfltgt thlll fltr. .. .
A. Your counrel is perfell:ly good, and your melfase mC~lflll, HIS name be pratfed and
glorified that fent YOll • .A1I"n.
As you Were called hitber, by thensme ofDllllgbttrs of C.igb~: So this other day,. there
was one fene bieher ( of that blelfed company) who was accounted a Daugbter, and had fix
Sillers more: That Daughter her nama was Mltd~lIi; fo of your name we are aefirolls to be
informed, for diftinCtion and inftruCtiolls fake, in the trade of thefe m,lleries.
Sbe faid. ; ..... It is good to k,,"OJII my name; to {te JIIhtther it ~grtt JIIith mJ Doorillt.
E. K. What can you (for aU your ~hortation) accufe me of?
Indeed I thank you very heartily for your exhonation and good counfe1,;
but hovv unjufily I am mlfufcd at HI{t)l h~nd, and fo provoked to ,his
extream affiicnon of mind and fundry unfeemly fpeeches 1 be you Judge
between H*fo, and Ole·
She raid. Wbo{Otver hlth r.o",mitttd fin Itntl ir"Hot reconciltd,jhltll hltve tbt rt*'lIrd of It jinntr.
There is It double RtcollciliatioH, tbt n"e is with G,J, tl,t otber witb tbt COII[r.ieIlCt. Blli tbis mltn
is IIOt rtco1lciled illConfcim ct (rtptntttb lIot his wi /(,t4I1tff't) thertb) it folloJllttb hi Clt"""t bl!
rec01lciled .",ith GBd: Ergohe _ (f bt rtJllarded ItS bt iI. '1be rtJlflZrd of jill is to bt Itb[mt, or rlt·
tber to b~ bltni./hed i1l tJ.. Mworld fro", tbe [ocitt) of God Itnd his Allgt/s.
Good Angel. So it fltlleth out to Rtf.iolls Itlld COll1ltrits, Cltits, KIIIgs Itlld S7lhjdls, Autboritles Itlld their
.lItkupcrs. Ojictrs,Jllhtll (Ifll)) the) Itr" ,rfrltllgedJllith Itbrtllce oftbeirappointed and good keepers,
Therefore it provltl '"at tht Dtvil M moff yp;th bim, Itltd "urtli JIIith hi",.
Whom tht Vt'lJi/ is It Lord of, he "f,lb ItS hid ftrv411's,,,,,d JIIh"~ hid f'rvic~ ",It) bt gUlt~1l aOIl~,

"b. N.r", thtrt iI ht mofttllltdgtd. HiI{lIbtiltm lire pri"cipltlltlla grtltl : Alld bJ tbt{e TrltrOIlS I pr,v~ thltt
Hurey is 'tltfil) to bt inftOtd, tither JIIith e1l'/1). MItZict, (ll/nder, /IT dijhollollr of G.a. JIIord.
"IbM iI Ollt of.tho[t AffAllirs that is promifed jhollla 6ff""/t ).11.
IYho iI to bt billmta, he thllt con{enrttb, or he in Jllho", tht procllrtmtllt ill Thou diajl con{tnt
II1IJchu{th,m f.r II Compltnioll. Bt not thcrefou IlIgr) Itt hM "'''/iCt; for the /irt thlt' ii, tholl hltfl
brollght ill .,ith thillt OJIIII hltllds.
To 1IItll[lIrttht Elltm} hil ind"fir) iI i",poffiblt to lfOlI.. i7lto, his {lIhtiltit i; IIIorr illcrtdibl~.
Tht Rtwltrd of gooa lift M grelt'; Bllt tht {iltbilltff. thltt fill cllrr)etb JIIith it in this World,
IIHd ludtth JIIith It illto tht WorlJ to comt, iI ,;,ofl horTibl;.
Is it not [ltid, nltt It s/(,,,.,iti./h /hilU bt (anJ thllt greltt) but you fball be Conquerours ?
It M _ittt", It M trut Itlld 'hall be never overthtown ; {o might) it hid jtrtllgth thltt h4th IIrmeJ.
him{tlfJllith it.
111 the Serpt1Its bell}, tbtrt is 1I0thillg clu".: ..eithtr .",ith IDIh911t,1l ptrfoll' ( ""godl] I IIItllll )
;. ther~ IInj purt {ociet): Ligbt "gr~eth 1I0t JIIith DltrR.."tJ!t. ,,111" vertl/t "ith viet, therefort bt JOII.
Our ulliring. .f Dill, lind ill one) thltt )011 ",It) Itgrlt Itlld hltvt. tlrt rtTPltrJ of Ollt.
Behola it M{Ilia, I "ill p"rt bOll1lds btlJllml the juft ud tht IIJIjujl, I Jllill {llifer tht Ellem) t.
fOJlle di{cord to tbt illtmt th"t thofe thllt Itrt m) prople m,,) be {tp~r"ttd Itlld hltvt II dwellillg b)
them{tlvtS •
The ncccfli'1 Pm,[e the Scripturt, it illtfwllJtI {etll thltt tht Spirit of God forceth Slttltn in fpight of hill
of Slrl". WOf- h~sd to {tpllrlttt the evil from the good by dircord, IIild htui,! the Devil JIIork"eth againft Itimfelf.
kingagua!\ We good Ang~ls keep feceet the Mylleries of God; tQings that arc to come JIlt IIIJIIII)ts
:"j.tml .ifi /ttlp cle{e :"i~h thil t~~~Pti'~~ :rh~ fonn ofour ('ommandment . ••• ,,....._ Trllth It H th4t II Commiffioll H gr/ll"J n;t onel] to ellfllirt of thtt,bllt Itl{o. to IIttllchtlitt, Itlltl
ti.", HIli All- .hllt bJ tht C~ /I1ICil.
,tli. .. If he go aOJllII bt .!hltll bt ItttllchtJ~' tbn'tfort tempt noC'God.
Oil' or
n A. But ifhetarry here and his being here fo known as it is, it is likely that &e thall be at.
11· ,acbed here to my no fmall grief or difgrace. W hat is your counfd herein?
She faid. • , .... It iI "ritttn IIIi{tr) jhilll IIot tn"t tb, doors of hi", -wllolll tht Highejl hltt'
If8). he IIIltgni/itd. D I X IT, & D 1 CO, & D 1C TUM SIT. The world fball never prevaile
, he Boo., I .g.inll you.
Strowl, anti." j
Powder. A. In rop«t <lEthe Book... th~ SlJTo.",l, and the Powder to be comm~icated, What is your
Jtrue~'tttionof Dr. Dee hil AElionI, "With Ipiriu, &c. 9
jlldgellltntor mind, feeing when he was coming from Iflington with them, he was threatoed
to be l)ulled in pieces if he came with thtm to "!~ f
...... All that it fpok,.m of, it in vtrftJud, van;ty. The book m~y be tired co a good purpoCe. The Book
"Ihtj 'IIItT~T;ick,pl onts. But ts thtft thi1/gs au tht ltaJI part gf thM albon, fa ar~ thq 1M milch to found.
bt/oo;"d after. . .
. Il.. As concerning {he Powder (I beCeech you) what IS your knowledge of it? The Powder•
•.•... It it " Brallch of Nltturtl lift.
It is "ppoint~dfor " .~imt, and to a purpo[~. .• . .
t.. As concerning the earthes of the EI even places bemg with expedlClon ......
What is now to be .done with chem ~ .
.. _.. It WtH ,,'fortjight of God, if they had been. there now they had utterly PtriJhtJ. the fa Eirths.
il.. 0 Jcrus, that is a mllrvellous thing.
_ .... Helas, that U lIothing. .
il.. By nature they could not hue periChed iii fo /hort time•
...... I httvt [aid.
E. K. Tell us your name,
.... M IfJouwillr~mtmbtr my cOlm[d, 1 will ttl/jou m) nttmt.
I!. K. Your counfcl "as by piece-mcale told me, that I cannot remember
it but in general.
...... You do, and havt, 4na I am aimoft HAT H.
t.. I nnderfiand you to be A T H, in figillo Emtth.
AT H....... So am I in tht number of Gods Elect.
t.. Shall not I make meanes to <..Mr. Richard Young, as one of the higher Commiffioners Mr. lI.i,h",tl
to do my I:ompanion here fome good? 1',." .
A T H....... T roublt your [tlf ."bm you ntrd.
E. K~ She this fornevvhat tharply.
Gtt your frimas to flgni/it iowlt good rtport ~f JOU.
Comt not there in many years. ..
il.. As concerning my writing of the holy Book, how /ball I do, by reafon of the
writing it in the Due Characters? feeing many words are written fo, as the pronunciatIOn
IInlhbt Orthographit do httrdlJ [ttm to agrtt f
AT H....... rou (hill! bave a Scho.l-mttJltr flljficitltt tt rtlla unto}oll;
Il.. Where thall I begin?
A T H....... Ltt him ltadyou tl thttt, who is within you.
t.. As concerning I[abtl LiJttr who is vext of a wicked (pirit, how well have I executed
that which was prcfcribed me; or how well doth it work?
A T H....... Frirna, It u not of my 'httTgt.
Rtmtm/,tr tht trllt p4th thllt l~aatlh Ullto trut hOllour, whtrt tbtrt jitttth " Trul alia Juft
GOD, who grant you his DiTtllioll IlIIa tjlabliJhmmt of ptrfelilift.
Il. Amen, Amen, Amen.
E. K. She is gone.
Junii 9· a Mtriait hIT" 5. .
t. . Very long I prayed in my Oratory and at my Deske to have anfwer or l'eColutions of
divers doubts which I had noted in a paper,and which doubrs I read uver diffinll:ly, they con-
cerned the preparation of things about the Table of practice, and other things above my
Lamin ,nd Scone; but.anCwer came none, neither in the Stone! did any thing appear; no;
not the l.olden Curtain, but the Stone was of his ·natural Diaphanitie. But I held on in pit-
tiful manner to requdl: fome advertifemc:nt.iffor any our trell,alres or offences this wllooked
for alteration froln former dealing had napned, &c.
At length a voice came from behincl E. K. over his head, and faid thus:
A voyce....... Tht judgtmtltts of our Goa. IIrt moft profound lind hard ill tht ultatrftalla;1/g of
'IhtTt is .iltnce abovt, l~t thert thtrtfort bt patimct amoltgll )011. I.httvt [Ilid.
t.. Upon this anfwer I began to diCcourfe of divers caufes of this liIence, a.. d divers man- Silence.
nersof filences; and in the end I became in a great and forrowfull hellvindfe, and fear of the
wrath, or difpleafure of God; conceived for fome, onr misbehaviour towards him fince our
laft dealing, wh~reupon I prayed long at my Dfsk,fbndiilg for mercy, comfort, counfd 1 and
(ome expoiition of the former Cemenee. After a long time thus l'sllinS there appeared one ill
the very top of the frame of the (htlf'-jloltt; much like MII:hat!;
Who [aid, t..... If'ritt, [or I '",uff be gont •
. Siltnce there is in heaven, for che Govemours of the eatch are how before ihe Lord, ihe
doings of their feats are now difc10red , every thing is NOT E D. For that God will lie:
J"ightcous in all his doings. -
There is not this day any olle that govemeth the people upon earth) but his gOl'ernmcnt
G ~
10 A true'J{elation of Dr. Dee his .Aaions,.~ithhiries, &c.
is difclofed, and his government is fet open, and his faults revealed.
They without number cry. Lord, let thy vengeance come.
The earth faycth. Be it fo.
Suh.n. S:uhan is before the Lord: He hath garni!hed himfelf with Garlands as a COJlqueronr, and
what he faith is wonderfull.
Therefore !hall the Lord open his mouth, and C1u1e the earth, and all living creatures. For
ll1iq/litJ hltth gottm the Ilpper hltna: publickly the S,"US of nWlkinde in the world are
Viols ,.ady. condemned.
Weare all fileue and rtlld'y 1/Iitb our Yio'is to powre the 'JIIrlltb of Goa upou them, when he
faith, BEl T S 0:
Therefore be you patient. ' For; oJlt P.tifllce ill ItI, li1IivtT[.1 filCllee.
Yet awhile. We look for the mouth of ]uGice : Hut L 0 : Thl! Lord faith unto the Lord ,lift up thy
eye~ (0 God.) Behold, the uignity of thy workmanlhip , Jet [UfftT fIr iCWhile.
1 have a pec,ple that will forfake their cruelty, and put off' their GarmCllts that mnk of
abomin"tion, in wlJOm rlly name Ihall be magnified, and our glory in heaven more exalted.
But as tholl wilt, fo be it.
Behold, I fftltk,,11I bodJ, becaufe I tremble, as at the force of thy great indignation: Not.
lVithGanding, we will what tholl wilt•
. If theref<?re thefe wonders be fo great in heaven, wonder thotl not at our fi~ence : There-
fore be patient, and fay Unto tbe eartb ? Why groaneft tbou fo bard, or wby IS tby body fo
rotten: Haft nor thou juGly deferved thefethings for thy' iniquity?
1 fay, if you be parrakersof thefe fecrees, how nlUrh more !hall you be partakers 'of that
f wcemetre, which IS the dew, md very bread it felf of life?
S O.
c· K. He is gone.
A. I prayed a pretty while after with thanler-giving, IIcc.
Soli Deo Itoftro Dm,,;s IIlIII,potejlM, & glorilt ill [eclI{orll", ["cul., Amen.

}tillii 14. 15.83, Friall]," mtriait, Hora 4!'

A. The golden vayl, or curtain appeared, covering the wbole flone, whereas all other vayli
and curtains before did ufe to cover but the more part, or thofe things which were the ftand.
ing Implements of the aaion for that time. .
This appeared as foon as he looked into the flone.
I made long, and often prayers of, callin, for grace, mercy, and "ifdom :
with fuch particular in1lruftions IS 1 had writtm dewn the doubts rcquil'in!: Iighr,or refolu-
cion in them, &c.
At It'llgth app~ed a "oman like an old maid in a red Pccicotc, and with a red /ilk upper
bodies, her ,h,ur rould about like a Scotti!h woman, the fame being yellow: !he flood arid.
from ri ,C{:;re'11 Sarctncc·belongiug to the ftone, and /be faid ...... God fpeed mT friends.
A. A good greecing to wilb us fpeed by him, Amell.
B· K. I never fawthis woman before.
" .... Ir "'."J bt J~U hltvt fUll mt, bllt my apparel may alter",} f~jhiDII.
c. K. She fe1:mcch to go in a great path before her very fpeedlly.
A. l pray you, whither make you fuch a fpeedy journey .
•••••• I l l " , goillg h,mt, I bltve bult frol'll lm"t this fnmf-ni[,ht.
Mttic"'1 lMid A. Diflance ()f place cannot protraft time in YOIIr journey homeward.
h.d .",er.d "'M. Jdil, Howbt 'll'illbt Itngr.J'II'ith ",e.M ht 'll'M'II'irbbis IIIlliJ. A. EvtrJ Aftion not yet ef.
tne on Thurf. fc8:ed, whether is it athome,or from hOI1lc?
day ni~ht,
, A. God grant you then to make fpeed homeward, and to your home, and all we to the
"ith htrun-
due fpccch. home where the'highefl may be well pleafed.
•..... So,fo, JIU til Iii.. too JPi[e/y for IIIe.
Allwo,ldly A. God make me-to-talk Wifely indeed, and God take all vanity from my heart.
wifdolll Yala. ...... JOII "'"J tbtll/r,. IIIe Il vlli1HMfJPife to ht g1i"g tblll Ions; : Bitt bJ IIIe JOII "''') ptrceive bo." TI";"
all. worldly wifdom is. I "'" ill " beUtT cit{e thell ",nJ .rt, fDr though I be fro. holllt,Jet .". I
g~lIIg ~lIIe, {o",t tbtTe be tbllt lIeitbtT bOHle, lleirhtr Cll" go bo"".
B. K. Now cometh a goodly tall aged man all in black, with a Hat on
his head, he hath a long gray beard forked. he faith to the Maid. thus:
Old Olan...... H'ibthtT gD .lOll milia I
Milia ...... Bc:like Sir, you may be fome kyn unto thefe mell.; for they are alfo defirous tG
knolt' Whither J do go. • .
Old mall....... Me tbi,,/v I jhollia R.!IO.".. JOU btfort I
Milia • ...... If lOU knew m.; before, YOI1 may the ealier know me now.
· d true~/atjon 0/ Dr Dees AElions, ~ith fpirits.
[Old man] Where hllve you bun l lind if thy gravity "lure as good JI thy IIncient diJJembliHg, I
would tell thet.
Old lDan. " .•.. '1/;efe words be verJ large, whllt is tb: (IIufe ~bou wilt lIot be ,lItqullinttd with ",t?
(I "ever did thee harm) and I h4ve drjired t? be IIc'luamteJ. WIth thu It 1~lIg tIme.
Maid . ...... With counterfeit grllvitj I WIN never be: acqullIIted, nelthet ,thy age, a~d, thy
fame nor thy hairs, nor the fobernelfe of thy countenance can move me to any acqualOtance
for that thou never delightedft in mil wifdom.
Old man ....... Tlmt goJour wily li/t..e an Harlot. • '
Mil;'/'. ...... If wicked words do prove an Harlot,then thou hall Judged thy Celf.
E. K. Now {he goeth on fOn'vard,and the Old man is gone out of fight.
There appeareth now a young man, fitting on thc fide of a Ditch, and to
him {he [aid ..
Maid • ...... What aileth yon to weep?
Younl; 'man .,..... ; I wup for t~, difcollrttjit.
Maid • ...... Thou canff lIot move my confcience: No, (I fa,) thou cann not move me to
pi tty. .
E. K. She lickei,h his tears, and faith.
Milid • •,..... Every thing elfe hath fame [ali:nelfe, but here is none:.
Young man ....... Db ,I prlly tha, do fomething for me.
Maid • ...... Oh, toqualitie thefe tears, is no other then to dry rotten Heml) with a mi,l!bty
Young man ....... I will fu thee hll"g'd before I will weep lilt) more.
Maid. • ...... Every thing commonly teacheth of it felf.
E· K. The young man went away G:amping, and angry, and now ate ii
come where a multitude of young Children are, there is much meat on a
Tabl.c•.and ~be Children being not high enough to reach it, puU'd the maid
by the Cloachs, and pointed to the meat; ffie goeth ro~nd about the Table
there is but one di(h uncovered, and that {ecmeth to be like dew, {be puttcth
her tinglrs into the Difh, and letteth the ChilJren lick,and they fall down
M,zid. '. :." Blame Jufiice and not me, foe if the, Childrert had ever called of thi. meat be-
fore tbey might have continued.
E. K !'JOW fue meeteh a thin vira~d man very feebJe, who fiaggered
on his {bife, and he {aid.
F~,c~}e ....... Hdp-mt for Gods fak".
M,.;(1•..... ' I will do my bell.
E. K. A, Ihc came toward [he man, the man fell down; She heavech him
up, al}d again he fallcth down, and flIc lifteth at him Rill·
Mail ...... , Go"a will forms, bue the matter is not fufficient : This is long of thy felf.
F eeule....... Db,' fay, htl; me.
Maid •.... .. It is cuo lare (0 help thee, I came this "ay many times befere, and thou never
foughteft help at my hands. 1t ii written, he that deficeth not help, till he be helplefie,he Jhall
be voidt' of the benefic of an helper.
E. K. Toe feeble man goeth a\vay, and ilie deparrcrh from him: Now
ille cometh towards a man going up an hill, who had torn all hilt Cloaths off
with brambles 'and bryars. Therefland a great many ofMawmets, littH:
ugly fellows at the top of the hill, who threw fion~s againO: him, arid fo
force this c1iming man (or goer up the hill) to tumble down agaiu to the
foot of the hill. The skin doth [cern to be Qffhis hands and his feet and
they very: raw, with his (xcduve traval! with hands and feet up that' hili;
~Q" thcre appear men eating meat below <It the foot of the hill,who offered
hun meat to eat; But he laboureth up the hill again, one of thefe men faid,
come let me bind up tl ,y feet.
The Clymer....... V"t, him tloat hath no wetLrilltjJt, tbere beloHgeth 110 {orrow.
E. K. She fiandech and vitweth him.
C::I The
11. ' A true Relation 0/ Dr. Dee his AfJiQrJ,s , ~itb (piries, &c.
The Clymer ....... 1 Pr9 YOIl htlp "'t.
MAid . .... .. It is impoffible for thee to get up here.
Clymer .••.•.. Of Illy [tlf it ii, I will never be of che minde. It is impollib!e.
Milid • ... ... Come on, I will do the bellI can.
E. K. She leadeth him OVer llones, and rocks.
M"id • ..•••. Thou wilt be knocked in piecc$, ere thou come to the top.
Clymer. ...... Do ) '011 Jour good will, I fetl liD h"r",.
£. K· Now {he leadeth him in a place, where Springs, ~ick.mires t and
Bogs are·
Maid • ...... Surely thou art beft to go down, for thou wilt be drowned.
Clymer ....... 1 tr"y JOIl htlp, I will go lIS loltg ill 1 ",").
E. K· He goeth forward, and Gnkcth 31moll to the tbroat.
M ,tid . ..... It is deeper 011 the further fide, thou wert beft to go down again.
Clymer ....... 1fttltht grolmJ hllralllldtr lit] (ttr: IJlPillllorytt de[,"ir.
E. K. Now he cometh out of thofe deep places, and he feemeth to comc
to a place like the bottom of a hedge, where Iland fiiffc: tboIns , piked up-
ward, very tharp.
Now come tVI0,- or three handfomefcllows, and f:oid,Alas,lct him tarry
here and drink, we willlcold him up tlnotber 'W~ ro morrow·
Mllid • ..•.•. Farewell.
Clymer ..... .. 1 prlf] Itlf'lle mt "ot [0, {tt "'f go .ith YOll.
Mil ia . ...... I muft needs be gone, I cannot tarry for thee.
Clymer....... 1 .", ytt IIml>" hungry nor fhir/ly, .nd fttl IU JlPtllrilujf,: Why t/'"tfor,
jhol/ld I jTlly.
E. K. He goeth, as though the: tborns prickt him, and grindetb his teeth
for pain.
Now they arc come to a fair place, and then {he [aid to one.
6. LAb" ~ M3id ....... Ftteh mtlft Ilnd Jrilf!r..lllld clurin ,IlIIJ ellrt l1il ."ouds: For untD 'het btlo"lttb
improbul tht fdicity of tbis pillet: Fo" II,ithtr from tht hight}l to th,lowtIf is tht" lilly JlPhom 1 pitt], bllt [lICh
_","i.l.Iin· 4S tbil is.
'it. Cfymcl" ....... 1 It"ow IIot hoJIP 1 Ihali ufe thert tbings.
M/tid • ...... Thctrue,Hlirs bave alwayes difcretion.
To thu it belongeth, and fur thee it ;, prt!""d.
Vi' it thtrefort withollt off",,, ill thi/ft0""'.
E· K· No" both he and thc go into a Call1e, and the doors are &ut after
them, and (he cometh out again.
Maid . ...... 'This ;s w,ittll. fOT JOur IIHatTflltllaillf.: Ltt 'htflfort Jour tytS bt opmta ,II/fa b,
Hot blind,. Ntither f~rglt JlPbd Iter, hltth bt", oplltld.
1:>. We perceive that Ftlieitill vi" .rdull tft, mllltM obfirll difficlllt"tihlll &- ptrielliis ;ftJ COII-
,1h,ntill &p"timtill ptr'lltnltur lid F.licitlltis .reem, which we befeech the AlmighlY God to
irant unto u•.
Maid ..... Wtll, 1 will bt goiltg till YOIl hlf'llt {Ilppta : .Alta thtn 1 ,.,m flll you mort of ",y minat.
It,.,il/ b, ylt fix, or [tVtn."ttlts jOurHt,} b,fort J c/tn ftf holllt.
lJ. Note .1.or 1:>. Sit btn,diOIll Dtlll .ofrtr n/DIe &- [emptr, Anlen.
49" d."r... ,re- Atter Supper we ftaid ,while:, bang come to the place, and though nothing was feen, or
mh"·6n.nngd,1I1 fhcard,yet 1 fpake, alfuring my ftlf of the prefenee of the forcfaid maid, though as yee to us
t • 010 • r lib!
A-,.ft nex' lO,eo I e.
ill<iu6... 1:>. We would gladly knolV thy name.
G.A L V.A H. Maid....... M] "lilt iI Galua'h, inyollr IIfHgugt 1 ifill c'111td Finis.
E. K. She fuddenly appeared as the fpake chis.
A. That [Finis] is Latin. Gill . ..... I.
Fiji. I",N. 1:>. You are, nOlle of thofe that are called fili6/l1cis, or filiI fili"r""" Oal..•. No.
Fili. fiJi4,."'. b.. You will not be offended, if 1 propound a doubt Comewhat impertinent to our matter
in hand, yet of importance for us to hear your judgement in the fame. 'Iritt",illl, fayeth that
. never any good Aogel was read of to have al'peal'ed jorm" mlliitbri. I pray yQU to give us an
A,n An,.th bo anfwcr to this Co grl':at a Clark, his words, which are to be read in his little book, 000 ~,,_
~' 1~ f:'~;i. jiioltlml Maximi/i"lti C4aris • ..... There fiZ.~ffit nt Srxtll. SaltlJi IIutt'" .Alfgtli, jlloltilllll ,,!,t-
:'~~~~'(,' apPl.lIiont 1tI1lt1/1I"", 'II"yialttllr {tmper IlPIJlfrtllt in forma virili. NIl[qUlfllt tnim Itgimlls Jcriptu", tploJ
"onll bQ111K [fintlK in forma fit virus muliebri ,aut beflia: ruju[Cll1tqllt,[td [tmptr in {ptCit 'IIirili,
~ ~
A true 'l\elation of Dr. Dee his Affi(;ns, 'A1itb /piritJ, &C4J 13
Gal. .. . .. Tou ;hin/t tbl1l I hllv. [on,••ntl.rjlllntlillg.
A.Yea, God knoweth, I do.
Gal. ...•.• Fir{i it H tv,dmt tbllt the Spirits of God IIr •• incompr.hmfibl. to thof. thllt lire thrir
in(.riottrs : F~r tb. bigh.rord.r is incompllrllbl. unt. G od, And tJ dtgrus. tb ,[e thllt lire
inf.rieurs lire ttl[o incompllrttble unto tbem. It follorurb there/. r., thllt in rt[pdi of thltt d.gree
i" AlIgrls thillJ!.s art inr.ompr.hmfibl.. A I' .
Angels I faJ) of themfdvts, neither IIU ",lin lIor "omall; Th.rtfoTt thq do tllk.e formes ;,;,~t :,;:,~
IIOt accordillg to Iln) proportion in imagination, but ttccording to the difcrttt ttnd IIpptiltble "ill ftI, """. J:....
botb of him, lind of the tbing th.· ) lire Admillijlrlltors : For we all are Spirits minificing "';"" "'q.t
the will of God; lI11d unto 'Whom? unto every thing within the corupalfe of Nature: olle!) {N".
to hil glory Itnd the 11[' of man. It folh wnb, Tber.fort, cOllfidering tbllr we minijf.r 1M of our -::l~"~'"
ftlv~ s thllt w. fhouU miniJf.r i" thlft Im[ellrcbllbl. {,rm "ithin the "hich our executions Itre limited: '"' trill.
But if Trit.:mius can fa] , 1httt womttn 111[0 hnth 1I0t th. Spirit of God,bring form.d and fajhio,;ftl
ofth. ft/f[ame mittttr,not"itbjtltllding ilf a contrllry proportioll b] a dtgru; If Tritemius calf
feparattth.dignlt] of tb. Soul of wonliln from tbe excellmc] of ",1111 but according to th, form of
the matter, thm miJ(ht hid Argummt be goo-i : But beea"fe tbat in ",alf lind WO II/tt II th.u H propor-
tion, pr.parar;on, of ["nlli/iclltion in et.rnit] ·; Therefore may thofc that are the eternal l\r1i-
niners of Gdd in proportion to Sanctification take unto them the bodies of them both. I Hie 5
manin refpect of the Form; FOT IIS;II bothJOu rud Homo, [0 ill botb you fiNd OHe IlHd tht [.If Hd ~ hem••
fame diJ.1Iity ill interllillmlltter allonl. Bllt Tritemius [p4/te in refpetl_of the filthinelfe (which
illdeed H 1I0/ilthilltJ[e ) wherewith all women are Ilained; 411J. b] ru[on: from th~ IIlIturlll Phi-
ID[ophtrs: as 11 Hfttll tll/fillg more of nllture illdttd Ibm of bim which H tbe Work..nilln or 4 {uptrna-
rural Ma{ler. H. ( I[tt] ) eonc/ud.dbHlldUTIlI invmtioll. III r.[pdl of m} ftlf , 1 IIn[".r Tri- O"I"d.
temius thIK : I am Finis, I:lm II beam orthat Wifdom which is the end of mans excellency• .
Thor. alfo thttt ttre callttl. Fili~ lind Filiz /iliarum lire all cO'llprtb1lldeJ in me, Itnd do /lrtmd. Apparition iti
~Olf Tnlc Wifdom; "hich if Tritemius mllrk.., hejhllll ptrctive tbttt true WiCdom is alluyes Ihclormcof
painted with a wOlllans garment; F.r tbttll the purtlleJ[e of It Virgill, NothiHg H moTt com- woman •
.",elldttble. .
God ill bis jl/d{,emmt lr..Ho'll'etb boll' Triremius is rewarded. T,itt",iNI Ito
I f ]OU rhinJr.. tht[t ttrgummtf b. Hot flljJititttt,the ,nt ill rt[lell of fbt firp grollnd, alld the otber ill warded.
"fyelJ ~f tbe ",ett[ure of m] ntt"", I "illy.t alledge greater.
A. There Arguments do fatisfie me : But to have wherewith to fiop the mouths of others
who might ufe Cavillation upon fuch matters, it were fomewhat needful to have heard your
judgement: Whereas inde~d our own atf~ir5 i!l ha~d ape cather to be followed at this 1'rc-
fent, and of greater Arguments or Inlhuctlons In thIS muter I truft hereafter to have Ilnder-
ftanding : But as now I chiefly regard our Aaion in hand.
Gal. ..•... Btgin Iht B?Dk..n,xf Tttefday.
MJ ftff,,1ll bt th} Dirtllor; AI/dill "',lIa",e ;,,[D l."ililead Uilto the end. All otbeT things
rtft, cr.coraill{, to thy judg.mtttt lind proportioll of hif Spirit tbllt glliJ.rby,u.
Gal .• _, •• 1 "'J [elf will be tbt finger to airell thee.
Gal. ...... The fingt, of God ovtr ma1f.J ""untltins.
His Spirit the "ta;"ntJ[e of mall] plllcti.
N, [tllft if rmfllTnijhttl wher. his light re"'ttinerb
For undtrjl:ttlld "hat I ""', ana ir iI It [uJJlcitlft IIn[lI'tr.
A. At the beginning to write the Book, /haUl r.equire your infirucHons?
Gal •....•. Do[~ .
"fbe MOlllttttim of tb. World jhltll Ii. Jlllt ; }lut tbt Spirit of God jh:zll neTlrr be COl/fOUl/J.d.
B K . Sbe jilleth 01/ If rode, and hath done ever fince [upper.
Gal. ••...• All Sirra I."al tt ."rary.
A. As concerning the Polonifh Lord A lbertill Lttrc] "hom we are c.ertified to be .f Gott
tlelled to goverllbim II people, wholD we are willed to love and honour, What baveyou to ray of
him? eN'.
Gal ....•.. Ask,. m. th.f. tbings to morrow.
E. K. She fmHeth and caHeth a light from her. $miling.
Gal. .•..•. I f"'ile berttu[t r[pelt/t" of to morrow; Jell I feem to fmilt.
A.As concerning Ifab.l Li/f.T, I pray in what cafe is /he? in refpea: of the wicked f£lirit A. L.
which long hath moldted her?
Gal. •••. .• Believe, For thllt H tbt ,birfejf :
What H fpok,.tll by IU " . give but ollr con[tlft rD.
For he that f peaketh in us is to be asked no ruch quenidri. NOR.
For ",bm be [,Jilh, it is m.a{lIrrd.
As it 'WttS [aid bef ort I Th. Hills alld Mountltills Df the TI';rld ma) bt ",,,de plltjll, 114 tbe
Spirit of God ntver ronfDlIndrth. .
.A.• & that iii the end of all things; and the end of end. (unto "hom *11 honour pralfe and
. .8 thallkC-
14 .A true 'R....elatio" of Dr . Dees Aflions, "",ieh/pirits,
thankfgiving is due) bldfc us, endue us with his graces, and abundan~Jr power forch· his
mercy \I pon us.
~, Fi.;, ~.,- Gal . . .' .•• V1Iatrft Alia IIIJ 1Ialllt particlllarly, A"a IIDt generally.
,;'''/# ,, : rei- I fptak,. it to avoia errour.
t"" IJI •• • !/,- -PecCcvere to the end •
.. ", A_ ~i ptr[rvlr«vlrit fiatl" (Dtflll.ftro ) u[qUt ad fillt. hic'!Alv/II trit: which faithful.
nelre With all confrancy and patience the Blelred and Almighiy Trinity grant and confirm
lUlto us forthe glory anli honour of his Name, ./LIIIIII.
E. K. She is' gonc with a brightndfe.
J".;i 'f.
Saturda] I1ftmtOoll,hora 6 . After tnat the noble .4lb,rUls LA/V, had betn
A. I uCtd fome difcourCe 'l with me, and was new gone to LOlld,",
by prayer to God, and afterward l>rotefiation to GJluAb in reCpea of her willing me to ask
certain matters again this day whIch ••.• yefrerday were not allCwered : But very 10l1g It
was, above half anl!ollr,before any thing appeared, more then the Golden Cllrtain all over
the Shew... • ,
At lengdi appeared divers confuCed forms of divers Creatures, and then, by and by,
vanilhed away.
A. I prayed to God to banith all confufion from us and our aaiOll', and to fend us lumll
&- vtritattm, ptr /ilium & propttr /IIIUIII,& cOlljia1lti"'" TIT/I", ••••
Jl. Then appeared he by whom (before) we were called II; and feemed tofcom at E. K.
E. K. Hercappc~rethlJ,and he fccll1eth [0 Ulock me.
I!. ...•.. Tholt iSit gird to you Sir for YOIIT fijhi"g.
ts.. 'E. K. had Cpent all that afternoon (almoft ) in angling, when I wal yery defirous t:p
have had his company and helping hand in this Action.
A. Shortly after this,.ppeared Galuab and to be in a field elofed round about with a hed~.
Gal. •.•..• H,rt wno Wil] OUt.
II ...... Comt I will do [otVtwhar for JOU ; It is a ftra"ge tbi"g tbat wifdolll CAllllot /i"a I I _ }
If'if',m. through a hldgl.
B K. This 11 pl111eth down the hedge:
Gal. •.•..• Go th] wa], tbou haft a01., but, thy aut,}.
II • •••••• Farewell Vtt, Fal'ew.u J(tl!.J.
Du. KoJl,. C.' K, He is gone.
Gal .•.•... 'Iho[obllt ,tafte of tVlrlAjlill!, BAllltet" fart wtll, alld atjirt tht {a"" II .tlxrs.
e. K. Now thc is comc [0 a grc-at CafHc-gatc,all of Rone, "ith a draw..
Note. bridge before it. Thtre is like a gre,bolndgr.'l!en Qr 'Nt in 'he S'olie over the
Gal. .....• It i# 'IItT} IAtt, I.",iII lao'" if I can havt"'} ellttrtAin",tllt 1Nr,. J-S83~
E· K. She is gone in.
A. After a while the came oue again.
Gal. . .·u.
Btt it [po It,".
CIIT(td,atfa"d, "nd. aamltta bt tbw plAet.
A yoke OUt of Gal. •..•• , .4ltd why I Becau!t tht} hAvt JiNfftallP thtir jI,jh, follow tbtir .wn i",Ag;lIa';olll,
the Stone. 'J9aliowing in tbtir filrhinrJ[t, ItS Swillt that tllmbl, in ",irt.
Bthtld it iI tlO latt '//lith thil p"plt, I CAn gtt 110 loagillg. 0 Jt m} fttt, he a "itne.J!'e a!."illjf
thtllt, Itt fht.",;lIdts m.vt tbt dllft to rtport fbtir UIIyndlltfft.
E K· No" thegoet~alonga great War"likc a common, high-way,
and the light of the Air about her teemed fomcwhac dark like Evening
or Twilight.
Gal. •...•• Tta tbollghJOu b4Vt tOD ",ueh light, 1 bllvt tpo littlt.
I did but Dvtr-htAr yo II, wb." JDU faw",. Itot.
A. r
Nott. I had fpoken of too much light coming from the well window· of my Study
towaref the Taltlc, whereothe She,,~ttone frood, when we began now to' attent;! her cGming,
and thereupon ~e fpoke thi~ ]
E. ,K. Her 0"o garments cail ~ light.
E. K· Novvihe cometh amonglla company of men blfVl"ggO'WnsJur~
rtfJ »;Ih 1IIhitl, and fome ot them having Vel"PII Capt, and rome Hats. '
Onc:of thcm {aid to h~r, Whatart,thoLl?
Gal • .••... I k,.now not what I _ in] {tlf
WiI(Jou kllY A", prtti~lIs St01l(S Df ntt I
E, K· She
-@Atrue'i\elationofDr.Dee his AElions~ rPith fpiritJ,&cj I~
E. K. She taketh our of her bolome a great many of precious frones un-
cut, or. unpolilhed.
E· K· Thefe men look on them.
Gal. ..... Tr"t/y, tbeJ art P"rt and good.
E. K· They fay aIfo; Surely they {eem [0 be good, delivering them from
one co another.
E. K· There appear two fat men ~ who raid, let us firfr get money before
we buy ruc~ cuRes: be fides that, tbey ha ve not their perfect form·
Gal. .. . " I praJ YOII, bllY ont of them of me.
Will yoU buy nont nt ither l
E. K- She fptakerh that to them, who fira prai(ed the O:ones .
..... Tujh , I fray thrr go about thJ bufinrs , ,loft thou not ptrctive h~w tbty are fOJlnd faNlt Thofe RICO
~~ ? •
Gal . ..... Tlljh, T'ifh, they be not cut for Jol<T fajhio1r.
B< it (aid. oo,ce£rol8
..... Their [m[es lire gill, td with tranjitory vanities. rhe none.
Gal ...... Let them (there/ort) perijh vllilily, bec/JII[t they ttrt tranfitory.
1: . K. Nuw the cometh "'irIberl {he muft clamber up a"all, ha~ing flepJ in Thi. rauble."
it of ragged frones; There is a fair building beyond it. There go many up ,;;;'::'P,~:~"
tbole llcps : and when they ale almofi at the top, there meeteth them (orne, :~~:~"~~h~'
who take them by the hand ,and help them up .and over into the place. "ou~I •• of
Then one of them mat flood at the top of the wall (who had a furred E"" ....t.
Gown) and helping of men up , faid to her; Come aIDay womall, wilt thou
come up?
E. K. She faith nothing to him, but fiandeth fiill, and looketh a"a1 fEom
E· K. Again, that man raid to her, come away wilt thou come UP?
Gal. .'" .. Vnbapp} are th?[e whom thou htlptft : .And whore trr4tb hllth infelltd mllIlY, your blfnds
are t09 bio"dy, for mt to come anigh .J.II. .
E· K· Now come handiome women to the wall, and fome faid, good
fifter, 'pray you come away.
Gal •.... Your voluptuous father k.,nowethmt not, for his da/lghteT, I dmy yo .....
E. K. 1':ow cu'n'e or three bra1Je !el!o'11S with Rapiers by their T1:e Ar'Y<C 01
fi~es, and having h~t's without band;, and their bojen firined up, and with ;':,:;,a~f",~e
no garters; thde help up people that come, and Qne at them fald : Tarry a COU".
little,worn'}n, and I will help thee (horely.
Gal. ..... fy Ilj on}ou : .Jour clOttths art infelltd with abominatiolls of JOllr Chllmhtr , I will
tllrr) tilllt.
E. 1<.. Now cometh a big !lout man to the top of the wall, and a boy
with a Crown on his head; I:::te feemeth [0 be about 18· years old •
..... So it if, and piea[e YOllr Mllje{f.J : ThertfoTI let this way be razed. The {loue big
E. K. He fpake to the young King upon former talk between them man.
which I heard not·
..... Be it donI. A yoyeecue 0
E. K. Tbe 1)1,,/J qlllaltetb a"d/alle,b do",n ~ And fome of the jolly fdlo"es the ficne,
"hich were on the wall before, fell doVYn,and other fellowes came and dig~ ~c~ed:~~.bro­
ged a great hole, or breach in the ,,,all.
Gal. ..... Thank,,' be to G,d : Now, htu is tntrance t/lougb. (}j)
E. K. She goeth in. If:
16 .A true'J{eltttioll Of Dr. Dee hit Amont, Dith [pir;ts~ &c.
The young man,or firiplin (with the C~own on his head) and the other
big man cmbraceth her: His Crown is a Triple Crown; or three Cronns
one upOh another. He hath a little thing in his hand, which he holdcth
clofe, and o'vcr-gripeth, fo that it cannot be difcerncd.
The big m>n. ..... Thollgh th~u hlfft trttlltllttl Mil 'JII,/rllfl', thol/Jhllit II0'JII bt i(,'O'JIIII JO bt II 7/11111.
E· K. He fpake to CJabab. They embrace each other. They fetcb clo:lth$
for her, and put upon her a black Gown, a mans Gown, as tbe Gown of a
~.lvilh trtar· She kneeleth down like a man in form, her head and all·
med into a
fO I
rr.«n. E. K. Then the young King [pake to her, faying,
.. ... Wbllt this Roa mil) do, 'JIIor~.
E. K: Be giveth the transformed man a Rod j one half being bloud , and
the other half white, the partition of thefe two being long-wife.
A v.yce .ue ff<!!.~ j ul*"
fUllt facitt &- mtM m",furttbit lI;rtl/tts.
of the Il<nc.
The u.",for' For untill it was appointed, 1 fought it not.
med m.n. Let us dtallrt ,h, Court, and examine the multitude;
A voyce our For errOllr is alwayes covered in !IIany.
of Ihe none. Curfed are thofe that are judged by a multitude.
E. K. All they that fell off the vvaIl.and they that vvould have helped
ne mn[. her up,they come in bound band and foot:
fOlmed. •.... Roof thtm out, 0 Ki,,: , Pitt) no fuch ptrJolls, for thof, bt thtJt thllt IIt11tr hila mtrcy III
B. K. Novv cometh a "IlIOman ou', h"-Ping a Cro'aln on h" head: file hath a
. long viGgc.
The big DUR. ...... Nay, Itt htr drink.. M}ht hllth atftrl/t(l.
E. K.The transformed man laycth down the Rod before him,and begin-
neth rovveep ;and [aid,. La i' no' he ftid,b. I pitlJtbuM;,.,ed.
The big min. ..... Let htr ait ,for }ht hllth dtJtrllttl duth.
B. K· Other men about her lay hand on her, and pi,"! ,be CrOTPll off btr
The transformed man taketh up his Rad,and,layeth upon the top, or
Crown of that womans head.
B· K· The young King fayeth unto her, What wilt thou!
The womln. .. .... If it pltaft )011, pardon for m) lift IIlIa aig"it).
B.l\. The bigge man, and tbe young King talk together alide, ~he vvo-
mao holdeth her hands abroad, and knocks her brcafi! And a great com;:!
pany of them about hel arc he'll't; in pieces) by tormenters armed·
15 8 ,:
A voyce oue AdjllllttbO.
of ,hcnolle. E. K· The King and the bigge man come in again.
The tran$for- B. K· The King faid to tbe transformed man j Be it as thou "ilt, Be ,I)U
IDCd man. t)70 jOJned together. For I vvith you both well.
B. K. The vvoman bowcth down vYith obeyrance , and thanketh
E. K. The bigge man taketh th~ King by tbe hand, and the transforme.c:l
man taketh the "'oman by tbe hands, and putteth her hands to the hands
of tho King, and the biggc man; the), take eatb other by the hand, and kHfc
~~ ~~M
A true CJ(elation of Dr. Dee hi! AEliorJJ 'PJith (piritJ, &c. 17
B. K. All is now on the fodden vanithed away, and the transformed man
is returned again to her womans thapc, and the [aid;
Gal. .•.••• NolP IJPil/go lPith]'lll, Sir,}ollT JO'IrII(}t
E· K. She fpcakcth CO you t:..
To t:. • .... 1willlua}o", if }OU lPill f allolP m~ up.
But '0/1 mu/l havt bro~n.rhi"ns. ' , .
t:.. By Gods g,?ce;and witb his.fte.lp I will follow you,and in .refpea of mf Chums b~eak-
ing. tbe joy of tJle confequent effeft wtll utterly take away the grJ~f of the Chmns break mg.
Gal....... And to you Sir, }OU 7f'~rt btft, to hunt and fiCh afcer Vemy.
r t:.. She fpOlke fo co E. ,K . becanfe he fpene too much time in Fi{hing and Angling.) .
bal. ...... WOom ,ho,1 fawII\ here Chall govern over l ( Klftgdoms. , I.I.lillldoll\J;
bo. If there be no myftery in rhat fpeech, the Conqueft mull: be great, and the trouble
great and than~e.
E. K. She g(,lcth on her way along a laDc,
t:.. We know noc who (bould be that King fo /hewed.
Gal. ...... SIlT~ thy atmillfas Ilrt fully an!1Ptrta.
Confiatr tbou lPhd thou fttlvft,
LI"J of 1Phom tllou [ttlttJf,
LIlia by .,.,bo[~ htlp.
7'b~" /001:,. to thltt JIIbich is atc/llrta.
I"W folloJII mJ oJJic~, for ilf tllOft thilfgs lI'httt'lf thou IIrt ilf'lllifiriv~ 1 hllvt (htwta tht End. The EnJ
bo. l'rudy the occation of my prefent asking you fome queftions, arore upon matter con- •
cenling thi' Noble Polo/fi~H, of whom YOIl bad us ycfrerday ask as this day.
Gal ....... VI",it) l"'nf,tth /fot III mint Elbow. .
B~litvtft t!Jou Ihllt Itlrt4dy fpol<.!/f I [p0k..m ( I [It) ) oJ him?
bo. Yea forfooth, I do believe it. .
Gal. ...... I fill UHIo'ket, His Ifilmt is iH tht B,o/{ of Lif~ : .Tht Sun /hall not palfe his cOllrfe Thc PriJYe
before he be a KIng. HIS Counee\ jhall brua AIUrlttlOH of this Statt; yea of the whole Alb. LIIlljt.
World. .
What lPouU/l tbou ;"/fo." of him ? •
A. Ifhis Kingdom !hall be of i'olillla, ot what Land elfe;
Gal. ...... Of IWO Kingdoms.
t:.. Which I befeech you?
Gal ....... Tht Olfl Ihou haft r~ptllltJ, lind rh~ olb" lu ftt/vth as right.
t:... God grant him fufficient direftion to do all things fo, as m.iy pI cafe the Highet in his
calling. , .
Gal ....... Ht jhilll1Pillft no airtllioll in Itity rhiHg h~ dtfir~th. .
A. As concerning the troubles of Lluguft next, and the dangers cben, What is the bell for AuCU4.
him to do? to be going home before, or to tarry here?
Gal ....... Wbom God hllth IIrmtJ, N, mali calf prtvltilt ilgain:1.
t:... In ref~ell:ofmrolVn ftatewich the Prince, I pr;iy how mucb bacb he prevail~d to win .. .
me due credit: and m what cafe ftandeth rny fute,or how am I to uCe my Celf therem? The preifhr.. "
Gal. ...... 1 havI tou.)Ou thaI III [argt evell now, Itild if "thou [0011.. ;',10 thoft Ihilfgs Ihltt IIrt .tC .n~... t
now toU. ItIfJ 1I0W dont. • ' .. . • .. ::oh. I "ve·
t:.. Com:emmg Ch.1rlts S[d, hiS nofe gl1Chmg wlch blood tWice ye/lemlght and thiS mor-
ning upon my. charitable inftmtl:ions giving him to venue and godlinelfe.
Gal . .. .... I Ir.,HOfP him 1Iot: n:r Itlfy namt hllth h~ lPirh III.
A. Meaneth he well cowards me !
Gal....... . Wh~trotlJtr "wicltttJ 1114" "'talftlh it if not JIItll; but in tbllt [mft it U atmilnata
W f,u""rtb wdl.
T~ roil fpirit thllt pofftffith him 'litiS f:IIft our of hilll, tiltH at his 1Io[~, Itt th~ prt[mct of tho["f cb",ill SIll.
tlld fP~r~ /rt[mr with Ihu.
Gal. ...••. 11tli~vt ~ we ItHO." Hot his HlIl1ft ; '1r,ublt mt 110 ",ort lPitb him.
t:.. 0 Lord, though men be fraile, fallity ,and filthy, yet cliy Diercies 1re moll:. praife.;
worthy ( among all generations) of all thy doings.
Gal. ...... Hold thy PtilU, 111' art If'fP to t:acutt th~ Juftic~ of Goa.
t:... 1 fpake a great while of tbe, mercies of God and his Jufiice ; and gave th:mks for our
Ceiling and Elet\ion into this bleWcd /late.
Ga.1.. ......1 JIIi{{ tllitt up m) lodging for I),ill,igbt. . . •
t:... God erant me worthy offuch godly ghe~s" God grant me a dwdlmg wlth'you wbere
hi~ name is eternally praifed, glorilied, alid fanll:ified: To him a\l Creaturci tender thanksj
honour,andglory. Amen.
...... Amlll.
~ Thi.
IS Lltrue'R...,ltttiQ1IOfDr. Deehir ;1f!ioni "f);tb/piriui &:Ca,
A , . ICe ou, cf A. This voice oueof tbe Stone being taken to be the voice, of " ' jmportcth' asmiuh as
the Stoll:, jf God himrc1{ had fealed to that as his wilt and decree, That all Creatures (houId renda
thankcs unto him and glory; fillnt: Dig"lImCr Juft"", eft. Amen.

'Iue[d/lJ Junii 18 An. 1583, ,"'temeridiem cfrcil 9' , .

A. I prayed lirlt, and declared our attendmg thIS day the promtfe of God fO bcper_
formed, ere:.
Ga ...... Are fO llr bours Jet to come I IUId I."ill be read).
Ar~ the ,;or~s of ",i[do", leeret, until I [,IIve Il[ctllded t~is Hill?
Is the HarveJf retld, 'I/Ihtn tht Corll it ripe I
Are the Lilbourers reu) ."htn their IlIftrllmtnts are preparr.d I
I have faid.
Non:. All \!Ii[dom j, rtcltJntd b) the eternal Will; and until it be faid, thert it no II(Jion t.1lrrllble J
1Pbm tht SlIHjhintth I will appellr a""ngftj'lti 'I/Ihmit j,[aidC,'!'e, 10 I "", rea'-,. '[hecJa.J.t1 af
JOllr fathtrnure b!tlfed; b"t tht hOllr '1Ithm thit Book.. !hall be written /hall be Canffi6ed,Je. ill
the middrff of inttUtllual IIndtrjtallding.
For bmill it tbe Creati07lOf Adam witHj, tran[grl'j}'ion. ''Ibt Dignit) ~HtJ wi/d.", Itt IIlId.
'Iht Errour lind borror whtrtin ht was dro'l/lntlJ, )ell hr;reb, iI the po."er [pulld oj the highl'jl
'I/Iork.in1. ill all Crtilturrs. '
For as tlrtrt it a p"rticII!.r Sotll or firt injla",inl, IIlftO"tvtr} boJ} (I ",eitll reafo1lllble)' S. there
it all 71niver[II! fire antl a gtneral brigbtntJJ"t givillg gtlltritlligbt IIl1t. tht"" wbjch is but 04t) antl
}hineth thrONgh tht 1IIhole,}ea is ",tarllmJ eqllally 1111 to ever} tlrillgf ro", tbe beginlling.
Th~ lif~ of ..Il things is htr~ k..lIo....n :
n, rt111lrd of dtath to tho[t th~t art Tt1Pard~d for lif,.
Nont are rt1PardeJ but Itceordin!. fo thtir tlt[trts : of tbe which ther, IIr, t1PO kjllds.
I , The[t art rt'IPllrdtd 'I/Iith dtath for tbtir 1Pick..tdlftlft.
2. So art thty rt1PaFtltd with life for their cOllft allt livi"g.
Amongfr the Angtls tbtre IlIa} bt trrollr, ina fin ma} 1II1Ik..e them f"IlIr~ m the brightlleff"e of thtir
glor}. ,
Bllt to the Soul of man ( btillg once tJorilitd ) fill is utttrl], )tll ",oft /..rgf-I] oppofitt .' Nei,htr
jhltll that dignity ever bt /oft,ftaintd; or- lefaced, that is obtltintd here ."ith the work"es of rigbtl-
ou[neffe 11M true 1PiJiJol1t_
Whatfotvtr hath ~ttll from tht btgillllillg (finCt it ."as (llid ill Divint Dettr",inittiol/I), Be it
Jont) it htrt'in~/o{td. ,
Thtrtfore jhould thit da,) he H IlllowrJ allJ S all11i/ietl bt!ortfb't Lord 1.1 }Oll.
For if th, ProphetS " 'r.lid 'I/Iorjhip thit day of his it[cenfioll, fIIIIch mor, olltht , ,).011 ('."Sich
hltve ta.lled of the firfl; IlHdjhllll now taffe of the [tcrets of hit Jlldg~"ltIm) g[orijie hii coming:
But'with yOu Satan is bufie ;- His brilHes ftand liP, hj, feathers au Clift IIbroad.
'!htrt! ore 1Patch ua pra1; For tho[e thllt to BlllflJuets put .on their upptr gllr",e"ts. " .Amt.gJf
~Oll therefo(e is no found belief; , Ntitber do }O" co"fiaer the [cope -f thit. ~/tfftdntJft. : .Bllt [uch
'" rlJt gTtatnelfe IInii txcelltllC} of hSo' [orl/tlfo'JPledge,thllt h, [uffertth the enemy to carry aburdcu,
yea fometimes to preach upon a Sta"e: For it it {aid, Hejhall trillmphllHto tht end,.allJ Ilace
bim[tlf htre as ht wOllltl have dqne a~ve: Neither fhllll he be thrllft oat .f doorr till tbe ",d be
-determinea. ' Therefore patfh and pray, alld lo,k.. IIbout with '-illgence.; for thoft thillgr ./hlllJ ·h,e
Op",ttl IInto JOU 1Phichhalle no t bun difclo[eallnto the HoI] Ontl. '
Ob, ho1P hllrd It tbing it it for jlejh to cOHiillue in tbe 1Por/v of ]lIflice J
Tea, Db ho." hartl II thiHg it iI for m[Jo",'to be acqllilinted ."ith" hotchpot of fjlthinefft ?
C/tllnft}Our garmellts.Lift UPyollr ","rts, .lIa rent }Ollr flUilts in pitcts" , tltft thert mil} 'II,
one heart 'I/Iith o"e con[ent, and IIIfto one eid, IIl1tO him ."icb it 011' IUItl the E.J o! shillgs ': IIIfd
fo him for and in hid trllth,antl for tbt grt.tlltJJ"t of hif mtrcies: 'I'D 1P/Io". bt pTI,;fe tor evt'!..
A. Amen.
E~ K. All thewhilelhc:fpake there came a bright be2mefroo:uhe My
fiic~l 6tone to the body of ber, aDd 'at the end llte mounctd upward and
b.. We fet up the houl" gtaffa to mcafure four hours juJlly afcer this ~("fltl" "lIl)d in-
'II/t[all], After Dinner abollt one Of the clock aud f the hours expired, and we attmded
the mercy ohhe Highelt.
'A . At a great gladfome /hining of the Sun ( whereas it had not lh~d bile lite~ and In ~ *
conltandy ever fince his lai words) one appeared on the comer of the ~reen mk Sll(C~o, by
the: My tHcal Stone,She wa,
like a woman as Galvilh iii fa,ce, but her .apparel was "a GlaDi &Own
furred with foynes, or,as Gentlewomen do wear upon gowns,
A. Upon thediverfityofyour appaielwe are to ask whether yOll ba Gtllvahorno,?· er
bave lOU alfo,as I have done, put on your Holiday- cloths ~
Gal ....... FEAR. GO:D.
E. K. ShcJleppethforward one fiep.
Gal. ...... My GaT;;'tnt 'w cilltd :H'O X MARC H, 'JihiclJin]out [pmb it ralltd •••••
A. l,urittf'l [ap~mlu tji.TimQT.Do",ini : we accknowledge it to be an old and a true
Ldron, and alfoth~' firfi firp of the: path-way to felicitv. .
Gal. •.••.• Wha.t M. !uU
A. Fear is of two forts ': "one i~ 'c alled jilil!lw,the otheiftrvilw.
Gal .•.••••. VII to 1M JuJr 1!1l ftllT it JOJ ;.and thtrtf.ort tbt htgi"lIIn,~ alia tlftrMtCt IlItO quittntJJt.
'frut 'quittijtfft IIn~ I'tJ~ ~. lIIi[d~", ; lor th: nima tbllt /tnD1i'tth bllth tbt grtl!ttjr rtft lind qui/tlltf;.
'fht Ditugbttr'o[Vi[plI,rt UlltO tht wlc'/tttl 11 ftllr. .
'fh!t ftllr it the firfl that ./ tfcu[ttb unt.o damllatiOIl: But hf tJ,at,is, ptrfdJ/y 'IIIi[t, Dr bath taflttl
of 'fI'i[Jotll, /tnowttb the: End. .
And hit fUT it .of tbt thing that it dont. 'fhw M tht trUt ftaT of Goa; ana 'fI'hrn 'lilt ftllr jin,
JIIe do it btcau[t 'lilt hatt it. . .
. Whtn'lllt /Iud; to do good, it is It ,tD;"m of DIIT ftltr, ill tbllt it is It to/t,.tll 'wt fear him, '1Pholl/
love IIlIa fbi" "Fho{t homur ,'lilt Jrua) to do 'rP.tll,
Thil it till thl!t "'II) btJtiid of li'lltl} and unlivt/y ftllT. " .
TOl/cbing tht B.ook" it Jh~ll b~ c1I 11(d Logah : which in y~I" LIII1g114gt figllifitth Speech from TheTitie of
GOD. Writt afttr tbH.f~rt LOG A E T H : it it tobt [oundtd Log~h , the Book.
'Tbit "ord it .of grtat jig~ificatiol1, I "'tillf in rt[ptll of tbt profoUJ1dll,jJe tbtreof·
'flu firft lttt! (IS y ou ,dl! ,t) it th, TIt}l of tht B.ook.: . . 6. I under- •
.Alld as tht firtt leaf iI a botchpot "irhout 'ordtr ; So it jignifittb It di[order of tht World, IIl1d !hn~n?t .h"
it tht [pttch of rhllt Diforder or P rophefie. . . uh'lj; eatlbcf.
Writt the Boo/t,. ( "fttr your Qrder) bltc;".",,,ra, bllt 1l1UT not tht form of lttters, I {ptak, in :"~n.r ind~:J
,-t[ptll of tht plilas. . the l.n, is of
. E. !C.. N
' ow a beame liHootct
t.L h t h roug h h"1m f[om t he Scol1can d C-o.t brough helliihonc,
the wicked

his head and out of his mouth. his face being from E. -K. toward ii". ~;~/~~"pofl
h Writt tht 49' TOil hll"Vt but 48 . aluaa].
.... Write firft in It piper ItPart~ 4~'
E. K. Said that Galtlllh her head is fo on bright fire,
that it cannot be looked upon: The fire: fo fparkleth L04glleth fig lovi brtne
and glillreth as when an 'hot iron is fminen on an An- Lllrzed dox ncr hltbzilb adl10r
vil, & cfpecially at the pronouncing of evclY word. It NOWSClS .ppotr..
is to be notedalfo that ~l'0n the pronouncing of forne tWneha Ldrb vorr hirobrtt
words, the'Bealls al1d all (features of the World eve-
ry one fhewed thernfe!ves in their kind and foryn: exi vr zednip taiip ehimvllnc
But notably all Serpents,Dca~ons,Toads,' and all ugly chermach lendix nor zantWx.
and hideous fha,pe~ of beaRs; which all made moll .
ugly C:Olmtenanccs,.in a maImer alfau/ting E.1<. but contcariwife coming, to, and fawmng
upon GalVllh. It is to be noted alfo that by 'degrees came' a fecond ~eame, and a third
hearne 'of light into Gil lvah from the Stone, and all the three together appt.ared: tbe third
participat!ng oft,he other two. .
The f((ond bearne came at the word L~rb,prono\lnced! when alf6 Frogs and Serpents ap-
peared, Sec. The third bearne lIpon the word Exi pronounced. Note alfo, that the man-
ner of the tiry brightneff'e was fueh, and the grifely countenancc:s of the Monners W~5 fo te-
dious and greivolls and difpleafant to E. K. that partly the very grief of his rninde and body,
and partly the fllfpeCting the Creatures to be no good CreatUres, neither flich greivous
fights neeeff'ary to be exhibited with the Myneries delivering unto liS, had in a manner for-
ced him to leave off all : ,Bur I again with reafonable exhorting of him, and partly the provi-
dence and decree Divine, wrought fome rilitigaii'ng of his grief and difquic:ting.
Gal ....... 'flu{e IIrt theft [evt/!.
A. Bldred and praifed for ever be He who is one and three: ,lIld whom mightY mini-
flers or govemQurs do incelfantly glorifie.
158 3.
Gal ••••••• Thy folly IIl1d Wtll/t,.lff§( is grtllt, God elmfoTt (JItt • .
[6. Hdfioke to E. K. for his eIce/fave difquiernelft: and f,lfptEting, of the verity or
goodnelfe 0 GlIlvllh. ] I
A. Note. Now the beames were al! retired into the flone ; again likewife all the Crea-
tures and V1:rmine or ugly fhaped Beans are all gone. We wete willed alro divc:rs times to .
i'.ray. At fundry pangs of E. K. his \:rief and difquiemeffe, Cundry fl'eeches were: uttered Pray.
by chefpiritual c.reature: among which thefenoted •
..: .... Ht that it angry call1l0t fcc wtll. From /jim thott is perverfe, G od turitttb bis fllCt.
2 he hilldrlllfU of p'IIIIijhmtlft, is tht "'trCj ,f G , J, which imputeth lI't jill unto tlm~wbo", be :rhe alr~.
hilt;' Chofen; ThtTff OTt be paticnt, and reconcile thy Celf fl1 G,d. ~rC?nClIo~-
D II E. K. Ion.
10 A true RelAtion of Dr. Dee his AfJions , '))i~b /piTits ~ &c.
E. .K. I do it with aU humility"and fincerity of minde, and befeech God
[0 help mewith his grace; forofm, felf. l cannat de fo ,yet 1 am Tbomas
1)idymas, l"Sl'ill belill'e ",if, things, 1I!be" I lelth,'{riMtI oftb,,,,,
A. He [ceined yet ~ain to dou~t, wh~rhe~his Creature and the rell, (partakers of this
aaion) were foundly good, and vOid of all baltmg, or abu[mg us.
B K. How can you pe:rfwade me that ye be no deluders?
Aqr;·,m,nu '0 Gall.. .... 1 'Will prove it b) rOHtrllrj.
pl'o.e ou-' In The [erunlS of dllrltntffe bllve tbeir Gllrlfftnts ftllilletl: tbeir ",ou!hs ftillc/c. tf "''''pbe",), IIHd
n'u~lon be lirs, bPlt oPlr Gllr"'tntlllrt HO [utb, l/tithtr do DlIT lips [Ptllk.. IlII) UJltrlitb; lI"tl therefore 'Wt IIr~
goo " ngo s. of God, for, 'Who[otvtr it of the truth,;' of Gotl •
. MoreDver, thl Devil it k..,,0'W,,'b) hit 'Work..s : fOr the rpirit of God controlleth them, t~e fpirit of
G~d IIgrttth ."ilh. III, IIl1du[eth"o c01/tr~b"tnt - lIglliHP it, therefore it it IIot Dllllltfft.
In o"e IhiHg t~u ntll}tft 1<."0'" til tlijferi"g 1f'0", DevIls.
The wick.!d,f,irits 1I1."II)ts IIbhor tbis "orJ. Mercy.
Bllt it it tbe Doltrine that we preach ill refpel1 to."lIrtls )~u, 'Wt IIrt "ot"0'" (the,,) evil.
But rhM'WII) tellcheth hllrdlleffe, Illld Mil jiumbli"g bloc/c. t, the "ick.!d: but the bellut) of the CII-
ftle is 1I0t .ble to l:~ expreffed.
The "tire be . H IIPP) IIrt they, 'Which lire coverttl"itb the Peti,ls of 1{;gbteoll["effe, IIHIl 0" ."hort heu then i'li
fore. Gllrlalla of godli"effe: For IIl1tO tho[e be{o"gttb to tllfte of tbe-Foutll;" of true'Wi{d~",.
Is it IIO.t writteH of tbis booil.., tbllt it teacheth nature in all degrees?
'1h'j'lldge",tIIt btreof is InteHeltual.
:All 'lJllljh )OUT ftet, .IId f.llo'W ",e.
A. Lord wa!h thou our feet, or elCe we /hall not be clean.
Gall. • •••. Ho" tholl Itrt God k..Ho.,,;tb : Bllt co",fort Jollr {elves in lhis. .
Thi. Tenimo- That neither this Teftimony em pcri/h, neither unto you can remain any fiavery : ~;" 'IIe-
npilto,y. ftrll erit vil1ori1l', in him, and for him, to whom I leave YOll.
A. Wbatlhall I do with thcfe 21 words now received;
Gall •••••• '1here tire olld,} tbe 'W'rds of the tirl!: leaf.
A. I pray, how /haJJ I bellow them, or .place them.
Gall•••. " III tbem is tbt Divinit) of tbe Trillit).
The 6ra lear ,r:,.
'lbe M)fttr;e of Credi.".
of!l'ebook. 'lbe IIge of ",11,,) Jellrs.
Alia the conell/fion of the (Yorla.
Of me the) ITe bOIlOUTed, bllt of ",e, lIot to be IItttrttl : Neither did 1 difeloft tb,,,, m) (df: For,
the) IIrt t'" btlllllS of",) JIIIderftlllldillg, alld th, FOlmtaill from ."hmet [","ter.
A. I beCcech you, how !hall I write thefe namesjn the lirft lcafe.
Gall. " •• , The) tire to be 'Writtell i" 5 Tllbltsf'lll t'/itr) Tdle :n Letttrs.
A. Hqw IhaU I place the 5 Tables upon two fides: three in the icft, and 2 in the fecond, or
one in the lid, and 4- in the (econd, or bow elfe?
Gall ••. ' • As ,'''" [ttft Cllllfe.
A. Shall I write them in Letters of Gold ?
Gall ••. ,. The'Writillg hllth beell referred to tb) aircr,tio" with coll.llrs ,Il"a filch th;"gs ill IIp-
pert IIi" to the writillg thtreof. Vpo" the firft fiae 'JPTite tbreeTllblts, IIIC1l.JJ" the (ecolCll t'/P'.
A. How, thus? = Gal. •••• Set the", ao."", 1 .".i11 tlirtO tb) jlldge",tlft.
A. Whcn,now? == Gal . . . . . Not 110".
E. K. She is gone,
A. Deo Noftro fit LIIIII,honor,& Grll,illrUIII "llio pertllltis. Amm.

IYedlltJtlll) 19. JUJUi. Horll 2. II Meriaie.

1:>. 1 made a prayer to God : and there appeared one, having two Garments in his hands,
who anrwered •
• . •• • A [,ooa frlli[t, ."ith II ."averillg ",i"ae.
A. God make my minde ftable, and to be CeaConed with the intelleltulleaYCn, fcce of all
fcnJible mutability. .
E. K. One of th~fe two Garments is pure white: the other is fpedded of
divers colours ~ he layeth the:m down before: him, he layeth alfo a fpeckled
Cap down before: him at bi~ fe:e:t j he hath no Cap on his head: his hair is
IQllg and ydlow, but his face cannot be feen; at the leaa it was turned
away-ward from E.K. continually, though E. K. changed his place:.
•••• • TOil
AtNlt'f{elation of Dr. Dee his AEli~,,!, wlih fPiritJ~ &c. 2.1
• •••• T,ujhal! {u ",y flta. 10, it is Jl'hit~.
E. K . Now he put[eth on his Pied Coat, and his Pied Cap, he cafieth the
one fide of hi~ Gown over his (houlder,and hedlDceth, lmd faith,
• . . .• 1b~u is It God, let //I h~ merr).
E. K. He danceth frill.
'/btU is If;.lttaV~II, let //I be ",err.1. ,
I>oth this Dollrill' teach lOU to /t",.". God, or to be IlVlflill ill the Imlvtlls 1
.' ••• Not~ it.
E; K. Now he putreth off his Cloathes again: No" he knee1eth down,and
"aiheth hi s head and his neck, and his face, and thaketh his Cloaths, and
plucketh off the uttermofl fole of his ihooes, and falleth profirate on the
ground, and fayed :
• •••• Vouch{af e (0 God) to t.lte aTIPIlY the .,f'tltrinfJf~ of "'.1 bod], fllid to dun{e the liltbilleJft
'f tbis duft, tb;tt 1 may be apt for tbis pttrtlleJ{t.
E. K. Now he uke:th the whice Garment, and putted, it on him •
...... Might.J H God ill hH great ]uftiet, and ",ollderflll in his i",,,ua{urable "'erc, : ,The lua.
lIt11S til;ae of hi1 Glor.1: lhl tltrth is ~ollfou"ded at his "i{do",. III htll thty tr~mbl, at him, as at
'It ]{ntitger. 'Ihisjhlfl7eth thet ( 0 ) to be a God, It lid jlrttcherh fortb th) Glor, (rom th, Eit/t III1to
the Wtjl ; for thy Heavtlts are Statutts, alld IhJ Crtlttuus Laws: that thou ",a)ejt be aer-oulttttl
It God of ]u/lice alld Glor, . Bteau{t thou art 4 G,d, 7bertfor, there is It H~lIvm: F , r Ullto
the Prillce of R jgl1ttoll{lItffe, rhtre btlon,ttb 4 plltet of Glory; Illto tht which there tIIttrtth "Ollt
that 4re defiled, IItitlm fi" b lIS IIr~ bltmijh,d with the fpots of iniquity. M:lIIIIS Hltc }oil" ..... . E. K. puttins forth his right hand, Hltc Auttm mlt14 ...... E. K. puttirtg forth his
left hand, ~i H IIbet aurts illttlligat • .
E. K. Now he down on the J;jC'Jkvtop and looketh towaril me.
A. This Parable is in general, fomewhat undc:rfiood of us: but in particular, how it maT
be, or is to be applied, prefently we underlland not .
...... Beware lell: error ellter within the dwellillg plaet of Righteoufndre. I bavt {aiel.
He feemeth now to be turned to a womao, and the very [arne
E. K.
which we: can Gall/A".
E.. K. Novy he is come down [0 the: u(ual place, on the Table:.
A. I have alf.yed divers wayes to place the live Tables, on the two fides on this lira leaf J
Is it to your Iikeinr: as I have done it, in the five Iinle Triangles? ,
Gal. ...... As cOII(trllillf{. the {ttting dow" of the fiv, Tal/n. it ;, {lifficitllt ItS it is aOllt.
The caloft wh} I appeared thus, .".s t"trt )~U might av,;,l error.
A. I pray you lO !hew us the means how that error was or is to incumber liS.
Gal....... Whofoever taketh fervantsofthe wicked, to prove the Glory of God, is ac .. · Note.
curfed. But,O S .tall, AoO"ll' m"lI) 4re thy deceits? .
Note, my Companion ( E. K. ) WQuld have caufed perronal apparitions afrome of the
reproba .e fpirits, before the Prince Albtrt Lask,ie in iny Study, thereby to thew lome ex- J. L.
paience of his skill in ruch doin; s: But I wo uld lIot COII{ftlt to it: And thereupon GIt/v llb
gave judgement and warning of fuch an error, of my Companion his intent, & c.
Gal ....... Bthold, it H{aid, befort he go frolll htll'·e I will pour water ill to bim; A"J "') AII-
gel/hall ar.lloillt him, as 1 have dettrmi"td : Hide therefore Nothing from him; F01" YOll bc.: NOIe of A t.
long unto him. Ntithtr ellll JltJh and blood'll'ork. tho{e things tbat I hllvt Glorifitd;1I bim ( All .
thi1lgs that Ifre tftllbliJhta ill God, art Glorified. I {Puk,.rhHlor th) ulld~rJfItIlJint,) NeirJxr let
your hurts behllrd1led; for the Etrrth H collae",,,tJ. an thefe thing~ !hall come ~o pa£fe.
emfit is 4[[ tlMt I{tt'<. (faitb tht Lord;) for wbm I com" I jhlf;.ll be {·fficielltly b~litvtJ. A 0 h
I ta'<.t tht God of Htavtll alld Elfrth to judge; 11IId {rPtlfr by hiJ/l as 4 Witllffft,thac thefe word l n It.
arc tnlC, and !hall endure IlIIto tbe tIId. The gilltral poillts of ",IfIlS Sit/vatioll lire COllcluded Itl- Not.
re4dy ; bllt r~ {peci4l gif t belollgetb unto God. God Jtrtllgthtll JOU agllilljt his adver{ltr). iiI ~dint.,,'Dd
A. Amen. pecUI.:,fu.
Gal. ...... SOOIl)OU .{hall "-.1I0W more. .
A. This Prince would gladly know, Whether it Ihall be bell for him, with the: lirft oppor-
tunity,to be going homeward.
Gal. ...... llfoall be Itll{wtrtd {DOlI, a1ld what qne/lions foever he al{o demalldtib,
A. May he be here prefent at the aCtion doing? , .
GaL ...... ThoCe th at are oftbis h~ u{t, are not to bt Jmied tlit Banquets tlutei". ..4. L . ,,;oy be
A. M~y I requeJl you to cauCe fome Cenlible apparition to appear to him, to cotnfor,t him; PJ,;.r , ~t
and ellablilh his mi1lCle more abwldantly in the godly intent of God his Service? IOns.

l:- Gal.
d tru~'l?:.tlation of D. Dee his AflJonJ, rpithjjiritr,&c.
------'-Gal ....... Ifyou follow III, let "illlhe goverlletlhJ,K; But wlllu.[otvfr it of tlie Belli, is not
of us.'
E. K. She feemeth to weep I for l~e water comcth forth of her eyes.
A. You perceive, how he underllandech of the Lord Trearurer his grudge againll him,
Aud perhaps fome other alfo, are oflike malicious nature: What dan&cr may fullow hereof,
or incombrance ?'
Gal ....... The [UIII of his life;' alrtlldJ tlppoil/ted, olle jot etll/I/ot h, di7lfi"ijhea: B/lt ht thll'
A. L. poYeny. is Almight) call allg""l/t IIt- hit -Pltll[lIr,. Let him rejoyce in poverty. Bt '{orrJ for his Olr-
",its; Alia do tlw'II'or/v of Jllftiet •
.E. K. Sbe feemcdi ro putthe air oyer her ,and fa to, entcrinto,a,Cloud
of.inviftbility, and fa difappear.
6. Dto grlttilll IIga",lII.

Wtnfda) Itfter I/O'n, circtl hora", ~. The Lora Albert Lasky beil/g />J't{t"t.
11. We ' act~ndcd of GIII1I;,h fome inIlruaions or difcourfe concerning the Lord Lasl!J,. ,
E. K. At length,appearcd before the ,Lord Lasky (in the air) 'an A,ngel In
a whit: Robe, ho1ding a bloody Gi'ofie in hi~ right hand; tbe fame hand
beingalfo bloody.
A. III 119",;nt Jefl! CI"ijli CrllCi/ixi,1t ft rtljuir. qui Crucis Trop/ltlu7If hic G,ftalUt il/tl1lobis
jii/li/ies, qlie{lmt ad Cbrijfi gloriam, cuijit ilflfor & Lltlll ltrellllis.
E. K . .Now he is caine from before the Lord Lasky, and ftandeth here
on the "(';abie: he turllcrn bimfelf to all the four quarcers of tbe World;
he knedeth down.
He prayeth .
...... 0,Goa, Why foo/lld the peopl, UPOIl tlt~th r,jo)ce' or ."h",i1l foouid tht plellflt1'u o( thtir
fmfllitl a,l'ghts bt fixtd l WhJ Joth tbt Mo," hold her courf, l or whJ are the Sttlrs ohfttvU/g lin
order I Why tlrt tbJ peoplt thw Jeartered abroad I Beclt"!e illiquity hath cILllght the "1'ter hanJ.
nt Doors .f 01lT God 'ltre polluted with blafpht"'J, hH Templts de[olltle, hH COlllmlt"am",rs vio-
Iltttd. ao,d his Glory accounted as nothing. But wilt tholi [ujftr; or canft thou hold thJ halld
from thy grut ant! "'ighty jlroltts? MoJI High God, Moft Might} God, M,jI Ho"ourilblt God,
have n.erc} liJ'o" thJ ptople; refpell the Crtlttion, ( the Creation I {ILJ ) of tho!e, ."h",;11 th." hltft
'd elighttd. SIIjfer I/ot the S,rpent to txtol hit hud IIbove thJ -Altars, "tither Itt thJ h,1y Vtffil
poifonea "Itith 1m v",omt; For thou IIrt MightJ It"d overc.'",ejl Itll: IIlId who Cltll rebtlagltillft
tbJ Pr,01l1,tJJ'.e I Bt"d dowII thy "'"tiful tJes, Beholtl this ""fuji,,,: look.,upoll thJ T""plt tlllti f"
the defollttlOlI thtreof. And the" i" thJ ",tTCJ ( 0 )foew th) {,If t. ht It Goil; tllld {NCb. m"cif"f
GovtrnollT', as hltth compaBio" upo" thof, thltt Itre difeltfed, }'II tV'" IIIItO death. Grallt Ibil Cama:-
f,hetb galruagath garnafiel zurah logaah lufel'oth. Amtn.
A. illray you to declare unto us your name .
..... ~ MJ "an" is Juhalliadace.
A. If I Ibould not offend yQU, I would gladly kno~ of what order YOll are, or how yClU'
fiate ii in rerpe£\: of Michael, Gabrill, Rtlphlttl, or Vritl. •
...... Jub. VlltO ",tIt, IIc"rail/gwlt'D their Jeferts, a"ti tht firJf t;CCtlitl/cJ of their Sour, GoJ
hath "PloillttJ a good Govemour or Angel, from a",ong/f the orJers of thoft that art l11tJf,d :
For tverJ Soul Ihltt is good, is "ot of o"e a"a the {tlfflt",t difl/ificltlio,,; 'ihtrtfore tlccording to hH
exctllency 11" IIrt appointed III Millijf(TS f Ihat orderi .",htrtunto his ExcellencJ accord,th: To
tht inte"t thllt h, ma, b, hrought tlt III}1 to fuppJy thoft pla'ts which WIre Glorified hJ Itform,r ;
:A1Iti. al!o to tht inttnt, that tbt Pri1lCeofDltrk,."tJfe ",ight be C011l1terpoired in Gods JNjHct. A-
mong/I tht 'Whlch I.itm olle which am the Keeper and Defend~r of this man prefenc: which ca"J
the 7riumph and Elljign of Villorits c.onli"lIltllJ brfort him, as tl r~proa'~hto mJ (t,Jllerfarie; 11lIa
hil, and to "nfir", th, tlignity whertl!Hto h', I.s cllnfd hy tht prt!enct of.this' Chanfier.
E. K. Now he'heaveth up the Croire.
A. L. ...... I hltvt alf. [tlllta tbe {a7lfe ill his hurt : For unto him belong great Victories, ill
1·J"i. Iht "a"'(, "nd for Ibt na"'t of his GoJ. The Jews in his time lhall ulile of this CroJfe: And
Via.,;". with this Crolfe /hall he overcome the Sarazens, lind Paynims : For I 'Wil/ e(lilWifo ~"e Fllith
A. L.
( {aith the Lord of Jujlict ) That I ",aJ bt k,.IIOWll to be thf [II71ft thllt I WitS /irft ,t",.,ng Itl/ peop!t.
l.lIlortDvtr I ."ill 'ptn t'e htltrts of tll/ ",tn, Ihltt ht ",II} bave free paJJ'olge throllgh them, Itnd 'Will
A. L. HoI [lliftr hi", to p~rifh with tb, violmcr of tbe wic~rd. I will htrtltfur vifibly appear UlltO him,
lin yeano alld 'W.1I {It), TIllS IS to be dOlle. But a year IS not yet come, alld th'fe thmgs } /inifotfJ.
Hindrance But (thus faith tht Lord) I have hindred h.m, btcauft hr htltrk."ed to tht provocation of tho[, thllt
breedeth e1' are wanton. ' .And hltth conrCllccd to tboft that bla4,hemed 71fJ l/iZ",e. Bid hi,n look., 10 tht
c.eption, ar;d fitps of his yot/th, alld ",ttl!ure the length of hil bod}; to Ihe illtml,bt mllJ five brlttr, alia fee him-
IinbrWleth {elf iltwardly.
A. Note.·
j trlle 'Rt;ltltiQn 0/ Dr.. Dee hil AE/ion! ~ith fpiri'u , &C. 2J
A. Note. At this (nfrant T IfHftld came l'alh11 upon us, into my Srudy : we thiRking th'a t
the 5cudy door hid been (buc; the Lord Lllsk.,.ir being gone am of my 5cudy, the ocher
way through my OrarOlY, co take TIIHf dds mdfage from the Coure) and having dif-
parched him, rcfred without: and Tanftld having commendations to me,as he faid, from This r4" r,l:l
fome at LondD1f;fearing leaft he {boukl be be Cellt away by and by, without doing there, fc rvcd th <
came undiCcretly upon us, to our no little amaZing, and great fearin g his r.a!b opinion Lurd!f.
afterward of fuch thines, as he could not perceive perfeCtly whae my Companion andl
were doing : Hereupon, Jubllnilldllcr gne this femence, or declared this the fatal end
Juban .••..•• It is {lIid, H'r th4t tl/tTtth in tlrM rlljMy, Lofivr 11I0l1rths "rtJrt to comt, lind fi./hrs
Dfthr Sell/?lIll tlrvourhi s cark.,a{e. I

...... .As htfoTt, 'whatroever he taketh in hand./hllll pro{ptr, for my names fake. For thM it A, L. h is aj,;
;':(4;'/J; .ura fIN[t ""ords Ilrt tht words whertwithal I do annoint hill! ; for thlfn th~ comfo rt of tht noinr;r.g.
1;ligbe/f, thtrtis not It[wuttr InunCtion. L ook.,. not for the marveiles of this World, liS tht M" .. ,.r.'/'1
."ick,pi ",lIn iH hil hfart doth; but ftud} tQ plra.{t him with whom Jr mig/)' rtjoyci ror tv~r. TOil /iC"A ;'~J" :",
JDns 6f ",tIt, What do yr [uk.. after l Do jt hunt aftrr the {:Ji7ifrnr§~ of tht winds; or are y ou pm• •• _,to, .
imlgilling·a form u»to the Cloillir ? or goye f orth to h~lIr tht hril}in!, of an AJJt; which p"ff~th aWII]
."itbthr iftntfft Df tbt ilir l Suk..for trut 'II'ifdom; For it b~ho ld~th ththrighrejt, nd Itp-
,tltreth untD tbt lowe!!. Ctcill hltt~thhim Ultto th~ h~ltrt, lind dtjirrtb h~ wert gone htltcr. Man] Th L d
oiber 1.0 privily Hing at him; I cannot prop~rl} [II) (ling him; Bllt (I[ay ) I will pour do.",,, my Trc:[ur~~.
",!4t1I7IP~" thrill, lind thtY ./hall htConfoundtd - ill tht mid}! of rhdr own ihiqllity. Let my faithflll •
/jPt IIna ~t 1,1t.! the fruitful Vin}ltrd. Bt it [0.
A. ror his return homeward, What is your advice? perhaps: he wanteth necelfary pro-
viliou, and money.
]lipan...... Ht./h!,ll ht b~lptlfhtre, Ilnd d[t'll'hert , miraculollny. Ifptll/(lls it 'II'e'rt to him-
{tlf. Lttbi,. ,.o,fo {oon as ht cltnconvtltiently .
Ii. I fay,agam, perhaps he wante.b money, but the T rcarures of the Lord. are not fcal1t~
to them whom he favoureth.
Jul.> ....... His htlp(ha!l br ./frllnf,t ."bich' hllth not hem oftm {un. thr !1<:!m. lov~th 'him
f"jtb!ully, lind hltth fallm 0111 withCecilllbout him: Lecefl:er filltttrrth him• . His Joiltg! Itre
lo.ltrd. into narrowly. ]lut I do IIlw'lI}rs imPllrdly Jirtll hi"" lind I will milfi(ler [uch comfort
JOtto him, liS fhltl! bt ntcr(fltry ilt th~ midft of Ill! his doings. When this Country {hall be inva- E~lanJ.
ded, chen !hall you palfe into his Country, and by this mcal!s,thall his Kingdom be cft,abji.: '
Ihed again. 1hi! il mortthtlt "ry duty. This is th~ firIl ti"'~ he hath bun bert, Ilnd it is 1lI01C- ..4. LI
t/trful. . The fecond coming is not long unto, and chm !ball he be wonderful. Dtj!itutM
Ii mt, pre",itur.l _{D . Ht islCow dtftitutt of mt. ,
A. Note, as foon as he had Caid this (entence, he feemed to link through the Table like a
fpark offire; and '( make hafl:e to Ius Charge,l mean the Lord Lal!t..i,: whel'eby ~ve
perceive the frailty of m.3ll tQ be great whell he is Dtftiturt (yea but after this manner) of
this tood .AlCgel.
Btllt',f,{]um fit nomtlf Dei no,(lri nun,
& il/ fmtpittrna [~c/4111. Amen.

'('hurfday.20 JUllii 1583' After Noone Circlt6.

Gal. : .... L"bour in 1M writing of thw B~ok..diligmtly. Su tbotl clun[r thy [elf Oil both jidti;
B'1I1.nt whilt it il doltt : tbltt wto ray, 'II'ldt thou IIrt in dlling it, belCcefortb lind till the tjm~
C~fllt 11ft [p~cb 'II'itli M no moTt; evety feventh day accept'ed. Every (e\'Crltli
A. '»0" lliall choCe dayes be accounted? day.
, Gal. ..... . F~b'" Tut[da] lltft: Tuefdlty ht' ng tht firft of th~ [tVt1t, 111Id the n~"t MUlfr1.lIY, thl',.
fl1J6lCth, ,lind [0 forth tV frJ c.MonJIt) is the [tvtllth. In a £ 'u rt Itlli on Ill! things'tIlIght tQ bt
A •. Mayl be writing evelY day, and at any time, w!ten it !ball corne in my mind?
Gal ....... 'Evtr liS thoufbalt fttl"'~ ':"~Vt thee. I will/lir up thy delire. 'Good dr6,'CS
4. How {hall I do for the let.ters? Shall I limply [ranG ate the leeter> as I find them? ftimd up lir
Gal. .~ ... I. . . «ood Angel.;
;0..' Th~ tide~ of the lides,are they to be written onely in the holy Charaaers?
Gal. ...... 'A, thou ["}tjt, tvm Ihoft woras do mltk..e th, holy, th,ft thou caUtft th,,,, holy.
to. I believe verily, that t bey are holy and fanCtified.
~hl.... .... In tlrt 111ft r'VtH of tht 40 dllyts, the .worda of chis Ibo!< /hall be'difringuitlted. Oillln.Mdll of
A. And IIcc(l/ud alro ! Gal ....... I. word. ll,d ac·
A. How /llaIlI do,fvr the T a,bleswhere certain letters are to be written in all the ,"oid conu;
l)\aces, feeing they willnoe jnftly agree? .
Gal ....... Thtre is one f/lp~rfluoUf: it is to bt filled ilt ora.rr liS it .{hewtth.
·A. I !ball not dare adventure on ie wichollt direaioll ~.hen I come to it.
Gal. ...... Tbou·./h~lt 'II'II Ht no direllioll. _
A. For the inequality of the firlt +9 lines I rquire your adYirC'~
A true RelAtion of D. Dee his AElions .",irb (piritJ, &c.
Gal. • •. , II is "0 1J",ftiolfo
Gall. ••.•• Thou btgillllrft ill tht "or[a to [DO/(, "p to htttVt1l: So "lIS it btgu i" tllTt' to [, olr..
up to tht aoing abovt.
The Idllift is Hotchpotch of the wicked in the World, .1111 all_ttl i" tht HeU.
po,ch fup. E. K. Wbat is a Hotchpotch.&c.
arue 4. folio.
TQ F..I(. Gal; •••• ' Tht gruttr tb) [oily it, tht gruttr thy "ifao", "iI/ /Jot htrtllftlT.
••••• ntrt IITt the Souls of the wicked and damned in Hell. '[h.{, thllt IIrt i,...,ht "Drill.
tIllIlIOt atflTibt tht Itllil jO) of tho{t thllt.r, i" htllvtll: Mucb ItJrt t"'{t thllt Itrt ig"or."', atclllrr
tht """'i[~(1 btll"t) of "i[aom. Thtr, follll comt" allJ "it. J01l, "btll JOA jhll!! ;-tjO)Ct. I" tht
mta" ftnfo;" rtnt )o.r htllrts, /Ilia tur" UlltO tht Lor••
A. Deus in adjutocium nolhum imellde,Domine ad jnvandum me feftina;GIo-
ria Patri,& filiQ,& S.&c. Amen.

SOftnrday, IIlItt MtriJ,itm. Horll 10. JW1ii 21.

6.. Whiles) was wricing~ertain prayers to good Angels, and. /T'oprios "OftrOI AIIgtlos for
A .Llls/(",there appeared one very big in the aire, all in a white Ga~ent ful !of plaights, and
tucked up very dubble, with a myterlike !>ttire on his head,and a crolfe on the forepart of it;
He wi/ltd E. K. to [ptak.. to mt, II"d to ttll mt of hit bein& there: But ht rtfu{td, IIlId txprt/lJ tlt..
Hi~d it, partly by rcafon G"I/,,"h faid that he would not deal with us, but every (ev.enth- day
(being evety Monday) till the anions were ended: and therefor.; he fuppofed this Creature
to be an illuder, and partly he urged fome evident token, or proOf of their Wt/l-fII,itllillg to-
war.ds us in Aa,&c. He went down~ and ftill this Creature fullowed .hi", "ith " au"" {"ora,
rtquiri1lg him to declare thefe words to me f bllt E. K. a long wbile bad him declare tbem
himfelfunto me, if he would: and faid, why fh8\11d he noc:,&t. At length 01Y CompaniOll
came, appeafed, and contented to hear what tbis Creature would fay, who at length Caid
• '" 'fht EIIglts hllvt fooa for thtir J4U"g 01ltS, b) Divi1lt /'ToviatllCt, Il/IJ HOt of tbt.ftlvts.
JUt wa.,. Lord Ltt mtaimillifo tht po"tr .f1hk "ic."a {pirit th"t aoth [0 provo/v ,lIlId ffirrt hi", to mi-
r~~e"lut re· fchitf.
~:t~~~~i1 . ". If tht lovt .f tht f/tthm (0 God) bt grtllt to-"lIras tlltir Chi/art/') ",ud gTtllttr /ITt rb.J
thi.eresture. blt/Jillgs ill thoft whom tholl blfft cho[m.
,ood"o(d.. A. SO, (0 lord) fo •
•• • ' Bthold, I "ill ar". thr,d, tog,thtr, IIl1d ",,,ltt hi", " Ntt, "hich fo"ll "1.,,,,)tI ht htt'Wu"
~. c~me hi",
J::l'ow ,,"a
tht Aavtr{lIrJ: 1Itithtr jhllLl it di",iI,ifo hk unatrftll1lai"g fro", tilt tntt fight of ",t.
;:~.~ e..:~, It hilt' b,,11 {llid , The place it holJ. Writt thllt follil bt htrt {po"t1l , "ith tlt1lotio" 1Ipo"
.ard. Illy thy k..1IttS. Grtllt iI thJ 1111"" (0 God) IIIIJ migbt) IIrt thou i" IIlL th.J ".rltJlIgs: 7lJ h,lp iI /fr01l'
".n.Gd.. and to tho{t th.t atlight t«rtill. 0 ","pi/ita bt thJ 114m, fi'G'" gm"lIt.", to gt""diolt.
~ .... nd 0 .
\004 by my ratio.
on ,he Tabi;:' Speritu Be mente dico,
He C9'fere,h Sit mihi venlS orandi modus: nam bonitatem Dei Lando: 0, Iram Patris olerituJ fum, quia
'h i. fecc. lumen ejns clong.tur a me: Verum in nomine ChrilH remiftionem deliaorum mcorum, & con-
No" h. pray. firmationem in fuo Sanao Sllirim (1[O,pto. Per te, Halldu ja, refurgam, me accufo, me con-
cth fomcwhat demoo : omnia male, feci.
~n h~ ,o"n Omnia per te (Pater) funt. Paratus efto e:nudire. Oculosad Ca:los Elevare 1\010, cgefta..
I"C a,~. h tern quia oleam nom. , Q..uid differcs·Domil\e • Cor mellm in melius Confortere? Vivu. Ie
~:fu:~lCt non mortuusfum: IgiturCredo in te. Exaudi me Antidotunl mthi San&um monftra, quia
t' iN malum meum a~nofco. Mine mihi auxiliulR tuum de: Cede Ma)eftatis tuz: Et per Angelos
~fe.t!c~·:; bonos tuereme. Auai,E.uudi, 0 tU igitur Angelus meus adfis rmhi. Defe:nde me. nec trade
'ufed, f.,.,. ai· Corpus' & aoimam meam in manus inimicorum; meorum fed fecWlduDl magnam ~ifericordiam
rona iuhe Dei, (per poteft.tem tibi tradicam) me .prorege, adlit mecum prudentil tIIa, qui Diabolum lie
bo:;", ~ .h i. Satbanic:am fraudem vineam. AdJun me derdjfrum, Con6m1a me debilem, Cura me fanum,
boo~~.: ~"I fana me zgrotum : Mihi cllo fpirirus fuper humanam fapientiam. Fllc me lidclem Opento-
1:~ldi", ~p hi. rem : Adduc tecum Angelos de Ca:lis demilfos Sanao" qui me tecum in advcrfiJ tueUitur 8G
hlndS,IICe. .b omni Cuftodiaut malo, donec ilia hora venerit , quam nemo nitare poteft ': Suftinuit anima
~. holdcth mea in verbo ejus. A1IItII.
hIS ~.~ up. Glori/it Goa Jt fOilS of "'til, "lIa /'Tllift hi'" i" tht miajr of JOIIT 7tic~a"tJrt: For ht ;s " (;,J
"D, thllt fot'Wtth mtreit to his ptoplt, allJ bthoLdtth th'fe t~IIt IfTt IIff/iOt;' ; ~1I hollOIll", prllif" ""'£1./0-
rJ bt unto him, " :,, /IIId for tvtr. Amen.
A. I befeech you, what is YOllr lIame, that this mercie of God nray be Rccorded, co have
been bdlowed upon us by your minifiery •
. •.•• Gllbritl.
A. Shan I lignilie to the Polonian Gentleman, that we ~ocei ...ed chis •• " prayer from you,
and fo make bim parmer thereof.
Gllbritl • •• ' Do fo.
eA trl4C~/atjon of Dr.. Dee his AEliQns '¥Pith [piThs, &C. 1~ .
Tb(hrlp of tPt Lml is with tbo[(, .t;II' ht lovttb, Illla [p ~t it.
t:... He made thefign of a Crolfe over our· two heads, and fo wmt aW'ay.
Glorill fit in occdjis, Dto lioftro & iii t(rrll PIIII: bomillibUl bon.t voluntatis;

Saturday; JWlii u. a M(riait, C'rcil 6.

l>., Upon tbe pending and C1:aminin~, this prayer G.ahritl revealed unto us, I found ~ertain
ImperfeCtions, and fomC'doubt s, w~erem we thought It ~ood to .s~ . cOllnfel, and reqUire Ga':
brid's advife : That the prayer might be perfea,as ~e might well like of to Gods honour and
our comforti. At the Imgth : Nothing appearing to the eye, but the noife of a found about
E. K. his head, and withall a mighty weiaht; or.lUvifible burden on his right Iboulder, as
he fate in the green Chair,by the holy Table,or"place: And Imto certain place~ of the prayer;
which I noted and repeated,thoCc word~, an!! anfwers were by Gabrit! given.
Gab. ' •• ' '!bt Pr(fllc~ muft be in, for if OIIr btartf bt not prtpar(a untQ pra)(r"ur prllltrs lire
i/l vain.
<l.!!!d differs Domine, Cor meum in melius Comfortare.
Per te & in Il,omine tuo refurgam; id ell, Hallcluja.
The firft wa) is mort ifdJuar. Sa) Angele mee, hut tht Oth(T is mort eJfdll1lll, CUra 1llIi.
fanum; Rtgard mt, and look. unto m(, btinf,'lPholt.
A. As concerning the infcription, which I have writem before tbe prayer: I WOUld. gladly
know, whether it be to your well liking of it. .
Gab.•• ' • Fiant omnia ad laud em Dei. M) doillgs lire of 110 [ucb rtf!,ara : What I havt dOl1e
ht it t411(, fO'that.your additiolls bt to tb( honollT of God,it is [ufficimt. The e/fell: of his prayer
is greater, then is the form.. '!be f,rm(r is gr(attr tbm tb( forming. '!bat is to [aJ, ht that
hath fQrmed ir;is mightitr tbm al1) virtue, .,p/gr(in it is formtd. Wb(u[o(ver, ther(fort th( mind
form(thit with you with perfd! humi/it) and cOII[ellt, thrr( is Alfo tkt formtr. As formtd .of him
tbtrtfQrt,Ilta·v t you to tbe md of bis work...",anjhip , which conti1lultll,y fDrm(th all thi1:;'s Itccording
to his own fafoion.
Sins•..•• Your fins have banifotd m"from [It)i,,"! th~Jt thi"gs I would.
A, 0 c\eanfe our hearts, and walb away our IIIlS, IImplilit IIl1/a me lib iniquitatt mta & a ptC-
Cltto 11/(0 mWlda 11lt.
Gab. ••.• Sill! art ~m;(r Wlt[htd aWItJ, or forgDtw, with the high(ft, but with [uch tH art Corry,
and "Ifo make fansfatl:ton. Sati,fafHd~
o Lml, full {orr) I am for m) fins, and ,phat [tltisfltl1ion is ... mjuir(d I would glltd/y k.IIOW.
Gab • ••• ' The offence wasllot thine. E7/tr) on( mll(l- [atisfi(, or elf( he folll! bt damned.
l>.. Gooct Lord expound to us the myllery of fatisfaaion.
Gab. '. ' •• When the Soul offmdetb , and is con[enti"g·to wick...edn~ , he is thfJ( to mak...e a [piri-
tual [atisfll{}ion, which is th( md alld p(rfe{1 fruit of Cq;,trltion. Por thoJe that art tr-llely Coit.
triu, do tru(ly [atisfie. Another [lltisfltlliol1 th(rt is, whicb is ell:urnill. This [atisflll/ion is to
be "'ltdt for fillS commitud againjt thJ-Neighbour : For if thou oJfend thy Ntighbour, and do him
WTOlIg, or tilk,e Itll) thing from him, bJ fraud, or violenc(, it is It guat fin. FQr tbis, thou cltnfi l1(v(r
be COl1trite if tb01l mak,; not f"tilfa/Jiolt, not onel,y rOllf(/tng it, bllt in [ittisfying his de/ire that is .'
offmdtd; a)1d.tbat with [orroTl'. 1'1:is is tr1le Dol1rille, "Illld (hllll n(v(r be ev(rtbrow1l bJ tb( [pirits NOT E.
of falfe invention; which indeed is the fir.1l fJe unU th( D(vil. If .lou ma) .Jfmd .lOIlT hrothtr, al1d Good Angell
bt ther(fort Il ccur[td : HoTI' much mort jhRi/ you bt IlcO/r[td, whmyou ~md tht I1ltffllg(r of him arc tobcufcd
tllat iIYOUr. Father • . "Behold, ht [lIy(thIlOt, I havt onct dOlle Il"'iJJ(. God lit 71itrcifull to jOll, that rcvcrcndy.
his mtrein .",ight bnhe gwlltrr upon}ou. Be milldful! of my [lIyiitgr. . E. K.
to: Deus mifereaturnoflri , Be benidicat nobis, Cor niunduPl Creet in nobis,& Cpi-
rituDl reauDl ponat ill pra:cordiis riollris; Amm.

I 5a3
Wednerday, JUlfii 26. Hmt 9~. pr4mtt D.Albtrto . tasky.
A. As we were together. in my !ludy, and I !landing at DIy De5k .. There appeared ttl
E. K. a ronnd Globe or white fmoak over my hea.d . Thereupon I perceived the prcfence of
Come good rpiritllal Creature, and Ilraight way appeared the good Angel. I:
1.. ..
A. I raid, BtJltdil/Ui qui vtHit ill ",mi"t DdtI1illi,& igilllT nobis (.If grlltllllauJit advrntlil.
I.L. Et quid tu dicit I [ad E. K. Loquntus ell. ]
e. K, Si borlUs eSt <.:J lucu .{piritus, b,ne "Pmijli, I. L,
I. L . . Et belle tibi fi(t. E. K. He hath a beCome in his.halld.
E. K. What Will youdo with this befome.
l>.. Q!!id cllm tua rcopa decrevifli facere?
I. L. Secundum Dei btmpll"itum.
B.K. Rife
16 A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AEliQns with {pirits, &c.
E· K. Here tomelh II bi:, ,all crealure, forma humana qua: facile non
polIit difcemi, oculi ejus videantur cire duo Carbunculi Lucemc:s &; mirabi.
liter micances. Caput ejus videtur aureum, os vidctur valdc 1argum e{fe,
& Caput vidctur mobile &; quafi ab humeris feparabile, tatum rdiquum
Corpw vjdcturdfc marmor quaG.
Vox. ...... Fec;jf; tu I
[E. K. ] hci faid fo to It.
surpi", bt. It. ...... Fe~i. DeceJite ill OrlttDr;u"" Bit", .1t",1t bic JicellJIt Jim'.
f-lI.", tJ!! ., ~i JtCtJellt? I L. Prillceps,&- til. (Bow down thy knees brother) and here what I do fay.
qui"i" iff" [To E. K. he fplke.] .
All;"'." ipfiul,
E. K. & n•• Magnus iIIe ...... FiliD/; h.",illu'" I/lIiJ vlIlIis 1
,os (",pi, i ••J. .A. Cupimus ",,,"liari apec'ltt;s, & illu~inari fapientia divina, ad ejRs honorem.
ill 'tt';'flti'~t ,-
ju, tltj!rN.,.ltr.
E. K. E£i lumen quoddam in Acre ~ &; ipfc ofculacur lumen illud·
IL • ...... Die,Pr.pitillS eit. ",ihi p,celtt.,i.
K. e. Propicius ello mihi peccacori, 0 Deus, crcfcit jam Corpus iO:ius
magni in imm'enfum quantum, qlJod !lon poillt facile difcc:mi.
Mag •••••• Filii h.",illu"" .quiJ vultis i
A. Sapulltilt", verlt",.
Mag...... 0 VDS Ru.ri &- filii ho",illll"',qlliJ fllI[ti, 1
A. SapientiaDl 10 Deo~& propter Deunl, veram.
Mag •• ~ ... A"ditt, ljlli/l ]lIjllll &-verlll {u", (illquif Do",illlll;) Yor "ihi[ i"'pi/llll, i"il/"U"',
s;_,./. ,l.", flel illjl!/tU'" {u[,ipite : Nllm qUltcllllq"' flCeritiSl.ltt" , vt/lltgligtlltilt, vtl ill!citilt, lit! cDllttmptu,
'"1''' verb•• vel eti.'" IIi11liit [uper{fitiolle {lint, ( Sicllt Scriptu", tit) pote{fde tr"ditlt {piritiDIII "mldacihlll,
jI.","'.41II t;cort lit V'X.Ullt bDnDs, Ju", aJJligerellf ",al.s. SeJ dixit Delli ( Delli {u", quiJem ve/ttr) qui Spiritll'"
tV,,,,/I. Sltn811", IIDII allferD It vDb;s : Nit", e/tis,qIlDs p.r pDtelltilt'" confirmabo ",tam : N./ite igitllr Ca-
N. comagi Cum perverlis fieri, qui illltllite, reDlls &- U.lis hllj III ""mJ; pDttlltiam ,{criDlllft Melt",.
Dt s..~I.;.m- Std C"dite ptr{tv.ran.ter &-.d fillem u[que &- fiJe", h"~tte: qui", (pt, mt) ''';lIi. 1//IIIIJltll".
b., sp;rili~'l ..fIlPerat jigil/II"', &- {lIbji,!et I!i",DIIU v.lll"tltt; ve!trl. Dlm.IIU {lib regi,"ibllS p"",It"tntes,&
,,",til bo.,MbI inc[lIji Lllllitriblll, Angch meillDII [Ullt: Sed c,t/ejies, S."lIi & vtri b.lli. N.""e II.S holflilles &
{eda bilk.f. "'ff"f.[es & 1/0" jine ptce4fD, Clli voluntatem liberam , jim"l &- perc"rt ptrmiJ!i: /It ;'Itt/ligtlld,
pt."",-i.", exillde ",,,111,,,, &- me Dell'" Vtftrllfff It,,,,{elttilflu. Audite igitllT. Alldirt filii ",ei, ..... Cillami-
pri ••ipi.",i .. fatem fDtilllltr,,, Dmni."'qutvivtlftiumpr"dic•• Btllit erllllt II1IJiqlllwrrllfJ. &- lTiftiJlimll, Et
teril.l. ptribit 4d tertilt'" lI{qu. pltrtt", gl"JiD &- f""', T ",;,. Erlllft c,,;'u ,,,,,It.,,,,,,, ( pelle '.IIiu", )
T.~,"i Imp";; Prillcipttm illferitlll, 1'trrlt "'D'III, qutdes lUI. lIb iIIi,_ ",wuli $ Terrljlr;, D"",o/lil ('TIITCIt
r,... viz. ) I"'ftrii rll;lIlt. Nltm jiccDnftitui.
[B. KJ Nunc refpcit vos·
A, .A. L. and I were in my Oratory.
StephltlllH, Pol.llielljir, miferrine in bello jugulacus, Cadet. Iterum dico: SttpS,ltlllll, PD·
IDlfi,"jis Rex, mi{erri",e ill bellD jllgllllttM, eltdet. Vocabant te itenlm [r.{pirif Alb. Lasky]
ad Regnum PrilleiptS: qllem etilt", ego Poloniz, Moldaviz &- populi Old Ducem &- regt'" CDn-
i/itutrD. ".11
Tllllc Ittrillges aefiJertttltm ",tflt'" & trr"bil It S,.po. ~ilt egD fu", Delli '"111, &
JDcebo ie utilill, &- v~r". Et .Jtsbo tibi AllgtlDS "'eos Itdjllt.res & CD",ittS ,tiltm ltd {eerrtll", qll.J-
liber.. "'lIIfdi. Vigi[ato, OutDo Ilit'"' Pi,. eft., dDllte vell"i. p.teft'" ",rlt 6- in fe, &
{1Ifr.1t VDS. Illterll'" jigilltm qu" ViJiftH,&- ",e i" pribliClml proJlleite.
Nt ;.,_6/inull [E.K.] Nc;>w he Lhaketh: he feemeth co turn his head abOUt his fhoulders.
,,,Jocitr. E. K. Nunc IICcipitenfemC!r percutitntdltS, &0 crucem[orma, Qnte{e,.b wro-
que 14tm l.:I pop fe. Crede mibi, eft /in 0 rerum: Dimiltunlur PtCCatA lTIe/lra.
E. K. Cadit, quafi .diftra&Js, (vel fc feparans) in .. partes, &; a-
Vox ....... H4bet~ (flU ItJeD Deeretlt {lIiIt.
A. Mifericordia Dei, fit fuper nos nunc, & fcmper. A",en.

Saturday lllllii 29 4 merirlie ho,1t 4.

leaf: and ( E·.K.
A. While was about to write the Title ofthefecond fide ofthefc:vc:nrh
8 littin~ by me) MIIJill; appeared as before like a young girle, aad I faluted
her in the Name
M~p:. tl,.!' of God, as coming from God for good, and faid to her, that I lVas wonderfullyopprelfed
=.:~lb~Lu~' with the Work prefcribed to me to' perform before AI/gN/l neKt, and delired her to help me
hi. pcdi&rce. to one to wrice the holy Book as it ought to be written; feeing I did aU I could, and it fean-
ed almoft impoffiblc for Ole to finilh it as it is requi{ite. MaJami proruifed to help me to
vi. tr"e 'J{eI4tionofDr. D('e his AClifJhI r»ith (piritJ) &0. z. 7
one to write t~e Boo!<; arid thereupon appeared to her ( butunCeen of E. ie.) het Mother
, •••• Madi"'-' Caid alCo, that lhe wa.q liow learning of Gred, and Arabick ~ and die ~yriah
, Macl • .•••• M'thtr I pt'1f])'1t Itt bim hlfur c,u to ",rit, h;, BOQk..
h. I pray (hee tell me Madi>ni, what was hjs nlnie wbich rt!Clerda}' tempted Illy friend
and 1ccQCed· me moll unduly and uncruely to E. K • • s II murdtrtr, and hypocrite, and Olle:
that had ill jured a thou(alld.
Mad....... HM namt ;"Ifl Panlllclfrfl, .
i>. Can the wicked Conjurers have their Devils to wrhe: Books at thtir comlIlandmerttsj
and lhall not all. horte~ Ch~ifrian Pbll?Copher haTe the help of Go,-{ his good Angel, to write
his holy Mrllertes Co greatly redoundmg to his Glory? And Ceeing you _rethe Mother <.>f
Mlldi"'; here, 1 beCeech you tell me your name here: as the order of all our domgs are dl"
ftinaIy and orderly noted.
Mother.. •...•: t am ofthe word, and by the: word: .(' fa], Sea~ up tbofe things thoil hall :
And I my Celf WIll take charge of GlZlvah tQ tht tlld. Ad tVit.nJu." rrudJlu",.
6.. Truth it is,' it mull: ~row to ._ great mifiikeing !:ru~ge, that God lh ould Ceem to have
laid burdens on our Qloulders, greater than we arc able to bear: and then if we fall .ind faile
under them, he would find a cauCe not to perform his promiCe~ made for qrrying of thoCe
Mother. _ .... Whlltfotvtr is thy pllrt, tbt ["."t -will I perfm". I ",;/l put tb] }QV ( in thIS
o"t thint) upm 1If] jhoulders.
6.; Will you then write it as I lhould have writte:n it ?
.Mother •.••.• J IlIIfle [aid I -will.
t.. Where tballll~av~ th~ Book?
Moth~r .•..•.. Ltllvt It -whtrt , ?u-will: your locks arc no hindrance: to us· ElItn -whm Our .locka.
fhe time cometh btlievt and yo,/ lhll[[ find it "'rittm.
6.. You have eaCed my heart of a thonCand pound weight.
Mother ••• ~.' Beclfu!e Je jhlfllnot fill! ;lIt, error. DoJt thou btlitvt ?
4. Y ~a verily.
Moth~r. ...... '1htn vtrilj -will I do it. Fides cua ~rit inftruinencum operationis mez J
Erit, & vidcbitis, & nunquam peribit.
Galvah ••..•.• One thing I -will ttltch thtt. 7'be EIf.l is grUftr th4n fht Btginn;ng, or th,
Midrt; For tht End is -wilntJTt of thtm boib: Btlt the] bQth Clllt'''' WltlftJTt of the EM
Mother ••••••• Ht tblft Ifppurttl ]tjfirdaj is titlE t"QU,",1iv'Rf: MotUt", SII}}our le§on, ""m.
1 "'" gOlft.
A. I prar tell me your nlnte.
Mad •• •.•. Mothtr I prll] )QI/ tdl yo,/1' Iflffllt.
Mother • .•••• I AM; What will you more?
E. K. She Rieth away like a fire. Jl1At1im; fa11eth down pro{lrate on her
face a ",bile·
A. Now I mall have lciCure to follow my Cute, and to do all Hr. (iiib"ts buGncm.
Mad ....... M] Mother ",;Il[ptap.,to tbt ~m'for l'ufhortl]. Strut JOU G~d while 1 J.
E K. She prayeth vehemently. Now (he cometh near to us.
Madimi ....... I prlZJ you ttlfch Iftt tli [pell. [ She fpake to E. 1(.

rJi/lCIN'" if/i,
Mlft! • ••••.• This is ii,,..J fIl1l.':T7';r, b" _p",
."';C.. I

.UT@- : i".,,9- ~'T' if".,i,.~",(I.'. It is the Syriall To~,,,c you do nM yn4cr{brld it. -- (to ~.) [abllrrl<l, (Pc.

" ...~I@o ,..l,)'If ,..poe.,.,.@- TU)'X .. ,H ;,

forte -1lCo(.,{.,....
~'d.-"TII 'T0C7'4UTor 'tr/A:t.Clr&l
llicitut ,\rlhitur
':n ...." .. .lftA...:.7S ,.11.1 ...

iro~ ,.~ T"" ..'/IT" cr.••• ,"''''' ,.."pH"'" That ... ,wi.h
),Ir H N" Lt,
';;1 ,.":r ",'.,.:,."" l<o"J~....c4cr.~... uci... "",
hi. off rrd
Ericn, thi"' .. 1
J.. ·contclfcol

E. K. Unle1fe you {peak fome Language which [ underlh1'ld, I will rx- atter.
prdTe no morcaf this GhybbrHh. Now lhe praycth agam· Now £he
is gone·
A. Bene-
A trMt,'l\e/atioll of Dr. Dee hit Affions '8ilh {pints, ,&C.
bo. fit Deus, Pater Noller, Delis totilll Cop.folationis, .qui rcfpexK .lHitti<Jnnn
,fenuli fui,& :in ipfo punao neceffitatis mea: prziitit mihi allxiliuin '; ipfe Salts Cordis x~­
tor eft Be rcnum. Ip('e eft Lux mea,& Adjutoi' mcus, & Sufccptor meus cit. In DominO fpe-
ravi , Be fiberavit me ab anguftia maxima propteq;loriam Nominis fiJi. quod tit eialtatul1l
1$1. tnagnific:.tUlll nnnc, & iIi fempitema fedlla. AIfHIf, A"m" Amtlf.
t.. My heart did throb oftentimes this day, and thought that E.
K. did intend to .brent
himfelffrom me, and now upon thiswaming I was confirmed, and more afi"ured that it was
fo: Whereupon feeing him !Dake rue. hlfjft to ridt to Ilillgton: I asked him why he fo balted
to ride thither:And I 'raid, if it wer.e to ride to' Mr. Harr) Lu, I would go thither alfo to be
aC~lIaimed with him; feein;: now I had fo good leafure, beinp' eafed of the book wriring:
Fif,y pouad Then he faid, that one told him the other day that the Duke did but flatter him, alid told
y, ar'y '0 be him other things, boch againlt the Duke (or Palatine) imd me, &c. I anfwered ,for the Duh
provided for and my felf; al)d alfo faid, that if the rourty pound it1l1/uit} , which Mr. Ltt did offer him,
E J./Jn
Du. was the chief eaufe of his minde feding thatwlY (contrary to many of his for"t!t;r pr.,.ifts If
lilt) thatthel) I would all'ure himeffifry pound yearly, and woUld do my beft by following of
my fute,to bring it to palle as foon as (pollibly) 1 could,and thereupon did make! him prQlnife
upon the Bible: Then E. K. again upon the {1I",t Biblt,4id {wtar IIlftD tIl,t'Colljfllllt fritlldJ!.'Pll1ntl
iitvtr t. for{a/tl ",t: And moreover faid, that unle/fe ,thIS had fo fain Ollt, he would ' have gQne
b~yond the Seas, taking /hip at Nnr-Caftlt within tight da)es ntxt: And fo we plight our
faidi ~ach to,other, takilJg each other by the hands upon thefe points of brDthirlj, uti fritllJ-
I] /il-tlit} dllrilfg lift, which Covenant 1 befeech God to tum to ·hM; bonout, glarie, and.
fer vice, and the IOmfort of OUI' brethren (his Children) lIere in earth. '

Tuefd;y,Jlllii z• .. mtTiait,Cirell Horll",. z'

t.. While 1 was writing of Letters to Mr. Adria" Gilbtrt, into DtvoJljbirt , MIIJini ap!-
peared by me in the Rudy, before E. t{; fitting in the Chair, firlt 01\ the ground, then ul
higher in the aire ; and 1 faid; How iii the minde of Mr. StCret'H',] toward me, me,thinketh it
is alienated DI,rvelloully.
The Lord Mad •••' •• tbo{t thilt IMiHIr, 71'.rlJ, IIrt hlltttl of Gotl. 7lr Lord Treafurer and he Ire
Trur.,er, Ind joyned together, Illftl the]. hat~ thu. I htard tht", ",hm the) both {aid, th,u '#Duldft g.;IfIltl jhiJr:t~
S<crctarr W.I- ly I Wh"t[fIevt7' the,] can do agamft thee, a/fure thy felf of. 7t.t] ."ill jh,rtly la] "btl;' f., rher;
ji'",hAm. bllt t{ehtw f,h ,,..
~. Lord have mercy upon me: what bait; (1 bcfeechyou) and by.hom?
Mad •.••• Tht,) hllvt atftrmiHta f. {tarch th] hou{t: Bilt fht,J fill] /mtilf.tht Vllk.! b. to",.
t.. What would tbey fcar.!=h it for?
Mad ••••. Tht] batt tht IJuk.!, (botk) wrto tht d.llt-b.
~. And why?
Mad...... T .. ;"'lbttd thllt Jou ,dtafupr;gbtly• ..... [Sht {p"k.! to E. K.]
E. K· God the Creator be my wimeffe of my upright dealing, with, and
toward him, (meaning C:..) ever !inee my lail coming co him.
E. K, hi' re.
Mad••••• It is {,ood to prro",t di{,.,{u.
(ond oarh. B. K . By.this book (taking the Bible in hi~ hand) I fwear that 1 do
carry as faithfull a minde to him, as any man can, ever flnce my laft co-
Mad •••.• Look.. Ullto tbt ~i"dt of ptoplt IIhout tht Vuk". : IlnJ tlrt ",all1ltr,f 1M;" tliligmc,.
A. What mean you by that? his own people mean you? or who?
Mad •.•. ' Tht t[piu.
t.. Which be thofe ?'
Mad • •••• All, there is not one true.
~. You mean the EI/{,Iijh men.
Mad •.••• Tou .rt vtr) vofft, ifJOII fIIIdtrjflllfd 1Iot ",) r")ilfgr.
A. Lord, what is thy c'ounCe! to prevent aU? •
Mad •••.. Tht {pttc6'¥ g.1Itu/, The wicked /hall not prevail.
4. But will ther emer, to fearch my boufe, or no?
Mad ••••• Immtdia,t tl) 11ft" tht Vultt hit goillg tbt} ."ill.
t.. To what intent? what do they hope to finde?
Mad . • •.• 'Iht) {u{pell th. Duk,i ¥ iwwardly a Tray tor:
t.., Tbey can by 110 meanscbargc me, no not fo much as of a T rayterous tbought.
Mad •••.. Though tbJ thD/tghrs bt {,IId , tht,] eltmtot compr,hmd t't tl';lIgs of tht wic"-td. I"
Trd chc.. { _ t , mey hate tbee. Trltjt thaw "ot. tN,] jh.l/to .b'lIt fhortly " offer tbtl fi'it1lJ.jbip: Bill /"
IIOC. thou 1171'0rl1l in. htap offir • .".
'1;.. I pray you ,expound that parable.
Mid • .... A.
J trlle~';;t;on 0/ D Dee hir Affiant 'b1ith !piritJ, &c. 29
M.d. , ••• A btllfofjfrf't! bti.~ .ttltr [0. grttlt, II iro ..,,"igbt llpoit 4 . "~i'iIr ~ ,,;ot";'#ii./"!g. m·
r} (frltwbi"Jrttb tht. "'Drilli pIlJJil!!; Stt 'tbtiff, 411a ht fI,t [tt" of thtfll; ilo./l thou IIItJtrfi.clitl ,t ,
A•. I pray ,YOII make more: pi am yourcQunfcl.
Mad •••• ' MX c.07llt{a iI" tllOllgS.
A. Wh~; I pray Y{)U; is thi: Duke like!)" to go away ~
Mad . • , •• I" tht mi4dlt of Augun. ,
l1. If in the midll of Aug/ljf he will go,arrd then our prlti:ir~~ be yet in hand, \\ohat thallh.
done: widl' IIlch our fumitur~ is prepared; and /landing in the Chamber elf pniltire
Mad •• •• ; Thou'bl1}f ,,0 fliith.
His goin£,- fiandrth IIpon the detertnlntted purpore ofGbd. Ht M}Ollr fri.~II,J. f,r.t4tlj, If"d A;L.
i"tflfatlh to do .'ftllch fot 1'11. Ht ilprtp.tttd_ ro do thtt tDod,":lIil thou .crt fr,pllriiJ. to Jo Itim {tr. Seltii:e.
'IIiCt. Many men pur pore, but one lctteth In ordel'. . . . . .
l1. As concerning Adrjllll Gj/btrt, what pleafcth you to fay of him; and hl~ ltitebded
M . ,{ .•••• Ht iI "ot i" tbt trllt fllitb. . J
A. How liath it bee:n (aid, then, That he lhould bethe Ci!ttei' forth ofGdd;his faith an I·C·
ligion among the infidels.
M.d. _• • . 'lhu it a 111J;ltr).
A. Whecher (hall it be good, thit the:·Duke refort hither Oft; or tarry 'for tbefboil -part ~
bi~ Ioou(e at L f. lldu",
M,d . • . '. Hu",a"t ft', cit ClltI"ot prt"~;.l. As mi".! tIJ 4rt IIor fi!ithflill i" tht{t·C'It~ftt~/hilUdil Ii
~t ml[t;lIbl, dtllrh : ""J. fhll/l dri,,1I.. ,,f fl ·tp tVtrlafti1f~., As ill 01ft rbot thtrt lI'rj iIIali) dfrvi]i~Js;
[; ill tlit lit", ""d I rallehts I1rt 1111111} [,pndio", . .
l1. Give: (orne more: light (J bel'e(ch you) to th'l!' p'lII'dcltlllt' underftandinE;.
Mad ... ;. tbt firt thllt ;,,;;idltth all thtft; "'fd 'IIIhtrt;It th}. Ii",;, One:, fmllillg t5l'111 .cccorJiHg to
(."halfo;'lItr) tht {'U~(Ia",·t "htrtup", tht} IIrt grO/; So 6) fbr ItJJt }Oll mil} provt flit grtlittr:
<{bat M i" p4rtiellll1r,(0 li/tnvift gmtr.IIJ, All emanlnons are from one. 111 tlit /irJf 'IIIor",,,,.,,-
jbi, litth irertr ilt 0.1t u"k.,,,o.,, : Altd is {tilltd, ."d tlttrtfort it bllth 4h tltd. '!lit {Oft tbrDugh tbt
C,relti ""d Mdffit bod.], tbt btllrt ill fbt bod} , 7'ht i"t~l/igt/1Ct ill tbt i""".,11 wi.tll, tht fOH
ftom his 0.,,11:1 t"trt {fTtlldtth Oflt fht bta",s of "Is li",ittJ. virtl/t' , Tht Hart lift to two J If"t/. Ie~ The heur.
the Ce"ltl'c of lift tq tht "If'h6lt ~od}, IIltdtrjll111Ji"g' q~id;,"rtb tOt' ",i"tlt; that minde I fpeak ' of The m ndo .
lurmh 0" If liery {hape. . It followttb thtrtf.rt, thd-ttJ6r} thi"g (whitt {ubltnet {oMltr) hath ' II p"rtcth on a
Ct"' rt: From the which t.he CircumBueriC beams of,hiS proper po~er do proteed. Whn; tht{t 6;11 Chip< •
• rt pt rftOIj k.,,,oWII: Tit,,, I1rt thi"gs {UII i1l tht~r tru, /ti"dt. I {ltd.. this ~, prov, ,· that the good
Angel 'of man, which is tht exten,al Centre of the: Sonl; Jotb.carry witli hi"; the: internal Clla·
raaer of thac thing whereof he feckerh to be: a Digni/ieJ'; withill rht whirh doth lit {tertt i tbt
COil junltion 111tJ.'Scl'aratioh of rht p r oportioll of thtir li",ts, betwi?Ct the foul .and body of man.
D huppy (rbtrtfort ) i! thllt SOl/I, 'iP;ich btboldtth fht glory of his digllif/clltig,,; alld is partaker,
with him tliat is his kerper. Thu kit''''' UlltO lIt,,,, tht tbiek,."tJJt of tht tltTth doth "ot hi"Jtr fpftchts; ntilbtr rll" t.t d#rk.,,,rJJt of tht lowt/I.;rt obrcllr" or ""ik,t darlr" tht (1.•• rp1ltJft.f
their eyes. T,h ;s COllr4l.11tr, (lit his 1Ioct comillg b;tlttr)jh,,11 ht ",adt mll"iftjl ""to him.
E. K. He fhc:wc:th a bloudy hand, ho)d~ng a bloudy Crom ."itb lette;i
em it, lilte flU,. ho:'1 J 'ler~
A. I befeech you, how {hall his provilion of bloncy from home: fccVe his rum, Or how {hail
he here hive help for Iii~ charges bearing?
Mad •• ••• lour words m.cit.! "'t II Childt. Tbo[t that filh for Dolpbins do IIOt /fd",l upo" tlu No.o.he form
r;rou"d. 'ih.(t .rhllt fit i" COl/n{t! ellllllot ill tbt bl1rv~(1 pt lplt,"Drllecoullt Hot tlltir lI'ork"s. 1!tofacilild.
thar Jtll"Je~ atl.vt th, M Jolt,futh gruttr thi"J(s thm tht tarrh: Is it "or fllid, The LO'rd Will
provide? I ji.nd ab ·; vt Iht Mo~", for tbat I difpofe his life fro", IIbovt tht dl!po!fi01l6f lhe M. lIf.
To Mk" what j;l,cob hil [trvl1"ts did,w.Jf II fol(}; hICIIV[t th'ir mlljltr ;"M I-ItJJul: .A grtlittr qutJlioll
to Mit" b,·w blrJJ.-d ht "'M, tbm to M~ bDw ml1") jhttph'hlld.
l1. I am defirollS to k110w what you mtaIlt· by faying, That my words made you a
Mad ••••• Iltell"[t],11 #11. ",t Cbi/J.ijh qut(liDllr. Hil gooJ Altgtljh.c/l rt1ltlfl bit Charlll1tr "lIto I\. .
hi"" alld tboufbalt {t.. ir, [poi"ti1l~ to E. K.] :S!lt tak"t hud tboll fl1j trut(} ; A"d u{t J!;Ttl1t I't- ,,~er~neo~:
TJtrtnrt, Dr elfe the: fut that love thee {hall cairy thy Carkls out o( the doors. If hi CII,,} it ; .a.m,,"W~
IIpQIIW"" itjball bt ~ tok,.", of tbt CD'IIt1IIf1It httwtt" him nd G ~ d. Ii....
A. The image, or fimilitude thereof (mean' you) made: in pute Gold. l'~rh"~1 CD -
M.d•••.•' 1•• , •• So thti{t thllt )hlfll Itt h;, St~"J.crdt "If'itb th.t lipt iii tIN", jhlf/l ptri./h JIIIlcc!,
l1. YOII mean, jf the fame be painted, or otherWiCe wrought in ~i, Banners lind Pc.
oons, Ste.
Mad.. .., ttt hi';' 11ft i~ M II C-vt"."t, ,btt'iPttn GDd II'"~ hi",_
l1. How {hall he frame 'it in Gold, ro!id.wife:, or Lamine-wirct~
Madd. •••• Hit ~w" Altf,tljbllll rtTI,.c1 it..
E J •• 81:"
30 A true 2{elation of D. Dee his AC/ions 'A1;th!piT';t!, &c.
6.. Becalife it hath been faid,that in the beginning of. our CQlmtry troubles ~e 4bonld be
packing hence into his Country; What token !bllli we have of thac time approuhing,Qr ae
hand ~
Mad •••••.• Tour ",lttd1ll'1rt1 is toltl J?U btfor,: Whtll it it {ltitll/1lt' JOu, V eni~I:, Cre.
0.. But (I be:feech you) [0 be ready againLl that watchword, he:aring what is to be ,donr,
as concerning OUr wives and children inco his Country,
Mad. •••••• tJUirllelll~1II it thy car, (0 God) Up,II thoft that 11ft thJ cho{m, IIIId wo"Jn'/lIl
lI't t~ wlljtS that thou hllft prtpartd for thtm. Tboll .thillt tllk..t tht", from th, fMds, IIltd hllrb.ur
thtm lit h6)"e. Thou art merrifull/1lto thJ fllitbful lI"d hllrd to tht htllllrhurted, TOoII fhllit
colI,r thtir ltgs with Bootn, lI11d bramblts Jhllll "ot priCk. thtm: lbtir h,,,,dt fhall b, CDII,reJ wit'
tbe sk,.illS o[Belljls tbat theJ mil) bruit... their WII) thr,ughtht hedges. Th) Btl/ .rbllll (,0 btfon tht.
tit II watch lI11d {lire Dirtl1ioll: Tht MODII fhllll be clellrthar tht) ''''') go on boldl}.
IIJ110llgft JON.
E· K. He is noW gone away in a fire. ./EteTM 'Deo nofJro,fo Laus
H~or, (fr Gloria in feeu!orum r~culA. Amen.
Thucfday Julii +, hora I I,. lI11tt tJUtridit",. 1~83;
Note. 0.. When I came from thrCourt, and from L,,,,J'If, and from cht;
Lord Lllsk";t, I found that E. K. was purpofed to ride forth of Town, and intended to be a.;.
way (as he expreily told me) five dayes: Certain Companions and his acqua'ntance having
Co appointed with him,fome tarrying for him in Mortlurk,.t, and fome at brlli"ford (as waS
perceived this day afterward, and aj he confelfed unto me. ) Whereupon) thought good to.
fignifie fo much unto the Lord LlIslfj~ who-meant to come and refteth himfelf ae my houfe,
,as he wa5 wont before; eitlt~r thIS day, or within two or three dayes after: Who alfo de-
lighteCl in E. If. hiscomilany, Cre. He:r~upon about the time of E.K. his riling I wrote thefe
lines, intending to fend them prefe:ntly to the Lord LasltJ~, that word might be returned of
his intent before E. K. !bouldride,IDlc:aning and hoping to perfwade E. K. to tarry fo long.
and upon (uch refpett,

ObiliJi",t Pri1lceps, ill wl;,u, 1Iojlr:llflf Et/..w.raum i""tJfi, [llcie qUide", llttll : {ttl itill,rj tIt·
N ""If,!lt dicit, IJlliHlJue ditru",~ [e Ilcei"(,t1ltt,,,: Hocqll~ ",durillo tt1lfPDrt libitum fltl it"
ijllld i"gredi "' Jlitllr S Rtllt,,{urJlS{lIt Ilji""lIt )poft quilfque diu. ~id fit ;p[a furitJu,
H~flit;llt l"i II"IK Cr O",,,ipot,,,s Dtlll tft lIolft-, Hoc volui, i}lo "'''"t [um",o, lIobis fignificllrt, Ilt,
quid fllOIl optimu", fit, Cogitttis: De "liis,[uo remport,
Vzfirz Celfitudinis lideliffimus Clientulu,
Julii +. 1563' JOII/f/fts Du.

This Letur being now written, and not yet folded up, my friend E. K. wal ready and
carne out of his Chamber into my Study; and I told him,that I was e:ven now Cendinl? word
to the prince of his rideing OUt, and return after fi ve dayes; and fo thewed hlOl the
Letter: who wheu he: came to the phrafe, ~iJ fir ip[" lIer,t"', he was Camewhat offended,
faying, What fecfer meaning hath this, IIpon [omt of your til" for""r con{'rtllCt 1 Truly (faid
I ) even fuch as the circumfiance of the Letter doth import, that is; Whereas YOll faid that
you intended to return within five dayes, 9r at the fame: dayes end, it is uncertain whether
you will, or thall, return later or fooner: and therefore ~idfit ip[alltritllS of your return,
or !ntent to return, onely God doth know. He: would by 110 meane:s admit that my fincerc
expofition, but feemed fufpitious of fome other undue conllrultions of thofe former words;
thereupon I took the Lettel' and tore it in three piec~, and fent none: Bllt in my mind re-
fen:e:d all to God,his difpofition, alfuring my felf of God his "'~/t C."ftllllt pr'Cttdi"g ill his ow,.
"ffairs. Shortly after faid E. K. to me, Certainly here is a fpirirual Creature in my right
S'." . !boulder, who f~fibly faith to me, Come away: So ( faid I ) did one fay to So.,,/e, when
£"1 rpiri... tl1ey would have had him IIWlly to have drowntd him, whom I flayed in this Study by force,
and [0 hilldtrtd the Devil of hIS purpofe then; as appeal eth by tbllt Imhapp) "'lin yet alive.
Nay faid E. K. they have told me that if I tarry here,lihall be hanged; and if I go with this
Prince he will cutoff' my head,and that you mean not to k,rtp pro"'i[ewith me; And therefore
if I might have a thoufand pound to tarry, yea a Kingdom, I cannot: Therefore 1 re/ufe
'Fif!y prund you of JOur pro",i{t of 50 ,.~"ds yt'-rry Stip",d to me,and ,:"OU need.not doubt bllt Gqd will de-
,urly Ilipcnd. fend YO\l and plofperyou, ;lIld can ofthe very Ilones ralfe up chIldren to ,Abrllhll,.,: An<f a-
E. K. hi, "if.. gain f cllllno~_ ~bid, ",)",ift"ll0Ilt h,er II.t''''''JI abhor b,,; and the:re in the ~oufe I am mjfli-
, ked, becaufe I favour her no better. To thefe, filch · his words fpoken in great pangs and
difquie:tneffe: of mind, I rcpofed andfaid, That thefe his doingsand fay ings were: riocof God,
and that by my whole procee:ding he might perceive what confidence 1 repofed in his dealing
with the fpiritual, ollr friends, feeing even to the uttennofi penny (alld mOl'e than my abiliry
ferved unco conveniently) I laid out Ilill about the .... ming of fuch things, as were by me [0
bedone,&c. Well,onthefndden, dOlmhe went; upon hii Marc, and away toward
Atrllt'.l(eltttion of Dr. Dee his Affi,nJ 'JIJuh /i>iritJ, &c. JI
Jr4inforJ. After whofe going, my' Wife came up into my Study, and I faid, ]alft, this man
is mavallouOy oUt of quiet againft his Wife, for her friends their bitter reports againft him £.I\.hl ... jns
behind his back, and her filence ~hereat, &c. He is gone, [aid I, but I befeech the AI_ ·friends.
mighty God to guide him and to defend hi!l1 from danp,er :md ~ thaOle; I doubt not but God
will be merc:if"1 rtS him, and bring him at length to fueh order; as he thall b~ a faithful fer-
vant unto Ood, &oc.
No~e within three hours after, came E. K. up my Study llaires unbotlted, for he was come
in a boat from Braillford. When I faw him I was Very glad inwardly: But I remained wric-
ing ofthofe Records as I had yet to write of Tuefdayes laft aai6ns. I l,1ave lc:l1tmy Mare
out ( (aid he) and fo am remmed. It is well done faid I, and thei"tul'0n he fate down in
the chai~ Table where he ,,:as wont to lit: And it was tell of the clock t~en. . He
look up m his hand the Books which I had brought from Londolf of the L. LIISk"t, written
to him in his commendations. &c. And as he was looking earneftly on therl!, a Spiritual
Creature did PUt the Book on the ouclide of the parchment cover, divers time, ; and mice
would have taken it out of his hands: Divers times I heard the ftrokesmy felf; At length
he faid, I fee here the handfome Maiden Madimi, and have done a pretty while. Then faid
J to him, Why told you meTlO fooner? Whereupon I took paper purpofdy to Note wkat
fhonld feem Note-worthy.ufolloweth.
A. Miftreffe Madimi, you are welcome in God, for good, as I hope; What is the caufe
of ,.,ur coming now?
Mad ..••••• 'fo fa 110'11' JOU do;
A. J know JOu .fe~ me often, and I fee you onely by faith an~ imagination.

Mad .•.••• L POll1tlD to E. K. ] Tbatfight is ptrftatr tllllll hu.
A. 0 MaJimi, Shal I have any more of thefe ~rievous paugs ?
Mad ••..... Curjf Wives, alfd grtll-t Dtvils art fort Companions.
A. Inrefpel\: of the Lord Treafurer, Mr. Secretary, and Mr. Rawly, I prltT YOll, What
worldly comfort is there to be 100keJ for? Beudes that I do principally put. my tlUll ia
Mad ....... c$addtr will ftaint, 'WiC~td mm !!pillofftIfJ, 1111 J art tajit to be o(fmkd.
1>,And being offended will do wickedly, to the petfccntion of dlenl that meanc.
Mad ••••••• Or tlrt tbt}'W"t 1Iot to bt ealltd 'II'ie/ttd.
A. As concerning Alb. Lllsi:jt his Pedigree, you faid yonrSiller wonld .t~1I all.
Mad ••••.•• I told )"1 mort tbm al/JoUr Do.~ pllintfrs and Cal painurs can ao.;
6,. You fpoke of William Laskjt and Sir Richard Lltskjt his brother,ofwhlch Wt/liaWl go-
ing into Frallct, and ·then into Dmmark,.t: and his marriage into p~lanJ> came this .A/bt#t
L"'~it, now Paladine of Soradia, &c. .
Mad •.••..• 7hofe.""r, 1'11'0 pTllf) WIt/I for 1ftt t"nttiJI, Yl'ithltl. Wflt1lJdU fIt Jottr {tlvts tll-
"tb", II/fa IIgru togttbtr, I TPill mllk,.t 1I!l agree together.
E. K. Will you },fadimi lend me a bundled pound for a fortnight ~
Mad ••...•• I bllvt f'll'tpt all m) mont) 01lt of doors.
A. As for money we thall have that which is rteceffary w.hen God feeth tim:.
Mad •••.••• H,ar mt TPbat 1[11). God is tlTr ,mitJ of Ill! tbillgs. Lovt ;, tbt II/f;t} of tVtr}
CO/fgrtgation ( I "'tIn Irllt and pn-f'-£llovt. ) Tht World was madt ill tht lovt of tht fatbn-.
TOil WtrtrtdullfttJ iii tht lovt of tht Fatbtr a/fa th~ SOli. tbt Spirit of G,rl it ( Jtt ) thl lov,
of his Churcb. Ttt (I fa) ): For afur it doth T ~iJ/~h, it is not ell!ltd a Church n,r a COli" {};,. ~e tlre t.
,rtg,trion: But II Fruitfullnheritallcc alld a Perfett B. d} in Chrijl. 'fak..- ,bt lovi of tin Fa- ~1I1t~"lift4
t/),r from tht World, ana it ptrij/uth. 'fllk..., thl l~vt of our Rtd""ption aTPllj, lind 7H art dtaa. t/
( I 'II'il/not offtnd) put your inJl-tad of OUI'. T lIk,.t rh, light of tht Holy Gboft, which is tl" IWI The Angels
of tbl Fath,r IZ7Id th, Son fr ?", t~ Chrzrc.!;', lind it 'II'ith,rtth. Eval fa tak,.t lovt from .lfm~ng/tJou, wete not to"
IIl1d JOU art nltlllbtrs of tht Dtvil ; 'fhtrtfort it K fllid I/nto JOII Diligil'e ad invicem. For lovi deemed.
it tin Spirit of God uniting ana k,.nitting thillfJ tog.thtr in IIlllut/ablt propmioll. TYb,lt doft tbou
hlmt "fttr , fptllk,.",,,,,,1Yhtrt doft ThOll bunt 4fttr ,
[ This was faid to E. K. upon fom~ fecret judg.ement of Maaimi in him.
E. K. I hunt 2fcer nothing.
'Iht/ovt.f G,d brttdtth faith I F Ifitb bringtth forth ( 011 tht ont fidt) H Opt; alfd ( 011 Iht t. Flit".
Ifm fidt ) theoTPork,.tt of Charit}. Dofl- tb,u lovt God l Suk,.t!1- thou to bt among his Eltlf! Wh}' Hope:
tkfi tholl ItOt ( t!JtrtfDT"t ) lovt ,h' fl thingJ that art of God' Hn-tin thoujhtwtft Iht wallt of faith; J. Chulty.
Htrri" Art thJ bragging words confound,rl ; for thou rayrjf, No mall. call aCCUrt thtl of tvil. BNt
tNu haft no faith beeaufe thou haft no hope. Wilt ,h~1I fay, th~t '~J/ haft"fllith l . Shi'll' it nu
1>.1 thy lovI: Wbofotvtr (tbtrtfort) lovtth not God, ;, II.ccurftd. Tb.u[ot·t/I- ~t God, Lo, It-
hoU, thou brtak,.r(f bit Comllllllfdmtnts. Ollgbttjr thou IfOt f.O lovt hi",? And /tlt.{f tbou not faith
tbrough tbl Iuvi ill God 1 'frutly thou ougbtt/r fo to do. Wilt thou Itt mt ftt thJ hopt oil thit fidt ;
Ltt tbJ 'll'lrk,.es fland on tht othrr fidt • .Alld jht'll' tbJ [tlf to havt fa~th that thtrein thou mllyfl- lovt
God, Il1/d bl brloVtdOf h;lII; But if tboJ/ haft nont of thtft, thou hllft batt. If thou bllu Goa,tht
32, A tr"e~elatio"oflY. Dee bit Amont ~th, &c.
TlfPllTd Iha/of j, grlllt; but tltt grtiltHIJft i# IIl1ql/tJlchllblr firt. Who{otvtr follo'luIh "ot tltt
COm",iI"a",mtS, hllttth Goa; If fiH bt tltt brttlcb of tbe. Commil"Jmt1llS, &c. Doll thou Ion
Silvtr IIHIl Gold J Thl01l1 i# II Thitf, tbt otlttr is II Muratrtr. Wilt tlrou {It/tho1lour I
E. K . No.
N h· So did Cain. Bllt tholl hilft iI Juft God thil' lovttlr tlltt; Juff il1I.d vatu~1K _11 Ihllt dt-
u: [~ ';.ffc light iHthu; Thtrtfort b.t th07lVtrtllOlK: For tholl {halt. tread the World underthy feet:
,AM. ISS,. I prolllift thu, I hllvt arlVt7I tht S/tllllm-arilb out of our K,tchm 10Hg "1. 0 •
whclI hc wOS 11. Do you·mean worldly covetoufoelfe ?
nade Baron of Mid . ...... Ttll, 111Id thl firjl htllvt1lly covetouf1ltfft.
~~:". Am Carma geta Barman.
A. I befcech nlU, what is that to fay?
Mad. ...... VI"i IX illo Barma.
E. K. fcltand law afpiritual Creature go out of his right thigh.
Mad ....... H'bat lire thJ 1+ Comp"Hio1lS J
Bar. ...... 'IhtJ dwtll hae.
A. {He that was come out, flll;llled a .sreat handrome man with a Sachel of a Dogs skin
by his /ide, and a Cap on his head, &c. J
A • .0 the hand ofthe Highelt hath wrought this.
Mad ....... VeHit e Te"ebr.,fl/gitt Spiritu mlo.
E. K. Here appear 14 of divers evil-favoured lhapes: fame like Moo ll
kies, fome like Dogs, fame very hairy monfuuous Men, &c· They feemed
to fClatch each other by the face· Thefe feem to go about !Madimi and Cay,
gil de prag"'" All,es beJetl,.
A. What isthaqo fay?
Mad ....... Voluml/s hic ilt Noftris hllhitAre.
A . Q.!J,:r; flmt ilia velttl ?
E· K,. One of them faid .. · Babe",,,, hominem i{lum·f)m';ciliumnopru",.
Mad ....... Tht v'''guItCt of G,a it iI t'/Po-tdgta S'/Pora, II11d cutttril tilt rebtlliolll '/PitJ(pJ ~ltts
TheClnin~ i1l piem •. Tbt hll1lt!. ofrhe Lord is lilt.! iI jlrO/f" .IIk... '/PIttH it flll/eth it cl/tmh i/f {U1Idtr Hl1l1l}
:;~;,' ,".<1 UlCer bl/jhll. The light of his t)U expd/ .urll,.",fIt,ll/fd the {'/PutlllJfe .f hi# k,teptrh from corruption.
I pl~ckn! of BltJJed Ilrt tho{u,hom he fll:Jour,th, 1l1lagrtllt jJ their rrwJtrd; Becaure you came hither with_
fpk'it:' &c o.ut licence and feck to overthrow the liberty of God his Teltament; 1md the light where_
, . withal he ftretcheth unto the end, and for becaufe yoillre accurfed it is faid, I will not Culfer
mine to be overthrown with temptation,though he were led away, Brho/d 1 briltg bllclt,. IIgililt.
Depart U1Ito the III(l Cr]: Reft '/Pith tht Princt of Dilr/t1ltJfe thlrt is /f01lt. Amen, go lOU
thither. Et fignabo vosad linem. .
E. K. He [ealed them all in the for~head: the J 4 and their principal,
their [eating ",as as if they had been blanded. They funk aU. S downward
through the Hoore of the Chamber,and rh:re came a thing like a wind &
pluck\: them by the feet away.
E. K. Methinketh I am lighteqhan I was j and I feem to be empty,and
to be returned 'from a great amafiDg i for this fortnight I do not wdl re;:
member "hat 1have done or (aid,
Mad. ...... Thou IIrt tll{ea of Il grtllt buratll ....... Love God, Love tb) Frimds; Love thy Wife.
E. K. Now cometh one with a red Croae in his lund and leadeth her
'"ay,and fo they vanitlted· We prayed the Pfalm of tbankfgiving 14 of
Rgffenfis for E·K· his deliverance from Barma and his 14 Companions. Amen.
A. lirlt papers, E. K. SII/.
by appeard often [0 him,whipping
before as 6. or 7. miles dilt01l1t from
him think that ~he bleffi:d . JUbA1Ililall't
had been fent to have [aid fomewhat unto us of his
Charge (the Prince L.s/rJt) But I found in the end that it was a token that the
Princce Lllsk,it was p.cnfively careful of us, and that bis good Angel was his wic-
nelfe and melfage, oy that token his peculiar ~/lcr as is bafore taught.
Om/fil Spiritus Llllldtt Dtu", ",irum V"um & 7'ri1lll"'. Amen.
Sequitur liber Tertiariu$ Sexti.
I" IB E R,
J trut 'J{llil,ionofD. Dee his Aflion! "ith /piritJ, &c. "

LIB E It P E 1\ E q R. I NAT I () N I SPit I M E:


..A M,grtlilffl .Angliid, .

vid [rlicOfIitulf rpolomitl.

Saturday, septemb. 21. 1583. Dieslf"lJjMlttih~i.

'S departe~ from Mortlltc"', .a bout three of the Clock after Doon : The Lord

. Albert LtU1i.., , (V ItJ"IIIode of Sirltditr , in POIOllill) meetmg me.on the: Watel' , as
., we had ~ppointed: And fo brought night to Londo".; _.nd iii the dead of the
• night, by Wherrie5, we werit to GrulI"/II/Ch to my friend Goodmltll Ftrll the Pot-
. • tel' his hOllfe ; Where we refre!h~d our felves, an~ thi~her came a great TYlt.o
.... . . boat from Grtt'IJtI .m-d to take us ih, (by appoincD!CTlt of me and Mr. Stltnlry) to
go to OUl' !hil;s , which we had caured co Ijr fevCTl .. or eight mile beyond Gflt7ltl
elld. To which !hips we canie on SUiiday mqrnirig by SlIn rife .: In the greater of cheDl t being
a dubbJe Fly-boac ofDtnmltrk,,) my Lord"it, I, and E. K. w!~~ my Wife and Children,&c.
w~nt : And in aliother !hip (by me alfo hired for thi~ palfage) went fome of my l.ord liis men,
tWO horfe,&c. ch.a t 1hip was a Boyer, a. pretry IlIiJ>. Witl! little winde *re llraigbt.way hoyfed
fliyl, and began our voyage in the Ihii', . ,
This 2'·. day we were in great danger of peri!hing (on the fands., called the Spits) about There .~orc
nlidnight: Wehad (by force 9f wm!1e contrary) ~ch!>ri:d by ct.:etn, ~hd the Anchor came£r.el~"~",
home, 110 man perceiving it, till the 1hip was ready ,to Ilrikc o~ the rand~; Then, upon great w:n ,6, it
diligence alld pollicy ufed by our .~arriner;;. ih hoy ling fayl, atid cutting our (;able, (to kave· DlO
0\11" /hote ank er) and conlmicting bur fel ve s to the hallds of God, and "'Ojt t.rlttJUJ prl1JiI,f. rot
It prO[ptrOIH 1Pil1dt : It pleaCed the Almighty, , and ffi91l inercifull God, {"ddmf.y to change: the
winds, which ferve~ us rt; bear froln the flands; and to recover !:!illborro"gh, b:.i, k a&ain.
The 23. day (belllg Munday) we came to the mouth and entrlll1ce of ~illburro"gh Cr~tlt,., or The t,idellt
Haven, And as ~,e made to land in fmall Fi!her-boacs, the lord,jt, my \yife al\d (;~i1 helpol God ac
drcn in one boat, and I, with E. K. Mttrit , E{i:z:.ttbtth, and Joh" Croll..ltr, in another, it £e11 fo .he Tny m'"
oUt, that at thi: Ihips fide, our Fi/her-boat his fayl-yard and fayl was entangled on the Mayn- ''''':I
of rlan,e,
yard of the Fir-boat (being !lroke down) fo that, in our fetting from the /hips fide, th~ top de. 1y.
of 0\\1' Boat bemg fafi above, and the windes and !lram carrying the Boit off below. it in-
clined 1'0 much on the one fide; that the one half of the Fi/hc~ boa't.( wel1 Deaf) was in' (he ~a-
ter, and the water Came, fo in (by the intangling before fpeci6e<l , not ealily [0 be undone, or
loofed ) that my Lord, my 'Wife, and all that law us thought that of lIece:llity our Boat IIIIlIt
lInk, and 10, we to have perilht. But God in his providence and'mercy had greater, • •••• of
liS, Co chat we became clear; the Boat half full of water, fo [hat we fat wet to the knees, and
the water with the billow of the Sea came Hill beati~e. in more and more: And in this mean
trollble , olle pf 0111' two Boat-men, had loft hislollg Uare oUt of the Boat into the water; alld
fo not onely we ) cd the help of that Oa .. e , but alfo by reafoll they would have foUowed
the: \Vilidc and ebb, for that bar, (collcr,ary to OUI' courfe in hand,and not able to become by)
with much ad6c-we confirained them WIth the fayl, our one Oare, and the Rudder to make'
filch I~ ift 'as they could to get to !f<::.illborrOlfgh Town: And in the meall fpace E. K, with a:
g.'eat Gtpdet did empty moll part ';'t the water outof the B03t,:lfe it nmlt needs have funk by
all mans reafon." t length{ to be brtef)we came to the Town fide,ull the crook ed Crttlt,.:where,
whtn as [he Mafier of ollr !hip would have taken me out in his arms (Handing in the water'
wilh hi~ Boots) he fell with me in the water, where I was fOil I arrayed iu the water and Oafe.
God be praifed for ever) thatall that sreat danger was ended with fo fmall grief, or bUl't.

:\t !kinbo;rollgh.

Wednefday; Stpttmb. 2S. eire" '3' a Mtritl'it, i"'" plmo mllri.

6.. Oravimu5 ad Deunl,ejus i~plorabaml\S auxilum,Corcina Itatim apparuit. Oravi denlJo
folliS, 111'0 allxilio, t.e~pore necemta~is : ~ex pedum alcitudina ~pparebat ' unll's, in acre, <plIlJi
altera ex par~e m~bl~,1llter E.lC • .Et Ilium interp6Jit:t.
B· K· Ego ilium cognofco .
...: .. 'III 6.rbts tuflt", mt coi,no[ctllai,& i/l"m lJui ,,;~ mijit, titl jim iroll iiiicftl.
E. K. Vidctur cfIC Michac:l.
P' A. Orada"
A. Gratias agimus (;rearori lIoJtro, qui bonuUl, poctJttem & lidden) miuilh'UIll fUllol'rnirc:rie
ad noltrani protell:ionem tempore neceffitatis noftrz.
Mich •.••.• Loquor I.e trib. rtblll, I., ",tip!, & ill, qli "" mijit: Dt ',rt[pdill P1ill! qlloJ efix,
& I.e {er'llit;o De; quod futllr.", tfl·O '1101 potejilltes Orli & ttrr~,"lli.(;tl 'liDS ;11 jim"l,rl{picitt Dt."
veftrum : Co1ffidtrlltt bt1ujicill tjll(; ,til 11011 1101 (;t jimull Et e,oHcjtttllav,t VOl i" {t;pfol ..I'; ,
,,011 t}f¥ glo,r ljic"t; rtfptlill 'fficii vt/lri,II'/' quod pr~'~II~"U"! p,t~"tir, "gig"ati :fl¥, ill vobmtllt, tj.~
qui g{orijiellt ~f.I"'. Ecct qu"",d, vof"!'.' ~td,diftll "',lIe,p, tf1lt~rllr"m: fie! qUllrt v:(fri ,r;'K.;-
ptS colittlldUllt corttrll IIlt,gi"!um:. & co/l,g~tl# 1J.o["ut 'II ji",1I1 lid COlllt7,dt~dA,,! cOlltrup{"""qlli 'if
POttHtigirflw,vtl ,llu", vellttll {ub)llg"r', CIl}Mr IIr,,,,, {Ullt {uptr ~ m"t'" forfltlldllltm : ~o ""J, 1111-
4etit eOl/ttMtre eUllf tjlll fortiludill~ ,~ .Vel qu ~fl C",.[" q'lod 14m ""P!i 'rQhdilit ? Sea ica opor-
tet cITe: qui'" flobit jiit;!ilvit glibtrHIIIWte",,& III veftras manus dedit yrolam dellnu9:ionis. Sel.
ddt IK1l1/1 jilli voftro : ~i" ill tjlll fortitutiillt di{ptrji trit¥ : Et o//lllium renm' cOllclujioll' ~Jfiit
fI;j/r,. "tbtlft ,Ke ,,~ert4; Nt ",irtHt.r {ttvi Dei; de fortitudi" , tt"'Pt ll lio1lH : ~ill "'"gI14 tJI
pot~{l:M ;mpii &. bi,,"t;' t~lIit, qlllllldo illi eJI cum jigillo traditll. Ne,Jediglle",ilti, b,lIc /Mil, {ci,
&fernmci'lt. 'iieftrll'" gub'emllti~)\lerri per illlqll. Ec4 clilVU juJfi/i.e "ptTtll m,hi tJf. Nihi/oniill/K vtjfrll lltihue
erit "'''jor illiQIlit4l, &- vtjfrWlf Te{,It/llfl trit difp"[",,, i1l ejus pstel/ti [l/peTbill. ff<:!.11", "'''ll/uS tJf
Slttblt,; qlli relillit fortitudi~i Dei ? ~IIm . "!"g"" ~ igitllT , rJft .vel1rll bumi/itlll. '1/(~
Jeb,t vt! [upera" vti ",ors. Sed Tlobid fi' dwt VO"UItUS. Apert"lIt vmtl OTit [II" ; & rlbiflltts
Lt"ht"FIr· 6q"~ prof,mJII &- pottltt;4 'IIUIITII. lit omit'S p"rtts 1IaVi ll"ll vtj frllrll",. Attrillt, terrI fI
~"'liiht. fu.u"" &- df cllt, q/l'od ~t"lJorar~ velltt. 'I"",i!1Ilioll prltvlIleb,mt 9<!!i" ~i~i IIJdllm (illlJuit Do",illus)
Michael. lJ'li cs forutudo mea;Potamam meam pr~valefcelltcm : [I VOl entlS duz Bammz i{,lIit , i",o
<'.t. igllu POttllt¥ f41fOClllltii IS totills MII/itjj. IdciTCO, vobit btlte fit : ~ill i"imicllS dJ rfr,tig;",,,s'
ub, prltda ~/I ","xim". Mem",tott, quo.! Ho",illes jitH. Mt",,"tot~ . qt<'od te1Tlljit.H. Me:
",mrott, qlllld Pecrlttorts. Mem,tttor, , qllid erlltit , &- Ite trlldlltit ~bliv;'tti quid rft;,. III il/,
tll,i", viv;';' '1',i O//ll/ia ill [,," lI~bet fllbjel1iollt. Sed illt, qui cum tllo eJf, Crllcijixlls IIJ glori"",_
Huh prOyj. debet ilt mtdio mortlllitatM co;"p01lere {t Ip[um lid Im.'''''t"lem Porl'lItillm. Servi Dei, [tmptr
d<d you.
pr~III/itr/lllt: Std [emper}tr Advtrjit"t~s. ~, . lion tft tit b" mllHdp 1 vos przparavit,
F;r.;1",f/,j N ihilo .,iltus debetl! ea Implere , qu~ ,pft prowllt. <l!lOd mundus poffit fierL nQvlIS &
ipr.: af;norci. POWIS ipf~ eff, Poretts eft illt, Aquila ilia qll~ clOptrit "'''gl/U", m'lItem'III;,
{"it •. Sed pottll!ior. tf f tjlls fortitlldo qlli IIllm!rltt flellM ~ ~ "'OIl~tS colligit: . Nil", iJ"icq'lid ipf~
Lopped up. 10qultur,.1t v,rztlftu 'gllll : It tfl: ji1ll,,1 PO!",flll & Alil/s,'If /mmed,lItil proportzolle. Etiem ipf~
'lui ftcit Orbtm, .holllilltm ;nji",u/ compeglt,& omllill 'p~r4f1lS ,If, Omllill ipf~ t ..~1f~1Is. l.hft tft qui
'IIObH pr:~ceprllm dedit: Et tgo vobit 4ic., Rt[pi,," d.t fJlnl1.o ilt JillhlJum , III. meaill", C~l;, &- per
Circlllu//l urrl: COlljidtrlltt ,,,,,,,11 III 1liiO,&' .ltll'" ,,, ,mll,bus. P01ll.trlttt, vd ptr rt/t;o~t",
l/Umermtur, vel mell[urett qllem"dmodUllf Sillomoll ftcit, vel qlltmll,[",odum Ad",.,o "", COli :~ff.'"
(qllod IIlmc non potes fed' facies) 'IUl/C COIICllldt,Obferv""t o//l"i" curfum {uu", : ftd verbum VO"'il';
r~j tJf. ••••• [empiter,,"m. d"'"t~ D~llm qll'" Jujll1s fft •. .An'IIte vts il/'llirtm quilt• ••••• jll-
flijicllti. Ob[trvlltt 1II11tttlll'"111 DII qlll. Ijt 1IIm[ur" JUftlt'~.
E. K. lam'T,:ln" alltr lid ill""" ,..", COfona in C'pitl, fJuafi.••• i:J llceip;'
glalJium Michaelu;
Cor'Hat~ ..... Ecce ma~l1a ell: fortitudo Dei, & PrzYalebit.
Mich ...... 1I.circo tJf btlltdilJ1Is VIliS, VOl j'!lfijicllt i &- ttlS fp;'liijiCllti.
E· K .. la",/atieblJnf fign"", crueu {lamrMtf IribUi )licitUl , (!j ~ natda nofler
,,,,,. nD')a .4,I,;'ora aUmdi"o bodie mlitril nonn' eft conjiJlum, quoll Jtarim biltc
IlIiI")I~,muI, fi itA ill, )ell;, &c·
E. i<. Rcdcunt·
COrD""'IlS • ..... Ego,fum de Ca:lo : nOR rerpicio tcrram; Nihilominus terra !Jer Ca:lo~ vivit.
01 ..orld. SCC}uimllli Y05 cunum T crrenorum. Przparate YOS femen, Nos volumus, (0 Domin~) in te,
Ii.., •• e.lfe p41rad, cUm incremento. Year. Cura non potell prznlere, quia vellri Iilimici fune
fort~s: fC<i quare dedecore .licior, cum Wile t4;lreariumwanitatum ? Dearuat una nniras,
.Iiam: Aft EleEl:i pr:rvalebunt ill forritudine, contra ilium PrinciJKDI Valliratis. & Regent
Gultorum omnium. Q!!ia Dtus noaer eft rapiens, JudiCia ejus iruperrcrmabilia, Patiemi.
immcnfurabilis. Laborate vos, Ik Nos gubemabimus.
E. K. Jam rcccduor.
r.:/( •..... Nt tlifpllttt¥ ulterius CII", Deo : ViB:ori.
Yellra erit.
~. Magnilicetur nomen Dei noari rolius omnipotmtis & optimi. <4.(11.

7l1IIr[dllJ 26. Of September we went to !hip, and lay in it all night at Anker.
Frid., 27. Of Stptembcr we fayled i.!!illbllrro!4lh, and ro by the lands end into the
miinSea, N.E.
Atrue'1(e/4tion of Dr. Dee hi! -Af!t!.nI 'With (piritJ, &c. 3)
SaturdaJ 28. Of September wefc:1I 011 Holland Coall, and none of our Marriners, Maller,
nor Pilci.t knc:w the Coall: and thirefore to the Mlin Sea again, w'rh grc:ac fear an.\ dan ~ ct,
by rearon we could fcarccly get off from chat dangerous Coall,the winde was fo fcarce for d.llt
Su"tl.IIJ 29. OfSc:ptc:mbc:r we cam~ into the Britl-hllTltlt ; and there were like to nrik-e on
ground: at let1l:ch we came to an Ankor, and lay in lbip allnigbt.
Monaa} 30. Of September we land~d, and went into the Brit!.

Britllt, OflobrH 2. Malft Horlt 9. Vit Mtrc*r;i.

B. K. Nihil apparet in Lapide, ncquc Corrina, ncque aliud quid. Ore.
mus conflanrer,&c. Apparet Domu~ magna cum mulcis pinnaculis, valde
degamibus. Et pavLl'Cnrum widetur elfe multi, innatis L!l'idlbus ddllil-
dum & videntur mulci dfe grad us per quos afcenditur .. & videtu[" cO.:- area
viridis ex dclttTa parcc,&: ex alccra parte dfe vall,s,& rivulus ex al :a. Pal S 'l"a:
verfus folem eft, videturquaG noviter reformaca. ct circa incrol!um d1 ro~
nindum qucddam a:Ji6ciuOl: fCQc:1hz non fUlU iimiles nollris Lcu qll.lfi c[.
(ent Tcmplorum fenefira:.
II. L. Dixit q* ~ tl viJtf*r tift ilta Ilrx Rtgilt, qlllt Crllc#vil tif.
E. K. Subiro dc[cendit ignis & per to[um lapid~m apparet. Jam venit
Cortina (olita ante domum ifiam.
Pox. Garil !J[.td march, ich"a gt~galllbt gmp gal l1,ch C"bAlllllaalf.
E. K. Jubanladaa. h jam appalct fupra Chryflalium : & Chryllallus vld(:::
tur dre permagnus.
]lIb. DtllS n:4",trllvit & Jits til os & pofltritllt,,,,. [E. K. Rt["icit A.
.J:C. K· Jam rt:cdIi~ a ChryHalJo verlu~ caput irflUs ,A. L.
]IIb. 1':r a ptllilft til' non cltatr Capillus 1/' n IIfImtrllrllS. O"'lIia btn, [t hllbt"t. [Roc dixit
J,t jllttN r , rN", A. L. IIp,,d L.ask.] E"t b.lbt: vi ·II rt.~ifma,: A f cOlfrrlllt'li1,mn P*J{Jlo.
b.. Perdido ce novit , & numeravit annos ClIO" & incipi c(fe fortis: <l:!.;a illl cit Poteltas An,icb,if/.".
data,lnfernus apc:rit os fuum contra vos, quia i'CiIlUC, quod vos glorilicaci erids in Dco. Ego
vici quilltnm figillum, & mihi jam rctiflicur in fcxto. ~l: Ocus facit,non participant cllm
humano judicio. Ecce nunc Dircipulo~ fuus congregavi[ , lie docet. 0 Crelllnl & [('rra
quam magn.e fum mileri<!!, qnz vexabullt unum & pollllcnr alterum? !!<;.ill b "i Alfgtli cllamt
eN'" Ufo & (:1Zt. CI".r;f_". mtt_mt. Sed ilh ad tempm crodent, non in ecrpeCllnm.
b.. Salvo judicio t ccldi;e Caeholicre Orthodoxz,videturmihi quOd Job de ejurmodi Ange-
lorum timore, five caCn, & rellicutionc:, five purgatlone prophetaverir, Cap. 4 1 . ubi ttiam ad-
die de miraculis ejufdcm : SlIb ipfo trltlft rllai f"lif • &- Iltrlltt jib. ur_m q".,ji IHr*",. Ancea
dixcrac. Cum Cu",latus fucrit cimebunr Angeli, & territi purgabuncur, &c.
b. . 0 Deus quam ecrribile futurum ell cempus iIIud, &c,
Jub . . ..... Scrii lH Dti "'Jlltria, & Dto grlfrioH agdif pro vt(fro [alvo .l1dll: ~ia '''''r~ i'/il
Itbl!l,dlfbllt cOlftra vos, & ",ulti ptritr_lft. Eju; potmli" prltvltltbllt,& co",mutilvst vt!frll", cur.
{11m ilf loc"'" illit i"CO(,"itll", : quilt ab illis trat txptfl4tllS. Std {ugirt lib hac ttrrlt, qu,,,
Maltdil1io Dti t(i [uptr ,Ua... Cu", iUo tft un" vtritM: lUt qui '. dUltbus 'l/iis trlft,l1on plltc-t Dto.
~i lIa fint'" "{oiUt ptrdurd, quit[cit cum gal/diD. Sui ill, qui ptJtm "Olf IDlfir inttr Scorpiolfts
II01f potr,t i"rrart [uptr Gu:.litcb.
1>., Q!!j.d hoc?
Jub ...... , Ga"aiu", ill VtT" [apitlltilt.
Jub ....... Hor "ollr.m til M~""", 'IUD "limlIT'. Std tg# rum {al1l1ificlttlls ptrCrtatiolfttll. III.
ftituti'lftm & 'x Divilfa 'IIo[II"'"lt. IJeirro vos {a"l1ific#: liD" ,14", ""11 proprill [lIIIliifi.'"ti. II', (."
illius ]_;filin, II"i ",tII", origilftnt [alluificllf. Eit#lt M#lfftJ in FiJt,[ta qN"ji i,,{41IW!l-tillftilt.
F aCilt IIu,d JUJ/H'" tjl, & lit obliv;,,,; traJatit Vti rl'", J_jl;l;a",.
B. K. lnfinita: qU.1fi loculla: vel Aranelt cum faciebus humanis illum
circum,o!itant, & quafi igocm in ilium evomunt·
Jub....... Et Itv,",it [. conlra vos. [Tollmd# Cr*ct", [_11m. ]
Jub ••••.•; Filtt ]-ftitill tjlts.
E. K· Jam avolant pra:cipites, & quafi deorfum ruentes·
Jub ••••••• Cllvtrt a jira",ilft: q*i" ;/fcm{_""totll d,,,,H,,, ;/fcmait•
•• Q!!.em fmeum hie pc:rpendemu's nos: Myfiicum ne~ an marcrialem ?
Jo' :& Jub.... H'.
A true ~eiaijo,n (J/ D. Dee his A'flions'11l;thj};rits) &<_
Jub ....... H,,,,ilfllrilfr_gi!iJ!i,.II'r,,,,,. J)illcolw c"",.jl/il !rll";,,,!tll'tr 0ttrll'lI1': "'-g1l11 tft
"'trcn q,"i~~N, Sui l[IIi Ilpptr,it fDrts coiltt1ltiolli, illtro",itfil Serptllw". tM .. lttliOj flit/I ;"vut; :
~ill illij'ulll btlltlU]i quirt ;;'111110 diligllllt. PAX illttr vosjil; qlli" eft lItet.!f"r;ll. ~i" pileis
jlll",ici [im! i!!ttlltts CI/i'nl VOl.
E:. K. J~m lqq~~oJ videtur minor & minor paul.1tim fiori·
A. De ncaro decelfu ex Anglia quid,tandem jalll Rqiua 8c fui cOflfiltarii /latutl'llllt '?
Jub....... Aptrit os [1111"" [edli~lIorJUJII tfi[.tis frigiJlII. JIl'" tft mtw ctl-lid., "e91 t!'./lin-
glli pott}I, Corall [IIi populi do fall away. Her anus arc weakened, her le~s weaker, h ..
ihooe5 arc full of forrow.
E . K. '{he furious Monnen affailc him again.
Jub ....... Sil.!!,is tfi'9"i pott(l vivtrt, ji trill/fgrtdilltllr prtctptll'" Dti' 11',1 qllid Jt illis jlllU-
r_rt vtti, whom' God IRlpUtech fin Unto?
E. K. They afIallc him again, and he puucth his Crolfe toward them.
Jllb. ...... Thtir "'if"] btgi"lItth, ."a Jhllil h"vt.o t.a, till he that fitteth here do cad ie.
E. K. The Monners affailc him frill·
Jllb ....... 7ht 'Will! m~fi be broll"t1l a,;'W1I, ,,"t/. lhtll Jhllilit bt {Ilia. Hllpp] tl-Tt lho. ,,"ieh ""jl
awtlr "molfg(lw. Bllt iftho"livlTighU~lIfly, Illfel il{ctllatht flipptr] moulft""" Tbtll .(b"ll God
" ;I , ,,'pltr
bt ",trri!,,/ to th,em for thy fake. Blellll[' ,hou "'Il]tft ht btlwla, "WNTe t.OIl .1'1 ,;owelt[piftd,
Il"d hllff vllxqllijhtd thJ tlftll/its, with ,ht tl'7ith of vtrl"t. He .hllt tlftua ilf", tht lo.tjt ltel~
/::J . tX ",, ' 11
Dti m;!eri.:ar.
ua jhtd his blooa f or JOIl1' jilfS, bt ",eTci!ul UlftO you, Il"a givt JOU PUCt ~ 'Which is th, liiri' of
Jjll. Piltimct, thllt ] ' " "'''] livt, Ifot liIV",t", bllt .s thofe .hlft ti~ ftp.r.flft thtm[tlvts !ro", f.e "orla,
to th, tr", CDIfI,,.pl.tiolf.j Goelhi, ","ci,s.
E. K· Jam intm in Caput, ..4. £. cum flamma ignis.
A. Omnis laus, honor, & g10ria lit Deo notlro Ornnipotenti vivo 8c vero. 4imm.
ThllrfJ.zy, OOobris 3. We came from Brit! co RottToa,;,. in a Hoy of AmfitTa4JIf,to go with-
in land, here we lay all ni ght.
Frid,,], OOobris 4. We came to TtT4fJrPJ hor" 3 ~ mtTiaie: where "e lay wiehin the Town
in the Ship.
Slltllra ll] , 0l1obril5 . We came by fJ.rltm to A",ft,rdll"" am;! lay before the Towa all
night in the Ship.
Tutf;;l1] Ollob. 8. We failed' fr'6m A_fltrt/"", to Elfe,,{m, and ,Edmo"a Hifton went with
my goods by Sea towat'd P4trs(. "
Wtnfdll),OOob·9. We ~c;t olffrom E1rcu{i" early: bllt by rcaCon of a contrarT wind, we:
came 'lfery lare to :tItT!ilfg~tI1;. , ,
Fridll],OOc6. 'II . We went within land in little Scutes from H"lilfgbt1l' (by FTlli"k"Ir )
to LNPllrJ",;
Se t 1(rd,,]. O£1ob. IZ, Feom Lt1urd,,,., we t{) Doclt,.'4'" Cin froall Soates, ) about 10f
-the clock: =after noon.

SUlfa .l] OfJob. I :. Apllel Doc"'-"", ill Frijia O" iatlltll/i.

A. Dill Chryfiallus canqnam lapis niji:rrimus apparuit. Tandem ill iLlfa, lI,pidlis 'IIi-
gredine, appaCJIit /:Iomo lIuclus Crucifixus fupercrucem: f.d tamen non mOnUII$.;, ,Cr\lcis
pattc'S illframanus, omnes fanguinoltntz 'Videbamur. Fafda linea circlIDldaba~lIl' CIlI'pits
ejus, Ca peCl:ore dcorfUl'n ) 8c fine! cjllfdem fafci'z pend ere vidcball[Ur circa ~elll};l: 8c IIn-
gllinolema apparebat : 8c,ex quinque 'lfulneribus ( utChrilli el1lc.) ytiitba(\I[' fa!lg11is,gutta_
tim cadere: ' , Tandctl)diCparuerunt hzcomnia : & qllafi deol'fllm fub.Gdcre '\'idcblltltUr i til;
lal,is clams fati:us eH,8c apparebat Cortina aUrea : Cubica el"oIe hzc ml!cafio.
E. K· Jam videtur lapis cffe valdc magnus, & ame lapidem narc quidam
magnus, ( quafi Michac:l ) cum gladio ancipitc cvorneocc: ignem ex utraque
acie eju(demo
Mic: ... ~: •.Juftlll 6- ",;rll~IH Ci- p" "fI:Jti",1/i IS til, '0 A/liJ!i",r P r ill,. [gmllfl(l jli xit h~r.
dieif] qu~ tllil judiei" "'.lfiftJfllt, III' P'J!is fi"/,, ttrTilw cO!!,ofc;; C/o Itt- It,ll. g/~rill Ilmplifiett,";,
IIa c;"f'/iltlOlft'" toru", qui tltDi {lP't, &- /l dolo""" C/o dtatCJII ,4,Ji,I/fl qui crllciji'gl(lft [fI,"lt1l
iitililai C."igt1litll", D,,,,i,;; "oftri, S "/"itt'Tlm hU"'.lfi gt"tris ) quotid;e. Eert po~r; pT",~ Il;'lt"
{u"t ilfi'l"itllti. Ath{{itt 'CIIl,s, & v;d'ete lJuo 7/I~dD filii, ho",i"l/;" {lWti atw"tr,/itt pfft ; qnili
tITII", hllbitllti,' tft fila. Ifigr., T"rlljigill"," tlf .d. lorll'" atl/rlill/onl",!- ,'P'.i,;i1l.t!l.'!! ;,ertl;-
lJl~trlllft, C/o jib,,,,tt ipjis IlJh4trJl11t; & /labuc i" pllrtts dtjJtCII"t St rVAtortm fIIlJlfd~ 1r[u7II, Chri-
fill'" [o[c.llltll1' t"jis [u; erll"'" ] co"tilfuD cU'" b/a[ph,,,,H torll", fitcrifiCiM. ', Vi VIM', q!,iol ill,s
,aiD prG{,qui",ur, & ve illis qui inter illoa habitallt:'1 qNi" ilfiqllitll~t!f"l ptJlllri:'", lOl'Ittt, 411",
i"'t~ i/l,s tflit, qll;1I v~~ri ,ilfi,!,j'Ci[u~t "'"lfip.l~c~r;, qllilt t'obN aieo 1I~lfcium J)p~'ilf4. t":~r~itu,,,,,,
Rtgw fidtllU"" l{el"'9I1,tt 'lffant,."" &- V,v,ft, &- .",bullltt ptr '/JIM prllatlftT.t ;,,& 'V'''!lIt cu ...
'])to 111 aD"" fllit. ~i. V''''III'I'';gIlDrIlIll. ,,011 tft hitbit"ti, vt~ fi'dt ] "prGllhldi15,',htT;.tpotdt
~A lruefl{:ellltiohQ{D. D~e his Affiant ,.,ith fpiriu, &c. 37
N,mm DJ"'ini eJfllni legiti,,;~, in illegitima Natione, iIIegitima filail, qui" tltrtliqutrunt (ilftUt4 Th.rc- - ;o~d~
Alrillmfi Hoc aicit vmmlll; E.~o {I'''; Vtlll Jutliri~: «I- jlll"lfVI &- "on tft "",III ilittT ilfos Wcre mudi
qlli 'II/'Vlr, i~o ,If I Ullft !tn;m~. , 9<!!.",odo Bt.f/i ~ tJf, tiN/tlft.,unt l al q*iblll fcript";" tft., Ab/C!s worn OUt.
tlotitilf Vti. : Ho"" illt folt/IM tft ptCIM Vita illorllm, qlli at1lorttlltur, &- tatium quos iglfH C01l-
{uinpjif(6dait :ill jllJicD' rOlltra if/am' Nlttionlm.
BlrJft a ana. S"nai/ieJ., lInd for tvmllort prifi[td 'ltrt thtu ...... lI1J!h ",bicb "4ft [ilia, *,,4
Kltig"t ll for tvtr.
A Si ·.iMtip"licati ·f1int inimici rioGri, C.c.
E. IC. He ill gone·
t.. Si Dlultiplicati fmu inimici nollri propter pect'lta nci(lra. lit dilliciiior nobis ·ihCUIIi.
bat lufra, Mifcricordiam Dei imploramns Ut ipfe lIoftram etiam multiplic~t fortitudinem, &c.
Gab ....... Plllck,.up YOllr htart" b~'IP JOIII" k.!I~ts, & audice quz dicit Dominus. Thill fltith
the Lord, I f) OII 'Will prroailt ag:ti"jl tht 'Wirk,.ta, alia rtj:]el a"""l.tht [anmfitd,)oll mul/ ob[trvt
Itnd k..rtp [il;b co'",11"tndmtltts, ItS art ordaillta tJ tht Goa of Trllth;) IInto t~[t th4t IIrt pllrtit/(trs
ofbis Covmall.t .
As"- 01l1l[d of Goe! ; K~IfWflb", it.•
Bt mildt. E. K. GabrM alfo nottd tly{f. Com"
Fa(illnd praJ.
Bt Clurrirablf. man dments ' 11'
.' a palt. 0 fTabl es, a fire:r
V[t Il'lIt FrimJjhJp in tht [t~viCt of Goa. he had pronounced them.
Pr~[fllfrt to the md.
Au nct thtfe Com",ltnJmmts neef§arJ to be ktpt of all Chrijfiltn meit?
A. They are undoubtedly.
Gab. . •••.• AHa "'"/r of nfetflit) bt k.,tpt of tho[t tbat a~t fltithful.
[ E. K· He: Handcthas though he Hood behind a Desk, and preached or
taught. ) .
Gab.· .... . :. wtll thou [a,y fft; Lo 011T men/ies irt .",-ultiplitJ., multiply thou thtrtfort Dill" flrtngth
o G9a. Natllrtil [ubjtl1tmto YOII for tht 714t1fe of th' L ~ rd', n t ItS unto Kings, blli liS unr-o the
Millijffrso( hit tttrllal fJ'ill, 'Wht r,by)our ju(fijicltlion it [tttltd abolle tht '1I'ork,.sof N4tUre 4'rtaay!
l"or, btbl>ld,J' u p'lIttici,'Jlltt the "'trcits Df God thTolt!,1i his So;' Chrift ]tTIII, ill ~: in that 'Wt
opm IInto y, u tho[t things tbtlt havt btt" [talttl; t vm frol/l tht lui, for the which we art bteomt
Pl/vtS Kllto Corr/lptiol/ ; jbt"'illg ollr [tlVtS in divers (hapts, to tht aijhonoHr of ~Ur Cr.t alion: rtt
4rt 'We quick.."rJ and rtVIVta, bec4ufe 'Wt Itrt btcomt the jittgtr of G.J : and .lOll art [anlli!itd,a"d
witbal jUi/i/itd, becall.ft yOIl lire touched 'With the jiwgtr I>f hi"', d,at rtvivlt' Itll th 'nts; Thtrtfort;
Ktill]ct, Ilrjo)'et, be ]o)fu[lIndjillg Praifn "nto God, and fain' nOl: raying, Oll.r tlflmits Itrt
riIm liP agai"j/ III, )ta, IhtJ 4rl multiplila ; for thlll [tlith the Lora, Itlla it is alr'ltd) ftok,.ell bj
the Holy Ghoj/.
[E. i(. He makc:th'nowgreat obedience or reverell'Ce' j
F~!;cts lunr, qltibut 'D~1I1 !pes eft.
[ e· K. He looketh now up unto a thing like a Throne· J
Et omne OpH$ oper""jo Dei.
[E· K· Now (.beclt cometh a beam down into hi$ helld, aO'd he is t~
vered with a great thing like a wbite cloud· 1
E· K. Npw the Stone is all on fire· NoW the fittJ arccnd~h upward;
the firc:aming beam firetcheth it,1to his head Hill· .
£. K· There: appearech a' litth~ woman a far off, And Ute is-fo.clear ~d
tr.lOfparenc, that there appearcch a man child in'herr She h:tth a Cc~:as
though it VIIele Crimfon, and hatlt a long little face, and hath a Hrange Glk
attire about her head· .... a;: ..'PidetHr elft u%or mea·
0a&. , ...... Go woman, Ihy gritf Jh4ll ~t Itfft th4n it hatb btln.
E· K. Habe' m,Iltos tttnqulIfH par"Vo. nigrol canes poP [e. Now goeth
one and·tydh thcitmourhs with packthred.
Gab.... , ..• So Gpd u[rtb togiVH [lCAjJft'tO tht 'Wirk,.td:
E· K~- ·Agrea[ Wind bloweth Oln Ga.rit/.
A. De Angliz& mea privato btu clipio aHquid / audire: tum ex' pict:lteergapattiam,
tum propter f.tmz me-l: raeionem.
Gab.':...,:: Il<!!.itf~itt paullll""" &- itt'rll'" '!Itntro. MJ Lord [aitb, bt mJ [ervltlfts jit up; t.. ~!: t:lt
6114,tllk.~. thlir 't,lr, I wlllv;fit thtm forthWith ill pellCt; ~lkcid.
A. After
38 A true Relation of Dr. Dee his ACli(lnJ llIith (piTits, &c.
A. After a great quarter of an hour, he came again.
E· K. He appeareth now clothed, With-all his garment haf'lgiof?; .. jtb
bells of Gold, and flaming fire coming from them, with fi!verHh flame ••
He harh hanging about his Crown as if they were: leven Labc:l1s, the tOps of
which come from above, from an uncertain place and difiance·
Gab ....... Vellil. MDT1IorgrA". E· K. He calleth with a loud voice
E· K. Now cometh a big black man, with a "hite f.lce) and after hi~
hath 1.4. They {land in four row~, and in every row {iX'
Gab ....... LeI mt {et thJ [ellie.
UKor • ...... Behold power is given to me: Neitber is the Iiql10r that thou miniil:reft of
any tafre with me; Neither /hall [ be overcome, for I have placed my feat here.
Gab ....... But b) 'III,~o[t, ptrmiJJi III Gllg lah IIlli.
E. K. NJW .;;J1orllo·gran fal!eth donn on his knees, and the reR on their
face. Medicintl Vei,mtlir, 714ft;,;,. 'TJera.
B K. T, :ey mmblethatl'eBaton the ground.
E. K. Mor'l'o'grA" thewech to Gabriel on hill own left breaR a Charad:er.
Gab ..•.•.. I"~r 19 mOllelhs. Beho/J Iht '1Pill of Goa: lItC/tu[,lhou half ClII[pirea Il1/d rife"
Agai/!It th~ Lor/I, ill his cho(m, "'Hd [aia; It it to 'IIIett tho[t thAt Art{ubjd1 UlltO thet, Ltt ut
TI{t lip "ga;lIit him, a"d perrec.utt his {Oll/ : ltl IK '(trrell] '1I1rap him, for, wirholll J."bt, h. is
r;tb. ..4"d htcallrt J IIr cOII[pirAcirs art Hot of thtft olltl] , bllr [ 11[[0] 0/ muraer: 'thertfort I
[fill thtt with II 'IIIfait"" pO'lJltr; ..4ntlbt it IIl1tO ,h'e IICCorJ;IIg ""tu tht'lllortl of God, that juaget/'
Rig!,l ro ·flJ. From ffJil 111110 'IIIor{t. From .".r[e IIlItO cOllrlljioll. From cOllfllfioll 111110 J,-
[ptration Frolll tle[ptrllt'oll lin to dllm"At;oll. From a:smnlllion IInto ,urMAI atllth.
[E. K. Now Gab,i,l did PUt another prick to the Charattc( on his lefe
brcalt J
vltor• ...... Curfed be that God, and defaced be his power I for he handleth us in un-
jufrice, and dealeth with I\~ without mercy; Becaufe he is noc merciful nor jull.
E. 1(. Gabritl goeth from me to one of the &4. and {ealet(} them. Now
thy go all anay i and he breaktth off the pomes of their Swords. They
h~m~'1l en me Morvor&ran, ....
quo mad 0· hzc nob"11111 ft·,CUlt
" Ia.)
Gab....... IJocit"IIIII, rholl jhllit CIITT} thit mlllice ".10 th.J grll'llt: Bllt I hA'IIe made wealt.. thy
ftrmg'h. B'rfftd bt thort Ih"t tllUrtai" Ih [t Ih.~ Are allllo;"tuJ in Ibt Lora: (or Ib,) a/[ojhJtll
tajte of tht oil of h" ",er,). I haa ,art of)oll,Jalth Ihe LorJ, "ellher JIll/[ J [,.iftr )011 to p,rijb
ill the'lllll}; Therefort ht Ih4ltk.!1I1, IIHd for[a/v tht 1Por[,J; for tht 1I10rld hath jor{"k.,m }OU, ""l
fOIlJpired Ilgailfjf )011. Bill thlrt Ihi"ls Ilrt 1I0lhillg. Bthola LtI}ffJ, rh!" [Ailh rhe Lora.
E. K. Now cometh a lalel: or helmet on Gabml hlS hc:'ad, or an half
fphere; A great noi fe 0.£ many voices is heard as of Pillars thaI: fell· Now
that thing is takcn offhlS bead·
Gab ....... 'Ihw [ailh tht Lortl.. 7Dt '1Porla 011 hOlh fiaes, j1JJtll rift lip aglfillJi Ibu, Illlt!. th"
{hall tHV) thet.
E. K. Now cometh a beam from above ( again) into Cjabriel hi$ head.
Gab ....... GIIIl [tlllmb 1tbll[ll11 ~o"fllg 'IIi '.p ntph Jehllflach o",[om"" aeJoilb.
E. K. Looking up, he raid thus,
Hoc ,ft [E. ~. Now cometh about his facc
N, PI/V'" rtpt"tin.
little things of {moke, and he puucth
them from his face· He would open
terrort: &- ,rs'tlltes tib; hi' mouth, and they come upon his
pottllti.. ImpiOT""" mouth. They rife out of a pit before
him, inumerable. Gdbri,l fcemcth to
LIIS'Vt, 1)Ollli"lII.
be as big as one of us.
[ B. K. They {warm continually. 1
d true'R.!'ation of Dr.. Dee his AElioTI$ ~ieh fpiriu, &c. 39

[ Gab....... Adhllc D • • s laboro ] E. K. Now cometh

[ E. K; Now cometh another

a fire down by the
fame beam that came
Greaming beam down to him· ]
into his head.

[Adjutor mrlll;] E. K. Look-

ing up .
..... Now cometh a bigger fire
down on him. ]

[E· K· Now they run headlong

down into a great pit in the earth, and Sprra igitur '" Jomi/i"m Dtllm tllllm
one pinchech me by the head. ]
For thou lhalt overcome;

V Irit tibi VUIorilt ma;cimlt;

E, K, Now the aforefaid fpiriu invade Gabriel again. ,

Gab ....... What I fulfer, is not lawful far mlt1l to {tt; Thtrtforl Ctlt[1 for" whilt, and {lIf~
ftCt nlllllrt: Rut rttllrn and brar of my rommandmtnt.
e. K. He is gone, but his Desk Handeth Hill.
Sunday a mtridil horlt 2. Oa:ob~ J 3'
Gab ....... .Alfd hereby I trltch you, that tbo{t It fJli[Jiont which you fulfel'ill [0111 lithrr for Jour
ojfmctS towards God, or for tht i",ptrfdiions of your ",illan, bting void of brothrrty ch-rily to-
wardJour ntighbollrs ; ( Alld [0 from you gmlrltlty hrrtafrfr, how gTtat, or how man) [uvtr )
ougl,t not to br manif'lltd or mlld~ Optn to tlrt world: but ptrftlity foado'l1Jtd, in Chltrity, blarilfg
Jo. r aWII infirmitits, Itnd [0 thl infirmity of othlrl 'Il'ith qlliet and hiddm >IIindr. For the an-
guijh of thr [ofl/;1 compared 'Il'itb prltJtr, d'll'llli"g ill ont hOIl[t wbich ollght to lallgh with th~ World,
altd to wup rOTPards htavm. For every jill is nottd, and tbllta;f thing as wdf imJng,It thl Cdt-
flialbodits, as tht Ttrrt{1iltfl is ptrftl1/y c911fidrrtd of. For jin hntb his md, and hit md is
pUllijhmtnt. And [0, contrIlTywi[~ of V~rtul , W.,[dom (ill the ont and twmtilth Ent .' • ilor
L .• • , ) His gr.und is UPOIt mildnr§t, wl,ich mildltflJe pllrifitth the tod) and lxalttth thl foul,
mttlt,.i"g it apt and rtadJ to bthold tht htltvms, ftClivt gforioll4 illuminations, lind filla{/y bringeth
;If rht [0111 to p«rtidpatt, with UI, n,t tIlrth!.J; but tvtrlajring wi[dom. Thl SOli 6f God was
falfliifitd ill hid f/tjh, throllgh mildnrlJf, and was not of thid wor/4, breau[1 hi was the ,,;ildllflJlof
his F /,htr. 'Thtrtfort bt )'91/ mnk.. : . Bt (trvmt ;11 mttk..n1J't. Thm .jhall JOII tak,t liP that
Croft which Chri/r fpok,.1 of, followilfg hi", f which Crofft is tbl compafJion ;11 mildlftfft ovtr thy
brcthrtlt,Ior {ill (ak..l: Not IlS worldfi~f!.s do, lookjng, bllt not lamtlftillg. . 'Tht othtr pltrt if in
!riff/ring mildly tht afJIil1;ons of tht fl'orld, Itna f/rjh : H "tb) )Otl brcomt Mltrt)'rs for that you mor·
tifit JOur (tlVt;, 'Il'hich is trut M artyrdo.". H t that for[ak,.tth tht world for thl lavI of God, m
hid SOli Chri{r, jhall havt hi! rtward. Bllt bl that forfak,.tth him[tlf, jhall bt crowntd with a Di a•
JIm of Glor): Thill faith thl Lord, 1 It'" jtalous ovtr JOu, bteau[t you hltvt vowtd )Ollr [tlvls Ultto
;'It. Bllt grlat art th, ttmptations of tht f/lfo, IlIId might) H hit jrrmgth whtrl tht [pirit is "",aft...
40 A trMef1{tlation of D. bee his Allion1t~;thhirits,&'c:.
Bllt tbMs {eith God: It .is bttttr to fill lip tbt SOI/( "'itb buvt"lj ronttmpletio", e"d cltltfticel
food .. t , rti!" i" belule", elld tu bt bt/oved 'f bim : Thtn to pemptr the filtb) fit", ."bo[t dtlight tit-
ftr~J't" bot"~'h find Sou/. . It is ."riu,,,, H t tbet bridlltb ",ot his f/:fk, is ! iv'II to ri, toll/"'fft,
",bicb it tilt flup "of 4tetb, alld tbt flllmbtr to dtjtrul1ioll. B"t thit is trut abjtintllCt, ."ht" COII-·
wimillg tbt ";brlt! }} tht dtligbt tbtrtin : rrtrll.inj"g from plt4{IITtS . of tb~ ~odJ, T,,,,ptrllli,,,
tb, jltfl?, ""J "uiIJ"g it ",,.~, a"d tbllt ,for tbt L ' rd bisfelv.· . For' the jltjh lind fpirit Tt)O)"
}fot at 011( '. . Ntitbtr CIIII tht full bell) gro"t Ollt trllt prllltrS, .Ftta. thtrtFoTe tbt S,,,I ",itb th,
101lt of O/IT [ot ilt). Alia briJle JO llr jle[h \ For it is tll[ol,,,t. qne thi"g, I [Il}. loo~ to )Ollr {,r-
vallts. Sft, tbllt in 0'" hour, thlTt dw,ll 1I0t deliqhttrs ill vertue alld boli"tffe, millgled
."itb [ucb III bllroow . viet UpOIl vic, : Who[t dnmill/,n'if' is IIbominlltio", lind ."ho{e· aitt .flir-
Teth liP forni catioll. For wicl(.tdntift is .",o"g;t th"" : a"d tht) fear not God, ntitbl r do Ibt)
abfta) n, IlCcordil1g III tbt holy . Gh~Jt b} his Chl/rch blltb w ight. Mil"" tbn" dun : 'lbt" jhall
}.ufttlow pr4tnt't amo"g ltJoll. Al1d1f/t .will 411 of III a,fma}oufrom tb, rage of ."icl<Jill1tJJe.
W, ddight ;11 tbt God of Iru,h , IIl1d,il1lb• ."orjhippers of ThilS fllytth the holy Gh.,f :
Lo, I hav, Ifl/ttle me a 'I derllaclt, ."b,re the God of Goas rtiglltth in Jllft.iet. Ad I will fallli ifie
tho{e pillces ."hich rejo)ce ilf ch.r,t). Mi"gle thtrefore JOllr AI",s With chllrirJ. Ana Itt your
pra)ers IIlId fllfling H minglea witb AI",s auds. f , r bt Ibat pra)eth IIl11i failtrh witbout ",trcy,it
" l)ar . Mgrtovtr, Itt Jour (ritnd(1-;p ~ e {rICh, III it of cb.rit), /I "a not of thil "orld ; Neithtr for
the "oru's [lIltt, fut f or tbe {ervice of G,d : All frimdjh,p tift it VIIi", ""d of If0 acCII"". Cbllrity
Wth, g;fr f tb, H ' IJ , wbicb H ~ lj Gl>"f;, II kj"tflil1g'jirt , ~!'itril1g 'thilfgs ,og,rbfr, .'hrough
Chr;,f Jt[us ; in the 'ru, ,,;[40711 'of tb, F ,ub,":: Wbifh /irt:;; of np {",/lll aCeI""t, n,itbtr to be rtc-
/tg",d of, III tht Helfthells ""Vt Jont. Fot' beppy"re Iho[r 1I'bic. lire ftJ 7IIith cbllrill. Fdr it it
the mtllt of //I th.t "rt "noilltt4, "h;,b it tbt [Olf of Goa, Ilna tilt [igbt ifthe wirlJ.
b. . Is charity the ron of God ?
Gab.••..•• It w[0: H, that .""llr,ttb;" cbllrit} wII ''''tth In God l for cl,IIrif) it tb, "il/ of tbt fll-
thtr, it hi; '11'11 a -ligbl , lI"a ill"min"tio" of the f/litbf"ll , .hr••gII bit Holy Spim. 'Ibt cbllri!)
of fh, Chllr,b, it tbt H ,I} Gho/t. But h, J",lIerb i" cbllrif), d"tlletb lit Ibt bl."d of tbe
LII",b, which it tht frill of the (llthtr, which i.J tht Holy Gb,P. Blrffta IIrt thofr tbllt dJPfll ill
charif). Perrevere to the eud: N , t lIegligentlJ, bllt ."i,h goo'/' ."ill, wbirh gooJ will, it ",lied
fttlr. IYltirb f'IIr;; tbt btgil1l1ilfg of 7IIifao"" tbt {irjt IItp i"t9 Tefl.
Flni. CI)I'~~ Ht .hllt COII~illlltlb to . tbe tnd, Ttctivttb h~ r",a~a:. But kt tbll, I,IIvet.h oif, it II Jlfmntd S."l,
op\la. M4"J melf btgl", b"t ft" e"a. N~ithtr II ).N' }"/ttficat,,n b) tbt btg'lIn'lIg, bstt frJlf, thr elld,
Paul WJf jNJfi/it4: BerllN{e ht died rf t {trt,"nt of God, a"a "ot for his prtllebillg fA~t . Hr Ihllt
J'IT.llttb to the ma, is the Cbilae of Goa: i"bmttr of t'IIerlllJfing life . lind tqllal with j o, hi",fe/f I
Nol the jv of jD)ts, but tbllt j ~J ."hich God batb mllde t9"111 "itb tht joytS of bis fo" CbTlft, #n tht
co",p"n) of the fllt/br"lI. Evm i" this pla"~ ' , flfany perfo. s hlta confpired ag"i,,}t YON. Bllt the
Jlrtngth of Goa hath [tald tbelll: A"a tbt} jhall "ot bt ""p""ijhtd. F.r tht Anf,rl of the T~"'II is
feilltd, ua bis ftlll it to dejir,,{Jiolf: Thrice (I,r[,a lire thofe whicb JJPtU."itbin bit govtrnlllellt. BII'
JOu lire fafe) e"a /hall be [arrly aelivtreJ from thtm.
III·England, Tht) cDltdrmnt thy tlDillgs, IIlId {ay, '1ho14 art a'Relltgaae. For thtJ ray, ThON hllft
Enc1and• d,fpiftd thy P,inre.
E.gI.nd. Whllt W' Nlellt thoH /{.no", of thelll 1 Cea[, till )"" hfllr the n"",btr of tbtir atfirlllliolf.
6 '),j /".lIi. Ddire what pla1;ue you will (raith th~ Lord) upon this pepple, for their ungrattfulnelfe,and
Jlv'~ m mihi they /hall be afliillcd. for tht Lora tS allgr) .",tb tbe", : alta br fa,tb, -J"dgt YOIl thIS
(, I/UJjl ji ,'N" people, tbtir T o."", Me., WO"'tlf, IIl1a Childr", : Alia it 'jhll/[ be {ttlf Ibllt tht Lord, tbr Goa of
ptrt., ce. H.tavtlf alld E'rrb, billb mtrcy .n J oN.
b. . Nonnollra, fed Dei volllnta~ fiat, ad ejus nominis landem II!: honorem.
Gab . ..•... Bid the fires fly flOm Heavell, and confume them, and it Ihall be done : Or , fll),
Let the Earth [wallow them, A"a Ih,) (hall pt rijh. F r 1 b/lv, mlldt Hrav tll arid Ellrrh , (failb
tht Lord) lind ••••l"t/ice is (or m) ptOplt. I tim " fill",ing fi re alt/o"gle )0", alld th, R9a of J"-
ft iee It is r.i , Huve lIP Ihy ba"ds, IIl1d tho. jhalr bt hurd. The peace of bi", tbat if tlu
fpirit of "ifdOlllt injl.",t YONr ",i"aes ",tb love alia cbarit) ,IIltd grllllt )011 COlllillllll"" to hit
A. Amen.
])ro iEttTIIO, Omllipou"ti 6- Mi{tricordi fit omnls./,,"s,£onor, &- Gloria. Amen.

TlltJall) IS. OBob. We mad,c hard /hin to get from Doc ....m to Angtm by fun fet.
7'bHr{daJ 17. Ollob. We came from AlIge", to Embilt", going withollt the Illcs, and coming
iuat Weller E1J,b. We rame before the Town, by fix of the Clock afrer noon: but could not
get in at the Gates, and therefore we lay all night a lhipboard, but mr
Lord A. L. went over
to the lodping on the other thoar.
frid,,) i8. Ollob. We came into the Town: My Lord lay at the whire Swan taward the
water-fide, and I, ·and E. K. with my Childrm and Many at the three golden Keyes; by the
El1gliPJ houre. ' •
SlIlIaa) 20. Oaob. This day morning about eight of rhr Clock we went in a litre Hoy from
A true 'i?..eftltiofJ of Dr. Dee his Ailir;ns '¥Pith /piritJ, &c.
-_ ._ .. _---
E",bdtll toward LJTt, my Lord tarried at Embdm. We came late to LJrt : and the fame night
we \tent frOm thence in a Jdfe Scute by StJ"..·hu[n; to O!pm.
MUlldaJ 21. OGl:ob. By nine of the Clock in the morning we tame to Oppm : a vel'Y limpl!!
Village, and from thence we went Itraight way to O!dmCl1rg".
'1ut[da).22. O£tob. From Oldmhurgb, by Dtlmmhllrft, to Brtamt : alld'iUTt lodgtd at Itll old
w;d01l'j htT hou[t; at tht figll of tht Cro."lI.

Sarurday OOobris 26. Horlt l2,[cil. in Mtridit. At Brtamt.

6. The Lord Albtrt LIHk,.it, being at Styc!t...-hll[m behinde us,with the Earle John of EmbJtll
and Fritfl«lId,&c.
E. K. The Curt en feemeth to be far backw~rd in the flone : and the ilono
to be clear between theCurten and the fore.part. Under the Curten I fee
the leggs of men up to th~ knees.
A. Then appeared one, and faid :
II . ...... Room for a Pl~tr. ]tfNS, Wh9 W01l1d havt tho light, Ijhollld have met you here?
B. K· He is all in his ragged Apparc:l l do"n from the Girdle freed: Buc
above he hath a white Satten Gerken.
6. By the mercies of God we are here: And by your will and propriety, and the power.
of God you are here.
II. ...... '1ujh, doubt not of mt,for I am J. L.
E. K· My thloketh tIJ4rthe grll'l1il) of,hi5 Action"requireth a more 1,r4-"
geflurt, and more1,ra'lle JPttebes. Bear with mc) though I fay [0 unto
II....... If I muft bUT with thu~ for [ptllkjng foolijh/y, which art hut jlt(h, altd rp e ak"~/l of thJ
own wi[dom : How much "'Ort oughtt/l thou to ht cont~1fttd 7I'ith ",y {.fj/Nr~~wbich;' appointed ~f him,
whicl, rtgllrd~tb not tht outward for"', but tht fuljilli1fg of hil will; allJ. -tht /tuping of hit Com-
71/1lnd"unts: '/Phi ,;h itGoJ : whoft wi[aom 1IIItO til, world. it foolijhntjJt, but untD them that fur him,
It" 'Vtrla ltinJ!, joy, mixtJ. with gladnelfe, and IZ comfort ,f Itft b~r~after: infallible
iO]ts, wi tl,hi'n rhat it IIll "omtlintjJt and. beaM}. How [a} JOII to this, Sir, Ha?
e· K. He turneth lip his heels to c· K.
E. K. I do not underfiand your words: for becaufe I do ondy repent
your fayings.
]/; "'o,. It is tht part of him that it a ftTVant to do this Jut): Of him that fIIatchtth, to /001:,
wbltt he ruth : For th~ grtat~jt point of fIIifdom, is, rtvertntly, to confider thy calling. It is [aid,
do that, .",hich is appointed, for ht tbat aHb- ",ort~ .is n't ,It trllt ferva"t.
B. K. How can that be ~
u. ,.. ','
Sptalt,. whtll thy tillle etmtth. Sir, htr~ is mony: hut I havt it vtry hardly. Btllr witb
mt, for I can htlp thte with no mort. Comt 011 Andras, '/fIhtr~ art y.u Andras?
B. K. Now cometh one in a Gown to him· The Gown is bare like a
prentice of London, a young man·
II ...... Did not I hid. thu go Jonder, alld fttch mt mont].
AnJrlH ..... Whither.
II...... 'Ibis is one of tlmn that forgttttth his bufi"ejJt [0 foon IH it is toll him.
And....... Sir, I wem halfway.
II•• ,," A,1fd how thm 1 Speak.. 011, Sptlll:. .11.
And. • ...... Then being fomewhat weary:] /lared, the rather becaufe I met my friends, The
third day I came thither: bue I found him not at home. His family told me, that he was newly
gone forth.
11. ,.... Alld JOU rtturned a CoxcDmbt.
di~ what J could to promott thu: and mdtalilTn'td dayly to ma"..e tbu ,'ft.
Well thlls it is : I plactd thft ahovt m) ftTVants, anti.
Bitt I «mrtw«rdtd
WIth /oytrt1lg, alia have hrought up an idlt perron. G., th) waJ, I .",ill aeNvtr thtt t. tht Offiur. 'lbt
Offictr ]hall dt/IV!T thtt to tbt Pri(on : and thtre th,lI jhalt h~ rtwardtd. F OT [uch IH do that thty
art commanatd, de(trvt frudoM : hut IInto thoft that 10Jtrt, ana unto fucb /If «rt idlt , vtngt~n't,
and hunger belongtth.
E. K, He taketh him by the: arm)and delivereth him to a man with a fiaffc:
in his hand: and he pUlteth him in at a door.
G £. K. Now.
A true'R...elation of Dr. Dee his ACiions~ith jjir;ts,&c.
E, K. Now 11 himlelf goeth into a hou[e , which all this while app('arcd
Ollthe left hand.
11. ..... COMe Olt.
[E. K.] Now he-bringeth another by the hand.]
II. .... ; 0lo[y thill/Vtb you Jhould be Il fit mall to d, my m'jfllge.
E. K. Now he whilpercch him in the ear, and poinreth out h ....
11...... I J:liTrrlfllt the IIIIlIt, be not IlbllfouJ.A /frange matttr.
[Pointing to E. K.] .
11 ....... 1 have l'ufilleJ[e ill Denmark, alld this fe/low is IIfrllid to go tbitber : Tell bim ,thou c~
null from me, all~ tb".f I will come my [elf ftJort/y. I Ir,,'WIJI be will do [0 1/IHCb for "u, bt blltb bad
'mucb acqlllzintaJ/ce with IIIe •
...... I care 1I0t, if I bad rome IfIlln to k./ep me Compllny.
[E.K.] This ne" come man [aid fo.]
E. K. He whifpereth again with this man in his C2r.
II ...... Thefe good are not ready, Dr elfe the) migbt go witb tbu. Go 'tby wa) ill Gods
>lame: Stt tbat you do jour bufilfejfe. I "'ttp [lICb feYVallts, IH 1I0ne ill 1111 tbe CoulltrtJ "-ttp-
E. K. He keepeth no fervants.
11. ..... Meddle with tbat,you hllv. to do with all. I prl,J this mall, Illld tbllt man, IIlId every
011' dicn11eth IIIe. Goo_a Lord, ..b.u foould II mall filld. a. true friend now Ildll)t$; I will go
""J. fIll the k.."4V. fhllt b. p~ovidt for biM[elf. For it 'fIIIil! b. mIlYVt/!o/M bllrd 'lFelltber. ,Tou TlPeu
b.ft to do [0, lr.r/t you bID.", )our Nllils.
E. E. Hefpeaketh toone within the hOllfe.
II. ...... Tb/M JOTI ret me (Mllffers) ho.", I Ilm trollhled witb III) [eyvallts. Ho.", no'RI 'RIbat ailetb
[ E. K. There cometh:a woman round about his houfe, and the feemeth
to pa1Ie by him· She is in Englifh Attire.]
II...... 1 "'ill l{,no'RITlPhat IIiltth ber to cr). Wbat Ililetb tbu?
WOlllan. One: of my Children is de:ad,
11 ...... AIIM poor Cbilde : Ho'RIlJlln Cbildren refift cold l fo. migbt hAve k./pt it 'filar"",. Cold
pierCtth,'fllhere foot cllnn~t tnttr.
"A. This woman is not of our Company? I trull, None of our Childre:n) thall perilh in
this cold.
n...... Ha, .A,)our qildrm l YOIll{,Up them 'RIllrm : It will do th,m "0 hurt. '!b,[. tbat IIr.
'RIIlTned, efchue dllngtr to come: For m",,) things IIrt prtventtd b) tbe qUlllity of TlPi[dom.
ll. I trull, we /ball fafe arrive at the place .ppointed, in erIlC,.", or e1fewhe:re.
G. But as concerning Villcent SeVt, brother in Law to the Lord Alblrt LIM"'ie, I pray YOIl to'
!hew us the truth of his fiate.
E. K. I fee him walking in a fireet; and a thick man with-him; And Ger.
li/h feemeth to comeafccr him. The thick man his beard is fome"hat like
my Lord his beard, he cometh after Vinee,.,. Vi""n, hath a black f~tten
Dubblct on, cut with croffi: CUts; He hath a ruffe about his neck, a long one
edged with black, or blue.
Note. A. 1 befee:ch you. I. L. to Chew 115 what Town that is.
11. ..... Spellkjng to bi", that fotTlletb it : -for I /hew it not.
11 ...... I rcmelllter not tbe name of an} [ucb 1'0'11111. ~em Deus non amat, non novit.
E. i(. Now (he Town appcarcth agalD, the Sea runneth by it. There is
an old rotten Church Handing at the Town end. The Town fcemeth [0 be
60· or 80' miles off·
E. K· It fee01eth to be Embdlll in my judgement.
E· K. But 1'i,",,,, and GIr/i(h feern not to be in one Town,or areC'c'
b.. I befecch YOll to fay unto LIS whether A. L. be fllrniChed with money, at Grave John his
hand, fo as may fe:rve Our turn, or no.
II ...... If I bllv. not to/dJ~u, I TlPi!!. Tou grudge 1ft me.
[E. K.] He Ipeakcth to E. K.
II ..... Judge
etA true~/ation of Dr.. Dee hit Aflions 'With fpirits> ,&c. 43
Jl . ...... Juagt;"'J words witb rta[OIl, alld thou jh aII, find~ ,Ibt m Irut, T Ollch tl'on will> under- Not~.
ft nnding, and thou.fllfllt fi,'fdr thrm profound. My words art tr.Ut, BtCal'ft '['alii (ent by Trllth :'
Ntithrr aT't Wt to [prak..!.ra7Jrly, 'lPhen' wr ta~t upon III thr ptr[om of Bu,trs ana St!/trs .. Tr.;ofo-
t vtr' dolh Ibr will of bis Mafttr IrUt ly in this W orld , (hall bt lllugh:d to [corn: B'lt rpt a /t..~ t"
"fIIorldly and [mdelh o/,t jhadows;H a;collntrd a pillilr or tl·t EarFb. Happy art thof, which art
1I0t f ooii(h, ntither iii work.,' (ay, There is no God;. Such rtq'lt/t. f'! ch an[wtT. SHeh tarth/j
mindt,fllch brat'enlj m',tions. Yet Heavenfprak.,rlb Irutb, alld tbe Earth lyuh. Thi.! is 1I0t my
officr wilich 1 have I ak..rn in -band; y et brcaJft 1 have ae alt 'II'itb you as a worldlillg, 1 was the fit-
tejt to anfWtr y oltr worldlj 'Xed /atIOIl . _ , .
/;,. As you have dealt WIth us, not accordang to your office, but ac~ordmg to 0~1I' world-
ly expeUation: So now do we defire to undel ftand ComelVhat accordang to our hIgher and
heavenly expa.tation, of oor doing the drlerm inttil will of the Higheft.
B. K... He is gone, and all the Stone as red as blood. Via. infra.

E K. Now he is come again; an4 fiandc:th in the fire.

II....... Thill [aitb t'he Lord, Iha vr fallgbt you h9W to !iVt, I have [d j au StatutN, IlIIa
'''lV' wiJhed you m) Peace; Follow mr,alid I will br JOItr God: For unto tbm, dhat aie wi[e,}hal! Sopr. in ftnt
there be more wi[dom givrn; But ulito them tbltt are become foolifh, my 'II'i[do", H a • .. ' a", 13: 00. &
fiherr five )rars to comr, are the Drliveranee • • • Yta,[orr~w Jhal! bring forth her Childrt K/;Pg:;i.A;r.F
M) H on;ur Jhall be defaced, and m) hof] plaers plllclV. No lIIan harh rvrr [rm fucb it. world: For of A,.,\84.
NoW jh.ll tbr] [ay unto the MOllntains, Comr and ( over III, and IIftt o tbe Water;, Swallow Ilf up: If Sf , lI S~,
for we know there is no God; neither if tbere. a,,) cart of M ank.,iltd . I will plaglle thr pro_·\87,1\88.
pie, aKa their blood jhal! become Rivers. Fathrnjhttll eat .their own Childreit, And the Earlb
jhall be blfrrm: The Bea lrs oft tht field /hall prrdh,_ And the Wtttersjhttll br poi[oned. The A il'
jhall infeD her Cr:atures, And in t~ Pup jhal! be roaring. Great Babylon /hall be bUilt;
And the fon of wlckednelfe,Jhall fit in Judgement. But I will re[erve tW) Kingdoms untol/ehed,
And 1 will root out their 'II'ic/t..edn fJJ'r. r rlf, thill' [aith tbr L,rd, Fro",' tbe North Jhtill come It From th:
Wbirlwind, And * e Hills (hall optn thrir moul/lS: And t,hrre jhal! a Drngon flie out, [uch M ~orth.
lIevtrwas. But I will be glorified by YOIl, and by thoCe that are not yet dead. AmJ Y'u Jhall
bave powrr, fuch as I will be glorified by. Keep thtrtforr thr Statlltes which I tallght you, Forget
"ot my words ,: For IInto tho[e that look., bilek", tbere H grut 190. Happ) are thty thiZt cominue t6
the md. Amen.
£. K. Now he is gone.
/;, ... ....
E. K. Now he is come again.
11 .... ;" Thill [ailh Jrbova: 1 a,m the btginning aKa the elld, Tht root of all Rig/ltr-
Gufneffe. 1 fay ,. ( By my [tlf) I am wilh '.you, And will bltJ[t you in Rigbteou[nrf[e. Ceafe - l'
therefore to mov,.me; for 1 ttm Almighty, And inquire not of me, what I have, de~eml1ned; For I'ltll {Up~ •
Time grownh, ana lam tt Juft Got!. Thtrtfore Celt[r, Cea[t, I fay; I in 111) [ttf [ay Cea[e.
Call not upon my name in defiled places; Lra.rt the wick.!J ones htlr wbat I determin . ' I .
will vilit you. at your journyes end: lwill tefrifiemy promiCe to YOll. Br in:baftt thrreforr: At our Jour-
And flie fr:om fin; ·And flir thr [ocirt) of filiI. as arr accurful: For I 'ant jralolli' ovrr iii) peoplr. neye. ~nd.
i'eli I will not [ujf(r the!" to drink., or taft e of thrir veJ[tlr. Be you Ullto me "peoplr; that I ma;
behold m) proplt: And I will be unto you both, A God for ever.
E. K. 1[,. faith Amen, and faHeth all in pieccs,as frt1111 as a!hc£;·
E. K. Now all is Clear, and the Curtain is come again.
/;,. Deo Omnipotenti lit omnis HOllor bus & gloria;in Cecula Ceculorum. Amen;

Friday I NovelHb. I S88. Mane At Brt"mr.

A. Albeit we were willed ( 0 Lord) to Ceare: yet underftanding the Came warning to
have been meant (or Enquiring of thy Myfttries and [rerit Detrrminations, wherein we intend
now nOt to deal, bllt in matters before and lall moved, and wherein we were not fillly Catis-
fied; that now we may niore exprelfely be certified, and that is of three thin os.
Firft for Vincent Seve. " t.
Secondly for Edmond Hilton, "one with the Ship toward Damil.. 2.
And Thirdly, a~ concernin~ help for money for the L1>J'd Alb. Ltis/ And herein we ~.
crave either the miniftery of Jubanlad~ecl:, orof II; or whoni Co:ever elCe it !hall lile-afe tht
Ma jefry to fend •
.E. K. A man with a black Gown appeareth with a Cap, falling in his
neck, with a big Book under his armco
/;,. It lhould feern [0 be Aphlafb. rn, my good Angel.
E. K· He hath a white Robe under the black Gown, which goeth all
G 2. under
44 .d true Relation of Dr. Dee his .dE/ions D;eh (piritJ, &c.
under his Gown, trailing behind him; but, "he white Robe trailcth Dot i
his Gown hangeth on him, as tbough it "ere falling off his fhouldcrs
A. III the Name of Jeflls,the King of Glory, are not you Aphlafbtn my good Angel, by
the mercy and power of God, fo affigned ~
e. K- He lookcth very anciencly .
• ••. . . ~J7Ipirt, Mojlhigh Glor), '"ld thll1lk"s, throllghollt all CrtatllTtS, bt Wlto thte ( 0 ttmsat
God) firft • • • Sttolldl] rtdttmillg, lI11tl Tbirdly {/I1Illifying tbt World ilS hit CrutiolS, N01I.,IIlSd
for evtr: And as long liS it jhal! be {aid Ofanna ilS tbe ~irr of the High God .... Amen.
A. .. .... Amen. ...... Amen.•'..... Amen .
..... ; Manifold are the Mt rr.its of God towards man,wbo[e blt{entJl'e dt[trvtth 110 [llch grllce ll1ld
1II0/f un[pta/table bltffing : But [llch is God; wh4t bt jllftifittb bim[tlf, in tbt ftrtngtb of bit mtrcy,
lind heveth bis honour with hit own holineJl't. For .",hat it ma1l, tbat CIl1l jllftifit b,m[elf.? Dr tb.t
bath anJ tiling, whtrtin hit bOlJltls clln reJo)ce? Whfrein can he dettrmine bllp/illtJl't to him{tlf I
Or bow C4n bt COnlpart bim[t/f witll tbe trm that 4re fTuitful ? If the life of lItan bt jill, thtn
;, it hatt/,Il: But who is he thllt hattth it' But t"Jt1l he wbich is Ilbove, lind is fartbeJl fTo'" i"i-
qllil). GUilt, thtrtfoTt ( 0 malS ) IITt tb) mift rits, wbm ISlIturllll] Iholl art, lind lovejl to be
battd of God, wbofl JtTVice is Juftirt, a1ld wbOft dtligbt Pea Ct. C."jider tbertfore tbt Mercies
of God, tbrougb his loving I(}""ntfft towards thy wtll/tntfft: A1Id Ilclt"oJrltdge his Power whicb
mak.!tb tho[t {irong rrhicb havt 110 forct of themftlws. Gatbtr 1Iot up your own invtnt,ons; Bllt
bt faIthful {ervllnts, performillg the rrillof bim rrbieh [anl1ifitth JOU lI'ith 01miiellce: for..f dlljl
yOIl aTe become j/tjh, ana of j/ejh tbe (ervllllts of jill; tbat lit lellgth y ou Migbt be made fru,
tbrough JOur orrll ' co"fents i1l tht mtrcies of hilll rrbich hatb mtrea i1lto Y911r wtalt,.1IejJ'e, a1ld weigbtd
Ollt bit blooa for JOur Reaemptio1l: Evell he which hatb pltJed the uttermoft pen"J of your Rllnfome.
And wb)? N.t to ,ht intent you jhollid brag ofJOur {elves. But bath ch_rged i1l f01laiti.nyou
Jhould maintllin jufliet into thtrrork.,s of RigbteoufntJl't. Vnto 'Wbom is Heilvenafeat ? bllt IInto
fuch as "re faithf11l fervants : Wberti" the Dignity of JOur Mafter is It,.1Iown, of lJIhom it is fllia,
Bltfftd are tho[e th.r (tTVe the God of Rofts. If IIny tbi1lg, IIorr, hilpfell U1lto YOII, tbat is the rie~$
ofJ'ur Mllfter, Be tb4nk,flllfor it; ,,,,a conjider bis liberalitie : A"a borr ",lIch tbe more be opelletb
bit T"lt{urrs to you, Be [, mucb tbl more tballltful; For U1lto [licb bdougeth tbe D'TI'ner.fhip of ",ore,
and tbeTtJII4Tdof fucb IIS1lre tm times fllithful. B4PP) IIrt tho{t to' who", ' it;' [aid, Tho. gooa
{ervant. Be flO Gadders,for there is 110 hou[e to the houfe of your M.fler. Tak.! !ned III{o,/eaft
]OU minifter his breaa, to (IIcb III art hit memits, lind [o,.f//tJllorrb): for rntto botb theft btlollgetb the
rtrr"r.a,f unfllithfulntffe. Be not bigh-minaed, -whenJoII borrorr your ricbes, ItJf the motbs t1lteT
in a1la corrupt your garm,nts: for Priae is tbe deph of fill ._. Ceaft II0t to rtbulte tbt dijhollour.
trs* as, 0 .... Neitber mai1ltai" tbe b01lour of any otber: For be. that tllttrtlli1leth YOII, hlltb feal-
td YOIl for others, And batb flrmgtimlta .1011 With Auth"i t], The R.J of hM Juffiee. Gentrally
thefe thillgs bavt bem {P./ttnIDfU you, Illld the{t Ltjfons 4ft 1Iot Jet to learn: B"t hanJ .re tho{e
whom God {a1ll1ifieth; b6ingllnholy, Ana tm times bltffta are th, Temples rrherei1l bit HolilltJ{t
elrrtllttb. Tr~t it ;, as tholl {4ytft: Generall] mm art f"nllified, the people of the Earth through
all Nations., myfi.iclIll]: Ihrough tbe mercies of God : But where tht {anl1ific-tion IIgrttth IIot
'/lith t ht thi1lg fan{JifitJ, there tntreth rriclvdlltJl't. The Spirit of God it Hof (a1l{Jifiea in Hell,
N titber is hit bol) Ttmple btaut,fied with tht fttt of the unTighttow. It is .,..,,,itten, Dogs honour
not bread, 1IeitheT defiled plitCts t,bi1lgs that are bol): For as Hell dijhonollrttb Heavm, in re·
[ptll of u1lTighttourntjfe: So, thoft tbat Ilft lI'ick,.eel dijho1lour tbe vertl/DIII, a1ld fueh as art crllel)
ho/y,by [ociee) : and tht] {/in/tof their rriclt,.tdlleJl't. For it M rrrittt1l, And Sata1l",ent fro", tbl
pre{mce of tbe Lord, ltavillg 4 jfin/tbehind him. Tht ligbt 'f the Sun is t_k.ell fro", the Eartb,
by the cong,"lea cloua. Tht jins of the people, lI11d filtbi1leJl'e of placts, .re put betw"n ver"'e and
tloe things Sltcrllmental. Therefore, it is not true, that thou mayeft lawfully call upon the
Name of God in unhallowed places.
A. I crave pardon for my ignorance, and errour herein: But I required npt to know of
the heavenly Myfieries; Onely CUl!h things I demanded information of,which not ondy were
above humane power to arower, ( and fa might [eern worldly mylteries : ) but alfo the trlle
good news of them, might, many ways, be comfurt IInto liS alld ours. .
...... Btbold iu Ifrlltl, tht rough flo1les lire IIcceptllble Altars, And tbe flinkjng Caves have bem
It,.norr1l unto tbe Lord. And 'JI'h) 1 Bteau!t tht place rrlls hoI], 1It,thtT this filrbin'JI'~ here, 1Ior of
111IJ thing. tl[e ,creattd, bi1ldretb: But tbt filtbineJl'e of tbe plac,e and Country 'JI'btrei" thf) IIrt de-
ftleel; for in pure places, the d'filed are bltJl'td. David [lt1IlJified Saul, witb tbl pre[tnct of hit
Annointi"g, a1lel bit Harp fpa/tt Ollt the 'JI'o1lders of th, Lord. We come unto)oubtrt,bec4,,[t tbt
'Will of God in)'''jhinttb: But tbe filtbi1leJl't of tb;, Co""fT) obfcurtth the btltl/ty of our ,,,tJl'"gt.
Not thllt it is obfeurtJ in 11&, bllt bi1lJtTea through lIIie/t ...... from ]DU. TheTtfoTt jill tbe companJ
'f Drllnk.ards, ud [ucb /If lI'e ., ... .. tb';T oll'n ""der/landing.
[E. K. He holdeth up his face and hands to h~avell-ward . ·
...... Drunk"ard; a1ld {ueh liS dtfile themftlves are apt to It,;cOJl/ thingl worldl] ; 1Iot Ils Wife me1l
A true '1(elation of Dr. Dee his AEfiant with [pirit!, &c. 4)
do: but that th~ World mil} b~ a plltgu~ to rh~ir iniquity. Tbou d~fir~f/ pltrdon, Itnd call'd.f/ th •• •
bufin fJJr a world!] Hlyjter}. But tb~ myfteries of this world are put und~r , the fut of the faithfHI :
whicb ( ~v~rfun through God) Itre gentrltlly com/orled Itnd direl1d. Then, therefore what cltre
rrmailftlh either of the S titS, or of the flim] Earth 1 "'h~rt, on the o.~ fiJ~) tholl regardtft th~ Ship,
Itna on Ihe olher fid~ c.Jvlo1le). I fa] unto thee, Godl;orrtl1~/b this 1/Ior/4 Itlldtb~ citJualties th~reof,
lfjr thofe that Itr~ of th~e, [b.uld blafphfme his IIltme.
A. Blelfed'be his holy Name, and his Power magnified for ever.
••••• • Th] t~ods Itre fafe, And the Earthfoall provide for )Cu. Be Itot Jail (ltreful; for unto
th~ julf,yelt tvtn the hltirs of his h~ltd Itrt Itltmbrd. I am filent for tbe Irorld ; for it it not III]
propriety : But Itotwithftltnding Itsk,. and thouj/"'lt not be .tnJtd.
A. As concerning rincmt Seve) his ftace and being, we are very defirous to be i.n-
E. K: 1'incen~ Se'))e appeareth here, going down by Charing Croife.
There is a tall fellow with a cut berd with him in a $kie·coloured cloak.
Virlcen' hath a great .uff: This man w:titeth on him with a Sword. Me
is going down into WeP,mn{ler ~ard: Be is now talking with a Gentle,
man on horfeback, who hath five men following him, with Cap:-cloaks
ilion, and mufraches; And he on horre back is a lean vifa:ged man with a
iliort Cloak and a gilt Rapier; his horfe hath a Velvet foot-doth .
E. K· In I"incen' his forehead is written .i Where pOllitT lIIantltb, rigrl'
E. K- Vjnc~n' laughe:th heartily, and iheweth two broad teeth before.
He holderh a little {lick within his fingers crooking. On his left hand he hath
~ skar of a cut, on the nether fide of his hand. Vincen# hath a pair of bootes
on, which com.e fhaight on his legs, and very clore. A great many boats
appear at White-Hall. One is graffing in the Garden there. Many people
are no"coming out of WeftminfterChurch. The Gentleman on horR:
back aligbce:th no", and goe:th down toward the Court beforeWeftm;nfler-
Hall. Be goecn now up a pair of fl:airs j and there fl:andeth a fellow with
a "hite fraff· Vi"ce'" is gone in with him; The fervant walketh without.
The fervantgoeth to a Waterman there. The Waterman a£ketb him, whe~
[her that be: be; that is the 'Poland Bitbop! The fc:rvant a~keth hi m, what
hath he to do ? Now the feivant goeth from the Waterman. Now COIll-
eth one down the flairs, and faith to the Serving-man, that his Maller alalL
be difpatcbed to morro",· The fervant faith, He is glad of it. Now aU
that Shew is vanifued away.

Now come there two handfome men', they have Cloaks ort their
{houleers, and they have hats Oft like Tankard,Crowns.
One of there faid,
A •.•..• l1mderftand bJ fhe King, that he beareth him great favollr.
The other faid,
B ...•.• Bill KingJ when th~J become rich, 'A'ax Covetolu. Bill do JON think.. he
""ill come thiJ wa, I
A ...... Tea marJ, if he be 'A'ife; for he ]hall find irq bitter friendfbip tha" in
Denmark. Here is the fellow, he hath broNght a h4g ofAmber.
B. K· He taketh the fellow by the {boulder, and faith i Come away i
He hath an old doer.
£. K· Now tbey are gone, and tbat Shew·
£. K· No",
46 A true'l(elatio" of Dr. Dee hit Amon! Dith [pir;ts, &c.

B. K- No\V is the 6rll: man in the black Gown come again .

...... TbIH you ftt, tbt World. IIl1flPfTtth for the World.. Be merciful. F Itt frill.} ItI'<.tt ; for
tbe Dtllil is Ttllti} Itt elltr) corller. Be Humble IIl1a Obeaimt. 7'.lIt receivillg thr re'/Pllra of true
{trVlIlIrs,)'O" 1If1l) rtjo}ee liS ElIbtr;tors of rverill/lt"g freeaom; ' The rr'/Pllra of {ucb liS lin fllitb·
fu't l rhe tna. Goa grll1lt }OU 1If1l} fo br. Amen:
E. K· Now cometh the Vail again which all tbis ,while was gone be-
hind the Stone·
l>. Dco nollro OrimipoteIlti,mifericordi,&: jufio fit omnis honor, laus, & gratial'um attio,
nunc &: in fccula feculorum. Amm.

bo. ~hile we were at Brrll1lf, among many other things told and deli vered to E. lC. as he
was by hlmfelf~ by a fpiritual ' Greacure, I know not who, nor of how good ell:ate, or what
,aaee he'was of; This parcel among them he held in writing, and iinputed to ~IlC; And I
thought my pains not ill bellowed, to keep the fame in record here.

GItIli!1H that, in houfe moll: fiery fairer than the Sun,

Hath,honour great, f"ith~ give place, your formercourfe is nm ;
Therefore jjdl framed Clouds unknown draw near with mighty fiorllL<,
Wherein fuch bodies lie obfcur'd, or take ten thoufand furms.
Your bellie. firowting long difc1ofe, and on tb,e harlot earth,
Seem fair to man, as when the waves as Midwife hell' ••. r birth.
Two yell'1lnd, 7'wier }hllll the SUII put 011 the hellvells, /Ilia Ollet IDOl(, qltarter '/PII),
I quarter, thaU Ana '/PDrkjnl WfCDutb '/Porlas,buila up II City,'/Phrre mell!"} ;
be A. '186. The l;iolieft nood; And Beares bring in ufurping fire at hand,
in January. And p~ople [prella r~turll, whofe new built altars ft~ming ftand.
WhiIft fuch as lI:rangers were ClltCfj cry, and bloody knife,
With privy /bame defil'd bekye~1 a thing n '" f6,metime rife.
From midnight Unto nPon, tWO pansalld morc /ball fiaughter feel,
And all the World from South, talle all, down force, of fire and !led.
Small wonder though the e~th at /badows fighting no't hiug grieve,
W/len mighty Seas /ball <try, and heannslie, who can live?
That mortal eyes /ball fee a Teipple built ~ith precious St~es,
Or Creaturesllrange made new ill light, of old and Jong dn d bones.
Or Angels dwell on earth: but I whofe h)y finger,Scan
Unloofe thrice fealed Books, and utter worlds unknown to man.
1 'fee thefe curfed-wights, wliofe borders lead thy journey on,
81111// '/Pilh Ibe t~irtietb 1Ifo1lctb,be bought, or fold', o~ fully gone.
Alia Englalla perifh firft. '/Pith ltMhs long h,a rhour In hel' skirts,
The Spaniard lofe tbeir Killg, and Frailer r~hrl and filII b} ffir,s.
And holy man ten dayes befieged at homc, with thefe dayes Whelp"
Till he at length made fcce by fndden force of nrtues helps.
The Polifh Killg hllthpllljca, and fri~nd/y mallfollll thm bear [Wlty,
Amongft earthly friend.!, and fuch as hope of fonner faith decay.
At lall wear highcft Crown, iffallfr01lf vertlle m"l(,rs 110 101ft,
And tnidll: this coil to come in fpace of new come Jayror tolfe.
Th~lo.; Come other times moll: Holy, and a Kingdom /hall,
From Heaven come, and things forthwith again to Order call.

Saturda) 1. Nove",bru we rod from Brclttlt,' two great mile to a Nunnery called OftllrholJ.
SUlIday Nove",bris 3. w'e came to Fure o~ Furrdm.
Mona,,} Novemb. 4' we came (0 bed to Hitrb/ITgh.
7'lIe(da) NDvrmb. 5. we came to Blldelfhaae,;, and there by 9 of the clock in the morning
we took waterin tWI> great Skutcs or Boats, Horre-wagon, and our lI:ulf and all, and ferrye.!
down the little water, till we cncrcd the Elb, and fo cruffed firaigbt over to .Bllllfitm Ifltf~1I ;
there dined, and after dilmer by coaches we came to H Ilmmgb, where my Lord Jly at the
EngJiIh houfe, and we at another lodging, a widows hOllfe.
W~lIfa,,} Novelltb. 6. we rid to Tririo'w 4 mile from H"",, a little Village, having left
d true 'J{el4tionof Dr. D~e his AFlions ~ith fpiritJ~ &c~ 47
my Lord behinde: and a Ifo milling my Children and ferunts , which were galle before us :111
other way to my great grief: till by midnight, by fending out I,lIdfengers to lillen and en·
quire afee'r them, I heard of them. I, my Wife, Rowland.f'lurfe, and MJri:opskil; my Lord his
'fhurf~aJ, Novemb. 7: We came to Lubtk.., aud were there' at Inne, at the figne of the
Angel, or rather St. Miehatl , at a Widow her haufe, a very honefi Holle/fe;.
S4turd"y , Novemb. 9. I received Letters from th,e Lord Albtrt, of the ElIglifh mens
ill dealing, and conflliting with the TowllC.meil of Hilmburgh for my Ilay, and conveying back
again into Englllnd, Bec. .

Wednefday,13.Novembris, 1583. tManthora9~' At Lubtlt.

Ptr horan, fer t , per intervallIC, variM feeimJK ' pttitioHes c!1- ["Pt oravimJK.
At length appeared a fword~ tw~ edged, /iry , or rather bloudy, and a bunth of rags hang-
ing at the top of it. The rags feemed of WooHen,and Linnen Cloath: Iike a bundle of Rags
gathered OUt of a Taylers thop. The [word flood upright in a manner, but leaning from
E. IC. his face, thou gh it [eemed to [mite ~t E. K.
A vorce. So be i t, (0 Lord) for thon art might}. Brit fo 1/nto thtm : F'or tho havHmbraml
6" Harlot; and have forgotten thy ;ta..loufie.
E· K· The (nord tliakech mightily. Many are the Harlots that [vvarOl
upon the earth, and intJumerable are their Children ,and fuch as they foiler.
Their revvard is ready.
E. K· The [word now lhaketh again mightily .
...... He thllt entrtth iHto tht hol/[t of tbt 1I1irk.!d if dtfiled :, hut he that "coH[mtt fh with alt HltT-
I,. iI Ilccur{ed. He thllt tidightt.h in htT {eerets, jhall be Jtll~btd. And Leprojie ./hal! dwell in bif
hou[e f or evtr.
A. 0 Lord, I trufr, this r:efpdl:e:th none of us, in common fenfe to be underfrood .
...... H t thltt dtlighteth i/t light, loveth not himfelf, but defirtth tht lovt of him,rhllf iltumin"
BJIt, .hlli fai.h God,'1 will not dally with JOU : Neither ./blll! JOu handlt mt,IISJou have done . For;
your Horedom, it wilful! : and your vanities wor[(. But thit 1 Ita'Vt amo"gft yo ii, thllt yOll fhall
II./tow that I am righteoUl. For, h~ thar di!{pi[erh file, if lIeeur[ed; a"d unto him that di§tmbleth
mJ fltfhi,,,, IIrt mi[eries withollt number. So, unto thn", tbll' tnttr nto the houfe of bla{phem" is
vtllgellnee rtady 6t band.
A. 0 Lord, what is this? Man is but earth, where the: he:avens dwell :. lieither, are the
works of man acceptable, but with righteoufne1fe.
E. K. There appearerh a man with a BibJeabout his neck, like a Dod:or.
and he R:andeth miferably in fire. And fo likewife appeared divers other
with Bibles about their necks, and tbey in fire likewlfe. Still come flames
from the earth, and encreafe the flames of ~here men abom them· J'h(rc
2ppeareth, and endlc{fe.· .. me, moO: terrible with fire, and other moO: hill
deous file\'Ys •.... They bi fuddcnly gone away. And all there men be
now no more in fight.
A voyee. HapPJ are thoft tllat fu, lind elln remember. 'E/e§td are thoft tflat hear, IIIId lire not
fl. Thefe words, and thews, oJe:ru, make evident wht......
E· K. All is gone,exceptthe ("ord which fiandeth in a Cloud, and there
cometh s hand and fettech a feal upon the fword.
A vOJet. I brought JOII from iniqllity, t~ the ;"tt"t JoII 7/light be purified: But tht more I cltlllt[C
YOII, the more you lire defiltd .
...... I have offtred of old, IIlIi it fh4l! be told. I havt promifed, lind it ./hall be performtd~
Tou have not Itept mJ Commandments. , Altd therefore JOIl./hall be plaf,lItd. He thllt ~oeth out
of the waJ ,jh4ll receive the rt'JIPard .f errout. For {fragglers, '!rt [potted ~5ple. And 1I0nt C'",
be bleffed, but fuch IH d'/ftll in the 'fabernitcle of rigbteollrnt§t.But behold ~ I will tell it unto you
but with grtater hard1!efft . And I .will malte yon k,no." me, befort I vifit you in kJndnrJfe. For
thlll fay ttl, Sathlln. L o, thtY erre jlill. Do JujUel for thy glor,} f4lte. 7ht) ellter into thf
houre~ of Idols : ,A lia laugh with bla[phtfllers. ThtJ Il" filmt, ."htll thJ nawlt is hlafphemed.
Deal With th~m lIS It. GJd : or d[etbou art not righteoUl. Therefore, ~t frte from S alhan; that hI
ma.y pr.llift your .-ightmifllrJJ(. Yea, that ht may fll) , lIS ht hath faid. Let mt touch them;
48 A true'Relation of Dr, Dee his AEliDns 'DIith [pirits, &c.
7.I11till thtll; 1 wilt hi jllff. I will IIOt f.rglt .his wieJvalftjf't, till pu ,b t ",ttat cit"'" Fo r, bthola,
1 httvt {tAlta it : ttlla thtr,fort it ",lIft bt jillijhta, For ."httt is [tttlea of mt, eometb to pllfft.
A voyce. Ht th .. t aiJftmbletb tbt ,mllgt of Cbrift, II A lillr.
...... N ow eo"'~th " grttvt mttll, ttll c[otttbta ill ."hitt, with II Mytrt "fOil hid httta•
.... . . 'Ibt God of ptau i4 ,a co",fortill!, Mtdicillt, to [uch, IIf atlight ill him. Tht purt of tht
worid, i4 tht imagt of Gad : God IIIIa mall,.w'bieh id Jt[IM Chnft, tht {. II df ~ht livillg Gol. : Which
l(.nirw.ith tbe fatha ill tbt {pirir of trutb, (procttaillgfrom tbtm botb M •• •• tT1trl"fting .",ill,) opt-
I!tt/. hi< mtrcits to hi< AMtln, repltll;Jhmg thtm fully "lid mightily with tht will.f,tbt !athtr, to tb'
comfort of thi .""rld : W bieh, maat iIItJ[ltgtrS tbtrtOf, httvt dtlivtrea to tht Church, fllll ,,"a ptr-
ftll StatlittS (llf tht will of him, Wbtrtllllto.fbl M lIII;t,a 1I11d mllrrita) to bt p./pt illviolablt, 111Iri.
witbollt trlllfJgrtf!ioll, Thit Will, COVtllllllt ; or' Dtertt, ({tttita IIl1tO tht mr/. of tht 1I'0rlJ.;~ tbl
numbtr of tht fai tbfu!l) wbo{ft1Jtr brtalt.!th,or dilftmbltth,i4ltCeur{td,or a"tII1ftd. 'Ihtrtfort (ltitb
tbt WOTa ol God pro you:Tou hllvt runllllra.J,.Jo. have tlltrtd ill" tbt hou[ts of Idols . I havtbrollgbt
you fr , m firt, but JOII it'rt mtrttl. into j/Ilmts. Alld wh) J Btcau[t .Jou at/i!t .Jour [tlvts .",ith tht
wick.ta"tJ[t of atCtiVtTS : W~ft imagts .JOII [II." 'Jlirmlltivtl.J, tbough,llDt vtrily : Contintl.lly ovtr-
""helm~a with alli(Yt Illld illtxti",giliblt j/llmlS : COlltillaillg tvtll fo 10llg ,1If tbtir trTOur i4 IIClllttd ;
Ttll,tVtH ill tbt proJtJfors thtreo!, t, tbe;r tttrll.1 all",natiolf. For IHChrift, Illla hM Vo-
llrint is light and truth: So [ttm tht impojitions of Sathlln to Ilgret , or t"k.,t unto thtm{tfvts,./hapts
or lilt.,tlltJJtS of th, trut imttgt of him that [Ilv,ttln Whtrtb} ht truft,th in bim[tlf unJ,r th, colour of
.ntt/t"lItJ[t, into ~h' compllllie of tht f"ithf"lI: Dev,urilll thtir SOllls wi.h rllvtlfillg, aifft.b,lillg, IIl1d
flll[t lilt.,tlyboods of truth, unable [0 be decid'e d by man. Happit art thoJe tbllt b,litvt thtm
not: For ht, evell ht it M, that i4 Il lillr, lind it olalfl ill ae(.tlt. But IIf tbt f lither;" eterll.l:
So H tht [01/ tttrllll/, ."hicbtttrlfil,J of tbt fllthl r .11,1 tbt foil, it tbt ~Iy Gh~/t tt(rll./, procttaing
~qulllly, ill th, fiitger 0 f Gotl, .'!a [piri! of trutb, to tht gtlltrttl "II'orltmllnjhip of G.0ds ~tterm,illlltion
Ititit togttJJtr, thru ftr[olts. [E. K. He makcth a great reverent cudie) In tbM OpllllPOttllCy
bJ [piritu.l illumi1l'atioll, alld tbrough tbe boly Ghoft dtlivtrtd unto tht Apoftlts, 1If, tht pltdge of Gorl
t::. E.ccltjia bit mtrcit and promiff, is alw., •.Jts certlmly lilllt.,ed, j '.Jlled, .lIa tllgrlljfta illto tht fociety of tb' ft
cbriJIi. that fulfill th, 'lFil! of tht higlujl ptr!tlJly, Ilnd witbo,lIt trrour, ",bOft jlrtngtb folll! cOIlt'inlu, lind.
glorit brlllleh alit, tT1tn "lito tht ena of tbis world, .1Id. beginning of comfoTt. Tbtrtfort, btli,vt:
For tbt [pirit of trurh ."orltetb J/I,;ndtrs, rllifttb fbt aelld, Ilnd bllth PO"'tr to f orgivt jim. Throllgh
tht pOJlltr of him, unto wbom it M mil ...... For, MCbrifi blltb Ill! powtr ill ht.vtll Illld ill tllrtb atli-
vtrta .. . " • So bdh bt atlivtrtd 1111 powtr jll htllvt/S Illld ,Izrth to bit trut Cburch. Thtrtfort fot
cttnnot errt. For wber, powtr i4 "II'ith9Mt 1Iutt[urt,trrour hllth 110 mmtb,r : Baitvt 1I0t thtrtfort
thoft thllt lit: {IlJ;IIg, Tht Church of God i4 iltftl1td witb trrours. For th, oftllces of ftw IIU
A ,
~ FOII.,."g-
n.. 1I0t counua trrOIlT, but unrighteou[nfff"t : Ntithtr can tbt ftragling fttt of t& fe." drltllltm', brillg ilf-
( .r:
&«ing , filmy to tbt ."hDlt h,tlJt.
....... It litth II0t ill "'J to dtlif/tr }oll, 0' ree,neil, JO. from d,IItb .1Id H,1l : Th, ,ormm-
trJ .11,1 /ilthintJ[t of tht ",.rU, IIlId tbt 1I'TIltb of Goa. But )tt, (Tb.t Cloua, [tt lljidt) ."hieh it
bft'll'ltII mt 'ina JOII) I {Pt.1t "f.r of to )011, Ta.Jillg, Tht JllftlCt of Goa, it vmgtllllct it [t/f:
Neither hath it .II} colltr.r], bIIt tvtH in tht mid}t, .114 Ctlltrt of it [til: Wbieb H tht drop IIl1,a
liq"or of hit tltrlllll, grt.t, lind i"comprthtlljiblt Mlljt}li, of bim[tlf, bid ",trei, : Which, tVtll ill tht
""ia}l of Juft;et it fotllld o"t ,by {arrowful/ rtptlltllnc't ,IIl1a Ttcollci{i4tioll: Not ill tbid it Wllfet[-
{llrit with Goll: But th"t it id. Mtdicillt ll!plir.llblt, Illla moft btaltbr"l! to tht ill/irmititJ of tb.t
",1111, tb.t covtttth to bt btll/ta, rtlell{td,o, rtcovtrta fro", hit [o.rn. Thil is it , tbllt ","ft com-
fort yotl. For, IIf Jufriet it the Tt'!".ra of jill,{O W",ercit tht rn.;llrd of rtptlttllltCt. But mtr-
eit i4 tht Ctllttr of bght: lI"a JtI}h"t t, b, e.}1 off, Illlajhllt .",thlll dttrk,.ntj{t. ThirtfO" ,b, not
IItgligtHt. • • • ' '
6. This whoredom, how IS It committed, or of whom?
...... I ttlleb tht .. .... WbtTt thJ bilbitillioll WIH, trrOllr r.ilf,el, G,d Cllllta tbrt fto", it : .lId dt-
livtrta tbtt by m""), bllt .1Ik..II011'II "'"JtS : ","'''s H,t ,to bl "tttr,d h,J ","11. ' 'Ihtft pl.ets .If' art
jhtlt.p from tbt fll volIT,f G.a. For tbt;r obtditll~" it coullttrftitta,."d thtir prll.Jtrs,'tlt-crin• .
Thtrefort hlltb,tbt L,ra opl1Itd bim tlnto JOM tbttt invtnted tht VII"itit : thllt JOtl migbt bl p.rtltk,trs
of bid kfto."ltdgt,4IIa (tCTtt juJgtmtnts Df tbt "'ick,td. Htrt .1[0 .JOII tIItrtd,ltHd Itrt lft"ly at/ilta:
For .tbt ])tvil tlttrtd ill , IIltd fOIl"d him .",.kjllg: Alld'/o,bt tlltrtd ytt ,II11d ht Wolf 1I0t lIf/ttp.
Bllt ht .,,1If happit, btillg kjlldltd "'ith dtjirt of Goa"tlft had tht j"dgtJlfellt,f hit bodit f,T thil
.".rid btm flilfilita. Wiek,ttlntff, f,II,."tth him : .11,1 tht [pirits of tvtl couII[,i .rt Itt b.lld. rOil
Jhlll/ fttl tbt forro." (btrtof, IIl1d j,,,r f.",ily Jhlll! bt ai[&07llforttJ. But prll.J Milt. Goti, th.t
it f.l! 1I0t ollt, tbat Satllllll gottb Ilbout: Ntitbt, thllt it CO"'t to pllJ[t, wbi. b bt batb pOWtT to tX-
te"tt, for, thi4 tok.tlljiglli/i,tb Jour 1IIiftritS, /l"a it it Iljigll oftbllt, .",bieb ;, givr/I t' tXt-
I b.vt [Ilia.
nt of Goa bt rtftntd 1111 to JOtl.
E. K. Here
dtruefl{eI4tjonotDr.D~ehiIAflions ~ith fpirits~&c. 49
E. K: Here is the man again .
• _•••• 1",0 wDrds and I huvt done. Nothing it pl"ilur tbalf that which it {pok.!,,: Nothing
certainer than tbar which H appointtd. Bt )OU pmitmt, that G.d mal b, mtTIifut. Thy it al!
1 hllvt to fa). Wafh )our felves, 11I1d I alfo will maltt jou cltlt"'. Ktft! you SlZtan diligtlltly,
lind Iwil( htlpyou migYtily.
1:>.. 0 Lord lhat fc;al to the Sword and rags break off.
E· K. Now he is.gone:.
E· K. Now he is here again .
••••••• 1hit cloud is a [tparation bttwixt thH, Jta thit g!ori/itt! company and)ou. 1.90"- not
f.r aN) light, whiltjl thid dlfrltnt{s it pufmt. BtbolJ, WlJ m,uth fa/trnh, 'alfd my lips art Jfaytd :
But pra))ou, a1ldyo7l}hallnot bt rtjtl1td. For tht .1iro1lgtT J,II bt, tht merc,iJ4tlla it God, IIIfd
Iht wtall.!r it, a1ld }hall br, JOllr advtr{ar,y. L,vt t,gtt,,"; Strvt God togtthtr: B, of on,
htart togtthtr. Alwayu puacs G.d. 1 am titd.
E. K. He: is gone.
A. ~ifericordia & pax Dei (it fuper nos nunc & femp~r. .Amm.

Frid.?J, Novtmb. 15. hora. mant. Lubt;'.

E. K ..The cloud appe:lrcth, and openetb, fo that the Sword may be
A. 0 tord deal mercifully with 0;, as thy children, to be corrcll:ed· with rod or whip,
and not with thy enemies, with fword to Cut or wound us. Let not Satan force thee to ju-
lIice mora mightily, than tlty fatherly goodnelfe can indine thee to Ute" mercy upon us.
E. K, An hand cometh ,ind nippeth off an inch of the top of the Sword,
and fome of the rags are fallen down; fome hanging on the: bilrs of the
Sword, and fome are th.rufi: through with tbe Sword. NoVY the Sword is
fbut up again in the Cloud.
A. Have mercy on us, 0 Lord, and deal with us as thy yOl\nglings and novices.
E· K. Now comein all eleven, all like NobJe meo. Ollcof them hath
a regal Cap, and a Gown faced with Sables· The Cap is like a Polonian
Cap, but [rimmed up with rich Sables· Now cometh one and brillgeth
a very rich Chair, be[et vvith precious Stones: Four of the Com pany fet
dovvn this Cbair, for that Principal man. . He that brought the Chair
vvem avvay· J hey all do lovv obedience to this principal. · He fitted\
dovvn, andputteth his Govvn over· He i$ a goodlier man than the Lord
A . L The 4 pluck a thing like a Canopy over the Chair, and they put a
round Cmfuion under his [w. This PrincipaLfpeakerh as follovveth •
. .•••• Pluc"- up thy b,art and bt mtrr), pine kot thJ Soul awal with inward groltnings ; for I
will open unto tbu the fnnts of Naturr, And tht Ticbn of ~ht World, and withal give thtt {ucli
dirdlion, that fhall ·dtlivrr thrt (r om r1!allY infirmitits, both of bodJ and mindt: Ea{t thtt of thy
tedious Itlbollr, and {,ttlt tbu 71'htre thDU.fh~lt havt cOnifort.
A. Thanks be given unto rhe Highefr, now, and ever, of all his Creatures•
•••••• Why doft t"ou _ •• within tby thought: Hlljl thou not nttd of COIIIIJtl J
1:>.. Yes, God knows; for I am half confounded •
... .. ' 1"", firff d • •• with thy felf to rtlf tlier,for this Winter. S~condly Optn thj milld to dtft,..~
[urh thiugs ItS "Itt) advanCt thy Crtdit, and tnrich thy Fa!'1il]: Rtap u1ltil ihu man) friends,and
lift tim-up to honour; For J will jfir liP tht mindts of LtarntJ mtn, tht profoundtlf in tht World
th3t the) jhnll viftr thee_ And I will difclort 1tIIto)Ou {lich things; al ,fhall /u 1!iondtrfull, lind of
~xcttding profit. <..Mortovtr, I will put to m) ha1lds,and help Jour procudings, thltt th( lrorld
miry talk...r ofyOl" 1fIifdom hrrt.,fttr. 1htrtfort wander not f"rther into unk.!IOTVn places, c01lta.~
giolM, tht vtry [eats of dtatb for thu •. and th) childrm, ·and [Itch as aTt to) frimdt. If tholl m~
ql/irt ~f me whert, and h01fl. Evtr) whtrt: or how thou wilt thJ ftlf. For thol/fhalt f,rrbwitli
becomt ricb, Itnd thou (halt bt ablt to tnrich Kings, and to btlp [u, h a~ art nedJ. TraJI· t/>'u 1Ior
£orn to uf. tht commodirJ of this TVorld? Wirt not all tbi"g' made f,r malts 11ft?
A. Willyoll give me leave co [p~ak ?
•••••• 1Yhat cltlljf thou!ptak,.htrtllnto I Wilt tholl tlJltlI~ 'lit for thl I
H A. All
)'0 A true Rel4tion '6f D. Dee his AfJionJ ~itb(piritJ,&.c.
to. All thanks be unto the King of Glory, &c.
I.. Is it your meaning that we /hall itay here, and So no ruther with tAe Lord Alhtre
.'"" YtS, ;It the SlIm"'tr ; ."heJl if iI ",ore fair.
A. t befeech you, Wheee would you, we /hould make our •••• thisWinter ~
...... Whtre )011 will. .Art JOU fo IIII."i[t Jo ,0 ."ith hi'" 114.". Ltt lrilll'J.' ~for.t, IIH4.prIWiat
for him[tl!, th"t ht mil) tbt btttt~ pr~vid for )011. The "'t4th~r ."ill lit bar ., 1I1t~ tin tr.~tl rmjie
for chi/Jull. If thou covt! to II1:e ,It ttt{t, bup Hot up thy WIVtS forro.",.
A. I defire to lin in quiet, that my fpirit may the bette,: attend to thefervice ofGbd
...... W,Il, T IIrrJ)OIl, IIltd "'J promift fi",/I be quickJJ ptrformed.
,.",ill Plet hillt. 'lPitil " ••
HoJP [al JOu Sin?
(E. K. H.e (peakcth to his Company,vvho make curfics,and lay QOC!hi1'lg.]
A. I befeech'1ou to appoint all.apt place: This you fee is ito fit pl*ce•
...... I ."illjlir thet IIpfMCbfriellds, liS Jhllli cent",t tl1m As for d'll'tllillg plltcvstito'll jha!:
btlfow them. lYell, ,Oil IIrt cOllttltttd.
A. Is it your will, that in this Town we Ihould part from the Lord .Albe;t Las/tid.
.. .... Whd Jh~lIltJ JOII do tl[t? .IIrt ,OM lII11d ",ell l Will]OIl f1tM ""Jliltg ;"tl ~1I"ff I
~~; .
A. I befeech you, /hall this be nothing prejudicial to our former doin~s, and order al-
ready tak en and decreed for our Going together?
...... What, is this coltt'ltr) to rtafoll? Well )'11 lI,t colltmt.
A. As the will of the Highefl is, fa is mine and none other.
'w... Sirblt, do JOU [et this [."",J, I w.ill be II [um) for fbil ( I "arrllJlt thee) alfo.
...... YOllr brother is clappttl "p ill pri[OIl, Hop lik")Oll tbllt I Y,ur b#1I[e-k:!,p" l ~
A. And why I pray you?
...... For fhat, fbllt tholllHaJeftbe afhanlttlof.
A. What is that?
. ..... 7bt) txammbi",; TIlt) r,,), tbd tho. haft hii Jivers reCTtt thiHgs. As for th.1 Boo1v;
tholl ",")ft go loov,.tbnli at lea[lirt. It mil) be, tbat tbJ hOIl[e ",41. be bur"t for a "mtmbrllltCt of
tbet too. Wtll if thq do, [0 if it : if ,,'f,lIs tholltrilt. I havt toltlllite",} JIh"ltjie, and givm tlle~
III' colllf[el, offtr,d thtt ml help, IIl1d dejir,d to ao tbet good I ' Thl choirt iI thiHtl
A. 0 Lord the Author of all truth, and direaor of fuch as pur their crull in diet', I illO!
bumbly beleech tbet to confider thefe prcmifes, thus to me propounded.. If they be: true,
and from thee, coniirm them: If they he illufiolls, aad not from thee, difprove them. For.
hardly in my judgemenr, they do or can agree with our former precepts and order taken by
A voice ...... Ht that 4{cmdeth up u tbe tq/of the hill, Itt hi'" btlitvt: Fo, until he rom,
tblthlr, Itt hi", do hN labour. .
o Lord, I doubt ofthefe thillg~, and promifc:sof cafe, wealth, and honour.
A voice • ...... 1I1dg, tht Trtltb,;J tbe laft .Al1i'lt.
o Lord,What is that Aaioll ?
A voice....... Wtltfrlllits Alliolt.
'Ihil Clolld ([aid the voic, of th, LorJ ) is lilt b,t.iJtt III tmtl JOII: H'bll' ,/,tr'f,rt mltJ C"II,
lltt'fPetlt? N 9W j ud!,t )311.
A. I fufpea the whole apparition of the eleven to be all ilIulion. 0 Lord confirm my
judgement or difprove it.
A voice....... The Spirit o[the LorJ ;'II,t IIIHOltgjf )'11.
A. What miferyare we thmin? 0 Lord, Mercy, Mercy.
A voice....... ",t.",itb G,d~ .",here wbo".o", is g'ft.t.
A. 0 Lord, ThiS whoredom we Uhderlland not. .
A voice....... Prll) Jllil], '/Pith repelltltllCt, that this clollt/. ",a] b, tlt~iI lI1VaJ, IIlId 'hit {'/Pore'
JimiltijhtJ. . For tbe Stili CIIHnot be ~ro"'", 1IIItii SlIt"" bllvt done his IJltl'f'lHojt; Jtll the Jltttr~
moft of bil ",,,/iCt. For it;s graltttJ lIim Itltd he m"ft ftrilV. But praJ".u wa, God, th., the
{word· mil) bt"lllaJe ./horttr, 01111c/(J. Ollt of tbt bilt, that ill jfri/tJng be "4IIt p0."tr. For J''''' jill
if ab.",ilt"bu, ana II [t1Ieltfol oifellCe ill the jight of the Lq-d.
A. What this whoredom is (God knoweth) we underlland not pcrfcaly. If the Spiri'
of God be not with us, how can our prayers be acceptable?
A voice....... 'lh. [llith the Lord, 'IlIr" IIltt, 7Ife II"d. be forr, for your jiltS, IIl1flltt "'.1 A.-
gt/s be witlft!e thtrtof. For I ['/Ptllr b] m] (elf, thllt "') 1u/lice fllIlll hltHg over yoN: .II"iI 'WM
I pwti.fhJoli tuxt, lwil/ riz.t JOII fro", tbe flirt of the urth. Thtrtfort. Vo.", }OTlT fel-ves "Mt.
",t, 1I11i1 mak" ),ur VtJftls clelllt; for Jour h.bitdiolts ilt 7If.1 jight IIr' "othing: 1Itithtr
is . the [lIb.Jtltlt" whtreof I frllmtd JOu lIoctptllbl,. I a", the Spirit of ·Trnth IIn,j
VIId.trftllllJing, IIltd wililtot bt Jajht ill pieres '/Pitb worldlillgs f Ntithtr 1I[t' 1 to awell ilt dtfilttl
pillets. For m} SIInlfuar} U bolJ, IIlId m) Gatts ar, '/Pitbout [~t. Altd ."it'6 /fi, tliff'e h,ll,tb
A. Lord
-------~ --- -- - - --
-Jtrlle<R..!lation of D. Dee hi! AE/ions fPith fpirit!, &c. ~1
1:>.. Lord,is it thy will we !hall go with Albtrt LIH/tJt to Lafco ?
A voyte.--nt Lorti [dierh, Whllt I havt {aia, H mit. Who rtbuVth mt, [llying m) "Dras Ilrt
""trlle 1 Tht corrtllion of him thllt relgntth is migh,it I "b, hlllh irumbrta it 1 Bllt to his de~
-ftrllllion. Bt you boly,-th4t m) hand mil) bt "tak",
A. 0 Lord, the fear 'o f thy puni!hment allonieth my heart: and uncertainty of it in timej
and place, doth alfo encreafc'my grief, &c.
A voyc'e. The fool fllith i" bis htltrt : Oh, ho'lfl grtllt is tbJ prmijhmtnt .vtr mt. 'Tuch me thr
plilct of thy corrt[1ion : Ani/. "h"t thou 'JIilt cha./fi{t mt. Wbo is bt thllt dtfirtth to mttt Goa his
'lJtnltllnct, or tht punijhmtnt of him thlft cDnfounadh tht aamlltal Mil/tt Jour btllrts cltitn,lIntl
"ipt tht Jin from Ilmong/f )OU: And dtlirt to bt fort,ivtn;f,r mi{(Tllblt Il", ,thtJ thllt mttt "ith "tn-
gtllnce, or thllt k.,no. tht plaet wher,.rhe tak,.eth .p her Hllrbour.
A. Gloria, Honor) Laus & graciarum attio perennis fit Deo nQfirO Omnipotenti : Nobi$ veo-
ro a Deo Pitre, propter J e[um Chrifium in Spiritu Sanao , fit MiCerieordia, Pax 8c Confolatio
in via virtutis'& veritatis. Amtlt.

Monday, No'Vtmb. 18. Hora ,. Mllnt. Lubek.

E. K. Therc appeareth the Cloud I wherein the [word remaineth cn-
A. 0 Lord, be mercifull unto us, and rigoroufly execute not thy }tllliee upon us, thy
weaklings: Nor [uffer Satan to Triumph, where thy glory is expeCted, &c. Convtrtt nos
Vt/H falutaris noJftr, &- ItVtrtt iralll tultm ~ noblS,&-c.
E. K· Now cometh one ia a ",hue Coat I OOC perfet't:ly to be fecn ~ but as
ifhe were feeo through a Ciprdfe; and {aid as followeth •
...... n1l0 is ht that ltaatth Ollt tht Lion to prtJ' or "ho is ht that lifmh up the {m of th~ JOU1tg
onts to aevour; Who fuatth tht fmtl! of tht rOtlring Bur, or hath tttugbt him to rtmtmkr the
pillee Df his rtertlltio" , Hath ht ttlrO tllught the fitlds, to put firth thtir floicts : lind tht might}
Trus to jlourijh ilt pridt? Art not tht Hills glttrl when thty bring forth Corn 1 When tbt VIIlIt).
rtjoiet wjth tbrltfold wattrs. 'Tht btafts of th, )pildtrntift bav~ tht) 1tot k,.1tO'lfl/i Cavil: Illfd IIlItll
filch IH art maat fltmt, it thtr, not a ...... undtrlfllnaing ? For, ",ho it ht that ttllchtth th~m, tl1
1Hllltt {ubjdl thtm{tlvts, which IIrt ravtlling, or to brialt ruch IH art of thtir fTowardntfft? Et,tIt
he it ;" tbat loo/Vth aB'lfln from He{tvm, and btholdtth tht tltrth, ,ilia "ltitfurtth wish bis fut,
It H dont.
Which mtrn-h alfT! into tht hOllfa of mtll, and lijfnmh to thllt 'lflllieh thty call 'IfIolfatrs. Which
opmtth tht gatts of hidk.Jtowltdgt with hit OWIf fingtr; Alia which fltJtth nltto JO" : How IIrt Jt
become .ift ? Or from whmrt is Jour unaerjta,ndilfg 1 are,JBur btarts btcollfe CIIVts to fend out 1hun-
.trs 1 Or 'ffJhJ IIrtJour [pirits thUf Vtxed 'IfIith holint.D"t? Art you Hot it /fiff'-ntcVa ptopl~, alfd-rueh
fII"rt .r1tfpiftd 1 Art JOu not poor,an4 thtrtfOTt h,!ttd. Silfer, theufort,you Ifrt btco"'t BIIJlllrtls;
"h. teach,tb Jour lips to fptlt/(. of mJ Church I Or hllth taught you to urV mt with milft OW"
[pint /
Btholil, r Ilm mighlj,
Btcllllft 111m tht jOJ of tbt !IIithfull. For I 11m clllled tht 'Ttmplt of tht Hog ~lftSittna tht btitutj
.f I [racl. Tt;l fpirit of man critth Ollt, ltIfa pi~retth into tht Lord, IH the [wiftlft~ of lin Arrllw:
.And bt hura tbtm. Thtrtfort, 'thlll doth tht willa, of Caboll opm htr mouth, Ilisa [rPtlZrerb 41
rllt Jafpar Pillar tbat ftltndtth in tht Ttmple of R.econcililltion, and i~ ThllHdtrith, Itlid it [aid,
Bt it 40nt. , .
And ht,hola, tbt aoors optn, Itlld tht Holj Altltr ;, COVtrtJ. Tht btaJfs rPith mllnJ fut bring .p
burlft-offtrings : Alfa thtre H II {"crijiCt thM tt{cmdtth up, ll1la it it It might} wilfat, {uch III hltt"
"ot bw. jin,c t the btgi""ing of da)ts. 0 pm Jourtllrs tbtrtfore, ana prtpllrt .Jour (dilts t. bellr:
For tbH ...... it might}i fot it it of ptact. MJ ]ufliet Cfltitb tht Lord) Ii {tttlttl, lint! JOU lfafJt
filfntd might;.l) ~ My Ilr", it ftrttchta f.rth "Il~a I muti bt mllgni/itil: For vt/igta"e~ H gOlfr
forth, lind H apptttrta.alrtttJy. /fllt'lflho it ht that rejllftth the lImomt of tht tdi'th, or injfrN[1tth
Mlln 10 avojd tht Dllrts of J>fIifon 1 H t fait~ "It~ you, , ' ThlM it Hl btcau{t I hllve fllirlli/itd JOII,
/lila hA'IIt mltat)OU holy to tht tarth: 'Tbtrtfort willI htlp JON ,: iRt not IH JOII atJirt: For JOur
tr":itr,s Il.nd 'lI!fTigltttDitt liftfhltll btCOM bands Qf JaTH. Alld I 'ffJill mak.,t a eonttiltiim btti/!ixt Sa-
tblln lind JOlt. If thertfort .JOU lllb"ur hard,lInd opm {tromt min4tS, {1I,h ~ Itte IIot bf the ~.rldj
Itnd can bindt this f'ffJord If1Id cloud o!vmgtlZ1fct fllft fr~m Amollgrt JOu: Bt il fo I/JIto "oU; for it il
JOur own righttoufntj{(. For Sathan hath rtiJiled, IIlfd bath {Jid, .
, ,TIJtlfJhlllt tholl ftt.
But {o 10lfg IH tht} Itrt Hot" ItItJ btcomt righttnfntffr, tht) art bleDmt {ltf.: but "htli tbfj fill! I
SlItan tlttrtth In. For tht.powtr of rigbttoufntffe is buomt Il ConqNtf;our ,ii it /ig4t milhtily.
~1Id , Slttltlt jhlllL bt confouniJtd bJ Il rightto/ll jllagtmt1lt.
H :I F"
A true ~ tlatioll 0/ D. Dee his Aflions ~tbhirits, &c.
------- 'or I hne decrmi it : ,;"d b] fIIJ {.If I {.utr it.
I .ill be II rightto. J""e be",ixt JOM. Thtr.fore, ,"/r"e hwi JOIl fIJI llOt , ",r go ;IIto J;.th:
For gUilt /s th. [IIll of vtnie.lICe. Be IIOt th.refort defileJ .ith f~e jilthi",J[r of the .icl:.!J;
Ntither adight in fuch /If cOllllurfeit .truth. For I II. one fire f611t JwJ~eth ./~ fhtngs. AnI. I
Jelight ;11 peopl, thlft IIr, JOJfuU.ith on, BllrUr"tt. For fho{, fhll' jill th"r beJlm IIf rb. houfts of
firllllgers :"" ene",i.s to me.
For I hllV' {Ilia,
M} [pirit ;s hoI], .IIa Illy .II11oilltea righteD.. L,t the e.rth rife fIJ' , .nd co.ti,,", ill her .ic-
~dllrffe: TtII, I,t the", {IIJ, •• hllve fOlllld th. IIIfD;IIred: /Jut JIll contUJ.Mllnce is f t • th, lind tbtJ ne
bteo",e For JIIy {pirit.orlr".th, .na b'bola, thert .r, .ollaers 111 th, jight of """. .AIIJl
'Wher,fonl,r I a•• ll,{ucb IS ",y pow,r. B, therefor. of On, hou{"tb.t JO. "'"J 'lit togetber:Le"ft
you ball....t roo ",ucb, .lIa [0 becollft ur.eiver,. I.", Oil', lind "", /r"nD.n by O"e: AnJ JmtD 0""
Which Oil' I.", ",,,rri.d .lItO. (And I.", III,reiftlll) Who[Dnier lIbiJ,th 1I0f therti", is "" ",tiM/-
f.rer. Avoid JO. dllrltn'ffe, for right.otl{"'J[' is prtflllt ,"lid my [pirif tIItreth. BltfJ,d .rt
{lleh /If belillle. Amen.
Evell to tb, , Amen,
e. K. He is gone' There appearc fome bands linked tQgethcr. as Chaines
about the Cloud.
A. Welcome be thefe bands.
B. K. Hds here again; ...... and faith ...... eth •
...... Wh) tlre YOM",,. ,lull I Why "re lOU "t igllorAllt I Suft tho" the(, ...... tHe point-
eth,and fpeaketh to E. K.]
e. K. lice them, I thank God .
...... Tbt{. bOllas ." JOur",1I righttOuftulf,: Alltl .. the) IIPpe.r before the Lora, [0 {h"l! th.,
binae vtltg'IIlICe together: Bllt if JOU bteom•• ,"Jr",OIl fall. Bur J>i".y, .htl' you fallllot : For tbe)
Itr. the dllJ's of{orro.. 'ib. fpirit of GoJ it t.o/.ld; pr'{tllt Jab agian, "nd prtf.nt Nab gaf-
fapalan. 'ibeufort t./r"t btld. For, ill the jirjl, JO. IITt bl.J[e~: IIl1d it mil] returll. Bill he
thltt it fill.d .ith tb. {ecolld,jhtlll b. t1rlllllttll for tver. The lirft it pr.flllt , "na" comfort
;nmtafurllble, glorifyillg, IIIIJ Jlrtngtbllillg Itli thillgs tbllt .u Ilgrtlllbl. to it: But .hm they differ,
it r.turlltth. . 'fbt other. it the {pirit of the firjr, II"J the {.colld , AI",ighfJ ,lInJ nlerlttllill", 1111- , .lId ill.xplicltbl.: dro'R'lIillg tbt .ill of "'.11, thltt btco",.th firo"g in the [Olllftilill of
glaJn.fJ: Ilnd IIlIaer./llllldillg: trll' .i[dolll her felf, IIl1a IIOt returni,,/.. Pr".}, ther.for" th"t JO.
",,,) b. IIIId thllt JOU "'''J be [tll{oll.d : For it it "{Illt tb.t {.v.ureth fp tbt mol.
'Ib~ puc: of Goa b, It'''Ollgjl J#II.
B. K. He call: off his Cloudy Lawn) and wenc a"ay. He [eemed to be
A. Yet we: bcfeecb you more expreUy, and particularly to deal with us,&c•
...... It it {Ilia, ...... It it ",ium • ...... It it trUt.
A. Gloria, laus, Honoor, Triumphus Be Jubilatio fit Ow Dofica omnipotenti : Nunc; &:
fcmper. Ali/til.

Wednefday, Novemb.lo. MIIII' hor. I I !. LIW./r".

A. As thou haft of thy mercies (0 Lord) given us fome /hew of thy favour bent toward
us : fo are we defirous to underfiand how our Letten have wrought upon our friend bis heart
to joyn with us to call for ~hy mercies, pardon and hell' : for if they hne, Then do we hope,
our bands (of acceptable hfe) wherebY to binde vengeance prepared and intended againft us,
fhall Wal[ more and fironger : by thy great mercy and help to thy well-pleafsng in thy fervice
hence forWard.
B. K. Th~ Cloud and bonds appear: But ~he bands appear fewer.
A. 0 Lord, IS our fiate /inee yefterday become weaker with thee? And /hall it fo narrowly
be exalted? Thy will be done, who art holy, jufi,and mofi wife, 0 God.
E. K· The bonds about the Cloud) now arc ondy two; which before
were fix, or feven. The bonds feem of a fmoky alby collour , fpirally going
about the Cloud .
A. length a ...... J~Jg.",t7tt it the .IIa of Juftice : ai(fribllting Itlld aeliverillg ,,1[0 to tver) thing, {UII, hura,
vcycc. or dtt,r",m.a to bit proper elld "prightl]. Are JOU Itbl, to dlll] this'
A. The end of our aB:ions. words, and thoughts may feem twofold: One of us in-
~ended, and !'lent to be g<?od : The other not depending npon our weening, but accord-
mg to exalt wlfdom, what IS the end of the fame; here deemed the proper end, if 1 under-
fiand right.
A vorce.
J true '1(elationofDr. Dee his AFlionI ~ith /pirits, &c. 'i 3
A voyce. Lo, judgmtrnt is the end of Jufiice in things that are handltd uprightly: whertof yOIl
finde the OWlllipotmcie and Truth of him th.rt )udgeth Omnipotmtly; Which btholding YOllr COmb,H,
batb-girdrd him[elf togethrr,and beboldrtb thr Lifls, and he judgdh uprightly: For, he hath [worn it .
Arm not your [tlvu thrufore llf1uakjings : But provide /If mightie .rnd eouragiOIH Souldirrs, for your
oW" defmer. I am wIthout corruption ([aith the Lord) and Iran not with th. windrs of
A. 0 Lord, give me leave to requell thee, &e.
A voyce. But 111m juft, and jHdgrmmt h~ ftlf. Enter not ther.for. into my holy plaeu : Nti·
thrr k.,.nul Jo"n befou m) fanllultriu; [ayi/fg, the Lord bltth Chofen IH , He, and it is tru'
f~r tvrr. For I bavr faid, It 'lila) be undetrrminrd. I "'i~1 al[o [u, whtthtr you br ftrong ,n-
'!PardI], or privil] rortm. For ."ilh the 'World your 'Wea/tnr§r 's (,Trat. Who[o.vtr ovrreom.rh
foal! rt)oyet. But I 'Will be a God in my Covmant and 'Will,hold on my promi[.; Fight thrrtfore
AS it brco»leth you, and raft offtbr 'World. Mit/te jltfo fllb)ell , and flrangl. yOllr Advrr[ary.
For IInto [uch belongrtb thr rntrltnee into my Chltmbrrs, and tb. uft of my 'WIll, /Sf tht Horn of my
glorje. For it is 'Writtrn, light d'Wtllrth not in dar/tnf§e: Neithtr hltth dar/tnt§. comprtbmdttl
Imy light: For dar/tntj[t is thr Gavt of errOllr, and thr rt'JPara of Thill ['tJrth hr, 'JI'hieh
brholdtth)our [arro'Ws: And it is a fight for many dailS, 'Which apptauth neither in the one, nor in
th. othrr : nor giveth h.I"'f",tr untill thr rnd.
E·l(· There is one come in like a Ghofr, and heraketh all the hangings
away, which beautified the place like to Curtains. Now all the fides of
the frone are darkiLh ; and the Cloud fiandcth in the very midd Ie thereof.
Now th~ bands feem brighter then· ..... becau(e the place is [0 darkiGJ.
A. 0 Lord, many daits Combat is affigned us. And forafRUIch as Militi. rft vit. homin,s fu-
pr Terram, we are now in a great uncertainty of our Cembat ending.
E. K · There fiandeth the number of40' upon a great Labell J and no.
thing eIre.
A. This +0. (0 Lord) what betokeneth it, dayes, weeks, or years? Well: Whatfo-
evu it be, Blelfed be the name ofthe Highell. Our God, King, and Father.
E· K· Now isone come in very brave, like a Preacher; I take him [0 be
aft evil one.
A. Bc:nedill:us qui venit in nomine Domini. This Preach-
er-like Cre,-
E· K. He faith nothing; Not (0 much as, Amen. tUCe,f.yctb,
...... Are you fo foolifo to thtnk,. thltt the pO'Wtr of God 'Will dtfcrnd into [0 baf. If. pillct ?
B· K. The power of God de[cending, defcendeth to beauti6e the place i
And whatfoever he bc:autifieth, he doth it mercifully: And [0 through his
mercy he defcendeth among us, that put our truft in his mercies .
...... It is trur: But, unto thor. thllt IIrt rightrolll.
A. Chria his comin" hath been to fave finners. His converfation was among finners,
halt, lame, blinde, and difeafed. So Iikewife : Now our frailty. or impurity will not ex~
elude his prefence, or the Miniaery of his faithful! Angels;
...... What, in this ba{e mltltntr?
A. Do you miflike the mallner?
.. .... Can an) that hltth altY drop of 'Wifdom lik"e it?
A. Are you wife?
...... Or tI[. I rould Hot [ee thy imptrfdlions.
A. Wbichbe they? Accufeme .
..... • What greattr imperfel1iolt, thm to imagine much mort belirvr, that theAngtlt of God; '!Pill,
or maYdt[cmd iltto fo filthie IJ plaCt,lIIthiscorrtlptible .(lone is I Conjidrring tht clrarnrj[t, anJbig.
nr§t of the aire, or th. plltees that art prtpartd ;n mans bodie, fat fuch rntrancrs.
A. Who caufeth thee to come here?
...... Thy fol/;'. .
bo. Art thou good, or bad? ,
, ...... I 4m good, or tlfe I could not fer thr bad•
•A. Ergo, thou art a Iyar, for thou fayd'fr, No good Angel, 'Would, or might come here inco
thIS fione,
A. Thus will God be glorified againft wicked Satan, and his Milliners. His fetch was ve-
S4 .d true'1(elatio1l of Dr. Dee his .AlIions "';th !pirit!, &c.
ry fubtile : As, To bring in doubt aU the Altions performed in this ilone. Whit anft thOIl
anfwer? •
e. K. He fayeth notbing : Neither can he; fay any tbing. Hc fccmctb to be
a very foolifh Devil.
A. Mendacerm oportet elfe memorem. Now be packing hence.
'" ... I Tlill Itbidt btrt.
A. Where God will permit thee, there mayell thou be: But we will (as now) ceafe : And
we thank God highly of this comfort and viltory : We befeech him, that we may IS profper-
oully overcome all other Diabolical Ilfaults or fophilHcal , or untrue perfwlfions : and all his
T empeations. Amt".
Glory, Honour, power, and praire be to our Almighty and living God, the Lord of
Hofts. JthOVl1h,noTl "ntl tvtr. Amen.

Saturday,Novtmb. ~3. ~Mtridit horlt J~. Lubell:.

B. K. Here appeareth tbe lame bad one, fitting, who lail: appeared. The
Cloud with the [word appearcth at lall: with t"o wreaths on one fidc; and
tWO on the other,fpirally. This Creaturc taketh thc cloudy pillar, and
throwcth it from him divers times·
He fayeth. Cltll M long M thou Tlilt, I Tlillk,.ttp tbtt for {uing ""} mort fights htr,.
A. Or Lord, artend unto thy glory: Attend unco thy honour, regild the arrogancy of this
Luciferine brag againft thy younglini,s cl[prclled.
A. And of the Lord, Alb. LMJvt, &c •
...... Ht fh"l! COmt to dtjlruliioll, M rhou It"d tbillt to mi{trllblt btggtrJ: B,e-"II{' hI bllth e-o,,{tIItttl
to thtlll .b"t IIrt Mhlijtm of iniquity, fpirits of fltllbood.
E. K. He looketh on a bare book, "hen he faith thus·
••• .•• 7'ht poTltr of God tntrttb into tbt SOIlI of nflln, Itnd Jotb vifit .bt Cblt_trs of his 1IIftltr-
ftllnding : optllttb his Tlill Tlitb p Tht fpirits of dltr./tntfft Ilrt rtlltlJ for ttltr} plll.C t, It"tl
C"1f dtctivt, {ltJing, This is of God. Vnto thrft .Y~U hltvt lijl",t. : IIlfd hll1lt {wor" it M It CO~t1Iltnt
bttTlu" God Itnd )011'. Bllt I It". ('Olllt from Go.J : 4nd Itm mtrtd. i"dltd, Itnd Tlill mltk,.t JOII bun-
grJ i" JOur OTl" foolifh",fft, thltt JOII mil) btcome Tlift. No"t 'blttb ,,,trta btrt with power but I.
And I Tlill tltrT) btrt. And 1 Tlill bt It Tllll! bttTIixt )OU, Itnd JOur i",ltgi"lttio"s: Itlfa bttTIid
tho{t thltt hilvt tt",ptM JOIl, It"d JOur 'I/Itltk,."rff~ For thou bltft c:ltl/td upon God : .lInd bl hltth
btltrd tbtt, IlnJ I am he thlft {ltytth [0 "nto thu. •.... LttTls of [lIlvlttlo" It" rtltd},folloTl thmJ.
Tbt TlltJ illto dltrit'''j{t M Tlidt, ud tltfit , Itnd Tlhtrt light M, it t"crtlt{ttb joy. Bt tboll tbtrt/oTt
Tlltrntd b} mt.
Nil), I hltvt {aid.
A. Thou han faid here, That tholl art God, is that true? For thou haa raid, Thou haR
called IIpon God, and he hath hard thee: And I 11m ht , that fayeth fo unto thee •
...... I {It thlt : A"d thy Tlirdom iI nothing: Mltk..! of mt Tlhllt tho" cllnft , I Itm tht mtJl'llgtr ,f
...... Avoid dltrk,.ntfft, Itvaid dltrk/ttfft, Itvoid dlfrlt.nt§t.
E. K. He pluckcth do"n violently (in the fione) the Clouds, and all be:
c:ometh light in the fionc·
...... LJ btrt Tlitb tb} ftllo'l/ls. Tho{t tbltt Itrt of Tli{dom, l,t tht". "ndtrft""tl.
A. 0 Sapientiapatris zterni, ilium ina mClltcs Doftra5,ut tibi ferviamusinfanltitate, &Ju-
iHtia toto vita: noftrz tempore. An"" •
...... Cannathar, " Knigbt of tht Rhodc~, TIM tbir'tt" .Jtltrs dtfltrota Tlitb ont thltt Ifpptlfrtd
(oN he tbought) in glorit &wi{dom ill tbt imllgt of Chrift. Antony WM bt&"iltd i" divtrt TlIt}ts.
7'ht Propbtts & ApoJUts bltvt dOl/bua ill ",ltlfJ thi1lgs; B"t 11"",,[t thtJ fitithf"lly btlftvtd tbt} Tltrt
Ifot rtjtOtd. Tht;r hopt btcltmt jiIIitf*l!,It"tl tiJt} blt§td Tlitb 1IIf4trftlf"di"g from ttbovt.lf[o bt Itl[o.
y:ill upmt, It"d bt {orrJ ill tbltt JOIl hltvt yitldttll/llto tbt illjlrltmt"fs of Tliclt,;tdntJf,: It ltd follo'l/l 011,
tH tbt} Jo.r flttbtrs hltvt do"t ,JO" fhltll .1[0 'bteomt Tli[t: Bill I rlt} unto JOlt, Tbltt ."bicb JO" bltvt
con{tltttd UlltO M Itmifft, Ifltd fltl{t,Jfor{t Ibm trrour it {tlf. For, Tlbtrt blt':lt JOIl tllfttd Ifltit pit
out of thltt DoOrint. HOTl poor M tht pOTltr, thltt hllth b"" lo"g t~/d of in '0'" T." bltv, for-
goum 10111' ~.",n It.IIOTlltdgt, .nd Itrt bteomt of {ttrS, bli"d, : {llch tH groft their WIlt]. Sw:b t"d,{ueb
·btgin"i"g. For tbt tnd bltlfgtth from tht btgin"i"g : It"d M btco",t. mtllns ill it [,If, to bring .It
thi"gs to pllJft. B"t "tithtr tht #nd Sf"r btgilfnillg of fllcb thillgs M Joll bltvt bllndlttl bltth b~t" ftr-
ftn, Dr probllblt: But" dtetit, comprtbt"dinf. tht i ml1gt of fltl/hood : Ttll, mucb mort tbt trllPS Itnd
{MUS i"to Tliclt..tdiu§t.; wbicll tlt{trtIttb dtjtr/lQio/l tttrlUlILJ.
" if
Ak"'~'tllltiWJ Df D. Dee b~ AflirJtlJ wi-th {piritJ,. &c. ss
If fi,;, • .".rI'rlife )1111, 'Bf. if ft· If rlJlfi t;c,,"'pfh 'tfI(J 'fT'D1Irtble ltr'glll1Jtltti hI fowrd, Th(n
rttC,jfllriryJolI o/lght of Jutie to btColm[rlled bJ me : Blfrl1m1Ji ~rr"trJ.",} mouth '1m;' toM J'oi!. :Be ""to JM~ JrcecfJI1Ig to ,DNr JifprJjit'-h.
A. Be icun~ou5 al; to tlie merde& and lotingkindoclfeof ehe Highell.; -into whofe
hands we comnlie our fel ves, all Oltt doings, .ana intents•
...... It 'lttll flli'! ••• God'bt 1P1th J~U'
E. K. Be is gone, and inthe place; vvhcrc he Good tbe likcndfc of a little
Circle,as}faprtm vvere made vYith a Thil1'ible~brim·
... S«>liaeo, HOJ1'OI'-Ollillis, ~ Gloria. Aintll..

M."tlllJ. 2~. Nove",b. Mlltle, 8 f Lllbr~.

E·IC. Hereappcarcthfiraightw.ay, (a~the 6rfHookingJ the famefcl. 1:,Jt:;
10" thatlaft fplke, and lei (b~ print of d:tdittle Circle behind him. ~. L.
A. Orabamdiu ad Deum, lie Arbiter clfet inter illos. A .... num .... 1i1Oi confugilIlftS iIi
USDpOI'C net'eUittltk, r.c. A te ( 0. Deus) folo reiId~ns; &.c.
A. Se,*ebealu~ 1aali ' i,t.triao!!ul~ Ie ft cOIlTefteb« venlls A,'L. ,
. ~"~' f.'Mc. ~ ...; ~p)Jhttlte~frr~tfl"tff~: Lift "ot lit th! (dffo "'u~h i ,illt clDre tIP
~, rUet ~71ft .feJi.l11iJtd,thT.J"rJ" _co c~ tier Imu}lollg illt~ foil), Irllrl trlllfr!orlfl thlr
'.4jHJtrIr ,; B.1",'1IIficMi(dtJto. "'th~, J;jh,,,OftfYd.; ""tdb} ''riDnl tbdR /lirrlt btcotPu It {pDt
;" ,z",Bu/r..of F"",.. Cell to ;'t1fH<Iftbrllilce t~ Hiflnit,; of ,tOt "'''Dk WvriJ., {'olittedlllnd Ec;.
~kftttftfc~l. I"u tif,t~t·Lt~ti/. ,Hi<1t._efm/tJthtiTj/ldt;rmnln flf tht ~"'~ ~f q,rl, 'Opttl
tJHw,tJefoJ tntJ .rhDl>rl, If ""'41l1f IW ~rts '" f'refllthtrs ( ,JIlt" grMlfllt-l ,,,.1Pi[dom Jlnd tirep
~lftl!"",) -btttvt iitlJeJ. thtlfl!tlws n thii 'ffnri&htt~~~, bditvi71g 1).1rS; c~i[r1f1 ;,ig to flit,.
JI'-..6s,,,rM I~'IHJ JiJho1lWY'.i.g tbt Nltlflt,,! G.Il. The" nil to ."indt, t'hilfe D1I''' tJf,;,tt, thr f/(Jrtr-
i./hfIri .f fbJ.Jff'fb, Itnt!. ""rbil~s; '''litrfflt,n,11II "'''Jfr bt "(,hult Pl rfdl. JfIb.ich if fiDu tr7lt!.1 d~.
~hrll #HI";!! t6. 4i/""""" to Gatltdtrll?is ~ttglrr, #tftn mit ro ,~rt S .... ,. irfity : For tht s'fmrrs
tin. ""'A~r, ""jJd,fr "ltgirtt rlrjfrttliiait; I _ [elit from Oed; lis 1f ~1Tt'1Igtr to ,cilil th~
If,., , fvf' thll J~ GoJ milhrigt lJtlxilJ otli,., .fMlt he "."y{j cimtr,,;ptibl~, It.nd Ortome "
Illftgbtng"'.fifCl{. n""",w.,jhllOirt JtfcITtJ, ",Jw,) fo.{lmtJ fl;,t~tt 1Jffth ignom;tr#t.' Md,..,.. IIi ttrt tllJ frie1t4tjh6,flJ1tl<.rtheir ,JindJ 1 /fI)mj" Wh,lt"1I'i[r ",an #Jretb thu/pmi over-
tD_ 1 Whrrt is 'ie.t n-,J"rtwtr f~illiJh? ~ ",hl,1f rl~fir~ N; at!. cf1Ifmt, ..s : brfDr~ ; ,But 1 ",.
• foi«bliltf, 'f;J,d,.jl't1t>i~ YHI).lui "HI d",etlin Il.ll Efeniend fctr yotlr purpOrc:s.
g. K· Htholdedt ap hioi hands to"ards b. and bith" ... Nay I ha~e
told bim truth. Thou /bah be
B K. Bo,hach now gotten him a Chair; atld Gceedl down. I.. nged" he
• . " , raid co! ,K.
to. If It be ,tl'tttl\oj tf\i!ft it Is a: rokttl thllt God .-err
mercIful '!'litO lis ; anti that we arc Dtt;iWiI, • ",••
in bis f~l' fI;g1I1YI to give JlS ebb fM'hirig to nbid evil. Now rclleth the otber ,Irt; I. & F.c &t-
How we thall amiri to good, ind wiCdpm, fJ'l)r4 God, facir ,. ! by t~e true 1II1d ,perfi:a uCr of nom. pralm.
his creaturrll,j we might do him fonie ;tccepeablc Cel'vjce ~ with true obedi'crtce and humi-
lity, &.c.
E. K· One CQmcth to him; and faith ..... H~ go:th a bout to tak~ you a
E. K- Hegol!th ;,.Way; .nd ~mttCth again.
E. K. This man which thus came and went away" and cometh again,
is alB.. whiac: ~ he hath-I lil 'Of Crown Oft hit ,hc.~; he [pc:a'keth as fol-
loweth· ..·
.;..... D~", th_t. ,0""IIve 401fe; COlffrJf~ it ,to be fcl[r~ C"JJ,uD.qen,tlfara, Alia let thoe,jh-
gtls oj God fit JOu. ,1010, ( ' thllt tbtl ~, c"r~, ut ,oiir P")tTS;) ' [0 fo.llllJ'?tI brfOnft rigbttolH ;
Bur ",b},tlo{l tho" '!'Titt .oras of c~"te",pt IIgllnt/f :M? For Oile in ~71r f/11",!;er is Afl; AII~ W~
tire, II11, One. B~lkpt 'w; for of dar [tlilts in htv~, IfO ~rr to ilt flrrill JOu, 'fJ/;~ t~ iltlivb: J on the
C,,,,ma1ftlmmt of Gotl: Rtllt loli1' clortiln6 ph¢1t:. ~r(l ~I.tfl5nJ1dtff hi1tJIi,,.. in "irctr; Alill f'li/J flowlt
before th~ Lora : for hf it ,s;,"'#;' JP'ir~6ii1. 1 IJHt tkHi f~r 1bls' fiJrtr.
E·K· Heisgonc.
l!.. Q!!.i9 eft difcrccor SpiritUtlm?
E. K· Novr he com~b in -ag~il\ and f'Peakttb •
...... '()fr"n 111" "~tr"td "'lfll. oW .. ' Trtd i" tilt fomrJ ~ Ht it ii rim Ji!crl;tlj jug.lth Il.II
,hi"'" If hi; ili[dttion bt giVllI to JIll, tbllllll.. Gdd:
t.. im
') 6 A true'1(el4tion of D. bee his AElionn17ithj}irits, &c.
b.. lI\i ergoCommJttem'us hanccaufam ~ ab iIla'hoc donum :peteutes Be expeltantes. Nos
interim pie in Chrifio yj vere ijuendimus.
E. K. He i:; become a great pill-ar of Chryftal higher than a Steeple. He
a(cendeth upward in cloud~, and t;be Iitcle circle re~ainet~. . . .
b.. Gloria,laus, honor, Be grauarum alho lit Deo nonro oml1l11otenn Tono Be 1101, nul1.C,
Be in fecula feculorum. .A",,,,.

Tu'fJa} Dtct",bris 10. After Diner, we removed from LIiPtl, and the Lord 416. L.s.J~
went by Coach to Lord (hri{lophtr, Duke of eJUtrk,.tlbirgh.
'Iblir[dIlJ night we lay at ""if","r. 11. Dtctr1lh. vt! 12.
SlIfllrdaJ morning we came to R~/locb. 14. Dtrtmbris.

M?I.alf) D~ctllfli. 16. Mant hor" 10~. Roftocb.

E· K. He is here, that laid, he "ould dwell;n omnibul EUIIII1I'is, &c.
t:.. •
...... I &1I11ft fro'" tbt fOl/ltt4ilt Df liq,bt, "btrt is ltD tr""r Itor a"rltn~fft,!1Ul bllli~ PD.", (p~_
ca"ft it is-givtn m~ fro", tbt Hightfl ) Whicb, ( L.) is gro."" ""a btCD"'~ " migbty RICk... For
it is faia of me, Btb4ld I 1Pillviftt tb~", tb"t put tbtir ttltji i" "'t, "'irb" comfort"Ut ftrmgtbin
tbt ti",t of nted; For",) Roc~ is If" fTltrlll.{linl{. (frtNgtb, ""d the Hills of my COuntenance tlt-
1.111" fo, Nltr. If tbm I bt tbt COllnttll:tltCt of God, and a pitrcing fir, f,nt ollt as " ji"",~, ItDt
ontlj "itb bis grtat mtrc), bllt .,;ilh bis g"a 'llliIl, ana th"t to'lllaras )oil,ovtr1Phtlmta,n:t calf aowlt,
but "Imoft for tV" bll1'itfJ .in " I"k,.t 'f ig".rttlfct, "",a iitqllt/Jcbolblt ji""'t, fuch IS eonfll;"etb
'IIIith ignoranct, dtctit it ftlf, "nd a provoclttion too Hittniftft, ,,"a "PP""ltt a~flru­
l1iM: If I tbtH 'IIIith tbis "'tffllg, (btilfg tht ""ffllg, of Irurb) "') ftlf " m,,,n .... fuf/kmt
Order for rht pub/~(hmmt thertof, C"II, 1Ior mtt) ...... IlJ of ... III 11m) vtbtmtlft!J defpi[tel
( tht frllirs of a gooa Con[citHct, not";,rh JII"ding jieafAft) 1bm is he of no po.",,. of'lllbo", I
a", .... b,ellu[t it is 'IIIrilttH. S~'cb as Tift liP ag.lfin(f iIt' Spirit, I 'IIIill at/lroJ tb,m ill tbe tIIiajf of
tbt ftt"" firt, ttna 'IIIill delivtr tbtir ajhts to the .".indts for " "'tmor) of tbtir 1PiclvdntJft. Bitt
bt is jl/fl, Ana is .itbout mea{urt:'/llttb ",hlft is, ""J .b4t is fI com" "bicb blftb thus f"ill of
1011. Behold tbti' ign,rAnCt is f.rtllttr, ""d 'tht) t(f"m "ot t'lltb. Lo ]'bltv~ btud,tb,m, ilt th,
miaft of thlir cor"'!tiolt; ytt tbt) art becom, fllithltJ{t: I mini/ftr lI11to tbtm, bllt in va ill ; But
btb4IJ tbtir ",outbs a"cleftd u!with ialtHtJ{t. O)t of littlt UIIatrftanaing, ar, 'OU btco;"t {o
bliltdt, tblftJo" 'IIIill not ftt / .Art tht .;,.dOJIIJ ofJOur t"rts m"dt faft agll/"ft ,,,,,h / fir, flil"
confcitncts [eaZ,d lip, "itb a thric,bll1'"t iron / Dtftrt )011 ligbt, lind )et rtfllf, it / Havt ]071
crllvt4 ••• , "nd Ito'/llat,,! it : J'" IItftrlj dirallill it j
b.. That is not tme.
B. K Now cometh a head behind hiin .
...... Lo tbt tHdjhpll bt""'~ JOur comfort, if]OII lifttll to tbt {,I/gs of m) mouth: if ItO', ,vtr-
Illftingfoll): Ifnd II r","rtl of [ucb, "{ 4rt .",ar) to 6tll, ofTrllfb. No'lll I pinchtd bi", ......
E. K· This he [aid looking behind him.
t:.. •
...... Burn tbo[t bl4pbt7ll0111 boo/V of thiltt; ana I will tt4cb tb".i[Jo",.
t:... Will YOIl have me note down that fentence fo •
...... I 'Will.
t:... What blafphemous books can I acknowledge, feeing I underfiand none? Ifth~ con-
tain Sentence, mak e me to percci Te it; that fo I .J\Iay compare it, with the Touchfione of
God his word, ulingthe Talent of filch reafoD, as God hath given me .
...... I go, I go, I go.
E. K. Now cometh a great fire down, and there appeareth a great huge
man, with Agrta, jTPord j"his ba"d; fire cometh out at his eyes and at his j

mouth. This ttr~_ibJc man [aid,

...... MaltJilii {UII', ql/i jurllti fll1ft contrll Nomtll mtu",.
E. K. Now that wicked creatule thak(ch himfelf.
6. In nomine Jefu Chrifii Redemploris hum ani generis, <l!!i' m el?
[ This was fpoken to the: man WIth the f word. ]
...... SlImtvirn.
b.. Deu~ in adjutorium meum intende, &c. Miferere mei Deus &c.
E. K Now the great huge one km:dcth down) and his face is ( now)
flom weward; he lookcth up toward heaven; he hath verJllong hair, to
A true 'J?.elation of Dr. Dee his AElionr ~ith fpiritJ; &cc; 1)7
beneath his girdle; his Robe is long and tucked up. Now he- Hand:
eth up. . .
...... CurJea lire thq: CurJ/a lire, they: Cur{ea it hi for t'IIer. I am, I glttJe thu power;
and f~led thee for uilj]e : POW". te uJe the vehtmmcJ of thille 0'11111 pOi{'II; bur "ot to touch my
CD Itt. ThIM be {ltith, Alld (I a", ) thou art a lyar frolll thl begilllli"g,a"d tbe i &u"tltill .f curJul-
nt§e. Dltmllation H thJ dwtllillg plltCt; DefZth it thJ Jeltt .; Vmg~lt.ce H tbe Crow" of tfJ diJl,lorJ.
B"'ltuJe thou hil}t mtTtd i"to 'f'Y Jelt~ : nltft e~alted tlV br;ghf!teff't,blilJph!med",j "It"'e ; :wberti"-.
( ;n thit A l/ion ) thou co"t;lIutil ( No pomt,of th), 1I0r .f",} per"ujJion. ) Ile thou ac-.
cwfd, 1ult/ttned, overtbr,Jlln, Itnd dtfaCta. Thou Itrt tJlt"qijJmt, ThJ ti,,!e isjhortmtd. Ant!.
"'hy I I am. And J.{ay thou fight.t}l, againft me, and not Ilgainft.. >1U1I. I a'" lUlfice, and the
fircngl'h of him that liveth, 'lPhom thou hail ftlt, iI/la Jbalt ittl, world with~ut end; Therefort
Depilrt; Depart I fll).
E. ie. Now the fword fiandeth by him, with the rags that :appeared
before .
....NVmgtallce, prepltrea for othtrs,bt thy rt'JIJltrd.: As it was dtlivered unto thu, {o ta;" it
"itb thee s That the malice which thou (hew~Jf to otbers, ma] beltp 111' thille OW" de/frul/ion.
Jeovah, Jeovah, Jeovafeah.
e.K· The wicked Tempter falleth down into a hole, and this high
creature puucth the [word and tags down after him- Now this great
creature appeareth as [man as he u(~d to do. And it is Micbad.
Mlc; ..... . Vdjiat Lux Domini, &- fidtliu~ Co"Jolatio.
E.K. NoVY is all come in, as was before: The Vail, the feet of men
appearing under, ([J·c.
Mic. ...... Thur hath God d~alt mercifully "itbY01I>
A. His Name he praiCed for ever.
Mic .. ..... ·ThUI bath 7 ruth 'Da"qu({htd dark..nefJe. Even {, .(haIIJou vltnqu!fh the World in him
",bich j{ tht Spirit ~f Pow~r and Truth. For I bailt Sworn CTltitb the Lord) and will be mer-
Ciful unto you : But etafe f or tlJr[e dllifs to come; for thtJ were dairs dtlivered: Ln them be
( thrrefort ) unto 'you dain of Repen.tance : For tlJe eM of 40 dai~s 7I?lIjf comt: .A~d thil Do-
l1ri"~ iIJall be wrtttm Ullto Ill! N4h .11S, evm u~to the en4 of-the .World. The Gram !l y et ,n the
ellrtb, 1l1ll1 hathnewly confenttd witl, the tarth: But ",hen It [prmgeth, a"d beareth {teil, The num-
ber jhllll be tIlt laft·
A. A dark Parable, to my underlbnding, i~ this.
Mic ..... ,. The tran[parmt fir! of§e comfort It"el ""',.,,. .lour fouls, rellifie Ilntl mll/te
ftrong Jour bodi es, to th~ ettrnal comfort of.the World"o come; in the pilgrimage "'hieh "u Jlutll
maitre with a htll,,-, croffe fOT tht Te}t,m,nu of 'trutb.
B: i(. A great many voices, fay, .Amln.
E. K. Now heis gonc,and the golden Vail is drawn again.
A. Omnis \aus, honor, Gloria, Vjaoria & Triumphus fit Deo noRro omnipotenti, Vivo &
vero, nunc, & ill femp'itema feculorum fecula. Amtlt.

Sonaay. 22. Dectmbris, Mane, we went from R:o}locb toward Steti".

Wtn[dily, 25. DtCembril, on Cbrifimas Day morning, we came to Stetin by 10 of the clock.

Anno 1584. stilQ v.eteri.

S~etini in Pomerania.
January 2. Ma1le,hora 9.
A. V cniat lux Domini, & fideliulIl Confolatio, &c. 40. dies, jam completi funt, !!rc.
Expdbmus przpocens aU'lilium AhiCsiml, &c.
E. K. 1 cannot fee but. an inch jnto ~he Stooe. The Curtain ap-
peawh, but more dc(p inco the Stone At length cometh one
very tall, in a long white Gown, all open) and his hair of his head hanging.
dovm to his legs. He hath wings upon his head, arm(s, back,. and legs.
Fiefetmeth to defcend from the.Clouds, and upon CloLJds which lieftoapof-
nife for his defcending. He fpeaketh as follovvct-h·
I 7'h1
A true'1(elation of D. Dee his ACiionJ'OJithiPirits, &c.
•.•••• Tht pltf"tl/e§t of hImi/ity, di{ptr[td through th, inllr" b,w,ls of •• ". i, thltt, which i, ".1-
ltd ( with !Oll ) P,r[tvtrlll/et. 11'I1ieh Ptr[,vmJl/ct, htllutt/ieth .I/d ~{tllbli}h'th ill " tTut II/ld
Jrtdfllfi B.jis thor, things that IIrt acc,ptllblt ill th, jight of. God, tht wor;"ts of ",1111. Hmc,
fpringtth jfljfi/ieiJtiott, .",bieh ••• ' with tbt 10'IJt of God. Hertin IIr, you bteo"" Ii;", ""to w.
for thllt W, IIrt th, ~agt of P,rftverIlIlCt, ~nd.tht Glor] of God. But ill III i~ ;, di~ified: 111
you it H; IIl1d muft b, Imptrfdl : For. nothlllg H of fi,fh o,r blood, ,hll' rectlvtth ftrf,111011,
The Emlil/litiol/s fro", God, to, IlIId iI/to hiJ CTtllINrts ( which IIgret ill tht CmUt of tht Ellrth
as tht k..tlitting ,lIp of things) IIrt ,]fllbltfotd; So thllt Ollt jot of h;, Will Jltith". CIIJl, nor ",11' per-
iJb, wax w:nk." or dwell ill trror: Which for,{ttll fro", th, bt~inlli1lK' cllrritth ill it [tlf tb, rt-
mtll/brlln" of Ill! things to th' md. 1hrough which mtrc, ana Ttm,,,,brllllc,, you IIrt btcom, th,
[tnJllllts of (J,d: N &t for your own {1I/vS; but ill tbllt It ii, tht Glory of hi"" which hlltb calltd )0/1
O,r Calling to thil tx,rci{t: 7Tollbltfom, to th, World, but rtwllrdtd '/lIitb Glor}.
or Excreife.
If thmfort YO.T imptr[t{1iolls Tift up IIl1d rtfilf tht Will of God, fayillg, blll[phm.6ujTy IlS)O" do,
Lee us feek other wayes, Thm you IIrt 1I0t CDU1Ittd perftvtrtrs , Jltithn' IIr, yo"" wor/v wortby
rnu.rd: But humal/t r,4011 "til ptr['/lIlIdt and givt judgtmmt IIgllill(f thtft follits, much mot,
IIU tht] dllmllablt, IIl1d d,[trTJtCorr«woJl ill tht voiet IIl1d judgt."tnt 0f [ueh as IIrt purt.
Htrhllt dtllitth withtht wir.k..,d iJ II !.JilT, lind /hall havI hil rtward: But tht tlld of comfort H
in tb, pUrtlltfft of fpirit. But 0 you rif littlt wifaom, you ,r ift IIp agailljt tht ."iM", IIl1d yo/v .
Jlur wits Ilgai~/l tht moulltllillS: N:ly !OUcaftyour felves dowJl htadlollg, ."htrt th,rt 's 110 mtrcy.
F or what blafphtmit H it to [Il), Ific be ehe will of God, it mull follow? Is "or ;"1tII fu5j~1J to
tbt brillgillg i1l of hM 0"'" labours I Alia art 1I0t thfY II/1O'/lltd to biJ "",fort, beillg brought ill?
Tht fOlll of mlill i4 t~, I",ag, of God, IIfttr his for"" 'Wbich /tttltth ';;'ithill bi,,;[tlf tbt power of
bitt aivil/it] ill tbt htavmly Spirit, "/lIbtr,b] ht hatb Auth,rity to con[tHt ."ith God in th, work..",,,,,_
fhiP~f hu Willlllla Crtlttuw: Whirh Power b,ing [fllltd alrudy, givtthUllto mllll ( liS KiJlg of
hiitt{tlf) to eOllfm t '0 hi4 OWII [lIlvlltioll, colljoYlliltg IIl1a /tllittiJlg hi",ftlf togtthtr, tjtbtr .",itb ptr-
ftvtranet ill tbt ilfff(Tta hopt of mer", or ( ",ith ",ilfulL dTfltl/t..tll)rtj{t;) " thl rtJrllrd of fucb III
fall. 1hmfort, Bm",t Holy. For tIN foul btlluti/itth, whtn it i4 btauti/i,d in it folf. K,-
jiff IIOt tht Will of Goa, which i4 mighty Oil ]ou: Bt 1I0t obfti"ldt.
Bt bl/",blt, Ktjo)et IIOt for this WorlJ: But bt glaJ t60ft your 1111",,, IIrt ftalta, IlIId tbat you
/h.ll correa tht World. Deflll;' 1I0t thro"gh "IlItll/t..lltfft; for fro", ",ho", CII",ttb jfrtllgtb I If
puJalts b"otl" Stas, tht tlla is tIIOrt ",oMdtrful : But ytt grtldtr wbtlt jillllers 1Ir.t clllltd t. tht
k.nowltagf IIl1a ptrf.r",allCt of God his Will, thorough h;, "'treies. Evtll lis 01lt dllY pfri}httb,
ana iJ lIot, although ht bIlthbttJl j Evt/l [0 it iJ, IIlId }hllil bt tht ftatt of th;, World. For tbt
Earth muJr jillg'O Sllllllllwith tbt Htllfl,tllS, Alld thtrt mu]r bt Ont veritit. 411d HifTU[lIlnt.
}hall atfCtnd with IIJI borll of glory to tbt tlld. 1ht SII1I 1I11d. M""jh,,lt bt ."it"t§ts, IIl1d wOlldtr
lit thtir ftllY. 1ht Killgs of riot Ellrth jhllll bteomt proud ill thtm[tlvts, III1J IIrt Wtllblt to b, tllmtrl
But 1."illJ0k" thtm ([lIitb tht Lord) with correaion; Alia f.ret tht", 0111 to i",itlltt 11110-
tErtr, fttf1: Tel. thtJ .fhlll/ trt4a tbt gr"les IIlil<!; For i,. my Villty"rd Corruptio;, }hal/lIDt d'/ll,ll
with Aurhority: NtithFT fhllll tht PrillCt rif'Dark.,lItJ{e ufl/rpt my furthtr hOllour.
e. K· He fpeaketh much in' a LmaIler voice than he did· I cannot per-
ceive it· J He turned back and fpake .
...... I fptlll<,.tht[t thillg; for y,o ", u1ld"ji""di"g, Itlld tht you "fIt] bijfrtlfgrhtllta.
E. K. He turnech back again (as before) and fpcaketh I koo\v not
what .
...... MJ d(lIr ortthrtll, thertfore rtjo)" ill Comr,rt, 4tfJ tht imllgt of PtIlU: IIl1d r'mlli/l
f"ith!"l, that you m"J bt ftd ."ith thllt fooa that fhllll prtftTVt IIl1d iUr;lIits r~{t bffort thl might.J
fill"''' of Zallzor: whtrt thtr, tI?tl!tth 110 dt/iltd Cr.t4turt, 1I0r 1111] ullrigbttol/[lIt§t.
E. K. He turneth now back again (as before) [peaking. He feemeth
now to lean againft a PillarofCoppc:rl great and round: And he is become
leffe than he "as'
Now he ftandc:th on the top of the Pillar, Now he knc:C$
letb down, his back being turned.
A voice faith to him ......... SJJlear ......... [IJ
He faid ...... It iJ Jone.
He faid ...... the /irflvoit.t optlftth hiJ mouth IIl1d [4ith [ th,r, it 4 grtllt rllmblillg IIlIa ror
jhillgs Of[II/liIl, of 10'JllJls or HOI/[ts, liS ,i t "tre iJl tht Stollt. ]
He (aid ....... 1he 'Will of God it {taled ill thi4 Prophtjit, IIl1d it .fhal! Illaure.
A voke ................ SJJle-ar .................... [2J
He faid .... N. hllvt aOnt.

Hefaid ....... It tbU1laertth,lIl1a it it thtfrcond wi". th, cifeEt of God his Will, ;,,,,r
of timt; IIl1a thertfoTt 1I0t to bt k..llo;'" of"'.II, till th"J 711'mmt "lid ma of timt }hllil lIf1ur,
JPhtrti/t it muft bt pub/i}huJ, /lJla /itfi}hta with pow,r.
H. K.. Now
fA tr"e~/ation of Dr.. Dee hil AElionI fPith jpiritI, &c. ~9
B. K· Now itthumbleth again very terribly, as though a vvholc TOWIi
lhould {all down inco a great Valley.
A voyce ........... Sitltar • ........... [ 3 J .
He raid ...... I havt . . ' .•• Ana it y rht third; lind tht 141 vOJct. All thingi that Ilrt CTool:.!J
(hltll bt mlldt ftralght. Tht wil/at of tht htllvtns jhllll 'ivalk.. throllgh all tht tirtE. Wirdom jhA11
fit il/ btr Majtftit, Crowl/ta, ill tbt rop of IlII Hill, with f:caltta glorit.
It y tht ma.
e. K· Now all dafheth in a Harne of fire, Pillar, and he, and ali, and (0
Hieth upward.
A voyce...... Ht that hathtllrs, Itt him btar.
Another voyce. It jhllll bl. Amen.
E· K. Now the Curtain cometh before alI,as it vvas at the beginning, this
A. 0 Lord, for thy great mylleries declared lIntO us (this <lay) we moll humbly thank thee.
Bnt on ollr pares, there rcmllineth rome matter ..... thy hands by rome of thy good Minifiers.
we defire to have fome advertifement: as of the Lord Alb. L!lfliJt. Secondly, of Vi1letllt Stvt,
E. K. A. very little Creatll;1'c appearcth, and faith ,
The little one • .Ii word, Imd IIWII}. Tht htltrts of l'ril/ets, IIU tbt ftertts of tht Lord: SIIeS
fbfJ art, unlock.. tbt doil/gs of thil world.
A. Of A. L. his delay in coming (contrary to our deJire and expel\:ation) I would gladly
underlland the Qufe, &-e. · .
The Iitt1&Oile. Tb~[t things t~at art of wiek..tdl/tjft, art IIOt of OIlT rtmtmbrll"ct. 7bit ftaJ
./hill! bindn a third part of bit glory. Sut all your life is hoc of him: Nor he of you. 11 bt Nore.
become !t,od: ht jhllil bt wtll rt'fJParaed. Ht y forward, Vincent y ;11 France. Of A. L • • ~
e. K· He is gone fuddenly. This Creature flood bccvvecn the Curtain, i.:c!fi~:ItJnc
and the forepart of the fione, it vvas one of the leall Creatures that ever 1
A. All Honour, prai[e, and thanks be to our God Almighty : now and ever. Amtl/~
Thurfday, Ja"uar;i 9. The Lord ,Albert L!lfltJt came to Suri", H~r. '2 f. aMtrjdjt:
Fryday, JIl)fur;; 10. Mct~;f'4' IIl1lf"" olt"!I1/" ""....9- "',... H,rll primll i"eipitbllt, & ptr 2. harM
JlIfOllhllt. Stctini.

SOliday, 12.11l)fullrii. I] 584. Seetin.

A. After Dinner we were talking together of our affairs. Ii. voyce in E. !C. his head
raid. ,
Jam vtnit borll.
A. After Supper, a~ 1 had a delite [0 /hew to E. K. fome places of St. Jobns Apocalypfisj a
voyce raid to him,
EqulH IllbllS eft initillm DolJril1l vrftr.e, Et tft v"bll'" Dei. A YOYCt.
10. &- 9. [tJl/t N <vtmdtcim. '-q••,Albkl.
ti. Hereopon reeking in the 19. Chapter of the .Apocalypfis: we found the Text, Eqlll1i IlI-
bill, &c. V"[u 11.
A voyce. Nt dubitts, Sum tIIim [eTVIH Dti. To thil furpo]! .aPP"ujll thtft plaets of S~rip-
tllrt, &e, Tht[t au tht dllJts w/uuill tbt Prophet [a,d, No ralth.fh'IIld bt found 0" the tartb. Vide !oft/,ot
This Faith muJr be rtjroud Ilgail/, Ill/d ma" m1l.ft glort/it God in his wQrks. . i Illn tht light of lib .• . cap.,.:
G~d. "'triM l'
A. Then, by like, He is V RIEL.
••.•.. I Illn ll1Pi,ne§t of the light. nt[t art tbt tillles whtll J,ijiict IllltJ truth muft tlllt" place.
Behold, I t~II'htd him, and be bteam, Il Prophtt.
A. Mean you E[dr!lf?
Vriel. Tell,;n hy nil/tit Chap'" of tbe fourth book,.. Th"t JOII jhlll! filidt Inalri/eftly tht. Pro- This .aion in
pbtfit of thil time, and tbilllllion. Er«,., ~ropbc'.
t., Alak, we think the time very 101lg, Before we entred in the righc trade of Ollr true
Ur. · Whm JOII bav, tht book.. of God be/ort YOII, Thtll I will nptn tbtft [tertts III/to JOII.
A. But Alak) the time is very long chc:rel\nfo, the mOre is our grief;
I ~ Ur.21,
60 A true Relation of D. Dee his A8iQns 'D'itb /pi,its, &c.
Ur. 'tbt !ible it H.
A. I meant fomewhat" our other book, which is to be written.
Ue . I "'ill [peltk.. of tbltt Itl[o.
A. Thisdt:lay is greatly to our grief, andoccafionof mil,lly temptations.
U r . Tbr w"pttttio)ls of the YflorlJ. Itr~ 7Iotbing IIlrto the #ife,hltppie Itre tht,] thllf.f,e{ .t~lIfiMu
.,.,ith ~:"Pti"tfJ'( of the bel(}. 'fbe '[i",b" iI 7IOt Jet {e.[07lea, or ei[t tht"jho/l.ldtft Prophtfle. I
mta" ",t thtt E. K.
A. Vincar manifella veritas.
E· K. He is gone:.
Honor,Gloria,Laus,& benedi&io, fit Dec Nollro , qui ill ALB 0 E Q. U 0 JuRi-
tias fllas fatl:urus ell. 4flllen.

Mondal~ Jltnllltrii 13. tMlt7lthtra. 9!. Stetin.

A. After ollr lona difcourfe upon the 9tb • eli'pter of Efar., &t. Vrilll"lQ)e, and flood,
be ..... 11' upon E. K. his head, not vilibly.
Ur. Reaa tht fix.h Chapter. For faith muft jlo/I.Tijh. 70t #orld iI rottln, Itlld ill/!..ltlaen ;tJ
their OYflll fl.s.
A. E. K. Read it, and in the 28. verfe, thus it is. F10rebit autem fides, Be ,.inccntr cor·
rnpcela, I3C ofrendctur veritas, quz fine fra ..... Diebus tamis, &r•
.E. K. A voyce Caith,Open the Shew· {lone.
E. K. At length "pp"red one in a long vvhite G"rment. The Curtain
went alide, and the feel: of men "ppear not now· This man feemeth
twice 10 high 2S L\ He hath nothing on his head, but 10ng hair hanging
down behinde him. Heis tied,or girded about~as though he 'YVerc tied
~vith many girdles.
Vide. URI E L. I "mVriel [[ltia thil ",allJ 'Iht light, Itlld hud of hi'" tbittcr~ltttd HeavIII Itlft!
Ellrth: tblft talk.pJ "itb ECdras, a"d did co",fort hi'" ill 4fJfiOioll,4"J. the fa"" thttt h4t" t41k./fl
"'ith)'11 : Yea, from the beginning of this atl:ion. Thtrtf.rl, gird JOIII' [llvII taget"" , Itlft!
htar tht Vliet If the Lord: LiJlt", (I [ay) tI [uch thillgs lIS Itre hid, (I [tty) to tht", .hltt a"t" 4/''''t
the Hetlv(1ts. Beh,la, tbil it tht iail flup of tht ."orla : Itlld th, ',;"I,tblt' the ~""r of the higwjl
bath 4nlt4 hi",{tlf, fayi"g, Co",r, O)t Jlre1lKtb of tht HeaVllU,lIlfa follaYfl "". For tht tarth
bath critd VtIIE,.,,,Ct, lI"d hath cur[ta htrftlf, IIIIt!. aefpairtth. Ca",e (l fit)) Far I Wlill plltet the
[tat of rigbuo'I{IItffr. nil' 1IIJ Kingdol/l mltJbt ilC Olle : Alld tbltt my people may flouriiA : Yca,
even a little befOre the end.
Alld Yflhat it Ihil? E. K. He fpake thefe: four words in mother Tune.
B· K· He 100keth up to heaven.
A voyce. BtlfJ'ea art tholl, Yflbich re[pel1tJl thJ JufticI, Itlld 7Iot the fim of mllll.
An An(cl
no. taking Ur. 7bil is tht voice of tht A1I!,el that noll' taketh place.
place. b.. May we be [0 bold as to demmd the name of that Angel ?
Ur. No, It is IIof 11I.",!ul[. 1 ["",ar by Itll thilfgs that art ""tailfttl'lf'ithill
ARoath. *
this holy 6001<,: B] tht [litt of God, Itlld him that fitteth thtrtD'" nat th~ • Nott,hc r",kclliI ..
Yflords , ."hich hltvl bUll [po/!..m ill this Al1ioll, Itlld jhall bt IfO.", [pol(.ell, by me, poin,ing do.n '0
the ,rut Bible of ,be
A prol'hd':. Itrl trut : 1hrtt JIIITS IIr~ yrt t. Come; even in this moneth, (that b,gill"tth Lord AI•• U,\:,,.,,Up •
• n , 'S'7. In the f,urth ]tar) .(hltll thl Son of perdition be known unto the whole world: on which .he SheW.
1...." ~ SuJaml] crupillg out of hIS holt li~ all AdaIr, lelfding Ollt her ]OIl1tf, .lftl Itf- 1\..... 110". n......
JlntlCh,,(\ul. ttr btr to dev,ur tbt el)ljf of the elfrth
s; fi .. pl;<i4rr, ' •
fi' ••," tit in·
ItllittnJIII,fi .,.[tt,t."'j....." .oft",,,... nnorum ~ •. jil hutrl/., tro.1It iIfIulflJjfl,,: ,,,1.>. "',.{tt, i!I&. Perpen.le.

0.. The fentence is dark, iii re[pett of tbe time. Confider well.
A. I [ufpetl: +1 moneths (now and then) to be llnderfrood for an rear.
U r. This mO"tlh i" the fourth Jur 1 jh41l A"tichritf b. 1r..."07ll" lI"tI all the .,.,or/d. nell jhllll
}oriel" ;(\UI • .,,0, YflO, aYflell amo"g(t the Killgs of tht urth: FIT tbl] ./hall b. cht[r1l all 1I1f.YfI. Neith., jhltll
~~;;: ;~;;~.rl illfJ tbat 'rllitth "'~, or reig",etbM • Ki"gs or G,verllour of tI" ...... II, live ""to lbt lila q[ th,
4.ft 't' t;.mthlr,l year: Brit they jhll/lltll perijh•
••".. filrit.m. Tbeir K i7l!,doms / e ,verthro"1I.
A trite 'i{eldtion of D~ Dee his AEli,nJ 'JlJrth /j)fritJ, &c. 6r
The IIlTth 1ujltd. Th~ Ri'/lers beC~.IU blolla" .",irh the blolld or 111m and bUJh mixe~ -------------
roge 6· Y·r,ico ... ,.,
tber. In tbis time foal! tht TII~k..i(b .I!allt be roottd ,up, Il1Id (fIji- fr~'" the ellrth. And inj fud
of him foa/l. mter m thllt DevIL : t"" .~athtr of liars, lind [lieh IH Jwe.ll In • the ho"[r of Va~ MJI' ;" ,Ri.,
. d' (. *
nifJ. Be!'dld, ThiS Prance: /hall fly through hiS Kmgdoms, IH tb, P"'rbfji, : .,rI
1 hey ore In dl'ar. 1. <d" Greyhound afcet hill fpor l : devouring his po(feffions, lind cutting down II"."
iJ "., ,-,
t h e,we : ~C'2rrlt upwar.
. l.d h a. I b
lht 'IlI1C,,! : Boe c ma
d Cf" . J
ecome pr?u . . ~ bf Prop,~tts ,f Ihe Lora ~:"''''')-
jhall dtfemd front Htavtn. c.IOllthtd WIth tbelr old Garmmts Vf.rY fr,!", Antichrilt.
"lid not If/lint" . Thy eyes foall [u tbm,. Out of thefe books /hall the true DOCtnnt ' .prrb,••
of tht Pro;htts,and Ap)J/les bt gathtred : Wbich are not to be Imderffood, but with the [pirit of un- A.L.
derjfandillg, tht [pirit of 'IlIifdom, and trllth. Behold, I will fay unto jou my fdf. £."b.
Come, Hear..
Our fign.
For, the vOJer of tbe Lord is'rllith powtr. Thertfort,be milde~ Imd of h~lmble fpirit. For 10,
tht ti ,ne foall come. Jf"tI I bave fevell books, fuch as" /hall be delivered IInto one of you . And 1. TA ,; I rll-
I'Will ",ttf tbtt 'WalltJng in tht fit/ds. And ""ill ftretch forth my hand, faying, Comt : Thn. {h 21I d,nd, 'rji A.
thi", tJ el {tethit things, thtlt thy fpirie doth. And tbo,. foalt become a man of underfiandill g :
For I will give rhee bread, and thou /halt eae it, fuch, as /hall be ehe breaa of fufficicnt
E. K. It thundreth in the none. Of thee, [pointing to Co K.] thus fayeth
the Lord.
Thou 4rt Jlejh, alfd 'tcomt .{1'ubhorll. Th) juJgt1lltllt 1/Iaxttl, dull, IIl1d thy heart [tilled: But 1 E.It.
1/Iill U1I[eal tbee ; and tbou £halt be partak er : ]lilt (btcaJl[t tbou ha}! oJfmdtd mt) not with power
iIl1/l~;ldly things, J will mll'<.e thee a grt.zt Sur: Such 1111 0"', IH foall jl/dgt the Cirelt If thillgs ill
T.aturt. But heavmly U1Idtr(rltndillg, and [piritudl k..no1lllulgt Jh all be [ealed up from tbu in thil
"1I'orld: For, thou IIrt btco",t fton), and ha}! cried out againH my Saints. Notwith/landing, Jour
life /hall be together. Tboufoalt bt a "1I'Orll,.'l1"lI of IIaturt, look..illg illto the Cha",btrs of the tarth:
The Treafllres of men. ManJ thing' are 1'Iuckt from thee, 'IlI"ic" \Vere thine: But noe frdm
you, becaufe I have promifed (hem.
Trlll.t is he, tbat bridlttl. tht ",indu, A. At J"IT f'r1t)eTS lOr, who is ht thitt prtftrvtd JOu
from the blondy imaginations of mttf? [and] batrtds of the ""orid i>lvillrible' Ii it not he, tlMt is
God of H,avttf and Earth I Is it nit he, thar madt botb fl~(h and Soul i Y'a" tvm ht it is, tb ,rt
faJe/h. Fly from the 'IlIic"'-edntfft, and fociecy with Devils . Luve oJfto finllg ll ilf}t tot L~rJ:
for h, it of great pO'IJI~r. This is the laft time that an) jhew foill! be madt ill this jione. }'g;, 10, n i, re r-terce
tbt promife of tht mojfbighe/ffoa/lb, fulfilled. i, .cooked afc
E. K. ~o" 1 fcc all chofc men, "hofe feet 1 faw before: And there fit. :~~~:~~; :i~~
teth One In a Judgement feat, with all his teeth fiery. And there lit fIX, ni6ed,
on one rIde of him, and fix on the other. And there fit twdve in a lower
f:at under them. ' All the place is like Gold. garnifhed with preciolls ibn~sJ
On his hcad is a great frone; covering his head.; a A:one mofi bright, brlgh.
ter then fire. Four bring in a man bound. Now all is gone c~cept
Ur. Tht tndofwordf, thebtgillning of duds .
A voyce. Stilt it liP : For, it is at all md.
A. What is your will, that 1 /h,t11 do with this lione.
Ur. All it [aid: aNd I am [tIIlttl. fOT time to come.
A. Dco omnip'otcnti, ,.ero, vivo, 8£ ztemo fit omnis bono'r, Lau~,GJoria,Potenti*, vic-
eus 8£ vittoria : nUllc 8£ in fempitema feculonlm fecula. Amtll.

Wed,u[dtty , January I S. we went from Sutili to Statgttrr.

SonJa], January 19. we came to po[m.
Ecclefia CllthtdrltlH PO[lIrtll;mfis fUlldabatlfr anno 102~. per WinceOatlm Regml Chr,(fia';
,m/ll fallu", CHjlll [tpulcbrum in inftrior; Iltrt, Ecclefi.e t;ctat-, lapidt egregie extru-
$aturdIlJ; January 25. ·o,.(,J",g. ",',., '1"' S.. ,an ,,'... rti r. E., JC. ':IW"; ... , ",)elMtf i,,,,,.,i,, i,a
(i. t:. U'Ila.ll.llum adli vit" perieutllM per iniquitatfm E. K. contra ,,'e.) •
Srmdlt),Januacy 26 ••••••• IlIvi[tbam Bibliotbtcam Eccl,filt CathedralH.
lI1?11drfJ, January 27. ,'1;&. xv,. .~.,. (lflvlf. (Rixlt cum uxoit brrvti.)
T,ItJtlttJ, January 28. We wene from Pofen.
"lbmld,ry, Jan. 30. We came to Konin Town, over the long and dangerous Bridge. with
much Climber at one broken place, by reafon of the huge Cakes aflce, which lay there.
6'L .A true'1\elation of Dr . Dee hit Amon! ","th fpir;ts, &c.
Saturd".J,Ftbruttrii, I. We palfed the dangerous way of Ice, having 2S nll'n toeut tbelce
for our (oache~ [0 come through above two Englifh miles long: but for all that great help,
we could not get to Vint'JIP City [bat night, by reafon of the great water and Ice hard by
the Town, which was broken over the banks into the medows nry deep.
S<ndtl) , Ftbruarii 2. We came over the great water, the Ice being molt part (witb thaC
nights winde) driven away out of our palfage.
MOlld"y . Feb. -3. We came by Shad.1<. to Lask.,o Town, and there were lodged ill the Pro-
volt his fair houfe by the Cburch.

Pri"''' Aaio ttpud Lasko.

TII.rdaJ F.bruarii 11. Sti /o vtttri, aff 11. Stilo NOVO. .
bo. After onr prayers of the 7 Pfalms, and my particular invitation and calling for God
his hel p, and [he mininery of his good Angc:ls: After (I fay) more than halfan hour fpace
attendlnce; E. E. feemed and thougbt that he felt a thing about his head, as if it clawed
with Hawks claws. it continued no long time. And toward the Eafterly comer of my
great .study above, feemed to E. K. clouds to appear, far olf, as at a quarter of a mile di-
nance. Then appeared a Sea, endlelfe one W:1y, and a Haven mouth with a Riverwhich
fell or ran into that momh. f.nd be fides that Ri ver doing down into the Haven, did an.
other RiverappearbyrnnningintotbeSea, witbollt any Haven ma~ing or having. The
water of this Sea, is not like Sea·water, but rather like Q!J.ickfilver. Now cometh a moun-
tain, and fwimme[h upon that main Sea. Now tbat mountain fec:meth to reft and Itand be-
fore that Ri vcr mouth, tbat is by the Haven.
A voice. .... .. Mu[urt "".
E. K. Now feemcth a great thing like a man to Rand, with one leg in
the forcfaid 1\!ver,and with the otbedn the laid Sea, by • having a coent[
of the .. · id between his raid legs. His right1eg is in the River,and his left
in the Sea.. His right leg fecmcth gold, and his left leg lead. The moun-
tain fiandeth before him. His legs arc like two pofis, of the fubllance
of the Rainbow. He is very high: he hath a face, but "ith many eyes
and no[es, but not diLl:incHy to be difccrned. His body fecmeth to be red
Br.dIe. He fiandcth with his arms abroad, and no hands appear. His
right arme is ')f the colour of lilver; His lef~ arme leemcth to be black,
twinkling. His head is much of the colour cf that Sea wherein his left
ltg fiandcth· Now beginneth a right hand to appear; a fair righr:
A voice Caid to this man ........ M.afure the water.
He all[wtud• ....... It is 2S0 Cubits.
A voice ....... Mtafurt thlft f~ ot of .arth.
E. K· He pointcth to the mountain.
AII[w.r • ....... It is a cube twice doubled in himfe1f in a firaight line.
E· K· One fpeaketh behind me, faying .
...... Mea["re the S." 111[0.
AN[.,.",r • ...... It is 7So. Cubits.
3. in 4. <Did- E. K· He now fioopcth to it; and taketh ofit in his hand·
...111. & 3.
eri. (. <Dil it He Caith . ...... The fourth in the third, alld 1M., ill hi",[tlf [quart. Tht IIg. of Nttt/,u.
9. lJJ' JI' 9'
H . fffici••t.
ill E. K Now all is gone, aU is clear, and nothing appeareth.
108. bo, At length after this, E. K. heard from the forc:Caid comer of the Study, the noife, as
of a Ship tolfed and jolted of the waves of tbe Sea. Aftea: that E. K. fall' one that lloocl all
covered in a white cloud by the Eallerly comer of the Table, above the Table in the Air.
He faid •
...... Blati [Ullt, qui~/II v.rittts , {pu, &- ClII[olatio .ft : &- quibw /u",inaria majora ill["-
Vi llllt, ill fOTtitlidi llt &- patti/tIlt .dtrlli e~ O",niportNtH D.i ..
B. K . Now the cloud covereth him, and abidcrh.
E. K. Now he cometh out of tbe doud, and fiepeth three fieps for~
J true 'l\elationofDr. Dee his Aflions flJith fpiritJ, &c. 63
ward, and the cloud ftandeth behind him J lIke a garment ..... At length
he [aid .
•.••••• Thm H thtir blt§ttlntJJt, tttrnal lift.
E. K. I never faw him before: He is covered with a red Purple Robe;
luch as my Lord, here, ufeth; but made fomewhat like a Surpldfe. His
t-tead is covered with feuhen like Down: His face is lIke a childes face: lIis
neck is bare: His legs are ba .' .. mof{ white: His garment cometh not but
[0 the fmall of his leg. He fiandeth upon a white great round Table, like
Chryfial, all written with lc:tters, infinitely· On the middle of the Table is a
great fwelling or pommel of the fame fubllance the Table is of. Upon th~t
pommel he fiandeth. H~ hath nothing in his hands; neither can his hands
bcdircerned· His Robe hath no fieeves.
Hefaid •...... Non poJJim, diutiUf vidtri: StrVUf rum Altiffimi: Novi Ttl-ram in paradi[o.
SpiritlM [11m SAP I E NT I JE : Nomm mtum eft N A L V AGE.
E.K. He makrth a crolfe upon the place vvhere he fiandeth.
Nal. ...... "$tatllf Pattr: BtatlM Fililll: Btatul Spiritllf SanllUf: BtA ••• tu •• • t Men[u-
rati.rerllm & [ub/lantiarum omniulli vijibilium &- invijibilium, vmit & fanl1iH ,i DellS in pro-
millis fuis&- vtritlHtjUf,TalH tp.
E. K. Hereupon he fhcvverh a round Globe .
. ...... Clrlllm, Mundlif, Al/gtlUf, Homo, Nibil, &- non nihil, & omnt quod tft, Vtl tTit; Nihil ttf·
nijifpltlfdor, Gwbtrnat'o, & uHitai Dti: ~"a Cmtto. formata ejr . rtformata tll, ab initio ltd
templK mm{IIratllm, & in ptr?ttuum, LaUf tibi in Clrlo, Lalli tibi in Ttrr a , 1'rillmphlK tibi in in-
ftTI/o, "bi lion tft LaUf, nrc Gloria. ~" jam infufa ftlltio, doero: Std 1II0do,lingua; &- idto-
",Ilte pr"dillo.
E. K. Heturneth round when hefpeakcth.
Nal. ...... Omnid CarD maxime tft jibi Ilpplicabilil, in natllr. &- prrftCliont [Jla. Igitur rrvt-
itUldil fll1lt Myfttri,; Dti, non u' audia;,tllr,[rd Ht i7tttlligitntur.
E. K· No" cometh a great fmoak: now I fee nothing: now he is gone.
A voice. .. ...... Ht.r.
[E. K. lfce no body.]
E. K. . Methinkcth that two [peak, or eire this voice giveth an
...... 1ht IInpatitnt and trollUtfomt [pirits of indignati,'" """ath, blafphtmJ) lind difObtditlfCt,
co"tiJrual(} contend, brar arms, and ravm~ufl! run 1#ilfullj, ttgainjf thoft that art tht .••• Me§a-
"tTS .lId Anglts of tbl!, Dignifird and Tri_pbant Glor! : which id 1101# thr Mini/ftr) of hi", .t hat it
Di{,nifitd in hid Father: To tht honour ana glory of thoft that art humblt and fiJithful ill ocerIitnce.
Te. tho[e 1I/Iick,.td Dilts k./tp 'I'm 1#ars agailf:/f pod, and hH Annointtd :in Heaven alld Earth, ont(}
for t« {4tg.lIrd a"d ~rllt k,.ttping of fuch as lovt God) and. follow hid Commalldmtlfts, rtjo.Jtt in
'Irllth, alltiart vijittd in "B.ighttoll{nt§t. ,
V.rk,.fpuch'es to tht fttfh: but wGrds mixtd 1#ith humant undtT{fantlillg; 1Phtrein brirji,
1 "'ill manift/f th~ tnv) bt/wun tht Y/lic1<!d ( in rtfprll of tbtir tnviou{nt§t ) lind thoft that Art
juJlijirJ. ill Htavtlf; 1Phich fight in tht governmtnt of ",lIfIS foul in th~ CrtatuNS of God: Not in
tb/lt IhtJ thty .(hal! overcomt: But in tbat tbt) art tnvio)lf II,ltd proud from t~t btg;nning.
Their CD"ttntion's tvi4tntly amongp you, 1Phich art jo).n td, in tht [troict of God: Not IH De·
[tTVtTS, bllt as Chofm; wboft 7!tJJtls and ]ow(r, art brft k..nown unto God
E. K. One fiandeth on mv left !boulder and faith·
Sinijt-tT • ...... Doll thotinot hea:' how like a fool he fpeaketh, without all reaum? ThOll
an a fpirit of "ing • . T~Oll art one fartheft from the glory of God. Thoa art a rower of
Ires, and a teacher of farce doCtrine.
E.K. Thus faith he on my left hand .
•<iinifttr• ....... Speak, fori have power over thee. Canll tholl deny it ?
Dexter. ....... Tholl think.!{f fo, btCdMft. Ihou h4dJ! powtr: But tht brightntJft thou hadjf, is
trmua illtD iniquity. Trut it is, tbou had/f power to banijh tht 'Rllck.,td out of paradift: But
rrtt tI"u not; bet"allr~ thou haif not bllnijhed mt. 111 rtfptli of thy dignificatjon ( which
f1'rtl"f.witb"wtr)l {aY'R'ith tht Halltlujah: But in rtffell of thy fllll, ThUff4iththt Lord i
PofUl tenebras a tergo meo.
SiJI'ftrr• ...... Fy upon God, that eyer he created me.
64 A i'rue Re/tltion of D. Dee hi.r AEliQnl ~ilh (piritl" &c.
Dexter• .....~Evt1' .blll, do .bIJ[ul(,'co"ti",,,,lb ,to I"Uri"to tbt "'I./tlft "'Iffll: ff I"".J, "of
to rti"",ph; for thl) /tim, tbt) pl/.ll "ot: but tbl) bmelt1- t" ti., "iill .Ii",
wb,r,itt tbt) ••)
offind his eon[elmcl.
E. K. I hear howling and lamenting;
To E, K. Dexter ....... Sucb itrl .bofl of "'"", tho'; fol/(jff "itt ,,"ti eo,;4fort': 7'bo{t tj,,,. "Fit'"
,bu, bavt fough, th) foul; .And thl frlli. of tht., K "rcoraittg'o 'Iu;, tltftTliliioll. Btlilvl th,,.
n~'. 1. H [aid blfort,. Thou,dtallft "'ith titv;ls. Whitt ,r n'."rd Jh"l/ ,hI r/"p, .b"t /ightttb d-
gllillft .hl Hightfl? Or .iI/tt.h p.r. 'lFith {11Ch .s "rt b."ijhld fro,;, !.it.hreo~{n.JTt? Milch ';'WI;
jhal/lns punijhmln. ht, .,./iich{ttk,phbllpof thorl tb"t "rl aijholl.urtd. For Jijhollour •••••
'0 imptrftlli'lI, .IId;, breom, " ",onft" for dtjlruOioll.
It it writttll .... Notbing Cit'll ft,,"d btfor, tbt Lora, thllr K i"""ftll J Mlleb .0Tt tb"t ;"'1"-
frOioll "'ta/tt;ttd,"'bieh obtwh tbt ;mptrflll. Ltllvt; fl.r tbt 'VlIgdo", of IUgbttoufllrfft,K lit hlllld,
AI/d,tb9u mull VOIII. Htllr tht Lord, Thllt thy fUls mil) bt forgivtn th" :F,r .ht Propbtfits of
tht Lordllrt IIot utttrtt) to th, ",orld, ",itb tht {tillts of tht "'ie/Vd. Tbtrlforl bleo",t bob, thll'
thou nfltjtft "ug",m••11t bllltfi. of Goel btfto",td, "n"IIgft JOA; "lid m,d" it t. IIu world; '" tb,
1l1 rffag, of ,"'itb tb""""givillg. Meum eft pauca dicere.
A. Sed quis lis, Nefcimus, an non idem Naluage, qui nobifcum prius egHli hodie ?
Nil I • ...... litm.
E. K. Why caU you thofe Devils, with whom I deal j Dot offending my
conCcience; but intending to do good to my {elf and my neighbours? If
you be of God, where is the fruit of your doctrine 1 (J1'c.
NaI. ...... If tbry "'trt ,IIot Vroils "lid t/;t,flliu of tT.utb, tbr) ""uid prllir~ lI11d hollOur God i"
hft Mrjftll,m of trlltb. B"t brc"u[r thif .AlIi.llS "" trUt, ItI/d tbr trltrb of tim" }hllll bt tbt dl·
, jlrNlliplt of tblir k..;ligdom; Tbrrrf?rl dtvilijhly "n4 IIIV;OUJIy thlY f'tjijf tht ",ill of God. D,IIJ"
Th ~DYlls.. ill" tlw -Ir; Bta[phim;IIg his truth,
IS allnne .. r-- ' h b"
".J , b
'"f~lli"g pis v'Jftls.
:r ' I'J h .J ..'L
.. hat it .eacb- In our Dollr'lIt , ere IS IIOt IIIg r"ught /It thl }tlltl fJ th, ",Dr a, trl" ""a t. eoml. .tDe pr, •
••h, phrfi,s of tifll/ ,lI11tI thr /tltitting up ,Df God bis m)ft"its1'III timt to time,to thor, thllt 11"
bis {1I11ai/itel: liS ttftim811ils ill tb, Crtlltioll "nd 0p"lItioll of his Crl"illTtI; ;pblr,of tbis aD ....
lir'lIt i, II pllrr. 'Ib, Propblt~ ill thli,. ti",ls "", n,t igllorllllt b) rtvtlllti,II of tbt gooa
",ill of tbeir Crelltor. The 4poftl,s' in Chrift bis Kill,aQ!lt, "'", mll,le pllr.aJr..trs of tbt "'Jfl"its
fO eoml, of tbe fatt Of m,,"s [lIlvlttion; ."d tllJing of this comb"t, ",hieh;s i,; tbttt d,,), "b,,, "II
Crlllturu.jhllll reeeivI tbtlr ""'lIrd. Tbl Cbureb' of G;ti is ti/w"jls gllTl/iJhtel ",;J f"",ijluJ
",jth JPititulll Rtvtl"tia1U : tis" MII"jioif,r V"'tt/ill£..:pIIlCt of,bt Holy Ghoft.
Th(flllltt" dIlYIS, lI"d Illd of bllrvtjl ",uft h"lIt Illfo Lllbourers: For 110 , ..A.g~ p.§ttb 1I"'''Yt
bllt througb tlit hanas of Gotl, ",60 IIIIIk..tth thl tllti of his doings 1(.",0"" to tbl W,rlti: To tbt ,"d,
tbl W.rlelmllJ ('II[tnt lI/ltO bi,,; ill Glory. S, thllt ihis Voliri"/, is tht tII)fttrits of the ";IT/# of
God, [urld fro", tbt blgi"IIillg, "0." dtl;-.",ti UlltO "',,", for that R.efo~atioi1 which roMl be in
Rcformttion. One ullity c:llablilhe.d Unto the end. Tht IItr) pllrt of tbat Circle, ",hieh comprtbtntl,tb th,
Note rh;, lII)iilJ"ils 'f thl High'/;, ill bis Prophets, Apofries, and Miniften yet to come, "",ieh are alive,
lI11d Jhllil btar ",itntfft of Itm,.1 Comforr:
'Ihf frUit of our Dolirilll ii, thllt God JhouU bl tr"i[rJ. ,For ~f 0",. {Ilvu 'WI {ttl(. "' glor] :
Bllt ",,[tTVI lOU to J,0llrco"'fort, re~cBillg ,014 tb",,;/( of Goa, ill th, [Ilf (",.tciln:i/f, ' tbltt"'''., CT1l.
ci/i14 ; fold and died m the Patnarths', "nl. publijhlJ to tbl World b) hIS Vi{eipifs" ""J, 's 1111"
tllugb. nto JOu, ill tbf r.,,,,iJ!i," of fins • •'. '. greatefi" in the World, for the end of 1111 thing~.
Tbt'.vtr) II.:y lind tIItrll",t" illt,-tht {Icrlt mJJltrils of G.oJ, (in Tt~tll of ~is an".;nllt;,;, '"
tllrth) bringi'!!. ",;th it r''''lIrd;II tbt llId of Itlrlllli gl,r}, ",hic6 is ii" gNllttft 7'r/~{urt. 'lbof--
tbllt rempt rhtt, aD it ill rt[,f?/ oftbl ft"r tbe) bavI of tbt po," 'tr.f God, [prillgin! !" thtt:
LIt tbis [uJliel. The Worlel ;s Vliill;" rl[pla of It""1I1 jOltS. Ilt"vln "nd Eitrtbpffftb " ..
"11): Tht T(!IIlIrd of tbl RighttDlis t"durdb.
Nal. ...... Wb"t aD Jo.Itt implrflll, 111,,1/ tbat lI"th b,ln ti,livtrtd ,
N.I ....... n,! h""'l +9 'FISh/IS: In tbo[1 Titbits "rtCollr";II,a tht mJftie~1 ,,"J ho/y ,voi(ts'f tbt
.Anf,ds ; Jig"ijitd: lI11d ;IIftlltl tli[g/.rifittl "IIJ drtllt in tOllfllfio" : '",bieh " ilrettb 1i~lIvt", ""~
fr . r loek"tth illto tbt Ctllftr ,f tlit E"rtb: tbt vtr) lang\lage lI11d fptteh of Cb,U"n lind 1""",,,.,,
f:.r~':/:i::" [ueb IlS mll(,lli/il the 1111"'1 of Goti, lI11d Arl purl:. . "
Ii. A" illS Sh Wb"''''' tbe Apofrles underftood tbl diffu[1 (O/(l/J' .f tbt WorlJ., .",perf,atti. fo~ .""1
Ji'xlr b•• , Ii ... rrtrll["rtJ!ioll. , 'Tbtf, '1'lIb!h: "r~ '0 b''JllritUII, ",t ,b ) "'~",> 'but bJ tht 6nger of her w~lcb 15 roo--
, .... "'·9M.", ther to Verme (A~ Madlfnl [11/1/ bIT m,tbtT ",ollid 'JIIT,t, them, An. 1583. ] Wbtr"11 the ",hoi,
~~ ,weilto Wllr Id, ( to fltjh !"cr'ttli~lf )- Afl Cr,lIfurls, and,in ~ll, /tillds,lITt "Il",b"a, ill btillg;~"d .u1riUult.
Ltt .here ,,"0 7'b~ tIIu[urt.lllld tr'pDrtl'Olf of thllr [lIbftllllct, ",b,eb IS '[rlflljitory, ll11ti Jhill/ "'"~ ,ta.
ploce, be "" TI,,[I tbings isnd 11fyft"i,n .r, Jill1 plftts) IInJ 10r.thils '{tIlI,d; ., ."tll by)our OlP. 1(.1IW/,tlge,
"o..ciled. 6tbl fruit ofyourIntetceffion.
A true ~elation of Dr. Dee hi! ARion! 'JJJith (pirit], & c. 6~
The knowledge of Gods Creatures.
VnU 1IIt tlrt delif/rred five pltrts of II. t ,i1llt: WhtTein I will optn; • MIld ""toVtT tht {ecrm Fi.,. parts ora
'of thltt [puch, that hQI, mJJferit. T o the intent tht CAB A L A of ,N A U R E, ill vo)et , [lIb~ lime.
ftlt"C~ of CQdie, Itlld tll,tII{Nre illltll parts 1II1l] bt ;"nowlI" F.r therti!,nothin.v..fecrtt ., but it th." l!
ht rt'lltilled, Illtd tbe [on of GOD jhall bt Iv-own in POW E R ; and dlabhih a KlIlgdom with
nghteoufnelfe in the earch, lind Ihm compth tbt tnd: •
tor tbUIlTth I1IlIff comt ""der [ubjeaion , and muff be made pure. That death may be [wlll- ]t" ..... t.hrr-
1,."mJ ill his OWII Killgdom, Ilnd, the tntm) of , ig9ttOTl[nejJe filtdt 110 habitation. The word of Gad tn_ftr J~.r.... I.
Jurtth for tVer. His promi[es lire jl/ft. H is [pitit is trlitb. $is judgemtlltsin[crutllcl~. rur •
Hi",felf Vniverfll/!. He it i. of who"'Jolllabour. ,'[bt promi[es of God in thit tllTfhl.J Noblt
",tt.lljhllli bt f"lfilled. Salomon ufe4 tht pltt.w of honollT, IIl1a WM t;cltlted.
Thus fayeth the Lord.
1 hll'llt {taled. hi", Ilgllinft htt.trtd; and bave made his feat oren. Lt,t him thertfbrt ~ri{t up;
'hilt tbe ptoplt ma) ret him. FOT mortal",tII hlltlt places of holtour, lind. in their o"""Courts, thtl'
eo",t to ~t exltlted : win is ht that I1IlIdt tht earth, IIl1d di{,n;fied him with II livlllg Soul? Evtll he it
is '~Ilt e;celttth, _lid ill whofe hallds the Kingd.ol1ls of thl timh IIrr [t tltd. , '"
BthoM, the tifth tltrie /hall come, (ill rt[pea .f tbt p"rts of time) lind. it is tht dill , thllt hit til
~~tII promiftJ.. ntll ,,"ll jo," tJts bt opm. Tbtll P._II jou ret.
A voyce. Stll} tbtr;.. .. ;.
Na!. lobe).
E. K. Now I fcc him palfc aWlyover theChrillaliine Table, ",hich is
round like a Catt wheel, baving a great knop in the middle.
,.. As concerning our VI dering of the Tible , and the rell of the fumiture,,,e are ~e6rous
to kno~, what is DOW co be done: Ceing, now we are come to the end of this lirfi journey.
A voyce. Bt;t th) chllrge. 1 will put to ",) balld.
A. Mean you it to be my charge to order theCe things, as my imagination /han be inflmaed,
by God his (avour.
A voyce. It is [0 [aId befoTt.
r:... Gloria, Honour, & gratiamm aaio Deo omni£otenti Deo nollro Domino & Patri'
Nollro: nU'nc, 8l in fcmpitc:rtIa Ceculorum lzcula. .Amtll.

Mertdit borll 3'

TueCday, FebrullrJ 18. II Lasko. StJlo 7uteri, 11ft 21. '.,
Die ftilo novo.
A. After fome prayers made, t,lt. Caw (as he thought) NlllvlIgt Handing at my left
~. In nomine Jefu Chrilli Redemptoris nollri, Ellis vos Nalvege?
Na!. '1" dieM.
E. K· The 10tger part of him is in a Cloud: but hIS upper part is out,hcan
hath a thing like a Pall hanging down bchinde him from hiS head ;Hc hath
like a round· ' .. of boaDc in his hand, he focmeth to be as farre as the
Church. And 1 fee him, as wdl winking as direCting my open fight on
Na!. Wllilt ;, it ]OU rtqllire , ,
A.The cxpoucion of tae time delivered to you in live parts. 6.1'.,li",t-
Nal. Rt.dit. ,t/tllt.
A. I !'tad, and when I came to the place, that death may be rwalloWcd$Cl'c. NlIlvtt[..t raid
., followeth.
Nal. 7b4t M tht IIlJt COllqiltft,' go fm;lIrd.
i.. hi reading ?
Na!. I.
A. ) read to the end.
Na!. '[be fillgtr of the hig'e}f ptrureth IIlltrlTt II1itOllgft ]OU b) bill/felf> IIlIa ;11 btr DW'; motion.
orb,.,ugh .hi,h Ill/ion tbings btcome; th.t .ere not (b) GelltT" ti,n: ) Anti. in the {artit time 'lJllnijh, '
II r"ugh rht] .ert not (b) corrupt;'n.) A)tar it ;'; , Wbereill IIiltUTe [oo"'eth witb "'''nJ tJe,
'hro~b•• ••• J.",tlliltg pillces : Ifnto [o",e lit II Nurre: Illlt/. to tbe reft 111,11 fttp-mitht". Alld fo it is
-tl"t ill rhe.Scr!pturtl. For, a time is an year, pllrpofed by determination in the jud~i:mt:nc
of God; which 15 not known to I1Illn , ho.". , or whrn it /hllil happtll. .AnothtT .Jeer is ,II t;mt
Ijfdlifhed, ."d prefmt!] dtlivertd, III tb~ preffllt jlldgt",mt of God. 'Ibis is rhatl fpellk. of. ' ..4
,;",~ is .,. Jt.r. 'Iht parts lire ;"110""" iI",ongft lQu.
K E. K~ I
66 A trlle '1(elatirm of Dr. Dee hil Aflions ",ilb JPirits) & c.
E. K.lmverheard~ylpeakfg Idfurdy.
Nal. No~ 100"- to JOllr illlatr{illllaiIlK' I rptll/t of t'110 JurI. O"t "ppoilltttli" tht jutlgt1lltllt
""d atttrmi1l4tioll 9f Goa to COmt,lIl1a ""ItHO..,1I to m,,". , Tht otbtr tht timt of tht jllagtmtllt of
G,d (lIltd btfm atttr';';lIta) Hq"IP prtr~lIf: Not."ithjl""tli';g; btfm ~tttrmi,,~a. .Thm it ~if­
ftr(lI~t btrwtt1l II" l'llr m.1,~icll/lJ pr.'",,(ta; Il~~ Ullk"II''''''S :, nd. tht ttme fbllt ,s mJ,(ltcllll.J promir,d
I!. K ,He1r.. k- alld k..IIOWII. Annlls mylhclis Cum'tur ' ~~phc'tj:r : Unus, ~U1 eft Tempus cc:g1mum Deo,& hO'o
tth a longu,,;. mini non revdarnm : Templls , hoc dlCltllr, apuJ Deum. Annum nos Ilfud coruputamus.
rr, me uo - Alilld eft pr",finiC1l\ll,cognirum pea & Angelis, & revetatuni hbmini : & Allnus eft przCmlI.
known, on,1 ,.. . I l ' h I r I. f
loukc.h (,""~_ .J. bl.f a.!r II t t )tII.r Ipta",.""
.. h.. on On. 0.. Whatare your partS of thit year? . ' . '. . ," .
/iJc. N al. March, Jlpri/, MII),Jrmt, Jul], .A!'gujl..... , In 1110 alltcm die, mveOletJs Chnfium.
Tbt woras of this Vol1r'illt mult agret, IIl1a lilllis .
E. K.' When come you with the relt of your "ord~ ?
Nal • .As it is gille1S lilt; [0 I gillt it UlltO JOII•
. A ,gri. atullpaticrice.
[0.. He was thus interrupted by E. /(.] --" Muft end
their courfe in the promife of God:
" [In] There weeks are the fruits of rna
lab~lIr to be known.Fo~ I mllft unfold Ullto YOII,and
~."~Il~e.: "open the fccl'cts of this myllical , an Dt/i1lfrtd fpeech : Whereby YOII may talk in morral
:h~c;:;ciY~n&. " foullds with Cuch as arc imD10l t~I:And you may trudy know the naLUre, and ule of God his
"Creatures. 'T herefol'e,u~ diligenc in hearing,and R.tC~illlllg. For the courfe of man iscon-
" trary: But the determination of God \IIoA: certain.
You are anrwered •
...... Mean YOIl there Le"ten weekt; Or the "eeks of all the forc-reherfed moneths ?
...... Of m) who It "ppoillttd timt. '
E. K· He Lhndeth higher up•
...... ].fit)."j ( ..ith,,;. offn";) rtquirt Joiir ...... at ttll till"" 11/ DUT ('11ft rtqu;r~tld
Nal. l our /"bow ;s "'J rr"di1ltp •
...... T 'u [et I hllllt lin .A?'''t : w hilt ;s JOur COU1l[tl thertillf
Nal. I bllvt roc,ulI{el JOU ( fto", G~d .. )
A. Blelfed be the Fountain of COW1Ce\, and of all goodnelfe. _
~. K. He (hewcrh an houfe; and fix, or itvcn on the top of it with
T otchu : They au like lh.ldows. ,
.. "" lis tht "lIm, of Goa whlft mllj tbis mtan 1
.E. K. Thefe thadcvys go up and down thi: fide of the houfe , tbruiling
their Torches into th.e Lidc:s of it. The houfe is like this velY houfe. They
go round aboutthe houfe. There areeighc of them. They have claws
U:e Eagles. When they fir, tbey arc like Apes. They fet a £ire on it, and
it burneth mightily; Now you~ wife runnttb out, and [eemcth to leap over
the Galery,rayl, and to Iy 'as dead. And n'ow come you out of dQor, and the
Children frandin the 'way toward theChurch. And yeu come by tbe
yern door; and kneel, and knOck your hand on the earth. They take
up your Wife; htr head wagglcth this way and that way. You look up to
h('aven frill, and kneel upon one of your knecs. 'The none houfe quiver-
,cth an ·1. quaketb,and all the roof of the houf~ fallcth into the houfe, do~n
ripon tht CheLls. And one of thefe baggage thing~ lmght th· The houk
burneth all off· Your wife is dead, all her face is baltl:red· The right
fideofheCface,.hertecth and all is battered. Sbe is bare·legged, (he barh
a whit!! Peticote on. Now the apparition is all gone-
~it fcemcth to be pulled our of a pool of 'N.tter , half alive, and half
dead, her h2ir hangif'g about her tars· They hold her up~ 1'0" they
car.ry hct'_QUtat theCare. You feern to rUfmc in thc fields, arid rhrc(', or
fout men after you· You run through waters· All dlfappeareth; And now
'NA/,-Ptlgl a?peareth again. He lcemetb to h.lVe wcpt·
,A ,.
Nal. •.... G.I,
A trtte "J?.elation of Dr. Dee his ARionl Jl1jth fpiritJ~ &c. 67
Nal. •.. .. Goa I!,ivrth yDII warlting that JOIl ma] tfrhllt t11t1lf.
1::..And how {boll! I efchlie thcm ? .
. Nal ...... TbIH fl1]tth tht L ~ rd. BthoU, I ~I1Vt {taltd thu for "'! rdf: for "'! ptoplt,4lta for
",y {trVallt. Thrrtfort foll{t thou not prri[h ; No, not thr Ita/l hair of th) bodi(. Frar not, bt
jlro"g in faith. For.! (omt ./h.arllj. . Hrark.!,t thtrrf'rt to ~y vo]Ct, I . {ay , tbtrrforr brark.,m t~
",y vojCt : For thr fpIT#.s Df wlc/{rdnrffr, and COltf"jiolthllvr ri[rn "1' aga",jt thte: If thtrrfort tiJt)
prrvlli{ ilgllinjl m) p.rpd{rs; . 1hmfo~l/ it b~ no world: Ntithr~ Ifrt thtrt tI~y hravt1ls. ~qt.
thil plaet H not for thu ;Jft, if tbouwllt, bt It flnto Ibte. I WIll [t.a l dtffr1l.11lDJf,both for a tlmt
and for rver. Bt mighty thrrrfort tit mt. All tbi tIlrth rll,grtb in wiclt..tdnrJft. Alta jin/ft
{mrlltth thrr rtlldJ now to cr~tp Ollt of b~ b~lt. If. thou movt rhy [,at, rt fh.411 b, mort .lIccrpt4Ut.
For, rvm tbM ]tar foalt tbou {u tht btg,ltntllg of malty troubln: And tht mtra/fC, of thH LASKO,
·into tht bloud} [trviet of tht world.
E. K. He Ceemeth to {pit fire, and (0 vanHh away.
o Jcfu ChriLl, we havc committcd. our [elvcs int? thy hand; ~nddo fubritit our ,!iIls to
thy governmcnt~. What {hou,ld thiS .mcan of terrlblc dcfiruCtlon [hreatne~ [0 my ~nfc and
maidcn ? And as It wcre frcnzlc, to heht 011 me foi' forrow. Thcfe thmgs cannot well
agrec with our fonncr a{ful'cd protcCtion.
£. K. 1 fee a little wench on the bench, all in ",hite, £he fayeth .
...... Ho1f> ao JOU jir I ...,. [",4';.ing curjit tb A.] .
1::.. Bcttcr it is known to you thcn to my felf, how I do •
.. ..... Sir, I havt bun ...... land, ~t your bouft, "htrt thry art all Jull.
A. Thankcd be God.
'N'.' .A1IIm .... Tb~ ~un {Ilia: She WIH Forry tbat fot had loft brr Philofop~r. But the Lofd
-[rrtt{urtr an[1f>.rrrtl: lit wirl comt bomt foortly, a bcgging to you.
'lltJ wrrr blac/:... . Sir, Hcrr, Sidncy dicd upon Wednefday laLl. l:;. Note, It Prlll_t, Aur: '4.
A privy cnemy of yours. 1. underllood that ~lr .U,""
· r f h·..r fi' d Srint, w.. not de1ld In Feb,,"
...... I evcrtoo k h Im.oroneo myc Icr nen 5. arynor M."h,no nor ioMay
...... But thH it H : 'Irlltly, II0llt calt turll tbt !l..,utrns hurt from JOU. bft: rhercf<1te this niuf\ be
I could Itot comt intoyo14r Studit: The 9<!!,rm bottbcau{td it to bt {talrd con!idcrcd, Ootlor Hs:" IIi,
"p. 10u havtbttn IIftd to gooa Citin: it 'lPtTt good.
it Little words ar, of "rtllt ",4tttr.
y.,. dia cOlljidrr fon ,old m·. . Yo~,m.y al~o
f!llrk .ho", .'h~ D!yl. at ,hIS CltACOI'1A.
• .. . . umc dId mof"nform E. K . and
A. Where, I pray, .woul~ you WI{h me to fcttlcmy fclf 6rLl? fol' i'poffiblc. that ,hi. being
•••••• <..JylJ mothtr ",o ..ld glvr YOIl cOHnfrl to dWtila.t LAS C O. Ilye, ",a' hi.,
1::.. Do YQU di{fcnt from your m()thcr?
••.... 1.
1>. Upon what •
•••••• Jr[II,Jou ibi_1t that 141/' It" ulf'll'i{, ",aiJrn. 'Ihr 'Dtvil brillgttb thr {01Jnd pf ",y mouth Note ,be
fo thJ tarl, E. K. For [{aid eRA CO V I A, liNd hr [plt';.t LAS CO. envy 8t power
A. Scing your mothcr would willi mc to' 4well at C R A CO V I A, at wh·a t other place ofthcDevii.
would you wi{h me to dwell ?
...... Lux alltt jacit"" 'Irnrbre poft ttrgu"',
E. K. Now 1 feci a huffing thing go from my head .
...... I pray JOU bt .1I0t ojfrnarJ wit/, mj {ImpliCit] : My mothcr and I am all one. ill //I ;,"'~ C.ncorol
'110di[cora: I pray JOA btllr witb ",t, if I fa], ·1 bt tbt CO/fcord of timt. Thtft art m] words. ofumc.-
My mothcr would havc YOIl dwell at C It A C 0 V I A. Ana [con{tllt unto it. Ltt tbrm
that bt."ift IIJIdtr/lalla; Alw4Jtl pray thllt you may hear truely, and rcccrvef'itlifnlly.
A. May I beford go any furthcr demand if you be Madi",; f
...... 1 .", [0, Sir.
A. As concenting this [(rrible Vilion here fuewed, what. is either the il'ltctlt, or Tcrit!
of it?
Mad. Sir, will it plra{t you to htar ",,?
A. Thc vcrity is moft acccptable to mc alwaycs.
L.-'IIil. Anno
Maj ....... I thin';.y"ollr boo~ r"irb, Tbw man hw way is prtp.:",.l, Bic. IfS}. Jun.16.
A. I trow, thet l'l'ords aTC, His feat ji made open, or made m.·nifcll. S",tr, IInlt I ••
Mad........ It H{O. B~tir 1f>ith 11ft, I t"i"lt, it is fo·. i·li,,;
A. What will YOll fay thercof ?

Mad ....... ~lItl upon ,arth Prillrts bltvt b • •• in their DIII/f C.ourts. I rnitr",, Elr was {til.
ta tlt ~lortl~kc • . . Contra omne; malum. . 'Ihm t;.1111110t tht Kzng of Poland, /for tbt CIJlinct/or;
prtvlt,1 a'4",/1 h,,,,. T,t V ClldldCI'Ullt ansmam·cJus. .
• A. lord bem:ccifu\ unro " .; WhatTraytcrous dcaling ? I btfecch you toJar ••• e.
10 tbat aft; He IS Ollr great friend; and for the fervice of God fuecheriilt:
K:l Maa..... To·1I
68 A true'J{eiation of D. Dee hi'S Aflions1l1fth ffirits,&c.
Mad . ...... Tou mtt It mllll b) the WIlJ: He il till Irijh "'ltll. (BIIt "It, ht {Ilia ht wasliS • ••
It Frmcb 111111 ) I heltrd tht Killg, whell •••• him to go illt~ Ellgllllld. B~t ht coulJ 1I0t poi[on
him thtrt • •• ThrrrfoTt ht [.llowed him, 1I11 the '1P.1t). B.~ 'f lot returll IIgtl'" : TlnJ fltJ, Wt will
Co.f"i.. c, exalt him. Bllt fmd thou tb.J Arm), "lid wt.",ll ftll,lb,m. Whertfort blttb tht KIIIg ""{tllttit
of th..: K. of billlft/f, bl/t to bttrll) hit K;IIgdom' TrutlJ, I (1111 rellllo otbtr Cll~{t. . •
1'111. wi ,l: t he c.:M) Mothrr faith ."ith;II thtft (tTl/! d"Jts, .jter bt •••• Cllllttb ,t ) It !suit t,,[I:., Let hml go
T"<:" I>,i nft to Cracovia .... himfelf liS David did btfoTt Saul: It "Ill) bt tbt ptoplt willlil:.e ."tll of 6i",.
A. L.
Tujh, '111h, Tim.or innanll, will IIl~tr prM",il. E. K. She faith fo,turning her head
Alth~l/gh~t hatthlltl, ht (/tllltot hUT! I"m;
Sn:, if Jail tarry here, )OU WIll bllVt gTtitt
back to onc that fipake to r h e•
y,ritf i/l this hOllft.
t:.. How long ( I pray you) would you with me, to tarry here: or ho" Coon to be rid
Mad ..... ;. Hllrl:. ... Ht,E. K. mlt",elltth,bllt I."ill {ltlIlO".
E· K. Sol did indeed.
Mad ........ 'Ibt Pb)fiti~1t fltith, ;"ftlled "ir il to bt llfioiata ill btljf. <.Mit"J Pri",ts jhllll be
""qultiltted with you, /lltd Le/lTlttd m'II. 'tht good IITt ofttlltimts ftirr'ta IIp to offtlld God, ."ho{,
offm,'es /ITt botb wilfulllltd raJh: FOT tlmptatioll M " Touchftollt, "lid it Ollt of Iht blltcl:. ftllo.,,~
cbie,cejt W, .pONS.
t:.. I bcfeech YOII, to fay fome"hat of the time of our going hence.
Mad ....... Til}h. Ipra))ou, Go hence I. Coon IS you may.
t:.. To Crlfcovia, you mean.
Mad ....... I .... I will IIU'W Itlld the,. vifit JO/l thtre: Ana w;// bee,mt frimJ witbJ~u, E.K
liD'" : for you Itft btc,mt ,, 'gooil1llItll.
t:.. As concerning that terrible thew, what can you fay of it ?
Mad . ...... As " wltr1tiltg to btTl/!ltTe th"t, that fhoultl bt, Thil iI tbt I"ft Sptllr.
A. But, if I go to Crltcovilt, no ruch thing !hall happ.en, I troll.
Mad ....... So, Sir. Thtrtfort, 'Ibit it your wltTlliltg.
1>.. Is it not, then, the wifl of God, that lthall fet up the Tabkherc. IS you Cee, We han
Mad .... ~. Be c'IItented. 'tbil WildtnteJfe, it If.t 40 Jtltrs. b{y MOlh(T rllith, It mull not
be here: yet at YOllr requell, it ""'J be.
e. K· How can tbat be?
A. At mans commandment, the Sun can liand.
Mad. ...... Ht [Ilith true, Btlin" bi1ll. •••• '[btrtfort i will not urgt tUJ) tbillg "ri"i"~,,t tlr
ftr till Wt come to Cracovia.
bo. At CTacovilt, thalli fet it up? And than I require PtTlllIS houCe there 1 Or what howe
eICc, is, in God his detcnnination, for me and mine ?
...... As wi[e Itl I It1ll, I CII"not tell, "hllt,Jet, to {ItJ. It is th, 7,,,,,. ,;her; t~ S"hh",,,
dil) jhlt" bt ctlebTllted.
t:.. But now, as concerning the hOllfe, What is your word?
. Mad ....... 'ou.",illllot bt aeftil/lteof "" houfe. Will )0. beline )1ft; For I am your truc
fl'lend MAD I MI. Here jhltll he .be tltd. of JOur 'urmoil. Bt of gOld cbt"rt.
•. Did you not will usto have my cheft from 'IgT/I before we go-?
Mad....... I, Whell ththlltcJt7ll •• • hlttb cltlltd homt bis .","ters.
1>.. Alfoon as .... n have it frQm Torif hither, then we arc to be going.
E. K· How will my Lord agree to this?
Mad....... Now)ou IIrt bee"", IItTl/! 7ll1I1i, botb Wt 1/IIIJ d."tll ill O"t "ouJe. Sir, I pr,iilifo
you of Itt) creait,)'/I fhltll b, to ItllTII IIo.b;,,& of .ht{e .billgs bJ Auguli.
1>.. By AlIguJ~ next?
Mad...... r,1I ... Ntxt.
t.. Perhaps mr Lord his fumirure of moncy will not be Cuch, as to ferve for oqr carriage
anew, &c. Behdes that, I would willi KtfIttltr;" to be rtd«emed, before he thouJd come to
Cracovill : Perhaps then with the peopJe,his credit 1{ould begrcatcr.
Mad ....... Thofe that btcomt Killgs, cllrtl/otbiltg {or Fltrm·h,u{ts.
1>.. I would that needletfe coil, here bellowed, had been faved: or that you had told ut'
this foouer.
Mad ....... Siltllce I/DTIP, is 7IIJ btft "nJ."".
A. Do YOll:know, ( 0 Lord, what fay I ? ) Have we had any name of N A L V .A G E
heretofore in onr Tables or Books exprelJ'ed ? '
Mad....... Wbltt b"ve JOU writttll, ,bitt hltvt JOU .",.itttll. HI is" IItllr kjllr",,,"
to mJ
Nalnge. <.M,tDer. Wt cltll hiltt, with III, Fuga tcrrefrrillm.
t:.. We befccch God, that all interruedling, and fallcinelfe of thi: wicked in thefe Altioni
may ccafe. You know how one clawed him, here,. 011 the head, as with Eagles claws.
J true '1(elationofDr. Dee his Affion! ~ith [pirits, &c· 69
Mad. ...... Rt Mil) rtjo)ce, tht) c1111Pnl. not his ro~l. Tou lire content to let me go.
E. K. She gocth away {omc"hat bigger, and in a long Gown.
A. Soli Dca Gloria. Ame,Io

Friaay, Ftbrll4r. 21. ~ MtriJie, Lasko. Mllrtii 2.. Stylo novo.

A. As I had tltlked of Mlla-i mi, and IL. to E. K; ahom Teeaflire hid in Englanti: aDd 1
was delirous to have fome advertifement by M~dimi, the appeared.
Mad. ":'" iltn!wtr your ilf1Pllra mlln. I Itlff come ilgltin.
E. K· She is biggerthan {he was·
Mad ....... I Itm tt littlt gro1Plf. _
6. As concerning a mediCine for my Ague, I would gladly. '. And as concerning the!
wife of our ru:ar friend, the Lor •••
Mad .......1 prlty lOu, btar wirh me Itt this tilfft: I ttm ItS 1PUling to ifnfwer you (1Phm light
,ometh Itgizin) its.Jouto IlSk.. me. Tou mil) confider of mtt"} things, I Cifn alf!."," tINm brieft).
Such bleJing ItS m} Mo~htr_ btft"l'tth 011 Ifft, fIlCh 1 give .lou.
B. K . She fmileth.
6. God grant that his good Creatures mllyfmireon me.
Mad . ...... IYhm YOR It.,now Iffe well, you will find, I.hlt1Jt bun very cbttritllble.
E. K. She goeth away naked; her body being befprcnt with blood; at
the leall that fide of her toward E .K.
A. Lahdett1r Deus T rinus &: unu!, &: in fempiterna fcttilarltm fecula. Allie;;,

Silturdll).. Ftbrullrji 21.158+. ifntt. nttria;t"', La~ko. t Mltr:tii J. Stylo nOilo.

A. The que"ftions needful to be required of Mllelim;.
1. Good counfel for my health rect)Tering, and confirming.
2. Hthe Pedelial (for the holy Table) bting here made, than be carry cd with us to
trltcow, earlier than tomake a new there: both to Cave time, and to have our doings the
more fc:cret?
3. What is your knowledge and jndgem,nt of A. L. his.wife, in refpelt of her life pall,
preCent, ~nd to come; for we doubt the is not !?ur found frien?? .
4. It IS our very earnen aelire, that the Daolth Treafurer Inf./Ig/ttnd, m tbe: ten places.
( reifcd 011 by E. K ) might be brought hither, very fpeedily: whereby A. L. mi~ht reo-
deemKeyfmttrlt.,andLttslt.,olands,moegaged: alld alfo pay his debts in Cracow, and ahon.t
For, eire, neither can he come wit\t any credit, to CrltcD1fl, ( as htis willed) neither cali
fte come to us, there, fo commudiouO;, and·oft, as our confer~nte6 may be ,requi/it. And
thirdly, the day of Kt]fmark., forfeiting ( without the Emperoiu- his favolirable help. ) draweth
nigh : as in.April at St. Gtorgt his Day J1e~t.
A. Ahd by YOllr fpecch of E"glan4,you give me occaGon to enquire whether her Ma.jellY
dC)th caufe my rems to be received, by my Deputy affigned or no?
\Vhether hir Majdly, or the Council,. do intend to fend for me again, ill·" Ellglltlltl
or no?
And as concerning the red l' .•.. which E. K. f91llu\ with tbe book iri Englltlla, wh.tit is:
And what is the bell rife of it, and how that ufe is to be praaifed or performed?
. A. ·aftcrthefe Q!!clHonswritte.ll, and a litde our praying to G~J'J:>r his lighr~ verity, and
help, and to (en.d M~iJaio/i, according as th.e ~iIIed me to note miny ~hjngs,for ~hat the could
ailfwer them bneHy. we I,lfe.d liIence a wblle; ••• ath Ihe appeared on my right hand be"
tween me and E. K•
. "".' BltJftd. ht his IIIt'lit 'kilt ill truth,lIl1a for.rht t~litb, {mdeth his Mi"jfters t~ ilf{lr;illi the""
ibaf lov~ tTqt~. •... tile" To ..... B, "ot pierced. too f/tuch 'll'ilb fight of me. [to E. lr:~ for lie
looked merv.dloufly earqelllyon her.] .
E. K. Shl:lccmcthmorebrighttban ihc"as; And to ... andro't1:and
in a more bright plac.e. _
Mad ....... All6g7lour hr ro him thltt liil~th {If Htavt1lltlllJ. ill Ettrtb; tll1Il is "'ight] in ,l/ !I/lets• .
1....... Tour hettlt6;
. E· K. Now {heisgone to the place on thcCuthionson theberrch;where
Ike flood ydlc:'l'day. BhedotnntJVv as ydungchildien do, playing with her
A true Relation of Dr, Dee his Afliuns 'D'ith (pirits, &c.
coats; and at length fitteth down on th: Cufhioos.
Mad ....... Evrll liS [pititullllln-l Ji[.lfifit! iIluminlltio1ls , ' from arcenli~rt, II11J bJ Jt[r",Ji"l.,
"//lark.. tbt "//Iill of GoJ, dtttrmint6 ill IIll Crtlltllru, divtrfly, IlCcording to tbt mtll[,"td pllrpo[t of
tht Hlgh.ft, ill di[ptrji"g bit ."ill UPOII III1J illto tvtrT Ollt, pllrticulllrl] J "//Ibtrth, [om' btcomt "//Ii[t,
O>lt i>l Ibit, .">1otbrr ill th~t dtgrtt ; otbtr [omt might) in "//Iorlts, "//IhtrtbJ h",ltb lI>1d btlp, "",fort
lind JOJ, it giVf~ to tht fllitbful: EVtJI [a, II[CtJ/JlJ'~, doth Htll illfra, [o",ttimr "//Iitb trror, lind.
[oll/ttim"ntb infirmities: So tbllt from Htll'lltll [pringttb hrillth, from btlO"//l ,,,firmiti,s of DoJ}
lind (o'd. Whrrt) "//It find t"//lO im.",dilltr poJ#'trS, bring ing forth two pr'plTtits, 'Iht 'Nt Comfort»
T '''oimme- "//Ijlb JO); l'Qt othrr Illftliicn 'R'ith [o~ow. .
d i, l[C ~\lWcrs.
]Jut Ibis .tfIlJ bt obJt[ftd: Hllth ,t not bun [UII, tbllt tbt .ir.~rd Cllrr tli[fll{rs I II11d rtftor,
h"lrb? What[orvtr is of dratb, it [orr,w; ..hich is the grolllttlof [pititul II11d b,dilj ill/tllioN
[d thllt evil can>lot wor~good. How CIUI it thtrtf~rt bt th4t tbt tltlld rtviTIt, or rtffort /;ell/tb I
'lbt cllrt tbtrtfort of 1I11 [piritllill inftllio" ( 1 mtllll tbt i"/tm,,,, of["ch, liS IIrt [piritlllli it ill yt-
{ftll of hit ",rllk.Jffjf" IIl1d II0t of bit flrt"gtb·1 BtCI"[t $lItllll i"frll;'.g, mllJ bteomt Wt.A;, ( wbtrtb)
ht Cllllllot prrvlli!) ud [0 givt btllltb, bJ rtllfo" of Wtllk.,.lItJ{t; Otbm,i[t, .".ith po"//ltr, brillging
dutb IIIl ",II1mtr of "'"JU.
A. E. K. thought a rhing, whereunto /he anrwered .• and he raid ••• my thou~ht:
/he anfwered .••• ill my degree, thoughts.... known to me. I, than an.. •• lhe IS of
God and in God, tha ••• , the thought of man.
£. ICe She· .. I hear· .. a bUl; .• , care.
...... l'hrf( ""0 i",mtai4tt IIlItl fllpmflltllr41 prop.rrits ""e [0 Jigtiifi,d;n Cr(IItIOIl IIlItl 'Dtttr~
",j>l.tion, tblft tbt f,o,d Angtls c"""ot curt, or htlp [11th i"fi""iti", liS lire brougbt ill bJ tbt IlIbtilt
illftlliOIl of tbt ",ic/tta thnllftlvrs: VIIltjJt i" b,d) t~t i.m mtdilltt PO"//ltr of tM [reolla ptrron in
'Irilli,) be the Ilia illIJ curt of t6e illftlltd b·,tlJ; ","icb it the trut PbJjitill". AlItllll
bt to.I(."polI hi", '''''n bit {r.ilt},[o b, it cbi,f Goverllour ovtr tht f"",t in IIll 4t.( YttS.
If the [.111 br inftlltd, tbt Allgels b"tlt >10 powtr to •• , it or '''''V it cltllll: ht bJ tbt."ill of
tht F athtr whicb i.s tht 110(y, 4tr·'n&ing tbe An!.tls into tbt proprittJ of tbt Cbunb :
whrr-bJ the Di.f.4ft it rur.d. 7hrrrforr, conjidtring, tbou IIr, · inftlltd, lIot IIl1tur"I(y, but b}
{piritual lind "//Iic/ttd i»jlllmI11I1tioll, JiirTlug up tb) fod} "nto inftllioii. Wt Ibllt IIrt , ' od Angtls,
calfllO' ",illijrtr bdp ""ltJ{t "'t fttl tbt i",,,,"tdilftt .f bi", ."hi'h is the [tcolld, 11,,4 tht "'lIttr
of Lift. NO'"//Iithttllnaillg, liS "//It ~"o" bow tbt inft(Jion grew, titber loellII] ~r rellllj; So cillf
We find contrary places md things for comfort.
Whrn Herod 11'11; illftlitd b, tbe Devil t . l{ill vtr) Cbri{l tht Son of G"J.; His purpore "//I"S lIot
.,/ltrta by contr.diOion to the Dr.,i!, but 6J tht for,/tHofll'lfJg, of Gotl, ",b;ch.p~oiHtetl Egypt for
h;, [lIftp.rtl. So it it [llid IIIItO tbte, It it tbol/gbt good tboll jhott!tlft rtjl.t eRA C 0 V I A J
Crlcovil. for it it II pIllet [lInllifiea. botb i1f fort-drter",ill"t io1f, lind 110.. 77,Nrtforr ufe tbe S.bhlltb, ""tl
rtlf from 1.IQ~'T: ltt4p 110", IIl1tl tlltrbe fruit oftb} IlIho.," ; PrtJ{t tbt Vint, thllt tboll ",lIytft
drillk." lind lte,,,,f.rtt4: For tbt prtmi[ts of G04; IIrt not ill VIIi,,; Nt/tber IIrt tht Ilt.vt7lt
frl/itl,J{t. For liS it it {lIid, Thou art not bound, bllt f.rtb, [troi" of God: Nritht r jhllit tbou
Ricb.,. bt tnriebtd bJ Prlllcts : but jh"lt ,.ricb thtm. Fltjh "'"} [ptllk., vII;Iil], lI"a bt witbout comfort:
Bllt tht promi[t, of God, c",[t 1I0r, ntitbtr bteo"" ullctri(lin.
This rear to come,;, of grtllt 6lDoa-/httl: prepllrtd .to flop tbe ",ollth of tbt Ellrtb, ",hieb
gllptth f r [orro". '1 htrtfort thou muft ~e rcpara~ed, .tbllt tbe promlfts of God ",IiJ be fttlfillttl :
"bieb com"b ( IIOt lit JO," rt'llltft1 ~ut lit b" Dtttrmlnllt,oH) mo/lllhUJIJII"tlj.
'[lure Bo~ras lIud 1I0t, tbt Pllvi",t"t jhilll [trot; fD' it it IItitbtr tbi Ellrtb, lIor millis bllllds,
( but tbt Fingtr of bim tbllt livtth, ) tht provok.,.ttb.
Bt;old .... 7bllt tbt PO"'''
of G~d might br 1{>l01l'n, tbtrtfort b, batb ebJm .tho[t thllt IIrt 1I0t
ttgllrded, to
,·ht inttnt, it ",II} DtflliJ ; Lo, Tbit it of G~d. .. HII.{ltbertfort, IIna flll} 1I0t,
for tbJ •• rllillg it grtlft. . . .. . . .
7bo[t thllt IIr, w,f, ( to fill) III th"r jl,jhl] ''''"g'"11tzOIlS, IIrt deCts'lltrs of tbt",{dilts: wh,ch
:with us are not to be accured, but rather unknown. For tbt Kingdom of Htlliltn it JiviJttl
from atll: 1fJ14 tbo[t tbllt .lfre.f Htll, IIr, I1IIk.,.no.",,, from lIS. F.r· liS •• • IIl1d • •• , "'"'IIrIlILJ.
k..n,w not, ont IInothtr, [I/cb, lind [0 it is of ••
Sic tibi rads quod iIIam non novimus, neque virtutcm uBalD defcel'ldentem ab i\la vidimus!
NtitbIT it tbt powtr 0/ God ill bim,f6r hit OJPII [II/tt:but·for t"bt ~pirit tbllt God hatb f1!IIlIud in him.
F , r "allVt "'-"QJl'n bi"" IIna IIglli" bllvt forgott,,, bi",. Alld Jtt"';, unarrotll7ie! hi'" Bllt ( [
.1tllcb tbtt II IrlJ lftrJ ) b) irrlla;lIt;,." into b;;": llriel"ot bJ ttjltKIQI/ Jr.m b;",fefJ. As tilt btlt'llt'"
flJ fro", tbt ffin!t,.of tbe ;"ftlltd powtrs, tVtll [0, JlJ tboll.
C::.. CAcoli""" G.lIij1." G.nij1a.J; E· K· She caUeth one, who is now come here.
i,(iM,I'IIl.ri. II• E K H..: {eeme r h ro have hh tace half
Gan: : .. .. Whll' "ilt rio. "//I,th 71ft r llik; a· mao, and lulf like a womao. his
"lirtt ",It .,,",IIl1t 1 5"b odb·
y elng all covered·· Wit h haIr,
. rugg ·d•
B. K, I his
J true 'l?..ellJtion of Dr. Dee his Af/io~s lPithjpirits, &c. 7I
E. K . .!Madimi lhaketh her Coates, and brutheth hc:r Coates with· .•...
Mad ....... 'Ihur ftlJtrh m) MHhtr. Btwarr of 'JI'ilde hon], lind raw fruit: The OlU clarifid~
the tlher ripmed. n1ll) buome good. ,Thore thllt k,.noJP !lor wille become drllllk.,m, but to fH ch IH
Itnow it, it l rir.gelh he.ilth. Evm{o, thi! Dourine. ror, Ul1to him that it M tajltd, being ript,
or ...... or becollltth comjort, and the Ktyof apr • .... But unto him that u{tttb it wild'J, and ......
Wor/("ttb Frr';w. Ypur k,.now!tdgi if not to have, but 10 leam to ...... So Ibllt JOU lila) be,bolb haVing
and lurned. Smallllrt the T.rta[ures of thH worlti, in ~rfp.ea of the wif~o"" that j w:lgel6 N A-
T v.1l. E. For unto him that }llheth trl/ely, whlft fecut II hlddm l Tho[e that [uk.. tlof world
foal! be conttllmtd oj i t : B llt ht that j/ieth fro", her, Ihal! u[e h,r 4J "flaVt, or IH tb-' [econd tI/Other
dotb her d aughter. Nat'With/landing, of /II} [elf, I will be more IIpplillble 111ft, JOII, tbm )o ~ JhalJ
'be followers of me. For,[or thllt caufe am I become j:hildith. Therefore cta[e : He H trudy Why-God in
"ife, that (Ily eth, G, d /("noJreth! timlS wbat Wt .havt nud of. ,Be not tempters • . Bt piltimt hi. Mi ni ncr,
5. E T1t1t IH thy dejire H, [0 are Ill! tbiligs in England. Nothing kept bac/(". Bllt for thJ {II/("e, IS • Child.
[Jlch Mart tbine, art with thelll frimdly JI[td dc.loth wilh
6 . If thou /hol/Edejl liot l·t called home,~ow foouldeft thou e"joJ tbe benefit of God his pr?IIii[e,wh!eh us.
bllth {aid: Thou fll a!t etil{ 4fr haelt,.; &c. to her pre[ervat20n. Bllt, lirfr 'thrfe thin;:s mull come
to palfr. 1he Countrey {hall b'~ divided, one rife up agllin.!t ""other. Great trtaJons b~ 'JProllgbt.
Tea, aHd on~ Cllt 4Hothert ~hroat : And whm t~ [.r~atell troutltS are, Tl,m fha!t tb," [live h~r /jf~.
7'h~" /hall the "all b~ bro/vir down: And frtt pfljJage jJ.;all be made: And [lIcb IH Ilrt 'slt,.orn~ rs, A"d
il{ctlfd liP tht narrow Itt ps, or fhtw themfe/ves 0" tbe walls,foa[[ be troddtn do'Wn lind dtliled. Hert
jj miderjfanding ...... That which tbou, E.K. h.1jt,h a part of four, lind if becO/lle the fiftb : 1 '~t it i#

...... I"ill./("now itfoortlj.

IIOlle of t," f aur, dignified in a Cube, whore root H 252 •
Tbouha/l no pown (for:. time Hllot ytt com!.) But ",,,Ilbtbrought
forthf1io'rtfy; that it ",a) bek.,n ~wn • •.••. Made it,.wa. Holy (but ir' ''''1H ",de by tho[t that • . . ...
It : '1J'hich is not man, neit~er any thing of wick.,ednt§e) which for his fins died, I,a ff he ./holl/d h.llve
&un d dirojt d in ,the [ecD1fa death. Rtvealed unto thu, neither for thine own fake '; nor at thy
reqllcll: Bllt bJ Ibe' will of God, for a ti"k u conte.
E· K· I pray you co tc:ll me plainly what it is.
Mad .•.•. Bt content • ..... I {pelZk.,lbIH, letift tholl./hoJlldeft·jin, Goa the father, the Son, ana tbe
I,oly Gh~rt blf§e JO".
B. I(. Now (he is gone, 4J a migh!1 ,all "Woma~. Note. M"limi
os • roll w...
A. V mtad ztema;, lit ztcrna L-aus Gloria & Bcnediaio. lIJall 110W',:

E. K. Amc:n·

Wednefday, Martii 4. Mane. 158+. LAS K O. UU.n :tii 14' Sty!o Novo.
A. After my Petition made to God (at the inllallce of A. L . not prefcnr now) to know of
M oldllvia Kingdom, the fiate to cOl]1e .: that is, when A. L. and by what means he lhould .cn-
joy the faine (being before lit M a.. tlllJt.., promifcd untO ·him.) And at my rcquefring that Ma~
Jimi might be theMiniller of his will ther.ein : At length appeared Madimi.
A. Gloria Pa~ri,& /ilio &: fpiritui fana'o : flcut· erat in principio, & Ul!nc & femper,& in
fecula feculorum. Amm.
M.d. Amen" A (frlllin rich mlln, father of an houjh,ld., retilrneJ. and fOll,n a all things out
of ordtT : And l~. be loo k.ed liP, lind [lZid II1Ito hH [trva?,t; Ari[t , and bt rtady,.for I -will [et m)
bo"[tin order. Go to Alfon, and 1 will meet thetthere : Alld he aro[, Jlp,Ana 1Pfnt unto Atron: But
bit ",II{!-q clI"'e "ot : At !()Igth~e [aid Imto him. 13<h~ld~ I w,ll no! aw.e(l b..... 'Remove mj hOIl./hold
Wno Banal, alid be did [0. And the [ervant prtplZred It f'lIft : Bllt his majler tlam~ flo!., And be
(llid 7l1Ito him tht third time ''JPbJ itTt thou [orrir, or whf IIrt tho. ai{gr') l, ..... (Jh'tlnto ",e, for I am
tbj ",aittr. And he [aid : Ri[e.,g' un,to Molrchecks, and thoJl./halt mut ,me there. ' But I" thl# [IIY-
rth the [ervant , my maJttr forgtttetb~ ..... lind hlZlb comma,;de4 me t"iee,.IIi/d I have p"tJiartd for
him, and be came not, and he [llithulI,to mt. tht third ti1fte,- . Arift,!D. alid 1 'RIill meet tbet . Thou
.(halt /i,,;' me/herr; BNt ht ",illlhfT' aZro '/treive me: ;And he rent bef~rt,,"nd behold, his mlZ{ter ....
But im",tdiati!.J after thllt,the {e;-va'!ts "' ~jJt1fger • ..... Tht fatber of tbe im~fhola Cllmtlll;,d he l~olt..(d
bJlt his [rrvant"lH not thert. And bt rent for bim,' and ..commanded hi", .to be .... ;'!IlId to be brought
with violence'; But tb, [tTVltnt [aia, deal n~t ,f-hllf. with "'t, for jt is 'Ilioltlft : But the mJiJftr an(wtT-
ed, a"d fllia .: Whllt I commjllld thte • ..... ghteTl: For [erT/llnts h'ltJt 1110 freeJom of tbem[dvts • .A"d ,t
C"me to pa§e thllt after, t-ht ",after b~d .jl.athert1 tDgeth~r his friemf, ~ He [aiJ Nnt~ tbr1l1; Ari{e up,
dnd finae me C1fr tbltt IS F A I T H F U L L WIth 0 BED 1E N. C E. Then he flrttchtd Ollt· his
"-1I,,d, a"d he {did "nto hiS [eT'vant, Hold, t.1/1,;. thy .Trw"rJ. : F9T,{i"om ",e thou IIrt blini./hed. How.
[a) JOII, 1I'1H this JUllice, thlft he did "lItO his.[ervant 1 .
A. 0 Lord, we appeal to tby mercies, and we acknowledge th,.judgemenrs alwOIyes to be
moll jua and tme, &c.
Mad. Th,
7 z. A true Rel.dion ofD. Dee his AEliQns 'P'irb (pirits,.&c.
Mad. The Arltof tbt Lora .",.,obt C07m.llllt of 0 BED lEN C E. 8I1PP] .rt tbo{ttb.t tllter.
E. K. There fpringeth a thing before her He a Reed; but wlrhered.
Mad . ViI!O tbu, [E. K.'pointing to the Reed,] thlll {.}tth tb, Lor,l, Btc."r, tho" ,."ft "ot
r1fdurt tht tlla of wi,lftr, Sprillt. o", ..J gr •.",: J)llf 111 th, midjt of [rltl] ht.lIfJ, ill fltt ",idft of
{im'",fr,(hlll tb] dtflrulliolll,.
A. L. I ",ill"II,illt tbtl btf.rt tlv ti,." for ",] prom;[t [.Iv : 'flt.t tholl m,,},ft f.11 iii fb, JlliJft
Tlf thillt 0"" timt, flfr Ib]"tj[t iI tTtllt.
E. K· She fiandeth and holdcth up her hands toward heavCD,and faith no:
thing that I can hear.
Mad. Go, ",,,Iv bllftt : .;Ill fttfh iI d,lIIillllbl,.
E . K. She fpcaketh another way. not toward us.
Mad. III", [tlll,d,."titlNr CIlII I fp,.k., .II} mort.
E. K· Now file goeth a,uyllke a three cornerd Cloud.
A. Oh Tern have mercy on us. Oh King of Jews hive mercy on us. Oh Conqucrour
Igainll Hell, death, and the Devil have mercy on us.
E. K. Now is he here, wbo was hR here. Are you Nall1agt•••• In the
name of Jcfus. Lord be mercifull unto us,&c •
• . . • Is foAled; 1_ t:tcepted . ••• I """"mM"nt/,t/,,,,,t/ my 0lliee;, to ftalb.
E. K · He turneth about with a great fWihndL, at letlgtb he HanJetb.
A. b Lord, and our defire is to be tallght of thee, in thee, and for thy fenice.
Nal. To him to 1IIbomit iI ["iJ, GO: '[bMS, I fp}, Itt him b~ lo0iltg. Fir Gotl ".th ftr,tcbtl
Ollt h,s b,tI,d, "lid bt fll]ttb, I .",illllot plMC;" it bllc/t,., bllt rltllgt"IIC'~
E. K· Heturocthagain·
1>. 0 God, to wbom isthat GO, rayed? A.. t WII 6el< of an
Nal. liml""rt"l "'''",1fIho is tb, LorJ.fIN"I,1t1 -l(ue, lnd Ih" .upon did
rom....... d'lf',
to The God of Heaven and Farth. in,; .If.. (Of ,be L.... d.
Nal. lbt Lortl is IIlIgr},."J b, f,;,J meto tbu. A· I . Hi- help, eh~ 8r•
• . Vide Tob. Be gone. " iib Coach, Ho,fc, aM
:~:j.'..! ~ ;t~-
11','lm m' .".
Lo, tINr, is II till] !lIft. .;I"a if bis OWII .;Iltg,llllll ,;of "",,1, ;"t,mlt.1I 101.11<)'.
f~r him, ht hlld bUll "otbillg: S,1I1 tbtf~ !hil,t.s, IfI"/v 6111tt.
it "ib... "''1/" Begomg.
D;",. .. MI t-
"", tl'6,
For tht LortI ;, lI"tT}.
A. 0 God, Sec. .
Nal. Tblll b~ f.]tth . .... Lasley hllth rtj01w1."itllilll Hulot,tlulllltln"t"{1Iftll /lit) whicl; "",
1111"'''011111 : Bllt /11 fhll" bt rn.-rJed.
A. L. '[. thlt it ;, [llid : M,,""
bllftt, ""l bt gOlft. t 1IIill fulfill my promife in him for thy
fake : BUI IN/"" !I.("II, btillg Ifoll"f th] IIc9,,,,i,,tll,,ct.
A PIODounce favour ana
mercy on me : who in my fin. ..... and finglenelfe of heartrejoyce
to do wbat I can pofTibly I'crforin.
Nal. Till ,L,t] 6 '71' f.iJ IIg"i"jl tIN,. Ltt hi", "ot g.. Oftbt", thlll [IIJttb Ib, LOTtI.
Th~] fh,,11 t ~rrit whtrt tht} ",,,,U Itot. Cuf,., writ, 110 ",ort.
A. Soli Dw, ODlIlis honor & Gloril. .;I'",tll.

t...M'lftUjt Mutti 9. Hora 9. Manereccllimus I ...... Septima nolke foimus apud Peer..... .
'I U([JI}. 10.
'iYttllft{,{II}, II.
'l hllrfJ,,]~ 12 . .... ,
At Md_ we lodged It night.
hid6], Martli 13. We caRle toCr""., circa tertiam'l Meredie, lind wete lod£:ed in ,h'e
Suhub by [be Church at ....." Where we remained a feVCtlight, and thell (I and my wife) we
nilio'fCd to the houre in St, SttpbtIU fircer, which I hired foJ' I year, for 80 grlders (of
30 gr.) And Maller E d",lIra J[(l{y came to us on Fryday in the £.lter week (by the new Grt-
grill'; Kalendar) l1eing the 'a1 day of Mllrc6, by the old Kalendar : but the Illtth day of April,
by th e new Kalmdarj Ea/lcr day being the lirll day of April inPollI"J. by the new GTtgor;""
C RACO VIA. Martii 13. An.ls84.
0",,,;, HOllor, LIIIII, Gtorill "" GriltillrIUII AlIi" fit D" N,ftr, O.",;pottllti~ '1ri,,'o 6- ",,; 111171C
rrr,,,,ptr. AOlcn. A.

J true~/ation of Dr.. Dee his AElions '¥Pith [pirits, &c. 73


Pars prima ejuJdem.

THefdAJ morni11g, Anno 1584. Aprili! 10. flilo novo Gregoria11l1.

C It A C 0 V I JE.

~O~O~O~O~"(O~O~O~O~Ftrr our divers prayers and contelbition of our humility, obedience,

I:: 0 and credit in thefe Anions: and being come now to Crac01lia, the
: l>lace fanaificd, wherelUlto we were willed to make haft, &c. At
o Icnth appeared Nalvag~.
E K· He hath a Gown of white [ilk, with a Cape
with three pendants with ta1fd~ on the ends of them
~~~~~~t\I all green: it is fur, white and feemeth to /hine, with a
wavering glittering. On his head is nothing, he hath
no herd· His phyfiognomy is like the piClure of King Edl)Jard the lixth;
his hair hangeth down a ·quarrer of the length of the Cap, fotnewbat
curling, yellow. He hath a rod or·wand in his hand, almoH aj; big as my
little finger: it is of Gold, and divided into three equal pam, with a
brighter Gold than the rdl:. He fiandeth upon his round table of Chri:"
fial, or rather Mother of Pearl: There appear an infinite !'lumber of letters
on the fame, as thick as one can Rand by another. tbe table is [ome",.hat
inclined on one fide: he fiandeth in the Yr.ry middle; his garment cover.
ceh his feet: his breafi feemeth fmooth as the down remaining of a Swan,
when all the feathers be off, [0 is his neck~ &c. He is lean and long-
A. The infinite mercies of God be on U~ : and the light of his countenance thine oil us ;
and his favourable countenance be on us.
Nal. ...... AllltIf, IInto bim tbat is, amI .",al, alfd lifJ~th for rotr.
~. K· He lookeeh earnefi1y on his cable, and turneth him (0
view it·
Nal. ...... AI/things lire in order. Tbus [lith the MeJfmgtro/ hi"• .",bichu th~ God offITi[-,
aom. Is Jour 'JlIortbilleJf<[lIch, as JO/l calf merit [0 great m~rcJ' ar are JOllr wJftis cleall[~a, alltl.
maatllptto receive a/ltl bold the [.",ttt liquor, pltreulla~rftalftling itfelf ?
~ .
Hath the SUil tIItred illto JOur bowels, or have JOu tllfted of the Ifight-dew ? Wheu aT~ Jour
.",eddillg Garments; Dr afttr.",hat {ort do J'" pro vla~ f,r Jour mllrriagl? Vn[ea[ollea. Y'u art
/llfd 'JlIithtrtd j/efb, partak...ers of thoft things .",bich mak"e :lOll. holy: throNgh .",bich partak..illg and
the [ecret providence of him that;' tltt Bigh,jl.JolI btcltme digllified to the md, alia lire fujJicimtl,
.",afbeJ. for the ti",e of tlftrltnc~ . 0 liiff-neck..ed pe'ple ,)011 deferue lIothillg, m"l pt,)Oll have tlu
bire of [ucb as labour. Bllt, .",hat, call cOTT"ptiolf b~ ,arta~n' If thof~ things tbat Ilr~ incorrllp-
tibl~? or mall. which favoureth ill hi",[tif, CItIfJOII [ltvour alfo of the Almighty. .
oj ou wtak.,lillgt, 0 J OI' of no faith, 0 YOII .'Clllfk"err of th~ earth; Wb~rt u thefhame JOII have;
JPhru ar~ th~ t~arsJolllet rill!; Wher~ it th~ humility Jail lire raugbt to? NIIJ JOII are [uch liS
{ay in your hfarts; if th ~ Spring h~ f air, tht Banit.,1f is lik...e to bt gooa : If there thing cOllie to paJfe"
it is th~ finger of rhe IJ ora. Bur [uch u your il"perfel1ioll; [ucb Ifrt th~ fttlits of tht j/tjh. Iina •
th~ vallity of m,rralit,}.
NotflPithjlanaiilg, cOlljidrr tbat you Ifrt rrrvanfs: Do therefore the '111m of ,our ltfafltr. Tou
Ifr~becom~ fra: Be (.,itbJ u/ IIfla thallk/H/to bim that is the. giver of liberty: Nay you art bt-
'O7l/~ chi/Jrm: par:. k,.m or tht l'fI1I1[t/ of him thift Jitttth '-lid [eeth, lind [aitb I am. Thtrtforr
be fob~r, f.e/thrll{., .<Jlll t9av(r II0t, f or tb! iul"ritalll:e of ,)a:Jr Father is grtltf : J0/." frttdotit if
without rtcomp~ 1!C~ , d l/a J ellr MaJft r the King of ]uflict.
L Where
TYhtrt IIrl tbt tloplt? Dr i/l. ..~.t "lItr.ti", I.i,). t~tJ 1..,11" t".~ ".t~ bttll tb••eqrtu.ttl. ,17l1l
drin"" i"to f .",W"ri., lI!#h tbt 'rIIf
StrtJ."rs i"l, .4;'gtl, of Go,). 1 ..V;". ."0'" "'.II~ ,~r, "'Jftt-
rits bw. oft"'''' II fum Ind.'f 'Aft tlf~t .,., f"l1.ijhil;' :(N, ~.;tl" IIPPttlril.IIIf'O tHlII in a
,.ilion: B/It ht c.""tb ~o lOU .,,~n JI. I,rl .";if"" : 'li"tD t~~ 6r ell.-' ~;,I,'vJ fir, at. J'" 6r
1h. End ma· tollitt"b rtq/lt(tta. .4ri[llip tb",f'''; iUJ b',fUt I"...,tf'l./ ;;bllt tS, Lort/, blltb 1.'"1 f,r JO. ; 'for
k.. h ,II. tb;/fgf .(-thit WorlJ .rt ".t, ""til tht) bi I.,,,,, ""t«r iI thtrf II,,), rbi"i .ffurIJ, bllt b) thl mJ.,
Faith. It ,,"t/llid /lilt' Abraham, .AIIJ I .ill Jtjtr'J tilt"" HI blliriltel it ; but bl .'Vl. "'t, when.
Grtolt i4 rbt 'rt.~rt/, otFllirb; f.r it giv,th jJr'IIP: Bot tbofe m*t lire f.lithful arc not ofth.
worl4. , Nonirb/fil1,Jillg, , •• bllflt {lIid, ( liS i, .,,., b) tli, Di{dplt$ to €hrifl, !/Ihe" theJ
JIP,it ]~, /llIpl/rt, lI.d blil,l't! ) When /halt there 'tliing~ come to paffi: r LorJ, .itit. it !fU1I"t bJ
Wh ... Ibi4, or thllt l' Si"'pl, Fllith e:/fetl/ttb.ll"",. 'For, H'.fltll .lIa E.rtb fh"ll ptrifoi.
Faith. Ibtir corr"pti.1I t B.t the'llO;C;$ .f tbe .t ora, "'Ncb ",or, bi$ pro",i!", II;' b,w", Allg,l. for nI,r :
For ~S tilt S/l1I b'g,~ttfh ill tb, I.rtb, 1111,1 i4 f"thlr of"'''"J tbillg. Ihilt lill, ill co"IIP,i,. MIl h"lIt
",t/,: 3. it thl God.or H'' '11I., Ihl br;"g,r f,rth ""~ ",gttrtt, of tbillgs, "ltfti.I .."ith lif; "'" f,.,
t'lllr. For "hj, DIXie Ik fall:um eft, ,,'IItr] U'II "' tltr,,,,, • b,r."", for tTltr, IfM .h'llt u
J4 ... thought, is become- a living crea~ure. ~ ftllcb ]011 " 1IIJ(ltrj•
.As tbi tr~1 ;" {ItPPJ lift, ""I~illg be" {tlf thrl/lgh(}, 6ri"glt~ f,rt. llit or""",,,1itt'f Hr ,,,,,
I>,."tJ: So th, {firil.,,1 j.".f ",11" be;"g g••a""a aig,,;p,t4 bllfJlijIHth "",{,If, .itli hil found
and ~ithfQ.l ~hQUght; 1.,11" fht {,I,r, II". fhtl/l -f his ,,,. h'''-'J S f.r the {.1l1 -f • ." gl. 1111,
tith~r ";'ith b'lIlltfto [.I'IIlIlio", .r .ilh Jijh,trollr .". jilrbi"'ffi, I. a."",,,,i,,,.
1 hI'll' tl,,,,
"'l (O"''''II"I,_lIt. I bllTil liS II SebH/.tIujf". .,nttl}41i, tqt6. " fri",J, '0-r,I.
ItllJOIl: I"ilI lifo fI"eb J.II.
[ E. K. He fpeaketh in a thin fmall yoice. ]
1:>. He ufed a ~reat (laufe, and mence-. .
E. K· He ttandetb and poincerh with his tod to the letters of his Tabl~;
as ifbe m~dc fome ac:COUllt or reckoning. He "cot out of the middle, and
mcafured bow mfy Geps it is about.
N al. •..• " P.ter, Fili"" Slirit", S.ttO.,: FIlJiJ"1IItlttJI"'; {Jlbjf.",i., & prilleipi"'" .""'i~~
[e. K· Thollght in bis lriind~;. ,m., and he anfwcrcd his .thou~ht, fat-
ing, What need 1fay "rfl. f The Grammarians will be on my fide· 0.-
;,iu_, is more cban to {iy _i.", re;u,.. ]
B, 1'. Th,s feemcth to. be fpoken by fom~other, in my imagination.
Nal, •••••• Omnium, iI Ilw fhillg ,bll, iI., ehllrgr.
E. K. He il:ill confcrreth place to place, i!le.
So. Now he fiandetb run.
Co'1*' omniMm •••• E. K. He pointeth to the whole or round table
which he fiandeth on.
J. Th, {Jlbft""C1;' littribut,J ID Goa tht F"t""'.
2. Tbt firjf eiTClllllr ",oller, Iht r.irewrlftrllf.C,. G,1l 'hI SOli, 7''''
ji"g,r of ,b, Fllther, ,,"I
*,o'lllr.f IIllthillgs.
3. 710, orJ," .,,1, It,!ini.~ ,oget"'" of'~ pllrts i. ,b,ir aUt 11,,1, plrfiO proportiill, Gotl ,,,,
HoI] G"~. Lo, the btgillllillg ""I, 1111. .f.ll thi"gs •
.E. K. He Gill coumeth and confcrrech places and letters togetber.
Nat ...... Lo, it iI ai'llia,d illl. .. p.rh: ..bmof fill' IIrt Jig"ip,J: ••, lilt jtt Jif/liji,J,
hi jh.U b,: th, o,b". .itbollf g/orJ Ir Jipip,,,,;oll.
E. K. He feemcch to poine to fome divHions.
Nat. '" '" VIIJtrjf."J G.a, lis the {Jlbjtlllfct of tbe "bolt, ( III IIbO'/l' rlliJ. )
l!... K. He. counteth again. •
N al....... 'fb, {JIb/fllIf.CI of tbu pllrt it ell[[,tl Vita.
l!.. K. He pointctb to tbe uppermofi parco
Nal. •••••• C.Util Vita SupremL SIt Iterl IbTu {",.11 /iII'S.
[B. K. Thofc three fmalilines appear iii the uppcrmoH parcel. ]
Say ••• GlllltliM1If, [pointing to the uppcrmofl litle.
Say,••• Pr4{Ilrtill [pointing to the f econd. ]
•• .••• LIlIltl.II'ts or Triu1fJpllll1lttl [pointing to the third.]
E. K. Now
dtrue C)(eI4tionofDr. Dee his. Af/ions (pith !Firi!s, &c-. 7'5
E· K· Now he begi!1neth to account in the {c;cond portion,
Nal. ...... ThtContintHt, Vita. [He coumeth again.
E. K. l ' he four portions arc of equal widendfe, but not of equal clear-
nelfe; and thlt about lhe cenrer is ot fuskHh or leadiili colour.
£ . K· Now he (heweth three fmalllines in the fecond portion. He
feemeth to fpeak [0 himfc:lf fomewhar.
Nal. .. .... Sa] .. .. .. Potellas .... to tht /ir}l line pointiNg. Motus ...... to the {econd;
Minifirantes ..... to Iht third.
E, K. Now he proceedeth to the third circular portion.
Na1. ..... . Thil COlltillmt it al[o Vita [pointing to the thirtl portion] non dignilieata, fed
dignilicanda. '. '
Nal . ... . Set .... E. K. '1hrre Ilre 'Ill{o tlntt lilies, Albo ..... til the fir/1ltlle. Factum .•. :
;11 thr [ec lid. Conlirmantes ..... ill the thi~d. Sirha, thH it .trlte ~?giclt.
[A. He faid fo to E. K. who now gave blmfclfto Iludy LO~lck diligently. ]
E. K· Now he tlandeth trembling.
N al ..•. f " 01, qualioft Juflitia inter ",i{erDsI
A. .. .. Sed,mors ell qilz peperit hane vilam.
Vitll eft etillm bllc,[ed qUit peperit mors.
Say · ..... LulIlH ..... ~
Di[cordia _.... 'Here feem three lines alfo.
Confll1ldalltu .....
Tho[. thllt d. dilty {hall receive thrir reYl'llrd. Let my diligmce teacb.JOU diligtl1ce.
Be IIot allgry, bw,u[r .J0U do not underftlllfd: Thefe bt mUlIIS to IInderftalld. E. lC. con- r. E. K.
fdfcd that hewanery angry.
Nal ..... Pray Imto G ?d, for I II", rejifteJ.
A. Deu< in ad';utorium noJ1rum intende, &r..
Say .... Vita S"/'Tt"'lI. [ poinring to the uppennoll line of al1. ] 1 find it ( by /lUi-
t;OIl) in this L4ISgultgt, I ad, but written thw, tOJIIllrJ th, left balld, III thre, IllIgI,s

I d
Say ••••• Glfudium ..... M~". I finJ it is If IIame "retila;lf, Illfalfn{Jlltrtth to the tJII' tIIItrtmtl,
tfl ad;1I tbu mllnner.
I d z
• 0
A. I pray you, is Mozod, a word of three Jette!'!;, or of five?
Nal. : .. .. 1>1 JIITOt, thret.' it is largtr txtmded. A. z es;temJed is I:od. )
A . W1\1 you pardon me If I ask you'another qudlion of this exten lion?
Nal...... SIl] 011: Moz in it [elf fignifittb JO]; but Mozod ,xtmded, ji,IIijletb the Joy 0
A.No word in his radical form is extended
Nal.......Thtr~ doubts Yl'iIlll~ length groYl' ettfle.
Pr ltf'IIlttt ..... J find It called Zir.
So ..... I d z
a 0 i
m z t
This Lea-on is greater than any that was learned in Crllr.,vlll this dar-
Nil ....... PottHti/l ..... Biltfay, Pitll fecunall. I ad but thus.
a 0 g 0 d
m z r v r r
b n a
i a B
z• •
L 1,,;11
.II true 'l{eltttio" ofD. Dee hit Amorls D;th [pirits~ &c.
[will ttach you htre afttr tht dijliHlliDH of tbtm.
A. You mean of I ad dinrlly lignifying.
Say ••••• Potellas ..... [fiHd it Bab. It doth It[cIIld from tht right hlllld t. th, Itft.
Modo ..... I find it Zna.
Tbty willlfot fall ollt {D, but thty 1IIll/ fall out weI/tHough.
Nal ....... VitlHtrtilt • ...... I ad.
A. I pray you, what is ofMilfijlrltlftts I
Nal . ..... Loo/uau toyollr Chargt.
Allio ..... Sor
Faaum ..... Gm
..... Vita, qn;c edam eft mors.
1 ltd
Lulllll ..... Ser
DifcDrJia ..... Off
f o •
l' d
If the ortltr of tht T ablt he e'J: fpiritu Sanao, .
'fbe [ubjtanct oftht Father; Ho ... jhllll.,u glltT"r tbeCircll",ftrmce,."bich u tb,Son I.
Tht So"iI tbtlmagt ofbis Fttthtr: 'fbtrt!ort, i1fhudeatb, be 1ItIIjlbe tbelmagufbisflttbtr
I{fubflantia he in forma Cntcis, tbm tbt So1l it tbe 1,l1li1.' of hi: F"tb,r.
........ ..... L"ua"ntu ....... Luach.
A. The reft I Ilray you to deliver us. h e r ,.
Nal ....... Beltr Jl'itb me,for it ileltjie for JDIl, idzsai
but hltr. for mt.
lrIinijlrltnw ...... Lllng' laoigodh
Confirmantts ..... Sach. ,. m z r v r r c
6 . Now. abnafo! a
N al. ..... wz,tll I P,JzOJl',JO/l jI)It/l.
A. As Sitch.
i a b l' d

Goa be lII,rdful to IIIlln.
It it {o ttrriblt, thltt I tremble to glltbtr it. 1 a n g
Confimdantes .... . Vrcb.
']'bus I b"VI madt plam thu body gtlllTltlly: the particulars are long, hard, lind tedious.
thy lIame bt bl,JJ,d, 0 God, Jl'hirh calljlDptll " lIIea"s, '1I'htreby tbJ POJl'lTS illlmtdiatt",ay b,
Dpmttl. lIIIto m"lI. PIJI'lT, glory, "lid hOMur, be unto thte, for thou "rt tht tr,14e body of all thmgs:
alld ItTt lift Ittrll"l.
E. K. Now he is fuddenly vanit8ed 2way with the Table.
']),0 noftro ft' omnis laut C!J' graliarutn aa;o "unc i.!t ill {empiltrnd
/"141"'11'" fecula- Amen·

Thur{J".J> Mltlle, April;' n. 1584. Cr"covi.i.

A. Some delay upon our prayers made, ae length appeared Nltlvilgo in lbape lind attire
as latl before: He aandeth aill.
Na\. ...... BtnetliQllllljit 1I0mt" 'Dom;,,; ill "tlTIINm.
A. Amell.
Nat. ...... Audite mei fraeres patienter.
~ Godbtad i" hil {tcTtt judgt.ellt /tetpillg ill hM Alllligbty bO['III, the illlltgt Itlld fir'" ,! Itll
rhingl~ i/IIivlT[It/l.h loo/vd dO'lln upon the Eltrth; for be {aid, Ltt 111110'" go JOJl'III11110Ilg tht [oilS
of IIItll i Ht {ItJl' 'th", 1111 tbi"gs {,TtfI (ontr.r) to their "utioll ud nlttilre ; t ithtr k,.ttping thtir
Jig/fitits alld [ICrtt vert/ItS jhut lip ill ob[el/rity, Dr 11ft riotlllfly ptrijhing , thwlgh the imbecility
lind fTo'll"rd"t{f, of ignorltllct: So tbltt it Jl'as {ltid, BtholJ, I dtlight II,t ill tht World: The
Eltmtllts Itre defiltd, the [OilS ofmtll'llic/ttd, thtir lodits btcome JlIIIghills, Itlltl the i_ltrd pltrts
( tht [tt:rtt chAmbtrs of th"r he"rts ) thl ;"lfS Illld JungtOIlS Df th: tlltlllneJ.: , Thtrtforl lwil/
dra'll my {p,rit from IImoltg(t thtm, lind tht,] jhall becnlle
IIll1tVlTJI'as: No, IIotjinu tht fall of h,ItVt"s.
.,Tt drunk,.tIt, lind their ignorinc, fIlCh
dnljeb:i)Iut. F", I" tbe timt iI COllie, And he that is the Son of UnrighteouCnelTc,is and liveth: VII'O
hi'" tIer.tfoTt ft.all ht givI" firtllgth Itnd }D1IItr : It/ld th, Kings of tb, Earth jhllll b,come mila:
JtII, t'/:III rllgiltg mad ; ytlt ""en in the thirJ ",,, J,II'JJ', lI"d thltt in tht dtpth of thtir ow" imagi-
IIll tiOl/s; and [."ill build 111,] Tllllpl,., in thl lYoods, YI. lVen in th. Vtftr, pillcts; IIlIa [JI'ill
d true~/ation of Dr.. Dee hi! AE/ions 'With /piritf, &c. 77
be""u a Serptltt in the wiUern!J{t : fDr I have tuclted up III] gllTlitmts alIa alii fled aWIl), Ilnd She In the "ilde~-
Jhall mDurn on the MDuntaim without comfort. ncR••
Lo, the Thu"der [pillte, "nd the tltrth beca",e ..,~{l), "nd full of fogge , that the S.ul of
mltIJ mIght flup in hit ollln confujioH. n~ [eeond Thunder fpak..e, and thert arofe fpirits, f 1lch
M art for Sooth-fa)ers, Witches, Clltt,.",ers, ttnd Seducers: tt"d the~ ttre mtred intD the holy placu,
"lid b"ve talt,.m up their feats -iH man. [WDe be wrto the ellrth ther.efore : For, it it corrupted. Woe be
unto the tltrth, for Jhe H furrmdred t. her adverf"rJ : Woe be IInto the urtb.foe it J.Jivered into
the hll"ds of her mem] : rea, Woe be unto the fOI1S of men, for their vtJfds Ilre pO)fol1ed. B"'
thm fllid tbe Lord,L~ , I will be k."01ll11 il1 tile 'JIIildernejJi, ll11d will Triu",p/) in m) weak.."eJ{t.
A"d 10, he clllled 70u, a"d y ou became drun"-en , Ilnd fo,li/h with tbe fpirit of G~d : And it 11',1$
{Ilia Defctnd, for he cilileth, and hatb ,-allea : Ifnd R~phael thlft bro"g~t up tbe /T1l)ers de[cended: Rl?htcl;
"nd be 11'011 f/lll with the power, &- fp/TIt of GOd:tll1~ It becttme A Dollrl11e, fuch wai never from the Th;, Do-
beginning: Not pll;nted, or carved:: filed, or imagznetl bJ mttl1, or ttccordi"g to their imagil1a t io1/s, a rlne.
"bich are of flefo: but ji,,,ple., pItt il1, fllll of ftrell[,th, and the powerof the holy Gholl : 'Which Do-
Urine begal1, M mlln did, lIak.,edly from the earlll: bllt yet, the imllge of perfellio". Tbit felf-
(ame Art il it, wbich it delivered.ullto JOu an infll.lliblt Dourine, co"tllil1il1g in it the waters, 'Which
Tllnl1t througb ",IIn) Giltes : even above the Gate ofInnocency , wherein )011 are tllllght to finde
.ut the Dignit) and Corruption of natwe: alf' m4de parttt"-trs of tbe fecret Judgelllmts of the
AI",ig9ty to be mltde mttnifeft, lind to be put in executio". Which "-no."ledge in you it to b, made
perftll: two "aJes, by pOlller, mediate, alld imm,dilltt. Immedillttly fitm God, in refpell of hil
)l>ill, Ilnd feertt Judg,mellts, tH unto t~e Apoftles. BJ m;ans ttnd ~rad.ition, tlf from II!, opel1illg t~e
fu~iflllfce and bOdy Of nature, accordmg to our own Image, which IS the thmg I have now III
hand. 1 am therefore to inf/T.IIll and infor,,! JOII, IIcc?rdi"g to )OIlT Dolfrine de/it'ered, whirb H
...",tll/ned in 491IIbles. In ~ 9 voyces, or callmgs: ."hlCh are tbe Natural Keyes, to aptn thofe, nor 8 K
49- hut 48. (for One it 110t,.to bt' opmeU.) J\
Gatts 0f underft tlnamg,J ' ~.
'R'hert bry JOR foall bave 'l.nowlt dg. £caUI.and
eyes, or
to move everY Gate, and t6 call out as many MJOU pleaf~, or fo all be tbought neceJJary, 'Which call uCe.
'fury 'R'ell,ri[,htt,ufl1> and 'IIIifely,ope>t unto you tb. fellf't'ts of Citin,&- mtlk", P* underfiand per-
feB:ly the contained in the Tables. Tbrougb which ;",no~/tdge J'ol~foall ~ajily bt able to j ildge,l1ot on
tbt world doth, but p,rft{//) of tht world, Altd of all tbmgs contllllleil 'WIthin tbt Comp"JJe of N It-
tHU. tlnd of all things which ttre fubjell to an end.
But behold, this charge of mine is tied unto t ime: Therefort be diligel1t to le.trn, diligmt to Note.
hear, aHd tbat with p"tienc. : For it H ntithtr It frtt Scbool, nor Il School of cOl1tilll/anc.. For M Ta~e ti,me
pO'lller H 110t givm unto mt' beyond the lirlt day of Aug-jl next, [0 hllve JOH no firength to learn wh'~. tim; Is,
4tt r, becaufe I am ~he naif of your Dotl:rine. ~~:~m."dl
Nal. ..... I am for the co",fort of the 1II0rid , and not for tbe hil1dranc( : Thl# fllyeth the L ord. fL , &,;a nex t.
70 Iht'm tbat httve Httrv.ft ttt them Tt'llf' lind Wlto filch tH have lab,ur let them wor;"'. As for IIIe,
1 aM tied to "me, and am ready at al times: For 1 mtafure not JOur nigbt, nor dll).
A. Thanks be unto the high cit.
Nal.•.••• Cufe110'111 "jtb me,for no more dt{ctndeth.
SoliDeo HOnor 8( Gloria.

After-noon, the ~me Thnrfday ...... After fome thort Ejacil-lations of prayers to God,
there appeared a gre~t black mafiy Dogge: with whom I wo~ld have nothing to do, but ex-
peft Nalv ltf,e. He fald, that he was Nalvilge: We rebuked him as ag Hell-hound. At lengt~An iIIudi"!!!
her departed, and N Illvttge appeared; but brighter then to day. wicked rpirir.
Nal ...... Havt JOu tboftthin{,s 1 told Jout to da)!
A. We have them in record and millde.
Nal. ..... Relld tbtJn.~ ...
A. I did read thein.
E. K· He laugheth, ha, ha, ha, &c. a great laughter: He hath alto a Ta-
ble, but fe~meth notto be like the former Table of Nal"'ag~. There arc
ten, or eleven divifions in this Table, as was nat in the former Table.
A. If tholl art Nttl'/lage, proceed in the Do£\:rine of wifdom, if thOli art not Nalvage, depal't
in the name of Jeflls •
. ..... 1 have frte will, and tbtrifore I will be bere.
A. Now I doubt nothing, but thou art a deceinr. [Auditt:] The ignorance of the wicked .
becometh dull: which lhewing it felf is fwept Oilt of doors; and tllrown on the Dung-hills. ~:"I~: ii~~.
B. K. Now appeareth onc like true Nall1age.
of tht [
Nal ...... Evt1lfo;" it. ] for tlioM httft optllt'd thj blafphemj: and bein$ ai[eo-
vtTt'd, If rt becomt' '~o:t ~ccurfed: 1htrefoTt' btcau[e tbou art aCCllliea, tholl art not dignified; but
beconlt' a Veff'e\ of mlqulty: And therefore haft no frtt-will. For, free-."W eith.r it, or U ;>1 Free-wil!.
Ifltte to be dIgnified. Tht'rtf orl, 1M duft 1 fweep thee Ollt: Ifntl cltlt tbtt into thltt DllIIghiil , 'Whicb
" tlie pittee of tht t.rtattji woe.: tht Dunghill, And. the Ttlll ard of the unrighteolK. .dnd, btcaufe
A true fJ(.elation 0/ Dr. Dee hi! .AfJionsTPithjjiritJ) &c.
- - -
- IhJ [d/ ;nl. the J"JgemeJfIS ./ tbe Lora: ,mJ bllft itllrJ tbt [eertrs 0/ tbt 41",;gbfJ:
1 hrrr/ort I [e.I th~t tanquam trnncus in Infernum.
E; K. He firiketh him with an yern, like a pair of tongs; in form of a
Mould to caft Pellets in : griping his brain and underchaps, and fo he fell
down and difappeared : aO,d in his place came: tXabagt.
E. K. Na/'ragt maketh curlie toward the four quarters of the "orld.
Nal . ...... cMJll s H ~r gml oH thJ Um.-
might be, that now one 'Dnil n:rapeml an.
E. K; (0 his heart thought that -it
orher, and thereupon [aid Vm.
E. K. He is now accounting ag~in on his Table as he did before:.
Nal . ..... V1Itb thid Vollri1lt btl01lgttb the ptr/tli /t1l0wltagt, "1Ia rt1fftmbrltllCt of tht "'J(fiell/I
6 F"'~ Creatures. H.w t.b trt/ort ihill/ 1,11/0'''' JOU, whieb 1t,,1IDW thtm lIDt i
Cb. ,.nil s. 6. Mean you all B.b}OIl Boboltl, &c.
Nal. ...... Tht Ch",IIlJt,S, or Ltttl1's 0/ tbt T "blts.
0.. Yon mean the myiical Letters, wherein the holy book i. premifcd to be written: and
if tbe book be fo written arid laid oPen before us , and tben you will from letter to Letter
point, and we. to record your iuftruUions: Then I truft we {hall fuflicicndy underHand, and
learn rour infiruUions.
Na ...... Af[o-ill rectiving of the CIlII., tbil II to bl Itottll : thllubt} tire to buttt,tl of .t,bIlC",-
IIock""d. Jllllra: ,,"a ,fJOII, ;11 prlllli[t,fo","rd.
Thefe calls. 0..I underfiand iI, for the efficacity of tbt'" J dCe, all things called would appear: and fo
hinder our proceeding in learning.
Nal...... . V P C F; 7 E I 1t S M $ S j
E S A I I M M N S E S.
E· K. All this was in one linei in the 10wermoG: portion: and lowcrmoll
line thereof.
Nal. ..... lEE E E 'f NO E V ME 'f M M 1#
E· K No" he fiandeth ftill.
H· Nal ...... A E R TIS .A N S S El A 8 D M M :; E .A 0 A
B· K· There feemed to be taken out of divers lines; in the throe 10"11
portions; but none out of the:: uppermofi, or fourth.
Nal. ..... It S H V D S It RES 0 L S N R E It E E
)( EEB.
lor F. SIS E HEN 0 E S M E F S FEE D 1 [~] 0 E
iUIlaY be E or
1'« rtP '/ this Ltlfoll, tlH Hl:ltt tIIo,lIi",.
0.. After the correning of certain places before in the Letters he raid. I feel no
0.. Thanks and honour be to the highell for ever. ArrwI.

Fry-day momitjg, Ho,. Sf. AprUid 13: Cracovi~.

Not long after my lnv~tat~on, ?l"ITJII~t app~d, NNtN Vei.
Nal ..... Our ptllet; wbICb" Tnumphmg patience, "ltd gloobe "m'/lgjfJoli.
A •• Amm.
Nal...... I~
Atrue~elation of Dr. Dee his Alilictli with [p,ritJ, &c. 19
N al •••.• • It ma) be )'raid, can tllfrr be r"atience in thr A It1.r/s,
.. 'Jrhirb IIrt 'iedlutl. IIb.v, the II;rt I p .ICD C
For, [lich as were of errour havt their rt jura: Ye .~, for(ooth "'.' Jtar brtthrm. For thtrt ;, II at c,
continual fight betwccn us and Satan, 7I'htrt;n wr t13n{I" ;(h IJ pn;(n:t. 7/';';' rIot [p.k,.f1f wi/h-
.ut a cau[t: For M tbt Dtvil if the f.ther of e"rPi"g, [0 dotb be [uttld} i,,(,(1 the :> er rs imagi"l1-
tion, mingling unperfect forms "ith',my ur/erance: Wltttr, ;' nor r,,,iv,d without lIirt., " ,ith,t
the word of G. d withollt blll{phemolK inji"ulti,lt. 'ne [on of God "tvtr did c nvrrt all, ntith, r did
"l! that did bear him,btlitVe "im. 'Ilmef~rt, where the power of God is, is alfo Satau: Lo , I
fptlt/t... not thit witboHt It Cltu[t, for I hllt,t an("'trt4 thy ;nre{J;o".. . '
A. E. K. H"d thought that Angels Ilad not occalion of any patlence,and fo was hiS thought
anfwered. .
Nal. ..... I fiilae t"e Soul If man hAth "0 p"rtioll in this lirft Table. It if tht lmllg, of t"e foil The Iir~ TI.
of God, in the bo[o"'t of hit fllbt., bt(ore all tbe 1Porlds. It comprebtnatth hit i""t"atiOlt, ,.r-
bl ••
flo", ana rer"r" to judgemt"t : whic/J he hill/fdf, in fielhAnowtth 1I0t ~ ali th, rtjt IIrt of underjt4l1d- ~~~:;'.Dter
i"g. The exa~ Cemer excepted.
A (1wo tboufand ana fourtun, in th, ./ixtb TIIL/t, is) D
86. 7003 ' In th~ thirtttllth Tabl r is I.
A In tht sith. T ltble. lifO? downward.
I In the laft 7 ab)~, on' hJJ! rb~ir Nu"liur. A '/Jt'ortl, JaidaJoup,IIII/l1latrftItIlJ, wbat that
",ord is b~fOrt tht 8M g' J..w". Jaida is r'~ la ff word of the 'I. ,It
85. H 49· lI[c~naing T +9· de[wid;ng, A 909. dirtO/.}, 0 ./imp".
H 2019. dirl{J/.}, call It Hoath.
22~. From tht low allglt 0" tht right fide. Continuing in the fiine and next fquare.
D 22 S. (1hl [amt IIumbtr rtptatd.
A In the thirttentb Tablr, 740. A{<e",};"g in his fquare.
M The 30th.1able, 1302~. fr , ... the loll' "ngl;;11 r"tltfr-flJ~.
S4' ....... III the [quare "[emai,,g.
C"I/it Mad.
o Tht 7th. 1ltblt, 99. •[cmdillg.
C The 19 tb• d,{et"d;"g +09, ,
o 1he ... I. from tbt IIpptr right ""gle, (Toffi"g t6 '''fHtthtr refr, ",,(1. {.
ttf""tlin& 1003_
83. N The 31tb. from tbtCmttr tothellpftr right "ngll, ""d !od,[cellJ,illg 5009.
Cltll it Noco.
Bt patitlft, for I tolJ yo'/ it "'0,,14 bt tttli' lII.
o Tht 39th • from fh. emf.r J ,(ulfdilf,?', or thl Itft han.!, 9073'
D 7'he 4 jlb• from thtCmttr ".f.:mtlinr" all/. [0 to tht right upper AlIglt, 27,004.
R Tht H th • fr III fb, upptr {tFt AIIgit to tht right, IIlId {o jfill in tm Circumf"'IIu, 310006.
I The ~ tb. a[wltli lfg, 71.000.
82. III tb- (alllt 1"Ue d,[Ctllding tbt lalf.
Clll! it Zirdo.
P Th' 6ila. a{et"ili"g 109.
A Tht 9,b. "rCfll,/in( 40S.
SI. L 111, lI'h. J,e[ceildmg 6C3' ......
e"ll it Lap. 1>. Her, he firoke the Table on Saturday aaiOll fot..
lo"ing at mT reading oYer of it backward.
E 'Ibt 6 tb • fro.., tht rig~t Angle II?P",IIojf to the I,[t, 700.
G Tht 13 th dr[crnding, 2000.
R Tht lib. from tht Cilfter tl,wl1wltrd, 11004'
80. 0 Tht 3tlh. d.fcmdil1g fro", tht r;Kbr IInglt t. tht C'IItlT, 32000,
Z +7'h. lHooo. dtfcmdillg. Call #I Zorgc. [Of one bllllblt ,]
A 19'1i. tom thl left corntr de[ce"a:l1g, 17200. '
79. A 1~1 • from tbe emt" afce"Ji", fa the Itft AlIglt, 1.5000.
Q..The fll me T lIb/t a[ " "ding, 33"'00.
Cilli it QA A. (Thm fyllablts with IICCtnt 0" the laft A.J
E 1ht ["olld 1 IIblt, 1I2 It[ce,,Jillg.
Ln, ...... th. ar[cmdil1g 504.
C Tht J9tta. TitbIt at[cmding 1013. [That C, it Clllltd C Millor.j
I Tht 13th • de[cmail1g, 1.00 5. 7877,
C n,.. 14th• Jt{emding, 1.90]' Call it Ciefe.
R K. Now is he kneeling, and praying "ith hb Rod uf
76. 0 1he 4th. arcmaing to the/eft ..4"gle, 390.
D The 5'h. dt[cm4illg SIl. Q. Here he Ilrikcth again
o III tht fame de[cenaillK, 90'. CIIll it 0 0 O. on Satutday.
N. n,
80 .A true 'J{elatio1l ofDr • Dee hit Afliont "';,h /piritt, &c.
N 1'6, 9tb Je{w,Jillg 804.
A Th, 11th Je[et"Ji,,!, 2oo~. .. .... nil A "'#J bt Il/I A.r #" O.
71 R. Th, l .tb d,f",,;Ji,,!, 5006.
M N Th, 16th J,[ctllrfi"g I ~004 : ""orr,Otd it M.
A :tbe loth J,[r.,,,Ji,,[, 17006. Zamran.
Z Tht ·p th tltfCt"tli"g 40006. e,,/[ it Zanran.
1 givt it f"ft"lI"t,.!"" t6",,1 rteti"tJ it. E. K. tb,,,,lIt it.
T 'the 4th de{ct"t/;"t. 212 ...... nit ",,,,bt T Dr ·D.
74 0 Tbt 6th .[w/tJill!, fr,,,, tbeetllt" to tbt ltft em"r 1907.
C"ll it 0 0 .... .•. Dr 0 T.
A 'fhl 9th_.Jl(Ct!'tlillg soo
C '1bt loth dt[""di"g 601 ellll it C As [bo. o;,Jjll"bltl.]
R n; 16m,,[e'lldill!, 22006. E "'''ft I<,,,,t 11ft" It: bIIt .,,;t/',1II u;,,&,,;
It. Tbtl9 th d,rcelldillg 23012. lind rQ, it is Zar:Arc.
C The 30th ,,[alldi,,!, 30006.
A 'fbe 39 th fro", tht Itft ""glt Jtrct"J;"g 42012.
Z 'fbe 46 th lI{etIlJi,,!, 312004' Cill it Zacar.
vr, J'IIr tim, of rtfrtjhi"g, ""d rtt"," Ow gratias reddamus immortales.

The Came Friday after Noon, eirell 3. hor.",.

After a Chart rcrquell made by me td Chrill fQr lfiCdom, .alld verity to be miliillered by
N,,/v"t.t; he appeared and fpake !IIuch co E. K. which he aprelfed n.ot come: bllt a length
cOllfdfed that he gave ~im lirotherly counCe! co I.ave dealing as an Idolater or Fornicator
againll God, by asking counCd of Cuch as hi: did. . • .
E. 1(. confelfed that he had been thac day, and Come dayes before, dealing by hlmfelf after
his manner, to underHand of my L6r!i LlfllV~, arid· of -other matters of Ltuk,p, and lcft hi'
queIHons in his window wMrceli. N.II/y"g' told hIm the devil had no" taken a"a, hitque-
ttions. E. K. went down to fee ifitJyel'e tnte,- and he found it true.
Nal. ... , .. IrllJ ...... 6. We praye,d .
Tbtre ;s "" ,rror ;11 'be l"ft,lI,t ;,; the Nllmb~r, bllt ;" th, L'tt~r. 1 "ill ji,.jl go .br.,,!,h ,10,
LeUct-s, "lid "fft,. c.",~ to the NmtJ"rs. H • ." ",II"! ""as 6it",J'" rtcli7lttl t"ii d"J -I
1:.. Thirteen, whereof ltUd" was Caid to be the lall of the call.
Nal ........ n,} 6~ ",or.e."orth ,bit,. tbt J(illgJo", .(Poland. B. p",j,,,,,f.r tllt[, thillg' I'"
N (Th, nu",b~r ,"ujl "mIs go to ) tht filCtb, d,[ee"tli"g 309'
A 'fb, 7th afwfding 360.
71 0 Tb, 9th "remdill/!, 1000.
o 7'ht 13thtb "[("(IIdill!, IOS0.
V 'Ibe 17 Il{tmding 2004. It is Vooan. 1, "'"] bt to""a,a V.oan.
Adde tho[e I"ft N"",bm
Vooan is [poltt" ."i,h .11.,," ,h",
f"ll,bllt Vaoan "itb. tbe. thd
IIrt, ""d lIre g/ori/iet/; The
devils hav.e loll the digni17 oi
their founds.

bo. They make 4723.

Nal. ...... I, isctJ/I,d ,., Mljlicill rOltt ilttht bi!,bdf IIft'md,,,, ,f trll"[1If1Ittlti.,,.
bo . TheCe phrafes are dark; when It Chall pleaCe God they may be made plain.
Nal... .... It is tb, [qRlfu ilf tht PbiloJ.fbm •• r~.
bo . ),ou faid it wasa roote.
Nal •..•... S, it il" ,.,ott [qullrt.
1:.. The fqllarct~creof is 22306729 ....
!A~;I ~~. ... The wora is, bJ inter!"",tllti.n, Iguis vera mater. 'Ihe VII;" Pbil.r,pb,rs do tb;nl(, it aot"
,.,,'" "'oft"-
, ..jeUi..i,. be!,tt hodi,!: hilt ill trlltb, it ""ceiverh, IIna brilf!"tb fortb.
70 D ,h, fifth, .rc~~dill!" 4. . '
o th, 39, ,,{etlla"'l, 7806. et:ll It 0 D. [ t:.. drll."lIIg th, 0 I.,,!,. ]
E L 17
A true '1(e!4tion of Dr. Dee his AE/ions '/Pith fpiritJ, &c. 8t
E L 17 (ltot 17 thf tirft. bur 17 and thf tbirdtb: lir it is of tlu tbirJth: Il7Iil J7 it
L tt ma) bt of thfm both) afc.l7Iding, 419.
69 0 0 thf IS a[wtding 2017 .... this 0 muftbt{oundtd liS A.
T M M tbt 24 from thtCl7Ittr to tht itft anglt, ti["nJing;
5069 .... T muff bt infttad of M.
L A A ~o dtfcmding, 9012 • .
A I I thf 35 afcl7lding, 15079.
B P P tht 43, fromtht cmtlrto tht ltft augll, dtfc(naing 15906S. l'.Terfed.
Call it Piamo d. It it Phitd Baltale to bt [olll/atd.
Al tht tar is tht chitf {mft ; [0, bting';nftlltd, it is tbt grtattft bindranct. Many there be Note 1,,"1l~
that thrufl themfcl ves bctween you and me : an4 tht) ttre ;"crea{ttl. Power is given again den.
to the Shew Stone; and thou.lha\t not be hindred. .
A. Shall i pre[cndy bring it forth?
N a1. ••••• ~s thou ";ilt. .
A. I brought forth the Stone, arid it feemed marvelloully brighter than before it was WOllt
to appcar.
e. K· He fecmcth to pray.
E. K. There appcareth to me in the Stone .;Michael as he was wont
to appear, with his fword in his hand, and in a long white gar-
inent, q;fc.
Mich ....... I am tht ftrtngth of tht Higb~(l, Ilnd tht might) Ilrmt of him tlJ/lt iI Almigbt) :
.J0l/r { ,flow [,rv«nt, and tht mtffll~tr of tht. Higbtf/',' Tht piJ'lPtrs . of tht tllr~h have r.i[m up 11-
gllin!i !ou: !hall p,revall, and thiS Doanne {hall be: delivered as IS promlCed, and~;1. ~~Il p;;-
accord II'!!: unto time. But pra) l"rn~ftl) ; for [0, tht wholt boit of Angtls, [ucb liS art bltffed, pcrforDlCd.
blfvt cr)td unto tht Lord" [a)ing; Not [0 Lord: Th) brtatJ it torn in pitcts, or rtprollchfullJ
ThIM thtr40rt {aithth' Lord, Bt patitllt, for tbe placc is holy, and tht pOWtr of tht Hightft
-it Ifmon,((1 you. ]{tctivt wiflmgl]: for he thar is offended IS fmitten. Be comforttd, IIn~ be· The di niG...
",art of dtuivtrs: for tht pOWtr of tht .,.,irlt,.td is incrtaftd, and is btcom, migbt}: But lOto tion o~ ,he-
this veffcllbaU mu:r nei unclean thing, not for this timc' onely, but for ever. Slone.
Vnt' thtl Nalvage tbIM [alth the Lard, gathfr up thy wings and tIIter ': Do ItS tholl aTt com-
"'1l1ldtd, and be multiplicd. Bt comforted; for Gabricllhall alccnd a1ld ftand btfoTI tht Lord, Be multi Flied.
lI11dJhall have po'll1er and de{ctlld: and he fhal! be yok,.ed u"" thy [oynts, il7llJ thou fha# btcome Gdritl.. '
1IIigh" I tbat tholl maJlt open tbe wondtrs of tht Vrd with power.
B IC. Now is Nall1/Cge come into the Stone.
Mic....... Be co",forttd,bt comforttd, bt comforted m! brtthren in the God of Hofts: for J0/l1'
comfort is and Ihall be of tbe Holy Ghofi. Thtrtfort Itt 'ptact bl amongjt you, and bt '10 mort The holy
bttbe.; (or 'lPifdom dwtllttbnot amongft childrtll. Tht peact of God bt amongft )ou: Ana thllt Gboft.
7rIIIcb I havt comforttd )011.
E. K. Be is gone:.
E· K· Now here i!i another.
A. It i~ Gal'ritl that came to Dllniff.
Gabr., ...... I tJid fo, and I am thllt Gabriel, and tht World btartth witn,fft'of mJ roming.
TOil rtbtliiolM JIIindn,)oudtceivtTs of tht righteous,you nak.,td [uMances and things lighttr tban
tErt 'JlIindn, ~no'IP"'t)OU that th~ God of Jour crtation bath 'l1JIaratd you, /tn6'JP ),11 nat Jour 0'Jll"
'JPttt ..."t!rt, It"now)ou not your Hate of no return? I rot) htadlong you a~l ( without reJiftllll(:t ) flZlL
Jo."." to your pla~tS: Bt gont, fin"', (or I am of power, lind do prevail.
Btboltl bt b«tb plllceJ darknclfe behjnd him,and hath madr t~t lights of 6tllvt71 al. tbe Lamp;
.fbi< btllllt," GO.10tl that au conf~unatd without rtt/l1'n; for the name of our God in his de-
termination is invinchle.
ThH "iibt it " Sabb.ztb,alld II {collrgt to tht wick.,td.
Nal. ...... 1 promi{ed to lxpound JOlla word, Iht tirft J'II h.ztl to dll), but tbt laft. It jif.1lifitth j
of the Highefi.
.E..K. BisTable nOVY'appeareth very evidently to me, as tbat 1 could
paInt It all. -
CtlZJj for thH timt, for it it a timt 4 jilmcf, for tht 'lPic1Vd llY-e colt{o/llflltd: in tht "'OTn,ing
.Joufhttll bt rallJ{ht plt1tt~full]: for mJ powtr it bmmt a hundred and tift); and 1 '!Pill tinifh
mJ rbargt, long before rhe time appointed.

Cabr. ·W, It,t Iflw"yts pre(tnt until tht prom:[tbt ~ndtd. Rtlt in ptaCt. ,
E· K. G"J;,i,t fc:emeth ttl be aU in ctlmpllal harnifJe, like slt"les t1/ • Fi{h {rom
lv1 ,be
f~ .A true 'l{elatio1l ofD. Dee hit Af/ions D;thffir;ts~ &c.
N ut. this COl
~t"l .. r dO"R'n"R'ard., wi.b" S~'"
m,the arm-t.;ts £.
in bis b.nd, all of brei about a tWo
.his occation. yards long.
A. The peace of God; and his mercy, be on us 1I0wand ever. .A",m.
6. Ifit Ihould not offend you, I would glady ask your kpowledge of the Lord .A[btrt
Las"'-ir ollr great worldly friend, and that for tbe [eevice . of God, if he be pall the chief
danger of his prefcnt infirmity, &c•
.AI. L.,~r. .. •. • W6t1t 1Pe ellter illto him, 1Pe "'It,1P bi", ,; bllt: fr:o", billl. ,be it [cllrct Itllo7l""mto III : iII,f
billl of 1P607l' it M{lIid, he hath confeiued with an Harlot I IU Jvt01P 1I0t tbt tlld of God bit jN.
Jlice which it 1I]01I6i",.
Hit prllJers lire 'Olllt to tbt ferolld blltvm; Iftitbtr lilltb 1111.] rIG'livtd rt""mhrllllCt ofbi",: BNt
19t 1Pill pra] I/lltO God to be 'lftreifll[ IIl1tO bi"" and tbat (or tby rake; Bmul{e tbpII P",[t "ot be
made a laughill!!~.fiock to tbe wicked. Prll.] tboN for bi"" thllt tblN "'1I}ft work in him that
A J., for whicb he work-eth 1I0t f.r him}t[) ...r. ,... Hoi d up thy hands fo r him; for it it" [1I1Pfu[ 1111d "cbll-
. ritllh[e tbillg : For God hath ,granted thee a force in prayer: But be patient IIlUlbumb[t.
God hisgiCtto Wt with thlt, give tblllliv "lid [lIuJ IIIIto tbe Lord.
Doin ;,rayer. clafo.
A. LaudesDeo nofiro intclIanter tcddantUr. A""st.

Saturday, Apri[w 14; c)Ullltt. Cracoviz, 15 84.

Oratione Dominica finita, Be brevi ilia: oratione Pfalmi 33' infpelto Chryfiallo apparu-
ere utrique Gtthrie[ Be Nalvllge.
E. K· They though they were in confelIion one: 10 another,
and .... about half a quaner of an hour.
Gabr....... ) IIftlr mt.
Puyer. o h~gilllliStg IIl1a fOUlltlli". of iill.i[J~"", gird liP th} [o;,ItS 1st IIIerr.,1>lIstJ foIlJ~1P oSlr 1Pt."'sttjft;
bt mtrClflllllllto 11(, IIltd forgllle liS OSlr trt{pllfftS: f or tho[t ,b", rife rtp {1I:Jillg tbtrt u sto GoJ~ bll'llt
ri[tll liP IIgaiHft lI(.fllyillg, Ltt III collfoulld ,tbtlll: l!SIr ftrtllgth itllOt, lIti,btr IIr,e oSlr bOl!ltS filII of
71I11"01P . Ht[p thtrtfore 0 tUrlla[ God pf IIIerc.]: htlp thtrtforr 0 ,tm",,[ God of{1I[v"tioH :
htlp tbtrtfort 0 tUrllll[ God of Pl"et IIStd comfort . Who ii [ilt.,e "lito tbte ill 1I['lIrs of illc,"ft 1
btfort ",bolll the ~irr of Hell1ieHjilfg, 0 Mappa la man hallelujah: Vijit III O'God "'ith" co",.
prebmdi7lg firt, 'brighttr thllll tit Stllrs iH the fOSlrtb htll''DtIt. Be 'mtrciful 1I1fto us, "lid colltiSt.w
1Pitb 1/1 ; for tholl IIrt A[migbt,}: To "bo,,; ,,11 tbillgs of tb.] brealh iH H'II'11tll IIlfd EII,th, jillg'
g[or} prlli{, 'I1Id bOil"", S"Jillg, COllie, CO",t, Lor_ for tb:J ",erc} {II"". S"} {o IIIftO GpJ,
/VItt[illg. ,
A. l' repeated it, kneeling, and E. K. likewife kneeling.

E'. K. They both ~neel down again, and put their foreheads together.:
G abritl feemeth to fit in a chair on the one fIde of 'Nttl)age abOut 50
yards off, on Nal"'''i/ his left hand. NIIll1age francdcth .
Gd', :, : ~
...... Thl/l [lIitb ,bt Lord, W110 ;, be, tbat allre rtjift ;1IVUu:ib[e jiTmfJ/I: Selll, up tb, E"ft,
Il a ndingS- {tIllt up tbe Soutb, St,,[e liP tbe Weft' "lid 1/11" the North put threa Scales. ..
E. K· Now wtteth N4/'Dage in a Chair afide from his round Table, the
Table being fomewhat before him·
Nat ...... NII",t tbllt 1 poillt to. [To E. K. he raid fo,"5 concerning the Letten.
E· K. He flung like a thin brightneife out of the S~Obc upon E. K. he
hath his rod, which he took out of his own mouth .
. . . () ... Be holdcth up his rod, and {aith, I am all joy, and rejoycc in
my Mf.
E. K· He fmit the round Table with his rod~ and it whirled .bout with
:II great fwifcnc{fc· No" that which before fc:cmcd to be a circular and
~"nbc'. plain form, appcarctb to be a Globe anti round Ball i corporal, whcn it
Nal ... ... SII] the [11ft.
t.. Piamo d.
E. K· Be
dt,ut '1(eIAtionofDr. Dee his Affiont JPilh fpiries, &c. 83
E. K. He firiketh the Table: now, and though the body [eem to turn, yet
the Letter [eem to £land frill in their plaees.
B.K. })Jow he plucketh out five Books, as if from under his Chair, and
fetteth them down by him; the books be green, bright. and they be three
corned, [) a clafp.
841•••.•• Rut! bllck,.warJ ". [to E. K.] Every thing with III tea"Jttb. Read bacP,:/JIllrJ.
Letter without number.
Nal. •.••. Rut!back,.wara, letter without number, tbe letteTs theu baJfl yrjlerda).
A. After all rad, he proceeded thus:
P The fourtb afcenaing, 97.
A The fixth afcenaing, II 2.
68 i The eighth a[cenaing, 207.
P 'fbe nintb a[cenaittg, 307. P I A P.
E· K· No" he frriketh it again, and it turneth·
'7 T l' A.
The ltU",b"s afttr.
66 A
A AAI; '1'he firj A may be lIit A 1111 0 or /III E.
Thof~ tlfrr two wordI.
E. K. Now he Rriketh again,aRd turnc:th: Ills Rod feemcth to
be hollo,,, like a Reed.
~5 A P GOB. C4l/ it Bogpa.

E.l(. Gab1iel falleth down on his face, and Heth prollrate,and

NAhllge holdeth up his Rod all the while.
~lf' 1) os· He pointed beyond him in the upper Circle, it feemClh
T like a Roman C.
6~ LAM A 0 P. Poamal Ode put out tbe S,
M6V if fw, word;• ..... It m4J be 4/l 'lie wort! witb S. Dr T. but it wDulJ b, hllrl
fIT 1011r lUIaerjlltnding.
~6~~ " poillt bttwm, Poamal ,,"a Ode

E. K.. 9abritllieth proftratc all this "hile.

~J X VD M 0 Z. C411 it Zome•
."_ .. With grellt difficulty thit Ltrter .,./If JirctrJwl : Nalvage him[e/[[aid, fit "-Itt?
it II0t Jet; bllt it[eemeJ. to E. K. to be 1111 'X. Nalvage Jellied it to be Ittl X .. llttd
f4Ul "'1t"t'JII.llot]et the mJ(ltf'l :f4] tht .Loras pra]er,fGr I cattttot opm it • .Alt!mlgh
"'l power ., multiplitd,.jet ! /l,jr4wlJot thit Letter. .At length he {llid it ,"", V.

B. K. I can remember that word wcll.

Nal...... Tho.foltlt tlOf remember if.
6~ PEV. It itcallttlVep.
tJKlllttIJ pti.ttbm. A. A full poind N.I.. ...,4./1rolv.
6J 0 L 9 H 0 L. CIIl!it Loholo.
Ltxg. tbe firft /jUdie IIc'''fted.
e· K· No" he frrikcth the Table·
60 SD. It it thl UPP,rlllojl of Call it DS.
59 SIMAPI. ,,,IIowII" it I PAM I S. UUa/r,.e It p,illt Itt S. the A trQ~
'So 1. \I. Cttll it U L~ A, With fuch ;found to "'tpronounc,
rew. whereof bows arc made.
M 2. MA P I.
84 A true Re/4tion of Dr. Dee his All;"'s 'J)I;th {piries, &c.
57 MAPI. E· K· It feemeth to be an ,.
Labus claulis, [Sp.c,,' [II1II_] ..• H,Inmmr,tl. t."ict,ji,,,i[yi,,, "".
."orls 1II,U• •"ic" "'"' IIof t. bt IT'utIIICti. till
rt.ctl ill pr.cQi[t.
' '.1
D O. 0 D• .4s)0" ".ctl. btfort.
E. K· Now gAbriel rifeth from his lying prollratc.
HOT LAB. C.cll it B A L T 0 H.
PAl P. C.cll it Piap.

E· K. Gabri,l ftcppcth up, aDd fccmcth to norm angerly againft

fl.. Belike Come wicked powers would intrUde their iIIanons, or hind~c:cs in thef•
• aions.
E. K. He hath thrown his Dart from him: and it cometh to him
Gabr..... COllllt the """,btf' 'f t"",Or41
fl.. Sixfem, ifP",,,,.c/; 0,[ two word,.
"u".tlt Ttc,i"ttl til JIIJ.

Gab...... Bt P"Ckj"g, ""el {o 1II1I"J pl.cgllts ,., "","'gfll0. flUr, 16m JO/lt' 11",,.. ",.d'f.".
E· K· He fcemcth roRoIm frilJ·
Glib• ..... CO",t i".
E. K. Now there comc four morc.
Glib • ..... Art "ot tho" Adraman? Whicb h.cjf filii,,,, """
'lPilt tho" "0. rif,", .c"el tllk.! p.crt .c""" I
""fo Intrjf t".1"~ f,'" ti",,, 1 JI"J
Go tlr1 "'.c.1 thlrtfO"', tho. St.IT, IIItIT mt,
,irt fifth tor",,,,t. L,t th} p ""f' b, Itlf, the" it ii, b} III _th III tho. r"ft tumtblT 1Itr,.
E. K. Now they all four fall down inco a pit, or Hi... of the foundation
of the placc whct'e they nood.
E· K· NA/1It1g1 licth aU this l'hilc upon his facc.
Gab .....,. Co".t "0. IIg.i••
A. SineCll.
(Jab. ..... It iI "ot {O. 1htrt illI1I
N.J • ..... 111111 4temtel fro", Jpam.
o D the ",Jet iI flllf" ""I, fi .c" ,6, rtft : fi Mt6~t th, {.lln"tII.
A. t bad B"l,oh.
N.t ..... ..i"d Pi,p.
Nal. ..... Wh.ct iI thill (to E. K.] E. Jt......G;
Nal... _.No~ it ilo II.
7'htr, Mil ptiflt.f/tnrill, II fhov, cIIII,J VirguJ••
H MOlt. HOM.
53 SO. 1>S.
LJPDA t. C.cll it I A 1> P I L ""1ft .etl.
ONO G. CIt/I it Oono.
Gab...... t,M.", "ot, f" tit lin, ""x,t' ",." ho(J\
Nal ...... P.i,,'tt6 S.D. D S. "Ihis ",MtorrtOitl '" Motrrlll' f.II,.i,,& t. J,
too __i.

'So AND A. CIlII it AD N A.

E. K. Gabriel did throw a brightndfe upon E. K. after he had firo-
ked his own folc;:e lirfi:, E.K. ftarted at it.
A true 'J{414tion of D. Dee his AC/ionJ ~th fpiritJ; &c;
49 A Z R NZ As. "Z.ur:;lt.
CIlII it Zuna. A.
E. K. Nalvage knedeth down before the Table, and ufeth many in-
clinations,and gefiures of reverence,as Priefis ufe to do at the Alter.
41 HAL I P ",mover P 1 LA H. 'Ihm hllith/ti.
46 HAN D.A 1 tbt Ar!t...ofk.."D.,,/etlte I A DNA H. [JIIJ"llb.

E. K. Nalvage cometh and kHfeth the Table and kneeleth down,

and fecmeth to pray.
...5 MRE with ERM
f4 BA C " Itoel CAB
E. K. He kneeleth down again,and uferh ruch gefiuresas bH()re.
os N Itr,l
E~ K . . Nalvage raid, AdjH'va me, 0 lit; DeN-f. He holdeth up his
hand and kiffeth the Table, and ufeth wonderfuU reverence. He faith
again. Fer opem, 0 mi DeU<f'
HER N 0 Z Jt/iPtrll jOll ZONR.ENsq
,p SD ."l A "hi~ DS
.p RIP Pit, thtre iJ It poi/if

+0 ABAC CIIIl it Cab2.

3' ALE R 0 H 0, 1 ","le It Lit" Cltll it Ohorcl~ I

Nal ...... Thm it It flop, jh",ing It firo'" mit;', firltig"
,10"" th", I

38 M R. A SAC it". Cararml "ft,p.

E. K. Now he .ki1feth the Table again.
37 MAS R.G GRSAM it flDp Itt M.

36 HE L () B 0 jour GIt""mts 0 B 0 L E·a

t MGutfun.

35 S BR U btlllltifitl U I\.B S
3+ SD 1t7Ul A ,,"ieh DS
E. K. Now he ufeth the former reverent gefiures again.
33 ID·LA ofg«tlHrmg ALDI

32 EGRP "it; the fir4 PRGE

~I PNONG' 19lt""i~1fl ONONP

Nal...... AJjll'D1t ,;;t,-6 , ,,i D'III.

;0 lIn l' {t.ts THIL

'f ",j;ItN¥.
ZIEN htrt • point.
27. H 0 L·
86 A true 'l{eLl/ion of D. Dee his AElionrhth jjiri/s, &c.
H 0 l BON tH p"/"IS Noh/ob.

26 AT tH

HAM Moe trll§ttlJDu togetber COM M A H Apoin~.

ZMI Z ,f Iff} tltfturtl Zim'i. A POint.

2l A 0 H TON ill tbt miJft Notbo". Hcreisapoint bcforetheword. A POin~

21 A AQ... J,IIr g"rmt"ts ~A A. Three eyllables.

F.. K. Now he ufeth reverence to the Table again.
20 Qj.. 0 H IIftlt{lIrt,b H0 L ~ 1>. as H,lqtltl.

SD .bieb DS

Nili. Adjuva me mi Deus.

18. G R P LAM " tbr,ugb tlwufiingfin Mlllprg, ItS M"/fIdt.

17 AT

Now he prayeth as before, his arms extended.

16 AA R G G B. A A. A point.

E. K. Now he prayeth again.


13 I if a word by it fclf,

12 ROR n,sllll K,r, Here. poUtt.

II LOZ ,,,,,ls ZIt ,•• ul A, .s ,1: A point,
sO ARBOS i" 'frior. Sobrl,

9 OHPNOV "f_ Ittll v,,,Jbo.

8 ZLAC "b,tlt tIH firm."'," ell/X;.

7 HSNAL Ur 1'"''' tUlflll LA NSH IISI..itjh.

Adjuva me 0 Deus.
6 TLAB ,,! ]Mftie, B"lt. Here i. a point.

S DAl ,6, Gotl 1,,1., III r"l.

+ OHOG f"i,,; flO 'ITO.

3 GSROV ,.,., J'M Ptr{g. Here a point.

a f'N OS lUi", S,,,!,
'- I 01.

E. K. Now
ru1 true~/tttion of D .. Dee hi! AE/ion! ~ithfpiritf~ &c~ 87
E. K. Now he fitteth down in his Chair. This is the end of the The lira Cfll
mighty and firfi: Call . ended.

•.•••• Pray th4t J'U "fly uHdtrJland what ;t H.

A. Mean you preCently ?
Nal..... .. I,prt!mtly.
A. I pray to that intent.
E. K. All the Stone fheweth fire, and all is on fire, nothing eIre
appearing: not like COlmnon fire, but clear, thin, &c.
Now it waxcth clear.
E. K. And now Nalvage is on the top of the Globe, and his feat
rcmaineth in the former manner of fire. Now Nalvage holdeth up
his right hand, and the fame feemeth to be many hands. There is on
one of his fingers aD I. It vani1heth away; and [0 on divers fingers are
words as follow.

I midfl de/ivemJ
Reig" of ,o¥
over m.J A

.J0U fiefl1lrU, rod

foitb ~"d »>ith
the tr1ljJed ,be
God 1 011 art
together of
j;flice, IU k,.no"ledgt,
in the ",oreoller
po"e,. palms
exalted tlf 1'"
"",,ove my Hp
7 0111'
of feAts and
»>rptb, I [""are
in"ifoed obedienll
.,hoft JPit/l mid
hands the 6c foith
the pre tq
1/011 of him
is g4thering that
liS a"d liveth
"Sfllord, 1 011 1'
Mooll admir ati'll is
liS to 1101.
II »>bofJI ttor
thro~h I em/.
Ilmt ing "'ad, Clln.
fire It tip'
JPhicb LaJ1l he
tileII["ret" to ",hich

ill h01one" iI
'he fl411H ~
88 A true Relation ofD. Dee his AHiQns ~itb {p'irits,.&c.
in Move 1
the therefore "".
midft and
Df {hew
JONr ~our
Pillace, (elves,
and open the
raig1leth the fame
IImongft ~teries God,
III your the
the Creation,
BallAnce be 'lIIorjhippe1'
of 60
righteollfnej{e IIntD the 60
and me) 49 Highefl· 42
trllth. for 1'9

E. K. Now all the fingers be gone.

Nat. ...... It it thtft,,!t i".J0"r to"gut oftht bot, a"J "'J/fielll Call btfort dtliv,rtJ: "'hieb
Second Table, follo""tth '" praDiet for tht.moving ofthe {"econd Table, the K!I~gs and ~i.nillers of govern-
Dlent: tbt IIttrance of .",hreh, it of foret, ane! Dloved!. them to vlllble .ppantlon: moved and
The covenlnt app~ared, they. are forc~ ( by the COTenant of G9Cf delivered ~y IllS fp.irit) t~ render 0";
of God. bedlCllce and falChful foclety. IYlurtill, tht) 'IFill op", the myfienes of their creation, as far
Obedience. as /had hr nrerJJllr) : and give you undcrftariding of ",a".J thol/[a"d [tlTrrs, 'lFhtrtil, J'II IIrt ·.Jtr
Mlny keyes. bllt childr,,,; for every Table hath his key: tVtr.J /tt.J opt"ttb bit glltt, a"d rvtr.J &"tt htilfg
optlltd, giv,th ;"no'IFltdg, of himfrlf of t1ltra"Ct, ""d of tbt "'Jft,rirs of tho[t things .",htrtof III 'iII
an inclo[lIrt. WIthin th,[t Palae,s lOllfhall fi"d thilffl,s that art of PO."" I·,"S 'lFtll to [pta1!... liS to tlD
N ote .hefe for tvtrJ [ (I) Palace] is lIbovt bis [ (z) City] a"d tVtr.J Cit) IIho'llt his [ (3) entrance. J
.hree degrees, B6 JOII thtrtfort dilig",t thllt .JOII ",a.J tnttr in, "ot as [poiltrs, b'ut tts [ucb as dt[tr'llt i"t"tlli".
",tIIt ;" tbt nllmt, a"d throllgh tbt po'IFtr of tbe Higitlf. For gr,at art tht ",trC;ts of God unto
Fairh. filch as have faith. ni,;s th"tfort the key of tbt lirll fnen, accordi"g to tbt proportioli of rb,
A key . of .he firft Cullt;o". N9 PIIlrt for this ti",e. .
6ra revon. fi I ~ d
" fign to make .A ,gn a .aJts to "'.",t "" tit •
an end, E. K. He drew a Curtain before the Stone,.o f white colour.

The fame Saturday, after Noon, hora 3 ~ 4.

The white Curtain remained aboUt half an bour after my player to God, and fome in-
vitation to Gabritl and Nalvagt, at ICI\gd!. the Curtain quaked as though wind blew it.
E K. Me thinketh that I hear a fiir within the Stone. At length
they appeared.
"I hid dif- E. K. They have very eyes which twinkle as other mens eves do,
(ourf.d fome .
"hat with B , an ·
d * there
' f'ore I lee
t h em wIt
.h i
my externa eye," "'-llna-
not Wlthtn my
K. ofrhe 1I\On- · •
ncr of mim- glnatron, as ....
f.. ' , ...... 7 btrt art t'IFO /tjlltl of vipons, tht 0'" by i"fllfiq" of 'IFill tt"d dt{crnding, tht ot"" b.J i1l-
~:~'~hi~k·. flifionbJ ptrmiJ!ion ."d a[ctnding. 7bt fir{f it tht i",ttgt of tht Will of God at[ctIIJ.i"g i"to th,
body, a"d aJj •.}IIttl to tbt [011/ of ",11", 'lFho[t ;,atllrt it to Jij/-ingui}h things of bit o.",n li-"t,;tJJt, but
jhut liP in pri[on ill tht boa), .""mh that p01l'tr; and thtrtfort bti"g itlllmiutrd by [piritulI.l
prt[tnet, in.",artilf,- {uth 110"" i" p"rt, as ht }hall htrtafttr do ill tht .",bolt.
E. K he rpe.~- , But IIOtt, thllt tvtrJ'fJiji~,; it accortiing to tht [0111 of 1111111 ill pOll'Ir: And [0 it rtetivttl of hi'"
e;h hollo"ly. that ruth. Tht hoj of "'lIn fttltthllothing [piritllill ,."til bt bt of illtorrllpt;;II: Therefore
ufeth no fenCe ill and illumination. tbt oth,r it to b, founti out b.J hit contrarJ.
E. K. Here is a Devil that derideth there infirua-ions, and faith,
you may know his vertue by his wirdom: he never went to
ev/tru-e '1(e!4tionofDr.D~e his Affirms ~ilh [pirits, &c- 89
Gab ...... IItJ/o1P 1PhlZt ht it : P~1Ptr it givtll to mt to Ttfilf him, ht J/ot to touch him. Ht hath .Note.
afcended, and begotten him a fon, wherein the people of the earth {hall be accurfed. Ai I'.W .Anli,
tho{t that .' lZr( ill pri{onjJ.'l4t liP' iT_light, .nJ, the u{t of t.he a~y cOl1tprthma J/ot Imy thing t . but thlZ' cb,iIl;.,
' tlltrtth "lIto tbtm by ptrmiJ!ion, or fret 'IfIill,fo .if tht S,u/ ~f "un }hut up from 1l11light, except
th4t which, 111ill, or {uffrltna of tht highe'/t. .
But IX obedience: if tbe tryltl of flignificlttion, fo ItTt tht Otrell/oJ/its Itppointtd by Goa, tht 111/t-
nrffis of jtl/fi/ic.ztioll: For ht that viollZltd tht out111Il;'~ LII111 JP,H ",cUrita : ~lIt the VeT) ma of
IN{fict to {ltlv.tioJ/ if tbr, flna fub",iJ!ion of tlu Soul. How cltn. it be thitt ihe e_rth IlJl(!
tlmwlts jbllll btllr 'IfIitlltJft Ilgllll!{t mil" ' ", .t ht dllY of JudgtmtHt ; but IJ/ the p'trvtr[t uft of them?
,ontrllr) to God bis COII/ mltndmf1/ts. H t if It flO1P S,bool-m".(ltT,IZJ/d of [ma)1 undtrjlllui1/g. The wicked
Gab ...... CttI{e,fortht cOJ/j1il1 it grtltt, llJ/d"",jl hltvt judgtnunt of the Lord. fplri' faid.
A. Sail I joyn my prayers w.i th youn to our God, to driye away this wick~d fcorner , and
contemner of your minifrery ~
Gab.·•••.• Not {o,)Ou k,.no.", not tbe {eetet juagemmts of tht Lord f!ereill. Tbt 111hitt CltTtlli/f
",'" tJrll111l1.
A. Deo Noflro foU Orngipotenti fit omnis Lau5,Honor,Glol'ia , & imllerium in
fecula feclllorurn. Amm.

Sonday, Aprilil IS. c.Mltnt Hor. 7:.

After t few prayers necelTary, and invitation te 'Gltbritl and Nltlvtlg~ for their intlru-
aioos •
....~ OIlT injlrul1i9J/s {hall grow molt plentifully amoll£fi YOl!. Rut give pldce to time, fDr A 'VClfte our
t bit M tht ;JoYCt of the higbtJl". Bt bolj Itnd 'r igbtroudll tht work.! ofy,ur bllllds, and of ,hellonc.
\vayes the Sabbath ofyouF Redci:rper btreafttr : For tllt/l Jtt, tht Serptlfl if amon"Jt /H. For Stb.o,h.
. . ' d d h
MJt11ytt theStrFtIIt it a"!ongjbn] boly OlltS, an en :avoaret to cu~ you ~funde~.
. ". ThtrtfoTt
. The SeepeD<
laboureth '0
1 {II) be holy tvell ill the ",ork.! of )Oflr 'wjds~ for he thmketh to prevail agamfi you: But Itt Jour p.r, US .eua.
hOIl{tsbt ['1npt cltlZlI, thllt "'htJ/ the {pj tntr(th, bt /indt 'fO!hiJ/g to ftttl ~J/. • dei . • nd hoo
A. We ce.fed and gave our felves to the Sabbath: con/idenng, mtendmg hence foreward pe!h '0 pl e ~
t'o vi fit the Church aud Alfernbly, to pray and medit'ite 6n ~od his fel·vice. vail.
$011M Jefu~ Chrifius ejlTri/llllphat,r contra ,"orUm & Vil/boll/n., Domillll4 Nojler 0-
Dew 'Hofler. Amen.

Monday, IS. Aprilil. Mtl1Ie,hsra 6. Cracoviz.

A. After a llJort praycr to God for remillion of fins, and fcnding of his g~ces, and his
good Minifiers allignl!d for our inllrut'lions: and for the avoiding away ~the great enemy,C-c.
who held conflit'l againfi Gilbrit/, &c. The white CUl'[ain appeared frill drawn b«fore in
the fionefor an hour.
E. K. There appeareth a face fianding upon two Pillars, the Cur-
tain yet remaining drawn: The face is fiery, and hath very great teeth.
The Pillar~ are like Marble fpotted gray, and the ground of the Pillars
colour white. He faid,the works of the highefi are become a fium-:'
hling block, and have entred into the brcafis of a woman,and he is be~­
come angry. But when !he thinketh her felf happy, {he /hall fiumble,
where !he woufd not, and become forrowfull without comfort.
E. 1(. This face and Pillars became a great water fwelling upward;
and fo valli!hed away. . . .
A. After about arl hour, the Curtam was opened. All appe:1reth as before: GAtt-itl fit-
tech in his C"-air, and ,N'lZlv.igf-kneeleth.
Nat ...... Pray, for the mercy .f Goa. A. 1 pr~yed dive~s prayers of God,& hcrlp
Pray,for th,ujba/t IIOt bt hural So, agamfr the wIcKed enemy,yet prefent,
"tll {tlia,fy UPOIl hi",. and moleiling \IS as he was permitted ..
A. This Devil rayled againft God. 4. Thy . judgen?ent light on this wicked
Rebel for thiS blafl'hcniy, 0 God.
~ab. " ... Mo~ not, for pre{tnct of pOTur if great.
Nal. ..... Number thi ",ords of the fil'fr Key.
A. I have counted them, and they feern to be 88.
'Na!. ,.... 1hrte IlTt IIot fo mll"Y.
90 .A true '1(eiatiolf ofD. Dee his Affions .ith /pirits, &c.
87 t:.. Where havcI mifreckoned, I pray you? PerhapsPo.,u/2IDd is to be but one word~
and fo arc 87'
E. K. There is a great Crolfe over all the fione that is red: Not
onely over to be impretred through the fione.
Nal ...... N"",btr tht ..ords ;11 th} 0"''' litllgultgt.
t:.. I haye numbred them, an;i they feern to be 169'
0.. While: I numbre:d , the gre:at red crolfe went away: and /hortly after caJlle in again in.,.
to the ilone as before.
Galt...... Mo" IIot,for tbt pi",;, bDl]. rou b."" Zllrza. ds Oono iii tht C"I/: tbt fd;s too
t:.. I will then put it out.
t:.. I finde Z",.%. Ad". Js GOHO.
Nal.. .... nltt ds ;, too 1If1Ich. I prltJ you, "h6t ;, thtll the IIIImbti' of ih,,,, :I of ]01' If...
Nal. ..... 86.
A. Making alfo Polt",o/ud one word ~ in that account)
Nal. ..... Stt dow".

1--1 4-+-2··S O
2--1 -+5--2
3-z 46 - - 3
4-- 1 47--2
S--z 04 8 - 1 .... 80
6_z 049-5 ]014 lifted up JOII'I' 'fIoJetl.
1--3 50 _ 2 I •••• fllld
5 2 _04
1 ....
10_2 53-I 1 fllld
11_, I .... fltit"
12 _ _ 2 54--1 90
55-2 •••• 102 to hi", th.t liva" 77
13_ 1 56 _ _ 2
104-- 1 57 _ _ 2 .67
-15 _ _ 2
5S ---.;3
16_1 -59 _ _ 1
17 _ _ 2 60 _ _ 1
\IS_I 61_3
19_4- 62_3
20 1 63 _ _ 3
21 _ _ 1 640_1 ' / ]01" pltll.~'
21 2 65_1
23_3 66 2
24 _ _ 3 67=1
25 _ _ 1 6S_z
26 _ 3 69 2
27 1 70 I
71 I
29-3 71.-1
--3 0 - 1 73-1
31 - t 74-1
32 - 2 15-3 fot1l' JOItr {tiWI
B-3 7~--1
34- 2 77--1
3S- I 7S - 3
36 - - 1
~9-4 t. he J' .•"Jl] at, ,.,
~.,-:z .. - 0- I
38 - - 2 81--2
39--2-71 8:--2
40 - - 4 83--1
41 - - 2 8 4 -' 5
+2-2 85--3
'i3 === I 86:::::=, :J

- .d true ~elation of Dr. Dee his ArliansJPith [piritJ~ &c.

Tue(day, Aprilis 17. Craco'li:e.

A(ter di'ltts Ejaculations appropriate to the att ioll, and the Curtain of white water ye~
remaining. E. K. thought di vers times that he faw throllgh the white Veil, find flon~
,md all, nothing appearing therein. ,E, K. immediately fell inco a new doubting of the ve-
]i,y of!s, and raid he had a Vilioll by a good Creatur~ the lall night, who fa,~ct
th efe CreatUres With w/llch we dealt, would no t1!OTf ItPP(ltr HlIto hi",. Hereupoll he -[aId
that both the lafi d aycs ~ korner,and chefe our ;nfiructors were all Devils: a'nd that he woul4
no more fit to,reai v( A .B,C. And fo by Leners, any Do/hine of ~hcirs, unldre they would
otherwire exprefly, and li vely deliver a plain rule thereof: With many other argumems to
difprove the verity of our At.l:iom, whereupon he faid, that John your boy Gall well mouoh
deliver you their letters, andfo you need not me,&c. I referred all to God, his will, a~cl
mel·cies: For, as 1 had at his ha.tlds ow:ly, and by his·order, and for his fer'lice requir(d " if ..
aom ana tpl~ k.Jt91/1l~dge; fp do I not douht bllt God w.ill, according to hi,S accuftomed g<lod,
neire, provide for ttl(, that is beft for my vocation here in earth,&c.
E. K. He rofe, .and went away: and left me alone in my Study, ap-
pointed for thefe act-iom.
D(IH in adjutorium mmm intmd(,Domin( Ita Itdjuvltndum n" 1(,4ill4. Gloria Plttr; (~
Filio. & Spiritui Sltl/{Jo, fiC/lt (rat in pril/cipio e~ IIl1nc & ftmpt r «?- in [(,ula
fe culorum. Ainen, '

Thurfday, Circa li.

As I was in my upper Study, and had gathered the holy words of the fecond and th ir4
pll, Ind had cO!lferred them with their EIIglijh delivercJ alfo unto liS : f,. K. came up the;
flairs, and fo wenc into his Swdy, and came OUt again,and as he was goin!! down the Ilaices ..
opened my Study door, and faluted him: He thereupon came lip again, and came into
my Study: And there I {hewed him what I had (jom,; and hOlv I had fome under-
fianding of thofe holy Ivords, their fi gni6catioJls b,r reafon of <l,uc applying the ElIglij"
to the word Chriflus, intel)ding thereby. to haVe il)du.c;ed f,. K. to like th~ better qf the;.
ntaimcrof our friend s,due,and Methodical,l>roceedillg with llS, and told him that unlelfe of
this Ilrangc, I'al);uage I Ihould have rhefe words delivered unto us Letter by L~tter, we might
crre both in O rthography, and alfo for want of the ~rue pronunciation of ~he words,;lnd qi~
ftinctions of the points, we migbt more mi~e rhe effet.l: expected ~ Sm as on Tut[dll.J lall, fo
now again he faid, ollr Teachers were delpders, .alld nQ good,or fu$cient Teachers,who had
not iri tWO yeus fpllce made 115 able to underft;md, or 90 fomewhat; .and that he cOllld ip two
years hn:e learned all the feven Liberal fciences, if he hrll I~arned Log ick • &c. where-
fore he would haveno more to do with them any manner of way,wifhed Ilimfelf in Englltna,
anp. raid that if thefe books were his, that he would onr of hand bllln them, and .t hat I)e hac!.
written tomy Lord (by l'irmis) that he ~ook our Te'lehers to be deceivers, and wieke<:l, ;m4
lIO good Creatures of God, with many fuch fpeeches, and reafons (as he tholl!;ht) of force
to difwade himfelf fro!)l ailY more dealing with them: Bllt willed me to ufe Johll my Boy as
roy Skryer, for that thefe fl,iricual CrC3tll!'es were not bounci lIJ)to him,.6~c. 1 anfwered unto
a.\.1 the.(e parcels and reafOlls, as time ferved declaring '11) ptr[tll trl/it in G?tl,that I have
ruanyyears de/i red, .a nd pr'!yed for wifdorue (fueh as tijefi; At.l:ions import);)t his hand s,
lind by fuch means ~S to his DiviJ)e Majelly feemeth bell, thilt he 1V0uid lIot either miJlik,.r my
prayer, or abufe my Co,nfi:mt hop e i,.1 hi,S goodnelfe and merer : rh~refo~e I I:Qnc1l1Qed t~at
1 referred all to the merclful\ wllI.of God, all'd ,d o\lbtednothlllg lit the ,l ength to be fatl[.,.
l1ed of my reql1efr , .and l>rayer made uneo him. So he .\V.t Ilt from me this fecond time, , ••
God lighccn his liearr with knowle.d ge <;>hh~ trut,h, if i.t ·be his Dirine will .md pleafnre.
Note, Ptrminvent cn Iaft \V edncfday morning, and hzd received our Letters after
1I00n, on Tuefday Ian: But on Mond.a y b.efore the wicked Prince .o f darknelfe did what he
mllid to hiJ)der tOur proceeding. .
On Thul'lClay, T ttbiUf ( brother to my Lord L>lfkj(h's wife) brough.t news to Grltc~lIi", 'tha,t .
~y Lord LIHkJe was COmill~ :to Crltco'via ward. ErntriCIH came trom KtfllJ",rk.!, <Iod ,:e-
wmt=d back ;lgain. Tltbillrl'ode from CraC'OV i 4 tD-ward Kf,fmllrk. "

Saturday, Aprilis 21, a Mtridi(,

After our prayers made, appeared /hortly .Gltbri(/ and N'ah)ltg(. E. K. propounded u¥
qUdlio.ns orderly, }V ruch had breq gr~at doubt in this fantaJie, and reqilefied their an-
A. He

!i~ A true'R...elationo! Dr. Dee his .A8ionrrNtbj}irits,&_c.__
A. He ""ould haY; our fpil'imal friends to promife him the p~l;fonnance of the Prints.
Gab....... If w~ were M,lflers r,f ollr OW" ao;,;gs, w~ might .ell promi[~: lI"t.t IIrt [tnlJ'~tJ,
1t1la ao tht will of O/ll' maller. But let me Itslttbt~ 0I1t tpttftil.:
DOft Iho/l "ot tb;IIIt,. thltt 1I11 thill's lire poJliblt .."Ith Goa I
E. K. I do (0, and I know fo~
Gab ....... Thtll M thtr~ no CIIU[t w"y tkou jhOllltl ai/wujf. L,t hi'" thd ;s II [trlJllnt,
COfl""a"ded to go, go: 1t1ld Itt ,rot tht tllrth rl[, liP, lI11a jfrifl~ "g"illll th~ plO1lP;"II11.
wh".t fill is
it wben tbt creat"r~ ri[eth ap, "lIa [aith i. his be art, Let thei.ord make a Covenant wlth me,
COJ/jlderiltg he is II bOlla mllll I
[E. K. They feern, both the voices at once, to come to my eare.l
None but ~ Ibat beco"'etb dt[obedirnt, "nJ ref.[etb bis Mlffim
A . ...... [ ll. ".ould do fQ. ,
Gab. Nal ..... ,. '1h~[e t"ints, thllt;s to {IIY, thil l),l1ri"" deliverea b.J w, is of Goil, IIIIa of ";s
",ereilS grltlltea UIIto )011, which ranllot b~ ill TllliJI: and therefore to be performed;, for fH
{ceret detfrmilllttiolls of God Itre unk.,lIowII /lilt' ••
He lIt'ller!6eara of ItHy mall tbllt woultlllSlt,.,if God would perfmll bis p1'O",i[u.
E. K. By Auguft next?
Wbat if it were II hUlldrea AuguRs? ]Oll mal hI"" wear] b~fore AugUR lItXt, as the Cbitlrt.
of I{rael were of t"ir Malfllit.
E. K. Why joyn you numbers with thefe letters) and added none '
with thofc of the former Table.
Numbers. Brotbtr, 1Iihllt is th, C411[' thllt 411th~ World is ",aJ~ ~ lIumbers l n~ Numbers we [peak,
~'I;"'tJ i of, 4rt of reafon and fonn, ana "ot of ",ereh""ts. A. I bcfeech you as conl!eming the powder whereof he thinkech thac he hath made. due
l' »lio,.
a!fay of ir, as if it lhould have been the Pbilofophers StOlle, and Co affirmed to be, by the
milliRer of this anion? I befeech you fo to anfwer; the ching, as his reafoD may , be
facislied. ' '
A. They gave no anfwer hereunto, but Jlroceeded iii the former matcer of Numbers.
N ote Ih: Fro.' Gab ....... E'II,r] Letter fig,,;jieth tbe "umber of the ·{lIbjflt"ee "RIh~reof it {p~lI.k.tth. Every
refly of this "RI.rd fip'ijietb the quiaaity of the rubjfanct. ~t Lttters f-r~ [eparlltea, ' alld ill cOllfufiQII : ,,"tt
M"hoJ and thertfort, are bY,numbers gathered together: ,whicb Itl[o gllther,a figllijie " number: for /If
Langu.,.. t'IItry grtltttr eOllt4in~thhis leff'tr,{o 4rt tbe {eertt IIl1a ulI'<.lIown ft:Inns of thill{,s k."it flP ill their
parewfi:' Where being known in l1umper, they are caJily diainguilhed;{o thllt htrei .. we tttJeI.
plilcts to be lIu,;,brttJ: ltttns to be eltl1ta from ',rln IIumbrea, Ilna proper woras fro", tbt fetters,
fignifyillg f"bft""tillily tb, tbing that is {pok,tll of in the etllttr Df his CrtltDr, 7Pbtrtb.J even itS tht
mina,of ",1111 ~flea Itt Itll 'orderea [perch, .alia iii ealily perfll'aded in things chac ar!! tmi, {II
ttre rhe creatJl7"ts tf GoJ jlm'ea "P III th,"'{tffltS, when they hear the words wherewithal they
were nurfed and brought forth: For 1I0tbillg ",oveth, tbat is 'lot Ptr{w4aed: neitbtr call 1t1l.J
llndern.nd. thiHg ht p"{"RIaata tbllt' is .nIt,.1I0'1ll1l. lbe Creatures of God underftand ycu 110t, j~. lire 1I0f
ing, I' err.... -
{ion, Motion.
ff thtir Citits ; .JOU lire breD me tneTllies, btc"~[t ),011 arc fepl!.rate4 frP'" bim tbllt G'evern;ib th~
City hy ignorance.
,E. K.. Whether is this Language known in any part of the \¥odd
or no? if it. be,where and to whom?
Gab....... Mall;1I bis CrelltiDII, beiitg "'" de "" Il1nortJlt, Wltf "I{o IIu;/,o'ri{,d IIlIa ,;raJe p"r-
tai<.er of tht Power "na Spirit of Goa: 7I!bertb.J he IIOt 011~1y ai,l It,."n. illl thilfgs II1IJ'tr b;s Crell.
tio" ,mafpolv oftbe"'prDper(}, "/u"ing,thtm IIstbtywert: but It/[o WitS partakJr of O/ll"p~[tlfCt
1I11a [oeiet], Jea a [pe4;"'tr oftb, "'.JJttrin of Goa; Jell, with God hi:nfrlf :' [0 that ill illlloCl;''1 tb~
po.,;,r of hislilrtalt,.erf ",itb God, II"a //I bM good Allglu, "Will ,,%ltlted, IIn4 fo bee a";, h,l.J iii Ih,'
fight of Go 11lItil tbllt Coronz,o n ( for [0 u rht trut IIamt of thllt wi;,hty Devil) e'"'yi/lf. hM
~".~'• • be feliem, alia ,ir,eifli"! thltt tbe {ub(l4nce of hM It.D"er part WI/4 frllilltlld 14np'trfr{J i" rt{ptll of !lis
tl~~cl:~gu._ pllre Elft, be,,," to "lTllil 6,i"" "n~I~ prtiJlli!ea: tbat oJftlf~illg [0 bee",,"''' .acel/i-Id in !ht figbt of
gu.: God; lind [0 10/1 the Gltraell of fe[,cit], the Judgement of hIS hnderRa ndlDg: but net· utterly
~'.m his the flt"llour, of God, 1I11(was ariv~n forth Cas YO"" Scr;ptvrn recera) UlltO tbe Eltrt6 '",6ii:b "Wal
(\ cc:~I·f'c.r covered ..,tb brll,mblts: "RIhtre bem{, itS aI/rift, ,,"a not-llble tn',fptirk,.,he b~g"lf to learll of "eetJlit1
~~;i(: ~ ~be LIl'lguagt "1I!hieb 1/,014, E. K: ~alleft [ 1 H~brtw : ] and ye,t not.tllat [1 HebrtT1'] :\IIIon~Ryo~ :
Li., •• A.,,.
lie., ,
171 tb, whICh h~ IItterea 'ilia ddlvtrtd to liM pojle7'it};tbt nearell knowledge he: had of
Creatures: lind from his OWII [tlf di'lliaea his fp~ech into three pam; twelve, three; and
God hIS

L,.,,, A.".
I,,,, "t! ,I1A- b ic '
feven: the """,b,r "RIher.eof rtmaiileth, but tb. tClle form, lI11d pronunciations "IlJ1I/it; 1111,(
,miCA i. (., ;.:_ I trt ~!,e 14"~ 0)
t ,t tb I lt )I'oree ,t <lll
L t '" , , b'
It, !P~'~ d" h ,.tT: I a ' I I' h
14 o"RIn 19,n,)', ",,, e . eJi e to_H eon:p"rc , " " I; t list at
'IQlt.,i~ S:II!II. we cl!ver,>I'iJleh Adam venly fpake In JIInocellcy,and lVa~ never uttered nor d.Cclofed to man
fince [ill now, wherein tb, po,ur of G.;a]ff~/t 'Work." .illa wjldcm iH h'er' trift J<.j1:a be Jelivtua:
lIIhiL'h art "ot to be rpo~1I of ill IIlty otlHr thillg, ",ither to be tn ,lt,d of wit/) ;;;alli iml1o;illalions,
[or /If ibis Work,. and Gift H.of wd, 'JrQich it Ill! pmer, r, dOlb ht Olell il ill a 10I1g '!' ollo1ter, fO
JJrIlt ~eI4t;un of.Dr ~ Dc-e his Aflions rPith fpiritr,&c. 93
.~ i"r, /ft ~t fh~ ~roportirN(J 1M! 6f,r~~ ill tb~.";f~lvti.' [or it ;, wrirtfll, Wifdo1#l jitttrh -/'0"
lill~ ""d bth,ltltth the iOllr 1ffintll, Illld gi.rdtthhti' (tIf t.gether "s rh! brlghtitelf of the mmm'.g.
PMeh it vifrtetl 'IIIit' a it'll'. "lid Jw!llerh "lo!l~ liS thou,(b ]ht .",ere " Widow. _
Tht- JOIl {ee thert, tht .Neceflity of thit TOllgue: The 'i~ce!leirr-J .f it, .And th~ Cltll[e .",h.l it
.. ~rtftrrtJ before th.«t ",hic1. JOI/ c411 Hebrew ! For it iI wriftt1l, Ever! l'.1t, c01lftllt,th to his
'rtllftf'.. I trll}f. thil il fllfficltnt.
, E. K. As concerning the power) Whatis it?
Gab.. : •..• What it is, Ihat i.t is. J;or .tbe k,no'll'ledge of it ,,!ltJ lelld 10/1. to err.r. .
A. Thls 'anflver offended grea.tlY E. lC. and thueupon he left off,and· would recem:' no
morc at their hands. 'God make him patiellC, and a favourcr of this Afrioll as foon as it is
IIwlful that he Ihould be.
A. Laudttur, magllifieetur & t~tollatur /fome" ]efll Cbrifti- in OlllKe
. .rVII'tII. Amen,

Note on Tuefdar ~fter Noon, circ:a- horllm 911ltrtam,as we. t~o fat together~ E: K. faid that 14 .. Ap,i/i,.
he thought upoQ the matte~, Et quod lltm vellet dual horas m,h, cOncederr jin!,lIl,s dub'l{ tid reci- 1 hu after
fitnda ilia, qu.r illi fradtrr velltnt. Ego autem ill; & ma;lc'imll Dto. grltti." . egi,9"i" bolllC e1ft 1IIU- nOOD.
tationmt dextra excelji {alta", vert- juJica'/Ji; """. ""tt prlfllJillm rzgia.ijifllllS erAf ;11 CDlItrilria
opi1liont &- {infelltilt.

Wenrd~y, CracotJi<, ~prilis 2~, Mallt, hoTa 7.

The Vail aPlleared as at tidl armoll. AftCL' half an hour Gabriel and Nitlvage appeared.
after my manif01d prayers and difcourfes.
A. Two keyes we have received by the mercy of tJj~ Highell and your minillers, the feft
we attend, according to the merciful will of the Higbefi.
Gab .... , .. MOllt 1lor.[rom,our place:, for the pIlla is bol.J.
A. SheW' a token 0 Loed when thy wi-1\ is, whereby to per[wade thy merciful dealings
wich I1S , and the pr~rence of thy faithful ~inifiers.
A. The fr;uiJe of th«; 'Stolle gave a crlckling,no hand tOll ching ie, or othc:rwifc any mor~, Note.
tal or lVorldly thing DJo.ving,it. I heard it very eer.t aully, and to E. K. it fe~lU:d the f~und
of a bunch of keyt:s, aSlf'tbcy hJd quickly beelllhakf~ and Jfron~ly.
E. K. Cabriel6tteth, and Nal~age ..fiandeth.
Gab. ; ..... MJ Brethren ~e,!rltm to m) voiee,f~r I If'/f the ~rue [ervant of the G~J. of Abraham,
truc, and Jacotf; th~illgltit:J ",bereof '4s ,[ltjicitltt 'botl. for the verit) , of the ' V·ol1ritft. Il/ff! the
nrt/irmation, and ~erf'll'a}io1l,o[y'/lr mind.. : for as God il the Fatber of the. Fllith[uI, htftml?tth.
ii",filf 1111 to the flfithIIII: wher(b) JOIl ",~y pnvt tht !!re,;t comfort alld con{olat;", :" tb~t. JIN ",#!
i-IU! gatJ.,er of t ...... J"ercies of God, III ~uchi"g JOllY E1elliol!'
Fw· ... .",hlft 'tlHtt h,ub·r..fJJ .tpptllud-u"t'; the "ltrighttoul , or )171.iCf't dl.lou read that ever 'e
vijifed thtreprobate I For ,t6e reprobate hath no vijit".tion, bllt in the roy/. of ]lI(f~e::
But JOu may ri[t .up If,,,.,ltUO~ [elvel, [aJi"J 10, "'e are [rowllrd, lI'< .",·ant illith. Anobjellioo.
True i( il,tht aps of faith, but /fat the ro,,(s of[ .. ith, Bllt I fll] IInto JOII) . .t4.t tbe POwtr of .. nflter.
God HI hil Ele[Jion; H tbe Bltfis of mans pllnt) lind lt~ceptaf;'lt.
Bi,t .bert ther~ H if'.:(ltvelft. .
71>at ",an imagining hi! Predepinlttion alld pnfdi ,Eldliolt, juRifietb riot /limrelf; for
'Jl'brrr[oever thit if foultd,or thj, DoDrille preachd amongjfjoll, .either }i11lpl.J in m..,,; Dr publiclt,,1;; in
Co.,gregation, if H th~ [ure jign IlIlJ tok.p, of thtir perptt#al tgnora.nCe .lt1Id COII[.II.(j,/C: For . t.b~
'YillllHd PO.1IIeT of God btl~,.geth "or to ollr mea[urt (' ~rit 1I"rlS the cllli!e of rrfJtllion 4ml1lgP 'uI )
"".'Cb IfJfe among men, 'II'!·icl>4.rl figbling Jet f~r . the G~J of their rt'll'ard. BrlJp/J it: it a rill in
him that judp,eth of hi! brot~ers Colt[cience; Much :mort it it a tbrttfoftl error, to form the ima-
ginations of fin, by who(e: uuaginations they are .
.Br II0t proud .tber.tfo,r t of tbe gift~ of GJd, bllt b~w,,~ hu"'~k; Neithcr ji<lii/ie )''1' felf in rt-
ff'tli that Ihil il the ", oC'G44 debvered IInt6 .JOII f~~J»'" o"'n (elves : B tlt tbe rrtorr jou rechvr,
be the more thankful ; ' and the more JOII bt in the firmgth of Gpd, the mor~ uf~ JQ~J.b; plluntJ{. of
Of whom it isJltid, Behold mJ Spirit klftk -"'fry.d, ~4 i.t& mJ [((1I4Ml) IHfIJro art breom.
humbl~ lind "Ut~ in rbe jiY,lJt of mtit: tIiIt Jlf~dJe the [tMJants of the God of Abraham, thm IfTe 'G d A 1
7I't tbe [pjritl of trtlthillta Wld'tldfandm!"
"It,}. Wt Ifr~ btCo,,,e mighty in tht po."," of tb~ AImif.?tJ.
io~ ollr {«if'/" JjgllifiO u J.l:k. fij,1;,t. .f Uu h~ll1Jr1l1, 00
'Ihertflirf ought .",~ to he
n,. s.

N,.." if yqu '!Pdf confeJfe your rdlm to be the clJifdren ~f Abraham,ihm mllft JOU al~ Ilcr~pt of o"r
'r..o[Jrine: F~'r .tL.e ",ellt :",htreby Abraham 1'7J.ed, is the.{amt food '11'; milti(ie,: unto you: of who",
il. if (;l; ;i., God, lI)la it W41 COf/lltea unto IIj", for Tig?te9u[ntJfe. Even fo do J'U,
. rhlfJ
9 4-=--__A_t_r_ue_R-:--el_a_ti_on_of_D_r_.D:--e_e_h_iI_All_io_n_J_'U'_i_th_li.:..p_ir_it_l'_&_C___
thtrr )011 _1[0 ""'J bt righttous, wher,in do JOU diJf,r fToII. Abraham? W'T' JOU 'lOt bllTr", I
Wbo hath made JOU frHitfulll
])id God malt,l II Covtltant with Abraham? Ev,n [0 b, doth pit" J'A. 'Vid tlu Lml in hil Mi-
lIi/tas 1l9~,ar IInlO him I [. doth hf, ud will do IInto )011. Wer, the ji".s of Sodum (Ih, fifth that
lerifhed) importtd into Abrahams bo[omt, liS th, [teret , 4et,rminlltio. of th, Lord i' ATt thty
IIlfo nol mani! , ff tnt) YOII (t:lm b) tht [II;'" God)lIs rOl/ching th, rim, lind corruption of thi, world?
J{oJ. h, not HP in th, morning, lind behtld th, ~onf.fion, Itna h'ltdlong Ruin,s of th,wiclvd lAnd
JiJall you Hot alforet fh, ruint of hi;" t'.t N tht {on of wic/ttdntjf,. rtI> unlelfeyou hinder your
fdves. Fo,' [he promife of your God is without, exception. bt mindful thertf'T' of Jour
{awl; lind c',nfidtT )Ollr clllIing: Thllt lOll "'It) b,ftill Htffd in hi", tbltt is tbt God of Abraham~
whJ iI your F IIlh,r.
The Keyes. 111 th'ft k,.~yts which Wt ddiv", lire tbe myft,ri,s Itlld [,cTet beillgs Itlld ,Jftils of Itll things mo-.
'Dill!'" Itnd "'''l,d wilhin th, v~rld.
L ;.tu rI:J[.:i· III Ih'w iI Ih, lif, of MOT ION, in who", Itll ronglld ,of the porld tlrt MOfled, fIT .thtrt ;1
HeilbfT (peech not filence [hac was or Ihall be 10 the md of the vorld, hilt thq ilr,. Itll ItS plai,.
ber" .Jf in tbtir own nll~,dntjfe. Defpi[t it not; thrrtfore ..... For Imto th,m thltt ItTl hU1lfTJ, it ;,
brtlfd, iMto the thir{lJ drin/i.., Itndllnto th, ntti,ttl Clothing: Jf Strp,,,t it iI of manJ heads in,(in·
cible. 8tlitv, tbtr;for~, ,bitt vith bim JOII WItJ 1ft wi[,.: tb4r lOllr bll",ili,) mltJ be [ueh • .111 mil)
be nu",b"l in tht world. 1 bltv, [aid. Nal. Mov, not, fcr th, plltCt is boly.
E. K. What mean you by that fentence or phrafe.
Nal. It is of tJPO pllrts. the firft in rtfpeCl of tht [pirit lind p,,[met of him tbltt is boly : pre{tI"
,md teaching. Secondly 111 rt[p,lI ofJour conftnt, which M ohtditlfCt, for ,btaimce confirm"b th.
gill of God in "'lin, and the JPill of God confirm,th mlt,u [ltlvlttion; wheref:re it is f4ia., move
lIot: lind whJ l becltu{, tht plac, is ho". - Mov, neither;n mind, n,ither in boaJ, ftT obtdit/tc.
W ,ht cuc/ujion, and confirmlltion IfJOllr {epllTatioM f,o", tbe Dn;il~. S"cri{ir, is 4~C'tt,tl) hllr ~,.
aimCt is brttt,. rOil lire fllT,I, IIn[JPtred.
E. K. I like your an[wer weII.
N al. Ollr wi[Jo""jhllll prove 1I.httoric~.

80 Naaq in JOllY crtlttion It N , j Itlf

79 LEANANA of tlltfter.e t wi/dom AII""lte[.

78 ILPALP pltrflt/ttTl It N flltpli.

77 OGUP til ilnto tbe pltrtlt/v's It is Pllg••

76 RAMAUMI "lPly Jour felves IIl1tO 1/1 II is 1m uamu.

75 DO And- Od.

E. K. This letter turneth fo about, that I cannot well difceme it.

74 GALGINU De(cmd Vniglltg.

E. K. This letter alfo turneth round.

73 RACAZ Move ZoJ" ,Il,
72 AIHOG we {IJ Gohilt.

71 GMRASAC ix JPhI"" CIt[a,,,,,.

70 MOIAA .A",Ollgft as A It; 0 ••

69 ZLOACIM "'ig6tJ Mi C4 olz,.

68 RAON ¥ bleome Noltr.

E. K. This Letter moveth.

E. K. Now he maketh a reverend Curfy.
67 NI A0 0 D D 0 ,,,,,In,,,,,, Od do 04 ill.

E . K. This letter alfo moveth OJ NItIlJ i.! muJl be Coo.n..

dcd "ith on~
E. K.
J trne 7Vlation of Dr. Dee his .AElions '¥Pith [pirits" &c. 9~
E. K. Gabriel ihakei:h his fpeare. Ndlvage.
65 MOCACAC FlOllrijh Cit Cit com.

65 ZOsUHEI his mtreits Jthu[o::..

6+ A Mel M bt/:OiJ. Micma.

E. K .. Now lle uCeth his reverent Curfies allain

..... .
6~ N A RIM A Tour [dvrs 4mirall.

Nat. Did I lIot bid tboufoouldtft not move f

E. K. He hath thrown down his rod upon the Table.
[A. J had moved to the dore, beeaufe I heard fome going up and down the chamber with.
OUt : we had forgotten to !hut the fraire-foot clore.]
A. 0 Lord, I did it not upon any wilflill difobedience. But pardon this Fault, and by thd
l:race (0 God) I will avoid the like fault henceforward.
Nal. It WIIS 4. guat fltult. A. I befeech the Almighty to pardon ie.

E. K. Now he is kneeled down, ,a nd all his Face is under the Table.

Now he is up again, and taketh his rod in his hand,and niaketh a Croffe
with it three times: Eafr, Weft, North, and South.
Nal. sowltiyour 'J(Iml. A. ,Amira/l.

E . K. He pronounceth the i fo remHTely,as it is fcarce heard, and in

the pronouncing of the whole word he feemeth not to move his lips.
62 S U HOG 1 [a) GObUI.

E. K. He made long leafurely reverence.

61 ROLOHOG lift up. Goholor.

E. K. He ufeth reverence again.

Nal. 7l~
"net ;s" Hltm~ mlghti~r tb~n tht POW" of th~ [amt.
60 DAM ef tli~ {ltnit JOllr Goa Mild.

E. K. He ufeth long reverent Curfyagain.

E. K. Now he holdeth up his Rod.
59 PAIOOD In thtn4mt Do oj II!.

E. K. He holdeth up his rod again.

38 NAOOVDO and trutb OJ VOO.tll.
57 TLAB of JuJt;c ~ BAit.
'S6 HALANU 'Ih~ slt.,yrts Vllalah.

5S NAON thus you 4T'e bteom, Noltn.

S4 DLIP on t"~ tJtrth pila.

B GSOAC cDHtilluAll] Caort-

Now he ufeth courtefy.

52 IGRIPLAM th~ fi~rs of lift "lid illcr~"[~ Malpjrgi.

51 R.IPNAP pDwrjllg do'fp,. P#lIpir

50 LEEANAN 111) powtr NA nA ttl.

-t6 NUAV ,.Il might wor~ VIIUII.

96 A true 2{eilltion of D.·Dee his Aflions ~;th j}irits, &c.
E. K. He ufeth re\'f.'rec~e. Now he holdeth up his Rod and 1haketh
it about his head.
48 BAA T E NO YOIir govtr"mmu Gnetaab
~ ED if De,is my name
+6 G.\ 0 N II M tht cor"m " .. .i no a,
E. K. He ufeth Gourtefie.
E. K. Gabriel lhaketh his fpeare.
Nal. ..... It mil] b, ",II,J Mi moag or Diuph

E. K. Now he extendeth. Diuf

45 DO .,,4 Od
4~ POZIZI fro", th, lJiglitjl vtJfels hizop
Gab ....... tMovt "ot.
H NEFAF to th, i"tmt tllllt Fafm
41 BSA COC of tin" Cocasb
41 LIMOH th, trut lIf{t.C HomiJ
40 ALC +56 CIa
39 SR 0 V out Von
E. K. He ufeth mofr reverent Curne.
38 ILAIMPAC Capmia);
37 AS N 0 L LOlifa
36 GRAZMO V IIrK as in barge
3~ AG U L& givi"g DJug.
34 B A ATE N of govtr""""t N,t.1I!,

E. K. Many founds are heard in the frone. He kneeleth down.

H SONLIHT ;/1 [utI n. Thill/os

32 ALAAH pillctayou

lIT!. as in bRKI
30 G~RAZLAB StrtlflrJs BALZAltG
29 LOE 1 fIIfltlt 10/1 EOL
18 ILl ill tilt jir/f ILl

27 LUZROT "flU ri[t 70]{ZVL

t6 DO ."d
25 ADGRS flu} /If bllrg(1l t, &1IIl
III Bllrgd6
''!. tT S D ",hi'" DS'l
Atrue'l{e/atioIJ of Dr. Dee his AC/iDrJs 'With [pirits, &c. 97
23 NEIZO mint ",,, OZIEN
:11 M tltCtl' EM it;u."orl
E.K. Now he ufeth reverence.
21 EGSIHCI ft Ilrt "tt Kit
I Chi{"
20 SI He "r't Kit

19 GROTLOT fit Crt.tlltts ,f tilt tlr,' .,-g as in

18- NIIVQ.. "",ilt ~ii"

17 H COLET Df Jonh; <II ocb

i" btfeb 10.

E. K. Now he maketh t.
16 HELP SOMQ,. " th, Itorll' .9<.. tJffos PI,h
MhtO .GrlIJ.
15 N IVPA T II I"'r/ fieV,s, 1'''1" in
To. "'' .1 ,M/ ii
T.pui .ifo
14 S I He 6rt <II Kif

13 LDNV th, rtft PuL

E. K. Now he maketh a Crolfe again. it '''''.1

......... Now he ftoopeth down and kilI'eth. ):Til Lor Y'1Ul 1.

n HAPIGIG of litli,,!. ht,.,b; Gi Ii 1116

II LIHTO rit ('.'I Or/,U

)0 SI He 6r' <II lCiJJa


9 ZRON fi;c Nor:c

8 HODNOLSO 121Ci",,,m 0, Lo" lob

A Croffe again. [oJ fitllipdh ,.",1.,)


1 BA IB fit, Bi.h
6 NEIZA '" ."hof, h""dl Ar.i,"

He ftoopeth and ki1feth the ground.

S HLE$MOC " Cir,l" Co", S,li

.. RIZ 1_; Zit

i DAIP 1'/IT G.~ rid.

0 Hc
98 A true9<..e/ation of D. Dee his Aflions "RJiJhJpirits,&c.

He kilfeth the ground. He fetteth his hands on the ground.


AMCIM Micma.

N al. ...... 'IbH ;, .ll. ,

Now. in the Name of JeCusj as It pleaCed YOII before, fo would we gladly have the
fence hereof in EngltJh.
N al ...... Let b,lIl Iililt hith ."irtaD'" IInJeTf/llnd : FDr bert btlinllt tht ",)fteties of )D1I1
I Behola, 42 D!ti",t;
z {"itb 43 to the inttnt tbllt,
3 10111 GoJ, +4- fro", tht hit,htft vej[tt,
4 111m 45 lI"d
5 It C;rclt, 46 tht Corlltrs
6 Oil Jri4[t bllllJ! 47 ofJOur govtrlf",mtr, .
7 ft,l7Id GaL .... might) iI tht GDd of Hofts , ItmDlfg{f
8 12 KillgJoms; billtOpl,.
9 fix 48 JOu ",i';'t "Ir~
10 IIrt 49 nt}PD"",
11 ,ht [.lIt. 50
12 of living brtllth, 51 Tht firtS oflif"IlIlJ t1tCTtll{'
13 2lt rtlt (Olftillllltft,
14 IIrt H
ON tbt 'IIrth.
IS ~ jhllrp SickJrs, 'Iblil
16 Dr t~t h Tns 55 JOU IITt !,eeDm,·
17 of dtath; '5 6 TlIt s1(jrts
18 ."htreiN 57 Df JUlfict
19 The Crtlftlfrts oftht tllrtl! 58 lind trllth;'
20 IIr, 59 III the nit""
u tD Itrt IIDt, 60 of th, {ItJllt,)OUT goJ~
21 txeept 61 lijt lit;
23 .",i", 0.". hlllld. 62 1[11),
24 Whieli 63 JOur f,/fltl
25 flup <;4 B,h.ld,
26 lind 65 h;, m",its
27 Jhllll rift. ~6 jlDUT!(h,
211 In tht firft 67 Itlld lilt""
29 I "'11 at JDU 68 it btCD""
30 SUJ,It"ds 69 "'ight,
31 lind 70 It",onf,ft w;
31 pllletd}ou iN ."h,,,.
ill {,IltS Il [or] in 12 fClt5
71 "Il',{tV,
33 71
34 Df govtrll"'tIIt : MDVt,
Givilfg 73
35 7+ Vt{etlld
36 IInto tVtr) DlIt of IDII IIlfd
37 76 IIppfJ )Dllr {,lvfs ~to 1M,
;8 {,.'cCtJ!ivt(y,
77 IS Ullto
39 78 tht pttrt ."'"s
40 45 6• of hN {,ertt ",i[aolll
41 t~ frll' IIgt. ~~ ill !or" Crtlltion
E. E. Now all all his 6ngersdiCappear.
K. K. Now Gabriel fiaoof..'th up.
Gab ... ;,. H,ttr"', 0 Jf foilS of min; Kolh, fofl of
tJ.. Note. There ate three taIlS in the fecotlli i"tt "IIWU, IlI/J tht btgi1Hli"g of ,or" b,in! i" bod.}:
of Crlleovilf, and one in the lirlt. Wbtrrb) tli, tbings Df the "Il'orld hllv, jif, & /iVt.
There four calh are the fecond, the 3d• LIt hi", thllt httth JIIiri/ow. "nd,Tj/,lIId. G"", tog,-
4th. ', for the firft Table call ~ve no ther,foT thil hath irs.fruit in due t"lme. Albtrt
c..II, It 1$ of the Godhead. Lllfl;.it hllth "ot J~ nt the Com",lI"dmtn't of Gld ; h,
fholltJ httv, been here by this time.
A. Gloril, UUI, Honor, & Imperium fit peo Noftro in ilJlinita fc:culonlm fecula •
cui true7{.elation of Dr.. Dee hit ARion! 'D7ith [pirit!, &c. 99
A. Remember that on Wttl[daJ night, APril the 25. my Lord A/brrt Lasll,it came at night
to Cr"covia,and lay in a little "modden huilding, among guards,by .St. Sltllijllf/4f Church: and
on the Frid"J morning following intended to enter hii journey toward Kt[ltfarl<.., aud the
recoverin~ of
Krrmar"-: ]erlls prorper his jutl Caure.

Wenrday morning, Aprilil 15 8+. Cracoviz.

Nal. ......• A lit"" Aaion Back,:'II'lIrd, IH btforr.

51 D AI 01 of hi", that lil1tlh for rotr. loiad.

51 RIZ 111111 Zir.

50 PAL fIT, Lap.

49 'PLE R V "flroH[, rttthillg ; Vee1p.

~8 MZA ZO ma~t nle Ouzm.

47 DO /lnd Od.

46 OZLAelM ;11 p01Ptr, Mit:alzo.

45 NARMAZ fot1P JOur {.lvll Zamran.

H DOQPNC IInto hit {trl/lll1ts, [ ase Noquodl

Gab....... Tht pillet it btcomt m~re holy, /llId he H htcomt mlrt mttk.
Nal. ...... •
AO Ca.
RA CAZ MlVt Zacar.

[Nal. ..... Malt" "flop Ihm.]

41 LEHOG {"jlh tht /irfl, Gohel.

E. K. Now the Crolfe IS come in again thinner than it was

'1 0 UZROT ...4rir(~ Tor'lu
39 N ODIAI of the 1I11-po1Ptrful. bidon.
38 NINAM ill the millat Manin.
37 Q,O bNt Oqua.
36 EGAT /If is I/or T~ge.

35 SROO Sitch Corso

34 FORT It hllilding, Tear.
33 NAON YON'lIre become No an.
32 PAL fot Lap.
3 1 NOONOZO thm the "IIl1', fold .",indrs ~ Ozongot~

o ~.
30 AlB
tOO A true Relation of D. Dee his A8i,ns ~ifh /piries, &c.
AlB tlD;e,S

30 ]0'" Bia.

%9 SI H C n, Chis [the I long.

~8 PLACIM ",ight;'T Mi calp.

27 DO ."il Od
'l IS IRRO till,,, tb, 6.TTt" jEt", Orri.

25 DSUL ]0'" fttt Lusd.

2+ SIHC ..., Chis ( as Xl,.

23 IU lG /fr."g" as Giui.
:u HOTLAB of TighttOllf.ut, BaJtob.
21 EGOO for tb, Cb.",b" Ooge.

20 SBRVT ;" tbtir bt.llf.J Turbs.

19 Q.LSROL tb, firwru Lon I qua.

IS ATQ. DT_ Q!!.u Tat

17 ADELCARAP for " .",tltl;,_$ Paraded..

16 OHLAT Cups TalbOt

15 AT III Ta.

11- GMARBA 1 ".tlt Pf"tp,rta Abramt:

I} AMRASAC ."bo", Carum..

12 HPDAIP "ithiH till il,p" of",] 1,., Piadph.

II ZAZAZI "tit {r'.tel luzo

10 GRUPLAI tbt bllT";,,g fi,,,,, I I a1 plUg.

9 MABOS .bo", S o bun.

8 L • fth, prjf A word •

1 VIlV oJOII the rtt.".1 Viiv.

6 DLAS 1"11' tI,iccl'f .",rukr Said.

5 PIAAl" •"tl"ft- Fa aip•

... MO Om.

GNOZ •, tN .",;ut, Zong .

2 HAAPV till .";",, V pa ab.

TGDA ,,,. Adgt.

A true 'J{elation of Dr. Dee his Af/ions 'With {piritJ, &c. 101

Tht jirp "/Pord.

I Can
E. K. Now he holdech up many hands and fingers as before, and
on the very cnd of the fingers diLHnCHy there parcels appeared in
2 '1ht [tcond "/Pord - 'fht "/Ping.
Vpaah, is the "/Pi"p, and .Adgt, is ell..
3 - - - - 'f tht "/Pindtl,
4 - - . . - - - "ndtrftlllleI JOur 'II0iCtl of "illdts.
S -----0)0/4
6 - - - - tht [twul
7 - - - - - o f t h t jirft,
8 _-'litho".
9 - - - - 'Iht bllNtiJIgjf••
10 - - h."t (.,,,,,,ttl
JI ."ithiH thtattth 'f"') J.Jn,
12 --."hom
I ~ - I h.'IIt prtpart.l
1+-- III
15-- Cups
6 - _1 f·r."/PttlJiHg,
17-- 'rill
8- - tilt jl''Jllrtl
1 _ ill thtir b,lIury
19 _ _- - for tht Cllllmb"
20 ofr;ghtto.[ntfft ;
22 - - firoll!.tr

2t:3 __- -
zrt . - - - art
)'W ftl'
rhtH tilt ".rrt1l fto"t,
26-- II~ .
2 7 - - - - ""ght'tr
28 -
_-_- _ -_-_-_
.re . .

29 _ _ rlltH tht ",.lIifoU"illats:

31 - Tor
32 _ _ )OU "rt ~tCO"'t
33 - - II buildi",.,
3+ 8U:h
35 _ _- - I I I II 1I0t,
37 -_ _ ._ -;11
BMftil, ",i"dt
3 _ _ _ _ _ _ oftht .ll-po."tr!u!.
39 - - - Ar.i{t,
40 - {",thllt firft ;
41 - - - - - MO'llt
.. ' _ _ - - tD"'for,

E. K. All the Stone is become very dark.

The wickc4 raid •.••.•• 7'hou }blllt '0 HO fwthtr ......
I..I prayed RoffmJis P[III", 9. and the LortlsPrll)tr, and the Stone became clear, and the
6ngen appeared again, through the mercy of the Higheft ......
.. 3 - - - - IIIfto hH [tr'IIIIlItS'
+4 - - }btwJ~ur ftllltl
45 --i"po'llt",
4h -IIHd Thi, 6;1 1114
"jill correaed,
47 - - - - - - - ",./t"t"', ..erc of tJ.c
...S - _ - - - - "firollg. [Stt tltillg,] .. jcked hi,
____ 111m
rub,ilc fug.
51--- ~f hi'"
Sl - - .bll' lillttb f,r tlltr.
E K. Now
102. .A true 'J{e Itt tion of Dr • Dee his Affiont 'J);th (f.~r;ts, &c.
E. K. Now appear no more fingers.
N al. eom/,"rt Ihtm "ow togtrhtT.
E. K. N'ow he is [et down in his chaire.
A. I han compared the Engli/h Joynts to tbe myftical words, antl16nd u. of e.tch: fo
that they agree. , '
Nal. Thill you hllv, this JII}ts Ilthour. Now 1ht wl"tt fil/(" IS tXltllatd OV(T the flo"t.
A. Soli D(o nol\ro, Deo omnipotenti, & Majellatis tremedz, & fuper omnia amandz, fit
olllnis lalls,gl aciarum a£lio,& Jubilatio. .Amtll.

Friday, CTIt(ovi~, A prilis : Mltllt, hor" ftrt 9.

Oratione Dominica Be aliis
PrreiLIII lid Dtum /illitM, pro biet 'Cr vtritlftt, i" hllllC form4"" ()mlli/,oltllS, {t",!ittrllt, IItr.
& dvt Vtlll IIolltr, m;ltt 1I0hM [,,,ilu,,, [!tllllu", & Vtril4lt", IU""" ut [4jimttr, fidtlitIT &.
ro,,/III,,'tr lihi {,rvillmUl, o"",iblll diebus vit4110{lr4. , Amell.
The white Curtain, or veyle, appeare,d '(Cry long.
A. It fell Co oUt by the wonderful providence,ofGOd,tbat E. K. am1:I quietly conlidered
thtfe alkions,gen erally, & the contrary fpirituall infonnations given tQ him;apart by himfclf;
(& Cometimes)while we were receiving our in1trll£li~s,by~lUrSchoo!oia~n,Of",bich cOlltrarT
power, fome would rayle on God, and blafpheme,hli Ma)elly hombly" as may appear by the
recerd oHomelate Alkions; Butthis was our cUllclulion, that we both delired the 'y crity,and
that (0, asbeR inight pleaCe God,in tile inanner of coming ~y it.
~o... ~rbilrt· t.. Be Judgc;OLord,betwc:en IIs,Ccnding uliChe verity of the ju4g~nt,for the glory of thy
nlcnlofGod name, fotas milch .s tbey which impugne thefe proceedin&s, do (to E.K.) as lt feerns
"'1 ullc d. perfelker, and more "ile and fruitful then Qur Schoolmatlers, which I took tdbe the rruc
and blelTcd Angels, &c.
E. K. Now is the note pluck't afidc. A. About an cl.:"enofthc
A. BlelTc:d be the highc:tl, who is Almighty. Clock.
, •• I>iel mufil
Gab. Danida, 4 migbt,) trophtt (ltot Iht 114ft "'.If
Iht .4rtb) .,tlltd his nt•• th,."d {.id ,
.ola,thtrt ]hllllil Whllit comt fro711 the E"Jf; the fouttenth day of this Month, S A B.
E. K. They [eern to fpeak both together.
Gab., N al. .Alld be e"trttl i",. tht lieU, ""a he mtt "ilb 4 Mere"4"', ."J I>i r.iJ II1Ito bi""
'Ih.u Itrt "0' for mt : for thy intent dwellcth in the world. H. "t"t furthtr, IllfJ,I., tbn-. "'4S "
/ida .f All It"illd of p,oplt,divtrjl, rter,,,tillg Ihtmftlvtl ill thtir ow'; ,ltllfUrts: ."d ht }tt f4iJ,L.,
th,{t 4r. "ot (Dr lilt: .lId hi ...tllt '11; 'ilia, I,';'t f" ... , AND IT W.A SAN .A -I. E D M.A N.
Gab. Nal. Mllrit. [to E.K.]
E. K. So I do.
Gab. Nal. ~ 1" his hll"ds TIP,r" tliiltrs tb/lIgs;""1I't, l,ltv,s,ft• ."trs, nJ herbs I tUfa ht TlPOHdrtJ,
{1I)i"g,Wby Itrt tbou "ltk./d? ."a bt (4id, Lo,l .", ,/J, ItHa.", "itboll' GiIY.'lfts, 41fd tht{t 4r.
tht thillgl ."b(Tt'/Pilhllll 1 TlPill b, clolhtd. .Alld Ih, Pr.!b,t t.//I,[d witb hi"" ""J tola bi", of
tb. Whltlt.
E' K. They fpeak both together) that I cannot difcern their
Alld hi cO",,,,4,,dtd hiJrt t. It""ttl, 411Jhe lifttd UphAIIJS hM 10 .,IIV'" lI"d ,rll}.tl ."ithill hi",.
ftlf; IIl1d b. {liid AIjO IIIIt. bi"" I A", A r",6tl, rif, ",,1 will M.ffe Ibtt ill tlot 114",t .f "'} pr.phtfit:
'lila lo,ht too" him b} tht 6411J, Alia ."tlft (or,w llrJ : Il"t/,IIH ."II) .,,"s rough,ftoll'f, ."t/, vtr, fDIIIIJ:
."J, "J the) ""III,lbtJ fou"d ""11, brig. AII4 Jig, ",d"llr;1Ii ~ IIl1d the Prophtl {.id, Tbr{, ,Itlt[, m•
... Child flOt: IIlfa,IIS tb" tllllt,d ~1I theTIP4],tbt} DVtrtfHIk.."lirf/, ,bi/J.,Alld Ibt P!rroph,t IISIt', biilt'his 1f4mt,
.11.1 ht itll{"tr,d, H, ••,.. man: 4M lit [4id, nou pltA{tft _, for i,h ," ","}tft bt 4 ",4".
A Hill.
r")i"g with bimj,I!., This hill is trluh/,f.m., J 1'''' lI.f "bl, to /ttlP co",,.,,,,"'AI'}, ,,"4
7htrt .,,4S 4 HilI,."d tbt] IIj,,,,atd,"IIJ, IIfltr ""'hilt,~t ~hild ~tCAI/t. f!tl-Jowti;
witb the",; and the
Prophet, mifllng him, went back, and found him fitting. .A,!d bt'htg"l1 I. "'''p, {A,illg, Whirl","
wi/l)ou 1,4d "'t I BUI th. Pr.,",t ,,"'fortilllim, "". {"itI: No." th,ilII,ft, tho.""t "ot " ",4".
A"d. thllS ht aid, 4{et"dillg fu1llirl ti".,s? Itlld,lo,ir .,,4S the lOp ,f Iht hill, 4"t!. I~ SIm .,,4S hot ,,"i/,
cltllr ilf Iht .",tlfr of tht dll}. Tht Prophtt ["id u"to tb,
lot aiJ,ft,af41y.
,"Ua, 10DIt" ID Ibt C,llfrt of 16t SUII, IIlId [.

, I k 1It!'- Alld tht Proph.t {.;J 1iJIt, hi"',No. 1 6"tJ. ;xptritlfl't .fthtt" ."d 1 It"o." tho'; ."ill b, 4 "''''';
p:~. o. • Alit/, lit [llid IIIIIt hi"" tb4t .".s "./("ttl, Htrt 4r. Pm, lll~ ."d P41n-.
A"dl. thou b4ft Ollt thAt c411{,tf4r f.' ."d ht Jh'Wttl !rim 'the St4S: {4jlflg, /DOltlllll~ Ib,
E"ji: 11lId b, tola him of th, Whll/t A" -f his "",i"g, A"d of ",,,,,} ",}fttrits.
Bllt /b'_"'(I" 1l1l[.",rta hi""f"}i",, 1 am naked, th, tI]rt H lhllrp, ,,"J 1 bllfl,'" fml: ilo.
Jtrue 'J{eI4tionofDr. Dc-e hiI Affiont n;ith /piritI, &c. 10 3
C(tH I thtrtfort S TAr [0 man) aaJts 1 and ht [aid rtnU b,m, Sit down, and note,ulltill this
Child become a man. Nore unrilJ.
Feed by comfort. For the Whale ftlall be thine, in whofe belly is a Chell fwallowed oE
great value, and they were contented. Behold,the peo\llc of the cOllntrey were rich, and ::~~• .r .
bad conquered many Nations, fo that he was a Monarch in the world; this Monarch was {_billi. It,
5kilfull in all Sciences, and knew all things to come, and he called his COllnfell together, and
faid umo them.
Lo,thus it H; tht callft why I ~tl v t madt thor, mic;ht.' banlt,.s, Ima hlLvt drtlTIIH til) ptoplt from
tht 10Tur plactSilna tht S ttfr,y for thllt, I f tar a fYhalt .' which, if ht land in m) Kil1gdonftS, TIIIIl
ht my ddrrutlion, ILlla rht) told himTPhllt tht Prophtt haa fllid., aliI. /Jt btJr,an to rtlgt, IIl1a TPns puf~
ftd lip with al1gtr, and bt oprntd hir boo"'s THE SEC 0 N D TIM E; and his t)ts wtrt
opentd, tll1d ht undtrfi ,od thtl t tbt Prophtt had tl[ctlldtd unto th.e tOl' of the mOllntain, and
had taken 1\"ith him a naked nlan, and a child .' Itnd 11t faid to his Mini/ftrs, A[ctnd, tllla briltg
tIlt tht child, for I will txamint him,and tht Pr,phtts mtaltillg, lind bt IIppartlltd bim richly,
lInd ga Vt him much, but ht prtvailtd mt. Altd ht [aid within himftlf, Afctna again tht)jhal/, alia
hring down. that man.
And tht [trvam.s lI[ctndtd, lL1fd tht) foulld a Mltrblt jlQnt,and tbty wtrt IIngrJ Among thtm~ A msroli
{tlvts.fa)II1", Is thIS a mlln I And 10 tht) ClLmt unto tht ICI1fg; ILnd fa,d; ThOll ftndtlt liS forth, but Ilone.
'lilt foul1a a mighty.flollt not ablt to bt ",ovtd. WhtTt is it thtrtfort thllt thou wilt havt III fttk.
thllt man ;Rut ht faia within hill/ftlf,I will ovtrcomt tht child, ILnd. ht too~ him by tbt hal1d, and
ltd him illto hH Orcharl, If'btrt ht Optntd 1Into hi". tht f"rtts of hif I;.oolts, fo thM ht btcllmt slti/~
ful. Bllt,/o,tht Pro/htt ILroft, ILnd,lls ht towllras tht Hill, h comfort thcm whom ht ar~
coul1ttd his f rimas, lot tfpitd. tht child apparalled llrange1y, and in company with firangers : Strangers.
IlIId ht opm td hy mouth, Itnd btglln to prophtfitlayil1g.
Tht King hath rifm up Ilgain/r himftlf, for ht hath CHOSEN THE CHOSEN , lind htlth
oJmtd tht ft rrtts of hif OWII KingJomto his atfirlll1ion, alia bt .frrttehtd f,rrh his hand , lL"a faid
UHtO tbt child, Comt with mt: and. bt W~S u1fWillinj!" for his plta[urts wtrt grtat. Altd ht lifted
up his voyCt alia {aid .' ILna ht SWARE, And,lo,ht cal1lt with him evtn IIlttO the 11lO1l11rain: IlIIa
tht Prophet faid unto him, Whtn th ,u waft a child, 1 lta thtt , but now thou art become a ",an,
fiT/tch f crth tby Itggs,and llLbQlIr, ana ht was unwilling.
Thus, whilji thty 1Ptrt tIL1~ing, they that waited lIpon him were at his feet armed, faying,
come with liS, for we are firong enollgh to deliver thee.
Etlt tht Pr~phtt faid WIt' them, GO E b/lc~ alia ttll)our ICing, thltt 1 founa !Jim on tht '11'1'),
lInd a jtrll1tgtr, ana I haa pit] on him, alia I took.,him f9r m] OllJ'n. Thtr.fonJlrivt not, for juJfi ce
nluftprt'IJail. And th'.! brgan:to jiaggtr "as drunk,.a rds, for they /tlltW it was trut. Ana tht Pr1phtt
raid, Now C91111 wilh mt,I 1Pill)tt lua tbu.'lLnd tilt! .c[ctlldtd. The Prophtt htla up hy hllnds, and
SAID, 1 SEE, Iflldbehold, lot thllt Was na/t.d ILrofe: lInd f/lid , I SEE ALSO,
~"J the Sell,aro{t, lL1fd" grtllt ttlffptft, and bro/v down tht banlt.!.' ~na .nrrtd ~ tht tarth, Mdr;1 ;•••,~.
Jomg ",uch liltym to the pe~/t of Kil1gaom.' And, 10' thtTt arl[t " w,,u the SEC 0 N D .' tio CIt", t,,,,p'.
dnd thtrt w~r~ four btttJls,[uch as art ill tht world, and wtrt ntvtr I!.,pown. Alia tht] ca",t .I/.,..
{wimming, IInafo lanaea .n tht Hill, And tht Prophet {aia,Arift, draw out your fwords and kjll V'.,MI.
tht~, and [. the] aid,
Bthold,tht"'ooa Of them vaniflml into airt, Ilnd tht Jlejh btClLmt NTth.' 'fbt mtrlLls of thtm Vrnrull.
Wilfita 4TIIILY with,ht waters: ~na thtir bones burnt.l with a tJtight) /irt. Tht fteona wind aroft,
Illla tbtre 1I!ert /ive Crown's: ill th, midfE of thtmfatt tht Father of life, with.e goldtn htlla.' whof.
Fut b~thtd th.1IIft/vts in ~'u Itnd fTPut MItHna : ana tht Prop~tt faid, put forth your ha"tis .' and l'.t" '\Ii'~.
thry ad [0 : But 10 tht} wtrt afraid, for ht thlLt./lood in tht mldll of tilt Crowns,was full.f btltuty.
Alia tht Prophtt {Ilid; Fur not, comt w,th mt; a1fd. ~ opmtd UlltO tht'" tht fecrets of [he MJfltTi" r C,.
Crown;. {or in tvtrl ont if thtm was a go lam fmtmct. And the fecrees of the Hill began to r... r.",.
(bake, and there was a great Earthgua/v.
Th, third.wind Ilroft.' .end tht twtlvt Ctdar trtfS thllt 'Wert ntvtr corruptta, cam.t lind plltntta 1"",., J,
tbtmftlvts in .t.,;t!Vt plilcts of tht Hill, ILnd tht) brought forth firllllgt fruits, not as Cldllr trlts do.
Tht Propht t {aia,Gllthtr , for 1 )ou ~ungtr, that lOU "'11] bt rtfr~fhtd. While thty thrts V"mrMI ••
tll!, the f~!fTth wina aroft, and,bthold,all tht mountail1 1Pas "J'ilming fire, alld thert wtrt /iVt f. Ttrr. ""till'
E!lrthqua~th ftlc" as 'Wert nff fillct tht btgilllling of tht porU. .
Tht Propht.tJoo~ thtm !lp;for thtj 1Pert btconlt ILS atltd. Ana [uddtnly T.~e Firmament and Th Wh
the waters were JO)nta together, and the Whall; C A -M E, li/v unt, a ItglOH ofjlormts.' or IH ca~c. ale
:htbottollllt[s Cav.e Of the North ,,/,1/1 # it o,tHtd : .ena }ht was full of tyts •f tver) fidt .
Tht Prophtt {llid,Stlt_nd fEill, b/lt the) tumbled.. Tht W"ttrS {1InJr,., ana ftll {lIadtnly awa], [0
that tht Whale III! UPOIl tht Hill,roaringlik.,t IL Cav, of Lions, ana the Prophtt to,k,. th,m by the
h~nds, and Id·,them to tht Whltltl mOllth,fll)illg,Go in, bllt tht) vtbtmtntly ; H t [Ilid unto Th Wh
tht~tht rtco~dtimt, Go iI; : Illld th!J dur/rnot. Alidhe [wart unto thtm; andJ?tj't~trta i~,llnd mo~'h. ale.
htl'fttd up .hH vo)rt, Ilnd crita mightily, Comt IIWIlJ, and, lo;thty /looa btfore h,m Tlr.htr t!Jtll all
E"'l'tToIITs Thr.n., for ",;to him thllt was nak.!d, wtrt tllthtl givtn : unto him that It ch,la alia
IIlffall, Wtre I ~ gatts apmed. All/. tht Prop"" criea mi?,htily,lInd fllid, This Wh'lllt can,;ot dit;
Illld lifttd up his '!IoyCt agaillllnd faid: Within this Whilit Ilrt maHY Chambers, ana {tcrtr a",tlling
pl.e.ts, whi,h I will divide betl'l'i It rOll on the Til"t fiat (Hllto rbt which WitS "cbtld, lIn;!
A true Relation of D. Dee his AflifJns 'DI;Ib {p;r;ts,&c.
HO"" II '111411) thtrt nt ""'tlvt o~Md,hf I/"to tit" th"t hllfi prov;dtd fi,,,,,gt G",,,,,,,,. for ,,,,
~}18 f<lf, 41Ia 1I0t furb III """ 11ft to 'J1It"r, I.-ill gi'll' tbu hed, hart, II,,1l 11ft jiJ" ""bo{t pl."t
IIrt 46, rou folia tllttr, ."d bt poJFfftel this dllJ togtth": .1111.1 behold, tbt fOil fo.ll TttllT7I
1"" 0; )6
iI,g.ill 11 ti",ts, .lIaill OIIt yt.r, bllt IIOt "ll .t Olft ti"'t. TOllfo.{t d,p.Tt Ittllrt illto" J""tllillg
A Miracle.
tbat follll bt .Il Ollt: rb,rt tb,rt illIO mel, tb, pili" of co_for, .lIel i,,{pt .....blt glorit.
I have faid.
A. As you have delivered lisa para.le, ""ig,,,.,or prophelie, fol befeech you,forthe fec-
tin); forlh of God his honour and glory, to el[powld what i$ Dleant by the
Gilb . .•• Nal. .... '[ht Prophet it i. bit •• mt. Wbale,the DIked man~
. the Childe,&,.
'Ibt lfa;',lIi "WI it Dec,
'Ibt CbilJt it Kelly,
Tbt PrillCt it tht Dlvi/,
1", Hill it tht Wvrltl,
'Ibt .,III"rs lire ,Itt bofo"" of Goa,
Tht 4 btlljts ." tht 4 E/,,,,,/fts,
T1H I2 Trlts .rt ,h, 12 p.", of tht HllvtllS,
nt Whltlt it tht {pirit of Goa,
71" a"",b"> Ilr, tht tIegrttl of ""if""",
Tbt Thll.lfdm Illlti 'IIIi.d" .rt tltt ,/Itls of G,d bil 1P"sil ."dludgt'llltllf,.
The relt- are not to be fpokcn :
7bit 1 tA~,t to lIorifit to III till Judgt"',lIt Illlil .rbi,r,mt/ft of GIll btt.""". ., , ill r,{p,D of 01lT
Ptlit;," to hit Dilli", Mltjtfi} 710'111 "",tit, 1I1b",b} 7H'III., h,.ffllTttl .",h., to jlltlg, of th, Cu.tur"
"b"h do atd 1fIi,h /II i71 tbj, "OiOIl, II"a of ,ht i",p"[,II,r., or Ji/.",tltl"S of tbl. euelit .f it. ,n il I
tltV to b, {,,,t It"tl a,/lv"t~ 111110 w. of Ibt 'lilt" .,r,,} ",,1. proviel,IfC' Divbt, rtg.rtling hit """
g/or), ,,"tl tb, jillc"ilJ of "'1 Hit IIIIJ ,,"fitlmct,1fIhich 1 lilt .hol/.} i71 hi"', "" ,,1"'''ltJ 'IIIill.
...... Totl tlrt hllpp" for '014 b,lit'llt, E. K. 1I1blll 11m I. ' 1;.. III h"IP} ifJOII btlin, lil<.",i[,.
1;.. Are you not to deliver us our IClfons orderly, as We hue-begun to reccive~
...... V"dtrjl ..tfth." b, tht Prophet 1.,liv"illf, Ptll, III"', " " p"P".
A. As concerning the book writing by the higbeR, wbat lhaU I n:pe& thereof}
...... ntrt it "' PO;/ft .f f"ith.
A. I believe verily that it /hall be written b} ,h, po."" of the high cit.
N"I. ~ .•' Tht ptJII" of thl higb,jf coll/i,,.,,b .', Nit 710' m} po.'" tht bightjf.
•• Bcit as the will of God is.
E. K. The white Cu~in i~ drawn.
A. Gloria Patri,& Filio, & fpiritui fmao; ficut erat in priooipio.8c nunt,8c femper; 8( ;Q
fecula fecu1orum.
E.K. Amen.

Saturday, 28. Apri/it,M.llt 1m. 8. Craco'fiz.

Or.'itllle pr,emijfa flll';", tlpptlreb""t.
E. K. They are here.
Gab.. _ •• Mo~, IIOt, f" tht pI"" iI IIol].
Holy, holy , holy, is he, who fantkitieth all thin,. that are fmaified.

E. K. Hemaketh Crolfeswith his Rod toward the four parts of the

world, and then kneeleth down a while.
Gab ...... 8.P11 it b, th., b.,h bit skirts ,i,ti liP, tI" it prtl.rtJ fo, II Jour"-,, , fir tht "'''}
,(bllli bt 0P'II II1Ito bi'lll, ,,"J ill bit jOl"t, fo.ll ,b", J.,llllo ."".ri",ff, : hit ""., fo.ll h, ., thl tm-
aft tlt1l1, III t~ r",,,',,,If, of" ".ll,,1v CIIJ. For IIlIto thtlli tb.t b.'lI' 'jjh.ll bt giv"" ."tl fro".
th, .. tb", hlt'llt lI,t, fo.ll bt ,.lvll II.,,") : For .h" !ht bUr cI,"p"b tD tht .",illo." fitm, ~lIt Oil tllt
{II"allt it t,§ttl III " f,.t"" 'IIIitbollt J",llbtg. H.lP} 1Ir, tb,) tb."I,.v, lIIffo tbt Lora, for thl}
folll bt brollght IDlto II., jlvrt.bou{t. Illlti h, "'CllUlt,., ,,"J .'ClpftJIII tb, Or""",mll of bil btllllt}:
But prlt} .",ilh ..,.
o thou eternal focmdatioa and atcnF of all things, IDortal and immortal,which
delight in thy face and in the glorle pf thy name,
COl/fitl" tht fOIllfJ.ti.1I of till" frtlgilil} , III1J ,lIt,r illto tb, 1I1'....",ff' of 0;" ;lf1I1llra P"''': fvr
7P, "rt btco"" ,"'pr} ; 1I11Hr, r"lt itlfOtl, .vr bllth .II} r.vour : Forlifir, .IIJ "'....' III firo"g ill tbtl,
_a ill IhJ firt.gth; H .v, 'IIItr" Upoll /II, H "v, 1IItrc} I/pOIl /II , H ltv' mtrr} UP'II W; tlld ill thif
po,iJ "" flullgrb 'III1t] b, ill Itlt;,,,,,) .lIa tift" tbit Ii!,) tb.t., "'.) .retllJ IIIffo tbt,.
A true Relation of Dr, Dee bit Aflirms 'fl'ith lPirits, &:c. lD9
Nal. ..... Amm.
ll.. We prayed the Came prayer.
E. K. Now Nalvage fianderh up upon his Table of Letters.
Nal ...... It " • fiat-I,,,, Lmtr.
t7 PA LOMR 0 N tilt [olfsof,.m Nor 1110 lap.

E. K. Now he kiJTeth the Table.

'f6 F A A II",Olfgff A.lf
'1-5 LiT S E R rh.t YOM ",.) prllift hi", R.eft et.

Now he kilfeth the Table,and maketh mofi humble and low Curfies,
having firfr laid down his Rod.
H N ARM A Z D 0 .Anti Jht'ft }'IlT ftlvts Od Zamran
E. K. Now Gabriellhaketh his Dart terribly.
E. K. Why lhake you your dart fo ?
Cab••• 'I' Sch,lt,s ought to givt til, fI "',i, Schoo/·",.jftr,.

~2 RACAZ c..JKOVt Zacar.

,p LAAQ... .f tilt Crttt'oln Q.aal

,\0 PIAOOD i" tht ",,,,t Do oa i!

39 ALiPADO 11",1 livtth Od ..Ipi 1If,

3& ISD ...hir.h iI D SI

17 DAIANERIZ I .", tht Lortl ,OllT Gotl Zirl: nai ad

Now he ufeth his accufiomed Curfie.

36 ELGAB for Bagll:

35 AGSO A OF vijir tllr tllrt' Fgaos &1l

34 OD It"tl Ode

H IHaSARQ.R.ON }OU fons of pl"'fllT' Nor q)'1 r. hi

3" VGROT Arift Torgu

31 ALC 'f56 aa
;0 OLAT • tilt firft Talo

2' SI H C .rt Chi.

28 NIHSNOLDO 11,,4 tIN;, ~..m Od lonlhin
Now he kneeleth.
27 NOAMIPAG .ht "II"'~" .f ,i/IH Clpi 1111 on
f 26 SIHC
no J trl4t~/4t;on of D. Dee hi! AEfionf "IJieh fpiriti~ &c.

26 SI HC IIrt IGs

:l> ILAMIPAC [l4cetflivtl" Ca pima Ii

24 TSD 'Wbicb IIlf, DST

Now he falleth fuddenly on his knees.
23 GEGVDO IIl1a .",/IX /lTD",: a s Wedge
Od Vgeg
22 SIHC 1ITl) I\IS
Now he knee1eth.
21 IZDOORC 7ko {teVlla k~i"lIil1gs 'f tbillgs Croodzl
20 GMRASAC ill .,lID", the g «5 ill.
19 LPRC &ut 01U ; GR.PL
18 OPMR OC t"tth Jtt "u",brttl Corm po
17 GA NOl1t as aggiasu:
16 M A.BOS whom Soban
15 MPAM 9 6 39;

14 (tAO I bltflt pIlte,tI

13 IMRASAC ""J". wllDm Ca ranni

u V ID V I V ill tlu {,eQ"J "nglt ~ Vi v di v

1\ ow he lifted up his hands.

II FNOSD wbicb rll;," Dfonf

E. K. Now be goeth off the T~ble,and kneeleth Down.

l'e de
10 DP B pD

Now he lifceth.
9 PMROC IIMlffbrttl ? Cormp

S OGAVAVA ,bt ,bu/latrs of,"cruf, Ava va go

7 EGSIHCG .Art 110' G Chis1!e

6 LOHOG {"Jillg, Gonol

5 AHPROD '''VI loolva"bollt lilt, Dorpba

~ DO.
J'true 'l{eI4tion~fDr. Dee his Aflion! ~ith /pirit!, &c. III

4 DO lIIta Od

3 EGABAB in th~ {out" Ba bage

2 IDSAL lit} frtt Las di

1 LlHTO I hll'lle ftt o thi!

E. K. The Table turneth continually to his Rod end, and the Let.
ter feemeth to frand on his Rods end difiinCHy. That is it. This is
this Call.
I - - 1 blltle ftt 26 - fuccrffivel.J> [or b} [umffioll]
2-"'Jfttt 2 7 - lIre
, - in ,b,
fluth, 28 - tbl "umber of time,
4 - - lIl/a 29 IIl1a
5 - - hll'lll /ook,pl 30 - their powers
6 - - IIhout me, 3I - lI rt
7 --fll}il/g, 32 - M the firft
8 _ _ lIrtl/,f 33-+5 6.
9- Tht Tbul/am 'f IlrCrtllfe H-Arife
10 - - I/lImhrea? 35 - - JOU fonJOf pltllf"",
•[ _ Thirty tbru lInd
36 -
12 - - ",hieh rllig" 37 - - 'IIijit th~ tIIrth S
13 - ill tht fecol/a Angel; ,B-for
""aer ",b,,,, 39 - - I 11m thl Lora ,JOIlT Goa
It --
J -
I hll'llt pillct/. 4-0--whici"
4- I _ _ lI"d liveth.
16 - - 9 6 39'
J 7 - JPbo ", 4-2 _ III the ""mr
IS_No", 43 - - of thl (;ulltor
19 - 1",t6 Jtt "umhrea ++ __ <..?rlO'll1 ,
10 _ _ .ut ol/e ~5 - - Ana",.,. lOU {tfves [or Ifpptlfr)
:1I _ _ ;II",io". 4-6 _ M plellfllllt deliverer; ,
22 - - the fteona begi"ning of t'illts 4-7 - thllt JOU I'IIII} pTilife hil'll
23 _ _ lire, 4-B_ttlltol/gft
24 - - lI11d JPIIX prong +9 - the fOilS of 111m.
25 - "llIch tt!fo : ~o--

E. K. He hath now plucked the Curtain to.

b.. Note.
A. Thanks be to God, now, and ever. Amm.
A.. Rtmember to rtq\l({t information .f fnch a word, IS (f.lith the Lord) is nGt here to be
underfiood,fome where.
Note, the fecond Angel.

Monday Crllcovill, April" 30. Mllnl bora 6 !.

Oratione Dominica 6nita • & preeatluilcula pro prorpero fllcceifu A. L. (jam apud Kti{!
"'lfr~ qucritantis~ petent~s jus Cuum & aliis breviffimis ejaculationibus, pro
profpero fueeetJil 'm hac athone tandem poll feml hdram apparuerunt.
E. K. Now they are here: and Gabriel is all full of glory, he feem-
crh to light.all places.
A. 0 the mercies of God enereafed, though his determination be all one
E. K. Now heis ashe was before: and in the time of this his glori.
ous apparition, Nalvage kneeled down, fomewhat regarding towards
P! Gab. ••• Gillt
A ItIIt ~"'""" ofDr Dc!e 'il AlIifnr "th f}ititr, &c.
Gab.·... .. Gitlt lQrf, hi'" ,h", "",. hit btls/ttt O('t": BIIt fro", ,,1. th", it ",t rr"J,•.d'P"rt.
B E. K. There appear here, 7 other like Priefts,all in white, having
L long hair hanging down beltind: their white gannents traile after
.R them : having many pleits in them. Me think that I have feen one of
H them before, and upon that creature appeareth a B upon his cloathes,
I an L in anotfler place, an R UpbD his othedhoulder, another A upon
A his other /houJder. There is anH upon his, brea1t ; tbere is an • upon
his head, and ~ C upOn lils fidc,ol11iis gannent; and an A under his
H waft behind: The Letters feem to go up and down enterchangeably
D in places. There feemeth an V on him, alfo an N, a D.
Now cometh a by, all in white, and a great whire 1:hrng
row led about his oeck1 and coming down before like a tipp&. Th~y
all in the Stone ( being·9 ) kneel down unto him.
The tall man faid ....•. TiJ~e tbiJ' Key, and power: afcend and fill thy
veffel,for the River iJ' "tit pHre, 4"d made clean.
E. K. Now he is gone (that faid this) in form <>f a great Millfione
of fire.
An DiU. E. K. Now they go up a Hill, with a grt:at Tankard, as ie
were, of Bone tranfparent; Now he openeth one door., he)1 mean,that
had the Lc«erson his back.
I. There appeareth a Partridge,but it hath one leg like a Kiee: This
Partridge feemeth to lit on a green place under the gate, o~ leg is
much longer·than th~ other.being like a Kites leg. Tbis Partridge fecrn·
eth to halt.
He biddeth.(')fl4! of his Company take it up. There g~eth a bridge
ro the top of that Hill, all upon arches,.and under it goeth a River.
He taketh the Partridge and pulleth all his feathers, and they flU
into the River: He cutteth otfthe longerleg jufi to thelength of the
other. They abololt him cry, 0 jult judgement.
Now he tUrneth him olf over the Bridge, and he flyeth away, for the
feathers of'his wings were not pulled.
2. He goeth on, and cometh to another glte; and there the third
roan unlocketl~ it, as the fecond next him unlocked the firft Gate; he
hlmfelfhaving the.Key firfi delivered him, as above is note& There
appeareth a thing like a Kite, all white, very great, it hath a fowl great
head, he feemeth to be in a very pleafant Caroen, and flyeth from place
to place ofit"and beateth down the Rofe trees and other fruit trees.
The Garden fcemeth very delicattand pleafant; They go all into the
Garden 2 ::lndhe faith, Thou art en the Wilderndfe, thy feathers and
"C:1rble are nol' worthy the fpOi! uithe GaEden.
Now the Kik f<i:ratolleth and. .gafpeth ~t this man; hI!( h~ taketh the
Klt~ and cntteth her carkafe in two equal patts, from the crowD! ot obis
head, and throweth one·half over one fide ofthe Bridge', and C!h~other
balf QV« the OtBcr uQc,and :faid:; Fowles lnuft be devoured of Fo~es.
Tbt: l'.efi f'\Y .. 0 juJii'ti"8 ,Ji'll;1UI, c;lapping their hands ovet theit
3. Now
------------~----~--=---~--~ -
JtrlV~/~t;fJn(JjD.DeehiJ AElionI ~itb fpitiU, '&'c. IIJ
3. Now the next in order openeth another Gate (going up upem
the fame Bridge fiill.) The reft of the building from the Gate in-
ward, feemeth very round and bright: yet there appear no windows
10 It. It is a frame, made as though the 7 Planets moved in ie. The
Moon reemeth to be New Moon.
There fiandeth Armour,and this man putteth on, aU white HarneLk.
He feemeth to kick down the Moon, and her frame or Orb; 'a nd frem..
em to make powder of all; For there iJ' 1,l0 mercy here,faith be.
4. Now another of them goeth forward to another Gate, and open..
eth the Gate, and goeth in; there appear an infinite multitude of men.
There fitteth a man cloathed like a Priefi, having a, great Crown on
his head ~ here are many preaching in this pla<:e. He goeth to that
Crowned Priefi,and he tak~th away divers patches of the Vefillre which
he had, and the patches feemed to be like Owls, and Apes) and fuch
He faith ...... A King iJ'1t K iltg, Ifnd It Prieft iJ' a Ptieft.
He taketh from the reft their Keyes and Purees, and giveth thetn If.
Staffand a Bottle in their hands. He goeth fi;om them. He: putteth
all that he took from them in a houfe befide the Gate, and writeth on
the door, Cognofcat quifqJte f1'lHm. ~~;.
Now they proceed to another Gate, and another of them opened that
Gate. The Bridge ct'lntinueth ftiU, afc~nding upward. Now there
appeareth (that Gate.being opened) a marvellous great Wildernelre.
There cometh a great number ofll.ak.!d wilde men to !Jim. ,lie lOa-
keth that Gate with his h.tnds, and jt falleth in ' pieces, one filleth on
one fide into the ruv~r, and , ~e other falls on the other tide into the
........ Ltt bDtli Ibtft plttcts 'b,I , '1I. tt 4to1ll. Ltt tht {,.il 'f tht /irf/", bl llit comfort Df
thdttfl : FDr from tlitm tbiifh4Vt,jhitll 6; tttlt"m,1t1l.iJ. unto tbtm thltt bltVI 1/otjhtt!t
bt g;Vt1/.
6. E. K. Now he goeth, and the lafi of his Company openeth an.;
otherGa[e; he is longer in opening of that Gate,than any of th~ refi.
There appeareth a buthy place, and there runneth a great RIver on
the very top of the Hill,and a great Gate fiandeth beyond the HilI,and
a very rich Tower all of precious Stones, as it feem~th.
Here he filleth his Tankard in the River, and holdeth his hands up;
and xmketh 'thew as he would return.
He raid ...... ThiJ' WM my coming, and flould be my return. .
E; K. Now they appear fuddenly before the firft Gate, and there
the Principal mlJn digJ!.eth the eareh, and putteth fiones and brambles,
and leaves afide. There he talleth out a-dead carkafe, and bringeth it
to a fire, and lhoketh it: a very lean carkafe it is; it feemeth to "be.a
dead Lion; for it hath a long tail with abuth at the end.
He faith ...... Come let H:f ta~ him up, and comfort him ; fOT' it iJ' iii
N'ow the Lion feemeth to fit up and lkk himfelf, and to drink o~ the
water, and to fluke himfelf, and to roar. The man taketh of the fegs
114 A true'J?..elation 0/ D. Dee his Aflions~ith;Pirits, &c.
or flags by, and fi:roketh the Lion as he would make his hair {mooth.
Now the Lion is become fair, fat, and beautiful.
He faith ...... Tarry YOH here, till I bringyolt word again; for 111IIIJl
follow the Lion into the W;lderneJJe.
E. K. ' Now all they are gone, except the two our St.hool-maJlerl)
Gllhriel alldNal'Vage.
Gab•• f •••• Uil it th, Jug,,,,t.' of God this day. H"Pf} it hr th"t h4th jllJgtmt.t r.
"_"ftll",l it.
b.. Thou .O Lord knoweft the meafure of our judganent: Give therefore light, under'-
Jlanding, and the gnce to ufe thy gifts duely.
Gab.• ,.",. Lift'. 11"" "'} ",orJs, f.r th,} .. " " C.",,,,!,,J_,,t fr."" IIbov,. B,ho/J C{.. it9/11 )
11",.", tlt[cm,l,,l t. vi"" th, EII,t", "he,t I "illl.""l/ for {t'II,,, ,l1I}O, ""J t'll'ict {tv,,, tIllY';;
71"r,f", Itt thtlll bt ,l.. of Ttft to YOII. But nltry {'JI,,,th 1.11" '",ill vifir J'II, ..S NO7/! I .I,.
E. K. He fpeaketl~ as ifhe fpake out of a Trunck.
I undeclliRdthat this rell is, that eYery. Mo"JII}, for three Mo"JIIJts elfe next after
ether, we /hall await for dUr leff"ons, u now we receive, 1I",l rilill 'll't ",.., .11 Iht rljf folt, •• /If'
4"irlO{ ftMJ.J or .011".11. ", ..Wrs. .
Gal....... It it {" for one day /hall b~ as a week: But thof, d ..yts you 7IIIIp chft ..i" fro. ,,/1
thillt.s Ihllt [illt upON the E.. rth.
6.. Yau mean on cheee three Mo.JIt}ts, mfueinJ: next.
Gab. ...... TOlljh .. 11 (ovtr thit 'Iltb!, .ilb ",,"" liN". &/otl••
E. K. Pointing to the Table we fat at.
A.. MollwiUingly.
G.b....... Mortoll" ,,""" C""Jltjlic1".t> "ilh" 7'''1" 'lIr.i1fg.
A.. Obediently C0 Lord) it /h.all be done.
Gab. - .... A"d, tht C..",J!t.fticv jh,,/J bt ftl 'If the ",idj1 'f llot TitbIt btt"ixt .10" t.,.
Nff~ ...... Tbatadaymay becomeaweek,and a week as many yean.
G.b •• _ ... For 1 .1I'Ve /'It o'''''.J *ft"
,,,rllltlft, ..7UJ h"v, prepared to alter,,," it it fhDrtlJ :
.u .tylt.
E. K. Now he hath plucked the Curtain~ as if he had puIled it round
about the Stone; and it feemeth full of little fparkes like Stars. .
Gloria patri &- jilio &- fpiritui ranCio ; jicut erat in principio,
&- nunc, &- !e1tlpt:r,CJ. in fecula [een/orum.
Vide Jibl'O .... •••• r pro forquentibus.

Atrue'1(tlation Df Dr. Dee his AClionr -.ith {pititJ; &c. llf



'O~O~O~O~OQ"~"~"~=~~~0Poi'Fter ' prayers, ~ppeared Gllb,r'tl and. NalVlIgt, "ith the Table, and
[: ~ 0 G.britl with his 'Dart ill hi~ hand. MQreoveT che're appeared the
like fll~itu,r'e of Table with a ~lVte CI<!th, a. CanJlcnick, and Ta-
per on I~, With a De~k and CU/hIO/tS ( whIch I had callr~d to' be mlldt'
"ich red crolfes ~n tbem:) .Ifo, E. J(. himldf and l appeared in
the fame Stone. In effeat all thing; as we hid bc:fore liS " after half
II quatter of an hour, that lhi:w of our furniture, and our Cdycs.
~~~~~~ E.K. Gabriel fiandeth up,and fpeaketh as followeth;
....... .A ",ighr' Cit} WM built on tbt top of" """"tlli", ;11 tbt "hirf} a'llltlt ",""}' tb,. I'fIt1las.
ltollHa abo lit tht, Hill, rllll II frtfo ]I. ifftr, 'IIIbleh ..M tht ~IIe1} comfort .of tht To""n, for, of it tht~
Jrllnlt,., Ihtir "ivtS\ ,hnr cltilart", thtir ,.If,,·[,tvllnrs, thrir mtia-[tT7Ilfllts, tbtiT c/l>lItls~ hor[",
",lIleS, ttl/a IIll rht btll(ls ~f rl"ir /itlas. Tilt b'gin"illg of fIIhi eh Kivtr WIlS 'If Spr.i;,?, ...h;e" .,..." un·
A:,.l/olI'n to tht Cit},b} 'rufon of tht • : }th fro", Vlr,m:t it -<i,[etnduJ. It elfmt to ,afft; tbltt Il Slr ..
ltnt grOltllttl for lur time"ana lo,fot broHg~t f,rth: ",,,d '. " • 'IIItrl fitch as bfr ftlf: , .".-1fot lifttd
liP ~tr b,ttd Il,;a ltlfnttl .pcll htr t"ice ..r,ithm tllil,: ,nd bthtld tht SUI! jftilfaft.'.J, (for b,r i?tv..7.
.111 UfII,.,J ,hllf Cit}). ,,;,d ", [lIiJ ..Itbin ~tr ftlf, M~ c/'ilJm, Il~Ot~ yom,!, t/'., t,m, "."tll',6111.
tht} bte"mt big·: Ilnl,tht'lll,nt "nt. tb., Sp~'itgf uJ [""lt4 lIIIa [ilIa fIIlth II IIIugb·"t V.,et, 71H
Ettrtb is falltll i"to thtt; rhou Ifr' eholl.."J : but Itrllrk.,m IllIt, 1ft} voict, Thou {hair rteiivt comfort 1
11.t .{ht w,uld IIot. Alld ,{ht lifttd up btr voi" "nd rottrtd ; for fbt filM full of eraft lind ,lteti,;
,Ana for {"iil/"" tb, jhitil,!t"throllgh tb, ..bie" tht .'pri"$ illl/, Cor rtttht', fjtth } T.~u IIrt full of
nlptin'ft, ."ti v,itl pl"eis, Ltt III} ehi{drtll (~.trtfort) hiJt t"tmft/vts 'll'ithill thu f, .r " fttt[?n :
.,,11 thty WITt w'fmttd f Alld fot J~trfla 'll'il/.lIgl], ut/.. f"itb fIIithin btr ftlf: N III' 1 1t".'111 I
fblll! btLttl.,'ft., Cit}.
Andllfttr tt ftlll' )tllrS, tH Jo,,;,g Strpmts btc/lmt,grtat f fo ' that tht DIU hlllf of thtir bodin
• .",It .,,;thill'tbt Shi"glts,tht rift trollbltd tltt pttjJ'ttgt,f tin Sprilfg: Sd tbllt rbf Sprillg grOllnt'::
f.r, thtilljur} thlft .Af ao"t 1Ig'lfi1!/f 1m, ,.:U grl"" • •
A grtttt mi[tr}, for tht Hi/UI'btcp"" (l.fol"" "'ithrnd tbt ,.t"tr, II."J thl Cit] and. tht bea(1s
ttTijh f.r fIIi",t of arilllt; 'for tht Pt.plt,gr.o"", Ifnd 4rt f1d of [o·rrow. . ,'
nitCrt] lind Strpmts.'4rt 6(1 •• ./ldll',: ,,114 }I/agollt"t mlljl bt wlla, bttwi;>tt tht Shinglts 'altd tb,
Spri"g. fO,r bttT~ttn liffh ' tht lift "",Utittb of tb~ Cit,: .
76", flfitb th~ Ldra ""to tbu .[ pointing to E. K.] (jird up thy {ttf, "nd fit aOJPII, COllfiaft'
loth pirrts, ""~ i,ivt jitdgtflrtllt: for thy HtD~t6 foAjl tbid JII) Ii( tot judgtm:Jlt of tht Lord.
E. K. Do you m<!;ln me ?
. E. K. As the Lord hath put the Altchority of Tudgement into my
hands, fo I befeech him. [0 giv.e me wifdOm and underfiandiog to judge
righn And bercaufe the judgt'rtlent hereof is cOliunitted to me, I fuf...
petl:fom¢ other tt)yft:ery to lie bidden in this my judgement required:,
But jf it 1baU pleafe Goa
that llly friend ht;re r Mailer Vee ihall grvt! me
bis adviCe,.I lhall think my felf wellfatisfied .
. ....... COlljidrr "ith }G~r [df <!"it/;.t.t LOTti) ""d~illt j_agn"tlfr ,,,gllili/hbt Shitign; for
th, f".{t ;, pl"i". . Cortjid.,,·hio ~;If'J,t• . II'ttfPtJ IIf Ib< Spring, th", if ",ujf "",t ,bill ""}" :
lI"eI f,,,l/dly, thtbrttltb ,f tbt CiJ,J. .
E. K.,. My judgement is thctt th~ Shingles anq Serpent Jbould be re~
moved'away by an Earthquake from the 'place which they encumber
~nd let.. that there may be a fit new place, and courfe for that 'Spring)
to the relief of that; City aspe~ore , it was.
.. .... Bt
116 .d t'f4t'l{elat;o1l 0fTY. Dee hit Af/ions .",;t/1 fpiritJ, &c•
...... Bt it {o '" .hou I",fl r"ill, f~r' it. it " j"jl jlldgt"mtf.
NflIP h",;'''-tlf, "kll' tht Lora ["ilh: Tht ptoplt "lfd Cil] of Iht Hill"it .bt ';' l tlJ, 'IIIhu~ lin
fro. 'i"'t" li",t b) lhe mtrC'/ .". [t"""f. of Gods 'IIIi{a ;111, rtlitwa •• qutlf,htd: IIrcordiilg to .ht
txlr,mtlJ 'lI"d IItCtfJil, ~f .h(ir .hirjHIlf.: But the pto!lt ud Cif) "rt ' {lich IS IIrt of Iht 1t;"ph
_lid Ch.rchofGod, whiehaYiIl/t.f hit mtrc) I••btir c.",fort. Tht Cllmtls II;,J ot/urhtllfts.llrt·
tbe ptopl~ of fbt Ellrl', "hieh Jtligb' i.ji1t, 111td;1f thtir 'v. i"'"g;lIlt;olf, vbich "'pllre rtlin,-d
",i,h .hoJt tl."t IIrt of tht Cit): b,.t tbt alvtrfttits .f .htir boam, doth CIlII[t th, aivtrjit] Dr
'IftIS of tbtir comf.rl. 1ht Hillwhtrt;1f tht $prillg it, jiglfifitth his Prophets, and fuch "'SAre
dnmkm in the Lord: <{br, ugh whom, '1fTI111rl.!y tht ","cits IIIfI. wi/I of GOI.·II"1. of tht Hir.iHjt
"rt .pt;' from tim' to timt; IIccorJj.g t. tht fecret will and determination ()f III "re withi..
t.he Cit] of his Eltl1. But tht f,.lIiltits lI.d lIf{dJ"IfS .f tINir jftjh IIlfd 01lt1fllrl. ",1I1f, .rt cheir
f ••d i",.gilfittiolls lIila lqo[t Shillglt,,,htr,ilf tht Strput, tht ola Dtvil, h.thh"rb'/(f\tJhtr·r.IHI-
J,t1I the {piritr of J",It..>tt.D't JtCtit, whicb 1I["",n rtJil1 tht Will of God, IIIfI. IIr, pu, [,ttwue
d7t ","cits-of God ".1. hil' proplt,. MoCes; Daniel, Efdras, "II tht rtJI of tht Prophtt, : Chi-iji
hit·',,,",t, Paul tht c.M'tJ{tlfgtr of God, tht} JiJ IIll hllrt tht C.If".tg•• iolf of ,ht Fit;thf.l i. tN;r
jftfb, Ulltil tbq gltW {tllt'lfet IIg.i"}f't't,,,[tlvtl (III tho. hli! JUt) with .,.,,),J"'mt of lif~·:
for who it " ...tli] t./t"o" tbt r~crtts of o'/r God,,,"t ht thllt dtl,&bttthilfrigllttou{"rJ!f. ,; ,btJi~.r,
flll( of fllith, lIr1d tht {,ir;t of N"dtrft"N4j.g I Il, it .hertf.r, .lftO thtt III ,hoI' h..lf {.ziJ. Lrt rllt
~hi.{,ln ",,1. Strpt.ts lit [t,.rrtlttri, thllt.1it Fo •• t"ilf MII.1 fm~ III btfor,. ..tIL tbt t,,,jb .bllt tilt.
h"Jt of th, .,ic/vd, bll1'lf it.
E. K. I do not know, they are wicked .
...... Theil' doings with thee, are the hindrance of the Will of God, and therefore they
are wicked. .
...... Thou o~ll givtll judgt"'tllt "gllilfjf tbJ r~lf: T -k.t hetJ thou Offtlltl. .ot tl1.1.''''. f',,/,
t.. Smd dqwl.1.thy Spirit 0 L'Ord, and illuminate E. /C. his heart lVid~ perceiving d his
wrong opinion, err.
E. K. IfMofeJ' and Daniel were skilful in the Arts of the EgYFtian
Magicians, and were not th~rcby hindr~d for b~ing the fervants of?oo"
Why may not I deal with thefe, without hmdranc~ to the Will of
...... v"r1vt'1f<,.)tilJuJ 111ft. light: t~ Grlllttr rxcltttl,J th, [,1ft,. 71" ", ;r, " "'"If .\.IfOJlltti
..ic'\'tall'1f', the ",or, he /h,,11 h"tl. it, btilfg ulltti b"el(,. The "'or~ th,.! t,..t'/II th, j1I1l1J.w,{. """'~
_"II INJ .tligbttl. i" Ih,' boa) : F.r. tb,, .f rh~ Egyptians, {j,,,,, IIlfd IIrt 11ft f•. ' Tbr
doillgs.f the urJ .'" alld 'coll'ilfllt; for III tht P"illt,;- i""t.Iltttit tht {,tfi"rts'f "'•• i. hit f"-
nJr,}, f. the Droil ,I" {"~II . .CtI .11.1 toi1tgs &r,II'tJ "lfd m"J, b) G,d.
Stll,!la", "" /001(, ;lItothn,h.11. W:"lJ, i"c. INr Jotlth. ""a ",iJdlt "gt, for til,} "", PIli.
Whert "rt tilt m.1tumtlfts thllt .<;lItllll hathb"ildttll
E. K. Hath Satan builded any monuments?
...... TIs:. H.thht 1I0t b!,iltltJ hi", _ rort 1If'O!f tht wholt Ellrth I H",h ht IIOS thl. 'IIilJ'or.J
rutr tilt S";lIls I Dwelltth Ix not ill tht 1tmll, .I tht Hightji I
CititUf tht "'holt.WorlJ I .
Tri"",phtth h, IfiIt U.

,Trs ••_••, B.r."ith'u.t ro",fort, IIrt h,i, fliOor;,s: "itho.t pltllr,.rt hit tI"tllilfg pltfets. Fo,!or
'\'1I.'/IIt,h h,;, timt it ,,~ h1l1l4. H t tOil' ltV'" ,ivtth f,/tao"" jhllll btet"'t bou"d; .A"d "lito 'III~0.
the wbolt Wo,ld it III "Ga,J,I/,jhllll ,htT, b, If' Ol/t foot ltft. thn-tfort art .ll hit Fltlf{lII'ts fill-
ilit): "lIh;, Tr;"",phs{",oaft, "lid h;, Authorit], I"thilfg illdwl, b"t II tIItt, jhlla,w: For t"",
th6t M fHt,CtilllfOl Ix; ..INrt, II it [aid of tOt Lora; it /hlllllfot H. Neithercan tl11th, Iig~
or ,wifdom, afccnd frolll tbe Earch, but defcmd from the Hravens.
C.",p." .~e Earth, ( ilfCo tht which the Dltlil it ihrJi/f III ilft. ,h,;, J"tllilfg) ",ilh tbe Htll'P'''f•
.."hich "" .pro'lliitd fo, tlx •• !y. ConjiJtr tht pa;" ,f th, Ollt, IIIfJ th, pltll[lII't of tht'othtt! 2lt
{e"t of Goas 1"jlice, alfa FOMlltllill of h,;, Mrrr}: tht GIIVt of D"rlt..If'/'t, ,,"a .ht Vill.t • • f
Light. A"! tINIf rr], "0, ",0, W', IIlItO [llch lit err" IIIfJ whoft livts lire bllf jblla6."s: Fn: ,ht~
feliClt} it {Ilch, III fTt", "helfCt jt ' . " " ; tht;, rt1fI.rJ.;, ,,11 Olft, ",ith ,h, {PUif IIIfJ prill&t if
Compltrt fOlfd /tllfllPltagt, with trut "i[ao"" Thy fpirits ofl]ing ,!ith us, that 'Ue the voice
of cruth: Tht vII"it) Ihal thtJ lead thee.ilfto, lI"d tht rtllllra of 0111' mtlJ'lIge: ;Alld ril, "i.,,~
Hi. Ij(c thy {elf, peccavi. . Will ,h.u b, p"['IIIAa,d b.1 txptr.i tsict' COlfjiatr thy rmpri{'';'''tlm, thy .4 -
•• Ded. j/;{Jio. Illldjhltmt if b.a). COlffidtr th~ 10Vt of" f,,,,, 11,,4 t"V} of '" mllltitllJt. Wti"" "if•
tbJ{tlftht tl/,,,il] ofth)lift; 7b.1,.jhfoot-Jltps, .Allth"th"pp"tJ IIIfto thu, b),Ot {D~;ttY, "If"
( III tho. thi"iv.Jt ) ""'jor' ; b.t i1tJ,,1. 'ht ftillgi1tg pririv.f th) tllt",its
. •..... Si1tct, we came into Ihft, ([tlli ft,,,, t6't urJ, ""aclIllillg tht" to GoJ )'tbtllh.jl &,..
JelivtreJ fro•• ht'" J from" plil', filII of for"icllti,,,, ""J. tht· "IIIr.lllh . of God: tx"lt,d fi> tN
~kirt5 «worldly houour'; ""a h"jt btlll {"Ij,fitl. for tht.'ltctpitits ,t IbM WorM. Rol.J M thlt
M01tt} .1J.t iI tDlUII righttoSlfl); bllt ""'"{ta IIrt .ht f'llilt ,h.t "r~ ri"ptd 'ltith 'ltroir,.
A eru~ Relation of Dr, Dee his A8ians T!1ith fPirits, &c. "7
~1l'Whi ..h t!,i"gI th~u b41f. b] III in blt§t~"tJft, ,mel i" tbe k..n,"'l,el~! of the will of God, I~ve aU
men. Bt{idn our ,onlill'lIli l'uftnctw/lh thu, to the co",fort of th] SOIiI. EVtII tht{t thlllgS Ilr,
of UI, lI"d of our Gill. Whieh!.,,"lrt unto Ab~lIhtlPl', tlIIad"'tlltrhill tht Tt",ple ofrithttou{1It§t.
Now tlvrtfort It I txptritllCt bt It ]Hagt btlw,xt /II Illld tbt",.
E;t, thiI {l1)tlh Iht Lord. I Jtltl 'With JOII III Il Chila.: Bllt tbt IItJftls tilll I ",lIji IIf, , muji ht Pllruclrcl..
turt /Inti cltlln.
fl. Cleallre thou liS, (0 Lord) Cor mrmall", Crtlt i1l rrobis,Crt ••
Gab..... . nty rblll art incredulous btlitVt rr,t Iht,Lord, bill "rill. tlfPlIJ his /pirit : Bllt
• J,rllill is , it b"ol11tlh /If a
Tht Lora iI _porr tht tIIrlh : 'I ilk.! "ltd tholl ffPu! til] Inntuli.
houft clt lln, f or unl' him tbat iI na/tta, ]h." Ibtr. h' C/o.tbls gilltll: Bill ht that is COlltr.;' .1·
rtlldy , .rhllil bt mlldt bart. .
COllfidtr 'Wilh IIr] fdf: for tbt L.rd {ptll!vlb 1I,t on~t ",or" till tJOU hajl fll!'fi/lta tb} 0fP1I
E. K. I will be contented to bury them in the field, and not to ufe Hi. o"n
them, <'r come at them: and that I will [wear upon the Bible to per. !:t,rw6~~'
form: and if they be earthly, I will commit them to the earth: and fo lcd.
feparate thore ihingles from the place near the [pring: and in this man.
nec fulfill my oWn judgement: For, I will nat be obftinate ,but commit
all things to the end.
BteAnft 'lholl IIrl CDIIltIIl to burJ thtm; and 'Wilbllll, upon fllith in Iht !ro",i[n of Go/., to ab.
jure t htl11 in /imp[j~ifJ of /'tart, ~rrd tXI~rnlZl 11ft •••. fi,!,PIy, lit " Irll. mtaning btfOf't Ibt fac. If
ttt higbt/f : lhe Lora .llee,p't tb." Ana., {lJallbt fl!J!iCItIlI• .
FIIT ,htr , th." bA it 27. C' It/ir1lfllli,nI .f (in, and con rent With t~e Devil, fPbi,h YOIIT ;lIt",tioll
,"!ltth Characters, fPbtr,b) Ibo[~ [tvtll and tWIItIJ, (!ik..,t unto tbt;r ,"olh,r) Art btcomt f.",i. Charaaero.
"Ar a~d p/t,rJllnt witb tbu, they mull. bt brollght btfort tbt Lora: lind oJf,rta into bit bllllds.
For fo lon g a, they are, the wicked alwayes vex thee: For the Obligation burnt, the condi.
lion is void. lhtft muif b, buritd 'Wilh tht rtJ!.
[E. K. Which rel!:?]
...... But mu(t bt brought, and burnt here before the pre fence of God: That,lbt eAu{t aimi.
rrijlJtJ,I!1t tJftll m.1'y ptriJh.
''E. K. I will be contented to bury them likewife, befeeching the
Almighty to accept of my intent herein) as of the cdt before fpeci.
fied .
....• . H. H ' .' lIttltlta ; bllt l, t ont bt burnt . TOil "'11,] fllfor .nt to tc1Hlic the difcredit of th'
relf. It "bllt accoraing to Ibt grollndI of thy own Magick.
E. K. I do not underftand your meaninKherein.
Gab . .•... R,,,ailH pllrlH, may be fiellt 101;/11 (orporH.
E. K. I underfiand not that, alfo.
Gab. ' " •.• tMagick, lPork..ttb tJftll ill tbmgs IIh [till J tbtlt it doth in their parts, btillg
Tbt fPick..,ta "'-ill Iht body IIbftnl, bUI Ih' gar",,,;t !rtf'ltt : {o IIrt 1I11 of .nt conftatr.,it, air· 6.1 doubc
f,Tllud by tbt '.lIf"ji." of Ollt. Thou Ilrt contmlta to bury them all,lIpon Iht cO"fiatrrot J ll1ld thltl mlf.
flirt bopt of Ibt prom;ftI of tht God of ligbt, lind to bring Ollt /If II ",,/irmatioll of IhJ pr,mi{, tl I.- hhard.rolll"
,ffi/it thy obedience as concerning the whole: 'Whicb Ollt burnt and abjured, ma] bt • "ftimon) ~.:,tj,llrDt
to Iht A lIgtlI, Ihat Iho/l art obedient fo .. God his fake, and for his teftimony ~nd truth. Bill and abj~r~cl ,
16¥ ]oll ,fhall burn 'Witb Bri""I.llt ondy. Who{t IlJhtI folll! bt /ttpt /If a tt{limoll! ,till the Fell be obcdiClKc.
1I1ro confumed. 'Ibis Y07lfoal! do the next Monday at the riling of the SlIn. That the
number of the time may be of one bignelfe. For, btf.rt Augllft ]hill! thofe Keyes be delivered
unto you: which give entrance, yel, even into the privy Chambers of wifdom, whereof you
~all have 14. the next Monday. Anti this all]ts alIioll is 1Iot tbt I..ji amollgft rbtm. Glor} b. t ••.• cacc.
GolI, ."J obedience IInlo 1111111.
E. K. The Curtain is drawn.
A. We are delirous to know whether thus,thjl dayes aaion !hall be finilhed: and whetllcr
we /hall fan Ifill as wu prefcribed.
Gab . . . '" Vttrall '101 fro", Ibt dilY. tbllt, 'Which is ,"",/I"dtd.
A. We are very defirous to undc:dland of th. prefent ehte of the Lord Albtrt LMJr..i. : for
as much as we were willed to go lVith him, and be linked to us in rome par f our actions:
To underfbnd of hi s Hate, would be to ourl;reat comfO£t. t 0
Gab...... Ie nudt tb n't.Jor tht 'W,rld btr tlf;s '" ba"a.
to. Verily, I ull.i : rliani not talC fp:lCb.:Is e coming back again? What, We arc commande&
Q... we
118 U t"~/atiDn of D. Dee his Aflionr »i.b jpiriu, &c.
wekno" : JlIII. fottlltT thffl C,,,,,,,",,a,,,~"t;s ~rrollr. He is in his band that knoweth
0.,. ho"
lbuTe him.
E. K. I fee a man c1iming over a Hedge, and as he clammerct h
i> the flakes break, and he falleth down. Now he is going up be-
tween two Trees into a Mcdow-ward. Now he hath both the boughs
,i n his hand, ftanding fiill on the ground. Now he goedi lower, there
b a , gap, and thtough that he is gone into the M€dow ..... fo i t if of
LtIS"Je ..... raid a voyce.
A. Tms is dark : it !'lIay plrafr YOI1 to giH fOll)e light •
....... nit i4 ",or, thm rHOU,," for tht "'"tt~r.
CUrt t. tI1lt tht[t thi"gs tltrt. :whtrt If i4 [1Iit!, 110 i"'pIlI't thillg fh ?uU tIIttr.
6. Gloria, \lIt1s&.h<1nor Dro Nollro Omriipotenti;Patri,filiG & fpiritl1i Sanao, nunc
& femp.r. A"" ••
A. Note, at this prefellt .as one COOle, and in the houfe (of whom we tUlderftood not tilt
fie was gone:) whom the Lord A. Lar/li' had fent to cerrifie us, that lirfl he was in fome
tumbcr and hindrance. Secondly, how f"bi. (his brother in Law) and anothrr had given
hIm connfel, very raChly to proceed : BlIr leaving that. Thirdly, by the g.p alld open way
with efiate of the Commons~ or Citizens, by their great Zeal, and favour that he obtained
hi~ pur(de. This (in cifcEl:) we underftood at the Me/fager hi. return after noon. Whicll
marvellous exaaly did anfwer to the fornler thew.
Remember that on Safurd,,] after noon, the Chancclour to Cr" c01lt ,with 60 Coaches
in bis Company tn.d train: he: bringing ill a c!bfe C,:,ach (covered w,ith red) the lord ~.­
iIIfI~1 S.Borosk,it PnfOller, whom he took on FrIday OIght bdorc,. at hiS fillers houfe, beUlg
ftparatedfcom hia Souldiel's and fervants, eN.

Saturd3Y, 14 Maii, M"",hor. 6 Ftrt. t Cracoviz.

Orlftio.ura Do",i"icllfll fuJi",., Sec. Mit" [uClm tllam & vtrillllt"" 0 Dt.,Sec.
6. E. K. Said, he had done( that with thc..c:ralh fpecified, as he thought would be IKCcpta-
b1c to the Lord: And as conceming one of the 27 . CharaEl:ers he had' left'tt with me, ever
6m:l: the bit aalOD, to be burnt at this dares a8:ion, and it larreacly by mc.
E. K. Our infiru80urs appeared at the very firft looking ofE. K. in-
to the thew-ftont'. .
A. Will YoOu that IChall now execute this burning of the CharaB:cr here .. a [acrilice (to
the highcfi) of our humility and obedienCe?
Gab ••••.• Not /If II ( •• rift.-., bl,t ar II vilJor).
A. Shall Ithr'n do it, Il'eay you? As with the confent of my yoke-fellow, and foall one
to be taken lIS his aEl:ion •
••.•.• fIt I~lIr dorh rij!.httD' fly 'ff',r,fb up" [lIcri!iet.
Nat ••.•. It il Irllt, Ibtt hahlll if obedient, IIlId tloth "rlf, ;, IIecepttd 11';11, tht LorJ.
E. K. J did take facrifice to be onely with bloud.
Oab ...... 7his;1 • ["crijirt, b,r••f~ ;t is ao", rightmipJ.
E. K. You faid, Not, as a facrifice, but as a victory.
Gab. '" •• 1h tbllt Olltrco""th his t"~"'J rtjO]etl" ",, f,r fritlltl/biP ["IV, but for vil1or} . T'r
frif1ldjhiP 'o'/llllrd God ;1 obcdiem:e. HI Ihllt obtJtfh G04, ;1 II fritllJ I/"to h;',,[rlf. God
,utatl""0' ,bt /Oflt, or frit.d.foip of "'lilt. 'thtrtfort JO. trjoJct '/IIitb G.d, '/IIbo O1Itr,hu" tit,.,;
."d rhtrtl, c01flf.r"d. ' ' '1
For bt a"ellt,h;w,'" Ltrd ;s co1flfortt••
n.u 01t,,~(f thy ",,"th, ""a [/lytlf b~fort ,Iu Lora. 76, [,ir;, of G.J Je[ctdetl.
6. H~ no· A. G!oria Pacri, &e.
t«h ~,r fc~ A"d ht hlllh elllrea i"lo juagt",t"t "it" "'t, .lIa1 II", CfItJt",,,,J. Bllt '/IIhtrt JII~iCt J"tllt'''.
=~t::: ."ell,th II/fo "ltre]. E'or, "'} Uo/"tr] is forg.I'td,f.rt the Lord.
£. K. Have you committed Idolatry?
F~ 1(. •• I coo- , E. K.
joaure.i2 ,.. He fpakcth in your behalf Maller ICt/l}.
, ..... l.i// ,"'rtfort opttt . , ",.mh,[/lli"g, I hll'lJt "."a_ I'lllUI op,,, raJ ",olltb "I[.,,,,,J c.lI-
f~Jfe""} fi"s : ./btl, I will ~ unto the Lord agaroll the wicked. And I will fay 1,Into the
Bthold, 0 JOII .A"'t/~. b/tifthnll], IIlId
Lord. Lo, htr, IIrt Iht lp,ils of t"t blol/lil blit[P':t1I'J.
tilt ~,b'Jt. btb~/d, Il;t ffick..,dU§tOj A(cmdam.
JtTue 'i(ei4tiotJofDr. De-e his AHians fl1;th [pir;!J, &c. 119
Bfllr w;rnur with Mt; for .I !'SVt fulfillttl his Co",,,u,,h,,wtr. Brar witmJJ, wit:' ml., tbat I. ::;"'"ir
rttur" nor, and Uj 7.JCC; for y<eb art tht fro.Jlf'J of thr wick.ttl. .. •.•.. & fi-
Gab. Art thou eonul1ttd to cMfmt h"runto? :::~::
E. K. What I have d:me with the reft, God, and they (if they be of :::::~[d
God) know: upon the fOl'e[aid conditions I am comemcd to have this . ... it ,
CharaCter to be burnt. Let it be burnt. . ... It •

A. ) burnt it immtdiately, with tht HaOle of bl imtl:one, and brought the burnt black coal
or cindtr thereof [0 the Table, 3nd laid it on a paper.
Now 0 Lord,d .. rk.wrffr ;s eonfoundtJ, Itt tby lightjhi"r i .. us, ."d th)' trurh prevail...
Gab. II is wrll. b. BleITed be the name of the highen: whore mercie£ are irtfinitc;
Ob, afwett and comforcable fcntence.
E· K. Now Nalva.~e turneth round, as he was wont.
Gab. Move not,for the placr is holy.
E. K. Now Nalvage putteth down his rod to the Table,he maketh a
crolfe upon the Table reverently.
Nal. All thing~ go forwards, Let IH g, F 0 .R. WAR D aIfo. A. In the mme of Jefus. Hor. T.
Gal;!. Move "~t,for the plaa H bol,.
E. K. Nalvagi prayeth.
Nlil. Not B.A C K W .A R D, IS YOll wtre wont to do, but F 0 .R. W .A RD.
E. K. Now he maketh three reverent Curfies,.as he was wont to. do,
before the Table •.

E. K. Now he is on the top of the TaBle.

Z I MI I Zl ",ii.
DU IV Dulv.
00 ~
E.K. He maketh curfy. "~

NOAS N,lls. •.. .ionc

.... iled.
TAQ.!.NIS Til quIZ nis.
ADROCH 4S ot("
Ad roeb.
J)ORPHAL Dorphlil.
00 Otl.
FAONTS 1o'.ontl.

PI RIP S·OL Pir ipM.

TABLIOR. Ta b!ior.
CASARM Carll'",.
AMIPZI .A ",ip r.i
N AZAB. TH Nil "rt/;.
AF .Af.
00 OJ.

2 E. K.
12.Cl A true'1(elationo/ Dr. Dee his Af}ionsflithjjiriIS,&c.
E. K. Now he makcth curfy round about to all p:tr~ oftbe TabkJ
he kneeleth down.
Z 1 zop Zir.,p.
ZoJ lUll.

E. K. He iheweth it not in the Table yet.

Na!. NOl' I fu tht."lrd of fille Vttlrs ,o{,tthtr,fo/l'1I1Utt lerrer b} l~tfer.

Z liJ••

C AOSGI C./n ci.

TOLTORGI 'l,/t~gi.

He maketh now Curfy.

00 OJ

E. K. He feemeth to read as Hehrew is read.

Z IZ0 P Zi roo,.
Z CH IS ZoJ 'his
Nal. It;s better thll" tht other ,[ "'tl" tha, ZoJ-ch;s btillg .f Olft jiglliftc.ti,,, 1I1il1Ziut...,
Z,J-chis ;, btUer'o ,,[d. J

E SI ASCH E ./i.,'.
L L.
00 OJ.
IAOO I l,tI.

E. K. Now he maketh curfy again.


Now he rna
OS. Ji.
PEOAL p, ~ .1.

CORMFA C#''''f··
CHI ST A Kift·.
Chis ,..
LA L.;

00 OJ.

CA Ca.
NilS Ni is.
OD Od.
OARBS Obf) Darbs-,"t SJllabt.
Q.AAS ~as.


K. E. Curfy.
E. K. He hath drawn the Curtain.
It is Hot t. bt {w/ .,..h.t ht doth.
A ..........of .. minutes of time the Curtain was drawn.

E. K. He is now otherwi[e apparelled, all the ourfide of his Gown is

white Furre, on his head is an attire of furre, wreathed or wrapped as
the Turks u[e; his head is now like a mans head, with iliort hair.
00 O~
Cor. J.
BLI OR A Bli 0 rlt
I AlA L [It iat.

EONAS Ell 1Ias.

CI C LES Ci du.

BAGLE 1>6 t/f.

........... it i/l III if" tIt ;,,,J-as iaJf •

•• 4 ••••••- . Gt jlld •

That is one Call.

.......... b ........ M.vt ".t,f.r tbt pl/;s b.Il].
•.... b.
50lU ts a; /I
Sal II.

--HI S Chis.
EM E",.

E. K. Curry, and he kilfeth the Table.

PILZIN pit,1m/.

E. K The Curtain is now plucked again, for three mi:lUtes (\t four.
Now the Curtain is opened again. Now is he changed. Now he is His apparel.
12.2. A trlle'1{e/ationof Dr. Dee his AfJionsfl1ithjjir;ts,&c.
all in black farcenet, very plenrifull of fiuffe, girded to him, and with
the coller high to the rnidfi: of his face.
EL. ~l

HARG .rg''''''''
MIR Mir.
PIZI N lir.i".
llABALON B.bll,,,.

E. K. ''''hy did you give us them?

Nal. "." .•,If it ft."J·
DL nOAR Dlttf,4r.

MALPURO lrId ,,"t..

OD .1.

ACAM ~rlt1l


SOBOLtA!\. I.J,lan

TBLIARD 7lli nl.

CAOSGI 1(..'/gi.
ell 01 t.i.
OJ ,'If.
ANlT AB .A Iff t.b.
00 .4.
MIAM Mi•••
TAVIV Til'll; ••

ODD 061-

DA RSh R I>nf·r

SOLPETH S.lpt''''
BR.ITA Brit••
Al;Tue~elatim of D. Deehi.r Af/iQns Jj)jlb (piri'}, &c. 113
The Curtain drawn again. Now it is opened.
He is altered in appa-rel; one half under the girdle is red ,and above
the girdle white.
00 OJ,

Z A C .• AM

GMICALZO G-Ifi c' lzo.

SOBHAATH SDb b, atb.


LUI A H E Lu ill bt.


Cur fie.

A, Blelfed.

~ R AA S



OECR 1M I o icri mi.

AA 0 .A AD.
IALPIRGAH I .A L pir glib.

E. K. The Curtain drawn agaift) and fo remaind about 6 minutes.

E. K. Being weary offitring, I would gladly have leave to walk a
Jittle. His Apparel aU one as it was.
Nal. ... ... You ",aJ ; but to fit, iI mbr( obedient:
A. E. K. walked awhile,

E K. Now, when it pleafe you.

G.b ...... 1 (ttl llfi4(,gtlriH{ ",iIfJ,.
A. Thac God which created you and us, make U5 to have conn.nt mindes in .11 nrntoUi
Gab. . ..... I ['/Pur: MDtlf IUt ; fDr tbt plllct il hDI].

Ql.ll I N ~i;'"
[NAY Ella);

BUTMON Jilt ",.11;

00 Ol,
114 ~ trut~tlatio" of Dr. Dee hit AE1iont ';th {pir;tt, &c.
NI Ni.

E. K. He prayeth.

CASARMG c. fir"". The, 111., ""-C.

VGEAR I'Li .,.
CHIRLAN did....

00 OJ.




VAULZIRN Ylul £ire.



The Curtain is drawn again : and after 6 minutes open.

Now he is all in a blew Jong vefiure, with a long train; and hath a
little Coronet of Silvcr on his head.
ODMIAM OJ ",i ."', or OJ NId",.

OO£S Ok.

v M:D EA 1'",.1 Jt II.

00 OJ.

OTHIL RIT o rbil,it.
ODMIAM OJ .. i .",.
CN0Q...UOL ell' quol.
RIT Kit.

A true Relation of Dr. Dee b;I Afli,nf Ditb (piries, &c. 12')

OECRIM[ o ccrimi.

OMIGAOLZ o /IIi c.t 01 zQa.
AAIOM A A 10m.


P APN 0 R Papltor.

Curfie-.he makerlJ.
10LUGA M 1d I" gam.


00 OJ.

VUPLIF Vmplif·

VGEGI V Gt gi.

BIGLIA.· Bigli lid.

Nal. ., .... nit it Itt Itll tlld.

6. Sidfed be he that is the beginning and ending of all things.

E. K. The Curtain is pluckt.

Now it is open,) and he is all in green, with a Garland on his he"d.
! BAZMELO Bttz "'~ 10.


PIRIPSON Pi r~p {oil.

OLN O!u.


OX Ox.


Gor V R.AN V rail.

CHIS Chit.

VGE6 Vgtg.

··SABRAMG DfltbrllMg. [g Itot .. dg.]


E. K. The Curtain is drawn, for a while.

R Now
12. 6 A trite 9{elatwn of D'. Dee his Aflions Dieh'!piTies J & c.
Now is in a Robe like a Marble colour [potted, white, gray, and
GOH01AD G. h, ; ~J.

SOLAMIAN S." .,i '''.

Fire came fuddenly out ofthc Stone; thllt made E.IC. llaer.

E. K. Now he kneelcth.
TALOLCIS 7'~ lill cis or jb.
ABAIUONIN A bit i //I "i".
00 ODe

E. K. He lcttcth his foot on a leeter, pointing to it. He throweth

fire on E. K. again.
H. pu".,h Hs AZIAGIAR
fcr r on .11
.hcfe lmers.
R lOR 1<i,r.

IRG1LCHISDA Ir gil ,'Is -J".

BU FD ~ufJ·


ODIPURA N 0.111" ,.".


OISALMAN o ; fill,,/II,.
LONCH.O l.,,, chI, (lr k.!.

VOU IN A v. wi "11.




l1IISO Hi ii',
Atrue.ReLstion- ofD. Dee his AfJions U1ith /Pirit1, &C.t 27
... He cafieth fire on E. K.
MOMAO M~ "'" I.

S lAION Si a i 'If.
OD 01.

MA SZ .\
E. K. He makcth a cUl'Ge, he fayeth Maln.a again.
I ADO I A S MOM A R 11ld 0 i /If I'IJD "'tlr.
POI Lp Poilp;o.~ {y1l4blr.

Nil S Ni H. {mllf[ {ollila of i.


E. K. The Curtain is drawn, white) and reddi1l't , more red then

white: Now it is away, and all open again: Now all his Gown is yel-
low and yellow furrc in it; and on his head, a Hoode of yellow like Vel-
'Vet; &c.
E. K. \Vhy change you your Apparel thus:
E. K. He fpeaketh very fpeedily to Gabriel, but I cannot perceive
C1.AOFI C I A 0 ji.

Ca of go.

00 OD.

BLL •.. S . Bli ors:

00 OD.
COR .... Cor fl.

ABRAMIG A brll mig.

This is the end of that.

E. K. Now he pulleth the Curtain : Now it openeth again. His

Apparel is now changed again of an Aihy and brown colour, in faihion
Gal>...... Who isto brcomplfrra to ollr God l
~ MI C A 0 L I ~ti ca 0 Ii.
BRA N S G Brtlll[g.
P .• GEL Pllr gti.
NAP T A Nilp tif.

lALPOR llfl
1 Ai por.
DSBRIN Ds Drilt.
•.• F AFE E fll fll f ••
otia A. VONPHO v,,. th••
dllU F
F o LANI Or. II.,.
()oD OJ.
OBZA Ob-4l1.
Sob ell,

VPAAH , I" d.
CH (s a ..
TATAN 1"11 'lilt.

00 OJ

T"RANAN Trll ."••

B AL Y E s " ~,.
E. K . Now he turneth round about. He maketh a curGe. So doth
ALAR. A Illr.
CHISHOLQ... CIr;, r"i ,.

C NOQVOD' eM qu Ji.
,0 CJAL Si i.
Ci Ill.

V N AL p W.
ALDON .dll...
MOM Mf",.

CAOSGO ell of ".

TA 1'11.
LA. LLOR. LIII 01 lor.
GNAY {;/fIlJ.

E. K. He pluckerh the Curtain,and quicklyopcneth it, .

d r. h.
2D layer .
...... You ",lIft "ft~r E [II i" ir, p.t II P.
ThiS word
is the word

E. K. My
.. .&lnt'!1{J,tiffl of D. Dee bit Afli~ns JRf,b t;irits, &c. '19
E. K. My thinkcth that I hear a rumbling, or clattering of Pewter
in the fione.
E. K. After he had fpoken , he 11iut the Curtain again: Now the
Curtain is opened again.
LIMLAL L im /.r1~

AMMA A",rd.

eH II S cil/it.

S.b (tl~

.ADRID c,.M. JrjJ

ZoJ Cr.;,.

OOANOAN 0 • .1. Ii, .".

CU I. Cbi,.

AVINY .t 11; '*1.

DRILPI Dri[ pi,

CAOSGIN c••f gill.

00 Oil

BUTMONJ !1It l1l4I.;.


ZUMV 1 Zit'" "i.

CNILA ell; [II.

DAZI. Dtt:r:. iI.

ETHAMZ i tb.", 1,otl.

" chil till , .


MIR. Mirr..

OZOL o r..l.
cU. C"".
PIDIA'I 1; Ji " "
130 .d true"1(elatiofl of Dr. Dee his Afl,o"s ';th fiirits~ &c.
-------------- .•----'---~------------
CO L LA ••




SAGLE 'lit (,Ie.


ei;r la.


NIl .• Hi i [I.

00 OJ.

]P 1p.

0 .•. AFE
BAGLE ~It (,Ie.




B LI OR. Bli .r.

E. K. Now the Curtain is drawn.
A voyce. "[I;~ tnJ 'f tiltt.
,.. This is the fifth of this day.

E. K. Now is the Currain open. All his Cloaths are ..... ry ) very
clear,whiti1h, and blewiih.
COR A. x 0 C. r/lx ..

CHI s £11;,.

CORM. e"",!.

~.Atrue ~ ,ltJtion of Dr. Dee hi 1 AfliOnl ",ith fpiritl, &c. 131

•..•U .... AL Lu Cill.

A Z I........ R. A:;I A ~.r.


SOBA S'/Ill.

LILONON 1.i /, n,,,.

CHIS Chit.
P"ir q.

EOPHAN E. pilln.

BttlrU. cbis IInJ. Virg,yu rlilljl put ill Op A 1I.r1.

I\.ACLIR. ItA cltr.

MA ........ Mllltji.
BAGLE Bit [.Ir •

........ SGI ell qf gi.

DS Jt.
IALPOrc rill
Jill foIl.
DOSIG lit Jig.
OD Od.
BAS~}J M Bits gim.

DA II! D61:.1S•
....I AT l\. I ~ Si IIcril.
OD 01.


CINXJR. CPf" ir.
F .... BOAN Fit P' lin.
II N ALC1HS V nl.! (hit.

CONST i<..

DAOX VIt'" 5678•

COCASQ lllilg.
Oe '.1'. QL
OL 01.


VOHIM V oh i",.


c oc ....... g,II.
Co Cltst.
PLOS .•• 110 fl.
M ...... I

PAGEIP Pit ge ;/.

OM 0",.

DROLN ir,l.
L P4 trI,//(.
YOLCt To[Ci.
MATORB Mlturb.

7'bi: "'orJ "'Nfl CO"" ",;d .frtr Om droln.

E. K. Now he pulleth the Curtain.

I.. This 0", Jro[1I is before four wordi. The Curtain is open alYar. it. is in hi. Bwng
NOMIG big.
No mig.

OLORA 0[, rlt.

GNAY GllilJ.

ANGELARD A" gt lilrJ.

OHIO o hi D.
OHIO o hi ,.
OHIO o hi D.
OHIO o h;~.
OHIO Obi ••
-.! erNe RtlaeiM of D . Dl!e his Aili,,,, Dith !pir;,!, &G. 1~3

NO I B N , ib.

o H 10 0 IIi ••

C A 0 .. GO N r:AJj'lglt.

! AGL E B.,l,.

ZIR 0 P Zi r6,.
CHISO Chifo·

DR I L P A "D,iI p"
NltS O Hi;[,.

C RIP Crip.

IP ~
NI D A LI Ni J" Ii •

...... A Toice. fit ",1. _{ ,b" CIIl. •. This i. the finh.

The Curtain is drawn. He appeareth now all in violet Silk like a
Cloke, and on his head a huncld wreathed ofthe fame.
OXIAY AL O;t I A}.1.

H,l rl,.
00 OJ.

• 1 ao M
1'i, ,m•

COllAXO C, rlJt ••

DS P,.
ZILbAll Zilu,.

RAASY x.."b·
00 OJ.

VAIZIR. Y"b zr.i,.

CAMLIAX e"", Ii ";t,

00 ()J.


NllSO Nilr,·
TELOe •. 7',I"fr.


TI 'Ii.


zeHls z.Jdi,.


IGA I" •.
N liS A Ni If•.
BAGLE B.,l,.
ABt\.AMG ;n r."". g, ""., de.
N· NCP H•• c/.
• ~ , OM-tiih. b lilt.a• • The~nd of thiS'.
....... 'IhM ;, fht fwtrtdl..
E. K. Now isrhe Curtain puU'd away: and quickly puII'd again,
Now it is open again. He is apparelIed, of colour between a blew)
and a red mingled; bYit blew feemeth to be the ground. From t~
thouldcr on the arms, is a trunk of [even pendant labels, with laces. On
his head a very broad Hat, between dun and black colour. His apparel
is very long.
NONCI No.c;, fl.
DSONF Df,·f·
BABAGE J.b. ,r.

CHIS a.,
OB Oi,

TI BI BP Taw/.
ALLAR .tll.r,
ATRAAH .I. tr. u.
OD 01..
EF Ef.
-A true 'J\elillion of D. Dee hiI AE!io,u '¥Pith {piritJ; dec. 1 H'

DR. i X Drill.

FAFE N Fllf,,,;

MIAN Milln.

AR Ar.

EN A Y EnA}.

OVOF O'llof.

SOBA So h••

DOOAIN Do 611 in.

AAI All i.

IVoNPH 1'110Ifpb.

SOBA Sohll.

CHIS Ciis.

NANBA N.1Ib ••

ZIXLA Y ZiJC fllj,

DODSIH 1Jo~jib,

ODBRI Nt OJb,inr.


He maketh eadie.

"..... HII b,ro,

T AS T •• . 74' tllJe,

Y L •• TlJi.

.. .... Do" lim •

.... . Eo Iii •

... .. 01 I" •

Ors b.,

DSCHIS Ds chii.

AFFA Aff··
MICMA Mic. lt •

IS R. 0 Is PI.
MAD M.l.
S , OJ:)
OD Otl.

LON S'HITOX L,wjbimr.

DS Js.
JUMD. J "",btl.
[MOD E moJ.
DSOM J[.",.
00 OJ.

Ttl08 71iH.
GEH jth.

........ ILS•
....•........... Di .(1""
............•.. Gofms•
•·.t..•.. o Jo•
... leLE C ICLE.
QAA ~I ••

A. This is the eighth

NAPEAl Nllp.n.
B 1>11,.
OSBRIN Ds brill.
00 A. '".
LIt 1 NG.

VONPH JT.rrph.

",,-Atr«e 'l{tlatiJ,n of Dr. D~e his AfljorjS flJith fpirits, &c· 137

IVONPOVNPH I tI~1I Pg tlllpb.

AL.ON :.It ti, ••

D A Xl L

00 OJ.


E. K. The Curtain is pluck't to.

A TOY ceo Thd it rbt rhirfltllrb.

E. K. Now it is open again.

E. K. He is now as if be had a paU, or Robe of Cold with a ftrange
Cap of Gold on his bead.
... lIs •

.. . ..... . c.Mi ,~ .1 "QJ •

. L .IR T 01 pirt•


B L 1 0 RS B lim.

OS Ds.

000 OJ,.

BUSDIR Bllf Jir.

OIAD 0; lid.

OVOARS o tit ~rs.

CAOSGO C .. ,f g'.

CASARMG Cllr~r 7IIg.

LA •• LII i ..d.

ERAN E '~".
• IN TS Brillts •

CAlAFA M Cllfllfll7ll;

OS Dr.
... I umJ.
AQJ,.O Ijllll.
:.I q /Q •

ADOHI .A tig hi.

13 8 J tr"''R.!lationo! D. Dee his Af1ionJ Dith !pir;ts,&c.


BOLP Bolp.

COMOB··IORT c. rH. hli urt.


Curtain is now pluckt to.

A voice ...... n4t if Illl.
BltJftJ b, Iht Crtlltor of 1111, 'IIIho hlltb ",tre}.,. .l!.
E. K. N(lW he is here, apparelled as he was wont to appear.
',omlre of Nal. ...... 'fblll, tht Lortl Itt!t pro",i{t "'ith J.u: .,.tl 'llliI! ".t fvrgec the lcall partcf
Godcen6rmcd his whole promife with you. Ku!]Ou tlltrtf." pro"'i{t ",ith thl LOllI; for, ht ;, jtlll'lII, . -
.ot t. bt tltjikJ. PrOC"tlIlS 1011 "'''' tU. 1},. IItxt M."a.",ajhl.ll h411t, /If ""II'}.
A. Will it plcafc yOIl to deliver us the Enolilh of thefe 1+ now, as YOIl were WOOl
CelYIM C •
MOM'" nexr to do ?
. Nal ....... 'fb,. E",lijh ",ill h#.1lt. JIl} it ftlf. It,
Nal....... 'IIIt [to.) Third M,,,J.} tocO",ta}OUjhll[[ hI.tI, th,,,,.II. S. th4'~'/l hI.fl.t bllt tllrt,
tl4}1I to Ittb,ur. .
A, You fpeak of the next Mo"JIl!, and the third; and fpeak nothing of the fecond M ...
I.II}: and yoo faid, that the E:llglith wiII have a day by it felf: And you fay lYe have blk
three d~es to labour, C/oe.
Nal.. ,; ... Whllt I lI"tlt {"id, iI {o. Go .1[0, "",/. rtfrtf" TOur {tltllt.
[E. K. The Curtain is drawn.]
A voice....... St., thtrt.
A voice ....... Gitlt Goa thllll1t.J, .,.1. ",."" I.,. till..
E. K. Prayed the 145. and 146. pfalm kneeling re\'erently ; and
I likewife in heart confenting thereto, attentively liR:ning.
Note ..... E. K. is very well perfwaded of thefe ACtions now,
thanked be the HigheR:, who is Almighty.
A. Laudate Dominum de C:rli~ laudate cum in el[celli~: laudate eum omnes Angeli
ejlls. laudate cum omnes virtlltes e jus. Q!!ia ipfc dillit, Ie filaa funt nobis. Non fecit
[aliter onmi nltiani. Soli Deo noftro, laus omnil, Viaoria, T riwnphus,& Jubilatio,

M~day CrI."tli~ M.i;, 21. IS64. Mllllt, borll 5. Alii, 7'trti., LIl1I.rH.
E. K. There appeareth neither Vail, nor any thing elfe in the
A. At length appeared one, but none of them : he is jolly and green, with a long ( like
green Velvet) Robe: his hair long, like yellow Gold: nothing on his head but his hair.
He ftandeth as though he {lood in a cloud, above the ufual pavimellt in the air.
re ...... Lo tht Su"jhi"ttb, .,,1. 7/U1I ftllr "0 r";n, tbt clo~Js .rt Ji[~r{ta, II"J tht} [,,It.lHlf fIr
• ttrllptft: BIIt'lllM,. it r.i"tth ",itlJlil], ,r tht htlftltns fro'lll., tht" ""tp tht.J thtir h'.[tt, {I.JillC
ClII' to .n.thtr, Whllt U1fr",[OIf.rbft 7'tl1lptJf ;s this} .hllt Hllil-ftolfts IIrt tht{t 1 GD,J Lori,
."", ttltr [11'111 {ueh 'IIIi"au} 'lilt". th"t ttltr Jues, ",i"ars} . So }hllll it ht 'f t~ p''III,r of,
A. whieb hoUtlh in hil h""as tbt '//Iin!t <, IInJ {rIlU"tth cloul.ts #.bruJ 'IIIith hil fttt: F.r .f II.
eomIHg,jh,,1l it bt {aid amongft yo", My Spirit hath vexed me, IIlIa I "'" tro"bl,l.: WIIJ S,IIft tb••
~,~ ri::' brought in things, grt"Ur th,", tbJ {tlf l ,r'lllbn-t jhlll! thil ]>0'111" J.tll that o1l"jhllao'l/lttll,.1
per- WllntmgJ9" fI),,/I atjiT', ( liS )011 do ) II"a being tilled you thall think you have too much.
forma"". Fltjh e411 tlttI,r ht Ihr'l/gh.(y ",orlijit;/' but 'IIIith I.,"th. 7'hitllt" Hot, thllt tht LorJ II «ts" S.",
. ' ....a~,h that It"ttp,th hif "MtillN"l ",.,eb throllgh tht bt.1ItllJ; 'IIIhieh h,,,.uft bt;, ..IIJt for • timt, is alCo
d".n;ne, .."h tied to time.
~·6n~. arc Ht th~t jitfttb II1fa iuJgt'th, k.,-et!tth ~o cour{t ; . but a contin~al performanct: .of his looJ-bc-
.fai,hful fore provIdence: Fur he Ibat "[ttb hIm othe!"ffl[e,jhllll h, rtJtllta : bte",,{t h,s [A. ] J.tlli"f.J
.' foy are not ill the 7IIi1l1jiotluf tbtf.. itbf"l. Lift up lOur thtrtfDrt ; for tblll fllitll "" higl1el
.' ce. WI"
.d true 'l{elariolt of Dr. Dee his A8iollI y,ith IfriritJ, &C. 139
JIT.~ nflllir t~ btoltf1t1tS, Dr {prr," J r)eo"'lj~r II glll'l,w,t i Wbo 6ruthrd into ""tt" th.r {pirir .( /I""
Jr,.(fll:ltJ.i1tt 1 111100 u,tytortlll fbi ,""4 _or(d .i!b "lttrt's .~ Who r.Utli lit rbl ,u;n of Pha-
raoh? WhD NXltra thr wielr.!J HIt of tIm.... frllttS' 111f1l ",adt rbrm breo"'t vilfryltrat fo, my ptO~
pu: )'r4 tbtlfi:ff-"~ck..~ gmnoiltilt/1' N"bo thrMf' Jo'W/C tbt 1'o"ers of BahJlo'" ft.""
rb, ~rtltt H~r·
In' WilD a... lt ""''' tho EII,th. illfJ bKn", flt(lI~ to p4.J for JOllr 'fjoick,,.,llfrl(r l · Who til nib/ttl.
t~ ji."r [,.0'" tlw JY,//, ,h;et tb. Sfmp ""gb, "",lilt ~ Evt" Ot it g,t/)ilt gltVt iI/ithrf' thr;r tillirs.
H, it is, tb<Jr is lit IIble to Iftlllt, '.11 u1fJtl"/l-tmdj «th.rt, tbllt (.4(1 i1fto tht _attTl, Itnd (/t;d, Let
ns draw up our filh.: ";hich .lwa1~ dealech with the weakcll: To tilt inttnt ht "'ight provt
/'imrrtf the tfrDIIgri/.
[E. K. He fpeaketh a great deal of Cpeech as to himCd~ which I
perceive not. ]
...... Evt1f ht it it, thatwill make you firo n:: and wife, If ht fond)." TPill) gofr"",m. rtflt ..,~W,
He it it; ,hilt faith Unto JOu, Waver not; Bt /ftdflljl; for 'he flti,lJ[uI Itrt ntv:r lI",t- 'p" ,ft•
• IIrdttl.
[E. K. He putteth his right hand oUt of the Stone, b~ing graCped
together. Now he opencth his hand, and it is written in ; and it is
fo far from me, that I cannot read it : vet he ieemeth to be nearer to
rue, very much more than his hand. The writing feemeth to be Hke
the leaf of. Book. Thus it was wricten.
...... H IIPt It" tJt t.",} "u'tl/b,g •.•. Trol,blt1. S .. ddm [.rroT/! H lit hlfI1J~ tli (Ill the tArlh.
No, hN s)i~;, "t",o.l' .uih. blkie, if he ftrvr "'I', than be King of Pol/ilia. If ht {tr'llt 1t11'" •• L.
dtor, hit htrlHll/httll f"IIOttt; .tforl IIi", ."ifh poi{.". poiCon.
E. K. Now he cIafped his hand together, and flayed the
A. Whom Is LIIs"-;., to ferve ( 0 Lord) 11l1t thee ~ to keep thy Lew., SCa.tI,ufS .nd
Comm*lIdmlenu? not to derend upOn ."y T ~
creattlre. .
...... Tht Killg tI"tl C611"ctfo,. have fold ,br pt,plt ofthit LtlH4, 11114 _rt {'m''; T I/r~. r
u t.
t",." "" home '0 L:i5ko ( t:askie ) {,r; if ,1J.u JOt tho. }hltlt .fft1ltl ",e. G, hJltt ~",prroll'; Not (0 Lu~.
for l."i// "",foTt ,., ."i,.,,;'
(ltVour. Ltt him Iti' rttllt" tht1lU; riJI h' bt •• rnr ~) l11e.
A. You mean, from the Eruperourt COurt?
A. L.
Al J"',....f.·
A. ) befecch you, by what token, /ball he reeeite your wuning ? ,.", tII.iwrtf,
. .. .... lie thOu hi.srlght hand, to his bod?, ~ altd hi. modch to "'t. J will be oierciA11 \lnco t~urD bt
lum, and hold up hI, head. LuVt off, hI! the feventh hour of ,., all!; ',Itt. fo."h J/lt ,,.minl•
A. Mea" YOII the (eWllth bour; 115 froril mIdnight ? 1./\
A. That begiilneth :at noon, if )'ou make btlt 1 J hours in the da.I: or at JJ if you
..eckon commolt hours.
...... Tht {tv,,,,h fro. ,h, H ,,;['0,,: 11.l1li, ,,,Ift tmtctlH.
E. K. He hlmCclf runneth away.
A. All Glory and rrtlfe be td 000, Alii'''.

EIIl,,,, J" IIml, hor" 7 ( i,jr.botlntt J ill mtl'idi,. Hor~ plillf,l'Jtrill.

E. K. After:l quarter of an hour (alniofl:) appe;tred our I/lfiru~
llors, as of .. e time.
A. Gloria ratrl Ie /ilio & Spirltdi Sinllo, fitdt erat ill pri'ltipio 8c nUlle 8t in fempl-
trr1l.f~11I feculoru... :iI""".
G.b... " •• c..MttJt.llllltJrj ""VI t/;t, f~' tbt plilu K 601j. ]it pJttieJ# II little ~})ilr;
E. K. Nalvage prayeth all the while. .
K. Gabrield[et~outofhi!lChairagairi, and warnetft as before
(thrice) that we ihould not move, for the Flace is holy. Nalvage
maketh a croffe toward the 4 quarters of the W Grld, with his rod, as
he was WOIlt.
Nat • ...... Tfatrt I-Tt 30 C~lls l,t to Cllftt. . 'thor, ~o IIrt ,b~ C,.l's of Ni • • hinces "lltl fl I.'dac..
r,i,.itrul Gwtr1fOIll'S, ,,/ft.
"'/.0'" tht Earth is delivered .II "rdrcion. There bring in lind again di
difp •• Kings and all the GOyeml1lCllts upon the Earth~ 111ftl v"r} t't N "tum of tbj"gs.. ,,;itlt a :cq
.A tT~ ~ elatio1l ()f Dr. Dc~ bis AHions "With /pirit s,& c.
-Pr;ncu rio, ."rl.ti",.f tvtr.J mo",.,;;t7 Vitro ..him, · rh, providence of the eternal jildgement, is .1·
th h ""g. r.eady opmed. 1bt[, ",.. g~neraI1YJov""'d by the twelve Angles of tb, II T,..t,,: ..hi"
e 7 Anlleh••" 11[. gntrfml by the7 whlchjt.1t before tbe prefcnce of God. Ltt him tb"t r," rtf l••ft.
G.J~nc.h "': IIH Itt bi", Ib.t ,,,,, hrt, .Utnd t forthis is wifdom. They arctall fpiries of tbe Air ;
..t lhe Air, or not rej~ed, but dignified; ."d t6<'.J d7ll,fl .,,4 h.vt t6tir h.bit,lti." ill tbt "ir JiII.rfl.], "".1 ;.
Spirit. "lgni. {""a,] pl.ctS : f" th,ir '''''lIfiolls II,t "or II/iJV, "titb" .rt thtir /'Ol"'s ''fu"l. VlIdtr,tllllrl
:.,,- he 1 Ib,rt(.I't, Ib.t f,.m tbt fi" to tbt ,.,tb, tb,rt arc 30 places or .bidings: one above and bc-
.::::. lis:' Dcadi 8IIocher: -"btrtilf tlxft 1{."f,,;4 Crtlll",ts b"vt tlltir lIbu;"for II ti"".
fire to lbe
~ - -----
Pc totlterra dillributa rub u. Principibns Angelis, 12. Tribuum Ifrael : quocllm n .
For a time. .liqui plures, .liqui pauciorcs ~artes habcnt fub fuo rcgimine ell 91 partibus III quas toUi
terra hie demonft ... U1f dre dinfa.
Apecalypfi Joballnis Tefiimonium J de 12 Angeli! u Tribullm~C~p. 21.
Q,y.l ndo ~iYidcbat AltiR(mus gmte., quando ~e~ar.~t 6lio. ~~alll, conllituit f~lDinOi
poplilorum, Juxta numerum lihorum lend: Hoc Igltllr hine «greg1e patcrc.
They bear Roname.
[E. K. What is without a name? ]
•...... :Mir "a"1] pllet: Bllt ... • ,o,.J lI"v" i" r,fptll .f tilt;,. being. fj."a"pII,,4 ,6".
•• «
•• III ,h",f.",II.J tlJ, 6ril, {e[ond, third •• fo, thirti,tb 4~r. '0
• •• IIrt f# b, np.,nlfll"a, 0 ,i,•
t6t 'twentieth air. 0 'b~urlXt"lIth Air, Bte. ; ••• ro""ti"", (.J'. 1111 ,og"b,I') two.r dll"Cc•
.f'lx •• tift g"""", by tlmcs, "lIi,b are the Kings .",. ,b"" •• , " br [tv"'" of) ."a bur,
r.l, to"",,", ."J., .", 'i"" I.,it di"iji"".
1" tht lirft Air, tbr "i",b , tltvmlb, ."d {itltIItll A7tf,,1 .r
,br TribC1l, b,lr rWt ./Irl gtIfItrtI.
V",o tht "illtb , 7000 .•"J lOO • •"a 9 ",ill;]'"ill' A"'tls .r,
[.j,ll. VIt" tht '{tVIC'. lOOO,
3eo, 60. V." tbt {t",,,lb 5coo, 3co,60. 2-
Nat ...... Om ,6, ".",htl' .......
A. The wbole fum of this Govmunmt aDICWlteth to 1+9}1.
Nal .• '''N It ;, righ,.
2. 11, ["uJ;, dividta in" 3 p.rts, tb, A""l.! til, fOllTt. T~;b, h.tb tb, firjl; Tht A"g,l .f
,b,["."d, tlx [tC."a; TN .A""I,f thr {tC."d ,br tbira. 111, f,,,,.rb b"tb tlitf, "'''''J 3000, 'co,
30, 6. Tbt fi,jt ["."Il.f Ibt {tw" lOOO• •• 4. eo. l. Th, /tzjl ,f'Pr [tCOnd ••• 00, 900,
60, l. AUt tllt{t togtthtr.
A. They .re ...... 6660.
3· 'Ibt tbirJ. Tbt firjf, 7H ";11113. Tht {m"J, ,br
"i",b •••••• -Hoo. 'tht {tV'II,6., tIM {t""• ...... 3660.
nt rlli,.1 ,bt 7W
'tht tN/tb or ,b, tlm·d ...... 9 l J6.
N.l. •..... N.",btr tbt", •.••••
A. ... ... 17196.
+. Nal .•, .•.. Tht {flirt. 1Il[,b;, t6.." ,.,IS.'Ib, Allpl of tbt tt"t' 'Irill, h",' ,1, prjE
TIlt t,,,t' b.tb "I{o tilt {teo"J. yht t.,I!tb b.,6 tb, thira. •
E. K. He prayeth.
7'ht fir}! 'tilt• ...... l360. St",,4 ttllt' •• •••• 3000. <["..,If'.'T tbt thi,~ ...... 63 00•
N"mh" ,b, f.IIf". ,,1[,.
•• ntJ .r, ......
•• ;, .I{, thrttf.,a.
7 h, P'ft of tb, <[",il,s ~.Vt tilt fi,jl • • t"tb ""'h
vllllb b",. ,h, ,bird. 7b, firjl b.t' oJ" bi'" 8630. 7bt. fiv,,,,' or (,tl1Ul •••• 23~.
{",nJ. 7H tIt-

Tb, ,ltvmtb, 'I'" '~irJ- 5000,500, t7II.. N,,/fIb" ,b"".

A. ThCfare-16738.
E. K. He prayeth reverently.
B, p.,i,,,f f.r ...bil,. 7l,[, g.""" ill f', fixt.. A. If I undtfftmd 1onrigbt, ,heft.
,. n,f, g/IV"";,, ,''' jixlb pl. Ct ("hicil i, to "'",) 16, A""I'ftb, liltb tr~" bIt.,';' ftr/f
ptrf. (for tblrlllr'•••••••••• ) 1bt A""ll .f ,,,, , ..,lltU"t' ,,,, {"."d. tbt A"!,,l .f ,Itt fifth
1I.,h ,lit thirJ p.rt. 711, A"l,ll,f tb, fi,ft, 16.' is t. [.], ,f ,bt ira liftb, h,,'b {"Iij,lh, 3000t
600,2i!, .f lit {tC."J or ,,,,I[1b, 900,2CO, ,f tilt Ibn-d pi", ."d ·ftcood fifth 7000, lOO,lO.
76t fifrb g~"""s i" tbis.,J,r , ..iet, ,btrt!.r, i' is",.,i( th, ["."J./iflh,. N"",b,r i,.
A. Thry- .re-2oo40.
7' 111t ltv",'" b"t•• 1[, tbru ,I.ets. -rh, f.",.,u.,. tl:, firft. 'Ibt'thi,J 6.,6 tl:t [t""J. 11M
,I,l/t"tU.tb tbt fbi,a. 71x 1"'T,b ."J tb, firft pl.r,..- tooo,3OO. 6o, 3, T"h, t/,ir4 J""U ."Il
{ic."J pl.". 7000, 700, 6. 71:t ,1t"t",6 A,,{,,11 ,h, Ihi'.I'"c" 6000,300, lO. NII_" it.
A. 1 hey are 2°389. fo ••,; ••••. i' is .IM{t1ItIIlh.
8. tbt 'ilht .4,rt, b.,h II{ot6rttllrrs. 16, AlIg,l.f tbtftftbb.,,, tltt firft . ~ .1111,,1./
tbt fir f/ hlltb Iht {,,·o,,/.1bt AlI{,,1 of tilt "i"tb b.,b th, tbi,J. 7 Itt fiflh .A"g,III1IJ /ir/t pl." ~ooo.
3(0,60,2. Sht fi,jI .11",,1 .1Id {tco"a 11.« 7cco, 2co"O,6. 2 tt "i"tb .A"g,f lI"d ,bt tblrtl
114r" 2CO,)00,2. NrmIl" it.
A. Thtr
A trwfJ{tiaJ.lQfJ ff D . .Dee 1Jj/. .d(Iir;1IJ JNitn {piTies; &c. 14 I
A. ifhey are------ 139 00 .
9. Thtninlh is 111[0 ofthru plltm. ,ToM thirl :""gtf ill'''''
the ~rj1: plllc~. Tht Tellth A -rgd h ~ th
tbe [tcond. The nillth Angel bllth tbt thzrd, tht thzrd Angel ~lIth III I/:t fjr(f p!IICt 9 )00,9°0,90, 6.
Tbt ttntb Alfg~llllld Iht.[tGllliJ'PllI(t 3000,600,10. Tlu IIl11lb Allgel IIJId the tpird pl",Ct, 4 00:>,
200, 30' N,,,,,hr tbtm.
A. ifhey.arc- 1 7846. ,
10. 7'lre wIth batb ,plilCtS 1I1[~ Ihrle. t'bt tlifHlIth ~lIgt!llCrllpltth tht 'firft. '!1u [tfltllth All·
f-tl oeclI~itth Ihe [t eolld. Tht nilltb .Alfgd oecllpirth tN tbird. 'lb.t eltllmth AlIgd lind jir[f h:tb
8000,800,80 . Tht [tllmth Angel jn tbe [tcond, ICoO,rzoo, 30. 'tht nillth ill tbe third, lCioo,600
1 0 ,7, Numbtr Ibt.",.
b. ifhey a r e - I 17 27-
Nalvage prayeth.
Oabrie\. ...... '1,,;"t buaJolt .0Vt "ot.
11. Tht, H tlwu ill btfort. TN firft it ~'-Pitl bJ tlu tmth. Tbt [mild bJ tbe
Ji:rtb. The third by 'he tilird. III tbt jirft plilct. 3000, 400, 70, 2. III the [mnl p!IIU,
7000, 200, 30,6 . 1" tbe tl.;r" pIllet, 5000, 200; 30,4' Nu,.btr thtm.
• • .. - ThtJ IIrt 15942.
n. Tbt nulftUlltb Illfo bis divi(i,lls. Thret /irll plilets ;, of th, jixth. SteOll" pl.ct of tht
ti~brh. '1bird of tlufmlld. Tbt prlHat6 1000, 600, 50, 8. Tht [mild., 7000, 70'J, 70, z.
'1ht third 3000, 300 90, I . N.mbtr it.
• ifhey ,are l3!21.
13' the thirtu.,b hath tbtu. nt ttnth i4 in tht /irft. '11" /irjl Hill tht [mila . Tht [elltntb ;,
in tile third. Tht jirft b.u 8000, 100, 10, I. '1be [mild 3000, :lQO, 6'0. 'lb, {ellmr"
.JIIgt( ;11 tbt third 4000 , 200, 10, 3.
N.mbtr il.
A ifhey are 1568+.
14. 'fhe founwlth h4th tbmfdd' ,IIIct .J tN rtft. ~ ftft A/fgd occ~tit~h ,I" jirll, 'the
ftvellth occupitrh the [teolld, Tht t'II'~lflh ICcupitth the th,ra. 7bt jirli 1th,ch II the jif th AlIgtl,
2000,6 00 ,7 0 ,3' Tht jtcolf&Wb ,00;), 200,30, 6. 'I'ht t1Pelftb 81)0,203. 30. Nu_b,r it.
A. ifhey are-20139·
Nal. Hizllf' p"tiellcr.
E. K. Now he fiandeth on the top of the T~ble.
"'.rk.. Jililmtly.


AllfWlereth to the A1Igdi oftIHlIilttb, ","icb is oftb' fori, .(,icb DCc_pitth the jir(f pillet of tbe
firft ~Jrt. It is the IIIUtle If th.t p.rt of rbt tllrtb wil,ch is governed by the Angel of the ninth
Tribe, and thofe that are under him ill the firfl Jivijiln. The jirfl A/rt.
M.rk,., tliligtlitly•

,A1I[.trtth the ,lt1lmth An(,-,', ."d is thAt part of fhl Ellrth ."hich is g01lerntd bJ him II"d his
.f ,I" firft Ayrt.
Milf~lltTS, ill the [tcolltl pIli"
It It"f.'r,tb II the{evtlfth ~"gtl "" ,~ hit Miniflerl, ~561, which 6rt tht I.lJ plfrt of tht
/irjl ~JTh
Mllrk,. tlili,tIIt!J.

DOAGNIS V'1I1 "is.

It ;s the /irll pllrt of thl [tC01lJ., tht jirjl p"rt oj the ,lIrth, wlrich ;s g.lIerllel ill the /irft
plITt 'f th, ftCnnd, 41 itfhllll #[$" '!pellr, undtr the r"".th Allt,d.
Mllrk,. diligmt!J.
Note Ind un-
PAC AS N A Pllca{lIa. 'drr(hnd ,hi,
well, how on.. tht name of that part of the world on earth, th.t is gOllerllt4 in tae fecond part of the pad" Ir'dr;oycr-
f~condAyrc, BY THE ANGEL of the [ccondifribc,w#h his Minifltrs. 23 62• ~~~~b.lycn
1f '1hNI
12.4 A true'J{elation of D. Dee his Aflions'g);th/jirits, &c.
'rbus Jou./I",II UJUltrftltlld of Itll tbl IIItIMS tllitt fHI, ••

D .. AL .. VA Di It II V It.

'tht third of tilt {uolld : .II.{t gcvtrllollr ;S tht ..... ,II,m of tin Trih,.
Thl Thir.l ApI ;11 thl fi~ plltu.

Sltmltfblt h4th GVlr it of tblTribt tht lIillth.
Thl [mild If tht thirJ is.


V"atr th, [tt/tllth of tht Trih,.

7lt Third ,lltcI of th, Third .4.1""
ANDISPI All alsp;.

It is glvIrllt,l h.1 tbl T,lItb of tht Tribt.

7fl f.urrh "'pt, Th, firfl Iltrt.

THOTANF n, tltllf.
His G.vtr"'ur is tbt 'I'tHth of tht Trilt, ."'!t MiJUjlrllltTI 23 60•
Tht [tellI. , f tbt fourtll.

AXZIARG ' 'It ~1 ItTl.

It is ,ovtr/",lIJ tht tt1lth of til, Trilt.
P .. HNIR Potb Ifir.

It is ,ovfTI'tl b] tht T.t!fth of tht Tril,.

Tilt fifth A1rt, Th, jirft pltrt.

LAZDIXI Lit%". dilt i.

IF";chis lovtrlftdb] fb, firft of tht'I'ribt.

7bt fico"il 1.,t of thl fifth.

NOCAMAL No c8mltl.

IFb;,b ;s ,oJ/trlftd b] fhl f,vIllth of tIN tr;b,.

Tht 7hirJ of tIN Fifth.

T1ARPAX 7';4'16 11.

Which;s ,''IItrllltl bJ fht tltt/",th of th, T,ib" ."'ft M;lfijftrlltrt 5802,

I, l.t;,,,, IfIIhilt.
A tritE Relttion of D , Dec: hit AC/ions '¥Pith (piritJ, ~G. • 4~

11u fi:tth.
Gab.•..•.. Mov~ _ "ot .••..• -Mofes was to reck in thcrcfccrlcs.
Nal . ..... . 1'ht firJi of tht fixtb 'Whofe Goverl/Ollr it ,Itt fifth of tht Trib,.

S ·XTOMP SiI:tto",p.

7'he ftCI"d of tb~ fi:ttb, 'R'bofe G,vtr"OIlT it tbt t"t/ftb.f ,b, 7'ribt.


Tht tbird 'f tbe fi:ttb, "bicb is gov"",tl b, ,b, fifth;/"" Tribt.

Whore MinificfI are 7120 as before.

7'bt firft of tht ftvtlltb is !.overlltd b, ti, fOllTtll Trib,.

OBMACA$ Ohmllclls.

K. E. Ever tne Table turneth to the letter under.

7'ht [m"d of tht!tv~l/tbJ "ho!t tbt thir. ;f

OENADOL G,,,. tI,l'.

7}t third of ~ tbe ,ltv,,,tb,

ASPIAON. .4S}If" 'If.

Tht firft of tflt tiglJtb, ""or~ GO'll""O/IT it rbt fifth, Bec. "bo!, Mi"ijftrllW, H6~


TODNAO~ Totl "Ii 'If,

Thl tbird 'f tilt ,ighth

PRISTAC Prit tile;

'Ihe nillth: tht firft. gDVtr"ttl bJ th, tbirJ, ."ho!, Mi"ijfers, 9996.
ODDIORG OJ tll,r,.
The {ecoIII. 'f the "illti


MO'lll /lOt for tht LorJ it gUilt ilm,,,gp JOII,

144 J tN4t~/ation of D. Dee his A8ions ~Ib /pinlS, &c•
'Ibt firft .f fht Ullth •, ,lw ,htJ,.,b .f tilt Trrbt.
LEXARPH L'lt _,,,,. X.rp6•

•.1 tht {lWIIth.

COMANAN 0 - •••.

'tilt third .f rI" ,,,,t'

Wkf, Mudjftrl." 161,.
1-1.lIt ,.",.ct.
Tht firjl.f tit ,In/tilth,
Millijlm H72.~

MOLPAND c.Moll·iM.
70t r",," go.""ttl ., tit Millijltrl 7'36.
li, third 6JtMt6irJ.

ViJlijltr, III "if'" S23+•

• ONODOL 1.1U ul.

7'6, fir~ if the t.llfth, go t6, foet6.
TAP ANAL 7'. p•••r.
n,ltC,u'f ,it ",tlf'" ~.1 t6t tigWA""I.


7H tiirtl,f th, t.,lfei


7H firft.f thl thirttt"t'


nl'[tWltl bJ tllt firjf ,'thl '1;;;ts.

7bt I.if ,f th, thirtt",,. b, tht ['I1",.h 'f tllt t.,I'lit.
DOCEPAX Do" p•••
I, lealia.
JJ tilt fifth 'f thl T rib,s.
TEDOAND 7't J, .d.
Br~... ."J Scotland ,f Britania.
it c.U,J.",i,,,,l.J bJ tht " ••
Ir.,,,,.,th eM trll.Ii'f tlIeBritilh Originals.
t 'Ibm In"h ...

A. The Br;'ijh Originals.

A#II,~e"ltiofJ of Dr. Dee hi! AE/iofl! 1Pith gir;ll, &c. 145'
VIVIPOS l1i vi pu.
b} tie onlftb.


E. K. NdW he prayeth.
E. K. Now Gabriel frandeth up.
Ga~•..••• 'lIlt Lo,d p",.oneth )01lT faftilfg , alll .eetlttth ,hti".".rJ ",." ~ l/Zbf1l'f' -!flt""o,.
'0"". r ou Jh.ll hllve th! ,efl.
A. May I be bold to ask you one quelHon ?
Gab... ". TOil mil).
A. Is the <l.!!een of Elfg/Illtl, alive, or dead?
...... Sie liveth.
I 11m lfothilltltt'" the t",tb.

E. K. The Curtain is drawn. We prayed joyntly fome prayers.

A. Upon my motion, for the Lord AI. L4. how to deai w~h the Chancelour , the Curtl!iil
was drawn open. And he in the green, who appeared to day, came into the frone, and raid
as followeth.
Thus rayeth the Lord: Joyn boay to boaJ, but let ",inats ~e [,p",a,e , for hI ;, dt[,i[ea ilt the Ch'd t~e If Goa, and is delivered over to deftr08:ion, which ~oth tarry, till it .6nd~ hi~ ready ... n~ncc our
Ifrad atceivttl Egypt, ana [II", Egypt ovtrth,o'JIIlt. let him do whathe wdl With hun, but CracOlll'.
let him not joyn his D1inde with him.
A. Weare defirous to know your name. Mspfsmi
My n"",e it called Dic iIIis. under
I "", ,11., JllfJn- Gabriel, and A. Jcfus declared his name, and Co have Gabriel.
tl# n"me of Jcrus I k,.no'JII and other good Creatures before unto
bmour. us.
Map. My H"",t it MapCama.
A. Is, die lIlis, the Etymology thereof?
Map. It it.
A. How milch it importeth for u! to underfbnd the beft counfcl that is to be given to A. L.
),011 know, &c•
. Map .••••• I "", CO""""ltata, IlIIIi I bavt aone my CO",,,,lIltamtnt. Bllt {tt, that tbou, Ilia he ful:.
fill tho[~ tbi",l tb.t .,e co",mal/dul JOU by me.
A. You raid I Illould be his mouth to you: How /ball I execute that, I pray you l
Map ...... Not to me, but to Ood.
A . By prayer mean 10U ?
Map ...... Tu, ana by pre!ella.
b.. By prefence:, with whom? rite Elllpc.
Map . ..... Thou Ibalt go from hence widl him to the: Empe:rour : God will frir up farther rour.~
marcel', by thy prefence there.
A. Shan all our Lelfous be linilbed, and 'fufficie:nt power delivered unto us according to
the: promife of God? •
...... J'U jh"ll bt able to prill/ice b) Sun",,}.
A. By which Surtday?
...... ENt tbe practices tbat It,e the infirul%ions of the Higheft, lire Itot but in lawful caufe.
Illd for necellier. to glorilie God; and againfi Ph~r~.h.
A. What Iball, then, be the hability of my skill to pral%ice, before: Sunday next Ones
Map ...... , 1 hert CallI touch all the parts of the World. tbe Warld "'''J bt Je"lt ..ithllll, Virtble
"tib bt, partl ; 'Iherefore}'II,/litrdo ."y th"'g. 'llle!e CIIIlJ "re the k..t)tl Into the GlltttllHJ Appsrition.
CititS of 1I'i[Jo";. Which [ GttwJ ttre 1I0t able to be opefira, but with vifible apparition. No[c.
r A. And how. lba.1I tbat be come IInto ? • .. . . • '. ~~J::~ pet·
Mal'"' ....... WhICh II Itccorall1g to the former mltru£bons: "lid to be hlld, by calluig of evc:,y All u h
'table. TOil callea {Dr ",irJo"" Goa hllth opened UlltO YOIl, bit Judge",,,,t: He batb ilt/ivetta by Sund~/
"lItO)'OU the /t"f}es, thltt70U ",ItJ enter; But be humble. Enter not cifpreCumptioil, but ofnexc profHfe,
permi!lion. Go not in ralbly; But be brought in willingly: For, man} bavt tt[ctndea, but bein!: call,d
ft" have tntmJ. B} Sl/JId/l} )oujh.zll have .ll thill!;l ,hat "re 1ItCtJr.'l to be t"ullit; tim' ( ttl ~i~~n p:.'
.tI ,rfle'1{4Iatjo1lofD. Ute his Aflitmr ';lh1pirill,,~e.
-----OC-C-gJi-=,-."-r.-='-r-v'-/7h') yo. ",11.1 pr"lJi" lIt all li"'fr. BIIt yo. b,i,,: e.lI,d by G,J ,IITUl~,o ." '0,,1
A. How lball we underaand this Calling by God ?
Map ....... G,~ ftop,~h "'J iltlllfh, I "i~l II"{~'r Ib" "0 ",.r,. . . .
~ Mjfericol'dla Del lit Cuper nos,ventas eJUl fulgat & florat ID cordlbus noftn ••
A. E. K. read this prayer devoutly, and i jornin, my mind to his pronunciation thereof
kneeled by.
. Do",in, J'{u Cbrifl', D,. {IIJu/~r,ill,,,,,'ftrlr.,,,. ~"j., ."•• ,,,jir b,,,,aill.,,,· IlIl.rMi,:
:1 :':"lr,:.)i~:.n Iflli ,,{,'mdijr. f.p,r CIt!u", Cltl" "a tI'lttr"'" !'" f~r,u: a'''II,' fI'"!'"", "J .Ju:JIC""~.,,, ,i.
:, "",i. p\":
1.: ace",O.v;!ld
" ubiblli, c1Im pOI,jllltt "'''g1I1t, & ",,,jlft"!, m,r"b,,,, ,dlle IIor VIIIll.~ '" !,ee"'M III f.r/dll~I.'
}II/ti/iclltiollil 1/16 : III dnl/b,,,,,,,. per "",if!i.II'''' P,Cr.tlt.,.", [lIprr IIIV'III; lit b'W/[rled"",
h"·". b.: n fit ti~i b"bit"" illll.bit, & liDS ill I, • .Amen.
w.imn ,1,<
of May follow-
U A. Ex Pfalteno poft 67 Pfalmum.

Tu,{dllY Cl'lcoviz,v'll";i 2:1. J~8 •• ill{'I1'."i.., M,,"uircil 7 . . .

Afterour fitting, and fome pl'lyer ufed, Ippeared a very little Creature, on the Culluon,
;tI./... by the S~on~: faying, PilI out l "ur CII"dl,; for yoo lball.bave nothing to do, to d:'y.
1:>. is your ftlme that we may a:ledge your mc:lfage for our excuf.: feeUig we were
bid rellerday to labour to day.
E. K. He is gone.
A. ~f(er that abollt half an hour, there appeare& our Inaruaor~, as before time.
Gab....... M~vt, "'ovt, ""VI 1I0t, f.r tbl p["" is b.l].
E. K. Gabriel ftandeth up, and after a while faid •
...... 'fb, h",v,IIS /If' ClZlleJ, rigbt" •• b,c",,[, of their obedience. TEiI tIIrt' IICC/lr{.4, b.t~,
O~ed;ellce. '""{' of her frowardnetr'e. Toof. Ih(r,fore, thllt f,,/thu,v,lfl] thilff,s, o"g~1 to bl ,b,4it1l1 ; [,ft
wilh their frowardnelfe, they be confnmed in the end, burnt to allies with Jire, tiS tbl Ellr,'
jhllll b. for ber unrJlhltou{lItJ{l.
Th,rd"r" b,you o/mii,nl, IIlIa i.ll of Ru",my I ufillg thl ;IIftr.",'lft of righttoll{III§I, ("hich
F.ilh. ;s fll,ih) lb.,
YOII ",11.1 b. p,r,,,Ir,,,rs.f Ihtt:t/~/ti"[ co",[.rls; .bi,h .r,
th, hirt offlleh "' for-
fa"-. their t'rowardneCs. It hath btl" {Ilia Ulft. ,ou, .... Mt.f1lTi If0' out Gods bllildillg. It hlZ'"
btlll [Ilia .ltt. y'u, •• ,. COlftillu, to th, ,lid. It b"lh ."11
,,[{o to[a, you, ". t'bllf tbl Dttermilf"-
ti.IIS of G.d IIr, not a~ yet efiablilbed upon you .
• Vid. L It". FIr il K ";'ritttll, It mil]; again be *
und~termined I {p'lI/t tbit for JOur iiljlrul1i,,, ,: F.r
'-p. ' . F at "'!"v b_v, th~ power ofOod, but 1l0t limo nghteoufnelre: III • • witle"t tI",'lIgil tn J""I ill
""".Id J.ttr~ th, cb'ICI of Ibt;r Ki,,;'s. In rH v'17 holl{' of Goa, IImOllgjf thof, th"t mtr,d i"" fht bOl] pl"c,.
~,n.t .•• , 1)<1 For, 411 ,hilt ,., Propbtts "1'-IIO}lIt'''' ..,rt IIOt gooJ. N.t, thd rbtl Wlr, evil in the time of their
N" J:t" Lt· 'ai'tointill~, b'lt b,cII,,(t r~'tir IIf'"niliM, ,,'ttl
th, Jigllity of rb,ir 0ffic, __III d./i/,d illlh,,,, in the end,.
~:~ b~":~:~:: tbrougbl!;(irow'l frowardnelf~. Tht High-prltJfs Illf, .,r,
eho{", in,ighl,ou{"tff"r, Ilnd bJ
3 Itt: m ca"•• .fPirif ~f G,J : hI th,y b"",,,e 1<.,b,lsi" rht btl, holl[': 11116 f • of .ho. it it {lIiJ, AltiJIimul
u, ~: .f.' m; r aut<lli fui, fcalldOl\um illis. Iv,,,{o 711] breth-til "'"] it b, .ilbYON.
D".,"" Fr~ A. Jcfus defend u:; from that inconyenicnce.
~ .." fl"" ;7r. For /lltb.l/gh, it hat h pl,lI{ld G,?d , to jht. hi;"ftlf I1lIt, JO", },t "rl yo. 1I0r IIjhll""6 "["J: If
I.. tb,barll.fl IIJr in, lit Iht lime II!,pOilllea, I ,."ill bteom, "'UJlnllgllt,. '
But Eute ( ",y brI16rm) Hllth tht L.rd lind of 10. I II lI"deth lUll b, t.ld. y,. ; you It",.,.,
Pvr what? tbtc ~lIIr.Ty. Tht" it followtl,h ,]olihllvtn.eJ, of God.. Illit for what I "lid why l Tbac.!o.,.
{oll/f tltlly ott,rcom, tbit World, 'v,reo"" th, body, t. tbt Jif."if) of "" Allt,l.
And bee",,[, IOU IlU ",i{.rllb[., /llfd t,""td oul 10 th, /idd, filII of brtlmblu II"J ",i{,ry, ['"11',
n"""d, "IIJ UIIII,,,,,tI, 10 fight IIgllinll hi"" tblll r,fiJI,t. IIg"ill11lh, "'ight of G,d. COflfid,r fllt[,
I"lf two, ,lid Ih,,, "n[w,r J.ur {tlv,s,for th, rtft.
Cave. I gw. JOII Il foort ."rlling. G.a,.ill fllifil /'it promifes; .Alia ( liS h, hllth ["id ) by this Au-
P.. ~j§., rei guft, YOlljhlll/lllfd(rjt"lfd.
,""p, md.lllr, I. HOI'I'to know and, uCe God his Creatures', good and bad.
Note llie fe. IS
2. lIiit when, ""4 for whflt, thi: eift .f Ib, Hightft, "nd fhllll b, fulfill,d illyoll ( If .ilI '.11'
(ond J nll~lIt\i. b, ob,di",t ) .hOf it p[,.[tfb hi",: eyen with a found from his b"n mouth, C:.I,ing, V'lIit, C!-
on er Gif, <if IZlldiU.
Ih. H ;~hdl. , For Ihtfl AlIi,,,s IIrt t.of,ld: ',nfiJ,r it, ifJOII CII": lid Ih.y "r.
tb4 grtolujl. b",,"!, th..,
~h. M~'O;' "rt ,.lu IflJi, lind comlin all thac hath been done before chem. Whirh if you cor-fid,r .,11, ""
I • grCl<C. 10 ",1,41 ]011 IITt r"l/ta I JOII fr.lla ptre,iv" thd th, JUdg"'''lItl of Goa, IIr, lIot " T,III1it-b,,[[.
Move nO! from TJ,w ",lIcb I Ihoughl to ~"r" YO!''''] br,thr,,,. Hav, " ~iul' 14ti'll" f.r tht Al1i~II;
plM. H, th"l jlm,l.' fcom hiS placr.Jh"llfi"a, thl 'f ,to ,,,,,/,,,l
A. Aftu
Aftcr half an hour 1 The t.tlftb harh tht tbir •.
Gab , ..•... U'vtovt no/, Movt not, Movt ,,,t. 17. . •.•.• 'fbt [fvtlttunth•
.... . Tht fif tuntb.
Tbrtt parts. 'II" [feont/hath tb, fir if,
Tbr nintb bath tbt ftrtr, Tht firrr hllth th, [,cond,
'iht ttltth blttb tb. [tCond. Th, ninth batb the tbir•.
1ht t'll'tlftb ,.!Ie tbirt!: 18 .•.•.• 'It.t ,;t.hltt1llh H of Ihrtt.
11,- 16 hlltb ; parIs. I ~ bath
~ the
fht fiFth,
Tbf [m "d bath tbt tirft, 2
1bt tbird balb tbt [..ond, 3 tb. twtlftb.

E. K. He threw like dufi out of the Stone toward my eyes.

19 .•••..• 'fbt nint,tntb H 11/[0 tbreifold. 2 ... .. ... third.
I ••..• , 'ih. twdfth. 3 ........ {N/tllth.
z ...... 11" ti!.hth.
3 ....... 1h. tlt'lltntb. 21 'fbt ont and l'II't1Ifitth, if 11/[0 tbrufoU.
I ....... ; twtlftb.
20 7 ht twmtitth K 11/[0 tbruJold. z ......... •if,hth.
I ...... •• fiftb. :; ......... filCth.

E: K. There fiandeth one, at one of' my cares, and at another, an- A t.mpti n~ il-
lud ing [pirie
other, howling like Dogs; and [aid, Ah you beggarJ' ! come in place.
Gab. .. ... H • • ill d.eeive YOII, tllk,., hua Itft you "'ov ••
E. K. He feemeth to be telling money behinde me.
A. Look not back in any cafc.
Tht ninrbofth. firUmth h4thullt!.rhim [A.] of the 12. tooo. 300. 60.7. t:::. II,".
Thtlmthof the firi [tl."] hltth under IOVO. 300.60. 7. [A.] of th. n. Sup. .
'lbe twdfth of [A.] tht firft 1000.800.80.6. r·
of ,hIS lira
The fir ll 'f tht [econ. [A.] h4th IInd.r him 9000. 900. 20. lind hI K Ih. [ecoftrl of the (rnary.
'lh. [.cond of tb, [,eDnd, which it th, tbird of tht 12. 90'0, :1 00, 30.
Tht thitd of the third, wbich it tht twtlft}, af the Iwelfth, hath undtr hi", 70QO, 200, 40.
'lht firjt of tbe Ihird ( the [rcond of the 12) hlftI. IInJfr him 7000, 600, 20, 3.
'lht [fCO"J of the third, wbid, is tb. ftra 0 the 11. 7000, 100, 30. 2.
Tht third of tbt thir., wbieb K Iht ninlb ,f II,. 12. halb "/Pitb him, Dr Jlllatr him, 2000,
600,3 0 , 4
18. Th. firft oftfufourlh, ",hicbK theftfth of II,. 12. 20'0,300, ","0,6 .
7 ht [feDnd, whicb it Ihe [tVt1Ith of Iht 12. II1Idtr biI1l7000, 600, So, 9 .
7ht third of tht fOllrth, which it II,. Iwdfth of the 12. und.r hi", 9000, 200,70, 6 .
'lh. fir,.f Ih. fifth, which it Ih. Iw.lfth of the J 1. und.r him, 6000, 200, 30,6.
Th. [fco"d which if Iht tigh",,, of tb~ 12. ""dtr hi"" 6000,700, 30, 2.
'lb. third of the fifth : which ilth•• ltvmlh Df the 12. und.rh,,,,, 2000,300,80,8.
Th, firfi of tht fixth, "/Phieh K th. fif th of the Il. Imdtr him 3000, 600, 20,6.
Tht f.coHd of th. fixlh •.... ,h. third of the 1 2. 700J, 600,20,9,
Th. tbird, 1l'h,eh it tht [.vmth of tht 11. und.r him 3000, 600, 30, 4.
2 1. 'Iht firjt of th. [evtnth, which K Ihe IWelftbofthe 12. IIltdtr him ~ooo, ~OO; 30,6.
:1 h. [uond of Ihe [. v.ntb, which it the eighth of tb. I 2. u"dtr him ~ooo, 600, 30, 5.
Tbt IIIll of Ibt [evtnth, 1l'hich iI tbt fixlh of the 12. IInatr him 5000, 600" 5 0,8.

Num'btr evtr)' "lyre. /lAve patitltu for II wbilt.

A. - The 15. - 46lO I -- if rbt t1l'tlfth of the twelvt.

The 16. - - 28390 1. - - if th, firft of tht Iwtlfth.
Thc 17 - 17 ;89 3 - - H tht I"'rlfth of the t'R'tlvt.
The 18 - 193 11
The 19 - 153~6 23. Tht firp of tbe [mnd.
Thc 2,) .-~ , -,,, 148 89
irhe 21 ------ 16&29 2 - Ilu [tvmlh of Iht tru,'Vf.
J - - thr [t'llmtb of tht twrlVt.
'tht firft of tht f'lIrth {tvmth hat. Ihr" 3 - - tlu eigl#h ;f tht t."tI~t.
l" rss •
24. The
14 8 dtT'flt~/ation()1 D. Dee his Aflions D;rh !pirits, &E.
24. 'fbI thiril.
I - the fOIl,th of
2 . - - t.e tentb.
3- th: twelfth of tht ,.."elvt. I - t b e {t"nti.
25. 'fht f'/lTth. 2 - the fOIl,tb.
1 - tbe fo.rtb. ,- tbt fifth.
2 - - tbt {tc""I.
3 - , b e twafthoftbt t.elVt.
Tb: fiftb.
i - tht truiftb. 1 - the ttl1th~
2 - the ti,bth. 2 - the nillth of tilt t.tITle.
, - ,wtlfth of tht f'tultle. 3- the fixth .

:l' Tbe firft of tht firft, wbiah it the twdfth of the twelve, him 2000. '00. 30.2.
The {tcond of tht fir./t, undtr him 2000. 3"0. 20. 6.
7 ,;t third If tht firi, which it tbt tltvmth of Imdtr hj,,, 2000. 300. 60. 1-
" The firft of tht {tCDlld, whicb 7000. 300. 20.
Tb~ {teond undtr hil1l 7000. 200. 60. 2.
?h,' third of tht {:cond, which it tbt {tcolla,f tht n. l/1/atr him 7000. 300. 30' 3·
2~ 1'bt firft of the thi,a, whICh it the fOUTtb of th, twtlve,una" him 80co. 200.
7./,,. {rcond of the third,which ;, the unth of ,h, twelve, lI"iler hi,., 8000. 300.60.
Tht thira of ,h, third, which it tht tle'lltnth of tht tWlll1t.II1IJt, him Sooo.zoo.3o.6.
z S '[ht firft of tht follrth, wbich it the f.urth of thf twelvt, lUI~r him sooo. 6000'. 30, 2.
1'1)( [tcond of tht f. ll rth, whicb it the {econa of the twelVt, 6000. 300. 3°.3'
Thethird 'f the fourth, which it tht twelfth of tht twtlvt,lIJId,r him 6000. zoo. ;0.6.

:1 6 7h, firft of tbe fifth, tht .",,,ieh iI tbe tWtlftb of the 9000. 200. 30,2.
'1 ht {tWld of tbe fifth, wbicb it the tighth of tbe tw,/lIt, 3000.600. 20.
I h: tblra of tht fiftb, which is tht twtlfth of tht twtlvt, sooo. 600. 30. 7:'

27 'Iht firft of ,l,

fix,h, ftbich i, tbe {tCOlfd of th, tw,I.", bAtb lIJIaer him 7000. 200. 20,
Tbt [~CDHa of tht fixtb, tbt fOllrtb.f tht twelvl, 7000. soo. 60.
Tl, thira,,,,birb is tbl fifth of t", tWllvt, 7000. 100.60.;.
z8 Tht firtf of thl {, tlw ttllth of tb, twti1ll, 2000. 600. 30'
Iht {uond lif tbe {tvmtb, whicb is t"e lIinth of 'be twelvt, lIJIarr /HIM 7000. 200. 30. 6.
'Ih, tflJl of tht {tvmtb, tbe fixtb of tht twtlVt, lIJIarr binI 8000. zoo.

A. ThC2~h .•.••
is .... : 6925.
2 J - - 21 9 15.
2+ - - - 247.96.
26 - - - 18489.
27 - - - - 22043·
28 - - - 18066.
They ...... 1 kneel to prayer. Then the Curtain was drawn.

E. K. There appearcth like the fnuf of a Candle on the' top of the

fionc, it is like a little tpark of fire. After this, Gabriel faid by voyce,
Have patience.
A. After half lln hour. A voyee raid ..• look to .... to~. 1C.
E. K. The Curtain is drawn open. Nal'Zlage fiandeth on the top of
the Table.
Nal, ..... 16e firftlp"rt of tl, firft {tV", J'I# 6,. "J'J.
'Iht /lillth.
A trtlc 'l{elation of Dr. Dee his At!/ionJ .ith (pirits I &c. 149
'tbt ttlrth, tht [tCII1IJ of tbt firft) which il tht WIth.

NOCIABI N. ci. ii.

'tbe tbir••

16 Tht /irjl of tbt [tCond.


'tht [tWill.


7'ht ,b',d is glVtrlltd bJ tbt typtlftb of tht t7Ptlfth. Milli}lm 911-°.

So (~l .1.

17 'tht third.

SlGMORF Sil;WMlrf.

'lbt {tco.J.


Tht tbird ) 'I/Ibo{t ,.vtrnorlr is tb, rriJrth of tbt twtl'llt.

18 7'bt firft •f tht fDIITtil.





'lht firP of tlJ, fif~/;.

TORZOXI T"Z,sc ;';

'tht {,cond.


7lt "IITd.


1bt [,Wltl of ,II, jilt,II.
7l, tlrirtl 'f tilt flatlr.
'/bt flrft of ,Ir, [evt ,,,, hJ tIlt trI'!f,Ii.

7'1It t6irtl 'f tlr, ["""t".
C.lI ie, Pi-I-g.
Nal ......71, I#ft [t,,"',
7'IIt prft.
lbt [it,,,tI of tht I#j ("Itt,.
PAIlAOAN ,.,., ,II.
7), tlnrtl.

23 1bt firft .f tilt {",,,tI.

ONIZIMP (} ,. ZJ"'!.
l'H ,.irtl of tilt f.,J.
24 7'6, prft·
OR.CAMIR.. Orc# ",ir.
76, Xi,
CHIALPS Clli 1I1p1.
TIt, third 'f thl t.i,tl.
SOAGEiL s. l " t/.
n. prft of til, f,urth.
TIt, [,ro"
'III, thi,JI.
RANGLAH ltII" ,1#",.
71tt prft 'f tilt Pftll hJ t", trltlft" 'f tit, tr"lftlt.
26 POP HAN D p, pIt#u.
J'true 'i{eltJtionofDr. D~.e his AEliDnn~ith !pirits, &C. 151
'flu [tcontI.


"fbt 'hird.


"fbt firft·




2i ••...• 7lt- firft of ,bt {tIIt",h.



FOC- sMI Fods Ni.

~ 'hira.

Mal. _••.• H.tlt p.,i"", fl' • .,,6il,. JII, 'If.
'DttJ/I,lft, rJi"th hlltb,h,." p~ts. E. K. Now he fiaudeth
'Tht ~,ft ,~t blltb Iris G01I".".," tit 'iirl of 'ht 12.
~ ftC'" tb, f'/Ir,h of tht 3 'w. th' fiftb If ,lit n. off the Table.
30. TIw tbirtit'b •••• •• hllti 4 p~ts,
• -
2 -
tht ,.,,,If'6'1
tbt fo'!"b. 'f 'lit I"
3 - 'it rlm'd.
i - ,bt fi:ttli.
7'bt firft of ,bt If;"t ."tl "'t",ie,i blitb ""tltr bi"" 9631.
'1bt>{mnj ..... "J tM fOll1.,b of t'" 11. ""tltr bi", 4 2 36•
'1btfiftbIf tbt utbll",t/"."ttilllflkp 7 6 35.

30 ntt",lfth ,f'''' J7.. 4'31'

70t {"o"tl .... bJ ,bt [.IIr,h of tOt u. ."k
hi. 9636.
7'htthi'tl •.•• bJ r6, tbirJ .ftht JIIIJtr ii"'1'3 2 •
T",I.ft .... bJ ,b,pth 5632 •
•, 70t tilrtb;" ,bI firft aitlijioll of tht 29.

'1lot {tt,lfd pm of 29 .IIpi. :
ODIlAXTl o Ir.u ,1.

H 2. t1 trlll7Vlation oj D. Dee his .I18ions ~itb Ipir;ts, &c.
GOMlIAK (jOIll zi If",.

,0 . . . 1ht /irjl.f tlu ,0 .... IInatr tilt 11.


GEMNIM8 G,,,, nimb.

Tht thirl ..atr tht tb;r •.


7l, III/I ...... bJ thl fixth ,f tbt 1 z.

The •• wrth
I'. none DOZINAL
.. r.: bu.
•. 1°' )f al ...... I bllvt '~1Ir.
A A~ you gave U5 talle, orwaming of It"li" and Brittlnitl, Co if it be thought good to
P'" we are delirous to underHand of the cell, the Application to ruch names al we wulfr-
Nal ....... M"V"" Inl fir to lllJ: Gilll
Milk.!. JO"" [tillts rtlla, for '0 twO,,..,,,
E. K. The Curtain is drawn.
a. Deo omnil'otcnti, Opcimo, &: Rlaximo UninrC. machina creata laudem gloriam &: hOo
DOrem redda[, IlWIC &: in perpetuum. .Am,,,.

A. There i, aJ'rayer written after the Atlion of Monday Mlli; 21. next here before be-
ginning D,,,,ill t Jt{1I C/,rijl" ~I. which I mifplaced there J for after thil da1e~ Attion, it war
Caid bI E. X; and mc.

A IrMe 'J{elatj(IfJ of Dr. Dee hit AFfiont »ith fpir;ts, &c. l~ 3


PATS Q!1arta; Anno 1584. Maii 23-

W edcnCday ,t Crl1coviL, Maii 23. Mane, hIIra 7· t ftr e. Poft orati,nn noftrlts•
• ~!;~~~~~lHe Curtail} appeared, at the firiliooking.
I' A. There happened a great Ilorm,or temptation to E. J(. of dOllbt-
ing and mifiikilIg our InllruCkors and their doings, and of contelll-
ning and condemning any thing that I knew or could do. I bare all
thingspatiemly for God his Cake, &c. At lerrgth the Curtain was
9pened, and they appeared.
E. K. I am contented to fee, and co make true re-
port of what they willlhew; b~t my heart ftandeth
againfi: them.
Gab ....... 'tht timt foall comt, that tht oalt that it btlftm '1I'ith tvtry ftorm foal! ht II'Dinillg-
l'.bit in tht Princts Hall. . • able
Gab....... Movt not,f., tht plact it h3l]. He thttt .oubttth, doth the flroperty of the jltjh, doubting 4
bllt ht t!Jllt hath faith, b",tb tht (,ift of tht lloty Gh9j. Th( STul/o'1l' flitth {1Pif t, bllt '1I'ht rt fiJI &

li!,htttb, thtrt it n, rt1l«tmbrllnct of her bting : fuch Itrt tbt '1I'ords of mall. But OIlT '1I'orJs art
liltt unto II ['/Pif t II rrO'1l', that tn ! rrt~' ""ti jtick,.tth whtrt it lighttth.
,As man lovtth tbe Owrt for tht GolJ that;" in it, ana. .fIT th, "ttl of bid u[t ; {. O,a. lov,tb tho
J,I1fgJ.ills of tht 1Y0rld, &c. Bllt tbt mtmy,tht mort ht liftttb lip "i7l1[~lf, the trt"tlr "II!! bt his 6: I f"fpta
filII: for ;nlltlld of joy, Jhall tllttT ;11 an b1mJrra., /1n.a illpu~ of hlllldrtd" thollfallJ. 'ut bewArt thJ~ vlace t.
tlf tho[t R rbtls ; fIT thty art Ii/V tht [",all /ionts whIch art lit tvtrl. pillct pf the J'.ar,lI. But belmpcrfca,
",ovt 1I0t. Ltt III do t"4t 'IIIhic" H our port: Vnto othtrs bt it IH r},tJ J ·[trve.
E. K. There appeareth a great thing like a Globe, turning upon '2i~"'::;;i!r.
tvVO axell-trees. - in~.
N al. ...... 7'1IT1I to tht firft .Air ...... 1>. I have done. .
Nal . ....... Tht Earth in tht firrr IIJ rt, U this, [E • .K. pointing on that Globe to it. ]
A. We beCeech YOLI to bound or determine the Countries or Portions of the Earch, by
chl:ir uturmoft Longirude5 and Latitude.s, or by Come other certain manner.
Nal ....... ONT mallll" is, n" ItS it M of worlalill(,s : IYt"",inf not placts IIfttr the !,,.,,,s •• ".fdtS;
.f It(," IT " , l,avet IIrt: IImi,," Wt C"" j"'"gill IIII! tiling "fttr the fll/him of an [ A ] hom: liS- r" t~
tliDr~ th.t IIrt CO["fO!,rllp"m do. Ar lnni
Notfll;tbJtanJing tbt .AnJ!tlof tb. Lora. IIppUrta. IIIItO Pcolomie, illtl ,prntl. unto him th~ p'!rts ~red~:
.f tile E.Tth: but [om .. ht '/ras commana.a. to [t crtt: alld. tho!t Ilrt N nrtliward under your Pole. Iomit.
Jlllt IIl1to )0", tht ..try trUe names of tbt World in her Creation Itrt dtlivtrta. rns
A. There appeared a great water, long and narrow, reddilh, and therebYlppeared. • • .. . n~
There appeared written ~Pt. He hath in his hand luitten Syrill. And of that he ':. i>:r.;
(aid, that it was the Cecond of the fi rft. . Diyjni.
Now appeared a very fiRe Land and Region in which appeared a great City, in the edge of .atione.
it. There appeared written ..... Mt{,potantill. The third of the ftrft.
~ow ~pp~ared a large p_orcion of the Earth, wherein appea:ed Beares, a great Ri,er fr()m Thelidlof lh•
• Hili gomg mto the Sea with three mouths. The "ord wntten CllppaJoci". [«oad.
11" {mnd of rht [eemi.
writtell in his hand 'tu[ria. .
1..1 pr~y you, do you mean T,,[cill by 1tllty i
nt t"ira of tbt {uond: written Parvlt ..Ifill.
'tht firft - Hircll1lia - A. MIlTt CIt[pill"nppcarcd by it.
Tbt {reolla - -rfrracill - -
11Jt Illjt Here 2pJ'lear people going into Cues of the .grollnd, and dw'ttrifllt in G ld M'
Caves: . they are long haired men, naked; Here appear great HBls, and the "cines of 1he underth~·~~le
Gold Mme5 app~n: t~e men Ceem to have baskets ofleather. Thi~ i5 one of t!ie placeaun- A'tiel:..
dorthe Pole Artlck, written ... . Go[",alff.
A . - - Is it Co called, of the people of ~he Country?
Nal....... EvtlllZ.t tbis bOIlT.
E. K. Here
J 54 A true ~elation of D. Dee his Af/ions ~itbhirits, &c.
E. K. Here appeareth a mighty great Hill, and about it a great
Cave of water. Here appear beafts divers: fome like a Swine, with
feet like a Beare, his neither jaw hanging to his and divers
and a mighty Hill running, with branches: there by lie things
with huskes on them.
The /irjl.
he appointeth,
-.rifttll The b a idi.
Here the Sun thineth fair. l'arfadal.
'lIlt [tCOIIJ _
The rhirJ - Here appear pCClple very beafUy, w.ith Mantles on their
ilioulders: and beafh with long fnouts.
Here appear great rotten trees, very old, great Woods of thein.
Beyond the Woods are great Hills. Great Fens appear, and great
Marilh-ground : Fowles as big as Swans, green, fcaled on their backs, in
the water.
'lbt /irft of tht /ift" - Baariane.
The {tco"a - Cilicia.
'lbe ,"ira _ Oxipoa.
6. n, /irjl .f thl fi:eti - Nwnidi ••
Tht [m1l4 - Cyprus•.
~", thirJ - Parthia.
7. 77,,!irjl f f tht [t1IIII,II - Getuli ••
n,[m"J - Here is a great Defart: no Trees.
in his hand - - Arabia.
n, '''ir~ _ Phalagoo.
1:>. .. I never heard of it.
£. K. It is toward the North, where the vtiner of Gold; and fuch
A: Groynluil people appear as before were noted. On this fide them a great way
.. Idl~. appearmel'lwith fwinilhfnouts,their viCageis Co firouted out; hutto
be perceived to be of. humane vifage: The women have aboQt their
privities very long h; down to thelf knees. The men have things
on their lhoulders ot beafis skins, as inftead of a Jerkin or a Man-
s. The /irjl of t.ti&i,II - Mantian••
People appear here of reddilh colour.
'1he {tCfIIJ - Soxia-
On the one fide of the black men
n, ,birtl - - -
like Spaniards appear very high men with Spanllh Capes without
Swords by their fides. Here appeare great Towns; divers;
The name ~ing not evident we urged, and Galli" appeared.
s. lOt /itjl - IIIyri..
'lbt{",,,J -
M If thol/flir. rHululft "ttltT {" ",."
. ... - To E. IC.
_ _ Sogdiana.
'1ht ,"irtl L1 dia.
A true Rtlation of D. Dee hi! .dE/ 'Ditb (pirit!, &c. , c: C;
'lht firjt C,,[pit.
Men like Dutchmen with leather nc~
tht [tCOlld Germania.
ther flocks.
'lb, tbird. Here appear Monkics, great flocks.
Th'e peop Ie have leather Coats , _.and
no beards, thick leather, and Gar-
thers. They gather up thinkg ......
N al.. .... '11..,[, p'Dpl, IIrt If,t k..IfDwn witb J~u.
b. Arc [he), noc -in Africil ?
N~I. ••. " T}"J t,. Now a dark fog covereth all thdlpne.
N"l. .... SIlt) Itwbilr .
E. IC I pray you !etus go 'to dinn·er. Move not, Ifay.
E. K. Nalva&,e prayeth. Now he pointeth to a place.
]I. 1br fir Fl Df th, tltlJtlflb. Bithynia.
7"ht [tr.Dlfd. [A grrat Citir, Itlfll tbt Sta bard b) it .] Grzcia.
A. Is lIot that great Otic Confiantinople?
Nal.. .... It it. 'lb,rt, [tat Df tbat great Devil the TurJ"..
Nal ... ... Ht H but Ttlfltlft 1ft will.
21, third. Lici ••
J : Tht fi~(I Dr tb, uulflb.
E. K. Here appear hao,dCome men,in gathered tucked Garments,and
their fuooes come up to the middle of their legs, of diverfc coloured
Hal ...... 'Ibr[. bt tbDf' bfJDnA HiCpaniola.
E. K. It is a Jow Ceuntrey. Here appear great piles of froncs like
St. Andrews CrolTes. Two Notable ,Rivers are here, The women
have great covertures over their heads, coming from thelr 1houlders, as
the Hoyks in Flanders.
o ni Gap.
Ther<Jal'e on this fide of ie, (a great way) a great number of dead
Nat ..... It is beyond Gia pan.
•. Then it isthat land, which I u[ceo call Atllf"tis.
Nal ...... 7bt) ftr~fch "'Ort If tar tbt w,{i: 'lb~) "rt :15 KingJoms j" it.
7~ f. colla ...... b,yonJ It pl"c, ",,,", tit Gt[t.
I India.
India ;" tb, btltvr1t/y f,0vtrl,.,nt is JjIJjJtJ iltto t.o p"rtl. This ts ,,,I/ttl tht /;rtllt" lode:.
Tilt ,binl ...... II gmft ",an) litth Iflu.
A. Do YOII Dlean the lfies of Orlt..ntJ.
Kal. ..... ND.
t... They [cern to be the] lies of Mala cblt.
'Ifu firft Df thtthirtwrth ...... hchaia.
Tb, [tcond •••••• Armenia.
E. K. A great old Caftle fiandeth on the fide of the top of a ve~
ry high Hill. It fcemeth to be made of wood, It feemeth four cor-
•. I beCeech you whit is that CalHe ~
N~ ...... It is the Ark of Noe.
Tb, tbml .... ,. Cilicia.
Kal. ..... T.a "tvrr "'' ' 1'
'his CHida. Tbi) is CHid., ",b,rt .ht Chillr,,, of Nemrod J';tll. Nimrod.
It is "I in ~, MOI/Ift.i"s b'Jolld Cathlf'.
E. K. This
1S ~ true 'lV/arion of D .. Dee hil A8ians 'l).ilh /pitit$~ &c.
E. K. This people,forne great Cyants,artd. vory fair. Their Appa-
re 1is Gown 5 tuckt up, they are very'cofily Appare1l'd, and in their faces
they have gr(t1t 1ewel.r [ilt..! precious Hones hanged, they are marvellouf..
Iy rich apparelled in filks.
1+ lOt fir/I ...... H,rt fm. til if "'."} bgu[,s TIItrt thn.,,11 Jgn, ./lel C.ftles. Papbl~gonia.
Ollll} 011' Hill .ppunth ill it tltr) 10/fg.
1h~ [teolld ...... Phniana.
7 bl third .. .... H ,rl bUl1t11 "itb bro.;" lik.., E!1ptian., .1Iel "'."} MOll1lt4iTlS .rt htrt 'II
"It jiJt Chaldei.
• 5 'I1Jt forti ...... Itergi. H trt .ppt.r W.oas, W.urs, II"J fll;r 'lo.""s, b.t tht "top!~ IIrt
Jfll~'fI', tA"'''), "/fa hllv, grtllf lumps of Belh wIder their Throats. 'lht) .rt t. ,bt SOll,b.! tb,
Ian Cilicicns.
'Ihtrt IIr, 141(illg"',,;s ,f tbtm.
7ht [tfo"d ...... Macedonia.
'Iht th rd ...... Garamalltica. Ptoplt if II 10. ft.tllrt, 'I,uk.., ! ••"') ptoplt, 114/t,J.
'Iht firJf of the jixtu1I,h ...... H m lik.,' ""lIIf "ila, gtjfur/, cloll'It,~ /ikJ Polonialls.
'Ihis COlmt,,) is "'0" !aurom;&tica.
'Ih, [mild ...... lEthiopia.
E. K. Here are fome naked, fome not naked, covered with red
Carments. The hou[es feem like Tents, made of doath and I~ather.
There are g~eat Rivers.
'lh' third.
E. K. Now he Iheweth by the North.;.pole, and the great Moult-
fi 1\ cim...... H,rt h, [t"'11 Kill,Jo",s I tht;r cfli'! Citi, ;, ,./I,1l Fiacim) ,,/I tlult IIrt If lb.t
I{i,,::.s c",n[tl art A/frollo""rs. 'lhl King'1/IIm, tbd 1/,." g~"tr,,'th it Gaplacar.
'Ib, fir/f•.
Sufi tlml,ltitCQlllltuJ I ...... Colchica. To E. K.
'lht [tC01lJ ...... Circniaca. ..... E. K. Hard by a great water.
72·t third...... Nafamonia.
'Iht fi"t ...... C:arthago. ,
'Iht {,co'fd," '"" N ',,,, .pp~lIr ".IIJ CrocoJi/'.s,I,1/l IIfe~,J; (CII(,J~" tht boay,.ith 10llg" •
..... .; Cox tll'Jt. A );reat place appearerh, covere.d about with fire. !.M1l1I) grtl' S,rfi" ts
"pp'IIr h,r, ,f 200 f ot. I, "pptllr'tth ""J EIIJiY,,'rd. N4 r.oplt ..p~'.r hert.
E. K. There cometh from Hea.vcn like a.MiH, and covereth a gt(at
place, about 300 mile long, like a Park, endofed with fire. It is on a
li,e" ground. There come fQur Rivers out of it, one Eaft, another
W {H, another North, and another South. The pales, or endo[ure of
it feem to be Arches,be[et moH ri;:hlywich precious 11:ones. In the Cate
of it Hand three men like us,one is in" a long Gown with man y pleats~the
other Jike in a Calfek. The third in the rough skit\ -<}f a be.aH. In
the name ofJe[u$ : [sthis the Paradi[e that Adam was banilhed out of?
...... 'Ihl tltr) [11m, ; from "til" hi "tII 'IIr1l,101lt illto tbt IlIrth. This;s th, trll' Val~ of
• t... Will you give lIle leave?
It Ihould Cum this mun be on the earth, not in the aire •
....... It ;s ~po" thl ,,,r,h.
You Caid thlt from hence he turned out into the earth •
...... 'Ib, emil of G.a ;/1 Adam cn!,a the eIlrth , .",b,rti",o 6t "ill
c/l.fl t. £" .ctur{tJ. 'for, if
Adam h.J .rttr l1ir fall t."i,a ill ParadiCe ,hit ",ielvalltJf't 'WolIlJ h.", IIlfr,d th, i111f.C'PfIe) of
tht 1'lllct. Tb. rtfort it ParadiCe Jit/i"t,uijh,a fr.", rill 'IIrch; i1l r,{,iO of ber ,.r;'j t "''''',,!,
tllrrb it defi/,J, .1/a 'm-llptla ."ith ",.1/. TIlt limb it I"ill ,,,b, fillfflll ;. 'T',[pelJ If '''-jII of
t.. , Till -45 4egrec~ ,both Northerly and Southerly ...11 il knvwn in tJ.ulloll pace .of·-the
world: :SUt of any fuch place there is no kno"ledge nor likelyhood by any Hillory of tberi
da,yc~, or of old tiDle.
~.:A.trt't 'l(elatioT1ofDr. Dtcc btl AEfiant D;th [piries, &c. 157
N~I. ...... Thn-'fo r~ tbf-l i/ cunning, and the wifdom ~ God. Tb~rt awllt·, h Ji~jh;1I it t£.t
/hall ne"~r die, 1IJbjcb ,."~,, t.]vll up for It ttftilitoJf':o!. 1rlltb••
/;,. Eli( and fInch, by the ."pocII1,ps do fc:~ that they fuould [uJf~r J,.th, under Mtti-
thri:t, if\'fC underlland right. There is Eat, Ellorb, and ]o'bll: They thall [t~m to bt dead.
by hi'S pO\Hr, but not dead.
'Jbt third - - Idumra.
]..' i/, tUII 1IJt firjl - padbvia.
1 ~~ow it II0t.
'1 ht [teolld - - - - - - C:e1tica .

Lo." CONntr).
...... TIJilt JIlt UJld~rfflll/d. CO",IIIOIl!.J IIOJII for Gallia. It is UI~t ~"icb ,.ell Flandria. tb,

'!ht tbird - - - - - E. K. Here appear men with ullons like Lions.

The}' be very devils. There are five Ifles of them. There be they
that call dwel1 in any parr of the &rth. and are called Piloft.
Nothing ditfereth them, but in that they have bodies.
'Ibt firft. E. K. Under the SOHtb Pole.
Here ap'pear little men with long beards: their Sou.bPol
Under .he
bodies as cllildrens bodies.
Nal ....... 1btrt J.",llttb tbt JIIo"derf,,1 E",pmur ~f tht WorlJ, ,ttllJ tb~ wOIIJtr!ul CitJ .ftbt Cl, A wender.
W.rlrJ: En-, .rt Ifll hrm'tlr~J. allJ. tw,lv~ lC;'tgJ~",s. ' 'IhM Cit) M" iundml [.rt) fix 1,.et,ulS fulCtcatCitf;
abollt. I' 'I fi I '
A. You underftand two Elig lib ml es or a tague, as In Fr."c~ I
Nal....... I. Tfld'( htlleth th, trut gtlltrl'tioll ,febam.

'Iht [mild - - - Cilrcedonia.

'fht tbirJ - Iealia •
... U.litt and Rritaitiit were before applied: the third of tbe I.a. and 'Drft of the If•
..... 'Ib~rtfor~ tlrtr~ two plttc~s to b~ r~collciled. . • .
He 'pointeth to a great City WIth a River by 11:•
... •~ '.[his if thllt Cit~ YIIbicb iblll! not have one ~on.lltnding in it. 'Ibil Cit) if ;/1 Icalia
h, IS it 'Ron", 1 praTfoll ?
N al. •..... Ir N I\.om ••
E. K. Now there is come a white milt in the Stone.
Ceafe,f-aid II voice.
1\ voice ...... Stl-] [,r lo,bilt.
E. K.
Na\ ....... RtIlJ,,,,,, ill "' tho. {"ft tbe'" [~. He fpake to E. K.]
Ii The firft - - - - Bri[ani~.
The [teOIlJ Phenices.
n. third ' Com:t&incn.

22 Tht IMl Ap,ilia. .

'Ih~ {te,,,J MannarIC ••
Tbt tbirJ. Concava Syril.
83 n~ {tCOIl4 of fb, {tHlttb
'11, firjl - - Geb.1;
the [e""il - - - , Ela~ 'IIiJ, Elamicz.
fht tbirJ. I duma.
Nal ....... It it htJOlld Greenland.
24- 'ILl fjrp - - Media~
'[bt {("tlil - - /lrnana.
,., 8 J true'R.!lation 0/ D. Dee his fiE/ions ~ith /1;r;ll, &c.
'fhr third - - - Ch.ldza.
A. I befecch YOll, \vhat ditfereth this Ch.lJ,II from ell[Ii,; before?
Nal. ...... l'oajhllU filld, tN ti/,,.,"''' of it, in praaice.
25 - - - Th.{, " op1, Serici.
Th, {,COI/d - - perUa.
Tht tbirtl Gongatha - E. K. Toward the South Pole.
26 'TIlt f j r I l - - - Gorlim - Beares and Lions here.
Tht {,eolld - - - Hifpani~ . ­
Tht third - - Panlpluha - -
'21 1h, /irft - - - Q a c i d i.
0.1 ....... Tht.rtb, 9 f{1I/,d""s - Fair made peop]e~ buttawny.
7k {teolld - ,- ~abylon.
"Iht ,hird - - Median - E. K. It is much Northward..
28 'tht fjrfl - - - Idumian. Nal ...... 'TIu.J IIr, till' IJlts ,"viro"ttl rith "" .r';'
Tht { m l l t l - - Fclill: A~a~i'. 'f tb, Scythian S,., IIIbieblO"h ill lit Mafpi.
7 bt tbird - - - Metagonltldcn - It ftandeth nry Southerly.
29 lbt fjrfl - - - AfTYria.
1 bt {mild _ - Afri~a .•
'!hI ' hiI'd - - - Baanam.
30 'Ibt fjr/f - - Alran .• . Here appear people' with one eye in
Thl {-r,"a - - - - PhryglL
'Ih, tbirti - - - Cre[a. their hcad,feeming to be in their breaft,
"Iht fourth - - Mauritania. toward the Equino3-ial.
A. J remember of people called Ari;"lI{pi.
Nat ...... 7bit JiI}'S Lt~o" it '" ",uell rort'. Mill! D,tIllW. thit nil Mauritania.
Note....... HIT' IIr, 15, .",bie" YUrt nlTJtr 1t,,1I0.,,1I ill f/lll{, ,i",,, •
...... 7lt rtlf .rt.
A. I hear nothing of 1 '[olli., <.)Uo!eh1v;iI, D,,"iil, Rib"IIill, 1{1."Jill, and fo orman,. 0-
ther -.vhich j could name; what i. to be thou,hc.of thofe? in re(pc:a of the difiribudoll of
the whole face of the ~arth ? .
..... Polonia 1l1l4 Mofchovia, IIr, .f Sarolllatia I Denmark. Ireland, Frizelmd.Ifeland,
A· Are ~ndtr
• he I\~gl~.n.
.r, of Britain: .Allti [0 it is 'f tb, rift•
1:.. J brfeech you to what part, Is A'[IIl/lj, and the JlnnC1:ed places. Under the King of
thhtta "d'··'· S/";II called the W,II.IIIJill I
C Ie y enor-
CCb.<14 N a I. Wh", Iht},,r '30 •""tIlr.t ht} ellll 'lieh ","11'
l" II lit t ht.J ''11'11. Prtpllre fir t, mornrs AOioit.
A. Molt gladly -
E. K. If you prove your [elf tru~, you thall win me to God.
Nal. ...... 10u "'".J btIlur..
,ud lIIilh th, fjrft "ll'orJs I (poll..' to JII.J.
1:.. Deo, Ope. Mill:. fit omnis honor. laus Be, Gloria nunc & femptr. A",'II.

7b1lT(.JII) Milli. 24 •
.~. Becaufe E. K. came not, ( accordj'lg as it was biJden yellerday) to follow the Aai.
on: Twent [0 his Study doo., alld knocked for him: And I requelted him to come; and
he refu!"cd fo to do, and !"lIve me a {hare and rrfoluce anfwer, That he would never more
•Thor. "ord.. have do wi[h thefe Aaions. I a~ked him [he rellfOll why: He would give none: But
h. Cpake If.. r earneltly denied to proceed. I [OIl him rhat !lis words *
yellernight (chat he could not
.hI Mion this day drale) did very mnch grieve me, &of. whereof he made fmall acc-emlt. So I went
ended more into my ~tudy 2!'ain, and commi:red the laufe to God.
!ha\ ac~ou~ Af[er half an hour an.! lelli:, he came fpcedily out of his Srudy, and brought in his hand
~r ~cior.~; one Volume of COnt'/;1II 4~rtppa his wo. ks , and in one Chapter of that Book he read the
Study of pra· names of C"lInrries and Provinces collc<'Xed out of Pr%mtlll (as the Author there noteth)
dice. Whereupon he inferred, th"t our fpiriculllnUrufion Wlrt CItlltrs to give III .. Jt[er;ptioll of
the World, taken OUt of ocher Books: .nd therefore he wOllld have no more to do with them.
J replied, and faid;, am very glad thar Tvll have a Book of your own, wlrcrein fhefe Geogra-
pbic~1 namesare clI:ple/fed, fu~h as ( for the DIOit part) our Intlruaors had delivered unto
A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AfJiQ"s'D;rh /pirits, &:c. 1."9
~ thar, accordin3 to [he Tenor and foral of my requell to him, Co to -----------------
h&'f ~ them ex-
prelred: for our more perfeCl: information. by tbofe kno,l fn names; to undedlaoQ th,f( 9t
unknown and unheard of names, of fevenlettel'~ every .one: whereby they ( our Inlhllaors I
mean) are very greatly co be tbanked, and to be deemed (in all reafona~le mens judgements)
mon f, iendly, and far front cofenage, or abllling ofm: Alldfanher I ral~, that I ml.fclf, had
here fet down on a paper, all the 91 names together orderly, as we I'ecelved them, and tbat ,t. Ntme. of
I had here brought the defcription *
Geo;:rapbical of the whole earthly Globe: and alfo the "orld ~r
Pompo~ilM v'Hrill r~c forth in ~ng1iCh with the ~haJ'tes t~ereunro belonging, f~irly defcribed ~:;;!::: ~u~l.
by hand: To the mtent he nllght fc:c the venty of theIr words ye~erd~y deb vend UntO us: • G.""J., u.
for the performance of my requell made to them, on Tllefday lallm thIS fonn of words, as niv'rr.1 Chore
the Book hath it recorded elms; of tbe World.
A. As you gave \IS a tane, or warning of Iralill and Britlllfi«, fo, if it be thought good
to you, we arc delirous to underfiand of th, rIft, tb, Applir:lltioll to fllcb 1I""'ts as we
Whereby you may perceive (faid I to E. K. ) how your reafon is marvelloufly confounded
by yonr wilful pbauralie .: For fo much as, wherein YOIl would find fault, in our fpiritual
IDfiru8:ors doin;,;s, Therein they ha.,e done thu which I reqaeHed them: as appeareth ; and
that to tht' intent, of known Countries we might und(rftand whic~ Angels had rhe lovern-
ment : for filch \,,1I'r(lOfcs, as occalion might offei' or require ollJ',Pra8:ices to betrye in.
T/lis ( qIM.~ I ) i, to grotf~ your (;ror, and to wil~d your IIVra~gling: But I do in nar-
rower point~ perufe and conltder their words and dOlOgs; In whIch tbough fometlmes my
writings ( after your declaration) hath been amended by them, ,et the 'lCcalion of mirwrit-
ting forche mol~ parr, hath been either in your mifreportine wbat you fa.w and heard, or
jft ~r wroll!? heari~ g, or writing ~ and fometime by the fpiritual preCene corre8:ing of my
writing, and fomernue longer after, &,'.
BlIt for all rhis, E. K. remained of his wilful intent; and fo departed to his Studya"ain :
And I committed God hi. <. allfe, into his own hands,care and ordering, as may be bell f~r his
honour and glory. So be it•

. .Monday, Ma;; 28. Inr"lo} lI"tt "'triai,,,,.

6, I raid the lO'rds Prayer.
E. K. Here appeareth nothing but the clear Stone.
Now there appeareth a white circle, more than ufual : kis as it
were a white finoak, very large comprehending aIJ the heavens in man-
ner, having asit were, the breadth of my finger inl:he circumference or
border of it.
A. Afrer t his, an hour and an half~ after divers our difcourfti of my Wife her fpeeches
and ufag'e toward E. K. &c.
E. K. Here appeareth one like him in the green that appeared laft
day : the Etymologie of : whofe name is Die illiJ', and his name
6. In the name of Jefus, andforthe honour c.f ferus, we befeech YOIl to deliver the ,c-
rity ofyourmel1age.
Mapf....... Hr livttb, ItHa ht [ltith, ..lri[, UP. Alia fay IID[().thcm• . Ho'1l' .rd:1t] ;iltm hllvt I
Dpr"rd ~,/fr,;us to tl1lbrll'tjou .' How oft hav"t ''''rpt ovrr ]OU,.,,"
fllthtr" But )'ok artjfill,
ftiff-Htr/ttd and ai(o.tditHf chi/Jun. Lo, I ceafc yet, Itna will "ot implltl ,IN 'fI'ic/trtilltP N"tO '''it, Cear.
)'~" nOt or C~afe:
[t>.. 0 bletfed.God, blelred Go~, bletfCld. God of mercies. ) alld <lilt tt to
Mapr. ...... }jrciI!uf. mJ ""o1lfifrs ma} bt: "ohvit/,ftaHJilll' tb ..~ tilt [o.s ,f mtn; $/f."} "" fit), ;'o~n~~~
filCh a a~J c''}Itth i" ~hr Britlf.~ro,,,,; nor Itt {lIch" tintl jhltl! tk~ ·, Lit/.} {prjng : . Lr, ~. JII" ,ing 10".
rhat 1 WIll vllit rou 10, b. IIHk..HO.,," Ullt, JOU. .
E ..K. I thought you would fay [0.. A per1'erfc
. fpccch.
Map ....... But thit JDIt jhall ,co urter part •
.. ,; ... Bind"p tOLtthrr"48 IUiJrs; ."IIofts"J"fhall btllr Sil1/t;: Wh,rt
;oiJr.chn, ire lmgtb; 8, i~ brtllath1. .
6. Do YOIl reqllire it to be parch menr, Or paper?
Map. : ~ ..... 1 I;II11t faii.
.... What Ihall .~, then, ~o, after 1 have caufe~ 48Iea.eH.o bc..b ound ! . .
Map....... TIllS done, nfe up, Itn/. ltrform your Journey. liS JllI 6rt t,,,,,,,iI1iiJ,J.
X 1 A. I hln
1060 A 1r.ue?{el~ti(Jn 01 D. Dee his Af!ions 'QI;th jjint!, & c.
-- . ' 1I h rd 'elyof tbe binding of the book : Mean YOII after che: binding of the book
Our ~Ol"g '0 lI.. ' , l~VC elt. on ' .
the E"'perouro tbac thiS JOllt1liCY fuall be c:ntted lOtO?
Courl. Map . ...•. 1---..-----------------:-'-------- --
b.. What !hall I do wirh tlte book, after I have ~und It?
E. K. I 'wiU an[wer for him ....burn It'.
6 , I'metf..
Invil~i. t.... Map •••..•"Il·t fOllTtulltb ;'ltJ 'o[ }O'IIT r,ft, ' !1m thit 't/lhlt-Clolttb) ""IIO/U otbtr jbllU ht {pr~d
'lUll. fIT iI B"lI1(,tt. E '
. K. He pomtet h to t h'IS D'.~~
per T ahle-Cloath.
Tlae .. riti"f; Wbtrtlilito, you (hall invite the Angels.f tht L"J: III tht ",jUtft .f ~ht .'tllhlt '1C) ~o"" ,h,
oCtlae book by Qoo/t ".d go f.r,h; "",Itt IIlf. th, Joors lifllr )111. ,'lhlt' ,b, h''''IItKS /II"] }.jlifi~ ]01lT fll,tb, lI.d
D;yj,. ",elll'., .'J bt c')mt'orttd E'or m'" is 1I0t .,r.b) tI . " " ,hltt jbllll ht ""rrtll: lIt1tbrr jbll" tbtrt bl
ro:,. mpe-
0."" J" ,
folllfa. flllI"J .orth] to op"" ,hilt 6ui(: " '
Four ilion ..",. 1 hll'll' tKUrta "lru,tl] illr.o tht.Ewr"rOllrs bu.rt. .
V,I_ lib. 1,. Bllt It m", lItht lI'i!lbtr.~",' wllfull. If b, aD 0 a lundred and tw~be:daye:SJ:emaID, ~nd he
Sevremll. I. is 110t. •
Su .Ide ... I,e·
' For I hlt'llt ellt
'. ' .
4011'11 tht 60111f/u, ,b, ""'tITS
"'II,} rlljb .at, tbllt fIIut JII"] .bt II fudden Idtc:ratlQQ
rllionin ,bi. III,-".',
* Wlwll I wam you, ,:] ).
~1hall return : B'lt JOII pk..j, ",.
• RtnlmWtrre~. ubeCore ..... bid· if you .believe. If l i1llt /.0'11"'" 0101 "'l r n'llidtll", (r,-
don, 'M.y &I ••
u. of .ny r~rur";"l1 ....
".:b.'_.n•• "
ppea"' pilf, IfOt) hilt. Itt MJ,prov.iiJOICt. • 0,,'r.lI .tiJllt : Loolt¥.~j,~tr ,~or
ot to war.
10y die , " J'
tbt Sun-Hor Moon, bwt be ready alw,lI1 cs•
nineteenth book.: Tl>erdore .. fila lall.i-
Ii.,. .hat c\oub, muftbe rD.yed.1Ie rudy For, wbom I finat "l't,,p.:IIII bt 1IfAJi~ "'r1~t : AKd fI ~ t~
_h.. y... it hllrrtK, jb,,1! ,btre btlitt It IIJthJ;
Th~e daye. ; 'fir,r dajrc:5 before: you cake,your voya~e, jbllll JOII mf(t mt btr'.
b.fore oor ' For, 'I bllv,-ro",tibi"g fI {II' Wlt'JO", II'hich jhlll! ht b,datll '" till thtll;
j ourney to ,h. Ltt La~k y Jlmcb Ollt hu lims : For I will '" love: "j"" IIlId I" bi", t."p~ lI'iJ, : .Alld t,,1v ",,,,Ii
Imp.roll' : . for tbt VIJ[tl is ",idt, tblt' bt fh,,11 drin'" of·
~ "t'.'
unll 4
~. A n·L.
L, t bi", not defl'air : for I" ti,"t ~o'lltrll,tb tht 1I""dts, lliul a.tll,tb "'t ilf th, hllllds ./ JII.tIl,'" it
is thllt jhllU <,o",fort hi",. , '

"'la.r. Gl.r] bu. God tht Flttb". GlorJ bt to ao.J th' SOli. GlorJ h~ t. G..J tltt.J,o" .Q.bI.!l~ -.JI./Ub,
~_, Son.
Htll'lltllS ri{,
."a glorifit GoJ.
Ghoft, • mell. . .
Map_' •••:H IIlItI"I"'.'
Th.CIIl., or b.: 'I beftech YOIl, asconceming the: rell, of the: Calls, .odnvitations: w.e: .... e maft rca~ ,tb
IDY;rations. rCCO'fe tbCDlIlOW.
lJ.. Thu,fday. Map ...... P""" ,t ,b", tho[t tbr.,"~~]tS h CI",~, MIl!' [lltUftt t , fmul",.Jt s tkt lIT, tc,(l."'f
FtiollY. Sltur- fbefeech you to let me: undecftand, whether I !hall take: with me ~c~ chi.
b.. t.w.o.
dll' bft,were Cloa(h.
t~(\ y ~ /Co
.. II '1Iqulet-
Map ...... Witb che (hew·Ji(JIUh'kt is nuJ, f.o"~"" ftlf.
A ,, . . L h J
n.U., l ;o,j be voyce .... ,. ellUlt tli/' "Of", to I "'".. , IIll "lId,.
m<"iiullllllt. 6. J undcdl:and chat I (han caufe the: leaves co,.bdilvcr~d,.lInd fo p[c:paocL
liS. •• MifmtOl'd~ ' Dea~mi i!l etemum cantlbo: Ejus riomen fit hell4!d:alllll e:1[ hoc:
mmc & Ul fS1llp\cerna uciJloJUm fecali : Hie (olus-eft Deus Nolter, Omni-
POtflUi>etcmus & vivus : llIi Coli omni5 honor, laul & Oloria. Alii,,,.

'SntrraIlJ, Cracoviz. ' -MIIII,. tin'" 7- 'Poft pr'tC"tJ IIliqllot & ptt;,h ",s "'.tIlS:
ftllti", ftrl "IPMuit.
E. K. I fec him, that we call Gabriel, iieting in his Chair alone.
Gabr ...... G.d it • {pfrit ,tj{tlftilll .."" ill bitl/fUf :' !!fftlltii[rUld "orljllg iJ), b;III{tl{ ; ~;II/
GOI). i" ri/l"'or~ .¥J.Jif,lIiJJi1lg',,'mHbJ 1Ji",[tlf: ,'So fhuht J.tgiKHiHg itllil t"Jill!. pf 1111 thilfg~, ""'
".,rt 61.. ",4;.
or 'IIT~.J"" IIlt-tila], nrd tOCD.'; irplllrtd Iii tl; f'''"tlliK, a»d..wcU. Cpring 'If .aU

life, ~omfort, and cncreafe: : WhtrtbJ.t {tt, tbet tht bt.ll'lltllS ,," tbt migbfJ, p• ."t,rs tbrrrill fro",
,h, blghtjl WltO tht lowtft, rhings Ib", hn, II!, ttl"> :/tIItIl'llt rilf',b 'Irli/;r c!t·thlft 'foi Hi;;$ttb
f orth ; 't~, tht ~'.trl"rts (t6o"gb ~ft" """b,, III""l1tr, IIn~ b" .lItfht~ COIIX{() ·Jp "llbillft; ,,"1l
"" tjtllblijb,d, III 1111 ~P'" tbt IIIIJptAd,lt f1~"'r./1f tht prC'IIiJlllct "Of Ill"'. ' RrAP, tlttrtforl ·tII.
,ii, Huv'"s'7'T/ff 'l1"li'7 i Ot tht tIIrlh, (fOrfbt'Eltll [.l<.t,) ,_II', II "m[0,.1tr-I 'Or .rbt I"""
plllw 100'" fIT COlllfort I 1/ it I t ~J.(thtTtfG~() I,~t tJe~"'?lf¥U'llfllft 'I'M'C f ,Qr!if t't pnlHr of
Godh, {o JIIlght], "1/4 fo flill ~f prtullmg; If '" tht hou[t of light thlrt ~,..., 4",,.k..Ifo(Jjt, or fTO'" tbt
H''''IIt~. CIIII d,[wld 110 ",ic"'tJ"'p't; (A.d. ."b) I bten!t .bl] R'l,aigll,pld i".t},( ,p"'tY of G.d.)
Til: Dt'fiL Wbllt 14 ht flult jbo.Id '1 m, alid dlltraA lh~ Lord? BIll bCTt~ The, polftr!lIld I}uali'1 ~ the
Jlrue 'l{e14tion,of Dr. D~ebis AEliom ~ilh [piries, &'C. 161
DClvi.1 is nor o~cly ul~"ifdl, but alfo nil! ~ontend~h !I~~;nJf, rl,.t PD'lftr. ~lItl 'fIIillof God: flirring F. nihg. mi[.
"" IIlId provo/t,lIg ma/l to faJt .t full ~al\k~cs, to JtmJy for ~~ and eVIl. "I. ri[, lip IIglli1f/t tb~ I.ked 01 the
Lora, IIl1a IIg4in;t hH pO'lllrr. Anti to 'lint th~ Lo,d hi",[~/f: ."bicb Cillmot bt vouJ. "t tltt 'IIIick,.d- DeYiI.
"tff~ 9f t/if VC'IIil .• E'Ii.! 1I for tbn c"'fr,[I1)tfU tht Lord u'!t, J9/1o: Ho." /ollg "ill.)ou .",,1/0'" iff ."ic-
ltidltrfJtl H ;." 101t~ ."ill JOu bt arullk,.tll ."ith fo Il] , H~" IOllg· ."ill JOU rift up '1Ig"llill(l tb~ t.. •• Emilxcfi·
LOTi aHa agaiHft tIf, l * Sa.Jlltg, AnJ. if thit bt the. power of God, Art t"t~ tbt MtlJllgt,S of.'",'r.....ltf·
tbt bigbrft l Is thit tht ."ill of God i' Or c"n it bt,tbllt bt htll flIrt of th, tllrtb' Jut tb~[t IIr~ tht Ctn.t"',; Hltt
bl.[pht1l,itf of your mour/'. But I {tt, I mull dilferre. ~1'fclf for &. Dme,"''' raife up ,a Table ;:~"'",,:,:~/..
",htrt rhtrc fh llll t.t Hlort w07:lhJ. CD.nfiatr whltt,t H t. atll/.",tb Dtv,[s : Is It .ot to tal(" p"rt 'i"Hfl.
7J'ith ~r~'c1~ [ I. it IIOt to bt "Irlfitor,! IIg /lin)t tht "ltnoint"!,ill hil '''11 KingJ07ll1 It it 1I0t "gruttr Bla(ph~mie,.
Jill Ihm Iht Jilt of fht D t vil I For whJ , Tht Dtvil filllltlh ill "im[t!f, IIl1d tbtrtfor, bad hj, filII. '( punllhalenr
i11!' ,Jour fi- i! Ilf J,IIT: ft/II(! ;J tht Dt vil, "nd thmforr it II tbt gruttr. But, II{ it it !IIU bt- i.A/~:~1~:n~
ft", !f'hrrr if thm: '- ",~lIil/lnrt 111011 rbt t!1,th t~~t tht ptOp!t hllVt r"ifod up, ill tbt rtm""hr,,"ct of yet 'of Go'; hi'
'll'ir:Ii..l4Nffft I MIl1f! thr't th6t f~y, Lo, th~rt·;' Hient(alem. Lo, til'''' .,,111 tht L,,,",J b1tritd. ino~ merciful!
~9, fht" tht IOIlt{( divid,-J tb' 7IIf,!:us JIIitb ,,1/ tht rtft; ill umflllb,ll/ of tb, Lortl : Bllt 1I0IU y;JirJ~g of,""
tkm if 16ar !"), La, i" thil p/~Ct tbt .,,;ck.!d b~vt ~i['11 up ,,"t1 PTtv6i/uJ. Thtrtfort to dtllvt e::l~ ltb
toftR Ih, ~'rd is go,,,! 1f,1lr! r, hlloff Il {~nfiblt Do{]~i.f, "bich brillgtl" ",itb it r,[f tbt 10Ilthl"o",lItffi fhe !kyilt
'/7riclvtlntfff, Illla tbt ilud, to d, ."tll, Ihllt t~t "'''/tId lilli' bt c,nfol/lldHl. AIIII J Itt tSt 'JP~lt SopIaiJlrr.
",rIb ri{t "p, [ tbn!lfingl'P hit h"nd] tVtll fbi. bll"a,CIl1I gathtr tht", "II togft"t,. : ."bllt fhtrtfo,,~
CIlII tht Lora 4' ."htll h· froJIIlltthi' 0 u"ru[oll"blt Crt"turtJ, /fila ",crtf thtll bt,,(Is, lItort it"o,."nl
tb~" tb, I'c"ris th.t ,(rAjr in the Mottll/"'lIs: Art JOu /10' 4f'6ia of "t p''''tr _/ God,,,.Iot,, if bte"'ttb
"sltourgrl for, 40u1;t Jou "", to J.tlll ".ith f~r, IIrt ."klttd I (.yoll .f 110 faith) .",htrtfore
66tb fht LfrJ ",a4t Iht tIIrlh, ht to ~t glorifitr! i" tht crt4turts tht'lOf" ~lId 'JPha/ is : lit Ihllt gl,-
rifttrh God 'n ,.rth but "'4n[ Tbi"lr..ycu [n :t] (thertfort) tbllt tbt L,r,j batb ,,~t c"rt of his
"oplt' tO I/ fll .,t Ihtre ;s It Stat Upoll tIlrth, .""tin I.t bith 1I0t hiiJat1f d,t "'it~t of his fit
".tr? V . th s.,.." gtt "S.ul tbzt ht is not privJ of l ~di'vt, 0 )0'1 of lirtlt Faith, for it is ; Fai.h.
't te power of God, It. is thr Kq of tht ."holt .orttl, ."bich IS the KeT of IIIltllS "4cit'lct! If ,I,., Flith i. rho
1.;/1.. Hortht aoor , bllt lI#p"rr IIlIa Itllvt it opm : "0 bt to rb", Soul,f~" Iht PrillCt of a"rJr..ntfft tII- Key of lII.n,
'rtth, lI"d i. poff../Ttd to tb, (ttrllill Jl'Q of his JJI'tllint plilct. If, thtTtfcrt t"~ tIIrrb bt "Clll·t (!ohro:.;~i .
IIIlt. hi,. tbat >Hatie it, (41 IIppe~rtrb b) his Prophtts, ""a ~J tbt s." of God.) What are you? Or .he t,.ick!':':k.'
b.o- empty arc: you? Wbell you think it is ill 1Il1in, that the Lord hath appeared Unto E..K, Voryye-
~. ~~1~
Bill i. Jou t."o is figured lpt ti",~ 10 comt: For 7IIilll) ./h6lleltllvt Wlto ~bt Lord, even a. t th~ fir; ~'6 UfO oftbe

CII Il: Alia ",1l"J ./h1l1l101lbt of tht ,Lord, 611d "0' btlit'll' bi~ f.',r If {tII!.n. But III JOU t1IIo ./hall ri";to(otU~'
Aull ;unt Ct1fltT, (i{you (]I') do"'lITd~ .IUJ. ji", "lhl), SO P",[/ tht flt~.f th, "'''0/' Vi'.
lib. 19:
'6rth bt, (otloo .•"t hunami 1I11t! fif,) )tllrs. I'r.'«"1.AuC.
(Fit, th,efruit of ,,,,.Ji[t 'hall appear, ,th., IIorbillg tlllI) bt 011 ",rtb 'JPi,h,,,, c",if,rr. V,lIm ..nh,
F.r, /Q; tbi jirft. folllllt f~/l,) "ltd it j/fal/ bt tt](;lIg1.,. wi,"'u, corrupci.1l, V,:;~t::;i '
No.", 110'111, hllth Ihe Strpt"t 'JPlfllowtd his fiJi. (lp.• t.'11·
N.", N 'w, IIrt all things ill tht Pridt of tb,;r 'JPic"""~. . par.dir••
No., IIIJP, is th~ Htir rt6J" 7II0ji lik,.t his !.rbt,. .., ... JIIIto the t",th through his goVt,lI- p",d\rt ....
"'l1ft. lirlbll.dt, aftcl
For, b;s Ki" fhall bitllt II" ,flld 'lPit/, 7IIiTirJ. AIIIl,6t[4 .tt tht ItttttT JIIJtJ. Ami. tbis is tbt j:~;t been-
llaft Prop\l,C:,fie World. ' Aft.~", Dei
. N0'fIP,It..''P'"lhltl! flit Kiltg 1ft up af,llillft ,,"otbtr: Ani 'hert j1#ltll ~t Uoua ./htd tbroll,hollt' III tbt ",ill, " •• ".",
W"ld : fi ghting between che Devil his KingdOm, and the lin,dom of light. ' df q"o, c·r·to.
aOIllPfli~lI{-ud qu"rrt/s ,oil tbt tlt,th bttwttn mair alia ",p,,f(.lqtr ;',,4 fpn, rl1ife "nd bUlbllIlJ, ~~.I~,C- i}/
Kingdo ..."i Ki.H~do", IJta, tV~1I ill tbe 'IItr) btafts of tbt fitU -",,[[ tlo,rt +t b4trtd; Alld illtp Ili,s :':~;ff,,:r·
,btm ./hall tht fplnts of Comention mttr. i}/if•• t ,
FAr, IIo."io.isb the necefficy of thiltgs. T helIn Pro-
'£.. K. He now kijceleth down. E.II~&C.n-
G a'b ••••• • as~ }~or JOIl, t hIII }1I),
r: t t h t br L ~ r.
d It.t ...". of
l/J~vt c,b oftn ) " 11, to tilt'r lrJt~ mr ba~, : ~,lIa b~tCo""Ultltll'O)l t, 0Ptll tbt Co,,,, tblll tht ,hing., "idi
{ctttttrtd ma) IIPttar, lI"a th"t 'IIIb,,/' rt",alll,ttbi'll ~ht ./ht"! 1ff09 jI,,~d. Ana h"vt ~lIttrtd i"t'o tht 7"jI ••
"forfi, IIn4 {o ,nto tht {tvtllrh. AHa "11'11.' dtlrvtrtJ 'I1Ito JOIl the Te1hmony OEm)' fplrit to come. Eltc!bon.
i',or, 1I1J ,BltT1Ih4thbtt~ {'I/~ ."il!, ue 1h't(htr!. Alia H.~t Iv,t 1111 flllyIn' for " 10llg ti rift hit! ~~:~:'·:f'ct,
III U1f/vtofl'lI FI,,-cts: WhICh flltylt IS the DOarme that I dehver unto Jou: lYbieh it the III(lril",t/ft DotI, inc
.f tbr'!fhi/lg, 1Phm'lllith,1.u./h1l1l btill t'e jht"(Sj that the Com which is fCittc:red, ind 'the, reft The Ih11~for
~ay be aU'pne. Ged his Blm,
(Bllt /I 'IIIIo.ya i"tb, tlftllll (tgfoll.) , V.''''''';!' [x-
If 1 b,t MIl}i,tr pf t,h t B llrn~ own" Df tht C,or;;; .lIi Jtlivtrtf ,f",) /fll)lt: If lIil bt' ",illt. ''';~'''. t.""lij.
(Alld IDIto JPU, "trt ;s nothing .' i" )0" Ifrt hirtlings. ","'{"",IirJ n ht6vfl1.) jiJ.d. (Mb ~lI'
Tom ftt~ that JOIi "tirbt~ rhrt/h, IIor unbUlat) umilll bid you, lit it ,b t fuJlici,,,i Wrt, JDIl; th"t pt':;;,Z'::."&t"
JOu m.J b.u[t, t"IIf)OIl k,.noTJI thtlllbollT I'IIIiIl put ]~ It: 'Ib"r I [lIvD!'r )tu [6 l,IIuf'h III tI tllttr- Noec, biddinc"
''';IIJDI4 ,he laboUT"s withill /II) BII", ; For 'JPitl>in it tkrt,fotib nOllt .",irlmlt my confent.
162. A trut'.R...elatitJRo[Dr. Dee hit Affiont ..ithlpiTifS,&t~~,
',,-)-'.u-,-=-fhllllmaj,J p,.t" bthltJJM, 11114. i1lJ'1I follil thtTt b, 11. Jiviji", .. ,F., .Efau 1I11d
p,omiftd. Jacob {hall b, jOJntd togtthtr; IInJ rbti, XiI,!d"" Jhllll ht illI Int: For liS tbt Silcrijict II, fo ",1IjE
Erlu &- Jacob. tht Prit,is bl.
E. K. Now he kneeleth down again. Me thinketh, I hear them
A. L. fay, VVhat fhall become of LasPJe ?
E. K. And fo the people fay.
[ AI~ me no ~tftiolll : but htllT, trhat I hilv, to fIlJ.] , .
,As IbJ[t .blt' dljirt t. Inltltt II [pwi, Vinntr, nd to t1lt(Ttll;1I tbtiT gNt{1l, go {uddt1ll] ./It, II"~
~lIlher tbt drJ,1f '/IIood i1l tht '/IIood-pilt: Not 'tCIIU[t il is lIIor,' '/IIo.d .61111 Ib, "b" .; tut b(cllu{, ,t
A. 1.. 'u dry, IIlfd moft IIpl forthe fpc:edinefs of the kitchen. So, il is ",ilb ,,;t, {llilb. thl ~tTtl. .
A. L. The 'P'- For, I rt[ptll hiln lI.r ill tbllt be it II m4n, bur in ,t[ptf! of tbe manner of bll onnde IIna ,n-
en on ,he world 1I1l1rd !!fltll wbich I {il/aill Tt{ptll of my purpore, .ptell 11\ tbe world :,btCi,u{t.t 1I1I11IUIl] hatcth
lor rom; G~: the wick:d, TlitrtfoTt nlttllf'lI11J Ilovt bim, of ",ho/ll 1 [lIj I ['!PtIlT, If he follow me (fltitb tbt
pores r! . Lord) I 'will
be with him,as I was witb ray t Wartier ~t Himc"': ,A"a I ",ill bt mitbtJ'/IIilli
t HUt, ,.po r. h,m i" tbit",orld,II7IJ II lo~er of hi", fIT tV". Bllt m, tb'''kJtb be Will bt t ~roud. If J'U fi"d m,
(!! 6, ",talt: k.."''!P r'Y, Ib4t I It", "ot '!Puk... of 111} {tlf ; but your own "eaknefs may be .your cdo·
,/I• • flllion. FOr I It", It {i14, lind tlt!:.t bolJ. of{lIcb "'lttt.T liS I find "pr.
t;;iae of A.L. E. K. He knedeth again.
(uf.,.",.d. I 1 hlt"t 1IO'/llIOlt" (111! lJrermll) of, ""t/. of the ",It"ntr 'f tbt I;"",.f God.
V 'MS i,." :'"
2.Of tht nMIITt ° Htll, Itna.f ht, 1I1;c/tt,J",tTt_ .u'
Neeer.i,}'. 3· Of tb, CDIIT[t of tbt W"ItI, IIna of tilt "".flitJ .f thil,!s.
4. Of Jour tlefriolf, ua of thtl1lJ. tlmetf·
5. OfLaskic, IIna '/II'"
bt it tltll.a.
17. No'/ll I ,,,,, Ill/fly to ttrf-ueJolI, by the power of God, tbltt '011 millt.! "lIr ftlvtl apt and
Alft ~:de~ut me~t malter: IIIIa thllt JOU ""'J ftllnd befoTt tbt Lor. IIslIGCeprdle : '/IIhich 1.11 Jhllll }ltr/lTm if
mmer. J'. intend your former Lelfons. 71u.grOllllJ ",htTtOf it HumilitJ 1I11J Ptr{t1JtrIt1lct, ",hich be';'
Hum:liry. CIIU[t thtJ h"'IIt bltn 0fltlf[p,lI,t" 'f, IllIJJt ."irh reftTring JOU to tblColfjiJtTltr;01l rhtTeof.
~,reYCrrce. GivlllgJou one1l1/1'/fiilg, 1hd tbis Allitlf }',1t1I Dever come to paffe, until .there beno,re-
..J:,'ar a- memhraoce of wickcdnclI'e, or hell, left amongfr you: IIl1d Je" IIfttr, for a time, y,um/ljf
, have palienH. For, )'lIr offiCtS liN 1Ib,,,t It Kmgaom. Hinatr ,co,
t~t L"a ilC his tXItaiti,,,s.,
We m~n ~o.o R~lIIt1ll9tr .t hatb CD/felfli/natd you to go to tbe Emp,erour. Hltppy II bt, that comcch when
lhe Emrerour. heis bid Go. Af/dIoolift it~, th., gottb ".t, ."bedt it .idd(/l. ]
'1~c ploce Ie< T~ere, ufe thy (elf: for, it /hall be a key of thy habitarion: Alld for that place, it tN
.. ";ch my An- Angtl of thy Creacion [tilled. L''''''gtlhtr: ':J1e b./IIbl, 1111. ""tin., to the end.
,:e}. o~<;!c&aotI
to ; Deo nofrro immortali, invifibili, omnipoccnti, Be Patri mifericerdiarwn, ejufque filio
6~i ~~der- Redemptori noRro, &: Dec ~piri~ui , Sanao, fit omnis laus, gloria Be gntiarum aaio.
nand .. yet,ei. ,A",tll•
•ber.h. Em-
perburs Court.
q;J>r",t. 't<o
Monday" t Cr...."v;.i ",.1uKi;, MIt1l', borlt 8.
OTII'i01ltm domi1lic"mgtnibw Jltxit TttitllVi, ""Tillfqllt jvxIII prop.!'tltm "'iIt"iltlll tjll,t:u/llt;,ntr
lI.bll;, ""Tillfll"t inler ilos ,,11II";OlltS, ~n"Jiat'lIlio"t[qut ultimorum verbo,.,,111 ;/jiw, Gllbri,lit, &c.
After almofr an h.our after our fitting to the Altion, he appeared.
E. K. Gabriel is here again in his Chair, and his dart upright in his
hand, his dart is like a flame or flatf of fire.
A. .Ildfcd be God. A.After his appearing, he a.yed almoft a quarter
of an hour before he began.
Oab....... As Goa ilC bit tJ[mtilll beil/g, it It Spirit, '/IIitbtuI Jtlflonftrltti,,,, (, IIrt bk prO[OIlll/.
'1fo1Jiatncts, ",.,Iv, IInJ a,terminlttioHS,lIndlt to be IIItllfwd.
[E. K. He maketh curfle: but nothing appeareth in the Ston~. ]
Gabr . ..... !Itrtb) IIII1J Y'II fi"J,tbar tbt l.vII! God t01l1ltrtis J.u ( 0 ""'ttc~Sltna jilff/m )
iI IUore tban a love: II"d "',,, tb"" C4H ~e mtllfur.,J, 'll'hich'/llits tb, clllife,tbilt '/IIith bit 0'/11;' fi,,!tT,
( d,lit,hlillg in tbt (01l1 of Jacob,;) ht ftilita thit [ltjin! I Jtll .",itb bil 'o'/tn ji1lg" , thit. /he'" II".
Jig,; of hit tx<'tlltnt,lInJ ""rt tbll", love to"'"Ta hit people.
Ood his jea- I am a jralous God ; ."hich is itS m"ch to fllJ, Lo, 111111 J our [,;t1la: nit!, rlltb" J'w flltbIT,
I... fie. II"d "' OTt than thllt,J'UT G.d: ",h'cb tidighttrb i" )'11, rtj'Jrt tb in JOII, "na lovelb ]fll"';rb Ibll,
JOltod. '0••• a/fcltion [Jcalou./ie ] which is more than )ove: difh is liS much t. {It" /If mJ h'tlt;s {ue"',.
Dour.f· •• ",IIrJ JOU, as I am to my felf. Bllt. 0 Jt ftiff-II,clVd Jt"'S, 0 Jt Strumltls,J.1I JtfliftJ .be IWf
'f God,yoll co",m;tlta "JlIlttry, 1I11a rll1l ;1Ito tbt Tlmplts of Idols: .hieb 'fll1I1 ,b~ cnft, thllt tht
{arne blouth, thlll pTIt;[tdJou btfoTt,
[E. K, He maketh curfle often. ]
.... Satd ~/{~ ~fJOu; Ii rtp~lfttfb riff ~b4t r w/llilt thit pioplt. Ltt mt ra~t t6m! out, 1t7l,il iltd..~
It pt~plt of * thu. This/Joilltr) lIJ/K thullu[t. from ' timt to tim., that you btrit7llt CllptiuN, • To M.ftt
And ~f Inhtritoltrs, RUllnlf~atu, It"d .",ith'lIt It Mll f/tr, V"to ,11'. 111[0, tblll [Iliff, flit- Lird ( u~to ~od, J&, ~
'foit 11!1 B'r :t '6rh, I [~y "".' ) Mm thlin tkt 'hii~ ~f .~f.It~"t'r ij; It t&t I.Vt of 'God tO~iZrd Th~'i,!;.
Jotl: .F~r,. MIt. "/l'?"h of d,t Gtl/tllt', harb tht L,hi jht1Pdl;i.",t.,lf I 'iP1ure dfptll ~btJ, or "htrt The unmes-
baw tht} r1:~ll!,d, moo "liorc houft's haTe the Ahge15 of the Lord defcended, raymg,thlls and fuublelove.,f
rhu s, doth the Ood of He:i'li:rt arid e1lrtll rtld.h tb 'ddle with d\'c World. God,lo"ord u.
7. i.'ill'~j •• mr; tl.. hlJ/1 ii ifrorttb,it lov~? L~b""l'htrtfort ;'"h-01Pfy 11ItO 10 fir [tlvlS: Vn- If, L, A, ~ K.
~fvrr rl." dbnrgs or y onr 'tift, it,,':' [lrrr"t 'Cblfi:th,rJ: E"iti- ilrto jQdgt;';;~lIr fIIith JDrn' [dvtl. V1Ito Exhorutlon t
tbu I [p fait" r
To E. ICJ Ha ll thou liDt run 4j/r,;j fr~'" tht L'Td~anJ, co~mitttrl Uolarr) l. ~~~'n:~:~~Qf
A. H.e tola E,](. oH1JS faults, whic~ E. K. would not cxprd\c: to me, and I delired him life.
(Q lilic:n 't o them, and to do as it agpc:r.t aincrh to a Chrifiian, &c.
Gab. ':;'" But.IhM J~;H) tht Lord~ I a~· apnr~ . Spiri~ ~at .I!arddpateth not w~th the de- God •
.bled: neltha- can I cntet lh mercy tnto that hoOfe ",hlCh IS dChled. .A gtP4t [aYII{S!",.,) Brt-
tb' tIf: For 'urtb) !oit k"rr",otiifhtJl 10 nflilr.J jOl\r~nfciCftces clt:.n, to open yonrrel\'es in
purenefs, to tht Lord, th .• t ht mlty eltter ilm y?U wit!; cpl1lfort. ,For, ~ long ItS thou dealell JPitb
JPirit"t d [pirits, .",ill tht LOTti. kpp hlte~ his hanas: and thou \ccepefi back the Lord. for .{hltl! The Lord kept
it not be [aid. herufter? 1..0, ;1 not this inall "'-"01P1110 have aealing #rith tht wi'k..~d lAid. (iii blck.
the fooli!b t'OlCtS of tht ptople art) Is not this he thoft cn cOllfiraill the ""icit"tJ l lIJith furthtr Itr-
gummrs, b) uperitioll of thy iJoillg1. Wefi, if tb,u wilt b~ i't Minifttr of Ggd; If thou lIJilt ~o
implZril. in his 1'ork.! ; If tin" '(pUt 1ft th~ happj t i mes tha, qr to come;· thou :mulf 1Il:(1-ain from
ellil, ttn4 thQumufi [weep thy houfe ch:iU: Tboll ;,,,ft ptlt.n t"J beft garmt1lts, hnd mufi become The chief Lef-
humble and meek. Ltt ",.t th] life bt It [tallel41 to the will.f the Lord, .t/ld t, the grtatlltjJe of fon. .
bis ~or~: For the p ,wer thll,t i, #lirhill tij [~ltl ( ~ r,rpdi 'f his ~(fential quid, ) is of grtlZt f orce I~:,'~:~:r=~
Itiltl. IIbtll.f) to perform t'~[t thlH~s that prOCl:ed with power: lIJIII!:h is t6,. cltllJe that th. ",,~ "'-td lion E.K. hi.
ones obey thu ; for they tlumftlues, lIJhtn thtJ rtf the feal of thy CreatIOn. fnlll,and fo,be
This is therefore the GauCe, that God finding t~ee ( ItS he paJJtt" by, by his Angel) fit in coufe ot hi.
matter, bllt, ttl) brotq,r ( Go.d k..1Ic.",rth)'ufl6t"iH life. 0 C6njidtr the di[,llit} of t6y Crelf- el<8ion.
tiM; C07lji.ler th,' the 'tIffdlioir af Go.d to.arJ ther, H. more t/'lfll.l0v.e • . Set .. o~ be bearet/' lIJitb ~t~tr~'
til} infirmi,), from time to timt, . 0, ~fa)$ (yft) Enttr into Judgt",,,,t with thy [tlf: And fin,ljn~ rhe~'
CONfider, that thou IIrt 1I0llJ lit 4 'il/rnlng lIJhert there beth tJIIO lIJI/7": On~ foall be to tbJ cllm- lit in mmef,
fort, The othtr t6 thy tttpetH41 ~a. Let 1I0i gODJ grountl. brin~ forth wttJs, It}1 it choit"e hi; unfit in life.
A. We will call unto God,f.Jr hIS mcrcies, grace;, a:nd help, e~r.
0, confidtr, my brolhtr that the appearillg ana ""rk.! of tht devil are hut of lI.etfJity. '1hit is The nmr,i'r
ro [a), thilt he that U go,d, by r,ji!li~ of the dtvil may manife/l ,lflld malt. pllt/II to tbt p,,,tr :;r.,he DtTil!
a"d (pirirJ of HtlZven, the.frrt1!gth of his lIith, Itnd It.JTurllnce of bu Hope: It/la fo, HeCtjJari(y; b)' OlOg ••,
the promi[e 'of God, inhtrit t1Ji!r/ltftillJ!, Ii t, to the which he is tleatd. '10 .the lIJj~k,.e", thltt h.- eilber "I,b
cllu[e of thNr ~ irobedie"et ant! part~;';';gwith. them, ihlft .trt the .AIIge~s of Jllrk,.nrffe, ( evtll thoft, good men
t~"t /rrtve 1i'~.'1IJ1 tht L~tJ ) thfj ';lIght ",orth,fy be Jllnfllta: Itcrordmg t, the neeellity of God . 'I h
his judgement. Su, tlurtfore thq IIppeart 1Into thtt, either for tht grelftll'[s of thy wic/(edntfs, :::-e:''
,r el[e bteltu[t thq fllCpelt thee to be e1et:l:ed. if thOll, therefort thin!;. th] [elf dellea, Jefpf'e
tbem; If rhm rb.rtfort tltin;" to bt. [,irit lignified; lind ill gldry, Then be faithful in tht afsu-
ranee of hope, and refift the atvil: that we may tefiifie thee, before rhe heanns, and before Telli6mion
the God of JlIlliee. Angelita! of
E..K. bi. COIl-
E. K. He weepcth. Terlion.
A. E. lC. and I a1fo could ncit hold our tearts;
Ab, my brothtr, great Ifft tht JOJes 'f lltauen. RhnemJtr ..bat Hell u; *
for to thee the For- ~If •• '.f~"
nace lIJltS open: • Rt",elllbtr the vi lion tholl /:Iadll of ~II, alld of hir FOllJerr, at Mortlake. For 1I·;;:I;~;;d.
Hblbing ( 'If] bi-othtr ) iI done withollt It caufe. Rtwttmbet t61/1 could; lI,t abidt it: No not to •
ftt :: Think., thy Jtlf aeeur[.d ( thmfott) if tholl fttl It: For, if Sodom had {een it, t"e)
'Jf'ould havt been converted.
E. K. He prayeth.
r. I h/fve now told J01/ if rbe Jdlloltfit of God, ~ililof tbe c.,,[e th,rt0f.
2. I havellf{. toU)'u thllt tbe houJt of God. "'lI;(1-be clean, .nd lIJiihout {p.t.
[ E. K. Now there cometh a brightnelfe abotit him. ]
3' Lit/f l1, I hlf"t tolayoft, of rhat.ntcefJity lIJbicb clfu[eth the tltvilr to lIJ~rk.., 4ltd. apprar: ani
bllVt exhorttd JOtl to tb~ love of G,d ."d rtp",ta"u; ,;hiclt lIJere the · tbi1l!.s I onefy ~ad u'
fptltk.., if.
A. 0 Lord, feeing we are uniformly delirolls that die Altion may proceed, and that we
cr:rtelhy mercy and graces, as \vell for thc pardoning of our wickedrteCs pall', as for tbe'con-
firmation of liS in thy [ervice; What lhal1 we look for touching rhe proceeding, being thli~
frayed to Ollr great grief? .
Gabr... 0' . ; To" bllve tp t(Cfilietbe will of God ( bllt ",b4t it ii, I ;'nD1P not ) tho{t thrtt aajer,
iriday, Cr~c,tli~, J,,"ij i. !>fIUft bor~ 7 t , .
Poll ,preces, Be ejaculatio~es .v~rias Be grati.aruq~ ~£booes pro riligfla '!I\~e~co;dia Dd;
ersa nos 8c propter e.lC. qUI )~1)1 1'.at~feCit I\uh. horren~'!. 8c . ~.It,phcla hereliuID.,
N01A. & bl,rphemial1lm dogmata, qlllbus 1.11. holles Jefu Chnll •• lIwtJ lrubuetallt; & quOd·
jam ( ( oll~ellione.'P.t~mifia ); vellet f.crofan~um myAerium ~orporis Be. faneuini'
Chrifti reclpere, .Ihfque malls Angclu ,"elluue·lare, " omnes IUorUlJl fr.udes dctCol
sere, CI".

COflverjio E. K. ad Dewn, abdicati.r? Nihil apparuit hodie.

omnibH.r Diabolici.r expel'imentir, &c.(
i\lbeie the like had never happened to UI, (thac I remember;) but that eitfu:r,Clond
t Unlce.Gom. Vail, or fome Voice was p.erceived by E • .J(. Yet tbis. f doiR!: lYe not onely took p~tit"tg ~
d ... r~nc.and but E. K. u(ed many eood r~arons t9 prove, that fervanes ought to attend fo IOllg,as ieplca-
lileacc. . fed· their Maller. to have them await his coming to any place, co them. -
~nd that, a~ut our. o ... n atfairs we ~re c~ntcnted to ufe patie11~e for a long time, bllt to
awaIt the Lord hiS comms or mef~~ge, IS a time bew:r fpent, than 11,1 allY humane affairs, &0,.
He very plaiury, am! ae large made manifdt 1,11 co!'vtrjiOll to Go" from the praaices with
wick ed fpirit.s : . Yea, that he ~u ~ead1 ,to bum wh~tfoever b.e had of ~beir tralh and ellpi:-
rilllcn~s. fhat ,be would wnte m a book the marufold bornble Ooanne of theirs, "heteby
tbey would ha ve perf"iided him
~ .... 1hllt ]'{lIIlUf lIot .
..... Th"t liP prltJtr oHght t. Ot ,,,,.tlt to J'{III •
..... v,,,t 1b,rt ii'", fi •.
• .... Th'H ","liS {lid doth go fro", Oltt DoJ], to ~".t"'r ,bilats qUic/V"illg.r 1I";",~ti.,, •
.:... "'''If}
n~t liS "'~I"IIJ .,''''" ~s "" "'., bllvt IIlfll4]tS DU" : 'fh. t is, f; m~", IN.~",
bO,4its,.1I4 1/l/l!,11"~ {o"ls,II,itbtr "' ·rt lI.r l'J["ltf ~ r ""•." bllvt II1."~,,s bttll•
..... lhllt th, g'lItr~h "of IIItllkj"J fro", Adam II/fa En,;, ",t 11" R ifl.r}; Dllt II niti",
."hi,"""t6 ~/f "btr ft,,{t •
..... N. R oI.! GIIoJf ,1,'] ;'c"'II,.lttlg-,a•
..... 'rht} ."ollld /f,t f"Jf~r bi", t. prill to ]tfus Cbrijf I but ,.OIIIJ rlb,,/tt bj"" r~Ji"g, ,bllt 1"
· ro~beJ G~tl of bis lIo"our; Sec.
And fo . of very many other moll blarphcDIOUS Articfes and Point. of Doarine, wh~rcof
more !bill be fpoken in another place:. '
,T,his forbearings of our Inllruaors prefencc,1 did e:xpound or (onjtaure to be done: great-
ly forche honou.r of ~od, mlny warcs, if the fame: were Comel'fh,2t neu to the very
manner of the. thlllg a$ It wal : for Co,!bould appear to. the pollemy, ho~ tmely it Ilad been
raid before, that 'he fhould be conferred touod: 'How tiuely God did prepare:. 'E. K. his
The ... Iner foul to be a vcrscl c1eanfed, and apt fur ·hh tiliting of him,in mtrcy and comfort.
jIIldeapt. ",hc.rcby the life of E. 1(.. (no." b~iilg ~mended, Il)d his duling with the ,"icked c,l (allldc
off) !bolild not be a fcandatto the will· of tbe: LorJ, .and to the grca[neCs of his works: as
was noted unco us ii' the Ja/t Aaion.
Alfo I faid, that I)ot onely his CQn'fCrfion recorded lhould b~ a more eVI<1em ,arouniclIt
6 . We left off of his (0 oft rq~eared EI~aio!1 : 'BUt hi,S plltit~t _ttt,,(Ji;'t. this pref~lIt day,( [6] two b o~r~ lind
. " . II. a half, and taklllg:tll Chlll!;1111 fuch fen: as became an humble and ~at'tnt Itrvall~,) \till be a
nlore fmc and eVIdent arsument that it was 110 ligbt p.llg, fueh as Ite hath Diad e Ollt Ivatd lhew
A (tHe 9( ef4tion iJf Dr. Dee his .df/ions. 'RJith {pit/II; &e.
of. diverCe times before, but a very harty and fincere converJion, fuch as wimo"t all doubt
will be f"und very acceptable to.the, highdt '
More?~~r , ,he de~lare~ ~hat about, .nine~ OF ten dayes pan" :he did intend to have gotten
...,ay r~cr~tly bJ tke "elp {pmtlfal of more, with whom he had fo long dealt:Alld ther~fOl'e that
'ti1l1/D"w, he J,"!t hypocritically.
But, wherejiS they JO fore were ever atcullomed t~ threaten him. Beggery , (a thing "h~ch
lie mQfi hat~d 'and feared.)
Tlnit, n;ow fle careth not ifh.e thould have want; yea, he took it neither to,be Ihaine or lin
to beg : and that, he now ma~,e.ntore ac~ollm of God his favour, and life eternal, then 'i.e .i:hrh
of all t1"ln6ro",.. wealth ' and nches, and to b,e entangled within the ' :danaer of tliefe wicked
fpiries the ir. f,",ares, with all. , '"
L:"Alfo he now pereeived'hi~ great eITour wherein he.wRS oqate, when he would for an _C- temporal Dlaintena~ce h ~ ve fo~faken the.d:ali~g wi~h the wicked;and fo more, willingly
would havt followed [hele alh~lls luchout repllllng ~~ S~ylngn?w,that fie is ao pe~fc4 Chri-
,~a~, wbo for money mlln ,be hued eo forfa:ke tbe Devil and hi, "orks, &c.
A~d as/or t: .e ilJile o~ thefe aaiOnS9l,1I'UU ""'~ eith,r Jo"bt, ~ r mifl."v, f)G1I'{ofvrr f'll
frrt; al~nng himfclf: T aat Gnd ,!ould. d~ all thm~s ?~fr,'and' for his honour t&c. Many
ocher hIS 'iarm!;s v,e ry,glodly 1 omlt,t~mktng thcfcwffi.clcnt here.
A. 0 Almigbty. eternal, and mofr ntcrcifull God; we thank, ~Iorilic, and praiCe thee; 0 blcf-
fed, and mOll~loriolis T riniey, wt"will for ever Magnifie thy unCpeakable providence, C\in'cr/i-.
favour, El~aiol1, QIIJ COlllllrjioll "lito thtt. '
o aldred l ~ rl,l, we will for ever ex col' thy loyiilg kindndfe, and long fu}ferin" toward us,
and thy Triumphant proceeding ' agairift Satan.and his Minifters , for thy [lea:
o holy Ghoa, the qire£\er into all truth,an(J comforter of thy Elea, confirm,and ellabli/h our Conlirmatioa
hearn wit.h. thy graciolls, and-c?ntinllal zeal, and love?f true~, I?uricy of l~c, Chari- prayed for.
table hunu!lty, and conftant patience to thy well-pleallng Iinqll the end: I hat after
thisJife .(through tbe.mercy of the fath~r, and Meri~s of our Lord Jefl.:5 C~rlll, ' and
thy charttable embracmg of us,) we Alay for ever enJoy the heavenly,Kingdom;among
the blefi"ed ' Ang~ls, and all 'the dignilied company of Dia!Ucind. .A",m. .Amm•

Munday, Jllllii JI. Ma/lr hortI-7~. Craco,iz:.

A. After our p~rers due, and thanks to th.e Almigh~y for. hi~ great mercies and power
Ihewed in the c;onvet60n of E. K. we fraY,e d Ihll attendmgfome thew,as we were acc"flomed
to receive: and among divers our Ihort diftou rfes of our faieh, hope, patielll,e, canfraney,hu...
miliey, a"d other 0111' duties requilite in this aCtion, and!n the ferviee of. God: E.IC. of ~i~
fdf faid th~Ce (c'ntences worchy to be recorded, ai theevldcnc token of hiS found and , faith-
filII turning, and if'ltellc to ~etIVe unto tht Lord.
t. E. K. I tlck,ttowledge my fifU have deferved,that this [even year.!
lfoould have '110 Jbew, or fight 'o f his ,good Creatures. .
~. E. K.. If I iliould fi~ thus for feven years, attending the plea-
fure of God, I would be contented.
3' E. K. I repent me' nothiQg of that I have done, in forfaking thofe,
I was wont to have to do withC!-U, &-c.
E. K. In the Hone,nothing ap~ared. all till! while of our fitting
A. Nihi! vijible appttTHit in ChrJftltllo {aCY/ttI, pr,fttr ipji/tl Chr)jlltlli ,~. Hor. tdl"dwc lefht o~
'ijib 'l ,I1f ,rOrllla'll : "t E• K • JIX.t.
'fit I I
' . andwe luen
10 e J. ours
uartCrI '
A. I will affiml nothing in this cafe, bac this, my ('onje/%ure may be J. q •
recorded: The callCe of the non·appearance the Friday, and noj\' this Mounday may be;
this: .
I. That, as ·we.loil and 'Tefufed three dayes afligned by ~>ur infiru£\ours, to Ii?ilh .all iii; ~he JuClice
So now we lball call, ;lnd reqlieft three dayes, and hne noth,?g : as, thefe two dares It hull Qed.
fall'n ouc : and it is pollible, one day more we Ihlll have the hke non-appearance.
Or tift.
1. Accordiag to the. premiff"es ; On~ly, three dayes bcf'o~e .our ,journey. lbal! be ' begun, rill M~
we Ihall hint chac dcliver~d liS, which in the three lall dares we !hould hilve received, /:!N.
y Ot
A trlU'J{tlation of Dr. Dee his Af/ions UJith!PiNtf, &c.
Or elf;.

The ,onver. 3' That great Caveat before no~, (on Saturday JUlUi ,.laLl 'Ill) IDly have fo ..e foro!-
/ion of E. 1(. warning of tbis ,ur p.tieHce to be 11[1(1; lifter our C01lver(im unto G.a : The wor45 tben rccoli44l
before .... d. ~~~: .
mamf.a. 'Ihis Allion fo.ll cOllie to pl1~, IIlIJill there be "' retlfemhr.• "cr ,r.u:""a"ejfr,,,.
Hell kft .I•• ngf/' l'U: AHa Jet, Itfrer, for II ri",e ,Oil .ufo III,ve pdie.". Fir,
.JolliOjices "" IIb.lle • Kilfgaolll.
To conclude; whatfoever, with God, is knoym and ufed as the trne .:aufe,we are c~~ent-
d . Nothing doubting of the goodne(fe, and ,,,Cdom , and power of God to perform bls pro-
~,iics and Covenut made to, and with liS. for our fervices to be ufed to hj~ honollf and
gl°rZit "iHingl" and patiently m: will att~d the wil! and pleafure of the highell bemrr.
II\~ending hellce for"ard. (by the hell'. of God)notto g1Ye 0\11' fdve5 ovc~ unto, nor c&iil, coo
be inveigled,or allured of the tempnmons of the world, the fte~, or Devd. .
f'or wbich OM difpofition of lDinde, alld all O[hcr benefits received from aboft, we render
moll humble, harty, and entire thanki to the Almigbt, ~ moll glorious, and bJ.elfed Trinity.
Amen,Amtn~ ,Amln.

c.MunJ'I), Junii 18. M.nt. hm' 8. Cracoviz.

bo. After the Lords prayer, and fome other peculiar prayers and thankf-giving,.fior the ~l(.
cceding great mercies {hewed in the Convtrti.g ."a B.efw";1fg of E.I(. & my promili"~ t. re-
cord the Aa t~ereof, as well ~. God lhould gi~e me g~e : and alfo craving ~mellly for
comfort to be given to A. L. bcll1~ Ccmcwhat opprelfed WIth penlivcnelfe to fee hu own Cub-
jC£±s, ana fervanc~ to triumph agaiui him in his low cftlte trOlll higb,and all for laclt of money
and wealth,&e.
Suddenly appeared • mighty long, and big.rm and hand in dIe .irt • t, c.te" .t tht fot.-
ft,nt: and E. K. meaning to Cave it from him, put his hand en the lIolle, and iftllucQiaceJy che
ftone was out of tbe frame, we know not how, and lay by on the Culhion, &c.
Pcjta,Ji"", And then {oon ~f[er ~pearedG~br!tl,in.lI manner as he wac WOlK, and on the right fide
"".m Ifb i.i· of the HOlle (tbat I S agamft E. lC. hiS right hand) as be was wont.
A. GI,ria Pltfri, & Fil;~,& Spirit"; SIt1flfo, ficf!I trllt ;" pr;1fcilit , .. ,,,me,&- {tlllptr,& in {t-
culll {eculorum. Amen.
GaJr•.•••. TIJe .(OJufort and peace of the Father, Son, and boly Ghoa be among! 100
quickmandconb 10u. '
E. K. I pray you what was that,that
•. Amen. would have fnatcht the flew.
Gab ••••.• Let hit hoUft CO"II, ,".t IN ;";fllit.J ",.] ~, [,tII.
Thilftflllcth ~. K. I fee many houfcs, and befides them a fair Hou&, feparated
~.~:i~~;,. by It felf, the Houfe is offtone and wood, lind It fqH4re thing In the ent!
'P'" '. -here
1m it, bk..,e "Trtrret.
The houfes of the Town are low wooden ho-ufes
mall : Tj~re appear m that odd hClufe fe&ws 10 red COats, like
' "
land Coats. Now I fee a bigge man fitting within the houfe af-ore
the window : and the houfe is hanged with T"rkje Carpets, and there
The ArlDS oE is wrought in one of the Carpets (jult afore the door) a on hQr/-
Lin".. 'back.." with a f.,ord z)z hiJ' band: and the man is like the man I faw at
MIJrtiack.., with a \\Tart on his cheek: There fiand by him two boyes
they have red Coats on, one of them is a, little fair boy: There fiand:
erh a man by with a fword, which he ddivereth to him that "tteth and
A: There he looketh on it, being gilt and graven on it, and laycth it down o~ the
!e.IIl.lh 10 be Table.
IIlJ£ical caa. b
radm.. Ga ...... 1hi1 M.J."orJ, "'htrti1l~ tuft1tbIJiI tNlJ,b"tirjh.llfllilbi711.
E.K. Now
.A _~ · ue R!rJ4lioll O{ pr~ D¢,e bjr AEliPrj,t .,j&h fPiriu·) &c. ,6'1
E. K. Now' tflat man calleth the leffer boy to ,him, md.rheboy
thert/bran runneth along a G;tllery. Now thil,t man 'with the Wart
goeth,,Om aftc.-r: , fiwuring himfelf, and no b.o dy with him: Now he
tiIltptlh ,that lelfc!t boy to him, and maketh figne to ~im, finiring: dp.~
.hand ,o~ ,another, and drawing it under his throat: as though he threat-
ned the boy, ~Inlelfe he kept fecret. Now he c,ometh to a door and
knockcth, and one like an Italian le't teth him in. There he hath in
the corner a frame ~rwood, and a great fione in the middle of it (of
~b()tit 16 Inches fqua re) and there is a fire on that fione, on the iniddJe
of it. Nov, he taketh that engine, or frame wii:h the fire between
him, an&rhat nian (like an Italian) and carrieth it into another Ch,am-
her. There th~y have a dead mans hand. Now he taketh out of his
Casket a black box of yc.-rn (as it fhould feern by the blacknelfe of it)
ThC' box,i, about a foot long. N6w he hath fet down the box, ·and
the [;unc is open, and therein appeateth an image of wax of blackHh
colour, like Ihooemakers wax. There ison'c like an Angel, made of
red fiuffe, fianding at the head of the image, holding like'-a Skarf over
the face of the image. The image is rnarvellouOy fcratched and rafed,
or very rLlddy made, with knob-l and dents in the legs of it.
NQw he looketh four. wayes: And fpca~eth (the man with the Wal't"~.m.n ,htoW , rtln ..
on hI:; face.) .,,,,,>teC'.
The, , houieaforementioned
. " andN~
fecineth to fiand ' without the jlofZe .... ~fc:,ure
"0 ",eket\
be'Jond the ft' one. po".' .n.n~
upon t he nee,
and by the bat d (\OA' wuhin,hii
Novv they poure bloudout of' a Ba.lonf'.

upon it: and it frieth in the fire.

Now he, and the Italian-lik..! man, ~ave put on Apparel, black,.like ~~tR;~lr~~~t
Gowns: each of them, and the englOe feemeth now to be fet 111, a where theie
Cb "Imney. ~~~
Gab ..•:. Bt ;t,lIt;t 'If'Al.
E. K! There be fix finokes, like fix men fianding about them: and A.F."'J ,q••ji.
t hey' goI"He fimo kes out at a wm
. dow, an
'd· t here fi an det h one ]';k r·., {pmrN'
1 e a' q.; 1Itotrunt,
Gyant rn::m, and he taketh them, and windeth them up as they come out wt.,i.,'t.
at the window. Now all that: Ihew is vanilhed away.
(jab ...... TIJH ;, tht cau!t that Luky is poor. '[(,iI it tht {trmrtlr iri!ltgt tilit be blftll
{"aptllro. ,
A.. .As it is the r~venth, fo(I trull) it is the 1.1l. _ A ,; E"., lin.,
Cab....... 'Ih,s Id"three years four moneths. and tm daye~, fillet thv b".,,; r,
l.lIg bittb 11It.· 6. 1';"
fbt .A'1gtl, of tht Lord bUll rudy, (0' t~) {af'-'~lIrJ., (0 Lasky) jflllldillf, lit th, willa.oJr : It"d b,•• ,;; mt.,,,.
"lfil} '0 binde lip mi{,h:tf prtplfrtJ. .gailijf tbu. roo, iit un•.
'Ibis ",i,r,huf {hal/Ii,ght IIp.n ~is 0"", bt4J. , r.-~d~:g~
But if thAI ,tm.i" "" !t"""lt, IIIId tI. tlit ",.i-Iv tliltt Itrt rig.t,o.,; 1 ",ill put Solomon b,bi"d, ,he "in~Qir
"tt, ifnI. his r,,'hfs IIn"tr thy fnt. winding u,,'
Bt thirefort comforttd II. Mt ,: for tbe br,.th th.u 6r,.t"tjl is ",ill".Jiil tbtbolJ shitt tb,,, JWtlttJl tbe 6. Cnioker.
ill, is rhe work".of mJ hllnds.
71u tlfrt6 from whtnct tb.u ~"mtft is mi"t "lfo.
It is I, th~tf.rt, that taft dow", 4nd Hont but I; tblft taife up IIglt;".
E. K. All the fione is become full of a fmoke~
Gab· '.. ~ .. Art th,u {krt thAt tht SI/II/hilltth 1 [p~intillg to •.]
A. I am as much as my eye may judge. , A. L.
Gab ...... So {IIrt ;t ii, rbat ht j6., I Nign : .na. bt th, Kilfg ,f poland.
A. hlwaye.s I underfland a condi[ion. if he do, &"
jk The will of God be done; to hiS honollri ~nd co me C:Omfort of his EleCt.
y :z Gab..... .LIIIf~,
168 tAtrN~/ati""ol D.Deebis ASians";" fpiriu &c.

-----G~jlb••••.• ~,cI", ••jl, f" )/)111' j'IIt"~'

,bo. 0 Lord; the man is ready (in manner) bat bability "antetb : MIt thr Jtdp Iten-
in, we dllrt not, !?ilt as thy wj\\ i~ (0 be, it.
G:ab...... "$6 :u/r,.llIiJh Go. r.r
",Dlltj if. ~ ,011], t. ,.lk.,
G,J f,' ""m:h i~ gnld.,,;f.u..
A. Lord, "tbh mighty arp' aad hand, whWlh ~~rt appeared, and "Ottld have fnl~ed at tin
" yne, what was it, and who rent it ? , " ,
Gab. .....· /I .;s • .,ick,pl fo.;;, .,,'khM KiJI" l.c~,,,,,t"r 61111t f,III tt'WIfrIg/f]OII, h( "kd
~" UTI'4,J. f.r 1'1fpr";lIg. ' •
• A;, What IUS intent, I befcech foul and I m.rvc\ that his Encbantcrs were ablctode.
t~~'"y of Oll rt\Oitl!;S cothe King •
. Gab: "'" 'n t 'kmg'~H.rkfb""t ~ d~;"gl.
, b. ·1 bef6cch rou, .s con.cemin!1 the {8; being cQmmanded co be boWId, and to lie
irtnred; whar, If 1 caur~d fevm ~ite leaves to be boUnd Wfore, and feven bchiade, for the
IPO(t; aptlItffe ~r die binding?
~ Gal>......
vr, tbillt 'lI2" jIlJ"Mt.t. GOd "mapPC'r no more ~tlO roo, "",ill ~ td" ,.,.
A. We believe, The Lord WlU perfol11l
, hi' promifer.
Gab. ..... "'rtrJ~ t. JO.' [.ito H it ,.". Jfli~
The white E. K. Now he hath pwJed a wWte Curtain about the ltone, :aad tLC
ClIlui.. (lone is dark.
A. S''''I'' lllll.nw 'I"; 'f,in/ll t!Jo - #'ft. {)-if'oI',;, d1- (t"pif.,lfM. Amell.

Ft."tj'i•.1,jWlii :0, Ui"'ilit. 1514. Ci:.«wil.

1:.. ltis firtl to be noted, ~at this iuamittr (early) to E. K: lyiDB in his bed, IUd Inlet•
.tppcatcd. Viiion, in maMer .. followetb lOne lIDding "r.
h is bed. had, "bo patted hiDI
btl, the head 'g ently, to make him the DIOre vigilant. He feaQ,d tCJ be c10atheci wim fea-
thers, ftrangcl, wreathed about him.1I over, &". "
There appeared tobim (E.Jl'.J four ,verr fair Caftles"Aandi", -in tftc · four pam of the
world : oinor whiCh 'he heard die found of '-Trumpet. Thai reCaacd out ofe'fC'7 Caftle •
deatb to be thrown on the ground, of more tbm the breadtb of a T.blc-tIOllth. the Ed, cbe clbadafeemed to be rcd, which .a. talt.
OUt oftbat in the South, the c10ath fecmed white.
Out of that in the Weft, the c1mcb feem~d ircen, with great hops on it.
Out of tbltt in the North, fprcad, or thro"n out fl101l\ tbe pte under f~ the c1o*tb rim;.
ed to\be very black. , ,
Gut of C'fciy Oace tbm iff'tted one TrUmpeter, whote Trurilpets were of ftran~e fo~
wreathed ••nd growing bigger and bigger toward the md.
After the Trumpeter follo"ed three EnfigD be.rers.
Afterthelll fix ancient mm, wieh wbice beards IIld lilves in 'tbeir hands.
Then followed .. comely man, wilh vtry-mucb Ap,parel ori his back, his R.obe having Ilon&
:pin. .
After bim came 6ve men, arryio; up of bis train.
Then followed one great Croff'e, anlf about .that four lelJ"er CrolTes.
rhtCeJ c.:~~ Thefe Crolfes had on them, each olthfmtiD, like 1bCtl, their herts ditlinalr appearinJ: 011
...-:" .he·
lTound, INti..
che'four parts.efthe Crolfe, all over.
Afcer the Croff'es followed 16 wbiJ:eCreatures. ,
' '

.he lire in a And .feer them, an ininite number feemed co ilfae,..d fO rprcad thcmfelve.ordtrJy iii •
;".!e .ctCllltl. compelfe. almolt before the four rorefaid Cdles.
'0 be or.
UfOll which Vilioll declared unto Dle,;1 irlipt
tbat It did figni6e good.
.'1 fcc down a Note of it J trulling in Goci

Clotid ! lik, After noon, as ['.K,. f.t ~Y me, be. fel~ on .bis head fonte ftnnge ~'.ing : whereby be
.ht tlllft.bow. decmeu (bac fornefplfltWll Crcan(rt did ~i6t him land as we were coimnumg rogcther and
J had red to E. ,K. fome rare matter OUt.of I,,,.,illl Epi"l~~, P~/ic.r'lII. ind Ntll,';.lil i fo:ne of
the Sllcnmcnt, and fome of the Ctoff'e, I voyce anfwered, and flld, 1b.t it iI ',IIt,
t~II' tbl
fig" .f tb~ c,qJ[, iI .f grtll' forCl uti
After this, che fpirit"al Creature feemed to E. K. to be very heavy 011 his right Ihouldcr
,as he fat by me in my Iludy: And IS E.. K. cen6dercd the numbers oHuch as he had' num:
bred to palfe.out of the four Gates,(it 'wit, l,J.6,1.5') The feirinal, the
nl1mber 16. IS a perfe8:number,conJilmg of J.,.6.J.and S. He Pld further mace, Ged tbe
facher is a Ilanding Pillar.
A. Upon which wordl Isk.ed .hi~, i£.I lhoold write fIlCh matter .sba WlltO fpeak.
J\nd he anfwered to E. Jr. at bls fight ear •
... ... If ,b.1I ,"it. 1:., His '!oyce w.s much like Wlto a mans YUlce, DOC We,
Dor hollow.
••...• D;.;·
••••••'JDfttiit'd ,pit/, wt for.ig6t lifft, 'II .,,~ ,;P,.
A. Wbat'is to be divided with a Ataight line ~
..... .. Thr Pillar.
A. In die nllme of J efilS, who art thou?
...... Tht' {trvallt of God.
iI.. A~t tMu fcnt from God, with good tydings 'or mdrage?
...... Wbitt I 11 >11 ht ~o ...tth. 9f ."/,,m 1 brar 'lPitrttffr.
~. What isyonr name, eithcr as YOll afe notilicd among the bldred An~c:Is, or railed by;
of any mertal mali? If YOII be of Yerity, and f<;l of Charity, you .callIIOt millike mt
E. K. He fayeth nothing.
A. Belike he is not rent unto us by Ood I far if he were, he would do his mer.;.
f.agt •
...... 1 ..1111\ V E.
'a . This A v E is one r~ filiit jjli.rllm , of whofe or~r 'RICI, is, 'lliJr {Mp. li~. 1.
6- ...
A. If you be ~ V E, In the nallli: of Jefm. fay. that aU wicked Angels are jdly
CQnde!Dncd, and, thatt bf the mer~ (sf Ood, in the Rlerits of ehlin, mmkind, eleli, is to
be raye~. .
A"e• ••. _. 'fb," of Go ,I, is tY;OfoU: [i.J III rt[ptl1 of • t . K. . 'n.! I rail/ now 1.1 our
Nt {'tern "i(l "ltd J'Itr~rr: .IId III parrlc«!itrit.J. .lllId ill th.t hr talk ,egt'the ,That God would
not Yitit u. but I t the daye. (jf
II1,t6 [2] {taltd III, with tbt good wif! of,m,,""-itt!t to thtir comfort. But jour .. cy ukin~ ( .. "IS hft
if I bt " fctntdtll to the word, thm iliff I IIDt of rigbuorlfllfjJ't: Bllt my affi rmcd ) Thetcf«e .. harto-
t;ghttoufllrffe it ~f the ~orld: Thtrefore, That I yjfit you of my felf, evcr Clm: before ..... to be
'"'' bt 1f0 ofo«t. 16.ft tbllt Itre, JI..d "ie iI...ic/(JJllrffr. tIre J!I"o- aoilbtcd II an Illufion . ii.
';'lIrllblt, alld fltr from the mercits .f God: For it ;1 writtell, I am therefore aAr_crc,h 'rft our
and Ihen 10 M11'equdt
• God to tlidiviog. 7'1tmfm, I Jifhott.ur tbrJlf : {lICh(I{".J) doubt, be IBlkelh aDf.. er.
" ." ."j,lt"d.
lbe "'tr,itl of Got!, ( "oieh it tht trUe Mu"" ) comf.rttth tht ClmforttJ, allllivtth 6olt./ . . '
•• tlld",t.t"f {uch "I r~'" It(lta.J, . " jinlltrl, Itlld ' "'It] rtt,.-,,: Thertfore,I {a.J," 7lt ;"trein Mi{trlmiiil
[ v!'G,J] ( ..bieh H tbe F'II11tltillltlld {1Ptt'tlltO"t of tht lovt of Got!.) it It thing moft bl1[t.l, moft Dn.
"'1], ",oj' U bt I.tjired i. Htlt1ltll "lid E.rth, ,,"-l .f "It, tbt crtltturt "lid [ervallt .f G~d, to h,
r,.;,rr,,,t!1'fpoli,..11 if. ""i rtlJilirttl : FDr, it;1 ,bi food )J'~frr1Pith we livt: 171'" tht lItr) brj"
.htrewith .e are rtjoJctt!.. Thus milch, thou ~(t r.equired•
. A. I did fo: for fo, is his JulHce IIgainll the impenitent, and his mercies f;ci his Elea
tellified trudy. '
Ave: . ..... 8avtt.titirtt: l."illrtttlt1l ~fttt.t ft'tllltbmtllU.
, A. Herellj>OO, ( in the m.~a,! f[lace }we cO!lfidered the ~en,t.i(es: a.nd liked ;vcry well (If
Che fundal, or offence, avoldmg: !ec:aufe It wasJa/lly (j"ftll J 8 ) fald, God 'nil appear rio
more to you, until you take your journey.
ADd feeondly he anfwertd my reqlltll: of God his Judice ag-ainlt the wicked Angels, and
.tfo of his mercies toward s mankind. '
A• . About a quarter of an hOOr aftcr,t~cre feemed a thing to come again ~n IF·t. his right Nott' tlii.
fhoulder: and ( as before) he c:llllfcd hiS Ihouldc-r to be 1-cry wllnn where" lighted on; manner of Ii
A . Bmediltus qui vtllit Ih nomine Domini. Halldujah. thi", felCh
wlnn on t C
E. K. Amen ri,bc lI'/ou1dcr~
Ave ...... Tht pillct it {dfli/itd.
A. S:&nltus, Sanaus.·Sanfrus, ell DOlllinus D~us Itbaoth.
Ave. .... ;. I, in tbe f"lIour of G.d, cOHjidtriiig (al1l. hy forct of his [f,,·(t to lit t.o,!arJ 'Oil) /,0."
Stltall pufpo{tth; ) ft, a"d daily to Olltrcomt YOII, tholltht good, (tbr~lIgb tht mtmts of God) to
prt1lf"t his malia, alld tht tffell thtrt,f.
A. 0 b1e(sed, be thdU, our God of mercies :uid all comfort.
,Ave • ..... :lhllt, ( .altbou'gb,)tt, tbt Harvtfl bt .ot) .the Yhltyard might .JtiIJ.joIHt frlfit: .
."brrtby God might be glorified; "lid you, (ill dt{pitt of tlit :World) rtvivt& "", comfomJ,For lhe t10tr
",ight rrio)ct. "lid /hake off tht prC{tllt '"rtS to eomt~ , For if tlJo{t th.a t /J( ullwDrthy, , .all [tt.m t, of God.
Je ]ifua up, ,,"J, to t lljoy tht fruits of tbt Elrtb, b.J tht 'tt,.pttr: Much mort.ollg/it tbt tnt, {tr-.
'lJ1l."ts of G.d, to [ ttl bit fathtr ly ~ooJnrfft. Tho[t that trll.{f ill mt ({ltith ~ht Lord ~ .(ha!' IIOt bt
tlriflNl to tkfp"ir s "tithtr will I {ufftr t.t br lt}! of tlit fitld t. trtlld {11Ch as I J,ltgbt UlIIIIJer:
17 0 A true ~ e/attOR of Dr. lkc his AfliiJ~i ~it.IJ Ifr;U; & c.,
tir-:-;th it m;IIt, l1li4 I", glorJ 'Ibti'toj :, :tkt Htlfllt,!s lrr; "'rift "'!ft, 4~l ,doi co.Jonl
Why h<llh, (Thtrtfort ) I,... Jllthtr of Dark....tJ{t; r'ftll lllP {"JJII!,.
Ih al IIrt ;11 Ibt",.
I willlhut up the Earth from them?
2. I will feal up the mindes of met\: alld tbtJ jhtill PtCo..IIf' bltrr,. t,/?.,-.,Jl;tllt", j>
3. Their miferies /hall be great, eTen unlo tltillh I
The m.lice of For thit Ctfu{t: Thatht "'ig/Jt 'IIIak,r1l Iht LmJ, ."btll bl iI tlftttf: 7!/lt tho{t ~hat . tcull in~m,
SlIIn,pl ofok. m i~'" bt co"'f~rtttl. Hehath fealed the Earth from you, and. 1 ":1,11 open It unto TOu: 11,
eth ,hit own hltib{,,;d,J'u fo"ll be poor : Btlt 1 [1t17Jolljh .. ll bteomt exceeding rIch. ,
conNfion "her
he tho ught to ' J <rt ' b "'ay ht , "Opt" unr.~.U ( "IC
bE Ilr-t
I. /y,illhlefJt Jo/4 'IIIitb. twofol hltJ!i;tg: I."at t t
b' h ~,
L~~'~:lfCI:~h raIl; you lhall COlltc:mt~,;, II b ' If. II
hi. ' 0 be pro-
J ,.
AHd,tbat",! bltJltng ttlla. ....
"'S 11 •
"'"~ a'/ll' ,tt",on!!, J OU. 'IJ' trw. JON J".
,c,1 till' ,he tht lIId•
• miaeJ( mi"h, b. O ,blclfcd blelfed. blelfed} God of power, goodnc(fe, and wifdom.
b: COr.l otc('d, · . ,~. ' .
:nJ rhe .fI'.j.. Ave .... ... Tbil.""s tbe c."ft tb.t I.pptttrtJ to thee, E. K. tlli# 1I/ornillg. No." tlltTIJU't
'1er eon(oun· b'"rk,p ' /llItO "'t: for l."i[[ otten unto you [he fccre~ knowledge of the Eanh, ,that you ~ar
-lcd, f deal wieh her, by fuch as govern her, at your pleafure; and call her to il rec\con.inlt, ill lit
'Joytrnouuo ' r: fh' L J
'he I!lt<h. ~t::t";"ra aotb tbt.jtrvllnts,. H " r ...
I expound the Vifion .
.. Ml,/i Tm... Tht -+ bou[t~,.4rt tbl 4 4ngt/s of tbt E.rth, 'll'bicb .rnh':4 Ovtr{m'!; ...ilIl'IItCb-'hrirl, diU
t75t tttrn"'l God;II hiJ provUmct b4tb pl.cta, againll theufurping blafpbemy, mifufe,and lletldt
of rhe wick cd and great enemy, the Devil. 'Io tbt intlllt t/~!'t btill!, pllt 'lit t, tbe E.rtb, b.
t nviolK ."ill ",iglit ht I"ialtd, tht dtttr",i"itti,ns of GoJ [,u/illta; ."J hM Cr,.tuTts ;."pt AK4 pr,.
[<rv!a, within the compalfe and meafure of order.
Wbltt S at.1I aotb, thiJ [uJfer; .A1I4 '/IIbll' tbU ."iIIIt"IIJ. be ."rll1ftt' :, But 1Pht" tSi"lttth hi.",..'
[tf} mJfl tf§urta~ then rtfllib bt tbt hit. '
111 tAch of tbtft Hourts, the Chief W/ltrb","II, i# • "'ight! Prillct, Ii migbtj .An!.t/oJth; Lo,ti: ,
f Princtl, ."h;ch~ hath under hi", S Priii(;u ( tbt{t 11""'11- 1"'''1* 11ft for JOUT in(lrul1ion. The [,111, Alltl Alltbo,;
itrm of tbrft H oufts, .rt cOllfi,,,,t4 ill tb,.btgilllling of th'. World. VIIU tV") onl .ftht.IrI, 6,
... chllrllatrS, (Tok,!1CS of tht pTtftn" .of tltt [~n 'f Goll : , hI "/IIh~", .ll thill1-s "/IItrt .IIJ~ ill Crtll.
t~~) ,
f.,lIfigntJ, Ilpon tbt r",lIf{t "/IIb",.[, it ,J~lItb: whereon tbe J{ttl''''l tio" of 1ff1t1f~J it ,JIl..
blijlua. lind. .,,;th tht 'IIIbich't ftulli CO"'t f. l"a!,t tht EII>'tb. '
4 "n~eh. Tllt[t IIrt tht Cbltr.{J,rs, /lila utllTlt! "'1tT~ .f holint§t. Vn" tbt{t" 1.,1,,,,
['14' Angels
, '
n. '4 Sen IOrs
in ,he Apoca, nt 24 oU "'tn, IIrt tbt 24 $tll;ors, th.t St. John ~t"'t",br'th.

Iyp', Thtft jllJgt tht govtrnn"n. 'f tht C.,UtS, ••Il 'fllilfil t'e "ill of God, .s1t is ,"itt",.
the I > name. Tbt Il S.nlltrs lirt tht 11 1I.",rs of Go;', tbat govern all tht IrtAt14'ts JI/In tilt' ,[II"tbj 'fliJi'fr
of Go I. "lid invifiblr, ro",prtbtllain!, ;,4, III1J S.
The ~nl!;els of 0111 oftlltrt CrolT'lI, CO"'t the Angels of all tke Aires: 'IIIhich p"{t,,f!.J givt obedience t, flit
'~',e 'h;rtY iI'ill of /Iftil, '''/IIbtn they ree diem. '
.II Jf:S Jwpr",
HtrtbJ "'ItJ yotl [NPlltrt .bolt COJ/1ltritS "itbout .Ar",its: wbich TOU mull, and !ball do Col'
the glory of God. ' , ,

The ur.. in
~ t~t{t JOII fo"l1 gtt tbe f"v Gllr of "ll tbt Frillcts, ."h,. JOU t.k"t pit} .f, .r
"ijh ."tll."".
pradkc. Htrtb} follll JOII k,,1I0'lll tbt [tt:rtt Trlll[urts of tbt "'''ttrs. Alii, IDdl,.'IO'llln CAfltS '/ tb, E.crt~.
.A.4 it fo"l[ ht. Dol1rint,for you onel" tit in(lr""'tIIt of the World.
'\"he hi~her For, tht u ll of Jour llljlrulliolls, tlrl tollcbillg tbe Heavens; and the time to come: ./r"
ionru8ion., -"hic', thil i# tbt IIIlf "nd t~trtll;" k"lIo."ltJ.f,'.
Tilil 'll'ill1 a,li'lltr JOU, (hK.rft I hue yeilded you before the Lord. )
On ),(ond1Y VpOIl M,natt} "r~t, I will appear unto you : and fo.ll bt a Letron of '. few dayes.
nCll,' .s Jon;i.
E. K . The will of God be done.
A. Amen.
Ave .... . .. In tht "'tllll [~ .{on, Jt!rrt },ti -f G,d"fu,b tbillgs, ils .crt "tct§lSr} for jOIl.,,
A bltffinC.
Ht thlt fil(tlh IS/l tbillgs, Alld fro'" ",h, • •ll thillgs livt, IIn4 in, .114 through .60"" tbtJ . "
[lIliOifitd, bItfJt lOu, Illla confirm J' u in putt.
A. "men. '
b.. I befeech you, to Notiae this momings Viiion, b, words: as all other holy P.r:ophets
have recorded theirs.
Ave • ..... A V~
~ true ·,1:(fIAttlJn OJ Vi • .v~e "II /lttlOnI flItt·/) fptnts) ('{C. '71
Ave. ...... A Vifion.
The fign of the loye of God toward his faithful. FOIl1" {Ul11ptuolls and htlligerltnt CaJUn•
."t .f Ib, wbich [ounde ,j TTI/lllpers tbri ~t. ,
'Lhe fign of c./I4«j ~ffy, the Cloth of .r4!ltge, w«s ~a(f forlh.
IIt ·tbi E aj, fbe cloto red; « tbe new JTNiltm blud. R.d.
In tht' SOrltb) tbe clotb ll'ltite, Lilly' COlOUT. Wh're,
In the Welt It cloth, the s1<ins of ."lal!J Dragons,grttlf: garlick.,-blaaed, G t 1"1.
III..,be N orth, Ihe clotb, Illtir-eoloured) Bilber) jl!JCt. ' Tbe Trunt.pets r' ~HJ once. Tbr
Glltes open. The fOllr Caftles are mrvui. There iJJimh 4 Trumpeters, ll'hofe TrulIIpets Itre /J
1/1r.",;S,JI1C c'nr~, __e4thrd, '!her< follofPtlh out of ever) CII!He h holdi"g lip their BIl1ln'TS
dirplaled, ll'il. mjigne, tbe names of God, There follbfll Smioys fix, Itlill.! fr.", Ihe 1- G4ttt :'
Afte, tbem ro.etb {r411$ tuery part a King: whore Princes itT! fiVe, (,ltrdul, Il"d hold;,tg liP his
train. Next iff"elb I.e CToffe of 4 Anf,les, of tbe Majefoy of CTulipn in God attended upon
tVeT) one, fIIilh 4-: It whitt Cloud, 4 Croffes, bellTing tbe Jjlitne§es of I.e CovIn ant .f God, wit/, t"e
* Prilfce gone out ~efort: ."hich were cOHfiTmed,every one,With ten Ange's,vijible in COUrltmlln" :'. King,
Jllter eVeT) Croffe, atrendeth 16 Al/gels,di(pojitoTS of the 'fill of Ibo[e, thnt f,0tlrT" tht GII}tlts. 40' Aagels, on
"fht} procml. All'!, in, dna about th~ miJelle Df the CDlI1"t, tbe ElljigHI k.,tep t.~tir jtllH4,lfgS, Dp-.he 4 C,oRet,
l Djit, to the ",iddle of tbe Gate: '!be rejt jll..ll[.e. Tilt 34 StlflltOTI nlttt: ThbJtem to a~end!n~, OR
,r; /
l' Angels.
tnt pnnClpa lt


It vltlfijhelh.
S, Utatlt ,ou.
A.. Omnium ~ru.m largitori, Omnipotenti Deo, fit zterna 'lUi, gratianun aaio, honor
omnis,& Jubilatio. Amell.

Junii, 22, "3, Noee.

On Frida1, and efpecially Saturday, E, K. had great Temptations not to credit this
I.ltio", end was faid Unto by a voice, how our Intlruaors would ufe cnillation of our dif-
ordered life, to forfake 115, and not to perform, ac~rding to our expeaation of the former
'promifes to be performed by them.
A Toke (aid, Iikewif.e, to him, that A. L. Chould not go to the Emperours Court, for lack
ofmoney: fot he /hollid get nOlle here. Like"ife, it "illed him , to go up into his St'IIdr
and he would /hew him all the effea of our Illfiruaions received. E. K. complained to me
how be WII'; thus greivouOy mol cited by fuch means,and almof!: brought in defpair. But I com-
forced him a~ well as I could ( my fclfbeillg inwardl" moll forrowful ) and made my moane
to God by 'prayer when I was alone; for billl, and our Caufe. Moreover he could not be
rerfwadt."d by me that good AngdI would undertllk"e to help us to any relief bJ "'lItt} or erea-
fure: aftirmilJ,!; chat it 21'pertained to the widc,ed ones: feeing they were the Lords of chis
World; and the kingdom of God was not of this \Vorld,&-c. .. .. Said, that the wicked were
in tbe world, and IX the 'I'I~r1d: but the Elea were in the world, bur nor of the WprU. ,
S; a~ M,mao effetH, MundUf qlloa[ulIlll ~jt diligtut: gllilt fJrrD de ntUI/40 n~1I eflil red ego tugi J••n , (tI~. lf."
vos ,It "'''',40, proprerea .dit vos mundlH. , ,
Ergo Jedi eil [ermolle", Ilium, &- m"lIaUf e" oaio bllbuit, quia non funt de lJIundo, jimt &- ego J ,., I C
1Ion r"nt de )/tultio. Non rtJ!,o ul u/ltH eos de "'"l1do, Jed ut JerViS ~os rI malo. De mzmtio Ifon [lint: ~.n. . 7.
flOlI & rgo HOI/ [11m de mUlldo, &c.
To be of the Ivor/d, was to be in love with ehe trade of the vanities of this world, and to
follow them:, ' And that money and riches were thingiindilferent : good, if they were well
ufed ; and evil, if,they were ~villy tlfed: And that, .onil o1f1nia c091'rrabll1ltRr ltd ; onmit ;
Therttof'C the godly ( as the Patriarchs and man1 now adayes ) might have monty; but td
ufe, not abufe it: and that filch is OU1' cafe and necetrary requetl (0 God, &-c.

Sunrlay, GraeOl1ilt, Jrr";;·'4. aMeridle 6m",i cirr.iteritTtiam.

~. Note, while at my lodging <b1 Saint.Stephens) I "IS writing the Note; ( on the page
gomg next before ) ofthe TentatlOlls of Fnday and Saterday: E. If. was at my Lord.l/. L ·.
his lodging ( at the Francifcan Fryars, whc:rc:lle lal at Phylick) and at the fame time, this
happened, as followeth; . .
A! my Lord A. L. and E. 1(. fate together, conferring and confulcing of ouc affairs, o~
Gods mercies, and oHundry tentationsof tbe fpiritual enem1. and afterward, ai the Lord
.IJ. L. was reading 1{,fmfts p["lm. de Fiauria ill1>~/lmf fuddenly, upon E; K. his right /bou\der;,
: ; . \ . ..
gid a heavy ching feem to {it, o~ rdt,"ber~of he told the LQrd A.L; 'A~d ~"'~itf Wts tbis
yoyce tl[tered ~ that Creatllrc III Lit/int.
• LAsky,vt"itt tt"'PIII, rum til port lib;., ;Jtr{~ f,~Jtcj",u"" ilIflll , rr"l".; '//.",.";,,,i, i.llJ¥iUt '110,
& ' vjifttS '''''"irol fUos. '
The.; A. L tll..1ght in Dllvjjs pralter for the el~venth ~rairu, aqcl fixf.ecndi Teire ·tb~eOf:
and ,thile he was fa about thjlt pr~lm, The voyce raid that he meant not fhat pr.lm, ~D"-
1.;d, bur che c1eveOlh Nairn of R'ff,,,flJ : which Pfalm the Lord A. L~ WlS th~' ill rca4i~, to
E. K and \va; abOllt the verCe; Hi~ I"b,r lI(dolor, &c. being tbe .llxth ",..Cc.
By and lly after, the voyce raid in E"gliJh.
. --:- Tnlflthouin God.
Hereupon the I:.ord .4. L. did read forth th.t Pfalm of Roff."jis, md , ,ben he:Came':to~
Ulltecuth verfe ,thereof, being ' " .
'S; ~mb/llltv.r~ ;/f mttli, tribu[lItioiii.t, WIt cu{loJ.;ts "Jllt:r{- ;'!!",it,s t ••• '.
MUlim fUll", tXt(IIJ.U,& Jtxttr" t •• "'~ {,,[vllb;,.
• Thereupon the voyce faid : Put tothe 6rf1IiQeof the next verre~ And that "as, ]1•• ;/U,.
nu.ilt,(>1'0 ",t ptrfic;n., .
. And 'as he wQUIi;{ have read further, the vOfce willed him to lby at tliofe word" 8nd fUi
Vi', ,,,"Of. ~ I fwearunto thee &y the rrue and living God, thatt~js /ball com', to palte.
I,S! , J.n;i Then l. J(. fa'.d IInto the Creaturt;: tu the name of God, Who a~ · thou? A!lii:he 'an-
I> c •.cOYJZ. Jwcled in L.,i,,) and raid, ' ' ,' ,
Ego Su", -A J! X, c~'" 1'1In' • .JI1l,Ji,t;'.
b. •• ,G loria, laus, honor & gratiiruni aaio permail Iii: Dco,Noiro" , ~enti
& MiCericordi. -A"!t". .

Munday 25. JII1I;i, M"", hf.r " 7. CracoTiz.

b. Orlttio.t'" Do",ill;c"", pro"""c;,vi!""" &- "t,uDt "Ii.., GTltti","uiM nc ,{"I",iI) &~ Aftt:r
1f.~bd fit awhile tQgether conferring of Aut his Vifioo, &c.
A vofce raid. br;"{, "1' Iht ,fh,ft.{fo1ft., "
4. I had rrt it down on the Table, bc:hm4e the Culluon WIth , the Cro(fes. for I had fur-
niChed the Table with the~loathi Candk" 8c'C. as of late 1 was WoOt: Hereupon J. ftr "1' the
ilolle on the (;.U Chion.
E. K ~ There app~re~h in the Hope, like a white CUJ;tain aU o~er
the frone : After awhtle 11: was drawn] ;lDd layed ondle back-fide of the
fi9~e, on :i help together.
'Now here ..aandeth one in a white Garment) ~ith a white CeiClet
about hi5 head like a white fmock, I remember not that ever I faw this
Creature before, his Garment is tucked up .
A. An. ...... TYbo u II, Ihd iI rich?
&.. The Lord of all .

t Four. •,•. .;' H, if ;s fb,ttt 'ptlltfh fM t jlort-hf,,{ts, .ot [lIcb ~f IJ """'!

.ilb tlil .i1iJt, bilt {u,~ ," .n
,UI", ",,-1 .",itb,ut ma.
A. Bldrcd be his nRlIle for evcr •
••.•••To rllt p~, ill {1'ir;t, II".
{uell "h,
It/igbtttii i". AUleII • .
At 0" 'llfr~1Im . Villit Vo",illlll"Invoc" "."',,, mt""', &., mittalil' vobis TC~bum (juo f.bricavitcrram, d- r'~
, .... i •• r. {pol/fu", I"bir· Jt, rt,
& ttl';",o"i"", a"bit 4, [t, .ti!' tt/;.o,,;. :,jncllt ",• ./,s.
::~ ~!:.~:.- E. K. Now is there fire come ) ~nd hath confumed this Creature ~ll
"'U m.. to piece~, and he is fall'nclow,il to clfhes.
~~'~••Ji ft,... Now he rifeth up, and he. is brighter c~en' he, w~ b'forr
't "'It. rt.g/~rit...'j ••• So aod, fl., glory of 'G,1l n"'f'T.t tH, jllff, ."a ,btJ rir, I!g.ill .i'. II. ,br"f,li

A, A place,,~ made.
E. K. Now he fpreadeth the airc,or openeth it b'efore ,him ," and
there appeareth before ,him'a fquate,Table.
A. tr.ue~el"tjOT)QfD~.Dee his A&~;ons ~ith (piritJ, &c. 173
Now he taketh off the Table a·black Carpel'. The r.bleof

Now he taketh off a green Carpet. .he Emh.
l~OW he taketh off a white C a r p e t . t : . . He ..keth
'Now lie taketli off a red Cloath. red clo.:I.. in
' . h b d f h I due order, [C'
An d now theTabIe appearet to e rna eo eart) as Potters Cay, 'r"et\ing [he
four of
~~~.h ~~

E. K. The Table hath four feet, of which two touch the ground,
and twO do not: The feet fcern alfo to be of the earth. The Table is
E. K. On the. left corner (farthelt from E. K.) did a T appear on
·the Table: Out of the tep of this T do four beaIlls i{[ue .of clear
coli our bright.
.••••• Thttt part [~oi"til/g to tbttt TJ 'f tb, 'l"bl, af tb, tlfrtb of thoJ, tb4t g OVf11t tl" tttrtb:
tbat if Itr, govtrlwl bJ tb, r,vtn tlngds tbat Itr, gov'~lItd bJ the rev", that (tan" Ltfort God,tbat
4rt govtrnrd '.1 the !ili;"g God, wbicb if f"m~ iff . the Su! of the !ivittg god, (14" with tb, four)
whicb jigllijie the fOllr p,w,rs of God prmC[lla\ iii ,artb,&c.
...... ~[ov' not, for ehe plltet if h,[" '''';. b,eB",' bll, •
.. .." 1{ai;' nt t {o , h, [ltiJ it, thltt b,ltretb witn'jJ< of billlft!f. Vnto tbi" oLrJ. fh, ,tb,r tbru
Ang,n of tb, 1 abl,.
E. K. On the other farther corner.of the Table (on E. K. his right
hand) is a Crofi'e like an Al phabet Cro{[e.
This Cro{[e, and the other T do feem to lye upon the Table,in a dim
dunni.ih,or a sky colour. All the Table over feerneth to be fcribled and
rafed with new lines .
• ..... 'the tlfrth if th, taft, ."birb if with the Ange1s~ but n~t tH th, Ang,ls, I1HJ tlm'for, it .Plinj- The E~rth,
.th ill th, T Itbl, of tb, r,v", Angdr, which /land before the l'refence of God in the lafi place, • PUt 1\I.i;
";'ithuut a L,rr,r, or nUl/fb,r~ but figured bJ It Crorrc. i.~· MArti"
...... It if ncpr'jJd ill the Angl, that Tab[" .",hrrlix tht nltmrs bf tb, Angtls 4r, gathrml, I . >,
.lId do ~pp,a.r, 45.• f ~icb~e\ Itlld Gabriel. ' .
A. 1 remember, there IS an Alphabecary Crofre.
E. K. Now in the corner of the Table, on the right; hand to E: K.
appeareth another Croffe,fomewhaton thi's falhioll t. and there appear'd
thefe Letters and Numbers.
Yicl, lib. 1.
.. ,•• 11 8 ••

", ; " It it ill thltt 'lllbl" whicb (ollflfrrth of 4· il/I'J 8 .

.E. K. In the !aft corner of -this earthly Table a,ppeal'eth a iittIe
rOlmd fmok..!,as big as a pins head.
E. K. Now is allcovel'ed with a milt.
E. K. Now I hear a great voyce of thumbling and rumbling in·the
E. K. Now aU waxeth clear again.
Now hoveringly over the Table "appear infinite fort of things like
worms, fometimes going up and fometimes down ; thefe feeill fomewhat
Over thefe higher in the aire, appear an infinite fort of [mall, little,
blackiih things, bigger then Motes in the Sun, and they go up and
down, and fometime come among thofe worm-lik.! Creatures.
Z ; ..... 7'bt
A true'l(elatio» o(Dr. Dee hit AElions »ith /pir;ts, &c.
-"-.-"-b.---.-..-..-.-:'[,::;b:-t-:L:-.-rd "pp,"rldUHto Enoch, 11114 .tiI "'fTcifullunt. "im,opllf~rJ hit t}ts,tbat b, might
fee and judge the earth, 1IIbieh 1IIMIII1/t"O.,,,, 111ft. hit Pllrtnts, hJ rtll[olf of tbtir filii: for tbl Lml
{"ill, Vt /II.I'Jf'''' illlto Enoch, thl ufe of the earch : .Aile!. 10, Enoch Will wi[l, Illla full .f tbt {pi.
Tit of 1IIi[Jom. I

.A"d bt fay til u/lto tbl Lora ,Ltt tbtrt bt TtmtPllbrll"CI of tli) mfTcJ, Illla Itt tlio[t t61lt IOflt tlift
tllflt of thit IIfttr PIIt : 0 Itt lIot tbJ mtr'J bt forgltttn. A"d tht Lore!. 111111 pltll{ta•
,0. Day...
.Ill/a II (t,r So. Jajts Enoch
tlae!. 1IIritten : lI"e!. tbit 111111 fbt 'fitl, of bis hook.!, Itt tllo{t tbat ftAr
God, alld art worthJ rIll,..
The tit Ie of Bllf bebold, th, p,~plt 1III1xta 1II;c/tta; Il,,1l b,ca",1 IUIrigltttDIli. Ilnll tht {pirit of tb, Lorel """ (ar
En ochr boo':~. ojf, I1l1d ~ont a"'lI) from tht,,; , So that tb.fl tb"t 1IIIrt u/twortbJ btgalf to Ttaa. J'llfa tbt /(in,s .f
.. ;~o"n~~d In- tIN tllrth r.ziJ tbUl II[,IIill/t th, Lord, ;s it tbat 1IIt ,IIlIn.t Jo I Or ",liD is hi, tbat '"11 'IjijlllS'
(,O~ n{\~,,;or Alld thl Lord 1t'M fl txtd, and bt ftnt ill ""',?1IrJt tbl", all bu.tlrtd IIl1d fifty liOlu ~ and fpirits of'
wi: k,d rriri'" wickedndle,tr>"Ollr, a"d dtctit: and tht] apptllrtd IIlIto thtm: For tlit L"d bad Pllt tbl'" bt·
feduc.,., t1llltn tho{t tbllt art ",ick,.tJ, and his gooa Angtls : .And tbeJ b'glZlf to counterfeit t~e doings of
loume, f.;, . God and his l)ower, for tbl) had powlr glflta tbt", fa tb df, fo that tb, 7IIt"'") .f Enoch 1IIIlfhtd
lng. a'WaJ: a"eltht [pirits.f trrollThtglfll to tlaeb tbt",Dol/rillrs: fIIbicb jio", ti",e to tllI/t IIIIt. thi~
agt, Iflld Il1lto tbis aa], blltb [prllld abroad i"to Iflt parts of tbt .orld, 11110, is tbe slVlla". c/IIIIIiIIg
.f tbt .ir"-td.
Wicked Ma. HIrth) tht) fprll"-1IIith tbe tJt'llifs : 1I0t blell"!t tbt} hat'e IfIfT tile Dtflils , but hlca,,[t tbt]
,i~'Il" art JOJlltd ""to th,m i" tbe luglllallJ Di[cipl;,1t of tbtir .JllII Dol1rillt.
For btlloU, III tbe k..llowltJ"t of tbe "'Jftir;al figurts, IIlIa tht llfo.f tbtir prt[mct is t~ gift of-
Gotl dtlifllrtd to Enoch; IfIlJb,} Enoch bis rtqut/f to tlit faitbfllll, tblft tbtrtbJ tbt} 7IIi,ht have the
true ure of Gods creatures, & of the: canh whereon thlJ aJlltll: So blltb tht Dlfli/ tlt/.7JfTld lint.
tbt JIIick,.ta tht jigns,lllla ~.Iv.s of bis trror and bat,ttl tn,ard, Goa: whereby they in u/ing them,
might confellt with thelf fall: Iflld (0 hteo",t part.k,.,rs "itb tbtm ,f tbtir r'1IIIfra,Jllbieh is Ittrll.l
'fbl[e tbt] clfll aarlll1trs ! If Ilfmtlltlfhle tbi",. For bJ thtft, -.all) StUls "'fit
Dey;1o Cha- ptrifota.
raa.", No. Ir.ttb it plu[t. God to deliyer this Dearine "!.lfill ollt of Jlfr"-"tJ[t: and to fuum hit
The mercy of promife with thee, for the books of Ellorb : To .b.", ht [aJttlr as he faid unto EIIOeh.
God '0 Dtf. Let chofe that are worthy underHand this, by thee, that it "'If.] Jt IIU ",it1ltff, .f 7IIJ promi[i
To A. toward thee.
Co"'t tbtrtf,re,O tblll CI,"J, ""t! wrttcllta JllrTtHrJrt, ftrtb 1 [1l).Ollt .f this 'fd/, • for
The wicked tbr L.r. IIgaill hlft" .ptllia tht tarth : Iflld fot ./hall become known to tb, ",ortb).
""Wet expcl-
ledou. of a.he E. K. Now cometh out 0 f the TabIe a dark fmoke, and there re~
..nb. maineth on the Table a goldiih {lime: and the things which hovered in
the aire do now come, and light down on that £lime, and fo mount lt~
He faid ... '" NOli omllibUl [td h.lI;s.
E. K. He taketh the fmoke and tieth it T '•

...... I tit lifT lIot liP jiom Ill! 7IItll, hilt from the good.
Now cometh a dark Cloud over all api" ,
A. A pawe:.
E. K. Now it is brightagain.
Jle faid ...... Fiilllt .m";. fillillilltll•
•••... NJimbtr.

E. K. r
J true 9"(elation ofDr o D~e his ARion! JPith fpi,its, &c. '7S
E. K. I fee lines and fcribblements (as before:) going athwa;;; the
E. K. I count thirteen lines downward.
...... S'tlt)' ti,(re.
E.IC I count twelve this way overthwart.

E. K. in the jlllt middle of every [quare are little pricks. The Table
fcemeth to be eighth yards [quare.
E. K. Now come upon the'fe fquares like Characters. They be NOT!:.
· Jr,plrztHa
the true 11I1aees of God· IJt.f " I CreatHre.r . Charaae...
.... ,. Wrire lvh~t rh~iI [ult.
E. K. I cannot.
t:.. Endeavollr to do your bell:, for he that biddeth you do, will alfo give you-power
to do.
E. K. Did hi.~ belt, at length fire Ra!hed in his fa~e, and !hortly af~
ter he f..1.i?, 1 perceive they be eaGe to make, fo that I tell the fquares,
by which the lines do pa{fe, and draw from middle prick to middle
prick. .
t:.. At length E . K. linilhed the Tabh~: he Caid that ~heCe Ceemed to bs yeHowilh Gold. A wichd
pow.. rempt~
E. K. YOll heard one here fay, 1 write my own damnation. ing E.r. .
...... He migbr IJIH't [aid,}ou writt ~is damnJiti on. Pray, alld write IH man) mort lintr.
t:.. }\fter awhile E. K, did with great cafe linilh the four parts ofthe Table.
E. K. The ltone is become dark.
A vorce ..... Cen[e for a;l hour.
t>. May we palfe froni our places as now?
...... I.
t:.. After a little: hour paft we remmed, 2nd as we talked of the premi{fes~ he faid •
.... .. L-fr no tmlt.
A. He Caid in the ilone being clear again •
...... 111 rb. naJnr of God, be diligent, and move nDt f.r the place is holy •
...... Tlil(t the firft [quart: write frDnl tht left hlilld tD1I'artl the r~ght, YDU ./hall writt fmalllct.
ters and great.
Sa'ywb.t y~uftt [to E. K . ]
r .Z i I a f Aut I p a •
.t> . 1 findc here one Cquare among thefe e:haraaers that hath nothing in it.
Z :i ...... it
eA trut~lation(J1 D .. Dee his .A8ions .ilb!pirilS,&c.
•. '.,. I t '"".~ lr /iIl,I..
ard Z a i ~paLam.

E. K. A dim Cloud cometh oeforemine eyes: now it is gone.

ToiT tXoPacoC

o canOl a g otroi

E. K. Nowcometh a Cloud over.

Take the f econd) that is' the third that WIN writWI,
This pm1y
Ihnd back. bOaZaR 0 p h a R a
" ud, 0 1 for - uN n a x 0 P S 0 n d n
E. K. Wh" is
a i g ran 0 o rn a S g
.I'e r<l rOn of 0 rpm n i n g b e a 1
t h.. di.erCe r s On i z r I emu
rmingi z i nrC z i aM h 1
-- For brgin- m 0 r d i a I he t G a
ninK , here i. JEOc a n c h i a 5 om
" ill ma ke .be
nJm c e( a Ar b i z m i i I p i z
"ickeJl rririe. o p a 11 t a m S m a L
dOl o p i n i a n b a
r x p a 0 e s i z x p
a x t i r V a 5 t r i m
A . So is .he
r ime of ,he
ft .
...... 7}." laJhtortl. it Va nm.
1i.1l d!o ;fi?n of 1:>.. I marvel of thilt fquare that lacketh thili line.
. ~ <r b ' h tlollbJ,[, fro",
th<<1rlh In
the ' 9 ,i:e. ",..If
! . .... II
I ' , r L
, t "raw" fro", the tII ....r JODI to t ..llt /'rIC"" "Jort. Ir, It co""t
A voy, e 10 t bl fir If I ,·p, tht tric/ti4 allowt/. blOt to Ollt, alia IIot h,iCt to bt accoullted : So tbAt, thtrt fla,,"th bll'
Ih is intent. lIf fix prid J : 1'lgr,!orr it ",uft be fr"m,l., Alld 1/0." il if,f {nJlJI.

E. K. All is in a Cloud.
Now all is clear again.
donpaTdanVa ..
This" Ihe Table ,I... oloaGe oob a .. i
h llh 4. and D on the oPamnoOGrn dnm
lOp. by me ro Ao.ed.
sem i oonAml os:
VarsGdLb r i ap
psuac 11 rZ i r Za
P !uck""d, .. or for"ard·
;f is 1rCw1ld. d i xomonsi osp"
00 Dp z i A pan \ i

E. K. Now
A true 'R.. elation of Dr. Dee his AFfions 'With [pirit];, &c.
- --_._-----
E. K. Now h~ calleth again) faying) See.
A. This is the Table that had
the lirtle round rmoke. TaOAduptDnlm
A. No, it was the Table before. • abc ooromebb
11 a c A x i 0 V s P 'yl
m 11 h a I' S 1 g ' a i 0 1
i idPo 11 sdas pi
x r i i ht arnd iJ

E. f(. Now all is in a whitilh cloud covered.

R. K. Now all is clear.
•• , ••• Mlfk.! Ih~ firil figllr~ IIpon a c1~an paper, IfnJ. Ih~reto IldJ.t tbt jimple letttrs: Then (hl!{l
JIN bur m,T(. 'ibo:t lIIuJl 1>111k,.t tht [quarts of th~ firft pltrt ~f Jig T./blt unto every [quart aNd his
A. J have made the rquares of the 61'ft part, and ret in the letters.
Tho:. hll if ill t,~~ mi ,JJl~ lilft 0 r 0 i bAh. 0 Z p.. nert art 6 lillts above, allJ. jix he-
[ow . '[bat lille H callrd linea ~piritus Sanll:i: alld. 01lt , of tbltt line cOI1lell, the three names of Lint4 $pirilHI
God, (ro'n tbe Ea{f gille, bei~,~ of 3,...., ~nd ). letters, whic~ wtre the Ilrmes of the E,"jignes tbat s,?EIi.
'1urt fJpo'<!r. of befo re. 0,0, Ibah, a01:pl, I {/lId. befort, toat God. the F Illber " mIghty pillar O,,~""
, , ' hI , I I' Th. 3 namo.
divided Wit a ng It lIle. of God in Ban.
The F atber bimfclf, pilbout tbt lille. aero.
The F .. Ibtr 1l1lJ. Son by ItdditioH of tht lillt.
'[bere t"o lines be'illlli"g
J' •
Ji A
• r

Thill;' the gre/It Croffe Ih4t came out of tbt Eltft gatt.
A. With that line of the Holy Ghoft ?
...... I.
'[bOil baft in tbt upptr lefl anglt ill tht ft'Dlld Ii". a r d z a.
-nm. bafl t.,,1 mllk.,trh Ibe crofft dOTIIItW4rd. : jirft i, tbm the fame d, 0, i, g o •
•• Will you have lix letters downward?
...... 1.
So Ih6~ b.1}f Ibt Ihru OliJ~r croffts ill Illtir angles.
A, Will YOII give m ; leave to repeat them, for fear of erring?
1 Lac z a, thedo"n line of fix letters, and paL a m the: crolfe line •
...... It is[o.
ll.. NolV to the other on the left fide below.

the down rightline. Now the crolfe line,is 0 iii t. Ten ram on
Here thore Crolfes have ten' faces. the Croa.,••
b.. OA( letter isreckoned twice which is in the Center of the Crdlfe: and [0 /hould feelll
to be eleven.
;;;'" 'fb/l
_J_,_~ __.d_tr_ue 9\elation of Dr. Dee his Aflions''JPithjji;iu, &c•
...... Tb;, ;, trll~ k.!,o."IIJg~.
A. The 1aft crolre il thus, bis down line is •
fl.. The Croffe is a L () • i.
b., So have I che '" Croifel attmdant on the princi1'lll CrolJ'e•
...... H ert thou ",.,Jf ft.~ tilt cllUft, ,th"t Pilat ",rote wi,b '" lttttrs.
/;.. H .w doch the caufe appear l .
...... For IIboVHVrr! crofft, flill/attb 4ltttfTs; Not thllt Pilit l;,,,'" it, bllUhllt it_th,
forN.httrmi"tI ·ri~" of God. •
'Thty dr.t rblll tob, rlda. III tht IIpftr ltlt IIl1gl, Ihou ',,'ft r"
I ~ : f.ron,ounce, unla : b:J
6 . "'"ot~~r th" na'He tbe /irjl Angelllpptllr,t». z I a: go tbt" to tbt firft r, II"d pronoHII'-t " zlat. lfrllt '11'114
~;oj~oun'mg tht fir /lltlttr of tht ,firj A"gtl, if tbe Iliff letttT, of tbt f{Colld: 114 oftht /irll .r, "'"S th, fir~ I~I.
The 4 ilnRds ttT of Ihl nllmtt /If r 'I I a, thlll r ·is 110'11' th~ /t,(lltttir of th, ''''',,, of tbl f,colld 4f#IIge/; btt.''''''.g
evc- toery lit z, liS 'I I a, od {o blldt IIglli.,o tbl r.
(rof!, of the 4' fl..:)o that the tbird beginneth at I, whofe lalllctter is the firll· of the Cecond name; and
"';,an lane is called LilT!;, and fo of the Ian: al II T z/, to be pronounced IIrzll. .
cr " , b.. So ~hlt yun hav~,of thofe '" letters, '" Angels names,bere tbus glitbered out;but how arc
Th. uCc.. tbey to be ufed? .
.. '''' Lft it he {Uffirilllt thllt lOU k..1I0." tbtfl ","'tS. I will ttlcit JOII tlUft Iht",. ,
4 An~.I,o.. r fl.. Shall we labour by lik'e order of every the ... letters over the crolfes to make "'fudi
every crnlle. names?
...... '1ht, IIrt IIlr~ to h, ",IIt1t;
A. I dq know aifuredly tliat tbere is .erymuch matter in tbis Table.
S'!."''' hi. • ..... It ;s tTlit : fIr hithfrto; firetched the knowledge of SoI0",6".
~IX S=nio[s
...... Now f~r Jour fi:>.· St"iors: wb~fe jllJf,ellltllt if of Gpd the Fltt~r, tbe SOH, II11d tbr Holy
Gholt. III ~he lillt De Spirifll San/to,JoR bllve Abioro of fix ltlters: 7h, r~,,"J. """'~ of the [f(.DitJ
Smior iI of 7. liS. A (the fa"'t, afcmtl;IIg) Aaix a if Iht thiT., III Iht f.C.lld, ;11 patre Be lilio,
He mod, A.
. Agaill ill Spiritu Sanfro, hll~t.pi. Tht fifth, ill patre Be fjlio d~fcendens "i pot gil. Tht
~~ws:~io~::~fixtb, A V to Tar. If JOU will ",alte them of 7 [tttm ( b.ell"fe t"'o .f th''''' IITr ~lIt of jilf .J thac
7 !cum . is, V'htll til' wrath of God if tl bt elltrtll[ld.
, . N~

T".. n.r•• r.n~ w.htrelH JO"{~J, Abioro, {"J IIabioro; ""a wb,rt JOII fitJ. Haozpi,{II} ahahozpi.. TM
. Thtil
of " ' nits with b~{f haofl'l, befor, b H A ; '"i<! thllt II1ft~ it III11/. it ",,,k..ttlt Aha 07:1'1. Alld fo fbtJ cOllfiJt 1I1f, of
almer. 7lttttrs. ••
b Tbou hllff b Ibt fiftb, ill tb. I~ft part of tb. '/;lIt, de SPlrltu San/to: th/II b"fl a t't Jj;itlt, ( tbl
a /irfl pllrt .F tht Ijll. de pacre Be filio JtfcmJillg. ) T tlH- fixtb in tlte f'~lill f"rt Jtjc",tl-
T ing. 'a 'Iht fir/E in tht feco'n,J pltrt tltfcmding, or tht {tc.1IIl. "f,,"di"g.
a - Thou hajl a tit. fiFth, '" aozpi.
i- i Tb. fixth, IIIId V Ih, fix/h, a{ct" ill tbt i'ltr' tlt{cmaillg of tit, lill' de patre & fi'lio, thi
{Irond IIl1a firJf port; Pllt tht A or tht b t1,IIt Iflllla ill Iht Cellt"., to it: '1bou bllft. Barai v.a or
• T~ ,.o.~~i., ~taivh: .. Tou mltf~ tlli<! ht Oil' of ,htm, tith.r thf A OT tit. h. A, comicer, II/fa b ill extce-
en1 of ,his nus JU~ICIIS. ,
word, a
A. ~o I fee when the contra A, and when the concra8: H mull end thl~ word: That
The K;n~h;s is tbe mighty Prince whofetraine was holden up in Ihe Ellft. E.!!. .
To morrow. ..., .. Spllrt tIl, "0"',
1 will opm )0" "'Ort {tertts tl ",orrow, I "'" f.crttlJ CillIla ""'"}.: but
YOIl fhall find me the fnle [ecvant of God.
E. K. Now he fpreadeth the wh'ite Curtain oyer aU that was laid
on an ~eap behind. ' "
Chaua." or ...... Ttl O"t thi"!, tTe I g,. Thofe Chllritl1lrs DT Norn (fo", fo CIlI/ tb,,,,) IIrrthe pires of
N '.... *
the whole Earth, liS JOU ",111 filla ;11 lhofe 1I1I",tS I dtli'IJ.lredyo_.btflTt; To the intent you may
~ N. lvd"ht dc. work all the World over at one time.
lYe 1t [ (m ,
by, ~h. E. K.
C ts
Now, my love cetl ~ith YOll.

f,me rpme of b.. Amor Dei patris filii Be Spiritus Sanai fit Cuper nos. A",,,,. Semper.

Tuefday,]u1Iii 26. M.r.e hoTil 8.

'Pre~ibus 6n~tis, & poll vadas noRras confid~rationes de pu~.Dlitlis)tandfm appanair J J" .I',
In nQDllne Patm lie F. & SS neut erat, &c. ,4l1mf,
E.K. He
A true Relation of Dr, Dee his AElirJns ll1ith (pirits, &c. 179
E, K. He hath gathered the whole Curtain together as ycfrerday,
and fet it behind. Nowa white mifr cometh over all, Now the mifr
is gone.
Ave . ...... All glory Ilnd prlliJt, ~t to GoJ. tilt F Iltlltr, tht SO" 111ft! Holy Ghoft.
A. Amen.
Ave....... Now to tht purpof~: 1{tft, for tht plltet is hol]. Firft, f,tlltrlzlly whitt. this Table
1 . All humane knowledge.
2. Qut of it fprin::eth PhyGck. . l~t6~~~I:
3. Tht k,.ngwltdgt of Illl dnrmttttl Crtllturn, llt1fon~1f JOU. How "'"ny kmdes there are, and
for "hat life they were created. Thoft that livt ;n tht Il;r, by thtlllftlvtS. Thoft th.t livt in tht
1IIIIttrs, bJ thtlllftlVt.l. 1h.fe thilt dwtll in tht tllrth, bJ. thtlllftlvlS. Tbt property of tht firt _
which is the fecrct life of all things .
.... Tht ;"n,w1tdr.,jinJing lind ufe of Mttllls. ~
Th, vermes of thtlll. Tht,) Itrt Ill! ,f on, ",lttttr.
Tht congelations, aud vertues of Stonts.
S. Tht C'"njoJlfint, II"d ;"IIitting togtlhtr 'f Nlttllrtt. ThuJ'jlrlr{Ji'"'f NlltuTt, Itlltl of thill'S
,lrltt "'Il! ptriJI>.
6. Moving frolll pillet to plllct, [ as, inu thil f:ollllfry, ~r thllt COil1ltrJ at pltafllT't. ] It. bodily and_
7. 1ht ;"n,,,ltdgt of all r.rll.rts Mtchltlliclll. true motiU8.
S. T ranfmutatio formalis, fed non elfentialis.
E. K. Nowa white mifr covereth him. ~. Theninth
Chapter aI.y
A. - - Paufe for a! of - be added, anel
· is of tho (eeren
E. K. NOW he appeareth aram 01 men kr.ow-
...... L,oll",ut Lexarph, witb tht two otbtr that i.l/ow him, alllong tl" "al11tS of tht E6rth the ;~gl .whepcrtc~
three laft. . ll::Tl~~c. .
Lexarpb, Comanln, Tabltom.
Loo;",,,t tbt l1alllt Paraoan. Writt out Paraoan i/l II voitl pllptr.
A. I haTe done.
Set;" out Lexarph.
A. I have fOllnd it.
Lo./t"intl tbt '" pam of tbt Tablt, II"d ta/t"t tht ltUtrs thltt ""t 'f tht Itltft Chllra{J,r. LOfJ:.
.",ollgtht", t"yts thllt h,ltlJt tht Charaatrs ; alia IIIlt."to tilt Chllrlllitrl tltllt hil'llt Itaft lttttrs •
•. I have done •
...... YD. lIIanJ lett,rs Il,t tht] .'
•• SeTco.
~., ... TIt~ 1IUIft bt tight.
A. They are thefe ( as I have noted them) 0 A J A JAil •
... ~. Thtrt Itrt 8 i" tilt 4. A. Afterwards I found Sletten in the 4 principal:
for I had omitted r I.
A. I f\lrpea: this was rpokco to me, to my re-
proof, for no more diligellce ufed in the fearch.

t x a r p
h con II

nan t a
b t 0 n1

Le*arph, C6Jtianan, Tabitoni,

Stt l tb.f, t"rtt ,,/tIllU, l,aving./It tlrt firft L [tbllt N ~f Lexarph, ftt tit", Jown by 5. ]
Ave ....... rour fiC;"Htfft Clllifttll mt to bt fic;"•
•. E. K. had the Migrbril fore. ,
A great Temptation fell on E: K. : ?llon E. K. his taking thefe wordsto be a Ccolf, which 6. They be S
"ere words of compaaion and fClcodlhlp. names of Ihe
Tenth air, Jon'"
...... 'iht jir(l is exarp, fivt in ,rd,,,. S,t rbtm d,.",,, without tht jirft Titbit: nlltjhAl! ","Iv r'.'erin~ to 'flf-
,h, croff' thltt ti"dtth rb, 4 Anglts of tltt T IIblt to"r;tr. Tilt [am, ,thllt jrrttchttb from tit, I'ft t~ P'" C;trm... r.,, ",ufo 111[0 jlrtt,h fro", tht riflJt to tht l,ft. };;t,~~ A· '"
fl. Hdc
ISO fA tr44e 7<.!lation of D. Dee hil ARion's. ""ilb jpirilJ, &c.
to . Have I now made this crolfc of unitin~ all the ... pam or Angels togtthd, as 1011
like of ?
...... I . .
Wlc~edAngdl •••••• E vtr] lIamt,[oUI14il1, of tbrtllttttrs, 'tgilllling out of t~at line,. it ,tht lIam, 'f II Dt1J;!.
whore lIam", ,r 'IIIick,.td AI1!.tI, IIf ""tll fr01ll th~ right, liS frolll tht Itf t, exceptUlg the [t>.] +. Angels that are
are of J letters . above tht croJJt, whith hllvt HO participlftioll ",;ti Dt vils.
: . ~. n~els .- f The IttttTS tbat j0J11' thor, JIIIm", ",6ich mil] bt pllt btfor, th, [ A 4. ] nantes of tbt fOlfr .111-
It:fc~::'!roOr_gtls oftbt fONr Groffii iH tV'~1a~gl', (liS w,lI f .-,'" tbt right, as tht l'ft,) it th, 114111t of G.J,
Cc" Ef,.', 16 whtrtb] tht[, A lIgns, ar, called and ~o appea~.
fucb in every A • .A1l example ( I pray YOII ) gIve of thlscule.
of,tht •.p,io- ...... ~s, in thl/irjl of th, bla.1t.. croffts thou h jl, e.
C'P' quamrs. A. SCI it is.
IH tht fi rft [qullrt of tht rig~t fl.d, thou htlft r. blgh'lIi"g th, 1111"', of th, Allgtl Un'a: /'lit e t,
i t, and it chanE, tb tbe fOUl1d, illlo Enla. Erz'a is the Hllm, 'f G,tl that governeth, Unla.
A. And likewife the other three above the crolfe are governed by that name of Ood,
• 'lnk.! ·* X whicb if tb, IItxt ltfttr : lQok.,Iiltd~r tbt CroJJt ill tb~ /irjf
aHgI,; thou hll ff C z (th'" 0, ill the cr.,ffe :) tbm. n s. Call it C zod-
• In the crolt: of union, or
eIle blackeroll<. en es : It is ol1e of Ih, 4 ally-tis 'that [ervt .to that crolfe, which are
The + Angeb rerving to ruled b'J th,is 1I.1l11t ,Idpigo. It;s tbe Hame of Gotl, of fix letttrs : Look.,
this lelf<c C roll.. [
• b ;11 tht croff< that d,[cmde th,III that Hamt A IdoigoJ thtJ appear, "J tho
Nore. d : ~pe.~n~ot~e;ne IIl1m, [A ArdzaJ thllt is ill th, croJJ" [ A Tninfver/iuy ] tbt' do that
Sl1me , an OlnJ a • they arc comlll"nd,i
A. Which they? you named on ely Csc;oa" 's.
Ave ...... Tbtrt follow,th Tot t.
A. Which more? A. The princil'al Crolfe traJil'ver[ary.
T'ho{t two, ulld,r, till JON e.llle to the Crolfe.
A. Do you mean Sias~ f III II d I
Pbyr",l:. •••••• Thof' 4 kof Phjfirk.,.
A. As they do app,ar in the name ofOod ldoigo, fo what /hall be of the name of God
.Jrdt:.a 1
!tve ...... T'hr ont IS to .Clllt tht"', the othtr is to commalld thelfl.
Note. If i t b, a" ilfcllrabl, difta[t ( ill tht judgtmtHt of IIIalf) tbtH "dd, tl!, Itlttr tbat ftltlldttb li-
t Tho An: cl gaPljl tbt Halllt, 411d ",ak.! bi", t up five: ti," h' cureth mirac~loIlUy' .
hi. nllDe mldo Ell' ifrholl wilt [,,,tl jiCk.,H fJJt , rh."r4k.,.tlI'o oftb, l,t~trs,a1/dadd, rb, lttt,r of,/# Crofft [AI.
of 6.olettcl;. tb" ,Mack.. croff< ] to thlft, 4S ill th, f,colld, a To.
!~k~~e o~~~.~ .
.( A. This II, i! of th.e crolfe of uniolli ~r the ~Iac~ crolfe. ] , . .
.. ... . 'lhen h, II a 'III1Ck,.td power, alld brlllgtth III tlifta[t: Itnd 'IIIbt1l tbou , ..lit' b,lft, call hm.
T~kc.uofthe bJ th, HII'l1t of gotl, bllck.,fJ1ltrd: for UlltO bim,[o, bt M " goJ: ' IIlId jD'conftrain bim backward,
'''' cd. as Ogiodi.
A. I think the Conftraint nmft be, by the name of tht: Tranfverfary backward pronoun-
App~~~n. ced, asof Araza, is backway, nArll:' Forogi.di, lhoutd but cau[ehimto appear by the order
Conn,oint. of Idolgo, ufed forthe 4 ~ Allgds•
...... Th, IIamt of God ill th" midd.ft of:~ge grellt CroJJt (lIIhtr, the Hllllle wa.J hltpt A Ir H ill
B.... inA, ~be end ) UP01l whiFh th~ 4 Croffts .of t~, firft. A ,!gl, lIuenJ, ( or /ir fr p"rt of tbe. Itlbl, lIi:ttNtl,tb )
or callech out tbe fix Seruors: IIIh"h glVt fClentlam renlm humanarum &: J udlcum,ltccordi".c: fo
fli, "ature of tbtir parts: It~ ill tb, Eajl afttr Ollt fort, ill t.h, W,jf "fttr allotb", IIl1d [0 of tb,
rtft .
E. K. A Cloud covereth him.
N~w he fpe.koth of tbe r.. 'lht upper rigr;t IIwIldll fb, Htd &roffe, batb th, [llmt nll1ll' [A bath
(ond linle crolfe above, on the bis pm,liar lIam, ] of G,d to call out, Itlld to conllrain.
rinht fide in ,ho Ean quarter.
A. Which naine\nean you?
• Good P.n&cl •• ATe. ..... 'lIl'_lIam' thllf M. ,II the croffe. A. Uacza.--
The wicked Angels of tbi.
7'b, good Angtls art 41[, 4. Tht.] bit v, PD"'''
DVtr M,tals, to lind
them, to gather ~hcm together, IIlftl to u[, tbtm.
Th f{t, ,bIo, "",.,
ft b, 1IIio/t.NI Oil'S, ("'lid, b] tbrtt !ttters) Itrt the
7\:1e t.ble of Clcacion. P.rinces of tho.CC'"icked ones,.mat ftood afar off iii tIN T abfi: of the
Creation, '
Lib. 4- .liltr S. lJru{;,/6-
A. You mean in our fourth Book.
n ye ....... TIt·r,. can give money coined, in Gold or Sililtr.
A. Which Ih e e?
A. Thefe wickc:d ones mean yo,,?
_ .... I.
'lh, otber give "0 mont) coin,a, but the metal.
A. You
J trut 'l{eltJtion ofD. Deoe hi! Aflionr ~ith /pH'its, &.c. 181
A. You mean the' good ..
•.•.•. 1.
...... Exor.
A. Inote this pronunciation.
A. Th~ next is apa.
'lilt third CroJJt it tbt CroJJt of trttnsfm"tttiolf.
t.. Mean you that on the left fide underneath ~
•.••.. 1.
7ht fOllTth is tbt CroJJt of tbo[t Crt/stuw tbltt liv, iJc tht f.JI' Eitnltllts ,/If 10. CII1/ t'"". The four EI~
7/u firJt AlIltl fbt aiu. men,..
7bt {ironi - tht "'lIttr.
7ht tblrd - tht tllTth.
7btfoliTth _ tbt lift, ,I' firt of t"illgs thttt livt.
A. , Js not Awz the nrll Angel ?
A. En pe at .
...... I. 'Ihm N Pitt.
A. Then 0 toi, and P mox,' A V E. 'IhtJ /tTt tIlfit t. ,"11.
I. 'Iht Itllitt;,,~ t0t..thtr of NlttllTts litth ill tht f~lIr A"gtls tbltt aTt ,Vtr tht lirll ~T'ift.
The knittiftl
•• As Vrzla, zlar ? &c. ' ro~ ctbcr..r l1li'
•••... 1. lures.
2. Tht ClfrTj'in,,!Tom pIllet, which plllr.t littb in tbt .ilngtll If tht {teoH CTofft. Tr••p.rj, ~ ft.
·A. 1 underaan in die Angels over the Crolfe. "in loCK ...
3. All H.nd-eTlt{tl, OT Artl Ifrt ;11 th~ A"gtll of third All lund-
A. J onderaand in the Angels over the Crolfe. , craft..
E. K. He drew out much fire out of his mouth, and threw it from Ncxe <hisrarc
18ioR of •
him now. fpiritual Crea·
A. 1 pray YOll, whar lIli:ant you by that? ture•
...... For ,'at I fulfill my Office in :lliotber place.
Stll) , at Ibil titnt 1",11(/ al{o bt 'Ollt.
A . When will YOll deal again .
Ave. Afttr Din"tr about om,OT two of tht C[,rl(..
E. K. Now he fpreadeth the Curtain.
A. Deo gratias nllnc & Cemper ag.amus. A",m.

t Tuefday, Junii 26. a MtTiaif hml , I! C;Ttittr.

Gloria Patri,&C',
tJUiHr luum tUlfm & vrr;", tUIf"" 0 DtlK ~ IIcc.
E. K. Now he is here, and the whic<; Curtain laid behinde.
..... Ave . ..... Tht Crojf't of tbt fourtb, fi~{f Anglt. ,
6. I mderlbnd the Angels over the <:rolfc in tlie lower r;glit comer•
...... HtTtill mil) lOU finat tbt.{tertts of Ki"gs, and'{o unto tht lowfjf tltgTU. ButYD" mllftn.e~••rmoF
Nott, That tlf fbt -rhgrls of tbr fir lf of th, {our 'CroJJtS ill tb. E. /i, which Itrt for Mrdi,int : {, .rt·~I~ >re.,,,
(he lir/\ of tbt {mnd, tht fir lf o( fht third, alld tht fiTrl of fht fOIlT :.; {o that fOT M~J;'-;nt tbtrt,;.u..
bf jix ttl '1f, and fo of all the rell in their order: but thltt thtl diff'tT in th.t, [otnt bt tilt o'hgt's of cine.
thr Ealf. orlm (otnt of tbl W,rt; and {o of t.I't rtfl.
Nltwl'r lJlta"di"t, to k,.,WII' tht world brfort tht watns, 1. bt privy" tht a,illgs.f mill ,trim tbt N"'e, The
JPattN Chrill ; fronl Cbri{t unt, tbt rt'fPllrl.iiig of tht wicR.,td : Tht "' doillgs of tht ft~{h , ,I' oldf, ! Kinf!'
tbt (Olld ,fnd dt'/J;!ifh imaginations of hlan, or to {tt wb.zt tht b!rJJrd Killgdom'jhall bt, 1I1It!. . " .. flrt dom on ' ,anl!.
taTfbfolfllbtdignified, purged, a"d made c1eln, H Itmt4ttil~ {",tufor jour mll/fhs. rheeanb.
1:>. . c:'lUiofity is far from onr ',heemS.
Ave . . ... But .chere is neieher Pauiarch nol' Prophei: Cal\a:i6ed,Marty~, Er,_,th.r. are here
or Confe (ror , Kill,"" or Govcrnour of the people upon eanh. thllt hiS to be I.arn.dout •
. "
name, COllunuance, " an
d en d,!Snot
' (I'k
lethe Moon at ml"d OIg . ht ).,10 t h(,e
~I ;
ll. M.x,,,,1
J_ rn
T a 'bl CS. II 1Cf "'-"1.' •
tfl, in "'ttl. .. ,wI; & ia
1:.. Meall you not the CrolT'e of tht fDurth firft An:le, to be that; whidl is of a 0 u r r z.
ARd his tr.lnCvcrCary of a lOa i ?
[I aJ Ave...... It
1SZ. Lllrue'l{ Dee his Af/ions ";,h /pirits,.&c.
Ave • •.•.• itil[G.
b., I unduftand not wdl, your account of J6 Angels fOr medicine.
Ave...... Art thtrt IIGt f.Nr prillCiplll CrGJ{ts I EvtrJ Croff' hllth IIIf. f'lIf'. lit firft .f ttI"1
f our IIrt the Cro(fe .f ",tdici"f, [, th.t tltt" h, ji:dmt.
Ave .... .. O"t hoo/r., G{ "rf,li p"p,r. 0", [dour Gf II fl'l' dll,".
''''',FOII!,... The callin~ thelD together, IIltd the yielding of their promife, tht "Pftiti," 'f th, """1tS
Ihdr prO. G,d, arc fllf!iciellt.
mil'" I hit v' g;vI" )OU Cor" : 1 ".VI givtll J'II 111[, ground. Delire God to give YOll ability to
A. We will pray for his help that is Almighty•
...... I ,,'" frubtfort G,. . '"11.
Glitch tbll' ~lttcb
Bf itlloJll3f it 'WMblfort. E. K. He mounteth up into the
'aire, and is gone.
A. When would you that I Ihollid pre~are thlt book, and what call you pc:m~b and bow
many leaves would you wilh me to make It of?
...... Your boo/l,. ;, It.t of "'J chllrgl.
b.. Lord, a5 thou haft dealt mercifully with us hitherto, and hall given Intfll! underlbnd.
ing of many f. crets, fo in refpea of this ftrange dealing with us, and lell'fin~ its of ~t.wc arc
denrOlls 10 knolf fame caufe: and therein we requ~re that M"di",; may be fent.
E. K. She is here in thefione.
Madi ...... H.JIIJ,)Olll E. K. She maketh a JGW
A. I declared our admiration of Alit his fo fudden departure, aud req,uired her opinion of
the cafe.
M.d . ..... Surd.l Sir, I Cllltnlf ttll : but I will go [u if "') ",offltr CillI tfll.
A. He that is the Crcatour of.1I thing~, be Ulercifull unto us, and lightcp our hearts with
.trlle knowledge, u our trull is in him.
E. K. She went away, and came again after a little while.
Mad . . .... M, ",othtr {It)tth, yotl Ihoold hive been at the Emperours.
b.. But you fee it is impollible to get thither without fome good provilion of money awIe
by OUf great friend.J . L . I pray you, what can you (A,y of Afltl
Mad ...... UI!) glntlt brothlr, Avt is a good CtUtlu;e: ;"qttd )ON ",i,br hllvt lIIUt more of
b.. J befeech you to give 05 fome D radon of Avt his 1al1: words. .
Mad ...... Thlrt is no word unperfea, "'y brother Ave hi ~ natllre is to be plain and Ihort~
6.. I pray you to fay fomewhat more plainly of .J'JIe his laft words.
Mad: .. ... If it Jl'trohtCol1llJllllld"'tnt of 1I'J ",OthtT, 1 could aD it. But this if th, (..otl.iIl
of my brother toward y.ou. .
A. As your brother hath done this of his good will, fo do I delire YOll of your good will
co do, or fay fomewhat to our comfort.
Mad ...... Sir, I prlll.lOII,pIITJ. " ... e. I mit) Itof 1Imidlt '/fIitb Ave hil J oiltg. 1 h.., ." ••
tltiltg to {II) to JOU, but I know my Mother ha ~ h ","ch 10 {II' t, JOII .
As tht might} tl"",Jtr cGmefh, [G "",tth tht pro",i[t o. God .,., tbe ~
If the Emperour (m) 7If.tlnr [")fth) Jo 11 11) thillg IIg.i"i Lasky, Dr hi". "'" n.".
d,r, (fbI Itlt[wtrtth ill fllrlll/1) thrre jh~ll bt II" E"'~trour. A. 1. .
I Earllta i. ...n... to
b.. Ma k e your fencence more perfea. be llIlpcrour, .,;;,
Mad...... Thtrtin I;tth II m)Jltr). n S." . Pr.,e.
1'(1 Mothtr, "'J S ijltrs , Ave, Ii, "') {tlf,IIIfJ tin rtft of W JIIil/ IIOt bt f"'" A M,acry.
JOII in you r need. . A comfocn ble pro-
A. Now is owr need, as we have declared. mIre.
Mad . ..... Sir, COllte"t )ORr [tlf: For ,)tt "{llIfo" , JOU ,,,11/1 hllVI p"ti,,,ct. God bltift ).11.
for (M J lt) J ful lI'thilt~ to {II) to ).R.
Mifericos, clemens & pius eft Deus Noller: Cujus nomen fit benedill:um, Nunc Be fcmper.

,Nott. Abo~lt feven ofche ~Iock ~his afternoon, E. K. came I~ain up into my Iludy: and
f(mg me rea~lIlg, ~n~ confidermg t~15 A£hon,began to linde tal" of it, and willed me to af-
fay the prathfe of I.t If I underlloo4 It : And, to be b. ief, by li[[\,c and little fell to . this i(fuc.
chac he .onfclfed hlmfclf to be very forry thac he was Co far r~ing in words as h. c was rbi,
.d I'rue '1(elatio11 of Dr. Dee his ARion! with (piritJ &c.
day. Nay, (r~id J)

any man li,.illg, elCe, would have round )ull 'ca'lfe of comforr,and ~-o give
, --------
thanksror.A V E,fi cit Cp~eche s to him, as he uCed Unto YOII upo,:, true comp,aiTio[l, and no
'Skoff, erc. B 'r you by and by cttllrd hi",D , vif, and ragrJ on ft rrber againJi- Midiael 'and Ga-
l>ri~l, lind lbr htllvm ly pow.rrI wich moll horribleCpeeches,&c. He became nry pcnirrnr,and " c- NOT A.
k..nowfrdgr J t,~"t hr "" a otfclld ~ d GoJ : and Caid,thac furely it 'JP.IH of tht. T'fV ;/, for he did 1I0t ~ " . ;; ,"!i.
remember his words : I>ilt he is lure, thac they were not deten{, and befeeched God to (orgivr :J.. ,w7'&,
him: And fo did I, and was very glad of this' ,hi)- Teformi~g binifclf, and we (being, ofc (be- i,.'!;~'7-:: IS'.
fore) called down to fuppe !) were going out of my S,tudy : and ~5 he waS almofi at the dooi' N ote hi.
to gOOllt, he faid to me, I / rd ~ "try hrilv) tbi~g IIPOH ~.J Jh'o~/d'.r.' and!t H 'II' Hr'" 1"i~h a 'J : nUnn.' o!.
Whereat I puc to th~ .1001'. and we fat down agalll : V ~nly thmkmg ,as It was) thlt' It was he.ty ,hIng
the prefen,e of A V E, whereupon I fald limo the Cre(lcure. °d" ,he Ihd0111 ,
, . ' er,20 w1rta
A. In the \I2nu: of ]eCu s, Ave arc~hou there, he anfwered immediately after liS followeth. wj,hall. '
Ave ~ •.••. Br~a;t{'t tholl [E.K.] h~/t iIc~"mie~:!,tJ my honour ifgltin: I ~ili afro LCk,.norP!tdge' "'} -,
h t lrt . ~ard yQu: Bllt ~brre 711 .'/11 cnrfeth tbr H,tIfVrns" wh,tt ,,",/y Crrature (1111' It,bjdr l Or
'II'bere S /ttan u brollght 1I1to po{f~I1ion, by free WIll of man, 'II'lJat gaDa Angd if be tbat drpart;
ttb not l
A. 0 Lord, con~rm thy mercies I'pon n~ from henceforth,
Ave •••... As concerningy,ur Aliion , Th~ HravrllS bear 'II'itn'f{e of i,t.
na, j~fterJ,6y 41a thr good Angrls ,ontrn4 'll'lth Ibr irick..ea : ilnd thtrr ribl. A There ..... terri-
, /torlll of thundo,
"fIJ1I a grtat'coHjj a betjpixt ibrm; lind thi1~ "bout the love of G~J torrJlrds
and nin 1 [o .. a. d the
you, Il/{J your, AliioH. Btlt I wll! l'ifit yQII trgain In the morning , !lila end cf ou r yeller-d. yes'
will perform mJ good will ill Goa to'll'ilrd JOu.' BIINb;1I mUit pray oftm i. 8ion~ .whi : h) t f"id wu1

If tbou'""ilt i1void tempta.tiolt. God be "Itrcifull to you,foTgive JOII,and fomcwhu inorc then nl-
ftmigthtlt J olI to tbr"e1id. tural.
A. Amen, fweet JeCu, Amen.
A. When all was thus ended, I ddi~ered toE .I(, my PCalter book .(with die mort prayers Mr
~riexed to every Pfalm) whare -he hlmCelfvelY devoutly, and pell/temly puyed three of nit~'lIiy P.r~;:
t~em, and I heal;;lg al foof them, gave my confene ill heart to the (arne prayers. ~,b.,
A To God onely be all pr2ife, hono:;r, and glory, now and ever: Amm.

Wed8efdar, 27. junii. Cracoviz. M4He boram f'jrciter. 7.

Oradone Domipica finita, & pecdiui Ora~ione contra TentaCioncs Sathanz, apparuit ipfe
~ VE,&c.
E . K. He is
A. Gloria Patri, & filio, & fpidtui Canao, &c. Am~n. "
Ave_ .••.• In tb, namuf Ibe F ~thtr, and of tht SOH, IInd,f the holy Gh,oft. '
A. Amen •
••. ;" N,lJI, ."bllt if thdt; ,tbllt uhltrd to lOU r ,
",. firil, whether tbe Table (for the middle Crolfeof Ilrtiting the four principal. parts) be
made perfett, or no. ,
Ave. , "', ,[hou hlljt foulld out tbe tfutl. of it.
, A. I ihink a my fiery did depend upon the choice of the three names, Ltxlfrph.r.omlfnlfll,and·
Tab itlm. '
Ave .•••••• That H nit 1o our p"r1ofe. ,
A: YO~1 bad Qle cht:fe out of ~he Tables the Charaa~rs of' fewell: letters, and I fOl1nd them
to be 0 A 11 A J A, 2nd 1, you [aid they Ire eigh.t ,you (aid there are eight in fO:1r:I Ienow
not what chis me:ineth~
A. ve • ..•. • T Qll "'"jf mak.,t up the ';lfm~ Paraoan. A. It, is the fecand part of thd
A. What {hall k1ecome of the L averred 1 22 aire. '
~ve . •.•.• It "'"] bt N, ' r L.
A. What ml1il I now do with that name'?
Av't. •••• ,. In EXlIJph thtre 'II'ltnttth aH L • .",hirh L. is of ",'re foret tbpl the N. A; So i.,nor onc
4nt! tbtrtfort it ~rt in tbe -r:.ablrr. Ar {ltr !If .thdt N., ftrttr.brth iK tbt Charalter, le"ot fupe'A~­
r, fllrfoall that ~?un9'ey lie con,fumed WIth fire~ ~Iffl ["".alIO'll'td into Htl!, !If OUI ,or "anti_,
Sodom .,,"s for lI>lc~dnr§e, Thr till. of illl things is hand: And tht in tbe T.ble;.
;ifrtb muftbe purified, ua ,delivered to,mother~ . tI. Prophetic of'
thing. at band.
The f!.tlt'l/eHS ,f!'all be 77, times above themfelves, AHd tht ,ifrth ]hall bring Nori
, forth ,!Ithput Tillage, : Propb~ts [pta,k.. of J"Jts,:[ asJ,prt{etitv,tbttt arl ftir off. $.".-rr,TrIl.
B~t "fIJe fftap,. ,of dayes th.t are ba_rd a,t b"nd~ .Fort,mmedTately l!fter your
bem!; with C~ra'~,Jha/[ tht 'II'h!lt,wor,ld pe in [Odden alteration. Blllt4Us tull.lpbut{;it!"r•
• Iid 1il11UJ,~tl grt,ll;t Ifu",jtr: 'Ih~ Xil/gs of 'fht rartb ./hall TUIl ,mto tht Hills, Noca, I.Uju" mill_
.7UJ [IIY co~tr w! ' rrm i.JllTt. '
[aa 2J A a
A true'J{elationo/ D. Dee his AEI;~sTP;th./j;rits,&~.
-----A-.-O-,-T-hpu ~ighty God of Holls : be our 'firengtb and comf9CC.
Anti·Chd lt .... ; When you hear the Pco;.leray, LI, there N tJ fffA,,-child thAt ~,th. gr:t"t "'''rulli/f, (whitb
is even at the door tbreibo'd. Then, then 1b~11 you fee the c:alamlty of the earth. '.
A. L. But let LIlfVe, the [ervAirt 0 'God do,III he is rO"!"''',lIded : An4 ~ha[ goodnelfe foner he. era-
ycch (hall follow him, for· the Lord hath fpared him amonl: the Kmgs of the earth.
M>ney, prov!. ,Let hilll providt.for tbM 'lie jil/rlleJ : He ]hlll/llot IIlta to 'provi.t for th. reft : Fur, hethaihub
lion. all, hacb provided for him. .
I" Connand. The fifteenth ~ay of Se!'t~ber, that /hall be twelve moneths, Iballyon fet up the ligoe of
norle IS Sf the Croffe ; even IR the mldd 11 of COllftlllltblople.
lr.Xp"'"~. A. ,T hy will be done, 0 Lord, to thy honour and glory;
Ave ...... In thil KillgJom follll bt much blouJ.(hed, Illld tht Ollt fo,,11 Cllt " Pol~d. " ..
tbr.oat. And al tbt Lord hltth promi[ed,[o /hill! it c6",t til plf/{t.
Ave ...... N ow to tilt -rICblt.
rIP' mrji""",.
6. Of the Pdncipal King of BlltA/vA,or BA4tlfiTlll, (uting the lalla twice) I doubt of the
perfea writing of it. . ' ,
Ave ...... Is it "bt lPr;ttm I It it Illl, 1I"f/ tllfie; A"J ,,, f,llther;lIg thou CA,,(lllot trrt.
,'4 Seniors. Tht 2+ Smiors Art Ilil ~f ont Office: !ut when thou wilt .0rA;, i" th, Eltft, rIH" "'uJf tAA;,t [/1&. ill
Notc,l hi. J!. ptllr rlllt tbere>
.,crr..y of r.
",up tholl dl of tbt refl •
workIng, A· Do you mean the clbte, in refpeB: of any place we /hall be in,or in refpeB: of any earth-
The tour ly place • accounted ~Iwayes the Eall part of the world, w~ttcf6ever we i?e?
pl~gue. ,or Ave ...... The Eall and Well, in lefpea of you{Poles; WhAt"';[[Jou tl[t III, I of
quarte ... 6. Whether thefe four Tables be joyned in their right places, or no.'
Ave . ...... -r6tJbt. Nor:t,cE die
.t.. Of the Letters in the Tranfvtrfary of the wicked their black Cto6C; lmtU ' in .h.
I know no I1fe. as of mot i vat; nan, & c. ~laclr nann,·
Thc boo••
Ave ...... !'hou'foalt A;,noJr', when thou writdl thy book.
A. I defire YOll of the b~ok to fay fomewhat more for the falbion. paper, and binding dl-r.
Ave. ; .... ThQu ",aJeft ufe thy Ji[cretion. .,
~'. You Olean Cltrull) the book that you bid me to p'repare: For, the other i~ not for my
writing. . . '
A .erCea tJ11. Ave ...... It M"ot. . I my felf WIll ftand With YOll, and /hew how to praaife.
n.r ready. A. Bldred be God for his ready help.
A. I will prepare the book (by the grace of God) with all fpeed.
A. As concerning the Offices, vertues, and po"ers of the three 0- Tb~ Ofllces of aU .he
therq'lartersof the Table, what iIIall we think of them ? ' f..... qillrRi'''
Ave. t .... They arc aU as the firll.
The .we\ve A. Nott. ThOll hall thret Hllmrs of God, out of t.he line of the holy Gh,oil, in the princi-
name. of God ,pall Crolfe of the 61'11 Angle, fo hall thou three ill tbe fecoOd, &c.
In .he twelve Four ,J"JtS (Ilft.r yOIl": houk., M ","Je, that is to'fay, wdual) mllfi Tou andy caB upon thof~ ,..
d es names afGod, or III t,~t G.d.f H.jls,;11 tbo[t /lamlS :
our a1 .
Founcen An d 11- d ayes a,ter
YOll a
/h II C'm t h'IS, or .m ,ome
r , .
conveDlent pI
ace) elf I I t-ht A"ttls It.! Pet/-
daye.. tio", and by the IIA",e of God, .lItO tbt which tht.1llrt obedi'llt.
Obedienr. The 15 day yau !hall (Joath l"ur ftlvts, in vdlures made of linnen, whitt: lind fo llilve
WhJ[e lannen the Ilpparitioll, ufe, and prlle?ict of t.e Creatures. fOI', it is not a labour of yean,flOr rumy
nftut,". d
E. K. This is fomewhat like the old falbion ofMagick.
Ga,mcn, 2nd Ave. ,.... Nil), thl) allpl"yed At thM. "
honle,ondy 1ou'mliftlftvtr .fttht GllrJllt1lt tlfttr, bllt that ollet olleu, neitherthe book.
once: to be
ufcJ. E. K. To what end is the book made then) if it be not to be ufed
A. It is made for to be uCed that dayondy.
Ave ...... Whllt "Wi!! JOU tIft?
A. As YOll bell know: we, need inllruaio.lls ; yet necelfary for us.
Ave. : .... VtrJfl1fl.
Ave ..... It ilit jil", with fr"it, ht it wlllltrtb le4i.tI.
E. K. V\That mean you by that r
Fruit ,h.Jn
leave •• Ave.... ;. -r/;tre bt mort leaves thell frili~, IfM ;11 ",A", 1I11ioll' t""t bt 1II11T~ circlI"'flllllCti tft.
I!. Em hhe is ondy marrow, and no booes, or Adh.
A. A" collcclnill!; the great (ttllltl~ide chat E. K. fa", ill the Vifion ilandin~ iftft'the lil:~
tecn Angd., next the G~,e, you made no mention in your DcCcriptioD pf:the V.,iiion : T.bue.
fore I wOlild know Wp3t they Qr~;

...... Tlte"
--~--~-------:=---=------------- - - ---
J true ~el4tion of D. Deoe his ARions ~ith [pirits, &c.
E. K. *
Aliter, Smdmlta, as E . K. faid.
,6. Of -;his
'tbrrr ./halt thou [u thy old Sondenna,* lind, many ,tbrr wickjd oms, thar th.tu bajf dralt wirh~ ,,,eked ~ o?"'n-
Illl. H errby (hall lOU juJgr trul.) of 1I'icit.ed VUagick... God ~r with )OU; I will br und), b;',
~'f~~ I\;h~ .
when you nud m r . . . • . ~.:lion ra id.
6. . J£temo & ommpotenu Creator! rerum omnium, vifibiliuni & imifibiliuni lit omnls Seciog hi.
laus honor "Ioria & l!ratiarum aaio: ,Amm. n,!"e ,. come
, '::J , ;J to be known
, (and no' br
me: for 1 h,d received tlie Sacp",en, wi,h Mr. Mini"." of "hom I had him, n'ver ro be .... y or ~.rclore his nam~) 1 will tell yo"
fomcwhar of him. He :<pp<Heth in ",any form', ,ill I f length he appear in a Triangle of hIe, and bein~ conn,. ine.! to .he Circle,
he Ilk"h form ( .. it w ro ) of a gre .. Gyant, and will declare bet- re for a mont~ to come which rpuiu J" orderly "n~e: wh :c ',
by r.ame bcing .. lled, will do thelt office., wilh a few olhe: citcumnanccs ufcd, 8<e. This, indcecl "as onc, of .. hom 1 and. moft
account, &c.

6., I. Remember, I have not yet heard any thing of the 5Princes held lip the craine
of the chief King.
2. , Neither any thing of the Trumpeter which went before all.
3' Neither ofthe letters ill t he TranCverCary of the black Crolfe.
4. Aleo of Docrpax Ttdi and,being referred co Cilic;a, Ntmrod;llna,alld pqphlagonia in the' D ,<1arcd by
late expolition of the places by vulgar names: and befor.o in the naming of them by the (j.~".1 ~ncl
names of Creation they were applyed to Ita lia and Britania: One of thofe is to be N. 'lilt',
doubted of.
C;. We :1re delirons to know the Erymologies of all the names of God which we !hall uCc,
either co God himfdf, or to the Angels.
6. We require the form Qf our Peeition or Invitation co be made co che Angels.
7. Of the 20 (and more) diverliti~s or (orrelt ions of this principal 1 able, I\'e require
your cenfure, which diverlities I have ( by conjeltul'e) Co made or amend ed .
8. Whereas I was [A Jwilled co call 14 dayes, the Angels which are to be ufed : fo would 16. ,I' I t iOIl ~t.
know whether alfo I (bould fummon ehe wicked here recorded (out of ehe black Crolfe, ha- 'j"'"mll prm-
ving the'l r olf-fpring ) likewiCe 1+ dayes. ' tntt.

Saturday, t Cracovi~, Juni; 30, Man~, circa 9. horll1ll.

OratiOIH dO IfI~lfica [i"it,a ,,& pr?pofitw illis 7· dubiw, quitvimus fllubllrl7l': , Dtindt, aliquot Drll-
(ion" (X p{alrrrlo rrcltA,,,, tftTum q"ltvlmUJ ,p.ul~{u"" Ad [t",!boram 'flh~lapparult.
Ae length appeared a face, v e~ great, With wmgs about, adJoynedto It; afterward he
feemed to be in a great Globe of lire •
...... H tarTt.!n to "I) voict.
Modefiy, patience, and humility of heart and body, doth btlong to thr[t Allilns. Ttl! mr Note.
h~!II ",a iry 1hullders the Lord hath in llort f or tht !IIick"rd.
t.. 0 T ord, "e know not •
...... Werr yuu tvrr i1l thr [rcrtt cavrs of tbr Earth l
A. No, Lord, never_
.. .... 1 bm ttll nlf hO!ll mall) winJu the Lord hath prr,"rrd for an Jur?
6. Neither thac can we: tell: We are noe of the Lord hiS COllncil in thcC'l: things of his
providence •
...... Cat! you ttl! mr Ilonr of tbrft qur{fiol1J ?
..... . Can J OIl trll ."hllt Jhall breo"1f of your [dvu l
6.. Goo ondy knowech, and no creature but by him: for all things are kept uncertain
until the cud •
•' .... TOil begtt childrtn, ,<-now you tht hour whrrrin thry foall br bobl'
...... 'lOll brtin labour, call JON rtl! !IIIJar p.iNt of ri"u 70U foal! rna in ,
A. God only is the j'ol1ntain of all wifdom all~ with •
...... W~!l, tbm 1 fu,you Arr Jro'Jl')ud in ignorance and k"now nothing.
E. K. He turneth round very fwifdy,
...... E vm IlS tht ,Addrr liadrrh Otlt ber y oung Olles, tbt jir{f day onr f,ot, (~ut of h!7' hilt) not Norc rh:, riml-
£rcau[, rhq ,1hOHlJ eat, bur bww!r tbty might acqUilint thrm[tlves with tht air, anti. hrr [ubtlrty. litudcwcll.
Tbr [reond day, ont y ard alld mort:jhr, tncompl1.IJrtb her holt, lind. windtt" to and [r o,and trac/,~
tium to c,-up; altd [0 five or fix dayrs, tIll th(y k"now how to movr andjfir thdr boaus.
,,Aftrr tht [t~tlttb da)" fhr letldrth rhtm !urthtr, Ilnd fainrrh dterir, Jlrik..i~ thr gromid witb htr
:all, III tho/lgh.t wrrt tbr [olmd'll! rome ~IU ar hlmd .. ,Ana rhm gaping, bt[,inntrh to hifft, and IIir-
relb tip {rar II1Ito her lOU1I,~ .nu, (o tblft Iht) tlftrr i1lto hrr mouth. ,A1Id thUt./hr doth till thr) br 12
o~ I} days old: Thrn (hr legatth tbem a jlonts-.aJt, and tx~r.i[~th tbrm borb witb frar, and
b~l.m!, rhtm[rlvrs; A~d ."htlf tbr) flup ( brin!. youI:!, and wraried with lilbotlr) .{he flraltth from
lhtHl and 1IIt1k"rtb a nU[.1l7/l0ngft :h. /UVfS and f",a/l)lonrs, ."ith tlu m,,,in,'f brr '1.iifldtr parrs :

d tr!~e ~/ation oj Dr.. Dee hij Affirms fi;th/piri-ts, &c.

'Io tht ilttmt foe might {re 'lthlft Jhift htr 'Wormts elf!"",lfltt, 'Wbicb ftii'red iii> "'iti, ftlfr, "lid miffi"g
Ihtjr motht r, {{Itnn to couch tbtJII[tf1JPS in tb~ Chymlle! pf tbt e/lrth I ..At l ellgth, /lfter (ilelloe,
tht '"Rtbtr. thr~trt th O:It h" {tlf, and, doubletb per tOllgue '( witb tbt ["ind TflbtuOf foe u[ttb to rli/l
tb"" ) '!'bt} come toglthtr al/d re)oJce, wftathillg rhem[t/fllS II!;Ollt hfr hoi" for jo.J.: Sht
for /I rt co.,pe. r t,!lIjftrith thtm ,t . , b/lllg UP'" her bliCk,., lind [0 Wllh,rltb tD her' hole I '/Phtrt jh't g"_'
rhtrttb tht Itllllts of tht ellrtb: IIltd lifter fo't fIIItb cht'/Pta tJ,tm [mllll 41t'1 t(lIdtr, ",i,h htr r,tth,
ttlld miH{/td thtm ",ith rllt d'llf, (h, [putt,h the", ont'izgiJill" and orgilliltff;, to liCk,. tbem bJ littlt alii
littlt, tis thmghjl)e hUllgtred, ",hicb fbe [ubtle(rdotlt. that her worl/les mif-ht Id alld forgtt thtir
hunf,r]lffJJt . ,
Fin ,llly , ;;t 20 d .,}es, tlo~J bmlHe hig, .,d.s sk•.ilflll;1I tbt propertJ of thtir ltJ"d • • : foe (Ifll)
had"th thtm cut iI/to • ftttil~ plact, alld fllll of dtw, alld f"" of bufolS, 4Hd plJtctS .pt to '~vtr
t .h n, .."htrt tbt) {ud, dl#l(l, obferve their craft, and at laft f6rfake tb.eir' mOther. ElIII1 [0; , it
if lI'it~}ou; So tht Lor d, ( ti)" true S erptllt alld ~ r llle) Itadeth JOII out from dlfJ to daJ, .. c( ,r-
"l"rh' mr hinl!; dil/!. tOJOlir jlrmglh : I'lld as J?1I g~'JII, ,totbt i>iUntJou "'!ght~ at {If}l be brj)JIgh't IIlItO Ihe p{III[allt
!rue wifJom. d•.,.., I1.II"fo~ d.[ his '"treJ . which IS Tnumphmg erue wICdom.
Eltt this tht Lord Fearech ,of you; that, IfS tke .,,'ormu aid, [. JOU will forJa~t Jour
A. FOifake 115 110e, '0 God, CoufiTm thy graces, and we /hallnocforCake thee.
-rht It>tt.rr oftbt S erpl nt, ii, n,t tI forfa/tt hit J,un!,. ,
A. 0 Lord we depeiJd on ely on thee, and 'without tlly grace and cpntinual help, we
p«rilb. " ,. '
NO E, Tht Lora told Noe f~nl, befort, tht Flood w,uld come, 'ht belitvei hi m: '!'b(ufore hI' il f.fe i"
bo(h '/lI ~ rIJs. The [O/IS ", Ilf7JI of L . t; Cunk into Hel~.fbr Ihllt tho derided the words of God,alid
believed them not., ' Bit Wift blCIl"'e a [il/t-ffont, for th';t }he lo,o~td bar/t, and did cOlltrllr]' to
~.f"" Ilo. Co .""w.dmtlft of G~d Mo[.s h.d fhl reward of his holinelfe ill thM 'Wo,;ld'pluck.! bll"1t, 1>, ~
lV"""" '0 r 'J Can CIS,
,r. h'eJa.,
pm" ea."),, 'h' & C. , ' .
b.. " , 6il II' , I, liS rllt mrJJrilgtr of God,;'", ttl one that raJ, Cave, Ta/te hU,d tbat JOU beChlfe 1I0t foil iii I_"
,~ . .. p.W;",., thougb lou IIIJJt tht {irt, Ta~, hmJ JOII /oolt 1I0t b,,~/t: for if you do, JOU P.allllit Jet tb. fl..oJ, IIti-
tI,,(t/t. ther fhall th, 'Lord put tt vllil bttJl'iKf JON all. flllIgeallCt, lIeither ( I fllJ ) fottll tht pTomi[ts of Got/.
COllie illJour d.Jts. If G , dhad tak,.tIll'U up iBto thl ht avtlls ud placed JOU btf." hit 7brolle, anJ
t~dJou the things thllt .Tt to comt.Jou Jf70ulJ b,e ( But that j071 Clfnl/ot do. ,
Tbt L ord if "'~rt;jfltl, ht dt[cendtth illt. Jour h._rts, and tbert ttlllth )011 what M 'to .',mt, ""'ere
J'U II;a, I!ndtr/tllnd :' But you believe him noe. Therefort Jililh tht Lord.f )OU~ ( fear yo'u 'will
If. forCake your mother: But if J'U do it, I {lib ifJOU do it, I will milk,; Qf tbe Mothes, mell, that
thaI! tefiili~ my. name.
E.I('l 'ever toldyou' Id~ not beJieve"them ,D9r ~an , beij~vethem,
nor will defire to believe them~
-Faith. ...... If you be fai~hful, you be able to comprehend: If.)01l 'bt obedient 'and hin'nble, The
Obedience. Cre!ltllres of lI~.,vm fhall Abide witbJou; Yea the Father , siDd tbe Son, and t~ Holy GhaR:
Humility. /hall ", .. ~ t , his dwtlling w ltb )'0'" . If JOU ptr[evere, tvell wit~ faith agd humility, JDII,Jha/l ret tht
wicktd d 'yes that lire tocomt, tIIjoJ the promiCesof God, 'ltnd be pttrtak"tr 'o f thore blelfeci days
A Caveat. tfur fellow ." For wOlldtrs IIIfbe~rJ of, ill, atld of tit world, are .t httIlJ,. You are warned;
'iht ,SPlrlt-o{ God uft ",ith)oll.
A, Amen.
, A. 0 Lord, /hall we continuelu this wavering or Ailf-neck'ed willful blindrieIre, and fco-
t:::., r.;::b~;~~ wardly keep out thy mercies and graceS by our lI.clbly fenfe, alld uill'eafonablc perfwalion a-
b~~ J "" & (;lIinft the velity o~ ehy hue Minifters ?
".lJ. r,r'" IIJ I, All rhi-ngs art committtd to thy ,chllrgt.
lttm , Jill" .- , A. 0 Lord as much as ever I can
do by prayer or otherwife, I do, and yet I enjoY,il"
rilllt. fruit , ofmy long travel. _ ' '
2. 'Ibotlbaft groltltd, r9W if tbou Cltll. ,
A. How can J ,vi! hout furtherinftcu&iOlls and help? a,nd n(;I1I', when Irequire Ave to come,
he cometh not: 0 Lord comfott me:
, 3" A V E Jhal! come whtll tholl h41-nwl of him.
A. In te Domine fperavi, '& fpc;ro, & fperwo. , In die Tribulatio~i5 euudies Olel Refu-
gium meum,' fpesmea, vita & beatitUdo mea JeCu Chriae, tibl CIUU Patre & Spiritu Sanae 1it
omnia honor, laus, 010ria ~ Gratiuum a&i ~ ..4.';'tII.

Mon(Jay, t Craco'llia, Jllllii 2. Ma"e horll t.

Orllli.llt Jomillic~/illitR; & mor" Illi9U4 illterpojir., &- ali'qNor al~N tX !J"lurJO recitlltu 1"-'
cibJls, &- poft vAriM ",f/lS .J Dellm :rjl(,u/.riollli. , ,
''ift{tIIIj~rllll. At length Ave appeared to E. K. ;n,the Shew.ftone, &c. , '
~. ,0 Lord, all honour, thahks" an"
prlife;be Unto thee, who htarell,Jhe ,p-!Iyers ordiy
1i!Dplc fccyane,
A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AElion! ~ith (pirit!, &.C..
~rll, for the reforming of divedicy of letters in the names written, I r-e-q-u-ir-e-y-o-u-r-a-i-d-,-----
ulIlelfe YOll will fir/I: fay fomewhat elfe.
Jy tht [lime Jt[w who fitteth thtright hll"d of his F Ittbtr, It"tl it fht wi[dom of hit F IItb,r, I
rtqutlf )'u to proceed "'ith us.
Ave ... ... . So thllt tht body of Chrift. "0"', it glorified lind imm,rtltl.
b.. Moll true it is --- illi ultrll " on no" domi"ttbitur.
Ave ....... Bllt tts tht Prophtts, thllt "'rrr ful!filtllwith the Hol] Gboft ttnd Spirit of GoJ., btfort
Chri/r, tajl:ul of !Jim, in that ht foould comt iH a SlIviour, and in tht [Ull of I1IlIn; sf it the pro-
phtfit of thit timt, Chri{i bring 1I{:t"ded, in tht {llmt Spirit. Bllt Ihllt C.ltrijl folll! come in hii AtlWRIIIS cbri.
glorified body, Triumphillg againjr Satan, and all hit tnlmits. IIi.
b.. ~o be it, 0 Lord.
~ ve •. ' .... But that tht words of tht Prophtfits mil! bt fltlfilltd, It it "rctJf'lIrJ tbllt the Ellrth
[warm, It1Id bt gllltttd with htr ''/Iln fornicati,n Ilnd idallttry: 'Jj1bicb, whllt it follll ;t, tht {llmt
fpirie will opellunto you.
b.. Fiat voluntas Dei.
Ave . ...... 7httt you "'"Y "ot o"tly bt YPi[t in for[a~ng tht world, a"d fortftti"g tht allltgtTS of
ltrdit;?,,; Bllt ~lfo !rtach tlu wondtrs of the f4mt ChriJr, and hit gUilt mtrcits, whic[,;, to coJlle
It/fd to appear in the c1oude~with his body glorified. '1H Lord fttid to SlItlln, I .",ill givt thrt
pO'/llrr, in the end over their bodies, Itnd thou foal! bt Cliff out inlo tht fitlJs, and thAt for my Our bodies to
names fake: But my Vl1ItYllrd, alld Iht frltil of my H Itrlliff , follit thou "01 hindtr. Thus IN] becla OUt iAto
;rrthrtll halh tht Lord 10veJ JOU, Thus havt tht Trttt[uru of the Htavens ,ptntd thtlfl[tlvts II1ItO the 6elds.
'Qu: Bitt J07lr f~ith [,ringet. not.
b.. It {hall when It pleafech the Highell: We befeech hint to (ncreare our faith as A1alI be
motHor his honor and glory.
Ave....... But WltO JOu it fhttll bt Ttvtltlltd, wbttt foltll comt, ttfttr Morrows,affer D~Jts,Wul(.s, Prophetie.
1tJ/J. Ttttrs : And ""'0 JON it foal! be drlivtrtd, The Prophtfil .f tht limt to CDI'm, which is twelve: I - II
of the which you have but one.
b.. God make U~ faithful, true and difcret fervants.
Ave....... For God wrllfolll<! fhis (ltrth thr07lgh II riddlt, altd k,.ltoc"-. tht vtJJrls ill Pilgts, throw
ti~.,,,,, the [lilts of tlu proud, a,,1i tftltb/ifo hi",rtlf Il rut of IJuittnlJfe:
thltt "tithtr tbt Sun mal Jttt ftNJI fNl••
foint upon tht Uitjujf, "OT tit gllr"'mts ht mlld, of mll"J piects. r."'.
b.. All {hall be in unity: "It1M pllflor, "n.I11111ilt, &c.
Ave. ...... H aftt therefore and be gone: ali the Lord hath appointed YOll, thtct you ..ay ht C!.. Be gtne r.
uady for hi"" whrn ht hrillgeth tht /i,Vr. Pur;fie 1111 tht veJJ,ls ,fJour houft, "nd gather lIIore the Empcrour.
into ie,aHd whm tht Lord prfJftth,ht will giv~ )'U wine dund"ntly: AH"I.,the. forlts. IIrt weary· Thlt hold up
of th"r hurtltlls: BItt h, dillgtllt, Ylllltciful, and full of care: for SlttllH Inlllfelf H 'IIery hufi, the ,;rlpe••
""ilh you. Afttr di""tr I .'/II.ill vifit you with inllructions: But 0 !lfJ Brtthrm, be faithful, and ~:~:~fuL
l,r[t1lrrr; for tht [amt fpmt thllt tuchtth tht Church, teachtt.; )011. Spiri/MSSa.
b.. To the fame Holy Slir;t, with the Father and the Son, be all honor, power, glocy and DOl.
praire, now, and ever, ..tmtn.

Julii 2. After NOOIl, H.rll I!

b..Gloria Patri, & Filio 8c Spiritui SanCtQ ficut erat in principio /lC nunc & [entper Be in
[zcula feculorunt. Amm.
E. K. Here he is now.
b.. Nobis ad lit, qui cunaa creavit.
Ave ...... Wblft will Jotl ,
b.. If it pi cafe you, the folution of the former 8 quellions firft.
b.. 1. As of the five Princes, which held up the traine of the King.
Ave ....... Tht k,.nowltdge of them htlptth not ItOYII.
b.. 2. Secondly of the Trumpeter, wbat it betokened.
Ave ....... It hath n, rtlation to thtft Tablts.
A. 3. Ofrhelttten in the Tranfnrfary, I would know your will.
Ave ....... '[ht) IIrt, IH tht otlm, but fora peculiar praaice.
b.. 4. For Doctpll~ aud TeJoaltd referred dinrUy. as I have noted, What j, the cauCe of Dect1'4%.
tbis diverfity? Ttl...I;
Ave ....... It WitS tbt fault of E. K. in reporting.
A. What is the very Truth?
ATe, ..... Thou/hillt bt tltught thltt, w"m t"ou hail: their Calls; Cal!•• .
It btlollgtt" to Nalvage his corrdliolt. . NA'''''te i, tG
fl.. S. As toncerning the Etymologies of thefe names of God, we would be faC:is/ied.
Ave ...... God it II S!iri!, IfnJis not ablt to ;t &omprehelldtd.
A; Some Notifying or Declaration) no full comprcheniion I require;
Ate, ....
1~8 A true'J{elationof Dr. Dee his .Aff;ons~ithjjiritJ,&c.
Ave •.••• It it n, p.rt of "'"111 II1Itkrjf."ai1ll. They iignilic: all thing" and they fign"c
nothing. . . '. . . ,
Ave..... Who uri tltprtfftJ ehov~h ","tlt It jigllljitth. Deus figmScat ad ld quod aglt.
A. A5 for the form of our Petition or Invitation of the good Angels, What fort lhould
it be of?
An..... A {hert ."J britf f!mh.
A. We bcfc:ech yoU to gi ve us an example : "e would haTe a confidence; it Ihould be of
more eifel\:.
Ave..... 1 "111) "" d, f,.
E. J(. And why?
hlY!I(ltion. Ave ..... Invocation proceedeth of the good will of mID; lltul of tht htll' II"d itNlt"C} 'I fW
{pirit: AIf·J thmfort it pr.)tr of filch tffill "ifh Goll.
A. We befec:ch you, lhaU we ufe one form to all ~
Ave•••.. Evtr) ,,,t, .fttr • Jivtrs form. .
A. If tbe minor: do dil\:atr: or prompt a divers fonn, you mean.
A'fe...... 1 k.."o. "of: fo" I ".tll " of i" fht {oul of "'.'"
A. As concerning the diverfity of certain word5 in thefe Tables, and thofe of the portion.
of the Earth delivered by NII/, What fay you?
Ave ...... '1ht T .blts ht frllt.
Is it A,d"pl, or A"aropll
Ave...... Ji,tb ".mts bt trllt, ."J
'f '''t fig",jic.tio". 1 j,IIVt tltlivtrttl )'U tI" '1.blts,fo 11ft
A . As concerning the Capital letters, have I done well ?
Th. uf. ohhe Ave ...... 'lou hllVI,} coTrtlita ,b.t, ."d to gooa t1/a; for every tettei', and part of letter,
len.rS. hath his fig"ifiellti"".
A. I befeechyoufay fomewhatof the Nin P4r.o.", of which you faid, fo far I. thac
/lretched, 1hould fink to hell.
Ave . ..... EVlr) Itlttr i" Par.oan,is a IiTing fire : bllt .11 ~f ,,,t 9".lit) .Jitl ilf ,iJt Crl.ti,,, I
toroce. Bllr lI.t. N is deliv~red a Tiol of DefiruB:ion, . (Corlli"g to tbtlt pltrt thltt ht i# of Paraoan fht
A. It may pleafe you to name that Place, City, or Country, under that N.
Ave ...... Asft, and he will tell you. . .
A. As concerning the wicked here:, Shall I call or fommon them aU, as I dothe good
onn in the name of God ?
Th. wicked Ave .... N, ",11" ,"l/nb lIpow tht ".mt of God i" tN wic/ '1h7 Itrt {trvlt1lts ."a vilt flllvll.
foirhure yile A.Wecall upon the name of JeCusin the expulfing ofdevils,faymg in the name oflefus, &c.
lim.. Ave..... Tbd In, it 1I&lIi"jl tht .",,!tta. N, jlljf ",." cill/nb up,,, tht II.",t 'f Go ,to allure
the devil.
A. Then they are.not to be named in the firft fummoning or inTitation.
Ave..... :At", ti"'t to he called.
E. K. How then thall we proceed with them?
Ave ..... Wb,,, rbt Ellrth litth opt"td ""to JOur 1)IS, ,,,,d .ht" tbt "'"gll, 'f Light, fhllll .fftr
thl pll§.gts of tht Ellr1h, ."to tht mtr.1Iet of ".r {t"fts, ( chitftJ of ftti"g ) Th", jh." )0. {tt tht
Th. Tm.'uru'1ru far ts 'f the E:lrth, as YOII go: .thdlht CIIVtS of tht Hills fh.ll "of bt u"!t",.,, ""to )0" :
ot ,he earrh. V"t, th,f,,),. "M] {,,) , Arife, be gone, ThOll art of dcfiruaion and of the places of darlmeffe :
O ur w.ord. '0 Thefe arc provided for theufe of man. Sojhllit thou uft tht ."ic!ttd, and no otherwiCe.
,h. wklCked A. This i! as concerning the natural Minesof the Earth.
~ .. ~ "P Ave..... Not fo, for tbt,} b.vt ,,,tbi"g to do ."ith tht II.turlll tMillts .f tht E.Tth, but, .ith 'hilt
IU ure. J¥hich it corrllprta .ith "'.".
A. As concerning the coined they have power to bring it.
A ve. So they may: that they keep, and no other.
A. How fhall we know "hat they Keep,and what they keep not?
AYe . .... Rua III) formtr .~rds ; for thou doJI "ot undtrjf."J, thtm.
A. I read it: beginning at the /irfi line on this fide, whea the Angels of Light, &e.
A. J mean of coined money that they keep not; How .iliall we do to Cerve our nece!li~
ties with it ?
Ave..... 'fbI good ANgtls IITt Mi"ifitrs fIT thll' pur~{t. Tht Allg;I, of tbl .. ""gl" ./ft.1I
",,,I(,t thl E"rrb Opt" II1Iro you, ."a!h.l![,rVt Jour "tCljJitits from fht .. pllrts of tbl E.rt".
A. God make me a DIan of wi Cd om in all pact!, I befeech him.
A. Notd bad Cpoken Conlew-hat of my pare in Dtv,,,jhi,, Miaes: and of the D.Nij1t
T reafures which wcre taken of the Earth.
A. Thefe our Q!!.dlions being thus an[wercd, no'IV I refer the relt to YOllr irUlrulliom
In.ocuion'IO Ave . .... T~u hllvt thtC,rll, 111Iti )0. h•• t tht grou"l: M-IvJolI bllt invocations to' COif the
be mlde. feed, ."d Ibl frllit jhl/II bt plt1lti/ul.
A. As
~------------: - - - - - - - - - --
~A true ~el4t;on of Dr. D~e AEiians IPith fpirits, &c.
. A. As concerning our u'fage in the 4-dayes in the l+ dayes, we would gladly have fome
A 'fe ...... TOil ",ould '<-"0'" to rtltpt, btfort Jour cor" bt fo",,,.
A. As concerning a fit place and time to call, and other circumaances, we would learn
Ave . ...... Tou ",oNla k,!,o'W",h,rt Itnd whm U Cltll, btfort }.lIr invocation, ~tltr witlltJ{ts of
your rcadindrc.
to. Theil they mllfi be written in vtrbis c.llctptit, in formal words,
Ave...... I - It vrry tajit matttr.
A. What is the Book YOIl mean tbat I lhould write?
Ave ...... TiJt B.ok.,r.o"fifttt h [I] of Inv.cation of tht "amts of God, Itna [2] of ,ht AI1f,ds, b) The Boo:.•
•ht na""s o{God.: '{htir offim ttrt m.."i{tft. rou did dtji:r t. bt ftd 'With fpoonts, lind fo )'ou Itrt.
A. As concerning Bataiva, or Blllttaivh, I pray YOllllOt to be offended though I ask a"ain,
"hat is the truth ~ "
Ave ...... Tht word il bit~of fix lttttrs, JIIIbtrtof, OIU H Oil tht Itft jiJt, ont oil tbt right, t."o 11- 6. He meln-
bovt, lind t"'o ulldtr S A altd H IIrt put to. etk of the left
A. Sometimes or communi tel', A, an~ in tX~tmH JHdiciH H as I was taught before. flde of the
A. SO that tbe wo~d is Bataivlt, or Blttllivh. fqfuhlre ccn~er
o [ e D!'.ncl-
K K. I think he• be gone;• for he made a fign of the croffe toward us ) p.1 croff,: not
perfea [quote,
and drew the whIte CurtalO. but hcteloMe-
A. As we fate a while and talked of tbe Calls received in the holy Language, and not yet CCI.
Englilhed, there was a voice •
..... r,,,fl,,,llhavt tbo{t Call, in Ellf,{ijh on Thurfdll,. Andfo 1I0.mortqlleftimr. The Call. to
A. Thanks, honour, and glory, be toour Creator, Redeemer,and SanCtifier,now and ever be had in En-
Amm. 'glilh on Thurr-
d.y DC"t.

Thurfday, t Crllco:Ji.e, Ju!ii, 5. M:tlll:, hora, -8. ftr?:.

Orationt datl/inir.a /iltlta aliifqllt txtultporllneis tjllclliationiblll ltd Dtnm,& rtpttito promiffo ul-
rimorunt vrrbornm de Al1gtlica inttrprtt.ctime If. i//ltrNIfI inv.clttionum, qUits a 14 Maii ultimi
rtctpimur, tanatm appllrHtrllIlt, <:;abriel ill Cathedr.t &- Nalvage.
Gabrid in his Chair, and Nalvagt with the Table. or rather Globe with the letters JIJ
£>., Blelfed be our God alwayes, for his mercies: his graces be with us, 110W and ever,
E. K. Gabriel fiandeth up.
Gab ...... Dillllm t il f.ept v,bis, l'erfeverate nfque ad finem.
A. God give us that ability.
Gab...... And 1#hy it it {aid fo? bllt btClUife JOu jhltll havt mlt"y ttmptlttiolls Illla IlfJ/iliiolls :
after whicb come confolation and com'ort.
If tbt Smith provt Ilnd tnllper bis GoM by /irt, hit illttllt H to exctll ill the wor,<--rhltt ht hltth in
halld .' tbllt thlrtby it mi;.ht bt trJed, rt{intd, and mlldt Itpt, to the tIIa ",h~rti" it jhltll bt ufttl :
Murh more, thin1;.yolI, altb tht God of ",ifdom, forge~ trj, ana btat out, frlcb as be intmdtch to lIfe
ill tbt txtcut;on of hif diviHe altd tttrlllllpllrpofts. How th(rt!ort C((II )ol//illd fault wieb tht L"d ?
How Call)OU fny , he dtll/~tb IIOt jr(lt(y with }OH? wbm h~ fuffertth ) , U to bt proved to the IIttermoJf.
If JOU p.." the "tttrmD!1 farthlnt, au ) 'OU 1I0t beeotllt frn? If)01I fnlaff1i8i , II Itnd ttmptatioll,
lind jpit~{jaHd. it, art '01l1l0t tht mort purt l the mort ju}1i/itd-l for tbe filltJard alld H Itrvtft of
the Lord l 0 yts, mJ Brtthrtn ; for tbe more the ",ife Mall is affliCted, fht ",or~ ht rejoJrtth;
Ana tnt grtater his aJ,vtrjity is, tht mort ht profltrtfh.
Is it not 'iPritttn l No mil" conteth to the Lord but ht it jufti/itd, pllri/itd, alld Itccepttd. Wbma
thtrefort ( ifyou fet,<- to come befort tht L?rd, that is to fa), to appeltr, tD be bleJJtd) fhall your
jllftificlttion or !,urifJing aTlft l Of YOllr UWil1I4t!lrt it cltnnot; for YOIl wert born jiJIIltrs: Bllt
b) ChriJI: ,0'1 mlty: In "'ho'" JOu art jull:ifierl, through patim", and. refijling t~mptlttions. Trut
proof, lind touch of mlllt : But me think..,ih I htar . }Oll ftt), 0, if Vie were ricb, or .of Itbility_
Tmt it iI, for .he aN{t of tbt tltrth lIIall] mni exi:d JOU: But ill tfjat YOII fpeak vridl God, b 'lIs 0 I' .
~is Angels ( tbat H to [tt] MtJJltgm ) JOU flrt 1I0t ontl} happ) ('Which haJPilltJJ, fbt otlim r,ant) V i~l;dr:l~j;h.
but y~u excellall the crtatures uf tht Ettrtb. . God.
0111] Brethrm, tbtir joy H a'f,itttr-f",ttt: But t~ '."'fort that JOU have, H etrrnal, H [Wett,
Illtd II fooa for tver. '{hertfoTt, if ,OU "'ill bt ettrlfal, Illla ill !,trpttlltl comfort ""th joy; dtfp;fe
tlJt worUf" tlit worlds fa"'t: ti"d atligbt. in God for hit merrits; "hlch if ,'u trul, do; '{bm can
flO Ttmpej/: pTtvttil, no affiillion COllie Itmi(ft, lI~r 110 burdm be too htllvy for JOu: For it it Wrltttll.
Gaudium bea~orum eft Chrifius : Cui Mundus omnia mala fecit.
0",) Brttbrm, bt conttntta, lind {ufftr tht world: fDr as Chriff ill vallqdijl>ing btr, dia proVt
bim[tlf tbt Son of God: So jhal/yoll ill rejijfingher, at IItJ/: ollercome, an. be IIc(O'Ullttd the fons of
. [bb] God
J 90 A true ~ elAtio~ of D. Dee his ,Aflions ~jtbffir;ts, &c.
Dc<. God in Chri(t, of 7rb4", lOU .rt • follo7rer. Jok De" be of comfort,: fur thou (halt overcome.
A. God be praifed therefore.

E. K. And what do you fay of me?

!:>.. If I prevail, Satan !hall nClt have his will of you : for
Gab . .••..• Bllt mtto thtt [E.K. ] [Aith
it fwallOlY ehee.
Lml,Take heed,how thou mcddlcft with·hell, lei

H" Vf pati~~r, 4 til1lr.

E. K. They be gone out of fight.
A. In the mean time iwe read over the premilfes twice, to our ~r~at ("oJllfort.
E. Je Now they be here again,
Now is a Cloud over them, all white like a fmoke.
A voice ...... <..Movt not, for tht pl." is 1101] - 13y a great hol101l' ,.oia.
E. K. Why fhould it be holy.
A. - The Court is, where the KiAg il: So where the lord is prerat, the pllce is
accounted holy, and
E. K. Now ·they be OUt of the Cloud..
A. After this, they made another pawe: longer than before.
E. K. When fhall we practice Avc his Calls, &c.
Gab••.•... MJ hrotiNr, tbolll bllft 1,4ft c.rt: Thou Jr,,""t{l iotb of Gul AnJ m"n~ Th.t ;1 pr••
Hi. ree of A.t. m;ftd thu,./h4li b, p4JtJ thet; 4nd tllat .",hich is to COI1l(, tblu fhalt he p"rt.'<!r of
of 400 Dollcn [ A. To E. K. for he hath no care neither .for meat,lIor drink: for him and· his, neither is
yearly. he deftieme of +00 Oollers yearly penfion, and is to hafe Come help by Art. ]
N al. ...• : Sa) tbe firft 'lPord of t,be Call.
Gu s Ji~. A. S.p4h It is the fifth, for 4- beln~ Englilbed.
E. K. He holdeth up all his hand, and The Spirits of tbt fourtk,
on his thumb ftandeth written - _ _ Angle IIrI
and on the fingers orderly very big letters.
D.. It i. yet .. Tbm "/PIS 110 "/Poril tbt" tb.t fignified Ni"e, tbt tbira .",orJ Jhoultl b, E 'M.
myflcoy to
"hit book
thd<, .Dd fuch Nint to V4"'" tbt t4rtb Wlur,fore
,,,olds h2ve Ie· "Iigbt) Ilntl That word Hf.r~'" un!,
ladon,thcY:llfe i" tbe firm_fit' thou h.ft Aot.
in ever)- Call ",.1 VOICe,
of "/Pattrs, 7699 it is AdIII.
I hltve tal/t,.ttl .fylU
"/Pho'" co"tinu.1, .
.",hOft cour[n .nd
t'e firft
bath pl•• ted vijit 'lPith comfort· 1 move J.ou
• Torment the tartb, in power .ntl prt~nct,
to tbe .",;ck/fJ, .nd are "/Ph.ft 'lPor~
."d i" govtrn"'tlft
fhll" be • . K. Like a
~ Sont, of honeJll" clou~'IOYcrcth
" GArl.nd
to tbe rit,httDUl J "ntinuanct .n. the prai[, bctw~n ~ It
' .J .he thine. 10
giving U1Ito tbem til the [teolld of YOIlY.a.
G the .ir
fitr) J"rt~ ;11 Jour Crflltio". D.' I
."d tbe third :
Nal. ,••.•• Tb.t is .nt.
E. K. Now he plucketh the Curtain over all.
A. Bccall~e you raid that .4c4m betokening 7 699. was to be put in his place: I have viewed
and num~red,and I find the words of the Call,more)than the Eng\ilh parcell,) by many: For
the Enghlh parcels Ire 4-1, and the Call hath above 50.
A voice ••..••• You bave 00 tbe fDJII"th 'lPord Df tbat Call; The "'holt C.ll iI tlltwl tberr-,
lind ,u!.ht to h, tb, ntxt. Nnmber the words of the next Call .
A. So that the ncoxt Call ought to haYe this Englilb. •
E: K. Now be fhewethagain.
A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AairJnS 'lJJjth (pirits, &c. '91
Nat. ••. 11>e IlIighr) fOllnas "i"etttn - That is Af 19hofe Peral N.I...... .
have tnltr ea a"a that word numbers Y&U wltnr E K, tlnud'
Clme b(IW'(cn.
into the third Angle, ,gtrVe tblm !lave not lire IH that 'Word. E..K. oi iseye.'
Itna 1Jeffels there. tbe firlf. • nd I he /hew·
to wartr the ellds fio"",
Itre b(come thttllrtb Ilni
IIfOlifJtl. 19irh her CreiltNTtr, the Contmtl of time.
ill the Olive Mount j Ilnd Therefore, E. K ,NOl9 all
look..tng wirh I!,ladneJJe thfY lire eome Je the fir.gers are F..K. Cloud ..
upon' the earth, E. K. the brothers Itlfd . bOlged aOl9n- For/l fie,
of the firft obq 19ard.
IIna Clol1 ds. Itnd{econd, .JDur Cre,ariolf,
* drulling ill tbe briglrtlleff, Itnd 1Jijit UI i" peace
• O .. dl:ng in
,he hrig'm,df"
D[ the H tavens the beginning , and co"'fort~ of the he.tvcnl
of their 019~ {ea(l, conclude UI IS continu:1l
'(phich IH recewers comforters.
continual comforttrs,
unto whom Itrt gltrnijhed of rheir mylferits,
1 fa fttneJ .,.,irh continual bJirningLltmps for lPh, l
Pillars of glaaneJ{e 69636. Nal •••••• Our Lord and M after A 5
it It/l one: I

Nal •....• That it it that 19tnt btfort.

E. K. Now he draweth the Cur-
b , 1 rndet/hind this td be the Englijh of the fifth Call; and that before of the filCCh:
the Numbers of the: parcels fe:em to agree. S, rhat"/lfe have nOl9 the Englilh of tbe fifth and
fi xth Call. Th"Hk..ed be God. E, M, Af. and Pfoltl, three words which you (aid we had
nor, 1 finde them in the: Calls: YOJr meaning perhaps is fOOle other then the common
E. K. Now he hath opened again.
.A might! ,[hffe C.d!, thac you u1011
GUllr'" gathrr up have not. hands
of fire, tht 'Moffe tire
'1I"ith two edged {wDrds of tne t"rth, Marbl.
flaming, [as] 'he rich ""in jleevfS. thc~th.
'1P.~ich ha1Jt NIIII.••.•• doth Hllppy ith.
the Viols Th .. i.l'. you his Treafure, on wh9111,1j
have no' ",ark
,ighr ,be lIly !\eriC. rurfrrl the) frolPn not:
Df lPrath art tht) For lPhJ ?
for two timrs lPhofe th~ God of right.oufnefft
lind iniqlli tits Trl oyceth
Il half; tht.} are, i/l them.
whofe in th-ir eyes Com. alPa).
'1Pings lire And not
tire Mil(ton<l, .Jour viols.
of Wor_o,d, grea ter For,
Itnt/. thm th. eartb. the time
of the m.rr,lP And it fu chlH
.f [11 ft from their mort/hs rtquirrth
have {t Iled runn. comfort.
thrir fur SelH
in the Weit, of bloud : A 9
Itnd. Their brads Well.
tire m. afured Itre cD'VtUa E.K. Now lie draw...
witb their Minijlerr, '(pith Diamond,
9996 -~-. That i s, and eth the Curtain;
1>. As I was comparing the Call to this Englijh, a voyce faid.
Nail ..... , It it thr ntxt Call.
A. 1 undecfiand it to be the fourth Call, or

[b b :lJ E. K. Now
J 92. uJ tr~t'R.!!alion of Dr~ Dee his Aflions ~;Ih /fir;ll, &c.
E. K. Now he opcncth.
1hf ,"iddJl) tbt /irjf, Ii;" CO"" ""'".1'
H 111 IIl1to tbt Harvtft FIT,
tbf third Huvm of Il Wido •• thf Cro.""s
>HJldt H~. ",Il,,) IlTe the" of tht T,,,,p[~ •
H.I .... cf Hiacin'-i pi!ltm 1Pbicb Temllill II.d
0. : An d I~" 76. ;11 tht gIOT] the COllI
~uu b. fC " 01. /;J whom
the Elders
'f tht taTtb,
fpbi~b art,
or hi"" thllt ;" fpllf, lind jh,.11
b, CTowlletl.
Il re Illld jhall IIOt [e, IIr, JillidttJ.
I f"mt jfrallf,r, Jealh IIl1till CO""
which thit hou[t D.. I underlllnd IIppetlT
I hllVf prtpIlrtd fall tbe end of dtiJ to tb, teTrOt/T
for 711) '11'11 Tigbt~"[lIe1ft, II111 cardl, .ce. ,f th, urth
{1I;th the LOTd, tire Drllf.o" lind
wbore IOllg cOlltilllUl"r.e filllt,.. to 'lIT co"'fo",
jhall be Co",e II.a, . lind
111 BuckJts FOT, 'fru~i
to the jloupi!,f. Drllgolls, 'he 7hull4trl 11/
IIl1d bllve [pOVII: IITI pupllred A 8
E. K. Now he hath covered all again.
A. As I was fl'~:lking ot his di vCl'Jities, faying, Thi~ you have not, and this you hue not:
A voyce raid: So",: p lI b"vr, III1~ {,,,,e lOU hllvt IIot, ."hetlNrJOu hllVI, or hllll' 1I0r, it is a my-
E. K. There ia a little fire in the fione, going aboutit like a lictle
The Curtain is open, and a great Cloud over them.
Now they appear.dear.
'!ht ''11nmJers of J"lge.,,,, II/fl.rllt'.

of [Il",tllt"t;,,,
"".,,,t01. Thtt yOli
hay. Dot.
III1a. "uPill", "ith 1111 rift.
IIrt harb.urea. [llid liP
.",;ghfJ ZIITtb-qUIlk"S.
in tbt NOTth, f'T Alld
in the lik,tiuff, the '"Tth,
that ,. Tho"fllllll - - - - - MIt••
'f IlIl Olllt,., fngts
fphor~ t i",ts
56 78• ThltilD_ .iich
;11 the :li-th • that JOU han Ttjf "ot (or] Id,1IT flil/.
IIrt noc. ",ither
0,., .... Nellfts P"Tt,
11m you hlYe 22.
E. K. Now cometh a Cloud over them very white like finoke.
Now they appear again.
Which th, "IlnutJm TtII,
1111) fpO
flight ti"" h, to th, ,nth,
IIl1d btr,. for
dllY· Oll~ r'~~ th
Alia. hri1fgeth o.t N al,: .... ber j"iqllity
.",;,,; , Ollt ,. till/{and - frIIItb. ,.OU iI.
tht huds lVell IIf have it "111,
or Sc.orpiolfs, the burt
noC. lind jhlll/ b,
/ivt sulphur, doth Com, """.1.
"ith pO)rO",
hil thot/ghts,
",O,fp :, . ' , .,t 6
'Ihr[e b, fp',lI'O,lVO, ,]OIlT nO.1fts. 10

E. K. Now the Curtain is drawn again) after a quarter of an

E. K. Now
A true 9( elation of D. Dee his Aflions ~jth {pirit!, &c.
E. K. Now he appeareth.
Nal. ..... Conjider blrht{t,who[lhu/inrJ't JOU have in hllnd.
o you of Jlrrow 3663. MiA......
th. t r.tI1gt billdrup tbat
in rht S ourb, your girtlllI, tbe L,rd
alld alld mal ht mllglli/itd,
"re Clb....... Vijir III, ",hO{'IIIl",'
28. Thu yOIl Bring do",,, amoll,ff J'"
the Lanttrlts h,.,. no<. JOur rrllin it wrath,&c •
• ..... lItre 1n7t}t'1(l,r;,s in tht tllJ of tilt /irjl Call, folio", 1ft Move,&e.
t:.. But this Call, it dilfercth a little expre{]y.
A. They are the 1+ lall words, in the holy langua~e thtls : Zacar e ca, 00 zamran, 000 ic ..
Qua, Zorge, lap zirdo Noco Mad, Hoath Jaida.
Ai/orhtr - - ffak" ;(it I1Itlf[UUJ,
T/u might! {tilt and and
f,T0antd, critt! with" loud flOYCl • it it /If
"ltd C,me a""y thtJ a"
thtrt ",ert and A 7 who[t
"1hunJtrs thty ,athtrttl thtm- J1 NII",btr
5. 0...... {tltlts togtthtr H
",'iell Illld Th'ere i. DO 3 1 - - - Ga.
fit'" btcame JanKu'r;. for CO"" .",al.
into the Eajl, tht hOIl{t ,her. wor~. in For G1br •
• lId of dt ath, she CalL I prepart - lor,h:\ve p. (_
tht Eaglt -f wb,,,, for 'you. f pared.
Note.. "1htll btgi" at tht fir!l ~a", Move, oil 6tfort.
E. K. Now they appear.
Otbfu 6'7~9. tltt grtllt IIIIIIIt
the governour 'll"birh 'fuavt Righteoufnelfe,
of tbe /irjl flame tbr ttlrrb Illl~ - r Ie mere: TYttl1l,[- A, iar,e.
all), Tulii II.
"ndtr wh.{,
'Jfith ;,rillrJI't,
tht [tat
,f Honour hie d'ujl.
D.·' ......
IIrt" of Of the fira Same. Of , he 6rlt
Nal ...... Thcnmove /lfbefort,&.c.
o"u{OltS Sons. vtxing tht'lloylt
of f"ry, Daughters. al! e; tllturn ,fGoa,
the daughrtrl of tfte ,ltTth the pr,,,,i{,
,f the jujl, with age of h,,,,
.,,{,icb ",hichhll'll' ",hieh it cill/td
jit Nal .. .. unctr you a""ngft you N al. ... _
01 ..... 16 36 • }'urie - - - D r 'Ktrea71l po 10
B,hold, ---Jujl;Ct. 14

...... Moyc, /If btfort.

oJv,1 {"oras ",a"JlIg ifill
of th' South ",tll arun1tt1i "it po."er;
"hieh havt Nalvage. ",h,eh Ilrt .hich
·42 Us. ''''Pt}· Hulled
t}ts Behold, """II&ffy,u
to jli,. '" tht pro",i[e A bitter fring;
the ",rath of God
of fin,
...... MOTe, tH btf,r" 8c.1!.
E. K. Now all is covered.
E. K. Now it is open again.
o tllou:"'igbt} light, OPtHtft to tht Cellter
IIIIl burlling flame of "",fort the glor) of tht tartb~
"hUfF ,fGod III ",h',,,,
194 i1 true 'l{e/~tioll o(D. Dee hit Aflions "jth hir;l1, &.c.
tbe ( ,ertls of 7'rl4th iI ,ill/til ".t to 6, "",,{urta.
llran ~.
6331 ill th) /{iwga",. ~'tH"
billl' " ",ilia,. of "",/o,e
Ib(;, "biJillg JOY,
di:l, "lid. ""tD"" .
6 Thil illh,; ~ .. ". Move liS In/,rt.
'4 • • . ,.. tholl fJulr 'O"'fort {t,irdt
(ciTed thtnl i!l
,he . holr lan· j'h '" ~ ~If. fht Jllft, Crear",,,
gua,•.• tht h~uJt 'J. } ;;;:.••• ",hich ","Ik.,tft grtllt
"""io·b .n tbt u rrh ",t
tby btg ;""illl
i'; gl.,,,
'If'ilb fett
87 6 3 -
that Il//J,rJlallJ
u. thl "J
lll,}, C,nq*".
"IId "lid
6 [11] ...... Movt, Bee •
. 16
E. K. They have covered all with the Curtain.
Fax.···· Uthou v ~xat;o" • bo{t
F.XL S ·. : r F.x;s
.0 be founded. Ihira fill",t, •"a hllJl Is WTI,h i,. .Alfger•
I ' Old in ,he ",bofe 733 6 . Gird uP
Clll 111%'. , ",jJ'ff/ L.l1"ps livi"g til, 10Jllts
finde alfo in ,IT, g,iJf'; IIlfd
Come word. T thorlls before tb,e,
or F inditre&;.. bur/vlf.
eml. uCed. to flir up
[D.o'} . ] .. ... MO'IJh "J b,rott, Bec. -
["J A voice .... VPOll M9IfJ"JJoll.{hllll, tbt rtft.
A. Th~ Go:i of Hofts be praired, his name extolled, and his verity prevail to the colllfort
of his Elect. Amm
A voice ...... 'lIrt E,erll"! G,J blt§fJOII. II', hll .t", mort If0 ••
A. Amen, Amen, Amen. Hor" 12.
A. Upon"?y confidering ( immediuely ) of thefe Englilhed Call., and the Angelical Lan.
guage to them, I fin~ tbat here are but 13 Englilhed (If the 1+ which are in the
third Craco~len Volume comamed : and here ~anteth the Englilh of the third ofthofe 1+.
Befide~ thiS, you may confider that thefe En.gh0 Calls keep this order as followeth: and
to make It a more perfell: accowlt from the begmnmg of the lirll: Call of All ( bcio,loagfmcc
Englilhed, aDd three more) Then ~ve we 18 Calls, whereof 17 areEnglilhed.
9--5 - ,
6 -
10-- 5
12-- 8 _ 6
1"1-7 -7
1~ _ _ 11 _ 8
14 -- -' 10 - 9
Note, the third of the 13-- 9 _10
third Book, which is thi: 18 _ - 14 _ 1 1
fevcnth;from the begin- 17-13 _12
ning, iii not yet Eng- 16 _ _ 11 - 1 3
V ide ,olt Jlllii II. b~r" +.
n ~.n
~ n
There is the Call Eng-
lilhed. ~g 'O~ 8~
ua ' ~ ~ 3 ~
E. i:' ~ ~ • &
= 9 ~. ~
a ;c ~
;~ ~ ~
o-j ~
n I:lo

Er!o, there lack yet Calls, for the ,0 ,0

Aires, &c. ( befides the EngJilh of the fev:coth or ·
NOTE. thi rd in the third Book eentaiu:d) and fo /hall there be +8 Calls: For the lira Table, is
no C~II : Although there be letters gathered, but Dlade intO no words; as YOll f(C. , be::- IDa,.
fere the lira Call of alt
~.1 true '1?.e/JjtitJn ttfDr. Ike his Aflir;tl-r ~th fPirits, &c. 1"9')

. . . Sal!?rday'~ }lIli' 1· Mltll~ horll 6 l. ,t .CracQvi;t:. . .

OrAt)oJ)e [)ommtCII.linu.,- allll~~ tl\fll ad DeuAl ql,Llm.JpCulIl .Aile penuoDlbus, requtfebam
Judicillm il'fius Ave. de meis tam. ad Dellm quam bonos ejus ang~l~ fafris ' Ol,ationibus. Pofi
"ix quanam hor:>' par~em appanl1~.
Ave. ~ .•.• ·If the 'War«s or truth'of ollr rrftimlll) Itnd I1feJrJge, 'Wr.r', or .tTe,eontll;nra witliin. the
cltPIlc;it)"f nlan, Then might th: Delli! ihruJ/- in h~",[elf, and. diJrtlllblt tht Im4gt of Tr/lt~ : Bllt
beell;,[e it is of 7rutp, Illld of hi", that btllrub 1(}1Im,n) of htm[:!f, it clln neither h:tve Itffinii} 'With
,be flefb~ "or be [pok.p, of in ti;,is [m{t. ,
Lo, thus, aectitjul!;, halh tbe Df'vil mtrea into mlln.
A. 'Eldred be theLcii'd of ,II truth.
Ave, ..... •'Iheufo'Te [uing the 'W.ord is no~ corrl/ttible, Tho[e ,th.1. milliffeT thl 1I10Td, CIlIlIlIf
btll in corruptio1/. i ["uk. "ot thil, witho';,t Il cauft, m, brethren.
A. I,pray you to proceed, accordingly, thac we maY' know the cauCe, if it be your win: or
elfe leavilig this Caveat UntO us, co proceed tQ the matter wherein we required your help-
ing hand to correa or tonfirm, or co do thai: which is behoofu1.
A ve ...... : For~ 1Ifhich .f )~u have [ougbt tli~ L,rd,f_r the bls call[f or [Ilk.,e ,
6. That; God canbe'jildge.
AYe ....... Or ilt whi:h of)ou hlllh due obedience; either to the 'Word, or UHt, us tbat Ilre(an-
€Iifted,by tht 'Word, bml filithfully performed, l
6. My pointS' of crrour, 3n,1 diCc.bedience I .befeoch YOIl to Notifie, that I may amend
Ave ...... It ml) be,)ouTllill [II), we bwe Idoured, and we IJ,fvt 'Watched, Jell 'We halle calld 011
t~e name of the Lord. What baw JOll d,lfe Ihllt J au ollg?t mt U do, JtJl, It thOI/[and times
more l
6. We vauncnothing of any our doings, nor challenge any thing by any perfection ofollr
Ave ....... Shall the birding [It), 1 bltllt Iltboured hard l or doth Ibe ,good [eTIIIl),t think.. he ",erit-
"hhis wllges l ,It il1/ot[o. BlltJou tio[o; Therefore JOII Ilre luither 1¥ nrth) 'f )'Our reward,
lIor th, "aJlle of fiithflll [ervants.
A. No Lord, we challenge nothing upon any merits ~ but fije unto thy mercy and that
we crave and call for.
Ave. ..... . TOIl do wick...tdty. a"d i"juffly : Jell JOU credit tht Lora, ItS lOU do ,yollr {elves: JOur
fltilh H tIle faith of melt, Itnd 110t of tbe fAithful.
Man) things haw I[aitlllnlo JOu fro ... the btgin1/ing,( [-litbtbe God of Jufli't) wbirb)ouh.1ve
heard, ",lId not believed: hut)ou tempt me ,- Ilnd prolJQIV "'f; '~Il jOll jfir me lip to be ,llngr)
:With ) :l '.
A. If thy Anger !ball be on lIS, belide the Corrow of thii world ,ten COl tions Of the fdnd, &c.
Then are we not able ~o endure .
...... :An[Jller not me .. ttlf4. htar the L ',a [ltlth Itnto thee: S 4t1l1f lllllghtth )011 to [eor1/; ftT
h~ {aith untO the Lorcl, (tanding before him" Are the[e the) , who~ thou deliveied;f from theTher;reat Ind
tfrtls of the Stas; Ilna fro", the banJs of the, whom the wtlfdrs were " "mfort to; Ilnd th)p<culi>r mer.-
C : untt11an~e Il Lltltlhor.JIl B'lt th~ L~rdjet1ltelh 1/ :,t to h~llr hin,: for br k.",owerb it iI truro Mide. of God
brethren, yOll feek the world more than YOll Ceek to perform che will of God: '" tlJ,Jlgh God !hewed on us.
co~l.1. not rain Gold IIna Margarits amon!!.Jf 'O~I: Ai th9/1g~ the bre,lt}, of God w.'re lilt able to beat
4W1/ the 'Whole earth before you, 0 '011 fllith!efTe Crtatllrts: 0 yt b)p~criw ill th: Villf):lrd of
thf L~rd: 0 )PII utfworth) [trvllnts ~f [!Ich a M4 1fer. NeHher Wlro Abraham, nor unto No~. It9T
IIHtO 1111) other. P41riat,iJi o.r Prophets, hath God done 1110re mercif ld unto, than IInto JO<l: T, Abra-
ham br [It i ", Wpm 1 r~urn at Ibil time of the Jear, TbO II ' '!/{c balle a [on. VillO No: h~ fllid,
Buila,tlm It Sbip:' Mtt/i..e up the .Ark,., n '!f I1l1d t?lIf, it (hall b~ : for Ibt people Jhlt71 perij1i.
Tou rt",ember not tllat Jo(elilrw,s [old by his cretb'e;l; or if you do, it ,na) be, JOII thin!t it is a G:n:t )1.
fable: If )0", t.\oin~ it t,obf trlle, 'Ibm confiJ.'r how he e{capt -l the Pit; ' Confider he W1S f.ld, lind
{, bet:ame a bOlldm(/n: B'lt wilo ~I,lfl,ged tlu im "ginlltioll Ilnj [en[e of h~ brlthrtn l who (1 (a))
ca"'e between their 1.'Jrann) ali" h :~ ' mnocellc) 1 W ,If he tb'.:r m,rde lJi 'll fret l that brfllght
hi'" brfore Pharaoh l )tIt, "nd wbich iI mgyt; made him reig" olltr Phara ah: Was it not
the fame God, chat dealeth with yOIl ~
O)e of little f"ith; Il/Jd)farvclingst 'Withtre-l grl1JJf, alfa b/d!ftJ willo1f's: Whitt a1/a if )'014
WfTe ilf hell, (,,,ld hr not dtliver you? If JQ/l bfClill,t bon,amen, C"1I1"t he ma"'-e Y;1I free? If you
be ilf pri[ol', calf Hot he deliver ),Oll? Cannnr he compaffe jOllr neck ' wirh II chain? Blit Slltalt
{ailh, Lo, they fay, they have a leng Journey .. It is ne('JJ.,ry Ibltt G,a cDmfDrt thor. thl<t put
their tn{/f ill hi>ll. Euge,O 1,0 0 JO II beg!!"erl; {f"r:Jt.!illgs, IIl1tb1f?1 tlu [ame God, tb~ fame
Raphael tbat he had. :. rfJ,wrilj, Il thoTlfiend Ii hllltired; and a thou[lInd ,a1ll1 11 hllnd"d thou[anJ
thou[lInds ,rhllt art, Illld more thm Raphllel for the help and comfort of tb'r fltithful.
WluII 'H-erod[oligbr 10 k,/Ilthe (on 'f God, in thllt -he WitS nun: hi1 Fltther Ji(/ivertd him not
"'itb I. might) 'Wind, 1Ior 'll'i.h beating down of L?rds P~lu~s; 'but by a dream appeared 11/110'
Jtlfepb~ fd-)illg, flee, Herod [re/vtb the ~bild his life. Note the "wintr of bi! wdniiltg, 'Ip,e ";1l1l:'
A true ~elarion 0/ Dr. Dee,his .AElitms 'll.iJbJj1, &: c.
fltr of hit jtp"rfIlTI: B.t bur .,,6,it tht-LmJ rll,tl i" i~ ",,1. . R~tIlr1I. f.r . ht : thllt f.ugbt tht
CbiltJ his [, f~, ;, "0'" atllJ. Wh), .,"{IIY,.) •• roUt/! It.mis, .,,:f, t~II" tilt t~C't"""tS .[tbt Ft"s.
Up and be h"vt"it lOU t,r,,,tt -".illt. I- WHTlfort it it r,,;~ .,,~~ P"~ ~p.nd be gone, b.t thllt tht L~rtl
i one• ftrih me thoughts ~ rmn 'J tim,o( him which feeltc:tb 1yCIOI' detb"a:ion ; Ellt. of-tJ,/i wicked
$!t,bt. B#,h" KinO' whicb fctkcrtb i:O dcftroy JjilS/(j,.
Ku"ofPoIJ.'. " .
Coula . 1
IIof tht [""" Lor,,) • k-.i
,,"l,r._m, t h"tWIC A
"" monlIer an...~r.lf
11: er ofb lSpeop
' I.e,."
( 'h',c"L 'IIn.1
tt'" for lit,,,,, ) ~itb fh, !irt;'tHl,S
'tbat art rig/,tto. IIrt
of hi4 ",ullh' Tts. hilt .hllt ·&t b.. ih givf" ,,1/ t#:ri"fs . II th,ft. 'Ifni{'
~frtil t"lv. llfi,,} btCR{t o{ tt",ptlltio/JS ,hIlt IIrt t, Co",,: ' B.t t6t
~:~h o~ '~he '1l'irlt~a "Tt Mftrttl t~ co,jti~ ..t, b,cllfl[~. tht). Might b, ",4rt ""'v,, lid finlt.. tlttp,r: .Bllt, (for fot/t)
righ'«'\1~ nu" If"! flntO }OIl, "!1 br,thi'tJI, Flee tlie mlCcluefs that are to come, 11 • .1 g, f'~IIrJ III tht of ',",te,
.~d .hen. th, Hight}f, thlltJolI m,,) tlljO) lilt pro",i{,s th", lire ",IIJe JOU, IIIItl6t p"rtNvrs of th, III1!1!! allY"
FIt<. h r.''''~.
Takebeedofwhoredom, and tbeprovocatiorllioftbe Be/h. ' ~o~ .h} I . thoft tbill(s tl,,,,.,
But 1D• .layes. [4], IIrt "ot ."ithout tluir e""f~. T.II h"vt bMJ; tt" JII)tslf til") ~ 'fJolllllll fo.l lo. "'.J.,c'IUI{tl)
Bllr if yOillil~ge/'allY longer, ).11 "'.Y J'i"~ ,f II Cup Iholt )O~ .", ../4 .qr~ 1Ybtr.if"r~ .loth (JoJ
.ilr" ) 011, but lli"t 'bt would be jull ";111 In I H .. ~h lit ",t tb, ~hoJt £IIr,1I ,II (,rve hi,., Bt!;""
m~, b) ,h, ttlf~",ollJ· .; bt4" tbat tbe goOd Angeli "eel' over J,14 ; .for, as YPlI are pa~tidJ!ar-
Partieular Iy called, C" ha ve Y~,~ your .particid~r ""d u~acc~llomed t~",Ptlltio"s, .Bllt prll.Y 111ft .. G,a, tbll'
Tcmpulioru. )'011 ",ay prnltt;l. Nltltur emm, ommbus modl ~, :sacbanas Ut vos devor~t,
P,oTide (or It ;, {llid/Jllt I )ill, If you p~ovide for chis Journey, erc , '{bac word IS . , Cure as the jlroo$-
Ihb Jou,ney. ell rock in the world. COlfjidtri"g th"'}011 lItrt lI"r"t4 b) tht {II"" Spirit ( .htrtof ] {prill(,)
S?irilNI SA,. .. bti"g will/rfft ,f him{,lf, "",J b) III, "hieh b~IIr ."!t,,t§t o( hi", J GivI ''''', girJ liP )Ollr {e/llts, aud
II.,. gone: For,evtllllt tht v.t r) tloors, lire ",i[eh"f. A f ttr II lIh,l, I h"v~ {,,,,t.II., ,Ife to fll.J
Be lI:one. be Jlnto .10/1.
E. K. He covercth all with the white Curtain .
• . We read and conlidered tbete premiCes Comewhat di!igently.
A. Afcerward, [AvtJ be cameagain, 'and ("fcel' a paLlfe) Caid as followetlt.
A'fe ...... M, bro,htr,] (" tholl ad 1f(J' unatr/l""d tht m) l(r)'f .hid Boo'<.,.r "or/l,. t/"Il h"J iN
En''''. hI lid. But] told fbtl,it .IIS tht "'"o.lrJgt tbllt G.d delivered untO Enocb. 1 (1It'a "!Jo,fh,,, .Eno-cll
l"b;/lrta'5e daye~. No(withjl""di"g, ,bll' thy l/lbollr be .0'
frlljir"tt, ""a void of frltit, B~ it 1I1t-
The Book ,.11· to fhu, as thou hall done.
6rmed.J A. Lord I did tbe beft tbat I could conceive of it.
Ave ....... ] Wlill 't!1 thtt, "£,,t th, l"boHr of Enocb lI"S fIr tho[t fifty dll:.Jrs.
t.. 0 Lord I thank tbee.
N.I. A",. It He mtt't, ( ItS ,holl h"fi datu, thy booi(.) TotH", of Serparan 4ud pllli,! /fo"t : III tbt ,AIIgti of
is. kin d ef tbt Lord lI{>poi"tta hi", ; (IIJi"g, t,1I ",~(O Lora) tht "umb,r of tht all)cs ,hilt] foil" Idollr ill.
/ludl one. I, -W"S "11[,",' ''.. him 10.
~ Oaye. I.· 'Ihm hr gr0 4Hea .";thi,, hi",{,lf,{II},II" L ~rtl Goa tbt Fountllill of trllt .1,1,,,,,
,holl ,hll' ,,,.,ff
Uf. tht (tCrtfs 'f thy D"" {tlf 'tilt. "'"n, thOIl /<'1I ,.t(t ",illt imptrfll1ioll, II1IJ "9 iKflPllrti J"r","tff' :
n;WICilII 1 ( thtr,f oTt ) [ptllk.. ""to th,m th"t fpu/t" "0' IIfttr th, lI,iCt ,f "'~I/;or lI,r,/'i!j e.. /lo"
tb) ",tI"" conjitJtrjllz ,b.t m} i"'''g;Ifit', /11 it v :lri4bl! II"" f ruitllff. , ""d """,no",,, ,. "') {tI! I
Shll!/ tbt S lt lltlS {rtm to inv;ce ,Ar.- <fi!oll"tllilts: or e"" ,ht ["'''// Rilltrs tn'tr,"j" th, JIIIollafrfNl
Enoch h;. 411J 1I,,1t.,1I01J'n "'.v.tS ,
praycrtoOod. C"" tht v-jJ'-l .f ftllr, frllgi/it}, . r t""t H of" atttr",ilfttl prop'r/;~", lift /lp him{tlf, "t"V, liP
bit b41141, or .gll/lItr tht SIIII ilfr& hil boro", l Lod it c"""ot h, ': L'rd ",) j"'Pt,ftliion IS gre"t:
LorJ I "'" Irfft thllll f"nd : Lord , tb) g"J. ,/hgtl, 11""[ Crtllturts tX , 'I "'t fllr: ..r Proportion iI
lIot IIlik..~ ; ClIT' {'II{t .gruth 1101 : N .tlfIith{llllldilfg 1 .'" comfort 'd; For Ih", .t /lullt 11// Olft GoJ,
One Cr.... ollr 1111 'lit begi~lIill' fro", '~tt, th", 'In r~fptl1 ,h" " Crt ," . II' . : . T ilerefor~ wil~ I ~all upon t~y
of aU tb'QI'. name, and to thee, I will become mlghcy. Thou /halt !lghc me, and I Will become a Seer;
A ~ccr. I will Cee thy Creatures, and will magnilie thee amongll rhem. 'I7»{, thttt comt JI"to th" hllve
tilt film, gatt, ""tl tbroltgh ~ht {tt"" glltt, d,ren,J, {llch ",'II~. ('lIdr/f. Btho:d, I 'fft.r "" b~lI{r,
fII) l,Ibo,." "') 6tllrt 1111.1 {oul, Ifit will pleare thy Angels to dwell with me, and I witb chern;
t. rrj o.1ct lIIithme, chat I may rejoyce with tbem ; to D.'iniller unto lIle, th"t] "''') m"gl1i/it
th, nll",t . TOm, 10 tlrt Tllbles ( IJ'bich ] !,,,vt pr,vi,[tJ, ""d ,,('cordillg '0 thy wi/l, prt'"Ttd) l
offer unto tbee, and \Inro thy holy Angels, deliring tbem, in and ~hrough chy holy names;
Tha, liS ,bo* art· tbtir ligbt, IInJ CD~orttJi rhtm, Co che 1, in tbee will be my ligbt and comfort.
Lor4 , bt1 pr,{,·ribt .llot lll-,s *lIt, thu, {. i, is .ot ",ut tI,,,t] prt{cribt I"."s 111"0 tilt",: Whd it
plufttb thtt to oiPr, ,hq rtctivt; So ,/,har It p/~,,{,th thtm to 'fftr "lit' mt, will I "I{, rtctivt.
Bthola ] (11)(0 Lora) If] fh,,// ell// liP '" thtlll i" th) " " "'t,Bt" IIl1t~ m, ill mrrcy,lIs *1'" tit {"-
Villi' Of th, Hightft· Lec tbem alCo manifdl unto me, How, by what words, and at "hat time,
The Can of I Ihal call tbem. 0 Lord, Ir thtre II") that ",t4{lI" tht b~, "tlts, tb( IS ~ort"l l H • .", thtrt-
A"Iels. f"', t llll ,I-t hellt/tllS ttl," i"t, "'''''S im"r;iHlltioH J T b) CrtlllHU, ar( tltt GltJr.J of tb) tlllltft-
Ifllll, t : Htrel») ,/10.
glori/itJf Ill! thi"gs, dirh G/'r} r;Jc"l/e~h IIIfJ (0 L,rJ) is fllr dotll",)
ICnderjl""a",;,. It is grell' wila,,,,, to fpt . ... IInJ t"/~r IIcCDTailtg t, lI"drrjl" ..tli1l, ",ilh
. W~~:
.d trlle ReJdtion of Dr. Dee his ,.dE/ions ~ith (piNts, &c. 197
(A].lCi"~ : Bllt :t . r.~, "'."'lIltd lC' ~'$ h) # J_hjdJeJ com",ai/amnft, [6] Tb~re were no (;ng. in £ ...b
i, 'n.t ";' fJtim, unleUe It come from thee. Behold Lora., How h i. rim:; Confllle·tlierclore bow to
(h1llJ.Itbe~efort, 4f:fcena into ~h< h;,'. vI;u I '!he lI,ir 11',[[ "of Cllrr) a.k ,hi, douht -of ,hi. ph~.(epro·
mt, 'b~t r,tfijietb'III, f, oil), I.. f ap d01l'1l, .for r II'" pf tht tllrrh. 71ure- pheticll. In S.'~"'I '1 find , ip. a.
if I ' ~ h a It Il th .. un jud~d' N ,i ..n had King.
!ore~ 0 tho~ verJ Lig"~ ail true Co",) ort, t lit can, 1I,It ~ay, longberoie SA. /hi. time, There-
lind doll com7llalt.4 the he~vm. -;, B 'h~fd Ioffer the{e T IIkle_~ II1Ito (ore th.,e might Ire rome _jn J!:."b
thu Command them as.l[ pleaCetlt tiJee : 'alld 0 JOU Mln./fer., hi. ti... : odie rrophelledof tbem.
411'!~rur lightr of 1tuderjl""dilll" Governin~ this earthly frlme,
and the e1emen'cs wherein we live; 'Do for ntj lit for tbe pnllllt of the L?ra: Ilna tlllto .",110111 if
hath:pltltt~J tbe Lord to tlil",- .f JOU • •
.Be,hpU; Lord, thou h,lft ·itppoilltea me 50 tilfm ; * Thrice. 50 times vi/! I lift nlJ h"n4s "lito' A"t.
thee. . Bt it Ullt' m~ 4, it ,'e~{erh thet , ana thJ holy Mi'1ifters; r reqnire no~hin g' bllt th~e, an.1 ['h~t is co ray.
through thet, and fl)r tit y hononr and glory: BIIf I I fhllll bt fadsfied; Ind Ihall not dit:~ tbrlce. d.y.
(A"thou hall p~omiCed) Imt,! thou gat he: the.c1oulf~ tog~ther., Ind Judg~ all things :, "'hili
in .• in,omlltt I /I?,,1l iub4",ed aliI.. 'ilwell .",~tb thu for tver.
Thef-r ",ord,,;'~"t' tbrlCe'a aayt. tIl~tbetw~t. ~noch 'a lll G,a: tn the e;td of. 50 dayes, there Thdce, diT'
app~cd unto bun, ,,/iicb 4r~"ot "0"" 7IIi111iftJttd ".r rp?~t" of: ht",~j: d th, frllit of God
liit Prom'f" n4-f>tctwta t.hI ~tll(ftt of hiS faith. Htr, "'''] 'ht ",i(dtllr" "',faom ~- for what ·aoth
.11" tbllt N·/f,t cory-uptih/e I .
I "~avt /fDt tbat" mil] [IIJ tt,n! ",ore ulitlT lOU : But he!itv! ,,,t,16,,'II' {Jli~ grtat tbingt UlltOJOII: If
you will have -me hereafter, I will come.
....... COltjiJtr .",til·my ."orJs, ""Il ",hlft I hllvt "0""
.filii! ,Ulfto t6tt: for he,.t t('o" mllyfi lea,."
.",ifJ07ll, a!ld : a~[o fee what thoU halho ·d o. '" . .
A. 1 WIO,lf I rpleafc you reid over fome of there Invltau9ns ,,,hlcli I have made. ami wnt-
'ten here in this Book.
Ave... .;.{ 1IU 1fI4J,n.t "fe thllt 1I'0ra Obedientes.
A. You fpake of 11 fir-Ii ,word 'to call~ anti of I fecdnd to, Wr]/Taill,
Aye . •• ..•. It fir.ltifitth, ·it Ilrgeth them mpre in G.od. I '''avt fcU.
A.- Note, what is meant by the'name of God tbat WIS Cai4 to cOnftrain, being tIM: Cecond WJ,n;' nietne
n~es of two before given. . by the rhrafe
E.' K . He .IS gone, an d' aIJ cove,redWIt
' h t he C urtatn.
. or "eed C on~
I\rain , i'l reo
A. All honow:, praire, and glory, .11 maok. and power.. is due to our God and King. ~.~ I~f good
So be it. AllltIf: nge •

M<mday, ·1"Ui, 9. JlII~e horll7. tbrte lJIIartm, t C~covi:r.

Ol'ltiqnibus' quibufdam ~niti'l ad Deqm Be deinde ad 9.zbritlel'lf Be N lI/vlI?,e, .&c.
E. K. As·foon as he loo~~d, h~ found ;he Stone covered with the
white Curtain.
A. A pauCe of a ~ 0f'ln hOi,r : lit which fpace I iiCed fund..,. ejaculations to God, and his
good An~eJ5 ..
A. This day wa~ appointed, wc,attend therefore Jour inftruaions. At Itngth they ap-
peared not, .but ufeil a vpice.
A-roice ...... . Thil a6Y, hut the tWit aeclillili.( the fDllrtU,ilr.
A. Y:our meaning is, that at after noon, at 4 of the clock.
The ·voice....... A~ thou haJf .",Titttn - _.
A. The will of the High·eft be done. Amm.

Monday, A Mena;t, bore +.

A • . As E.JC •.wu faying to me, that he thought that the An,els rnight...tcll the certlin day
and times of things to come, and thar Ange;ls could n6w fal~' no more, &r.. Of fuch t\lings
touching Angels; fuddenlya voice was heard, as followeth.
A y.oice •• : .•• ; Hettin "'iill tll.l/t"irh JOtl, "'J brtthrell.
E. K. Gabriel pnely appt"areth: neither Nalvage nor the Table
appeareth. a
He fi tteth in Ch,!ir, and wi th his fiery Dart.
G.a br ....... n .e P.. ph~t~ ill[piml .ith Ib( HoI] Glnji,'Il'trt ttJJ'ureil oftbe com;"g If tht;r MefJias,
of thtir Cbrill: Bra .",hat JIl], or ill .", ~ ,t yeJr 'IflltS not of mllll' I",'arrllllntling~ Cbrijl h,,,,[elf
Opelleall7lto bit Vifciplts pis .tIlth, IIna the "'If"ner tl/em!; btlt the all] "lid bollT' be never Jir.
[ cC] .l,{ttl.
198 A trl4eCJ{elat;ono! Dr. Dee his AfljDnsrr.;thJ!iritr,&'c.
-;;-,-r,-",-."-.-.-,,,-c-'4-ifj-,d-.-S-D-I;If..'''i[' the Scrjtturr~ fP~IlIf.. '1 the coming of C~rili, . bllt .6r till) .".butr , t6r ~•• of
\IlIUM ("grif/;. "'." ""ow,t. "0'. Bu' b,c~'I[' '11 "'''~ to CO." " , IIIIt/. for thIS .01Olt, (tbt ""j[.gt of fb, .,g6rft)
AliI. "JJuwl, ."a blfalliblt Dollrillt, (ill rt[ptO .bllt GoJ IIppoill.t. ) ' 11.;' c,r •• i" ,i,.,) is .tct[-
[Ilr). For, f,r ,hi, Ctllt[, )0. 'IInU"r "'.' brttbr'lI:."tI. "'") lo[t ,h# /;,II,fi, of G,abi, f"'Iow, "lid
nl.tTcilS. 0 ..,,,ltji»g' IXII11Iill'. •b, lroph., ts, loolf.. i" •• tht aOil'g .f tbl Apo.llirs , 7htrt .I.,,),s
.,11' a pro;";f, tht ,lIa : But the tlla, Wolf ,h, bt",fil ."a jhli. of th# ,..,,,,i[t. t."" .l-
".at.' Paul,Jo"'t Peter, (''''t Daniel: But ·,,, .his cll[e jhllll you .{fuJgt the fayingr ofGod,fp,-
~tIt i'n t.he Cpirit of truth by me gllbritl, tbe [,rv.", of the big6rft. God, for thrttc.lI[n hi-
dtrh tlu ilia, (lila tht ~'tr) t;"'t .f his htavIIIly purp.[ts. As afttr. [ittl, Pltll&I J'U follil ;";'1-
ly btar.
E. K. A cloud covereth him.
E. K. Now he apveareth again.
Gab..... , Firft, b] rtI'[~. of his ."" ;,,'ltplirablt EIi8c non ell elfe, .hirb ;, ,,;tItolit tbt cire_-
fermCt, tirt!fgrh, cllpllhll VIr'Ut, "'ttl p.w,r of mllll, 'it
i"ulltllUlIli,). ""r,p] 6t "lft"rcti t. ",
vtr i I] Oil' GoJ., ."a i"co",prthtlljiblt.
StCOlldfJ, btell"[t Lucifer witHit yea fayers, (J"",lItJ ju(fl]) }b.i4ld '!tvtr tllP, ·, f bis /itk,
lI.r ,lIIatrjlll"a hit ["rt' jNagt"'tlfts : phlr.i ht .ou[,l, ."d might d., if tM) ."trt JtfivtrtJ t. "'''''1
i",llgi""iio", "na d;fl;nrft : Bt~'Il,,[e it is withill tht circu"'ftrt"" ""d
co"',"j[e .f lIit Cr/.ctiolt.
confiaer of tbe[t t.".o.
E. K . Now he is covered in a white Cloud again.
A. The Iii-Ii reaCon, or cufe we do noc fufficiently underRand, or concei,e.
1)1141 tf/" tff.' , Sanais Deus.
No" t it t{ft, J mpilS DeGs.
For, In the judgement all), Goa ill bu {on, Chrift,jhlll/ }but up hit pltptt•• l ""tI.
"'tri"}lilt, JM"
fticr, ",r"tb, IIl1d ."gt~, .".ith Htlllllld . a ..",,,.,io,,. ~tllVi llg thtm, "lid f.r{II/(j1l1. tNIIi, ,,"1l
"0 CIl[t tt ht cill/ta thltr G I.. Frarres [""J 11011 habebunt l)eum. But ' ' :1
}bllli lI,pitbou'
II gui~t, lI"a 'll'ithollt II Celltrt. H trlb) JOU "''') uIJIrJt,,"J, E/fe Ik non ~ft e/fe. To tilt
ThirtifJ, .b"t "'''" /ir",fJ l'tr[w"dtJ. of thi"gs {po/tt1l .f bJ G.J "~OJll hit CII!"cit)" t. """, IIl1d
1I1Ik..1I0'll'II, might 'll'orthll] ;" th, /frmgrh Df f"ith, IIl1a rbrwgh tbr t/ftn of.hit pr.",i{" "'trit hit f".
'IIOlir ill Chri}!, ""d reCt;lIt tttTlI"/ {"lvlltioll,juJII] blfurt GoJ 1111. hi, ;Atllt/s. Tht{I IIrt tht tbrtt
A. This laft cauCe, if it would pleaCe you to make more plain, it thould greatly enform ~
and confirm us .
...... Tht[t IIrt tht tbrtt o",fJ &/tuf", thll' tht tlfds ,f God his .lIt",';II"t;'1II "rl {ICTIt.
I. III tht /irlf, thllt God ",,[,bt IIprtllr OMllip,!lIIt.
~ III tht feco"d,[tAld up ill himftlf fr.m th# Yow/,tI,'.f f~c". ""III rd,/I,tl t. tlltir Ji-
/frllOio". '
3. 111 .ht thira, tbllt "'''If
",ij,bt jujfl] bt m".t "orth) of tbt !i.ets prtp"r,J f.r "ill(.
Wednefday N alYllfC it Cill/ttl. .JU) _ 11114 I;""".t bt ill ~Oio" "ith),. till Wcdncfday. . Tbm thall you
follow inc- have the Calls tbatyou look for •• And fo mter into the knowledge and pcr&a cnda--
Handing 'f .he 4$0 G.~ts Ilnd Tabl,s if ,01l'IIPill.
... 0 Lord, thy Will and mercy be /hewed upon us.
Gab ...... But u"an./llllla .hlf' it it " ,,,hour, thl hllrdtft ""t!.
tb, I.ft.
A. Violenti nihil difficile : God lirengthen GUr will and f.i h.
Gab . ..... I hllve 1S,.hillg tl[t to fll) Ulfto you. /Jut Go,t bt m'~ifllllll"" JOII , ""tl forgillt JO.
(:>. . Amen.
Gab...... .&na Ihllt yo. go
"",ct, ",/1"-' "«ft,.
E. K. He is gone.
A. Gloria Patri, 8c filio,8c fpiritui Sana'o licut erat in principio. 8c nunc Ie fcmper, 8c in
fecula feculomm. JI""".
Wednefday, Jlllii II. Mane bora, 6 f. Crlleoflill.
Oratione dominica 6nita, Sec. T6tCllrf"ia .",.r,1l
A. We await the pro\llife, which you made us, 0 G"britl.
A voyce. NDt .'''' ~., .t tht fourth bour, dtrlilli", • bt!,r,.
fir";"" ""J.
Acfouc of the E. K. And why not now as well?
C1eckaCr'cr A voyce. Ht .hllt l"b.urtlh ill bit . n ",,""ft l~o",.,t6" ",.~: &lit " tN, !iJ!rtll ,. tbt
-II, Stll, mull b, rule. b) htr ,.rft. . .
A. Fiat voluntuDei.
At¥lIt'l{eJation of Dr. Dee his Af/ions -mth fpir;tJ, &c. 199
Wednerday, Julii II. II Mtridi't, hml i'
A. At the lirll looking the Curtain appeared to ,E. K. his fight.
A. When it Ihall pleaCe thee, 0 God, we lire defirous to receive wifdom from thee..
A'. At fix of the Clock appeared a lin\c one, yellow, like a little Childe: his hair line yel.
low, and a very amiable face.
To avod rtp,o~cb) a1Jd (or fl,t tr/llb of tbt 'llPQrd I vifit )~""iliftt ..d .f Nalvaoe, 'llPhich Clt7f"ot NOT E.
1,~ I
"me. I 4>11 !Ie Mere, tbr [trvaltt of tht hit,htJf, 'llPhich i"jfta'UJ Na vage, "'ill," 11 ..... f••
a/ttl a'" Ilblt to {Np. A. H. i, one
,1] hu e"'u.., .
A. SO be IC In the: name of Jcrus.
of filiI/om Dn,
on. of ch. S.p.
]leD! .......... tMan} , lind (lrMg art JOur tlfrmirs, botb b,d/I] Illld ghojflj : Bilt bt you fir,/tt, c.narii "here.
ll/ttl1oujhal/ prtvai!. of, Aw.n ....
MallY enemies Tbtrtfort f4)) "hllt J8U "/Pill hll' "'t J,. . ~he TrlnAa",
boJily and A. That (if it p!eafe you) thac Naillagt wonld have done. cion ofthe
ghoftly. 'lht Eajf il a hou[t of Virgins. Call into
1>. He diHinguilhc:th it not by lingers.
lIe...... Wtll,)oup1l.l1 have fingers.
Si7f?,i/fr; prai[u 'llPith .,II4mellts Co bright l.MO'IIt,
a",o7fJ!, ;t [ur" M 4pptar,
the ft ames of lirft gl one, 'llPor~ wonders fillg prlli/et
."herdll oil all creatures, unto the Creator,
the Lortl 'IIP"'!e Illld
hath ~p;'II,d his ",'uth King40Jtrs be might)
alld Illld cO/ttinuilrtCe a",,,,gjt lit,
the'} lire btr_ lie.
... lire III tht third for
T wcncy

eight Thlt YOD haY. lind fourth Ullto tbis remtmbra/tct

living dwellings, Dot. firing To'IIPers is glvell
in 'llPhom lind power,
th. Jtrtngth of ",a" plaets .f comfort. lind
rtjoycerh. Tht feat of mtrc) our llrength
,,"l Illld continull/tce. 1I1axtth jfro"g
thq Ilreapparail'd 0 JouftrvaJlts of mer". ill our comforter.
lIe:. ...... L., ,h"t }'U havt it.
A. J pray YO'.1 co confider of the form of the prorniCe, for we were promiCed to receive the fill S.prli.
Calls We look cd fo~ and to be 6t for the ~9 Gates,&c. If this you have done, be the
performance of choCe the words of GaLrie/, or no, I pray you confider.
Jk...... For t~ thirty Calls, or thirty Call, to morrow at tht f"lTtll bOKr, Thu'fday at four of
1 "'ill eart ]0'4 fuiJicie"tlJ. the Clock ofterDOGn.
1>. I beieech you (ifI !hall not offend to rcqueft it) Wbllt is the ca,,[t ,. fGabdellllld Nal-
'Yage their Ilb[mce?
1Ie...... Spiritual Contention bet·... een Satan and them, Illfd "',re tb~" mil" cdll; or mil} un-
A. Then I pray you, why was not this Cupply rent at the time appoinud ?
lie. ..... It it Ifot of God, to tbillk.. tbar God is of tim.. All things Ifrt titd UNt. bilt', Illll "t-
thing can be {tpttrllttfl from hi",. N",;itlljfa1ldi ng, he ma] [,pirrlllt him[,lf fro", thtlll. But JOu Kloct.en
follll urlder}fltlld, thltt rb,fe ninetecn Calls. , Calls re.
A 'There are but 18 befidcs che lirft to God. ceind •
...... 1b.rt Ilrt 1Ii1fttftll befidrs the fir't] arc the Calls, or entrances into the
knowledge of the myftical Tables: Ever) 'f.ble containing one whole leaf.
whereunto you need no other circumftances.
I,The ufe of cbel.

1. Th, jirft Call beli1l"eth 01 Soof.

III Engliilt 1 r4igll.
:to 'fht [erolld begill"eth Adgt.
III Engli!h CIlII.
3' The Call of rht third 'fdle ~tgillneth ~ir."'Il'
In Englilh Behold.
E. K. A white cloud cometh about him, but hideth him not.
He ...... Bllt ).u fIIujf ~de".flllnJ that i1l[pIllkjlf[; of tbe lirlt Table ~ I fpeak of the fecond.
10 that rht [eco/td, "'itb jou if the /ir}l.
i- As ,this lall, hth./d is che fourth, but 'llPith y.u the third.
A. It is the feventh: but the third of the foUrteenth.
[c C 2) lie• ..... It
200 .A trflt'l{elatioll Of Dr. Dee his .iff/ions »ith fpir;ts, &C,
lie...... I~-;'In 6/1 of the 'third.
5. 71n IWe' - ;11 Englifu it 1 han fet
OlhtTJPi[,- 0 tbil.
6. 1;t (i.,b - n,
"'igltt) [.IIIUls.
O,II,r",;[, - 5aphab.
7' '[ht [ntll,b-- Tht [piri"
S. 7'ht tight - 1ht E"ft
RO ••
I1cm ...... Looil tbll', ""t Y'u cil/l tht tbirtl.
A. It is 11.11",.
9. nt ",,,t-7,,, ",iJJ"y tht ~r(f
Barcnn 10, or .II{,,,,I,.
10. ' - - - A ",igh"
11. _ _ - 1 ' b t 7bulIJm ,/ j"il".,,,,
n,r, CIIfft,h " .hit, brigbt CI.uJ IIJ,ur hi",.
12. - - tht ",if,htJ {tilt
Oll Cllial.
E. K. Every time he fpeaketh, he pulleth fire OUt of his mouth, and
cafteth it from him.
13' - - O J . 1 l
If. 0 lOll { ••r.s
E. K. Nowa white Cloud goeth round.
15. - - - - 0 " .. r01l1
No Romi.
16. - - 0 tho" ,11,(;.11"."',,,
l Is Tab••na
11 ...... Th"t J'" IIIci;. tbe ,hml ,,",11
bo. What is tbat 1
...... or tbt fir,t jill",t, it II.r"'tTttb to L aI purt.
Till blld 110' lhe txp~(j'io" ,f ,be t'irJ •• rtl.
17. 0 yt of ,b, f,r."tl fi"""'
lis vivl a puet•
• S. 0 tho" ,biril /.4"".
lis di al part.
19. 0 ,holl ""gbt} IIg6'
JI micaJZo al pare.
'Ib,. JOIl bllvt 1I0t loll J ' IIf' IIIlollf'.
E. K. Now he wrappcth the Cloud that was under him about hit
.. .... Gotl bt .ith 7011.
E. K. Saw him go upward.
A. Glory be to God. praife and honollr for. .A",,,,.

Tburfday, } 'Iii n. .l "'tTt '"rll 4. t Crllro."ill.

Oratione f'OIninica finira,8. brc:yiter ad l't"'t[, quibuCdam diltis.
E. K. The Currain appeared at the firft looking.
11 ,Now in r'~e flame of ]caus,lI£ couccrning chofe 30 Lalls, orthiny Call, we await yoar
informacion of Iltm({t.
•• AI-
A true Reldtion of Dr. Dee his AElions t)1ith (piritJ, &c. 20t
- A. Afcer di,-ers p3rcels of our AtHons paft wich NttlvlIJ!~ bei"ng read,which were v·e ry well
of us liked, ac lenl:ch I1emr[e appeared: and afcer he had ihewed himfelf (theCllrtain bein" tltlflip.
opmcd ) he drew che Currain [0 again. "
A. I then faid chree Prayers out of the Pfalm~) 6-c.

E. K. Now he fiandeth as Nalvage uCed to do, upon the Globe

with the rod in his hand: And Gabriel Jitteth by.
A. In-the name of the eternal and everIafiing God fay on.
E. K. Now the Globe turneth f wi ftl y, and he pointeth to letters
thus, with the rod which Nalvage was wont to nCe.
MADRllAX oJOU lmtvt11s A. I think this word wan tech ll,,,,i!t.
as may appear by Mildrillx , a.
bout +4 words from the end.
DSP R A F ."bicbJwtll Ds prllf;
LIL 111 tbt fir; .ir Lif.
CH I S MIC4_0 LZ Itrt mig/lt! Cbls Mir.~D/~.

Gab ......• VUo'!!t lI,t,for th, plltc">! iJ hog.

A. Hallowed be his name, that fanailieth "hatfoever is faft£\:ified.

SAANIR ill tb, pllrts SII hire Ik.

CAOSGO of the e."h Cit Jsg••
FISIS IIl1d extcU" OtI/ifiu

BALZIZRAS tb, jlldl.tllStllr lJ,41 Jr.; ""III.

IAIDA of tbe higbtft 14· i till.


GOHUL1M l' H{II;d Go lni li1ll.

E. E. There came a black cloud in the air about the Ston~ as

though it would have hindered E. K. his fight. '
Gabr...... It bthovttb 111 til do ,bllt "JP' aD tvt. "'i'~ !r,[tIIt cOlltentiolJ IIgltilljt tbt w;ck,pd.
Hltv, 4 little p.t,i",tt.
IIte curtain is now away again, and they appear again.
MICMA Bthold MiCfll4.

E. K. Now 15 the curtain plucked to again, and they covered.

A DOI!N tht fllCt .A Jo ill".
MAD ~f JourG,tl Mild.

IA OD 'Ib, begumill' 1 j Drl.

BLIOR.B ofCo",f·tt BliJr••

SA!AOOAONA ."bt[e eJtI S" ~II 0 , 4, Ifll• o orA.

CHI ~bi6.
L l:I C IF..
2.01- d IrlAt'R.!lal;on of D. Dee hil Af1;onl ~ilh /pir;II, &c.
LaCIFTIAS tht hri,ht"t1f~ I)ulffi II.

PIIUP SOL ,f tht Ilt/lvtlls, 7tripso/.

AS which D,.

ABR.AASSA provitl,tl Ahrllalfll.


NETAAIB for fht , ' Vt,,,"'tIIt Nt till ib.

CAOSGI .fllu ,nth, Cll.f,i.

OD Il"tl OJ.

TILB luI' Tilb.

ADPHAHT IIrrfptllk./blt AII}6llh..

Ile...... Rtiltl it.

A. The Englilh.
lie...... 1

DAMPLO% vllri'fJ, Dalffpuc.

TOOAT fllr"i}hi", 'I" Ilf.

NONCF .Jo. )I'·'f·
OMICALZOIIA with II l'w"pJrrftll"li., G,.id/ulffll.

LR.ASD ,. lI;f/f{~ £1'1111.

TOFGLO 1111 ,1M,s TSf ,I••

MARB 1l""lIi", Jlllrb.

[A.ltfollowl in £i'r,~rll ••

!!ulii~ 12.. 1)'84.


Libri pYlmi, Pragenjis Ct:C[arez'1ue, Anno 1584'
Augufti 15. Stilo Novo.

L iber 5. CracovienJiulII MJ.fteriorum Apertoriul.

ThurfdltJ, JulU 12.. Am" 1584.

~ARR.Y ro tbt providtllce Yar ry.

t:.. Note the wicked power dueled fo the eyes of
E . It. tliat he could lIor well difcern this 0, b_t
~ lD*UIGO * 0 fiaying at it a while: concluded it to be au V: which
afterward, and by and by, he corret\ed.
of him d",r jitWh '" tht h4lJ TIImtt Jd ~i-go.
I doi go.
The Curtain being plucked.
lie...... Hllvt Pllti~IICt.
A. As we were: talking of the name of God ltloigo in Enoch his Tables, a voice raid.
A voice ...... Whtre tht ",oft forct WitS, th, Devil Crrpf ""ft in. Htuin fht DtlJii tli,lIlht II
tltctiVt ylll.
A. It mufi be then 1 aOilo ?

00 IlIIJ Od.

TORZULP toft lip Torzulp.

lAOOAF in tht btginning Ia odaf.

GOHOL fllJing, Go hoi;

CAOSGA Tht tlfrtb, Ca6fga.

TABAORD Itr btr I" f,0lltril,d Ta baord.

SAANIR by Ittr p6r'l; Saanie.

00 "nd Od.

CHR.ISTEOS [ttthti'e hr Chris te os.

YRPOIL Jiviji,n Yr po il.
TIOBL ;11 htr, Tiobl.

BUSOIRTILB th/tt tht ,1~rJ oJ" h,t Buf die tilb.

20 4 LI true'l\elatioN ~fDr. Dee his Affions .ithjpir;ts, &c.
NOALN MIlJbt No aln.

PAID 1l1."Il}t, pa id.

OR S BA Jrulllt,t" Orrha.

00 Il".l Od.
DODR.MNI tmml Dod rm ni.

ZYLNA ill it {tIf. Zyl na.

ELZAPTILB Htr c,ur{t, EI 'u p tilb.

PAR.MGI L,t it r/llt Parm gi.

PIRIPSAX ."ith tht H,"tI'." Pt rip fa ...

00 ,,"tl Od.

TA Ta.
QJIR.LST II" h""tl",,,iJ. ~11l.
II. ..... HIl1lt l"tit1l" " littlt. E. K.
E. K. Now they are here again.
BOOAPIS L,t ht' {tMl, tbt. B ... pil.

LN/BM '"t [t4.1I: Lnibm.


OUCHO Ltt it CfIl[./I1Itl Ov Cho.

SYMP "".tbtr, Symp.

OD 1l1ltl Od.

CHRISTEOS Itt thtrt bt Chris te os.

AGTOLTOR.N II. Cruturt A g tol tern.


MIRC 1'.,
14 Mire.

Q. .r Q:.

TIOBL ."it6illht, Tiobl.

LEL th, {"",t Lei.

., .... '"t Illltl tht {,,,,,,.

TON All Ton.

PAOMBO her mtmb,r. pa Ombd.

OILZ MO Itt the", alJTlr Oil "mo.

ASPIAN in thtir 9"lllitits, Ai pi an.

A trUe Rf!ldtion ofDr. Dee his AEli,n! ~ith !piries, &c. 20~
OD Ode
Long, or fhort.

CHRlSTEOS Ltt thtrth Chris ee os.

AGLTOLTORN no Q"t CrtllftIT' .A g I eer corn.

PARACH ,quill Ach.
Pa cach.


ASYMP with IIlIothtl'. A fyrnp.

CORDZlt Tht rt4{GI",hl, Cord 'liz.

CTtllturts of the tArth,

DODPAL Ltt thtm WJt Dod pal.

OD and Od,

FIFALZ "!Pltd out Fi falz.

LSMNAD ont anothtr. Ls rona".

E. K. Now the Curtain is drawn.

A voyce ...... Rua.
A. I read ie ••~. ter from the beginning hitherto.
lie . ..... WhtTtat J,ubt JOU.
6.. Is it trlle, that before the Creation of man this kinde of MalediCl:ion wls pro.nounced,
or wben elfe /hall we underfiand it to have been fpoken ?
A voyce ...... Trut it iI thlZt ont mlZn wttdttb out anatbtr. To IZvoid which fault it it {a;d, an//'
afttr Goa th} hrothtr IH tb,) {df.
O"t Kilt.t!;aom riftt," up IZgainii IInotb,r, tht {trvant agai"ft bil Maptr!) tbt w;c/l,pl fOil a;faa;lt-
ttb' bil fa tbtr. All whit" ftll tlpon "'lZn whtll God curftd the tarth: For,ptrftl1 lovt WM ral(.tll
from IZmong /r tbtm,and tht [pirit of maliet came among}r thtm, to tbt inttnt tbtJ 1II;~ht he .I'/PAJIS
at var;IIII", and ont wud ' lit IIltotbtr, and [0 mujI hr, aI/a jh.1I bt ut. to tht tnd. Anfwtr mt,
n'h} turnta Goa Adam out ;n,o tht tIItth.
!I. Becaufe he had tranfgrelfed tbe Laws to be kept in Paradife •
.... • It iI trut. Thm Adam offtndiHg, rtCtivtd jWni/hnwtt for bit oJfmet, inrblft « WIH t",n·
ta out into f/ie tarth. If bt had brm turnta Ollt to a bltJfta plact, thm can lOlln,t aptly faJ he
W,1f turntd o~t, for ht that if tutn,d orrt gotth t8 aijhonour : Evtn fo Adam, from innocmc} tbroll?,b If.
bil falb 'JIIM turned oP.t to corruption into a prifon prtpartd for bim htfoTt , if ht offtndtd. God
(ml brotht .. ) k,nfw he TilouJd o.frma : Ii! k,.Htw alfo bow to dijhonour him. Net<:.
As Jt rUf Cbri/f brwght .l! bfr§(I[",ffr,and co",fort into the world:So aid Adarn,ar- ~n .the 'fame
cttrfd.,bring all miftr} IlIIa wTttchtdnt§t into tilt world, and;n the fame in/ lant, "tit .
Adam W,1f txpdft{/. ;. fb, Lora [lIffered tf), IItrth to bt accurd for Adan1~ [Ilk,: , and W n~ellC.1l
then, raid the Lord thefe things, and gave unto the world her tlme: and placed Kc:;n;mcn.
over her Kttpers,,andPrzncrr,for ),"rl, moneths, lind tillyes: [111m I'riricn'ofclJc
tlljie,}ou maJ uwitrftalid II" rrrle.] earth.
6., Note, All this w;,ts anflVered by a voyce, as concerning my q\~ efiion) or doubt hereto-
fore exprelfed •
.... •. .After tbif,. grtlft pall[t 'W,1f I![d : li1l1'.;ic~ tilllt in mj mindt;1 difcollrfed of tht Min;(1tr
An'!,dical, not all to bllve ~ttn CO"""i/ttd to thtir charge 'Witb thtir Creation, but ./terward iJl d l
vers timn, d:vers offictI,both towara God an'- ",an. . 1-

A voyce ..• ;.. 7'; "'arrow morning 1 will mttt JOU btre tbt third liJilr.
[d d t:.. Th~
:l-06 A true'J{elationo/ D. Dee his Athons 'DJlthfplr.its,&c.
A. The thi";.d hoer after the Sun riling mean you?
Avoyce . ..... 1. . . '
t:. . Let 1 s hartily·thank the Lord and pralfe hup alwayes: HIS Mercy and Gr~ce be
rpon Ii ~, now and ever. A Ifftil.

Fryday, ],·Iii 13. Mil1It bot lt 7.

t:. . Orati ' 1If D im;If'c" jilflra, &c.
t:. . Ac che /ira looking, E. K. faw t he Curtain ufual to appear, and fomewhat plighted,
and Ihorrly.
A voyce..... . Rt4J that ,ou bavt JO IU .
A. I rc~d hitherto that "as written.
E. K. Now they appear, the Curtain being drawn away: But the
round Table, or Globe appeared not.
E. K . Now they have drawn the Curtain over them again.
A. Blclfed be chey that are come in the name of 0 " 1' God, and for his fervice.
E. K. Now they appear, and the Table, 01' Globe with them.
l1e. ..... Tht rtlf.
A. In the narneof Jcfu ~,and for his honour •

OD .dIfJ Ode
FARGT tht d.,,,lli1lg plltCtS, Farg t.
BA MS Ltt tb,,,, fDrgtt Bams
OMAOAS tbt ;r 1Ilt mtS, o rna OliS.
CONISBRA tht .orlt of mit,. Conis bra.
00 1t1ld Od.
AUAVOX hit PO'lllp: A ua vox.
TONUG LIt th,m ht atfllml To nug.
ORSCATBL hit buildilfgs, Ors cat bl.
NOASMI It t tht. bteomt Noafmi.
T }.BG ES Clt1ltS Tab ges.
LEVITHMONG for th, btilfls of fht fitM levich mon, ..

UNCHI Cl1Ifou1ld Un chi.

OMPTILi 'tr II1IJtrflll1lJi1lg Omptilb.

OR S »>itb Jilrk./ltJft, Ors.

ZAGLE f or' p6JI Bagle.
MOOOAH it Ttpt1ltttb ",t Mo( <.Jah.

OLCORDZIZ 1 milt!, mlt1l 01 cord ziz.

LCAPIMJ\.O one'1rbili L ell pi rna o.

lXOMA XIP h:om ~x ip.

ODCAGOOASB Od e:a cb casb.

Gab••....• M~fI~ 'lr#t, for tbe plac! if hol].

E. K. All is Govered.
E. K. Now it is open.
GOSAA ~ firltHgtr, Go faa.

BAOLEN hecil/ife Baglen.

PII foe;' Pii.

TIANTA thebetl Ti fonta.

ABABALONu of lin harlot A ba ba lond:

ODFAORGT Ilml the dwelling 111(" Odfa orgt.
lotch; or loch.
TELOCVOVI M of hinl ,bllt is fllllm. Ie loc vo vim.
MADRIIAX 0.10/4 be liT/ens Mad~iax.

TORZU II rife, Torzu.

OADRIAX The lower ht4vtHS o adriax.
OkOCHA ilHJern~lt tb .lou Oeocha..

ABOAt>Rl lit tqim [(rv'.JDII~ A bo a pC!.

TABAOR.I GDvern Taba 0 rio

"RIA~ thofe Pei:iz.

ARTABAS that gDvern; Ar ea bas;

ADRPAN Cafi d,wn A drpan:

COI\ST A fuch IU Cor 11a.

DOBIX fltll, Dobix.

YOLCAM b~ingfort' tot cam;

E. K. Now the Curtain is drawn.
PRIAZI tri aii.

ARCOAZIOi\. Ar co a Zloe;

o DQ...U ASH Odquasb.

[d d 2] VI N 0
1.08 e.L IrN 7<.flation of D. Dee his AfJions 'I1ith [pirits, &c.
Q...TINO tlu roftt" Q....ting.

IUPIR No pillet; Ripir.

PAAOXT ttt it re",,,;,. P •• Ol[f.

SACACOR. i/l 0/1' 1UI",b" r. S. ga cor.

VML Add, Vml.

00 ,,"l pur
PROZAR Di",i"ijh fed ~ar.
CACRCli Jmti/ Cacrg.

AOIVEAE tb, AoivC:n..

COR.MPT bt ",III,br,d J Cormpr.

T,ORZU lirift; Torzu.

ZACAR Mov, bear.

ODZAMRAN ""J IIpp,lIr Od taIDraD"

ASPT btfor, Afpt.

StBSI tht C,vnr"lit Sib G.

E. K. Now he hath drawn the curtain again.

BUTMONA of hM "',ldh. Blitmo ...

DS • hieh D••
SURZAS bt hllth {"."' SIlC I....


BALTAN ;11 hif Jllftiu. Balt.n.

ODO Dpm Odo.

CICLE thl "'Jft,r;,s Cicle.

QJ.A of,our Crt.tioll, Qj •.


OZAZMA ",,,ltt III Ozum••

PLAPLI pllrtllk.,trt PI. plio

IADNAMAD •f IIIfdtfilltl /qIo.lltlgt. lad n. mad •

4true.'J{elation pi D. Dee his .df/uml ~ttb (pi¥'itJ,&c.
fif fir' Airt, c.lIta - - - . - - ; . Lil.
Tht{rco"tl - - - - . , . - . - - - A~ii.
' I b t t h i r a - - - - - - - - . Zom.
+ - - - - - - - - - - - - P 3 Z..
5 - - - - - - - - - - - L i ct
6 - - - - - - - - - - - - Maz.
7 ---- -----Dto.
8---------- ·Zid.
1 0 - - - - - - - - - -- Zi p.
I I - - - - - - - - - - - - - l c l 1 ike
12""'--- - - - - Loe.
I; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z i m .
1+ ---------------~- Uta.
15 - - - -------01[0.
16 - - - - - - - - - - Lta.
1'7 -----------------Tan.
18 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ztn.
19 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - Pop.
20 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Chr kar in pabro
%1 - -----------Arif· very milch.
22 - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - Un.
2J - - - - . - -~-----Tor.
24 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nia.
25 ------------------Uci.
26 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - De~.
27- ---------Zaa.
28 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bag.
29 - - - - - - - - Rii.
30 - - - -------Ter;
7'hfrt it Ill! . ,
Now Cha1fgf tbt Jlaille, IlHtl th~ CIlII it Ill! OHf. Note.
BleITed be be who onely IS alwayes oile.
A. ltow,hi. One
A. I take thefe names tobe as primUl,ftclllldnf, ttrtilll, and to 30' ~.lIm'11c, vc
A voice ....... Not fo, tht) bt tht fllbfiantial names of che Aires. . C3 •
A. It was faid they had no proptr names; but wtre co be called, 0 thou of the lira Aire,
o thOll of the fecond,d-c. I ~ray YOIi reconcile the repugnancy of thefe two places; as
~qili~~~~. .
E. K. The Curtain is opened.
E. E. Now Gahriel fi:andeth up.
Gabr •.• ....Tb/llllldb .G,d k,.tpt promift ;,ith j.oll; IlHa 6ath arlivrri~ JOI/ the ktjre$ of his Hore-
houfCls: JPhrrrill)ou./hllllfi"a, (if J'U t1fttr wifely, humbly, ilHa patitncly) Trt411rrs m.rt
jp.rth thlllf th,! If th, htllVtHS.
Bllt ),t it II,t AugnH Clm,: NotJII;t~(I.1fdi"g th, Lora hllth k.nt hi! promi(r with you before G J "'i '
the time. 7'Jurtfort, NoJII t:umilft Jo.ur lfo,kJ, COHftr one place with anocher; and learn I~ ht m~e fu;6Ir:f·
ptrfrl1 for tht prlt{]ic, aHa t1ftrIfIfCt. before ,4 . ,.j1,
Su that Jour gllr",t1fts ht clUII. Htrti" bf "1t rltih: . Nor OVfr h"fly; F r tho!, ·thllt Ilrt C(lDurcl fa<:
h,,(I, ll1fa rtt./h, Itlta It.r f ItthfomtlJ It/,plfr,llrJ, may knock long before they t,nter. preplmion.
T"trf is 1fl othtr rtllaiHgoftbt Bo?/t"bllt thf IfppuriHg of thf Mini/ifrs Il~d. CrururfS of G1d : The reod ing
".hicb./hnipj1fg JPhat rbt.1llrt thtm[tlvts,jhnl? bOJII thfJ art c,,,joJHtd iii pornr; a1fa reprefented o!thlnook.
formally by thofe letters. The IcnCl'.
E. K. Now he taketh the Table, and Ceemeth to Wrap it up to~
gether. ,
b. Seeing t have moved the dOl\bt of thrir Ifltmts I pray you to diifo\ve it.
Gab....... YOII pllt; witb mt cbilJ.ifhlj.
A. I have done.
Glib ....... Thi1f/Vft thou tbllt JIlt [pt."- 1t1f.1 thi1fg t.loat it 1f ot trllt ?
Tho" ./halt IIt'lltr .k.1fOW tht mJlftritr of Ill! thi1fgs tbat have beet) fpoken. The .myRed:o
If.10U love tog,thtr, a.nd dwell ~ogethtr, Illld i" 01ft GQd; Thm tbf ft/f-f.nlu GQd ypjl/ bt nur- of ,~" ~"",~
ciflll /I"to)''': Wbich bl'1ft JOO, comfort .1'", IlHa jfrtllgtbm )011 lI11to tbt f/d. Mort I JIIO~lJ ~ ... ~ 1 .og._
b,ut wora. profit /tot. Gott ht a'>101fgft .10u •
{II,}> c. <r.
E. K. Now they both be gone in a great flame of fire upward:;;
A. Laudibns
llO A e,u, 'l.{e/ation 0/ D. Dee his d8ionJ 'rlJith!piriti, &c.
A. Laudibus te cc:lebrabo pomine De"s non . przva! tJ~runt Illimi~i lIlei ~lIpcr ~c:
Domine exereituum damav! ad tt, &: tu falvalh me. (ollvertJllt dolorem In gaudlum mlhl,
diffolvifti luttum meum 8i: cH-cumdcdifti me Iztitia. Mirericol'dias t uas in ztcfIlllm cantabo.
Notam faciam veritatem [uam in vita mea. Os meum narrabic ]uHitiam tIIam omni tem-
pore bene6cia tua: certe non novi nllluerum. Sed Oracias agam donee mors rapiat, tibi
l'fallam qilamdiu fu~ro. Laudem cui loquetur cis m:um: &: omne v.iv~n~ celebret
tuum Saul-hIlD, in perpetuum ~ femptr .. Lau~~t~ Dommum, a
vos Angell eJus,pocefltes VI~-
tllte facienccs julfus ejus, obedlentes voell'Crb! !Ihus. Col\audace J? Uruverli exc.r el'
UIS ejus , Miuiftri eju~ qui facids voluntatem eJus. Omne quod VIVlt la~det te Domine,
15 84' Remember that on S Itturaa], the fOllrteellth day of Jul], by the Grtgor;ItH Calen-
~"••JUI"", der, and the fourth day of Jul"
by the old C;:alender, RHI'!aHa my Childe (who was born
, II< lilt/I. .Anno 158,. 1lttliltr] 21. by the old Calender) was extreamly lick about noo., or mBday,
and by one orthe Clock ready to give up the Ohoft, or rather lay for dead, and his eyes fet
and [unck IOto his head, Fl'.
I made avow, jf the Lord did forefee him to be his true fenant j and fo would grant him
life, and confirm him his health at this danger, and from this danger I would (duriug my
life) on Saturdayes tltt but on~ J/ltltl, &c.
RememberollWeJn~[aa, night the eighteenth of Jq/y,
liS I walked ~Ion~ about nine of the
Clock in the evening, in the Chamber before my ~ tudy, (above) mdlvcrs places of that
Chamber appeared iathes of fire, and did not ligh(en abroad.

Munday, JwUi Man~ Circiter 8.

2J. t Cracovi;t.
OrlttioHe Dominic4 ftn;tlt.
il. I read Mitp[1t1ll4 his firfl words of the book to be prepared of +8 leaves to be filv.:red,
and would gladly know what I was now to do. By and by at the /jrll look ing into the
E. K. There appeared ten Pikes, all black on the ground in a Cir-
cle as it were, and I in the middle,a great Pike, fianding up. 'And
Vera,falfts, falfa, fecmed to be written in the middle of that Circle,
fomewhat blacker then aU the reft, which feemed to be as new molten
A voyce ••.••• ~i non iH 7. V;Vltllt i lt unatc;1II0.
bo. I made a thort difcouife to God of my fincere, and juft dealing,hitherto of the book of
EHoch, written,of the book to be "lilvered, how hardly I can get it performed to my content-
ment: (the boob being laid on the Table, that of Elfoch, and it were filvered) erc. I
craved therefore the eIpolicion of this dark thew, and· as yet nothing pleafant, or plain; My
confeience is clear, and I [rull in the Lord his mercies.
E. K. After this appeared a man all black, naked all over .
...... 0 thou th4t Itrt juft, Itlttl. haft 4 cl"" colt[cienct, IIn[1I1r mt.
A. III the lIame of Jcrus. '
...... Who commltltlttl. thtt to be g.nt l
.. .... J take the Commandment to have been froO! God •
• ••••• Thou hltft brok..elt the COJlf",,,ndmtnt of God.
A. 1 can ill no cafe yield thereunco .
•••••• 1,u h4VI aijhonoll,rta tht Lora: which it juft iJi tht bott01ll of hit 01111 brtltjl, IIna glt'lt .J~'
lIarning, Itnd cOIll",and"J JOu to go: whicb it tht L"a of Heltvtnltnd Eltrth.
May. I. Mat. A. 0 lord, my lirft charge was in there w<>rd5l: Thou thalt go from hence "'iti him t. tb#
El ~ Mnillit E",'trour : It was alfo raid that he: thollid make provillon for chis olle voyage, and for the
It' reft God had pl"I)vidcd. So that fe{'ing I was to go with him, and he hath lIot yet provided
•.. '1.'jonIl"., (doing what he can) what /hall I fay, or do?
AV.. ••••• • 'IrNt .it it, tho" halt had the v;{]orJ, and thou, a1fa thy Chi/arm haH tltfled IIItrc]. 'ThoN Itrt
,nt of thoft, that "itlt I com",ana thtt to I,ltvt notb;ng lIith li!t,]ef thou fllvtft tht fatli1lgs to ,f-
ftr btfore bi", thllt Ifbhtruth rut h [ltcriftct.
A. Lord, I know no ruch ad of mine: The Lord be mereifull to me For when it thould
come to fuch a cafe, God knoweth, 1 would fpare none. •
...... 0 tho. jwjl ",ltlt [jhlt.\ing hit htltd] thou Itrt become 4 Saul •
•••••• Wbtrtfor~ ait/, Goa ( aH[.tr me) ~"IV t"t Kingaom Ollt of Saul Itit bltHas .?
A. It appeareth in the Bible, becaule obedieilce was better tbert facrifice.
lttl·I.CA!.lf . • ..... Evm f" if tbou batijt bun oted;tnt ,tb, obeaimct hail btln regarad. But I {It] IIIfto
thtt, th, Lora ow,th tite lIorhillg!or th] lilbollr: bt 64th pllJtd thu to tht utt,rm,;t.
@A true CR,efation of Dr. Dt'e' his Affirms ~ith {piritJ,&c ~1l
As {or Lasky, 111'ill give him over todle fpirie of ,rrour; and h, jhall hrcom, 1II0~ poor; [o-~'. L . -
that bif C1I'n Chi/drm follll de[pi[~ him. , . ' . . IhrH~:~:;~ue
Bill il follll nit come to P"iTe '" Ihtf, 4111fS" For I will keep my promlr.. with you. TOil do b 0 mo!l
1/" Comlffandm,icl of Princts, "lId Lords, and Mafters : BIOI 1I'hm the God of Julfice (withollt yoqr m. rci;'lIll and
Jeftrt) mttrlilintth you, and plllcet/)J'tI, and drnllah Ilmol1gfl you, (which if "ble to give you all juri G od. '
things) conmtllndtl.IJ JOu t.o go, and that for Jour own profit,Jou think,. il n·ithing to offmd him.
But trlle it H) Thill) ObtdienCt plenf"b Ihe Lori/. for Ihererin,f07il Crelltllrn glorifie hint moft . Obedience.
AlllVorfhip, Ill! Honollr, 1111 Love, IIll Faith, all H ' pe, all C/'arity, Illl tbe k..nitting logtther of Ibe
H,.vens confiff't th ;,: Ob~dience. For if JOU hltJ 6un'obedient,the very jionts of the earth Cb.ould
have ferved yo ur lIeccflity. Fpr thtLord will nOI be found II (Jltr~
A. 0 Lord, be mercifuH to me; I could not do thy Commandment in going without
A. L.nk,.itl and him 1was \lot able to caufe to goe without plovi60n : And to 0111" judgement
he [eemeth marvellol.lOy tobe carefull to make provj/jon: bl't niH he hath hilldrrallcc:•.
••••.• Thou (h,llrtjr Iholli) Ibe Lord forgiverh Ihet : bUI from benCtfurlh,
he commllndellJ tht~ Ihllt Ihou opm nil Ih~ furns ' lInd Ihe judg,mt1lts, N oD", Is l'ltdooed.
more fccre .. of God
which Ibe Lord jhal/ opm unlo thet of Ibt limts to com" IInto 10 be {o ,A. L .
A. J pray you to fay foruewhat UntO us, as concerning this boo.k ~o be filvered : Eire whac
Ihall I do, if r have not direCtion herein, the care being fo hard .
• .•••• As concerning Ib, book,., 1I'hen tholl art III th, end of I&J j~urnt1', il (hall b~ lold.
A. Mifericordias Domini ill :tternum Cantabo, Am'/f. Hallelujah. A 111m.

Tuerday .. Julii 31. Mane hora 7. t Cracoviz.

Orati,,,. Dominica filfila; 6~ v~riiJ tjaculali'1tiblK faail lam ad Gabriell'm, quam Nalvage,
Ave, Maprama, &- Jlemer, qutlm 71f t!>,;mi: ad Deulff ipfum p'.~ fllo !lImine, {luxilis C<,. prottliion, ;
tam ;n iffa allione quam itin~rt pr4tnli, fUluro,'l!trflK aulilm C:erari~.
After a great hour atCendlmce. At length appeared one all naked, black, !lnd about the
{lone a Circle of black.
He faid ••.•.• Were lOU nol coml/lllnd,d 10 go afler 1111 dllyes I
A. It is true .
•••••• An" ~lJat followeth.?
A. 1 appeal IIntO the mercy of the' higheR, for that I have not offended upon wilfulneife •
•.•••• SIl.1 '/l'b", followeth.
A. It follow~th that we may drink of a Cup, which we would not, &c. And alCo we. were
willed to provide for this' journey, 'Rhich provifion onely noll' is Olade for us two, and not yet
(or A. L. himCclf.
••.•.• 7/)111 fllJerh the Lord, I hltve ftrtubed out my band, and I OU ba'll' hiHdr.a me.
r hnv~ hroll{,bl Ihings 11lItO tbeir cOllrrt;bul JOu bllve tbrujE Jour f,lv,s b,tWtl1l.
Wh;n I .ppointed JOu 10, dayts, did 1 n.t Illfo ,ell YON tha, Iht tIlrlb '/l·M, min~. , ta Dayes•
.Am nOI r Ih~ God -of hNtvm lInd ,art., I>y wbomy;x hTtalb. 'lh, [am' which alfo forfak...,th 110t-
m) peQple in Ih, tim. of nud.
I hllv. opm,a",.1 wings, hutJo~l hll."e refuf.a my CD'II'r •
• I have brought in nladneife into the houCeof the I/njllft, bllt you hav, pr,. 6 . Forti . M.dllcR"e
proc::u,~d in .he K.
'lJtnttd "'J judg,men t • and he is now rceo..
Alld beellufe you h4"'~ done fo, and bave tTl/jt,d m6U ill tb, 71l1zllices of the vered. '
1I'oTld then ;n my po.",er.
[A. Lord wi: have not done Co: to our knowltdges.] A.A CCOUlJ!:< to fol- ,
•••• •• 'Ihertj'rt follll JOU drink.. of a Cup fhllt you 1I'0u[d hot: but it jhallllot ION IIO{O uo: Lord be
flll[ in Ih,ft dl!JtJ, bl/I ill Ih, dales 10 com,. mcrcifuJf. '

[Eo K. The fire cometh out ofbis mouth as he

, r. k b.]
•••••• If JOU go, il iI: ifJOU go not, it alfo foal! be.
[A. Make that dark fpeech plain, for I needyoll not.]
A. We were willed to go, but with this condition, that Lllfk..;~ Ihonld make provi66n ,
'......1 hllv, nOI fell led thit jill unto thet[A.Jul )'tIl hav, mellfllrtd out a plague, lind il /hall light A. t.
IIpon y ou all. B.. , unlo Lasky I h4'IJ' feal,d iI, and ;t jhall be htllv).
E. K. Doth not A. L. u[e all the means he can for provifion ma-
.. .... 1be time foall co 1/1' when I am', IIlId 1I'ill apptllTlmto thet ;11 It Vijion, and of feven Rods thou
jhlllt"Ch"fe olle, unto )011 bOlh 1 fpeak,.: For 1 will not Itt pa./Je my Jifoonour unll(lIijl]ed,neither 1I'ill I
{ell m! nalff' lik..~ lIn hirtling.
NOfwilb/tllnJing, ;/1 'ht 1Itidll of mJ fury I 1I'ill be mercifull unl6 'ou, when .JOII think,. I !mie fot-
{lIk,fn YDU, Ihm /hill! tht Rod brtalt,. in piects.
A. Loed
1..1 Jr .II truefJ{el"tio» of Dr Dee his ASions 'Ir.;th Jp;rits, ~c.
---- -------_._. _--'-
A. Lord deal with II~, as we have jull ~ure ~o pllt ~r trull in thee, notonc:ly in the rrilil-
cilJaI fiate of our (al;VI[lon, but al[o III this Alhon•
...... You go: I willllot forfake you. .IIna dllt 1 "IIVt [Ilia, thllt 1 hllvt [lIiJ... Alid it is II
livillg[pirlt. IIIId fhlfll btlf~ 'Witlltift.of it [tlf. For, grtttt is fbt God of Hofts in pt1Ptt,lfltti i,. Ifll
hirwor/l...s, IfIlJ woras m~{u(l.
A. Lord, is it thr ~il th~t we Ih:al! go before this A. L. to"ard Prage I
...... Ifleu flfrr) It IS, IfIlJ If )011 go, It /ball be.
A. Lord make that/lain unto u,s ?
Tbus [J}tth rhr Lor, ifJOU tar':], it is beeau[e III"'. whirh IImJlrtltgt,h, IIl1d tri_mph IIt"in(l
''';lIt tllemits, IIlIa [0 a"ai"jt the ene>lllts of tho[e that put their t,ujl i/l me: And thall be, beellll[e
J 11m julf, /tna betall[t it iI.
For, I lim, I am, IIltd m) [piri, iI j-fliet IIlIa trutb: "hieh befort, "'.Jr, ii, If"d fhllll bt, IInti
IIfttr,world without md.
A. Lord, the" s Ibe light of ti'IY countenance, and 'be Ilot wrathfull againll us any longer,
be a comforter unto us in our journey to be undertaken •
.. .... UUOVt".t IIot,f~r I 11m gone.
E. K. He is gone.
A. MifericordilJ Vomini fie fuper nos, nunc 8c in f~mpirema fcculorum [eada. ..i,lun.

ANNO 1584.
On Wtallt[JII! the 6rtl day of .lllIgllft,at afternoon (hora 3.) we tutred on our journey tao
ward Prllg~, in the Kingdom of Beame, whither we came on thurfday fevenight aftcr,by three
of the (.lock, that is exaCtly in eight dayes.
We carne by Loach, I, E. K. and his brother, and EamOlfa Hilton, fo thn we came to
lrllgt Au:ulH 9. by the nelV Calmder : but by the old Jill! 30. twO dayes before 411guft the
old Calender.
t7rli[ertre Nofori Dtlll nequt in ettrnum irll[cllril IIobu.

IS. WttJllt[Jaj, we began on th:: day of the al1!,mption of rhe blelfcd V\rgin M.r):
in the excelleRt little Stove', or Study of D. HIIgte/l...hls houre: lent me, by nethl"" in old
Prllgt' Which Study feemed in times pall (Anno 1518.) to hue been the Study of fome Stu~
dent,or A-- skilf.1I of the holy tlone:a,name was in divers places of the Study ,noted in letrers
of Gold, and Silver, Simoll B.e';III.1Irflll Pritgelffis, and among other things manifold written
very fairly in the Study (and very many Hltrogl.phielll Notci PhiloFphirlfl,1n Birds, Fhhes,
Flowrs, Fruits, Leaves, and fix VdTels, as for the Philo[ophers works) thefe .crfcs were over
the door.
Immortilit D,elll par gloriilqllt iIli debentllr
CTI)'II lib illgtlfio tit Ji[col.r hie p"ries.
Andofthe Ph'lofopilC:rs work (on the South-fide of the Study) in three lines, uppcrmoll
WIS this written.
ClflldiJIl fi rllbto mlilitr 1I'lpt" fit m.r;to : Mox eompl,alllttur , Complexil cO/lcipilllft/lr. Ptr [,
[olv,"'tllr, per (e qllanaoqllt ptrfidll/ltllr : Vt auo qu fNerllnt, Jlnum i/l corport fillnt : S/llft JII.e rtl
primo, Sel CII'" VIIIII, titm", in i",o, COJlfice, '!Iiatbil, fit lib 6iis Illpis quoq.e Ktbill.
LUlfil P,ttlltata, ptr~git Sol 1l.lbis "all : Sol IIJit L~,,'tJ" ptr mtJillm, rem [.cit 11"11"'. Sol
tendit vtlllm, tr.njit ptr tcliptiea C(JtIIl", ,: Cllrrit IIbi L illi. recurrit hlllle dmllo {ub/i>llil. Vt jibi
111x aetu" " in [ole qll.e rttinttur. Nee "b;it vert, [nl vllit ipft rom,,,,,nere: ;/lujlrlllls eerte at-
fU/lllum corpus aperte : SI Rtllll [cirer, qllia eifet tureptrirn. Hilr IIrs eft Cllrll, brt~is, ItVis .tqUt
rlfra. Ars /loftrll fjl Lllalls /'IItro, lllLor mulitrll",; [eztote om"e, filii IIrtis hujlls , qllod If"'" pottft
co/ligtrt frllQUS IIoftyi i,lixirw,lIifi p~r 'ntroitll'" nO,l lri IllpiaM Elt",,,,t.ti, ttft llfill'" viII'" qll~rit.
will'" Ifl/llqllll>ll illrrllbit nec IIlti"get. R.ubig, tft O}lll) qlloa fit t:t [,10 lIurO. dllm ;lIt,lIvtril
in [1111111 hllnti4iWem. And (0 ie ended.

d true 7{dation.o{ Dr. Vc-e hi! ACtion! ttJith Ipirits,&'c

Liber Pf;fTHI!~ Ce/Areu('lne, Anno 1 ~ 84..
Sey/o t.~..,o.

AII$ufti 15. ~ncreptlt) ad Omnipotentis Dei Laudem, Hon~,.e1ll,

&- Gloriam. Amen.

t.. Jeri potell, quod anni 1~88, & aliorum Cupputatio,.inirium CUUill ha-
bent ab ipfa die Paffionis Chrilli vel Arcenljonis in Czlum. Atque CllIjrll.,.. ~
I bac ratione, 3 3, vel 3+ anni I'lures conlidcrari debcnt : quia tot an- "ir.i••
I norum Chrillus erat tempore fu;e paffi.onis. vel arcenlianis: ~ddas
. igitur annis IS88, 34, & inde emergllnc allni 16u'; acqucillenume-
filS propius accedit ad tempus . a~norum diluvii & Arcz:, cujus Ii- N",
it hllj
mi!icudincm fore circa fecunduru C.hrifii advcncum Scripturz II.
docent: .
Vel, cum poll creatum Adaml.m, Anno Mllnd. 16SH biluvium
Aquz, omnia dcle"verit viventia : Poll Chrilli, (llollei Adami
f~irituali~ ) Czlum, A,mo 16 ~ 5 (qui erit anno 1688.) cxpechmlls Dilu-
vnun ignis, quo omnia funt Immutand.: vel Charitatis &: . ardotis Chrilliani magnum futu-
ruin fpecimen.

Non faciet Dominus DE V S verbum, nili revetaverit Secretum fuum ad fervOil fuos, pro-
phetas. Leo lugiet, quis non timebit? Dominus l)eus loquutUS ell: ~Iili non prophetabi~ l

N 'Ih'lI maI'I .mvemmus

, 'IDh 'n. .Amo~'~d4P·fi3 '1i~·'
' InO: ·1 . n.' A nge Ius? All.
omme ~I I plrltus ocutus en el) aut
~}oft. Clip. 23. C.

Dico enim vobis, quod multi Propbetz; &: Reges voltterunt' videre, qll'l: vos videtis, & non '
'Viderunt: Be audire quoe auditis, &. non au4ierunt. L"c.t 10, E. Mllttb.ti 13· B;

Chariffimi. nolite omni SpirilUi credere: Sed probue ~riritlls Ii ex.Dco fint: quoni~11l
muld pfeudoprophct~, exierunc in mlJlidum. -In hoc co~n(l { Cilljr "piricus l)ei. Omnis Spi-
ritus qui confitetur 1tfum Chrillum ill carnc velli(fe, ell Deo cLt, &.:. '10,,';/I(S Ep'io/4 t.,
CIf!. 4' .-4.
~fqui' confdTus fuerit, qlioniam lefus eft filius Dei; Deus in eo manet, Be ipfe in Dea;
t/r&. Cap' tot/em C.

Pllu[/llaa Corintilios, F,pi/folll; 1 CliP. t, h;

Gracias ago Deomeb femper pto vobis; in gratia Dei, qil% data elt vobi~ in Chrillo Jeru"
quod in omnibus divites facti elHs in il1o, in onllti verb!) &: onlni ftientia ( ficut telHmonium
Chrifii confirmatum eft in vobis) ita ut nihil vobis derit in u:!a ~racia, Exp:ctantibus ritielll-
tioll". Do",ini nollri lrfu Cbri(fi, qui & conlirmabit vos ,.flue ill Ii"'''' jiMr crimine, ;11 ai;-Aa-
"tlllllt aomilli lIo //r; J efu Chrilli. Fidelis,Dc:u,t per quem vocati ellis itt Societatem P'ilii tju. . " .~
Jttu 'Chrifii Domini nofid, &c. . . .. ' S"Itf""·li<
6. Noto Revc:larionent & adventum Chrilli fecundum: deinde confirrttatlonrnJ quz re~
fpidt alium adhuc ftnem tempori,: IlIIae ae Regllo CbrilN bk ill rtrril,fc:cuudum Joannis l\po-
calypfim, vidcri polIit hic locus 1Iliquem przbere ~ullum, e~c.

P4ul/lilltl Corillt!Jiol, Epi{l. I cap, I. D.

Q]z finlta funt mundi, elegit t;>eus, ut confundat fa r.ielues : &: ,infirina mundi elegit Deus.
Dt confulidat fortia: & ignobllia mundi, Be contemptibilia tltgit Deus; &- e~ I/"i nOIf {nnt ut
eil ,q~:e fltll't, definleret, ,ut non glorie";lr o"!nis. caro in confpect,u, ejus, Ex ~J>fo ~utem vo·.
dhs 10 Chnllo Jefu, qUI faa., ell nobiS fa.plenua 3: Oro, &: Jutlm",. & SanctlfieatJo Be Re-
delllptio. Ut, qut~dlROdlllD fttipdim eft. Q3i gioriatul', ill Doltl.ilUi glorlctut.
(e e] tlllllll.
2.14 J trlCt~/ation Of D. Dee hir Affiont ~ith ,piTiu, &c.
. Ptlulus tid Corillthios, Ep;{1. I. CiIP. 2 . C.
Nobis .autem re\'~lat Delis per .Spiritum fl\~m.: Spil'itns e!lim ol1lRia fcrutltur, edam pro-
fundaDel, ere. Vldeprzccdenua ~fequent1llJn codem capite.

hagz. Prima AlHd, .1""0 t 584'

Wedenfday, AT/gIIII, 15. Mallt h'TII'" e;rc;ttr 9. .
6.. We thanked God for his fafe bringing us hither, to the place appointed by him : We
defired him to direa us, as die rell of ollr Attion requireth: And thirdly, for the Book with
iilvc:r leave!, to be prepared, we required inllnlaion, as we Were promifed• .
Anon after E. K. his looking into the Shew-fione, he faid, I fcc a Garland of white Rafe-
buds about the bor!ier of the Stolle: They be well opened, but not full ollr.
t.. The great mercies of God be upon us: and we befeech him to ittcreafe our faith in
him, according to his well liking.
E. K~ Amen.
E. K. But while I confider thefe buds better,they feem rather to be
white LiIIies.
A. The eternal God of his infinite mercies, wipe a".y our blacknefi'emd tiils, and makt
11S putt) and whiter than SIIOW.
~. 1i Anlels. E. K. They are 72 in number: feeming with their heads(alternatim)
one to bend or hang toward me, and another toward you. They feem
alfo to move circlIlarly toward the Eafi: but very flowly. In the
middeft of this Circle, appeateth a Jittle fire, of the colour of yern,
hot; ready to melt: from ~l;jch fire to everyone of the [aid limes, is a
fiery beam extended; whi 'h beam toward the end, is, of more whiriih
fiery c.olour, than it is near the center.
A voice. -... E. K. A voice cometh ihouting Ollt from the Lillies,
faying, Holy, Holy, Holy: andalltbe lillies are become on fire; and
feem to tumble into that fire. And now they appear againdiftinctly,
as before: And the fire remained in the center frill: and the emana-
tion of beams, came from it, :fi:ill to t'he forefaid liily buds.
E. K. I hear a found,as though it were of many waters, poured or
fireaming down in the difts of great Rocks and Mountains: The
noire is marvellous great, which I hear coming through the Stone: a~
it were of a thoufand water-mills going together.
A voice. •' .... Eft.
Another voice....... Seemeth to pray over, &- quo modo ,ft.
A voice .• : .... M.I, &- in r-",11I0: &- ",t"F:r",.", t il.
E. K. I hear a great roaring, as ific were out of " Cloud, over ones
head: mofi perfe&ly like a thunder.
Another Toice...... Tht StIlUdroi<!lI.

t::.. YiI, A,.t.",{m, '1ft '6',

WIt,., 4.'" ••• ('f.tIIlt' ."1;.,, w-
ftl Anotber ...... PdWt ~'rIt tht jiJlth 'Viol 1 tbilt tht tltrfll "'tI]
htr {tlf rViola Sellta. ]
~ti filiI t. Inl. iUIt.,tll Aft Th'ef'e are the dayes of
If. thlUle ~ken of•
•.Ii", bfccff·r."'!ffttl'4I!'fir·~'~
..,.tlic.,.", "4"",6••, ,Ib q., r d .
E. K. Now 1 fee beyond. like ~ furnace-

,-".,i(•• r: mouth, as bJg as 4 or 5 Gates of a CIty. It
•• 11/.", UII",."."ff·",.
o t. fceemeth· to be a quarter of a mile off: out of
SIC 6;,J,d ,."ft.

the Furnace-mouth feenteth a marvelJous fmok~ or fmother to come.

By it feemeth to be a great Lake of pitch: arid it playeth or Gmprcth,
as Water doth, when it bcginneth to fecthe. There ftandeth by the
A true Relation of Dr. Dee hi! AElifm! 'With (piritj, &c. 21 ~
pit, a white man, in a white garment tucked up: his face is marvellous
fair; he faith very loud.
A white fpiricual Creature........ Arm,d.
E. K. Now there cometh out of the Lake, a thing like a Lion in
the hinder parts, and his fore part hath many heads, of divers talhions :
and all upon one trunk of a neck. He hath like feathers on b.i~ neek.
He hath 7 heads: Three on one fide, and three on another, and one
in the middle : which branch from the neck is longer than the other,
and Heth backward to his taile-ward. The white man giveth him a
bloody Sword: and he taketh it in his forefoot.
The white man tyeth this Monfier his 4 legs with a chain, that he
eannot go, but as one lhackled, or fettred. Now he giveth the Mon-
fier a great hammcr,wirh a feal at that end where the hammer fuiketh,
and the other is falhioned like a hatchet.
The white man faid ....... A "'Trible and terrible be4/' ......
E. K. This the white man faid with a loud cry_
A voice out of the little lire. ...... SelJl !Jim, for two yeus of tbe Seven: For, [0 /~g if
hil power.
The StlJrs, with the Earth, evm to the third part, IJre givtll IInto thee: The fOllrth plJrt thOM
jhlJlt lelJve IIl/tollC/ltd.
E. K. The white man taketh the hammer, and firiketh him in the
forehead of that head which is in the middle, and lierh down backward
toward his taile.
E. K. Now all this vifion-is vanilhed away. The Stone is
E. K. Now Madimi appeareth, and fhe feemcth to be bigger than
fhe was.
Madimi ....... The .lefJiI,g of God the FlJthtr, the Son, ttnd (in the Filther ttnd the SO>t) of the
Holy GhoJr, in power IJnJ co ...fort r~[f IIponyolI, tlJlte hold of .1011, IJnd dwell witb you, thlJt you mIJJ
be ttpt fI rtrtive the comfort of m.1 childijhneJ[e l IJI/J the rell'lJrd of [uch r"nocel/ts, liS "'1 v9iU witneJ[e of. Tou both, the Spirit of God, {411ltt .1011: ~!ch IJ.tWIJJt~ comf~r~ttb the Tuft,
ttnd H the Jfrmgrh IJna 1f4! .' f {llch IJS IJTe Elel1ed: of wh~m zt IS {4zd, Mlttam 11115 Arigelarii,
in Adjutorium.
t.. Are yeu MlJai",i ( in tbe name of Je:fus ) that I may fo nore: of you ?
Mad. ...... r ttm Madimi, lInd ~f thlJt order, 1Pbrrein the wonders of God lire Wrollght with
power, with you, lIS "'.Y words IIU: with m.1 [elf, IJf "0' crtlltion iJ.
Lo, IJS I hAvt ,ftrn promi{edJDII,[O in the time of Jour "e~rfJit.1 ana grief, 1 "IIijit)ou.
Mjd,m, .,
or Intpmf/.·
A. Thanks be to the Highet1- !U';;'e ~6.
Mad. t' .... NIt IJS the frimds of the world do, but IJt IJ comforting [pirit: eXlJlling th~ [er- , .. ii.
1I11nrs If God, ttnd cherifhing the", 1fI;th r.eleftiIJI fDod: But "'.1 ",oth,r iI 4t hlJna, which o,meth M41tr Madimi.
Imto tlr.t, the will of God. Btlieve me, mlln.1 IJr, the woer of the "World, and C1",lJt IJre the [or- .
roWS tbllt 4re come: For the Lorp. JtreplJTtth hi! Rttitt-bow, IJnel tb. witneJ[.s of his IICCOlUlt: The Raiab.,.,...
IlnJ wi/l4ppettr in the hellvms to /inijh IJ/[ things: lind tht ti",. is I/or I,ng. A~,./jpf. ••
llleJ[ed ttre thor. tbllt believe; for flJith jhlJll flu from the Earth, /lIIJ her dwelling pllJcer folll! bt F . h Iha
;n ClJves, llI/a unlt,.no .... n ,"ou"tlJi"s, 4na in 'IJrts of the ElJrtb whi,h the Lord illJtil Ivpt [err.t for h:~~1 t!:
{uch IIfjhlJll triumph IJna rejoyce in the Juag,,,,ent to Clm~.. f~unl on dill
1. Wo bt to TPomen grtllt with child, for they jhlJII bring forth MOl/fierI. Earrh.
2. W, be unto tbe Kin.~s of th. Earth, for they follli be belJtttl ill a Mortllr.
3.· Wo b. IInto {uch IJf paint them{tlvrs, IJna IJre lilte IInto th. Prince of pride; tD' the! fott/l
Jrink.. the blo ~ d of tlmr "eigbbOllrs, lJ"d of the;" ""n childr,,,.
+. Wo be IInto the fal[e pUllcbm, Jell [evt. wotS be IInto lh.I/I;. for ·tht] Ilre the ueth of thi
He that hllth tars, let him bellr. S(fca Wooc;
5· Wo b~ Ullto the Vlrgil/s of tbt Ellrth, for tht.1 ftJ1J1l di{dain their 'IIirginit,h II1IIl tbf'J /hllll h,.
come COl/clibillsforSlZtlJl/, IJlld Jrfpi{e til: God of Rig"teou{neJ[e; .
[ e e 2] 6;)1",
lot 6 d tr~~/4tion of D Dee hiJ·.I1E1ions ~ith Jpirits, &c.
------ 6. wp be lI11t. tbt Mtrcbll/fts Df tbe urt:& • f,r th:e} .r, Pte.",t "'IIIiubl( : Btbold ,tbt} • .,., bt-
(O/nt the fpits of tbt tIIrth. uti. tbt IIIt6t.f J(iligs; ]lilt tht}.Tt f.olifh: Yt., tbt} jh.l/ filII
into tht pit tbat tbt) hllve aiggea for .thtrs.
7. W0 bt 1I>:to tbt boot"s.f tbt (IIrth,for the) IITt """/'tta; ma IItt hco.e tt."rllfting ftoc/t ••,,,1
fircbrllnJ. to tht c~nfr.it1icr.
StllY II ft.f.n, for m} ",othtr co"'ttb.

f>. We rcad overche prcmHfes, and Co conferred of'the nrit,. and weight of theD!. And
all t~.i~ whik Mlldi",i lIood /lill in E. K. his fight las E. K. told me:) But btcaufe we were
wilbi to /lay, I RIO'l'c4 no qucllion: bl1t wifiied to have fome underfianding,how my wife and
childrtll (at Crllcovill) did. Here:;pon M~di,,!i faidas followeth; " .
My " if, t
Mad...... HtIlr whllz [ltj lI"to tbtt Lt:..] Tht Ktng of dart"",§t"wbttttth his ttttb .t,ltin/f ,hu,
t<llIptcJ '0 de- It"d Tnllfpt,h ..itb grotllt TnJ',t '0 ~verwbtl", the 'forI" IIPO" thtt: Ana bt ftt/ttrh rhr JtjtrlllJioll .f
Ih 07 h;r !<.If. ti1 l:ol1hotd, Itna r~trtb} th) overlh~o.: Tht lift.f th) ChitJrtli ;}tll, hoempteth tby .ife '/Pirh d,.
fpllir, nHd to btvi./tnt //lito htr ftlf.
fl . Why with defpaid]
... ... Bllt his lips Ilrt felll,a, Illld bis cl.Jlls mild, allll; tbltt JIIINII lu ;"oultl bitt h, C4"II,t : ..Iitd
."btre ht fCTllt~btth th, bl,ua f.llowttb IIot.
.' Illlt htltr what thy friend flt]tth lint. thtt: Both ill bIT [elf; ""J bJ bi".
MIII_',1111 (nend. thll' movtth htr to fptllR.,; As rholl Itrt th, fITVllnt of rhe Goa .! vi8'or],fo .(hll/,
Thj,n,me ofG"d i.
t",11 tTillwph ill tht Goa of firetchforth Ind COllquer. fl. Madzilodarp.
In the 11th. plincipall Th) wift; thy cbilarm, th) ftrvllnti, .II,J m,rt thIn thllt, {ri III fllvolIT r"", S.lmllll Ellt.
C,\1, bcgi;,ninr; 11'1);- tVtll tht covtrillgs of thy boNft ; Ilrt "nat,. thl pr.ttl/i.II Illid dtftllCt of [llch III
of Po.tT: IlgllinftwhoH', n,;thtr tht rltgt of [Hcb III Tltig", neitb, ,. the flfr}
.f AUlhority (though it birth tht htlp 'f Silt ....) (1l1l prtvllii. For JPh) I God
hlllh"cllrlQVIT thet; Bllt tby f.ith is f~wt'l/lhllt 10'/PIT. TIl/tt bua of StJ-tlln,
S ... n hi. TraiteroUt he .ill joyn him[tlf Unto thee. But btflllrt .f hi,,!. F'T, fi1l keepcth back
infinu.tion 10 be taken
ileed of. tbt p.JP" of GoJ, which is oftmti1llts deferred for IIn.rit" fufon : r til, IVtll
for tht .".ic/tldntJJt of ont S,Ur.
.A. L. Lasky, I loo/tfor, but I ftt 1101 : B'hold, I wrall n'J tJu IIfr." hi"" .nti CIt"'!.t finJ, hi",. Per-
ttavtIItlire he blltb hidbimft/f bthillde fDl"~ Mount~m, or is crtpt illto tJ- Cltve: for "'."!piIlT'"
A. I bereeclt YOll, what .is the califs thereof? Is he not gone from Crlleovitl I
Mad ....... Sill U tb, grtllttft MOllnllllll, llJIa he rtj')ettb .hell he pluftt" bi ..ftlf: .nll ;11 thl
fllT.1 of bid fi.fh crlt/ttb i"to II CIIVt from us.
" " 1tJ.. L" I /DOltfer him, lind ellnllot [ee hilll, Jit fte .ll th, .orla olltr, It i#
At Inlbnt M. HII' lljig1l thllt G,a is n.r ;"·ilh bim.
I'cuh all ,he "arid o.1'er. 1>.
'I b c(ieec h you, IS. IIe not !,;one t rom CrllcovllI
. "
Mad • ... .. Iltl! thtt,.I fte bi", IIot;I Clln fll.1 ,,,tbing .f him.
A. Lord, ollr coming bitlier was to come with him.
Mad...... 'ntTtfort brougbt I tbet hither, that thou . fhouldfl not tlrrr with bint. Kn,.t{f
tbOl' "IIOt thllt G,d it fIfllrl'tllo/li ill his ."ItsI Hllft ti.N n.~ btllrJ of his· [eCTtt jll"g,III'IIts 1. If
thou hllft, 7'hili/t be ellTt '1Itr thu.
• .d cl For .If.,tb) Wift ll1la chi ldrtllelllfd the rtft of th) bo/ljTlOltl. mull be mond
My WIfe, chll ren, In hither
hou(bolil muft be lIIO'fecl • h b
10 fr~', fl. W en, I eCeech you ?
Mad•••.•• Ltt that bt III} eh4rgt to Iln[wer 'hu.
E. K. Now here appeareth a little fire like the Came, which appeared
before: but it hath no beam5 from i t, as it had before.
Mad • ..... Hie f!ro h4e,'ft Mdtr mt4. [E. K. Pointing to the fire']
M.'n N.... 'E. K. She falleth down on her face profirate: Now ihe rifcth again.
mi. Tbis fire entreth into her mouth, 1he is waxen of higher ftature then the
Triai'Y' was, the"hath now three faces.
A. Now it is the VCrlUC of the! Trinity in her Co reprcfcnccd.
MJd ••,;•• 1. Alld 1 h.v, 4 ft'W thill,s to fIl1,."a I f4.1'
E. K. I hear a marvellous noiCe,a-s of many Mountains falling.
Mad.." ... ATife,."d beli"",. The timr u cormt, tbllt of tht fooJ~(h 1 '/Pill 1IIIIV tbl" .i[e.
If. .And.f fNCh t/J 1IT1 tinfull men, IIIJ .",illua : if tht) t1lclint tbliT t6r II1fto ·tIt} V'J'"
E. K. TIle noyfe is marvellous: And which of the mouths doth fpeak,
I canno t difeern.
A true 'J{elation of Dr. Dee his Af/ionl withfpiritJ, &c. 217
Mad ...... Firft, thoufoalt 'Wt';te H1Ito Rodulphus, IS 1 follll tisfpirt thn. Theil jhlllt thou go ROD 0 L.
_/fto him [a)illg, '1hllt tbe .&1If,tl of ihe L~r d hath appeared 1IlIto thu. - (> H II S.
, [E. K. A great noyCe fiiH.]
~lId rebuketh him for his fins. [111ever he lira IlIIJ f/leh lIoJfe : it it IS ifhillf the '!PorIa '!Per~
ru(hillg dowlI 1111 hill.]
Mad . ..... If be hear thee : Thm [It) UlltO hi 111, He thall triumph, Fear thee 1I0t. A. Eilher E:K. 'I': I. ltJ.
If he hear thee not:SaJ,tbat, 'Ihe Lord, the God tbat IIliJae beltve" alld tIIrtb, frake no"hi., or "
(ullder whom ~e breathetl), alld hdh bit {pirit) putteth hit foot agllilljt his brea./t. omitted to writC it
at Ihdira.
[E. K. A great noyCe IWI.]
A lid will tl'r01l' hint hudl .. ,,! from. his [eat. If
L~, thM (l [wfart",to thu) I 1Pi/j do. lf he for{ttK.e his wicJt..ed"rJ{t , alld tUTII Dti J_rllmto,.",
.mto me: His [eat foal! bf the greatejt tbat evtr w.:s, alld the Devil foali'beeomt d> p.lI"m clim A.
bis pri{olltr. it R..
E. K. There came great Rallies of fire out of her,and [0 out of the
ftone : and fitddertly fhe was in her former lhape again.
A. In the name of Jefus.
Mad ...... Wherr this vo)ce mtreth, If~ IIIall bath to [aJ : For it is tbe begilll1;uL, {o it;s /ik.!wiji
tbe end.
Therefore ellquire 1I0t allJ moTt "'W, but cea[t : For this is the: mar- Th." msn:el1ou$ bccinniur;
vellous beginning of this lal1 time. of Ih,,1a1l time.
A. All thanks, Laud, Honor, Glory, and Empire: be: to the Eternal, Omnipotent, and our
on ely God of Heavell and Earth. AII/m.

Thurfday, Augufti 16. IS,84' Malle, circiter hlralll 8:. t Prage:.

A. l'reriblll fillitH, I propounded, as concerning the book to be prepared for the Angelical
writing, &c. And becaufe Mapfama had dealt about thar point i ThereforeI I·equire:d :It God
his hands; the Minifiery' of MapfamiJ herein: if it were: his will.
E. K. Here is Madami.
A. Blelfed be the God of Heaven and Earth, who regardeth the: lincere: intent of his.. 61..
Mad ...... Whm {eed time is paft, wbo foweth his Corll.? Or 'What is he among(l mm tbttt calleth
"4Cl(. the SUlla millllte.? So ma) it be [aia of yoII, whi.:h were fIltck,,}1I [owing, alia thtrtfore have Ie'
pllJ{e thebellefit oftime,whereillJour [ud might hllve mll/liplied. Beh91J,)our lilb~uri aT, Invailf,
in re{peli of that JON migbt have receiv,d•
...... For AiJgul1 is plf.(l with .lOll the fir(l daJ: Alfd Mapfama ",allteth, 1I0t bj him{tlf, but M r.
through your negligeHce : who{e fingers wrougbt, and Illade alt ena pf aiz~tbeJ"S 7POrlt, wh;," WIH tiea ap ama.
,.0 time.
Nalvage: wli1 beaten,m JOu : Bllt YOIl cOllfider 1I0t his conj{ilI,.1Uither thaltk.. GoaIor that
he hlltb finifhed fDr J'U : 'With whom [Nalnge] lIow,YOU bavc 110 p'we~. FIT the Receiver and
Givtr for tbat lime, wert of time.
But to tbe mtmt that tbe Heavem liMy agru, (beca.[e thfY are the light of him, TPhich is the A, paper boot
light of his fatber) I [ay u"to thu thM thou mll(/ prtptlr~, of fllir, all4. aeemt paper, It bool;.. '10 to be pr~psrc4;
the mtmt, that tbe pap:r it {flf may bear witnfJ{: agailljt Y~U : alia receive ,hltt, whl~bfoouliJ hllve
hem priltted ill Gold.
A. God he knoweth, and the Heavens, that ! did the: bell I could, to have had the: bnni'
Mad ...... It is fo : I will bear witneJ{: with thu. 1M whtre thl watch·"'ltll flup, an<l tiD ,;ot
their dUtt]: Theft tak..eth plAce, alld tht entmits mak..e havocl(..
, The fins of La~kY · are "ot aft",; }fa, thtj are [llch M have brouf,ht iii the Prillce of Thie':lts, """ic~
had prevailed: ·But God Wl/S watcb'mlllt at tbe ilt>ur doors. For, he: d.ubte:d 6f thyfaith,and
laughed God to skarn.. But hear the Vtlice of him thiJt fitteth: Leapers and defiled. ptop/e u{,
Itot to carve at a Killgs '1itble : for wbm bis Carv.ers be""tt l-,apers, tbe) It;'e 1I0t : becau{, t~tJ ~rc
.xpelled• .
Evm fo i"to "!1 Chambers, aI/a {ecrtt jlldgi'ments e!truth not tbe Incredulolls, Proli4 ~ ItM
Skomfull finners. But bec611{t be became wor{e tbm a Lellper, 1 baltijhed bim ,ut of"", Ch#lnhtT's..
for I it", more then a King.
liot1T'itNrltllding, breltll{e I have: fw~rn Unto thee for him> 1 fl?ill {uff" him
h bl eXltlted. : Brit in the midjt ,f his Trillmph he foltl! fal!; iii a proud Tru J-tiUrllnJ"
Ii,rb, who{, riots att IlI/erTt/IiIt. P:.,p" A. t..
2h. A tr"e'l(e/~tjon a/Dr. Dee his Affions nith IpirifI, &c.
And b.cll"{t tboll hlfff ~tfjMJ.j mt' , Il.,,/' 6lfft 1I0r IffIlr"lArtti Ilglfilltf "'t, I will bt Mi{t,i~"Ji.
jNft Yrith th«, And with this Emperolll" thall be thy aboad • .lJ1J through thy 1IIOlith D<I {.,tr A.
}1}l1// (prillg Il Cedar-Trtt, "bo{. topft)ll/l touch the MooII, II"d brllllchts cov.r the Com , ...,.,."
be41s of th. Ii.U, tht b)rtls of tht .lire; Jta, lI!ttl" part of tb. S'iII. 1lmtuft th,u l' ",btl;iI It1:1..
h j i tA~.tII paills for l.",ill Jtal julff) )pith thet, Illld rt"llrd thet.
'Iht {OilS of ypiclt. .tdl1ljft Ilrt pYDlIJ,btcIlU{' of pro,"otioll Ilfre ftout> b.ellt/!t of th,ir Killg-
• A!IIbti", D. doms ifill. 1'.",i"io"s: But th., mull fall,b.cllll[' thtir bUIlaillg doth jtlllla III fAlld.
Do ",yCom"","amtllt, b. 1I0t IIf,,;a.
N . .. I, 11 '"S , For I hAvt II.WltjJOIlS /0 leach flirt, Ilna IItJII ltolr,.s to opm, [lleh ill hllve bUll {'Illta ;" tlJl .",il-
Nm buuk.. d.rll'jf(.
E. K. She is gone.
A, As concernin~ the Letter to be ,!riCCco limo ItoaolphlK, 0 Lord, I would gladly kno"
tbe An:llnlent,and when) thould fend IC.
A voYce ...... IIICipitllti, dAbirlJr. 1:1.. I underlland this thus: Tbat, when I
begin to. write ic thaI I be infpir.d from
God~ as was faid before.
A voyce ...... c.are.
1:1., Deo Nollro Ielmortali,lnvifibili, Be. Onmipotemi, /it omnis honor, laus Be. Glo-
ria: N ulle Be. feruper. Amm.

Friday, Augu/1i J7. <..Mllllt. t Pragz •

... Ikcaufe J would make no, delay, for the ~ecte:r wricing to c~e Eml'er0l1r KoJolphlll, I
framed 111) felf to Wrlce, befeeehmg God thac I ml~hc fo wme, as ml;,:hc be fuffieienc for the
purpofe..&r.. ~lId thus, l wrote a,s f?lIow~t~. ,
Ommpocemls No/ln Creatons I.. lhnlllanorum omnIUm tmperatorum f~licilIime 0 RII-
~~::.~,!'::' J"ph.) um ell h?minibus inco~nita ilia, ,qlJa: ClJl~C\a, difponit per6citque P ~ 0 V I.'D E N-
P"1J;~,""., or I,A, ra~a911e Ipfa rerum ,renes Be. CO?rdlllat'o (a .p~lmo ad uhJl~lIru) quod a plerilque, te-
Zu/ ji./lts. mere, fo(tllleo, vel cafu, hoc Illove evemre mojo, eXtIl,menclIJ' omma, quz extra pra:cerve fuo-
cap S. rum Confi!iQr' RI deiignaliones, fieri eonfpicianr. Vel um qllibu~ ell meJlS Divinz veritatis lu-
mine eollullrata, & ad multipliees longifqlle imervallis dillinl.\as rerum confeciltioncs eon/ide-
randas, ac(ennor, evidcJltillime deprebcnden: illi quidem, <l!!;r, quibus przcllrri/fe , tanquam
caufas, oceafionefq': e nece/farias, alio priori, Be. incerdum longe diverfiffim'),rempore,oporrue_
rat. Atque ur varitfatem nunc omicram exemplorum, (qllZ, ex aliorllm bomillcm inter fe
collatis vjeis, conditionibus, fac\ifque adferre pOllim,) cxemplllm fads confpieunm hoe uni-
cum fieri I'OIIiI : NimiJ'um ilia, (iJlw;diblli~ fere) qllz inter facram Czfaream Ma jcllatem ve:-
i\raOl , Be. hllmll1imllm (in ueo) Mancipillm me vellrum (ex multiplieibus mrinque p"Zellr-
rentiblls cecalionibus) jam quali inllare videtur, In urn'm (idemque admirandum quid) Corn-
billalio, Di~inaque eonlpiratio. I'.rubiverunt me (Juvencm) lllullrillimi Imperatores duo:
Vil.\oClofiRiml\li HIe C4rollil ~;lItlll, Be. ejufdem Ffatec Ftrdi>f4I1aUS, vcll,=z C4ayu Majellatis
Magni6.:cntiffimu5 AVIM. Hlc, PQ,follii,. H""gllr;~: ille vero, Brulullif,Brabllllrilt. Hie, .l".15 6 3.
Jllc amem, .lI/HO 15+9· All clemamffinmm Imperatorelll Mttxim,liAIIU'" } C~fArt.c veltr:!: Ma-
'jdt~tis ~acrcDl \ Immortali f;lora dignu~) jam ,tcm H 'lIIg.riif coronatu,m R~g~, (illvicillimo
quidcm Ipfo, Tyran~o Tumco) eod~m JIl Pofo.".o,eodcruq~e, ~1I110 63' In dcluiJJS habere ea:pi:
illi: fque: ranffimas vlrtutes,cum fidehter colere,tum pollemau cafdem reddere commelldatlffi ..
mas,ope)'e qu~am conabar Hierogl,yphico,~~ elia,m in labol:t; exantlan~ " "
do,animus mlh. pr~faglebat,huftnac:r ~ tanllb~;~hum fore ah~uando alt- ·li6,/li 11••• /" H,m-
q' em in quo maxIma mea fpes,8£ pl.t:.hco ChnlllanorulU /latla,Rcs,eon- ~lJ,b"" T'b",.",." ~o.
Brma;e:tur, (vel confirman poceric,) Optima, Maximaque. Ve/lrz igi- JAm ••'t 10 ...." trim_
t1.1r C;cfarez Ma jelli,Imperatorum Rom.norum (ex A ullriaeorum Prineipllm nobilillima fami-
lia) mea ztate iorcndu.l1I, ~V A K TO: Adfum, 8£ ego, friplicis Alphabe:ci,. licera Q::ar- *
tl. A~que ita adf: m,ut rueipfum ad ped" C:.efarez Majellis vel\rz dcruifse ofcuI and os olfe-
ram: r.lurimum gavifurus, 6 qua in rc, Chriftianz Reipubliez lm,pe:ratorl tall[O, calique,gra-
tUS, utllifve eLfe potero.
Vcllrz facrz C41lrtIC Ma jcllati, foli, 611ze
Superfcriptio ef1!t lizc. . aliquandi u eonllare p;lcicmini(neminique
StY,"ifr'"o IlC potmt,Ii"', Prilleipi IlC DO"';lIo D,- detegere ve:litis) rem faeiecis valde ne-
iii;'" Rudolpho,Dti Grlltill ItomlllfOrum Imp.rllro- ce/fal'iam.
rift"'l'" AngoRo,lle Germaniz,Hungariz,Bohe- lrllgif, An. 15 84' .ll1gl~(1; 17.
mi:r ,&1:'. Itt .(i, Archiduci A ullriz, DII~i BurgUII- C<t{ltrtif Mllj.Jfil VtJlrif
diz St;r;if Carimbiz, ere. Com;r; TyrolM, C--c. HumlllinJlJs Be. lideliffimus
Domillo ""0 cl,mtllri/zmo. 'Clientulus

701llllltl Pt<.

A true 'J{elation of Dr, Dee his ARions 'With (piritJ~ &c.

Monday, t Praglt, Augufti 20. Ma", cirell horl'''' 7.

A. Prtcibus IItl D,u", fujis, 'x mor, n,jfro, &c.
I.I propounded: If the letter written for R?aolpbus, were as it lhould be?
2. Secondly, becaufe we were willed to invite the good Al,lgels, forthe book wrining, I
asked how we lhould invite them? .
3' As concerning our wives, and my familly [ending for: I required, when that ihQuld
be done ?
A. ~ickly apparition Wa! made.

E. K. Here is Vriel.
A. W dcome be the light of the Highell.
V R. I E L. ...... w, b, unto tht 'RIorla: for htr lig',t is tlfk.Jn a'RIII). 1ro, "'0 bt unto tt1tI",for
tb, t)' of light hlfth for[ hi"". 11'0, '1'0 b, to t~ ullaerjlandi/fg of mlln, for it ;s lta out, Jpith"
tbrttfold [pirit, * th, [pirit of trrour "Ita igltoranet. Alia "11'0 b, Ultto [ueh Izr b,li'7,. Aliq.i<l <It.
not tbt glorioils altd fupertminellt light of this T,jfimoll): for th,) "r, not writtrn with th, lif" ,ft fort< •
• eithtr fhall tbtir portiolt b, with th, liviltg. T~. Spirit of
Thus faith ht that is It mere fione, (fPhi'h jitttthb,twuII tht [tift of light Imd aarR..II,§t) fPho[t ~;:~··T.llimo­
"';It[,s Itre grtlft, tInd mor, t""n might): fPh,rewith ht [,athertth Ih: Stars, alia th, pOWtrs thltt ny '0 be beli ••
hallg flFoII tht firmament If tlu /irj1 ana lefftr lig~t: placing thtm lItta powerihg them, ill tht Spi- y~d upon grcar
rit of Trl/tlo; ana through his ' ' 11 poWtr, the power of the wora, whertb, all thin!!,s Ifrt, ,,"a Ifr,. difpleafure elf.
compreheHded: ill that ht it as fPtll ill tht htavms of Glor), Chality, ana M ,jJltge, as al[o iH HelYen. of
pllfces ullk..noWII to us. Glory , Chao
Bthold, thof, that aig illtl Nltture with dull !YIattock.!, alld dull SplfaU, are fuch, as of evtr} {\icy, Angels.
cOllgtl,a [ub/lance can imagin, but not jlldgt: are f,olijh, lind of the worfJ : fPho[, imtIgiHlftionh
Itrt become tht illj1rllments of vallity, alia the piercers of him which u rhe fatlnr of ignorlfllce. W,
bt unto the"" for thtir ai[putat/ons ,<lid aoClr;nes, art d'gm,,'s and aull. Tr~, 'JIIO UlltO th,m, for
tht) Itrt [uch "s pl,afe them[tlves, IfIId art btcome fathtrs to many lewd chiiJrm: of wh~1If it it
'RIrittm, Tht) art becom, jiiff·ntrk.ta alia proua,ana the f,{{owe ;'s of their father. Therefore have
1 gathered Illy [elf togethtr, Itlld am hiddm from thtm; becltuft thry Ifre ,rolli alia hattrs 'f i1l110-
ceHCY. Th,[, t,ach Hot Ullto you a aoClrille, neithtr art JOIl pllrtak,..ers of thtir Ballk.,ts; for the
Spirit of God, it pllfill, PUrt, alia moff ptrfell. Tht[e brtath not IIpon you, neither "re the On/a-
ments of your Gllr/andl enter/ac,'etIby t.; t[e: But by him are you lifted up, that is the God of
J unice, and the Difclo[er of his 01'l'n [ecrets: alld the bta1il0l1g drllwtr vf thillgs to all enti. God t~ u. i.
Therefore believe, Ill1ti aream not with Ihe ."orld: For the wITla jhall perijh, alld Itll htr /la- ,~eh~.rcl.rtt
h"'lIts : alld /hall b, ca.j1 illto th, pit of wo tverla{fillg. Read tht Scriptllr:s, lind IIlIderj1alla ~r(tI:' own c-
them : but 1I'r'lj1 them not, witli the ",ick.ea. Look.. illt.o tht ji"'plicir,y, a.lld nak,.,dll(jJe of God hit
Pro",i[e.: Vim th, innocency of fomt thltt r,ceitlea tlnm, Alld I,t not the 'lrick.,tdlleff, of tho[e
that the LorI, vertllollI, go Ollt ofJour rtmembranee. But [0 T'ri:lmpbeth tne p01Nr, fo ga-
tbereth ~~ him[elf togtther tl di[comfort th, Serpent: 0 r tlu lightejf be mak,..tth the heavi,ji, lind of
the weak.,ejf theJirongeft: Alld in the w,,,k..tJI vej[tls, worll.,eth he hil ." erc). Alld why 1 BehofJ,
lt~ tht worla, in her prolld im~ginatiolls, in the Orllamtllts of her ptarls; Itlld mOji pret;o ~s wits,
",..Ubrllg, [aJillg, Ira.ncompan 'IIIith tht Lori. Hellr >fI) voice, for it it of Goa. Th''III,,[d
bringttbforth no good thing, ntithtr are tht Joillgs of ",a1lIlccepted; bllt fPh"e the [pirit ofhRmi- Hamili.,..
lity ''IIItlletl, . Out of tbe aepth of alfr/t,Jrej[e,hltth God nlizde light: And 10, th, light M gr~at,IlIlJ
the dark..nrj[e comprthe1ltielh it not. So, in tbe wellb,,{f fP.t1 he it eXlflted
The Spirit thlft[ptak.!th unto JOu, is "e that hath" T."tr to buil.J , IIJfro"g T,wer IIni a might.!;
yetI {uch It one, as halh ",t bUH from th, begillllbtg: No, n t fro", tlJl begillning. Great M the fow:- V,itl hllh 2 .
aation thtreoJ; for, it H of Irm; Ifut greattr Ifre htr 'Walll ; fo,. rbe} art of Diam01ld. Moft .To.. erro build
great are htr Turrtts; for tht} "re the [~vm H'IfJ,l, that beholJ, jlidge; da g.thtr: AHd th,.1 !I.e.
It" mltdeofTruth, the Spirit of Eternit,. VHf, the Ia.Jillg of t'lltr) Jlone, are.1ou",ad~privy, I::, d
AntI for thIS Tower are .lou providea. . an '-.K.
I. For lo, tht /irj1 hllth app'ltrta, lind {he."ed himfelf mightily.
'2, Alld tht recolla hath rtatt1lfta, /1.".1 ~Jtrcomt Satll.II. P,;mKt Fili_
J' Spiritut s•••
~. Alia /0, the thiraapptllrelh, "lid ./hall vijibly fom thi pO'lller allNlltiolfS. OHI.
For Now comet~ th~ Defolation of th'e World, And the fall of her pride. .ilia this;s the !tljf f< I . ti
Rod tbllt mea[urtth, ~lId .{hall b,brok..m : Far-It it (aid, N,'RI will I btllr JOl/from un~ :,:o;:;;htt~
der the Altar, No." ""ll I rt1Jt"~ tb, blooa ofT07lT brethu.. i.,q.",.t t/t.
o y ou igtfortIllt, ana of "!'tall.,fait": Kllow you not th~ timrs that are to W"t.1 0 JO" thd fpit Apocalypf."I"
071t the "uat 'Of comf~rt : yea 'IIIhm it is put lovillgly into )01lr mouths. Tf/b) lire yon f,rrowfu/l 18. P.
Why r~j.yceYDu not, that the Goa of ]ujhet wgirded, od bath wAutteJ hit [word, UpOH It IhDu{antl
tJ;,u[a.lld MOllntaills of /irt , Why I",ugh you IIOt the ""orla to Jcorll 1 IIl1a Jtrid, h,r for"iollt;o,,'?
~tep"ot upon her; for 11)t it "ccur[ea: Ntithtr wonder a.t her; for foe will h, more '/I'II/dtrful.
~o6 A true'R..,elation 0/ D. Dee his Afiions ~ith }1;r;;s, &.c.
Tou SIIITJt rtClwtl. this DoEhi;lc in Chambers, andl inftcr"
~ Et,ltji.!ltI. T""I*' tit '.'tllili ptllees: Bllt it follil ft.nJ i" tbt grId Cit,: IIIId "P''' 7 Hills,
,r:.,., 'ft (."Ib
f:q~~ "tI." it ".·r·
Manh. 17. ~. and Ihall etlablilh her felf: in truth: Pllrj/i, tbt ""Us, ",,1.{Witt
Mlle. 9. B Lac ,.1\. u. A. C•• II.,. 011' th, dllft lind ee/rwtb, ( tbt "or~ of tbt 'IIt"t""IIS) tbd it "'If]
E, ,,,p'i'~htlbzic~P.l • . C.Jt....J ~, c/liE illt, the Rwtr, brought'i"t' II' rtfl"",br""".
j. ",,,. ""1I,,u,. prell",," {"Itt itS., Tt., it folll! fit in f Jofapbat, in JudgeJllent, .glli"ft tb,
lie Lue .... wiclt,td, 11111. fo.ll btc,7Ift " firt t"g/llJrtd ill ,bt '"'IIt .f. 71nm-
"10.1, cap. J. JeTS. 'thtrtf,rt, When you are commanded, lift up your
1 Fear nOt.
h~ds. and t fear not: f,r 1116."" ,bt Htll'lltllS follll /ilht-.
til' ill JOllr {,rWl bt p",itllt~ "lid ,;lItil/lIt t, tht ",1.: 'lbllt y',", enTIn' ",II} ,:cc"d "itG"r-
1IIIIds of Ib, ["r,h. .
1b1ll {llith tbt Lord, L., 1 bll'll' pr.mi{ttI. ,6te, ,bll' "'J .AII-
t Prora:r. or .ifi'ltion for ,h.4~. gil foal! t'lliftt tb,,: .A"d {o it jIt,,/l bt. 1M if 1 "0,,
grclt (. a''', and Ibe Holy Booo ",,- ,hu, 1/'111 will ,b, ".rld {II) hertllfrtr; Lo, he hath famed
'in, 'and nnt\:!ln,. a Dotlrine for hililfclf. Lo 6, txctlltlb ill {..btil,). Wb", I
• Lq;p..,i, ~~if,JI. 6- io /Il~ ~""tI;fi­ &aTe my la,!,s, they were not f«ret; nti,b~r- ""1t.b t pi""
'.iI. Anli,b"llltw'fi"er Sp,,,,.m Sf.
f.'.'" • ~.JI. 1' •• /••i 1btJr. a. 'lII[all{]i!itd. Wh,,, tbt C'7Iff.rt,r """tb) glrdd" b",,{tlf 11-
,.,. '. *
,,""/f tbt [," of ."icll.!dlltjft; 'Ibm "'lIft you bt
{tt" "7Ito ,bt Ellr,b.
It"o"", II"J

'£1 er Btl' 1 "ill gi'llt ,b" ,he ,hoic,: Cb1t{, 'bert fort, "hetller thou
~~oic~ tff~~ pr,,,,if,. rhtl: Or '"TTY.till I fee 'ht ti"" more COllllt"i,II' ; For
bllll1!..t' No" : b""lIft 1 blllil
if Rodolph. litllrlt,n """
to 6 . mJ 'IIoiet, Ht .(hlla",lIdtr, lind rtj.)&1 "irb 'Ott 1 JlnJ.IT1ill tlCak .i"" IIbo,!t rhe Kinl"! urlo.
1I.0DOLI'HUS St~) Il "hile : 1 C07lft IIg"i".
t...After he had frayed a while, and read oYer the {Jremitres, ind talked of the manher of
the Choice or Eletli~n offered: and the dealing with R.wilJtph: we thought goo? to be-
{tlCb God to T'l4rd h,s pro",i{t, for hIS g/or) 111ft! hONollr, and we molt humbly to thank him that
he would offer a choice to me a man of no lVonhinelfe, n'>r wifdooi: therefore molt delirous
to be t",rtd {pWill] ill', ,h, S"hool of WifJJ"', wherein we might gro", and &trend tbe oppor~
tunities of any thing to be done or faid by u~; So that (if it were his will ) we Were, and
are defirous",,, bt'llijittJ, as his mollnterciful promife importech-
AVIJiOD. E. K. Now Vri(1 is here; he hath a Chair, andis ft'!t down in it:
It is like a Throne..
Here I fee a green Hill: and I fec thereon three men, like learned
men, in Gowns of puke-colbur : thry have Hats on their heads. Vriel
hath in his hand a thing like a rolling-pin (of half an ell long) of
The Cudcn of I fee beyond the men, a very fair Park, enclofed with pale, piked,&c.
COOlfos" I fee Rofes and'Lillies, and goodly Flowers in one part of it, and fair
running waters in it, and little Hills) and all manner of 'Birds: And in
the middle of the Park, is a turret, and in the top of that, a round
thing like a Stone, which giveth Jight all the Park over: but without
the Park pale,it is duski1h or dark. Thefe three men frand t.ogether
upon the pitch ofthe bank of the Hill that goeth down toward Vritl.
There appear three diverfe fair waves to the Park, two from ·the
Hill where the men frand; and one from the place about V~iel.
1. I fee one man walk in the Park, und he picketh Flowers,and put-
ting them to his mouth, they fmoke, as the fmoke of the fnuff of a
candeI when the candle is put out.
~. I fee Iikewife another man gathering of Flowers there, and he
would put the Flowers to make them frick on his Coat, but they will
not hang on but fall down, it is fo bare.
3. I fee a third man, who hath his Robes all belayed with lace of
gold, great and {mall, and divers pretious Stones, and on his head a
wreath like a Garland, very broad beret with very beautiful pretious
Stones: and he trimmeth himfeIf all over with the flowers of the Park
.d ttllt 'J{elation of D. Dee his .dE/ions ~ith /pirit!, &c. llJ
or Garden, Now the three men are come from the Hill, before
Vricl his feat .
...... I 1IJojf htt",blJ btfttcb JON that I _y have IIcuJJe intD the Garden of Comfort. I.
. I•• ' .... T ou fh a,:
II fie l" I am Clltttlttt...
' . htbefe
One f: of
E. K. Now·they three ' go toward the Garden of Comfort: they men all
point one to another, and [cern to talke orie with another. They go
10 the path which1eadeth from him [Vriel] toward the Park.
llrie\ . ...... Wi!, mm, for ,t hfyJhall t{~"Pt thedaltgtr of the [t.] fir~ ""dthe f.cond, /::; He me'"'
Il/fd. .(hall/lvt ~s the [b.] third in comfort and !ltllflffe: For ieholtl, Tho{t which have mtreJ, :~~ O\:chOc"~ft
/lnd 1l0W (h4 11 'lit tr, hllvt dtftrvtd their rtward. whICh gorher-
, Bllt fU>1U tbtre be tbat titter, and rtfpdl not die end; "nd fuch jhal! tbe) be lis L'e is, wbich cd Aowm•• nd
delileth the flowe:rs. of rho lhird.
E. K. Now here cometh a man from the Park-ward, and meeteth II.tfpiCi Jiotlir.!
thore threemen,a nd giveth them three very rich garments: they put
off their former garments, and put on thOle rich and beautiful gar-
llric:l . .... .. O1htrfol11t there bt, and I{0 the: middle: way, btcll_fe it it ~he: ntIt and firaighte/l-,
lind thofe be filch as enttr wi rh their ow. ornaments, whicb art verI poor and bart, and upon wh,fe
garmmts tan bang 110 pltlifuu.
Somt tbere are that mttr [I] from me: (f~r withollt me "olfe ~ntreth i1lto tbltt Gttrtlell ) alld J.
btcalif't am tht lit,ht of hi", thlt t ligbttth b} Crtation, thtrefore is thtre a Wll) ptritll, and bear· Note. e"ar"
etb te:thmony from me, ",htreby the) art thought JIIorrby, alld tire [2] apparelled for tbit place ji.t q•• ••n :
'f plea[lfft, tlnd fo worthi!] tltttr. & "'.f.l'''~·
Lo thty mrich thtmftlvts, brlnf, made rich with the beliut] of fo plttt{anr fio'/P,rs. anJ tbt} Ill· 1 '''fb'l~
W~ts drill/t"of the water of wifdom to thtir comfort tilltl cOlftinuance. Bltfful is be tbat [0. 1 nNn

IIU.",rtb) t, eltttr: but onel.J one ~"tb

tbe proper Tejrimon}, &c.

in hit
/.oi117. to
thit Hill worth) to mttT "'ith Tefli-

i. He thlt delileth tbe flo."ers, WItS wortfiJ to tllttr iHto fur Gllrtlm: but btcllufe ht c~me lIot AodeSler of.he
t~ "'. Throne: and ro'too~ d,t Wltl dercmdillg fr,m the Hili, [to mt] alltl broHg~t mto tht Ah"er..
< 'tbe
r:J ,J' '\. J I' . I ..... b h' d t
Garden of Wifdom, hil lYoridly apparel, which, [0, H /I '/P1l!tS as a Illill etW~tll IIff an rut Wifc!olll.
r. Garden 0t
."ifdom, Jet he thin;"tth himCc:lf fatis6e:d. . . ,
2. Ht whoft coat it bart, '/Pas /llf. w,rth} .; 1M btcaufe h, tholl~bt huufelf wort6J, Il~tl ~ijittt.l
"ot m] feat, he too;"t!>, middle: w"y, wbert /lre 110 ornaments: Thertfore he brought III htl 0'11'11
"1l/vtllttJJe whicb iI fo thrtdbllrt, that the flowets faIl off it; as from /I. marble jlollt, "nd. the wattrs
f.[idtth.f it, as {rlm·th, bllc;"of a Falcolf; .
li~IH[J, I fit: happ] are thOft, that come: unto me; . . " .. ..
1.4 !OU ret 7011 ",a) btcome "i[e; '/Pitb tbt [I J Cloud}, ."ife wltbthe [z ] bare; itlla wif, WIth Thr;c mariner
, J'" J [ . ,r'
tb,[, that art .[3J aavaltCta; (Inn, awe ['If trill w'J aom •
of ",Cemen.
2le Gatt tht tIHujha[t tIIttr illto; iI Il /irt of fur], 1l1la of rev"!ge : Fury and Itt-
B t h,lt 1I1fr' 'ht~ liS til] Eltaioll iI. Evtlt from the: beg.uuung, nakedly, Opm /tIfto 1.lIge.
" [ ffJ Rudolph.
A true'l{·elation of D. Dee his ,d.flions ~ilDhiriu) &c.
-~udolph. tb~ mMflntr ofGd's vifit'lfio" ; Sb,.". u"to hisn die holy Viflon :fo.r I "'ill mll/v tb,~ II.·
R.J.lpb ,he to him an hand an arm,}l<! an halfbody. 1 (It , .".ill bt ;"trciful II"to hi"" ahd feal him for
Ii"'r"b d ~J fe1f .' and he /hall .be t~y cOlDfort. I will
DlO" • m. e ... fi ~put my fear i"to hi"" I17/J .h, lball be afraid 10
l',i,y .f .11. (In, and ht fhllll lotCfltl' II rod to th,!, thd Itr, 'n, ul.
l\. U DOL· H IIPP] ~"tho[t, ",ho[, wor ks IIr, II hope; IInilwho[t'faith deCerveth th, lid light, This
l' HIt S 1 M· , is of Gpd, and' I am the finger. Hllpfj IIr, th.!t thllt IIrt dirtO,,1 b] mt. For, ;11 m, M th, trll'
...R.n'ptt fi'ott ['
PopE ,411th lindlight of dirdlioll.

mtril.m. · E. J(. He IS gone.
t., A5 concerning this Glte (laMy r~k~ of j whereinto I ~uft ~nter, that it ia " firt of
ikr], 1I11d of rlvtllt.t: 0 Lord, I am lIfraJd, If that ph raCe be of any dICpleaCur;: to lIIe : . for I
r'ferrrd 1tI] EltlJion to tbt will of God, <If '/IfIlS for hit ho1l0ll~ lin. glor] t.o be granted: A!i d .' 1 hllv,
101/j!,,,,.tdt Petition to G.d for Jour h,//" ~nd I delire Jlothl!lg that Ihould mak~ the hlglidt ?f-
fended with me. But perhaps the Cervlce of God whertm 1 am to Ceeve 111m 110W , ( With
his TalentbfwiCdom to be imparted to me) conJiReth in t~e execmion ofthc: Jufiicc of God,
Ate- (lp,l. with a furiou ~ and revenging tire, as under th: Altar ther he, and cry for ,&c.
'lJri,I..... •••••• Thou hltft [llid - - - -
His 'OJce. t.. All Laud, Honor, Ilnd praife be uoto the Almigb9', wiCe. and our moll Uierclfull God I
uow, and ever. ATlltll.

TueCday, 21 · Augufti : Antt M~ rWt/lt horll!li Clreittr 9. t Prag:\:

Precibus finiti~, & invito Vritlt Ut nos illllminaret, dirig:-ret, contolaretur, &c.
E. K. VrieI is here, and abou t his head a,t a little difiance~js a bright
part of a Circle like a Rain-bow, &c.
~. We propounded unto yO\l yelterday (0 you faithful! melfager of t'he higheft) as con.
cerning this letter, how it is liked: lVhen it is to be Cent, and by whom, &e.
Uriel . ..... 0 tllr~~, h, w grut a Mon/ltr .. rt thou, IIl1d b6w grtllt Mthy '/IIiek,tJnt§t, lI>bieh ",lIk,(t
JI/(1 millIS CIlP"cit," 411d ellrritf/ bim IIWIIY i)lto lin ob[euTt 1111. rlljh [tll[t l Nor without II &!Iu[t IITl
INII hllud with tbt bight fl ;]tII, 1Ior JPirhour It call[t IIrt t"] Gllrments mil at fhorr.
0Ji'J brttbrtn,hoJP 10llg."illyoll bt grievolII t, tbt Lord, h~wlol/g (I [IIY) will YOl/bt ."ith,"t 1111_
atrjtllndi1lg. .
0, how 10llg "ifl YOII confider yottr OW" comm.aitirs, IIIId IttgltD th, bllrvtft of tb, Lora l
t.. I IlfIdcribnd Rothing of the occaJioll of theCe {peeches. J
A r<proof of Uriel. ..... But behold, for you.bllve cho[en I/nloJour [tlvts a vifitlltioll, IIlId hll'll' bro!("" tbl
our choi, t viiitiltioll of th. Lord,
•• do. For ."htll JOII wlr. commll,ldtJ 1011 .",,,t "ot ,'IIltd II1fto lO/IT Jtlvts JOII
'lllIntllge: Well, I Cay, Take your choice and become wiCe : for I all) "ready to deliver;
(hur, JII]tS f.r lIa-

Prepare. J [II)', prtp .. rt YOttr [tlves, IIlIIi bt !'uti]: BJlt 1 ftllr mt , (JtII, I k,.now if) that JOIl will become
foggy and milly. NOlwithjfll1laitlg thlll fay !th tht Lor.J : Si"" YOll ",iN breomt wi[t,ChafliCe your
{elf for a few dayes, and abllain, andyol! 1h~1I {ee that I am a Go~ that can .vifit,and mightily:
Thol.'<oll\ir. 111m not ",lIn, that 1tI] proml[t~mIlJ rfot b" nttthtr [ptllk,.1 of any thmg tha~ hvcd~ not, for 1 11/71
ItccolI\"h \,f•• ligbt, /li/d tbt bTtllth of II"dtrJlllnding. lkellu[t you have followed my Commandments (yet
~d well pl.ea- wme of YOli obflinatcly, a,nd ra~her, as reprehendersth~ <?bedient Cervan.ts) I 'Il'ill.l'lIt # [lIllf-
i. ~w promifojt IInto Slit II", 111Id ~II'O hl# Ml1Iljltrs, 1l1ld thou /halt fit III Judgement agllJlft the wICked: For
l A. I wjll flllIltiplJ thtt, ua th] bO/lfh.ld : And of fh, [ud ; jIll, 'VtH of th] [uti,
o will 1 finalr Ollt II Camber,' lind will root out a people, which 1 have • Camber, " hlt
long favoared . .And for tbit,"u!, Cpared I him unto thee , for u"to bi", Ann. Ifh. l.f :M.rl;~.
tbllt [ov,tb /tlt,will I bt II ju(t rtJPllrti,r. The br""ehts.f tht "'ick.tJ do ~ (/It ' . t..' Fori. "'ttlJl~tt
off, lind mllk,.t ."or[, thm th, AJJts d,mg: Bllt "nto ,he fllilbfoll '/IIill1 [ma ••/.."'. i·f··~'m ..t I..
L 'c f "
"OnOl"',> IIlIts " . ro",n. rrJ OJrtltg. . .
.... ""... ,tj".n D,..
(mi'II'.t.,~ c,••
HUI, ",bo 1# .pe, tbllt 1 CIIIIIIO~ rt'/ll/lrd h,,,,' Or ",htTt d'lll!ltft thol/, (/II "viII, A•.lrS40J.I,i 14.
8 ellvt., or m Ellrrh) tbllt ItTt, IIl1d r,j.}Ctjl not b,om,'; If tholl fol/o'/ll"'y St~ rUM, 1M .,]11 'I"'~
Com,.IIl1dmtlltr, lInd 1 once begin to love thee ? ••& nab. t.", ..i,"....;·
I have flU th" tblZt I will"lacr tbtt h,,,.
,"c·...'1".'",,'" ...
""'" ",r.m M.,iit

t.. I mult be I ; C" ] C' [,,1, &<.
l>.. In [lIS me. ,. Yi~, S',..•• I. Mi(tri'.,.
placed here in nel ...... Not IH .. Clttll:.m, 'tilt III lUI O'/lllltT of 11111- tit.- D,i I'lIraijJ'4III.
Pr"{.t~ "} bOIl!tt. Bllt t"l(., hud, tbou-be- b" Jllj! to IIIe,
",hilt I co~",,,iftJ thu.
".J d4

NOT Y 1:. T •• Lord thou knowelt my heart, help, and fupply my wants:
Stewsed. Uric\ ..•..• Bt hold, tht Corn u"ot Tlpt, ntilJotr .rt tilt GrIPlJ ,M .. ".,. t't SII,. ',uA. lI.t Jtr.f'~'
.()'Ctfecn {oul twm; 1I1trtfor" Jtr, Ifttd lllol St,w.ras, h!Jt Ovejofec:r~' : .1,,11 /If ]f.t, L."rtJ" are tome
~i,~rmh' IS /hadows. B'CIIZ;[', not yet I no, not y-ct i. the time of my vifir",i'tll: tbln[OTI it fhllt br~lfg­
"i/i%t:~ i~' (to hil Syck.Jt "0"',
mNft Itot rtll, for Mt, bllt ",.ft Tfjo}I"t';ilJbi",[tlf. H-apPYls. hQd,at tam~th
~,yer. ebo Lord, leaa afterward the doors be Ihut, and me en.. All."i[",., ('"4 [,/lit.
A true Relation of Dr. Dee hiJ A'diorH tpith (piritJ~ &c.
~s wllprthmdra in 'lTi[dom) that w9Tk"tth for },;mftlf ~ ii of thr 1nrld: 13/1t thl- ~ird~ m tIl/it I glVf,
1 g:v, oFm/y, 'ilnd w!thout reproach: that I al[o rrJoJClng lit thl1l'1[4011l may ~r gl-.r;jitd, lind tX-
"Illtra witl> a Diadtmt of Imt9l1r. Whm Sodom cried for vmgta"cr, had I ,t "ot ready' COllld
,,~t I 'from htavrn haw '~;:Ji,,"td th,m "/Tith the of n!1 011'." mou~h ' . I, in "!Y ftif It~ow .
it and a'" wltnrJTt ·: Bur 10', III rh~ FTldt of tbor jilthtnrjfr I bad regard ro tm]e : A"d (r"::, It mlgbt lIme.
b: k;,,,f1J/In te .. lI Nlttions) lictu[td my Angels, and gallt the", powtr; A~d 10, tht" madt a l'romiJ"t 6. Plomlr"o
uU alL Nations that the] jhould bt blr§' "" III Ahraham:(1)tn tht fanft monrth that I dr!1roYtll. tht So- AI-.l·,,..
domites. Tor[t things did I, /If lmto Noe: and lIut9 Serh, 1I'bol1t I I vrd: I made rhem privy ' tfh. ,h •• hi,J
of time (; comt, a"d ,.pentd /Into thr", "'y jud~tmmts :.btcallft thr w:r(djhoilid bt j'~I/1y cOIIJrmlld. ren of ",J.....
Afttr tht [~mt ma1lnrr ,,,adr I a promi[e unto you: L o, aftfT ~I)~ [tt"'~ ~tt"ntr hlt"!Jt. I ra lltd JOTI 1\ p,omir.
'0 cO,IH[d. But you have chofen the low~n, a~d have ref\lfed rhe hlghefi places, and have m.d. Unt ..
regarded your OWI~ comforts,and n!,lt my vlfitatlon. I c9mIHand,d thu not ·fD go ill to tht woods "'. .
lind 10 fettrr Wolves: micber to raw. the 11gers tUlh. I dtljvered J'l1l not IInto the )"ick"td, nrith,: ~~o,;~~,ce
fUffrrtJ. l.r,?tlff to Tfj~'Ct Qver y .m : · But I h~ve brought YOIl f~'om ~ear~, .and from the dayes of The m.r~i.;
JamenrltlOn, a"d havt drlllt witkJ'" Mflllrhfull brethrl'fl do ,,, tbe.r dtv!jions: Not that I fDrget of God upon
m) [tlf, but that 1 would be ",agn!fird, ani that lOU n,~ght [u YOllr .",i/J"fJTt,alld lIak..~.d rttfhneffe: us.
M~II' are thert upon thr tlrth, whIch wO/lld have burl/ with giadnefft, alld h"Tle rrnt tlmr Garmrnts
in firets. . If I hlld .tOliched rhein with the leaft of thefe COI\~fels (fo I c.ll/! tbmtrb",a1lj} tht) CA .ToP" l".]
Ilr~ my [eertts) Is It lIot- f~pi.:ltnt that I /rave brouzht)ou[o..Jlurher faft l,Havt proml[ed YOII Afurehclp
a fure help? . , ' " . ?Iomifcd.
Lo, JON .",raft me,for wbltt II ht of the [& ~!l\S IS Cpoken III refpe£!: of God hI S
world, to "/Thom 1 jhall cOllfirm letters I Judgemellt required of the letter;]
'[heJ gritve lilt, btca~[t tht) art tht doings of "Un : 0 man, let mall an[wIr u"to thu, alld Itt it
f/lffic~ thu, rhllt tht mark.., wl'ertlt thou jhoottj H in "'J;hlt1frl, .
UU, lI'or~ H 1:ot a work" of hours nol' days·. But 1I'h." I cornmlt"rJ, do 'fpeedlly. IPh!1f t.~t 00 the Lords
Thulld'trs fall frofll .Hta vrn , and burll up thl Earth, fcalt ber fllcr, lind ltave htr NalZed. 'Ihm, Comm1nd-.
Then, .",ill YOll believe. ment [peedily.
Btb~/d, Ht I.hltt H a ilia", being IItW born, it accol/lltt~ It ~on:1rr. , . , ~:t~. ~~d;::
Is It "ot wrttten? Lo, tbt Lord I,o/vd from heavlII 1/1 "" vijitlltlon, «>tJ 1/1 the m,Jd'ay, .inti a d h'
groantd IIpon brr, (Qr (J:e h.,.d vexed hi",. H HPPy H ht tbat H relld) .whm he vijiteth: That which • an not 1 II.
I command, let it be done. For wben tht Kilfg,s of ,ht tltr,h,f"y, d, thi!: rh~) pItt) not al[o thf
pttTts of thrir [erva"ts ilnJ [ubj~lis , ht /0, ;t it dOli,. Suff(r "'t (I prll) "II) to httvr 'httt fa ..
6. Deo Noftro Mifericordi, Pio, & Jufto, fit cimnis Honor,Laus & Gloria. Amtn.

TlleCda" 21 Auguft;. t Pragz.

After Dinner as Wt tEo K. and t..1were in my Scudy, and conferrin!7 of my choiCe and
tIer) (orr) thlltwe had m.ade OUr choil~ n~~ of the bell: E.K. Caw Yritlir;"rhe noM, whi;h ytt
floOd unptlt up : and fald, he had Ceen him there ever fince we began: So coming to tht fto"e lH
{ilia III fol/01flltb.
Urie!. ... :: Mllr"!ur not am011tlf 10 ", [elvu: But rejoyt'r a"J bt glad,ll1fd [oulfa into thr greatlt.fffi
#f Gods "'tyeus, :~'''Ich btltr~th all J lur wea/t,.nrjft, ana ltlld~th Y9/1 tbro llgh tht foggy and p(ril~1M
lH~fh vi J~'" dally te",ptatlOllS eiltJt by riot hall~ : And nQ1fI, 1I0t ontl) giveth,. /;Ut itl[o ~xhorttth.
1 fptak., With you M a mall, rea, Irt "'t fptak,. WIth JOU M a man: You arc oppreft With fin; and
widl the 'World, and arc not yet apt for the vifitation of God. Noreourun.
~r - . optndr, yet
M) brttlJrrn, Go d h11th dralt "teTCI) tdly WIth A. In malevolam allltnalli non introibit to be vifited.
you, bath optJted unto you there ,bru wa)ts de- fal'iehtia, nee h.bitabit ill corpore Ecc!diafie'i
jiro/ll fubdito peccaris,Eccleliafics, cap.l. cap. I.
[~. K. He fpeaketh other language, I nnderfiand not.]
...... TIJat Olle of you might bave clltred illto the higheLl Gate.
And why? Becauft the workn'Jan might be able ,.and correCpon.. The warkm,n m .d the walk
mun be correfpondent,
dent unto the work, and time (of the Lord) to come. God hath To 6. W.. raid,l.f.e. [Ii.
done may grut things fOI' you: but you will not fee them. Tar~ ".. To k .lt 1. <Ii'., Td A.I>.
ry awhile till I c('me again. 2'H "i<lt.
E. K. He is gone beyond a thing like a Hill.
A. After half a quarter of an hour he came again.
E. K. He hath a pair ofTabks in his hand, made as of white bone!
and therein are many r;ames written orJerly, one under another.
E. K. If I thought this to be of God; and this to be Vriel indeed, it
were another matter : but their too much familiarity makethme doubt.
A. Th~ old faying is true in you ,Nimia f ami/iaritM paril cOlltmiptum.
[ff 2J Uriel ......Be-
214 ...A trlfe~'''t;on 0/ D Deems AfJionI J;i,b fpirih, &c.
U rid ....... Bc:lie¥e me, by H~d Earth~ I.", f1'.JIr Uriel.
E. K. He hath another Book holden unto him, by one funding by
him, who is like a lhadQw.
A new choler, Urie!' .....;,ear, fat and chufe : f.r ~lr" thit t;"", tbere is Dochoice.
by. God b.. Dee, th.J.•gt .mJ calltill"ItHf't j" thit ."arlJ., i" fltJh, ilccarJiHg 'h tht foq,Ir, 4HI. fccond pr••
I\rm mercy .parti.lI, TlbicbJou cltil Nlllllr~, il73.Jtilrs "IIJ. /I. .1IJ. btr, it it [~. the other
r;ranttd. B. k ]
Vtthi.. ,e.
11 and a half 00 • • •
E. K. H¢ that tsItke a 'lhadow openeth the Book ·; It feemmg to be
. • •

of yern or flee}. In whith Book appeareth divers names, as Bll7fIIlfan,

Cor(ax, Tobomaphala, &c.
[~. They feemed to be the names of good Angels proper to fecnliar men. J.
Uric!' ...... Thou [E.K. ] J.~/l mart tba1l th," ilrt CammIt1lJ.tJ.. rt', Ctltft /I. "bil,.
[ ~. Becaufe he [ E.K. ] read theCe names.
E. K. He fpreadC!th a thing like a Cloud before them.
E. K. Now he appearedl again, and the other with him.
boeUI, E. K. Sudfamna appeareth in the Book, and againfl it 46'.
Urie!' "';" Sa mM&b foil!t thou LE. K. ] livt bJ 1Iltturt, ~1IJ. ili, violently.
E. K. Now he is c<;lvered again.
E. K. Now he is here ;tgain.
E. K. Aflafoen fiandeth written in that Book, and 73 with a prick
over the upper part of the figure 3·
E. K. The Book is very b}gand full of names, and numbers againfl
them: the.Jeaves are very thlll.
AjI"d:!bt. miT E. K. Now 'Vriel openeth his book himfelf; And thereapnt>:lreth
. it II"
.goo .. E.K. againfiAJl4Jben, 122. An d agatn
.~'r4"'ang.. h
Suti.Jamna appearet 87'

hi; good An· Uric:l. ...... Beyond the which,you cannet : --- NotJPifhjllllld;1ig thit "IJP"Jn givtN £}
~,~ N.r.'1 GoJ, ar At tbt i'ntercellion of Come one, or mo. of us bis Angels. TIJ~ Dth~r it 1IItturll': 1Iut-
Y'Ali... '."itbfiltllJ.illg isjhortt1ltd through tht ji" af ""'". I It", • ."jt1ltfs ta m.J {tlf. that thefe books arid
words are true.
E. K. Now he is in his Cloud again.
A. After a while, they appeared again, as before.
E. K. They look very gravely on their books.
Uric:l ....... Bthaltl ~J £rtthrtH, G~J. it rudJ ta ott" hit /IItre;f,,1 ftart-I»u[ts ""J. gdn 'f ""-
dtrJt.llili1lg.fllltrJolI: But ht thltt livtth fa.,.lJi",!tlf. "IIJ. fer tbt tllJ. .f tbit jh"d,JP, limittth
A.~. K:n,; hit wi[J.",.,,;1h thitlllt/llhtr:' II11J.jh411bothhllVt"1I I1IJ Itt ,,1Iet: BUI ~ thttf tur1lttb ilimto
'£,t~"" did ~he wall, and wC!epeth bitterly,jh .. ll t1lltr i1lta Ihit Baolt: But ht mriji lIot bllild ' bit 0-;;" hour"~
}It,_ NJII 4. '-I, but 411 bourt far the L.rJ.; Ntttbtr m~( bt vilited by the challenge of pcoDlife, bilt bJ tlPr
,0 NOl.. mecr meTCY and good will of God, and at his pleafure and appointment: Ht Ih.t b.tll ullaer.
jlllHa;IIg I" hi1lf Imfr.
Bt~lJ., Thit hit pm, it Il /,11 of Slul; But thilt thltt I r4U ."ith"/, it .f GalJ., II7Id • pitre;lIg h.·
•.I.,.fI' '!- j/r!4mt1lt. If tbtrtfort }atir 'fIijir4tio1l foill/ bt 4fttr fa * marro.", ItHd thltt J'" eOVttta blli/it
() nu. or rt. ( btc.u[~ Jail lire mt1l) Tk1l ,iv~ .Jaur 1I1t"'1S u1lta tht J t r1l; But. if .J'U .ill Ttm~mbtr fb~ L,ra,
lo:l~cd cboice. 411J. IIJ.J.t IIH) Ihiilg 1I1fto his bl/ilJ.;lIg, fllithfully, Then vow your nlilles umo me, In the name
ofhim which created you. .Aft" Ibis tim~, Iht,,;s 1ID rhaict.
A g .le mercy, Thtr~f'rt, CDlljiJtr;, for, "ttltr btfort, ( but '"et ) .IIS this mJj/try, 11114 "'tr~} of GaJ. apt1ltJ
aD~ .,yllcry. II1IU ""111.
E. K. Now he hath drawn the Cloud to him.
~. I am ncit able ( 0 Lord) to ~ive thee condigne thaMs for thefe mercies: But thy
will be done: Not a~ we will, nor as we have ralhly and blindly ( before) chofen: But ihis
is our choice, to be thy fery.a nts all the dares of our life; and we delire not long life fo much,
.s the f.vaur which addeth thofe dayes, wherein our faith may be fruitful through thy gra-
ces abounding in us. 1 r,1laUIfC' mJ for"," choiet, I eb_/ltllgt Ha pra",i[t; But require thee, 0
God,oftby fatherly goodnelfe to be Qlylig/lc, director, ftalf, itrtngth, defence, and comfort,
Th~ former pow and eV.e r, A ",m.
~~:ICC "10IIII' . Urid .. ,.... .A1"'''Jts call unto me f.r the '1~ft;"'01lJ IIlItl ."it1lt11',.f thl lm,,;!t af G,d, "IIJ.
This Day. the remembrance of this day.
E.K. He
A true 'J{tl4tionof Dr. Dee his dE/ions "/Pith /piritJ> &c.
E. K. He hath writtC'Il after the .. numbers in his own Book,. 1n.81'
Eft, Eft·
A. Ad laudem, gloriam, &:: honorem Dei, Eno, Efio. Amtlf.
Uric!.,.••••• No~ tlt#l ~i1h J\.odolph. and be noe flack: f.r until tholl have talked'1I'ith .. tdOi
him, I apltar If0 mort. It ~hl.
-r:"y ha.!l:e, Iliall prevent the flander of .",iek,/Il tOlfgUtS,
"lall/jt thu.
1I'h;m SIIt#1f hdb #!rttza,J jlirruI II!

A. I underll:and of none.
Urid. ..•..• It H btft tho71 ulfdtrf/-alftl it IfOt at #l!.
E. K. He putteth a Cloud over all the Stone, like a white wrinkled
Curtain : and Co difappeareth.
b.. But though YOIl appear not, yet of Maaimi I may require anCwer, to know when my
wife and children al'e co be Cent for, &c.
E. K. There is no anCwer given.
•. F}3t voll1ntas Dei, juxta iUius bcneplacitum : cui omnis laus gloria &:: gratiarlIIn Atl:io,
mUll: &:: m omne :num. Ali/til.

b.. r rer.eived letters from my wife. that the and her children are well. God have the
praiCe and thanks therefore. Amm.

friday, AllguJ1i, 2+ . .1 Mtridu. Pragz.

Being willed to deal with Rodo!phlll, lirn by leecer, and then by Cpc.eeh : I thollght good
to fend the Lener before written, for the Emperollr; by the Noble Dm f11jlhtlmo d, St.
C[tlllmt" the King of Spain his Pr~ftalll Ntgoti orum wieh this Empcrour: and thereupon by
EmtricIII SUlftt"g, the Lord Las1< his Secl'ee:ujr, 1'lVroce chis to the aforeCaid Don Clemmt'J
and {mt it this lJllrtbo!omtll' Day.

ll. eft hODlinum in terri, conditio (Nobi\ir.~i me vir) ut libi foil nu11us natus eire l'ideatl1r:
E Immo neque libi ullus omnia Cponce nafcentia, vel ultro ab aliis oblata, qll:e Jibi maxime
limt necelfaria, recipiat. Mutuz iDde h0!1linum eme.r[e~mt focieeac~s, m.u~uz amicieiz;
mutuz operz, Mutua dona, Rerilm commmatlo, & el1\p[l('OIS, rerumque vendltlonis COllera-
aus: Aliique diver6 hominnm cxifiunt flatu s, unde hOlllinnm ineer homines, & cum homi.;.
hibus muleiplicia procurancur officia, commerciaque. N equc omnium illorum, fola ell: ntilitu
yei (quz peribit) v.oluptas, Ccopus iI1~, ~e.1 finis? quem attingere. conal\tur & Il:udent: Sed
aliud aliqulbus dl: pl'Opofitum, .quod Dlvm,usqutdem ell, quod Vlrtl1ecm vel Honellatem 'n o-
minare polfumus; ql1Z czlitu5 demiifa, hominulll informet mentcs .8, orner, fibiquc coaptee :
j\deo Ut fedibus iIIas reddac c!:lellibus dignas. lIIud, illud, ergo el( IIIufiriCsime vir qllod
txcellentiam vellram tam mihi pridie reddid ic atren~alll, bcnignam &:: perhumanam; lIhid ell:
quod vefiram refricabit memoria!l1, & ve£l:runi infignicer aciler ingenium, in Caufa mea, fllz
Czfarez Ma;efli cam proponenda, quam commelHlanda: eoque traCl:anda modo, quo ill.
tl'aCl:ari Arcana debeant, qu::e a paucis crdantur, & a paucioribus intelligailtur: verillima
lieet/int, & ex fefe ucililTima. Q!!.o citius C ;efarc<t ~ua ~1ajell:as, mirabileni hanc & maxi_
mam Dei, non Providenciam Colum,Ced bonicacem etlalll amplexus fuerit,eo cicius 2£ abundan_
tius me;e au ilium legationis conll'abit lincericas, bonitas .& uciliras. Voluilfem equldeni
hun~ inclufunllibell,!llI, licerifqui inc1ufas ve/l:rot eicelleruiz, ipCemet acculHfe. Sed (Clnti
venia lit ditl:um ) ex digiti ped('s.mei o/f~lCa cuticula, 110n ram commode pulfum hodie pedes
venire. Prcinde amico meo hoc onus impoCui 1 llt ( cum ve£l:rz Excellennz manuumdeofcu_
latione) omnia mea vobis o/feric fcrvitia : hocqul, quicquid efi, pro Clla Czfarea Ma jefiaceJ
traderee munu(culi.
Prllg~ 24' Allguft; 1584'
fit SlIptr{criptiolt of this Lttttr was thill, Joannes Dee;

IIIufiriAlmo Domino, DominoDoft Oulielmo de Sanao

Clem,ente ferenilliml atque Catholici Hirp3uiarum Re-
gis Negotiorum aplld Cacram CzCaream MajeliacenJ, Cre.
Pr otfeCl:o,Domino Ineo ObfervandilTimo.

A tJ"ue'1\elatioR o{Dr.lJee his Af/ions ~;th fpir;ts~ &c.
Monday, Augti(ii 2.7. Malltcirctt,. t Prag:e.
Prtrl~1H finitis, I p,ropounded to God, of MUi",i four things.
Fir.ft, what \US the caure of the errour recorded, Ftbr. 18. this AlIlI. 'IS84' at 'L"si;.. of
Sir Htnry Sitillt.J his.death ? .
Secondly, In what fenre i~ this to be un.lerl1:00d, which M"d;,.; ,willed me to fay to &Jo/-
phUl, AM Anga of tbt Lord blttb apptlZrttl Ullt, Irrt ( ,
Thirdly, lvI" ai ",; raid as concerning the tim e of my wif.: and children aDd houlbold to be
moved hither, L,t thllt be Iff,
,hargt to 1fII('lPtr thu l ,
FOllrthly, M, di",i willed me to write co Rodu/phUl: And ( hue done, and caured ieto be
d d ivered roDm Wi/ht /""o dr S"nllo C!tmtlltt, the Spafiilh Embalfadollr, to deliver it to the
Emperpur. God profpe!" it. AllwI.
E. K. Here {he is.
~. The eternal roots of verity bring forth fruit~ to the comfort of rucb as delight in the
pure veri~y for the ('crvice of God, ere. ,And ron Mlldi",i, as a Minifterof the Hi,hel1: in ve-

~,:wr. ji.t
Noce ,hi,
f I.rity, arc limo me welcome.
Mad , : .•.. • Evrn as milliS fillgtrs [ or a thing, ] toucbillg, ",oving, fr_ forcillg ." inftr.1fItllt
"",fi clIl, is tlu Cltu[t, without the which it CIt""Ot [01111.-1, or drink up the air; ",bich Itg.ilt [uk.,..
ph' , re of il/g ;rr~t, ttnd (nling a l1:ay, is th. [objd/u", ] CIIU[~ of COllcora.r dilT",lIltc], '"cordiltg to the in-
fouod . ward [piri t It"tl i"'"gintttioll of th. thin; tb~t n1ovtth, or.f th, fil/gtr moving; So tb~ rllrthl.] part
of m~n, whi,'h httth, 110, flfotioll of it frlf, (rttdiclIlI, ) movtt' b.J toucb Dr filt!.r ( wbll.t fotiw) [piri-
tUill, and [mdttli out foullds i not Iluord,"g to' btr ftff, but lI~clTdi"g to tht fi.r.J ,.J.1l i"lIijiblr, Itlttl
[p'iritllai p,w'" wbtrewitbal it;' ",ov.d.
~h r.. moYen Ht rtbJ 'lilt Ittl'lI, tb/lt ",allsbU.], Itlfd b;, .rgillticttl "'fti~lts, hllrbtbru mllltlftr of ,.,overs J cen-
.n ~.n con tralitel·, b.J thr propert) ud prrftlli'" of tbt S ,u/, a fUllcnore. a"d b) dlfetnji,,,, fro", tht .In-
cUrring. f.t ls or parti, i!ltlfts of una.rfta"ding: E contrafio, """" afccnding, [pirits "'ick.,.d, lI"d '.mplt,s,
o sll<~J_ , i_ lilt .",vilfg_ _ ,
Ii" " b••• di . I ,· B 'It bd'~J'u "'lIft not" 'rb,lt.s tht Stilt dtpriv,tb tb, MIDII ill rtfptll .f her end. "bicb is"
"',. fM.U"M. give light, but npt of hrr [,If; So do tbt kgels ,,"a bigbtr pOfurs dro,,11 "Ita , v trj/nldow th,
(wpr. b ,,,~<n. [Old ill m41l wbtll tbt.J ttT( prtflltt : work.,i;,gfrom G•• Itltd ill tbemfe/vts, ( IU fro", IIbO'ilt ) ,,"d ltot
~~;. tho m,flo b.J tbt [o~l n lI"y ,,,t, Dr /irtf c""f. of tb, fIIotii".
nrrl)/ thcO i. . B'lt Wbtll r.?t Droil tIItrab, a;rd IIfwdtth, bt worltttb Itot h, force, h~t 'h.J 'llticti/ttltf, IIlId!o
b"li.. 1 wo·k allurcch eh,e fOIlI, co grant of his polfeffion:' wbtrtb.] be ",tuth Illla btcomtth ftrollg.
jn~ in, or by Tho[. that bllvt tIIrs let thlm htttr; for fIIJ "'oras ttu "'l[do"" ttnd th, g'Ollltds of "'ltlt]
moo. f c;mcts.
M •• Jrs HM/MIII'" C"I1" , Oot, Thtlt, b] Il jimilitlldt, is tb, "'''ltl 'JIPIIX: Mirlls ~Dd, "'IIX:."d
III.q._Ct,• . tbt IIatur,,1 motions of[.s, IItltu,ttll.! txttlldd·, "'If X IIlfo: B*t
SOP"i", ollr purpo[. is of filII" ; ",hicb at one illftllllt rtctivtth t.rtt i",pr,f-
Imprtffi. { H.",•••, fiolls : ' MifJivt, N atur"l, "lid Offtllfivt.
,,,,,,,Oi' ,r.".IIIi._
Puy 'l, ion Temruden.

t' Wb,rtb.J .JOII mil] "",ivt, 7hltt 1It1t" grttttl.J IIwltt" to prll]
,..jiJt. "[.lIillff ttmptlltio,,: For 'the lall Scal~ is fign of him that owcth
the wax, H IlPl) "rt tbo[t, that (till ",at,h IIlId Jir".J: for r.~b tht]
1:::., Per 9"(1 b.... pteur Ptr 'I&- "r, tbllt grllllt IIot
~c", pu_j,,,,: q.; ,'x;, A{<..J..""i!J<.
"".1' roo", or i"ttrrft) to tbt wicked afccn-
I." '" I.#",.li jt...,Jtm;tr ./- der.
~<ftU.JIi tt.'.'. I a"["'tr J'U: If.Jou be blit as a firing, C6allmgt bitt .Jour 0"'''
JutJ: But fait' btttl,.J6t1 bt in tu"t.
E. K. She fpeaketh, but I cannot exprdre it.
~. I pray you let nothing of your words, th:at you utter to liS, 01' before 115, be WlCccor-
Mad ....... Tou tlr, lIot ""rtb.J t~ .,,~jt~ it : for it it t't harmony ,f tht h,avtlls.
Stlt.J It .",/,ik; for I .",ould O~t" th.t Ullto you, "'hicb I ptrctivt I ma) lIot :' hut I Co"'t a!,ttill.
[~. We read overche premifes, and weighed them as inftruC\ions of the three diven
movers of mans fenfel intemaUy, &r. And fo after a'quarter of au hour
E. K. Here the is again. .
Mad . ...... For bt thltt purifittb h;, hou[t, Itlld ftrll.""th r"J1m. "lid btlluti/i.tb tbt chltfllbm
"'ith Garl/tlfds, ;, ",ortb} to rtetwt ( btCllu[t of Ii;, IIpt'!'fft, ) [14ch as arc melfagers of under·
fianding and light_ My fri",ds Itlld brtthrell, ",,,rvtl/o,!s M tht Goa.f Wifdom til It II bisd,i""
I1,nd ",or~s, and f,.ll.f vltri' t) Itrt tbt )II,rk,.. of h;, hllltds.
E. K. Now 1he fpeaketh again; I underHand it not.
n. Anr...! ..... B.:t to tb, AIt[",tr: Tht md of III} purpo[" Satan, ptrct;villg .Jou [!.K.] liS w,ll to 6,
10 ,b. 6rll movtd bJ hi", b,cll/J[' of Jour own ,rllnt ,liS I') Iht motj~1I ",IxTtwilbal lOU 1ftrt f//oCltd .IId i/lu-
milt,,'t. :
'J t'l'1I~ Rel4'tion of Dr De-e his Aflicns ~jth fpirits,&c
",inattli. : If tid cmlg tEr flllhrr of [urtltr,'-"lta II fro'ffl.lfrJ ItltJ,rrjlll1fail1g pur· t.. 9... n .bo'"t this
l' [r4, rvm in thi s onr [mtmcf ;J t 4, Jl'ith this 9iIC:'Iye, to .verturn, or lit rime .. as VC r. baG. "i. h
leillf to H~lI1i(h rig worchinelfe of our mf§a~e, :lIl1a 'o/J'o"r rfc~iv;,/g : ~e­ E. K. and d«:" "d h'.
CIIII[' he [4J1', the courre of nature, alld tht doillgt of II1l1n, Ind that this man nlme to b: SAlln ac
Mr. Simon I;lagek,yo\'ng lia{,r",-, Jl'ould /irlt vijit' thee, [t. ] Ihmfore he LMto.
thrllil in 4 ./hingle of bif own clllling lind n4/UTe: Not t# 'tbe into;t it ./h,ul'd
h creJjtfd,.bll~ to flu intmt it ./houlJ. be it ftumblil1g block,. to tbe at/i'l1 hi tIme An intc:nJe~ ly" by,s ••
to cDmr,~hichH now. un,
c..M] brttbrtn, be if 4 lI1arv,llOllf !porI<,· mlZl1 : llI1d ol1e tblft jlrik,.eth I1.JI' the mo:'I:. {lril1gs,i'; II mlt1l·
nrr, all. ,Bllt J,f hlfth"H rrT!'lZra : Thrr,fou do I am] it to be [p,k,.m bJ me, or of me.
A. ~o by God hi s Grace, J diQ c(>!1ct:ive, and lIndo~btedly thirik, lind Qf "'41t,] other thillgf,
brJidrt Ih4t, I have oecation of reforming the Records: that the heaveQs may agree, as, the Rcform,,;_
phrar~ \Vas ured. ' . . on nf Ibe 1\...
Mild • .,." Many there are not: BlIt fuch as are, gather them together, let me lift theni. cords.
A .. I thank God for that his mercy.
A; Now I bereech you to the fecond my prefem requell before propounded, it may'pkafe
you ro give anr"er.
Mad ...... ' Whm t~e King (md,tb II Prt[ent to a NoH, mlln, ,r Utfto /tit,] one tb4t h~ f"l/oltuth, 10lho
be lroetb, or delightelh ilt : The MrJ{llger c4;rr;eth it, drliveTtlb it within his hOlift. f.c ~nd in a ra·
E. K. She [eelBeth to finile. rable•
•,.•.• He to whom it is [tilt mi,]eth it, hi ,,{etb it.; J,a , ptrllJvelttuYe (beml " jllil1tl tljfo)
,lIttth of it.

AftrrwlTd the Ki1lg [eltdtth to hi", b) ·the [4me mt§"f!.tr, [ll/lltttbl!is hOlljhold, ll1fd C,,,,,,,lfl1d,tr.
him to [4) : ThlK [aJdh the King; G. fueh " 1111111 IInti [alut, hi'" : Tell him .hllt I ",ill tlifit hi""
.lInd rhat I [aJ [0 ., '
Brho fd, hr jirtttb ft ill, 4nJ ,;tlh not, ntilbrT doth he the Command",,,.t of hif Super/.ur. for t.,
"1J ethhr : The King commanded me not; his mcjra~er came, and would fo. But iPbethtr the
King 7IIi/l [0, ,r 110, l ltPl,. not.
B!lt hrltreft tbou: ThOll wicked man, haJI tb,r; not tatf" of hit "'fAt, al1a eltjoYla tbe benefit of A Myflery.
his "rrfinr before' Yrs, ' A threefold beneli.t , which /hall continlle ~mi11 the feventh Angel""i/,S 9.f';,6-
and until! the (hiI'd woe. " .. <A?irll Ap;'
Man brgmetb a SOIt, IIPIIJ 10, hit Jl'if t is wirh Chi!de, I1l1d ,(hr l.ol<,rth for the t ime of hrr ;/t!ive- '.Im ...·
rallCe; If the queffion be movfd Ultto him, (bis wife 1I0r yet delilltred,) whtthtr be blltlt i§/tt, ot
fruit of his b.dy, faJ thoH 1Into me, 7IIhilt jhll" be all[JI'tT.
A. ,As i~ Jhait pleaCe God.
Mad ...... That is 110 IIn[wrr.
A. Then he may fay, He i~ in hope to haTe the ilfue his wife goeth great withall, may thie
feeD! all anfwer, I /;lefcicch you'?
Mad ...... Thcug6 the Childt be not)tt born, he 'bath ;ff-If V,liverIlPlcr, ii, bJ na[olf of the iffue,
.Alta 110t <4/1fd iJTue of the dflivtrlll1U : for he is II [~n IH wtll "nb,r.', IH bOTn. t:::.
So if it ~fJO~: Thou h,all praJ:'ed unto ,~od, ~Jld he hath hcotrd thee, . . IIn~oMJ!df!ter
And 10, tbf Iff'UC, riteb 1)( gIveth I/;te II Wllclum. Bllt Ie) rhe Mother of it IS 1m Jr, dllJ· ... ;(Jom.
'lJeTrJ. Wlfdom.
For, If womlln k,,11,'" btr ti",rs 4ltd [u[ol1uf af!ivtranCf : Mr:ch more doth hf, DE. V j MAlt
lI'hich "'ht Morh~r of all t1li n'gs. Bllr thou "'''}f}f rtj~" a th"t tbrr" ~ II time 'f ,.""" om.;"',;/,.
Je(i1J' T'''U, anJ tbdtbJ gift is compared to a wonwi with childe. , & I'mr.
7.r, IH Ihe! ol1e ",11"1, fla" Ie 'C ;jil,If : fo " '1I;,rdom
gramc:d, and /hall appear: B,..tlil1Hi]ir D,,,,
,]ea, II "vtl,], an d molt per fietl: Creature. n.Jltr, qui ,.{,/flt
, B,hr,ld, the AI/gels .Jthe L rrd bJve been Cent down from God, u"to him "mi,,,,I' ••pm...
rE.K.] hrre iI jight, which" ' f tbu hou{hoU in (;;oJ,: He halb bTo~'t Ullt, thu, E,K, No< un.r oi
poat 'JI'hirh ht (alleth ",t bi",relf : AlIi Jet
the Altgtl of thf Lord hlltb 4ppfllud umo me.
""U dmlbre}f, [4Jil1t, HoJl' ./hllll) foifJ h~"~ Ite {mh, or
' . ae •
Umo thee, [t.. J we have appeared: fOJ' lirito thee, [A.J we Ifr, . HOle. 1::-., HOW the
(ent. A.II':' blC4/1[e hi, eye hath feen ilurefo Tr Jl'e hllvt J' OJnrJ h'im. of Ihe ,Lo?d , ha~t a,ppearc d ,d
"If to t hre, t bat "111 t be t,,,u
ilT'\l1rJ[, , m,{.btejt
tbolt , ("lee.
• ,.
" , )
Illn ( ..I.-nO then ' f. 'I h.
to. It is to be m~de Altd btfor, rb, tIDle of thy v," ph r~ f" is vcd6"d of the A ,.~cI.
perfetl: before the time jitatill1 thpu m tl /l be made pa- app<::t!ng 19 J {rph, i"f.",nilj
of his "ifitation. fea, 1J:ar MAllb4i, C'?" . ' , .
, ,ind btCIZUft it H of thie 411a Hot · .f him: Therefore rI.tb 110t GoJ iatpl1te unto wrn his offen.
t es , Int plllcer6' in JOU the figure of time to come:
Supra 1i,~., 15. 158f. For [o",~ thrre be th6t n4tm'lIll] ./h4l! ar4." ilft~'Io'll1'fth' lA,Ji
JUJltr1. Atil other[,me thtrt be,tblZl mUff b!fve tbeir timn aud Cca[Oll5.
FOT tbJ bQ/!(hold 4ffltin, 1 raJ I1dthil1g'yet, ntithtr lor th} Lrtter [tilt, or Mr§m- Ari[we" ro' Ihe
ItT. ~lIm Deul agit in fuis, lkut''Vult. thi rd and fourlli
I h~vMlotbil1'g d[uil {It] I1lIt, t.u ,.iut bkJ/'ttJ b, slNr, Iblft b,Ii,., i" tin Ltr.lJ, dcnunils, .
fIr tbt} ba'll' tbeir TOnrJ. E. K. She
Mond,y, ';p.

Saturday, Stpttmbril I • .Alltt Mtrit/itm eire/( 10. t Ptagz.

As I, and E. K. fat in my litc\e Study: after our talk of divers I1latters, and of my elt-
peainp, audience at the Empel'our his hand,..c. E.K. faw three little Creamers walk up arid
down in the SUII·,/hine, abol1t an handful! from the pavyment: and the Creanlles themfelves
veryfmall, not an hundfdllong, like little lPad~"s, or fmokes,. and the path wherdn they
walked ftemed Yellow. They walked a good whIle to and fro; tIll at l~gth I fnfpctted tbllt
thty 7I'rr. {t"t t~ UI; and fo:prepar~d the thew-flone : But E.1(. raid, he'll,ad rather fee them
thus out of. the /lone. ) raid that IJl the ~OIle we hav~ warrant tha~'.no wIcked thing Ulall.en-
ter: bue without the flone, J1luders mlg~t deal with us, unlelfc God preyented it, &~.
E. K. rlUd again, he had rath~r deal thus,
Oneof ,he}.
rpiriru,~ ere.-
• ..... Hu "ttI''''ltg u IIbovt fight. t'"
E. K. Now two of themd feem to kneel down in the Sun beams ..
ture. r.,d.
He In the mid. •..... BltJ{td bt God tb. F lithEr, Go tbt SOli, and God tht IHl] Gbo/f, tht moft btl] nJ bltJftl
die oftbe '[rillity : Oil', trll', ';'i[,hty,p.rf.a .ver/"ftillg "lid iltcomprthtltftb/, God.
Tbre.!.... [t>. Amen, Amen, Amen.]
...... Which."ilI b, compr,htltdtd ."itb tbo[, tb"t [iv, ill th, Htlfv.lIs A. Rod. Ill, hmt i, ro
(th, tr:lIl Churcb of G04) of r~~b II! mt4lirt. hi", bJ faith! "lid 1I0~ rtllfoll: he [urned by God, bur J
."hicb h4tb Cent IlS to do his will; B,th '" th"t ie Will tllr" h.s heart: kno .. not- tho mooning .
.Alld ill 'b"t bt tioth v,lIch[4!e to m"lt"eyolI."i'"t.f[ts of hf# {ecrrt Pllr!o. . A.S.nIJu/i... " .1""",,,"
d"ermilllftrollS ill t.,,"d. . I;.~(! 5,;';1., SIIIl1i i. rtf-
7l, [I] ltIiddl,moft r"id - - I "", tbl1llidft of .tb, tbird, "'';, tilt 14ft [A] If 'it {pir'it of lift:
Vnd,rjl"J ill tt." t~mpor"~ cOIt'ro"ll~fit, "ltd c;ltftill ,f ",alll
S.,.I: bllt lI,t II(COrd'"l to 1m tt,rll,,1 a"d ;m",e.{urllbl, prop.r-
WL .
l'u"IJ..III Dei. 7lr[2]tll the rigbt fiJ, {lIiJ-I "", th~ [.wu.f tb, tbird, ."bict. J11I.ll ill the {firit. "lit/, '0'1/1.,.
of God '" tlfrtb: I have power to fcourge them that refifl the
powe·r , will, and commandment of God : and I am one of thofe
that fiand, and is peepetual.
Tri.iw do /I. For nle" ." tbe {lfthe .., [,", ."d blJl] fpi~it lire '~' , ~.t of th.mf1ves "lid ~ei>tg dilated, is filII
nil.' Di.,ju. ofp,,,,", ""t/.
mallJ. So art 1fe Oil' p"rt,clllarlJ '" fo.".r, bllt [ep"rllttd ; "o,."itb/l,,"dillg,{piri-
IlIlIll], of, IIIId II",ongft otb"s, allJ d,l"ud ill tb,."ill of God, 1111. ill" tilt brll",hes of hi. dtt"",j-
""tiolls: bllt p"rtiell/"'!] litlillg, "nd JOYlltl! praifing Cod.
E. K. Now [3] the other (the third) on the otherfide fiandeth up,
3 .....·7'lrt KilllJ,m of GoJ~ "ltd of his Jolt Chri~: ("hiek is trlle GoJ, ""J tb. f"~{fll,,c"f bi,
{"tbl" '1rlle Goel. of trill God) cOlltr.ry to tbt 1(l7tgd.m of this "'orld.

I.. The Conf~lIion and belief ()f the

E. K. What is tha t, God of God? Cathollck ChlJrch : not to be
ulked of now.
E. K. They are difappcared : but their pOlth appcareth in the aire, in
fun-beams fiill.
A. Half a quarter'of an hour they had dif-
E. K. They are here again. appeared•
,i/ii fiiii & ...... HIIPPJ 4r, tbof.t.", u.o[ bis Kiltgdo., for itb,ltll"••IUlIJ••,bnppy "rt tbort "u
••• ,.tiuil
the fOIlS of faith, url Ifot of the WOI-ld; ."lIid1 is ,,,lit. Rcafon. Whicb iJ blilld~, 11111. is {tlllr;,
A true Rtlation of Dr, Dee his AElions "/A1ith /pirit!, &c•
• ith the "'lfril,. of aefh-ulfio1l• . Rt,.uf,fo,t proftcuttd, IIl1a tilt to atilt. th~ SOli of GoJ, tbl Goa ,f
Ti,huoII[71fife, IIl1a lighl of lin tblft livt. , ' .
I.", 'Ihe IIf./I,o f Iht firFr,of the fourth,llIItI I hllw-powtr to t"thtr liP tht_bltf- p.. Hil ".me i. die
E jus officium ell tran~plan- jillgs .If G:0J•• ,,~ I. fel IlmllOf tho lan.J. I."erl ~f the
tatio Donortlm Del. be difdatned) !" • bttttr fOJI. I. IIOe of lb. fouttb
J f
3. For Ihlll [ItJet.L G. Oa' d:
. Tabl••
If he dream and ,nil n~t- h.e.r me Glllhtr liP thltt .ht I""h, ~lIa Ihlft .h,(h lI.od if. ""tlib. If.
,jhOll/d bt given him : that hIS life may be !hort. Iflla 1m hb"ft ",tlt,"t elmforl; Mil" .S, 11 8 +.
tblfl he mAy plffe IIwIlY, IIA~aly, 1/1 If.fblfa~'II'. . ~~ }
As lo,behold, JIIIe go, lI"a )JOt will awell tb"t ;Jt., tvt. ill the skjrts If v••
their Gllr"wftS 1Pill JIIIt tlfk.! up' ollr,'" . Ana1P'" ,
Behold, thillllrth God faid : III tht morilill! watch the"" 11111. fte '01P thty A.,tl; .6{""".,(,
rift. III tbt aa] ti!"e liVt tllr IIl1t'o .tht;;', IIl1d liJttn IIl1tO Ihri.r .coMfl/S. Stllna N.R,,, .pe;. 00 .c•• -
over them ill Ihe 'light; IInll nott theIr filthllltJ{t. And when It exceedeth the fi!;"
number, ftrike. Strike.
lP' .lIre thty thlft ",uft airel1 ].ollr prallift" Not••
...... Beholtl, Itt III ,iv, 7tjli",ony of ,ur ~mtS.
One of 111em
MJI,llmeis - G. - E. K. He in the middle. raytth.
My nllme is - - ZII 1. A. The three names make one namc of 7. Letters, Gllca1J4II.
MYllllme i , - V.ell{'
$, JIIIe .ere called' by pofition.
Tholl fb411 finae /II emongft the mercifu.1I Tables delivered unto Enoch: and fo unto you.
1. 1he miaaltm,jl 'rI em 'f tht third '111ble, itna II.' " txtrtam. A. Of the Phy-
s. \ 111m of tie thira, bllt of the ""mllnily, lind tht ftefna. tick part.
~.Note the third Table here meant, is that
J of tbe South; as. Eaft, Weft, Sou tit, and
"" , North) thcir placing is others.
t Ana I am t1;, f~urth, but .AngulAr, .eni. txtrum; Lintllr of the '1P"__
{ mojl. A. The three \all Leners in the uppermoft
l. line of thr fou reh Table.-
... ,.• Wt Itrt gone. K. E. They are out offight.
A voyce. Follow thlft 1Phich is co""m,naea tbu.
A. lEterno, Omnipotenei, Trino & unl
Ga -VIti mill [piritlll 'II;vorum. Dco; tit ODlllishonor.Lau5 & Glorja~
• Za -F leg.(llIt,r rejijftlltium pottjlllti,
. •{ volunlllti, pr.tcepto Dei.
Vaa- Trllllfplclltllt,r D.norum.

Monday, S,ptHlfbril 3. Mlfllt. t Pragz.

Nota. SlIthlln.e IIftlltum & 'IIi,lentJm, Strlllage",lI.
~. There was great difqnietnelfe in E, IC. being come home frolll our Hofts houfe,
he had Iyen al\ night upon a form: by reafon he 'had been (which he never was the like afore,
as he raid) with wine overcome fuddenly : yet intending with himfdf to' take heed of being
onrfhoi: inj drinking of ,wiDe: being requefted by the Hoiles to give her a quart of witle
upon the good barg~in he had in a Clock hebought ofh.:r for five Sl1ckats : .In this conipany
of drinking was Altxilllatr, the Lord Llllk..~t his fer vane, who came with \IS to Prage. Unto
whom E. K. (when the drink on the fudilen had overcOme him) faid he would cut off his
bead, and with his walking naffedid touch himfai,r, Ilnd fofely on the neck, fitting before
him : ThisAI~x"nJtr being ha.lf drunken himfc:lf, by'l!!: by took thofe words m great fnuffe)
and went to defend himfclf, and fo took his. weapon to him;and therel 'pon they by caufed
AltxlI"J~r ro go down: ]t was fupper time; and) that-night refrained to fll.ppe, and fo tarry-
ing at m1 Lodgm&, and looking OUt, faw Alexllnaer lining 011 the great ftone againfi our
Lodgine: I , called to him, and told.him that they ~cre at fupper : And he came over to me,
and he had wept much; he complamed of E.lC. hl~ former words, arid the touch ('Of the ftaffe,.
how it was againn his credit to take that in good part, and fpake m~ny Souidiers terms of
flout words, not worthy the recording. I, thereutlori went [0 ollr Holls houk""and would un-
derftaad the very truth; and there I found E. 1£. fall on !leep on a form, molt fcundly : for
which I was right forry : And yet bcitter pleafed to perceive the words' of E. K. which fo
illoved Altxltndtr (bting half drunken) to have been fpoken by E. K. when l'ine, and not
wit, bare rule: and fo pleaded lo~g ,time with .A.ltxll/lder, rhllt of 1Poras [po/t..m f~ IS thej 1II~1e,
110 [ucb tXlfa. account wa:~ to b,e giV~ll to him, &c. Arid after two hours pcrfwafion caufd
4Itx""a~r to go to bed 100ut LodgmSI where he ufed to ..!1e, For he would hav~ !lone out.
[g gj to
J 'tr..7{e/alionflj [)r. Dee hil 118;rnu 'Ii;''' IJiir;"J &.<:.
This Monday mOCllIIIg E. K. commg bome, and feCJng .lltJo,l/a,,., as be came
.they tell f fuonld have fJ'oken 1t'ords, whicb gready offended thee yt:fiemighi, and tl}at I
I. ;
to' ~ur former 'I nne; !" tbor'n .gill/: b.Jf dntnkcn p.~gs,be ",.s ill : whicb I tqoug~c not g~..
.lIe r... d~

touched thee with my ftatf, &t:. , I knd" notlling of it, and 1hoke hauds friendly with Al~x,­
"tI,der. Well faith ,Alt;oll/iatr; Si fuiJTtt IIlirtJ, &c. E. K. came up to me: I tbld him how
forry I was for this mifchllnce, and told hiniofthe Watchmen perceiving A/t~tlI/Jtr his dif•
.\juict mind. lind hearing hiS words; tflet clme tei me and 'charged me to have a care of tbe
peace ke~lling ( as .thcy ,d id.i ndced) Aild farther-faid, thac A/ex'tI"tI" in his, rage, faid, thac
Taeher,ot before, he Ihould cut off his bead, that he would cut E. lC. in pie,ces. :30 foon as
I had' exprl;lfed that "ord of t!lTS drunken Altu"dtr like~ife, Cwhom now I faw quier, and
E. K. alroquiet) fuddenly E; ·K. fell into.fuc~ a rage, that he would be l"even~ed of him for
f() Cayfng, arid for railing on hini in the firiet, as he did, &c • .
.Much ado I, EIII~ricRI, and hi, brother, had to fiol' or hold him from going to A/~xIIHatr
With his weapon, a-c. At length we 1« him ~ei hi his dubblet aud hofe, without a c:ap or hat
on his_h~ad: and into tlae Itreet he bafied WIth his brOthers Rapier drawn, and challenged.
AltxAnJtr to fight: But t41~"'lIl1d~r ..entfrom him, and f:tid. Ng/o Dgm;l/t Keilcie', NO/D.
• ., , Hereupon E. K. took up a fione, and tli.fc~ after him, as after a dog, and fo came into the
!!~~n lil~.~:: h('ufe again, in a ~Iofi furions rage fOr that he. might ~ot tight with Alrxal/drr. The rage ahd
_n' ~·.mp. f~ry w,as fQ gr~t m Weirds :aud ge~ul'es, as might prove, that rb, 1Pic!t..tJ tIItm] [,II,hr
tltion. tither E. K. filS 011111 dtftroymg of blm{tf!, ,r of m~, or hiS brother, ~;
, . This )lIay Cuffice to notifie. the mighty temptation and vehement workirig <if the Cubtile Cpi:-
Note.,h•• auf. ntual .encmy, Sat:m, whe.cewlth God Cuffered E, K. [~ he um,red, IIlid IZ[»Iojt o";~rcomt: to my
dt:;bll rc~or- great gri~f, diCcorilfoi1:, ahd '!loft great, ~ifcredit: ifit /hollid ( as the truth was ) have come
g. . totbe EDlperonrs unde,~andmg, exq~pt b~ h~d ~nown me welt, &c • . I was iii great doubt,
how G9d "oold takethlso/fencej and devlCed With my felf how. r might, with honelty, be
(lI:ar~d from the /hanie anddinger-chat m~ght arife if tbefe two /hoqld figh~, &c. At the
leallit would trolfe all g.ood hope here "Itb the Emperour, &r. foc a time, till God redref-
~~ .
Comfor~ in ' After I had brought E. k. to. Conic quietnelfe, Cby yeilding niuch to his humonr, &-c. and
time of need. faying little ,: ) noc long after"came my melfager froln my wife at CrltCDV;4 : and HII~b my
fcrvant "ith Ilim, t? ",y grill.' t01llfoitftbrough her le,tters , and tile full fadsfring of me by
HII!,h my fervant hiS kno.\'llerlge farther than cOllveniently ceiuld be writte... '
More C~mrort About 2 of tb. clock .ftn Noon; cams tbis letter to me, of tb, EIIip,ro"r his {tlldi",
In time .r _d for n".
Nobi\is,Przclaritlimeque Domine, -Domine oJ;,Cervanditlime.

"£[ltT, j4", jll",ftgllifiClltlit D_illo Ltgttto HifJilllliflT1l"" Htro lIIeo, "t DOlllill-tt;'''t11l V/~.
C jfrllm .lfd [uvDcllret,ttd borllmftcullallm ; 1"11 ~tlm 4"dirt c"p,rrt: D.m;nlltio vtf/-rll ii /ttl
Ji{Jllm bortl", tltl/ire poter't : /tCCltltt fillti", D,mi••" Ol1lfvium Spil/o/ltm, q,.i .fi M"j.lftlti
(lilt Ctt{/tru 4 Stll/tulil &- Cllbicu/iI. Is In;". til"" lid M"jtjfilttm [1111". jl/tTOtluc~t. ~oJ
rlliguum tft, mt D. tltfir.e qUllm officioiilme trillm IItqut tti,,'" rommtl/ao,

Dominl/t;,,,;, vtftr.e StHdioii/liml/s

Arnoldu5 Vander Boxe.

No,..h. Otipnal IClier i, felt i. Heteupon, I went firaight up to the CallIe: and in the
m,hi. I!ook. R.ittl~r~Sto\'e or Guard-Chamber I flayed a little; in the
oll."iJu "io,l. Chlm1iicrlain and r: If E ' r: h f h I k d in .b. abrente of ,he mean Ipace ~t m~r'C/ls ~o lee ~ at was.o t ~ C oc : a8
Officer who" feDl m.o ~1.i.. the ChambcrlaJl1, CO{JIlIJI/K Splllol4) fpu:d him out of.the
, Elllperol1CS Chambu window, and called him, who came up
t() me, and by that tiine was tlte Chamberla~n rom!= out to me ;, and by EmtriclII he, under-
• H". rnti" flood that I was the man the Emp'erour waIted for. He came to me very
txIll116m,,;- told me ofthe Emperours delire to'fee me,and to fpeak with me. So he returned to the
cu\"teoully :

.'it. Emperotlr into the privy Chamber,. and came out agaill.for me, and 1ed me by the skirt of
the Gown through the Dining-Chamer, and the Privy Chamber, where the EnipC:I'our fat at
a Table, with a great Chell and StandiTh of Silver, before him, my Monas and. Letters by him,
&c. I came toward him with duc reverence of three curfies, who /hewed me a gracious and
chearful countenance.
Tben I craved pardon at his Maj.ellies hilild,. for my bold~clfe t~· f'!1d his Majefir a Let~cr
and the Montls Hur.glyphicil (dedicated to hIS father.) But I did It of .tincere and entrre
good will I bare to his fatber MltXI",iljlln, andalfo uDta his Majefly: anti that the ratber,
bccaufc I had good proof of thi: favour "hi(.h Almighty God b~reth IlntQ his Ma jelly. ~e
then thanked me for his fathers Book, and did affirm~ th:at he behend me, that I was atfeB:l-
onate llneg his Highndfe: And of my ellctuation with the learned of the world, be bad
~A tf-lle :RellllionofDr:. De-e his Afiion.r ~th {pirits.,&,c ljl
heard by th~ Spanilh Embalfadour; an~ alfo of my zealous D1i n d towards his grace. And
commended the B~9k Monll1, but faid"ha~ i~ wa~ too hard, for his Majcfties capci$y ~ and ad-
ded; that the Spanllh Embaifadour told. him, that 1 had Corhewhat to fay UntO him,. ~.J
1J'ti p'r~ [Ult uttlirlttt. I , anCwerc:d, So I hav,; and withal looking back whether annnan were
In the Chamber or no,1 found that we were alone: Hereupon 1 began to" declare that All my
life time I had fpel)[ in learning: byifor th is forty years continually, ill fundry mann~rs, and
in divers Coumries, with, great pain, care, and tQIl, I had from degree to d:r:reo,. Cought , to
come by the'belt knowledge tha~mal~might attain imto in theworld : And I fuund (at lellgh)
that neither any man living, nor any Book I could yet meet withal,. Wlj able to teadi me. chotc
truths I <kfil'ed, ami longed for: And therefore I conclnded w'Jtll my felf, to make Inter-
cernon and,prayer to the giver ofwifdom and all ~ood things, to
Cerid me fuch wifdo lll , asl
nlight know the nature,S of his creatures; and alCo, enjoy means to uCe them to his hpnoll.r
and glory~ And in thi~ purpoCe made divers aifaye!; and at length ic pleaCCd God tu fend
pre: bis [~J Light, Ivher~by I am a(fured ofhis.m:rciful hearing of ~r long; ferv~nt-, conftall~, i..LtrieJ.
IIlld contlllual prayer, III rh~ caufe before fpecdied: And that, HIS holy An5oU, for ~ht , e
two years ,a nd a half, have uCed co inform me: and hne fillilhect Cueh worki'ln my hanl~, Book,6nHhed;
to be leen, as no m,ms heart could h,a n wilhed for Co mu~h; yea they have 'brought mt It
St~'; ... of chat value, c~at no-earthly Kiogdom i~ of that worchinelfe a,s to be compared to the A,
'Vercue or dignity thereof, &-e. And that thefe things be true, I p.rocefled, and took to bro~~h, by.
witnelfe the Ood of Heaven and Earth, by whof~ Commltndm!Mr I am now before your' Majefty, good Angel;
(faid I) and have a mdr<t~e from him to Cay uncoyou; and chac is this:
The Angel of the Lor,d hath appeared to me, and ~ebuketh you for yonr fiUl • • If you w,ill My md~ae,cj
hear me, and bdieve me,' you fhaU Triumph: If YOII will 'not hear me, The Lord, roc: '
God ,he Eml'erour
that made Heaven a!'hl E.arch, ( under,whom YOll breach, and have your fpirit) putcech his~,Jollb done.
foot-egainft your breaft, and will chrow y011 headlong down from yOUl' Cca<. ,
Moreover, the Lord hach made chis Covenant· with me ( by .oath) that he will do and
perfbnn. If you will fOl fakt youi' wickednelfe, and turn lIntO him, your Se;lc {hall be the
greacell: that ever was ~ and the Devil Ihall become your priConer : Which Devil, 1 did
con jefrure, to b'e the Great Turk; ( faid I ) This my Commiffion, ill ffOm God: I feigne no-
_~hing, neither am J an Hypocrice, an Ambitiou~ ruan, or doting, or .drealDing in this Caure.
If I fpeak o~ht:rwire then I ha,ve juft callfe" I forrake my falvacion, Caid I.
The Emperaur faid. he did believe me, alTd raid, that hethought I loved him unfaignedJYf
end C~idj that llhould noc need fo earnell pro~eftacionll.: and would not wi(lingly have had
me to kneel, Co oflen as] did. ,
F a,rther i Caid, His Me jelty wa~ to tee ;tlld nnderfiand nakedly, froin the besinriirig, the All ,he (ttltr~
whole coune of tlii~ Angellcalleadihg, infirul%in" lind comfOl ring of me : for 10 J was calIf.. ofo~r, ARion.
manded, that J Ihould from the be~inning, nakedly open unto Roa9lph. the nillnner of God .n~ drfian,i,
his viii cation? and filew'nnto. him the holy Vifion: Which my charge I am ready to do: Th. :h.:el ,:0
Emperour raid, at al10cher tlme"he would hear and Itnderlland more. , 1 fpake yet iomtwbac Elilp.,OIIr.
,"ore in the purp6Ces before, to che ihcenc they might get fOOle root, or blltccr !lick in hil
minde. To be Ihorl, he thanked me, and faid he would henceforward, tttk..t mt to hJl ruom.
,,;tnaMlonallJ Ca,.f, and fome rnch words ( C!f favour ~ro~ired) he wed , wh!t:h . l hear~ not
'Well, h~ [pake fo low. In the end percelvl!1g chat hIS WIll was co end for chIS CIIlle, l.du:l my
duty widl cudie; and at the 900r going OUt, I mrncd bac.k, and made cltrne, and (0 lame
inco'the nexc C/:amber,where the Noble Ollavi1l4 Spinollt came' to me allain, ahd wirh curte- OEli'lii1l1 Spin,.
otIS wora~j offered me greac friend/hip; I took , my 'leave of him, and (0 came throu 5 h tile I••
Rittcl1I Stoveor Guard Chamber, and fo down, and home. I had a large hour audience of
"his Maji:lty. ,
Dtlll btl/I vtrtltt: lid {Iii nominM Luelt"', HOIf~rt",~ &- Glorilt",. Amen.

Wedenfday, Stptt",bris, 5. 1584' Mdt rircitrf bar"", 8; t Pragz.

Prtciblls linitis, &c. Rtpttivi ttr hltne St"Unti';m M:itft luct;" tun; (0 Dtlll) & vt,r itlf-
trill tllltJlt.qll" no! 'til/Cltt &- ptralic,!,~ It«- ""ntml ?ltnlTllIII Si,,, & T Itbtr".~ullt cl%ltJtil Hitrufall1';.
A. I ha~e to the bell: ofmyabthty,both'wrlCten and fpoken unto R.dolph, as 1 was willed:
holY it worketh or taketh :place in his heart, ,i s knoW!) to thee 0 God, &-r.. ..
Now 1 im co receive farther infti'!lmons. what is co be done in tb,is cauCe.. or eire what.
{oever /ball pleafe ,t he Highefi" &c~ ,
E . K . Now h e~e' ·IS V'f d hi 1. h' 1'1., S ./"lilt,
tie, an a ,ac"\. t , zng 1~ a arcen,t OJ Jl ><,! e- hi. tace now b A,~ore,'U'iti
f6r~ his.fa(.~, and OVer his head behind: by the l'efr of his garments ~h~ /e:ilwhl~&
ii: feemeilt to be Vriel. had ~ighlY <If.
000 ~:ike all chings white,anci make'u. whiter than Snow I Whit that black Starf
lmpprteth 1 bow oot; btu J CuCpefr. '
(g g 2) Uricl ••••
E 'K, H. d<in
Su"d.y b{\
ken IIU' t TII-
louRy.1i Doll,

Jefu ••

A.. Glprilicd beGod '(or liis moll loving kindnelJ'e

and infinite mercies towards us fraile, and linful
<:rearures: and we befeec:b tbet: to thew us thtligbr
of tby cOIlntenancc, to our ccmfart Illld diretl:ion.

A. As I was p,utting up all, 1Jritl appea~ed again, with his black Scarf, as he did before :
but paufed a wh\le Itefore he fpake any thlDg.
A. In thy name ( a Jtfu) we attcndthy words by thy melfagerto be uttered.
Uriel ...... Gi'" tlZr UIItO rIIJ voict.
E. K. Now he is become like a great wheele of fire, Jike a waggon
A wheel: He thruft out his hands on the fudden, and fo became like a
wheel fulf ofmens ey~s ~ it turneth round) it is full in all places of
thQ[e -eyes, l~ke living and feeing eyes.
V Now cometh fil'.e oUt'ofit in 4 places.
_. Now t-here is a g ~eat Eagle, which is come, and fi,andeth upon it : It
ttt~~t whIte is a white Eagle: The wheel tumetH frill , notwithfiaDding that (he
ftandeth on it.
E. K. She h~th in her beakt', like a fcrol of parchment. She hath
twO monfirous eyes: one like fire red; her right eye as big as my filt,
S and the left eye, is Chryfial-1ike. She fiand::tb hovering, with her
wings [pread, and her fiero or tai!~ [pread.
Under the wheel is a great valley, a~d in it a great City,and aHi1lo.n
I the Eafi-part of it. And all toward the Soudi are Hills.
The Ci ty is as as big as fix of Critciwi" : and many ruins _o f houfe~
in it there appear.
o There is one place in it cpvered) fq~are like a little Chappel: It
hath a little round pinacle in the end of it; and in ,the air;
hanging a-little fire bright.
N There be inany like unto fowles) like Ravens, and their heads iike
A fr'Ue RelAtion of D Dee liiI AfJitmr ",if'h (pii;ts, &c. 2. 53

unto bright 'fire: They fiie into a Conn try .a great way off from this
Now Viiel fiandeth beiide the wheel, and the wheel is as it w~s be-
fore: .and he as before with 't he S<.arf.
The Eagle cryeth and sktiketh as a Gull) 'Or the Sea fowles ·do.
Vriel [cenieth to de1cend from the air above,and to,come to the .fide
Qf the Shew-fione.
Un.ei ....... 'I1Jr Lord ha!h ehor~n )01/ to he Witneffes,tbrDl/ih hit nitre) Illla ffm{lIet, rI,t;1I tbe A. Iftd /! te.
'. lIlet of
Ab,/Uts, bqt iii fb, offices Illlil digll)tits of the Prophets:
I ' • ,~
"';'bieb ;, 1I1'114m
• J
blill/lified Pwherr.· ·· I ·hl"O-h
"ilb r~t "iJ/?s of thl Cherl/bi",s, ,"'.it/dht ~oiets thltl crJ II Iholl} 1tII~ tholl[alld lim~s ill ....71I0",mt bt- God h;•.;"'er~r
fort tht L?rJ., ,,,d btrorr t.~e MIIJe#)ofhl# eterui Stlt!: "/ltrtllf)bll do ex.ceeCi the
of the rarLh: ~hfrej" you lire ~rcomt [tp"rated. from Iht ",rld, ."J, "'htrtby 1'U IIrt liflttJ HI'; as • Whkh hIVe
Temples ond,("If ,,"nte.

.f Ihe' b.'U(I,o(J, of tb~ Bl§td.~ Mlell bJ tht vlry han4 and finger of tht R ;(h~. ~O, ru·h p~~•
.0.. BlelTcd. blelfed, ble1fed, is [he L~rd td whom Cherubiql aiid Seraphim inceffahtl1 ling, ce:,.~e long. ,-
Slllltll#, -'illite/1M, S"",[)/II, Dom'''1M 1'eIM :l.t.bI1Hh. · Amen. .
Uri!:! ......,' Bur' (hat ic may appear,.rh"t he it it, that rtvtaleth; 'II'~ich g.l1thtr~th tht CrDIIJ~ to- DtIIlt/l qwa.t
~ether, III1.d IS thf bruth of'lll! tblllgs Ihl1t Ilflt: BtCllu[t. !..f"J If "'11) Ilpptl1r t~al the Lord VlU[· ,.t1l".,.
·cth, " .or pOlPer, 1l",J. th"t thr jmcgi".tiolls of ",an, f/~ befDre thmlftlvn, "s 11Je d"it 0ftht
,arth doth htfort hi]ll to.t ",ovtlh It: I "PtII ,mt ~ JOII It Stllit )tt.["r:et IIIId not II."OW/I. ASeal opened.
(A. Zilch. 13. ~- Et erit dies una, q~% IIot4 en Domino, &c.] Zuh"y '3'
Bthold,lIow comtth thlll d4" that ~ khQwn unto the Lord him[tlf, 'II'herrjll the Killgdoms of th~ cap. B.
rwrth jl1IIJI begill to ('all: ' tbat tht) "'11) ptrceive bD'II'tht} hllve tllll Ill/rllJ I Illld hD'II' 'II'''a.\ tht) art
;/1 ibt triumph 'of totir pomp.-.
Anti. HOW out ·o( Hiernfaltm, ollt of[h-e ChUrch of aoJ, Illl~ ~f hM SO" Chrifl, jhal! ,a1ft 01lt a"t! Zac.b. esp. 1~
fio. tht 'II'~Itr of [i(t: 7'~ ., Ihf f.f'"~s of tb, A'~f(S IIlId Sf't't of tht Lord, ",ay be vtrified"p" i!•
• 11 thtfllCt of tbt.urth~[po'<.flI bJ his .,moimed Zachary.
N?w}"or n:. If' t h'"It
r ,
Now,. No~ Jhall rhfr~ WOtS, that ~v'.
.r. IVfS, 71'h'Ieh lire 't hI d aylS '),( vmgtallt"e.
opm. t hem}t
b t; ~
IPO'\.tll.0 f ~""'t:}tc.I'
ea., burft Ollt J to the cOlifuji,",f
. . .
• 1I,.J,0
"tln"", r,
tfH jem
'cb ••iJll
"';'ielt.,td, . a"d the e/labhthrnent of hll /Clt/gd,m, 'RIbreh IS 1I11". t/lttJ.
ll'h,lrI;1 tellc.; rlitt.
Thore that i~h4b;t tht "01,
Cit), a"d 1furp tht allth~ritJ of the Hightfl, IIr, cililtll ill ttl/fem- A ~ropheGe ••
brllllee befou th~ Lord, and [hey /hall be fcac[e.;ed mol IIlIto tbe might] blZil, that thtfpirits of tbe Jamn
Nort. hllve catbtrd a(iiilji tht all, of rtv' "!,t. Clergy.
tbt).ar.t btCII71ff rro."d, ar:rd tlrill/(. no Ood. T.h~) .re f1iJf-lIeck,tti; for they' IIrt the t OilS A.i.
'f"'icll..~a"tJY. L~, III tbt altJtS of R.od ')lph, (b ,lll tIm COI/It to plIJJf, of who", rh~ Lord halb 1£
ftli~, If In. btar "",and ·believe ?l~ wO'rd~, 1"ill phm Thee [ c.] UI1[O him, as a mighty rock: .,
I Will open unto thee [c.] ( for hIS mfirultrons, and fafe~uard to come), ml atter",ill"riOllS;1I ~:11'~. Ap,,,-
""l1d, IIlIdlo, "CO"!f. . A"d }phm bt blllh wiped aJPIt) b'is· d.rk"lItJJt. IIl1d oJfmcl ,f his [0.11/, I J';' "f J!.0j.
willappra,r unto hIm, t.r,h, ttrr.~~ of all Ncriolls. " . "ph• • "nt •
For I rtlOjCt, 'II'ht" I efult filch III 4rt 'II'elllt,.: .A"d JPhtl! ! help tht eO",!Ol:tlf§t, 117/1 I mll&"i.
flH. ·
A. Thanks, honour, and glory, is due-to thee, 0 our God.
Uric! ....... AIIJ belrsld, the day tiftMs vijilatio", a"J, ol tbe tXtr.utioll of "'] jlldlJ,tlfltl!tsj;s lit An o,her Seal
6."d.: And 10 J. opm unto )OU .",thtr Stlt4( Beeall[e I bllv. (Ilia ,,"to JOu, I 11m true, and opened • .
Uifl ) An. Ifl~. or
I~ • . . . • which 18 elrd
III t"~ )tar ti"hty tight, /haH you ret the Surt move contrary t.,o h,s COUl're, I:!.. ,m'l,,!,;
Tht Stitrs [AJ encrearetht;r Ii;.ht: .IId [o",e ofth_* [«!tfro", beave/l. • Math.... G,
Then .(ball It.. Ri"trs rlill bltod :
Thenjha{[ tht 71'0 ht ,,;'to. JPomm"itb child.
ThCrl.jh"ll tht tinrr Co",e to paJJt, ,Ib.t this Pr,p/;ejit /h.ll ~e 1:.11''''11.

F'Pr It, ,~ .LAr.l hllt!t-1'rtpar,d his Ptof'ut, ""~ he jh.ll defccnd fr01l1 the Heavens: #s it is' Mlllch.cay.
"'ritt~ri b)
Malachiah the Prophet.
. ,
. . .. II.
E/;., QsaU
!Jtb.ld 1 JPill [elld btfore tbllt da), ( n,' that day I [po"" of. hut the gt,IIt Ja}'f tht LorJ) com~.
Ehas ag"i" "",ong,ff :1DII. 1:::., Nac~ ell'd
4'1. 1,
1 ~4 A ,true 9{elation c/-D. Dee his Af!ions ~jtbJpi,ils , .tk~.
-------- IIf Ih~ nullll f~II{OIl wilf 1 hI nftrcifl//ll/lltoR~d~iph, IInti 'll'u( bri""iI,lt'. bj"
R.od . The h.. utify- b'lift, {ueh III /hllil h~ sk,ilflll!': llIfU whom J ~iIl give my fpirie, tl ",r!l G~IJ"
in~of .lloiNllbhi.rcat Sil~tr, Alia Iht Orl""""1S of J,it hou{e. Alld'·he Jhllil ptrctivI thllt I .lIfrlfe
Impe"al. him , 1~ ,/lilt 1 have iietl him tomy G.armtnts.
If If, he hear the~ not . .
J'it/, ;n{r. Sf', lIehold, I hue one in /tore: : T~II , filch an one 85 cle:ave:th unto Jufiice. MII";s bill II Kt,tI
Itmb , n. thaI is jhak,.",'Wirb tV'r) 'JIlillat. Tb~ priat of Xilfgs, is /If Ibe bUNt} of • PtIlCOCk,.:,S" hp'll' tbg
rllll /Ill alfr a]. Su b3W Ibt) rtt"PI Ih~ {piri,s if ri~hreopflff!f'.
&:1t Pel, Lo (III I havt f,ia UHIO ,hn) I rckrve [bat wicked Kmg, 1101 Ih,u I 'Will bl ",trciflll! u1ItdiPI.
S'lji)4nUl. BUI t,; /lt be {bali /hordy prrjfh 'Wi'~ 1I""ttr".! {court.r. .
. AllalfOll/lullT me ,;bat I {II] IIn'o Ihlt. Hert.fttr,f" tho .. mt ",t:
C A Vii:. V 'itlontly , Neither look,. for my prc[cnce aft~r this qrder: But for grc:at.caufc5.
in grtU clur.. II '0 Itc For fo, ,hit it the: ~d of Teacbmg. Now cu,elh i1l Ih~ limt of warn
Jooocd for . • in" and ofcounfel. .
:> ','1 . I
A. WI you give me cave to pea ,
f k'
Uriel ...... SIJ]. •
A. I trull it ll1aIl not offend God at any time; to call for [Uriel] bit . light in matters darK
1!.""b his TI. to us, and above our c.p8ci~r· Alfo ;n EHoch his Tables undc:rft.nding and-c:n joying, ".
blei. are (0 reqliirc belp of infhultion at ,aVt: and fo of othe:r points and Doarlnrs already begun,
we arc to requin: their help, who have begun witp U5,&C.
Uriel. ,.... As [II' /If tbt Lord ""lb {uff!rtd lOU to I1Iftr illtll hit GllratH! EVrJI {o fllr (1 [II)
74ftr, IInJ ut. ,
A. The c:nteanc:e yet we have not, but the manner to enter: The pcrfc~ praaife is the beft
cn[rance. .
Uriel. ..... tM.H{pe-'$..eth Hot witb th,t: 'll'htrtfore aoft liouwra/t Iht Lmll All thiHgs t.6d
tlrt d.liTir~/d Ihet Ifrl pllli", '
A • . Lord, I do thm fpeak to be perfeltly inllrultcd in what fenfe yOll' words arc to be ur.";
derllood, when you faid : T,his is (he end of teadllng. A. Vr;tl~or (lerbaps in [ae
U I iel: ..... 7h,u hajt caUta IIPOH ml,lJlla 1 havt heArd ,h".. 1lame of God.
7houhllj/: tltfirta "mfort, IIlIa I havt rumjorttd Ihrt.
Th: rpiri, of'chcice 71J0~ boiJfthe fpirit of cboice. . ., . ,
,V,J, 13 . StJ',.btr. Bt il {Jfi ielll "!'t. tbu. that tht Gltra~ortbt Lord is open unto thee:
,Garden of 'h, Lord. whfTt tbe" it HO hultgtr, /lor thirjt, b"t II jilli"g {p,r;t, II. comf"'rr.
Noct. t Whitt CJlTt ~ ~t "lito mt, if th~ ~illgsof Ihullrth {IlJ: L?, thN N .ot'f ",1. A. Ex Dei1u-
Lo, tbit in,., of tH highlft. mme.
Urie!; ..... Btl1ola, I 11m the light, IIlIa {eTVllltt of G,l : BlefiCd are
Thi. Teftil1lont. thofe which believe. and are made partaken in this Teftimony : II,
A4w~'" I).",i.;'
Ihe wMch you are: become Prophets, ••a.rt {lIlIlJijiea for th~ comili~
of rhe Lord.
1IIC~·b~~!cu~~t'!.,~. f:~JI~1 But to • wbJ do I {pult,. """ J'p, 'IIIho "IIV~ tI~jiltJ. JOllr {,lves ! I ""ill
'and oftence committed be. fllk.~ liP rho{~ Ihings thllt 1 hIlV', lind will bt g,ltt. Lo, hltJftl. ;, be rhd
rorcnored. givlth tilT IIl1tO tbr L.,a. '
E. K. Now all is vaniihed, away, ~nJ he is difappcared l WheeIe,
Eagle,Citie,and alI,&c.
A. All laud, thanks, honour and p;lol'Y be to the eternal, Almightr, moll jt·ft ]ildge, an.d
mercifull father ollr God, tht God of Heaven alld (ar.l b, whom of his mfini[e goodnelfe., 'We
befec:ch to have merry upon us, and 10 I'urific: Ot r heans and confcicncCIi,g,-amillg us humble
contridotl,and finccre C;(lnfeffioll of our' lral1fgrcffions and iillquitie& wha cfoever • . Allie".
Nott . While I was thus r~l\dlirig Gud, E.• K; made a vow of penanc:e, during his life ~
(in token of hearty forrowfullldfe fo~ his fault in that darc:s a£tioll 1I0ted) IIlver t,) uI .his
J!'. r"pPrr," ~rltb,g mtlll ,,, S :ltIlTJ"Jts ;a",;ltg his lih; whc:re'ifl I be(c:e:ch thl! higlKft w rc;gard
~fUl:.inl!; duo 'his inwarrl iment, and his continual1Aemory of the Lord his mercies, in Cparuig him wbell he
CUll!; hfe; moLl bad offended ~im.
A. Deo No/tro vero, vivo, ommpotenti, Be eterno iit omnis Honor Laus Be Benediaio,
nunc Be in perl, .1",,11.

Wednefday, Stpte",ber S'. NOT E.

A.The morning of this Wc:dnefday(befGre I pr~pilFed my fc:lf for the former a'ltion) I font
E!lferiaUt wit.h two Letters to ~e del!vered : the one to the ~pa"i.Jh _A-ritbatfadotlr (giving him
tbanks-for hili hOflourlble dealing WIth the Emperoun MaJdly an my bebalf) and,the other
to the Noble: O[JtlV;/II Spillof.: thanking hiol lil{ewife, and rc:quiring his inftruffio'n; or adviCe
how 1 might moJt conveniently proceed indaling with the Emperoun fdaj,c:1ly : The Copy
A true 'l?. e'alio~ of Dr. Dee hil AfI'on.t JPith #iritJ &c. :z.~')
of which Letter I thought good to record here, that the e/fcll: theteof c-onfcquent migh~ have
the light of the Original caufe (Divine and humane) annel[cd. '

Illuj/ri 0- M_glfi/ico D~m;lIo, I>,O"'iIlO 0l14~;0 Sli1l01~, rllcrl

C"r~r'. Milj.jf.,til
,,}tnbubs & CublClIlrS ]J0",,/f0 {NO ob{trf)IIIfJipi"".

Llullris lit Ma~ifice Domine: N?n polfu,m {~tis con~ignai;ve~rz Magni,6cienti~ agere grati-
1 as,pr~ lingul~n Illa,qua m_e He,rJ a~pltx' e~ls h,umant~ate & benevoI.enna : hom~em quidem
vobis JIlcogmmlll,fed tamm VII'[~[lS & ventatlS ftudlofiffimum: qlJlquc oml1. tehquum mez
~itz curriculum <I?co lic volwte) III hoc, ~o llfuQ1erc ~tcrev!, ut {~cra fua C4ttrta Majdlas
cl ~ re percipiat"fib! , II,,·rtdl~I{;1 ~r(f~re )propltrllm fMc D~I Ommpotet:,tls ti'emcndam Ma jefiatem,
Alq ' .e quamVIS v,d~am mll,l qp.IClb\;s ,mu,ltarum R.e,glo.n~m ne~otI1S, fUam (acram C4ttr.4t/t
Majefiaceru occupat,ffitnt:m kplilime tenep, neque allIS, I1hfque ame, (uz [acrz·C/lf4ru Maje-
aad proponerdis, ca~fis, c~mm,ode vacare, vel polfe,' vel ev!denci aliqlola,l'acioJ,le debere:
TAM EN, Ii ahqllls excogltan pollit modus, pro lOCI, tempons, & rerum occalione, quo fua
facra C.t{arrll Majefias, ca penes me videre, vel ex me incelligere digftai'elur ,qU3' illi forent
grata ',Ea in re, v,e~rz Illufiriffi,mz Magmlicenciz libemitlime audircm vel recil'trein Informa~
tionem atque JudlClUlIl, N am, m ~oc cot?S el~o, Ut, te!upore dcbIC~, appare2c, Omnil'occncis
-Dci, & [UZ [a.:rz: c~rltr~~ Ma ,cfi~c,s (ervICIo \ Ma~me ,aut~~,pro Sacrc~.lanaa\ Ort~dox~ Ca~
tholicz & Apofioltez fidel lIIunranone, ae Relpubhez Chnfilanor. defenho'ne , amphlicatlOlle-
que) Add.iaiffini~m, dcvotiffimurn ,/ideliJlilnumque me elfe, ae fore Caera:: (u"' CI{4rtte Maje~
ft\Kis fervilorelll.
1-. Septembris 1584.
Opportun{tltril fi.os I1I4ture c~lligi atptr :
Ciro tnJnr fitf JIIarCldm.
J1[uj/ripinr~ MagllifiCelltite'lltjlrte


Joannes Dec.

.E fH.ricw went md deli'fCr~d my Letter to ,the Sp4nijh Amlxilfadour : But this he brought
back again; fayin~ , that t~e Emperour \'t as rrdde',l very early ab~oad ,to BrIZ1Iati/h, o~ .el[~­
where: (not eerlamly bemg known) and chat chiS Noble OfJlI1J11II S/"'O[II was gone wlch hIS
Majefiy. ' d with
. Hereupon (determine ' c hanSlllg
" *r
t h e D ate; to .end unto h'1m' at, . F.O.m tr.t tlie
t!ie'Empcrour his Majcfties returning co PrlZgt. Dtlll bmt "trr4r. JI.S.,ltmb.{''l.tnr~•

VUr. Dollor Hagelt hit {II; .,,/11 .At ".011 rbil I fent Letters to my wife: to DIy
by all.! Lord L .. ~i;,and co Mr.f .luI Hertoll,
by che Melfager of':R.ticbmjltin;
on this fide Nif{••

Monday, Stpttmb. M411e borlZ 9· t Pra::r •

... Prtcibw filtitil; I inviced Gil, Z4, P 44, (as being affigned co underfiand of Rod,lph hi.
doings,) thic of them I might recei'fC infiruB:iom; that my proceedings might be anl'werablci
as occahonlhololld be given. ,
E. K. There appeareth written in great letters upon a right hand
(and nO body appearing:) the hand being very big.
CHi eft IJI~bet : ?
CHi nihil ito7t babehit. ~

E. K. .A:nd fo the hand vanilhed out of fight: The wrichlg was ill
the palm of it. .
b. A.fter that appeared the falile hmd again, with his writing
F6ct, & f6l1um "it,
V/trllj ';011 ""bt., Vhf..."
E.K. It
2. 36' A trite r.J(tlation of Dr Dee his Affions »ith /pir;ts, &c.
- . -- - »
E. K. It vanilhed away, by and by, hand, writing, and all.
t:. Furibtt 1 1:.. I take tbis (0 Lord) in this fence: :rhat I am to proceed; and to ao lIS I intended, in
have not 10' eitber wridng to Willph ~imfclf , or to tbe SP,II,ij1,Amba/fad6ur • or toOQ4viw Spinola for
f'f,or do. the Emperour to give me alidien~e, time, and place to hear, and fee the Records and Monu-
, ments,wbiph I hayc to /hew him: And that wben I }Jlld tiont as was commanded me, tbat,
Then the p'drpofc of God.lhaU IIlfD be aone.
A. Deus, in ad jutorium nollmm intende tuaque no~ dirigat fapientia,:ld iIIu4 Fadm-
dUIll~ quod ubi maxiine erit grat'dD). -A1IItII.

Tuefday, Septeillb. Ii. El,,11 9. ft'~. "

MiG per bomim'm' Emericum Sontagillm Secre~ar!um Domini Pala~i,!, .Si.radi~lis lit-ens
iIIas ad Dominnm OB:aviul'll Spinolam : quas fupenus defcrip/i ; fed ubi I~ Ilhs fcnpferam 9""
JtI~ her; ,II",pltl(i tJlu. Nunc, fcrip-li, me •• te PIIIICOI, dits amilexi ellls.'~. pro; qlliq.t ~"'lIt
rtfiqlllllll, nunc fcripli quique reliquum,&c. 8c pro incrtdib#littr f,r~) p!Dptt",m, ~c. f~f1p/i,
RUnc,lnmJibilitet (fttej &: modo ",;rllbjl;,propiri~'" fiJri~ att. Et ~eliqua emma fcr.,fi Ut .
fupra annotni : fed datal erant h:r, H. 'Dit Stp!embril ; III:!: autein prlores, 1-'- Stptttllbrw.
Tradi~it ift~ litem ~Eme.ricus) Ma~mfico Domino Spinolll, jam~llarill\ poi pralidiUDl c~
/aru Ma}cfiaus, & aatima die (poft nu/fam) pro refIWnfo. venire )lIllic;

W ednefday, Stpttmbril u. ·M411~.

morning, when E"'/~ir.UI SOllt4g w.ent up to the Calll~ fot lInfwer from the Empe-
A • . This
rour : By the Noble QlJavilll SplI)olll, he recen'ed the cff'ea of thIs al\('wer, which I required
the fame E",tr;tUl to w,rice dow~ with his own hand (for rundry refpeas;) which his own
hlind writing I ha~e ~?exe~ ad majorem rei fidem. And becallfe bis wI'iting j's not ealie to
be read, I have lH1nelllt plamer fomewha~, as followeth I

Refponfll'" i",p,rllt',ril, per Do",illll", Spino)am•

. Sae~ C6{IIrt. !'dajellas be~ignl:j',ltellexit quz b?minu~ j,alllltIDtt, per (u~ Majelli. Qil~
lllculanum, Doounum OallVIIIl'1l Spm01am, propom CI,lfavlt: Ad 'luz , fua MaJeHls gratiose fia
fe refol~it : <h\?d quandc;><l~i~em latin~lm Sermonem non omni eXlart~ ex~a:e calleat: prz.:.
t~re;i .c(Jam va~lIs ~ mu!t1phc,bus ~egoclIs o;ccuplca, n~lIt (emper. a andlenuam vacare p<?ffit,
'Vlden fuz MaJe/lau ut Idem Dommu~ Det, cum !Magmfico Dommo DoB:ore /(urt:l(.;' (quI &:
fuz Majellati ab areanis eft conli~iis, fatirque lidus, eruditione quoque: illligni p'o llet) tralb-
ie, & negotia fua concreder.e veht. Id' quod, fua M~ellas przlibato Domino Conliliario fuo
Kurt,,;;, renunciari curabit. Sin ver~, fecus Domino Joh~nlli Det Yi~ebitur ,..r~am Majella~e~
quotnodocunque tandeni pc." ol:cupatlones faeece potent. defideno DODum Det fatisfaB:u-
J5~1-. xii. Septcmbris. I;"'triCIH Sontllgilll 11141111

A. Which anfwer, both by word of mouth,and thus by writing being received ht nie :and
the faid E",tr;CIH being (by the Noble SpiIlGIII) wHled at Evenfong time, to bring my anfwer
herein; which I gave him of",! gt.t good lik,ing the famt, lind ",olt humblt th41l1(} r, II;, M.j'-
fi.1, for f, 'll'ift lllid gr"tiow h;, cOlljiJtrat;OIl hllJ of tht Clluft. I reql;ired the rame EllftTicw to
underlland; when, and how foon Doltor C"rlc,illl /bould be made privy of his Majellies plea-
fure berein : and fo, after my difpatching ,o f EilltriclII,1 endeavonred my felf to render thank.
unto,God for bis mercies, graces, and truth, in there his affairs: befeecbing him to frame my
heart, tongue, and band in fuch fort,:ls to his Di-vine Majelly., my dUlifull fervice, doing, mly
be acceptable: as chieliy of me intended to his honour and. glory: And fccondly to the
comfort of the godly and deB:: And thirdly to tbe confulion of tbe proud, arrogant, f-men-
full enemies of trUth and vtrtue. .Alllt".

Thurfday, Stlttmbril 13. Mllllt,6m'7. t Prag:r:.
I r(ceiYed the Noble OOilvilll Spinvla bis anfwer by E",ericlII, as concerning "'! IIc",ring of
th, E",per'lIr hif gr:at;OIH formtr II';(1I'er of condtfctllJing to"'! rtqllt(f,fo ",uch /8 ht "nvtnitllt!]
'OnWc~­ coulJ: which my anfwer yefierday '" night, late _all delivered to the Noble SpinO/II. Where-
unto be faid, that "'.1 "lIIf""r'll'olild bt moll ""tpt"blt ulito the Emperour : 4nd tbat to mcirr~'II',
- (mea\lln~
~1true :Relation a/Dr. De-I! hit At/tOM n#h (pirit1)&.C 137
. . . -=---::'--,--0._ __
meaning- mis Tburfday ) ' the honourable Doaor Cin'tr:. {hoilld IJnderfiand cheEmpetouT'
rleafure hel'ein. Herrllpon I, ,villed EmtriruJ to go, iii> to th~ (anle, and to 'h r!nghimfelf
m fightoftbc Noble SplItollt, If he could, Thereby to help hiS merilory~foi' warnll\gtnd,in_
formation to be gi.ven to the .raid DoCtor Curtz :' That fo we might coqle together, fo Coon,
as conveniC!ltly might b~. '
Dto, fJIIIIIH l~uJ, hmor, & glorill. Amen.

. Thurf<;lay, ·St/lttmbris 1+
c.JJ,la;'~, hora,;, ci,.cittr 9 . t Png:e.
1:.. PrtL'iblH /illitH, aud the qfe propounded of ~he Emperour his An[wer, for dealing
with DoIXor Cvrtz, a man of his Priyy COllndl, faithful, learned, and w'ife: upon the con~
fideratiom.aUedged, 1requefiecl. of God, his pleafure tQ be figllified umo me t by CODle of his
faithful and mie. MelTagers,' whether I {hal~ Oprllly. rtlld fr/t1lkjy d:rtl 'llfitb thit Voll T, fo, as the
lmperollr, by I)lm may lInderflalld that wluch he !hou{d have done at my m~urh a{ld hands
originally: And whether 1 may, boch alone with the El1lp~rolt'r; ani bi:fore, ald .with the
{aid DoUor, deal in this Action as oecafion Chall ferve from tiine to rinle, at my diferetion, ill-
furmrd by his fecret grace divine. .
t:.. Not,hingap'pearing, or being heard, in a qllllrter of an hOllr fpace, i fufpected fomeof
Our mifdoings, to be the caufe of the Lord hi5 refraining to anfwer': and thereilpon I did
fal\ to prayer fpr merc1 and grace, and deliverance from tbe afi'aults and. maltuOlI5 rurpofes
of the Devil againfi us: A!ld thar 1 did the rathel', becaufe as I felt my good A!lge (oro-
ther good friend) in,vertne, Co I felt 'pilorim, fen6l:11y, bllfir, and as It ,were ~o cerrili: me
with my offe.nce~ ilart, or to put me out o(hope, at this prdenc, from being heard. B'l t I hel4
on to pray divers pralms, and at length lIgainfi the wicked eempters .pllrpofely. After my
prayc;rs and alfuring E . K~ cbat the fpiritllal enemy was here huGe, and a.:cerided co fmllrate
tbis4ayes Aaion: H.e an[wer~d, that agllinll him [E. K. ] he conld not {>revail, 01' accure
him, for ,his late notable fault; for he haJ male a reckoning, anE! forrowful bewailing for
tbat his crefpafs, co eh : Lord, and chat he doubted not of forgiveners ; .,and that h~ wa~ fo
reconciled to Ood, that Satan nor any other wicked accu[er, could pllt hiBI in any doubt of Rc"onc'Hatl 'ri
God his mercy, &c. And he fpake very well both of repentauce, Gods mercieg, his jufrice, • 1 ,
and of ehefe ACtions.
Mary, he confelTed that b} rufoll, he himrelfwas an ,,"meet pe~[on to come before.the Em-
pcrour, or Princes, &c. and tbel'efore ifit would plcafe Goj co difcharge him of further
medling, fo, by reafon he' m;ght feem well at cafe, &r. Ae length, after all hour appeared
Vritl; but with a Scarf before his face, as he had lal1:,
. t:.. God Cend us the brightnefi'~ of hisj:ouncenanee when it {hall pleate him.
Uric1 ....... Trut it if, chltt iii r~fptll of tlu ttrrour alld flTet of God his wrltth and illdigitatioll
in [iJ Judgement: RecoRciliationJsmack: ·th.·OMg9 thttt ;019tr 19bi:h H givm .UlltO tht Lllmb, R.~cQnc;li.tion
t'·"/,o,. Ill! powtr H g;Vt~, in lI~avtll 1I11-l EltTth: B:.t with thi [ 2] congrtgatioll, alia. tht "'t>ll- of two [orts;
htrs ofChi-lf/hii body, tht numbtr oftlit faithflll, tht Church a{ God, JOII bavt' not 7Illtdt.TtCOII,Cilill- ~
tioll, And therefore,ttTt not ./ilJlltTJ 'forthy to behold the face of trUe light and underfianding: W~h~ ~re ~.
for, iI It doublt RtrOll;iliatioll: alit (and tht /irjt) 6ttfl)~i,ll the Confciencc and the Judge : ;~, <p~cr:~~ IS
through the force of faith Itnd rtpmtttnct: thltt H t~ fa}, Recon- . . I.
ciliatioo againft Judgem~nt. Allo,htr, ( tht [tcolld) RtcolI:Uiatim' f'ilt , (i"'A S ·~ttl7!6, f · 2.
h,hflttn tilt Soiric of Truth (tb: Ch .• reh of ' God) lind malll C?/f. lhecyc"ascemmtnd.d.l?
t: ' • ) . b, reconcllc.d t6 thc!l Sp.ut
JCltnc,. of Trulh.
Behold I tt~ch you II mylftr).
~. ,no[, rhllt Itrt 4tont'19ithGod,jf;allllof bt i'JJgtd "ith flit wick.!d ill flit (all Judgt>llmf ! ]lilli' VIi
NOt'llfit.jlanding tht Jujt'Ct of God H purt, a",lltlldt/iltd : and futfereth not mans fault un- • 1/' •
punilhc:d. 2. · But ht thltt Milt olltwirh the Spirit ,f G~d, it made one.witb bim, III/d without
F" ~htTt IIrt "'1111) tpings ihllt C?q~ bt~rtth "itllt§~ pf, ;n tlit foul and ftertf Chllmhtr~ of maH, ,.6:.46 IC,.Irii
th.t Ift'fhtr tht bltfftd, alrtadJ dlg",/itd~nDr to bt d,glll/iftl, do, 01' can know,' .19hlch II tht ca~ft mtlt m.~/.
rh~t '~t foul of mall, ( afttr hH bod) fluptth ) btillg {Ollila polluted, H rtctivtd, and fnuched mr,l!rc.
up,of'fllch as arc the Melugers ofplllllChment: Ittid [o;acClrdill~ to tht multitud, ~f"thtir ./ilt', 'a re A '~ri1poral
in horrour, and punilhinent. T.~rtfort 1I0t all, that are purilChed, Chall be danined; Ntitbtr puru(hmcn,.
;s it tvidtllt Ullto tht AlIgtlJ, Tflhoihttll bt fllvtti,' I fptlt~ gmmtlly.
Thtr~fort ",om lOU offmd, be al[o r.collei/ta Ullto tilt Mothtr of tht hlu[t: that you 1H1lJ hllvt Ecclrfi4 (Alb ..
plAl', btfDr't fuel, as are reprovc;d. , . Il'A' tt~.,jli4ri
,H.trdn)ou '!'~) uMtrjlalld thi: retaining of fin; For .tht ell.]
reo .A , kcipirt S,i,i'lJm SA'.- '
'tammg'of fin Ii a judgenlent ,' Alld is If~C'§U) thllt Gdd n.m, ~"OTIlm 'tmif"I,;, pm.,.,
fh.u/d bold l 'gtneJ'AI.JII), that thof, thltt h.av. tr-{ftd in him ItIIJ ill- ,.mlll,I.,,,, til: & ,0".'" rt·
';ArJl.J "I,'P< bt~" forrJ [.r thtirofflllw, . "'..} tt?fo r a/f4 ~ of hit
III,rc}. ~::tt;:;;:~~~;~·c!.·~r~.~~ne,
Elf" /l91110.ulJ.t kt 71.r,jitJ, thttl fht Prophtt [1I1th? If III HIli, thou .s; titfctnlm in rnftrnllmi ill
.~ alCo"Wc:re. ill., II,
[hh] But~
J true Relation of Dr. De-'e his AElicns, ~ith {pirits,&.c '2<39
t/ID"{llfd: But"~ tbltt plt1Jtth with mt s 10, I fruitT, I TPill'blot hi~ IfllllU from iift:
[l> JLib~re"gas: Dells eft enim liber. 6 , I' r.n~ly'.'
my te.m was
E. K. Now he is gone. in mY lirl~ ' e_
n,' quen, or que;
Deo Omnipoten~i~ Invilibili & mifericor<li fit omnis honor, laus;, graciarulll a<;<1O, &.Il ion ,h;s day
Gloria: nunc & in perpetllum. Arntlf. mad..

Thnrfday, StpttmLrit 13' M"lft. t Pragz.

EmtTinl6 did bring hinlCtlf in light ohhl; Chamberlain, the Noble Ol1llvilH Spinollt: as I
willed him: And he called El1ltriCfls to him, and told him, that this day Doctor CUTtz !hould
wlderlbnd the E;mperour his plea{ore, to confer ,wit~ me, &~.
EmtriCIH abom 10 ohhe clock before,Noon be\ng 111 the: Ruters Stove: ( or Guard"Cham-:-
be:r) faw DoCl:or Cllrtr. come out from the: Emperour. .

. Friday, Stpttmb. 14. MIlIf~, circll 10,

I fent E",tricIII to Doctor Curt%', hi.s 'houfe in pIlTIJ/l pllrtt: 'with my ' commendations; and
to fay that before, I underfiood of Doaor Hagtck,. Mr. Doctor CUTtr. his delire [0 be ac-
quainted with ine : whereof I was very glad and'deliroll,s : and now I ernlt that the Empe-
TOllr his majefly, by his AuthorilY hath, taken order. with him whereby to begin ' our ac-
quaiman!=e, and ( God willing) our' perpetual friendlhip. The Doctor was at home, and to
E",triclK ( faying the effea of my meiTage: before noted) the Doltor ,d eclare rl that c.rpta'/leTat
""tra vaTi~f oeClljionrniltCl/m {, G lfrrph'{ lfd~ Itmiciti.r, &c, and thar now he is very joyful of the.
eccation offered by the: Fmperours Majelly' : and tbat this day fundry affairs d id hinder th'e:
oppoJ'runity of our meetillg, but (0 morrow at any hOllr (at my choice) he \yonld 1>e ready
to we\(Qme me to his honfe:: and fo with the: uTual phrafe of o/ferin; all his [erVlces to my
pleaCure, he Cent EmrrlCIIs to me with his faid Ail[weI'.
~os DtJH cOHjll,ngit, Homo Ht {tpllrtt. Amen.
~os Iluttin Dtlll &- C4ar coptllllt, copu/lltiJ!imj mlllltltnt. Amen.

Saturday, Stpttmbris,15. A MfriJithOTIl (jtr~) pTim4. t Pragz.

) came [0 the forefaid (called Doaor ) Ct,rt:z;: "botit one of the clock afttt .. Noon~ who
had all 'the day been l'C~ciy to have heard me, if I would Co haye had ie: but I fent him wqrd
in the: morning by EmfriclIA, that aft,er Noon, (as now at thishollr) I would come' to him.
' Being come, he entertamcd me cnrtfol1l1y : and two chairs beint: at the T~elld, he gave
me the: preemine)lCe ( by a friendly kind of earnellne:lfe ) Then he cold me, that long lince:
in Ger'~,aHy, he had heard f)f my fame, and had (een of my writings: ana thac he wa" very
glad ohhe ?pporcuniry no~ of my, coming co this ~itY: ; an? that otherwayes he: wa~ defiro~s
of my'acquBlIlt:mce, but chl~fly feemg the Emperollr hIS Ma)clly OT~ tmlls (for that W41S hIS
:phrafe ~ by word ofhis own mouth, had willed him to wha~ ] h:zd to fay co his ~hjelty.
,J ' began and deela,red my 10llg COUI fe of Iludy for 40 year~, alwaycs, by degrees gomg for-
ward, and deCirous of the: bell, and pure cruths in all manner of fiudies,\vhcl:cinl had pa{fed,
and that I hadpaffed as many as were commonly known, and more than are commonly h~ard
of. Blltlthataclength I pcrceived onely God (and by hisgood Angels) to,nld ' faclsfiemy ,
defire:': which was to uII4erJflllld th~ Ifllturts of Itll hit CTtaturtr, and tht b~/t malfller bow to u[66, .',ult""'
tNoW t. hit diIJine h?lfor IUfd gIQTY, IIHd tb~ comfort of tht tltll, and 41[6 'to t/" rtproof alfd COII- mtorum "p".
fujioll ofth~ advt-rfaTits cf hitlfamt IlHd h,1f01lr. , And herein I had dealed furidry \vayes: And
. at Ic'ngth had fouhd the mercies of God fuch as to fend me the infiruction of Mithlt~l, GII-
britl, Raphtttl, and 1Jritl, and divers pther his good and faithful Mc:lfagers, fuch as 1 \lad
here: ROW brollliht books ( ab~lIt 18) co !hew him, the manner ,of. their llroceeding: And
that J tboughtlt good to beglll at che lall book,-whlch, alCo toncemcd molt this prc:fenrEm~
per our Rodolph. And fo I did; and fo by degrees from book to book lightly, I gave him a Ito/llipb.
, tafte or 'fi~ht of the: mon ,part, and alfo let hih1 fee tbe Scohc , brought m!! by 'AtigeHcal
minifiery, &c.
, , hIl things being feen and heard, that ih fill: hoiJrs I could ih'eiv him: at length he required
of me what conclufion, or fummary report he !hould make ro the Elnl'croilr. J ,~Ilfwered ' , ·as
he had ,occillion of che: things feeil aiJd heard; but if he would follow my conord (fomewhat ,
expe:rt in chefe Divine and Angelical doings.) That his Majefiy was co thank God for his My counfe! r~
great mercies and graces offered: and that by inc one:, \vho rnofi iincercly and faithfully gave Dodor Clltl~,
l1is Majefiy to undc:rfiand tbe will of God he:rein, and thac his Ma jelty w,:tS to do, as JrfaT}
(che blelfed Virgin) did, c9 lay llP aU thef~ my iriformaciol15 in his heart, ane! to fay fCCt
, [ hb 2 J f,i-vlII
~ erN 'R.!lation of D. Dee'hi! AffionI .,,;Ih fpirit!", &c.
{tT1Ili1 Domilli. fiat VOl/lntM tllor, and fo to attend the manner-of the Lord his proceealinv; "hile
he framed his life~ as it b(came evCl" ChruHan to do. ..
He faid, that he would write (for his own memories help) fome thort note' of his
tions of my fpeeches, ~lIld things feen and marked: ani! that he woulli to morro" (being
Sonday) 01' on Monday. if he tonyeniently could, make to tbe Emperour, and fo with
all .fpeed gi.¥e me to underftand further of the Emperour his Majc:ffies will and pleafure.
Hereupon courteouOy he brought nie down to t~e fireec door of his ho.Ce; and 1 came home
after feven of the Clock, and an haH,in the evening;
The mercies of 'God be oil me, and his name be magnified and extolled in this world,
and for evee. .Amt';'

Not~. In the mean fpace while I was thus occupied with the forefaid Mr. Ctlrt.:; E.K. wu
~ , viliced at, our Lodging with a wick~d Teinpter,who d,,,i;d 111} Cbrijf to b,: and thac as the
h He.~l.o h .. heart received comfort of all the Members of che body: So that he, who is God, of all thin.s
}o~~:~m~ Re- received comfort by An~els • and ..othet ~e Members o( the world: and tbat I was now wi~
cord. ,b .. lone, who would ufe me hke a Serpent, with head and tayl compaliing'my conf\lfion, &c. he
hid nIXed ml- eamdlly reviled E. K. in divers lJIanners : he raid, tbat E. K. lhould be damned, and faid :
nr I ~7,aDd un- moreover, t hat of our prall:ifes lhould never come any frl.litfufl end, &t.
1l~1 • to. The etemat and Almighty God confOund the Adverfaries of bis truth and glory,
,nd of his Son Jefus Chrift our Redeemer, and the Triumphana Conquerour a-
gainft, 1Icll, fin, and the Devil. dlllt".

P It A G- JE.
On Monday and TueCday the 17th • and 18'h. of S,pt,mbir, i fent EmITic. up to the Ca-
lUe, to IHlen after anfwer of that Ooll:or C.,.tr. his rep<!rt tQ the Emperonr, of that J:ie haa
NO't, ,he perceived by me. (BlIt on Monday'(OOlUli", Spinola had fent into the Town for Emtriclll,
!?,?<rour en- and told bim that the 'Emperour hortl corrt 111Id dtjire to IIl1tltrftlllltl "') doint. ."ith th, Do{]or:
~~ed '0 h.... And ther~ore asked EflltriclII jf ~ had been with the Doaor, an.d he affir1lted ~bat I ~,d ~'
Hereof (fald he) the Emperollr WIll be glad: And yet (as I began to note) EllltrlCIII conulig
I Mpctl ,he on Tuetday in the face of the Doaor in tbe lUtt,rs Qave; had not one word Cpoken to
Doaour dorb . him, that either he had fpokm to the [mpefOur, Or he had not. And therefore 1 {u["O that
no'telilin. the Doaor dweth not honcfiiy, faithfully, or wifely in this fo weighty a cafe. And (oraf~
cere ,. much as he told me, that the Emperour hi~ Majefir was perfwaded,that he wa,s piOU5,&C. p~r-
haps he would be loath ; now, to preferm. to the Lpeech of the Empcrour. feelOg both he him.
(elf, and the reft of his couilCel ftood perfwaded to the contrary of thilt King. Hereupon thi.
great deilY, upon finiftcr report made to the Emperour might fo\1ow,ere.

Nott • . fry4ay, Stptt",,,. 21. Circ" hor"", 10. Ftrt, Mil"'. t Prag:.:.
A. As land E.1C. were together in my Study, eamclHy difcourfing, of Auricular confer.
lion, publick confeflion, and co¢i:fling to God alone, and of the Authonty of th~ Churd.,alld
'the manner of che fame Authority uling:to rcleare, or retain fIDS, E. K. faw one walk on die
Table: between him and me: Thereupon I ftained me 'to writc, and note wbat ihould be
fhewed, or faid, E. K. willed me to fct down the lhew-'ftone : So I did, and he looked.
FA K. I fee him here with the Scarf o'ver his head and face,untill hi$
wafi:e~ but I f"e his hair yellow bchinde'on hi) head,&-c.
Mitte lucem tuam,O DeIH &- v..aritatem tuam utipftt n9.1 ducant ex
hac valle miferi£ ad montem SanCium Sion, &- ad caleftia ma Taberna-
cula. Amen.
Urie1. ..... 1 "'" Uricl t6, {,",lIl1t of tire ""ft ""i[" J/light}, 11",1' tverlilftillg Gotl : which vijit }'"
for tw/IOC "u{ts.
'1bt /irft, thllt I ",II} .ptlllllf((J ]'11 trllt,.1Id ptrftO light: {ueh as tlilr/vlt§e coo"prt.",dtti •• t,
illforllib/e, II"tl tr. "'tilt, tbl pt."" ""d {piTit 'f the tfltr/orfti"g God,
70t {tcOlld, thort J ",or] COIIII{,I,." lI.1,ori1lft th, ""ltl,lI11d tlltch },Il t, trillmph IIgorillft btr frt-
' ."lIr.iltjft. For, ",ho hllthtrujitd i",bt L"d, lI"d horth bUll Cltft do."" I Dr 'Kbltt if h, tbortlJitb
1',i.;,..;, l.ft cri,1. or/~"J, ill,tl illlot htorrd I T6trtf.",! r,,} IIl1t, -!Oll; H eorr. "'} vOJ~t : for J a~ of trl/tII, ~nd
tJ m,jf.,i. pe, PUt agllmfi darknelfe, IIl1tl ;" llit orre publijhed the hght, IIlId ""fterm .of tEtt 1r''''t} from t,.,
'lIrit/"" rrw- to ti"'t, IIl1tl i" It/llt glS II1Ito ,ho{, thltt f,ar, a"d ,bt} Go4·
/Mor.,.. 1.,,0 thillgs thtrt It'(t ",'iell ItTl 'ht [,ltls alld marlv of SIIt.1I : "hkh h,i,;g ttfTllal Jtlt,h '1I11tl
..,.I".t"", ,. 4ltmutio1l 10 all /il/ch tIIf IIrt "ouJ, or ~"'"td ."ith Ihtm.., thllt it ,,{a}, I]in.o , IIlld frowltrd
jj . fi--
,.,;M_. lenCl.
A true 7{elation of Dr. Dee hiI Af/ionJ with lPiritJ, &c. 241
B(ho/d. Ihe words of C;~rift,lIlIlo Ih, [liblil( (.Jour fllthtr is II !.Jllr from ibt btgill1lillg, IIlId Ib.t
Dtvil.) .
Htllrp..,tH IInlo my flOYC(: Ht tlJllt [I] ItIlcbtth flll{t Dol1rint, Dpll/tlh [2] his moulh. IIgl#lIft IrNth
". dtfrlll/tlttb [3] hit brotbtr it It lyllr, lt1ld./hllll 1Iotbt forgiflt1l. "
I. For fir(t, ht ji1l1lttb IIgllilljl his Crtlltor, whicb cullttd lI11thllgs ;" Iruth.
2. Stco1ldly, bt offt"dtth IIgaillft tbt truth, 1I11d bis Rtdttmtr, whicb is tbt {all of GoJ .. Vtr]
3. Thirdly,ht offmtltthllgllil/ft th: {pirit of God, (ofth, Fathtr, lt1ld Iht SOI/) Iht holy Gbofl:
71'h;c" ./hall 1Iof bt fDrgivm ; Alld thtrtfort dOlbbt incu(rt tht rig~ur of Gods jUjlict, bis tIm/ill!
dllmllaliOI/. .
But, I [ay, giflt tllr ulll, my w~rds : For, I will fift Iht duft, 1I11d findt out tbt Ptllrlt, Ibat tf "
lOllg timl hlltb lyen f"ddm l11Id(r the ftet.
I will COlllt Itgllin. E. K. He is gone.
A. We read over the premi~s,aiJd fo expefred the refit
E. K. He is again here.
Uriel ... ... Now Itt III j OJII.tht[t thillgs fogt thtr.
All Jlt./h oJfmdtth, IIlId it a /yllr. Who, thtrtfort ./hllll bt [1If1ta, or t[CIt!t tlm,1l1 allmllllti. 1I; Ch'tDi,;
H, .i t is (I [ltj) t?ltt when bt blftb !.Jtd,lI11d [pok"en agaillft tbe tr14th dotb 1Iot frowardlJ dm",' d, S,&ti••
ll1ld k..n/, dow1I bil jiH i1ljiltIlCt.
For, Iyillg m(rit(th tht fllIIgtllnct of tOt TriHity. But ht tbltt it wilful!y fr0wllra, [tlllttb up MtotlAti.",.
bit OWH J.aml/uion : For thit CIt/l[t (my brttbrm) lI11d 10 the iHlent thlll Iht mercies of God might Etc/,jill Vi,.i.
Illwayes be ready for fillners ; hatb bt providtd tb, light, alld comfort of hit [piril , ltft AS a con- W (:1 dNlb,,~
tinual workman;n tb, Chureb antl [pou[t of Chrift. w.
I fueb JOII britfiJ : that, bt ."ho[otv,r, opmill~ bit m'"th Ilglfilljl tb, [pirit of truth; alia wilh
wilfull fowarrllltffe cOlltiHuttb ilC hil lying, without reconciliation I~ Iht Chureb jil/Httb Ilgainji tbt R«oncilittion
/iply Gboft, and jhall b, tlamn,d tfer1lIlI!.J. '0 tbe Church.
I comt agltin. E. K. He is gone.
E. K. He is h-::re again.
Uriel ..... . Bt 110'" tb(rtfoTl at/molli./h,d (I [IfJ) b, wlITllta : AI/J conjidtri1lgJou b, fin1ltrs, .. c~
k.,lIowltdgt JOur offmc~I, l,lIft ill tht ma Jour ji1l b, Itgainjf the bali Ghojl, lt1ld [, not to b, forgivm.
lIut htTti1l tht] trre witb JOU tb·1I1 rxpoultd tht Sfripturts, raying, tbllt man finneth, and cannot be
forgiven, beeallfe he finneth againft the holy Ghofl.
I ttllch J~U.. my brelhrm: tbat there it n. fin Itgltil/ft (;oa, but it it agltil/ft tb, bo!.J Gh6ft: . r, t Ii;
If (0 bt, in the end, it bt ./hilt "p with wilfull filellce~ . ~~~:.1
Whtlt[uvtr, (tbtrtfort) you bllve effmtltd IIck"lI.wltJ,gt, 1 [aJ, Jon jillI, btfort Goa lt1ld hit A1I- A ~ . ,. ••
gtls : 'lhltt "od mil, forgifle you, a1ld tb, .,ill{,'/S bear wit1lt,D't .f JOur f.rgivtntJJe, alld foUl 1Iot up ,;nitt~~i,,:s tn-
JOur fim in froward fiI ence. . r,f/a A',ll;ei.
If thou commit aaultrJ, if thou blaJphtm, tht lIamt of God, if tbou b, 1I!.Jllr; Jta, if thou [pta", Frowa.d Ii·
Itgailf.!t tht trutb: yell-, if thou [aJ tbere it 110 Goa (AS the fooli./h do) Defpair not; {IIJillg, I have ~e;~e~
jillllttl agaillft tbt holy Gh.!l, bteltu[t I "", It jillntr, IIl1d a bl.t[phtmtr of tht lIam, of God, btclttl{, I J'
billie fp.p..,tll; alld optlud IlfJ mouth afllinfl tbt [pirit of Irutb : Bllt go Unto the Church, whi ch it 110 "i Etc/t.
govtrlltd by the {pirit of God, alld Ibere JIIitbb(arty, IIHd op", conftfJion di[elo{" lind mll"'t pillinjill"" .
tb, OJft lfets, thllt the h,ly Ghofl may bear ,~imelfe in tbt [pou[t, lI11tl Cb/lrch
of Chri(t ; 'lbltt tbou hafl 1Iot ji1llled af,ailljl /rim to tterllal dtllth : Bteau[t • A. Voluntary conletrion
tbcu IIrt 1101 arow1Itd·ill froward liIence. .1 contrary '0 ft8Ward Ii
For. IIlthollglJ God bear witntJJ, 'of rep",tallet. Altbougbh, hellr, Illld lence. . ' .
opm h'" tlt;'s,ytt c01ljitltr al[o ht hllth hands, l11Itl muft .lI1Ity' thofe bonds .".fj"'iltl • ';Abw Dtt.
wherewith yeu are bound • • Whitt tlrt thJ bands of God, b'Jt bit [piril, I t ( ~Aro, 0 • c . lI.
whtrt'Jl1irb ht maltrtb alld n'tarttlllil tbillgs. '1htrtfDr~ wbm thou haft cried out and art forry,
en<\eavour thy felf alfo to be lifted up by the hands of God.
Le.irn ajimilituJ, inCbrijl,wbieb (jigl/ifying tht p~wer of hit Church,) commall.led tbt oj[tII-
Jtr to go IIl1d WII./h bim[(lf: a1ld fo ht.,,1H wbolt. I [ptllk,. tbis,for thy [E..K.] il/f/rul1ion: 1 fit] 'al{o
1/1110 thu, [E.K.JGo and walh thy felf: For tbou Itrt IllJllr,thou Itrl II drun/r,.llrd: Alll thtrtfort
tboll Itrl a.jilll/tr. And if thou p(r[(fltrt, Ifl/d./hadow IhJ jillS with '/IIilfuli jiltlle, frowardly, tbm
{tllltll thou thy [tlf willi tb, [leo1ld brailtl, a1li, e4njl not bt forgivtll, btellll{' tbou jinlleft agai1lj II"

A.nanias f~1l tiD."n lit ih/ fut of Peter, 1Iot ollti, for. tElLt ht Iytti : bill btcllu[, dfttr his ~f- • Afl.; .
ftlltt bt wM 'wilfully filent.
Htrt tbou fitllJtft e01lji!ltr ·tht grtatmJJt of God bis. fIIJfttriti, Itl/d [~~tts ~f his will and of fa~ S.,rll.
vour, that he fitetcheth Ollt UntO thee in mercy, fIT thou art Ii Childe, and mufi afcend, alld
tnufi become a man. 'lht rtff aftlT JOU ar, rtfrt./htd.
A. We went to Dinner to our Hoft his houfe.
A. Thahks, honour, glory, and praife be unto the Almighty Trinity, now and ever.
A. After
A true'J?..elation of Dr. Dee his .tiff·ions TP;thipirttJ, &c.
-----J;.-.-A-fj-c-er w~ had· becn at Dinncr, they read ·over the prcoiifi"es, and confidered them
E. K. Here he is.
•. Blelfed be he tbat cometh in the naDie of the hig~eR, to whom be all honour and glo'Y.
Antm• .
Uricl ...... Lt, LQ,L., ll[Il)) ""~i(h if 10;' hllth IIl1qt, tbllt [ttth ~'t, ("011') tbt .",.r/d.: tbe
vllnit), I/lla fully of 1I'orlali"gs : lI"a {uch IH Ilrt ,!tl1l'ilb tlrt "'ildt1l' of Vltllill IIlIa 'll'orltil; p'_
mOlioll } _
For thUt fit Jtth tht Lor. ; ..",btrtill roMd r Jh,.", "'J [tlf "',rt, titb,r . intto this Itgt, or IU1lo this
ElllP' TO';';', thclI wtrh r.<:buking him for his fins from Heaven ?
+ More af-, Wbo is II~/t to promi[t mort. ,r" ptrfor", t Iffurtk Ihtlf·l,1I'bicll lighltlf,ltlld rrllllt.! 1111 tbillgs I
lilrtdly. Ttt tb",} believe not~ . . .
rra, tbfJ rtJoyc, 'II th", o.",iI {o/V, I",d dt[pi[, ",,: ytll, hrclIlI[' tbty A. I. derpil'ed ci llIlJ,.,,<I
c!erjlift thee, du", J hllvt [tnt wirh·".; 1I'oralllltb th,,,,. Corlt·
Wt/l, tbiH fltltihtht Lo,;, tbtJ hI/Tit Jtfpi[trJ .tbtir 0"""
GilTllllis ,1I"a hllvt 'roU'1I tlu;r food
/l." a,r fttr ~ 7b'J bllvt .Tt,!t Ihtir R,otts ill pitetS, IIII.a hllvt CliP Ib"" illlO fh, .",lIvtS. , nt} Itr'.~
(,.Ir. llN,}. conu,,,,ltj/trlrff,, for f hit 'lit J~r[It"'-tll Ihtm. , .A"a 10, Rodolph, r ."ill [Cllttt, tby hOlm, II",J
thy h'lId jbltll 'bt JtViJ~a ;" "1111') pitrts. I ""ill !riIlK·;1I Irj nm"its ''IItT 11/1 tbj'Xi"gJolltt. 1t"J,
COlli,. CMf/f... for th) [411...t Jh.1I!/ ",It") t"'~flt;,ds ptrtfh. H, Itl{o tbllt thi,,"'-,ti himft/f ",if', if IN ti,t II "ltturd
. d tilth; t6", f'I;J; I p", lI.t, ",itbir thltt lliv, .",it17 "'1 Jtoplt •
.6 ~..-il q.,J E~t bteltufe tholl hllft tlo", rbltt .",bieh .1 rim-nu"atJ tht,. ~~ 'It"J hlff "01 f,rgot"" ,,1It1ft.. L"
/1/ : '"JonOom I will plant tbeemy fdf, and thou {halt grow, and out 'o f thee lhall fpring a mighty and a ter-
~;:8.,. , mi(trj. rit>le f wqrd : ."h.r, Hilts j!>ltll~' IH tht Car~llI\c1e, ~IIJ edge like unto th. fiing of a Dngon,.rlltl
co.l", ;111f1t~ 1 .",ill "" f1llftr thrt tD fltll: "tithe, Jh.rll Ih",t ,,,t,,,ItJ riel,7IP,,, rhet. 7 rutly, tru,ly, tholl Jhltlt
tIIln A. 1I...1f~"" I .-m .",ilb tbtt. '
SAlb ••• , • • Nt mo,altydoreYe- . But ht pllti~"t: for S.rtllll hlllltttb btird IIfttr tb't. 'Ibo1l.Jhltlt
"el,,,;onum ,xt,JI", .t, i.,.,
1ft ",I· h.fJt,III","y" " *
priel(, tvtll 1Ilfto tbJ l.rft grlvt. Bllt thtr,i" Jhlll
hi. ilimulu.carni. mcz, &c. F.-1M, thy f"ith II, tiC"It,J, "lid th) r,.",,,rel &""t•
• J Cori.lbi" ft, ..J", ~p. u. r
• ••••• '.(0"" "&,"i".
E. K. He·is gone.
E. K .. Here he ·is again.
~~lIA.' p.... Uriet •.•.. Lo,for til) litbour I ";'ill reward tbu: A"d fD it flJ,,1J b,. B,h.IJ, IlIad deter-
doned foe
A. his'f••e. mined·to bltv, rODt,J, 'IIt lIN Englilh pt.plt, to ,hll~' ",ltti, II .",i1ti,rl1t§t, It"t! ti'f"rt of it; to I".v,
filled it -wili ",III1Y flrllllgt p"pl,., IIl1a IV' h/Wt titd th, [."ortl t. il ptrpttultl/.J.
~, This is no contradiltion, J;., The filling of it ",ith finngers . lhould halVe
for thus this wildemcfi"c and beet) fOr tbe conque/I, and in a manner I'a·
filling is to be undcrffood. zilig, or dcfadngof all Cities, Towns, and
CaRie', and fo to have brought it to a pi!.
a'r"tff~ and defart.
But Lo;I1I'iIl giv, IlItt Ibltt IlInd; (ondy for tby fake)
Oed "iI/ gr.,e me Engh9d "list is to rlY,' it tliall not"be ton(umed.
fpsre it franl diftrul\lon for Illy, &c:·
E",llnd. . l:l. Qur rod '~Ilrn into 'Eng- A"d 4'tr ,,..llIi,, """tth" I will brinS ~hRe home J
land. A., rpiden lIyin,; i" ,he aire, }tll, Iboll /b~/dive till thou be able to patfe tbe waves
Ire ,"rried by 1\ri ftr;S of t"~ir: _D fpinnini,or without ~ thip~ and to afccild the ~illS,as the Spiders do.
m.kin~,orclrel kilo" ·not how. A"',. 1 rc-, No,.",ilh{tltllai,,!.,' Yl'.il/ '.lI...t tb, Cr'.",11 fr,,,, th' houft, il is
"'"ined for the moll part in SOhCmil, and in ill , .1I11J, 1 .",ill pl.rr.t it, tH r hltv, Prophefied UIIt. thrt.
'he Empire; till t y19. ' No ...iI4lf1t';Jmi~ for a time.. iboufl'lIll livt pilh C:rfar•
•••.•• lc."'tIlglI;". E. K. He is gone.
A. 0 Lord) what than become qf my good friend the,Lord LtHk.;t.
E. K. Here he is again.
,AL. Uriel. .•.••. Of Lasky tblll il is [lIi~ dholl [ •. ] hllft grollllttl for hi"" I"J. ~ItP pima hi", ill
.... t.<;lme to thy [6., INllrt : Fro", htllctfortb .",illl Ttco"cil, hi'" ""tg tIl"~ II"J 1 will Ctllf, "'J IIl1gtr rlpo" hi""
tiS to 1 r<1.on, Itlld h, j;'l11/ """ hilb"
in Boh.mi., " h · b I r
b '
Bllt h, is " .",lIl1tDII, Il/ld plr} pro"t t~ jill.
An. 'f!S' ,oft Dul ,lIr'" lit jlly 1I1f1. I (t.
'A.,r."'M';~i-. [E. K. He feemeth to have talk with one afar off]
"H{'II".'" .. 1',-
hnH,&c. C~far thougbt tboll hltaft hila Ih, Pb/lo{oplms flo"t, IIlId (tH ltt) h, thillvth [0.
NM.", . ~~d. Evtlf IS r chollk,.,d tbt glutttllolil Ifraelites with qU4.Jlts, fo ..",il/ 1 rh.ltllt Iti", "/iIilli tb4t
l'J;'I.11. fterrl.
A true Relation of Dr, Dee his .dE/ians rPith {piritJ, &c.
BthoU, thou}Jlllt 1Pritt IInto him, [aling, that he regardeth not heaven: ALb "
Anifay unto him, that chou canllll1Jlki: the Philofophen fione~ I will per- unto;;f~~ to e "rmen
form it unto thu : Thou !halt do it : And I 1Pill give Intto thu a fpecial LA,;, I>hit,,om.
vertue in ,healing : That whm[devtr thou cornell hither: 7houjhalt undtr· A (pedal ~j(, in helling
ftand tbt truth. ~nd thid I do, bteauft thr,} jhal! not dtfpi/e tb,e. by thethe" in ,h;. /lone.
'A. 0 Lord, for me to be derpifed in doing thy commandment, is honour and comfort to
me: But as concerning thy honour and glorie ; Thou in thy wifdom ~nowen what is beft to be
done. R. I'iribit.
Uriel ...... N8t1~ith{landing, tliolljhallftt him ptrijhbtfou thy fact. Lo,fro1ll tbil tim~, I will BmaiBi. DtI
hlelfc thee marvellollfiy, aKd I1Pi/l htlp thet in all thy work.!. {orf"I" n'/'
Do thou al1Pa)ts :
{ And mak.,t me thJ BRcltJtr.
A. What !hall I do with Dottor Curtz;, as concerning his anfwer?
Urid •••.•. Handlt him li;"t a man, for he will dectivt thtt.
'E. K. I requeft you but one thing for aU my labour and travel i
that is) that this Doaor might this night be bereft of his life, to the ter-
rour of other, o.c.
Urie1 ...... Have patit1lct, G,a turnetb IZIl to bit glory, and,),ur rommodity. To m.rrow I bllve
{omething elf' to filY.
Deus Nofter in co:lo,omnia quzcunque voluit fecit:lIle folus ell Omnipotens, ~ terntls,fapi­
ens, Bonus,] uUus & Mifericors: Il1i debetur omil Laus, gratiaMlm afrio,honor & gloria. .Amm.

Saturday, 22. Stptemb. MlZne, Cireittr hor,m 9.

Precibus ad Drum 6nitis, & variis ad ipfum E jaculationibns pro Lr ce & veri tate Dei, ere.
lie quibufdam de Rlldolphi & Curtz;ii corruptis Judiciis (qui Dei Mifericordias, juxta carnis
(~fum judicare auf! funt) [apparuit Vrit! facie vclata ut ante.]
. Urie\. ..... For thit cauft (fa) I unto t6tt ~ write unto Rudolph ,fa)illg, I can make the Philo- A Letter to
f~phers Ilone : Btcllu[t Iwo./d 'place thee With them, according to their l10pe and imagination: 1I../.lph the
'IDat "li'hiIt}f tbt} thinlt,.littlt .of mt, and of tile fweetnelfe of my metrage and teftilllony, I might ~;pet~ur.
burft out am",gll thtm; ill tbe mighty wattrs do out of Hills,whm tht tarth movtth : For I hllvdai'd qo:'~;;~":~t~:
unto thl=e, I will place thee here; If I fow thee here, what RlZvm elZn pille;" thte up b, tht .roots.,. ".,i6,,'.
No,1 will hide tllee, ill the Hen doth her C~ickel1S': And I will make thee fpring to their de- Z'hit.{o-
ilruttion. F.r 1Phy, thou .P"tlt overcome that myllery {or t~, OW" faR...t. 'Mm.
A. For the glorieofOod : his honour and tritlmph, all good come unto me.
Uricl ...... Behold,jillet tht} 1Pilll/Ot tye thee unto thtm from htaven : Thou foalt t)t thtm unto
thee from earth: ThlZt thou mlZ)eft rtjoyce 19hen tbouruft their dtjlrullion, lind be ready c1oathed c4'" {"t";.,.
fi, him tbat is to come.
Ir wi/f rlZid unto thu, III} motbtr {aith fht ."ill chu{t IZn EmFtrour in It i.. raying of MAra;"'i, JUDii
I' E
ernefr : But it II rneft 'thllt j1Ja/ljir-upon hit leaf.
.6.E••ISS4. Cr"."i...
tjlw FrMtr Rudolphi.
fo..ll be HO ried left in hil\l.for hit wiei(.tdntffe. rtlZ, th, bltfJings that A. Blelling' olfcred ~te P,g.
I have offered bim jhlZll rettlrn again; and I will/flZve hit hOUft nll- mire. wi,h eond idons.
~d. But 1Phen he feetband hath Ciold (which it the thing ht dt- G old.tx tapia. Pbi/".",.
jirtth, and t60ft tlJ<tt coun{d him,do ",oft dtftrt him, for) Thenjhllll he MOIl "Md«(is,rtlribilil; i••••i-
ptrijh with a tlfofterutl, ttrriblt, IInalinhelZrd of mi{chitf. t ••

But 10,1 bavt writtm hil IIlZme ""ithin m} hand, beelZu{t I wou!tl not forgtt to punilh him. Bt- Note.
},,14, l,could fmd tbt windts to dtvour him, and could ,pm tht Cavts of the tlZrth to [fIIllll,w him;
"hich 1Pould tum to my honour: But I have a. care over YOll.
Now I IZm unto JOU in mercy and wifdom ; Bllt 1 'JPi{[ be with JOU ,n ter-, G.ain mercy, wifdom.
ror tllld miracles. And I will .tlZl with )011 in IZ bi(,htr atgrle: AI/d JOu terror,miraclc •.
jhall htar m! voyet, ill mm do brethrtH. , Y." D.mi.i 01 borninil {M.
A. What tholl wilt (0 Lord) for thy honour and glory:That be.
n.bis a"aibili,.
Uriel ...... B~t thof~ that IZre bit cOlmf,/lers hllve eommtzndtd him, rlZther thm coun!rlltti him, conji/i",i; c";
to haTe no deahng With thee lit IZll. . {"il. •
And he II ptJ!elJtd 1rith IZ grtlZt, lZitalZ mighty Devil. And bthoU Belzagal (1Phich id the fury .lZnd R. F.ffiJJII1

J(ingdom !hllll be jho,t. But (,ive tar lUItO me.

Prince of tbt Tur/v) doth IZfJift bi'" in hil wic;"edllt§t, for he i(.nowtth it mil} come to PIlJft that his Bd' (II.
F IZ""II tbou u,on Czfar!ll IZ 'Worldlillg, that tb911 "a.",.n TIlT'.'
maytft draw him 1Pith tht world, to [tt th. glorl of God: but to hit dtftrul1ion. . For 10 , ho1P much ~°r.r~fb "
mort II mans ftlicit, U in thit world, tht mort jhll/l be the bNrdtn of hit dtftrul1ion. RJ"loIpb.; r.-
Th.rt bt thlZt f.ape 4ttr thy books, and fpeak vainly of things that are not. ThtttfoTt I coun- .btr.
rtl tbat tht} awell not long with Poland. ' My books "
Bthold,whtK Lasky romtth, br foal/llot blZft;ry rtturll into Poland: till I whifptr in bis tIlrs, f,om.t.t•• ;
Ht it tltlZJ that [ollgbt thy lift'. I havt more to [II.J, but tht.J IZr' not (}tt) ntctffa". A, £.
A. I befeech TOll to tell me when I thall p'reparc my {elf to go for my books,&c.
. Urie\. i ... ~
.d irue2(el4tionol Dr. Dee hi.s A8ionJ'DJ;tb./piritlJ&c.
------:- UP~IIk...II~t,
1 m,y ,hiJfe U ;·id . .. :. 16d IJ;,,,~"I)Of"t; but chofe thy own time. ND'; wili lb!~4711'. C,ntitr.
h:y ri lUt (0 69
tu C,#co",.
E: K, He is'gone.
Ftllt iJDIH"t~lS Dti, iul ,j.ul"liluatm, bD1IDrtlll & gl,r.i/llrf. Amell.

. . Monday, Stpttlllbr~, 2+. MIt"t horli 8. t Pragr.

a.At tI\I= firllloo\ting E.~. faw Vritl, bue cove red w~ch his Scarfr&-c.. NorwithUanding I
faid fome prayers to God on Illy' kJ1ees,. an~1 came and fald here. Mittt litet", lu"", &- vtrit.'t",
luam 0 Vtlll: u~ ip[" "DS Juell11t II.J "'Dlllt'" SiD", &~; •
It is co be ,remcmbccd thac for two caufes we rcr~lreC\ to the .Shew·Uone: the one by rca.
fon of the letter whic.'} I had wriden to the EliJptrcur: and WIS minded ,co'go (0 th.ew it (Q
the Spanith Embaffadour befor~ 1 fent it to .(he En:pcrOlu', to hive his 'opiuion.of ic, and ilfo
to'bear it. Secondly,by reafon of foulllanderous words which were 'Poken of me here at this
E;mbaffadillln Table: That I was a COlljum:, 'aria a bankrupt a)~imill"lIn<i CII!l}e here toget.
fmnew hat of the Emp~rour:. and chat I had fold my goodli, al~d given roche ~ord LII.s•./t the
mony, and thllt he hid decclTed mi!. :'1"0 there untruths tbe Eru~affadour d.-d 'rtply iu TJIT
behalf: for which I meant to thank him, dre. . .
Uricl ....... Evt1l liS tht IIcellr[ttJ,II"J caft dO'IrH,IIIDji -Wi/fUll] IIb~rr~tb hlltllh; I;,J Jijh'Dlf9ilr-
tth, tbt Goa of Juft;Ct,btc4uft o!his ",i''',i"tj's 411d p,.",tr DVtr hi71l: So do' 411. thDflothllt {ucit IIlfJ
h""g up ... his dugs,lhllt IITI COVtttPiK t!"d JtjiroUl'!,.",orltJlj prDmptiDIf: tbat gllp' "",1. tllirji .jt,r
tpt glDry Df this w'rU, IIbbor, 6tttr, lI1!.d rpnlinu,IIJ vtX- lind Jijh."our, filch liS lovt ]lIjliCt, or J.",tll.
ul/rur tbe 'll',i"gs of thr Goa of PDJlffT' IIlta Tr-1I1mph.· Htrtin mlly you "tjDyet, IblltJDI~ Irt pllrtll/ttrs
lind inlUlCtlrtl ( railtd4t, IIl1a d,j'piftd "'itT, tht wDrld) ;n tbtftllD1IIjhiP Df.G,J, ""rJ, If hM SDn
CI;rij f. Htrtin .naJ }D14 br "I"a,(hat JDU Art ftilltd, lI"d J)/I(ll"fllilh tht F IIthtrs, lI"d Ihllt jDII plll.J
Ci.;.,. !lilt/i- ttlfo upDn tht Hllrpt Df David: fD; I1tril] liS tbt} IIrt,{o'jhali JDU b,: ""d 'tH tbtJ IIrt "'lId, rigbtt.
1:' I, DM bJ rtd{oll of thtir ,I,{liD", lllIri. cr'Wlltd ~D"'"rJ tltrllal JO};' SD foill/ Y' IIT EltliiDII ,jillbli/h
E. :iIi •. :pur ri,gblllll{rlt§t, 111I-l givtfO. GArllllfdllf tt,r"lIl" CDIrI{D.rt. ThD[~ tbat IIrt ." tht SillS, IIr,
furflll ~f Ibt windts : A"J why 1 btt:4u(,.f Ib, -..,Dti'Il' .f tilt pillct, lind Df th, pOlPrr Df "lItllTt :
iJM ., it /10' fl, with lOll: fDr pu d1Ftll ill Call1ts mill., .f mllrblt, wrought Dut Df tb, middtjf of"
n",,-b.~i r.r i. J:lrt Tveit, II moii,tltbl, !DllndaliDn. P.r 'Rhy 1 III'" [urt Ihill GDd J.""I/tt. in JDU, ""d JIll ;" bint:
'~ " 'S & . " i.''ihtrt!.Tt li f t ~p J,.r btllds, 4nd rtjDJC; "'''tn!J~. IIrt "fflil1tJ,and keep (he image of <Sod liocere
D:', *
, . ~ . and p(rfclt in you,,thllt1011 mllJ IIlwllY" bt IIItreiful in tht /"'"1,t of bit SDII Chrij. 1M .,hm Ibt
~,""f c~ '2 'r lArd DjJtlftth hit moutb, IIl1d CIIlltlb JOU tog~tber, fitJi"g, t Venite & ,udice; 7bt" lay away all
C;'? /~!~ F. 0 • mercy; .fot [h~ God o~ JulHce dwellelh;;i!J1origfi you. W"! awtllttb' i" II bDU{t till it bt Ptr-
....:.{if•• ,,,,,,,;. ftill] fi1frJl?td., or. wh"~. u ht that./'l/tlUh «"." J'.
$"rr'Jtlff befort ,t ,b t III_tit J Bt "JINriJ, tbn
I/ ,um ft.- ,.
t "cu,m ~'~ 'Il'hm [he t hou(e Is)im(Jlcd,and your garments made, J.ufhllU mttr,~lId h, clDthed IPith
~p'lIfl1ri : CDmfDrt Df t llIi[JoIfI ""d p,"'tr. 1 II", ",i"d[ul, D[.JO.,III1J will bt'",indful of my frD- *
':'J::!li':~lS. ",ife NWIITd YOIl. r
.AliI. l,f lOU rt",,,ill lI"d dwrll [force tog,thtr] deell ] lI"d bt ""./fll"t ill 71ft
l' D,mu,: JOu fhf'll l'''ff't tlld . null~'~S that are to cOdJe;YOII /hallbe wimelfe9 of my power~ ' lI"d jhlllf.,r"t';'
~ "tiltt... iittD Ib~ La"d Df Prollti[t WIll, tlroft tb~t jhllll bt ,cDmfDrltJ: where thefe dayes thall have an end
·t S.pi./nl/"'Uf. 0 IItJ brttbrm, thit 'JIIDrtd tXOttAtlb i" IPiCIr.!Jllt§" IIlIa ;s " terrDur to tbt {,Drd A,,~tis: l1tcllu[;
~)~;:;:1r'. of the f,u/~ tb.ztjht dtvMrtth. Bllt rpbm I;ghtlltff't;f rtWllrdtd, .""d JufliCtjitt"b in plllce, ntll
t j, fti"uRwn-jhllll./htbtllrnD "fIIttg",.hut bt ",1I4t 1I11 .11' WIll, Ibt b.ttoll/ltff't PIt. D,Iiift ber, dtftift btt J {Dr
'U '..
• 'rtyr..,~ omif·
jhdsill$ Harlot •
fi,ni, A S,i,i"o n,1 (.m., tI.m .r B,IIold I hlll1t ""rtd iii ""'DlIgft JDU; lI"d it ;s my Spirit ,bllt
• nomi" • •if"lnifi' . DJm;r.o GIII;tlm~ Itltdtlb to the EAlbalfadoll1' frOill Spllin. 1 will reward
tit $ ••8. CI<ni<',lt,Hifi .n i~,.,. Rt- him.
,i, Itg ... b.r, .~trirt"'lt, .oi "'<r'e-
tI"" tUbil Dto•• *
'IbtrfJort liS tb'll balf Dpt"td "'t IlIlID tht wick.!J {p Itt IIlfo Iht
• D. JocDbo CQ' C'lji/illtj. gDDd hur witntJJt Df "',. '
c.r. . •· Tht L~rJ if btcD"" ," finbra.J ill furJ, lind hffth ffr",iJ hi",• .
ftfJ: II"J 1,1111, ~II/tt. ""to him bis gUIlI T IIrgft, lI;,d tht Sptllr df
IUs illJig"tttioll : Accurfttl IIr, Ibt] thllf hllvt o(mdtd hill/.

Tum vero zterni Genii ImDlortalis

A. ~u.nrl(1fl mtmi.i i. Si6,1I.
...,.Ii, Or",i, ~ , L.rin's ["iii,:
:H~ 8[ • ".fP~>.. U R .l E L., Saniel, Azadque,
ptr'. b.b"Nr ••mtll Qi!z ~aIa 91ufque homiollm ,patrave~it ant.e Sciences
V;;tlu inltr il/" 'lui ,.lleO.r; funr E te~r~s 3I)JDlaHenehris c:digl11is omnes.
b' mi"" .J jotliaM"" ~i# & hr, JudiCIO fiaenc~d folmidabile pacri~
.i{cribt. Magni, IlJ1mortalis folium, eN .
Om. Sib,.l. p·ag. 79.
Ubi fequuntur plura de V R. i E L , E.

And when I (epa rate them in the Clay of 'wrath 11 CD"'t, (liS .nt Df tbt -ji"girs 4"1. ~lIth '
ill. of Iht barvt}l Dr God ) ~ht" tht! jhllil/tit,." 'Ihllt III'" URI E L, ""~ic'b rpi// "Dr Jor t~:;~
,"r;"dlltjft .f tbtlr bll"ds) 1I0r tbtlr bl"fpbl7'ffW 1tIDlllb, ;11 Ih4t JIIJ.f rtv,,,,,. ~
- - -------:--=--------------------
<!A.true'Relation of Dr. Dee his AEli6nl ~ith fpirits,&.C
A(ttr " 'trtcin ti,,;t """th Michi~1 IIJIto .J0II. ""a JhIl~/ .Pm~ ""t• .Jill his bl,oa} SlIp,r.d i lind P",bt/i.1 II
J'" jhllll/tll"a ""J,r his Blinn,;'. H, jhlll/ bola up bis hanat , IIlIa (hilt! figbt Ilglli",l til' Hilll for M(CHAEl.~
you: Il"d JOur ,,,t,,,in foill/ not hr. Vllro which timt, riC,,,,, .1,11 Ligbt Illla Comf~rt: "",{ h, ('011-
ttnttfi witb Ildv"fit.J in tIlt L?ra. . . • Mltb. cal'. ,.
MJ hrnhT'II, it if htt" to be poor; with thoCe that are poor in Cpirit: tt,1I to ~ ric" .",;tbJt••• i." i,r..
tbo[t rbit IlTt gluttons~ IInJ with tht PrillcfJ IIf tb, EIlrt6 '1ft , 'If rt5~·"
M"',rum, 'CIt
'I~~iI'p"tlt bt .",itb C;eCat, i" a,flirt of tb, Divil. C:l. -£,it ,.,;,
i h . r 'J
_,a. CAr.r,
. A, Glor\" patri Be filio Be Spiritui San!l:a ': Sicut erat in Principia & rjunc 8( Ccmper, Be ir1~O< .hi., bowie
r~cula Ceculorum. Amtll. ", .or /hall be
""16ed, 0('
"illi w/iida

Nott: A~ i had iinilhed this A!l:ion, and wu come to my ~ntd, door; E"'tritus waHe.
fumed again from the Spanilh Emb.lfadour, to wbom I had Cene him de/irous to know his
ItaCurdor ole: · who had now Cent me word by.E"'trielisto come co diner,Be Co he would have
,leaCure, tre. Whereof) was right glad; and went thieher to diller I : who into his inermoll
Study (where he himCelf was writing of letters) caured me to be brought. And afeer I had
complained of injury and violence dOlie·unto nie, by foul flanders, and that, at his Honoun
Table: . (tt? whiCh his, Honour.. in my belialf had replie~: an~ eherefore moft humbly, and
fincerely ( dId thank him) I raId chat the Emperous MaJdly hlmfelf could bear me wlCllefrej
tbat I nCed this phrafe unto him,tliat I came not for his riches a5,NoII '11m, fla 'IIOS 0 StrmiJ!i",;
eLfllr p,opttr ,livitiflr vt/frIlS, ut i"J.. tgo Jivrs fttrtm, [tJ.i Df~' ''';§III, . nOlf Iludto Illiter f IICtr~
qllll"; tilli lid 'II,/ff"'" C4"uii", Mlljt(fllw,; voluntltttm dtelltr.,.", Bee. And therefore, Ho.w
£-aWl they Oandered me, it wu eviderit: and becauCc I percei ve eha~ Do8:or Curtz hach not
dealt neielier "ith clue eiltt:rcainmerie of nie as of a UraiJger, or a SudellC,or a Ma~hematitian,
or of one whom (to my face). he gave great praiCc: Unto, a ~ of one lOll!; fince of great fame in
GtT"'flitJ, and Co in bis good efiimaci.gri, ~e. And leaft ot all, as of orie, ,who offered fo great
clirtefies to the Eniperours Majeftyas he was ,m ade wicnefrc of: I thought good to fend unto
the Emperours Ma Jefty this letter fol\owirtg, and Cd read it . unto him afeer diner, when I
fhewed hini Lih,."", Pr,lIf,t,,[tmfivt C4Ilrtu",. l and moreover Li:rN", dtrimu,ff, (whoCe former
title was"Lib~i Stxti M,.fiei T,rtillri/K ) and chere. (}jew-ed. hiriJ ~i verso Ac1ioris in . Larine al.
rddy tranUated, becaufe rrew to eranUaee.Co to hua of die E'15hlh, dId Ceem to ole both te~
dlous, and to hini not fo readily pleaCant. All thing! on his pm con.idcred, hi~ Cumm.rt
final ccinclufion was, lis wdl of the laR: offer in thi! my leteer, a.s of ehe greae a8:ions and di-
ville purpoCes. For the firft ~c d,~clllred tliat he was lirieally dcCcenied oue of the conrari·
gui!'ity, of Olft II Gt"tlemn, ~lIt '~nllttrt4. ~t rbt /i,ll, ~ho' ltft h~ ""if~, ehild~tII, 11,,11 f~",j" i" DJ '.1 .
Malorca, fl.d ll{cmJ,J IIIf.H,llt~trf, "If,J. .' " rill" {ol,r"r, rt'IIIt,,,,d ." wlnle 1tltr, "nd lit th, A "'! HiLtt.!~
Jtllrs tll/', b, CIl"'t d''''II, i'lt [0 ItltrlftJ and Wife, that til who knew him before, wondred at it. r.!'~,;;::;:;
Ahd chllt me Came man was called R.IJJ"'·,IIJ,L .. /lio : alvl chae he mai: that whic:h i, called •
the PbiloCophers Stone, as in E'iglll/f4 (Caid he ) I underftand is good record ofie: Tberefore
J Cee, 4uoth he, that it is a trueh and ;x>!nble ! and as be haeh gramed ehe knowledge of it to
one man, rei he may grant ittoanoEher, tre. And as for the oetler higher matters, 1 ptrCtrtlt
drllt God i"wiJtth [o"'t grtllt "'lttt" ilf th• .,porIJ. But I am not abl~ to judge or:detemune
of it : But] IIIn of this mind, wherein I can artY' way further the Cervice. of God ~ 1 will be
ready and obedient, tre. }\nd as fot the Eiilperdurs perCon himfdf, I filid him of • good na-
ture, curteons, and moll :zealoufly Cacholick : yea ready to Jhea bis blood in the caufe, if
opportunity required. He underR:andeth the Latine well, and Cpeakeeh fufficiencly well :
That is true ( quoth I ) for he (pake well in La~ine to me divers things. Moreover ( C-aia
he) as conctmi"g lOU, I {IlJII him v''l""llllffdJiOlfllttJ., "'lilting grtllt IlceollJlt .of JOllr book." &c.
Therefore you are not to regar tbeCe Dille" III,ns ill hlfl"tSj ",ho' hllrJI] Cillf brIO/(,. fllfj
jlrillfgtr, &c.
Upon ~rther matter that I had to thew him, I off'ered my ready repair unto him at all
times of his good leaCure being called or ",arned. And be deurous toCee the Stone brou,hc '
t~ JIle by an A~gel, willecl. rile t? cOlne to mo.r row alfo, to biner: ,Ipromifcd 'him, ~lJd Co ,
WIth thanks YIelded to hIS honour; I departed toward my LOdgang at gtt.,ltlll lR old

[i i)
.A true'J{elatio1l Of Dr • Dee his Aflions ~;th Ipirits, &c.
n, C6P} of Ih, fm["id L,th, to tht Empmur.
liItis ( 0 Sermillime Czfar ) 8c pemlagnis (fere omnium) Creatllranlm Dei, immo
M i pnus Dei, &: ca:lefiibushaud paucis myHeriis, arcanifquc, nftcz Czfarea: Majeftaci.
ju/fu per me (jam, ante quatuordeeim dies) fideliter, Iineere,8c diligenter ( quantum
fex horanlm fieri poterat fpaeio) dedaracis, ae manifella~is: eidem, cui, eadem penesme
videnda, audienda, inteHigel1daque e/fe voluiftis: Inde, nunc, quz lit yellrz Czfarez Ma-
jellad, fimplex (taflquam ab zquo rerum lEllimatore) faaa relatio : vel, quoif cum rdatioric
adjullaum Judicium: vel, qualistotlus procelfus i:xcogicata cenfura: vel, qualis mecum pro-
cedendi, vobis perfuafa cautio; vel, qlla~e pro Czfarei vellri refponli forma, initum captuni-
qne confilium, Non .cum ~am immodefte cllri~fus, ut ~xpifc~r, N ~ue aliter, ve.1 alia ratione
de facrz veRrz Ma Jefiaus Czfarez prudenu &: grauofa (in przmlllis ) RefollitlOne, fum fol-
licitus, quiun, me ( 6delem, lincerum, &: devotum ) Dei OmnipOtentis, 8c ( in Deo, propter-
qile Deum) veRrz facrz Czfarez MajeRatis fervitorem deceat. Video ramen me ( dllm
nullum adhuc ad przmilfa reecperim refponfum) per tam aid filentii ( quali ) ftimulum, ali-
quantulum impelh,ut Cccundo veftram Ca:faream Majefiatem admoneam,Ne dh'inmJ hanG, Be
divinitus oblatam Mifericordiam, tam inexpeaacam, tam magnam, tam inauditam, tllm ad-
mirandam, tam multiplicem, tam Ilacui lmperatorio, ' Chrillianzque Reipublicz necelfariam.
tam certam, tam para ram, eamque ( per Dei Omnipotentis, Czfarezque Ma jefiatis vellr~, fi-
delenl Cervitorem ) re ipf., vobis confirmandam, 8c adalinifirandam: (Ii facra vetlra ezca-
rea Majellas yoluilfet) parvi momenti negotium, vel inventum a!iquod humanum, aut frau-
dem Diabolicam, elfe, fnilfe, vel fore; ullo modo Cufpicemini, vel Cl'edatis. Tali enim &: tam'
grayi vellrz Czfarez Majellatis errore, Omnipotentis Dei incendl po!fe furorem vehemente,"
vereor: & ne hanc Dei mifericordiani reCe.uentes, ejufdem indignantem provocetis vindiB:am,
v,alde metuo. Q!.Iapropter, Cltm videam C :elum ipfum , 8c czlellia talia myfieria, non tali
t.ntzque curz, vellrz facrz Ma jellati Czfarez adhllc elfe, quali, quantzque optalfem equi-
dem: Ego potiusquam, lit, vel Deus huju! fllz (prius inaudicz ) Miferi4;or.aiz ultr<XIue
yeftrz Czfarez: Maje,fiati oblatz,prorCus nullum (penes homines) haberee confpicuum JU-
dicium, argulllentum, Teftimonium vel expel'imentum: It IiOtius qulUl) mea (fzpe nominata)
fideliraS', Ii.ceritas, &: Devotio ( live yotum) erga Deum 8c Tefiram CzCaream Majefiatem,
omni ( aplld polleros nollros ) care ret fide, 8c veritatis mallife Ilz robore: In Dei Nomine.
&: adejuslaudenl, honorem,8( I-!Ioriam: 8c lit vtitn: ferenillim.c Czfare:e Majellatis Catisfa-
cianI deJiderio Herpico, De lap ide illo'Benediao: (Philofophorum vocato lapide) in infal-
libilittr videndo, pollidendo &: utendo: Alfcro velll"z facrz CzCarez; Ma jefiati, lapid8ft1 eun-
dem me ( auxilio favoreque Divino) conficere polfe. Et propterea; Si veftra Czfarea Ma-
jeftas; me velit interim, libi intimc charuDl habere: Et, li, pro dignitate tanti myfterii, Be
Bene/i'Cii (libi me liberaliffime 8c nwnillime exhibendi) gratiofe rue traB:are dignabitur
( Non tamen alio quidem ve,l altiod rue iniigniens Titulo quam qui ~eftrz CzC"rez Ma je/la-
tis Philofopho 8c Mathematico conven,iat) ) Hii~ !iteris ore 8c corde polliceor, fanaeque coram
Deo Omnipotenti voveo: 0eus iUud philofophicum , Omnibus Cuis nUlDeris per£eltum, in
manus vefiras Czfareas, ( 8c fmc fumptil>us vellris ad iUud opus perficiendum requiremlis )
ae brcvillimo, quo fieri potedt, tempore ( blum Dei) me daturum. De aliis przterea Arcanis,
adhuc mibi filendum elfe video. Nunc autem Caera: CzCirez Majellatis veftrz gradofam. li-
biram, conftantemllle'volunratem, in przmillis,nonaliter, ,.ili ex veftroproprio gratiofo ore
vel eX vearis .<?z~ax:eis I~~eris propriii, tntelli~ere Cu.pio. Nullulll enim jaDl nofco, dignll~ '
&: aplum; qu~ ID IftIS, ahlCque Namrz 8c ArtIS Cecrem" meus (pepcs vefiram Czfaream Ma-
jeftatem ) fieri deberet Mercurius. '

TneCday, Stptt.brw 25. Prag:e.

Note: I 'went to Diner to the Spanilh Embalfadollr: Ind .c uryed with me the StOne
brou,ght,me by an Angell ~nd t~e fourth Book, wherein the manner of the bringing of ic is
expretred. And alCo I carried With me Librll", S,:dMm S "1f[Jllm MJjEi~Il"'.
'AfurDintr, when I had Ihewedhim tbefe things: his tinal anfwer was, ~hat ~rily lie
took the doing to be by good Angel : marjy, the matter~ to be too great: Therefore (Caid J)
tbeY are for the Cenice of God, and noc oneil man. He faid he was a finner, '1nd not wor-
tby t~ be privy, much lelfe to be a doer in them: . Nocwithftanding whatCoever he can do
A Copy of the therem acceptable to God, he would be moll obedient thereto. He delired a Copy of the
letlen dc6rcd; Emperour IUs forefaid letters, tbat he might conlider circumCpealy of tbe Contents before he
a.ould d~liver themJ whereunto I confented. Ilendl!riug bis honour thanks I de-

A true '1?..e/4tion of Dr. Dee his AC/ions '¥Pith (pirit!, &c. ~47

Wedenfday, Septtmbl'iI 26. Ante Mtriditm. Praga:.

About 10 and a haif of the clock, Dr. CurU; rent" with MI'. SimQn HagtC~ his ferv,~nt t6 D. c.,,~.
know my lodging: He had paffed not far olf in a laile on horfeback his felf goiilg into the
Town, and fo met Mr. Simln H4gtCk,. at the lanes cnd, ¢'t.

Thllrfday, Stptemhril 27. t Prag:r.

M4nc: About 7. of the clock came Dr. Curl%:. his [ervant from his Maller to tell' me,
that his Mafier woulg{ come untO me at 9 ofche clock. p. '.t'~
At 9 of the clock came Dr. CUrtlt on horfeba,ck to me, to my lodging (at Doaor Hagtf",.
his hou[e by Btlhlttm) my wife he [aluted, and little: K4tharint, my daughter; Mr. Ktlly
had gotten him into his chamber, not ~iIIing to be [een.
After he was come up into, my little Study, ahd there fet, in Mr. Ktl/y his ufual place, and
J in mine; , J began to complain of the great in jllry dOHe llIito me here; for I came as is fin-
cere and faithful.fervi[Our of the Emperour his Majelly, in,t ending all goodneff'e and honour
IInto him: no hindrance, loffe or hurt i neither callie r propter divitia1 C4arir mihi colligm-
dar, as I [aid expl'elfely ulito his Majefty. I was, before I came hithCT, of good name and
fame, both in this Coure,and all Europe over, As you your felfMI'. Doaor ( quoth I) can bear
me witneffe : and other in this Court divers: And that here my name and tame /}lonld [uf-
fer lhipwrack, where I thotlght I had been in, a Cure Haven of my principal Pacrone: My
thinketh thac- great injury is done unto me : ) kho~ no m.ans hOlv to hell' it, but to give
you warning of the ,envions malitious backbiters "that al[o are about this Conrt, that as Yo'u
find occalion, you might encounter with this evil, and foul monfter, in [0 mighcya Princes
Caufe intruding it [c1f.
The Doaor [etmed not ti> know what lilleant. I cold hiin, that at a Noble·mans Table,
There wl's, of great accoullt,who faid, that there was an EngliJh nnn,come to the Emperours,
A bllnkJ'upt Alchimijt, II CQ>ljurtr, and. N.cromanti/f: who h"d [old bH own '~00d1, lind g;Vt1/ th~
L.,d Laskie tb. mcne): Itnd tbat hth4d btguiltJ. hl1": and that now /u would. fltin gtt [om. of
tbt E",ptrour hi1 mont) from him, &c. The ooao[" feemed greatly to miQik e thefe ilanderous
words, and faid, thac he never heard of any [uch; with fome few words more, of che wiclted
manner of back biters.
, Aft,erthis, as concerning the report making co the Emperollr, of tbat IlIad lhewed UIltO
him, at his houfe, (as before is noted,) he faid chat he had made a plain and fincere report.
Whereunto the Emperours Majelly, had ( as yec ) given no' :l.llfwer. And co be plaitl with
you (faid he) his MajeUy chinketh them almolteither incredible, or Impofiible:, and would
have fome leafure to confider of them: and is defirous [0 have the fight of thafe L4tint A-
lIi,n1 Jpu jh.'1PtJ. "'.~ or a Copy cf them, and efpecially,. of that; which containeth a para-.
phrafir ofth. Apollolical Crt,tJ.. I anfwered, that my Books I ~Ol!ld hot d.eliver. out o~my,
'hands: And as for a Copy of them, I would (at lea[ure) write It; chat hiS MaJelly might,
have it. And th~1 I told him farcher., thac becaufe it was to long before I heard any word of
him, I hid letters ready to fend to the Emperours Majelly,ro have farcher declared my mind
unto him, and r declared unro him the cenor ,of them: and he told me chat about three of the
clock after noon, his man ,Ihonld g6 to the Court, alld if then I would fend them, his man
[ i i 2] fuould
14 8 A 7rue 2{elation 0/ D. Dee his Af/ionJ with/pirits, &c.
fhould carry tbem. I anCwered tbat I would elt~ell: a day or two for tbe Empe!Ours re~um
hither. After tbis we talker! of Come ~athcmat1cal matters: And I lh~"ed hIm ths: htt~c.
Book Je fuperftcitrllnt J;T!ifi'''iblll~ Cet forth by me ~nd ContntilllJflt1ll ~ prt!lted at PtZllr, tn
Itlll, He faid that he never Caw It before: I bad hIm then take I,t WIth hIm to pernfe : and
that 'if I had another Copy, I would give it him; ,but I had none 6tber but that. I lhewed
him alfo the lr.p,eatllnt.r" Apbor;ftic. ae pr,ejf,,"rimblll tjl/ibllIJlltII N.tllre ~;rMi~tit, whicb he
had never feen before. After this, with mlltual cnrrehes a'ffered on bbth parts (after the
man/lCr of the world) he took his horfe, and returned homeward.

Fdday, Stpt,ntbril, :18. Prag%.

Intending to fend the Emperours letter ( berc before writlen ) to his Majeliy, by my good
friend, the Spanith fmbalfadour, I wrote this letter to fend to the Embalfadour m tbat be.
half, and as concerning tbe credit of thefe All:ions.

I//u/M{tnt. D.ntill', D.",ino D.II Gulielmo dt SlIn{}. Clblltllft,fertlli{t",i

.rqut C.tbolici Hifp""ill""" I{tgil. IIpua fIlCT.'" C:rfaream M.';', Bec. Ltgllto, Domillo fl!' obfer1JIIIIJi!limo.
IIIuftris Be Ma!:ni6ce Heros: Multis boi: probari potell tellimcniis 'Be exemplis , quod ilia,
qnz (preter vlilga'rillm anium Be Ccientiarum deCreta) Nova~ Be fupra, vulgariter Studiofo-
rum expeEl:ationem, hominibus (licet piis Be candidisqllidem) Divinitus revelatuur myfieria,
cum fnmma difficultate vel intellignDtur p:tuciffimis, vel vilt nne fufpitione admittontur, aut
creduntur a pluri'-lls: Aft qual is , in \1.ollris, (Ii relh: pieque informatz roftris adbibeator
judicIUm) elfe potell fufpitio? Nam II Deo OmBipotente, per multos jam anno., ,i idditer, ar-
denter, & confi:mter per preees requifita fapientia : Ulta (fcilicet qllz penes nos qllidem) vi·
decur elfe radix Be occafio tanti ifiius Doni obtiliendi. All in ccelelli fuo Palatio,ante condi.
tum mundum, determinata, Be affignata erga nos Mifericordia & gratia Omnipotentis Dei,
przcipuum, folidum, immobiJeque bujus tanti myllerii ell cenfendum fundamentum: In quo
myllerio, talis relucet, per potemes fidelefque Angelos Ifagogica Informatio, De Arcanis Dei
conliliis , [am in mundi creacione Crcaturarumqlle naturis, & veroufu, quam in mundi pc:e-
fencis moltque futuri fiatu: Et preterea, de IInius Catholicz Ecc1enz (chariffima: Jcfu Chri.
fii fponfz, lIofir3:qlle pia: matris) fanaitate, dignitate, Be Authoritate (veluti in qua etiam
eft 5anll:orum Commllnio, Be Peccatornm remiffio ) Be de multis nondum per nos revelandis
Dei ArcaW& Magnalibus & Determinationiblls :-Qgod tantum abefi, Ut aliqllis (fana: menti~)
Chrifiianus, Aaiones Nollras Myfiicas, Diabohcas elfe fraudes, contendere, immo ne fufpica-
ri quidem conetor aut poffit: ut potius, tale Arcanum Dei l'ropolit~m , incredibilitcr admi-
rari" racionem humanam, in eifdem examinandil , fubjugare. ac Dei erga Elell:os CUDS admi-
randam mifericordiam in iftis clfe manifcfiam, humillime, Be cum fummo tre~ore fiateri velit:
Ego quidem , haEl:enus, in illis , aliud (fere) nibil, me elfe inTenio, nili Calam\un fcribz,
velocittr per me fcribentis. Nam vifa auditaquc (in mea p..zfelltia) fideliffime, de litera in·
terdum ad liteum, interdum, verbatim, interdum pluribus timul rcccptis verl:>is (ipfo eodem
tcmporis momenta, qUQ traduntur) annotare fnm folitus. Aft jam in quam multa excrevit
Nofier talis labor volumina ? Ex qui bus omnibns iIlum fruEl:um , fuccelfumque expeEl:amlls,
qualem -przfitit ille,cujus nutui cmaa obediullt.llld autem ad fuam facrem C,efartllnt Maje.
iiatem hteras mea's: Cum vefira magnificentia opportunitatcm inveniet priuiam, fi meo nOllli.
ne: humillimeeHcm elthibere dignabitur, Tum magno ~ihi (Divinitus) injunEl:o, levatus
ero onere ~ Tum mallno, vellra magni6cmtia atreaus beneficio : vera, DUm fllz f ....
crz Majellatis C4art.t ad illas refponfum dabitlll-"(nimlrum Ii ad If. vel 16. dies prius ex·
peaandum elfer), tarim polhcceptum rdponfum (li tam expedite Hlud recipere polfum,
quam quqd Iecc~i u,l,timo) ad iter me debeo, propter familiam '.Iibros , & aliquam
mcam I.uppelleallem, hue (ante byemls afpentatem) transfelendatn. UbI ,tum C,e{lIru Ma·
;eftatis gratio~o ,£aVOrt, Be fub ip6us,Proteaio?e I~~eraio~i., yoluntate~l Omnil'~tC!ltis Dei
Implere, pro vtrlblls, & filZ facrz C,ef.rlll Ma ,efiatt tnfervtre (tanquam eJufdem Pbl/gfopblll e;-
M.rl",,,,,,iclII) 6dehllime, de tempore in tempus, paratus elfe potero.

Illuftr; fltJlU MII!"ifictllti,e

AtlJiOi/p11I111 '

Joannes Dce~

I an-
.d true '1(elation of Dr. Dee his AtHans rPlth [piritJ;, &c.
I annexed hereunto a Poll:-fccipt, which followeth;

Ean,m elfe panium, & confultum elfe duxi vellrz Magnificentia!: paucillimis verbis
M fignificare, quod heri, mane, horll nona, vir egregius, & fuz Majefiis Ce{.tue 6.-
dus Confiliarius D. Do!l:or Curtr:.iUl, me bumaniffime invifebat in meo ergaftulo, & hy-
I'oeaufiato, juxta lllthlthtm, ubi videre poterat Bibliotheeam prrfentem meam, nullam
(fere) aliam elfe, przter Sanaa Dei Evangelia & Biblia faera ipfofque nofirorum myfte-
riorum Iibros : Ego autem quodam humili mOdo (inter czteras querelas meas) de tam lon-
ga interpofit.a mora eonquerebar, inter ejufdem (de mds rebus) faaam rdationem, &
Ce[auu", de eifdem recipiendum cefponfum. IIIe vero fe fimpliciffimc C4aTte Majefii vifa
:auditaque (penes me) retulilfe alferuit, nullo fuo, de eifdem, adhibito judicio. Ve-
rum, C41lTi (dixit) qua/i impoffibilia'Vcl incredibilia fuilfe vifa. Et de refponfo mibi (in
hac parte) dando • fecum, adhue, fllam deliberare velie Mujeftatem Ctt{ItTU"'. Unde ego
de literis meis ifiis, fuz Majefti mittendis, mcntionem feci & fummatim earundem teno-
rem, eidem enarravi. IlIe eafdelll ftatim habere voluit, ipfi C4aTu Majcfiati a Meridie
mittcndas: Ego quidem C.e[arit me velIe ad pauculos dies expeaare adventum dixi. Deindc
de rebus Mathematicis breviffime inter nos habito fermone, illique (ad peryidendum) dato
libdlo quodam Geometrieo (per me & F tdtri,,,,,, Com·ma1fdhlul.<Vrbiltltttm) in ·Iucem olint
dato, & mutnis; poft, utrioquc promiffis officiis humamtads &. benevolentix, abiit.

Saturday; Stpttmb. 29. Dit SiUllii Micb.ulid.

. !hc Letter to the Emperours Majcfiy, with this Letter t'! the Am~atradol1r, and
thIS Pofi.feClpe : And moreover , (according to the Ambalfadour hIs requefi) the Copy of
the E~lp~rours Letter, al! in one uttermorc: raper clor~d (Letter like) fealed, and with fu-
perfc.CJpooo t.o the forefatd Ambalfadollr ; fent to his honour ~n MichIe/milS day at din-
ner tlDle, by EIHtriclU SOlfta,,: Who delivered the f:lme to the Secretary of the Ambalfa-
dour, and he to the Lord Ambalfadour, as he fat atditmer. .

DtUI emt 'IItrtltt,lId laudtm

1fDl1liltH fui. Amen.

StpttmbtT 29.
Remember that this day (after· noon) I fent Bllgb on foot with my Letters to Crltco'llilt
to EJmo,uJ., that my folk thould noe be out of. quiet, or afeard to fee Mifirelfe Ktlly, fent
for, and 110 Letters to come from me, &c. I "de to the Lord Lask,.it of our want of DlO-

Monday, Ol1obrH I. a Mtritiit circil 3. bor,m. Pragz.

OratiollC' dominiCI linita, &c. Valde cito en faaa apparitio.
E. K. Here be two, one his face is covered, and the other is not: 'Ur;,!.
And he, whofe face is uncovered feemeth to be Gabriel. Gdritt.
l>.. Sit benediaus Deus Pater, Deus filius, & (Deus SpiritllS Saliaus Illlnc & Semper.·
A. Our chief caufe (at this infi.ot) why we refort to this thew-none ~ is for to under;; . .
Iland (according to the grounds of God his promife) the fiate of my wife her grievou~ dif-lAw••",,;;
cafe, and means to cure her, wherein if it pleafe the Lord t6 be merciful! unto her aHd me, "'t~"'~b'"
i~ thall be the occalion whereby the will all her life time praiCe th.e name of Gdd for his merjm'NI'JNI.
Cles, and be of a quietter minde, and not fo telly and fretting as lbe is •
•••••• Who Itrt you, or from ."btllCt '''Itt lOU, thltt you rtqllirt {cit1fct ~ ."bi~h [uk.. to bt mort' Gabriel.
JPi[t IIltd txptrt, tbm fuch as Ilrt tbt Chilarm I1IIJ Dol1m of this World 1 )IIbo[t judgtmtnts Ilrt
. [j i 3] t4jh,
.' .A true '1(el..ttion ,Of Dr. Dee his .Afliolu Jt;th flir't!, &c.
----T-II-jh-,-a-nd-II-nd-tl-'-ffll~ing na~rJ " Il-;ii,,· wbo[e lips d;rtlrtbtto trulh-:Tpi;(I [II)) lire )011, , tblft
}oujhould. dtftTvt tht ",.jt/tral btlftfit of fo (.Ttllt lI"d [/l1!{Jifita gr"ct J . III to IInatrjt."d the de-
termination of God, the power of his Angels, or tbt brigh~lftfft, or obf~ uril) of "'''''S Soul~ Iflld
IInatrjtllndi/lg,' r dtfptrlltt jinnlTs, lind P"Ttlli..trS ."itlr 'ht JPic/vd, ho. clln )011 [etlt, brtlfd lit
your flltbtrs hllnds " lPbtH JOIl {ttl<, to Ileal into his barnes? Ttil , into bM bOIl[, , IIIfJ di"in, T,,~
TIIerobbing bIts,' IInti 7//or, thtll ,b.t; }tll ,. evtH iI/to bM pr!f1J CIrIl7//bers : /I,t to [p3)1 bi", of bis bOllj1lOlJ ftllffl,
God of hi> h<>- of bit Gold, or prtciOUf .ffo/lts, but of fhe dilttlt1lle; !,/I~ CrOlP/I of bis, e1!ullfjting Mllj~{t} ItIftl ·ho-
nour, nour: you IIrt thiev~III/ld robbtrs;:lOd through the Dlgmty of YOllr fptrlt yO\\ /hall think to exalt
yonr fc:1ves,and to live in Majefiy witb the world.
Trut it is, )01/. 7//11) litlt fo " But )011 live lPitb lin H IIrlot, lI11d ./hill! poffrfft .tht u."lIrd of Forlliclt-
tors It"d Adulrrrtrs. · .
Po.; Ar.lrli 7bertfort reek not to f(td of [Ilch foo-1, III the bolJ; II1fJ ~1/1feJ IIItjf'tl/gtrl, IIl1a Min;fttrs of tht
fl ,;. God of H ·fts ilna i/or) do ta}it of,' III1J Jlre comforted; for tht) Itrt tht [pirits of tTuth IIlftl UIIatr-
jtllltriing ; [ltcb III cI,~vt Ul//Q their Goa, Itlrd fight IIgllillft tbt IIb.milllfti,ns, IIl1d hDrrible bl4{phr-
Aniwllfr'lm _mitS of the lPorld airel htr IIdbtrmrs : ."hich (bt, It,,{, you ftt }oltr {,tlvtl IIgllill/t thtm) Jhllll '<1ep,
Ir".",r ,,,1 IIl1d rI.[t "p tht brigbt~rff" lind ob{c"rit] of IlIcb Soul f~o7// )o~, tb~t )fur igllorll/lct 1II11).e grtllteri
.bl,",il.' IIna J,ur Jllr!t.."tfft tbt('/!".i!r, lI"d thltt you 7//11) rtturn 1Plth01lt l,ght: to tbt 13~rathrum of ignorllll",
Sup .. b,1I phi- 1fhtre pridt ,(tli-Iovt, lI/1d tht Chi/dTtIl!>f vllnit) hAvt their hllbitltti.lI.
lA.,j, VA.i-
'Ibm (ptrlldvellturt) lPill )Oll {i, 'SPithin 10·ur [tlves "T!JtTt ht otlltr tim's, thtr, ht othtr 'SPooJs ;
'dl. Jtll, t6rre bt other lI'IlJtS, Itt Uf thertfore ['-tlt.. Qut th,m.
"i(., for"","- But hehola, 11Pi1lJh"t liP from jou II11 EltmtJ1tlll Vigor,' Si tbirt tb, FOlilltltil,s of c'lIgullltio,;
r." ltI.
c·_c·I",i•. fhllil bt drita whtll)OU [tlk., tball , Itlld tht lIat"ral J/01lriJ!'7//tl/t IIl1d food if p"rts tbllt dlPtll i1f '"'
l'Ab.I•• proportiolljha.llhid, th,m[elv,s, IIl1dbe Itfl"p1JihmJoII{ttk., them; )tll,i/l tht iow,ft I lPi!1 piIlCl"
-hru!old dOor-bllT, ifrcllg,r then II J:{1Ck" 'f )tllrll , which fhltiL ftllnd btt.,..,,11 J'ur t)lS lI11d R,,1r01P-
, ledgt , IIna JOu f1l1i.ll "ot rtt,' (or perltJvmturt JOU 11111) [IlJ in Jour {tlVts.
~, Forr; I_t's Behold, there is Il [cit lice k..1f,,1P1I; Jtll, tlrer, is "con junli:ion of (6. J equal qualities, optllmg"".
~!'/:!;"~~:~ to Uf tbt "",firries of comf~rt i'.', infir7//iti,s, thllt is /lot fo· 0 )OU foolifh ·,' for 'fllthtr Ii ere , nor
If. there, (hllll ]011 fill de tbe Lord, if )011 follolP tht fitP,I, IIIIJ defiled wayes tbat the world tcachctb
FOT I fltid ,of)QU,' L-o, I will plllrt )011 IIglli"rt rbe lPorld, tb.t N..,,,•• II 1.i,.;a 'I. 'u,-
nt] I1II7//t ",lIj b, mltgllifita IIlfd tht ."orld fhall hilt, 10. f,r III) ","!.& "'.""' ••, .,;;. ,,,[e-
fllk". ' . q-II", Ir'1 rer Del/lll.
6.. 0 Lord, be mercifull unto us : Deal, 0 Lord, with U~, as I ha'ICe put my crull in thee:
'rurn away thy wrl!th (0 God) and vint us in mercy: 0 God,O Lord, what grievou9 fay-
ings are thefe ? .
Gabriel ...... Tro~/,[t [A tbou II0t th, be."r., bl/.. he.r the v'Jet of 7//t, Gllbritl, the man of God.
1117// the trne medeclOe oflllch as put thelftrltft III tbt G~tl of Hofts, IIlfa ;11 bis foil Cbrijf; lPhicb
Gdriel. ii tht I,.1I7//b of lift, lind tb, C07//fDrt'f his {lItbtT,.",6ich giv, unto th.fe tb.llt thir{t, the tru, metltei",
Mi{tr;&f,Ji. of comfort and confolation; neither £hall God fol'fakc thee, neither thall thy Soul be de,.'
Dti[M,,,A. ~cived.
But it ~tbo.vtlh thtf, th;lIgs t~ bt [pOVII, tbllt jin might bt corrtlltd, lind N.I. ",M!"", • .,,~. ;.~
tht ""IIIto! him thllt {t1ft III, mllgllijitJ. crq'li.nis ifti~l.

Gabriel. Htllr 711} voict: ill I fllid unt. tbtl , r~ ."illI

Here placinr;. 6.In nomine Dcri loquitur, plllCt thee here. And from hence thou
qui per omne5 Angelos loqui- 1halt have fcicOI:e and underllanding,lI"a
tur: Iicet enim Vritl dixerit thON .Ihilit bt fltvollrllble ill she ,)es of him,
vel alius ~ tamen Deus femper thltt I f1t1l0.r not,' thllt 7//) glorit might bl
JtNi,lp6U1 pl- loquitur. IXlllt"i ill bim, IIlId IIgllill.{t his childi/h-
"'Mi[tri~T~ nelfe. r,t, t lPill bt IIItreifull to bi7//; ]ft
t/j".,tU. if h, bellr 7//t. . E. L.

• ..... VIIIO tbtt rEo K.] I [II], (0 thou that art a worldling) A yayer from an ~ncertaiJo phce.
IJPi/l {tir liP fri",1; IIT1fOIl!.ft JIU. lI11d lfiill fi!! thy h~ds with There "ere fODle ",cke~ tl:1II~""
t~at thou defiretl:: B.t tbllt tbou 't~ti'lltft in ~bt Olf" I ."i{{pluck" re~"" E, It fr~ heAllog qllltt-
bltck., ilf tht other,tbltt lPlmtt60u wouldtft be ~Ife, thou /halt not, Y E. K.
and when thou wouldetl: fee, thou /halt not.
A. E.)r. Was very mucb offended at thefe 1harp words ,&e. aftd would have Icfc off,
Uriel... ; .. Inobedien5 es, lie cafH~ationedignus,
Gabr...... As f,r tht Vtrrllt of the h'lJ [pirit *(
{ of) tbt gift of mtJtCiil~ , IIl1d btllli"g
(."lIkb]fU c.ll Pbyji,~) ~lill,]o" ~"o." ",t. .
A true Relation of Dr. Dee his AElio'H UJieb (pirit!, &c. 1..51

IlIf,wi [tmt omiltS , &- fatui: For, Phyfick i~ in very d~ed, Vrji.iri. M,Jiciu; M"ici., <fl,,,,,.. &
the tme , and perfell: fcience of the nat~ral ,combmatl?h, ,'r~EI. (,i.nli.. Mr."IH , ....bin.ri"nH . &
-and proportion of known pares, anfw:ermg In grad,u3t1on "0porr;I"'" ,~r t;N'" nor", ;,m ;/tbiro ",d .
rea!', to one principal and defined; is tberefore Ithove the rtfp.n'""i.m i. ,r"'."i.., mtli It/ "._m
cltpltcit) of [uch IIf Itre ,'lPDr~d(illgl,.lIa do hunt 4 t er monel ",ore " i.,ip.I•• & JtJinirMm 'J" ~
thelf die truth of Gods fplm.

Uricl lH . wit-
HfJ[e Jt.ndil1g bj.
llllt 10, light ffilllaerh by me, ."d my words .r.meaicilft:
!ma 'lPh.tfltvtr I [Pt,ltk,., light buret. 'lPitlltff'e of me:
Th.rtfore .re "') 'lPords true •

•••.•. have patimce a'Albile. fl. He difappeared.

6. We examined the definition 'of Phyfick to be a very,apt anC"ering, both to the Anato-
mical natures of man, or any patien~, and alfo of the Herb, or fimple, tbat is medici-
nal ,&c.
b.. He came again and proceeded.
Gab..... Whh'b cOHjiflttb.oftwo pltrts,tbt k.,IIowledge of cltit(liltl ~adiation (tbe caufe of[IJ t4m"R,Ji"i. tll!-
~;IIillg) ana 'f E lr>lfmtlfl VIgor. the ,(t", Ifnd r..ufe of [2 Jproportion. "flil, "i,,, rlt-
The firjf, and crzleJlIlf1 is thrufofd, tbat is to [II), fro", Goa, fro", the Allgels, fro", m.ns IIItnt,IH,
Tbt [mHa ( thttt i; to JofY Elemait,,{) H ~bt k"Jfo'JIIltdge of tOt (f.r (J J Clagl/illtillf,; ~f the [2J
'4b"l" of tbe p.rts Hourijhed, of tht [3J COH}une/ion of lik... qu.litit;. '
(. H trt is tht trut Art of Phyfic",. )
T his [tCOna it t hrttf oU.
Aft.r" whilt I come agttin.
A. He is come again, and proceeded.
Gab ....... Go to.
A. Iri the name of JefLis.
Gab; ...... Thm yo" .re di[u[ea, JOU art jic~: JOU mup • Ph)fit;an: 'lPh) thm,Jo.r
Ph)fitian muft be [uch liS hltth this Scimce, to jutlge Jour di[ufe,
Whether (for jin) it come fr ' m Goa: .lfd[0 b) prayer to be CUrta: Vtltl I.
Or fro", tht Angtls, as the M iniJier s of Goas ]uftier ( gentr.lly ) for defert Dr for reproof: A.,tl.,
Or from the [0,,1 of ",lfll, as (rom tbt chit{ lift of the bod), 'lPb,[. infell:ion r.diclflly, ,a na b, the Ao,,,,. b"mioH,
,nDMence of prop,rrions immtai.te, ( 6,aden from mltn, but ~HOJl'n unto III,) ,it c.lled (w,th III ) r ro' J. 'm
~. , l' . . ") f: " " " , ••
Mazah : .",th JOU, mptetas. 1,.,"111.
The[e lire the fir;i thr." .na M.;.ic.ll Cltufts: The ,ther three IIrt F.le",ell- Tm ",,,,i'.
t.ll. ,,·r,,·
I. Eithtr b, tb~ (tar,t!;ct it c."!t of co.gulatioll "lid imbibillg of mltllS ["tl'm in the femiHe srtll.. I.
&I,oa, without the "'bi,h it ctllld IIOt.
2. 'fbe 9thtr ( thttt it tbe [tco",J) through illftllion of "'ttttts which .rt aivers, 7thtrew;tb the cih" s.
thing is, [ IIna ] cOlltinutth, 'lPhich ill tbeir k"inds lire m.n}.
3. 'fbe Ittfl, bJ conjunClion Dr mixture: which it the [tCret propertJ that draweth inf,Clioll frQm ~%ri•. J.
man tl mali.
Tht{e if .lou k./tow ( for be if 110 PhJjiti.1I 'f bt k.,IIOW tht,,; MOt) how tbtJ Itre IIna live, .nd Itre ' , ,
JOYllea togethtr ill thtir pr~p~rtiolfs, Itlla "Ifo 'IP~tII Iht] eXCtta, or .. re dimillijJ,.,J, ill tb.t tht) ArrrAllro m~r~
/l.r~ jou Jhlfll be abl. to bring them to thtir proper btin&, ''lPhereill thry .are fllt ifieJ .nd;:;::::. co"'''''~

[a. He was away a quarter of an bour.]

Gab . ..... 1;0, th.[e art [uds ttnJ fountl.tiolls: 11114 btrt I havt ( Itccoraing II my property)
tottchtJ. tbi leafl of '") (lr;"lgs for ,01/.
If no'IP JOII intena to txcel! tbt Phyjiti.ns of tht E.rtb, and eo help thofe that are difclifed) Mtli,i•• "tr..
fincerely, truly, and through the powcr and mercy of God; -
'Ihm muff J OII attend UpOIf Iflt, .lId WI} txpojitions; for fortJ d.,ts, whereiM I will open IInto 40, Oay..:
JOu, man) .lId unk.,nowlI [t.crtts; .lId ."ill rOHiforr lOU ."itblbJi one herb or br.llcli of mJ Gara.,,; true Glib';,/!
fo the inttllt}ou mltJ ptrc.iv. I.m true Gabriel. "tmGlJriel.
B~t .s in JOu thlft .re· htltrrr,s, due obeaimc. ought ~o be, [0 ,,;uft 1 "'ttp th: AuthoritJ 4na. A6/1io • ..,11 (j
[,rlfvltJ of II 8,cho,lm.fttr, fllffmng '''11'10 bt.r mJ JJoQrtnt) bNt [ut:h liS are abfhncnt and dean~',~r"IJ. It/~
fed from their fiRS. ""if~
COllfid.r thtrtf,re • ."bat the "'treits of Goa are, the fruit lind value of thit ])o{1r;';t,; lind tht
J trltl~/ation of Dr. Dee his Aflions'fPitb !pirits, &c.
it.r,··r·.. ".. "aR..ea/l,Jrr a"J"eceffit) of tb,'WorlJ. ,bat rtqilirtri it, .,,1. tbtn .n[wer ",e.
~::;r;lIm 0- For youranfwer is • 11'.II"to tbt Lora, of 'Wbo[t htlp ."a ro",/ort [ b,n witn,./T,.
1."f.'I.';'I?~;' Bllt .s tOllCbi"t tb} wift, ber Ji[ea[e is mtbe firft Elt",tll•• /, 1I11/.1Itr} alllll;trtlls, ,,"J tir,,,t-
471~~A m~::: n:rh h" child,}ell4l1a btr [elf .l,ath.
l"i,.k/lIl. A. Lord, therefore 1 retort unto thee, who art the Curer ofall dleafes.
Gab. ...... Bllt h ""rrow ( if thou rtJOrt htrt,)
[will r,ll thtt, wh4t it is, 411Jwill Jeli"e of ir.
Lord, I emlt, It /haH be cured: What is unpoJJible iUlto oill' God ?
Gab....... [ce4ft.
t.. IncdIant praire and honour, be unto the AI.lighty, molt bountiful, and w,ife God; the
Lord of Hofts, our God and King.
Remember I fent letters to Cr."." by the MeJfagcr of Prllgt;

Tuefday, 0l1obril2. M."t horll 9. t Pragz.

A. Orationibus linitis, ad Deam, &c. Deus in ad jutorium notlruru intende, erc.
E. K. Here they be.
A. Gratia Dei, pacris, &: filii, &: Spiritus S'anB:i, fit fuper nos nWlC &: fcmper &: in fzalla
fzcmlorum. .An"lI.
A. They paufed, before they fpake, very long.
A. Perhaps they expea our Itll[Wtr, as conceming our cleanfing and abtlainingfr(llll.fins :
Herein I crave at Gods hands his grace and mercy, and intend and deJire both to be
purged, and alfo to lib/lain not oncly "10 dayes, but all my life, to the beft ofmy abili-
ty, &c.
Gab. .. .... Puri' ·hdi",lIIo",IIia, l",,,,,,,,dit nihil.
A. I befecch you for God his fake, & per 1Ii[c"" ",i[tricmli" Altiffillfi, that yon would de..
clare uuto us a certain remedy of my wife her difeafe, &e. .
Gabr. ...... Wbtll thJ wift WitS a ",ilkjt [ubflltllct, gr,wPtg bJ ibt ptrftl1ioll of tbt plltl;, It"l
o Vi,'.... influence radical, (which onely, isthe gift of the Sun) th,,,, WitS "at tht M4tri;c, or bllg of
N IItllre (."btr,injhe ",cre,,[ed ) perftll, or of [uJlicie", retention: B! rltlfo" if II ft.1Itr goillg
Pd,; I"bo'~'t b,fort tht conceptioll: So tb"t, tb, AlIgtlicll/ IIJllfillijir.rian, generlt/I] ,,,,t';";lIg,the 1ItJIei of lift,
MAr" .~"!I for tbe proportioll of the 1IorlJ, t"trtd b} force of tbtlr Order ;1/I"mJillttl],b,fort t.e [A]inward
""r, ':"F'or,lO,
tptr:- p"rts,1Itre eftIJblijhta in thtir lI"t;;",,,,1" Itna proportioll.
~hc roul i. fene
''6 (0
Which iI the Clt.[t, thltttbt [teo/td 1Ir./Ttl, ."d I,.,..,ft .f netllre (f,r, .lour ter"" I -ft "f, )
J. M[, thill, ."a t}tajho;t, tbltt it iI not IIblt tI k.ttp in, or rttlt;', th, fillliit ItM qllidJitit of ber OW"
my ~2~ AIIr fubftltntili! bei,,': and feed. .
• F~,r.~. ""'A Wbtrt/ort, when the reft of htr di{,t~iollS ("ccordi,,!. t. her .gt Itlld nlttwrltl ftrtllgth ) fulfil
{tm,•• nA. thlir oJlices, b} dtgrtt to bt recti1leci illto that receptade; tbtll, doth the force of naturt qllail ;
Itlld b} tM {"btilt} of tht principlt, or matter ejeB:ed, (wbicb {tt"',tb · to tllk..e up Oil t1ler.! center
II dwtlli"g plltce, ) the gilts ana pll./T4grs, Itre off,"dld IIl1d [c4laed with. lin illtl",perlttt bt.t:
thr ",oft [,;btilt Itlld jhllrptft p4rt, b,ing of II moft penetrating vertue: (It"a th:rtfort {ttkjnl!
,"JJ4ge) mixtti her felfwithtbe IKcr,,,,,,,ts, where rcfiiag, {he turn,rh IIl1to her iirlHonn, which
is blOod: Whoft ~;ntlJJellct work,.ttl:, ill htr OWII proptrt} lI"d begill"i"g, Itlld forcrtb tbt [I] tX-
Crtllf",t frercora\ mit"} ti",ts to btco",t blooa" tht "ier pilrt bti"g ",ort ht.1I], ,,,t.,,,ithjtlllldill,
IIupt to de[ce"d, (Qgia natura quzrit omne (111101) bteo,metb c,rrllpttd; Itlld [0 b} 1ItrtUt of
&",.,.r. n.tllrt, ;sc.ft o.t IfS Itll [zJ IxCrtm'IIt, bei"gblood Itlld mlttttr.
Ji.... Bllt 1 ttll thtt, tbltt [0 1011g .s N.ltturt ."IIS in tbe loweft Jtgrtt, ."l tbe [perm "-ept ",ort "en
.. I • i.gethtr,b} rufon of tbt fpirinial heat inJo.tb, it WItSllot fltlllly illber:
~~'rb:e.~t[", Bllt in ber jixttt"rb !tar, whe" tht} .tre ""rt hl~v, .""4 [ollght ilJlIt ""d defc~IIfioll' tb~" bll4IJ
or npourin&/If; Nltturt to fttl tbt Ilftl1, i" the placts, ."J ,:),{ftl, wbzch IS tbe gro""d of blr rttellrun, tht chl:f hajis
bear. lI"a Mothtr .f her aWtl/ing.
. BrbolJH'' ', being fztive, It"J the foret of ilAt Jrll'/lhl t. tbt IIl/tri"""t of the Crtiltllrt;
tJ..., ~"""'~. '11" the IIbtr plfTt ~lJi_t comptlltJ i"to a "tarer pl.ct,~} th, impediment of im.gination, ~rillg­
i~~Jn~tion. Ith grtd JltngtT no.", bJ Turon tb.t N.tllre iI btCDlllt 1Itr} .,ltl<., .nd ".t IIblt to mltR..t txcr'IfI",-
tal expu/fio ••
. Bllt
@A true Relation ;fDr. Dee hit .dElions ~ith fpirits,&c 153
Bllt Jo{l tbO!1 tbinl). that thtu is a rem~Jy to this Ji[ta{e I
A. Y e3 verily, through the wifdom andmw:ies of the Highell.
Gabr ..•.. ,. I havt tiH/{,ht tht d/ftafe; I will g. and {ee if tbtrt be a rtmetlj.
A. The Godof Abrahill1t, I{uc" and Jacob, be merciful to my wife and me, and fend her
remedy and cure of her grief.
E. K. Here he js ..
Gab....... C~ mt IIgain II/ur Diltti-.
A. We had been Cent for to diner, twice or thrice before. So we went.
A. Mifericordiz Dei line Cuper nos. Am,,,.

Afcer Diner, circahoram J.

A. We reCorted to the Myllery: and /hortly, they appeared both.
E. K. Here they he both.
A. ..
Gab....... Tak,.t prtTe wfltat, a pinte: one Pbea{ant-Coc .... alive, an (I'Jlm oll1/ of M~[culine
jfmbtr ( whicb IS tht whitt Ambtr ) an oWlet> alld " quarttr of '[urpmtint. Tbe."hylical
A.Of wa{bed TlIrpencine ? remedy.
Gab....... 1Urpmtiltt that it wafhtd lo{eth bit vt'ltlle.
Brea .... tb, Coc.... in piew with a refit!, ( bit featbers plue....t of) pouna tbe AMber [/tlall.
l'ut all thit into a gallon of rtd wine •
• May we take the red wine of this Country ?
Gab....... I. Di/WI tbem, wilh a fire of the /e&ond ·b tat.
r ". I beCeech YOll, how long /hall they Rand in Ileep ?
Cab .•..... As rhou fIIilt. ] .
Still it again the {tCI1IJ timt, ( tbe feces being caft aWa) ) Ana aaat [o/tltthing /tIorl t6 tbe fire.
fo that it bt a quarter tOWArd the tbird.
Ltt btr faff jDrt1 bours from mellt: Alld let htr ,livlae the Meaicin, int, thrte parts.
7ht firlil'art, Itt htr drink,. (btillg mi1k:-warm ) by little ItnJ little.
'Iht ftCond part, Itt btr ma/(.t It fa'll'Ct of; [or fivt Dr fix "'e"lu.
The lalf part, let ber l~rt in Ab{cDIlJitit: And {be (ball have health.
A. I beCeecb YOll, ill how many dayes compaC~ wo~ld you have this co be done?
Gab. . ..... It ;s no qutjti,,!: tht nt"fJity n[ thflhinl tIIzci1tth.
A. Asconcerning the Infant, what fiate is it in?
Gab ...... Shul thy /tI,uth ' Steil.. not.
~. I am contented.
A. As concerning a Phearant-Cock, I know not how or where co get it.
Gab ....... Alltht Cr~"t"rfS of tht 1P~rld, tIft, htlp not. I hAVt tallght, t" ....tthou t:llrr.
A. The thanks, honour, ~nd praifel be to the Highe!l~ and I thank you for your charity
and good will, to·impart thefe thmgs unto me.
. Gab . ...... Tou ",all havt no "'OTt, Ilt me, until you Ite repentant, and r,econciled: IIl1d art,,' •
maae apt for mJ S,hool. R~cI.'J/I.ri••
E. K. You might give this Table vertHe to cure ' her, or, cure her
with fome one thing, or fimp Ie, if YOH be good Angels.
Gab •. ' .... Vnto 111, tht VfrtHf of Gods Creatures flre /t,.n01l'n: 1I'hich 1Pt mil) op", I/llto JOu : alia F. H'
fbi power of giving vertue it in Goa: Thtrtfore ceaft thy malIcious tongue, li;i~S ,~~;~-
l',avt no mort. 1j!:linft God
E. K. They are gone. h;. goat/Ali-
A.Deo Omnipotenti, Optimo Be Maximo fit omnis laus honor Be gloria : nunc Be gels.
femper. Amm.

Thurfday; Ollobrit 4. Ma"t, horll 10. ~ dreher. t Prag:e.

Orationibus variisad Deum, & pro pane quotidiano jamin cemporeneceffitatis, finitis, &c.
apparitio faaa ell. . .
E. K. Here is he, that is covered with the Scarf.
u riel. ~ ..... Heltr, 0 thou, [ 6. ] that {ay~/f. (if I bavt put Itt) .A thu) hear mt.If tJ,,,t rho. hllJ./f taried al ho"'t,and Wlt1l- to 'G;}twal. parcel of my prayer.
ted If!J ItJmonijh"'ttlt, thy chi/drm had bem {cltlttred,th) Wift had C:f,;. Mi(.,i,,,,/i41 Pm,;.i ,i. A"'.
rnded htr dayn wi~b I ?rrow: ant!. I~, tht bird, of the Itir had .,,'" ,,,.,.110.
9t<i til.rob .liIrN;' il.
reft~tl. In th) ,;"'r....4.. If thou fIIalf btld .by tht hand, antl. Itttmdeil /"/0//1 j"lIA"il. {""."& {.. ""bi,.
on, by hea'llmiy Pilots, 1I'hm the StltS 1I'0ultl. have [wall01l'ta thtt,antl
S,,!"fI had pOflltr olJt'r thtt; If poi[on hila I'rtvailtd, whtrtJPith thy "'elft 1P"S oftm timts {A1I'Ced.
If tht rltgt of S If lit" and tbt fIIorU had overl.roflllC thtt. Then had not I been tht
God, neicher had done well uneo thee. But out of all thtIt I "ave ltd thu, as" illtber doth hii,
d tn.e~~ation 0/ Dr~ Dee his Aflions ~ith!pirits, &c.
child from d.i!.~tr, ,,A.,,d'[rolf/ mlln, mort [COIngts lI"tl-tidvtrjitits unk,.np"" te thft, lllrt ,relldJ ..
If. "ff/ill tbu. Hlther,to, Ibou [1I,eff lOtto me, If : Whlll hll} Ihou do';, fGr ,,'e, or IIddtil1llltolffJ
III1H1e 1 WO:II b~fttho.rloJI thu 1 hllven?t given Ibe.e 'I orfllullI cII'!fttbouhllv~, Iblll IplJICIr..""d",l
Hur m) v?ia. Ht tbal lovelh the "orld" lovetb "c'me ; for "bill ,1 d~ I do: IInil _bllt 111m, 1
illn : . And I mllde notbing !/Iith;,u, II CII1l[t. Thilu, hll,ll noi: yet begged fpr DIy name, neither baft
beel) intprifoned for my fake; Eu' I hilve 'rttrnetl the priCon from thee, and have opened uii-
to thee my myl1erie.. I fll) unto thu, I lin, t~e ~egtl"'ing, lind 1111 und,/iled Spirit, "nd fliere it
r,!b .. i~. HO ricbts tbllt 'is "itbgu, lIle .' If Ijhou!d no' f.tITer thee to be proved, Tbell 'Were tllb" .or f.r",e;
~ .. "" "his>. Fo~, t~ore tb.t liTe ",ine; tllffe tribulll,ion: But '/'Phe/f S~III" bllthfpe", hil"~ip; If tholl be found
ar. '''nr; in faithful, J w.illplace my covenant wi~h thee anq thy chil!1ren, .And1.",ill bt rtf/eilled ttirt;' them,
fpen'dir-g . Wlto tbe ",d of the world:. Sil yer and Oold I give not; BII''''J bltlin, , . is the flll>-
~~:;::=::: (rllnce . of the . Eart~. Dayes thercr be, that thou mu~ d~ink of gall, and a. time cometh, when
Inmim. thOIl!halt. drlllk wille. III the,"'ellll fett[on, thoft Ihllt g'1Itlmro thtt, I "ill Ifflllripl] IIll rlu)
bave wIth J,[rjzJlg It rhoufllHa [old; fir ',ko[e thitr give lilli, thee, T"ill give IIlftO thi",! ,A.n4 th.ft
rblll pluck, h.'k..from thu, 1JPillll![o plUG/(. hllck. fro", rbem. Thof, th., .rt of "",hIl1le n~ fiot,
for III", IIll btllut,.
E. K. But.will you give us meat, drink, and cloathil1g?
'0 K'I~,r::..'I", ,,.oluI.J C.~. Epi/f. I, up.
"t'f· p. & f· Etc. !"I"t,,;,,_" , ".bi,
If. *
'!b,rtjhttll Co",e _ time,(lfyuu dwell together and 10Ye me)
that an tbe twrnk of an eye, you thaI! breath your lalt, and live
Jito, No. "'"''' i-iJ,,,, .6J,'mitm~s:
ftJ .motS ",.r.him.,:
;.11.. &c. ,0/,.
E.rth :: for my day is ;a~ hand. Bill 1 .", _ jelllo~ God: ,B,
again: Illld I will tjek.. ullaer m; ftt' 11// the Nlllio", 'f th,
The Comcruffion, and manntr of th,refore fllithful. If I fend thtt f,rrb, and they hear thee not:
prophcfying .g.inft .1..
i<dulou.. or nttttfure thlt, Itl II folt •• w,.' 1100" tlIlJ'I, G. 1111" rht "'olllltlliiu
III/d tiC;"e up fl,nes lind br.'e.,k,. then';11 pi,w ."ith II might} peflel, Clift tb(", Ilgllin{l rhe willdts, .IId
illto the four p.rts of the Ellrth. A"d fill, thw lI!fd dillS be it unto tuem: ThIK III/d thus let
Conlirmuion the Lord work for me ~ Il'/fd rh] propbtji, Jhlll! I.e IrUt, ttnd i' pUlll ,conie '0 pll1ft tbllt thou {.)Itf-..
of the Pro. SO li;"e"i{, if tb,) IUllr thee, d~ UlttD th,,,,, tbllt m) Meflillg 1rI4.J 1I1{0 b, ;""OIPI/.
pheli ••
The mannerof A. Lord, what !hall I do, if they hear me ?
blelling Pro • Uric!' ...... Do IIlftO tbe", the figns of good,; III it jhllll CO"" illto ib) ",ind.
. phelical.
I co"'-tttgilill. E. K. He is gone.
I thank thee 0 God, for this great comfort: my heart is greatly refrefhed therewith :
Thou a.rt my God.
A. We read over the premilfes.

E. K. ' He is here again .

•.K. lntendin,; . Why doft th," r~.It ] f~elt to flfe.!.,o", 7If'? ".ud (tCTetl] Plllteft,illto t~ h,lITt, Sec.
to dep,aft, .and ... lie fpake clIY~s thlOgs to E. K. whlcn chleBr conc~,ttied hi/nfelf: md. he would not
'1 1I0t ~nowtn'. qtterthem as now: But pe told me, That he was de~ernllned [0 /lave fold /lIS cloths, and
with as muchJpced as he !=Oilld, with his wife, to have gone to Hllmbur,b, and fo to E"gllllla,
&c. If his wife would not go, th,ac he wQuld.
Uricl. """ H,lIr ",t,Th,re ;s II~t .") ~IIe,,,,o"flr.Dl/g, ..orlrich,or mere frie"dl], tb411 I, Sec.
A. 'Hefpake much again [0 E. K.'. of hlmrelf, "hlch he e][prc:lfed not.

E. K. It is true, I will follow God.; b~t I doubt that YOH are not
of God·
My "ifenot to Uricl ....... I ."illjhew J~u th, JPllter : .0 "hllt }'U lift. I [IlJ IIIItO thet [ A] 'rllll.! .or th,
10 n01l"o C,.. "ife J.ane ."itb ,hee, {tll{l thou hllve • "e" [orro".
".. 'Ibm o!J'N jhllll go, Th, fourth, [.T. K. J (which'" [ E. K. ] his brother ) jh.U b, " fer-
VII"t to his houre.
'[.IIi" our , r can weli keep·it. .
Houre·k~pcr. But whe" tbo. "",eft illt, poland, be not known. L,IIJ Ollt Lasky b) the hll"l, ."d
bri"g Ji",
A: ~; . L," hith,r, lind prophefie againft his enemies, that I may break them in pieces: and mey be mind-
A,lin" lJIs'<!,
his cnemies as ful of my Covenant.
in . the former He "Ilth ,./lC"
/fttll of COIII/{ei.
pratticc was I ItlII "ith yOIi.
ua,ht. E. K. He is difappeared.
Deo noftro, Domino nofiro Se Smltilicato1'i noltro OftUlipotcnti,zterno,8c mifericQrdi fit
omnis laus, gratia rum aaio, hOllor Se gloria nunc Se femper.

A true Relation of Dr, Dee his AE/ions !pith [pirits, &c. 21r
Fryday, Ollobril 5.
At.afcCflJOOn came one ofD~our CurtIS his ~erVant5 from his Maller to tell me,that hi! Ma-
fier would come to me to morrol'!' in the mornmg about feven, eight, or nine of the C::loek,as
I vrould,&-c.

Saturday, Ollohril 6. M~lIe.

Before feven of the Clock 1 thought good rather my fdf to go to Dofrour Cilrt~, then
'to [11lfer him to come to me fo far, and that for divers caufes : So I went to Iaim,and came be-
fore he was Teady. 'At his being ready he came forth, but nothing with fo chearfull a coun~
'tenance to welcome me as he did ~t the firll: I conjefrured that he fufpefred that I would
take; his words in eTil part; which he had to fay to me from the Emperour, which (aftel' I
had fomewhat fpoken of the book that I lent him, and fome other, that had q,ritten fome_
what of fuch matter of divifion of fuperfides; and he had told me that""this my book was the
moll excellent lit that Argument; and fo made a paufe, he began in this fort in two parts to
div.ide his fpefch; and faid ,t hat C4artIJ fUll Mllj 'ftil qualltum aJ [ua pecca-t~ (per me reprt-
hen[a) [olttCoHfej{ronllrium .tlhibtrt umpore &- loc, oppor,uHu "nequ, tlijidert illum dt Mt[tricor -
Jilt divilltt; ~Ilntum ttuttm Ittl me ltuillebttr • pltrlttllm t1fe (ullm Czfaream Majrjtltrtm mihl.
f,rttti/icaTi & blllefaeeT' in quacui71qut rt "uz illilll {ubjicertt .tHt~ritati : I hereupon anfwer-
ed, and faid : Vole, VeTPIt mtll ill alio [tIIJu inttlltl1a vel conctpta flliffe .; [Ult C;.efarca Ma)e-
flatt qlla", illtelligi vtl tollciti dtbebant. NOli eni", tilt '1 1/1 /itri C,n!tj{rollarillm cup;tbam • [td
p,ccata ,jill ex elll, reprtht,,[a fll iffr, hoc ilI~ jigni/icaTt jllb,bar , lit fec; : IIl1de illt cOII[ollttionw
11111 ha/IT.i" pourat , qua", ex c~lIjili' illieu)UI [IIi Itmjci vel C nftj{rillfarii {IIi, p,ceata ejlll rt-
aargutlltil, Vomini eni", Vei exi",ium declarabilt fav,r,m,&c . ~"lItM'" vtro ltd illa"'1.lItt11l mi-
hi off.rebar [ua Majeftas Czfarea gratia", ; humillime ac.ept"b.lm. NUllc vero qugd ejidtrr"*
titulo Phi/o[,phi &0 Math''''4Ii,i <..:efarei inji{.Hiri eltufa elt mu!tiple;"(; tum rt[p,tf:lu [,creti mei {er.
flitii ,rga C z farem , [lib to prLwCrll celandi qJlam flujorH lIuthoriratil '& f"VOrH aplld Czfaria-
Dei &0 .AlIllos m,os, lit vel illu hie lIugM IIgtre v;,lear, 0- "ullius 'JJe It/ti'''ati oIlH, v~[ ijlit ,'(am
iJidirer aptUl , ""'ra qUt", [Na". illvidiam &- maledicentij{rmttm, lit il/clpere, ~xtrCtrtlll [;,'gllllm
impullt, &.c. Orabam igitllr V. CurtziuR'l lit Czfaream [uam Majtftlt", 4dmoneret de ;lId,bitl&
interpretatlOlI' illoru", verbor"'" quibUl vitia t jut rtdar!,,,eballtuT, &.c. Then he fpake of the' fe-
cond Letter!> to rhe Emperour , the elfell: whereof he had heard at my hands, and had Cent
on Mich4elml1S ("yen to the Emperollrs Ma jelly, a note and ad vife of them. as he llOW faid.
And did wi!b that they had been delivered before the Emperour had refolved on the for-
mer anfwer: Thofe Letters (raid I) are III the Ambalfadoul' ~ of Si' ain'~ hands; and if he will
not deliTerthem to day,l.will fetch them for you: If YOI' do(faid he)1 will deli verthc:m firaight
way, for at eighth of [he Clock YOIl lhltll have me in the Rifler fiove, or hear of Ill' there.
Theil (faid I) I will firaight 1\'ay go to the Ambalfadour.
t went unto the AmbaO'"adour of Spltin, and repol'cc:d all that had palfcd between me and
D. Curtz. He faid, that by reafon of bis divers alf:.lirs he had not good opporrunicy, never
finee the receipt of my Letters to go to the Emperollfs Milj~(ly: B'lt chac chis day he deter-
mined to deliver my Letters with bi~ oll"n hand unto bis ).jajc:fiy:fo with thanks gin,n to his
hORour I departed: I went to the Ritter flovc: (or <.. hamber of prc:fcllcc:) where I found none
of the Guard, but very many fitting without. In the Have were three, or four, of which
olle went firaight way into the privy Chamber, and by and by D. GurU; came OUt from the
Emperour unto mc • I asked hiDl if he had told the EmJlcrour of my grief conceived of hi'
mifunderll:.lnding my words: he faid, I, and tbat the Emrc:rour took it lIot in evil part, and
fo of divers other things we had talk walking up and down togerher about a qUllrtcr of an
hour: AmoRg othe~ things I told him that the Lord Ambalfadour ,!ould deliver my Letters
himfelf to the Emperollfs Ma jelly, fo I departed, and he retllrned back to the Empc:.l'ollr iota
the privy C6amber.

Sunday, Ouobril 7. M«nt 1m" 7.

i fmt to the Lord AmbalfadQlIl" his boufe, and there: 1 learned that the Ambalfadour had
yc:llerday delivered my Letter to his Majc:fiy: And that anfwer lVas to be expefred by
D. Curlz..
After Dinncr 1 went to Dofror CurtI:. home to his lodging, and he had nothing as yet to
ray of tbe Letter delivered by the: Lord Alllbalfadoll[ : But we fell to other talk, and 1 told
him plainly, that I had not hitherto lived obfc:urcly, neither without carc of my good fame
lind namc, maintaining, and incrufing; therefore it here for my fincere dealing j UJould feem
to be defpiCed, or not regarded, or to be but a trifler, my thought 1 !bould haYe great inju-
ry: And fu re I was that 'tbe Emperoul's Ma jefty wa5 much ruled by ,him, and as he did frame
his judge~elJC, fo did his Majefiy very oft refolve in fuch mattel'll as mine j whcL'cfote if 1
1;6 i. tYlle'1(elation 0/ D. Dee his AfJions ~itbhirits, &c.
----=--w-er-e-n-o-t-u-red in my cauCes as ....... reaConable, and for tbe Emperourl honour it lhould not be
laid to any other manl charge but to his, &-c. He"PromiCed that .he wo'!14 delinr all .in tbe
bell words he cO(IId, in friell.dly fc.rt?&.r. ~ftes: dill, be; ,/hewed dIT~rs; and m,v en-
tions, Mathematical; and ch l e8y Amb,!"etlcal Table •.:, bQth , for his lDvcntlOll. by fquares .to
have the minute and Cecond of obfervauolII Aftronomlcal, and fo ,fur the mmdmg of NOIII".
his invent ion of the <l!!adrant dividing in 90. 91.92.93. &-c. ,J then opm_ed to bim my fecret
of o'y glalre for banel in" in I dark nisht,&c. Ha faid tbat c:onchifioh would be very IIcce!?ta-
ble [0 hiS M; jefiy , I told him that tbe glalre was lit Crilcov;IIi lind bis Majclly LIlould fcc it by
Gods lea\·c.
After [bis I told biOI thll~ I would full fain hue a Parpart, or rare cqndua to palTe quietly
and fafely in any of the Emp~ro\lrs Dominions: He tho,'~ht h·I,s', ~a;efly wOl;'ld wil~ingly
grant tbilt, aud willed me to wnte tbree, or four hnes as I would han It, and he mf'ormed me
tbus: '
C;r faream {u"", M.j,/lIIt,,,, h.,,,illi,,,~, orllt loannes Dee ~lfg/.,{trtll;/i"''' {"" M"jlftlltit D,:.
voti/i",111 (tr1l;to, , lit pro {.." ",lIi,r; ;~ Iti",,; III p" "",pliff!",II"'f"" Czfarcz 1r/"j,jI"tit I",!t-
rill" conficilntis {tcllritlffl, /ittrM {II[VI 1"(111 fi.;c."clIl", al,II"rttllT.
JoannIS Dee~

At m1 coming bome, I bethought , nle that I would gladly, the faid Pafpart, fafe Condu&.
or Letters of palragc:, more ample aod bene6cial; as for my wife, children, family , fer'l'an~
and goods whatfoever, and for one whole year to dare from the date of thefe prefmts

Wednefday, Olf M,,,a,,} "',T/filft 8. OOobri••

S"erll'" {II"'" Czfaream Mllj,ft"t,,,, hll",;lIi",~ .,IIt,{",Ifi/li",,,.{II,, VlVotiJli",. {"_
lI;t., JOannes Dee .4ng[lII, /It tia,,,, Joanni pr, {tipfo • IPCO" {"",Ii.";' {"it, f"",ili. {"",{trvit,- -
rib., "'lfeWit {"it & {"pp,/l,lJi1i fll" 'l";"'III'I1I1 {II" {"crll Czfarca MlljljlM f"ll""bi/n & gr"ti,-
{M f"M littrM {,,[vi q.itti & [ib,ri tr"lfjitlll 'P" ,"'lftl fir fJ"II{CII"'fJ'" "",p/i/Ji",i M"jtft"tit {,," Cz-
(arez ["'P"ii p"nts IIi/J{qRI , &- pr, i""gr; "n; (pmciJ/lt l.ft /J",,,,,, pr4'''t~ {'tpulltit) t"".
lort IJ"'''''''IJIII,
c[,,,,mter ,,"",.,re aigll",.,tllr.
Anno 1514. Oll.8. JOanBeaOee.

Menday, ODobril· i.
I 'llfmt to Mr. Do£tor ClITtz, with tbefe lall Letters fair written, and I found him to be ae
the Holf rate eamer in CounCel : and fo awaiting till they rofe (half an hour after t. of tlac
Clock).he came OUt with my Letter. in his hand,which I left yeftemight with him. Ilhewed
him thefe Jail written: And lac faid they. ufc: to limit no time, but to make them indefinite.
So he took the Iaft, and I had,the former Letters back again; He wmt with them into the pri-
vy Chamber, he (aid,. Ihollid not need to fmd for the Letten, but he would fend thClllhome
by his man, and I 'wmt from him toward the Ambaffadonr V'1f GIIli,l",o I.t SlZlIlIo CI'""lIt,.
whom I found coming with tbe Ambalradour of Sp";1f (who Clme three,or four ,dllye5 before,
to give tbe goldm P'leefe to fhe Emperonr) and th.c Marlhall of the Court to go to the Empe-
rour prefmtly to have audlCllce: And a. I flood III tbe Court of the Ambaa-adours lodging,
ailel they three: on horf-back coming, the ,Ambalfadvur my frimd did put olf his Cap, fo did
the new Ambaa-adour and Marlhal t",ice very councouOy to me. I faw it WIS no time to of-
fer Cpeech to tbe Ambaffadour! now of my giving thanks, takin& lean,and requiring his plea-
(ure toward the Lord LM;';' : fo followUlg diem to tae Court,I palr.d forward home toward


Myfreri orum P RAG ENS I U M Confirmati 0,

An/lo, I f g 5'. .7aJ1!tarii I 4-
P 'l\J A Cj .IE
Itenun veni Pragam ultimo Decembru,
ANNO, I J 8 J.
+ NOT E. .A,,~ IS S...
NNO, 1584, Drclmhril 20, (SI,I, Gregoriano) we did fet
forth, I,Malter Kelt" M.,lma my Infant, with his Nurre,
and :;.hn C;,k.r, (in a Coach with Horle, whith 1 h:l(l
bought of MafierFrix,tr) frOI1'l Ctll,vi. toward
" R .If G E.
, Dtttm~ril30. Weeame to in tile afternoon.
Dm"~ir 3I. I wrote to' Don Gu/ie/'" a, S.II[1o Cl""tnl, the Spaoifh Am-
balfador, as followeth. '
Lluftriffime & magnificc: Heros, Lic.ct mea nondum priv~ta
curaverim negoda !
1proquibus ordinandis, multos interim dum hine abfuerim, & labores pertulerim,&:
(umptus (cc~rilD: Tamen nolui Iimas ad vdlram magnifiecntiam, a Nobiliffimo
mo Domino p,J.ti1lD Syradienfi miffas in multas horas arcaitu meo retinere penes
Ide: Ne aliqua ex pmc,officio vidcrer dedfe meo,iam erga ve(lram magnilicentiam;
qual!l ipfum Dominum P./41;".",. QlaAtUm vero ad Myfteriorum incieeibilium plO':
greffllm, habco & quz dicam, & runt qu:r aucliam multa ad velitatis eau[am (invitif~
fimis e;ufdem advcCtfatiis quibufcunque)e1uei~andum.De quibus quando opportunurti
erit, paratiffimus ero, cum au~ire, t,um audiri: e~ quidem modo, quo finccritati &:
fidelimi me:r crga C lwarn Majeflaterri eritcOnvenicntiffimum. lalctimali..;
quotdicrum intervallum liberum req~iro, Ut tam zdcs lDihi tlIcifque conduea,m ,(6
fieri poffit) aceomrnodas, quam Ut alia, ad rem familiarcm fpettantia dirponant#
Deus Optim. Max. Magnificemiani vefiram ornare bcarcQue dignetur.

Prag£ ultima Decembru I J84·

lllufirjffim~ Magnificenti~ Vefir~
Aa Joannel Dee.
Jn1l0 1~85, P RAGlE.
F RID A 1,
Anuary .... I /'iml ~hl H,.pi,,,S, Salt·llrltt, ,f'lit ,,,.S/jm: BMMr. Chriflo-
J phcr Chriftian,"N hU /'"t ti",dun ciJAl"tlir, (# Regiflt",,1J Pragz, tIIJ ",.It,
,be Crvlll."'" "g"n "i,b",,: ""ml ADnull"nt Sifo", ,. wif' , .-tl,h, "h,r
~;jltr tum,a Dorolbc , II.. . " bIT jll1~."a. rllis Dorothea
.",11 i. 'h, Hl1Ift,atl ".IIIr,,,,rvlt' ." "htr H'.I"f IN""" II",J ~ : ."J" it/;-
'flIT .nll .".",.um
",,..J .;n' 'he "h,l, 1I'.ft, " i,/,.8 I IJt ,,''''''tl uJ Ufo.tntl)
.". I" p'].fir ,/" 7'''' 70 D,IITI' · ati '1"""'1, (tv"1 3 M"lIIll1lxpirtJ) "p',
'h, '1.""' "", "'trt'f.
Anuary 6. 1"'11,,, D. jac,ob Cuttius: 0", ,{th, :£"'1"'" 'ri'fl, c,."r.,u, .f
J"b,,,, ,b, firmer.~""JI '/ Pragc ,,0;'111.' III,Iu . ."U", ",t.,j,.: ~"ti. U"ff_/
hi' ",i"'l1 ~""tlh, ~'h.J4,'fOaobcr Anno 1,84 ; il ~'lill.illl '/ ~h' Bod ",x,
"rilled'I'" ,hil. 'Th, C'PJ '/ ,h, utler "bi,h 1"'111 tInI,;S ,hil.

10",,; & Dv.lagn;fico viro D Jacobo Curcio jiJcrl#


Ccfarez r!Jv.{ajt!ltZl;S ab arc41IisConJiI;;s;t

Dom;110 meo pllD'imHmco/endo.
Uu(\ris ~ Dlagniflj:e vir. Majorine !!,audio affici debe~ ex bona veRra valetu-
Irim,dine, & falvo mea ad
contra me
reditu : an ex comumeliis hie interim
& variis ejaculatis reprehenftonibus & qua"
du~ abfu~
~imis, do-
.lore torqueli, penc incertum videri poffit. Ego quod Ralui, ha~enus feci ': fup-
,pelIeailem rcilicet ex C,.efllJiil meam cum toca familia mea, huc jam adduci cllra-
\£i~cum magnis qUidem laboribus meis; 8t (umpcibus haud modicis. .£c\es·(e~ que
.jail) veni) tales quales, edam cum aliqua difficu1tate, cenduxi. Et hac prefenti
fcptirbana, omnia hie noftra ad eafdem ~itiffime transferd,remque familiarem, &
OUOII(J7fIU';" ~ quodaol craffo modo difponi , negociorum meorum rcquirit ratio.
Interim veRram magnificentiam enixe oratam Iialtere velim, ne ullo modo zgrc
ferat, quodeandem nondum inviferim, officioque meo , in hac parte, accuratl!
fatisfecerim fpero,quod una mecum fent,ire velltis, jure merito in proverbiuJIl hoc
",biiffc diaum.
Silli/lit" WIOd, {iltil k»t
Non fo.l:um litetz ad me veRrz, in abim meo,mihi magno interim fuere folado
0: Sed & abfente.Me 1 fzpe teffificata bona ve~ra de me concepta opinio magno
ine delinivlt gaudio:de contumdiis igitur, & literis venris, & ;"eram de me opinio-
ne, five judicio,cum opportunum fuero naChls ocyum (predi~Hs negociis mds con-
feCtis) veftrzmagni(icentiz adero,ut aliquid dicam:& paratillimus futurus,ut om-
nia quz patero £adam, quo vobis ~ po~eric'ti ~Ret? ~delit;er & ftncere (prout
fiarueram) aa facra: fuz CtfilTttC Ma)Cfiatls, zgr'egla fcrvma, aOlmnm me apphcaffo
d true feltltian of Dr. Dee his .A8ions, withfFiritl, & c H 5-" "
+ <]trllg" eAnM IS!5.
l"l1RAr, 12. .
SAtllrdll, Afternoon [removed clean from Do6l:or HAgj!:., his Houfe by 1Jedl,1I'I~ and came with
all my Houfhold to the Houfe which I had hired oftht tWO Si{\ers(married)notfar from the Mark~ t':'
placdn old 'PrAg.t. ..

JII"""r1 t ". Prllg.t tAFJiDprim",,,ft rtdit.",.

<.M."d,,] Circa 9 horl m :1 media noae :. Precib115 ad Deum de more fl1/is, & inVoCato lumine
ausili6quc Dei, ad cjllfdem v~ritatem inte1ligcndam, lie cum virtute ~'3~\al1dam, &,.
E. K. HercisC\onewitha Vail afore his flee, asit; a HaIr Cloth of Ath. 6
colour: I know him not yet: Heea Gaeden tull of fruit, of diVers foin. In the LI; VANAl:t
midt\ ofit is a pl~ce.higher ehen t~e re.ll. On that place n~ndeth ~ round Houre,it hath ),',b;:~
four corners, [withIn] and 4 Windows: and every Wtndow IS round. ,lnd hath 4 _Iti",.,.,t•.
round partitions, round alfo. ltimh 4 Doores. and at!he Eall Dooris one fiep, at i'hl(HN't~
the Soueh 2 fleps, and at the North 3, an.d at the: Well Door, 4 fieps t The firfi rou~d ~~'h~~~
Door is white, like Chryllal, tranfparent: ThcSouth Door isrcd of an high coluur a~'d !qUIIC
tranfparent. The North Door is bright black, not to be tborough fcen , as the reft~ WIthin.
The Well: is green, like an Emcrauld Stone: ~o IS the ~oUth Door like a Ruby. The
Doores be all plain. The Houle wilhin (as it may be judged by the tranfparcnc
Doores) Ceemtth tobe white, and empty.
E. K. He that hath his tace covered. opencth the Eaft Door ~ and all the Houfe I
feemeth to be on fire, like a furnace. The fire wi.thin doth weve, and move about the File.
Houfe,and by the roofe. Now he opcneth the Well Door, and thereappeareth, as
if al\ the Houfe were a fountain fullof water. And there run divers flreames , in the Wa~er.
£tme; one water, w:1Crcof, one doth go and come, as if it ebbed and flowed, which
ftteam doth goahout all the reft , by the /ides of the Houfe; thatis, as if it were the
Ocean fea compafli"g t i' e World. Thenext arcaro, within.that, moveth from the
4 fides ward, and m. ke (in manner) 4 Triangles, or rather Cones, of water ', whofi:
vertices reft CUt off (a~lt were) by the middle {hcam of water which occupicth the
middle or Center of the Houle. and is in circular form invironed.
An other manner of fiream there is, which commeth from the 4 corne~s of an in-
nermoft {quare: and fo run Jiotmtlrllti'er Ol&olllrilAitiori'e wife, toward that circular
JIliddlc {iream.. ' .
The mIddle' flream feemeth to jlfueout at the very Center of the place, and tb
mount up, and making an arch of his courfe; dOlh feem to fall cir&utAriltr in oncj
circum ference.
:E. K. The fire aHo had diverftty in it.
6 I would you·had noted the diverfity of the fires alto•
...... ThDf. thAt ItArn trHI" ItArn pArts.
E. K. Thecolour of the water the Center, is moll pure white. .
The waters of that Saint Andrews C toae , arc like a water fomewhat Saffronitb cc>-
loured. The waters of the Triangles, arc fomewhat like a watrith Mew, which ap.
peareth moll, in the tOP of the arches of their flowing:
For-allipring otherwile. .
The uttermofi water, i~ of ~ick-filver tbew, as if it were fomcwhat mortified.
£::" In the figu re fol1owlOg, you may gather a better and mOre cafie under{\anding of this Defcrip-
tion of the water lheams.

Here iI • .
bllnk,or yoi&
fplce in the
()ri~inal Co-
pie: DUtRO li-

A 1 II E.K;
3,6 -~A ,nee K,i4tion of Dr. Dee his AfJions rPitbJjirits, &c. J

E. K Nowhe openeth the Fue Door ~aine: And the fire appcarCtb in a-fquare
place. And there ap~are 4 fires fillin g tbe whole place, leaving nothing '11M"""",
Oneof thefe fires fecmeth to life from the Center of theplace, andt() go in low
arthtsto the-4 corners of the Hou(e. _
The Haufe feCtnech co have 14 foot long in every fide.
The arches of thefe fires feem to come from a trunk of fire. which rifCth from a_
bout th,. ':entcr: and fecmcth to lx:i4,hlot_Over in the Diameter.
This Trunk feemeth to bc..hlgh tbr~ers of the height of the place ~ The place
fcemcth to be as high as it is b~d.
On tbe tOP ott his fiery uunk,fccmcth the fire to be in form ofa fiery Globe,baving
6 fooe, his DiameterJ Jihich firereverbtrateth and rollcth in it felf.
From the fides of the: Trunk ( between the faid
Globe and forclilid Arches,) goech up fire Triangu-
lar! y, filling all J- faving tbat wbich lcn1aineth fil-
led, by the flames of fire, which aruCth from the
Hen: is • Globe to the 4 corners of the Haufe. filling all the
"lank, or 1'oi"
rp_ In Ihe place above the Globe: as by the figure lOnexed.
Ori"inal Coo more plainly may appear.
pi< : buc be ,.
E. K. NIII The colour of the fire of the 4ar-
thes. is very rcd, The left arc very pure, Aerial,
candent. &c.
The Motion of the tronk fire is f wifteft.
TheOriginal Center of all thefe fires, feemcth
to be-very little.
E. K. Now heopcncth thued Door.
J The Houle feemctb darkifh, of colour of tbe
AUc. Cmw of a Wa%. Caadle being put OUt.
...... B, it f,lf, it ;s.t, I.t IT tlu S-_, it;' ,1,,,,,.
E. K. _It hatb4 motions in it al(o: every one moving more fwiftiy then the other:
All hom the middle of the Houfe. Threeof them mOVe arcb-wiCetotbefidcs.
The firft andfccond arife to half the height of me place.
The third occupicth the other half.
The fourth gocth uptight to the fOp of the Houfe.
Tbelccond his fpace (thac he (hiketn againft 00 the Wall) is doable to tbe f pace 0 f
the Wall, .,aioft which the firft fmiccllh.

Here I••
hlanll, or 1'oW
rpace in rhe
0, irinal Co-
pic : bano Ii·

4 B. K. Now he opcnfth the black bright Door, And the Houfe there fecmcth full
lalw, of black duft, like Guo:.powder colouc. or fomcwhat of LcadHh colour.
E. K. Now he feemCth to goc down. faire and fofdy from the Aoufe. down the
litde Hill , and from thence goctb by a Wile! fide, to a Rockifh Mountain.
B. K HC£pcakcth.
H .... .Afo,l/a.l .,. ".." ,.,IIIi,fir Til': BriM: Mt I"" tMlltt«lc.!, SplfMI, ...a S/wr"It. Eni~
e 'Yeri eri.
B. K. Now come out of tbat Roc:k,fcycn loan men,with Spades, and Shovtls, ancl
Mattocks, &c•
••••• F,II__•
M. E. Now tbey be come up EO the forcfaid HilL
...... c,."
@AfnII ~14'ion ofDr. Deehil ASionl, ";th JPiritr'l &c. 3~7
...... C..",,'ott,Dig till "" find" .
E. I{~ Evtry one ftmdetb diftinalY"nt hom slfother,lnd they dig on thefor-ditid
Hill. wl.titbbeforefe.emod covered with Earth and Graff:: But now it apptlarc:t'h to'be
a 1Loc1t, ;Ad they dig .that the Fire flteth out ~gain of thc:idhoakes, and fome have
broken their Mattocks, (ome-tll~ Spades, all except.two, ont lvith a Shovd,an other
with a Plc;bx.
Th, W.,h",,,. 0 Lord we labour in 'rain.
...... S" '1'" tIY, ["rHO Jr" "n/,ifo '0" h"v, IJttter THin.
T6, w,o ~. Aiaswe labour in vain.
Gnuf';'... 11I,s il100g of yo...
. ..... I bAa ,.",..willt
JlfjJ'''",'lfU to/il[,.1tr with, b.t 1'" "/~.!'l If. t "If, .",htr,i" l'''fo.flla lil~
_ . Tbrr#f4H hi.'fI' ,.. aiu,a ""'''! th"t .,.hlch JO" f"" • ""4 b"tJ,rlp./ft .",ilh thlit J'N k,.tC""
A dark liIan thou art, and hidden from men, and 1'0 are thy doings. On. of Ih.riI
E. ie. They fiood gazing one on another. raid t o the
...... Htnlt JWI- Intt,r Jnj/rl<rw""! Go,protJia,l,.r felfltl, ,,"4 "til'''; m " n ('O'~t..1
E. K. They runnc a great pace to thcforefaid Rocky Cavefcom whence they came ~;~~hH~';!h
0:1t firfr. Now theyt\)tm lIgaioc with grrat Bettles oflron, aAd Wedges. TIley ' cQJour~
knock their Wedges (as we ulc in Wood) and fo break off gtcacSlakes of :Stone, like
Slate, and throw it down the'HiII.
On,oflh_ . What athinJl is this, thatth is Wec'g is brokc:n~
..A" ,d" r We art in WOlfe cafe thell ever we were.
E. K. Their Wedges are broken, the mon part, and the Fire RiechoUt 01 the: Stone
in grear :tbURdance. .
...... Th, nillNr, of ,his Sto"til "., t. clrll1l,: Thlrrfor, if ,." hilt/I'" ,thlr I"JlrH""lItI ,."
E. K. They are in grtat difquietnefs among themfclves •
...... T~{t thllt i'" JONrn", p"''!Iide th,,,. CI,,,thu "gili"jf "II w,,,thrrl: H, ,hitt il.,."",h,
'f ,h, N""" if" CO"'!"tr.r, clll"ritth mtl, hi", "II E"Ii""; Wh,r, ,h, Brillg" bt br~" d.wII, ht
ft"J"h .ot, b'~"II{t h,.is ,rep1lred ~ B,hold,b, h",h "ia",,11 f.r time ~D co",e, .""d llil StNa! il III
711.11 the ttlmt,al il tht ",~"n. s. /h'lIla trlft LAb.","1 M: c,.jitUring ",h", the} ."or~..i". F,r
,h, EMth;1II M'''fttr with "'''''! fliCts : ""a thl reupt"r/lOf "II "",i't!. {}. h,,,,,, ft""d. ".f
iil/t. Prll'll/J., b! .Arts for tht h"rJn,!t of NIltIl",I,r ,h"", Sifter W"!"/' with,,,, ,h, ,ih,r.
~. K. They go away Cpeedily.
...... The} h"", ,h,ir T.,I" "b"ra,,,,.,,a tb,;r S'etl,ltll ttrt'prr. It ",i/l be ",." ,hln "" h.",.
r,,,c, blf"' the, r,t",,,. Th,r,fo" "'''110'' [""a tb, ti"" ill J'IIT "tttlfit" ""allji th, ti"', of all!
"I !'. II"~ "c9"";,,tta 1Ir · .. 6""..
I "Ifo ."ft II'IItr-JII thl", , 'r ,Ifo ,hlir l"b'IIT ",iO h ";,'' "&
E. K. Now he is gone.

6. Gloria Pat'i. ~ F. 3( SS.licut erat, ~c • .A",m.

t.}J{·""" 1
The fame day. atier dinner we returned to our former purpofe for God his Sc!rTice t to hi; Ho-
ilour and Glory.
"£. K. Heishere. Now the ~abourets be comming out~ Thcyh:ave Wedgcl
made long arid (harp: and Pickaxes with three pikes very thorr.
'fhiJ ral; Ourt/1lll is, thattbefe tools will fer,e. .
E. K. They fall to work •. They makelike fquareholcs, and put in their wedges.
and bruk ~p the rock or blacki(h frone (like: yron· rnine, ot Magnes frone) in roundifh
lumps IS big au two-pcny loaf, about tWO or three inches thick. 'they pick or dig
nrund about the hole firft, and fo after ure their wedges. The Pickaxes have three
htads, ever» pick lmrcot bigger then the other. The fidhs big as one 6nger: the
fetond 3S two: the third as brood as f~r fingers. And fo after the firft digging the,
fttch tbret or four cakes or pieces ouc of one bole, and then they go t.o another. Now
0ne of them isfaln into the ground, uptoche arm· pitS. Now anotheris faIn ins to
the knees. Now the hou[c ftanding thereon bcginneth to (hake, and waver from one
fidococheotbcr .. Now the men be gotten OUt ot the holes they ftuckin •
...... cJK"~1 .. ,"a ,f !#fIr 1./',,,,.
0.,'1 ,b, .""k.,,,,,,,,, th, g"iM. Itbehovcth you to find a rtI11:dy,or.tQlet us underfland what

~,8 J IrHt r(lation of Dr. D(e his AIJionJ) ,;itbJPiritl ~&C.
remedy we lhall6nde; that you may defccl)d thence: fodo, the pe~il VOll Hand in., is great: fcSr
tbis Rock was nothing dee bua {hell~ whofe kernel i.n potcomkfl"e lake~ and a l1IJ,rc quickeited
with fome {hut up ~ater•
....... T,,, ,;,_ hith" tIIJ Lllh,""/, tlm-,f", ",,,It! .. i"••f "", .... ,rt; ,mJ./fI/llJ tilt-
iJ!,. If Ih,h,lI!e fAa'IIJIA I ji"It...lh,,,il " " , 1"",,,,Al"iIJI ,,,J. t,,. lb.",. ,f,.." 1M""'"
th. f"lft/rlll!. " "" ....i •• II •• Ih, "..",if, ....hieh 1'" "{'V'';;II., "'.
01l"f the",. We are ready to do our promi(e ; but we are more ready to provide wat you OIIT
be amongll us; to yOll may l:ic: free from danger •
. ...... 0 J'. 'I li"I.....i' ; II,. T'" ",t IIfhll""J, ....hieh.f ".II,nH A'III'" ....i'/,;• .th, jicrn"1
,hi' Hill? L'II, . .
hieh 'f ,'11 i"""J"b" I"'ft' hi, p,.",if.? 1,,<lI' "',,, r
,h",t ....h.r.. 1'" h""ef
IN,I(jO, ",iI "he /l.clt..i" ,hll'T'. hllfl' ,. a, : for ,he ,,,e h..,b hil " ... ,.J ,f iJJ,,,,Ji, ."J tM
';th" il e."a.",.J .f ,.f1m,ffi: F.r "'hl? I, {prll~{"h '" he, ",orb" 'I",rllll&'.
Th"IIII' If we work, it is againll rcalon. Neither do our tools In(..... er 10 thiS labour. Therefore
we had rather Ix: idle, then to labour about nothing: for to labour in 'vain, is to do nothing.
If we were determined to work, 'how {hould we perform our determination~ {inee the In(lru-
Incnts of working want ~
...... GII,h" ", ,he pieNI 'f ,'11' n""I, tblll II ...."tI, A". "'., b, j'llNd t'l"m: TIH ,/4"
~J ,h. hAfor they .r., ,1" fttm I;'" "" " tllr".p [",h foi/I.
E . K. Thcrccomme(h a SmiCll by witha budget fall of nails.
0",,( ,bem t"h, S .,i!h. What halt thou there?
S",it',. Na lles.
E K. They be likd lor/hooe-nails•
...... rh,. c.",'ft in gOld 'illlt,/t.v, 'hl ""u, btlri"a,b", ."d ."h, "I.r. I ."i; ,., tbt, for
l1u",. Sit, uclaIJ ,.11 """,i"Jr-' 'f NI,f" .;'i!J.rt th, Jimft tbi"ll" f.r/h" 1'''' 'III.r~ J'l.
t},"'f,r, , ••r{pilau ""J foot,,/J "'l"b", ."a/.~••r.
E. K . Now they are mending cheir fpadesand ihovels, cheirollofchem being all
off and broken.
Now they work, and throwaway che earth like durry fand, and che slutf of che
ear.Rf!iCkcth to chell fpadcsand /hovels.
E. K. One gocth bChinde, and maketh a trench to let the watc;r OUt from the
fand. .
0", 'f Ihe• • How now! Hne we found harnfi in the midfi of winter?
...... wh, : "'h'" hllTJ' 1'. Ih,r, 1
OW"f ,,,,... Marry.cithcr oAIJIA/ft."r Silir.
E. K. Now one of them knocketh apiece off with his thovcl-cnd, anctrcacbctbi'
up co Guide.
...... Did I,", tta 1'", th.t ,1" Z.rth hAlh ",.", f""1 !
E. K. They work now camy, and CUt up ll*e SAi, w AIJI,H"..
Now they havediggedall the hill away, even co thehou{e. Nowlile houfefee-
melh builCcd ullon that ",hilt flNff'.
0", 'f th,,,,. If we dig any further. we {hall undermine the h·,uCe •
...... G, '" 1t111r /,Hftlltf{t.
E. K. They wQrk •
...... s'ft,/'f', N •• 111/"., ....ith 1''" h.lflIt.1 f"tll .1 "'., ~,. St."J Aft.,.
E . K. Now heca~cthone of the irons of cheir Ipadcs,and fcemech himfelf ro pare
the fides fJ/ the F,.ndll,ioll under the houfe, and it feemctb to be a vdfel of traAfpa.
rent gl~ae, and having fire within it.
T' Do" ...... Th, feM" tM L"J is lIb"r"i"f, fire, Glnfll_th .t, ~lIt ,.,(!jjilth th, ~,Jn Ih,IIJ JNfl
.mor mID' il 'litipll/' _." uti tb, dlli/l i"f/"x""'f r/', fI'fh.1Iti ji" it I ,p"r.;,," f"""h, (.111.
B.b,ld ( 1[.,) h, ".t,~.t .""""h.",Iif';1 gw,. : fUitb" illh,i,A", i'l, ;. it illl[-
""Ji"g. f" th""J,f ;'1 is g~",; h., gl", il ,h, (,,,pi,,,,,,,,,,,,,
'f tI'I" ••J ,h, ~'I;,,"i"f, 'f
!,/i,itl' N,mllll.ntrtthi1/tf ,.,. ~II'~' life: ",;ther il tht,' ""7Ii[" ~lIt;" Ib, f,A, ,[QqJ.
Wb.fltTJfr rhmf", hili/' the {,.r.f G.d, I" hi", ar_ If'",
...4 CO"" hi,/'". }tj,,,,I,, IX-
M,tor_ tet."h ",t, but bl ""itill. N,ith,r i, ther, Ii,,! _I,ipll(",i." ~.,~, ,,In.. F" th, ,.",'.•f ......
••,. U 'M. Alia thi"gl thAt "fcellli .r, Jig.ijiea It,,,.,r. 0.,,, ,hi, ",jfill' fo.,""
Separ.tion J,"t. IIIt,tI'At 'J\!el(., .hi,h i, th, h", . .
hie" i/ thil ~"'Itil"f,.
It u,Bth.ld: lit",! fp,rit ,,,lIr in., ,,, ,1,,,,
It, Sepan(ion "."J, ."ithi. th, ",,,fo ,f tb,
'1:\."';'. thAt th,,,,,th ",.! he Jivi.,d Int, b" ",,,,,be,s. Curfod ~"bllt ~,dl' th., iJ _ JifliJtJ,
M("J'.I r, p'Dpmi." ,."f.."i".l II th, Dlf/iji,.. fIr fIH b",h .t·tlfft 'f ,I" foil" 'I urlt..-
:E. K. There runneth up fire iAto die haufe, fram OUt of the round glaffe vdfel
J ITHe CJ\~latio" orDr. Deebir A{1ionr, with fjiritJ, &c. ;~9
under the foundation'";l the hc;mfe. And that lire makcth a grtat noife (through tbe
black bright or marble door tobe hard oncly.) Now that Norchdoor is ml~hr.il1
,brown open, and there appear in the houfc: like ktrn'els of apples, and mme appear-
cth,.and waterthinnerthen fiime.and thereappeareth pure water, elfe. Now there
commcth togcthc:r frufflike yellow earth, which the fire wrought oUt of the bla,k
earth: And the pure wolter runneth into that yellow (tllff •
..... :Of thAt tAl:! ApArt. .
E. K. The fire returneth b:tck again among the fiuffin that houfe, and ,there appear
of all Creatures {i)me.
Herr: l~ ... rt"ti'.I:I,and it is the hrll. CrcatiOh.
E. K. Now he taketha lumpof the emh lying by, which W3S thrown up, arid
lJebrcakcth it inco fix pieces like round Balls.
E. K. He uketha thing like a velfcl of iron, and putteth ;nl~ it th4t mixture 'f 7rt.
1"ullTlb 'lid ,,1a 'rr. An:! it lo"keth now like graffe mingled with water.
......'1"" ,art flr."!,, And ""ilt begtt Aftrong Cbild.
E. K. Now he pacceth out the earth which he pUt in, and it is a lump of gold. HI:
giveth it him tha: fiandcth by • .', tI" {etdr.f th' 'Arth.
E. K. Now he: caketll theicc()nd. and putteth it iri •
......C.rTllptilnil. r.bitf,for h, hAth r.bbd tht: of Ib} beft Orn".tll'/, f.r th,,, IIrt JnAl:.!r iii
thl ftc,,,d,
E. K, Hetakf;th it our. and itisasif ic were pure filver•
...... w!ur"btr,; ; d."bl"b'fr, p' vert, i,,{tltlh. Btl" """""bft"ndi"li Tb." IIrt t""1; f.r
rho" Lhltft IInluvr" thinE.If mllcb IU h, a:fl'wb : Tb,1I 'p,,,,ft ,b,gt-CAlefl hJilit} Ana ftr'''ltn
.f '''' POll''', ." filch III il hAtb bten, 6'11 [Hch "' il ".
E, K. Now he puttCth in the third Ball,
•• ~ •• Th,,,,.,,~ IArr}, f.r ,b,,,;'rtlf Anh",aeT a/l,fti,,,,ji1l,, th." IIrt th, tbird, C./It"'t tbJ
ftlf,for Ihp"Il" ".t4" ["hem,r, .
E. K. He taketh it GUt, and giveth unto oncof them that fiandc:thby,thatisa led
metal like copper.
Eo. K; New he taketh up another of ,he fulls, and holdcth it in his hand •
••••• B(hol., th} ",p,her. Hem if, Ana tbe t"",,! of lift ,,,,r,,h; fo,. h, th" pAfttb hil mlil·
ill, "It, JttA1elh, A"d J,A"!"tth tl "" ,nd.
~,, thri" fh411 ji"d 'A SI,p-motfltT, for th.1I e".'f/.llt'f tim,.
E. J(. Now he plltteth it into the veffcJ •
...... Ltt cola C''II,r th, filet, Itt tht Nortb Ir"l} b'lit t htl, fIr ,bD" "rt "" t,,,m! to th, ,,,dt.
t'ff'"'' aNt th.N Art.fgreAt vertN",f". If thJ ,xamu"t f{,AIJ ;,er,,,' r,c~ive diL"itJ. ,And tbj
'IIertllt fh"lt bl4 g,IAndt. NlltN fl ; f.,. tholl [hllit bt fJijibl, ."hm th, .tber IIrl filent : tht SIAl
jhaU ",t hi"der tb] v,rtHe, n'/JII1thft""ailtg, th] 'IIIrtll~jbA// tlifflr ."ith tb, S'IIS: F,r AI tb'lliiP
f,r, f. {hllit tholl.
E. K , Now he taketh it our. Ids araggcd thing like Smiths ,ynder of iron, and ic
hach holes. in it, as if it wc:re (pongy.
E. K , Now he taketh IlP an,other Ball of the earth: he putteth it in .
...... Tb,N Ar, rrAUA"!' ".d bIt! lI»tq "" obtain,t dli"lhter: But tho" fo"lt;, tht fiflh in th~
[,cD"d , A"d IfN /"ft"IW"'e1tt t. the jirj-.,
E K. Now he r.ak(ch it OUt, 3 islikc: unto a white: whe:dlone; as he fuaped it Ilt the
putting in, it is like Tynne.
E. K. Now he taketh up another Ball. and putteth itin •
..... Tho" ",.t 'lit/Aft ,blft hAth ill hiwtllf A"d b, b,mfe!fbillti"l: B;h.IJ thJ flKI i, /ilt.,e I1l1t"
."x, b", tbJ i",."ra bowlli 4rllile! Itnu '/'1 ""IIT'! II Slrp"it: M",,! !hili' hA'II' thtt. h,t foil"
".,k.._th". .
olll.ftb,IfJ b} [Aid. W,lI you oivc me rtothinu?
E. K • . A~rfatdoud' covcre~h them all, ~he fioneand all.
D. It dllrru 1'0 a Ql13rtcrof an hour, .
E. K. Now 3ppear~ihan()(her, none of them berate appearing. He fumhh ,fat
oft comming, and highrf placed the!! th~ other; it f~emtlth to be U If. I E L, be hath
IUs face cov~red with a Skarf o(b~k han~iog down to his ~tealt,
V & I F. L ..... Bltfftd IIrt fil ch IU Ar, ndt offtnIl4;" fh, liitl, ,,,u.
[E. K. He (pcaketb pow a langus~c: which hmdedbnd not.]
,s, .
URI E L ..... p" ib, A"l,ll.t G,/41''''.IIIII,,ttr,hilliul,,,,": ."J/llrlllukJ,..",
. *n
--~ - ..- ---
;6 0 @;A'tfWi'ellltionofDr. Dcebis 4l:1ions,PitbJ};rit/~&C.
w, Ji. 'fC~e'!"ft."e, l] m[;., (illlM:."J,i; for "",., .tiMrftlllNli"l.) . T ~ /HiJ (,h"'for,)
,bM ,,,, " . . ., I'M J./WI : f" I'•••ft J_liltl, ,"" ; ..J. thl p."". .[tI" In:h" -ft .-
J,,,'" i"" . '
H. ,h., "f,;,a"h hil J,..,h,r, .fi;',J;,h 6.J : J.t b, thM i!i"iU,h "f,.," 'me_" h
~~.f rlN Ura. L, '0" .,;
. '
The cljildrer! of Promife, and in y'lU is the lIIyACIJ tlf a great" .1Id
nl1&h:y Seal. ' Tbmftr, ft"J". h"",/'I, 'Ollr /i1'fl1J., fof H.",U;q is ,h, ](,../ I_ent? lJN,
("'1 prtt/";,,,) I.",c,,,u "l"II, ••i ,0.
ClllllIO; "', ",i,h" c." "" ftrTl. q,.
i",hI i"'.l,.,,(i''''f
d'.""'JT' 'f ,o.r '''''' flc(h. N,. (,h,r./,r,) .fi"ClI".IIr' fttfbIJ, "ill , •• He,., i_e,,,, 1 Or
h,. t;;" " " filk"th., ;,h~c" Nlllllr, bllih.l.ft? .
lnChrit\'.e '1'/" Serif,.mll."h 'M; Th., i" Chrill "" ",IT, ",r" .-",.: lA"a '" hi. ;,•••, I,m,,,
,0••r, "I,."ftJ.
J"IIfI~t"U, .b'iI ill hirr; Thtr,f.rt, ifi" h;", ,h& ft.".f ,Nlr 1,,_elM! r,"";",
and·beborD f;;tJ: 1'."''' r,,,,w,d, 4I1d","'" "/'.11, (",illl, ;m." ." iUftl,J,) ."h,[;'V.,. ""t hi;", /U !'.
~ "'."lh", fo,~,h th, "rilht.,;, 'f,h, $l1li,,;, l,ttb "".". ,h, Ellr,h: Ni;',," C'rI,~th hi
1Irt•• 1II{.it#;'1I C,wu. Th; r,grel ft'k.,- .,h,;, lrel
th"/h'~EAf.ltJ .~ "'," ',,,, .
ZIITIII, .h""", ..",,,, ~r' "',. N,;-
r c:1lpladoll. . No mare ought you to gmdg that the Lord tcmpteth 10u, nor to be offended when the World of-
fetldetb yeu. .
Ii it.,
fAia ."'11 ,.u, th., ,0.
/h.1l fight 111,"'" fil,h,: Whlll fizh,i, it "'1 1m]"... : But a
Batte13gainLl the Worldlings alld the Devu?
Y.ings. I fA' "M. ,•• Ih., Kill~~ Ihall be oft~nJcd in you.
TiH s""", c,.felh ,m, 1" h, (hllli, yea he 1h~1l ~Ot~.
Th,,hu IIf H,1I1I,,, k."p ,'fir c,.rfe;
,h? (hAl {"dtU,,/, ft~lllr, bJ ("l" 1"'1
M.&h ",." /h.II,h, :";c~J,,,d"" , thAI rifo., .l.",/f "~" , h.w, .. ",J, ( ...
;n ,h,,,,;, III "•• "U,
,."" d.jlrNflj,l1.
,"",."d,,,, ft"-/".IIJr'f SII,hillr, "",,"il •• ,M'r,.,,1i b.IIdt, fir Ib,ir
• ria.,;1J . )- , .h.ld, fh" (b.1l C'I"""J, "lAi", ;'.,II"J (hd J,fpifr .,/111:,,,; I, I ...."."I,/'IJ ,h" """" tlntfJ:,
flr..r;,. fir 1M" /hili, ftt.h, .t";"! th,,,,, anti ~31t Glverthrow ,hi.: thM., N_ ••, /I, ma:ni/ied in thy
mQUth amonglt the DlUltlCUde of the flOluU.
B,h,IJ, th,};,,; i,,.}u ."" thee, ,,'c.,,[; ,hI, .,
,,,.jill ."" ",,: f"/M'ltllh,"••hee
fr'", .~"Lft Ih"" , lUI;' they are become thy Enemies. $i., thlref"' thl]., thi", EM",;II
($,,,",,fo tb.. ",.1 fil.h, Ill-I,,,,,,,:) B,,,,, lrin,J '''"'f- .",. their wickcdnclfe doth of-
fend thee: BII' p., ,,, ,h, .,...,." ,.,i'~', lI"d Become innocent.
11;';)1,; 11m. ' D.! ,M. thi*k ,b.tfr- ,,,, H,,,,,,,,, co "ill, Ih, tin. ..;. 'if'
.fd ,h;"t ? 'Ev,.. fr t~k.,
'.'11., "'{lIhll' fr.",,,, "••,."h •• "",,,,,h. '
, B, ,hI'if", innocent, lUI;' It "., Mctiv,.l, ,h, j/lJb j Clift ".f.. llfi4, Cl'f/,,,J ."ith htr
('I,".: &A'" II,
lift 'b.1ftlf"" II"", "",; h;", (If.,) ,hM Hlh li/uJ thee from the Doores ot
Death: ,~.,h"""fth,' handsof Butchers, and continued ~ for a melllber of ~is Glory.
o ''''~IJ.n­ 'B,h";',I!II, UntO the~.Th, ~r;lh""d'uf Tr•• b """"Jb;ul,.""bthce. I[ ,M'f",,,h,. ;"",11;"
r,,;•• 'N; tr",b, ."h, fhMliUfi ,he.~, II(,Ai;'1 e"Ji."i"l th", fot n"9"",,h IIIr4 r,jijl"h'" hIT E.",,;',.
D.....,. ~hIIlt4 th, Wert. iUfpifo,b "", ,'''.Ifofo."
iU{pift ,h, W"/;..
wh,II ,hi A"Ii.1 .f ,,,, L"a p."",h hi'.,.ih lUI"fJuJ.ti" ''''. Ellrtb, _J.t/', ,_i,lI! ,/"
$."",.f G,J, f\lnne in "_II~lhlflx'p, """11 ,h,[;I[-f-. PI.l'" that.was mthe land of Pha-
,aohrlli~fh I. ,h, H."fol.f d ,h.t • .",I"h""" th, E.,lr,f.,h III ,h',L,,;' .sh,,",h. wh,,,
,htL.rd."i,b hif b,," fbd I,,,,h"., ,ht fr"ill ,f ,/"~.,,b fr-tll .. , ",,,",,b,,, jh.Il~,
,I1,ir he"",? wh., ,h,1I. fbJ~, a... .i,h ",.",,; .ith ,hili iNl;let"Jr".,.t ,fih; Emh? Of
;JIh'" fJ"'", fbtUJ , I.v, I, ,h'lI, ., .,.h. fbllil rll"rJ ,htIT frlnJfhi, I
Proph.1is In t"efc 4 yeares that are,. ~iI"",fhd 110 ,h,p tln"l' _ " ,IIJi.
II" .All;' thi'l',.t j.; /hilI! ~'t.rft.;",. tt.rII~ Bri.jt_.
Wh,? l/111,flitlk fAi,h, ".k.,,,,.,,
",th~'fi'" IlHIwhnt -tff 1/111: lllith". the Harbor
that I hue thrull you ioto. N_"hft..Ji"l'''' _ --.J.I ,,,.., /llfJlI.' B. fti&~"{.JI.,,;,
The IJ:~ . "j,;""hAt I,.w,h 'tI" : F~r ii, is II {." G"i.,. , ~
we aae in. ' . A"'/~ "'''fr.,J"hI",h Ihll!lIrtb
1011 take 10 hand, ({.utb ,h, 0". .
~.1"'II" ~""'ft "., for..hJ? 1 "ill Ill/un tblOgs
L.rJ,) and my {pUlt th.n dwell amon£fl you.
4 May ~ il'cak ?
~; x,. .He turn:th him to you.
A HOw /ball our neW proceedings joyne to,our 014 beginnings? 0 God, our guidt;light. 811ft,
ibidd and comfort, "c.
, U i E L. B,h./J, I,ud ,,,,, "*,...,
I """a I Bill tbl 'Dill,.;", 1 1IMh iJ HUlilility t P.ti-
trrce,C-J'!-"blf fp,IIk.", , ...H.",,] and the fear of wrath to come
.Aft". ."h,,,h "'"~, I h~ tlUl~ht ,""", ~, ,"" A • .
telt,MlA. Thlrrfor" if,h,. tlMh O".Ji..., ,br.,,~h th, ffirl"f GM, "~.';"lfl". thl, j ~, ,he. "'fo
lod C.,4t. Patient and Obedient: A"J Humble chy (elf ante tbelll, for Illy fake. Net ."lth tb••,"';11.1-1 11.,
• I prollliU4
I,,,, ,
",,,i" ."Ili tin C'lIIIfAil", ,hili I Jb'" MlifI" ,h;,: 611' ."it" II mUl .;,,;., <»Cdiendy,
I1i1lI9n.. 8c¥Ang to pcrfermc we which thGII haft prolllifccl ja lie.
-J"", 'It,lIr#iorJ0fDr. DeehiJ Al1io1JI;1Pithjpiriu, &c. 361
hI"'f1tfP(i~", Jh'nl.,b, II1I11...i,.,,1IT b,"/cJtr.,. if ,h" ;"rillA ",ii, i, fb.1IIt ,.ejf .p'" tbtm;
1'" "h'll,h,J' /~"lj" it, it (b1f6 friu "i,bill tb,,,,;,And thy goings in and OUt /hall bt Cafe ~m()ngll A ' i rC
them. B,,, /""ld, I","" "",. thtl" ""'~ ,,/,ieh ,I." (.lhtJItjflll1;. wb", tbD. ",j"Jrft,o JD III1J Ii.;, 1 o. <a-
,hi.g,'" th, ."""'f Goll, "bilhmo",.", tb, btl,.f ,/', "';gh",,,,., ,,. ,hilltlr/llllc.-r".t: Go 3-
~outit whatfoevct it be: and begin a Labour; Do that thing thou 'il)tcndcH. .A"d [e' thAt l~tI
,0," ."ith .., ,.;'fottt ,."MtU GM A,,1Il ,h, bilftlltJ{t , •• Arl ~c.pi,a.II,
Then cry out II God for ,,,,,forr, for light, A";' r,.,underllanding. A"a it it fbllll /" liil", unto
rhecAIII,,,JA,,tl,. F"r..,I[A,.IIto,D,. [E. K. I underlbn(J him not now.] , [",iII,,",
"""" h""a "trrD th", ""t! b,,,,,,,if.I.III' IJu,: And whenfoever you h#Ap.pthe W ODd cage- TOKcchcr:
ther,l will deCem!!·""J gi", /irr.
B,J..1J, I !r.ftpb';ck,.tbt reft,f",.1 ""IAg' for "" .thtr ti"". wbith fbJl bt ""A! for
1Jirull'. r'AJ, ",.tclivei,. '

t:::. I requelled to know how I {holiid dcal with the AmJalI'ad"r of Sp.i", orthe Emperor,orC.r.
ti"",;SecoildIY,fOUr 'Jtll L E. bere given,I under!lam\ it not.For I dare not begin any labour with o~'
(ounfe! diTine: Mans ,imagimcion is fo weak, Icc.
URI E. L Tho. hAft tho{t th., A,., Je.t,.111. wd hm for t h] i"ft,.,.{li.II, ",h."h fhAlI by degrees
J'AI. t~, inco the degrees of th.t tho" Ar, t. J.D. '1 dcgteet,
811t it is thi"l" rl(";'111 Cor", ."a Ab,."AII.", ofgrAi", b] th, bleffi"g of G.a, i" ,h, retHrll
,f "" TeAr: Allli A" ,ih,r thi,,!,o d. thl work.! of the ApojJltI.
F.r Ih, [piri, of G,d is ,.",fold: ",irkillg ", '"f.rmAI;oll ~ ."d i"flH,,,et ClZltft;Al th,
PA'" .f Gall his gill • .".iIl" i" thl mi";/~r., of his .Jl"g~/s.r. the i"f''''''''jo" of [llch A. Are his
=~ A.a,cho[m,: ,A" o,~", thi"g to 1" i"[p;r,d. fr.m G04 him/,I!, ill his ~t] [firi' , imediltcly
'"g ''''1. tlllfttlll W;/tJi,!, t'g"h" 1'" J b,],"d th, po."". th.t IS g''II'••III' hIS .A".
~ h."..[~."', J.II Afo",,1. A"a trll' J,i/rill', A"d h.", giv,,, 1°.11/)1 fl,fbt!
"""i,I: ..4.ppl.].,.II' f,lf ."Ioit,ASIh, Spirit of G.J I",Jrlb T'''' ~s f.,. thof, wid:!'l mm

(,hAt .,A",b.l.a.r tilt"'pud) ••r ."tltrftAlfllU,g hAt h II. """"'f them: W, ,.",stmb" them ".t,
.,iI}",/i",it "'" tlH"g{'r ,h".. If.t if tholl illlh] (impllCity and il1nocency '''''ft IIDt tkM ..i th
,h"", ,h,!Atllt rt./lttb in th] "'" f"i,h. Simplicirj".,
I A", go"" Innocency'

A Dco ftOIlro Omnipotenti Im1llartali & -Rcgi Gloriz, (it omnis laus" 1I0nor, gratiarum
adio lie Jubilatio. ..,I""".

w,J,ultu" Mane bora 9 ~ fere
+ PrAl'"
t:::. PrtCibus ad Dcwti fufll, ut nobifcum procederet in fUll mifcricordia lie lumine Tcritatis, nOil
in parabolis folum tit znigmacibus, fed clara tit manifefia vcritate, modo qui iIIi maxime pia.
cer, atc,
E. K. I fee the man again and the houfe: the man feemeth to be covered on his
face,and fo over with a vail of hair-cloth to his middle.
I:l. When it /bIll pleafe God, 31\ vaiks and ""£";g",.t" /ball ccafe•
..... Wb.rfi"",.[ ".,}, ,.H hAlh AM,,"]. A"d I"",,, t.M"".,i" "'! {tlf. EV'II fo A' Mynerit"
t_gs thM ,,. I,.,,, of"", ,,. ...ft /" "",,"t to rlc,w, At ""./fiCAI i"ftrllflio"s co"'pr,/""Ji"g
p"fell" ,."th, AlIA "b,t",."."" [H"h AIA,."rll'. S."" th".,b, thA, hll'ii', ArulhAv,,,othi"g:!'"
t/ th" b"", All, for ~/I, illl/lltei,"a: Bllt the "',/J"i" vi G.A tIT. illjill;t" ""a hisg,..,. i,
IrIIt ,. be a.,erm ;",tl.
t:::. That f.ying is darle. .
That .".hich;1 All, i/C,,,t,i,,ea. B,I,,,,, !'II, th.,,,, l/fI' h.1] thi"l'."" s",/"" Or,p''' tf,;
fiwl." And ."..,I(.!1JA"[hip of Goa ."" Si",,"s? G.a ,"bitt. ~ofes [ . . G.l. I.t his hi""" p.,ts.
The Pr.p~1tS ."., ""If"";III,a .ith G.a, ~lIt ""fti"A"1' Tbt Apojllts";''' tb, So•••fGoa i. fb""
".,,1, A., fh,i,. • ."" i"'I'U"C1. TlA, 1lII1l1l1tO "", ,hAt fbI thAt I!nh ill ,h,IAp'f h,,. Mothe,."
It_nh",t b.tbra'lr"" fori, is ,mmil",," of G,,(r Watiiom, both immediately and by us, tC>
keep lJack his Wifdom from Hell and corruption.
Th,refor, ",.,.",.,. IfIIt lit rh.t .".hi,h .J0. rec.iv" fo,. it il ""!o.,. ",n. B,hoJJ, if". h.v, ~'t­
""',10. IIUtl i, "": f", it is 'fIAllirii t. [ttt for ,hA' 1'. bnt. ",/l1ft"", ;t;1 gifl'II ,'H, C,,,ftdtr
."hAt i, il,thll' i~g;vt" ,0il. Co.jitltr"'fo£1r/II it ilgiv''',,,, iCrull1JYllh-
t:::. We know by whom, as our'confciencc5 and faith teach us. .
...... 0.,,11 of ,li~tltllIlAerflAIIJ;"g: Who, is hc tbat,Gan ~nd hath "givt',bllt GJa, ],fHl Ch,.ift
,bt S.""e'f the 1''IIfIII G••, ."t, .".bD", All tb'''g! "" g""" ,II HeAv,,,, ""d ,. EArth, ;fth,r.'f~rt,
~/t b~ hIS, thell h, gi""h. .A.a if". rrc,i", it hardly ;- Confider how bardly you ought to deliver
Jt ag:lln. .
teni\' 'IIi'lli{i-
l\ nd if it be.a fire ICTiTio!IJ Ute form of ,II worldly thing.: 7 h", ,,,ft't """ S.~"t : ",ithtr ,.,11.
.1et.""fbip it. B,holJ, " • .,.,~, kin ba,inl it youllluR ~afct. b~ lUen,. lor by It you cnter LMpi,r" p.
J ~ upon 1);",;1••
~62. J';"",rcldtil)rJ of Dr. Deehil AOlonl, ..thjpiritsJ&c.
upon, and into aU i~;u,,: A~ by it ". [",,,J. ;"" ,h, tril, k.,,,r,,I,J, ;fnlt Pt:'·!AtIurI,••
/firtuf 1,,1N't,II?
8141 I h,Ar Av,It,; 1.111 up"rt, ... -
E, K. N ow all isvaniQ]ed away. .
C::" We rea" over the prcmilfes te cur comfort 'and inlh'udioD" we bcfeeck Gocl'. to continue
his graces and mercies, on us, and in US,to hi. honour and slory,here and tore,cr.
E.1.:. Now hcis h·ere~gain. . ,
...... rh" ,,.iN .fG.a 'I.pon """ A"d ["Mt:htth III' "",. orb" ,tb'''ll.
r. m~,.ro'" i" th, ",.,,,i"g., with cmpty Bc.l1ies, /."i/l tiD 1'''.'IIIhAt i, i",,,
6. Fiat volwms Dei, ad cjus Ioud.m,honore", 8l eloriam, nlln, & fc",pcr. A"" ••

.A"".' l 'siS' JAmlofr, '7.

Thurf""',· Mane, cilca horam S. r
OrOltione Domlllic3 finita, & alia breyi ejacu!ationt, pro !\lmine & TCnUtc Dei obtil\~,&c.
, Poll quarumhor3: partcmj1'Cotto '
E. K. {icreheisnol'f.
6 l.ilolia, bus, & honQr fit Deo no(lro Omnipotenti • .A""". ,
...... H',Ir.ur Alld rhA"i{Jghl;;,g ..."b I.,.. V.k,/, 1""11"''';- L,;tlY.,flU.
C::" NOle ,hi. C::" Amen. E. K. Amell.
v 151 0 N. 11. K. He hath a great hl.pO(,.,b J orliule hill naturill, hlnfD!
Ealln of. tDIIII', J,."inK ji",t"• .",. Li"HA1f/IIJ.
ITA",,,,, ,...",
llwny oolaur. E. K. A Woman comlD(th ,2nd with a fpade diggetb about it. ~ow c:oqI_.

".s. ,.0
mcth 'a child (;1 man..chi1,d) OUt of a dark place, wit~ a fire lhoyel in his hahet.
The Wormn hath ~akcn .... 'bttmh, ,;".'hl'U~",,"b ""'" """,',,,,,.,,,,
The'boy cafieth ounhat Water with thdire.lhove). 1 he Woman laughCdrat'
Green. that, The Woman is in greenc1~thes. and the boy in,red. .
~ow commeth a Woman with child, or with a great belly, in white clothes, file
pultcth her hand down to the ground, and pulleth out. Jilll~ GI,,{[tI-a" ,~J ,;1.
Now comnicth an old IjIlln with a Crab, tree fiaffe on hi' back, his clothes of mM-
Jy colour. Th!s old 'man caket h t~C Glaff~ from the. Woman by,~Grce witb:llis lift he '
brcakclh tbe \.IlaITe, a~d all tbeod runneth about his a,rm , and,. ,1,h.,,,UiJ
• 1Jilk " n",,; a-vcry htdeBook•
• P IA;",r, trltfT, .,.IIIIt" t:An ".,hi,,:. ~,.
itK. He raid this, looking on t1;le Book.
J ~ Womln.
s AChild.
...... Thefe fourfo ••ll" ~., II,,,, H A J) F litllT, ,,,lthll"fl. H,,,,, ..J
ft~~11 .f G.a, ",'Ih ,h""'~/1 h~!lrtI" ~.t jitli"g~ bil, 1r..."lIli/tg, "fmSaI)~ulB SancSterum.
writ,," ",,.
3 ~ W ',",In 6 I knecled,3nd fo preparcd ,my lelf to the writing. In tbe Name of Jtras O!U' Redcclilcr~nQ
with c~'14. , the: Wilool\l c~crn3l of God Almighty.
4 Ano ,d nlln. E. K. He kneclcth him'felt.
E, K. Now gccth fire OUt of his mputh llrcamingly, he turbeth himfdfto-che 01-
pattsof the World, fpoutingout, O~ brcathing6re vehemently.
An Angd E. -f(. Nowcommcth one like an angcl , hovering ovcrhim inthuire:, and bid-
dc:th him Hold up hi' hand •
...... ToI.,,, fhol], ['''A,." h,AV'" ••,1 'Anh, ."a "; hi", thAt fitt,th ,,, th, T""",, th"t ,h,1I
fhAlt 'p'" ,hy WID",h, Ana fplllk.,ti' .... rt ,the" il c.""i",J;" thil8..t
E. K. He dclivereth hiql a Booltout of his BofolD•
••••.• I j,~v, t..",,· .. .
E. K. ThtAng ,ehsgon~. Now tfuJy. theplacclsboly.
E, K. , He holdeth the Book in his band which the Angel gave hjm. The Book is as
if it were at Ivory bone. The Book is open, he loolc.~b on it. The letters fccm to be
blcwilh •
...... Ther, ii /i/,." i" III, "".;II,h< IHAfI'III.
E. K. Now a~lis fulloffmoa~.
6 O,ni paululumaciws. '
E. K. Now it is cle31ilgain..•••••• H'fo",,(tht.mul'f'h'IH'~
" ...... r.kj if""" pl./.J.
Eo K. The book f«mcth to be written in tbe holy Charaacrs.
" ...... DI·ffU1!-"iji,a.
t. t'l thour,ht E.K.-
tfti. ia
,_,,, ~n,'j. .. ;... t..M1,&r"h",/'AfI, if,b, tlnillifh",ffi; ",,,,,,,,,,. INt. th.. Jt;".,.,ft. "".
",. Eo K. He is again ia a C'lQud. E. x, N ow be: is cl«ugain.
~ true rel,tion orDe.Dee bit Aflions ,witbfpi~itJ, &c•
...... .."{,,d Luminus" f'011l dIU degrlli•
...... R""a it.
i::l I read it. •... ,. 7'ak! offJoHr '])[a[.a dig"iji,4,iI"J Luminus,orIrQ", aile Ii'pm.
E. K. He feemeth to labour much about the reading of it •
..... . Gather or '"~ fi'r~& Jegrlt•
..... . (1 fetl". power, rher,fore hllve p"ti,,,(,.] .
...... " Nm,irhjl""ai"K""orlit aiwr[, all}" ",,,[ti,llillgfoHrdig'flullr,
E. K. Now hcisin a Cloud again •
...... -'Prll.1,th", it 1I1a} 6e give. ""to"" .fGod.
...... " And dO.l4blttbtn DI"fod, IIlIa rhl Rod In r. [it is II Tnrd ."hifh (lf1/"ot 6e j ••"d,J ]
•••••• " <..JJ(tlftl;t Rio. D.,d
6 Mull Rio d .n .r ? Ihu,,"cI"~ rd
...... Lool~bol4' ,0.,[or·S'''II'' ."ollla billder ]." of q.J., betJlfitr.
" ...... R I • d " r •
• j ...... Di[igrntl;. .
...... PrAl,tbat lOll m,,) ImJ.,rjl""J..
e:,. Weprayed. .
" ...... For. ""til tholl 7""ub [0 co",i""i"g.
E. K. A Cloud fiandeth by him, and now commeth before him as other time~
before: and then gocth away from befote hiltlagain.
" ...... i,,11 holJ h.ur a,[w,a,tlJ •
...... Note ,hil, ver} ."tll, for here you may be caft over !hoes.
... '., rhi/ CIo.J. il /" Ih". e:,. VVe had talk of me forefaid Cioud.
" ...... Of'verJ'.'..rJtrhereltf~e"ae!ho,,~ Audcal,lI"df•.tVtrlL.", Rio d n r.
E : K. Now he IS covered In hiS .all or cloud agato.
~. K. Prayed a·ilion fervent prayer, whereat I rejoyced much.
E. K. Now there.commcth a beam from above into his head as big as my litde
finger. ' .
" ...... '~"J. pllrp~f' DI.[od, tllk! a fWltt l"u'gt, ""d hI/fit tll prop~!'ti~" or" ",41 g/orjoUi E. k.
",ixtll,e Audcal "na IIlf. Lub. C,nti"", ""d b, °8ic'h[ul.~ nod n r 6"'Ic.."'ril
~,.ftu.'" B., he "J th, '0",,,,.''"red. Dar r
"I the wi ai- ~~~h.~~~:~: g.t 'r rII", riptft Work.., pllrge tin '''ft f.rt,,,e arms ab, ••"
well fix"l.. Thm the f'"~ , ••, [R 10 d n r] __. ("iflly.
[If.;aJ'Roxtan (inijbell ""re "getber., tb, I'lrtr 6~4J 6, "" degr" Ib u I be by you f,r hi", [F.'r~II'J
h,1d it for hi", ;n o,,"f th,,,,. - 6 Th ..... s
;. Now he7eth dO\vn proftrate.
11• .&\. .
added I\( co ...
retted a(cct-
" ...... Vlltil, th,11I1 thillg. ".rd,.
E. K.- H. (peak"!l
" ...... I "hi", ",e,,,,,
hil rea ".iI.
high,,, tfegr~tof hit rtp,rrrFJio. thr••gh colt;,,,. Ilfiil.
Now there commeth a great thing like ~ fire, and covereth him.
E. K.
NowUtUP· . .
AWe di4 rife up from kneeling.
.. ..... Afr.r lI."hil, I CO"" IIgAill•
...... 'There;, th,."hiJ/, ."orlv
E. K. Hele is again •
...... ~ring forth th, ~ool'f Enoch. Lih" EnDeli
...... Re"d J~lIr leff•• .. :.. A 1 read !be former, Take offyour,!!Cc ..
Glltber ,.",.fix 'U~d/, 4."ords ,'flji, of 6 Utle", ."a""".f 4- Six words;
Rio d n r relUl th"t, ;",he upper, dt/,,,,a;,,g ;n I~' fn(\[quare,
It;I" g"'" thi"t to l"o", ",hicb ;1 tb, firft tllbl, tb,,,,,, N.t"".
'lJeliller thl BHi(. here•
.Cl I gne the Book to E.K•
• 1.... I-l",bert tho" E. K.{efJf the Itlter.cle"r•
.E. K.looked, andfaw;a [park of light upon Il,then on .L, &c.
A He was le~ by light appearing on the letters t6 read the lix words,
'D/"foJ.; R.xt"", 'PJ.tlnr, .AIIMIII, DII", LIII•• Six "od••
...... H.,re il ~aternarius in Circumferentia, .."a~uatemariusinCencro.
f her, h, rhe 4""d;"ring "'''1'' to the elnter•
.All th", ",,,, I" fpolt..!n in thAI JOII clllI A"i",,,,/,P'el,,""J,,or Miner'" ."""l",l/"jbip of NIIt"" Anim'!,
is here, as in a part of the four. 7'hil fAr "o"',"'or, III "~" tieftrl jr. 1J"tth",t lOll "'''T [tt,1 am VeC,U bl<,.
a Co"'pallio" .""ilhtb, 1I(f.
0",", "'lrO"-
E.. K. He is gone. "'rr"~M.,M
Bb ~ A ~nc-
@...A "He fu/,t;o" ofDr. Dee h;~ AE1iOlll,rI1itb.!i;';ts,&c.
6 "'Bencdiumus Domino Dco nollro Omnipotemi; Patti Fillo & Spiri!\li lantto, JI.".
,."NIlrN 18.
Fri""T }dane hor~drciter 8 ~
. Orationibus fuCtsad Drum, ut Myllcria nobis exhibita (hCllerno die) explicentur; detraa.
li[er~ cortice fuccUJ Sefpiritus veritalis manifcltus fiat, Sec. tandem apparuie ille cum YClo,cintreo.
E. K. Hetc be is, upon a grccn endlclfe plain 6dd; and as I fee abroad in the field,
(0 the Hcaven appcare.tl1, and all circumfrances ot the air abroad: blK my thinketh,
~hat I am from tllc carth alofe, and (ee all under me, asif it were ill a "alley•
...... N,'" ",11;,. hlllr "" I,.r",d "d,f th.t LeJf•• ,
6 We .perceive the grace and fa'four of God. to ddiver us Myllerie, in outward terms determi-
ned, but in the fruitful inward ,erity,as yet unknown to us.
n r. 'n4 ...... B,h,ld I h.vI tilliwmi ". (thr."gh th, WifU{ G,J) th, tT"tpcrfelhndmofi plain Sci-
fru~:(~:'or- enee or underHanding of all the lower ,::rcaturts of God: their natures, fellowlhip t~her-, aDd
Iller Ldfun·,. perfect knitting tog(ther, whi!;h is fourfold. .
Th, fir', t hI tllitting t'l,th",f "left;., i"jI",,,t,, •.iJ,hI Crl""TlI ~"o",. Tht fic.1I4, ,h.
c,.tTl'f 1WT'1 i,d, Ef{tlft ,.1. Th, ,hird, th, ~'_;"IIl;'. 6f ",.",}1Ir'1 " i,dill'_IIrr,1ft t, •••
p""c'pl,. rh,IIoft th, tr", "J, .". ~"'."'/,dg' [E. K. He fpeaketh a language which
.f IV", !"bft..,,'o b, "")"", • .,,Il dift"b,," 1 cannot found aftcr him. J
t,ll. T .'<.,. ,."fe-
t::. We read the premilfes, lind difcourfed of them.
E. X. Now he is here again •
..... .1" I.elf", ."h,eh 1 hllJl' t""l" 'HI il ,hi, t",."kd1', ."i,/, ,hi ,.,.1 "",,",,,J.
Note Th'''f."
. /"t, IfJIJ t.r. ,& earth ul'lide .own. Lt~,,,,., ,h_I.- ",.] rtllkl, fr"i" fIT "",.
In", th., ..,... .. k!th, IfJIJ hilllljlr,lfl.,h,jtr'''lth /h.i i, ~''''", ... , , r"".r••f . _....","". MIIIJ,
,'M/, th, J""ght,r.f 1'.1,1"", .r, l1li' "u,.!.r, t, th, .,"';lfl 'f thil M,jI",. N .., _""hl
h.~, ".~hi"g t.;', h,,,: F.r I"i, iI a'labour of one day,f". i" '''''''''' I'" "'., ""J".ft... ,., I'IIT
,hM I.elf", i" piectl, IIIJd ,.""J"ftAIId ."hill '''IT,JIII'''. fig'li!Uth.
Noee ,."fttier,.,
B"t hITf;1 t, It, ;/1 th, II.,."i"l 'f thil LiT''', thr" tbi"l' : ,h, ,I"" ,pM IfJIT,
1'be place of • "J . I~""i"h; tbt pilln (hA' 1'IHf',/"ttr ~c"pi,th, "'"' 'h, _f" .".1 ".c, IbM 1V"1 .,."J
_01. mol"c- lIIJa I",,, I, rtf""'. """. F" htrt place and !lumber are aparr, 104 bear an !mase of the work
Tber"t'°f ,h., Ih'1 illtrl.t 'f.
B., ".",btr "". ,1«1 ",,,ft ~, j".,~ "l."b,,,, iIIId th,rn} follil , .. ,.jI, .f,bM ."hkh/.IInH.b,
::~. Ull ct- tr", ",iftil"".
The joyninl Blth"'f",JiliZ,lfl, ""J""]f.rtb,!.r",,,/ g,J"hill""_,Ii.,, aJ "-liIIIJ. Th,
.rnwDlocr anol
-"".f _
'Ii'l,ft thil :
".,hu.g l"t1l4t f~r, i"",,; fo,. {".fli ""hi"I." tie ""tb 1JUIt. SIt, b", !""a
E. K. Hcis frept afide. '6 I difcOlll'Ced.
E:. K. ltc is here again •
•_ .. ~ N"" ~A" ,f",lw 1 fo.1I JiI! 111ft, " . . i .,;iII."" ,,1It, ,Iff" Mytlery, the key _ " ....
tUt ....h.t. th, '~t"A"" IfJIJ t_kJ.I.' .f th, divi", ",if-', J,lifJ,r•• """ ". i••. Sci,., ,,,,-
,A;I" conteined i. lette" and WOlds unorderly placed, as a Chaos I A". III' ,.
tbtrt(.I" ~, ".Mr-
jI..J ~"t by order to be reduced ..... Jr_. i"t. th,ir pl.ell, .IId 'Mub,,, lr ".Jtrl.,••
ClibaJiRlcally Yorl'. hAVt t14t a letter,.". th, fOlm If IIlltt","'" the place" Itt A I", ~., th,]
fe. ",il us ...uh,flllrl2tC counted with God. Th,litttrl lfJIJ.".rtU """~.I. ;"" IIil r,.p" '" ,
.,.,./l efll__
,ht fl., J,j",. th, ""'IT trl.' ",.11: TI:"tfil" h"""'I! ""ifJI ,h", ."hit. I hllW t. f"1 111ft, '''',
.". fh.O 'P,/llIlIt. ,." '" _,tliI", SCMIM/, t"ul;"I.'
Firft, .liltlt",ith,,1e ".;f' G.J- Z. K. He is on his knees.
E. K. prayed the 14' Pfalm, D""I., ""i",,.,
txMNJi mt#ll,ancl I with'heancoD-
reRied, and greatly rejoyccd in tbe2ptndfe of the prayer: as E.1C. his cafe ~biefly re-
quited. and mine 31[0. .
.•.• 1 ""., AX iii".
E.K. He is gOD(.
6 We c9Jlferred and confldered many thin~ to the praife of God, and the cootcmpc of the
wo~ldly \niiomc,lIcc.
~. K: Now he iscomcagaln.
E. K. N ow there commem. whice curtain before him.
..... N"" bt.""" ~';'" {Ir 'M,ofl- Jii 1M.
0111, Stvl/lt1 tb,.", 67, 29. Ilf/l
'J.!.d- t::. head. .., .. II_li, uo.
..... 31·
vf ttl" 'l\!L#ion ofDi. DeebiJA[Jiol1l, 'WithJPirits, &c. 36.,
E, K. I hear a voice, as if baskcts,and earthen potS were thrown from place to place,
from one fide to another.
...... 78. .l'S'1iY 91' 100. 60. gr."
X. 1<.". I hear as it were a whiftling very bafefy or lQwly, whu, whuswhu,&:c•
...... SA, ."Iu.t ,oU "~v,. D. I read all the I ' numbers-.
_.... M"h" "otllh,re, D. I..llade -as you fee before •
..... . 39. E. k. Hadaveryheavy thing ·onhishcad: andmhis capitfecmcd
as ifit would have crept into his head. .
...... fl. S~. 83. 6. 7' u. 10. 88.· .
...... N." th"t. , 6. So did I, as before, wi,h • as a full point, Notabh
...... T ,,~e thD" E. K. ,,'fo
P''', ,,,~, ""a I"ptr, ."a "ott th, """,btrs "Ifo , tl,., J'II "'''J "Crl'.
E. K. Took pen,ink,andpapor •
...... "";,erho,, £ .K. "Ifo thl nu,b'"lh"t he h"th .",itte".
E. X. Wrote oue all the former numbers.
S ...... II. 11. l.i'. 6~. ~ 141. 9· SI. II!. 16. H' U3. lOS' 14' "7' 'H,
I H. 137. 10. 64. 46. 59 .
D. I became here al.lolt in a found, I WJS fo:ced'to rife from kneeling. Our guide Il)d School.
m31l·er bad m:-go away, and E. K.lhould write ouHhc rcll : But it was not our friend that fobad. 6
.39. :n. 3. 4;' D8. 86. 7" 68. S8. 14" ul. .13. Thefclf. lC.
24' ~. 69' 55' J9· 15 '5. 37. 3J •• I'; 76• 57· Jr. 40• ~:1~~:i~~;
41• 79· Jl9' B. 9 6. 113. 93. 04. 70' 49' Jl 17· Iftorm71'"
Ill. ,136 71. 1. !l8. 43' 109. 106. u6. 116 13 1• roj!,bYa..iwof
77. ..,. 1 0 3. i6. ll4. 30. 101. 110' So, 1S, 89. brigb"~hc
44' 97 101. 81. U9' !3Q. 90. H. 9 8• 99· 65' 818 • :h~r~~c.;~~
lIZ. 111. 47. I +f. 10]. 131. 6J. 133. Jl1' 66 o. uponhiJp ••
H· 7h 35' 91 111. :H. u7' loB. Sit. uS. lJ. per. Butic
10+ 87· ,po 94. 38. BS' 74f. " ... Sophi-
Thou E. X,hall ~1I· done. t\ic.IChe .... • i
After Dinnerwc repaired to our bulinelfe, and by and by apparition was made•
.' ..... And luminous, "1/.,,, ."J.
...... N,. "" '" tlu, fOOq.,. I" mler,fo orurl,l'lltr 1'11"1 ,.".11.
flt J,,,r "u", ber/,
6 T. g,ther IS to be talien for one word .
...... Iti,fl·
"6 There lecm to be jull 144 aCCDumed words •
...... N", bri"g ev,r, ",."l cqn[t'l",,,tl, i" ""a" b, "lImb" AirtEli"g !'II . . wh,,,
! •• hlUe ft-
,.ijh,d ""a conJid4r,a, IIfur 1 hourI I ",ill help '0" "! Ai".
S •• '-' Muft be i." th, plAce Df 13, ""a ",uft ""f",er And luminous.
~ ...... TJ" "u",b,r ov,r Comoron, ",,,ft b,,: ",.t! ".t 138.S~t All t"l.,ther) l "ill 11f1, your
errors. · ,
6 I.cannot. do it well this night •
...... AI ,h.u ."ilt, ""d ...h,,, th.u "ilt ,f 4'" r,Ad,.
~ Omne quod vivit refonet laudes altiffimi. eA.",.

11111""r;; I 9 Mane hora 9. Infpeao Lapide Ilatim apPlluir, qui antc heri.Potl p'reccud. Dcum~
...... H,,,r "h"t I /h,,'1 p, U",.
I'll. Th W"a ""Il r,ft""'tnt., Jcfus Chn!l, the brld. ,,!
lift, lift ~ ,be c0wrfm ."d injfr"f1i." of thl f"ithfll/, il filch lIS ;..f"."",,, tI~,.,tlMl I, IN Jigtll-:
'I IUItl p""'''IJfe of Spirit i" h;"" "hich reek.!lh" b, inf,,,,,,a. F.r."h/ th. H,/, GI"jf h'/Plth
. , fuch "re Ltpm, "Iith:r hut/tth fuch AI " " fick.., ""leJ[IIht, ~"", {tlkj'l hi", "111, f,r
".,a;~i", ;
UJt"", WIJ. Thl Scriptum After th'f". ",,,,,,,tr, (",!.I-rtthr,,,) b", thtJ "r, c,"f.""i/.til t J,,-
,,,.f, t~., r,,~thdr ,."" gl'TT, tina "ot thl glorl'f hi"" "her"f rblJ i"","': H,rl;" a.,h S If-
,,,,, rt,olce th", the WWa of Goa i/ blm'II "" ;"ftr"",,,,, """ hi.,
" CmlI) of ",,,,,.
"r,.;z thll'f" (illldft""
Hmi. "th h, r,joJcI, thi, with the f-; ""."h", _it/. !tede,h , "IV'"."ith ,h, {t/f f.""
h, tI1I{,lI"tltth.
, .
; 66 @A hIre/arion of Dr. Dee his Af}ions,rPitbf}ir.itl':;&c.
A t was 'fery
Af'" 'M
,.""iu" b.~h he tUlI' !I"" "".
,btl (A) ~.~"'r ,,"a jlr"u.l' . '
.",tb 1IIlirmmes,of the fiefb, tb'''lht
Cd (uddenly. "fit ti";,,, ,br,,' id;IIIfilf. ""I4,f ,bl !,,~It ~t"Jt"lII I h"vt "jVIII,"" (i/O tht p'",",fCbri/f)
and was COR-
Rrainrd to
t.",~ hi.filf"" i"1""",,,,t ~J "ulIl.lof himfclf into our -brightnellc, t. p,,14
J,II ;"" Irr."".
BII' III' 1I,",,'Y,b, .rl ",,'f
Ihi, ",ift,r urkJr,{,: R.u ,.11 "., i"
tbe Strip"'r(/ ,h", be ,"ijh:-
lea.e off
,a th., mrtf,J h;",filf ,. ft'" ,b, Arlc.."Wf,iti;l,,, ? '
'f< ' Tlrl H ,,"a J.t" IIU ,h, '''",.f ,h, h,tI"II,itlm '''II h, ,b",;, " S,""""a tb, iDembcr of anotli«,
~~~;;IZ~ f',;!fiR ,hufft,"f hi,..f .,h.", ht ;, " _",f,".
'fi, jMfIlj"ial. ~!.'''IIt4 thee [E.K.] . .
B,e.,,[, ,bI" ],/flr/l.,.",,,ldtft ,IfIT IIp [.c"ift", "'0II1J,~ p", 'h, hifll4 t, that whIch IS no~
oiP,;.·..{· thy office,.,," th., ill,h",f,fi""'f hi"" whiFhis th1 ' body: th"'f".' h.,h SAt"" du~,J ,lw"
'lMi{q •• fu~­ ""a "I ,I., f.tbIT .f /ttr, hA')' ill .Itffin ,f' ,rllth It ""fo f.,. iI,t, "rIIlr, ,hIlI ]'" ",ill"",",fi.J
,,,~, p,.!'i,. ,h, ."., III', if T'" jhD"la /.11,. ,h.[t i"jI".rJ;.II,.
F.,. ."h, Ibtl .rt [./fi, "nJ of ,Ir, Dt'lII/.
wh,,, th," .,1Tt com,.."a,d,!.,i"g, Write; ,ht. ,.rilt, B"t .,,1.'11 ,bI" h"jI'" ••1mit, $,1-
Mercylnd v,,, ,hlt, ..!""p .,t. B., IIIt,.ilhft.nding, H"",f,I, """ fil"" b,/,r, ,ht lA"J, ItIJJ 1c..""/;"1 ~'fir'
Gracc. bi"" Receive you Ldfonstogether, YOll are but on): body.,
A 'Thanks be UlltO cur God, which hath deli,ered us from the fnarc of the wicked hunter, I",'
is ready 10 lead us into the path of truth.
...... N.", write both tcigether,.u "" fo.a hlllr.
l::l In the Name of Tdils •
..... , Th, PI/I&, i,1»I,.

I. 10. 67'

33' 7 8• 14°· 9f·

. uo •

f2 • 60.
E. K. N ow I bear as the falling of a block.
9 r • 39· 5 I. 65' 83- 6. ti. 20. 18.
.. ...
I I• 13· f· 62. Ill. 63· uf· 14 r • 9' 81. 18. 26. H· Ul u8. 1+ 27' ll~.

.. IH. 137·
".e 64' 59· 139· 22. 1· 23· 10f· 86. 7 2• 68. -no 14 z,

.. '.'
zl· li3. 2i· 36• 58. H· If· 2S· 37' 3 1• 117· 7 6• 57· '9. iO;

'fl. 79. 7S· 8. 9 6• 113· 93' 8+ 7°· 3S. 32• J7' 13'2. 13 6• 49·
... .. II"'·. 2.
i3' 1°9· 106. ' u6. 116. 13 1•
102. 11_.
17- +
1°3· 9 a, 19· uio
3°' SO. 4 8• 89. 44' 97· 101. S2. u9· 13~ go. H·
17 9 8: IH· 87. 28. I I 2. IIi' ' 47· Ii+ 181. 132· 61. aI. 99·
"'[46j 7 1•
4" 80. H' ~~. '1:1' J6. II J.. 11'3 12 7' JOS. 56. Il8. IJ9· 10i· JOO.
73· 9i· 38 85· 7i'
~y "'"ft~' tIIl,lJ, 1I',rJ, .."d!, e~~re, A ~.

A I find here 8 numbers dOllble, and 911umbers between I and Iii, not [e\'Ted with words,and
one to want of 144•
...... wh.,;' it""",i! S",,,,,t"'f.,,,,a,,II. , ,
A As I put my truft in the All1lighty power ofChri!l our Redeemer, fo I lJIol\ humbly, heartily
and conllandy bcfeech him, and verily believe, thatbe will coofoWld and utterly extcrmine all Sata-
nica! temptations in thefe aCtions, dfe are we nothing. ,
..... B,!II&1. G,A ,. firgiTI, J'" ""r jilli. I."iII "ijil J'" '" ,h, fo"r,h h."., ..ftlr Jj..,..
Deo Gracias.

After dinner,drca "dram 4.
e:. Coliltorc us, 0 God, with thy truth, al we intend truly to be thy faithful Ind dqo\1& Ser.
Uotl. tMitt. Ii"",,,,.
E. X. Here he: is.
I . .... T,,, """'29 t",ju"hI /.jl29 "'", r/,,,,, 'til_ b,/",
l T,,. h.VI r.". Dlafod, "" -ft
E. K , He is gone.
tht I",,,,, F"' .tII.
_rv1 "He re14tionofDr.Dee his .AClionl,withjpirits, &c
E. K. He is here again.
J ..... HIVe lD/4 till' tbil "ml double?
PII' t", 1Pmi,,"xt tD thAt, DlaCod and
•. ••. LH~ ,,,t the ,,,,mber,f 6 3
P Ht .,e>:t t. it I l ~. • ....1:::. The wicked enemy prompted falls.
i ..... r,1I hAvet.",D 10
Milk! the 14' 66.
,. 1 htl..ft 77 mllft h71.
Tile reft .",1/ provi it [eif.
ND'" {tt the "",,,~trJ A.,a lAther. '
..... 'J hi"k.. ".i ,bllt I CII., err,; if ther, be. f.III" it is lDllrs:

After drinking st night, hora 7- .
......r.llr ."ordJ lind """,bers mllfl be.11 Dne, or tI{t "III.b",r ;n vAin •
•••••• 1. 2.~ 3-
I:::. Which be the worps~nfwering to thoC~ numbers?
...... Take Common Rlodnr I "iO ".ci ,.ft, II, fHrtber.
I:::. God be thanked •
...... TAle.! CDmmon
..... 1 {p.k.! tDthet ill the ~eg;'mi,,!.f D~rr ."d And, Dvtr ,h,.,~h;th therr mllft b, lU and u}'
If. ;1IjfruOed ,bit i" the b,!.i""inl'
BII,;t mllft be For a new Revolution, bllt ".t for tbis. Note.
Pllt Dllt Iheft ,,"mbers, lit them fll/l tl{towhere. For a ne .. l.e.
Noll th., , ill the Mllr:ent,[.r the beginning of another. yolut i"n
The bc-gioninl
1 Take .r anolher.
:I Common
3 Audcal
.. Purf~
,. and
6 Work'
7 It.
..... DIAfod .na then t.gether. '
••••• Ill. ovtrDlafod,.nd llS wlr then •
..... N,.",Jollbt"".

i_AT;; 10.
Sunday after Dim.1ef, abouf3 ofthe dock. As we fat together in the Myllical Rudy, and the
Sh,.",-jf,w being btfore E. 1(. our School-mailer appeared therein •
..... Bth,ld I 'pen unlD thte ,hM k!" .",hich iS1l6t .".rtb, for the lI""orth,; "tither .re tbe II"..
."orth) _Drth"f it. r,,,
[llch it ,;, ,as neverentred iato man before; but the ~oa, it u, witb.
rhdmage .",hereof the} brollght forth man, thinls, tlth, ,r.ifo Df Goa, ill the 'N,.lImbir .f
bu W.rkJ.
T.k! C.mmoll, &c. Tak.! h.ld.
Write it ;n It paper b, it {tlf.
No_ ,.14 hllve that ,.11
fought f.r (,.u mil! .ppl] it, "",a fina ,ollr '''11
trro"rs) "hieh 'DII ilrl
.n",orth, to receive ;,,,, {llch tbing.
t:::.. Gloria laus & jIJbilatio !it Deo nollro altiffimo Domino Dominantium /lc Regi Regum im-
mortali. .Amm.

["HIIAr;; 1 I.
+ PrAg",
Mnne hora 9 i.
6 Oratione Dominica lie aliis precibul ad Deum fu!is, pro ejus gratia & auxilio,pcr fidclc, fuo,
Min i!lros, & nofhos conatus promovendos, &c.
E. K. Here he is.
6 Bcnedi8us qui ve,lIit in Aomine Domini,cujus nomen fan8ificetur & cnltetur, nWlC: /lc ill
zvum per omnes gentes •
.... '1\!m,mblT thAt 'ou .r, fiejh, .lIa b, ,.lIr .",rk; defir'll' /11th;,,! lit G~dl hi/litis,
~ "lie ful4ritm of Dr. Dee his AFJionsjJllitb'/pintsJ&c.
N,. ,hno if,•• ~e ",.", ,h", .,.~,••f ,.,.,h, ,.,.,h,. 7J.,
,"~lIrtli"",,_ Ptlli/ir"J"I.".f-
till;" ,h, i/fU,Kf .fGM" his S_ j,fll' "" lIT, hll"""",.
BM: ~,"'ItJ,G.;'i' .".ft" ."" ,0., .,.;, his {pm' ~/,.t"h .., lI,m,•• ill ,h., ,.11 .,., jl'fh,l"

'hili ".IIT, ,.,.,h,l" ill., lIT' fil,h, : i. ,bM ,i••,.,
.ith hi", "l.i"jI Chrift ...;""II./,hI (. ....1.
,hi ,hilum'f S.,•• , ".tI. ,h., ,b".et.,."
B. K. Heis out of Light now.,
N..." if 1'. ~"~jire, .,. mor, w,,,.,.,,,,hll,,,.!., ,fh;,. .bl,b _H"h i. 1'., if,.. tl.,H ill
hi",.b., tI..,,, htr,: .h, pr'{_' ". ,.".,,,'Withi,, DIItr"ofhi,." .h.."IIIIT, _UV"...
f"','Hem. ,.. fhe-. ,-", Ig,,"11""; ..;, ,hll••plfh",Ji.1 ".,. fr.gUItJ, i" ,Il., ,,/1 fi,.1[ hi""
."" til""" 1'."" ,tliI.".,. ,,.111' ,b, h,';' .hi,h il ;"".,,;, "',,'flit,., f" hi, ~bjJ4rl" .,,;,["-
'If_'. B., h,.,. "'1f1,;c" Petentibus dar, fed pctentibus filii., Ie fervis, fcd n~n dicnis.
'.p,u" -f , ••,. v,FI" ""d rlllU",~r;"g ,hll' '"' b"vI _II
NI,.ithft ..;,;,,!..,! bis """'T, lI.tI.f,,.,blll)hI~,,...,, h,fll1'lth,h,gi",,;"g -f.a_lds, ,hu"..
'f hi, hM/hold, ","cif.Il,hI h.,h hi.
,h"" .i"leI;' II' "II) .,.;, III 1'.' p,.,f.,."i,,,, .,.;, f'l. , •• • i/b ,h., /W.I., .",hi,h i, "" ,h, h,,,1.
'f Bill "..." ""pJn.i"g ,b., J'. "",1"., ;" ".,. .i'~IJMfe, "",hI", i" , •.,. ,.,h,a;", "l"'''' hit
Upon con~lci· c..Mllj,ft" II"J fi/.h, J.iI, II';'" ),;, ~iI",," .",hi,h;, """,ftl., he '.Ic!,h hi' h,.1. fr-,'., /hilt.
0'" tlth", his D"", .glli"P ,'''-, .",.r""h bi, flMillllf, "l,,;"ft "., ",,;. i, hIe,,,,, • p,.,..j.y..1. _/
.""..,Ii "g.i"ft "~II.
B.' Ii", I., :.", "., .",
II111.",iN 'f ,b,f, """,~" ."11 ..h"" hi rrud4 • promift"'I1.,,,"'fi.~'"
."" w,;';'i,.: Th., if,,,, .,"'_ hiJJ, "", ""1"11 fr- [P,.Jcj"llTlil, ."J ~te,., /u/l, hi,. ..
Bill IIr, /IIi,h". hi, , "" bridle your' ""g"ll; h", (peak Blafpbcmy before the Lord, ...I the
Mdfcn::er.'f hi,li:h, • .a ~1I1I1"IUIt. Thtr-""e .U1'."" I"h".;,",./b;, ,r.",ij't. B,bllJ,.hil,
,b, gr"p"g"., IUIJ ,b, ",..
ripl."h, GN JiJ IXptU J'"' """"'" f,r", b,,,,
i,,,,,.,,,p,JI, ",,-
" him.
Bill"..." ,hI b"rTllI (I",,.,,h ,h., ,h, ,,,. ••" ~, ,lit _ " .,,;, ,1" t.r"P" prtJi;', you are not as
you raid you would be, nor as you prolllifed.
r~t"f'r' "rll'" ,xt/"I.,il, for i" ,b, fli""",.;. ,b", "",,,,,,1,,,. ft'II"l"'" "" i".his h.rv,ft
,,_th till} hirtli"l',for', i'lIII ,h, hllrTllft,f"'''''.
N,.", ,i,h"f.lfill,,,,,,,,.,,,if."";' rt'"'''' [TI", .-I,il"M -t ,.,ji"",,; ,,_'" lIlt, ". ~, fh". lilt 'f <])..m.
TbI,.,.,b .f'it pi' lTi"l"b flr,h ",tbi"l , fir it is ,I" III"".,.;, IX""",II"f ..,...",/t, ..h.ft
HelL _,It an: a burninz fake.
B", 'II11Hr, ,bI h,,,,,,.,,, ,i,I;', .,.;, ,I" "",."h tI..'II1" hi'1-, (bt .p"",h h" fill, ".;. ~,­
"",_,h ("":,, "«'wi"g ",;x,." "gl""III;',,, .,.;, P i'lxllll,;, ..Hu, h" ftlf, ."/lh-i,,/.,,b
f",.,.,b, llfi'f"''': ~"" fo ,b, B,Il, .h,,, i, IJllh i" ,hi ,,,iltI.UlIIIil hlrcb""h 'f hi, ,.,.,hl,
fihhi",/fo,"';' ;,.,....",JIi "",I:/"l hi"'lilf'f.1Ii rrilb6'''jI, ; ..hofi ;'ig";', i,,,,,,
h.t i. ,bli, .ft.
B. K. Now bcisbcrcagain. .
...... T.",.,bi"/.",,, hllT/' "h,i"{I,lfll,tl;,, , "Rlodnr, ";'I",h, Law of Coition and
Yh, firft, ilth, i"jInrm.., _i,j"g, ..;. .''''';'': ''''''/.' ,.gltb" 'f 'III ••,,,,,. ,T u f"''';' i,
,Iu ~,."., ..;. '''''''', ..b",;" tTl", ",17"." (I"ftff"h, .,.;, ~".1IiI. ,b1.",bich it '''",,11 I"
Th, firft.f 4,,,,.,,,,
'fllrl p"" ,_,i";"g,,,,,,,;,,,,b hi, (l1Il'",,;' ilI.hl,.
Th, firft is Tcpcns, , hi' tI"~b,,b ,h, ,.,ft·
Thtft,."" ,hillg' '11,,1 'p'" _, }.ti i" ,., ,,,,,/lit;',,,,
.bi,b ;11", 'III J..,,,
B", ",.1"./1 '''P''''''1 ",.,.,."" "" ,ill 1ft, ,bI f'""""fG,;, """"pIII.",' }'.'
Af"" 7 ",tI/.",ill """ "g.i",.",il ,bI", 1",itb" """ • .,. [,,1Ilr.:
~ The mercies of God be upon us, now, and efcr, v l -

]""".,.ii 111. Mane, bora .e fer~.
Oratione Dominica" alii. pro mifericor~ia difina, fulis precibas enel1lporandls:
Afm divcrle pitiful complaints of our &ailty , and calling for fnOllr ,grace,and mercy, be appea-
...... LIt ,hi h,II1t", ".".re ,b-fih"", .,,,,. , ,hi ,."h I,,,,,,,
IHr filf ~'f"" "" ",k, :
f"./.", ,b, Tr"""t'.f the Hit.h,l. ".tI.,hI P;"';"I S,irI" JiJjwft;. .." ,Jl mill.,.", .hith
",., fr •• ,h, h'gi"";lIg i" 6,;., .";.",ue " hi'gu", _ ,1" "1' I[ "'tIII-i(, ,bill i. "''''' h,
",'.!b, ~/gUrifoJ.
qi'l/' 'A' ,htrtf.r',l.i,.illl,"II' /."",,,.',"';'fi."n 1- hIIir .."';'1,[,,, ,/" Lt,J, .b;~h ;,
I.l#rijitJ i""", ",,;, ,Ii".l" .._I. f,,"~ ..;. 'hlp." ",,_N. H.·
J tr1ll! ,ekeion ofDr. Dee bis Al1ionr,witbJPirits, &c.
Hllrdm "Dr 1D"r bellrts IIgll'., rh~ LDrd, ",ither eXlllt lDfir f,hlts J,ow hi", thAt hllth ","ud
1'.' Bflt-hfl",611 1"''' [tlTm, "".1 mljiatr 1Dflllrl ftlfh, mDrt../, mUljitllTl' "".1 foil Df (i-"'.
tM, "mhr,,,, -1 "mhrl", ji"", "" ~/[h "lP,"r "ot "1'or, th, L,rd, ",ish'r [flth 11"1 1Ir, ji"-
""S, lind f/,~/l 'II'ffi/J liP"" jit fIT' th, L".d to dJlIIIl i ••
tt"d,rft""tl whiff the LDrd ii, II"d /H,. g,.11It hI it: II 1f1dg to the ",i&~d, l"'''t ""d ttrribu: II
flit her to the hDl, "lOa ji""m,jfl j1,fflll'f"'Irq, "".1 1r1/;"1 !(j"d.'ff'.
If you "Ow thlrefor,b,hol" ""J,flt ."thegllrme"rs Df 1""ocl"q, II"dw"li(. /,Ifor, hi",;" 1f
rightto.f",JIi; Thn. 100K.}0 h"v,1 thl ,.",,,r4ofChildrm; Th,,, 100k,.Jor hit f"therl! ",tTI:i", ""d
Itn/i"t ki"J"lffl; Thill, thlll rl,01et "t th, -anuems of glory prepared for ,Oil.
But if [tlk,.him i" jflJg.,e"t~ ""d j1ir hi", .p to _"th ""d ""g,r: iflOll ,,"fifo him to c,,1/ thl But it
terrible thll"ders (protlidld JDr th, .,.,it~d) IIbo.t him, i" th, ~ft fI"mlS 'f his i"dig""tl,,,,
".t"ther 1'" ,ogtthlrl;~ whirl J1!i"ds: ifJo. draw his holy Angel from yOll, A"d [pe;tJO/HrJOflr
11171111: ;fh, jit bw" fI!O" th,mollth 0f'lll"gell"ce, "lid Arm hi.,,[tlf ,.ith righttlll["tj[e Al";'"
,o"r wiclc.!a..eJJe.
The" 10.Vor thl horribll II"d ."fpeAi(.4h!1 rl."IIrd of the ."ic~d, A"d the CD"f.mi,,!. jir"f 1'"
ftice ,[hArper ,hm thl two.,dged fword. . .
who h",h jIooa blf.rl th, LOT/I i" }.ftICI' Dr ."hD Jltrl '1f1ltrrll with thl highe/f' Whllt fllfo
h"th [t,,, thl L"d i" hu MAjejfi,l Dr 'A" IIp,ellr 61fDrt him,IIs rightlollS ,
TIM ,,ur fel'llll thereforl i" '''''tI, iI"d f,,1/ d"""" blfort th. LorJ, worfhip him At A f"tblr, A"d
bICD"" hit childr,,,: for his }flRgmltits ("'1 br,th,.,,,) Ar, tlrribl" II"d his wrAth is."itho.f ""A·
[fir,; MA,,! W"J'J ,0"
B"t thrtt [PICilll "WAT'I 'D.
IIr,.6,."d A"Rlled N"to God; As bl difcipli"e 1014 l'Ar".
'IItll bit" Adtlllnc.a b1 him mllTl the" JD.r "rDtherr Dr fift,rt h"v, bill:
Thl jirft i" thl 'IIp,.i,,,, wh,r.tWithlll h. hllth '"",f.rt.d lDII, ""d IXilltla J'. IIbw, th • .,.,orIA-
11"11, of his. good,pure, and jult Minillers of eternity and light.
S'cD"dt";,, th~t ",ith his.,,11 h""d, ,'A.with the 6,,/c...D{ hit 0."" '1', beJo" th, minij1rJDf
A"glls,h.. hllth divers wayes prote¢ted you: ,uf,.d,a , ••, l'A,A.d f"llt(;htd '0"fr.", i",,,,inl'" A"d
'IIi.l,lll co1'y, and prepared dellru¢tion Df S"tA", at home, abroad, and diverfc other wayes ,fe(;rlt
. . ." t. b~ 0p,,,,a.
LAJlI~thJlt'" tb,ir ""111111 And ",i"lflr" ",hith "rl his gODAAlIgt/S, A"J m;IIifttr ""t, hi", , h,
IU/lh g"Ardtd 1'"fTD'" thl ."ic~a"'JIi of,ollr D."" C'''''trl~ fINd hllth br'''gh. 'D., rIlla, tD pt""
,.. iIIt.,httAp'f A Virg.lI, with whom, if you take part; you Chall afcend into that Hierurakm,
",bich fh,,11 Jlff:t"4, ""d th.r, litl' for ITm.
Therefore ought you, above all men, to lift up the born of the Lord, and to blow his praifes a-
TbtrifllTI ,ught lDII wh,,, othm Ar' filM if itil,II,ft, th, dAllIA"CIJ .fji"•• , to h.mbu !D.r felf
",.,. ,h"flrth b'f"lIh. Lord, A"d tD ,rAift hit N AmI.
TbtrifllTt DHght 1o";th.,,gh All fll[h forfoDk,.the Lord, And cri,d ,.t "gAitdj1 hil II"oj"UA, t.J""A
lift1 ~l."ft the malice of the hills, and to be without fear.
0"" brtrhr•• , thmforlOIIghtloH (ill,!)"'1 attd)tD fbA~ off,o., 'IIIj(;lc.!d"tj!', A"Jto d'A'II1
("ifn' th, Lord) II"U th, i""oem"1'f ,.4"gtlr, ,ulighti"g j" tb, .", AS A",ter",,1 fml. , a,r,iji"g
,h,,,her III II jir.-brll1ld for Htll-fir. II"d thlwi,~d.
A 0 Lord, Velie addl nobis, all abfque tUII fingulari favore, & auxilio non po{fumus perficere,
quod it"iebemus pr:z:Hare. Igitur Deus.
Lo,bthDIJ, ,o.r hll",iUt, il not, ,Oil II" flAlttl tD th, World. ""tl IIccordi"g tD the W.rld 11IIA· Worl~.
[fir' th, lArd; ~htrtfm ",ith 'hI /YDriJ [hAil lOll b, jfldgld. TberefD" [hAll thl Lmi jit i" jfldg-
"'f"t IIlA;"j1 ,D ••
A 0 Lord,wh:lt prevaileth II' that we are _born? or what prevaileth us that we have heard of
the mylleries and promifes molt mer,ifulof the higheft, as concerning our Eleaion, if the Lord will
DOt help uS in our great frailty and mifery .'. where Chall we becClme on the face of the earth? kc •
...... HeAr me. Fret "ou" Spirit, fadt is not in tbee. ~
E.. K. Now a flame ot fire fla!heth in my face •
...... 0,,, of littl, f"ith ! 0,,, Df lirr/6 fAit b! 01" Df littl, f"lth! I hAtle gAtherla lDtl t~·
lith.,. AI ' Bllt lD.j!il frD'" I'''. II
If I blld k.."D.,," or fDYlf"", th"t jit 0" thl [tAt Df
Ki,,!.s, hlld bUII",m for ,Oil \ to h.'IIe IIHId h"kitllt;'" Dr d.",Uing ~ith thur"ft, CDII"[tIlDrID! th,
E.",.th wo.ld hAW ",IId, 1'. jit fDr 1m. If I hAd [ten tbAt ,ride Df thl IDAthfom. hlAPI of "'0"'1
iN t.Atber,d t'llth,I',. co.ld h"tll [A"aiji,d JD. befDu IIIe; Th,1I ~'Hld I hll'lll lifted l D• HP, ptll"td 0
,'11 A",O"gfl th, w.,IJI, Wi[l, "",,,,d.,,to ,Oil tbtl"",h oftb, EArth. BUI I protlid,d you again!l: Abi/Ju" the
Kings, againH Counfellors, "l";"j1 the GOTernours of the World, tD Dpl" my judgments, ""i! tD lowth. '
bear Witlllffl of my power. B.t Ii"(;' ,DU "re rD f.1t Df reb,Llio", A"d ."ilI ,ife .p "£"i,,j1 th, Llrd 6
thAt ",,,d, lON, di[ui"" tA~ PA,t with hi~ holy Spirit, that you may be reelilied and[;.•.l¢tiliedto o~ro~cc .p.
the performance of his h!'ly will; H'llr [A] thou "'1 '110;(;'. POlOt •
T Ilk! ","-",[olv,r thD" "Wilt, i" wh,(e flier the Lo,d [hAil [tl", t, d",II, ""J pIAC' hi", ",jtb this De "'ff'
SIt"~ "".1 lit him ft""d f.ven tlmn b,.hi",: I ",illt"k! tbl fpirh IrDm him, II"d."ill gitl, it fI"to 'i:i[ltIul, "I."., ""tD'tb, fA"" tb"t j1A"tltth b" "",L [hAil hA'II' P'''''' tD {te: A" h. Chall fulfill my word,
thad hue begun. BfI' if tholl Mfo, t./cj hltA th"t llpo. his hi... ,hm fDm''''
rA[Dr; But k.cep him
tntl t~':
):;~~,; .".,..
f4rme. Cc I
J ,,1Ie R"uti.on of flr. Dee hit ADi01lJ) with fpiritJ,&.c.
I t:o"" .t... ..
t::. 0 Lord God, thou halt coupled us two together, 10 thy e1e.~hon, and wha~ ih~ Lord hath
', ,
joyned, no fle!hly fancy of mine {hall willingly feparate. Bllt Lord\ if it be thJ' wn\. feeing lie i,
Co hard to give credit co thr holy mclfager, without fame proCifin warIC firft paKed; as for cJampk~
this dochine,f Ib, 'Pbil'Jo,""" jI.,.,; that fo he may COIiI~ to be allowed, though he imitate 7 ......
m," <]),di"'11.1 in his hard aud flow belief, or credit ginn to thy Minilters in thIS Aaion. tord
preceed herein, that he lilly ~rceivc thy Fower and mercies, ~c. And Lord,becaufc he is to ic:
(eive the rledge of thy mercies, and mytlery of the hcav~nly food, we would gladly hear of thllt
h.l, SIIUAm(111 fume difcou.fe for our better inlhu~Hon, and his bener il)courag:mcm to tbe mylte-
ry meiving.
t::. After:l good while, in which mean time we had difcourfed of \he Sa~r:ament receivitl~, and
of tbe Philo for hm !lone ma king, he appeared.
Z. r. Here he is now•
..... Not, ... ,0 "hAt I fA' ."t. ,fIf.
B. K. He opcncth bis fac~, he puttcth on a while garment, he taketh up tbe foUl'
corners of his garment. and putteth them under a broad girdle he bath: on his head
isncithiilg. but II';, ,e4Jijb .,,,,tri,,,.
, .....G'd,i" rh, htgi""i,,{, ,f 'N.,gt"I';g, h,ki.r,lf, "",,, t:r,,,,,J, -1.,11",,11 '~'],'r .0
ertA/I4r1S; ,f NII1Ji"l,Jtt:."fo i"h,,,,[,lf h,,,.
E.. K. He holdcth up his bands, and lookclb up to heaven, and fC(lJlull to pray ,.¥~
••ntil •••iJllII•
..... If B" ~h,. d"h it f'/J.." ,b., .thing iI, "lit tb., .bkh ii q,J. ]JII' Gill _ . . ",t
.11 thi,,!., (mlfa, ""4 t:r,,,r,J) If hi",filf, ",;Ih,r '1I,.r h;",folf: tINrt/w,.f ,",J,h,l'
1I11a.;jllf"a Ihmf.r" ,h.t G.d ("I" ~;l;IIIt;"l' ."i"'l."d , . "'gi""i"g ill hi",f,/[, i" h;"'folf
AI G,a, t:OIIteil.d I A", A"a u, P-p" to hi,;,folf, If"" f". h;",folfl Bllt Mfi '" 'M lr..-fJg' l'
hi",fo'f,h, r;''''';lUd"I[t Ihill /I: ()(hing, .f Iht ,.h;eb i" hilfo~" aJ a.,,,,,,,i,,,4 ,"'~J' f'P ....t'J
fr.", hi",f,lf, b, iwlt"d,d t. ~ ..II Ihi,,!. I. It f.II."", h "''''fAT;I, (ther,f.,,) ,h", ,h., .hKII
"AI "'" h~ M """r'f ;t filf, ",lIjI "",.,,, .{t,r ,/" I"'.~~'f IS" "",,!.ht " Ir..II,iI ''1"h". "1
th, Wifo-' 'fG,a,[II"jI.",i.U, ;" hi",folf, .h"''',l,[111 ('hrijl.,,,.r,. i" hi, G.'(J-/o,,,J.
~"t /J,h,la, .",h,,, G.J Ih.,., A"dth, S,,,,,hr.1I1h.,,,[pirilllAI [.Jp."" ""dili"",;".,..,
fro", ,,,, "",r" h.d t Ath",,,.,J t.!.,ther (Idu 0 iyino) th.t N jhil fep,"""I,.
E.K. He feemeth to be confumcd to a1hes in a fire, aa.d fo lyetbas it were
in allies proLhate.
E.K. Now h~ is up again i know not bow.
. . . s., E. K. He fc:c:mcth riow to be very dear,and inllWUler trulfpalCDC•
Ih., I.ft.
A 1 rcad, But behold, wheri God. ~~. u i" the S'th. lioe above.
, £.K. Hdook~thabo~hirodi1ig~ntly •
..... Tbell Jidh, [ipArIf,lth.t NOlhi"lfro(l& J,;afilf, ... 4';' ...,v,I_Jl, lA' hiJ i. _ : fo
__,loll JI, b,,,,r.llgh, .po" it: Not at o."e iulla"t, (,r t." ith"J ill" ,.It, ."" hiwffolf.
Bill ." limt, ...,hir:b h, firH ","""II"f I,.,b,II1: ",hich b,i"l t:mfo",u, Nochino lballrcturn in-
Time. '''0-
to the pLlce f"m whertcr il CAlli'. ,.A"d IhAt 'IIIb,cI>lUllh Djf,,,JIII. ill IIDlh'''lfhllll f,. foCl"J,
ji" frorn GOfl••"d out .f G.J; "hich fhAII h.v, r:DIlli""II"(I. ,,"/4 'III;th.ut ,,,d .. .A,,4 it jhlllle,
.1"""11'1 fmeed,th, Spir,t'f G.'/' ""Ji"'i"t: "ot ofth, [lIhftAl1u or p"r'lujfe ,fG,J, w,f his Spi-
,it, b.t 'IIIilh the folf-f4"" N"hi"gi "" .f which 9.J ffl.lld "II tbi"ll. Slti"l ,h""f,," thlll th,
W,II of G.d, .",hieh il hu bn~'J"A""'i"l N.,si"lf,.", ntrt,it",. ti., BAM IIIl,biIIgl (""":
llu wllrl:.4 Ji" dAJIS.) LBlltl ,'U M,ft"I.]
.A" Ihill,{1 Ihilt thr••gh q.d Ar, ",/IfI,J I' Ih, C,,,ter", th, Spiri,.f G,tI, ('IIIhit:h I,I/"""U,.
.f G.Jh,IfJ) Ar' Ht ..fllr Ih, .",,,ld,A!I,,,ht""(•••"I;',, 1'th, .".,.IJ, as Angels and th:
Mens Coull. blelfed {oulS,arc not to be reckoned with Lthat] N",. "t: BIIIIIT,'f G.4, J".,,[,
hi""'f .",h.m;; iJ [-cia, There Ihey Chan not Heed I}HS"" ""h, <M,.", ,b, LAm"hiMf,lf {hAll
,Ju, .,.,0 ill

'" Iheir light, 11M. fo,,,i,,g I••, fIr ''V'''. N", h,,.,,h,,, tht.,.ri...", fi,j, {ec'If., .". third, tf-
tAli, 11.1 mov,J,buI b, hll"ftlf. in hr",jiJf, lim, #r,,,/,;"!. (".,h .11 tlli"I' .uorJ,,,: " hll "'ml.
",AAU" thi"f,~I:ra't MA". F.r wh,? 'Wb,,, ~I th,,,!, bU ,1,./,. ••
hilll, ." et~ f' ,b" 'W"",
b..t htt:Allfo i!J ,h, fYmJ(/h. I",lfl"[ hi",!,lf.AJItl ",hmin h, il tlt/;ghtlJ) tbl, 'III", ",,,",J,,
millie ."", '" ,h, Sr;,iptlfr, /lAcb,th ,fII, h• ." It, th, Spirit.f G,J ;. MoCes, thAt h, fhMJJ.
.". lifo ,h. """fir.( "II rhi, fo",M'i"~ ,r,,,,tJ'''l[r'''' Mt!Ji"Z i" tb, C,., If Gld i. tb,;,-
kJ"d: IbAt i"h.", G.d "'ight~, gl.rifi,.; ",t btl"~, i" tbiS'IHrltI,_hit:hi,,,,,,, ,lITt}, d'vllil'f.~
1"1 ; t Iflfo Ifnd r;"i'~, IbM Ih, "IC",or,.( his ,Jtt"di"t -I."'" "'"" & .",.i""'"1.iIi,
r,,,,.;,, hlfor, hi",;n h,AfI''', i" Ihi i"'''l' If "''', ."Jth, _If ,xe,I/,,,, C,'iII",.,I, ."./4 ."ii);.
'.1'114. E. K. Now he is talninto athcs again, as bcfol.e.
_ E;K. Now he aandeth up again, as bcfo~. ,
...... H"., ;Jtb"•• Ir..;"~"",,, If ',""5-,J: {w.f tlu _, 'Jeri".'" tlijroijtJ, . .
• mea part of NothinC Jijtrilllu., 4S ;,,,,,., ""r'Mhi"l ",,,. 11111' G.4. Gill ",m'l1. Soul '/
JtTlie feJ4tio1l0f Dr. Dee bis AOioT1l,ri];jpirit-s,&'c. 371
.,,11", . (U II thmg tnit-tl,. tl,U" ihuMiJ,.u!hiIIW" Sfh"" IIDl t,,},jlll ,lIrt 'JPith Notlung materi- CrClt:on of
.Jiy. b.t JPith Noth;"g .Immortal.
i" . . nlan.
Th, S'H/''IIIIII mtlde fpiritu31 and incr~a!iri~, .bere;" the Phil.[.p'im, the ... me" pf IhM .",rla AII.i"'~ /M".illit
IITt dleei'ileJ,.."a ""th het~" fteret;{hut pl'ln the Book of Elaras, ...t lit f6rthi .".rla. £[drdl boole.
p",. evtn III.j/efh 6, eDlll""rfion ..,,4 e~mm;xli#" of lik!lih""dl pr~p" hr th",.. .••" "lItllr, 10 No,. of ,he
briitg forth.the .j"'_gt of himftlf; h dol" the ":loll ex.ellemeHp3rt of man, taking part ",ith ' die fpir itaal
vicinity of God, (""a fo perpm,IIfl, moving) Hing forth, after ih~ m:ariner of mrnity, every livin~ ~~rClfi';!. n _
f:lul: tbe Spirit of aod (co",ol"ed .,.itb I~e Tri"it,) workillf!, with hinl ;. h;t i"{i,,itl. . ' ",.rare y e
Behold ;" tbe begilllli"g G.4""th "01 IIl1mbred tormally IIfI [o;,li IhlJ{ Ihall.emer .,,'0 there vef- C::.
foil, or.tb" pArt. But tlie matter in3terial in himfelf, he knoweth and hath limited, b~,olli the So ,hu 1, mat
.. bich, Deficiellte materia, there e.""ot be. Tl",(or, it iscontcined in NO'mber: Nih. it be"hro:
i, f~;lIej~. td ;1/ Numb" to be n.",6i-ed, bllt Tflilhi",{,t propmiDn of nllmb,,. "ntej~ed ill 'th. t"O";~ ~:::q;~::;
INigof J'[IIS elmft, '1I1el,,!. pltrt ...!th ",11", and to be IIItn:6rtd. . . . qui,til".'"
Adam fill; trll"! G,d hll c~",,,,"j,d"'ill', A"a t~t" wAt his fo./ a..rlt!"d, ~ ..rt .".1 d, • ••,,,..,,,
" .. It!a, !He;,,,[e he ""41/".1 the 'b'"1I1f ""d Ixcelle.CJ of Goal ~piri't) '("herei" he .'f."ifitti hi", ... lIa". prr'
",,,ik hi", t,lt! ."t. h,m!d!, being a living fl!lul. He TflIIt cilft •• t, .i"d "Oll' c.fte,h ojf tn,[er" ",nit•
• II"ti"g ,he 1c.!<....lldg ••f th.fe Ihi"g/, for th, which he ...111 crt."d. .Non. God, the i"'lIg~ of fJII
F,r; gri~ta ..t the f ..11 of "."";J.,,d_Tll. ~ith fil], flo"'ch[lI/td, 6te. ..[t of the o:C(llenc, .f
"'''",ttl.",t";"to ",.." , being before {tp.rlllta. ~1II' th.ll pll,,~of ".Ihing, mto n: ..n. NDt'th ,wh•
.".ould bt."t,fit him[tlf .".ith .. ", thi"f: ,htlt ",11" hlld; Bllt thtll, Btfome mil"; l"g.!ulI of.thi
HoI, qb.ft., h. ",;lTht,
.1,0" t,.•• bJlhe. Scripturet·;
J ", ..I:! mA" .."tpl,,6!. "1T.i,, .",th 'God his
FA,her, G.d hi,,;!tlf, .,ith G.a in Hnit,,f.r uliice arid Terrour is Gud the Father, Mercy II"d /OVI dininfi.
ilGod the S." Wilaomcal)d.kllowl(d~eis God ,h, Ho'u.h.ft. _
He, jillt:. ht bee.",e mllll, p"r ",t." Iht.~tlh.f m""" b,ec~""11 ', ..r,b"t thll, the fitJb of "'""
might b. fHllif rht [piri, if trNth, II;,a Hllderjf.uta,ng •
. E. K. Now heisfaln~gainjntoafucs.
E. x. Now he is up again .
.Aliafo rtctivt forgi'll,,,ef{t of .Ii"I, lI"d 6e 1ft o"t JPith Glti, .,hi~h ;j t~ [ .." I" his fi'JDHr, till,
~".( hol4 i" dod, n.t III cr'llted, .."Ii fro", .Crllltioll fi"fHI h, f ..ll. Btl' b, 'IIn[_. II"d rdemption
lIS b.Hght fretfll]'[HI Chrift• .,.hieh ojfm.4 "p ,h, S ..cri~ct ,f (,II"k,.incnt[e, g./d, 11".1
","h,o(trll. propitillt,.",f'" the 'lHiek,..."il th. dead.
N'''','''l 6rtthrtfl,gi'lle iooa ell,. JPh., f [ .., IInt~ .,011,
The ""[44,,,.ofth. F'IIln'r, ; ~ I' ve, ereAtla lind mllae "''''', aig"ifJi".! hi",. IIl1d.x;,lti,,! bim,
.sth~ Lora.."d <M..fter ovet lilt Creature5 mortaL 'Bill ho. r6, PI.!m ..,i,,,. F.r;, il";r#,,,,,
Let uS make man.
Hm thou fttft Alfo tbeS~r;plll;'t [.ith, ,h.t goa took,.of the 'IITtb. MIITk,.thil"',rJ, 11114 """' Emh•.
/.a1T it .hell 'f [h ..11 Appl, it. , _ .
N o... if thi! p.wer, if tt.s PlA{f1illti".!, if thil Tllkjll,!, ",hich .".1Ii th, Word, /I";",, m.1I1I,
perfta ",11,,; thm f.II.ruth it, ,h"t.II• ... .., ",,,4 iI, G od creatin~and treated. If th""for. thi6
~,"jH"aio" or t"itti,,! together of G.a Alia "'1I1i. ,.,.... 't h. i"'''ge'f hi"" ;" eXCll/mc, .••d p''Wlr,
.hi~h~r...te.l ..l/ thi"gs, II"d h, ",hom thil Nothillg ","j [prt ..•• d, 11,,11 h.aform;II hi' plfTu:
thell foll....eth ;1. thAt the ftlf.[..",,·G.J. .."a Mil" bei",! tr/~th.fpeAkj"l'f himfetf 11m, hll D if;,
t;,I",[.,;lIg; This is my body.
E. K. Now he is fallen again in alhcs.
E. K; Now he is up again•
..... . Jr.tA4. .
I:::. head, Nowmybrethrengive.goodear.l!lc. . ' .
E. X. Now' he boldeth up his hands. . '
.....did ill breakirn. of bread, .,h;e/'jig"ijieih the elfT,h, i" t..kj"l;t fil"i/ieJ, the p6Jiir of ",,;..
Itj"g, ..11.1 hil.1I1l'1I O"c" "?~ Im~"l ~ Iltfore.hii Di[ei,le/, .fCD:ai"g to i~e [t~ret [",fo.f m ..11/
J'HI, then bemg yet alave, gIVe lumfelf 10 the hTead, .".1 ill br,.k.!"l.nttl hll Di["pt/, lit ,he [t"fo
.f bit w'ra/polr.!". . .
E K. JIe fpeaketh that I undcrftand not •
. ..." did implTt lI"d trill, fig"ifie him{tlf, hit V'? h.d" to [uffer, .".1[Hjf.r,a fll th.t,;;' hi",; ;,.
/til GoliQtlld .."dwi!do"" b.fore th. JP.rl.l.t ... .., J. I his ver, trill '0.1, .".1 Vir, trill '1",,1l. B"t
imwi:hft.."ai"L Myi(!c~l1y. C."fiilwof thM.
E, K; He is gone.
Do Blelfedbe.
E. K. Now he is here again~ .
..... M ..r~htr. f.r""ho"" And "1It~.,,,ho~ Chrift tqok.., "".1 br.1t! hr;IIII: .if. took. the Chillict,
tIIIJ called it his blood of the Ne .... T.{t.",elll, ...hi,h fh"" b, g;vm. .
Hm ,DH fee, that in faith,.311d SacraOlentally if .,,~.givlif tlNID his' <J)i[cipltl tbtrt, -which ",AI Noie•
• Ift to 6e llV'" "po"Ib, Crore f,rtll,."J;,,,,,u,n., f ~.. Jcjnll j for Ilfl, "'h, [bOllia b( hlWe fIJI"', lrifailh~lsaa1

• lIuh folia bt I.;VIR? ctlIIIClu 1.
Cc ~ BII_
BIIt bITt"" Bmh"", ill tbM it."M i, l,.tjf1~",;1 _r'J'~ til; P"l't",,1 ,,1111 ,wrllljli"L ",,~
m.r, '~TlOf ''',ti' th~ dellr'!ttion of ~tan, ""4 'h"~'.f.r~ ~f his". ~II' M {piri;; /,1(.,-., h,
h"J p«'fi,a Ib, .,.,."th.f bis F.thlr: Th"'f." It W~I gIven and Co be I!:lvC1i.
6.,Bill """ .",b.tII? t. bis D'f~;pl'i, ."a "., "",• .ftrA"gm; "!, "",. thl Scrikll
,,;'t. {llCh., tliel apprch~nd bim by faith.

H'r, Ih~" {t'P, th"t I. "pprth';lah fAith, is I. be w"preh,,,kel ;" th, I.~, .fff.l. .
B"t in thAr Chrift !"ia thM [hAIl 'J" jlm1., it fif.llifitd lI"t. th, .",irltls ,,,a: for his blood IS always
Ihed before hiS father, "'''!"tis("[h.,,for ,hubjl.",,,c, ""d Ji".f tIIA".
Theremem· Bllt tile fClnembrance thereof is the power "f doing, ,hAt h, gATI' t. hil Difoipill• ."hi~h "-Ift-.
bt_occ. Ilh i" Atf, .,;hiehm"ft h, au, in ,h, Cbllrch'f G.d,!I"'VI1I II"" ,b, I"d. For '" G.d cr,f"s
Chrijl) i, /Aid t. b,,, SAvi.tir Ana "lUillml., f. iI he An ,ttr",,1 Xi"t, And. 1."ti""J Slt'tIi.ur .f
f14tb AS flT IInl' b#n~ ~.""ini"t in "'If"
.(b,i"g dignrped tbrollgb his Godhead) the ecer~1 power of
prefcnce A"d Bliff!., In all places wh~reloe'tr; 0

COllJiair ("" ~rtrb",! )0"111. ~bAt tlfo (bellid thl b.J, .f Chrift ill, if Ih, Body it [,If.",,,, "" ,
ASacr.ament, and the holy fign ot the peace (,ctween G,IlIf"d WAIl.
B.bolll it is [Aid, *1I1.1f, tboil 'At'! Ibi ~.(h A"a ari,,/i..'flh, ~/"tl,th.* ,,,,,ftllOl, (j-I:,
If th, 'Dlre'pt,soa,d,AI th, ~fd, of Chr,if, Ch,ijf ",i,,,ftri,,!,. hi",/i/f• • ". Aa..nding by, IIDt ,,,
rr*cijitd....."h, thmf.r; [ho*ld,ft ".t tb •• '''t ,b~ bod,.f th, fA" Chrift, which dwelletb in thee,
and in whom thou hali co dwell.
°B*t h",is t. /I, ,00If iJi"d Ih,. mAli"" ilf IAli"t.
'EX. N ow he falleth in allies 3aaiR.
E.K. Now lJeis up again •
••••• B., At ",h,,,, [h~R..", l'Arll Ibis mAn",r, .f IAt'''t' M,
br"hr'''''f hi' 'Difoipll1: For
Allb,,,gh Cbrifl hi",filf Aliv" fljJib" ""a f""~iI1ItiAIl, (toad bclide ~e~, Alld ",i"tjI"J. \M""
,b,m: N.,,,,i,hj1,,"Jing lo./i.."r.~ br,,1r.! it. "". llfV.' i, ""t. dum, f.~"l' This is my body :
Th" ji"'pl, d,a b,IiI'V' i,.
c••jid"i"g A"d ii&/i.._I••t.i"t "is O"."ipoulII, (",hieh Peter hAd
gr'"11dtd ill fll, i"l, Th,,, Arlth, S''''f Ihllivi"l a,d.) o . •

1!lh"'forih,b,Aci<!r,.",I,dlIfJ'f "s(IfpIAlc..for,•• ) ,.~"hIS""f ilu lifli"l GiJ. 11,,,

,r." ~'nftj{.,thAt All th',,~s A" p.ffij/. ~IIt. hi"" and that by faith, we O\J~hC to bclie,~
the myllmes, WOI&S And ""ild",,! G.Il. Sacrame'1tally .,t".dAlld" b,,,[ttl for tb, o,.",f ,.r
,."" for,s.
[He fpeaketh 1 knownot owh at, nor to whom.]
••••• 11...JiUl.
~ I read: lJ"uc at whomf &c:.
And not as the wicked ufe ro do; Tie the power an4 majcAy o[ God and his Omnipocency to
the tail erld 61 mfon, to be hailed as Ihe will. •
If bis ApolUes havelefqlS exampl~ s ofbdief, have caught us how to bclie,e, and upon what
rock and foundation to f~Hen our btlief; 'rhen {imply and nakedly follow the tlepS of tl1Ie FAith,
and laying reaCon ali4.e, believe.
o But here note, that this Sacralnent is to be Ininilhed amongll the ApoGles, amongll the Mini-
llers and true Senants of God, in his Church, Ind not in the temple of the Scribes and Pharifecs;
Hypocritc:s, and Deceivers, which whilelt they .cear ~rill JefUs and his body afcerthe frowardndfe
of their own fenCe, do eat (as 1""'"
did) and 10 pmlh eternally.
~ut 1 iay untO you, and teach you, thatwher~foever in the true Church of God
made, and the ufe of this Sacrament is celebrated of the true body and blood of Jcfus ChriA cruci-

/ied, there is alfo the true body of Chlilt, God and man fabHantial,°and bread of eternal comfort
and food. to fuch as humbly, naketlly, aad penitently receive it, prQ.pitiatoty for the quick and the
dead. not Unto fuch as arc dead in lin, Dnd in hdl, and out of this life, but unto fuch as are here SI".
"":s,,,,,d fo J,Ad, and to be revi,ed. For h~ that dwdleth inChriA is quick, bccaufe he dwelleth i.n
life and light. But he tha~ gocth ouc of Chnfi throu&h fin, and in wholll Chrift dwellcth n~, he is
~ead. ?r,bls, I hAfI,/_d. . 0

t::. LOld, what IbaU we fay to the Priefis, when they wOuld have us to adrnowltdge Tranfub-

Hamiation, Sec •

..... Th, br'A4 ,hill "'''' ",i.ij1r,tl t.., Chrift """ his'Difoiph/; ."iII not a figure ofhis J,.,.) Jilt
~he wcrdsof hiltr", b.d,. Slthe Minifter "ji"l IhtliJi&1 ""Ii pITf,.,f. C+rijl i" 'iJi'" pro"""li,,, th, C",]
Confecracion ",or,u, d olh Alfo ii'll' till",In plO'PI, not BTlAa, but the true liody.
rronQ\lllc... • ~lIt h'AT "", Tb,,, ••ft ~D"jidtr;, '" "SIIer_,,,t, (J"J. ",,,ft b,/kli,., tlu<J>i{ei,l" Jid, thAi
S..b f.r",.p"- i, is tlH tr,,' D.J, ofCbrift, ,h", ,h." ,,,tIft in the r.rlq of·Bread.
"". t::. As concernin~ under beth kinds tecicVltl~, what'D y8Ut doarinc:·?
.... c•• & fA"I"N f .. ,i"", C"".I6- Cflljtit_~.
~ Then it is no olli:nce to God, to recci'te under one kind ondy;.
6 AlCon~mUtg the ",orthippin& of it,bcing Ufud up liylhe PrieR.
••••• '1lA1
• ..... Th"thf"ith/i" thAt it il IJtliHi.a t. be tlH tT"e bi"r,) iI.q;~, f. lt'li t, 6e ."or/hipped :
N.t i" th.t it hath the rt13l'e,"rbr~ad, bllt ,hAt it is thr bod] of {hrift. t,,,t G.J.."d ".•••
C; As concerning alfo the referving Qf it,bcing confecrat~d, whar :ir~ we to undcrlland ?
..... ReA(o"hllrh"o,laiehere: Toihtm,bAtrICe;vlit,;,is.S.lCT.".e"t. Butrecci1'ing cea-
ting, the $lcramcm fe..["hA!fo.
~~leh~andi, tit accipimtibilS, Sacramentum lie Saciificium ell': Cdhm~ cdebra1i~ne" ~ null is
aCClplcntlbus , cdrat SacrammtUIll lie SacnficlUm. Nam Saclatncnturn CICltur ab IOfl!tuuoue &
Tile me"" m'fjleth i" tbem bo,h•

...... T.I+u~rOTfl 1."fh"llhtllr",ore4mf, i/f,hel'ftAnftll[c"co,,/iderfoll, H • .,.",erC'i!"IG.d ,

;1 "",. 'OU ,hTl"gh me, and open this dottriue alio untO )(Our wives. Jhllt itt, mil, Aifo "-"OW qoJ.
e:. Gloria in csccHis"Dco,& iri terra pax hominiblis bollZ vphintatis.
+ PT.!.••
,.""ATI; 19- Tllefd4, . Mal'!! hora to T'
Orationibus li ll1tis, potl hel lerna: a8ionis Ic.niollcm,apraruit, facie vclata,ut prius •
...... J tle"",,,jlrllltd I . ,0il, 7,jleTdAJ> h•.., Ihe vilib)c (i g n ~ Ot mmer .ppeari"g .,..,IIS lI"iud lI"d
/ " •• rho 'II'(ible, fJ. ,llfj(lIltd: wher,ill lind where,.tu. / AnfJller,td in my nwn torm ;lud pelion,
f" .""h'fHVtT ',,/k.!lh of q.J.II,," Chrift ,xpo/ltldi,,! rhe Scrip/ItT.S, Dllght to '1l1/(.p/4;"I" trul" ""a
tJp."I,. thAt thAt whi(h r h., [peal",,,! h, underjtood. This is the 0 ffict.f "p,.ltcIJtr. Evm fo
I tlllk..!nl'f g od, A"d ,""min"led r., his Office, for the rime, was bare, bUIIII[r /[PllkJ "ot of
"., [rtf. But th,e doctririe I taught you was truc: and is worthy tobi: gl3vcd in golden T3blef,and mo- to be pbced upon the altarjwherein mm may fee, as in a glaCfe,HoVl' God through his Sa-
cramellts alld holy il\(htutions, laucblierh, regcncrateth and purifjeth m3n unto himfelf.
N.."" t. ,h,w.rltimended, 'Which iscoli/ed in rhe Holy Art Geb'f,;/, whif" is ncr(AJthe Phil.- Art S 111184.
fo,hn's h.w.,.r;tr;",) The firjl ,.,fHptr".I,"AI, bHt ,t;s the.(ir~ fuper""tllrAl jl~p "AtUr"U! Ii.! GE BOfAL.
nHutl ."tll the 48. Gates of W lid om; wherl ,our h.ll. B•• /r...beginneth. T~e lall is the fpe"ltjllg ,Pri~a P.~t"
.,;rb' Moles Jid, 71'hif hIs i"fi"ill: &AI/lhe rejl hA'fIt p.roper /i",itl, wherein the) Are eo,,- "~rI r·M/.. [
"iMd. .' !n~;rJ" S,p -
B"t lI.atrjlA"d ,hAt hoc opus unum r.uifltth MII/liplieA,io" ""d .J.ig"ifitlltio",
tbr.,,/.h ./l rhe reft thAt li",ited IIcc.Tdi"l.. ro their prop.r 'IlIA lilies.
Aff'''fo" Colloquium cit
DfD, r"",,,,,..
Ot thil/r...""'PI,[eag I hll'lle lAid A fure foundation, hAve .fII,.ght what it is, lind Ih. i"jlrHm."t Sapitntiltl'o r.
wherewithal, ""d whereby it is. The manner or P,.octttdi"g, ""d her Balis. So ,hilt ,htr• .""lIlfttth ~'l . l' .
"othi"g blOt the (jmplc and 'Afe II./tlfitti"g of,hof. thi"gs ,hilt Arr ."",lIpp.d, "ot ."ith ,he bA"d/Df u tIp IClta·
it f.lf. bMt .""ith the ob,fcurity and ,ali~inous Cloud of ""r 0..," ig"",II"ce. ~gnificotjon.
jJ"l if thl CI.lla be ,,, rou, ,he" b, ,'lIr 0..,,, htlp lI"d Con[rlft ir ",11/16. ""'D'II.d, What -hatb
e:. By the fafour and help of the Highefi we trull the Cloud lhal1be removed. ~e.n "u~ht.
..... Tille.! J:eeJ th.r.for, ,0" lifr 1fIIt Mp "ollr felves i"",i"d, ,refllmi"g IIgll;"jl rellfon, ·( ..,here· J 'j;hlt yet
I, ]011 "re #:."i. t.gelh,~,) II"J the .""iR'f Gdd: ."here~, ,000llre tllllght ob,ditnf', Ie eth.
F., pride R h,u'f"l btf.r. q.d: 4""'&0 be i" ID'II' .",ilh l~"~ [rIves is the t.reAt.jl i{nor4"~I. Pridr,
shAll" mit flU., ~rAt. or I.Afi' If her beAMI]? "tCAII]' fbe rtCli'llttif I'iht lind tlltrn.ffe, b] A Self-Ioye,
C."tilt b,.oM;ghr i"to, or Ihmi"g into hi,..
N/J MWt ell"ft th'M,[E. l{.] for rheripe"",ffi of Ih, ."it A"d I",aerjl."di"t. ;, throllgh Ihl prc~
felice of us, and our allumination.
B"t if ", d'Ji~t , ,h." /hllit /lmm ... dlll'1(,felltr , Ahd /hAil tEi,,/r...too ."ell pf Ih] [r'f i,.
Mlltter ."""",h ,.".,,,lft '0". tb, fi,., c"""ot ,o",in"e , bM,."h", ,0" bri"" mpre WOld, 'OU /hAil
/Jilt/I WI';', firr, 1.",11 ""t 'IIiftt ,'U AKAi", ""til Ib, jt'lle.lh dA,.
e:. Deo "ollro Omnipotenti, Sempiterno vero lie vivo; lit omnis Lau$,Decor,Gloria & gratiarum
aClio,nunc & fempu. &Ame".

+ FrAgA.
Feb~,,"'1 s' r"./d"T' Mane. horamcirciter 10.
e:. Orttionibu~finitis,&[pccialitcrpro' mi(cricordiadiTil1a Cupcr nOi eres, [A L.JE. K.J61 ad
rjus honorcm, laudcm, & ~lorianl. ' ,
E. K. He.:is here now~
A Gloria patti, lie••
. I

~74 d true re14tioll oJDr. Dee biJ AOionJ, 71'it~JPiritsl&c.

w,l•••t, th. WDrlJ, for jiu h.,h .,,,..,J I,f"., ,h, LlrJ ~ ,.rl.. .
w, I, ."t. ,b, s._,
If """, fw ,h,,~, tb, 4_,lIml,I.", If. ti, 1,,,1.
FUllt . "",1, ."mh, fid If fh, '''rth, ""J .;". tb, fi,J .ithi" btr, f~ Jbt IJ touched w1m fire from
on hIgh, ."J 11",4 ""tin ,h, fllt,f ,h, H;gh,J. .
WI» il h. ,b", gir,ufh hll f-d·,,1. ""t, bl",: or .h", II h, rb"t;, ,.,u, f,,. tIN I"",/r fllCb AI
h"fIt forf"i<!" ,h, LwJ ".J Ar, r". II}1r., ! • • pl.ettl hi",!,/f .ltb th, !~".,;p,I.
J"pi Ip,.i. Gr,,,t forr .. is '" bMd ••t, 1111Jkfh: the juH !'hall be .troden down, and the ftrcets (hall bear
witntlre of theD'l •
• tlr1M'.
J'U.I1I. For th,r, is a Bmail pr,cl"i"ml i" H,,",,., ."dJh, G,d'f H,ft~ blllb p., ,.bi, A,...IIr, ""Ii
il b,com, • fi rtof."r.t".
N"" cD",,,,,tb ,h,ti"". , f.,h M fo: t~,br OOt God, fhJl fA' a..I! H,lI(J/fI1flJ "M III
""v, I",,, liftlii. lip. ,..."", "jJ, ~1 ",,4 dDlil" .,'If.Il,. .
H"", il h, lb., ,,,d.,.,,b ."Il.,p,.rllh "L.I",r". b'for, Ih, Llrd, f,,.b, folllJ ,,,t,,. i"t,bil
h#1, b,lI, ."d·fo.O I, """IIId .,,;th tb, Yiil,r,.
Such ~s God cOTcteth, they Hie from him: yc:i,fu~h asferTc at his TabltS,f,(come his ciltmic$.
wh.t thmfor'(h.lllf", ? I "'~fltd,bllt I r,,,p., "ot: I b"ilt!.., bllt I ,,,j., IIOt.
I:::. Be mercilul to us,O Goil , and help our frailty, purge our filthine(fe; and create a clean heart
fu~~ .
..... Tb, fi",.r k...""i<!tb • .4 is b'Nd : b'lt h, thlll is j.ft ,,,tr,tb,For i/l1~ th~ s••e".ry ,f tht
lArJ, ",,,,,~t,.,, I hi,,! ~Imm'rh, fIr b.i"K &1,."jiJ,rh" ,,,,·. r.
Hlthll' i". Pr",h,t. or "" Apoftt".r. S,rVAllt ~.Iltd, IJ ,hi ...,.tb If fh, L.rd, ",,;, f, fi".., .
o rllt,d fro", tb, r,ft, )" him. h., dMtT; Firft, that he make himCdf clean before the Lord j Awl
M.kecJcan ,bt" ";"7 hI br.r, ""d jit ill j.dgm,,,,, .1.tlill./l ,b,;ml'lrI ""• • "jllft , ."a ..., I" ,h, ,,~~ -
&ttl. .n'!,uruf th, L.r.;" hil b.I"IIIt,.
Lboro vos, .d naufcam.
E. X. He is gone.
D. After an hour we had difcourfed to!:ether, I ftll to this Prayer.
c::. 0 Lord thou haft heard our conferenccs, difc.ourlcs ,and refolutions: 0 God, be our com-
(ort, and rtconcile thefe'repugnances of purpofes. fo as it inay appear thu thou art the merciful Fa.
Iher, the almighty and living God. the Creator of all things beinR' and that thy I'romiCes made
in !lIercy 3nd fnour, /hall not with mans frailty be overthrown, or hindrcd. <M""if,ft th,,..,,,1r
."agl,,., t. b,r';II, ,hilt th, Pr"btti't/ '''''l e,,,,, "light. fI,tb""d "". ,.,."fo th] Wif• •
• ndpo.'r ....' ••r~'.' • .""b./Iir,."agl",. So be it.
E. K. N.ow fir, wherearc:you~
...... H.rt 1_, ,b,ftrfJ.""fG,d.
UI'IUS vc!hum, vocitul ell hujusugot;; mi";!"•
."tIt,,., p,ftr.
Igitur ad im~le.t ttiiniAer miniHeriulII: Puer autem humili & {e minit\erio.
1'...MII.. Ii. U", ..dtb.,. .
f •• uui. 'd- I:::. I retnem!1er the old Parable told us of a lnan naked, who cloathed himfelf with leavcs ~ and of
l/Ur·· a child,anda Whale,l!cc • .A"""S~1. Ap,.;/illI. erac.viz. '
H,~ ""c,."ji~, ••• f,l," i,.
W-"d"fN1 • .d t.r,,,t "r, ,hi f,",tl • .J j.Jg"""" .fGoth dlt,t./"lItl""" "",,: "h~h.,., III
, ..}Ii.... r,.J, I,,,!,d"'.l,,thtrta·;,,,, l'lfIr b,[o"". ;
A fimi\irude of Th'J .r'l."IIt ."a t,.".: ".d .r, Iii<! 1I11t. tb, R.i"H,. "bi,h ,b, S.,,'" "",ft:pb 111 tlw.,,_Ji
the Rain- bow ,f ,h, ,..,,.,.,,,,d pl.,,(thM lh"""h it filf
my. pt. Doarin~, .b,. ,h,
11..1. "'."1I,htl. it: So (ball the hamll of thil
n", is runlle , and the World rcceinth tl.if"ptil", fh", lIimfclf wonderful
and terrible to all Nations.
BII, if tbl ",""". "lm.t .itb ,b, .,,,ft-,pi If '~1Ir .aMrft."tI.i"x., ""J ,,,liMI, ~/i"dMJ{, J
'R..n'''' 1Nt, ",itb". IfINrmllr. But pra~, that you may haTe tbe fpirit ot "00, to underftand. aad
that your eyes !lIay'be opcD~d.
D. x".,. /16. Thl P,.,ph" (Al!.. , I., iis I., JiJ 1Ut.
·4. up. 6.
B.t ,b, 7,r.pb,t p,..,i"" tbl 1'111',,, ."., o"wd.
TIN!, ;",fttr;II~' ,uliv".,d ""d '''''I. b, '0 •
Millift,,. "Pt f"'-''''- thr"'1.b ,b,Gr"" ,."afm·
~"""I,JI,f God, .b",i. bt b"tb tb",Dcc.
VIII. ,hi' is ji,.,d tp, Jil.";"'f this ",• ., v,J{,I, .hieb ",;,,;flmb "111' ,h~".,. f"..,"",
H, tlNr"m;1 "., p.rt th, 1Mt,,,r, bNt p.rt ef th, ft_I,~,. .
l\JU". IVa". True it Is; ,hllltb;I,..;" f.ln.b ••t "tthj"lif"'ft. Butio, thou art lctinro ~h~ga!de~
. . , . Ind ",., p"'f,",illtf".,,./l ot.hen, as a gatherer,that the wondm of the Lord ~y be finilhed 10 his
M,,_nli. DII. Houfe.
~~~~~~!,. Therefore feeing thou artier inas a fernnt, notu a' V D G, 1"1 1-1.1,*"'" "jiM, • • tbJ
~~ ~ ~
J 'NI' 7{.d6tio.ofDr. Deebil ACtio/II,.,;thfPirits,&c. 31~
.so {han it c:omc to pa{fc that th# trli.u./ftr, ,,,,.,,,~,,' ,h".p,1Ii1 b., [Miifj"J, (41 th""/.,, r#J. 'I",our e:.Throu~1i •
t/ If Ifm/Ilf'J) .nd thou through ,W,!If,ispu, {bAlt i>I !",;sfU~ "/fo. £'fi~ 'obc c.
IA the me.n fcafon gather thy felf together, fear God tn~ly , and humbly
l' b,,,,, ,,111',b, ()I(o- ~ cAj lult-
.Endeavour thy Celf to k,now things n~"1Taty for mans ulldertlanding, v;hereby thou {halt be apter t"" M.~rt1f/
to jlld,!. and to tak~ pan: .,..,ith the· Spirit of God.", (iat-
I promife the~, if thou do fo, tha,t die Spirit of ".n4trjllUlai"l ~" IIIl hlimAfftlc!rll'Wleag .". tlifji",. ~:=' ;;,~".
!IIjficitnl/, for ,h, Pro~clliol1, CaUlng, :t,:,d Creation /hllllmH/t'pl, upGn th,ee. .
~ I prdum: not to Interrupt ynur dilcoUi Ce of matter, but as We arc kmt With the Lord &/I. L. ft. ...
c::,. III etclt-
in bgue of triendlhip, fOf thO Service af ODd, fo doth charity, and the order 01 our atfaires re- " promir~ to
quire that fomewhat we (bould underHand of his prefent ellate,&c.] . ~. ~, of ~r ..C
•••. _ CAjI priat .""") ,."Il be b"mhle: fo,. htt~At h"tl,." blt.blt !pir;t Ic..••",'h "'H~h. III1porunce.
Etcum puc,' Prp~h~tc, ef, ab illo qU~le, Ipfe te uU'ormabit. ' 4.1..
\T Ideo ~ ,(irelllilip~i5', f.. d non video, Lasky.
t::. Oh Lord, what is this, what is this! Oh Lord! A. L. N" _,.
...... Sedcm poruit S.tanus ill cor ejus, & "'l/,XIf mandata D,i. POl'(t in ""/pt-
1111 blUllllt/lla
S; /f1l4 Jilt; [mrilis, bt-i, jilt 'IIobis: $;" ",i1llll, jiAl'llobu, {tt4 ;,flf ",ibi.
t::. (.iiyc OIC leave to ipe~k I pray you,
...... f;',U/fHfllM,,,,.,,r. ,
t::. If L"~lal1, (upon whom Cll1luch of our worldly doio!s is grounded, as the Houfe-keeping,
Gillin CrA&~;", in hire for an ycu,&c.) How lhallwe fuppTy the wants? 8cc.
..... Si.ccciderit,llatu.
11.";,,,,,, butt [A. t. J ,. c~/o feell", reliEf"",.
B"I i""r"itl ..,J,IiIIt.I'g,,,,,,.j,ji,b him avolare .lfo. of: I , ,bil illbt 141. A, L.••it.,.
e:. 0 Lord, Lord, Lord, have mercy upon us. : •••", ft:~'"
....... C""jititr tbis IfljI ('''.''fol fl" 1,,,,,,o,,,,!,1 I'll tiUIln-,. .AI"lIr"hI ;s, fo /hAN 1"" h:;'!~:i~u~"
f- me. .1.
e:. I bcreccb you let PIe k"ow your R1m.c, ifit (ball not as:nd you to ilslr. ~lri.".. mfi-
..~ .• Sum rantlilTimi figilli fo:dcris centrum.
t::. Arc YOII the fame that is about the Crofi"c in the Center ~ Si,ili•• fila,.
.... m.
...... I. [L--t--AJ Do ThenarcyOll.LI' .e:..
Le.., 7..J/iaf".,fotl. ilI!m • • r.
E. X. He
is gone.
t:::.. Gloria, taut,Honor Dco no{ho OllVlipotenti. eA..,,,.
ti .... I.
Si,i/i, 'PR.

~,~",.;., 18.
c.:M~"dA, Mane horam drdt~r 9.
t::. Orationibul:ad Deum fuGs, & aliquantulum <Ie E. K. quantum ad /Tlyfieriorum participatio.
~m preientem: ut mi(ericordit~r nobifcum agat, 8c illiu. [E. X;] intcntioDem, 8c fidem Catholi-
om refpicit,8c ut lila Clivina boJ'litas nobifcum proc:rdcrct in myGcrio per6(iendo;'IIi~. de lapide Phi.
lofophorum", propcer honorelll & gloriam !iii Dominis, ~.

E. K. 1fe!: In endldfething like a red St3. A head cut off from a bO<J,y'dotbappear: Shonly ICIer.
the Hair hath bin pullcd offit:that Head appcarcth to come out up of that bloudy Sea.
tumbling fomctime one put, and fometime another upward, and femetime under
the W3ler clean.
E. K. Now Ileea Tree upon an old HillfuUof motre in aderoratep~e) betides
the former water.
The frce15fprungofagrafc, whi,hhath bccngraftedin:.Thc Tree hath afew
green on, and many old leaves: Thefiatcof the Tree isasifi, wen: Alii....
Thctclyeth by inhetop of a Tree CUt off. and dead withered.
The Tree hath a elc.en !)hotsor branches HfuiJlg OUt of ir.
There tumbleth down from heaven a white thing, and out of it iffucth an Inn w.ith
a broad axe in his hand, jucb as they ~w pamncl board feemeth be about a
yard /0)1(1; .
That hand with his nail makctb a ra(C down along the body of the Tree, and then
fpreadcththe bark open from that place of ,be race made.
~",J trit, & f,,'''- ,/f,ijl & - ,ft.
A. X. TllU voice fccmccll10 ~c outof c1lc tOP oube Shew StOPe, _. lC.
~76 dlrH,reltttio7lo/Dr. Df!ebis AEJiOll/~JPitbJP;ritll&C•
. E. K. On the place of the Tree where irwasmadebare appcarcdtwofiguresof
8,one in manllCli underanother. Now the bark is puuogether again, and the Tree
feemcth whole, and as it were not CUt.
A yoke OIIt or f2!1,. ".i, & f
ll',"I1", 111 i"'" ,jf.
thebwhi'~ E. K. Aubis word he ftrook ofhea of the Tree branche~lnd the ftem or branch
::t :;~~ I~O
grafted lice.
that ftandech, feemeth to be DOW between me and the Sun rilen
And that item or branch hath five leffer branches OUt of ire
abOUt an hour high s
B. K. Now tbere fundeth Dill like MithMI" with a tanckard In his hand of filver
and ftooped, he faith,
Mich., ...... I,,.,,,,,, L""J. fl.
E. K. He walbeth with warer, and his handstheold branch cUt off. Now he ra-
keth thac old branch up in his band. and holdeth ic up. The ax is torned from the
tree .
A .olee (10111 1.,,, d- fo"t"t" I'lu & i .. f",,.,~j. tIl. uf"/e,,vi
..... PI""'''fli te, & '''ll,x;,!i ",,, .. ",,11, II :
the tOP of the
S,dj"", """""f"", 'IJ".6.,.,,,,, & p"li; .,i "l"a P"'''lI, /!C occupabis locum folirum, d- i,/,,,,,.J,
tl ""hi61U ,ali. J"'" p'''''''' ,i",."."" ;" c". t"""', & fliji,,,6, t, l'l.j~", ••U, & i",,,,J.,,,. pttltl
".a"a,! i. s"..a""ri",,,: NeqlU '''M/,ji,"' ''',r" t"i eteiurlln,; I""'xi g"'''''' ",111". &
'fo,"~:."" t8- ~.nedixi ,i, (fi. pr,bkl.,,) tilde, ~•• Ili,." dejlei, & p""eip;'''''i i'#I .; ",,: N,
tIT" ,ri""'ph."w 1ofiliffi., ""0",,, D,.",.
Michael..... MAl". tJ ,M Ben ElohilD, "'''l''. eft gllri" t.", ••l"i,,,J, ,,,,, [."""t etZUl,
It""u. 'Dri & i"'" "'g.uu i/f 'err_.
i.'trril i.P", E. K. Now JliihMI puttcth on the dead bough on the former tree: Now be with
the ax with his thumb, clefetb the barks together.
NoW outofheavcncommcthdropsof a rain, and that ftem which was foput to,
~d ~ ~ branches s and both that and the rcft fpringeth together very frdhly.
Mlchacl ...... fi"i h"6,, ,u"l,s 'IIide"" & e"i f"", """,s""Ji",.
E. K. Now appeareth ODe like A under the cree.
E.K. or s.f'l"""J.
And al[o I fee my felf ((aid E. K.) comming tbere. and my G",. iu/l "hill, butk.
6/1""ie": anQ A feemeth to have a wbite Gown, or rather like a womans fafcguard
full of plears , and fun of mens eyes.
SeYen more. ,There appear fev:n more, fix men and ODe boy. One is. Blackamore.
They have all white garmentsa1(o.
The tree anhe lirft feemcd co bring forth and {hew horns, ~nd after that there ap-
peared men iffuing OUt or growing plentifuny on that tree, and thoCc men to have
cbofe horns.
Then he with the Ax jlwlcd one of thofe men off; and pulled oneof his horns,
skull and all, ""tlthrrtlf g.-vrl"A' II A, B.X.. and the Othcr feven s and ~hey iiJ
rAt: a,nd fo all the Vi60n did vanilb away, nothing appearing ill lhe fione.
lnice. ..... 1ft" lid "",;
VII "",,,,, ~ft ""dic••
~- A After half an hour, wherein we talked M CnnI"fi'''' 1.J""."",.
~. K. Here is now Uv.uiMJ, as before time.
o ",ut
,h,fi,. If ,bUIIY,h, ",t''''''''l 'I),it:t, IIIUl "e",h, .""', thM
6"".,ts"'''1 h, jill,J. ."i,h gW",ft, .". th"t ."i,hi",hr Ire"J ",.' ....ifk"".",,,.,jVle' GM ""'i
Levan ...... ,h•• ."hieh
.t.w/, e.IJIJ ,h", ~", .If. hlllh",,,M,, eb.ic. ;,Iotht" ]f,b. h,.,. hil flaict, ""J .. i,.
11e "a, foif-III,f(JJ., ",j,h". f"fflY /'''f"III ;"'''gi""t;,n, t. ,hr,,,,,.,,. ufol, th, i"."""J ".u,..
jlA"Jinl. Thl fi"ft ",.,i(htth ,hel tI Ih. ,.,,,ri[1t,,,,,,t,f th, flefo, thM ,h, fi4h ".,ijhi"g ",,,, "Ifo
c"", tn, filii ."ith it. The f,e,,,1 t,,,tl,,h ,h",II III1M"ft"". ,h,Jilf, ""J t"",,6, II lUk.."tr/IIl,dl
'he C"",.,,: ,hil, ,herth, th, fo,,1 'lIriji,J. . ., "If. ",riji, ,h, ~M': ,h", thmhJ i" 1M , ..;. ,h",
",.,eft "ift" ,.rifiIJ ."a ".,foil C",.t.",., ,hm Are ."h;tb "if'; IIIUl have ,I,oll their bodies: lIIUl,hI" "", .1ft ."hich rifi, ""II
,,;ft ;/f ~,d,.
~ui appctit fe propter f~, not inteDigit Deum, fed qui intclligit.Del1l1l, appetit feipfu'D; fcd .ppe-
titus ejus non dl afe, fed ab alio.
Si"e, ,h".,f"." tl r"k.. g.d [""1 for your own!/, 1", gl.,ift, Gad, lift II, 1'"'' felflll,,,,,J
~,b.IJ ,h, b,,,,,e,,s, ..J 1"l(.ill,. Ibl •• ,i, "". .,,'11"''':
"'lIfo '" h". .A...J I,t III"hI /tIll' ,IIY'
tiwrJ .....", ,h,I.""''''.
E. K. I pray you'fpcak higher, I can fcarce hear you.
Th,[, ,hM bll'll' ,h,i" s."a~III;''' ,h"lIlh ".-ft, -til/ftlilll" ,M"''',f ~,tl, h"fI'"J·
~ trNe-reJlltiono[Di'.Dee bisAfJifl11s,withjpiritl, &c. 377
711"111 !o,fIlk!II ,h,,,,[tlfJel: Bllt Itt, for rhemfel,es, f,I,.",4 hit C,,,,,,,,,,,ti,,,,,,,ti; Tl3trtfor, [
[""for[1Ik! ,'11'[t/flU, ""J tiD ,b, "ill "G,d, thador the comforts of10111' ['['111/ f and your e·
ternal falvadon , you may feek God.
B", h, tb", fu/vtb G,tl,fo,I<!,h hi", ,h""lb plltl,nc" tbr'"lb llff/miOIl/, ,b""gb ",lIP'IIt;d"l. P.t;;,nc~.
Th,r'f"' Jtfpi[, ,bis !.M1I"ft". ,hll, '''''pmh ,'11 A"tl "~/,a ,b " ill ,he ",iJJift IIf h" pride, t.lllia,unt.
f.r fb, is poor, ",iftr"ble,ll"d pr,p"rea III .. fir'-~rll;jf" d'lfr"mo,,; if,s. ofbtr, fh, Tcmpt:t.6nt.
fo, "'l,th 0'" "l"i_ft ,oll, H'lluh,~A,,,h, ·A"d.tirtl lip !oNr ['/'IIlI •
h",h ,116"', if I'" f"lc....".i[J.", "' htr,fo, /r...",."."h;, /flit, if 1'" J,jirt 'I"",,,,/,,.,,tltb, ,fr,ft, Mud"s.

.A"d if TON [.,/(""",,1 "!" Dr ftNd, t, pl'''l' G,tl, ""d to gloriji, H"" "he"""t' 'Oil " " " " .
"ltd, flp'r"', ,.",. f'/'llel from tb, H"rl,t.
SW,,,r "ur [.1'IItl htf 'IItml, ""d h"" that take P"" witb h"; F.r,[,tb.tJ, fbe il h,.. .A ",,,~d.'"
"""e All elftml 'fhi", thllt "',llttlJ "", "BI"fph,,,,,r "him "b,m }.II [t,lc...t, ll"ijitj,h, rJlIIIghllr m••d,*11 iJ~-
,fhi,., whi"h flt himfolf "g,,;,,]1 the High,./I; b",,,,, </Juli-
Thtref"t for l'''r. Cr,.";,,,s [Ill<!, ollgbt ,.N t. tit[pift her. m.
For ,0Nr ~tk",,'i'"1 ["k! to negltIt htr, "ntl for ,h, ql.rl th", 'ou fl,l" "ttll;" tI"to, tltrer-
'}.lo delpife or contemn h.r.
Bllt htr" p.,,,d'll'lItllr,, l'" "ilt [AI ""'0 ",t, AI he f,,;d ""t, (bri./l ,hI Smile 'f th, lif/i"t. qoa.
E. K. He maketh curfy , and kiffeth the ground.
whAt foAR J cIo t. t"b,rit t'llerl4ljng lift 1
J [A' ""to 1'" f,/I,.". '~t C""",,,,,at,,,,,,tt.
Beh,ltl,;t is -writ,,", J gi'llt l'U A",.", CO",,,,A,,am,,,tj /A'll' Afloth". LOfe.
How 10'111 lOll ."e " ..tber .".itb,ut CbAriq 1
But .".h", u (hIlT,,) 1 ilit II" tb, gift of ,h, Hol, Gh•./I? ,.u .....ow j, it[., ,." k.."nr "I[.,th",
the Holl Ghoft is cAllld" Comfor"r.
:Bu, "o"jitkr witb l'''r [tl'lltS, wh, he it ""lIta "Co"'f0rt,,; Not [,,,,""ft h, "'1Ilf.,mh hi",.
fJ[, fer b, U ,,1/ """fort j B"t btCAHfo he is thl comfort of [Hch AI he hAtb jPO'<!11 t" ["lilll,1 h,,'II'
gWtll lOll II IItW Comm""dtmt1lt, Love one another; Btlt, "h. "" th'l? £'IItll tht] that tat the
Relh, :md drink the blol)d 0f,h, s.nh, of man Jefus Chrifi , th, SOli", .f God. ,rtlt Go. Alld ",,,,,,
wbi,h u"lt j[. ,ON do , lOll "" IIot.f thlll CO"'P""1 un,. -whom Chrift [,,;d J g,ve }'" "",.", C.m-
F,,;II fo tioi,,!. !'II "re gr,tfrea i" Chri./l, Art [lIhj,a to ,In C,mm""iJl1Mllt, tyed unto Charity,
",b"till I'll "" rl[rtfottl th, H.I, Gboft tl" COII/i""IIi C".fm", ""d giver .f "i[J..", to futh
as dwell in Chrirt.
Setihtrtflrt IhAt 1I0"e il of Chrift, th"t h",h not ChArit7, ",ith" hAth any Charity, tbat isnot
of the Company offuch 3S feed of the Selh and bloud of ]'[IU Chrift • .".jibollt ,be ",hich ,h,re;'
rt' S"I","i,", ,herlfore Art tbou E. K." 1!IfT -wh", I hou["".! J fltll' G.d, J Iwt Gld, I i,,'tlltl I'D
Iw, ",,1/ ""J ill Ibldie'!", for tboll fol/07lllft ".t his C,,,,,,,,,,,a',,,'IIt/, ,h," flitft from him; Ther,"
fn, tb.1I Art"., with him. •
BII' J h,,,r • ,btl rAli,,!., I confdT: my felf to Chrill before the Throne of God. ~ t.1(. did
B", ,holl h"ft "" 'ffer,d th, jilflI"t' th, Prilft , ",;,b" h"ft I"itl, ti"," th, S""rificl. ronl.1fc ,hat
I ["I ""t, th,t t Th,II ".,,[t/lft.t th, [tlf, IIIithe, ,h) fi""u, before God, b"Alifl ,bo" r,,,," ~~ tt~i:~~~'!.
mtft III' where he 1$. P,nlacc.
N" th", G.d [ttth ,htl ""t, ~II' thAt bl il [ttiJ. IIDt t. hear Gnners , unldfe rhl' be penitent, hilt The Church.
P'"If""tillj",jrtd b, ,ht Chllrch, ""tl[orr",f"l",jf, is ",t jlldgtd by thy felf, it ["hll'll,th thtY Ad E.ul,fi""
th'"f'" • if tho" .".ilt flil IInto Chrift, to enler into ,h, CO"'P"'" of [""h ", pr1t/e him, "her, Co/b.I,.,"",
h, ii, wjth -who", hI drPIlltth. U1rjM",/I4,,,,.
There, At whllt "",t tb." ''It,,,,./I ,h" Df th] Ji""11, ""a (bAit "Ollftff", them -with firr.-wflll-
",fl, hlf.,., hi",.".h,cb is ill 'ff'''tllt ,1" "'1ft,,); th,,, 111[, bl thlmlJl", (wbich il Chri./l) fb"lt
,hollr"";",, forgi'llllltff,of ,b, jillllti.
F". if h, thAt mi"j!rtth, is h'Ara i" th, power of his Atlml"i./lr"tiOll, ""tl S""rAm,,,,IIi 'II"',
"'tI"hmw, hAth ht p.w,r to forgi'llt Sinllts; For I" fhAt b, J..tb, is "" ,[ himfolf, bll, hil tlj,"i~
'liS of th.t, .".b"tofbtiullllta" <]'ri,./I.
/If", rherif.rt 1["1 tlnto ,h" E. K. "",il ,bum.,1<! fhl {tlf cl,,,II. tholl fo"/t ~0",11I,1t fil,h"
&c immundis & impuris, non revel:it Deus Sacramenta.
But I'llm th.u, 1I0Ull"", ["ft, ""tl "t [uft ""IIi"g: [0 [,';"! "I,,,,,fttl, "ot [tllllg tl"" fo,,/t
l!', A"tl fi, 1111 ,bi,,!s.
I b"v,.J..",.
A Glorh Patri&c Filio& Spirit\15 faneto, licuterat in principia. &llunc & femper, & in fecula
fetulo(llJn. A ..".

D d
ISBS· + <Pr"l'"
Frm,ii 2,i.
SAtll'l.", A meriliie. horam eireiter 2.
OratiGlnibus:l'd Drum fufts, pro luce ec "eritate divina,.&c.
6 The oci:~fJon .of tIIis comllling to the Shew-Stone'" was Wt a....e fat together in ,the Stove';
there was a pat or (hnke or tWO (PlOC natural) given on the Bench aDd WaU :' and 1!I'ilh.I' If,ft HI
-m, heAa" beA'II, _vi"! thi"t, and alfo after that E. X. fek cn his back ,as if pne had written let-
ters dilHnCUy: whereupon we went to underfiand the will of God '. asking theretO half warned
and Rirred by thefe tokens.
E. ' K. MAd;.,; is here.
6 Benedict; iUDt pedes evangelizantiu~ pacem ec fnorem altilfimi.
Mtdimi ...... whAt Jholl/I.l!p'eAI!..M1It~ ,~., ft"~1 ,."hA'll' M (/Ii,h P
f.lth wh, fh~"IJ. I tIIlCh 1'" thAt I.tIPi!,,,,, tU~."',,,il?
II!..IID~I!..;'. vai",f.' '~II h,A, "" ••
VIIIII."1Im A/illt AliA'" f"A"': J.i(p."t ,ftil.
6 Deus potell omnibus & div~rftll1mis llcisfacere,b6na femper petcntibus.
Madimi ...... ShAll [ /p"'I!..,~''''?
6 Speak in the Name of God, who would not hear the words of the wife .n" of the migbty
of the good and truc ?
Madimi ..... ShAll] ,I.ft"" _lItb,h'~A.[' ~f
, ..ft my Mother hAlh """"A"I.tI. ." ",
,II" .r '
,.,i,lt:!I.n,ff,? fh"'ll.p''''''J ,;,,,.,11.1,-

l..,.,iII~. hA'~ uti .",iUI.'(ir"hAt"" "".th ",A, h, Ii.",'" lip with. tUUIIlMIltJ., f~"ff'"
16l1rf"f 1 "'il11I6t t"""'gAill 'tII,Bi,,!,I,: B.t iffh'!A'.lMn, G. , I "ill ,."",.
Hui, whmf~I tUth G.l.tiV, ImAl. /I D'lI: or [lIff",th hi, [0.", " fhi., " fh,I.".," "'j{.
C.v,,? I ft.!r'''A~AIIJ', 11111 J,II A;" tor" ;"[p;ril,
o,,,, M6Ih,r,if tb.1I fhn-/Mft [pe~."t' ,hit pe'pl" .1It'ftIIItlfr,. M"" llu C~~
fb" "IJIIMnult I'for"h" , "Ii, ,h" ....Id fAil.
Bllt ,. tIH"[p'Alt5ft"lltuh"" t., u.ghtlr thA, Ih" ",., ft"IId'"
.Bill I [",Ar "",. thet; Ih" ,liIfpi[, thlt.
h,,,,, I",
thkJ Iu", "" t
whAI /hAll·,hmf..' ;'"111# ,h". PIg• ., 1 "il/ fo, if I t:_ ""ft- "., iiI{fr- ,hmo.

6 SHe went away as if /he had bwa iDstY" in tb~ mea,n fpac~ we,arg\Kd after oui~cr man-
ocr; Ji. he was WOllt, aild I lliIlin ,mJQOn(lam hope of Gods mClcil:,.
Mrcrbalf .n B. K. Now·fhe'is hcrcacain. '
hour. E.K.Sh-c,putteth off berJlCticoat< ••nd putt~b on ao other Garmc~fuU pleats of
of a golden colour. and aft~r that an pther Garment, ~pon that C;~c with IIJa.
ny Crowns botdc:i'c~ on it ' . withhmliS oUt of 'cvery- of. thtll'l, and 'a great P.8~c of
~hc Arm, they arc fight hands, tl1e fi'rlt G"~lile", (which fbe pUt off) aD4 ftingeth
it intO a firt.
Madimi •.,•• Ifp'AI!..II1116,.II, tn t!AIlHtblllg, .
Midimi ...... Thtc,."ftJtfr''''-''''' A,ep'rf,a, ".,e""flth',~,(~,iI..
B.t thl .rAppillgl.f ",A"I "';1,"" *"p,rfrEl 1(,,,1tI,, hAr4'6 pilI '.g't],~, ..J hArtlq II "~/'f"
Tht,tf~'··, II", ." If"~. . .. ' ,
Bllttb'f"e-A,eof G.a, A.J tht, _ trill. anvlous mlJlds,..aDd £alfe hearts, do hunt aftcrtbce, IUId
Imp r;ronme~
conrpired a- they have faid and ha"e ~'''fP.i''l.; BII''! hAfJ, fAil. ""t, the"" h, i, """''''''', M ,6".Iui.f I'IIII'"
,.inll me. (.,;,tl 1111" 'Ihtrt: .Alia thAt ."h;~h th" hlf'" ",",~J '" t:!'""s, Ilf it il.j" " AI1J,Clll/IIIIf,lIIJl~
t::. J.",lIi".l; ,IIKII; L" il 1i'~'.llh'i' ;mNm: ~it ,b,,,. thr••ul, ,,,,1 i" ,it"I.;' LIt it r(lll&'
A/nrg tbllr j(i"l~" • A"a In if ;11'" J..'tII" the,""'f ,lH,r I.,tln/, 111.' th, ."1 ~.J. i, .idL:
f.r. """• .,, ..,.,~, !ervllh",t ",h", I IT;", ;" ",iJehitf f lwill Ir;.t.
.,"", b,r ill G.tlI, ""tl.,.;'f",.",. b".
her,. ,h, b,,~ ....,. ,,11/

"ceire ribi vim.

aA"J I "ili live h"A'", 'ag,J f",'4, bll, I"iII .1''''''itt .,.ithlHr : '"Ncoft I 'llfHI"" Ii,.,
,heir LA"""tAti."s. ",ith" I, ",,,,el. ""th tllti, gr.AIU"ll.
Thefe arc the hard and hcivy knots. that the evil fpirit and DlanS Wit lladr wrou&hrrogtbcr ; But
bccaufe the~ arc humane, they Chall periCh. ,
j n '! WJY it T,II1,il ft,,,,,,h goo,}."",) M6th,r tIIIJ _: ....."re'''!,.' Ih~/h "'f6 • <A... the rAther
~r< p •.mli>y 1".11[, g" hAth prepA"1. th, .....A' b, her own wifdome, ..,.,hieh ,.I.f 'hi N'",h , •• ",IIft "'''''1''
A.''t. (/'6~lInto,) a,,"bc dircCtedlJ.
For ..,.,bJ, ,b"t C••jt,lllltifll iItNC, .... h,I",,,h ,h'f' ,II., '"'; 7ho/,I11/, ,II., 'r,,~bt,i'
""'f"",b ,h,,,,. :r.,
d ~rHe relation of Dr. Dee bit AElion.r;ll'ithJPiritf, &c, ~79
Bllt I .",iO g' ."t''''J t,Mothe" ."d "st"" IIIce ",ore, -Whether I m"J hide th,[e things fr,,,, $'pim i. dbj~
~ ~~~
'. efT, fttll • • • ",
E. K • She IS gone. ti,;, i• • ,o/lIi "
t::. We read over the premi{fes, and gathered.that fome treachery was devi(ed againlt me: And ri m.,.o.
;hmfore,l befeech God,to give 11' his counfcls; and advifcs,to be my guide and proteaor, my light
and comfort.
E. K. Here {he is again.
Madimi...... 'Th,., 1'" both•• r(if " 11 'JIlin be diftrillted)on••f l0ll.g' Jtrretl, benc.e,andfpeedily Fli. fro ..
untO Lasky:, s. fhllillt com. to pAle. thAt h, whom they Intended ,t . impri[t"" (f,.,
in~, we w ill PYA ,',
compel him to pcrform'his word, leaHbe peradventure triumph dfewhercagaiilH us;) J&J m"l lit The w.or~;
lAP ,"'" th, '1'rifon '])."es for tlHm, ""d ialute a frrange King, even iR the felffame place, where ofthcCoofpl'
they /hall cat to morrows Dinller, But ,.,hell the, perceive thllt ;0/1 .r, .l ,,,e; The" r;ill th,! iI".. ,",01S.
Jerjl."d thllt ,.u!tlle,." Alld thllt the lpi rit of God .,.,AI AIII."gft ,.11.
J c.",e AI"i".
' h ' Spm . '(.t.,1
... I
E. K. ~ he IS ereagame. n,b;{fI""-
Madimi ...... If thefe 'Words b. trslt';ellr ,.,it"ef[. of the trllth: If7'11 thi"lth"" to be f"lJ~jJD~
""d •., f 'U•.,., them.
t::. How \0011 would you zdvife me~o be going hence? youree h'lYl bare I am of money.
Madimi ..... . Do fo AI ill "" emi,,,,,, dallg". I have ["It.! the I"P .,."rd. Sed adhuc tria;
Omnia fucccdent voto. .
t::. Deo no{ho Omnip.m nti, f2? ien~i, & mifericordi. fit omnis gratiarum aCtio, !.aus, Honor
'" Gloria, nunc & fcmper ,. tAme.. •

F,bNlA)'ii ~ S. :l meridie, circitcr I~. E. K. Fell on his back as One had
Precibus ad Deum finitis,cito apparult Angelus written as he Catat the Table; Here-
Dei. upon we rcloned to the Shew-Stonc,&c.
E. K. Here is MAJi",i.
Madimi •••••• You have vowed to ynur felves, and to the Lord, perform your vowes. Thllt
which G,d "",,,,, thllt d••
EXcllfe,D11r [IIVII'lJlith """ •• ,,~ gird lip J'lIr Gllr'llU1II1 t, thl tr.'II"i/,; Not ill W"ggD",~/lt
'" HD,/t.hllC/v
E. K. I pray you-to give us (ome inllruaions of my Lord LtUi, hisbcing.
T,.AVAil. h,,,,,, di,.,Efl" A"d lI"tD WratiOania • Illld ,htH I ."ill mitt 1011.
E. K. I pray you to deal openly with us, according to our frail nace, and to declare
unto us of my Lord LASIrJ his ellate. JI. L.
Madimi ...... You depend notu?onLIII~" butLAlkJ UPIIIMth-Npo"Jo,,; ifh,J.l'lli/, hil
p""ifomellt 11 mll17: if he aD .",11, h, it for himf,lf.
[ "'" grlllt" th,II 1'''. Ilnd"'J '1' ftrttcheth !Arth" th," }'.rl; JI", thou§h you went to mar-
r4W. you have lo{l fame dayes. Dayn.
C::. I mult carry my Books with me, we ~ult be at the leallthrcehorfe. Book. to be
Madimi ...... Not fo, bllt thou /halt hide them. hidden.
C::. Am I to return hither again, before my wife come from hence?
Madimi ...... I Am "ot pefh, ",ither J. 1""'111 • 0' "'"
""'111• ."ith ftlfh; But if you fulfill the
firlt, the re{l followeth.
D, thil, III thDlIl.h ,ou committed thtft, t::. Secretly and fpeedily.
for if the hours be di",i"ifhtd, thl pu'p.fe jhJl Alft WAnt {.cceffi· Hoare••
Duaut II, Jt'lllere fi vii.
The hll"d il DP'II, "",heady to r.ake hold 0"1'11, ."hll' th"tfm i1"'U Ifill ",", U lOH~
C::. What hand 1 pray you?
Madiroi ...... c.MAIIIII ""'pltEie,,, ",,,r.pielli.
C::. Lord I underftand no, that neith:r •
.E. K. She is gone.
e:.. In manus,tuas Domine, Commendamut nollra corpora, animas nollral ec fpiritus noLtrO$ •

P,brll""l "7. t::. 1 and l!. K. and Tho",111 KI1I1 as ferfant, rode to Li_.'l, (otherwife m ..
JDed N;.t.'l',) fUt aWes from PrAt.., in tlac way toward 11rtlll : oth~rwife,nalDCd "'rll';jl".;".
D cl a Fm...
<VI "ueR.iI4tionofDr.Dee bisAiJions,fIJ;t:''!pi,its,&c.
F,IIrflAr/, :lS. -Manecirea 6 hor-alll. eAt-Li_'''l.
Thflr[JA,. Note, I h~ ~ufed fromi of·the c1~~ in th~ r.n0m~ngthe lc»kcd Mta,
fo as, by five, or alfoon as It was break of ~.y, ,!"e ml~ht be riding.. _ .
In the mean fpace while E. K. yet lay In hIS bed awake. and r was 1n the nest Chamber' by, in
ordering my things of my malr. E K, heard a voice (like mine) fay D. .
Whereat he asked me, what b.y you? I anfwered, that Upake nochin/:. Then he dbubted what
creature did ufe that voi~. Afterward he rofe: amI when he had been ready a wbire, andJate in
the Chamber. wher~ my male lay, he faiil, 'that h~ fcltfomewhat crawling, , .r III.'"
."".;Ii"g ,,,/iil
~~~, length I. A{ulla i1lt. /'i,I".... A,lld ~o I l:fi: him, and went O~tintoaJlotherplace, and
meered to pr~y, and prayed. and upon tbe commmg m 01 Th,,,,M Kill, Into that room where I
kneeled (in the Deor of a little .pen Gallery overthe Ilreet) I rofe up, and went in again to E. X.
and he told ~ that he, fiumbrcd by reafon of the heaviile/(e of his head; and ,h., h, {llm,a '" fl,
"" prA!i"l, ""4 Michael" jI • b} "". I anfwered, that,~uth it was I had bcen fOlllewhatbem to
AVjGon. prayer,.but that I could not pray as I would, &c, Hereupon; I",~tJ;,"I, h, [_ Michael #fIIr"'1
H,•• "ith A"";" hil hA"J: Thereupon I was refolnd that I was to write (omewhac or importance:
And I made fpeed to take pen, ink ~Ild paper, and to fettle Illy Cdf to writing, bcctufe we made halt
to rilk , as intendin~ to ride S or • miles that day. and company tarrying for us: one or them bc-
iug a Jew" who~e {i(ter is ,wife to ,D"~,or SA/"",,, of Pr.gM, the Jew, &c. And ~oing aboucto
attend for !l>lDethlOg to wme, a VOice lald,as followeth.

A Voice. Cflr "~,, i"clMJi, tI Aa .flAi,,,",,, .,,,,,,,, _~", 1

t::.Hereupon, I did /hut all the Doors, and uttermo/l Doors.
NOle Ihe rca· A ~6i&, ...... In receptaculo, ut magis approbctur veritas.
Ion "hy' aRe' t::. Hereupon fpeedily I took oUt the Shew.fione, and fet it on the Table before E. K.
cepucle is f
morecrcdir.. E. K. Hereappcareth I white Circle roundabout the border of the Stone t and a
ball or Globe of flaming nrc in the midft s The white Circle hath great brightndfe of
light in ir.
E. K. Now here is JlAii",i» the ftandethin the white Circle: andlooketh into the
fire, /he knec1cth.
On the oudide of her, ftandeth Jlid'MJ with a [word.
E. K. MAlij.; is goncawa~ ,and MIcb"t is come to the lower part of
Avoice ...... S,' .... , j.,,,,MGIItI,,.fI,,h,,,,,
Circle. me
E. K. ,,Uit/IAti bowcth himfdt toward his fect., as thougb he kl1fed the place
where he ftood: as if it were the Circle that he kiffed.
Michael ...... Thlft II~' Ih, .""JI'f ,h, Lora, AIIa'f"" hil ~lIg'/, ""a cMiflijl" ~f ""Ilb..
lI"a Ih., follow.
Bth.IA, IIJllfltltJJO" firth JjfJtr!I.t,me/: A.a1'flIJA'II1 Ib",d"". Th,r,[.rll[AJ """ '~II,
Bt "up SIIJtI.ras of mort. -
.A OIllCICifuiGod.
E. K. He fpreadtth his Arms abroad, and ftoopeth down.
Michael ...... MllhAI c~_",;t",h hlJ Trl.[flr, '"" ",,,,,,ji..,,h {1W,,,r,,,,,J AI hil rll.,." hAtb
hil,.,.", Bllt h, ,hAl C'o",,,,itwh hi_jilf.",. "", AlIA b,Ar"h",! '/I,ite, I ,.ill"ri" hil NAm' i"
,h, B../t'f Lift. B,h,/4. B,htNa, B,h,la, 1[.,111' A"J il il.
'])". Th., ;IIlbll, Dec, I kfigbt. """a /0, b,c.fI[e ,b.. hAft ,S'ltA me, ""J >HI,f f,,""! b.",• .,
perf".ft'''', I fb,." ."" thee what ino come, A1Jd ",hAl I would have thee to do: All" wherefore
thou commell hither.
t::. Fiat voluntas Dei. E.K.
Michael ...... CII1I"""!wA",hil,, hjl,pm';''11"".r"h,,,[,, I A",I.I]"';' ,b, _i/i'l 'f 'hI
GAP.';'}, and fo return not eamy.
E. K. He becommeth very bright •
l::J I underllood not well this faying; neither E. K.
Michael 1[., fl1It. {;1111" ,hi rtt'pt.cI,.
t;:. We covered the Ilone a while, aod read the premi{fct.
E. K, He is brighter then he was, the Circle of light thiaeth ftill.
t::. We uncovered the StOlle, and dIen hdpake again. . ,
Michael .' .... BefOfC twelve moncchs of your account be finilhed • ",ilh fhl s""",: l"i'
Ic!tp "'1 pr.",i[, ",it h Ih", as concerning the defirut\icm ofRodul~h: ltl ",AtlfJ,"'IrI, he tri-
' umph, as he oiteD ~otb. Fw, ~h, liMI are many times perufcd by blm; SAli"" This man doted,
The deftnu'!tl." where is become hls,God, or hiS good Angels ?
ell Qf "'tl/llpb~ 'AI""
.A"J ",IMId, 1 ,.ill f."", hi",·iff ,hi {iIt:, If ,hi I AM hi foAl ,m/h ",i[".',,,
may Wlderftan6 , Ulat UlOU dealt not {gr dJy felf, bile didll fulfil ihe work of ~hy mailer.
that he
c.M'r~Wlr 1" will brillg ill, even in the (~cond moneth, (the twel-re ended) Steflll;. $t.
eAlld f,r" tr"th,CIIs III",) ~i11. pla,cehim 'lIlh~ ftllt I"'p~rilll; H,jhIlIJ f.J!iff, A" Empir' c"
All conditIo-
""ft g,.'A' I ""d. (hAIl (hm "#IIh", " II " gO't/,rlf, ."h~" Goa plAmh; nally to be
In hIS time will I fufllil many things that I have proinii"ed thee, and I wi:! be m:.cifull unto thee; undcrllootl.
becaui'e thou hall not broken my Co,cnanr.
Ny mind~ abhorreth frbIl\LAsk", for he is neither faithfutto me, ner to thee: neitber he ca- A. L.
reth for his. OWQ (QuI.
;1 Chamo &: fu!iJo maxillas illius conllringe (6 Deus) lit approximct ad t~. ,
Michael ...... Tht [pm)] rmlr".f C:urtius 'R'IIS'O k/j~e"lIlt ."ith Rodolph how Ih~l "'ight;
(Nllder. tM ~oID"r of JlljllCt) '"tllllgl, ,hu•
.A"a 10, ..,h.",.tholl f0;1r,djl ""d f~dft III th, TII~/~, "b~, ,ISIIt "lIlh W~l his J,,;" i",h, difh wi,h
thu, ""4 hA,h delivered ,htl.
'Y'TIITUr, hi hAth berr,,!.d hi' MAj/1r : ,A"a ,b, CA"f~,f hi! Adv,,.jit! ; hAth hAd chi'f,.",;" EN';C•• •
hi",. F,.,,,, th, thira !tllr .h i hllth a,lI, ""j*jll,: IIlIa h:Ath ",Aa, .,,~a his Lords [tc,.~ts. $0Il'4".r.
B", he jh"Y hAV~ hil r~","nl: and Chall. pe~iCh wi[~ his own hand. Btf.,., ,holt '."'tjl ,,,, ..f
th, Dt/1" Doorn, to tllk! ,hj l'*~lItf, Rodolph knew 01 thy going.
And lor a truth, his Icttcu are before ther. ,
Th~"'for~, i, ~thlTJeth ",t, 10 givtthet ""Arililfg, A"d to teAch A"d inLhuc\ thce, as one ell:ercif~d
in my bulillellc.
C~v.r m" I 11m "tCim~ .cltrr~r.
A We covered the R(ceptacl~.
After a while we uncoveted it.
Michael ...... Tbis ,),,;'1'D;'. jh"lt thIJII dD.
The r""" ."AI th.1I um~ft, thl fA"., 'IfIA, fh,. jhAlt /lIf,rttllrll: Not to £lie from their.malice
or tyranny: But to Iland in the face of them as my ferhnt.
Ht,,~,,'f, ;IIJi,~[l/!, (hill! th~ Traieour ""derjllllla k.!JD'If/ hi",. The Traitor•
.A"d Rodolphus h"ra h,Art, I ."ill fti,,,p ."ith illaig""ti." Ag.i"ft hi",. F,r h~ fh"l1 b~ ""ftr".
'A " L,A,..
And tlley Ihall begin to fear thce, and allD to love tbee: and thou Chait be in favour amongft
them. N#f ••
.AII"Ullt~ their doings, AliA r,'Ar ,h~i,. flllj"gs. lA"d fb.f"bj"LI th" fhAiI ,ff" thu, ,.,fllfo Annulle thelt
tHI. I ",m foaJ.,,,~ 'lit I' pA' th.", th~i,. wAgn. doings.
Mor/IV", I c.",,,,II.athet Kelly, (Bleri."'1 ''ifill ptrf'lI, 1 ~'''If[tl lI"d IIafl",i[t fbi,) thllt
th,. tAk! part with the Lord Jefus: .A"dg, forwud -:vith the bufindfe thou hall in hand. 6 BC,like he'
F.r ""hr r T)ley Ihall be Chortly made epen and plam; l,ft thf (A) ",ora (I.,h, F."'pm"r h, !"IS Dudyin&
",'Alllrh) ru~jTII foit ;11 th~ h~A'tlDf"''''. .nDunf/.1Is
Bllt I bind it not to that place. ,FD', the fruit thll, fpringeth of it ~ thall do my fer'fice with SIt. ~k BefTlble.
fI~"; vtna yet, if he will, .,.ith ,hll, unjult LAI!t,. A"d it jhAlI b, 'It q",.a,,, for "u: ."h",i" ~I~:"ID he
!'. jhAlllI.fbNT.JrI'frh, W"ld,,~lIt 'f the Gift'fGod. pri,y. C DOC
A"a hlthm, 1.,/1 d~"l .,.itb tblt, th""hll~IIjI ,hi"g which th." hllft b.ft6il1~a i" ,",di,,,c, to- Yet if;
."""a",~, fhllN "lit b, forLottt". DDn,,,,, Dt,I.
Liv~ TDII tDgtrber, II( brtthrtn: and worider together, at my works, II,.,! i" ""', for ,b,re fhll/1 Tog.rher.
1111 " h"ir of '0';,heaa ptrifh; So that JDlllillen, and be obe~ient untO my ,oite. If;
wh", 'htr~fore tho. com,m,jI'ho"", hiae "" th! [tlf; Bu~ [ee"that. the Infant be regenerated. 11114111 h.ptl~
.. As concern in" the Godfathers: Chall I requcli and ufe luch as I mtended? ~.~d'".
Michael ...... ?V" ih'" rh.H hAjI dD,.,. Mlfb.
B"t pllt Alllh~rtthillgs up "",Ollgft fh, fecr,tHf Jo.r heArts; II~ Ib,"gh /lot fil;lIg' j JIt ftli"Z,
"II thill/I.
Lit ,ht{t for thil ti",~ r,.jfice.
£. K. The fire is gone, he and all. . ' " .
A Creatori nollro Omnipotenti, Prote8:on 'nollro mlferltordlffimo & confolaton nonro abun-
dantiffimo in tempore neccffitatis noarll! !it perenni~ Law, Honor; .Gloria. &: gratialllm adio.
A Hereupon we'had grcat comfort and fo brake our fall; and returned to P""g"~ again, bc:for~ i
of the clok in the afternoCiln.

While I Was rhus out, and had left a letter for the Cllrttfi BAi'b"fA~ F~dmclU '])Dmjll"llI~ OJJII;
(joe. to deal wid; the,SpaniCh Emba{{adoJ, the Loid 7...-f" and my tie Her Xi"Ik.!, tQ trne pard"n
of my fudden departure, Alld rbt (pi/a"" ,~t ehri!f;.,d., rff'c; and had g"en my wife 'har!';c
not to deliverche.Lertcr ~lore Eriday nil:hc, &c', It came to pa{{e, that this Mr. ~"lfh4"" had fe~t
)'ford of his cOll'lmiog to 7r"gc with·the Lord Kifllk.,.'( wh.m en the Friday before 1 hid mer .n";
cvf ".",reidtio1l DfDr. Dee',b;~ A8i(Jn~,,,;tb ,ffiiritil&c.
ding out df TOwn: toW me chat iiC19as t~ be ou~wcc~r .. dayei, &e.)' ~d ~die.~q.:.
firouSto fpealt with nit. ' '
upon ."hich b«ilion my wife thought it:~ft to fend ~ letter to hiD!, and (0' dill, DOC lon~ bI:.. co~in3 homc. Which thin~ wheR 1 unCcrlloocl,J ~a;' half fony fade, and fmt prtfentl,
word to MaGer Bilk~f'" of RlY (omi~g home; and ~~.:oriilie him tha~ my 'wife lu4 tr~ ~o
(~Dd that letter unto his wOfthi? before frt4111 Jlight,when /helllight pa:e~i,e that mde~ ~ did
ride forth to BrtJ;I.
He thcrcup'on WlS dc("ou, to f~~k with tne, and.f hi", I rrt:t;wJ -., Lntlr "hKi b, h"",...
IIftd,and )lfcrcd him(df Ibo!\ ready to (atis/ie the content thereofi Icc.
Now to-the chief I'urpofe, .A.t my remr,n home from Maller BiUt"AfAr F,Jtri,t tIS offf,.·I found
,z",qi,. S."tA:i., In rtly wlVI!.sl\O'(e wuh Mafter-X'''".h. "I' thl Jight.f -. "ifI (i;;._IVU~•
.."JhAlf "h"'},I.,~r If6t "ilt,,,! t.(p,./:., hiit fAia, vos cl\iHeterescquitcs. Tlien }dr.X,II; ~Id
nie, that E_r/tlll had lold hilil, that die EOIpcrour had been all day yeftc;rday 'fery melancbOhclt.
and would !peak with' no bOdy. ,A,,';' IhM ,OII:.I11""'f "!l:i'lI.r"'l i • • ",.m,'" "h,. ;, "AI,'
that by thet Jews, 8c fpecially by the DoillQr his.lOt" that had gone about to gee ~eJhe fout' ho!ft.,&
laboured very much widrhill'1fdf (unasked) t') perfwsde Rle that the Empetour IllS lira anel chief Ij.Il-
derflaodillg of it was by the Jews, 8cc. 'Hereupon (being now night) he went hJlIle.

tMArt;i 1-4.
7'h ..e/J",:. A meridi~, hera '2 T' Ba?tiziltllS Cfat Mit:bMI DH filius. roeus in uei. Pragt:nl'd
mijori Tcmplo. Baptifmuin exercente, C:i:(arcz Majellatis Capdlano.
SulccptOribu5 V'ero, Illullriflim is ])olT!ini,s, Domino tlon Guliclm~ de lana!) Clemente, Hifpani-
arum Rcgi's, apud C;rfal'Cm Legato,8c Domino Magnifico, Domino ROm~ fuimnaCzfa,rtz maje-
Itatil cUhicula~o, & a~onliliis arcanis intimo & primario, &e.

Su(ceptdce autem, Nobilillima /a:lfliaa, Domini·de D ittrcchllain, Domini de Dittt«hllain, IIX~ llima; qu.i major Domo Czf:mz Ilia jellatis ell. I nf~ntj verl). nOlllen erat indituin ;Mit_,
ad l'Ctltloncm mcam,~" grAt",. ".iIt; Michaelis ';',,,,.riAm. 9"; ('x ",i!trit:mJ;liDt.i) ,."" foi,
,ft d- ," it tN/,;/ ",,,.Jit:III,·if,llJCiliirw & t{mJIITM) 'ltc.

;/lllIrli; Ii.
tM."JA,. Mant, horam circiter 7•
. I::. Precibus (tit inorr) ad Deu/ll fufis,primum,deinde (aliqua i,nterpotita lIIora) aliis ctiam ejxu-
latiooibulque faCti' pro mirericcrdia, Il1(.e 8c 3UXllio Dei, 8ce. poll horas tandem nulla faa. appa.-
ritione, ceffavimus. lll(o ,;ero de Dei ira timidos, caufalJllilbclle m:agftaD) dabita'fi, lice.
I::. Mllc(cre nolhi Dtus, &c ne nobifcum .g~', jaltta pmnes iniquitates noftras, vI-.

M"rt;i 20. •
Wt.lJ,t!U]" mane. I::. ~ote:- E.~. yelle,rday had a /hew ofa little thin~as big asa paa(c .r
firtas it were 10 the !lone ,gomg aooQt by the bnnks. And bccaufe It was not in /hape hUlMne, he
of Pl!rpole woul,d not ~,eclar:eit 10 to m~, and, fa I have noted (asappc.reth.) .\If no /he~. T~is ~e
told RIC on rl'etd~y l1I~ht, (that w~ s yeftcrrvght) upon occalion of a ortat thr Rod mO"l'lOg 10 hll
-brain" very (enlible and djltiii'd, d of a creature of humane /hape a~d lineaments going up and.
down to and fro in his brains, -and within his skull: fometimes feemin: to fit down, fOlOCtime to pur
his head OUt at his car.
And this began from the fame nl&bt following.

MArti; 20 ,
WlJ"'!Ul' ml nc ,ii-citct ~. f.
I::. Precibus ~d 6,6s aliquanto prolixiorh quam n: II\Orc, &:c,
Hatjm fada ell ' lIpparitio.
E. X. Here is the fame fhewof a little parcel of fire fomewbatldfe then a peare,
gOing about I he border of thiflone.
E. X. Htrt ;$1"" h.tht hllll,. "'Vir'" f~', I b.,,,
/Jj", ",t, bis covern.g is of a
compouncl col(lu~, between blaclc~ red and 1Vhite. he is covereddpwn to his middle.
tlJe ground of iris white: There be f~ts ot black and rcd on it) tome bigjfomC:'llide,
as if th~ bad been lpIlnk1cd on wisb a :.PCOl ~ dafited on w~b a peneil.
J true 9{#iit;on ofDr. DeebirAl1i011I, 'lPithfjiritsJ &c. 3'83
••••• .dg"i"jf aivi"e "t~ejJit' il'" pr"J" n". re}i{l."nce.
E.K. I feci nothing. in my h~ad'r.J(jw" and till now I did, as is moved befolC•
..... Co",e, 8,Oil Propb,tt,,,,,d ,,,,,,dtr ,ollr Ac~o""tl.. CO"", 0 ,OM. tb" hAW!\{Hci<!d .f tH
ir'ft/, '/IIher,;" the i"ag",,,,tl "nd [ecru ...;0 of the Lord il hid, ""d of NtCejJit, to co",e, qlither
.,.IIT fllv.~ together, r"'atr fome Ac~o"nl .",h, th~ Killg of "~r"ifJ a,{tmJin.gfro", the h,Avtnt h~tb
f ••fwl '{IiJitta ,.,,? A"a ..,h, bt hAth rAlh,r viJiud' ,.", '11 th, p'fert, liP'" "'ight, ""d h,gh
tM.,lntAi;'!, 1Im:''''g,d'f _n. T,Il;! fAl, .",lMt tb, 'A"fe it, tbAt he hAth CO"" d..,."" i"to the
Fen~, Alia A",."gff ,./lr flock..: Co,!la ".t thit God hAv, I'fted lOU lIP, ""d b."w br'Hght )OU int.
hit {trrtt chAm"erl'? C.uld h, ,,~, hAve rllvijhea lOll Untohim[tlf, A"d fo hAve clfYrittl ,Oil .b.ut
.",it.}, hi... , thAt ,ou migbt foe hit gre", .,.,ifJo",'II"I(.".",,, t. m"",,,,,4 the IIbt",dAnc~ofG.t.r, •.",here.
in he b"th ~il h"bmlti.". Therds "."..! 'Olllhilt dAr, prtf/l"" " f"J, IhAI' J'" a' 'h,
L,rd his prtfe"u.
7'her, II no", Dr '0" thttt a"rt.p,iI hil ",'lIlh, f A,il1g,G.a hAth l1tt1l of III.
T(// t,h",efore .",b"t i/ thl ca"r. that Goa bArh vijited ,.u.
I:::. The ullfcal cha~k jI'dgme'nts anddctcrrninations of the high:!l, Ike •
••••• 'B, pl,,,/, tho_ a"f'RUr,jll"f.rt thou "rt ,,,Ilea.
.... Wh.t it there no"e .f,.11 th"t ""f'lll,reth 11Ie IN., 'IIIhtr, "rt th. 1I 1
Joh, 'IIIhere "rt thQU 1
Mofts~ ",Ilere Art ,h. H?
Zyrom, 'IIIhere Art thoH?
Sy!a(as,~a, .",here Arl (h." {
Dantcl,';'htre Itrl t"~'" ?
JOQ:15, "IIIhtre art Ih.u ?
!zrchiel; 'IIIhere IIrt ,h." ?
HolJ, },gIJ Efdras, art thoH ?
To"'teff,,, PrQphell, 'IIIhere aTe 10" !
T." lI/1mbe, ",ithout 1111mbeT, ('IIIh.", the Lord ha,h ta/tea withal) wherefoT' fbe" J'u 110' ,0111'
All thefe.",m filii sf the H.I, Ghoff.
All t~efo ",.rtip.d ,h.i" {l,(h f.rlh, love .f God. Ttt,, AT' ,011 ".t Able tounaer a"olln'
"'0 foe", the true C""fe ",h, God hAth vi/tea ,Oil ?
God vifttta JOII II I.nt, Ana fo .ft fo 11Itr~if"O, Anafo AilllnuIIIIT' Ana lIT' ,Oil jil,nt And ;gllo~
rAnI?: Wh,? '
M.Adata ,' ,I IA jutta f'!flt,nomin~.
Whllt, '111M thi/ the &"/lfo ,h"t G.a vijitea 1011 for, thA' ,.11 jholllaf_ljill,hil C.",,,,Andmenll,tWl
t,,,,,h hil pt.ple the.",,,, QffalvAIi.n?

,.",.~ ,-It-"",.
7 ' ''',it ii, it 'IIIAllhrc"ufi th", .oved ,Oil tubelli",,,, R"t thl'lltrJ CAlIf, why G,d "Ppt/ITed.
,All,, th, C.",,,,,,,,dm'IItsO! God "rt jlljf & tr:II• .,.",h'f' f'"1 "" A" , : if thtr, "" f· lI,,.
Hot Ih, C.",mA1tdmelltuf , ••, fA,hir, ,DU Arlf di/ib,di,.t. B.t .hJ, ,.lIr FAth" hAlh com",,,...
itd ,~" I ,14,1 "Ach,d ••
WhtnG.a.f "'trl G.d, thtlTlI' light, 6eAutl""a hono"T'f hi, FAther, con/,ined .r '/11 M full of
t.h! iml1£' of Itn heAve" lOla 'ATIh, Alld~,. Ihe .Mllip.ttllt, ~o"j.,';,.d, A..J. 'f/HAI p''fIJer A"~ jfr'''gl,b
if Ih,"~f,Dlh, jo,n,a,,, Dlle, .",A, bT.ught f.rth, A"d h/fahil r'AI begl"lIi,,!, h, determined AIfo, In
the felf-f"",e I"'_ge 1IJTd. /Jr., the aff' ana proper order, ;lIjf IA'III Alld dttermi""tlon, 'or
All thjn~/'
rbAI""Preh.lldtd; whicb Iltw ""a thillgl togeth". hl/1l' ,~eir c.urfe c.o-,'j{tntiAI "'.ch in ~e"v.'"
And 'IITI~, dijlu.gui(hmg AI/, th;~gf i"to their reAl begin";"!./, li",jt~t;on of t,,,,e, ""tltlmrmIIlAlI.?
b,t""Ut~eJItrtA"'/, '7"'is, ardtr., IA."" I"!.."",;,, Ihl'l"/o," "'f the word.f q.a, k$tpelh fo hy
pr'p" ~o"r{t, IIna.ra", ana I.", .f bii .WII ejtllb/ijh"ltllt, Th"t ,Jhofe thingl tbA~ befor~ 'illITe
",r~ in G.a, ",ight "if' rtc,ive wOTki"g And being' fllbflll"tl.AI, t. the ,na of ".a h'l pTO'
".- Th;1 is the (elf-fAme ,h"t 'IIIe fp.i<! of bef.rt, ill the """,,.0f Ji1/q" NmjJil,. IIgAi"jf the .",hich
IH ,-rA,er prevllil"h, norrejiffAnCl Clln bn".de.
Thil NUljJ1,,..wlU rhHAufe, ,0 ,OM Pff,hm A13d Chi/ar,,,,r G~ .. .,b"t Goa d",,'/I """"gft
"". T
Thil ]IhrJ.§:t VIllI (/" iulriHtUnt th,,' Imught
'Thfs Ii-fo, ......u rJ" ;'4IIft thlll ODd C.Ir,e JOu.
I'."th,. jfAguf /4"r ,MIioll.
This NmjJit, m"k$th of 'III1tX, honq; of tifT, millu of lonl r"ngi"!~ FlUITt', of Infidell, Chri-
JliA"S; of "'ifob,"'i,,,,, hoI, ''''1.
Fi""II" sf ,he Iu'perf,£t al1a evil, "A,.e _"d ro",ing,,.ft.rN of mIf"lrjtla, Ih, "",1ffI1fhr of filch
AI returnfr;", ..,ick.ea"tj[<, IIna liT' cho[toJ.' ettr"Alj~, fr,.., the beg;;,,,in!.
BMI thu.., (te", 'Jjfit~ TttI A flu"gllUla jtll""' Ji l1l ,D-aff,ri1!"
I hAve Iit{d ,1)1 BAj.t.
I:::. We read the prcmitres, which ,fccmed. to U$ -vuy pithy, a,t\d ponderous, and full of my-
jS4 J tnterelatio7lo/Dr. D~e hi; ASions., Pith fPiritll&C.
t:. I noted two ~rophetJ names; no~ •
..... 'Thi, Nm/fifJ ;11.".-/,111,,,,, (th.';1 " fill, 1M ji,JI) mn"'pllll;",_jix.
Th, Dthw, \M~.g M4UM.;"l""" tJ.
,"M ••
I" th., firft ti, ••,11,.", -/,hJl JII~tI.1"Jli" 111M M,,'1'
I" ,h, fmllll J.,'"h t/if foil uti i"'A~ ~ J.ftill, IIUhg 'Z 'If "tIt, flr,1H "",fo '/t/P"l/,
,hAt A" I,J '" bT ,h, I.tll', hAV' I16t ,r", Jllft;,;" b"t ,h, ;"'''l''f T"fti".
This il tht 'A"ft th", th'"Ml.mi 'Mfo" ",A' 1m -a1.",JI,." •• liftth,I,,,,ji, I"b ./ ,b,
,,,ti Df hil Bl,aun Ami firfJ J",,,,,;nAt;.,,.
F" .h,: .A /l thi,!.s 'milO', A"J I:!,p their a.rft, 1f1I1f III ,h" "" I,J,I, the i",AI.' ,f111{Ii",
tMA",,,tI, ,xcepu.: ,.hich b, r'4'",/ his [ri, •• il,Jr",,"h [E. K. He rcachcth
,""f ,rJ,r, ,,,,,Nllh fr.", ,h, "Art, "["fi,h ,b", ."hith 'is INd. rumfelf.]
A"J IM.,,/,h ,h, b",J''',f hil fil(h, i"di",.lh lilli' lfIil.
/n lhe "hi,h ,vii, ,.h;!ft hll/w,lI"h ""J "IIIi,,~Ih, I, lhe""rf, 'f ""'/i11 ,IIIes,h h,l. "p'.
hi.., II"J d,lIw,th hi", 14"" Ih, fcop' ',ifill "h",,,nl, h, ;"tI;""h I;i",folf.
for, b,h.IJ, .Althollgh h, b, i,f." [1I"ap,J lI"t, ,h, lArd, .IfJ ",,,J, • ,"'fi" ",1,/, """,i"
If he cOlltinU<. if h, "",in"" "mi"ril, h, {h.n ,,,j., lhe r",,,,••.a XIDr] ~ ,h, fA"aip,J; Til if h, ufi ,h"!
Nm/fi,,, lI"d {I, fro. hi,,,,,, I." AlrJ ""Jilio", tll~"g p"".,.i,h,ht fillbi"t/t A"J i";'1";'1 'f hll
,n,,,,,, Ih"".$h SAtIl" or his jlefb"f Nett/fil, h, ",,,p p'rijh.
1£ F,r lIuh.J. ,hlllllr, g"J,';'. 11"" Ih,I"7u/ x"dn,I', .r, gl',;ft,J, if mey "",i"", : fo I,le!-
wif' "r, ,h, roil",J """ th, 1_ 'f.,.ir:lc!dn,jf" Ih, Nt"{/il, w/m:"fis tIAm".~/t.
This il ,he euji ,hll"h, Pr.,h,tlllr, "ifiuJ.
'B.,IIUft G,Jfo""J ,h.", p••ijhing ,b,ir jleJ6,tltfpijing Ib. "",,;,ill .f th, ,,"Id, AIIJ "JiJlI,,!
F., I., ,b, L". looIc!J tbw" II"" thtt""b: AIIIlh, fA" tb"" defpiling wickedntB'e, fcaring
him, and grounded in the faith of redemption.
Thmf", h- thr.' billlftif ;"..,,.g/I,bt,,,, .". ,hr,.gh th, prJl P'" If ",(,/fltl (iow "",r:l)
h, "ijit'. ,he",.
TA"-! h",l (0 ]'11') thA' ,h, lAr.,/"",{/ill filjitllh I" J.jli" , f" I,,,r ~"rtlt" foAII ~, 1."''''
"".1 ;",.I""bl,. .
E. K. He is gone. 6 We rcatl and difcourfed a pretty while.
£. K. Here he is again •
...... N", .",, ,h",jI.
whA' i, (,h".f",) Ih"t .,"/fiIJ Jit,iII, AgAi"JI th, whith thlrt;1 /II P'Al" /II' rlftl"'"?
F" "h, it ;lIvitlt"t, 'ThAI ji"""''''''J ,It",,,, "".,.fo ,hA' "", "",,1, h"'lb' ;.,. ,M
r~bt "",,. II•• thAl~' Prill'"
Prayer. 8,M/., .,,,,,,,, iI p",it••" ~", h, "foth Pr.,,,,
N, 11M" {",i'fi"h, ~"t he ,,[nh tp'''l,r.
N, .,"" ,,,I:!,h plITt "i'b tb. Ch""h, I"t i" P'''I''',f'' Prill" ;I,ht
H.I, Gh,ft, ."hi,h ,pllllth the ""1."t, f6,J.
r", [."aift. I, ,,,,
Ncccffity had determined the dellruaion of Ni"IfIII, nccelfJtY alfo faTed it.
F" 10, ,.h", t h" jho",••"ff .,i/, ,,&,ifI,.
bAfl' rIWllr. fIT ,b,ir .,,;,It.!wji, ,he, "",'4, _
"Jijl,J. ."pill·
It IIp,,,,,h, ,h"4""",, "t, "hAl ""'!fit, ,bAl ii, tbAl P,,,,,, prwAilttb - Ill-ft.
N,,. h"" 'T'" IAI" ",,,{/i,, il.,,/fitJ, ulI"Ji"l milam ad malum, & bonum ad bonum; "hM,
",,./fit, is IhAl, "hi,h;, t". "",w"I,hi"ll,AJ»,g It unto me end thAI;' tJtji"tb.
E",,, '" G,J, fi,i"l th, Pro pbnl f",fAkJ ,h, I.",h(illl",jfo'f ,h,ir (l,fo, IIIfJ fr_i"I'bt.-
f,I'fIIS t. tb, 11It:./fiI] .,.hi,h " .."b ."" tll."f hil "'"r IIIer'I' i" ,h., firjl, ,hr"ft "'hl",filf""""1./1
,he"" fi";.!. tbt'r I",,, "". Mji",tl ."/fitl' ."itb" ",l,/fil' .J hil O",";"lIII' ""J.,,[p'....."'u
""rq ."h",i",h", .",'"h,.", thilt,s;
. 1"" ."tl P"JifI"IIIK'.
Th-f, Ihmf", ('" ,1" CP",hlll) ."hlth." flijit,tl."i,h G,J i" ""rll, "" f,J, ...,ip,.tl .."
f-/",J tiS tb. P"phm""" .,.lth,htf't"J;fH"
wh""f.,M gr,,,,,JI ;1 PerfcTerance.
H",i" It,.eb "., thAI hcrh#i iI ji,ft ,ua,li ... "rP1"tUi.f,1/ ",h, .,,,/fitl ~ his ~It­
if u'" ki"l th,.""k:! thAl"",i,."., b,(ir, ,h, lArJ. ""tl r",ifltth "",/", b"ht "iptAl;'''''-
G.ds IIItreJ, is ftAl,J,. tb.",. If h~, EI,4;'1I, . ;"ll..",g;, _ tbr,."b,bI "",• .."J JI~'''I,b
'f<J'"flfllrf'''''' "". ,,,- fAl'fo f" ,hAl h,fod I, ""if'., ., ,MIlJ,fllT
"" I, """ I' ",,,,,,,,1,, hi",folf.
".fIr., I tiM h, Jbd

HAP" IV' Ib.ji th", "':' ,,..

Th,ji lIT, IMfo ."hi,h

B"t·hApPT.hllPP;""" th.fttbAl ",f",,,, ;",~ EI,ain~
Thef, "" ,htfo """ " .... G.J i",p.,,,h l1li' ,h,1f' jill.,.
Th.[, lIT, th.J. ,h AI
"""";"1. lJIflth",I,,,, foMJ J"
s",,,,, "". "-''''7 .f, f" til'1 "" ,." II~" II prwAilt.
_h,.;" Ih, BHIc ~ G,J, itlfJ .,.lNf, Irllbl'ltnllN7 ., lit fir ,h,;,
'p""., 111M thtJ /hAIl ri{r,
J Irlle '.RJ/M;onofDr. Deebii AU;01lI, withliri;s) &~. 38~
B., il tbm" fiz,4, "". .uth ,bii ","e; "Ifo fix INflic,; 0,. h1l1l' cAlira it 'M /'
_~, III/
"'''g' of
I, ;1 wi.",; s..iI~(, ii ,1m-, A 1.~cl fhAt il fowl.. "1,,/1lc, ';';IIMphi"l, ,,],,/1let might,.
" Y.jliCl *,,""16 t, 6, l ,.,.·,~" a, .: 111{1ic, ,hilt Pr"ftr pr,;,tiilah Mt A;.,,;,.ft, "ilj if J.jliet thlll H,1l
""J ,h, Devil ""e ~,,,dt"'lIta i".
Thll is th~t ''''it" Ihil il Ih", t., ;ilgrd, ,hiliI,,},.,I,.,,, c..M".11, .,.h"mi'~ ,b.ft IhA,
r,fllf' t~'I" E/~a;,,,, ,,.~,., lI.t d,lled, f,II,';i"l th, ~"'ffil' 'f .idt,!,u"f{t , ~' . Mil fh"" /16
'''III' "um .,.,Ih. "'Attn.",. fmlt/l pD."", ·""d Ii, e"p '''t' the ~AIc! 'f firl."d b"'Mft.lle.
7hisil I.e IhAt [,,,',llap ,h,/,eond HtO, .,.i,b Ih, foc,,,d klltb.
'7"hil iJlhllt 'Oil, : I'll ft"''II,II";,,,)/JI 'fI~l"bo"i/"." ft;ff-"edrJd Mrt!. ftilllt,j"l. jil1llfJ'i '.gh,,~
.r,.fd ""a fell,·f
HiI'" o,d eltlltd '0", a,
II"a ,'11 a'fd"i"it?
Hllih ht ""'lIid~J" S,,,, f" !,", ."" H.",,,,. f';, J.'.' • Crown for. J.II, M w"lJi"g g"rml"t f.r
"", hil '1"lIl1li'''' f""l"" A"d .,.tli "" f,re, h,.. "c"jI." ill" ,he fire.
Shlffl,h, fi"g,r 'f G._ :wrir, tOil. ""a foaJllh, VU'l""t' 'fOoa not ,011 ,.t.
'R..!P'.I I f~" ""djli, [rDm pH;;'",!"i'"
~'''r'' mto Ib"''''''f.,ht Lora, ItAjI G,iJ[tti"l ""1' .,.irlt!a"tJ!i.; ".r ••·"",iirill ""II i"b.~
MAli' rtbtlli,,,, ,,"r alfo~,Jit"el "l"i"jI ,.",. {lfth"., ,hr.ft bi-foll.,." !'.r IImjJit; with " il jf14
'iet Alia V'."l.tll.,ct.
Whieh 'hilt!. if, 7114tJ. PI'''," prNJltll"b ;' Itlft illbti"r'frfl""et.
tArt ,.11 liD'.fr"'d lolof, Ih! Jight 'f q,d, ""d" b, J'pri.",. of ,bt ~/"', of 1,;1 Mlljtft;,;
. A rI ,D. 1I0t Alr""1. 011'" ""!p,,,?..b,, fl-Ii ""d firr-br.JI01 H,D, which 1Ir, prlP""'. f,; th~
Whlll {h,,0 I r", ."" ,,,, ,
Sb"lI It "It! pil1l1p'" ,." ?
H'h, cllrr , •••61 f,r ,.",. [tivil ?
Shllfll ,r", ."t,q.d/" 1'''?
r,. P'''' 1101 for "Ii,.
S ".110
1",./1..JHibltjJ, lip''' !.II?
Hui, ,.11 J, .
.s hAiI Ilrri"l,hm Shup fr,,,, tbe VK",,,tll;"/ , and /hall I lole ,two of them before i come three /he'll>
~~ .
0" ...",AI .t•• !It ",tr,if"l"",o 10" fol'lltJ, r.1t! ph,," J'.r [tl'll·tI. F,,' ;lIt' ,h, 'rile jllti:-
.,,,t 11{ light ""d J.1t,.'Jt, ofg,.a ."d evil, If tIIrll,,1 GI"., ."a P..",,,,,,i.,,.
FDr. "'h'la,llt/~ 7'., ,h"l q,a;1 rt.a,
"p." "It.
.Al"i,,/1 th, .hi&h ,h"., is ".,i",,,f pr",er, "" If.lbi"l
.th., ,,,,,hr.,.
hi-{tlf,,'''''' him/llf III" m'lh,jI",;
I h.vt htl', ''' ],., ""a txhlrtla " •.
,/,,,'11' ."t,
E.x iHr:r,_.,11I tl flrf"lI.i,OI,., " ic!t.a",lft; ""il t; ,h, Lvii
T".gh, .". ,hA, ,bD[t Ih,,'.rt ,Mi,d m,,! I.ft ,h,;, ,I,[fnll, ""a ·,.", b, t/f.6IijheJ. i" ,h,;,.
IMl;.". AIr- ,h", ,h,r, Ih~. "" /Ill',ltRta"." b,jh, rill, -f ."ffi" .",,·,he t.a'I,h,ir.,.ici:.-
IIl.tlft,which ii r,,,.,,,.,kd with tt".",,1 fire ;
r",,, Ih, which q Da .f hil Mtri" IVI4 ."lnl S'''lIt 1'[111 Chrift, ,.h, h",h rtumml ,'11,
r,,,d,, if". "ffl, " iUI4Vtr " ••
H31 rowgh ha.
t::. We long difcourfed of lundry things, and each rerroved other of haughdnelfe, or pride 01
mind, how juilly wl~did it God kl1oweth.
E.. K. Hcis hcrcthll.
C:J. b Lord order thefc ITI3ttcrs with us, and between lIS, to thy Honour and Glory.
E. K. - N /j II ..
...... TbDlI E. K. "'J/~ ~t, rtrtiV' 11',., fOIl"tAi". "', ""
1 / . 1 I 'ji h · C . R tie
' 'c~"d "'''M It, "" G,d, t, ,1" r ~d~ 1 l\;h'
,. .a, • Cit ....
,,," .."t.,riolll"l DrI , ''''. "''''1' rl"'"",II,"llOllr I . ,m"""". re"'Ir.
. ,i,emerome-
B., ", 'lilt " , . 'f Ht4V'1I h,"'II'''1] , ·eomflrUa "". 1I,.rij1ml ·,.ith rh, glor1,f G,J •• h".,i" "hi', or r"_
(!i"uIIN ( .) d,vlp'" mAd, Am'Nljf "/) .", erre "": !III" ,ht' il1l'"1;''' ",,,,
/I, pr,vld, Arl '!'incbcnt~
e,verta w;,h _ , t"li" II'''}. cDr.ruptio", ,otht iMt"t thlillht }/ldl",th" G,d ",,,, .00" , •• , fir cl~ltom,.
th'['pl"etJ lDII"" "Plto i"herit. If~htrtflr' ""b, ' ~th r.tfre(1:IJ. G,d,. h"v~,"" brlin";l1~ ~D~~::n~.!J
from G,d AI fr~'" 0., Crill'." Itt IIllmh IIc/:.."• ."ltdg hll glld",jJ" ""dll"ifi, h,,,,,l1 'M ","'1{1 like 'he benet
.[ '"I'. h,,"al: "", i" IIII' ""ttl,tal f".MI, ,'11; i,..,h, Sk.!r",;fh .h,r,i"I'. figh" It, fight;"l "''''''' of ,hem.
filII" ""J .v,.co",,,,I"l. t::. The flU.".
Tit of liS ,h,. h"ft, M ,hof' h"v"hll' ""e rlwAra,d ht ,h, /,,/'ollr of hi", thltt il [IfIt ;11 ""/"1.' Ao,.ls.
I"'" the gi'lltr.
If ,It, J(;"l!'114 hi, rJ..{t!'lIllr """ ,h", ht 'lflh'llr 'M" rAll/iI. flrjl,f" ,h,}trfo"/,,.
E. ,.",/14'.
~--.,.------------- -- -~ - ---
Myfteriorum P RAG ENS I U M Confirmatorum
Almo I J8r, IHartii 20.

M yneriorum eRA C 0 V lEN S I U M StephanicoraTll.

Initia Aprilu I 2. I J85"

Myfteria Stephanica.
Ake common Audcal, purge and work it by Rlodnr of

B . four divers digeftions, continuing the laft digefiion for'

fourteen dayes, in one and a fwift proportion, untill
it be Dlafod fixed a mofr red and luminous body, the
Image of RefurrecHon.
'take alfo Lulo of red }toxtan, and work him through the four
fiery degrees, until thou have his Audcal, and there gather him. .
Then double every degree of your Rlodnr; and by the law of
Coition and mixture work and continue them diligently together.
Notwithftanding backward, through every degree; multiplying the
lower and Iaft Rlodnr his due office finifhed by one degree more
then the highefr.
So doth it become Darr, the thing you feek fQr: a holy, moR
glorious, red, and dignified Dlafod.
But watch well, and gather him, fo, at the highofr: For in Gnc:
hour, he defcendeth, or afcendeth from the purpofe.
Take hold.
E c 3 Anno
~R8 ,
J truereJttti;;;jDr. OeebiJ A8ions,'I1)itb1iirit/~&c.
~VidehUjU5DieiaaiOnepr%. ~
vf,,';' IS8S.

Mh';; ~O.
ccderl!c. De Necdlirate di-
_ ·viQ~cdione, ~~. .
",Ianefdlll, allleTHlie c~l·ca' 3~'. ~D. As we fat my Study, and talked of. our af.
~airs, a'nd !If (hC~hilofophc'rl ilenc . E.K~ mt ~ ~hing lieavy'Upon his head, and heard a T01l:C, fay.
Illg_ I WIll uatTitbce•. Hr~on 1fct the .(l0l1e 10 placc.
J?;; K. Hae is ~~.v~naell ':covered'. as ~e was W,Oflt.
Lcvar • ......'.f#1,; IIr' ,N'" p.r.. ,th(ltJ~Ii""'."t Itlll"!!-
E. K.- SO wc' wiU receive-,'a t ,gafia, as the time 9£ the year doth
l::' Lo:d, t~OU }jail' fai"~ we Ilwuld at length be of olle minde.through thy m~rcie" r.ord help u.
E. K. He' feemeth to have had his lips, rewed: for the vail is fo
thin, that i t p~nnitteth his nee in manner to be .perfealy dif-
Leu" ...... $" tl,,,t "" ttJc:! ih,!i"fo", (IJIJlllth" _);11 it i, ti",,; If ,III Itt Ihll H"rTltjl
~()T E. ,,,jJr,,.iI follli ii, thftr•• " l",b,r,A"J. ,." ill"".'.
T~rict. Thl icc I mull come untO you, if 1fiil~ ,."".,.
·L., I h"TI' do'n t,f.r J ~.;", /III _'.

E. K. I pray you to deal with another: here is John, a boy in

the .houfe, you may .ufe him.
Lcv;lO. •..... T h, ' "If(. il humme folly: Bllt "efor, [l" I .,.iO lilt 10, hiJ.J,,, fro. ,,".
Rr.a ,~"r Ltjfon, it it ",.,." PIlI, ItjJ,".
A Ir~ad, I ~kc COI)Il)lqn Audcal, ale:. Take hold.
~evan. :: ... to".,., lot' t. iU fi.
E. K. Now he hatq heaved up his vail, his face is bare, it was not
his lips that had thofe, ffit~hes as it were1 but it was in his vail, his
face is a very fair beautiful face;
.6 Wc bcfecch you for God.~isfake.hiJlZlorv.nd honour. to~i,~ Iighi;and to make plain
thIS Ldfon or Conclufion.
Levan • .... ;Tbi, C'"c/''p''' .,.hIT,hI."" ;11)(~/t,J ." ,i"l tM hft iUUl th, prft, ;1 AI ",c,jJ""
for "'" and for thc avoiding of ttm,tAt;'", that arc t"'.', III "/lr /."'''''''''''' "CI'II" ,,/lr "".
It.t~ftj{r, ~.r, ,~~ t'.fij ")(!ruJfiA~fI.~r.l. . . ..
4 ,GIVG liS thq&'tfo.rc·"hls ~e~, this h:ll16 .thltila/f, thiS couofcl, 0 ·Lord•
. Ltvan. ,,,, ,; -1'/,,;, _6i1,J 1lUN'1.,,'l,JI;(I;t. ";J~N ..lj;"".,.h'i'IJp It ,iI, ,. "'f.",htrtJ.,fo
The frul!of
"'11Gb ,h, ,t4,.""
'!'V'J /h111.1'l":'" ..
""r~,~mTl'f Ita, th, &"f(llifl ..h;c~ :1'" m"ft Illfill i" ,h,
.,.tll'fG~d, !f.}DlI.hll'tlt 'hil' i/ ,.iO firl ~aufc'you t? fot(akt; iecoridly, 'it will plane yOlJ there,
the Philoro·
erher. non•• where wlthoum y"ur ftet~nbotcntcr;and(;Om whcllee 1lIben Jou~rc planted. you (ball not earlly
[ [ptlllc.~.r I,hiS,f., thllt '"/f {h'/fIJ ",,,r,,,'!r ,r"jilig, (! ~""tI (j.~ ,IAllt III "'t"'''~ thM? B,lIt t~
"'''k.! '1 ~TI,J,.t /Jill. 1M: fih,d G.d II/irk,hls Cr-c~turc. N)tTh)~ to lj\(~ or lead 10 (yca, {upcr-
natur:a:IYlfOlcc aiidwili.lolJlc,
Tl"'!IIhi'ngs,.ill tUwu.j1r"" tht ,.iII "lIa G.agrAftta i" J'''. ,hilt it h f."tId ptr{tll,
The diftf' ""a (r,,,, "Htli.
of ,he I Dllo.
F.r'f "I'! fill' I. ,J"fl{/'i",sJAtJ. C,a '''''I.h, m" ~'!4 th,{t thi",!1 hll,b G.a ."",a ".,.",,:
\oVhlleli: they wOtlder at thc one, ;hev (ball tiC forced to 15clieve thc oclicr.
.'" . . L ' ,II. 11'- ' J: • . T bl . l~ ' . h' h b" .a.
'''~'''tnJ(r, ,,,.,),,11 ~ATlt '~I'i' a c.ta ...5, 'fI Ie 0 JC'" poverty untO you, """
[.md I' fA" (,tI,,, i" Jt[pig~tif;h'ir filth) .hilt "tta hAd b, plru? h, fo"ghtlll ",tl{ thl "'~r/J,
t" ",'"
J h fh .,/ l

pov~"Y objt. f.rl., hel",Jtthh" "shil fl"'11I.

~d to us. TIH/"hi".ll, if1'" ~."JiJ,r It,t, I pllt ,.11 i" r""'''''''Allct, ,hAt I,ll "'''l Ic.",." 10/lI'f";,,," 11i')
'hilt ,.III.f' "itntfit. Jtjir,a'f m""" "tid Ii forth,
14, [rom, "l.//i..
6 1 read over the premi/l'es.
E. K. He~e he is again.
Levan. ' ..... 'R..!"a.
IJ. 1 read.
Levan....... Wh"t u Audcal?
6 God knoweth. I know not.
Lenn...... It u Gold.
A Purge and work it. How your purging is, I know nOt. LCTan.
(!.If"lie relation ofDr.Dee~6iiOlH,~IbJpiritl &c. J

L enn. .. ..... RtI.J II"J'l' fortil""J •.

Levan ....... DIAfoJ.s Sulphur.
G,"" /11 WkotNl,h ,'II
gene rilly.
t:::. Take alro LIII. of red Roxtan.
Levan. "' .... Rostan,;s p••, ...,.d ji"'PI' W;"" ;II h" J;lf.
L./4 is he, mother.
t:::. There may be in thefe words great abjguiti~
LevaA ....... 1u10i, Tucar,fimply of red win~
v/Ndt:AI;S his J..Mtr~/"'.
I>arr,(;" ih, 1In,;,tIk,,1 tongllt,)i, th, trtU N"""'f ,h, St.",. forc itwu
J t:mll AlAi". Cold.
E. K. Here he is-again. .
I htl'IJ'''' "'IIP' til f'" t'7'" 1 thil is the lirll timl. .. , ' . Tht fi.n! me
E. K. He is gone. t:::. We kllo:-,", th2t'Lspll Philo(oplllCuS (it ex n1:talh~,cam of .hrtcu,(ore
met;l11is . 8c lupermetalla,8cc'. fpolcnof.
E. K. Here ne is again·. --- All is there~
Levan....... H .... ",,,,,, I,tttrs Ar, i" eA"Jr",:---t:::.-- SiL
SI ",,,,,) ",,,,,, js thIS" 'I/I,rlt!"g •.
E. K. He is gone. t:::. Divina nobis femper adl1c gratia, & nobifcum co-ope-
r:ttuf, ad \)~i Honorem &: Gloriam. eA.".
- .- -----=--

<.MArtii. S I.
Th",.(tU,. a meridic cirC3 S hor3in.
Note, my""ifi:bem~ in g;catperplellitjcfor wlntof moiley , rcque/lee E. K. arid
fe~ of the IIntx:mll'emion might be propound~d to C!od .. rid his good Angels, to give anfwcr iii
counfcl inthc calIft? H:rcupon I p':rycd a little to thclamcrurpofe, and read the petition,&c.

We defite God of his great and infinite mercies, to gran.t us the

hdp of thefe heavenly rnylleries, ·that we may by them be direCted
how or by whom to he aided and relieved, in this neceffity that we
are in , of fufficient and needful provifion, for meat and drink for
us Clnd our Family, wherewith we . fund ~t this inftant much op-
prdfed: and the rather becaufe dr-it migllt be hnr~ful to us, and
the credit of tl~e a8:ions wherein we are vowed and linked unto his
~eavenly Majefiie, (by the minifiry and comfort of his ' holy An-
gels) to lay fuch things as are the or~aments of our Houfe, and the
coverings·of our bodies, in pawn either unto fuch as are Rebels a-
gainfi his divine Majefiie, the Jews, or the people of this City,
which are malicious and full of wicked flanders: I Jane Dee humb-
ly requeft this thing of God, acknowledging my felfhis fervant and
handmaiden, to whom I commit my body and foul.
E. K . Here is one,with a leather coat and a fpade, with a white
Coronet on his head round, hat'h a bag on one fide of ~im,. and on
the other fide a bottle, it feemeth like an husbandman, but a young
fair man he is.
Jane Dee.
Gi'IJUM' ,."to "" thou Woman, is il "",t writtt1l, th'" Wom:" ".t ;;,Id tf" S'''';'O!lIf 'th . i ..
",.cb l,jJ_ '''lhtth., tD co",. h.f.r; thetdlimony of the will of God to be fulfilled mightily, ~Ad t~ .a~;~: ~o~,
come 2gainll the 'vVorld atf<l . ag~i"tt the l10mp for money and iniquity, /Jllt bee""f. tholl ·h,,!f ' •
bftmbl.d Ilr1 f.lf, ",,11 hAft.rtf"fed tDr/lTt' 6,f01" m" til it ttC'''"''~tb ,h" I I."ill tI/lf"," 'IIh,
:illJiTfllitill, A"",ilI t tlll""rh th".
~ 'file Kt14tion of Dr. Dee his AfJiolls)rPitb'/pirits,&c.
H, thAt h"thhi, H ••foi"J"",,,,,. ",i,h • Diuh 1 "hi~h ' il tUI,,,.. /,,,,II,J ..lth' "'At" ",.ft
"tills ",•• e. ariagl ''l/It, ,hAt h, """b,., libtrtl, ,Ifo ii hi" Prif,.". ••, ,h, """1, b., if
1"";.,,, 'f
w.•.L, ..,J h.vl,., !hif' ,lIIlr i"" ,h, fit/tis, ;1 i,,.,, Wi/tl4,,;, t, br,~
~~'" ."all re, hi,!,folf fTII; .hJ cr"ft ,hi• • """"; B,bo/J, Iltth,
D;";,,g T A·
~ c,"',-
rl"g 'fth, b,JU"'.' pi,," t~ the nece/flt, ofhilllger.Behold,God fu~reth hIS Elea ~ choCen Tell'els
oftentimes to be WIthout Manlion " ,""Ar,lrB.,,!.,h, fi,Mth th, S,,,""'/,I.r.i/J,,,, ,,,,.,bI,,J
Apromif. to th" •.11~.. th, folll il {r.i/, but be faithful and obedient, and that truly, as th~ art yoked: Ik-
J... herchi1· h./4,1 h."" II,jf,,1 thZ ChillJ."", lIiIIl.f li, f"'."J 1'/III.i/l H.ill, • .,.", _ ,h" jhilll hIN,
lire", 1/...ft/, "". jh.11 I, firrml II( f.~h AI ,h",.,I, f"'.II, f'l;"', cMAft".. Be thou pati~nt ~d
full of repentance, and do ,,,,,, Ih•• haft to do, and not d~t tbou haft dOlle, F". ,10,lIICrcy 14 WIth
thee, ... well /hall come unto thee.
Of Ncccffiry, Ik"'IJ,th, S~'II'l',-,.., ""J 'f "'~Iffi', 1'• ••ft It t,"'p"J, thM ,,,,,. FAitb - , _ -
,biI, I, /,I,rifoa. ",,"4 th", "~" "'''lb, pr.ifi. !"""'''
B,blIJ tbl. fi'~ft C,."fil ,f ." 1 wi' c.""fil ,bu, Blh,la,! .../J JI~ ", thll 1 I., I p-IJ
J.c,."Ar,,,,,,, [tlf" IU"lIfo! hIN'I""" '''''tT, _h, thAI,.JliJlithth""rlhil AgAi.fl",,;
But fucb as I have~ I will give thee, ana it /hall be fuffi,ient. more then thy Telfcls can hold, or

,h, "","f-
thy daycs can thank me for•
.C'''f,a" ,h., """",." c,,,,,,,,,h . t IHI, b""lht i,,: N"~hwc.,,ft,hnI hAW_
,il thy power come; . B", c"(I., "". hi"fIr bitt". thi"gl; l.4JiIlt:, J c.""., giw ,bt,
th", th,. tUl"I .• ".0" ", I I •••, h,u, ..,.Jf, r c••"fil ,btl, let thy husband &rife and gird
himfeJf together, and let him talee flil eyes with him, and let him haft out of chis place: For my
thinks thcydiltemble; Lo,lec him !land before SceT~n, and let him yJlit Lasley, ,,,U,,,,,t.,, h,
ji"J hi", lilt li'l/;"g: But if he liTe he is dead, thCte /hall you fee that I will felieye thee and do good
unto him, and WIll bind up the J awes of the perfecutor, that he may go on.
Note, "It
7 bIII..,t ,WI""", ""J th, i"ji,.",i,i" (.11•• tbt" r ~'."fil .i,"'"'.'-fo, fUilhwJlII I
Onc!lIltDI1, flirre ,h" II, tt/,,.Ic.': B.I f",h, fllilh l.iIl WWA,tl ,btt: ~III 'III ft"."" iI 'H_,tAl:! it,~
yet IOCOIllC,
,kllt/'t th•• fh"" I, tb, "", .hit"t and m()te nt:trer: B,hllJ, I go before anll he th., foJJ",,,h
H..u{,z"; "" Mtb .,I/."t. ";,,,f,lf, f"'! M ..,1/."" th,f, thAt (.11",,,,,; C.ft II.A,
f'UU" NIH· .",1 (weep your Hou(cs, ,Jq bu."S,iM,.1 , ..aIf tbl."- RAts.', rhil illhl jirft ,i""fh., I
l'~ "'.''''.'';''1,
~r;, h"tI'''''f'''tntl ,,,hillei•• ill tbl l",tertlA,,,; Lt. I g""
6 Lord,it was {aid unto utas a W~tCb-w~, whm S,n/"II Mell'engers {hould come for us, that
then we {hould gn. Now his MdfeJ1&CUare I\ot yet come, &C,
. ...... If th, BriM/,,.., iIN"' ,bt, hi-f,lf.•h., ""tU'th,. 1m fir'll""',
6 Now is the dIfficulty for money gttartt, for if we had wried together, lell'elDOllC1 would
iJlTe fmed tlieD now it wiD do, &C.
~ ...... Tho. h';.fI"'Ic!J~.""ft/, rM;"."f,ltJ thi" if it ,,,4, ,hI,h,.,." Ii f""" h .,,
with ,bt, if'. t.",; ••t ••ch In",. ifi""'l'; I have numbrcc! thee, but be not proud, but be-
N,r,lAw"..u cauk I haTt numbr~d,diminilh noc thy kif, leaLt when I find noc the number, Ifindnotthee alfo,
••6i{,1I/fI1•• if thou wilt any thing elie, cheletre, uid they can fay unto thee~ but who ~kcth with thee thou
~";IIII, knoweR not.
E, K. He is gone.
£:. Sllring here i. matter unlooked for, we arc flined to ask qucfiions noc thought of before:
Therefore,O Lord,fend wbom it pleafe tbee to us.
A Toicc •••••• S."t "';A htril.
Deo noltro Omnipotenti lit omnii uus,Honor, GlOria, & Jubilatio. eA",,,,.

21 M"rlil Mane: circa horam 9,
B, K. came to me and asked me ,hi CircJ,,, Copy thereof which was fbewcd to him it Ollt-
for.L, and he had written OUt, or defcribcd bJ the light -that was /hewed to him by tRe fpiritual Cr~­
ture, he Intended as he Caid to {hew it to a efuit, and to asle his counCel of it, 8c!=. haying a great
mifliking of ourfpiritual friends, fayin~, that they.", tbtZ"ttIt Dl'ZIlIll and fo the ktferth:at he
d ealc wi thaI befor~, gne place unto them, ecc, Hereupon I told him I would ask our friena c8UI1-
fd, before I delinred any thing of theirs to ,h,"
""",It, ecce He would prefendy hne it, arid
with great threats moll tenible aOci cbngerous t~ me, he wilkd me to delinr it (hait wayes ,•• I be-
ing occupied with writing a letter to the Queens Najcllie, faid .lI'eoi\ ~s I had lafute I would&iYe
it hilll, be raid he would tarry my I"fuse: I told him that would fcarce be this fom night, I had
fo many letters to write , he thereupon grew in fuch a rage that be faid 1{hould not,.lfeonefoot
beyond him before I did delinr it him .', at le~ he raCe to /bueche Door of the Rudy upon lilt
larole and went after him and took him by the l'l1oulden to k~p him from the Door, and withal
c:alled alOUll to my folks; Come here (how) here iJ violence oiIi:re411Dto me, whereupon cbcJ came
@A "lie relation of Dr. Dee his Atfions,'WithJpiTitl, &c 39 1
in an,and my wife, and Ie, afterward by degrei:5his fury ~(rwaged ~ an<! my tolks) my Wife :1nd .his :aW1Y = and ,,!.ter he bad littent~o ort?ree h?u!S with J!le, . he ~aw on my head as I fat writing
t,Mit/;"el {bnd with atword, and willed him to lpeak, which he did forbear to do, aoove aquar-
ter of ·an.bour, as E. K. raid: At lenoth he frue as followeth - -
E. K. Here a ppeareth Michael on your head, and ha th bid me
diV6(S thnes to fpeak to you.
CJ. I dilpofcd 011 felt to write, .nd Michael bnd bring the Ston~. .
E. K. Here appear l'l With him, -4 behind him, and -4 on each
fideS of him 4, and all with fwords of fire, and he the hindermoit of
them had a Barrel of Claire on his back full of fire, the l'l were
all in red Co:ats.
Mid,ae\ ...... Tbt '7'r.pbtt.
NII1I~ trg • .vot,,,,. lACi...", D,m;nt R,.,- 'lHo"iAM.Ii cit/it"1 h~c ~Jipc.-t" fllerlt, & ipfill~"'"- J trarl rAp,l.
,i/"ti f,ur,nt, tI.:[c,,,[iI, tibi non .rJt Ca:I.{yTlA"" ".qu, i" PhlJinicem, c.
E. K. Now they all kneel down about him ..
They look pilifu'Uy with their faces upward, as tho~gh they were
praying, they be all in blood red Garments, and Michael his fword
ill as ·the fword I once did fee him. have; whore edge did open.
E. K. Now anlwer ~e to the purpafe: whether Hhilli havc:l
the Circle of Letters which I did defire ?
MIchael ....... 11th", A"! file! ""t"I""O Jeh'lIAh ill "'ilVI" !,,,d ill E,,)"th, Ir ,.-" tb,
",;" rifo lip [{",illg] .-g"i"ftthu, A";' /b,,1J ,bel ftAlld ~ 0 th•• ", 1.,It;, ",.re tttri~/t lin,.
th, A"gtll, the".,.11 the ji,tI.",bi~~ tb,,, hAjj cr'A~'tI., eit.h,r iff th, bDtt~m"Jft pj~ .r in tht "f, of
"/JEI.,,,mt,,1 Cr,..,.", , or Alnv: In tb, he_,., if tbtl ."Ire t"therld t'l.uh,r '" /HIt C";' be It,-
~~~~ -
HAft th,II"" ",,,th H,"Vtn ,,"tI E"fth, ""dhAft pHt th, htAd '10 ",h,,.,, tI"d th] fm [""".
wbere; becAllf, ",Jlmllt thtl ther,;s ",t, ";tb,1Il 'hit ,h"ec""lIIJt 10, ,
o th,,, th"t h"ft "u",b",! tb, St"m/, IUId "r:' 1).-illlls 'D,,,,i,,,,,,ti.,,, M,,,, ,h;ji ,hM g ••
wr" th,,,,, IUIA".." i,.ltno.",tetlg the" 'MIT. q~lIer""""t.· 711011, TIn", Wilt th.1I f"ifer th,
N,,- ,.10, t,.J,u" IInkr {DDt 1 Th,u, Th,lI, Wilt ,b.. correCf tbe Htllff"", IUIti. the."hole fwl
.f""''' r Wilt tM. d,..",,. the W,rltl. "itb "'''t''', ""tI. , ..t ib, ",iGlc!tI. fro", tb.e f"c"f th, E"rtbt
W,lt ,b,1I c.ft tI.""" ,h, I.thfo",t ""A ."icle!tI. Citill, th.., ,h" ""! gro.,; I" ,h,u",s, 4f'11] j"Jg-
_",e", r HI;!t tl;,l1 f,,,a Ii ",,,,,! PI"glles i"" El!Pt'
Wilt tMII {uff,r .tltht{,', h, Mill ""tI. ",,,,,! 1Iin:'""",IT"bl" ",hicb ",., ,,/I '''''m :
A,,1i .
,boll ,.".",it one MA"; ,ne Soul t. be tblll c,,"iea ""A, ",;tb SAtlUl t, ,b, J.ijh.nollri"g "ntl. treAa- One i1IUj~
i"l II" {DD"f tmt, .-"d th! ligbt.f tbtt, ""tI.,hi trllth. _ ~- K.
1{lhe King t.ultetl. hi", .",hirl! 1II.g"ijilJ Trllt/; b'fDrttb,ft",,!.tb ""Ii 'P,liq ,[W'IIl;": IX- ;twtAi.
flll,d him before hIS P,i"u;, A"tI. CAllfoti. f,r hil fAIr.! the 6u,lJ.jllg or 'hit T''''ple "g' fIT'" .-rtl. :
W,/r ,h.II 110: pumlh him that ddpifeth truth, ~hat prefcrrcth the w~ntonne{{'e anci """ptll.ufntj[e ~r"_cb.4_H j
.f the World (tb.tlrr".tftrllmptt) befortth,.,."tI., 3ndbcfarc thc llrength6f a heavenly Au- c_
tbority: drt tb,II f. bre.",e Alitt/",It, thA' ,h~" Art I.ffe then" Ki"g r h"jf th.u tNr"etl.tb, f.-Ct
fl fAr .(ide th.-, tho_ folN "dt t~i' 'R,Jbelli,,,, {'U p"e ",,,,,-bt ,u"r" lI11t' thle tbe" the Tlih.l,
W"IA."iII 1 .~ fh.tllbe "e"'1It1" b, thro."" heAd-I."g ,u."", ""tl.jb.-Il h, g ••"&orrefletl., HAft
tb.1I UY.ullnt~ilitJ ""tI. St'".'III1CTldtil",,. , ,.t.'! t.h~ "'.hic~ tb•• c~"ft for,. th, PrAij,;,,,J. Ho- An t ~ri"t
.,,,,.? Arc the,~ n?t yet l .. fal1[s which may be la~6bfied te lpeak With the H~aTens ., t~.., tMII fi is r:':idicd.
",,uft th, folfl ""'''1 fr.", l"lict; WhM, H-h"t; if thofe that ofocn cry for grace receive: it not, yet
doll thou give it UlltO him that commeth ti'om it. N,t••
S""t ft"p" Ceeiis, rJ' ft",.., '"ril.
"",,,t, """., fi - , Fir" ill .,."it liP"''''' f-!pc;t", "",,,,SiIt,,,,.,,i,b fJ'lIft""tt tlg"i"jI tbn Notctheaun-.
."IcI:!J ,,,, r 0 ,h,1I B,"ft, 0 th,II "",i;'l Li,;" 0 th,. tMlllft,,) 0 ,h,1I whirl!"/, 0 tho" ,,,_ IICtof Jllfticr.
,ill, Mllrth,rer.
E. K.
H.ft tb.u pl.-&', b,.J./.".!. "'''''! t~"f""J.1 jll'. Hell, ItfId ..ft th,. IJ"g,r tI '"gu1''' this imp,
whom th." h"ft [, I,nt. f'"g''' for r
"'it not WI ittefl, lea:1 perad,enture be find them Ileeping,and fa overcome them. .
Bllt t be~ltl• .,.,b,,,, rho..ji.dtft {lltpi"l, ;, r,.J., f" tb .. , ."igi,,!. f. g• ."i,h the, • ."blft "IIrtjl
1h.1I? frt ,b,.. fo b,ltI., " /.Iw "",,,,,,,, "",. th, ,J1i";ft".,,. t'''f'II''A, """ufo bli"a,h"t ,hiIH
.-ft "" i" fl I"'" If" Hi/ll IJ'h,IJ~
B~hoJJ., th, tMilUjlmcr, ."t "III. ,ho" IIIHl {~"J,,," ,ml, c.I;': th,. Maller, King.
T.1t.! h". tM Ci'7. II,.t i,,;lt, t~ hi,.
,hf .".N, .f i, i,,., lift'.,.p, ...., ,h" ,.", ."",
th, M,/fe"!,,Uf ,h, ](i,,! ",.tU ",illt., "'f", hi, fllCllh", it.,,1II "t"i"jI- hi' ,&,~Ji",."
h.1I1,ht T''''pluf ,h, L".""t/, II" ,.
h",,, ,h, Ci" ",. fo""" ,,;,"", ,h, w.JU ",.,J,jI""l,
I .{tJrM ~ &.. i,c""fo it /bould hinder his pallage into Ccdofyria, and the fcll.
E. K, Now the 1'1 (he excepted) fall down.
M'Ch •• i .... 4"J.,h, Mill,ft,r"II1I. IMI "" {1Ii4 "1It.,h,,, if ,hil7I,rlr...'f ,h, r-.!.f,r-
..."', if,hI Ci" f"""""fr.,,, ,h, H,.",II, ••, ,.,ceiv,. ,I,,,,,,
{t, "" /tlfl i". iJthf Willi,
lI.a It."'pi""f ,],i, ,hilt tIIMilitiit """', (hili' II, ,I"e,.,•••
,;LIIC' -f th, W"la,. "tt,h,B,h,IJ.
Blh,/J, ."i/l;, ",tlm,d" ,hr.c"II{' • .",/1 it "", {II"", ,bJ K'.g4l"", .",11 ii_II",. ,bt"."f
'DIW' , -ill i,,,., IIri"l ,h,,·,. .urri"li", "'1'" ,h, Ltr4?
Is it .,t w;I",,,, th", th"t " ' (hall be terrible to ~t3J;1, and his Ar.~ell?
A"• ."lIt ,h,,, (-fer. DOl' """p,.,a, ..her,ilf;' .,,' '1111.' i i,II.hwl,h ,h" s"''''' Mr,,.
it"J th, i .., i, ~''''1Itlil ,hel",.,. a,,,.,,p 'h, ."•• ,"
vt"J if,hD" i"If.a" pi""., .11,."h 1· t/II" i,,,,.,
gr,.", ,i""",!,t,,,.,, """. ,,,, thit M'f-
r"l' fr."..11,.,,,, .
C/), ,b,
M.ft"ltrlgI1l, thlt .,mU,,!.f ,hlJi thi"I~' .ojl ,b."lHlJ.i"tlr... th, fir": . ."hI" ,h,
P"'Ir' .illi"r", ,hI Ci,." ",."Ia t/,j,1Iff'it ;"It,}" h...J./ 1i1MIJ.~'M.. ti,."" th, .".11.i'f.,;
."hit / {.Z IIrt ,hD" lik! II "lIIr,
D.,r, jt""a 'p'" ~'f'rtlQt' • ."h"lIIr,jI
ih", I.{t,h "':"''''.'';'!' 111'1
P "',fligirll ·: 8.-
D'ft th,,, .".", jirt, I"b, (h., IIelr.,,,"- it h.,h jir,f" ,b", "", ""_.
B,h,lJ., h,.ff''''}, hi",ft!f. c''''f.'' "uti, wb,U .",."I4IjI ,h." "''''',-"." ;heft ,hi,,!, "11w. h,••
tr,iJ,lI; Tholl (A"jI ~t g' ".,,,h, H.ll. AlIA: &/flt"'I" h,,,,,ft
rlft,Ix {"1i"ts If 'h,.{~r"•."t" ..,,}'i,h ""i. ,htl 'SItS"", if tiJ;, (i'1"dllil, , .1urtl,Ju·...a,
IIIttlinrl, ",,,hlr "'I r,-
L-J thIS 'PP'!'tlUrit" ",h, "ci IIrt rM" f, f,rl"f,,',o. G,., gr,,,,
il ,hI rtUrci". _ f., .rt th••
dre. , ,h, fi"lItso/",.,,: 0. ,h,,, If" .,,11 (hlltu!f .p tlu 'l" ,j ,h, ..fe...,., ,hili ,hi,
c"IIIt {t,
'J'II,h II·,f"" thm r"" , ""; ,hi,,,r.,,,,,, [,hi) ";,,licI ""ajigb, i{ S.'''''. ,hill ."h"., hI J!-'•
• ,ft ,,,M
b, mi/Jt.lh ,hilttI"". ""a ."h,,, ;i"" for1ltlb hilll, t"~"t be 1m,,}, it ,.ft,
M;, •• il;' 'D:; . 6"t {" {D. G,d, ,hD"g'1IIft t, ."h... , ""• ."h", ,b." ."dt, "".'1Ie" AI rh,,, -.,, ,,,,illl, ;"
*[iritlmli", J"jli,-" {D 11k!,;i{, ." ,'''" "".a,rf'" ill -.rcl; 'Ihmf",.fth" is /U I"., willm c•• ",.JMJ
This th,l,'lAt "'''CT ;, th, e••{, ,h", ,hi, "'.f,hI""", .1UII,Ui#1I i,
c""f' 'hilt S"''''' ",ift,h h" ",.~~; All.
oil ",i:.~ """'v
,It ••
p,.,,;Jbt. j Thi,l, u"
If"., """,,,,,,k! "l'" "" ,,,ith,,, .",Jli/, ..,,,....,,h h, -,
''''ptr~'''', lilt,
• ,." ']J"t I" .."h,. , h", h ",.t/, It, ..J ""lIith itt,.hill;'t"", if "W, h, "X";", J,jh-" it, .iI
h, ,,11 1I"i,,! D ..II. ,h.p ,b., ·ft "". hi", .",,,Je, '" h;., 1 Mort ,.,,..,,,i' I, it, ,II", ",hi" S"':
,,,,,jhoumh ",,1. hit",h th, ",.rlr..., ,b.i h,fbolllJ II, "liII4, ,'.,f' &liIlJ, thllt he lr..."",,,h ",ttllhtr.
'I/X",h" lip hil ""'" 1
J £{tl'M "1' B,,'
I., thl T""p'I,."", II"i/t , ""J,b, ('I" ftllJ , III,h'''lh,ht .."lr... ..AI I,ft ,f f,r "."hil"
""d hllb"t ",,,/,r.ijid ,ru,h ...",., .,,;,h gl.a 'iJ;.",."ej,hlrt/,jiri~lri~h.,,.,.,,, wi~her t• ./it fUJI'
,h, King, II", ,hAt ,1" Ci'1'f ,h, Loril ",if.h, II, "'''ilt, "". ,h", ,h, N_,
IIf G,J ",igh, J, "'''t.-
IIp,J, fo /h,,/lit II"It!,il ell, .hich ,h, L",l hll,h {e", a....
."ilil hil ji"l", his uillearch~ble
Allj,_: and WOJld~lful truth: t~e Revelation anti law of rime to C"lI1e, it /ball b~ tUllt, it !haI180 url/b, it
IhaU nand, it 1h~1I endure, it flull be magnified, Jt !hall' be fpoken of througb all the World, and
it {hall not cC31~.
BlhDl., ,h, King,f Ki"l' b"th"U,.",. i, ""J th,lo'lt of truth, ;1 """,."ithhi"" ."h", hAlh
h, ,. J, ."i,h KI1tI" " ..h",;" ""."h h, ,h, ",,,,,t,'f ,b, EIV,h r l)oluini ell tern, ok plcni-
tudo ejus.
wh.foe"" ,h,."f".., ft":It.!,h "",. "",h, /bllil II, ·t:Jt"I"J ."i,h G,., ~hirh;, ,h,
Ki"g'f ](i"I'
Jh"fl h"'''l"iji:J ~f'" his C.""foU.r~, "" C,,,,,/,/1m for,-",,,."";;'l, ill, C·""jill", ,,,,.l:j"l'f
hll, w,1I: ",t c"U,a C,,,"I,fUI'/; ill rt{pta,f ClU/,lJill, hi",. ""t ;.,h", ,b" "I" .,.a, rri'rli,'f
,b, C'''"fel 'fG,.: B'fm,h'f, .If.fh.1I h, N "'.l"iji,J.
E. Ie For what end faith he all this.
0." /"jitl.tls,""d If littl,!:
- "ith. ",hici;,,,ft if ,b, ",'''' ,h.,
was hidden from thc 'Prop'hm,
."hich "rll"tr-/bilJi",eJ",j, ,h,ligh"fh,,,,,,,,, .."hi,h htrf}, "I."",,, '',,rea .."i,h ,h, h.l,
tM,,,,j1trSlf G, I , ."hlr"'" "I" ,II" f' jI'If·"'~k! iJ.. ,1"'fAltS is the rokc wherein you arc link(d,
""J h,,,,,,,,"~/e it ,he ",rtb chili T'. ar_ ,h, Fl•." "; ''', f",hI LwiJf,Il•.""h, ."d hi, A"I,11
Jriw, ."a t.h' (tlll,h"t IS I'''''' foliO beth, iltgilil.lingof gloty.
0,11 jliff-lItclt.!. , ..,1" ."h, ['''f''k.! "" "." ."ijit",i,., " 1'''''• • {fr.,
frl- ,."r f"ith
'';.1'' "'i1ll" i", tUT•• ",IIi(j",lIchl1/ the l,fJI'tb'f ,huM,h? D"o,; Mli"h, i.her d."I"h"t
1 ",.If.'
ArU, r D. 101IX;1I' rf'CIrr,tfCl. t, ,h, I;i,,:, ""J JI""J 1'" i.f,., t. ~r'.k..hil L_;/? hiUJ,
Jill. ,,,;',,r L.rd Ih,,, th, L.r••f H'•.",,. .... E""b, h..", J.II til ,
"""'i,r j,.",ls " ", c,,,,-
1"". to hi. Grace? h..", J'''''''' b,_,11 1i.,.,II, ,b"",,,,,
jI""J"p .g"h,jt ,hi C,.,."",f H,.,.
e.A".", 9{~l",;on ofDr. Dee bit Af1iol1l, 'lZ'itb JPirits, &c. 393
"'.' ",lImrritb q.J cr"""tth th,f. ,hili ".r, riEl,r, r HII'IJ:"6.",,, LII'" ["'tlfer Ihm tb~ ,."
i8Ihf1i..,;,,,/, ""Jf"," d.", lilc! cpm!.rIJ;·the voices 2nd preCenc:e of the holy angels?
Bj ",i"Jf"I,I" ",i"tlr"/,,,,,a lift ilp ,6.r f,hm, ",,,a"e "ot [,Ji"d, "ilt w'jia" th, ti;"e of ,ou,.
fJijit"'u.", ""a ,b,It .• bich ,.u aD, il tbe .,..,.fl..of "K",i,. "Xi"g ",hichill/hle i" pcfll,r..!'r.",-,b,
""d "'''f,jit ,. ,:u/t , ••, 1# Jlr'''l,h", "", ",,,14 to "'Ak.! ,OM b."."rlfbl., "H' i" tke ,,,a of ,h. n-
fir";'", ""J ill tb, rmAr. of ,our rAi,hfll/".ff., .or~ "O" ••a", "",a he·forr, t9 "'." 0,. ; lJIIt I",
[ITr". "./ilk, ""a e.",i",,, ,."r I"b,"r, III.JI p,r",J'II''''.'' G.ti 1I""ooa•.,.i,,II;., ."d ;"If!t.., 'pm rhi
ft~btof S"",,,,, ",,,a!. deliver ''',.
W., "', "••"/. !ht", thlft "'r, a,li'llerea, f.r h.ltt'll. ",,,heir friblll"fiM ;J trut.
Ther, il /,o".",.",,,a l""jbi"g of teeth, ,h.r: il",.;f .r, ",,,a 'IItf1geA(l&t f.r.'IItr " ,h.r. iJ hir"roi1r
",,,14 ,h• .,...rm ofc.nfcie"".
BII' ,,.. thingJ llre,o h. ""pa.rea. here, .herh.r /h, te"'p,,,/io,, 17, gr•.,er 'hUt the refiJl""u,Dr
th".fiJl"lI&e, ",.rt dig";jka thm the rig.,.f tt1rJpt"tion.
BeboU"IN ,.or/(.il1.""', the I,,[, •• r 'NlJo ''1"AIII'''. it; t.A"a t. fith, Ifg"inJl ,he 'Prinw.f
d",'<.",jfi i" II ""ttAil, "'1"irah f.,e"lflTc••
Thl ,e,.,tllli"" ,h.rlfor. ,hAt f'OO,."", ",lIft fI.,al b.gre"t, I fie the refore the t.emptation,
furml)umeth your llrength, and your dignity i,".t fHch All"" r~ftft "g,,;nJl it; F.rwh" S",,,,,
jfrifltlJ,.or ,.itk ,o.,fi"'pl, forlh~fi"""f Aa"I"r" for ,h. dr.LI of For"i&lf/iOfl, f.r the COll.-
rD,ua(jirIDf",."." f . r ,h•• IfIl'OfChllTill, .,.hte"uf. ,oll~r. p,..,f4d ; ]Ju, h,ftri"',lh. ri[er" up
"l"i,,/1 '0••"a t~m'ttth ,011 Ifg"i,,/f tilt L.ra, ."a Allfinft ftrl"!,th ofhiI1rHlh,,,,hlr.Hnro TOil
. " II.ff.a: Therefor., I gi'll' jellten".
Lo, hecA"f' fh'''''.''' hlflh ""r,d illlo ,." ""0'111 ""r po",r, IIna nOf Jo ",Hch for tlie /,J-
fI,rti"l '" of tll1 'rIorfl...r ,-h, L.,.J inu"4tJ, and of necelJity to be done. . Sit. nurn '[N'
T},,,tfore, I pr,u.a n'/lfglfi"JI,oll • /'11; "~IIiIlJl S",,,,; , A"a G.a /hAJJ d.ft'll.r ,Oil from "Hr emi tU't p.jjl.
re"'p'Ari."I; A"d thi, {h"n 6." fig" ""a tO~", ,h"t l,.iII h"",per ."a hriale fh. f"wnof ,h.~ mil! quod ~t~
tie"", ,hAl ;1 10 flf" f.lo"t .1 th." (Kdly) :lrt in this Adh, never !hall there appear, or vilibly !hew iU sm~ ... f,..•
himCdf untO thee any wicked or evil (pirit, neither !h.alt thou be haled in peeces, as thou halt been, /111m ~1:~11.
wboiatver therefore appeareth hereafter is of Go~; For thy eyes /hall be !hut up from the wicked 0 .

objet!:. Edntelletlu cuo ~on introibit umbra mortis. . _ . . en..,;., E;JC

B"t ~JII',Al:.! hud, thGIIlither PtrrI"Ji or froward , (htf·ned:ed or dl[obedlent; Th. finn. fI of dtl~CtPI.
,h, folf, ""J jh"g fAIl .p."th." ."J IhoM Ihalt not be Cpared as thou hall been '; N.,.
l irJ II! '0'" {tlrm, ."ad. ,h• ..,.,i/I./ .b. .lft"" ""d
Hith.jf, pr,f"" If"• • or[hip 'rulh, thAt 1'" ",,,, lu If/- Verlllll.
fo ".,.fhipp.a. Lift"p ,.ur fil'llel, AI the jer'll""'lof G.a, AlIa h,lp to bri"g fro",s IltIto the hUi/J-. .
. .

•"g.fthi, tr.AlPt., ,h"t ,,"maybe-oltcnersof tbe Gates , ... ,h"r,b''''itt· horf,mA,.,,- .. E1MJ'.J~1 U!D •
.-. J L h h J J'r -
t"••nat.,,,, " .IIIItreth",,,,r.fII,,r,,,,,,,.1t on'IIT. - hh " 1'O<·t'P· 9· •
GT."ter ,IN",." An;" ,b. dig,,;t!.f ,r",h,.r. ".t AfII,ng! ",.,.tI.l_", ",ith" jh"g IhlT. b,,,,,,, """.,
"-"1ft "'DThl""" thAt [h.1l ",or, d.[pifi the W,rIJ Ih.n 1011, rb, hlflh God {r"",ed ,,,e.f Dec r-p.
1'" AI .ftiff, ",,,Ik ",jJi , ,. hi"d IIp ,h, e'lI.u"".c, .f Hil _/c., •• l t. b, fret fr.". ,iel4;"l "./.
SIIIII1I, ."bich .",11 II"MrJlII" tb., SAl"" ",d''II,''re,h , ""J IhAl bil M ill;JleTI cr, Ollt "1.i"ft
,hilll.ri."1 h""itAti.,,, ,.hich hoint {",;I" tb, ,.it:'l:!~ CI"" "ot t .. Ca:loCyria, ",it/ltr [hAD tlu, fi'
th. 6.".tl'(
'fill ,h, Pha"iru.
WbI" hllW rwl ,h'!I.,-b;"!J 161",' "glli", .• IIi/, p'"J" ,b"" .• ,II.
t:::. We read them,. tl)4 the pl3ce~of ~f.r"l ~ one in ,the fecond Chapter of the third BOGk of
E/JrM, arid the other in the third and fourth Chapter of the Caule Book.
1!-. K. Now he is here himfelf alone. Jp."hok til.
MIchael...... A WHa tr,,, lip ."a ,h,
Trell "'r' ,0""1 , lI1Ia 1o, 'h~r' AtO(. "gttAP T,,,,p ..JI nob" d"ob",:
,h, ,.t
f"", HIrth, A"a ,he $ 'lAl thrm ,he "ir ,hAt bAa f,,6ti/l, ftol" hm.f,lf ,ntl ,hem, ·""a the
.,.i.J, WtT, ~rt"t ""a ".bola,lh.,e .", on, 1',e, .,..bich ."., .Ider th." tht rt(f, ""a h"a gro.".,do"g"-
Ir Ih", thA, ,.hichjhotllph, him; rhil rrttt."la flDt be t11ll'1mA ..,.,i,h the ",ina, butJhl Tr" thllt
"'"11~."L, ,.11, ml1Wd " '" "a fl" ,.ith tbl "-i,,a, ""a Jlmlt.. hi",!.lf .ft'''~i'''f', upo".,ht.flifffet
T rlt: T h, f.rt}fer CA"" ""a ["h,It4 , ",,14 f"ia "'ithi" hi",r,l!, the fo'" if ,hit..,.,,,,.. It grtlft, .fe'
.hll !HI"l 'Tne be"mh J,i",jilfi" Fteui Ifliei"ft ,I" gr."m ~ I fIIilI g. homl , ~"a';'i1l ~ri".t .",~
1ro""a ,,,./1r",,,.,,,1 ."a ,.,J/
"lfdic"ll hi"""".. I TP;{! pllf(t bll" [,mher off: Th.n if ,h. ,.,ntU com.,
he1"411 hA'IIt rqo", ,: m011t: :SUt .he" ht c"",. ho"", tht Lora of thl Wood fui"g hi.", i" '" reAai-
ftIIf{c,f1fith bil M"t,DC ... ""d htl fpIlJl",AJ~il hi", 'f his 10i"X;whicb-,0/4Ih, ,hi;,g i,; ml.r io hu M"~
Jler; }1HtJ~. hu MI'.r r."b,,~A h;""I1"" b. f"id, ,hlU,..,.,h.,h. ",ina, "re "or the'f incr.If{t"h.,.,..
"ot h"rtfulo"t to.the oth'r, (Ufftr. th,,,, tfltrt!lre, ,..h~n Ih. ,D",,!.TTle ,iClc!lh"..o",II"a foAO 10D':-",
"""'fo"'~ "IITI;h"is roots Ih~~ link th~iriIHvi:s with afld uuder the root~ of the greater; '[he" ,b."!,,
tbe ,.i"dl C,''',, ,I..,
[hAlt "01 he hurlf"I'."e to ..",tI"" but fb.tll ftlltfJ. [0 ",,,,1. rh. ",or,'/..ft; h,
how "'~"I) ~h. ",ore tb.l are ~rapl'cd togeth~r,"If,,.he,, ,h.Dla,rtl 1I'irh",1h, h. foA/l b,,, JI"'''l., h
.",• • ,m,,,,,J {h!)1I3ddc unto hisagus much as he hath atI~ed untO 1m 1'1'luth.AlId I.e et:llfoil t. dIg:
. . B, 1Wt thlTtf.,.. hAI(a i" fl!'(der ~ ".ither: "e 10~ ~rn~t4 ,,,. "' IIMt~r),~.a"~",",, Rcr;lCon
woulc:Hn'You aiide: . Bot GtlltwllI not. 1I,bolJ"ifJ",6t..J:. th, ,oA:! /Ji,c, tOllllrllflo) ."Jrll~'
.ft'''T/I., that erretb !hall peri!h i I'llen fo /h"'O h, thllt JI""dub .If, be de!.l",e: f.r ""J;fIH dH-
'fID' ""z;.;,nllti""ttb".t "ith oll,:Bllt he Ihallletutn home,and !haU nOt lec tbe cnd ~f the Harvell.
F f .Lotc
tove therefore one another, ."d ~-f"t ,., ."" htr ; f". p, ,b., "",(".,,,h hh II,..,&r, 'ifill""
J'r;lIIiriIfCoIIh hilll{ilf : and when one is a WC2ry, let the other draw; F,.., ."h,,,,, . , .m. ."""., 1"
v"i_. "'",lItd; th, firft il ,.iJ I [ , il "If' ,b, t,lIth; Ew. Ii ,h,,,.,, ,h., is,,.1Iju4 II,.tth [rilit
(0,,,,,. tbl. ,h,u ."hi,,11 grtlTlltth ,f ,h, [114. N,'."ifhff""Ji"g, """ h..""h," pl.~, i" ,IN Or-
chArJ, ,h, Might Ilf thA'lid4 ""f, aA" "4m""r "'111' ,.,,1, 'Vtr S.,.""r : ' Le'lPII,h ,;,IJ""..
I. ,.ip, f,r 1"'1'1; Solomon f"ith,i, ug.,4 f'" thM ''''''t m." ,h", "'l]llh ,1" WIII!,i'f his,1dtr ;
[" tbl C~II",i1 H'"fi thl things th", rh" h""JI, N' f'" their C-""n.wtAl/h; N./withftAlf4-
iff: h"th hir","" ""a J'g"u, ClIft "",. ", 1Ip'",,8 ,b,llg! ""d ;." fh"" h,I7Jt ''''''''' plll; Peter;II
[M] hilfllfAli,,, pr,,,,h,4 th, f.III, G,!!,I ,b.t ,h, r,ft"'f th, Apoftlll ai4, 11111 he TVIII grtlt"r thm
Prltr. thereft, ",t i" "[,,a'f hil ..Ap,jlle/hi" Hor ill re[P,a'f fuai"l. "Hub", Gea m'th, kJ,p his
Ord. {'rT/I.' order, as [he chicf amongll: them, ."h~h pr,ferr,a Peter firft; '1 h,r'fore!;, "0/ ft""",r,,. B"t I
tI.,. ,0",,,,AII4 J'" in ,h, N,,_ .f hi", ,h.r {t", me, "114 "".,,[, "" hAvl vO'I,cd Ihllt the one of you
Y'or ••• ~". did nothing withollt the others counCe!, III,."ithft""aillg {h"a l'" -"': be tw, ~'''hfoUlrs.
7htrtflr,.i",hi"gsth., ."t.b,done, ,h, D,,,. '''.pi"h, jllperiiJritJ; TheScer let him
fee, and look after the doings of him that he fmh j For you arc but olle body in this work.
E. K. He i:; 'gone out of fight.

£:; As concerning my Letters and bulinell'e inco J!"gIAIIJ) I thought good to ask counfcl wha,t
I were beft to do with the Letccrs to the Q.ueen and others.
Michael ...... GAth,r., -I,h, ~lOt-fEnoch, the Seal and the Angel ofthyCountrey,deal with
£:; I found a Door, in the name due to B,.itAII"iA. vI""l S'

his .rttibcd
Michael ...... 'fh,,, fhAlt ClljilJ fottl th, ".",h~, ,h," APPCAr;"l, fir th, '"' ."[."",,b
t. the .,he,.II.,,6i,lI.
coiny n~lii H 1TI",,,,.ft ,hili J.;II All.
~n:~~cc~e X;"J_II AIId EjfMIJ, both how, and what thou wilt, that thou hall not is thy own errour.
p.... 4icc of f- Note....... "'mUrff_III' .",i h,r,. ,
~(~ hi. Boot. h.", '!'I'
wh,,, tb." "'.ilt thi"t t, "" ill tb, ""'rid, ill humane affaires , f"t""b;"l ill Sigillo 50·
s'C,I/- meth, Enoch hll B" worldly 1JH/v
..£irInb. . '
Lib" ~~ltb.
Nece ch..
V crltas in CreIOe
RaJ.. Imago vcntatis , in terra.
Imago imagini refPondet.
Clelepia au~em pet1UJtHl' " CtEla.
£:; I befeech you.
Michael ...... <J).,.~,j[I'tel4tth "." Jight: FAI["*1",J 1ft, 1Itr;t.t; ",AI_ "'••
B",,,,,,;,, ,h, BlDt'l Enoch thtr,
,,,;1 , tbt P,.i1K1 'f tLlrt",p;1 1'IIi/.
."",ft th., .rc,,,,l, thtr,.r"btr, A/fo th,f, ,bM Ar,
vI,,4 ,b.f' ,vi/ thtr" M ft.". ,,, hil fiJ,: III,.i b;1 Minifters gi,e place to thofe that
are good, fo do ~yalfo.
Noce. ...... B", M i,~,.,.j"l ,b, _""". h,." tl ,b., :BHl, 1.",,,lil:IA4I, b..
Michael....... Sua MIl,fua dicunr.
£:; I undertland diis to be required at his hands that gave us that Book.
Michael ...... Poloniate expcttat, lie qui EST pra:ceffit.
'."";.. Cl. As concerning my health belping, rmy I Ilay here yet 8 dayes , and then make fpeed to be
goin, ~ow.,ds P,uttd, a. was prekribCd to me.
Michael ...... p,j[_ ,;6; ~'lICi4t" Jil/,Septem-
HlrraLr."f If,1IM 4i4jl t"",, thM ."bj~h I fi'I"'. "'Ml/4ft "'l.',slll I"'" .",.Uft rtI_: H, ,h.t is Jtj'tr,
...!tt CIIriflMl ;1.G.u"", .lIIlh,Ic.._,tll Ib, ""''','f Htr~': B"I Ih"igh,b U, I ",i6 II, Ih",A1[. •
·"fIIt,· ...... wMr"II"d."hkb,igbtbu,.
Michael ...... Tbt,ilh,h JiI, h'lI&ll."mJ, ;,.Cracovia: I b..", ,lIii ,bt'pl.;"IJ.
£:; May I then nay well 7 dayes, 'before I fet forth on my journey.
Michael ...... p,tts, 6- .,. p""'
T"'" 114,/1 ,h, '",11 jlUll1lH. g,.AlfIl4,"'" Ihm? ,JrIll.Aijl Ii. it: Bill i,. ,.,fpta.1 the necef-
liey thatrequireth ,b" 1m" ,"'''CAlfjf lilt.
o I bcfccch you DOt to be olfended, if !ask tbe caufc of the Lortllofsk" 6lencc -,-~-Hc
Rar c" 101\&.
E. K.

E. K. Why did you not fpeak no~. .

Mlthad ...... Bth,lJ,h t blltbfllil .~b ltirt1{tlft , ( _ 'hift th", ..rt wic/:.!d, h"vt .hifpmd
_,.b;1II,) f"'u, it [ttmu b ,bllt t htpltfpi/t 4111 ~ iIIJIa ~ftjN"'I,( Inc"uft b, hAl h flO' rtct;VtA Itt-
thl fro", J'';) k uJttb ,hiJ Jilt;'rt. , . , " ' .' . .
;;.M't"dII".pt bllth n.t done, AI G,d "",,,,,,NitiJ. hi", ; But I wlll .gl:ve hIm thee ~ ufc thol! blln MI[t>lmtlM
'I ' &~~fo
as t hQUoWI t. . ., ' . , (MPft •• ,
Cl I,rcnd~r unto tbee 0 mofl Dlerdul, ollgbty and lo"l0~ God) th~nks and bonour, and will
(duTlng my bcin~ ) prait'e thy holy Name. .
E. K. He is gone, and went away mountmg upward, &c.
!luis, tieut Deus notter~ qui humilittr rdplicct, toe peccltorcs lila dit3t g,adibu5.
llli [oli lit omnis bus, honor, & glcnia, nUlle &'fempcl'. Al11tn.

~[ond", . .
Apriiil t. Mane. cilCa 8. 6, A remembrance for me;
Cl Przcesfcci. & y.ilitatai, & ~li3s (ex temp,m) r;3cu~ Engb;,d Lertw. ,
lationes, proauxilio Dciomllipotcmi nectlfario in 'omnibus A. L. His Letters opened, and
no{his (Dei prcicri~ti) tra6hndis negotiis, /ltc. Corrie yet kept.
his traiterous dealing to
E. K. Here is a tall man with white be Emmel deciphered; Counfelforthe m3n"
clothes, with wide Oeeves , and his gar- ner of our goin~ , and what things
nl~lI b~ needful, to tak~ VI ith us.
ment very much pleated~ and a thing like
a Cypre[s [carf before his face black, which had been many till'lei
doubled, and with a knot behind him s two others'there are by
him on his left! hand, one of them is apparelled in a green thing like
a Caifock cOIRming down to his middle leg, and a pair of fhooes
on his feet, and a' hat on his head.
The other in a marble Jerkin like a ~eather Jerkin with pan~s,
and a ,pair of Hofe; with round Bree€hes of the fame fluff; his
neither frocks like common black, and ufual fhooes , and on his
head an'hat as the other hath of the i.nglifh fafhion: The fidl:
hath a little beard Chort, aburn col()ur, The other' hath a young
beard whitifu. .
...... wh, ao ,ou pr&'UDi:! 111' " inaig,;'lIli,,,! E. K. He feemeth to l 'he white
wb, tit,;;!, ,o,.",! of";"l·r,,,/., r. k ki mln.
JfllVt In,' /t"d J'U ,ut bJ the h""d fro", tht S"p,r.tsl Ipea to them two 100 . ng
C"rr;ttl J'" JlI,,,,,ft ""tIlTe th".,,,p tbt w"ltrsl on them.
HIIVI I '!ot beld ""1 liP frl'" fAIling!
lUTlt I "01 brought ,iu hi,h" II"t, ,ht HiN 1 E. K. There appeareth a
'Ihit is tbt t.r,,"Ct.
Th,.",";;lDpenfoT JDulI{etna. very great Hill up to the
And lIT, "u n.t 1et "fh""ml,o urge",,'? Heavens by him.
If 1 bll'U(,dont ,Oil .r'_[, ,",nt lit II";; "".
If I hlf'Vt a01l1 ",ort then I 'fight ID ao, ."h, tl, ,'11 VtX"", r
o Hcfeemethto mean us. E. K. He fpeaketh to them tWo'
Ihll'Ut f"ia ""t. 'Oil tAt, iIIJId "" h"1J""t.
I hAVn,/a ,.ou ;t I.J tiflu tlt"t, ".t ,;/1 bll'!l~ ,.", /lw1l ,11IIt.
I hll'Ul[Aid u"to ,0,.
Go before; Follow me.
B"t ;" this e.r[tl,..i/I "it b, Ju41 "JAi"ft JO~.
Th,je ,.0, th"t reeora "" J",i"gt Ib"IlI.i'llt l"ag"""t "l"i"jf ~II.
'Ihm/IT« nlJW ""to "". E. K. H.e turneth toward you, 6
H,r'J'" [uthl Hill.hert,." ftt rb'.""pt".
Hd,,,M fot", hl"a,r.,,".
Ttf, /~. Mt[,,,,,,,,,~,uJ~ "", ,,.,,/,[, lIlt.
D"n-bl, "" "I"It,/I ,_.
CIt' .,,,t ,btf', D",II .,., ""'" ""tiNJ'II ~, ,,,O,d
,,"to tb,,,,.
~ 96 J """eltItio- t1fDt. Da: hil.AfJ;Oll~,1PitbJPirit/~&C.
If t, II"", &id 'f, I,for' t/u Lml, if,.. IIu _" JI./I4I!..I,1IJ 'm"frr 1''''
E. K. He treadeth them two under his feet all to pieccrs·, and
taketh his hands') and flingt!th the bloud of them about, and it
fiicketh to the fides .
.A voice....... What isitto me if man had neverberl1'
E. K. He wrappeth up the place of theirlying as if it were il
Cloth) and putteth or tumbleth them out of fight.
E. K. Now he is gone like a Whirl-wind away.
A hOI hcaJ:qly forry for any thing I have (aid or done, which hath pro,oked thy indign~tion~
thy lIIercybe upon us, alld not the rigor of thY moll jull Judgment.
wayts praifed• .A",e••
A... Thy Name oe aI-
0. Lord,I find my own weakndre and frailty continually. ami therefore r call'unto thee for thy
gift of Wil<lome "that I might wifely and difcrcedy fer,e thee all the dayes of my liie •. 0 Lofd,
rhe cfcapc& of my lips and the folly of my beart pardon,I moll hc'aruly belttch.wre: And Ifthy hel-
pinr; ~.nd forfook mUch morc, itthy indignation work againlt U', we are in moll mi(era ~c
-04, hlve pitY, hne mercy, hue compallion on us, Lord, Lord, Lord, fors,,;: thiS
o~r oi'ence what/'oe,er; Suffer us not to lie confounded through OUr little faith, 0 God,hdp our
faIth, help, help, or elfe we peri/h.

K. K. Here he is againe.
~;!c:PIl ...... wh,.,.,Lmliu''''l'' 1,h."IIJI[• • , ".hM'p-, tificJ. ,hi", ,.". ,;",i,
A "",., 1I.. 1".liTI,. _. hi"" _ _• IIl1d bi,,, "JMJ ",." ,b".
LMb hi. Ies- B., - Llltm e.-.)"Al bll'fl' ",glJ Ih".lh IhI haJ,.j'Sodomites..J Murdmn,(,hr,.,tll
~ come OIl ].".,.,j,k" ,,,,
tIIIh,p 11.11" ,h"",., ,,«.,.fitl,) r,ttiVuu?JIfttrt, 1'. 4"(,.",i,,, "lH.
:,,'a71all. B.,i/,'lIh"JI,ftth,[,llttmhhi"J"II, h"J&_,."bt. Ib';','lIl" 7h,,,bttil"'l N".
P d _ .""',wn,/.
d:! ,";:.1:'
6God. thy
n""fr,.';UM L1rJ ""tn. IIIIIl ['''lmll'' .."Im '.f"'''. . . .
Fir IH IhAl,""",1I "itll .. ,,"111,,11,,., III '"Jth __ , f" 1 II"", ""h ••: •• .. ,,,d,u_I,
. ,
iudllJlCDa art ~h /,f, 'Alh hf 'hAl fltlt'...
jodt. , ,A 0 God, what a wretched miferable man am I, drus fD fall, and to offend my ~ad~ 0 Lord,
that thou judgtlt is '~y ju/l; for man would ~ve caken ~,j gn~tion a!pinil hIS, fcrvan.t that
Ihould not go where he biddtth) or that wwld feek or ~ better "edlt to eDcoura;e him to IllS du·
ry, then his Mallen, Ike.
~"'" II_I·" • ./1,,,,* J"" ",IIri,J.
Have -merq,OGod. Etdde oRlnCl iniquicatesmcas, cormundum erea in me, ec aycrtoi-
nm tuam a nobis) Is thy fury implacable. or /hall thy angullh Ia:t for ever, what isllcfu and dull
before thee ~
a rallence or ...... Til",fo llfl ,.~IIi'" th, pi.l 01 ,hillji.r" i" both your generations, "",il
Rilhmenc Jet AN I ["'1111'""t, ,." I, htl/ITI,,,.
tord be 1IICl" A. Spare this Sentence of. in4ignation (0 God) againA \ISo ThouhalHaid in wha~ hour foeTcr
( iEw. alinner isforry for his linnes, and turneth untO the Lord, Ike. Alld Lord, 1 am heartily forry, I
bc:wai1c with tearcs this great olfenee, thou ledl my contrite hcan,O God,O God, 0 God,lkt.
...... Thi,ltlllh..JtUd ",,,th, 'Vt. 11111.11 bound up the rod • ..lIich I b'I"""" ,11".
0. Thy D):rcics be reeerdcd.likcwife,O Lord, and praifed from Generati(·a to Generation.
After this we faund eoa6dcrcd,and pcrceivcd,and confdled the grcatndfe of our ollenee, how
it conc'emcli much the Horiour and Glory of God, if we had gone withQUt rccciTin~ the ad,ertlf:.
ment of thafe Letters; So lboiUd they heir (the ) and the Kir>g St. have percei,ed that we
bad the direaion ot God, ~nd 'of his.good An~ch , and not to have depended upon mans 1 teelS,
or perfwalions, !ce. we !Soth I like conIC/red thiS great mifdoing, and fa framed our fd,es to make
all fpeed away that pollible w~ could, the mercies of 60d \)( upon us 1I0W and ever.

... dayftthe
E. K. He is h~re ,1 and faid " Be thou thut for twenty dayes,
ftone illobe and withal pulled a thing like a Curtain about the Stone, and the
Stone feemed to be full of the fame fubfi:ance, being like the
fl:oth of the Sea ~ yet hanging or joy'lling together like Curds of
il potret.
· J u.e re14tion ofDr.~ bil A(Ji01lIpitl>jpiritl, &c. 397
Mifericordias Domillum in ztefnOIll cantabo, quia ClOut Deus 1RCItI, qUI CUI1I ir.ttus lUerit, mi.
fericordiam prlle(lavit contrito corde in,oc&mibus: Soliigicur Deo, lIIeo; lit omnil bali
honor, &Ioria & jubilatio,nunc Ilc femper, A""II.

A"Uu ~. A Pr.~4.
-Fri••" I took mv Journey fromP'AgA toward C'."fJi.,God be our goodfpeed,E.K.l,Th,.
",., K,Il" r1' H"gh B,ftlc!: my fertams.

FritlA,. + C'Am/l~, 1 f 85.

-.4",i lilli. A meridic w~ came to C,,",,t/iA, aad as we were within an En!;:lifh mile of the
City, being_~ fair and calm day, there palled about half a mile before IIs,cro/Jin~ from the right haml
to thdeft Whirlwinds,divels one after anether, wreathing up the dull with great 'fchemehcy 011
high, and /hOOting forward Hill, and then mounting into the air, and 10 went Southerly from UI, and
likewife fome began on the right hand,and came fcirioufiy, railing up ind wrwhi.rg the du!\ up into
the air Southerly alfll~ and did not ciolTethe way.
When,we came to our houf~, we found that a nranger w~s fer into'it, by die Landlords (Mr.7.b"
L.,,!., the Judge, and eM"" ;,, Pili,,,,,) and hning by me the keys of the Store.houfe, and' ofthe
Strect-door, 1 caulcd my Iluffbrought "ith me to be fet 10, and that night we nrade haret /hift for
lodging. But the new .rid f"rced In tel1ams gave me leave to have one: of my Be:dllcad., whicH

S,"",d",and SN.",
wallrl one tlOye:, and emptied the f3me to liS, witli much ado.
we wcrelore out-faced or ratherthr~med, that we lhould han no houfe
there, and ,110 one :&,,'" hinrnlS were fet upon ttle door~ •• jf the houle hid been allowed to him
u offici.. M.II'" I made the Reaor privy of the Injuries I indured, and he coulteouOy fene
t'i'lo MaIlers of Art with meto the :fro",,!'!1 to have Citation for the Landlords to appear 011 Tuef-
day by 7 of the doc k, to anCwer to our complaint.
This M'."J-night carae the Lord L"~, from Lillie!, upon a Letter he had received from me
from Nif" of my coming.
T",!aA, (eAp,iliJ 16) the" Lord L.,lr..Jcame to the houfe,.nd in che morning would have prc.
feruly call all their fluff out of doors, but'by enucaty he permitted them co empty all into the lower
In the mc~n {pace Ia~peared with my Lawyer or AttoUmey Mr. T,'AltI., (an Italian) an anci·
ent Praaitioner in the l"lijh and C'ACII'II;";' Caules: ' And toconclude, I had a pecree againll my
Landlords, thit J W2I tahaft at leanan half yearl ,warning; whereupon J,h" £IUIJh gave me
w3Ihing to'aTojd at Mlc h~/"'/u, aDd fo we came from the Court or T own-houfe, called p,,,,,,.;·
.", ,in Latine,' This bme r ••felA, afiernoon, my J..ord'LAsV wtlit e. the King Q£ PoIA.J up in..
to the Czltte,."d cold, him of my comlliing,ahd how I,my I was lJi'ed: lind ~e faid, wby did he not
call them out of ~ fo have I now, quoth the Lord ,L.,It..!; and c,he KIng gramed the Houfe
to be holden n(lffici~: .A"J th, ",it JA, ,IN Ki"g w., "p,.iIi ,. fie./r...wi,h "" •
.A".,lu 17. W,d"'faA" I went with the Lord LMt, to the Kin~, to whom I faid, to this in.
le,nc, C."!".A';', PAX. & ""!i."C.,.'A 'D,i ji, ,i"i, ~.ft.r''',i!F,,!; R,x: C,rA'" 9"', Di;,i;,i'NI r'cl.
p' AdM."itlO""", ", "" [4f,,,.,,,, iJI',a ",,1IC h"",;U'_f",ell: ,.,At,jJilll'" e"", 'III'"~ jititl"""
r!r P"C#r;'A'IlACN", 'R.!!.;" fI,ftrA MAj.ftA''''AEfAr,; 1". ",;hJ ai'llI";'111 i"j".gli"'If', fl."••
r"", ""ftlri,r"" hiJI.rliu tit ordi",;. "th",,,, rtf'''', "..", .etAji•• Ui,,,, , "•• 'UN!A". AliA'1'"
"""iA pAg"", 'I"'" 'Dn V 1I,ft,,, MAj,ftAti R'li"./.r",iA for, i"tlRig,r., O'c.
The King, t.I, tIt'll,jrrA perfo"A ",,,I'A",,,, ."th'll; A"{t"ft, "A ,.", "'ibi V"'''' '11111-
JI 'ft.tI",.,,,, 'II,ft"., & Ii '1"'- ji, 'II'fUII 'IItS_ ;,r,A".,iA <& f."", Fffit 'f.' ," """''' ",,, J,.
",,,,, 'II,jrr;,,,, fAV",." & pr,t,Ef""" ,x/ft",: eA"'i'" ill iftu rJ- Alili ",.,,,,i"l11 rtblll AU""iJ
WlA!.;, 'PF"""; l"I",,,tlJ ""'P"I p,ft f.ftu ift'l 4i'l: '1'" ""'P"' '!I'I IIIl "" Nc"ji,i CII·
'P', rj-c. ,
Hereupoa I mlde CouTey, as waS appertainin~, and Reppcd back fomewhit from the King. and fo'
the Vice-Chancdor and other Officm, the chid Secretary brought Bill. to be rea,d, and fubfcribcd,
or a/Ji&n~d with the Kings own hand, which he did i tnd after the Lord L.,it1 had watched a fit
time to tell the King of his ddire to fp~ak a few words to his Majelly cif fome of his own aftairs;
and was bidden to rclore llraightway after dinner to his Majclly, we took ourlea\'e with reverence
doing, and fo went OUt of the privy Ch1rmer, or rather wlth.drawing Chamber through his privy
Chamber, where he had (aid M1ITe when wecam:, and fo lOt_ the Guard·chamber, and down,llcc.
F,il,,;, I took GhoAly counCe! of Doaor HA""i"AI, the zreat Divine, that had now fet out
Come of hi,l Commentariel upon ,P ,;;'••"', H,rmi,u r'if",igifti . • ,
S.,II''', (Aprilu 10) 1 receind (he Communion' at the Ptr"Art!.i"lI. where tbat Doaor is a
Tbilday E. K. the GhoLUy eoun(d.nd.~omfort, 1$ his~afe required;
On e~J'" M,..d4" v~rydcTGIut" in SaimS'tpb'III ChUJCI;I~. IC. r~ccived the Communion,
to !IlY unfpealcable gladndfe and cement, being II thing fo long and urnetHy required, a·nd ur-
ged of him, by oudpiritual good friends; as may appear by Cundry former aCUons.

+ Crllcl'lljlt~
TN[", ill Ell/fer wet':.,
Apl'il;, '3' Mane drea horam B. Przcibus Fulis; mediocriter longis.
E. K. Here appears many thoufands of fpiritual Creatures) all
in white: Now there feemeth one like Michae1) (all in red) to
fiand beforo them) they all ftanding in an half Moon compaffe be-
hind him.
Michael •• 1...AJh"c /I_I (jiJ Sttphlllfll ~JliJt"") U'l1Ul'.
Flrtt tit St. Ii III1T'",;& II"i",II", f."m, 1''1I11'1t null pTII~IItT;' ftlll"li"1I1' fiJII iI/i.',
A.L. i'M,Pi,it.
E. K; Now they fe·em all to mourn or hum) all in one 'tune.
He fp'eaketh frill, but I underfrand not his fpeech.
$;. ",i.,., 1,'1";'" 1"''''' p,jlis : "Ic'T' tIIi", ptrc",i_ ,trr~", Zt/i pl,"," [""" d-l"fti,i.t.·.
E. K. All arc vanifhedaway.
6 loll abfe"C5. iniquitates meas (Domine Jcfu Ch rilli) qlli fperamns in mifericor~ia tlla, qui
redempti Cllmus prztiofo fanguine tUo,.A""".
. Emitt! Domine:. verbum tuum EvangdiqJm, ut liqll~facias l!C"emolias obdurara corda lJI(a frigore
yltiorunl, ut mea peceara purgentur, lie dficicmtur, quali in Chrillo, lit nebula ignorantiz eipe1btur e
(ordibus meis, & fpiritus San61o'graw alHuant actuz Laerymarum in l'a:nitcntia Salutari, A",tll.

.Aprilis 2+ in·E.p"....,,/v
IS85. +

W,Jsu[", morning, circa horam 8.

OratioDilius faCtis ad Deum, tam ·orat\one DomiJIica. quam aliis particularirur rcfpcClu Mini-
fllll'ii Angelorum, qui rcgnis prc6dcllt obtinendi, ut nobis przferiptum cut, & dum conucr panicu-
witer ...lllilTe "(if""", flatim incipit E.K. & f~quitur-,
E. K. 'there appearerh afar off a woman comming, and the is'
here noW, lhe is all covered in green, as with a cloud: I may
through it difcern her fair face, and her hairs difperfed abroad.
The place abon~ her feemeth to be concave) replenHhed with
light of the Sunne:.the ftandeth as in a hollow {hell) or Oval figure
N.JltMIII .~.
lilllll ,'t-
SIe- concave.
phanum It,. ..... Stephen. lif,,,p tbJ btUII",••x,ft fhi l"rs./ Hlltvt" ; {,."h, SpiTit.f God Is "i,b ,Il",
A;m ,0.. ""d 'MIIIITt IIec,_,b; Dotrli1lt.'f,M HilMft, ""1..11" LmJ. .",11 T""hmJ ,11., /,."b, ji"s,
~Nj It".", B,holtl~.,h." !hlllt jI."J, 1IIHl-'I1, f.".rtl jlMll ", ","'t hoi, .. Stl ,hITif""h", ,." honour hi".,
',_."."••,6- labour f" hi"" ""d obey him, M th, "",i""tl.1IIl ~,II1Jt. 'f ,beLtrtl.
.. }f,c" T,j.. Fit ."h" his [PiT;' /hAll 6e pl,,,,i[,,/_,,t.! ,.11, II";' h, /hllll put the pillow·of rca under your
11M"",. heads.
VuI, A•••
IJI4.~lii u E. J(. The more the fpeaketh, the more the place is bright.
lJI .. ,,,,i '0. .. ...The Pi-ilK'.f 'D1IT/r....,Y, /hili Ii, liS "jI",;,J,ling ~/9C/r...i" hil WII" "III he /h,,11 /riM 111'"
""" .."."IiIAc·
,II1II. him "/,h,,,, .f,,,,,.
14/i6" Enoch The earthly ~reatuTeS 1111"""., "tU i" tbil Tu,ptul,:
{Ulfl ,/"i IIm- ThtTIf'rt,"'<! blld thou defile it nOt.
II.' Itlll.", If ,h,. {,e.;' ,he rllits '/ calling ,be"" ,"'. /hilI, pohlll ,blair;" ,h,;r haliitation.
~i?: j.:J:'
",,;or;,,/I a'.
0 O,h,l' w.,es iTT,!"I.I, ,b" ",pur ill (IIth'"ff!Is: BII' foch III lire pr'1I1T'~ for th~gII.
T"1e! hi,. (,b,r1.,,) ,hll. hfil, ••t ,ke ,lu,.J 'M l"j1;fi,J, ... i,h,1N IT,/e"r," th,p ,ul
{ "Ill ,.Itt q-i· arc accurfed.
b,.. , ,,,,, /JIb;' B", III th', IITI.f ,.", fllTtI; fo I" ,b;,! ",p",ri"g ~/ulJ 6, diu"Jo
ttl ,Jl. .. Th, ['"'''''' is CQQdu~cd. and /han not lluDible. ~/I' /hllli w"''', ,hlll'M ".._ of Gd . ., f,
Vld. 11 )1.11, I/oftd. .
~~8t~nt mlo ,N.. ullfi,p, ",ic,fo, ,.,. P"'f,~', ..,il,h, lArd billb "&,,Tt.ftl SttphCD; ':: th; ""fi
.M,I.,p. wbIT,,( cI.jift"h ,b, filii of bis Eltflio••
a" Vcrbumfo,./l ~e ,b, jrjl ....,.,4 "htTIi,. ,i,
lATtlflINt fh", -Illf """1»,,,.
J trJIe ~/tltio" a/Dr. Ikebis AlIionl, '¥Pith jpiritl, &c. 399
BebDld, I Am fNIL of the light Df hellv'1I, " .. 1!hilt IIp ""d g'.
E. K. She is gone.'
t::. Noce,all thofe thmgs I intended or deGred to befatiSfied in, are 8nfwcred me without my
Mifcricordia, Pu, 6c Lux Dei nobis [cmper adGnt.·. omnis ~utcm laus, honor. 5c gloria fit Dco
norlro, Amt1l.

NDt. Crll"vi ••
UJ{Dnd.c" TNt/JA!, weJntfJII!.
MA! 6, dr 7,8. E..K. was Tery unquiet in mind, and fo cltpntfcd to me in words.: for that A.
L . had not paid him hi. money, long Cince due ': and chiefly for that he doubted very much of A,L.
his turning to the Lord with all his he~rt, 3.n~ conrlantly. So.mllch diJA.L. his formlr lift "nd
""gDdl, living II.d Jeali"g DffinJ bim, and fo void was he of any hope, that he became in a great
opplclfe ofmlOd to find us coupled with [0 · lInl.Ddl! II mil". I!hcwed tA.L. his lall Lcttets. how
he was in a Mona(lery of his own, bclon~il)g to the CaHle Rith."!A,,, (vvhich he had now by a ~ ~ Whit
Ilraragem won from the unjull delaying of hisadverfary )and what penance and contrition he was in, Ih?\ ~ ~;~
what meditations, and what godly purpofcs, &c. But E. K. would not hope of converGon, and th~':n.o.
thereupon ~tterly and refolmely intended with a\l fpeed to be ~onc from hence toward Prllgl, and
Willed ~e (If I would) to prepar~ my Letters. He beellml vir! bl4phemDNI "g",i"jf GDd to Illy
great gncf and terrour: what the lifue thereof would be, [0 great was the blafphemy and rebellion
againlt God and hi' holy purporcs in us, that almoll greater CGuid not be uttered. I ufed as quiet
w.>rds ~ I coul<1, ~ifu~ing him of G~s r.nerci~s alwayes ready, and his helping hand.for aU fuch as
put thelf trurl III him, and call upon him III thm troubles and times of need, and fo did betake him
to God for that T uefday night, being pa{l9 of the clock.

wetiMfJII! morning, as I was at my prayers in my Rudy over his Chamber. and had made decla-
ration of this caufe, and of the perplexity moll grievous thlt 1 was in to fee my friend and parmei:
(E.K.) thus carriea away with fo grievous a temptation, fa manifold and vehement.
E.K. yetlying in his bed,did call his brother Thom,,! tohim,and willed him to c alllUe to him.:
~Dm,!, c~me (when I bad in mann~r ended my devotions and prayers) ~or me, I went to hi~, yet
lylOg III hiS bed: And after I had vu{hed a good morrow, and fate by bim on the Bench at h15 beds
head, he begin and fa i':! fuch mattcr as followeth,
E. K. A Spirit appeared to me this morning by my Bed-fide,
and bid me be quiet.
Bad me will you to go to morrow with both your fervants to
my Lord, as fecretly could.
Bad you comfort him.
Bad you bring him with you.
Bad you to go to the King as you came homeward.
Bad me to board in the mean [pace with the Italian * Doaor at. Grtf.,ri/ltj
Perins houfe. Ytn;IH4.
Bad me lie here every night.
Hereupon I was mon glad and joyful, and praifed God for hi. marnllous merc~e., lovin/: kind-
ne{fe and goodndfe toward ua,and declared my [clfaffured tha~ ~od had put out hIS ~erm, and fet-
kd thc degree: For the perforR11nce of h~s purpofes and ~romiles ma~e to u~, for IllS own honollf
and glory: And fo with joy and thanks glvenE. K. forhlscourceolu Impartln~thefe good news tl'l
me, I went about my buGneife intended, which was to go to the Table of the Lord: as I was prepa~
red for it, and fu went to the ]Jllr1lllrJinll Church.
Soli Deo nollro Gt onini, iallS; hlnor,. &loria, & ;ratiarum aaio~
nunc & felJlper, t.A""n;
Notc; I had in Illy prayers alledged to God; that albeit I was in g~eat perplexiry a~ agony ~f
mind, yet Gnce I wlt4 WfilM 'tD "Aft m! v,ice f" hll'/Ji"l lit ""! ,,"t,/'eill 1ref~n", I (aid he of h~~
divine clemency and carc.over uSjin thefe gteat deGre, might counfe! ~s alld dlfeCtus,thou~h wedld
not urge our requell as we wcre wont. The <;.oncluAon aDd lhamc whieh many wayes WOUld foll?w.
if this intended purpofe of E. K. fitould;o ~orWard and tak; plate,> was fo great, that we DlI~;
(cern to the world to haTe been ltd to that e; ll end. by a manifold dlgrefIion; rather then .otbel'V'lirc
led in mercy and ;eritv wherein I requdled God to rtgarc1 bioi own hoaGllnnd gl~ry,~.
~. Cf".
400 J trHe Relation ofDr. Dee'his ASio1JJJ D'itbhirhl,&c.

WiWJ:i meridic honm circiter 6~ in manho Oleo.
NOTE 1:::..
4,K. titdngwith me in my Iludy,told me, that after my go!ngro Ritl,;II"to the Lord LMV, he
had 'fery, Dlany apparition" and divert m~tters d,eclared unto hlm~ o~ tbe fiate of (hrifrt--, &c.
He raid (moreover) fault waS foulld With my manner of lla.. dlD~ before Sups"", I lhould have
• I ~'f. made fome more Imple declaration of my ~lIing and knowled,ge In thefe our a6bons. ' Secondfy,
0.;1./,,;· that'I did llIillake the phnfc fpoken unto me at P'IIp· of the "0. 6;"Ji"l Np·: ' For he faid that
be~: .:r7o~' Mithul'D" (hook! die, that~ fheuJd tpereby be affiiC\ed, and (fivers fuch thing. he told 01:"
...r uowonbii- among other that he was willed t' "t ,.ud, t. I,.", _, ."ht" h, fh'Mld ", ~Alltd: for, he (aid, ••r
acf... .014"sfhA" ", t.t 'ff, for f.."f ,.,••",,.tbi,,'ft, ,dor. All which things were 1'0 grievous unto
tne, as I was (in m~nner) ready to found; and my dllhdlewas the greater,bccaufe (after a fort) I
was barred from req~iring the pn;fencc of ,any of our fpiritual fri~nds, til,l Supht" had been re~kecl
by the Lord, and I had vowed to obey thclrcommandments aud mfiruC\l(!rts. whereby 1 was 'dnven
to befeech God to confider Illy cau!e and grief, who IInfainedly ddired to be his tme Servant: And
bcingddirous to obcythem, Rayieg IiIf Illy voice f~r thc prefcncc of his good Minificls, I was con-
rented to ofter!1P my obc,diorlce herein for a racrifice» an" ready to receive this dillrcll'c and afHicH-
on, as af'unilhmeilt ior my liM, awaiting his will and pleafure.
E. K. fai,j, It thall not be amiffe to bring forth the Shew-frone~
and a£fay what the good will of God would be herein.
~ I fetcht the Shcw-Hone, anti after it had been fct about a quarter of an hour. E. K. E.-,
.,parillo.: fpied 10 it a' little naked boy, with a white cloth fcarf, from un-
der his Navel hanging down unto his knees; The hair of his head
i$ (hort as of an young child: [and about that time came the L ,: d .I•. L. IIntO .u.,
. whO'fatdownbyllS:] He had a ltttle Cir-
cle of his hand: There is a light in the clone as -i f there
W~e the iliining ' of the Sunne in it.
Puer •••••• Cr,Af/;t D,III ,,..i,. Spirit. oril [fl.i fllJ "i_ sp;,;ttll,J4,lIIli, d- d'ftll~t pm. fIio
hi "".", flU [I"M'(/.
E. K. He thtoweth U{> his Circle.t, and catcheth it againe,
three times ~ He frandeth frill, and faith nothing.more .yet.
Puer ...... PnforlUlM" D""i." 1'1"".
E. K. Now he is turned into a water which goeth rQund about.
and in the ntidfr of it is bloud.
Now he is 'returned co fiis former thape again.
Puer ...... '1 h""d ~ f A.fJ fl;fh ;s II' hAU.
~.d ,In JitltJt" 'M Hit.h,ft fhA" r,.p UWII ,h, eNg"",,,;,"' ; ·1'bt r.fII" jhJ. ~, ."ith,II'
fr" i,: vi"'",h,j"d,f",A" fh"ll "'~t.r[td.
E. K. Now: he turneth his face to you [I:::.. ]
Plier ...... ",h. iI Mthttt ,h, L"..,.,j.,Ct,b i", ".." ."h.", ,h, H,n,,,, "'~ ",i,/, ""rr1 ~,.,...
'I."~'. wbofo flit lIT, INt """,.M" ",h, '/lrth, ""Il ."h,. ;, ,h,!.,.et'f ,h, [",1 ""' r
wIH iI h, tlJIIt jhliJ/,.,j,;" i. ,h, Lord? E"'II h, it -J, thAt l"th .IIt.f hi.felf, II"a "th.U,t'
bi.-[d}t:[,,;i.l, 0 tn.. CArellf, ,h,• .,., ~ S,pNlthr, for _; N,ith,r "'" I plACid i" thtt, fIT
. "i'''.'l, "", th", ,h, Lo,.d ",A,"'" ",Al"'P'4, A,,1l hil CrlA,,,'1I ail"iP,d; H; it iI ,bM
til;,., I'JIII
/h.Jv,h -fhi.filf, uti. ,.",t' ,II,h,vi,.,.,. 6f .Aff/;O,,,,. prlliJi"l .."d 'Xf,m.g, ,h, G~"IA"J
'f,h, q,Il'f H,fts. "'flTl,thll'l';'" w"'" .lUId i" d,r,;t"f her'l",ig.; He i, u, ,h.,
f,!th h_is ,w" ."ill, ,. J. tbl."m ,fhi", 'PA' ",II"dJ;;.; wI,,[.t111r (tlNr,tf".,) /lo,h hll ,lI/"
..i/l. 'J ,h,[""''''', ,f 7lTJiti,. ; Bitt hI ,h., ,xpeOnh , h, ",;/1 of q,d is A",i"ud.
B.,IHU, ,h,,.,,.,.,, ",~".ft ,;Ii Jif#, ""d hMi, ",h,ltI. j.",
[tlfllS, III'
i,. "/lr jilT/rs , IIn'~­
D ••:••• ",. "_kt!.t,il ,b, "",r.f (I,d, lUIa ,h, t~lIiIb Ifh;, M'ff"g', 1'"' H''''.''fh"11 ", t"'''': Th".,-
l ' "j, "'~'rt­ flr',!t""." For, I" ~Th;l G,!"I,,!,d f'FipllTta fl' 1"': and reft is fealed IlIIto you, of the Hjgh-
,.", {m:ilil- ell, unto you~ your wlfes, chl\drcnanil fcrnnn.
A BfdrcdbCth, Narilc for e,cr, 0 etcrnal,almi&hty, and moll merciful. '1urGod and Kingo£
.J lrue reUt;o1/. of Dr. Dre hil Af1I:f!~,f1Jilbfpir;tl, &c..
'uer ••••••. l{the S",me'jhi"i ".t;"·""';,,, if l'iN ·SI4r.i",;,vl ".i. ".t b, 'II"",,,/;;'IUIJ ·tf;Je.;'rfej
"'U'fl;~g fbi'l" ialtcrnatim, ttf AIIM, if the &rt~ fop. fti4:; 11Ic..lfjifh~ ;, fo m;'tt4:, M",»
t,ff. ~"iht '!'I". "
J4'pAire ill the merdts apd .promifc.·O! God .: ,w,ich Are Mt »ith.u, II eiNfo." "Np
,her "",.,i-f"k.!" ."i,M"t ,ffea. .
Ire",~6n, tlH' (Lasky) fAith t~ LorA; jl"J,l;",ill"hlljl,;, thee f;r ·rb, fi""es , A"ti bthol., 1
f,.m,r ."'1tf 00, AI" hA'IIe J,,,e; B", k_ blt thJ f.lf, Tlii,itod, 'f 'hi~e fh AM,wrn into T"ft.:

pwl.tbh'eJ", th.t it .,fil, "ot the gr'"'''' pAT~ I , Fo( !lot!;) him that dJeth a linner. vengeance IS
ju~glP,~n~ Bilt if tho" Ii'll' "ft:OTai'ng ."fO ~y • a.nd g!aft thy [elf within my will, if thou
fi>lfa~e ..the.W~r\d (or my fako, anQ.dothe .w;lW?f .~!g~oulndre j Be\3ufcl h3TC called thee be-
fore m::~ .1.1I'Iill adde IInco thy yeares I ' aud vlll} Mt blQ, OUt thy r-i:3lne out of DIy remen1"
br~nce •
. il, "ottb,r,!",,,, MAli, bHt ,h,r,,,led, foroA"t'f tht H/gh,jf. R.jOJ~' in hi~ ,hIlt tr,i"J
tb.-·" 'A"a 'll!h", b,,,,,,,,,,ttl. thtlt. j1rikJ,fdl,ow m:,f,r I wi/I tb, irA, vir] brollafi?T thu.
~h.ll.,4f"'.i~'f"';Crvt"-", #1/,;a, ""t. Ihu, ,h, !.fltt"h,J",.f Sept''''~tr ill th, Amrr83:
Jiltr f."rJ~'." "". thru. , ' " .. .. 7 $tp""',".'. '
1 /Ii,R,ftAiifIJ"IIt. t"u; that fortitud e, ~oth m true VI Ild(lme an4 V l(~tory: dnd'[ ",,!l.m41:! Ma'tla" Mr6
t~."-"';th"'M II C,'fflt't' s,e-."'·;If'rh,.AnIJ' vi"" TtmJl.: if thou turn. if thou do thewill'f him 10"If
,boi, ffiMcj;5 "/ItO Ih" i If m!l\l bmm, AmArGI. p." JHjlic, ""d Plritt j The myHtIicl
ort~y CfOIfe Ilg~ up.on • anil ' let tl1¥' fvnn ~s be: blelfed In thcl'.
I grtiUJ,.,birft''''frn Ste~n ';for tPit cnllif'tDf ,hi"glAre'At hllnd,
B'~/~,.I ",ill bMfi hi",. Ih~ h, 1#_,111&'11' "I!!fing ""~D Ibt" .
&bola\lw·I ,·,IAr' ih,t ".i.him, M. ~II right ltg, A'"d ht foall'IfIId.
B"t his ,,;cltJ.GltrtImttJ ,/";';fl eftt i"ffl".•d(,.~ ,ell I ;,;io foita i" fire of wmb and dilfcmion :
.An. 1"ill I.Ak.! ""'''' ,h, buttons from his brell.
J bAt/Hi".. . . . him thrttJiirl:!d /'IAmll' ,.thtft the. """ gri"J, ""dtr him III jI .. vill. ell'-
b I I ~" • Trtr il1ipi.t N,.
I;WI; ti'~lid4t". St.
wl"n [com, in.", We.k., B.hold, 1 flril:!; A"d·th-ri thAt IIrl "../lIJ.he."" p,.r Ana!A.I,.
Thi '''''''''''4['"' oflbi"g! [ltllU"hl"t,a; J"a th, ;,lnl, WQrla fhAII JAl,to here,;sth. filiger . ' .
•f th~ hightfl'. DI&'tIU DII.
Rift, Tb~rcfore, and with ~peed go befor~ Steven j BHt th, L,AgN' T "PI, thv" jhillt 1,1'" "'bil.d M rn{. f ...nil.
,hu. 1.".lJrev,,,I"',folf ,,,th,proptr Sh'",·Jl,",. , ., mro pra p,j.
Dixi: qll~r;te :V;aDr;II"'~ L'pid. IIIJfii,,;.
, .6 Dco nQLlro.O~~pot~mi, Firrilllh!! confolationis
at mifcricordiarum plrpiffi~, lit oamis (0]
Honor.l.al1S_ ~nedl£ho,Gl"na" Impenum, nunc & fClllper )f""", AfI",l, A"" ••

MIi;; u. ~ I dilitomlWlUllic:a«.j·llnd this ""uhe third time; witbin EaLler receiving.
TII.JaAJ. Primo cum HllmbAtt, & bis cum RllphMIi confelfus, &ce.
That allmalJIICr of wayes I might have a dean and
. a quiet Conicience.

Mil;; :Z. .
WeJ.".fd"" N"po/."ic~., in Auf.! Regi~, circa horam 1 : a meridie. .
Note, after dinner as we lat togi:ther, A.' L . E. K. and 1 difcourling of fome of our matters I
There appeared O"fer ,/1. L. his head (~o rho tight cf E. K.) 3 lit~lc quId halt", thellpper part hold in"
o,erth~ head of..lf .L. a white Crown,:Uld a liilger out of it pointing towarcl6,~rid'Vfjthal he bid, I>
Puer ...... .A"aivi re 'llia'r" (jlu.
A Ha~~ wc)~t Ofltlh~Sbew.;oone, as being ready and deflt'ou,tobe inllruaed , accord-
ing the caufe chiefly requircd.
As I b~g30 to pray :lnd Hildy, D6mir.o non fumus digni ut nos eX3udin. fuddenly E. lC. faid he
law as fol4>vmh.
E. K. I fee a great Hill of fire, a very great Mountain, and it
is as if it did hallg in the aire; for 1 fee the ·aire under it ; and I
fee the Sun thine oniit .'. the.Mountain fire flameth not.
Nowth,e1itde h0Y ··t hat .appeared Ian day, fi:1ndeth <1n the tap
of tllis , Mountain.
Pue~ ...... GQJhAlbjpnly""~1I1~".' ""dhAlhgAlhtrt4.1DHtottth,r, ""dlo, ,'11 IIr."""
Jtro"lfyp,"4, _,I.
die die Nauons l1\ CUt down, And th, G,d Qf H.jlJ fh,,1l jlrmb
16Tth 'biJ h,,"th; ~"aj,h;U, 70" Me '0",'., "";'''0'' istbllimt I'll SAtAII{h"U r'A!", But Sa-
G ~ ran
d tf1'e R;/atio1l of Dr. Dee his.4l1ioJ/J)fIJ#bJji,ilJ,&c.
tan Ihivethfore agaiuH you; B.h.JJ, Lasky ,1tD" ...t ~"'_rieh; BNthll'll'f"i,h: ·F". It MlIT-
&,,,,,tb ri,h'J, i/UlJfoil" ~:IIf1tift,IfIjJftr",!th,,, ,h" , ,hll, ,Iu" /hilit H .61", r",i1l1 rrw.,.df,r
,h]IAJ"" : F". it is 110'" f",Alllabour to contend a~ain!l finr.e, 1 h.v, ~'''lbt . ,hll """ Ste-
ven; .A•• /."i/l give bi", th" '"t, th] h."a,: v!lftH"",,/e th'N (I" ,hll' G,a it "It 6.,...
r'lf, Iii", ,f ".",,.; H'ilr"" ,h,r'f'" f";,h ,h, LmJ, ."ilt thIN thllt b'f"., thJ (IIC,I /hAl' "'-
ftTl] Steven f,r his ."i,Ic!.",!, 1 .ilt th,N thll, / /hllil jlri/c.., hi", .ith II Pn-P"NIII L'p"fi', 'I'
. thou that Ilhallcorreet hill! and leave him ~o do good unto thee? N,.",""" /hili, ft, ,hilt / iI", ",'
0,," ~''''.. ""lit; N,ith,,. tb., fIll .,,'raJ 111" 6.,.,.,,,,,. .,,;,11014, frNi,: .A,1t ,b'ref,r, 'f Ib, LDr4, IIIId 1,,_
~u'hLa~kY I fo'" I~N ""v,.;t /hAil 6'l1ill'" tb" ••• F'T ,b,N Mille) .ithhi", ,hlli;'11 fl-,'f fi,." IIIIJ II I . ,
."p _nltlr' '"K'
"Ili..,. J .IiiwttrJ t" h,,,,,,,<!a,
' L.· .1" b D L,
'14") , I N"lmll eIN)' I"" ''''
I. ,r. h ' ,I" h'
'J IIDI 1"1 I,,,,,"i,.,., Ibet "P.

_,xII/;,h", "", th,N "'Nft firft~' ",,. "for',b'N b"xJtltJ, rell. ,h, Script"uJ IIndjlldg l .'.
N,." ["",,. E. K. He is gone.
Infinite &' incolIIPrehen[wiles funt mifericordi3: tua:, 0 Deus, & Judi,ia ru~ funt ioperfcruta.
bilia, hominibus,
.A. L. Domine Deus mi(ericors, quanta ell tua mifericordia, quod me Cummum peccaton:m
bnta Dralia profequeris? Indignus fUIll Domine ante faciem tuam: Itaque Domine, qua:fo, ne il-
Ium p~opeer me deleas neque Lepra percut!as: I~~ rotiu5 in ilium, lit mihi propeer .ce , lie a
te, per Ilium bene fiat. Non quz:tO Domme dlvmas, fcd g o(lam wam. Non nobiS Domine, non
nobis fed Domini tuo da glodam. Et fia~mihi fecundum voluntatem tuam DoaJinc. Tu {cis Domi-
ne, an hypocriticc ago.
Mieere mei Domine, miferere mei, fitqlle miCericordia cua Cupra me 8t fiat vo)untas rua, fi(ut in
Ccxlo,fic etiam & in Terrra, Atque nomen tuum fit bcnedittum in Ca:cula Corcu)orum• .A"'tn.
E. K. He is here againe.
Puer •••••• S"pi'", IS '''. [.d. LJ & pi,.", fpirilll D,i I NOli '1".1"'" [""l"illl [,.lIlriJ tN;
;ii,.,. ",,,.di£1N,,,, jil i""r pO"""J b,,}IIJ [.,"Ii; & lib hll' di4 [pi,."II' "',,,J .""'114"",,, fI Ji{c,..
d,,; & h., qllill tI h!'",ili"jI'''''''' """ el'l' t'I'" ';1114[•• '.
Puer ..... vl"t!.lo, I."iII c,r,.,a hi", /hArpl" .A., t,hIT'f,rl i" 7IIbilt LIIIIl"~I' ,b,,, wilt
htl'lJI"', ,m,a him (for h,;, f'Ar" worthy co hear that he may underHand.)
E. K. He is gone.
vi. L. Hunguice peto, ut ipfe audiat ea qua: illi Cunt dicenda fic ita Divinae tu3e plaCCDeo
rit Ma jefiati.
Puer ...... H""l"ri, is hAtifNIIiItt'",,; F,,. it iJ [11114 ill;'!";']; NriJhtrJl1iU I [Plll"'_.,
him ml f,lf thll' h, {h.1I ( ]tt,) h,"" 111'.
/."ill ,pt" fIll ",."th i" Lllti" fir th, fAIc!: and if he
become obedient, I will alfo appear untO hilJllllY [df and unto you all, in the Cpirit and prefenee of
my An{lel: 8Nt tl l1/".co_ hi", b, MirilcllJ i, III,atth "0, , f'" b, hi", tb, p(,p/, A,.,
",t ,aijitd.
But b, my wo(ds he !hallllnderfiand, that I touch him, illth'''lh SilIII" ftA". b, hi",: ",,1,If';1
_tTl for Ih] [,,~, / wOllld "'t wichdraw my word and curfe from him j for why, I am fulliciently ad~
vilcd, A"d I ~• • Nt Ic!~p b"ct,h, fir, fro", bi""
Bllt I' tholl [A. L.] II"" hi"" II"dfp,,,t,,.tlbi,.II.,rllll,, when he hath heard me, if be re-
ceive me, my blelftng is upon him of neeellity.
If hebe4,."" "0', I CAn ,Ajil] ""h't f,,.1 hil'lll,ht X" ""1.
god ,p,"., God the S,,,,,,, (lI"t, ",h,,,, 11/1 po""r is liv," ill H,IITJ,Jl. 11114 EllrthJ ",ith
th, fir,.f IIIrll"/ co",[ort, ",hich i, the priv1 [ci'If&' 11114t~/,dg of th, fllilh[lIl; Th, HolJ
Hodi' ~tk"'l11 ab,ft, b,Np'"thll,II"d."iththtt [Dr thi,dll!, thll.A.L.] jillllll IIr,blmed .Nt'fG,ds ,,-
.'111",.""" .
1 htl'll. >II _ , II fll].
'Df.6#_. Omnipocenti. tremendo & Solis Adorando Deo, lit Domino noAro fit omnis graciarum aaio,
'_l:totit"iI. Laus lit Jubilatio, nunc 8t in omlle a:vium. .A""Ii.

+ N,ep,I,,,ic:c., i" .AIIIII R'gls Pil,,,i,.

eA"., 1 S8f.
tM.;;. ~ 3. A meridic hora Cireiter 6.
The Killg Cent forthe Lord LII'-lT and me, by his Vice·ChamberJaiae , whom we Clune untO in
a Chamber, within the Chamber or room~ where he uCeth to give audience, or to eat with his Pt-
taeines and other: He fat by the Window which is toward the South, and by which his ProCpett
is .ilJto his new Garden, which is in making: He began thus, (ihe Lord .AI"ert LII,V beiug by,
and themo willed by the King,) and Caid unto mnery near as thofe words import.
St. Egit meculjT\ Dominus Pabcinus, ut vos audirem de rebus iflis magnis & rari, loquen-
ce: R.uod libcntur feci: 8t tamen hoc confidtrari debet, quod Prophetlle omnes &: revelationes
jam rliu 8t in tempore ChrifH cdlavelunt, ,. Alii'" ji "ihi/ i" .ftu, co"t,,, D,' jit b,1I#/""'" "",..
",.,illl f"'" AlltU,,,tlA, Et ego quidem haud dubit6 quin Deus nunc poffit multis modis fecrtea
qua:dam hOmin.ibUI deli:ere, ad hac urqU( tcmpora, mandatis 8t inafitatj,.
d trHe reltltionofDr:Dee his AClions,withfpirits, &c. 403
Hereupon 1 anfwered to thit renee, although I cannot expr~lTe ' the
fame wordl.
e:, Confidero in ordine veftr.r regia tria quali c~l'itala; in ~uibus totus ordinis
veftrz eft medulla. Primum de Pl'ophetiaris,& revelationem ccffatione,fecundum; an
~liquid innofiris aCtionibus, vel exercitiisinfit contra Dei honorem : & tcrtium(quod
animo Meo eft valde gratium) quod, Deo non pr:£fcribatis ceHos aliquos modes
vel te'mpora quibus fua hominibus velit aut debeat fccreta dctcgere. Dc primo, hoc
poffimus vdh.r Majeftati Reginz afferere • quod iIle Scriptur.r locus haud [cdc a.
plurimis imelligm(: & ab ilJis pcffime, qUi velint omni moda>. Dei porenti:r &
mifericordi.r & fapienti.r pr.rrcribere cenos modes, & tempota cma : affercndo nul-
lorllm hiis temporibus cffe Prophetiam , vel poft Chriftum fore: quia omnes in
ChtiO:o cdfavere : hoc eft, <'Iuia. oinnes de ilia qu:£ erant Prophetia: felicet. De Dei fi-
Ho in-earne ventura & McfIia vero, & redemptOre generis humani futuro, (& de to-
ta ilia quam nos a~novimus & confitCmUI Chriftiani. completum & con(ummatmn
effe Chrifti hictorla) jam ccffavere: adeo quod ilia neque jam futura fune lit putane
Jud:£i, n(que repetenda fum, cum jam [une confummata & peraCia qucmadIHodum
Prophet:£ pr.rnuntiabant nam ob hac calOfa cum Chrifiu~Jefus in cruce pendens fcinir..
fet, quod omnia de co Prophe:tia completa fuiffent, & pr:£cepimus fcilicee omni-
um Prophctiatum (ante Chrifiiano) [capus jam eiTee Collinatus, & Juxta pr<E[enti-
am & propofitum Dei redcmptoris humane confcientiam (ffet myfterium ipfe dIxit
confUmm!ltUlll eO:: Nam & Paulus dixit ad Juda:os. (namque confummaffent omnia
qu.r de co [cripla trant, deponentcs cum, de Ligno pofuer.unt e!lm in monumenco. Ec _ . ("
poO: RefurreCiionem fuam ipfammet Chritlus fuis difcipulis (pergenribus verfus Ca- Al/~~'~~ .
frellum EmANd, & de iIlius mom & rcfurrcchone differentibus & dubitantibus) dixit.
o ftulti & tardi corde ad crcd eduft1 in emnibus qu.r locuti funt Prophe:t:£:N onne hrec
oponuit pati Chrifiu5, & ita intrare in gloriam fuam, & incipientea Moyfe & omnibus
PIophetis interpr.rtabitur iIlis in omnibus fcripturis, 'iu~ dt i,[o era",. &c. & paolo Lu~t 14.
poO: iterum ad eofdem vobifcum : Q!loniam ncceffe i"'pltTi O",";A qUot flrilt. font Ii'
1,&( Mo!ji & Pr~phtlll, & P{Almilill m~.!
Sed quantum ad alium fenfum quod poO: Chrifium mille ~ffent Propbet.r vel rc-
lationes ipfam Scriptur.r planifIime conuarium docent. N am quod de!cendum erit de
revelatione fine notabile ilia Bcati 1'Anlli .Ap,t.tIJPfi qu:r poO: Chrifium erat! quz &
ab ~odem 1DA,,,,t Pr~rheta v~atur, dicen~o* B~AINd qu~ 'tt.i , & Alldit vtrha PrDphttl'! • C'P.I.AI,e.
hUJt14 6' [trvA' IA 'JIll I n " flrtpta [lint, & In lilt 1m, CApltt flu[d,,,, Ap"lflyp{tos Jillt rt-
vt/lltio1ltS, Itr, e".tm VIC"t p"phai~ 1;6rum. Qpare manitcLlum eft poft Chriftum
efle Revclationel & Prophct3s. Przrcrja que erat illa ~"ulo fada revelado in (jus Vo-
cadone & Converfione per ipfum Jefum Chriftum, ut in A poftolicorum ap!iaret A-
flcum libto, Cap.9. quid de ilia decennes * Cor~tl;, Centuria no . • .Ant 10.
Q!!id de lila 1't'" de aninulibus mundis & immundis. Et P""tlll ipfam dicetfi
~ Ant II.
gloriari oportet (non cxpedit quidem)veniam ante ad vifiones & revclation~s . Domini, 6 .
&c. & paulo poO:: & de: Magnitudorevelationcm extollit me, datus eft mihi ftimulis ~ Ad c,,~c.l>,
carnis mc:£,t\n!!clus Satan:£ qui me eS,notum mihi fattum eft facramcncum,
ficue fupra fctipfi: prout potefti! legentes imelligere prudentiam mcam in myfterio
Chrifti, quod aliis generationibus non eft agnitum filiis homini, ficut ""nc TtvelAtllm
eft faildi.ApofiQlis ejus & PrDphtlN in fpiritu,&c,ubi etia Prophctas poft Chritlii effe
apparet : & cap.4.Et ipfe dedit quofdam quidcm Apotlolos quofdam autem '''phttM,
alios vero Evaugelifiis,aliosautem Paftoles & DoCloresad confnmmationem CanCio-
lum, in opus minitleriJ, in .rdificatioJ.le COIporis Chrifti,Donec occurtamus omnes in
unitate fidei in menfuram :£tate plcnitudinis Chrini, &c. ubi tam diu Prophms fore in .. Ant '"p.8.
EcclefiaChrifli poO: Chriftiiapparet.Dc/lIfc occurramus ormes in unitate fidci.&c.quod Philippi J.,•.
nondum poft Chriftum fatium fuifie bene limus & jam h:£c ~tate nonra maxime fu. m~ /oro 1n ./~­
mus circa negotium fidd difcordes maxirne videntur effe neceffarire non Propbcr:E fo- ~:: sf"· t:r.
lum fed eriam Revelationcs valde expre:1Te de M yfieriis Divinu6. Et de: locotione An-
gelica • ad Phi/ippurn I & cjus de loco in locum invifibile quafi [fanfiatione pec Spiri-
Gg :a riEuum
J "ue R.elation of Dr. Dee bis.4.fJiom JilitbJPiriu,&c. J
ritum Domini, quad putendum eft. Ee de Prophctis poft ChriLlum tempora telUfica.
cur AO"m undecimum caput. ubi legjmus·quod ead~1J3 ~CII1pore quo p,aimllDt difci-
puli Chrift! 411,i.&hiil cognominaren~~Chri~iani,fllperdeneru'!tabfuiJilp". Pro-
phct<E ,tll,mhl.m, &.[urgens unus·ex els nomme At."* , figmficabar per fpirirum
famem magnam futuram univerfo OIbe ttrrarum, qU<E fa&m eft fub ct.".;" ad fe~
cundum aucem vcftr<E Majeftatis Rc;gi:r Capitulum. lje rcfpondeo quod coram Dco
& bcatis (jus Angclis, aifcre quodconfC:ientia mea nihil adhuc dcprehendit,Notivir,
vel dijudicare potuir, neque poJJit in omnibus noftris a~jonlbus, vel iIIarum aliqua
quod ftt contra Dei, honorem, vel gloriam, Immo, quod ad Dei honouID & glor~
valde fpe~cnt, poftimus.
Dcnique tertio in loco quod cum magna & vcrz pia Rcgiaquc & difcretionc exifij.
tis, me Deum Omnipotcntcm iis temporibus polle modis [uis varus, hominibus qui-
burdam fua m311ifeftare myftcria & (<<reta. Valde Ictor: & co magis, quod tam ex
nollris pr<Etcritis id conllare potucrir mulds Adionibu5; quam ex ftlturis: quibITS lOter
efTc & adefTe pr<Efcns (ft ita iIli virum fuerit) veOra poffit Majeftai Regia. "& pr<E_
" tcritarum noftrorum Adionum libIOS l"r, paratus tum (quC"cunqne vcftr<E (erenif.
c, nm<E Majellati pJacuerittempore, ) videndos exhibcre s quorum qu~dam Latina
cC lingua,Gra:ca ali<E, aliz Anglica lingua, fed ex maxima parte AIIglica fuot Confcri

" pl<E ipfz adicnes AngcJolum, 'IIi£. Dei bonorum Inftrudioocs, admonitiopcs, ex-
c' hortationcs,concioncs, Prophctia: ,& quocunque aliofunt. Ccnfend.z nomine nobis
" faCl<E Revelationes , rcates vel yerbalcs, & per !parium jam nium fere a.Morum a
cl Dobis rcccpt<E & annotat<E) &c.

+ N1'PDI'''~A I" ..4,,41 Rill.
s"ph,,,,, Rtl',& A. L,~F'
,..4'"'' il/'
C.7;("1 '1.7> Mane,horam1. circiter. In camera p'riva~a Regis.
1.' 9¥i o",,,;p,t,,,,, S""plt,rllil. Vn., & lUIi D,,,,, $ '" ",i(,,-inrl P"lIr ",;, '1'" "" J, P.rrJ.
,AB,t.l,u"';hl ill,. f"",ft. c,,,'r,,"', CI"Ctp'" ",.tici., p,r A"ltl.1 t." ~D"lIr tUlmtJlli'i, & In t,pu"" i"J,.
.tldi,jJ: ur ""t.", 'tIx,;r" Libnil, do FilMil;" """ ij,[~· JII.b", , tgr'M lll/fifl': , 'gmli;"tb
,.4crip,u/II t- tX Imi"," ",.,.iI. 'P'.ft ",""t.ufo libn"fti : et tj.i IX IJ,,.ici"Ji.r.,,, & Hn,tic".II'M "'''lIi11.
rA" .'IM .ai. & I,/IIIM"," 'II"r;;, IWHxp,J;",;/li: Et f.i ",111,;' "., ",," (p"rri", _b;, c'l/mil, P""ffl8 i,..
• A.L. e.IC. c'l"itM ) "p"iclll;, & ,,"rt, p"mfiji, .b" ""'por', '111,,1 .. t." [tn,tll J,,4;'i" & "'g"i"
rejlijifll.JII, ""a.""" & 1"''''''''''•••'' 'IIltllji: U" 1"'pur 111111' t."", , - - & , . - ....
",iY.bil,,,,lftric,,.,J••,,,; i",_t"l;, ,iJ.; .I.,b" d,,,,,.. I""de, do l"(lIIM b11111iIllm, "t-fum",.
o t. PN".II,jhr c/,,,,,IItif!i,,,, '1.i·." d.,,; 'IIi.t*I.,., Di'll;" .,Oi/fUIH np"I"./f;: r!J" '1 1111Ji
• D & t. I(. 1411."'· ,~ J""'_ ,j{, 'II,I.1'i. 0,,, fmifJi"" D'III ."", 'I.; h"'" t."", Lasky, '1."fi Ath-
letam "".m u",ijfi",."" "11;",4"", .&""",,, "",,,,,"/fi,,,.,,,, ",bil "jllNdjl; : "irll'" C..
,h.lie. t•• & mh,MJt" ](tlil;';';' -""'iff""I1'" do 4.ti-,h,ijlillJli!"';' ""IIMII&"';'i",,,,. h#jlnn;
'Dm;if- , SII1'lJ1tif!i"" ~ P'II",Ijfi"" & o"i_ D,,,,, d- PAr" _ ' , 1.1 ,.it ",~x i"Cipi,,..
Jil R'li., "'''lil;, ",irijic; C'''N",;'', '1"I!" [ti,i,bM ]('I'''', t.lrde", ;."'lIi/l; Stephanum, '11",.
flllllT.",.B,ILu".",,; 9-';' I.. _.;, & }lIl/it,x "";"'", ",i, I"i, '11",""1 , fJ' ';1U1"" 1l41,
."dir,,,,li,: fP' c., 11', ",.,.,.". & ''',,;i,,,,;,,,,,
~ exhibi,,,,,,,, i" ,.""Jllti, ,udlfti: & pr'P"r
'1"'''' III"", ( "bi.tM ).t f.biT-", 6" l l1ftr.11Imtm", /I.,.,ft;: & ."d 9um., p,ft I"b"ill-
fAllml"1UI'i'~u ~; _I,lplic" I)"i.,,,,, prllt" 7 <.:Mlllfel f."a",·, JireO M II/i'l'llll, ~IiM
""", ( h"",., }.~" ) f"./i rllr'lr..alfl, ,,,"'" "'"IJII"'" grill''''', t,,'11"" I & "IIX,/J,,we,..
11I",lIi.. & [,,111" "" PI'""'xifti: N" '1""fi hie 1II#r., III' N,,,,i,,, d- ,,,,,, ",'lIt, &,.",,,i'lItll t
,,,,,tliplru P""rll" ",i["I&".';'i., .. tlti," "jtll ""11 ,,,,,,i/'III Pllrl"" fp""ciliil: E, Chilri/i",1
,.;FiJii D_ill; & RlJn.,,,ril N,"';II; Jeli! Chrilli iIImc,de"i/'_ ",n;ril, ".bil C,,,iU.,, '1"ic-
tJ",J"lItr" L'l" '''M S"lIalll do!'; iii, wlUlut, 'IIt/lI,fti/, '11,/ 1II!,/'l'II"/, 'IIlrb" 1,,£1.
",I &'Iitlllti.", .. hnc .hll' htr""" 'ntI{w;",'" """" 0- {ill!:"'i, ., tibi }"'" ,djfi",," ","If. pllT"
& lIr:.i",,, 'ff"''';: fItfIi Di'IIw. & -..J:A.t;J!""A !,,.,,,;t,,,,J,, grllti,,; & ,,,,, cb"";II"iI ig"';11
C4rtiJSlII. lllijlr;, '" Ii kir"ji, 1J""fi '1l1itUw y,,,,.(iDIIU & ["ef;;" T ,,,,,1, ''', 'fF,i"",,,,. p_'.
E, fit ·_iI illt'"'" Fib", t". '])';;';11 __jfru Je[us Chriftus 'P .1111 'IIit. : ,.''''I-jlII. /"".
lIifJ,.,." do fiM; wr:JiM ",,,,,fgftlib,lIu f11f1lKil!""lI", <..M"III1" ,,,••,,,, h"b,_., .,Jirc.", i.
1"'"""'" ",it" ;gi,.r ".11& L." ~ .". "it",,,,, t,,_ S DUll 0",,,;,.'1>1' [e"'p"""'" """., Ii'
]T,r!'; 0",iI. Stephano (-fl,., """. S"",iJ!- a".ti'fiJli""'1I11·R«i) "1P.iIr'''', T, Dellmno-
Ilmm veiUm TiT.m, Omnipotent~m Doetorcm nollrum in ii, a¢\iontbus & MyCleriu etfc." ./1(;
( lien "mlti"b",x;lIt11 ) ""' d' C.II"'" "'''glll ,fidel, ,,,_ .,;. fi"in;lI", ,j{t f,r,"""",: "..".
fKl'", Iliff. ",lhi .fIX;"" 'ff#C""" f -['I.' fillg.l., ;_g"l"r;b", ill" "II"'" ",."Ji ~x".tJ;p;,
pr."'~'"'Ji ;""",,-;~, ill , ..$.~,[,"it;' t,MI""Ji/, rh.
t.. K.
E. K. Nihi1l'ofi primas przces apparebat;
6 Brctemundu feti, & adhuc nihil a'pparebat •
Tertias acU~i~ . eliJin breves.
F"ll ECJ'D.aS ex lapide. 'lllidcm Calor in hciem ip!ius.
E. K. E!J<ire videbatur.
Circa lapitlis oram & fimbriam rubicundus viridis circulus appa-
F. K. Jam video h6minem albis indutum vefiibus, & fuccinltis
facie longa fparfis crinibus, & adeus notu quafi undentibus, &
dexter pes nans ruper magnum lapidem rotundam, & Gniller fuper
aquam 1 & poll: Dorfum e;us magna lux eft : Nunc video terram tub
pedibus e;us, fed quafi inaere videtur effe tam lapis ipfe quam a-
qua ilia.
C:. SIt benediaus Deus no{ler, & fiat voluOtas ejus.
Aqua: curlilS l qui v;rl~s Occidemem en) pe~em ~jus:l'idetur fccundumfc prius ~efc:rre. .
V Idctur ille 1'>1'1(0 a m~ dTe cum Intueor faclcm eJlls mtcrdum una apparet eire mterdum tre; facI"
cs lit it2 'confufo qllo(i2m modo.
E. K. Audio magnam vocem Dicentem, Veni &- Via;.
E. K. Defcendit jam alter ad ilium quaft Globus Ignius cum
facie eminenti, & ab ejus corpore quafi verga arundinea videtur e..
manare .
...... J"fptxl, & tXAmi"Avi, c§o tect, NunA t/1 ;./1iciA. .Ii~,litt """;;,
Vox ..... b " trtt AqUA i" ",art, & fiat t",p-, 'lui" tUI tmi" 'lJu/A '.If pllll.. ,linA "A'" -r.
E. K. Jam venit ignis) & ilIum totum circundat, aliquo mini- :::';'~~'IItr••"
mo : Circa illud rcleCl:o intervallo fibi proximo.
Vox u .... ..Mtnfllr••
(.:Unof_T;Avi & h,n.", 1/1 (p) '1"i"tfu"l.i"tA au, •
.Aft ,~re, fum pleltu, Tufliti. & Miftr,c"di~1
1'1, igitlir tu , "Nod Aptrin,s ",t.'" 1
rvf/1 '{""re i"".;t D~miltul vifitar"" Stlph"",.", h.",iliet S-tt1r"",.
E. K .- Inclinat caput [uumJ quia ecce liabeo quod dicam, Be
ecce habeo,& labia mihi confuta funt.
~"I."ijic'" igit"r PDtt"t; Cali & tlrr;' D'~'" CreAt"'"" Rtg"" & i/III",i"A'"'",
fit iio~is ptccllt.ribHs propltilll tJ{e & vultll", 'Jill ".i[tr;cIII'Ji.", f.",. ,,'U'1I1J""r,.
fll,. P'[-
E. K. Jam converfus eft totus in Globium igneum.
A \iili:relc 110Hri Domine,fccundum magnam mifericardiam tuam,lItc.
E. IL Jam mag nus quidam fumus per plicas quafdam (infra nu.
bis) la pidem ope ret.
L. K. Jam videtur ilIa llubf:s convoluta effe, & feorfim ad u- C:.
num 1atus lapidis fepofita. [UIl!'lJtrbAlitii
...... 11 erbum, ab altifJimo miff1M facio ; ~tf••
n uamobntm crige te &- diligent;r )I"AI[Uldbole
Attende Stephane, qui$' a Cunabuli.t
"I ' , I b
te S,eph2ni IIrg;;
,?,tb"t L.II-
D nutrz'Vzt. qUlS'VtarUm tuarum a ore./'. lit, "U",d;-

A", juvenlutis INA ttm.,.it"tt """f"rAvit ? Ab ;"'p'l. j.aieii & "",_il ~ 11";1 tt I IfUlII' 'IItrbNIII
. I. . C I fI. ·d ? H ·b· ' ' . , r' . 'I" ~ . II/uIII,J""dNIII
.. ~, H"~ ","nmn t1 a :'" '~D,rt , A".C II 'AN'''''' '. ~1'II11II~, J"£AC",,, & J" I, pltN."" '1.,i ' ..dixit,
UallXIt} NO""t 'R..!x ,II, glm" , '~ C".,NS grllt'''~ ,,,,.,, f.bJIf!~ tft , iN ,,(leI. & '" t""Ai","· ~'li crlthiil
ft .. ! 'I'" II p"e"t, .It".", br"ch,." ""1,,, "d "''' JDr."" ""'''Jor" Ad ",~i".u,,; 'VDCA"" f'P-
,ri"",; No""t idlM in" 'lui It & voc"t & f)ijitllt: ~ til [t",ltlpf" ,,,.,, fA~U/A dixit, Eg"
f.", r fl."A" itit.rj N,bul""""", Im"'"f"",. 'A"tll ,crt eA/ig'''' tAII'A tIi&b;"g'AtNJi", foff"i.
'~"" i"t,r D,..... '.""'1 & A"""a", ~• ..", i"d"xifti 1 AN, " •• aIII.Aeetpift; huts? [be nuked
hIS hand at the )ClOg, attcrthe Poloman manner] Aur ."J, ('Die) Di"J,.1I CAP;I;1 r &ctlll'""
I" /rAl)U emlil ,., prUa,.,;A, D'If71I.I Ji"ijfr;I, i",,,,, II '"1', p.f"ift;, fequitur tc fpiritus 'ma':;
J trHlre/atios ofDr. Deehis,48io1lJ, flJitbJPiritll&C.
lianus : NA", tr41i: Igit"r ",,,ltjpli~"'A & """'tr"t"f.,.tl6~CtJtA'1hI i" CIlII/,jI. J"IIK;"", "'"".
;;t, (""" ipJi '''''', ,fo"d" Prophml [trlllll»:'1";"lIrll J",:,'.~tgi"fllA foift,~ t.rf~' OI6i,,,I,,
IU olelll ",AI""" 'lllllr f"rrtXlt 'Dt", 1"'lIJ.", & IIJ'TIlnlll [ARIII tft & "At", ,.'1. Y""",. fic
ditit D.",inUl j '1U'A pA,rtl t"i, At/. AltArI m,,,,,, fpm.res fltrtrt, '11'1'" perwrji If 'fI~ " . 'IIi"
"'tirt~tj{trt; t, A"m", '1"iA vir"", A v"lt. aifti"a"", fo,.".""a," ~ fqrr"'''", I ~/i­
rondo. dlltxi : NO/l Vi(iIA"6-, iniq"itAW IU, in V"1A "'Cit : :lJ'f"t fDtl~ , 1I ~~
tJecrtvi: S", ill Solio tit\lbanti flde", pmllitlA",. r""", fi b.rAt:hij(", JIU"IIIZtl, t'I"4f1"U p"
I",,: Ji i"'pittatt", I"am dlrt/in'l"": Ji" ",,,nditi, .rnAVlril,ji fltiJA", A.ji1lll t". 1'1'II1II &
,,11micA tint. "" (n./lAd'll.",i'''1II rtdims) Abfttr [trY Ego '1"''llu'ra1ll ."ert_",'''1II, fil'otl;u
t"A r'''_q1l. ,JabilillllNr [.rtitluJ.itU: Rlge, "'Alidiai & PIIW,IU htj", ""Ji i,m/~'Ati, f"Ii~/,
Merefricil (",eA (j"iilllfgltxere ftAI"'A )["I",i"t irt 111,.1" ",Anll" {fr Anti ptan '".s ~"JtIllJ"­
rori'lJl' "it t,lAdi", tllHl Mli4ItibN', INttIA" C_li (ir""",J"""t J."", ill rflM-1 Ju:tq" tllrt P";;"
"}lnt iIIiflll,i. '

."rpijfi.ri... , &.d~t ,",we AJhHe Ji l"'t""''' ell", fir"",", tA'" jlMl"" _J"ifeM "'_.Im
C~r poPlIn III;, A le.Ali",,,tH,,,, poft-",.diCN", rtpllrgAbit~r: IJlli """",.i"f""a""".~'.fi;,,,,,,e~,

II !lITU/4J ".,;'s fi' 'tI,ujtf fAtitn,: t'0,,'"1 Fa&"IIJ,J,i, dl CIlIII•• HAc4l1JnitM & lJ)( Do"';.
iii , 1J1I"",."",O(ir t;;i • LUll Dei hodie SttphAno: IgitllT i""" "bigIAdi"", [11I1I1Ti, ,ft,i"l', ,Ie""
pro 'D'1IIinD & fleritAtt, p"g"A, 1Jin~t, 'IVg"" N.I, (./ifllt h.",.,) t imDti cedert, "''1"' de "'II"~
IJlltTi,." : ,'1";A D,,,, t,,"s ttc"", tft; Ig"'1 terribi!il & "'Ag"'11 D.",in", tX"&;'II"",: lIlt'"
./i qs tllUm ,11th AfoliIJ ~per;t' : Ji i"'pill", ~."demnavtr;s ;"'piefAt;, ;.,llt. f, [pirit"",II, & ""i-
_"-'1111 r.tP.lutNrig.nip.flnti, J."", "'''''", f"" 'IIi.JicAnt CIIlI." [i,,~/i"At CA,lIt.]
Imp;A", i/l.", ,."trAtion.m, (de 'lilA Domlllo I,,,,,"ntllr eft, (j- ill [,rott"u", lib; Ir"J;.;,,)CII1II
viJtril tmtp/l./) ,,,,,, fliilfj,,,, & 1}l0l"lo[lH, "P""" "ftl".' "d ",,,jm, P"r:ltt( glAdi, "' ,,.
impitlAtt pte ~"rj,fit pl"IArHm ,'''''''11'; I'JlliA "it injlm", Bohemia (.nOl' ,.illIIS .di.[" ClIlli,:
'I""" terr. gT~VIJ, & tediofa) Ji:"A,tA IIbllft; & 1I1al,d,a" in l""Art [.Jis, C.lligt& 0",,,.
FofIlt11'*" ill .lifitt,i.I.on" 6- dig.Jtit ~lIg' .A", d- n.t;[, ~'WlAtn AWfIi",i .I<lIu", tib;
"0""" ",tll"" d- pona1ll IA"JII I"", int" A'I"AI. Cingt', et;A", fic", fDrti, lI"'plltllrl "''''''11
",tridi.""I,,; & "d,jie"",ih; ,,1,Are: Eripl"", tni", 'Pi","I" Ab i/lil. Ab Occidtnt" ",A,"1S vi,-
IentAl in 'IIifClrA t"a ~xt,,,a,,nf : Stt/. ftrro pr"Fi"dAm ilIA, ""lUtl. Dtfli'1111 fi," ptccAtlscej{AV"is,ji
jf"di:' flAgra"is c«ltffilllt', & "",blll""a", COTA",,,," D.",i"o 7).. f"O ill }"jliti", & 1I,ritA",
do rHII/&'lllilii"/If",i",1IIU Wru It~,. & ;}f_ [pltnti",,,, ["F;!it; S;"ANlt",."'r~",'i".c
t~'IIUI lliltr
txi/l""t 'IIid, lo,"t.s,ft Do';';""" ,,"dir, ",t"eri, , Egomet ultrr exijlam "'die ,xAlt"v; It i,. Do",i1/o, & poi,,;
J"lIii.". (Ap"t t"" .. i"ur fteO",: ERo igirur obedlens: P"rAtlll,ft ter",- ;",piis, & ",AI,diffll" ett ",11".
us: B,,,,,,s A"t,,,, 'I"; tidelit,r '''fer'llA''t JltrbA, d' iliA ''']lotii,t '111. Do",i"", h,di, focit grA-
tiA D,; pAtTis, J'f. Chrifti fili;, tjlls [i",li""t CAplll] & Spiritlll SA"ai vifttll VOl fem!" [,xlln-
ait "'''''1 flllll v"IM.]
A Amen •
..AJU& /",,#11_ cUllm ClIlIl c.elericate.

'If A Sit bencdi¢\us nomen altiffimi qui in fernndis proiniflls eO: cOllAabtiffimus, & in mifcricor.
4iis abundllnlirumu&-.·. I1li Gloria, Laus, Honor ,decus, jubiJatio, & gratiarum altio non,
& fCI1)PC1. A",e,'"

T ..riLfJ mane circa 6. I,. N"po/."i:t:.,.
Do Oratione linita & aliqulbus verbis faa is, de noRra cum Stephano Aaione prlEterica hzri.
E. K. Here is he that was ydlerday in our Action with the
Hti ",ihi (fAit/, the lAra) [He fioo peth by little downward] ."h, do I h,ld
""h""d frl'" th,E"rth, WhAth"1II AI{ rhe Prinell.f tb, World ",,11,
A T,,,,tr "!.M"ft,,,,?
Thtfe in J.tnJ'''('''' AU",1. MII.j~lfil: Th, other ."A8••i"l: ;" tX","'" Jrll"t"""j{, """"lftth,
pltll{Mrtl Atld "Ii"d_'ff, of th, Jltfo, lI'glttl;1/! (.,,;th911f f'Ar) "" C.,.",,,,,d,,,,entl, hll'V' J
thr.Jlln Ollt th, (hilar,,, Jr.,.,Ia..
y,,,,,IIPd, ""d t:AlItd ;1/ th, Dlln~-caTricrs 1 hn' I'llifit'."',
{truA"", ("'h4"',1 cht{t,) ill JIIr., It _ i"dig"At;'1I JIIith th, ~.'rd .f1"fti" r h,,'II' r IhlJl [cAt-
ttrtd tb,,,, "p." th'iA" Ij' th, WIYUI, .ifh9",,, Shlphml , ." IfltmM" ~"'fphl""'" Mllrdertrl,
L'Arl,""dth,b...."giltu.( thtEArlh, Ih,[".,[uin, "tid,/,b, c.rfod! 0 ,." C",,,pil~
1m, (}1,1I th"t filll],' liArth .,.ith p,iji,,! 0"" A6"fm ,f m, N""", And . Dijho""I1'I'! ",:'
T''''plt I WhAt;, ,h, c~"Je thAI,,. "rt ji bltrY,,,, " thAt thl LorJ h"t'"., ",ight", /hew,d him-
f,lf _.ngft "", At ,,1Il. hit CIN/"'t" 1 Wh, Ar. ".t th, U't!irllCl" And W,1IIUr1 " Ttfti""",,,
,h, G.a .!Trllfh II1f!IMgft "", AI tbl, """.. HIlt' th, J{rMlitll' wb,.h"lh 1IIIt th, S,,,
{tlf? wilJ, h",h",. LITIJ Jtlrv",J 1~" [mn b,,,ul' 1 V"t"h, JfrMJitll h,lll'V'" frtiitf~l
J true CJ(~/a'ion ofDt. Deebi.r .A!1ion~~ witbjpirin, &€, 407
Illnd ( the poje(/i''''f th, Tf/ick.!a )'.lml1laiwg Tf/i~h tMi/l:.llna HontJ: un,o 'ou, h, h"th de/IV'"
tti/. )'11, f#ffiffi.,,/lfJ/, Ih, Dogs"A"a ,."" rhllthe" to b.come Cap,i'IJes,Tf/h, dDlh nct tkG.d of H·ftt
ftretchf.rlh bit kAna j",ing: Deli"er "'! plOpl, fr.,., ".na"t'? lire ".t the ti",11 of thD[e I,flter aA]tI 6.
A"J if:ht HArvtft .fth. 'J)ifcipltJ • /hAdotl'ea am.ngt th, tlm:gl ""d gr"ct~ of the Ifr",liw,J.1t hsthrr[rl:'!iirlJ
#ll'e .tC_, b/i""', ,ou h,we 'J'I but ' OU[u not .• for 'ou • k"o··... not the ume 0r.,oHr vllitatlon. and tIlIYN[ • •
o d,,,, ftlf'-"ttTe!a g,.er.tion thil it the CARft, (hAt tbe fing,r ofG.a n",,,,eth ".t IImong{t )DII: Mn k,n". n v~
This, thilu th, CA"ji, b~CARf' youbave no~ Faith: !"m~tr i , tht Spirit ofgodli"d lind Dbedienc~ :~~i:~~!.,:~:orl
A""lJlft ,_, C". h, that" .11 Truth dtfi~e h,"'f"f' .,m/. IJ"'ll '" C,fI' th, ft,fh of ","n dlm",i/h t I.e .nd rio ore
IIIItborn1 'f the qoal~,..a: is ChnH J clu's, ( vel') Goa.f vel', God).f leJi p• .",er or ftrenglb Itnto ,hefe dAyes
"", ,h,,, h,.",M b,for" ""1' th, [ted If oAbr';hll"'! b,,"II{. he hllth tllk!n Jour f/t/h upo" hi",. ih.dcwed in
o "u ignorAnt, $ ,Oil blindftra"gtr/, B]'" that "/IIItr, f"ithful i" the fight of tht Lord, il I:.t ,~'[~"utct
,h, god.f H,,,vrn ""d Ellrth heirt "",o,ou, 6, rt"fol/ ofhil Mlln-hood haVt 'OU ROt now ac- a I,~C.
rtfs ,ollr [tIVtl/l1ll0 th, Thro,,' of Iht Bit,htj1, 'fIIIh;ch '#III' F,,,mrs ""d "ot ? th, IJrarliW ""n Hnt,
tht PrDph,11 II"d higb Priij1s: l'" ,th,; aHrft "01 rti1flef.retb~ l.ora: For it WIU rllidofthtm
• Let rI" ", ftlliia brfort the hill. Tb" br~ught thtir offeri",,1 tl tIJ, Pmft, which 0ff'rtd up theIr
pra,erl andhllmilit!: Bill /II/to ,ou ( 0JOII of Itliit flllth) rF" r;;lIlts Ar" {t.t 'pt,,: ,ea, t'llm HntO 'E.od.c.I'.bo
,ht Thr.n,ofGoa: ",by th,rt{ort, dot '0. not 1I{,"",d Hnl, ,0Hr Chrilt, ""/'i,h1s a"oinlta btfort
the Fdtb.r. HII,h htll"ointtJhimforJ,I",[ti{t,;,rfo, ,Oil! f"borh: If you have no miracle; you
have no faith, if,ou l}IIve (jallh rill Son of God ) f"ilh, tl1becompllred wifh II MHftara-jild, &e.
But lOU do ndnt'f tht{t thingl, n,ithtr il the nil me .f (ioa m,!gnifiea ,"'lO"gft !Oll, Is it not" .!Mir4(uf.
fh .. me, Ihat the faith oj ",an gro.,.,lh nOI to bt tquAI 'fIIII,h " MII/tAraIua, is it 1101" .fi!~ ofJ.ur fili".
flllvifh nAtur, , fro", Ihe which ,ou .,.e" cllnd,thllt ther, II "0 fllilh "mo.gft 1'M?
T it ;s: For wh, th, blo.a"'f Chrift;, fhla Up.1I JOII: ""a Jou III" ""/hta "/IIIitholit i.t[tffJ,
Bth"IJ,Il6w (["itb th, Lo,d ) when I h3ve Hmed up a.Mo(rs !her, "r, lID Ifratlj,n rh"l will f.llow .A ,:w.[a.
him: Iht fud of Abr"h"TIt is d,jtr.,td .",ith tht Winter.f iell-Iove lIna dir-obedienec.
Tht L.,a groA"eth, rll];"!: Wh,ther /hA(J J turn",t? tnft. "/IIIhom fh4il I fhm m, f"tt 1 ifI fllY
unlo tbt"" go OHt ,J" ,Oil' J t fllS IIgainft th, w;,k!4: B,ho/at 1Tf/'0 b, IImOlfg{t JON, iI~a fight for
p'" Tf/h. il ,I that ht"mh me ~ lIIhtrdl 70ur faith beeo",,, .",hq;1 hohllt belitveth ",t , 0 ,OIl
wk~a g,nlrlll;o" fhall the Lord ,"II,ou III/aftt~' ,.ur JtliVt,IInc" and willyouknowohhe
Lord wi~h what mtants h.wiNw.r~among(l you", th,G.a of Huvtn ud Ellrth 6tco";Ia";0.gft H .., "!tida"'.
, - "" blgi""r or" Mtr~bAntt" H.,rJ,r Hpof "/IIIorUI, trtllru~, ; or one th"t ridub OR hor[t-6..e/t to WTb4 Sttpha ..
/"mllil r 'OU ftinkJ"g C"rri.", ,ou h"ttflll.",rtuh,s bif.rt H,,,ven ""d Ear(h, ,O." blind hirell1lgs. "':,;f;;,~um qll.
who aroitltd the S'M ."ho th;t~ do.,." ltricho, whHvmhr,w Ih, .",icl:!d Ki'![,s? ",1;- dtjlro,ed
th, Citier.f th, wi~l:!a 1 ."h. f.ught'''!.IIin.! th, rtfrobll" qi"fllI II"d Ih. flefh of mlt"tj"a? "h o ~
"p""a Ihe wi"dow" of Ht"ven II"d co"fum,a TOU all IXcept 118 ,0" rtAa • ,ight ,.rf.ll s. J,a if • c; r. .
Ollt of Ih( Tf/i"do.",,, I CAn co"[,,m, JOII, "/IIIh"l /hAil beCDm, of ,0" ;Ht
if I 'ptll"'l d"rs, if I [tnd one ·1. 8.
"'1 [trVA"ts Agllinft .,ou, ""d ",) j""umer-wl. IIrm,. Is it .Dt fllid, Tf/hllt[oev,r I PUt into !.Hr ~
",.ulhts, thAt [ptaTe!. Wh, d. )'" [0, but for th, trulhs [Ilk.!: Ifthtrtfort I hd ,OU doe, i/ mt WI! ~
trllth "U D"t 1 lam ful/.f rorrOTf/: for 110 ",an op,n,dl hil dolTl IInto WI', no "'". belitvith",t:
"0 mAn rl",t",br,th th"t , _"AIl, BtAVtn lind cllrth:
Stll, II .",hill thtlt I m"J ",up Tf/ith WlJ [tlf.
E. K. All the frone is become black and
full of fiery [pecks.
6 'After w e had read the premilfes
E. K. Here is another now come in green a man with nothing !1irntl't. Viat
on his head but ondy his yellow hair. '~fr••
He hat.h like a plir of black boots under his garments c10fe to
his legs: like buskins &c. 6. Note Ii,,,,,!, appeared in July,
Anno 1548, and did make an end of
6. Nil/vag, his work, Sec.
ltea,b you [ he paurcd aft~ a pretty while He appeareth their like a little
,hild with yellow hair, tlte,
Thill fA;th the Lord thou muf/ An[wer Steven Awwain! t. th, hltran,flofhis hllrt: AnfwlY 1(.[pon("". prl.
him thill, for the Mean: Lo, Killg,rh' Gqd of Htllvtn IIl11i EII,th hAth pilletd. m' btfot' thtl, lind mo Stephana
barb /hIJllt4unrothu his will; hAth n.llrijh,a",mthil[trvlI"tj,.", "" ,outh IInflthid JII" in 1(1,t.
the f~ar of him and the fervent delire of true wilaome, wlurtbJ 1 h"ve IIttaintd ( throuzh hil htlp)
unto tht k."owl,dge II"d [term of tilt Ihingl;. Nllfllr,: ",hich k...,.ltal' beh,la i" tht n.",IDf God
A"a for hil [ak!: and btcau[, he hllth c""ji" thN, 10, I Of" lint' thee, IIn4 Tf/iOi"lIJ m"Jt thee
pATtlll:.!rof. This aon, be not Afrai;' t. 0,,,, Ih, ",.uth limo hi"" A4 Ihou aiajf U"t, Rodolph .. in loaNf the
writing, Bthold ( ~ KiNg) I elln ",III:.! th, Philofopbers Stone, for [0 Ih" c"N it, Bt"r th.u thtr~ impccour;
for, the ChArJJ'" "nd give "" "nil",' wil"i" th,C.".., th"t I",,,, hAVe IIt.&tfs unto thtl: "nd ,'"1'1;
",,,llIlmIll/I:101 Ih" for us both; C'''''''••.hi1tltA!fo, IJ' fink! dlll/it'ffomcl b,",u" him ; tb,
!!A trul reldtion ofDr. Dee bU .Af1iu/~Jllitblints~c.
filf"illldLasky. T.~ hwl thou want not· faith : forI w~belpfhce: ,AnJ h,.fo•• ba~ asreae
For liS both Treafuro , I w,N fil them) if h, will /M,"r for""" Bill if "'4 .1 Lasky .",11 UJh"" II, ,h,
J'. ·i\.. • ndb. hili,.
Fitcr. 6 What mean you by that phrafc ?
...... AI}AC,~djdEfllll.. . . •
VIII' ,hu lippi, thJ felf ••"d J~I.e thy whole en~ca",!r f,."" '''',let,." All- r"illilflll'1"l
mind untO S"ph,." through thee,or lD the .pl'efence ofh\fDfelt.
BII' Itt Lasky 'p'" tbis II1It, h"" : The ell",p;1 '<-_" """"".
A I und:rlland not this point •
. .... Let hi", 1l1l4trjf""4, thOlllfT.I ",i"aea fo ,. fbe.
F.r th;1 fi'll'" a~,/, ask: no m()re anewer.
< · ·el/llli,.//l
. 'r ,ndJUII ~
leu ••fis pt·
t::. How,and if the King defirous of any aaion 1
..... [r,fptGl- 1IOt tbe Ki"i,
, ..dIS.
t::. I befoech you be not olkndcd that I aske your name?
..... [I,,,,efi· E. K. He is gone.
t::. The other will come again.
A voice. N''''IIe"i,.
Therefore !hut up the window.
Deus Ca:li & Tenz da nobis Fidem.
+ N!,pou";cu;,, ..1111. St.
T"t/J,,} a /lleridie eirC:1 horam tertiam: The King fend fOI) me to hear whatI had to fay to him
as 1 had, Icnd him wotd that I bad to lay fomewhatt to him in 'God his bchalfe.Wben I'was come
into his privy ChaJnber, and.U Others excluded but ondy the Lord LAsi:.., who arne with mc, and
flayed by the King bis cO!l)mandemellt. I faid tbus 'II erb",;", as followeth.
D. Ecce ( 0 R.x) Deus Ca:li & terr;.!;, me ante oculos Vearos poiuit: /lc .obis {uam detlaravit
volumatcm: me autem Icrvum fuum:l. juventute mea ad Imefentem diem enuuivit in timore illius,
/lc deCide rio fervcmi verz f.picmiz qua radone( /lc ejus aultiiio )afiecutus {urn cogniu"nemllc ·fecrcta
[etum naturalium quamc"lgnitione ( ecc'c ) in nomine Dei.

J""ii 6
Mane horam circiter 8 .'.
Orationibus linitis, pro luce'/lc nritlte Divina, quz nos ducerent & perducertnt ad mODtelD
fan&1m Si.". atc.
I have ( 0 Lord) acc()rdiog to my Cimple abilitio, enaeavoured my [elf to declare. to StlllllO
thofe thin!!,s I was willed; "accept, 0 Lord, my intent, and gin me tby gqces an. cncJeafc my
f.itb that I may in my doings and layings, plca!'e thee ornot oBcnd thy diVIDe Majcllie, ana now
<> Lo,d, we await thy further dire6Hon : not prefuming to propound ( as DOW) mattCr,fu~h as our
flail (late mighe m.; vc US unto: bue therein we crave ebis aide ,thy ligbtand wi[cdome,&:~.
K. E. Here! is a great head with Wi~lgs like a Cherubim: all of
fire, the eyes are very big, as big as your hat) and his head as big aJ'
this Table •
..... H, I"", ;1 A jlup let hi", jlU? .n, h, thA' ;1!iI the higl} "'" I" hi", "., rlt"r""'",, ,
Hl/hAuiS/e,b Itt hi", "ot rife, "",,.t ftil1, iI•• berh •• .",,,,,b
Itt hi", ","p Pill. b"h., re-
j"ctthlt,hi",r.j'T~efor''IIcr. He th.t 'g.lth A"r! Itt hi,. M'
retllr" i""
p/""mb hil Yi"e,.ra Itt h;", "., fee i" ht '''A' gAthtreth the gr"'1 Itt Iti", "., a,iIOk.. of th,,,,, ~ ..
tb.t bI4Fh.",,,J, tb. "._ 'f Goa, him bI.Jphlm~ ,f.r he r"",,,,tJ, IN,.
BII' h, th.ttloqlc.!,b"p
,,"/. HtAvtn, Itt him ••t cajf .his '!tlll p.n ,IJI Earth.
BeJiold"h, Lora hllth f.rg."", tht Ear,h, and it is 3 burden to m: that I 3m here. th,re!", I go.
V"to thofi thAt 1I.·r"lI, ,he S".".ra il r,,,d, with tht rt"Ara, .". b, "",. tM M."jf,r if tb,
E.r,h,prIJt;s Acc"rftd.
E. K. He is gone: and jlyeth in a ftrange order: upward in a
Cpe,,:ialline in manner?
A vcicr. PII' "Il thi"g'" fil,,,,, ,h.t th, LAra hIla "",h,a,
Tbtrtt:'p'.~/' AII4 ,b, B•• lt/,ftt ,HI o""fh"" 100', M1' ,.",b ,h,,,, 1I11,il , .... blllT ",w, fr.",
till. Bllt I, vf right h,Art, ."d "AIle.! tf' ..".!"hllt "II.rtrtl"r·lU~ jilt••
TAIc!;his "" Itfoll: you 3 re in favour with m: , and forthc reacace DOC.
t::. Thy mcrcirs be Cealed upon us forncundeYer, 6 Lord, ofHofh.
E. K. Now is a red thing, like a Cloud come all over the ftone.
Ignem tui amons /lc przpotemis fidei in cordibus nofiris, accend~, 6 DellI
Omnipotent llIIO~ k SclDfCc. .,bull;,
J "Ile reution o/Dr.Dee hiJ Afli01l1,withfpiritl, & c. 4°9

I J85'
Attgufli 6.

Unica ACtio; qure Paccialla vocetur.

Que durabatabhoraJ . mane, adhoram II.
l' R A q .lE.

A8:io PHccidna.
+ PrIlL"' .A[l;DnU P"re;III1")
.A"g"fti 6. ,. . '. .. pTi.r p"rl.
T "ifJ.lIl, Mane, clr~a ortllm Solts., & nobis ~ert Injungebarur. .
Fufis de ma:re przclbus, &c. przlcmih~s nobIS D., E. K. 8c F,.. P"eei, ut przfcrtptum erato
Difoofita erat Menla f~cri,: Canddaque cerea accenfa.
E. K~ Here is one) covered in white to the brefi, all white ap-
paralled,he hath a long glaffe in his left ha.nd, full of filthy loath-
Jorne fiuff'e , like matter or like bloud and milk, or curds mingled
together, and a fiaff'e about an ell long in his right hand, he fet-
tech the end on the ground, he pointeth with his fi~ffe toward the
» Table of Covenant. •61 Itld fet f.
A.ccede Dommum. 1(.. It the ufu.
at Tlble, ;n
D. He [E. K.Jcamcto the Table of Covenant, and looked into the H'IJ·(I."t, our feeret Ru·
and taw the Cam: vifion, but his face is (here) bare, and he [eemtth to be Vritl. dy,lnd bad f••
my "fuat
BeMdiaus qui venit in n"m'ine Domini: b beata Dei tux,
I),. She,,· f,one
URI E t ....... , GI.riIlHbi<J){1tooi"t, 'R..!.>: cadi, & "rr~, 'I'iitl, & '11111/11'11111.
E. K. Now I fce the foundation of an old thing, as though it
were of a Church.
A voice .' .... Mt_{firl.
M,4",., from t~ E4j1lolh( Nmh, AlIl.fromthe N"th I' tbe Wljl'IT', f".be~/tJ, th",)
.1 j"tlgtd IIlrllldr.
URI E L ...... I h,Vl mlAfH""l, (Lura) 2.5, lI"d Ih, hlll!'f ,.,,'lf/, fiv"
37 ~. ,
Tilt ""icc ...... Dlwtk,iII1o th,u..JWrtJ. [I),. The third part of 37 -l]
URI E L ..... ~ lru aolft. is J~t·
The.olCe ...... 'tJlf/r thtl{illgl iftbe EII{1 giT!rthtfirft.
It"t. If" ):,i",1 of Wlft livt 'hI flellfd.
rh, ,..-.", ",,-!t-rt ',II",. th, 1.,,1r .f thl North ~ th.t tht firt 'f"" i"diglflft;,,,, ." be A
*riJ/, A.NiP ,1m,,; A"a.thllt t~ ."hou W"./I. (t~e"t th, t~e'pt,J) ",Ii] tlrlNl{.of th,fDrroTfl oft Ire '1'ro,blU'
fn/DIdI p"" <1 the half timI:, yet to WOle.
URI E t ...... Th, trHllth (0 Lora)u "t'Wo.,agta f."ortJ, thJ j"JgI'II'lIfI lir; ptrptf_AI A""
",,,/tJfi;,,~,/h, 'IIItirI.Iffr,tln fplrie 1",ub ""d,,";"rft..tli"g,tb, Gllrmeflu ""ft .p"" A"tl [mIl.
1;"l~1Ifr; n, SeAl"w;,I1,IIr'II , .lfIllri"",phjlll, .,,/,0 illiV"lIlv ,htl 1I"11'1,"gl,hf H,A-
Hb ~~
rv1 trHe Relation of Dr. Dee his AOioRl)D'itbJPiritl',&c.
Vt1l1,"' .,.h. h",h It".",,, ,h, b,,,,.,,? Gr'lI' IITtth •• ,,,,h!. h.I,,,,I1, ".d ",;ghIJ ;" Ih, W#I'd.-
rn."gft thl So""elof ",e,,: Th, T'fI",m",;s "~/" ."a ""'jiJ,a, The gl"7 rf Ih, SII; ., "IItl Ihe
hllll1/1'f th, S• ."IS: 7 6, ."';,,tld;s fttCf'ifiml, ""a h.,h Imftght h,.l,h .,,1' the fllithflll, • ..a
11",' Ihl S••",s.f Abuh~rn, 7 h, [pi,il ;S l'fItrllljflJtg,,,,,a Ih, oil ofc""fort' The H ••vI1J1 (rherl-
forr )!.tlther Ih.m/tlvu logtlher, .,.ilh H.lltl"j.h " be.r wit." ,fTuf Ih, gretllinJiglllll;'" • ..afu -
r] p,tpAwl for Ih. E."h, ""hich r,f,,, up with Ihe K."gsof thl EATlh, ."d h.,h ,1'1'"
wedding qar'ments: fA,i"g wilhJur [tlf I ,,,n. Qnl".' I Amlhl a.."hurof {,I;cit,. R'1IIem-
h, y III/ ", IhAt Arl dru1i~" ""ilh "'1 pkAj"IIT"lh, Chll,,,if" I hlf'fllg i ve",.II, a"d prep.rl ,01"
[tlvISloco"l",d Tl!ith Ibl H. igh_ft, r.t ,ou, {lIves "~"i"/f hi", , .1.g.;"ft the ."oi"w~, for ]'"
Are bew>It thl C!Ji!d'M.r"ft,..1Ig Ch.mpioll: .",h'fe S.""e fo"'.l g/lr,,,/h,, •• withth~ N" ..,of •
KI/'gdoml, ""d /hRII p.ur• .,.,Md,rl "",..g}1 ,.u, fr.m the jtllT,is, .",hich /hdlL put th_ SH""e Ihl
jf,."a,a .fhis wIIggOlf,a"a tb, M ••" Ihe hA"d",.id'f his ["v•• IJ.B./O Goa,(h. is" L,Ar, ."d Ihl
fire. 6rand.f al;r,u[fi.". For ,bthold;lhoH A'I mithl], ""d /hllil lriNmph"."Jjh"" ",,, Co"'lllt,tr
for e7.ltr.
E. K. Now the Stone is full of white Cmoak.
l::. A raul~.
E. K, The fmoak is gone, and here fiandeth one over him ill the
AVilion. aire with a Book,whofe nether parts are in a cloud of fire, with his
hair fparfed, his arms naked, the Book is in his right hand) a four
fquare Book, with a red fiery cover, and the leaves be white on the
l.i6t'( CM1Il7 fi edge, it ha th 7 feales upon it , as if the clafpes were Cealed with 7
golden Seales. And there are letters upon the Seale~, the firfi E.M.
EmIt 1m. £.1'.T.A. V.
The ."~d .1....
T .It,.- this, NI' LIIU "..gil cI are[c"t,E.I Lsix, ver""u fiAI v"/iliA. DAt.
" ejf "tim Ii"; p.t.;rIlS, dandi &: lIperiendi hunc librurn "'1I"do & m""dis.
ORIEL, .... Glor •• libi,Ru: CI%I;(j-Itrr.A q.; f"ijU·n,& v.",urHS,tS hi,.c ."illf,;udiciii meretricis.
E. K. Now Vriel taketh die Book, kneeling upon bothhis knees.
URI E L ... ,.. Re j.,,,
0 ,Oil fo""eJlf """, lift IIp , •• r he"rtJ 11"" bt"v,,, for Ihe fo~rtt1'f
G.d"ruptlltJ: All.
bis ••rd I" •• t 6{Pr;fo". /t.ljO,C" 0 ,.11 fo."eufGod, for Ih'lpiril'f ~,.,b
".J.II"dtrjliutaillt. ;SA1IH",ff ,'N, Rlj'1ce 0 ,'11 th", "" 'f Ih. S""SIIM'l., for ".fo"a be f.lI.f
l:>Vifil~j, w,!J,,,. lUI. H"dt,:ft""Ji,,~. R.j'lcI Olh.1I thl Houfe.f J"e.b. for thy vifitation isat an e/ld, ."a
].Pi,i", th] ?/ijirri,,;s 6egi""i"g:Th. f'lIT .,.,i",J, /h,,11g.tber thet t.gtther,."d Ih.;, / blli/d NP IhllroJ-
.:Mif'rK"dilt dM .. ,,11: 7 ht bridlg,..m /hAJJ d",1l with Ih,., A"d '.,.b,, the L.,A hMhJWD''', "".. wicqa-
,.nv"fi·· h0I1.1 (hAN hAve reft ; A"J Ibl/II (h,,11 Ii'll. e"r"IIII,.
J.d".,um. neJfc/hA/l ",, t,lItr i"t. Ihet, "tilh" /h,,11 the Spi,il'f Ih. Highejl f'lIm rble, ~". IhJ (Mherl
Thl ~/'IIJ of ,h,l"n.cenll /hili I ht .,.;.fhld _., from Ihtl •""a Ih-'fh.II.•• pe~".U /.,. .,,,,,,
a,qn.7'he" /halt Ihe L.",b jf""d;" the midu{1 of Ih, {IntIS 0 HierHf"I,IIf:lflld /h.l/giv, SIIII"111
""IDth, p"pllAna inhAbi,."n: All NAtions (hA" CDmt lI"to Ihe H'lIfllf D "t!iJ: Tht tM.therl
or • Jh.e/J ttllch Ihiir i"f.",/. f.,;.g, Trllth "ro"illd, a.,Jlh, N."'t of ,h. L'ra (hAil b.,he
, mt.., prW4'
h f L
WAIC ·m." ° mee, U "1.
C; .
E. K. Now all is full of a white clond,
U R IE L ...... Sil,,,c""'1D "'.,IVId r.{1.",. ,011 fDr «follfo••
E. K. All is diiappeared, =lnd the ftone feemeth deer.
A6l:ionis Pltcciantt pofterior pars.
/::. Lrgi p{zrnilfa Latine ipliF,. Pllcci, &: PlIUClI locutllS {urn de rcglbus8c aliis qlli h%c putant
elfe noHus irnpofluras, &: :l. nobis I ore mlla ratione traClari,&c.
E. K. He is here again.
E. K. He 'itteth itl' a chair of Chrifull, with his:Book in hi" lap,
and the meafHring.,-(k[ in his.right hand,and the glaffe vial in his left
URI E L ....... Se,u.g Ih.t p.••,,.. ij livt" ."11",', ,,"a
,hilt ".,,,h1s .adttL._r."" Mi-
n.{1", , 4nd 1 "",.~,c'1IH flli' qf liglN ~ Ir",h~ lwi/l.'PIf" "ur 'lei..,· "..a I .iII ~_.]_
Ihttr~lh ,h.",." ma! fh.~ off ,h, /1I",pifollllfuf
,".elk..." Irlllh wllh ,.ur[111""1,
,'''1' -kJr'fJ', ..
J"J iI-"": -a
GivI,Ar (Ihmf",) Ji ilg'IIII, NHI. _1 ~: ""a illlNf,,,,, p,'*l',
.,,;,Ime ,hI '",.' #( "",.
""Ttl. thM t.t I.e! tlf ,0Nr N-{IIi.trjfA~' .11,
rrr';'111 jJ""I'S, 1IIM',hAl 1'" frutrII-rifh
J true 9'{~lation of Dr. Dee his Allrons, withJPirits, &c. 41 I
*ith IIcuptllbl. T rllth, III th. ch'fi" {,MlII"ulI"il Mi"ift.,.1 'f th. H~htft.
TOlIN ",."'III;n "'"Jilno PQ{lt. t}, and is became the open {hop of Satan. to de· Iff.liti.,
ceivc the Merchants of theEatth With alt abhomination. But what', .
are you the Pi:d- Mllndam' ,
h k 7'nm~a, c-
lers of fuch wares -: or the Carriers abroad of lies and falre dodrine. Do YOll t in liU.
ids a fmall matter to tic the [enfe of Gods Scriptures and myfieries unto the fenfe
and fn.«tching of your Imaginations -: Do you countit nothing to fit in judgmenta.
gainfi the Spirit of God: leaving him no place, but at your limitltion. Is itlawful
before the Sonne of God, to fpend the whole dayes, yea, many yeares, with the
Sonnes of Satan, thelying imps,and deceivers of the World -: Arc you [0 far cntted
into the {hop of abhomin3cion, tha! you point UntO the Sl1Int 'f God tht lime of his
coml1\ing, the ddcending of his Prophm, and the time wherein he {hall vifit the
Earth -: Mo{ts durfi not fpeak, but from the Lores mouth: The Prophets expoun-
ded not the Law, but the voice of the Lord. The Sonne of God fpake not his own
words, in that he was flelh, but the words of his Father; His Difciples taught nor,
but through the holy Ghoft; D.ue you (therefore) prefume to teach. and open the
{ecret Chamber of the Highdt, being not called '!
Tell me, have you left your Merchandize, and the counting of yourmony deceit..
fully gOtten, to beomeTeachc:rs of the Word of God -: Arc you not afhamed to
teach before you undcrftanM yeJ,lre you not alhamcd to lead away, where you cannot
bring home -: Hypocrites you are, :lnd void of the Holy Ghofi,lyars you arc become,
and the enemies of Chrifi, and his holy Spirit.
Peradventure you will fay, ill reading the ~criptl1res we underfland But tell me,
by what fpitit you underfland them: what Angel hath appeared unto you -: ')r of
which of tbe Heavens have you bee:n inflruCted ?
It may be you will fay of the Holy Gholl, 0 thou £001 ,and of little underfianding!
Dofi thou not underlhnd that tile Holy Gholl, is the School-mafier of the Churcb,
ofthe whole Flock 8c COllgregation ot Chri£t! It he be the school-mallerCthercfore)
overa multitude, it followeth then, that one dodrinetaught by the Holy Ghofi, is a
Je(foll or an undertlanding of a multitude:But what multitude are ofthioe underfiand-
jng or of what Congregation art tliou ? Wilt thou fay,thou .m lcaueted. Thou.fpeak-
efi faOy,thou art a runDagate.But, behold,I teach thc:C',and thy error is bcforethy face.
Whofoever doth underfiand the Script urcs mufi feck to undcrftand them by Ordi·
nance and fpiritual tradition. But of what fpititual tradition underfiandefi thou! 01 by
what Ordin~nce arc the Scriptures opened unto thee! Tbou wilt fay thou art infor-
med by the Holy Fathers, and by the fame Spirit that they taught t by the: {Ime Spirit
thou underfiandefi. Thou fayefi fo,but thou dofi not fo. Which of thy Fore· fathers
hllth litA rlllfo" til tht W"r'"! GQd! or the 'underllanding of the Scriptures to the Di[·
cipline of the BeatheM 1, by unto thee, that thy Fore-fathers wcre dear UntO Chrift,
were pertakers of the heavenly vifions and celefiial comfortS, which vifion$ and cele-
frial com foltS, did not teach unto them, a new expofition of the Scriptures, but did
confirm and give light unto the myfie:ries of the Holy Ghofi [poken by the Apofile:s,
the ground-layers :lnd founders of the Church. Whatfoever, thercfore,thou learneft
of thy Fore-fathers,thou learnefi of the Apoftlcs,and whatfoevcr tho u !carnefi of the
Apofiles thou hafi by the Holy Ghofi. But if thou expound the Fathers after thy {cnfe,
& not :liter the fenCe of the Apofiles,thou hail not the Holy Ghofi,but the [pirit ofly-
ing. Therefore humble thy felf and fall down before the Lord. Lay Ieafon aftde, and Rea"'n.
cleave umo him. Seck to uoderfiand his word according to his holy Spirit. Which ho- Eccltji4'llift6i.
Iy Spirit thou mult ne:eds find, and fhilt find in, vifiblt ch."II, tV", .nll Ihe t1l". lir.
I will plainly fay unto thee (That,Truth may appear mightily io light:) Whofoever
is contrary unto the will of God, which is delivered IInto his Churcli,tattght by hisA.
poftles,nourifhed by the Holy Ghofi,delivered untO the World ,and by Feu, brought
[0 R"tlf, by him, there taught by hi~ Succc{fors, held, and maintained, is contrary to
God and to his Truth. ht~tr.
L ut h~r h.In'~ hi J rtTflllril. Calv i ..
Calvm hlJ ,.t.,.IIra. . Oblliooccly
Tht ~.ft, All thllt hlfVttrTla, 1111.1 "il//I/I!"IIII1' .ftr.!, (epar3tin~ ,bt.[tlflu fro1ll ,t" Chllrtb erring. , ,
"'''~ C'"grtgAli", of Chnft obfHuacely, .,.J thrDllth the ;"ftigiftiollDfthtir fllthlT th. D(ilil,h/l1J( Tb. ~din lrl~
Ibnr ,''WAr•• Af.Aillft ."h,,,, tbl S."", .fG.a p,.,U pr.".",,~, j"df.",tnt, /1I!ill!, "0 of .n H.-
H' h ~ fiI, tcti'iUC.
412. J "",relation ofDr. DC'ebiJ AOions,PitbJPiritll&C.
G."".M~ej,,tr.I i,," Hell'fi,." pr",uv. f.,. ,.,.lI11M ...l hil Chi/dr,,, f~- ,be
IIII'II"'lIg. • . . b'
. r,,, rifi"p ",..I/lft 1'''1' fil"" r"li,,!, Th, 'P'r' It vt"mbrift ; F,r J, ' " 11- !'" ,,,/1
~: i:'kh:il\. hi,., an evil man he Illay~, and ~1l froin his yocatlon: BII' he "'" "",er.J, Alllithrift: F.r A,,-
Anti,hrill. tichrift iI he, ts" f.III11.! th, Devil, "", • ..,f/.tfb "". ~/."d, b,r".f ."~~.",,. ikelll/,,1 H",-
lot, thtltfb"l/{idllclth, p"pl" fwe/l "ith the ftrel/!.th'f hi' f.ther, .,,4 refiJl G.J ;11 E"rth .. rru", ,,1 hi, f"thlr did ill H."",e" _lIg ,h, .AIII,II, IImrl, """1illl. '"I O",IIip.ulltJ,
lI nd filt;"" hi",fe/f .g.i"ft hi",.
C1. 1JtJCllTi.A- fl.
07'" lt , ""d.! little ,,"derftlllldi"l t wh,"lf11t"he Apftltl, tlu Xe"t .f H,,,v,,, ."ere
,,/1.1;' d.tll. givtll, thlll it t. f"" the fame authority nnd power of Cnri(l lefu' the Sonne.f tlu Li"illl G,d,
'0 fDrlive ji""'/, ""a tf,xtl"ik ji""erl fr.", th, Ki"g4ntu.f H,1ff/r,,; (.4".) ."h." l1li"
ApD/flesjit """s f"id .tr. Come behind me Satan: 1'" h"vu.t "lIdtrftA"di"l r. [t, illt. th, "'lft,.
,b, f-
rits.f the Hi~h,ft; ifthe S_.f G,a di. CD",,,,,,,J' ...J r'rr,he"J hil Difiiplll, "h, io",.,
It. member " (th,refore). Bilh." b"."lIftd g'oJ ""d "'il j ifi, f.lI.", (tl"rtf.r. )tbtll g". "". rvil ",., b,.
uke ~m<nding Bijb' p,il fol/o"tI" ,,1ft, th"t lUith,r!01. "orl'llilUtUrb "nt'.lh, Jt"lhtrit,'f. 'Bijb'1, ~lIt "",.
~f ih~lace. hi, .",,,ti(,; ifheb, t"dh,r'.ptt th, b""fit of hisgo.JII,.!'? ill'ifhe~'I'II;I, heisaLyar,
~~~ ong_ ~tC."fi hi' 'D.Brin, il "I."i"ft hi",filf, iftb""f"" forthe finne ot man, God hid f"If"., • • ""!
toaas 1J. A. i" ,,,,[pirit 'f • Ananias 10 fil i" thf J,.I, plll",;t Uf.,.""r ;"11" f.~,Atld f,r"nr,J,I/ulil """1"
10 b, p",,,jbed: And not for the obicuring or darkning of his Ghurch.
0lt" ""1' '!" ,ber'f.,." ""d ""tltrftA". t ""d el,.f/II. Ih, Ch"r&h for the {hllreb f"~. "lUI
"" for th, 10f/1O! "."". DI[pi[t,," ,h, Ch""tb, b"tlllf"f ,hi trtlll!i.r'ffi."lof "',,": BII' f""-
)I a 'W
,.k! "".
mit ,."r ""4:.,,,,,tler Ih.t h.l, .r4t"""u. whi,b {b'" I,,,,," J.M to the C'''gr't''I;'1I g'f/'r-
. ",d;, th, Splri"fG.d, 'lib, rei" ,." fb,,11 II""'" /I"". Ih, pcrm .f q.d hil B••k.., I'~' i"I"-
I.~r::.':;:;:. p,,,,aAccordi"g t. th'fi"fi'! '0"1' t"th,r,: ",hof' "l/a"ft"".i"g.".1 Ih, fi"g" .fth, HII, Gh.Jf,
.." I.,.n. ,." ,""",r .",horif, 1'''1' fitv", ."d witho"t ,,1I1h.,.i'! 1'" e"" M IIDt.i"g; 'Ther,f.,., if ''''1'
••,h.rit; ~''''I, whl I.'" ,0"
!'" II,." th, aoil/II if th, (h.reh • ."hi,h it II .",
Ibi"!,, ful(. ,.
""tler,."d Ib,Script"rll, ""d." other Ihi"l to ".ebth, Script.r'l tlCe.rdi,,{ 10 hi' ".aerft""...
i"g, for h, tblll tttlehllh, tllleh"b, -dlllhor,t, , ~"I if b, h""" ", .A"lb.rit!, h. ;, ..
An ufurper. t..M", ~rtlbr'n """",b,r ""1' [tlflll, ""d tMlfitltr ,." "1" Chlla",,: ,." Ar, IIOt, ye(lri juris,
bllt alieni. 7 J1tr'f""l~ III,hi"I thlll is of,."r[tlflll: B"I foil,,,,, (.s I"d,hildr,,,) ,b,ft,1' of
~".ji~.:"r. 1'''1' Mother: which Mather is a pure Virgin. ""d it .1",.,,, i"jfrIlB,il ."ith Ih, .",if"'" of" Ih•
.. ,:~~, •. t.- C.mfort" j wh"t mil"fb' fottll giv, 11"1' ,." her Chiltlr,.. : A"d".." fb' fbll" Im"Il'. liP "". i".
s;lIIp/j,irM. ftr.o J''': Si"'pliciq II "'lICh .".,.,h, ""d ,;,di,,,,, illl G""I."J ~if'rI ,h, brd. B"I enuji'!
C.....firM ~
;t Is" D,viJ; H .v, 1'''.' ",1111 ; Thll' ,h, ~'ttI.'f th, ho'1 ,,," is III'II ;, '''ft ""t, 'D'll ,
L ..4:.,,,,,,. ".1' filvtJ .",h,th,,.,,,,~, 'D'f.s", M. S" if,."r 1.[,;, s,,1,: ,.",. Milll' ftrtlizh, "till
::; •• ~/.,(I. ,III
l"ft, ""1' p.ti,IIC' ",,,,,if.I.: 1"'1' .ffliEl"" gr'.' f.,. tb, L.r. , if ft"d",1 ,OM' [tlllllfo, ,,,.
F;~;7 l,::t~' .r,,,.~Chi/drtllj If'D.~' no,Cbifb,,,. """1" ".r S.II"", if,'.},'IIII, S."1U1 ""hAV'".
c•• :s. .", 'f,."h"".!e ... Mother 1'" "1", """"'Mv,,,,erJlftb.~r,III1,(Childr,",e"rrlfb,
l ~ •• (lri ill;;' fi"feltJli, ."d "glli"ft G••.
.,.m /I"UlI,fi Emer ,hertfor, i"t. j"df.""'" .",ith ,Mr[tlvlI.
dr!".danuu. (."fid" ,." .1" cre"ttli b, G.d.
~~:;;'. COllliatr 1'" "1" r,a""". b) G,d.
spirit'" Sall. C."fidtr "ifo J'" "I" ttlfo I'ft to th, rpiri,,,,,l I"i,io" .". e.",fort.f G•• : "hi,h Go. hlllb "'IIM
E."ltjiJ. ,f,." " c.,,!r'gtlti.,,: • holl ""d fo"Uifid f,llo ..fhip , fttdillt .t",,,,,, M ~rtthr'" I'l,,,ber,,,,,dtr
: he bread of /,il"'ill[.S, ."a ., his T "~/,: ."hkh fmleth "" with the ~,Iul,f lif, "". ""tlerft."ai"l' JIIith
Ite ~'!,dc,- Ih, ~.a., ."d ;I./ld 'f ]'f"s Chrift th, S."", 'f Ih, Livilll, G•••
I an ~lg . . WI/h ".dir/f""Jing 'hili ,." fIIA,Ic.."." ,b,7IilI .f J,,,r FA,m ."hieb i, ill H'A"'II. 1lIIII1c..--
.. '''t hi"" b,.b,di,,,t: whi,h is ,h, ""c/llji'.if",,r ".e"ti.". sb"k.! "'1 'if ,,,",(.1" th'lok! 'f
9b~JIt,". t/l Oludi,,,CI, I,,,ft ,." pllt ."., "'ft Ih. Cup of undcrllandins, ""d ft k...-"" rh' ."iIl'f ,.",.
/i,,,,,. II,, 110- Ptlth"..
"""II. B"I "'J 'hi"~,,,,,•• AI" ftMVta. ""1' gMII "", (hrll"'<-"P: , ••r ""11 "". ji"""s Ar,,,ilb",••
WhAI il Ih, cu[t ,h"tlt? wh,,, r,,'w,. T,,, ,he bread .f Ih, L,r.l wh,,, rtenvtd "~" "."rifb4
"""1 r 0,." 'flittl'f.ilh: ."d ItJli ...dtrftillldi"g ""'1'1". "".r"I111,.ftr",: "" M,~/;"d'7'"
f.lI,."".t Iht ."i/l'f ,,"r l'",her: 'l{s,,,r,,, 'R.!t"rll, ."df", "ithi"""1' [tlvII •
041/;" ••;1,,..0 eternal God and loving Father) great is thy care and mercy
':'ft:!:~.. over us, which being ledafiray (with Satan and the fpirit of dark·
~~:!:"!') nelre) haft brou~ht us home: which being blind haft fet open be.
fore our eyes: <.our eyes aIfo opened) the true path and line of un·
derftanding: Happy are we whom thou loveft fo deerly: and unto
whom the care of our health is fo dear: We will therefOfe praife
rvl "fle relation o/Dr.Dee bis AfJions,wi.hfpirits, &c. 413
thy Name, and return from our errors: we will acknowledg our
finnes, and follow thy Commandements : for thou, 0 Lord, art
andy juft and true, and thy mercy is everlafting: Thy Lawes are
fweet, and thy love andkindneffe mighty amongft us, Holy, Holy,
Holy Lord God of Zebaoth, all honour praifeand glory be nnto
thee for ever,
6 Amm,
...... After A .,.hil,l rtl"rn "IAi".
E. K. He is gone.
D. Note, I read the premilfes to Fr. PIlCei, in Latin, which feemetl to us to be wonderfully pi-
thy, and to tbe I'urpofe,&:c.
E. K. He ii here againe.
URI E L ...... Francis Pucci,livllllr v",t, _, ",,,a.
Stll, A ."hil,.
D. Herellpon Fr. PHCC; did kneel on both his knees. Prtnei/c/#
URI E J. ...... TrHI it h, thllt, 111 t', fp;,.# ",ovla th", (0 God hath called thee to the PM"j.
partakin~ aad andtr!landing of his will to be fulfilled in punifhment and wrath 3gainll tbe fal-
(hood and deceit of the earth. A"II thlrlfll'l'l hlllh G.d in hJJ !:T'llt lovI ud IXUldi"l ""rc) 1111-
1111 ,hu A.,.II, (r,,,, thl S.",,,,s .f th, Au.rftd, A"II fr.", tb, .,,11, 'f "",ilbt"II["ijft: ."b",i"
;fth." f.I1• .,. hi", ;n ./implicit] 'f C."'!C;",", 111111 r;lh",-[",ifl (thl ."lrk.! of fllith) tho" fbillt
btClHlfir_d: f.rI[IIT lI"t. thet, /.,.iRpOlPtr ",'Ve,,!,AII&I "PD"th, ."h.l, Ellnh, ""d/."ill
,hlljrln he, In h,r i"jqllit} , IIlId i" thl ",illd"'f her pri." I."i/I thrl11fllter a"." "UIl-I'''g, _.I
fbi fhAII ,rill",p/'"" ",." ,'. Alld /""IIUft rh•• hA/f hilmI-I,ll th, [11f, _, [pirit fhAIl 1" ."ith thee, Jlliidr'/II irici~
Alld tb,,, fhAit lI"d,rjfIl8d. And this wicked Monller. that littcth in the Holy Temple, and lin- ,i'f • II.",
net" againfi the Highefi, /hall be thrown down head. long with his pride: And he iliall be cha!lifed ~,!.
and corrected with the mouth of you tWO; For at the, noufe of the Lord Judgment mull bel:in. Fllilll,Smrllf,
A",II th, r,I-,IIiIlL fonne ",.1 /., fe.llrl'. b,!or, th, Wicked ferTant 1" ,."ijhtJ.. F'Ar ",t, I ."ill
F"t lC."t. 7,,,r .".rd/, /1r11l1t h "".1. p..,.,r : .A"d if h, b'llr "" "ot, "lit jfrttth forth hi! hllntilll-
~lIi";; " " , l."i[J rAi" fir, Alld bri",jf.", {r'''' H,II"",: IIli4 hi, ;'.",lIing pIAm fhllll pnlc.: .A"tl
"hI Llllr.! tIm [hAil rNIIAi", /hAU btllr ."jrlllff'lIgllilljf hi". (.,. 111"...1": Lift", th, h,llrt thtr,-, A.d iUfpJft tbt W.rld; Fight .",ith hll' mAjrf.lfJ, ".J """t D1itrfflfH. M.r"vlI', A~It• ..,,-
I,dg Ih, jinnu, ""d fl' IInt"h, L.,.•• $1I/(..'lIt his H,"f" ."J '111 .f his "r,AIl I f.1' tholl hllfl'
",lIr" IIl1d of it. .
Th, ["til thllt th," hllth fl."" ",rlM, l"thll' lip "1";II, ",,' thtll ii, plI"ljbtJ,fll'l' th, jinl of th,
Th, S."I, jf_dlth MAr, ",(.,., th, LwJ, ."bi,b il tbt ,",,!t thllt h, hllth "'11'" "p./rth",
.",hich' '";Ih ""t. th", If tho_~, .",dimt "ifll'l" tl" Lord, fon.." ,h, i"pr"aJ'''I ...J Jiftiplln,
vfth,i~IT yh,ft: ""aJ",h,w"Ic!,[ rightltl"/,,,!11I1I4 CbMit] , "'l Slirit folllll'" "P'''thll.
I h..v,[lIiJ,
K. E. He is gone.
f:::. I read over the lall parcel in LAt;ntto Frur;s ~/lcrj: after he had in 1Cry penitent tort
thanked God confelfed him(clf an offcnder,as he wal here noted, &:c.
E. K. He is here again.
URIEL. ..... r.."r !,,,,,,,,, A"tl D,v.tion """i/iJ, Tht hl,./f"'l'f G,ath,Fllth,l', tIN
S'''' ",,11 Ihl H,l, Gh.jf, i", h;st1ltT1III;nl trlllh 1I"a litbt, mnfll'l't ]"', illtp "", 1IJr.l~,
""r';iMI""t, ,.,,_
.. Amen.
URI E L, ..... Extilltll' '"""n: Nil", tltCla.,
A Dco noltro Omaipotenti , ~tcrno Lucis lie Veritatis Authori
lit omnis laus. gratia aCtio, honor lie gloria) nunc &:
line fine, ..A.'II.
I1n". 1 SSS .A"I."!; 6 P RAG £.

A6Honis PftCcUmlZpofterior pars.

Videns,( E. K.) nubcm jam receAilte confpexit: ut fupn U R IE LIS Cl.put (quali in .c~e) ~~~ttr tili""
alium ,idic Angelum: cujus pars inferior, nubc ipea contincbat\U'.· CapitiSlcri capilli, cirCa q~~ P~'Pllh.""
humorcj P·r • _I I.
~ trHe Kel4tioll of Dr. Dec: his ASions)rPitbfPirill:.&c.
humeros fparli, /le brachia nuda appsrcbant. Dextra aumu Libollh tcnebat, quadrata fipua, teg--
mille, ( quali ignito, rubicllnd6que cobre,) vebtim: Foliorum vcro eXterior ll\argo, dbicans
erato Septc/U minalu/is, quafi totidem (eris, cbufus eire, liber videbcltur. Atque fuper retinacu-
lorum Ola, tigilla quali aurea, imprdfa coniparebant. Et fuper lingulis ligillis, litterz inftliptz
liogulares; Supcr primo E,fup. 1 M,fup"3 E,!iip. 4 T, fup. 1 T,fup. 6 A,fup. 7 V.
..... vledp, /16rllm hllnc, do Vlr;,AI IIICI "'''lil c/"rlF"': EtIIlX, fleritllll, lilt 'fIllli".
DtUlUft libi p.llftM dAlldi, & IIptritndi hll., l-ibr""" eM".d., & eM"lIdis.
URI E L. ..... Gratia tibi,Rcs Ca:li, /le terrz,qui fuifli,(s, & ,emurus es,hin.: enim Judicium
M: rctricis.
E. K. Japt accipit librtlm URI E L, utrifque flexi.! genibM.
URI E L. ..... Gaudcte, b '0S filii homini • lev:1te corda velh. Ca:lum verfus. ~crecaenim
Dei palldumur: /le verbum ejllHs calceribusemilTum en. Gauderr,& 'os Filii Dei, quia Spiritus
veritatis /le intelligentiz inter vos exi!lit: Ciaudete, 0 VOl, qui de fanCluario ellis, quia fapimtia
/le intclligelltia replebimini. Gaudete,o tU domu, J""", quia jam tua /inila eH vilitatio ~ atque
incipit vilitatio taa. Q!Jatuor venti te un~ col\igem: & concUlcatllm redi/icabis mirum. Twico-
habitabit fponfus. EI, ecce, juravit Dominus, /le. non te invadent impietates; neque Spiciru. AI-
t iffilni ate recedet. Velum, Patrum ruorum olla quietem naucifeentur: /le ru ipfe zterna hueri.
vita. Sanguis inl1ocemum, ate abluetur: /le ad dies multos pa:nitentia te aftliget. Tunc qllidem
Agnus, in medio platearum, Ilabit, 0 Hierufalem: Edi8:aque promulgtbit populo tUg, ci,ibu[-
que tu;s.
Omnis Nationes ad .domum DlI'lIiail cOllAuent matres, fuos informabunt infantis, iis verbiJ:
P[;lCvaluit veritas: atque Dei nomen, tUUl erit vigil, 0 C iviess.
E. K. Jam, omnia, nJlbe alba, oppleta funt:
URI E L. ..... eMibi jillnii• ." 'IID~il1lIT;'. lid ""por;s IX;l"lI", ;lItervlI/I,.", .'1"/IIIjI••
E. K. Ex oc"li.! meiJ' prorfM e'Vanuere prorfu.!.
e:. N.,II. Interea ab ipro Angelico rermone, przfcripta in Larinum recitniconvel ra, legendo
expedite, ipfi DomIno Frill/elf";" przterea abiter pauca 10cutuS fum, de Ca-
lumniis, centfa noHras a8:iones tales oracui2tis, /lee.
E. K. Iterum hie mihi apparet Uriel, IItque in Cathedra fede,
ChryftaUina cum Libro iUo, in [uo gremio: dextra autem, iUam
lenet 'ZIirganl Geometricam : &- Jiniftra) iUllm Philofopbiam 'ZIitream,
lit priM.
URI E L...... Cum mihi fit cone elfa potellas, ISc cum meo minillerio fit adjunCla ,ericas;
(unde lucis /le veritatis tum fdlus plenus ) venras ego aperiam oculos. atque yobis iplAm c10quar
veritalem; ut incrtem ilbm molem tenebrarum vclharum, et profilDdz ignorantia:, CSCutCfe po-
fitis! et in luce cumpatribus ve~ris Voci igjtur mez ~iljg~ntCf .ptzbere aurc.m, /le inu:a
cordlum vellrorum hquorem, dlC\a Imblbatll mea. Ut veltra: tntelllgcntlz fuccus .. vlgorem recl-
pere POrfil: & VOS ipli aome politis cum acceptabili veritate, vcluti fervi cle8:i, ct Mioilhi
Torus mundus in maligno POliNS ell. apcrta Satane fa8:us ell officina, ad terrz mtrntores
oUlni abominandz impietatis genere decipiendum. All, quid vofne fittH ellis talium merci\lm rub
mercatores gaNli? vel lIIendaciorum et do6\rir-z falfz, in publicum veClarii: ..EHimatifne yos.
levis momemi negoeium elfe Scriprurarum Divinarum /le Mylleriorum !cnfum, judicium et teme-
,itati a,Higue 'veltrarum imagillationum? nihili rem elfe Ilarutis, in judicio federe contra fpititu~
Dei, nullum iIIi concedendo locum, n if. ,ellro ex prztcripto ,
Vooifne licet, COfam Filio Dei, integros dies, immo injufiosconfumereannos, cUll\filii.
Satane mendaci [ohole, ~ mundi dcceptl)nbus I Adeonc penitus in abominationis officinam vof-
met comulillis ut Dei filio. futuri adventus Cui tempus przfcriberc vditis. Prophetarumque luorum
defcenfus: tem~orifql}e, In quo ipfe terram erit yilitaturus ?
/'tI'Jfel nihilloqui ~ufus erat, nili ab ore Dei.
Pr.phctz Legem non cxplicabant, fed Dei 'fOJ:.
Filius Dei propria fua non elliocutus verba, qua tenus Caro crat, [cd verba pattis fui.
Dilciplili ejus, nihil, nili es Spiritu fan8:o docucrum.
Audetifne ( igirur ) vos, vobis docendi alfumere munuI, aditaque fecreta Altiffimi pandm, mi-
nim~ ad id admifli, vocative?
Dicite mihi, Mmaruramne deferuifiis, vellrarulllque peCunialUIll (haude pa1taIUDI) fupputatio.
nes, ut verbi Dti dfetu DoClores ?
An non pudet vos, ante dQCere, quam ipli intelligatis?
ImmO an non vos pudet feducere, priut,quam dOIllllll:l rcduo:cre no,eritis ?
Hypo'ri~ eful) ~ mlli.
J true 9(~/aliOn afDr. Dee his Allionl, withJPirits &c. l

Mendaces elfe devcnillis, & ipfiu, Chri(H inimici, & Cui fancti Spiritus.
Forraffis dicitis, ex Scri~turanlm Lettione, intelligentilm comparamll$ earundem. ,
An mihi refpondcatis, cujus fpiritus auxilio; hanc vobi~ tomparatis intelligelltiam ?
!luis vobis apparuit Angelus. vel ex quo Co:lo, vdham rec~plfiis in(lruCliollem!
Fieri poteH, quod, ex Spiritu fanao dicetis. ,
o Hulte tu modiczque intelligenti:'!: !. non intelligis tu~ quod Spiritus [anaus Ecddi:r P x d a go~u"
ell, imeol i !!:rtgis, & cOll'gregatl'lOis C hri!li ?
Pcoinde fi mul:i:lIdillis Pxdagogus ell , fequitur, quod DoClrina aliqua, quam Spiritus fanchl!
docet, in'hllClio, documentum, five intelli~enti a fic mult\tli(Jinis.
Atqui, qua: hominum multitudo, tuZ dt intcl1igentia: ?
Vel cujus es tu Congregationis 1
Aliter difptrJiDnit , Dicifne, difperfus alicujus tC unum df, : Fallilln nams, fugitivus cs.
Ventm, ecce, te doceo : Errorque tuus ante tuam conllat foci(8).
Qu:cunque ad Scripturam intelligentiam pel veniet, conari debet ad ilia rum intelligemiam rr%ve~
nir c; ('ecnlldum O.d illationem, & Traditionem fpirituabn.
All ex qua fpirituali cl3ditiol1c, naaus es cu int:llig. ntiam?
Vel juxta quam Ordinationell1, tibi cil apercus ~C1iptUlarcm fenrus?
Dices ( forlilll ) ex fmctis Patribus, info rmatum dlc te, & p~r eundem fpil'itum per quem do-
ccbem ill i, tuam tt elfe confccucum intdligm tiam.
Dicere lie quidcm potes, velum non tC lic facere certum en.
Quis cnim amiquorum Patl um, rationcm copulavit "IUO Dei, vel Scripturam intclligcntiam,
Etnnicorum a(hinxit dilciplillz ?
Tibi dico, qual antiqui Pat res , Chliflo chari crant, & co:lellium vifionum, tonColationumque
Ca:lcflium participes: qux viliones Coclell Hque conl"olatioms non illos docebant novam Sc.riptula-
rum expofitionem, fed co nfirmabam, luc~que illunrabam rnylleria Spititus Cancti, per ApoHolos
decla raca, qui Eccl~fiz ipli Cua pofuc:re tundam,eJ1ta; quicquid igitur ab antiquis Patribus dilcere
poflis, ab Apollalis dilcis, & quicquid ab AroHolis intelligis, habes id quidcm , :l. Spirieu CanctO,
led fi iplos Patres el[?onas UIO [enlu mod6que, & non justa fenfum Apoltolorum , Certe Spiritum
tanctum non habes, fed Ipiritum mendacii.
Humi1~m, igimr, temet plxbcto, & coram Domino procidas, ndonem femoveas, Dominoque ad ..
h3!rcas, hboretqueverbum ej,ufdem intclligere, ex Spiritu fuofancto: quem Spiritum [anctum, omni
ex ~lec c flitate inv: nirc d:::'es, atqu: invenies invifibili Ecclefia uCque .d mundi finem.
Perfpicue tibi dicam, (ut veritas potemer in luce appareat) quicunque Dei contrariusdl volun-
tati, quz luz dl tradita Ecclcliz per ApoHolos quidem publicata, per Spiritum fancrum enutrita ,!!C
mundo impertita, & per PttrNm ad RDmA", tradicta, & per eundcm ibidem exprelfa, ab ejufdem fue-
celforibus retenea atque I"ftcneata eft : Hic idem Dco & veritati fuz concrarius eft. -
Lit/her. [\lorum recepit mercedem.
CAlvi". fuam. , '
Rcliqui omn~s quo:quot erraverunt, & fpoOte in devia con~urre,runt, fcparando fcipCos ab Ecclefia
& Congregationc Chrifti, obftinatc & Diaboli (patris fui.) inliinctil , merccdem fuam rece~
p:ruCm. ontra quos iii IUS
' D el"J" d'IClUtn
. pronunpa . b'Ie, d'Iten d0 : ,
Ite Deceptores in gehenllz ignem, P;mi vefcro & filiis i\liUS~3b cxordia pr:tparatum.
Inter vos ip(o~ inlurgitis alfcrcndo, P.AP".'" Antichrillum ~(fe ( hoc enim nomine ilium infigni-
tis) hom:> (e nt IIlllus c!fe poillt, atque:1 lua clI,cidere vocatlone , vcrumtamen Antichrillus efl'e
nunquam pOteit. ,
hntichrillus enim ille ell, qui filius efl Diaboli, homo quid:m ex carne & fanguinc naeus cx
impia & Claudulm ta memrice, qui populos leducct t11lJ1idulque fui patris potenda, Deo nfillec in
Terra inter homilies, qucll1admodutn pater cjus in Cah {ccerat' iAter Angelos: prorCus deneoando
O : i Ominpotentiam feque ilt! oppOllendo. 0

o vas llulti Be exigux imellige llti:t, quinn Aroltolis Cct:li c:>ncrerlabanturclav(s: (qlblid i ~e.;
res) eadem Chrilli J /ilii Dei vivelHis. authorit3s J!c potellas ad hominelll condonanda peccata,
& ad pcccatore5 (:Cdo exc1udendos, & quuni • eililem "pollolis, vade po(t me S~l3na, ctiam di- • MIII.CAI,lE.
cebatUr , non talHa eltis imelllgclltla uc III Alt iffimi hzc introCpicere valeatis mylleria. C.D
Si Dei filius tum comllb"bbat cum eciam teprehendcb:1t Dilcipulos Cuos, cur non poffit igitUr
EpiiCopus ,, & oOr>us !!C mlius cenferi? Si hinc confequaeur , bonum malumque Epifc:opo inel!".:
F' o {f~ , plrt ratione inferri poltit auchontatrs E pilcopnlis rationem ; a bono malon illo n6n pendere,
fed ipfius ad Epilcopi vi:am ho~ bonum malumve fp~chre fi bonus fit) fux bOllitati. metetbenclicium;
fin malus fit, mendaw: dt j lut enim ilb contraria ell dothina. Promde, Ii, propttr homi"",,,
pet:catA Deus perm iterit, rmrItosin fpiriru * ,y!';AIt'.c federe in loco CanCla,id qUldem propter pec- .; Afl. lJ. 4
tara vc.llra ~tt, & reoellCln naturam, Ut fupplicium recipiatis: ~ non ' obieura vel tCRebroC.. ejus
fierce tctlefia.
Ape,itt itaque ocul05 vdhos & intclligite; I!l. EcC!~li:r tdli:tritatis, ainore ipfiliS Ecc\ctiz, 8c
non,/lolflllluin. NC'q~ Ectklirm ,om:emnacis. proptorbomiilum iniqultatit.
Verum colla ilIi fubmutltil (anelo juga & ordinationi , quae TOS ducct ad ilIam Congregationem
quI'! gubernator per Spirirum Dei, in qua intelligctiri«rcta Libei Dei, elplicaca dIe juxta 1'cI\Cllm
antiquorum vcllrorum PatrU1l\: quorum mtdli~cntia erat di8rUrus Spiritus Sanai.
Non pocellis a vobis iptis authoric.,tem recipere, & hinet auchoritas nihil facercpotefiis.
I,l<:irco cum n!ha authoritas nulla fit. cur Ecclefia Opel. Aane intra nftns arripltis manus p
M.~fiJtiP.r- Una qUldem TtS ell, Scripeurarum aJiquem quz,ere intdhgentiam, atque alia ell Scfiptucas
doecre, Iccundum intcUigentiam fuam. ~i . enim doeet, eit auchoritate doeet : fed autborita-
tem Ii non ha~at ufurpator five inti ufor ell.
Frams mei, Conlidemte vofmn ipfos bene, /lC contiderate vos ~ueros eere,. /lC quod Tellrl juris
non litis I(d alieni. N ihil'igitur faciatil qualih vobis ipfis: fed inhllacis ( ut pucci bani) vdlioiis
Macris vcllra:, qua: Mater pUla Virgo d'i, & femper aPancleti Capitntla informarur, quem vci,is
(puer i ~ cjus) elhibere cibum de~t; 8£ quo vos modoeducare atque inIlruere.
Simplicius multum VBlct & oItcdientla, cmum ell, coram Domino. All curialita, Diabo-
Ius eH.
MiIlt·7. ~ I f.C An non legi{\is quid fanClorum panis, lion titante canes projicicndus?
M.r.7. Penitius volinet claminetis, utrum canes fitis, nec ne.
Videtetitrum vit:! vellea fanaa fit, opera vellea re.!la.& julta; patientia vdi:ra muleiples;. aftli-
aio Tc1m, maona propter Dominum.
Si volinetip'l'ol, in hoe reatu c!fe, minime deprehcndatis, pueri non c{cis; Ii pueri haud litis,
lion efeis filii; fi filii haud litis maucm non Ii2bctis; /in veto mairem non habee, dcvocatores cliil
illius panis qui filiis debecur, canini~ ;"{enjlfti,&. contra Deum eieis.
In ve(Cli igirur judicium Icarus ipli dclccndads.
y,.. ••n in- <P liter Confiderate, per Deum Creati eftis
'<ripl",U .,,1- FiIi", Confiderace, per Deum Redempti e[tis.
t•• _[Il4!II. Spirit", S. Confiderate edarn, relitli eftis Spirituali Tutclz & conlolationi Dei.
Qui Deus e1 vobis congrcgationem ordina.,it, linaam 8£ (anaificitam foeietatem, pafcmtera
(emper funu1 ~n,\oam fcaere! • .Cob ahs fu!slc '~fua ~e.nfa; . qui vos pale it vitz 8£ intdligentiz ptDz;
corpore -(nimmim) 8£ lingurne Jefu ClmCtlfihr Del VlnnClS.
Intclligentiz aucem pane vos pardt.' ut pmis veftli _,oluntatem intelligatis, qui in Ca:lis efe;
Obcdientia ue illi quum noverids, obediences faais; qua: obedientia vcJerz 'locationis fiQis cfe.
Nullo igitur modo obediemiz jugum (Icutiatis, de funul eciam <;aJicem intelllaeDtiz 1 vobis
rcpellacis; acque"ea radone Patris .,cftri vo.lateat yoluntas.
Sed judicio' meo famelid diis, .,cfera contra~a limt inteCtinl) olfa Dervique II'IllricCCIIIlt.
~z hujllS rei caufi eft? quando ilium DomlDl pancm recepiftis ? quando nutrimcncum
6 .,os modicz lid,i 8£ intelli~ntiz minOris crratis, &: dey,i curritis. Ca:ei cCtis, pateis Tcliri , non
.btem?Cratis ,olunrati; tCl1ice, redice &: Intra Tof~t ipros talia dicatis.
o fempiterne Deus, 8£ benigne Pacer, magna cerl~ efe cura mifericordiaque II1:l ~g. nos, ",os
in ~:via .aos per Smn:tm, &. fpiritum eencbearum rcdllltifti domum; 8£ nobis ca:cis pczpofnilti
( vilu eti:lm nobis rcfrituto ) veram 'ftrilicam Hnearoque reccam iuceUiaentiJe. 0 nos (a:1iea • quo.
tibi tam charos ha~s; 8( quorum lilus'tanta: libi CUIZ tit. Nomen proi~d~ tuum, laudibus celebra-
bimu.; 8£ anotitis revercemur erroritus. Peccaca conntebimur noitea) 8£ przcepta obferVll8imus
~. ~uoniam tu lolus, (;, Domi~e, jufcu.s 8£ vms u, & mifericordia tua a:te:n:r. c.fe. Leges m%
!uavrs IWlt, et per amans tua ~mg01tas IOttr nos valida cfe. Sanctus, Sancws, Domanus DellS Z.e-
baoth. Honor amnis bas etgloria tibi decur in p:rpecuulJlo
b. vi"" •.
URI E L ..... tMoaiu t"",,r"a. ttmp"il [Pili;, T'I'II"IIIIII,
E. K. Abiit.
t::. Nota.
l::. Interim Fr~"cift' PNui h:rc ( qua: Anglicc dictata recepimus) Larine recitabam. Nobir~
que nervola valde, noftoffque accommoda infcitllIis Tide&antur.
E. K. IteTHm illum adeJJe video.
URI E L. •.... PranCiI(e IIt""til."r,f,III, 'IIb;"'Jtci,u,,,,,,.,
SIS T 4. TIS P.4 It L 1l L 1l M.
I:::. Hindlaflm, Fl'IfIICifllfl <P1IC~i/ll 3 fede lila ge~ibus uerlfque (quafi Oro fupplu) terralll
~.~ .
~ III E L. ..... Vmlm quidem eft ( ut cuus te aliis CJ)mmune fccit {piritus ) quod Oeus te "0-
caVlt ut p.rt~eps Ie intdJigU)s dIu "olunr.u~ fuz eltpJe* , in viDdi.!la. /lC ira eua eJcrceuda, contra
terl'% fih~em /lC fraudeOl.
Atque hanc ob caufam , ex magno fuo amore, 8£ immcnfa. Dlifcricordia fua uoea.,it te Deus a
ilii, bp/JIlDUlIl, Dco inviforum, "ab iqjuLlitiz tnllni~e.
In qua ilia voeatione, fi ilium imiwia, in tIIZ <:oofcicntiz fUJlf'1ioitate, ac jUllitia. ( ~ fidei
f\lllt opera) C4)nlitmabcris. Tibi coim dieo. ,ihdiewn raealll cftimdam fuper univclfam teham
<VI,,,,, CJ(!,l4tion olDt. Dee bis AlJi(Jfll) 7l1ith j,irits)&c. 417
ltque ilia", caHigabo in iniquitatc fua., &; in [ua: fuperbic [ummo gradu illam pra:cipitem pOlternami
ne/tue' ultra tnumpho.bic.
~[quiltte demiil'um humil~que tl&i~1li fpiritul JlICUS tecwiadl·, eC imelligtnti1!D tuCon-
Ec mo.."'!fttuat hoc impiurn; qubd in TC'"l'lo Tanltofedct, & c6ncra AhilTimurn ~ct:tat i -przti- E.~'ch ••• -C
picmi'!UI"cUCI\lbperbla lua ~ Acqut ei.ortut.rillfq~e 't'ellricalligabirur. & corrigecur. JudltiW1l cnim I 7',1t14. D
a ODlno tkl anchoar~ ddl:t. E ~lius.rebeDis prius. 8agtll~s c«di debet, quam impilll punirl ferws.
Ne cilnlatls; V db:ls cmm Terbi,., 'Ires & pot:ntlam ~Jungarfl.
Et ,elira ii c;ontCj1lnat .erbd ma"'!l\~e lina, ;conora vas fserat..: de Ccd-> i311is atque- fufphuris
det1ritt~ im\)tttn. & Pabtia cjufdem III mram dcfcendent; lacufque ibidem rcmaIltll$ contra
ilium [clhtn~nium daD1C perp~ cuum. .
Erigas igi~r~OI. wu)ll mwloduinque dti'picjls, & c:Doua ~jufdem ,eriHter p~{)a, neque ab eo·
dem VlOcar!,-
Tua plaqrea con/icearis peccata: llt 3d. Domtnum contilgias, illius perquiritodomum, &tle
illiu, pane comedas.: ~o enlm ~1I1tl1mClbl o~s dl. .
Et ICoWna qu~ Iparlim femmall! rccoll1gal: ne ,forte til rernaS cuas, ob fratrum tuOrum
hnima cua Dco CMB en, atque ideirco mifelicordta crgate mo.vetur, tibique dicit, Ii cor~m
Domino olxdlCns arpnt2S': 'itqu~ feqli:rris inthucrlon'eS & difciplinam Spiritus bnai facialque
opera Julliti~ & Charit3tis, fpiritus m:t:s luper te .. equiclcet.
E. K. Abiit.
6 Es Anolicis dic!btis iHis uldm;s Latine eunde!1\ espreffi fenfum , Domino Fr. PHuiD, valde
dtvoco humili, 0& prxm;(fa ~gnofccnti & acccptanti, 8c.c.
E. K. IteruHt »Jibi confpicuuJ' efi; .
UR1 J:.L . ..... Ptxmill'a ,dlra tam pc.enitenci:a quam de,otlone, ~encdicHo (lei
FIlii, & Spiritu fan~i, in (ui fcmpiterna veritate luceQllc VOHonfolttut; "ribilQuc benedkaf,et vobis
mifer;cOfdiamimpertiat copiolam.
A Amen.

Ex Am,,,,, .tl"""AIJ;d"l,,"il,$I!UM""6.1S~S. PrAlA,

J:.AI Puccius, NI pro"'ifJi~

. "fici~il ~;de"f•
.411{rlir. 'I/'X.
~I "r hAnAI }iIlUrN", r . ""''1''''
I",,,,. P'p, pr'ri" Ju,rr,AI C"'i'HI.
I"rtr '''IIM", A"m" IO'qlllllllr "'ITf"" ",""1,,,
A __Hi,I e"", ",."ti"",,,, ;0; ejlll ..".llrl p.JfiI.
J, D,m;", "''''''''''
TrI"c """,,111," NI '1N.4 "li'1'"'''' ,ft.A ;",pltrl ,.J!il.
At,!N' die, propri'l urg'" cA/i(;tll.
Do Vos-oro ut ill am nobis (splicate phrafcm vditis obfcaraltl.
;pre {mil: . . _.. . ,
!J.,!'i jlA!.,IU')I~
Al)gcliCa vox ...... 6"/,'!,,, (f'}Um, 'IIljtn) .~f •
Jj'~HI, in 'I"i""1 Roma: 'P""'" D«rt,,,,,, fft ""h"
",,. 'It "mpl,"/111,,,,,
. . .. .•
{tJ", ,R'I1I'lwi
J.,t1k. tI'z.

Ii tI8ER
418 v1 hlre/tltion ofDr. Dtebis ABions,J1IitbJjiritl &c.

Pragtt, Aprilis 30.
PafuIm, feu FcedllS Sabbatifini.
Thrcbone 1- 5 Venimuse
O~ob.l+ S 2. Scptemb. I",

c.Mtrll&"I_, 6'f"a",. """""/IIfJ,,. ill p,rp,t"",.•

s E.K.ftood at the end qf the G3lery by his Chamber,looking oyer into the Vineyard
VA., he fetmea to. iCe ~c little man the Cj ".,Jiwr. in.ll JIlInllClf ofbthaviolll and appa-
~ rei, who is the c~ief workman or over-feer of Mr. CArpi. his workmen in tbe fame:
Vme-yard. Hc!eemcd very handfomty to, p.-efOJlle <If me. Tlees; atlcngth be
• approached under the wall by B. K. atld holdin! "isface away-wald he faid Unto
him, Q,ufo AkM D.mi". IPa.r; '1".tt ",,,jilt ..J _. And" 'MInt away at it wel1l cutcing here
and there the Trees 'my handfomJy, and'llt ""'fh o,.r·,be Chenrtrcu hy the bouk 00 die Rock in
the Garden he feemed to mount up in a great pIller 01 fhe,
E. K. bade his Wife togo, and (be who wa, in the Gudeo. SA~QIlIe Ill'. andbro&ighthinl
word, No body.
E. K. then came to me and raid, 1 chink tbtro is COIl1C wicked fpiriE that would allude me, and
he told and faid to me, as is before noted. Then bid I will go into the Garden, and bade E. K.
come with me. We went dGWn that way Y<lhich dlis \..o'rtahl~ tiid go ~ but nothing we faw , went
to the Banqueting-houfe in tbe Vine-yard, but that pilce pleafed us noc:fo,we went along in the way
by theclifffide,and fat down on the bank by the gteat pyle ofVine-llakes lying in the very Soudi end
of the Vine-yud.And we had not Cat there haifa qll:lrter of an hour, but I~fpycd under the Almond-
tre~, and on the South-fide of it, being the W cllerly Almond-tree, that is it which is ftanding on
the W cfterly tide of the Icraight path which leadeth from the. North toward the South in the Vme-
yard. I,{P,'A ( 1[., ) liles "fhm.ff".;,., .,hit, ,,,,,., I,i"r. ,.d,A t. ".A fro';" th, .,i,," "I rofe
'~and .",n, to it, and ( to the prayle otGod his truth and power,) there 1 fQUlld three of my Booka
" lying, Which were io.diligel\dy burnt the tenth day of Aprillaft.
I The three Books were, e".eh hil B'''k.,
~ The 48 CI"vlI rA"g,/ie';. .
3 And the third Was the Book of my ::atherlng of the thirty Aires, and entitled Lihr S cimti"
t,rrt/lril ""xili; & fJiEf.ri.t.
Thereupon e. K. comllling to me, I fdl on my knees with great thanks yeildi"~ to the God
Almighty. and fo did E. K. whofe mind and body were merniloullf afttdcd at the 6ght of the
" raid Books, having no (bew or tigne that e,er they had been in the/ire,neitherby cololU or favour,
" orany thing WHiting.
And after we had fet half an hour under the fene-faid Almond-cree. prayfing God and wondring
at the Mi~cle. 6uddenly appeared by us the fdf..(a\1le GardiMl' like perfon, but with his face fome-
what turned away, and noming thereof to be adjudged as of .AfJI the cu/loUle iI. He faid, K,D"
.follow 1IIe, E. K. wellt, and I fat aill,awuin~ his rctura,
J ". 'l{~/rJt;on ofDt. Dee bi! Al1io1Jl, withJJirits, &c. 4'9
This Gardiner went before E. K. and his feet feemed not to touch the ground by a foot heJght.
ADd as he went before E. K. fa the doores did fceme to open before him, he led him up the great
flairs on the left hand by the Vineyard di>Qr,and fa in at his own Chamber door .whcre E.X.hath his
new Study, and chen the door going out or,hatIo the irairs opened of itCdf, and he went up thofc
ftairs,8c II"Jt"l!h br~ught him t~ tht F"rllllCl IfIDutb 'll'hert 11// the BDo/v And P"P"S hlld/nen bllrnt
the to 44, Df'hu April. And cOIning thither, there the fpiritual Creature did (eem to fet one orhit
feet on the roll on the right hand without the Furnace mourh,and with ,he other to aep to the Fur-
nace lI)Duth, and [0 to reach into the Furnace ( the bricks being now plucked away which Hopped
the Dlouth of the Furnace. a 11 Cavirg one brick thick) and as be had reached mto the furnace there
appeared a great light, as If there had been 3 window in the back of the Furnace,and alfo to E. K. the
hole which was not greater then the thicknefs of a brick unflopped,did feeme now more then three or
" four brick thi,kncls wide, IIntl fo OVIr hu fhoHlder IN"It","rd h. did rtllch tD E.K.IIIl tht rtfl If tW
"flll"ding BODkJ, excepting the Book.,out Df 'ffIhich the III! .AEhon"(flAi 'HI, lind Fr. Pucci his ]f.""I0-
"llIti"" Alfo t4 E. K. "pptll,';.I" tht FHrnA" AI/ the refl ofth, p"pers "(fIhi"h were not AI thelfl de-
" /lV'Nd DHt.
That beino done, he bade E.l(, go, and faid he Ihould have the rell afterward.He Went before in a
little fiery c1gud, and Z. IC. followed with the Books ur.der his arm a1\ alon~ the GaUery ,and came
down the Ilairs br Fr.. Plleti his Chamber doot, and then his guide left E. K. and he brought me the
Books UntO my p ace under the Almon.-tree.

+ Pr<lll.·
1586 Aprilu 30 t.7r!"J-'Vtll.
Mane circa 8.
A , Precibus quibulaam fu~s ad ~eum, & gratiis pro mirac~lo He/lerna al\is, petebamus jain
a Deo con(illum (uum qUid de lao mlraculo nobiS ell'et faClendulD ulterius, 8cc.
Et quid faciemus cum Domino RDfen~.rgio, an ilium debeamus admittere ad amicitiam
nolham 8c !erdus fant\llm' quid de ejus oblntis aedibus, 8cc.
E.K. A voice commeth down right before me faying.
'T"'h W ·II· "A .. r. E. K. Who is this William? w>l!ir(mUf "
ox. ..... J, 0/1 I lam. ..., paUje C, I li Ii . b th L d .r. b J..{mbtrc.
ThOll William. ~ A pauee II peet It to e e or ]f.oJe. erl'

Tholl William ofRofenbcrg. ~ A greater paufe

This d..! ill tht ]JloNd Df th. Lttmb, tiD I pro"DH"" forgiTlelle(s Dffinlles, "PDII thee: ANI. for til
fig", IIna tDk.!" : l' hT li".s foil" b. opined, ""d thJ fo.d [hAil be mllltiplJ,d Np" E"'rth
Th".[ortfllk.! IInt~ /het A Shup , Ih.t is Jet" L"mb, AlldfpDillllOt th, ftoclt~flhJ p~". ,,'Jgh:
tAna, bth~/J, if th,lI/urn th, felf fr,,,, thl North, ""4 Afctnd lint' th, HDlr tMDII.tAi",
[Andll 'll'iII h",..fur m"k.! ACDvelO"nt "(fIi,h thte. BNt IAk! heed, thou'defpifc me not.
Bltffed lire th,fo thllt "re comfDrttd 'f me , for th.if ./fr'lllth is from AbOfl'. Fo,. "(fIhofotTltr il
r'~"1!.!J of the [p"it of trHth I fhllll "(fIith tim' pcrifo AI A[hAdD"'.
[s it "ot fllid, if tl1J tTe ~fft"a thu, 'Aft him ,DHt', I fA, Hnto .htl Illfo, ltA, (hDHglnh, heAd
offa,• • Clift hi", IIlfo A"'''7. Thlllnft"ble ",hifperrngl oa ",ordl, ',lIICiel DffHlh AI Are till
pr;nCfI of the WorIJ, Are th.! not ft.1fO,,,,, Hnto mit r
o ,ou H]1ocrittJ! 0 70U /ittle of tlndtrflllndiul, lind of lefs fllith , bD"(fI fAr IIr, ,OH i" /,vt with
tbe WDrld, lind her pomp, 'll'it" tht ~tfh And hey lightn,Js Dr 'ffIII1ftO,.".Js, ",ith .he Divt/ AnJ ,
his"hle fubtiltl! PH'ge 7Dur hGUftS, A"d pHrg, ,our Kinga,mll, if JOu "(fIiiI flir Hp thl ConftUM""
Lortl to flrm!lh", JDU. CHrfod illh,u NAtio" , rhllf deftl.d her ftlf .,.,i,h the focitt, offHfh liS
Art BA'"rJs. ']Jut "(fID, WI, b, HUID him th", RNI,tb tiD' ""ITding tD th, le"gth Df hit
bria f" •
Tht&hAff pfthil Empirt And Kingdom, I>tholtl it rrmAin"h. ,h, fAther [' it tlPt,lIt,,,,i- Dt Imp!";. Ro.
ther tl4th the SO" lift tip his h""d for the nAmeDt the Rig/uft. 0- ~tg .. SO,,
a JDU H!pocritts, lOH "re fllithltJs, for !DH fulfil not Tour cbl1rlt! "t""It.
Thou hAjJ:, ,et Ii",. tD "JIIA~, tholl mA1f1 ,tt be AurptAble. Til'RC yet.
ThJ a,inKslet them be" Judgt btl'fflttn thee Ana mt.
6. Magna paufa. A •
Va," ..... Bthola, I h"v. giTltll thte unlD Rofenberg, him AlfD hllv, [giv", unU Ihet 6. The YOICe ~o
Whof.tver thertfore c",fid.rtth not Iht givtr fh"ll b. &Allea ID I1CCOU1lt and that fharply. e~pound<d Jt
b. th"tllre 8 S, l.",illf",d DUt mJ ·TlijilatiD" thAt tht t"dl if the 'll'Drld mll7 b, k,"D"(fIn; lind th"t ~~;~~'my re-
JHliet """l"p,,,,re i1f Ihe g".menu Df her N~mt4Hr,,6!e hD1fDr.

fm, Ihll' JOII "",k,., "lid ["bOHr thAt 1Dur h""dt "'''J brllll fmb [rHit, tb, i1lfrtllfo 4tht pctlliffi1ll1/C
III th, melln (eA!O,.) I "jill bltJs ,ollllbu"danllj witb "II th, gifts And fo,dl ~f n"'II,e. Set ,here- 7(op,r

LorJ. 1):/11.
Ii 2 ,iix
, 42.0 J truerelatio. DfDr. DeeMI AFJions,"';thjpws.&c.
. Six Aai'''1 ]'"".U bAtI,: ,h'In/,,,,h inh, sJ,I.,b _"Ju u,tlI, ""~fr- ;.U+c, (ltll"~
~t~ Aa...t. "p",IIf ,h"i",,) i'I;//lIi"lfm" • F,]u, '"ft tll,~"l, III ,., MtrHriM -, !"'- '~lIl.h
tur:,;;- SA~ "'~I'" I fpuk..11//" 7011, .hirh r,,!m;' ",." ,lit Cr,;,'" ,,,,, 'RJ'-,,'I/f, ,,1111/ ,h, 1II.J U1M.
t-!s·:'· of,h, fix,h M'III,h, ''''/hII/lIlf' prefume to aske Jny "iiftation 'fhi", ,''"'[pltiIt$sb 'Witb".. AM
6 1 asked fnh' Ii.-,h. M,M,h (the tall day ,,,.r,,il1l)jhAU "1""'''~1 ~'''r~'f AU"". . .
which Fryday. § 1'IICC. is d'fileJ, ""A [h.n "" b, '"'t.~r of there fix VlfitatiOOI to come: ~1It p;.11 MIll!''''
.. from Kooel "",."d be.r,,,d, til ,h, LmlJbAIl find him, and as he thall be wamed of you. N".,,;;h.I-'!t.
~yd~ . " " [PIT;' (h,,1l "" up"" Jr.", hi"".IIA / "i/J 'f''' hiSlIlIMrftII"Jjlll ,h", J- ",,,, .e,,,,,,,t "''''V. F".
Iy ~ale:;:rnof th, world mHjI h, r.rhfi,d ...i,h '4I"i",,111 III .,.,1/ ofhislife,1II ,h, "e_llti~ 6" 1"',(tJ.D.l1rilll.
fix monems c::. We lack(0 Lord )bis rccantatiOn~ritten by his own hand,I cannot find It in the BOok. re{lored.
Attion. Thof, BDD~sl,t ,h,m b, ~p&#fth", III (o",,,,lmJ. """ ,h, e"ft,J,-J/7IU. AIIIl fil t"", ""1
The rclt red hi IIIVIr ~pel1,dllfJtil fb, fixth "au" tltDme.
!:'nk:l~of: SIt lllli "h~ 1'" tlifclDft IIDt"" h"If. """"lP ,'11, I,.p I,,,,, rif, "11IJ.'""ft I'.'
kept un.i1 ~hC F.,. ~'h.~d? jIll A" "~ i",h, ~iIJ"IIIJ['. 1 h"'f!r~. b, jil,II', .
fixlh AlIien. VntD Wtlliam, IIftJI l,hjlAlIam: (hmll/tfl') allthIDSs",".1 ~It"."", "'.i/!J1.
J),"';n; ",i,A- If""! "'''1' ["It"", elft, 1'" 1c.."'JI! hi", lilt.
u/"!,, {ub ft· F",,,,liv,,,ithilf,heJiJ'II,,,ftheHighejl.
Ilnl~ til ". The rdl that wanteth, thall be rellored unto you: 111", """ the leall.nd Wi letter.
• LIv" theref"', "I,th" 1M ilf ,h, h""Juf,"" Pr,tea,r.
.A"J J,lIbt nDI, ~"tth.t I ."i/l~, ""rdflll .""" hi", thlll ;, fMc.. thr.lIlh hil ~"Ji""';"1 J'II,
lICitndlU I{I AI1.JIUJU Ju" ~MiM M I j,IIW I'4MifoJ. JI". ,bI1- .61&h ,,,,,lAiINth ill biI Fill"", "-fo.
tln{ei., rMI ",Il
A/lJ in his h'Hfo for "'''''1 t'''''III;,n/, / m,,.eif,,ll, ~/.t DH'.
rt"'p~". "
0",••• """M4
""I II_!JI,'II.
<]).lIb, IID',"'I p,,,,,(whi,h _ P'II", 'h'~'li1l1li"l MA ,h, I"Ji"I)Jhllll ",.. b,
"flitM,nt., - - - - - - - - - - -
90 .. i,.j to",· .
...illt'a".,. 6 We read all and had long difcourfe ~ What thall I Cay unt~ ](..ft,,6"l of yQur prefeDe
E. K. ond C. of all, and at hll, I asked thus. merciful dealing and intcot toward him,
t',ttb". Vox ..... T6", ....hith_!.;;'1b;"" lb., / ..,,6,11 6 IIIII,hi",.
Ada,. of Ne ...• Nov, III _ , IfJufl;,IIJ.
~h~~c~~rr~ 6 .Be?edicite Domino omnia. op.e,a ej~s, laudate iIlum ~mnes ~eatut:r ejus: laudent pI~m
Angell eJul, laudeot Ilium Santi. eJIII: ilIe Colus .tttOalOlpocen,. ollie '{olu. oil SanGI\l' , .Ue
Protector noftri. lIInminator at Confolator nofter eCr. Cinguli omnis honor & gloria. ~7IU",

ISS6. Mil' I.
On M."Ca.y Ilfter dinner I went over the water (beinl: brought to the waterfMIe in tbei.ord
R,f,,,btTl'hp coach, and 1"uhlls M'''lmirk with me) UntO the [qrd R.ftJ"I his Gardcns,and
lodgins by the water-fide, whether he came to me by appointment. To whom when I in
Latin ( 'x II_P'r., ) the things thac concerned him, I asked him what ~e had done, tiOl:e the time
of my being with him. ,thar J may the better underfbnd there word. fpoken to him and of.him.
He told, that he had often prayed, fince unto God for the forgivenefs of his lins, and to open
his eyes how he might fer,e him; and to make it 10 be evident unto.him whether he is to marry or
no, and where,or in what Rock or kindred. And if it were his di"ine will,that he might receive com-
fort :mdinftruction by me,and that·thefe and ruch mattert,and fomewhat camefdy he had pra yed alCo
for his Mr. the Emperour, that he might behd himrclfto enjoy God his favour ,yealer his own mar-
riaee and amending of his toofe life, while he yet lat at dinner this day at the Archbilhops table, his
IJeartand thought did ,ome ycry much upon ir,&c.
At thefe his words I rcjoyced much to perceive the doing of the Hi';'eft, in the hcarin~ of his
praycr.falthfully prayed & thatthc anfwcr which I read unto hiln wasfo lilty applyed unto ilis prayer
as he allo himfclf, did percdve with grcatcomfort andfpiritual joy. He entreated much that I wouUl
pray to God that the Empercur might be reftored to the favour of God,as he was when I declared my
mellage untl> him froal the Highdr, I anfwmd, that whatfocyer the God ofHeavco and Earth thould
appoint me to fay or do unto hi. Majeliy; I moft willihgly rejoyce in the faidlCuldoing of it: and
that It was my duty (as a Chriftian) to pra'y for hi. Majerty : but I /bould not mak« my promiCe of
my prayer to be heard, but would highly r(joyce ifbis Imperial Majc!ly would fo uCe himCelfln God
hIS judgment, as might be meritorious in the fight of our Redeemer.
Such word. and mattClS ," this palled between us. And he faid that he wOIIld in all points, fullil
I'll"", &p". the ad.-ice and warnin~ of God, in this AcHOIl cxpreffed,& wotIld marry a Maiden II he was wllIed.
""tr~ Wil· And this<iay did acknowledge, & account bimfclf a happy man. And as concerning our mutual bond
~lallll!6nl, by the meann ot eacb being given to the other by God ofHeayco and Earth. he Towed and promifcd
bl;~''''1S I,· that he would re~ard it ill all points to the beft of his ski! and power, &C.
III. TAele and other fuch good teed. for 1he IffTic:e of God being Cown between·us; he went toward. bi.
Pa!ace in the COlirt , alld 1 to the waler-[!de, and fll OT" to the Coach awaitPiB (or·me, and lo-callle
home. God be prayfed.
' -:-.-1I-o[Dr=---=.D=-ee--:h:-:-is-,A-:-:e:==-ion-l.p1-·,'-bJj~1Jt-'''-'t1-,-&-~.-4-17

The Lord R6ft,,&trg fmt Mr. fe,,, ~'.fthilc..with this Letter untO me.

lIlagnijico Domino Joanni Dee ad mantts pro/rial;.

,fJv{agnifice Dotnine~Pater Ob/irvandt:e&Cbariffmt£.
L Etatus fum i~ hi~ quz mihi ~ixilli5. ,CognoTi. enim quoniam n~udivit 4eprecationem me~m pi-
I15paeet &. hllfcacoul)oml\Ws. lcique IIlUlID0ptre.ddideravl ue quam li:pillime ra mihllege-
Ie. f'ctlegexe & fempe~ ab oculos haberc r.o.ffim : pe~ amoreru ~e.i oro. ut faltan corum, qua: mihi
perlejtatIC ad me pertinent ,erQorum m,lhl tJanfmmas defcnpnonem: Non tantum mihj mulrunl
gntilicabiwt, fed Ie confolabor pluriDlilm.
Ot{ecrD p~terta Dominum Te/lum. atlidu~ pro me orare ,elit • ut conlirmet hoc Deus quod 0-
peratus eR in nobis: & dirigat omnia cogCilia, opera, ,aiones, imwo.& cogitationes n,,!tras ad
laudem & gleriam fancUiliml nolhis l\ii, cu~modum rnul~oru~, tIC anima: noHr%falutem. Neque
ddinat, pto amore fuo patarno, quo roe (/It! rpc~o) DOlt.UnlUO ,ell.ra profequltur me, femper in
ommbusqllz pto honore ~el. & commodo veil rD. a l1.le lien ~ debent & pOtfunt, alhnon.exe toe flgni-
'icare. Rcrnfununopere mlhl gr.Jtum toe expeCbtl"nl me:-e'dlgnam toe contentaneam facm. Et cum
his, me comJDI:ndQ fuis pr:rcibw" otatiQnibw, nec non pltcrno fuo alllori toe <;ordi. Optilll~ .ale-
at Magnilica Oominatio ,dba Dominica ,Cantate, A.", J ~i6.

Ftlius " Am.ic\l.s yeller ex animo

Wi/htl",,,, '1\, Manu propria.
'R.$lf II' ""Iilll i"ttlljglll 'DD!I#i1Ulli" ,,,ftr,.
'"'I''' r~r;J'I" [Hilt> & w'pdtr" plH, """t""
_"", 9'W1J 'lMr.!;". 0..11;" ",ihi i" IIf" 11611 (Hit.
",lIltis """i, Ljl'gll~ LIt"""do "t",iN i" I1fP
.1'1 c,,,jd", ",,16.

I ·had tranflated this Sunday morning, the fame parcel of the former A8ion into Latin for the
Lord R,f,nlT€, lr'Ihic6 he then fent for, jump at the time, when I had linilhctl it: And fo I
rent it him incJofed in a Letter.

UVit] 6. Boing :ruddav, I eDtred my Journey toward pr"'kJ"",, Glalfc·houfe, and /.lip/I.
There arc dive{s V'~""'J. one by Egr" or E,JI,'ltll, not far from C.r/I Bath, weftward from
Pr"l' about I 8 j,,,,i/b miles ,. .an other in B,b"" • ~bou~ J I or II ~les from 'Pr"l', nOrther)y, ;l
lI1i~frOlll1Cr(!;jt~. and two mdes from LiI.P, and a mtle frOOl K_",,:c..

M"l :11 I came to u;pp~.on Sunday the II of M"l, and was at Pit" H",,, S"'''rt~ hiJ
Houlc'locloed. I round L"lIr"",Ovtrt"" , (with much ado) an En~ilb Mercbant: to whom my
wife (thcbll year) had (heY</ed no litde friendlbip to himfdf. and Tf"",iII his partners lervant, in
the time of hi' lying (ick in our Houfe, Sec. at Pr,,!,; He came from £"l'''114 al Mid-Iellt, he
confdfed that eJ"""d my ferum had been of'tcntimes with him. at his Houfe, and that he did
think the he w(lUld come witb tbe nClt Ships afrer hi' commin~ from £"1''''' then tp come within
16 dayes.
I perceind by his divcrCe exprelfe fayings, that he was but a hoUO'ft friend unto me , and Ceemed
half zfraid e.ithcr with me, or my maD.
There, allo Hound 2 courteous Gentlmwt c.Ued Mr.Fr,,""'11 E"Ir,.the Lord £.""
Iii, Sdnnc of
me North. And of all other matters omitting the rehbrfal in thefe atcords, (thofe.matters I m~~n
whiq,:at Llipjitb too in Jhis Journey happened noubly unto mo, or I did my felf) one Letter the Q..,!cen o( E.glMJ her St(retery, the Ri8ht Hono.uable Sir Ttl"';' ,,"'P"ls·
hPl, at fo\l<lweth.
412. d "He Rel4t;on oj Dr. Dee 1m .48;0111pitbfpiri'/~&c.
Kight Honorable S I K,
Lbeit I have (almoft) in vain come a hundred miles (from
A Prage to this Leipjich Mart) hoping either to meet my Servant
there, with anfwer to my formor Letters, fent in November
laft to her Ma jefiy (when alfo I wrote unto your Honor, and divers
other). And fo with fpeed from this Leipjich to have fent again,
mofi tpeedily as occafion fltould have ferved. And now, I find, nei-
tht!r fervant, neither Letter from hi~n, neither word of mouth: yet
all this notwithLlanding : and whatfoever the hindrance or delay
hereof be (whether the keeping back of my Letters from her Ma-
jefty, or the manifold and importune, molt weighty affairs publick
hindring or delaying her Ma jefries mofi gracious, difcreet and wife
refolution herein: or what other occafion dfe hath and doth caufe
this long and wonderful delay of anfwer receiving. All this not-
withftanding, 1 thought good, before I fet up to my Coach, to vi-
fit, and mofi humbly to falute your Honour very faithfully, dutiful-
ly and fincerely, with great and the fame good will , that my Let-
ter tome yeers {ince written to your Honour , (butt hen, a
finmbling block unto your Honour and other, for the firang-
nelle. of the Phrafes therein) doth pretend, fo it is, right Honoura-
ble, that the merciful providence .of the Higheft, declared in his
great and abundant graces upon me, and mine, is fo wonderful and
mighty, that very few, unldfe they be prefent witneffes,can believe
the fame. Therefore how hard they are to be believed, there where
all my' life and doings were cQnfirued to a contrary fenfe : .and
pro.:effe of death contrived and decreed againfi the Innocent, who
can not eafiIy judg. .
I am forced to be brief. That which England fufpeeled, was alfo
here, for there two ),eers, almolt (fecredy) in doubt, in qudHou,
in confultation Imperial and Royal, by Honourable Efpies, fawn-
ing about me, and by ocher, difcourfed upon, pryed and peered
into. And at length, both the chief Romiflt power, and Imperial
dignity, are brought to that point, refolutely, that, pardy they are
forry, of their fo late reclaiming their erroneous judgment againft
us and of us, and feek means to deal with us, fo as wee might fa-
vour both the one and the other: And partly to Kome is fent for as
great Authority and Power as can be de-vifed, and likewife here, all
other means and wayes contrived, How, by force, or for feare,they
may m;tke us glad to follow their humours. But all in vain, for
force humane we fear not: as plainly, and often, I have to the Prin-
ces declared: And otherwife then in pure verity, and godlineffe, we
will not favour any (my words may feern 'Very marvellous in your
Honours ears: But mark the end, wee have had (and iliall have to
deal with no babes) I have full oft and upon many of their requefts
~ trite relationofDr.Deehil AfJionr,rn,hrpirits, &c
and quefiions, ref~rred roy felf to her Majefties anfwer, thus, in
vain, expeCted. NHncitn' Apoftolictn, (Ger1llanictn Mala Spina)
after his yeers fuir unto me to be acquainted with me, at length had
fuch his anfwer, that he is gone to Kome with a flea in hi~ eare, that
diquieteth him, & terrifieth the whole State Romilh and Jduitical:
fecredy they threaten us violent death, and openly tbey fawn upon
us. We know, the fling of Envy, and rhe fury of rh.e Fear in Ty·
rannica} minds, what defperate attempts they have and do often
undertake. But the God of Heaven and Earth is our Lighr,Leader,
and Defender. To the 'vVorld!l end, his mercies upon us, will bread
his Praifes, Honour and Glory. Thus much very rhapfodically, (yet
faithfully) tani"'"'' diCfum 1apienti, I thought good to commit to
the fafe and fpeedy conveyanq: of a young Merchant here called
L"wrence Overton: which if it come to your Honours hands be·
fore my Servant have his difpatch,I {hall or may by your Honour be
advertized. Your Honour is fufficient from her Ma jefty to deal and
proceed with me', if it be thought good. But if you make a Coun-
cil-Table Cafe ofit, f2..!!ot bomincf, tot [elltentia:. And my Comil:
CIOn from ahove is not fo large: Q.!!i poteft capm:, capiat.
Sir, 1 truft, I (hall have jufriee for fUy Houfe, Library, Goods,
2nd Revenues, &c. Do nOt you difdain, neither fear to bear favour
unto your poor Innocent N~ighbour, If you fend unto me Mafter
Thqmt1'S Diggs, in her Ma)efties behalf) his faithfllinelfe to her
Majefty, and my well liking of the man, {hall bring forth fome
piece of good fervice. But her Majefty had been better, to have
fpent or given away in Alms, a MiUion of Gold, then to battle
loft [om~ oppoTtHnities pafl. No humane reaCon can limit or deter..
mine God his marvellous means of proceeding with us. Hee hath
made of SaHl (R K.) a Paul: but yet, now and then, viuted with
a pang of humane frailty. The Almighty bleffe her Majefty both
in this World, and eternally: and infpire your heart with fome con..
ceiving of his merciful purpofes, yet, yet, not utterly cut olffcom
her Majefty, to enjoy
From Leipfich tbis 14 of May 1;86,
at Peter Hans Swarts Holt!e.
To"r BonoHrs faitbfHlwel-wiUer to "fe and
command for the honour of God and ber
Mlljefties heft [er~ict,
10 HN DEE.
To the- right HonoHrable ·Sir Franci_
Walfingham Knight, her »Iqjf Exc,Uem
Majefties Principal S"retllry, Illy
good Friend and l'lItrOJl,
with fieed
IUuflriff. &- Mt1?,IIif. D. mei Colendiffrmi
EnediEtio Dei Patris 8< mera gratia & mifericordia per uniclim
B meritum Jcfu Chrifti, illuminatio Spiritus S;utlti, 'conlirme~
nos cum omnibus ChriHianis, qui magno. cum 'Lelo, propter
gloriam e.i u5, cruct:m, tribulationem, & pr~fentionem a ranci-
do atque'putido lcotto Bab.vlonico, in turbulentiffimo hujus mundi
Oceano p;ltimur, ut exell'lplo Jefu Chrlfii qui cit in Patre., virtu-
te ~(auxilio Spiritu S. ha:c omni~ perferre patienter valeamlis ad
nomini~ fni gloriam -& anirnarum nofirarum i"alutem. Amen.
Mirum fortafils videbitur ~ominat V. quodisnotus ad ignotos
fcribo imputabitis bOllam. hUJus culp.a:. partem Jufiiffimo do lori,
quem ex rurnore i'parfo) & ad me d~lato propter D. V. cODcepi:
mirari-enim non fatis pollum pertinax ftudium befiire illius Babilo-
nice, qua: nihil intentatum rclinquit, nullum non move.ndo lapi-
aem, quo hominibus vcfira: natiol1is pr~cipue piis & amaDtibulI
Dei non folummodo nocere fed & funditus perdere fiudet. Elapfo
eJ}im undecima die hti;us ment!s Legatus Pootificius Libellum fup-
plicationum ut vocant) Ca:f. Majdlati obtulit quo I).V. NiGroman-
ti~ & aIiis artibus, prohibitis infilllulat, aliifque calumnus graviter
accufat copias hujus libelli habere potuiffem, fed nimis fero hac de
re fum cenio!' factus, nee tutum Be abfque fnfpitioneefi qui illum ex
Italico in Latinulll fermonem tranfrulit petere. O!Iare cum h~c
omnia vana a D. V. ut hominibus Chrifiiaois & Philofophis certo
fciam Epifiolam hanc cum tertendi tum admonendi caufa exarare
libuit ut promptiores & paratiores D. V. ad refpondendum offen-
dant. Peto itaque ut eo animo tufCipiatis quo {cripta eft [cilicet
Chrifiiano integro & candido.Valete meque precibus vefiris Chrifio
P 0 S C RIP T.
Ante aliquot die.r trallfmiJiJJem D. V. LitterlH fed Ij.
Y. peregr<l! profeCiIH effe mihi Jigniftcat"'11l fuit poft-
'lHam al/tem a fcrvitore generq[o D.a Bikerfiein cog-
110Viffcnz (Ferdinando Harnik..) DY. hane noftram re-
miffe patriam,interJ1litterc non potui quin iUud quod Julius Afcaoius r".
'lIeftrltm illtercffit [cire litteri! ijliJ' jigniftcarem. ti",,," V crdcman.

Illufiria: & Magnif. D.1oanni Dee &

Edwardo V, &c. Dominis & amicis
meis colendiff.
Rceived of Mr. Kelly on Friday bt:fore Whit-
ftinday, after my return from v,aJ4!naw. 1,86.
Mr. KeUy received this on Thurfday before
Whitfontide, ~:} May I S86.
J true '1\~la'ion olDr. Dee birAttionf,withJJ~ju; &c. 4 z. ~
llluftriffi»IQ Principi &' Domino Domino Wilidmo Udino hcredi-
tario DOlllino Inc/ite Domw Il RoCenberg, Domino in Crommaw
£quiti allTei vellerisCa!farea: Majefta.ti I itttimi e01ljilzi Con{iliario)
&- in Regno Bohemia: [upremo Burgravio, &-e. Domil10 &- P a-
trono meo ColcndiJlimo.

Llufiriffime Princeps, nihil mihi gratias a Magnifica Domino,

I Schonb~rgio narrari poterac,quam vefiram CeIfitudinem profpera
·ulte.rim frui valetudine, Dum ego vario, diverfo, & intricato.
quodam fueram jaaatus itinere, pel' montes, per valles, per 1\·1va.s
denfiffimas, per apertos campos, & per nivem profundam, & nobis
fere inperviam ~ Et (femper tamen oos protegentc altifllmo) tan-
dem [ani, i"a\viqlle illdis tam equis quam curru Cel6tudinis ve-
fha: 3 rever,{j fumus. Pro quo prof'pero fuccdfu,. fummas Altifllmo
agimu,> gratias, & V cfir.t Cclfl tudini infinitas a nobis deberi £lte-
mur. Dum abfum contra nos nefcio quid faW incipit ille ApoffolicM
NunciJff vel lev iter nimis creJ<.:re, & temere conqueri, vel a [eipCo
excogitare perver[a!. Vera: fi ita pctgant(habito jam nofiri,per bien-
iliwn experimento fatis accur·ato )illi q.uidem,qui pie tate & fapientia,
(faltew vulgares) deJ:>crent luperare homines omnes, omnium homi-
num (emet declarare liIaxime invido:>, malitiofos,perverfos,Canguinis
humani appetentes , fuperbos, innocentum canlifices, & piorum in
Chrifio Calumniatores exitiofos,&c.Vere (dico) cogemur pulverem
ex calceis ncftris Cxclltere, & alias in mundi partes nos conf<!rre. Et
nifi vefir<l! Celfitudiois haberemus earn quam debemns confiderati-
onem : Et nifi nos ipfos vefrra! Celfi[UdIni~ pra:fidio quocunqne ar-
maw (quail) minntos exifiimaremns ( pra:ter illud invincibile , Dei
Opt.Max. agmen inviFtblle) fiatim a~ire ex hoc regno conaremur.
Curare eciam debet iuaCa:[area MaJeftas, ut aliquo modo, & citif-
fime,perfpeaum toti huic Regno eife roffit,nos duos non folum vera:
Catholicos e!fe,fed etiam vera; pietatis & pacis Chrilliana:,e!fe aman-
ti{limos. Per literas iftas non eft opus ut plura effundam, fpiritus mei
fervore quodam. Sed diligentiffime & c;ircumf~eCtiffime refpiciamus
nos utrique, inefiimabile Dei,q,Uod nobis utrifque comulit Donum.
Sumus eoim qua6 tres. Sed in uno Deo,unus quafi vir dfe debemus.
Myfteriulll hOG notate I . .D. E. K. W. R.. Nam qui me habet, habet
& E. K. & quem ego meum habeQ, ille etiam ipfius mci E.K. cen-
fendus efte!fe. Omnipotens ille Deus qui cuncta creavit, veftram 11-
luftriaimam Celfitudincm) [ua: divinx uttitia:,& Gloria: Comimni·
ftrum & co-operatorem nobis conjungat & diutifiime confervet.

Praga:, Maii 26) Anno 1586.

IUuflrijJi11le CelJitudilZiS 'Veftr<l! ftdeli[-
jimw in CIJrijlo Servitor.
Joannes Dee.
IuviCliffim-z l'otentiffime'lHe [4crz [141ft Czfarez M4f.jejl"ti
Hungariz, Bohemiz, &c. Kegi, &oc. &oc.

P Er aliquot jam hebdomadas , Invi8:iffimc & Cratiofiffimc Cz-

far, aures nofiras circumConabant rurnores varii, quafdam COn-
tra me, & focium meum, pra:parari accufationes graves & ex-
itiofas: Veftra:que Sacra: Ca:Jame Ma;efiati offercndas fore vel;am
oblatas dIe: Et pra:terea Sacra", Vefiram Ca:[aream Ma jefiatem,
quorundam perfuafionibus, pO!l1e eo perduaam dfe, ut aIiquam ma-
lam, &nobis periculofam, de nobis con~iperet opinionem.Vdtra: igi-
tur Sacra: Ca:farea: Majefiati humilIime fupplicamus ur (Authorita-
te eua Ca:rarea~nterpofita(il1ius,cujufcunque cOntra nos exhibiti li~
belli, copiam, accurate & verbatim exfcribi, nobifque tradi,manda-
re,gratiofe dignaretur,Sic enim nofiris refponfis ad accufationis con-
tra nos confiaa: colla tis articulos, citiffime & clariflime intelliget fua
Sacra Majefias Ca:farea, quid in pra:miffis, cum Jufiitia, ad Dei ho-
fiorem & Reipublica: Chrifiiana: urilitatem, arbitrari, vel ftatuere
pomt aut debeat. Et de hoc certiffimi nos fumus,favente Deo,equod
adhuc, et nimis diu, aliquorum negligentia, et contra nofiram vo-
luntatem, Vefiram Sacram Ca:farem latet Majefiatem.) Nos cum
Veftr:tSacra: Ca:farez Majefiatis perfona:, tum Reipublica: Chri-
fiiana:, per vos long~ utiliores, gratiorefque effe poffc,quam omnes,
et quotcunque hie noftri pra:fentes adverfarii : vduti ipfa doc:ebit
veritas fi pa:nesVefrra: Ca:fart;B Majefiatis aures proprias,eum pomt
habere favorem, ut gratiofe audiri queat Deus Opt. Max.Saeram
Vefiram Ca:faream Ma;eltatem fua Divina abundantiffime illuftret
gratia abrachioque fuo extento, contra, Chrifii atrociffimos bofie,
Imperatorem reddat triumuphantiffimum

Mai; ,S, 1586

Saerz. Yeftrz Majeftati.t
Humili.t &- fldeli.t Ser'llitor,
Ita Dei promo'Vendam gloria",
Joannes Dee.
In'l)iSiJJiIlf% potentiJJillle'lHt Saetz [HZ Czfarez
Majeftate Hungariz, Bohemia:, &e.Kegi, &c. c,.e.
Domino meo Clementiffiml ~ P atrono incomparabili
"t/, ",,,ntH propriM
DLor gojlronger Lirhor bortr4'~ter fraltndt,Difeftumdoift mir ~aJ't.
E brufflaznJIt k..fmon,DarauJ't.lChunt fondon frondron GotteJ'dlono'r'
behor-x.t ganuottvomoman, In J"m11la craJ':. David fralbt
ift waar , Mirabilis Deus in fanais Cui's Deus lfrael, ipCe dabit
virtutem & fortitlldinem ptehi Cure, Benedi8:us Deus.
Vifo Varfolgll11g wirds lnon, (ohgottcoiU) In Iror wolfart gor.
/'icbon u.nd don LonidM In Irom [pot.

Dentihus fui~ frement, & contaheCcent defiderium peccato.

rum peribit.

Dom gutt'On Jltngon Gortn Civillor got foinrm horm vndJicffolbft

or~nlt,m.) k.,an afu foelvnd Crib goholffonwordon. Daf':. Vborig
croUen el1ir etlnHadtlieh brld Vorriehton, Inte/'im, So brotts feb,
fie bon :moiu &- angon, Jum fernundtliehfton Jubo gTlwffon, va-
da'rim trouots grallCott Ina, Juofforiron, Darbinbegott .flimt vnf'Z.
Von Nanafa In ari!!.~eil.

Datu11I in Eyie Kaudmit't. don'J.8 Maii, Anno 1;86.

Des forru trrHoer


Wiljchn Moimlligne handt'1.

Horm Lafpar von Schonburg aIel Yoplit't. Moinom YartriSnotr"

gutton fro undo In folbfthando:.


42.8 <VI trulrelation ofDr. Deehu A8i01lSs fl'itb f}iritl~&c.
Owder KHm,Jchenn KayJerlicben aHcb JH HHngern Hnd./' Be-
S hom Koninhchon Mapt 'tnt/ors allor gHadigfton borrn cropen
Dutlori Joanni de Dee EngeUandorn , ilnformoldoll , Daf-x.
lro Mapt jauf-x. jondorn tzlrgeblichen ~ hodencTiJicbM 'll71dt billi-
chen 'zlIfachonjont feMoffon fom [notzl"dt clio fiJ.migon In Joror
Mapt) hllng KHch Bohem [0 woll als dndorn dorofolbrtm Pomp
Ranchon, IlHrflant gumbombon <:Intlt Landon /o"t,er nicht 11IAAIdon
nach julugivn Hiorauff fo [un nun Jorar Mapt Endlichor flnll,
'lIndt trHfter be/l.rhlich Dafoz. chr/ichfambt Jo;nom Worbe tindorn,
'lImdallfJlz don foyinpen, [0 wo11 als /oinem ConJorten vndt JHgetha-
nen boy vormedllnp Iron Mapt trHflen vnnachlvfoz.lichentt fthtJllltttd
'lIltguad) Inncrhali drIJ Negt nachoniandor voLpomdon fechs Zagen,
alhie or heve , 'lind JichalJoz.balet daranff vrn hinn4ln, aulJorhalbge-
dachtor Jorar Mapt Koningraicb Behamib vms andoror ]~ror Map,
Koningraicb, CH~'pantbHmbay vndt Cainder begeho difeilben Dur-
chauf-x. Jlln K unfftigmedr NuchfuJ forror Daru",en, it?eyternicbt be-
fHnden nach hetreflen La./Je Damit auf-x. den laJlI laffllLba 'lin [mo 0-
dar den feympen aHch dOHpy Jme Jupethaury, ",ngrborfambLicfay v-
borganpen crourdo Irr Mapt Inn truflon einfcbon vndt Straff, foJie
Lirber vormitton. fchonvroLton nicet Vernrfacht wordoun, Wolton In
Mapt, Ime JIU1ndtlicher Nachrichtung, ",cht porgen. EJoz. bofoz.fefe
aHch Hieran 1ror Mapt foruftor Willey vndt mainug. Decretum in
ConJilio Impertltoriz Majeftatis fecretiori. Pragc xxix Ma;;, A"no

E. Waldtnons Saylddt.


Decret DqSol' Johann de Dee ITQr KOlligli,h Bobo1llo [0 woll

~Ls andors [ror Mapt Lander fureantlio).

DoCior; Joanni Dec

1 received this tbe 30 day of May,
.Anno 1586, Mane bora nona,
By one of the Chancery Cler4.!.

The Copie of tbe Emperour bis Decree, of ONr B4nijhmen'

out of. bi.t K;ngdome.r, Duk.!J.qml, e!;wc. with onel] fix daJes'
t!A:mte ,iUti01J o{Di:Dee his AfJionspitbJpiritl, &c
eA,.. I S86 18 Jllmi i" Erphardia Thurin~. , '1'1', Jilljlrif_ D,;"i"", Rolenbcrgius,
",ifm" Jo~ncmCarpionem.d IIq,. ~ IiItru{.u, d' ",/IX;""; . '. ill JI1(Irlj",,,,,.,

,,;tlll ChM'_ ",,,nd.,,, r"p"

"llig,rtr'V,III.r.rem, (J-d, .liJlr'~II', (jo,. Eg' 'Vtr. i_Caj{tU2:"_ ill Hella; & Erphllr~
diz tr.t D. Eduardo Keleus. 1'<11; r~r ·'1... & pniti."I~'" /6".lfrijJi",i ill.ffiN mit .iTli~
Alt.,." ."" ,,.tl#,,,,. Mif.", rtl'~r."r"" "",,.,, 1J".d & . /::;
f'~it, /WII'W JU f"pr.{"ijtls, ....j III c..M"".j1'w;' Minoris O,..;"U S. Francifci. inte,. hWlfm Admlnit;;'
tS & 7 M,.IUICJ,. $,_, Miff_ Cd,s,._,. it filIi'. Miff., b"IJII./'9I1itll,.;" Chllrt. ;IIT/If",- ,
.Hlltll,. pIIIUst; {~iptIC. SuI. '", [.1111''''', ,..If'!".", Ixfmpr. ".,It
pr.UI"jlnlfi_ Pri"'ip' T'm~trr uilit
Pill';'" ~nll'r' omMlii"".!t /I(tr., lIiMI'!II, i" ,Il. en.,.,.,
plft Tliji~k ",.",.nftt, et,. ,,'ft..•
Nuiofls (et012 omne, .vocatll! in JUdiciUm, .coram Tribunal ft~bunt. Populus cnin! rehellis,
aimiuR>qtft: ltujus inUndl <kdi!us volll!'tll~, mei jlmdudum ira furori~ irrititu5 tabcfc~: Ita quod,
negue ad {iniHram Jlcque ad deltram led ad volunwem meam permplendam, dechnalldcm efl.
BeaIIlS ill. ql\i m<tndacrique patris il!ei ebedicns ell & pcffi:vcrantia deeol1ltus.
MlikdiAII' tutem, '1ui'l11Cnllu operibus, perdicas verbum meum: .quia {cauda)o multis eric,
~ i~omimie pKisE va~ehi mei.. . , " , .', , ,
Egotc q.I"I_ ( qUia manltS adjUMllh rruhl ) DA'II,de", ad e,l,.th. Jugulandum confiltul &
Mundt' ig;tttr:td, ~lori3m meamutere. & corpus mum erige in me, ad jurliciam meam in fede d.-
IllilluoUocandam, tIC fuperbiam iniquifJimaln rurpillim~:mque (illorum qci poluerunt fedeln meam ;
in feabelldlll pcdem blat'phrnii:l & abomination is ) ad penitus tum coneulcandum, tum cl1ld!.
Bcarus enim eris in fortitlldint manns & Cpiritus met, quia audite preees tuaS. Noli igirur tt"'PHl
'IIijit.ti,,,u tIl' "tglit.ere : fed freme :telo & indignatione acerima, & conjunchm ruis parictibu's,
virgincm in uxorem atcipe, pallium lumbis & feneCtuti ruae illimque a~ndo dilige, & diligen:io
fove, Ut mea in te & in illa bcncdi8io polliei~ maniftAa fiat.
C;tvc: porro, De quos libi in aUlilillm' paraTi , fel'Yos meos, ,el negligemiot vel timiditatc tua,
aliorum {ie pati:uis e;Jt m:mib!ls tuis vel tauquam oveJ ab o,ili ruo, malis artibus '" iniquitate, cripi
~i' enilll illud kmipiJt quod datum ell am~ p
~a i8if\l( 8c vigilando cura, quod haaenuslefum ell.
Fr~m ftamque tl'ZlllllD Satanae /lC inimicii venris.
Bcn,d·iCikl Pal:ris a Spiritus mei, & confolatio ainc (cui Cubjeaa dl omnis potellas ) lit tecum
" ~r.tte.
A pecca". dcni~e monitus ce!fa ut emu meclilll loqueriJ , vita cua' {it luminc- Ie gratia lIlCa

B, ,."",.e. ,hilt ,Mr. Francis Pucci Florentine, ,.1»", '" "'! g,;"g t, Leip{ieh I left ;11.",. M F •
b.,,/, lit Prage ,.i" rhe m,.", {fA" h•• ~,.,,, lit Fra.l\li:ford 1Ip'''' !dene , ..... ,.,,,, fm,. Prage "Hilt 'P;cci~"m
til, [."" Je, thllt,he IJifW, ,fPlatenu Nuncius Apollolieul d,d Ixhilit ,. ,h, E"'p"lIIr. I;~,l .4.3'1!81•
• ,,-fllls.! ...ft h..,.~t, .",,..,h,, (fr~. At hi, g.i"g fr.". Pra~ hI hlld ,hili NlirieiuslltJiIll., Mtlii ••

pd",,,·,,,,.fPrar,e.,,J""/ttf,,,,,tl,.,,, .f.1l hil Xi":"'"",,

err:. [" tJu m,"" [p.r" -_.fttr his ,."11,,, ,. Prage "t.ill it b.P,,"';' fo, ,b."h, 30 .fM",
lAft, I rlurtmJ ,h, E""".,,,rs ~,,,,_J,,.'"'' 1, "" C,"'p"",iI", min' t. MP"" ,.;,bi*
D"i(,rtl#",u A"J L""Js. Wf,ir:h
..,did, IIUId 'JIII"e cyml ,. Erphurd ;" Thuring. , ..'" [_ti",,,,, CAlfd ."h"h".",htIJrnlml,tl
till,. t."tls ""d fl<mil,~, ""fo,, th,Se".t", ,fErphurd .",,,Id gi'VI 111 .. 1,.,,, r. hi.r ' A,,! bD,,{I ., "tr,
A,lmhb, the Lord Schonberg i" ,he "."".f'''' L."J. Rotenberg, I.". Ar.,'.' .",ith rtpll/Ji
1", ( the 1 ~t" J.,
f'Htiwtl, ...." .1[.",1.""' l,,,,, n. E. K. "..tlM, Jill, 1.8,9, to, r I, 12,13,11. AnJ." Tlltr
.f]"./) 'D.EJor Cultt It,.••t.h, II,.".;-Jfr.""h, Senat thA' ,he, .",;,14 ",t l""'"
filiI' 6.('1",P, ,,, ",t'JIII"hjf""di"r., if ,h, Lortl Rotenberg ,".1;1 .g.;"r",J 1hIl. th,,,, ill tb, "''''"",
th,! .....1J I~bmtr"pmth''''.'ttr,&c.
e."" to Erphurd /1fI Th",.rLt, "'tlr ,,,,. f"p,", Jllil Ie> ( Ililo
""0 }.. hu{~".,*-." • ".r!•
N.,., r_""m tim Fl1Incis Pueci
."hl,h'" biUl ItQ"ght.t" d'r.
Jlf/, ,h, luh hI A/{to.,./, E. K. ""."'" tbllt" tlmlth,., ",ilhl. ,;,,,1,, ["",,,r tP r,..
tJmIlo'PU!:' ./..i" if ."".",,,/J••
Th_ h, h"d fo".a ,hi, NunCius Arollolicus _ , I_,.mll, tbe" Malafpina ; if ."hmi bl "pmttl
-fo. ,b.t ;'.'fINII cr,dibl, 'II/or.,a ,h., he "., f.,., Ilfttldtd ,hilt.",
,;tJi ill ' '1' (F'IIhl, ,. him, 'htll Re'lefendillima V cill1l PaterRitas.
I..'" hi", /II",.,., h,nnirAIsU
TbiJ P\II:.oifrA",.,.,h, dijb.r/"f hi, tll/ltt, P"[••M "' ,. thi"lt.;'rll If tbii EpifcopilSPlaeen-
tiuuhAi ht.:Jlllt,cbAril_le '"""ra, 'II) Ilntl. forrllTl th., fII' ..".,fo IIIICt/lft,."jl! "j,J, tbtlt b"'II~.'
_bi,,! ,1ft i" hi, f.,tt, the Emp".,,,rAlIC/"P III, It,,'th., .", ",ight It, ,xllm;,,,d • • Jth~u bccnr:
d trHe K,l4tion of Dr. Dee his ASiolllpitbfPirits ,&c.
f'II"J fAIIlll, ., jh4I1IJ be lent te R_" but after thaI he hadbcgunte-move againfi us, th:lthe fo"""
fM Ji,,,,,'''lIr """ "'I"ll 1,111 Igainll us, than he himlclf was,

The to~d ~{t"~"'lt~ld u~that when he did (inour~half) ail,jldhe Empetour of hi, error
1C0mmmed In our extermInatiOn, that the Emptiour anfwered that this N_c;III from his fiill
""udience did. urge fo vehemently againfi us, and 31fo the Pope hac'! fent toa.mandmcnt by L~~
rertohim to dclivcrusand fend us to R,m,. thath~ was forced·in m.nrttrto do as ·he did. But
if the commandcment or his Decree were to be made again, that it (bould not paffe, or if this
Nil",";. A,j1.liclll had not (~nt ~is Decree a~ay to R,'!", tiat he (bould not fend it,&cc. This
I !l0te In re(peel of the contrancty In the NII,,"III alfenlon, and the Empcrours) of our fo hard
The forefaid eleventh day of J"I" the forefaid Fr. P""dto prove thi' his intended perfwalion
of the NII"C;III good meaniQg toward us, and to make liS ~leeve that great beaefit ~9lild .enfue our
30il'g to R,m" did bring forth unto us a writin: of his own hand which he read unto us, and at the
heanng of it we mufed muchf"r many cau(cs hsked him then why the N"""illl had not fubfcri-
bed this writing. It isall one faid he for that ; Hath he heard this read (quoth I,) yea, that he hath
heard me read this three leveral times. atife unto him {faid he; ) And if you like of it laith he,
wher.cil\his power fervcth him not to performe as mucli as is fpecified in the writinl:, he will make
and we meanes'to have it from his Hoiipdfe; well, laid I, take a copy hereof Mr. XtllJ, f.rI was
riding toward S-'!,ilJ ~bout II boule getting; Thereupon raid he, contented, but 1 ihi"k it IIlcctef
to [ove and keep the original it felf fald Ji,. K. Well, laid Pllc~i, and fo the original was delivered
to E. r.
After 10 of the clock the fame Friday, bein~ the eleventh (by of this moneth. after break-fall
I rid toward S4lfu/~about the houee 01 the EarlAlbm of SJllArt;f.,,,J,trg, &,.
But afterl was out of Eri"rJ until my return again, I was fo [ore veled in mind to think of
PIICC; his return to our company , AI .,.,11f'~ lhu ""'I'iitt "Atllr, i" JlfpllfAtUII/, AI f,r hil bl"sb;"L
A~lir.. .f,,,, {tr;rm .ilh.llt .II,I'lI'IIt, .r .,I/Iikj"", " A", g..J a,;"g thir,bJ; either in God hu [,,-
flitt I or our credit, but rather the contrary. ellluing albeit not of his intent ~ but by ritheY his undif-
A rpie. creet rancHing of it., or of his u~due h.earer~ ofhi~ &cc. A!ld alfo for .~is Houlheld behaTiour, not
'acceptable to our wives ami family, and ,Uo Kcaule we were warned thAt hI jh."IJ b, ,IIt.fft."",
,lIr c,,,,p",,,,&c. And chiefly, ·now to conliller that he had laid ["ch A bAit for us with our mortal
enemy, to entrap us by fair fawning words, which by no meanes the Emperour would conCent to do
before by his a,:thority , but rather t.o PUt u. OUt of his Kingdomes, lice. And imagining that he was
a mighty Elploratot upon us, foKhis Nlillc/Hl tApoft.Iit"III? and his adherent., that now he
might perceive what we had done hitherto, what we were dOing, and what we intended to do,
and conlidering that he urged at our hinds in anfwer to the former wrida;. wherein aifo lay a uap
for either in not anfwering it, or refuling t.o grabt fome poiilts of it, or in our conCenting to the
whole, this NII"r;iHl would put matteragliolt us to our gnat difadvantagc. Thus beill!; tormented
in'mm4 in my abfence,how we might be rid of this Fr. PII"r;i,by quiet and honefi meanes,1 deTifed
to write to this N""dlll to KIlOW ifthis writing were of his contri,ing oncly, or of Pllt"(; his contri-
vino oHcly,or j;>yntly,or if anhe leafithe writing were aCEordil'g to his wiIJ,and ofterunto us,andfo
to fend him away; wherein he (ould make no refufal,l intending not to make him privy of the con-
tent of my Letter; And in the mcan fpace of his abience I hoped that fOllle good W3Y and better
meanes would appear or f311 out, whereunto w. might truH,&cc. Thus 'I 1I0te my imaginations and
dili:ourfes in the tIme of mv ablencc.
I returned to lrph"rJ 1"1] 1 3' /J.r" S. A ",,,jJj,.
1 found Fr. '1'1"cidelirous to have anfwer to the forefaid writing·, and vcry much perfwading
this Roman v<>yage, uling arguments out ot our ,aions, as that Godlaid we Ihould go to jU"",
in:l cett3in moneths fpace; Th3t we ought to obey the Roman Bi(bop, and to love him, &cc. J re-
plyed and f3icf,that he was nOt t, ",.~t G.J """ All, hil f4';"LJ t. ""buttoreferre all to his molHue
dilpoficion, his "Ill was to be done and not OIIU ~ God was not bound to us,lIcc. He anCwered ve-
ry vehcmeAtly, and olien, that·'Dtlll ,P",{,is "I;I"tiJ!i""", & D,III aix;t., ;"'rll RomA"" d-
~l' &rtai & cr:JAm l & Aliter "~,, "'~A"..;ft ",ihi D'III J.;x,rit ",,, .bil.&c. Well, (quod we)
li od h,th delivered uneous hIS meaning in that phrafe, whIch we alfo de,ife you of, that it is noG
.m=:lnt (bY the Ipeech) th,t v.:i: (ball corpor311y goe to ~""" and fo ,I brake o.ff that his reafoning;
And told him that we. mervuled th3t he Ihould urge thiS Roman VOJ3ge fo Tlolently 3nd eagerl),
morc then we; It appcrt3il1ed unto UJ as Rlnch as to bim, &cc. The fame day I told him that he had
heretofore oflended God with his c"r;.jit,;11 ."r AffMrtJ otherwife then appert~.ined unto his cal-
Iill!:, and he may flellremember his repentance therein, and hi, forgiTemlfe ob,~d, But that
~ 'nle relation ofDr. Dee bisACiions;witbjp;rits, &c. 431
now he had offi:nded much more in curiolity, and half. in confpiracr againlt us with our mortal
enemy this NIIIICill1 )/pDfI,/icHi ,upon whom he did fawn, ill whofe favour he is; ...,h" j,)yneth,
counfaileth with him in Ol'r afl'~ires, who dar: prefcribe us what we ha~e t,O do in fo weighty af~
faires as our lourncy to RD"", who hath framed.a bill, aC,culing us coufufedly of. Herdic, and wIck-
ed Mallick, both f~lIc:ly in one part, and dangerous to life, and infamous ar Ihe le~H in the other,
and he~to reqllimh, urgeth, and in manner in God his name argueth by our a~ions palt, obedI-
ence. And therefore he hath fcparated ,himfdf from ~f,and hath fet Iiimfelf a~.ainfi U5,&C.
With a,eat vehemetlcy he f:ud, He Intended Mthlng, 'bUt well to us, and WM Explprlltpr."ith
Ihll N":d",ior our bch~lf; We require 110ne (laid I) neither we need any, for GOd fccch all,and
doth all, for our benefit, if we Will conllantly. loye and fervc him; To be brief, he would
t'cc!\l to be worthy t~ be thought well of for his zealous good will and fidelity to us ward, in all hi.
doings and fay in!:s,J The uuth whereof God knoweth, to whom we comrmt thcciufeictwccn him
and us.

The Copy of the writing before fpecified.

SID. Jobannes Dee, D. Eduardus KeUeus, & Fr. Puccius, 'liD/tilt ;r4 Romltn, HI Cllfflrll"r
CH'" SH",,,,D 'Po"ti{i"dl [IIU Rl'II,/II/i,,,ibHs, "CIt"t;II"/1I e14", 111"'1l1li", S""UiPetri s'lIcctj{ortm
~ clmfti I"ltrri, 1'1C"";H,,, [llHft d-l.t1Jlrud. Epifeoplll Plac5Atinus Apo;fo.lic"s N14"C;III "pHd
CzlJrdm MAjtfJlI/t"" ~M1it Ub, Liltrlll CO",,,,.,,i"li.,,il, HI ptrlDI14m ittr, & Romz, 13"",11-
"'iJimt [limmllqHt chAri/iIlt tr.ilt"tHr, & i" fHU IItCljfit./i/illl j"Vtlltllr,: Ac p"ttrt. i1H/hQri-
rlllt tApoj1.t;c. AbJilvtl IDS cr "btrotbit A6 o,""i CHip. & POl"i1, 9""'" ",,,iti tj{ellt i" 1/itll .nlf
"U., PI. Arm ./I'f"giCM txtrcitat/II, I: .rlftl, t"I["h"' Dpiniolltl III> til [PMfM , ."t fiUIII, 'IItrbis
lINt feriptit, IIHfllliit rlltiMibHI; ob lib,ol prob,bi/II Itaos IIHI feriptll, jiv, 01. IIliHd 9Hodvil
,rlfflell, clljHllICcHf,,;'i "UI argHi poff'''I in fOTD [""liD ["qHijiti,PI", .111 i" foro qllod Contentiofum
'V Dell'" ; IIlIt;n ,,,ovil IIlio for. TOIII;fici4 di,;,,,il : Nt 911it ,b "Il"", ,,,,.tll,,, .", (&t1"19Ulln-
t""wil IItFOX, qHuJ ill; IId",i[tri"t.,,1I hoc iter f"fetpllI'"l Iii ""If".'" f"etl"' 1ulDliH"" IIHt
"'DItflUI ,lft p.f/it, IIlIt ,,110 m.d, i"fJHirtrt, IIHt ipfolllC'H}lIrt ,rtf-",lIt.
For the better ground of any manner of :Lni'wer making herellnto t asked the fame Fr. PH~Cj,
after fuppcr,on Tuetaay the 15 of ylll], (forafinuch as I had frallled a (mer for anfwerto the pith of
the Letter or writing here rccord~d)whether this Letter were written and fem to us by the confent of
this NIIIICilN Ap.j1.ilrlN , to know our arofwer in,or no. He feemcd to be unwilling now direcHy to
affirm the NHncilN confem.We replyed that he had already told us that he had read it thrice over to
the faid NII"cilU, and that he liked well of it, and did me "ail that now be would make {\range
to affi,rm tbe f2111ogain, ieeinB I had now, (a"ording to his purpofe) wrirten a plain and perkct
humble anfwer to th~ fame Letter. and much more matter, true and needful for this NII"CIIII to
know. Well, faid he, Ellt'''IIllXtjlU ""flllfli tft', ji'll,/itil iI" Romam, til pr4jllr~conllbmlr,
'1"1. i" tl[a,,,, IIttrjst~"ti"''''"r,c!r'. Well, faid I, On Latin alwayes you mull underllaRd my tallt
with him in the Gme lence here in Englilh recorded ,if he mean well unto US, and in charity unfei&n-
ed; he will notbe offended with my anlwer ; The Copy wbereof doth enfue.

IUuftijJimo RetflerendijJimoque Domino,Domino Epifcopo Placen- Therupcr-

tino apltd Potcntiffimum &. In'lliClijfimHJn Romanorum Im- (ccipri ono!
• " " the Letter
peratorem Rodulphum, ejUS nomznu fccnndnm, Apofiolico without.
Nuncio, Doming 11libi (in Chrifto) Colendiffimo.

Ifluflrijzme C3 ReverClldijftmt Domine, mibi CtJlen-

N Nomine. S:InCtz Beatz & Individuz Tr!nitatis, vcftram 1l1ufiratiffimarn II.cmcm!;er 1',
I Reverendiffimamquc DOtl1inationem , c:a qua virum ChrilHanum deeet an1mi aff'e- ~'''~ h~ ':"0 •
dione: & humilitate faluto" non prc:[umptione aliqua, veftris manibns oculi[vc i· h:~eoti:'~!pt
fta,s meas ohtrudens literas , fed ex ifiius Nllneii 'IItjfri verbis admooitus; non gratas In ~ li:rher b,,:
foltltl1, red (fel e) e~pedatat fore: hafee aliquot, baud invitus, cxaravi lineolas. b~" rclf'I~Otbc
Quihus cum non potero, 40 annorum continuum & " ardcnriflimum vitz me eurfum ~nd "::~~y't:
in limatioflS qUlrn Vblgatis vcritatis Philo[ophicz in da~atione tranfa~um , dc:fcribc- b~ (he"ed
Ie ; (vel adumbrarc [altern) faus prcfeoci Doftro dre poffit infticuto, i przfcnti retlftn 7~::::~c"".
metaoo II-~ok.
432. d "He Relation ofDr. Dee bis .A8ioRs "';tbfPiri's,&c. J

metamorphofi, & ad mira~z negotiorum .noftrorum 4aioni. itiduinquc citcuitioni

llIultiplici, aliquid expri~am quod maxi me quadret.
• .If~ A.... Diwnitlis ante aliquot 3fInos .. informati, & ddnde ex AII[,liA D. cyQClti, non fo-
t!s,. l~ fortiffima Dei Omnipoteotis manu, & mitaculofa, ex mulds magnifquc evan-
D..Am,If'] . .mus maris periculis: fed etiam ex hominum fraudulentis &: tluculcntis conua
nos, & vitam noftram confiliis & conatibus, libcrati hadeftus , cidem Deo n0firo
gr:lti3s laudefque'Canimus mente grata, mente I~ta, mente profcdo ChrHlial1z, Ca-
tholic:r, Apofioliccquc Rcligionis amantiffima , & (Dei nos confirmante gratia)
tenaciffima furura . . Aa ecce, tamen, qui ejufdem Doilr:r pic matris (Santlz Ecclcfiz
Catholi,z) ke:itimj edam cenltmur ciTe filii, nos, fratre. fuos, in omni modelia,
qt1iete, pact, & civiii Jufiitia. interillos, & coram iIl1s, PrAg A c'onverfantes, fubito,
in exilium quoddam t five exterminium, CIt!"II emitti mandato procurabant nulla,
~obif, nulla pror[us, ncqu.e.privatiin, ncque public!! dcclarata tsm violenti mandati;
caula {cd vulgar i fohim, & ailliea .relatione nobis faaa inteIliximus ex Iibello quo-
dam, per vas, facr~ CtlfArtA Maj~aati (xhibito, ~onSata~ conna nos fuilfe maxi-
mam C A["iI indignationem,& quaft excandef(entiam : unde ex Canccllari~ Bcht",i&Aj
• An.~ ? IlJ6. acerbiffimum ad nos (facr:r rItZ c44TtA M;ljeftatis nomiAe) milfum fit * mandatum
30 MAJ" (nulla-in eodem exprdfa , eJuldem mandati clufa, vel ratione legitima) ut infra tunc
[ei p!oxi~os ~cquentes dies, Ega, cOllfors l1)eU5, uxores n0!trz, liberimei oinnes,
lmmo lk Ipre lnfar.s noaer MI&hMJ (Pr"g'l/lis natus, & bapuutus) atque ad matris
achuc pendens mamillas ,. famuli etism mei , & ancilJot, mei denique omncs , & do-
meftici, ex ipfa P~Ag" • atque ita confc:qucnter, ex univerfo regno B,h,.iA, & illiis
qUiburcunqae facr:r CA!ArtA Majcftalis Re~nis, Dueatibus. & terris. migrartmus,
nunquam cafdem reverfuri, fob teriibilis mlligend:r prenz periculQ. Nos. autem,
nulla iiltcrpofita' mora. hlle mandata C"'[Arel fi~eliter & humili(er obedire nolmet
accinximus: Bonaq ue nofrra mobilia. a peregrinationis fuppelleailem, tam
librariam qU2m domdlicam , in duos magnos cimus conici curavimus: Reliquorum
noarorum bonorutn , partem unam , amicis dedimus, & pauperibus difperlimus &
difiribuimus·: Pattem autem ) .de.facie tenz • (propter cauCas Deo non ingratas) pri-
•A~"/! 86. die, ante cxitum iftum noftrum , per nos eel Clam e1fe {cialis: Aft optimum pattem,
10 JY'U. Divino julfu, decitna die ~priJ'" (quando etlam. de tOta hacatHitlioile , & perfecu-
tione no{tra, & aliis adhuc futuris eramlls divinitU$ przmoniti.) 12/1;1 1.,.J,II';sji1llii
jlA",mil " ..",iji",,,s: 'l"A"" ilia , ejufdem .optimz parris, quz null us unquam na..
tur:tlis vulgarifque ignis p()[crat l:rdere vel conlumere". 'fIijiiillA1Igtl;e; ..illijltrio, ex
ipfis fUIJI'llis liammis in DivJnam, Angelicamve invifibilem r«ipicbaotur Cuftodi-
am. Aft librorum Divinorum Thefaurus maximus , tUQC, &: ibidem (duorum adhu~
viventium te£lium diligenti opera, ) ab ipfis Sammis in cincres faviUamque coilVerfus
eft toe us: renovation em , refiaurationem. & quali regc:ncrationcm vel refur-
redionem quandam, per Diviaam manum. opponuno reccpeurus telllpore Saccl_
lum; Dcnique cum altari quod omnipotenti Trinitati confccrandu~ fore cupicbamus,
(m cdia ex pane abfolutum) intatlum l·elinquimus. Ego vero, cum con forte meo,
uxoribus noRris. libtris meis, & rcliquis exulibu5. live exter~inatis noftris AhlJII,
uibus avctli, uanimigrationem hane, nobis injiJ!1aam, die pr:rfinira ingldIi fu-
.A ...,ls86. mus. A~que nondum ex Imperii RnnAn; 6nibus egrcffi , ita grcrrus noaros difponi-
.runi; 4. milS, &, de c:rtero(Deo favc:nte & gllbernante) difponemus: ut toti orbi ChrilHano
claroapparere potcrit , padenter nos hze (quahacunque) tolerare po{fe. aut faltem
velie: & paratiffimos e{fenos, Reedere Deo 'q uz Dei funt, &C;'[iri, quzfunt
C .ltpr;'. 0bcdic'ntiffimos.etiam nos elfe , & humillimos facro faoti:r Catholicz Ec-
defile filios) & fummi Pomificis Romani, & aliorum EcclcCiafiicorum Pr:rfulum
Catholicor!lm, il,l Chrifio & propter Chrifium tam t{fe obfervantcs &: fore, qualll
ipft qui Judell futums eft .ivorum & monuorum • vaulls nos e{fe modis baud raro
adm<inuit. Veftr:r vera IIIuftriffil11e, Ilevetendiffimeque DominBtioni, hoc iDeo
optamus bonum, Ut per fecundas nfrras (dc·tota caura.nofira) meditationc$, noftrz
I11IJOClllliA, finccritatis, & fidefis (coram Deo & hominibus) in ilia Republica Be.,-
.itA convcdationis hoRrz. jufta habcatur ralio: Mez<Juc hoqaftz fa-mz, cxifiima-
riQnifquc:(finc qua, nc viverc quid,mcupio) ca~at in lDrcgrum rcftitutio: Ut uli5
J trSle reltttion ofDr.Dee hil.AE1ionli~ithJpiritl, Sec. 4H
poL\hac effiHildiectur indubitatc:. qualls. (ant~ v~r~m. Cltfi!'~ MajeL\ati .exbibi'tillll
cOlma nt)s liMlu~ ~r 30'3linOS. (kpIOt.s) lWFMrnibus (pttt1~ ChRCtilnl orbit
tam Acadcrhir, quam Rtinis ~ Ptovitlciis (e~' Dti immcltrt BOTjitiltt-, grat1J abun ..
darttHIlrt1a tit fingulari pmf'idcn.tia) ~nltiffe-) haad db'fi:uris. 'CQIJbrlI1ari'pofiit ~dHmo~
nlls.Ex biis 'igitur pauds, Hi!lortz Ipftus vei:ttiitis feintiJtis., YeLlr;.;. Illu/lriffil'Qz
RcvercRdiffimequc Dominadoriis pru.Qcn~ia., magnum tibi lUmen alkere five accen-
dere potuit: ad nos, ncLlrorum animorum affe~iones, nollrorutn ita mirabilium & ad ..
hoc incrcdibilium negotiorum progrr(fum &,Llatwn dijadicandum •. & deniqbc de
ipfo futuro horum omnium cxitUr, blud. Icves -Ubj contexcRdas cOft;cduras t ,Com
nos; cxJolo DcQ Omnieotcntc, &: vero & vivo ; :in Qmnibus 1I0(his pCQcieamlls; &.
ab ipCo ~irig3mor & protrgamur. C\lifoh, nosipfos, noLlraq\1eom!li~ f :~nimlr~ cor...
pons & fonumr n~n<!li~a~a Bona;. tanquam ~H()I?C8uftu~.; ql2Ot!dlaOis nolltIs bu-
millimrs' &: [pontanels offerlmus ptcClbus. Curmquc foh fit omms laus; honof,glo.
ria. & gtatiarum A6Ho, .Dune.& fClllp«, .Amell.
Dat~ Erphurdi~, Anno I ~86, die t6 Jillii.
F ideli.r (in Chrifto) ~ propter Chrijbl}1t)
Joannes Dee.
This Letter being written, .and mOIl.Dco E. K. an~ of him well liked for the quiet and model!
courle therem kept • .()therWiIe (as he fald to Fr. PIlei:.) theA he could-have uCed: or had u(td in a
Letter which 110'1'1 he had aU... written: but now would not fend. thinking that my forcla:id Letter
n1ight (~ffice for our cale • he calked with Fr. Pllrri of this'Letter • wbich Fr PII«i (aid he would
~laofy lee and read, which:E. K~ told him that I was minded not toJet hin: read it I Then raid
he, that h~ would not carry it: Hereupon in calk with F.r. Pllui, fpeaking of this Letter; I told
him that Ipad Ifritten a Letter with fufficient anfwer in general to the NII"C;H4 requell and offer by
him iri writmg brought to u~ • and in {umme told ,him the chief contents of the Letter. Then faief
he, JfJhtruJ ,0" write of the Books burnt, why writeyo~ lIotllo[O himof the rUlJTJtr,or m,,,,,_
I lib'" P''!FtWt /If I'll ;,th, that tht'-"r' rtj/-Irld 1 And It /hall be a·dilgrace to you if t~e NII"(;-
' HI Ch:tllunderitand more by other, then by yourfelf. Thereot have Inocare, f2!t.i"lftri'Ji,rrrip~;
and I knoyw. the truth of my writing I And they are not all rellored thaC: I know of: .And wliatfo-
(vcr he hath at my hands lie may be a(fured is true: wbatfoever he Ihall,otherwi{e hear, the- Record
thereof cannot be fo good, unlC/fe, our Record ~onfent theret~; ~hen faid he, ."h, .r;tt ,oll.if
rhoft Bo~ 6urnj,,!, "li"g ,I,,,, iltfOrt !our.rllm1Pl'''f. ••"!: It IS as If you wrote backward. Have
you no C3re Mr'-Plied" tQr the methoci of my Letters falli I, and Hi.i'd farther, it is told .me that
unle(fe you Ice my Leners you will not ~arty the~ , you /han pardon me for feeing of them, the
content I have fufficlemly told you: and If YO\l Will not dch,er them, I can get them delivered di-
vers wayes; Of I may omit the fending of them, and ""ritc fueh a Letter to the N""c;tU tliat I had
wrim.nanfweno hisrequells, andofferfenlby Fr. PlIce;; Bu~hewould OQtbringthe {aid my
Letter, udell', he might have a light of it himfelf. At the length by fartherdifcourfe with &. K. he
be'came rcfolved to goe with thelmer, and (by E. K. his order) he was to recei,e ~o Do11ors of
loh"·C,,rp'o, that he /hould not be deltitute of money at Prill"~ fifty Dollon


This'day, Fr""ck PJl.eCi{aid t/jus both, how canyoudOlibt of iny fidelity toward you (whom
I love,~~ my own life,) anA againH this Mon~~r of ~""" whom my,chief d~lire is. ancUong Pued iw$Jt1;.
hath beeh, that he ~.ay' b~ ovenhro.... n, &c •. AgalO,co(lhder, w~.tfidchty, obedle~ce, and ,reve7 ttl ",.niftflif
tenee he'hath promlled to th~ Pope, and rhls N""hlll ; as the wnllOg ' brought by hIm; and fo fore Jim. j.n.!
arid many wayes u~ged by him, mr us to accept of jean fpccilie. "
Therefore Fr. is talie to the Pope, or us, or bota,or ralh,f60Iilh,blind ,&c. And (as ourfpiritval
S~hoo\mDner, divers times tel meth him) leprous: Therefore I commit this his doings to the Judg4
ment of God: But alio it i~great1y t(i),be: rcm~mbrcd ani! noted that he now alfo c1ilcQurfed agai11
with E. K. asconcerrung the Birth o( Chnt!: , thac itcou\d not be proved f>y'tbe Scriptllres., that
C~ri{\'C3me of the ~f Dil'lJi.I, u~ldfe he w,ere bt'gotten or-the ~~ual co~lation ~f 1'[lp'"
WIth t./IC""'!, and raid that, becaufe It was the gift of the ~olV Gholt , that at ]'fi,II hIS IIrfi and
oncly carnal copulation with MAr! ,ehria '/'fas c:op~ei ..e<l i ThercfOIc!he '/'fai aCcOWl~d 'iP
L 1. IItr1
It1J ~\iidtrlt-"i.e~by' that: t1\i~ ~Wt;.Jj~-wtfltpro!J'J 110di itt thi, Heri:lie (whit otlie~ He- is 'inktt-
e.t.l/lii~) ~ ,hl!lr;t1biNfi!i)and alfo diHOf.krirl6t1(ti~ rr~vt'd.
O~'fhui6by' J7 JIIIYFra'.JI4ri'ent:«d hiJ\\foY'g~ro":Il'ii Pr."lewich' my Letter co the ~
A"Jh,I ic""",d with Lcue" If) loIn. c.,p; from E. J(, !lDd with my'J<mers' inclof~d, w, the' Lord
Rtftnl:'Tt, An~ we entreIL ~rdoomcY' ~QW'p C,.J{,J" .out, that night we rode onely thler tnild,ro
G,ih.,our bllrf~s were fQ ill that we his~,.aod thuefore [~nding them back again the 1lC1il day" we
hued C03ch~ &c.
P 0 S C R I 'P TUM.
Rememb~nhat Fr. p."i, the morning before his g()~g rtquirtd of l11e our [,mers TdlimOl1'iai
to C?Urfrien!lS, ell hislideli~y tO~ld' us. What ne'cdetn that'(laid 1) for as much as YOllr deeds were
jlswdl!tnowutoth~mastous,yourownconfc.ienceto'y!JUr [df may rene abundantly. But out
friends dlyCl'8, 1Vho llav.e Warn'td ~ <if YOII,:u'Id h•• e marvc;I1Od why we would fufier you any longer
in our houee and'c"mpany. would neither credit our LetCer"uyet in this cafe. And would alfo con-
demne us of light judgment, ar great bli~nefs to judg the c~ufe between you and us. ,
But truly I obferved 1/\ him,' /l'OW, a mdre proud prefuming over us then hitherto, before, when he
was (ore rcouked, for over-crowing us, fo as he besan to do. ,
I N o:w he f~jd, hc h~d as~gre'at au!homy as we to publilh any of our Secrets, at his difcretion.
:1 That he oughno Cat bread with us.
~ That he unacrltood our,Books of A~HohS better thcn wo •
.. 1"h=lt' h~ llfleded n~t olirconfent orcounfail to deal with:clJe Pope his Nlmcilll: he did itby.his
duty general, qfCharity. &c.
5: He olfertd to ordcr [he NIlMi_,and die £"""". to the reclaiming of the Decree made againll
Cotltitier whatthi. mav;in\pon, that the I)tcree touching him, being 'on~ ot' my 'holJihllltl com-
pilny~it,nl\ ~f t/t¢m'that then did app"rtain .to ~o. and wh Jee n3me he is not all"raid one way and
• VUlt {mp- anQthcrwaY'n-xabafhed to ' II, thrult hunlelf: mto the w~lc bod:r o,f our R-cvelatlbn$, :ZS:.'P rllle:-.
,"'" illiUllit pal feUo~ ~ ~eceivrr;oE thettl~ By the 6rft he ought to bt::aflal 01 the da.)g~r of the Dlcrte wh ich
,"/1" ilillt'lt ~nifh,eci us.uakiS he is' a,lfurcM of;che'i r g<'od:...,m who ha,e /hewed th:I1lM yes our mo\U1 enemies;
or cbl: [olne other caufe c",b~rnncd 'him tofome other pll~ofc,· &'c. by dIe [econd'he lJlighi: be', a-
ftaid of Co grc2t pr~fumptloft',belrig but t fJI,o"-,I,,,,,. " Mt- yct'allowed of, and to us known to be
I. D. A~I there poims I cannotxb:ipher ana jUO~, tlut,referrr them t? th: prot~nd wiCdome and high
provldenct of God, .... het'tfure :lnd how far~ :he'h3th adin'ltt~d hi m to be pnvy E>~ "ut A-d'lOns, and
10 II Wi,,,t{i ,.. !p",t pllrp,fos (4"'#Ir. Ail Ohing& be ,tothdf/)Oour and gl~ry 01 God' .Amm.

r[A.{tJg1Jific:e Domine-,

Eais tuis literis {ui miratus quod inteUigerem te iUius effe 0.-
pznionzs &- fententiz, me apud Czfarem tibi ae conforti tuo at:
ficiis meis non parlm, qbftriffe, quod [ciam ita me &- religione
&- natura cqmparalul1l , ",t omnibus quam maxi",e cupiam prlldeJfe,
nemilti tJflt obeffe. QJ!od "utem pr.eftiteritn quod mei erat officii, mihi
vitio verti flon dehet. Ca:terum cum inter fummum I'ontijieem , &-
Czfarem, merus jim interpre'J', non video quid in hoc 'lIeftro negotio
pr.eftare Jrojfim : Con[ulo ilutem , ",t 'lIeftram innoeentiam, de fide
~atbr.Jjta len}iI.m , &- de Angeloru", conver[atione &- affiftentia,
¥]itl1m 'lI#jibiit", hahere dieiti.r , juxta Colteilii Lateranenfis in.
uiJdec;ma S6ffion~ decretum, cora", $11",1110 l'ontijice &- Sede Apo-
fllJi'icJ atJlmttir ~ r:!J. ita tjtlolltltt.r lit non poffit cuiq"am eJJe du-
d "fie re/4tion ofDr.J)(e his .df}ionl,wah[pirits, &c. 435
biu11t qHid fentiati.r, qnin [ede Apoftolica approbante , ftde.r tHto ab
omnibm Angelici.r affertionibM veftri.r-, przftari PtlJJit, &- tHm de-
mHm &- obtr~fJatoribm"Ji qui funt, ora obcludentur. Nec ut arbi-
tror grave vobi.r videbitur conJililt11t mell11l,Ji enim'ea vobi,f eft in }ide
Catholica puritM atque conftantla, ea in przfenti Angelorum commH-
nione Jince,ritt1l, vitz integritM,&- innc,centia, ut aJTeriti.r : Me etiam
tacente occafionem qWJ!riti.r declarandz veftrr. fidei &- bonitati.r, &-
hac Ima ratione honori 'ZIeftro ( CHjUS VOI rationem habendalil diciti/',
&- CIt; t anWm abeft qltod per me aliqltid Jit detractltm, u-t ilIum etiam
pro viribus lualltJtm offhii mei &- injlmcti 11lHneris ratio patietltr,
fov ere Jim paratus,ut Vomino Puccio p[,trib1H dixi) &- ovtnibM vi-
1;e com modis vtl maxime COl1fttletiI. Dem gratia fila vos ita r~tit,
Itt Angclurlt11f cont'Jerfatione11l i1l Cedis aliqHalldo babere pOjjitiJ'.
Vale Praga! , die ~81"11i 1-586.
Magnific. v,v.
Ex Corde ill CIJrifto frater
Philip. EpifcopM Placenti-
nus N UIlciu5.

Magnific. Domillo Joanni Dee, A;zglo, &c.

b. Oraculllm Divinum.
Vlta funt flagella przcepta mea negligentium : Multiplex-
M que plTor hDminibus propriis ClnftdentiblH viribm. Hi enim
contemptores fanguinis &- Kegni mei furtitudiniJ', Gigante.t
facti runt, ad omnem abominationem mHltiplicandam. Sed ego Sum
qui fum, qui pofui infatre.Solium verbumquc ad faciendHm in ter-
ri.r 1udici.,un : 1lti in ultima Tuba percHtiam illos, ut coacti recog-
nofcant ViM mel1s, &- ad ovile proprium redeant• . I'eribit Eccleji-z
&- populi IniquitM, &- judicabitur in gladio. Tu vera Culielme,ma-
num in tempore extende opportuno, prout a me informabcris, &- Keg-
num, (ta80 & l1toriente nequiffimo) adjunctum indue: Inunxi en;m
te in fortilflma dextra mea, ad falfum ilIum Prophetam, &- Goliath
[fort~ MabometanQ.I &- T urCM] extirplndum nt int~lligat Terra jlt-
diciltm a Na~areno CrHciftxo me. Su~t qui cribarent te : fed male-
dicti fullt I1tacbinante.r in te malum. Fat bonU111 , &- utere creatur;,;
meis ad gLor-iam meaNt Do",i Kelleum, inquiete, bac noae, de cztu-
rjJ', qu;e ah iUo di[cu. Spiritus meM habitet in 'IIobiJ'J
- - _ .- - --
T,,~q"4, ...i;,,,, 1589' .!1I/."j1i jiMJ

When ~k KIll, was gone from me i t S,,,/f,il.l toward 1J,bt"'~'" and. in ~ne melD Ipace !be Em".
p~rour h~d granted to the Lord Ro{tnblTg h~ence fot us to retUrn lnto !,h""'Il, to any ofhl>Lo!d-
LI , flUpf,
4~6 ~A trHerfltlt'iOllIJ/Dr. Dtebii .At1irillt,fllitbJPiritt~&~
~ips, Towns, Giti'es, C.Jllc1, &C. this "'., dcliycrcd "ri~cn by fpi!itual and cI~inc mcan~'.• and
thewritingJc!, remaipcth in m.y Lord his hinds, out o£ which I copycd this for the: oJdcrof ollr
Hillory fom~hdt nraldn,: !Ibm.

Frandfcus Puccjos przflantifPini.l IIC Dto «ileCf;" 'Vi,.;" D D.

Joanni Dee &- Eduardo Kelleo gm'eroft.l Anglis, ",ajoTibM in
Cbrifto fratriblt.l , &- ipJis tanqHam patribw colelldi.l, pfcatHr
gratiam &- pI-elm a Deo patTe noftro, e;.. II Domino JefH Chri{fu)

x quo J. vobis di[cefIi, toto iIlo ·itirtere, quod oao diebus oon-
E feci, , vendito LipJiz equo, haud paTU~ velCatnS 'f uit meus-{pi-
ritus, dam animum mecum volverim, quot mod,i$ Satanas clivi..
num opus retardare & nofirain conjun&onem dirimere, ~dhibitis
exterioribus & interioribus mac;:hini:i & artois, tentaverit, & adhi1.c
tentate non cdlh. Nequ<; enim po1fum, nifi ab eo, agnofcere affla-
tus 11105 'diffidentie, rumcres ab invidis hominibus; fparfos, fufpitio-
nes IlDbi~ 'i njetfas"abfque certis indicii~, adverfus fidem, non levibus
;u'gumentis probatam, atque hujufmodi impedimenta & offen'dicu-
la, quibus curfum nofirum irnpedire ac Hui8:am ainicitiam, divinis
aufpi~iis, inter nos c(rptam, convellere ac labefactare, malignus iIle
fpiritu~ aggreffus eft. ltaque, in ill;t'iucta, nc , uUo modo ~anU$ illi
darem, aut fatifccrem, decrevi me, magis ac magis, Iilunire c~a
fide in Deum, 'ac fpe promiffionum e;us, quas illum rervaturum non
'dubito, tuin precibus fre,queritioribus magis inftare, apad fumm~im
pattem, tit nos qtram primnnt dO'nare vdit illo [piritu' , quo nofiri
hurileri 'monribns:ferendis,'Utille 1rrquit, pates evadent; ad h~cau­
fieridtem vitam inftituere ntt n\enfa~ lautis amicorum adire, fed
-pandn doloris (olas comedete decrevi, ne Jim mc!iore conditibrle
quam vos,qui ta1ftoJm't dJ!t.igimini,ut l?ehigniffimus DOD.'linus quam-
Frimnm,vos ill integrum 't dHtuat, atque ad fo'liia colloquia piaqiIe
exertitia nos una rcvocet, & eventu confentaneo fuis fanaitlhnis di-
Cbs, fingulos nonrum ex~laret; Hane viam fequenti Dominus mihi
fpem facit tote, ut voliis & aliis f~cilius meam fidem probem, &
multas tentadones vitetn quz'apudbujus Mundi hOIllines facile nos
inv'a dunt. Ideo, 'nifi l1eceflihl te ·urgente, aut communibus m::g()tiis,
'familiaritatem ~ltmem & cOllvithiin crim aiilicis fugio, &me hoc
'modo minu's in~tem ptecibns gentio, ffieclIllque vitam;& mores in
dies emendare '(,"000£" ne \7icrear ol'1uiin.o'indignus ea fchola, in qua
Dominus me erlldirc digttlitus ~ft) nednteti11l com PubIicano, iUo,
precari ob.1ivifcor, Ut peus propltius fit mihi peccatori.Vo~ non du-
bito me vefiris votis & fupplicationibus juvabitis, ut vocatione mez
refpond~am, & in opere Domini vobis adjuinento & confolationi
dfe pollm : 8c benigniffimus ille pa1let propediem hoc advetfoven-
J tnf6 'l(~iorz ufDr. Dee bit Al1i(Jnl,.~ith!pint!, &c. 437
to ignem foHm magis ~citari ,,:urabit, ac nOR ina';c)l'i, quam unquam
anta, jUOlnditlte recreabit. Ac de his hactcnus. Q~od vera ad
Ilottra ntgotia ,attinet ; pervC!hi huc die ~4 Julii, fub vefperam, ac
{tatim adivi lUuftriffi1l1ulfI Domiinllll NnnciHm, cui vdhas ttadidi,
quas h:to yultu accipere virus eft : fed colloquendi non fuit otium,
cum, parata ccena, jam dif~umbere vellet. In pofreriorem Diem
igitur rejeaus, ad Domintt", Carpionem me conferebam , cum didici
('urn ad vo.:> Miffum,quatridQo ante, hinc difcefiHfe.Dolui admodum
cum non effe mihi obviam factum, tum ratione veftrarum) tum
mearum literarurn, quoniam faCcicillum quendani ad me quoque
ferebat. Sed quod maxime me torquebu erat cura de litteri$ 1Ib,-
(lriffimi Do",ini Kofclfbergii, quas iciebam ~nc111[as Dpmini Carpi-
011;.1' literis, nec cas aperire,aut alii tradere ;lUdebam, cum di[erte er-
[ex, fcriptum illud rtd manu-s propria.f.Durn itaque occallonem quero
& cxp08o, ea [ere obtulit, quam mox audietis. Reverfus fequenti
di~ ad llLHftriJliI1I!lm Dominltm NJlnciu1?l, invenio apud illum Jefll; ..
t4m Ita/""" 'lui mihi fuit a confeffionibus : hlande aD- ambobus ac~
cipior, fed~re jllbeol', a Jefl/ita nomine candQri5 & ingenuitatis,non
parum laudor. Tum ILlpide moneor ab lUltftriffimo Dl1mino Nuncio ut
ip6 adam, in 'convertendo Jefltita ille(is enim eca,t qui'cum ipfo ex-
poftu]averat,quod nimi£ fatile-mihi dedjifet : t~ftimoni4 triumph"n-
til' Ecclcft~ non rubjic; judicio ·lIti/itantts.) ReCpondeo me feciife
quod in me erat ut docerclll eu~ pf;1~ferre Ccdum terr%, ac tribu·
nal fupetius illferiori; fed cuin id mihi minime (uccdfet, ejus ~ffe, fua
dofuina &,aotoritate, hominem de fe-otentia ilia dejicere IU'tjfrijJi-
11111$ DOllli"w Nuncim haud gravat4,noftramfeatentiani,hac in par..
te,, 6c exeD)plis ton6nnat, IIt'lue ita C01lclHdit, Ht ftatuat cer-
tituJinem vidmtis &- auditnii.1' 1)onl;nl"", aut ejIK al1gebtlll , non
penJ,re a 1'robalioll-t: Ecdeft.aftic4, Il'iH' ab ilJo eJfo ratio;um repeten-
dlSlJI. f<lta; reveJlIJioni.f., dum nihi) publici /tlllneri.1' exercere aHdet : fed
ft inc.ipillJ .p4jam profttcri,fe II D<o ao.S u",6- miffHm, itll lilt non ip..
f"~.f f4UlItI., fed aiiorllm Ijlloq.~ · intufit, fCire quo JPit;tu agiZtHr,
tHuc EcdeHicontm I1tH1tI/.f effe ) illiu.f fftiritltlll fxamin{lre &- pro~
bare, 'ne,!": ipf,u)U jltre pofe exam en .ho~ detrectlU"e, lieet fuas reVf'-
lationes eisfubjicer.e mininle teneatur. Nam-fi Ordinaria a-lltorjtas
ewnadmiCefAt, bene hahebit, nihilquc"turbarunt excitabitur: fin
per in;uriam autinfcitiam ali quam , aut per aliam hu)ufmodi ~au­
(am,. rejicietur, fuum·erit ·appe1lare Snperiorem Dominum, qui ip.
tum miMt,qUQ{umn fervuill& Legattam defendat, aut QrdinariO Ju-
dit;e cOllimon~faao, aut·.1lia ra,t ione : 4luod ·probabat decreto La'"
tlrtU'lr:n!eCollcilii, cujU$ mentionem tacit in fuis litcris ; ac przterea
hiftotia S. Frrll1cifci, qui primum ·. expulfu$ ab Inllocelltio Pomiftct,
(llOX reltoc;:atu8 fl1it, cum pcrquicteRl apparuiife PotJtipci pannoru,
ilk, qui L.atermenfe tetnplum fllis humeris fuldret. Addebat pra:te-
tea Yiros Dei·non dfe folitos deterrcri una allt alkra repulfa, & hoc
@A trHe ReUt;(JIJ oj Dr. Dee his .AFJiQlll}l17itbJPirill &C. t

repellendi modo"dicebat fr~~es aJJqilando' ufos eire; ~t probarent

fpiritum & conltantiam eorum qui res, riovasmagnafquc propon~­
rent. Ego vero inq\1a~, ut kc ita re.habe~t; Yos b~CltnHI pfl.bfi-
cum ",unu.s eXerce,., mm lentaffe~ &- intra pri4f4to.t l'drieief, fHmlll~
nt.odeftia 'lIOS con~inHiffe. Tum: ille, lOllgi~ri' amDit" v~borum, fic de
vobis diiferint, .Qt ex vdlri~ verbis Sereniifinrum FoIqniz ~g~n, ad
invifiiffimum eZrare,!1 ~ & ad Illuitriifimum Legatum HiJPanicHIit,
jam l:odlare : dic~re~, vo's aliquid amplius quam privatum moliri: Ac
SUIDmo'Pontifici, fedellti in fpecula ruper totam Chrifiianam Rem-
publicam potuill:e merito fufpeetas eife vefiras perfonas, hoc modo
P.ri,ncipum a~i~o~, &. i~reri~J'es aularum 're~eifus f~rurant~: ldque
ratione veftra: Regnz, mfenfiqimz Apofiollcz,fedl,& cum Ipfo Tur-
ca confpira~;tis, llCcnon JPirit~ familiareJ' babentis ac przterea ra-
tione veftra: fumma: peFitiz, in ;l,t,tibus & fcientijs reconditis, quibus
facile' plebi & imperiris imponi poteft. Cum eriim fiti~ magni Aftro-
log., dicebat iIle, & facile vobis fit: habere genefcs principum, nec-
non Magieas atres ealleatis, haud diffieulter poifetior bOnorum An-
geiorJt""nomine, etl prqPfJnere;qu~ a fpiritu holte,mal'1arenr.
Ideo Summum P'ontificem, (cui due, in; Principes funt maxime ob.:.
fervandj, urpote qui inter Hzreticos vivant- & regnent) prudenter
fecilTc,qutJ.ulTerit, ut in vefiros ~o'res-,& dochinam inquireretttr.Ac-
cidilTe a,u tem przter ejus peftulatam & voluntatem, ut, indiCia C4"-
Ia, expeUercmini. Se vero vieem noitram '401ere, &: Faratum eife ad
~urandulih ' ut vos juftificare pollitis, idque fibi elTe,in votis, non fe-
mel alTerint Quaproptcl' hOltatus efl me, ut ad IUHftrilfi"'ilm Do,,/i-
fZltm J{0fenherg~um cQnt6nderC:ql,'!-tque ipftus honam propen6onem;
erga vos,d, fignificarem; NaOl ille a Summo Pontifice facile impetra-
bit, ur caula vdl;ra hie,cognofcatur, & fi ille vobis faverir,ut -ha&:-
nu~ fec~t, 1e quoque adfuturuRl vobis omllibu&,officiill, ac primum
fC)re, qui veftris 'gcnibus obvolvat fi tales er;tis, (J..Hales "lIqS 1lDtr..
fmlli prz,di.c/lnt. Ego igitur rJ!li:a ad lUuftri[! D. R,q[enb(''f,i"",. Sed
q~arer rcdeundllm i.nihi fu,it, antequam admitterer. Die 'J? tandem
admiffi.s, e"po[ui meum fiudium,erga vos refque veftras,ac quomodo
IILHft.D~NH!lciH4 affeau~ ergavos.dkt;ac..tandemoravi utnon defere-
ret patrocinium & defenfionem iltam, qu~ fufcepitfet peregrinorHIII
pielitiffimorum, 'l9ci a Czfare 1Itj~us hene i11formatq ad Czfarem m(-
fius itrfqrm!ltIllN, prQ'ZIo({lrelU, ac fU:lQl ,rnnocentiam, Dei & ho--
minibus) pro~ataJIl cuperent... ,llle humaniter re[poadit : VO~ non,ad-
niodum fibi .notos ~A"e : fe his.. fHJ!l feniore~ [emel NntH1I' cum jHniorl.
COUoCHt~fft , jHd~c4JJe ~os do£Eol &,. piQJ'2 &. p,qnif i'zjirJl-
au, : exinima~e. v<>b,i~ hoc accidiffe ma'- a~iqua relatAone c;ui incom":'
modo.a rc;:s principum. funt obnQx:ioE ; veibrum eife id zquo animo
ferre;non fe pa:ni~er~ :quod ~Qbis f1verit, & ft fci~it quid pocifiimum,
a je, pC,tererisl , da'rur~qt ~pctalJl, fit.vefiris votis refponderettU'...TWlQ
mihi vifuInefi nonJiulla, di~erc de opti~ fpe 1 qu~ de ipfo.cQnc:e-.
J I M CJ{ej41ion ofDr. Deebir A{}ionl, withJPiril1> &c. 439
piffe:tis, & quomodO Jll.6 no~ dim,iCeratis 'fine Hteris. ad ilium: Sed
erant i'ndllf~ faIcioW.o D.. 1ulln.. C4f'p1<m.i s, quem ft~tim yrotuli,
atque eD infti..nie al(; refpoJldecte D. wrpionem nQ.1l rewe lanll'u1l\
fi i.f6 de.diifcm,trodidi.fatCicuhlm ei,.q)li dixitfe per otlum hu9:urum}
ac, fcquentidw, mihi refponfonuil. Difcedo igitUf, ab ·illo ad Illufr.
D. NUitcjum.., atque otium·na.8us,tnm pcu'· me, tum per llIull:. 'Lega-
tuin El~entin.Jt"'.,.pJn~ibu.s cum: eo agerel illfii tUQ) de urifE
'Whir ftr6iIl.' expono quantop<lne htborave,ritis) ut oonfidere .poifetis,
apudOatbolica Ttlmpb~& quam ,jnmuna1'liter, in :hQ[p.itiis & civita-
tibus ~ati.ane huj.lls ptm.jucdiGii C4arei, traaaremilli, cioceo quam
fordidO &~ngufip loco veftras familias reliquctitao, ita tIt,Y.dham
fupclleail~. & narDs expJ.i~3re neqlli vcritis ;. Mon~o, ut E>onrini
Dt'e: jam grandis na'tll, aut potius fenis, & nihil: tale has:enus pam
vi.cem doleat. ;e;us atmllnais non ta:nquam fimpti~is hominis confide-
randasdle, cum vir fClxagenaritis j quatuor tenel1is fuaviffimi{qlle Ii-
beris (q'!-orllID major feptimum· annwn. vix exce1ferit) ac- diIeaiill-
m% conjugi adjun&i.-;,longe gravius a.ffiigatur , ratione uxoxis.fu;:e
le8:ifiimz fmmina:., &. pignorum Ghariffim(l)rum, q.uain fui ipfius; 0,.
fi-6RdtJ quantoooffendiculo hoc; filturum fit Carholicis Anglis.) ao
c:81ieris., &. quaiua. ;mfa prxbea,tuc hmret~is, invehendi in Eccldla-
fiicum ordm~m : declat:O pe'meulu01limmiO(tlls ordiriiliUi, fifmte De-
u6.facuhatib1l:S v,criliis ad eos pk8:end'o8 eorumioimicos anIIDiri per-
lIlU:ttret I DemDnibro Dcum a,Iias, pel' Ifaeliras h;};ceticos CathoIi-
cas ]udi£DJI punir06 conflleviffi:: ac denique quam :abfur-
dJlm fit tzlo.r indiCia ca:J{ffa. cMtd~mnari, fi id meriti 6ris : quanto ab-
[uraills> fi noD' meri~ fttis quicqnam tale ~ abfurdiffimum vero, cum
a. Catholica Ecclefia. honor potius vobis deberetur: Ac CUIU non
petatis n~{iut vDblli vos Iiceat, nihil magis confentaneum
ratiQlli exoogita'ci;. nullo alio modo. errDrem admiffum emendari,
atqlle hoc negotium bene d~rigi & redintegrari polfe. llle mini Ie.:.
gjt vcJtras li1!era.<!, id eft D. Dee, fed de rebus, ambobus vDbis, ali-
quo'mQdo) communi bus : dicit fe non credere ea, qu;:e de <i.~vinis
monitis & miraculis, inillis, continentur, petit ut ipfe dcclarem ob-
i~uri.of,em loclim de Iihris com,bufiis : audit a me teJlimonittm oClda-
t1f1ll ·de iUis' concre~it;s; &- vobis audivcrim eos effe c(Xii-
tHJ 1'e.ft~Htoj, ac dellique concludit in illis literis elfe lliulta lauda-
bilia, molt a admirahilici., mu}ta itidem incredtb.i.lia; fed cum non
fintDoo impombilia) fe Cufiinere affcnt'um, nec velle quicquam
cuti, re nDD penitus explorata, pronunciare : vobis ~amen refpon-
fmum humaruter, ac datU!rum mih11iteras, quod fecit pofrea die
:l8, quas literas ad vas, cum hifce, mitto. Et quia 1egendi eas mihi
fectt coria~;fafis jtju."itn &- frigidM mihz effe vifus , haud diffi-
mJttQT~men qui<!. mcn.tionem aJiquam mei facit, tanquam hominis
cum quo fufiu5 de fno anim:o, erga vas, egtrit,vifuin eft mihi accu-
sue &: particolatim.exponere, quid inttr.nds attum ditlumve fit, Ut
verba cum fattis ~onferrc paffitis, & pro veftn' ;prudentia- Be :pie.
tate ~ confilium capere, & fi',opcrz pre,cium vidi:bittir refcrihere.
O!lantum enim ex ejus fennonibus colligo, videtur 'ip~inece1farium
novum mandatum, a fummo P~ntifice, ant~qu.aDl'
cum agat; nec fe fcripturum dicit de vobis KoItl4m,niJiprius-perati,.t
quod ab ejHs fanfJitllte capitis: utpote. qui, in hac ca~fa,. ; fuerie
merus. interpres, inter Pontificem & C.tftzrem; n~~ .poffit, niu verbis
fui po~ini quicquam promittere & ftatuere. Idcirco, quantum vi-
dere pofftirn, res diutius protrahetur quam vdl~mus, niii Dominus
noRer & Pontifex ca:leftis, alio m6d6; nobis p~oviderit. Die ~8, &
~9 inveni Illun. D. Kofenbergium tam occupatum, ut admitri non
potuerim, fed per cubicularium fignificavit, fe valde cupere ut colIo-
queremur, ita'lue tedirem die -30. InteriIfi fui rurfus cum Illuftrif-
finio D. N"ncio~ mox difceffuro ad Sancti Caroli MOllafteriom, ubi
commorabitut" quarpdiu hi eftus fa:vient. Et cum commodo ceci-
diffet, in colloquendo, vifum eft, mihi interrogaTe hominem,an pro-
baret meam fententiam de difcernendo ex, certis no tis & terminis ve-
rum verbum,Dei a flao & fucato ', cum poffit angell,ls malus tranf·
formaTe fe in angdum lucis & Ap.oftata falli, non raro, fe tl'ansfigu-
rent in Apoftolos Chrifti. enim duo mihi videri necdfaria,
ut hoc judicium cite fiat, primum quidem, in homine audiente, bo··
na propeniio& animus bene affe8:us adCreatorem,totufque exei ita
pendens, ut nihil antiquius habeat quam ei placere, & qui de ' eju~
bepignitate atque yeritate nO.n dubite, ecga eos, qUi ad ipfum eon~
fngiunt~ itt bonum fpiritum ha1,i.riant. D~inde in fermone, nomine
Oei propoiiro, requiri e~s proprietates, qure· tantum authorem de-
cea,nt; quas graphice defcribit P alllHt, cum dicit, ViVM eft enim
Blh... 11, J3.fermo Dei &- efficax. , &- penetrabi/ior omni gladio 4ncipiti) &- per.
tingens Hfque ad div.iJionem anim.e ac JPiritlls) compagHm qHoqHe 4C
1I1edHUan~m,. &- dtfcretor c.ogitatiolillm &- intentionlmi cordis, &- non
eft HUa creatu.ra invijibfln in confpefJu ejus. Cui adfiirl1latui Deus,
7tr" 3,.8,." qui apud 1eremia;" dicit;Propheta q1lj fomniHm habet,!flm1li'um nar . . .
re..t,ct qui verba mea habet,'lIerba mea nar,.et.Q.J!id pa/eis CHm tritico?
dicitDomin"s.NHn'lHid non verb~ mea fnnt quaJi igni.s? dicitDominM)
4HaJi maJlem cpnterens pctram? Concludebam igitur,hominem Deo
fidentem, ex efficacitate & a(dore iUo,quo affid fe pcr~ipit,depreh~n­
dere [er~onis Dei veritatem. Nam vox Iupi ,& alieni pafioris non
poteft permovere veram ovem, ut'ip[um di~ fequatur, & hane eife
rc:gulam,. qua judi~arem divinas - f~ntentias a non divinis, difiingui
po{fe: Ille probabit meam fententiam,atque addidit, fine bono ftu~
dio auditorum,non apparere effic~citatem divino'rum [ermonum, ut
conftat ex Chrifti .hiftoria. Dum eniIA fimplices Ifraelite, diceba·nt;
NHnquid jic..l0'lHutHS eft homo,& Emi.lia de Chrifii do8:rina~Pharif.ei
& perverii Sacerdotes eum deridebant & eontemilebant. Tnnc ego,
ii contingeret igitllr, Ilt CIlJD ,ongredicmur, fierct ad te verbUm Do--
iAiflle re!iiioll ojor.Dce bis .deionspithJpitits, &c. 44 I
J1lihi, num hu.jufcemodi regula iltereris; Hie ilte inquit, CI1Ill polfee
accidere, ut mihi de hac te' judic~ndum dI'tt, nolo h(jc temporej
meam fententiam declarare, led hujulcem(jdi ratio 110n mihi ' mala
videtur. Ex quiblls verbis ne[eio quid r.riihi virus fum adorari minus
candidum, quam in re nnta, opus'eifet. sed Dei efto judicium de
ejus interlori (eoCu, 'Ego, bona tide, colloquia noOn expotui, ut
vobis u[ui eife pomnt, ratus hoc vobis gratum, {kut foret 'mihi fi ve-
firo locOoeifem. Reverf'us die 3o,a:d IJlufi. D. Kefenbergilml ,vidi
cum tandem exenntem, e)S: cubiculo, ad qllofdam nobiles, et diXit
fe tantopere difirichuil e{fe, ut mecum colloqui non portet. Sicut
cuperet. Ego vero,·inquam me S. Celfltudinis monitu, toties rcver-
fum expeaare ejus refponfum, etan vobis refcribere vellet. Tunc
ille inquit prius tecum c<>UQquendum eft mihi, ira'lue, (ut ejus ver-
bis utai). habeas patientiam, aliquot dies. donee ego pro te mittam,
et 6e me dimifit. Docui igitur Ve1.fceflaJtm cubicularium nofiras z-
des, qui dixit fe optime caUere l(jcllm, ac, fuo tempore, memorem
fore mei, cum Dominus me aecerfet. Expeaans igitur aut re 'ponJ:
fumllluftriffimi D. Rofenbergjj, aut aliquid aliud dignum vefiris au~
rib us, non vifum efi mihi id vos expreffum nunf:ium .rilittere : ¥o-
nente pr:Efertim Domino Se'llembergio) vobis elfe paratis nefciQ
quas a:des in oppido Naif", in Comitatu s.uarreburgenfi, & ut ex..
peaarem reditum Domini Cal1'ionis,quem propediem rey~rful:um
fperabat, ne fine magna caufa atqueincertus de loco ve1trz fedis,ad
vos literas dirigerem. 19itur non parum foliei~us de vQbi~ & de redi-
tu D.Carponn, femel ad minimum in die, ejus a:des adeo,a:tque in-
terrogofi quid de 'ilIo fignifieetur , nee quiequam, per mu1tos dies
au.dio.Tandem de die 12 Augufti f<;ifitor D.MiUeru11l an ali quid mi- amico, dicere pomt. Refpondet fe quoque expeaare hominem,
atque ,admodum mirari tam diuturnam moram, pra:fertim cum D .
Greg,ritU, qui in ipCo Carpione ad vos venetat, tit triduo ante rever-
fus. Ego igitur, qui' nihil prius de D. Gregorii'.aut itinere aut rc:di-
tu noveram, ad ilium reaa contendo. GaUU6"e}us contubernalis hu-
maniter me admittit, jubet expe8:are D. DoCtorem; et ad ilium a(';
cerfendum currit. Sed cum diutluS moraretur, e.go jam dilceffu[us,
video O. Gregorik11l feorfum cum ipf~" colloquentem i et me tGrvo
vultu intuentum. Saluto illum & gra~ulor redituut, ac deinum de
volJi&'iucorfogo. llle refp.o ndet fe n.ihll quicqllam de vobis tut, re-
b",!1 vdhis· feire, nec vobifc:um fuiffe. Tunc ego aliqualltulum
hzreo, ac tandem dioo, fi nolit quicquam dicere me :Equo anim()
laturum; fed j.un mihi ~Orifia:rc eum vobifcum (uiff,: Ille Homa-
chatur veftrum nomen) ac totius mun~i fallacias'& impofiuras: di.~
cit rlla ubi dfe eurre, non veftra vo~ muIta' qwdem promittere, fed
parum pC:Efrare, Qci'cire fe quare conqueramini ~ fe per fefqtii an-
~\llll, vana. fpe la&a·tum, vobis ad. ha!ft1l'e 7 ut.aliquO'd e mmoriblIr
'yc:firi& ucaru& difceret, ne~ quicquam aIi~uju9 Dlem<!nti percepi«e.
M m Hie
Hie ego: "n parvum tibi Videtur arca.num illud ~()~tPJt 10m ~~"
rtam ~ . Ille verb, ftibridens, aD,. 'Scomb;io'qnit) l()nge przffanfio...
rem habto. Denlque, his omiffi$; ,ibrum meuin FoJfeillt rtpeto :;1.
Ie Il'egat [e habuifie interrogata quo audiveiitn·,; ac me !andante D.
Dr-e,itle rurfus negat fe vidiffe; 'nift 'forte)inqu'ir, ex mahibus D. s~. .
tOenbergii, vis dicere librum nercio quem fine titulo: ae denique de
rdtituendo nullam fpem facit. Ego qui cum ' illo verba commutotre
n:ol)em, abeo : ac puc:rum vefirum StaniJlaul1t, in atrjo oftendo,&":lb
illo 'intelligo, vos Erfotdiam ufque cum D. Gregori~ & D. Carptont
veniife,a,nte'octiduum . D. Catpionem illine Bambergam adexigcnd;u
ndcio quas pecunias,profeCtum; [e Lum D. Gregorio, hoc veniffe.ln-
terrogo an literas aut aliquod verbulum, a vobis., ad me, ferret; re-
fpondet, nihil pror[us, quia forte putabant, inquit, te- hie non effi!:
[e poft triduum au t quatriduum ad vos rcvedllrum.LaUdo eju~t:on­
filium; & tonftantiam in [erviendis Domini~ ac doceo meas :t<i&,ne
fine meis, litcris ad vos veniat : proinitcit fe non ~i[ce1furutn, me in-
falutato D.Gregori1H interim percipit, me cum eo coHoqui" atque
iratus (quaritum' ex voce clamantis judicare poffum) puetum Tevo-
cat. Ego, cogitabundus, dircedo~ Die quinto decimo hujos metrfis,
tandem naCtus fCl'vulum veftrum StaniJlaum, in loco libero, tum ac-
curatiusde vefiris rebus ac flatu examino ; atque non fine magna a-
llimi fuei voluptate, agdio ,vobis concefias etfeatnpliores zdes.Illu1t.
D.Langra7.liltm pra'fiamillimo D. Dee mult-um tribuere lit tavere,
& [umau) Deo pro tan,t o muncie tnagnas gratias ago,atqtle pltei"Dttl
ad meum cubiculum duco oft~ndoqu~ illi literas ad vos paratas, ne
fine ipfis ad vos reverta,tu-r. Sed pallro poltea pater Carpionn tile mo-
net, ie vdleante Do&em , ad vos. unicurn expretfum fnittere '& Ut
[crib:uu fi velirn : nam i'e aD,. KtUeamonitt:utl hoc mihi- 6rnifi(;a~:
ingentes gratias ago D.KeUeo qui mei ·non fit om nino obUtus , 8c:
hzc, per hunc quem vobis fperQ fidem nun~iun', fignificare Ilamo;
fcripturus'rur[us per St'aniJlaH11t, fi operz pretium videbitur.
Ore;> vos atque obtefiorper Deum illuin vivum,qui Autor eft no-
1hz amicitiz, & qui ,diferteprzcepit ut nos invicem ac mutuo arne-
mns-,ne oblivifcamini mei cum d~tur vobis oecafio invigendi me per
literas aut per' infer nuncios, & reddendi me eertiorem de fratu ve-
firarum noftrorumque' rerum; nam ego certe veltri non oblivilear,
& offici;t mea id tefiibuntur,non folum :coram Deo,fed edam Coram
omnibus pomini/;lUs.: Si 'Vcfter ' reditus aJiquandiu dUfererur.; invi'fam
vas proximo menfe Scpte11lbri; longe enim..a vobis vix vivere poffutn,
immo ti pi-oprie Ioqueitdtim 'fit, me vit% tredet ~ Ac pr:He,n sagam
de nonnu1lis rebus quas fcribere minime decet. '
Jam clapft ftim: XS dies ex: quo Illufiriffiml1tD N lind,.", Apofroli-
<;um non vidi, & cum [atis fuperque fa tisfecerim obedientiz,DoD a.d-
ibo illtim, De vetba DQbis-tiare fibi tam'facile fb'r~ petfuadeat. Often-
flit li'ter'll$ D:pee Le-gatO Veneto &- FlorentiDo e;.. ,,1>t'1H' wilhi
f N",-
(lA trite '1(~la'ion of Dr. Deebis Al1ions, withJPiriu, &c. 4..4.L
fH11I11Iopere eM laltdttvit, dixitque jibi Vif1i5 difeJ:tM .graVe.f') & plup
'JUt-III vulgarn JPiritM, & . uptiffint exemptu", illant11l , fed ego of-
ferrenon poteram, & dubiro ne Illilfi:rifi:imus NlIncill-:f ca's fuppri..;
mat '; nam haud obfeure, innuit fe timere veftnlm congrefficnl prtf-
ferti11l ~quum &- rationale), & id qu~rerc videcur) ur vobilcum age-
re poillt more HiJP. &c. D. Joan. Carpio, nondum revertitur, & D.
R..JenbergiM eras dicitur difedfurus & Herdo an recuperare Fotero
literas ad eundem Carpionem, in quibus de pccuniolis illi~ agebatur,
fi dubiratis ne iUe diutius quam par Itr , folutionem difFerat qu~fo
curetis, ur aliquo alio modo mihi profpiciatur. D. ab Offa, per ~o
dies, Don vidi, at Jcfuitis palam dixi & dico q~andocunque occafio
fe offert, '%Iobn faclum ab ipji! infignem injllriam, eo! plH-3 prmdcre ab
l"tln terreftribM quam a calefti : tim ere cul1ationel1l d.·quam Cltm vo-
bn,ac fu.'t. ca'tf~ anmwl baud obfcure diffidere,itaque jam fLlm ci:: mi-
Saluto uxorem D. Dee lectifiirilam lreminam, ac mlhi non mi-
nus quam Dlatrem venerandam ; necnon conjugem D.KeUei rarum
exelDplum juvenilis fanaitati~, cafritatis, atque omnium virtu-
tum. Saluto omnes, alios vefi:ros domefiicos fana-os vofque in-
primis D.D. Joal1. & Ed. defiderabilia mihi nomina frelices ac bea-
tos in Domino cupio ac precor. O!xantum tribuam & tribuere de-
beam vefrris precibus nofiis,eis oro atque obfecro me apud D.Deum
;uvetis ut vocationi me~ refpondeam, & curfum meum hilari animo
ac tirmo corpore perficiam.Sancliffimus ille pater, qui nobis jam fuf-
citavit pafiorem illum magnum D. Jefum filium [uum mox reverfu-
rum ad fubigendos omnes innimicos ejus fub pedibus fuis, atque ex-
tremam manum impofiturum renovatiolli rerum, nos omnes fuo
{piritu foveat ac recreet,ut Lati adventum eJus pr~frolari,atque nu-
ptialibus vofribus, lampadibufque accenfis ornati, ipfi occutrere
poffimus. Praga xv Kill. Oaob. M.D. Lxxx'll.

Idtlll DomitlationiblH 'ZIeftrn addiCJi.Jli1H

AtqHt ex aninl"o frate,

Pr.eftantifJimn lie Dell dilectil 'Virn D.D.
Joannes Dee. &0 Eduardo Kelleo Gene-
TOft.! Anglis, ae MajoribM in Cbrifto frll-
Irib"" tnibi, tanqHam Fatrib", ,,,Iendis,.
.. 444 J fnlireldtion o/Dr. Dee bU A1JionJ,~tb j}iritsl&c.
Mgni6ce DOl~ine;& uti pa~er amantiffi.ine & ob~ervandc non mi~o":et~in dcfi4erio teneor vi..
dcndi 8t de multls colloqtlendl cum MagnlfiC2 domlllsrure ycilra de cliJilS :erga me & fide,&: amorc
nunquam dubitavi nee dubitare polfum poil prandium ~ora commoda ego illaiD ac<:edam. Oeus Lila.
gratia (emper nobiJ adfit. '... . . .
Ve(ler CI: animo, G*,/#11II111 propna lllailu • .
F,b,.. 10. IJ87. {lilo novo. Tr,J"".
Polhide reditus lliulbilfulii·il rUIIII4 a~ r"ba-..

Sir,Ny hearty commendations unto you defiring your health'as my own, 'rtrf tord wu exceeding
glad or your ~ettcrs , a~d faid now I fce he 10m!! me.• .and truly as &( I I I perceive be: Iovcth III
heartily. ThiS Sunday 111 the Nam.e of thc1Ue.fl"ed Trmlty 1l?c0Ul .my Journey. wherem I eom-
inend me UntO your prayers, defllmg the Alqllghty to fend hiS 10rtltudc w.tII inC. I commend me.
UntO Mn. nil a thoufand times, and unto your little babes: wilhing 011 ftlf rather amongtt you,
then e1fewhCle,' I will by Gods grace about twenty dayes bence return, in the mean feaCon aU <:om..
fort and joy be alllOJigfl you;

l'our aff1lred and. i»l..,


A 15 J""*,,,.ii. mO'lleable friend.
TlInu, K'II]. ~
. F,.",,", G.r/"".. wCDt with ~ £. Kelly.
F,,.tii,,.IItl# H'''',~
T. ,h, RJrht "".fbi;fiil.
""d hit "ffilr'''fri,,,JM,..
John Dec E/1J1I1", gitl,
tMIIg"i{ii, D,,,,',,,,
'])1fIIiIII Dec.
Receiyed of L,Jwitl:,. in the High-way by ?IIII£, lathe'middle wayliecwceft' N",.M./,antI
Tr'~''',as I was comming from N,."-hl,,ft, whither I Wclx to have met my Lord .. he caJaC
from VII."": .But Arch-allke p.,..j was occalion (as was thought) tha~ they mould p. til P'''.l'
by Tri'll;, btil)g the more c,ven. aJt~oUgh, nbt the n~t wa'l: f ~cm ~n FI1~)' ~e 6 of
F,brll.", a'nd they were deli,ered blm at .P'''l' on Suaday was a (even-night bafora, bcutg ·dle
as of JAIIfl"'1, lIWi f/il#.
S..",,&., ," 1 commend me,Unto you. hoping ~~ God tltato you are in'good beakh; IS r IOdln1
children t with all iny Houlhold ain bere, I praife God fode; I h~e nona ~thcr Dl&ttCl'CO wrio:
unto you at this time.

I being at N",,-IH"ft from .,.,.,""" (to go to underLland which way my Lord R,(eJtrg ",outd
go trom y"" to P'''l' and when,) anatbis Letter being in tbe fame day brouobt from P,.AI',
my w~fe {ent uJn,icl:,.with it, toward me, and (0 without PJill'" Town in ilie High-way he
gave It me.

+ r"I,,,, i" B,b,,,,'...

P'ifttllt;",u SUII1Ul. , All;. i"PilII,••
A••, I fll. Cl Prece. ad Diem Cudi. and declared that we here and now pre(ented our {elves, as in abe.
D;'., $,,- dience, according to the ,ime prefcribcd of fix Moncths end. lince the Iall good Friday: I crand
.,,,..,;,. pardon of all our crrors and miCdeed. , fince the tall time of his .ifiting us • and now requelled bis
D;' r,.,';, aid and direCtion hence.forward to walk pro{pClOufly, according to tbe well plealing of his 4,i"inc
~Zll ;'Ujil Majcllie: and that he would ,rant unto H'il/i_ R,ft";trl, E.• K. and me his graces, fo abuD.
,Z'' :', ":.;::~ dandy. that in us hi. bonour lIIight be increaCed, and glory adnn,cd m~hti1y and uium-
~ IIICritii, b,r. phandy,&c.
J. E. K. Here is a round fire like a Sunne.
VOJ ...... F,.igiu prep",.",it.
F,.;titl_ _ ,:ril""''''!''''/1I111.
Rtf/ml/lll ,""',. Gllliclmo,.,Au""" d' "l."', rtf".'I"''''' E.
E. K. Heds gone now. '
A 1'\1 jufiqns Domine" & nos, iinp'~i! 'tu ran~utes pomine, & VIZ-til" immae,u latz:. nos nee:
.Q;r:, neque nOH?~z.parare fin,c tuo,au¥lho ,~ gratia ~nquam pofTLt1)us: T!la m Igitur 110 b:sq>nc,ed:ts
paual1?, I!r. d~~to errore fto{ho ~I,~nam agere p<cnltcm;aDh ,ut agnum,at, meiliatorem no(lrum om.
lIu:mpprc lJobl6,U\vcolamus prDpltlUm ex tua cl:men~i.l iIIiU5 m:citis~ & fpiritus tui S~~i" affiat\l
~nfolatpno: . A",t".
Cui, Trif\Q~uni, Deovero, &Onmipotenti, (it fempiternus honbrj lau. rmnnii, &glotia
perpctua. .AflUn.

A.". rs86.
OEliJ. ~... Tuefday. tM".,,./I f.I" .,.tltlll.
,C~" 7' '1!rt~j.1t1 fltfi.s. , g~"tiifq~, .'!il pr~ ",;rtr,;~mJ.iil 'IJt; ~.fiM;t;1 'rt" 1/11 t"", in pr.J.-
11'!"ts.", '/""'''' '.'X'CIt/~ '''Jill'''' '"
.J'",'X"",.;J,1I1 hop;.", i" Pra~enfi tXilio,
c.", h.,,"t & gl.riA ill ill.,
mil", 6' ,,, h"e pertgr'''.tl••• , & pro ""nllti,,,t ",-
filii ~.",i""A tllttl"" 0- pro rtlJ.,,[Julf« IIoj/rA
ltd quitttm & [uur;", ~/tr" Willielmo Rolcllbelgio'l'~m '
/tI""""11"ia ipft p.riff'",,_ II.~jl propo"trt v Nit tX flli4 ",r/l'triil, 6' qJfia at Puccio IJJtI j1 A-
,.,.a"", , qllid,u & .ptril'H6' P'!;i1o[ophieis i-t;' ,ills pr.p.Jitilrtl ,. (7 quid d~ trTDr~
ill pr.Efie" ".p,r f.n. fit /lAtlltlld.""" & 'I,!id pr~ur'" ".bil /lltH & P"~~'pll' fit fllGi,nd~· , 'd-
A. Wllhhdmum v#~""Ju""pllr.t'" "01 #ffe l"x,,,,' Dti "t1J,pIAeitu",,6'~.
D. I p.d fet up c.$t"[",,,llZkriJ, with the appurtenances, and had ,fct the A "gllie.I $11"1 in
the frame of Gold on the Table. onely E.. K. and 1 being In the goodly !itll: Chappel ncx€-my
Ch amber, apfo(,inted tp our u(c$.
It YOlce .;.... L" h;,-'co",t, tl,.t ';' t~ """.,:
c::. 1 wmtio'r.t~ Lord R.{t"bfTI, whom lfellild in his Oratory of the Church lKaTing ofMalfe:
And he came with me and fat in his place.
E. K. I fee a great plain like unto a field, as though it Were a y,1,.
Mile over, in the end of it ther-e is a great high rotten Tree, all
the' graffe is as though it were withered ' and burned, thete'cam..
meth a beam as of fire from Heav.en, and light'e th upon the Tree,
.D9W t~ere c()minet:h water out of the root of the Tt:~e, as though
it were a Sea, and fpreadeth all the plairi over: And the Tree ape'll~
cih and there cOlJline-th a Man 'out of it, his hair hallgeth down
unto his girdle fread, his garment roveretb him down from hi~;.jho.u1 ..
ders, and hangeth behind him down upon the water.
The eafth hath BOW drunk up all the w.ater, and the Malli.bln"l
deth upon the dry 6round.
All the place is full of green graffc about a cubit high.
Now' the Man is out of fight.
It feemed to be as beyond and without the Stone.
The ViGon is clean dir-appeared.
A I expounded this VUton ill th~ Lord &{t"lmg.
E. K. In the middeft of the Stone feemeth to fiand a little
round thing like a fpark of fire, and it increafeth, and feemet:h tQ
be as bigge as a Globe of 10 inches Diameter, or thereabout.
VOir ..... ~. w# I" ."" rht mrM, ... btlll"f. thl;wt,,~ w'6rI4UIII': Wu ~, ."III1P~ 3'''1111
.J ",t",for , ••""tl, ."d ",b.ld tbe jitU #f ,lit It!f",;i"ltfb ,,, Drlh ,~ ,.",,~ tI,-
juJ, .IIA ~tjng tUft/ta. ,#14 dtjil, Alf. tht btAllt].f x..,r S,iil: A",; beb./a, /,,~.U, (1
Prl) " •• ,.,,;,;,,;., r;,,,X'''I.,,J 'f;';'"m ~f 11Ji B""b.•"J.'uJ",lt r'g,r]"r II,,, ./1, ftt~/, ,"I
IITI ",llrDtWi A"a /'"rrtfl , b,, ,.11 br;"!f.r1b". !rll": ""' nltn AI tht g,.ff. tbllt, ","'h~r" ,ht
IH it" Jif-llw.j t. tJ;. ,I~t. tV.,. Ii;~' """""t is.grlljff, ,/,,,,, fi' ••"'" "",J 4.,.,,1","1., fIr b,-
h.M, 1#U b""'t,,. IIII'IIts, ",.eh I,JJ. f,.i,: w., •• , "", ,.,,,.
{ueh • g',,(rll,ll." , .,.b,eh IlIc~rf'
"'~iffllrf, "''?4 th' jiri,f f'''1fort, I , Tht /ltm.mtth"t ~.rri" th "., illh~ St.' ."J bul, place, wblch.
alto Is contamina'tcd. e"("llp."{,,J,,IJ. (AI it.""..) ."ithtrt.; if h,l",.jf, be hlldt"., 'II1htr~up", tlelll r~.tlf!l
i'C'JlIIII4, Iww Wiflr.!J tir, fh#/; ,bill tiil i¥TI;riltt~ b] ]'11 , Jw" ;'klr.!d Art l'.i .". h." d,,;ufltJ! ml~ • •;~II(.
J ,rH"eldt;orlojDr. Deems A8iolls,»'itbf}iritl~&c.
"I, : hn. fd .r c'"'."i4. lIT, 7'" thAi ft.". ..i'M' ./1 i,..", .... i'.". "i-r.,.,:
ti"" fbllil "',., tb., ,h, p_~. might of God whicb herc fpcakcth amonga yo.i, 'in the lire and

fpiritot his holy truth fb,,11 c_, ..... fo'''''''''''', fo''''

H'''flIII, fr•• th, $'I/J .J'u-f.,." fr..
,h,~"III'i"!Thr..', ""/hllll filII d...,,> ." iN' ,D•• "'" -"t! 1'. (ffr,M fbllli ", ",,,11
'11'; ) "til i"" ,h,./I'''''''' lI"d i." ,h, 'HI ."hieh;, ,h, h'I, pl.", ... ,h, ",,,ji Df ,,,,,f,,,: AJUi
"~"'lJ, 'M ,DJlm'f G.a, (Dr hi", thM ff,,,k},h) {h,,11 H ",ith", flr"'l, ".d .f I"ji";" '*"" :
s"hM lik} .IVD"''''' ."i,h Chiltl, fb, /hllll brill/,. fmh I. tht C/t",cluf q,d,,,_, ,u,h,tI ."i,i
" ..hilt 1'''''''111 : which i, ] 11. S TIC E unfpotted, ."hieh "'''1 .,,1I11t.. ."i,h i"ji"it,,,..,, (A"tI
I. ,h, GII,m'''''f••ff, A". /" •• '1,) Hp,,,,h, JI/'''NAwcuf t'Act" ".tI ,h, ."MqUI '-fir, •
..hi,h follil fl.,. ••, Df ,h, s,.,.
A"J/,.htlJ, • ,_. S'.IU' Df """, ,D. /h,,11 "tI.ll.f ,,,,In/f,,"J;''t; "",J 'f ,h, mt 'f Wif-n
ll.fII', ...J. rh'l...,lIc, Df GDd, ('fh'. rhA' f,'Alc!th ...111, , ••) /htdl "'pl,lIIi(.1 A.Jfi~I1'l A",."tII
!'.: S61hAl T'. /hAil I"i.t, AIItI blAlUiji, ,h, EIIT,h 1I.J ',h, H ..ftof Chrijl: A"tI blh-I., the
high'cr boughc"...J. ",i,ht, .,_hlll"AII I.f. ,INi,v"~"', .". ", cAft ""'" HCA.!' ,h" h.w,
11.,'/ tIJlII/III'II" .p''' tht ••,.".,. rm,iI SIIclt., " ,h, JA/hI•• r .f h"" ,hAlI""h ,"'1,4 ,1»",:
."14 " (hAil,,, ,.".,'r'''t,h,r "''''111, -'''IJI 1111 : ""t 1'* fb"" b, f""i,a t, v,ri", "". H
~.rI' Hit- ~,"''''''I,J ."it h "" ;r,. "4, hilfl ,hM , ••" ,til,AIIJ ..AllttJ ,.,h, .,,"'"1: Th,,, fbllil b, P'''Ct
'''f·ltllld'f· ""J. rtft I 'fb,,, (h,,11 Hi""fAI,,. M/""J..
E. K. Now is aU dif-appeared away ·out of fight.
A I read the former parcel in'l,atinc to thc Lord 1Vfi"I"I.'
A P~ufe.
A Tu juAus t, Domint, 3( Judicia tua vera, tU<lmnipetenso Deus n;ncr, & brachio tIIO 1l111lut
rcliltcrcpotc(t. V~ni,b Oominc,8c'Confolare nosveritatc & JulHtia.
E. K. Now he is returned again in the form he went away in.
A red croLfe commeth over it, pure red, fo yellowilh.
'A l'aul<:.

ltlj~j •.•;'!,. So that the Name of the God ofltighteoufnelfe, and of his Sonne Chrill /1ull be magnificd in
f''''';:''f r. I
thee: S A". I" ".h'IJ,~, WI! fiif, r.,1ff' ,h., aftcr afew Moneths the time ,xpi.". ; l."ill
:"14[. IIltf...... P"i;',,,,,J. br,lIIc.rb, h-I, pl.", {, ,b,. t}",., Ilull be no abomination in it.
,:;~ .... 1U fA". hh;IJ; ,h""Juft6, WerlJ !h"" "up,,,,J, IIIf4 .11 p"pl, fbA/1 r,j'lu i" th, C"ff, "".
F i.., ••ruli N"""., ,h, tll",b.
"I " f'.IIlM'. , S 1/,;, jirJl c,."."h ,"""", All NII/i ••z. I W" "'" Ih",!." ", .111' .J''', ~ 1'" Ki.I.I"";'
TlmbUU/"III. Pr;/lCII'f thl l!.."h! h, tilAI hAlh ,Ar,lln hi", hMr.
. ..... A"tI I., 6,h,ltI, thilJA, I ... Mfc,"',J, ."J",! pr'-fi;, .p'" hi., thM h,.,tb II-

If •""""tJi
Lit hi","'""!i,igAl, ,h",f.,., ,hi ['''f,iIi" 'f InmrIllU 1',.(.", " ... ti1l, "" A , J.".llPtg ".,~ I,
;'~~~;.1(! fA;,h~ fIr ~."iIl ,hililA,,,,tri{u C,.,."., 'IIIilb hi",. fo ,/,., "'1 N_, ...J. Spirit /h"" .".~
fr,,,, hos H.·fi·
Illf.""" a.aJ1 .A•• 'IIIhAi 1 hll'ii' pr,,,,iJitl hi., 1 - , ".Il 1 ...11 /,rilll I' p.jfi , 'III"AI ;s h" II' ..i,;, Iu that
faU. laughtth me to Ceom , Ih"t (if 1»,,,,,.,,,,,) r,~,k",h"., his "",IITJ? _
~". _IOV", /.",11"",,,, "bi", '",Afttr. ""tI1H fo.llb, p.ri""'"" ,"',I/Iu"li'" "'1ft"."
if",., N""" ", 'xAI". ill hi..
A"tI bth.IJ, IH /hAil ,f,."
f"'I, ".t h,fo"" rifi'l"'.' ""tlfb'" 1',[I'IIrr, "III"h, mJ.
E. K. It isdif-appeared.
D. Lcgi ultimam banc particulam Latine ipli Principi ~,{t"""";"
A Paufe.
E. K. In lapidt: fie tit [cript,,",. Alter an hour.
II We rtmo,cd not, but fat Gilland ciicourfcd partly upon the prtmilfcl. lnd pardy of E"tt,,1IIiI
lIlifery to come.
K. K. There appeareth a little white cloud, like the end of a
cloud, wit h a dark image of a face of three in one: fometimes ap-
pearing three, fometimes one.
The end of the white cloud doth wave up and down before tlte
T o • d ' face .
Ih: ~I;d~': Vo~ ex Iatcrc Iapidis ...... 7h,ji f••r M,."h/, WiUiamCf" ./_h III i. hhllll"b)
Of.he r"n, fr- Pr~ge, f". 1" {hA/1 J,"iVl'~f' ,h", ." tI'''i'IItrl.
y~ ..4"'1 17 T."• ."iUt fb"" .vifif",. th, ElITlh ."ithhl th,f, next yearcs in thl. Kingdom: '.thl firft r"
An."~/'b'''' hi",fi, flill: ruh, {tel". I,t hi", ~r", bi",filf; Ilq r,ftft 'lfith viaory.
<!AtNle reltltiOJJ afDt.J);bir.AOi()Jts,tPithJpiritJ i &c. 447-"
E. It.. There'appeareth a Wood,.a grrat Wood-on t·he leftlland
by" Ril,(e:r; 'ther:e be two like Hawkli, whereof oot Is white, and
the ~ther ~' black: Theoneis on a hough in the water, that IS, the
black, the ot.her on. a withered bougq on the land.
A great Bear commeth out of the Wood. II f"".imu ••

Now he runneth towarq, them, he catcheth the black one in the:

water,and fwalloweth him, and fianderh up upon .hls hinder leg~.
No\v he goeth to the other, and fuaketh him in his motlth, and frau"!
deth upon his hinder legs; and hath pulled off both hi~ \Vings, he
returneth jnto the Wood again J the body of the white Iyeth Oll
the :ground. NQw he turneth his fe~e up.
Now he fiandeth on his legs again.
He followeth the Bear the fame way he went, he would lift up
himfelf as' if he would fly, but he cannot.
All this Wood, Bear, and two Fowles are vanitbed.
E. K. Below ftandeth a great Came, at the foot of the Hill on
which tha t Wood did fiand, down in a valley from rhe Hill goeth ~
greathigh Bridge.of Stone long (in fight) about ten Englifh miles
Befide the entrance, on the right hand of that Cafile, is like a
Dial, with motions crelefrial in it, ofSunne and Moon.
Now commeth a Bear, (black as the oeher) a very great mon- urtlJ,[e:,,~.
{lrpus Bear. The Bridge quaketh under him as he pa{fcth it toward dill.
the C;lfi:le he roal'eth, lookingtowatd theCaftle. J-le freppethup to
the pial, and taketh tbe Moon oue of it, and teareth it-all in pieces
with his re~h. The Cafile f4lleth, and the ,brid,ge where he ftand-
ctll ·j·s bmken. The Cafile is ~ll in ruilil.e .
. The Bear fiandeth upon the edge of the bridg,a~d beholdeth the
ruine of the Came down irito a p~t as it were.
Now he goeth back and the bridg falletb ~own after him.
Now the Wood appeareth again, and he gQeth into the W Qod~
N6w that \Tifton is aUvanilllCxfaway.
Vox ...... T." (blfil fhdrtlJ fu, Af.Ai"ff """AI19'" Pucci hlflh [p/trll,a.
M, Puee A"d bltffi"l ""'P0.1'''- .
E. K. Now all is gone away.
A G I~ria.. lau~. ~onor, Bcncditlio.& I.ubiluio.f.'\ Dco Parri, Deo lilio. /Ie Dco Spiritlli fan~o :
Ijcut ~,~t In P[I?CIPIO, Be nunc,/!c 10 [emplt.c.rna\b.l\Im-f;rcli/a. tA''''tll.
. .
Spintu ptlnClpa/l confirm:. nos Deus, OtUS:Mllrt<i:on1i[llJa: nos·Deus" OmnlpOtCnS, Scmpltcrne
yive III verr • .Amen, A",t,,~ Amt". __
Ul! EM 0 R & N Drt M.
,if"". 1586. 08.bril Di, '7- ,,"'tr#Ji,; Ip~11WI:>"le"'" Fr. Puccio 1"rJ,i(, ·&riXIlJ., ~r9r
ttr pfewniA" '!"IfIClpi,hAt .. ".{,is hA{,trt, ex Iiber""14~ d' illl .P""~.t. nei, & IA~q",!~ A J,,1/,1
:V~i, ¢' ",".[, Edwardo Kellcp 1.'"1''''''' .b ~dwlrdo Kelleo; ~Ol [C:. (}- E. K J..~.~c/~fim.'u
(Ad IrA,,"lA "'I'A tVi/llndA 'fJu~ ipfo IrA "~I fp.rftrAt ~ 'XCll,tAlI,rllt, /'Topr": ~(c,,"rM 'I'"
800 Florellc)rWn, D,~ olil.~M ¢' r,dd;flll ~r ,ll""", 6-,,-.UII 'W'/llfM '1HAnd. ,,01 ,//1 folll~r' p.-
rA/; "''''''111,& 63 a. DII&Alol Wi exb$h"i,mu ellr.", Deo, IIf ~1fd, Ifcciptrtr '1'!.d [tNt", ,1f, !"d'~I(­
bAf.) t;~JiI.. Ji"'1"4"', (.&"", bO"A {Ph 1J".J..".;,;.,...J.trrm* D,,,,,. )'''I',i/I""" ~r_u­

"1P"';-S, ,Jtp._•.""'~"'lloo FIorcn8rum: & i fiJl~~"II,.q"I'" I/~J ,.mp~"f polt~,fi -u"I-.

i" 'fI";"'~ Soo FIQreno~ ~ t!"t 4li,j__jj~i ~ ttJ,,~ J,~trI pml"'A~, Tit'" (!"'4 elIA-.
'"mi1 "'(1;[,111 "..."rttjAII'-'" 'I/,l,.""'''/t .t'Jf;"'611~, ffr·rblr.zr!'fh6 ..,.,jc,.;pt, ",t"", fActT' t""p· ...
rW'II.d'lleis .""tll";I. E~
& .AT~. I"i",., iI;,""" 'riftUli'I D _ ~ 6' t._~.d''''i<I_ Cifliisu "......, S.qr).;.
"/''''''1 ,C;- "'i1,"1 flrililllbljlTuflf"; "i.i';' (~i,,; RoCenbcrgii) dllOl ~I faecol
pecuniarum, lie a (ubi duo millia clucacorum, lie pr~trta plum qtlaia.f-o Dokii nulnt-
nbanrur fupra menfam,80C1 Pbrcni :, E, ~." illi ".,.fil. (",,,.l {JI",.i.'_'I4fI') ,willi•
• c"ip", """'111.'".,. fl.l i//, ",bI;, {""{cril",.{1 .u"il" ;" .,.i". IN" fir .; ,.~;, ,.".,;,.",
.; (".."il D,;. N., "", pr."ft"/'",,,.r .,l1li//' _.l. Tlei,"' i""", ., ilD" hit .i, '1Ii,;".
j ••O... .l'tlr""." ., illl i//A, ,.,.,.,.".",,'" ,,".';111, ",1 ""ipi,."" ",J ,,,,,{_JIII ~ ill.: SIJ
I."'.", AJ ,1Ii,.".l" .AI". ct I11III,.
{c •• .l/d.. C,II1,A "'" i' iRill, ~iJe", """,,, cfIII(II>i,-
fI,' A,;bi,ri. , ",,/1 & tUe., ', '1IUJ i//i 1/iJ""." ""liIM ', &' ill; IJf't~r .Ac-
PriMip" (Paull Wolfg) ".fe",;, e.", tUlIl,fil "ft,b.l, 111.
Chir'gr"ph. """" ,."ft.
e"il trg, ,"""'111, ""","""it, d- ;","./1 ",.fori,,,,,,, Chir.~".hll'" ,.,.- fcri~'
fllb{CTifflr."" III i" iffo
Francifcus DI.g,IIIilll "I-III, Sp"."'''' I"i"., _Ii•.,; -d"". ,,,,,"(,'';,_, : & ",,,-
l" flTcliN,., ~ '1111 /i"g." 'III,,""'. d- i",...,,, Vl ....JJum C.",+".,., :'6' i"
fit pr'p;,i." A'"., JiXit ",bil fe ",,,,,,, III ,.;.;J,•• f"'i"', {II" ,u";.,, M.jl-
JlIII' /IIil,III i"

'Dil 'l J""II"rii u. ,."", h.r. "

1t'~6"' . .A"". 1587.
~ T empu& bcnepiaciti, ell tempus opporrunum.
. NI&tjfitlll ",,, h,,~,t Ltz,_.
~ Tn nomine pat,islle F,IIe SS,lIec. 'Pater no~ler,&c. Omnipocensfempittrnc ycre & uneDtuS ill
adjutoriumW. C. E. K. & mei 1,l1li"" IN., Intendt,&c.
~ Not by or upon prclumption (0 Lord) but with fear and I~e tOWlKd thee we arc rtady to
hear thy will, as e.oncerning the shntl and Commandelllent , now at p,"t.. in dais ,~eths be~
ginning, IfUde to E. K. We bclccTe and hope it II ~IIJt" and that thou Wilt not tempt uJ, Or futfer
us to be tempte.' in fo weighty a cafe; Alld therdore bcillg not p~lf(aly informed il'! .h.J. '''''11'''"
.f ""tltr. E,I(. Knoweth 'not how to do,feell1g?t hlsrewrn hither he miffeth an h.lj_.&lIhereof
whether /hall he.,f the rcfidue make up that halt ounce wanting, or no? we will or dare propound
to make any compleat a6tion: but therein rcterre aU to our Parliament daye., or prIQcipal ordinary
a6tions affigned.
UK",. ;"ur"ji,II, pArll ho''':i.
E. , K. Here appear Letters if I could read them) thus they are.
/:) II c:::I 0 c:::J
•••••• Nih" ,tA, & • flU_
E. K. They fecm white Letters - of greeniJh yellow coloured
figores, in every figure one of the foor words,in all being I ~ letters.
E. K. Now they be gone.
~ I undetfland tbat the fjrll rart uf that IlIJ Propo(ition i'toucbtd in an(wer of ",ihi, that ii,
t, G,i, the (enice required is to be done: and it. d- II WIt, Co is the ,mdfage or 4:ommandment
frOID dac: fame our God.
i:::. Mora interpofita horz parte i.
E K. Now is here other writing, t~os, ClaNaitl, cl4Hf~ [Nnt.
6 I undetlhnd not this weD, ifit mean no marc to be taken out of IIw P","", or what dCe.
Now appear over the former words, other words, as thus~
E. K. Over ClaHaite.)s C.eff4te,the other words 1 cannot read yet.
E. K. Over tl4Hfa fHnt appeareth ai'lltnHm propoJitHm Jib; Aa
b"c non conftat.
A .Qu:r igirur tibi funt, ,lie '1 tt, nobis funt acceptim,~.: lie pene, & propter tc.1IC nobii injun6\a
/Xlamu' tuuro,6 Dcus,noblS paratillimum przbcasausillum!
Tibi Creatori Redcmptori, Ie Sanaificuori nollre, lit omnis La~ Honor, Ie Gloria, '*"' "
~r, 4""". .
Ad OmnipotentlJ Trinttatis LtmtItm, Honorem, f3 GlIriam•
.!N.fype,"""", Di"inorll11l tnlmor4/Ji!ia CIti diel
lJ.'uwtlll Almil, .1111110 J~87, Ji,dUfitit.
11 true 'Relation of Dr. Dee hiJ Iff/ion!, with Spirit.r,&'c .- t


7"rebonte qeneraliJ.
•• pOll pt'rcts II~ 1?eum, & TeCitlltu,;, Clttlllogllm illllm, pttiti01lum 1I0ftTIITum lid t""Jem, Apri/i4 4.
qllirvi",us a,v,nll t~pel1lt1ltes eo"jiiJltj ",o",tll,& 'TIICU[II. clTC"
Magna pauf:l.
A ••••••• Tllnde", "eeepi littrls *IItrIJ[q; iUllftr;/Jimi Do",i"i RorenberJ;ii,& reeitltv; COTltm • !11M CN",
Vto, ut ejlll ODtall"tilt, bt/militlll, ¢' at{idtrillm, COTIt", Deo &- AII,gtli.t tju{dtm C01lt'Jtlttll tft"t. I~ ' '1""ft lO-
AI;It Itdhuc pltu{lt, Jive MOTit fill/it, {ttl "0"
[onglt. ",bH' &- ,/1M
pncr" "tl
E..lC There feemeth a black Curtain of Velvet, to be drawn from ~~o-':!.t"'.
one fide of the Stone to the other. The Curtain, is fuJI of plights.
Thcr~ feemed alfo one to have defcendcd from ctbove, (a good
way behinde the Curt'l-in) and fo [0 go behinde the fame Curtain.
Alia pau(;l.
Vox....... Hltpp} H be, "'hoft ",i1lde thiTfteth lifter the/tllo.ledge of {lleb tbi,,(s '" IIr, ffiiTi-
tu.[, lI"d c,eltJHlll, of{lIcll thillgs III lire i" tht tverlllJ/ illg pillet Itnd gloT} of bim thlll it, 111Id "'III,
lind .Ih"U pi for tfler : fOT u"to him Drlollgeth refl i" the hllrvtft of the Hiv;he(f, It"d eomfoTt i"
the midft of m"n! ",oTldly {orrOWJs. For Il"to him, thlH {Aith tht Lord, tbe Lord of Re(f, Thou
hll}l Tendred "'} b[oodlt{,ltill, "'ith comfort ll1lto III',
{l1Id hltft mllat It blood .f tter""l rtft UII" thy
{tlf for eVtT. A[c",tl therefore 111Itl d"'tll ",ith me, Itnd rective turnlll comfort: for Illlto {uel,
btl""geth'rhe Ki1l~dom of m} Fltther; for I11m .* Zebaoth 1l1ltDIIIl.fueh '" trw(f i1l "'t. 'Bu~ 6t- • Rt'l"iel
hold, rht tArth b"ni.tth "ot forth "'} ""ght] prlt,[e, btellll{t of tht ",,,~edllefs rhAt Aboll"tlrth ,11 ttl1 ctj{4ti. (".-
",,,,,ItjIlJe: Neither havt 1 mltnJ [Ilch chi/artn Itm.IIg0 the [.IIS Df mtll III 1 h/tf!e ffio,<!n of bt- blllum,& e.
fo,e; for wh) I Tht Gilt1lts of thi! ",.rldIlTI It flumbli"g ' hiocR.. UlltO the poor people, lind IInto Slbbath.
their {«bjells : f.rlo, behold, b.thold l (1 {Il]) vile IIIId bllftthi1lgs (for tbltt !ht) lire mi{lI{td)
flre breome gods ",itb;" thtir hOllfts : {o thltt,Goldltlld Silver, preciOus StOMs, 111Ia foft App41'rl,
"h;ch "ertwollt to be broJl.v;ht oue of their hOllfos to g41'1Ii(h millt ",itbltU, .rl bteom, their gods~
"nd tbt Idols of tbtir iltftrullioll: for, ",ho it ht thltt t1tltlteth not bim{elf in hit Tlelm, lt1ld at-
/lift!h m, rhltt "111 tht Author of thtml Wh",.e it b, thltt lovtth not bit wife .nd childrm,-pomp
Alld 11'0 Idl] g/or], m~re tb~" tht [mi1lg in ortler of ~ little f/oe/t, or the prefermtnt of mJ
f.lorJ I Wbo (I {ltJ) it he, tbllt m./(.rth 1I0t mort of b,mftlf thlt1l of mt I Woeb~ U1lt0JOIl thllt
{o do: lI"dwoe bt 1l1ltotht gtllerlt!iolls tbltt fhltll follow JOII.
A' 8e merciful unto us, 0 God of Mercies .
.•.... 0 wretched and mirerable mankind, look, look in and upon thy relf. Haft thou
made thy relf? or when thon art afl!.iaed, canft thou remove thine own afl!.iB:ion? Haft
tholl any thing of thr
own, which my Father hath not given thee, through me, in Oil!
proviJcm andet.ent~ will.? Canft thou hide thy: Celf where I cannot rte thee? or canR
thou do that wblch herh hId from me? Look agam upon thy felf, and confider what pa-
rents, and root thon hadft chy beginning in Nature: behold, they and their fathers arC!
become the duft of che earth; even Co lIialt thou do. And even as of them is a ftraight
account of life required, even Co /hall it be of thee: fur, 1 tbltt m.dt thtt, .lId ~/tfIt thte
htltth, made thee partaker and urer of my creatures, led thee in and Ollt, gave thee the
Sun i:o !hine upon thee, and the Moo" ItS tbe morll",. of JOllr r..,dicIII moiftltTl. I that lifted
thee up, either to the hOllour of a King, or Magiftrate, and made thee a gonrnour over
thy brechren, will at laft take a ftraight account of tbee, how thou haft ured thy felf to-
wards me, and where thon haft advanced my Name in ruch things as I have lent thee:
And be right Cure, chat thou !halt pay, even the uttermoft'fartbing. Woe be unto thee,
if thou mak1: not a julfaccount; mifcrable !halt thou be fur ever, if thy dcfert! condemn
thee. Therefore while thou haft time and rpace,look; look lip Unto me; for I am the WtU
.f comfort, Illld tbt God of ptltct; the true reward of righteoufners toall fuch as faithfully'
Jove and trutl me.
A. 'read this over •••••• Oh how comfurtable are thefe lelfons! Give liS and confirm'
unto usthy graces and bleffings, 0 God, to do thy ble/fed will herein, and in alltmr'duty
co"arddacc ",hatfoevcr.
.. Aaa E.K •
a .d Irut K!larlOn of Or. Dee hil 4Elionr, 'f11uhSpirits, &c.
E.K. Now the voice f~meth to come from hiin who fiandeth be.
hinde the Curtain.
M4g1U ,,,,,,r,,.
WiUi.", the fon of V'fjiM, the Lor.d talkC\:h wi~ ~bee this dar., faying, Wilt tbou thar
I buy a Kingdom fonhee w!tb ~oUl9f U\vel' .l Wjlc··chou'th atthe Kings aDd Princes of
the earth thalllal1gh the Almighty GOd of die heaven and earth to rcorn ?
Have I at any time prcferrrd (fueh as trult in llie) to the government of my people, b1
gh'lng (~fll (he eXCi'el1lfnts ()f the ea·rtb t
Look down upon my fervaRt Abr~
Look down upou his children.
Call to remembrance my fervaDc DnUl;
Sec: stio"''' before thy tyct,
T~ Kings- aud PJiRcd of ]ull.6 and of 1'rf'f1{~ .
Confiderwicb chy (df tbe Calling of t he twelve: T~e!O\'C:nlMcnt and hte of ruea
as have beenPrinccs amongft tbdl.ock Chriltiall.
~llvetbcy bccll hired. or i1ramoeed? H"Vt th.) ~H.It liff/II liP 6y _ .&thr.ll .... filvrr,
o. {lich Ii;" trump"" tift M01SjttrS of iht ' ,mh 1 In necdlicy, to pay: Tril.utube fill'lmini-
fired, whetC'Withall Tribute might be paid accorJing 10 cuftom.
III the calling GfAb,,",,,,,,, QlUltil'liqtion ef f~ed f(ajI Pl'oJiliCed.. "hich WM to be.
DlUltit~dc ili people, ~ightY and great !,-POIl the face of the eart.h. .
D.v;J w.ts b~(Mgbt III (tM:·INd·ef b" bl'Cthren)e'l'cn to be K.Hlgof I{Nil, IlOtIbf tbe
Illulti:ude ot precious fioncs, gold or Iilver. A Sling he had, a Satchel with a few 1l0lltS.
S.h", n was commanded (0 bUild rue a T~mple,without any fum or ftint. The Apoftlc.
went (mOl place co place, Ifl~endillg co teach; neither caTJ'ied they cold or Jil\refs but
QII.e!y a 1Cftt':Q1' bag prepared for thtil'ComDlGIl '¥iQua15and nouriilioient.
Ma.ny Prmccs a'11l Kings have puWilh~d my Na~ widlO"t any prQ.lllif~ made unto
"ll"r111 from h ea.vell.
Notwlthfianding. unto 4iJY"4h".' hne pleaty, ilI·his R~C5 rcqlliJoed: .and lUUD
1lil cJliWrell, .a.s I had limited. ..
Uil~O D,,~,b(il\8l{iDg, r.i~e5· foll~d his Stille; cad UIlto ~iJ.OR ,sal...", ~
bor h at hoole a{)u abroad, to bUild my TCIIll»k.
Untp the AfoJ1l-es.I.gavl: (111 dIe tjllle;of t~,-lli1t, ot 1Il,y fM."OIJk)dIe."i.ri~ Dfund«-
lWuiing, .• he~cby thcy l,Ulw:dlpodaad bad power ,lIo) uadl: AI",,": qn~(u£b "iketd'lCd
Ollt their hands for my jlame,; IlI.avu,ooadalltly .pvCAi .and it ba~l"ir.bihdly;aud
fgrtix lov-c Qf mcpltcn.iu,b;Jud.
JMie'Ve tbc-td'oce wicl~ ~br"h.;am.SlId wicb his clJ~
Bring, dlY. tl!tii\ ,ana bag b~fc:Il'C ~ people of the LGld Gw• •·
End(avpr th.y Celf with S,l._n. to build (I. QQmBlOR."woakh.. whCl'eiu I wi./,I..bc.aa.-
cd, ~hefecvallt .of the SOIl of God. and as his £o1l09l\er.
Go.forlliaro, . ' w:y own iower"lolld .ability ,~ll Cep..: due: For tbu. -faida:thc .l..Iud
of Hofts:
Thou haft nothing but ",hat thou' haa .c~ind of "0:- n,cjthtr _~ .u.ciJ:ber thy
t>rov.idC'thuefOu~ of tbat.thou baA, wbi.c.h ismme : .that .~ to (.,.T~of <that ~hlda.r.IIrF caJ,1 c; .thine own fac.ulty:all4l ~iches. to /bew t.hIf ~~ill and r.ead""y
cndi:a.yOlUS in iucb dungs~o be .bl'wgbt,tO parst.&li tbou halUeal'Jwf of DU·: fD
C<A.y, Neglc:&:tIPt ,the timc1)f ihis thY yiJic;ariOll, neil;h(.f d~pife this King~ ,,,h~in
tbou .thalt reign, for illifodoirlg I <fwdl Wilh ehee for .nee, an4 with thy fOIb:rit.rwhidt
fball ,be(in me) niigll~y. 4! iWbell cnm:d into,it~ 7'r.l-!".,.. ""~';'
M!J b.~fi; :Q!". "m.",.ff~o".~ :rak~ it" we i t . . . .
The ure of Make tlue a fwordof .It wllh ~wo ~e~ tbat "{ltb.the one thQU maift cut Q/I the b.·
the Powder. ft.rdsJi!:a4~ and witb the uhc!' build ·llfthe MOllllmonu and.the howes of .dcAIilw.cJJ,
. gQ,ilineC", ·a nd undel1bnd~l1g ..: That th~ £aft again may .6ou.ntI!, ...aQ that ~ .make
U' llm 'Vr/,· ~'t 1/Ie , from the Sun-l1WJg to bi6 gplllg down.
~~h:~f~~ ' I n thc.mean fealOn, lhall.~hc Pc.wd~ w.hicb.thouhaft to be,multiplie4.1u!l'elt4,..u
w. R. hath is ~m!'lt.jP/jtd ~Irb .rbt7....~ Imlmt fr~{t1I~t\Jat It may be.pc fpr tll.r uCc:.s"and f.b'c Iblellp·
to be multi- . mng of chy faith.
plied. Tht one .b"lf of .it.chou k"p'> aube perpetual J'J1mQl1bran~Df~.cftn.dNlI
C.tJar' rd- a~d thy pofte"ity,
j::~( !j".:- ~- Unto biOI tbat ,is thy bead, do thy true obedience: although Itit '),,,rtl, "~tlMil *-
r'l. gain)! !htt, .1Id. th,r)ft!h afftr thy d.,jtTlll1, ...
T~L.SDb- .
[he :; FQr;behc:l1d. lhy enemy fMt fcckcth to .ac.our thy Soul, CCSlfcthlftot toJvmlllS frfrtJlfe,
CfJfJ" '"
Lar.1d-Holl- ,bilt thou milijt b"Olflio4i,"s to .omm." ptop/t. BIIt'die tillle JJaalli!Wm,~ whm thou
~~ ~
.J1 true 'Relation ol Dr. Dee hilJ18iont, 'With Spirits, &c. 3
lha~t haye juftice ag~i,\~ him.. Set therefor~ that tho~ C~ite:; lee, I Cay agai~, that t~u ' Ct '''If .. _
Cmlte hl~l, for·Julhce IS the hand of the Highet!: pUlllllung Cuch as offend, either agamfi f. II 'n/1 T" ,I,.
him or liis Innocent. ' (N/l:C'Z'
iheC~ that now come unto thee, have br0l!ght thee a ~Iufier of grapt5) even as Tht L.rd
big as they call both ,carry: amongft the WhICh, notwIt~fiandmg there are many rotten. CZQ[ck
Bu. bel\l~ld, the fooldhn~s frc;>m above- /hall appear wlfdom befOre them, when their Schonbcri:
Ivifdom /hall become fooldhneCs before me, and before themfelves. A He allu-
Round about thee thou/halt receive alliftance, and many bearts /hall be made glad df,c,th cO Chhc
. . PI:S 0 f C C
11l thee. . , holy land
-A.sformy Trj:aCuJ;# to be Qpen~,. To him that defileth my Seat, and the Sword of for thcchil-
;flUtICe:. . ' . dr~nofIf~atl
To hinHhat harbollrcth abomination in his own houfes, and liftneth unto wiCKed To the: q l:(-
cOllnCeI. . lf ioll cJ _
Unto himw\lich: hath,defpifed me, which is "ccurfed of me, Ihan none of my Tre:a- B,a"","._
fuus be 01c;t\ed. " r.~h lend-
I haveJl1dgc;d ,hi{11, and it llIall apj'e:ar fhordy. i F' 1( '0 .
That which is CIt{tm gIve unto C.p,r; and that which is mine, unto thi: Houfe of my R, fP-r.du ,
Honour. A r!!!" lo 1,-
Be Qbedle~ (asthJ: fen,ant of Gop) unto thy Superiours: and whilell thent-maifi, di- rtr.fyun: r,,-
ijgellt,ly dojuftice. Thy Country fhall ~-c:ceive Cuch r~mernbi;alli:e of d:ee, aSlhali never ;::'f,~i at:
be raft;d frem the face of the ea,cn,: ullt;! tht fire com, do"" fr.m ht"vtll ,o,,{umillg llli tliillgs. fl<iv tr , ali-
Beful! of b~ihty, and abandqn pnde. 'J'1.1 (itda,,-
Bow.down thllle ears nnw the 1.>oor. d, fort;'o.
Be oftc:nJopy for tliy dayeil mil-fp~nr.
Be firoi!g fOl' ever in me.
Thy "ife is even at tbe door of ficknefs: But behold, I am ClTell hc, the Lord of J,,"tmy
health • wJe.
As untothcc~ BarrenrieCs dwelleth with thee, bec.nCe thoudidft negleEt me, and take Ed,K. M:o:or
• wife unto thy Celf contrary unco my commandment: for neither young 110r old,rich (f,ri/is i/li
nor poor, are refp'eEted with me; but what I will ,have done, is jufi, and whof~evi:r doch ,",.t,
itllO~, is privily (if he be riot openly) jlunifued for his offence. Therefore tho~1 /halt: At M ort-
have tbe wo",b",bich thoubJf.harren, "" fruit/tRunto rhtt, becaufe thou haft cl',mfgn:1Ted 1Mk,:,IS8].
that which I commanded thee.
Be it unto tily brother, as his Cervice~ truft, and confidence hath been in me, and to- De ,'T/jo",1I
wards me.
Lay your hands to work, and your bodies umo libout',' and participtttt "'e with Iln~~ Ou~ ,!,ut~al
,tber, as is commanded ,.au. partiCIpating
That the ble:lfing "hith I have promifedyou may go forward in you; and that your one with
labour may bring forth good fruit. another.
Thef'ourteenth' day htnce /hal'l this Afl'ion end: In "hich 41lY you jhllY .""Ct Ilgai" Ilf;.. 18 Aprtlis
fetNblt Jour ftlrm here together. And now behold I fay unto 'thee, unto thee; that ,hail !lItNrlldit
thy· opened, and thy eal'S made perfell, ..hich bllft bm, tXalted by tb, fight of tht S..'Nrnt',
",,,vms, 'why doft thou call upor Jlle, defiring tO,b, mill, fru. E.K,cold me,
Is it a bunhen umo thee to be comforted from above? 0 foolilh min! by how much chac he had
the lrcavens .escel the earth, by fo {11l1ch doth the gift that is given thee from al;ov.e, el:- all the Lent
eel all earthly treafu·re. Notwichftanding, became that Mahna is loathfolfi I1l1tO thee, ~rald 0b ea
behold what is Caid umo thee ~his day. I a~ aChche'
7'h.u ~rt 1/IaJt fret:' Mith". jhalt tholl Il"Y ti;", bertafttr be coffjfrllilleJ. tI fot the judgment ~ilh:
~f tbt htgl,tfr, or to hellT tbt VOletS of the hellvtrlr.
more have
But thou al't a ftumbling-block unto many. d~aling co
Notwithftanding, my Spirit thall dwell with thee; , and in the works of thy hands chdll skry.
bit receive comfort.
And the 'power which is givtH thtl of {uing, Iball' be diminilbed in thee, and thall Arthur D"
dwell upon the.!irft-brgotflll SOli of him that' fitwh by tim, /If I hltve before [aid. .'. Prill'"
In the mean Ceafon /hall he be exercifed here before me, until the timt come, thllt II;, IInn.lsis •
..,,, jhttiI be ,oFllled, Ilnd'hi! tilTS rective pllffllgt tOffllrtls tbe hight/f•.
And thde: fourteen dayes /hall it be a time unto thee of chufing or refufing.
F~r J will not c.aft thee away, neither out gf my haufe, .nitfl it be long of tby 011'11 ig"o- Unleall,ct".
,""ce, 1lM. ";ilfll! aej}i.(Jng,of my grtllt ;ellejit.
If tholltherefore be: ivcary of it.. the fourteenth day hence, bring hither, and lay be~
for.e me the Powder wbich thm hilft, for rhou haft offende:d nre, /If II IIII!t Jfewllrd, in rlllfjng 1 bt P,."J,I'
""'f that whicb i4 not thine ~1!II.
I will
.4 true ~tlA~on of Dr. Dee hil AilImU, ,~Spirits, &:c.
hym ao lauger uJty ;'~h :1 0... ,bjit will give Unto yoU aci:or4i.n~ 1Ul~0 101J; worb'.
t.. 0 God be merciful ~DtO'US, and deal Ilot with us accordins to the,J"it&ednclie
fr~udnC(s, and bht¥inc(1 of o'l ir heaIts. .bm.

Nor E.
•• UPon this fomlet"2att of the Third,A&ion Gft)fI"4 w"~ iII1 fkft beJottm Son
, (nainc,l f 'Arrhur waS alliglleu to the Minithy offeeing lind .hearing, in place an4
Aed of E.1(. ,t "'11'011 cl tttf,.-IJufufl lb, f~- oji"(111thcrto~ him. ftecutCd,; 'a nd by
himtobe ~xccute~, !,Intil the fevc';1 aaion~ gene~1 fini,/lled) !rid that the fa':lll! <?hil~.
Il11d Son, IR the Bleat!. {pace (that 11 t~ fay, betweendlc day ,of t4terrt of A~lon recei:-
ved,'and th~ end of the: fante: d~ternltned to b~ fourtee~::lcs lifter) .lhould ~ ~xcrcifcd
before GoJ. I thereupon thmkmg that L 1(. w~ d, 'or :beI oouI"
tnftma: and
44nft tlleClliMe in that ~'Xercife, did ,al"ayeS'await, eMf E.JC. wiWd.ef. ItiJDMf tall che
150y to that Ex~.rrife with him; andl fo much the rather, becaufe he faid, that ., 1HI tI"1
gi•• fiji. thllt h, jhollit!. ~lItil. Wir"tfs of fN fhiflgs jhnr,.
1I"t!. "'cl_t!.~lIiriUltll CT,.m~:
And that he would bo more willinl to do what Olottlli be fo en;oyncd to "irit
to do; thea
ff ondy lac birnfelf clid fee, and that for divers callfes. But ",heift E. IC. raid lOme, that
I ~ould extFcire t~e Childe a~d noc hc"and tliat ~e ~Ould I~t, I thereupoJl~p'f)iMed
WI~ my Cdf ~o brlllg the 9hllde to the piIlOC, and to QtIer him, md prefcllt tllm ~o the:
fcrvlce of Securg and Skrymg from GOd, and by' ODds _lIigulBem, and ef the time of
fourteen dayes yet remaining; being the 15,16,17 dllyelof .ftril, and next bef(}c., tbe
III day, (the day affigncd toelld the Aaioll ill) to have the Child.: el[ercifedin tbcdL. And
thereupon cOiltrived for the Childe tbis order of Prayer enfuing.

Vie Mer.cur;; /Ummo mane die Aprilis 11. anno 1,87. 7'rehoiJtt.
,r, In the Name()lf God t.heFat.btr.. t&f ODd the Son, ,.pd of Good tlieH.~1y
Oboft. A_m.•
~'''A i ll txtr- Glory"beto.Qodtbe 'Farber, Oed rae Soa"and God tbeHo\y Ghofr:
tll,iI[,, ;·I,.,;
As it was in t:he beginning, i s now, aDc1 ever lllOll\ be, world without
tUb" "'Jft;·
,ilo cnd. AmcII. '

,0 AllfligfltJ .-f,vn'l"ftiltg, !i, tr.,~ li.'llbag G~ .b..111 "" Jlltl .1 iJJ IIW ,CJ 7II.Pt.Jf 0u" 7IfJ
.",,,,,,, htTl pr6[tIlC ,IUf4TtU} I.
f.rhn' John Dee? 11114 o~"" Arthur.Dec; ,,~o ."lIg ,,0. ~ll(,s bidln' A, ,ti, llgig7Ut!"!",
d .bll.lbf); .,btJ,~fIC' ~ fllllhflllMP, " {tMlJ tPJ 1>fli-
MlljrjfY; "jcb 11/1 rhe gifrs lllUl grllw 'lriich rbou hlljt hithmo ,MUtt/..e "j~; ~rul. .itb 1111 Arll.,
.hicb'f U,}.lffojt houtiflll_ fArNrly flUTC" ,rlltu .ilt lIt1f&,for."..t!. b,jtD• .pOll 1IIt. Lig"'~.
( a AUl&i.ght} God, Wilt r}", II" opm, dlgu lIIillt 'II1.S; ~ic/rJfI, 11lftTJIO 11M' ~
pr. ill,.', ""')--1
II" SIIII. J.i{crltiOIl,jll4g'Jlltlfr, ull4trjllJ1lllixg, ",,,,,ory II";' IIttITII"'" rh,t
1 ",111 be II> trll' lI"d pnf,l1 s~", H'IITn', D,clutr lltulW'it1ltjl of fllcb tLi~s""hich ,itbD' jill-
-J,Ur~of thy pj~ilfl~jtflY, Ir IIIldillt,ly b] tb, .illijiry of thlboly, .lItfghr}, 11,,4 flli.hful
..u,tls j/rllU 4t rHMllf,(t,J,4ttlll,,4 or .fhnll,4J1l1to af;.JmI)"" ., ~ t,J1/I1S.IIIf!, J""jiolCS, .for
.~I.dll_i"g ff ,pi Pr4iff, Ii-"" "" Glory. AIIlc:n.
Kel'e\IIPQn, 1Y~~} m~mlDg, (t he .J.S :of ,this ..fIril) 1 bro~t tb~ Childe SI), the
holy Tabfe, being in order of the fumitlm: \t.beretQ belonging, and fet b,fole him ~he
Stone in the frame, (my fii'ft fanaified ~tO(le) IIJ1d caufe!i him' en his knees, to fa; the:
.forer.Hi Pray~. , And 1 alfo praid to the ,Chilcls ficaring, other Prayers to God for the:
purj>Ofe in hand: andat his coming to look and fee in the.Stone,
Thereajqlearcd to him Ca. s hej\\c;lged) divers Iiftle fquare: ,figures, wjth ,pricks, and di-
vers Qtber qllres and Iines, .w,hicIi I cat,t(ed h,m wjth his,ow'n hand to imitate upon. pa'-
,'~ with fen ,and ink. ' . '
The hnes were white, l4ut;iODlf! of tbe ,pricks ;l,1fo, but other of the pncks wll'e,~,
as of ink.
Arth. Two.old IJK'(l widl ~l~k beards, and with goldcn CrotW1l,9
upon theil' ,heads, do ..1J»pear. One i$ .noW cone: this holdetb fIis
SaIltls befQre him like a Maid.
_ . .If lr4Ie1<.diltwl1 01 Vf. V~hu .Il'dtOlJS, »itb~pjritI, &c. 1
-hi·th. Now .in ·the place of thofe fquar~ marks, f fcc two. Lions,
tho one very exa&1y, and~apiflg. Ahout .the llpper brim of the Stone
they appear: ~nd the' Lions feet -be waxen greater 'aRd greatt"r.
I fee another man from the ~d upw~d; - I can fee no hair on hit
I fee ~ reat company of ftet, md tiltir faI1tlcAtS skirts fOIl}ewhu
above thelf an'kles ·: ·and they M¢ like fNomens kir.des with gards about
1 fee anotha-m~n witlboUt;a doubkt, itt his ihi<J.t, and with a white
CIQke ab~uthim,.hanging_ hi,Shands do~n by ,hi~ fides. .
A. NotAing .elfe cftoOllled or ,udgrd to -be .fb~wn -m obI: :Stone, ,by th.e Chlldc, we en-
fed t lui, Ex~ifc, .lI.nd c.ommitted all to GQds mercie'.

A. On 7" 'lIr{J"J ;nd FriJIIJ, l determined each of them two dayes that the ChiMe .April;/ Ii.
lhtr11 thric~ -in ~he d.t.y he put to the EUrcife, and each t~ repcat the: Prayer prefc-ribed -
A' In the forenoon I brought the Childe to the E"creiCe, and he raid as followeth. t
I fee two men with Crowns of gold tlpon their heads: their appa-
rel is black.and wbite. I cannot fee their teet. Their faces are white,
their' eyes are black like fpots of ink~
There appear now two other, 'without Crowns: of the which one whole bt~ore, and of the other I fee nothing but the head,
which fiandetn behinde tht firft.
I fee noc any with Crowns now. 'The apparel of 1Wn is whi~
that [fee.
I fee no .hands of him. I fee notMng now.
The fquares and pricks appear yefter.cfay.
And I doubted i~ was fomethillg of .the GlaCs It felf: as there wereia it ec:rta~
"hiLe Cpo,s.
An hO:Jr we were at the praaiCe.

6. TlKfecond uorcife before Dinner. After the Prater thrice faid, .&I. IL
Arth. I fee the fil'fi fquare lines and pricks, ,white and black: th~
pricks for the moli part be aU w.hice, but fome are black, and the lines
all white.
- I fa w, even now, fame of thofe fquares made Lions: but now there
appear none.
The f~s are .now turned aKa into other lhapes, which I cannot
' welldec~
Now the Letters be gone, and 'the fquares do appear again.
The f'l\lUes are g<me, ~nd a. word is there.
The letters are clearer then they were: for all the Jines and letters
do appear white.
There appeared! aB, with a fquare, with four black pricks in it.
It Is gone.
N.ow fame .of the fquares ate come amongft the letters B D o.
Under the ,B appcarcth~ tittle' thU$,1 backward.
- The
6 , , 1 true ~/alion of Dr. Dee hiJ Aflions, 'With Sp;rit~ &c.
The letters as if orie had CJ}t.them ia t:he. glafs B. D 0
Here apptareth a Cafile With little pin~cles like a Church.
Now it is gon~~
B a this appeared and fuddenly i$ gone.
Now there appeareth a young man with a white doublet, and hi.
arms by his fide, and a B·before him aga~fi: his doublet.. ,He hath a
black beard and ,a white face. 1 fee no: hair on hls head: his beard
is a little--
He is now changed: he hath on his doublet breaft, on each fide
three black lines. '
He is gone, and another is come in his place, with a white leather
doublet, and a grey cloke like Hans of Gloats his cloke. He is gone.
The firfi young man is come again, and hath now on the ~me fide
of his doublet on the other fide, thU!l :
Now I fee only two thokes overthwart ail the,aOllblet,but he hath
no head that'l fee.
Eithh his head is come: agam, or dfe another man. that hath two
liIlf's,al1'dtwo pricks as he 'had. ,
The light of the candle did feem to ihi~e fuddenl y on his face, and
go away.again. . It did not lhine on his doublet, but ondyon his
.face and his head.
There i~ now another man come in,who lIoldethu.p both his hand~:
the upperipart of his.J1eeves are white,and the half towards his hands
The firft man i~ her~fii1l. Now he hath no arms,but a B before hig
doublet, but no Jines, but only on each' fide lWO prkks in fiead of the
Jines, thus : : '
Thefe men came amongfr the fquares fuddenly before I was aware.
Here appear not [0 many as were here.
Here arc now but fix fquares, and one man. I Lee no farther of
thi: man but to the wafre of his doublet.
The man appeareth n~t fo brim to my fight as he did, his head is
no bigger than the mark 1D the margent.
UI. The third Exercife lIfter Di""er.
Arm. Whereas I [aid before there was fome df the fquare figures
wanting: Now I finde that they are aU here again, as many as they
were at my fira feeing.
~n lifting up the Stone, and bringing it down again, the iquares do
all feern like B·B of the Roman letters.
A. JI"I."" 1IIOTIJ. ,
Arth. I fee now B A. It is now vaniihed away, afrer three ,Pater
nofter times faying. R a appeareth, but l caMot fee clearly the foot
of. the R. Now it is gone.
Ie I fee a thing all white in this form, and a tittle (j) before it. It
.If mat W,jaJi()JJ of Dr. Dee hiJ AElions, »;th Spir.itl, &c. 7
would feern .to be as an X and an o. It is vanilhed away.
e 'B An '£ngliflt l.itdc: e,. and a Roman great B.
It is gone before lean be aware.
~ B. now appeareth. B by himfelf: it appeareth following S B
thus SB B.
N 'appeareth by the laft 8', in order following, thus S B B N.
I can fee no more now but the S B the Band N •
. ~ B appear. e ~ is here no",V. B. by himfe~f, with two great
Winte pncks before It, appear. The prIcks wax aIm.
The man fiandeth amoitgfi the fquares and.Ietters in the midft of
them. :: This nowappeareth. The 4 little pricks be gone,
There appeareth like a B and a d joyning to it.
A circle appeared with a black prick in it,and two white pricks af-
(er, An n, 'two lhikes, and two whi~e pri:ks after. The n is white
and the prick within the n black. ua 'appeared, and quickly went
away. Two long lhikes by themfelves, white. The two pricks.
black; and the crooked line white. Four white pricks by themfe1ves.
Two black. Two long white firikcs and a prick. A rou~d circl~
white,and ~ black prick in it. A white prick by it felf. A little prick
as ·i t were blotted, and a firoke by it aU :white. The crooked lines
white,and the pricks black. Two. wllite pricks by themfelves. Two
long white. firokes. 10 Thcfe (;oth white.
Here appeareth the thing like the Callie, all w~ite.
The pricks black, the lines white. A little Englilh 0 by it felf.
Four white firokes. The man is herdn the midft of the #lings, as
before !told. four white pricks. .
(.f"\ Hoff. : All tht thew, are witllin the uppcnnolt quarter of the
\'J Ihmc, as where A with the prick. .

~ all white.
Like f\ figure Qf Two little black pricks, and the
~lroke white. 'They are now gone. Do appeareth all white.
X 0 appeareth aU ·white. Be appeareth white. Two o's joyned
like a figure of 8 all white. A great Roman white S by it felf.
B Bu There appear white. A white prick by it fel£ An .Engliih
little t white. Two lines white.
MOT# ~.~,,#. So we t1l11ed.
~~ 004 curicbas with his Trutht.
The cnd of 7'h,ftl,,}1 third Exercue.

EriJa,} Morning.
The Prayers 011 both parts being raid.
Arth. I fee not the fquares, lines, pricks, and thofe other thing'
Which I wa~ wont [0 fee ficff.
11,,# lIar. lI1IiM.
8 , Atrue 'Re.,1a.t;on of Dr. Dee htl Aflions, ';tb Spirits, &c.
Aftel" I had ~arl"ie4IlJl ~ur, al"Urad bad no c-tident thew: a$ f 'asJU:J tbe boT, diIT-
sendyagain, he flaid that he hid from the beginning fecn thlts b.
Alfo there appeal'ed' X o-a'U white. Do the p JOY'Beth to the D.
1illr voIII1ft«- Vt; i" {1I11 I",t ~ vmtllft. It/. tjlll "",.i,," lll.tltJII, IIollo.,"'t&lnillJII. Amen.

Mor;. bor,,'
'fr~IIJiO toto ill. tl1flpoTt~
.It,. Itllt;'.

,A . B.'lllJi8io, ",i[";ClirJ;II ,dr':p,,,:t, 'V,i, & !la",i!,; .aftti Ji.r.CTlrijl;. fit '{IItn' ",,, ..
"4bifi;~'1 1I11J1C & ill !t""itmlll {ltCilIorllJII r"cidll~ Amen.

FTliJ~J 3... lIIer;a;e.

1r'I/lh~JIIl1~ tTittS tl'1I1ft, 6- i1lfiiW; illiJliles D,; {tI'vi fl/;. ttillJII,IIIUfi!i<II {_ p,I!;ctJ"..
tli, " "fDit/lfi qIlOc.",qu, tt"'POU. Et{i "'"" ","'.. & "J"'ir~""II; ct- IIPI""'i. ",,11.
f .. fh eft pm. ;pJi.
'Thllr["A, A A•.;1 II11/k", ",ir4ili f,re",,". Jiv, fll" ($ill;". /lCCijp, 114",s DOlllins' E.K, ~ qw~ pq",.
",.rilti, ~ir- bll1ft1lr 1Il1tlllli.
(A 3. A •. He: face 'down by us: and .Artbrw 1et ftanding before me at the Table. beillg c~
YFredafter tire bell manneI', but ondy the Scone being Ceuherepn!, He a~kedifany' ,t hing
app~ared: We anlwcred No, albeit,J ~ave.cal1ed oftelltim~s, and have, prayed c:amdU,
d\:lt .fome of ollt.fonner ~c;counted fru:nd~. might th~ thcmfilvt:s ~o the,~~, as MIIJ...
"1, .11, Ir, and chiefly VTJri, beeanfc .. bt'.111 jirft ."hub IIPpt~"J. to Ib~ )O/""'g of E.K.
"nJ : "'~ I<getht,..: fo he might be alfQ the·p ireaor i" th, till"j1/1tiJtg of E. K.hw offiC, to ,Ar-.
tliur. Then (aid he, I mai"vel if 'you bad no apparition hel'e: for I Comewhat thinking
of Arthur ;(nd his proceeding in the fe~n of skryieg;c!lm~ here into .the gallery,and I heard
you pray: and openingthe ,"indo",~ J looked out. lind -I raw a freat numbc:1; going ill'
and out,of ! his cha I'pe1 'at, ~he, little' hole if!. .the' gfafs w)ndow. Caw MIIJirtli, II, and
many. Orbet tltat bad dealctl wieh us heretofore,but /bewed the~fdves in Yery jilth) "Jtr;
and Vritl;'J>I>.n.tJ, ."J. .i"(ti/i.J 11[1 to It!.f G.J. tnd good: And therefore I ' wonder if
here you have no thew: pel haps tJlere IS romewhah but # .... Cetr:~ it nOt,
A. Tmc it is: and how thould 1 help him herein, feeing I cannot yet fee or:.dcry ?
E. K. [will come and.fee if there be any thing.
A. I pPaY you do. ' L'N°ce: and fo' £~ .K. looked towards th,e {lone, and he by and
by faid, HC1:e appearech fo.mewhac, and 'polnted to :Art6Nr, where: and asked him if hci
raw aRY thins" 1J1d he,fllid No.. Then fai\\
E.K. 1 f~~ like a white Mirble fquare table or book Jyblg on a
wooden desk.
~. i ptay jOlt Sir.taMe th~ pain. to look and difcem what is here thewed.
E.K. (fee .wnm:n, u·pon that-book,
IItll'"lq",~ ptirt«'lt." 7If.ihi; •• JII,i* torruM,"' .f!r h.",illiilll ilfttgrll.. rlilit.
t.K. Now a 'leaf of that book is tu...ned :open,·cl11d there,is writ,
ten oil it, but I cannot r.eade it yet. Now 1fee it.
Ego r~* qlli UJI 6' Jlltllrlll {,,'" "obw h,riII~ ~x. q,l1I ,,,,,rtlllib. 1n'1tt1i1l rtq,,;tS ct-
_ ,jt{iclriK fit vttsUJ;6.,
E.K. Now another leaf is turned over, aild'appeareth written,
Effort trgo t"lt~s qults!'i' I/!"rqll' IIC,t, &- r.,i e.r..", JIlt .7IIblll.f,.
E.K. N"ow. tumcth 'over the leaL of .it Cdf.
, Nt poplll. t[uri";' & Jft)n,s, Iitt:l}g~ill ct- tbjti""till v,ftrll vel ",,,, .,1 rill,,,,,,
E.K. Now the leaf turneth.
Pro tt"'port, II/i"'tflt"C/lUil'.
E.K. ~wtht desk and·bookor tabIe gone.
A. ~ote: By :and by after, wbile ·EA. did look. into t~ ftone, he fai~
, E.K. I ftt a hand appear,.a ve~y gr~t one, white, With the fingers
fpred abroad. E·.K.
II trite 'Relation of Dr. Dee hiJ ASianI, With Spiriti; &c. 9
E. K. Th~ hand is gone) but there remaineth writing.
Viaebiril &- Illidittil ,trt'lii O"'''ts. Si illttri",.
E. K. It is as if it'were upon the fide of a white Globe afar off. Si«~ and
The 'Globe turneth fo fwifdy that I cannot well read it. ~ca:-~
./1l1imi Ild ",tliorIC Co "'pori. ro
E. K. The Globe turneth fo fwiftly that I cannot ,read it till it
fiand frill.
, Sefe ",ibi &- "'tH.
E. K. Now again the Globe is turned rnoll: fwiftIy.
(Filio.Tu", "'~rt) fobjie~mt. .s.~ 'IItro (per ",tip[lI", lo.qll~r & jll"') ,Illielt; & tlirgllhll"di
All/K flob'f"'tt ,pfts diji"'PtrltN "0" oellio , {td &orport, '''''''0 o",",blll ",t",b,iI, CIl[. &
rll;1I1l parllfllr. ~1I1ts-l1Ii'" in flltllTO tT;til, tlobil lit [ei?ltt;, ,,"UO tflodo lictt : Mttjorll
.I,lfi", a r.p~T;" ",mlllibllt, prtt fOTiP. [1I11t, f/uotiaitf/llt inftllllt '1"11'" tltl friJ1fO, tltl ft-
eliMottlltii ",oallio flltrllllt. fi.!!i Illlres, trigll' : CII; ;lIttUeOIlt, [llpiitt. O",,,ill peeellt.
IIplla lIft poft/mllilltliT hllie. illfltllims propt/'T "'t,[IIp;IIr: ["''''0 "illlittriuns propttr"'t,
inftlflpitlT1IIl'" htntaiettllr,&- prtmio IIffieittllr Ctltfti.
E. K. Now the Globe is gone.
A.GIOT;II PIltTi &- Filio ,&- SliTitllJ {llnOo, lTd;n pri1fCipio & 1IU1fC, & [mptr &- j1J {tell/l-
[tclllorll",. Amen.
Sowe left off.

e.48ion;s ~ert;ie"ltertlp"rl. SI.Si1d·
atllr .,
prectl III Dtllm Onnripotmtt'" , pro {Ill- tltrit"tu.bit i""'rt;rrtl", ,1. II'",;";' [11.1/111-
Jem,honor"" f!J- ,fori""
A. Note Artb.rwu fet tothe none, but nothing appeared; E. lC. had brought the
powder with kim as he was bidden to do. Then I detired him to apply himfelf to fee as
he was wont. And fo he did.
E. K. Here ~ppear aU in the .il:qne that. appeared yefterday unto
rne in the air in that rnoll: diforderly and filthy rnanner. They 'are in
the like apparel as yell:erday.
6. 0 God confirm us 10 thy truth (orthine ownhononr and glory, and fufferus not to
be ovel'coin'e'with any temptation,l?ut'ddivh US from all evil now and eYer.
E. K. There appeared Madimi, }t. and the reft : And fo they
~te here; 'b ut n'OW a111he teft are gone, and ondy Madirni remain:..
Madimi openeth all her appareI,an4 her felf-aU naked; and lheweth
her ihatne alfo.
E. K: Fie on thee) Devil avoid h(':nce with this filthinefs,&c~
Mad. ~n tht N"''''t of Goa, ."hJ fillat you f.llft,,;th flit' 1 . ,
A.Bcca'Jlle yo"ryefterdaycs domgs, and words are provocatton. to fin, and unmeet for
any godly.creature to ufc.
Mad. 'Wh.r it ./i"? , ,
A. To break tbe Commandcment of God.
Mad. ~tt: tb.r:t .0"11,
roo .
Mad. If tbt fc;1f"fam,e GQd gilit JOII I- 71,." C,,,,m,,,,dtmtnt tlllrj"g /I';"J the fDm,,. for1ti
.f fin ,,"ieh ht l~m;k. OJ Ot La,,; Whllt rt",.;n,t" then." '
A. IfhJtIIt fllf-f4f11,t, G.d that gave the Law to M8fes, and gave hiS NeW Covenant by'
Chrift, who feaIed it by his blood; and had his witnelf~ very many~ and his ApQftIes iri-
flru&ed 1Jy1\;s h911:: ,Spirit) who adlllonilbed ~s ~f all deauncfs in wbrds ':rld ~orks., yea
anel in tli61ights, it by thefame God, hO[tf"","" lArs "lUi Z>ollTintS bt d'.l"u4,and ~haC
* Bb b Cufficulllt
' ~ ... tf1CltlJt I"u!fidelit proof ·j",d rdJfj",o~y,~I:ay be i!aq tbat if ~r~l f"'11Il C;~i- : Then muLhhe.fame G~d
proct'and 'be obeyed : , Fot,91111 'Gb~1S the Lord of 1.01'~s, Klng' of KU1S~, and OoYcrnoUE'of all
tC/lilno(lY things.
to bc hail
hercin. £ K She knetkth , and ho'ldeth up ~~r,h~ild$.
Mad. Th~ Lil'/fs ff ~(i~~, ~hf 'bit $4;"Chri]t"jldlijh,l; bJ the teft~l ~ It;, l)i{cipl(' ".d
.6.A,priyi. CGngT{galioll , And by Ihe f'TCt ""d po'Jlltr of hit holy SPlTit , /WI"'. j'n any particular voca.
lrdge gralit- [iotl1"bror.attt!-, bllt Tl.'thtr. cOlljr'!'td.
cd doth not 0'
Fo, ofrt"iimtt it fallef" out, th"t Got! bti"g ,!t"JtJ, lit tbt 'JIIic/(fI,;,fs ofanJ"'"", of fo,!-,r
ibrOt:;te a nl,a ll priVIl~tl fende[h down hit spiTit or D,.,h, inr,Qj"g ".d W"pting ""other lfIAIII ",iu,;:r.
dab' ut 'li 'hilt he beconuth void' of Reltfo", ""J. rifeth up IIg"injt b;., ."holtl Gotl iI,OfeMtdll'4', ."J,If,i.
t~et fo~~t~l /(fIb him, fo th"t he J.Jrtb. 'Ibit, b'ion "'ltn, it IICcoun'el P.'" b,f,T, G.~.l it fbllTl 1>. imtutttl 111ft.
the Jaw in it binI fOT ri~bttol/r~[s·. ,~,I!t" [0 'JIIb.irltt/IT ~, Spirit ~rGod ,ueb,I" lII.frO" bi"', rJ,qllgb it '.~
fdfother- le.r fill btfp"," ","") II ,/~bt,ollr1fl/i £'fort 111711. • . , , . •
wire_ '['H't"e 'tIJfllTe JOIIT [tlvrs ~ tlt"t 'JIIit.AtfOtT/er l~ feen a~d l:ie;lrd ;l1I1Qh~ft 10u, I( frqm dotle.,
• Art h... ",,4 '$,",
ilil fiPf- a1lih,tfti"';", tven rbit tilt} ~tf'rt JO~1 forI r~lIt: t911,II,II tb], *-·..i~r. fIfo bltv,
~as (m'Iten l"'/vll •."lIy},ii bUlIth.
III a twound B,ur O,}OU ATt 'Of littlt it"tltTftlt~i1f': But b,h,ttl I 'ttllch J?t'-
~ ld E,K: That ilnto thofe that a;re .cccounted righteous (.hroiigh thegoflJ will ·of GOd) fin is
tal" !lne hlee jufily punilhcd, but nOt a~ unto'the wickeil. For- whac{i)ever .,y,QIl done UI\~O other
:a~~~r me~,evcn the felf-~a~~ lballligh t UpOIl you, but ".PP]" III tbd TtC'ti"'th ,ut jlljftC, ttrou&b
make.s thr ttTtof', of "'wtl'li"~ bIle throligh:ehe grace and merc:y of G,M .
thou h he '[he APDjU, Pauilihoima,tl i" cltTnltlluff : h, '/PM Itlfo pJflllfiVt unto : ~iI Metlw",,. t"At h.
woufq (mite- a{fP"irlJ, "nd was ready co have left his vocatio'n,untilhhe Lord did fay,unto bini, MJ
him, He was nUTe] and grllfl [vletth tI'te.
ycry lick for Bcluvc me, that we are from above.
the time. Whicb cl1ljiilma: C ,nfid,,.,,lfo, '[hlf' M 1'u ,e "nn,' c,mpr,hend ,10, bt"Vl/fl, Ii liJr.n,i{t eltll
luHlCt. I _ JOu not eompr'h~nd , I~~"if"" of G/"l, 'JIIhich [ltit.~ I .will'be merciful untO whom ll,ft; and
5. Pall/ c unto whom I WItt not;l haY« nonetn flote : Foohlh IS he that askech why?'
g:du~~_ .AntI. h,ho[,l I [II] /llItO Jou,Suimble not againft God. Who b, it thlt, m.d, J,u1Wbo it bt tbltf
f!els. hlttb giv,n]ou pf1'//ler to lto'utl tQ'JII~Tt4 bfltllt"'1 1'ou.." [9 ol s .; ."J. of liu/, IIndtrjtlt1fJ.i"g:
The flifdom '[hi! J.ilJfllirb UH', JOIl,
of.God,ofus B··boll lOU "" bee,,,,t f,": :Do th.t 'JIIftch lfIOft pl,.["b JOIl : Fo,l>,holll, JOur own reafon
n comp(e- ·riihh Itpllgaidft my "if~-",,;
henlible. Not C'1ftent JOu Itr, to be heires,' h'JolIll'oulJ.6, L.IUls'YfI6.6. tU" Jelf tIM }ulgerl of ,ht
h,.venl; Wber"!.", J. ,.,..... y ..d;(i, b~f if.yoll for{"k! rio, "'.J '''ugh' JOu fr~ m ;'hovl, behold .
...,,;1 JItd, 'IItfT,;II" y'~SI~ fe1fr~,."ntlabo~.C1on 1ba~ dw.el before y:ou~ ~y' .. r!!c;"mpel\Ce,
UIlU r~b ~ )0-11. -Jif'1I;J.,1U. JFr."'" I/?I": ;MIil;]AUT .'1m .,,/l cbjJdr,~.1J 6t e.'ri~~ ~;'.J brfm
JOur fllce •
. A., The;Alm~htYG?<, of heav(nan~earth ~e ~lly.c:GR1f9~) I!-s.1dclirccomfon in hi'
fervice. an~,$ne me'W,Klotnte~s I deiite It ~r his honolU' and 'gIGIY; Ame".
E.K.I fte a,white plUar; and ,upon tM pi~lal',I ~ fout heads.
The Chr,-
(bIllie pillar Shee ~ie~h the pillar roun d abc;>Ut wi th
. 'a Iift ~
The ibut' heads'a:re like on'tWo head:s, and on two W olv'es beads.
Nawthflre.cometh a dung li~ a whi,t e Crow~ of ChtHbl " and
1bnAetb upon all oUr four ~ea4s- The heads feein·to. be incloft;d by
the necks within th.e pillar.
Now {be taketh the.pillar an4,goeth up.with it.
Now fhe bringeth an half Moon down, and written in ius fol-
low.eth ..
l"jujf#",.mil quoil ,IIftll* i,jJ 'DfD, .
NOM! tAe goeth.rCltmd abow: 'upon a ch,ing lilO.:'a Carpet; ~. goeth
now beyond where is an Orchard; lhe cutteth br.mches of two trees,
and Jhee feemeth to j~feir them,or gralf.them into atlother.
Now ihe,gocrh into a black place,behlI1de the wo~d, and :bringeth
a thing with her in'a chain ,: .An ~lv thing like. a Devil.
Mad. __"&ilfl.l,#tjt,tlto~t/I;,:, ftt;,.,mblllh')"a ,tll •.gbtrft i. '."""" iIIW_1 iIIf,lI,
"'IN m "ttt1'~ IJI(71br.C!l!lf.," ,./f"';';r. Ttt'urJI,.q1liJl. '
E~~. Now he ~h) and the'ground openeth, and he tinkcrb in::
. ~d
A true ~elation 0/ Dr~ Dee hiJ Aflionf, '(pith Spirits, &c. Il
and there fecmeth a fiink of brimflone to come to my Nofe ftom
the pit. .
Now the grafts are all grown in the tree, as if they were all of
one tree.
. Now {he cometh out of that orchard. Now fhe goeth r()und about
the orchard, and kavcth a darknefs like a cloud round about the or-
Mad . .. p .. Vijibl, to God, bitt i"lIijiblt to """t.
E.K. Now £he cometh again upon her Carpet.
Btb. ld, if )Olt rtjiIl 1I0r Goa, but jhut our Sltrltll Crhr'"g~ II"it) It"'o"gIl }Oll) th. ir;, [llill Unity•
• "to YOII, .Afftmblt },"r {tlllts togtthtr tlltr} {tllt.tb dlt" fblft Jour tyes "'ltJ ~t opmt" It" An offer of
rhllf )011 "'ltJ ullatrft""a by hi'" thltr Jhd teacb J'U, what the Cecreu of the holy books (deli- e,ery 7th
vered you) are: That you may become full of undel'ftanding, and
common men. .
in knowledge above day bhe :'0
[au~ t t e

And ,m yo~r wo r,sk go"lorwa!,d' an d d etra",n.'

no l!meJ that you ,
may alro have frUIt. , fecmsolthe
, Unto !y,USII'" I will be merciful for eyer, a~cordmg ro my promiCe. But I wiH buy ,ed.
hll~ n~ Kmgdom, after the m:anner of man, With money: Bu~ what I have determined The holy
unto him, {hall happen unto hlnl : And he {hall become mighty m me. books deli-
~ And this Powdel' :w hich tho~ haft brought here, is appointed for a time by God, vered.
and cannot be uCed u~ltIl then, without offence. Happy is he thac heareth my words ·Our works
this day: and happy IS he that underftandeth theID. ro go on.
Bur if you deny the WiCdome of the Higheft, and account us his Me{l'cngers,Crea- The Lord
tures of darkncCs. 'Ibil dilY JO. "t ","tlt fret.
.J '1I...[t"" tTl·
.Allal.oJ". tb/lt )'11111) ",.11 thillgs tbllt iI lo~" of fr01ll IIbOlll; II/11l. ."bllr{.tller hAth}
bt'" t .. llgbr J'II,( ",-""U tb, bi'~ • illjl,."",mts.)

Toufo.llfoortly hnt tf tlo Itg.ill"ith th,. cruelty of the Empcrour, ."l tht accurfed O",,,illrt/••
BiJhop. 'III';."
1f'htrtU1lto, if YOIl go f""IIrtl with, JOIl ,fbll/1 bt ,"ugllt flOr,,". If JOIl Itllllt off, tll'/"" fV
If {.o" M you h,1fT if i, ht g.i", i1lfo Germany, 11ft JOU ptrifo btfort ,13m. rpllpll "rt";
I hllll,"o mort to {IIY."U YOIl, but "'Y r"i[t"tjl iI fro. "l1It. .'J infeft"-
E.K. Now {he maketh her [elf ready, &c. ir d,,,•••
Mad. _.... If my fri.";',p.;t liv,,'" nor, I ht[ttcb Goll ( - JOU If &"Il ."ilI, lit I Ci" lwrr)
6'.T to."ardl } ~ u.
Ibllvt 11of o"t '/fiord mort gillt" mt to /It.~
E.K. Now {he is gone;.
A. Iwas glad thlt all olferwas made of being every feventh day to be taught the fe-
erers of the bookulready delivered unto us: Thinking that it was ealie for us to per-
form that unity which was required to be .. mongft us foul'; underllanding all lifter rbt
Chriftill1l It/lll. godly {m/(. But E.K. who had yeftel'day Ceen and heard another meaning
of this unity required, utterly abhorred to ~ave anr dealing with them farther, and did
intend to accept I.e their hands the liberty of leavmg off to deal with them any more:
which his underftanding,as irwas ftl'ange and unpleaCaot uOto me,fo I eamdHy requefied
to be refolved therein in manner u followeth.
At the Came time, and in the fame place this eoCued.

A. UJ;lon Mr. J(,.U} his great doubt bred unto me of Mu;",i her words yefterday, Cpo-
ken to him, d,/lt '/fit r."o II.;, our f"o "illts i" {.,h fort, If.,,'
"'igllt fI{t thtlll ill ""''''0",
it wu
agreed by US, to move the qlleftion, whetherthe CenCe: were of C,,",.I fIr,. (contrary to the
law of the Commandment) or of Spiritual love , and charitable care and unity of
mindes, for advancing the {ervice of God.
E.K. Upon a Scroll, like the edge of a Carpet, is written,
Ve utroq; loquor.
b. The one is C1tprdly againft the Commandement of God: neither can t by any
means c.onCent to like of tha~ Ooarine. And for Dly help in that verity, I do call down
the power of Almighty God, the Creacorof heaven lind earth, and all the good Ange\s7
(his faithful MiniUm) to amn me in the defence of my faithful obedience to the law of
the Gofpcl, and of his Chu~h.
. .Alijf "'t,O Chrijf. .Aliff mt, 0 J,{". ~jijl ",t. 0 bDI] St iti ,.
'*' Bb b :l E.K.
la .11 true 'R.!latlOn of Dr. Oee :his A8iotJt) 'With Spiries; &c. '-
E. ~. 1~ ap~areth,wrjtten ;' ~po~ a white,Crud~J<:' ~s~ ~Jlowet~,
Mt" gratia, "'''Jar tft ","ruJ"tO. G~IItI" ml", bte '1Itll til, lit b01/l11llblll 11I[.111it "tlCtJirr,.:.
'tllr btlltitllao: Et q/U,it" aill" [lIl1t, V tl jillt, vtl beaie fibtrflll vo~it rrjtifllifur; .A*nI
, dill v,bit, 911;1/. ji .lien-t"; 6,,,(i1l1; EIlf, &-flltrtm Jugula, &- "0" f"'trtt, pli.' Ijf '1'tC4
cati &- mOTtit. Orunia,,'eniru, l'ollibilia & Iicita funt fuperis. NtqUl m~. ,j;o[.
fll1lt puam;'" iUM, qUil1/l maTtuiu* qUOTU1/ICII1I'QU' vlIltlll.
lttl t"i1/l fitt,{purilll cu", filia( quod '",ilgit Ilhfurall1/l tft)eOp)llllbitllr. Et orin'S c,u,,4m.ltlll,
M~rjdits Q"'91!e CII", (tPJt1ltTifW cualllf"blllllur. ' ')
E. K. Now it ,is vanilhed.
• A. Hereupon wewere in great aruazeme.!'t,and grief of miooe " tb~t f~ hard,ali!! (a,s
It, yet feerued unto me) fo unpure a poanne, wa~ {lopollnpcd and en}oyned I\n[(~ us of
them,whom I alwaycs (frorp th,ebegioning hitherto) didjlltlge a"tlejlm1l, tmJollbtNf], to
Ji.tgHiJ .II"g'tls: And had UlltO E IC. Ifftrtl",) [IlIlllf" pllW71, to difcharge E.IC. his credit-
ing of them, as t/le l;ood and faithful Minifters of Almighty God. But now" my. heaR
was forc ,lIffiilled IIpon inany ca!lfes: And E.IC. had (as he thought) n~w, lit jn1tand fUf1
tn:,i ent ~aufe, to forfake dealing with t,hem any more. As his ' p~yer t<J God of a. long
time fiath been(IIi in the former part of t1iis Allioll may appear.)
hl1:er our going 'o ut 'o f the Chappet;and at our being ae ainnc:'t, when we four (whofe
heads f6 \Yereuni:ed, nt a pillar Lhewed, as is' before fet down, I found means to lIiake
£ome litik decl:uiltioh of. our gi'eat grief (mine chiefly) now OCCllJi'''ttl, e,i ther i:o try us;
or really to be excculep., in the common and iildifferent ufin~ of MarrimOJ\i"l All,:a"
m'ol\glt any couple of us fOtlr: Which~hing wasftT1lnge tQthe WOdlell;, Aruf;ch~ hop,e d
of 'fome more coinfortable ilfue of tlte caufe. Arid fo we lefe off.
After Dinner3 as E. IC. was alOJ1C; there appeared unto him littlecreaturn of; a cnbit
~igb: and they came tothe Still where he had the [pirit of Wine diffilling over out of
II ;KttortQ : And Olle o~ ~henl (:w
hofe name tbey t'ltpre{f~d Btli) faid .t~at, it was:in vain,fo
!o hope for t~e beft fpmt of tile W-inc : And Lhewc-d ~Im ~o" to ,ddhlh~ .:,_nd feparate
It better. And f\Joreover how (oget oyl of thefpirit ~ WJn'~ astt bum~d tR thdamps:
A'1'Id {,egan toa'Sk Ed€. wbat Co\mtry~mlln he was 1 And wben 'he had 'anfwered an
Lllglijh-1/I"", he aSked ,then, Itow he came hither? he anfwered by Sea: Then (aid Ire;
Andw!\o 'helped yOu to pa~sthe mal'Vello!ls grellt dangers ohile SCII.Ari~(O, too~ occa,fi,!n
tD (peak of the benefits whlch.sod bad "hKberto done fur ~nIY marty.Aud thJs Bm,raid
than among very many otllCl" chings(as Mr, E.IC.told me On ,S atnrday night after Supper
B'If was the hol~ing 011 his talk almoft,till tWQ ,pf dl(( dock after ~idl.'ig~t) 'Ibd "t it "ill th..ttltti~tr­
d.livererof .,.,,,,,,~r (/llIt"'ro bit b~1 "" I¥",dFr; !ond , .U" ~ rald~le6.crthan or the next dayat
the powder the turthelt,that lI1f!eltjt )Ie would be co,nfolmable to the wIn of G.o,d in thiS' lall Allio)\
to E. K . al declared, 1bat he "'lilt!. tll.lfJ Jh'lItrtue It".
force of tb, p01Ptltr frQ",.t : That' It /bould be
~e digging ,1"prtfitable: .A"tl thllt ~ijhoultl bt~o"" '! beggar., ' . •
10 Ellgla~d. And of me alfo he fald tha~ I dId cvll t? rtqu'Te tr'o!, or tellilD'!nYllow, that' thl5 ~aft
und' Do~e was froni God Almlgbty,and fald tbat I lhould be led pl'lfoner to R••;,8cc.
l:n311~ 1- He taid of .Eng1aM, l!~d faid, Th.t :about Jzr{Y or N''I1e•.ber he~ ~ajelly lbould from
0 , EI.1 ilc:avm b~ deftroyed; and,that about the Came t~methe K,lIlg of, Spilm Lhonld dye. And
K.Pbi that thi's prefcllt Pope at hiS Mafs,!hould ,be deprived ef hfe: before two years to an end.
• And 'that another lhOuld be POl?e, who thould l>e D"i",111 qIIi.tlK of his
n ame; 'And lhat he would begm to reform things, bllt tbat lhortly he lhould of the CaJ>.
diuals 'be '(loned to death. And that after that there filould be: no Pope for fome
EIIgi.."J. Of E"gla".l he fatd, Th?ot after the death of our deu Qy.een, One off.6,"."" of Auftria
m"d, might) b) the King of SI"i" h. dt"''', fhOllltl i"v"J, If1f4l'Q"q~tTthe III"d, &c. Hefaid,
One (now abroad) Lhould at MilfmJ.hllllt" enter. and bythehclp of the Brit"ltf [1I6du,
fht r.iJ CQ'JIqu",r : Andth .. f Q1ft Morgan" Britan jh,,,ltl b, ",IIl, Ki1fg of th, Brieaas)
and nest him, IIIi It"lllu,&c.
He faida1fo, That this 1rll1l&iI GlITlJmtl wa); an efpy upon us from the Lord Trttl{lITlf' "
Fr. G"rllltf,J E"glllJll : And that Ei..~tl Gm_ is not his bl'Othcr: An~ thilt fo the matt,e'r is agr.eed
EiJJJI.G",,· between thcin,~c.
IA"d. That my Lord K,rNtrg fuould be in danger of ' poyfoning for thefe certain mo.BtJa.
to come.
E""I" That ~y T~blcs of Elloeb, were ~n fome ~laces falGy written.
Tables. Of Anuchnft he fpake, aod of hiS app~nng. .
Antichrill. :()f .E1}andE"orh ~millg outofi>ara(hfe : And of 'Samt Jph"E'/J~.Vl1:l,tbat heJ)t"
EL,. E.'fb."a, bUt ,ill p"tbm,s ",IIa b. illvi[Jhlt bt;lIg : And that he: it was, lIfho did .&iu }:JjillUl
].bII""u, iIIp6j/:IJt4 his deaths wOHnd. " , ' ." " ,
£v",,~tlijtif 'Hcfautalrothat he kath at div~ WACs preached viJibly-pc:c the tuIl, ~);,;, itJtI.i,P!'
ftltt, entred.
.Atrue~atiQn of Dr ~Dee hil AElions, ", f)ith Spiritl, &c. "
He cOblilme'd the words ,o f the great , Famiqe ' and , Blood-fhed that Ibould cOme
He laid that \>Iltyery fide of us, people fhould be Oain, burtliat welhould.(lJY theDi~ God our
vine proeection) efcape. Protector.
Hc:(aid that1hdrtly this FTit,,{~ GltTll1ntllhpuld go into Englllntl : And that we '£bould !. G"yl..",1
be [,nt fOT. But that it '.were btft for!iu{, rb,iT cding;" ~"". " r.eo E".~/.
He faid that there were four other, ""howerc:'made alfo privy ,of God his myfteries a~ ~ .fu~e cal·
we were, with whom we thould meer at Ro"". ln~ " orne. .
He f~id. that MaT) aud ,one'morc in Englana, lbollld fee the wonderful days to come. '~;r;' t,";::;
Mllall1ll a'ppeared to him therea,lCo. 'm1j1tT!p-
The f.ame Btn went ollce away 'mounting up in a flame of fire: and afrerward UpOll rHM. '
oteafion of asking him Comewhat, he came down ,f o a~ail1.
,And of the maflner how to draw the oyloftl~Spirlt ofwinebdng burnt, ~ brought old~hid.
M .. my

thither the inlhuments of tWO 'firver dithes, whelmed one up~ ~other with lm hole paf- Btn.
fmg throllgh tlte middle of them boeh, aud wieh.fponge betw'een them: ,in which the
oylwould remain, &c.
After a\1 thefe, and m:uiy other things told me 'by the(am~ Mr.E.K. we departed each About ~ of
to h\s bcd, where I found my wife awake, atte'''i,dillg eo hear (o(lll! new mattei: of me from [he clock af-
Mr. Ktlly his reports of the a p!l~tiQns, contiutWiwith him ltbo.e four houts" being dCe t(~ mld-
alone, I thell cold her, and faid, ]iln(, I fcc that there is no'ortler remedYi But as Ijilth ~'1~h[D
been:faid of burcr4fl-miltching, foit mu~needSbe done. IUIt ee.
Thereupon the fell a 'weeping and tremblin~ for aquarter of an hour:. And-I 'pa-
cilied her as well as [could; and lb, in thefeariof God, and In believing Q6 his Admo-
ni!hment, did perfwade ~el' that the thewed he . . [elf prettily' -rc1.blvcd to pe content for
God hi! {Ilk" anti.,bk {eCTtt PUTpO{tS, to obey,the Aampuilhmenc. ,
A- Nott, Becaufe I have round (0 much halting and untruth in E. IC. his'reports to Apri! 20.
me madr, of the fpiritual Creatures, where I hay~ not been preCent at an Attion: and
becaufe his memory may fail him, and becauie lie was (nbjea ro ill teOlptej-.s~ 1 belieye;
fo much hereof as /hall by better trial be foulid ,t rue,or conformable to trllth.
t.. Note •••••• E.K. had this day divers apparitions unto.him in his OWll Chamber,
III)d inllruaions in divers matters "bicb btTtg.rl.Hl "ot, but remained /lill i1l his purpore
of ItntTly di{crtditiiig thofe CreatUres, and not to have any more to do with thom. But
among divers apparitions he lloted this of one chtK (jlid wuo hlm •
••-•••• 10)1' Enocb bitT.blll•
• •••• • {;ive tVtT] pIllet Itit runlli"g ",.",bIT.
E.K. What mean you by places?
•••••• 'fbi {qUilTtS. Wb,cb aOHt, rtftT tVfT) ltwr in ~( table to hit nP",b,r, a,nil
{o Ttfltl"bat l"ill, for thi! iI t',
111ft time l"m ad",o1lijh you.
E.K. A man ftandeth in the Air in a fiery Globe of my hci'gbth,
accompanied with fome hUIl,dred of Puppets: on the one fide of
him ftandetha woman, and about her ate four Clouds an white.

14 A'rue~'~tion.ol Dr. Deehu Aflions, 'n>ithSpiritJ, &c.
The man upon a white Triangle A ihewcd thefe Nwnbers with
fpaces, as you fee following.
466 495 46 395 IS:1
:u8 }'lI8
;97 6'" , 60 7 ~54 '41 8
40 9 4 10 50:1 ~:18 566 8:1
505 55 0 306 4~3
tI9 47.3 179 3~o
60 3 ~64 517 141 ~14 49 1
149 31~
36 3 ~~ 390
173 '24 ~47 40 3 59 4[4
~7 [ 370 494 366
- 6
'74-\ '75 --177
60 3
3 7
5 17
10 3

°7 2 - ~73 60 4
11 55 2 460
\ .p6 150 40;
225- 2J6 414 46 ~95 17°
16 3
26 7 175
395 ~~8 46 25 17 1
25- :l~ I
4 67 33 1 16 3 73
586 5 19 466
83 97 418 4 18
13 1- 13'1 '169 311 49 0
53 6'10 '114

25 1 - ::2,3 59 ~44 ~'1'1

68 400 15 0 53 4-
- 18 '13 '153 3'1 98
4 395 19 6
10S- 304- 444 75 '1'14 188
355 17 8 538 33 1
40r I5 6 5 1:l
497 586 '10 13 6
49 6 '10 545 46
A.1 percei,e
that COlD"'
59'1 116 18 55 338
monlyone 90 7 '19 0 335
is to be aha- '187 43
ted of.-thc 355 1:13 :l44 408
numllcr. 618 604- ~5
7'1 45'1
~o 610 17 433 4~4
-16 15 1 340
;01 480 5 197 195 97
597 18'l -'185
93 314
98 5'l 495
4°1 5 11 335 '184
17° 35'1

A. Note;
Alrue'R,dation of Dr. bee hu AElioni;r,Jth Spiritl, &c. J5
4>' Note; When E.j(. had !hewed me tllis NOte, r by altd by brought forth · my bdoK
t>f Enech ·his Table~, and found the fonr letters r 't b d to be the fonr lirfr letters of the
~r princip"1 [quares Handing about the bla~k Crofli .: an~ [,hat here they ~e·re to be pIa..
ced Q[herwl.fe than as I ha,d fet them • . ·And III ~he lirfr placmg of them together, Ire..
memb~r that,l had doubt how to joyn them; for they were given ap"rt each by thcm~
Secondly;. I found out the ... Ch,rafrers; farving they were inveifed fomewhat, and
one of them elofed: wherof I found none like,but veryn·ear. Thefe Chara8:ers were of
Thirdly, I did takethefenumbers contained between the lines (fOine more and fome
feW<H')'to be wordno be gathered put of [he Table of letters: fo many words as were
difrina I;ompanies of numbers; it i, to wit, 41.
Hereupon we began to mimber the fqulft:s wh!=rein the letters frood in Enochs Tablcs
u J../UQ t!iem, but we could not exaalr finde the words, bilt fOl!1ewhae ncar. · Hereupon
heinS tired, anddefiroul t~ know the (enfe of [hac CYl'her, we left off' till after fupper,
and then we a/fayed agam: bue , we could not bolt it ou~. though· we knew very n~ar
what was to be done by the infr,rufrion of" jJirituitl VoiCt, now and then helping us e~
ward the Ilfafrife.
At length E.IC •• ~ .iUetl to ';0 d01t. imo hili ChalJ)ber, and I did n;main frill at our
Dineing Table till his retum,which was within an hour or fomewhat m9~·e. And at hii
return this he brought in writing.

r z t l a f aytlpa t30adv P t d n ml
31'dzaI d pal a.m a a beoo romebbl
czonsa reyavb t ogeon xmalglil
tOlttZ opaeoe
slgaso mrbznb
pat ax I
ale a' 0 0
fmonda tdIacI saalxa arvrol
orolba h a 0 z p I mphars Jg .alol~
t nabrv Ixgasd mamglo I n l l rx~
o 1 1 I tT paloa I o laa dn gat a pas'
a bam 00 ·o aevea paleol dxpaen~....
n aoeot Tn p r n t n da z n z Ivaasaz
oeanma got c r I Id .p 0 n s d a s p I §
shlalr ox xClnht a r n d I J 9 .
J::, 0 a Z a r ()p h· a r a d,onpat dan 0 a ·a ri 33 6
v 11 n.Q :X.O p so n d n oloage oobaval:::n 360
~Igr:un oomagg opamno v g'm d n m . ~. 38+
orpmnl ngbeO!.l aplste deeaopa. 40S
rsonlz Irlemv s em I 00 n am 1 o:x 5' +3 2
• Z l ; n fe , Z I amh 1 vavsgd Ivr1apo;<l '1-5 6
·mo t d I a 1 h e t g a olptea apdoee 48•
o e a Jl e h .1 a S 0 m t ~svaeN rZIrza 50 4-
arblZm 111plZ s I 0 d.a 0 i n r Z fm 52 8
o p a.n a l- a.lI\ s tn a p dalttd nadtre ;~S3

dolopi 1l :lanba d I JI( omo nSlosp 57'

rxpaoe SI1. IXP oodxz I a p anI .I.. 600

llxtll'V a, S t r I m r go an n qacra ... 1

...... 1'h
16 AlrueWe.'ation~1 Dr. Deehti JE1iom, w;tbSpir;ts:,&c. _
• • • • • • 'tbt b/lrc;' Crop ;";l,b'1 "7"hi,J,,h 7U .1II,,,Jillg. B7I' fblll 1II7Icb 1 rJo, ro ~/tf fbt t
tlilJtri111irJ, ,hll' tbou 1II';Jtft ""Ji"ei .hy fuf b, II 11111": ,A.J bt71ill,b fb;, 7I71J,rnll7ltli", "'"
lrp ,bo71 f,ibm;, all into the hands of God, Col' his fake:; .".b. ,1ft l'IIViII'J'lI, ~Il "II1<!tl,'1"0-
vuttb ill bit crtll'"rt' to hit "" glory. . ,
•••••• Cllr" ,ibi 7I:tor,cn;.r tibi [lIpit71till,ebllrif!i"';' tib; ,go f""'. Eltl1111 ,tnrr;',ehtfitll7lu·
ptceM igitllr lIa g17,;//",,& ell""t" f"ptr,. fta .b't.",ptrll ",ibi: auO'r t1li", '"111.[_ e-
1I7I'Or fpir;'I11.",,,;u,,,. HIC 011111;11.1 flit {U7ft, & liri'" lI'~iI.
. . . . .. I lIa",~"ijh JO. III rbl cbiIJ"" .f Go~, ,. ,o"jid.".,.ur 1I.""i.1I, II;,J. ,bt l,vI .j G.l
'5"lIrl.sJou; .,,'J. 710' h prtftr ,.ur r,.[o1l htforuhe."i[d.1IItoftbehiglujl,,,-",,o/'e ,!,trC,J;' [0 grIll'
'~"'ilrJI J07l, That you are chofen from the number of men to walk with him, and to 00-
~erftand his myftcries, and with all to el[ecut~ his juftice and ~raife: throughout the Na-
clons aild ptople of the earth. ,b., if he Ii".' J'7I .hifi1llltt, tn pillg/tts .f bIlJ1I'.
jill",rl,iI"tl emtmllftrs'f fb, gift' .f G04 jllll1l filII UP"'J.II, to JOur gr,ll' .1Itrthr.." : Tb;' ·; '
,bt 111ft .i",t of J0/tT 'ri.l• . Tbmf.,t jhtYr ,our ftlvlS l.fllTS of bi",· ,bllt bnb It4'Oll, .1ItJ , ...
lItf'tJ JOU ."i,b II "'ight} jhitla : Orfo.,,/} /~';'for d" r,.".,4 .f fueb, III bllv, COI'.',,,,,,,4 'Ir,
IYifJ."" 11114 MiljtJty 'f,bt Higb~jl.

1 I\ap'bael, eo""rtf jou f. ",.~ .. Co

"lOrt rb'''Jour'o."" lillls.
VI""'" ."ith th, High.i jl, 11114 '"fl,,''' i;, .",i"gs
A. When E.K. had brought me: thefe things, I greatly rejoyced in fpirie, and was Ut-
ter.y refolved to obey thi~ neyv DOdrine to us, peculiarly, 'of aU people of the: world en-
joyntd. A.nd after (ome little difcourfe and· confe:rence hereof, we went to bed, this
.A pri/is 20. 2 •• day of ~prj/, at night. ,

Aprilis 11.
A. Thus, alii I refolnd, 0 Almighty G.Od, as concerniag the cafe: fo hard to IIdb and
blood, to be tcfolYed In, thus: Ahd tbul 'J defire, chat we aU foUt,mlght with one: minde
and canfem, olfe:r and prefent unto thee:, this wricing a$ a Vow, Pro,lllife,and Covenant,
if it fo pieafe: thT clivine Ii... jcftr to ..:cept it.

W f:E four (whoCc h~ads .ppearcd uJilderonc ChryiJalljneOro'rn, in olle pillar uni.-
ted; and illcloCed) ~o moft humbly alld heartily th~nk thec;O Almighty God (our
Cl'eator, t\.edeemcr and Stn8:iJier) for.ll t1iy mercies lind beJie:Ii~s hitherto re:ceived, ill
our penons, and in .them ~hat ap~ertain unto us: A"d at this p~fent, do faithfully a"d
fincercly confers, and acknowle . e:, that thy profound wifdome: ;" ,b;, ",-,jf ImP ",,;,
jlr""gt doDrillt (among ChrilHans propounded, commended, .lld :en' oyned unto us
four only, is above ourbllllfll"t rl" 011, ."d
Clir:iJlill1l pre/tJi." to of : ~or that in out-
ward Iheyv.of word!;, it ~ee.mCth to us el['prefly ~o be contrary,to tbe puritr and c~aftity,
which of us, and ~ll Chnfham, thy fol!owecs, . I~ e][RaJy requI~ed. Nocwlth~ndlllg, we
will, herein, capnnte, alld t,ead untU:r~foot all our humane: timoroUS doubtlllg of any
incon~eniellcc" whichlhall, or mal fall uron us, or fQllow US in this world, or in the
'World to come:, ·in rcfpeaol' by reaton of ourimbracingof this Doarine, littened unto,'
of us1 as delivered fr~ ,our ,rue alld livi\lg God? the Creator ofheave:n alld.e:arth; who
Qnl,. hath the true .ongmal power and /l.uthonty of fins releafing and difchulling:
And whofe: pardoning, and not imputing of fin I1I1tO li9, through our lively faith 111 the
moft worthy merit, and precious bli;iod of the: "amb.lDlmacuiate, lhe:d for liS, is.and ilall
be OUf juftification anI! fa.l vatien. W c, therefore (atcoming tQ bldfc.ii Jl"pillil his coun-
fellaft given) meA humbly and finccrtly require thy Divine: Majdly, to accept this oui'
Covenant with thee: ~ for that, thy ·mc:rClifui promif~ made unto Us, may be cQ us ptr-
.formed"; _"d thy divine.pus,-pof~ ;in us JlI, may be firrthered, and advanced and
fulfilled.) 'tIl/if, as we acktiowlcdge thy divine , wifdome' and grace offe:red unto us in.
mis thy Iaft myllical Admooilhmcnt· ~ A.d doft mo/k c~meftli"iU us to .'''if.,' b, p.lfft,.
lIS u.f/ll.~ iufr.,,;'b tbtt;Which Admonifhm~nt ftandeth..upon two parts: Tbat is to wit,
u~n ouI' true Chri.tlian ·c harity lpirituil. between 11s'four; and alfo upon the Matrimo-
'nlallicellceand liberty, indifferently J.Ulon~ us fQQr U h, u[,4: ·50 we: the: fa!D~ foun
(which herc:;unto' will fu~cribe) COVe1\lUl~" Wlt~ thy ,Divine Majclly ,.upon the two prin-
.Clpal refpcas b~fore'r~hearC'cd, truly and nl1fa1l1cdly t? ~ccept ~na pe:rform hc:nc.~fo,,"
.M ard amongn Il.~ four, III wotd,thougbt ud de:ed, Chnftian ch.anty, and perfea fn~n4..
jAip,anil all that belonscth thereto: And as fOl' the Matrimonial-like liccncc,alld liberty,
A true'R,dation of Dr. Dee hil AClionh 'J)ith Spirits,&c. 'I< 17
we accept alld .allow of ie, and promifc un{o thee COollr God) to fui6I1 the f~me,in ruch
fort as the godly are vermitted t() fulfill; and have b~n by divers teftimonies com-
me~ded for, and by Divine, doarine willed to fullill, in M:ttrimmrial canverf.tion,when-
foever thy motions an~ allurements (Matrimoni~I.,\iki:) /han d~w aqd )lerfwade ~ny
cou~e of \IS. BeCeechmg thee i as thou art the onely true Almighty and EverlaRmg
Ooa~ CreatOr of ~eavCl\ and Earth 7 T,holl wilt,. in thy ~n6nitt m~rcies, not impute it
~lltO us for lin, bhndncCs,ralhnefs, or prelhm.p.t1on; bem!: not ~ccepted, done, 0[1 pel'-
form~d upon carnalluft, or wanton concuplCcence; But . by the way of AbriZh.,,,,.likc
!.,ith p7tt1. obtaimct, unto thee, our GQd, our Leader, Teacher; Proteaor and Jufti6 et ,
now lind for ever. And hereunto we call the holy Heavens to be wicndfes) for thy ho-
tl9\lf and glory (0 Almighty God) and our difcharge, now and for ever. A7Ifm.

) .-----~---------

I Edward KeUy by good and provident ( accordIng to the Laws

and ordinances of God) determination and confideration in ~he[e
former ACtions, that is to fay, appearings, 1hews made, and voyces
~ttered, by the within named in thi~ Book, and the reR: whatfoever
Spirits have from the beginning·thereof(which a,t large by the Records
appeareth) not only doubted and diOiked their infinuations arid ,do-
fuine uttered·, b).l.t alfo divers and fundry ti.mes (as coveting to c'-
chew and 'a void the danger and inconvenience that might either by
them; their felves, or the drift -of their doario(!' en[ue, or to my
indamagemcnt divers wayes, happen) fought to, depart from the ex-
ercifes thereof: and withal boldly (a~ the f~rvant of· the Son of
God) ipveighed againft them; urging them to depart, or render bet~
ter realon of their unknown and uncredible words and ij>e~ches de-
livered; and withaU often and fundry .times friendly exhorted- the
Right Wor1hipful .Mafier JOHN DEE (che chief fOllowerrhcreoQ
as alfo in the Records appear~th, to regard his fon~ health, the good
proceeding of his wordIy credit (which th~ough Europe is great) the
better maintenance to come of his wife and children, to beware of
them,and withall to give them .over: wherein ~~hough lfriendly and-
brotherly laboured~ my labo~r feeme~ to be loft a,n d counfd of him
defpifed, a'n d w~thall was urged with replies to the contr~ry by him
made~ Cl,nd promifes, in that cafe, of the lors of his fouls health, if they
yvere not of God; Whereunto:upon as jt were fome farther tille ()f
them, or opin,ion g(o,u nded ~pon the frailty of zraJ, .~e ceafed not aI-
10 to pawn unto me. hi, foul; &e. wMch hi$ pedwafions were the
chief and one1ycaufe pf D.lY this fo long proceeding with them: And
~ow this infiant, and before ~ iew dayes having manifefr oc-
calion to tliink they were the ferva~ts of Sarhan, and the children
of dirknefs; becal1f~ they manifefily urged and co~manded in the
name 6f God a DoCtrine Damnable, and contra~y to the Laws of
God, his Commandements , and Gofpel by our Saviour Chrifr as a
Toucllttone to us. left and delivered, did openly unto them diOike
thei'r proceeding, and brotherly admoni1hed the faid WoriliipfuJ,
and my good friend Mr.JOHN DEE. to beware' of them: And now
having jufi 'occafi()n to determine they were, to confidet aU
Cc c there
• ,8 .11 true 7\eltltion ofDr. Dee hu AfJiom, ~itb Spirits., &c.
thefe things bef«;>rementioned by me;and ~ifcly to leave them; and' the
rather becaufe of theDiCelves,they (as that by their own words ap~ar~
eth) upon our not following that Doctr.ine delivered, gave ~nto us a
'I< 'I ~ie~1H eft, or pafport 'Of fr!=edome : But the Books being br:ought
at ~1~bt~l. forth *, after fome difcourfe therein, after a ~y or two had) and
their words perufed fpokeA heretofore, did as it were (bccaufe of the
pollible verity thereof, DtDe"if/l Dm"i. r,#if poJJibm.) gave us ,caufe
of further deliberation: fo that thereby, I did partly of my felf, asd
partly by the true meiming of the faid Mr: DEE in the receiving of
them, as from God ; and after a fort by t~e 'leal ' I Jaw him bear UIU;P
the true worlhip and glory of God to be '( as that was by th.eip, pro-
mifcd) by us promoted, ,dcfcend from my felf; and condefcend unto
his opinion and deterrilipation, giving over all reafon, or wh"'tfoev~r
!~:lcn, for the Jove of God: But the wome~ difliked utterly this laft Do~
crrine, and confuJting,amongfi: themfelves gave us this anfwer, the
former aCtions did nothing offend them but mQch cOlnforted, thent :
and ther~fore this laft,not agreeing with the rell: (which they think to
be according to the good will and wholefome Law of God) maketh
them to fear, becaufe it exptefly'is contrary to the Commandement
of God: And thereupon.defiring God not to be 'offerided '",ith
their ignorancc,required another a8i~n for better information here-
in; in the mean, vowing, f#ling, and praying, Mrs. DEE hath cove-
An aaiou nantedwith God to abftain from the eating of fifh and tlelh untill
required his Divine Majefty utisfie their 'mindes according' to his Laws db-
!:rc~~ewo- blilhed " alld throughout all Chrifiend6me received. To this their
requefi: of ha~ing a?, affion, I abfoluteI~ anfwer) thai: my GinpIicity
before the Hlghefi: IS fuch as I truft will excufe ~e ; And becauG!
the fumme of this Doctrine, given in his name, doth require obedi-
ence which I have (as is before written) offered, I think my felf dif-
charged : And the'refore have no farther caufe to hazzard, my felf
any more inanyacHon .. Wherefore I ~nfwcrthatif it be ' lawful for
them to call this DoCtrine in 9ue~ion, it is more Jawful for me to
doubt of greater perril; contidenng t~t to come whe~ we are ab-
folutely aIifwered were folly ', :and' might redound unto my great in-
convenience. Therefore befecching God 'to have mercy upOn
me, and to fatisfie their .Petitions, doubts .and vow., I finally an:-
f wer, that I will from this day fo~td meddle no Plore herein.
~~. of April, ~587'

By me


A true 'Rel4tiotl of Dr. Dee hiJ Aflioi1!, ltitb SpiritJ,&c. i.

.A prilis 24. ~,rilil , . ..

A. pRayers to God made in refpeB: 6f this ftrange and new dofrrine, requirit1g his
Divine Majdly to be merciful unto us, and tO,give us ,wifdoPl and faith' tint w.
may herein pleafe ~lim; and that we c~nno~ linde how w,e' may ~o th~ thing reglttred,
bting contTIIT) to the Laws of Mof(s, Chnfr, his Church, and of all NatiOIls. Therefore
feeing God is no~ contTIfT) to himfelf, we defued that we might n(lt be contrary ~o . him
or his Law~, &c.
A ,' Not long, 10, there appeared a ~reat ~al}le of lire in die . }lrincifal Stone, (both
fiandmg .on the Table before E.K.) wll1ch thmg though he.told me, I made no c:nd of I)IY
Prayer to Gpd. And behold, fuddcnly one fumed to come in a~ the (o,uth window ~f
the Chappel, right againft E.K. (But befql'e that, the frone was heaved 'liP an handful
high, and fet down again well, .,which thing ~.K. thoug!lt did fignifie ronu:"flrange OIat-
ttrtQward,) Then after, theman that came 111 at thewmdow feemed ro have his nether
parts ill a crond, and with fpred-abroad arms to come towa,l'd E.K. At which fight he
Ihrinked b.ack fomewhat, and thcn that Creature took up l:ietween both his hands the
{lone lind frllme of (,oId, and mounted np away as h'e camt.. E.K. eatched at it, but he
cOlolld not touch it. At which thing being fo taken away, and at the fight thereof E.K.
was in a great fear a):ld trembling, and had tre",ort", corail for a while. But 1 was very
glad and well pleafed.
~ Here aPlleareth a fire in this other fronealfo, and a man in the fire, with finen hair
hanging down upon him, and is naked unto his Paps J and feemeth to have fpots of
blood lipon him. He fpake, and faid as followeth.
If I hlld inttntlttl t~ hllve ovtrthi:o.,,1t )011, or 'broll,"t JottU conflljion, or {ufmtl}OIl to b6 ChTiJ!lIl.
hl illto tI",ptlltion beyonll )ollr ftrtngth .lflla PO"tr, tbm Iwl tbt S ,as Io"g 11,0 J"aUnwl -
1011. ,T,Il, tbtr, hlltlnft " {oIlIlivtalf",o"gff lOU.
Bllt the /11." Itn/' tiaillgs (u "'1I11/tJ1edt) of ,Ia/,lIt{s, 1m "ot" grourl/ltl i" ",t, I a.. th, Be- The Law &
ginning a"d ,bt Ending : ..1M, b,b,Il, IIappy it ht thlft I,Iig/nttb.j" ",e, for;"",t it truth IIU the Gofpcl.
1!narrftlll(Jling. Whatfoevcr you han received, you hlfve received of me J and without
me you have rtceived nothing. Btholtl, 1 1IIJ (lif wu evcn the figure of mifery and
death for your fins. WbJ (tbmfo~) li{IIf;1I )£11 to h, fjgllrtll "fftr",,} I"ill glftbtr fh,
fOllr 'Ultrttrs of the turh toger""_ If,,;l tI,t)' Jhlflllrtco"'t MIt.
Aud as . ' have made you ,the 6gu,.." of tWo people to cODie, and aDiongfi: them, the 4. and E .K.
OeC\lt!>fs of my Juftke: So li/(J."i{, hltvt I {lfnllifjetl. J'" ;,. Itn hol.1 Ordinlfnc" giving )011 a fi~ure of
the firfr fruits of the time to come. Hllppy iI lie ,hIlt it II Strpent in th, "ilatr1ll{s IIlfngtd tWit people
up upo,; thr Cro{s, bring the "iII Il~ fjgllTt of "'J tltttr",j,,/ftion, II"d.Kingdo", to Co",e: lit'!' to ~ome.
,Vt" in the doors; Ifnt!. I wrill ovtrthro." IIll Jltjh. I will "0 ",", ltligbt ;" til, {OPIS of ",r'!.
", Contrlfry to 111) {tlf, I fucll )Olt PI~tbing. A. • He arif-
For thig Doltrine i~ not to b,c publilhed to mortal men: bllt is given unto you, to ""ercth to a
manifell your faith, and to make you worthy in the fight of the heaven1i,for believing in phrafc of my
me of your vocation to come. , p~l)'er or
'tbtTtfOTt I {If) N1Ito J~u, Ktjo)Ct, IfM bt "ot CltTtf1l1 for t. 1II!0rrn : for 1, ,,,m 1, ba~e dlfe,ourre. ,
"ovidtt!. f~r )ou: ,Silt"o "'OTt. '!hIS doCb'in
Bth~ltl / Nom, of tht. Ot~ers, ~;t«r of. Htlllltn o~ Elfrth, IIr, 1IT1IIti. t~ open thti~ ",o"tlm ;" IS -b ?t to be
"'! Nllme, ttaclllng or opmlng thll DoOr/lit, Nnlt{s It "tretf ",t, for 1 am the FlClhnd the Pu~ lhed to
Lall. And l."i8 be Shtphera over d, thll' the Kingdo''''f "'1 FlldltT"'lI} comt, IIPIIl.b.,,,,, a ;:,~
Spirit may be upon all Helh, ."hm tbm JhIZll b, ItO 11171,"" Plwi of light: I mj ftlf IIm·th,ir It"", ,;p,,.
Janthorn for eVtT. • • & II';"'" ,.
Ani/. bthoIl,1 ,~ill be as a Rock between you and the teeth of LevIathan, which feek· -'!JI/t.
eth tG fet you p{undtf', and to bring you to confufion. Clnlftlll Dj.
Arui. 111m, "na "til holy, IInJ. bol!lIt{s it {tlf : Out of "" ","erh II. IIncltan tbin(. '~'li.
F~r t'IItn tK the time of , Mofes PtK '!ontlerfNI to all the Gentiles, even fo lhall thofe days M,fos.
to come be lImo the Nalaons and Kmgs ot the earth. I II", "111.,, for elitT. A1l1 bthoIIJ,
pV'll1tr it givtll Ullto mt from IIb~lIe: A"tl I bltvt vijittd the ,ltrth, .suI. hllv, .bn"" 7IfJ clltr, Surilit.
"l'~nher: AIIIl'Io, Jhe ]hall b,c.~"" b"rrtll. .• T"rAo
Ht that fa /ltth ami Frll)td, doth but thllt "h,ch 11 c.mmllltlltd: Ht that Iflr~ fuijilItth '9
"iU, iI ju}lifiuJ. btfor, me: f.r "h, iI be tbd rlfi{tth up, or"""o iI "e th"t '''fttlh aV'll1n I Te.
tV", 1 it -it tbat havt ta/(Jn)411 f,ur 'frets out of th, fO"'ft of tht ,,"14, IfM blfve covtrtd 'Th, (he." 'f
,.u Intbtrto .,,'th ''') whIgs., Anti btboId, tllil fhll. it td',,1f If.",,) Jhllll be reftoTtll aglli" to }'" ~ mis•."h",
."itll ",or, pq:tp{r. And Might fhllU be ill it, 117Ul II brtftpllltt uto you; of ]"t!.gt",mt IIPIIl ".'IInnh.
lC"v"leJgt. Y,EhrAI,
And if tbm bt lilt) of JOIl tbttr {etkftb II MirllClt lit.",} bllmis,and believeth in mY,words, ,,,,.Ur,"!&
1(. iii", or'''er'Pftfinr tht",[tilits btfe the ntICt Mo"dlt), . .",.b tht rtft, ·lflld he (hall plrCtlvt thllf ~"'_/• •
1~litbtJutlgtof Abil'7.Dl,lllliltl,tGoilof AbI':lham: Wa' me aschefons of my u~
* C c c: :& Fatber,
A trflq ~e((#lon of Dr. Dee bu ~fI;om, ~ilh Spiritl., &c.

J.D. E.K. J.O. J,K.

,A,r;n~ 18. W' EE'fobr{w.hofc head, appeared·under oneCliryftallint Crown, and in one 'piOtr
..,...,.15 l' . ' unitc;d and enclofed) do m~ft hu"bly ~nd hunilY ,t lianirth,ee ~O A~mJghtyG~~
our ~reator, lledllcmu lind San~fi!!r) for a,1l thy mercies and benefits Iilthcna recCI-
"'~d in Ollr ;own~erforf", al\d in: th~DI ~It.t appeft't\in' unto us: AqiJ.' ~nhi.~ . pte\Cllt 'do
fiilthfully' and lincerclr coufers and a~~Il~wledge, that thy profound wlfd()Dl .I,n t,hIS il:Joft
new' ~nd.ltrange DlXirme(aUlong 'Chlilbans) 'propounded; commended and .enjoyned
U111'O us ~ur o~ely, j'ubove our hnmue R.caforl~ and our-Gat,holiCk Chdftiall Profeffion
to like of: . fi¥ that',in,outwa.'·p !hew of words, it ~F':JDctb to'lIs:exJ.>re0r. ,to,be cJ)nttary
to die pllrltyandchaai~y' whlch 'Of; us .nd all Chrtlhans(thy· (oUowers) IS exaCtly requi-
red.. .Notwithfrailding,we wiI"J.£oi tlly lake herein C'.lptivafe ahd tind 'W1dei foot all o(\r
humane 'timerous ·dooblill.g of rJ?1 in~l;mvchience which .(hall or mar-fall upon us, or
£ol1o,w lIS (in ~his wor!d, o~ il}~hC' , ~r1d to.COl!l~) in !~fpet!i~f)r by reafon 6f ou~ e,m-
braclOg pr thJ~ Qo&nn~) liflned.;,unt~ ~" U5~ as dchv~ from _tbee~ ~ur true and hvmg
G~ t~t:: Creator',of ,heaven a~ld e1tnbr,' wbo onely hall th~ t.r.;ue orlglfial" powc~ and au-
elionty oE nItS r~I~~ga,nd ~I~~arg~; ·~tl ~hef,. f.~o41~ , e.r not .I mp",ung of Jill
untQ us,d.u ;ough OUl:)hV4~faltli m~bC:il,Jofr~!>nhr Ment andl'n:clousBlOOd of..thy Lamb'
imiuai:~ate~'.fiied fO}':Usj is apd ~U lie our J,UlificatiQQ an,d Salvation. W.e therefore;
.A ilis 2·0. Ca~c;otdmB.,t~ bl~{f~~. 1<.-.#"1 hIS c~lIrrCeHa~ely glvcll! UloB, h~mbly. and fince,r ely re-
f!, pr,.. qUire thy ~VlI~~ MaJefty~b acceptthl!l~r,Cov:enant wl~h thet:: (to. the mtm~ that al~. thy
i;~: merciful and gracious :p~o~ifeS ma~e ~I'I[O U5 foUf; and any of us, may be c.o liS perform-
ed: and alfo thac tpycmrme purpofes'JR us, and by us, may be fure!lered, -advanced a,nel
ful611c:d) W:e,ackti.owledgethy divine,wifdom 'and grace opened unto llS 'i~ this
,thy Ian Il!yftical AdnjD!,ifhnlr~ ~f univerfal unity to b~ between us. : And doft,mM in'"
ftantlx,and.carnel\ly. WIll ~uOac~cpt a~d \lfe the f~nlt, as both Rlyftlcally molt needful.
and alfo lawful and)uft WIth thee: Qwhlch Admollllhplent nalldctn upon two pal'ts J that
is' to wit; : upon troe ~ridconf~lIinia~e C,b,riftj~n '~h~rii:.r betw~cn us fou~ ul~violablt ~o h.e
kept. hntl ~o upon the New M~mmomd-hkc: hcence and Itbeny In<.iiH:erently a'l1)ongil
~ tour to be uCed :) So we the f;;tine tour above:'rtamed (which h~reunto will alfo fub'-
t4:rlbe,oUt Names) do t.hil day Covenant with thy Divine Majefiy (befid&;s all otli~r re..,
• ncfcire I,t fpeas,c~icfly upon the two , pdncipal intents and ,~erpcCtS bc:fore he ~e rehcrfcd) truly
Chis malk; ' and,unfelgl\edly to accept and perfOnn hencefOrward amongft us four (10 ,tord, t~oughc
al~d deed, to the uttermo~ an~ p;eft , of ?~lf pow,e f) apCl'~eCt u"ity~ alld with jnt,omva-
J-able tnic love andgOO$l Chnftian,.Chlmy, fnt::nd1blp, Imputing and commumc;;ttmg '
tach UlltO other, all ~lI,d whatfoev~r we have or 'fh.dl have herea,fter during~ur lives.•
l\:nd as forth~ Matrimonial-like Iicencr; we accept and allow of it: And ' pramife UUto,
thce (9 our God, theAlmiglity, Greator of b-tavm.nd eanb) tomUil t!ldame infuth
fon as the~odly ,a~e'pcrmittCd to ,~I6IJ and ha~~ been. (by ,dive,rs tefiimonioi~ commen-
ded fo'\" and by'<hvlOc DolhMewllled to fulfil ,m Matn,momal-Itke converfatlon~ when:-
foevcdhy motions and allurentwts- Matri/l1oftial-Ii~'e thall 'draw and~rfwade .any cO,uile
of ~s. thereunto: Bcfeeching dice, as .tho\1 ~rt the ondy, true Almighty and ~vedafting
God, Cr.e ator of ~caveri a'n d earth, Thou wilt in tby:inlinite mercies hoe itnputc it unto
US f~ fin, blindne(s, l"allinefsor l>t cfuru'ption; ' being not accepted, dbn~:or f.erfo~ed o~
us upon camal luft~ or.wanton CQI\CUp,l(cen!=e, but by the way of .Abr'"'''~-hke ~lth and
pbedicnce llnt.o t·a eeour'GQd, oll:i'te;;tder, Teacher, ProteCtor and Jufiifiel', .~o", and
fut .t'itt~ , ~t\d,'htrt\1ut~n"t \l\o\\ \\um\,\Y ,~\\df~\thfu\\y tt<\U\tt thy Dw\\\t lAa}tfty ~() be
~ur witncf5.: .And moreover .we cdl ruy holy Ang.cls. and to bear n:co'rd fot thy hQflOUT
. ' .n~
A trut~iltio"of Dr. ,De~htd 4E1ioflS,TiithjpiritI;&c. * .i
al,d glory, aild fQl' our difcharge, l,Iow"tld for efer. And £ot: a fureher confummatiori
of this New Covenant 011 our behal~ (by thy wtl! It!ld ~ermillion) made with tlree (the
Gou of 'heaven and earth) we the lame tour firft notified, and pareicularly and vulgarly
named Jobn Du, Ed.",lZTd Kelte}.; JlZlle.J>tt, and ]Olft KtlleJ, have faithfully. obediently.
willinsly aud witcingly fubfcribed OUr Names with our own hands day of Mlth
JlfIJO i ~ 87. II) Tre~on. Caftle.
'And. 6,lIally, as thou h~warn,ed \IS (0 God) that thi~, doarine and doings lbollid un-
to tlo-moiul mall dfe be dlfclofed, but' among U~ ondy th~ above-named four to be
Ittpr ?noj! {tCttt: and halt faid~ that whofoen!' of' us !bould br any means di(dofe the'
(ame. alid he al-(o or !be' to whom the (arne !bollid be difclofed~ !bould prcfently'and im-
Dlediatcly \:>eltl'ucken dead byt.hy Divine power: $0 we alrand evuy of' us fOlll' do re-
queft thee 11!0ft ~ameUly, at;ld CQ.vtflant wit~ t,hee a~ 01", God, that fo all this doarine
and dojftg.llIl1, beJi:ep~ molt hid 'aild fectet; alidalfo that the flIdden and immediate bi>-
<:lily death may light and fall on the difclo[c:r, and on him or her to whom t,he fam~ 40-
anne Or ading any mannc:r of way Ihall b.e difclofed or knoW)~. Amen, Ameff~_ A"ml.

}o HN DE E.
NQte and remc'mbei., That' on Sunday 't he third of Mil], Ann.I~87' (br the newac"
'coune) I John ])u,f.dtI'a,rtl KeUtJ,and our tWO wins,covenanted wi~h God,a,?d fubCcribed
the lame, for indilfolubk and iilYiolablcuniHes, charity and friendlbip ketping between
us fdur, and all things between'lIs i~ be common, as God by fllndry means willed us to
do. Ad D(; lionortl", IlZua(1H & glori,,"; jll {ith &- ol>(aimri" FIZ'[J"m ,fto. Amell.

I 5 8 7. tTrebonee, in the fine Chappel. ~:~n~aal"

, . , ,, '~r;Jjt.
4. 'T He £orefaid Covenant being framed by me .Joblf Du, as near as I c~uld according
t9 the intent and,faith of us required~ to be noti.ed and declared by the works
of unity botll fpiritllal and,corporal. No." ir .,,/11 by ."o"'t1J III bJ .ur {elv(s tbought:nt-
ctffary to uttaerJ/:ttlfd the ",iU of G,tlll"tl 11M g.oa pl,lt{ur,. WhtH,,"' ,11M CO.,,,,Il,,t "". form ,of
.".ras perf-ttl, i> anil will be acceptabl~. anJ..ccordins 10 .b:" w~Uliking of his Divine
Majefiy ~ .A"d th,,' ~tTtUpo". the aft of corporal kf\o}Vledse bemg performed on botb our
parts, '.It ,wiH pleafe his Divine MaJefty to feal and WUl1tnt ."to ,.,mpft certllilfl] 4"J. Det-
ail] IZlt b~ Divillf. M"ciful 11M bourttifrd Hrbm;{ts Itlfa Bltf!i!gs; and alfo promifes us wif-
dome, knowledge. ability an~ poweuo exec.ute, his jutHce, aad declare and demonllrate
his irtfallible verity amongft meri, to his honour and glory.
Hereupon E.K. and I went to dIe <?happel to the South Table; ~. To this Illtent I
prayed to tile 'Almighty God, Creator of heavtn and eafih, fatherly, favonrably and
merci£i!lIy' to regard thc,fil)glenefs and llraits of my heare, defiring him to encreale the
faith, arid to 0ie,1 the eyes of my heare. ' that I may fee Op"1t tligitOTum &- mirll/;jJilt tjus,
"obit ficuti Iftc,e.Dltri"~ for his fervice and glory, and for the confnfion and ov'erthrow Qf his
enemies. Amm.
I read over the Covenant (tI"blf.tim) before the Divine Majetty, and his holy AngtIs.
Paufo ~hor~.
E. K. Here appeareth Madimi.
As a thing like a head with'three eyes cometh upon her head, and
one of the eyes [eem to tome one into another.
Mad.•••••• Pep;giftit.
A. P(pi'gitn,lII.
Rltt"'". tft: pt-r,imp.;rt tI.b., '7IIlIill- (0711711"";11, ", "
Dti, "0" iominit ~ftot(: PrQlIIiff" qUit {u"t, poflitlett: JI'.6" a(ft1flll1ll, fi"" 11l1ft:
JEt"lflll ' {UII(.
,E. K. Sh,e is gone. ,
E.K. My thought an infinite number of fpiritual Creatures ftood
afar off behinde ,her like as in an half Moon ..
~. Illi qui JEUTIIIII ~(l Omnipottns,S IIpims,BolIlII, Jl'trw. Mif"icors,& T"U", .mllium, Crtll..
tOT. Rtatmptor"110/1" &- Illuminltfor'omnium (lu,,;ille tI"O ColfllflrlZtoril'irl) Sit omnil gr,.tilllllm:
/lQu. IIZIII,'btnediliio, honor & ,lorllZ: Nunc tP- ill ftmpiterlllZ rltcil/orll1fl £."ul.. Amen.
* 12. Atrlle ~ltition 0/ Dr. Dee hiJ AflionI, ~itb Sp'r;t,,&c.
MAii 2C.
pRfets . .
IItl Do",i"",,, Crrlltor,,,, C!fli'" tm:~Y &c. Then as concerning thcCovenant
which was made fubfcribedan4 dclivercd in, but ·the lIeXt day ~uired again of Mr.
E.K. and in his wifes name to put ont his name, Ikc. But when he had It, he Cut it into
equal parts; keepIng that half wherein his fubfcription and his wifes were, and IIelivcr-
ed UQto me, the ocher halfbut after a few dares delired to have the tight and'reading 9f
both together; and then he kept die other part from me alfo: But afterward MttJi",i did
with her lillg" ar"" ,,, f~' f",o pllf't!S ",lIq fh,,,, "h,lt ","ill; fre., 11M th,,, /h( ,IITlt th, priln
of 1IIJ ChttrlllJm, 11M II rttl C,rcl, /holda alwayes appell' 111 the Stone to all men.
QIlIljiChri. E. K. There is here a great Glo~e of fire hanging in the top of
jJlI~. the Stone; and in the Globe a ~n fianding with a purple Robe
like Chriit, I cannot well perceive his face. .
• • • • • • Who jitttfh IlPO" fh, ·CbertlbilU, .n4 it ellrri,l ttbro~4 "it' thtir "i,,«' : 11"0 it II,
th.t itlifttllllp ill flnmtl,,,, 11114 ill fh, TloJ" .f "wl) "lIttrl t;c"lwi .11-.11 ",IIg"i/i,1l through
,h, POW" of • Str"phi" ("hieh inb, tw" of hi", ,hd ",,,ae hi"" J. Who it h~ th;'t ftmehtth
."r bit 11",,1 liM i",brllc,fh 1111 rh;Jlgs I Wh9 it h,. th~t ;, "ot, 11M itl W~J N h, ,h., ""111br,,"
., h, St.rll' th, Itff~s"of • Yoillriuui ,r tll'rnh do"';" ;",uh, "''IIts./ 1" fh, ",1IIfi,"d, of
hil"9"am"bo it ht..fhllt hnhollrn" hit Whtlps tb"" ,,""t tP, Stll glid,rh, ,,1tIl i.Frprlh th,,,,
j" Chili,", ,i11 tb, a~ of bit ftr,tch-f0rth PO"," eD"', 1 Who .it h, tbll' "',,/t..tfb hit h"bi'''rio" iii
fb, SII"~ or /iUnh fht Mo." ",ifh /I prrp,fuill Rillril Who it b, tbll\ h"t" ",,,a, Willf':" "lia SIl";-
"'rrl ,i",,, ",,1. {titfo"l} Who it h, th"t it rht Lorl of ttTI be,,1I1 ",;,J [0",11' ",,0 illN thil' h4,11
mA.t J'U of notbi"" I 'V - /I ht i, it· fhltt h,,' h Ittl JOII Ollt, ,TI,,,),, if it fhll' hllth ,,,"it4/0U
to the S,III 'TIe" ht it it, thllf h4th k.!ptJOII flupi"g', .M prt'ftrTl,4 JOIl "'lIiJ"g : Ell", h, ,t ;,
'hilt hllth fJtt/, hit 'hJ!ntltrl ""at""",} Jour II~ hllfh h.rnijh,tl JOIl. .
W;rh ,b, Wh!rlfWiJl4 of vmgp""" ~g4iJlfo tbe p,Dplt of Ethan ~ }t" 'TI,JI he it it (I rllJ)
dl"f it, IIHlliV'tfh tor ,Tltr, lI"d hllth proTliilta JO" III 'ht cbi,ftft r,,,p,,s; Jt. MIll """-rltr, of
hit h_rTlllI, "hieb ,"fb '!I' a, JOU ".pro",i!, : Thll' tlo, Kirrgl 'ffh, ,mb /hIlU 6, j",icbtJ ~ JOII,
IIHl hll,h ",,,l, JOII frtt [ro", itU "ItJl, "g"iJlft tht tl"l "h", JOU Jhtt1l fH ",t• •Im 0 JOM .J Ii ttl,
fllifh "HlIl"J,rjt.uuli"g, 0, I flt.!>,' ...f /iu/, flli,h "MIln4"ftIlMi"g .• ho" lo"g -.jUJOII h•
.1, ..r ,_ ",.p.r/, "'J J'"'' ~.,.;,. [_'-'/ 1._ l~..,. 40 JOIl ""tnfl., ,h, profolilul ttMIl,,!ptlll!.:-
.61, fl.ols. of 1IIJ "i{tlomt, lind for,. ..."",lttlgt ,,, JOU.
H", lo"g (1 {"J) wiUJ'u rll" 11ft" JOIIT"," i1l1l'gi""t;01ls ~ "1If,,,,,,
th,1"("" COIlIlM,
."ich i ,~v'Jo")h;nJr;,,g tb, Pf,," 'h" it rtdJ" fll/lll!p"J'II,O ' GJI of lirr/qllifj,-."J, ""J"-
BtholtlI h,,"t trtp.rtel4 b,,,/ for JOII, ",,;1. h,vt brollght J'1l ttl", MIft' thl J..~r', bt br-
ellll{' 10M {mtU lI.t the flttft J'oM Ji{a"j" tD l"ttY, h"p]] it h, tbllt llitrnh i" thr.llgh m, .: For I
.", drt TltrJ g.te '0 itU ftliei'J IIrriJ jOb IIM."itbollt iii; it JlQth~ : Ar, JOM ",or, aif'ym 'htlf
1 "711 "ife I Dr "'OTt h,1Itft thlt" 111m holy I R;g~ftDll{1It[S,,,,,J righ't,"f1lt{s ;, thllt,,,bich it rt-
J-f- "",d"l "ith honollr. ~BthQlaI .,J~ IIU t~;"gs, Is if "of ".frllrJ to N'fllr" fhll' dr, lights .f
",IIv",/holllJftJUUl: WhJ th",fO" Itt ,b, prllJtr of fhl C"rpt"eitUlollllptll fh, SO" i""'J "".r;
Clllling (I {AJ) IIPOIl "''- """,e did tbt. SIl" ftlllltlftiU. RtkllV hi", tluTif", if h, 6"fll . tllJ",II-
",;{s; Ir 'tttCb hi"" ""1 he {o tthllr,4 NII'lIf't, 0 JOIl wr,fch", .1 fit! 1lIIt10Il,JOIl ttr, tht 111ft .f
f ,,"'111;'. the b'gill1tillg of tht."",ts to eo",t; (~ 6gured by my tln"",.""tUJI It1I """"/ P!4r:1ofo: .4"
kho/a fh, SOli ""a Moo"jhitTI jf_JrJfhl,. ITlnnt your voyccs, 11M rh, NoltJltll'''I/hd brill,
th,,,,jiITlts togdh" btfor, fbt f'''' 'f ",.", at your commandemem, thll' th, propl, ltIIa Kill,r
.ftbt t.rrh mar (ar, to thiS is rhe6ng(rof him that hath created all thiQgs.
Bi thmfor~ o.,d.,,,, 1'1tIl f.u of f llifh• • .
Aqd Cee that all things b. one amongftY0llti ",delt.'II' .. ~ .fll"tlrr, l,ft It'v v,lIg'""
Alllhin" ~POIl JOIl~for behold Sathan hath' Pl?wer to call you afiulder,but II litt/, h,jholdJ:.
one. b, fllithflll dlmfo", "!Ill t!0Tlidmt, b, ,,"tehflll, "M't"V fwl for JO;' hltv, ,."ilt. COTl'''IIJlt;
.M bthold if it ".rind. bifort "".["'" ill h"tlt,.. '11", ~ .-hatfoe.ver I '-ave Cpoken unto you,
ACe,enaa: is laid up in my ueafureS. T IIq hud th., 10M ru" HtI,h" '0 ,h, righ' hll"a,,,,;,h" to ,h~ I,ft)
blltfhllf JOIICllft .,,'] J0'" jilTltl for "" : .411 ".",bl"I"'J frlfh ,linh, "Imti"
"'J Co"grtg",io" .1tIl ",t , •• "'for, "'J F IIt6~ 1'!'P,fu.uJ {tttlta, "bmb] 1 .", 111..,11
imiu ~;­

pl"efenfwith fuch as put their tr.uft in me. EVI1l f, III ,b, l'ft 11M tb~ "t.[f,tlN Norfh,It7f:/l}",
So"tb.Efau AM TacoD~" bi "t"trta tognh(1 ,hr,"ghhe,powcK: I will gIve you,and united
"'"~1IIt IS fOr ever in the Ringdome of my Father which is to come, in one holy and etcl11al fcl-
tlt, flltllrA. lowlhip, fo be you contc:nted _ICo to b, th, II/,II,.,s .f t6, thiJlgs .th.' ttr, t. to';'; bJ JOII, ,h., h
Fi&urcs. ",,,} b, ~ ptrp,fUIII 'tft;.o", 6t/fw, ,II, hI"Tltlll, 11114 6,f'" ",,,,, of lOllr ptrf,a /tfIa {l1l,,1l flrirh:
Ani, fh'll, '11111 iH••••, b"IJ tote i/f ptrctl 'v", ,bit ",or";,,, agam thit ',TI"",,,, "hscll tb••
. ~. "ltl
A Irue'R..daNtm of Dr. Dee h" AfiionJ, l)itb Spirits;&c. 'I< .. ~
1111ft "flt,},e ';"i.h me, BehoU .!It timt.fhttTI COlfft that thou /halt be 'orll i;t p~t;tl tby fol[, ""I i ."iTI

blafphcmcd the comp,any fJf my 1,\01, mefJaiers,~ fo "Ill

'ur. tVt" my fllc,. lI."a} fro1!t .htt for", tiirlt : Alltl tVeII« rho!, h4ft ohJti1l/t.ttly IIIId ignDr"1I.1"
tlNptoplt of tht tllrtb obfti"ilftlj
"nd ;g1l"""tly thr,." rhu out from .1 'ntm to 7'~"," : .A~a tftfll lIS tbou bllft J07lt u,,'o mt, t.Vt"
fo follllIWn tIo ."t. ,bH. But \leeaufc: thy mmde was mw.rd\y IItTltr to forf.cltt _. #vm f~
:fo.&lt thou JIt1Jtr ~ f01'f4~ of".,., bllt I "iJI r.ctmJ ..g"i"J(IItot4t~. 4.1IJ. .0." 6tholJ, thou hall
made a ·b1rgaiD,and behold d~ thinkdl. to take tbce: up anew dwelling place,and th~
Ih.ah- nol do-Co I But' who C" reeci'ic:th t.hee u,t. IIi. It.uft]hlll,. 'f'149 as I am, both ae and
bis furJlily fink d_n into tho very lake o£hi:U. lut before thou enter in,1 will by dream~
and vifions'''lIrHhim, tlr""for, f'14" "0' U'OllJ. ( .'1'....' lind afsht 7'trapt", ',(hou mlldt II Co~
.".,,,. _, .,1o;~1t tboll eana-not in breaking oftbe pape~ put Out; for Q1Y regific:r is
eternal: And tbQ£ubat beap'ijenc[l. be:f?rc sn~ arc tbe'col1lpafs of my. w.ings.
~nJ, 10 btholl Carpio blllh f.r bi([;r.acr mte:/y: of reparating YOQ i 'fir 'f rht l., of bit
Father, ~Ddis II«OIllo fadlC:rl~f$: B~h4Ll e~"li~rtl1 £hall his mothcrperil):l alr~.
Md••f her~.lI. IIU,.,pt "!') '.rthn ~ .1 .iIl throll rht "mgeanee of Jufilce ~pon
him, that hc:lh~1I be a l3ughing flock to the people.amongft wlaich he .... bOrn: Wo be
unto them that' riferb \lp agaiRft me:.
. . . . ... 4fNr" .,,11;1, I 'aIIII "p".
E. K. I thought we 1hould ha'Ve nothing drc, but
~. I ind d"so.,er.toE~.
E. K. Hc:is here a&'in •
. ~ tNt',..... * _',Ill
for -,.l'f'"' it l14li, prJ hi ••", il,,,11 f.r"."
tlutl! to mr1lllllift. Btboltl lOU JhIlO 60th til L4mbs bt brollgb; fonh btfort
• This V'las faid bmufc I had
paV'lncd my fQljI, upon my *':-
","' i" "0111' [,"rn aawn, alllljhllTl b, ,,,mbro.,,,, 1t.H1l/l"iII II"J"," ~"~;tf ...ouchinR,the lPiritual c.ra ..
1" cures which ha vc dealt wi:h
oF '..I
rofflA tf.1ft/. fro : B•• l "ill r."i", ,..
"~IIU.~ IIIIIl "ill'" fllrl IIf p"",.,;
U;,to be 'of God and ~ood:
~Y01l /hllll bt comfl{rtra .,itb .b, J.yn of)''" irnhr", ~ for I b"", "'''''}. which mt barl\ain E, K. had·
~'" {tettt11 ftrVt m~, 11M ,"",)'Inl hllw jhf'IPttl yo," ",dinftt, ,bt [teo. by word e.c wnting, difdaln-
lily. IIftt,. ',m, ber, 4,,,;,,
.tftrt 1ft; ' f .... 1 "iR ItM.1'. W. ,., -1'f M.1y char~d • . and of late
1l8"1,dg, _1Jlftkrjf"¥i"$: AI4d JuJftmmf ~M Wiftlo"t./lt. D.'.fi!O". tbrcatned. mewuhaU.
~'u, IIIIIl./hill ~t "tflDril """ I'. :
m m'O:I.
..4_ ",,11
,If"~ U", ''11".1 d", ; wiCe and mighty The fecree
. I(rvants for
E. K. He! i, gone ~ and in going ru: made a CroCs (toward us) of ~:p~;..t;A
11..,",,,, ""iii Crtllt_j o..,.,. . <.t !,tt".
.t_;.. lIIi{tri"r4' e11fjt., 1;).",i1l0'!ojiro 1& VtO ruft.rf,
Ii' ,,,,,,;, 111111. ""'1:. gl~i", ,r"t,,,f'14'" .5;. 1& ,.bil6tU : N.," ~
114 ,II Dt••
• [nIfII'''''-J",al.r..", r~.Mf& Amen.

And Mr.I.K. hercu~ fald to IUs :"flfe• .'1•• hIt 60m "ft.,.,.,J
I ~nt and br ourt'tro <?onrc:ti~s •. atid at t~e requetl ~f 111ft ~ . . . unto tbt .,1!tt7!.
1Uf ,§, lI"tl'chugttl k. ;lIr-
Itft ~f ,4iill __l ...bCAq>io "411. God conil1D his minde,jn all good PU[poCc:~ accQfaillg Cltrpi',
fO tb, weU.plcafillS ofche: Highet.. A."•
• •• • •• ~ • • • w" As I, and E.IC. walked out at the: new &airs, into the new O;c'Jlrrd- Friday
"'''~ alNC the ,,~tl~ JUvcrtQ 'ie~ tbe fmall ~01, and retllmiq 'to ~be fpre flaits again. ahernooll .
~.K. faw nrain.s hi&~ as my fon A'768r 6ghtmg by the fide ,:nth rwords; and the a~1t four J
one l~~dt·o thc:oth~~ thou hatH~ullc! I Then lat leng~h, fald';1~~o them , ,. Clin I me c1o<:k.
~tc up.hc:",l.nctbC1w«tly~? flRefald yoa tbat yat( ~n : IDwhat ISit quoth I ? rlwt
l_i4 bt, J [dt _ f~;ng to f~ ."if'.61"'1 ",,,~, .M .'it f ell"',".t6 t"f.rn;f fr~m. "im. n~y
fought Core,and it t'ength. he diat had It was wounded 1ft thetbl~, and It feem~ I:)
bletd. AfterW-ro ito tha.t w.s -lfolln4ed, did brip.C a ye:U~w. fqllarc tbill! 911l Of hli bo-
fomco the~ Jguclfcl iuo be: my Stone that ",as ta\ten away.7'II, at""
[.iIl unto I#m,J,i it bt
~.rriH,Cudde~y lie ~tmed to .haTe'beCJ1.out of fighr,and lObe ~m~ again; he thre.tI~ed "~JIIJil
the other that bad wounded htm, and fald he wOllld be eVCll WIth hIm. The otb.llt raid~ I""a; r'-
B lIft tb .. lllill ir flit "«Itt
pill", of fIJI 11M ,,1ItH bit "ift 1.1 Jeftrmight r
At length thty botb wcnt (one after aQl)~b~r) into a little Winow tree body on the

right band Milt tle ~ hirs infO tIu: garden' J tlar ttct: (eesard tQ ~1~y~ or .o pen. and
they ['6 go in.
Herrp~ J'c. WCllt away: An~ I coming to my Chambcrr(ollild my wife !'yin$ upon her
bed (\¥bef'e I Jar 16ritig~) and chare Ulhd up the tiglt piHow. , u'port wiridillle lay
I'eifflj btlrfe1E (beQlI Rot well at ~) And in ~nner u~dcr .au
lhould.el1l ~blllrc I ~lU)d
~~ious Stqlle, that W,R tllten away by "'#4i",;: WhelJlt:E. K. 'g reatly wondtcd,.
. . g tire verirf of tfae 1lIcw. ht land fbt wjfc' tcJoyOCdJtkankins .Ow.

.A true~elatlOn of Dr. Dee bi4 AfliotH, T9ithSpirits, &c.
Saturday May 1,. Mline circa 9- !
ltrm And then we requdltd than he alk of obedience per-
"tlDtlll/f fIlTUlthlt1lf1lT,&c.
P formed (according our faith tonceived of our vocation, from the Almighty and
ECC:.n1al God .of he~ven
and ta!"fh) might b~ acccpt~d
: And that het\cefoJ;Ward we might
be mftruacd III the underftalldm~ and prattu;e of wifdome, both CU'ch as alrt-ady we have
received rome imroduttions Mylhcal,and alfo of all other what the Almighty God !hall
deem meet for us to know. and execute for hit honour and glory .&t.
A Eo K. 7'0.~ p,,, Itlld I~. "M.".rote tht reqlltft 'ere It.jtptf.; "M ht reil. it to .t, and
he requcftcd me to read it to the Divi", M"jtllJ; "". [0 1 did, and hereupon."., '."."itrd
~ofh tf flit firft mYl'rayer and to thil Pdifio1l. tht Divi", It"[.,,.er. '
4. O",lIipottllS {tl/fpittrJlt. vtf'e & "iv, Dt,;, ",itt. /IIC"" fll"'" & vtrit"t"" til". lit ;1["
'cos JIIC""t f!r ltf'Jl/c."t iltl""1If~, ril/llill"" By''', fX hilc tid, ",i[tti" cr';' Clllft"" tltil",
Jtrl/filltm. Amen. '
E. K. From the beginning of this ourco~ng, there appeared a
purple Circle as big as a frar in the Circumference of the holy Stone,
which yefierday was brought again: And that it fhould fo be; Madimi
had forewarned E. K. when fhe fhewed' it unto him, when :lIfo fh~
gave the prints of the letteh of the back6de of the bOttome of the
gold frame of it. ,
E II• •Iblll . •••••• , ~. K. There ~p~areth here a great man all in ~rig~t
~ harnefs fittmg upon a whIte horCe : he hath a fpear all fiery 10 hIS
left hand, he now puueth into' hi$ right hand : he hath a long fword
by his fide : he hath a1fo a target hangi~g on his bac~1 it feemeth to
be of freel: Jt hangeth from his neck by a blue lace;it cometh up be-
hind him as high as the top of his head. The horfc is milk white,
all frudded widi white: a very cOtnely horfe it is. The'man is in com-
pleat harnefs)the top of his helmet hath a Iha~p fonn.
Upon his Target', are many Cherubi~9., as,it were painted in
Circles: there is one in the middle: Abou~ it as a Circle with fix in
it, and then a Circle with eight, and then a great Circle with ten in
Slit,. it, and in the greateft are twenty ; and about the Circle of twenty
are [even parts ·: at each of which points is a Cherubin; Their
faces be like burning &6Id, their wings be more brighter and as it
w.ere their wings coming over , their heads do
C;htrllbi". not touch together. His horfe is , alfo harnifhed before and be-
hind. The horfe legs behind are haenUhed as with boots mar-
vHloufly contrived,for ,defence as it wer~ of his hindc legs.
E. K; He is ridden away, he feeme'th to ride through a ercat
E. K. Here is now come Madiroi.
E. K. She. is gone .nto the field, that way which he rode.
E. K. Here is another, like ;l woman all in green.
E. K. Here cometh another w~man ~ AU her attire is like lxatcn
gold; {be hath on he~ f<;)rehead a Ceofs chryftal, ,her neck and breafi
are bare unto un4er her dugs : She hath· a. girdle of beaten
gold flackly buckled unto her with a pendant of gold down to the
eround. I"",
Jf true'R.d,dtion of Dr. Dee his l1Efiotu,1)ith Spiriu;&c.
I /liI1 t~f DtWghttr of F' rtitlldt, liit~ r~viJhttJ tv(rj 60111', fro", "'J "utb. For ht'old, r.
II.' " Vndtrjfalldin!, lind S:citnct d-wtUtih in'"'t; tht 1,(lIvens 0lJirtp thtJ ~'Vtt 4nti atjirt
nat·with lllfinict IIfpttiU: f~ or H.", that IIrt tIlrth(} hlnlt imbrllCta ",i; f~r I II'" ./
·",ifbt11t. Circl/ or rbt Sronl, 411d .covt;Ld ",ith tb, morping Clo/l.dt. MJ fm IIrt [",iftff th""
tbt .inas, 4"d mj hall(Jt tir( [Jllttt" fbAI;- tht moNiing tkw. MJ ghnrtllts 1IT1 fro", tbt htginning,
"1ftl 711} IJ.", plict it ~II "'J [tlf. Tbt Lion I;.;;o.""h IIot ."bert 1.,,111;", IIdthff Jo tIlt btafts
Df tbt fitM undtlft411d mt. I a", tltf/ouml., alld )tt a virgin: ' I [41111ifit 'itntI. a", notf"l/{Ji.,
/ita. HllfP] it bt tbat i",br4cttb "'t: for in tbt Ifight [t"fo. I II"'. ("'ttt, all!- j,. tbt all] full of
plta[m. MJ co"'pan) it a b~r",o"'J of ma.'!! ~Jmb!,ls, /Ilia fII) lips {."ttter tbllll htalthit {tlf•.
I ,II,m 4 hllrlot for {licb III rllv,{hmt, ,and a vIrgil! ",tb (ltCb III i,.110'" 11ft 1I0t: For 10, I a", loytl
Df. man), 1I11i]. I '" ", 410tltr to mllll); 411.a III ma1l) M COmt unto·",t M tlity jh.Jlltl do, blfvt t1lter-
taln",,,,,,. P..lITtt Jour J/rms",O Jt (om of JIItll, and .IIJh Jur bouru elt""; ",a~ Jour [tlvtt
holy, alld put 011 riy,tttufnt{;. C4ft our :Jour old /h'1/1Ifptrs, 111Itl ~ rhtir ,Iothts; ,,!ijl"i;'
fro", tht c~",pall) of orbtr it1Otil", th"t .II1't Mfilta, tbt ·. IIrt flurtifh, 4iId im,ro bIInJ{omt 41U1-
btautiIlIl1K I, IIIIJ tlltn .ill I co lilt if1I4 J.i[[. it",o'ilgff yolt : and 'hehold, I."ill hring forrb cbU-
attllllllto )0u., alld tht) fo"U he tbr Sb/fs of C;mforr. I"ill opm",y ,ar",mts;"M ftllM 1111-
1r.;d btfo" J911, thllt ]olf!' lovt ",,,) .bl'.fllort mf/.",'ttl W'itrd nit; ,
.,Asytt, I."ali,. i"tF" 'Clillttls I M Jn~ I _ citrrr;,J ."it" fb, JYirrtls, anl CitaMt dtfctlld unto
Joa for tbe 1tI)lltiruat of jollT llbomilllitio7fs, Iliad tht filth, · [olft"f,;","{i of Jour hellillg flitC"•.
B.chold thefe four, who ishe that !hall fay, They han finned'} or untO whom !hal , they The four,
make account' ? Not unto you, 0 you (ons Of men" nor unto your children: for ' unto ~. E.K. 1.K.
the' Lord 'be1ongeth the judgement of his feevants. 8c I,~.
No".. thn-,fOTt, Itt tht !itrth givi fortb htr Ullto .J0u, mtl Itt thl Mountlli", for[llk.! A ~lefsinl:
tht;r "arrt"",Ji ~&ert JOIIT fo!tfttps jffllTJ rtmai.". H "PP) ;, ht t~.t (41ltttth YOIt, 11M ClITfttl it ht foro1x~lence
th"t boltle,~ up hH hallas Ilgll/lIil y'*. And power lhan be gIven unto you from' henl:cfortlt acctdms
to refill your e!lemies: and the Lord !haH aJwayes hear you in the time of your troubles. to alth •
.And lib", fent IIl1to you U plit) ,h, bltTlot ."it" you, W4", to tllTicb ).u."itb tht loil'vf .t"tr Prep...,.r,
mm. 'Prtp-rt for "'t~ ..for I CO"" jhortly• . 'Pro 'Ilia, ,01lT Cb.mbtis for "'t, tb•• ttt] "'''' bt " m",.t, tit.
(Jllttt antI,cltit"ly'; for I ."iIl1lf1lk.! • tl.",lli1lg-pI4ct .mti"~ff jou.: lIi11l I ."ill h, 'co"''''o1l ;,it6 It"'HI.
tht fat6if' 4ntI. tht (on, y'. tllltl ."itb lilith,,,, thd tTuly fllvourtth y.u: for "'J YOllth ;, in 6tr S.I.t.,;,
jiO."ffS, 4~tl "') jt""f,th it not to b,t:tti"(uijbttl."itb-m",,. StTOIl€ 4m I .hollt 4JU1.htl..",tb"t- pri",••
fort proviat for JIlt: for hthold, Illow {aZUl; you, .ml Itl P,"Ct be ,,"'ti1t!,fI )0. ~, for I, a", the
Daughter .o f Comfort. Difclofe not my recrees unto women, IItithtr Itt tbt'" undtrftllna Secrtcy from
h,." {wcn r 4"" for 1I11 Ihiwgi ",l;;"ctb "ot t.o nitTY.on;. 1 tl"" '''"• .Y." .&IIi>i. wOmen.

E. K. She is gone along that green field alfo.

~. J read it oveno our great comfort.
A; We moB humbly and heartily thank thee, 0 God Almighty, the ,onely fountain
of Wifdome, P<>wer, and all goodliers: Help us now and ever to be faithful and fruitful
ferva!lts tc? thee. , for. thy bo,nour and glory. Am""
E.K. The field appeareth a very level ground,covered with pretty
grafs even t9 the brinks .of, the. . . • .• It is bright if the Suh tight,
but I fee not the Sun, but the clear sky over jt.
A: PI"IJ" J""ihor" ,.nilH.
E.K. Now cometh the .hotfeman, and rkleth by into the field, arid
fo doth Madimi. Now cometh the third, and fo goeth away into
Che field.
No~ cometh fhe that. was le~ .her~ ! ~e . ftandeth fii!l: fhe ha~ !j:;k J
a book In her ~nd covered (as It were) .wlth Mofs three mch~s-at the
head, and four inches long, and a finger thick: it hath no Clafps ;
it is plain.
P4*[4. . '
"tbe (ourt' "ofir .frer tli,;ntt, " 'it"~ II!,lti,;: ..fIJI, ,,&It{U'IIff J01l !hall reade out of Seem .
this book, rretillt it I(JIttfillg,Jlp,D. your tr,.,rw ~ 4ntI {tt d,,,, yo. ruin no Creature female ~y ze-
to enter w,ithin this place : N ,itlrff jhitTI th, f6illgs tb.t 5, otmttl tmt. ).ou, be rCTealei tMl- , .
t0r.0Ur.wiyes, C>r unto any: Creatuteasyet:. for I will ly, "'it~ JOIlll.bil" , tlntl )oil jb~U
I II'" {.", it"tl full of c.n.f0rt, .m t".' the Lord d It hand, Put f." ., "ill
thortly 'vifitthe earth. ""' IIIi bit ","01, Pnv;nCfl• .
. Ddd E.K..
26 A true 'Relation of Dr. Dee hu Aflitms~ 7WthSpirin,&c.
E; K~ She turneth her felf into a
thOofand ~1hapes of all Creaturer:
and now COlne to h,e r own fO(l'rugain.
She ha~gcth the Book iQ. the air.
Give dod than1.ts, and 10 depart;
6. Alflaltd, thank~, honour an,d SlorY be to our God, oar King and Saviour, now
and eTer. .Ai/flf. .

S4tKtJ4' the·fame·day.
A FreT
Dinner, about four hours, orCoJllewbat IIfs we reforeed the place•
• ·A
voyce to E..;K. Kneel
his face: towud die Eaft; a.n.d I at ~y
he kneeled the'table ofCovcpant,
table ollpofite: tOihilJ.l,

~ •• •••• In the ~ame of God the Fmcr, Goa the SOil, al,ld Gqd. the HoI, tJ'ttott.
Rtllt rAtitt & i1Ittlltg~t MCU, liPS (0 D,!";,,,) "Ii", rAp;;"titi tJj~t,t.", tft quill';",,.:
DAlIerbulII.'tKJI'" i".~rt:,;'ftr,o. &Ji!PU"iUIfHU!", i" ·',rJih,III1(.ftriifigt. .
E. -K. The Boo.k rcmaipeth hanging in the ;tyre;
A voice •••••• Ktlly; I know ids troublefome forthee to kneel ~ Sit. , pflifti ",AgU.
A •••••• . ~o ,E.K. rofefrom kneeling, and did fit•

. . . . .• E. K. Now fhe is -here; that laft advertifed· us.

She t~keth the book aoo dtvid~tli it into two: parts .: and it f<!em..
eth to lDetwo books.: the half cov~r adj~yning toone, ' and, the
di"dcd. other half cover,bdongingtothe other, th« fides with the' covers are
towards me.
A.trul' ~el(ltion of Dr. Dee hiJ dflionI, 'n1#h Spirtt.f,&c~ *1,7
• A·huntlr.tJ JAyt~ art limittd u~t~ yo~ during tht ",hich ti1M " YOll /hall every feventh, pre-
fent ,yout felyes in this place, anI! you /hal! laud and praifeGod. Alld bthold, · i "'ill be. Ari h~ndrtd
pr4"{Kt a"IfIOKgj!j;U. dales limited
.Arul beforetbeft dayes pllfs, ",hm power it givt71 *t[o to ao, I .,Ul elfter out ofthil StoHe UH- . very 7th
U you lind you ./hll/{ ell.t up.the[e hPoboo/v, both the onUlfJ tee other:
dome ./hllll he.livitltd btt'JPtewyoll, [ujicit71t to ellch mltn.
:1'" ",i[':' p!Yi. t
-tht.n jhltll younyts ht opt71td t, [u. illfd unaerftand all fuch things as have been ",riqen un- The ~~d~:
to y!?U, and t~llght you from above. B~t be",are yt ta'<.e bua, tbat,ou d1ptll. ~it£jn your (landing of
ftlvts, and keep' the fecrets of God, untlll the time come that tou /hall be' Old SPEAK; ruch thin~s
FQ.r ·.btH jhllil tbe Spirit of God bemigbty upon you; [0 .hat it ./hall be {llid ofyou, L 0 were as have be-
.nQt the{C, the Sorcerers, and fuch as wer~ accounted Vagabollds : Other [ome.fhltll fltJl fore tJm~
Behold Icc us take heed, and lec 'us humble our felves before·them : For the Lord of beeD. deh-
Hoa!h is with .the~. · . . . vered us my-
.And roujhall. hav~ power in .the Heavens, and in thelower bodies : Anti. if ./hllil be, ~1:~~·
tltught all times II1waF~ly,~vtn ",hat beloilgeth to the heans qf men : 'the~ !bltlt thou untill.
.E. K. have'IOltw'COltt put 01/ thee, jf~a it.lhllll be all of 6~e cololir; Thtn./haltt~u~. alfo Powereo be
have power to open.that book, which Ood hath committed uneo thee; bu. ufe your [elves givenus • .
/If 1Mn, yelt even th.en remember [ueh /If lfIay.receive the IfItTCiu ana grltce of God: And let all Pi/It "EIiD-
peace and unity be among.1i you:" FDr even /If .he Sunlook,trb into 1111 things from Ifbove,fo /hall ,m" .".ls83
you into all the creatures that live upon the earth\1elt the one Dfyou ./hltll havt his .e71fis dit,
liftea, lind fh.all mler into r./ie tourth or fifth Ilta'llta, for unto him .bltt it ",orldly of his divers
/tno",ltdge bt given, lind unto him that h4tb been p"timt, ./hltll grtltttr things tle[cmiI. Not- f?otted COat.
withftit:71ding both [ufjicinltly flttidfitd:Jn the fIIeltn [ufon, The feventh day hel\ce,follltb"~u briKg Note abed
Pc [uch thingi,'as tire' Lord hath given tQee' : And ill this place they Chall be difpored ac- mem ~. E
cording to the knowledg~ that is given m~: And hmin tbou h~ftPleltftll the Lor/I; For thet:h~e:~d
thlftthou haft dealed,ftfCIght, :1~d accordmg to brotherly mcanmg. Sth.heaven.
c.. No",, tIme thllt thl Whore ./hall be cltUea before the H igheft,llnd the tenth Month A 0 Lord i
hmee, ./hIlU the Turk and. the Mofcovite malr.! II ptT!ttualleltgue together, ana in the thirtrtnth thank thee
7110nth,./hllll Poland be II/faulted, with the Tartanans, and ./hall be {poylttl: yell even unto th3t thou
the vtry tibs,fo that in the ji>'tttllth month they !hall fall all to~ethcr from Chri(l : ' And 'he haHaccepted
hllm! of Gotl.fhal/ rlln in vtngtllnet, vtnJ!,ellnCt, even througn this Kingdome, lind through my p.~tlen,e.
Germany,and,into Icaly; and in the 23. Month R.ome .(/141/ br 4rftrol.ttl, [0 tbitt ont ftOllt }hall ~a'b 30
'Jlotbtleft ftalldl1tg 1lPD~ allo'~er, .al\~ vengeance /hall be on all. ,the- earth" ana ftlfr UpOIl of ~:~n.~ k
all peoplt,for 'he Lortl II gOTle oli~· aga"'ft the". :, They e~t '~!!.d ~flrl!t, and fay ~ Let us ,be and the J' IJ
merry': W, knJnto,tbtm,for,th,:R..ltoJJ' "ot the time of theIr viJitittlon. For 10 'f,uft,ee jhltll viJit l'0wder
tht71f lt71tl:trtlt!l thtm " f.,t ., A"J. ,' ''- .1.;, Xi"gtJ.m~ Jltlt(f aUT' for Itwbtd ; . rblEf " ,. f"j, /;.'
"1hif .,.icIt",I.. ITiumpb. Antl,'btholdin tht ~orfhjhllll ri[e tbll~ Mp'!fier·, . ~1Ul.fh1t1l fltfs for!h ",jth Men/e JO.
mllTl} ,Mirltclt~. bur Jim fwng 1111 thtfe Ihl~gs .fhltll ~t at qtuemefs \Il\tll! fuch timell a~ It thail forte 1m,,!,
lie raid unto them, Revenge. Happ) II he thll~lInof partll/(er of tlJe love of [ucb /If Jhllll be pro a"n.trir.
"exed. thtJe llltftr a.1t.1ts. A ProJhcGt
E. K. She-is gone. Men}, J3·
. 1C T' h' . ~ Poland.
/;.. 11'ea<;l. tbr.fe over to E. . 0 IS great eomlort. Me"fe 16"•
••, •••• Milk.! lIa tnd, I have'" mOrt 'orlt} Bohemia.
A.D.eD noftro O",,,ip'tmti, flltTi, Fili., &- Spiritlri {/tHl!o fit D1WfIilIIIII( grlltjarJ4m Illl;;, ~onor Icalia.
jlorill,& Imper;um nun, & in fempitlTnfl. [II,ul.rum [tC,,/iI. .Amen. A 71 ,11 89'

pdd :2
~;,8 A true'R!/4titJn of Dr. Deehu Aarons, DithSp,rits, &c.
A gllij iti vir; fratru 6- II",ici Chari1f: Bodie hora 9., allte .eridie. i{i~
""hi tlUat~ iN"t Jiter~ a DOlllino Schombcrgio, fJII~ dattt {tmt 5 Mar~
debebat jtllll'deve"ijfo ;,11 ",all111 f'teI. antea. ' Ex ~;,iblH i1lteUigo ip-
{tllll ell", DOIII;no Holek expellare reJiOIl).1II Munllerbergu. ~a1ldolJ.lIide",
01ll1lipottlll iUe om";",,, rerNIII moderator, 6- rellor VOl delega':Jer# "d hoc lIIi-
n;flerilllll & Oplll perjiciendN'III. E~o nihil feio fJllid agelldNIII, nee NU.", lIIe1l:m
COIlJililllll'O acceaere potefl, Nt diJPonere AlifJ,,;d poJlilll,j'cia", alit flelitIJ; IIi}
1J"lJd ftlpientijji1ll0 iUi modertltori vif"m;t. Proinde ,omll;II flobil' tran)-
",itt_, Orate JedNlo, 6- qNod plllcNeril AltiJJitIJo 6- Potntijjilllo Domino hoc
jiat, & lIIe etialll;n olllnibtH inforlllAte & ill lantis /ibenter obedire eNp;o &
'lJl1lo : Et ittl nolilllne'1; die", iJam pr.etermittere fJNill flati", rNrftH "d vOJ'
Iran)",i'talll. 1ntel'im vol & lIIeipfll1ll Dei omnipote"til' bonitati illl1lle,,[.eqlt.
miferieol·di~eo"'lIIeld""I. Dllt. Cromoviz~ 16Marcii, AnnlJ IS87.

vefler IIlIIie. &- frater,

Guilielmus manu propria.
Magnificis viris Domino 10a",,; Dee Be Domino Eavarao KeUeo & ad
manus proprias.
IS87. Kecep;"'. ta"ae", Trebonz ~prilil' 2. No~ ellilll '! Reichfrenio ahi-
verallllH & reaiverallllH allteqlltlm aaRclchfreOlum nNlIcilH vellit.

M Agnifici Domini Charifiiini amici &: fratres, ad literas vcfrras nihil re-
. fpondere potui, quandoquidem per fuas mihi literas D. seho",herg.
de {uo & {oc!i ip6us a .••• tu 6gnificaveras. yolui pri~um quz !Dih~ .•••
IlCccntur audue. Et Ii ahqua nov" c:iI'cm: ."..1 non audlta. dOlnmatlonem
veftram magnifi~am denuo certiorcm reddere. Hzri nodu folus ad me ve-
nit D. a seho",herg. relido focio in monafrerio meo. Coronienli dimidium
ab !Unc milliare, Be d~ negotiis m~i mul~a exp?fuit, ~~ quib~s uti jn~l1exj,
ex Ipfo Be vefrrlS Mag. lignlficavertt, UtI POtUl lDtelhgere, fatls cir-
cumfpede Be provide negotia funt tradata ufq; hue, &: fpero etiam fideli-
ter: Ad omma ifra refpondi, prout fepiffime a me intellexifris, Be lluper e-
tiam liter is quz illi dicenda putabam Dom. vefrrz fcripfi. T ota res 'vide-
tur confifrere in adjuvandis aliquibus perfonis {'ecuniarum aliquo auxilio~
Be prout & fcriptum five . • • • memorialc mihl tradidit. quod tranfmitto
Dom. veftris perlegendum Be confiderandum; 'Be pofr, mihi remittatur oro.
Charifiimi Domini fcitis quz fit voluntas Domini, proxi1Jla allio 0- ali.e,
(mihi videtur) annuunt ipfos adjutandos, fiat fecundum il'fius cujus omnia
(unt voluntate Be mifcricordifiima difpofitione Be expediantur eo celerius,
prout cum Domino Eavarao locuti f~us. Ipfi refl'0ndeant Domino altif-
lImo Be :eotenti~mo ~e fide q~am ipfi przfrabunt, lin vero aliter vifum fu.e~
nc;.ommpotennDommo fiat Ita. Rogo Dom. vellras Magn. quam amantlf-
lime piis fuis ad Deum orationibus & mediis a Domi,no vobis traditis Be con-
cefiis promovete, Be adjuvetis Domini Dei noftri opus &: voluntatem ex-
Socius remanfit in monafterio, ut fupra didum, Be conelufi cum Domino
scho1Jlbergio, ut neq; videam neq; tradem cum illo, certis de caufis, quas
vobis fignificabit, Be a me edam intelligetis; tamen ut eo fit melius conten-
tus de aNoblll vel triblH 1JIillihIH taUerorum ipfi procurabitur ad quzdam fi-
bi ne5=eifaria comparanda in lucio fperat ipfum bene fore contentum pro
tempore modo cztcra quz majora funt propter reliqua ut fupra fcripfi pro..
.If true~ationof Dr. DeehuAElions,~ithSpirits,&c. :tJ 29
Ego non fum ab Imperatorevocatus. fedmeam de'aliquibusexpetiyit fua
Ma jdbs fententiam de quibus refcripfi ut decuit.
De actlone intellexi Dom. vefrras paratas ad prrefcriptum diem dfe velIe,
~ene <:fr. Semper nos p'ar~tose.ffedecet & c?n,:,enit ; Ip~c: benig';liffi~e quae
10 nobis defunt. f ua mlfencordla & clementia menarrablh perficlat : ;Placet
mihi fententia Dom. velharum & qure initio & in proremio altionis propo~
nere velletis, de quo me informabitis, ad hoc me componam Be expeltabo
hurpiliter refponfum.

!<.!!,e propo1le1laa plltabam 1II1Ua frmt "Ii" 1Iil' iUIt.

I. Si Imperator de rebus 1'0101lici~ a me quicquid fcifcitari vellet, aut Cu"
fpicione ahqua de me concepta aut fingendo fibi aliquid 'lNomodo "'e gerer~
2. Si Imperator de fucceffione Regni hu jus pro fratre ali quid traQare vel..
let quomQdo me gerere debeam.
3 •.Si deaio ~~lo1l~ca fri~ce{fura fit, quid de bonis meis paternis difponat
Donuous. & mlhl qUId faciendum:.
4. Debeo-ne de negotio PO/01l;CO aliqua cum Eleltore Br"ndenbNrgico aut
aliquo Principe Imperiiconfidenter conferre, velnon. Cum quibus, quan·
do & qua ratione.
5. Si miles aliqui$ conducendus & quando.
6. Si Pontifex aut Imperator de rerfonis Dom. vefrrarum vellet aliquid
attentare, vel eM iter". releg4re,ve quovis modo perturbare, quid agendum
& ip'fts refpondendum. ,
7. Si de Thefauro nob" concreaito aliquid Czfari fit communicandu~
'luando, quantum, & quomodo.
8. Si Imperator mea opera uti vellet pro agendis Comitiis in Mo,a'lJi" tk
Sile}a, fi hoc fufciperemunus debeam.
De creteri humiliter fupplicent ut me ita difponere dignetur altiffimus ut
fibi Coli placeam & ferviam fideliter & confbnt:er ~cHili nominis :rternam glo..
riam 8t l\.cipublic~ Chrtitlanz falutem.
Si Dom. vell:rz putant aliqua omittenda t aut qu~ offendere pofi"ent per
amoremDeioro, lJeneconfiderc:nt: omittant autemendant pro fuapietate
& prudentia.
U Dum ell: quod omift de propofitionibus; <.lJIod confi:itu.eram in !1ni!flo de
ThefaNro Domini mihi benig~e concefi"o ahquas fun~~lOnes ~ hlc. 10 pa ..
tria ill:a con{\:ituere. Deus fClt mentem meam quem nihJllatet. Sl placet
hoc meum mifericordiffimo Domino proEofitum vel non.
Et prrefertim fi mihi alio (divina ita difpon~nte gratia) fit c0ffi!Di~andum,
vellem patria m~a cognofcat, & ~ot~ po{\:er~tas quod amavenm dlam, &;
optime de falute Ipforum & poftentatls fenfenm.

Dat. CrofJIo1Ji,e freria s. pofr Pafcha, .1'1""6 I S87.

Yefler ex 4"ifllO, 0- /tiller 6 .",it"
GuilieImus manu propria.

A true 'Rf..lationof Dr. Dee hiJ AEfionI, with SpiritJ,&c ..

In nomine Patris, & Filii, & Spiritus SanCHe Amen.

Gloria Patri, &, Filii, & Spiritui Sanao: ficut erat in principio &
nunc & fcmpcr & in fecula feculo fum. Amen.

In AEfione 'Tertia, propontnda.

I. DEO omnipotenti, Pdr;, Filio 6- Spiritlli S IInlJo, offeri11l11S no~ hllmi/i-
11Ie, pllraios lid Divilla orllclIla~ 11I01lit4, ;njlrll{Jiones, infor11l4tioner,
t;;. alia qllullnq; in hllc gener"li A{Jione, fllfeipienda , inteUigenda, 6- exe-
ljllendll, qlle /114 Divilla MajefttH, .pro f1l4 gloria 6- noftra confolatione
1IIaXi11l11 fore, pU1Jiderit ,& decreverit.
2. HII11IIIiter reqlliri11l1H, lin hlc plena;';a hote tr.npgetllr A{J;o: vel an no-
h" ad CromoviaDl, Cll11l neceJ/itrik 1Ioftrk rebllS, (6o '1l1iblH iUk '1l1i4e11l) iTo-
perandll11l fllerit.
3. HtH noftr; D011lini Rofenbergii ~efliorns l~ generales, Co alia '1l1e-
clIn'1; in e#/df:11I p"rticlllariter continentllr, .hllmi/iter offeri11l1l'l, ta11l ejllS qlla".
noftro nomine, iff" 6- talia expe{J.mtes re'/ponfa'i,!e & 'iflalia a fede Mflje-
flatk Divine, in JIIOrllm fervorIl11l ·confllltationib. procedere, & olim &
Jemper folent. .
4. Et qllia ill eifde11l ~eflionih., fllIUa ja{Ja efl 11Ientio de IIJU plliverk
'1'1t11l Jib; divinitllS conceJ/11m habet) & .aliqllotier pri.,di{J 11,111 pterit, 'illod in
hac Allione, infor11laretllr de iUilll plliverk IIf1l, nos, ja11l hll11li/iter iUam de-
Jidera11l1H infor11latione",.
5: ,Et '1~iil- e~~raordinari,!, ille 'l!eh~""en.s; favor J}/o1'chovitici pr;ncipk , ert"
l1Je tncognlt1l11l Jam eft.,h, 6- 11I111t1l alt" co'!'eftat., & manifeftlH, (ago
Deo Optitilti Maximo gratj.tII, ~1I4nttll poJ/1Im maxi11ltll) & qllia incertlll 1'1111#
4d'l1le11l jinclJt De~ 1.U",m dill ffv,?rem erga IMt:, dir;gere velie: h1lmiliter peto
0- mibi " te , (O",n,potenl DelH.) mfor1!latto aer,.r: il., "fi" fine, 6 volllntate
'1114 in hac parte, & 'I.1I~ mod,o ej1lj'dem NNlIcik re[pondere debeam, Ji 'iN; ja",
'Penerint de cel,ero.
6. An non dr:"o14m_ ""') mel atjponere, (1It a litH ,au9Notier pU11Ionit1lm efl)
"t hie, lapldem phtlo[ophorllm ex .11Ie1hQdo Dunfiam conjici""'IH: q".e me-
thod., '1*i4 11Iihi non c~lIflat, f~pe "'.e ha{Jen. fe.cit videri 111aji hi hoe labore
urd1lm,0Iip[1I11t, vel ignav.IIIJ1.: , Vb" contra, '1114m eft parat. itnimllS ~eH
& m'anlH CJ:pedes 6- 011lnes vires tam animi qu", corpork mei, Til noft;, T*'I.;
(0 DelH J'tijtk efto me1ls.
7. ilia. Pr.a~it, t'lli!: po,c1llo jerTeo" eanali. vitrla; calc~ Coc. n'ndil", nob;'
[*ccedit; idcirco? ·ad iUi1f!J*of.; ConclNJion;, veri~ate", 'p~"{Jica,,, ,.bUnt1l-
dam, libenter f"re"'.lIs, '111td eJt '111od ,,-os h,,{Jen1ls t!"p~dtv,t, vel q1l1d lIobk
deep, ad vera11l1.nteU'gell,da11l, & perjictendam praXl11l tU 11.111.
8. Thomz Kelleidwl",bentkvaletildinem& fanitate~ . 'tibi (0. Delis)
cOlllme1ldamlls, & fllpplica11llls, 1It iUi , nobiJq1le propitills e1le velk: if-
1IIm'1r[anIl11l C ,falv'IIlII ,!obk reddere .&. conjirlllare tli~n~~k.. ~dno"ink .tlli
la1ldem, honore"", & glor.t4;m~ , ,e x jidell epi1'dem pofthac jUVlttO, & offiCIo:
erga divinam t1l4111 lIt/ajeftatelll. Amen.
9. Joanna, ' .X()r Ed: Kellei tloftri; omlliJoteflti Divine Mtljeftati . tN,c
[1Ippliea : per me, & ego hllmilim~ (ejllp{em Joannz no~ine) . t ibi ( 0 De1ls)
f1lpplico, lit iUi velk eJ/e mi(ericors, clemens & . benignNs; &- 1It ejlls 11I111ti-
plices ad te precer pro fecNnditate CN11I ho,' ejlls ",arito obtinenda, patern..a re-
fliic'itll charitate:. & 1It iUi hde. ctl1t~ribllere 've/~ ga1ldt1l11l, & q1l .iji [1Ii fide-
1k [ervitii (erg" [1111111 '",artt1l11l) pU11It1l1ll, 1It prole per tNndem 0-
'fll'" eode11l gaNdere poJfit beata: reJPit;e 'lH.eftlmNs hanc noftram petitione""
lIt a 1II111tii olim piN jemink & vir" eirndelll a ccepifti, &- etiallJ conce.f-
A true 7?elation olDr. Dee hiJ. AEliont, with SpiritI,&c. *, ~l
Jifti petiti&nem MifericordiJJime Pater; per FiliHm' tHHm, DominHtn noftrHfJt
jefll"t ChriftTtm. Amen. /
10. Pro me4 Jana (0 DeuI) hH1Itilim egratilH ago, qHod-·h'dJe..nHf ta", cleo,
tJlellte,r & pie iUam liberaverk a fH.e r"dica[.k iltfirmita~k contagi01le:
contra qua", & medicinam facere, m,e dOCHifti: & file 'It. fil.cerem. adjHvijti,
fili1.t:que eam virtutem conceJJifti, ut iUa remedii optilti noh#\ puberet jigna,
qllal'(1. noftra imyeritia magk, JPerat' eJ!e bona ¢- certa, -qH4m reaa r4tiene
dijudicare poteJt, hoc igitur {ymptona egeftionil- fa1lgHinolmt.e qHid'fit ne-
fcimH/~ an morbi alteriul indi.cium, an diCI.e Medicin.e adhltc in fua vir-
tute & ejJicacitt proc6dentk, operatio. Tuu"t (0 DeNI) ne dedignerk impar-
tire fIIihi conJiliN'm : & de ftUXH iUo freqHenti, ex ejHjdem Jana! ilHrihHI, li-
henter illIdire velfcfIIIIl re1tledilt11l- 4liqltod.

De Anglia! & Regin.e ejHfde1Jt flatH, ji illiquid fcire no'" ex/edit, li-
henler 411diemltf.
'I: ,:. /1 true~/4tion' ofDr. Deehil AElionr" ~;thSpirits, &c•

........................... ............. ............ ++++41.... .

London, At Mrs. goodman her houfe.

Mart;; 20 ameride hora f ~

Omnipotens fernpiterne &: une Deus.
'11ft'" 111"711 .11"711 f!Io lI""i'''',711 'l1li711,
tUU711 f!Io T .6".""clIl". Amen •
lit ipr" 711' JIIC." t f!Io p""JII&.t. "tl .'IIt,,,, r• .oll.
•• •• •• 1';'711 bl'lf,tl Raphael, " bl'j',tl7ll,fftflg"; of rb, .41';';gh,],J •• {t", of Gorl, '//Iho it
lzl~'d for '1I""7IIor,. Amen.
ohl\ Dee, . r.~ r,'" of G.rl for ,h] ".ftrt fir/t r, cmifi' thtt ,1.0. jh#l, 01l""C07llt thit thy
in r7ll;~j• .,(n!I-.,;h", rho I( llrt Ifron, b~dJ' '" God ~n bit g,!4MfS ."ill 7114.t th", TH~N thou
fii;llt hayc all madekno9l'n untO theeof fuch thlItss bemg n,ot come to pars as have been
befo~e r~ken of, h,uu{, tbd thoujhiuItkjhil/cl co"'ftrl in Gotl, th.t rho" R' iiot I'ft fro 711 ,h,
C(l7ll[ort of :Go(ls hlig,rl 'Y'lffur"'.S. N",' Goa. b.,h {tilt ill, .t tbii fi., "bm"y tbo" jh.l, b, {II-
ti1fi,tl. THAT "10,,, thy body is able to abide.the time of my fen-icc from GOd to be de-
livered.unto thee by me ];{" : 'fh} {ri," Jobn POnto,s },t liMh, put hit t;7II, it liq'"
to b,jhOrt.
~d~~ .
11> •••••• 0 God, I am buten into a great attempt, to inake the counfel P0YY', of my
bcggery,and to offer theurle of SiIlishJlf]', fuch ~y liutiesas I may perfe£E to hIs cou-
tent. How ftandcth this with yoill' good liking?
A. Spiri'lJ!Il.
TbOll /h;J/d,••, frinitls ~ i. th} [uir, 11114 ,bo" ./h/' "_v• . fm \I but thr.ugb (J~ls
t.. Spiritual,
",,,,,ciu, til] fr;mtls, jhllll olltrCo.nh) fott al ,houjhllit fet h""tII", Goll;t! bit gooJ/U{s ."ill
."orl:, 7II;gbtu} ;" hit P"'" for thtt.
Proclttl i" til] (u;t f. jhong '" ,h." c"rift fituk th) h;lilth it! hol] ~bl, : :All1l for thy h,,,lrB ftfo
rh} O1I'1IskjU, rh"t Goll b.,h, .1Itl jh.ll g,,;tlt th" ."ith"Il,o fh] ,oorl and perfett receiving
of tliy perfclt health.
A ••••••• Of the blood, not coming out of my Fundament, but at alittle,as it were
• pin hole of the skin.
Raph. 'th., rh, .",hilh tbo. h.lft no lqto."l,Jg, to h,lp r"} .",,,I'Ju{s, God i" "N ",m;ts tlitl
{tM ,h" tll",in pr,ftllt .h,lp, til, ."h;ch but o,,[J for tlu, iffu, thou couI#ft IfO~~.!,' lill"J.
AM for rh, cur, w ,hi ",lp, ,,,, [ ••, God '//Iill "or'" ."itb ,h" in rh} htlln ~ntl ",indt {o, fhllt
it j!J"zl 6, y"," Jlllto II. "'.", h, b} Gods .trCifuI gool/U[s .,/;11"",,1: "",. thee/itch .",,}tSW
"""JIS IIIjh;J/l b, tb}.htlp, 11M r,(ior, til" to h,"It11 .".i1l.'!";' G,d of hit ."'} h.t~rtllt "', t.
~"lif1tr 'hit jhort 7IItfJ'IIgt, "".uf, of th] .",.IIp[s;- Tbou art not ftrOilJ to indure them, thm-
for, {llch ;, Gotls goo4/U[s to Itt }'" t. "Iftltrft"rul thlff .fflr ,w t",tb ••, of April ~ I '//Iill tb,,.
[10] "IFP,.r .,.i", DIll rb." (1",/r Jt1Ul"ft"nil 7IIuch..r, ."b", G,as."ulllnilhis pl,.fur, it ro b, rlo",
ill Go"rls {tr1IiCtS,. ."nil for.],ur gOl.,1I1IIl [0 f.r thif linl,jbm .'ff"g'~ t 10.11, tltcl.rtIl1l1lf! }Oll
rl., "illof Jefus Chrift: Jl.1f4 fo for ,hif ti"", IR the Name of the; ' moO: higbei Ci:eator
and maker of Heaven and Earth, 1 tlo",." rtfurn "r hN."ill IfIIIl co7ll7ll~m, all I "711
r,,,'" "t:.llri7llts'."h", h'jhilll ""'","U7IIItUIP'R th}
t1llT1ll,r,. .4",111,.4.tfI.
to co-toJ1.
Hit N.iIi, bl tr";{ttl
A. Amen.

.A lrue'R!Jation of Dr. Dee hu AElions,'J)ith Spirits,&c.

Friday 24 Marti; hora ·9 !

E. adjutorium noj!rum intmdB D. D. • •.• Zebaith •• .•••••••• The Om,,;-
. fotmt Gpd be prai[ed for evmnore, hit holy Name be glorifted. No'l/l John Dee, 1 Ra-
phae am n·; lI' come at Gods plea[ure,a"d Itt hit com",lt"dtment to [peltl(.lI'ith tbee,ltlld ma/{r *,,"071'11
"nu thee B far fonh B in my pOll'er lieth 'to {puk.. Goa hath {tnt me to dtclltre unto tbrt: tht cltufe
'fthy defre n.o'l/lat tbit time, John Dee, B thoultn Itn tltr~hly mltn, if thou doft defiu to have
help from God of [uch things" tarthly mm ca"n ~ t he lI'ithout ."hile they have ti"'t hert in thH
morrill life, thou dtfirtfl to hltvt Itno."teage III conctrni"g things hia, the ."bich 1 Raphael have
no aelight. nti~het pltit[ure i" fptaltjng Orll n) {uch earthly mlttter. lor urrhly ca[es, But my de-
light K in the Almig~ty) alld in hM lI'i[;1.ome. But not:'I/Iith/lltna;,,~ at thM requefi, and thy in."ard
defire in God to be certiftttl of thM trelt{ure. the ."h,ch theft t'l/lO men lI'hom thou k..noll'eft do {puk..
.of.thty t'ller had a time Itppointtd of God for it,ltnd it 11'111 not urea accordingly B thtY.lhGufd.bltve
Jone• No." thH feco"d. time~ becltu[eyou hltve a dtfirt to hltvt htlp Itnd k..noll'ledge artht hands of
lhe Almighty, I Ral?hael do commllnd thee ana tho[e men lI'hom thou k..nOll',ft, thltt thty /hall not
intermeddle,or to ta/tt it in hilna before ·tbe tmth altY ofJalluary be paft, f .r if they do·. th"foilll
1Ia~ p~e'llail,for that Ha time th~t God hath bejl aPloi~ted for the [ilid 1'ur~o{t, and f' r tht quitt
InJo)mg of ,t; [0 lI'iJm thltt da) H pltJf, then let tbtm III tht nllme of God tnter into tbltt 1I'0r ~ .
And if ihey lI'ill be fuch mm III thty ought for to be, and B GoJs "ill H th .. t theY./hould be, to dtal
faithfully IlM truly ane "ith tbe dnd "nd in 1I'0rd, Goa ",U thmblefs tbeir good purpo[e,
"nd bring it to their hud lI'hm they foall tlt/{r in hand to opm the eltrrh, God 1I''i1l pre{tntly ilt that
injfant thm {lifer their goodJurpofe u tak,t tffell, and tbe matttr to be efelled, andlliltl, fa thilt
th" jhlt/I not be put off, if they /hall helTe Dr rtl any thing that they foaU diflik,t, bur{afely to
filtnd in the hope,and craving 1ft Gods hand to have thltt good help to be a wltrrdnt bttwem them
dnd all hurt 1tM. danger whllt[,)ever mlty behltppm,and [0 overcome. 1 [ay, If the) will fllithftiDy
pray Ullto Goil,,;th their lI'bole tTUft i" G,d, Goil. ,,;Il bltfstheir good fJlCcefs, if they be DtbeT'Jllift,
tbm 1II.(pod "ever ftir~ and tbeir gOQd {uccefs 1I'iU be againfi thNII. So I Raphael have made
1t,,40wn unto thtt Gods pl/Tpofe in t!,if thy requeft.

For this I have (aid.

John Dee, I Raphael; did mltq /tnD'llln u"to tbu d'!IT' of thilt fetTet, 1t1ft! r1.4t great gift
that gav, unto tbet i" {licb order and ma""... M tl.." ""...w,jt whrr~ rh." bttlft if, ""d flUft ".vtr
By,t II/,aft rho /tJI.",lodg. and the Wi[d'lfIe. that Go.d "i~ give'tb" III concerning that, and
many,;,o [ucb untothH: So thH rltT' Kift bll1lg ta/{rn aWlly from thee by tht",
th,u k..n01l'eJl, bj taljng th) "'), alld [0 t.lj"g of it from thy 1t"1'i"g, it 11'111 the "ill lind pur?o[e
of G.d,that I Ra'ph,ael jhould give [ucb ••• tbllt thou fo'lIlaefl hltve"ltagt ••• of tbe {amt.
Thou foalt tJJ/{r [uch couife •••• thou maYlft obtain it agltin, .a1lll."hm tllOll bllft it, thou ./ha/t
l.ut it into the fllme cheft agll;n, lind c.ommit it into the cU/lody and It.!~ing of thy ver) fritntl
John Pontoys, all. he jhllU,ilM w!U dell I fllithfl/ll~ a.nd fr~",dly1l'ith thtt in "'eping the [ame
".til fuch time III bJ thltt ... the whlcb th,u k..noweft II /'Tomlfed unto thte, thilt tho. /hltlt rt-
ceive the perftll undtrj!anding of the bid ..,,,,,ledge a"d {tereci!'f Go. tbat unot /If yet mad.
);]ro"n unto tbtt, and ••••• •• III hllth bttll.{aiJ, fo /halt thou· have fllcb lI'i[dome delivere. unto
rhet by me Raphael that ./hlll! come in {uch ... • ,iJ ,rder III bath bem laft made Itn,,,n unto tbft
for thy good in [llchjho~t a.nd [pttdy time .to be ptrformed, a"d [0 tbus much 1 bave made /(JIo.""
unto rh,e, III God hath in fiore for tbet t. be ,erformtd.,(hlK much I "ow,and give" the,
cunlling to /{rtp it in fuch maner III Ilhavt fpo"'", OT tl{t tbou wilt b, .di[aptointed of thM,ItM •••
it lI'ill hide fllcb purpofe M God will bave c,m, to pafs,[o in hitmighty.po"er ·command me to COlflt.
1 have for thM mllfter ftlli(htd; It thou #'a..,e any thingfNeaily, 1IIk.. in ••• for I am to .epItTt.

John Dee, If thou "i/t hltve illl thy caufe then •••• " rb.u ~I/~ jht'l/l .unto thy liljng dnd
IrtTslI'hat thou ha.ft dr4Jlln,and cra.v,Io.r good agi{fanc, it ••• of ••• dtfir;ng hH belp,.a"lI • ••
lInto her the difea[e• ••• to go to fuch m", that /hoald give thee furtber inftrullion thy beft" I ba'll'
(aid to jht'l/l unto htr that thou hllfi d.llt ." .. " and he ."ill ,,,. in tby cafe IInto ......
• tld Canterbury, Il7fd [0 the fllitb jhall triumph itt /hoTt time, Illld if tbil be ...... .. ..

'julii 9. hora 4. a lIIeridie •

•• After my Prayers fora quarter of an hour, a Voicc eaia, . Wtft",t.i./I".
I Itm Raphael "ho[t voice tbou doft btar: To IIIOrro" morning lit 71in"t Df tbt clQclt Gol :rIm~ Kine'·
lI'iD [(lid m( to tbJ jight. In KIAV
.. So with thanks to God I clldcQ. llrcct.
E c. Mift,..
. , _ . ' .

Ii true 'R5.'ation of Dr. Dee hii Afiions, ~itb'Spir;tJ,&c.

Fr;J~1 the ~. MiffM IUWII f/flttll U vtri.iltltll til''''', q." "OS lIlC""' U p"I/lc,,1It ttl "'O"t'''' [""lI/1".
10 '/11,'" tllUI~ o' c«l,jii" tUiI ,,,btrHllell[", Amen.
hor"9· B;lfth. As for you, the Creator of God doth appear.
tl. B'IUJiSIII 911i v,IIit i" ".",i", DOllli,,; HttU.,llIiJl•
• • • • •• Blt/fttl6, Gol,b, Flit"", .Iftl GoJ tb, s~ ""l GoiS ,b, hI] Ghojf. ..4U bOllDllr
""J lo.,r b, "[,,,ih,d 11"'0 ,bt Ii'lli"g God for tV""'",..A",,'" A. Arne~.
John Dee, 1-"", Raphael; oltt of ,b,
blt/fll "U ,[,0 ..411g,[,.( t~, Al""ghty; .Iftl ., 6i1
.ill 1l1fll6i# go oJ pl'ilfur" 6, r."tlICO"'III"JUleJ lilt to "PPt., -II"tIt' ,b" "IIIt, to ft. forrb ,b, .,a
"U1;['''[lIrr of ,b, A[",igh,y Gol.
ohn. D(e, tIIy .t/f" , tbllt I 6"v, ., ,Ilk 'illl~'~ It/iV" 1I11to til", ~ of grt~, fmt, i" th.".
Go .t111~ bllfl, .bet'o~. Au"bt". it.". f"'~
/If"" ["ft "pp,n,"g ", ,b., 6t60/tl"> tbat
I ,,"oUld Ippttr ag2il1, if1ul. I/O" ,it h.lth PltI{td.Goll to [tntl lilt •• .1"t',.",
ttU-"'"1et 1t1fDYl'' . "c-
corai;,g to tl111t "hieb,,111 ,b,II {",tl, thac III thltlgs before prorntCe fbould be made plaltlly
known wbat Gods will is to ~c done: ip all' tllat hatIJ been before Caid~
N,.,,1 do ",.Iet It""'" lI"t, you th, P["i" """"mg
,,1!d ""tkrft"lIa,1Ig tll"tof.
Firft tb~1I blft pr~"'i[ttl tb, [tcrtt ~/tagt,,,1!d ."ltrfr,,1!dillg df''J" Pbi/'lopbm StOlle,
of ibt Book of St. Dunftans, t. h"vt til, kJwriltdgt of tbrlll.
. It it fUll' a long time, M tholllt"""jho III.iIs rt#{Oll, .Uto tb, ",i;,u of "''''','' fttl' years
iI "it. ""'" tboulht to ht big •• """, God bdb b"" tb] /vtp"; "d ",oft cbi,jl] ere:atta tbtt,
."d batb {lIfflf'ttl thtt to b"v, ti"" to live /I1IlO thil "t,: ."4
fllr.b"",ort, tbou doft [i~t Ullto th]
N."ti"llity, ""6 ""flJtri"g tbJ gr,At .g,
th", th'.COl\rC~ of N,.rurt for age, iI lillt!]; by thy t'e:a:'
'foll, to t.1t.! ,Z"el. BUT J~b" D", thou loff "ell rtlll(lllb" .lIto ."bo"',i" the bol] ScriPtll1'u,
.b"t Gotl i" 11i1 ""reits ditl i,fJ, _,,114 p.t to fift". yt.1S [o"gtr lh•._ tht ':1 ;_".. {et hinf : -So
rEMlt"ot bllt Gf/. i" hil "'ttties ."HI b, ilS grId IIl1ff ttl". Anl1lD'" to CO"" to tbt "',tt" wb",-
by !O ' ~t thtt to 1I~t1'(l.U ."hy .1,011 hAtlft ifOf thus tb,[e r." gifts "1l6 prollli{ts ttrform,d iliff 0
,h", ,t"l11 t6,.,[[ of (Sod to k"tp .lTtlll a."y, A)ll to [u/" tb, ~t,.rt .f ~by (IIpr'III' be"tl ""d
&ov""our, /I1Iaet God; to b, bard7lttlag"iitft ,btl" tbtlt tbOll .n "0 bett" .eCO.1ff ",atl, of u"to
hi"" but ~ {uch "" 01lt th.t ·aotb de"/.,,i,b Devil, /llId by Sorcery. 111 'Oil CD",,,,o7lly t"m rb,,,,
Witcher.ft: " d"b, "".,,bo b"t6 ;"for",eJ. him, '0
b, tb,. t'llil tllftl r."rJIy illfor",i!tl .-
,,,i"ft tbtl, b"t o,,[y th, D,vil, ""il b] tbt II.ctrttl of thJ Fcn, '''''''J .bo", tholl kJt,.,ft (Sa!if-
bury I """..) ""il 1l11",,,lice ttIftl ",,"';tS r/r", b; CJI1I hj IIk'Drtlil., Mlreritn, H~mlc:loe, t'"
four .,;e/vtl .,rus,tb, "ilie" Itrt ""ou",tJl ,h'follr J{II["S of 'h'
Air.."bo[, ".III,S p,Orie:s,igym,
~alnim, "I!" M.l'!"lry: 1 ''.1. b, tb. D."ib tb# de.1 "itbl11, .·tb., :IIt r6r.lIgh tbrir '11-
Utl1lg .114 6." b, t6,1fI(jt6 t. '6t PltAf"'" ,,/14 g&'tld 7Pi{J..... ~~. ,., run'llttb.t fb,ir b."tls; That
he: and his Devils do'ree:k thy overthro\'r in all good things, and d()th Ind !ball, {o f,r for,h
M God .,.ill {liff" tb'~,f'tItJll tb, ",.[ic~ ""JbjlftlrA1~~' i". "II gOlil. '''"{'S 1:0 be done to thy
good. Tbtrtfort /10. J!>hll Dee I "'" to l,t th" to 1I11tlnjtit"tl pl,,;niy "'" Gods ,,;11 .,,1.6"
,rt.t purpo[,;, tf b,,'II' tblt r• • 0; "lt6,IIgb if "',II} {rltll b.r. to t'y ,-ooiS li~~g, 60"fiileri7l(, •
tbfU 4,ft tiimk., tbe .",a/qr,p of ,by botl],.• 1Il cour{t .f .p: "" "ol.",t6ft.If'tl,,,g~ ",,,.t f."',
tb," h.tb h,t" th] pr.t,60r." ~tp'" II"til thit pr,{t1ft ,ti"', of yt.", Ih,,' {"m, ",",ifltl Go/.
Jb~ll Ir.!~t tbu, IIkil",ttIct ~tt "b/t ..."trfor", t6i."~1 tb... jblll b, ",/~, It"O." ""to
tbet; for God
."Ill "ot btjfo. fuch r.r.' ,'fuil I h.~t h,r ffTtJ" ,a, ""lOlIgff th{t "b", it lIIftI'm6y of [1I(h gre'"
b[,IIi""s frelll the ..41""gbty•. ForG.I-· ",[llIDt h,ft,:" Pe.,[,.",o"g" 'ho{t tbilf.,;1/ IIDt be[i,v",or
Ulldtrjftt_ tbn Gotl h/lt~ ""y [1i'U/tji"gj U btft." IIpo"",m : for I f"y IIlffo tb,t, John De:e,
,bn if Gol }bell/lor ."Ill hjto" tb~{, bltJj1ltsllpo"tbu, ev,,,.t ,bit tr'{t"t, or lit '""y timt
to be fhartly ·performed. p!> u['V"tif ."" 'bu: Y6~, ,x"pt tb.t tboll jboll[tlff ",1I1t.!
.ll ,6i7fgs 11"iJj /qr",".. of Gods {,crtt, lelivt1't..~ ""'0
th", lI"tO thy [lIpre"" ht.a lI"dtr
Go~ Wrtlll'" 'I£nb,ll"lli),J7i{t th., t1ItIIIJ tv ttlrt • .." i ••"tf, {terns .,,4
grm gifts of Gotl,if
»011 .,.[il" "" l"for", II tltllt6 ,,1110 ,br"". Gol j&oultl f,i., .i{do", .IIto tbrt,t""''''',tby li ft
.",HIltl "Htl ./holl/., by ,r.,. ",vy """ ,..ti" of tbo{t .ieqtl ,,,ts,,,U by th] grt"t ,lfltIIy tllou jboulaft
lteail.] bt '"t.~ fro", .bil lif" but God ."illll.t b.v, it. ft. s.
if tboll "ilt do M G'd /h"ll
Cotrf"'''~ ,bet by .hii "'tlf"g', thou fbalt have In
mere _{ttg,!, pr.11fi{ts ""d."i[ao",, both for
.",.PhtloCophers S~one, ,h,
book of S.Dunftins,th, {t,;tt "'I{~'''' of th., Je'fcl tbirt". Jr-
lttltrttl, lit tllOlllc!t",tft, ill .b"t ~ it iI pl.iHlJ It"r;,,; ."" ,IItt_
SO 'IG. it H .hi."iU of to Cuffer thr'ful'reme: lfead his heart to be: bardned aglintt
thee; .Hrlli..,.,,;r, f.r til] gr,n17fltlly for bit"'ie~tl ilfjfnalliDlu "g"illff t6,t,Goa d,," /liff,r it [0
to b" 'v,,, 111 pharaoh bill""n '/PM 6"ra",1l "!,,i"ft ,h, ,billl,:'" of God, (0 fr411aeth fb, "'.f-
f".f";"jf fbet ."i,h tbem. It iI tbt "iU of Got/. [0 to {lIff" it to tb,ir gretl' . CCOUllt fl.", the}
/h"ll "Vt to -Iv, ."h", it jb"ll pltJt{t tb, Al",igh,] ,b", th"t #"" /h,,/t be, t611t they ",U" rmJ"
IIlftO God tbtir ilCtOllllrs. No." Johll Dee it it tb,,,iIl of th, A[mighty to {tlld lit, Rapbael "
ikliv" IIlffo th" thit Mea-age, the "hich will fe:ern unto thee: to be: v.~ry hard :. ft.t .III tholl
.rt t~, ["v.", of Goil, ":~", Go_ ~,j, f " vour ••a [OVt e./thougbtbt .",or[4 by.ickld
'lUillm dotb hillt tbte) wlllmgly and obtdicntly followalMt ,our[, tile ,,"i,b (loti itJ pit 111"-
rits ", fbit ti"" jb.ll ",.ltt 1<.110." 1111" thet.
Ii true 7<elationof Dr. Dee hiJ tiE/ions, 'With Spiriu,&c.
TIlOulhal.t (if thoil ~' ilrobcy the commalldment of God,by me made known unto thee 5
take a long Journey III hand, an~ go where thou /halt hue ~Il there great mercies of God
perfQrmeu untO thee, and God "/pzU fhrw tbu M greAt favour In tbe fight of God, M lver he did
./hnllfmto Jofeph,who WM f ,ld illto bondllge,M thoilll..nowtft, and ill all hit impri[onmtnt and trolt-
bles G·,d WM '/IIith bim,and delivtTed bi", : ,S',ifth.u wilt f QUow tbit co",mandmellt from God de-
livertt/. unto Ihrt by Ifft Raphael,that tbou fhalt n!t .doubt,nor wavtr in thy mind,but God wili hI
mITciful un~~ Ibte,both in Ihit life lind in the life to come: 'lnd thin'<. God "/piU not command tbtl to
tllk" [uch a )ou~ny in h~nd, but that be doth"/p t~at it b.tjf for thu, and ~ willjl'eCerve thee,
a~ld ,keep thee.11l thy Journy. And th~u ]halt/inJ an tb) )ourn), Ib1lt God ]haU.n "/piU dtl!llflt~
c,fuk) with tim 111 findlll!, cafe of the Infirnmy of the frone, that the Angels of God (hall dl-
refl thee in tbY 'hfart lind mind, how thou /halt ufe thy body, to the htil/th and comfort of thy
ftrength. And when thou ilrt lit t.hy journies end amonglt fuch frknds biyond tbe [(M M thou
k..nowt{r,God ]haU lind wiU rai[e thte M faithful f riends (M now I have [llid ~ef; rt) M}oCtph blld,
fo /hll t thou be favoured with God and man ;'[0' it it fhl wiU lind purpJ[e of Go to hltve thlt
to be obedient unto thit tb, wbicb I do mak.! '<.nown unto tbee,be'lIu[e thou]hoRldfi IU rt'mu in bert,
to be beholding untO thofe that are thy mortal enemies, and had rllthIT to htar of th) md,
,hli n otberwi[t 10 hellr of thy weU-doing, or an) good to be d .ne unto thtl b) an) man; it it a grief
and a fpight in head and mind lIntO them, that thou /houldft come to allY help, or things
nec elfa ry for man~ ufe hire upon tarrh,rbe whirb man cllnnor be without. And Jolill Dee, I am
tl c&tnmllnd thee, that fo Chordy ~s thou canft by all means poflible, · fet thy thing\ in order,
for thy Wardm]hip,and in IIU otblT cauffs of worldl) Affairs. And for m,"ntenance to furtber
thy journ),God wiO ",oft grae/ollf!yra;[e thtt up [omt good friends to be htlping unto rbu,tbat thou
'''lliJr have ma;lItmanCe in thy )ournj. And thy vtr) frienJ John POIlt0Ys JhaU by Gods fllvour , obll pon-
come home,lIlfd he (haU and win be It grellt Ifid unto tbte,t. perform tbit eourfe the which God by tIJJ.
1I1t hath commantlerl tbn to findertak.! : '[hat whert tbou dOJlliv , now in Wllnt; Ilnd to be beh,lding
unto tbofo, who do not lovt thu, IIeitber in hlart do wi]h Ihtt "/P~U; fo God "/pould bave tbn to be
wh!" thou Ihalt do him rervice,lInd God wiUgive tbee long dll)s in [0 d~ing,anJ flllftUing thit hit LO:11; life.
Co",,,,anJmtnt Ilnd wiU bJ lIIe· R.aphael,rhe,;bi~b mtff.a['l I am at Gods wiU lind bidt1t1t[llrt plilinly
to mak.! k,.nown ullro tbtt,thllt it it bit will to have thee to fDll,w thw cvur[e, in wbic God will h!'ve
thtl 10 lnr<r into, Not fearing nor ",ijfrujfing the W'caknefs of thy body, iltt tbur God will pre-
-{erve thtt for tbat timl,iIf (h~ll bt hil good will alia plell[uTt) thllnh~u ]halt have life hITe in tbit
w rld,to be tJl mITcifui a God to tlrUvIT thee fro", 1111 hurts and dllngers, and from all infirmities,
tVtn with iIf much htalth iH tllou haft .l1aa ill thit time M thou hllft lived thIK m.;,,) Ylars ; [0 God.
"/pill hllve tbee to follow hit will ill rhil aireliion,and tbm thou Jhalt bltvl all things aforeraid per-
formeJ unto thee, and thou ]hll/t thm baue {ucb fllvour, drltt thottlhalt behold his blelfed Crta-
tures "'itb thefe th) mortallytS : 4"t!. jf .~.u ~OI.~ t<rfor~ to ~e Jlrurm0jt Of ~b, p.w~ rhk m'Jf'~e
fronc God by mt delivered; '[htll Goa. wIll 111 h/l merc~es perfor... 1111 fhat y prom.[ed unf ~, tIm.
And exetpt tbou .wilt be willing aild lutiful,!o mu~h M 111 t5tt llltb to n".k,r good thM, the which I
hat'e through Gods means declared wbat cour[e thou mUll tlZ'<.e ; and if thou doft it not,thtn God
w.ll not no more [end unto thee,to the blholding of any mun, lIIrthly lytS,lInj of hit bltJJtd Creaturls.
Thertfott I (ommllna thee frolff Go.d,M ['am b;, fdithful. Minifier and bltJJed Angel of God,thar
thou jhouldfl "ot doubt to tak" thit jouniy in hIJnd,f or God will be with thee and for thec,ll lld his A Si Duu
blelfed Anaels ]hall he thy comfort,even IK the Angt/ of God w,iK tbe comfort IInto young Tobias in nobfoil'"
IIi! jour"ty,"[o God will dtll/,,;th thtt in 'tbi"e•• .And fo I have delivlTed JlIlfO thee what G~d will qui. colJlrlt
bavt tbtl to do. nOJ.
It itthl will ana favour of God to give the M much underftanding of Gods mercies towards
thee-yet for to corne, M ever mortlll mlln hltd delivered unto him by any fpiritual Creature
(.rOnt Goll. Sonow I havt fully mard m) "'t[agt. '[1'"40Tt, [u t!,at thou John Dee be M ready
to perform it to the grtlluft of tb) pOWtr,M lovingly in g,ivingGod thlln/IJ for thit mtJJage dtliVlTtJ,
becal/[e 1 would have thtl to be [uch an ont M ]hllil not ",d hit da)el in reproach, and rtjo)cing of
thy tnemies,but thou ]hllit havI time and days to live, thllt whtn thou di ,)I, lind jhalt depart thn
1¥'orla,thollfhalt aie.wit.b fal1fe IItlil memory to the ena,. that f~ch .an o~e was lIpon· the earth, MirlfcN/il.
that God by him had wrought great and wmacrfu/ Mrrltcln IH hy [.rv/ce. And thm to G, ds b. -.
"our and hit glory,I hllve tndul my mtfJagt, yielding lI11to Gvd all bonollr, and prai[t, and thank.!
for aU hit bltfJings,lInd hil great bentfits beJ/ow ~ d UpOll bit CrtMprtS, borh no"/p and for everlllore.
Amell. BltJJed he G~d ill all bit gifrJ,II"d h"I, in 1111 hiiwvrlt.!. Praifed be God. AOlen,Amell.
~. Amen.
fl.. Now, 0 God, as I have willingly yid~eduntothy wi~t and commandment of un-
dertakina a Journey: f6 I befeech thee· that-It may fiand WIth thy good plearure to no:-
tifie unto" me the Count~y, Region or City unto which thOll wouldft have me direct my
courle from hence-4"orward. .
t;. Nothing appeal:ed. .
A Voice. ; • • • • A Voice .••••• In the Name of Goel, to morro'; at ttll af the cloc/<:
fl.' So be it. .
fl.. Al\ thanks, praire and glory be to God the Father, God the SOil, and God the
holy Ghoft~ now and for ever. Alfttn.
E cC l A Notc
'I< 3IS .A true~elaljon of Dr. Dee hit AfJiotJI, r;jtb Spirits, &co

A Note to be confidered.

Mr 0 Ecc/eflo~.
In the houfe at the breakillg up of the place were there: J"",er
Bolton, Let'i(~ Gojl'llli(h a Maiden, Cook and Dairy-maid.

o k.nO'llllhe hOllfe ""d pla(e ,herti" 'IIIhere it k; or if it be in ",a,,) pla-

T (el divided, whi(h the) .re.
Or if an} other be priv) of it, 'IIIho ma} give "") eviaen(e.
And whatfoever may make this a perfell: work, to Mr. Eulejlontr rea-
fonable contentment, molt humbly and heartily I befeech God to make
known now unto us, and fo the praife and thanks due t¥Jod for his mer-
cies,to the belt of our power to De yielded unto him.

Saturday, fulii II. hora 100 .nte meridiem.

Note, In the Original two Schedules are pinned acrofs .t~s page.
The jirfl S(heallle. To enquire,
J. THe N"me of the plue fPhether I "", to direl1 111} tot"110Ilr,,eJ'
:l. Whom fo"O 1 h"ve;n ttl) (o"'p"nl kJiafi John Pontors.
3. wh"t of Patrick Sanders.
4. what Of my da"ghrer Katherine.
5. What tif 111) fla"ding Boo/V a"d other "Ppqttllltn(tr.
What of Mr. Bardolf to go fPith 1IIe1 Or,
Of Mr. DortnaIl hk CompAni01l;
6. What jhaU in) Son Arthyr ao, to bk belp and (o11lforl ;n hk intellded
7. sh"U not 1 "t "n) ti1lle retllrn bither into England ilgil;n I
ShaU 1 maltt a((Ollnt to lteepIollle title of enjo}inll. m} hOH[e At "'.1

~r 0 Ecclefione hiJ Caf'-.J.

The fccond Schedule.
Ht Name of m} HOII[e k Ecclell:on of Ecclell:on, the ",anl Name fPhfl.
T I ["./peO k Thomas Weblter Carpenter, of tbe age IInder f'llrtj, 1101
tIIore, 'IIIithin the C oNnt1 of Lallcalter.
The piau 'IIItH in a f"i.fe Roof adjo)ning to A Chimne) (aUed Nt'lll ch.~'IIher
Edward Ecc:leftone.
rhomtH Wehjler the Thief.

A truc''J<.dati()lJ of Dr. Dee hiJ AElionJ;l)ith Spi,its,&c.

Note: There being a Figure in a fingle leaf of paper, I. Signifielft Domin~

and the fame having no direction where it fhould be A[cmdmrit &0 O!lilvl,
placed, I thought beft to place it here, the P3:ge im- rtcupmtri pOfft .'
2. Applieans ptr {td
mediately aforegoin~ making mention of one 'Webfte,.
""" rtetptiont, rteu-
it Thief; and here bemg words \;-hich (if I miftake not) , ptrari poffi fignificat,
relate to Cuch a builnefs,a" 1mqum r ecHperabitHr, whe- {ttl Cum difficuItatt illi-
ther that was ftoln fhall ever be recovered; and, I" qua.
~NO loco jam eft, In what place webfler the Thief is at + Not4Ioeum,&- fig-
prefent. lIum til : &- An-
eiUa vt! fttmina Ifiiqul.
C01lfitltrandll tft.
4- Luminarilf {tft mu-
tuo rtffiicimti4,n,n poft-' fort dmotat 5.
&- maximt cu", Domi-
1I1K ",telii c:tli e4rptrt
7- {tx4li radio rtffiiciat
{td inttrim 7'- do mum

A Domino factum eft iel:ud & eel: mirabile in oculis noel:ris. Ex ftercore
erigit pauperem ut collocet eum cum principibus populi Cui. Amen.
Mittas (0 D~s) lucem tuam & veritatem tUam, lIt ipfa nos ducant,mi-
rabilem in me fae mift:ricordiam tuam, & fapientiam tuam in corde
meo figas.
A Voice_ I hathalla[,pointtdtblft
Am phad
Dtalt, if JOU ."ill havt mt tUf]tar, procttll in haftt, for God.
gr~4t {trvice to do, '
A. In the Name of Jefus, ,we defire your anfwers and inil:rul;tiolls to thefe Articles
here {lightly nored. . '
I. I\aph. I. th, Nam, of Jt[1II Chrift, I Raphael ,"'I 110." [mt unto JOU to tlelivtr "nto
JIll JOur qutftion {o fltT forth /If Gotl hil."ill antl/lta[ure it to command m" and I muft millt.!
" fhort .onti/l"a"" "ito you, for I have f,TviCt 0 God eommandtil m, ;n oafte to bt aD"" in
6;' bItffel N amt I,,,,, come t, fulfil hit ."m ;n J,ur dtJirtS, and thertfor,;11 hit N Itmt go 0".
J. (j.. The name of the place.
Raph. John Dee, thou haft been a TravtUtr, ,,,tl Godhath tver Jtt at IfnJ ti"" pt'ovid,d for
thtl in "II tbj 1o.,IItJs, [0 much Gols fltv'ur and hit "'trcits it fuco to"'ltrd tbtt, t&"t thit thy
requtft and tf,Jirt to bt ;""OrIn, What Country is beft f,., tby good: Gotl hath referred it to
thy own will to make choiCe, jll ."h.t CountrJ or Cit] tho" haft thJ btft minde "nto; .11,;1 ."hm
,hou bltJt ",,,d, tby choift, if it bt Gods Ii1(jllg, 4114 to thJ good, it lhall be dire8:ed unto thee;
orhtrJIi/i, if it fhllTI b, madt ;"no."" that [omt ,ther pIact fhltII bt bmer f07 thtt: Thmf,r;
fill<! th) 0"'" choi{t aM Ii~IIg.
Raph. John Dee, he tbllt hltth cO",,,,41Idttl thtt to tllk! thit Jo,""tJ i" ha/lJ,ht ."ill provi.e
for thtl in Germany"r tilly othtr COUIltrJ ."htrt[otvtr thou gOtft. Thtrtfort ttt thy go,l "iU 11114
li'Jng bt in placillg thJ {tIf, if thou wilt 6r IIC'T u1fto England or f,r off.
A. Whether is bell, I know nor.
Raph. I havt {aid, tliltr",htrt{otvt1"toou "ilt, GolJcth prize tbJ ."iUing dtfirt, to fulfil
l""t Goa. doth commllntl: thin;" but toou fatHfi, ,,,1.
rtft ill tlllQng thy DJI1I ch,i[" God frill pt'1I-
vidt for thu, ."hithtr Iflld h ."hat City ,80ll haft" mi"dt or ."ilI to tnter jnt" and al."IfYs Gods
good Angcllhall hold thee, and tlltr givt tIm to llntltrlit"tl, what and where /hall be ever
beil: for thy good liking, ."bm tholl art thtrt. Thtrtfore tal<! no 'IfTl, ht, tOil' .AlmightJ ."ill
provide for thtl, thd thou fhalt bt fo govern,d ."ith hit_ goodn,p, thid all fhllII ftlfnti ."tll
with tbtt.
2. A. Whom /hall I have in my company befide Joh" Pon,oJ~; ,
;, 4- Raph. Jolin Dec, thou of thJ f,lf doft btft """0." that wlthout thy daughter; tholl
Alrtte~ialio1Jol Dr. Deehu AEliom, with~piritJ,&c.
Cllnjt nrl bt without b, r: lind lik.!wiJt God hllth ftnf thtt fI . v;rJ hontjt IUId ;'tll-dibofttJ,young
tllllll to go. wii!llhu in thy Jo·urnt}. Alld for J,ohn Ponfo]l, he Ihall be olle, a9 thy gl'eateit
cOlufort and fpeelal ayt!, next IIntO the Almighty. An4 fOT iSny othrr tift, it it lit thJ own
good will' lind wdl-liil.jng ""hom rhou wil' ehu{t to mil'" fit thy purport for nmiTt,r, ufts, for
helps /thout Ihu, ~ervants I mean.
S. l>. What of my Ilanding books,:rod othel' appurtenances?
Ral,b. John Dec, thou haft ffiolt.!n alrtad) of " Vtr) goodcQI.:r{t to {tnd thim awaJ, neil: all
at once, bu~ fomt lit ont timt, and {omt Ilt anothtT, itnd God (hill! lind ""ill givt tht, good
fUCCtf/ th, rtin : lind Itt thj frima JObll POlltoys, Itt him provide for iSlL fuCh pllrpofts, Ilnd f.
Jha/t thou do 'lilt/I. .
~. As I h~ve b~en hel'etof?re hindrcd of many of. good purpofes fulfiIlillg, fo per-
chance the Kmg will not be wIllllig now to grant me Itcence to pafs over fea.
Ra ph. IIt Jhllll Ilnd 'IfIilL grllnt thte licenct.
6. ~. For I\ly Son Arthur, do to his ~elp ant! comfort in his intended travel.
Raph. If thJ So~ do lilt.! h~ courfe ,to t,ravtl, ht JIJ1zlL m tht mell,n whilt do wt~t, for thJ fillet,
Hing a fllther "'!IO h"'I)God wtll fllvour h,m. Andwhtn thou Ilrt lit plact ""hert God hath com-
nWldtd tim to g",in thOlt time after thy being lhcl'e,thou jhllit b, Ilblt to d. hi", gDod,in h,lp..
ilig him for fuch rhi"gs 1M h, no.", wanltth, Itnd. th.m thou (hilit till(: him Iftllr IIl1tO thet, fo thllt
ht mil] hav t a comfDrt of t.~J flltherly help, Illld thou to h"vt to"'iort of hM : alld [,
for thH I havt Ctrtifitd thtl.
7- t;. Shall not I at any time return hither into Ellglalld again?
Raph. TIuJ" foalt bt bmer tWIt in htil/th ind ftrtH,th Df thJ '6od) to comt t"to Ennland ,,_
gail"~ if thou ;"ilt : but thou Jhll/r fte Illla ,trc,tive thy [tlf [0 mercifully pr:oviJtd '/:. r,
thou wilt bllvt but little minde or WjlJillglft[> to CD me illto England Ilgllin, [ucb jhall Gods grut
",trcits bt towllrds. fhet.
~. Then I I thall not 'make any great account of keeping my houfl: at
MortlaRt for any my return hither.

Mr. Eecleftoll his Cafe of his money taken away by one 'IhomM W,bftcr, Bee.

RaVh. 1hou doft tal<! Iltl II/Ird m/Itt" ill bllnd. '[hit mall Thomas Webfter hlld it, and
hath it il~ his keeping as yet, hut ht will not Jitll. that ht blath it. And for EccielloJ.l t.
d,al by txtrtmitits ";ith him,.ht Jhllll fr,vllillittl" hl ,(hllll n,nhtr,by ilhtllin hM purport; Blit
b) friendly dulint. wilh the p.rty, and in·trcff"ing him to bt II tartll/ter with 'im, ht mil]

·"'·r· ... ·.hr.

yi,h/. Ullto Ecclellon. But otherwi[" thi "'"tter will grow har.iI.. I WOIIU fro,," G.d Ildvi[1
thu, John De", •• • H"~ 7' f~ ·f «,!,"J 6t, for fl.;, 'Will not hI comppJftd, I~
upt t~lIt ht Jfusll procml "'to tht. maIlS hOIl{t accord"'g lint. L 'Il'I/II ICIlII d .... h p..U .....tIl1.g/.
hi>r'ftlf into, Ilnd for tht thing ~v'r tht bmer: but, II! I hllvt [aid, bJ frmrdly dul-
;ng he ",a) ]I~U, Ilnd 10 far flTth M It Jh.~l pltllft G~a, 1 will work by Gods £aVOUI' to
make him yield. An tblll milch I hliVt [Illd, Ilndltt ,,/uffiet.
It doth remai" ill ]tl in a. Co6'tr th'" H. [omnrbd Q a ,,~ite cdour; iIIt bt '/fill, if h, b,
ftirTtil ht will then rtmovt it~ "nd fide it iM. tht ground in II littlt PI/.flour thilt he blttb. And fo
1 hllv/lok/n Ilna llB[wtrta thet Ilt thit timt, lit eonctr1fing
~. Money I had Cent me from the Emperour bY. Hilns J>ik,.: I marNe! that it is not yet
come hither.
Raph. Fonhllt, Jolm Pontoys will mllkJ /r,trO'II'JI' .UtflO tbtt, .ll to thy goqcl. Alltl iN
"bofe N ame,iSnd in ~;, "hoji Po'I/ItT I cllmt, fOlIO" "g/lin I return to t~iSt plllct,u, thl winch iH liil
"'trcltS bring Illl hll hlt/fttl Cre"turts, yltZdlll{, ISII hOIlOUT antl prll'f' UlltO bll holy N iSm" I
,"a. Amen, A",m.
~. AlIlen.

~4 day of 1ulJ, hqra II!.

A. A S I fate atabout
Vinner with
B"!tbDlo"'~. HjckJtta", my Daughter, Pllt~ic~ an~ '["'",.
the end of the Dinner Barrhol01lU7r h~ar<l a VOIce, Caymg, To
morrow half an bour after 9 of the clock, giv.yourattendancc to know'the Lordi pie,.
A. A. neat' as I relllelllbcf, fo be faid. or to that dfc~
. -
A tru, 'Relation of Dr. Dee hil Aflions, '/Pith Spirits,&c.
* 39
l ulii I;. hor. 9!. 4nte meridiem.
In nomine Dei Patris, & , Filii & Spiritus SancHo Amen.
Mitt'!' [lIcem f1l4111 e!"
veritlltem t1t~"!' f"p~entiam 6- olltnilltodNm "Nxi ..
1111m fllllm, D01lll1te DUll, Nt t1bl Jel'vJttIlt'U [an{Je,jideliter & con-
Ji anter olltnibNs diebNs viU noJire. Amen.

Barth. ..... The Creature.

tb~ atll~ CmnllT~s,
tile lit
that created mt Raphael;

all the bltJftd
bouna hil wiU return,
Itna lill!"i{t
bit plell[ure
ItU tbrlflorld,lt1/d Ill! things tbmi" contai'IrIJ.:, Jefus-Chrift of bit greargootl- Jt[IU C},rijt
bid 'II'iU, Itna fo I wh~n .Ali
bonOliT be givtn to hi", bei7lg GO,d Almight] for evermore. Amen.
John Dee, I am Raphael thltt 111ft I1ppel1red unto ]Oll, 1t7ld I through Gods good plta[urt
did Jet down lI7Id mltde It"no~7I U7lto tbu, what prettnded couTfe God would hllve thee to enter into,
1l7ld hit will iI fuch, thltt [0 fltT forth, and [0Dudit] Mthou Citt1ft, to procud in it, b"ltuft that
God hath great fervice for thee to do, whtn thou /halt be there pill cd.
And now I do let thu undtrftltnd, that M concerning Ecclefton hit ["it Itna matttr tbllt I did Mr. Etcll-
Itt in] taft bting bert Dtlllt" of, To far forth as it plea[td. God to give me his free will: Itna no" /fOil.
God hatb ftnt me for favour thltt God doth bear unto tbee, Itnd -not for no Cltuft elft, I Raphael
do no'/ll teU thu, tbltt tbit mlttter, Itna .u fuch lill! unto it, IITt tiot for mt to t"ttr i"to, n,ir her
for 11"] [uch as be of that high Society llnd Calling as I am of. ret "otwithftl1naing, 1 It m
read] b] Gods mtrciful gootlnifs tD command thofe whom God hath and doth appoint to }tllphatt his
{erve under me: 'l1Ia fuch bit bltJfta Crtl!turts bting t"oft that do ftaPld i" bit prt{mct, I Ra- infcriollu.
phael will Itt Gods pltafllTe command thofe that !hall deal in &cltJhtu fuit, i" conftl'aining
by fucb CrtlltJlTtS lit I bllvt ",Ilk Itno"" u"to you, thllt tbe] lball force and conftrain thefe
pltrties, as bt "hicb he had i" hltnl; be H o"t,James Bolton is Itllotb'T, liPId th, 1rtll{urtw", car- TheTrel-
ried to the Carpenter his brothers hOllfe ; fld therr, '" I at,a jht'lr "nto tbet, a Coffer of fllre.
white colour. 1hoft pllrtin afe [0 troubled in ~ind". ti,,,, tht.! CIIII"~t be quitt,
to place the Tre.Cure, £<~ .."r< rbe} would keep It cloCe. But l,t thll {ufliCt 1l,,1l {"rilfil f.r
or "htTl
tbt wbole It"fwtr i" !hit bit {uit: ! I\:apha~l ,through Goas po"er "i! command filch Creatures RaphA,1 his
that !hall conftram tllofe parties to brUlg the matter to true lIght, and confefs the faid commaod-
Treafure; Itnil he, the party the owner to have his money Ilglli", i" fo jhort time M ma] b, meDt.
plufo n,. Itn.l I1cctptttblt unto tbe Almight]. Goa will ha ve the whole matter made known i"
thit mier, without any further trouble I/"to thi pltrtits: but it it bil wiU t'at he jhaU exa-
mine them in friendly manner, if they will not yieU, then by the force of a Tufiice in en.. How tl,N
mination; but they will not yield till ruch time as I by thefe Creatures jhltll mall! tbem ro will & /hall
yidd, through Gods htlp, to t"'ir forrow; lI"d [0 tbe pltrt] tbe o"ner follU [0 come by his goods yield,
again. And no"" I bav, It"fw!f'td you i" "."mplt man"er MGot/. will bavt me ; for (M I bllve
[aia) [uch ml1Utrs art not for tilt, but thltt cour[, that I bIlVt' 1I01/11 tk,clltred, b] Gods htlp foall
be ptrforlllea. Ana [0 i" tht NIlmt of the Highejt for tbill do no"tnJ, giving PT"if, to the
'AbffighfJ. .And furthermou, John Dee, in ftw words, for thy {ak!, If this Window by his ~. B, this
Cl'eacul'C:S, /hould have medled in the caufe, they iliourd have had a grellt labour. But "ot- The Win-
.,,;thft'tZ'ndtng, fI,ar which I bavt J}ok,.m of, it fUffi Cit1Jt, trlli{t.l b( tbe N "me of Go.l: Il"J, {o ,tlow to be
I ma. hrought U1,
A. If it /hould not offend, thell I ~ould gladly know .t he fum of the Tl'cafure. ~.
R.aph. 1worb,uf,,"il "1I1l It half, ItU ~de #l0"t].
A. How, iii gold ap.d jilver?
Raph. Mort thm thrtt pllrts tbtreof in goiJ..
A. Moft humbly and heartily I ,thank the AI~lighty for.. •• • • "
R~h. John Det, if tbou tkj~ .loubt of II"] th"'g M concerning tbt tntr,,,, ."to tbl COIlT{t
.f thy JOIl'IIey ; I1nd lik.,,.,,i[t,if thou doft dOltbt of an] tbi"g tbltt kitU bt Itgai"ft th) goo4 fUCCtft
""bt" Iholl ~rr thtre; No.", Jitak" 4!1d I jhllUthroslgh Gods mtmes mllll! tbet It"f"er, M.t mil)
lind. jhltU pltaft God,fO the gooa ~irtl3io" If lin] tbing that thou dOl/bt .f,
for Goa .,.ill fit
r.o1llmlt"d flxt fo tlrur into that Jour7ll], but that h,e ,,!ll moft mercifully Itn,]' ~r~(~ufl] bt th]
~tptr, and deliver thtt fro1ll the ha~ds of thy tntlffttl III tb] JOurnt]. Alia ',r tire go~a btlt/th
'Of thy bod] God will fo CltTr] thtt '" good htillth, that ,1,0U (hllit fet forth {uch ferVICt ""hm
th HI IlTt th;"e pfltced, that JI".11 be tby great comfort u"to Gods bOllour, in making of his mar-
vellous worksto be known. And tbut much for tb] comfort throu,b Goas 7IItrcifui {.oodneflI
h/lvt road, known unto thee: ilia (. I ",d.
A~· ••
-! Itue7<..elaeum of Dr. Dee bil ABiom, ~ithSpir*ts, &c.
A ••••••
' Goa dou, 11."0'" II![ tbil .bllf t&bx doft. I .tllk., of. III f;'" '/IIortls, '0 nrtl "'~"J
'/lilT js,ohnIJt Dec,
'/IIill [0 diTtll tb) 'WIIJts III
lila;", [lich ' fTDllbltS
I III fI!I,1l br to tltJ gtotl 1171111",1.,
A •••••
John Pontoys, btfort fueb ti"'t III thou /hliit blltlt 1111) grtllt elluft to ufe bil lIid, 11m!. fur-
thmmort, Goa '/IIill [0 ..orll.[or tbet i""bl.b,"rt of bM M~fttT ('/IIb.1I/ hI iI FlIllor fIr) Stapers
1 "'tllll,:r"ltt Stapers jhllU ..itb 1111 ~11I lI,d'lIu h,tlp .blft he CIIII to furt,her tb, goo",prOCttJi"g.4f",l
(o G04,11 1I1I eafts .,11.hlll grllClO/IPJ dtlll .'Ili ,bte. .Aml
G.t/.s peltel, IIlIa to [lrtlt bim fT'III 'Wbom 1 CII",t, hit ",igh,] Nil"".
14 rII'
fllll ,,"', t. tiepllrt i"
A. I fearing his fudden departure, did eameftl, urge at his bands, to know the truth
of '[obi« his hiltory: and fohalf unmaunerly dId interrupt his fpeech with my que-
John Dec, 111111 Rappael tbllt iI appointed of God to be rhy Guide in this thl JoUr.
ney; 1111".[ II", thlft [/IfI" Raphael th/lt,"lIItbe Glli~ IIl1tO )Oll"g Tobias ill bM 10llg J0IITJIt).
_"a d,litlmd hilll frolll tbl p0"'1T of .ht '/IIrekJ,d Spirit A(modeus, "ho hlld, III tbou /t"O'/II,jt,
110. "'""J ht blla tleftroJtd: IIlIdl brOllgb} bim tbrollgh Goas Pt'lllt" bome IIgllin, lI"a tielitltTtlJ
bi", ill btllltb /Into bit ,,,,",, p"rell'!. .Au tblll IIIl1cb I bll1l1 llll1tie tbtt pllli"ly to !llIIkrjtIlMJliUr•
•11' 1111] d014btillg to tht coHtrllrJ. .Alld {o II•• OIlC, IIgllill 1 d, dipm. All b,,,ollr 11m!. gI"J to
.ht tlllTIIIJiilcg Goll, hoth 110. Itlll ft;' "tlermort. Ame", A'MIII.
t.. Amen.

Fter dinner (bmi'" circiter 41.) as BllrtholomtJI and t talkt~ of divert of my doing.
A with Mr. ICtUt:!. a Voice produced this to Bilrtbo/omtJIs heanng,

A Voice•..••• I, John Dee, I blltlt bll,rll )01' IIll tbit 7Ihilt.

Thou ,(hili' ht IIblt 1040, ftt, ..1Il h lI11tlerjtllml mor, th" IIll ,1Ut III tbou " ..ft '0"'"
'1, lI",rtlillg III God hllfb pr:,mifotl tbtt.
A. Bleffed be his holy Name, and his mercies be magnified on me, to the honour .of
his holy Name_ A.II._
A. • •• •• Upon occaGon of furthertalkandllICb'f IIIJ J""" ~b.c ....kbrougbta
I asked Blirthol.",tJI if ever he had feen it Gncc it was fet in gold ~ and he thougbt thac he
Itad not feen it: Whereupon I wenc fJ?eedily tQ my Cheft, uplocked it, and took it out,
and undid the Cafe, and fc!t the Stone lh his due mannei'.
And by ar~d by did ltllpblltl appear in the Stone, and in volee raid thus, as fol~
R.aph. III tht N Itmt of ]Irtll ehrift, 111m R.aphael.ho{t floicl ,hou ditlfl 6ur rig., ;'071.
And 110'/11, iu Gods boly N 4fIIt, for d,] "ood,.rrtl for to] c."'f0rt, 1 hllvt, "0'/11, b,,,,
i" tbit Ptllrl
,,,trta Poffeflion, ;11 to/tm /rlTtliftlT t. bt tbllt hIlJft;l Cr,lltur" to I., obtditnt IInto GoJ.s emf.
mIlU"'nrt, to ferve thee lit 1111 ti'Mts, "bm ,b.u 'IIrt plllCtd ill th] ]Ourll'), '/IIbieb God bill'"
Dr; JI- I "",mlllldt.. thlt. .Antlli..",ift .h•• !halt have the book from wbence this came. .Anl that
• Dult"hich thou hlljt ill "-'tPing, (tbl "hich ,bou doft "'Mr.' ..CCOII'" of bttter iNt thft) Then it
V,d.Ar- 3 (ball be tunted to the right ufe, from whence it was: IIml to 'hilt gooil purtoft, ,bllt G.tJ 6.crh
.rdltillttl for '0 do. .AmlllO. it". tht 'Will of Goa, 'hilt I {h.1I1d 11'111<, ""to tb" II fl'Jl ."il,
-f tbit good. comfort to bt perf.r",t.. Prllirt GoJ, bOllOllT bit ho1] Nllmt, for hif (,T'lif ;uJ/i..g'
"o'/llll"d for tver; Tbll' it Jia plll[t thl AI",igh,] u rtrrtl mt to JOur prtfonct, i" to~ of ,,_
101lt, for hit grlat III"C]. A1I1l fo liD., ill hit Nil.", I g. IIgii" i,"o th, prt[tllCt of tbe Al"'igh.
'J, "lroft Nil"" be tlllT pr..i{ta, .ith .., hit ,lt8 .A..gtls, IImllill tbe bltffttl ertlftllT"'f G,tI.
IIM ..Utht bltfft.l C"lIturtlllpOn tllrth,p:rllirt bil Nllmt for IV"",.rt. ..I.mlll, .A'Mm.
t.. Amen.

A. 0 Lord God, moil humbly, heartily and fincerely I honour thee, praife thee, and
atoll thy mercies, and molt loving kindntfs, for thefe, and all other thy graces and
blcffings on me. Accept, 0 God, my hearty thanks, al1d enable me fo to thank thu, a.
may be a moll acceptable facriGce unto thy Divine Majefry. AIIInI, A'Mnt, A_
A trUe ~atif)n of Dr. Dee hit I1fli(Jns;'t)ith Spiritf;&c. * 41

Sept.5. hortJ 9!. ~ ortlak:

Mitte iHcem t1l4M & fJerUdem tH4m Donj'ite, '1H~ nos dNc""t &- per~ ad montem fanl},tm INHm 0- ad (iE/eI/itt tllil tabernacllia.

Barth. He is m the Stone now.

BtmailllK qui vtnit in nomine Domin;.

M°ft mercif·1Lor4 ".a Silvioin' Cbri{f JeflK, "h, it ,,"a tbt Crtltt" "nti Reaume,
O of Mltn/(,inat, of "II bit blefful Cre"tUTtI.
1111. III
bitl0'll'er 18.aphael 11m "0.,,, com,
~it ."ill ""J comm"ndmtnt, IIIId [0 1i....t1Pife· hit good lle"fll~t 1 mllft then Teturn "t [ucb ti"!,

/If .bt b"tb comma"aed ine. . .

John Dee, iH tbe NA"" of the Moft Hi(,btfr, I 11m comt to deliver limo thet tbit mj
Me.Ditge, Ihe ."hich Go. in hit gootl"ep hllth co",mA"tled mt.
t irft, 1 RaphaelA'" rtnt of God at thit time ",oft ebiefly to pllt t"et ill tbat good.Ttmtm-
brit",e of mJ lillt appeAring to Jour prertnCt, to let rhtt to "nder/fIl1ld, tbAt loo~ what. courf,
Goa in hY mercies di. rtt thtn do."", wbat fU) thou jboulJa t"1<! to e"ter ill" thil 10urlleJ,
The. which Goa in bit gooanefl iI·molt will;ng tbat tbou jbol,/dff enter ;nto. F(" JOhA Det';
God bAtb tleelarea, "nd mltd, ma1lif,ftly k.."o."" unro thft at my lltft IIppellri"g, whitt ftrvi"
God would uft the. ~ntn, "1Id a!1 ruchpurpo[ts tbat ."m the Iltft time g'#ttn of, f1u,ll b.t bJ Go.dt
t"'l/our and b>l ",erClf lil good gift performed u"ro rbee: and fear tholl tlot, but God WIll
fafe1y help and preferve thy body in thy Journey, to that end, that thou !ho\lldefi be
in [ha t place wherein thou mightefi have time to enter into all fuch fervice as Go,) hath
by me made known unt() thee. ' For, John.Dee, fuch hath Gods mercies been in iiIlfer-
ing wicked men to .prevail againll: thee, and they have and do Il?ake a. (corn 'of thee her~
in tllis thy Native (;onl)'1:rey: $0 it iI ";,b ,Ir., /If if lI'lIf ."itb Cbrift lind h~ .ApoftleS, bei"g
,nojl cruelly "foJ i" t/"ir ••~ NII,;ve Countr!)s; fo Jo~n Dee, GoJ . "~t" f1lfferetl rho[e W;C-
It./d mm to pluck thee down III .w orldly affiurs, the wbJcb jboultl .bt mlllmtnll1lCe for tbu lind
for thine, ane/. witbout fucb fub.ttnllnce m",. C""lIof b, ."itbout, ."bilt be it here i" , tbitvale of
Mi{trJ. Slicb ."iclq·d mm bllve mofr cruelly u[etl fhee, tv,n tS Job, bJ Goas fufferll1lCt~ ."bo
["fftred the Dtvil to preva~[ ag"inft bim : yet Gods mercits be [0 grid unr. tbet, tbat "Ithollgh
tbey (moJf ."ic/vdly) b"vt Tobbed thee of ,tby -p.ffiJioil, yet God woula nof ruffer fhofe ."ic/vtl
on'l bi a1l) of their mllliciolK /'TalJices t. privlli/ in/l1l) wife to hurt thy body, /If Jobs ."oK :
For if rbey (hrougb rhtir ."ic1<!d purpofes) 'could b"ve ,"ougbt [ueh cruelfJ "g";1Ift tbee, tbou
h"df1 not bun II ",A1I li v;ng bere IIpon ellrt,h until tbit t;me. So John Dee, rboil doft k..1IOW "h
H thy mortill e1l,my, who, rules nest unto 'yollr earthly King.

Why thou ","ift 'Well/t"o1V, f,,1 bltvt "little it "'''OWII before time u"to thet, th"t be it lIot tbJ
fti ,,!d, thollgh tb6u blljf not offentlttJ. bim in "") ."i{t, 'Ibm!ort, btelluft thllt thit tbJ N,,-
rive COlilltre) it IIOt" pl"ce fit for Goas purpofes in hiswifdome to be befiowed upoil thee
here, Thmfore Itt my Illft MtJ1"ltge, Go/' ilia [e"d me fl mll/r,r /(,."''11'11 U1lto tbee, ."lutber be
"'O :,Itt 'b,Ult tbe. to (,', ,hllt thert thou ruighdl be a man; and that man, whom God hath
appointed to make his Wifdome known: for thou art tliltf ",,,,, wl10m Goa hatb choftll, thAt
( ~ cc ",J.illg/, 1ft it fitS [Ilia )tfterdllY) that tlO mortal man in Be!h, but onely Eno''', had
ot !hall have the, like wifdollli: made known, plainly to be underll:ood b" any man, or
thou th) '{tlf fhttlt U""trfrlllld. IlIId rtCti~.e Ilr tlie h/lllas of the Almighty. TbtT~f.rt it iI bit
'1I>il/ 1l1f(fpurpor, of Go~, tbllt ht wOlild hltv, tbet in tht Coulltrty, for thit rhJ Native Coun..;
trey is not worthy of. gifts that thou !halt receive at the hands of God, to come, and
to be ,made kll(Jwn 111\(0 thofe which be noc worthy of filCh great gjft~ of Gods wif-
dame, co COl\le amongft rhofe that be unworthy_ , .
. Tb frefore, Tolin Dee, . in Iltl thefe mllttrTS tbt .bich ill f"floln' "' t"it tim' ",aa, ~1I0'II'''
IIl1to rbfe, th, cbief .1l1ft! g;Tuu/f C/lU[' of thit m) cO;";lIg umo thet, it to "'A/r,r tbe mlltter
plainLJ /t,,01m, !b41 God i1f hil 1nrTcies ."ould hltve tbtt wi,,, "ll Jiligtnct ,h/l' thou Clt"ft pogibly,
h bllltt tbft to thd COl/litre) ;phtre G.d lotb "",r/iIlM tbet, IIJIIl lit mJ 111ft b,i"l hert ,/io.
F.f ( yoYtejt
* 4:1. Atrue'Rf..lationrf Dr. Deehu AllionI, 'WitbSpirits,&c.
~np.)r ",bat "'M ",y Mtfftig" tb,r'for, ilo "tby' ai/ig,n" to f"//iI 'if M tboll '."fl,
ilfd G--;J
",iU pllt 1m gr,at btlps IllIt.J t'm, i~ jlrtllgt{'lIillg of tb) boJ), "lid _otbt~i[r, "bieh jhlll h,
to tby good; And tbul ~tI7lg oilCt tn tb.t pillc, ",bert God.",ould l",-ve tbtf to b" rbolljh.lIltln
""U ftrc,i v, ana, pl"i"ly u"wftllnd, lb.t Gol · .",i1I maft . mm:i(uU, ",orl;. ",ifh tb(t .f.r tby
gOld in performing .11 fuch p fomife~, tb. ",bicb bltb ~_un I·otb at th. 1..)1 tim, IIn4 lit tb;,
tim. ",",n II"tO thtt.
Joh~ Dee; I il4 put tim ill t,,,,,mbr.II~t, tb.t ",btr'M tbou didrt [-1, tlu t tboll hilda II
POTtlOl' of ",Ollt) [tnt thtt from tb, E~perour IInto tb,,; It,D tbu,. thllt th, D'III/. in ",or"-"
jllg iiltl" bUTt of one of thy enemIes (Coo~ I mean) c\.Jd feek lome wares hy hi s falfe
important ill fl'e~chcs, in moll falfe manner, unto olle th:\t ~id ill .fome.w hat let the Em.
prrour to underftand, what he had motl falfely, to tlly dlfcre:ht (as he thought) to
hinder ther, that thou fhbuldft not come to any help or credit at chi: Elllp: rouJ> h:md.
ButJohn Dee, b, of good!omfort, The Empero~rof all Emperours \TilllJethy comfol'[,
a";' /lid tim, ."Il 'VtTmort put ao"'n tb) ,.,m,.s; tb.t tb. Emptrour (rb.t tbou (houldfl
havt rteti vttl tbat portion of) .it jhaU Ot £0 .."itli tbtr; r/iJf bt fh~n have l1\Or: need of
thee, ill [_cli ",i[d'n't III G..d ./h/IU dtlivtT IIlItO tim; fOT t/lou Jhalt h4vt no nml of bim, ht
OMly to lei'! good 1I'ill all~ fritlldjhil bm,i;ct hi- .lId fliu, III jh't1fli"g ,h) {tlf fritltdlJ ' Jlnt.
liim, III God ./ball btTtIlfttT give thtt plailll) to IllldtT{f.II~. .
No .., John Dee; I h"vt mU, 1Q!0"'"lIlIto tbtt ",bllr Gods "'ill it. in thil fII) ",'[4gr. Tliit
it tht-grut,jI .11<£ tht 1Iiojt prillCip.ti cauft, ",hy God b.tb [ellt "" ""U Wtt .t tliil PTt{, ,,t
timr. .Aild n,.,. I £.Vt through Gods "'trcirs ~tliv'Tld ri1H bit ComJ1/a:tdmt7!t il(ltQ ,htt ; .1Id
for tbit I bllVt II0W {ait/. .nJ fllijh,d.

A. BI~lfed be the Almighty God, now and for ever.

Gladly I would, have ' undcrftood how much th:: P9rtion was wDleh the Empefour
would have fent me.
John Dee, It' it go, ."4 "0
/I,.1t.. f.rtb" if it : for thou.",.ijt be ;oyfnl, ",Ii,rt« it;,
{aid IIIIrO tim, tbat he fhould have need of thee, (til nd t~OIl of bim. '(btrtf,rt rt4[on "0
.,ort i".tlu,t mAUtr.

A. As c.oncetning Mr. ·Eccl'Jioll.

John Dec, ill fhll wordi I .rnf"'tr tbtt, H, hlltb a,t.clt .itb tbt l~rli's in t"Oft .r.irs, hut
tht cliitf plITt) .iD II0t,1I1 "t, yitl" (t") t~'ing to bt ",.at ~"o"'''' but .otli pubborllly "lid Jlo.tly
,antl ill hit ""/I kftllCt: .A"tI Gods Crt.tllrtS have wronght with .him, .rul "titbillg bt "'.ill
( M y,t) J~.I.l " ....,. ':'c", ~""t .h.f, Cr,,,,ur,, jhoulJ. J ••l {o (Yutll) ..jtb bim, III it "'trt to
puU h,'" .p".,s : tb"" b" ""cklll jlub60",ntf/. But G •• ",./1 b.in5 rhe matter to light I bllt
Ecdelton hath /Cot d.lilt {o iJt tht ",att". lII;,r "'ight hav, dont,lit it too to·, bil ' WII c.u["
ThtTtfor, if th, f.ult btill bim, thm do not blam, tb, CrtiltuTtS-of God. For God r.olllJ. (as
you vtry well do know ic)'COmmand tbat fard Tre~fure to be brought: hut he will not
have- it {i:> co bo, b,c"u[, ir jha11 CO"" by ot!>tr ","'''s .",o,;g mtJI: So G~a, htttb (t gu.t C4rt
."4 purpo[, r~ do i!O f~r yOI41' ;,ood, II kI,p l1Iatt,rs Ont of blame. and flander of fb, ",arid,
III it migbt com, to pllJft~ if it jhOI4iJ. com, b) 111Iy othtT",afts, brltfoy tbit plot ",hicb H l/tid ao",n
t o dr,[illl. Ana ",ben it it tb, "i11 of God tlillt it jhall b, atlivtuti, God ",ill [0 ptrfoT"; it.,
i f ,.,." "'ill ao M bt lhould do, in a ll reverend manner towards God-\vard. A"d [0 n,,,, 4
la you tq p'Tcrivf, "lid to k.!rOJf', tbat it if 1I0t ill ,rt,a.

A. Whether hath th~ o~her party confclfed any thing?

Raph. H, hlltb 1I : t /If y,t JirU,J. opml) : but lit bllth in [ter,t ",4nntT ptr/wlld,a bit f,l"
10"', tb.t tlit iIIatttr migbr b, m"a, l:."~Jl'1I !lIIro Ecclefioll, in conf,/pllg of ,t/I tbe whol, ",arltr,
but th, orb,r "iD not Jtt yi,lti : but it ""r, b,tttT for Itim to .)i1la at tht firi, tb,II to taTT}
.n) longtT, tbt [tffi ",ould bt bit pu"i(bllrtnr fro", God tli,rtill. Alld [0 I Itt yo" to uJldtrftand, you .th.D Kivt God hil til1l~ to Jf'or~ ;" Ih"t ",atttT at billltII[urt, "nd rbm jhllO if bUQ th,
good of th.o",,,,r, IIHtl of you lilt,."ir,. A"t/..llo", I bali, {ai •

~ . As concerning the bereaving me of my own goods,I would gladly underfiand ",hQ

hllth my lilver double gilt bell"Salt) .a nd other thiilgS here of late conveyed from
mte. •
Rap~. John Dee, Thit it tb, .ill 11114 pllTpO[t of God to comm."a thu, "/f~OIl,h f.OIl
40ft {lIfftT"g w ellll[t t"y gooas b, {, tak.,t" .",aJ fTo", rbu, ),t Goas ",ill it ["ch, tb.t bt
"iU b.v, tbtt to ~ a p!llc,"mak,.tr in thit ",,,[.: for it is patt help to have it again: But M
tbol4 . Tt. ",ort.1 faf.'T, [0 11ft rhllt matter as a fatller, for thy fon had it, IIlthough ht
.ollid IIOt, ",itb,r ",ill conftfl it. Ana,lilt,."i{, for "{ltcb tbillgs of I.t, ",i/illg . boNt this houf"
thou ihilit b,rr.fttT M pl.inly ~"o", -wbo h.d thtm, .nti ho." th,) "'tTt go"t, M tho. doft pllli"ly
'JIlld,rJf/lnd f &r thy Salt, bur tboll Jtiti /1114 procttd "0 fUTr"tr, rill [lIcb ti"'t !If 1 Ra ..
phael JhIlU J,.;.. fllrt1m of it; for God "j11 h.vt ~ll tbings to bt dO"t ,,{Il, a"d t~ his btft
likjng, So for that Ibn' liD. [."d.
.A true'R.d,ati()TJ of Dr. Dee hil Aaions;'f#ith Spirits,&c. * 41
John Dee, it if ill tb~ h4l1il. of Goa 411& bit pnlltr to [ma t&tt [uell b~lps lIS tbou doff [nlto!
th~ Treafure to be brought Ullto tbu, but God .",ill not "4V' it [0 to bt, the while thou art in
this place ( Engl:md I m~II1f) for God .",ill IIot bllv, fbrt to eOlflt ;lItO ''''7 di[a4in, or {fllnltT
might u~ [omt 4dv4nI4g~4glfillfttl1tm, hut bt cont",t .",itb .b4t liult tbat clfJibt mlftlt of til,
right in thl CoUtag, maHm. And furthtTmort, tbou {h41t [tt that God .",i11 [ml th" foon{o""
.fllcb [mllU b,lp. by mn, tb4t tbou foalt "4Vt [0",' f"ling of btlp, to lulp .btt .",hit"tT tbo"
Jhouldjt go; 4nd tbmfor, I Raphael bavt 110.., [4ia.
A •••• Jobn Ponloys.
JohnDee,btllot to~ ~ucb inqllijitivt,but.",b4tjhlfll bt beft to your likjlfg inanJ gooacau[,."f7at-
fO'VtT JOu or b, JhIlY tbtn/tgoDd to b, dont for jour good, God. .",ill put hil .Jlffilf471Ct and htlp tbllt
you {haU ptretivt God. f4VOU1' tbtrtilf. A"t! tbur milch I h4V' [aia: 1ft G"as COmm4na>7l,nt 1
camt, and [0 on hif ",trcifuU goodnt§t, 117Ia hil powtr, I muft trtftntly dtpart.
A ••• B4rtholol1!t'llls requeft of Gtorgt ShtTmall his carnell oft and dreaming ofTrearure
to be undrr the foundation o( the wa)1 called Dt 141 prJ wall, a Nunry in times rail with-
in half a mile of NOTth"mpto1l, Sir William ']'alt his howe is within that wal in three
']'hat man Iflily lawfllTfy bllvt it, if bt t4/1,r bud in tbt brta/tjng of tbt tht tbrt:JlactS, fo,. 500.
it if for th, grtauft parr undtr tbt bOffom of tht W4U, 4nd m4ny roots of tborns 4 trns tbar
"/Pill Itt lind hind,r tht workjllg fOT it, if b, do not work much as (lope ,as you can, to (,0 and,r
thnootl, tbt whicb ",mll] W(U and lawfully do. So, bt 7IIay "tU .hrlfi" II_purpo[t; Ilnll 300.
It'-W you hllvt plainly Ullo(rjt.oa tht truth.
,],b( Ollt p4Tt of thllt Treafure wal 14ia. by an old NUll, tb4t WIIS of tbat hOIl[t, Ilt thlrt timt,
I1lftl Oll( lbllt w.u btT brotbtr, 4nti. rbi otbtT"iS ilZiti. tven III tbt rll"'t tim" tbat tbt fanl'
travtl tbt wbi,b you toolt thl 141t day [avillg Ollt, to k"n,wof tbll' b,rtt/, it " . bid 4t tht [Il",t
tin/tby Ollt of th, Lordi tb4t '1II11S thtrt kJlltd, lind [0 it blltb rt"'llintl tvtr jinet, tht Ont p14Ct
mort tl1fitr to comt 4t tbtll tht otbtr, but with tht fllvour of God,and;" bil mtrcJ,that good for-
tlllle to be defired 4t tartitl b47Ul, it may bt had Irnd. compafftd by the raid party. An/, [,
7/0" I bavt madt tbt matttr /tllOW" Ilnto YOIl. And noll' in tbt nltmt of tbt .Illmi(,h.y, iUUl mtrCi-
fuU God, 4t wbort "ill IIna pltafurt 1 C"1Ift, fo now 1 dtp4Tt in Gods pUCt. Tht ",tTcits of Gol
bt UPOll YOIl, botb for thit lift, ana for that which is to rontt, bit 11l1m, bt glorlf)ed.-for tller",ore
Amcn,Amen. •
A. Amen.

Munday 7. Sept.hora 7.
~. THiS morning as Bartbolomtw had intended to be going homeward in the morning,
and I not imending to move an aCtion now, but committed .11 to God, )lIrtholo"
nttw 'us fpoken unto by Rapbll(l.

••••• Command John Dee to comt up into tlJ" plaet. A voice [0

A •••• In the name of J efllS, and to the honolll' and. glory of the moll bleffed Trini- "'tw.
.y. Amtlf.
MitrM 0 omnipottlll r(/lfpittrn( & lint Df~ luclm flla", &- vtritattm tUIl>7l, qUit nos tluCIl1ft
&- ptrdueant 4d mOnltm [llnC/um tuum cr
e~ltJ/ilZ tua tlZbtTnacula. Amen.
Barth. . ... He is here.
L> •• ,. BmtdilJlK tft, qui vtllit in nomillt Domini. Amen.
The Almighty God be bleffed and praifed of all good creatures, ghe praire unto his
holy name, for evermore. Amm.
John Dee, 1 am tht ["",e bltfJ'(d crtature Raphael, tb,t did apptar tht 14" J.a] but ont itt
tbif pI4c" I 4m at tht comll,ana.mt1ft of t/:ot molt bigbtft to COllft unto your ptrmCt lit thif timt,
"telfuft tbou Jhouldrft vtrJ Wltll 1<.."0f4' tbat I Rallhaela", 1Itry r'4d) ,t 1111 timtl, to com" wbt"
Gotl.lhaU com",and mt ; bllt John Dee, I b4Vt no long 1I1tff4,t, at tbit timt, for thoo hall Gods
full purpore and his will, in what bt WQuid &411t thtt to tnttr into, anti btCltu[t tb,t tb,u jhttl~
"tU "-flOw tltat evtn now 4t YOllr d,parting, the ont from tht o,t btr, it hatb plta[ttl God to [tnll m,
to Jtt tlltt to undtrjhufd tbat fIT tbit timt 110 more II111fttTS (IlS conCtr,ullg ",,""t thou art t4ught )
foa'O.ot (1ft tbit timt ) 110 IIIort bt ffiok..m .f, unriU [ucb time II Goa Jh1tU 4ppoint, at your neIt
meeting and coming togrthtr, Ibat thm, if thtrt bt any thing, tblft if IIot dont of you, (0 far
fortb lIS it it in yout p01Ptr to fl/ffill it, if Ifn) (uch dtfault ill YOu bt, I wiD thtn put JOu;" nnum-
6r4nCt of it, Itnd hdp you ill any thing w~icb you .fh411 doubt of.. and if y,u bavt any tfutjtion or'
atml",tlro ask,of me, tVtlf nO'1ll,1 IZm 'IItT) rrady ill ft'lll words to an[WtT you, Ilnd t&tn in bif
Ff 2 "amt.
'" 44 Atrue ela.ttontfDr. DeehiJ ACliom, JP;thSpit~tJ,&c.
IIl1me, "ho IlIItb [tilt m, ( t/U/t it the Almighty) :[ m~ft returll thereJore, iJ you hllv, ,. liS
.~ ,

~ " .• As concerning Mr. JolI" of theIne of MIIII.his lI,itiful cafe hath moved
illy compallion. , " '
Raph ..... lobn Dc!:, Ilffur, thyftlf, tbll~ II t/lllul# Jl!aft. hurti",.,,;th # gool fllithill Gotl;
th.t tholl mjg~"ft be d'd mil" "h",i" G~a"ill mojt mercifully help hil aijtrf./Tttl cllfe, th",!or,l
""[wfltr thtt, tbllt Goa bllcP, IIIId. b,,,ill hellr thee, tli rhy c~"'forf !bere;II; 11M to th, ,rut CO.-.
fort of tbe "taOl ",ho~ tb"t Giu[, ~ot~ beloltg ••to. God "'.ill merci[ull),lIelp theellufo (0 fhorrly,,,
bit",illlllld pie"[ur,,, to b, aolSt ,11 ,to So much I hllV, [lila for th".
A 0' ••• I thank God moft heartily (or his,fo great me~cies.. .
A ~ ••• Job" POlltDy1, my grat fflend, came/By de~th to ~n~w hiS good Angel.
. Ra'ph •.••• John Dee,foT thy {Ilk, II, jhll/[ ,TtH,." hit ~ootl, A,Hgtl,bllt let it I "ot D, "itHi,,,,
ber~IIJttr to bllv, II pritle jll ",iiul, .hllt God hlltb mill., ,!t"'''11 IIl1t • .bim bit gOOf II'Ifgtl, for IN
"'111$ U/,oll the f.Ct; of tbe urfb 'IIH h~ve " bett,r tht".be hll~J,.fo" Urid it hit IIpp.iIIt,a J'l1/l,1 fro",
~ birth to thil JIlY, IIHd [o.flu,IlIOHti"ue "itb,bi", to tI" It,pp~i~t,a tim" tblt, G,J "iIl tlli;, bit
lif, 1I"llj iH [,p.,lIti"g hit [oIlIJ,om ''it
boJ], fo, ,UriCl hllth b~",. under God h'it Jel;11tTtr fmb
'IIJ .",1l7ly dllHgm, .HJ (ohe.fbl'll b~ bit defmce U1I~ G04 to h" -1ifrs t1Itl. J'l1/J fot th'it, 1 bllflr
'",lIde thf 71I1IU,tr pllli,,&" uHtOJOIi. Procea,. , ,.
l!. •••• Sc:c,o ndly, J' J,,, po"toys is defir!>us to know: the end of the Polifh rroublCf.
R.aph •••• John Dee; i,II f.",."oras, for th., Jtllltt"'1II!"[,,er thu. Thofo ',oubl,~ ,,,ilI rome-
,,".t tll4 " hit ./offo but i(fl1l1[/ 10,,,0 gr'lIt ",,,tter,foth.t God ."ill lIto,A;. th, tll[e tbllt ,it ./hllll
, na to hit /ilrJ"g. J'lila thlll much 'orrhill hllve {lliel. .
A •••• As concerning t"~ man a~d the ,Trealill'e, lam 'deJiroll.HO , kQow ~heth~I'
'lie will be content to allign , title t() 11l1r,ho/.I,1I';", upon f~me pO,r tiou thereof dclivcre,d
\lItlO hi~ ; and jrhat oth~,r.tle hath Qiade ;acquainted with the, matter; and whether it
may not ~1 Pods gpod liking b~ fet "i' without digsing.
, RaFh : .•• John Oct, elf 1Il/·this 1 hellr tbfe, ."a 1 k.1{0" thin.e i1Jfellt 7meiH. -1hll' "'11" ",II:!'
~~ "IIJO/lll.b{J r..letl, ~utlt' .~e " .i ll oller hit 'itle thmill; ~IIf , b" hllt~ +,,blJ , b,It""';Hg
h..." tbe "',~t,~ Jothft.II" "'I~h I""" IIH [0 ",lIch III b,.40th. lQIo., ht .1I&h m.ue, tbe", to ~,. III
"uch« h,im[rl.{: 1h",f", lI/fI" thy (elf ~hllt h,jh.lI be t"1I/(d, jhllY ".J 10, « h, ."ill.
If-II, "ill,1/fII:~t.oramJ; i" [lldl fOTS II"/' good,coll1lCel'III Rap bac;l Jb#llgiv, U1lto thil Bartholo~
hlew lit tbll' tim" thllt th,,, bejh.1i hllv, Ho tllrt of j 't , but I certipt YOIl th., ,h, ",ili b, rul,J'J
but o",ly the others, .hieh 1 bllve mlia, 1I.JtoJIIH u"to JolI, the) _ill H.t, CO.eto [0 gootliourfo i" th,
mlltur'Ar he 'll'ill. 7'h,r' I,t ,it reft, I ""./? Jir.O Bartholomew in ,h, mlltt" .",hie" fhllll be tit
hJI gobd~ or elf' it.jhllil nO' ,,""'0 bit bIlHJ, the "bicb yo,. h"". t. 1IJo •.,., 9f. hJ,for tb'it, 110• .{
hllvtMd. '
John Dec, it it the .",ilI IIU purp'f"f Goa, thllt it/bllli COJl(t' .by Grellkjllg of 'he gr'.u" "e~
cllufo tb~, God.",ill hll~~ Illl tbiHgsJoHt, "'til, !bllt "' ili[fur'il ,mIlJ .breilit out betWiilft
htre4[rer, ..tHJ {, 1IOW IH Gods Jlllm, I riltd.
,b, pllr';ll

A: •• .••• Moft.buJilbly I thank and pni[e Almighty God for his infinite me«ies and fa-
vour" be{'cClcbing him to aRift me evermore. J'I~tH. ,
to •• •• JohHPontoJs would Ihortly f~lI to. wo.rk fomewhat, to win fome help for mony by
diftillations and A1chymicall conclllfions, till we wereotherwife holpcn~ and we are ut-
terly unable to provide things necc/racy for lack.of fufficic:nt provi{ioll ot mo.neT.
Raph •.•• 'IToubl,,,,r th] felf ( III Jet) ""th the[, CIIU{es.
a ••• If €aptain LlUIghllm will lend me an hundred pounds ot more, as \1e }!rom i(cd
nl e, forwhich my fCI'Vant PIIlYic", expeaeth his performance' at tbis hour. '
RaR~" , ... Not (iH fuch time) 'I ~ DOT 0 V. G.
0 C! D.
Note. 106H Det, that is the plain meamng, wherein It IS fald, not to J. thee g.od,. be:caufeit
wiT! be fomething too long ( for thou art ready for it, jf it were now" therefore with all
haft, fo much as i~ ill Gods will to be done in it, it /hall be hatlened forward' to J.
goo"'. '
Au."o" I hlllle pliliJI/J {po1<!." ullto ,h" i" thil CII[, , fill t;"" _i1.illtetJ -.f Goil it".

I,h" P.,.. ~hn Pte; th6,. bllft flllfi,U,~ '''0 tpI.tjiio/ls>.1IJ ""'tTIiillg John PORtoys,/lOt!1I t"r Not,.
t'JI note. P'Ht, , Qb , t~at 1 ¥light be fit to fel'Ve you in llllrtbo/071l",s a,bfence. ..,
aph ••••,Dee.lll,tht n1l71l' ~f fh, JtI~_ft higheR 1 ""f."", thet, '0 thit bit .l,ftr, ."hrrriJI
~l ~.riJ crlllle lI.,.,he hll IIJUt. 'C; oJ, f,r:to obflllH !he fight Df .~iI, ~/e({tlL cr~lIttITes; bl/' ,.",,,[til'
"jIHtll b, ",11* known unw thee. "hll' God, .",,11 aD for h,,,, tbllt hH tItfiTe. ~. H~",III
po"er IIHtl1,141)J,bt gifi'(H to t~r J'l171Iight) "'h, bllth mila, bellvt/l 1171il. ,mh, hiJ /111m, b, fP¥,
nul prllir~tf'lIfr/llftiHgIJ. A'mcn,: A.mcll~
, A • • •• Amen.

A •••• All praife, "II thanks" ;all bonour and glpry be yidded unto God or.U hit
creature:., now' an d for evermore. J'l71IfH.

.A true'l\efatlOn of Dr.. Dee hil AElionr, 'fpithSp;ritJ, &c. .

]QIlII POlltop note; which h~wrote, and left on my ftudt table, 7.'Stpttlllb. TbeNoce.
If ir m"Jft'llla. '/IIith tht '/IIiU II1Ul It.'III of t~, ~lmightJ, "~Ji ,.."" bl JkJftl fIr· 111"'"
I would delire to know
t. My proper Angel.
2. The end of the Polifh troubles.
3. 0 that I might be fit to rerve you in imIH1''''rtIn abfenc:e.

Vnder John Pontoys Nilte the 7IIhich ilfa7lleJ. Qver, it thBs "ritte••
The place of B4tl
in [he M~p of
To the left or Ile'lt fide

:3 II
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__0
foot, and about


..;..----------tto the edgeof' the Map below

... foot and·a finger
from B.!,!.
, ,

I. A, II;t;"bllhlfohl",tl
v.h ",1 g.JtTh .Al"t)
1{,"] o~v.Js,
,....h gtm[th·';h tI.,r'gtmmilh,
WII. 011 g,~:".';'.11
vomfllb .U," .mp,' . 1UU "dma..e"1! "o,,{,,& VIII"'r." o,,,.tl, alpbol ."-:0
~•• o,."d"h "os .u{oh ""r.b flob .d;"" ."". '0.1t
"0'",. ''II"",r,I ;lg!s' oll{tpl, ',ud''l'luc orll;/III,
.IIf. 0",,,.13 rllld•.b,a gOllf.h J'ls ,~b~ Nit..
2. OX", 1',,""0' pa" {a"". os.• 1 pails 0", y alllru III{apb o;,ch", "{,I.,,, onzagofes ""'111...
""'.'1 ";,Ut, 0' ab ~o" g.",f,! owll tlW _'1./",d, /Ot1 ad"a] "ollra:& ox",,[." V .Is "ctlll1l/
t""aql',th la" rol.,dl[~a, ox .rd""h o",,;.bt/ o"""CI3 .lo"qui" "J'III"X
"rp"htIs ,ollhP0tUII ''''11''''
.ofeb "Is 'fWI' g~rs" '" ,mild ,Il""
3., Y'IIt,."rqlltlb O'Ifdr,h ttls ~rll qu."ebd "" r."dvd iob-, IIlIdllh "oi '.'" r,d",d ';Ivgth
abmJca4ampaget ' rdo",pb, ox.h gttbol v.1 ;'xtl "U.II.1 b gorf"" 'IIax p.,fllll "ort I"H'1.utl.",~
fT"b g,tll,ol, lIrc"~if IIlf,b.JJ",~ olCrmbllS "r",u loth.r, vos .iltMb, or{t II"X, 111",'11, or""
'",,,Is ;1-
uh gitll~m V .rd~",,,ch, .ur".
,+ Or'~tb ~r pa(qu6h "'£4dah "fTtS, I",~,"oda" 'IIarr4'11i1, olle" ddll".P", lIuglt o,,{.ul g.I••
"" '.ivet",x pit g..{lti ~'II'd;lx mit] al~mj)1ge~, VoCcomph .lr., X, orr.,.cl .uJ;llth,(o ,j ;'jloh
".il,," VO,rtts, iif",d "o.eJim. g.rb 7U.b"tl Olllr.", g,d, .J., tb fie dtg••",,ud. 'II.x\& gt"',,"~t • .1-
", tI""{,, "Is "Ill ,,;[IIh.
S. O,rhatb'ols '''ft ",JOb "WI tiIT"'/l~dot" "'VII"'. Idb, .d'll" Goth."., .r,dr;lIob IIjlomllgtl
1IT!"(tr "ft"b IITI.t obr..,' els (JII).gem ,va pala bllnJa ory'" 114bd otlfli4r.m ."rlIlIrhtl, .It "",..
6r6lf" Olt"" g,'" "Qr"b gtll,h "'qut.b .ls "Ji"4, ob '.';', .I{,," go;h Iftcor ",,4fOb ",0.1-
~.V •.1." oh~ .t",.g,lIsou {""fah ".ph"b olr''''"t~, or."d,b.l"x o",,,b 'IIor "jm, Olt V"jl",.h
I.rtlolbMr.II",g4mllAc 'o' "ft","" fCb,,~. (."tlrU.b v :"s {.b,.lujtbo i"hllt II"br,h"", "ob.tls 'II.IIdi{p.
ro~II"'·OI. .utiroebilipoh 1I;'lmHoh "rll ..b Jo"f,gtp.lIlrltb 10 4"" '111111 orb afnil gllil "V dlllt {t qUIl
M" .I•• b IIhf "Ogrll" flOIC [~~b.t MOil., ,
7. Anli olbd g.lp.loha'naha gaupumagmCah 011, v", {t tlITfa" ~oho albvmidamacapa-
lo.h .",&0 lid 'IIffl~h VO,TS a,a"d."oify "{qv"m rit.b "is v.(";,,b g,,,tl,,
IO,«.""Ir: lI(tmv.
8. A"'19 ",t.It Iu VII" Ivbob .I (",lIphi 01 e.apramJnacah oxandahvah gemvdoriphi-
tonpha attamplahilofiapha ormauda'hahar orzerublizadmah panchefclogedoh ,,{chIllI oi-
".,b lid,b iI.ICm4. ,
,. ~.'" "" C,'f' 14" (til. 41C ,;~, 'II0'iGII' vo. tlls ",1 olffa g,,,, gmt';b "opb (421' "4 II." fll,III(It.
.ojtraag II"rtllf"f~ ,p"b v, rt ,!,tlf'" or "ltl. vi." "or, .droh ft '': ",,, or. v,lf"titrlJual ./r..b "oipa!/< pll-
II." I.,,, ,, "" ," 'II. [Ilr ~l"''''"ph g.," .,I.of .rtir, IIXII II.h g.gll Ifth lira' ""!"'"
, roo Car["I",.b_b ir.pbCb illps IlrforilllordllllJlfax ~.'i,x "da' ( ' ",ntrob IlIpb -t fol4 It'"~ v''''_
6.1"lIlfu"r"tth 1I/l0." ""bi,tIaul" lin:"" V.O"tl,( .,dllo ."tI",cb I.bma(ttb rJJit, .b"aglo.ra, f
".lb"r va"ft aolY'O vor', p.r{"" IIr,II"r4b vor gaddh l:.h orr." III1It v,mrtll gtlpb., Irgllr or IIt"'-
6/. ,It "r tIIIb fu , ,
. IJ. ZanehevmacliaCeph,olzaminoah ValCeburaah nodelit:,nal( orCapnago danagna-
pha Ilobfiblidiarmi¥ytll aJ'fc:po1imi[allton~ ]el\1bulfamar Itooge axpal' oman oldn:ar~
iiaeoah. .
12. S,,,,"o.b al ehi do a cha da Selpagmodah a da hu bl mi ca noh dam pha gli af Chi
nor' OJ( om pa rui na pho. le'mp, 113" gou, fa, pha l1e co al pha af 1'1 ge mo cal. na
tli rage.
I~. Se~ gal fe quar ruf fa g!au Cur, ta~ or~.~., 01(irJ(~4~1 ge ~ph nop [ar na gel vom na
chet pal rua eax IIr(t(1 afdon tadg afe Un fau ehe dah nor VI car max eoh ZUlD bla xan-
pha . .tla g,b do ca b'i a h . . .
14' ,Ar gtm """11,111 f.lx, or mdo hab caf plgan .lpub gagll" lorh fa bra dan go fa
pax vol {an ql1ef tan O~.p"" opitllh or zyla pa a chra pa ma les ad ID;& earpah .~.Ips on
iia pa, gem na Je yor guCe.
"1~. Lit, gllus fll p., PIf 141ft." lor liZ,,, tlOX "X .rdtp~es II0U(OIt ."'/ob ~v"'r.i v~, {., lib.b ad
ni Ca pa loh glib, III' v. ," ox,x obo (",. m,,,b IIGX;l Vri Jb repb~b lu{ar. .ldg,TJu IIott4pb.x
1IIT"'" "rpo! ",!, ~'''', r.ub"b, lotbor ~IIII~bah 'II.m xa Ja phi c:i no.
16. Affotapheondah Vor bi" [allp".r pa lorb .g"o ja ... ",{r b ,.m.l~orr_vrr"~IIb gtll{t" .Iti,
.it ".11 vor; pl/rbl x ampbie"t. ,,,./tr.b" .tI",.lIg ., ,,~p(v ar1.0 1011 ,-,.mpbi ilrh,i. 'fOf IImphi ~"
f,mbtla" .reh; liar Illfo/x loll d~x. pr. gt • • {enrox ""'phi II.X V4t' F",bM,. ,
17. AIf;g,[tl .,Colp","ti 011%0 atlq qchildith .1r.llh v", ,",h or".go~r;'p" .1 .1 rll ~t'" n2 ca pi
coho Ul ~a pa por fah ""lCor'llonf" roilS Erb.rtf lab Jllll iaph lIiglld,( M, g,,,, '11m" -0&
_mpb • ", hllll;lI Vtlxorr.1I Itpt,b oxor II"h "h till dv 113 ea.pi ca loJox "Til ".b.


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