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FLEXTRONICS UNIVERSITY: qualifying line managers for

leadership and HRM task


 Founded in: 1969.
 Headquarter: Singapore
 No of countries the company is operating: 30 countries.
 Markets operating in: Infrastructure, Computing, Industrial, Semiconductor and
White goods, Automotive, Aerospace, Marine.
 Flextronics designs build and ship complete packed products for its OEM
In 2000:
 Headquarter: Austria (parent country)
 Brings out standardization in the operations of a company within the parent and
host country like: ONE FLEXONICS -aimed at standardizing production relevant
processes to make the ONE FLEXONICS idea effective in practice and visible to
customers suppliers and employees.
 The company offered the tailored system for training administration which included
supervisor as well as the users and the learning management system that allowed
the definition of specific training packages

Availability of experience personnel. Faced startup problems like unavailability
More direct in communication style. of experienced personnel.
Depicts formal and distant behavior. Highly volatile sales market.
More competitive. Need to match the production capacity
with the demand.



 The company aimed at achieving the best fit by adopting the best practices.
 Best fit aims at alignment of the organization goals and the HR objectives. Good
amount of emphasis was laid on the training of the employees to achieve
performance excellence. Wherein the participants where equipped with leadership
and HRM qualifications which proved to be the important elements of long term
success of this program.
 But this company adopted certain best practice idea in the areas of Six sigma ,
quality and material management, production, program management, engineering,
finances and training.
 The best practices are global in nature and was universally applied to both the
parent country in Austria and host country in Hungary.
 These practices help the organization to achieve the performance excellence.
 Brings out standardization in the operations of a company within the parent and
host country like: ONE FLEXONICS -aimed at standardizing production relevant
processes to make the ONE FLEXONICS idea effective in practice and visible to
customers suppliers and employees.
 Also, the company offered the tailored system for training administration which
included supervisor as well as the users and the learning management system that
allowed the definition of specific training packages.
 Company also resorted to the method of reinforcement to its employees in the form
of certificates which further brought out different reactions within different
 Also, the best practices are uniform in nature and applied in different national
 There was the use of collective intelligence of a global corporation in the most
effective way.

 So, the company adopted all the best practices to create a fit between the goals of the
organization and the HR objectives. These best practices were adopted universally
in both the parent as well as the host country to achieve the success in business
 Need of the employees were also well considered and line managers.
 So, with these best practices the organization achieved the excellence and efficiency.


 Plan the training program efficiently taking into the consideration about the parent
and host country.
 Taking into the cultural difference of both the parent and host country national to
bring the performance excellence.
 Proper designing of the compensation plans.
 Effective relative evaluation of employees from HCN and PCN.
 Maintaining and checking the talent pool available.
 Provision of some motivating seminars and activities.
 Judicious mix of employees from parent and host country national.

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