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Cambridge International AS Level Physics Answers to end-of-chapter questions

Answers to EOC questions

Chapter 2 5 a
vertical component of velocity = v sin 30° [1]
= 5.6 sin 30° = 2.8 m s–1  [1]
1 2
Using s = ut + 2  at with a = g[1]
1 Using v2 = u2 + 2as[1]
t = 2.8
2 2
(v  – u )
distance s = 2a [1] 4.9 = 0.57 s [1]
2 2
(30  – 10 ) b horizontal component of velocity = v cos 30°
= 2 × 4.0 [1]
= 100 m [1]
= 5.8 cos 30° = 4.85 m s–1 ≈ 4.9 m s–1[1]
2 Using v = u + at[1] horizontal distance = speed × time [1]
final velocity = 50 – 0.50 × 100 [1] = 4.85 × 0.57 = 2.77 m ≈ 2.8 m [1]
= 0 [1]
1 2 6 a 0.2 = 12  × 9.81 × t2[1]
Using s = ut + 2  at [1]
= 0.202 s ≈ 0.20 s [1]
distance travelled = 50 × 100 – 0.5 × 0.50 × 1002 2 2 2 2
[1] b i v = u  + 2as; 2.91 = 1.92  + 2a × 0.25 [1]
–2 –2
= 2500 m [1] a = 9.56 m s ≈ 9.6 m s [1]
Train slows to rest and covers a distance of ii Air resistance [1]
2500 m [1] Acts in the opposite direction to the
velocity and so reduces the acceleration.[1]
3 a Using s = ut + 12  at2[1]
s = 20t + 0.5 × 9.8t2 = 20t + 4.9t2[1] 7 a i Ball travels upwards (or reverses direction)
on bouncing. [1]
b Substituting values of t in the equation gives
[1] ii In both cases, the ball is accelerating due
after 2.0 s, displacement = 20.4 m ≈ 20 m [1] to gravity only. [1]
after 6.0 s, displacement = –56.4 m ≈ –56 m [1] iii Initial height of the ball above the ground.
c Substituting s = 0 gives [1] [1]
0 = 20t – 4.9t2[1] iv Ball does not bounce as high as initial
20 [1]
t = 4.9 position. or
= 4.08 s ≈ 4.1 s [1] (Kinetic) energy is lost (as heat / internal
energy) during the bounce. [1]
4 a distance travelled at constant speed 2 2 2
b i v = u  + 2as leading to v = 2 × 9.81 × 1.2 [1]
= speed × time [1] v = 4.85 m s–1 ≈ 4.9 m s–1[1]
= 40 × 20 = 800 m [1]
ii v2 = 2 × 9.81 × 0.8 [1]
b acceleration = change in speed
time taken  [1] v = 3.96 m s–1 ≈ 4.0 m s–1[1]
= (50 – 25) –2
20 = 2.5 m s [1] iii v = u + at leading to 4.85 = –3.96 + a × 0.16[1]
distance travelled a = 55.1 ≈ 55 m s–2[1]
= average speed × time taken [1] upwards direction [1]
(25 + 50)
average speed = 2 = 37.5 m s [1] –1

distance travelled = 37.5 × 20 = 750 m [1] 8 a Tangent drawn at t = 0.7 s and gradient of
graph determined [1]
c B must travel an extra 50 m; its additional –2
a = 0.8 (±0.2) m s [1]
speed is 10 m s–1[1]
so time required = 5010 = 5 s [1] b Acceleration is constant from t = 0
–1 to about t = 0.5 s [1]
d Consider car A: it travels at 40 m s for 25 s [1]
Acceleration decreases from t = 0.5 s [1]
total distance travelled 40 × 2.5 = 1000 m [1]
Gradient constant from t = 0 to t = 0.5 s
and decreases from t = 0.5 s [1]

Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics © Cambridge University Press 2014

Cambridge International AS Level Physics Answers to end-of-chapter questions

c Area under the graph used [1]

Correct method, e.g. trapezium rule or
squares counted [1]
Distance = 0.20 ± 0.01 m [1]
d Random errors – the points are either side
of the line [1]
Systematic errors – the whole line is shifted
up or down [1]

9 a v2 = u2 + 2as; 0 = v2 – 2 × 2 × 140 [1]

23.7 ≈ 24 m s–1[1]
b t = vs = 23.7
60 = 0.39 s [1]
The reaction time is approximately 0.3 s, so
the driver was alert. [1]
–1 100 000 –1 –1
c 100 km h = 60 × 60 = 27.8 m s ≈ 28 m s [1]
The driver was not speeding, as the speed of
24 m s–1 is less than the speed limit. [1]


a constant gradient [1]
b i 1.55 (±0.05) s [1]
ii Area under graph calculated between t = 0
and t = 1.55 s [1]
= 15 ×  2 = 11.6 ≈ 12 m [1]
iii Area between t = 1.55 s and t = 4.1 s [1]
31.8 ≈ 32 m; accept error carried forward
from time in i[1]
c i The initial speed of the ball or the hot-air
balloon is 15 m s–1[1]
ii The acceleration is in the opposite
direction to the initial speed of the ball.
or The acceleration due to gravity is
downwards and the ball initially rises. [1]

a v2 = u2 + 2as; 202 = 0 + 2 × 9.81 × s
s = 20.4 ≈ 20 m [1]
b v = u + at; 20 = 0 + 9.81 × t[1]
t = 2.04 ≈ 2.0 s [1]
c distance = 80 × 2.04 = 163 m ≈ 160 m [1]

Cambridge International AS and A Level Physics © Cambridge University Press 2014

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