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CHAPTER FOUR: Limited Partnership

Limited partners also known as special partners pertain to a person or entity admitted to the Substituted limited partner acquires the same benefit and rights of what a normal limited partner
partnership whose liabilities are only up to the extent of their contributions. may have acquired, if the certificate permits such substitution or by consent of the partners.
Limited partnership exists when there is at least one (1) general partner and one or more limited
partners. It should be noted as well that “Ltd” shall be included in the registered name of the Death, insanity, incapacity and other legal causes that may disassociate a partner from the
partnership. partnership which lead to dissolution is only applicable to general partners since limited
partner’s interest is assignable upon his demise, incapacity and any other legal grounds that can
Requisites for a limited partnership are as follow: (1) Signatures and (2) Sworn statements of the give effect to dissolution.
all the partners, both general and limited ones. The certificate shall discuss the following:
(1) Character of the business, location of the office, name and domicile of each member, the Upon winding up stage, here is the order of preference in settlement of various accounts:
terms, if there is, amount of contribution, instructions about additional financing, time (1) Creditors of the partnership
frame of the ROI, manners at which the profits will be divided (2) Owed to limited partners with respect to their share in profit by means of compensation
(2) It also includes express grant of right to the limited partner to convert assignee into a (3) Owed to limited partners with regards to their ROI
substituted limited partner, right to admit additional limited partners, order of priority in (4) Lastly, to general partners in payment of loans and additional financing they granted to the
terms of profit-sharing, right for a limited partner to demand property in lieu of cash as partnership, their share in profit and return of capital
Note: to be effective and enforceable, the certificate of limited partnership shall be filed in the
A certificate of limited partnership is amended upon:
office of the SEC after signatures and sworn statements have been provided by all partners. a) Changes in the overall content of the agreements
b) Substitution and admission for old limited partner and of a limited partner, respectively
Last name of a limited partner shall not be form part of the name of the partnership. Otherwise, c) Retirement, demise, insanity, insolvency and civil interdiction of a general partner
the 3 party will treat that limited partner as general in nature. Having a limited partner’s d) Erroneous statement in the certificate
surname in the registered partnership name will only be if (1) the ltd partner has the same Cancellation of certificate of limited partnership may be granted upon:
surname as other general co-partner or (2) the name of the company had already existed even -Dissolution of the partnership itself
prior to the admission of the ltd partner. -When “all” limited partners cease to be associated with the partneship
Rights of the limited partner Obligations of the limited partner Illustration: Limited Partnership
-Request the accounting books to be restored at the -Shall absorb the same obligation as what a general Lucas, Marcus, Darius and Cyruz formed a partnership, Dobre Company, for a particular concert. It is blatant
principal place and have it available during partner has if he takes part of the company’s that the first two partners are general partners while the others are limited partners. However, the company
reasonable hours control. fails to include “ltd” in the registered name of the partnership. Upon fulfillment of the purpose, the company
-To be informed about partnerships affairs through -To pay for the unpaid balance of the amount ends up with dissolution and it so happened that there is still outstanding balance to be settled to their
monitoring the books promised by a limited partner to contribute to the lender.
-Request a dissolution from the court common fund in the future, as stipulated in the
certificate. In general, limited partners are only liable up to the extent of their contributions only, however, in this case,
-Partnership’s creditors can run after the ROI given all of them will be liable beyond their contribution to the partnership as the 3 rd party deems the partnership
by the partnership to the limited partner prior to as general in nature due to partial compliance in the article 1844.
the settlement of full accounts due to 3 rd party
when assets are insufficient. Submitted by: Joshua A. Daarol
BSA 3-3
A person can be a combination of a ltd and general partner at the same time provided that he shall Submitted to: Atty. Rufino Abuda
bear the risk of being a general partner and shall absorb the right of a limited partner.
A certificate of limited partnership may indicate who among the limited partners will be
prioritized in times of ROI or profit-sharing by means of compensation

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