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St.Augustine Breeze
HOA Meeting Dates
February 17
March 17th

April 21
May 19
June 16
July 21
August Dark
September 22
October 20
November 17 Barbara Epstein, Art Williams, Anne Marcus
December 22 John and Ray Leiker, Jeff Morgan
New Gate Code effective Cecile Morgan, Deidre Coker
Feb 1st Our Annual Holiday Party was a huge success,
Pedestrian gate code “Fun was had by ALL!” It wouldn’t have been
change: the ped. Gate nearly as nice with out the beautiful piano
code will change Feb. 1, performance funded by Art, and the planning and
2011 the new code will menu guidance by Barbara Epstein and Linda
be *2011 Waddell.

A great time to get to know your neighbors!

Many times we just don’t take the time to get to know our
neighbors. The Holiday Party is one of those times we are
trying to incorporate to bring the community together.
Creating a gated doggie area in the rose park for picnics and to
let well behaving doggies play off leash is another. What are
some of your ideas?

December 10,2010
Cocktail Party from 5:00 to 6:00
To get things warmed up!

Brenda Miller and Herman Trotsky

We also liked the cocktail warmer prior to dinner so we could
mingle and take time to get better acquainted. Chef Mark
Sickenberger prepared our meal. If you missed it last year be
sure to plan ahead for next seasons gala. You don’t want to
miss this event again. Thanks again Art, Linda, & Barbara!!

Our Director and Barbara Epstein

Lynn Coker helping Barbara check in our guests at
Mission Hills Country Club. Membership is available by
contacting St. Augustine breeze@, Just type
MH sign me up! A mission Hills member leader will
contact you with the particulars.

The dining experience was a delightful blend of music and

rivalry. Plenty of open seating was available so you could
sit with your friends and family, great food and excellent
wine choices, (from Mission Hills own Sommelier) and
many beverage choices to accompany your meal.

Our Vice President, Bob and Edith Keller

The HOA would like us to be sure and sign up
for the electronic Newsletter venue. Hopefully
you were able to contact Brenda Morse with
your email address. This will allow us to
continue to submit the newsletter in color.


Jan Pivo Stephen Pivo Jackie Trotsky Steve Epstein Herman Trotsky 
Connie Hancock

If we adopt the electronic newsletters and Go On a different note, one of our board members
Green, we can also cut the costs of mailing and commented on a conversation with a city member
needless printing charges. Many homeowners recently, stating they are taking in record numbers
may still request to have the hard color copy of feral cats .The animal Samaritan and the shelter
off of Petland place, will take in any feral cat that is
Newsletter mailed to them as well. In order to
rescued, trapped or captured; spay, neuter
cover these costs, our board wants to submit vaccinate and socialize them for adoption. If you
the idea of business card advertising for our would like to do this for our feral cats, the city
own services and products. As homeowners we would greatly appreciate the effort to stop the
can place a small ad describing our business for multiplication from the breeding.
Our community is literally rat free because of those
a nominal fee. It would be something like
Cats and many homeowners have befriended them
$10.00 a month. Of course if you take the time by feeding them. You may have your friend
to submit helpful tips or suggestions as our last neutered and vaccinated and brought back to
two members did, you may advertise for free. continue protecting our common areas, for a
nominal donation to the shelter.

Gene Leon
FYI From the Board
Exterior house lights are homeowner
responsibility and are important to be on
in the evenings.
• Street repair information:  at the
recommendation of a professional
contractor, Asphalt MD’s, the board
will table crack fill and slurry for
another two years.

Our Newsletter Publisher

Our Director Lynn Coker and our Newsletter Publisher
want to invite all the homeowners to choose a
committee that would interest them and come on
board the HOA. Committee’s needing members are:
Architecture, Common Grounds, Earthquake and
Emergency, Event Planning, Newsletter and
committees.andWelcoming Committee,

Bob and Edie Keller

Committee’s take just a few hours a month, usually
meeting one time a few days prior to the scheduled
board meetings. Work involves approximately one
hour a week to collaborate with other members on
issues and ideas. Prepare a short report to be
submitted to Brenda Morse for the Directors to review.

Zoe Architect, Ray Leiker and John

We want your input and welcome your ideas! You can
also post comments to the blog at: For example; Brenda
Miller wrote a comment and asked to have it published
in the newsletter. She had a comment about the gate
and wanted to share her views with the community.


Mary knows all the doggies in the park. Do you know you
can have your doggie’s name and owner listed in the blog?
That provides a safe return should your precious pet not
find his/her way home in the event Mary is not walking
Rocco her cocoa miniature poodle, to help redirect your


Neighborhood View
Dear fellow homeowners: The time has skills and help to minimize barking. It
come to do something about our socalled would allow dogs to better know one
security gate. I can not bear anymore to another and their owners to have space for
open the gate with my remote and then see off leash training. It would also give a great
a parade of cars go through after me...We spot for neighborhood socials that would
need an arm that only allows ONE car to like to include their pets. Not to mention a
go in at a time. I spoke to a security gate safer place for keeping both dogs and kids
executive and he said the gate tends to from running in the street. If you would
break down in the beginning but after the like to see this, will you write in to the
community is use to it...the breakdowns go board your vote for adopting the plan?
way down...We have NO security. I will Community involvement always helps in
advocate for the security arm if you the passing additions and improvements that
community wants it. Please call me and may require added expense.
leave your name and address and I will go
to the board meeting with the names. If we Deidre Coker
can get a majority maybe the board will
listen to the community...Brenda Miller.
69743 Camino Pacifico (760) 324-1280..
October 8, 2010 9:12 AM

Dear fellow Homeowners : Last fall it was

suggested the gated area around the rose
park be expanded and enclosed to allow
well behaved dogs increase their social


Board of Directors
Bob Keller Vice-President
Jeff Morgan Secretary
Jim Jacob President
Lynn Coker Director

Monarch Management Group

3955 Berkley Dr. Suite A
Palm Springs, Ca. 92211-5141
Brenda Morse, CCAM Association Manager
(760) 776-5100 EXT. 330

St. Augustine Board Of Directors Meeting

Location is above Baja Fresh and Starbucks at the
River in Rancho Mirage. Use the elevator located
between Suites 103 and 104. Take the elevator to the
2nd floor and turn left when exiting the elevator. The
Meeting will be held in the suite titled “Security
Pacific” Any questions, call Spring Reyes, Assistant
Manager (760) 776-5100 Ext 333. During the Open
Forum portion of the meeting, homeowners are
permitted to bring any matters or concerns before
the Board. Board Meetings are always the third
Thursday of the month at 4:00 P.M. Atmosphere is
maintained at a friendly level at all times. See you

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