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Brent Christian T.

Torres Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy IV

Irenaean Theodicy is first and foremost designed to respond to the problem of evil. In this

problem of evil, God is described as an all-knowing, all-powerful and all-loving but still evil

undeniably exists. Unlike St. Augustine, Irenaeus accepted that God was at least partly to blame

for the presence of evil but on some good reasons. First, is that God’s aim in creation was to

make perfect people and secondly, human perfection cannot be ready made and it has to develop.

Furthermore, it is our nature to be free and we have all the chances to do something evil.

However, God cannot remove evil because it would compromise our freedom. Eventually,

everyone will develop into God’s likeness by overcoming evil.

In this paper, I would only evaluate some of the weaknesses of Irenaean theodicy

especially on that of evil and suffering. Firstly, if evil is important for the development of human

beings, why is it that there are some people who suffer much greater than the others? This makes

God bias to humans since he favors some who has not undergone so much suffering. For

example, some people did not choose to have a mental illness or cancer but they came to that

person maybe because of the genes of his or her ancestors. How then could we explain to those

people suffering from these kind of suffering that God allowed it in order for them to develop

where in fact, it would cost them their lives? Furthermore, these kinds of evil does not anymore

help us to grow because it destroys life. A new born baby, who was born to have a whole in his

heart or a tumor in his brain cannot grow to be in the likeness of God because he has only a 10%

chance of surviving if not well cared. Some people do not benefit from suffering and so they do

not learn a lesson or develop.

Brent Christian T. Torres Philosophy of Religion
Philosophy IV
Secondly, why would a loving God use evil for human beings to grow and develop where

in fact, there are better ways to make us in his likeness? Since many people develop good

qualities without pain and suffering.

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