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Practical Research 2
Quarter 2 – Module 11
Formulating Recommendations
Practical Research 1 Grade 12
Quarter 02 – Module 08: Formulating Recommendations
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Allyn Joy D. Calcaben, Paulino P. Tado
Reviewers: Dr. Paulino Tado, Dr. Belen Tado
Illustrator: Allyn Joy D. Calcaben
Layout Artist: Allyn Joy D. Calcaben
Template Developer: Neil Edward D. Diaz
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Adelfa M. Miguel – SHS Assistant Principal II
Belen Tado – Academic Head, SHS Department
Raimar E. Tejero – Master Teacher I

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Practical Research 2
Quarter 2 – Module 8
Formulating Recommendations
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Practical Research 2 Self-Engaging Module (SEM)!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher
or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12
Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this
also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking
into consideration their needs and circumstances.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use

this module. You also need to keep track of the learners’ progress while
allowing them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected
to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the

For the learner:

Welcome to the Practical Research 2 Self-Engaging Module (SEM)


This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Let Us Learn! In this portion, objectives of the new lesson

will be introduced

Let Us Try! This will give you an idea of the skills or

competencies you are expected to learn in
the module

Let Us Study This is where the new lesson is introduced

Let Us Practice This comprises of activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check answers
to the exercises using the answer key at
the end of the module.

Let Us Practice More This section provides an activity which will

help you transfer your new knowledge into
real life situations or concerns

Let Us Remember This includes questions or blank sentences

paragraphs to be filled in to process what
you have learned from the lesson

Let Us Assess This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Let Us Enhance In this portion, another activity will be

given to you to enrich your knowledge or
skill of the lesson learned

Let Us Reflect Closing note of the relevance, meaning an

application of the concepts and skills
developed in the lesson to real life

At the end of this module, you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any
part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the

2. Do not forget to answer Let us Try before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.

3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.

4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your

5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.

6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you through with


If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,

do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind
that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful

learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can
do it!

Let Us Learn!

This module focuses on activities in data collection. After administering of

questionnaires, survey or after conducting focus group discussion, data will
be collected and analyzed.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

a. demonstrate understanding on the concept in formulating research

b. write sound recommendations - CS_RS12_IIh-j-2

Let Us Try!
Write TRUE if the statement is true, and FALSE otherwise.

________________ 1. Recommendations are based on the results of the

study and may also be based on your own convictions
or prejudices.

________________ 2. The recommendations based on the findings and
conclusions should be realistic, feasible, and doable.

________________ 3. Recommendation in research paper can be defined as

a critical suggestion regarding the best course of
action in a certain situation

________________ 4. The whole idea of a recommendation is to provide a

beneficial guide that will not only resolve certain
issues but result in a beneficial outcome.

________________ 5. Recommendation must be concrete and specific. It

should also connect to your conclusion and explain
how the solution you suggested can contribute to
solving problems you stated.

________________ 6. One of the purposes of writing recommendation is to

provide suggestions to create, alter or modify policies
that serve as a guide in promulgating certain
regulations in various sectors of society.

________________ 7. Examining variables that are already included in

your research study should be used as
recommendation for future research directions.

________________ 8. Things that are not discussed or are irrelevant to the

study may be included in writing recommendations.

________________ 9. Addressing research limitations of your research

study should not be recommended for future
research studies.

________________ 10. The feasibility or viability of the proposed policy may

be excluded when writing policy recommendations.

Let Us Study

Basically, you have learned on how to draft your conclusions based on

the results of a certain research in the past lesson. More so, conclusion was
drawn based on the objective or research questions were theoretical and
practical implication. Now, it is time to write your research recommendations.

Recommendations can be best described as a course of action to take

based from the results, findings, and conclusion of a study. The purpose of a
recommendation is to provide a useful guide that will not only address certain
problems but result in a successful outcome and They should not be based

on your own beliefs or biases. They should not be too broad to lose its
relevance to the exact topic of your research. Your recommendations should
point specific actions address to the beneficiaries (those affected by the
situation) to resolve problems encountered by them.

Recommendations include ways on how to further improve the

pertinent variables or treatment used in the study, suggestions to concerned
individuals or agencies, future researchers who may want to pursue similar
studies, and suggests variables or research methods for future use.

The following are the guidelines in writing research recommendations

according to Barrot (2017, p. 214).

1. Write your recommendations based on your conclusions and

limitations of your study. Align it to the purpose and scope of your
2. Write a practical and doable recommendations. Be specific.
3. Make it concise and clear.
4. Avoid recommendations that are easy to address.

Here is an example of how recommendations must relate to the findings

and conclusions.

Research Title:
Predominant Factors Affecting the Career Choice
of Grade 12 Students in Tagum National Trade school

Research Summary of
Conclusion Recommendation
Questions Findings
What are Career choice In light of the Parents are encouraged
different of students is findings, the following to discuss about career
influences in the largely influenced conclusion is drawn, choices of their children.
career choice of by environmental the chose career of They should also
Grade 12 factor. students are influenced determine the significant
students? by someone significant others in the life of their
to them. People who children.
have made an impact in
someone’s life affects Career guidance
major decisions in life. counselors should
conduct a discussion on
how will the students
determine sound choices
from those people who
might influence their
career choice.

Further research might

done on the degree of
impact of significant others
not only on career choices
but other decisions made
by an adolescent.

Characteristics of a Good Recommendation
The following characteristics are of great importance in formulating
research recommendations.

• Relevance to the study

Relevance measures the degree to which a certain variable is related or
useful to what is being talked about. Recommendations for things not
discussed in the study is irrelevant.

• logical reasoning
The recommendations should be well thought of and with valid reasons.

• If the findings, for example, is too large class size, it is only logical to
recommend an ideal class size to create a healthy teaching and learning

• Feasibleness and attainability

The recommendations based on the findings and conclusions should be
practical, workable, and achievable. I recommendation pertaining to the
need to improve and upgrade the science laboratory in public schools
is feasible and attainable.

Purposes of a Recommendation
There are several purposes of writing recommendation after
determining issues raised in the study.

1. Policy recommendations
A policy serves as a guideline in promulgating certain regulations
in various sectors of society.
Policy recommendations should be included as an output of
research. Researchers can use the findings in their research studies to
effect change in policies already being implemented.
The recommended actions should be specified, the steps required
to implement the proposed actions and what resources are needed
should also be included.
When formulating policy recommendations, the following should
be included:
1. Discussion of the problems based on the findings and what
should be done to solve the problem.
2. Discussion of the benefits or advantages to the agency or
3. The feasibility or viability of the proposed policy.

4. The plan of action and the evaluation process to ensure success
of the proposed policy recommendation.

Sample Policy Recommendation No. 1:

• On lock of teacher preparation

“The teacher preparation and development programs
should include development of pedagogical knowledge and
competences to handle the K to 12 programs.”

Sample Policy Recommendation No. 1:

• On heavier semestral load of Senior High School students

“Revisit the 80 hours per semester requirement for each
student in the Senior High School (SHS) curriculum.”

Sample Policy Recommendation No. 1:

• On the implementation of Tech-Voc Track of the SHS

“Revisit the Tech-Voc curriculum to prepare students for
gainful employment in industry.”

Sample Policy Recommendation No. 1:

• On lack of modules and other instructional materials

“Teachers should be encouraged to conduct research
work and collaborate with other teachers in the preparation
of modules, guides, and other instructional materials.”

2. Recommendations for Future Research Directions

Sometimes of future research suggestions may be any one of the
1. Addressing research limitations of your research study.
2. Examining other variables not included in your current research
3. Examining alternative interventions which merits serious study.
4. More research on the effects and effectiveness of a similar
program to younger or older age groups.
5. Similar studies which may be done on academic achievement on
other subjects.

A study was conducted to determine the effects of
cooperative learning on students’ performance in English. It
was found out that the use of cooperative learning can increase
students’ performance in English. However, the sample when
compared to the whole population of the school was
inadequate. Larger sample is needed to determine if the same
results will come out to produce better recommendations.

3. Recommendations to some Problems Discovered in the Research


In the research study on the “Evaluation of Mainstreaming

Special Education (SPED) for Visually Impaired” by DepEd, Results
indicated that teachers are not majors of SPED and the facilities are
inadequate to support the program.

Sample recommendations:

1. Hire qualified teachers to handle the program.

2. Conduct regular trainings or workshops and other faculty
development programs to improve the capabilities of
current teachers.
3. Improve existing facilities, instructional materials,
curriculum, teaching approaches, school management
and other support systems to improve effectiveness of
mainstreaming SPED program of DepEd.
4. Recommendations for Improvement or Change.

In a research study on the implementation of an

effective reproductive health education program, an
example of a recommendation for improvement is:

The school should implement an effective and

relevant reproductive health education program geared
towards providing a formative curriculum that will
significantly promote responsible adolescent hood in
terms of reproductive health education thus reducing the
evidence of social problems such as abortion, unwanted
pregnancies, and sexually transmitted disease shall be
appropriately addressed.

5. Recommendations for Improvement or Change.

In a research study on the implementation of an

effective reproductive health education program, an
example of a recommendation for improvement is:

The school should implement an effective and

relevant reproductive health education program geared
towards providing a formative curriculum that will
significantly promote responsible adolescent hood in
terms of reproductive health education thus reducing the
evidence of social problems such as abortion, unwanted
pregnancies, and sexually transmitted disease shall be
appropriately addressed.

6. There may also be recommendations for the continuance

of a good practice.

Let Us Practice
Encircle the correct answer of the following questions. No Erasure.

1. Which of the following best describes the relationship between

recommendation and conclusion?
a. Recommendations and conclusions are both the same and are
b. You use recommendation to formulate conclusion.
c. Recommendations are based on the conclusion and findings of the
d. Conclusions are dependent on how you write recommendations.

2. Recommendations are placed at which part of the research paper?

a. Before appendices and references, next to conclusion
b. Right after the introduction and statement of the problem
c. At the last part of the literature review
d. Written in the limitations of the study

3. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of writing a recommendation?

a. To write policy recommendations
b. To recommend topics for future research directions
c. To suggest solutions to issues/problems discovered in the research
d. To discuss the background of the study.

4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a research
a. It is relevant to the study
b. It is logical
c. It is feasible and attainable
d. It is based on opinions

5. Why writing recommendations is important in a research report?

a. It helps us clarify to the readers the things that are not fully
discussed in the research
b. It is a way to suggest actions to be taken with regard to policy,
theory, or subsequent research
c. To apologize to the readers if the research expectations are not met.
d. It helps us discover possible issues that may be encounter in future
research studies.

Let Us Practice More

Write TRUE if the statement is true, and FALSE otherwise.

________________ 1. Suggestions on how to solve problems discovered in

the research study should not be recommended.

________________ 2. Recommendations should not be broad to lose its

relevance to the exact topic of your research study.

________________ 3. Recommended actions should be specified, the steps

required to implement the proposed actions and what
resources are needed should also be included in
policy recommendations.

________________ 4. In writing policy recommendations, you should

discuss the benefits or advantages to the agency or

________________ 5. Recommendations are generalizations of the results

and findings of your research study.

________________ 6. The recommendations based on the findings and

conclusions should be realistic, feasible, and doable.

________________ 7. The whole idea of a recommendation is to provide a
beneficial guide that will not only resolve certain
issues, but also in a beneficial outcome.

________________ 8. One of the purposes of writing recommendation is to

provide suggestions to create, alter or modify policies
that serve as a guide in promulgating certain
regulations in various sectors of society.

________________ 9. Things that are not discussed or are irrelevant to the

study may be included in writing recommendations.

________________ 10. The feasibility or viability of the proposed policy may

be excluded when writing policy recommendations.

Let Us Remember

The researchers must remember that in making recommendations, he/she

must show how the results support them. Recommendations may be in three
forms: Policy Recommendations, Recommendations for Future Research
Directions, and Recommendations to some Problems Discovered in the
Research Study. Each recommendation should trace directly to a conclusion.
The use of “should” in the recommendations is avoided. Some researchers may
include titles for future research undertakings.

Let Us Assess
Task A. Read the statement at the left column and write your recommendation at the right

Situation I’ll recommend you to…

1. You failed in your posttest.
2. You had a heated conversation with your friend.
3. You are forgetful.
4. You can’t sleep.
5. You’re stressed.

Guide Questions:

1. Reflect on your given recommendations, do you think it is valid? Explain your answer.
2. In writing research recommendations, what factors should be considered?


Task B. Look for sample studies and identify the parts of the research paper asked in the
table below. Then answer the guide questions below.


Research Title:

Research Summary of Conclusion Recommendation

Questions Findings


Research Title:

Research Summary of Conclusion Recommendation

Questions Findings

Guide Questions:

1. To whom the researchers addressed the recommendations of this study?

2. Was the recommendations comprehensive? What was lacking?

Study 1

Study 2


Let Us Enhance

Write TRUE if the statement is true, and FALSE otherwise.

________________ 1. Recommendations are based on the results of the

study and may also be based on your own convictions
or prejudices.

________________ 2. Recommendation in research paper can be defined as

critical suggestion regarding the best course of action
in a certain situation.

________________ 3. Recommendation must be concrete and specific. It

should also connect to your conclusion and explain
how the solution you suggested can contribute to
solving problems you stated.

________________ 4. Examining variables that are already included in your

research study should be used as recommendation for
future research directions.

________________ 5. Addressing research limitations of your research study

should not be recommended for future research

________________ 6. You can opt not to write recommendations when

conclusion is already well written.

________________ 7. Writing recommendations is easy given that findings

and conclusions have been fully explained.

________________ 8. Recommendations play an inessential part in a

research study so it could be neglected by the
researcher if he/she wants to.

________________ 9. The researcher must remember that in making
recommendations, he/she must show how the results
support them.

________________ 10. Recommendations can be in two or more forms:

recommendations for change, and recommendations
for further study, or both.

Let Us Reflect
Direction: Use the space below to write a reflective essay about your learning
experience in formulating research recommendation. Let your essay reveal how
much you have learned about each concept behind each topic dealt with in this
lesson. Express which concepts are the most understood, slightly understood, and
the least understood ones.


Answer key to Activities

TRUE 10. FALSE 10.





B 5. FALSE 10. TRUE 5.

D 4. FALSE 9. TRUE 4.
D 3. FALSE 8. TRUE 3.
A 2. FALSE 7. TRUE 2.
C 1. TRUE 6. FALSE 1.



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Longman Publishing Group, 1981.

Amorado, Ronnie V., Helen B. Boholano, and Ismael N. Talili. Quantitative

Research: A Practical Approach for Senior High School. Malabon City,
Philippines: Mutya Publishing House, Inc., 2017.

Babbie, Earl R. The Practice of Social Research, 12th ed. Belmont, CA:
Wadsworth Cengage, 2010.


TIFFANY A. RUELAN. "Information and Communication Technology in
Education Researches across Asian Countries." IAMURE International
Journal of Education 8, no. 1 (2014). doi:10.7718/iamure.ije.v8i1.641.

"The Do's and Don'ts of Writing Research Papers - Manuscriptedit Scholar-

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Poster Design, Illustration Services, Abstract Writing, Medical Writing for
Scientific Researchers by Experts. Last modified 2013.

Popper, Karl. The Logic of Scientific Discovery. London: Routledge, 2005.

Prieto, Nelia G., Victoria C. Naval, and Teresita G. Carey. Practical Research
2: Quantitative for Senior High School. Quezon City, Metro Manila:
Lorimar Publishing, Inc., 2017.

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Last modified January 28, 2020.

Reyes, M. Social Research: A deductive approach. Manila: REX Bookstore,


Sarno, E. Tips and techniques in writing research. Manila: Rex Bookstore,


For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region XI

Division of Tagum City

Tagum National Trade School
Apokon Road, Tagum City, Davao Del Norte

(084) 216 – 2763
(084) 218 – 0711
E-mail Address: [email protected]


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