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Asphaltene Depositional Problems

Asphaltene during Oilfield
Depositional Production
Management during Oilfield Production
CHIBANE Redouane, Chef de Service Nouvelles Technologies,

Production Engineering & Development Division, SONATRACH Algeria

August 2020


For the purpose of giving necessary information and available most used technics on asphaltene
depositional problems in oil field production, this work has been performed according to SONATRACH
experience and what it is used in wold wide fields. Four main steps to follow are presented: problem
identification, behavior characterization, prediction using simulation and intervention technics. After
analyzing statistics and economic data relative to asphaltene deposition during production, a decision is made
then to fight the phenomenon and reduce production loses. The choice of the intervention technics depends
on local economic evaluation, asphaltene behavior and deposition causes and even, availability of equipment
in the country.

Asphaltene are the heaviest fraction of crude The search for an effective solution to the
oil. Even if they are often present in small asphaltene deposit formation problems requires
quantities (0.15 to 0.20% as in the case of an understanding of the aggregation/deposition
HASSI MESSAOUD field), they have a process and a better understanding of their
considerable influence on the physicochemical behavior in order to make an effective
properties of crude oil. If asphaltene aggregates operation programs on producing wells and
flocculate during the exploitation of a reservoir, prevents and / or reduces to the minimum
the solid particles contained in the crude oil production losses and operating expenses. So,
plug the pores of the reservoir rock and reduces for a good management strategy of asphaltene
permeability causing less well productivity. deposition problems, the first step is to predict
when and where the asphaltenes are going to
The Flocculation of asphaltenes can also take form a solid deposit, after being sure that the
place during the transport of crude oil which can nature of the deposit is asphaltenic and then we
result in fouling of equipment and clogging of can choose the most effective method.
pipes that causes pressure losses which reduce
the flow and causes additional maintenance The presented work covers all laboratory tools
costs. that allow us to predict the deposition of
asphaltenes and the available techniques of
intervention at wells.

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

1. Deposit analyses 1.2. Deposit Solubility Test

1.1. Amount of asphaltenic fraction in the Solubility test is performed in order to

deposit confirm the asphaltenic nature of the deposit.
The asphaltene are soluble in aromatic solvent
The normalized method AFNOR NFT 60-115 such as toluene, benzene and xylene. They are
is used for determining the amount of also soluble in chloroform, carbon tetrachloride
asphaltene in the solid deposit. and diesel. The asphaltene are not soluble in
normal alkane solvent such as hexane, heptane,
The deposit previously milled, is introduced octane…etc.
into a reflux heater (soxhlet). The non-
asphaltene fraction is removed by a first solvent
passage using the n-heptane; the remainder
fraction is dissolved in toluene to recover
asphaltene. The toluene is then evaporated in a
glass cup. The remaining deposit in the cup is a
pure asphaltene fraction. Weight percentage
can be calculated then from the asphaltene
fraction compared to the primary deposit

Figure 3. Solubility of an Algerian asphaltene sample

in different solvent

1.3. Qualitative analyses of the deposit

mineral fraction .
For the quantification of the mineral
Figure 1. Asphaltene deposit
fraction, a sample of a solid deposit is
introduced in a hot oven at a temperature of
800 ° C to proceed to the calcination of the
sample for evaluating weight percentage. The
mineral fraction is then introduced in the x ray
A difractogram is obtained at the end which
shows the types of the crystalline minerals
contained in the solid deposit.

Figure 4. Difractogram of a residual mineral fraction

Figure 2. Soxhlet Extractor of an Algerian asphaltene deposit

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

1.4. Elementary Analysis of Asphaltene 2. Laboratory test for Asphaltene

deposits behavior Characterization
Elemental analysis shows that asphaltene are The steps below allow a good diagnose of the
mostly made up of carbon and hydrogen. Nickel cause of the problem, the behavior of the
and vanadium are present mostly in the form of deposition phenomenon and deposit mineralogy.
porphyrinic compounds. The porphyrin They can help for prediction of potential
structures are mainly associated with the resins. conditions where asphaltene deposit can appear.
It is noticed that non-porphyrin metal 2.1. Available Laboratory tools for
compounds are also present in the oil. Some
characterization of Asphaltene in the
authors note the potential inclusion of these
structures between two asphaltene sheets. The reservoir fluid
atomic ratios H / C, O / C and S / C determined The choice of lab analyses depends on the
by elemental analysis, change with the amount nature of the production conditions of the field
of asphaltene flocculated. This means that the such as natural depletion, gas or gas lift
aggregates gradually flocculated have different injection and amount of GOR.
chemical structures. A ratio H / C low is
characteristic of a more aromatic chemical 2.1.1.PVT analysis from Bottom Hole Sampling
structure, "condensed". An atomic ratio O / C, S
/ C, and or N / C high is characteristic of a For a good and significant study on
richer hetero structure. Thus, the first flocculent asphaltene, the samples must be taken at the
aggregates are more condensed and richest in bottom hole of the well before the pressure
heteroatoms [5]. The asphaltene molecule does reaches the onset pressure where the
not have the same structure even if it is in the flocculation process starts and propagates
same oil sample. Figure 5 shows distribution of because it is impossible to re-dissolve the
the asphaltene molecules. asphaltene already flocculated; the phenomenon
is irreversible. The most important data for the
study of asphaltene during production are: PVT
data of the crude oil, the physico-chemical
characteristics such as density, BSW, salinity,
viscosity, the chemical composition of crude
(components analyses by chromatography), the
Table 1. Elemental analyses on an Algerian percentage of asphaltene present in the crude.
asphaltene deposit These data enable the construction of the phase
. diagram by different simulation theory where
the forming deposit area is of great interest to
producers. Data from production wells and the
conditions of the historical reservoir production
parameters are essential for effective study. [1]
2.1.2.Asphaltene precipitation Envelope
The area of the precipitation of asphaltene
envelope delimits the area of asphaltene
instability the reservoir fluid with changes in
pressure and temperature. When the pressure
reaches the upper limit of the envelope called
the Onset pressure or flocculation threshold
during natural depletion, asphaltenes begin to
precipitate. The higher the pressure decreases to
Figure 5. Asphaltene Molecular weight saturation pressure, the more important is the
distribution deposition amount. If the pressure continues to
drop below the bubble point, the release of gas

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

will increas and the deposit amount is reduced. a) Gravimetric method

When the lower limit of the envelope is reached,
the asphaltene deposition begins to disappear In this method, the precipitation begins
[2]. when the pressure is below the flocculation
threshold. The experience shows the variation of
the concentration of asphaltene versus pressure.
The precipitate falls to the bottom of the cell.
Figure 8 shows an example of a gravimetric
detection of two crude samples from the Middle
East. Both reflect the same trend curve
precipitation only the quantity differs. The
effectiveness of this method depends on the
choice of the pressure range of each step during
the pressure drop. This approach requires a
large amount of reservoir fluid and takes a long
time. [4]

Figure 6. Experience for determining Asphaltene

deposition envelope

The scheme of the experiment is shown in

Figure 7. The assembly consists of a hydraulic
pump, a PVT cell, an oven, a mixer, a high-
pressure metal filter, a brewing and gas
injection chamber. The metal filter of 0.5 Figure 8. Gravimetric detection Method of the
micron is used to quantify the asphaltene asphaltene Deposit
deposit flocculated in Oil. Filtration and
gravimetric methods are the most used method b) Filtration Method
to separate the asphaltene from the high- In this method, a small amount of fluid is
pressure oil. [3] extracted from the PVT cell and conducted to
filter 0.22-0.45 microns (Millipore). The deposit
is then removed from the filter in each pressure
interval and weight measured. [4]
c) Acoustic resonance technology (ART)
This method is based on changes in acoustic
properties of the fluid when the asphaltene
precipitate in solution. This method requires less
volume of reservoir fluid and is not slow in time
as the gravimetric method. However, the
resonance frequency changes detected by the
ART do not only come from the asphaltene
Figure 7. Experimental assembly for determining precipitate. The presence of other solid particles
asphaltene precipitation envelope
and gas bubbles also causes additional changes
in resonance frequency properties. Figure 9
shows an example of asphaltene detection by
2.1.3.Asphaltene precipitate detection methods ART on a sample from the Middle East. The
The most used Detection Methods for results obtained by this method correspond
asphaltene appearance during reservoir fluid perfectly with those obtained by gravimetric
PVT test are: [4] method. [4]

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

- For very Dark, undiluted oils.

- Determination of Flocculation Points.
- Live Oil Testing.
- In-lime solid detection of asphaltene,
Wax, Scale.
- Oil stability and compatibility tests for
crude and condensate.
Figure 9. Acoustic resonance technology detection - Quality Control.
of asphaltene precipitation

d) Light scattering technique (LST)

This method uses the infrared light for

detecting the rate of precipitation of asphaltene
in the reservoir fluid. This technique can be
used in both cases: isothermal pressure drop and
isobaric temperature drop. When the asphaltene
precipitate in the solution, the formed solid Figure 11. Automated Flocculation Titrimeter
particles reduce the transmittance of light which
passes through the solution and is detected by f) High Pressure Micrograph
an optic fiber sensor located on the other side of
the cell. This is known as sound detection
The HPM images can be used to validate the
system (solid detection system (SDS). This
results of the Light scattering technique. A drop
method does not require large amounts of fluid.
in transmittance means a change in the shape
and size of the particles. Images taken at
different pressure values are used to detect and
confirm the flocculation threshold of asphaltene
obtained by the light scattering technique.
This technique provides only a qualitative
estimation of the size and number of particles.
To quantify these two parameters, DBR
researchers have developed software (PSA) for
size particles analysis from images obtained by
HPM. PSA software scans digital images and
Figure 10. Light scattering technique (LST) HPM delivers quantitative information on the
abundance and size of the particles. [4]
e) Asphaltene Flocculation Titrimeter

The Automatic Flocculation Titrimeter

records precipitation processes and determines
flocculation points optically. Even almost in
transparent fluids and very dark crudes can be
tested with exact results in a short time.
It is available as a stand-alone device or as
a complete measurement system with pump,
cryostat and pressure autoclave with integrated
stirrer. The adjustable light intensity makes it
possible to measure even dark crudes undiluted.
The device is available in designs for pressure
up to 200 Bar or up to 700 Bar. It is used for: Figure 12. Light scattering Technique
(LST) with HPM images

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

Stankiewikz et al. To assess the stability of

asphaltene in crude oil, the ratio: Saturated over
Aromatics and the ratio, asphaltene over resin.
The parameter (saturated / aromatic) is an
indirect measure of the solvent power of the
asphaltene sample (a high ratio implies a lower
solvation tendency). On the other hand, the ratio
(asphaltene / resins), refers to the measurement
of the asphaltene colloidal stability. A low ratio
(asphaltene / resins) implies good colloidal
stabilization). [5]

Figure 13. Statistique distribution of asphaltene

size particules in different pressure values

2.1.4.De Boer Graphe:

In the De Boer graph, the difference

between the reservoir pressure and bubble point
pressure versus the density of the reservoir fluid
is shown in the graph to evaluate the stability of
Figure 15. Chromatogram obtained from SARA
asphaltene in oil (de Boer et al. 1995). Analyses (Thin Layer Chromatograph)
According to the graph, the lighter is the crude
and more is the difference between the two
pressures, the greater is the severity of the
problems. However, this representation
assuming that the entire reservoir contains
asphaltene. This is a useful but insufficient tool
for making decisions. [6]

Figure 16. TLC equipment

( Thin Layer Chromatographe)

Figure 14. De Boer plot 2.1.6.Colloidal instability Index:

(Example of an Algerian crude oil)
Another index called CII (Colloidal
2.1.5.SARA Analyses Instability Index) was proposed by Asomaning,
Watkinson and Loeber et al. This index (CII) is
The SARA analysis refers to the defined as the ratio of unfavorable fractions
determination of proportion of saturates, (Asphaltene + saturated) favorable fractions
aromatics, Resins and asphaltene in a well- (resins + aromatic) oil.
defined amount of crude. This analyses provides Ratios greater than 1 indicate that the
information on the colloidal stability of amount of unfavorable compounds exceeds that
asphaltene in crude oil. From the data analysis of favorable compounds in the system,
of SARA, Parameters are proposed by therefore, asphaltene are unstable [5].

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

The colloidal instability value is calculated

from the results of the SARA analysis, using the
following formula: [6]

C.I.I = Saturate (S) + Asphaltene (A)

Reins (R) + Aromatique (Ar)

Figure 19. Asphaltene stability index

2.1.8.Temperature and pressure Influence on the
flocculation of Asphaltene

The results of experiments conducted to

determine the behavior of the asphaltene with
the pressure change on different temperature
Figure 17. Plot of the ratio Asphaltene/ resins and Plot of
values are shown in Figures 20.
the Colloidal instability Index

Figure 20. Temperature and Pressure effect on

amount of Asphaltene deposit.

It has been observed that above the bubble

point, the pressure drop causes an increase in
the deposition rate. The decrease in pressure can
destabilize the oil and cause flocculation. When
Figure 18. Statistic data of Asphaltene
the pressure falls, the density of the oil
stability across the world
decreases due to the expansion of the volume of
. oil which causes the decrease in resins
concentration in the medium. There will be a
2.1.7.Asphaltene stability index
migration of resins molecules from the
asphaltene surface particle to the solution
This index was developed by Oilphase- creating strong interaction forces between the
Schlumberger, it suggested that charged particle and causing flocculation and
aggregation of particle to form the deposit [3].
- If (ρoi - ρob)> 0.025, the system is unstable When the pressure drops below the bubble
- If (ρoi - ρob) <0.025, system is stable point, the lights components of crude oil are
separated to form the gas phase. During this
Ρoi is the reservoir fluid density at the reservoir phenomenon, a decrease in deposition rate was
pressure observed which explains a re-dissolution of
Ρob is the reservoir fluid density at the bubble asphaltene deposit in oil. The figures show that
pressure. the maximum amount of deposit was observed
at a pressure near bubble point. Some crude may
not have this behavior.

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

If the particles are well stabilized in oil does not follow a linear trend represent the
where the quantity of resin or aromatic are biphasic region where the gas phase appears and
enough, the decrease in pressure would have no the pressure is below the bubble point of the
effect on the phenomenon. [3] CO2 oil mixture. The effect of temperature on
the deposition rate is inversely proportional to
Another effect that was observed in these the drop in temperature [7].
experiments is the temperature effect on
precipitation. The stability of the crude
increases with the temperature, since this causes
disorganization of particles arrangement,
resulting in a decrease in size aggregates. This
can be explained by the change of the crude
components molar volume which lead to the
change of the oil solubility [3].

Figure 22. CO2 Effect on Asphaltene Precipitation

with different temperature
. h) Associated gas
Figure 21. Microscopic image of the asphaltene deposit A maximum deposition rate is reached at the
formed after and before the onset pressure beginning of the experiment with associated gas
. injection. The gas is completely miscible in oil.
2.1.9.Effect of Injected gas on the flocculation As additional gas in the mixture increases,
MMP exceeds 4500 Psia (reservoir pressure)
The amount of formed deposit
then bubbles gases appear indicating the
measurements were performed in a PVT test
formation of a gaseous phase. After that, a
cell for different gases (CO2, associated gas
reduction of the precipitation rate is observed;
(85% C1 + 15% C2), lean gas and rich gas) with
this can be explained by the appearance of the
different concentrations of gas injected into a
gas phase. The same behavior was observed for
reservoir oil under a pressure of 4500 psia to
the other temperature value, however, the
different temperatures (241.7 ° F 228.9 ° F
deposition amount decreases with increase in
210.3 ° F and 190.4 ° F). The rate detection of
the temperature [7].
the deposit is carried out using a filter of 0.5
micron [3].
g) CO2
Figure 22 shows the existence of a
flocculation threshold which corresponds to the
minimum concentration of CO2 where the
formation of the deposit occurs. The observed
value is the same for the different temperature
values. The flocculation threshold varies widely
depending on the composition of crude oil and
the stability of asphaltene in the crude [7].
After the flocculation threshold has been
reached, the increase in the precipitation rate
caused by CO2 injected follows a linear trend. Figure 23. Associated gas (85% C1+15%C2) effect
The data corresponding to high-value of on Asphaltene deposition with different temperature
injected CO2 into oil where precipitation rate .

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

i) Dry gas Figure 26 is a microscopic image during the

According to Figure 24, there is a experiment of dry gas injection into the
concentration of injected gas into the reservoir reservoir fluid carried out at 3127 psig and 39.2
fluid where flocculation of asphaltene begins, moles of gas in the mixture. The image shows
this is explained by the change in fluid the particle size of asphaltenes. DBR
composition which causes the asphaltene to researchers were able to create software that
aggregate and deposit. For each pressure value uses the digital image generated by microscope
where experience of gas injection in the fluid to perform an analysis of the distribution of
has been carried out, there is a gas concentration particle size. Figure 27 shows the particle size
that causes the formation of asphaltene distribution of asphaltenes to 3127 psig and 217
deposition. If the experience is performed with ° F to 39.2 mol% in the gas [14] mixture.
different pressure values using infrared
detection method, an area of asphaltene
deposition can be built as is shown in figure 25.

Figure 26. Microscopic image of the mixture

Oil+Dry gas at 3127 Psia et 217°F.

Figure 24. Dry Gaz effect on asphaltene Flocculation

(Algerian Oil sample with NIR detection method)

Figure 27. Size particles distribution after the

flocculation has been reached of the mixture Oil+Dry

j) Rich gas
The same asphaltene behavior is observed in
wet gas injection compared to dry gas injection
with small differences on boundaries of the
deposition envelope. The absorbance of the
mixture is less important in the case of wet gas
comparing to that in dry gas, this indicates that
particles size is not the same. The observation is
Figure 25. Asphaltene deposition area with the confirmed with the microscopic image and size
increasing in dry gas injection. particle distribution. [6].
(Algerian crude oil sample)

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

2.1.11. Influence of the amount of resins on

Asphaltene stability

Generally, the resins act as peptizing agents

and their separation from the crude oil led to the
precipitation of asphaltenes. In this sense, resins
appear to provide a transition between the more
Figure 28. Microscopic image of the mixture with Oil+ polar (asphaltenes) and the relatively non-polar
rich gas injection at 2424 Psia et 217°F fractions (oil) in the oil, which has kept the
asphaltenes in solution as a colloidal
2.1.10. Influence of the Solvent on Asphaltene
flocculation and precipitation
The asphaltene is the polar fractions
insoluble in low molecular weight alkanes. The
asphaltene aggregates are often found in crude
oils before adding flocculation agents. These
asphaltenes can be destabilized by excess of
paraffinic flocculent solvent causing
flocculation and formation of deposit. When the
amount of flocculent increases above the
asphaltene flocculation threshold, the amount of
the aggregates increases in size and precipitate
forming a solid deposit. It has been shown that
the amount of asphaltenes precipitated decreases
with increase in the size of the alkane from C5
to C15 and increases with excess of n-alkanes

Figure 31. Floculation and agrégation phenomenon

2.1.12. Infuence of the amount of Asphaltene in
the crude oil on Asphaltene stability
Figure 29. Effect of alkane solvent excess on
asphaltene precipitation The presence asphaltenes in crude oil does
not imply the existence of deposition problems,
some reservoirs of Central America and Middle
. East, including the Venezuelan heavy crude of
Boscán which contains over 17% of
asphaltenes, but doesn’t cause problems unlike
Hassi Messaoud Algerian crude that contains
only 0.1% of asphaltenes but causes a large
clogging problem in wells [5].
To determine the amount of asphaltene
contained in the crude oil, the Soxhlet
Figure 30. Effect of the carbon number of alkane equipment is used where a quantity of a
solvent on asphaltene precipitation flocculating agent solvent is added to the crude

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

(3/4 oil volume acetone, ¼ oil volume ether),

the mixture is filtered through a Wathman filter.
The filtered asphaltene deposit is introduced in
the Soxhlet equipment and hot toluene is
circulated inside to dissolve asphaltene. The
solution then will be evaporated in a hot oven
and the asphaltene weight fraction remained in
the cap is measured.

2.1.13. Action of Metal Ions

The action of salts and especially metal

chlorides on asphaltenes has long been known,
and ferric chloride, in particular, which has a
relatively high solubility in hydrocarbon
medium, causes rapid flocculation of
asphaltenes. Although the precise mechanism of
this precipitation is not clearly defined, it is Figure 32. Experimental assembly for determining
important to note that ionized body can cause Wax Appearance temperature
flocculation of asphaltenes [5]. A
. single test is conducted on the reservoir
To determine ion concentration in oil, an fluid from reservoir conditions. Upon
analysis by Atomic absorption in the UV / conclusion of the wax appearance test the fluid
Visible is used. Analysis is done using the is re-heated and the differential pressure
Spectroil device. The metal concentration in oil monitored. When the differential pressure
is given in ppm. returns to stable it is assumed that all waxes are
re dissolved and this is recorded as the wax
dissolution temperature.
2.1.14. Wax Appearance temperature
Plots of flowing differential pressure versus
measurement test
temperature are recorded at each stage to
indicate the wax appearance temperature. A
The wax appearance temperatures were
schematic of the wax test rig used for these
determined by flowing the oil across a 1 micron
experiments is presented below for reference.
sinter filter, located at the end of an
equilibration coil, held in a temperature
programmable cooling water bath. The fluid is
flowed across the filter at a constant flow rate of
2 cm3 per minute with continuous monitoring of
the flowing differential pressure across the filter
using a computerized data logging system. The
filter bath is cooled at a constant rate of 12°C
per hour from an initial temperature and the test
concluded at a final temperature of 2°C. An
increase in the flowing differential pressure
across the filter during cooling is attributed to
wax crystals forming, causing the filter to block
resulting in a pressure increase upstream of the
filter. The temperature at which the pressure
increase is observed is recorded as the wax
appearance temperature. Figure 33. Differential pressure and temperature on
the filter versus time for Wax Appearance and re
dissolution temperature Measurement at Reservoir

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

2.2. Characterization of the fluid-Roche


The deposition of asphaltene can take place

in reservoir if changes in temperature, pressure
and composition occur during fluid flow in the

Generally, the change in temperature in the

reservoir is rarely observed except for an
injection case. However, the reservoir pressure
is a very changeable parameter depending on
Figure 34. Experimental assembly for Core
the cumulative production and aquifer support.
Permeability Impairment Test
Some reservoir fluids, with the pressure drop
undergo the flocculation and deposition of .
asphaltenes in the reservoir by two dominant 2.2.2. Asphaltene deposition damage
effects: the change of composition and Mechanism in rock matrix
electrokinetic effect.
The presence of asphaltenes in the crude More the flow rate of fluid through the pores
affects the properties of the reservoir rock. of the rock is important, the greater the risk of
When the deposit is formed in the reservoir, the blocking of pores by the asphaltene particles is
asphaltene particles are adsorbed on the surface large and severe. In a producing formation area
of the grains changing the wettability, relative there is a high flow speed in the area around the
permeability and can clog pores. [8] well where the fluid converges to the
perforations, consequently, the deposition of
asphaltenes problem caused by the pressure
2.2.1. Core Permeability Impairment Test drop and electrokinetic effect is supposed to
focus in the wellbore. [9]
The selected core sample is supplied at
irreducible water saturation and saturated in
crude oil. The sample is loaded into a vertically
mounted hydrostatic core holder at reservoir
conditions with a 50 micron mesh screen at the
upstream end of the core. A net confining stress
of 1000psi is applied. Temperature and pressure
are gradually increased to the conditions of
reservoir and allowed to stabilize for 24 hours.
The reservoir fluid is flowed through the core at
6cm3/min until the differential pressure was
stable. The permeability to oil is calculated
using the following equation:

Ko = permeability, mD Figure 35. Reservoir damage due to asphaltene
q = flow rate, cm3/sec deposition in wellbore
L = length of core plug, cm
μ = Viscosity of oil, cP .
The deposition of asphaltenes in the
delta P = pressure drop across the core plug, psi reservoir rock can clog pores during fluid flow;
A = cross sectional area of core plug, cm2
it depends mainly on the flow regime. Three
pore clogging mechanisms are observed:

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

1- gradual Damage due to the 3- Blockage of the rock pores caused by the
homogeneous deposition of colloidal suspended particles and asphaltenes
particles on the entire surface of the aggregates which gradually accumulate
grains constituting the rock (adsorption)
around pore throats by the flow effect
blocking the passage of fluid. [10].

Figure 38 Modification of the permeability and

porosity profile in the damaged zone near wellbore

2.2.3.(after Leontaritis,
Effect ©1998 SPE;
of Asphaltene reprintedon
deposition by
permission of the
rock wettability Society of Petroleum Engineers).

The deposition of asphaltenes on the pore

surface causes the change . of reservoir rock
properties. These changes are principally due to
Figure 36. Microscopic image of a core grain after the adsorption of particles on the surface of the
Permeability Impairment Test particles constituting the matrix causing the
2- Corking has the. obstruction and partial modification of the porosity, permeability and
blockage of the fluid flow in small the wettability of rock.
individual pores;

Figure 39 Modification of wettability caused by the

adsorption of asphaltene on the grain surface

The alteration of the wettability of reservoir

rock by the deposition of asphaltenes has been
subject of investigation for many authors. The
adsorption of particles on the grain surface is a
main factor of modification of the rock
wettability for example; a water wet rock
becomes less wettable with water after
adsorption of asphaltenic particles on the grain
Figure 37. Microscopic image on a core after being surface. [11]
flowed with reservoir oil Morrow (1990) showed that the change of
wettability affects the relative permeability,
saturation in pore water, the capillary pressure,
Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

dispersion and electrical properties. The rock, this is due to their surface area and their
alteration of the relative permeability and the cation power exchange. During the exchange of
maximum saturation has an important effect on cations between the asphaltene particles and
the drainage process. clays contained in the reservoir rock (k +, Ca 2+,
Morrow analyzed the results of drainage Mg2+, etc.), ionic bonds can be created causing
tests performed on water carrot and found that adsorption and desorption phenomena. [8]
the poor wettability of the rock was a constraint
to effective drainage of fluid and good recovery. 2.3. Laboratory tools for simulation of
[11] Asphaltene deposition in pipes
1.5. Dynamic Stability Loop

The Dynamic Stability Loop (DySL) is

designed for testing oilfield chemicals on long
term stability under most rigorous conditions in
laboratory. The DySL combines multi-loop
testing of viscosity and filter blocking tests for
low and high temperature under pressurized
In respect to extensive testing demands, the
DySL is specially designed for multiple loop
Figure 40. Modification of relative permeability caused test runs. It comprises up to 6 test loops
by the adsorption of asphaltene on the grain surface for parallel testing of different alternatives
oilfield chemicals or different product types.
. Each loop is operated separately Cleaning and
refill is possible while other loops are still
running. This equipment is used for:
- Observation of scale in pipelines.
- Development of inhibitors.
- Optimization of inhibitor concentration.
- Optimization of water treatments.
- Quality control.

Figure 41. Longmuir Adsorption of asphaltene on minerals

The presence of various minerals (especially
clay) and their abundance in the reservoir rock, Figure 42. Dynamic Stability Loop scheme
are the main causes of adsorption, precipitation
and chemisorption of asphaltenes on the grain
Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

2.4. Asphaltene deposition modeling 2.4.2. Modeling of the reservoir damage due
to Asphaltene deposition
2.4.1.PVT Modeling of Asphaltene
precipitation Envelope Actualy, There is no a full numerical model
of flow simulation in porous media able to
Using the experimental data carried out in reproduce all the changes in parameter caused
the laboratory on a simulation program, by the deposition phenomenon. The available
pressures and temperature intervals where the commercial software can only model the change
risk of deposition is important can be identified in petrophysical parameters (φ, K) in discretized
for each well differently because the amount of flow equation. The change in relative
asphaltene differs from one well to another. permeability, Capillary pressure, viscosity,
Commercial simulation software available are: surface tension and wettability should be taken
PVTsim, dbrSOLIDS (slb) AsphWax, in consideration in the equation that governs the
ASPHRAC, PipeSim, PVTP (PTEX) and flow in porous media.
WINPRO. Even if we try to predict the
flocculation, no software can set the rate of
deposit on the walls of pipes, this is due to some
factors [1]:

- The asphaltene molecule is chemically

complex and different from one region to
- In contrast to paraffin deposits, hydrate or
salt which are well known in the oilfield, the
asphaltene is not well known. Few efforts were
made to the development of simulation

Figure 44. Reservoir grid block modeling after

discretization for flow simulation

The equation used to simulate

. the flow in
one direction is written as follow

Figure 41. Dynamic Stability Loop scheme

Figure 43. Dynamic Stability Loop scheme

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

Figure 45. Result of modeling with commercial
software with time
a- Radial Permeability profile
b- Radial Porosity profile Figure 47. Modeling of amount of asphaltene deposit in
the tubing for different oil rate
(Kupal Field)
2.4.3. Modeling of the asphaltene damage in
the tubing

Hydrodynamic modeling using Begges &

Brill correlation models In the well including
PLT data, can predict the deposition rate in the
tubing with the change of hydrodynamic flow
conditions (head pressure, flow, diameter of the
tubing). [12]
Changes in flow hydrodynamic
conditions (pressure, flow and diameter of Figure 48. Modeling of amount of asphaltene deposit in
tubing) affects the pressure and temperature the tubing for different wellhead pressure
profiles in the tubing which implies a big (Kupal Field)
change in the precipitation rate with depth.
The Figure 49 reflects conditions of
The following figures are the oil simulation
pressure and temperature of the flow in different
results of Kupal field. (Bottom hole Dynamic
depth (relative to KB). Analysis of wire line
pressure is 5540 psia and the bottom hole oil
interventions history made on an Algerian well
flow is 5893 STBD). The precipitation in this
indicates that the deposit is formed at depth
case starts in the area surrounding the well. [12]
intervals where the flow condition are in the
deposition area. This following graph is
obtained by using the measurement data of the
PFD gradient.

Asphaltene flocculation and deposition in

the tubing is influenced by two mechanisms: the
phase separation in the tri phasic system (gas /
liquid / solid) and the flow regime. If the fluid
has a continual source of flocculated asphaltene
which is oil coming from the reservoir,
deposition occurs in the tubing between the
pressure of the flocculation threshold and the
bubble pressure. One possible explanation is
Figure 46. Modeling of amount of asphaltene deposit in that turbulence in biphasic flow after the bubble
the tubing for different diameter size pressure does not make asphaltene adherence to
(Kupal Field)
wall tubing really important. The solubility of
asphaltenes after bubble point increases with the

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

separation of light fractions and the formation of 3.2. At the wellbore level
gas phase. An amount of asphaltene flocculated
can be re dissolved in oil before large 3.2.1. Production parameter adjustment
aggregates form. [13] Adjusting production conditions at the
choke can change the hydrodynamic flow
A history of intervention of a well in the conditions and depth where deposit forms. This
Marrat area west of Kuwait (Alkafeef et al prevents the formation of deposits in
2005), showed that the upper part of the depth perforations and deep tubing depth which makes
interval was between the flocculation threshold the cleaning of bore hole very difficult. [14]
and bubble point.
3.2.2. Injection of solvent to clean the
perforations and damaged area in the
Unlike paraffins, asphaltenes are soluble in
aromatic solvents such as benzene, toluene and
xylene, even at low temperatures. There is a
wide range of commercial products which
solubilize asphaltenes and are widely used for
cleaning the well by pumping from the surface,
by squeeze operation or using the coiled tubing

3.2.3. Inhibitor deposit Squeeze in the

A new technique was developed by Nalco
Energy Services in recent years. It involves
Figure 49. Depth interval where asphaltene deposit
occurred in an Algerian well.
injecting of asphaltene inhibitor by a squeeze
operation in. the inhibitor will be blent with
. reservoir oil before the flocculation begins.
Already tested wells show that the squeez of the
inhibitor alone is only a short term solution.
3. Available Intervention When the oil is produced, the inhibitor is driven
techniques by the flow. The injection of a special chemical
activator provides good absorption of the
3.1. At the reservoir level inhibitor by the formation without the change of
When the asphaltene problem appears in the wettability. The procedure of the operation is to
reservoir, an increase of the pressure of water clean the well, leaving the well to flow for a
injection or gas reservoir is required to keep the while, and then pumping activator. After that,
reservoir pressure above the onset or an oil spacer is pumped followed by a squeeze
flocculation pressure, this keeps the dynamic of the inhibitor in the tubing under pressure. The
downhole pressure higher than the pressure of activator repairs the formation and reacts with
the flocculation threshold and prevent clogging the inhibitor to form a complex which remains
of perforation by deposits and even increase the in formation for a large period without being
recovery factor if for example the reservoir driven by the flow during the production of the
pressure drop is fast. Noting that the gas well. [15]
injection can cause more asphaltene problems if
the injection gas quantities are huge, the The Nalco has applied this technology in
asphaltene equilibrium stability can be broken areas where problems of asphaltene deposition
then, so the quantities of gas should be well are very frequent and severe, citing the example
controlled using miscibility laboratory test. [14] of Venezuela, the Persian Gulf, the Adriatic Sea
and the Gulf of Mexico. [15]

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

3.3. At the tubing level

3.3.1. Hot oil injection

The circulation of hot oil in the tubing

reduces the amount of deposit on the walls. The
operation can be carried out by injecting the
heated oil from the surface in a small size
diameter tubing (2”7/8) placed inside the tubing
so that the fluid flows in the annular space or
the reverse where hot fluid is injected into the
annular space inside tubing to clean the 2”7/8
tubing. [12]

Figure 50. Step of the operation of squeeze Nalco

special inhibitor
3.2.4. Hydraulic fracturation
. with a special

The Baker Hughes company offers

fracturing technique for inhibiting the
deposition of asphaltene in the tubing. The solid
AsphaltSorb inhibitor additive is adsorbed on
the grain particles of proppant. The additive is
desorbed slowly from the propant during the
flow of oil into the fracture. The additive can be
used also in Gravel pack or pre-packed screen.
When the well starts producing, the additive is
Figure 52. Hot oil Circulation in the well
desorbed slowly in the oil phase preventing the
deposition to occur in the vicinity of the well .
3.3.2. Reformat injection
and the tubing.
In Algeria, the most product used is
reformate because of its low cost and good
dissolution of asphaltene deposits. It comes
from catalytic reforming operations at
refineries. It is a mixture of BETX (Benzene,
Toluene, Xylene). However its use is a bit
dangerous because its flash point is too low, it
can cause fires during the day or the ambient
temperature from 35 ° C 20A. So for safety
reasons, some companies prefer to use in
operations at night or use other solvents such as
Durakleen (HALLIBURTON) Dewaxol-7604,
PAO118, V003 series (Synchem) and WLC510
Figure 51. Technical characteristics of the
asphaltene inhibitor propant

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

3.3.4. Inhibitor injection with a capillary

string in the tubing

Inhibition of asphaltenes is to delay and

prevent flocculation. It is essentially based on
electrokinetic property, the dispersant used has
the task to hide the colloids by creating an
electrical barrier that creates an inversion
between attraction and repulsion of the particles
Figure 53. Solubility test of an Algerian asphaltene and helps stop their self-association. Several
sample in different solvents at ambient temperature formulations have been successful but
unfortunately, they cause other problems in
wells (corrosion, incompatibilities), and
refineries (poisons for catalysts).

Figure 53. Solubility test of an Algerian asphaltene

sample in different solvents at 80°C

3.3.3. Dual completion

It has been reported that the use of a single

completion for the wells that have frequent Figure 55. Inhibitor efficiency test for six asphaltene
clogging problems by asphaltene leads to very inhibitor
costly Work-over operations. Dual completion This technique uses a. capillary tubing with
is necessary for hight frequency intervention an injection head for continuous pumping of the
wells. The well is put on production using two asphaltene deposition inhibitor in down hole
tubing in parallel; one of them is closed while tubing [12].
the second is opened. If the production tubing is
clogged by asphaltene deposits, it is switched
with the second tubing which is closed. The
advantage of this completion is that we can
perform cleaning operations by coiled tubing,
wire line or solvent circulation without
interruption of its production is. [12]

Figure 56. Capillary tubing down hole injection of

Figure 54. Dual completion asphaltene inhibitor

. .

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

3.3.5. Inhibitor injection with a capillary 3.3.6. Wire line cutting

string in the annulus with SPM
This is a very effective mechanical method
During oil movement from reservoir to to remove deposits on tubing inside wells where
surface, the fluid always passes through access is possible (ie no hard plugs that block
asphaltenes flocculation pressure range. If oil is passage), special tools are used in down inside
unstable (promotes the deposition of well with a rigid metal cable where the tool is
asphaltenes) and amount of asphaltene in crude screwed to the cable head. Gradually, as the tool
is important, deposition occurs in the tubing. It moves down, he scrapes the walls of the tubing.
may also occur in perforations and even in the The shapes of the tools are different depending
reservoir if the pressure of flocculation on the nature of deposits.
threshold reached. In the case where the
deposition occurs in the tubing, a modification
of completion is contemplated to reduce the
deposition rate and closure frequency by
injecting a scale inhibitor down packer or with
an SPM as shown in Figure 57. [12]

Figure 59. Asphaltene molecules are highly sticky and

they act as mortar which also cause other suspended
particles stick deposit cause fouling in petroleum fluid

Figure 57. Continuous inhibitor injection down hole

using capillary string down packer or with SPM

Figure 60. Gauge Cutter used to remove deposit from

tubing walls

3.3.7. Coiled tubing

. :
The coiled tubing may be used to remove
asphaltene deposits stuck to the walls of the
tubings inside the wells. The technique of
operation consists in introducing a 2-inch
diameter pipe (5 cm) in the tubing and injecting
a solvent fluid under pressure. The tube head
has holes and it can rotate and eject fluid under
pressure at the same time. Under the pressure
effect of the nozzles, the deposit comes off from
the walls. It can also be used for injecting a
solvent in down hole well and perform a
squeeze operation when the perforations are
Figure 58. Side Pocket Mandrel for chemical injection
clogged. [1]
Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production

3.3.8. Tubing Coating

The other possible solution, which has
shown efficiency in the laboratory, is the
coating of tubing with plastic on which deposits
are poorly adherent (such as Teflon or
polytetrafluoroethane (C2 F4) n or
tributyltinoxide or TBTO) [1].
3.3.9. Use of vibrations
In this case, the use of ultrasound has been
suggested by some authors, who advocated the
formation of sonic or ultrasonic waves by valves
placed at the head of the wells and operated by
the exhaust of the crude oil itself. The shock Figure 62. Diagram of the new technology assembly
that would result would be transmitted through
the pipe, take off deposits and prevent them .
from forming. These solutions can be difficult 3.3.11. Biological methods (use of bacteria)
and expensive. [1]
This method uses anaerobic and aerobic
3.3.10. New combined technique bacteria and other microorganisms such Fungus.
The bacteria convert the asphaltene molecule to
The idea of heat transferred to the oil within lighter molecule. The process is called
the production tubing, by mean of heat biodegradation. The method has not yet been
conductive probe, controlled from the surface, tested on an industrial scale; however,
and through microwaves, to the receiving laboratory tests have proven the effectiveness of
antennas, potioned within the probe, keeping the the technique. [1]
oil temperature above the poor point. It uses:
3.4. At surface level
- Microwave emission tool to elevate
produced fluids temperature The most effective method to eliminate
- Alternating current to prevent polar asphaltene Deposit in surface pipes is the
asphaltene molecules from bonding to pipe pigging. For separation equipment, the injection
inner diameter of asphaltene inhibitor is the unique solution to
- Use of nano-technologies/coatings to fight deposit.
eliminate bonding to pipe and tool IDs
- Design subterranean pressure pulsing tool
to aintain asphaltenes in solution
Explore alternative asphaltene chemical
treatment technology and deployment

Figure 63. Asphaltene deposit in surface installations

Figure 61. Down hole chemicals injector and

Microwaves and courant transmitter Figure 63. Different type of pig used to remove
asphaltene deposit in flow and trunk lines

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production


Finding a rigorous universal solution to the solution for asphaltene deposition problems.
asphaltene deposition problem is becoming The solution must be Easy to handle with no
necessary regarding to production loses which technical complication and low cost.
can be important in some countries like Algeria.
Problem identification, laboratory tools for
A lot of work has been performed in the
behavior characterization and simulation are the
research direction without having a production keys for a good strategy choose. it appears that
vision at reservoir level. The results of mostly any modeling effort that describes the phase
all studies can’t be interesting for a reservoir behavior of asphaltenes in oil should take into
management team. account the lack of positive information on the
structure of asphaltenes in the original oil and
Laboratory test results given by service their molecular characteristics.
companies can’t help enough to manage the
problem at production point of view. Statistical All available laboratory tests that can be
and Economical approaches are necessary and performed on asphaltene were described
are the new way of evaluation the efficiency of previously. A lot of books and papers about the
any available technic. theory of asphaltene are available but more is
needed to reach to a universal solution.
Researches on statistical efficiency direction are
the right way to find a rigorous universal

Asphaltene Depositional Problems Management during Oilfield Production


[1] Deepstar asphaltene discussion, Initec ingeneering, [9] Farouk Civan, ″Reservoir Formation Damage,
Taxaco inc USA, 2005 Fundamental, Modeling, Assesment and Mitigation ″
Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas.
[2] Karan K, Hammami A, Flannery M and Stankiewicz
A, ″Evaluation of Asphaltene Instability and a Chemical [10] Roumania Petrova and Bensalem, ″Etude des
Control During Production of Live Oils″, Petroleum Propriétés D’écoulement des Bruts Asphalteniques en
Science and Technology 21, no. 3 and 4 (January 2003). milieu Poreux″, Thesis presented at the Claude Bernard
University – Lyon 1, June, 30, 1998.
[3] Sajjad Afshari, Riyaz Kharrat, and Mohammad
Hosein, ″Asphaltene Precipitation Study during Natural [11] Long X. Nghiem, ″ Phase Behaviour Modelling
Depletion at Reservoir Conditions″. And Compositional Simulation Of Asphaltene Deposition
In Reservoirs″, A Thesis Submitted To The Faculty Of
[4] Schlumberger Oil Field Review Summer, 2007
Graduate Stuoies And Research In Partial Fulfillment Of

[5] Malika BOUKHERISSA, ″Etude de la stabilité des The Requirements For The Degree Of Master.
asphaltènes dans le pétrole brut Choix de dispersants et le
[12] Soltani Soulgani, Bahram; Rashtchian, Davood, ″A
mécanisme d’action″, Docteur de l’Université Paul
Novel Method for Mitigation of Asphaltene Deposition
Verlaine – Metz
in the Wellstring ″, Faculty of Chemical and Petroleum

[6] Reservoir Fluid Analysis and Asphaltene Study for Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, P.O. Box

Sonatrach Organisation Ourhoud , RFLA 20040349 11365-8639 Tehran, I.R. IRAN

Repport, Petroleum Services Division Core Laboratories
[13] Ahmed Tarek, ″Equation of State and PVT analysis,
(U.K.) Limited.
″Applications for Improved Reservoir Modeling Gulf

[7] Mohammad Ali Karambeigia et Riyaz Kharrat ″ Publishing Company Houston, Texas.
Experimental Investigation of Asphaltene Precipitation
[14] Dake L.P, ″ Fundamentals of reservoir Engineering
duo to Natural Depletion, CO2 and Associated Gas
″, Senior Lecturer in Reservoir Engineering, Shell
Injection″ Petroleum Research Center, Petroleum
Internationale Petroleum Maatschappij B. V., The Hague,
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.
The Netherlands
[8] Clementz, M.D, ″Alteration of Rock Properties by
[15] Kamran Akbarzadeh, Ahmed Hammami, Abdel
Adsorption of Petroleum Heavy Ends : Implications for Kharrat, Dan Zhang, ″Asphaltenes—Problematic but Rich
Enhanced Oil Recovery’’, Paper SPE 10683 presented at in Potential″ Slumberger Oilfield Review Summer
the 1982 SPE / DOE Third Joint Symposium on
Enhanced Oil Recovery, Tulsa, April 4-7


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