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Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020



HAPPY FALL Y’ALL! Thank goodness for bright skies and the cool, crisp
mornings! Change of the season provides us with an opportunity to reset and ALPHA PHI UPDATES:
Continue to pray and send positive thoughts to each of our working educators UNDERSTANDING
as they gear up for students to return to school later this month. Their life is
forever changing. Consistency helps all of us to thrive! Pray that the rest of EXCELLENCE IN
2020 will become more consistent for our little people and adults who are EDUCATION

guiding them in education and everything attached!

Fraternally yours,



Volume I - Issue 1 1
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020

WORLD UNDERSTANDING… from dora Lancaster

Covid Rules will be in place as long as we have Zoom Meetings.

1. The women of this country are the tallest in the world. The men are
the 4th tallest.

2. The country has a high rate of fashion models. (Could clue #1

help explain this fact?)

3. “Green gold” is the nickname for the forests which contribute a

large part of the country’s economy.

4. The flag is one of the three oldest in the world dating back to 1279
even though the state was only founded in 1918.

5. This country was the first to produce citric acid from molasses
rather than lemons.

Covid rules: Email your answer to [email protected]

The first sister to send the correct answer will win a gift card. You can
win only once while we are meeting by zoom. The winner will be
announced during our next meeting. Good luck!

Volume I - Issue 1 2
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020



The Regional Mini-Scholarship is up to $500 to help you pay for you to

attend non-Alpha Delta Kappa sponsor conferences, conventions,
seminars, workshops, and non-credit classes (this does not include
graduate or doctoral classes). This scholarship is available to current
members whether actively engaged in teaching or not.  With the world
going virtual, this scholarship could help you "attend" a training by a
researcher or writer that you would love to see, but wouldn't normally get
the chance to because of travel considerations. Look for some options,
the complete the VERY short application for this scholarship to help you
expand your excellence as an educator!

Regional Mini-Scholarships (Fall) - Alpha Delta

*Available to current Alpha Delta Kappa members. Applicants’ dues must be
paid by the scholarship deadline. Applicant shall not be a member of the
International Executive Board, International Chapter, International scholarship
boards or committees, a substantial contributor to the Alpha Delta Kappa
Foundation or a relative of any of the aforementioned groups.

Volume I - Issue 1 3
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020


Please take a few minutes to complete the puzzle before our

meeting. Answers will be given at the meeting. Enjoy!

Volume I - Issue 1 4
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020


Information received from Pat:

Leslie’s House has been closed to all visitors due to COVID-19. Pat was
able to deliver all of the personal hygiene products requested.
However, due the closure to visitors, she was able to give the supplies to
church personnel next door. They promised to pass along everything in
a timely manner.
At this time, we have not heard from Leslie’s House regarding needs for
October. We should have more detailed information by our Thursday,
October 1st meeting. Send in your Altruism information to Pat Dawson @
[email protected]

Treasurer report… from Janet ray

The new budget was approved for the 2020-2022 biennium.


Please remember that yearly Membership dues should be submitted to Janet no later than
December 31. Since we will not be paying for dinner in September or October, consider
paying for your dues earlier rather than later.

Make your checks payable to: Alpha Delta Kappa for $70.00

Mail to: Janet Ray

2405 Mowbray Trail
Greensboro, NC 27407

Volume I - Issue 1 5
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020


Freda Walker - 2
Darenda Bowers - 7
Marcia James - 11
Jenny Rathjen - 19
Janet Ray - 27
Dora Lancaster - 31

Volume I - Issue 1 6
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020

The Magic of alpha delta kappa….et cetera

2020-2021 Alpha Phi Programs
Month Program Sister Contact

SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 Welcome Back Fellowship Amy Braica

Fraternity Education Installation of new Officers Amanda Ferguson &
Professional Development Karen Jones

OCTOBER 1, 2020 Holy Land Trip Betty Cadick &

World Understanding Susan Hedgecock

NOVEMBER 5, 2020 Author Talk with

Excellence Julia Ebel Jennifer Peaslee
In From Jamestown, NC
Education Author of “Jack Tales”

DECEMBER 3, 2020 Christmas Amanda Ferguson

Personal Enrichment Social

JANUARY 7, 2021 C3 - Community Collaborative

for Children Amy Braica
Altruism w/ Vicki Miller & Meg Sheehan

FEBRUARY 4, 2021 Still confirming... Amy Braica

Personal Enrichment

MARCH 4, 2021 JOINT MEETING Sister Chapter is Hosting

Fraternity Education

APRIL 8, 2021 High Point Police

Personal Enrichment Department Dawn Lewis
Professional Development Scamming Pointers

MAY 6, 2021 Planning for the new year!

Fraternity Education End of year celebration! Amy Braica
Professional Development

Don’t miss out…each month brings new learning to our sisterhood!

Volume I - Issue 1 7
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020


Our very own Freda Walker

was named Guilford
County Schools Middle
School Teacher of the Year
on Tuesday, September 15
during the GCS Celebration
of Excellence Event. Freda
is the music teacher at
Johnson Street Global
Studies in High Point, NC.


Volume I - Issue 1 8
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020


Like so many of my sisters, I am now a mother-

in-law. My son, Stewart, married Laura Thomson
on August 29 in Simpsonville, South Carolina.
Here’s the happy couple.

CARE AND CONCERN….from bonnie beasley

• Continue to keep Dr. Gilda Scott and family in your thoughts and prayers due to
the passing of her husband.
4700 Harvey Road
Jamestown, NC 27282

• Continue to Pat Gabriel in your prayers as she heals from hip surgery.
• Continue to send well wishes to our Sister, Lorene Corns as she heals from her
mini stroke!
Our Alpha Phi Chapter Directory “Yearbook” will be online via Google Doc!
The Google Doc will be presented via email soon! There are a few adjustments being made.
All Sisters will have the ability to “edit” their contact information from their computer.
You may print out your copy per your leisure until we meet together again.

Hostess Groups will be created once we are able to meet together

again! More information coming soon!

Volume I - Issue 1 9
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020

Updates for upcoming meetings:

• As this time, The Elks Lodge is still not reserving rooms for
functions until Governor Cooper sets new guidelines for indoor
gatherings. However, we are hopeful we will be able to see each
other in person in November. Please keep in touch with your
emails and callers as we may continue to Zoom OR meet in
• The Alpha Phi Day Group will be meeting on the Tuesday following
our regular chapter meeting at Sammy G’s Tavern at 11:30-1:00.
We have a list confirmed of those who stated they would be not be
driving at night. As your Chapter President, I will be attending
both. The months impacted are November - March. Therefore,
there will be additional information from your callers. Those
attending the Day Group meeting will need to RSVP with Frances
Douglas. She is our Sister who has been the point person in
helping organize this process so that we can retain Sisters in our
• Thank you to all who attended our September meeting and we
hope to TOP the “40” attendance mark for October. Encourage
your fellow Sisters to attend and help those who may need Zoom
assistance. It is very easy peasy once installed on your phone,
tablet or computer!!!

Volume I - Issue 1 10
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020


Minutes of the meeting

Date: September 3, 2020

Location: Zoom Call

Members Present: 35
Members Absent: 31
Guests: 1

Program: Induction of Alpha Phi Officers for 2020-22 Biennium

Next Meeting: October 1, 2020

The Zoom meeting was opened with a welcome from our new president, Amy Braica. She briefly discussed our new
temporary tool for meetings until the Elks Lodge can provide space for us to meet in person. She then shared the agenda;
presented our past president, Jenny Rathjen, with the past presidents recognition pin; and shared the Zoom Poll survey
with us.

Chaun Doak shared her devotion, The Outsiders.

Amy talked more about Zoom features, specifically the breakout room. She assigned members to smaller talking groups
and we shared a favorite saying, bible verse or anything else that has helped us get through the past several months of
stress, anxiety and/or isolation. Nancy Sutton followed with the roll call. Since several names were included that should
not have been and some names were missing that should have been included, Karen Hurley volunteered to send Nancy an
updated roster.

Amanda Ferguson followed with the induction of the 2020-22 Alpha Phi officers. Her presentation that she shared on
Zoom was entitled, “Celebrate the Magic”. Her powerpoint shared each office’s responsibilities and the name of the new
officer. The new officers are as follows:

Past President: Jenny Rathjen

President: Amy Braica
Co-Presidents Elect: Betty Cadick and Susan Hedgecock
Historian: Jen Rathjen
Corresponding Secretary: Valorie Bonde
Treasurer: Janet Ray
Chaplain: Chaun Doak
Sargent-at-Arms: Kristin Porter
Recording Secretary: Nancy Sutton

Amy shared additional information that Bonnie Beasley would take Betty Cadick’s place as the new Care and Concern
Representative. If you have any information for Bonnie, please email her at [email protected].

Karen Hurley introduced the Fraternity Education with questions from the evening’s induction of officers. We also had a
discussion of providing gift bags to schools when possible. Ideas were to find members who are teaching and send gift
bags to them. Michelle Breen suggested masks and hand sanitizer, as those are ALWAYS needed. Amy also shared that she
was updating member and chapter information on a Google doc and one of her goals is to create a website for Alpha Phi
by the first of the year that links to the national website.

Dora Lancaster shared World Understanding. The correct answer was Nepal. Six sisters sent in their answers electronically
and the winner was Amanda Ferguson. We had a discussion on what gift cards would sisters like to be included in these

Karen and Amy shared the proposed budget and changes. Dues for the 2020-22 biennium will be $70.00 with the
knowledge that they may go back to $78 for the following years. Chaun Doak made a motion for scholarship funds and

Volume I - Issue 1 11
Alpha Delta Kappa - Alpha Phi Chapter District V - Southeast Region OCTOBER ISSUE - September 29, 2020

money jar for Altruism that benefits the Leslie’s House residents be funded by the money market that has more than
enough to take care of those items for at least two years. Rebecca Miller seconded. The vote was unanimous to use the
money market for those projects. The budget breakdown with account balances is as follows:

• Checking: $7879.83
• Money Market: $3888.57
• Scholarship Fund: $2273.05
• Tully Ritchie Fund: $282.91
• Altruism: $329.22
• General Fund: $4994.55

Pat Dawson shared that the director of Leslie’s House expressed needs for feminine hygiene products for its 17 residents
who are only allowed to leave for jobs/interviews. Dianne Armstrong had suggested to Pat that she purchase items to go in
bags. Pat will shop at the Dollar Tree for bags and items and for encouragement cards. If anyone would like to share in the
shopping, contact Pat. This year, the only items that Pat needs us to keep up with are gifts, scholarship donations and time
spent volunteering in the name of ADK. Please email Pat with any of this information and if you would like to contribute
any money that would ordinarily go into the kitty.

Diane Spencer did not have any new information for Membership.

Valerie Bonde did not have any new information for Correspondence.

Amanda Ferguson reminded every one of the teacher mini-grants that are available to members. Apply now and chances
are very good that you will be awarded with a $400 grant. Non-members can apply next month.

Marsha James brought up the fact that we did not award a scholarship last spring and asked if we might want to award a
scholarship for the fall AND the spring. Amanda Ferguson made a motion that we use our money for scholarships in both
fall and spring. Rebecca Miller seconded. The vote passed unanimously.

We finished the night with singing Happy Birthday to all the sisters with August and September birthdays and finally with
the Lamp of ADK. (Zoom is a wonderful tool, but it does not highlight our singing! ☺) Amy dismissed the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Nancy Sutton, Recording Secretary

Volume I - Issue 1 12

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