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Cullen Poulos

Research Proposal

November 4, 2020

The Legitimacy of Gun Control Proposal


America is divided among a plethora of issues, one of the more strongly debated topics in

today’s politics is gun control. One side believes that in order to create a more secure, and safe

country, certain legislation needs to be passed limiting citizens’ access to certain, or all guns

and their parefenalia. The opposition believes that it is a human's natural right to protect

oneself, and that right extends to the ownership of a firearm, as guaranteed by the Second

Amendment of the United States Constitution. As stated in the U.S. Constitution: “A well

regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep

and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” The purpose, as intended when written, still rings true

today. Every man has the right to protect himself from the harm of others, whether this be his

neighbor or the state; no man has the right to undermine another’s natural rights.

This analysis will delve into the logical fallacies behind gun control and why people might

believe these misconceptions. Evidence of this will be shown through statistics relating not only

to gun related homicides, but homicides as a whole. The “slippery slope” as exemplified by Dan

Gilford in “The Slippery Slope of Red Flag Laws” will be further explained in its relation to gun

control as a whole. A conclusion will also be drawn as to how to resolve the issue over gun


Literature Review
Poulos 2
Shortly after the ratification of the U.S. Constitution, anti-gun legislation began to be passed,

including gun control legislation targeted specifically at black people within the “Black Codes”.

A considerable amount of this legislation was ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

Close to 80 years after the ratification of the Constitution, the Supreme Court ruled that the

right to bear arms was not dependent upon the existence of the Constitution (Staff). This right

exists naturally; every man is born with this right, and it is unable to be taken away. The ruling

of early gun control as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, but the wide acceptance and

plea for gun control today begs the question, what has changed, is there no longer a need for

the Second Amendment? The fact that current laws such as background checks are ineffective,

does not warrant the creation of more ineffective and ill targeted laws (Ouimet). As Benjamin

Franklin and his colleagues wrote “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a

little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety,” (Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to

the Governor). From this, one can interpret that the intent of the founders was never for

Americands to have to settle for their rights, they were never the state’s to take away because

the state can offer no form of protection, especially when they are the threat.

Research Questions

The research will answer the following questions:

● In areas that have implemented stricter gun control laws, is there a proportionate

decrease in homicides?

● What was the intended purpose behind the Second Amendment when it was written?

● Has the purpose for this amendment changed throughout time?

● Do areas with less gun control have any particular positive statistics?

● How often is gun control repealed?

Poulos 3

The research process will consist of analyzing past and current gun control legislation and its

effects. Also, the intent of the Second Amendment as intended by the drafters of the

constitution will be investigated by reviewing documents written around the time of the

ratification of the Constitution. The analysis will be divided as follows:

● The intent of the Second Amendment as written by the Constitution will be thoroughly


● A brief summary of gun control throughout American history and the effects of it will be

laid out. Also discussed will be how often this legislation is repealed.

● Current gun control statistics will be presented, including areas with both heavy

restrictions, and those without.

● Then a hypothesis will be made regarding the current interpretation of the Second

Amendment, why Americans need it now as much as every, and why any attempts to

trample on this right are not only unconstitutional, but immoral.


The exploration of gun control, its intents, and its effects throughout history could bring to light

an unforthcoming point of view in regards to not only its effectiveness, but its morality. The

study of the purpose of the Second Amendment throughout American history will reveal that

the purpose upon its founding is the same as it is today. Throughout history it has been shown

that those who trade freedom for security, will find their sense of security to be false, and that

they are unable to reacquire their freedoms.

Poulos 4
This research is more important now more than ever due to the impending presidency of an

openly anti-Second Amendment candidate. The effects of his proposed plans could have

tremendous repercussions that will affect American’s for generations to come. It is important

that every American understands the importance of his right to bear arms, for this

understanding often doesn’t come to fruition until he has already forfeited this right willingly,

with no hopes of getting it back.

Poulos 5

Works Cited

Gifford, Dan. "The Slippery Slope of Red Flag Laws." New American, 17 Feb 2020, pp.

23. SIRS Issues Researcher,


Ouimet, Jason. "Opposing View: Universal Checks Won't Stop Mass Killings." USA

TODAY, 25 Sep 2019. SIRS Issues Researcher,


"Pennsylvania Assembly: Reply to the Governor." National Archives and Records

Administration, National Archives and Records Administration, 11 Nov. 1755,

Staff, Proquest. Gun Control Timeline. ProQuest, Ann Arbor, 2020. SIRS Issues



U.S. Constitution. Amend. II

Poulos 6
Research Proposal Rubric

Name: cullen poulos

Topic: gun control

Grade Exceeds Meets Approaching Lacking

Components Expectations Expectations Expectations

Overview/ Paper has a The opening The intro vaguely The introduction
Introduction (10) descriptive title. introduces introduces the doesn’t really
The overview everything but topic. A title is match the topic
captures the lacks an attention- missing or and focus of the
reader’s attention, grabbing opening. generic. rest of the paper.
indicates the The title is a little
intended vague.
audience, and
provides a brief
overview of the

Literature The literature The literature The literature The literature

Review (20) review is very review is relatively review is simplistic review covers
(Information on the comprehensive comprehensive and describes irrelevant material
topic) and describes and describes some relevant or is missing.
relevant material. most relevant material

Research Specific research Research Some research No research

Questions (10) questions are questions are questions are questions are
included in the included in the included in the included in the
proposal and they proposal, and their proposal, but they proposal.
are directly connection to the are unconnected
connected to the material reviewed to the material
material reviewed in the introduction reviewed in the
in the introduction. is good. introduction.

Methodology A methods section A methods section A methods section No methods

(10) clearly presents is present, and is present, but section is included
(procedure clearly the researcher’s only a few numerous in the proposal or
described, a plan, and the elements of the elements of the many key
comprehensive list of section is missing methods are methods are elements of the
source material none of the key absent or absent or methods are
provided, method(s) of elements of the described described absent.
analysis discussed, methods. insufficiently. insufficiently.
ethical issues

Discussion (10) A broad range of Some important Some implications No potential

implications are implications are are discussed, but implications of the
discussed that discussed, which they are not proposed study
connect directly to are connected to strongly are discussed.
the proposed the proposed connected to the
Poulos 7
study and why it is study. proposed study.

Works Cited: A properly An MLA Works An MLA Works No MLA Works

(10) formatted MLA Cited is attached Cited is attached Cited is attached
(2 database sources Works Cited which which meets all but it does not or only URL’s are
+ 1 other credible meets all requirements, but meet all source listed.
source) requirements is it contains 1 or 2 requirements and
attached. formatting issues. contains
formatting issues.

Quality of Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits Proposal exhibits

Diction/Writing sophisticated adequate diction, simplistic diction inappropriate
diction, clear and is easy to with little sentence diction, sloppy
(20) concise writing understand, and variety. writing and
with effective includes some sentence structure
sentence variety. sentence variety. issues..

Grammar, Writing observes Writing generally Writing has Writing poorly

Usage, & the grammatical observes the several observes the
conventions of grammatical mechanical errors grammatical
Mechanics (10) standard written conventions of and readability conventions of
English. Paper is standard written problems. standard written
free from English. Paper English.
distracting has a few
mechanical errors distracting
(grammar, mechanical errors.
spelling, and
punct). One or two
minor typos exist
but are not overly


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