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Proposed Candelaria Rolling Mill Project

CandelariaSteel, Inc.
Brgy. Malabanban Sur, Candelaria, Quezon

• Barangay Salong, Calaca, Quezon

• Barangay Camastilisan, Calaca, Quezon
• Barangays Malabanban Sur, Quezon

However, based on the following criteria, the project site in Barangay Malabanban Sur, Candelaria,
Quezon was selected as the best option for the proposed project.

• Logistics. Steel manufacturing is essentially a transportation business as it requires a lot of

moving and handling for its raw materials and finished goods. The plant shall be sited near the
port, major highways and customers to optimize the logistics cost.

• Land. The land area must accommodate all the facilities needed in a contiguous manner. In
addition, it should not require a long time for land conversion and expensive site development.
It should have sufficient elevation for flooding.

• Carbon Footprint. CSI’s policy is to adopt practices to minimize fuel use. These include
optimized trip planning/routing to increase fuel efficiency, reducing the number of kilometers
each truck travels daily and minimizing travel time.

• Social. Social environment was also considered in the project alternatives. The project area
was considered compatible with land use because the LGU is in the process of converting the
area to an industrial area.

• Environment. The proposed location is considerably clear and flat area. Being in a
topographically flat area, hazards associated with slope instability, erosion and mass wasting
are expected to be nil. The proposed location of the project facilities was also evaluated in
terms of geohazard susceptibility based on information from government agencies such as the
Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) and the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and
Seismology (PHIVOLCS). Generally, the project area’s susceptibility to earthquake-triggered
slope failure, rainfall-triggered slope failure, and flooding are low. About seismic vulnerability
and liquefaction potential, the potential ground-shaking and liquefaction susceptibility of the
project site is also low.

• Environmental Impacts of Each Alternative. The potential impacts in all locations are the
same. However, other areas were not considered because of existing mangrove plantation,
lack of sustainable water and power sources and the land classification is not yet industrial.
The impacts are discussed and summarized in detail in the next two chapters.

Technology and Design

The Technology that will be used for the proposed project is the most modern rolling mill equipment.
The basis for technology selection is the efficiency of the technology to produce the target production
rate at the equipment’s rated capacity.

Summary of Key Environmental Impacts and Management Plan

The major impact of the proposed project given in a worst-case scenario of drought is water resource
use competition. However, when that time comes, the project will be forced to stop its operation because
it will not be feasible to operate in such worst case scenario. Table ES-5 presents the summary of key
environmental impacts of the proposed project and the corresponding management plan and mitigating

Table ES-5: Summary of Key Environmental Impacts and Management Plan

Major Activities Impact Mitigation, Built-In

Description/ Key Potential Impact Management Measures and Facilities
Environmental Aspects Planned
Preconstruction Phase

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Proposed Candelaria Rolling Mill Project
CandelariaSteel, Inc.
Brgy. Malabanban Sur, Candelaria, Quezon

Major Activities Impact Mitigation, Built-In

Description/ Key Potential Impact Management Measures and Facilities
Environmental Aspects Planned
Land Restriction on the The land use is classified as industrial. NA
land use Provided in Annex 2-1 is the Zoning
classification of Certification of Candelaria.
Project site
Construction Phase
Demolition of existing Generation of dust Good housekeeping and proper None.
concrete structures and demolition construction management; dust
debris management through water sprinkling of
dusty areas
Generation of domestic Contamination of Provision of septic tanks and None.
wastewater water quality implementation of septage
management; implementation of zero
Solid waste generation Accumulation of Provision of Material Recovery Facility None.
solid wastes (MRF) and regular hauling of garbage
Chemicals and Contamination of • Securing of Hazardous Waste None.
hazardous wastes land and water Generation ID
generation • Provision of hazardous waste
storage area
• Treatment and disposal with
Certificate of Treatment by DENR-
accredited third party treaters
Use of domestic water Water resource use • Provision of water from water utility None.
of competition • No extraction of groundwater
Construction of the steel Air emission (TSP, • Training on power equipment and None.
mill complex PM10, PM2.5, SOX, vehicle use and speed Maximum
NOX) and noise • Proper maintenance, designation of ground level
pollution from no idling zone concentration
equipment and • Good house keeping still within the
vehicles. • Water sprays, use of enclosures, limits of the
barriers and buffer zones Clean Air Act.
• Implementation of Reforestation and
Carbon-Sink Program: tree planting
within the perimeter
Potential health and • Health and safety policies None.
safety hazards for • Employee safety inspections and
construction toolbox meetings
workers • Regular APE and use of PPEs
• First aid training
Operations Phase
Rebar operation Effect on public • Dust management through regular None.
health due to dust water sprinkling to dusty areas
and emissions • Coordinate with Rural Health Office
brought about by for the implementation of programs
the project related to community health.
Water pollution • Zero effluent None.
• Provision of Rain catchment
• Provision of Water Treatment
Facility for process water
Air emission and • Training on power equipment and None.
noise pollution vehicle use and speed
• Water sprays, use of enclosures,
barriers, and buffer zones.

11 | P a g e
Proposed Candelaria Rolling Mill Project
CandelariaSteel, Inc.
Brgy. Malabanban Sur, Candelaria, Quezon

Major Activities Impact Mitigation, Built-In

Description/ Key Potential Impact Management Measures and Facilities
Environmental Aspects Planned
• Proper maintenance, designation of
no idling zone
• 65 meters stack height
• Routine plant maintenance and good
house keeping
• Use of low sulfur fuel (LSFO or
mixing with Diesel)
• Training on proper equipment use
and speed
Employment Preference will be given to qualified None.
generation residents of Barangays Malabanban Sur
and in the municipality of Candelaria as
a whole.
Increase in These are predominantly positive None.
economic effects, no mitigation measures
oppurtunities necessary.
through associated
incomes and taxes
Solid waste generation Accumulation of Provision of Material Recovery Facility None.
solid wastes (MRF)
Chemicals and Contamination of • Securing of Hazardous Waste None.
hazardous wastes land and water Generation ID
generation • Provision of Hazmat Storage Facility
• Treatment and disposal with
Certificate of Treatment by DENR-
accredited third party treaters
Storage, handling and Health and safety • Health and safety policies None.
transport of rebars hazards (e.g. heat • Installation of proper ventilation
and hot liquids) • Implementation of safety buffer
zones to separate areas where hot
materials are handles and stored.
• Employee safety inspections and
toolbox meetings.
• Regular APE for employees
• Use of PPEs
• First aid training
• Provision of 24-Hour Clinic
• Provision of Ambulance
• Spills containment of fuel
Traffic and road • Implementation of Traffic None.
accidents Management Plan
• Provision of proper road signages.
• Designation of marshalling/holding
area offsite
• Observe traffic rules and load limit
CO2 emissions • Utilize thermally-efficient heating None.
process equipment
• Explore the viability of using inline
Electric Induction heating process
after the reheating furnace
• Engage in carbon sequestration
projects such as tree planting and
use of electricity from renewable

12 | P a g e
Proposed Candelaria Rolling Mill Project
CandelariaSteel, Inc.
Brgy. Malabanban Sur, Candelaria, Quezon

Major Activities Impact Mitigation, Built-In

Description/ Key Potential Impact Management Measures and Facilities
Environmental Aspects Planned
energy sources such as geothermal,
Noise • AC motors None.
• Enclosed facility
• Tree buffer zone
• Insulate structures
Water collection • Zero water discharge None.
and operational • Water is recycled and re-circulated
treatment within the Water Treatment Facility,
which consists of grease/oil
skimming, scale inhibitors plus
filtering and bio/algaecide

Abandonment Phase
• Removal of wastes • Change in land • Turnover of the facilities which can None.
and oil spills if any use still be used by the new project
• Removal of all • Loss of jobs and especially drainage system and rain
equipment, community collection
• Actual Rehabilitation programs • Adaptation to the industrial land use
of the new project
• Grading and drainage stabilization
work including leveling of sediment
trap and settling ponds
• Soil conditioning
• Planting or reforestation of endemic
• Retrenchment package
• Labor support programs

Based on the EIA conducted, there are insignificant risks and uncertainties for the Project because
mitigation and management plans have been laid down and the CSI’s mother company, the Candelaria
SteelAsia Group of Companies has been in the business for more than 50 years now.

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