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Mellett on Steiner's
Dan Dugan presents a post by Tom Mellett to the Anthropos-
Views list.

From: Dan Dugan

Subject: Mellett on Steiner's reincarnations
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 10:30:32 -0700

I just have to share this exchange from the mailing list "anthropos-views." Tom
Mellett's ever the jester of Anthroposophy, but his tale is actually backed up by
Anthropop literature. BTW "fructify" is a favorite phrase of Steiner's, as commonly
translated. Complete post reproduced by permission of the author.

-Dan Dugan


Catherine Alexander wrote:

I am a student of life. And not just on the observatory level. ;-) BTW, the Wookie in
the old Star Wars epic reminded me of Enkidu. The hairy companion to Gilgamesh.
From the Epic of Gilgamesh. To my friends he reminds them of Big Foot.:-)



Dear Catherine,
I don't know if you realize it, but Enkidu is alleged by many anthroposophists to
be the very first incarnation of Rudolf Steiner. And furthermore, Gilgamesh is
said to be Steiner's real soul-mate, the medical doctor, Ita Wegman. And for
reasons that I will give shortly after quoting from the epic itself, I will explain
why it is crucially important for anthroposophists today in 1999, to study the
Gilgamesh story.

I would like to quote this passage from the Penguin Books edition of _The Epic of
Gilgamesh_, translated by N. K. Sandars. It is from very near the beginning of
Chapter One which is entitled: "The Coming of Enkidu."

A little background to set up this passage: In the city of Uruk, Gilgamesh rules
with no equal. But he is arrogant and his subjects cry out to the gods for help, so
the gods create this hairy wild man Enkidu out of clay to be an equal to
Gilgamesh and also, a literal soul-mate. Enkidu lives with the animals and eats
grass with them. He is kind of like Tarzan, with no human contact yet. But one
day, a trapper sees him and is afraid. I quote the epic at this point:

"So the trapper set out on his journey to Uruk and addressed himself to
Gilgamesh saying, 'A man unlike any other is roaming now in the pastures; he is
as strong as a star from heaven and I am afraid to approach him. He helps the
wild game to escape; he fills in my pits and pulls up my traps. Gilgamesh said:
'Trapper, go back, take with you a harlot, a child of pleasure. At the drinking-
hole, she will strip, and when he sees her beckoning, he will embrace her and the
game of the wilderness will surely reject him.'

Now the trapper returned, taking the harlot with him. After three days' journey,
they came to the drinking-hole, and there they sat down; the harlot and the
trapper sat facing one another and waited for the game to come. For the first day
and for the second day the two sat waiting, but on the third day the herds came;
they came down to drink and Enkidu was with them. The small wild creatures of
the plains were glad of the water, and Enkidu with them, who ate grass with the
gazelle and was born in the hills; and she saw him, the savage man, come from
far-off in the hills. The trapper spoke to her: 'There he is. Now, woman, make
your breasts bare, have no shame, do not delay, but welcome his love. Let him see
you naked; let him possess your body. When he comes near, uncover yourself and
lie with him; teach him, the savage man, your woman's art, for when he murmurs
love to you, the wild beasts that shared his life in the hills will reject him.'

She was not ashamed to take him, she made herself naked and welcomed his
eagerness; as he lay on her murmuring love she taught him the woman's art.
had forgotten his home in the hills; but when he was satisfied he went back to the
wild beasts. Then, when the gazelles saw him, they bolted away; when the wild
creatures saw him they fled. Enkidu would have followed, but his body was
bound as though with a cord, his knees gave way when he started to run, his
swiftness was gone. And now the wild creatures had all fled away; Enkidu was
grown weak, for wisdom was in him, and the thoughts of a man were in his heart.
So he returned and sat down at the woman's feet, and listened intently to what
she said. 'You are wise, Enkidu, and now you have become like a god. Why do
you want to run wild with the beasts in the hills? Come with me. I will take you to
strong-walled Uruk, to the blessed temple of Ishtar and of Anu, of love and of
heaven: there Gilgamesh lives, who is very strong, and like a wild bull he lords it
over men.'

Jesus Penus, Catherine! I mean, whenever my "eagerness is welcomed," I

consider myself lucky if it doesn't fall off after seven MINUTES of vigorous
fructificatory activity! But here is the future Rudolf Steiner, as the wild man
Enkidu, getting his chimes rung for six DAYS and seven NIGHTS!!! A full
matrifructifying WEEK!!! Is this in the Guinness Book of World Records or
what? For anthroposophists anyway, this has to be the most stupendous "Fuck-a-
thon" in all of human history! I mean, in the opening of Genesis, we have the
Seven Days of Creation; but in the Gilgamesh epic, we have the Seven Nights of
Fructification. Wow!

What a way for Rudy boy to get literally sucked down into earthly incarnation!
For it was this event that brought Enkidu out of the spiritual Cosmos and down
to earth, so he could begin the handful of incarnations that would lead to the man
we know and love as Rudolf Steiner.

The question is: what is the karmic lesson for us and why is it so important for us
today? Well, the key is in the number 7. You see, Enkidu was a child of the
Cosmos; he did not really go through the "fall of man." His number WAS 12,
which is the number of Space, the vast Universe, the Cosmos, the number of the
World of Being. But Enkidu's destiny was to start the stream that would bring
the essence of Time into human evolution, and the number of Time is 7, the
number of the World of Becoming, the world of evolution which unfolds itself
according to the pattern of the number 7 (as so clearly pointed out by Arthur M.
Young in his "Reflexive Universe" book, for example).

Now, to me, each day/night of the Enkidu Fuck-a-thon represents one incarnation
of the being we know as Rudolf Steiner. According to anthroposophical lore, the
incarnation of Rudolf Steiner is the 6th of the 7 incarnations that this human
being experiences. And Rudolf Steiner predicted that he would be back again for
his 7th incarnation at the beginning of the 21st Century. (Arguments rage over
whether he meant born as a baby in 2000 or else come of age in 2000, say as a 30
year old man (or woman), but that is a side issue).

Now, let me enumerate the 7 incarnations (6 known) of the being we know as

Rudolf Steiner and then later I will place them in a certain pattern which will
then tell us of the importance of revisiting the lesson of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Here they are listed in chronological order:

1. Eabani (Enkidu) (3000 BC-beginning of Kali Yuga) --- the "wild man" of the
Gilgamesh saga

2. Cratylus (Kratylos) (6th or 7th C. BC) --- priest of Temple of Ephesus; subject
of dialogue of Plato where eurythmy is described. (I translated this whole
dialogue in 1980 as part of my Ancient Greek studies at UT-Austin.)


3. Aristotle (4th C. BC)


4. Schionatulander (9th-10th century) --- Steiner's 1st post-Christian incarnation

which puts him in the Grail stream. I believe he was killed because he was
mistaken for Parsifal. (He dies in Sigune's arms. She is said to be Ita Wegman.
Some a-pops reverse the two of them.)

5. St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1270)


6. Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925)


7. Incarnation at end of 20th century, possibly as a woman, very likely in the

United States.

Now let's put the 7 in the proper pattern of becoming. This was first suggested to
me by Yale Bulldog Robert S. Horner, my longtime friend and anthroposophist,
now living in Birmingham, Alabama. It is the archetypal pattern of 7 stages of
development on 4 levels of reality. We find this pattern of becoming in
Blavatsky's theosophy, in Steiner and it is best articulated for modern
consciousness by Arthur M. Young in his "Theory of Process." Here is the
archetypal pattern:

I. 1-------------------------7
II. 2-------------------6
III. 3---------5
IV. 4

There is a descent from the initial stage & level down to level 4, whereupon there
is a turn and the 3 levels are regained. The important point is to see that Stage 5
recapitulates 3; 6 recaps 2; and 7 recaps 1, while 4 stands alone to experience the
Turning Point of Time.

Now let us put the 7 incarnations of Steiner into this pattern.

1. Enkidu-------------------------- 7th incarnation (NOW!!!)

2. Kratylos----------------6. Rudolf Steiner

3. Aristotle--------5. St. Thomas Aquinas

4. Schionatulander/Sigune?

It is fairly easy to see how Aquinas at (5) recaps Aristotle at (3). And Rudolf
Steiner at (6) recaps Kratylos at (2). Remember that Kratylos is a priest of the
Temple of Ephesus, where eurythmy was born, This stream represents the
mysteries of speech and reproduction through the forces of speech. Then look at
the present but unknown incarnation of Rudolf Steiner at (7) which recapitulates
Enkidu at (1).

Here is the mystery of sexuality which brought Steiner down to earth as Enkidu.
The week long fuck-a-thon represents the deep mystery of the twin forces of
speech and sexuality that Rudolf Steiner as (6) himself could not speak about.
And with good reason. Consider the biography of Steiner. I believe that he was
completely celibate in his life. Even though he was married twice, nonetheless, I
believe that he never played "hide the pickle"-- i.e., poked his pecker into any
sheath of any woman. (Linguistic note: the Latin word for "'sheath" is "vagina.")
His first marriage was annulled because of non-consummation and to echo
Catherine MacCoun, Rudy married Marie in order to keep the esoterically giddy
anthropop groupies from flinging their exoteric pussies at him. But there was an
even more important reason why he married Marie -- she was Russian and about
to be deported in 1914 when WW I started. It was purely a marriage of
convenience and I doubt that erotic love played any part whatsoever in their

The real love of Rudy's life was Ita Wegman, who is said to be Gilgamesh. I doubt
they had any erotic encounters. (Recall that the Enkidu fuck-a-thon is with the
harlot of the temple of Ishtar, not with Gilgamesh -- although some scholars
impute a homoerotic relationship between them because many times the epic
states that G loves E or E loves G "like a woman.")

But the lesson for us today is that no matter who Steiner is in his or her
contemporary 7th incarnation, we must, on the one hand, overcome our priggish,
Victorian, Puritanical attitudes about sexuality and yet, on the other hand,
simultaneously recognize the rampant unchecked wallowing in erotic forces
posing as spiritual mystical impulses that supposedly constitute our spiritual

Three years ago, I posted the famous "Steiner Sex Files" wherein RS clearly and
unambiguously states that sex and love have absolutely nothing to do with each
other, and that 99% of what passes for spiritual exercises and achievement is
nothing but eroticism not recognized as such.

You see, as we repress sexuality in our society, it emerges at two extremes: one at
the lower (Ahrimanic/Asuric: contracting) extreme is, for example, in violence of
men against women, or of high school boys using real guns instead of their own
penises for pleasure.
There is a wonderful article by Camille Paglia called "Guns and Penises." You
can read it at Salon Magazine online:

But at the higher extreme, which we recognize as the Luciferic (expansive), the
sexuality emerges as self-absorbed Narcissistic spiritual striving that Steiner
characterizes as spiritual materialism. If I may put it more bluntly, most of what
passes for meditative practices, spiritual disciplines or exercises, whether in
anthroposophy or not, as described on this newslist and in other places are
nothing but gross forms of soul-spiritual masturbation, which only serve to
enhance the egotism and spiritual materialism of the self-deceived spiritual
strivers. To Steiner, the solution was not to stop the activity; but to recognize that
it is erotic in nature and that such forces function to pull the spiritual down to the
material or the earthly just as Enkidu got pulled down and could no longer
commune with the animals and the spiritual world.

You see, Catherine, all who have a karma with Steiner and anthroposophy have
been plunged into materialism by that Sumerian Fuck-a-thon back in 3000 BC at
the beginning of Kali Yuga. The end of Kali Yuga was 1900 AD, when Rudolf
Steiner really started his public career as an occult teacher. Two intervening
events that have great importance are the Christ returning in the etheric realm of
the earth in 1933 and Christ taking over his duties as Lord of karma no later
than the end of the 20th century, which means right now! Our present spiritual
situation is aptly expressed by the late Richard Farina, in the title of his
autobiography: "Been down so long, looks like up to me." Steiner expressed it as
follows in a lecture called "Secrets of the Threshold," Munich, August 25 1913:
"Lucifer wants to make physical (sexual) love similar to spiritual love. He can
then root it out of the physical or sense world and lead it into a special kingdom
of his own." In Texas, the cry was: "Remember the Alamo!" I suggest for
anthroposophy in the here and now: "Remember the Enkidu Fuck-a-thon!"


P.S. Catherine, I just noted that your last name is Alexander. Ita Wegman was
also said to be Alexander the Great. More on that connection another time.


From: redon
Subject: Mellett on Steiner's reincarnations
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 23:59:20 -0500


P.S. Catherine, I just noted that your last name is Alexander. Ita Wegman was also
said to be Alexander the Great. More on that connection another time.
Some guys will say anything to get laid. Tom has been after Catherine for years, this is
more of the same old same old.


From: Sune Nordwall

Subject: Re: Mellett on Steiner's reincarnations
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 01:58:38 +0200

Dan Dugan wrote:

I just have to share this exchange from the mailing list "anthropos-views." Tom
Mellett's ever the jester of Anthroposophy, but his tale is actually backed up by
Anthropop literature. BTW "fructify" is a favorite phrase of Steiner's, as commonly
translated. Complete post reproduced by permission of the author.

You have already earlier mirrored and fed on the behaviour of this person, who is
having obvious problems with himself, as I have commented earlier, on this list.

The "backing up" by "Anthropop literature" you mention, is by one person, who took
great care - in contradistinction to you and Tom - to avoid all the sensationalizing Tom
and you engage in.

Steiner never commented publicly on the past lives of himself, or on the past lives of
other living persons, it being a real soul rape.

Doing it publicly the way you and Tom do - now on a dead person - is not far from the
rape of publicly discussing the possible former lives of living persons.

Sune Nordwall
Stockholm, Sweden
- a site on science, homeopathy, cosmological cell biology and
EU as a mechanical esoteric temple and threefolding of society

From: Tarjei Straume
Subject: Re: Mellett on Steiner's reincarnations
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 03:14:00 +0200

Sune Nordwall wrote:

Steiner never commented publicly on the past lives of himself, or on the past lives of
other living persons, it being a real soul rape.

Woodrow Wilson was living at the time, so he may be a notable exception here. But
Steiner adamantly refused to say anything about his own past lives, and if people
asked him about their past lives, he would avoid their company for weeks. To the best
of my knowledge, the past lives of Rudolf Steiner are conjectured from private
correspondence with Ita Wegman discovered after his death

Tarjei Straume

Greetings from Uncle Taz

Anarchosophy, anarchism, anthroposophy, occultism, Christianity, poetry,

plays, library, articles, galleries, marijuana, criminality, death, skulls,
skeletons, banners, links, links, links. Big section in Norwegian.


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