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Financial Analysis:

Mary River Iron Ore Mine

The viability of current base operations

vs possible expansion stages

Johnny West & Daniela Q. Lépiz

January 2021


Table of Contents
Summary 3

Context 5
Development adjustments 5
Costs perceptions and divergences 6
Low-cost operations 7
Fixed-cost structure 8

The Global Iron Ore Market 9

Chinese domination of the market 9
Financialisation 9

Model Assumptions 10
Production phases and operating costs 10
Capital Costs 12
Sunk costs 12
Financing 12
Iron Ore prices and price differentials 13
Fiscal regime 14

Profitability Analysis: Lead Results 15

The metrics: Life of Project Rate of Return 15
Comparison of Expansion to Continued Trucking 16
The Hedged Price Scenario 17
Inuit Rightsholder Benefit Levels 19
Expansion to Steensby 19
The Two Railway Scenario 20
Cost Uncertainties 20

Recommendations 22


The main objectives of this report are to analyse the viability and profitability of trucking
operations for Baffinland Iron Mines Corporation’s (BIMC) Mary River mine at the current rate
of production and at a proposed higher rate of production, as well to assess the financial
impact of railway expansions (Phase 2 and Phase 3).

This report relies on the company’s own data sources and analyzes more than 10 years of
financial analysis and publications regarding cost structures, investments and profitability.

This report aims to serve as a resource to enable a fact-based discussion on the environmental
impact assessment process through which BIMC seeks approval to produce and ship 12 MTPA
from the Mary River mine by building a railway to Milne Inlet.

The main findings of the model at this stage are:

● While claims by BIMC that a rail route to Milne Inlet would improve profitability are
correct, a continued trucking operation is commercially viable, especially under
market conditions at the end of 2020 which provide greater risk management
opportunities (hedging). It is therefore not conclusive that expansion is necessary for
the Mary River Mine to continue to be a viable operation. The high-grade quality of
the Mary River ore achieves a premium price relative to iron ore benchmarks,
therefore ensuring viability under spot prices in the market at any time in the past
decade. Even under trucking operations, an internal rate of return of at least 10%
could be achieved at as low as $571 per tonne on the benchmark.

Please note that all sums cited here are in US dollars, unless specifically stated to the contrary.
● There are significant gaps and uncertainties in the information in the public domain
regarding the economics of the mine, especially surrounding a second capital phase
apparently aimed at preparing the rail export to Milne Inlet before it had been
formally approved, as well as related to the ongoing costs of a continued trucking

● The decision to apply for a rail route to Milne Inlet rather than develop the already-
approved southern route to Steensby Inlet has not been explained in light of the
company’s earlier rejection of a port at Milne Inlet because of its narrower seasonal
shipping window. Steensby would still be a commercially viable export route, even
assuming it was over a billion dollars more expensive than Milne Inlet, because of
sunk costs.

This study was commissioned by the Oceans North. Its contents are the sole responsibility of
the author and can in no way be taken to reflect the views and positions of Oceans North.


Development adjustments

Situated on northern Baffin Island in Nunavut, Canada, the Mary River mine is an open-pit
mine producing high-grade iron ore. The mine has been in commercial production since
2015. It is operated by BIMC2 which is jointly owned by ArcelorMittal (25.7%) and Nunavut
Iron Ore3 (NIO - 74.3%).45

The original development plan for Mary River conceived of 18 million tonnes production per
year (MTPA) from Deposit No.1 (one of nine deposits), to be shipped from the southern port
of Steensby Inlet year-round.

In 2011, the controversial 150 km railway faced criticism from local communities and
environmentalists4 but the Nunavut Impact Review Board (NIRB) granted the approval. The
company's own 2012 assessment of several export routes5 laid out a lengthy examination of
many potential rail routes. Baffin Island’s northern and eastern ports, the report explained,
must all be discounted because they allowed seasonal shipping of only 70-90 days a year and
would be much less economically viable. The report then compared two possible routes to
year-round ports, Steensby and Nuviut, and decided that Steensby, only half as far away from
the mine as Nuviut, would be less environmentally harmful.

The following year, in 2013, BIMC’s plans changed and the Nunavut Impact Review Board
(NIRB) was asked to approve an Early Revenue Phase Proposal (ERPP) in an attempt to reduce
costs and start production as quickly as possible. It consisted of a targeted production of 3.5
MTPA, transported by truck to the northern port of Milne Inlet.

The ERPP constitutes the base of operations at the time of this report (the end of 2020).
Further negotiations took place in 2016/17 to allow expanded tonnage along the trucking
route, which currently stands at about 6.6 MTPA. This expanded trucking option was
negotiated as a temporary option before a rail route could be established.

BIMC’s current stated plans for the mine still include Steensby as a future export terminal. In
the meantime, the company started to invest in 2017 in a rail route to Milne Inlet running
alongside the tote road, and has now developed two plans for expansion by this new rail

Baffinland ownership composition has been changing progressively since 2011, mostly due to NIO constant
increase in funding and consequently decrease of ArcelorMittal share.
5 3

route. Company accounts suggest that over $500 million were spent in the 2017-19 period on
preparations for this expansion.

No explanation exists in the public domain as to why the company subsequently decided
against building the railway to Steensby Inlet, given that land permissions for that route have
already been given. Milne Inlet was rejected in 2012 by BIMC itself on the grounds that a short
shipping window would make it unviable compared to Steensby. Yet the company’s 2014
application to expand Milne Inlet was based on the idea that the season would be extended
at that location for months by using ice-breakers, and petitioning for an exemption to rules
which normally preclude this. This application was first rejected, and then subsequently
accepted by the Nunavut Planning Commission.

The proposed expansion through Milne Inlet, called Phase 2, consists of building the railway
and approval to extract 12 MTPA. This phase is currently under an environmental assessment
review with the Nunavut Impact Review Board. The Phase 2 Hearing, which was adjourned
and suspended in 2019 without completion, is scheduled for January/February 2021.
According to ArcelorMittal financial statements, BIMC has already internally approved a
Phase 3, which would further extend production to 18 MTPA, exported by the railway to Milne
Inlet, and requiring $1,385 million of capital investment in total.6

Costs perceptions and divergences

There is uncertainty over whether the Mary River mine's current trucking operations are
commercially viable.

Gary Vivian, for example, President of the Chamber of Mines for Canada’s Northwest
Territories and Nunavut, stated in 2019 that the mine required much larger production to be
sustainable, and urged those involved in negotiations to reach a deal quickly.

“While Mary River is arguably the best iron ore deposit in the world, it is also in the worst
location to be mined profitably. It needs a much better iron ore price, or much larger
production levels, in order to achieve the economies of scale required to be sustainable in a
highly competitive market and ultimately be profitable,”7 he said.

On the other hand, BIMC’s own published documents to investors8 in 2018 suggest strong
cost advantages in areas other than the transportation question.

Page 336

BIMC Preliminary Offering Circular, June 2018, p22 (pdf)
“Our low strip ratio, coupled with our geographic proximity to customers, results in low unit
cash operating costs. In addition to requiring limited processing before sale, our reserves are
located approximately 100 kilometers (60 miles) from our port, which is significantly closer
than most of our competitors. The shipping distance from our Milne Inlet port to our
primary customers in Europe is shorter than that of our competitors in Brazil and South Africa,
improving further our relative cost position on a delivered basis."

While rail-led exports would result in lower costs, it is not clear if continued trucking is itself
commercially unviable, rather than simply offering a lower rate of return to the investor.

In order to document the issue and provide some light for further discussions, this study is
based on the different financial analyses carried out by BIMC in the years leading to 2020, in
which divergences can be observed. These are addressed in the model design (see Model

Low-cost operations

On the one hand, the company claims to have “low unit cash operating costs” and a “large
fixed cost structure.” However, its own Preliminary Offering Circular from 2018 indicates
operating costs in around $40- $42 per tonne FOB and $16- $19 supplementary as ocean

These values would position Mary River operations at the high end of the Iron cost curve (see
graphic) and could suggest the mine is at a relative competitive disadvantage against global
iron ore miners.

However, given the mine’s high-

grade ore, BIMC has consistently
achieved an average 21%
premium price to the spot
market price.8 The iron ore
prices have been consistently
growing in the last five years and
especially so during the Covid

Rio Tinto Iron Ore curve 2018

During December 2020, iron ore reached the $152 mark.9 Under such prices BIMC could
achieve an average of $183/tonne, leaving a 77% margin between the operating costs at port
(FOB) and sale price.

Fixed-cost structure

BIMC states it benefits "significantly from producing more tonnage at lower marginal costs”
given a “relatively large fixed cost structure.” However, estimated operating costs have varied
substantially across their various financial analyses when analysing trucking operations.

The following table shows the operating costs (already adjusted by inflation) involving the
same activities, showing a difference of 35%.

Trucking only operation

Early Revenue Phase Base operations disclosed by

Proposal (200810) Baffinland (2018)

3.2 MT 4.6 MT

Operating costs per tonne

(adjusted to 2020 values) $32.03 $43.8211

Minor differences in operating costs are also present when looking at operations supported
by railway to Steensby Inlet and to Milne Inlet.

Railway operation

To Steensby Inlet (2010) To Milne Inlet (2018)

Production 18 MT 18 MT

Created in 2008 as preparing for the negotiations of 2013.
BIMC Circular Offering 2018.
Offering Circular 2018.
Operating costs (adjusted to
2020 values) $14.79 $16.8913

Expected capital costs have, however, followed similar lines.

The Global Iron Ore Market

The iron ore market has evolved considerably over the last decade, since BIMC entered the
first stage of capital development. Although iron ore prices are finishing the decade on record
highs (with spot prices of $160 per tonne achieved on the benchmark of CFR 62), miners have
experienced price volatility over the last decade, as with other commodities.

Nevertheless, beyond normal market volatility, there have been several underlying trends
over the last few years and indications of how they may develop in the 2020s. Some of these
have direct relevance to analysing BIMC’s business case at the Mary River Mine.

Chinese domination of the market

Although China was already the world’s largest importer of iron ore in 2010, Chinese
ascendance as the “swing consumer” continued throughout the decade until by 2020 it
accounted for nearly 70% of all traded iron ore purchases. This suggests that iron ore prices
are going to depend more narrowly on the Chinese economy than on a global economic
outlook. The continued hunger of China’s steel industry for iron ore comes against a changing
context of the Chinese economy as a whole, seeing faster growth in development of
infrastructure, driven by an internal market, as compared to the export-dominated model of
the last couple of decades. This suggests that Chinese demand for iron ore is likely to be more
resistant to up-and-down swings in global economic confidence.

The needs of the Chinese market also suggest continued relative strength for iron ore
produced at Mary River, since the premium on high grade iron ore is increasing in the Chinese
market. This is because China’s own ore resources are deteriorating in quality as they have
been “mined out.” The premium on pellet-form ore such as from Mary River compared to fine
powder is also strong, playing to the fact that Mary River produces almost three quarters of
its ore in pellet form.

The second major structural change has been the “financialisation” of iron ore markets – the
trading of futures, options, and other financial derivatives that are backed by iron ore in the
same way as they were by oil in the 1980s.

In 2010, a minimal amount of iron ore was traded in financial instruments. Volumes of iron
ore futures on the Singapore Exchange jumped by over 100 times from 2010 to the end of
201912 . But the Singapore exchange was itself eclipsed by the opening of a new financial
market in iron ore futures at Dalian, within China, in 2013, whose volume of trading now
exceeds Singapore by 10 to 1. This has led to considerable investment flows based directly on
iron ore as a commodity, rather than as equity in the shares of companies that mine it.

The growing financialisation of the market means that it is significantly easier to hedge
physical supply at the end of 2020 than it was a decade ago, when the first plans for Mary
River were drawn up13 -- although the industry analytical firm Platts has suggested that mining
companies have avoided hedging to allow their own shareholders to trade the share price
against the spot market. It is also the product of much greater transparency around the iron
ore market that existed a decade ago, which in turn has led to tighter markets, and narrower
spreads between bid and offer prices.

What these overall developments suggest is that whoever controls a major production asset
such as the Mary River Mine is now able to modulate against severe price uncertainty on spot
markets, in a way which was not possible even only a decade ago, when the Mary River project
was conceived.

Model Assumptions

Production phases and operating costs

Financialization through Futurization (
Iron-ores-growing-appeal.pdf ( p6

The model contemplates three future production scenarios -each one with a different cost
structure as published by the company- and provides one option for users to test alternative
scenarios. The model integrates the actual production rate of previous years and costs as
reported by the company.

Future production scenarios and operating & sustaining costs structures are as follows:

Scenario Explanation

Base Production: The model assumes 6.6 MTPA as base future

production, from now until 2055.

Costs: Two cost scenarios, of high ($40 per tonne plus

shipping) and low ($32 per tonne plus shipping)

Transport to port: Trucking.

Constant Production: This option provides the user the possibility to

test any given production rate, from now to 2033.

Costs: Two cost scenarios, of high ($40 per tonne plus

shipping) and low ($32 per tonne plus shipping)

Transport to port: Trucking.

Phase 2 Production: 12 MTPA with a one-year ramp up period.

Costs: $18 per tonne plus shipping.
Transport to port: Railway to Milne Inlet.

Phase 3 Production: 18 MTPA with a two-year ramp up period.

Costs: $17 per tonne plus shipping.
Transport to port: Railway to Milne Inlet.

A source consulted for the report estimated larger annual exports of 10.5 million tonnes
would be challenging to achieve through Milne Inlet port due to shipping window constraints.
According to Baffinland, the shipping window is currently 70 -90 days per year. It is unknown
what BIMC would do to move any tonnage shortfall.

The model assumes the export of 12 MTPA and 18 MTPA.


Capital Costs

The model integrates capital costs the company has incurred up until now and projects future
capital costs based on BIMC's projections in its 2018 Preliminary Offering. For either Phase 2
(12 MTPA) or Phase 3 (18 MTPA) the model assumes remaining capital expenditure would be
split evenly between 2021 and 2022.

An alternative development of Steensby has been explored in the model by assuming an

additional $1.5 billion of capital would be needed to build the rail route from the mine south,
and otherwise assumes the same operating costs as were presented for Milne Inlet in BIMC’S

Sunk costs
The company has already invested in the expansion connected to its plans to build a railway
to Milne Inlet, although approval has not been granted. By 2018, the company reported $352
million in expenditures. The model projects at least $527 million in expenditures by the end
of 2020. These sunk costs are deducted from the future development budget.

For non-expansion scenarios, the model provides two options: one is to test the project
viability including these sunk costs or, second, to test project viability excluding these costs
(on the grounds these were made on an expansion plan not yet unauthorised). This option
can be altered in the Dashboard by choosing between: BO only / BO and railway financing.

BIMC’s own financing has not been modelled, as the main objective is to analyse whether the
operations are viable under Life of Project rate of return projections.

It may be that because of liquidity issues or onerous project finance loan repayments BIMC’s
own expected profits could differ from those projected by the model. But the key question
for policy makers and local communities is to what extent they feel obligated to assure BIMC
commercial viability beyond industry standard rates of return because of BIMC’s own
particular financial circumstances.

For reference, the following financing for BIMC has been documented.

Loan Sum Interest Maturity Details


Project Loan $300m Unknown September 2018 On January 7, 2017, the Company made its
(Feb 2014)14 first principal repayment of $37.5m and the
remaining was paid with Notes for 2022.

Notes 2022 $350m 12% February 2022 Proceeds from the issuance of $350 million
(Jan 2017)15 in Notes were used to prepay a previous
Bond 2018 is $300.0 million in project loans.
supposed to have
been used to pay Commissions, fees and the offering
back Notes 2022. discount directly attributed to the issuance
of these Notes totalling approximately
$18.2 million. These financing costs are
being amortized over the term of the debt
using the effective interest method.

Revolving Credit $60m + LIBOR +4 May 26, 2020. To be paid, pari passu, with Notes. Signed
Facility $15m with a with three financial institutions.
(May 2017)16 LIBOR
floor of

Promissory $ 11.5m 8.5% Principal repayments To finance the purchase of certain

notes commence January locomotives for the Rail Expansion project
(Sept 2017)17 1, 2020.

The promissory note

will be fully repaid
on October 1, 2021.

Iron Ore prices and price differentials
The model proposes two different future price scenarios for an iron ore benchmark. One is
based on the International Monetary Fund projections of Iron Ore prices and the other
proposes a constant price (which is escalated by inflation) that can be modified by the user.
Based on this, the model assumes a premium of 21% over the spot price, given high iron ore
grade and the average differential price obtained by BIMC, and BIMC’s own methodology for
price projections in the 2018 offering document. The model also integrates reported realized
prices, relating to historic production.

Preliminary Offering document p 660 (pdf)
Preliminary Offering document pp 180 and 659 (pdf)
Preliminary Offering document p 180 (pdf)
Preliminary Offering document pp 180 and 659 (pdf)

Fiscal regime

Revenue Stream Description Note

Inuit Remedial Payments Assumes $C26.50 / hour average payments on ICA: conditional on
283,000 hours pa short of Minimum Inuit approval of Phase 2.
Employment Goals.

Milestone Payments $C2m payments over 24 months after Phase 2 is ICA: conditional on
approved Approval of Phase 2.

IIBA Implementation Plan Payments Historic payments of $C3m per annum (pa), ICA: conditional on
rising to $C10m for two years following approval of Phase 2.
approval of Phase 2, dropping back to $C8m pa

Wildlife Compensation $C750k pa. ICA: conditional on

approval of Phase 2.

Pond Inlet Training Center $C10m over three years following Phase 2 ICA: conditional on
approval. approval of Phase 2.

North Baffin Daycare Centers One center built per year 2021-2023, each ICA: conditional on
costing $C5m. approval of Phase 2.

Land Lease $C3m pa ongoing basis.

IIBA NSR Royalty Two rates: lower flat rate of 1.19% from IIBA, ICA: higher rate
higher rate starting at 1.5% but escalated over conditional on
time and also according to price to a maximum approval of Phase 2.
of 3.75%

Nunavut Royalty 11.2% effective rate on operating profits post

other charges18

Corporate Income Tax 22.1% effective tax rate19 on revenues after

other charges have been deducted. Split 55% to
federal level and 45% to Nunavut province.

The model integrates the fiscal regime as described by BIMC’s Preliminary Offering circular of
2018, and also the Inuit Certainty Agreement of July 2020. A range of revenue streams
accumulate to the local community and the provincial and federal governments. Revenue
flows at the community level depend strongly on approval of the Phase 2 extension. The Inuit
Certainty Agreement announced in mid-2020 specifies that a large range of revenues are
liable only if there is approval of the rail road to Milne Inlet.

Preliminary Offering p609
Preliminary Offering p609

The largest two streams are the royalty payable to Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) and corporate
income tax. The model adopts the approach of the technical assessment carried out by Roscoe
Postle Associates (RPA) and included within the Preliminary Offering document published by
BIMC. RPA says that on the advice of the BIMC they modelled an effective corporate income
tax rate of 21.2%, compared to the statutory level of 27%, to account for various allowed
deductions. Similarly, although the Nunavut Mineral Royalty is based on a sliding scale
measured against pre-tax profits of between 5% and 14%, RPA modelled an effective royalty
rate of 11.2%.

Profitability Analysis: Lead Results

Since the public hearings scheduled for January/February 2021 are concerned with expansion
of the Mary River Mine, the most significant question the model addresses is how profitable
the mine is to the investor under various market and development scenarios.

There are four leading conclusions:

1) While railway expansion would clearly be more profitable for BIMC than continued
trucking, trucking would nevertheless yield rates of return that are considered normal
in many mining businesses, under all realistic price scenarios looking forward to 2020.
2) A rail expansion to Steensby would be highly commercially viable even if it required
an additional billion US dollars in capital than would be needed for Milne Inlet.
3) Developing both export rail routes to produce 30 MTPA would generate significant
extra cash for the company over the decades to come, but only marginally increase
the Life of the Project (LoP) rate of return from already high levels achieved by only
one rail route.
4) There are uncertainties around the costs of ongoing BIMC operations and expansion
possibilities which create a high degree of uncertainty around potential rates of
return, and it would advance public debate if BIMC and the relevant authorities were
to make more information available.

The metrics: Life of Project Rate of Return

In this report, the metric used to establish bankability is the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), one
of the metrics most widely used by investors in projects like the Mary River Mine.

The model factors IRR over the entire life of the project from 2011, since this represents a
reasonable measure of whether the terms offered to BIMC at Mary River are in line with
industry norms and commercial considerations. This totals $2.38 billion of capital and
operating costs to the end of 2020, including $788 million of capital investment in the 2011-

13 period before the mine started producing. It should be noted that if the economics of the
mine were considered only from today forward in time (so-called “point forward” economics),
Mary River would achieve very high profitability under all scenarios.

In order to calculate this, the model has incorporated all data in the public domain related to
costs, prices and sales since the development of the mine started in 2011 and up to the
present day. Then the models builds projections of the future based on estimated costs of
operations and the capital needed to build a railway line to Milne Inlet, measuring them
against the tax regime applied to the mine and different scenarios for the future price of iron

The model further defines 10% as the minimum acceptable LoP IRR for the mine. This is based
on industry norms, where a 10% discount rate (equivalent to 10% IRR) is often applied to the
Net Present Value of an asset in the absence of more detailed investor-specific information.20
As one comparison, such a rate of return is also above average returns on stock market
investment in the United States.23

Comparison of Expansion to Continued Trucking

Profitability for BIMC and its backers is enhanced under all price scenarios if either Phase 2,
at 12 MTPA, or Phase 3, at 18 MPTA is approved. Under the IMF price scenario for the iron
ore benchmark, for example, a Phase 2 approval would achieve a rate of return of 18.1% over
the life of the project (LoP) and a Phase 3 approval would achieve LoP of 20.6%. But continued
trucking (at the rate of 6.6 million tonnes per year) would still achieve a LoP rate of return of

Another way of reviewing profitability in modeling is to look for the “breakeven price” of iron
ore which would assure the 10% IRR. A Phase 2 expansion under the plans published by BIMC
in mid-2018 would require a breakeven price of $51 per tonne on CFR iron ore at 62% grade,
while Phase 3 would require a breakeven of $46 per tonne.

The continued trucking scenario would require a breakeven price of between $57 and $64 per
tonne on the benchmark iron ore price, depending on what assumptions are made about
operating costs (see the discussion below).

See, for instance, the discount rates embedded in the International Monetary Fund’s extractives modelling
tool, FARI (23Fiscal Analysis of Resource Industries (FARI) ( Credit Suisse 2018 Global Investment Returns

The graphic below illustrates the dynamic. The minimum IRR of 10% is shown by the
horizontal dotted line, and the curves represent the rates of return achieved by different
development pathways against different price assumptions. Even under trucking, therefore,
that IRR could be achieved at as low as $57 per tonne.

The Hedged Price Scenario

The breakeven at constant price in the long-term drops still further if we construct a price
scenario that takes the state of the market at the end of 2020 into account. Iron ore prices on
the spot market hit their highest figure since 2011 in December 2020, at over $160 per tonne.
Prices are unlikely to remain that high into 2021, and prices were already constrained in the
last days of 2020 by intervention from Chinese steel producers, limiting the amount of
financial speculation in iron ore instruments that could take place.21 But the wide expectation
of analysts in the market is that prices will continue at well above $100 per tonne into 2021
and perhaps further. Current high prices, and short-term expectations already signalled in the
market by futures, allow a hedging scenario. Under this scenario, we assume an average price
of $110 for the benchmark in 2021, then $105 in 2022, $100 in 2023, and $95 in 2024.

When the model is interrogated assuming these benchmark prices over the short- and
medium-term, the constant price required to achieve the minimum rate of return in the
period after that drops to $45 (if higher operating costs are assumed, or as little as $35 per
tonne if lower costs are assumed). This scenario represents only a modest capture of windfall

Iron Ore Rattled as Crackdown Plea From China Mills Spurs Slump - Bloomberg

rents that have already manifested in the market, leveraged by hedging which is widely

While the breakeven metric is useful to give some indication of the relation between price
and profitability, the reality is that iron ore prices, like all commodities, are volatile. The
graphic above accordingly places the rate of return of the Mary River mine, under trucking
and rail expansion, against benchmark prices over the last 20 years. The FE62 CFR China
benchmark which RPA used in the technical analysis published by BIMC is plotted since 2000,
adjusted up for inflation. Then the two breakeven prices of trucking (under lower price
assumptions) and a Phase 3 expansion to 18 MTPA are drawn across the price fluctuations to
see how often the price would take the returns above the minimum.

The chart shows that iron ore pricing changes fundamentally at the end of the 2000s, and
despite continued fluctuation have stayed higher throughout the second decade of the
century than in the first. Under a railway expansion, the Mary River Mine would hit the
minimum rate of return at any time after 2008. The same is also true for trucking, although in
2015, when prices were at their lowest in the 2010s, the two lines get close.

These charts show rates of return summed over the life of the project, combining the nine
years of building and operating, and the future. This is to give insight on the question of
whether the terms offered the investor at MRM are within global industry norms. It is
important to understand, though, that since MRM is already operating, a decision about if to
continue production or not is likely to be guided simply by operating profits. This relates to
the structure of investment in mining, with high upfront costs. Even if a bear market means
investors are unlikely to obtain the hoped-for overall rate of return over the life of the project,
they will keep the mine going as long as they are not operating at a loss.

The Mary River mine has several advantages which make it viable under a wide range of price
scenarios, even if the most profitable development path is not chosen. The quality of its iron
ore gives it a considerable premium in price, avoids expensive onsite processing, and despite
the remote location of the mine, it has relative proximity to markets in Europe.

Inuit Rightsholder Benefit Levels

The Inuit Certainty Agreement announced in mid-2020 announced an increase in many
factors to Inuit rights holders (listed in the analysis of the fiscal regime above), but made most
of them conditional on approval of the rail expansion to Milne Inlet on the grounds that they
would not be sustainable under a scenario of continued trucking. The model has
demonstrated that trucking is sustainable, depending on more precise data on costs, at price
levels well below end of 2020 spot prices and market averages for the last decade.

The table below demonstrates under the hedged scenario that these higher levels of
benefits to Inuit rights holders would still leave room for commercial viability. The ICA could
be applied with the long-term benchmark price at $60 per tonne on continued trucking, and
BIMC could still achieve a 12% post-tax rate of return.

Stage 2 Not Approved $60 / t CFR62 $80 / t CFR62 $100 / t CFR62

(Inuit rights in USD) Rights IRR Rights IRR Rights IRR
ICA Not Applied $335m 13.4% $392m 15.7% $449m 17.3%
Royalty-Only Applied $623m 13.1% $909m 15.4% $1,086m 17.1%
ICA Applied $1,131m 12.0% $1,416m 14.7% $1,593m 16.5%
Stage 2 Approved
ICA Applied $1,354m 18.9% $1,805m 20.6% $2,086m 22.0%

Of the many revenue streams that could flow to Inuit rights holders under the ICA, the IIBA
royalty is both the biggest by far – and also the one which has the least impact on investor
profitability. This is because they are price and time-indexed, and so most of the difference in
the higher levels is only triggered when BIMC has earned more profit, later in the project.

The royalties agreed in the ICA are fiscally progressive. Under all long-term constant prices,
applying the higher royalty in the ICA under trucking would at least double the level of benefit
to Inuit rights holders, but reduce the company’s rate of return by no more than 0.2-0.3%.
More benefits flow if Stage 2 is approved, as the higher royalties are then applied on a higher
volume of production. But it is clear that rights holders could gain substantially greater
benefits without the need to create conditionality on the approval of Stage 2.

Expansion to Steensby
Precise estimates for the capital costs of expansion to Steensby are difficult to find in the
public domain. BIMC changed its development plans first to early revenue by trucking to Milne
Inlet in 2014 and then by preparing for a rail route there beginning in 2017. Although various

routes to Steensby were reviewed, and one was finally settled on for the rail corridor that was
granted, nevertheless there are no published costs recent enough to be reliable.

The model therefore explores the Steensby route using sensitivity analysis on production and
development costs. Profitability was examined assuming that a route to Steensby would
require $1.5 billion of capital over three years, and that none of the $527 million already spent
on expansion in the period of 2017-19 could be transferred. With the prices for 2021-2025
hedged against the spot markets at the end of 2020, and standing at $80 per tonne thereafter,
BIMC could achieve a LoP IRR of 22% under this scenario. A Steensby development option also
carries considerable buffer against downside price due to the 2020 state of the market.

The Two Railway Scenario

A development scenario under which both Milne Inlet and Steensby are operating is also
explored using sensitivity analysis. Production is adjusted to 30 MTPA and future capital costs
to $2.45 billion to cover the costs of developing both routes. Cash earnings for BIMC rise from
$24 billion to $38 billion over the life of the project. But because the greater production has
required proportionately greater capital investment, the impact on the rate of return is much
more modest. BIMC’s Internal Rate of Return rises to 25.2% under this scenario, compared to
22% for just Steensby (with its extra $1.5 billion capital requirement), and a 23.5% rate of
return assuming a Phase 3 expansion was approved for 18 MTPA to Milne Inlet.

Cost Uncertainties
There are three significant uncertainties in costs that the model has to accommodate. The
first is capital costs which BIMC has undertaken since 2017, and the second is estimates of
ongoing costs if a trucking operation continues.

BIMC annual reports state that $352 million was spent on preparing expansion for the rail
export route. The model estimates another $175 million spent during 2019. This means a
second capital phase has already taken place of over 500 million dollars. It is important to
distinguish the fiscal treatment of such costs from a financial analysis which seeks to estimate
what rates of return would be under normal operational practice. Even if the regulations of
Canada and Nunavut allow those costs to be written down against profits, it does not follow
that an analysis of whether investors have a reasonable path to profitability needs to admit
them in estimates of rates of return. The model offers a switch on the dashboard to include
or exclude these costs. Under the trucking scenario, allowing these costs makes a 3%
difference in the rate of return of the project.

The second uncertainty is around operating costs under a trucking scenario. The Preliminary
Offering document quotes different numbers at different places, and it is unclear which are
definitive. For example, the analysis of the forward-looking expansion plans estimate

operating costs in 2018, before the rail expansion has happened, at $42 per tonne, including
an $11 trucking charge, implying underlying operating costs at the mine site of about $30 per
tonne.22 Earlier in the same document, a summary of earlier annual reports shows operating
costs of $45 in 2016 and $42 in 2017 before an $11 trucking fee to Milne Inlet.23
Earlier studies indicated lower operating costs at the mine site. As with the capital expansion
costs, the model offers a switch on the dashboard which shows the impact of higher or lower
operating costs. Under the trucking scenario, allowing these costs makes a 2% difference in
the rate of return of the project.

The third uncertainty relates to BIMC’s own financial situation. The model creates estimates
of investor rates of return after tax without regard to financing. In most major extractives
projects, project financing is a major component which increases the rate of return of the
mining company. This is because the internal cost of capital is higher than the interest rate at
which mining companies can borrow money for capital projects (which is the reason
companies seek project finance). For a mining major, for example, an IRR at the project level
of 10% post-tax could typically lead to a return on the company’s own equity of between 12%
and 15%, depending on the amount of leverage and the interest rate charged. As mentioned
above, BIMC has taken on at least four loans for a total of about $700 million with interest
rates as high as 12%. This could lead to project finance costs forming a considerable part of
the overall costs of MRM. However, since the purpose of the financial analysis is to determine
what rates of return would be using industry norms, it would not be normal practise to adapt
rates of return to higher than average project finance costs. The communities of Baffin Island,
and government at the territorial and federal levels, do not need to accommodate unusually
high leverage and interest rates to ensure a fiscal and operational regime that would
normally be considered viable. The model does not project finance costs, although these
could be added at a later stage.

The difference in outcome between the lowest and highest range of assumptions in these
uncertain areas is considerable. Breakeven price under lower operating cost assumptions, and
excluding the second capital phase, are $57 per tonne, whereas breakeven under higher
assumptions is $74 per tonne.

Preliminary Offering p600
Preliminary Offering p35


The model and this report do not seek to determine what the appropriate development path
of Mary River mine is. Rather they seek to determine what would provide optimal insight on
the business model of the mine, and BIMC, to inform public discussions. Recommendations
are therefore about the process of evaluation, not the final outcome.

● Capital Costs: BIMC should provide detailed information about the second phase of
capital costs from 2017-19, estimated at over half a billion dollars. In particular, what
proportion of that related purely to an increase of production that has already
happened from the initial levels of the ERPP of 3.5 MTPA to the current 6.6 MTPA, and
how much related to preparation for further expansion in production to 12 MTPA
under the Phase 2 plan.

● Operating Costs: BIMC should provide a separate estimate of operating costs under a
continued trucking operation, and relate it in clear fashion to past estimates and
reports of operating costs.

● Steensby: BIMC should provide an explanation of what the capital and operating costs
would be under its original expansion scenario of building a railway south from the
mine to Steensby. Preliminary indications are that capital costs to Steensby would be
in the same order of magnitude as those for the route now suggested north to Milne
Inlet, and therefore similar (and higher) rates of return could be achieved. The
Steensby option seems to have been removed from operational consideration for the
moment. But since it achieved the approvals the route to Milne Inlet has not so far
been granted, and could be more acceptable to Inuit rights holders, it is incumbent on
the company to explain why it believes Milne Inlet is preferable to Steensby, in
contrast to its earlier analysis.

● Longer term plans: Since the Steensby route was already approved, it is possible that
BIMC would intend to develop it as well as Milne Inlet, for a total production of 30
MTPA out of Deposit 1. An earlier BIMC study estimated measured and inferred
mineral resources across Deposits 1 to 3 at 850 million tonnes.24 BIMC should publish
any economic evaluation it has made of possible expansion both at the current site to
30 MTPA, and also neighbouring deposits.

● Initial Public Offering: the Inuit Certainty Agreement of June 2020 specifies that a
payment would be made to local communities in the event of an Initial Public Offering

Preliminary Circular p353

of shares in BIMC on a stock exchange. Such an IPO would have the potential to raise
large amounts of investment on the expectation of expanded operations, allowing
initial shareholders to realise substantial profits on partial or complete sale of their
interest. BIMC should make available to Inuit rights holders and other stakeholders
any internal deliberations it has had about an IPO.


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