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I Reincarnated For Nothing

IRFN • 환생은 괜히 해가지고

“My life as a demon… No. My life as human is really…”

Artpe was supposed to live a charmed life as the 4th strongest in

the Demon King’s Army. However, his life was cut short by the hero’s

With his previous life’s memory intact, Artpe will live his life again.
His boldness and resourcefulness will make him unrivalled!

Author(s): Toika, Toy Car, 토이카

Year: 2017
Country: Korea
Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Harem, Shounen
Tags: Age Progression, Antihero Protagonist, Beautiful Female Lead,
Childhood Friends, Clever Protagonist, Cunning Protagonist, Curses,
Demi-Humans, Demon Lord, Demons, Determined Protagonist,
Dungeons, Elves, Fantasy World, Game Elements, Handsome Male
Lead, Heroes, Level System, Love Interest Falls in Love First, Male
Protagonist, Monsters, Past Plays a Big Role, Pets, Romantic Subplot,
Scheming, Second Chance, Skill Books, Special Abilities, Strong Love
Interests, Sword And Magic, Time Skip, Weak to Strong
Source: Wuxiaworld, Imported


UUID: 27bb3760-a33c-11e9-9cba-e368e87f72d5
USER: dt_fiver
DATE CREATED: 2019-07-10

More info and chapters:
2 Report

Chapter 100
Source: Wuxiaworld

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa!]

“Wow. Roa is incredibly excited.”

In a flash, the black fog covered the entire region. Roa started
sucking in all the negative Mana from the region. This was the most
she had eaten, since she was born. The Forest of Eternity was like a
buffet to her.

The fruit always tasted sweeter when one refrained from eating it
for a long time. She ate all the cursed energy that had sprouted
using the Elves as nourishment. She also ate the black magic
gathered by the humans. It was the tastiest meal she had eaten up
until now.

She had a thought. Maybe, all the curse in this world was gathered
to be hers. Roa let out a roar of delight.


“Koohk. How can this be!?”

Roa’s gluttonous activity immediately affected the king of Aedia

and his high ranking nobles.

They had been unscrupulously learning black magic as black

magicians. They had been about to use their black magic, but the
Greed Beast had abruptly sucked away all the energy in the region.
They weren’t able to control their Mana properly.

“The Mana is…...”
3 Report
“No, the magic circle is shattered! This shouldn’t be


If their levels were overwhelmingly higher than Roa’s level, it might

have been a different story. However, Roa had travelled with Artpe,
since she was born. As a Greed Beast, she had travelled the Royal
Road. In terms of level, she was close in level with the black

“Huht. This is…. Koo-hahk!?”


Of course, they became flustered when their spells weren’t

manifesting properly. Regina used this opportunity to send out a
single strike that caused the heads of the nobles to explode.
Everyone except for the king had their head cleanly blown off.

If the king of Aedia hadn’t quickly brought up his defensive magic,

he would have suffered the same fate as them. When he realized
this fact, his teeth clenched from fright. He looked towards Regina.
However, he didn’t have time to wonder why his black magic hadn’t
activated. He couldn’t investigate where the Mana was being sucked

“R...Regina! You bitch! How dare you!”

“Lucky. I’m not worried. Let’s focus on the business on


She had a vague sense that everything would work out if Artpe was
present. However, she hadn’t expected him to show up with a
magical beast possessing a cheat-like ability.

Anyways, she no longer had to focus on protecting the World Tree.
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Moreover, the black magic wouldn’t be interfering with her either.
Since she was freed from such restrictions, Regina could use the full
extent of her power, which was about twice as strong as before.

“I am your master! I am your master! How dare a golem

go against its master!”

“I am a Demite. I am my own master. I will exercise my

free will.”

She wasn’t a golem. She could do whatever she wanted to do.

“I’m tired of leashes. Even the one around my neck…..”

As she squeezed out every ounce of Mana within her, she looked at
her surrounding. She saw the tormented Elves. The curse had
permeated in their bones, and they had lost their sense of self. For
some reason, her eyes landed on Artpe next.

‘······denial. That man has always been free. He might have

a bit too much freedom.’

When she had traveled with him, she had felt a sense of kinship for
a short amount of time. However, she was deluding herself. Artpe
liked younger women, and he had acted passionately in an attempt
to seduce her. She had been taken in only a little bit.

That was it. Regina took her eyes off of Artpe as she continued to

“······I’m tired of seeing leashes on others too.”

“When I said the Elves will obey the humans, that’s not
what I meant! That’s right. I meant I was going to borrow
the power of Elves, so we can defend against our outside
5 Report
“Humans are foolish. They keep repeating the same

Regina raised both her arms. Her spell was already finished, and
she was just waiting for the right moment to unleash it. Regina used
the strongest spell in her arsenal. It was an ice type short range
ultimate spell. It was the Ice Dragon’s Rage.

“However, I am a Demite.”

“Regina, wait a moment…. Koohk!? Kah-hahk!”

The first stage of the spell released a cold air that nullified and
restricted the enemy’s Mana and physical movement.

The second stage was an ice storm that condensed into a very
small region before being shot. It froze and destroyed one’s enemy.

“I will not make the same mistakes.”

However, there was no reply. The Ice Dragon’s Rage had squarely
hit the king of Aedia. There was no trace of him left in this world. He
was dead.


She had killed someone that she had considered to be her master.
Regina floated in midair for a brief moment as she took an inventory
of herself. She waited to see if anything bad would happen to her.
However, nothing happened as time passed.

“Freedom. It really is freedom.”

If she was going to face the consequences for breaking restrictions

placed on her as a golem, she would have felt the backlash when she
went against the order of waking up the Elves. She would have
suffered right when she manifested her explosion spell against the
6 Report

She was going through a confirmation process.

“I’ve always been free.. ······my ignorance led me to

hardship. This feels much better than being given a
leadership role.”

After she reaffirmed her freedom again, she descended from the
air. There was nothing around her neck, but she rubbed at her neck
with a satisfied expression on her face.

Was it a coincidence?

A sickeningly good looking and merciful magician was waiting for


“It’s been awhile. What did you say when we parted ways?
A golem follows its master’s order? I think you said
something similar...kuh-huhk.”


Regina was aware of the fact that she was inferior to Artpe in
terms of physical capabilities. That was why she had casted a
Strengthening spell on her fist as she punched Artpe in the stomach.

“Aren’t you going too far with someone who helped you
regain your freedom….kuh-huhk.”


It was as if she was punching him every time he spoke, so Artpe

closed his mouth. Despite this fact, Regina’s assault wasn’t at an

“You knew all of this from the start. My situation….you had

a complete assessment, yet you were silent. Mean. Mean.
7 Report

“You wouldn’t have believed me even if I told you the

truth! Help me, Sienna!”

“Aht. The Elves are suffering from the curse over there!
I’ll be right back, oppa!”

“Are you betraying me!?”

Regina was barely able to let go of her vexation after she punched
Artpe’s stomach several more times. She pouted as she took two
steps backward. Then she lowered her head.

“Thank you.”

“Your way of thanking me is excessive. If you thank me

twice, you’ll break couple of my bones.”

“My anger towards you have recharged.”

“No, don’t do it. I’m at fault.”

Regina canceled the spell she was about to use.

She carefully posed a question to Artpe.

“Are the Elves safe?”

“Mmmm. Maybe.”

After speaking those words, Artpe raised his head to survey his

The ex-king and the ruling class of Aedia had died by explosion.
There was no trace of them left now. The humans in his party just
blinked their eyes as they looked on. They couldn’t help but feel
despondent. The Elves were gathered below the World Tree as Roa
8 Report
forcefully sucked out all the black magic from them. The process was
painful, but it seemed the Elves were more tormented by the fact
that they had fallen into being Dark Elves. Roa let out a roar as if to
state that she was going to absorb all the negative energy in the


“At the very least, they won’t be stained by the curse or

the black magic. Since most of the energy is being forcefully
drawn out of them, their Mana Circuitry will suffer some
damage. Still, they’ll recuperate from it.”

“Even your way of saving them is evil. You are like a

candidate for the next Demon King. However, we were

“I don’t like brats like you, who pick things up too fast.”

Artpe gave a reply in jest as he smirked. She already knew that he

had induced the change of the Elves into Dark Elves. He had no
excuse he could give.

Once the Elves became Dark Elves, they couldn’t recover their
original skin color. At least half of their population had become Dark
Elves. They had only two choices left as a race. They could either
accept them or banish them. Of course, half of the Elves would be
able to live a better life no matter what decision they came to. That
part of Artpe’s plan was already a great success.

“Anyways, I have to attempt to speak to them, so I’ll have

to call Mycenae here…. Ooh-ahhhh. She going to scold me.
I’m getting depressed just thinking about it.”

“······shocked. You have another woman.”

“She’s my personal merchant.”
9 Report
He immediately cut off Regina’s words. He refuted her words. He
grinded his teeth as he turned around.

The humans, who had accompanied Artpe to this forest, continue

to look on with a dumbfounded expression on their faces. Things
were developing in a weird direction.

“Well, we wiped out the remnant of Aedia’s ruling power.

You guys can go back now.”


“Are you feeling crappy, because you did nothing?”

“Y...yes. I believe so.”

It was as if Artpe had picked out the exact thought that was going
through his mind. The king of Daitan frowned as he acknowledged
Artpe’s words.

Tens of thousands of knights and magicians had been gathered for

this heroic venture. They were going to root out the evil men, who
had used black magic! However, these evil men had been killed by
some unknown girl. A scary magical beast was taking care of the
curse and black magic, which had been tormenting the Elves.

Something was most definitely wrong here. They wanted a main

role, yet they weren’t even allowed to take on a minor role. They felt
a sense of loss when they realized that they were mere extras in this

“Well, you can take several souvenirs like the Artifact used
by the king of Aedia. Since you are heading back, you should
also conquere Tiata. Ah. I’ll be retrieving Maetel, so the
conquest will have to be done through your own power. Are
the magicians of Aedia going to cooperate with Daitan?”
10 Report
“W….we’ll cooperate…. However, this feeling…....”

“What is this unbearable feeling of shame······?”

“It’s because….. It’s because you guys aren’t heroes.”

No matter how strong one’s individuality was, one became a

bridesmaid when a hero made his appearance. They were there, so
the hero could stand out from the crowd.

Pretty women fell for the hero, and men admired the hero. Old
men would marvel at the hero’s wisdom, and the lords felt an
unbearable urge to hand control of their lands to the hero!

“I see. I guess it can’t be helped…..”

“Tiata has lost its ruler. If you consolidate and show off the
power of Aedia and Daitan, you will be able to resolve this
with minimal violence.”

“That’s…. I think so too…....”

The king of Daitan gave up on discussing the subject. He

retreated. It was ironic that he would have to conquer Tiata with the
knights and magicians gathered here. However, his business at the
forest had come to an end, so he had no grounds for butting into
Artpe’s affairs.

“Well….. I’m withdrawing the troops, and we’ll head

straight towards Tiata.”

“Koo-hmm. I don’t think our actions will be judged kindly if

we head towards Tiata like this…..”

“I don’t think that’s true. In the end, Tiata also

participated in this disaster. The ruling class of Aedia and
Tiata had committed high crimes. If we are going to search
11 Report
for a new path forward, I believe the king of Daitan is our
only option.”

“Moreover, the hero is with Daitan.”

That’s how it was.

Arpte hadn’t realized it yet, but Artpe’s occupation as the hero

played a big part in swaying the opinions of people! This was why
they were able to accept this unreasonable situation and retreat.

Of course, Artpe didn’t care about the reasoning behind them

accepting his orders. He was focused on whether Roa was eating
well, and he checked to see if Sienna had enough Mana to treat all
the Elves. He raised the communication item, and Maetel
immediately answered his call.


“The situation has been resolved. I want you to come to

the Forest of Eternity right now.”


First, he ordered Maetel to stop acting as a gatekeeper. He told

her to come to the forest, then he tried to contact his personal
merchant Mycenae. It had truly been a while, since he had contacted
her. It didn’t take too long for her to reply after the transmission had
went out..

“Hey, ajumma…..”

[You really contacted in an expedient manner! Where are

you right now? Were you able to enter Aedia without much
problem? Even if you don’t need to buy anything from me,
you should have contacted me to let me know you are ok.
You didn’t contact me for so long, and I was really
12 Report

It seems a lot of her feeling piled up, so she unloaded on Artpe with
sharp words. She spoke in rapid succession. In an attempt to calm
her down, Artpe put emphasis on his next message.

“I finished the Eternal Forest Quest.”

[It would look unseemly if I contacted you first…. What?

What did you say? May you repeat that again?]

“The Quest has ended, so I want you to give me my


Mycenae became silent.

Her lifelong wish was granted just like that.
13 Report

Chapter 101
Source: Wuxiaworld

It was unknown as to how much time had passed after the king of
Daitan withdrew from the forest with his troops. However, all the
curse and black magic filling up the Forest of Eternity were gone. It
was as if they hadn’t existed in the first place.

[Nyaa-ah. Burp.]

All the energy were within the stomach of the little magical beast.
She let out a burp.

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa-ah.]

“Are you satisfied?”

After she ate every drop of the black magic energy, she flew into
Artpe’s arms. When he took her into his arms, he could see her full

“I guess you won’t be able to eat anything else if you want

to digest all that.”

[Nyaa!? Nyaa nyaa nyaa!]

He wondered if she wasn’t a cat. Maybe, her true identity was a

pig. Artpe seriously pondered over this thought as he took a step
towards Sienna. She was still healing the Elves. However, Regina
grabbed his sleeve.


“Yes.. I already know you are a Demite…. Ah.”
14 Report

Regina’s piercing gaze was trying to see into his robe. Of course,
he knew what she wanted. Artpe smirked as he took out the Demite.
He had succeeding in refining it, and he had also used it in battle for
the first time.

“Completed….. Demite.”

He was immediately able to focus Regina’s gaze on the Demite.

Her eyes twinkled. She looked so innocent that it was hard to
believe that she had blown up numerous people not too long ago. He
couldn’t help but laugh.

“Yes. Here.”


“Are you trying to swindle me? You can look at the Demite.
You should learn about the proper relationship between a
Demite and its magician.”

“Proper relationship…..”

When the Demite was handed over into Regina’s hands, the
Demite let out a much luminescent more light. She carefully
observed the Demite. The Demite in her hand also realized her
identity, so it vibrated as it let out a light.

“This is the first time I’ve seen Demites communicate with

each other. Ah. First…..”

It was a sight he hadn’t seen in his past life. As the owner of the
Read All Creation ability, his curious was peaked. However, his party
member was under hardship, so he couldn’t leave this matter
unsettled. Artpe left the two Demites alone, and he approached
15 Report

“H...human… Thank you. Koo-ooh.”

“Heal! Please stay here and rest.”

She was healing the Elves through Mana that negate all magic.
The curse and the black magic had created bruises and tears in their
Mana Circuitry. She healed the Mana Circuitry, and she eased their
body and soul.

“Ah, oppa.”

“Don’t over do it, Sienna.”

“No, I’m fine. The Elves need to be healed right now.”

Normally, she was overlooked, because she traveled with Artpe

and Maetel. However, she had already shot past level 260, and she
had reached full maturity in her skills. As a special race
characteristic of an Evil Reflector, she possessed overwhelmingly
more Mana than a human of equal level.

In the brief amount of time, she had already healed close to a

thousand Elves. Despite this fact, she had energy to spare.

“If you’ve regained your energy, please bring the other

Elves here!”

“Koo-mmm. Since you are the one requesting it…..”

“I never realized there was someone amongst the humans

that possessed such a kind smile.”

As a race, the Elves had a lot of pride. However, the curse had
messed with their emotions, and this was followed up by an invasion
of the forest by humans. As a cherry on top, the Dark Elf-ification
phenomena had occurred. Their state of mind of ragged right now.
16 Report
Was that the cause?

The Elves had acted as if the world had ended, but they slowly
started moving as if they were being saved by Sienna’s pure voice.

However, the positive turn to the situation hadn’t ended there.

“My god. The elder really did become a Dark Elf.”

“If we follow the rules of the forest, we cannot stay in

contact with the Dark Elves. It seems the elder did
something so egregious that it made him fall…....”

“Maybe, something went wrong. We moved with one goal

in mind. How could we have broken a rule in such a short
amount of time?”

They were suspicious as to why such an abnormally large number

of Dark Elves had formed. The Elves had perpetuated a foolish
mistake over the long years. A couple of Elves that were brave
enough to face the mistake headon started to make their presence

“If they did something bad enough to turn them into Dark
Elves, shouldn’t we have turned into Dark Elves too?”

“No, the World Tree is never wrong!”

“What if it isn’t the World Tree······ What if we had been

wrong from the start?”


Artpe hadn’t desired to give Daitan the victory, and he hadn’t

wanted to bring down Aedia. Maybe, the event that was occurring
right now was something he desired more than stopping the World
Tree from burning.
17 Report
“No, that can’t be. That can’t be.”

“How could it not be? We were cursed by the humans, so

we were moving with one heart. So why would some become
Dark Elves, while others remain as Elves….. Is it really true
that the Dark Elves are born, because they had broken a

“You shouldn’t even doubt that.!”

“What if that is the truth….. What does that imply about

us? We’ve been chasing out the Dark Elves under that

“That is······.”

“You are now a Dark Elf.”

“You too.”

When one Dark Elf was born, it was easy to chase out that
individual. It was easy to expel someone from a homogenous group.
They hadn’t given much thought to it.

However, almost half their number had become Dark Elves. The
Elves were unsure about what they had to do. Wives would be
separated from their husbands. Children would be separated from
their parents. There would be too many cases where this would

“Still, we can’t let this be.”

“I’m sure we did something wrong.”

“Aren’t we all the same! Are you going to chase all of us

out, because we became Dark Elves?!”

The Elves felt bitter, but the Elves couldn’t truly admit that they
18 Report
had been wrong. Still, if they continued to discriminate between
Dark Elves and Elves, the community would broken apart. They had
no choice but to modify their way of thinking.

However, Artpe was satisfied with this result.

In the end, they would no longer be able to ostracize the Dark


Those that used to ostracize Dark Elves had become Dark Elves
themselves. If they wanted legitimacy within the community, they
couldn’t spout nonsense such as the Dark Elves were an

“All right. Everything is perfect now.”

After being healed, the Elves and Dark Elves were helping each
other. Artpe mumbled to himself. He was content.

This was something that never occurred in his past life, and in the
end, the Elves had met a tragic end. On top of that, he had stopped
an outbreak of black magic. Of course, he felt pleased.

Sienna watched it all, and it was so ridiculous that she had to

refute his words.

“You lowered everyone to create equality…. Oppa’s way is

too violent.”

“I’m not only creating equality. It looks like the only thing
the Elves are capable of doing is chew grass. In the future,
they will have to face the Demon King’s army. It’ll be more
helpful to have Dark Elves, who are more suited for battle.”


Sienna was about send a Heal spell towards the Elves, but she
19 Report
froze in place. After her body relaxed, she tilted head in puzzlement
as she sent a Heal spell towards Artpe.

After Artpe had entered the forest, he hadn’t even received a

scratch on his body. Therefore, nothing changed when Artpe
received the Heal spell. When Sienna saw this, she exaggerated the
surprise she was feeling.

“This is strange. I don’t feel any evil energy from you.”

“Did you just have rude thoughts about me?”

“Yes. Still, it is fortunate that oppa is a human.”

“You really did have rude thoughts about me.”

Artpe grumbled as he moved to help Sienna. Since Maetel wasn’t

here, he couldn’t share his Mana with Sienna. Instead, he used his
magical energy to repair some of the damage done to the forest. He
was able to erase the traces of the destruction caused by Roa and
the magicians.


Artpe was unsure as to how long he had started the repair work in
earnest, but it didn’t take too long for Maetel to jump into his arms.
She had quickly covered the grounds between the kingdom of Tiata
and the Forest of Eternity. Artpe received her in a familiar manner,
and he placed her down.

“Everything is already over!?”

“Yes. Since you are here, you should transfer some of my

Mana to Sienna.”

“You really are too much!”

However, she obediently followed Artpe’s words. Artpe meditated
20 Report
as he quickly gathered the Mana in the forest and the world. He
handed it over to Maetel, and Maetel transferred it all to Sienna.

Lastly, a healing light emanated from Sienna’s hands! The Elves,

who were scattered all over the place, regained their vitality from the
light. It took only several hours to heal hundreds of thousands of

“Thank you, human. Your name is Sienna?”

“You trespassed into the forest, and you burned the trees.
That can’t be forgiven…..”

“However, they didn’t raised their weapons towards the

Elves. It is said that we should treat the World Tree like our
mother. If their actions were done to save the World

“······we’ve decided to accept you as guests. Our greeting is

a bit late, but we welcome you into the forest.”

Since they were allowing the Dark Elves to stay, were the Elves
becoming more lenient in other aspects? Artpe was a bit taken back
by the overly positive reaction from the Elves. Fortunately, he would
be able to pass on the baton to someone else. She would become
flustered instead of him.

“ god. I wondered what was going on when I didn’t

seen any Elves guarding the forest’s borders. What the

It was the Dark Elf Mycenae. She had also rushed through the
forest with a heavy-laden cart in tow.

“Artpe-nim, what the hell did you do! Over half of the
forest is made out of Dark Elves!”
21 Report
“I have no idea what happened. Everything is taken care of
by my secretary…..”

“You don’t have a secretary!”

When she saw Artpe’s sly smile, she couldn’t trust his words.
However, she didn’t think Artpe could corrupt the Elves en masse.
That would be too ridiculous. Mycenae could only grind her teeth as
she tried to figure out how Artpe was related to all of this.

“Aren’t you Mycenae…...”

“Why are you in this forest….. Koo-hmmm. That came out


Until couple hours ago, these Elves had discriminated against the
Dark Elves. They were about to threaten Mycenae, but they shut
their mouths.


“It really is Mycenae!”

A portion of the Elves, who had been friendly with Mycenae before
she was kicked out, came forward to grab her hands. They were the
Elves that still missed her.

“Mycenae, it is ok for you to return to the forest now. We

admit that we were wrong. Being a Dark Elves doesn't mean
you’ve fallen!”

“Mycenae, I’m really glad you came!”

“You guys······.”

She was dazed as she grabbed the hands of her friends. When she
turned to look at the other Elves, she realized that they were all of
the same mind.
22 Report
What the hell happened within the forest!

Her mouth automatically fell open.

“Artpe-nim, what’s happened here?”

“It’ll take too long to explain it fully, so I’ll give you a

summarized version.”

Artpe looked at the Elves gathered beneath the World Tree as he


“The fight with the humans is over. I negotiated a treaty

with the head of the humans, and they will never interfere in
the matters of the Forest of Eternity. Therefore, you guys
don’t have to worry about fighting against the humans.”

“How can this be······?”

“There’s no reason to fight?”

“······that’s right.”

The Elves nodded his head. The Elves had acted in a war-like
manner, because they were under the influence of the curse. Now
that the curse was gone, they didn’t feel the need to fight against the

Artpe smirked as he continued to speak.

“Your minds were being dominated by a curse and black

magic. At some level, you know this fact, since the curse had
been extracted. It was a plan hatched by the magic kingdom
of Aedia. They were trying to lure you guys outside of the
forest. It would have weakened your defense, and they
would have burned down the World Tree. They put shackles
around your minds to dominate you. It was a disaster
23 Report
created by desires of humans. The plan isn’t something new.
It had been going on for dozens of years.”

The World Tree had determined that the Elves and itself were in
great danger, so it tried to mass produce Dark Elves to prevent their
demise. At that point, Artpe had achieved his goal, and he had
unleashed Roa. She had put an end to everything. Of course, as a
bonus, Regina had declared her independence.

“I killed every human that had committed crimes against

you all. That is why I don’t want you to be antagonistic
towards the humans that are blameless. This is for the good
of humans and your race. Lastly, it is for the good of the

“For the good of the world······?”

One of the Elves queried him. She was middle-aged Elf that had
been turned into a Dark Elf. She was also one of the elders.

Of course, middle-aged meant that the Elf had lived for several
hundred years. If it was her, she would have understood the
meaning behind his words. Artpe nodded his head as he spoke.

“Yes, it is for the world. You don’t have the luxury to fight
against the humans. Moreover, you don’t have the luxury to
fight with Dark Elves, who are of the same race as the Elves.”

“That means······.”


Since the humans had already found about it, there was nothing
holding him back. Artpe played his trump card. It was a master spell
that allowed him to lead all situation towards his advantage.

“We are heroes. We are here to stop the fight between
24 Report
humans vs humans and humans vs other races. We are here
to give you a warning against the domination by the Demon
King’s army..”

He attempted to reveal their identity.
25 Report

Chapter 102
Source: Wuxiaworld

It was hard to travel around, while hiding the fact that they were
heroes. On the other hand, it was very easy for Artpe and Maetel to
prove that they were heroes. They just needed to use at least two
skill. Each skill had to be from a different Class.

“Oh oh. They really are a hero!”

“I should have realized it when humans willingly helped


“So why isn’t Sienna a hero?”

After the Elves confirmed that Artpe and Maetel were heroes, they
let go of every bad feelings they had against Artpe’s party. This is
what being a hero was all about. Their mere existence allowed them
to be welcomed by everyone, excluding Demons. They were cheat-
like existence that received absolute support from everyone.

In certain aspects, it was a lonely path. Everyone had a

preconceived notion of the heroes even before they met the heroes.
They looked at the heroes with enviable eyes, and they stipulated
rules that the heroes had to follow. They expected the heroes to act
within their ideals. The individuality of the heroes were ignored. The
only thing left to the heroes were their duty and achievements. It
would be a lie to say that he didn’t find it annoying.

“Oh, heroes. Please come this way. The current situation

is a bit…. We’ll prepare some tea for you.”

“Mycenae has a contract with us as a merchant. Treat her

26 Report
“M...mmmm. We planned on doing so. You should come
with us, Mycenae.”


However, Artpe didn’t care what other people thought about him,
and he didn’t care for their rules. Artpe’s motto was to use whatever
he could exploit.

He hadn’t revealed their status as heroes before, because he didn’t

want to become entangled with the Demon King’s army. However,
he was about to start his activities in earnest. There were plenty of
goodies he could eat by using his status as heroes. He had no plan
on passing upon these opportunities.

“Are there any more injured Elves?”

“Aside from the heroes, all the humans have left the forest.
Moreover, all the trace of the curse was erased…...”

“Since the heroes have made their appearance, I’m sure

the Demon King’s army is on the move somewhere. It seems
all the Elves should start getting ready for war. ….yes. We’ll
do so with the Dark Elves.”

The situation was pretty much wrapped up. Aside from Artpe’s
party and the elders, the Elves dispersed to go do their work.

The remaining group moved to a nearby home. It was the home of

an elder.

“This is a tea brewed from leaves that are periodically

dropped by the World Tree.”

Artpe’s party was served the world’s greatest tea, which couldn’t
be purchased even if one had money. Artpe used his Read All
Creation to look into the tea cup. He watched as the liquid let out a
27 Report
soft blue light. He let out an exclamation when he confirmed the tea
was truly made with the World Tree’s leaves.

“Wow. I can’t believe these survived that mess.”

“If the odd emotional amplification status had continued, this

village might have be wiped out…

Fortunately, the heroes appeared before that could happen.”

The Elves had aged the World Tree’s leaves with great care. Its
clear, sweet and refreshing taste was secondary to the effect it had
on a magician’s Mana. It permanently cleared up one’s Mana. It
was a treasure that all magician’s wanted to drink in their lifetime!

However, these leaves never exited the Forest of Eternity. Even

those that lived within the Forest of Eternity didn’t get many
opportunity to drink it. This precious tea was served to them,
because they had revealed themselves to be heroes. At this
moment, Artpe had never been so happy for being a hero.

“Artpe, this is bitter. It isn’t tasty.”

“All right. I knew you would say that. Just eat the candy I
prepared for you.”


Artpe wanted to seal Maetel’s mouth, so he put a candy in her

mouth. He pushed Maetel’s tea towards Mycenae.

“Ah. This is······.”

Mycenae was blameless, yet she was self-conscious as she looked

towards the elder. Like her, the elder possessed dark brown skin
color. When the elder nodded her head, Mycenae’s ears moved
slightly as she took up the tea cup. When she took a sip, a smile of
28 Report
delight appeared on her face.

“I heard the Dark Elves aren’t liked by the humans..”

“It was caused by the attitude of the Elves. The humans

followed the example set by the Elves. They looked down on
the Dark Elves. However, I hate being prejudiced against
someone based on their external appearance.”

“You are saying that the difference between Elves and Dark
Elves are only superficial….. Do you perhaps know the
difference between an Elf and a Dark Elf?”

“Even if I do tell you the difference, will you be able to go

against the preconceived notion you guys have kept for
hundred of years?”

“Our preconceived notions have already been flipped, so

we’ll be fine. If we stick to our preconceived notions, the
Elves won’t be able to avoid our own destruction.”

When Artpe heard the elder’s word, he realised the elder was right.
Maybe, this elder was trying to borrow the power of the heroes to
settle the current situation.

“All right. I’ll give you a simplified explanation.”

This was something Artpe had wanted to do, so he nodded his

head. He gladly gave an explanation.

“It is true that the Dark Elves were created by the World
Tree. I’m sure you guys have already realized that this didn’t
happen through an internal power.”

“Yes, that is why we thought it was a punishment meted

out by the World Tree.”

“So why do you think it is a punishment to develop darker
29 Report
skin and an inclination towards fighting?”

“That is······.”

The elder was silent. This was a common perception that was set
in stone for couple hundred of years. It was something they
considered to be obvious, but when one looked at it through a new
perspective, they realized that it was a prejudiced view that didn’t
make any logical sense.

In this aspect, Elves weren’t too different from humans. The had
preconceived notions based on aesthetics. The humans valued light
skin over dark skin. It was the same for the Elves. This was why they
considered it a ‘problem’ when an Elf’s skin turned dark.

“However, the World Tree views the world through

different eyes from you guys. It isn’t a punishment. It is a
blessing. You have been turned into a Dark Elf. You can
probably feel this now. The benefits you gained from the
forest has decreased, but in turn, your battle capabilities
were boosted. Isn’t it so?”

“That is…. You are correct.”

“In an attempt to protect itself, the World Tree chose

aggressive and lively Elves to be turned into Dark Elves. The
predominant opinion that Dark Elves are fallen beings came
to be, because they are more active. This is why the
probability of them getting into accidents is higher. You
probably all know what I’m talking about, right?”



Mycenae had been meekly drinking her tea from the side as her
ears twitched, yet she received splash damage from his words. It
30 Report
seemed she truly was a troublemaker during her stay in the Forest of

“I just told you that this was all done to protect the World
Tree, right? Of course, the number Dark Elves would increase
when the World Tree is in danger. Do you understand what
I’m trying to say?”

“······I see. That is why earlier…...”

“That’s right. It seems you have a complete understanding


It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that the World Tree had faced a

danger that would have killed it. This was why it had went nuts in
giving out Blessings to create the Dark Elves. There was almost a 1:1
ratio of Elves to Dark Elves now.

“How can this be······.”

His explanation sounded very plausible. There was a casual

relationship, and she couldn’t use logic to dispute Artpe’s
explanation. The elders were at a loss for words. It was so simple
that the elders wondered why they couldn’t have come up with it.
That was how foolish they had been. She let out a sigh as she
mumbled to herself.

“I just wanted an excuse I could tell everyone.”

“You finally revealed your true intent.”

Since events had turned out like this, it was necessary for the Elves
and the Dark Elves to live together. However, they might ostracize
each other without realizing it.

What if Artpe’s words were spread through the elders? If everyone

believed the words of a hero……. They would be able to
31 Report
preemptively prevent the misapprehension between the Elves and
the Dark Elves.

Artpe was satisfied with achieving just that.

“Hero, how do you know all of his?”

“That is my ability. I can see much more than others.”


At his words, the elder automatically nodded her head.

“Innate Ability······ I knew that there was a unique Mana

gathered in your eyes, so I knew it was something
extraordinary. I never expected it to be a hero’s Innate
Ability. This generation’s hero is amazing.”

“This generation’s hero······.”

Artpe suddenly had a thought. The Elves were a long-lived race.

There were information that Artpe didn’t know about. Maybe they
knew about it.

“Do you know about the hero that was my predecessor.?”

“I do.”

As expected! Artpe made a fist as he asked the question.

“So you met him? What kind of a person was my sunbae-


“He was a very confident man that was full of drive.

However, if you were to ask me if his skills were absolute….
I do not think so.”

Artpe’s party had encountered two altars, and the hero had written
32 Report
his own praise on these altars. It was unexpected to hear a negative
appraisal of the past hero. Artpe nodded his head inside, then he
gestured for the elder to continue.

“He was an extremely normal man. Of course, he held the

title of hero, so the Elves treated him with utmost respect…..
I didn’t get close to him. Somehow, it felt as if he had bad
intentions towards me.”

“Mmm. I think he was just a playboy…....”

“That is all I know about him. At the time, the war between
the human realm and the Demon world didn’t reach the
Forest of Eternity. The hero said he didn’t want the war to
spread, so he went to the Demon world. Afterwards, he
really ended the war.”

He said he would end it by himself by entering the Demon world,

and he had done what he set out to do. It seemed his power was
indisputable. Moreover, he was able travel around leisurely
afterwards, since he had left traces of himself behind. It was clear as
to who had won.

“Do you have any other information? For example, do you

know where he visited before?”

“I do not. He wasn’t that friendly with the Elves…..”

She wasn’t that helpful. Artpe clicked his tongue as he changed

the subject.

“All right. I’ll find that out by myself. I want to propose a

course of action for you guys. It is one of the reason why I
came to the Forest of Eternity..”

“Since we’ve spent time with your predecessor, I know

what you are going to say. It isn’t just the humans that will
33 Report
have to fight against the Demon king’s army. The Elves will
fight too, and we will get ready for war…...”

“No, that won’t be enough. That is why you guys weren’t

that helpful to the previous hero.”

Artpe didn’t want to see the catastrophe from his past life repeat
itself. This was why he had come to the Forest of Eternity. The next
most important reason was to awaken Regina. (Regina was standing
next to Artpe as she played with the Demite.)

However, Artpe didn’t think like a humanitarian.

“I need you all to get ready for war in earnest. You’ll have
to push harder. Let me see if I can put it in a different way. I
want you guys to ‘cultivate’ yourselves. I think that’s the
right expression.”


All the elders answered back with the same question. Artpe had a
serious expression on his face as he made the request.

“Give me the map to this forest. Now.”


In some aspects, the Elves put more trust in a hero’s words than
humans. Humans couldn’t let go of their greed even when the threat
of the Demon king’s army was right in front of them Elves weren’t
like that.

They were able to think logically, and they were able to sacrifice
for the greater good. The heroes had made their appearance, and
the presence of the Demon king’s army was exposed. Artpe knew
what they had to focus on right now.
34 Report
“What is this······?”

The Elves gathered in the elder’s house were focused on the map
within Artpe’s hand. The map had been clean when it left the elder’s
hands. There were dozens of circles drawn on the map.

“There are many Dungeons in this forest. This place is

known for having one of the highest concentration of Mana in
the human realm. Of course, there are Dungeons here.”

“We haven’t found that many Dungeons…..”

“It’s because you guys aren’t heroes’ Anyways, each circle

represents a Dungeon..”

This was something he had provided Silpennon in the past. It was

the hero’s Dungeon map! Artpe kindly separated each Dungeon by
levels. When the elders received the Dungeon map of the forest,
they were struck dumb.


“His Innate Ability could even see that..”

“My god. Our forest had so many Dungeons.”

“Kyaaa, Artpe-nim! How can you just give away a map

containing such precious information!”

“You dork. You should be on the side of the Elves.”

Artpe flicked Mycenae on the forehead as he spoke.

“The Dark Elves are more suited towards battle. I want you
to create parties centered around the Dark Elves, and I want
you to send them into the Dungeons. I want you guys to fix
your lazy way of thinking. I want you to cultivate your levels
35 Report
and battle capabilities.”

“T...the Dungeons are full of the unknown. If casualties


“It is better than being wiped out by the Demon king’s

army. Moreover, I’m the one holding back the humans right
now. What are you going to do when I’m gone? What if
humans become tempted by the Forest of Eternity again?
You should prepare for that day in advance. It won’t be a
bad choice to cultivate the Elves.”

Artpe’s explanation was eloquent! It felt wrong, but the elders

accepted his words as they bit their lips.

“I’ve labeled the level of the Dungeons. If you want a more

safer Dungeon run than this, you are better off working the
fields. Well, what do you want to do?”


“We’ll have to ask the opinions of the other Elves…..”


All the elders were showing caution except for the elder that was
turned into a Dark Elf. She firmly bit her lips as she shook her head
from side to side.

“If we are of one mind, the rest of the Elves will follow.
This might be a good opportunity. The invasion of the
humans and the Dark Elf-ification of the Elves have created
confusion amongst us. We should let them focus on battle
and growing their level. I believe that will allow the Elves to
overcome the confusion.”

36 Report
“There is no downside to this. The hero was kind enough
to tell us the level of the Dungeons. We'll be able to
minimize the risk. Moreover, we have to grow. That is the
best way not to be threatened by the humans. The hero is
correct. If we don’t accept this, we’ll stagnate. In the end,
we’ll disappear into history like the Ancient Mermaid

“Koo-hoo. You are right······ However······.”

The Ancient Mermaid race, which the elder had just spoken about,
had been revived. However, Artpe didn’t feel the need to tell them

He asked them a question.

“So what are you going to do?”


The Elves and Dark Elves exchanged gazes. The Elves exchanged
bitter smiles.

This was only the beginning to the wave of change that swept over
the Elves.
37 Report

Chapter 103
Source: Wuxiaworld

After the elders had a serious discussion in front of the forest’s

Dungeon map, they agreed to Artpe’s wishes. The elders gathered
the Elves, and they delivered Artpe’s will to them. The elders
thought there would be a lot of backlash, but the situation flowed in a
smooth manner.

At a basic level, they were obedient towards heroes. Moreover,

there were a lot of Elves that had been won over by Sienna’s healing
magic. However, the decisive factor was the fact that everyone
personally felt the need to change. They knew what choice they had
to make if they wanted their race to persevere and prosper.

The appearance of the heroes implied that the Demon king’s army
was mobilizing. However, this wasn’t the only reason why the Elves
were choosing this route. Could the body of these small heroes really
block the desires of all the other races focused on the Elves?

The recent calamity could happen again in the future. The Elves
didn’t want to repeat their past mistake. This was why the Elves and
Dark Elves cooperated with each other in earnest. Moreover, they
had to cultivate themselves too. They had to do so to protect the
Elves and the World Tree.

“Mmm. My plan worked. I didn’t block it too early, and I

didn’t block it too late. I blocked it at the most appropriate
moment….. Mmm. Should I call this the half-cooked

“As expected, Artpe-nim manipulated this situation…..”

The Elves and the Dark Elves were gathered underneath the World
38 Report
Tree. The Elven elders divided them into several thousand parties.
Artpe watched all of this with a satisfied smile on his face. Mycenae
approached him, and she spoke to Artpe.

“No, I just blocked it at the right time.”

“Therefore, you knew how the situation would develop, and

you directed the events to progress to the timing you
desired. Am I wrong?”

When he replied in a sly manner, Mycenae pouted. He grinned

when he saw that.

“This was for ajumma too. Look over there. I don’t know
what they are thinking inside, but at the very least, the Elves
and Dark Elves are treating each other equally on the
surface. Your friends can give you a welcome back party
without worrying about the consequences. The married
couples won’t have to separate, because they are Elf or Dark

“Even if you say such words, I won't fall for Artpe-nim

anew. Also, I’m not an ajumma. Please call me by Mycenae.”

Her reply was gruff, but Mycenae’s ears were fluttering in

happiness. He could see a group of Elves, who were of similar age as
Mycenae, watching her. About half of them had turned into Dark
Elves. It was hopelessly funny.

“Hoo-ooh. I didn’t want to return like this.”

It seemed she realized where Artpe’s gaze was headed. Mycenae

grumbled in a sullen manner. When Artpe answered her, his voiced
turned a little bit kinder.

“One doesn’t become corrupted when one becomes a Dark

Elf. Ajumma, you are a Dark Elf, but you shouldn’t be
39 Report
embarrassed about that fact. You shouldn’t feel a sense of
loss, because your friends became Dark Elves.”

“However, choice wasn’t given to me or those children over


“That’s true.”

However, how many things in life could be chosen for oneself? One
could be born as a Demon, human or a different race. Then there
were the Classes. Most of it was predetermined, and it couldn’t be
changed. How broad was one’s freedom? It was a difficult subject to
talk about.

“That is why ajumma should make hell within the limits you
are given. That is the only freedom we have. That is the
freedom we can enjoy.”

“If your conclusion hadn’t headed towards such a fucked

up direction, it would have been very nice…. Eh-whew.
Anyways, I only have minor complaints. Otherwise, you
carried out the Quest perfectly.”

Mycenae let out a sigh as she took out a small crystal bottle. There
was slightly translucent liquid within the bottle. The five cardinal
colors were emitted when the liquid was shaken.

“This is the reward for this Quest. I lived in the human

world for hundr…..a long time! This is the most precious item
I’ve acquired over the years as a veteran merchant. Of
course, Artpe-nim stopped the threat from the humans. You
also stopped the conflict between the Elves. You did it in one
fell swoop, so this is weak compared to your…....”

“It isn’t weak. It’s an elixir.”

Artpe was so taken aback that he replied in a slightly
40 Report
dumbfounded manner. Mycenae let out a gentle laughter as she
explained herself.

“If it is a true elixir, how would I have been able to acquire


“That’s true, but… Give it to me.”

He quickly took the item from Mycenae, and he meticulously

looked over it with his Read All Creation ability.

[Imperfect Elixir]

[When the highest of magic and alchemy is combined, this

reagent of eternal youth and immortality forms. It took a
miracle to form this genuine elixir, but the alchemist infused
other medicinal herbs and magic stones to increase the
volume of the elixir. Of course, the effect of the elixir
became diluted, and a side effect arose. There’s a low
probability of death if one took this elixir. Despite this fact,
the worth of this elixir is worth more than any other pure

“Ah, it is an incomplete product.”

“Of course. This particular alchemist trades with me on a

regular basis. He miraculously created the Elixir, but
unfortunately, the quantity he created was too small. That is
why he tried all kinds of methods to increase the quantity,
and this was the result. Of course, his reputation would
suffer if he sold it as an elixir, which is worth a lot.
Moreover, he had incurred many debts in the pursuit of
creating this elixir. That is why he had to sell the Imperfect
Elixir at a cheap price.”

“It is a coup worthy of a veteran merchant…..”
41 Report
Somehow, his words made her stick out her chest in pride as she
exhaled through her nose. Her shoulders were retracted in a boastful

“Hue hue. You are acknowledging me as a high rank


That’s right. Mycenae had acquired her Achievement during the

battle against the Kraken, and she was able to smoothly advance into
the high rank Merchant Class!

Artpe snorted when he saw her show off. He once against checked
the content of the crystal bottle. It was letting out a mysterious light.
He knew that it was imperfect, yet he was tempted to drink it. It had
that much of an allure.

“Y….you can’t just drink it! If it’s Artpe-nim, I thought you

would have a way to use this…..”

“I know. As a reward for the Quest, you gave me defective

goods. Ajumma, you have a lot of guts.”

“You are saying that when you received the item as if you
were mesmerized?”

He wondered what he should do with it. The thought that

immediately came to mind was the Reinforcement skill. If the other
added ingredients were causing the imbalance, he could Reinforce
these ingredients to harmonize the added ingredients with the Elixir.
He thought it could work.

However, it wasn’t time yet. He might need more ingredients, and

he determined that his Reinforcement skill was still lacking.

“Anyways, this is acceptable.”

Artpe put away the elixir into his Dimensional Pouch, and he
42 Report
declared the Quest to be completed.


“W….what if it had been unacceptable?”

Mycenae squirmed as she spoke those words. The fluttering of her

ears became worse. On top of that, her face was dyed red.

“There is something else I can give…. Do you want me to

give it to you?”

Her lips trembled, and her hands moved in a very mysterious

manner. Artpe instinctively shook his head from side to side.

“Nope. I’m fine.”


He had merely turned down the extra pay, yet Mycenae expressed
her anger.

“You are too much! I did my utmost to come to this

resolution! It is a once in a lifetime resolution, yet it was all

“It’s all right. I’m fine with receiving just this”

At Artpe’s kind reply, Mycenae’s body trembled. When he saw this,

a smile formed on his lips.

“You should go to your friends. They are waiting for you.”

“Ah ah. They are so tactless….. Enough of this! Even if

you ask me to do it, I won’t do it!”

She looked as she was about to cry as she turned around. Artpe
called out her name at that moment.
43 Report


“Please continue to take care of me in the future. Don’t

think about taking root in the Forest of Eternity.”


She hesitated for a brief moment. Then she snorted as she walked
away. She didn’t even look back as she spoke.

“I am contracted to be your personal merchant. I can’t run

away even if I wanted to!”

Mycenae’s ears fluttered as she went to the Elves, who were

waiting for her. He shrugged his shoulders as he turned around.

“You used your status as the hero. Very popular. You are
the worst..”

“Hey you…...”

Regina was there. Thankfully, he had sensed her with his Read All
Creation ability. If not, his heart would have stopped from being

“I quietly waited here until you finished talking. He

rejected the older woman. I’m impressed by his attitude. He
cut her off like a knife.”

“You don’t even bat an eye now as you spout bullshit.”

“I’m talking to Pipi.”

“Who is Pipi······ Hey.”

Regina carefully extended the Demite towards him. It floated
44 Report
above her two palms as it let out a bright light. There was a ribbon
decorated around the body of the Demite. Was the Demite trying to
look pretty? Artpe was truly puzzled by it..

“Name. Pipi.”

“Hell no.”


“You probably just want to give it a pretty name, but I have

to use it when I chant my magic! I’m the one that’ll be

“I don’t care. Pipi.”

It was truly unfortunate. When Regina spoke the word Pipi each
time, the Demite twirled in the air as it let out a brighter light. It
seemed the name had been imprinted. If he knew it was going to
turn out like this, he would have named it before handing it over to

“The right relationship between the Demite and a

magician…. I heard it from Pipi.”

“······yes. What do you think about it?”

After he resigned himself to the situation, he put Pipi away. Regina

slightly nodded her head as she gave an explanation.

“Demite’s Gemstone is unable to think and act on its own.

A high ranking magician can refine it. The contract between
the two starts at that moment.”

“That’s right.”

“The refinement of the Demite is a form of contract.

Demite receives this service, and in turn, a partnership is
45 Report
formed. The magician supports the Demite, and the Demite
supports the magician.”

A Demite couldn’t do much by itself. It couldn’t move freely.

Moreover, it was hard for them to make specific decisions and
movements. This was why a contract was made when a magician
refined a Demite. It allowed a Demite to experience the world
alongside the magician. It allowed their Record and Level to grow..

“It recognizes freedom. The partnership between a

magician and a Demite….. Freedom.”

She was correct. The Demite couldn't do anything by itself. The

magician finding and refining a Demite was already a huge boon for
the Demite.

The Demite had exited the palace when Silepennon had escaped
the palace. Until that moment, the Demite had lived a lonely
existence within the darkness for several hundred years. That was
why the Demite was eternally thankful to Artpe for finding and
refining the Demite.

“Pipi likes you.”

“Are you able to accept it?”

“I accept it.”

Regina didn’t hesitate as she nodded her head. She was finally
able to understand that the the fate of the Demite and her had
changed in many ways thanks to him. Moreover, Pipi was living the
correct life of a Demite. It was enjoying its freedom.

“I started off wrong. It was a mixture of greed by the

humans and my ignorance. My situation was the worst..”

“Still, they did refine you, so you were able to think and act
46 Report
for yourself. They gave you a great amount of freedom. You
probably felt thankful, and you would have formed a contract
with the magicians in order to help them….. However, they
did you wrong by trying to control you through the magic of

“I labored for 200 years. I did enough. I’m free.”

She took the lives of her masters to balance the sheets. It was a
very brutal calculation. However, when he saw the smile appear on
her face, he became indifferent to her methods.

“Well, it is time for you to give me an answer regarding my



Huh? He thought the two of them were in a good place, yet she
had refused him! It seemed he had timed it wrong!

“My ability to make decisions is still lacking. I don’t want

to make a rash decision. Not possible.”

“······I see.”

From knowing her sense of value, he thought she would willingly

join the hero’s party. However, Artpe wanted to respect Regina’s
free will. That is why he didn’t argue any further.

“It can’t be helped. I understand. I’ll give up.”

After landing on Aedia, he had gone through a lot of trouble as he

travelled through Daitan, Tiata and the Forest of Eternity. At that
moment, one of his biggest goals for traveling to these places had
gone up in smoke. However, Artpe didn’t look too devastated.

‘I’ve completely removed her restraints. When the Demon
47 Report
King’s army mobilizes, she will inevitably join our side. At
the very least, she won’t become enslaved by the Demon
King’s Innate Ability if she knows about it.’

Why did he purposely reform her consciousness to bring out her

free will? First, he wanted to free her from the shackles placed on
her by Aedia. After enslaving the Demon race, the Demon King was
trying to turn humans into Demons The Demon king was trying to
rule over everyone, and Artpe knew what Regina would do when she
found about it! It was the ultimate strategy where he would be able
to kill multiple birds with one stone.

“Instead, I want a contract.”


He thought she wanted nothing to do with him, so the words

coming out of Regina’s mouth were a bit unexpected.

“I want a form a contract with you like Pipi. I’ll support you
with my power. I want you to to help me grow mentally and
physically. Mutual dependence.”

“That is a bit…..”


Artpe was about to reject her cleanly, but he saw the worried look
on her face. He shut his mouth.

‘······I see.’

Regina had just been freed from her bondange from the humans.
However, her sense of self had yet to be ripened. Her power was
much greater than her mind.

Maybe she was afraid?
48 Report
If she made a rash choice, the consequences of her actions would
be massive. She was well aware of this fact. In truth, her most
recent actions exemplified this. She had easily killed the king of a


“······all right. Let’s form a contract. However, if you think

I’m wrong, you should learn how to speak up.”


“Of course, I’ll probably ignore you and do what I want.”

“Hate you.”

Artpe lightly evaded Regina’s punch, then he extended his hand

towards her. For a brief moment, Regina didn’t understand the
meaning behind his gesture, so she tilted her head in confusion.
Soon, she carefully extended her hand, and she grabbed Artpe’s
hand. A little bit of color appeared on her pale cheeks.

“Your heart is breaking to touch me. I’ll allow a little bit.”

“You can just go away.”

This was how the hero’s party forcefully united Aedia and Tiata
under the rule of Daitan. The mess within the Forest of Eternity was
put to sleep, and they were successful in bringing the Archmage
Regina into the hero’s party.

The process was so bumpy that his thigh was figuratively bruised.
However, he was able to end the Quest cleanly.

“Maetel, why did you wait up for me…...”

“Artpe, come lie next to me.”
49 Report
“Hey, wait a moment. I did nothing wrong.”

“I know everything. Just lie next to me.”

“Yes, ma'am.”

The night in the Forest of Eternity came to an end as Artpe had

overcome a minor crisis where his virginity could have been nearly
50 Report

Chapter 104
Source: Wuxiaworld

The Forest of Eternity greeted a morning that was a bit more

chaotic than usual.

“I want you guys to match levels! You guys are still too

“However, we became Dark Elves, and we’ve become

stronger. We no longer want to be treated as a resource or a
slave by the humans. Even if we have to push ourselves, we
have to get stronger quickly!”

“We are already pushing ourselves too far. You should

think about your comrades, who’ll mourn your death!”


“There are large Dungeons. The hero ordered us to

attempt it with a party of 20 members.”

“Will you be eating breakfast before you go? Mycenae

brought a lot of tasty food from the heart of the continent.
….there is enough to fill this square.”

“How did Mycenae get so strong? Is this true for the other
Dark Elves, who went out into the continent?”

“As expected, we acted too rashly. If there are ones that

needed to be punished, it isn’t the Dark Elves. It should have
been us…....”

He was used to Elves, who loved peace and silence. It felt foreign
when he saw them insisting on power and strength in the morning.
51 Report
He had to sleep cuddled in Maetel’s arms. In the early mornings, he
escaped from her embrace, and he monitored the activities of the

“Hero, I’m already awake.”

“Good morning. …..are you going too?”

Artpe had been monitoring the movement of the Elves, and the
first one to approach him was the Dark Elf elder. She was the first
one to accept his proposal.

Normally, the Elves moved through the forest wearing light

equipments. The Elves were wearing leather armor that protected
their vital organs, and they had a bow and quiver slung across their
backs. They looked really cool.

“Elves that live the longest within the Forest of Eternity are
named the elders. Basically, the elders are the strongest in
terms of skills, spells and battle experience. We trained our
skills for several hundred years, yet our skills were
comparable to Mycenae, who is barely over 100 years old. It
caused a good amount of shock amongst us…..”

It seemed Mycenae had exceeded the century mark in terms of

age. He unexpectedly learned Mycenae’s greatest secret. She was
so sensitive about it that she never talked about it. In any case, he
wasn’t interested in her since she was an ajumma.

Artpe nodded his head as if he hadn’t heard anything important.

“Mycenae had to fight tooth and nail in the outside world

for survival. The time she had spent out there differed in
quality to the time you guys spent here, so it can’t be helped.
Still, you guys will make up for the difference starting now.”

“The elders will take turns in guarding the World Tree. The
52 Report
rest will head to the Dungeon. That is what we have

“It is good to evolve. Do your best.”

The Elves knew that they had made a mistake, so they were
working hard to rectify it. They were much better than humans in
doing this. It looked as if the deep-seated prejudice towards the Dark
Elves were breaking down, and the solidarity between the Elves and
the Dark Elves would become cemented.

“I’m guessing you will be leaving today.”

“You are quite perceptive.”

“If you weren’t leaving, we were thinking about leaving one

of the Dungeons for the hero’s party. However, it seems you
will be leaving all of the Dungeons in this region to us.”

“Ah, it isn’t like that. We are already at a point where the

Dungeons in this region won’t raise our levels.”

If one went by outward appearance, this was a topic that an adult

should take control. However, this very young human had already
reached an unfathomable level. This truth once again made the
elder surprised.

“This generation’s heroes…… You guys are really really

incredible. Moreover, there are two of you.”

“Oh, I hear you. Why do you think there are two of us?”

“It means that the Demon King’s power is that strong. God
puts importance on balance.”

“Hmmph. I’ll kill both of them someday.”

He didn’t hesitate to reveal his ambition as he turned around. The
53 Report
elder burst out laughing as she called out after him.

“Oh, hero.”


“Please take care of Mycenae.”

“No. I don’t want her. Take her back.”

At Artpe’s firm reply, a deeper smile somehow appeared on the

elder’s face.

“We really did much harm to the past Dark Elves. Despite
this fact, Mycenae didn’t hold any grudge against us.
Instead, she always worried over the forest. She worked to
help us. We’ve finally realized our mistake, and we want to
to find a way to compensate her. However…. We don’t have
much we can do for her.”

“I can’t do anything for her either. At the most, I can give

her a discount.”

“She seems very satisfied with the life she has made for
herself. If she continues to be with the hero, I believe
wholeheartedly that she’ll be able to gain even more
happiness with the hero.”


Artpe didn’t reply to her anymore. He just waved her away. The
elder let out a relaxed laughter as she took leave. When he read the
meaning behind her smile, he thought about Mycenae’s figure from
yesterday. He became worried. He was reminded of the fact that
Mycenae had tried to lay claim to Artpe since his childhood.

‘Maetel excessively intervenes in my life. One is enough…..
54 Report
Ooh ooh ooh.’

In his past life, women had caused a lot of headache for him.
Somehow, it had gotten worse in his current life. He kept sighing as
he walked towards the Elves below the World Tree. They were about
to head towards the Dungeons.

“Hey, you guys.”


“It’s the hero!”

“He’s young.”

“He’s handsome.”

The Elves acted like five year olds as they kept repeating the word
‘hero.’ They gathered around him. It seemed they were fascinated
by the fact that he was a hero. He let out a bitter laugh as he waved
his hand.

“I want all those that are going to the Dungeons to come to

me in order.”

“He’s going to give us a Blessing!”


He didn’t place a Blessing over the Elves. He used Reinforcement.

One round of permanent Reinforcement didn’t consume much Mana.
Their armor became lighter, and their weapons became much
sturdier. It was enough to allow them to escape from situations that
would have killed them.

“My body feels lighter!”

“It feels as if my bow gained more elasticity. The hero’s
55 Report
power is amazing!”

“Elder! You should come receive his Blessing!”

Elves, Dark Elves and even the elders benefited from Artpe’s
Reinforcement skill. When they checked their gears, they all had a
happy expression on their faces. He quickly sent away those that
received the Reinforcement. He moved onto the equipments of the
next batch of Elves.

“The World Tree is happy.”

“Just saying thank you will be enough.”

However, the Elves were telling him the truth. Artpe had already
used Reinforcement on the equipment of the Elves that numbered in
the tens of thousands. Suddenly, the World Tree shook slightly, and
a branch broke off from the World Tree. It fell to the ground.

“Ooh-huhk. We’ll die if we get hit by that!”

“It’s an incredible large branch!”

The branch fell right in front of Artpe. It had hit the ground after
falling for several hundred meters, yet it didn’t break. It was a
testament to how strong the branch was.

“Oh, it’s the World Tree!”

“Oh oh oh. The World Tree has given such a large present
to the hero!”

“I think the wind broke that….ah-yaht.”

At some point, Mycenae had approached Artpe from the back. She
smacked him on the back of his head.

“This is a gift of appreciation given to you by the World
56 Report
Tree. Even the Elves rarely get this present, so you should
accept it with thanks.”

“You are like a fanatic······.”

The broken branch from the World Tree was fairly thick, and there
were a lot of branchlets attached to it. On top of that, there were a
great number of healthy leaves at the end of the branch.

Despite this fact, Artpe calmly picked up the branch, and he put it
away into his Dimensional Pouch. Regina, who had been watching
this sight, saw a small branch fall towards her.

“The World Tree is giving away much today.”

“It is to be expected, She personally stopped the


“! I want one too!”

“I want a branch from the World Tree-nim!”

“All right. Let’s immediately rush the Dungeons! Let us

gain power that will allow us to protect the World Tree!”

“Let’s do that!”

It might be the result of half the race becoming Dark Elves, but it
seemed assertiveness was somehow becoming normalized amongst
them. Artpe decided to think of it as a good sign.

However, there was a Dark Elf that continued to stare at Artpe as

she stood next to him. It was none other than the ‘high rank’
Merchant Mycenae.

“Artpe-nim~ Are you going to sell that branch to me?”

“I’m not selling even a single leaf to you.”
57 Report
“You are too much!”

“If you think that is so unfair, you should do something

that’ll make the World Tree give you a branch in thanks.”

“You are too much!”

“Ah, Artpe! What are you doing over there!”


The Elves were bustling about early in the morning, so of course,

Maetel and Sienna woke up from their sound sleep.

Since all his party members were awake, he retrieved Regina, who
was absentmindedly staring up at the World Tree. The branch was in
her hands. He decided to leave the Forest of Eternity. Even if he
stayed longer inside the forest, there was nothing more to be gained

“Please contact me a bit more in the future. If not, how will

you be able to purchase skills and spell books at the right

“Yes, yes. Ah. You friends are calling for you over there.”

“Ah-ooh. Really! They really are bad at reading the


Once again, Mycenae looked as if she wanted to leave with Artpe’s

party. However, she had friends, who had longed to see her over the
long years. Then there were the Elves, who were attempting the
Dungeons for the first time. It seemed she was going to stay in the
forest for the near future to support the Elves.

“You look happy, ajumma. I want you to live well here!”

“If that little brat wasn’t one of my exclusive customers, I
58 Report
would have…!”

Maetel’s expression indicated that she would be happy if Mycenae

stayed in the Forest of Eternity for her whole life. Maetel waved her
hand as she took Artpe’s hand into hers. Artpe’s other unoccupied
hand was taken up by Sienna, and Sienna’s other hand was carefully
taken up by Regina.

The hero’s party had grown to four members, and they looked like
children leaving for a picnic. They left the Forest of Eternity.

“This place is really big. I can see how a different race

could live within it.”

They were on the road back to Tiata. No matter how much they
walked, the World Tree remained in their sight, so Maetel spoke
those words. Sienna also felt the same way as she added her own

“It feels as if we can find heaven if we climb to the top of

that tree.”

“I don’t know. Before you can climb to the top of the World
Tree, you’ll be attacked by the Elves. I guess it’ll be possible
to send them all to heaven.”

“Oppa, you are too much!”

Artpe crushed the hopes and dreams of the girls with cruel reality.
When he turned his gaze away, he caught sight of Regina, who was
walking alongside them. She still had a absentminded expression on
her face.

“What did you do with your branch of the World Tree?”

“I changed it into a bracelet.”

It was as she said. There was a bracelet, which he had never seen
59 Report
before, around her slender wrist.

The brown fibers of the branch were intertwined, and the abundant
leaves were covering the bracelet.

It was full of life energy. It was an Artifact capable of amplifying

one’s potential and latent power by its mere presence.

Artpe’s branch was much larger than her branch, but his branch
amplified magical energy rather than life energy. It seemed the
World Tree’s gifts were tailored to the individual.

Maybe, if he used the Artifact on Regina…… No, he was making a

rash judgement. Artpe shook his head to dislodge the idea that had
took root in his mind.

“If all the Elves were equipped with such Artifacts, the
humans wouldn’t have dared to mess with the forest. How

“We received special treatment. So proud.”

Artpe ignored Regina, who had on a slightly prideful expression. At

that moment, Maetel was able to pry her eyes away from the World
Tree. She asked him a question.

“Artpe, where are we headed?”

“First, I want to monitor the situation within Tiata, Aedia

and Daitan. I have to be sure to intimidate them, so they
won’t bother the Forest of Eternity. Then…..”

Their identity as heroes were already exposed. They had to spread

this knowledge to all the humans, so they can slow down the
rampant actions of the Demon King’s army. The information that the
heroes were born in Diaz had been spread throughout the continent.
However, there was a different level of awareness when the hero
60 Report
talked about the threat.

“Of course, the humans won’t mobilize easily as the Elves.

Still, I have to prepare them. It means my conscience will be
clear even if the humans gets steamrolled by the Demon
King’s army.”

“Your personality is the worst. You are a rare piece of


“I like that part about him. It seems Regina is still in the

dark about this fact.”

“I feel bad for Sienna······.”

Artpe decided to ignore Sienna too.

“So what’s next, Artpe? Are we going to go find the male

party member you talked about before?”

“Nope. Since Regina joined our party, we don’t have to try

so hard to find the other members.”

“Shoulder shrug.”

She was being annoying. He ignored Regina, who became full of

herself. Artpe spoke the most hero-like words he could think up.

“We are going to acquire all the treasure of this world.”
61 Report

Chapter 105
Source: Wuxiaworld

They were on the road back from the Forest of Eternity, and they
were headed towards Tiata.. Their walk refreshed their mood, but
they soon got sick of walking. Regina was capable of Flight magic,
and Artpe was able to use Float magic. Artpe carried Sienna and
Maetel in each arm. It took them only an hour to exit the forest.

“Flying is fun!”

“Actually, I was thinking about acquire a flying pet.”

[Nyaa?? Nyaa nyaa?]

“No, this is fine. I like it the way it is!”

Roa was nervous about a competitor showing up. Maetel liked

being in Artpe’s arms while they were flying. When he saw their
reaction, he firmly shook his head.

“No, this is already a settled matter.”

“You are too much!”


The hero’s party did stunts in the air as they flew over Tiata. When
they looked down from the sky, it looked as if Tiata was maintaining
their peace. At the very least, it looked like that on the surface. He
had worried Tiata would resist against the combined forces of Daitan
and Aedia. Fortunately, the king of Daitain had handled the situation
in an appropriate manner.

“The king of Daitan….. Ah. It seems he is in Aedia. I guess
62 Report
it is understandable. It is more important to stabilize Aedia
right now.”

“So how are you going to raise awareness in regards to the

threat posed by the Demon king’s army?”

“I’m going to receive help from Aedia’s magicians and the

Dungeon merchants affiliated with merchant companies. I’m
sure the king of Daitan will welcome this. It is the same
concept as the king of Daitan invading Aedia to divert the
attention of his populace. He’ll want to direct the confusion
and anger felt by the people of Aedia and Tiata elsewhere.
That is why he’ll most likely promote my actions

“Artpe, how many threads of thoughts do you have going

on at one time?”

Maetel’s eyes were excessively bright. That was why Artpe

decided to cancel his ‘Chatter Away while Bluffing’ skill.

Soon, they returned to see the striking sight of the destruction

caused to the palace of Tiata. The corridors were destroyed in its
entirety. They arrived at the Warp Gate where the magicians and
knights from Aedia and Daitan were performing a strict watch.

“Huht! Hero!”

“What happened to Elves within the forest….. Huhk! She’s

the magician from last time!”

“My name is Regina”

“No, it’s alright. You don’t have to introduce yourself.”

Artpe once again warned them about the Forest of Eternity. Then
he injected his Mana into the Gate to activate it. They passed
63 Report
through it, and of course, magicians and knights were also on guard
on the other side.

“Huht! Hero!!”

“What happened to Elves within the forest….. Huhk! She’s

the magician from last time!”

“My name is Regin…..”

“Did you guys practice these lines from some script?”

The king of Daitan wasn’t at the palace. When Artpe asked a

knight about it, he was told that the king had taken the initiative by
leading the knights and magicians outside to clean the capital, which
was covered in filth. Artpe thought for a brief moment, then he
nodded his head. He turned to look at Sienna and Regina.

“I think I’ll have to stay here for couple days with Maetel.
Everything will go more smoothly if the heroes steps

“What about Regina and me?”

“I want you guys to go and empty all the Dungeons in

Aedia. I want you to raise Regina’s level, so I’ll plot out a
course that will be very hard.”


Artpe took out a map of Aedia, and he started marking the location
of the Dungeons and the ruins. When they saw this, the eyes of
Sienna and Regina turned white. As if she was very unsatisfied with
what he was proposing, Regina kept hitting Artpe’s midsection.
However, Artpe was tempered by Maetel’s body tackles, so her
attacks didn’t even itch.
64 Report
“It’s done. I want you to give all the Unique spell that
comes out from these place to Regina. I want her to learn it

“Why me?”

“There are Unique skills that can only be used by heroes. Of

course, that doesn’t mean I won’t learn other spells. However, if I
monopolize all the spells, your power will become relatively weak.

“I’m plenty strong.”

“If we go to the Demon world, there are plenty Demons

that will be as strong as you. If you are satisfied with your
current power, you’ll suffer in the future.”

Of course, there weren’t that many that were on Regina’s level.

She was in the top 10 percent. However, the top 10% of the
Demons meant that there were over tens of thousands of them.

“Maetel and I fall within the top five percent. Of course,

our abilities are basically a cheat, so we can content with the
top three percent. However, that still means at least 10
thousand Demons are stronger than us. There is only one
thing that we are better at than them. It is our growth
speed. We have to utilize this fact to the fullest.”

“You are a cheat.”

“You are unnecessarily handsome.”

Artpe once again flicked Regina and Sienna’s forehead. As an

afterthought, he handed over the map with the Dungeons marked.

“I want you to come back in one month. I want Sienna to

target an increase of 10 levels. Regina should target 20
levels. ”
65 Report
“Our levels will rise that fast?”

At that point, Artpe took a peek at Maetel. When he saw Maetel

slightly nod her head, Artpe let out a bright smile as he gave an

“Yes, you will grow fast.”

“······I sensed some kind of emotional exchange. I demand

an explanation.”

“So let’s meet after a month.”

“I demand an explanation.”

Artpe took out Pipi, and he handed it over to Regina.

“I'm letting you borrow it. Normally, the Demite only

follows its contractor. However, you are also a Demite, so I
think there is enough familiarity between the two of you.”

“······thank you.”

She received Pipi. She hugged it as she gently stroked it. It was as
if the Demite wasn’t an Artifact that helped one’s use of magic. She
looked as if she was handling a pet or a doll.

He didn’t mind it, so he turned away. He had smoothly changed

the subject, so he had achieved his goal.

“Wow. There’s five Dungeons and a ruin. Let’s hurry up

and go, Regina.”

“Pipi made me stronger. Fast flight.”

This was how Regina and Sienna left. When Maetel was left alone
with him, she was about to die from happiness. She tried to link
arms with him, but Artpe let out a heavy sigh.
66 Report
“We’ll have to go out into the streets to clean it up.”

“Artpe is the one that made the mess.”

“Humans are beings that always act first and regret later. I
knew that this burden would fall on my shoulders later on,
but I couldn’t help it. I did it to feel that momentary
sensation of pleasure. Hue hue. This will be hard…..”

“When you resign yourself to your fate, there is a slight

taste of hopelessness that comes off you. I really like it.”

“I’m starting to get scared when you give a detailed

account of what you enjoy.”

Artpe and Maetel immediately started cleaning up the capital.

Maetel couldn’t use magic, so she used Record Divide to share her
Mana with Artpe. It was enough to accelerate his progress in doing
this job.

“Huht! That guy is...!”

“He’s the magician that dirtied the capital!”

“I heard a rumor that he is a hero······.”

“Hero? That makes no sense! No way!”

Artpe had already given up on cleaning up his image! He had

given up on the idea of cooperating with the humans to fight the
Demon King. He had done so when he escaped Diaz’s evil influence.
In terms of other nations, he just wanted them to strengthen their
defense against the Demon King’s army.

“Clean! Clean! Cl---ean!”

“Amazing. The smell is gone! I don’t even smell any dust

or fungus!”
67 Report
“I’m sorry, but you don’t have have to make such a
detailed commentary. Clean!”

Artpe’s Clean spell was on a different level compared to the other

magician in terms of range and efficacy. Hundred magicians had
sweated as they cleaned for an hour. They were only able clean one
street. A single round of spells from Artpe had completely cleaned an
entire block.

“Aht! Magici…. Hero! You are back!”

“Let’s talk later! Clean!”

“······is he really a hero? Or is he a janitor?”

Artpe walked past the sweating party led by the king. He used his
Clean spell at random. When he walked past through a street, not a
speck of dust was left behind! In the beginning, the civilians had
resented Artpe as they worked hard to clean their city. Now they just
wanted Artpe to come to their homes as soon as possible.

It didn’t matter if it was the shopping district, personal homes or

government buildings. He cleaned them all in a fair manner. He
didn’t eat or sleep for four days as he cleaned everything. Suddenly,
he realized he had restored the capital to a pristine state.

“The capital is clean again!”

“He even fixed the sewer system. What an incredible


“It really is an incredible ability. It almost makes me

accept the fact that he is a hero…...”

How could humans be so simple! They knew Artpe had made this
mess, yet they were cheering for him. The number of people
cheering for Artpe was growing rapidly after they saw the clean city!
68 Report
“As expected, humans are simple. If I do a little bit more
here, they’ll sing my praises.”

“They really are idiots!”


Artpe stared at Maetel. She tilted her head in puzzlement, and she
asked him a question with a bright expression on her face.

“What is it, Artpe? Is there something on my face?”

“No, it’s nothing..”

Artpe took his idiot towards the kingdom as fast as possible. The
king of Daitan had already changed his clothes, and he had been
waiting for Artpe.

“Thank you, hero. I never expected you to help in the


“We just want to move this along as fast as possible. Let’s

get into the main topic.”

The knights of Daitan and the magicians of Daitan were lined up

along the sides. They were on standby. It seemed the king of Daitan
had been successful in securing the magicians of Aedia. Half of their
resentment was headed towards Artpe, and the other half was
directed towards the king of Daitan. Still, the king of Daitan was
pretty skilled in finessing the situation.

“Are you plannig on establishing your empire?”

“I still want to keep the two kingdoms… Since there are

three kingdoms including Tiata, I need to repair each
kingdom. I was thinking about pushing the establishment of
the empire to a later date…..”
69 Report
“Don’t do that.. You have to bind the unsettled hearts of
the people into one. You probably already know how to do

In his past life, the Demon king’s army had invaded the human
realm in earnest when the hero was over 20 years old. Several plans
had been percolating underneath the surface, and they ad all
bubbled up to the surface at the same time. The hero had been
disillusioned by humanity, but she methodically blew up these plans
with the help of her party members.

Of course, the current heroes were only 15 years old. However,

the heroes weren’t the only ones that had changed from their
previous life. It was the same for the Demon king’s army. There was
a group of Demons that moved independently from the Demon king’s
army. They didn’t follow the Demon King’s orders. He knew more
changes would continue to occur in the future.

“Will you allow me to sell the name of the hero?”

“From the moment I searched you out, that was my aim.

Basically, I thought you would be aligned the most with me
amongst the three nations.”

“I’m starting to see what you are trying to do, hero.”

“It took you long enough.”

They exchanged evil smiles with each other. It was a crime if one
used someone else without their knowledge. However, if both sides
agreed to it, it was a deal being made. The phrase, ‘If you scratch
my back, I'll scratch yours.’, was quite apt.

“What do we have to do?”

“You’ll have to declare the establishment of your empire.

Then we’ll borrow the power of the magicians of Aedia and
70 Report
the merchant organizations. We'll unite Daitan, Aedia and
Tiata. Then we’ll create a Mana Transmission route between
them. When you announce the formation of your empire,
you’ll notify everyone of the existence of the heroes, You’ll
explain the implications of the Demon King’s army showing
up. Ah. I want everyone to see us, so it is imperative that
we’ll be able to transmit images. What do you think? Easy,

“Easy, my ass!”

One of the magicians let out a shout of dismay, but his voice didn’t
reach anyone. The king of, the man that would become
an emperor of an empire was firmly shaking hands with Artpe. The
contract was satisfactorily concluded.

It took them two weeks to expand Aedia’s Mana Transmission

route to Daitan and Tiata. Immediately, Angelo Zard was crowned
first emperor of the Zard empire. When he constructed the united
empire, their most important mission was revealed.

“The king of Aedia and the duke of Tiata was in league to

destroy the peace of the human realm. They had been
creating an evil magic! I had been playing in the palm of
their hands unknowingly, but two people helped me break
apart this conspiracy. These two people are none other than
the heroes. ”

The existence of the heroes was made public to the three, the empire of, it was announced to the entire

“That’s right. Oh, my people! We don’t have time to hate

each other! The Demon King has appeared! The fight
between humans are over. Our enemy… the Demon race!”
71 Report
It was the moment when the human realm were made aware of the
existence of the Demon King’s army.
72 Report

Chapter 106
Source: Wuxiaworld


“They really are heroes. The heroes that were born in Diaz
are in Aedia…. No, they are in the empire of Zard.”

“If the heroes are going along with this, I might be able to
accept this situation.”

“A nation that was born alongside the heroes….. The fall of

Aedia does make my heart burn, but it feels as if I’m
watching a lotus flower bloom from within the mud. Of
course, I can’t help, but celebrate its birth…...”

It didn’t matter if one knew about it or one didn’t know about it.
Everyone accepted the reality of the situation when confronted with
the title of hero and Demon king. Heroes were the only existence
that could transmute a human vs human struggle into a struggle
between humanity and the Demon race.

Of course, the ruling class of each nation would have tried to

somehow profit from the situation, but the entire ruling class of Aedia
and Tiata was gone right now.

Artpe was cooperating with the ex-king of Daitan. The current

emperor Angelo Zard had a good grasp of the situation, so there
were many magicians and knights on his side. He used them to
establish the Zard empire, and the proclamation of the heroes were
able to be spread throughout the united empire of Zard.

“Hoo. I’ve somewhat set the stage.”
73 Report
“Is this what Artpe wanted?”

“This might not sound so great, but a war had broken out
at the right time. I was able use this to my advantage.”

In a situation where it was potentially unstable and dangerous, it

was hard to perceive and fix the problems as they appeared.

The people had received a huge shock, but until the dangers rose
to the surface, most of them would maintain the mentality of ‘We’ve
been fine until now, so it’ll be fine in the future.’ and ‘It worries me,
but there are other more important things to focus on.’ These kinds
of attitudes were problematic, but he decided to worry about this
problem at a later date.

“The war made everything obvious. It revealed the plans

of Aedia and Tiata. It exposed the problems being
shouldered by the Elves within the Forest of Eternity.”

“Yes, it is a situation where everything is exposed. It

makes it easier to cut out and heal the malignancy. I
acknowledge that there were inevitable sacrifices…..”

“Hoo-hue hee. Artpe is really kind.”

“I’m not kind. Hey. Don’t pet me like that.”

At that moment, his ears picked up murmured voices..

“The two heroes are really friendly with each other.”

“They are a man and a woman in their prime. They spent

many years together. It would be weird if there wasn’t any
affection between them..”

How could they be so predictable!

There were too many people that were saying words that were
74 Report
straight out of the ‘Words That Shouldn’t Be Spoken Unless You Want
to Become a Supporting Character in Another Person’s Life Volume

“There! Look at what they are saying.”

“Hue hue. If we display our relationship like this, no other

bitc…..women will dare to get between us.”

“Hey. What word were you about to use right now?”

They were participating in a weird parade. It was a parade

celebrating the ascension of Angelo Zard to the position of emperor.
On top of that, they were advertising the presence of the heroes. It
was a parade that displayed the alliance between the heroes and
Zard in no uncertain terms.

“Please grab my hand once, hero-nim!”


Of course, voices of support from the people could be heard

intermittently. However, he completely ignored them. If he
developed an image of being too friendly with the civilians, they
would want his help over every trivial problem!

When the opportunity to kill the Demon King arrives, he didn’t

want some messed up quest involving Flower Selling Girl A to pop up.
It would make him go all over the place for nothing. Artpe wanted to
stop the possibility of such routes from developing.

“Ooh-oong. You were being kind hearted, but you suddenly

became bad.”

“I’ve alway been bad.”

“Still, it is better than Artpe holding the hand of another

woman, so I’ll forgive you.”
75 Report
“······you do realize that you are not much better than me

Where did he go wrong in nurturing the hero? Artpe mulled over

this question during the parade, but he couldn't come up with an

The extremely close relationship between the two heroes was seen
by the civilians watching the parade. Moreover, the recorded images
were spread throughout the empire, and everyone became aware of
this fact.

A week passed before the celebration finally came to an end.

Emperor Angelo Zard elevated the capital of Aedia to become the
capital of his empire. In turn, this meant he needed a more intimate
connection with the lands of Daitan. He needed a Warp Gate like the
one linking Aedia and Tiata. He started constructing one that
connected Daitan to Aedia.

He was already able to communicate with the entirety of his

empire thanks to the Magic Transmission magic. When the Warp
Gate was finished, he would be able to easily rule over his empire.

“Thank you for acting on my behalf, hero. It must have

been tiring.”

“This was part of the deal. You are the one with the tough
task ahead of you, emperor.”

When the hero called Angelo by his title of emperor, a small smile
appeared on his face.

“I was able to rise to this position thanks entirely to you,

hero. That is why I’ll protect this empire. I’ll prove to you
that I deserve to be in this seat..”

“You know that the Demon King’s army is on the move, yet
76 Report
you have such ambitions. I kinda like that.”

Artpe nodded his head in a satisfied manner as he took out a map.

As if she knew the identity of this map, Maetel’s eyes slightly
narrowed. Angelo Zard tilted his head in puzzlement as he received
it….. His reaction was the same as those that received similar maps
from Artpe.

“Is the information within this map true!?”

“I’ve marked Daitan, Aedia and Tiata. I categorized them

into regions that will be good to grow your soldiers, knights
and magicians. You should be thankful.”

This was obvious, but the map was marked with the location of the
Dungeons. The high level Dungeons were left out, and he had only
marked the Dungeons that the humans could handle. This was
enough to surprise Angelo Zard.

“You went this far for me······.”

“This will allow you to grow the power of your empire.

Moreover, it will allow you to gain the loyalty of your
subjects. It sounds possible, right?”

“It is more than adequate! Even if this map is half…,

even if this map is 90% wrong, the remaining 10% would
greatly increase the strength of the empire!”

“I’m glad you know the worth of what I’m giving you.”

Artpe’s eyes narrowed.

“Don’t release this information all at once. The people will

become entitled. They'll take the information as a given, and
they’ll become lazy. They’ll want more from you. I’m sure
you know what I am talking about.”
77 Report
“I will take your words to heart. ······is that why the levels,
Dungeons and quantity of the loots were categorized like
this? I’m not sure how you know all of this, but…. No, I
won’t pry into it.”

Angelo Zard took the map, and he put it deep within his robe.

“I’ll put my trust in you. I will carry this out.”

“Good. That’s the answer I wanted.”

The hero from his previous life had grown the power of her party
through Dungeon exploration.

She had ignored the stress that her actions had caused on her
relationship with each nation on the continent. She focused on the
concept that everything would be fine once the Demon king was
defeated. That was why she hadn’t been able to create a friendly
relationship with other nations. Everything broke apart before any
amicable relationship could be started. It forced her into a much
more brutal fight.

However, things were different now. He had successfully created a

positive relationship with the Elves within the Forest of Eternity and
the humans on this continent. It was possible for Artpe to grow their
strengths, and they would remain vigilant against the Demon king’s
army. The process had been a complete mess, but he had achieved
the best possible result.

‘Diaz is akin to the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly

Kings. I don't have to do anything in regards to them. On the
other hand, the holy nation of Paladia….. They already found
a candidate that is more suitable for their needs.’

He arrived at the conclusion that he should make a clean sweep of

the riches of this world. He just had to wait for Sienna and Regina to
come back. Then they could depart! They could have fun clearing
78 Report
the Dungeons of this world!

“Your highness, an envoy from the temple has arrived.”

“Bring him in.”

······there was a time when Artpe had such thoughts.

“I congratulate you on your ascension, your majesty. The

temple does not involve itself in the feuds between royalty.
That is why we could only sit by and watch the war. I

“No, you don’t have to worry about it.”

The envoy dispatched by the temple wore the hat of an

archbishop. He was the archbishop in charge of all the temples
within Aedia! This was obvious, but in terms of power within the
temples, he was highly placed. He was in the top seven.

The God Flush had covered everything. It was called the Upthrust
Calamity.(The event had already gained a name.) The temple
suffered under the same predicament, but the temple was clean now.
Maybe, he was imagining things, but it felt as if the archbishop was
glaring at Artpe. This was why Artpe decided to ignore him.

“However, you did reveal the names of the heroes in the

parade and the coronation ceremony. It was something that
wasn’t sanctioned by the temple. The pope in Paladia is
deeply worried about this.”

“Hmm. About what?”

At the emperor’s reply, the archbishop was able to raise his head.
The archbishop was clearly glaring at Artpe. He hadn’t been
imagining it! Of course, he became terrified by Maetel’s fierce gaze,
so the archbishop immediately turned his head away!
79 Report
“The Hero’s Class is bestowed and managed by the temple,
It has to be all done inside the borders of Paladia. These two
heroes haven’t been confirmed yet. Moreover, your majesty
declared this information instead of the temple. It isn’t
something you should have done. It shouldn’t have been

“However, they are the heroes. They match the description

released previously by the temple. Moreover, I saw them use
skills and spells of at least 35 different Classes. How can
they not be heroes?”

The emperor emphasized his words as he tried to dissuade the

archbishop from nitpicking at the situation for no reason. The
archbishop had no choice but to nod his head.

“I also do not doubt that they are heroes. However, they

should have visited the temple before their identities were
revealed. I was merely pointing out this fact. If the temple
was involved, everyone would know for sure that they were
given the Hero’s Class. There would be no doubt, and
everyone could follow the heroes with an easy mind.”

“Mmm. You do have a point······.”

In his previous life, the hero had went through this process. Diaz,
the temples and Paladia had pretty strong ties. This was why the
hero of his past life had belatedly visited Paladia…. However, Artpe
knew about the disaster that had occurred at the end, so he wanted
to leave Paldia alone.

‘It seems whatever I think about or worry about comes to

pass. This is why being a hero is tiresome. Shit.’

That’s right. This was one of the reasons why Artpe hadn’t liked
revealing the fact that he was a hero. He didn’t want to become
80 Report
involved with the temples. The temples liked to manipulate the
situation. They made it look as if they had caused the heroes to
descend into this world. They also liked to meddle in the affairs of
the heroes.

“Everything that is done in the hero’s name has to be

sanction by the temple. Of course, a hero hasn’t appeared in
this world for several hundred years. It is understandable
that your majesty didn’t know about this. I’m not trying to
criticize your actions. I just want to request that you should
be more careful in the future.”

“Mmm. Are you trying to excessively restrict the freedom

of the heroes?”

“We are not trying to suppress the hero’s freedom.


The archbishop's eyes shone.

“The hero’s mission is to confront the Demon King’s army.

We just want to help them, so their work goes smoothly.
That is why I want you to be more careful in the future.”

“Ah. Understood.”

Angelo Zard had just established his empire, and it would create a
massive headache if he went against the temple. For now, Angelo
Zard nodded his head as he gave a meaningful glance towards Artpe.
He was asking Artpe as to whether he found all of this acceptable.
Artpe gave a slight nod.

“Oh, heroes….”

As if he had been aiming for this moment, the archbishop changed

his target.
81 Report
“We’ve searched for the two of you for a very long time.
Still, we waited until the parade ended. It almost makes us
want to commend our own patience. We really felt…..”

“Dude, get to the point.”

At Artpe’s words, the archbishop’s eyebrows rose. In the next

moment, Maetel glared at him. She was like a devil that had crawled
out of hell. His eyes dropped down. He was frightened by Maetel’s
terrifying gaze.

“The pope is looking for both of you. Please come to

Paladia. There is a divine revelation that was given as a
preparation for the heroes. It will help you face the Demon
king’s army. Moreover, the holy priestess is urgently waiting
for both of you.”

When Maetel heard about the priestess, she took a firm grasp of
Artpe’s arm. In the past, she said she wouldn’t mind if the number of
women increased in their party, yet she had immediately used force
like this. As expected, all women were liars!



However, Artpe gently pried her arms from his, and he smiled at

“You can relax. I’ll explain it to you later, but you can rest

“······I’ll rest easy then.”

Artpe soothed Maetel then he turned to look at the archbishop. The

emperor thought Artpe was going to immediately cut off the
archbishop’s head. Maetel started to look for a good moment to cut
82 Report
off the archbishop’s head. However, the words that came out of
Artpe’s mouth betrayed everyone’s expectation.

“All right. Let’s go to Paladia.”
83 Report

Chapter 107
Source: Wuxiaworld



When Artpe agreed to the archbishop’s request so easily, Maetel

and the emperor became surprised. Even the archbishop became

“ really want to go······?”

“What? Didn’t you want me to go? You don’t want me to

go now? Should I not go?”

“ isn’t like that!”

“All right. I want you to prepare a comfortable carriage

that befits the station of the heroes. I also want you to
gather a lot of guards too.”

“You are a proper snob….. Koo-hmm. Understood!”

The temple had to advertise that the temple had a relationship

with the heroes. They had to advertise this fact beyond the borders
of Zard. That was why the archbishop was thankful for Artpe’s
suggestion. The archbishop quickly nodded his head. The emperor
and Maetel was still dumbfounded.


“Since it has turned out like this, let’s get ready, Maetel.”

84 Report
Artpe and Maetel rode the carriage prepared by the temple on the
next day. The carriage was quite luxurious, and they were guarded
by several dozen Warrior Priests and Holy Knights. They left Aedia.
The act of roasting a peanut with lightning magic would be slower
than this!

It was two days after they started traveling on the carriage. The
carriage was rolling down Aedia’s main road.

“Hoo-hnng. Hmm hmm hmm.”

The view outside the carriage’s window was passing by, and it was
neither too fast or too slow. Maetel couldn’t help but enjoy herself.
She started humming a tune. Maetel had been taken aback in the
beginning, but she was showing an upbeat attitude. It was quite the
difference. Of course, Artpe knew why she was like this.

“Are you that glad······?”

“Yes. We can do this for the rest of our lives, and I would
still like it!”

Maetel tightly grabbed onto Artpe’s sleeve with one hand. On the
other side of him…… No one was grabbing onto Artpe’s remaining

That’s right. Artpe and Maetel was the only ones riding inside the

“Hero-nim, is there anything you need…..”

“Don’t disturb us. All right?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

The priest had exquisite timing. He opened the door to the

carriage as he pushed his head into the carriage. Maetel let out a
85 Report
kind smile as he pushed the priest out of the carriage. She once
again closed the door.

The carriage started rolling again as if nothing had happened.

Maetel once again put on a bright smile as she leaned into Artpe’s
body. There was a satisfied smile on her face.

“In Diaz, freshly married couples travel outside of their

hometown. It is supposed to solidify the relationship
between the couple. They witness things that they normally
wouldn’t see in their everyday lives. This custom is called
the honeymoon trip. It is how the newly married couples
greet their new lives. It feels like we are on a honeymoon.

“Many married couples lost all their belongings when they

come across bandits. That is why it is an abolished custom.”

“I’ll rip apart any bad bandits that tears apart a person’s
moment of happiness.”

“Normally, a bride doesn’t possess the ability to rip apart a

bandit like you.”

Artpe let out a sigh, and he lowered his shoulder. He wanted

Maetel to be in a little bit more comfortable position. This small
consideration made Maetel feel happy. Suddenly, Maetel asked him
a question. She was curious.

“Artpe, why did we leave behind Sienna and Regina? Did

you finally feel the need to treat me with care?”

“You are saying I have to get rid of all women near me if I

want to treat you with care? Is that correct?”

“What else could it be······?”
86 Report
Before they left Aedia, the archbishop had asked Artpe about his
other party members. Artpe had told him that Sienna and Regina
were temporary party members. Heroes were the only ones that
were important to the archbishop, so he easily accepted Artpe’s

This was how they had arrived at their current situation.

“Once the temple starts targeting us, they won’t let us go

easily. Still, the fact that they are annoying doesn’t mean we
should wipe out the temples. I worked hard to fix the image
of the heroes in the minds of the people, so what would
happen if I did that?”


“That is why I’m pretending to accept the temple’s request

with you. On the other hand, Sienna and Regina will continue
to receive orders from me. They’ll take care of the work we
have to do in our stead.”

Sienna was an Evil Reflector. Once the temple found out about
her, they would focus on her once she entered Paladia. She would
receive as much attention as the heroes. He made the right call in
keeping Sienna apart from the temple.

“Regina and Sienna is really far apart with us in terms of

level. This will give them time to catch up with us. Moreover,
this will allow us to move more freely until we finish our work
in Paladia. Sienna has close combat abilities. Regina has
long range fighting abilities including support capabilities.
The two of them are a perfect party.”

“You have something to do in Paladia…. Why do humans

have so many problems?”

“It isn’t just humans. It is the same for all the other races
87 Report
capable of rational thought.”

Still, he wanted to leave Paladia to ‘others’. However, the other

side had searched his party out first, so he had no choice. Since it
had turned out like this, he would willingly go into their midst, and he
would crush them.

“Still, it seems like we destroy every place we search out in

recent days…… I’m getting confused as to whether we are
heroes or Demon King type beings.”

“I’m not sure. I have no idea if it would end even if we

destroy them. It might not end even if we reconstruct them.
We’ll have to see.”

“The premise of the two options you just stated involves

destroying the temples…..”

Was it because Maetel had gotten a bit smarter? It was harder for
him to read what she was thinking about. Artpe tsked as he raised
the Communication apparatus.

Of course, he didn’t forget about putting up a barrier inside the

carriage before he used the Communication apparatus. It was a
pretty high ranking barrier, so it repelled sound and physical
damage. A being with decent power would exhaust oneself if one
tried to break this barrier. This was obvious, but he hadn’t possessed
this spell before this.

“I’m really glad I emptied out Aedia’s storage room before

we left. I acquired a lot of useful magic.”

“When did you loot it? I didn’t see you do it.”


“Ah, I see.”
88 Report
Roa ate anything that was infused with Mana. Of course, Roa and
Artpe wouldn’t forego the opportunity to find treasures. Artpe let out
a smile as he turned on the Communication apparatus. Then he
opened his mouth.

“Uh, Silpennon.”


By the flow of their conversation, she had expected him to speak

the name of Sienna or Regina. He betrayed her expectation!
However, Artpe didn’t care if Maetel’s eyes opened wide or not. He
spoke into the Communication apparatus.

“What’s your level right now?”

[I’m level 218. What do you think? I’m pretty good, right?]

“Yes, you are pretty slow..”


Artpe had wanted Silpennon to be at level 250. It seemed this

wasn’t possible without Maetel’s Growth Speed Multiplier. Silpennon
grinded his teeth at Artpe’s words

[What level are you!]


[I lost······.]

It didn’t matter if there was a level difference when they first met.
Leveling became much harder when one climbed to the higher
levels. This was especially true for those that were over level 200. A
single level looked like a small difference, but the quality of one’s
ability was stark when one raised a level.
89 Report
So how was he able to reach level 283? Silpennon had worked like
hell for the past two years, yet he realized he couldn’t catch up to
Artpe no matter what.

“What about your party members?”

[Leseti is 208. Deyus is 206.]

Silepennon was a party member of the hero from his past life. He
possessed a cheat-like ability. When one took that into account, he
could tell Leseti and Deyus had worked hard in increasing their
levels. At their current level, Artpe decided they could carry out his
immediate goal.

“Where are you right now?”

[I’m moving according to the map you gave us through

your merchant. That is why we are…. Ah. We are near


Maetel had overheard the conversation, and her eyes slightly

narrowed. It seemed he had sent another map to Silpennon using
Mycenae. This was the first time Maetel had heard about Silpennon’s
party being near Paladia! This was why Artpe had a grin on his face.

“I told you I’ll leave this to someone else. Who else was I
going to entrust this task to?”

[You’ll entrust us with a task? Ah. Are you talking about

the items you wanted us to find and store?]

“No, I’m not. I want you to clear one more Dungeon, then I
want you to immediately come to Paladia. Let’s meet up in
90 Report
[You want us to meet up!? Are we finally joining your

“I’ll make the decision after I see how you take care of this

Artpe ended the call. Maetel let out a beautiful smile as she made
a demand.

“Explain it to me.”

“It’s simple. I don’t want to get close to Paladia.

Coincidentally, I have a good hand I can use in Silpennon.
After he finished clearing all the Dungeons in Diaz, I gave
him a map to the next region. Naturally, I made him move
towards Paladia. I originally wanted to dump this task on
him. For your information, I met Mycenae before we went
into the ocean.”

“Your explanation is quite honest······.”

In truth, Paladia was much closer to Diaz than Aedia. Aedia was
developed in terms of magic, but they were too far for the words of
the gods to reach them. This was why there were more magicians
that were trying to grow their own power instead of using the power
of the gods.

“Basically, Paladia doesn’t really welcome magicians into

their fold. I’m a hero, but my abilities are heavily slanted
towards being a magician. That is why I was reluctant in
going there. I don’t trust the temple, who are allied with
gods. Moreover…..”

Artpe once again checked his barrier, then he spoke in a lowered


“I find the holy priestess to be annoying.”
91 Report
“However, you still haven’t met her. She might be an
innocent beautiful girl, who only eats dewdrops as she prays
to the gods all day.”

“Your description of her is spot on. It is correct, but·····.”

“Hmm. I’m right?”

Maetel’s expression turned menacing. If he praised the holy

priestess’ looks a little bit more, it looked as if Maetel was about to
do something very rash. That is why Artpe quickly changed the

“She isn’t my cup of tea! I hate everything that is related

to the gods.”

“Artpe always says a woman isn’t to your taste. However,

they always like Artpe, and you aren’t able firmly reject

It would have been a lie to say Maetel’s point didn’t hold any
water. However, there was something he could say for certain in
regards to the holy priestess.

“No, I don’t think the holy priestess will like me.”

“How can you be so sure? You haven’t met her yet. I

understand Artpe has personal information of others, but you
can’t guarantee that she won’t be to your taste, right?”

“Well, you do have a point, but······.”

In his past life, Artpe had seen the men that had developed
relationship with the holy priestess. That is why he knew her taste in
men. If he spoke this truth, there was no point in hiding his past life
to Maetel. In the end, he decided to gloss over this point.
92 Report
“Anyways, you don’t have to worry about it. When my
peaceful life as a dairy farmer becomes guaranteed, I don’t
plan on getting involved with women.”

“Artpe just needs me, right? Hue hue..”

“······if you are asking that question in a friendly manner, I

would like you to take your hand off your sword hilt.”

He let out a sigh as he roughly tousled Maetel’s hair.

“You don't have to be so insecure. Aside from few select

people, most people aren’t permanent fixtures in a hero’s

“Yes······ This all because Artpe is too handsome.”

Maetel stuck a bit closer to Artpe. Since they would have to meet
up with another party in Paladia, it seemed she wanted to gather an
ingredient that she could only acquire from Artpe.

Her intent was too apparent that he found it troubling. As he had

these thoughts, Artpe took out a book. It was a very thick book
encased in a leather binding. There was a serious amount of Mana
within it. Maetel’s eyes shone.

“Isn’t that the magic tome from before?”

“Yeah. I’ve been lazy up until now. I should start using it


It was the magic tome containing the essence of the

Demonification curse. He had acquired it after killing the Demon

Of course, he had use it to guide Sherryl. It allowed her to become

a Genesis Mermaid. He had poured a massive amount of Mana into
93 Report
the tome, and he was able to forcefully change the direction of the
process enacted by the tome. That was why the magical tome was in
a ambiguous state. However, he planned on transforming the magic
tome by Reinforcing it with the ink he acquired from the Kraken and
the Ancient Kraken.

“Let me check the content…. Good. It is starting to

become affected by my Record.”

“The magic tome is continuously letting out a light..”

“Its owner had changed, yet it hadn’t accepted this fact

yet. It is resisting against me. Of course, its actions are

First, Artpe used the Kraken’s Ink Pouches as Reinforcement

ingredients. Each Ink Pouch was Reinforced to the fullest extent,
then they were combined into its final form. Then he dipped a quill
into the ink.


“No, I’m aiming for a more ambitious goal.”

If he simply wanted an ability to destroy a curse, he already had

Roa for that task. This was a magic tome created with the intent of
transforming a human into a Demon. Artpe thought about
completely flipping that process.

“······this might be more important than anything we’ve

done up to this point.”

“A focused Artpe is…. Too cool…..”


[Nyaaa-ah nyaa.]
94 Report
Maetel was in an aroused state. Artpe asked Roa to stop Maetel if
she tried to jump him. He raised his pen, and he placed it on the first
page of the magic tome.

They still had a lot of time left until they arrived at the Holy Nation
of Paladia.
95 Report

Chapter 108
Source: Wuxiaworld

There were two oceans and a continent between Aedia and

Paladia. It was a massive amount of distance. It would take several
months to cross one ocean, then one had to travel on land before
traversing a different ocean. However, they didn’t have to take this

The temples possessed Warp Gates in various regions spanning

the whole continent.

“So this is where they hid them.”

“The location of the Warp Gates possessed by the temples

are considered to be top secret. Of course, we are willing to
expose their locations to the heroes. When the battle with
the Demon King’s army starts in earnest, you’ll have many
occasions to use it.”

“On the other hand, if the location of the Warp Gates could
be traced, it could really fuck us up.”

“I’m confident that such a thing can’t happen.”

The priest’s confidence was well founded. The performance of the

Warp Gate was on par with the Warp Gates possessed by Aedia.
When Artpe looked over the Warp Gate, he found out the reason why
this was the case.

‘There are traces of sunbae-nim left here too.’

It wasn’t just that. The previous hero had just renovated it. This
Warp Gates were old even before the previous hero had put his
hands on it.
96 Report
These Warp Gates had existed throughout the everlasting history,
and they had grown their abilities by eating the Records of countless
other beings. They weren’t simple Warp Gates. They were so
advanced that they could be considered to be holy relics.

“We’ll have to travel seven times through the Warp Gate.

Before the Gate activates, please imprint hero-nim’s Mana
into it…..”

“Ah. Of course. I’ll do that. Since the two of us always

travel together, I’ll be the only one that’ll imprint my Mana
on it.”

For some reason, Maetel was happy about Artpe’s gesture. The
priest was taken aback, since Artpe wasn’t following established
protocols. There was no way the two heroes could be together at all
times. However, the priest had no choice. He accepted Artpe’s

“Mmm. Understood.”

There were Warp Gates installed all over the continent, and they
were all hidden. However, they were all tied together by a cord of

These Warp Gates needed permission from the temple to be used.

There was a holy spell placed on them. It acted as a locking
mechanism. However, if an individual was registered to be an
‘owner’ of one gate, one could freely use all of the other gates.

“It is time.”

“It’s like a walk in the park.”

The priest activated the Gate, and Mana poured out of the Gate.
The Mana reached out towards the whole party, but at Artpe’s
guidance, it was all gathered in his hand. While the priest and the
97 Report
holy knights were shocked by his Mana Control, Artpe quickly
finished the registration.

“It really······ It is an ability befitting a hero.”

“Of course, it is. I'm the hero. Let’s go.”

Before Artpe registered himself, the Mana pouring out of the Warp
Gate had worked in opposition against Artpe. Now the Mana was like
a warm and soft energy that was diffused around him. They
immediately entered into the Gate, and soon, they arrived on a
remote island located in the middle of the ocean.


Maetel’s eyes turned into dots when she saw the vast stretch of
water in front of her. Artpe grinned as he gave her an explanation.

“The priest said we have to go through seven gates. Of

course, we have to cross the ocean in the process of doing

“I see. So this island is….”

It wasn’t just an island. There was a powerful barrier anchored to

the Warp Gate, and it covered the entirety of the island. It was said
the temples were the most powerful force within the human realm
instead of Aedia. When one saw the structure of this spell, such an
assessment sounded plausible. Artpe scanned the entirety of the
island, then he nodded his head.

“As expected. I can see why you guys were able to protect
the frontline against the Demon King’s army in multiple wars.
This probably allows you to maintain your power over the

“······it seems you have studied a lot after being designated
98 Report
the hero.”

These words weren’t something a 15 year old should be saying.

The priest asked in a dumbfounded voice. Artpe nodded his head as
if it was nothing.

“When we left Diaz, I knew we would one day become

involved with the temples. Of course, I made preparation for
that eventuality.”

“We are the absolute allies of the heroes. You don’t have
to make such preparations….. Actually, we were
disappointed when both of you declined the summons of
Diaz. That caused us to run in circles…...”

“Ah. I don’t like outside interference. I understand that

you guys are trying take care of us, but you should back off
at this point.”

“······understood. I’m glad that you understand that point.”

Artpe rebuffed the priest nosing into his business. However, he

couldn’t help but break out into laughter.

The priest wanted blind trust, because they were absolute allies. It
had been awhile since he had heard something so dumb.

Even if he could trust their character, that didn’t mean he could

trust their competence. A dumb ally was more dangerous than a
smart enemy. Artpe had realized this fact when he watched the
Demon king!

‘These guys are worse than the Demon king. I’d rather
trust Etna than you guys.’

Fine white sand filled the sandy beach. Maetel laughed as she
kicked the sand. As he watched Maetel’s back, he confirmed a piece
99 Report
of information with the priest.

“So it is impossible to cross over to the next gate right


“Yes, we need around four days for the Mana to be


“If I supply some of my Mana, I can cut that time into two

“······if it is hero-nim, it really might be possible to do as you


Fortunately, not all priests were completely blind. They saw

Artpe’s skill when he seized control of the Warp Gate. The priest
determined that Artpe wasn’t making any false assertions, so he
backed off in an acquiescent manner. Artpe poured his completely
full Mana into the Warp Gate.

“Huh. Even if it recognized you as a user, a Mana with

completely different nature was able to charge the Warp

“Well, I just have to make the Warp Gate perceive my Mana

in the same way as it perceives the ambient Mana in nature.”

“You really have an incredible amount of knowledge in the

way of magic…...”

After spitting out the party, the Warp Gate had been emitting a
subdued light. A more intense light was being emitted now. Of
course, the amount of Mana within the Warp Gate couldn’t transport
Artpe’s party, the priests and the holy knights all at once right now.
It would be too burdensome.

“We have no choice, but to stay here for two days.”
100 Report
“That is why we’ve arranged accommodation here. I’ll lead
both of you to it.”

“All right. ······ah. Wait a moment.”

Artpe looked at Maetel, who was playing on the beach with her
heavy armor on. He smirked as he spoke.

“We’ll go after we play here for a little bit.”

“······it seems both of you have a good relationship with

each other. It looks very good.”

“Your expression doesn’t look too good.”

“That is······ The holy priestess is really looking forward to

meeting the hero. However, the two of you are very close to
each other, so I’m a little bit worried that there would be no
room for the holy priestess between the two of you.”

“She’s been looking forward to meeting the hero…. Me or


At Artpe’s mischievous question, the priest had a puzzled

expression on his face.

“Of course, she is waiting for Artpe-nim. This is especially

true when your exploits in Aedia were spread. Hmm….. The
rumor that Artpe-nim’s looks are exceptional has been
spread across Paladia.”

“······she’s waiting for me? Not Maetel?”

“That’s right. Of course, Maetel-nim is beautiful, but


The priest shut his mouth. Artpe was also at a loss for words. An
uncomfortable atmosphere developed between the two of them.
101 Report
Artpe was sensitive to such things, so Artpe backed off a little bit.

“I want you to go over there”

“The holy priestess isn’t waiting for her! She’s waiting for

“I understand, so just go over there.”

Artpe chased away all the priests, then he approached Maetel. She
was still playing with the sand..

“Artpe, look at this. The sand is white, and it is so fine!”

“It’s been awhile since you acted like a kid.”


Maetel was too occupied by the white sands, so she didn’t

completely catch what he had said. Artpe let out a bitter laugh as he

“Nothing. You should take off your armor and play.”

“I won’t be able to protect Artpe from unexpected

situations if I take off my armor.”

“There won’t be any unexpected situation here. You don’t

have to worried about that.”


“I'll be alright.”

“······ok. I’ll do as you say.”

She returned after she took off her red armor, which had been
covering her upper and lower body. She came back with only light
102 Report
clothing on. Of course, her armor had gone through three
Reinforcement, so their weight was negligible. Still, it couldn’t be
compared to moving without the armor.

“Look! Look, Artpe! I’m leaving behind footprints! It is

like running atop snow!”

“You are amused by all kinds of things.”

“Wa-hah! Ooh-heehee.”

Maetel had already seen the ocean in the port city of Frate.
However, there were no beaches with sand there, so it had been
impossible for her to play there. This was also true of the port city of
Belata in Aedia.

She finally was able to enjoy the ocean in this place. It had been a
long time since he had seen her enjoy herself like this. She was
feeling pure joy. Artpe suddenly realized that he was also having fun.

“It seems even the temples can be helpful like this.”

Artpe mumbled to himself as he turned his head. He could see the

priests and holy knights gathered near the accommodation provided
on the deserted island. They were secretly watching Artpe and

[Fuck off.]


“Wide Area Message spell!?”

He frowned at them. Artpe chased the men into the lodging. He

didn’t want them to interfere in such a moment.

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa.]
103 Report
“You want to play too?”

[Nyaa-ah nyaa-ah.]

“Roa, come here!”

When he released Roa, she transformed into her small cat form.
She ran across the beach, and she chased down Maetel. The
footprints of a girl and the paw prints of a cat were imprinted on the
sandy beach, and they were being washed away by the ocean water.
This sight automatically put a satisfied smile on his face.

“Instead of farming, it might not be too bad to live near the


Artpe carefully added a beach house to his retirement plan. Then

he took off his robe and shoes. He returned with only his light
clothing on.

As a finishing touch, he took out the branch of the World Tree from
his Dimensional Pouch. He planted it on the beach. The branch’s
wide leaves created a canopy, and it kept the sun off of him. The
World Tree hadn’t given him the branch so he could block out the
sunlight as an emergency measure. However, he didn’t care about

“Shall I continue my work?”

However, Artpe couldn’t work on his magic tome for long. Maetel
wasn’t satisfied with playing only with Roa. She ran up to him, and
she started urging him to come into the ocean.

“Artpe, the ocean water is cold! It feels good! Let’s play!”

“No, it’s all right. I don’t want to compromise myself to

such youthful follies. I’m suited to a dark life…. Ooh-
104 Report

Artpe was trying to act dignified, but Maetel used her

overwhelming physical ability to reverse the flow of the water. He
was upended by the water. Thankfully, he was able to protect the
Magic Tome and the Ink in time. However, that was the only thing he
could protect. He had taken off all of his defensive gear, so he was
soaked to his underwear.

“Really? I’m working right now. You are being


He quickly manifested his magic, and he floated into the air.

Maetel’s eyes were still fixed on him. His hair was wet, and his
underclothes were sticking close to his body. Maetel’s eyes spun
when she saw this.


“Why is your mouth watering?! Our roles are reversed!”

“Artpe, let’s play together…..?”

“Ah, I'm already in a bad mood…. Ooh-heek!”

Artpe sensed that his body was in danger. From that moment on,
Artpe and Maetel started playing a game of tag. Something that was
more precious than their lives were on the line. As if she found all of
this pathetic, Roa cried out.

“Artpe, let’s play together!”

“What do you mean when you say you want to play with
me! If you don’t give me an exact explanation, I’ll be put in a
difficult spot! Hey! Stop trying to catch me! Roa, help me!”

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa.]
105 Report
The heroes played tag for five hours. It continued until the sun set
on the beach. Artpe performed a monumental feat. He didn’t get
caught by Maetel before she became tired and hungry. However, he
received punishment from her as a consequence of his actions. She
kept rubbing her cheeks against him during the entire dinner time.

They had to cross six more Warp Gates.

At each gate, Artpe didn’t spare his Mana as he recharged the

Gates with his Mana. It took them only two weeks to enter into the
holy nation of Paladia.
106 Report

Chapter 109
Source: Wuxiaworld

[Oppa, you really are too much.]

“Please be a little bit more patient. I’ll end things here

very soon, and I’ll head towards you guys.”

[You won’t give bait to a fish you’ve already caught. What

a devilish method.]

“Where the hell did you learn such words?”

Artpe accepted the complaints that were being transmitted by

Sienna and Regina. Then he gave them directions.

“If you travel north of Daitan, there is a Ice Continent

called Glacia. It is a place where humans can’t live. I want
you to go to the heart of Glacia before spring…..”

After he ended the call with his party members, he let out a sigh as
he raised his head. Maetel was staring at him.


“How lucky. I want to go to the Ice Continent.”

“It’ll just be cold.”

“I can use the cold as an excuse to stick to Artpe.”

Artpe was dumbfounded, so he gave a retort.

“You are already sticking to me right now.”

“I’m already sticking to you, but I want to stick to you in a
107 Report
more aggressive and intense manner.”

At that point, Artpe wanted give up on rehabilitating the hero. It

seemed Maetel realized the carriage ride was coming to an end, so
she wanted to enjoy the current situation as much as possible. She
was glued onto Artpe. She was in a state of nirvana. He started his
next call as he accepted her feeling.


[Please call me by Mycenae.]

“I want you to supply Sienna’s party for the last time. They
are heading into Glacia.”

[That’ll be fine. I’m capable of entering into the Dungeons

of Glacia. I’m a high rank Merchant now.]

“, I want you to supply Silpennon’s party for the last time.

I want you to give them consumable explosive Artifacts and
lock picking tools. I want them them to be of the highest
quality. We are all going to run amok in Paladia..”

[······Arpe-nim, are you sure you are a hero?]

In some ways, Paladia was basically the home of the heroes.

Mycenae’s voice stiffened when he said he would run amok in
Paladia. However, Artpe replied in refreshing manner.

“The hero eliminates evil. However, I'll tell you this

beforehand. The standard of judgment as to what is evil is
subjective. There is a stench coming from Paladia. It is the
smell of evil.”

Since he retained his memories from his past life, Artpe could say
this. Of course, others didn’t know this, so his words sounded very
108 Report
[Why don’t you just become the Demon king!]

“Heroes are one step away from being seen as the Demon
King, and the Demon king is one step away from being seen
as a hero. Well, I made my request.”

[Wait a moment. If you think you can always end the call
first, you are sorely mistak……..]

He ended the call with Mycenae. His last call was to Silpennon.

[You want us to infiltrate into the capital of Paladia?]

“Everyone in Lihazeta will be focused on the heroes. I want

you to carry out your task during that time period. Leseti
and Deyus will only be there for support. You’ve grown your
skills as a thief, and I want you to use that skill in earnest
this time.”

[Artpe….. Can you give me more details? What exactly do

you want me to steal? I think it is time for you to reveal
some information.]

Silpennon’s request was reasonable. Artpe cleared his throat. He

nodded his head as he spoke.

“Lihazeta’s city is subdivided, and it is based on the ranks

of the priests. You already know this, right?”

[Of course.]

“Some regions can be accessed by outsiders, but there is a

region accessible only to the holy priestess, pope, several
high rank priests and the heroes. They call this place the
Zero Class.”

[I never heard of this Zero Class…...]
109 Report
“I want you to completely clean out the Zero Class region.
That is what I wanted to ask of you.”

[Dude! Your words don’t add up! I’m an outsider, so how

am I supposed to get in there!]

Ah. How long had it been since someone resisted against his
plans? He had missed it! In recent times, Maetel and Sienna started
pushing back against his plans, but on a basic level, they always
followed his directions. This was why he had been a bit disappointed.
However, it was as if Silpennon had broken apart this feeling of
frustration felt by Artpe.


“It is as I’ve said. Heroes can enter into the Zero Class.”

[So what?]

“When I enter into the city, I’ll make a move. You’ll just
have to take advantage of this. It is like a backdoor. You
should enter at night. I’ll somehow make it so that you’ll be
able to enter that region tonight.”


These were words that shouldn’t be uttered by someone that was

called the hero. He was about to enter into the capital of the holy
nation of Paladia. He would be escorted by priests and holy knights
as he headed into heart of Lihazeta. This was something that
shouldn’t be spoke by someone like him! While Silpennon was silent
from the dismay he felt, Artpe continued to speak.

“There are many suspicious things going on in Paladia. You

already know this. I want you to bring out all the details. I
want you to show the world the true nature of the temples.
That is my plan.”
110 Report
[All right. Let us say that the temples are hiding
something, and I miraculously find out this secret. How are
you going to spread this truths to the continent?]

“That is a really good question! In truth, I will use a magic

technique developed by Aedia. I brought several Video
Transmission devices.”

[You evil bastard!]

It felt as if Artpe was playing atop of Silpennon’s head. Silpennon

couldn’t nitick any of Artpe’s actions. It felt as if Artpe was even
prepared for a pestilence that would sweep over the continent in
several hundred years!

[Understood. I’ll try to infiltrate them… Truthfully, I’m not

confident I can do it.]

“Don't trust in yourself. Trust in your Artifacts. You

emptied out Diaz’s entire past to arm yourself. You can do

[Even if you have to lie to me, I would like you to cheer me

up! You really are the worst!]

“Hang in there, Silpennon!”

[You have no talent in cheering other people up! Hmmph.

You hang in there too!]

Silpennon grumbled as he ended the call. He was now done with

contacting those that were on the outside. It would be practically be
impossible to contact anyone outside for the near future. He just had
to put faith in everyone that they could work well in concert with
each other.

Artpe put away his communication device then he raised his head
111 Report
with a refreshed expression on his face. However, Maetel was glaring
at him with a sulking expression on her face.

“Artpe, why do you like Silpennon so much? Do you

perhaps like men better than women? Is that it?”

“He’s the only intellectually honest comrade I have. You

don’t have to worry too much about it.”

“Your words are making me worry more!?”

Before Maetel’s interrogation could start in earnest, someone

knocked on the door to the carriage.

“We’ve arrived. We are hoping to show the esteemed faces

of the heroes to the people of Paladia. It’ll be a parade
where everyone will celebrate…..”

“It’s another parade?”

“This is what happens when you become a hero. Still, you

should be thankful that you didn’t have to go through from a
young age.”

“That….. Yes, please forgive us.”

The priest didn’t know what to say when confronted with Maetel’s
complaints and Artpe’s weirdly philosophical view of this situation.
The priest asked for their forgiveness. Artpe and Maetel
immediately exited the carriage. There were countless people
gathered there.


“They are the heroes that were born in this generation!”

“They look exactly like their description. However…..”
112 Report
“There really are two of them. Both of them are heroes?”

The people were tilting their head in puzzlement. It was

understandable. Even after being named a hero, Artpe had a
headache trying to reconcile the idea of two heroes.

“Please come this way. We’ll travel once around the

outskirts of the city then we will head into the great temple.
You’ll be blessed there, then we'll head into the inner city.
That is our schedule.”

“All right.”

Artpe dragged along Maetel, who hated all of this. They moved
towards a new mode of transportation. There were holy knights in
shining armor waiting for them. They surrounded the vehicle as

“This vehicle was made with magic.”

“That’s right. The previous hero cooperated with the

temple in creating this treasure.”

Artpe and Maetel ignored the priest, who had spoken with a bit of
pride in his voice. They moved into the raised seats, so they could
greet the people.

It was a parade vehicle infused with the previous hero’s magic. It

was impossible for the passengers to lose balance on the vehicle,
and it could rise into the air,. It could reach an altitude of several
dozen meters. When they were floating in the air, they were able to
see the design of the city. This city was built as the very last line of
defense. It was the final stronghold in the fight against the Demon
King’s army. This was why the entire city of Lihazeta was acting as a
defensive magic circle. They caught sight of the capital of the holy
nation Paladia.
113 Report
“Wow. The city looks like it was made from toys…....”

The city was built with a plan in mind. Of course, the various
building inside the city was neat and pretty. When she looked down
at the city, Maetel’s eyes shone. Artpe nodded his head as he gave
her an explanation.

“It looks really neat, right? Of course, it’ll all be destroyed

once the Demon King’s army invades this place. Actually,
there is a more horrifying magic built into this place. It’ll
activate once this place is destroyed. Aren’t you reassured
thinking about it?”

“Arpte is a master of breaking apart a person’s dream.”

In some ways, this city was similar to the capital of Aedia.

However, the city of Lays’ magic circle merely functioned as an
underground sewer system. Lihazeta’s magic circle had the ability to
reduce the power of the Demon king’s army. Its function was
completely different from Aedia’s magic circle.

Depending on the situation, the magic circle was unspecialized, so

several types of magic could be activated at the same time. If one
focused on the power of one type of magic, it turned into a
amplification type magic circle….

“My head! My head hurts so much, Artpe! Ooh-goo-


“All right. I won’t explain it any more…...”

If he was to simplify his explanation, the previous hero’s had a

hand in constructing this place. He wondered if he’ll be able to find
out the identity of the high and mighty sunbae-nim. Artpe was
looking forward to it a little bit.

Rather than making something new with his own hands, it was
114 Report
more enjoyable to use something someone else had already built!

It had been awhile, but Artpe became engrossed in thoughts that

was befitting the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly Kings. While
he was having such thoughts, the parade finally started.

“Maetel-nim! You grew up to be very beautiful!”

“Artpe-nim, please look over here? He’s exquisite?”

“Oo-ook. There are too many gazes.”

“Cheer up, Artpe.”

They had already experienced being in a parade in Aedia.

However, they had shared the spotlight with the emperor. This time
the spotlight was solely on the two of them. The burden and the heat
of their attention was twice as strong.

“Artpe-nim is too cool!”



“Kyaaaaaaaaahk! Artpe-nim looked this way!”

······it was quite strange. There were more instances of people

calling out for Artpe rather than Maetel. It felt weird. He turned to
look at Maetel, and as expected, he caught sight of Maetel’s twisted

“Hey, you are in front of people! Keep your face together!

Control your expression!”

“But those people… How dare they say that to my

115 Report
“Is that why you are angry!?”

Despite his warning, Maetel’s rage meter filled up everytime she

heard women scream Artpe’s name. Artpe was careful in not
antagonizing Maetel. This was why he was very timid in his hand

“I think the male is the true hero? Look! Look! The girl
keeps scowling.”

“However, the priests said they will be guiding both of

them onto the road of the heroes. The priests are those that
deliver the messages from the gods. We dare not doubt their

“Everything will become clear when they meet the pope.”

Artpe smirked when he heard the conversation going on between

the throng of people. Maetel didn’t know why he was laughing, so
she poked at his thigh. Then she whispered in a voice that could only
be heard by Artpe.

“When we return, I’ll kiss you 100 times.”

“······if you are punishing me, kissing doesn’t sound like a

great punishment.”

“I’m not giving Artpe a punishment. It is a reward you are

going to give me for being patient..”

“Don’t I have to agree to it! Hey!”

The parade through Lihazeta was moving at a much slower pace

than the parade they had participated in Aedia. It made the two
heroes tired. Moreover, they had to move through the outer city and
the inner city to get the holy ground. When they arrived at the great
temple, they were allowed to rest.
116 Report
“Do you feel any gazes on us?”

“I feel none.”

When the two of them left behind the crowd, they let out a sigh of
relief. Maetel and Artpe leaned against each other. The priests and
holy knights let out a bitter laugh when they saw this.

It happened at that moment….

“I’ve been waiting for you, hero-nim”

Maetel’s body tensed when she suddenly heard a woman’s clear

voice. Artpe and Maetel turned around at the same time.

“My name is Vadinet Kuareu Paladia. Please call me by


There was a black haired girl that looked to be of similar age as the
two heroes. She really was a innocent and beautiful looking girl. She
looked as if she had grown up eating only dew.
117 Report

Chapter 110
Source: Wuxiaworld

‘Ah. That crazy priestess finally made her appearance….’

He had such idle thoughts as he saw the girl. She had black hair
and blue eyes. Maetel instinctively hid Artpe behind her back. The
girl, who had revealed revealed her name as Vadinet, caught sight of
this. She covered her mouth as she giggled in a demure manner.
Maetel found the sight of Vadinet to be very nauseating.

“You don’t have to be so vigilant against me. I am still

inexperienced, but I am called the holy priestess of Paladia. I
was basically born to help the hero-nim.”


“Oh my. What a cute cat.”

Roa suddenly pushed her head out from within Artpe’s robe, and
she let out a small cry as she watched the holy priestess. Artpe put
Roa on his shoulder, and he patted her.

“You have to stay still for now. I’ll tell you when you will
be able to play.”


“It is as if she understands human speech.”


“Oh my.”

Roa let out a cry as if she was answering the holy priestess.
118 Report
Vadinet once again giggled. When she saw this, Maetel became
more guarded. Until now, an innocent pretty girl like her had never
appeared around Artpe. Maetel was worried that Artpe’s heart might
lean towards a girl like her, so Maetel did her best to stop Artpe from
meeting her!

“You really are acting like an idiot. You should step aside,


“I’ll guide you into the temple. There is a blessing that

we’ve prepared for the hero-nim from a long time ago. I’ll be
able to carry it out immediately.”

“Yes, let’s head in.”


[Nyaa-ah. Nyaa nyaa nyaa-ah.]

Artpe, Maetel and Roa were like country hicks. They were
rubbernecking at the great temple as they followed the holy
priestess. Several dozen priests and knights followed behind them
as escorts, so it was a sight to behold.

“I feel the trace of a thick Mana, Artpe….. Aren't Mana

supposed to be circulated? Is it ok to keep it hostage in one
place for so long?”

“They aren’t keeping the Mana hostage. This is what the

Artifacts and magic circles are for. If the Mana was stored
without the now-how, the Mana would either decay or it
would run out of control. However, the Mana you are feeling
right now is being directed towards amplifying or purifying
the magical energy within the great temple. The great
temple primarily filters the Mana. Secondarily, the city’s
119 Report
magic circle is connected to the great temple, and it purifies
the Mana. That is why a normal priest could replicate powers
of a high rank priest in this place.”

“You really are enlightened in the ways of magic. Even I

became focused on your calm and logical explanation..”

The holy priestess had been walking in front of them in the

hallway. She turned around to look at Artpe, and she had a smile of
favorable impression on her face. Maetel poked Artpe in the back,
and Roa cried out as if she found this all to be pathetic. However, the
holy priestess wouldn’t drop the subject once she became interested
in it.

“When I heard that you refused to affiliate yourselves with

any country, I personally became concerned. However, it
seems your actions have resulted in you gaining deeper
knowledge. Moreover, you now possess excellent skills and
ability. In the end, your decision was the correct one.”

“The food in the palace taste ba….. Ooh-boohp.”

“No. It’s nothing”


The holy maiden was puzzled when she saw Artpe block Maetel’s
mouth. However, her smile returned as she turned around. She led
them deeper into the temple.

“This is our destination.”


It took them 5 more minutes to reach the cathedral. The mana of

light was focused there. The altar was letting out a subdued light.
There was also an enormous cross that signified the advent of the
120 Report
gods and the land of the humans. Behind these items, there was an
open space that reminded one of a massive square. Maetel, who had
been in a poor mood, let out an exclamation when she saw this.

“It is a place filled with really warm Mana.”

“If Lihazeta is the heart of Paladia, the great temple is the

heart of Lihazeta. It is as Artpe-nim explained earlier. This
place is where the purified Mana is gathered.”

Of course, there was another central location. It was the Zero

Class area, but she declined to mention this. She moved towards the
Altar. Other priests were waiting for them there. However, when she
lightly shook her head, the priest moved to the side as they lined up
in rows. She was able to stand at the heart of the altar.

“It is the duty of the holy priestess to bless the hero-nim.

We’ll finish the ceremony here. After a brief break, we’ll
start the second half of the parade. We’ll move into the inner

“Do we really have to be blessed?”


Unexpectedly, the one to answer Maetel was Artpe instead of the

Holy Maiden.

“This is a blessing given to the heroes. It is the most

simple method that will allow us to prove that we are heroes.
Moreover, there is a lot of Mana concentrated here. The
bonus that we will gain from it would be significant. It might
also give us an additional Record that I don’t know about.”

“Ah, Artpe-nim.”

Vadinet was taken aback by Artpe’s frank explanation. On the
121 Report
other hand, Maetel tilted her head in puzzlement as she asked a

“However, we don’t have Class upgrades. I thought we are

able to learn skills and spells from all Classes?”

“Yes, we will receive a blessing on top of that. That is why

it is an absolute cheat.”

“I see!”


Vadinet was taken aback when she was confronted with the
thought process of the bad hero! On the other hand, Artpe was
smiling a smile of triumph inside.

‘It is a blessing. I knew about it, but I thought it was

insignificant compared to the annoyance I would experience
here. However, the pure Mana gathered here is beyond my
imagination. Since events have been hastened everywhere
else, I thought it would be the same here. This is

Since things have already turned out like this, it would be a waste
if they didn’t receive the blessing. Artpe led Maetel forward as they
stood in front of the altar. The holy priestess’ eyebrows twitched by
a minute amount.

“Then······ I’ll start the blessing.”


The holy priestess raised both her hands a little bit higher. Artpe
could feel all the Mana within the great temple gather into her hands.
Moreover, there was the altar, which had been created for the
express purpose of the hero’s blessing. It was a holy artifact that had
122 Report
stored Mana, which didn’t hold a speck of impurity. The altar was
letting out a golden light.



The holy priestess’ blue eyes turned into gold. This was evidence
that she was raising her holy power to its limit! The priests and holy
knights were witnessing a sacred moment, so their voices of
admiration automatically rose in volume. Artpe was monitoring the
Mana reaction that was occurring with his Read All Creation ability.
The information was being delivered to him.

However, when the holy priestess’ eyes widened, Artpe sensed

something was off for the first time.

‘Will you look at this?’

There were two heroes. Of course, the blessing would have to be

split equally. As the holy priestess sacrificed the holy artifact to
active the permanent blessing spell, the blessing was being directed
towards one person. In other words,. It had locked onto Artpe.

‘They are already starting their little game…. Or maybe it

is like the civilians outside. Maybe, there are some here that
can’t accept the fact that there are two heroes?’

It was unbelievable! This was so ridiculous! A priest affiliated with

the temple had determined that Artpe and Maetel were both heroes.
Both of them were true heroes, and they had acted accordingly up
until now. The holy priestess was the central figure of the temple,
yet she was discriminating against Maetel!

“Oh god. Please let your warm hands touch those that are
123 Report

Artpe realized that he had gone soft on this matter. It didn't

matter how the business in Paladia was progressing. The holy
priestess was crazy from the start!

“No lies will remain. Please show us only the true hope.”

The priestess’ blessing was heading towards it zenith. The

overwhelming amount of holy power gathered at the end of her
hands were waiting for the moment where it would be able to
descend on the hero. The holy power was being amplified as it was
once again purified itself. The holy power was taking shape.

While this was going on, Artpe used Mana Link to tether his Mana
to Maetel’s Mana. Maetel sensed what was going on, so she raised
her head in confusion. Artpe gave a light wink, and strangely enough,
Maetel picked up on the meaning behind his gesture.

She activated her Record Divide. Maetel and Artpe shared each
other’s Records. They were already linked by Mana Link, so the bond
between the two became stronger. Since both of them were heroes,
they were able to achieve unity.

“Ah. Ah ah ah.”

Maetel let out a sound as if she was loving what was going on. She
was almost dead from pleasure. Normally Artpe didn’t open himself
up to this extent. In reality, this was the first time she had
established a true connection to Artpe.

Artpe wanted to flick Maetel on the forehead, but he didn’t want to

reveal their actions to the holy priestess. Therefore, he kept silent.

“Oh god, please descend upon us!”

The holy priestess’ chant finally came to an end. The golden light
124 Report
containing the overwhelming amount of Mana fell onto Artpe….. It
was being shared with Maetel.


The holy priestess’s voice expressed the confusion she was feeling.

It was an expression that said, ‘This can’t be?’

Artpe put on a reverent expression as if he didn’t know what was

going on.

“Wah-ahh. Artpe.”

“Shh. Just enjoy the show.”

Since the blessing was sent out, the holy priestess was no longer in
control of the blessing. The powerful energy of the blessing touched
Artpe, and it flowed into Maetel. Her Record was a complete Replica
of Artpe’s Record. This was why half of the energy flowed into her.
Everything went so smoothly that it looked as if the blessing had
gone as the holy priestess had intended.

The energy settled within the two heroes. Finally, a wing with
feathers made out of golden light sprouted from their backs. The
holy priestess couldn’t suppress her shock when she saw this.

“How can this be······.”

A wing appeared on Artpe’s left shoulder, and another wing

appeared on Maetel’s right shoulder.

“Ah ah. So beautiful.”

“There is one wing on each hero’s shoulder. They have to

be together for them to have a whole wing.”

“Since it like this…. I have no choice but to accept it. This
125 Report
generation has two heroes. No one made a mistake in
determining this. The two of them will rely on each other to
magnificently take down the Demon King.”

“The sight of them warms my heart.”

In the moment of the blessing, a wing had sprouted from the

shoulders of Artpe and Maetel. Since the two heroes were connected
by the Record Divide, the two wings fluttered in rhythm. It was quite
surreal. Then the wings withdrew into their body.

If both their clothes were removed, there would be a small tattoo

of a golden wing placed on their shoulder blade.

“This shouldn’t…..”

After the blessing ceremony came to an end, the great temple

regained its original appearance. Despite this fact, the holy priestess
looked unsatisfied. She looked taken aback as she kept grasping at
the empty air with her hands.

However, the holy artifact was gone. The Mana prepared for the
blessing ceremony was completely consumed. Even if she wanted to
reverse this, she couldn’t.

“What’s wrong, Vadinet?”

Artpe acted dumb as he slyly asked the question. It looked as if

Artpe was truly worried for her. Vadinet bit her lips. A small amount
of tear formed near her eyes.

“It is nothing. The blessing ceremony was successfully….

It’s finished.”

“Thank you for working so hard for us.”

“No…. I should be the one thanking you. This is my first
126 Report
time doing the blessing ceremony, so I was nervous…..
Thankfully, I was able to carry it out successfully.”

Artpe wanted to burst out into laughter. He had to try really hard
to suppress his laughter. Maetel finally realized what was going on,
so she wanted to hit Vadinet once. She was having a hard time
restraining herself.

“If you are exhausted…. Why don’t you take a break?”

“You do look exhausted.”

“Y...yes. In truth, I am feeling a bit…. I have to

accompany both of you in the parade. I’m sorry, but please
wait until I feel better.”

“All right. Rest to your heart’s content.”

Artpe waved his hand as he sent her off. When he saw Vadinet
turn around, he thought about taking a rest. However, at that
moment, a very faint light started to emanate from Artpe and Maetel
at the same time.

At that moment, there was a short snippet of memory that flowed

into Artpe’s head…...


“End it!”

At Artpe’s cold words, Maetel quickly cancelled the Record Divide.

Artpe’s expression had turned unimaginably rough. Maetel knew
that the situation was very serious. She looked like she was about to
cry as she gave an excuse.

“I’m sorry, Artpe. I didn’t mean to deepen the connection.

My skill was suddenly strengthened, and it worked without
127 Report
regards to my own will,”

“I know it isn’t your fault. It’s fine. Don’t cry.”

“Hoo-ooh. But Artpe looks really mad right now.”

The explanation to what had occurred was extremely simple. The

output of the Record Divide had suddenly increased, and the Record
between Artpe and Maetel had synced more than ever before.

As a result, their memories had flowed into each other.

“I’m not mad.”

“Hoo-ee. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Artpe. Hoo-eeee.”

He said he wasn’t mad, but Maetel continued to cry. He let out a

sigh. However, if everything was fine, he would have consoled her by
hugging her. He wasn’t able to do that.

He had almost revealed his past life to her.

In truth, his heart was beating fast. He knew it wouldn’t happen,

but he was afraid that everything would be conveyed to her if he
touched her again.

This all happened because…..

‘Fucking sunbae-nim! You should have told us that the

strengthening would happen when we receive the blessing!’

With exquisite timing, the Unique skill and spell became

strengthened. It was all sunbae-nim’s fault!
128 Report

Chapter 111
Source: Wuxiaworld

The hero's party stood atop a land that was dyed black with the
blood of Demons and Mana. They were confronting a girl, who had
once been a member of the hero’s party

“I cannot accept it.”

“Calm down, Vadinet. I want you to look straight at me.”

“I am looking straight at you! Only you! Not the hero, but


The city of Lihazeta had preserved its sanctity for several hundred
years. However, the city had fallen at the hands of the Demons and
the hero’s party. As intended, the hero’s party had stopped the
horrific machinations of the Demon King’s army, but the only person
capable of reversing the situation had fallen. She had made her own
decision to corrupt herself.

“How come you're not the hero? Why! Why!”

“Why does it matter who is the hero! We all have to help

Maetel in defeating the Demon King! That is our goal!”

“No, that isn’t my goal…. I’ve been patient, but I can no

longer be patient!”

The fallen holy priestess raised her staff, and her eyes were dyed

“I cannot accept this reality······ I cannot accept the fact

that you're not the hero.”
129 Report

“Stop looking at me with those eyes!”

The hero was trying to persuade the holy priestess by any means
possible. However, the hero was tired from the battle. Her tired eyes
were read as her looking down at the holy priestess.

The hero gritted her teeth. She knew her entire existence was
being denied by the holy priestess. The thief stepped forward instead
of her.

“Vadinet, we worked together to defeat the Demons…. We

defeated the corrupt temple. We also rebuffed the Demon
King’s ambition for the human realm….. We worked hard to
minimize bloodshed, and we were somehow able to stop
them. So why are you doing this?”

“This isn’t the dream I had…. I didn’t go through all the

strenuous training, so I can become the maid of honor!”


The warrior rebuked her, but his words weren’t registered in the
holy priestess’ ears.

“Yes, now I can see why the temple cooperated with them.
There is a difference between what they learned and what
they wanted to protect. Surely, they became sick and tired
of the difference. It is the same with me. The goal of my life
has been shattered into pieces. Yes. I’m sick and tired of it
too! As it stands, I don’t like any of this!”

“They were merely dancing to the Four Heavenly King’s

tune. We exposed their conspiracy! We even sacrificed the
capital to stop their plot. Please, Vadinet!”
130 Report
“Pffft, hoo-hoo-hooht.”

The holy priestess laughed.

“No, their plan hasn’t ended yet.”


“You should know about this by now? I’m the one that
leaked their secret to you. I’m the one that led you by the
nose to bring about this situation.”


The hero felt something was wrong. She was taken aback as she
unsheathed her sword. Unfortunately, the situation had reached the
precipice where nothing could be done.

“All of Lihazeta was made by incorporating magic circles.

When needed, it can be compressed to function for a single
purpose. It is possible to change its shape. Moreover, the
magic circle is more than optimized thanks to the mayhem
caused by the Demons. Yes, the plan was a success. …
was a success only for me.”

All the black Mana in the region was focused solely on her. In a
flash, her energy was amplified. The energy was headed towards a
direction that shouldn't be traversed. The energy was endless, and
there was no limit to it.

In the end, the overwhelming Mana altered the existence called

the holy priestess.

“Vadinet, you…..”

“I hate my position as the holy priestess. I also hate the

fact that Maetel is the hero. However, I cannot change
131 Report
Maetel. That is why I have no choice but to change myself.”

“Everything we’ve worked so hard to achieve…….!”

The thief, Silpennon, yelled out loud. The woman, who used to be
a holy priestess, snickered when she saw him. Her eyes were
completely dyed red, and demonic wings shot out from her shoulder
blades. It was proof that she had lost her holiness.

“Silpennon, my love. This is the only way for us.”

They couldn’t believe what was occuring in front of their eyes, but
they had no choice. In the end, they had to accept it.

They always believed that the priestess would protect them from
their side. However, she had fallen as a human to become a Demon.

Maetel kept crying as she apologized. However, it took a little bit

of time before Artpe was able to console Maetel. When he made sure
that the Record Divide was completely canceled, he took a deep
breath as he carefully approached Maetel. He hugged her.

“Hee-ggoohk. I’m sorry..

“It’s all right. I was just a little bit surprised.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Yes yes.”

Maetel had been crying like a child, and she was barely able to
calm down after Artpe hugged her. He hadn’t approached her for a
while, so she had been afraid that Artpe’s displeasure towards her
was absolute. When Artpe consoled her, she was finally able to

“Artpe, you really aren’t mad?”
132 Report
She was nestled within his hug. Maetel looked up with tearful eyes
as she asked him a question. Artpe let out a bitter laugh as he wiped
away the tears near her eyes.

“I’m not mad.”

“I’m sorry. From now on, I won’t kiss you when you say
you don’t like it.”

“In truth, it isn’t as if I hate it.”

“Then I can continue to kiss you when you are asleep?”


Artpe stared at Maetel as he asked her a question.

“How many times did you do that?”


Maetel had gone into her docile mode of behavior. She thought
long and hard before she shook her head from side to side. However,
the words that came out of her mouth was quite the spectacle.

“Artpe, do you remember the number of times you ate


“Get away from me. We’ll definitely sleep in different

rooms from now on.”

“Ah-oooooh. I’m sorry! I’m sorrrrrry! Anything but that!”

It felt as if she had fallen in a trap that she couldn’t escape from.
He turned passive as he let out a big sigh, and he mussed her hair.

“I know you didn’t do it on purpose. Still, you shouldn’t

see my memories without my permission.”
133 Report
“Yes, I won’t see it. I’ll only see the ones that Artpe shows

“······all right. That is enough.”

At times, he got the feeling that her words were incongruous with
her normal self. The current situation was like that. However, when
Artpe saw Maetel’s innocent eyes, he shook off such uneasy feelings.

“You didn’t see much, right?”

“Yes. Arpte reacted so fast that I didn’t see anything. I

also canceled the skill really fast. I did well, right?”

“Yes, you did well.”


When Maetel was completely sure that Artpe was no longer mad,
she was able to ask him the question. She continued to hold his
hand tight.

“That means Artpe’s spell was strengthened too?”

“Yes. That damned sunbae-nim didn’t say a single word

about the blessing…...”

Over a year ago, they had visited a temple where the Ancient
Kraken was sealed by the previous hero. They were able to absorb a
skill book and a spell book that had been prepared by him.

Sunbae-nim had been firm in his words that the items would
strengthen their Unique skill and spell. However, their Unique skill
and spell hadn’t been strengthened, and it had caused them much
confusion. The strengthening happened today!

Of course, it only occurred after a massive amount of Mana from

an outside source was injected into them. From the beginning,
134 Report
maybe it was intended to be completed through the blessing. As the
possessor of the Read All Creation ability, Artpe was unsure if that
was true. However, the process had been too seamless, so it was

If he could make one guess, the sunbae-nim might have thought

the receiving of the blessing from Paladia was a given. It had been
the same with the sunbae-nim’s grave. He had expected the next
generation’s hero to find it.

“That damned sunbae-nim. I’ll find everything he left

behind, so I can look down on him.”

“Even when Artpe moves with shady intentions, he is cool.”

Artpe tried to manifest a single Mana String as a test. He didn’t

even need conscious thought to bring it out, and the Mana String was
of similar thickness as his previous ones. However, the amount of
Mana within it was in a state of flux. It felt as if it was an extension of

‘The Mana String becomes a spell, and the energy of the

spell is released again to be made into a Mana String. It’s
possible to do this?’

He didn’t have to manifest it as a simple thread. The current Mana

String was pushing the boundary of freedom given to Mana. He
could imbue physical characteristics over the magical energy, and he
could manufacture it into any shape. Even after manufacturing Mana
into a shape, it could be changed into a spell.

‘This is no longer the Mana String······ I see.’

As always, Maetel had been staring at Artpe. His eyes met hers.
Artpe’s figure was contained within her clear green eyes.

135 Report


[Level : 283]

[Strength : 619 Agility : 581 Stamina : 708 Magical Energy :


[Hero’s Aura Lv1]

[Materialization Lv1]

“I became Initialized again!”



He had thought it was a simple matter of his spell being

strengthened. It seemed there was a name change, and he had to
start over from level 1! Of course, the Record of his spells up to now
was still there, so his spell was a level 1 spell that wasn’t a level 1
spell. Still, he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a bit dejected by it.

‘Materialization? What do I materialize? Do I materialize

my imagination? Ideal? Do I get to materialize whatever I
want? If so, this is the terminal end of magic!’

Of course, there wasn’t anything Artpe couldn’t do with his original

Mana String. He wasn’t just merely using a spell. He embodied the
spell as a whole, and in that aspect, there wasn’t much difference
between the hero and the Demon King! No, when he thought about
it in this term, they seemed very similar!

‘Still, there are a lot of restrictions…...’

If there weren’t any restrictions, he could basically conclude the
136 Report
tale of the hero. Of course, there were restrictions. If he tried to
materialize a spell that wasn’t in the form of a thread, he would have
to consume Mana to an abnormal degree. Even with Artpe’s massive
reservoir of Mana, he couldn’t add elaborate conditions to the
Materialization spell.

‘All right. I’ll gradually research this. On the other hand, I

have a newly acquired skill called the Hero’s Aura.’

It was a congruous skill between those that possessed the

matching tattoo on their shoulder blade. Even if they tried to use the
skill, the only benefit that would come from it was an emission of
golden light. Other functions would probably be added when the skill
level rose. Of course, the hero from his previous life didn’t possess
this skill….

Lastly, their status had risen.

Artpe was a hero. He possessed high strength and agility stats. It

was so high that he couldn’t be compared to other magicians.

However, he had received an overwhelming amount of Mana and

the Record within the holy relic. As his magical energy increased, his
strength, agility and stamina increased alongside it. Even if he didn’t
have magic, he could credibly mimic high rank Warrior over level

Then there was the fact that he was capable of strengthening his
body with magical energy. If so, would he be comparable to a lvl 250

“Anyways, this was a boon for me. Maetel, you also….”

“Yes, my skill…. Ooh-mmm. I think it's called the Record


Artpe had been strengthened in totality. It was the same for
137 Report
Maetel. She had gained the Hero’s Aura like him. All her stats were
boosted, and the Record Divide had evolved. It couldn’t be
compared to before.

If she wanted, she could steal someone else’s Record. She

wouldn't need permission. She also could give her Record to
someone else without any restrictions.

“······I made it clear that you can’t do it.”

“Artpe’s level is so high that I probably can’t even attempt

it on you. Don’t worry about it.”

Maetel didn’t want to make Artpe mad again, so she waved her
hands. Then she suddenly discovered the presence of the priests
and the holy knights. They had been there all along. She pulled at
the sleeve of Artpe’s robe.

“Artpe, they are looking at us with strange eyes.”

“It is understandable. The heroes finally received their

blessing, yet we look to be romancing each other right now.
Of course, they would look at us with such eyes.”


Maetel’s eyes turned starry. Artpe realized that he had

unintentionally turned on her switch.

“I meant that it looks like that on the surface.”

“I see. From the perspective of other people, we already

look like that.”

“Ah······ Yes. I guess so.”

“Ooh-hee. I see.”
138 Report
It was hard to believe that she had been crying until a moment
ago. She had an unimaginably bright smile on her face. Artpe was
thankful that Maetel felt better, but he kept letting out a sigh.

It was at that moment that the holy priestess returned to them.

She had come back after controlling her emotions.

“Now…. The two of you will have to accompany me in the

parade that is heading towards the inner city.”

“Yes. Please watch over us.”

This was how the march towards the inner city started. Artpe,
Maetel and the holy priestess Vadinet were having different thoughts
as the parade continued. Despite this fact, they maintained a broad
smile on their face. In the eyes of the people of Lihazeta, they looked

“Oh my. The holy priestess is with them. They really look
great together.”

“Did you hear the news? Two heroes received the blessing.
That is quite convenient…..”

“I wonder what the gods are painting. I shouldn’t be

having such thoughts, but I’m a bit curious as to how the war
with the Demon King’s army will progress.”

“You rascal. You shouldn’t even speculate about such


It seemed the people of this country had read the ‘Words That
Shouldn’t Be Spoken Unless You Want to Become a Supporting
Character in Another Person’s Life Volume 2.’ The nearby civilians
were talking about their perception of the proceeding, and they were
mixing in some dialogue about the future. It truly were words
befitting extras!
139 Report
“Hero-nim, the parade will come to an end soon. When it
ends, we’ll enter a location that is inaccessible by the other
priests and holy knights. The two hero-nim will be
accompanied only by me.”

“Yes, all right.”

The proceeding was really long and drawn out. When the holy
priestess whispered to him, he schooled his expression. He tried his
best to act as if nothing was wrong. However, there were a lot of
thoughts going through his head.

‘If the same situation from my past life occurs again, it’ll
become really annoying. Will Silpennon be able to pull this
off successfully? Of course, it isn’t as if there aren’t scenarios
where he’ll fail. Still, I want to get through this cleanly. I
want to change the direction of the events to completely fuck
over the Demon King’s army…...’

He took a peek at the holy priestess. Her expression still contained

some of the dismay she was feeling. However, she was a priestess
blessed by the gods. This was why she had on a saintly smile on her
face. Maetel was still in her self-restraint mode, so she couldn’t poke
at Artpe’s thigh like usual.

At that moment, the holy priestess suddenly spoke.

“The two of you look very close….. I am envious.”

“You should find a good man for yourself.”

At Artpe’s apathetic response, the holy priestess let out a bitter

laugh as she replied.

“My body was dedicated to the gods. That is why I am

unavailable to men. That is how it is. However, if the god do
allow a mate for me, it would probably be a her……..”
140 Report
“People of Lihazeta! Please give your blessing to the two
heroes and the holy priestess! They will be going on a
journey to defeat the Demon King!”

Before the holy priestess could finish her words, a holy knight
shouted out his words. The people of Lihazeta shouted their
blessings towards the party at the same time. There were people
that had followed the parade from the start to the end. The people
gathered at the current location numbered in the tens of thousands.
Of course, Artpe couldn’t hear the holy priestess’ words.

‘What? So that’s what it was?’

However, Artpe didn’t have a screw loose like the main characters
that appeared in the hero’s tale. He possessed abilities that was
completely different from them. It didn’t matter that the civilians
were yelling at him. It didn't matter that Maetel was glaring at him.
He could clearly read the lips of the holy priestess!

‘The holy priestess can’t meet men aside from the hero?
This bitch actually believed in such lie!’

Artpe gained an understanding. He understood why the holy

priestess had acted like a psychotic bitch in his previous life. He also
realized why she had tried to intentionally exclude Maetel from the

The holy priestess in his past life had believed in a lie, and she had
lost control as she continued to work towards her goal of a marriage!
141 Report

Chapter 112
Source: Wuxiaworld

‘Hah. Should I kill her or not…...’

Artpe always thought about his previous life as his previous life,
and he thought about his current life as his current life. In his past
life, Artpe was one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Demon King’s
army, but that was history to him. There was no guarantee that what
happened in his past life would occur in his present life.

In his past life, Silpennon had put a dagger through Artpe’s heart,
yet he had a decent relationship with Silpennon in his current life. If
he had kept his personal grudge about his past life, Silpennon
wouldn’t have grown to be a thief that was over level 200. Artpe
would have buried him in the mountains of Diaz. Silpennon would
have slept the eternal sleep.


“Hero-nim, why are you looking at me like that? Ah ah.


However, he was faced with the holy priestess right now, and she
was truly happy when he showed interest in her. Should he really
treat her in the same way as Silpennon? Should he do this despite
the fact that she was a psychotic bitch, who had turned herself into a
Demon in an attempt to get with a man?

When he sussed out the whole situation, this woman looked scarier
to him. If there was some monumental reason behind her actions, it
would have been understandable. However, she had caused trouble
that was based 100% on blind love!
142 Report
“No, it is nothing. I just have something I want to tell you.”

“I still have hope! Aht. Ah. It is nothing.”

She wasn’t that old, yet the holy priestess Vadinet was thinking
about marriage. Artpe was truly perplexed by it. In fact, he
wondered if she would believe his words even if he told her the truth.

‘Will it be possible to rehabilitate her······.’

This wasn’t a problem about cause and effect. This problem was
entirely rooted in her personality. Even if he brought her in as a
party member after averting the disaster, the inherent unstable
factor remained. This was the reason why Artpe was worried. He
could see the possible desire and lack of control hidden behind her

If the reason for her corruption really stemmed from ‘men’, he

would be able to solve the problem. It might be possible for him to
eliminate any discord. He could turn this woman over to Silpennon.
He just had to makes her accept the fact that the holy priestess
didn’t have to have relationship with the hero! It was all bullshit!

‘That’s right. If I can cleanly hand her over to


This was his last problem.

In his past life, Silpennon loved Maetel. The current Silpennon

was… Artpe had no idea. Silpennon probably held a lot of interest
towards Maetel. Artpe couldn’t forget the fact that the young
Silpennon had fallen for Maetel at first sight.

‘However, I immediately separated the two of them.

Moreover, Silpennon is dependent on me in terms of
materialistic and emotional support. This is why he’ll take a
step back. The only problem that still remains is the fact that
143 Report
I didn't know if he’ll accept the holy priestess.······.’

Oh well! Since Silpennon will become a king of a nation, he could

probably take in a wife or two! Since Silpennon didn’t know about
the disaster caused by Vadinet in their past lives, he would see
Vadinet as a beautiful girl. He might become interested in her
innocent charm. There was a chance that Silpennon might like her!

“Heeng. Artpehhhhh.”

“Ah. She really needs a lot of work.”


Afterwards, the party satisfactorily ended the parade. They

entered into the Zero Class area. In that moment, Artpe did
something he had assured Silpennon he could do. He created a
byway that would allow Silpennon to enter into the Zero Class!

‘There is something more important you have to steal,

Silpennon! Please do well!’

Artpe didn’t even blink as he passed on the bothersome task to


The party had arrived at the Zero Class area very late. This was
why the meeting with the pope was pushed to the next day. They
were guided to their accommodations. There were no priests or
disciples in this facility. The holy priestess, Artpe and Maetel were
the only ones walking down the silent hallway.

“In truth, it isn’t as if we don’t have those that wait on us.

However, they are only allowed in at times that wouldn’t
interfere with the lives of the high rank priests. Everyone
that works in this region are chosen from the daughters of
the high rank priests. They were handpicked and trained.”
144 Report
“They volunteered themselves for such a troublesome role.
They are very devout to the gods.”

“Everyone wants to lift the name of the gods, and we are

all doing it for the heroes. I’m sure all of them will be thrilled
to know that hero-nim will be residing here.”

They stopped walking down the hallway when they reached a small
wooden door. There was a carefully made oval door plate placed on
the door. There was the word, ‘Yes’, written in red letters. He didn’t
ask what the ‘Yes’ was referring to.

“This is my room.”

“Yes. I already know that.”

“It seems you knew this in advance. Oh my…..”

The holy priestess was making a big deal out of nothing, yet she
looked happy. In some ways, she looked similar to Maetel at that


It was actually a discourtesy towards Maetel for him to make such

a comparison, so he dropped the thought.

“This place is Artpe-nim’s room. Maetel-nim just has to go

down a little bit more for her room.”

Artpe’s room was very close to Vadinet’s room. They looked

towards Maetel’s room. However, the distance to Maetel’s room
wasn’t small at all. The layout of the rooms were too transparent in
its intention!

Artpe had a feeling as to who had a hand in assigning the rooms.

Maetel had been very patient, because she had sinned against
145 Report
Artpe. However, she was slowly reaching a boiling point.

“Artpe will sleep with me.”

She could no longer hold herself back. In the end, Maetel opened
her mouth. Vadinet giggled as she gave a retort,

“It might have been possible when both of you were

younger, but you can’t do that now. Maetel-nim’s room is
over there…...”


Maetel put on a soft smile as she tugged Artpe’s arm towards her.
She clung tight to his arm.

“Artpe will sleep with me..”


Vadinet and Maetel fought fiercely with their eyes. However, in the
middle of the battle, Artpe flicked Maetel on her forehead.


“This dork’s thought level is that of a child, Vadinet. We

really are just sleeping in the same room, so please don’t
have weirds thoughts about us.”

“W...weird thoughts! I’m not called the holy priestess for

nothing. I just didn’t want something profane happening
between minors. Moreover, hero-nim is······.”

“That is why you can rest easy. I’m going to Maetel’s

room. I’ll see you in the morning.”

146 Report
Vadinet was making strange noises.

It was urgent for him to get Silpennon!

If things continued along this path, Artpe might really get eaten by
this woman. As he had such thoughts, he quickly dragged Maetel
towards her room. He opened the door. They entered through the
door and he locked the door. He was barely able to relax after doing
all of this.

“Huh-uhk, huh-uhk….. I’ve never experienced a woman so

young throw herself at me with such thirst.”

“Wow, Artpe. Look at my room.”

“Huh? Ah······ I see. It’s pretty.”

He had worried that Vadinet had done something weird to Maetel’s

room. Fortunately, this room wasn’t under the domain of Vadinet.
The room was very clean, and it was beautifully decorated. The
room possessed a large and soft bed. It was a luxury that Maetel had
never experienced before.

“The blanket is very cozy! Let’s quickly wash then sleep!”

“Yes, let’s do that. You should wash first”

“Let’s wash togeth-ahhhk.”

Maetel was quite awkward as she attempted to seduce Artpe. She

received a flick on her forehead, and she was chased into the

“Hoo-ooh. Shall I do this now?”

He was barely able to find a calmness in his surrounding. First, he

sat on the chair placed in front of the dressing table. He was
thorough in checking for surveillance and interference type magic
147 Report
spells. Then he placed a sound dampening barrier and anti-intrusion
spell around him. He finally took out the communication device.


[Hey, I really was able to sneak in. What did you do? It was
as if the barrier was waiting for me. A very small region of
the barrier opened for me. Of course, Leseti and Deyus are
moving separately from me.]

As expected, Silpennon had significant talent for this type of work.

Artpe had a satisfied smile on his face as he gave his next order.

“I’ll tell you the location of our lodgings. My room is

empty, so you should use that one.”

[Won’t I be find out?]

“With your skills, you won’t be caught by the servants.

Even if you are found, it is just one person….. In truth, it
would be great if you were found out by her.”

[What did you just say?]

Artpe spoke with a very serious voice.

“Would you like to seduce a particular woman for the sake

of saving a country?”

[······are you perhaps thinking about letting go of Maetel?]

“I won’t give let you have Maetel, you idiot.”

He had unintentionally spat out some embarrassing words. He was

very nervous about the fact that Maetel might have heard his voice
from the bathroom. Fortunately, there was no reaction.

This was all thanks to Silpennon, who had spoke such idiotic words!
148 Report
He had taken on the occupation of thief, and now he spoke like a
worthless thief that worked in a back alley!

[Ah. Then what are you talking about!]

“There is a very beautiful holy priestess named Vadinet


[If she is a very beautiful holy priestess, why don’t you

seduce her?]

“She doesn’t get along with Maetel. If I seduced her, there

will be a war. Moreover, that woman doesn’t really like me.”

He was telling the truth. From the moment she saw him, she had
tried to look appealing to Artpe. However, she was doing this,
because she believed that she had to be matched up with a hero.
That was the only reason. She didn't have any special emotions
towards him. At the very least, it looked like that from Artpe’s

Moreover, she had been in love with Silpennon in their past lives.
There was a clear difference. If Vadient had the choice of choosing
her love interest between the two of them, she would most definitely
choose Silpennon!

[Still, I’m having a hard time trusting you…..]

“You are the only one, Silpennon. This woman is directly

involved with the corrupted faction within the temple. We
have to either root them out or this whole country will rot.
This all hinges on that woman.”

[Eh-eeeee. This is supposed to be a holy nation! Why are

they like this!]

That was what Artpe wanted to say too. Silpennon anguished over
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it before he decided Artpe was telling the truth. In the end, he
nodded his head.

[I’ll look into it first. I’ll be taking on the role of an

intruder, so I have no idea how I’ll seduce her…...]

“I’ll create a manual for you. You can relax and seduce

[If I meet you again, I want to strike you full in the face.]

“Let’s talk again after we meet. Ah. Of course, you have to

make sure to steal everything else.”

[You are working me really hard. I’m ending the call. I

have to move now.]

“All right. You should contact me after you infiltrate my

room. I’ll bring my manual to you.”

[Quit it, you asshole!]

Artpe ended the call with Silpennon, then he took out a pen and
paper. He wondered if he should go this far in doing this, but he
decided to temporarily suspend such thoughts. He knew Vadinet’s
personality and Silpennon’s abilities. Artpe would use his power to
create a manual that’ll work 100% on her!

“Artpe, I’m done washing.”

“Ah······ Mmmm.”

Maetel opened the door to bathroom. She came out when Artpe
was focused on making the manual.

“This place has better facilities than Aedia.”

“All waste is purified using holy magic…. Anyways, you
150 Report
should put on some clothes.”


Maetel was covering her body with a bath towel. It was a wonder
that she was able to pull it off at such an age, but she couldn’t hide
the luscious line of her body. Moreover, her cheeks were flushed
right now, and it accentuated her allure. Even Artpe was affected by
her dizzying sensual charm, so he desperately turned his gaze away.

“Now that I think about it, it has been awhile since only the
two of us slept together, right?”

“I guess so. I’m going to go wash.”

“All right! Ah. You know what, Artpe?”

Maetel asked her question in a nonchalant manner.

“Artpe said my mind is child-like?”

“......w….what about it?”

“You said we are just going to sleep. Does that mean we

can do something other than sleeping?”


In that moment, Artpe encountered the biggest crisis of his life.

“Also, Vadinet talked about something profane happening

between a man and a woman. What was she talking about?

“T...that is…. You’ll find out once you are an adult.”

“I’m not an adult yet?”
151 Report
As she asked the question, Maetel looked down as she tried to
check her own body. Artpe suddenly stood up, and he quickly walked
towards the bathroom. As he did so, he made a request towards

“Be patient, Maetel. Don’t pull off your towel right now.

You should get into your pajamas while I go into the
bathroom. All right?”

“Artpehhhh~ Please tell me about it. Huh? Huh?”

“It is too early! I’ll tell you when you become an adult!”

“When will I become an adult! Huh?”

Before Maetel could chase after him, Artpe desperately closed the
door to the bathroom. Cold sweat appeared on his back.

‘This is a problem.’

It was said that the enemy within was the scariest. Those words
described his situation to a T. Currently, Maetel was the scariest!
She was scarier than the Demon King’s army and Vadinet!

“Artpe, you’ll tell me when you come out? Huh?”

“You should sleep first!”

“You are too much!”

Artpe was tormented. He wondered how he would convince Maetel

to sleep with him without ‘sleeping’ with him.

On that night, Artpe was fortunate. Maetel kept pressing him for
answers, but he was successful in putting her to sleep first.

Also, Silpennon was successful in infiltrating into Artpe’s quarters

without being caught.
152 Report

Chapter 113
Source: Wuxiaworld

‘I can’t believe he is acting so outrageous in a joint


He had left behind Leseti and Deyus. He allowed them to move

independently. Afterwards, he infiltrated the Zero Class area. He
continued to grumble as he moved from one shadow to another.

As he approached level 220, he continued to train as a thief. He

was able to sense all life and Mana within a limited region. He also
learned how to avoid detection of others. It was as Artpe had said.
He possessed genius level talent towards thief-related abilities.

‘He trusted in my abilities, and that is why he supported

me. Did he do all of this, because he knew this day would

When he thought about it, it was very suspicious. Silpennon

frowned. Even as his mind struggled over this problem, there was no
adverse effects to the body. He continued to move quickly as he
avoided the Mana Net that filled the whole area. He was able to
easily get past the traps as he approached Artpe’s lodging.

‘I should head over to the room he told me about.’

He had received maps with locations of Dungeons from Artpe. As

he methodically cleared the Dungeons, he was able to train his thief
skills for two years. He had a basic plan of action on how he should
act in an unknown territory.

We wasn’t a warrior that was wearing an invincible armor. He

wasn’t a magician that possessed powerful magic. If he was asked to
153 Report
fight enemies head on or destroy a building in its entirety, it was
beyond his ability.

It didn’t matter if it was a Dungeon or a ruin. He infiltrated them

first to make sure that his safety was assured.

He slowly crawled through a region like a spider as he expanded

his knowledge of a region. When he gathered all the information, he
seized his target. He did this last. It allowed him to cleanly escape
after acquiring his target. This was Silpennon’s mindset as a thief.

‘There really is a damn fine mesh of magical energy

interwoven in this place. It would have taken me a long time
to analyze this place. How did Artpe manage to twist the
structure of this place?’

He used his quick feet to safely avoid several secret traps, and he
was able to enter into the residential area. He was able to read the
signature of the people moving within. He moved quickly and
stealthily as he avoided coming across them. He reached the room
pointed out by Artpe.

No. In truth, there was another room that worried him before he
reached Artpe’s room.

‘I don’t know why that room has a Yes sign on the door, but
I feel an incredible amount of Mana within.’

Did he perhaps need to seduce the person within the room? Did he
have to do it for the prosperity of Paladia and the advancement of
the hero’s party? If so, he could accept doing such a task. Since she
was this talented, he could understand why she wanted to enter into
the hero’s party using whatever method within her means. The only
problem was the fact that he had to seduce her.

‘I’m sure her appearance is perfect, but her personality is

probably terrible. That bastard, Artpe. He keeps an angel
154 Report
like Maetel by his side, yet he wants me to….. Ah ah ah. I
don’t care. I want to rest first.’

Silpennon let out a sigh as he grabbed the door to the room. He

used a specialized thief skill called ‘Quiet Infiltration. He disabled
the alarm and observation type magic as he picked the lock. He
opened the door. He was able to do everything without making a

There was one girl inside.



Both of them were at a loss for words at the unexpected situation.

She wore a headpiece and a plain apron. She wore loose one piece
dress that was comfortable to move in. No matter how he saw it, she
had the appearance of a servant. A thought came to him as he
looked at the girl.

‘With your skills, you won’t be discovered by the servants.’

Ah ah. That’s right. Artpe clearly said those words, yet Silpenon
let Artpe’s words go in one ear and out the other. Silpennon had
every reason to be ashamed.

He really didn’t expect to be found out by a maid!

“W…..who….who are you?”

He wore a sword strapped to his body. He also wore a tight black

suit, and a black hood covering his face. Silpennon looked entirely
suspicious. The maid looked ready to cry as she asked her question.
She had assumed he would kill her if she let out a scream. That was
why she was keeping her voice low, and he was thankful for it.
155 Report
“First······ I’m not a bad person.”


Silpennon spoke as he closed the door. He acted as if nothing was

wrong. The maid loudly refuted his words. Silpennon let out a bitter

“If you follow my words, you won’t die. I’ll try to find a
happy outcome for the both of us.”

“Hoo-hoohk. How were you able to enter into the Zero

Class? I was expecting to meet the hero-nim. Instead I met a

Silpennon wondered if he should tell her that he was able to come

into this place thanks to the hero. However, he decided to hold that
information back for now. First, he closed the window, then he
looked at the girl as he sat on the bed.


“Hee, heek.”

She looked plain, but she wasn’t a pumpkin. She actually had
clean and bright skin. Her eyes were large and clear. If she was
made-up, she would look quite pretty.

However, her appearance wasn’t what was important right now…..

It was the fact that her presence was very faint.

“How come you weren’t detected by my senses? I was sure

this room was empty.”

“It started from when I was young….. I heard similar words

about me from others. That is why my father said I was
suited to become a maid in the Zero Class……...”
156 Report
“It isn’t just faint. I think it’s an ability.”

“I was able to meet a thief thanks to this ability. Hoo-


It seemed the girl was overwhelmed by her fear, so she finally

started to cry. Did this girl really think he was going to kill her? It
seemed she had an innocent personality befitting a maid of Paladia.
A smile came unbidden to his mouth.

“Stop crying. I won’t kill you.”

“Hoo-ggoo-oooh. Really?”

“Yes, I won’t if you heed my words.”

The thoughts within Silpennon’s head became complicated, since

his plans were starting to go sideways. Still, he wasn’t someone that
would kill a person to uncomplicate a situation.

Anyways, Silpennon had planned on resting in this room for a little

bit. He was going to recover his Mana as he checked what was going
on nearby. Instead, he decided to cajole information out of her.

“You should let go of your cleaning supplies for now.”

“The hero-nim might enter this room at any moment, so I

have to clean it…...”

“Let it go.”

“Yes, sir.”

The maid quickly let go of her cleaning supply, and she approached
him. When he made sure no one else was approaching Silpennon’s
domain, he took off his hood. He revealed his face. If he wanted to
communicate with her, he would have to get rid of attire that was
causing the fear within her.
157 Report

“What? Are you surprised, because I’m too young?”

“That… Yes.”

Silpennon possessed red hair and burning red eyes. His

appearance spoke of his nobility. He couldn’t reach the growth
speed of Artpe and Maetel, but he was 15 years old. He wasn’t a
boy, but a young man. He had grown that much.

The unknown thief suddenly changed into a dignified and

handsome young man. The maid couldn’t help, but feel less
threatened by him. When he saw that the maid had relaxed a little
bit, he became relieved. He asked her a question.

“What is your name?”

“My name is…..Aria Kuar Serieta.”

“Kuar? Serieta? What the hell? Are you a disciple studying

under a high rank priest?”

“The servants of the Zero Class are made up of those that

have the potential to become high rank disciples…..”

He had acquired a very surprising yet useless information!

Silpennon nodded his head as he continued to speak.

“All right, Aria. My name is Silpennon. I came here,

because I want something from this place. If you cooperate
with me, my work will become easier, and your life will
remain safe. It will also help out Paldia.”

“Liar. Aren’t you a thief? You probably came here to steal

Paladia’s precious holy relics….ooh-mmm..”
158 Report
She thought Silpennon was being shameless as he continued to lie.
She thoughtlessly undercut his words. However, she suddenly
remembered what kind of situation she was in, so she shut her own
mouth. However, Silpennon didn’t show any signs of anger. She was
careful as she opened her mouth again.

“I’m the daughter of a priest. I can pretend that you aren’t

here, but I cannot cooperate with any actions that would hurt
the people of Paladia. I also cannot help you steal any of our

“You will do so even if the consequence of your actions will

result in your death?”


He saw a pretty resolute expression on her face. He hadn't seen

the sign of her backbone when she had been cowering in fear. When
Silpennon saw this….

“In truth, I am here at the request of the hero.”

“Is that really true!?”

He thought it was truly easy to use the name of the hero.

“Just think about it. I came here on the day when the
heroes entered into the Zero Class. No matter how you look
at it, doesn’t it look intentionally done? Moreover, I
immediately came to the hero Artpe’s room. If I didn’t have
foreknowledge of this place, it would be impossible for me to
do this.”

“ that I think about it…. However, why would he do

that? Why would the hero-nim need to hire a thief…...”

“If you wait a little, I can give you proof. I want you to
159 Report
listen to me closely. This is the important part, Aria.”

He had just met her, yet he took the liberties of calling her by her

“This generation's heroes had refused the summons from

their kingdom before. Moreover, they took a very
roundabout path to get to the temple. You know this, right?”

“ that so? Not much outside information comes into

the Zero Class…. H...however, I do know that the hero-nims
took an unusually long time to come to the temple after they
were discovered…… They had to cancel the planned event
several times within the Zero Class······.”

A small smile appeared on Silpennon’s lips. She looked like a

maid, but in the end, she was a lady that had been cultivated within
a greenhouse. He just had to mix 10% lie with 90% truth. She was
merely a prey that could be tricked.

He was also a prince that was cultivated within a greenhouse. It

hadn’t been too long since he had put behind such an environment,
yet he thought in such arrogant terms.

“The hero know that there is corruption within the temple.

Please don’t be surprised by what I’m about to tell you.
Currently, the temple is conspiring with the Demon King’s

“What!? Oohp oohp.”

She unconsciously spoke very loudly. Her voice rang out within the
room. He desperately covered her mouth with his hand. At the
touch of this strange man, her face became beet red. It was as if her
face was about to explode.

“Are you going to be quiet and listen to me?”
160 Report


Silpennon let her go, and he quickly gave her an explanation. He

bulldozed over her confused mind!

“That is why the heroes didn’t come here until they made
all their preparations. Only after acquiring me as a comrade,
they narrowly decided to come here. This was all possible,
because of my presence.”

“How can that be······ You are a thief!?”

“The hero’s party directly entered into the Zero Class to

draw the attention of the priests. While they are doing so, I
have to search for evidence that would expose the corruption
within the temple. I have to expose their ‘righteousness’ to
be false. I am cooperating with the heroes to purify the
temple. That is our final goal.”

“My god······.”

It was truly funny. Silpennon was spouting words that was coming
to his mind, but most of his words were true! Moreover, Aria was a
naive maiden. At his dramatic words, she accepted his words at a
logical and emotional level.

‘This truly sounds like something that occurs within the

hero’s tale!’

This was the thought going through her head! It was expected.
Paladia were filled with women that like to have their heads in the

“I’m sure you’ve observed select high rank priests or the

pope show strange behaviors. They probably tried to hide
161 Report
something within the Zero Class. I’m sure of it.”

“However, these are holy relics important to the rituals of

our religions. Of course, they would try to hide such holy

“Yes, that is a good cover for their actions, but the

evidence of their wrongdoing will come out soon. I’ll find it.”


“Just think about it, Aria. This is the duty of the heroes.
The temple always stays rooted to this place, but the two
heroes travel around the continent defeating evil. They carry
out good in this world. Who’s more trustworthy between the
two? Do you even have to think about it?”

“T...that is…..”

She had believed and followed the temple for her entire life.
However, she also had absolute worship towards the heroes. As a
naive girl, it seemed believing in the heroes had a little bit more
appeal. The girl was taken aback as she stammered. In the end, she
shook her head.

“It is plausible that you came here on the behest of the

hero-nim. I can believe it. There is no need for you to give
such a lie. However, my life and body was entrusted towards
serving the temple. I cannot easily change my heart in this


The girl’s golden eyes twinkled. Silpennon wondered why things

weren’t working out so easily for him as he clicked his tongue.
However, the words that came out her mouth next were sensational.
162 Report
“······not yet. That is why I want you to show me proof. I
want you to show me proof that the temple has become


“I was cleaning the hallway not too long ago. I saw the
pope quickly rush past me, and I saw him enter into a secret
tunnel. In truth, I thought his actions were a bit suspicious….
If it is you, you can show me what is in that tunnel. I’m sure
we can get a definite answer to all of this!”

She was already determined to join forces with Silpennon!
163 Report

Chapter 114
Source: Wuxiaworld

Silpennon was looking at her with a baffled expression on his face.

She gave a detailed explanation of her reasoning.

“My sense of presence has always been weak. Even after I

joined this place, people aren’t able to perceive me very

“At this point, it doesn’t sound like your sense of presence

is weak. I can come up with another adjective that would
describe your ability.”

Aria cheerfully ignored the very normal retort to her words. She
continued to speak.

“That is why the pope…. Occasionally, the other high

priests performed important tasks in my presence. They
didn’t realize I was near.”

“You saw something suspicious. So why did you do nothing

about it?”

“I'm only a maid. I have no power. The only thing I can do

is put my faith in the pope, and in addition, the priests.”

It was bullshit to say that she didn’t have any power. She
possessed a stealth ability that was capable of deceiving even the
pope. How can she be so shameless by speaking such words!
Silpennon was flabbergasted. However, Aria was on a roll, so he
didn’t stop her from speaking. He just stood still.

“However, when I heard your story today, I came to a
164 Report
decision that I can longer stand by doing nothing. When I
think back on it, the pope had a really odd expression on his
face. It was as if he was mesmerized….. If I’m to be blunt,
he looked like a perverted old man.”

He thought she was being way too blunt.

“So you do think that old man is doing something


“Yes. ······I cannot confirm it for myself, but it will be

possible for you to do so.”

Silpennon had the ability to infiltrate into the Zero Class! Her eyes
contained great expectation as her gaze washed over him. He
became a little bit cocky. Up until now, he had been caught up in his
need to growing faster. This was why it felt pretty good to receive
recognition from someone else.

“All right. I want you to guide me to the secret tunnel.”

“ I have to go too?”

“You’ll only believe it if you see it with your own eyes?”

“That is…. Yes. It is so. What about the hero-nim?”

“Ah. That’s right. I’ll have to contact Artpe first…..”

In the middle of his speech, Silpennon suddenly disappeared from

Aria’s sight. It had occurred so fast that she stood in place as she
blinked her eyes.



Afterwards, the door opened and someone came in. It was none
165 Report
other than the holy priestess Vadinet!

She came into the room, then she tilted her head in puzzlement.

“That’s strange. I definitely heard a voice in here…. It was

the voice of a young man, so I thought it was the hero-nim.”

“Ah. Holy priestess-nim….”

“He isn’t here. I guess I misheard.”

Of course, Aria was ignored by Vadinet. It seemed she hadn’t been

discovered by Vadinet. It was to be expected. Silpennon had grown
as a thief, yet he was only able to register Aria after he had opened
the door.

“Ha-ah, hero-nim. He was as I had imagined. He’s a

wonderful person. He isn’t exactly my ideal type, but…. That
fact makes me like him even more…...”

The holy priestess slowly entered into the room, and she sat on top
of the bed. Aria was frozen like an ice sculpture as she looked on.
The holy priestess’ actions steadily escalated, and it became quite
the spectacle. She fell onto the bed as she started to grope the

“Hoo-ooh….. I want to see him up close. Will he come to

this room tomorrow? If that meddling woman wasn’t here,
everything would have been perfect…..”


It was clear as to who the meddling woman was! They had been
trying to expose the pope’s true nature, yet they were faced with the
holy priestess’ true nature! When faced with this reality, Aria didn’t
know what to do. She looked like she was about to cry.
166 Report
“The blessing was supposed to be given only to Arpte-nim.
I wonder why it turned out like that…. I’m sure that witch
used some weird trick. The position of hero is only for Artpe-
nim, yet she is sharing that spot with him. I’m sure she used
similar methods in the past to steal his power. Yes, that’s it.
That’s the only explanation that makes sense.”

There was murderous intent dripping from her voice. It would be

much more dangerous than before if Aria’s presence was found out!
Aria desperately tried to use her skill that allowed her to assimilate
into her nature environment. While she was doing that, the holy
priestess finally spoke the worst possible words that she could come
out of her mouth.

“If that woman disappears, hero-nim will only look at me.”

The holy priestess’ face was filled with desire and jealousy. It was
an expression that shouldn’t be made by a woman called the holy

“That woman is evil. She is an evil woman that is getting in

between the hero-nim and me….. How do I reveal that
bitch’s true nature? How? How…...”

She rolled around the bed as she brainstormed. In the end, she
couldn’t come up with an answer. She had a preoccupied expression
on her face as she exited the room. Of course, it was enough for the
two in the room to make an assessment of the holy priestess.

She was quite rotten.

“Ah, ah-oooh. Even the holy priestess…...”

Aria found out a truth that she hadn’t wanted to know. When Aria
looked like she was about to cry, Silpennon dropped to the floor. He
had been hiding in the ceiling. He had a miserable expression on his
167 Report

“Artpe······ You want me to seduce such a woman…...!”


“It was one of the requests given to me by the hero.


He was supposed to seduce the woman. After procuring her as an

ally, Silpennon had planned on exposing the corruption that was
being propagated by the pope and his faction. It would have been
revealed in glorious fashion. He was going to do this with her. His
story would have unfolded dramatically starting tonight… That was
the plan. However, he unexpectedly met a collaborator in Aria, and
he had set out on a different route.

Moreover, he was late in finding out the true nature of the holy
priestess. She was a bit….

“Nope. It isn’t just a little bit. She is completely trash.”

“The holy priestess always smiles at us as she gives us

blessings. She is a good person…… So why is she acting like

“She didn’t hesitate to label Maetel as being evil. It is

actually impressive. I never knew a human could become so

“A...are you...going to seduce her?”

Aria carefully asked him the question. Silpennon let out a kind
laughter as he shook his head from side to side.

“No, I have no interest in seducing a woman that is hell

bent on having a different man. Moreover, she has such a
168 Report
dirty and ill-tempered personality. I’d rather die than seduce

“That’s great…. Aht.”

After hearing his words, Aria blurted out something odd. Aria
quickly shut her mouth. Silpennon was too busy cursing Artpe inside
that he didn’t hear her words.

‘As expected, she’s a bomb! Her appearance is perfect, but

everything else is all messed up. Why would I seduce her?
On top of that, he wants me to seduce someone that is
clinging to him. Does he plan on humiliating me?’

It was the moment when Artpe’s Pass on the Bomb plan failed!
Silpennon kept swearing as he picked up his communication device.
He tried to contact Artpe. Artpe immediately answered the call.

[Are there any spells being used near you?]

“I checked using the Artifact. There is none.”

[Is anyone there?]

“There is another person with me.”

[I see. All right. I’ll go there right now, and I’m going to
kill you.]

“Relax. She’s an ally.”

[······I want you to keep the person you call an ally in place.
I’ll be there.]

“What about Maetel?”

[I was barely able to put her to sleep. Oooh ooh ooh.]
169 Report
The mere fact that Artpe could sleep with Maetel made Silpennon
feel envious. Artpe should be in heaven, yet he was acting as if it
was a terrifying experience. Silpennon couldn’t understand what was
so bad about it, but Artpe ended the call. Artpe didn’t elaborate on
the subject. Aria stood next to him, and her eyes were twinkling.

“That really was the hero-nim!?”

“I thought you said you believed me. Were you worried?”

“It is like hearing a description of the 5 Great Dishes of the

world and eating them yourself. It is a completely different

“Those weren’t that tasty. I thought the buttered corn on

the cob was tastier.”

“What······? You ate the 5 Great Dishes…..?”

How long had passed since the two of them struck up a

conversation that sounded a little bit out of place? The door opened,
and a young man possessing black hair and bewitching purple eyes
entered into the room. It was Artpe.

“It has been a while, Silpennon.”

“Kek, Artpe. You are bigger than me? I thought you would
have become frail….”

It had been 2 years since he met Artpe. Silpennon grinded his

teeth as he sighed in grief.

He had fallen behind in terms of level, but Silpennon believed that

he would be able to overwhelm Artpe in terms of height and body
build. Artpe had completely taken the route of a magician, yet he
possessed a sturdy build. Moreover, he had grown into a young man
that was handsome and tall!
170 Report
“Of course, I’m big. I’m the hero. Aren’t you a little bit too

“Of course, I’m skinny. I’m a thief! Shit!”

This was something Silpennon had recognized when they were

young, but as a 15 year old, Artpe looked really handsome. His
appearance had been upgraded by two steps. He possessed good
looks that could be called bewitching! It automatically made
Silpennon deflate!

“Wa-ahhhh. It really is the hero-nim! He’s wonderful······.”


On the other hand, Artpe treated the reunion with Silpennon as if it

was no big deal. Artpe was about to close the door when he paused.
He had discovered Aria, who was shouting with joy at the sight of

He couldn’t help but chuckle.

“I see. Someone like you exists within the temple.”

“Did you find out something about her on first sight?”

“Well, yeah.”

Artpe’s eyes took in the young maid, who possessed an endlessly

large and clear eyes.

She was the daughter of a high rank priest, yet she was working as
a maid. That part was a bit unusual, but aside from that fact, she
was a very normal maid. She was from the human race, and her
level was 3.

On the other hand, there were two characteristics that made her
171 Report
[Aria Kuar Serieta]

[Human Girl 14 Years Old]

[Level : 3]

[Innate Ability : Assimilation]

The first thing of note was the fact that she didn’t have a Class.
Secondly, she was only a level 3, 14 year old girl, yet she had
already awakened to her Innate Ability.

“Hello, Aria. Why don’t you have a Class?”

She was flustered by Artpe’s question, but she obediently gave him
an answer.

“T...the maids that work within the Zero Class aren’t given
a Class. After finishing 5 years of volunteer service, we gain
recognition, and we are blessed for the first time. Then we
begin the course to become an elite priestess….. That is
what my father told me.”

“I’m surprised that they are so picky!”

Artpe totally ignored Silpennon, who had become surprised by the


“That is why they didn’t know about your potential. You

have an Innate ability called Assimilation. You are
assimilating with a part of your surrounding even as we
speak. The effect of this ability just makes others not take
notice of you. However, your ability has the possibility to
grow into something amazing.”

“I have an Innate ability······!?”

“That’s right. It is very important for you to fully grasp
172 Report
what your ability is. The more you have an understanding of
your Innate ability, you can draw out the potential that is
nestled within you. Your Innate ability will become powerful.
You should take this to heart.”


“No wonder.”

She was level 3, and she didn’t possess any skills. However, she
was able to fool the holy priestess and the pope. The only possible
explanation was an Innate ability. Silpennon nodded his head as if he
had already accepted it as fact. Artpe also nodded his head as he

“Yes, this girl has an Innate ability, which is something you

don’t have.”

“You are a hero that possess a true gift for annoying other

“Aren’t I great?”

“Shut up.”

While Silpennon and Artpe conversed, Aria kept mumbling, ‘Innate

ability’, repeatedly to herself. If she had to pick what had been the
biggest surprise for her today, it would be the realization that she
possessed an Innate ability.

‘I became one of the Four Heavenly King using an Innate

ability. Maetel awakened to her Innate ability after she
became a hero. Then there is Sherryl. After a lot of fuss, she
was able to become the Genesis Mermaid Queen, and she
acquired an Innate ability. Such a rare talent is working here
as a maid…..’
173 Report
It was an extraordinary coincidence. No, it might be fate if one
looked at it in a certain way. If she didn’t have her Assimilation
ability, her meeting with Silpennon wouldn’t have occurred.

‘All right. Things have gone off the rails a little bit, but if I
think about her potential, my eventual profit might be quite

Artpe grinned as he verified something with her.

“You said you wanted help with our work?”

“It isn't like that, Artpe. She wants to see positive proof

“Yes,hero-nim! If you will have me, I will help you as much

as you want!”


Her words had changed! It hadn’t been long since she had met the
hero, but Aria had already developed an endless trust for the hero.
There was no hesitation within her.

“Please follow me. I’ll guide you to what I consider to be

the most suspicious location.”

“Ah ah ah. I can’t accept it!”

“You are being noisy, dude. Let’s hurry up and go.”

While everyone was asleep, the hero, the thief and the maid
started exploring the Zero Class. The makeup of the party was quite
174 Report

Chapter 115
Source: Wuxiaworld

Artpe followed Aria as they walked down the hallway. He came to

a stop before she did. His eyes were emitting an iridescent light.

“Ah, it’s here. Right?”

“You are correct. Huh? You knew it before I told you….”

“I also possess an Innate ability.”

He grinned as he gave her an explanation. First, he checked his

surrounding. The pope and the other big fishes were asleep. The
holy priestess wasn’t asleep yet, but she wasn’t coming out of her
room. Unless there was another weirdo like Aria amongst the maids,
they wouldn’t be a problem either.

“All right. There should be no problem now.”

“Ah. You won’t be able to open up the pathway without

engaging a special mechanism.”

Artpe was going to tell her that it wouldn’t be a problem. However,

he stopped himself before he gave that answer. He turned to check
with Silpennon.

“Silpennon, can you open it?”

“I can, but it might take a little bit of time. ”

“All right. I’ll leave it to you..”

Of course, Artpe could see through the structure of all spells and
traps using his Read All Creation ability. He would have no trouble
175 Report
finding out the secret to this mechanism.

However, he had went through the trouble of supporting

Silpennon’s growth. Why did he do that? He wanted Silpennon to
grow in his ability, so Artpe wouldn’t have to do anything!

“You thought something unpleasant right now.”

“Ha ha ha. No way.”

“Hmmph. You should step away from there. It’ll be

troublesome if you always think of me as a spoiled brat.”

As expected, Silpennon’s skill was undisputed. He was able to play

an active role in the hero’s party in his past life.

The identification system wasn’t something that one could solve by

raising the level of one’s lock picking skill. However, Silpennon had
gained many Artifacts from the Dungeons of Diaz, and he had been
provided tools of his trade through Mycenae. He was able to properly
send false holy energy into the mechanism, and he was able to
induce an error. He used this method to loosen up the defense. He
neutralized the trap, and he was successful in opening up the

“Amazing…. Even the pope spent 5 minutes on that.”

“It means that there is a really complex safety lock placed

here. Artpe, you should be careful. There are alot of traps

“I know.”

An odd smell emanated from within the secret tunnel. If one

wasn’t sensitive to Mana, it would have been hard to pick out the
properties of the Mana…..

176 Report
“As expected, you wake up only when you smell something

“ Where did it come from? It’s so cute.”

[Nyaa nyaa.]

“No. I want you to wait patiently for now.”


How come she had to wait everytime she wanted something? Or

was the fruit that at the end more sweeter because of the wait? Roa
quietly nestled into Artpe’s arms as she had such philosophical

Silpennon also became distracted when the cat made her

appearance. However, he slapped both his cheeks before he stepped

“Aria, you should be on alert too. You should only place

your feet in locations where my feet has tread. Also, you
should walk as upright as possible.”

“Ah. Understood.”

“Shit. I don’t think this will end here…...”

If one looked at the layout of the passageway, one could tell that it
hadn’t been constructed solely for the purpose of hiding items. The
passageway branched out, and it was apparent that this place could
be used for other activities. When Silpennon had this thought, he
clicked his tongue. Moreover, his expectation wasn’t too far off the
mark. They arrived at a fork in the hallway.

When Silpennon hesitated for a moment, Artpe shook his head

from side to side.
177 Report
“It will be a bust if we head down that passageway. It is
like the secret entrance we found. It is another path that
leads into this place.”

“I see. There are a lot of tunnels here. It is proof that

more than one person uses this place.”

“I like that you are quick in picking things up…… You are
right. I believe over half of the high rank priests are involved
in this….. Their number will steadily grow, and…. There will
come a day when everyone will be on their side.”

When such a time arrives, they would no longer need to use the
secret tunnels. The leading figures of Paladia, which was the Zero
Class, would change hands. This had occurred in his past life.

Ah. Of course, the holy priestess stepped forward to mess

everything up for them. She took their power for herself!

“Artpe, I suddenly had a thought.”

Silpennon kept walking forward as he asked the question.

“What if someone enters this place while we are exploring

this place?”

“We’ll see what they do.”

“What if we are found out by someone?”

“We kill that person.”

At Artpe’s unwavering answers, Silpennon gave up on questioning

him. Silpennon wouldn’t put it past Artpe to go through with his
words. Artpe’s eyes narrowed as he confirmed something with
Silpennon. It seemed he had read something from Silpennon’s
178 Report
“Are you still hesitating to act? Is it because this place is

“I’m not hesitating…… I’m not. I just think that we can’t be

sure that everyone that enters this place has bad

“That is a valid thought. You haven’t confirmed their true

nature yet…...”

“What about you? Are you saying that you know


Artpe did not answer his question. Silpennon grumbled, but he had
no choice. He had to move forward. Aria followed behind, and she
was starting to enjoy the experience a little bit.

“We’ve arrived.”

Even if the tunnel was long, it was still within the Zero Class. It
was 15 minutes after they discovered the secret passageway. They
arrived at a dead end containing a small bookcase. There was a desk
placed near the wall of the bookcase, but there was nothing else.

“What the hell? There’s only bookcases here.”

When he took in Artpe’s words into account, Silpennon had

expected to find a Demon summoning circle. Silpennon was
disappointed, so he grumbled to himself. Artpe tsked as he spoke.

“If it is a simple bookcase, do you really think they would

hide it in a location that is so hard to reach?”

“However, these really are normal books. Look here.

There is no sign that these books has anything to do with
black magic or the worship of the Demon king..”
179 Report
When he used the Thief Class’ Observation skill, he immediately
made an assessment.. He spoke with an attitude that said, ‘You can
check it for yourself!’ However, Artpe let out a deeper sigh as a

“Silpennon, are you really a thief?”

“······Ah. Wait a moment.”

Silpennon stopped Artpe, who was about to step forward.

“Wait a moment. I found it. It is so intricate that I was

almost fooled..”

“That is fortunate. If you disturbed the bookcase, a spell

would have gone off. I’ll leave it at that. You should take
some safety measure before you start.”

“······all right. Let’s do this.”

Silpennon took out an Artifact. It was a locket that was emitting a

red light. When the cover to the locket was opened, it didn’t contain
a picture. It contained an eye that was covered with an eyelid.

“Open your eyes, Observer.”

At Silpennon’s whisper, the eye opened as it let out a red light.

Even if he didn’t activate it for long, the Mana consumption was
quite high. However, when the light was shone on a subject, it had
the power of greatly resisting against a spell being activated. This
was especially true for subjects that were immobile. Basically, it was
a top-grade Artifact to use against inanimate objects.

“I never knew such an Artifact existed…. You must really

be an amazing thief.”

“It is the Observer’s Eye. It is a good Artifact. If it is used
180 Report
against an object instead of a person, I can cancel spells up
to level 250 without much difficulty.”

“Of course, it’s great. I acquired it from a Dungeon you

told me about.”

“However, it is lacking for this task. Give it to me.”


How many people in the human realm could maintain a spell over
level 250?

Silpennon was shocked, but Artpe’s eyes were dead serious. He

handed his Artifact towards Artpe.

“Hoo-ooh….. Good.”

When Artpe received the Observer’s Eye from Silpennon, he used

Reinforcement three times. It was such a high rank Artifact that it
required a significant amount of Mana. It was a formidable amount
even for Artpe.

“It is complete. This Artifact will suppress spells placed on

objects. It’ll do so in most occasions.”

“You…. No. Nevermind. Since you are doing this for me, I
want you to use Reinforcement on all my Artifacts.”

“You really are a smart aleck.”

Artpe used Reinforcement on Silpennon’s tools, defensive gears

and weapon. While Artpe was doing this, Silpennon placed the
Observer’s Eye in a position where the light would shine on the
bookcase. At the same time, he activated several Thief skills, and he
started solving the secrets of the bookcase.

“Password······ This also requires holy power. This is
181 Report

“Aht. Clean holy power is being emitted from the silver

key….. No, it changed shape!?”

“It would be great if I could trace the magic. All right….

Read it in my stead, Spirit Eye.”

“Another Artifact!”

The fact that he had a lot of Artifacts weren’t the surprising part. It
was the fact that he understood which Artifacts he had to use in
which situations. He was using multiple Artifacts at the same time as
he steadily analyzed the bookcase. Slilpennon really looked like a
thief that appeared in the old stories.


Aria, who had been watching all of this, felt her heart beat faster.
She really was watching the hero’s party in action! Maybe, her faith
in her religion wasn’t as deep as she thought Aria had that general

“This is all thanks to the power of my gifted and talented

education program. …...take this, Silpennon. I finished
Reinforcing everything.”

“You are just in time. I need that.”

It was an Artifact that looked like a plain chalk. Silpennon pulled

out a book. It looked like any other book one could find in any
bookcase. He opened to the first page of the book, and he started
scribbling on the page with the chalk.

At a glance, it looked like a pretty useless gesture. However, the

bookcase started to shake, and the light coming from the Observer’s
Eye had to settle it back down. It wasn’t a useless gesture.
182 Report
“What the hell? Some amazing spell must have been
placed here. It is trying to resist against the Observer’s Eye,
which had been Reinforced by you…..·.”

“I told you that already.”

“You did, but your words were about the Zero Class…,..
Ah, whatever.”

The invisible words from the chalk were absorbed, and the book
started letting out a bleak light. Then it started to turn its pages by
itself. The book opened itself fully when it went through about one-
fourth of its pages. An elated smile appeared on Silpennon’s lips
when he saw this.

“I found it.”


Artpe gave Silpennon a compliment with good grace. Of course,

Artpe could have done all of this by himself from the beginning. It
was a trap he could dismantle using any book he pulled out from the
bookcase. It was all thanks to his Read All Creation ability.

On the other hand, there was someone other than him in the
human realm that was capable of disabling a safety mechanism of
this caliber. It was a blow to the Demon King’s army.

That’ right.

It was obvious, but the safety mechanism placed on the bookcase

wasn’t done by a human. It was done by a Demon.

“In other words…. There is a Demon within the Zero Class


“That’s right. I bet you’ll be surprised when I point what
183 Report
which one is the Demon.”

Artpe’s expression and tone of voice held a mischievousness.

Silpennon had been a bit mesmerized by Artpe, but in a flash, he
regained his right mind. His body shook. Artpe’s appearance had
the power to lure even those of the same sex.

“Hmmph. If you aren’t going to tell me, you should just

shut up.”

He tried hard to calm himself down as he focused on the book in

his hands. At a glance, the content of the book looked normal.

“Yes, it’s just a normal diary….. Ah, it’s not. It is an

exchange diary.”

“It means this group resides within the Zero Class, and
obviously, they hold important positions within the temple.
Since they cannot gather and discuss unsavory subjects out
in the open, they leave words for each other.”

“T….there is something written here from today. ‘Two

heroes have entered into the Zero Class. We need the
heroes alive for the long range plan of the Demon King’s
army. However, do we really need both of them…..?’”

Silpennon stopped reading at this point. He couldn’t hide the

shock from his face.

“Did I really just read the temple’s exchange diary? It

sounds like an observation log from the Demon king’s

“P...please show it to me. There is no way it says that!”

Aria couldn’t contain herself, so she ran forward to snatch the book
away. Her eyes read the next portion.
184 Report
“‘Both were confirmed as being heroes. As a result of the
parade, we found out that the people overwhelming favor the
male hero. It is my assessment that there wouldn’t be much
of a setback if the female hero is killed or if she went
missing. The Demonic god will be happy if she is used as a
sacrifice…..’ ......”

“‘This is why I request permission to modify a portion of

the magic circle made by our forebears. In my assessment,
we will be able to summon a level 250 Demonic beast.”

Both Silpennon and Aria nodded their heads at the same time.
Artpe faced them with a kindly face, and he nodded his head.

“Do you understand now?”


“There are penmanship that looks familiar to me. I’m sure

it was written by a friend of my father…..”

Silpennon weakly nodded his head. As expected of a high rank

priest’s child, Aria spoke words that increased the credibility of the

At the heart of Paladia, the followers of the Demonic god was

wriggling within the Zero Class area.
185 Report

Chapter 116
Source: Wuxiaworld

What was the Demonic god? Humans worshipped the gods. The
Demonic god was the god worshipped by the Demon race. It was as
simple as that. However, there was only one reason why Artpe
hadn’t bothered to worry about it. It was the fact that the true nature
of the Demonic god wasn’t known.

‘There is a myth that’s been handed down that the Demon

king is the first son of the Demonic god. However, it was
merely a myth. I checked the Demon King with my Read All
Creation ability, and he didn’t originate from the Demonic
god. Moreover, I had to travel all over the place to fulfill my
duties as one of the Four Heavenly kings, and I never found
even a trace of the Demonic god.’

At this point, he surmised the Demonic god was made up by the

Demon king to establish his legitimacy. Artpe wondered if the
Demonic god was a fictitious figure. Of course, normal Demons had
absolute faith in the existence of the Demonic god. Artpe had
‘pretended’ to believe in the Demonic god in his past life.

“So why are the humans in this place believing in the

Demonic god with such fervor…...”

Moreover, these were high rank priests of Lihazeta! They were

supposed to be the backbone of the temple’s forces in Paladia!

“What the hell happened here? How is this possible?”

“These are people who are most favored by our god…..

Hero-nim, how can this be?”
186 Report
Both Silpennon and Aria groaned. They didn’t want to believe it,
but the incontrovertible truth was in front of them. However, Artpe
just shrugged his shoulders.

“I’m not sure. This is only a guess, but….. Since these

people know the power of the gods, it might be easier for
them to believe in the existence of the Demonic god too.
Moreover, they existed to aid the hero, yet a hero hadn’t
appeared in several hundred years. Their sense of duty
became weathered under the test of time, and a light
stimulus from the outside was able to flip them easily to the
other side.”

“Ooh-ooooh. I still don’t get it.”

Aria looked like she was about to cry as she spoke.

“Not yet. I won’t believe it just yet. I can’t be sure with

just this. Some psychoes might have written stuff here. I
still have 27 other suspicious spots I want to check out. Will
you accompany me, Mr Silpennon?”

“In truth, you were suspicious of the temple before

everyone else. Weren’t you already moving against them?”

“It isn't like that! I was just working, yet they did weird
things in front of me!”

At this point, Silpennon and Artpe wouldn’t have been surprised if

they found out that Aria knew all about what was going on within the
temple. Artpe looked at Aria, who was afire with fervor. He
discreetly whispered towards Silpennon.

“Hey. Why don’t you seduce her too? She’s completely a

big fish.”

“Ah. Since you’ve brought up this subject, I can’t seduce
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the priestess..”


When Artpe replied with shock and fright, Silpennon grinded his
teeth as he told Artpe about what he had witnessed. The holy
priestess had acted as she pleased by entering into Artpe’s room.
She laid down on top of the bed, and she did things a stalker might
do. She cussed out Maetel, and she was brainstorming about
separating Maetel from Artpe’s side.


When he heard the entirety of Silpennon’s explanation, Artpe was

at a loss for words. They had just met, so he hadn’t never expected
the holy priestess to be so rotten. Silpennon looked at Artpe, who
looked out of it. He firmly told Artpe that it would be impossible to
carry out the mission.

“That is why it’ll be impossible for me. You have to take

care of her. I’ll work with Aria on the side to gather more

“No…. Yes, I understand. I’m sorry…...”

Artpe had believed that there was still time for the holy priestess to
be rehabilitated. However, he never expected her move towards
marriage would be so aggressive! It was so bad that she was
thinking about eliminating Maetel in the near future…. Artpe’s eyes
automatically turned cold.

“Do I have to kill her?”

His resolve was about to harden, but at that moment, Silpennon

threw out his opinion.

“If it’s you, you probably have a way to resolve this without
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killing her.”

“However, if I let things be, I’m sure she’ll try to harm


“I’m not so sure. You can probably change that with just
few words.”


Silpennon was using the Image Recording Artifact given to him by

Artpe. He recorded the bookcase. Of course, he also recorded the
content that discussed the worship of the Demonic god and the plot
of assassinating the hero by the high rank priests of Paladia. As he
did so, he continued to speak as if Artpe’s problem was trivial.

“She is still just talking about it. If I’m to put it bluntly,

anyone can curse someone. I wish that rotten bastard, who
holds sole possession of Maetel’s heart, would die. If he
didn’t exist, I would be by the hero’s side. These kinds of
thoughts could be had by just about anyone.”

“Those sounds like your thoughts.”

“That’s right. In truth, I fell for Maetel on first sight.”

The thief spoke in a bold manner.

“There was a time when I wished that I could replace you.

However, I realized how much Maetel likes you. I also know
how much you take care of Maetel, so I gave up my heart’s
desire. Still, a part of my desire is still left within me. I
would be lying if I said I don’t occasionally curse you. ······so,
are you going to kill me?”

“However, you used rationality to suppress such desires.

You are working for yourself, and you are working for us.
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You know what is more important, and you are able to live it
out. You left your delusions behind.”

“Right. I like you as much as I hate you. I want to work for

Maetel’s sake as much as I like her.”

Silpennon acknowledged Artpe’s words.

“I also believe that it is well within your power to change

the psychotic holy priestess. In the first place, she hasn’t
acted out her delusions.”

“However, wouldn’t it be weird for Maetel if I tried to

seduce a woman with ill intentions towards her?”

“Then you should check with Maetel first. If Maetel says

it’s ok, you can completely bring the holy priestess to your
side. If you want to use the holy priestess’ abilities, you
should be willing to make the effort.”


The content of Silpennon’s words were hard to accept from Artpe’s

way of thinking. However, Silpennon continued to speak with a cold
light in his eyes. In the end, it was a logically sound argument.

“You are a hero. I know it is good to look out for Maetel’s

feelings, but you should spend as much effort into
eliminating the Demon King. Don’t you need the holy
priestess’ abilities to succeed in that task?”

Silpennon’s words stabbed into Artpe’s heart. Silpenno’s words

had hit the bullseye. Up until now, Artpe had based his moves too
much on his emotions, and he had done whatever he wanted.
Silpennon’s words acted as a brake to Artpe.

So what should he do? In the end, Artpe had no choice, but to
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agree with Silpennon’s words.

“······yes. All right. If you can’t do it, then the correct move
is for me to step up. I won’t act in haste by being hostile
towards her. First, I’ll try to find a way to make her our ally.”

“Good. You are finally acting like a hero.”

Silpennon had a wide grin on his face. When Artpe faced

Silpennon’s smile, Artpe couldn’t help but feel that he had lost this

When the two of them turned to look at Aria, her eyes were

“For some reason…. When I saw both of you quarrel with

each other, I felt my heart grow hot!”

“You should cool it.”

“You should put it to sleep.”

Silpennon and Artpe spoke their words at the same time. They
looked at each other at the same time as they let out a bitter laugh.
Unbeknownst to them, their actions had lit a bigger fire within Aria.

This was how the adventure that night came to an end. If they
really roamed around any more, they might be found.

Duplicates were made of all the evidence they found, and when
the footage was in hand, Artpe was able to leave the place with an
easy mind. He didn’t forget to warn Silpennon and Aria.

“I won’t be able to help you guys from now on. It’ll be a

whirlwind for me starting tomorrow. Will the two of you be
ok by yourselves?”

“Yes, hero-nim! Please leave it to us!”
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“Hmmph. Can you not trust me after you saw me disable
the traps?”

“······normally, the ones that are confident alway makes the


They weren’t reliable, but what could he do? He could only leave
them to their own device. Artpe took off the boots he always had on.
He handed them over to Silpennon. Silpennon tilted his head in
puzzlement as he checked out the boots.

“What is this….. Boots?”

“It’s the Blink Boots. It’ll help you in a perilous situation.”

“Even if you give me such an item, I won’t seduce the holy


“I’m not giving it to you! I’m lending it to you!”

After giving them future missions, Artpe let out a sigh as he

returned to his room.

When the next day arrived, Artpe and Maetel was able to meet the
pope for the first time at breakfast.

“My name is Fredrick Kuar Paladia. The two of you can call
me by Fredrick.”

“······I’m Maetel.”

“I’m Artpe.”

Kuar was a middle name given to those that rose to the rank of
high priest. The name was also given to their family. Vadinet and
Aria possessed it, and of course, the pope possessed that middle
name too.
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Maetel tilted her head as she looked at the pope. Artpe smirked. It
was as if the pope didn’t even acknowledge their reaction. He just let
out a benevolent laughter.

“As expected, both of you possess extremely clear eyes.

When I first heard that two heroes were born, I was
surprised. However, I can accept it now that I see the two of
you. The two of you truly possess the spirit of heroes.”

“I think so too.”

Even at Artpe’s insolent words, the pope just laughed in a good


“I pray that you receive a massive amount of the god’s

blessing during your stay here. I will also pray for the

“It is much appreciated.”

“Your holiness, I’ll be disappointed if you left me out.”

“Ha ha. I’m sorry. However, your wish for the hero’s
safety exceeds mine, right?”


The holy priestess and the pope exchanged bright laughters.

When Artpe saw her, he remembered what Silpennon had said

He shouldn't be rash in turning the holy priestess into an enemy. It

would be much easier to use couple words to turn her into an ally.
Silpennon made Artpe acknowledge this line of thinking.
193 Report
While he was having such thoughts, Maetel kept looking back and
forth between the holy priestess and the pope. A questioning light
started appearing within her eyes

“Artpe, I think…...”

“Later. …...I have something I have to talk to you about.”

“A...all right.”

Maetel automatically nodded her head when she saw the serious
light in Artpe’s eyes. The holy priestess was sitting across from
them, and sparks flew when she caught sight of the exchange
between the two heroes. Artpe decided to ignore her for now.

After the breakfast finished, it was free time. Artpe and Maetel
were in their room, and they sat facing each other. Silpennon and
Aria were probably residing in his room right now. The holy priestess
was probably grinding her teeth, and the pope…… No, he didn’t
have to pay attention to that right now.

“Maetel, I have a request.”

“What is it?”

Maetel sat still as she listened intently to his words. Artpe took
couple breaths before he spoke.

“You probably picked up on the fact that the priests here

aren’t of their right mind.”

“Yes. I smelled something strange from the pope.”

“It isn’t just the pope. Most of the high rank priests are in
the same state. I asked Silpennon to infiltrate this place, so
he can investigate further into it…..”

“As expected, Artpe knew about it.”
194 Report
Maetel’s expression immediately became brighter. In truth, she
had felt the difference in energy between the holy priestess and the
pope. She had been troubled as to whether she should ask Artpe
about it or not. However, Artpe confirmed her suspicion on the spot!

“The weirdest smell came off from the guy called the pope.
It was like the Demon called Teana, whom we met before.
There is a bizarre yet annoying energy…..”

“You read him correctly. The pope is a Demon.”

Artpe made an explosive declaration that would have overturned

the entirety of Paladia. However, Maetel just nodded her head as if it
all made sense! However, Artpe wasn’t done talking yet.

“Currently, the pope is recruiting the high rank priests into

the Demon King’s army. However, the holy priestess hasn’t
gone over to them yet. Before it is too late, I want to bring
the holy priestess to our side.”

“However, that woman seems to be suspicious in an

entirely different way?”

As expected, Maetel’s sense was best in the world. Maetel realized

that the holy priestess didn’t side with the Demon King’s army, but
she was still rotten to the bone. However, Artpe feigned ignorance as
he shook his head from side to side.

“That woman is focused only on the occupation of the Hero

Class. She is obsessed with fulfilling her role. I…. Yes, I
think there is still time for her to be rehabilitated. That is
why I want a little bit of your cooperation, Maetel.”

“I have a bad feeling about this. I already want to decline


“······what I’m about to say is a bit awful, but from this point
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on, I’ll have to…. Yes, I’ll have to try to get along with her.”

When she heard those words, Maetel had a dead expression on her
face. However, Artpe kept a stiff upper lip as he continued to speak.

“This is only an act. I just have to be a little bit more

friendly towards her.”

“Artpe, you sound like a really bad man…..”

“You just have acknowledge this fact. The attitude that I

will adopt towards that woman isn’t true.”

“Artpe is always like that. You always hide the truth, and
you are focused on packaging the outside.”


There was a sincere light in Artpe’s eyes. Maetel wanted to pout.

She was quite clear in expressing her displeasure, but in the end,
she nodded her head.

“Instead, I want you to grant my wish.”

“All right. If it isn’t too over the line, I’ll grant you one
wish. However, you cannot work against the holy priestess
joining our party. All right?”


The contract was satisfactorily made.

Artpe started his work in earnest at lunch.
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Chapter 117
Source: Wuxiaworld

It was a sunny day. The flowers were in full bloom. The bees were
flying around, and the birds chirped.

The sky was blue and clear as if it was reflecting the ocean’s water.
The holy priestess was standing alone in the middle of a well tended
and beautiful garden. She was enjoying the sun. Her eyes were
closed and there was a smile of pleasure at the corner of her mouth.
It truly made her look innocent and pure.

‘By looking at her right now, she really is a beautiful girl

that deserves the title of the holy priestess…..’

It wasn’t as if she was wearing an outfit with distinct

characteristics. It was a homogeneous white outfit for the female
disciples. It was a simple attire that was decorated with a golden
cross, which was the symbol of the holy priestess. However, her
straight black hair was flowing atop the attire. Her hair acted as the
best accessory that could adorn her.

The sunlight was falling on her, and It was as if a halo was being
casted around her. However, she was emitting a light that exceeded
the sunlight. Even though Artpe knew her true nature, he almost
became fooled by her appearance.

“I know the weather is nice, but you shouldn’t fall asleep

standing up.”


When Artpe approached her, the holy priestess was very taken
aback. It was understandable. The afternoon schedule for the hero’s
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party was quite packed. As if Artpe understood all of this, he had a
grin on his face.

“I left it all to Maetel. I can’t open my mouth wide open as

I mindlessly wave my hand to the crowd atop the balcony.
Also, I cannot listen to the boring old tales told by those
smelly old men.”

However, Maetel could do it, since she really was an idiot.

“But….. These are tasks you must complete if you want to

gain recognition as the hero in Paladia. If you only send
Maetel-nim…. If you continue to do this, Maetel-nim’s
position will grow as Artpe-nim’s position lessens.”

“I don’t care what others think of me. Anyways, I wanted

to have a conversation with you. I don’t want anyone to
bother us.”

“Ah. Ooh ooh.”

At Artpe’s straightforward words, the cheeks of the holy priestess

turned red. She was so embarrassed that she didn’t know what to do
with herself. It made him wonder how she was able to say such
words in his room. It made him wonder if she was the same woman.

Of course, the holy priestess was already rotten to the roots. She
didn’t become rotten, because impurities were introduced from the
outside. She had become rotten from within herself. In some ways,
she was like Aria. She was an innocent maiden brought up in a good
family. In fact, she hadn’t had the opportunity to meet boys of the
same age as her. This was why she had grown up pining for the

“I...I see. I guess it can’t be helped. It wouldn't have gone

over well if his holiness saw this, but he is busy right now….
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Let’s sit here.”

“All right.”

Vadinet was flustered as she led Artpe towards a pavilion setup

within the garden. Artpe stopped Vadinet, who was about to go get
some tea. Artpe took out a tea set and teapot set from his
Dimensional Pouch. When she saw this, her eyes widened.

“You carry all of these with you?”

“In truth, these are all Artifacts.”

“Hoo hoo. I see.”

The holy maiden didn’t take him seriously, but they really were
true Artifacts. The tea set could check if the tea leaves had
poisonous properties. It could also check for magical effects. If the
effects was negative, it was eliminated. If the effects was positive, it
would amplify the effect. It was an Artifact that possessed an
excellent ability. After going through Artpe’s Reinforcement, the
Artifact had reached a pretty amazing state.

“If you inject Mana into it, it’ll produce clean water. It’ll
also boil the water.”

“Oh my······.”

However, today’s leading character wasn’t the teapot. Artpe took

out another pouch from within the Dimensional Pouchl. He carefully
took out a handful of the content within the pouch. The tea hadn’t
been brewed yet, but she could already smell a clear fragrance. She
tilted her head in puzzlement.

“Those tea leaves······?”

“World Tree. I acquired it after I helped the Elves.”
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“Ah ah. I heard about that incident from others. It was an
incident caused by the desires of countless humans. If hero-
nim hadn’t stepped forward…...”

In such matters as this, she manifested normal behavior. She

dramatically changed into someone else when it came to anything
that dealt with the hero. Artpe let out a sigh as he put the tea leaves
into the pot.

“It seems hero-nim isn’t only facile in the ways of the

magic. You have talent for other disciplines.”

“No, I mostly use magic for everything.”

The water was letting out a fragrant smell. He waited until the tea
cooled to a drinkable temperature. Vadinet was touched by the
gesture as she received her tea. She was once again deeply moved
when she took a sip. Her blue eyes was filled with a golden light.

“I am so happy that I want to make this day a holiday.”

“I see······ I am honored.”

“Yes, that is why I want to float this idea to the pope later

She was really going all out!? Artpe put on a pleased expression
on his face. He wondered if he should quash the holy priestess’ idea,
but he hesitated. There was genuine delight on her face for a
change, so he didn’t want to disturb that. He decided to let it go.

‘Her behavior is a bit excessive if she is simply acting this

way, because I’m the hero….. What the hell is she thinking
about? Fuck. I have no idea.’

He had no idea how he could bring this woman back to her right
mind. Silpennon had already declined this task, so he couldn’t just
200 Report
bully Silpennon into taking up this task again. Still, he was having a
hard time believing that this woman had truly fallen in love with

“Hero-nim. Hero-nim?”

He had fallen deep within his thought, but he broke out of it when
the holy priestess called out to him.

“Hero-nim, weren’t you going to ask me something? I’ve

always lived in this place, so there isn’t much that I can

“Ah. That is enough. You’ll be part of our party soon, so it

would be strange if we didn’t know anything about each
other. I just wanted to know about you.”


The holy priestess’ eyes twinkled once again. He thought her

reaction was a bit excessive.

“Will hero-nim tell me about yourself?”

“Of course.”

That had been his aim from the beginning. Artpe’s eyes also

“Then…. There really isn’t much to tell you about me, so I’ll
start first….”

Her cheeks turned slightly red as she opened her mouth. She
faced Artpe’s face, and she finally put aside the ‘How do I separate
Maetel from Artpe?’ thoughts from her mind for a short amount of

She started telling him about herself.
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Maetel was covering for Artpe by doing all the tasks that was
scheduled within Lihazeta. She gave a bright yet vicious smiles to
the high rank priests, who had been trying to take care of all her
needs. She returned to her room. When she entered, she saw Artpe
lying atop the bed. He looked like a dried squid stretched out on top
of the bed.

“Uh. You are here…...”

“Artpe, why do you look so tired?”

“Ooh ooh. I’m really sick and tired of women…....”

Moreover, he really hated trying to please a woman.

“That right. All women other than me is bad. I’m glad to

hear you acknowledge this fact.”

“You still don’t understand me completely…...”

He had been with Vadinet until Maetel came back. He had been
face to face with Vadinet, and during the whole meeting, he thought
about what she was thinking and what she wanted. When he was
freed from such thoughts, his mind was in a very exhausted state.


At Artpe’;s words, Maetel narrowed her eyes as she approached

Artpe on the bed. She flopped down next to him. There was the faint
smell of sweat, but there was also that sweet body odor that he
always smelled on Maetel. The two scents mixed together as the
smell gently tickled Artpe’s nose. Artpe let out a faint smile as he

“You smell of sweat. Go wash yourself.”

“Artpe, you are too much! I suffered on my own all day, yet
202 Report
you talk to me that way! Eh-eet!”

Maetel flatly ignored Artpe’s words. She went out of her way to
stick close to him. It was a result that he had expected, so he
decided not to say anything about it. He just decided to enjoy what
was going on right now.

“Did those old men do anything abnormal?”

“Nope. They were pretty tame today. The pope grandpa

wasn’t overt about his actions, yet there were alot of men
that was letting out a musty and irritating smell.”

“Are you sure you aren’t confused with the smell of

bachelors? Ah-yaht.”

Artpe was having fun with her again, so Maetel made a light fist.
She brought it down on top of Artpe’s head. Then she flung her body
atop him as if she was a bedding.


“You played with that woman the whole day. Artpe is bad.
This is the price.”

“I did agree to endure this, but this is quite sudden and


“I might have restrained myself in the day, but it is fine

since you are mine at night.”

Mmm. As expected, Matel was as dangerous as the holy priestess.

Artpe made a cool judgement as he made a retort.

“I’m thinking about searching her out tonight?”

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The voice of Maetel could be heard from above Artpe. The voice
sounded very brutal. It scared him a little bit, but he regained his
right mind. He gave her an explanation.

“It is important for me to keep her occupied during the day

and night. I have to make sure she doesn’t have any other
thoughts. At the same time, I have to get her to let her
guard down against you. ······I’m not sure if she really has
feelings for me.”

“You two aren't just going to sleep! You are going to do

the other kind of sleeping! You will do the thing you refused
to teach me until the end!”

“That is the one thing I won’t do, so you can rest easy.”

Afterwards, Maetel continued to press down on Artpe from the top,

and she pinched his cheeks. She continued to torment him.
However, it seemed she didn’t realize that her actions were more of
reward than a punishment. She wouldn’t be able to break him until
she realized this fact.

“Artpe, you really are too much. It is my pleasure in life to

cuddle with you while we sleep…..”

“Isn’t it time to find a different pleasure in life?”

“No way.”

“Stop pressing down on me! Stop pressing down! You

should study up on the basic concept of shame!”

“I buried all of that within the Ancient Temple!”

While Artpe and Maetel were rolling around the bed as they acted
silly, Silpennon was slowly awakening from his sleep. Moreover, he
realized that Aria was quietly looking down at his face.
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“What are you doing?”

“Your face isn’t that of a thief. I was thinking that was

really strange.”


Of course, there was a story behind his circumstance if he got into

the details of his background. However, this was a musing coming
out from a pure and unsullied girl like Aria. He just snorted as he
decided to forgive and forget. He got up.

“Did anything out of the ordinary happen?”

“I skipped the morning roll call. However, people don’t

usually notice me, so it wasn’t much of a problem.”

“You are saying such a sad thing as if it is nothing…..”

Silpennon let out a bitter laugh as he looked at his surrounding. It

was the same as when he went to sleep.

“They gave him a really good room. It is quite


“The holy priestess strongly insisted…..”

“She isn’t a holy priestess. She a witch bitch.”

They were in the residential area of the Zero Class, and this room
had been assigned to Artpe. There was a standing order that said no
one should intrude into the room since one never knew when Artpe
would use the room. It became Silpennon’s base of operation thanks
to that order.

“I brought you some things to eat.”

“I’ll eat it with thanks.”
205 Report
Silpennon took the bread in her hands. He took a bite as he picked
up the map on the desk. It was the map he started working on last
night. It was an inner map for the Zero Class.

“Did he say one week? That is a short amount of time.

How am I supposed to go through all of this place in a week?
Moreover, I can only move at night…..”

“Actually, I practiced after I heard hero-nim’s words

yesterday…. Like this...”

“Huh? ······Kek!”

Silpennon stopped looking at the map. He raised his head to check

on Aria, and he choked. He could hear her voice, but he couldn’t see
her anywhere!

“I’m able to hide a little bit better now!”

“…. You were able to do this in one day?”

“Shouldn’t I already know how to do this in the first

place·····? Isn’t that supposed to be normal?”

Airia once again revealed herself to Silpennon, and she tilted her
head in puzzlement. It was such a cute gesture that it got a rise out
of Silpennon.

“I won’t be found by anyone. That is why I’ll go on ahead

to see if it is safe. If it is, I’ll call for you, Mr Silpennon.”

“That isn’t the problem… No, it’s all right. If you are so
eager, I’m fine with that.”

“E...eager! I just want to return the corrupt temple to its

clean state!”
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She pretended to be coy as she answered him. However, Aria
couldn't hide her child-like excitement. Silpennon wondered if this
arrangement would be fine as he once again started his exploration
of the Zero Class.

Artpe had been hell-bent in supporting Silpennon in his growth. He

was a thief that had his entire body armed with Artifacts. Now he
moved in concert with someone that possessed an Innate ability.
His worry had been for naught. They weren’t even found once as
they searched out the secrets of the Zero Class.

Everyone was carrying out their mission faithfully, and the

promised time of one week was one day away.
207 Report

Chapter 118
Source: Wuxiaworld

The weather was still nice. When they left Aedia, it had been
winter. It was the last part of spring in Paladia.

Artpe and the holy priestess continued to have a date in the same
location as they enjoyed the nice weather. They had done this for six
straight days.

“Hero-nim, I made you some apple tarts. Would you like to

have a taste?”

“Ah. Yes. I’ll have some. As it happens, I wanted to eat

some apple.”

“Ya-ho······! In truth, I thought it might have been better to

bake a quiche filled with meat, since you are still growing.”

“No. I eat meat every day, so this is fine.”

Vadinet took out a tart loaded with apple and whipped cream, and
she place it on the table. Artpe looked at her with bitter eyes.
However, he was met with blue eyes that shone with life. She was
filled with great expectation as her eyes remained planted on Artpe.

‘She has no opening.’

During the past six days, he had tried various methods to target
her feelings. He tried very hard. However, he had barely made any
progress. At the very least, that was his opinion.

This was why he was rethinking his plan at that point. Maybe, the
plan was wrong from the start? He was having such thoughts.
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“I’ll cut it, so it’ll be easier for you to eat. …….ah.”

Vadinet took out a knife that looked well matched with her, and
she enthusiastically cut the tart into pieces. It might be just his
imagination, but it looked as if Vadinet suddenly had an idea. Her
cheeks became dyed red.

Afterwards, she picked up a fork, and she stabbed at a bite-sized

piece of the tart. She raised it towards Artpe’s mouth.

“W...would it be better if I feed this to you?”

“I’ll just eat…. Nevermind. Thank you.”

Artpe was going to refuse her in the beginning, but he hurriedly

changed his words when he saw the disappointed expression on her
face. If Maetel found out about this, the holy priestess would be
killed. However, if that happened, it was fate.

“Is it tasty, hero-nim?”


Artpe closed his eyes tight as he ate what was given to him. The
holy maiden was so happy that she didn’t know what to do with
herself. This sight made him rethink his response.

“Yes. At the very least, it is the tastiest tart I’ve tasted.”

“Ah, jeez. Hero-nim….”

“In truth, this is the first time I’ve eaten a tart.”

“That’s really bad. I’ll make a lot more tarts for you. From
now on, you have to only eat tarts made by me. Hoo-hooht.”

As expected, this plan was flawed from the beginning. From the
moment she met him, her fondness towards him had been maxed
209 Report
out. So how was he supposed to seduce her more!

‘I don’t understand her. There is no way I can understand


Artpe ended the date a little bit early, and he returned to his room.
It wasn’t the room he was residing with Maetel. It was the original
room assigned to him. It was the room where Silpennon was hiding.

“You are here?”

“Yes. Hello, Aria.”

“Y...yes, sir. I am happy Artpe-nim looks well…...”

She should be used to him by now, but Aria became nervous every
time she faced Artpe. Silpennon spoke bluntly when he saw this.

“The way you treat him is different from how you treat

“That’s because Mr Silpennon is Mr Silpennon······?”

Aria turned to look at Silpennon, and she spoke in a comfortable

manner as she answered him. Artpe smirked when Silpennon looked
slightly hurt by her words. Silpennon wondered if he should tell her
that he used to be the crown prince of Diaz. He wonder if that would
allow him to regain his dignity in her eyes. However, he gave up on
that idea. He thought he would look pathetic if he did that.

“Silpennon, how are you doing on your side?”

“By the sound of your sagging voice, I can tell that you
haven’t made much progress. Everything is going smoothly
on our side.”

Artpe glared hard at Silpennon, who had went straight for the
jugular. However, Silpennon continued to lay out the documents in a
210 Report
leisurely manner as he spoke.

“Your way of doing things won’t bring about any progress.

You are merely preventing the holy priestess from doing
anything else. Of course, if your plan is to preserve the office
of the holy priestess after you bring down the temple, your
plan is a success.”

“Why aren’t I making any progress with her?”

“In the mind of the holy priestess, the relationship with you
and her is already complete.”

As expected, Silpennon’s comment was right on the money. The

holy priestess had considered Artpe to be her mate from the moment
she met him. This was why there was no change in her mental
attitude. The good will towards Artpe and the hostility towards
Maetel were running down parallel lines.

“How is that possible? That is what I’m asking. Even if her

delusion is severe, we just met, so how can she…..”

“That is….. It is hard to verbalize.”

In his past life, the holy priestess had loved Silpennon. This was a
truth that he had clung to. There wasn’t a hint of doubt in his mind
about that. Artpe couldn’t overcome his frustration, so he was
mumbling to himself. At that moment, Aria carefully spoke up.

“Maybe, it’s because Artpe-nim is handsome······?”



Artpe’s eyes narrowed. Silpennon looked at Aria with a similar

gaze. Aria became flustered as she tried to explain herself.
211 Report
“Ah. No! You aren’t simply handsome…. I think you are so
handsome that anyone would fall for you on first sight!”

“You are quite bold in your confession.”

Silpennon sounded baffled, and this made Aria become much more
flustered as she gave her denial.

“That is…. Of course, I think Artpe-nim is handsome, but it

isn’t like that! ….anyways, it isn’t like that!”

“You can speak the truth. That man is a lecher. He likes it

more when there is more women.”

“It isn’t like that!”

Aria became angry at Silpennon’s account of the event. Her ears

became red to the roots. The sight reminded Artpe of the holy
priestess, who he had been seeing for the past couple days. This was
why he had unintentionally been in a position to study the anatomy
of a woman’s heart. This was why he was uncharacteristically keen
in realizing something.

‘She has her eyes set on Silpennon. I guess it was to be


From Maetel’s perspective, Artpe was her prince. From Aria’s

perspective, Silpennon was probably her prince. She had been living
a life of a maid, yet a thief had found her as if by fate. On top of that,
he was an extremely handsome young man!

She was moving around the temple with a comrade of the hero.
She was cooperating with him to find out the corruption within the
temple. It really was a storyline from a novel. It would have been
strange if she didn’t have any interest in Silpennon!

“Why do all women fall for Artpe? Even our Leseti speaks
212 Report
his name once or twice a day. She speaks his name as if she
believes he'll somehow be magically summoned in front of

It seemed Silpennon was clueless. He was the quintessential

obtuse main character.

“······it seems you are like me in many ways.”

“What? I don’t know what you are talking about, but you
are making fun of me, right?”

“A...anyways! I’ll say it again.”

Aria realized that Artpe had realized the truth, so she quickly
ended the conversation by giving an explanation.

“If I’m in the holy priestess’ shoes, I would think of the

hero-nim as my destiny….. I was trying to say that I wouldn’t
be able to resist falling in love with Artpe-nim on first sight.
It is because the holy priestess-nim is in an ideal situation
that all women want to be in.”

“Moreover, the only obstacle in her way is Maetel.”

“That’s correct······.”

The inside of Artpe’s head kept getting more complicated.

Silpennon spoke as he watched Artpe.

“Anyways, you should probably change how you treat the

holy priestess. We are almost finished on our end”

“You guys are almost finished? ······Ah. I see.”

Artpe let out a bitter laughter as he looked at the documents

placed on top of the table. One of the document was the inner map
of the Zero Class, and most of the map was covered with black check
213 Report
marks. There really wasn’t much ground to cover. They were getting
close to the finish line.

“I think our search will end, it'll end tomorrow

night. Also….”

Silpennon’s eyes were filled with a cold rage.

“Their plan is going to be carried out soon. When you sent

Maetel to the forefront, Paladia’s image of a ‘hero’ started to
move on from you. It was transferred to Maetel. They want
to get rid of Maetel before it is too late.”

“Until now, Artpe-nim did well in keeping the holy priestess

in check. However, our enemies will try to send an invitation
to her before they carry out their plan. They probably
believe that Artpe-nim is deep in love with the holy priestess-
nim. I believe they will use her to separate Maetel-nim from

“······that really sounds plausible.”

Artpe silently looked over the files as he listened to Silpennon and

Aria. He suddenly raised his head as he mumbled to himself. A high
rank priest, who was hiding his demonic energy, had just knocked on
the room next door. When Silpennon was notified of this fact, he
became anxious. He asked Artpe questions in an argumentative

“What are you going to do? Are you going to stop them
right now?”

“I’m not sure…. Let’s listen in on them for a little while

before we make the judgement.”

Artpe placed his hand on the wall of the room, and he activated his
Listen-in spell. It was a spell that could capture voices through any
214 Report
sound dampening spells or barrier type spells. He was always
thankful of Aedia. It was a spell he took from them.

[It seems the relationship between hero-nim and holy

priestess-nim have improved a lot.]

[Does it look that way? Hoo-hue. Ooh-hue hue.]

[However, you always meet him in the same location, and

that must be stifling…. As it happens, a festival welcoming
the heroes is about to open. The pope gave his consent.
Both of you will be allowed to go downtown. I came here,
because I wanted to notify you of this news.]

[Oh my. What an excellent suggestion….]

As expected, this was how they were going to proceed. From their
perspective, it was the most logical step. They would avoid exposing
their actions to anyone outside their circle by sending the hero and
the holy priestess out for the day. When one took into consideration
of the improving relationship between Artpe and the holy priestess,
the plan sounded much better.

[I’ll have to thank the pope directly. I want to go thank him

in person.]

[The pope wanted to personally cheer you on, but

unfortunately, he is busy doing another task.]

[He is cheering for me······ It is as if everyone is trying to

help me. I am so very happy.]

[We know how much sleep you lost waiting for the hero-
nim. It was a sentiment we also felt alongside you.]

On the surface, it sounded like a conversation between a fool of a

priest and a maiden in love. However, Artpe knew their intentions, so
215 Report
the conversation gave him the creeps.

[Then we will prepare the carriage for you tomorrow.]

[Yes. I want to thank you again.]

The holy priestess saw the priest out with a bright voice. When the
priest left the room, she was left alone in the room. She sat down,
and for a moment, she let out a laugh.

[That is such a thinly disguised plan. They want to get rid

of Maetel by putting Artpe-nim and me out of the way….. It
seems they are finally going to show their teeth in earnest.
He stank of demonic energy. He couldn’t even smell his own
rotten smell. Before long, the reputation of the temple will
crash to the ground.]

Artpe wasn’t too surprised when he heard her words. In his past
life, Vadinet had been a little bit older, but she had known all about
the corruption within the temple. It wasn’t surprising to find out the
current Vadinet also knew about the corruption.

However, the words that came out of her mouth afterwards truly
surprised him.

[This can’t happen. If I don’t go to Artpe-nim right now….

He’s probably with that bitch right now.]

After saying those words, the holy priestess shot out of her seat.
Artpe couldn’t comprehend what had just occurred, so he just
blinked his eyes. Silpennon and Aria had been watching him, and
they wondered what had happened. They looked at Artpe with
expectant gazes.

“The internal force within the temple is dead set on killing

216 Report
“And? What about the holy priestess?”

“······it sounded as if she is trying to prevent that from


He had spoken those words in a dazed manner. Silpennon and Aria

had on a similar expression as Artpe.

“I don’t believe it.”

“Did she realize that you were listening in? What if she
knew you were using the Listen-in spell? Maybe, she
purposefully spoke those words, so she won’t buy any ill will
from Artpe-nim!”

“No way. I’m able to manifest my spells without anyone in

the Zero Class finding out about it”

“So what the hell happened then? If we take into account

the hostility towards Maetel-nim by the holy priestess-nim,
she should be cooperating with their plan in earnest! She
shouldn’t be trying to stop it!”

“That is why I’m also lost as to what is going on!”

The three of them couldn’t accept the reality, so they kept prattling
on with each other. However, they had forgotten one important fact.
Vadinet was heading towards Artpe to tell him the truth. Of course,
Vadinet would meet Maetel, who was guarding the Artpe-less room!

Artpe desperately got up from his seat.

“You guys continue your search. I’ll have to listen in on

what Vadinet has to say to Maetel.”

Yes, he would listen in on the conversation between the two. This

would allow him to decipher what Vadinet was thinking. He was sure
217 Report
of this.

He’ll know if she was simply a psychotic bitch, or if she had other
plans. He would be able to find out if Vadinet wanted to turn into a
Demon again in this life, or if she wanted to stand by Artpe’s side as
the holy priestess!

“······we are heading out!”

“Ah. Ah-ooh-ooh. I’m scared. I’m scared to find out what

will come of this.”

“······let’s just continue our investigation. We have to end it


In his past life, he hadn’t shown this level of resolve even when he
fought against the hero. Artpe looked resolute as he slipped out of
the room after placing a camouflage spell on himself. Silpennon
and Aria were resolved to just focus on their own work.
218 Report

Chapter 119
Source: Wuxiaworld

Maetel was in the midst of rolling around on top of the bed. She
was waiting for Artpe to return when she heard someone knock at
the door. She froze in place.

[May I enter, Artpe-nim?]

It was a voice that sounded similar to the bell that rang during the
morning and dinner hours inside the great temple. It was a very
clean and pure voice of a woman.

It was amazing. For some reason, her mood turned very sour when
she heard that voice.

“Artpe isn’t here right now.”


When the woman on the other side of the door heard Maetel’s
voice, she hesitated. However, she once again knocked on the door.

[Maetel-nim, may I enter?]

“······you can come in.”

When she said Artpe wasn’t there, Maetel expected Vadinet to turn
back immediately. Why was Vadinet searching her out? In truth,
Maetel was curious as to what Vadinet wanted to say to her, so she
nodded her head. Of course, she regretted her decision when she let
the holy priestess in. The holy priestess was shooting darts with her
eyes when she came face to face with Maetel.

“Hello. I hope you are doing well, Maetel-nim.”
219 Report
“Your expression makes me think that you don’t want me
to be doing well.”

“Oh my. Unlike how you look, you are pretty quick on the

If one was just listening to their conversation, it wouldn’t have

been strange to see the two girls stand up and shank each other!
However, they decided not to fight in earnest at this moment in
time. Of course, even if they did fight, Vadinet would be slaughtered
by Maetel. It would be her end.

“Didn’t you come here, because you wanted to meet Artpe?

So why did you insist on coming in here?”

“You are right. I really really wanted to see Artpe-nim. It

was driving me nuts. I couldn't wait, so I came here.
However, I was plunged into despair when only Maetel-nim
was here. Still, I believe I should at least have one
conversation with Maetel-nim. That is why I am here.”

“If you want to know something about Artpe, you can ask
me. I know everything regarding Artpe. Everything.”

“Hoo hoo hoo….. I’m thankful for such words.”

If Artpe was present, he would have died from being unable to

breathe when he heard the blunt words being exchanged between
the two girls. In truth, he was camouflaged outside of the room, and
he was listening to their words through the Listen-in spell. Artpe was
listening to their words live, and he started feeling pain in his

“So why are you here? Did you really come here, because
you wanted to ask about Artpe?”

“No. I’ll gradually find out about Artpe-nim through my
220 Report
own efforts. Thank you for the offer. It is the thought that

“So what? You said you had business with me. I want you
to quickly resolve it before Artpe comes back.”

Maetel didn't even think about getting up from the bed. She just
stared at Vadinet. Vadinet felt significantly overwhelmed by Maetel’s
sheer presence, but she gutted it out.

“What does Maetel-nim think about the temple?”

“It is a stagnant and putrid puddle of water.”

“······you are unexpectedly accurate in describing the


“You are in the middle of that puddle. The pope and the
other high rank priests are rotten in a different way, but you
are also rotten. The light in your eyes is improper for a
person that is called the holy priestess.”

At Maetel’s blunt words, Vadinet let out a bitter laughter. She was
already cognizant of this fact to a certain extent.

“That’s right. I’m part of that putrid water. As a priestess,

it shouldn’t manifest in me, but I possess unsightly desire,
obsession and twisted delusions. I have it all, and I don’t
plan on denying this fact. There is only one reason why I can
state that I am better than the other priests……”

Vadinet took short and quick steps to approach Maetel. She

lowered her head, and she spoke into Maetel’s ear with her lowered

“At the very least, I haven’t conspired with the Demon

King’s army.”
221 Report
“So you knew about it?”

Maetel’s eyebrows twitched slightly. In fact, Vadinet was much

more surprised by Maetel’s non-reaction.

“······I knew about it, but I couldn’t do anything about it on

my own. However, he came when I was about to give up.
That is why I consider my meeting with Artpe-nim as a
fateful encounter. In some ways, it is to be expected. Don’t
you think so?”

“You are free to think that Artpe is your destiny. I won’t

say anything in regards to that…. However, have you told
this to Artpe?”

“No. I genuinely wanted to enjoy the sweet time I had with

him a little bit more. However, I can no longer do that

Vadinet gritted her teeth as she spoke.

“Those bastards finally revealed their teeth. They’ll make

Artpe-nim and I vacate the premise. While we are gone, they
are going to try to cause you harm.”


At that moment, Maetel became surprised more than ever before.

She replied as if she couldn’t comprehend Vadinet.

“Why are you telling me that?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“If you let it be, there was a chance that I might have died?
Wouldn’t it be better for you if that happened?”

“Oh my. I’m the holy priestess, and I always stands by the
222 Report
hero’s side.”

“However, I thought you didn't think of me as a hero?”

Their words were truly scary. Each girl were able to see into each
other’s true intentions. She only acted like a ditz in front of Artpe.
Maetel was truly sharp at reading the heart of others. Vadinet was
confident in her ability to hide her her heart from others, but she
became very nervous in front of Maetel.

“That’s right. I don’t think of you as a hero. Artpe is the

only hero, and I am very sure of this deep within my heart. I
am a holy priestess for a single hero. I am a holy priestess
only for him.”

“So what?”

“However, it doesn’t matter if you aren’t the true hero. It

doesn’t change the fact that Artpe-nim truly treasures you.
When he conversed with me, half the topics were about you.
I had to try very hard to tamp down my surging anger…..
You probably didn’t know this.”

When Maetel heard Vadinet’s words, a smile blossomed on her

face. In her mind, Vadinet wanted to slap that smile off of Maetel’s
face, but she continued to speak.

“If you are killed when we are absent, Artpe-nim will

receive a very deep wound in his heart. At that point, I will
never be able to win against you in my lifetime.”

“You are really interesting. You really are rotten.”

At that moment, Artpe and Maetel felt the same sentiment about
the holy priestess.

“Yes. That is why I can't lose you like this. At the very
223 Report
least, that time isn’t right now.”

“Ooh-mm. I like you, because you are honest. Hoo-hee.”

Maetel trilled as she stood up. She was sure Vadinet hadn’t said
everything within her mind. However, it was enough for now.

“So do you know what their plan is to kill me?”

“I dont have the exact details. However, if I’m to make an

educated guess, there is only one possibility. It is the magic


When Maetel heard those words, she groaned. She remembered

the disaster in Aedia. As if the holy priestess knew what Maetel was
thinking about, she shook her head from side to side.

“The age of Aedia’s magic circle can’t even be compared to

ours. Of course, the level of security present can’t be
compared either. Even with Artpe-nim’s vast knowledge and
transcendant magical energy, he won't be able to handle the
power of the magic circle. He would need to receive control
authority from the pope and the holy priestess.”

“There is nothing impossible for Artpe..”

Of course, she wanted to trust and rely on Artpe too. That is why
the holy priestess didn’t undercut Maetel’s idiotic words.

“As I’ve told you right now, I also possess control authority
to the magic circle. My authority is certainly inferior than
his. However, it is enough to interfere with him exercising
his power.”

“You want to stop him with just that?”
224 Report
“I cannot stop him with just that. When we confront him,
the pope and the high rank priests will show their true
nature. That is why we have to start thinking of a surefire
plan that will bring them down.”

At that point, Artpe let his worries go. He was still worried about it,
but at the very least, it seemed the holy priestess was capable of
rational thought.

‘As expected, she won’t turn out like the one from my past
life. Her personality remains the same, but the situation
around her has completely changed. In her past life, she
believed the ridiculous lie that she can’t mate with anyone
that wasn’t a hero. This caused her to go berserk, and she
had become a Demon of her own volition. However, there are
two heroes now. I’m male. There is no way she would use
such an extreme option now…..’

Of course, she didn’t hide her hostility towards Maetel, and that did
worry him. It seemed holy priestess only saw Maetel as a rival.
Basically, she wouldn’t give up the position of holy priestess, while
he remained the hero. She wouldn’t try to harm Maetel.

“However, I’m kind of dumb. If you want to make plans, we

should wait for Artpe to come back.”

“All right. However, that wasn’t the main reason why I

came here. There is something that I want to discuss that is
more important than the danger you face.”

“Ho-oh. I see. I also wanted to tell you something before

Artpe gets here.”

Huh? If he didn’t go in right now, he had a bad feeling that he

wouldn’t be able to see either of them in the eyes for a while.
225 Report
Artpe had assessed the situation through his intuition. He
canceled his Listen-in spell, and he was about to rush into the room.
However, the entire Zero Class shook at that moment. A very low
vibration rang out.

“······the magic circle.”

Artpe mumbled in a low voice as he stood still. This was something

that occurred only when a very specific requirements had been met.
It was the resonance between the magic circle and the Mana.

It was manifesting at the heart of the Zero Class, and it’ll probably
spread to the entirety of Lihazeta soon. At that point, he wouldn’t be
able to stop it. He would be basically fighting against Mana that had
accumulated within the city for the past couple hundred years.

[Nyaa-ah, nyaa nyaa-ah?]

“That’s right. ······Shit. The situation is turning into a shit


Until a moment ago, his enemies had been plotting to get rid of
Maetel. However, they had suddenly and aggressively assumed the
offensive. It didn’t make sense from a common-sense standpoint.

There were only two possibilities that could explain the current

First, there was a possibility that they found out about the holy
priestess’ actions. If she was moving against them, their current
actions were understandable. However, Artpe was currently using
his Read All Creation ability and his spells to monitor the situation
nearby. This possibility wasn’t likely, so he shelved it.

That meant the second possibility was the only one left now.

It was the possibility that Silpennon and Aria were found out.
226 Report
“Those idiots!”

The magic circle wouldn’t have been activated unless something

critical had been discovered. Artpe gritted his teeth as he tried to
chase down their location…. At some point, he realized that the
city’s sky was filled with an artificial light.

‘Huh? Isn’t this…..’

The light came from an unknown location in the city, and it

stopped at a certain altitude. It created an enormous screen that
anyone in the city could see. It was the item given to Silpennon by
Artpe! It was the projector Artifact, which was capable of visual

[I never expected the heroes to know our secret…. I hadn’t

been worried, because they had been so well-behaved. I
never expected them to use underlings. I can’t let that
happen. I can’t let them interfere with the grand design of
his highness, the Demon King.]

The pope’s voice rang out as it reached the entirety of the city.
The quality of the transmission wasn’t great, but one had to take
into account that Silpennon was hiding the Artifact from the pope.
The fact that he was able to pull this off was amazing in itself.

[Your highness the Demon King? You are the pope. How
can you speak those words?]

[You are speaking about the requirement of my position.

That cannot bind my will and actions. Do you realize that
‘god’ is such a pitiful concept? The only thing we can believe
is power! Massive power! Moreover, his highness the Demon
King possesses that power!]

These were words that shouldn’t be spoken by a pope, yet his
227 Report
words came out without constraint. The citizens of the city were
dazed as they looked at the massive screen that had appeared above
the city. They became shocked when they were faced with the
picture and voice of the pope.

The people of the city were all aware of the transmission, and it
seemed the pope was the only one that didn’t know about it.

[Everything will become tiresome because of you. I

planned on cleanly eliminating one hero. At this rate, I won’t
be able to guarantee the life of both heroes.]

[······Artpe and Maetel won’t be as easy as you think.]

[Hoo-hah. We’ll see about that. Since the status of the

sacrifice is quite excellent, I’ll look forward to seeing the


Artpe knitted his brow as he mumbled to himself. He looked

beyond the blurry image, and his eyes finally picked up the figure of
a girl thrown into the center of the magic circle.

It was the sight of the maid Aria, who possessed an Innate ability.
228 Report

Chapter 120
Source: Wuxiaworld



If one was awake, one wouldn’t be able to ignore the chaos that
was sweeping through the entire city. It was that chaotic. The holy
priestess and the hero had been immersed in a war that could only
be waged between women. However, they saw the images outside,
and they heard the voices accompanying the footage. They
immediately stood up, and they ran out of the room. Their eyes
turned round when they discovered Artpe outside of the room.

“Artpe-nim, do you know what is happening right now!?”

“I have a rough idea, but I don’t have time to explain it to

you…. Just follow me!”

Silpennon had shown him his map today, and there was only one
region that hadn’t been explored completely. Artpe was successful in
narrowing down the location that would be most suitable for what
was going on right now. Artpe took the two girls, and he abruptly
started running.

“Aht! Holy priestess-nim-kahk!”

A priest had caught sight of them, and he started running towards

them. The priest’s head was sent flying when Artpe swung his Mana

“Act now, ask questions later.”

229 Report
“It’s all right. I won’t kill anyone that doesn’t possess
Demonic energy.”

“Demonic energy…. As expected, hero-nim…..!”

“I'll tell you everything later. We have to move right now.”

Artpe let out a light laughter as he tossed the corpse into his
Dimensional Pouch. Vadinet was at a loss for words when she saw

Artpe seemed to know everything that was going on inside the

temple. However, that fact was secondary to what he was showing
her. Until now, Vadinet had strictly known him to be a magician, yet
he was showing her feats that was unimaginable. It ran counter to
what he had shown everyone on the surface.

“Let’s hurry before more priests gather here. We have to

save our friends.”

“Who’s Aria? Who is that girl? How come she is taking on

the main role of a misfortunate heroine?”

“She is Silpennon’s ally. She also possess an Innate ability,

and her magical energy beyond her Record. She is the ideal
candidate to use as a sacrifice for a spell.”

Artpe grinded his teeth as he spoke. They were very unlucky. If

Silpennon and Aria weren’t discovered by the pope, he would have
be able to leisurely move the pieces on the board to his liking….

At least, Silpennon was able to activate the Artifact, and he was

able to expose the true identity of their opponent with truly exquisite
timing. Fortunately, their true identity was being spread across the
city. Artpe was within the Zero Class, yet he could feel the city
become red hot. He could feel the anger, shock and suspicion of the
people. He could vividly hear the shouts coming from them.
230 Report
“The masquerade is at an end. Even if we resolve this as
soon as possible, it will take a very long time for this city’s
faith to recover…..”

“It seems Artpe-nim had made preparations for all of this.

While you laughed and conversed with me, you ordered your
underlings to expose the dark underbelly of the temple to the
whole world….. I cannot begin to fathom the new Artifact and
the type of magic being used right now.”

“Hue hue. Isn’t Artpe too cool?”

“Yes, he really is…. He is too amazing.”

It wasn’t as if friendship blossomed after their fight. The two

women were showing off their affections for Artpe, and in the end,
they had made a connection.

Artpe started not liking the idea of being connected to these


No. Didn’t he have hope yet?

Silpennon will encounter Vadinet at the site, and she’ll

miraculously awaken to her true love towards Silpennon….

Was he expecting too much?

“Koohk!? Hero-nim······.”

“Ok. Bye!”

There were two types of priests that were running around the Zero
Class. There were the priests that were a bit slow in the head. These
priests still didn’t know what was going on. Then there were the
priests, who were jittery. They were anxious at the prospect of being
found out.
231 Report
The former group would never cross paths with Artpe’s party. The
latter group was immediately killed when encountered. Roa growled
every time a priest was killed, but he wouldn’t let her drain the
Demonc energy from the dead bodies.

“Later. I’m pretty sure a more appetizing prey will show up



Maetel had a good idea as to who that prey was. Maetel steadily
went into her battle mode as she confirmed something with Artpe.

“Artpe, what level is the pope?”

“He’s around 340.”


“For your information, he is also one of the Four Heavenly

King in the Demon king’s army.”

Maetel and Vadinet felt like they had turned stupid when he
dropped this enormous bombshell. He smirked as he continued to

“The Demon King’s army always enjoys hitting humanity on

the back of the head. By taking the temple, the hero will
despair even if they aren’t able to kill the hero. That is the
way of the Demon King’s army.”

Moreover, there were two heroes this time around. This was also
the reason why they were insistent on killing one of the heroes. This
plan was the height of inefficiency, so it definitely had the touch of
the Chef’s hands!

Moreover, the one overseeing this whole plan was…..
232 Report
“His name is Jeriet, and he possesses an Innate ability of
Transformation. He is….. He is the weakest amongst the
Four Heavenly Kings.”

In his past life, Jeriet had been one seat above Artpe in the Demon
King’s army. It was fair to assume that he was probably the weakest

He was like Artpe. His abilities weren’t focused solely on the

martial aspects. If the hero’s party had to fight a higher level
opponent, he was probably the most fair opponent.

“I sense something was wrong with the pope, but I never

expected him to be a Demon…..”

“That bastard eats his chosen prey. The consumption of

his preys allows him to duplicate all the special
characteristics of his preys. He is able to transform into their
form. At some point, he took the place of the real pope.”

“My god…..”

She knew their current situation was urgent, but Vadinet couldn’t
help it. She asked another question.

“How do you know all of this, Artpe-nim!?”

“It is the nature of my Innate ability. You cannot hide

anything from my eyes. Like right now….”

Several Mana Strings extended from his hand, and the strands
swiped at empty air.

In the next moment, a part of the hallway naturally crumbled, and

a staircase leading downward was revealed.

“My god….. Your powers really gives me the chills. As
233 Report
expected of hero-nim….!”

“So, Artpe….”

Vadinet’s eyes were full of love and admiration. On the other

hand, Maetel was somewhat used to his abilities, so she unsheathed
her sword as she asked him a question.

“Is there a way we can win against a level 340 enemy? We

were able to win against the Kraken and the Ancient Kraken
thanks to extremely favorable circumstances. The current

“It really is the perfect situation for us. You don’t know
this yet, but there is a reason why Demons don’t directly
confront a hero in the human realm.”


Maetel tilted her head in confusion, but Artpe wasn’t the one to
explain the situation. The explanation was given by none other than
the holy priestess.

“A Demon’s ability is weakened in the human realm. There

is also a difference in Mana depending on the realm. Demons
are weakened up to a certain point here, and they aren’t able
to manifest their power given to them by their level.”

She continued to speak as the party descended the staircase.

“I’m embarrassed to say this, but…... It is possible to

weaken them further with the power I possess. It is the
significance of being a holy priestess.”

“As their first act, this was why the Demon King’s army
decided to render the temple powerless. It is also why one of
the Four Heavenly King transformed into the pope to
234 Report
infiltrate this place. He did it despite knowing the danger.”

In truth, the plan had been very successful in his previous life. A
Four Heavenly King died in that venture, but he had expertly razed
the temple to the ground. The holy priestess’ tragic end was just a

“However, even if I’m capable of weakening them, I’m

merely a holy priestess with no battle capabilities. That is
why I acted ignorant until Artpe-nim arrived. I had no

“The fact that you became aware of their intentions is

amazing in itself. Even a normal hero won’t be able to see
through that bastard’s transformation ability.”

Unfortunately for their enemies, Artpe and Maetel weren’t normal

heroes. It was as if they were heroes that had experienced killing a
Demon King before. On the other hand, Vadinet was only a holy
priestess. It was quite the feat that she was able to notice the
seditious energy crawling through the inner temple.

“I guess we are just going to rush him. He is level 340, but

he is weakened since he is in the human realm. If this
woman casts an additional weakening spell….. Yes, I think
it’ll be possible.”

“However, the biggest variable that could sway the

outcome of this situation is the magic circle.”

She had used the magic circle in her past life to transmogrify
herself into a Demon. As expected, the holy priestess made an
astute observation.

“You said the Demon has a transformation ability, and he

ate the pope. In turn, this gives him everything possessed by
the pope, so he probably gained the ability to use the magic
235 Report
circle…. However, it doesn’t seem he was able to activate
100% of its power. Anyways, there is a high probability that
he’ll use the magic circle to amplify his power.”

“No. If he did that, he’ll be tied to the magic circle. He

isn’t just aiming for Silpennon and Aria. He wants to
eliminate either Maetel or me. Instead of amplifying his
power, there is a high chance that he’ll use it for a
summoning magic.”

“Summon magic…. I see. I didn’t realize there was that


In truth, similar words were written inside the exchange diary

found within the Zero Class by Silpennon and Aria.

At the time, it said they wanted to summon a level 250 magical

beast. However, they had a sacrifice now, so they would probably
attempt to bring out a much higher level magical beast. It might not
be a one-off. They might attempt multiple summons.

The price of this magic was Aria…..

Artpe bit his lips.

“She said she wanted an active role, but she keeps acting
like a heroine in a knight’s tale.”

“Artpe…. That girl too….?”

“No, she isn’t mine. She’s with Silpennon.”

After descending the staircase, they ran through a dark hallway.

The voice and the image being projected above the city no longer
reached them. However, one thing was for sure. Aria’s situation
would not get better. In fact, her situation was turning graver by the
minute. Even if one factored in the fact that the Four Heavenly King
236 Report
Jeriet was weakened, Silpennon hadn’t reached level 220 yet. Jeriet
wasn’t a foe that could be overcome by Silpennon.

‘If he is like the one I knew, he’ll act big. He’ll try to show
off. He’ll give the hero’s party the time to make
preparations. He’s supposed to be the prototypical Four
Heavenly King of the Demon King’s army…. If he finds out
about the footage that is being sent out through Silpennon’s
magical tool, the situation will get worse. Then Silpennon
will try to save Aria even if it is unreasonable for him to do
so. He might get hurt….. Shit!’

That was why it would have been better if they weren’t found out
in the first place!

If so, the reformed holy priestess would have worked with the two
heroes to gratifyingly fuck over the pope and his core allies. Artpe
would have been able to induce a classic scenario. However, he was
about to lose two precious talents if things continued along this path!
On top of that, the temple was going to be destroyed in its entirety!

“Artpe! Over there!”

“Kill them all!”


The secret hallways reached all corners of the Zero Class. The
priests, who had thrown away their god to worship the Demonic god,
were using the secret hallways to converge on the magic circle!

Artpe and Maetel were merciless as they cut down anyone in their
path. Vadinet was very flustered as she watched them. Then she
finally realized she could do something to help them.

“O...oh, my god! The heroes are fighting against evil as

you’ve ordered. Please imbue them with power suitable for
237 Report
this situation! Hero Bless!”

This was something only a holy priestess could use on a hero. It

was a buff spell. This was obvious, but this was the first time Artpe
and Maetel had received it.

There wasn’t a clear amplification of their power, but it felt as if

their bodies were light as feather. The feeling was temporary, but it
felt as if they had leveled up multiple times at once.

“It is a buff that increases the quality of your soul! I

thought it might be something that both of you must have
when facing an opponent with a higher level…..”

“Ah, yes. This is the first time I’ve received a buff. It’s
something new.”

Fortunately, this blessing wasn’t headed only towards Artpe. It

would have been a lie if he said he hadn’t been worried. However,
even Vadinet was able to discern what was most important right

When Artpe saw this, he carelessly smiled towards Vadient. At his

gaze, Vadinet felt embarrassment and happiness. She lowered her

‘Does Artpe-nim know about what I did back then…..? Ah.

Ah-ooh-ooh. Artpe-nim is so advanced in the path of magic
that he might have noticed it. I see. He acted completely
innocent during the Blessing….. I can’t believe how truly
great he is.’

It didn’t matter what Artpe did. In the end, she felt herself liking
him more. Her feelings surged. In that aspect, she was similar to
Maetel. Artpe, who was unaware of her feelings, just continued to
move forward.
238 Report
After several more priests(There were only 20 priests residing
within the Zero Class. They had killed a lot of them.) were killed,
they were finally able to reach the scene.

“Silpennon, are you somehow holding out….. Huh?”

He was ready to overturn everything as he poured his magic into

his Magic String. He forcefully kicked the door open, and he saw the
underground square. Artpe was having a hard time believing his

He didn’t want it to happen, but he had been ready for the worst
case scenario of Aria being sacrificed. He had been prepared to face
a level 300 three-headed monster······.


“Ooht. Ooh-ahhhhhhhh!”

“Koohk. bitch!”

The center of the magic circle was still letting out an uncontrollable
amount of light.

However, the magic wasn’t completed for the duration. The Mana
of the magic circle was pouring into the sacrifice, who had been
placed in the middle of the magic circle.

“What the······?”

Artpe rubbed at his eyes as he looked at the scene again. He used

his Read All ability, but the information he received wasn’t different
from what he already knew.

Aria was using her Innate ability.

She was assimilating with the magic circle.
239 Report

Chapter 121
Source: Wuxiaworld

“She is a lowly level 3 civilian. She possesses an Innate

ability, but she is of extreme low station! How can this lowly
bug use the magic circle’s power!”

“Koo, koo-ooooooh-ha-ahhhhhh!”

It seemed the old pope didn’t even bother hiding his identity
anymore. He was too taken aback by the situation. He extended his
hand towards Aria.

However, his magic was neutralized and dispersed into the magic
circle when it touched Aria. It was turned back into Mana, and it was
imbued into Aria. This cycle had probably repeated itself once Aria
went into her assimilation state.

This was obvious, but it was impossible for Artpe to do anything to

her either. He didn’t possess the control authority, and he didn’t
possess the Assimilation ability.

“ god…....”

“Artpe, if you are here, do something! At this rate, Aria


When faced with the sight that transcended every expectation,

Artpe was struck dumb. Silpennon became aware of the intrusion.
He yelled out in anger towards Artpe.

His body was already a mess. Fortunately, he suffered normal

wounds. Silpennon hadn’t suffered any critical wounds. It seemed
Aria had awakened before Jeriet could attack Silpennon in earnest.
240 Report
“From my point of view, I’m critically wounded. These
aren’t normal wounds, you bastard….. Koo-ook!”

“You are an idiot. If it can be healed, then it isn’t a critical

wound. Vadinet, please heal that guy.”

“If it is Artpe-nim’s request, I will always do as you wish!”

If possible, he wanted to buoy the love of Silpennon from her past

life to the surface. He left Silpennon in Vadinet’s care. Afterwards,
Artpe’s entire body emitted Mana Strings, and he faced off against
the Four Heavenly King.

“Koohk, hero. You were quick in getting here.”

Nervousness was clearly etched on his face. If his plan had

worked, he would have successfully summoned a magical beast by
the time the heroes arrived at this location. He would have felt
reassured with a magical beast under his control. However, the
magic circle was out of his control now, and the holy priestess had
arrived with the heroes. It was the worst case scenario for him.

“It seems you can’t do as you please with the magic circle,
Four Heavenly King Jeriet of the Demon King’s army.”

Artpe judged that Jeriet’s mind wasn’t in a healthy state right now,
so he wanted to further destabilize his mind. He attempted one of
the the critical skills of a Four Heavenly King called ‘You really
thought I didn’t know?’ skill.

“How did you know my name!?”

“Yes. I was thinking it was about time. The hero would

fight the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly King, and after
a fierce struggle, the hero would win in the end. The
weakest amongst the Four Heavenly King would tell the hero
that there are three stronger Four Heavenly Kings left. This
241 Report
would make the hero bite his lips in consternation. I knew
this moment would come!”

“What!? How did you know I’m the weakest…...!”

Artpe was skillful in using the tactics of a Four Heavenly King. This
was why he took the offensive by attacking Jeriet’s mind. Jeriet was
extremely flustered, yet Artpe’s attack wasn’t at an end yet.

“However…. By the look of things, you weren’t able to pull

it off. Don’t you thinks so?”

As the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly King, Jeriet was in

charge of filling the hero with despair and fear! However, things
weren’t turning out as he expected. The magic circle was out of his
control, and he was sweating buckets in front of it. How was such a
sight supposed to strike terror into the hearts of Artpe’s party? It was

“Hoo. I’ll compliment you for finding out that I’m one of
the Four Heavenly Kings within the Demon King’s army…..
You are getting too big for your britches! It has only been
several years since you’ve developed your power as a hero,
yet you dare to think that you will be able to defeat me!”

Artpe turned a questioning look towards Silpennon, who was being

treated by Vadinet. He tried to confirm something with Silpennon.
Silpennon discreetly raised his thumb.

Everything was perfect now.

“However, Jeriet….. You are currently in your transformed

state. It is true that it would be difficult for us to face you in
your true form. However, you are borrowing the form of the
pope. You are much weaker than normal right now. Isn’t
that right?”
242 Report
“Ha. It is merely a level penalty of 20%......”

Jeriet was speaking in an overbearing manner, but his words trailed

off. He caught sight of the countless Mana Strings forming around
Artpe, and the bastard sword. The bastard sword gripped within
Maetel’s hand was letting out a bright light. Jeriet hadn’t expected
much growth from them since only 3 years had passed. However,
the heroes were quite menacing right now.

If he returned to his Demon form…...

“Shall I guess as to why you haven’t returned to your

original form?”

“Ridiculous. You are merely a human, yet you want to read

my intentions?”

“If you return to your original form, you’ll lose the control
authority over the magic circle. Am I right?”


He was right. The only reason why the Four Heavenly King was
able to activate the magic circle was thanks to taking on the form of
the pope after eating him. If he returned to his original form, he
would lose all advantages he gained from mimicking the pope.


He wanted to quickly activate the magic circle, and he wanted to

return to his original form. If that happened, he could put pressure
on the heroes. He would be able to create a truly perfect picture. He
had been anticipating for such a scene…..

“Artpe, what is Aria doing? Is it dangerous?”

“It is dangerous. I don’t know how she is able to do what
243 Report
she is doing right now.”

“What are you saying!?”

In truth, it was a desperate situation, yet Artpe continued to make

fun of his enemy. He was taking his time. However, as he kept
attacking Jeriet’s mind with truths, he was trying very hard to
comprehend what was going on right now.

First, he knew that Silpennon and Aria had been exploring the last
region left in the Zero Class. They were unlucky, and they were
found out by Jeriet.

Jeriet realized that it would be impossible to quietly dispose of

Silpennon and Aria. Moreover, he realized that Aria possesed an
ability that would make her a great sacrifice for the magic circle.
This was why he had revealed his true nature by activating the
magic circle. Silpennon had been smart, and he was able to use the
Image Transmission artifact to broadcast everything above Lihazeta.

Silpennon also attacked the pope in an attempt to save Aria, but

his ability was sorely lacking to be able to fight one of the four
Heavenly King. He had suffered grievous wounds, and Aria was in
danger of dying after being used as a sacrifice for the magic circle.

This was the information he had discerned before he entered this

place. This was why he couldn’t guarantee the lives of Silpennon and
Aria before he got here. When he entered the underground Plaza, he
had found Aria placed in the center of the magic circle as a sacrifice,
and she was assimilating with the magic circle’s Mana. She was
doing an excellent job fusing with the magic circle.

Even if Aria’s Innate ability was amazing, Artpe was having a hard
time accepting what was going on. If she was able to assimilate with
anything or anyone she wanted, she would have already reached the
realm of the gods.
244 Report
The magic circle was completed through the countless years. A
magic contract was created, and only a very limited number of
people was able to use the magic circle. Despite this fact, Aria was
assimilating with the magic circle, so of course, Artpe was shocked.

If she was able to do this, he was sure Aria was…..

“All right. Jeriet-nim will personally take care of you all!”

It was already a situation where he couldn’t use the magic circle

according to his will. This was why he gave up on controlling the
magic circle. He took off the pope’s outer shell, and he regained his
original form of a Demon!

….for now, Artpe let Jeriet be.

Artpe yelled towards Vadinet. She had finished healing Silpennon,

so she was getting to her feet.

“Vadinet! Give that girl….. I want you to give that girl a


“What!? ······understood!”

She didn’t fully understand what Artpe wanted, but since it was a
order from him, she would follow it. Vadinet used all the power
available to her as the holy priestess, and she activated her Blessing
skill. She aimed it towards the girl located at the center of the magic

It was a basic skill of a priestess that allowed her to assign a Class

to a person. Once assigned, one had to carry the same Class for the
rest of one’s life!

“Why are you all so carefree in this situation······.”

245 Report
“Leave it to me!”

Jeriet couldn’t make neither rhyme nor reason of their actions, so

he expressed his anger.

He was about to interfere in their actions, but all the Mana Strings
surrounding Artpe’s body was shot towards him. A magical barrier
was created around Jariet. It was childsplay for Jariet to destroy each
Mana String, but thousands were rushing all at once towards him. He
wouldn’t be able to move forward until he destroyed all of them!

“How dare you use such tricks on a Four Heavenly King….


He was barely able to free his body, but by that time, Maetel had
reached him by using her Acceleration skill. Maetel’s eyes shone as
she swung her bastard sword!

“Artpe, help me!”

“Of course!”

If Jariet was facing one hero, it would have been enough. However,
the teamwork between the two heroes were perfect. The Four
Heavenly King Jariet was in the human world. Moreover, he was
within the Zero Class where most of the holy energy was
concentrated. On the other hand, Maetel and Artpe had been
strengthened after receiving a buff from the holy priestess. They
attacked the weakened Jariet with everything they got!

A wing that let out a brilliant golden light sprouted from each of
their backs. This deepened the connection between the two heroes,
and it raised each other’s power. As a Four Heavenly King of the
Demon King’s army, he despised true bonds between comrades. The
bond between the two heroes was clearly manifesting in magical and
physical form, and they were tormenting Jariet!
246 Report
“Insolent······ All right. I’ll kill you first, bitch!”

Even if he didn’t use his Transformation ability, Jeriet was a legit

level 340 Four Heavenly King. His body was covered in black leather,
and black Demonic energy emanated from all over his body. The
Demonic energy was letting out an ominous light as his body was
strengthened. The ominous light pushed against the Hero’s Aura.

“The power I gathered from those that I transformed into

can be used to strengthen my body….. This ability allowed
me to climb to the top of the Demon King’s army. It allowed
me to become one of the Four Heavenly Kings!”

“I already know everything, so stop with the commentary!

Just fight me!”


It was the portion of the fight where he was supposed to boast

about his abilities, yet Artpe was ignoring him. Artpe shot his spell
towards Jariet. Maetel shoved the bastard sword into Jariet’s
hardened stomach, and blood sprayed out. At the same time, she
activated her Bash skill. It ripped apart his guts!


They were heroes with no ethics!

Jeriet desperately retreated backwards. He gritted his teeth as his

wound healed itself. In the past, one of his prey had a regeneration
ability, so he would just need five seconds to….

“Stop commenting on your abilities!”

“Koo-ahhhk! I didn’t even speak those words out loud!”

In Artpe’s absence, Jeriet had become the new weakest Four
247 Report
Heavenly King. It was true that he possessed an amazing ability, but
it also came with a downside. The added skills and abilities related
to his Transformation skill strengthened his body and special
characteristics. However, there was a slight delay before he could
use these added abilities. This very short delay was enough for
Maetel and Artpe to attack him!


The enraged Jeriet swung his thick arm, and he struck out at
Maetel! Maetel had activated her Acceleration in time, so she was
able to dodge the blow. However, the destructive force within his
arm still remained. His arm sliced through empty air before it struck
the wall of the secret space.


The wall exploded, and a deafening sound accompanied it.

In a flash, the secret room was exposed to the sky, and moonlight
shone down upon everyone.


Jariet finally realized that something had slipped his mind.

“Now that I think about it, the holy priestess was….”

The holy priestess should be supporting the two heroes in battle,

but she wasn’t doing anything.

Why was that?

Was she unable to throw away her desire to monopolize Artpe?

Was she going to wait until Maetel was dead?

No, that wasn’t it. She was still carrying out Artpe’s orders.
248 Report
Her eyes were wide open, and she was shocked at the reality that
was supposed to be impossible.

“A...Artpe-nim. Perhaps…… This girl is…..!?”


The duration of the Blessing depended on the Class’ special

characteristic. At its shortest, it took one second. There were cases
where it took over a minute. Vadinet was finally able to complete her

Jeriet’s rampage had caused a hole to form in the ceiling, and an

unusually bright moonlight shone through it. The Class given to Aria
by Vadinet was clearly revealed to the world.

“Hoo-ooh, ha-ahhhhhh······.”

After earning her Class, the girl had changed into a new existence.
She finally awakened. Her eyes opened.

“My god······!?”

“Holy prieste…..”

She possessed golden eyes that was letting out an unimaginably

brilliant light.
249 Report

Chapter 122
Source: Wuxiaworld

The magic circle was etched into the capital of Paladia. There were
only two people capable of activating the magic circle within the Zero
Class. This was also true for the entirety of Lihazeta. It was the pope
and the priestess.

This was probably the product of the contract made by the

predecessor hero. Even if Aria possessed the Assimilation ability,
there was no way she could easily circumvent the safety measures.
There was no way she should have had such an easy time
assimilating with the magic circle. On top of that, she had been
placed within the magic circle as a sacrifice to activate black magic.
It made what happened all the more unlikely.

If so, what was the only possibility that explained this situation?

That’s right. If Aria was a holy priestess, it would easily explain the
current situation.

[Aria Kuar Serieta]

[Level : 36]

[Holy Priestess]

[Innate Ability : Assimilation]

“ realized this, so you ordered me to······.”

“Of course. There are two heroes, and there is no rule

stating that there can’t be two holy priestesses.”

He was speaking in this manner, but he was also taken aback when
250 Report
he realized his prediction had been correct.


There were two heroes and two holy priestesses.

It meant it wouldn’t be strange if there were two Demon Kings!

“How can this be······.”

On the other hand, Vadinet had appointed the new holy priestess
with her own hands. She was looking at Aria, and Vadinet clearly
looked agitated.

Was it because another girl occupied the same position of the holy
priestess that she had considered it to be solely hers?

Or was it anxiousness that arose from the possibility of having

another rival in her pursuit for love?

Or was she feeling sympathy for the girl, who shared the same fate
as her?

Maybe, all of them were the correct answers or it might all be the
wrong answers.

However, she was sure about one thing. The rule, which she had
considered to be absolute, was completely broken into pieces.

“Aria, are you ok!?”

“Ah. I can’t…. I’m not able to completely control the magic


After earning her Class, she was going through the process of
leveling up after absorbing the Record of the magic circle. Even with
the change, she couldn’t completely control the magic circle.
251 Report
When Jeriet gave up his control of the magic circle, the energy of
the black magic had run amok. If Aria relaxed even a little bit, her
body would be swallowed up by the runaway magic circle. Even if
she had become a holy priestess, the benefit brought on by the
change was extremely limited.

“E...even if there are two holy priestesses, it changes

nothing! I’ll kill both holy priestesses, and it’ll just raise the
fear and despair felt by the humans!”

The appearance of the second holy priestess made Jeriet feel very
flustered. However, he still acted brave. In truth, he hadn’t received
much damage from Maetel’s attacks, and he was also attempting
counterattacks now. It was clear that he still had power to spare.

However, the mere presence of a holy priestess weakened a

Demon’s energy. With one holy priestess, the heroes were able to
compete with him even with the huge level difference. When there
was only Vadinet, Jariet could push them back using the advantage of
having a higherlevel. However, when Aria perfectly transitioned into
being a holy priestess, her presence suppressed the power of
Demons. Even if Jeriet was a level 340 Four Heavenly King of the
Demon King’s army, he couldn’t help, but feel burdened!

If things continue along this path, there was a chance that he

would die before he could accomplish anything. This thought made
him break out into cold sweat.

‘This is embarrassing to do as a Four Heavenly King, but….

It would be stupid to drag this out any further. The initiative
was completely seized by the heroes. For now, I have to······!’



His eyes shone in the next moment, and the black demonic energy
252 Report
roiling near his heart started to manifest in an instant. The
overwhelming amount of Demonic energy pushed back Artpe’s Mana
with brute force!

“Koohk!? You are all brawn and no brain. As expected of

the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly King…….!”

“Evil Fist!”

Demonic energy settled around his thick fist, and it turned into the
shape of a hammer. At once, he brought it down towards Maetel. It
was called a fist yet it wasn’t a fist! This was the gist of the skill!


Maetel had anticipated Jeriet’s fist, but instead of his fist, her vision
was filled with the fast approaching Demonic hammer. Maetel knew
her party members would be hurt if she avoided this blow, so she
raised her bastard sword to face the attack head on.

“Koo-ha-ha! You are quick like a little mouse, but it seems

you can’t run away with your comrades in danger!”

An enormous shockwave was created when the two clashed.



She wasn’t even in a proper defensive stance, and she was inferior
in terms of level.

Will she able to block a strike that contained the entire might of
Jeriet? The shock was felt all over Maetel’s body, and she was sent
flying backwards.

Artpe had been ready to attack Jariet with all the Mana Strings he
had manifested. He clicked his tongue, and he turned his Mana
253 Report
Strings into the shape of a soft barrier. He caught Maetel.

Moreover, this was what Jariet had been waiting for. In a flash, he
shot into the air, and he flew towards the hole in the ceiling. He shot
into the sky.

“Jeez. I never expected someone that’s higher level than

us to run away, so you are catching me off guard. That
bastard is a more cowardly and cheap loser than I thought!”

“You can talk all you want! Your attempts to provoke me

will no longer work!”

After catching Maetel, Artpe desperately sent his Mana String

towards Jeriet. However, the Four Heavenly King had already gained
distance from the two holy priestesses, so he had regained his
strength. He could easily resist against the Mana Strings!

“I’ll retreat for now, but I will surely take one of the two
lives of the heroes next time! Holy priestesses! It’ll be the
same for you two bitches! Hear me all humans! His majesty
the Demon King’s shadow had fallen over the holy nation of
Paladia! You should all tremble in fear! Ooh-ha-ha-ha-ha!”

It seemed he knew about the image transmission Artifact! Or he

was late in realizing it, so he was probably putting on an act! He was
trying his best to act naturally!

Jeriet was about to exit the scene using his teleportation spell, but
a figure suddenly appeared above him.

“You forgot about me, you son of a bitch!”


It was none other than Silpennon. He had just been healed by

Vadinet, so there wasn’t much strength left within body. Still, he had
254 Report
activated the Blink Boots, which had been loaned out to him by
Artpe. Silpennon was successful in getting behind Jariet!


He concentrated all his Mana into a Unique skill of a thief. It was

called the Lucky Strike. He planted his dagger in the back of Jariet’s
head. There was such a big level difference, so the damage caused
wasn’t that big. However, Jariet lost a little bit of his balance. He
slightly dipped towards the ground, and that was enough….

“Now, Artpe-nim!”

Jariet had entered into the sphere of influence of the two holy
priestess, and his body weakened in an instant. He was letting out
black smoke. She didn’t want to lose this opportunity, so Vadinet
used the spell called God’s Chain. Her spell restricted the movement
of Jariet, and it applied a debuff that decreased his immunity.

Even if Vadinet was outstanding, she couldn’t overcome the wide

gap in level with the Four Heavenly King. She could only restrain
Jariet for couple seconds, but that was enough!

“Good job, Vadinet!”


Afterwards, Artpe shot out couple thousand strands of Mana String.

It took the form of an enormous spear, and it embedded itself in
Jariet’s stomach!


The large spear had embedded itself when Jariet was defenseless.
In the next moment, the Mana Strings came undone inside his body,
and Hyper Rubbing was used through the several thousand strands
of Mana Strings.
255 Report
The Hyper Rubbing spell had already reached level 70. When the
output of the spell was maximized, the friction was capable of
causing the Demon’s blood to boil! The spell was being used
simultaneously through the several thousand strands of Mana String.
Of course, even a Four Heavenly King would be damaged by it.



The next person up was Maetel.

The golden wing unfurled behind her shoulder as it let out a light.
Maetel withdrew deeply within herself as she gripped the bastard
sword hard. Artpe had used Reinforcement on her sword, so if one of
talking about the sword’s ability to amplify magical energy, the
bastard sword performed similar to the holy sword of legends. The
bastard sword had developed to that extent!

“Since you attacked me with all you got····· I’ll return the
favor by attacking you with all I got!”

She transferred all her reserve power to her bastard sword. The
sword let out a brilliant golden aura. She leapt towards Jeriet, and
she shoved the sword into his stomach.

That was painful enough, yet in the next moment, Artpe retracted
the Mana, which had been supplying the Hyper Rubbing spell. He
rerouted his Mana to Maetel’s Aura. It allowed her to do additional


The pain had already went past the threshold that Jeriet could
endure, so the sound of his scream reached the heavens. However,
Artpe wasn’t done with his maneuvering.
256 Report
It was still immature, but he had his Materialization spell. It was a
spell that could change his magic into Mana, and his Mana into
magic! It allowed him to freely change back and forth!

Artpe and Maetel were sharing Mana through Maetel’s Record

Master Skill. He combined all his Mana with Maetel’s Mana, and he
kept cycling through the Hero Mana, Mana String, Hyper Rubbing
spell and Blaze spell. Jeriet was continually attacked.

“Koo-hoohk! Ggooh-ahhhhhhhk!?”

“When the second holy priestess showed up, when you

exposed your back to Silpennon, and when your stomach was
pierced by me, you had already forfeited your life!”

“Amazing······ Hero-nim didn’t even need to terminate his


There were two processes in which Mana was consumed when

manifesting a spell. The first was the consumption of Mana in the
process of shaping the spell. The second was the consumption of
Mana as one maintained the spell as one attacked one’s enemies.

Artpe had to take a hit as he consumed Mana to manifest this spell.

However, his Materialization spell didn’t require Mana consumption
to maintain it, and he could continuously change the shape of the
Mana according his will. Unless one was an extraordinary monster,
their enemies would be killed before Artpe and Maetel’s Mana ran

“Goohk, ggoo-roo-roo-roohk······!”

Jeriet was one of the Four Heavenly Kings, yet he wasn’t an

extraordinary monster. As he tried to resist against Artpe and
Maetel’s attacks, he tried to somehow activate his Mana. He wanted
to use a spell. However, he couldn’t withstand the attack, so he fell
to the floor.
257 Report

When he opened his mouth, a massive amount of black blood

spilled out. Jeriet squeezed out his last bit of strength to get out the
words that seemed to be engraved in his DNA.

“…,.shouldn’t breath a sigh of relief….. I am…..I am

merely the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly Kings…...”

“Yes. You really lived up to the name of the weakest

amongst the Four Heavenly Kings. You were really weak. In
fact, I’m not even afraid of the next one that’ll show up!”

The next one up was the 3rd ranked Four Heavenly King. She was
so strong that she couldn’t even be compared to this bum. It was the
Fire Witch Etna. He knew this information, so at this moment, he
decided to make fun of his enemy. After he was armed with this
determination, Artpe belittled Jeriet! It was super effective!

“You bastard...kuh-huhk!”

His last words were supposed to leave behind fear and despair.
When Jeriet heard Artpe’s words, his blood pressure rose, so he
could no longer speak. He bled out before he could say anything.
Jeriet had taken Artpe’s place as the weakest amongst the Four
Heavenly King. The weakest Four Heavenly King died at the hands of
the former weakest Four Heavenly King.


The fact that Jeriet had died was confirmed when a splitting
headache assaulted Artpe and Maetel. It had truly been a while since
they’ve felt this.

Why didn’t Artpe attack Jeriet as soon as possible?

Why did he wait until Jeriet regained his true form?
258 Report
He wanted Jeriet to shed all the penalties that would be incurred by
killing him in his pope form. Artpe wanted the full EXP that would
come with killing his real level 340 body.

“You did that for such a selfish reason!?”

“Of course!”

One thing was for sure. If they could endure the pain, Artpe and
Maetel would easily surpass level 300!

“Ahh-ooh! Hurts!”


However, the dance of pain included two more members this time.
The root cause of why they were able to go toe to toe with the Four
Heavenly King was the power imbued to them by the holy priestess
Vadinet. Then there was the thief Silpennon, who had prevented
Jeriet from running away in a crucial moment.

Their level was especially low compared to Artpe’s party. For Artpe
and Maetel, they had gained EXP that they could have gained in a
month. This was why Silpennon and Vadinet suffered pain that
couldn’t be compared to what was being felt by Artpe and Maetel.

“Head. My head······!”

“Hero-nim, it hurts so much. I think I need the touch of hero-nim’s


“It is growing pain, so stop being a baby! That isn’t

important right now······!”

After confirming the death of the Four Heavenly King, he

immediately turned his head away. He caught sight of Aria, who
remained in the magic circle. She was desperately using her Innate
259 Report
ability to keep the rampaging magic circle in check.

“We have save her right now. Ah, Silpennon. This is secret
information from now on, so I want you to end the

“Secret? I’ve already ended transmission of the images…..”

“You want to save her? How? Ah, wait a moment. I think I

got it.”

The Demonic energy had caused the Mana to run amok. Aria was
being tormented, because she was accepting this Mana. Even if
Maetel wasn’t great at studying, she was able to discern a pattern!

“You are going to create a new race again!”

“Bzzt. Wrong.”

Artpe dismissed that idea as he took out a thick book.

“What’s the point of making a new new race when she is

the holy priestess. This time I’ll let her keep her human

In the past, Artpe had rewritten this magical tome. The magical
tome had deviated from its original purpose. At that moment, a
miracle opened its eyes through Artpe’s hands.
260 Report

Chapter 123
Source: Wuxiaworld

When Artpe opened the magic tome, it let out a soft light. It
started to manifest its Mana in a specific direction.


Since he had re-written the tome with his hands, he had secured a
link with it.

He connected that link to the magic circle. The light being emitted
by the magic tome and the magic circle started to mix. The
equilibrium that was created was quite mysterious.

“Ah. Artpe-nim······?”

When Aria realized that Artpe’s Mana was connected to the magic
circle, she looked at him in surprise. Artpe wasn’t just simply
meddling with the magic circle. He possessed clear authority over
the magic circle, and he was changing the magic circle’s magic.

Yes, he had no reason to hide this now.

When he poured in his Mana to register with the Warp Gate, he had
gained administration rights to anything related to the temple. He
also had a degree of authority over the magic circle. If Aria and
Silpennon hadn’t been discovered by the pope, he would have
resolved everything using this.

Of course, there had been a catch. It wasn’t just about killing the
Four Heavenly King. The key issue was finding a way that would
allow everyone to level up as much as possible in the process of
killing the Four Heavenly King. This mainly applied to Silppenon and
261 Report
the holy priestess Aria. Later on, the holy priestess Aria was added
into this group.

The last part of his plan had gone awry. If he took that part out,
everything had progressed very splendidly.

“ is this possible…..”

“Don’t worry about it. I’m going to cancel the Summoning

spell, so you just have to maximize your Assimilation ability
from now on.”


“It’s all right. There is something I’ve prepared for this


The magic tome let out a light. The pages started to flip on its
own. Artpe’s eyes became very withdrawn as he looked at the magic

He was thinking about his past experiences. He thought about the

times when he had to guide Sherryl and Sienna. Then there was the
time where he extracted Demonic energy from the Demon Tiana……
He consolidated his experience through the magic tome, and he
created a spell. He transferred the spell into the magic circle.

The rampaging magic circle felt a new order come in. There was
unyielding firmness behind the order, so the magic circle couldn’t
resist. It started changing the shape of its magic!


“Nope. You have no role this time. You should just go over
there and suck on the Demonic energy from the corpse of the
Four Heavenly King.”
262 Report
[Nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa!]

‘I went out of my way to worry about you, yet you give me

such a cold reply!’

The enraged Roa slapped Artpe’s hand with her tail, then she
headed towards the corpse of the Four Heavenly King Jariet.

However, Artpe was focused on the magic tome. He didn’t even

realize that Roa had left him. His eyes were quickly reading the
magic tome. If he wanted to increase the performance of the magic
being created by the magic tome, he had to be mindful of his
memorization of the spell. He also had to worry about his role in
chanting the spell. It would allow him control the magic circle with

“M...Mr. Silpennon.”

“Why are you calling my name? …..all right. I’ll be there.”

Aria was desperately maintaining her Assimilation ability, yet she

couldn’t hide the apprehension she was feeling. Silpennon had just
escaped the ‘growing pains’ of his relationship with Aria. He couldn’t
win against Aria’s gaze, so he cleared his throat as he approached
her. When Maetel saw this, she let out a light laughter. Vadinet
looked worried.

“She already has someone she loves…. Oh no. What

should I do? If I don’t inform that girl…...”

While Vadinet was struggling with a baseless worry, the Mana of

the magic circle rose. As if it was trying to match the magic circle,
the magic tome started letting out a stronger light.

“Aria, are you able to widen the domain of your

Assimilation ability?”
263 Report
“ mind and body is at its limit just restraining a
portion of the magic circle….”

“You don’t have to worry about that anymore. Just tell me

if it is possible or not.”

“ is possible.”

When Artpe heard those words, he immediately grinned. He

increased the output of the magic tome, and he shouted out loud.

“You should imagine yourself sucking in all the Mana of

magic circle as you use your Assimilation! You should no
longer pay any attention to the Demonic energy within the
magic circle!”

“······I’ll believe in you!”

She had been chosen as a holy priestess only moment ago. She
acted like a holy priestess. Aria nodded towards Artpe. She spoke
with conviction. Until now, Aria had restricted her Assimilation
ability. She maxed out her Assimilation ability.

Her ability to control her Innate ability was on par with Maetel and
Artpe! In a flash, her Assimilation ability expanded past the magic
circle and the Zero Class. Her Mana assimilated with the magic
circles equipped all over Lihazeta.

The Mana, which had run amok under the machination of Jariet,
and the Record of the magic circle rushed into her!


“Hey! Artpehhhhhhhhhh!”

“Now! Lastly…...! Materialization!”

Demonic energy and all kinds of energy overwhelmed the holy
264 Report
priestess. She was in danger of losing her status as a holy priestess.
However, an explosive light shot out from the magic tome, which
was being held up by Artpe’s hand. It paralyzed everything nearby.
The Mana of the magic circle took on a specific characteristic thanks
to the Materialization spell. The Mana formed another small magic
circle in the air!


“Aria! Hey! My hand! My hand hurts! Hey!”

It was done.


From within the blinding explosion of light, Artpe let out a small
sigh as he closed the magic tome.

It had lasted a brief moment, but he had use all of his power in
manifesting the spell. Of course, he was tired.

“It is done.”


The one to be surprised the most was none other than Maetel.

“It is already done, Artpe? I thought you were going to

struggle with it for a very long time!”

“It is tiresome, but the Demon King’s army always uses the
same pattern. It’s about time that I’m able to easily dispose
of their antics.”

When the light dispersed, the sight of Aria bound in the middle of
the magic circle was seen. No, the magic circle no longer existed. It
was just Aria. It was hard to put a finger on it, but she was letting out
a somewhat noble aura.
265 Report
“Ah. The probability of us using the magic circle to our
advantage was lower than the probability of the Demon
King’s army using it to their advantage in the future. That is
why I got rid of it”

“You got rid of it….. It was a magic that contained several

hundred years worth of history and Record. You got rid of it
so easily!?”

“Yes. I split it half-and-half between the magic tome and



The magic circle wasn’t some boiled daikon that could be split
easily into halves! It made no sense!

Artpe left behind the shocked Vadinet. He headed towards Aria.

She remained sitting in what used to be the center of the absent
magic circle.



She had used her Innate ability in excess, so she didn’t have the
strength to move even a single finger. She was leaning against
Silpennon, and she was gasping.

“You leveled up too much all at once, so that is why you

are having a difficult time. Still, it won’t have any negative
effects on your body, so you can breathe easy.”

“Thank you very much…..for helping me…..”

This was obvious, but there wasn’t a single trace of Demonic

energy within Aria’s body. Jeriet’s intention had been to use her as a
266 Report
sacrifice to summon magical beasts. However, at some point, the
possibility of her descending into becoming a Demon had become a
real possibility. Artpe had used his magic tome to reverse the
Demonic energy. Lastly, he used his Materialization spell to push all
of the reversed energy into Aria.

[Aria Kuar Serieta]

[Level : 231]

[Holy Priestess]

The result of his actions was a ridiculous amount of level ups.

“Hoo, hoo-ooh…...”

“She leveled up too much? Artpe, what do you mean?”

“What do you think I mean? Aria became higher in level

than you.”

“What are you saying!?”

“I just explained it to you, you dork!”

In growth, the most important requirements needed was Mana and

Record. Most people achieved this growth when they harmed other
beings or when they accomplished an Achievement.

Aria had been in a very special situation. She had received an

overwhelming amount of Mana and Record from the magic circle, so
it had been possible for her to achieve such explosive growth.

The level of Artpe and Maetel was so high that Aria’s level looked
low in comparison. However, she was much higher in level compared
to the thief Silpennon. Silpennon had followed Artpe’s recipe for past
two years, and he was considered to be a genius thief. Now Aria was
clearly above him.
267 Report
“Artpe, did you intend on growing this girl from the

“No. However, instead of wasting the Mana, I thought it

would be best to help develop a rising prospect. Since she
was already assimilating the magic circle using her
Assimilation ability, I thought it was the perfect


Maetel was baffled. She was at a loss for words.

If Maetel knew what the magic circle had been used in their past
lives, she would have understood why he had done this!

“Silpennon. Aria should be very tired. You should take her,

so she can rest. The city is probably in a mess. We have to
go patch up the situation.”

“Why do I have to do that? What I meant to say is….. Aria

is the second holy priestess. She’ll be traveling with you
guys, so it would be best if she appears next to you in front
of the people.”

When Silpennon said those words, Aria unconsciously clamped

down on Silpennon’s forearm. When Artpe saw this, he grinned.

“Aria is in your party. Our party already has Vadinet.”

“However, the duty of the holy priestess is to support the

hero….. Ah, it hurts!”


Artpe understood Aria’s heart. Silpennon was being dense, and

Aria looked like she was about to cry. At that moment, Vadinet
268 Report
interrupted them. She was very flustered.

“I...I’m sorry, Artpe-nim. I know I am not qualified to

intertere with Artpe-nim’s judgement and actions, but…..
She is a holy priestess, and she cannot do what you


“The holy priestess exists to support the hero. Moreover,

the holy priestess is inextricably tied to the hero! If Aria
hadn’t become a holy priestess, it wouldn’t have been a
problem. However, she is a holy priestess that possesses the
golden eyes. If she chooses someone else other than the

“Ah······ So that is what you wanted to say. Mmm. How

should I say this…. All right.”

After hearing Vadinet’s words, Artpe thought for a very brief

amount of time. In the end, he nodded his head after he came to a

“Vadinet, you are under a huge delusion.”

Everything that was said by Vadinet was a fantasy. Her delusions

didn’t make any sense, and he decided to break those delusions with
his mouth.


“It doesn’t matter if it is the holy priestess or the hero. It

is just a Class one possesses. There is no rights and duties
attached to it.”

269 Report
“Let me put it another way.”

Artpe put on a smile as he spoke.

“I’m talking about the rule that says the holy priestess
must be in the same party as the hero. I’m also talking about
the rule that says a holy priestess cannot mate with another
man other than the hero…… These are all delusions that
were made up in the past.”


Vadinet was struck dumb. Aria couldn’t hide the relief she was
feeling. Silpennon still had no idea what was going on.

It seemed Maetel was the only one that had the complete
understanding of the situation. She could only snicker. At such
moments, he felt a disparity between this Maetel and the normal

“……. I’m allowed to love someone other than hero-


“Of course. It’s the truth. If you see Aria right now…...”


Artpe had been about reveal Aria’s pure heart in such an

unceremonious manner. Aria yelled loudly to shut him up. She had
been unable to move even a finger a moment ago. It seemed she
had recovered a good deal of her energy.

Artpe smirked as he confirmed the truth with Vadinet.

“It doesn’t matter if the holy priestess kisses, sleeps or

bears the child of another man. The gods won’t punish the
holy priestess. Holy priestesses are already burdened with
270 Report
many responsibilities, so why would the gods try to control
the emotions of a holy priestess? If such a god existed, he
would be a Demonic god instead of a god.”

“My god······ That means I’ve been under a ridiculous



Vadinet lowered her head. It meant that she had accepted Artpe’s
words as the truth. Of course, if she had been told this earlier,
Artpe’s words wouldn’t have been as effective.

However, there truly were two heroes, and now a second priestess
had made an appearance. She had witnessed the weakest amongst
the Four Heavenly King take on the visage of the pope, and he had
been easily killed by Artpe’s party. Everything that had occurred had
torn down what she had considered to be common sense. This was
why a crack had formed in her firm sense of self.

On top of that, she had absolute trust in Artpe, and he had pretty
much taken a hammer to that cracked sense of self. It would have
been strange if it hadn’t crumbled!

“I see….”

In the next moment, Vadinet raised her head. Her expression

didn’t look dark. Instead, it felt as if her face was shining.

“Until now, I thought I had loved Artpe-nim, because I was

the holy priestess.”


“Artpe, may I kill that woman?”

“You may not.”
271 Report
“However, it wasn’t like that at all.”


Her intro was ominous, so he was thinking about stopping her right
there. Unfortunately, Vadinet’s words were faster than his.

“I’ve fallen for you! Not as a holy priestess! I’m just simply
in love with you!”




“Ah ah. Somehow, I feel much better! That’s right. Is this

why people call this fate…..?!”

Her eyes started letting out a brilliant golden light. It was powerful
enough to be on par with the newly named holy priestess!

Artpe had been worried things would somehow turn out like this, so
he froze in place. He was like a statue. Maetel unsheathed her
bastard sword. Aria had become extremely embarrassed even
though the other holy priestess had expressed her love in no
uncertain terms.

“You son of a bitch! Why don’t you just take every woman
of this world for yourself!”

Silpennon was still very dense, and he didn’t have any common
sense. Artpe didn’t know why Silpennon had to bring up this topic
right now. Silpennon just continued to curse him.
272 Report

Chapter 124
Source: Imported

It was found out that the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly
Kings had worn the mask of the pope . The Four Heavenly King was
killed the very night he was found out . He was killed by the heroes
and the holy priestess .

No one in Lihazeta could sleep that night

From out of nowhere, the pope had acted like a villain, and he had
taken a maid as a hostage . The pope had faced off against the
heroes, and the people definitely saw the pope transform into a
Demon . It was such a bizarre scene that a play might have been
more believable than this . It felt as if they were having an out of the
body experience .

As they were following the story occurring within the footage, they
could hear and see the commotion that was occurring within the Zero
Class . They saw light and Demonic energy emanate from the Zero
class, so they knew all of this wasn’t a hoax .

It was truly fortunate that the sight of Aria becoming the 2nd holy
priestess hadn’t been revealed through the footage . If that truth
had been revealed, Artpe would have been able to work with it .
However, he preferred not to have that truth be common knowledge

[It really is rude to call someone this early in the morning .

It is quite rude . If it wasn’t Artpe-nim, I wouldn’t have
answered… . . ]

“It is still night over here, so let’s consider it to be even . I

want you to contact your merchant association . I’ve
273 Report
attached images that is newsworthy . I want you to spread it
across the continent . ”

[What is it?]

“We easily defeated the Four Heavenly king, who had been
masquerading as the pope . ”

[······ . ]

“It’s big news, right?”

[······you are killing me . I’ll send an executive . Please give

us exclusive rights to the story!]

From the moment he entered Paladia, he had planned on

overturning the temple . This was why Artpe’s subsequent actions
were truly swift .

However, the most urgent task right now was to settle down the
people of Lihazeta by telling them the truth . Then they had to settle
down Paladia . Lastly, he had to inform the people of this continent
that a Demon had infiltrated the inner temple . The news of the
hero’s appearance had been spread not too long ago, and the people
of the continent were still in a state of bewilderment . This news
would properly arouse their attention to the presence of the Demons

The dam that had been surrounding the Zero Class had been
brought down . The rotten water, which had accumulated within,
would be revealed to the world . There was clear evidence that
showed the corruption that had festered within the temple . It would
show the presence of the Demon King’s army on this continent . This
proof would be shown to all humans residing in Lihazeta, Paladia and
the whole continent .

Artpe contacted Leseti and Deyus . He dumped the responsibility
274 Report
of settling down Lihazeta to them . Then he asked Mycenae to
spread the news to the whole continent .

Afterwards, he took Maetel and Vadinet to the Zero Class . They

were going to take care of the priests that were gathering within the
Zero Class .

“M . . . my god . The pope really fell to the Four Heavenly

King… . . ”

“Aria! My daughter! Hero-nim, is my daughter safe!?”

“Look at these logs! My god! I never expected this to

happen within the Zero Class… . . ”

“Ah . That guy is rotten . ”

“Ok . Here is your punishment . ”


The pope, who had been their biggest enemy, was gone now . This
was why Artpe didn’t have to hesitate any more . Artpe and Vadinet
met out punishment to everyone that was related to the ‘rotten
water’ within the Zero Class . Only the innocent were left alive .

The hero and the holy priestess had carried out an execution of
blood and iron!

The priests shuddered when they saw the hill made out of the
corpses of the corrupted priests .

“You are truly cool-head and bold . It seems Artpe-nim had

covered up his true nature in order to fix what is wrong
within the temple!”

“His judgement and patience… . He lacks nothing . ”
275 Report
“This generation’s hero is the strongest we’ve ever had .
He killed a Four Heavenly King before he crossed over to the
Demon realm . !”

In truth, the hero from his previous life had accomplished this too .
At the time, there had been one incident that had gone against the
Demon King’s recipe . Instead of the weakest amongst the Four
Heavenly King dying, the 3rd strongest Four Heavenly had died first .

At that time, the variable was the holy priestess . She had mastery
over the magic circle, and she had been aware of what was going on
within the temple… . .

The past hero’s mistake was her inability to control the holy
priestess . This was why she had lost the holy priestess after killing
the Four Heavenly King .

‘However, I was successful in correcting that mistake . I

killed the Four Heavenly King as planned, and Vadinet is……
Things hadn’t turned out as planned, but I was successful in
acquiring her as a firm ally . If I can point to one problem… . ’

It was the fact that a second holy priestess had been born in Aria .
When Artpe thought about this, his head hurt . It was unbearable .

In truth, he had this suspicion in the past . He had met the Demon
Teana, who hadn’t been under the effects of the Demon King’s Innate
ability called Absolute Control . He also felt something was out of
whack when Etna mentioned that there were two more Four
Heavenly Kings above her .

He became sure of it when the 2nd holy priestess came into being .

There probably was two Demon Kings in the Demonic realm .

“Ggoo-ahng-ahhk-ahng-ahk . ”
276 Report
He experienced it for 200 years in his past life . Fate was like that .
He was sure fate was capable of twisting history in such a manner!
He had planned on quickly killing the Demon King, so he could
pursue a business in the dairy industry . He despaired when he
realized that he had to climb two hills .

“What’s wrong, hero-nim?”

“Hoo . It’s nothing… . What about the people? Is everyone

gathered here?”

“I believe all the priests within Lihazeta is gathered here .

When Artpe destroyed the entire Zero Class, an open space had
been created . Priests filled this open space . Artpe nodded his
head as he looked at them .

In one corner, he saw Deyus and Leseti . They were using the
Image Transmission Artifact to record the scene . In another corner,
an executive dispatched by the Anywhere company was holding up
the same Artifact .

It took an enormous amount of money and magical energy to set

up the Image Transmission system across continents, but the current
issue was too big to ignore . This was why everyone involved had
taken the hit of the cost in implementing the system .

“First, I want everyone to focus your attention here . ”

Artpe took out the corpse of the Four Heavenly King Jeriet from his
Dimensional Pouch . His transformation ability was no longer being
maintained, so the corpse stank of Demonic energy . However, he
was still wearing the Artifacts given to the pope . The sight was truly
ironic .

[Nyaa . ]
277 Report
“No . At the very least, we still need to preserve the
evidence that the Four Heavenly King was here . ”

[Nyaa-ahhhhhh . ]

Roa saw the leftover Demonic energy within the corpse, so she was
smacking her lips . However, she firmly pressed down on her desire .
When Vadinet saw this, she realized something for the first time .

“I see . She isn’t a normal cat . She is a cat that consumes

all Demonic energy… . . She really is the ideal pet for a hero .
I can think of no other being that is suited for that role . ”

[Nyaa nyaa-ah . ]

“What did she just say?”

“She said you are pretty . ”

“······hoo-hooht . Thank you . ”

In truth, Roa’s words were more nuanced than that .

She said, ‘You smell really rotten, yet you aren’t related to the
Demonic energy? Fascinating . ’ However, Artpe didn’t tell her what
Roa had said for Vadinet’s sake . She was finally a holy priestess that
was filled with love . He didn’t want to watch her turn dark again .

He turned to look at the priests, who were focused on the corpse of

the Four Heavenly King .

“You guys saw all of it, right? I’m sure you saw the images
that was illuminated above the city at night . I won’t
question you all as to whether you believe all of this is true
or not . The proof is all here . Moreover, I’m trying to spread
this truth to Lihazeta and the whole continent . ”

Artpe picked up the corpse of the Four Heavenly King . The evil
278 Report
looking corpse was wearing the holy garments of the pope . This
sight was clearly recorded by the Image Transmission Artifact .

“The temple’s Zero Class was formed to help the hero

defeat the Demon King’s army, yet a Four Heavenly King
turned priests into followers of the Demonic god . He did this
under the guise of the pope . Those that were supposed to
bless the hero tried to kill the hero instead . I received help
from the holy priestess Vadinet and my comrades to unearth
this conspiracy… . . ”

Of course, he was spouting bullshit .

“We killed the Four Heavenly King, who had been trying to
summon a magical beast in order to kill us . In this process,
the magic circle within the Zero Class and the entirety of
Lihazeta was incapacitated . It is truly unfortunate since we
lost a strong card that would have allowed us to stand
against the Demon King’s army . However, it is also true that
uncontrollable power is more dangerous than an unknown
enemy . Several hundred years of history was lost, but as a
result, we were able to catch one of the Four Heavenly Kings
. From this point on, I’ll continue to catch and kill those that
are rotten within the temple . I will put us back onto the
right path . ”


“Hero-nim! Please look this way!”

It seemed Artpe was suited to become a religious leader instead of

a hero! He gave an eloquent speech! He nodded in satisfaction
when he saw the priests go wild .

“Good . This is quite easy since they are all idiots . ”

“Artpe, you should try to hide inner thoughts . ”
279 Report
He hadn’t stepped forward, because he just wanted to inform the
priests of the truth . That was only part of the reason why he did so .
He wanted the presence of the heroes engraved into the minds of
the people all over this continent . He wanted to show them concrete
proof that they had killed one of the Four Heavenly King . No country
would be able to treat them lightly any more .

······lastly, he wanted to lay down the gauntlet to the Demons that

were hiding all over this continent . He would bring the fight to them

“Artpe-nim is giving a speech in front of all these people .

His eyes are shining, and his powerful voice… . . Hoo-oohk
hoo-oohk . ”

“Ooh . I really want to kill her . ”

[Nyaa-ah-ah nyaa-ah . ]

Afterwards, Artpe took out all the information gathered by

Silpennon and Aria . He revealed all the corruption that had occurred
within the temple . During this process, Artpe did something he had
done within Aedia . There were worshippers of the Demonic god that
were trying to hide amongst the priests . They were doing a poor job
of it . Of course, he was decisive as he decapitated all of them .

“The hero knows everything . ”

“The hero-nim knows everything!”

This was how the mess in Lihazeta was clearly resolved . Paldia
became busy as they tried to choose the new pope . Since the Zero
Class was destroyed by Artpe, it was decided that they would build a
new temple and housing on top of the ruins . This time all priests
would have access to this location .

Now there was only one thing left that Artpe had to take care
280 Report
within the temple .

After he turned back everyone, he settled into his newly acquired

lodging . Then he brought in Lihazeta’s archbishop . He had been
anxiously searching for his daughter . Artpe called him into his room

“Hero-nim, is my daughter safe?”

“If you are talking about Aria Kuar Serieta, she is safe . ”


He let out a bitter laughter when he saw the archbishop let out
tears of relief . He continued to speak .

“However, she will no longer be able to work as a maid . Of

course, it will also be difficult for her to work as a priestess in
the main temple of Lihazeta . I’ve decided to accept her into
my party . ”

“Oh my . What an absolute honor… . . However, my child

is still very weak . ”

“However, she is special . You probably knew about this,


At his words, the archbishop meekly nodded his head .

“She truly is special . However, it isn’t as if her level can

be raised in an instant… . . . ”

“That’ll be take all taken care of by us . I want the

knowledge of Aria being in our party to be a secret .
Moreover… . You cannot tell anyone about her Class . ”

“Aria’s Class······?”
281 Report
Artpe didn’t say anything as he pushed a Soul Contract towards
the archbishop . It was fresh off the press from the Anywhere
company . He received it early in the morning . On another note, he
had received a signature from Vadinet . He received her promise
that she wouldn’t do as she pleased from now on . It was an attempt
to stop her from going bad . For some reason, Vadinet became hot
and bothered when she signed the contract . He didn’t want to think
too deeply on that .

“You shoud sign this first . ”

“······understood . ”

When the archbiship finished placing his signature on the contract,

Artpe flicked his finger .

From the beginning, Aria had been waiting inside the room . Aria
meekly revealed herself .


“Father . ”

“You······ . ”

“Eh-heh-heh . ”

Aria let out a sheepish laughter . Afterwards, a halo appeared

behind her . The archbishop was at a loss for words . Of course, he
knew which Class had been acquired by her daughter .

After all the disturbance was put to rest, the hero’s party left
Lihazeta without any regret .
282 Report

Chapter 125
Source: Wuxiaworld

It was the dead of night, yet a party was exiting Lihazeta. They
made sure no one knew they were leaving. This group included
Artpe, Maetel, Vadinet, Silpennon, Aria, Leseti and Deyus.

Artpe thought about watching the new pope being elected, but it
would take too long. He had went through the trouble of declaring a
war against the Demon realm, so he couldn’t laze around in one

“Hoo-ooh. I want to sleep.”

“Do you want to sleep while I carry you, Artpe?”

“No. Please restrain yourself.”

As always, Silpennon was jealous and envious when he heard the

conversation between Artpe and Maetel. His body shook. Suddenly,
he had a thought.

“Now that I think about it, didn’t you plan on adding us to

your party? You said you’ll consider it after we settle
matters here.”

“I did, and I decided. We’ll walk parallel paths to each

other, so we’ll never cross paths again…..”

“You bastard!?”

At Artpe’s words, Silpennon approached him. He tried to grab

Artpe’s neck, but Maetel sent him a sharp gaze. Her gaze was as
sharp as a knife. He slowly put down his hands. Artpe gave him an
283 Report
“If Aria hadn’t shown up, I probably would have merged the
two parties. However, that is no longer the case.”

“The addition of one more holy priestess is a good thing!

She was able to sufficiently weaken the Four Heavenly King
we faced!”

“Two parties will each possess a holy priestess, and we will

cause confusion to our enemies. Moreover…..”

It was expected that there were two Demon Kings in the Demon
realm. If they moved in a group of eight, they would just become an
easier target. The hero’s party was effective against the Demon
King’s army, because they were a light and sharp spear. There was
nothing to gained by bulking up the party.

“I want us to operate as two parties. Your party is pretty

balanced now.”

“Still, we are weak compared to you guys.”

“That is why you should get stronger. We’ll draw the aggro
of our enemies.. You guys can remain on the down low, while
growing in power. We’ll face the Demon King’s army with
two hero’s party.”


Silpennon finally realized the meaning behind the words spoken to

him by Artpe not too long ago. He realized why Artpe had insisted
Silpennon accompany Aria, and he realized why her identity was kept
a secret.

He also now knew why he was so bold in appearing in public with

Maetel and Vadinet.

“Still, this sounds like nonsense! The real hero’s party will
284 Report
act as a shield for fake hero’s party? There should be a limit
as to how many idiotic words can come out of your mouth!?”

This was why he was taken aback by it!

“The other option is we can attack the Demon King’s

castle, while you guys act as a shield. However, you guys are
too weak, so we have no choice. We have to do it the
opposite way.”

“We are strong. It’ll be alright.”

Silpennon was at a loss for words when he heard Artpe’s words and
Maetel’s calm words. Of course, he knew that the power of Artpe and
Maetel was unfathomable. They probably became much stronger
after defeating one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Despite this fact, Silpennon thought they were being reckless.

“I want you all to work hard. Leseti. Deyus. Can you do


“Hero’s party…. I never expected a day to come where I

would have to shoulder such a title…....”

“······I’ll do as you ask. It can’t be helped.”

Leseti and Deyus didn’t sound too satisfied with the current
situation, but they didn’t try to turn down the responsibility. Artpe
was satisfied with that.

It was a chaotic era, and there weren’t that many people in this
world that were capable of doing what they wanted. At the very
least, the two of them would have a hand in determining the course
of this era. Their lives were better than most in this world.

“Are you willing to put your life on the line?”
285 Report
“If the Demon King’s army wins, it either means the death
of all humans or the humanity will become a plaything for the
Demon King.”

Artpe calmly spoke those words. Lastly, he looked at Aria, who

was holding onto Silpennon’s sleeve.

It had been merely 10 days, yet everything around her had

changed. Everything was unfamiliar and difficult. Despite all of this,
she had accepted her role as the holy priestess, and she was trying
to forge ahead. He put her next to Silpennon to provide

“Be strong, Aria.”

“Yes, Artpe-nim. I’m sorry for being unable to support you

by your side as a holy priestess….. However, I believe that
your instructions will lead to the defeat of the Demon King. I
will do my best next to Mr Silpennon.”

“Yes, that is enough.”

When Silpennon heard her words, he thought Aria was lamenting

over the fact that she wasn’t able to join Artpe. His thoughts became
gruff and surly. Everyone else was able to glean from her
roundabout explanation that she was very satisfied with the current
arrangement. Leseti turned pale when she observed Silpennon’s
reaction. However, she didn’t go out of her way to spell out Aria’s
thoughts to Silpennon.

“We’ll be going now. I want you to focus on raising the

level of Leseti and Deyus.”

“I’m very familiar with Dungeons now. We've done this for
the past 2 years. Just leave it to me.”

Artpe and Silpennon lightly dapped their fists as a goodbye. The
286 Report
two party started to move in different directions.

Silpennon’s party would move as planned. They were going to

clear the nearby Dungeons as they grew their abilities.

“She didn't even look back once. …..should I give up on


“You should. I think Maetel-nim would rather die than be

with someone other than Artpe-nim.”

At holy priestess Aria’s forthright statement, Silpennon groaned as

he lowered his head.

Leseti, who was supposed to be his guardian knight, didn’t console

her master. She just looked at Artpe’s backside as she licked her

“Artpe is more handsome now…. He looks like an adult.

Each of his words and gestures is oozing with sex. Hoo-
ooh…… Ssssp.”

“Your voice is dripping with desire and lingering

attachment, Leseti. Why don’t you just transfer into their

When Silpennon gave a prickly reply, Leseti smirked as she

shrugged her shoulders.

“If not for me, who is going to serve you? Even if I have to
give up my youth, I’ll make you succeed in your role as the
fake hero.”

“Koo koo. Ms Leseti is a pretty good person.”

“Oh my. You are able to see that? You are better than
287 Report
expected. Let’s be on friendly terms from now on.”

They had met not too long ago, yet Leseti and Aria was getting
chummy. When Silpennon saw this, he pouted. Deyus roughly had
an idea as to the feelings of the two women, so Deyus thought
Silpennon was a bit of a git.

“Let’s hurry up and go, Silpennon-nim.”

“I’m miserable right now, so why are being testy, Deyus?”

“Ah. Let’s hurry up and go! Let’s go catch some


“You bastard!?”

They had gained a new party member. She was a level 231 holy
priestess with an Innate ability. If he wanted to, Silpennon could
claim their party to be the hero’s party. That was how strong they
were. Silpennon’s party once again moved to explore more

No one in this world knew about their existence. When their power
was revealed, it would truly fuck over the Demon King’s army.

On the other hand, Artpe’s party was moving down their path at a
much faster rate than Silpennon’s party. It wasn’t comparable.
While they were traveling from Aedia to Paladia, the distance
between the two parties had widened. Silpennon’s party had to
catch up with them.

“In this venture, we were able to locate all the Warp Gates
that were placed around the continent. Moreover, we
obtained the right to use it. Hue hue. It is as if the hero’s
party got a system upgrade.”
288 Report

“Hoo. Listen to me.”

Artpe kindly gave an explanation.

“In a normal hero’s tale, the early stage is focused on the

hero. The details of the towns and Dungeons visited by the
hero is focused around the hero.”

“I guess so?”

“It doesn’t matter which novel you look at. Once one goes
past the halfway point of the story, a powerful foe that
opposes the hero is introduced. It could be a country,
continent, Dragon or the Demon King’s army. No one wants
to hear about what the hero ate at which town. No one wants
to read about a depiction of which woman was pretty in
which town.”

“The audience wants to listen to the hero’s exploits instead

of such minute details.”

“That’s right.”

This was why the heroes in the stories gained abilities like Warp,
long distance teleportation spell or a pet that could fly very quickly
through the air. They gained something that would increase their
mobility. It wasn’t as if their abilities had risen. These elements
were introduced, because it made it more convenient for the plot to

“It’s been a while, but you are saying that we are once
again walking on the path of the hero’s story.”

“Amazing! I never knew it could be interpreted that way!”

“·····it feels as if Artpe is acting arrogant when talking about
289 Report
unnecessary topics.”

Vadinet’s goal was to flatter Artpe. It didn’t matter what he said. It

hadn’t taken long, but Maetel had become pretty good at
undercutting Vadinet’s words. He thought it might be fun to travel
with this two….

“We’ll gather our party members. I have a lot of presents I

want to give to Sienna.”

As he spoke those words, he showed them spell books that dealt

with holy magic and holy battle magic. Maetel wanted to ask him
when he had the time to take such items. However, when she saw
Roa poked her head out from Artpe’s arms, Maetel decided to give up
on questioning him.

“Everything within the temple exists for the hero. Is

Sienna perhaps….?”

“She’s female. Regina is with her, and she is also female.”


Female wasn't quite right when describing Regina. It was a bit

tricky to describe her, but on the surface, it sounded as if Regina was
a normal woman. When Vadinet heard Maetel’s words, her face
stiffened. However, Vadinet tried very hard to regain her composure.

“I...I see. It is understandable. Of course, others would

recognize Artpe-nim’s appeal…..”

“Let’s move.”

He had done his best put Vadinet’s dark side to sleep. He didn’t
want to disturb it, so he quickly used Blink. He moved his party a
distance of several hundred meters.
290 Report
Vadinet and Maetel meekly clung to Artpe. In the next moment,
they glared at each other then they snorted. It was as if they had
promised to act this way. He couldn’t believe how synchronized their
actions were in dissing each other.

“If the second holy priestess hadn’t shown up, I would have
been able to slander you without much worry.”

“Shall I bring down the number of holy priestess to one? It

is still possible. I can do it right now.”

“Hoo hoo. That is quite the joke. Now that I think about it,
can a hero be called a hero if one attacks a holy priestess?
What do you think, Artpe-nim?”

“······are we really the hero’s party?”

At that moment, it had been 20 days since Sienna had been

separated from Artpe. She was showing deficiency syndrome in
regards to Artpe. Regina had on an expression that made her
thoughts unknowable. Both of them were following the orders of
Artpe, and they were moving north of Daitan. They arrived at the Ice
Continent of Glacia.

“Heeng. I want to see oppa. I’m cold. I want to see oppa.”

“Sienna, your level is high enough that you shouldn’t be

affected by the cold temperature.”

“No, my heart is cold. Oppa isn’t here, so my heart has

frozen solid.”

“As expected of you, that is a funny joke.”

“······Rei, why do you hate me?”
291 Report
The two of them were over level 270, so they didn’t feel cold
standing in the middle of the Ice continent. This was why Artpe
hadn’t worried too much when he sent them to this location.

“If we stay here, we won’t know when spring comes. No,

what is spring in the first place? If it is a spring without
oppa, can I really call it spring?”

“Sienna has abundance of feeling. Envious.”

However, Artpe hadn’t joked about his order. They had to find the
Ice Continent of Glacia before spring comes. It was a must!

“If you look at the map, it has the locations of the

Dungeons. Let’s stick to this place for now. We’ll hunt and
grow from here.”

“Yes. Let’s quickly level up, so we can leap over Maetel


“Agreed. ······what is that?”

They didn’t know that Artpe and Maetel was at the cusp of
reaching level 300 after defeating one of the Four Heavenly King.
The two of them had a mutual understanding as their desire burned.
However, at that moment, Regina’s eyes saw something weird.


They saw an abundance of steam rise in the middle of the

continent of Glacia, which was covered with ice.

Sienna also saw this. She tilted her head in confusion..

“What is that? Ah. I think I can see a person in the


“······I detect a powerful Mana. It is a ridiculously strong
292 Report

“Uh······ I think I recognize that Mana…….”

It was an oppressive amount of heat. It turned the cold air washing

over their skin into hot air. It seemed this being wasn’t consciously
using her Mana, yet all the nearby Mana had contracted into her.
Even if the being took a step backwards, she would be able to secure
her own domain.

Yes, this was true even if she was in the Ice continent, which was
filled with frozen and cold Mana.

“Rei, let’s run away.”


Sienna and Regina decided to run away before this other person
noticed them. Regina tried to use the teleportation Artifact, which
had been provided by Artpe for emergency situations. She planned
on getting them out there as soon as possible, but they were
unlucky. Their enemy sensed them!

“Ah. Girls! Help meeeeeeee!”


Unlike the power she possessed, the woman sounded as if she had
a bit of a screw loose. Her voice made Sienna take a misstep, and
she sprained her ankle. Regina desperately tried to support her, but
their enemy had already noticed them. It won’t be easy to run away!

“Everything keeps melting here! My legs keeps getting


“······change our plan, Sienna?”

“Yes, it is impossible to run away now… Eh-whew. Let’s go
293 Report
towards that woman.”


They couldn’t run away or fight their enemy.

What were they supposed to do?

Regina gave up on the plan to run away. She decided to make

contact with their enemy.

When they got closer, the other side recognized Sienna first. The
woman acted as if they were an acquaintance. The woman’s body
was already half-submerged in water. The ice around her was
melting, and the water was boiling. It was a scary sight.

“Ah. I was right! You are the kid I met before! Huhk! You
became really strong!?”

“You are still the same…. You are hot!”

Her name was Etna Carlyfate Mirecard. She was the woman
occupying the role of a Four Heavenly King.
294 Report

Chapter 126
Source: Wuxiaworld

“Winter Sprite’s Blessing.”

“Thank you!”

When Regina casted her spell, the fire type Mana around Etna died
down a little bit. Etna couldn’t regulate her own body temperature
and Mana. One had to be a magician of Regina’s caliber to calm
down Etna’s Mana.

“Your Mana resistance is ridiculous.”

“I’m sorry. I tried to accept it, but….”

Of course, this happened under the premise that Etna had allowed
Regina’s magic to work on her.

“Where did you get acquainted with a monster like her?”

“Mmm. You see…. Things happened before and we

received help from her.”

It seemed Regina hadn’t realized the identity of Etna.

It was to be expected. Regina had amazing abilities, but Etna was

one of the strongest Demons. She was over level 370. Moreover, her
Mana resembled fire rather than Demonic energy. One had to be like
Artpe, who had known her in their past lives, or an Evil Reflector like
Sienna, who was the antithesis of all Demons. Other than them, it
wasimpossible to discern Etna’s identity at a glance.

“The world is large. Thank you for making me realize that.”
295 Report
“I’m the one that should be thanking you. I never expected
someone young other than Artpe to be so strong. It is


Normally, Regina would have refuted the idea that she was young.
However, Regina was focused on another portion of the woman’s

“Do you know Artpe too?”

“Yes. As expected, you are one of Artpe’s party member.

So….. It seems Artpe isn’t with you guys?”

“······at this point, I admit he is an extraordinary man.”

Etna thought Artpe might be hiding. Her eyes were filled with
anticipation as she looked at her surrounding. When Regina saw this,
she was taken aback. How many women did Artpe have! As if
Sienna understood Regina’s feeling, she smirked.

“So Ms Etna….? Why are you here?”

“I’m looking for something. I…..found it in an ancient

magic tome. I learned that the item I’m looking for is in a
ruin in Glacia.”


Artpe had told them about a ruin.

Was it a coincidence?

Sienna and Regina had a bad feeling that they might be looking for
the same ruin as Etna. Sienna thought about the item they had to
retrieve. It was something requested by Artpe. Sienna asked Etna a
296 Report

“May I ask what you are looking for······?”

“I don't know the name. I just know that it was a sculpture

carved out of the first ice.”

“······I see.”

It was the same item!

“What are you guys doing here? That’s right. You haven’t
said anything about Artpe yet. Where is he?”

“Oppa and unni is moving separate from us. He said they’ll

be here after they are done with their tasks, but I’m not sure
when…. That is why Rei and I are here. We were sent ahead.
…..we are here to find a ruin.”

“A ruin······?”

Etna also picked up on the implication of Sienna’s words.

“Are you perhaps aiming for the sculpture too?”

“If I’m to be precise, oppa wants it.”

Sienna’s tone of voice was asking Etna to take a step back. It was
an item wanted by a man, whom she was interested in. Etna

“If Artpe asked me in person, it might have been a different

story. There is no way I’ll back off. All right. How about if I
do this? I’ll take the sculpture, and I’ll make Artpe search me
out. Ooh-hue-hue-hue.”

“Heeng. As expected, events are turning out this way.”
297 Report
Sienna was a very smart child. There was nothing to be gained by
fighting over the Artifact when they hadn’t found the ruin yet. Since
Artpe wasn’t here, she was well aware of the fact that they had no
chance against Etna. This was quite obvious to her.

This was why she immediately came to a decision.

“All right. Let’s do this. The ruin we are looking for

probably has a lot of other Artifacts aside from the sculpture.
That is why we should cooperate with each other to find the
ruin. Ms Etna can have the sculpture, and you can yield
everything else to us. What do you think? It is a good deal,

“Uh. That ruin has a lot of ma….. It has a lot of things

that’ll be of help…...”

“Ms Etna, don’t you need Rei’s magic to operate here?”


As expected, Sienna was a child that knew how to make a deal!

Etna gripped her head as she struggled with the decision. In the
end, she weakly nodded her head.

“All right. Let’s do that….”

“So we are forming a temporary party now!”

“······you have my respect, Sienna.”

Both sides had a rough idea as to the identity of one another, yet
this was how a weird party was established. It consisted of members
of the hero's party and one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

“We have to find it before spring? Artpe said that?”

“Huh, Ms Etna? You didn’t know about that?”
298 Report
“That’s right. In truth, I acquired the information about the
sculpture by luck, so I came running here without much of a

On the outside, Etna looked elegant and graceful. However, when

one listened to her words, it was evident that her style was to charge
forward in an unsophisticated manner. Sienna had thought that an
exchange of information would be possible with Etna. She frowned
when she realized that she had made a mistake.

“Artpe said so. There are many Dungeons here, and they
will be difficult for us at our level. We can use that woman.”

“You are able to say such words with me in front of you.

Who is this young lady······?”


Even Artpe didn’t know the exact location of the ruin. It was more
precise to say that it was meaningless to know the exact location of
the ruin. The ruin was located at the most northern reaches of
Glacia, and it periodically used magic to move its location.

“When spring arrives, it’ll be gone. It’ll only show up in the


“I came here without knowing that…. I guess my timing

was great. Holy cow. How could Artpe know so much? ….I
wonder how he grew up? I’m sure he became more
handsome. My intuition as a woman is telling me that my
statement is true.”

“It is true that he has become really handsome, but… Oppa

is really busy right now. You probably won’t be able to meet

Sienna approached most humans and non-humans with an affable
299 Report
smile, but she acted a bit differently when it came to the Demon
Etna. The biggest problem was the fact that Etna was a person that
was capable of taking away Artpe by force. It would have been
strange if Sienna hadn’t been wary of Etna.

“What a meanie····· Oh my. I think I can sense a Dungeon

over there.”

“Let’s check it out. It is said that the magical ruin

disguised itself to look like the Dungeons of Glacia. It means
we have to enter every Dungeon if we want to find the ruin.”

In truth, that was was a lie. Artpe had taught her a special sign
that she could look for. They didn’t really need to go deep into the
Dungeons. She could make this judgement early on, and she was
told by Artpe to pull out if it was the wrong one.

However, it was as Regina had said. She planned on using Etna for
their development, so she shamelessly lied to Etna. Etna believed
every word spoken by Sienna. In truth, Etna wasn’t that bright.

“Well, let’s head in!”


Of course, they didn’t find the Artifact in the first Dungeon. An

enormous snake looking monster greeted them. It seemed no one
had found this place for couple hundred years, and it had grown in
the passage of time. It was infused with a very cold Mana, and it had
lived its long life by eating other monsters. It was an incredibly
powerful Ancient Snake!


“Oh my. It’s a snake.”

“You make it sound as if it isn’t a big deal. It is extremely
300 Report
big and scary!”

“At the very least, it is level 300. Artpe is bad.”

Sienna and Regina turned pale when they were suddenly faced
with one of the most terrifying monsters they’ve encountered in their
lifetime. Etna was unperturbed. When she waved her hand, a flame
shot towards it.


Since the snake lived within the Ice continent, it loved ice. This
was why it was vulnerable to fire. The snake’s skin was burnt to a
crisp by Etna’s flame. It fell to the floor.


“It seems the Winter Sprite's Blessing reduced my

power….. Still, it can't be helped. I don’t want to melt the
ground I’m standing on.”

“This is a reduction of your power!?”

Sienna had always been well-behaved around Artpe. However, she

was able awaken to a new ability when she was with Etna. She was
able to tackle someone with words like lightning! Of course, this skill
was useless when trying to defeat an enemy!

“Anyways, I reduced its defensive capability and mobility.

…’ll be easy for you guys to face it now.”


Etna had neutralized the enemy with one blow, yet she hadn’t
killed it. It seemed Etna was going to follow Regina’s words. She was
going to help them grow, so she had pulled back when the enemy
was weakened.
301 Report
The degree of contribution by them would suffer a lot, but this was
an enemy well over level 300. The fact that they would receive a
massive amount of EXP didn’t change!

‘Is this person…. Is she much kinder than I thought?’

At that moment, her good feelings towards Etna surged! Sienna

had a rough idea as to which side Etna was affiliated with, so she
hadn’t expected Etna to be so cooperative. Despite being
bewildered, she stepped forward with her battle hammer. Regina
was chanting her spell from behind her.

“Hoo-ooh······ Hoo-ahhhhhhho!”

“Oh, Spirits of Wind. Please hasten her speed. Tie up the

enemy. Turn the lack of freedom to freedom.”


Even if its outer leather was burned, it was a magical beast that
had lived for a very long time. When it confirmed that Etna won’t be
stepping forward, it started attacking the two girls, who looked

“Not a chance!”



However, Sienna and Regina were above level 270! They were two
of the strongest beings in the human realm! Under orders from
Artpe, they had visited numerous Dungeons, and the two girls had
developed teamwork. They used it to fight the snake.

When Regina’s magic slashed open a wound with a spell, Sienna

followed it up by smashing the same location with her hammer. The
302 Report
snake tried to counterattack when an opening appeared after Sienna
swung her hammer, but Regina stopped the snake in its track with
magic. They were like two gears that attacked and defended. Their
teamwork was intricate, and they started slowly grinding away at the
snake. The snake was stuck between the two rotating gears!


The girls became acclimated to the environment, the Dungeon and

the speed of their enemy’s movement. The girls started to move
faster, and the snake started to cower away. The snake was 30
levels higher, yet it was slowly giving away its lifeblood when faced
with the technique and ferocity of the girls!

Etna had distanced herself a little bit from the fierce battlefield.
She nodded her head as she mulled over the situation.

‘Yes. At this rate, they’ll be able to win against it. Eh-

whew…. What the hell am I doing? Why am I helping humans
grow? Maybe, it’s my destiny as a Demon?’

It would have been easier for her if she had killed them as soon as
she located the members of the hero’s party. It seemed she had
worked under the Demon realm’s greatest chef for too long. The
chef wanted the hero to finish his recipe. He wanted to nurture the
hero until the hero was ready to charge the Demon King’s castle.

Was she being influenced by the Demon King?

Even if she helped these kids grow up, she would eventually face
them on the battlefield. Etna wondered if this was the effect of the
Absolute Control. She thought this even when she knew that idea
was idiotic.

‘Still, if the growth of these two girls will mean relative

safety for Artpe. Moreover, if Artpe is safe…. He….’
303 Report
She cut off her thoughts at that point. She lowered her head.

For some reason, the young man had burrowed deep within her
heart at first sight. She couldn’t get rid of the boy from her heart. He
probably grew a lot since the last time they met. When she thought
about him, she felt a thrill. It was the good kind of thrill. However, at
the same time, she felt a little bit of frustration.

There was a chance that Artpe wasn’t the hero. She couldn’t be
that unlucky. Even if he wasn’t a hero, the fact that he was a human
didn’t change either. Such a powerful and talented young man
wouldn’t miss out on the battle against the Demon King’s army…..

‘Maybe, it would be best if the Demonification experiment

succeeds. If Arpte become a Demon, I won’t have to fight

No. What the hell was she thinking?

She was chained by the Absolute Control, because she was born as
a Demon. She had thought about making the young man into a
Demon. She was thinking about doing it under the guise of wanting
to help him. She was disgusted with herself.

‘No matter how much I think about it, I can't come up with
an answer. The Demon King’s army, the human realm and
myself…. Maybe, it would be best to burn everything. It
would be great if the fire swallows my existence and burn

Her vacation will come to an end at some point in the near future.
When the hero grew enough to threaten the Demon King’s army, she
had to leave the human realm. She’ll have to return to the Demon
realm, and the Demon King’s army will earnestly move against the
human realm.
304 Report
Until that moment, she would continue to aimlessly search for an
answer that probably didn’t exist. In the end, she’ll······.

“Etna unni, we killed it!”


Etna became surprised when she suddenly heard a voice. When

Etna raised her head, she saw Sienna, who had an energetic smile on
her face. Regina still remained expressionless. Regina looked
beyond them to see the corpse of the large snake.

“Did your level rise?”

“I think I went up two levels. This is all thanks to unni!”


She wasn’t used to someone calling her by that title. When Etna
unconsciously answered her, Sienna realized that she had made a
mistake. She covered her mouth.

“Ah, ooh….. I’m sorry. It is my usual habit.”

“No, it’s alright. If you don’t mind, could you call me unni
from now on?”

What did she gain by getting attached to a human?

She unconsciously squashed such questions. She felt really good,

because unni had a really good ring to it. She didn’t want to think
too hard on it.

‘Yes. I’ll just live in the now. I won’t find an answer even if
I worry about it…. Let’s push such thoughts aside for now.’

After she had this thought, Etna put on a small smile. Sienna put
on a big smile as she gave her reply.
305 Report
“Yes, unni!”

“Sienna is scary······.”

“Rei. Shhhh.”

This was how Sienna masterfully succeeded in making one of the

Four Heavenly Kings into her new unni!
306 Report

Chapter 127
Source: Wuxiaworld

The strange adventures of the three women were on cruise control



“Land of Ice. Restrain my enemies.”

“Hoo-ooooohp. Divine! Eh-ee! Boom!”


Glacia’s notoriety was well earned. Not all Dungeons contained

monsters like the large snake. However, it was full of monsters over
level 200. These types of monsters rarely appeared in the human

Even if Etna’s contribution was large in these battles, Sienna and

Regina went through a significant amount of growth. It had been
only 1 week since they had teamed up with Etna, but Regina and
Sienna had easily pushed past level 280. Another 10 days passed
before they pushed past level 290. Currently, Sienna was level 295
and Regina was level 292.

[Kah······ Kah-ha-ahhhhhhhhhh!]

“Hoo-ooh. Let’s take a break.”

After a fierce battle that lasted an hour, they were finally able to
kill the level 310 Ice Giant. Etna stretched her arms as she yawned.
She declared a break.

“Yes, unni.”
307 Report
“Agreed. I need to recharge my magical energy.”

As soon as Etna’s words ended, Sienna and Regina fell to the

Dungeon floor. They leaned against each other as they sat.
Afterwards, Sienna’s stomach growled.

“We ate not too long ago.”

“W...we moved around too much. Also, I’m in my growth


Sienna’s cheeks turned red as she yelled out an excuse. Then she
checked her belongings. She took out a long black stick. Etna and
Regina tilted their heads in confusion.

“Sienna, are you perhaps going to eat that?”

“Ominous energy.”

“The leg of an Ancient Kraken was sliced thinly, and it was

dried into a jerky. Do you want to give it a try?”

“Ancient Kraken······.”

“Brave girl.”

“It’s tasty.”

Why weren’t they willing to acknowledge this fact?

Sienna had such thoughts as she chewed on the jerky. Roa had
drained all the Demonic energy from the Ancient Kraken’s tentacle,
and Artpe had used a specialized spell to dehydrate it. It was a bit
tough, but the meat wouldn’t go bad for 100 years. It contained a lot
of nutrients and Mana, so it was the ideal snack to consume within a

When Artpe made it, he seriously wondered if there would come a
308 Report
day when they would have to eat it. Sienna was currently eating it to
quell her hunger…..

“Heeeeee. I miss oppa…….”

“A person becomes like this when one become involved

with Artpe. You should be aware of this information…...”

“You don’t look like it, but you are capable of acting quite

Sienna’s level was increasing smoothly, but she hadn’t met Artpe
in a very long time. Her withdrawal symptoms were getting quite

Still, she was hungry. Her nose ran as she earnestly chewed on the
Kraken’s tentacle. Sienna looked pitiable and cute at the same time.
Regina was blankly staring at Sienna when she realized that
something in her possession was vibrating.

“······communication arrived. Caller is Artpe.”


Sienna moved at the speed of lightning as she snatched the

communication device away from Regina. Regina looked a little bit
sad. Sienna ignored her as she spoke into the communication

“Oppa, when are you coming!”

[I’ll be there in a day. Did you find the ruin?]

“Hoo-oooooh. I miss you. Please get here quickly.”

[I see. You haven't found it yet. All right. I’ll get there as
soon as possible.]
309 Report
This was how the communication came to an end. Sienna handed
over the communication device to Regina. She looked blankly at
Sienna. Regina didn’t say anything, but she kept slapping Sienna’s
back. Sienna finally realized that she had been selfish.

“I...I’m sorry. It seems Rei also wanted to talk to him.”

“I deny it. I deny Sienna too.”

“You are denying me!?”

“Deny. Deny.”

“Wait a moment! Hurts! It hurts!”

“······I see. Artpe will be here tomorrow?”

The friendship between Sienna and Regina deepened as they

exchanged fists. Etna quietly mumbled to herself as she raised her

“If I don’t find it fast…..”


Sienna finally realized something. If Artpe came here, he would

come face to face with Etna. Etna had declared something in the
past. She said she won’t cede the sculpture unless Artpe showed up.
If Artpe came here…...

“I have to find it quickly before Artpe arrives!”

“You’ll come face to face with him eventually!”

“I know, but there is a difference if I find it first! Even if it

is Artpe, I cannot give up on that statue! I’m sorry, but I
cannot support your growth anymore! I’m ending it right
310 Report
“Aht! Unni! Don’t go ahead of us!”

Etna was feeling desperate now, and Sienna was trying to delay
her for a day. The two of them tossed and turned as they ran
deeper into the Dungeon. Regina let out a light sigh as she looked at
them from the back. She had no choice. She followed after the two

“Uh? Look over there!”

It was the promised day. In just a day, they had completed three
Dungeons.(Regina and Sienna was only able to kill one monster.)
Sienna spoke animatedly. Etna was racing across the frozen land
towards the next Dungeon when she came to a halt.

She raised her head to see what was wrong, and her eyes widened
a little bit. A fog, which was heavy with moisture, was emanating
from the land around them.

“Isn’t that steam?”

“Part of the ground is melting.”

At Regina’s supplementary words, the three of them look at each


“Is this perhaps…….”

“Does this mean spring is almost here······?”

The three of them felt an urgency. It didn’t matter who had the
rights to the Artifact. Such a worry was secondary to actually finding
the Artifact! Their steps quickened, and the steam thickened the
more steps they took! At this point, they finally realized that
something was wrong.

“Unni, is this perhaps······.”
311 Report
“What is it? I’m in a hurry! If I don’t quickly find the ruin,
part of this land will disappear!”

“I was thinking maybe the loss of land might be caused by



Etna stopped when she heard Sienna’s words. She was right. The
steam was emanating from a widespread region, but if one had to
point where it was the worst, it was near Etna’s body.

“Huh? That’s strange. I’m pretty sure the Winter Sprite's

Blessing is still active.”

“The Blessing is present. I’m sure of it. I used my search

ability. I found another hidden source of heat.”

Regina’s spell should have hidden the heat within Regina, but
something was making the heat within Etna’s body boil. It started
melting the troublesome continent, which was made out of ice!

“This is….. It isn’t a natural phenomena. Maybe a spell

was placed over the entirety of the continent of Glacia?”

“Maybe a spell was placed to protect the ruin when it was

made. However, the more important fact right now is…...”

At this rate, the ruin was really going to disappear! Regina quickly
tried to overlap another blessing over Etna. She also tried to cast
debuffs that would weaken Etna’s energy. However, she was unable
to stop the deterioration of the land.

To make things worse, the ground split open, and an enormous

Dragon shot up into the sky.

[Those that forcefully called forth spring! Those that covet
312 Report
the winter! I will punish you all!]

“I didn’t hear anything about this enemy from oppa!”

“Level······ Impossible to gauge.”

If Artpe was present, he would have told them that the Dragon’s
level was 320. It was basically the symbol of Glacia. Artpe would
have kindly explained to them that this old magical beast was called
the Ice Dragon. However, he wasn’t there right now.

“Oh my…. Even I will have to brace myself.”

Etna gulped when she saw the roaring Ice Dragon. It was
threatening those that had brought spring to this land.

Of course, she was over level 370, but she was in the human
realm. Moreover, she was forcefully suppressing her fire while she
was in the continent of Glacia. Her abilities were reduced by 20
percent. If their attributes weren’t opposite of each other, she
wouldn’t have been able to put up a fight against the Ice Dragon.

“I don’t think this Dragon can be fought with small

numbers, unni!”

“It’ll be alright. No… It is not alright. I cannot fight it with

the Blessing around me.”



Etna was in the midst of assessing her own power. When none of
the girls cowered in fear, the Ice Dragon became indignant. It
opened its mouth wide, and it let out an extremely cold breath.

“Yes, this won’t work.”
313 Report
“Kyahhhhhk! The groundddddddddd!”

Etna clicked her tongue, and she unraveled all the Blessings placed
on her by Regina. In a flash, an enormous amount of heat emanated
around her! When Etna’s eyes glared at the Dragon, an enormous
wall of fire appeared to block the Dragon’s Breath.

As a consequence, the ground started melting uncontrollably.

“Ooh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Unni, we are done! The Ruin is


“At the very least, it is better than dying! Don’t worry! I’ll
will protect both of you!”



The Ice Dragon realized that its enemy was formidable. It didn’t
hesitate as it rushed its enemy!

Several thousand ice crystals formed every time the Ice Dragon
flapped its wings. New ice coated the land once again. It tried to
freeze and break the bodies of its enemies!

“Preposterous! Ice of that level can’t freeze my heart! It

can’t even harm a single strand of my hair!”

The fire possessed by the daughter of the Phoenix flooded outward

in an instant. Her body was the epicenter as the ballooning ball of
fire melted the ice in its entirety. It created a large crater. As if that
wasn’t enough, the fire collided with the Ice Dragon, who had been
flicking its tongue!


“Hoo hoo. Is this all you got? If so, this is the end of the
314 Report
line for you!”

She raised her hand. The Ice Dragon’s frost invaded her body as
ice covered her hand. In the next moment, her heat melted it, and
the ice was turned into vapor. The heat extended out from her hand.
It compressed to form a pillar of fire!

[Kyahhhhhhk, ke-hehhhhhh!]

The pillar of fire impacted inside the open mouth of the Ice Dragon.
The Ice Dragon had been about to use a second Ice Breath, and Etna
easily cancelled it. It must have hurt a lot. The Ice Dragon stopped
charging forward, and it started to stumble backwards. Sienna and
Etna used this opportunity to push through the steam. They ran
towards Etna.

“Unni, are you alright!?”

“It has a pretty powerful cold breath, but…. I’m fine!”

In truth, she wasn’t fine. How long had it been since she had
released the full extent of her fire? She was having a hard time
adjusting to it.

Still, the human realm and the ice was working in concert to
suppress her fire, so she wasn’t satisfied with her output. Moreover,
the first Ice Breath and the thousands of ice crystals were starting to
slow her down.

On the other hand, a portion of her enemy’s body had melted

away, but when considered the size of its body, the damage was
extremely minimal. This was true when one considered the amount
of Mana still gathered near its chest, wings and tail. It seemed the
Ice Dragon could freeze an entire country with plenty of power left

‘Tsk. I could easily defeat it if we are in a different
315 Report
environment within the Demon realm…...!’

It seemed she would have to prepare for the worst. Whether she
could find the ruin or not was no longer the problem. Etna stood
within the steam, which had been created when she clashed with the
Ice Dragon. She started to prepare the most powerful flame spell in
her arsenal.

The Ice Dragon was also gathering the nearby cold air, and it was
concentrating it near its wings. It seemed the Ice Dragon was going
to use its ace in the hole to finish Etna.

“Unni, I’ll help you!”

“No, you can’t do anything against it. You should get away
from here, Sienna. You might be hurt from the aftershock.”

The Ice Dragon was a foe that was on a different level. It couldn’t
be compared to any of the monsters that had appeared within the
Dungeons they had explored. Moreover, it held the title of Field
Boss. It gave the Ice Dragon authority over the Mana and Record of
this vast region! It wasn’t a normal monster, since it was being
supported by its own domain!

If the Demon King’s army had known a monster of this caliber was
here, Etna wouldn’t have been allowed to travel here. They probably
would have sent another Demon to win over the Ice Dragon to their

‘No, I used my vacation time. I forced myself here, so why

am I thinking about the Demon King’s army?’

She scoffed at the thought she just had, and she started chanting
her spell in earnest. However, the sight in front of her cleared before
she could progress any further in her spell.

“Hey! You crazy...! Cancel your spell! Cancel it!”
316 Report
“But······ Huh? Artpe!?”

Etna yelled out in surprise when she saw a man suddenly appear in
front of her. In the next moment, all the steam emanating from
around her was gone. Artpe use his magic. He caused cold air to
wash over the land.

Artpe was over level 300, and he possessed massive amount of

Mana. In a flash, a wide area was frozen once again. It was as if the
fight between Etna and the Ice Dragon never happened. The region
was unscathed.


At that moment, the Ice Dragon hummed.

[I thank you for returning winter.]

“Alright. I’ll challenge you fair and square in winter, so I

want you to quietly go back to sleep!”


The Ice Dragon nodded its head. It acknowledged Artpe’s words,

and it docilely sunk below. Cold air coalesced where the Ice Dragon
used to be. A stairway heading downwards formed. The girls were
dumbfounded when they saw this.

It didn’t take them too long for them to realize that the Dragon’s
true identity was the ruin.
317 Report

Chapter 128
Source: Wuxiaworld

The battle had been about to reach its climax. It had been a kill or
be killed situation.

However, their surrounding froze out of nowhere, and it was as if

the Ice Dragon had come to some understanding. It nodded its head,
and it disappeared. As a consequence, the tension that had built up
was ruined.


“Flustered. Relieved. Surprised. Happy.”


“Whew. I was barely able to stop you all.”

Arpte had assessed the situation, and he had brought everything

to a halt. Artpe calmly landed with two women in tow. He landed in
front of three women. Sienna wanted to jump into Artpe’s arms, but
she held herself back. She asked him a question..

“Oppa, what just happened?”

“I stopped the ruin from disappearing.”

“The Dragon itself was the ruin? If I killed it, wouldn’t that
have solved everything?”

Etna was a little bit angry, because he had interfered in her fight.
Her cheeks puffed out as she interrupted the conversation between
Sienna and Artpe. Artpe wondered why Etna was here, but first, he
gave her a detailed explanation.
318 Report
“The Ice Dragon is the guardian of the ruin, and it is also
the soul of the ruin. You can’t kill the Ice Dragon through
conventional means. The way you attacked the Ice Dragon
would have killed it temporarily. The only thing that would
have resulted in the Ice Dragon’s death would be the early
arrival of spring.”

“Why? If I kill it, its Record, Mana and loot will be granted
to me. For several hundred…. I lived for quite a long time,
and this rule has never betrayed me.”

“However, you also know that the rule you are talking
about can be circumvented through magic.”

“That is······.”

She had an idea as to what he was talking about, but Etna closed
her mouth. Artpe smirked when he saw this. He gave her an
additional explanation.

“You fought against the Ice Dragon. It guards the ruin, and
the ruin is linked to the entire continent of Glacia. If your
flame can consumed the entirety of this continent, you will
be able to gain everything within the ruin. Well? Are you
able to do that?”


“Yes. That is why I froze everything again. I’ll say this

once and for all. You can’t enter this ruin. It is that type of a

“I understand······.”

She answered him, but Etna’s cheeks remained puffed up. She
looked like a child that had been scolded by her mother. Sienna
snickered at the sight, but when Etna glared at her, Sienna acted
319 Report

Artpe sighed as he observed all of this.

“If I knew Etna was here, I would have gotten here faster. I
cleared one Dungeon on the way here, so…..”

“You stopped off somewhere on your way here!? Oppa, you

are too much! Do you know how much I’ve missed you!”

At that point, Sienna had reached the end of her patience. She
freed herself from all anxiety as she hugged Artpe. She clung to him.
Vadinet had been calm as she stood next to Artpe. Her eyebrows
twitched for a brief moment, but she didn’t do anything else. She
looked as if she was suffering under a Stun spell.

Of course, Artpe knew why Vadinet was acting that way. This was
why he didn’t find the sight to be amusing!

“Oppa. Oppa~”

“Yes, yes.”

In truth, Artpe was feeling complex emotions more so than anyone

present here. However, he decided to take care of the urgent task

He thought Sienna wouldn’t be lonely since she was with Regina.

However, it seemed he had been wrong. Sienna was close to tears
as she rubbed her cheek against his chest.

“Oppa, you are too much. You really are too much. You are
too much.”

“Yes. I’m sorry. It seems I was really late.”

The two of them had never been separated for a long period of
time before. It seemed Sienna relied on Artpe. She relied on him
320 Report
much more than he had imagined.

Normally, Sienna acted much more mature compared to Maetel.

When he saw Sienna act spoiled, it was a bit heartwarming. He felt
like a dad, who got confirmation that his daughter was still young. It
was a strange feeling of relief.

On the other hand, Regina was very quiet as she approached

them. The whites of her eyes flashed as she spoke.

“You have more women. Rare beast.”

“I’m sick of hearing such words. I have to hurry up and

bring in a male party member.”

Artpe and Maetel had started the hero’s party, and it had been the
two of them for awhile. In no time, the party had expanded to five
members. That wasn’t all. There was Silpennon’s party. They were
operating separate from Artpe’s party. However, both party shared
the same goal, so the hero’s party had nine members in total.

“I still have the problem of needing to recruit two more


“Amazing ambition. Respect. However, I don’t like it.”

“They aren’t women.”

Regina was glad to see him, but she could only convey her feeling
through curt replies.

However, he couldn’t be carefree right now. It wasn’t time for him

to play with Regina.

“Artpe…. You’ve grown up a lot.”

“Yes. I’m in the midst of my puberty. Besides that…..”
321 Report
The five members of Artpe’s party was bunched together, and Etna
was standing a bit away from them. She was looking at him with a
vacant look. He had to take care of business with Etna.

“Why are you here, Etna?”

“I······ I read that the item that I want is here…..”

“There is an item you want? Ah.”

Artpe immediately knew what was going on. He was sure she was
talking about the sculpture made out of the world’s first ice.
Moreover, he was sure that this item existed in the ruin that they
were about to go in.

In his past life, Artpe had acquired this very item from this ruin.

Of course, his abilities were lacking then, so he couldn’t acquire

anything more than that item.

“So where did you hear about it?”

“Mag······ Koo-hmmm! I found the information in a library.”

“ a library…...”

Artpe tilted his head. In his past life, Artpe had a very hard time
finding information about this ruin.

It wasn’t as if there weren’t any hints to be found in the Demon

realm. However, the hints stopped well before it mentioned the ruin.
He was a bit reticent to say this, but Etna didn’t have outstanding
powers of deduction or reasoning. There was no way she would have
been able to come here through her own power.

“I…. I did receive some help from others.”

“I see. However, it seems you didn’t find out about the fact
322 Report
that you cannot enter the ruin.”


Etna became sullen as she lowered her head. Artpe was thinking
about the consequence of Etna not being within the Demon realm.
He wondered what was going on there right now, but first, he
decided to console her.

“Don’t worry, Etna. I have a good idea as to which item

you want.”

“However, it is a bust now. I wanted to get it before Artpe

came. I never expected it to be a ruin that I cannot enter…..”

“I said don’t worry about it. The main reason for finding
this ruin has nothing to do with the sculpture. I’m willing to
concede that item to you.”


A bright smile appeared on Etna’s face. When Sienna saw this, she
wondered why he was suddenly conceding the sculpture to Etna. He
had explicitly instructed Sienna to acquire the statue. She was
having a hard time reconciling this fact, so she tilted her head in
confusion. In the end, she came to a realization.

‘Maybe, it wouldn’t have mattered if Etna unni never came

to this place. Maybe, Oppa might have been planning on
gifting the sculpture to Etna unni in the first place…..?’

If Maetel found out about this truth, Maetel would probably get
really angry. Sienna already knew Maetel was very angry at the
mere existence of Etna. Sienna knew all of this, but she just
assumed that everything would turn out ok. Of course, the situation
wasn’t ok.
323 Report
“Then I’ll take one step back, and I’ll wait here.”

“No, you should take couple more steps backward. Your

presence will make the ruin melt.”

“Oooh. Understood.”

“Well, you guys head in first.”

Artpe pushed the other party members into the ruin first. They
thought Artpe was rushing them a little bit, but they didn’t say
anything. They obediently entered into the ruin…… Artpe was the
last one left, and he once again made Etna make a promise to him.

“If you enter the ruin before we exit, the ruin will
disappear. We’ll be stuck in a different dimension for a
whole year until winter comes again. Please refrain from
coming in.”

“Yes. I won’t go in no matter what. I’ll just wait for you.”

Arpte had arrived when she had given up on acquiring the artifact.
At Artpe’s extremely considerate gesture, it felt as if she was on
cloud nine. It had also been awhile since she had met Artpe. Her
heart started beating faster when she caught sight of him. The fact
that he had matured into a babe played a role in her heart beating

“If nothing goes wrong, we’ll be out in a month. It is a long

time. Are you willing to wait for us?”

“I don’t mind waiting that long! See you, Artpe.”


Etna made a firm promise with Artpe. The ground around her was
slowly melting away, but she was able to float in place using her
324 Report
Mana. She wouldn’t drown.

Artpe grinned when he saw this….

He quickly turned around, and he headed into the ruin. There was
a bucket of cold sweat coming down his face.

“Crazy! Why is Etna here?!”

“Artpe, you can change your attitude on a dime.”

They had defeated the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly Kings.
After defeating Jeriet, it was logical to face the 3rd strongest
amongst the Four Heavenly King. This was Etna. However, the level
difference between the hero’s party and Etna was wide!

When he realized Etna was here, Artpe had thought the chef had
changed his recipe. He thought Etna was here to kidnap the other
members of the hero’s party. He almost deluded himself into
thinking that.

“Ah. This is driving me crazy. The fact that we are the

heroes had been spread all over the continent. The news
that we had killed the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly
Kings will be spread, and at that moment, Etna will be the
next one to take a crack at us. Thankfully, she didn’t realize
the identity of Vadinet…….”

“Artpe-nim, is she a Demon? She is incredibly strong…..”

“She is the 3rd strongest amongst the Four Heavenly King.

In truth, she is the last person I want to meet right now….
Ah. There is a trap over there.”

Artpe methodically dismantled the traps within the ruin as he

325 Report
“It isn’t as if I don’t have a plan to deal with her, but it is
too early. Shit. I never expected Etna to travel to the
northern continent of her own accord…....”

“That woman likes Artpe. She isn’t that much of a threat.”

“······yes, she probably does like me. However, that doesn’t

make her less dangerous. The Demon King’s ability works on
the entire Demon race. It isn’t weak enough to be broken by
her personal feelings.”

“Hue hue hue….. Artpe-nim seduced one of the top

leaders of our enemy….. You really are amazing.”

Vadinet let out a kind laughter as she spoke. However, she

couldn’t hide the lines that appeared between her brows.

In the beginning, she had thought her only rival was Maetel. It felt
as if she had been slapped in the face. The two party members, who
had been waiting for them, were women. Moreover, one of the
leaders of the Demon King’s army was eyeing him. Of course, it felt
as if her insides were about to burst!

‘T...this isn’t a problem that can solved by separating Matel

from Artpe-nim…...!’

“Are you ok, Vadinet?”

“Y...yes. Of course. I feel healthier just by being near

Artpe-nim….. Ha ha ha.”

The emotions of Vadinet, which was being disguised by her smile,

was almost palpable by Artpe. Her hostility wasn’t limited to Maetel.
Her hostility would be spread out amongst multiple people. Maybe,
it was a blessing in disguise? His logic sounded a bit off, but at the
very least, Vadinet won’t shank anyone within the party.
326 Report
“Even if Etna likes me, she can’t go against the Demon
King’s orders. Moreover, the fact that we grew rapidly
doesn’t matter right now. This environment has weakened
her significantly, yet she is close to level 380. It is almost
impossible for us to win against her. So….”


Regina absentmindedly repeated his word. Artpe raised his head,

and he slowly expanded his Mana into the enormous winter ruin as
he spoke.

“We need to acquire the power that will allow us to subdue

her before we exit this place. ….also, the leading role for this
plan is you, Regina.”

This was the reason why he had sent Sienna and Regina ahead.
He knew that they would fight the Demon King’s army in earnest
when the business within Paladia wrapped up. If possible, he had
wanted the two girls to have finished everything by the time he had
arrived. He wanted them to have finished their growth by then…...

However, that had only be a wish. In the end, the five of them had
to attempt the ruin.

“······you are trying to earn my favor in a roundabout way. It

is a annoying, but a little bit cute.”

Regina once again misconstrued his word .

“Whatever you just think I just said, it isn’t it.”

Artpe let out a sigh as he took a step forward. They were greeted
with extreme cold air that had accumulated since ancient times.
Then there was the guardians that guarded the location where the
Winter Queen slept…...!
327 Report

[Let us bury the intruders!]

‘Of course, I prepared something else too.’

As he watched his party get ready for battle, he stroked the cover
of the magic tome within his pocket.

In the process of developing Aria into a pure holy priestess, the

magic tome had destroyed the Demonic Energy, and it had evolved
once again. He wanted to somehow complete the magic tome before
he exited the ruin. If he could do that…. If he could do that, Etna


“······alright. I’m coming!”

Artpe put away such thoughts as he manifested and lengthened

his Mana Strings. This was the first time the competed hero’s party
of five members was mobilized.
328 Report

Chapter 129
Source: Wuxiaworld

The ruin of the Winter Queen existed at the heart of the Ice
continent. In his past life, no one had exited this place alive until
Artpe was able to acquire a single treasure. It was basically the
worst Dungeon in the human realm.

First, the information regarding the ruin about the Ice continent
was hard to find, and normal humans weren’t able to survive in the
arctic environment. Moreover, the ruin only appeared during the
winter, so it was hard to find. Even if one found the ruin, it wasn’t a
guarantee that one would be able win against the dormant monsters

“Moreover, the ruin is long and wide. In total, it has 10

floors. Even if one prepared the biggest Dimensional Pouch
for this venture, one would die in the middle of the run if one
ran out of supply.”

“It is nothing new.”

At Artpe’s words, Maetel replied in nonchalant manner. If a

Dungeon had less than 10 floors, it wasn’t even a Dungeon to her.
She was acting this way even though it was rare to find Dungeons
over 7 floors in this world!

“It is 10 floors!? If you would have told me that this was a

one-story Dungeon, I would have believed you…..! Artpe-nim,
you really did your research before coming to this ruin.”

On the other hand, the holy priestess was shocked by the size of
the ruin. Her duty in life had been guiding the temple priests, and
she had raised her level by clearing relatively safe Dungeons.
329 Report
“In truth, I thought we were clearing the Dungeon at a very
rapid pace…. A normal sized party would have already given
up by now.”

“The hallway is wide yet the ceiling is also high too.”

The high ceiling allowed the massive Ice Moles to move around
without much hindrance on the 1st floor of the ruin. It actually made
one want question as to why the Ice Moles bothered traveling
underground when the ceiling was so high!


[I’ll bury you! I’ll bury you!]

“Great. Are you guys doing construction here?”


The strength of the Ice Moles was the fact that they can burrow
into the ground, and it was impossible to predict where they would
burrow out to attack.

However, Artpe had his Read All Creation ability active. He could
see the location of the Ice Moles for a range of several hundred
meters. He just needed to use couple simple spell to stop the Ice
Moles in their tracks. The Ice Moles weren’t a threat to him.



“In the end, aren’t you using Mana String again?”

“Materialization. It is called Materialization.”

At this point, he had stopped the movements of the Ice Moles, but
he wouldn’t be able to gain much EXP by killing them. The Ice Moles
330 Report
were around level 270 on average. The lowest level member from
his original party was Regina. She was at level 293, and Maetel was
at level 304.

In the end, there was only one person in his party that would be
able to gain EXP by killing the Ice Moles.


“Yes! God’s Hammer!”


As they were travelling towards Glacia, Vadinet had received

intensive training from Maetel and Artpe. However, Vadinet’s level
still lagged behind at level 239!

“God’s Hammer! God’s Hammer! God’s Hammerrrrrrrrr!”


She didn’t possess any direct battle capabilities. On the other

hand, she was able to take on a big role when facing Demons!

Since these monsters didn’t possess much Demonic energy, there

was only one skill that was effective against these monsters. It was
one of the holy type offensive magic, and it was capable of inflicting
no attribute damage. It was a high rank skill called God’s Hammer.

“God’s Hammer! God’s Hammer······ Hoo, hoo-ooh.”

“Are you already out of Mana?”

“That is…. Yes…. I’m sorry.”

God’s Hammer was great, since it had a short incantation. As a

tradeoff, it consumed a lot of Mana. Fortunately, it was an Area of
Effect spell, so it was capable of attacking numerous Ice Moles at
331 Report
once. Despite this fact, she wasn’t able to kill the Ice Moles with the
amount of Mana she possessed.

“Hoo. I don’t want to give that woman my Mana.”

“What are comrades for? It is for situations like this.”

“Sssp. I guess it can’t be helped. … have to give me

one kiss later.”

“Don’t try to accumulate mileage without me knowing

about it.”

Maetel’s Record Master would allow Vadinet to use her spell in

continuous bursts. Maetel was also capable of taking away Mana
from others, so it would be easy for her to transfer the Mana of her
party members into Vadinet. However, one problem remained. She
didn’t want to be connected to Vadinet.

“Ho-ooh······ I feel uncomfortable being helped by this

woman, but…..”

“We’ll rotate giving her Mana. It’ll allow her to use her

Vadinet felt massive amount of Mana transferred to her through

Maetel. Her eyes once again shone with a golden light. In time, a
brutal baptism of the God’s Hammer fell to the ground!

The Ice Moles were tied up by Artpe, so they couldn’t resist. They
couldn’t hide underground. They died under barrage of Vadinet’s

“Amazing! A single battle raised my level three times.!”

“Good. At this rate, Vadinet will catch up to our level

332 Report
“Oppa, why is our party built so abnormally?”

This truth wasn’t something new. He kept adding party members

with mismatched levels, and he made them work hard in
unbelievably difficult Dungeons. This method was used to bring their
level up to average!

When they left Paladia, Vadinet had been lower in level than Aria.
She was level 220 at that point. In just several days on the road, she
had reached level 239. Currently, she was growing at a faster rate
within the ruin. It was all possible thanks to Artpe’s Materialization
spell and Maetel’s Record Master skill!

“As expected, it seems sunbae knew what he was doing.”

“How come it is like this? There is no way this is the proper

way to grow a hero’s party…..”

Vadinet was growing without a hitch. However, she was finally

becoming aware to the fact that the growth method and the speed of
her growth was abnormal. She tried to tackle the issue, but Artpe
snorted as he easily gave a rebuttal.

“Do you really believe in the progression of growth that is

written in the heroic tales? If you do, you will be in for a lot
of physical and mental hardship. It is best to grow as fast as
possible when one has the chance.”

“Still, this is a bit….. Mmmm. I just think the return is way

bigger than the effort I’m putting in.”

Effort wasn’t what determined result. One needed talent and luck
too. Absolute value couldn’t be placed on effort. He thought about
telling her words that would dash her hopes and dreams, but he gave
up on it.

Everyone in this ruin was in a blessed environment right now. No
333 Report
one would be able to catch up to them through talent and luck.

“You are growing so fast that you might think that it is

unfair. You shouldn’t object against it. As a result of our fast
growth, we’ll have to fast a terrible foe named the Demon
King in the future.”

“Demon king······.”

She had been killing the Ice Moles through a bizarre method, yet
when Artpe mentioned a foe worthy of the hero, a focused light
emanated from Vadinet’s eyes.

“That’s right. I have to help hero-nim kill the Demon King.

That is why I have to get stronger as soon as possible…..!”

“Good. That’s the spirit.”

Artpe nodded enthusiastically as he extended one hand. Artpe’s

party had been resting after killing a group of Ice Moles. More Ice
Moles had tried to use this opportunity to attack them as they surged
out of the ground. However, they were caught in Artpe’s trap, and it
was quite apparent that they couldn’t move.

“That is why you should kill these guys right now.”


She didn’t have any reasons to contradict him. The holy priestess
groused as she once again casted the God’s Hammer. It took them
two days to break through the 1st floor of the ruin. Vadinet was level
245, and her God’s Hammer spell rose to level 29.

“We really are moving at a ridiculous speed······!”

“Ah. The second floor also has moles. Ready your hammer,
334 Report
“It isn’t just a hammer. It is a holy spell, Artpe-nim…..”

It had been 10 days since they had entered the ruin, and the party
reached the 5th floor.


[I despise those that interfere with the Winter Queen’s

sleep! I hate humans!]


“Spear of the Wind Sprite. Triple.”

“God’s Hammer!”

The 5th floor contained large lizards with scales made out of ice. It
was infested with Ice Lizards. It seemed they had received the Ice
Dragon’s energy, so they were level 290 monsters with high vitality
and magical energy.

Most members of Artpe’s party couldn’t level up killing the

monsters on the 4th floor no matter what how many they killed, so
they had funneled all the EXP towards Vadinet. Aside from Maetel
and Artpe, Vadinet was slowly catching up to the rest of the party in
terms of level.

This was why Artpe put Sienna as the vanguard and Regina as
support. Vadinet was in charge of finishing off the monsters. He
chose to go all in on growing Vadinet.

Artpe was providing an almost unlimited amount of Mana through

Maetel, so Artpe didn’t have to do anything. He had some free time.
It was the free time he had wished for.

“Artpe, you are really using that magic tome in earnest.”

The growth of his party members was important to Artpe, but the
335 Report
completion of the magic tome might be more important. He finally
had time to work on it.

“I’ve found ways to improve upon it. Its abilities increased

just from absorbing my Mana…. Originally, magic tomes are
created for specific disciplines of magic. If I synchronize my
Record with it, the Demite….. Yes, the magic tome is worse
than Pipi. Still, it will allow me to amplify the effectiveness
of all my magic.”

“So why don’t other magicians carry one around?”

“It isn’t as valuable as a Demite, but…...”

The ingredients needed to create a magic tome was rare, and the
initial manufacturing process of the magic tome was troublesome.
Moreover, the task of finishing it was extremely difficult.

There was the basic task of acquiring paper, and the act of binding
the book. Then there was the ink, which had to be infused with
massive amount of Mana. The lines of words being written by the
author had to contain one’s emotions, Record and Mana….. None of
these tasks were easy.

“I was lucky. I was able to acquire a Counter type magic

tome, so I didn’t have to create it. I was able to change the
direction of the magic tome, so I was able fill in the magic
tome relatively easily. Normally, this task would take well
over 50 years.”

“Does this mean a Demon worked on this magic tome for

50 years before you took it?”

“That’s right······.”

She always brought up very astute points at his least guarded

moments. Artpe let out a bitter laughter as he acknowledged her
336 Report

The female Demon Teana must have toiled many years to create
this magic tome. No, by the look of it, it seemed there were multiple
creators that had contributed in creating this magic tome. It was a
research done through collaboration between the entire Demonic
race. Or maybe it was a specific group of…..

‘The Demon race has a racial characteristic that makes

them susceptible to being dominated by the Demonic King. It
is the shackles called Absolute Control. However, she didn’t
possess that fetter. I thought the research was being done
under the orders of the Demon King. I thought its purpose
was to make humans into Demons. However, she had been
working under someone else other than the Demon King······.’

It was a project that had been in progress for a very long time.

Why wasn’t this plan in progress in his previous life?

That couldn’t be true. There was a high probability that Artpe had
been unawares of this plan.

In his past and current life, there were insignificant changes that
made the Demon King’s army act in different ways. However, it
wasn’t possible to create an entirely new faction.

‘I wonder how they operated in my previous life. How were

they able to avoid my notice? No, at the time, I was merely a
Demon that possessed the Read All Creation ability. The
information I was privy to was extremely limited. The
important thing right now is…. Ah ah. I don’t know.’

Mmm. All right. He would give up thinking about it for now. He’ll
find out everything when he came face to face with them. The
important thing right now was the fact that the item in Artpe’s hands
337 Report
was the most powerful weapon that could disrupt the plans of the
Demon King.

‘I wonder if Etna is waiting for me. Even if she is waiting

for me, will the magic tome’s power really…….’

Will it be able to save her? The fetters placed on the Demon race
hadn’t been able to be shed through blood, tears and countless
years. Would a mere book really be able to set her free?

Artpe wondered if there was a meaning to the work he was doing.

In the end, he shook his head from side to side.

His past life was his past life. He was a hero now. He received a
blessing only given to heroes, and he was able to use something
called a Hero’s Aura. He could emit holy energy. His Mana, spells,
abilities and will was different now.

He didn’t know what the gods were thinking, but it seemed they
wanted something from Artpe. He wondered if his current work was
close to what they had in mind.

‘It is almost there. I’ve acquired enough samples. The only

thing left is effort, time, and…...’

He just need a very small miracle.

Artpe firmly closed his eyes before opening them again. This
might have worked out pretty well for him. He had the chance to
meet Etna alone. It wasn’t an opportunity that could be created
unless it was a chance encounter like this.

He had to become stronger before he left this ruin. He had to

swiftly subdue Etna.

He’ll use the ability of the magic tome to regain her freedom.
338 Report
However, she was merely the beginning.

Artpe was going to be fair as he fucked over everyone that

appeared on the stage. He would turn the tables.

As the former Four Heavenly King and the current hero, he made a
bold resolve.

The quill with the Ancient Kraken’s Ink once again danced in
earnest over the pages.
339 Report

Chapter 130
Source: Wuxiaworld

The hero’s party had arrived at the northern ancient ruin. They
were here, because they had received information that the hidden
skill within the ruin was needed to defeat the 2nd ranked Four
Heavenly King. It was needed to defeat the Fire witch Etna.

The ruin was long, and the hero’s party wasn’t used to the cold.
They used only the resistance granted to them by their levels to
endure the cold.

The warrior bravely march forward in front of the party. The thief
didn’t want the warrior to gain more favor in the eyes of the hero, so
he stuck close to her. He also did his best to see to the needs of the
hero. The rest of the party had a neutral expression on their faces.
Some let out a bitter laughter as they followed after the warrior and
the thief.

They had defeated many monsters as they explored this seemingly

endless ancient ruin. They endured the cold as they finally arrived at
the heart of the ruin. They gained the right to acquire the rewards.


[It is impossible for me to give you all I have.]


Regina retorted with a question when she heard the voice, which
was as clear as the winter sky. The voice that came back was colder
than the temperature of the Ice continent. Strangely, there was a
trace of regret in her voice, and this sentiment was delivered to
340 Report
[There was a preceding visitor. He didn’t have the right to
acquire me, but he had enough qualification to take an item
for his paramour.]

The Winter Queen’s ruin was a testing ground for adventurers.

Maybe, the preceding visitor did this on purpose, but the hero’s
party was unable to complete all the achievement thanks to him.
The reason being that the hero’s party had been slightly late in
getting here.

“Is it because we weren’t the first one to arrive here?”

[That’s right.]

“The Fire witch…… We have to defeat her. We passed the

test, but the rewards you offer is not enough. This is like
eating burnt meat or an ice cream that fell on the floor.”

Regina dejectedly shook her head. When the Winter Queen saw
this, she let out a small laughter as she spoke.

[You don’t have to be so disappointed. The connection

between us isn’t at an end here…. You won’t be too late. We
might meet once again well before this time.]

“I possess no spells that allows me to return to the past.”

[Hoo hoo. Yes, you don’t have it. Let’s see how it all turns
out. Your reward ends with a blessing this time around.
However, you will be able to see something very fun in the
past that will come in the future.]

“I decline to talk in hypothetical.”

Regina was barely able to reply. The rest of her party was struck
341 Report
[What a cute child. You weren’t born as a human, so you
dream of becoming a human. The wish you desperately want
can’t be found here, but it can be found then.]

“This is why I don’t like pretentious people.”

Regina grumbled, but only a light laughter answered her words.

Afterwards, the entire ruin started to let out a white light.

The light morphed into overwhelming amount of Mana, and it

headed towards the member that was most suited to receive the
Mana. It entered into Regina, who was the magician of the hero’s

[Then I wish you well on using this power. I just want you
to take this words to heart. The truth you are faced with is
only the truth to you…..]

Regina sculpted the massive amount of Mana into a special form.

She closed her eyes as the power intruded on her Record.

She mumbled her words.

“······you are a know it all until the end. You suck.”

Artpe opened his eyes. Regina’s face was right in front of his face,
and she was staring at him. When a sour expression appeared on
Artpe’s face, the sides of her mouth slightly twitched.

Artpe was barely able to discern that Regina had a pleased

expression on her face. Needless to say, she was probably under
some ridiculous delusion.

“······you expression says you want something from me. If

you speak it out loud, I might grant it or I might not.”

“First, I don’t want anything from you. Secondly…. Your
342 Report
speech sounds more natural now? Your sounded like a
politician right now.”


At Artpe’s counterattack, Regina blinked dumbly. She finally

nodded her head.

“Agreed. It is thanks to Sienna.”

“All right. Go sleep next to Sienna.”

“Denied. My mental, physical and magical energy has been

recovered. I am studying Artpe’s unnecessarily handsome
face. Somehow, you keep getting entangled with women.
There is a possibility that your face is an Innate ability. I
cannot deny this possibility.”

“Stop researching my…...”


Artpe pushed away Regina’s unusually tidy face as he yawned.

However, he was thinking about the dream he just had.

‘I’ve been having a lot of these dreams recently. These

dreams are about events that I never experienced in my past
life….. What is going on? Is it because I investigated the
hero’s party in my past life? I did come to the ruin first, and I
took the sculpture in my past life. Am I subconsciously
blaming myself for that act?’

That’s right. In his past life, he had tried to calm down the inner
fire within Etna, so he had taken the sculpture from this ruin. Of
course, the hero’s party found the ruin after him, and they couldn’t
acquire everything the ruin had to offer.
343 Report
‘What’s wrong with that? At the time, I didn’t even know
about what would happen, and I was their foe in my past
life…. Mmmm. As expected, that doesn’t really explain why I
had that dream.’

Why did he have such a dream?

He was seriously mulling over this question.

It seemed Regina wasn’t tired of staring at him, so she continued

to stare at the side of his face.

If others were awake, he would have told her to stop. However,

Sienna and Vadinet were tired from the continuous battles. Maetel,
who always slept a lot, was soundly asleep. Even Roa was sleeping.
It was truly a rare occasion. They were in the quiet safe zone of the
ruin, and only two of them were awake.

This was why her gaze made him feel that much more


“I’m researching.”


Something vibrated within Artpe’s pocket. He didn’t have to take it

out to know what it was. It was the Artifact that had been refined
into a Demite. It was Pipi.

It seemed Pipi wanted him to treat Regina with sincerity. However,

Artpe ignored the vibration as he turned his body away.

He still wasn’t able to perfectly understand Regina. He just knew

that her actions didn’t arise from a bad place. This was why he let
her do whatever she wanted. He didn’t micromanage her actions.
344 Report
This was the result of such a policy. It resulted in this weird




Was it because he had that weird dream today?

Regina’s gaze was making him feel more uncomfortable than


“······what is it?”

Artpe’s emotion was expressed in his astringent voice. On the

other hand, Regina’s eyes shone with a clear light. She gave her
reply, and the answer was the same as before.

“I’m researching.”

“All right. Do whatever you want.”

Artpe tried very hard not to be conscious of her gaze. He took out
his magic tome. Then he circulated the overwhelming amount of
Mana within his body, and he started pouring it into the magic tome.

In truth, he had finished the magic tome when they reached the
8th floor. However, he was trying to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. He
was trying to fill in the gaps that remained within the magic tome.

According to Artpe’s standard, the magic tome wasn’t complete.

When he decided he had progressed sufficiently in his task, he would
attempt to use Reinforcement on the magic tome.

“You want me to supplement you with my Mana?”
345 Report
“No. It is best for the magic tome to be finished using only
the magician’s own power. I had a lot of trouble trying to
empty the Mana of the previous owner.”

There were many requirements that had to be fulfilled to construct

this item.

Of course, there was the materials. Then there was the Mana
infused within the materials. As the item was constructed, its
formless history remained behind in the constructed matter as its
Record. If he looked past those requirements using his Read All
Creation ability, his brain would overload. It would feel as if his head
would explode. This was why he didn’t look beyond to see the
remaining countless requirements making up the item.

“Artifacts can divide or compose matter. While doing so, it

allows one to artificially manipulate matter to create a
magical effect. Countless variables are tuned to create a
specific frequency. In the case of the magic tome, each page
has to be tuned, so the difficulty in creating it is crazy high.”

“Understood. You are my junior, but you are well-learned.

I give praise.”


Regina nodded her head as she continued to look at Artpe’s work.

When he continued to receive her unwavering gaze, he was able to
somewhat get used to it. He was able to continue his work without
worrying too much about her.



They were deep within the ruin, so there was no way they could
keep track of time. They used magical flames to keep away the
346 Report
approach of the guardians of the ruin. It was possible to estimate the
time by seeing the rate at which the fuel was consumed by the fire.



His dream had a complicated content, and it was hard to let it go.
It also seemed Artpe had woken up very early.

Normally, Maetel would be awake by now, and she would be

clinging to his neck. Sienna would snuggle up against him in a half-
awake state. Vadinet would put on a bright smile as she prepared a
breakfast meal to his taste. Her smile would be so bright that it
would make him feel uncomfortable. Time continued to pass, yet the
three of them were showing no signs of getting up.


Was Regina cognizant of all of this?

When his work was about to wrap up, she called out his name.
Artpe didn’t turn around as he answered her.


“May I ask you a question?”

“Go for it.”

“Have you copulated with Maetel?”

“Shut up forever.”

“It was a light joke.”

It didn’t seem like she was joking, but he decided to overlook it just
this once.
347 Report
“What is the purpose of the magic tome?”

“The Demons…. The magic tome was created to create an

existence that isn’t a Demon.”

“What is its purpose?”

“······I can’t tell you everything right now. However, I guess

I can tell you that the final goal is freedom.”


Regina rolled that word around in her mouth when she suddenly
had a thought. When she truly found her freedom in the Forest of
Eternity, she felt a strange sense of kinship with Artpe.

“Artpe’s freedom?”

“No. There is no one that is truly free in this world.

Everyone is bound by their position and role, and they have
to live a forced lifestyle. The hero is the prime example of
this. The hero is appointed to fight against the Demon King.
The hero is forced down this path.”


In truth, she couldn’t understand him. Regina’s temperament

didn’t allow her to accept the reason behind the kinship she felt with
Artpe since it was explained in general terms. She felt closer to him.
When he spoke to Regina as he laughed, she could dimly feel his
frustration and anger hidden within his words.

It was like the time when Regina couldn’t stand the situation the
Elves were in, so she had betrayed her masters. Maybe, Arpte
couldn’t stand the situation Regina had been in, so he had tried to
goad her into action….. Regina was having such thoughts.
348 Report
‘Denied. Artpe is human. He is a free human.’

Regina thought she was deluding herself into thinking that way.
She just wanted to be regarded in the same light as him. She
wanted his situation to overlap with hers, because….

She didn’t know why, but for some reason, she became a bit
embarrassed. Regina desperately stopped that train of thought. She
was somehow able to give a safe answer.

“I’ll help Artpe. We’ll kill the Demon King, and we’ll regain
your freedom. I will repay my debt.”

“Your words are full of spirit. ······I am thankful for your


Until the special properties of the Demon King’s Innate Control

called the Absolute Control became known to her, he hadn’t
expected her to take on such a willing attitude. He never expected
her to be so understanding of his position as a hero.


It seemed she still had more questions to ask.


“Will you become free if we defeat the Demon King?”

“······I’m not sure. When that time comes, I feel as if I’ll be

tethered by something else.”

“Life is transient…..”

“Still, it would be better than my life right now.”

Yes. He could go into the dairy industry or he could live at a house

down by the beach. He might be constantly chased by something,
349 Report
and he might always be busy. However, all of that sounded like a
better life than what he had right now.

It was better than his previous life where he took on the role of
Four Heavenly King under the yoke of the Absolute Control. It would
be better than his current situation where he had to fight under a
mismatched title of hero…..

“Right now. Artpe’s eyes...”


When he woke up from his reverie, Regina was closer than ever
before, and she was staring a hole through him.

“You are too close, you dork.”

“You are hiding something. You are hiding something you

haven’t told me yet.”


He never expected to be caught by Regina to this extent. Artpe

was about to let out a bitter laughter, but Regina’s face continued to
get closer. Her flawless white skin was very well-suited for the
Winter Queen’s ruin.


It didn’t matter what she asked. He would deal with it like he did
with Maetel. He’ll come up with an adequate excuse. When he was
having such thoughts, a clear voice could be heard near Artpe’s ear.

“As expected, you are copulating with Maetel?”


The party woke up not too long afterwards. They were a bit
350 Report
puzzled at the large bump on Regina’s head, but Regina continued to
keep a neutral expression on her face.

They only had a little bit more to go in the ruin.
351 Report

Chapter 131
Source: Wuxiaworld

Until the 6th floor, the 3 man group of Sienna, Regina and Vadinet
was sufficient in clearing the Dungeon. Artpe provided Mana when
needed to his party members as he worked on the magic tome.
However, monsters over level 300 started appearing on the 7th
floor. This was when they started hunting in earnest as a 5 man

At first, Artpe was a bit worried as to how to deploy the party. This
was the first time he had experienced being in a 5 man party. In the
end, he put Sienna and Maetel in the front. Artpe was in charge of
containment and support. Regina brought up the rear as she used
her AoE magic to kill the monsters. Lastly, Vadinet was in charge of
heals and buffs. The speed at which they cleared the Dungeon
became incredibly fast.

Above all else, the prior party arrangement had relied very heavily
on Artpe’s Mana. Since he was able to escape that party structure,
he spent less time resting. He needed less need to recover his Mana,
and he was less fatigued.

“It seems we were the problem until now. Whether it was

investigating the ruin or containing the monsters, we left it
all to Artpe-nim. We were in the wrong. Hoo. It seems our
lack of skill is at fault…..”

“........I worked really hard to protect Artpe until now!”

Maetel said those words, but she looked chastised by Vadinet’s

words. Since she was only good at fighting, she might have overly
relied on Artpe in all other aspects. She might have shifted too much
352 Report
responsibility onto him. This wasn’t something new. She had such
thoughts before.

“It is fine. Even if I ordered Maetel to do it, she can’t do


“You are too much, Artpe!”

“You just have to work hard on tasks that you are capable
of doing. Like right now.”

“I don’t know if you are trying to console me or if you are

treating me like an idiot…...”

After the 7th floor, they worked diligently for another 10 days
before they reached the 9th floor. They were able to find the
staircase leading down to the 10th floor, which was the last floor of
the ruin.

“It really…. It really is an enormous staircase.”

“We should check on our rewards before we head down.”

Artpe easily extracted the rewards from te Dungeon. He did it so

well that it made one question as to how he was able to find
everything the Dungeon had to offer. However, Artpe’s party
members were used to this sight now.

It wasn’t something one could do, because one could sense Mana.
He had an ability that could catch small discrepancies that even a
highly trained thief couldn’t catch. He had the the ability to reveal all
secrets! It didn’t matter if his party had expanded in number. It
didn’t matter that his comrades were able to help him in many ways.
It was still up to Artpe to find the rewards.

“You guys should have this on hand.”

After he cleaned out the 9th floor of its rewards, Artpe turned
353 Report
around to face his party. He handed them small clear crystals. He
gave several dozen to each of them.

He had started gathering them from the 1st floor of the Dungeon.
It had been scattered in random locations. The party members had
wondered if these functioned similar to magic stones. However, the
crystal held a very minute amount of ice type magical energy. They
couldn’t feel any large power within it.

“What are they?”

“They are consumable Artifacts capable of absorbing a

finite amount of cold energy. The amount of cold energy
they can store is limited. However, we do have a lot of them,
so I think it’ll work out somehow.”

For reference, the crystals could be consumed after they were

completely charged with cold energy. They were helpful in casting
Ice type magic. However, there was no point in casting ice type
spells in this ruin, since they wouldn’t be effective. The crystals
wouldn’t be used for that purpose.

“Artpe-nim’s present······ I will treasure it as an heirloom.”

“Didn’t I just tell you that they are consumable Artifacts?”

The party immediately descended the staircase towards the 10th

floor. The staircase was wide, and it was seemingly endless. They
busily descended the spiral staircase, and they moved further and
further away from the ceiling. The air around them continued to get
colder. They could feel a strange Mana emanate from the heart of
the staircase.

When Artpe felt the flow of this strange Mana, he raised his head
as he smirked. He was just reminded of a memory from his past life.
The rest of his party was a beat late in sensing the Mana. They tilted
their head in puzzlement.
354 Report
“It feels as if we passed through something. How strange.”

“It isn’t strange. The staircase has the role of a watcher. It

classifies the intruders of this ruin. Also, it is a sign that we are on
the right path.


“Yes. This ruin changes its appearance depending on the

person searching out the ruin. The 10th floor is basically the
last chapter.”

‘This route is for the hero’s party. In my past life, I wasn’t

allowed to take this route.’

He nodded his head when he was faced with something quite

different from what he had found in his past life.

At the time, Artpe had one goal. He wanted to take the sculpture
to Etna. He knew the staircase was guiding him towards a different
route from his past life, but he didn’t resist. It was because he knew
that something he desired was at the end of all of this.

‘From this point on, it is an unknown territory for me. I

know who the owner of the ruin is, but… I can’t help but be

How long had they walked down this magic staircase?

At some point in time, they were greeted by a hallway made out of

ice. It looked as if it was made out of clear glass.

They arrived at the 10th floor of the Winter Queen’s ruin.

“Wow. How pretty…..”

“Until the 9th floor, it looked as if nature had created those

floors. This place was constructed according to a specific
355 Report

The hallway was decorated with ice crystals that shone with a
magical light. In the previous floors, many monsters had harassed
the party. It had been annoying. They couldn’t see a single ant at
the entrance to the 10th floor.

“It is filled with overwhelming energy, Artpe-nim. Are you

sure we're allowed to enter this place?”

“That is why it is welcoming us like this.”

“This is a welcome······?”

The reason why there weren’t any monsters on the 10th floor
wasn’t hard to discern. There was an overwhelming presence at the
end of the hallway, and it was letting out an energy that challenged
Artpe’s party. How could a monster dare to appear in front of such a

“Is it the energy of the Ice Dragon?”

“No. The Ice Dragon is an existence that is closer to being

a concept than a real being. Once we entered the ruin, there
is no way we would encounter it. Instead…..”

The Ice Dragon had been protecting something. They might come
up against the true substance of what it was protecting.

In his past life, he had believed that this ruin held a vestige left
behind by the Winter Queen. From the dream he had(It was a
completely different story as to whether he believed the dream or
not.), the appearance of the 10th floor signified that this place didn’t
hold merely a vestige or a symbolic representation of the Winter

“Let’s go. Our preparations are pretty much done.”
356 Report
While the party was mesmerized by the beautiful view manifested
by the ruin, Artpe had finished making all his preparations. Artpe
ventilated the air around the party. Maetel had been circling Artpe
as she looked around. She tilted her head as she answered. She
dragged out her words.

“What is that?”

“Tome of Destruction.”

Artpe suddenly had two books hanging off his waist.

One was the magic tome he had been working on. The other was
something picked up by Silpennon, who had cleared all the Dungeons
in Diaz. It was an artifact called the Tome of Destruction. At a
glance, it was hard to tell if it was a spell book or a magic tome. It
was a magic tome.

“Of course, the production of this magic tome had been

finished, so its use is very limited. It has the ability to boost
the power of destructive type magic, It is very good in what
it’s meant to do.”

After Artpe was successful in acquiring it from Silpennon, he had

used Reinforcement three times. Its performance was brought up
close to its limit. If needed, he can use the magic stone to put it
through additional Reinforcement.

On the other hand, it had a downside of needing to be recharged

once all the Mana within the book was consumed. Despite this
downside, the Tome of Destruction was a very good Artifact.

The power infused within the Tome of Destruction can be

partitioned and used multiple times. It was also possible to release
all its power all at once! How great of an item was it!

“If things go sideways, I want to blow up the entire ruin
357 Report
and run away.”

“I wondered why you weren’t saying such words…... So?

What is that on Artpe’s head?”

The additional magic tome on his waist wasn’t the only difference!
As a male, it was a bit suspect to where such an accessory.
However, the silver hair accessory somehow looked well on him. He
touched the item as he gave an explanation.

“This is the Crown of Wisdom. According to legend, it has

the effect of accelerating the thought process of the wearer.
In truth, it is an Artifact that allows one to circulate one’s
Mana faster. Its extreme effectiveness is mirrored by a
severe side effect. It can be used only for a short amount of

“What about the glasses in your hand?”

“This is the Eyes of Prophecy. This is for you, Regina. It is

a high rank Artifact that allows one to assess magic by
looking at the enemy’s Mana flow.”

“Why doesn’t Artpe use it?”

“I don’t need such an item to know everything.”

It was a very arrogant thing to say, but no one could dispute his
words. Artpe placed the glasses on Regina’s face, then he gave one
or two Artifacts to the other members.

Maetel received the Blood Fragment necklace, and the Twilight

spear. Sienna was given a ring called the Spring of Tears. Lastly,
Vadinet received a staff called ‘Heavenly Punishment’. The item had
an extreme tendency towards destruction, so the temple had ordered
it sealed.
358 Report
“······Artpe-nim. Wasn’t this the item stored with the
treasury of the Zero Class?”

“It is something I wanted to give to you, Vadinet.”

“I’ll treasure it!”

The disposition of Maetel and Vadinet differed. Maetel was like, ‘If
Artpe likes it, then I like it.’ In Vadinet’s case, it was like ‘If Artpe
likes it, he is absolutely in the right.’ If he was to split hair, Vadinet’s
disposition was scarier.

“Oppa? This ring…. I get a feeling that I’ll be able to

regenerate my arm even if my arm is severed.”

“You are correct in your assessment.”

“Artpe, does this necklace upgrade my Berserk skill? Am I


“Correct. If you use it consecutively, you won’t even be

able to recognize me. Be careful in its use.”

“Where did you acquire all these treasures······.”

Most of them were acquired from Diaz. He didn’t know why, but
Diaz had Dungeons with long history. The probability of finding good
items increased in such Dungeons.

Moreover, Artpe knew where the Artifacts appeared in his past life.
It wasn’t difficult to pick and choose which Artifact would be needed
for his party members. In truth, the one to do all the leg work was
Silpennnon! He was the one that excavated all the Artifacts!

“If you check the Artifacts, you’ll understand why I didn’t

give them to you earlier. It is true that these items possess
powerful abilities, but their limitations are quite clear. If
359 Report
used once, these items takes time before they can be used
again. That is why I don’t want you to think of it as part of
your equipment. I want you to think of them as consumable

“Instead of using it in the ruin, should we save it?

Shouldn’t we use it in the fight against Etna after we leave
this place?”

“We came here to acquire power that will allow us to

defeat Etna. That is why we are using these Artifacts here.”

Originally, it was as Maetel had said. He planned on equipping

them with the Reinforced Artifacts after they cleared the ruin. He
was going to it to them right before they left. However, the ruin was
giving off a very alarming vibe.

In such situations, one shouldn’t think ‘Mmm. Everything will be

fine.’ That was how extras died in stories! When one senses a weird
vibe, one should be prepared to face an opponent that was 100
levels higher! This will allow one to escape safely if things went

[Are you done making your preparations?]

Artpe was about to say, ‘If you guys are done equipping the items,
let’s go.’ However, a voice that was like a single thread of winter
wind reached them. Artpe stiffened when he heard the voice. The
voice was too similar to the voice he heard in his dreams.

“That voice······.”

“My god······.”

The other party members also froze when they heard the voice.
Maybe they sensed the enormous power behind the voice at a
subconscious level. Or maybe it was because they were forced to
360 Report
perceive a being that shouldn’t be perceived.

Artpe was worried his party’s spirit would be broken before the
battle even started in earnest, so he spread his Mana. He pushed
back on the encroaching energy.

[You don’t have to be so wary. I don’t have the hobby of

taking the lives of guests.]


When he heard those words, he slowly activated the Tome of

Destruction. Maetel unsheathed her bastard sword as she half-
opened her eyes. Sienna grunted as she raised her hammer. Regina
and Vadinet blinked their eyes rapidly, since they didn’t know why
their party members were acting this way. Artpe ignored all of them
as he made a declaration to the voice that originated from an
unknown location.

“I’m sorry, but we aren’t guests. We are merely grave

robbers, who plan on taking everything.”

[Hoo hoo. If that is your wish…. For now, I’ll treat you as
you wish!]

The voice disappeared.

Afterwards, the hallway shook, and ice spears emerged from all
361 Report

Chapter 132
Source: Wuxiaworld


Regina, who was unflappable most of the time, let out a moan.
When she sensed the flow of Mana, she had used an ice type magic.
In a shocking turn of events, she wasn’t able to use any ice type
magic spells within this space.

This included her Mana. As soon as she changed her Mana into
cold energy, she lost dominion over her power. It was absorbed into
the attack coming towards them!


“······I’m fine.”

When she realized what was going on, she transitioned into using
wind magic. She was able to destroy the Ice Spears, but she couldn’t
dodge all the fragments. Small number of wounds appeared on her
body. Artpe clicked his tongue when he saw the enemy’s violent
response. He used his Materialization spell to destroy the rest of the
Ice Spears. He gave orders to his party.

“I want everyone to charge forward. I’ll take care of all the

attacks directed towards us. Your ultimate goal is to reach
the enemy.”

“Is there any way we can resolve this through words,


“Even if there is a way, I refuse to do so!”

From the moment they entered the ruin, they automatically
362 Report
became intruders.

So why would he trust the Ice Queen’s words when she called them
her guests?!

Moreover, it was harder to fight an enemy when one formed a

favorable relationship with one’s opponent. This was one of the
reasons why he was doing this.

[Your judgment is truly rash and self-centered. However,

you are showing mettle, so it isn’t too bad! I wonder if you
can show me the innumerable changes that occurs within a

“······I hate a know-it-all. She is looking down on us as if she

knows everything.”

“As it happens, I feel the same way. It is an unwelcome


Regina was being carried on the back of Sienna, who was running
at high speed. Regina sounded irked as she chanted her wind spells.

“I don’t like those that act that way.”

He had a good guess as to who the owner of the voice was. It was
probably the Winter Queen or a vassal given authority over her
power. She wasn’t known for her martial prowess. She was a
symbolic figure within legends. She was one of the spirits of the four

‘She speaks as if she knows that I wasn’t a human before. I

don’t like the tone of her voice.’

He couldn’t stop thinking about the dream he had before. He was

hearing the voice he had heard in his dream. She sounded as if she
knew that the world would repeat itself through Artpe’s
363 Report
reincarnation. At first, there were many parts of his dreams that
sounded like nonsense, but the voice inside his dream really had
shown up….

“I’ll think about it after I face her.”

The voice did a proper job in greeting her guests. No monsters

appeared, but an incredible number of Ice Spears appeared all
around them. There was no rhyme or reason as to where the Ice
Spears appeared. Moreover, a fog containing cold energy suddenly
made its appearance. The fog froze everything that it touched! It
was as if the Dungeon itself was trying to kill the party.

“Run faster!”

“But Artpe······.”

“They are coming from below!”


However, the more amazing part was how Artpe dealt with the
attack. He assessed the rate in which his party was moving, and he
wrapped his Mana Strings around them. He was able to sense and
predict where the attacks were coming from. He formed barriers
using his Materialization spell, and his barriers were precise in
blocking the attacks!

In the opening salvo, the party became a little bit hurt. It couldn’t
be helped. However, they remained unharmed after they started
their charge. None of the barriers were breached.

Artpe was displaying a ridiculous amount of control and reaction

speed. It surprised even those that were being protected by him.
The party members were surprised, but they didn’t decrease their
speed. It was more urgent for them to defeat their enemy instead of
giving Artpe praise.
364 Report
[You are fast. As expected, your senses have grown
beyond what it was before!]

“Grown······? Growth is a word you use against someone that

haven’t matured yet!”

Artpe had extended only a single strand of Mana String. This one
strand elongated as it fluttered around the party. It looked like a
butterfly, but in the next moment, it changed into arrows, walls and
shields to block all the Ice Spears that was threatening the party.

The members of Artpe’s party didn’t have to think about anything

else. They just focused all their power on reaching their enemy.
They prepared their Mana. Their Mana reached a fevered pitch, and
they were just waiting for the moment where they would unleash
their deadly energy towards their enemy.

[You show trust in your comrades, and they respond with

an unyielding spirit. Both are splendid. The only part that
worries me is that you have only one central leader, yet you
are holding up very well.]

“You talk down to us as if you are sitting up on a pedestal!

You are annoying!”

When someone treated others as if they were novices, it usually

was done by someone that had the power to back it up. In many
case, they were big shots. However, he could only accept such a
behavior from someone that had revealed their true nature! He
hated those that acted high and mighty without revealing their

He really hated preachy beings that remarked on the age of the

opponent or when they went into a diatribe about how he should
realize how big the world was! Even if their words meant well, it
annoyed him. Artpe’s wish was to capture all of them and beat them
365 Report
to a pulp.

“If this is the extent of your attack, you should speak to me

in honorifics. Honorifics! How dare you talk to me as an

[You designated yourselves as intruders of your own

volition. At the very least, your attitude is truly bold. All
right. Let’s see how you fare against this.]

Artpe was getting ready to bluff like a Four Heavenly King, but the
voice responded as if she had been waiting for this.


At that exact moment, Artpe used Blink by instinct. There were

five in the party including him, and he transported everyone several
hundred meters forward. Afterwards, the space where they had been
crumpled, and it disappeared.

“B...behind us…..!”


If he had been a little bit late, they wouldn’t have been able to put
up a fight. They would have been crumpled up alongside the space,
and they would have died.

“What the······!?”

“It is coming again! Don’t put up a resistance! Leave

everything to me!”

Artpe once again used Blink. Afterwards, a larger swath of space

crumpled up before it disappeared. The Ice Spear had been scary,
but a greater fear was felt when they saw this attack.

“Tsk. It seems she is capable of adapting to the action of
366 Report
her enemies…..”

[You are well informed. You children are so excellent that I

have to fight with my full strength from now on. This was the
right way to greet you guys, and you guys are truly doing

“Your words at the end was shitty.”

He was aware from the start that the ruin moved according to the
will of this voice. However, he never expected her to crumple and
eliminate space like that. The voice was synchronized with the ruin
itself, but at the same time, she would also have to know a high level
Space magic.

‘Even if I use the same Space magic, I’ll only be able to

create a pocket dimension. I won’t be able to destroy an
existing space like her. She is on a different level. It isn’t
something that can be learned through a spell written within
a Spell book. That means…..’

The being, who was waiting for them, had the ability to construct
and deconstruct space.

“······I never expected her to be of this caliber.”

[Did you learn something just from this one move? You
really are a very entertaining child!]

When she realized that she couldn't threaten Artpe’s party using
simple elemental magic, she had changed her offensive strategy.
She started using her space magicm in earnest.

She flattened the space that Artpe’s party occupied in whole. She
even tried to predict where Artpe’s party would show up, and she
crumpled those spaces too. If Artpe didn’t possess the Read All
Creation ability, his party would have died without being able to do
367 Report

‘Shit. The number of hero was increased to two. I should

have taken that into consideration! I should have known that
the content of this ruin would have changed!’

He had never expected to meet Etna in such an unexpected

location. It caused him to become flustered, and in turn, he had
failed to take into consideration what would happen if he explored
this ruin with Maetel. It had caused this accident.

Of course, it wouldn’t have significantly changed the choices he

had to make even if he had known about it. Artpe didn’t act without
preparing two steps ahead.

“Everyone should give Mana to Artpe······.”

“No, you don’t have to do that. I want you all to get ready
to attack.”

Artpe continued to use the Materialization spell and Blink to thwart

the ruin’s attacks. Maetel was about to speak when she saw this, but
Artpe stopped her from speaking. He took out a magic stone. It was
the magic stone he acquired after defeating the Ancient Kraken.

“I was wondering where I should use this. This might be

the ideal spot.”

No one could stop him now. It was unknown as to how many Blinks
he had used, but when he exited the range of the voice’s attack, he
brought down the magic stone hard against his boots. Then he used
his Reinforcement skill. There could be no delay in the
Reinforcement. The most important thing right now was speed!

[Wind Spirit King’s Feather+4]

[Originally, it was a boot capable of performing Blink. In
368 Report
the hands of a magician, a miracle was created. It was
Reinforced four times. It allowed the magician to bring back
the Record of the Wind Spirit King, which had disappeared
from this world. The Record was brought down into the
boots. It no longer consumes Mana as the wearer can freely
move to any location within one’s sight. If appropriate
amount of Mana is used in conjunction, the wearer and
anyone accompanying the wearer can be transported any
distance decided by the wearer. The wearer of this item
becomes extremely agile, and a bonus for wind magic is

Was his wish granted? Or was this the fruit of cultivating his
Reinforcement skill? The Reinforcement occurred at high speeds. It
finished in the time it took to roast a peanut with a lightning.

Moreover, the performance of the Artifact was once again took a

remarkable jump. The consumption of the Ancient Kraken’s magic
stone wasn’t the only reason why he was able to achieve this result.
Artpe thought the location had a hand in affecting the product.

[How can this be? The scent of the lost one is emanating
from the boots······.]

As expected, he was successful in making his enemy flustered! He

let out a smile of satisfaction as he immediately activated the
Artifact, which he had finished Reinforcing.

The voice realized that Artpe’s power had risen. She used
consecutive attacks to crumple the nearby space, and she was
successful in halting the hero’s party. However, something that
transcended her expectations occurred next.


369 Report
Artpe used the background of the dream he had. He moved his
party to the final location reached by the hero’s party of his past life!

[How can this be······!]

“Check mate.”

There was an upward tilt to Artpe’s lips. Artpe uncharacteristically

took a gamble, and he had succeeded. He had to consume all his
remaining Mana, but he skipped a distance that would have taken a
very long time to travel. He boldly skipped the distance, and he
succeeded in reaching the heart of the ruin!

The part arrived at a location that wasn’t too large. A room

encased in ice was floating in empty air. It was as if they were in a
room made out of transparent glass.

The space contained only a single large female sculpture. There

was an overwhelming amount of Mana imbued within the sculpture,
and it was apparent that the owner of the voice was the female


“God’s Hammer!”


“God’s Fire Spark.”

When they arrived in the open space, Artpe didn’t even have to
order an attack. When Artpe previously ordered them to prepare for
an attack, they had prepared their strongest skills and spells. They
all strived to be the first to attack the female sculpture. They
unleashed an attack containing an enormous amount of Mana!

370 Report
The members of the hero’s party were all over level 300, and their
attack slammed into the barrier surrounding the sculpture. The
protection spell around the sculpture was broken, and almost 10% of
the sculpture was destroyed. The sculpture didn’t feel any physical
pain, but it felt the loss of its Record when the sculpture was
damaged and destroyed. Her voice was filled with pain.

[I never expected you to reach this place. I never expected

a human, who could invade this place without my consent, to

Yes, the voice was flowing out from the female statue.

“You probably thought I couldn’t destroy you, since you

reside in this place. This is your true form, right?”

Artpe was gasping, because he didn’t have any Mana. He was all
talk as he spoke in a smarmy manner. Earlier, he had taken a shot
from the sculpture while he was trying to bluff. This was his revenge
against her for that move.

However, the female sculpture didn’t use a different attack to

screw over Artpe once again. She just created a new barrier magic
and protection magic around herself. She protected herself as she
asked him a question.

[······I am protected against space magic. How were you

able to reach a location that is supposed to be impossible to

“It is thanks to an Artifact.”

[You are lying. Maybe, you cannot tell me the truth?]

Artpe was merely a thief trying to acquire everything the ruin had
to offer. What did the voice think Artpe was? He was at a loss for
words, so he snorted.
371 Report
[I see. It will be difficult for you to speak about it right now
in this setting.]

Artpe made his resolve. He had to quickly recover his Mana to

destroy the female statue.

However, a magic circle suddenly appeared above the female

structure. It was something he had seen and experienced before. It
wasn’t an attack, and it wasn’t for running away….

“Dimensional pocket?”

He didn’t know what kind of Dimensional pocket she was forming,

but he decided to thwart it. He extended his Mana String, but the
magic activated a step earlier.

[Will you be able to tell me now?]


The voice of the female sculpture no longer held hostility or a will

to fight. Artpe was dumbfounded. He could only blink his two eyes
when faced with the calm voice.

Only Artpe and the female sculpture remained in the room.
372 Report

Chapter 133
Source: Wuxiaworld

[I never expected a group capable of passing the last trial

to make an appearance.]

“Trial? I bet you are planning on saying this is another

test. Am I right?”

Artpe heard a female-like voice. It was as if the voice had been

planted directly in his brain. He replied in an apathetic manner as he
sat down.

He looked defenseless, but an extremely thin Mana String was

surrounding his body. He would be able to react to any attacks that
came his way.

[Nope. I have nothing else for you.]

“That means you have something more for the other party

The female sculpture nodded her head in assent. Artpe had been
absentmindedly watching the sculpture. He suddenly choked.

“You are alive!?”

[It is an Artifact containing all my Record. It is apt to think

of me as a type of Golem. … you mind if I continue my

She had shown him insolence in this ruin. Artpe wondered if he

should shut her up. He also wondered if he should listen to her. He
mulled over it, and his heart was slightly leaning towards the latter
373 Report
“All right. Do whatever you want.”

[First, I want to talk about you. You easily ignored all my

plans, and you were successful in reaching this place. You
blocked all my attacks, and in the process, you passed all the
trials using brute force. This is why I decided that any
further tests would be meaningless. On the other hand, this
isn’t the case for your party members.]

“Are you saying they were able to reach this place, because
they relied on my power?”

[I inevitably came to that judgement, so I decided to give

them another opportunity. It’s a chance where they’ll be
able to prove their worth. Do not worry. They did received
your help, but they did reach me. I will not put their lives at

“It just means you can’t muster up an attack that can kill
them. You have created five pocket dimensions. Your power
and will have been split. Will you be able to kill my party
members, who are over level 300, with 1/5th of your power?”

At Artpe’s astute observation, the female sculpture didn’t give a

rebuttal. She had lost this move, because she had underestimated
Artpe’s assessment ability.

[······yes. You are once again correct. However, it is also

true that I have no intentions of killing any of you.]


Artpe didn’t deny that point. In his past life, Artpe couldn’t reach
the ruin’s owner through his own power. It had been the same for
the hero’s party. The female sculpture had given them suitable
trials, and only through her will did they receive a reward. In the
374 Report
end, she had given a part of herself to them.

She could only mimic life, but she wasn’t alive. That was why she
was able to make such sacrifices. Maybe, this was the design of this
ruin in the first place.

“Basically, you don’t want me to interfere with the test.”

[That’s exactly it.]

Artpe knew that this being had the ability to rip apart this pocket
dimension. This was also true for the pocket dimensions containing
his other party members.

If he wanted to exit this ruin while gaining all the rewards, it would
be best to go along with her tests. Instead of killing this being to
acquire the loot, it would be better to gain the cooperation and
blessing of this being. He would deal directly with her. This was the
obvious path.

Artpe remained seated as he nodded his head. He let out a sigh.

“I know my party is enduring hardship right now, so it isn’t

sitting well with me…...”

[You really love your friends. Last time, you also came here
for someone else. I guess it is the same this time around.
You haven’t searched out this place just for sake of the
hero’s party. There is another reason, right?]

Artpe’s movement suddenly ticked to a stop.

“It’s a good thing you brought that up. You.”


For a short time, he had forgotten that he was separated from the
others in this pocket dimension. However, that wasn’t the biggest
375 Report
reason why he sounded annoyed right now. The voice had spoken as
if she knew everything. The owner of the voice had a secret, and this
secret was like a fishbone stuck in his throat. It kept aggravating

Fortunately, he was separated from his party members. He

decided it was the best time to resolve the question he had.

“How much do you know?”

[I just remember the flow.]

However, it seemed the female sculpture knew that this question

was coming, so she answered in a comfortable tone of voice.

[I know that you searched this place out as a Demon, and

you’ve come to this place once again as the hero of humans.
I also know about the children, who used to be on the other
side of you in your previous life. They have accompanied you
to this place. The time-frame of events have been hastened
this time around, but that holds no importance to me. You
possess an unheard of power to flip history, but my Record is
too deep to be damaged by it.]

Artpe was a bit shocked, so he became silent.

It wasn’t as if he had believed that he was the only one to

remember one’s past life. He had been aware of the possibility. This
was why he had made numerous preparations before he moved. He
prepared for the unexpected.

However, when he was faced with someone that acknowledged

knowing about this past life, he was at a loss. It lasted for a brief

“Your Record…...”
376 Report
[You probably have a vague idea about it? I was once a
queen that had ruled over winter. I’ve existed as a human
and a Dragon. In the end, I continued to live on as a concept.
I died, yet I wasn’t fully dead. My Record remained within
the depths of Glacia. Do you realize how vast my Record had
to be for that to happen? I’m sure I don’t have to explain any

“So there are other beings besides you…..?”

[I don’t know how many there are, but I’m probably not the
only one. Do you mind me asking you a question this time?]

The thoughts within Artpe’s head was starting to get complicated,

so he weakly nodded his head.

[How were you able to reach me? I was barely able to

discern the fact that the power and Record of the Wind Spirit
King was infused into your boots. However, that doesn’t fully
explain why you and your party was able to get so close to
me. The wind would just carry you, but the one in charge of
setting the destination would have been your responsibility.]

The question asked by the voice was also something he had

expected. Since she knew about the past lives of Artpe and the
hero’s party, their conversation would go smoothly. He didn’t
hesitate as he gave her an answer.

“Until I reached this place, I had dreams about it.

Somehow, I was able to see you face off against my party

[I see. You used that information alongside the boots,

which contains the Record of the Wind Spirit King. You are
sharing Records with your comrades through dreams.]

He was exchanging Records with his party members through
377 Report
dreams. Artpe had suspected this was the case, so he unconsciously
accepted this information.

‘As expected, this might be caused by Maetel’s power.’

Artpe shut his eyes as he thought.

From the moment Maetel learned the Record Divide in the Hero’s
development Dungeon, he had sometimes seen events from his past
life from a different perspective. It was memories of events he
hadn’t personally experienced.

At first, he thought he was reconstructing past events using his

imagination. He thought he was under a delusion. However, the
dreams were too detailed, and he was able to clear this ruin thanks
to the dreams. It would be pathetic for him to deny the truth now.

Yes, the dreams were Maetel’s Record. Artpe had seen her Record.
It wasn’t the present Maetel, but the Record of Maetel from her
previous life.

[I hope you won’t ask me if such a thing is possible.

History was been rewound, but that doesn’t mean the event
that happened disappeared. It was merely covered up. The
truth remains alive deep within her heart.]

“Does that mean she knows about her past life…...”

[Maybe. That is unknown to me. If her Record was bigger,

I might have been able to confirm it.]

“Thank you for giving me such an obvious answer.”

Artpe gave a gruff reply, then he shut his mouth. He had learned
two shocking truths, so he was low on energy. One of the reason for
his annoyance was that he couldn’t do much to change what would
378 Report
‘Shall I ask her after I exit this place? If she knows
everything, how should I respond? What if she doesn’t know
anything? That might put weird ideas into her head…...’

Artpe grabbed his head as he struggled over the problem. The

female sculpture called out to him once again.

[If you don’t have anything further you want to ask me, I
want you to tell me what you want from me.]

“······you should already know this.”

[You mean this.]

The female sculpture opened her mouth. A small sculpture that

looked like an exact replica of the bigger sculpture appeared. In
truth, it was a creepy sight.

“I didn’t receive this item like this last time!”

[On the other hand, the quality of this item is higher this
time. I am breaking off part of myself. This will suit her

In truth, she wasn’t wrong. A soft cold energy was emanating from
the item. It couldn't be compared to the sculpture he stole in his
previous life. He naturally realized something when he looked over

“You are a sculpture made out of the world’s first ice, and
this is a part of you.”

[That’s right.]

It took him a very long time to discern the makeup of the item
using his Read All Creation ability. It wasn’t because it was made out
of many elements. It had been bonded too well, so it took him a long
379 Report

It would have been understandable for a foe like the Kraken where
he couldn’t lay eyes on the entirety of a subject. He could take in the
item in its entirety with his eyes, yet it was taking a long time to see
its true nature. Maybe, his Read All Creation ability was still lacking.
This might be the impetus that would grow his ability.

“This is all I want. I just want my party members to acquire

real power..”

This place was the biggest reason why Regina was able to go toe-
to-toe with Etna in their past lives. It was the blessing of the Winter

The archmage Regina became a pivotal figure after receiving the

power of the Winter Queen. She had been a big help to the hero’s
party when they crossed over to the Demon realm. It happened after
Artpe’s death, but it would have been impossible for the hero’s party
to defeat Etna without the power of the Winter Queen.

[You can rest easy in regards to that. Since you’ve joined

them in seeking me out this time, they…. Yes. The entirety
of my power will be transferred to her. In terms of aptitude,
she is closest to me. That is why she will gain the most

“You are quite thoughtful in your consideration.”

In this life, Artpe had never been at a disadvantage thanks to his

Read All Creation ability and the memories of his past life. However,
the so-called Winter Queen remembered her past life, so she wasn’t
at a disadvantage against Artpe.

“Yes. That should be enough. I guess I just have to wait

380 Report
Artpe weakly mumbled to himself as he put away the sculpture. It
would be great if Etna became happy after receiving this item.
However, he became depressed when he thought about the
unavoidable fight that would occur when he met her once again.

[What else?]

The annoying voice stopped him once again.

“What do you mean what else? I want you to properly

empower my party..”

[I still have something I have to give you. The sculpture I

just gave you is merely a very small fragment of myself. It
wouldn’t be fair to just give you that.]

“Since we cleared the ruin, you want me take everything? I

merely used Blink once to get here. The reward seems
disproportionately large compared to my action.”

[You revived the Wind Spirit King’s power. You were

successful in bringing back the power of space and time.
Your achievement isn’t trivial, so you can boldly ask for
more. Therefore….]

The Winter Queen let out a bitter laugh as she spoke.

[It is time to give my Record to you too. You should meekly

take it since I am offering it to you.]

When Artpe heard those words, he didn’t understand what she

meant for a brief moment. He tilted his head in confusion, but his
eyes turned wide when he discerned the meaning of her words.

“Right now…. You are choosing your own demise?”

[No. It means I choose to live my life in a different way.
381 Report
I’m not sure if this could be called living….. I’m sick of it.
Even more so in recent years.]

Artpe smirked when he heard the Winter Queen’s voice. She spoke
lightly, but it seemed she was serious. Still, he didn’t need to accept
anything more from her when what she was offering wouldn’t be of
much help to him…..

“Then you should look at this.”

[······ho-oh. I see.]

She had the most interested look on her face since she started
conversing with Artpe. The Winter Queen answered him.

[The ice sculpture isn’t the only present you will gift her.]
382 Report

Chapter 134
Source: Wuxiaworld

Of course, the first one to be freed from the pocket dimension was
Maetel. She took in a deep breath as she sat down. A bright smile
appeared on her face when she caught sight of Artpe. He had
already been released from the pocket dimension he was in. He was
leisurely chewing on ice.


“Yes, yes.”

It seemed Artpe didn’t have the energy to move his body. He

somehow caught Maetel, who fell towards him. He let out a sigh.
Her body was cold. It was as if she had been rolling around in an ice

“Your body is cold”

“Yes. Artpe should warm me up.”

She rubbed her face against his neck as she acted like a spoiled
child. He stroked her head as many thoughts went through his head.

He found out from his conversation with the Winter Queen that his
dreams were the result of sharing Records with Maetel. It meant that
there was a possibility that Maetel had already recovered the
memory of her past life. She might have recovered it long before

‘······personally, I think it is nonsense.’

Once she found out Artpe used to be a Four Heavenly King, there
was no way Maetel could stick to him in such a familiar manner.
383 Report
However, he couldn’t completely put this possibility out of his mind.
At times, she had revealed a very mature side to her, and that
worried him.

“Artpe is too warm. I think Artpe is spring.”

“······I guess I’m mistaken.”

“Huh? What is it?”

“It is nothing.”

If she knew about what he had done during his life as a Four
Heavenly King, there was no way she would liken him to spring. He
didn’t think she was acting. Her personality wouldn’t allow her to
hide such information about herself.

Still… Maybe…

What if something that he didn’t know about was hidden within


“Artpe, you have a far away look again. You are hiding
something from me!”

“How about you? ….do you have anything you are hiding?”

“Huh? Mmmm······ Ah.”

At Artpe’s impulsive question, Maetel blinked her eyes. Then she

let out a mischievous laughter. She put her arms around Artpe’s
neck, and she pressed her body against him.


“Hey, hey.”

She said she was trying to heat up her cold body. She was using
384 Report
such a frivolous reason to accentuate her chest. Artpe was taken
aback, so he tried to turn his gaze away.

“Artpe, I am hiding one thing.”

At that moment, Maetel spoke as if she was trying to capture his

attention. She truly had exquisite timing. Artpe hesitated a little bit
before he answered her.

“You’ll probably say something offensive, so I don’t need to


“······in truth, my breasts became larger again.”

“As expected, it is something offensive.”

Her shame and sense of embarrassment had been left behind in

mountain village and the Ancient ruin. It was a level of boldness that
he expected from her. However, it was also true that her words had
removed all the worries he had about her. In the end, he let out a
sigh, and he tried to stroke her head…..

“Artpe, I think I’m big enough.”


“Artpe, you said you wanted me to grow quickly?”


Danger had approached him from a completely different direction!

He hadn’t even been worried about this. It was an outrageous

‘Shit. Wait a moment. Did I really? I did during the


Maetel didn’t need to give an additional explanation. In a flash,
385 Report
Artpe had assessed the situation, and he shuddered. The fact that he
had forgotten about it was the more surprising part. He clearly
recalled what had occurred.

That’s right. It was during the fight against the Kraken. Artpe
hadn’t acted appropriately for a being his age. He had fallen for
Maetel. He had been half-bewitched by her. He vividly remembered
saying words that he would have never said if he was of sound mind.

After they killed the Kraken, he had exchanged a short

conversation with her before he had lost consciousness. He had
forgotten about it until now. However, he remembered it perfectly
right now.

“Haven’t I grown a lot?”

“······you’ve grown enough.”

He even wondered if several parts of her body had grown too


Wait a moment. Why was she bigger than her past self? Was it
because of her eating habits? Was it the effect of the rapid level
ups? Was it the power of her will? Was it a miracle? He was
hopelessly mired by the countless questions that were forming in his
mind. However, there was only one question that was important.

“So we are going to marry!?”

Maetel had grown using Artpe’s words as a barometer. Maetel’s

expectation had grown so large that she was about to explode.


“Yes, you said you’ll marry me when I’m done growing!”

No additional hints had been needed. Somehow, she managed to
386 Report
reach the keyword called marriage all by herself. Artpe had a
faraway look as he placed his hand on Maetel’s head.

“However, Maetel…. Enough is not satisfactory.”


“You and I are heroes. Do you really think I’ll be satisfied

with ‘grown enough’?”

He had to somehow get out of this situation, so he started spouting


“T...that…. You do have a point, but…..!”

Of course, Maetel was an idiot, so she was convinced by his words.

She nodded her head!

“That is why I want you to grow more.”

“Yes! I’ll grow faster! However, I don’t want to be taller

than Artpe…..”

After saying those words, she passed her hands over her already
ample breasts. Then she clenched her fists. Artpe inwardly thought
he might have caused another problem, but on the other hand, he
got a confirmation. There was no way this idiot remembered her
past life.

“Hoo-ooh. From now on, here and here…. Mmm. I think

that feels about right….”


At that moment, Artpe suddenly had a thought when he observed

her behavior.

“Maetel······ You know of a method to grow those parts!?”
387 Report
“Of course!”

He was given a truly shocking answer!

“As I leveled up, I was able to gain some control over my

development through the Acceleration ability! This is why I
became faster and stronger after I gained my Innate ability. I
was able to grow my muscles.”

“So it is possible to do such a thing through


“My level was rising fast, but I was worried my body won't
grow as fast. That is why I tried this method and it worked!
Ooh-hue-hue. I’ll grow so much that Artpe will accept me
without being able to say a peep!”

There wasn’t a particular level cap, but there was a clear limit as to
how one’s body developed. However, it seemed Maetel was able to
treat the growth of her body like leveling up. It was as if her body
was putty in her hands. The ability called Acceleration seemed like a

“Maetel, you….”


“······no, it’s nothing.”

Artpe was about to say something about her ability, but he shut his

He had forgotten about it, but his Innate ability called Read All
Creation ability was in its second stage right now. After he
reincarnated, he didn't see anything special that indicated that his
ability had gone through a change. However, his ability itself had
revealed to him that it had evolved to its second stage. So he knew
388 Report
his Innate Ability had grown.

‘By outward appearance, her Innate ability doesn’t look like

it had changed, but······.’

Maybe, Maetel’s Innate ability was growing too. She might be on

her way to gaining an ability that was superior to the Acceleration
ability. It was possible. She was showing overwhelming growth
speed compared to her previous life. She was capable of pulling this

He didn’t want to hinder the evolution of her Innate ability with his
careless words. He decided to observe her. Of course, he didn’t like
it at all that his request for growing faster had become the impetus
to the change in her Innate ability!

“If your body has warmed, you should get off of me. The
others will be coming out soon.”

“I want to stick to you longer. I’m already sticking to you,

but I want to be more intense in sticking to you.”

While Maetel was trying her best to play up her beauty, a woman
appeared in the room. It was unexpectedly Vadinet. There was a
tendril of cold energy emanating from her body. She hadn’t failed
the test. She did a good job in passing.

“What the hell are you doing!”


Vadinet took quick strides forward, and she pulled Maetel off of

Artpe. Maetel knew she was pushing it already, so she didn’t resist
as she was pulled off of him.

“Artpe-nim, you must have suffered a lot. I’m sure you

were being tormented by her. You probably allow it, because
389 Report
she is also a hero. I feel sorry for you….”

“You shouldn’t speak those words while you are stealthily

trying to sit on my lap.”

Artpe was slowly getting a sense as to how he should deal with

Vadinet. He flicked Vadinet on the forehead. He dropped her away
from him as he asked her a question.

“Did you gain anything?”

“Ooh-mm. In truth, cold energy doesn’t suit a holy

priestess. That is why she gave me an Artifact, and she
raised my Mana to the extreme.”

As she spoke those words, she slid her leg towards Artpe. He was
taken aback. He blinked his eyes, and he realized that she was
wearing a stocking that she hadn’t worn before. It was a transparent
stocking. It looked as if the threads were made out of ice.

“It makes you resistant against the cold.”

“It also gives me the ability to make clones. As a priestess,

it is the optimal ability to have. …..above all else, it is

She had no experience with men, but she somehow learned many
ways to appeal to men. It was like her to choose such an item.

The stocking accentuated her slim legs and smooth thighs. It

really looked good on Vadinet. Artpe’s heart started beating a little
bit faster. Maetel’s eyes narrowed.


“Ah, jeez. I hope everyone comes out fast!”

390 Report
“Sienna, I missed you!”


Fortunately, before a hole could be formed in Artpe’s stomach,

Sienna was released. As with Vadinet, Sienna had gained more
Mana, and she had received an Artifact.

She had gained resistance against the cold, and her abilities had
been boosted all across the board. It wasn’t a bad outcome, but he
also reminded himself of the fact that they weren’t the leading role in
this ruin.

‘That’s because Regina is most suited for the power of


Regina possessed great talent when it came to using wind and ice
magic. Of course, she had full control over most elemental magic,
but few in the history of the continent possessed as much talent for
wind and ice magic as her. She boasted great mastery over these
two disciplines.

‘In her past life, she hadn’t been able to fulfill all the
prerequisites needed to clear this ruin, so she wasn’t able to
receive the entirety of the Winter Queen’s power. However,
it is different now.’

Maetel and Vadinet had been glaring and growling at each other.
He had waited for Sienna to come out, since she could calm them.
With the help of the Winter Queen, he was able to complete the
magic tome. After Regina finished her test, they would

At that moment, the ruin shook from a large tremor.

391 Report
“Calm down.”

The ruin had been attacked. It was easy enough to discern the
cause, since a crude hostility could be felt within the Mana.

The problem was the fact that he didn’t know who the owner of the
Mana was.

“Artpe, as expected….”

“It isn’t Etna.”

Maetel was about to speak, but Artpe immediately cut her off.
Maetel’s cheeks puffed out, but he wasn’t lying. It wasn’t Etna.

“I perfectly assessed and memorized her Mana pattern.

This is someone that is less skilled, but…..”

In terms of power, this being might not be too far behind Etna.
When he had that thought, Artpe gulped.

They were completing this ruin, because it would allow them to

defeat Etna. However, a different Demon with similar level of power
as Etna had shown up. If this Demon possessed completely different
properties from Etna, how were they supposed to win!

Even if Regina gained the entire power of the Winter Queen, the
prospect of a win looked bleak.

“What if they continue to attack the ruin like this?”

“The Winter Queen has given her power to us, so she is

about to perish. Normally, an attack of this caliber wouldn’t
be able to do anything to this ruin….. This is the worst case
scenario. We might be buried alive here.”

He churned his thoughts, but he couldn’t come up with a solution.

If they went out, will they be able to put up a fight against this new
392 Report
Demon? If the new Demon asked for Etna’s cooperation, Artpe and
his party would certainly die.

What should he do?

First, he had to wait for Regina to come out from her test before he

[I know all about your worries.]

Artpe heard a voice from behind him. Artpe whipped his head
around, and he saw the female sculpture. It had been absent from
this room when it had created five pocket dimensions. The female
sculpture had returned to reality once again.

“Returned. Main character always show up late.”

“Be quiet, Regina.”

Of course, Regina accompanied the female sculpture. She was

much stronger than before. He wanted to check her status, but
unfortunately, their current situation was too dire for him to do so.

[It wouldn’t be wise for you to exit this place right now.
The comrade of your past is with an enemy of the present.
They are gathered in one place]

The female sculpture’s voice could only be heard by Artpe. When

she mentioned the comrade of his past, she was talking about Etna.
The current enemy referred to the being that was attacking the ruin.
The problem right now was the fact that Etna was also an enemy
they had to defeat.

“I see…. However, by the way your phrased your words,

you have a way to help us?”

The female sculpture nodded her head.
393 Report
[Let us fake your deaths. I’ll sacrifice all of my remaining
power, and I will lead you down the correct path.]


For a moment, he didn’t understand what she meant, so he

queried her. However, the female sculpture no longer spoke. It
dissolved into the air.

Afterwards, the ceiling fell down.
394 Report

Chapter 135
Source: Wuxiaworld

The Winter Queen had transferred all her powers to Regina, and
she was immediately extinguished. Nothing went wrong up to that
point. It was a decent way to wrap up the story so far.

The problem right now was the fact that the ruin was collapsing in
real time.

“Hey, wait a moment. Hey! How can you just disappear

like that!”

“Oppa, Blink! Bliiiiink!”

“Kyahhhhhk! Artpe!”


The power, which had been maintaining the ruin, was gone. It was
obvious as to what would happen to the structure when it was
attacked from the outside. Of course, the 10 floor ruin would
collapse on itself!

While Artpe’s party was in a confused state, Regina temporarily

stopped the ice fragments from falling down on them.

“A tunnel exists. It was prepared as a contingency plan.

She told me about it.”

“She? Do you mean the Winter Queen?”


He did not doubt her words. He could feel the Record and Mana of
395 Report
the Winter Queen emanating from Regina’s whole body. The Winter
Queen had said she would give away her power to Regina, and it
seemed the Winter Queen had went above and beyond.

“I can’t last long.”

“I’m trying to find it.”

Artpe quickly searched his surrounding. The ruin was crumbling

right now, so Mana was being disturbed all over the place. It
obstructed his vision. However, his eyes had been trained for
numerous years, so he was able to filter out only the information he

‘I found it.’

The Mana around them was going wild. The Mana surged, and it
caused explosions that were destroying the ice. In the middle of all
of this chaos, there was a single path made out of Mana. This Mana
was flowing in a calm manner. The Winter Queen said she had
prepared a contingency plan. This had to be it!

“Crazy. We have to go deeper underground….. Sssp.

Everyone gather over here! Regina, you too!”

Artpe used his Materialization magic to tie several hundred Mana

Strings together. In a flash, he used it to open up a path leading
further underground. He sent his party into the Mana Road. Regina
was still trying to stop the ruin from falling down on their heads. He
half-carried her like a luggage as he ran into the Mana Road.

Afterwards, a fierce wind picked up, and they were pushed



“It is a wind infused with the cold. It will guide us down
396 Report
this path.”

He couldn’t see his other party members, who had jumped in

earlier. He was able to discern that the Mana Road wasn’t just a
stream of Mana. The winds were part of the magic itself. It seemed
the fierce cold winds could easily lift and transport a person. The
winds carried them onward!


Maetel had been the first to enter the ‘Road.’ She was using her
use superhuman will and Mana to move upstream. On the other
hand, Sienna had planted her hammer into the ground. Sienna and
Vadinet was clinging to the hammer for dear life.

Artpe put Regina under his arm. He moved forward, and he

grabbed Maetel’s hand. Afterwards, he had no problem in rejoining
with the rest of his party.

“Shall we just grab hands and go with the flow?”

“No way. Come out, magic carpet!”

“That is just the tent we always use!”

Artpe used his exquisite Mana Control to inject Mana into the tent
fabric. The tent opened wide, and he placed his party on top of it. It
would allow them to travel using the wind in style. It would allow
them to travel faster, and they would be comfortable while doing so.

“Suddenly, I feel right at home.”

“We have no idea how long this path is, so this will allow us
to rest. …..I have no idea when this Mana flow will be

It seemed the Winter Queen had invested a significant amount of
397 Report
time in creating this road. Maybe, she started working on it as soon
as Artpe reset the world.

However, the size and length of the road was massive. Even if the
Winter Queen had made it, he worried the road was incomplete.

“Mana Road. Amazing Record.”


After they settled atop the wind road, Regina had turned around.
He wondered what she was doing, but she was standing still as she
spread both her arms. It seemed she was taking in all the wind and
cold energy that was flowing past them.

“Yum yum.”

“All right. I get it. You don’t have to explain any further.”

It seemed Regina had been instructed to do this beforehand.

Regina had received enormous Mana and Record from the Winter
Queen. She would be able to absorb the Mana making up the wind
road without much problem.

‘There is a possibility that she had received something

much greater than what I had expected. Maybe, Regina had
received the Winter Queen herself…...’

“Did the Winter Queen tell you where this road leads to?”

“It is a journey without a destination. We are being guided

by the wind. It is a miraculous encounter.”

“If you don’t know it, just say you don’t know it.”

“I don’t know.”

They didn’t know what waited for them at the end of road, but they
398 Report
had already distanced themselves from the ruin. They had been
guided by the wind for a short amount of time, but they had travelled
several hundred kilometers at the very least.

“Since we’ve come this far, we won’t be attacked by the


“We went through the trouble of getting ready to fight that

woman, yet it was all for nothing. I wanted to show her the
power of my love for Artpe…...”

“······maybe it was a good thing that we didn’t fight her.”

Maetel’s joke was secondary to the frost resistance and the level
up acquired by the party members. Above all else, Regina had
gained a new power, and she would be able to go toe-to-toe with
Etna now.

However, that wasn’t enough. He wanted to change the Four

Heavenly King Etna into an asset for the hero’s party. His plan was
to cause critical damage to the Demon King’s army. He had
completed the magic tome with the help of the Winter Queen, but he
was still unsure as to whether the magic tome would succeed.

‘No, I have the ability to do it. Maybe, I’m psyching myself

out. I possess the power to change the history of the Demon
race in my hands. I have the power to change the future…..’

For better or for worse, the opportunity to confirm the ability of the
magic tome was pushed back when a new enemy showed up. It
wasn’t a big deal. He was actually happy, since he had more time to
‘experiment’ with the magic tome.

The problem was the sudden appearance of the new enemy. This
being had attacked the ruin without reason. Artpe had sensed the
being’s Mana, and he was sure that he had never met this Demon in
his past life.
399 Report
‘This Demon might be an officer in the force of the other
Demon King candidate. Maybe, this being was responsible
for sending Etna towards the ice continent…....’

He could somewhat guess at why Etna was sent towards the ice
continent. Maybe, they wanted her to lose her life when she
confronted the ruin. That probably was a leap in logic. Maybe, this
was a plot to make sure the hero’s party never gained the power of
the Winter Queen. They might have been expecting the Fire Witch to
blow away the ruin using her power.

‘Now I’m sure that I’m not the only one possessing
knowledge of the past life. There is a force that hadn’t
existed in my past life. Maybe, they are the source of all the
misfortune I suffered. That means from now on…..’

Fortunately, he had used the experience from his past life to

complete all the urgent tasks that needed to be completed. Regina
was the most important member, and she had acquired the Winter
Queen’s power in its entirety.

He had also acquired most of the Artifacts he had to have through

the help of Silpennon. The only thing that Artpe had to acquire
before those that knew about their past lives…..

“I guess the spellbook for the great magic called Rain of

Ruin is the only thing left.”

Rain of Ruin. It gathered the Mana of the land, and the spell turned
the Mana into an offensive force. It synchronized and strengthened
the Mana of the user. It was an AoE spell that allowed the user to
bombard one’s target.

It boasted an extreme amount of destructive capability. It could be

used against a single opponent or it could be used on a large region.
There was only two downside to this spell. When one used this spell,
400 Report
it consumed all of one’s Mana. Secondly, the process of chanting this
spell was embarrassing. It was so embarrassing that death might be

“It is very juvenile. It is suited for Artpe.”

“I’m not the one that needs to learn it. After you learn it,
you’ll have to proudly chant that spell out loud. You should
rehearse it starting from now.”

“······deny. Deny. Deny.”

Regina had been busy absorbing the Mana within the winds.
Regina kept shaking her head from side to side as she kept punching
Artpe’s shoulder. Maetel stared at Artpe, who was chuckling. She
asked him a question.

“Where do we have to go to gain the spell book called the

Rain of Ruin, Artpe?”

“There is a body of water called Zestbara. It is the border

that separates the human realm and the Demon realm.”

“If we are are going to acquire that, then…...”

“We are going to enter into the Demon realm.”

“I see······.”

They were slowly approaching that point. In most cases, monsters

over level 300 didn’t appear in the human realm.

There used to be some in the ice continent of Glacia. However,

Etna had guided Sienna and Regina around Glacia. They had killed
most of the high level monsters that had lived there for several
hundred years. Above all else, the top level figures in their enemy’s
forces might show up in Glacia. They could no longer go back to that
401 Report

“There is still some stuff that we have to acquire on this

side. However, I’ll leave that to Silpennon and Mycenae.
That’ll be an acceptable solution.”

“I don’t like both of them.”

“You already know everything about the human realm…. It

seems Artpe-nim knows everything.”

“Vadinet, you already said that last time.”


He had created a new empire, and he had gained influence over

the temple. He had prepared everyone. He no longer needed to
worry about the human realm. Even if he worried more about the
human realm, he couldn’t improve on the current situation.

The only thing weighed on his mind was the fact that he hadn’t
been able to recruit the warrior and the archer from the hero’s party
of his past life. In her past life, Maetel was able to recruit them
through series of chance encounters. It couldn’t be helped that they
weren’t able to come across the warrior and the archer.

‘In truth, we’ve gained party members that are more

powerful than them…...’

There was the holy priestess Vadinet, who had to part with the
hero’s party in her past life. Then there was the powerful dark horse
Sienna. She was an Evil Reflector, and she was the antipode to the
Demon race. Artpe had done everything he could do in the human
realm. In fact, he probably went above and beyond what had been
required of him.

‘There is the force that is being managed by the second
402 Report
Demon King. I cannot let my guard down. Moreover,
someone entirely new was added into the existing structure
of the Four Heavenly King. It is quite suspicious…. I don’t
know what my party will face, so it is imperative that we
strengthen our party. Mmm. Instead of the archer from our
past lives, maybe I should add Mycenae to the party.’

She acted arrogant for being a great merchant, but Artpe kinda
liked… Mycenae seemed very interested in joining their party, so if
he asked her to join the party, she would quickly accept the offer.

However, if she joined the party, the already combative

atmosphere of the party might worsen. This was why he worried
things would turn to shit. Above all else, Mycenae like to weaponize
her looks. She would be troublesome. He decided it wasn't
necessary for him to bring her in.

‘I have to find the warrior. Shit. i wonder where he is…..’

Should they really leave for the Demon world? Doubt started to
slowly creep into his mind. Did they really finish all their tasks in the
human realm? Did they really complete everything to the best of
their ability?!


“What is it, Sienna?”

She was the only one amongst the hero’s party that reassured his
heart. She was the treasure of this party. At Sienna’s careful
questioning, Artpe ended his brooding. He raised his head, and he
realized something.

“Where is this road connect to?”

“I guess I can see why you are asking me that.”
403 Report
They were traveling several hundred meters each second. They
were traveling at incredible speed, and they had already exited
Glacia. At this rate, they probably could cross several oceans to
reach Diaz once again. They were moving that fast.

Despite this fact, the road seemed to never end. In terms of

straight distance, they probably circled the whole world once.

What did that imply?

“······are we perhaps still going further underground?”

“We aren’t faking our death! We really are being buried


The path wasn’t horizontal! It meant the road was tilted

404 Report

Chapter 136
Source: Wuxiaworld

Several minutes had passed since they realized which direction the
wind road was flowing. Artpe and his party members shared a
companionable silence.

The hero’s party was riding a carpet deep into the ground, and
they were probably going to die. It might be a death of their own
making. It would be too embarrassing to put this story into the
hero’s tale.

“Wind is blowing hard.”

“You should hold still. I’m thinking about stopping our

progress. I’m wondering if I should bore through the

“The slope isn’t that steep.”

“At this speed, even a one degree gradient is a problem.

We might be heading towards the center of the world at
ridiculously high speed.”

“However, we won’t die. The Winter Queen intended for

this to happen. There is a destination.”

It was uncommon to hear such conviction behind Regina’s words.

He looked at the small glutton, who was absorbing the Mana within
the wind. He wondered how he should retort. In the end, he
shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

“All right. I’ll trust your words. However, I will also

prepare an escape plan.”
405 Report

Artpe could use the Blink Boot’s option. He could transport to any
location he desired. He could use this option once each day. It
wouldn’t be too hard to escape from this place if he could use that

However, the problem remained that a day hadn’t passed since he

had used that option. This was why the amount of Mana consumed
would be dependent on the distance they traveled. If he was rash in
using the ability, Artpe might use up all his Mana. He might become
a dried up mummy.

[Nyaa. Nyaa-ah.]

“There’s no such thing here.”

It had been a pretty long time since Roa had eaten negative
energy. This was why she insisted that she was emaciated. Of
course, she was regularly eating other forms of energy, so she was
just exaggerating her hardship.

“Be patient.”

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa-ah.]

“I don’t have anything.”

They were underground, so how could there be any negative

energy here! Maybe, if a few hundred thousand year old fossil
suddenly woke up as an Undead…..


“······ah. That’s right.”

Roa had been quiet up until now. When Roa started to assert
herself, it meant some kind of change was coming. Soon, he was
406 Report
proven right.

Artpe was about to burst out laughing when Sienna tilted her head
as she asked her question.

“Did an Undead really show up? I don’t feel the energy that
would accompany it.”

“It is the same for me. There is no way I wouldn’t know if

there was an Undead nearby.”

“It isn’t an Undead. If you consider our luck, it is probably

something much worse.”

He stroked the head of Roa when she stuck her head out from his
pocket. She had suddenly regained her vitality. Artpe spoke to his
party members.

“It seems Regina was right. The Winter Queen had a

specific destination in mind.”

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa-ah.]

“Yes, she might have wanted us to help them.”

At this point, even Artpe picked up on the hints. He had never

encountered them in his past life, but he vaguely remembered
hearing about them.

“There is only one race that lives this deep underground.”

“A race that lives underground······? We are heading

towards them right now?”


Artpe closed his eyes. The wind road was still carrying them at
high speeds, and Regina started absorbing the wind at a much faster
407 Report

“Dwarves. They are like the Elves within the Forest of

Eternity. They are one of the other races that boasts a
distinguished custom and tradition. They left their land
couple hundred years ago to head underground. They are a
mythical race that only appears in history.”

He was sure of it now. Artpe’s Read All Creation ability could sense
it. At the end of this road, the country of the underground race was
waiting for them. He could also feel an evil energy, so there might
be other beings beside the Dwarves waiting for Artpe’s party.

“Aren’t dwarves the midget race? They carry around

hammers. Moreover, they are supposed to be great fighters
and master craftsmen.”

“Koo-hmmm….. That might not be all true.”

At Maetel’s naive question, Vadinet let out a bitter laughter.

“It has been a very long time since the Dwarves made an
appearance in our history. I am of this era, so I have only
studied up on records of the distant past. These documents
only mention the Dwarves in passing. Most of the
information know about the Dwarves are inaccurate. The
authors of these books mixed in their own imagination, so
the information had been distorted in odd ways. I’m sure
some of it is correct, but…...”

“However, my dad said that Dwarves are an extremely

strong race.”

“Ahjussi said that?”

408 Report
As expected of a wandering merchant, he must have developed
the skill to bullshit. However, Artpe didn’t go out of his way to
destroy Maetel’s fantasy. He didn’t have to since they would be
meeting the Dwarves soon.

Above all else, Artpe didn’t know much about the Dwarves either.
In his past life, the Dwarves were never featured in the story of the
hero or the Demon King. They had been absent.

At the very least, the Dwarves hadn’t appeared above ground

when Artpe, who had been the weakest amongst the Four Heavenly,
had died. They might have made an appearance after his death, but
he doubted they would have been capable of influencing the tide of
war. That was his opinion.

‘However, the Winter Queen guided us to this place, so

there must be something here…. Then there is the energy
that Roa is responding in a sensitive manner. Maybe, they
couldn’t go above ground, because they are fighting this

It was as if a piece of the puzzle, which he couldn’t solve in his past

life, had clicked into place. Artpe was smirking at himself. Maetel,
who was grumpy, pulled at his cheek, but he was unresponsive. Roa,
who was within Artpe’s arms, was the only one that was letting out a
fierce light from her eyes.

[Nyaa nyaa! Nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa!]

“You should have been this aggressive when we fought

against the Four Heavenly King.”

[Nyaa nyaa-ahhhhhh!]

Roa said, ‘It is a sin to point out a woman’s weakness.’, as she

scratched his arm. Of course, Artpe snorted at her words.
409 Report
Regina, who had been silent, spoke up at that moment.

“The road ends. I see a fight in the future.”

“You saw correctly, Regina. Everyone get ready for a


A purple mass of Mana appeared above Artpe’s palm. It was a

phenomena that occurred when he coalesced several thousand
strands of Mana String into a ball. It looked very small, but each
strand could be expanded using his Materialization spell. There was
no way it could be negligible.

“Are you going to destroy the entire underground, Artpe?”

“Can you not look at me like that? You are scaring me.”

“Soon. There is 4 seconds left.”

“Four seconds? There is still no end to this road...koo-


When Regina’s words ended, the wind road suddenly accelerated!

At the same time, the gentle slope suddenly steepened. The
pressure made it seem as if they were being dropped from high


A large wall suddenly came into view. If they continued along this
path, they would crash into the wall! They would be flattened like
pancakes! The wind road was coming to an end.

Regina diligently moved her hands to absorb all the Mana, but they
were already traveling at high speeds. Regina’s actions didn’t slow
down their speed. It really looked as if they were about to die, so
Sienna lifted her sledge hammer.
410 Report
In the next moment...

“Kook. Let’s go!”

Artpe threw the ball of Mana resting atop his palm. In a flash, the
ball expanded, and it looked as if would cover the entire wall. The
wall was destroyed at an incredible rate, and a path through the wall
was created.

“W...what the hell!?”

“Is this perhaps Corrosion magic!?”

She never expected the hero to know such a malicious spell. By

the time Vadinet’s eyes turned round, Maetel figured out the identity
of the magic. She spoke in a calm manner.

“You wore down the wall using Hyper Rubbing?”

“Your assessment is better than expected.”

“It isn’t anything new anymore.”

It was a method that allowed him to get rid of something with

precision. He didn’t have to apply significant outward force to the
wall. He just rubbed it until it broke! It consumed a lot of Mana, and
it was a very roundabout way to destroy the wall. However, it was all
right since he achieved the desired result.

At that moment, Regina retracted both her arms. A vast amount of

Mana swirled inside her body. Her abilities were increasing in real

“The wind road has stopped. I ate well.”

“Wait a moment. Then you should stop the carpet!”

“This isn’t a carpet! It’s a tent!”
411 Report
The fact that he had erased a portion of the wall didn’t mean that
he could wipe out the speed of the tent! When they passed through
the hole in the wall, the party was sent flying towards the floor.

When they were on the wind road, there hadn’t been any
turbulence. However, once they lost balance, the tent started to
wobble in every direction. In a single second, they started to spin
several dozen times!


“This is fun!”

“Confess! Who the heck just fondled my butt!”

“I’m sorry, Artpe-nim!”


The confusion lasted only a moment. The party caught sight of a

large open space beneath the wall. Unfortunately, it was filled with
other guests.


“Block them! If we block them this day, it’ll be all over!”



“Beat them back! Beat them back!”

There were short warriors gathered in an absurdly large area.

Then there were the grotesque monsters! They looked like ashes,
which were pressed underneath a pot, had grown to enormous size!
He was sure that Roa had reacted to these monsters.
412 Report
Roa continued to meow within his pocket! The tent fabric opened
up wide, and it surrounded the party. It stopped the descent of the


“Aht. What the hell is that!? Did another Abyss open!”

The warriors were in the midst of a fierce battle with the monsters.
The eyes of the warriors and the monsters turned round when they
saw a large ball of something appear in the air.

The atmosphere of the battlefield froze for a brief moment! Artpe

carefully opened the corner of the tent fabric, which had been turned
into a ball around them. He called out to Roa.

“Roa, are you ok?”


“All right. Do whatever you want.”


It truly had been a long time since she had feasted on a buffet.
She was overly excited. She immediately resolved into black fog.
Roa let out a roar as she speeded across the air!

The surprised warriors swung their axes on reflex, but she easily
dodge all of them. Then Roa pounced on the monsters, which were
infused with Demonic energy. She used the technique she had
developed over time. She easily ignored the resistance put up by the
monsters, and she started sucking out only the Demonic energy.

[Geee······ Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!]

413 Report
Horrifying screams that shouldn’t exist in this world filled the
square. The monsters despaired when a monster worse than them
had made an appearance. She was ruthless as she feasted on the
monsters from an unknown origin. The warriors, who had been
fighting against the monsters, felt shock and fear when they
witnessed Roa’s gluttony. They lost the initiative.

“W....what the hell is that!?”

“Is it the core of the Abyss? It might be trying to eat all the
Shadows of the Sinners to ascend to the top! It might be
trying to rule the underground!”

The monsters and warriors within the square froze again for an
entirely different reason. The large fabric had slowly landed on the

“Whew. We are alive.”

“That’s too bad. I wanted to ride it a little more…..”

“You should remember this, Vadinet.”

Artpe’s party rose from the middle of the fabric, and the warriors
flinched once again. The fact that they were emitting a serious
amount of energy was secondary to the fact that these new figures
were from a completely different race.

“A...are they humans?”

“They came here with that monster over there….. They

might be Shadows pretending to be humans!”

“No way. I feel an extremely holy energy from them…..”

“Wait a moment. What if that monster isn’t from the

414 Report
Even as the short warriors whispered amongst themselves, they
raised their weapons towards Artpe’s party. They were wary of
Artpe’s party. The warriors were short. They barely reached past
130 centimeters, yet their small bodies were sturdy with muscles.
Artpe mumbled his words.

“Well, they are exactly as the book describes.”

“I guess so······.”

Vadinet mumbled in disbelief. At her reaction, Artpe smirked.

It was the moment when they faced the Dwarven race, who had
been lost from history.
415 Report

Chapter 137
Source: Wuxiaworld

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa!]


[ energy….. It’s being suck away…….!]

A massacre was occurring within the large space underground. A

black fog of unknown nature was letting out a weirdly cute roar as it
covered the open space. The black monsters, who were trapped
within the fog, kept screaming as they shriveled up. They fell over
and died. It was such a horrible sight that many wondered if this was
what it was like witnessing the Demon King at work.

“Good. She’s doing a good job eating all of them even if

there are a lot of them.”

When he witnessed this sight, Artpe nodded his head as he put on

a satisfied expression on his face. Sienna was standing next to him.
Her eyes had turned round as she mumbled her words.

“They all seem to be easily over level 200…..”

“All the while, Roa has grown a lot.”

Artpe’s party was acting in an extremely leisurely manner. The

warriors were flustered by this sight. Until a moment ago, they had
been fighting for their lives. These people had shown up from
nowhere, and they had killed several hundred to several thousand of
their enemies! Their enemies were dying without being able to put
up much of a resistance!

“W..who are you guys!”
416 Report
“Are you our enemies?! Are you guys from the Demon

First, Artpe was going to cut off the idea that his party was the
enemy. Artpe pointed towards the black fog that was zipping across
the square.

“I’m her owner. Moreover, I’m human.”

It was unexpected, but the Dwarves weren’t using the common

language of the continent. They were using an ancient language.
However, Artpe was fluent in most languages, so it wasn’t too hard
to reply in the same tongue as the Dwarves.

“It is as I have expected!”

“Still, that doesn’t guarantee that they aren’t our enemies.

I’ve never seen a magical beast capable of swallowing the
Shadows of Sinners!”

“We are deep underground, so how did these humans get


It didn’t matter if the Dwarven warriors were in a state of

confusion. Roa enthusiastically continued to satiate her appetite. It
didn’t take too long for the Shadows to be eradicated from the
square. There wasn’t a single one of them left.

“My god······.”

“ on guard. That thing ate all of them! We might be


The short Dwarven warriors kept hanging back as they bunched

together. The sight was a bit adorable, but that wasn’t important
right now. Roa looked across the square to the location where the
Shadows had exited. Roa turned backed into the form of a black cat
417 Report
as she stared at the deep black hole. She nodded her head as she
returned to Artpe’s arms.

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa, nyaa-nyaa-ah.]

“I see. It leads to a different place.”

Artpe let out a bitter laugh when he heard Roa’s explanation. He

never expected such a horrible ‘Dungeon’ to exist below the surface
of the world.

Just the presence of the hole dyed its surrounding with Demonic
energy. It was also a Dungeon that periodically spat out evil spirits
from within. It was no wonder the Dwarves were trapped
underground. It was understandable as to why they no longer
appeared above ground.

“A...a cat?”

“He really is its owner.”

The Dwarven warriors quieted down. Artpe had gained the upper
hand by merely having Roa in his arms. He smirked as he took a
step forward. The Dwarves flinched, and every one of them clenched
their weapons harder.

Artpe spoke.

“Hello. It is nice to meet you. As an aside, do you guys

have any Quests for us?”

It was the proper way to handle a first meeting with a different


The Dwarves thought they were going to fight a battle that would
determine the fate of the entire race. They had been trembling at
that thought. When they heard Artpe’s random question, they tilted
418 Report
their head in confusion.


“This is our first meeting with you, so why do you think we

have Quests…..”

“Everyone be quiet. We have one person that can speak on

the same eye level as them.”

“Ah, that’s right!”

It seemed the Dwarves had come to a conclusion. Several

Dwarven warriors quickly turned around, and they quickly ran into a
tunnel. On one end of this enormous square, there was the hole
where the evil spirits had crawled out from. On the other side, there
was a tunnel that presumably led to the territory of the Dwarves.

‘As expected of the Dwarves...’

Artpe had been surprised when he saw the existence of the long
tunnel. Aside from the Dwarves from the legends, it was impossible
to excavate and maintain structures so deep within the earth.

“Please wait a moment here. We live below the earth, so

we aren’t good at understanding complicated things.
Fortunately, we have a comrade that is quite bright. He will
be able to speak to you on the same eye level as you.”

“The words I want to convey isn’t that difficult to

understand…. All right. I just want you all to understand
that we hold no hostility towards the Dwarves.”

When one of the Dwarves spoke to him in a courteous manner,

Artpe let out a bitter laugh as he spoke. Artpe and his party
members had show up from nowhere, and they had slaughtered
several thousand monsters. They had kill them, because the
419 Report
monsters possessed Demonic energy. The Dwarves were like the
Elves. They were of another race. Artpe wasn’t going to attack

‘······maybe, they are reacting this way, because they know

about how humans treat the other races.’

It hadn’t been too long since he had settled the problems between
humans and the Elves. When he thought about that incident, Artpe
just shrugged his shoulders.

“So? When is your comrade coming?”

“I received a report that said the fight in the other cave is

almost done. It shouldn’t be too long. …..ah. Here he

The Dwarf’s complexion visibly brightened when he saw his

comrade running through the tunnel at a rapid rate. It made one
wonder how strong and dependable this comrade was. When Artpe
raised his gaze…..


He froze in place when he came across someone in the most

unlikely place.

“Living Armor?”

“He is wearing an extremely large armor!”

“Appalling amount of magical energy. ….outward

appearance looks funny.”

“Oh my. It is true. He will be able to speak to us on the

same eye level as us. …..physically.”

Since the Dwarves mentioned a comrade, he had expected it to be
420 Report
another Dwarf. He had been wrong. Even if the height of Maetel and
Artpe was combined, this man might be taller. He was wearing
enormous full plate armor and helm. There was a large axe and
shield strapped to his back, yet he was running at high speeds
through the tunnel.

“Are they enemies?! Leave them to me!”

“Wait a moment, Erick! We aren’t sure if they are


The Dwarves, who were chasing after him, kept yelling at Erick.
They wanted him not to be rash in his actions. However, it was as if
the words of the Dwarves went in one ear and out the other. Erick
gripped his axe as he increased his speed. When Maetel saw this,
she started unsheathing her sword. However, Artpe stopped her
before she unsheathed it fully.

“That guy has no intentions of attacking us.”

“Ok. Understood.”

It was as Artpe had predicted. It looked as if he was planning to

chop down the party with his axe, but he slow down as he got closer
to Artpe’s party. He came to a complete stop in front of them..

“Mmm. They aren’t enemies!”

A very tough and manly voice rang out from within the armor.
Artpe smirked as he nodded his head.

“Yes, we aren’t your enemy. If you consider those

monsters covered in Demonic energy as your enemy, we
might be able to help you out. Of course, a suitable
recompense would be needed in return.”

“I like the fact that you are honest! It is nice to meet you.
421 Report
My name is Elrick! ······ah.”

“I’m Artpe.”

The man tried to take off his gauntlet, but he reacted as if he had

forgotten something. He just pushed his hand forward as is. Artpe
didn't hesitate as he lightly grabbed the gauntlet for a handshake.
Artpe let go afterwards.

“I’m sorry. I cannot take off my gauntlets right now. I keep

forgetting about that fact.”

The man put on an apologetic expression on his face. In truth, his

face was not visible, because of the helmet. At the very least, his
voice sounded apologetic.

“I understand. A lot can happen in this world.”


As if she agreed with Artpe’s sentiment, Roa let out a meow.

However, Artpe patted her as if to say it wasn't time yet. Roa had
just finished a gluttonous feast, so she wasn’t particularly hungry.
Roa assented as she gave a short cry. Then she completely
disappeared into his pocket.

When the man saw a cat shake her tail as she settled into Artpe’s
pocket, his voice rose in surprise.

“So this cat ate all the Shadows of the Sinners? It really is
an incredible familiar.”

“That’s right. She is quite useful. By the way······ You call

them Shadows of Sinners?”

When he checked it with his Read All Creation ability, he found out
that they were Ancient Evil Spirits. However, he didn’t want to call
422 Report
them by such a strange name, so Artpe settled on calling them
Shadows of Sinners.

“I learned it from the Dwarves! In truth, it hasn’t been

long since I’ve arrived underground.”

The man sheepishly scratched his head. However, when he

realized that his hand was just scratching his helmet, he brought it
down. No matter how one looked at it, the helmet looked
uncomfortable. However, the man was showing no signs of taking it

‘No, that’s not right.’

Artpe checked himself. The man wasn’t taking off the helmet and
gauntlets out of sheer stubbornness. He couldn’t take it off.

[Light of the Fighting Spirit]

[It was an armor worn by the continent’s greatest

berserker Alturk. He wore it up until his death. A curse was
placed on the armor by his vindictive spirit. As a price for
gaining massive power, the wearer becomes bound to the

Amongst curses, this armor was infused with the highest ranked
curse. The suffering created from not being able to take off the
armor was immeasurable. He didn’t want to feel sympathy, but
Artpe felt sympathy for the man.

“It seems you’ve suffered a lot.”

“As expected of a magician, you recognized it


The man nodded his head.

“I acquired this armor by chance. When I put it on, I
423 Report
discovered that I couldn't take it off. At first, I travelled to
Paladia, but they denied me entrance to the city. I was told I
looked too suspicious. , I went to Aedia, but the first thing
those bastards did was to put a strange contract in front of
me. That is why I wandered the world, and in the end, I
arrived underground. I thought maybe the Dwarves had
some method of getting this off.”

He had travelled all over the world for the single goal of getting his
armor off. In the end, he arrived at the underground world where the
Dwarves lived. Unlike him, Artpe’s party had arrived at this location
through the help of the Winter Queen. They used a half-assed
method to reach this place. Elrick’s story was worthy of someone
that was a main character to a story.

“I’m sorry, Elrick. If our techniques were a bit better, we

would have been able to take off your armor.”

“It’s all right. It’s all right. By coming here, I found a foe
that I can fight, so it wasn’t a loss.”

“Elrick, you are incorrigible!”

“That’s······ Hmm.”

It seemed Elrick and the Dwarves had a friendly relationship with

each other, but it wasn’t the time for all of this. Artpe let out a small
fake cough, and Elrick finally turned around. He was human, but
Elrick was the representative of the Dwarves. He had to bargain with
Artpe’s party!

“Artpe, it seems you guys didn’t use the same tunnel as me

to reach this place…. How did you arrive so deep

“When we cleared a ruin, a powerful magical energy threw
424 Report
us towards this place. That is how we reached this place.”

“Ah, I see. I guess that can happen.”

Artpe’s explanation was too abridged, but Elrick just accepted

Artpe’s words. He seemed like a complete mess, but the Dwarves
were also nodding their heads. It seemed all of them were abnormal.

“That means you guys came here by chance, and you don’t
plan on acting hostile towards the Dwarves…. Moreover, you
want to receive a Quest from us.”

“That’s right. It seems you guys are having trouble

fighting the Shadows of Sinners. I think we’ll be helpful in
solving that problem.”

“It is an offer that is as surprising as your sudden

appearance…. All right. Wait a moment here.”

Elrick nodded his head. He turned around, and he conversed with

the Dwarves. As that was going on, Artpe’s party was also
whispering to each other.

“Dwarves are adorable.”

“They aren’t as strong as that man, but they seem strong.

All this time such a powerful force was buried underground.”

“Interesting. Exploration is the mother of magic.”

“This isn’t something we can accomplish in a day or two. Is

that ok, Artpe?”

“Yes. I was undecided until a moment ago, but I decided

there is something worth acquiring here.”

He was in the territory of the Dwarves. They were a race that he

had never come across in his past life. Then there was the strange
425 Report
monsters that was infused with Demonic energy. In the beginning,
he thought they were the reason why the Winter Queen had sent
them here. However, such thoughts were wiped cleaned from his
mind when he saw Elrick.

‘I never expected to find the warrior of the hero’s party


The man named Elrick was wearing heavy armor, and he was
laughing heartily as he spoke to the Dwarves.

He was one of the original three members that had joined the
hero’s party. Even when the hero’s party had reached the Demon
King’s castle, the warrior had continued to be the sturdy backbone of
the hero’s party.
426 Report

Chapter 138
Source: Wuxiaworld

Artpe already had a rough idea as to why the Dwarves were unable
to travel aboveground,. They were too busy blocking the monsters
called the ‘Shadows of Sinners’, and these Shadows had crawled out
from holes within the underground realm of the Dwarves.

Despite this fact, the Dwarves had done well. They lived
underground as they disposed of the Shadows. However, at some
point in time, the power and number of monsters increased

Those that couldn’t withstand the change died one by one. While
the number of Dwarves dwindled, the number of enemies continued
to rise. When they were backed up against the wall, the warrior
Elrick had shown up. He had possessed amazing power.

“However, I’m merely a warrior that is somewhat good at

swinging my axe. I have no problem killing the strong ones,
but I feel myself lacking against a large number of foes.”

The Dwarves were doing a little bit better than the worst case
scenario, because Elrick had been helping them for the past several
years. It meant Artpe’s party had come to the underground world at
the right time.

“How many holes like that exists?”

“There are a total of 17 of them in the underground world.

However, it is our conjecture that they might all lead to the
same place.”

It seemed the Dwarves were finally able to let go of their wariness
427 Report
a little bit. A Dwarf peek out from behind Elrick as he spoke. Artpe
didn’t hesitate as he confirmed the Dwarf’s theory.

“Right. This is a Dungeon. I believe the holes are multiple

Dungeon entrances.”

“As expected, it is a Dungeon! However, it is a place that

is crawling with these monsters. We didn’t have the courage
to enter it, so we’ve been stuck in this situation.”

“There is a difference between courage and foolhardiness.”

“It makes me uncomfortable to admit that, but you are

right….. Yes, it is impossible for us to clear it. That is

Elrick asked him a question.

“Are you guys able to do it?”

“Of course. The question is how fast we can finish it. That
is the only debate in this matter.”


The Dwarves had seen Roa’s rampage a moment ago, so they

couldn’t gainsay Artpe’s confident words. Elrick also didn’t say
anything further. He was a skilled warrior, so it wasn’t too hard to
judge the power level of Artpe’s party.

“You said you wanted a Quest. So what do you want from

the Dwarves in return for doing this Quest?”

“I’ll take whatever you guys can give us. Now that I think
about it…..”

Artpe nodded his head as he looked at the assembled Dwarves. He

had looked at each one of them through his Read All Creation ability.
428 Report
It seemed the Dwarves were stronger than any aboveground elite
order of knights. Artpe also realized something.

Aside from their martial prowess that was beyond elite, the
Dwarves possessed something else that was obvious.

Surprisingly, most of them had learned the Blacksmithing skill.

Moreover, several of the Dwarves had achieved an impossibly high
level in the Blacksmithing skill.

“I know that there are a lot of mastersmiths amongst you.

WIll it be possible for you to fix our party’s armor? Ah.
There is also something I want you to create.”

Artpe’s party hadn’t come across any good blacksmiths on their

journey. From the beginning, his party had lasted by using the
Dungeon rewards from defeating the monsters. They had used the
Artifacts they had acquired.

Of course, the locations they had visited were extraordinary, so the

acquired Artifacts weren’t lacking in performance. However, there
was a difference between strengthening an item through magical
energy, and the physical modification and optimization of an item. A
skilled blacksmith’s hands could wrought remarkable enhancements
even on products created through Artpe’s Reinforcement skill.

“That is all you want from us?”

“On the other hand, that is all we can give you, so I’m at a
loss for words.”

“Elrick, why don’t we allow them to enter into our city?”

Elrick and the Dwarves exchanged few more words. They nodded
their heads as they turned around. Elrick was wearing a steel
helmet, so his expression was indecipherable. However, he could
feel a sense of relief coming from Elrick. He was aware of the
429 Report
dangers of the underground world, and it would have been a lie to
say that he didn’t welcome the appearance of Artpe’s party.

“They’ve decided to accept your offer. We will guide you to

the city of the Dwarves. Actually, I’m also a guest of the

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa.]

“All right, Roa.”

This was how Artpe’s party had ended the battle, and a temporary
peace had returned to the square. As they traveled through the
tunnel created by the Dwarves, more Dwarves started to appear
from various locations, and they joined the procession.

“Who are these humans?”

“Did they come from the same place as Elrick?”

“They are powerful! I never expected them to help in the

work of disposing the Shadows of Sinners!”

As they traveled through the tunnel, several thousand Dwarves

had joined the procession However, the atmosphere was dampened
by the fact that a part of the procession was carrying the corpses of
their fallen comrades.

“Still, the number of death was small today. Is it because

he showed up? I mean that big bastard.”

“He didn’t come to our location. Anyways, your side barely

had any casualties. Is it thanks to those humans?”

“It isn’t quite correct to say that it was thanks to the

humans, but…. No, you’ll be able to see it soon. Anyways,
these humans are our precious guests, so please treat them
430 Report
“Ah, Artpe. It’s this way.”

Soon, the tunnel came to an end, and they were greeted by a very
large space. It couldn’t be compared to the square from before.
Maetel’s mouth fell open as she stared at the absurdly high ceiling.

“It is amazing, Artpe. I’m sure the structures supporting

this place is artificial. Consequently, these structures are
causing the Mana to gather, and it is propping up the

“The fact that you were able to realize that fact at a glance
is amazing. …..yes. They are able to gain mastery over
Mana through their blacksmithing skill. In fact, I heard that
this is how they are able to create Artifacts. Of course, this is
the first time seeing it in reality.”

Maetel was visibly happy when she heard his words.

“So even Artpe is seeing this for the first time. Hoo hoo.”

“…it is the first for me too!”

“It’s my first time too!”


The Dwarves had created this underground city, and various

buildings were packed into this space. However, there weren’t many
recreational facilities in the city. They only saw several pubs.

“In the past, we loved and enjoyed the arts….. However,

we are too busy trying to eat and survive. Our city turned a
bit soulless.”

When the Dwarf realized where Artpe’s gaze had settled, he

shrugged as he gave an explanation. Artpe didn’t go out of his way
431 Report
to say anything negative. The fact that another race was able to live
underground was miraculous in itself.

“What will you all do once the problem of the holes is


“I’ve never thought that far ahead.”

It was understandable. The Dwarves had welcomed Artpe’s party,

and they didn’t doubt Artpe’s party when they had offered help.
However, the Dwarves didn’t have a complete grasp of the extent of
power possessed by Artpe’s party. There was a high probability that
the Dwarves thought they were adding powerful warriors on the
same level as Elrick.

“It’ll be fine to think about that later on. Look over there.
That place is where you guys will reside.”

“How kind.”

“I’ll take it from here, Casibo. I want to hear some news

about the human realm from them.”

“All right, Elrick. Let’s have some ale later on at the pub!”

“Of course!”

The Dwarves left Elrick to guide Artpe’s party, then they

immediately dispersed into the city. From various parts of the city,
the sounds of hammers banging on metal was heard. When the
Dwarves weren’t in battle, it seemed they were busy making
preparations for future battles.

“Humans would probably faint from surprise at this sight.”

“I think so too, Artpe. Don’t you think it’ll be really fun if

they are able to come above ground?”
432 Report
It was a question posed by Elrick. This was obvious, but Elrick’s
helmet prevent Artpe from ascertaining his expresssion.

“You can tell by looking at their equipments, but their

blacksmithing technique has risen to a staggering level. The
more shocking fact is the fact they are all well over level 200
on average.”

“Their number looks small, but yes, it is quite surprising.”

Instead of an era of prosperity, the Dwarves were continuously in a

state of decline. This was why there were less than 100 thousand
Dwarves left. On the other hand, around 70 thousand of the Dwarves
were capable of fighting. Most of them exceeded level 200. No
country above ground could boast such a force. Elves, who were the
most well known race other than humans, couldn’t even come close
to the Dwarves.

“So you want to send them above ground, Elrick?”

“No. It is because of the question you asked before. You

asked them what they would like to do after solving the
problem of the Abyss. Your question suddenly made me
think about it. Their ability to reproduce and their battle
capability is amazing. What would happen if they went above
ground? If the human realm is at peace right now, would it
bring unnecessary chaos to the world…..”

As if he didn’t believe his own word, Elrick shook his head.

“It won’t be too long before the Demon King’s army will
invade the human realm. If such a dependable army decides
to join humanity’s side, it would naturally bring stability back
to the human realm.”

433 Report
He never expected such words from Elrick, so Atpe couldn’t reply.
It seemed Elrick realized that the human realm was in trouble. This
was surprising in itself, but a bigger blow arrived immediately

“Don’t you agree, hero?”


It seemed this guy knew everything. In his previous life, the

warrior was the main member that Artpe couldn’t decipher in the
hero’s party. He was a charismatic warrior in a can, and he had the
ability to catch a person off base. When Artpe laughed without giving
a reply, Elrick let out a light laugh as he asked another question.

“If you told everyone that you are the hero, everyone
would have followed your words. So why didn’t you tell

“Instead of suddenly showing up and declaring myself as

the hero, I thought it would be better to tell them after we
successfully finish the Quest.”

In truth, the situation had progress too rapidly that it would have
felt awkward to reveal the fact that they were the heroes. However,
he didn’t tell Elrick this fact. It also seemed Elrick liked his

“You are saying actions speak louder than words. Very


“In that sense, I would like to ask…. How did you know I
was the hero?”

“Of course, I know. You are unbelievably strong compared

to your young age. Your name is Artpe, and above all else, it
is your appearance. From the time you left Diaz, you grew a
434 Report
little bit, but you look almost exactly the same. That means
the girl behind you is named Maetel? I’ve seen you guys not
too long ago, so it would be strange if I didn’t remember you

“You are referring to the announcement made by Diaz!?”

Artpe was getting a feel for when Erick had entered the territory of
the Dwarves! Elrick nodded his head in an indifferent matter.

“Of course, it was an announcement about the heroes, so I

remember it. However, I never expected you guys to be so
powerful so soon…....”

“It has been 3 years since we were designated heroes.”

“It has only been 3 years!? You guys got this strong in just
3 years!?”


Artpe looked at the shocked Elrick, and he wanted to say, ‘I should

be saying that to you.’ Artpe remembered the formation of the hero’s
party in his past life.

[Elrick Beltopata]

[Human Male]

[Shield Master]

[Level : 287]

The party had begun with just Maetel and Silpennon. It didn’t take
them too long to bring in the warrior as a comrade. At the time, the
warrior had been struggling to get past level 200. For some reason,
the current warrior was similar in level and skill compared to Artpe’s
party when they entered into Paladia!
435 Report
This was why Artpe had been surprised when he met the warrior.

There was only one possibility. In his past life, the warrior had
joined the hero’s party without meeting the Dwarves. The heroes
had run away in this life, and the warrior’s future had changed. That
meant the warrior had fought incredibly strong monsters in the
territory of the Dwarves, and his growth had been accelerated.

‘In terms of being a genius, this guys is a monster that far

outstrips Silpennon..’

Somehow, he always used Silpennon as the measuring stick, so he

felt a bit sorry about that. However, this only happened, because
Silpennon was enough of a genius to be compared to other geniuses.
Silpennon was a rare genius, yet a more extraordinary genius had
appeared. The only thing Artpe could do was to blame the gods now.

“Anyways, let’s get back to the main topic…. From the

perspective of a hero, it wouldn’t be bad to co-opt the
Dwarves to the side of humanity. That is why I want you to
concern yourself with what happens here. That is all I
wanted to say to you. These guys are really kind.”

“You dont’ have to worry about it. We’ll end this soon.”


Elrick repeated Artpe’s words when he realized something. The

small and cute black cat in Artpe’s pocket was gone. At some point
in time, she had disappeared.

“Can it be? The cat can do it on its own?”

“Hue. You are sharp.”

The fact that Roa could or couldn’t solve this on her own wasn’t the
problem. As soon as Artpe established a Quest with the Dwarves,
436 Report
Roa had been afraid someone would steal some of the energy from
her. She had run straight towards the hole.

“That means we can leisurely tour the city, and we can

leave after receiving the reward. Aside from that, I have a
proposal for you, Elrick.”

“Koohk. You are quite good.”

When the fact that he was the hero was revealed by Elrick, Artpe
had lost the upper-hand. Artpe had easily regained the upperhand
right now.

He grinned as he asked Elrick a question.

“What if I said I can help you be freed from your armor?

What would you be willing to do?”
437 Report

Chapter 139
Source: Wuxiaworld

“You can free me from this armor!?”

“Yes. Of course. It is very simple.”

“How can this be······!”

Elrick Beltopata had been the warrior of the hero’s party in his past
life. When Artpe had died, Elrick had still been unable to take off his

Was it because he didn’t visit the underground world in his past

life? Of course not. It was, because the curse infused within the
armor was god-awful.

In fact, the curse was strengthened every time blood was soaked
into the armor during a victory in battle. At this point in time, there
was no Cancellation magic in the human realm that could free Elrick.

If Elrick met Aedia’s king or the holy priestess of Paladia in the

initial stages of the armor’s curse, it could have been solved
somehow. It really was unfortunate for Elrick.

“!? How can it be done?”

It was something no one in the human realm could do. Artpe had
nonchalantly said that he could do it, so it would have been strange if
Elrick hadn’t shown any excitement. His armor clanked as he
approached Artpe. Elrick pushed his head close to Artpe’s face as he

“I’ll be very angry if this is a simple prank. I put my life on

the line in order to take off this armor.”
438 Report
“The Dwarves have the unsurpassed ability to create magic
through metal. I confirmed it with my own two eyes earlier….
However, their abilities are lacking for your purpose. At the
very least, they won’t be able to do it with their current level
of skill.”

“I already know that! That is why I am subjugating the

Shadows of Sinners as I wait for them to train their

“I see. That’s how it is.”

However, Elrick had no idea when he’ll be able to take off his

armor. At this rate, will there be any Dwarves alive? That was the

“Even they can’t do, so how will you be able to do it? That
is what I want to hear!”

“Our conversation is getting pretty long······ Isn’t it strange

to make so much noise on the street? First, let’s change

“O...of course. …...come this way. We just need to go a

little bit further.”

Artpe’s party accompanied the overly excited Elrick, and they

headed towards their temporary lodging. Did the past owner die
recently? The temporary lodging was quite large and clean.

“Now you should tell me!”

Elrick was so desperate that he turned around as soon as they

crossed the front door. He shouted his words. A bitter smile
appeared on Artpe’s lips.

“My girls need to rest.”
439 Report
If Elrick was female, his party members would have watched over
him with vigilant eyes. However, Elrick was male. His party was
worn out from the travel between the Winter Queen’s ruin and the
underground world. They meekly went to rest. The only one that
worried over Artpe was Maetel.

“Artpe, is this really ok? What if the content within the

armor defied all expectation and it turned out to be a cute
girl….. I would…..”

“What the hell are you worried about?”


When Maetel received a flick to her forehead, Maetel obediently

went away.

Artpe and Elrick sat across the dining table from each other. Artpe
couldn’t see Elrick’s face thanks to the armor, but Artpe could hear
the armor clank. Elrick was fidgeting. It was clear that Elrick was

“Hey, Artpe….”

“I already said that it’s possible.”

If he delayed this any further, Elrick would probably grab the axe
propped up next to the front door. Elrick would probably bring the
axe down on him, so Artpe decided to acquiesce to Elrick’s request.

“If you really want to take off your armor, it won’t be a

problem. I’ll take it off of you as soon as Roa comes back.”

“Really! The cat is capable of eating more than the

Demonic Energy!”

“Of course. The curse placed on your armor is especially
440 Report
thick and vicious. It is basically the ultimate delicacy for

There was a massive amount of Shadows of Sinners within the

Abyss. If Roa hadn’t known about that, she wouldn’t have been able
to hold herself back for even a second. She would have been sucking
out the curse within the armor by now.

“In that case!”

“In that case...”

Artpe’s eyes shone.

“Will you really be ok with taking off your armor?”


It was as if Artpe gaze was penetrating his helmet. Elrick’s armor

clanked once again. Elrick was trying to respond in the most
nonchalant manner as possible, but he couldn’t fool Artpe.

“You are really powerful right now, and you have earned
the respect of the Dwarves…. If you lose the ability of the
armor, will you be able to pull off exploits like right now?”

“······you already know about this armor’s abilities?”

“I just know that the structure of the curse isn’t simple. It

isn’t simply there to torment you. It seems your torment
results in bringing up your battle capabilities.”

Level was everything. When a difference of even one level was

formed, it was hard for an opponent to overcome that difference. It
didn’t matter how outstanding one’s skill was.

On the other hand, there were few miraculous factors that allowed
one to transcend the difference in level.
441 Report
The most typical example was the special Classes like being a hero
and a holy priestess. Then there was the Innate abilities. Lastly,
there were Artifacts that performed at a transcendent level.

Of course, the armor imprisoning Elrick’s body was such an

Artifact. It strengthened the abilities of its wearer. Amongst these
types of Artifacts, the armor was in the highest class. It was a
legendary Artifact. The only item in Artpe’s possession that could
rival the armor was the Demite Pipi.

Demite wasn’t a normal Artifact. It was closer to a living organism

that possessed an innate will. If one took that into account, one
could surmise as to how amazing Elrick’s armor was.

“······you are right.”

Elrick hesitated for brief moment, but in the end, he acknowledged

Artpe’s words.

“I was able to measure up to the expectation of the

Dwarves thanks to this Artifact. In fact, I had some idea that
the pent-up frustration and anger within me was
strengthening the power of the armor..”

“The curse is complicated. The curse on your armor has an

additive effect. It changed your body and Record. That is
why you were able to outperform your level. ….if you take
that armor off, you will no longer be able to handle that
power. You won’t be able to adjust to your weakened body,
and in all likelihood, you’ll be in trouble. Do you want to take
off the armor knowing this?”



It took some time for Elrick to continue his speech.
442 Report
Artpe looked at him with amusement in his eyes. Finally, Elrick
opened his mouth.

“I still want to take off the armor.”

“I see.”

“It isn’t simply because the armor is suffocating. I cannot

deny the fact that the Artifact allowed me to reach my
current status. I also know that the Artifact is part of my
powers now, but…..”


It was unknown as to whether Elrick saw the smile forming on

Artpe’s lips. However, Elrick didn’t make a fuss as he accepted
Artpe’s words.

“In the end, the Artifact is a tool I use. I cannot let the
armor use me. I cannot let it be my master. That is why I
want to take off the armor.”

“Good. You have a proper understanding as to what an

Artifact is.”

“Above all else····· I am tired of this lie.”

“A lie. Yes, it is a lie.”

When Elrick saw Artpe’s smile deepen, his armor once again

“I bet a lot of people told you that you are full of it.”

“Correct. I probably heard that I’m full of it from others

more than the number of bread I ate in my entire life.”

“Then I’ll add to that number. You are really full of it.”
443 Report
He had heard it too much that he wasn’t bother by it. Artpe
shrugged his shoulders as he spoke.

“At this point, I know that you have a proper perspective

on what the role of an Artifact is. That is why I have a

“I want to turn it down.”

“No, you should hear me out first. In truth, the surest way
of getting your armor off is to use Roa. However, there is
another method that I can attempt.”

“······I really want to turn it down.”

There was a sure way of getting the armor off, so why would he
choose another method?!

Artpe knocked on the can as he spoke.

“It is as you’ve said. Artifacts are tools. The problem with

the armor is the fact that it is trying to use you according to
its will. Listen to this. What if it is possible to advance the
features of the armor. You will be able to take off the armor
as you will while being able to use its power. Wouldn’t that
be the best?”

“My mom always said there is no free lunch. She also said
this. If a deal sounds too good to be true, I should chew on it
a hundred times then I should decline the offer.”

He was told to decline a deal after thinking over it a hundred

times! It seemed Elrick’s righteous attitude stemmed from a
fantastic upbringing. Artpe was a bit nervous, but he didn’t back off.

“Of course, there is a risk. I have to touch the vengeful

spirit. If the power of the Artifact runs rampant, there is a
444 Report
possibility of you and I becoming injured. If we leave it to
Roa, she’ll eat it before the vengeful spirit of the armor can
do anything to you, so there is no danger with that method.”

“As expected, I’d rather ask the cat to·····.”

“What if I said that method will allow you to control your

enormous power? Wouldn’t you be willing to take such a

“Still, I want the cat to······.”

At that point, Artpe decided to bring out his last card.

“Don’t you want to join our party? Even if the task within
the underground world is solved, you won’t be able to join
our party in your state.”


It seemed Artpe had hit the bullseye. Elrick immediately fell silent.

“······how did you know?”

“It had been three years since the news about the heroes
were announced. You lived in this dark underground, yet you
didn’t forget about that information.”


Of course, Artpe had seen Elrick in the hero’s party with his own
two eyes in his past life. Elrick fell for Artpe’s specialty called the
Bluff skill.

“It is true that I wanted to join the hero’s party. I always

dreamed about becoming a hero. Since I wasn’t chosen to be
the hero, I wanted to stand next to the heroes at the very
least…… However, it seems that won’t be possible. Doesn’t
445 Report
this mean that I am worthless without this armor?”

“No way. I am merely saying that you won’t be able to

survive in the Demon world without the support of the

At Artpe’s words, Elrick’s armor clanked as he shouted.

“You guys are going to the Demon world!?”

“If we didn’t have to make an emergency landing here, we

would probably be trying to enter into the Demon world by
now. We just happened to arrive here by chance, and we
found the evil spirits and you….. In truth, I thought this was
a great opportunity.”

It was a chance to increase the number of party members.

It was a chance for Roa to eat to her heart’s content and grow.

······it was also a chance for him to experiment with his magic tome.

“I hope you aren’t misunderstanding my words. Your

talent and body is already excellent. You are plenty qualified
to enter into our party. However, we don't have much time
left. That is the problem. That is why I am suggesting we
take a small risk here to increase your power. If we

“I will go to the Demon world with you guys······.”

Elrick thought hard on it, and in the end, he asked a question in a

small voice.

“Is…. Is there a chance I can die?”

“At most, you’ll suffer a normal critical wound”
446 Report
“······all right. I’ll attempt it if you accept my terms. If you
succeed, you’ll accept me into your party.”

“You made a really good choice.”

In truth, it didn’t matter if the armor became useless. Artpe could

bring along Elrick using Maetel’s Record Master and Acceleration
skill. He could induce a growth spurt in the Demon world. However,
Artpe didn’t feel the need to mention this fact. He grabbed Elrick’s
hand….. Artpe grabbed Elrick’s gauntlet and he shook it. There was
no way he would let go of such a great opportunity to experiment
with his magic tome.

“Then you should come here tomorrow. I have couple thing

I have to prepare.”

The magic tome was being used against a vengeful spirit instead of
a Demon. Still, it was in the margin of what the magic tome was
capable of doing. He just needed to come up with several new
methods in how he’ll use the magic tome. He had to prepare the
magic stone.

He had never expected to meet Elrick in the first place when they
drifted into the underground world. The fact that he was able to
prepare the magic in one day was a miracle in itself.

“Tomorrow······ All right. You guys should be tired. You

should get some sleep. Another battle awaits us tomorrow.”

“A battle…. Thank you for worrying about us. I'll see you
tomorrow. Get ready to take off that suffocating helmet.”

It was nebulous as to whether a battle would really occur

tomorrow. Artpe put on a sly smile. He stood up, and he saw Elrick

This was how Artpe very easily tricked Elrick. It made him look
447 Report
forward to tomorrow.
448 Report

Chapter 140
Source: Wuxiaworld

“So, Elrick, isn’t the armor stuffy?”

The hero’s question still made her sound very young. The only part
of the helmet that could be opened was the chin guard. The warrior
was eating the soup through this opening when he replied with a flat

“It is stuffy.”

“So why don’t you take it off?”

“······Silpennon. Do you mind if I beat this woman?”

“No. Please refrain from doing so.”

The hero was very kind and beautiful, but she was a bit dumb.
Since the thief knew this, he desperately tried to hold back the
warrior. There were only three members in the hero’s party, and it
would be ridiculous to lose one member for such a ridiculous reason.

“I told you I can’t take off my armor, Maetel.”

“I heard it, but…. Ooh-oong.”

The hero tilted her head. Her bright golden hair flowed down to
the side as a result, and Silpennon became mesmerized as he
watched this sight. He let out a fake cough.

“That’s weird. The Mana emanating from the armor is tied

up in a very complicated manner to Elrick…. If he moves his
Mana like this and like that, I think he could take off his
449 Report

“Please endure it.”

The hero was a bit dumb, but her ability to control Mana was
beyond exceptional. It exceeded all imagination. If she was the one
inflicted with the curse, she would probably be able to move around
the Mana of the curse to remove the armor. That thought came
unbidden to him, and it pissed him off more. He was mad, because
he was inferior compared to this idiot!

“Actually, I’m curious about something related to your


Silpennon took the ladle from the warrior, and he took his own
portion of the soup. He blew on his soup as he asked a question. It
hadn’t been long since they started their journey. He looked young
at that moment.

“No matter how I see it, the armor is full of ominous Mana.
You are incredibly skilled, so I cannot accept the idea that
you put that armor on without knowing about the curse.”

“That’s true. Incredible amount of ominous Mana keeps

pouring out of it.”


When the hero and the thief asked in unison, the armored warrior
thought for a brief moment. His armor clanked as he groaned. He
started speaking. Since he was wearing the helmet, one couldn’t see
if his mouth was open or not.

“······yes, that’s right. Before I wore this armor, I knew what

would result if I put on this armor. In truth, I had already
thought about what would happen before I put it on.”
450 Report
“I knew it.”

“So why did you do it? Elrick, you don’t seem like the
person to covet power.”

They hadn’t traveled too long with each other, but Silpennon and
Maetel had already assessed Elrick’s personality. Elrick loved helping
the weak, and he couldn’t stand injustice. Basically, he had the
personality of a prototypical hero.

If he didn’t have strength, he would have just been an idealistic

fool. However, he had possessed the power to meet out his own
sense of justice even before he acquired the armor. His power
wasn’t solely from the cursed armor. His power was derived from his
fighting spirit and will.

“I······ I might have just wanted to hide myself. In truth, the

appearance of me inside this armor….. It is embarrassing to
show what I look like to others. Despite this fact, I regret
putting on this armor. That is the irony in all of this.”

That is why his words were very unexpected. The hero’s mouth
had fallen open as she asked her question.

“Do you perhaps a big pimple on your cheek······?”

“Hey! Kuh-huhk!”

Instead of the warrior, the thief tried to flick his fingers on the
forehead of the hero. However, the hero used her swift movement to
dodge, and she reflexively kicked the thief on his shin. The thief fell
over in pain. Afterwards, the hero finally realized what she had done.

“I...I’m sorry, Silpennon. I reflexively…..”

“No. I knew about your reflexes, yet I couldn’t hold back
451 Report
on my instinct to act. I’m the one in the wrong…. However,
you should think about his situation. He wore something he
couldn’t take off once he put it on. There is no way it is a

“If it isn’t that, what is there to be embarrassed about?

Everyone looks different. That is a given.”

The hero spoke innocently as her eyes shone. Her attitude

indicated that her opinion towards the warrior wouldn’t change no
matter what the warrior looked like inside his armor.

She had always been like that. It was impossible for one’s opinion
of a person not to be influenced by a person’s appearance. However,
the hero never spoke ill about a person’s outward appearance.

They had travelled with the hero, and they knew she was
genuinely like that. That was why the warrior and the thief was at a
loss for words.

“······yes, Maetel. If it is you, I think you wouldn’t laugh

when you see my true appearance.”

“Laughing means happiness, so why are you talking about

it as if it is a bad thing······?”

“We’ll have to explain it to you starting from what you just

said right now. I don’t know where her innocence come

In the end, both the thief and the warrior laughed.

“Right. This might be impulsive of me, but I’ve made my

decision.. One day I will get rid of this armor, and I will show
you my true self.”

“All right. I look forward to it!”
452 Report
“Can it be that you are more handsome than me….”

“When dealing with Maetel, it doesn’t matter how

handsome you are, Silpennon. You should focus on
improving your inner self instead of your outer appearance.”

However, in the future they met a black haired youth, who looked
too handsome to be a normal merchant. After meeting him by
coincidence, the hero continued to be in a dazed state. It seemed
the hero didn’t discriminate based on outward appearance, but she
wasn’t blind to outward appearance. When Silpennon realized this
fact, he despaired.

When he opened his eyes, Maetel’s face was right in front of his




Maetel was successful in ambushing Artpe with a kiss. She

wordlessly put on a smile of victory. Artpe remained still for a brief
moment. When she puckered her lips to attack him again, he finally
moved. He flicked her on the forehead.



Maetel didn’t dodge his blow. She was in pain as she hunched her
body. Artpe watched her for a moment, then he got up. At that
moment, Vadinet opened the door to the room, and she entered.

“Artpe-nim, it is mornin….. Ahhhhhhhh! I should have

known! She ran away to this place!”
453 Report

“Vadinet, I want you to give Maetel a forehead flick.”

“I will complete this mission as if my life depended on it!”

Vadinet immediately threw her body towards Maetel as she tried to

give a flick to Maetel’s forehead. The tenacity and enmity of a
woman fueled her movement. There was no way she was slower
than Artpe! She might have been moving faster than him!

However, Maetel’s supernatural reflex allowed her to dodge before

Vadinet’s finger reached her forehead. Then Maetel speared Vadinet.
Vadinet fell.

“Ah. I’m sorry. I did it on instinct.”

“Just one······ I just want to hit you once······!”

“I see, so that’s how it is.”

It seemed Maetel was able to dodge Artpe’s fingerflick, yet she was
purposefully allowing him to hit her. Vadinet was floundering on the
floor. Artpe helped her up, and he once again flicked Maetel on the

“Ah-yaht! Eh-hee-hee.”

“Right. You are a pervert.”

He already knew that the content of his dream was true. His
earlier order to Vadinet was a simple experiment to test Maetel’s
reflex, and he had confirmed that her reflex remained the same as
the version of her in her past life. Maetel clung to him as if she liked
being hit by him. He pushed Maetel away as he asked Vadinet a

“It is morning? How does one know if it is morning down
454 Report

“It seems they created clocks. They move according to a

cycle they made up. When it is night, they turn off the lights
placed on the ceiling. They even control the brightness of
the lights depending on if it is the morning or midday.”

“They are doing that for this enormous city?”

Their technical skill really was unparalleled. Artpe smirked as he

exited the room with the girls.

For reference, Sienna and Regina had been in Glacia longer than
the other party members. This was why they were still asleep. In
any case, he didn’t particularly need their help, so he decided to let
them sleep in peace. The three of them opened the front door, and
they went outside.

“I’m here!”

Elrick was there. He had left yesterday in a very cool manner, but
it seemed he had come running to this location as soon as the light
was turned on.

“Are you ready, Artpe!”

“You sound as if this will be the greatest challenge of your


In the dream, Elrick had revealed that he had put on the armor,
because of his appearance. Elrick’s past life and his current life had
diverged, but they had walked down the same road until the
divergence. It seemed he was ready to take off the armor and face
his true self. It didn’t matter which life he was in. The desire was the

“Artpe, we’ll be bringing this guy into our party?”
455 Report
“You heard our conversation yesterday.”

“No. When Artpe pays extra attention to a person, it

always turns out like that.”

At her words, Artpe smirked as he nodded his head.

“I’m sorry for making the decision without consulting you.

However, the trip to the Demon world is in our near future,
and I thought it was imperative that we increase our battle

“No, I’m not complaining. If it isn’t a pretty girl, I’m ok

with it.”

Artpe thought that benchmark was a bit suspect when his

surrounding became raucous. It was none other than the Dwarves.
The Dwarves were speaking noisily.

“Hey. I heard the humans that arrived yesterday will help

Elrick take off his armor!”


“What’s the ruckus?”

“I told everyone to come here!”

It wasn't just one or two Dwarves. One Dwarf called another Dwarf
and that Dwarf called another Dwarf….. In fact, there was even a
Dwarf with a mug of ale in his hand! When Artpe looked at Elrick, he
also looked taken aback.

“There is no reason for them to all gather here!”

“Aren’t they supposed to be all busy from the battle?”

“According to the guards, there isn’t a trace of the
456 Report
Shadows of Sinners seen from the hole…...”

It was to be expected. From the outside in, Roa was very

meticulous in eating everything. There was no way Roa would leave
behind monsters that would crawl out of the entrances.

Basically, the Dwarves had received a special holiday thanks to

Roa. It was just in time for them to hear about Elrick. The issue of
Elrick’s Armor became the main topic, and everyone had
wholeheartedly sank their teeth into this issue. There was no way
Elrick could avoid attention now.


“What shall we do, Elrick? Do you want to do it inside?”


Elrick thought about it for a brief moment, but he shook his head
from side to side.

“I’ve already decided to reveal my appearance. These

Dwarves have been with me for the past three years, and
they have worried about me, and they have looked out for
me. I want to face them confidently. I want to show them my
true self. Please just do it here, Artpe.”

“All right. ….I’ll start immediately.”

Accompanying a faint whirring sound, Artpe took out the Demite

Pipi. The Demite was activated to its fullest. Artpe resonated his
Mana with the Demite, and the power of his Mana was boosted. He
got into what could be called the basic stance of chanting a great

“What the hell is that!?”
457 Report
“My god. I’ve heard about it before. If one possesses that,
it is said that one can make the strongest staff in existence.”

“Is he perhaps trying to give us that, so we can forge it into

a weapon?”

“I want to touch it as soon as possible!”

, he took out a magic tome, which he had rewritten yesterday. His

Mana, which had been boosted through the Demite, poured straight
into the magic tome. After receiving his will, the magic tome floated
into the air, and the pages started to flip on its own.


“It is a massive magical reaction. My god. If it is him, he

can probably wipe out the Shadows!”

“Does it really take that much power to remove the curse

from Elrick’s armor?”

Their surrounding was starting to get noisy, but it couldn't be

helped. Artpe opened his two eyes, and he honed in on the magic
tome’s target. Of course, his target was the curse infused into the
armor worn by Elrick. He targeted its core.


At that moment, a black stain appeared atop the armor. It was as

if it had been waiting for the moment when Artpe’s spell manifested!


“Are you ok, Elrick?”

“Koo-ooooooooh. What the hell······!”

The armor worn by Elrick had originally been the armor of a
458 Report
berserker. Until now, Elrick’s excellent mental capacity allowed him
to control the power of the armor. However, when the armor realized
that it was about to be transmuted, it tried to forcefully take over
Elrick’s mind. Elrick was desperately fighting against it as he yelled.

“Koo-ahhhhhhhh! How the hell is this a normal critical


“Are you an idiot? How can there be anything normal in

regards to a critical wound!”

“Artpe-nim, your explanation sounds different from


He ignored Vadinet’s astute observation! The magic tome, which

was floating in the air, received Artpe’s will, and it started letting out
more light. Since the curse had revealed its true form, this would be
more convenient from Artpe’s perspective. He just had to overwhelm
it, then…. He’ll reverse it!


“Koo-oooooh! I’m gonna die! I’m really gonna die!”

“It’s all right. I never start a match that I might lose!”

The magic tome was created to flip a Demon. The power of the
curse was fundamentally different from the power of a Demon.
However, the vengeful spirit was much weaker than a Demon, so it
couldn’t resist against the power of the magic tome. It was gripped
by the power of the magic tome.



Artpe tried to imprint the sensation he was feeling right now into
459 Report
his memory. The last page of the magic tome was opened. The
Demite let out an explosive and blinding light. The light put a stop to
the movement of the vengeful spirit, and in the next moment, the
magic tome’s power poured into the vengeful spirit!


The vengeful spirit’s death cry filled the square of the city. It was
powerful, and it was short. The light, which had exploded out of the
Demite, subsided. All the light disappeared.


After using all its power, the magic tome fell from the air. Artpe
leisurely received it, then he put the magic tome into his pocket. He
truly had a gratified expression on his face.

He thought the magic tome was more than sufficient to turn a

Demon. Of course, he needed to use it on an actual Demon to gather
more Data, but at this point, everything looked to be going well!

“...w...what? It is already done?”

“Huh? It’s done? I’m not sure anything changed?”

The Dwarves had been looking at the struggling armor with

interested eyes, but when they realized the job was already one,
they blinked their eyes in disbelief. Some even thought the
procedure had failed.

“······my god.”

However, everyone’s questions were blown to smithereens by the

armor’s owner Elrick.

“I can’t believe there really was a way to preserve the

armor’s ability while exorcising only the curse….. No, this
460 Report
wasn’t an exorcism·····.”

By the look of it, the armor hadn’t remained unchanged. The black
stain had changed into a blue marking. It created geometric lines
that covered the entire armor.

“Did you change it into a guardian spirit······!?”

“It wasn't a true soul. It was merely a fragment of an

obsession. Just thinking of it as me changing the
supplementary skill of an Artifact. I did something similar to
that. What do you think? It was a massive success, right?”

“It really is….amazing.”

As he spoke those words, Elrick’s helmet shifted. It fell to the floor.

It was finally the moment when Elrick’s face was revealed!


“W...what the hell!”

······that was what they had thought.

“It is empty!”

“He has no head!”

“He really is a Living Armor!”

“Shit. I knew it would turn out like this······.”

From within the armor, Elrick grumbled when he heard the reaction
from his surrounding. Maetel’s five sense were sensitive, so she
tilted her head in confusion. She thought, ‘His voice sounds

The top half of the armor finally fell noisily to the floor.
461 Report

“No way.”



In its place, a very small and cute boy with the height of 130 cm
stood there.
462 Report

Chapter 141
Source: Wuxiaworld

“I’m not a child. I’m an adult.”

Elrick could feel the gazes of the Dwarves and humans planted
squarely on him. He sounded sullen as he tried to set the record
straight. However, they weren’t really paying attention to his words.

“But you are small.”

“You are human, yet you are so small.”

“You are smaller than a Dwarf?”

“What the hell happened to you?”

Everyone was confused. Amongst all of them, Maetel was the only
one to look at Artpe with worried eyes.

“Artpe, could it be······.”

“I don’t know what you are thinking right now, but the
answer is no.”

“That’s strange. Is it perhaps a curse that slows down his

growth? No, I can’t pinpoint anything with my power. I’m
sure it isn’t a curse…..”

“Yes, it isn’t a curse. I was just born this way.”

The pretty boy Elrick’s expression was excessively sullen. He had

to explain his situation several thousand times in the past. Still,
there was a smile present at the corner of his mouth. He had been
trapped in the armor for a long time. Maybe, he welcomed this
463 Report
tedious moment.

“In return for imprisoning the wearer of the armor, it

allowed me to move the armor through my will. I did this
despite knowing I would remain cursed…..”

“Understandably, you didn’t want to live a life where you

were always treated like a child.”

“It sounds as if you knew about my situation..”

As the owner of the Read All Creation, it wasn’t even work for Artpe
to look past the armor. He could see the true form of Elrick.

Artpe didn’t reply, but a bright smile remained on his face. Elrick
grumbled saying Artpe was really full of himself. However, his sullen
attitude didn’t last long. To be precise, the people around him
wouldn’t let him remain in his sullen attitude.

“Elrick, I want to congratulate you on being freed from the

armor’s curse!”

“Ah…. Thank you, Bodke.”

It might have been a different story if this was the human realm,
but they were in the underground world. The Dwarves were god-
fearing race. They possessed a magnanimous and open-minded
personality. They were a bit surprised by Elrick’s appearance, but in
the next moment, they had approached him. They looked at him
with bright smiles on their faces.


“Today the Shadows of Sinners didn’t flood out of the pit!

It is a day meant for a celebration!”

“Festival! Let’s have a festival!”
464 Report
Elrick was surrounded by the Dwarves, and he looked shocked.
However, he was able to put on a bright smile. It seemed he was
able to leave behind all his past traumas. He let out a genuine laugh.
What a beautiful sight it was!

Artpe looked satisfied as he spoke.

“I want you guys to push the festival to tomorrow.”

“Oh my. Artpe is the best at moving in unexpected ways.

He is too cool.”

“I also want you to put your armor back on, Elrick.”

“I’ve finally decided to accept my reality, so why are you

spoiling it…. Mmmm?”

The young man furrowed his brows. He realized that Artpe hadn’t
spoken those words to simply torment him. In the next moment, he
realized the meaning behind Artpe’s words. He could feel the energy
of hell moving in an uncontrolled manner. It was coming from the
holes the Dwarves had always guarded. It was the entrances that
they hadn’t dared to enter.

For the past 3 years, he had trained in an extreme environment,

and Elrick had grown powerful. However, he didn’t think he could
stop this level of energy.

“Is it…...”

“It seems the resistance within is a bit more fierce than


“Resistance? Are you sure it isn’t the start to a widespread


When one used the word ‘resistance’, it was a word used to
465 Report
describe a struggle put up by an inferior opponent. However, the
extremely fierce energy was rampaging below, and it felt like it was
coming from a predator. Despite this fact, Artpe spoke in a confident

“There is no way Roa will lose. However…. It seems she’s

been delayed. That is why I’m thinking about entering it.”

“Oh oh! He is finally going into the pit!”

“Does this mean he is going to subjugate the Shadows of


The Dwarves didn’t know that Roa had left first to clear the pit.
This was why they cheered when they saw Artpe’s party leave to
complete their Quest. On the other hand, Elrick’s face crumpled.

“You are planning on dragging me there.”

“My party acts with one heart and body.”

“One heart and b...body. B...body…. O….one...”

“No, Maetel. You don’t have to look too deeply into such
words. It is unnecessary.”

Elrick willingly agreed to join the party, but Artpe’s party hadn’t
properly shown their martial prowess to Elrick yet.

This would be a great opportunity. They would showcase each

other’s abilities, and this would lead to a higher probability of them
working well together in the future. The pit had relatively strong
enemies, but there was no way they would die in there. The pit was
the ideal test Dungeon.

“The test subjects are all dying······.”

“Artpe, shall I wake up Sienna and Regina?”
466 Report
“No. Let’s let them rest. The amount of fatigue they had
accumulated isn’t insignificant…. Above all else, there is a
very small possibility of a new monster spawning while we
are inside the pit. A monster might ambush the city.”

He had talked about it, but he knew that the probability of that
happening was close to zero percent. However, Artpe didn’t mention
that fact. He immediately gathered Maetel, Vadinet, and Elrick, who
was putting on his armor with a bitter expression on his face. He was
planning on leaving immediately.

“There is no way I won’t be a part of this! This horrible

cycle of violence has been going on for a long, long time. You
are going to break that cycle, and I cannot stand by without
adding my meager strength to the cause!”

“Please take use with you! We’ve grown in skill by facing

the Shadows of Sinners! We will show you that we aren’t
shrinking violets!”

A segment of the Dwarven population were truly courageous as

they offered to combine their forces with Artpe’s party. Artpe put on
a kind smile as he spoke.

“You should know your place. If you don’t want to die, you
should stay here.”

“Your words aren’t kind at all!”

“If I spoke in vague terms to spare your feelings, you guys

might follow us in later. You will waste my time, so it is
better to assault you guys with a substantial amount of truth.
I sunk your expectations.”

This was how Artpe was successful in settling down the Dwarves.
He led his party down the road leading to the pit. There were
several dozen holes being guarded by the Dwarves, and all of them
467 Report
were accessible through tunnels. Currently, the underground tunnels
were ominously silent, but everyone was focused on what was going
on at the heart of the pit.,

“Even if we leave it alone, I think Roa can take care of


“You are right. However, we have a new party member,

and I think it will be a great opportunity for us to work in
sync with each other. …also, there is something I’ve been
worried about from the beginning.”

That meant he had another reason for going into the pit. Vadinet
tilted her head in puzzlement as she asked him a question.

“What are you worried about?”

“It is this underground city and the tunnels. The Dwarves

are the caretakers of these holes. The Dwarves built this city
underground, and I don’t think these holes coincidentally
appeared near their city…. The structure of this underground
world feels very artificial.”

“That is….. You are right.”

It was still unknown as to why the Shadows of Sinners were born.

The Dwarves didn’t know about their genesis, yet a sense of duty
made them block the Shadows. Artpe didn’t think this was caused
by them being extremely unlucky in life.

“I have a hypothesis that is compelling.”

The Dwarves disappeared from human history several hundred

years ago. They might have lived on the surface until a particular
event made them come underground.

“When you say a particular event, do you mean the
468 Report
appearance of the Shadows of Sinners”

“That’s right, Vadinet. I wonder if their initial purpose in

coming underground was to block the advance of the
Shadows of Sinners. That is what I think.”

“My god. That is a cruel task to undertake. The Dwarves

had to shoulder such a burden!”

At her question, Artpe gave a noncommittal shrug as he let out a

bitter laughter.

“I have no idea if they volunteered or if they were



Artpe didn’t answer that question. He just grinned.

One couldn’t pinpoint when all of this had occurred. It just

happened several hundred years ago.

However, he had experienced this pattern several times already.

Any event that happened in the gray area of several hundred years
ago always had something to do with the past hero. Artpe wondered
if the underground world had something to do with his sunbae-nim.
His mind inevitably thought about the past hero.

“In fact, there is a similarity to what happened within the

mermaid kingdom of Anaid. If you think about it, the
mermaids were keeping guard over the Ancient temple. Then
there was the Ancient mermaids that were sealed within the
Ancient temple.”

“However, wasn’t the Ancient temple sealed?”

“Such a large scale seal cannot be formed in all locations.
469 Report
If the Ancient temple was a bit larger, it would have been
impossible to seal it. If the Ancient Kraken’s power was a
little bit stronger, the seal would have been impossible to
form. Moreover, the seal was strengthened by using the
mermaid kingdom and its roads. These structures acted as
support. However, things are different underground. The
conditions are too poor. Only the Dwarves could have lasted
couple hundred years in this place.”

“You are saying sunbae-nim brought all the Dwarves

underground in an attempt to block the Shadows of

“That’s right. From sunbae-nim’s perspective, the Dwarves

were the most suitable candidates. It is why the Dwarves
remained underground for generations as they slowly
declined. He truly made a hero-like decision…..”

“That was a hero-like decision!?”

On top of that, the Shadows of Sinners had a much more ominous

stench emanating from them than the Ancient Mermaids. They were
much higher in level, and their essence was closer to that of Demonic
energy. It was as if they were one step removed from being

‘Wait a moment······?’


Artpe stopped walking as soon as he had that thought. It had been

a truly random thought, yet that thought continued to take root in his
head. It started filling his head, and it put him into a state of

‘No. Wait a moment. That makes no sense. Right? That
470 Report
makes no…..’

It sounded plausible.

“I don’t like it when Artpe keeps all the information to


“I just suddenly had thought. ······what if the curse research

of making the other races into the Demon race was going on
for much longer than I thought?”

Until now, Artpe had understandably kept it simple. He had

thought the Demonification research was centered around the
current Demon King. He thought the Demon King was making all the
races into the Demon race, so he could use his Absolute Control
ability to dominate everyone! The pieces fit in such a natural

This was why he had excluded the other possibility. It was the
possibility of the research being started long before his time. It was
started so long ago that the past life Artpe didn’t know about it.

“If that is true, does that mean the research into the
Demonification curse….. It was started by an earlier
generation Demon King?”


The Ancient Mermaids might have been the result of such an

experiment. Artpe had loosely labeled all the forebears of the
mermaids as Ancient Mermaids. However, he found out the true
ancestors of mermaids were called the Genesis Mermaids.

At that point, he should have realized it. The Ancient Mermaids

were a race that was born through artificial means. They were
merely the sacrificial lambs of the research for the Demonification
curse several hundred years ago!
471 Report
“My god······.”

Still, this didn’t mean there wasn’t any positive news that came out
of this. It meant the results of the current research was much more
inferior to the results of the past research.

What did that mean?

That meant the research hadn’t occurred in a contiguous manner

or maybe, the research had a setback.

“Hey. Are you trying to bring down the morale of the new
member? Why in the world are you talking about things I
can’t understand?”

“Ah, that’s right. I’m sorry, Elrick. I’ll give you a quick
summary. These are the important points. There is the
current Demon King and his forces. Then there is another
force that is working in isolation from the current Demon
King’s forces. There is a high probability that they are the
remnant forces of a previous Demon King. The beings inside
the pit…...”

Artpe’s eyes let out a bright light.

“Shit. Sunbae-nim might have left behind his mark again in

this place.”

“I was scolded by Artpe because of sunbae-nim. I hate


Did she mean the moment when the Record Divide was
strengthened? Maetel’s words had come out of nowhere. Artpe burst
out laughing as he made a declaration to his party.

“We are here. Let’s go in.”
472 Report
Of course, the number of questions that remained unanswered
remained high like a mountain. Why were the forces of the past
Demon King unable to run amok in Artpe’s past life? That was the
main question he had. However, he couldn’t openly discuss this with
his party members, so he firmly shut his mouth.

The party went into the hole. It was a place filled with Roa’s
powerful energy and roar. It was also a place filled with the sound of
the Shadow’s despair as they tried to resist against Roa.
473 Report

Chapter 142
Source: Wuxiaworld

The party had misjudged the situation. Even if the Shadows of

Sinners were putting up a stiff resistance, they assumed Roa would
be able to easily quell the Abyss. It wasn’t like that at all.

“She didn’t even leave a seed behind. She killed them all.”

“I guess we really didn’t need to come in here, Artpe.”

It was inadequate to say that Roa had easily quelled the Abyss.
She had cleared the Abyss with such ferocity that no monsters would
form in the future!


[Nyaa nyaa nyaa-ahhhhhhhhhh!]

“The overpowering energy and shrieks that could be felt

from the entrance…..”

“I think the Shadows are trying merge into a single being.”

It might be a case where a great number of Shadows were trying to

merge into one. At a glance, it was apparent that the Shadows of
Sinners didn’t have a set form. They were closer in nature to being
Mana rather than having physical substance. This was why he
wondered if the Shadows were capable of merging. Artpe felt
uneasy, and this was the only hypothesis that he could come up with.

“It is easily over level 300. It might be too much for me if I

face it alone.”

“At the very least, it is much stronger than the Ancient
474 Report

The Dwarves had once referred to it as a big bastard. Artpe turned

to look at Elrick. As if he knew what Artpe was asking about, Elrick
nodded his head. The others couldn’t see it, but Artpe could see the
little guy nod his head inside the armor. It was quite cute.

“It is as you’ve surmised. Under a special condition, the

Shadows of Sinners can combine. It allows them to grow
their size and magical energy. The Dwarves call it the big
bastard. It usually appears when our side gains a little bit of
an upperhand. This is why we never pushed for an outright
victory. We always maintain a narrow margin of victory.”

“When we first appeared, we killed them all before they

could combine.”

“You guys did something really tremendous and


Elrick had been confident in his own skills, yet he never was able to
beat the Shadows with such overwhelming force. When Artpe
smirked at him, Elrick became a bit angry. He tightened his grip on
his axe.

“You’ll regret strengthening my armor, Artpe. In the near

future, I will become the strongest in this party.”

“Are you for real? It’ll be very hard. Hang in there.”

If Elrick really did become the strongest within their party, it

wouldn’t matter if there were two Demon Kings. Five Demon Kings
could show up, and it wouldn’t be a problem. Artpe was thinking
about such nonsense as he guided his party deeper into the pit.

“There isn’t even a small fry left. It is immaculate. It is as

if holy power was used to purify this place…..”
475 Report
“Purification changes Demonic energy into regular Mana or
blessed Mana. On the other hand, Roa’s Gluttony is…. It is
as it sounds. She eats everything. Her Gluttony isn’t some
convenient ability.”

“Where did you acquire such a monster? She doesn’t

sound well-suited to be a familiar of a hero.”

“It just happened.”

If he thought about it, he acquired Roa from the hero development

Dungeon, and the item had been provided by his sunbae. Of course,
at the time, it hadn’t been clear that something would be born from
within the item. There was no way sunbae-nim could have predicted
that he would have been able to hatch the item.

“The energy is getting stronger. Artpe, let’s hurry up.”

“All right.”

If one wanted to be technical about it, the Abyss had a similar

structure to the Ancient Temple. The Dungeon was structured in a
way that it was making a big magic circle. Its aim was to make it
difficult for anything inside to escape the Dungeon. This
strengthened his hypothesis that there was some legacy of the
previous hero left behind inside the Abyss.


[Goo-go-ohhhhhhhh, go-go-go-oh-ahhhhhhhhh!]

Aside from those similarity, the situation was different in many

respects compared to what they faced in the Ancient temple. Since
this Dungeon was underground, it might have caused the seal’s
power to loosen. On the other hand, the seal wouldn’t have held up
even if the initial power level of the seal had been maintained. The
Shadows of Sinners were multiplying so fast that the components
476 Report
making up the seal couldn’t withstand it. Parts of the seal were
broken, and Shadows started leaking out of the abyss.

“The spell placed over the Abyss is weakening, and the

number of Shadows of Sinners keeps increasing.... On top of
that, the rate had accelerated at some point in time.”

The Shadows of Sinners possessed and reacted to Demonic

energy. By knowing their special property, it wasn’t difficult to
pinpoint when the acceleration had occurred. It was when the
Demon King’s army started to work in earnest within the human
realm. Their Demonic energy started to mix into the Mana of the
human realm.

‘The Winter Queen probably knew about all of this. There

is the Demonic energy, the Dwarves, the previous hero and
the warrior of the hero’s party from our previous lives… A lot
of teeth of a saw blade became stuck in this one place.’

Artpe let out a bitter laughter as he moved his feet. He had a good
idea where the battle was occurring. He could sense an absurdly
dense Demonic energy gathered in one location, and an enormous
amount of magical energy that was trying to suppress it. Then there
was Roa. He could sense her Mana, and she was going crazy trying
to eat everything.

“Let’s travel the remaining distance in one go!”



“W...what the hell? Why are they all hugging you!”

Artpe repeatedly told his party members that only a part of their
body had to be in contact. However, his party members were terrible
at listening to him. When one looked at the sight, it looked as if they
477 Report
had left behind any tension above ground. Elrick was seriously
thinking about whether he had to hug Artpe or not. Artpe just
grabbed Elrick’s armor, then he used Blink.

[Nyaa-ahhhhhh, nyaa-nyaa-ahhhhht!]

In a blink of an eye, they were at the heart of the Abyss. When

they heard Roa’s loud roar, they turned around to look for her.
Artpe’s eyes widened.

“Roa became an enormous cat!?”


Her roar was as cute as ever, but her black and sleek body had
grown several dozen times larger. She was filling up the large space!

If she was in her black fog form, her size wouldn’t have surprised
him. However, she was in her true form! An enormous monster was
attacking her from the other side, and Roa was engaged in a hand to
paw combat. It seemed this was truly her form now.

[Nyaa nyaa-ahhhhhhhhhhhhht!]

“Roa is biiiiiiiig!”

“It seems she went over level 300 in this Dungeon…..”

The Shadows were high in level, and they possessed denser

Demonic energy than Demons. Roa had eaten a Dungeon filled with
these Shadows, so her growth was understandable. The Winter
Queen’s ruin had strengthened Artpe’s party. The Abyss had
advanced Roa’s growth.

“However, will she be able to win against it? Of all the

Shadows I’ve seen until now, that one is the biggest of them
all. Moreover, its energy is dense…..”
478 Report
“When I first saw the fight, I thought about assisting her,

Artpe watched Roa, who was in a fierce fight with the enemy. He
grinned. The Demonic energy making up the enormous Shadow of
Sinners was being drained into Roa even now. The Shadow was
probably much bigger in the beginning.

“This is a fight that Roa will win. It is inevitable. Let’s just

leave it to her. She’ll defeat it. Instead, there is something
else we have to do.”

Artpe stretched out his Mana Strings into his surrounding. The
Shadow reacted in a very sensitive manner, but it couldn’t do
anything when faced with Roa’s fierce attacks. It had no choice but
to focus its attention on Roa. Artpe hummed as he used this
opportunity to expand his Mana Strings to the interior of the massive

His eyes could see the structure of this space. There were hidden
traps, and rewards that would be given to the great challenger. At
this point, Artpe was sure that the Abyss was created by the previous
generation’s hero.

“It seems the Abyss was created before the Ancient

temple. At the time of this Dungeon’s creation, sunbae-nim’s
skill level was quite shitty. First, he made it so that this
place couldn’t be approached without defeating the

Any magic became powerless in front of someone that could use a

higher level of magic. The hero, at the time of the creation of this
Dungeon, was worse than the current Artpe. As a result, the magic
circle making up the core of the Abyss started to let out a light. It
reacted when the Mana Strings passed by it.
479 Report
“Artpe, if you reveal everything like this…..”

“The Abyss will be gone soon. I’m am currently pulling out

its roots.”

In other words, the Abyss wasn’t created to jail the Shadows of

Sinners. It was sealing ‘something’ that was continuously emitting
Demonic energy. However, the excessive Demonic had coalesced
over time, and it had created beings of sentience. It had turned into
the Ancient Evil Spirits. They were the Shadows of Sinners.

“Artpe, does it mean something of sentience can be

created by lumping Mana together?”

“There is a theory that states that monsters are formed in

such a way. The problem is one doesn’t know if the being
born is a monster or a spirit. In this case, the monster
created was halfway between a Demon and a spirit.”

The summary was this. Artpe couldn’t discern what it was, but this
unknown substance was letting out a ridiculous amount of Demonic
energy. The previous hero had considered this substance to be a
danger to the world, so he had buried it within the Abyss. Then he
asked the Dwarves to guard it.

“Moreover, I’m about to take it out now.”

“If someone saw this, one would think you were the Demon

In truth, an item of this caliber entering into the hands of the

Demon King would be very dangerous. He wondered if this was part
of the reason why the Winter Queen had sent them this way. In fact,
did the other Four Heavenly King visit the Winter Queen with this
item as his goal?

‘If I start thinking about all the possibilities, it’ll be
480 Report
endless. Let’s solve this first before I think about all the

Artpe’s Mana simultaneously touched various locations of the ruin,

and it started to undergo a change. A small quake was felt as one
part of the floor started to shake. Something started to rise up very
slowly. The monster, who was in a fierce battle with Roa, realized
what was happening. Suddenly, its body expanded, and it started to
roar in excitement. It lost half of its face when Roa swiped it with her

[Nyaa nyaa, nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa!]


The earth shook harder. The item buried deep within the Abyss
was coming up faster, and it caused the ground to shake. The
thickness of the Demonic energy deepened, and it made it hard for
the party members to breathe. When she realized this, Vadinet
raised her staff, and she shouted with a sonorous voice.


“Thank you, Vadinet.”

“Be careful, Artpe-nim. I’ve never felt evil energy of this

magnitude. It is worse than the woman that called herself a
Four Heavenly King….”

“It is merely an inanimate object that can’t do anything by

itself. You don’t have to worry.”

However, if Roa wasn’t present, Artpe would’t have even dared to

take this item out from ground. It was that great of an item.

It’s true form hadn’t been revealed yet, but the energy that could
be felt was too horrific. It made one want to hurl. It was as if they’ve
481 Report
been thrown into the atmosphere of the Demon world. Where the
heck did this damn sunbae-nim find such an item?


“Roa, I want you keep it occupied”

[Nyaa nyaa-ahhhhhhhhh!]

Roa answered in an energetic manner. Roa had become bigger

than the monster. Her body was continuously stealing its Demonic
energy, and the monster was becoming smaller in size.

“It’s done. It is coming out. I’ll leave it to you, Vadinet!”

“Please leave it to me, Artpe-nim! Hoo-ooh······ Sanctuary!”

She was in sync with Artpe. When he gave a shout, Vadinet’s eyes
started to let out a golden light. It was a skill that only a holy
priestess could use! It allowed her to blanket a certain region with
holy energy.

Afterwards, a small hole formed on the ground, and a very small

ball of steel shot outwards. It was the core of the Abyss! Even
Vadinet’s Sanctuary couldn’t purify all the Demonic energy. A
massive amount of Demonic energy was spreading to the
surrounding. If the Sanctuary hadn’t been put in place, countless
new Shadows would have formed!


[Nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa nyaa!]

“Ooh-aht. They are getting excited!”

Artpe quickly grabbed the item, and he put it within his

Dimensional pouch. Afterwards, a very familiar looking altar
suddenly popped up from the ground.
482 Report
“What the heck? There is no Spell Book or Skill Book.”

“Do you think sunbae-nim was shittier at this point in his

life, Artpe?”

“Maete, you are smart······?”

At Maetel’s unexpectedly intelligent point, Artpe nodded his head.

He approached the altar. Instead of a Skill book and a Spell book,
the sunbae hero had written more words on the altar.

This was the first sentence written on the altar.

“We cannot win······ What?”

The words were unbefitting of a hero. It was a declaration of

483 Report

Chapter 143
Source: Wuxiaworld



The two large beings crashed into each other as they roared. As
he kept hearing the sound of the fight in the background, Artpe
quickly read the words written on the altar.

“We cannot win. I realized this truth. Everyone tried to

hide this from me. However, my superior intellect and
magical energy couldn’t be deceived. The human realm….
Ah. He still likes to boast about himself.”

If 10 was considered to be the full content written on the altar,

99.9% of the words were boastful words about sunbae-nim. Artpe
took the drastic measure of cutting out the boastful words, and he
was able to salvage .01% of the words that was relevant to the
current situation. Even those words were speaking in a roundabout
way, or it was content that couldn’t be deciphered if one didn’t live
through the same era as the previous hero. Only half of the relevant
content he extracted was useful information to Artpe.

“Someone tricked the hero. When he realized this fact, the

despairing hero sealed the Evil Heart, and he asked the
Dwarves to guard it. Moreover, he made it so that the Abyss
would fall as soon as the Evil Heart was freed. Only someone
trying to dye the whole world with Demonic energy would try
to free the Evil Heart. That is why anyone reading these
words won’t be able to escape this place…..”

“Artpe, let’s quickly get out of here!”
484 Report
“No, it’s alright. I stabilized the magic before the Evil
Heart or whatever was taken out.”


He was sick and tired of desperately escaping from a collapsing

ruin. He had suffered too much in the past doing that. If he was a
prototypical hero, he would repeatedly fall for the same pattern over
and over again. However, Artpe was a former Four Heavenly King.
He would no longer take such abuse lying down!

“It is time for us to live a more leisurely life.”

“We’ll be entering into the Demon world soon. Will it really

turn out as Artpe wants…..?”

Artpe just laughed when he heard Maetel’s worried words. Maetel

was under a fundamental misconception. If one wanted to split hairs,
Artpe’s specialty wasn’t in the human world. It was in the Demon

“Let’s set that aside for now. So what is the connection

between someone tricking the hero and the sealing of the
Evil Heart in the Abyss? Moreover, the previous hero said
that ‘We cannot win.’ What was he referring to when he said

The Abyss was showing no signs of collapsing no matter how long

she waited. Vadinet was relieved, and she was finally able to focus
on the words written on the altar. Artpe just shrugged his shoulders
as he answered her question.

“Maybe, the previous hero actively did something that

helped out the Demon race? However, we know the sunbae
was connected somehow to the Evil Heart. If we look at the
evidence….. He might have helped in a magic research that
485 Report
created the Evil Heart. Or maybe he was carrying out a plan
that he thought would destroy the Evil Heart. Instead, it was
part of someone’s plan to do something evil. There are
several possibilities. If there was a faction within humanity
that tried to betray him, I can understand why he would feel

“I see······.”

Everything that happened in the world didn’t fit together like a

puzzle. It wasn’t clean like that. This was especially true in regards
to things related to human desire. It left behind a dirty mark. A
hero’s base instinct was to complete any Quest that a hero came
across. It was probably rare for a hero not to fall into a trap of
someone else’s desire.

When one was confronted with such a deception, one had to either
grow from the experience or not. A fork in the road would be

“Still, it is amazing. It is almost impossible to create such

an item even in the Demon world, yet someone was able to
create it in the human realm. Of course, a Demon could have
been involved in its production…..”

The item called the Evil Heart was letting out a horrific amount of
Demonic energy. Despite putting it inside the Dimensional Pouch,
the Demonic energy was leaking out of the pouch. Vadinet’s
Sanctuary spell had to purify it continuously. If one thought sticking
the item in a different dimension would make it safe, one would have
been mistaken.

“If we could destroy it, it would be for the best….. Artpe-


“Impossible. If one could easily destroy this item, why was
486 Report
it sealed? If I’m to pinpoint the problem, a massive amount
of Demonic energy will be released in the process of
destroying this item. If you are clumsy in your attempt at
purifying the Demonic energy, you will lose your life.”

It was a very plausible answer. Vadinet calmly asked another


“What shall we do then, Artpe-nim? Shall we feed it to


“That isn’t an option. Even if it is Roa, she might go off the

rails after eating it. The most realistic option is to let Roa
suck out all the energy. She’ll be able to do it if I put a
simple safeguard up.”

If that happened, Roa would be able to grow endlessly. It will occur

very slowly, but the Evil Heart will continuously weaken.

He couldn’t immediately get rid of the main cause of the problem,

but the Shadows of Sinners would no longer form. Moreover, Artpe’s
party would be growing in power in real time, so he could ask for no
better solution. This was what the previous hero had been missing.
He needed a magical beast.

“I thought something more was hidden here, but by the

look of things, this is it. There isn’t even a Skill book or a
Spell book here.”

“It means that sunbae-nim never expected the future hero

to find this place. Also….”

He didn’t think the sunbae had written the whole truth on the altar.
He told Vadinet that the previous hero had been tricked, so he could
gloss over this fact. He had given a likely story, but Artpe didn’t
believe in what he had said.
487 Report
‘Sunbae possessed excellent talent for magic, so there is
no way he would have ended things just by writing mere
words on the altar. There is no way he didn’t know about the
special characteristic of the Evil Heart. The hero and the Evil
Heart… I’m sure there something between them that I am

Humans and the Demon race. Hero and the Demon King. Then
there was the Evil Heart. It was as if the answer to the question was
at the tip of his tongue. It tormented Artpe. Fortunately, there was
one conclusion that was a certainty.

‘We just have to get stronger. If something annoying

shows up later on, it’ll be less annoying if we are stronger.’

Artpe glanced at the Demonic energy being emitted by the Evil

Heart from within the Dimensional Pouch. He looked up. He saw Roa
ripping out the neck of the enormous Shadow.



It was the Shadow’s last words. In the beginning, it had dominated

Roa. However, at some point, they started fighting on equal grounds.
The decisive moment had been when the Evil Heart was freed. The
Shadow had been distracted by the Evil Heart, and it had lost the
initiative to Roa. Roa didn’t let up as she clinched her victory. The
Shadow felt aggrieved, but this was the life of an extra in a story. It
couldn’t be helped.


Roa’s roar filled the Abyss. Roa’s fur stood on end on her massive
body. Her black fur stretched out, and it circled around the
powerless Shadow of Sinners. It caused the Shadow to melt into pure
488 Report
Mana, and she absorbed everything.

In an instant, her level, Record and Mana rose significantly. Since

Roa was born, this was the first time she came across a ‘food’ that
well suited to make most of her special characteristic.

“Roa is becoming extremely powerful.”

“That really is a cheat ability.”

She received EXP for defeating the monster, and this was separate
from the Demonic energy she had absorbed. Therefore, she grew
once again. While Artpe grumbled to himself, Roa had finished
absorbing everything the Shadow of Sinners had to offer. She once
again let out a fierce roar, and her body started to shrink. In the end,
she returned to the size she had been before she had entered the


“Yes. You did well.”

She said, ‘I was going to kill all of them, so why did you come in?’
She tilted her head in puzzlement as she jumped into Artpe’s arms.

Artpe made a declaration.

“Well, we cleared the Dungeon. We cleared the Quest. We

should head aboveground. Let’s take the Dwarves with us.”

“This is it? ······this really is the end?”

The unknown Dungeon had been a place where they were

supposed to get acquainted with each other’s abilities. They didn’t
even have the opportunity to work with each other. They didn’t even
have the moment where they were confronted with some terrible
truth that was hidden within the Dungeon. Everything had just
489 Report
resolved itself. Elrick yelled out in shock. However, Artpe’s reaction
was apathetic.

“What more did you expect?”

“Ah. No. It’s nothing…..”

Since hs armor had been strengthened, he thought he would have

an opportunity to showcase his power. This was what he was
expecting inwardly. When things turned out like this, Elrick didn’t
know how to accept the current situation. He felt troubled, but he
couldn’t say anything when he saw Roa, who was wriggling in Artpe’s

It seemed there was a reason why Artpe had left behind Sienna
and Regina. He knew they could end everything quickly and easily!

“Roa, I want you to bite on this. You can’t swallow it.”

[Nyaa nyaa.]

Even Roa knew that there was a finite amount of Demonic energy
she could handle, and she probably knew her limit. However, when
Artpe spoke, she just obediently nodded her head. She held the Evil
Heart in her mouth. It was small. The Evil Heart looked like a black
piece of metal. When she held it in her mouth, the Demonic energy
was all focused within Roa…..

[Nyaa!? Nyaa nyaa nyaa! Nyaa-ah-nyaa-nyaa-ah!]

“Right. You ate that much, yet you are eating again.
Attagirl. You’ll become a great cat-pig.”

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa nya!]

Roa cheered when the morsel didn’t run out no matter how much
she ate. The Greed Beast let out a hurray. She was really cute.
490 Report
[Nyaa-nyaa-ah, nyaa-ah-nyaa-ah-ah.]

“Yes, I’m not going to steal it from you. Just don’t swallow
it. Vadinet, you’ll have to pay a little bit more attention to
Roa from now on.”

“If it is Artpe-nim’s request, I’ll willingly do as you ask. ”

[Nyaa nyaa nyaa.]

If one thought about it, it truly was a funny situation. If looked at it

from a certain light, Roa had been an unexpected accident. She had
been born from a treasure he acquired by chance, yet she had easily
taken care of this problem. The previous hero had to seal the Evil
Heart, and he had to have the entire race of Dwarves sacrifice
themselves to safeguard it.

“The Dwarven race had been trapped here for several

hundred years, yet they were freed so easily. It is as if their
efforts had been in vain….”

“Elrick, you’ll have to act as our witness. It is as you’ve

said. The Dwarves were trapped here for several hundred
years, and their sudden freedom will be hard to accept.”

“No. Even I am having a hard time believing this······.”

When Elrick first entered the Abyss, he had been proud as he

declared his intentions. However, he now wondered if he could
actually keep up with these people.

However, Artpe just grinned as he looked at Elrick. He had learned

under the Demon world’s greatest chef. Now that he had his
independence, Artpe was confident that he could make his own
excellent cuisines! It would make the dinner table bend from the
weight! Elrick was already on the path to being a complete product,
so it would be a piece of cake for Artpe to support Elrick’s growth.
491 Report
“Don’t worry. You’ll become stronger.”

“Dude. Those words scare me more.”

A little bit of time passed before Artpe’s party exited the Abyss.
The Dwarves greeted them, but they were having a hard time
believing the party’s words that they had cleared the Abyss in such a
short amount of time. However, they couldn’t deny the fact that the
source of the Demonic energy was gone.

Of course, the source of the Demonic energy was being held in

Roa’s mouth, but it was being absorbed by Roa as soon as it formed
any Demonic energy. The Dwarves were none the wiser.

“T...that means we can head to the surface?”

“I’m having a hard time believing it. The Shadows of

Sinners were terrible foes. We don’t have to face them any

“Since Elrick said it, we can believe his words. Also, we

can assess the current situation ourselves. The terrible
energy that has always permeated from the Abyss is gone!”

“Yes! This is real!”

“Everyone get ready to move! To the surface! We are

going to go to the surface!”

In his past life, the Dwarves hadn’t been part of the hero’s tale.
This was the moment when the Dwarves rushed into the human
realm in earnest.

“Ah. Don’t forget. You guys have to make our equipments

before you do that.”

492 Report
Of course, it would take a little bit more time than they had initially
493 Report

Chapter 144
Source: Wuxiaworld

Aside from the Dwarves that were packing up the belongings they
would take to the surface, the rest of the Dwarves were tasked to
improving the gears of Artpe’s party.

The Dwarves made sure that all the equipments fit the body of
each party member. Then they tried to achieve an overall balance in
their equipments. They used additional ingredients to create
equipments that the party was lacking. Before the next official
appearance of the hero’s party, the party’s ability and arsenal was
being upgraded.

“This is the first time dealing with the equipment of a

magician or a priestess! G...go get the records left behind by
our ancestors!”

“ really has been a long time …. Hey! Don’t

disassemble that! You might kill the power of the materials!”

While the Dwarves were moving busily, Artpe remained in a quiet

room. He was continuing his work of refining the branch of the World

He had thought about doing this when he received the branch from
the World Tree. It was the ideal material to create a staff. It would
accept his Mana, and it would boost his Mana. It would also allow
him to control his Mana if his Mana went out of control.

He hadn’t had the opportunity to work on the staff, because he had

prioritized making the Magic tome first. He had finished making the
Magic tome, and as it happened, he would be staying underground
for couple more days. Therefore, he planned on completing his staff..
494 Report
“Ah. I found Artpe!”

“Stop clinging to me, Maetel. It is hot…. You dork. I told

you not to cling to me.”

“I’m not gonna let go~ Eh-eet. Eh-eeet.”

Artpe had a lot of things to do. Unlike him, Maetel’s specialty was
fighting, and everything else to do with Artpe. When she realized
that they would be staying in the underground until the Dwarves
were done making preparations, she hadn’t left Artpe’s side. Her
hobby and forte was Artpe, so it couldn’t be helped.

She had always worn armor, but she had shed the armor now. She
had become lighter, and her appearance delivered a critical wound to
his sense of desire. Moreover Maetel didn’t let go unless Artpe truly
hated it. Therefore, she continued to cling to him. He gave up after
giving an adequate attempt at dislodging her. He decided it would be
easier to shore up his control over his desire.

“Artpe, what did you do with the leaves that came with the

“Half of them were made into tea leaves. The other half….”

Artpe’s finger pointed towards the table.

There was a small glass jar atop the table. Magic stones from high
level monsters were contained within the jar. It also contained the
finely ground power of the World Tree leaves. Each crystal kept
absorbing and emitting Mana. Maetel’s eyes twinkled when she saw
the brilliant light.


“You can’t eat it.”
495 Report
“I won’t eat it!”

It seemed she still had a little bit of her emotions as a pure girl
leftover within her. Artpe let out a small laughter when he saw this.
He spoke.

“You should train like Vadinet or Sienna.”

“I tried. My skills doesn’t increase when I train by myself.”

“What about sparring?”

“They are too weak to spar.”


Artpe took a glance at Maetel’s info. He realized that her

Swordsmanship had already reached level 80.

Mmm. It was to be expected. If she wasn’t overpowered to this

degree, she wouldn’t be Maetel. Recently, Artpe had moved to the
fore as he took care of most of their problems using his magic. This
was why there were less instances where Maetel had taken an active
role in a fight. For a brief moment, he had forgotten that the biggest
cheat within the hero’s party was none other than the original hero


“No, it is nothing.”

He stroked Maetel’s head. Maetel purred as if she was Roa. Artpe

resumed his work as Maetel stuck to his back like a shell on a turtle’s

He shaved the angular parts, and he trimmed the branch. He

continued to sync his inner Mana flow with the branch. This was how
a personal staff of a magician was produced. The Dwarves wanted to
496 Report
make Artpe’s staff for him, and Artpe had been aware of their desire.
Unfortunately, this wasn’t something someone else could do for him.

“Artpe will become much stronger after making that?”

“It'll be difficult to bring about drastic change. Still, I think

my power will increase by 10 percent. If I can create the staff
exactly to my specification, I think it’ll be possible to
increase my power by 15 percent.”

Ten percent didn’t sound like a lot, but Artpe was already over
level 310. A 10 percent increase in power would allow him to be on
the same level as someone at level 340. However, Artpe had
excluded any uncertain variables when formulating his assessment,
since he hated uncertainty. Therefore, it was possible for him to gain
much more power than he forecasted.

“Wow. Will you be able to fight against the Four Heavenly


“It still might not be enough. If Vadinet and especially

Elrick gained about 30 more levels, it might be possible.”


At Artpe’s pessimistic words, Maetel became sullen. Artpe finally

had a thought as to what was bothering Maetel.

“Are you perhaps thinking about what occurred at the

Winter Queen’s ruin?”


Maetel didn’t hesitate as she acknowledge it. She bit her lips hard
as she spoke again.

“We ran away.”
497 Report
“Yes, we ran away. We were weaker than our foes. It
couldn’t be helped.”

“That means······ What would have happened if the Winter

Queen hadn’t guided us towards the underground?”

“We would have charged out of the ruin, and we would

have fought him…. We would have also fought Etna to the

Since they had cleared the Winter Queen’s ruin in its entirety, he
had gained the ability to shatter the shackles placed on Etna by the
Demon King. However, this couldn’t be done while fighting another
Four Heavenly King at the same time. The task wasn’t that easy to
accomplish. Once another Four Heavenly King made an appearance,
Artpe’s plan had been wrecked.

“A fight to the death…. That means death was a


She knew the answer, yet she asked anyways. Even Maetel wasn’t
that dumb. She was just going over the implications of those words
once again. Artpe declined to answer her question.

“I was scared.”

Maetel’s body shook. She was still clinging to Artpe, so her

tremors could be felt by Artpe. He thought about what to do next for
a brief moment. Soon, he let go of the branch of the World Tree,
and he grabbed her hands.

“Everything is all right now. They can’t attack us while we

are underground. Even if we meet one of the Four Heavenly
King once again, we are capable of buying enough time.
We’ll be able to run away. This fact doesn’t change even if
Etna is with this other Four Heavenly King.”
498 Report
“If it wasn’t for the Winter Queen, death was a possibility.”

“I told you. Everything is ok now.”

Even Artpe’s words were having a hard time calming down Maetel.
It seemed the fact that she was fine until now was miracle in itself.

“I’m afraid.”

“Matel······ I might sound a bit cold for saying this, but you
are a hero. Up to a certain point, you should be prepared for
the possibility of your own….”

“I’m afraid of losing Artpe.”


It seemed she hadn’t been thinking about the threat to her own
life. That thought hadn’t even crossed her mind. Artpe was at a loss
for words, so he laughed. However, Maetel was serious.

“You cannot die, Artpe.”

“I won’t die. I won’t die.”

“You really really cannot die.”

“Yes. Don’t worry about it.”


Artpe continued to console Maetel, who was having a hard time

coping with her worries. It seemed she finally calmed down after
acting spoiled to her heart’s content. She fell asleep while clinging to
Artpe’s back. Artpe kept letting out a sigh as he continued his work.

“Baby daddy.”
499 Report
“Shut up.”

After playing with Pipi to her heart’s content, Regina had come
back to return Pipi, and she had witnessed everything. She gave an
astute observation. Artpe was shaving the World Tree’s branch. He
was cantankerous as he gave his reply. Regina ignored him as she
sat at the edge of the bed.

“You treat Maetel like the favorite wife. Vadinet is jealous.

She is fighting with Sienna for the spot of 2nd wife.”

“Even if you are joking, you shouldn’t say such words.”

Vadinet didn’t have any direct combat abilities. If she fought with
Sienna, Vadinet would be crushed by Sienna’s hammer. Regina had
a slightly pleased expression on her face when she saw Artpe

“It is all karma.”

“Yes, let’s just say it is all my fault.”

“It is the man’s role to accept everything.”

“Gonna get stabbed.”

It wouldn’t be Artpe. Some other woman might try to stab Maetel.

Regina was about to say something more to Artpe, but he just waved
her away. It meant he wanted to focus on his task, and he didn’t
want her to interfere with his work.

“I’ll just watch.”

“You should train your magic.”

“I always train. My best training method is to be next to

Artpe. I resist against Seduction magic.”
500 Report
“I don’t use such a spell. All right?”

Artpe grinded his teeth as he smoothed the branch. His hand was
surrounded by Mana Strings, so the branch was getting smoother
everytime his hand passed over it. The branch continued to let out a
brilliant light, and the light filled the room. It was a magical and
magnificent sight.

Regina had been watching the process when she suddenly had a
thought. She asked him a question.

“Where did you learn how to make a staff?”

“I learned it from a book, you dork.”

“You are younger than me, yet you have more knowledge
than me. Are you really younger than me?”

“Maybe you are just ignorant relative to me?”


She continued to have a blank expression on her face, yet her

cheeks puffed out. It was a cute sight, so he snickered. Regina’s
eyebrows twitched.

“Artpe is weird.”

“Yes, yes. I’m weird. Let’s just leave it at that.

Artpe extended a hand towards her. Regina tilted her head in

puzzlement when she saw his gesture. Then she carefully placed her
small hand atop his palm. Her hand was cold yet cool. It felt as if her
hand would shatter if he gripped her hand with a little bit of force. It
naturally made Artpe feel nervous…. No, this wasn’t it.

“I don't want your hand. I want Pipi.”
501 Report
“······hate you.”

After receiving Pipi from Regina, he placed Pipi near the polished
branch of the World Tree. Pipi understood its role, so it tried to sync
with the branch of the World Tree, which was emitting Mana. Artpe
nodded his head as he looked at the two items.

The core process in which he would make a true ‘Demite Staff’

would start now.

“Pipi has the ability to control Mana, and it can maintain an

active spell. At the same time, it can boost my Mana.”

Artpe was carefully watching the resonance between the Demite

and the branch of the World Tree using his Read All Creation ability.
When he spoke, Regina tilted her head as she gave a reply.

“I cannot do that. It is impossible for me to boost Artpe’s


“You are a bit different from Pipi. Both of you are Demites,
but you were created to be an extremely independent being
by the humans. In the process, your sense of self had
solidified, and it became defined in your Record. That is why
it is difficult for you to mix with another person.”


Artpe let out a bitter laughter as he continued to speak.

“However, there is something even a Demite cannot do. It

can boost my Mana, but I cannot easily take control of a
Demite’s pure Mana. If I’m not careful, our Mana might

“······agreed. Amplification of Mana, and a Demite’s own

magic are two different function. It doesn’t overlap.”
502 Report
“That is the only downside to using a Demite. That is why
I’m trying to use this branch of the World Tree.”

It would act as a bridge. It would allow Artpe to mix his Mana with
Pipi’s Mana, and at the same time, Pipi would be able to boost his
Mana. There was no Mana cost to this process. In fact, it would
amplify the Mana instead of there being a loss of Mana. This was the
power of the World Tree’s branch. It possessed a tremendous ability
befitting the name of the World Tree.

“I already made a channel where my Mana will flow. When

Pipi finishes its synchronization, the channel where Pipi’s
Mana will flow will be formed. The next step is simple. I have
to direct both channels towards Pipi. At the end, I just need
to create a structure that’ll loop in the branch of the World
Tree. It’ll allow Pipi to finish the amplification. What do you
think? It is really easy, right?”

“It doesn’t sound easy at all.”

“The branch of the World Tree is awesome, so it’ll combine

Pipi’s Mana with mine.”


While the two conversed, Pipi was synchronizing with the World
Tree’s branch in real time. Artpe kept watching the process, and he
brought out couple strands of Mana String. His eyes were filled with

“All right. Let’s start.”


No man in this world knew where this underground location was.

In such a location, an Artifact that would be placed at the zenith of
history was being born.
503 Report

Chapter 145
Source: Wuxiaworld

Elrick and Sienna were sparring. It was 50 matches, and he had

lost all 50 matches.

“Shit! You are filthy strong!”

“But Elrick is also strong!”

When Elrick took off his armor, the only one he could physically
overpower in the party was Regina. However, Regina was a mage, so
it was impossible to make a simple comparison using physical
strength. In the end, Elrick thought Sienna was a worthy foe, since
she was slightly taller than him. Moreover, they both wielded blunt
weapons, so she was a good person to spar with.

“Why is there such a wide gulf between me and you?”

“Maybe, Elrick got too used to fighting with your armor


Of course, Elrick’s armor was off right now. Before they departed

for the surface, the Dwarves were working on Elrick’s equipments.
This was obvious, but Sienna wasn’t wearing much equipment either
right now. The two of them were wearing their casual clothes, and
they were using the practice weapons provided by the Dwarves.

“We are fighting under similar condition….!”

“There’s the difference in level.”

Sienna had grown within the Winter Queen’s ruin, so she was able
to catch up to Artpe and Maetel’s level. Basically, she was
approaching level 310. There was a difference of 20 level between
504 Report
Elrick and her. In fact, it would have been odd if she lost to Elrick.


He was going to point out that she was a very young girl, but he
desperately swallowed those words. He had suffered all his life,
because people made judgements based only on his appearance.
Therefore, he couldn’t voice such an opinion. Ability had nothing to
do with appearance. It didn’t discriminate between age and sex.

“If I wore my armor….”

“Yes, you will become stronger if you wear your armor.

However, you should get used to fighting without it. You
don’t want to wear that armor for all your life.”

“Yes. That’s right. … are correct.”

Elrick wondered if Sienna was the smartest one within the hero’s
party. She wasn't just smart. She was really kind, and she never
spoke any harsh words. If Vadinet hadn’t told Elrick that she was the
holy priestess, he would have thought Sienna was the holy priestess.

“Let’s fight one more time! When your armor gets here, I’ll
fight you again with your armor on.”

“······yes, let’s do that.”

······the way she laughed was also very cute. If Elrick was about the
same age as her, he wondered if he would have fallen for her. Of
course, he looked like he was the same age as her, but in truth, Elrick
was in his late 20s. Even if he was being generous, he was basically
the age of Sienna’s uncle.

“That is why it can’t happen….”

“Huh? What did you say, Elrick?”
505 Report
“Ah. Nothing. I was just talking to myself.”

Elrick couldn't face Sienna’s bright smile. He tilted his head away a
bit as he spoke.

“Please feel free to call me Elrick oppa.”

“I don’t want to! The only oppa for me is Artpe oppa. Heh

“······ah. Ok. All right.”

Somehow, Elrick knew Artpe had a disposition of a troublemaker.

He grumbled as he quietly raised the practice axe. Sienna mirrored
his actions as she raised her battle hammer. There was a light smile
on her face. It was cute, but it was aksi the smile of a scary grim

Four days passed from that point in time.

“Hoo. It is done.”

Artpe mumbled in satisfaction as he looked over the staff in front

of him.

He had processed the World Tree’s branch using his Reinforcement

skill three times. Then he connected the Demite Pipi to complete the
battle staff. It had the function of strengthening his Mana, which
would flow through the staff. It also had the emergency ability of
creating a barrier. It was a staff with an all-round capability.

“You are synchronized with the Artifact. It is very

fascinating. Artpe isn’t human?”

“Shut up, you dork.”

He had perfectly synchronized with the staff, so it wasn’t necessary

for him to carry around the staff. He could just use Pipi’s magical
506 Report
energy, and the staff would float around him. Pipi was now capable
of moving on its own, so it was having fun. It was letting out a
brilliant light as it quickly revolved around Artpe. Regina clapped
when she saw this. She asked him a question.

“Can we win against the Demon King?”

“If we have two more of this staff, we can create the


When Artpe and Regina exited the room, they caught sight of
Maetel. She was wearing a red

armor, and she was armed from her ankle to her neck. She looked
very fierce and beautiful.

“It seems the Dwarves also finished their work.”

“Yes! They are done packing too!”

“Ah. It’s oppa!”

Artpe wasn’t a magnet, yet when he was seen, girls started

sticking to him in order. Maetel, Sienna and Vadinet were all clinging
to his arms. They looked like some golem that was pieced together.
Elrick automatically became troubled when he saw this.

“I’m slowly starting to see the identity of this party…. Are

you sure I can really join this party?”

“You are the only one that can save me from this hell,

“Don’t say that. It’s gross.”

Artpe had waited for the day when another male would join the
party. He could finally leave behind this chummy atmosphere! This
was a step towards becoming a pure hero’s party! ······moreover, it
507 Report
would be great if Elrick could seduce Vadinet or Regina. If Elrick
could seduce both of them, it would be much better.

“We are ready! Let’s head out!”

“We were immaculate in finishing your equipments. At the

very least, your power will have increased by ten percent!”

There were 100 thousand Dwarves gathered in the square. It was

a spectacular sight. When everyone was gathered, Artpe picked out
a familiar looking Dwarf, and he asked the Dwarf some questions.

“So? How do we get to the surface? Why did you guys

gather so many in this square?”

“We have to gather in the square to be able to go to the



A question mark formed above Artpe’s head. Elrick smiled when

he saw this.

“You should pay close attention. This is the height of

Dwarven engineering technology.”

“Engineering technology? It has a really ominous ring to


“Let’s begin!”

The Dwarf’s command rang out, and Artpe had a bad feeling about
this. Suddenly, the square shifted, and it started vibrating. Artpe
mumbled to himself. There was no way the Dwarves would do that.

“It can’t be.”

“We’ve amassed enough Mana. It’ll be possible to raise a
508 Report
crowd of over 100,000 all at once!”

“All right! Let’s do this!”

He activated his Read All Creation, and he quickly looked over the
entire square. In a flash, blood drained from Artpe’s face.

“No, let’s not do this!”

“Let’s go!”

Dwarves had been dispatched to various locations in the square,

and they all pulled on something that looked like a hose. It acted as
a signal to commence. There was a black line bisecting the upper
boundary of the square. A double layered barrier made out of Mana
appeared on top, and it started stretching upward. It created an
enormous barrier shaped like a hemisphere.

No, this barrier probably extended below the square. It wasn’t

shaped like a hemisphere. It was correct to say that the barrier was
shaped like a sphere.

“Ha ha ha…..”

Artpe had perfectly assessed the current situation. He guffawed as

he sat on the ground. He quietly extended his Mana Strings to tie
down his party.

“These Dwarves are crazy.”

“Artpe, why did


Maetel was puzzled by Artpe’s move, so she was about to ask him
a question. In the next moment, the square was shot into the air.
The square was made independently from the city. Instead of earth
being underneath the tiles making up the square, a propulsion
509 Report
system was placed there! It shot the square into the air!

“This isn’t engineering technology! This is just brainlessly

chucking us upwards!”

“We are going to break through the crust! Inject your

Mana into the ‘ball’!”

“Inject the Mana!”

The Mana of the Dwarves were injected, and the outer double-
layered barrier started spinning. Afterwards, they crashed into the
ceiling! The more shocking part was the fact that the structures
making up the ceiling clung to the barrier. It added their power to
the barrier!

“Oh oh. The story told by our fathers were true!”

“We gained propulsion! Let’s go!”

“I never expected such a thing to be possible… As

expected, our ancestors are amazing!”

“How can you guys enjoy this!”

Physical force and magical energy were added to the spinning

barriers, and the earth couldn’t withstand against it. The spherical
barrier was surrounding the square, and there was no resistance as it
shot upwards!

“What happens if we lose propulsion and momentum?

Won’t we just fall back!?”

“Don’t worry! Since the exit system was activated, an

endless energy is formed by the square! We’ll keep rising!”

Artpe heard the shout from the confident Dwarf, so he decided to

give up thinking about it. If the sphere showed signs of falling
510 Report
backwards, he would just teleport his party to the surface. He would
only take his party members.

Strangely enough, the enormous ball that was shot upwards by the
Dwarves were showing no signs of slowing down.

“How is this possible·····?”

“I told you before. The Dwarves know of a method to

create Artifacts. This is a version of an Artifact.”

He had seen its true identity through his Read All Creation ability,
but he was still having a hard time accepting the truth. There were
things in the world that couldn’t be copied even if one knew the
structure and logic behind it. It might be apt to say that this was an
Innate ability possessed by an entire Dwarven race.

Artpe sighed as he raised his head. Pieces of metal had adhered to

the pitch dark surface of the barrier, and they were rotating

The earth was split apart by the barrier, and after passing by the
revolving barrier, the earth filled in the space behind them.

It sounded preposterous, but it was working. Therefore, he

couldn’t say anything bad about it. Fortunately, it seemed there was
no way the sphere would stop or fall backwards.

How much time had passed?

The Dwarves once again started to move again. They became


“It seems we are almost there.”

“I see. We are almost there.”

“Prepare the last propulsion!”
511 Report
“Everyone move quickly! Hurry up and inject your Mana!”


Elrick’s voice contained fervent desire. It seemed Artpe

understood Elrick’s feeling. He smirked as he fastened his party
members once again by adding more Mana into his Mana Strings.
Intense light covered the entire square!


“Stop being such a baby! The barrier has an option that

stops the light from blinding you guys!”

“Still, the outside world is bright!”

The Dwarves had been trapped underground for couple hundred

years. Instead of artificial light, they were faced with the natural
sunlight. Their eyes were dazzled, and they were deeply moved by
the experience. They started crying. Artpe hadn’t seen the sun for
couple days, so his eyes stung too.

“If you guys are ready, cancel the barrier!”

“Let’s quickly cancel it before humans gather here! Where

are we?”

“Diaz! We are in the mountainous region of Diaz. No one

actually comes here, so you don’t to be worried! Just cancel
the barrier!”

The Dwarves moved busily as they focused on canceling the

barrier. Artpe was blankly looking at the Dwarves work when he
finally realized something. His surrounding looked oddly familiar.
Didn’t Elrick just say that they were in the mountainous region of
512 Report
“That means…. This place is...”

“Huh? Artpe.”

Maetel was also a bit late in realizing this fact. Soon, their gazes
were planted on Elrick. Elrick hesitated for a brief moment, and he
acknowledged their suspicion.

“Yes. That’s right. ….this place is your birthplace”

The two heroes hadn’t meant for this to happen, but in that
moment, they had returned home.
513 Report

Chapter 146
Source: Wuxiaworld

“I was able to easily find the city of the Dwarves, because

all the entrances to the underground world was near the
birthplace of the two heroes.”

“Did you perhaps come to Diaz when you heard they were
tracking us down?”

“That’s right. Instead of finding you guys, I found the

entrance heading towards the underground world.”

At Elrick’s reply, Artpe and Maetel felt complicated emotions.

When they started looking at their surrounding, they caught sight of
the Dwarves. The Dwarves were slowly getting used to the sun. The
Dwarves stretched before they started moving once again.

“Let’s install the square first!”

“Hey. Wait a moment. What are you going to install?”

He hoped he had heard wrong, but that wasn’t the case. The
Dwarves once again moved to various locations on the square. They
started touching and manipulating the floor of the square.
Surprisingly, the ground started becoming dyed with the same color
as the square.

The Mana, which was used to create the barrier around the square,
started pouring out into the land. The nature of the surrounding land
started to change. Artpe watched the Dwarves manipulate the Mana
with his Read All Creation. Despite doing this, he had no idea how
they were able to do what they were doing!
514 Report
No, that wasn’t important right now….

“Hey, hey! You can’t just willy-nilly do as you please!?”

“Our ancestors made many preparations for the day when

we were free to come to the surface. One of the preparations
was to pick a land where we will reside. This place has a lot
veins of metals, and it has been very blessed by mother
nature. It is a living environment that is well suited for
Dwarves . Our ancestors made a deal with Diaz, so we
possess ownership of this range of mountains. The only
thing left is for us to create a city here.”

They probably weren’t lying. However, did they still hold the
ownership of this land after couple hundred years? That was the
question. On the other hand, there were tens of thousands of
Dwarves over level 200 that were capable of fighting. Even if the
entirety of Diaz attacked them, the Dwarves would have no problem
defending their territory.

“We’ll be able to do this on our own from now on. Thank

you for helping us, my friends.”

“If you guys hadn’t cleared the Abyss, we wouldn’t have

been able to exit that place. It was a matter of time before
the Shadows acquired more power than us. We probably
would have been swallowed by them. You can visit us any
time. We will become your strength.”

“Ah. Also….”

One of the Dwarves hesitated before he opened his mouth.

“I heard from Elrick that the heroes of this era have made
their appearance. If you come across them, could you ask
them to look us up? By the look of your abilities, I’m sure
515 Report
you will cross paths with the heroes.”

“Why are you looking for the heroes?”

“We want to help them defeat the Demon King.”

The eyes of the Dwarves turned menacing.

“If the Demon King isn’t defeated, beings like the Shadows
of Sinners will crawl out into the world again.”

“It isn’t just the Shadows of Sinners. This time our world
might really be dyed with Demonic energy. If we want to
protect our race, we have to attack the Demon race.”

When he saw the willingness to fight from the Dwarves, Artpe was
inwardly satisfied. He nodded his head. As expected, the guidance
of the Winter Queen was superb. The Dwarves were more
trustworthy than any human nation. Moreover, she had directed him
towards a group that was always on the hero’s side.

“It’s us.”

It was time for him to tell the truth to the Dwarves.


“It’s us. To be precise, we are the heroes.”

At Artpe’s unexpected words, the Dwarves just blinked their eyes.

Artpe and Maetel didn’t say anything. They just emitted their Hero’s
Aura. It was one of the benefits that came with being a hero. The
Dwarves recognized what they were seeing, and their jaws dropped

“They really are heroes! Of course! We were wondering

how humans that weren’t heroes possessed so much power!
We never thought about the possibility of them hiding their
516 Report

“Oh oh oh. This is the first time I’ve seen a hero·····!”

“Elrick, did you know about this!?”

“No wonder. You had such a hard on for the heroes, yet
you meekly decided to join another party. I should have seen
it for what it was!”

“Hey! Put down your axe! Don’t get angry with me! They
wanted to prove their skills to you. They didn’t want to use
their reputation that comes along with being heroes. I did as
they asked!”

A brief commotion occurred, but everyone calmed down soon.

They didn’t have to go on a roundabout process of finding the
heroes, so this was beneficial to the Dwarves.

“We’ve prepared a lot of things we wanted to give to the


“However, the improvement we made to your equipments

makes it dubious as to whether you need these items….”

“Ah. I know what you guys can do.”

At that point, Artpe thought about Silpennon’s party. Of course,

they were also a massively overgeared party. They were able to
acquire Artifacts thanks to Artpe’s instructions. Silpennon’s party
possessed equipments as powerful as the equipments possessed by
Artpe’s party. However, the Dwarves were able to make
improvements to their gears, and they had become stronger. There
was no reason why the Dwarves couldn’t do the same for
Silpennon’s party.

“I have party members, who are moving separate from us.
517 Report
I’ll contact them. When they visit you, I want you guys to
look over their equipments.”

“If it is just that, we are willing to do it. However, it isn’t

enough. It won’t satisfy our… That’s right. All your
equipments are perfect now. Therefore, we will make you
some auxiliary equipments. Some of the work has already
been done, so…. Could you wait for around four hours?”

He had never expected them to strengthen the reward the party

had received for completing their Quest. He had no reason to refuse
their offer, so he readily nodded his head.

“All right. If it is four hours, we can…. In fact, we have

something to do around here.”


Artpe gave a meaningful glance towards Maetel. It seemed she

was thinking the same thoughts as him. She carefully extended her
hand, and she linked hands with him.

“We grew up around this region. We’ll make a brief visit to

our hometown.”

“I really want to go with you….”

“There must be a reason why the two of them wants to go

there by themselves. Let’s just do our own thing here.”


Sienna held onto Vadinet. This was why Artpe and Maetel was able
to leave without much difficulty. They saw Elrick wave his hand in

“Do you think everyone is doing well?”
518 Report
“If the town wasn’t attacked by monsters, everyone should
be fine.”

They were going back to their village, but he didn’t want to get
tangled with the villagers. Artpe placed a camouflage spell on both
of them. Maetel didn’t object to what he was doing. She missed the
village, but she really didn’t have any attachments to the villagers.

Artpe and Maetel had lived in this nameless mountain village, and
it would have taken them around two hours to walk there. Artpe and
Maetel was able to reach the village in two minutes using Blink.

“Ah. It’s still the same.”

When they entered the village, a delighted smile appeared on

Maetel’s face. Monsters hadn’t sacked the village. No outsiders had
even visited this isolated mountain village. It would have been more
surprising if something new had occurred in the village. Artpe let out
a bitter laughter as he looked at his surrounding.

The village really hadn’t changed. If he could point out a change,

the people had changed. The adults looked three years older. Some
looked much older. Then there were the children (The memory of
them were faint.), who had played a game of heroes with Artpe and
Maetel. The children had grown a lot.

“Tree? We are going to the tree again? We went to the

tree yesterday, and the day before….”

“I really hate that tree.”

Artpe and Maetel had completely become adults. On the other

hand, the other children were a bit slow in growing up. It really
brought home the fact that Artpe and Maetel had grown an
unbelievable amount. Artpe and Maetel strided towards the village
containing lousy level 1 villagers.
519 Report
“Artpe, this is the same. That too. We used this tree to
mark our height. Waaa.”

There really was so little here that he wondered if he had a mistake

coming here. On the other hand, Maetel was having fun, so he
decided it was worth it. Artpe smiled lightly towards Maetel, who had
a firm grip on his hand.

At that moment, he could feel a faint trace of Mana from

somewhere within the village. It was coming from a small cottage
that was located at the boundary of the village. It was where Artpe
had lived.


“Yes! Kyaa!?”

Maetel was in front of the tree that was used to measure the
height of the village children. She was trying to measure her own
height when Artpe grabbed her hand. He used Blink. In the next
moment, they arrived in front of the cottage. He didn’t hesitate as
he opened the door, and he entered the cottage. His gaze headed
towards the message they had left behind on the wall of the cottage.

“Huh? Artpe, this is….”

“That’s right.”

The message, which was engraved on the wall, was still there.
However, there was magic placed over several letters. This was the
Hero’s Mana. To be precise, it was a spell that illuminated only when
it came in contact with the Hero’s Aura.

“Is it my dad?”

“A wandering merchant knows how to use Mana….? If so, it

really would be interesting. However, we can’t confirm that
520 Report
it is ahjussi with this.”

In Artpe’s previous life, Maetel’s father had been dead at this point
in time. At the very least, that was what his research unearthed.
This was obvious, but he had never seen or experienced the Mana of
Maetel’s father.


“Wait here.”

Artpe activated his Hero’s Aura, and he activated the spell placed
on the surface of the wall. In the end, the letters started to light up
in a predetermined order.

He could have just left behind a letter, yet ahjussi decided to leave
behind a message by putting on airs! Artpe grumbled as he pieced
together the letters in order to complete the message.

“‘When you are ready, come find me at Nirotacid in the

Demon world.’ ······too much effort was put into this. This is
too dumb to be a trap.”

“What is Nirotacid? Is it something you eat?”

“It is a place where you get eaten.”

“I don’t want to be eaten unless it is by Artpe.”

“Where did you learn to talk like that!”

“V...Vadinet said she would be fine being eaten if it is


Artpe decided to give Vadinet a harsh punishment later on(He was

afraid that Vadinet might like being punished by him). He decided to
keep his thoughts on the Nirotacid.
521 Report

It was one of the most dangerous place in the Demon world.

Unless one was a Demon of significant caliber, one wouldn’t even
dare to step one’s foot in the city.

Hot winds that were over 200 degrees Celsius blew there. At
times, storm with knife-like sands swirled around this city. It was
considered to be the hell of the Demon world where monsters over
level 350 swarmed. If this was some plan to lure the two heroes to
their death, it was such an obvious and dumb ploy. He would have
sneered at it.

That was why he entertained the idea that this wasn’t a trap. On
the other hand, this might be a plan to exploit such a thought
process in order to kill them…..

“Is it my dad? It must be my dad, right? I want to see my

dad. Artpe has to see him too. You have to bow to him
before we have our wedding.”

Maetel was already excited at the idea of reuniting with her father.
There were several parts of her words that worried him, but Artpe
had come to a similar conclusion as her.

“Yes. We have to go find this person. If it is a trap, then it

is a trap. If it isn’t a trap, we have to check the identity of
this person.”

If it was a trap, someone had made a mistake in putting it here.

The strength of the hero’s party was at its highest right now. If this
was a hero’s tale, the author would have been stabbed by the
readers for shitty power balance.

“Still, we should visit Zestbar just in case.”

“Yes, I’ll do as Artpe says!”
522 Report
Artpe was confident that they could smash any trap sprung on the
two of them. However, this wasn’t the case for his other party

First, he had to raise the strength of his party members in Zestbar,

then they would enter into the Demon world. They’ll go straight
towards Nirotacid. They’ll kill any Demons or monsters they face in
the process. They’ll have grown to the point where they would be
able to search the confines of Nirotacid in a leisurely fashion.

‘Nirotacid. It really is a very excellent choice. As someone

that always put my safety as a priority, I never dared to go to

Artpe was well-informed in regards to most regions in the Demon

world. However, Nirotacid was one of the few exceptions. Even if
there was nothing there, they won’t know anything until they get
there. If… If this message was left behind by Maetel’s father and if
he really alive in that city…..

“Things are getting complicated again….”

What would his level be? Was he alone or did he have comrades?
Why didn’t he step forward in the previous life….

“No! It won’t be Artpe! First, we’ll have around five kids,


“I don’t know which words I should deny first!”

Her father was a key word, and it had triggered her idle
imagination. She had already thought past her wedding, and her
delusions were reaching its zenith. She had a slightly dangerous
expression on her face as she kept smiling. He flicked her forehead
lightly. As always, he let out a big sigh.

Somehow or other, the reasons to leave for the Demon world kept
523 Report
524 Report

Chapter 147
Source: Wuxiaworld

In the end, they didn’t reveal themselves to the villagers. They

once again returned to the Dwarves. It felt as if not a lot of time had
passed, but the promised time of four hours had passed.

“Welcome! We chose items that we thought might help the

heroes! We finished processing the items, so they are suited
for your needs! Please come and have a look!”

The Dwarves held all kinds of auxiliary items in their arms as they
waited for the heroes. The Dwarves looked very pleased with

“If you inject Mana into this item, tens of thousand

fragments will scatter to attack the enemies….”

“That’s a Shrapnel. I heard it is very difficult to make even

one of them. I’ve never seen one for real.”

“ know about the Shrapnel. As expected, a hero’s

knowledge is quite profound. This is the next item. This

“When Mana is injected, the Mana is inflated in a fake

display to look menacing. It is called the Mana Display, and it
is used when one wants to run away from monsters.”

“Do you perhaps know about this one too?”

“That’s amazing. That’s the Expandable Temporary

Rampart. I never expected Dwarves to be able to use
Dimensional Compression magic on metal to recreate….”
525 Report

The Dwarves were taken aback when Artpe recognized all the
items they brought out. Artpe became dazed when he was faced
with items that were only mentioned in legends.

Of course, he had given the Dwarves all the raw materials he had
gathered from the monsters they had killed(This included the parts
from the Ancient Kraken). However, such items couldn’t be produced
without great skill even if one had the best materials.

“Since you know everything, we won’t go out of your way

to explain what these items are. If you don’t know
something, you can ask us.”

“No. I have a rough idea on how to use these items. These

items will be really helpful to us.”

There were items that momentarily amplified one’s Mana, and

there were consumable Artifacts capable of blocking spells of each
type of element. He used his Read All Creation ability to look over
the structure of the items, yet he had no idea how they were made.
It seemed he wasn’t able to see everything in this world yet.

“This is something we made. It is called the Steel Horse. If

you charge it with Mana, it can move at a speed comparable
to a swift horse. The speed changes depending on the
quality of Mana that is injected, so you should have no
complaints on how fast it can move. When you aren’t using
it, you can put it into your Dimensional Pouch. It is very
convenient to use.”

“It seems you guys saved the best for last?”

It was called a Steel Horse, but the last item bought out by the
Dwarves was a magic tool that could be ridden. Instead of a horse, it
looked more like a diamond-shaped box.
526 Report
It could fit around 10 people. It was quite spacious. The engine
activated when it reacted with Mana. The engine provided power to
several dozen wheels. There was also a sensor that received the will
of the driver, and it could change the direction of the wheels. It was
something marvelous that had never been seen before.


“Yes, I know you can carry us now.”

Roa reacted sensitively to the presence of the strange Steel Horse.

It seemed she had been worried that the only thing she was
capable of doing was to eat Demonic energy. When she cleared the
Abyss, she had gained the ability to expand the size of her body. At
the time, she had meowed in pride at her new ability to carry around
the party.

However, as soon as she gained this ability, something that

threatened her position had mad its appearance!

“It is better to use a tool when it is available. You can

conserve your strength, and we’ll use your power when we
really need it.”

[Nyaa-ah, nyaa-nyaa?]

“Yes, yes. I’ll give you lots of it.”

As if to comfort Roa, he let her hold the Evil Heart in her mouth.
When he turned around, he gave his thanks to the Dwarves.

“I will use it well.”

“When the other hero party gets here, we’ll give them the
same items.”

“Thank you very much.”
527 Report
He had already messaged Silpennon to visit the Dwarves when
possible to upgrade their gears. Artpe gave a satisfied nod when the
Dwarves gave a definite answer. He turned around.

“All right. Let’s go.”

“Elrick, I wish you the best! I hope you achieve what you

“Believe in me! I’ll make sure the monsters of the Demon

King never reaches you guys!”

A little bit of time was wasted as Elrick and the Dwarves said their
goodbyes to each other. Artpe watched it all with a small smile on
his face. The Dwarves were excellent warriors and blacksmiths, and
they were on his side. He could use them with Elrick as
an intermediary. Of course, he was smiling!

“Artpe, you just had an evil thought.”

“Maetel, you are cute.”

“Artpe is cool! ······huh?”

“You actually fell for that…..”

“All right. Drive!”

There were a total of six party members now including Artpe. He

drove the Steel Horse with them inside.

They had unintentionally come back to Diaz, but they were able to
move at incredible speed now. Moreover, the Steel Horse never

On top of that, they possessed the right to use the Warp Gates of
Paladia, which was placed all over the continent. This was why he
didn’t expect the journey to Zestbar to be perilous.
528 Report
“Zestbar? I think I’ve heard a rumor about that place
before. I thought humans can’t live in that environment?”

After departing with the hero’s party, Elrick was finally told about
their destination. He was shocked when he heard the information, so
he asked Artpe a question. The cute young man was tilting his head
in puzzlement within his armor. It was a very cute sight, but Artpe
was cold as he squashed Elrick’s question.

“Who amongst us can be called a normal human?”

“ have a point, but…..”

Elrick was someone that was cursed not to grow, and he was
wearing a suit of armor that was much bigger than his body. On the
other hand, he might be the most normal one here. The party
members were that special. There were the two heroes and the holy
priestess. Then there was the pretty yet eccentric magician. He
couldn’t feel sense her presence.

The most normal looking member was Sienna, but her eyes and
hairs let out light sometimes. She wasn’t normal either.

“It is known that there is no Dungeons in Zestbar. Of

course, it is a dangerous location that humans and Demons
are reluctant to enter. Basically, the monsters that resides
there are extremely strong.”

“Artpe is going to that knowing this, because….”

“That’s right. There is a ruin there. Do I really have to go

through the hassle of telling you how strong the monsters
are in this ruin?”


“Basically, it is a place where we can raise our level before
529 Report
we head into the Demon world. It is the land of our last

It was the most dangerous location in the human realm, yet Artpe
had wrapped in such an attractive packaging! However, the truth
was the truth, so Elrick couldn’t dispute Artpe’s words! Elrick was
baffled, so he kept his mouth shut. Artpe grinned when he saw this.

As expected, the Steel Horse was incredibly fast. It hadn’t been

that long since they’ve left the Dwarves, yet the first available Warp
Gate could be seen.

The problem was the fact that they had to cross an extremely
steep cliff before they could reach the hill with the Warp Gate. Elrick
saw the steep cliff around the same time as Artpe. He yelled out in

“No way. Are you planning on just charging forward like


“That’s right!”

“Oooh-ahhhhhh! This is crazy! I want to get off of this!”

Was it just a feeling? After being freed from the curse of the
armor, the solemness around Elrick was gone. His current behavior
was well-matched with his appearance now. It wasn’t a bad thing. It
made it enjoyable to make fun of him.

“Did you forget that you are with two magicians?”



“Oh, wind hear me.”

Before they fell off the cliff, Artpe let out a short cantrip. The Steel
530 Report
Horse floated into the air. Regina controlled the wind to push the
Steel Horse. The Steel Horse didn’t lose any speed as it raced across
the air. It landed on the hill on the other side.


“This was fun, Artpe! Let’s do it again! Again!”

“Artpe-nim! No! Please spare me! Please!”

The Steel Horse had a soft landing as it ran on solid ground again.
The party was split into two. There was the Replay sect led by
Maetel. Then there was the Please Spare Me sect led by Vadinet.

He thought about reversing the Steel Horse to do as Maetel

wanted. However, Vadinet and Elrick looked at Artpe with unshed
tears in their eyes. Artpe decided to just go forward. It took them a
minute to reach the first Warp Gate.

“We are here!”

“How come I’m so exhausted? We haven’t even fought any

monsters yet….”

“The fact that you are having such thoughts means you’ve
successfully become a member of our party! In reality, the
fights against monsters and Demons are nothing! You can be
at ease!”

“There is no way in hell that I can be at ease!”

It was a sight that couldn’t be seen between the previous life’s

hero and warrior. Artpe snickered as he exited the Steel Horse with
his party members. He decided to let Vadinet activate the Warp

“We just have to cross it now, Artpe-nim. We have to go
531 Report
through seven Warp Gates to reach the shores of Zestbar, so
we have to hurry.”

“Thank you, Vadinet. Well…. Let’s go, Maetel.”



They would be leaving Diaz now. Before they went into the Warp
Gate that lead to the ocean, Maetel suddenly turned her head to look

There was a small village located at the foot of the hill where the
Warp Gate resided. She could see the citizens of Diaz. It look exactly
like their home village, which they had left. Finally, Artpe realized
that he had been insensitive to Maetel.

“As expected, would it have been better if we met


“No. Our fate was cut off from them, so it is best to leave it

severed. My hands are full just by trying to protect what is in
my hands.”

Maetel shook her head as she said those words. She continued to
speak in a small voice.

“I just wish I can protect everyone this time.”



Maetel gripped Artpe’s hand a little bit harder. Then she crossed
the Gate with him. It was getting close to the time when they would
have to fight in earnest.
532 Report
The death of the Fire Witch had been truly horrifying. Her fire had
burned with tenacity and vengeance. The Fire Witch had tried to
incinerate the hero’s soul. However, the magician that controlled
winter had put her whole existence and Record on the line to protect
the hero’s party.

“No, Regina. Regina······!”

“······Maetel is alive. Happy..”

As a price, the magician had perished.

“Unfortunately, I won’t get to see the Demon King…

However, the castle’s fundamental structure was broken. It
is all destroyed. The power being sealed was freed. The
Demon King’s power is weakened.”

“Regina, Regina…. Ah, ah. If I hadn’t killed Vadinet that

time…. If so…..”

“Nothing would have changed even if we had the holy

priestess’ power… Don’t worry about it. Maetel should
always laugh.”

There were tears in the magician’s eyes. She let out a small
laughter as her cold hand touched the hero’s cheek,.

“All my life I couldn’t understand these feelings…. I

understand it now. It is all thanks to Maetel.”


“This is my last warning.”

The magician’s eyes weren’t on her comrades. Her eyes were

planted on the falling castle.
533 Report
“There is an existence worse than the Demon King. We
might have been scratching only the surface. I finally gained
true understanding from its release.”

“Something worse than the Demon King······? Release?”

“It is already too late now. The Record of the previous

generation is all missing. It is bizarre. We were tricked, but I
gained an understanding thanks to it. Maetel, that is why...”

Massive amount of Demonic energy rose from the Demon King’s

castle. Two absolute beings finally rose from within the castle. The
magician shook her head dizzyingly when she saw this.

“Be wary of the unknown. If you aren’t confident in your

victory, you should run.”

“However, if I run away…..”

“Maetel’s Innate ability is….”

The magician labored as she continued to speak.

“This isn’t the end. It can evolve. I checked.”


“Four Heavenly King Artpe.”

It was as if her inner heart had been exposed. The hero’s cheeks
turned red from embarrassment. However, the magician wasn’t
trying to rebuke the hero’s foolish crush.

“In his last moments, he opened up a possibility. History

can be changed through him. ….even where we are right now
will be changed through him. We’ll merely be swept up in
this change. However, it is possible for Maetel to be with
534 Report

“I’m not sure what you are to say. It is too complicated,

Regina. Please make it easy for me to understand….!”

“If I simplify it······.”

Where did she find the energy to speak? There was a playful
twinkle in the magician’s eyes.

She spoke.

“You have to obtain love even if you have to chase after

535 Report

Chapter 148
Source: Wuxiaworld

He was having a dream. A strange looking monster with dozen

tentacles was chasing after him. He was being pressed down by
overwhelming fear, and the only thing he could do was to run away.
It was a nightmare.

He wanted to blow the monster into smithereens with magic, but

he couldn’t use his magic. He became flustered, and in the end, he
was caught by the monster. The tentacles tickled him, and no man
should have enjoyed suffering under such an attack…..

It happened when he had that thought.

Artpe awoke from his sleep.

“Hoo-moo-mo. Artpehhh…..”


Maetel had both arms and legs wrapped around Artpe’s entire
body. Moreover, she was licking Artpe’s cheek like a baby cat. The
fact that this had happened while they were sleeping was the more
scary part. If there was something that scared him more, it was the
gaze that was fixed on two of them.

“Pervert. The hero’s name is pervert.”

“No, Regina. Wait a moment. Maetel has no leg to stand

on, but I feel falsely accused.”

Artpe couldn’t bear Regina’s observation of him, so he used Blink

to escape the clutches of Maetel. Regina looked at him as if he was
trash, but she soon let out a sigh.
536 Report
“Your defense against Maetel is lacking.”

“We are sleeping out in the open, so how am I supposed to

stop her!”

“You should bind her beforehand. Your effort is lacking.”

“Are you just trying to pick a fight with me?”

Artpe let out a sigh as he wiped his cheek. While he was doing
this, Maetel was flailing at the air when she lost Artpe’s body heat. In
the end, she didn’t find what she wanted. Her face crumpled, and
she was on the verge of tears.

Artpe was weak against Maetel’s tears. He had finally escaped her
grasp, yet he approached her once again. He started stroking her
head. He was once again caught by Maetel, but Maetel was merely
grabbing onto his leg. She was rubbing her cheeks against his leg, so
it was bearable now.

“Why were you standing there like that?”

“I’m observing what happens between a man and a woman.

It is fun and interesting. I’m looking forward to the
copulation that’ll happen henceforth.”

Her hobby was very dirty. All right. She can continue to watch. He
couldn’t go back to sleep within Maetel’s embrace, and he was no
longer sleepy. He just sat down. Of course, it was still early in the
morning, so he had nothing to do.

“Ah. Right. You are here too. Hello?”

A staff had suddenly appeared in front of Artpe, and it started

spinning in place. He gave a light tap on the staff. The staff let out a
small light as if it was happy. It was how the staff communicated.
537 Report
“Will you tap me too?”

“You want me to?”

Regina gave a loose nod. She came a bit closer, and she sat close
to Artpe. Aside from the two of them, the whole party was asleep.
He didn’t even need to check it with his Read All Creation ability.
Regina rarely approached Artpe when the other party members were

“It won’t be long before we are at Zestbar.”

“That’s right.”

“If we enter, it’ll be impossible for us to return to the

human realm for a while.”

“That is also true.”

Regina’s blue eyes looked as if it contained the winter sky. She

scanned Artpe. It was as if her eyes were looking right through him.
It was different from how Maetel looked at him.

“If we leave like this, the human realm will no longer be

under the protection of heroes. The mere presence of Artpe
and Maetel acts as support for the humans. It’ll be gone

“That’s true.”

“The Demon King’s army will attack the human realm soon.
…..will it be ok?”

Artpe had already seen the signs of the Demon King’s army
becoming active. They weren’t too far from Zestbar, and he could
feel the Demonic energy seep into the human realm from the Demon
538 Report
It really was near. It would happen before the year was up. It
would be absurdly fast compared to the events from his past life.
However, he could naturally accept it, since everything had changed
compared to his past life.

“Will it really be ok to leave it all to them?”

“Yes. I think it’ll go well.”

Artpe didn’t sound worried as he spoke in an easy manner. If he

could point out the biggest change from his past life, it was the fact
that there was a second hero’s party.

“There is Silpennon and Aria. Leseti and Deyus should

have enough strength to be of help. Moreover, there is the
power of the Artifacts they had acquired….”

Silpennon’s party might be stronger than the hero’s party of his

previous life. Of course, he hadn’t spoken such beliefs out loud, but
Artpe was sure it would become true if he believed in it.

Above all else….

“I told them to visit the Dwarves, and they’ll get their

equipments strengthened. At the same time, it was a plan to
bring Silpennon back to Diaz. At this point int time, he has
power and a cause to uphold. He won’t be found lacking in
all aspects tol become their king.”

On top of that, it would be possible for Silpennon to join forces with

the empire of Zard, which was across the ocean. Silpennon would be
able to facilitate an alliance through Artpe. Then there was the
second holy priestess Aria. If she revealed her power, Paladia would
also have to support Diaz.

At that point, at least half the power of the human realm would
have been consolidated. If the Dwarves and Elves were added to the
539 Report
existing human force, the human realm would be hard to take down.
The Four Heavenly Kings would have to get involved for their attacks
to gain any traction.

“We’ll become the hitman that’ll take out those bastards


“Are you trying to turn the burden of risk towards us?”

“I believe that’s the only viable option. I feel sorry about

putting the burden on you guys….”

“There is no burden on us. The burden is always

shouldered by Artpe.”

Regina looked as if she was looking through him, and Artpe

became a bit flustered by it. However, she still had more to say.

“You tell Maetel to become colder, but Artpe likes people

too much.”


“Despite this fact, you pretend to move for your own profit.
It is a bit cute.”

“No. I’m really doing what’s best for me.”

“You only did what’s best for the people.”

Artpe’s lips jutted out.

“What are you trying to say to me?”

“Artpe is hiding something. It bothers me.”

If she mentioned him mating with Maetel again, he planned on

hitting her. However, unexpected words came out of Regina’s
540 Report

“However, it isn’t as if I hate it..”


“It stimulates me.”

“······I see.”

“That is why I observe Artpe. I don’t get bored.”

Artpe remembered the dream he had today before he had the


It was after his death, and Etna had been defeated by the hero’s
party. The dream depicted the moment when Regina had been

There were a lot of details that worried him. Regina had realized
the evolution of his Innate Ability, and she had given a significant
piece of advice to Maetel.

He really wanted to wake up Maetel right now, so the three of

them could talk to each other.

However, the most memorable part of the dream was the words
spoken by Regina. She was consoling Maetel. Maetel had been sad
after watching his death. Regina said she finally understood the
emotions she had been unable to comprehend for her entire life. It
was all thanks to Maetel, and she was happy.

Maybe, it was the same for Regina in the current life and the past
life. She might just want to explore her emotions. The Demon King
controlled the Demon race, and he was trying to dominate the
humans. However, her feelings towards the Demon King might have
been of secondary importance.
541 Report
In their past life, Regina had looked towards Maetel. In their
current life, Regina was looking towards Artpe. That was the only
difference. When he realized this fact, Artpe suddenly became
afraid. What if he was a bad influence on Regina?

“You shouldn’t trust me too much.”

“I don’t trust you. Men, who like younger women, are

dangerous. You are a scary pervert that doesn’t care about
actual age or sex. They just have to look young. Special

“Ok. That’s enough.”


It looked as if Regina had more to say, but Artpe no longer

conversed with her. If things continued along this path, it felt as if his
previous life would be revealed.

He started making preparations with the intention of moving in the

morning. Elrick, who had been sleeping in a nearby tent, stuck his
head out. He was looking at Artpe. It wasn’t a sight befitting a
warrior with overflowing charisma.


“What? Why are you so on guard…. Mmmm?”

Artpe soon realized why Elrick was so vigilant towards him. If he

thought about it, there was some very odd choice of words spoken by
Regina. She said he was a scary pervert that doesn’t care about
actual age or sex of a person. One just had to look young…..

“No. It isn’t like that.”

“Don’t come over here! If you come any closer, I’ll cut
542 Report

“It isn’t like that!”

The disturbance caused by Elrick and Artpe finally made everyone

wake up. Of course, all of them were high level, so they weren’t
suffering from lack of sleep. This was why they had a quick
breakfast, and they were on the road again.

It was exactly as the early morning conversation between Artpe

and Regina had indicated. Zestbar wasn't too far away. They didn’t
need to enter into another Warp Gate any more. They watched the
landscape pass by as they rode the Steel Horse. They traveled at
high speed towards the ocean in the distance.

“You now what, Artpe? I had an incredible dream today.”

“No. Don’t tell me.”


Currently, Artpe didn’t have the courage to approach Maetel about

her dream. Therefore, he stopped her before she could talk about it.
At the same time, he worked on creating a spell.

Zestbar was a location where humans and Demons couldn’t easily

approach. If they wanted to enter into the waters of Zestbar, they
would have to break through the barrier placed around Zestbar.
Even Artpe had to put in a good deal of work to accomplish this.

“Ah. I see people over there.”

“They are from a minor country. Ignore them.”

“Oppa, they are fighting against demons.”

“It is a commonplace affair. Ignore…...what?”
543 Report
Artpe was about to ignore Sienna’s words as if her words were
inconsequential, but he queried her. His gaze immediately turned to
look into the distance. He really could see them. There were
humans putting up a fierce fight against Demons, and the Demons
that were crushing the humans as if they were nothing.

“My god.”

They looked to be low rank Demon soldiers that were barely over
level 200. However, they were still Demons. It seemed the war was
going to be waged much faster than Artpe had predicted. Of course,
these were reconnaissance units sent ahead of the main army to
squash the humans realm….

Artpe was so surprised that he couldn’t shut his mouth.

“I can’t believe my luck is this good! I don’t have to work

like a dog to break the barrier!”

“I was wondering why you weren’t saying something like


While Maetel grumbled, Artpe immediately used Blink. Artpe’s

party and the Steel Horse jumped space, and they arrived at the
battleground between the humans and Demons! He ran over a
Demon that looked easiest to take down. It was a charming gesture.

“Hello. You guys are the ones that broke open the entry
barrier to Zestbar!”

“What!? Humans······!”

“Crush them!”


Her current personality differed significantly from her past life, so it
544 Report
kind of worried him. The blond hero Maetel jumped off the Steel
Horse with her bastard sword in hand.

It was a reconnaissance unit, yet there were over 500 Demons

there! As soon as Maetel landed, the number decreased to 400. She
took a powerful swing with her bastard sword, and light was emitted
from the blade’s edge. The light impacted exactly at the location
where the Demons were gathered, and the Mana within the Demons
burned out.

“Maetel, you don’t have to kill those that aren’t showing

too much aggression! Regina, use your communication
interference spell!”


“Oh Spirit of Wind. Please punish those louts that tickle

your ears.”

Maetel moved like thunder. The bodies and blood of fallen Demons
appeared in every location she passed by. The Demons realized
something was wrong, so they tried to contact their main army.
However, their communication spell had been blocked by Regina’s
interference magic.

“There are only six of them!”

“Kill them all! Kill that witch first… Koo-ahk!”

The Demons realized that fighting was the only option left. They
bared their teeth as they jumped into the fight, but their heads were
cut off by Maetel’s sword before they could do anything. Maetel kept
Artpe’s words in mind, but she wasn’t generous enough to spare
those that threatened her life and Artpe’s life.

“I’m also going!”
545 Report
“No, Elrick. Maetel and Regina will settle things here.
From the moment we enter Zestbar, we’ll be attacked by
much more dangerous enemies than these Demon pawns.
You should conserve your strength.”

So why was he allowing Maetel and Regina to go ham? They were

a special breed of monster that didn’t lose much stamina and
magical energy after dispatching enemies of this caliber.

“Oh my god! You guys came out of nowhere, and you

saved us. Please….”

“Ah. You better not give us a sub-Quest! If you want to

stay alive, run!”

Even if they were from a small nation, the humans tried to present
a Quest and reward to his party. Artpe didn’t want to do something
that was tiresome, so he chased the humans away! The humans
wanted to say something more, but they couldn’t withstand Artpe’s
cold gaze. Soon, they were fleeing. In the end, the Demons and
Artpe’s party was the only ones left.

“Hoo. Good.”

Not a single Demon was able to run away. They were either killed
or subdued by Maetel and Regina. He got off the Steel Horse, and he
walked towards the nearest Demon. He found one that was still

“Shall I start my 2nd round of experiments?”

After 30 minutes, Artpe had perfectly cleared the scene. They got
on the Steel Horse, and they safely entered into the waters of

A smile of satisfaction appeared on Artpe’s lips.
546 Report

Chapter 149
Source: Wuxiaworld

“Artpe, are you sure about letting them go?”

“Since they’ve lost their abilities, they can’t return to the

Demon world. The deciding factor was the expression on
their faces. They no longer want to kill us. They looked like
cows that were dragged into the slaughterhouse. There is no
need for us to kill them.”

If he stated the conclusion first, his experiment to make the

Demons into humans had been extremely successful. Artpe had
used the power of the magic tome on the subdued Demons. There
were couple rough patches, but he was able to safely extract the
essence of the Demons. He was able to keep his subjects alive. Of
course, Artpe was able to perfectly strip the shackles placed on them
by the Absolute Control.

‘The only sticking point is the fact that the subject has to
be drained of all Mana before the magic tome can be
activated…. Since I have Roa, it’ll work out somehow.’

When the shackles were undone, the former Demons completely

escaped the Demon King’s sphere of influence. The Demon King
probably thought they were dead.

If the former Demons came across other Demons, the Demon King
would find out that he had made an error of judgment. However,
nothing would change even if the Demon King finds out about it. If
the Demon king became vigilant against the hero’s party, he might
send more Demons towards them. Artpe would be thankful for such
a move.
547 Report
‘Etna…. If I can somehow turn Etna into an ally...’

No. In truth, he didn’t need her as an ally. It was enough for her to
be a neutral party.

She was a Demon with a special characteristic. She possessed

energy closer to pure fire rather than Demonic energy. As a Demon,
this was a detriment to her power. If he released her from her
shackles, she would immediately become 1.3 times stronger.

When that happens, she didn’t need to stay next to the hero. She
would become a big impediment for the Demon King’s army if she
resided in the human realm.

“Artpe, you are thinking about that woman again.”

“No, no. I was thinking about you.”

“That sounds like a lie······.”

Lies didn’t always work against Maetel. This was especially true for
lies pertaining to Etna. Was this her woman’s intuition? It was truly

Arpte turned his head away from Maetel’s sharp gaze. He found a
distraction just in time.

“Monster! A Monster is coming towards us!”


Maetel looked dissatisfied, but she had no choice. It was true that
a monster was coming towards them. The Steel Horse(It was an all-
purpose ride capable of traveling on water and air.) was traveling at
high speeds over the ocean. The monster was coming straight
towards them.

It was bigger than the Steel Horse, and it had a fierce black mane.
548 Report
It has two sharp eyes, and an exoskeleton that covered its body.
Dangerous needles protruded from between the bone armor….

“Oppa, why is that seahorse running above the water?”

“Maybe, the gene of a horse is being expressed right now.”

“I thought it just looked like a horse. I never knew they

shared ancestors! Oppa is amazing!”

“Don’t fall for such an obvious lie, you dork.”

Artpe was more surprised by the fact that Sienna knew about the
existence of a seahorse. However, the more important point right
now was the fact that it was being hostile toward his party.

“I’ll go first, Artpe!”

“······everyone else should get ready for a fight. These

bastards are nearly level 300, and they are influenced by the
Demon world. They are more powerful in comparison to their
level. Never ever let them hit you.”


As soon as the seahorse was registered as an enemy, Maetel

started running across the ocean. He nodded his head towards her
as he stretched his hand outside of the Steel Horse. He put his hand
under the surface of the water. Vadinet was puzzled by what he was


“Seahorses usually live underwater. I’m sure they are

coordinating an attack from below the surface of the water.”

549 Report
He didn’t have to say too much. Several dozen Mana Strings shot
into the ocean, and it bound the large herd of seahorses that were
secretly charging towards Maetel.

Their defense was so powerful that not a single one of them were
killed by Artpe’s Mana String. However, Regina quickly chanted her
spell, and she sent the power of the great winds through the Mana
Strings. The subdued seahorses were ripped into pieces. It truly was
a perfect combo.

“More are gathering.”

“Of course. The attack from a moment ago was an attempt

to rile them up. Soon, the whole ocean will be against us.”

“Bad habit. ······a little bit cool.”

When they confirmed that the enemies were rising up from deep
within the ocean, Artpe and Regina praised each other’s skills as they
prepared their second spell. At that moment, Maetel had reached
the enormous seahorse.


Was there anyone or anything that could withstand her frontal

assault? Her first sword strike broke apart the exoskeleton of the
seahorse. The following strike impacted on the head of the seahorse.
There wasn’t even a trace of its head left behind.

She kicked off the water, and she attacked the next target. She
killed the next target with a single strike. In the process of killing
one, she figured out where all her enemies were located at. From
that moment on, she accomplished her task with the least amount of
movement and power expenditure as possible. She wasn’t called a
genius for nothing.

“I don’t want to admit it, but the title of hero really suits
550 Report
that woman.”

“Vadinet, stop looking vacantly at everything. Come

towards me.”


Vadinet unsterood what Artpe wanted from her.

Hadn’t she just witnessed the combo attack between Regina and

She deftly let out her holy energy. Artpe used it to strengthen his
Mana Strings. The several dozen Mana strings infused with holy
energy moved to the depth of the ocean. In the next moment, the
Mana Strings moved according to Artpe’s will. The Mana Strings
expanded as they attacked the monsters all at once!


[Koo-gya-gya-gya-gya-gya! Gee-ah-koo-ooooh-

The monsters of Zestbar had appeared from the ocean of the

Demon world. Of course, they possessed powerful Demonic energy,
so they were tormented by the attack.

It would be heartless to just torment them, so he controlled the

holy power and magical energy to change the shape of her spell. He
continuously changed the form of the spell as he attacked the
monsters. In the end, they died. Since these monsters were over
level 300, the party’s EXP rose quickly.


[Kee-heee! Kee-heeeeeeeeeee!]

The waves of the ocean erupted with blood and screams. A
551 Report
seahorse couldn’t take the pain, so it shot out of the ocean.
However, Sienna hit it with her hammer before it could reach Artpe.
The violent exchange had happened right in front of him, yet Artpe’s
expression remained cool.

“Artpe-nim, your Mana isn’t boundless. We should


“Retreat? Do you really think I want to retreat in the

middle of this?”

Of course, Artpe could use his Blink ability to retreat, but he didn’t
come here with the intent to retreat.

“I wasn’t lying when I said the entire ocean will oppose us.
Soon, there will be more monster than water inside the

“······behind us. They are gathering.”


When a monster of the Zestbar’s ocean locked into a target, all the
monsters of the Zestbar’s ocean gathered to attack them.

The party had to somehow avoid the monsters to reach the shores
of the Demon world or the human realm. If not, they would have to
fight an endless battle until they were sent to a watery grave. This
was the only choice given to those that stepped into this ocean.

“Normally, one would try to cross to the other side before

the battle intensifies. One would cross before being
surrounded by the monsters. It isn’t necessary to crush all
the monsters here.”

“However, didn’t oppa say your goal is within the ocean? If

we enter the ocean, we won’t be any closer to entering the
552 Report
Demon world… Does that mean the endless stream of
monsters is a hint to finding a way to opening a ruin?”

As expected, Sienna’s ability to digest and understand a situation

was outstanding. He stroked Sienna’s head as he nodded his head.

“That’s right. These bastards are our key to the ruin. It

can't be found through normal ways. Even the almighty
Demon King probably can’t figure this out.”

It wasn’t worth it for the Demon King to gather and kill the
monsters of this ocean. Artpe looked at Maetel, who was single-
handedly killing all the monsters that surged above the surface of the
water. She looked fierce.

“The ocean of Zestbar has always been protected by a

barrier, so it is the most ideal spot to hide something.
Moreover, there is an ancient magic circle that covers the
entirety of the ocean. I doubt human hands can create or
reproduce this magic circle. The ruin will only show up when
all the guards are drawn to the surface.”

Anyone could predict what Artpe would say next.

“That is why you guys have to kill them without rest.”


Fortunately, the party was powerful enough to kill any monsters

that showed up in the waters of Zestbar.

Not a single monster was able to last beyond two blows from the
party. Since all the monsters were falling short of touching the party
members, they became enraged. More monsters rushed towards the
party. Normally, the job of luring this many monsters would have
taken days, but this method allowed them to increase their
efficiency. It only took several hours,
553 Report
“Artpe, look over there!”

“Oh. Finally.”

It had taken quite a long time, but the ocean had turned black from
the blood of the monsters. A whirlpool started forming in the middle
of these waters. When the monsters sensed the massive amount of
Mana infused within this whirlpool, they started gathering towards it.
Maetel was in a rush, so she struck out and killed a portion of the
monsters before she returned to the Steel Horse.

“Artpe, is that the ruin?”

“It’ll form soon. Just observe.”

“What do you mean by it’ll form….. Ooooooooh.”

Maetel’s gaze had followed Artpe’s finger. Her expression

crumpled as she observed the whirlpool. Maetel liked eating and
playing. However, she didn’t like playing with her food. This was
why the sight in front of her was truly horrifying.

“The monsters are being sucked into the whirlpool, and

they are being blended!? I won’t be able to get a good taste
at this rate!”

“Maetel, I know full well that you perceive monsters as

‘something to eat.’ However, you’ve done a good job to help
us reach this point, so you should rest for a little bit. Don't
attack them. Rest.”

Artpe let out a sigh as he stretched. Then he stopped his party

members, who were trying to attack the monsters that were rushing
towards the whirlpool.

“Isn’t this our best opportunity to kill all the monsters,

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“The trigger has already been pulled. We just have to wait
for the ruin to take shape.”

“A ruin? Wouldn’t we have to kill all these monster to be

able to enter into a ruin…. Ah?”

As if to match her voice of disbelief, Vadinet’s slender and beautiful

eyebrows gently arched.

“Artpe-nim, are the monsters gathering towards the

whirlpool to form the ruin? Is this part of the process?”

“Ah. I’m glad I’ve gathered smart party members…...”

“I know it too! They’ll combine to form a heckin’ large


“Maetel-nim, it is said that you are halfway to sounding

smart if you keep your mouth shut. Didn’t you just hear us
say it is the ruin? So why would you suddenly bring up a big

A fight between Vadinet and Maetel was imminent. Before the

fight could break out, Artpe spoke in an apathetic voice.

“Maetel is right.”

“What? What do you mean by…. Huh?”

Vadinet was about to retort when her mouth clicked shut. Since so
many monsters had rushed towards the whirlpool, it had been hard
for Vadinet to see what had been occurring within the whirlpool. Her
eyes were planted on the center of the ocean.

It didn’t escape her notice. Something was being born from within

“Artpe-nim······ Is this why you wanted us to leave the
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monsters alone?”

“Since a large number of living monsters were inputted,

the output should be large”

“So the outcome…. How big will it be?”

“I’m not sure.”

Artpe raised his gaze as he scratched his head. There was no

longer a whirlpool. The blood, muscles and bones of all the gathered
monsters were coalesced into a oval-shaped mass. It pulsed in a
really gross manner.

It looked like an egg.

“Artpe-nim, you aren’t going to say what I think you are

going say, right?”

“Everyone get ready.”

When Artpe gave the order, the upper surface of the egg broke
open, and something stuck its head out. When Vadinet saw this, she
yelled out loud.

“That isn’t a fish! That’s a mammal!”

“It’s a whaaaaaaaaaaaale!”

However, Vadinet’s words weren’t heard by Maetel. When Maetel

realized that a massive whale had hatched from the egg, she let out
a great big smile.

“Well, let’s charge forward.”

“Oh. Artpe-nim.”

It didn’t matter that Vadinet spoke to him in despair. Artpe
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valiantly gave his order.

“We are going into the mouth of the whale!”

It was the ruin where the great magic Reign of Ruin was sleeping.
It was the moment when they entered into the ocean’s grave.
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