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Focus 1 Names and introductions ‘Are you Miss Jackson? /2 ju Yes, that's right. /jes dats ‘raut/ oo wut ut sana uu ‘Willian feffeson Cinco na police officer } businessman (polis fisa/ orznisman/ a businesswoman Poxzmsywomen/ = = a tennis player ‘emis plero/ My name's Hiroshi Kazuma, a singer /siy2/ a waiter /werts/ mat neim2s .. surname /ss:nei/ one /wan/ two uy Ste five flav/ 4 ‘Real life Hello and goodbye Hi meet you. six /sks/ seven /sevan/ How are you? ) ee you. And nine /nain/ Vm very well thanks. ten fien/ a eleven /tlevan/ Goodbye! Bye. See you later. Yes, see you! seventeen /sevanitin/ * 21 4 fl eighteen /ettin/ nineteen /namtizn/ twenty /twenti/ Real life Classroom language book /bok/ ZAKS to close /klouz/ to work in pairs (nwt! /peoz! Important vocabulary Personal vocabulary Focus 1 Countries an actor an actress a book a businessman a businessw to close a doctor ‘an engineer first name @ footballer full name Hello to look My name's Nice to meet you, a student . surname 4 teacher 4 terinis player a walter What's your name, please? to work in pairs { the USA (Qo ju: es! EEA Real life What's your first name? It’s Daniela. What's your surname? It’s Fusciardi How do you spell that? FUS-CLARD- Are you married or sing] 'm single. What's your address? 16, Weston Street, Bath, What's your phone number? 01688 99301 Whet's your job? ‘m a doctor. Useful phrases Where are you from? Y'm from the USA. Are you from Poland? No, I'm not from Poland. I'm from Russia, How old is she? I don’t know. How old is he? I think he’s twenty-four. I'm from a | small | city big | country, 'm from the capital city of my country. Important vocabulary Personal vocabulary an address Are you ...? Are you married? big a capital city acity a country from How do you spell that? How old ...? How old are you? I don’t know. I think job to know married a phone number single small to spell to think What's...” ‘What's your job? What's your phone number? Where ...? Where are you from? | module 3 Focus 1 "Focus 2 Plural nouns Adjectives vl ood a fantasti school awful festa a bus foas/ ural: buses /basiz/ Bho ne awful people fantastic weather a beautifl city good fooc car /ka:/ plural: cars /ka:z/ beautiful weather good weatt abig city hhappy people big happy Pug! Pha a big room plural: taxis /taksie/ ‘an expensive city anice room nice pe ‘expensive a. woman /woman/ plural: women /wimin/ ‘an expensive room Focus 3 Food and drink rice /rais) fruit /irus/ uu Real life Ina café a burger /| a salad /swlad/ a sandwich /senwidyy Useful phrases 1 ike meat and rice. I don't like vegetables. ‘My favourite food is fish. My favourite drink is coffee. Two coffees, please. How much is that? Thank you. Excuse me, what's this? What's that? Who ate those people? Are these my vegetables? “I ———— Important vocabulary Personal vocabulary Focus 1 Places in a town awful food i = ‘a beautiful city Fee —ar a burger a bank /banhk/.... abus car coffee eggs ‘an expensive city fantastic weather favourite fruit | good food happy people How much ...? to like a man (pl. men) meat . milk nice people pasta a person (pl. people) pizia rice @ sandwich taxi vegetables water @ woman (pl. women) a hotel fnavitel/ 16 module @ park /paik/ . aE =| new S 4 post office /poos! a station /stexfon/ a Prepositions Focus 2 “Focus 3 Listening Common adjectives ‘beautiful git ‘beautiful beach ‘busy town, busy Peri! a famous city famous ‘ees! boy /boi/ @ famous person, ‘a fantastic city () > ‘a fantastic day ‘on interesting day tan interesting person, 18 ennice pla a nice per ‘an old city, old spol an old university a quiet town quiet Pesan T ‘a quiet person ‘small town ‘ small supermarket a Real life In the street Sorry. That's OK. Excuse me, where's the station/ park/bank? It's over there, on the right/left Is this Eden Street? Sorry, 1 don't know. Where is the bank? Sorry, I don’t understand. Useful phrases There are lots of people. Important vocabulary Personal vocabulary a bank a beautiful beach a bus stop a busy town a café cinema acity a famous city a fantastic place a hotel in an interesting place a large city a lake near a nice town an old city on the right on the left a park a post office ‘a quiet town restaurant a river the sea a small town a square astation a supermarket Sn module 5 |... oe Focus 1 Focus 2 Verbs and nouns @8@ 9 1 = grandparents /graenpesronts/ . eR - i ae < (45 husband X, — Jsenta/ zy mother /msdo/ 4 a q in the centre of the « father /fa:do/ Parents /pearonts/ | ina flat /flwt/ languages /iengwidsiz! M uD brother /brado/ sister /sisto/ son /san/ daughter /<>:to/ ~< with computers Pkampjutoz! children /tjuldron/ grandchildren /; Focus 3 Personal possessions How much are the phone ¢ a phone card ‘They're ten pounds. ‘Moon kasd Can I have one? ye Sure. That's ten pounds, a postcard Thanks. fpoustkard) Thanks a lot. Bye. Do you live in a house or « 7 Who do you live with? ‘a magazine i Imago'ciad How many people are the) your house? Do you have any children Do you work/study near ys home? ‘a newspaper njusperpay tissues /uju! @ mobile phone /maubaul foun/ 24 module Important vocabulary —_ Personal vocabulary Focus 1 Likes and dislikes ‘a brother DQ hate ... Mew a camera @® S 2) don't like ... {dount atk) children © . acredit card @) ‘sare okay tev babar 9. ther: @ _ like... fak/ glasses YZ grandchildren HE ove «.. sav! srandparens O@ to have (a cat/a garden) a husband a lighter to live (alone/in a flatéwith your parents) a magazine a mobile phone money a mother ‘a newspaper parents @ passport a phone card 4 postcard . @ purse a radio a sister & agon stamps to study (a lot/languages) tisfues a wallet watch a vite 10 work (for a company/with computers) 26 Focus 2 Focus 3 Verbs and nouns Reading @ computer game ‘Pwompjuto geim/ to speak two languages /spick tw: eqgwidsiz/ Real life Telling the time (1) ‘The shop opens at (eopanz/ PRlouzzz/ The shop closes at five o'clock. Important vocabulary Personal vocabulary animals cart classical music to close cooking dancing a dog to eat to finish half past to hate jan food to like to love o'clock okay to open to play a computer game to play football quarter past quarter to to read a book reading rock music shopping to speak two languages sport to start travelling to use the Internet to watch TV to watch a video oe module7 | Focus 1 Focus 2 Daily routines Days of the week ‘Adverbs of frequency 100% always fosiwetz! Monday /mandi/ Tuesday /tju:zti/ get ew Wednesday /wenzdi/ Friday /fradi/ | Saturday /ssiodi! ‘work jwssk/ te at start stay) Sunday /sandif/ ns > 0% never Preval finish /fimf/ 32 Focus 3 Verbs and nouns te to clean the house to do your homework (du: jo: houmwatk) cinema {get to 09 ‘sinoma/ # 2 zs to listen to music ‘san to musa! 34 to stay in ster ‘inj Time expressions three o'clock half past six at quarter to ten day week every weekend the morning _ the afternoon the evening Tuesday Thursday on Friday Real ie Telling the time (2) five past seven [fav past Sevan! SOIT twenty past ten (wenti passt ten ten to six ‘ten ta ‘siks/ Useful phrases What time do you have breakfas At about half past seven. 1 don’t have breakfast. Tonly have a small lunch. When do you clean the house? At the weekend, What do you usually do on Sun« I stay in. Do you read a newspaper every Yes, in the evening. ‘What time does The News starti Nine o'clock, Important vocabulary always ct ten past eight at twenty to four to clean the house to do your housework every day every week to finish work to get home to get up to go to bed to go to the cinema to go to work to have breakfast to have dinner to have lunch in the evening the morning never on Saturday on Tuesday to watch TV module Focus 1 Verbs to hear /uo/ to see /si:/ to talk /tok/ to stand /stwnd to run ean to walk /wo:k/ use a computer fu. 9 komipjute/ to swim (swim) ride a bicycle Jraud 2 ‘bask chess /ijes/ Focus 2 Metres, minutes, kilos The body the head jhed/ PA 1 aq hand /hend/ aan arm jean/ a minute an eye jay an ear fy blood fina a bone fo one per cent 50 per cent 100 per cent @ foot /fx/ drad pa ‘sent fwwan po ‘sent /ftti po ‘sent/ Real life Big numbers a hundred thousand fo hundrad Bauzond/ Useful phrases Can you play chess? Yes I can, but not very well. Can he play the guitar? Yes, he can, He plays it brilliantly. ‘She can't swim, but she can run fast. How many people are there in your class? Where do you go on Saturday? When do you go to school? Who's your favourite footballer? Why do you like him? Important vocabulary Personal vocabulary an arm blood bone Can you see ... 7 a centimetre an ear an eye «@ foot, feet a gram ahand the head to hear an hour a hundred a hundred thousand per cent to play chess/basketball to play the guitar torun to stand to swim to talk jousand thousand to walk module9 | ‘Focus 2 Focus 1 Common adjectives Reading and listening beautiful /bju:tfal/ places ugly /agli/ busy /bui/ shops dangerous safe /seif/ . Ne roads slow /slou/ — fast /fa:st/ unhappy happy /hoepi children ‘asthe ld fouta/ pewpipel Buildings hn i, families the President /prezi Jul young /jan/ ‘Fonte old 42 a

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