Performance Assessment On Non-Locomotor Skills Instructions

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Name: Cyndy Loraine Palay

Program & Blk: BS Environmental Science/ 1B

Performance Assessment on Non-Locomotor Skills

1. Perform the Non-locomotor exercises following the test instructions in the
2. Complete the information needed in the table.
3. You can regress or progress, either the movement, the time or the repetition.
4. Have at least 2 minutes rest per each set of exercise.
5. Don’t forget to record your exercise heart rate after you finish performing all
the non-locomotor exercises.
6. Submit a copy of the form below, and a video showing you performed the
Non-locomotor exercises.
7. Legend
*Set/s (How many rounds you’re going to perform the exercise)
*Reps (or repetition, how many times you’re gonna perform the exercise)

Name Recomm n No. (Put a note

Notif Scor
of e d of tit regression/pr
es you e
Exerci ed sets/repe io did (To
se number o ns don e ogres be
repetiti f so si filled out
on me by the
(per s instructor
side) on
1. Dead o 3 Im glad I made
bug n sets it to 10 reps.
series n 3 sets, , 10 Im improving.
1.1. Hip 10 reps rep
flexi and xio s
Extensio nn
ter 3 I don’t get tired
3 sets, 10 se easily.
1.2. Knee al
al re ts,
ps 10
3 sets, 3 I finished it
1.3. 10 se without
Contrala reps ts, breaking a
10 sweat
1.4. re
Ipsilater ps
3 sets, 3 I enjoyed it and
10 se I can perform it
reps ts, now very well.
2. Bird 3 It is not tiring
dog se and I did a
series 3 sets, 5 ts, great job
2.1. Knee re 5 finishing it.
lifti p re
ng s ps
2.2. Knee 3 sets, 3 sets, 10 I can now balance
flexion 10 reps myself.
and reps
extension 3 sets, 3 sets, 10 I can now do it without
2.3. Knee 10 reps falling.
and shoulder
& extension
3. 5 2 reps It’s an easy task to do.
Rollin rep
g s
4. 2 sets, 50 sec I surpass my limits
Plankin 2 sets when I did 50 seconds
g pla 45 sec. (B) planking.
nk 30 sec. (G)
2 2 sets, 45 sec I can now plank and
set ( B surpass the limits my
4.2. Full
pla 4 s ) body can.
an 5 G
k 3 sec )
0 .
4.3. .(
Side pl 4 2 2 sets, 45 sec I also did a great job
5 set ) doing this plank.
3 s
0 sec. )
5. Press 3 sets, 3 sets, 10 Its quite tiring but also
up/ 10 reps fun for me.
Pus re
h up ps
6. Squat 3 sets, 3 sets, 10 I am proud of myself
series 10 reps when I finished it
re because it was so tiring.

Processing Questions:
1. Which of the non-locomotor skills you performed poorly? What should
you do about it?
The squat series, I performed it poorly. So, I should try and practice or do it
every day so that I will be better in it the next time.
2. What components of Physical Education were developed when you
performed the non-locomotor skills?
My endurance and the balanced were developed because I get to exercise and
make it possible.
3. What did you feel while performing the non-locomotor skills?
At first, I feel so tired and when I finished doing it, it feels so good and it makes
my body so relaxed.

Video of my non-locomotor exercise:


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