Pale Carnations Ch. 2 Up 2 Walkthrough

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Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven

Chapter 2 Up 2

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Mutt & Jeff

This guide will do its utmost to make sure your journey through the
game as painless as possible. I aim to give you the best decisions for
each variable and let you make your own wherever possible.

Warning! – This game has adult content, please make

sure you are of legal age in your country.

Stat Points

[CharacterName/RP] Relationship Points gained/lost per character.

[CharacterName/FP] Friendship Points gained/lost per character (This is called
Bromance for Killian, but the same color will be used).
[Mina/K/RP] Mina & Killian relationship points.
[Toughness] Affects characters level of dominance.
[Event Trigger] Triggers that affect dialogues, scenes and choices.
[Unique Female Character Stats] FelicC = Felicia Confidence, VeronH= Veronica
Horniness, MinaB= Mina BiCurious, HanaA= Hanna Anger, KathT = Kathleen Trust

Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
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Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

Beginning Stats: All females start at [RP] =8 except, [Veronica] = 5. [Mina/Killian] = 7.

[Killian] = 11, [August] = 3, [Chuck] = 5, [Jacob] = 3, [Sam] = 3, [Warren] = 0.
[Tough] = 13.

Id Choice

1. A) Money [Greed] [Tough+1]

B) Respect [Power] [Tough+2]
C) Helping People [Lust] [Tough-3]

Note: In choice #1, 3, ,4, & 5 you will be asked to confirm your choice, be sure this is what you
want as this will shape your character for the duration of your playthrough.

Name Choice

2. Your Choice (Default=Edwin Turner)

Trait Choice

3. A) An abundance of curiosity. [Inquisitive]

B) An abundance of energy. [Tireless]
C) An abundance of anger. [Governor] [Tough+1]

History Choice

4. A) Burned the neighbor’s shed to the ground. [Firestarter]

B) Started a business selling creepshots of the … [Voyeur]
C) Stole a large sum of money from the school… [StickyFingers]

Perk Choice

5. A) Enthusiasm for athletics. [StrongMan]

B) Budding social grace and charm. [SocialButterfly]
C) Willingness to lie and conform to get what... [SocialChemeleon] [Tough+1]

May 07/Call with Dr. Chuck

6. A) Be polite. [Tough-1] [ChuckPolite]

B) Match his enthusiasm. [Chuck+1]

Dinner with Mom

7. Joke with her. (Your Choice)

Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

8. A) Agree. [Kill+1] [Tough+1]

B) There’s a limit [Kill-1] [Tough-1]
Note: You can choose all choices but do not have to.
9. A) Talk about…
• Her work.
• Her dating life.
o Tell her it’s not pathetic. [Tough-1]
o Dissuade her.
• Recent movies.

B) Compliment her cooking.

C) Finish conversation and excuse yourself to…

May 07/Ian Text

10. A) Politely decline. [Kill+1] [Tough-1]

B) Get annoyed. [Kill-1] [Tough+1]

May 08/August & Kathleen

11. A) Let Ian finish. [Kill+1] [Tough-1]

B) Interrupt Ian and introduce yourself. [Kill-1] [Tough+1]

12. A) Flirt with her. [Kathleen+1]

Note: A will only show if [SocialBufferfly].
B) Move on the why you are here.

13. Deflect. (Your Choice)

May 09/Text with Dr. Chuck

14. I’m here. (Your Choice)

Meeting Warren & Rose

15. A) Return his greeting.

B) Shake his hand. [Warren+1]

16. A) Compliment her. [Rosalind+1]

B) Move on.

17. A) Good friend of mine. [Rosa-1] [Kill+1]

B) An acquaintance of mine. [Kill-1]

Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

18. A) Take advantage of her. [Rosa-10] [Tough+5] [RosaTakeAdv]

• That’s ‘Yes, Sir’ [RosaPN=Sir] [YesSir]
Note: Will only show if [Governor].
• Tell her to undress.
• Kiss her. [RosaLibido+1] [RosaTAKiss]
B) Tell her she can join. [Rosa+5] [Tough-2] {Go to #23}

19. Tell her she’s beautiful. (Your Choice)

20. Encourage her. (Your Choice)

21. Cum on her face (Your Choice)

22. A) Apologize. [Rosa+1] [Tough-1] [RosaTAApology]

B) More than ok. [Tough+1]

23. I’m in. (Your Choice)

May 10/Café

24. A) Make a joke.

B) Hug her tighter. [Mina+1]


25. A) Thank him (earnestly).

B) Thank him (with a joke). [Kill+1]


26. Thank him. (Your Choice)

27. Choose all in Order.

28. Take the money

Kathleen Meeting

29. A) It’s Turner, Ma’am. [KatPolite]

B) It’s Edwin.

30. A) Throw Killian under the bus. [Kath+2] [Tough+2] [Kill-3]

Note: A will only show if [SocialChemeleon].
B) Reassure her. [Kath+1]
C) Try and break the tension. [Tough-1]

31. A) Isn’t that messed up. [Tough-2]

B) Go on. [Tough+1]

Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

Hana Meet

32. A) Look at her ass. [Tough+1]

B) Don’t be disrespectful. [Tough-1]

33. Yes. [Tough+1]


34. A) That’s and understanding view.

B) Joke. [Felic+1]

35. A) Compliment her.

B) Show interest in her work. [Felic+1]

Disco Free roam

Note: At this point I will give you paths. Choose whatever one you want, there are variations of
each but I will give you the two paths to get the most points with the girl you are more
interested in, and not piss off Killian too much. There is also a group path, as it is rather boring it
will not be mentioned. Saving here is Recommended.

Felicia Path

36. Click on Felicia.

37. Click down arrow x2
38. Click on Bar area.
39. Click on the Bar Tender.
40. A Cherry Bomb.
41. Go back to Felicia. (Click on Felica) [Felic+1]
42. I can’t see the harm in that.
43. Suggest we do shots. [Felic+2]
44. I’ll show her enthusiasm.
45. Grope her tits. (Your Choice)
46. Let your hand travel down south (Your Choice)
47. Slap her tits.
48. If you want something, all you have to do is ask.
49. I’m a math tutor. [Felic+1]
50. We should do that again sometime. {Go to #81}

Mina/Party Path
51. Click on Felicia.

Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

52. Click down arrow. (Click on Mina)

53. Click down arrow. (Click on Bar Area)
54. Click on Bar Tender.
55. Cherry Bomb.
56. Go back to Mina. (Click on Mina)
57. Click on Felicia. [Felic+1]
58. I think I’m going to check on Mina again.
59. Yea why not?
60. Go to Downstairs. (Click on the Dance Floor top middle.)
61. Tell her the truth. [Mina+1] [Kill-1] [MinaK-1]
62. Go back downstairs (Click on Mina middle left)
63. Help Mina
Note: If you have [StrongMan] perk, you can choose “Try to intimidate him”.
64. Tell him to Stove off. [Tough+1]
65. Stand up for Mina. [Mina+2] [Felic-1] [Tough-1] [Kill+1]
66. Let her know it’s cool. [Mina+1]
67. Looking forward to it. [Kill+1]
68. So, do you. (Your Choice)

After Party

Note: You will obtain [PrAfterparty].

69. A) Tell her your birthday. [Mina+1]

B) Take the shots. [Felic+1]

70. A) Kiss her. [Mina+2]

• Half ass it.
• Put on a show. [MinaK-1]
B) Have her kiss Ian. [Mina+1]
C) Have her kiss Felicia. [Kill+1] [MinaB+1]
D) Both of you take a shot. [Mina-1]

71. No way I’m walking home in soggy underwear… [Felic+1]

72. Just do it yourself.

Note: If [StrongMan], then [Felic+1].

73. A) Accept Felicia’s advances. [Felic+2]

B) Put an end to this before it goes too far. [Felic-5] {Go to #79}

74. Humor her. [Felic+1]

Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

75. A) Ask for some privacy. [Kill-1]

B) Ask if he wants to join the fun. [ThreesomePic] [Kill+3] {Go to#78}
Note: B will only show if [Kill] >= 18.

Felicia Solo

76. I want to. [Felic+1]

77. A) Cum in her throat!

• Tell her how you feel. [Tough+1]
B) Take care of yourself and cum on her face.

Threesome Felicia

78. A) Thanks for the blue balls. [Kill+1]

B) What’s her deal.

After Party End No Fun

79. A) It’s not that I don’t find you attractive, but… [Felic+1]
B) No, I don’t. [Felic-1]

80. Kiss her goodbye. (Your Choice)

May 11 Kathleen

81. Ask what this is about. [Tough+1]

82. A) Apologize for making her wait. [Kath+1] [Tough-1]

B) You could’ve called. [Kath-1] [Tough+1]

83. A) Try to resist temptation.

Note: If [Tough] >20, then [Tough+1] else [Tough-1].
B) Fuck it! Throw caution to the wind. [Kath+1]

84. Fuck you! [Tough+1]

85. Don’t Sweat it. (Your Choice)

May 12 Hana

86. A) Call her out. [Hana+1]

B) Just head inside.

Veronica & Kathleen

87. A) Return her handshake. [Veron+1]

B) Life coach? [Veron-1] [Kath+1] [Tough+1]

Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

88. A) Speak the God’s honest truth. [Tough+1] [Kath+1]

B) Keep it coy. [Kath-1] [Tough-1]

89. A) Take your dick out. [Kath+1] [Tough+1]

B) Try to refuse. [Kath-1] [Tough-1]

90. A) Plaster Lucy with baby batter.

B) Paint Veronica white. [Veron-2] [VeroFacial]
C) Screw this hag, she’s taking the load. [Kath-3]


91. A) Ask her to get coffee with you.

Note: This choice will fail if you obtained only [RosaTakeAdv], & NOT [RosaTAApology].
B) (Politely) End the conversation.
Note: If you chose A & failed or you chose B. {Go to #95}

Rose Coffee

Note: You will obtain [RosaMarried] & [RoseSeduce] by default.

92. Choose both.

93. Tell her she’s right. (Your Choice)

94. A) What’s going on. [Tough-1]

B) Who cares, just roll with it. [Tough+1]

Celebratory Dinner

95. A) I’m curious to say the least. [Tough+1]

B) No, I’m not! [Tough-1]

May 13 Evening Contest

96. A) Sure thing, Uncle Chuck. [Chuck+1]

B) How are you, sir? [Chuck-1]

97. A) (Lie) I love your movies. [Sam+1]

Note: A will only show if you obtained [SocialChemeleon].
B) Thank you for the advice.

98. Ask about Lucy. (Your Choice)

99. A) Turn around and give her some privacy. [Veron+1] [Tough-1]
B) Enjoy the show. [Tough+1]

100. A) Be honest with her. [Veron-1]

B) Insert the vibrator.

Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

101. I think Lucy is going to win. (Your Choice)

102. A) (Joke) Agree with him. [Kill+1]

B) Admonish him for his comment. [Kill-1]

103. A) Reassuringly put my hand on her… [Veron-1] [Tough-1]

• Too late now, double down! [Veron+2]
• Fuck that, make my escape.
▪ Say nothing. [Tough-1]
▪ Agree. [Tough+1]
B) Leave it alone and just head back.

104. A) Absolutely not. [Hana+1]

B) Maybe a little. [Hana-1]

105. A) Excited. [Tough+1]

B) Scared. [Tough-1]

106. A) Follow Hana and put your nose where… [Hana+2]

B) Help Mrs. Pulman to her office. [Kath+2] {Go to #111}


107. A) Sure, why not? [Hana+1]

B) No thanks.

108. A) Place your hand on her hips. [Hana+1]

B) Place your hands on the biker’s…

109. A) It’s taking advantage of women in… [Hana+1] [Tough-1]

B) It’s not like anyone is forced to be… [Hana-2] [Tough+1]

110. Ask if she wants to come in. (Your Choice) {Go to End Prologue}

111. A) Offer to go outside. [Kath+1]

B) Do as she asks. Sit down.

112. A) I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. [Kath+1] [Tough+1]

B) It was a bit much. [Tough-1]

113. A) The first: I liked watching the girls dance.

B) The second: I didn’t know a human… [Tough+1]
C) The third game: I liked how frenzied Lucy…
D) The third game: Veronica and you. [Kath+1]

May 14 Meet the Carnations

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Chapter 2 Up 2

Note: If [Sam] & you obtained [SocialChemeleon], then [Sam] =4.

If you did NOT obtain [PrAfterparty], then [Felic+4].

June 01 Edwin Gets a New Apartment

1. Flatly deny it. (Your Choice)

Carnation Club

2. A) Hard to say. Ask the girls to give you a little… [Felic+1] [Kill+1] [Veron-1] [W1Spin]
B) Don’t be a pig about it. [Tough-1]

Saving here is recommended.

3. A) Rosalind is you favorite.

B) Felicia is your favorite. [Felic+1]
C) Veronica is your favorite. [Veron-1]
D) This is stupid. They all look great. [Veron+2] [Kath-1]
Note: D Will only appear if you did not obtain [W1Spin].

4. A) Partner with Rosalind. [W1RoseGonzo]

B) Partner with Felicia. [W1FelGonzo]
C) Partner with Veronica. [W1VerGonzo]


5. A) Head girl?
B) Nice to meet you, Dalia. [Tough-1]

Note: You will obtain [MetDalia] by default.

If you obtained [W1RoseGonzo] {Go to Rosalind Gonzo}
If you obtained [W1FelGonzo] {Go to Felicia Gonzo}
If you obtained [W1VerGonzo] {Go to Veronica Gonzo}
Insight: Gonzo points will get you a nice scene.

Rosalind Gonzo

6. A) Ask her what’s the hurry. [Rosa+1]

B) Tell her she’s an eager slut. [Rosa-1]
Note: B Will only appear if you obtained [Tough] >=20.
C) She has a point. Let’s move things along.

7. A) Ask her what kind of money troubles, and… [Tough+1] [Gonz+1]

B) Just move onto a more thrilling direction. {Go to #9}

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Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

8. A) Spice up the footage by using her admission… [Rosa-1] [Tough+1] [Gonz+1] {Go to #10}
B) She clearly don’t want to talk about it be…

9. A) (Not so) Subtly ask her if she’s comfortable. [Gonz+1]

B) Tell her to take her tits out.

10. A) Tell her the girls in her class weren’t wrong. [Tough+1] [Gonz+1]
B) Tell her they were just jealous. [Tough-1]

11. Ask about her sexual experience. [Gonz+1]

12. Ask about her sexual fantasies. [Gonz+1]

13. Ask about her favorite sexual positions. [Gonz+1] [RoseGonzPositions]

Note: If [Gonz] >=4, then [W1RoseScore+1] & [W1GonzoReward].

{Go to #30}

Felicia Gonzo

14. A) Ask some questions first. [Felic-1] [Gonz+2]

B) Let Felicia be herself. [Felic+1] [Gonz+1] {Go to #16}

15. A) Ask her more about her husband. [Felic+1]

B) Ask her about her reason for being here. [Gonz+1]
C) Move things along.

{Go to #17}

16. A) Tell her you love her tits most. [W1FelTits]

B) Tel her you love her ass most. [W1FelAss]

17. Ask her about this week’s theme. [Gonz+1]

18. Ask her about her wildest sexual encounter. [Gonz+1]

19. Ask her about her sex life with her husband. [Gonz+1]

Note: If [Gonz] >=4, then [W1FelScore+1] & [W1GonzoReward].

{Go to #30}

Veronica Gonzo

20. A) Tell her it’s because you like her. [Veron+2]

B) Tell her it’s because you find her attractive. [Veron+1]
C) Play it cool and say you don’t know.

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Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

21. A) Tell her she needs to loosen up. [Tough-1]

B) Tell her she’s about as sexy as a piece of… [Tough+1]

22. A) Offer to give her a shoulder massage. [Veron+1] [VeronH+1] {Go to #24}
B) Offer to take your clothes off. [Veron+2] [W1VerPcUndress]

23. A) Humor the woman. [Veron+1]

B) Get the interview back on track. [Veron-1]

24. Ask Veronica to demo her derriere. [Gonz+1]

25. Get her to bend over even further. For science. [Gonz+1]

26. A) Throw caution to the wind. Do what needs… [Veron+1] [VeronH+1] [Gonz+1]
B) Disengage. It’s too risky!

27. Ask about her sexual fantasies. [Gonz+1]

28. Ask about her taste in men. [Gonz+1]

29. Ask about her relationship status.

Note: If [Gonz] >=4, then [W1VerScore+1] & [W1GonzoReward].


30. A) Agree to help Hana out. [Hana+1] [HanaPath]

Note: If you obtained [W1FelGonzo] {Go to Interview Kat/Rose}
If [W1RoseGonzo] {Go to Interview Kat/Felic}
If [W1VeroGonzo] {Go to Interview Kat/Felic}
B) Tell her nightclubs aren’t your thing.

31. A) Change your mind and agree to go. [HanaPath]

B) Tell her you’re really not interested.

Note: If you obtained [W1FelGonzo] {Go to Interview Kat/Rose}

If [W1RoseGonzo] {Go to Interview Kat/Felic}
If [W1VeroGonzo] {Go to Interview Kat/Felic}

Interview Kat/Rose

32. A) Wish them fun. [Kath+1]

B) Tell Rosalind to hang in there.
C) Just leave.

{Go to #34}

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Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

Interview Kat/Felic

33. A) Wish them fun. [Kath+1]

B) Tell Felicia to hang in there. [Felic+1]
C) Just leave.

June 02

34. A) Comfort Mina with a half-truth. [MinaK-1]

B) Flat out lie for him. [Kill+3] [W1MinaLie]

35. A) Agree to accompany Mina shopping [Mina+2] [MinaPath]

B) (Lie) Tell her you have other plans. [Mina-1] {Go to Fork}

Mina Date

36. A) Just say what you’re thinking. [Mina+1]

B) Keep your thoughts to yourself.

37. A) Talk about the skirt without restraint. [Mina+2]

B) Talk about the blouse, respectfully.

38. A) Tell her it’s cute, just like her. [Mina-1]

B) Tell her it projects a pretty strong impression. [Mina+2]

39. A) Don’t be a creep, look away. [Tough-1] {Go to #41}

B) Let your eyeline linger a little longer. [Tough+1]

40. A) Don’t be greedy, it’s too risky.

B) Risk it, take another peak. [Tough+1] [W1MinaCaught]
Note: B will only appear if you obtained [Voyeur].

41. A) Tell her she should go the professional route. [MinaOutFitPro]

B) Tell her she should go the cute route. [MinaOutFitCute]
C) Tell her she should go the sexy route. [MinaOutFitSexy]

42. Felicia.

43. A) Accept Felicia’s dinner invitation. [Felic+1] [FeliciaPath]

B) Decline Felicia’s dinner invitation. [Felic-3] [FeliciaDinnerDec]

44. A) Tell Mina she’s worrying for nothing.

B) Thank Mina for her concern. [Mina+1]

45. A) Keep it to a chaste touch.

B) Rest your hand on her tush.
Note: If [Mina] <16, [Mina-1], else [MinaK-1].

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Chapter 2 Up 2


Note: If you obtained [RoseSeduce] {Yes} {Continue} {No} {Go to #56}


46. Ask her how she got your address. (Your Choice)

47. A) Tell her to use your first name. [Rosa+1]

B) Let it pass. You like the deference. [RosePolite]

48. A) Try to productively manage your anger. [Rosa+2]

Note: A will only appear if you obtained [Governor].
B) Speak your feelings.

49. A) Tell Rosalind you accept her deal. [Tough+3] [RoseDealFAcpt] [RosePath]
B) Tell Rosalind you’ll help her for free. [Tough-2] [Rosa+5] [RosePath]
C) Tell Rosalind there’s nothing you can do. [Rosa-10]

50. A) Tell her not to mention her husband.

B) Insult her husband. [Tough+1] [RosaL+1]

51. A) Tell her you’re grinning because she’s… [Tough-1]

B) Tell her you’re grinning because you’re… [Tough+1]

52. A) Ask Rosalind if she’s truly ok with this. [Rosa+1] [Tough-2]

B) Don’t let your conscience get in the way… [Tough+1]

53. A) Tease Rosalind with dirty talk. [RosaL+1]

B) Shower Rosalind with praise. [Rosa+2]
C) Use your eyes not your words. [Rosa+3] [RosaL+1]
Note: C will only appear if you obtained [W1RoseGonzo] & [RoseGonzPositions].

54. A) Cum Inside [RosaL+1]

B) Pull out and ejaculate on Rosalind’s stomach…

55. A) It was the promise of sex, obviously. [RoseSexHelp]

B) It’s because she needs the help. [RoseHelpNeed]
C) It’s because she reminds you of a certain… [RoseHelpMom]

Note: If you obtained [W1MinaLie], then [Mina-3] & [Kill+1], else [Kill+1].

June 03

56. Tell him you’re loving it here. (Your Choice)

57. A) Thank Dr. Chuck for this kindness. [Chuck+1]

B) Unenthusiastically tell him you’ll keep that…

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Chapter 2 Up 2

Note: If you obtained [FeliciaPath] {Go to Felicia Date}

If you did NOT obtain [FeliciaPath] OR [FeliciaDinnerDec] {Go to Felicia Choice}
If you [FeliciaDinnerDec] {Go to #}

Felicia Choice

58. A) Accept Felicia’s dinner invitation. [Felic+1] [FeliciaPath]

B) Decline Felicia’s dinner invitation. [Felic-3] {Go to Fork 2}

Felicia Date

59. A) Play along with her teasing. [Felic+1]

B) Ask about the fake last name.

60. A) Show me more. [Felic+1]

B) What did I do to deserve this?

61. A) Crude joke to lighten the conversation. [Felic+1]

B) Tell her your impressed.

62. A) Pull Felicia closer to you. [Felic+1]

B) Suggest we sit down.

63. A) Kiss Felicia. [Tough+1]

Note: If [Felic] >=22, [Felic+1], else [Felic-1].
B) Boop her nose. [Felic+1] [Tough-1]

64. A) Admit to Felicia she made a convincing point. [Felic+1] [Tough+2]

B) Tell her it still seems extreme to you. [Tough-2]

Fork 2

Note: If you obtained [HanaPath] {Yes} {Continue} {No} {Go to #74}

Hana Date

65. A) Walk over and say hello to your boss. [Aug+1]

B) Walk over and say hello to Jacob and Harper. [Jac+1] [JacHarpVouch] {Go to #67}

66. A) Emphasize your trustworthiness to your boss. [Aug+2] [W1AugTrust]

Note: A will only appear if you obtained [SocialChemeleon]
B) Tell August he can trust you. [Aug+1] [W1AugTrust]
C) Don’t make any future promises.

{Go to #68}

67. A) Thank Jacob.

B) Tell him he doesn’t need to worry about that. [Jac+1]

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Chapter 2 Up 2

68. A) Agree with Jacob.

B) Tell Hana they kick ass. [Hana+1]

69. A) Don’t say anything, just whistle.

B) Admire Hana’s tattoos. [Hana+1]

Note: If you obtained [StrongMan], then [Hana+1].

70. Talk about Hana’s band.

71. Zero in on the band name. [Hana+1]

72. Talk about your mother. [Hana+1] [W1HanSnglMother]

Hana Date Interruption

73. A) Tell Kathleen I was already going to do that. [Tough-1]

B) Tell Kathleen she would probably rather… [Tough+1]

June 05

Note: If you obtained [W1GonzoReward], then [Kath+3]. {Yes} {Continue} {No} {Go to #82}

Gonzo Reward

74. A) Announce your presence by knocking.

B) Wait a moment and eavesdrop first.
Note: B will only appear if you obtained [Voyeur] OR [Inquisitive].

75. A) Tell Kathleen that sounds a little scary. [Tough-1]

B) Tell Kathleen that sounds exciting. [Tough+1]
C) Daringly tell Kathleen to bring it on.
Note: If [Tough] >=19, [Kath+2] & [Tough+1], else [Kath+1] & [Tough+1].

76. Tell Dalia to share it. (Your Choice)

77. A) Share an observation of your own. [Kath-1]

B) Ask Kathleen for a repeat performance. [Kath+1]

78. A) Show some concern for Lucy’s comfort. [Tough-1]

B) Just sit back and enjoy the oral attention. [Tough+1]

79. A) Tell Kathleen not at all. [Kath+1]

B) Flippantly tell Kathleen she owns the place.

80. A) Apologize and tell Kathleen you are just tired. [Tough-2]
B) Tell Kathleen you’re angry about being drugged. [Kath-1] [Tough+1]

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Chapter 2 Up 2

81. A) Tell Kathleen you honestly don’t. [Tough+1] [KathT+1]

B) Tell Kathleen you aren’t sure. [Tough-1]

{Go to #83}

No Gonzo Reward

82. A) Tell Kathleen you honestly don’t. [Tough+1] [KathT+1]

B) Tell Kathleen you aren’t sure. [Tough-1]


Note: #83 is only for those who obtained [MinaPath]. {No} {Go to Solo Gym}
83. A) Invite Mina to the gym. [Mina+2] [Tough+1] [MinaGym]
B) Go to the gym by yourself. [Tough-1] {Go to Solo Gym}

Mina/Vero Gym

84. A) Tell her you want to get in shape. [Veron+2]

B) Tell her your sticking around for Mina. [VeronH+1]

85. A) Mention tomorrow night and see how she… [Veron-1]

B) Deflect by apologizing and mentioning… [Veron+1] {Go to #87}

86. A) Express admiration and try to gain ground. [Veron+2] [VeronH+1] [Tough+1]
Note: A will only appear if you obtained [SocialChemeleon].
B) Just drop it and get to the exercise.

87. A) Ask Veronica for some help stretching. [Veron+2] [VeronH+1]

B) Just enjoy the show. [VeronH+2] [MinaB+1]

Solo Vero Gym

88. A) Play shamelessly to Veronica’s ego. [Veron+1] [VeronH+1]

Note: A will only appear if you obtained [SocialChemeleon].
B) Express to Veronica a genuine interest in… [Veron+2]

89. A) Tell Veronica you wouldn’t mind this being… [Veron-1] [VeronH-1]
B) Ask Veronica what she thinks.
Note: If [Strongman], then [VeronH+2] else [VeronH+1].

90. A) Mention tomorrow night and see how she… [Veron-1]

B) Deflect apologizing and say that you are… [VeronH+1]

Solo Vero Exhibition Talk

No choice. [Veron+5]

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Carnation Meeting

1. A) Just be honest with them and… [Rosa+1] [Tough-1]

B) Remind them of the relationship… [Veron-1] [Felic+1] [Tough+2]

Rosalind Reassure

Note: #2 is only for those who obtained [RosePath].

2. A) Reassure Rosalind you are still in her… [Rosa+2] [Tough-1]
B) Show Rosalind the deal is still on. [Tough+1] [RoseLibido+1]
C) (Full Deal) Make her prove herself… [Tough+2] [RoseLibido+1] [RosePhoto]
Note: C will only appear if [RoseDealFAcpt]

Note: If you obtained [MinaOutFitPro], [MinaOutFitCute] OR [MinaOutFitSexy]

{Go to Mina Outfit}
Else {Go to Week1 Exhibition Change}

Mina Outfit

3. A) Tease Ian about his childhood. [Kill+1]

B) The Ian that’s all in the past. [Kill-1]

Week 1 Exhibition Change

Note: #4 is only for those who obtained [RosePhoto].

4. A) You’re a good girl. [RoseLibido+1]
B) That was the point whore. [RoseLibido-1]

Exhibition Free Roam

5. Click on two people Far Right.

6. Click on three Far Left.
7. Click on guy in the Middle.
8. Click on Travel top left.
9. Choose Kathleen’s Office.
Kathleen’s Office

10. Choose All.

11. (Don’t bother with the people on the right.)
12. Click on Travel top left.
13. Choose Bar.

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Chapter 2 Up 2


14. Click on two people Right in front of you.

15. A) Ask what he assholes problem is. [Tough+1]
B) Just go about your business. [Tough-1]
16. Click on Bar Tender. (Hana)
Note: #17 is only for those who obtained [HanaPath].
17. Tell Hana you’re sorry she has to put up with… [Hana+1]
18. Click on man on Far Right. (Chuck)
19. Click on three people Middle.
20. Click on Travel top left.
21. Choose Security.

22. Tell Warren this place is interesting. [Warren+1]

23. Click on Travel top left.
24. Choose Dressing Room.
Dressing Room

25. A) Clear your throat and get… [Tough-1]

B) Watch Veronica in silence.
26. A) Manhandle Veronica’s tits. [VeronH+1]
B) Let your hands linger as you…
27. A) Tell her she doesn’t have anything too…
B) Tell her not to get complicated. [Tough+1] [Veron+1]
28. Click on Travel top left.
29. Choose Hallway.

30. Click on Jacob Far Left.

31. Tell Jacob you’ll defuse the situation. [Jacob+1]
32. Your Choice.
33. A) Speak the creep’s language to get him… [Hana+1] [KathT+1]
Note: A will only appear if you obtained [SocialChemeleon].
B) Keep you cool and respectfully direct… [Hana+1] [KathT+1]
Note: B will only appear if you obtained [SocialButterfly].
C) Lie and say Hana is needed elsewhere. [Hana+1]
D) Call this loser out on his shit. [August+1] [KathT-2] [Hana+2]
34. Click on Travel top left.

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35. Choose Bar.


36. Click on people in the Middle.

37. Click on couple on the Right.
38. Click on Travel top left.
39. Choose Security.

40. Click on monitor.

41. Take a look at the feed. (Your Choice)
42. Click on Travel top left.
43. Choose Vip Lounge.
Vip Lounge

44. Yes continue.

45. A) Help Veronica get her business back on… [Sam+1] [VeronPath]
B) Ignore your feelings is could…
Note: End Free Roam.
Exhibition Intro

46. A) Match Kathleen’s example and show… [KathT+1]

B) Introduce and share a little bit about… [Chuck+1]
C) Be concise with your introduction. [August+1]
47. A) Thank her for the opportunity. [Kath+1]
B) Tell her you are unsure at the prospect…

Note: Now I will give you the combos for winning the exhibition. Saving here is recommended.
These are the combinations of the next two choices for each girl to win Round One and be out
of the game (or further punishment if you will). I will show paths for each girl going to the
getting to the end as well, which is either a good or bad thing based on your kinks.

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Chapter 2 Up 2


48. A) You like a woman who can take charge… [ExControl]

B) You like a demure, obedient women… [ExDeferential]
C) You like an attractive woman who… [ExAttentive]

49. A) You want to feel like a king. [ExWorship]

B) You want to feel cared for. [ExTender]
C) You want to feel sadistic. [ExNasty]
D) You want to feel like you’re being taken… [ExTease]


50. You’d prefer is she called you. (Your Choice)

51. Tell Felicia she’s doing a good job. (Your Choice)

52. Tell Felicia she’s a freak. (Your Choice)

53. A) Just ram your cock into Felicia’s waiting mouth.

B) Tease Felicia a little. [Tough+1]
• Tell Felicia that’s not good enough. (Your Choice)

54. A) Give Felicia’s breasts a good whack.

B) Give Felicia’s breasts a pull. [Tough+1]
C) Just keep hammering her throat. [Tough-1]

55. A) Tell her your doing your best to put… [KathT+2]

B) Tell her you can’t help it… [Kath+1] [KathT+1]
C) Ignore her.

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Pale Carnations Written by: Zoey Raven
Chapter 2 Up 2

56. Give her a kiss on the cheek. [Felic+1] [Kath-1]


57. Choose all or just the third option to move on it’s up to you.

58. A) Worshiped. [Rosa+1] [RoseLibido+1]

B) Tormented. [RoseLibido+2]

59. Tell her to speed up. (Your Choice)


60. A) Relieve your bladder… (Will only appear if [Tough]>=21)

[Kath+2] [Veron-4] [Rosa-1] [Hana-2] [Warren+2] [Sam+1] [W1ExVeroPissedOn]
B) Make sure Veronica is ok. (Will only appear if [Tough] <20)
[Kath-1] [Veron+2] [Rosa+1] [Hana+1]
• Acknowledge her by slapping her ass.
Note: If [Veron] >=10, then [VeronH+1], else [Veron-1]
• Tell her not problem
C) Ejaculate on the prone woman’s face. [VeronH+1]
D) Just let time run out. [Veron+1]

61. A) Tell Killian to stop being a dick. [Hana+1] [Kill-1]

B) Don’t get in between the two.

Veronica/Felicia Round 2

-Veronica Advances Path

62. Hit the low setting button.

63. Hit the low setting button.

{Go to Veronica Round 3)

-Felicia Advances Path

64. Hit the high setting button.

65. Hit the medium setting button.

{Go to Felicia Round 3)

Veronica/Rose Round 2

-Veronica Advances Path

66. Hit the high setting button.

67. Hit the low setting button.

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Chapter 2 Up 2

{Go to Veronica Round 3)

-Rose Advances Path

68. Hit the low setting button.

69. Hit the low setting button.

{Go to Rose Round 3)

Felicia/Rose Round 2

-Felicia Advances Path

70. Hit the high setting button.

71. Hit the low setting button.

{Go to Felicia Round 3)

-Rose Advances Path

72. Hit the low setting button.

73. Hit the low setting button.

{Go to Rose Round 3)

Rose Round 3

74. A) Stick around and watch Rosalind get… [KathT+1] [Tough+2]

• Join in the fun. [Kill+2] [RoseLibido+1]
• Just keep filming.
B) Slip out of the room and find Hana. [Hana+3] [W1ExGame3Avoid]

75. A) Stick around and watch Felicia get… [KathT+1] [Tough+2]

• Join in the fun. [Kill+2]
• Just keep filming.
B) Slip out of the room and find Hana. [Hana+3] [W1ExGame3Avoid]

76. A) Stick around and watch Veronica get… [KathT+1] [Tough+2]

• Join in the fun. [Kill+2] [Veron-1]
• Just keep filming.
B) Slip out of the room and find Hana. [Hana+3] [W1ExGame3Avoid]

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Chapter 2 Up 2

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