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Introduction to Research

Unit 1

Multiple Choice Questions with Answer Key

1. Research is

a. Searching again and again

b. Finding solution to any problem
c. Working in a scientific way to search for truth of any problem
d. None of the above

Answer: c

2. The essential qualities of a researcher are

a. Spirit of free enquiry

b. Reliance on observation and evidence
c. Systematisation or theorising of knowledge
d. All the above

Answer: d

3. “Controlled Group” is a term used in _______

a. Survey research
b. Historical research
c. Experimental research
d. Descriptive research

Answer: c
4. How would you define 'the research process'?

a. The researcher's plan of action to be followed when carrying out

b. A method of collecting research data.
c. The stages or steps the researcher follows in carrying out a
research project.
d. The account of a study the researcher will write at the end of the
study ready for publication.

Answer: c

5. A researcher wants to study the relationship of family size to

income. He classifies his population into different income slabs and
then takes a random sample from each slab in order. Which
technique of sampling is he working with?

a. Cluster sampling
b. Random sampling
c. Stratified random sampling
d. Systematic sampling

Answer: c

6. Random sampling is helpful as it is __________.

a. An economical method of data collection

b. Free from personal biases
c. Reasonably accurate
d. All the above

Answer: d
7. _________ is a preferred sampling method for the population
with finite size.

a. Area sampling
b. Cluster sampling
c. Purposive sampling
d. Systematic sampling

Answer: d

8. What is a research design?

a. A way of conducting research that is not grounded in theory

b. The choice between using qualitative or quantitative methods
c. The style in which you present your research findings, e.g. a
d. A framework for every stage of the collection and analysis of data

Answer: a

9. When each member of a population has an equally likely chance

of being selected, this is called:

a. A nonrandom sampling method

b. A quota sample
c. A snowball sample
d. An Equal probability selection method

Answer: d
10. Which of the following techniques yields a simple random

a. Choosing volunteers from an introductory psychology class to

b. Listing the individuals by ethnic group and choosing a proportion
from within each ethnic group at random.
c. Numbering all the elements of a sampling frame and then using a
random number table to pick cases from the table.
d. Randomly selecting schools, and then sampling everyone within
the school.

Answer: c

11. Which of the following is not true about stratified random


a. It involves a random selection process from identified subgroups

b. Proportions of groups in the sample must always match their
population proportions
c. Disproportional stratified random sampling is especially helpful
for getting large enough subgroup samples when subgroup
comparisons are to be done
d. Proportional stratified random sampling yields a representative

Answer: b
12. Which of the following statements are true?

a. The larger the sample size, the greater the sampling error
b. The more categories or breakdowns you want to make in your
data analysis, the larger the sample needed
c. The fewer categories or breakdowns you want to make in your
data analysis, the larger the sample needed
d. As sample size decreases, so does the size of the confidence

Answer: b

13. Which of the following sampling techniques is an equal

probability selection method (i.e., EPSEM) in which every individual
in the population has an equal chance of being selected?

a. Simple random sampling

b. Systematic sampling
c. Proportional stratified sampling
d. All of the above

Answer: d

14. Which of the following is not a form of nonrandom sampling?

a. Snowball sampling
b. Convenience sampling
c. Quota sampling
d. They are all forms of nonrandom sampling

Answer: d
15. Which of the following will give a more “accurate” representation
of the population from which a sample has been taken?

a. A large sample based on the convenience sampling technique

b. A small sample based on simple random sampling
c. A large sample based on simple random sampling
d. A small cluster sample

Answer: c

16. Sampling in qualitative research is similar to which type of

sampling in quantitative research?

a. Simple random sampling

b. Systematic sampling
c. Quota sampling
d. Purposive sampling

Answer: d

17. Which of the following would generally require the largest

sample size?

a. Cluster sampling
b. Simple random sampling
c. Systematic sampling
d. Proportional stratified sampling

Answer: a
18. People who are available, volunteer, or can be easily recruited
are used in the sampling method called ______.

a.  Simple random sampling

b.  Cluster sampling
c.  Systematic sampling
d.  Convenience sampling

Answer: d

19. Which of the following types of sampling involves the researcher

determining the appropriate sample sizes for the groups identified
as important, and then taking convenience samples from those

a.  Proportional stratified sampling

b.  Quota sampling
c.  One-stage cluster sampling
d.  Two-stage cluster sampling

Answer: b

20. A type of sampling used in qualitative research that involves

selecting cases that disconfirm the researcher's expectations and
generalisations is referred to as _______________.

a.  Extreme case sampling

b.  Typical-case sampling
c.  Critical-case sampling
d.  Negative-case sampling

Answer: d
21. In which of the following nonrandom sampling techniques does
the researcher ask the research participants to identify other
potential research participants?

a. Snowball
b. Convenience
c. Purposive
d. Quota

Answer: a

22. A number calculated with complete population data and

quantifies a characteristic of the population is called which of the

a. A datum
b. A statistic
c. A parameter
d. A population

Answer: c

23. Which of the following would usually require the smallest

sample size because of its efficiency?

a. One stage cluster sampling

b. Simple random sampling
c. Two stage cluster sampling
d. Quota sampling

Answer: b
24. The process of drawing a sample from a population is known as

a. Sampling
b. Census
c. Survey research
d. None of the above

Answer: a

25. It is recommended to use the whole population rather than a

sample when the population size is of what size?

a. 500 or less
b. 100 or less
c. 1000 or less
d. you should always use a sample

Answer: b

26. Which of the following is not an example of a nonrandom

sampling technique?

a. Purposive
b. Quota
c. Convenience
d. Cluster

Answer: d
27. Which of the following sampling methods is the best way to
select a group of people for a study if you are interested in making
statements about the larger population?

a.  Convenience sampling

b.  Quota sampling
c.  Purposive sampling
d.  Random sampling

Answer: d

28. ___________ is a set of elements taken from a larger

population according to certain rules.

a.  Sample
b.  Population
c.  Statistic
d.  Element

Answer: a

29. Determining the sample interval (represented by k), randomly

selecting a number between 1 and k, and including each kth
element in your sample are the steps for which form of sampling?

a. Simple Random Sampling

b. Stratified Random Sampling
c. Systematic Sampling
d. Cluster sampling

Answer: c
30. The nonrandom sampling type that involves selecting a
convenience sample from a population with a specific set of
characteristics for your research study is called _____.

a. Convenience sampling
b. Quota sampling
c. Purposive sampling
d. Snowball sampling

Answer: c

31. Which research paradigm is least concerned about generalising

its findings?

a. quantitative research
b. qualitative research
c. mixed research
d. none of the above

Answer: b

32. Which of the following best describes quantitative research?

a. the collection of nonnumerical data

b. an attempt to confirm the researcher’s hypotheses
c. research that is exploratory
d. research that attempts to generate a new theory

Answer: b
33. A condition or characteristic that can take on different values or
categories is called ___.

a. a constant
b. a variable
c. a cause-and-effect relationship
d. a descriptive relationship

Answer: b

34. A variable that is presumed to cause a change in another

variable is called a(n):

a. categorical variable
b. dependent variable
c. independent variable
d. intervening variable

Answer: c

35. All of the following are common characteristics of experimental

research except:

a. it relies primarily on the collection of numerical data

b. it can produce important knowledge about cause and effect
c. it uses the deductive scientific method
d. it rarely is conducted in a controlled setting or environment

Answer: d
36. Qualitative research is often exploratory and has all of the
following characteristics except:

a. it is typically used when a great deal is already known about the

topic of interest
b. it relies on the collection of nonnumerical data such as words and
c. it is used to generate hypotheses and develop theory about
phenomena in the world
d. it uses the inductive scientific method

Answer: a

37. Which type of research provides the strongest evidence about

the existence of cause-and-effect relationships?

a. non experimental Research

b. experimental Research

Answer: b

38. What is the key defining characteristic of experimental


a. extraneous variables are never present

b. a positive correlation usually exists
c. a negative correlation usually exists
d. manipulation of the independent variable

Answer: d
39. In _____, random assignment to groups is never possible and
the researcher cannot manipulate the independent variable.

a. basic research
b. quantitative research
c. experimental research
d. causal-comparative and correlational research

Answer: d

40. What is the defining characteristic of experimental research?

a. resistance to manipulation
b. manipulation of the independent variable
c. the use of open-ended questions
d. focuses only on local problems

Answer: b

41. A positive correlation is present when _______.

a. two variables move in opposite directions.

b. two variables move in the same direction.
c. one variable goes up and one goes down
d. several variables never change.

Answer: b
42. ______ research occurs when the researcher manipulates the
independent variable.

a. causal-comparative research
b. experimental research
c. ethnography
d. correlational research

Answer: b

43. Which of the following includes examples of quantitative


a. age, temperature, income, height

b. grade point average, anxiety level, reading performance
c. gender, religion, ethnic group
d. both a and b

Answer: d

44. What is the opposite of a variable?

a. a constant
b. an extraneous variable
c. a dependent variable
d. a data set

Answer: a
45. In research, something that does not "vary" is called a

a. variable
b. method
c. constant
d. control group

Answer: c

46. The statement of purpose in a research study should:

a. Identify the design of the study

b. Identify the intent or objective of the study
c. Specify the type of people to be used in the study
d. Describe the study

Answer: b

47. A qualitative research question:

a. Asks a question about some process, or phenomenon to be

b. Is generally an open-ended question
c. both a and b are correct
d. None of the above

Answer: c
48.  Sources of researchable problems can include: 

a.  Researchers’ own experiences as educators

b.  Practical issues that require solutions
c.  Theory and past research 
d.  All of the above

Answer: d

49.  The feasibility of a research study should be considered in light


a.  Cost and time required to conduct the study

b.  Skills required of the researcher
c.  Potential ethical concerns
d.  All of the above

Answer: d

50.  A research plan _____.

a.  Should be detailed

b.  Should be given to others for review and comments 
c.  Sets out the rationale for a research study
d.  All of the above

Answer: d

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