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Unit 1

Long time ago.

1 Read about Helen Keller. Put the verbs in parenthesis in the simple past.

Helen Adams Keller _____was___(be) born a healthy child in Tuscumbia, Alabama, on June27,
1880. Her parents ___were__(be) Kate Adams Keller and Colonel Arthur Keller. The family
_____lost__(lose) most of its wealth during the Civil War and ______lived___(live) modestly.

At the age of 19 months, Helen _____became_____(become) deaf and blind as a result of an

unknown illness, perhaps rubella or scarlet fever. As Hellen __grew__(grow) from infancy into
childhood, she ____became____(become) wild and unruly.

On March 3, 1887, Anne Mansfield Sullivan __came__ (come) to Tuscumbia to be Helen’s teacher.

Anne _____was___(be) 20 year-old when she ___graduated_____ (graduate) of the Perkins

School for the Blind. Anne ____believed____(believe) that the key to reaching Hellen
___was__(be) to teacher obedience and love. She _____saw____(see) the need to discipline, but
not crush.

Through a system involving a constant physical contact with Sullivan, a touch alphabet “spelled”
into Helen’s hand, persistence, faith, and love, Helen suddenly and amazingly
_____understood_____ (understand); she ____learned___(learn) the language, and the world
opened to her.

Helen ____learned_____ (learn) German, Latin, Greek, and French before she
(graduate)____graduated____ from Radcliffe College in 1904, Anne __was___ (be) her companion
until her dead in 1936.Helen ___was___ (be) the first blind and deaf person ever to attend College
and receive a Bachelor of Arts degree.

She __became____(become) a socialist in her early 20s, __promoted____ (promote) the use of
Braille among blind people. Was awarded the French Legion of Honor and the Congressional
Medal of Freedom; was the first woman to receive an honorary degree from Harvard University.

She ______wrote__ (write) her first autobiographical book, The Story of My life among others,
traveled and lectured on various personal, political, and academic topics, Helen was awarded
honorary degrees from universities around the world. She died in 1968
2 Correct the sentences about Helen Keller

1. Helen Keller was born in Argentina.

She wasn’t born in Argentina. She was born in the United States of America

2. Her father was a teacher

_Her father wasn’t a teacher. Her father was a Coronel__.

3. She went blind and deaf when she was 18 months

__She didn’t went blind at the age of 18 months. She went blind and deaf when she was 19

4. Madame Curie was her teacher

__Madame Curie wasn’t her teacher. Anne Sullivan was Helen’s teacher___________.

5. She graduated from the University of Yale in 1909

__She didn’t graduate from University of Yale. She graduated of Radcliffe College in 1904.

6. She invented the Braille method

__She didn’t invent the Braille method. She promoted the use of Braille among blind people____.

7. She died in 1368

__She didn’t die in 1368. She died in 1968____________________________.

3. Make the affirmative verbs negative. Make the negative verbs affirmative.

1. She walked to work → She didn’t walk to work

2. she didn’t do her homework → she did her homework

3. My sister gave me a watch for my birthday → _My sister didn’t gave me a watch for my

4. I didn’t drink coffee, but I drink tea → ___I drank coffee, but I didn’t drink tea.______

5. I was tired so I went to bed early → ___I wasn’t tire, so I didn’t go to bed early._______

6. I bought a new dress → ____I didn’t buy a new dress.________

7. It didn’t cost a lot of money → _____It costed a lot of money._____________

8. He lost his passport and he lost his flight → _____He didn’t lost his passport and he didn’t
lost his flight.__
9. I didn’t have enough time so I didn’t take a shower → __I had enough time so I took a

10. I did my homework → ____I didn’t do my homework. ______________

4 Past time expressions. Write sentences about you, use each expression.

This morning last summer two years ago last night the day before yesterday in 2010

I got up at seven o’clock this morning

I didn’t have breakfast

1. _______This morning I ate scrabble eggs.______________.

2. ____I went to the beach last summer.______________.

3. _____I was living in Tampico two years ago.____________.

4. _____We went to the movies last night._________________.

5. ____It was Sunday the day before yesterday.__________.

6. _____I was single in 2010.___________________.

5 Rewrite the sentences using ago

I so Margarita last April. → I saw her three months ago

1. I got up at 6:00 AM → ____I wake up 3 hours ago.______________

2. I went school at 7:00 AM → ____I went to school 1 hour ago.________

3. I saw my best friend the day before yesterday → ___I saw my best friend two days ago.___

4. I went to the movies last week → __I went to the movies 8 days ago.__________

5. I went to Europe in 2013 → ____I went to Europe 8 years ago.__________

6. I got married in 1988 → _____I got married 32 years ago._________

6 Read about Gina Parker and fill in the blanks using the following.

came from Mexico we talked for about two hours

fell in love (X3) in December

a pair of tennis shoes days off

I still loving him

on the Thanks Given Day

two years later

It was a magic moment

December 1977

Let me tell you how I (1) _fell in love____. When I was in High school, it was during my
second semester, I lived in McAllen, Texas, it was a quiet town. McAllen is in the South
East of the United States, many people (2) _came from Mexico__ specially (3) _in
December_ and (4) __on the Thanks Given Day_ due to the big sales on the stores, those
days the stores as well as restaurants were very crowded, it was on December the 12 th;
that day after classes I went to work, at that time I used to work from 4:00 to 8:00 PM in a
shoe store where I met William, I think I (5) __fell in love___the first time I saw him, he
entered to the store to buy (6) _a pair of tennis shoes____, he was out going and good
looking. After work, I was going to the parking lot when I met him again, (7) ___we walked
for about two hours___ and next day after work we went to a restaurant for dinner
(8)_________It was a magic moment_____. We went to the movies or for walking on my
(9) __days off__ That was in 1977, (10) ___two years later_______ we got married; next
year we will be 41 years of marriage. Well, now we have two children and one grandchild!
(11) _I still loving him__ as the day (12) I fell in love____ with him.

a) Answer the questions.

1. Where did Gina live in the winter of 1977?

___Gina lived in McAllen, Texas in the winter of 1977._________________.

2. Where did people come to McAllen for shopping?

_People came from Mexico to McAllen for shopping_________.

3. Why did people come to McAllen for shopping in the Thanks Given Day and on Christmas?

___People came to McAllen for shopping in the Thanks Given Day and on Christmas due to the big
sales on the stores ________.

4. How did Gina meet William?

_____Gina met William in the store where she used to work_________.

5. Where did they go on their first date?

__They went to a restaurant for dinner._________.

6. When did they get married?

_______They got married in 1979._________.

7. When did Gina fall in love with William?

____Gina fall in loved the first time she saw William______.

8. When will they be 41 years of marriage?

______They will still be in love_________.

7 Nouns and verbs.

Many words in English are nouns and verbs. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the

dance cook love walk drink watch paint mail visit

1. I went to dance with some friends on Friday night, I met Peter. The music was fantastic. I
__danced__ all night long.
2. Can I have a __drink__? I’m really thirsty. Sam never drinks__ tea he prefers coffee.
3. I __cooked__ pasta for a dozen of people last night.
“What’s your job?” “I’m a _cooker__. I work in a fast food restaurant.”
4. I _painted__ my room last weekend. What’s that in your hair? Is it white ___paint____?
5. We _watched__ football on television yesterday evening.
“What time is it?” “Sorry, I don’t have a __watch____.”
6. “How did you get to work yesterday?” “I __walked__.”
We went for a ___walk__ by the lake. It was beautiful.
7. Please give my __love__ to your mother and brothers.
Susan _____loves__ vanilla ice cream.
8. We really enjoyed our _______visit___ to the Hamptons last weekend.
When I was in Los Angeles last year, I ___visited___ lots of interesting places.
9. I can see the mail carrier. Is there any _mail___ for me?
Please ___mail____ this letter for me!

8 Listen and repeat

130 one hundred and thirty 508 five hundred and eight
285 two hundred and eighty-five 678 six hundred and seventy-eight
300 three hundred 793 seven hundred ninety-three
415 four hundred and fifteen 1,000 one thousand
9 Match the numbers and words

1. three hundred and ten a) 945

2. four hundred and seventy-one b) 999
3. five hundred and ninety c) 800
4. six hundred and three d) 471
5. eight hundred e) 115
6. four hundred and twenty-five f) 144
7. eight hundred and sixty-two g) 508
8. nine hundred and forty-five h) 238
9. six hundred and sixteen i) 734
10. one hundred and fifteen j) 590
11. nine hundred and ninety-nine k) 616
12. one hundred and forty- four l) 603
13. five hundred and eight m) 310
14. two hundred and thirty-eight n) 425
15. seven hundred and thirty-four o) 862

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
m d j l c n o a k e b f g h i

10 Write numbers in words

1. 313 → __three hundred and thirteen_______________

2. 660 → __ six hundred and sixty_______________________
3. 198 → ____one hundred and ninety-eight___________________
4. 432 → _____four hundred and thirty-two_________
5. 387 → ___three hundred and eighty-seven_________________________
6. 576 → ___five hundred and seventy-six__________
7. 703 → ___seven hundred and three______________________
8. 255 → ___two hundred and fifty-five________________
9. 849 → ____eight hundred and forty-nine_____________
10. 19 → _____nineteen____________________________________

Write numbers.m4a
11. Listen and answer the questions.
1. ______There are seven days in a week______________.
2. _____There are one hundred and twenty minutes in three hours_____________.
3. _____There are eighty-four days in twelve weeks_______________.
4. _____There are twenty students in my class_______.
5. _____There are three hundred seconds in five minutes_____________.
6. _____There are six hundred ninety-eight pennys in 6.98______________________.

because → porque

when? → ¿cuándo?
12 Linking words: because, when until.
until → hasta

Make sentences with a line in A, a word in B and a line in C

1. Bob left the party early a. she was thirsty
2. John couldn’t speak because b. they came for dinner
3. Albert didn’t visit the Louvre Museum c. I was in school
4. Sue didn’t start learning German d. she couldn’t afford them
5. I didn’t enjoy literature classes when e. after midnight
6. Helen didn’t buy the green tennis shoes f. he was nearly four
7. They didn’t go to bed g. he didn’t feel well
8. We met Christine’s husband last weekend until h. he was in Paris

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B because until when until when because until when
C g f h c d e b

13 Old friends.
1. Complete the text with words from the box. and but so
because when until


My oldest friend is Sandy. We met thirty years ago (1) ___when_ we were
both five years old. It was my first day at school (2) _so___ I was very
unhappy (3) __because__ I wanted my mother. Sandy gave me some candy
(4) _and__ we became friends immediately. We were together nearly every
day (5) _until__ we finished school twelve years later.
Then I went to college, (6) __but__ Sandy didn’t. She got married (7)
__when___ she was just eighteen (8) __and__had three children. I studied
for four years (9) __because__ I wanted to be an accountant. I had a lot of
new friends, (10) _but_ I didn’t see Sandy very often. Sometimes we didn’t
see each other for months, (11) _but__we often talked on the phone.
Now I’m married, too. I live near Sandy (12) _and__ we meet every week.
She’s a student now, (13) I have a bay, (14) __so__ we can give each other a
lot of advice!
2. Write about 100 hundred words about an old friend.

* What is his/her name?

* When did you meet?
* Where did you meet?
* What did you do together?
* How often do you see each other now?
* What do you do when you meet?

One of my oldest friends is Frank. We met when we started making club music because we were
DJs. I was 19 years old and he was 29 years old. We started working together from there, a good
friendship was formed that we talk almost daily to this day. Frank lived 8 blocks from my house
and he always stopped by my house to go to work, only on Tuesdays we don't go to work. So most
of the time we went to the same job. we did a lot of edited music together because we had the
same interests. We were together almost every day until 3 years ago we each took different paths,
he dedicated himself to the media and I studied engineering in Bolivia. Even in the distance we
continue talking on the phone or WhatsApp. Now, fifteen years later, we are still very good friends
almost like brothers, because of the pandemic we no longer see each other for now we live
together in the same city.


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