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Long Essay

1. What are the factors of success and failure of Hatha Yoga?

2. Define Hatha Yoga and explain the misconception of Hatha Yoga.
3. Explain about hermitage (place) of Hatha Yoga.
4. Explain the meditative asanas according to Hatha Yoga.
5. Write benefits, indications and contraindications for below mentioned (Any Four)
A. Dhanurasana B. Gomukhasana C. Ardha matsyendrasana D. Paschimmottanasana
E. Mayurasana, F. Siddhasana, G. Padmasana
6. Explain yama and niyama in detail according to Hatha Yoga.
7. What is the food recommended and prohibited for Hatha Yogis.
8. Analyze the statement. “There is no asana similar to Siddhasana”.
9. Explain shatkarmas
10. Explain any two Kumbhaka Pranayama.
11. Explain the procedure of nadishodhana
12. Explain pranayama and mention the rules and regulations for practice.
13. Give a brief note on how the practice of shambavi mudra and kechari mudra lead to higher
14. Give brief note on three bandhas
15. Difference between maha veda mudra and maha bandha
16. Elaborate samadhi according to hatha yoga pradipika
17. How mind and prana are related?
18. Elucidate how mind and prana are regulated to attain samadhi.
19. Explain the stages of nadanusandhana.
20. Explain the concept of nada and the process of nadanusandhana to attain samadhi.
21. Explain the spiritual and therapeutical and psychological benefits of Vipareeta karani and
Maha mudra.
22. Explain the spiritual and therapeutical and psychological benefits of Kechari mudra and
Maha veda mudra

Short Essay

1) Misconceptions of Hatha Yoga and lineage of Hatha Yoga.

2) Characteristics of Pathya and Apathya Food
3) Explain about hermitage and sadhana places.
4) Explain about ashta siddhis.
5) Therapeutic effects and benefits of paschimmottanasana and matsyendrasana.
6) Yama and niyama according to Hatha Yoga.
7) What are the therapeutic effects of mayurasana and savasana?
8) What are the good and bad food items for a hatha Yogis?
9) Siddhasana purifies nadis. Explain
10) Ashta Siddhis
11) Concept of manonmani avastha
12) Explain pancha prana in brief
13) Why shall one practice shat karmas before pranayama?
14) Benefits of nadishodhana
15) Benefits of shatkarmas
16) Explain the procedure for neti
17) Signs of perfection in hatha yoga
18) Explain the signs of perfected pranayama practice
19) Explain three granthis
20) How doshas are eradicated through shatkarmas
21) Curative effects of basti
22) Explain the importance of guru for sadhaka in opening of chakras
23) Explain the importance of kechari mudra sambhavi mudra
24) Differentiate between maha bandha and mahaveda mudra
25) Explain therapeutic benefits of any three bandhas
26) Write in short the methods that purify nadis
27) Explain spiritual benefits of mula bandha
28) ‘Yoga is attained by vitreous and nor selfish’ explain?
29) Diet to be followed during veepratkarni mjudra and benefits of veeprat karni mudra?
30) Explain different names of kundalini and how kundalini is key for libration?
31) Define different types of samadhi according to HYP.
32) Explain the relationship between mind and atma with an example.
33) How does nadanusandana lead to laya?
34) Explain in brief how kechari and shambavi mudra leads to higher states of consciousness.
35) Explain manonmani avastha.
36) What are the physical and physiological changes attained through the practice of
37) What are the mercurial properties of mind and prana?
38) What are the characteristics of laya?
39) What is the importance of hatha yoga wrt raja yoga?
40) Explain the spiritual importance of brahmari pranayama.
Short Notes
1) Name the ashtakumbhakas
2) Benefits of bhastrika
3) Name the upa pranas and their functions.
4) State two limitations and benefits of ujjayi pranayama
5) State two limitations and benefits of seetkari pranayama
6) State two limitations and benefits of seetali pranayama
7) State two limitations and benefits of surya bhedana pranayama
8) State two limitations and benefits of neti
9) Mention the 5 main pranas in the body with their locations.
10) List the shatkarmas
11) Benefits of trataka
12) Interconnection of mind and prana
13) Time and duration of practice for pranayama
14) Benefits of moorcha pranayama
15) Define antar, bhahya and kevala kumbhaka
16) Name of 10 mudras ?
17) name of 8 major sidhis?
18) what is shambhavi mudra?
19) Spiritual benefits of kechari mudra?
20) Therapeutic benefits of udiyana bandha?
21) Therapeutic benefits of moola bandha?
22) Meaning of guru
23) Power of maha mudra
24) Benefits of maha veda mudra
25) Where is kundalinui located?
26) Meaning of kundalini and where is it located?
27) What are the methods to purify nadis?
28) What is meaning of bindhu or nectar?
29) Write 4 synonyms of raja yoga.
30) Mention 4 stages of nadanusandhana
31) What is nada?
32) Which are the 4 types of sounds?
33) Write the names of 10 nadis.
34) How many nadis are there in the human body in total? What are the 3 important nadis?
35) What is unmani avastha?
36) What are the two means to attain raja yoga?
37) What is the basis of nada?
38) Write the importance of shambavi mudra.
39) How can one attain laya avastha?
40) How does kechari mudra helps to attain raja yoga?
41) What are the sounds generated in all 4 stages of nadanusandhana?
42) How is sushumna nadi is activated?
43) Aim of Hatha Yoga
44) Write down prayer of adinatha
45) What is yama according to hata yoga?
46) What is niyama according to hata yoga?
47) What is mitahara?
48) What are 3 benefits of Gomukhasana.
49) Write down the 3 spiritual benefits of mayurasana.
50) What is mahima?
51) What are the 2 limitations of Dhanurasana?
52) 3 Benefits of padmasana.
53) What are 3 benefits of guptasana?
54) Who are the first two hatha yogis?
55) What is prakamya?
56) What are 2 spiritual benefits of siddhasana?

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