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Yajna – A healing science – Question Bank

MSc – YC II sem
Short answers 1x2
1. What is yajna?
2. What is yantra?
3. What are the places of god?
4. What is mantra?
5. What is tantra?
6. What are the meanings of word yajna?
7. What is sarpadosha?
8. What is the appropriate time to perform yajna?
9. Mention the types of Karmas?
10. Mention three types of food (saatvik, rajasik and
11. What is Ashrama and Varna?
12. What is Swadhyaya Yajna?
13. 5Why should one perform Prayashchitta Karma?
14. What is a Yuga? Mention all of them.
15. What are the two paths according to shastras in
which humanity engages itself?
16. Who are the Devatas according to Vedic seers?
17. Which are the divisions of Shrauta Yajnas?
Short essays 1x5
1. Results of Yajna
2. Varnas and Ashramas
3. Senses and self control
4. Role of senses in self destruction
5. Three worlds according to Vedas
6. ‘Brahmarpanam brahma‘ – Yajna concept
7. Health according to Ayurveda
8. Tridosha, Triguna and Health
9. Upanishads and health
10. ‘Annat bhavanti bhutani’ – explain
11. Importance of Agni in the Indian tradition
12. Purity by performing Yajna
13. Nitya, Naimittika, Kamya and Prayashcnitta
14. Eligibility for Jnana marga (path of knowledge)
15. Materials offered in to the fire
16. Importance of ghee in Yajnas
17. Draw Ganapathi Yantra (mandala)
18. Concept of Brahmacharya in the context of
Long essays 1x10
1. How one can convert the entire life into Yajna
2. Present the concept of Yajna in Bhagavad Gita.
3. Explain five types of Yajnas according to Aranyaka of
4. What is the importance of Yajna in the process of
maintaining the creation?
5. Explain the concept of health according to
Upanishads and relation with Yajna.
6. According Bhagavad Gita, what are the negatives if
one doesn’t perform Yajna?
7. How does the modern science support to track the
changes occurring at the subtle level using bio-well,
REG etc?
8. Elaborate the concept of health in the Vedic
9. Does Yajna performance help one to get realization
(Moksha)? How?
10. Elaborate two paths Karma and Jnana in
connection with Yajna.
11. Explain the theory of Karma according to
ancient scriptures.
12. How does the practice of Yajna lead to purify of
human personality?
13. Present Yajna as a healing science.
14. Elaborate the concept of Antaryajna (internal

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