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College of Architecture
San Marcelino, Ermita, Manila



Submitted by:
Ruallo, Nico Ryan J.

Submitted to:
City Hall
City Hall is a government building where the city mayor resides and it acts as the base of their operation. This is
where the office of the city mayor and vice mayor office located. This is also the place where you can process your
permits and important papers, you can also go here to raise concern about problems that you encounter in your city.
The office of the mayor missioned is to advocate the general welfare of the city and its citizens through effective,
pertinent, and budget friendly governance. It implements general overseeing and control for all programs and
projects that the city government do in order to improve its services and provide the needs of the public in their
respective city.
Caloocan City Hall (North)

Caloocan City Hall (South)

Design Consideration and Space Planning of a City Hall
 Selecting the Location of the City Hall
In selecting the location for a City Hall, we should need first to consider the accessibility of the people to
that building. We know that the first function or purpose of city hall is to be a bridge for connection between
the local government of that particular city and to its constituents that is why is very important that city hall
is located to the place where people have an easy access to it. The City hall should also near the center of
transportation this will help the people to access the city hall and if there are public services people can
easily notice it and access it. It should also near in the center of business activity so entrepreneurs in the city
can easily process permits needed in city hall.

 Layout, Design and Construction Features

In designing a city hall, we should consider the proper placing of spaces for each department this will help
for the good flow of people who are using the city hall. Department that is related to general public concerns
should be near the lobby of the city hall so the people can easily access it. Departments that is requiring
contact for the special class of public person like people who need to process permits that they needed
should be group together so the public doesn’t need to roam around the city hall finding the department that
they have appointment. The placement of the offices is also based on the hierarchy of officer from the city
mayor to vice mayor and up to lower departments.

Other department like fire department, police department, and department for public work should be
included in city hall. Locker rooms for maintenance, rest rooms, and place for public telephone should also
include in considering the design for city hall. The relationship of one room to another is also important in
consideration for design of city hall, this will help the constituent to easy access the rooms and for fast and
efficient transaction of the things that they needed in city hall.
 Provide Enough Space for Parking for Both Public and Employees of City Hall
The size of parking slot for average car base on IRR Rule VII is 2.50 meters by 5.00 meters for
perpendicular and diagonal, and for parallel parking is 2.15 meters by 6.00 meters. For an articulated
truck slot, it must be computed at minimum of 3.60 meters by 18.00 meters and for jeepney and
shuttle parking slot it must be computed at minimum of 3.00 meters by 9.00 meters.

City Hall is belonging to Group D-1 and base on IRR Rule VII “One (1) off-street cum on-site car
parking slot for every twenty five (25) beds; and one (1) off-RROW (or off- street) passenger loading
space that can accommodate two (2) queued jeepney/shuttle slots. An office building should require
parking slots per 125 sqm of the gross floor area”.

 Provide Proper Ventilation and Lighting

City Hall is a busy place and always have high volume of people especially during peak hours that
is why it is important to consider in designing a city hall the proper placement of windows in order to
get adequate amount lighting. We should also consider the ventilation either natural or artificial it is
important to have proper ventilation inside the city hall so the employees and the public feel
comfortable when they are inside the city hall.
Organizational Chart

Office of the City Mayor

Sanggunian Panlungsod
National Government Agency
(Vice Mayor’s Office)

Secretary of
Office of the Secretary in Sanggunian
Administrator the Mayor

Staff Officer Line Officer

Budget Office Accounting Office on Office on

and Internal Office on
General Legal Treasury Assessor’s Office of the
(City Budget Audit Health
Services Services Office Office Civil Registry
Officer) Services Services
(City General (City Legal (City (City (City Civil
(City (City Health
Services Services Treasurer) Assessor) Registry)
Accountant) Officer)
Officer) Officer)

Planning and Development Office

Engineering Office Office for Veterinary Office on Social Welfare and
Services Development Services
(City Planning and Development
Barangay (City Engineer)
(City Veterinarian) (City Welfare & Development Officer)
List of Department (Caloocan City Hall)
 Management and Policy Making
 Office of the City Mayor
This is the highest in the hierarchy of power in city hall, the role of the mayor is to guide and
oversees the projects, services, and activities of its government. It also has responsibility to enforce
law and ordinances that can help the citizen and the city.
 Office of the Secretary to the Mayor
 Chief of Staff
 Office of the City Administrator
The role of city administrator is to come up a plan and strategies and give it to the mayor for
approval. It can also give advice to Mayor that will help to improve and resolve the matters related to
the management and administration of local government unit.
 Internal Audit Services
The role of the Internal Audit Services is to assure that the resources and budget of local government
is uses properly and effectively. It is also useful in order to prevent the misuse of resources and
safeguarded against loss wastage.
 Public Employment Service Office/ Barangay Secretariat
The role of it is for employment coaching and counseling, and also gives labor market information
for the people.
 Barangay Secretariat Office
The role of Barangay Secretariat is to handle administrative function of barangays.
 City General Services Department
The role of City General Services Department is to manage the properties of local government. It has
the responsibilities for the maintenance, safekeeping, utilization, and disposal of it.
 City Planning and Development Department
The role of City Planning and Development Department is to provide a development plan that will
help the city to be better. It also conducts research and studies in order to guide the development of the
 Human Resource Management
The role of Human Resource Management is to manage the employees to maximize the
productivity of the organization.
 Sangguniang Panlungsod – Secretariat Services
 Vice Mayor’s Office
The role of the Vice mayor is to support the mayor and in the absence of chief executive it
implements the governing rules, laws. Regulations of the City government.
 Revenue and Financial Services
 City Accounting Department
The role of City Accounting Department is to provide a financial information that will help to
maximize and budget the resources, this will also help for the decision making of the local
government in terms of financial.
 City Budget Department
The role of City Budget Department is to prepare a plan for the budget of the local government.
 City Assessor Department
The role of City Assessor Department is to assess the value or quality of real properties by
inspecting and verifying the full market value of that property.
 Business Permit and Licensing Office
The role of Business Permit and Licensing Office is to process and give business permit to the
business who are eligible to have a permit. They also the one who make plans to improve and develop
the way of renewal of business permit.

 City Treasure Department

The role of City Treasure Department is to take charge for the payment of money from the fund of
local government. They are responsible for managing the cash and assessing the need for funds and to
ensure the availability of cash to fulfill the needs of the local government.
 City Government Offices
 Department of Public Safety and Traffic Management / City Environmental Management Department
The role of it is to ensure the safety of the people in the city and to organize the roads and traffics in
the city.
 Public Information Office
The role of this department is to inform the public of the facts related to the city, it also informs the
media of the projects and services that the local government do for the improvement of the city.
 City Engineering Department
The role of the City Engineering Department is to assist the mayor in planning and directing projects
related to technical activities of the city government. It also responsible for the maintenance of the
roads and government properties.
 Office of the City Building Official
The responsibilities of Office of the City Building Official are to implement rules, regulation, and
requirements for constructing, altering, repairing, and demolishing buildings in accordance with
National Building Code.
 City Legal Department
The City Legal Department provides legal assistance to City Mayor and other departments of the
City government.
 Cultural Affairs and Tourism Office
The responsibilities of Cultural Affairs and Tourism Office is to promote the tourism of the city.
They make plans in order to boost the tourism and preserves the culture of the city.

 Community Relations Office

The role of Community Relations Office is to strengthen the relationship of the community to the
city government.
 Office of the City Veterinarian
The role of the Office of the City Veterinarian is to make sure that the domestic animals in the city
is healthy and make a program to prevent cruelty towards them.
 Parks Administration Office
Parks Administration Office focus on the task of maintaining and developing the parks, historical
landmarks and street lights in the city.
 Information Technology Office
The Information Technology Office role is to maintain the computer system of the local
government. It is also responsible in installing and upgrading the system for faster and reliable
 City Civil Registrar
City Civil Registrar is responsible for the civil registration program within the city.
 Welfare
 City Health Department
City Health Department task is to provide health services that will help the public. This will help
to keep the community healthy and to avoid wide spreads of diseases in the city.
 Caloocan City Medical Center (Hospital Director)
 Caloocan City Medical Center (Hospital Administrator)
 Caloocan City North Medical Center (Officer-in-Charge)
 Caloocan City Disaster Risk and Reduction Management
Caloocan City Disaster Risk and Reduction Management is responsible for responding during a
disaster, they are the one who gives warning if there a disaster that might come. They also responsible
for rescuing and giving help during and after the disaster.
 Caloocan City Disaster Risk and Reduction Management/Patubig
 Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs
The Office of the Senior Citizens Affairs is responsible for monitoring establishment that might
violating the laws for Senior Citizens, they are also responsible for assisting Senior Citizens if they
have complaints.
 People’s Law Enforcement Board
The role of People’s Law Enforcement Board is to assist the public if they filed cases against PNP
Personnel who disobey a law.
 Sports and Recreation Office
Sports and Recreation Office is responsible for developing program about sports and recreation, they
are the one who are responsible to give information to the public that is related to sports and recreation
program of the city government.
 City Social Welfare Development
The City Social Welfare Development is responsible for the protection of rights and welfare of the
people especially the poor ones in the city, they develop programs and activities that might help the
vulnerable and disadvantage individuals.
 Urban Poor Affairs Office
The Urban Poor Affairs Office task is to help individuals that has a problem related to urban poor
affairs such as argument between two individuals because of land dispute, and eviction cases.
 Labor and Industrial Relations Office
Labor and Industrial Relations Office is the responsible for the improvement of work and employees
in order to continue the good development of the city.
 City Anti-Drug Abuse Office
City Anti- Drug Abuse Office is responsible in keeping the community drug free, they are the one
who is responsible in arresting drug pusher and user in order to maintain peace to the community.
They are also responsible for rehabilitating drug addicts.

 Person with Disability Affairs Office

The Person with Disability Affairs Office is responsible for maintaining the rights of PWD and they
are the who monitor establishment that might violate the law for PWD.
 Office for the Land Use and Zoning Administration
The role of Office for the Land Use and Zoning Administration is to make sure the land is properly used
and they are the one who develop a plan for land usage and utilization for future growth and development of
the city.
 Local Economic and Investment Promotion Office
The Local Economic and Investment Promotion Office is responsible for monitoring matters that is related
in investment and economy inside the city.
Human Behavior
When people go to city hall it means that they have important appointments needed to be accomplished and the
first thing that they see when entering city hall is the lobby. Most people spend their time in the lobby because this
is the entrance and the exit way of the city hall so the traffic flow is expected to be heavy in this space. This is also
where the information desk is located so basically this is the first place where people go before going to other parts
or spaces of city hall. Another space that is expected to have big dense of people is the waiting area after people
enter the lobby, they go to the department that they have appointment and go to waiting area while waiting for their
documents to be processed.
Spaces that are allotted for the office of the mayor and vice mayor has less dense of people because only people
that can access there is the people who have appointment in mayor’s office and some higher officials that has some
business with the mayor. The public cant’ access it easily without permission that is why that spaces has less dense
of people compare to the public spaces like the lobby and waiting area.

Example of Floor Plan of City Hall (San Juan City)

List of Department Heads. (n.d.). Caloocan City. Retrieved September 4, 2020, from
De Chiara, J., & Callender, J. (n.d.). Time Saver Standards for Building Types (2nd ed.). McGraw-
Hill Education.

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