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104. Republic vs. Tampus It necessitates exertion of active effort, not a passive one.

As such, the mere absence of the spouse for such periods

prescribed under the law, lack of any news that such
absentee spouse is still alive, failure to communicate, or
Respondent Nilda B. Tampus (Nilda) was married to Dante
general presumption of absence under the Civil Code
L. Del Mundo (Dante) on November 29, 1975 in Cordova,
would not suffice.22
The premise is that Article 41 of the Family Code places
Three days thereafter, or on December 2, 1975, Dante, a upon the present spouse the burden of complying with the
member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), left stringent requirement of "well-founded belief' which can
respondent, and went to Jolo, Sulu where he was assigned. only be discharged upon a showing of proper and honest-
to-goodness inquiries and efforts to ascertain not only the
Since then, Nilda heard no news from Dante. She tried absent spouse's whereabouts, but more importantly,
everything to locate him, but her efforts proved futile.  whether the latter is still alive or is already dead. 23

Thus, on April 14, 2009, she filed before the RTC a In this case, Nilda testified that after Dante's
petition to declare Dante as presumptively dead for the disappearance, she tried to locate him by making inquiries
purpose of remarriage, alleging that after the lapse of with his parents, relatives, and neighbors as to his
thirty-three (33) years without any kind of communication whereabouts, but unfortunately, they also did not know
from him, she firmly believes that he is already dead. where to find him.

Other than making said inquiries, however, Nilda made no

ISSUE: further efforts to find her husband.

Whether or not the petition to declare Dante as She could have called or proceeded to the AFP
presumptively dead for the purpose of remarriage should headquarters to request information about her husband,
be granted. but failed to do so.

She did not even seek the help of the authorities or the
AFP itself in finding him.
Considering her own pronouncement that Dante was sent
No. the petition to declare Dante as presumptively dead for by the AFP on a combat mission to Jolo, Sulu at the time of
the purpose of remarriage should NOT be granted. his disappearance, she could have inquired from the AFP
on the status of the said mission, or from the members of
Before a judicial declaration of presumptive death can be the AFP who were assigned thereto.
obtained, it must be shown that the prior spouse had been
absent for four consecutive years and the present spouse To the Court's mind, therefore, Nilda failed to actively look
had a well-founded belief that the prior spouse was for her missing husband, and her purported earnest efforts
already dead. to find him by asking Dante's parents, relatives, and friends
did not satisfy the strict standard and degree of diligence
Under Article 41 19 of the Family Code of the Philippines required to create a "well-founded belief' of his death.
(Family Code), there are four (4) essential requisites for
the declaration of presumptive death:

(1) that the absent spouse has been missing for four
( 4) consecutive years, or two (2) consecutive
years if the disappearance occurred where there is
danger of death under the circumstances laid
down in Article 391 of the Civil Code;

(2) that the present spouse wishes to remarry;

(3) that the present spouse has a well-founded belief

that the absentee is dead; and

(4) ( 4) that the present spouse files a summary

proceeding for the declaration of presumptive
death of the absentee.

The "well-founded belief' in the absentee's death requires

the present spouse to prove that his/her belief was the
result of diligent and reasonable efforts to locate the
absent spouse and that based on these efforts and
inquiries, he/she believes that under the circumstances,
the absent spouse is already dead.

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