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I, CLOUD STRIFE, of legal age, Filipino, an accountant, with

residence at No. 9 Cross Road St. Lores Subd. Davao City, after having been
sworn in accordance with law, hereby states:

1. I am filing a complaint under Article 308 of the Revised Penal Code

for Theft against Ms. YOKO BELNADES, hereinafter referred to as
respondent, of legal age, and with residence at 76 B Brgy. Malabanan,
M.L. Quezon St. Davao City.

2. The respondent was referred to me by my acquaintance at work,

Ms. Rose B. Umali, after I mentioned that I needed the services of a
maid and cook for a duration of six months. The respondent was
likewise informed that I needed household help, and through Ms.
Umali, we exchanged phone numbers and agreed on a day in which
the respondent will start with her duties.

3. On May 6th, 2019, the respondent arrived at around 1PM. I oriented

her to her duties and showed her around my house in order to
familiarize her with the area,

4. The following day, she officially started her duties as a part of the
household help. I left home for work at 6am after giving her
instructions on what to do for the day. I arrived home from work at
9:30PM and checked if all her tasks were accomplished. Everything
was in order and I decided to retire for the day.

5. We followed the same routine for one week. On May 15, 2019,
when respondent was out on a day off, I was going through my clothes
basket, looking for a pair of Versace slacks. I was not able to find said
item and decided to ask respondent as to its whereabouts through a
text message. She replied that she had not seen the slacks but
volunteered to look for it once she returned. However, I had forgotten
to inquire about it the following day.

6. Two weeks passed after that incident before I noticed that

something was amiss. On June 12, 2019, when respondent was having
her customary day off, I noticed that seven out of the twenty porcelain
figurines I owned were missing. I also could not find several designer
shirts that I owned and my pressure cooker was likewise missing. I
also checked my drawers that day and I discovered that my .45 caliber
pistol, laptop and tablet had been taken as well.

7. I decided to report the incident to the police that same day, but
before I left my house, my neighbor, Ms. Kimberly Reyes, approached
me and said that she kept seeing the respondent talking to a man by
the gate and saw on June 11th, 2019, between 10 to 11 AM, that said
man was permitted to enter the house by the respondent and later
exited the premises while carrying the respondent's belongings with
the addition of a big brown bag.

8. I reported the incident on that same day and tried to contact the
respondent, but she could not be reached and never showed up for
work thereafter.

9. Her acts are clearly within the purview of the of Article 310 of the
Revised Penal Code, as she had taken personal belongings without
consent and without employing violence, intimidation and threat upon
the rightful owner, with grave abuse of confidence.

IN TRUTH WHEREOF, I hereunto affixed my signature this 19 th day of

September 2019, in the City of Davao, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO ME THIS 19th day of September 2019

in the City of Davao, Philippines. I hereby certify that I personally examined
the affiant and I am convinced that he voluntarily executed and fully
understood the contents of his affidavit.

(SGD.) Marimar May Amoy

Senior Assistant City prosecutor
Davao City

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