JME 3700 Final Exam: May 4, 2020 Name

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JME 3700

Final Exam: May 4, 2020 Name:

1. Show work for each question, then neatly fill–in the bubble that best approximates your
answer. Fill one and only one bubble for each question. Lack of a filled–in bubble means lack of
an answer!
2. Write all supporting work in the spaces provided after each question. Answers that happen to be
correct, but have no supporting argument, calculations, logic, etc. will not count for full credit.
3. Be neat!!! — the grader will not go to extreme lengths to read sloppy responses.
4. During the exam, you are permitted to use your book, notes, and homeworks & solutions, but
not permitted to communicate with anyone during this exam, access any remote information
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warranty that you abided by these rules.

1. (10 pts) The Reynolds number is a dimensionless group that quantifies relative importance of
inertial effects versus viscous (frictional) effects in a flow, i.e.

inertial effects
Re = ,
viscous effects
and is therefore indicative of the nature of a fluid motion: laminar below a critical Re, otherwise
turbulent. For incompressible flow of a Newtonian fluid through a standard pipe, what is the
approximate critical Reynolds number? (Not necessary to show any work.)
 40  1  2100  100  12000  500000  none of these

2. (10 pts) The differential form of the mass conservation equation for a 2–D incompressible flow
can be expressed as
∂u ∂v
+ = 0,
∂x ∂y
where u = u(x, y) and v = v(x, y) are the respective velocity components in the x and y
directions. If U0 and L are constant velocity and length scales, respectively, and it is known
that v = 2U0 y/L, then u is equal to:  2U0 xL+f (y)  −2U0 x/L+f (y)  2U0 x/L+C
 − U0 y/L + C  6 x y + C  U0 y/L  none of these
JME 3700 Final Exam May 4, 2020

3. Nuclear detonation produces an enormous energy release with a subsequent spherical shock
wave that expands a region of enormous pressure. G. I. Taylor devised a simple dimensionless
relationship useful for estimating the energy released, E, i.e. the “yield” (units of J), based
upon the radius of the shock wave, R (units of m), at a given elapsed time after detonation,
t (units of s), and the local air density, ρ (units of kg/m3 ). Taylor’s analysis of this problem
takes the form of a single dimensionless group, namely:
 ρ 1/5
Π = R ·
t2 E
(a) (10 pts) In terms of general behavior, suppose two separate detonations, labeled A and
B, show the exact same response of R and t, but A was detonated under conditions where
the air density was somewhat higher than for B. That is, ρA > ρB . What can be deduced
in terms of the yields of A and B?
 EB < EA  EB = EA  EB > EA  you cannot deduce any information

(b) (10 pts) Suppose additional experimental data indicate that Π ≈ 1.04. If ρ = 1.2 kg/m3 ,
estimate the yield, E, of a detonation if remote camera footage shows R = 140 m at
t = 0.025 s elapsed time. Give E in units of kilotons (kT ), where 1 kT ≈ 4.184 × 1012 J.
 20.3 kT  258461 kT  6 × 10−8 kT  18 kT  24.7 kT  8.5 × 1013 kT
 none of these

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JME 3700 Final Exam May 4, 2020

4. Gravity–driven flow of water occurs in an open chan- 2 2 2

nel having a cross–section of the shape and dimen-
sions shown in Fig. 1, where all values are given in
meters. Water density and kinematic viscosity are 2
ρ = 103 kg/m3 and ν = 10−6 m2 /s, respectively. As-
sume that the Manning equation is a good description
of this flow and the duct is made of corrugated metal 2
having a Manning factor of n = 0.022 s/m1/3 . The
channel drops 1.4 meters per 1000 meters of length.
Take gravitational acceleration as g = 9.8 m/s2 .

Fig. 1: Open channel

m3 /s.
(a) (10 pts) Calculate the volumetric flow rate, Q, in units of  1.9m3 /s  72.9m3 /s
 1.1 m3 /s  29.7 m3 /s  44.3 m3 /s  2.8 m3 /s  none of these

(b) (10 pts) For irregularly–shaped channel cross–sections, such as this one, the Froude num-
ber uses a length scale called the hydraulic depth, D, defined as the cross–sectional flow
area divided by the width of the free surface. (The hydraulic depth is not to be confused
with the conventional hydraulic radius, Rh .) Calculate the Froude number, F r, and state
whether this flow is critical, sub–critical or super–critical based on this result.
 0.56, sub–critical  0.56, super–critical  1, critical  0.36, super–critical
 0.36, sub–critical  0.89, sub–critical  none of these

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JME 3700 Final Exam May 4, 2020

5. A spherical thermocouple bead of diameter D = 0.002 m

(i.e. 2 mm) on the tip of a wire is used to measure tempera-
ture of a low–speed, hot gas flow in a duct (Fig. 2). The gas’
approach speed is U∞ = 2 m/sec and its respective density
and viscosity are ρ = 1 kg/m3 and ν = 2 × 10−5 m2 /s.
The coefficient of drag for such moderate flows is well–
approximated by the curve fit

CD ≈ 17.7 Re−0.59
D 10 ≤ ReD ≤ 500 ,

where ReD is the Reynolds number based on diameter.

Fig. 2: Thermocouple.
(a) (10 pts) Calculate the thermocouple’s CD for this particular flow.  0.12  3540
 403.3  1.3  0.78  0.18  none of these

(b) (10 pts) Calculate the drag force, F , realized by the thermocouple in units of micro–
Newtons, µN . Neglect any contribution of the wire. (Conversion: 1 N = 106 µN .)
 17 µN  2450 µN  0.022 µN  6.28 µN  4.9 µN  0.0025 µN
 none of these

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JME 3700 Final Exam May 4, 2020

6. Oil having properties listed in Table 1 flows at a volu-

metric rate of Q = 0.4 m3 /s through a constant diam- Table 1: Properties
eter pipe, also having properties listed in Table 1 (in-
oil properties
cluding roughness of the inner wall of the pipe). The
flow is steady, incompressible, and fully–developed. density ρ = 900 kg/m3
Assume gravity at g = 9.8 m/s2 and that frictional viscosity ν = 1 × 10−5 m2 /s
effects are quantified by the following curve–fit for the pipe properties
dimensionless friction factor: diameter D = 0.2 m
length L = 500 m
ε/D 5.74
f = 1.326 ln +
3.7 Re0.9 roughness ε = 0.00015 m

(a) (10 pts) Assuming that frictional losses related to valves, bends, etc. (“minor losses”) are
negligible, calculate the head loss hL realized over the length L of the pipe in units of
meters.  1.8 × 106 m  500 m  410 m  1673 m  32.4 m  1000 m
 none of these

(b) (10 pts) Suppose a liner is applied to the interior pipe surface that changes the surface
roughness, resulting in an overall head loss under normal operating conditions (i.e all other
quantities identical to those in the prior part) of hL = 200 m. Calculate the axial pressure
drop ∆P = P1 − P2 in pounds per square inch (psi) over the length L of the pipe if the
pipe slopes gently upward with an overall increase in elevation of z2 − z1 = 20 m over
its total length. (Positions “1” and “2” indicate upstream and downstream, respectively.
Conversion: 1 psi ≈ 6895 N/m2 .)  0.31 psi  741 psi  1.9 × 106 psi  28.7 psi
 230 psi  281 psi  none of these

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