The Changes in Social Communication Are of Particular Significance

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The changes in social communication are of particular significance.

Although analogue tools still have

their place in some sectors, new technologies are continuing to gain ground every day, transforming
our communication practices and possibilities—particularly among younger people. The Internet has
removed all communication barriers. Online, the conventional constraints of space and time
disappear and there is a dizzyingly wide range of communicative possibilities. The impact of social
media applications has triggered discussion of the “new communication democracy.”

The development of the Internet today is being shaped predominantly by instant, mobile
communications. The mobile Internet is a fresh revolution. Comprehensive Internet connectivity via
smartphones and tablets is leading to an increasingly mobile reality: we are not tied to any single
specific device, and everything is in the cloud.

People no longer spend hours gazing at a computer screen after work or class; instead, they use their
mobile devices to stay online everywhere, all the time.

Anyone failing to keep abreast of this radical change is losing out on an opportunity.


The Internet has become embedded in every aspect of our day-to-day lives, changing the way we
interact with others. This insight struck me when I started out in the world of social media. I created
my first social network in 2005, when I was finishing college in the United States—it had a political
theme. I could already see that social media were on the verge of changing our way of
communicating, helping us to share information by opening up a new channel that cuts across
conventional ones.

That first attempt did not work out, but I learned from the experience.I get the feeling that in many
countries failure is punished too harshly—but the fact is, the only surefire way of avoiding failure is to
do nothing at all. I firmly believe that mistakes help you improve; getting it wrong teaches you how to
get it right. Creativity, hard work, and a positive attitude will let you achieve any goal.

In 2006, after I moved to Spain, I created Tuenti. Tuenti (which, contrary to widespread belief, has
nothing to do with the number 20; it is short for “tu entidad,” the Spanish for “your entity”) is a social
communication platform for genuine friends. From the outset, the idea was to keep it simple,
relevant, and private. That’s the key to its success.

I think the real value of social media is that you can stay in touch from moment to moment with the
people who really matter to you. Social media let you share experiences and information; they get
people and ideas in touch instantly, without frontiers. Camaraderie, friendship, and solidarity—social
phenomena that have been around for as long as humanity itself—have been freed from the
conventional restrictions of space and time and can now thrive in a rich variety of ways.

Out of all the plethora of communication opportunities that the Internet has opened up, I would
highlight the emergence of social media and the way they have intricately melded into our daily lives.
Social media have changed our personal space, altering the way we interact with our loved ones, our
friends, and our sexual partners; they have forced us to rethink even basic daily processes like
studying and shopping; they have affected the economy by nurturing the business startup culture and
electronic commerce; they have even given us new ways to form broad-based political movements.

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