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What does it mean when you keep seeing 1111?

Some believe that the actual meaning of 11:11 is a numeric sign that angelic beings are close
by. They come with love and protection, and that they want to bring you clarity and guidance.
So, when you see 11:11, trust that it's a message from your guardian angels. I’m here to tell you
the meaning and significance of 11:11, so sit back and enjoy the ride.
But before we get into the meaning and significance of this number, make sure to like,
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Universally, it’s no coincidence that every year, from November 11th and up until January 11th,
you're going through a period called the months of Divine Trinity. All in all, this is a divine time
that brings tremendous opportunities for you to wake up and embrace your true divine light.
It's important to understand that there’s more than just one reason why you’re seeing 11:11
repetitively everywhere. It's crucial to pay attention to your surroundings and carefully sense
what 11:11 means to you. As a guide, here are a couple of common spiritual meanings and
reasons of why you're seeing number pattern 11:11.
The first meaning of this number is that you should pay attention to your thoughts as more and
more windows of opportunity are opening for you. One of the meanings of 11:11 is that the
Universe has sampled your thought sequence and whatever you were intensely thinking about
will manifest almost instantly in your physical reality. So if you’re feeling really good about the
thoughts you’re focused on, then the thoughts you’re sending to the Universe will soon
manifest in your life. However, if you're having a thought that triggers an unpleasant feeling,
you should understand that you can shift your thought to a more positive one in order to
attract a positive experience into your reality.
In this event, 11:11 is a message from divine angels that you need to monitor your thoughts
with greater attention, and make sure you’re focusing on the things that you want, and not the
things you don't want. According to Dolores Cannon's "Between Death and Light," thoughts are
energy. Your soul manipulates energy. Thinking is the manipulation of energy. Hence, a thought
is a willful act and it’s powerful enough for creation.
Keep in mind, when you're open to receiving, you become a channel for all the blessings from
the Universe to flow through you, and you start to notice the healing and growth opportunities
that surround you. In this way, the Universe is arranging people and experiences on your path
to help you succeed, and ultimately, helping you “wake up" to who you truly are.
The second meaning of 11:11 is that a deceased loved one is sending you a message.
In addition to seeing 11:11 as a message from angels and spirit guides, the number code 11:11
can be a way for a deceased loved one to connect with you. Your deceased loved one may have
attempted to contact you in other various ways, but one of the effective ways to capture your
attention is with number sequences. So, when you're seeing 11:11 repetitively, your loved one
from beyond is trying to give you a message. Although the meaning of 11:11 can relate to your
deceased loved one's day of birth, time of death, or other significant anniversary or event. The
key is to be aware of the synchronicities around you so you can recognize and understand the
messages that are meant for you.
Whether your departed loved one was your parent, spouse, child, or other close family member
or friend, they may simply want to let you know that they're okay. Other times, they may want
to help you, to comfort you, or to let you know that they’re with you. No matter how far you
feel from your departed loved one, trust that you're being watched over, and most of all, trust
that you’re exactly where you need to be at this point in time. And remember, when you see
11:11, you’re in the presence of peace.
In addition to this, the death of a loved one can open the doorway to an awakening or arouse
spiritual gifts within you. You’re given a chance to transform and be reborn. In this sense,
"waking up" becomes the last gift from your departed one. You begin to let go of old habits and
beliefs to make room for a new life that is unfolding before you. By realizing this and taking the
steps to become your True Self, in a way, you’re honoring the life and memories of your
deceased loved one.
So when you see 11:11, it's a good reminder to stop and think of your departed one and
treasure what they meant to you. Cultivate the seeds they planted in you and let their essence
radiate from you. And above all, in the big scheme of the Universe, have faith knowing that you
will be reunited with your loved one, once again.
So that was all for today’s video on Angel number 11:11. Thank you for watching, and if you
liked it, share the video with your friends, and tell us where you last saw 11:11 down in the
comments! Subscribe if you haven’t by now, and please make sure to hit the bell icon so you
don’t miss any of our upcoming videos. If you haven’t seen our videos on other Angel numbers,
make sure you check them out too! See you guys in the next video!

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