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Name: Nguyen Dang Thanh - Class : AV003 - ID : 31181023936


Online shopping can be worse for

the environment than driving to
a store
New York (CNN Business) - If you think shopping online is more eco-friendly than driving
to a store, think again.
It may sound counter-intuitive, but the more eco-conscious way to shop is going to a
physical store rather than by making purchases online from companies that don't have
physical stores, according to a new report Tuesday in Environmental Science & Technology, a
peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Chemical Society.
In the study, researchers estimated that shopping at brick-and-mortar stores for
frequently bought items such as toilet paper, shampoo and toothpaste, often results in
less greenhouse gas emissions than ordering the products from a company that only sells
through the internet.
The main reason is because of how people shop online: Many buy items online frequently
-- but they only buy a few items per purchase.
"When they shop in a store, they aggregate these purchases in a single bulk purchase,"
noted Sadegh Shahmohammadi, a PhD student in Environmental Science at Radboud
University in the Netherlands. He's one of six researchers who worked on the
year-and-a-half long study.
Frequent online purchases produce more packaging waste, and online items tend to come
from different distribution centers. Both factors result in higher greenhouse gas emissions
per item, said Shahmohammadi.
The team modeled their research on the movement of goods from the factory all the way
through to the end consumer.
They then specifically focused on the part of the retail supply chain called "the last mile"
delivery: the distance between a store to a customer, or in the case of online shopping, the
distance between the distribution center for the goods to the customer.
They analyzed the carbon footprint of the "last mile delivery" for the three most prevalent
types of shopping channels in the United Kingdom -- physical stores, "brick & clicks" (when
people order online and a physical store delivers the items to them), and "pure players"
(strictly online sellers). Included in the three models were greenhouse gas emissions
estimates from number of products bought, transportation, warehouse storage, delivery
and packaging activities.

The analysis showed that total greenhouse gas footprints per item purchased were higher
from physical stores than those from bricks & clicks purchases in 63% of the shopping events
but lower than those of pure players in 81% of shopping events in the United Kingdom. In
the United States, greenhouse gas emissions from shopping at physical stores were also
estimated to be higher than from the brick & click channel, and lower than the pure play
channel, on average.
"This pattern holds true in countries where people mostly drive," said Shahmohammadi.
"It really depends on the country and consumer behavior there."

Walmart vs. Amazon

Walmart (WMT), the world's largest retailer, employs all three retail models to serve its
customers through its website, more than 4,700 stores in the US and its brick & click model.
"Which channel is most efficient in terms of carbon emissions? There is no single answer
to that question, because our customers' lives and purchase patterns are dynamic,"
Walmart said in a 2017 company report titled "The Emissions Implications of Modern
Retailing: Omnichannel vs. Stores and Online Pure-Plays".
"Sometimes they sprint to the store to purchase a last-minute toy for a birthday party, and
sometimes they stock up on groceries. Sometimes they need it now, and other times next
week will do. The better question is: When is each channel most efficient in terms of
Walmart said it has extensively studied the greenhouse gas emissions implications of all
three retail channels and has efforts in place to curb them. Among them, it provides electric
vehicle chargers at more than 100 of its store locations and it works with suppliers to reduce
emissions from its global supply chain.
Amazon (AMZN), the world's largest online retailer, said sustainability is an ongoing
commitment at the company. Last year, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced a broad plan to
fight climate change, including meeting the Paris climate agreement 10 years early, which
will make the company carbon neutral by 2040.
As part of that agreement, the retailer said it has ordered 100,000 new electric delivery
vehicles and plans to start using them in the last mile delivery of packages to customers by
2021. It expects 10,000 of them to be on the road in the next two years and all in operation
by 2030, "saving millions of metric tons of carbon per year."
Part 1 : Summary
According to a report in Environmental Science & Technology, it is more friendly for the
environment by the way going to physical stores for shopping rather than purchasing online.
Researchers estimated that shopping at particular stores for daily items often results in less
greenhouse gases emission than ordering products from companies selling things only
through the Internet. The main reason is : People buy goods online frequently, but just a few
goods per purchase. Adegh Shahmohammadi, a PhD student noted that when shopping in a
store, they aggregate these purchases in a single bulk. He also stated 2 main factors result in
higher greenhouse gas emission: frequent online purchases produce more packaging waste
and online items come from different distribution centers. There was a research on the
movement of goods from the factory all the way through the end consumer, specifically
focused on “the last mile” delivery - distance between a store or distribution center to a
customer. They analyzed the carbon footprint from greenhouse gas emissions of the three
most prevalent shopping channels of the UK and the analysis showed that total carbon
footprints per item purchased from physical stores were higher than “brick & click” in 63%,
and lower than “pure players” in 81%. These figures were also similar as those in the United
State on average. It depends on consumer behaviour of each country. Two world’s largest
retailer - Walmart and Amazon - already have their ongoing plan of using new electric
delivery vehicles to make the company carbon neutral and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
in the next 10 to 20 years.
Part 2: Glossary

a sailboat is
happening in the way counter-intuitive
you would not expect -
counter-intuitive adjective / ka n.t᫅ . n tu .i.t᫅ v/
it to you push the till
(phản trực giác) er the opposite
way to the way
you want to go.

having been read and

There are
checked by another
a number of
scientist or expert
peer-reviewed adjective / p ə.r vju d/ peer-reviewed
working in the same
studies on
subject area
the topic.
(đánh giá ngang hàng)

large size or amount Tankers carry

bulk noun /bʌlk/ (số lượng lớn, bulk shipments
chất đống) of oil

The four main

the total amount of areas that
greenhouse gases, determine your
primarily carbon carbon footprint
dioxide, released into are electricity
carbon footprint noun / kɑ .bən f nt/
the atmosphere by a usage, oil or
particular human natural gas
activity usage, car
(tổng lượng khí thải) mileage, and
airplane trips.
These kinds of
existing very
video game are
commonly or
prevalent adjective / prev.əl.ənt/ more prevalent
happening frequently
among young
(thịnh hành)

a model that a chain

of stores allows the
The first
customer to order
products either online
operating a
or physically in one of
Bricks and Clicks noun /br ksənd kl ks/ bricks and clicks
their store, then get it
business model
delivered to their
was Pizza Hut in
(mô hình kinh doanh
kết hợp trực tuyến và
ngoại tuyến)

to run as fast as you

can over a short
We had to sprint
distance because you
sprint verb /spr nt/ to catch the bus
are in a great hurry to
get to somewhere
(chạy nước rút)

The side effects

in a way that covers a
of the new drug
large area or has a
extensively adverb / k sten.s are being
great range
(chuyên sâu)

an occasion when you From what she

seem to suggest said, the
implication noun / ke .ʃən/ something without implication was
saying it directly that they were
(hàm ý) broken up

to control or limit
He really need
something that is not
curb verb /kɜ b/ to curb his
(kiềm chế)

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