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Organization and

Quarter 2 – Module 6:
The Different Functional
Areas of Management
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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio

Author : Nestor T. Valdoz

Co-Author - Content Editor : Charina C. Dizon
Co-Author - Language Reviewer : Lorace A. Lopez
Co-Author - Illustrator : Nestor T. Valdoz
Co-Author - Layout Artist : Annie Rhose C. Rosales

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LRMDS Coordinator : Annie Rhose C. Rosales


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Organization and
Quarter 2 – Module 6:
The Different Functional
Areas of Management
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Organization and Management Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Mode

(ADM) Module on The Different Functional Areas of Management!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by educators both
from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping
the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming
their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that
will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to manage
their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the
learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:

Welcome to the Organization and Management Grade 11 Alternative Delivery Mode

(ADM) Module on The Different Functional Areas of Management!
The hand is one of the most symbolized part of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner
is capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and
skills at your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in the

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion of the

lesson. This aims to help you discover and
understand new concepts and skills.

What’s More This comprises activities for independent

practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.

What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank

sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your

level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and
gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
What I Need to Know

This module is designed and created to help you understand the different
functional areas of Management applied in the business world.

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Explain the nature and role in the firm of the following functional areas of
management: (ABM_AOM11-IIi-39)
a. Human Resource Management;
b. Marketing Management;
c. Operations Management;
d. Financial Management;
e. Material and Procurement Management;
f. Office Management; and
g. Information & Communication Technology Management.
What I Know

Jumbled Words

In your answer sheet, rearrange the following jumbled letters to

form a new word

1. G N T I E K A R M

2. N A M U H E R O S R U E C

3. S N O T I R A E P O

4. L A I C N A N F I N

5. S L A I R E M A T

6. C H S A G N R U P I

7. E C I O F F

8. R O F M A N O I F T N

9. M U M O C N I N O I T A C

10. T N E M E G A N M A
The Different Functional
1 Areas of Management
The Specialized Functional Areas of

The Management expertise in the general functions of management

such as; planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling is a great
factor to determine success of the business. Aside from this, the Management
should also be skillful in the specialized functions of management. These
areas includes: human resource management, marketing management,
Operations management, financial management, material and procurement
management, office management, and information & communication technology
Specialized skills in the above-mentioned areas are crucial to ensure
success and development in both small and big businesses. The higher the
skills of the Management in the general and specialized areas, the better
chance for the business to thrive and ensure success.
Many SME’s young entreprenuers and students alike aspire to be like
the already established business tycoons of the country in the likes of Henry
Sy. John Gokongwei, and Jaime Zobel de Ayala. Let us study and define each
functional areas and discover why they are important in the organization’s

Career Anchors

Edgar Henry Schein a former professor at the MIT Sloan School of

Management developed the idea of a career Anchor.
A career anchor is one's self-concept and consists of one's perceptions of one's
talents and abilities, one's basic values, and one's perceptions of motives and
needs as they pertain to career (
His original research in the mid -1970s yielded five possible career anchor
composition as follows:
1. Autonomy or independence -

People chose to be independent and work their way to success.

They set their own rules and work according to it at their own pace and
totally independent. These are the people who tends to be consultants
or independent businespersons. They have a hard time following rules
like wearing company uniform and company policies

2. Security and Stability

These are the people who love secure jobs and success. Good
salaries and benefits like housing and clothing allowances, insurance
and bonuses. No matter how skillfull they are they prioritize job offers
that could secure their continous financial needs and a brighter future
for them and their loved ones.
3. Technical-functional competence
These highly skillfull individuals love to be challenged and they
want to get the higher position within the field of their expertise. They
may reject Managerial positions because they always want to practice
their expertise in their respective fields like Engineering, Accounting,
Quality control and statistics.
4. General managerial competence
These people wants to lead and make decisions.
They only feel satisfied when they are promoted to general manager
positions. They always exercise their problem solving skills and want
other people feel their influence in every thing they say and do. They
considered themselves successful when they see that the business
organization they lead is also successful.
5. Entrepreneurial creativity
These people feel satisfaction when they create new innovative
business or products. Starting up something new creatively is most
important to them. They considered money as secondary as
compared to the reward they get in starting up something new in the
business world.

Additional studies made in the 1980s identified three additional career

anchors composition:

6. Service or dedication to a cause

These people put their attention in serving other people. They love
to do things for other people benefits. They adhere and completely
believe what the scriptures has said about service. People in this
professions are Preachers or Pastors, Social workers, Doctors,
Lawyers, nurses and teachers. They may not be necessarily religious
but they believe in uplifting other people lives is more important than
their self improvement.

7. Pure challenge, and

People who delight in challenges. They are competitive.

They are happy and satisfied when they beat their toughest opponent
in tough situations. For them any job that is challenging is acceptable .

8. Life style.
People who value work and family at the same time. They
Prefer flexible work shifts that would fit their daily time table. Personal
and family life is as important as their career and they want to be
successful in both of them.
What’s In

Identify each career anchors described below. Choose your answer from the

Technical or functional competence Entrepreneurial creativity

Lifestyle Security and stability

Pure challenge Autonomy or independence

Service and Dedication to a cause General Managerial competence

1. They prefer to solve problem, lead and influence others.

2. Creating a new and innovative business is product is their ultimate


3. The professions of these people includes: Engineering, Accounting,

Quality control and statistics.

4. These people desire is a secure and a stable job.

5. Helping other people is more important to them.

6. They always want to beat their competitors.

7. These people have a hard time following routines like wearing company

8. They love their works and families.

9. They want jobs with many benefits.

10. Their success is also the company’s success.

11. Recognition from starting up a new business or product is more important to

them than money.

12. They want the higher position in the field of their expertise
13. People who delight in challenges.

14. They work as a consultant.

15. They work as preachers, social workers, teachers etc.

Notes to the Teacher

This module will help the learners understand the different career
anchors and possibly identify which career anchor they belong to
What’s New

True or False

In your answer sheet, write T if the statement is correct and write F if

the statement is wrong.

1. A human resource department is responsible for hiring employees

2. Training new employees is important in the success of a
3. A newly hired employee get a salary as high as a regular employee.
4. The marketing department is responsible for advertising their products.
5. Production scheduling includes setting up of working time and how
many products should be produced on a daily basis.

6. You can always avail credit from your suppliers to maintain your
7. The Accounting Manager is responsible in sending communication to
every department.

8. The use of Fax Machine is the most modern technology to

communicate in business.

9. It is the sole responsibility of the purchasing department to procure

materials for production use.

10. The CFO is the head of the finance department in a big company.
What is It

Functional Areas of Management in the Organization

1. Human Resource Management –

The main job of Human Resource Department is to hire skilled

employees needed in the different departments of the organization.
Other jobs include training of personnel in order to acquire necessary
skills needed to qualify and perform efficiently in the organization. This
is to ensure personal growth within the staff and also with the rank and

Hiring of semi-skilled employees is also one of their big task.

They see to it that the apprentice receives 75% of the current minimum
wage as their salary as stated in the Philippine labor laws and upon
completion of the 6 months’ apprenticeship program, the company can
hire them as their regular employees.

Preparation of semi-monthly or monthly payroll is also one of

their responsibility. The Philippine Labor Laws prescribed the minimum
wage that every employee should receive and also the different benefits
that they are entitled to including bonuses and 13th month pay. The
timekeeper sees to it that she has an accurate record of the time they
worked for the whole week and compute for their salaries in accordance
with the law.

Work rendered beyond eight hours is considered as overtime. A

worker is entitled to receive additional 25% in every overtime hour. For
example, a worker’s regular time is from Six in the morning until 2 in
the afternoon (6:00am-2:00pm). This is already an eight-hour regular
work. Any working hour beyond this eight-hour period is considered
as overtime and hence a worker will receive an additional payment of
25 percent.

Overtime work on the employee’s rest day will entitle the worker
to receive additional 30% for that day. For example, if you are receiving
P450 as your basic salary, you will receive an additional 30 percent for
that rest day work.
Works during holidays will entitle the worker to receive double
pay. In the above example, if the worker happened to work in a holiday
he/she will receive P900 on that day as his salary (double pay),
(P450+450). In case the worker rendered overtime on that holiday, the
company needed to pay is based on the Labor laws computation of
holiday overtime.

These are just some of the works that the Personnel department
is responsible to perform in accordance with the law and company
policy. Workers on a graveyard shift (night shift) will also compensated
based on the law that is provided.

Other task they are responsible includes keeping of personal

records of each employee. They also see to it that the company is paying
every benefit that the law requires, like SSS (Social Security System),
Pag-Ibig Fund, and Phil-health. They also need to register every
employee at the BIR (Bureau of Internal Revenue) for tax purposes.

The company has also responsible in handling the worker’s

demand through their union association. The union association
usually ask the management for salary increase and other benefits. A
conflict between Management and Union labor Association may
sometimes arise in some difficult situation.

Human Resource department is a vital functional area that is

responsible to recruit skilled and semi-skilled employees that the
company could utilize to achieve its goals. Training is given to those in
need to further enhance their capabilities to be better workers of the
company. One of the Human Resource job is to ensure job satisfaction
among the workers.

2. Marketing Management

Marketing department is in charge of the sales, advertisements,

and promotions of new products being developed by the company.
Aside from this, production is also one of the concern of marketing
people, since the bulk of sales that the company make will primarily
depend on the output of production department. Their primary duty
is to find buyers/customers that will patronize the company products.
They see to it that existing customers are being taken care of. It means,
any complain the customers may have will immediately address and
be given immediate solution.
Advertising is an effective tool to attract buyers and or
customers. Advertisements nowadays becomes easy because of social
media. Almost all people in the world have access in social media
especially here in the Philippines. The interaction between the buyer
and seller becomes fast. This way any complain that the customer
has can be address immediately. Online selling is also one of the
blessings of modern technology. Individuals and business increased
their customers due to the development of online selling.

Big companies have their own marketing and sales department

to take good care the job of finding buyers and selling their products.
They oversee the various activities of the Marketing department.

There are various positions in the Marketing department that

helps and support the business. We have the Marketing Director who
is responsible in managing the whole marketing operations of the
business. Big knowledge in advertising, finance, and planning are
very important in this position.

Marketing Managers on the other hand are responsible with

developing of ways to improve the brand by evaluating the demand
for the product or service. They keep an eye with the behavior of their
competitors and find various ways to maintain the demand for the

Public relations managers on the other hand, are responsible to

promote the company to maintain its reputation and performance.
Good publicity makes the company maintains its good image in
the market and its distance from its competitors.

The different ideas and strategies applied in marketing includes

advertisements, commercials, and campaigns. Different executives
collaborate to come up with the best way to promote the product the
best way possible. Sales managers set objectives to achieve when it
comes to sales. The sales representative does the actual selling of
the products.

3. Operations Management

Is responsible on crafting a blueprint and regulating

production output. This department has workers that collaborate to
each other in order to carry out the task they are assigned to do.
The Production Manager is responsible with the materials and
services needed in the production process.

Production scheduling is very important task of the Production

Manager to make sure that production deadline can be met. He
works hand in hand with the purchasing department to ensure that
production materials and accessories are bought and available for

Lead times should be followed strictly to give enough time for

the supplier to deliver the goods needed in the production. This way,
both purchasing and the production department will have enough
time to perform their task and expect good results.

Maintenance and repair of equipment is also an important task

that the Production in charge is responsible to do. Production
inventory is closely monitored and updated from time to time. The
production system is strictly followed in order to achieve effective
and profitable operations.

4. Financial Management

The finance department is responsible in managing the money

matters of the company. This is very important to ensure the smooth
flow of operation.

The Finance manager is responsible to raise fund and use it in

an efficient way for the business operation. He is also tasked to do
life long and important investment activities of the resources of the
company and allocate the same in achieving the company’s goal the
best way possible.

In large companies the head of the Finance department is the

Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The CFO is responsible to report
directly to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or the President of the

The Finance department personnel includes a Treasurer who

is in charge in the main financial areas of Investment (particularly
short-lived investments and checking it every day) Financing and
Asset Management. He is also responsible to watch over budget
preparation and evaluate the investment chances and the different
hazard associated with it.

The Controller on the other hand is the one who is responsible

in the preparation of Financial Reports such as the Statement of
Comprehensive Income (SCI) or formerly known as Income
Statement, the Statement of Financial Position (SFP) or also known
as the Balance sheet and Cash flows. The Management uses this
financial information to evaluate the financial status of the
company. Controllers also are responsible in overseeing the
accounting, audit and budget departments.
The Finance Manager handles the different tasks of the
finance department and one of this task is the following scope of

1. Investment decision

How much of the company resources should put in safekeeping

and how much should be used to improve productivity.

A careful study is required to determine whether purchasing a

new lot for expansion is better than employing a new technology to
improve production.

What the company needs among these two should be given the
highest priority of investment.

2. Financing decision

A firm decision should be made by the Finance manager what type

of Financing Should the company take to finance its operations.
Should the Finance manager opted to ask for a loan, he or she
should decide how much is the amount and the interest rate should
be determined. The terms of payment should also be established.

3. Asset Management decision

After bringing in Assets and finally

Opted a financing loan suited for the company’s needs, the
Finance manager takes the responsibility in managing the funds
obtained from investments and loans and see to it that it would help
achieve the company’s goals and will bring profit with the

Classification of Finance Managers

1. Credit Managers- responsible in the preparation of loan guidelines

and tracking payments of accounts.

2. Cash Managers – Track and create control scheme on the incoming

and outgoing of cash.

3. Finance Managers – are workers of banks, credit companies and

other financial institutions to monitor lending, pledges, investment
and other undertakings related to financial
5. Materials and Procurement Management

Every company has their own procurement department in charge

in purchasing materials and other supplies needed in the production
and other department of the organization.
The purchasing department is involving in monitoring
Inventories. This way they can decide which item is needed to be
purchased. The concern department then will fill out the Material
Requisition Form, once approved, they are now ready to purchase the
needed supplies. Before the Purchase order is prepared, the
purchasing department needs to canvass the price from three suppliers.
From these three suppliers, the company will get the lowest price with
the best terms and conditions.

Many times, the price is not the only factor to consider. The
quality of the product comes first before the price. Other things to
consider, is the time of delivery. When the requirements are met the
Purchase Order is place to acquire the needed materials.

Big projects like repair of building, installation of new

machineries and construction of new structures follows different way
in procuring the services needed. Most if not all business owners apply
the Competitive bidding way of buying goods and services.

Interested suppliers may offer a bid by submitting it to the buyer.

This bid submission shows their willingness to provide the needed
materials and services at a given price.

How does this process take place? The company will issue an
invitation to bid to companies and would be suppliers. The lowest
bidder usually wins in this situation.

Bidding is done to ensure that the company could avail of the

greatest materials and or services at a reasonable price without
sacrificing the quality of it.

6. Office Management

“Office management, as a function, is that branch of the art and

science of management which is concerned with efficient performance
of office work whenever and wherever that work is to be done.” —
William If. Leffingwell and Edwin M. Rot.

Office management plays an important role in achieving the

organization’s goal of success. Its main purpose is to handle the clerical
part of the different functional departments of the business

Big companies have their own Administrative office to handle the

transaction of dealing effectively in connecting with people inside and
outside the organization and keeping all the data and information for
the company’s utilization.
This department employee are the secretaries, office managers,
and executive assistants. These staff are expected to perform in an
effective way in order to manage all the information coming from in and
out of the company and effectively do their jobs to reach the
organization goals to succeed.

Importance of Office Management

1. Helps in achievement of targets

Management help people achieve their goals by leading and

guiding them into the things that are helpful like reporting
to work on time and other quantifiable outputs

2. Optimum use of Resource

Maximizing profits is one of the most important goals

an organization can have and they can only do this if they
do things consistently even in the frugal way of using their
resources like raw materials, production and office
supplies. A monitoring log book could be used to monitor
the issuance of office supplies. This is apart from the stock
cards maintain for each office and production accounts.
Stock cards are records of inventories that includes the
incoming and outgoing of raw materials, office supplies and
other stuff.

3. Minimization of Cost

The cost in running the office should be low enough

without sacrificing the quality of work of the staff. This can
be achieve by way of preparing ahead of time reporting to work
on timely manner and the way they used the machines,
electricity and office supplies. Air-conditioned and electric
fans should be turned off when not in use and same is true
with other machines like photocopier, computers including
lightings within the office.

4. Smooth flow of work

When a system is placed in the office you can assure

that there is continuous flow of work. This is very helpful
and beneficial to all the organization because no
interruptions mean the system is working well for

5. Provides leadership

Office managers set good example by showing

subordinates which way they should go. They lead their
followers in the path of success and accomplishments.

6. Managing Change
As what they say, the only constant thing in this
world is change. People in the office may resist change. But
management will explain and show the reason for the
change. This is to hasten work and to keep up with the
fast changing world. The management becomes the
implementer of change.

7. Social benefits

The organization is not the only one who is being

blessed but also the different sectors of the community. It
furnishes the network of the various suppliers and
financial institutions like banks and the different
government division by providing assistance to the people
in various little ways.

The triumph of every organization depends on the competence of its office.

Paper works may come in bulk because of the various requirements needed
but coming up with ways in handling the work will ensure success of the

7. Information and Technology Management

Pertains to the administration of information using computer and

modern technology to expedite the flow of communication inside
and outside the organization. This requires a system to be
established. In this way, the management can easily access
customer’s record and update information such as payment and
purchases. There are different information system in a business
organization. Please refer to the following:

1. Sales and Marketing information system

Involve in studying prices of the product, Sales

Projections, and handling of orders.
2. Finance and accounting information system

Check the company’s properties (assets) cash flows,

Essential in budgeting, accounts receivable, and
Financial planning

3. Human resource system

Monitors the records of the employees, performance,
skills and training and it is being used in analyzing of
remuneration (salaries), cultivation and

such factors as time scheduling y

What’s More

I. Read each statement carefully and determine if the statement is

True or False. Write your answer in the space provided.

_________1. The main job of the Human Resource Department is to provide

skilled employee for the various departments.

_________2. Apprentice salaries is equivalent to 80% of the minimum wage.

_________3. The time keeper is responsible for checking of daily attendance.

__________4. The Philippines Labor Law required 10 hours regular working

hours every day.
__________ 5. An additional 25% will be added to your salary for every
regular overtime rendered

II. Match the items written in column A from the answers in column B.
Write the letters only in your answer sheet.

Column A Column B

1. 25% a. Health Insurance

2. 30% b. Regular overtime rate

3. Tax C. Rest day overtime rate

4. SSS (Social Security d. Retirement benefits
e. Bureau of Internal Revenue
5. Phil-health (BIR)
What I Have Learned

Fill in the words that will complete the statement below.

The Management expertise in the ______________is a great factor to

determine success. On the other hand, the Management should also be
skillful in the ________________of management.

The Human Resource department is responsible in providing

___________employees for the business.

Marketing management is concern with the_________of the company

where the business can get funds from. While the Purchasing department
provides the ___________needed in the production area. The procurement of
supplies and materials would not be possible without the help of the Finance
department which is responsible for the _________needed to operate the
business smoothly. The Operation Management then process the materials in
the ____________ to produce goods to meet desired Sales. The office
management is concern with ____________________of office work. In buying
raw materials, there are two things that are considered very well the_________
and the ___________of the product.
What I Can Do

I. Below is the list of the different job opportunities for ABM and
computer courses. As an ABM student, select all the jobs you are
interested in and rank them according to your priority.

Employment opportunities Rank

1. Certified
Public Accountant

2. Bookkeeper

3. Personnel Manager

4. Sales Manager

5. Purchasing Manager

6. Account Executive

7. College Teacher

8. Data Encoder

9. Technician

10. Personnel Clerk


IDENTIFICATION: Write the correct answer on the space provided before the

___________1. Dissemination of information becomes easy through this.

___________2. Monitor the company’s asset and cash flows.

___________3. Involve in sales projection and handling of orders.

___________4. Furnishes networks for various suppliers and financial institutions
like banks.

___________5. The only constant thing in this world is change.

___________6. Managers lead the way by showing good example.

___________7. Cost in running the office is put to minimum.

___________8. Maximizing the use of raw materials and other resources.

___________9. An office employee who is responsible in taking down minutes of the

___________10. Responsible in the preparation of loan guidelines.

___________11. Monitor lending pledges and investment

___________12. Monitor the inflow and outflow of funds.

___________13. Handle the task of investment, financing and asset management of

the company.

___________14. Prepares the financial reports of the company.

___________15. Responsible with improving of product brand.

Additional Activities


Find the words written below and encircle your answer

Sales Raw Materials Marketing

Production Purchasing

What I Have Learned: What’s More:
1. General functions I. True or False
2. Specialized functions 1. True
3. Skilled 2. False
4. Sales 3. True
5. Materials 4. False
What I Can Do: 6. Cash 5. True
Depends on the learner’s 7. Production
answer 8. Efficient performance II. Matching Type
9. Price
10. Quality 1. b
2. c
3. e
4. d
5. a
What’s New: What In?: What’s In?: What I Know:
1. T 8. Life style 1. General Managerial
2. T 9. Security & Stability Competence 1. Marketing
3. F 10. General Managerial 2. Entrepreneurial 2. Human Resource
4. T Competence Creativity 3. Operations
5. T 11. Entrepreneurial 3. Technical/Functional 4. Financial
6. F Creativity Competence 5. Materials
7. F 12.Technical/Functional 4. Security & Stability 6. Purchasing
8. F Competence 5. Service and Dedication 7. Office
9. T 13. Pure Challenge to a cause 8. Information
10.T 14.Autonomy or 6. Pure challenge 9. Communication
Independence 7. Autonomy or 10. Management
15.Service or Independence 999.
Dedication to a cause 8. Information
B 9. Communication
Answer Key
1. Information & Technology
2. Finance Information System
3. Sales & Marketing
Additional Activity:
Information System
4. Social Benefits
1. Sales 5. Managing change
2. Production 6. Provides leadership
3. Raw Materials 7. Minimization of cost
4. Marketing 8. Optimum use of resource
5. Purchasing 9. Secretary
10. Credit Manager
11. Finance Manager
12. Cash Manager
13. Finance Manager
14. Controller
15. Marketing Manager
Zarate, Cynthia. 2016. Organization And Management For Senior High
School. 1st ed. Quezon City: C & E Publishing, Inc.

Zarate, Cynthia. 2016. Organization And Management For Senior High

School, Enhanced Teacher's Manual. 1st ed. Quezon City: C & E
Publishing, Inc.

"Functional Areas Of Management: Top 19 Functional Areas". 2020.

Economics Discussion.

"Edgar Schein". 2020. En.Wikipedia.Org.

"Thesaurus Results For CONCEPT". 2020. Merriam-Webster.Com.

"What Is Lead Time?". 2020. Investopedia.

S, Surbhi. 2020. "Difference Between Treasury Management And Financial

Management (With Comparison Chart) - Key Differences". Key

"Office Management". 2020. En.Wikipedia.Org.
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region III,

Schools Division of Bataan - Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resources Management and Development Section (LRMDS)

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