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4. Studies have shown that the Ganges River
1 – 16: For these questions, choose the best is capable of decomposing organic waste
word(s) or expression(s) to fill the space(s). faster than ---- river in the world, as much as
25 times faster.
1. A strong health promotion policy was
implemented to ---- the increasing obesity in A) the other
the population and the high levels of B) other
sedentarism. C) any other
D) each other
A) cope with E) some other
B) look over
C) run through
D) put out
E) take down

2. The growing technological development of 5. Although seasonal vaccination does not

medicine is increasing the price of health offer effective protection ---- swine flu, they
care to ---- an extent ---- most individuals are reduce the risk of getting infected ---- other
incapable of paying their own bills. non-human strains of the virus.

A) more / than A) off / for

B) so / as B) from / on
C) much / like C) against / with
D) such / that D) through / by
E) either / or E) over / under

3. Companies investing in self-driving cars ---- 6. ---- technology plays an increasingly vital
that laws created in relation to the role on the battlefield, a new military
technology ---- down its development. occupational specialty has emerged.

A) had complained / has slowed A) Besides

B) will have complained / slows B) As
C) complain / would have slowed C) If
D) have complained / could slow D) As though
E) were complaining / will slow E) Unless 2
7. Because the theory of evolution includes an 10. The term Industrial Revolution is usually
explanation of humanity's origins, it has had applied to the social and economic changes
a profound ---- on human societies. that mark the transition ---- a stable
agricultural and commercial society to a
A) dismissal modern industrial society relying ----
B) recovery complex machinery rather than tools.
C) impact
D) recognition A) from / on
E) distrust B) with / for
C) into / with
D) through / for
E) between / to

8. Sustainability occurs when an economy 11. The decision to limit life support in patients
achieves a rate of ---- which allows an in the intensive care unit appears to be ----
increase in living standards without undue influenced by physician practices or the
structural and environmental difficulties. culture of the hospital.

A) severity A) previously
B) turmoil B) dangerously
C) recession C) significantly
D) commitment D) conveniently
E) growth E) accurately

9. Since a planet is small compared to its 12. In many cases, several museums simply do
parent star, it is extraordinarily difficult to --- not have ---- space to exhibit all the amazing
- extrasolar planets directly below works in the collection on an ongoing basis.
photographic images.
A) grateful
A) allocate B) sufficient
B) convince C) sparse
C) harvest D) deficient
D) detect E) rapid
E) exceed

13. Experts ---- that by 2050, one-fourth of the 15. In the area surrounding Lake Titicaca, there
animal species on Earth ---- towards are more than 180 ancient monuments and
extinction as a result of this perpetual global ruins ---- proof of the Incan civilization that
warming. once ---- the region.

A) believed / had headed A) provided / had dominated

B) could believe / have headed B) having provided / could dominate
C) have believed / are headed C) to provide / would dominate
D) believe / will head D) provide / was dominating
E) will believe / headed E) providing / dominated

14. The consequences of global warming will hit 16. ---- poor soil and poor agricultural methods
hardest on the developing countries, ---- the in many parts of the African continent, even
industrialized countries may actually benefit in years with enough rain, farmers are not
from a warming lower than 2-3 C. able to produce surplus crops.

A) until A) In spite of
B) whereas B) In addition to
C) if C) Because of
D) because D) Rather than
E) unless E) By means of 4
17 – 21: For these questions, choose the best 19.
word or expression to fill the spaces in the A) that
passage. B) which
C) those
D) what
Woolly mammoths are extinct relatives of today’s
E) whose
elephants. They lived during the last ice age, and
they (17) ---- off when the weather became warmer
and their food supply changed. Humans may also
be partly responsible for their disappearance due to
hunting. (18) ---- the word “mammoth” has come to
mean “huge,” woolly mammoths were probably
A) affliction
about the size of African elephants. Their ears were
B) extinction
smaller than (19) ---- of today’s elephants. This was
C) explosion
probably an (20) ---- to the cold climate that kept
D) opportunity
their ears closer to their heads and kept them
E) adaptation
warmer. Their tusks were very long, about 5 metres
and were used for fighting and digging in the deep
snow. Mammoths were herbivores and ate mostly
grass, but also ate (21) ---- types of plants and

A) other
B) every other
A) would have died
C) others
B) may have died
D) another
C) have died
E) each other
D) will have died
E) ought to have died

A) In case
B) Because
C) Now that
D) Although
E) Once

22 – 26: For these questions, choose the best 24.
word or expression to fill the spaces in the A) was
passage. B) may be
C) would be
D) had been
Bacteria are extremely small living things. While we
E) is
measure our own sizes in inches or centimetres,
bacterial size is measured in microns. One micron is
a thousandth of a millimetre – a pinhead is about a
millimetre (22) ----. Rod shaped bacteria are usually
from two to four microns long, (23) ---- rounded
ones are generally one micron in diameter. Thus, if
you enlarged a rounded bacterium a thousand
times, it (24) ---- just about the size of a pinhead. An
A) take up
adult human magnified by the same amount would
B) take place
be over a mile (1.6 kilometres) tall. Even with an
C) use up
ordinary microscope, you must look closely to see
D) break out
bacteria. Using a magnification of 100 times, one
E) make out
finds that bacteria are barely visible as tiny rods or
dots. One cannot (25) ---- anything of their structure.
Using special stains, one can see that some
bacteria have attached to them wavy-looking "hairs"
called flagella. Others have only one flagellum. The
flagella rotate, pushing the bacteria (26) ---- the
water. Many bacteria lack flagella and cannot move
about by their own power while others can glide
A) above
along over surfaces by some little understood
B) of
C) at
D) through
E) by
A) along
B) across
C) about
D) among
E) abroad

A) while
B) so that
C) just as
D) in case
E) unless 6
27 – 36: For these questions, choose the best 30. Christians believe that God created man in
option to complete the given sentence. his image, ----.

A) but Christians liked to remind everyone of

27. ---- as a result of location, poor
infrastructure and lack of financial
B) as the concept of divinity is as
multifaceted as humanity is
C) although could have been treated with
A) Governments are seeking ways to solve
kindness and respect
the problem of water scarcity
D) contrary to their belief in the sanctity of life
B) The poorest people suffer the greatest
E) which means that every person must treat
water deficit
their body with respect
C) The project will help provide enough
freshwater on the planet for seven billion
D) Nobody would be immune to water
E) Developing countries produce most of the
world’s food stocks
31. We will continue to adhere to our
obligations ----.

A) as long as other parties observe the

B) why the current fighting will cease
C) as soon as a new contract was written and
28. The country has been governed by the
agreed upon
People's Action Party ----.
D) however long violations to the peace
treaty exist
A) while the president was impeached
E) that they are spending inordinate amounts
B) since its election victory in 1959
of time
C) assuming that democracy is best
D) just as freedom of speech is a human right
E) nonetheless many people died

32. On the issue of why some students are

deficient in the use of English language, ----.

29. ----, but the methods of attacking ships has.

A) various studies suggest that the opposite
is true
A) Small pirates are mostly interested in loot
B) a new study suggests that Afro-American
and the safe of the ship they attack
females learn English twice as fast as
B) People consider pirates as the legends
white females
from the dark past
C) British linguists observed a gap of about
C) The goal of modern pirates has not
20% among students aged 20-30
changed much since the Golden Age of
D) some people are of the opinion that that
poor reading habits and the fear of making
D) Piracy was once a far more serious
mistakes play an important role
problem than it is today
E) others believe that the proficiency level is
E) Piracy off the coast of East Africa is
higher in African immigrants but much
growing at an alarming rate
lower in Asian immigrants

33. The government has announced an increase 35. ---- in case hostilities break out with
to the education budget, ----. neighbouring countries.

A) or else it assures thorough training for A) The president has accused every
teachers American for not being responsible
B) even so, underprivileged kids are granted B) The speech was timed to coincide with the
scholarships beginning of the hurricane season
C) in order to provide computers for every C) The government had taken all the
classroom necessary measures
D) just as Norway has the most successful D) The government has urged all citizens to
education system prepare themselves
E) nevertheless technology is being E) The tensions between Russia and the US
implemented into school systems have risen to their worst levels since the
Cold War

34. ----; therefore, the same treatment methods 36. ----, orange can improve immune system
won’t always apply. and accelerate wound healing.

A) The scientists have come to an agreement A) Since its leaves are oval in shape
on a solution B) Due to high content of vitamin C
B) People should always see a doctor if the C) Although fruit of orange tree belongs to
symptoms persist the group of berries
C) Treating cancer was like treating a D) Whereas oranges can be consumed raw
growing menace in the form of juices
D) Dry skin can be a symptom of a number of E) Even though oranges are rich source of
different conditions vitamin C
E) The sickness always spreads in a
systematic way 8
37 – 42: For these questions, choose the most 39. Organic vegetables are one example of
accurate Turkish translation of the sentence in healthy food that packs a lot of flavour as
English, and the most accurate English well as plenty of vitamins and minerals.
translation of the sentences in Turkish.
A) Sağlıklı yiyeceklere bir örnek olan organik
sebzeler, bol miktarda vitamin ve mineral
37. Temperatures in the largest hot desert in the
içerir ayrıca birçok farklı lezzetle dolup
world, northern Africa's Sahara, reach up to
50 degrees during the day.
B) Organik sebzeler, bol miktarda vitamin ve
mineralin yanı sıra birçok lezzetle dolup
A) Gün boyunca sıcaklıkların 50 dereceye
taşan sağlıklı yiyeceklerin bir örneğidir.
kadar ulaştığı Kuzey Afrika Sahrası,
C) Sağlıklı yiyeceklerin bir örneği olan
dünyanın en büyük sıcak çölüdür.
organik sebzeler, bol miktarda vitamin ve
B) Dünyadaki en sıcak ve en büyük çölü olan
minerallerle olduğu kadar birçok lezzetle
Kuzey Afrika'daki Sahra Çölünde
de dolup taşar.
sıcaklıklar gün boyunca 50 dereceye
D) Organik sebzeler, bol miktarda vitamin ve
mineral içermesinin yanı sıra lezzetli ve
C) Kuzey Afrika Sahra Çölü, dünyanın en
sağlıklı bir besin örneğidir.
büyük sıcak çölüdür ve gün içerisinde
E) Organik sebzeler, sağlıklı yiyeceklere bir
sıcaklıklar 50 dereceye kadar ulaşır.
örnektir, çünkü bol miktarda vitamin ve
D) Gün boyunca 50 dereceyi geçen
mineral içerir ayrıca birçok lezzetle dolup
sıcaklıklarıyla Kuzey Afrika Sahra Çölü,
dünyanın en büyük sıcak çölüdür.
E) Dünyadaki en büyük sıcak çölü Kuzey
Afrika'nın Sahrasında sıcaklıklar gün
boyunca 50 dereceye kadar ulaşır.

40. Mutluluk hakkında büyük bir yanılgı, bunun

38. Michelangelo's famous painting on the
ulaşılıp sonsuza kadar elde tutulacak bir şey
ceiling of the Sistine Chapel is the perfect
embodiment of the Renaissance's
ambitiousness and dramatic styling.
A) Contrary to popular misconception,
happiness is not something that can be
A) Sistine Şapeli'nin tavanındaki
reached and held forever.
Michelangelo'nun ünlü tablosu,
B) A major misconception about happiness is
Rönesans'ın tutkusu ve etkileyici
that it is something that can be reached
tasarımının mükemmel bir örneğidir.
and held forever.
B) Rönesans'ın tutkusu ve etkileyici
C) The idea of happiness is so misconceived
tasarımının mükemmel bir örneği olan
that it is considered as something that can
Michelangelo'nun ünlü tablosu, Sistine
be reached and held forever.
Şapeli'nin tavanındadır.
D) Happiness is a major misconception as it
C) Rönesansın tutkusunun somut örneği olan
is thought to be something that can be
Michelangelo'nun Sistine Şapeli'nin
reached and held forever.
tavanındaki meşhur tablosu aynı zamanda
E) A common misconception about
etkileyici bir tasarımdır.
happiness is that it can be held forever
D) Michelangelo'nun ünlü Sistine Şapeli'nin
once reached.
tavanındaki Rönesans tablosu, tutku ve
etkileyici tasarımın kusursuz bir örneğidir.
E) Rönesans'ın tutkusu ve etkileyici
tasarımının mükemmel bir örneği olan
Sistine Şapeli'nin tavanı üzerindeki ünlü
tablo, Michelangelo'ya aittir.

41. Yaz saatinin uygulandığı ülkelerde yaşayan 42. Diyabetin tipini doğru şekilde belirlemek,
insanlar, her sene yeni zaman dilimini kabul doğru tedavinin seçimine yardımcı olduğu
etmek zorunda kalıyorlar. için önemlidir.

A) People must accept a new time period A) Selecting the right treatment for diabetes
every year in countries where summertime is important, so is identifying the type
is practiced. correctly.
B) Summertime practice in some countries B) In order to help select a right treatment for
forces people to accept a new time period diabetes, the type of diabetes must be
every year. identified correctly.
C) People living in a country with C) Identifying the type of diabetes is very
summertime practice have to accept a helpful in choosing the appropriate
new time period every year. treatment for diabetes.
D) Countries practicing summertime force D) Since it is very important to select the right
their own people to accept a new time treatment, identifying the type of diabetes
period each year. correctly becomes more of an issue.
E) People who live in countries where E) Identifying the type of diabetes correctly is
summertime is practiced are forced to important because it helps to select the
accept a new time period each year. right treatment. 10
43 – 46: Answer these questions according to 45. After reading this passage it is right to
the passage below. assume that ----.

A) most cases of autism develop in

Studies conducted on those with autism show that it
affects more boys than girls, and is prevalent in
B) those with autism cannot fit into the
developed countries. Autism diagnosis occurs
regular society
across different age groups, though studies also
C) the symptoms of autism are difficult to
indicate that autism is likely already present at the
diagnose in infants
time of birth, although it is very difficult to form an
D) autism is on the cusp of being cured
early diagnosis. Autism ranges from causing mild
E) the rise in autism is largely due to the
symptoms to more obvious abnormal behaviours
increase in vaccinations
associated with the condition. Unfortunately, no
known cure has been found to alleviate this
condition to date. Today, the cases of autism seen
in adults and children are still rising. Experts who
have been studying the condition have no
46. This passage concerns ----.
explanation as to why it is so much more prevalent
than ever before. There are those that believe that
A) how autism affects one's social skills
autism is caused by unexplained environmental
B) the demographics most likely to develop
conditions, although the recent rise in autism has
also been attributed by increased awareness and
C) why it is difficult to diagnose autism
effective diagnostic methods specific to the
D) basic knowledge associated with autism
E) how autism will be cured

43. It is stated in the passage that autism ----.

A) is on the cusp of having a vaccine which

can prevent it
B) doesn't display any noticeable symptoms
until well into adulthood
C) spread from third-world to first-world
D) becomes increasingly, and inexplicably,
more prevalent as time passes
E) is caused by specific environmental
conditions which can be avoided

44. It can be inferred from this passage that the

rise in autism ----.

A) correlates to a rise in unexplained

environmental conditions which are
thought to affect mental health
B) has, to some extent, been attributed to the
increased efficiency of diagnostic methods
for the condition
C) runs parallel with the rise of birth defects
in developed, first-world countries
D) is largely due to an overall increase in the
global male population
E) may, in fact, be inconsequential as the
symptoms are mild at some point

47 – 50: Answer these questions according to 48. In this passage the meaning of the word
the passage below. concomitant is synonymous with ----.

A) oppressive
Pollution has accompanied mankind ever since
B) rampant
groups of people first congregated and remained for
C) accompanying
a long time in any one place. Primitive human
D) widespread
settlements can be recognized by their pollutants—
E) continuous
shell mounds and rubble heaps. But pollution was
not a serious problem as long as there was enough
space available for each individual or group. With
the establishment of permanent human settlements
49. After reading this passage, one could
by great numbers of people, however, pollution
conclude that ----.
became a problem and has remained one ever
since. Cities of ancient times were often noxious
A) an increasing pollution level is often
places, fouled by human wastes and debris. In the
synonymous with the spread of society
Middle Ages, unsanitary urban conditions favoured
B) eventually technology will advance up to a
the outbreak of population-decimating epidemics.
point where pollution is no longer a
During the 19th century, water and air pollution and
the accumulation of solid wastes were largely the
C) primitive humans were nomadic, rarely
problems of only a few large cities. But, with the rise
settling in one place for an extended
of advanced technology and with the rapid spread of
period of time
industrialization and the concomitant increase in
D) it is difficult for industrial manufacturers to
human populations to unprecedented levels,
curb their pollution output
pollution has become a universal problem. And now,
E) pollution had a much more pronounced
the various kinds of pollution are most conveniently
effect on ancient civilizations than it does
considered under three headings: air, water, and

47. This passage makes explicit the fact that ----

50. This passage could best be summarized as -
A) permanent human settlements are
noxious places with rampant pollution and
A) an attempt to warn the reader about the
there are few ways to deal with the
threat posed by current levels of pollution
B) an outline of the parallel relationship
B) population decimating diseases are
between societal development and rising
typically caused by the ignored
levels of pollution
precautions related to the pollution
C) a demand for mankind to resort to a
C) pollution of the air, water, and land are
simpler lifestyle in order to combat the
typically the three most common types of
pollution presently threatening our
pollution in today’s industrial world
D) the expansion of industrialization and
D) a delineation of how primitive human
continual increase in population has
settlements started to pollute their own
morphed pollution into worldwide problem
E) primitive human societies created a
E) a discussion concerning the link between
marginal amount of pollution throughout
technological advancements and the
the history
pollution 12
51 – 54: Answer these questions according to 52. The passage indicates that the first cause
the passage below. that resulted in traders using sea trade
routes was ----.

In the 1300s AD, trade had become more costly and

A) the expenses that traders had to pay for
more difficult. The Mongol Empire had offered
protection for travellers who carried trade goods. As
B) the collapse of the Mongol Empire
the Mongol Empire collapsed, it became too
changed the trade routes between Asia
dangerous to travel between Asia and Western
and Europe
Europe using overland routes. This meant that
C) an expansion of the ways in which
spices from Asia could only reach Europe by going
Europeans used spices
around Asia, and through the Italian Peninsula.
D) the high prices of spices that came from
These spices were in high demand. They were used
Europe, forcing people to look for species
by Europeans to flavour their food, to preserve their
meats, to make medicines, and even in perfumes.
E) a new sense of adventure and fortune
Yet, the cost of transporting these spices to Europe
found in businessmen of the day
made them very expensive and difficult for the
struggling nations of Western Europe to afford.
These nations began to look at other ways of
transporting spices into Western Europe. Many
adventurous businessmen began to look at the sea.
53. Based on the evidence in the passage,
If they could find a way to sail from Europe to Asia
Europe would not use spices from Asia for -
over the sea, they could make a fortune.

A) a way to cure illness

B) making food taste better
C) improving personal odour
51. The main idea of the passage is that ----.
D) improving plant growth
E) keeping beef from spoiling
A) Europeans started eating more and more
like Asians as the 14th century progressed
B) spices had few uses besides for flavour,
but Europeans still bought large quantities
from the East
54. It is implied in the passage that ----.
C) the fortune that traders used to make on
the spice trade declined considerably in
A) people were willing to spend a lot on
the 14th century
D) trading routes became too crowded, which
B) spices were frequently used for drug
forced traders to look to sea travel
E) the transportation of expensive spices
C) the move from land to sea trade was
throughout the world was profitable but
largely unsuccessful
required innovative means of travel
D) it was very dangerous to travel and trade
in Asia during the Mongol Empire
E) The spices found in the Mongol Empire
played a major role in its expansion.

55 – 58: Answer these questions according to 57. In the passage, the writer draws attention to
the passage below. the idea that vaccination works ----.

A) by inhaling a mix of viruses that create a

Vaccines are substances that help the body fight off
bond with the body’s immune system
diseases. In the past they have helped save millions
B) when the body gets used to the weak
of lives around the world. Diseases are often
viruses and becomes capable of making
caused by bacteria or viruses that attack the human
body. A vaccine is a dead or very weak form of such
C) because people can get their vaccinations
a virus. When you get a vaccination the body gets
in many forms
used to these weaker viruses and can produce
D) because the immunity it creates lasts
antibodies which stay active for a long time. When
forever no matter what kind of viruses that
the real virus or bacteria attack, the body becomes
attack the body
immune and can defend itself. People can get their
E) as long as the mother passes her
vaccinations in many forms. Very often the vaccine
immunity to her kids
is injected into your body, but vaccines are also
taken by mouth or are inhaled. Although many
vaccines protect you throughout your life, some
provide immunity for only a certain time. Vaccines
against the flu must be administered every year,
58. The passage is concerned with ----.
because the flu virus can change or may appear in
a different form. Most people already have a certain
A) different kinds of vaccines and how they
amount of immunity in their bodies. It is passed to
help protect our bodies
them from their mother. However, these antibodies
B) the side effects of some potentially
do not protect a baby for a long time, so that many
harmful vaccines
vaccines are given to infants in their first years.
C) viruses and how they invade and attack
our immune system
D) vaccines and the role they play in
55. According to the passage, vaccines ----.
strengthening our immune system
E) lack of awareness of the positive effects of
A) should be administered every year
vaccines on infants and their mothers
B) are just a feeble form of a virus
C) sometimes cause the flu
D) can only be injected into your body
E) attack the immune system causing it to be

56. It can be inferred from the passage that

babies are born ----.

A) with weaker viruses made them

vulnerable to even tiny microbes
B) when their bodies get used to weak
viruses and can produce antibodies
C) ready to fight off diseases
D) with the immunity passed to them during
the pregnancy from the mother
E) with an inactive immune system 14
59 – 62: Answer these questions according to 60. The author of the passage suggests that
the passage below. Aborigine migration ----.

A) made it difficult for them to live an

The aborigines of Australia may have been some of
agricultural lifestyle
the first people on the planet. Recent discoveries of
B) caused the extinction of a variety of plants
relics, including stone tools, show that humans lived
and animals
near Penrith, New South Wales, about 47,000 years
C) was a massive undertaking, composed of
ago. Australian aborigines migrated from northern
roughly 300,000 people
lands by sea, when the water passages were
D) was only possible thanks to their relative
narrower than they are today. This is the first
technological advancement
evidence of sea travel by prehistoric humans. The
E) is the first example of sea travel by
saga of this water passing survives in modern-day
prehistoric human beings
aboriginal folklore. To put this in perspective, it
should not be forgotten that 50,000 years ago,
humans were nomadic. Early aborigines did not
cultivate crops, and in Australia at the time there
were no animals that could be domesticated. No
61. After reading the passage, it can be inferred
one knows how long it took aboriginal people to
that archaeologists ----.
reach Australia, but archaeologists are searching
through ancient campsites for vestiges of their early
A) have yet to find any notable fossilized
lifestyle. Fossilized remains indicate that these
remains of early aboriginal settlements in
nomadic people not only gathered food from the
land, but they also subsisted on meat from large
B) carry out study on important ceremonial
animals that no longer exist today. As part of their
events in aboriginal society such as
hunting tradition, aborigines ritually covered
circumcision, marriage, and cremation
themselves in mud to mask their own scent or for
C) are unaware of exactly how long it took for
camouflage. Aboriginal society marked the major
the Aborigines to migrate to Australia
events of life with rites such as circumcision,
D) have compiled a vast amount of
marriage, and cremation. Older people were
knowledge regarding the early aboriginal
revered and cared for as great sources of wisdom.
When Westerners arrived in Australia in 1788, the
E) believe that Aboriginals are the link
300,000 aborigines who lived there were not eager
between prehistoric man and its
to assimilate their ways. In the following years,
disease, loss of land, and loss of identity shaped the
aborigines’ history perhaps as much as their first
prehistoric crossing from the north.

62. The passage is mainly concerned with ----.

59. The passage makes clear that the history of
the aboriginal peoples ----.
A) the extinction of the Aboriginal people
B) the characteristics of Aboriginal migration
A) is highly richer than the history of any
C) notable stories in Aboriginal history
other peoples on the planet
D) the consequences of Western expansion
B) took shape greatly by disease, loss of land
E) the evolution of mankind
and loss of identity
C) was not written down; instead, it was
spread by word of mouth
D) was wiped out by the cultural hegemony
of western settlers
E) doesn't exist thanks to a nomadic, meat
eating lifestyle

63 – 67: For these questions, choose the best 65. Oddis: – ----
option to complete the dialogue. Neil: – Actually, it was built by the French and
given to America as a gift.
Oddis: – That must have been quite difficult to
63. Paul: – I need to undergo an eye-examination,
but I really don’t want to.
Neil: – As far as I know, they transported it in
Dilara: – Are you having trouble seeing?
pieces, not as a whole statue.
Paul: – ----
Dilara: – That’s a good idea. Sometimes your
A) Does the Statue of Liberty need any
eyes have changed, and you don’t even realize
B) Why is the Statue of Liberty a woman?
C) Do you think the Statue of Liberty is
A) Yes, my doctor is really good, but he’s
considered as a symbol of international
getting old, and I’m afraid that he might
start making mistakes.
D) Were the Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty
B) Not really, but I haven’t had my
built at the same time?
prescription checked in a while, so I think I
E) Where did the Statue of Liberty come
should see if I need a new one.
C) Of course, but you have to admit that
contact lenses allow you to do things like
D) That shouldn’t be a problem. I’ll take you in
for a four o’clock appointment.
E) Yes, my eyesight has really gone downhill,
and I’m starting to get headaches.

66. John: – I heard that you want to sell your car,

64. Bill: – People don’t understand how cloning will
but I don't think you'll get much value from it.
affect the future, but it has already made its
Arthur: – ----
impact in our world.
John: – I don't recommend it. You could do a
Sally: – I know that some animals were cloned,
trade in instead. It should save you lots of
but how has it affected humans?
Bill: – ----
Arthur: – I’ve never thought of it. That's a great
Sally: – I remember hearing about someone
trying to grow human kidneys inside a cow.

A) I know, my car needs to be repaired before

A) Human cloning has already taken place on
it starts to break down.
the fetus level.
B) I’ve talked to several car dealers in town,
B) There’s no way we will ever be able to
and they say I will soon have problems
clone a human.
with my old car because of high mileage.
C) I wonder if you’re confusing human cloning
C) I’ve already applied to the local bank for a
with chimpanzee cloning.
loan, and I’m waiting for a reply.
D) Well, the two go hand in hand; human
D) I know, but I had to do it. I’ve got a large
organs have already been grown inside
debt that I need to repay immediately.
E) Recently, a friend of mine said to buy a
E) I truly believe that cloning people leads to
new model.
troubles. 16
67. Frankie: – Tests are indicating that public 69. Throughout the ancient world, long before
education is drastically failing to provide the invention of money, food was wealth
students with the quality learning. and control of food was power.
Jennie: – What are some alternative learning
options we have? A) In the ancient world, before the invention
Frankie: – ---- of money, food was used as a currency,
Jennie: – Maybe we should consider moving thus controlling food meant having power.
somewhere where we can. B) Prior to the invention of money,
throughout the world, richness depended
A) If university is not able to enable him to on food in large amounts and the rich
succeed, why are we spending so much could have power over others.
money on it? C) Since the ancient world had no currency,
B) Although many countries allow for food became a means of trading;
education from home, it is illegal not to therefore, the very rich who took control of
send your child to a school here. food had power.
C) It is known that very few countries have the D) By the time money was invented,
best results in education system in the throughout the ancient world richness was
world. determined by food and having power was
D) But they don’t account for learning meant keeping food under control.
disabilities, they should really take that into E) Long before the invention of money, food
consideration. was the only power man had and thus the
E) Online learning has become more and whole humanity tried to keep hold of it.
more popular in recent years.

68 – 71: For these questions, choose the best 70. A committee of doctors has determined that
rephrased form of the given sentence. poor handwriting on medical prescriptions
often results in the wrong medicine being
68. Even though board games continue to given to patients.
evolve, old standbys like Monopoly are still
popular. A) According to a board of doctors the most
common cause of patients receiving
A) Old standbys such as Monopoly will frequently the incorrect medicine is
always remain popular, no matter how illegible handwriting on medical
much the board games continue to prescriptions.
advance. B) The reason why patients are confused
B) The constant evolution of board games about medicines is that they misinterpret
will not stand in the way of old standbys the bad handwriting written by doctors on
like Monopoly. medical prescriptions.
C) Despite the fact that board games go on C) Because patients could take the wrong
progressing, the old games like Monopoly medicine which leads to fatal effects,
are as yet to compete for their popularity. legible instructions written on the medical
D) Board games keep on developing, but the prescriptions are important for them.
long-standing games like Monopoly D) Being given wrong medicine is a common
continue to stay popular. problem among patients who cannot read
E) Old standbys, for example, Monopoly will the handwriting on the doctors’
be in great demand all the time, as long as prescription.
board games keep on attaining a place in E) As a majority of doctors’ prescriptions are
the market. poorly written, patients are inevitably given
the wrong medicine as determined by a
committee of doctors.

71. Newton's First Law says that objects must 73. The past 50 years have witnessed the
be acted upon by an outside force to move. effects of global warming that has steadily
increased global temperatures. ---- These
A) According to Newton's First Law, objects abnormal changes will cause severe
move regardless of the amount of the weather disturbances and rising sea levels.
force acted upon them. Experts and scientists agree that
B) As is stated in Newton's First Law, an temperatures could rise between 1.4 and 5.8
object will move before a force from C before the year 2100. Many temperate
outside acts upon it. animals and plants may not be able to
C) Contrary to Newton's First Law, for an survive warmer temperatures.
object to move an external force must be
applied on the object. A) However, even with year-to-year natural
D) According to Newton's First Law, for an variations, underlying global surface and
object to move, an external force must be lower atmosphere warming trends are
involved. maintaining an upward trajectory.
E) Newton's First Law stipulates that moving B) Whether measured from these satellites
objects are influenced by the outside makes it clear that global temperatures
forces. are increasing.
C) This rise, in turn, has caused many marine
organisms and animals to die and glaciers
to disappear.
D) Despite this, the fight against global
72 – 75: For these questions, choose the best warming is a real opportunity for transition
option to complete the missing part of the to a low carbon society locally and
passage. internationally.
E) An increasingly numerous population
72. Electricity is related to charges, and both speeds up the increase in greenhouse gas
electrons and protons carry a charge. The emissions from all production processes.
amount of the charge is the same for each
particle, but opposite in sign. ---- The
objects around us contain billions and
billions of atoms, and each atom contains
many protons and electrons. The protons
are in the middle of the atom whereas the
electrons float around the outside.

A) There aren’t many places where one can

physically see electricity.
B) Electrons carry a negative charge while
protons carry positive charge.
C) The number of atoms in the human body
is so incredibly high; it is almost beyond
D) After years of experimentation, scientists
discovered specific areas where electrons
are likely to be found.
E) Electrons are used in many practical
applications. 18
74. Many parents allow their children to watch 75. Colours depict different things to each of
television from a very young age. And while us, and what is a happy colour in one part of
many young children do regularly watch TV, the world would be considered a sad colour
the American Academy of Paediatrics elsewhere. ---- There are some colours,
recommends that children under the age of however, that have the same meaning
2 should not watch any television at all, and almost everywhere all of us automatically
children over the age of 2 should watch a associate red and yellow with autumn, and
maximum of just one to two hours per day. green with spring.
Even educational television programs can
affect the brain. Limiting television exposure A) As an example, white implies purity,
may minimize some of its effects on brain chastity, and innocence in Western
development. ---- Recent studies have found culture, but in Japanese culture, it is the
that these programs have a negative effect colour of mourning.
on brain development. B) It can be said that there is no true colour
that reflects their own meaning.
A) For example, preschoolers can get help C) The belief that purple is the colour of
learning the alphabet on public television, royalty stems from ancient Phoenicia.
grade schoolers can be encouraged to D) So much so that in England there were
play different sports. laws delineating what colours, cloth, and
B) There can be a change in happiness, clothing styles could be worn by the
social skills, and peace of mind that is various classes of English society.
attributed to media and the internet. E) Regardless, everyone associates the
C) Parents usually have a complaint that their colour purple with royalty.
kids are glued to the television for long
D) Although many children's programs
contain educational content, they do not
actually appear to make children smarter.
E) However, a documentary about famous
scientists or artists on TV can inspire them
to achieve something big in life.

76 – 80: For these questions, choose the 78. (I) Life and the future seemed hopeless for the
irrelevant sentence in the passage. millions of people who were ruled by Rome
where an early death was almost inevitable. (II)
One of the main causes for the fall of the
76. (I) According to historians and archaeologists,
Roman Empire was the political corruption and
Cyprus is considered to be one of the oldest
the Praetorian Guard. (III) The power of the
countries in the world. (II) Greeks and
Praetorian Guard, the elite soldiers who made
Phoenicians were some of the earliest
up the bodyguard of the emperor, led to political
inhabitants of the island. (III) The governance
corruption and grew to such an extent that this
system was purely based on monarchial rule
massive group of soldiers decided on whether
and that is why the island was repeatedly
an emperor should be disposed of and who
conquered, occupied and ruled over by different
should become the new emperor. (IV) The story
powers. (IV) Different civilizations ruled over the
of Sejanus, who was the commander of the
people of Cyprus in which the rulers from
Praetorian Guard during the reign of Tiberius,
Egypt, Greece, the Roman Republic, and
illustrates the extent of the power of the
Alexander the Great are most notable. (V)
Praetorians. (V) At one point the Praetorian
Alexander the great was the Greek ruler of the
Guard sold at auction the throne of the world to
kingdom of Macedonia and is considered, by
the highest bidder.
most historians, to be one of the greatest rulers
in history.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
79. (I) Alzheimer’s disease often strikes fear into
people’s hearts because it gradually erodes a
person’s ability to remember, think, and learn.
(II) Decreased blood flow from the hearts of
older adults may lead to decreased blood flow
77. (I) The ozone layer is a region of the earth’s
in areas of the brain responsible for memory.
upper atmosphere lying mostly in the
(III) This finding may reveal a possible link
stratosphere that is characterized by high
between heart problems and Alzheimer's
ozone content. (II) In addition, the troposphere
disease. (IV) The researchers found that people
is the lowest portion of Earth's atmosphere, and
whose hearts pump less blood than they should
is also where all weather takes place. (III)
tend to experience significant problems with
Ozone layer depletion refers to the damage of
blood flow to the left and right temporal lobes of
this protective layer. (IV) It is damaged by
their brains. (V) Over half of the areas affected
substances that contain bromine, fluorine,
are involved in memory, and loss of blood flow
carbon, hydrogen and chlorine in varying
causes these areas to shrink in cases of
quantities. (V) The depletion of the ozone layer
Alzheimer's disease.
has varying implications on human health,
agriculture, marine ecosystems, and materials.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
80. (I) Dinosaurs are a group of animals that lived
on Earth over 230 million years ago. (II) They
are a group of reptiles that were typically large
in size. (III) Palaeontologist is a scientist who
studies fossils as a way of getting information
about the history of life on Earth. (IV) They
ruled the Earth for 135 million years. (V) Since
humans and dinosaurs did not live at the same
time, what we know about dinosaurs is through
fossils and technology.

A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V


1 A 21 A 41 E 61 C
2 D 22 B 42 E 62 B
3 D 23 A 43 D 63 B
4 C 24 C 44 B 64 D
5 C 25 E 45 C 65 E
6 B 26 D 46 D 66 E
7 C 27 B 47 D 67 B
8 E 28 B 48 C 68 D
9 D 29 C 49 A 69 D
10 A 30 E 50 B 70 A
11 C 31 A 51 E 71 D
12 B 32 D 52 B 72 B
13 D 33 C 53 D 73 C
14 B 34 D 54 A 74 D
15 E 35 D 55 B 75 A
16 C 36 B 56 D 76 E
17 B 37 E 57 B 77 B
18 D 38 A 58 D 78 A
19 C 39 B 59 B 79 A
20 E 40 B 60 E 80 C

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