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2020 Non-Fatal Shootings Analysis

Background Information
Crime rates are often expressed as the ratio of crime per 100,000 capita for large geographic areas, such as major cities.
However, crime rates can be misleading because of the significant variations within a large area.

Location Density maps, commonly referred to as “heat maps” or “hot-spot maps” often do not present the full picture of
where crimes are occurring due to the variations in population densities and housing units, especially in metropolitan
areas. Areas where housing units are physically located closer to each other are typically over-represented, while
subdivisions and business districts are often under-represented.

The process of analyzing U.S. Census Bureau population data in relation to smaller geographic areas was performed using
Geographic Information System (GIS) software while following common industry practices and methodologies.

Summary of Results
The City of Columbus is approximately 228.87 square miles and has an estimated population of 898,553 as of July 1, 2019.

The corporate boundary of the City of Columbus falls into at least a portion of 225 different census tracts. At least one
non-fatal shooting occurred in 174 of these census tracts. Because census tract boundaries do not directly align with the
corporate boundary, population estimates for these smaller areas were generated by using the percentage of overlap
between datasets. For example, if 75% of a census tract with an estimated population of 10,000 is within the corporate
boundary, the estimated Columbus population for that particular census tract would be approximately 7,500. This same
methodology was also used to calculate the estimated population values for other common geographies.

In 2020, there were 1,435 non-fatal shootings throughout the City of Columbus where a victim was shot or an occupied
structure was hit by gun-fire. Based on this information, the citywide probability of a person being shot or being in a
structure that was hit by gun-fire was 1 / 626. When the data was further broken down into other geographies, the range
of probabilities show significant variations throughout the City of Columbus as shown below:

Distinct Areas within Probability Range

Geographic Area Type
the City of Columbus Highest Lowest
Census Tracts
225 1 / 59 1 / 18,883
Boundaries defined by the U.S. Census Bureau
Zip Codes
45 1 / 107 1 / 8,585
Boundaries defined by the U.S. Postal Service
36 1 / 85 1 / 30,172
Boundaries defined by the City of Columbus

Probabilities for a particular area were calculated using the following formulas:

1. ([Total Number of Non-Fatal Shootings]/[Estimated Population in the given area])x1,000 = Crime Rate per 1,000 capita

2. p = (1,000 / [Crime Rate per 1,000 capita]) = Probability per capita shown in 1 / p format
Location Density of Non-Fatal Shootings
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

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Map Legend
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Non-Fatal Shootings
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Location Density
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This includes all Shootings and

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Occupied Structures hit by Gun-Fire


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City of Columbus
County Boundaries
Major Roadways Map Created By: Communications Bureau | GIS/CAD Unit - LMW January 21, 2021
Above Average Probabilities of
Non-Fatal Shootings by Zip Code
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

43065 43240


43016 43229
43231 43054

43224 43230

43221 43202
43211 43004
43210 43219

¨ 270

43212 43201

¨ 670 43203 43213
43228 43204 43222
¨ 70
43119 43223
¨ 70

Map Legend
Above Average Probabilities of
Non-Fatal Shootings by Zip Code
1/100 to 1/199
1/200 to 1/299
1/300 to 1/399
1/400 to 1/499
1/500 to 1/599

1/600 to 1/699
Zip Code Boundaries
City of Columbus
County Boundaries
Major Roadways 43217
Street Centerlines
Map Created By: Communications Bureau | GIS/CAD Unit - LMW January 21, 2021
Probability of a Non-Fatal Shooting by Zip Code
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

Estimated Population Total Number of

Zip Code Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
43211 21,429 200 1 / 107
43203 8,612 50 1 / 172
43227 23,835 117 1 / 204
43205 11,698 56 1 / 209
43223 21,758 97 1 / 224
43219 31,889 124 1 / 257
43206 20,142 75 1 / 269
43213 19,315 59 1 / 327
43204 34,310 103 1 / 333
43222 5,099 15 1 / 340
43232 36,777 96 1 / 383
43207 34,601 86 1 / 402
43224 33,615 78 1 / 431
43228 44,776 65 1 / 689
43068 9,577 13 1 / 737
43229 53,557 72 1 / 744
43201 35,393 45 1 / 787
43231 17,480 20 1 / 874
43215 19,347 19 1 / 1018
43110 14,544 14 1 / 1039
43209 15,083 14 1 / 1077
43125 3,236 2 1 / 1618
43004 8,703 4 1 / 2176
43212 7,897 3 1 / 2632
43230 21,326 8 1 / 2666
43123 11,970 4 1 / 2993
43147 3,063 1 1 / 3063
43202 19,727 6 1 / 3288
43240 3,790 1 1 / 3790
43220 15,387 4 1 / 3847
43235 30,890 7 1 / 4413
43085 9,191 2 1 / 4595
43016 4,809 1 1 / 4809
43119 10,417 2 1 / 5208
43210 11,805 2 1 / 5903
43214 26,205 4 1 / 6551
43081 20,078 3 1 / 6693
43026 15,319 2 1 / 7659
43054 7,731 1 1 / 7731
43017 17,169 2 1 / 8585
43035 1,327 0 N/A
43065 7,180 0 N/A
43137 2,071 0 N/A
43217 245 0 N/A
43221 7,638 0 N/A
Above Average Probabilities of
Non-Fatal Shootings by Community
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

¨ 71


¨ 71

North Linden


East Columbus §
¨ 270

Italian Grogan
¨ 70

¨ 670

Near East

Greater Hilltop
¨ 70
Mid East

South Side §
¨ 70

Map Legend

Above Average Probabilities of

Non-Fatal Shootings by Community
Greater than 1/100
1/100 to 1/199
1/200 to 1/299
1/300 to 1/399
1/400 to 1/499

1/500 to 1/599
1/600 to 1/699
Community Boundaries
City of Columbus
County Boundaries
Major Roadways
Street Centerlines
Map Created By: Communications Bureau | GIS/CAD Unit - LMW January 21, 2021
Probability of a Non-Fatal Shooting by Community
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

Estimated Population Total Number of

Community Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
South Linden 8,169 96 1 / 85
North Central 9,362 83 1 / 113
Milo-Grogan 2,181 19 1 / 115
Franklinton 7,146 58 1 / 123
Livingston Avenue Area 6,182 45 1 / 137
East Columbus 4,080 18 1 / 227
Near East 19,174 82 1 / 234
South Side 27,770 107 1 / 260
North Linden 29,362 107 1 / 274
Mid East 54,534 163 1 / 335
Greater Hilltop 66,315 191 1 / 347
Northeast 32,638 81 1 / 403
Italian Village 3,115 6 1 / 519
Downtown 8,504 12 1 / 709
Far South 26,985 37 1 / 729
South East 40,109 52 1 / 771
Northland 92,448 111 1 / 833
Far East 52,224 61 1 / 856
Old North Columbus 2,043 2 1 / 1022
Westland 30,849 21 1 / 1469
University District 43,526 27 1 / 1612
Southwest 19,173 11 1 / 1743
Harrison West 3,663 2 1 / 1831
German Village 2,330 1 1 / 2330
Olentangy West 12,075 5 1 / 2415
Fifth by Northwest 7,380 3 1 / 2460
Brewery District 3,645 1 1 / 3645
Far North 27,315 7 1 / 3902
Victorian Village 5,043 1 1 / 5043
Northwest 38,658 7 1 / 5523
West Scioto 23,033 4 1 / 5758
Rocky Fork-Blacklick 35,769 5 1 / 7154
Far West 27,399 3 1 / 9133
Hayden Run 9,636 1 1 / 9636
Far Northwest 27,710 2 1 / 13855
Clintonville 30,172 1 1 / 30172

* Community Names and their respective boundaries were defined by the City of Columbus
Above Average Probabilities of
Non-Fatal Shootings by Census Tract
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020


63.93 63.94

63.91 70.41
¨ 71

63.83 63.84
70.43 69.90

¨ 270

69.42 69.44 100

99 71.14
63.87 72.07
63.71 71.20
62.20 71.15
63.96 69.23
62.30 69.50 69.21
68.22 69.32 71.12
63.72 68.21 72.02 72.09 72.10
63.95 63.51 71.13 71.99 71.32
107 69.24
63.53 1.10
79.51 77.30
63.52 77.21 75.32
78.12 1.20
2.10 §
¨ 71 77.40
101 74.94

¨ 270

3.10 3.20

3.30 8.10

7.10 75.20 1/90 74.24
106.02 6 9.10 9.20
11.10 10 73.96
7.20 75.50
11.22 75.11 75.12
12 7.30

79.53 79.54


17 16
15 25.10
¨ 670
¨ 270

20 22 23

¨ 70


¨ 32


28 25.20



1/94 93.61
93.62 93.81
81.41 82.10
45 42
38 37 27.50
50 53 54.10 27.60
47 54.20 27.70
46.10 46.20 49 52 93.11
56.10 55 93.31 93.21 93.22
48.10 48.20
51 57
56.20 59
87.10 §
¨ 70 27.80





1/95 83.40

93.36 93.37
93.25 93.72
¨ 70

93.26 327.01

Map Legend 81.61

83.70 §
¨ 71 88.21
88.11 88.12

83.80 94.30 94.20

Above Average Probabilities of
Non-Fatal Shootings by Census Tract
Greater than 1/100
97.52 88.22 102
1/100 to 1/199 95.20
1/200 to 1/299
1/300 to 1/399
1/400 to 1/499
¨ 270

1/500 to 1/599
1/600 to 1/699
Census Tract Boundaries 95.90

City of Columbus
County Boundaries
Major Roadways
Street Centerlines
Map Created By: Communications Bureau | GIS/CAD Unit - LMW January 21, 2021
Probability of a Non-Fatal Shooting by Census Tract
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

Estimated Population Total Number of

Census Tract Number Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
93.31 1,288 22 1 / 59
7.30 3,660 45 1 / 81
75.11 1,887 21 1 / 90
48.20 2,728 29 1 / 94
51.00 2,306 24 1 / 96
25.10 2,850 28 1 / 102
15.00 1,973 19 1 / 104
28.00 2,132 20 1 / 107
75.20 2,845 26 1 / 109
54.10 1,546 14 1 / 110
54.20 1,992 18 1 / 111
75.12 4,177 36 1 / 116
56.10 1,765 15 1 / 118
9.20 2,401 20 1 / 120
14.00 1,847 14 1 / 132
55.00 4,303 32 1 / 134
7.20 2,559 19 1 / 135
87.30 1,931 14 1 / 138
61.00 2,345 17 1 / 138
29.00 2,777 20 1 / 139
23.00 1,395 10 1 / 140
7.10 3,427 24 1 / 143
47.00 5,715 39 1 / 147
27.50 2,361 16 1 / 148
93.33 2,237 15 1 / 149
9.10 3,733 25 1 / 149
27.70 2,322 15 1 / 155
50.00 5,022 31 1 / 162
46.20 2,837 17 1 / 167
8.20 3,090 18 1 / 172
87.10 2,572 14 1 / 184
88.12 3,060 16 1 / 191
77.10 4,470 21 1 / 213
26.00 3,875 18 1 / 215
27.30 2,398 11 1 / 218
56.20 2,205 10 1 / 221
83.11 4,515 19 1 / 238
36.00 1,433 6 1 / 239
83.12 4,680 19 1 / 246
75.33 2,046 8 1 / 256
49.00 5,128 20 1 / 256
87.20 3,178 12 1 / 265
93.12 3,508 13 1 / 270
93.34 3,025 11 1 / 275
16.00 1,944 7 1 / 278
93.25 4,856 17 1 / 286
Estimated Population Total Number of
Census Tract Number Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
93.11 3,224 11 1 / 293
93.72 4,553 14 1 / 325
93.23 4,296 13 1 / 330
93.71 6,639 20 1 / 332
45.00 5,329 16 1 / 333
69.23 4,060 12 1 / 338
48.10 2,906 8 1 / 363
3.30 2,601 7 1 / 372
93.73 6,348 17 1 / 373
53.00 3,043 8 1 / 380
59.00 2,847 7 1 / 407
30.00 4,130 10 1 / 413
88.11 1,732 4 1 / 433
40.00 3,472 8 1 / 434
8.10 2,641 6 1 / 440
82.10 2,279 5 1 / 456
83.30 1,372 3 1 / 457
75.31 3,225 7 1 / 461
37.00 3,300 7 1 / 471
88.13 2,436 5 1 / 487
69.43 4,946 10 1 / 495
25.20 3,105 6 1 / 518
88.21 2,591 5 1 / 518
93.36 2,139 4 1 / 535
93.74 9,146 17 1 / 538
69.45 5,996 11 1 / 545
81.63 3,880 7 1 / 554
58.20 2,252 4 1 / 563
93.21 2,349 4 1 / 587
38.00 2,355 4 1 / 589
99.00 1,797 3 1 / 599
101.00 1,200 2 1 / 600
81.64 4,498 7 1 / 643
69.33 7,089 11 1 / 644
17.00 3,242 5 1 / 648
69.31 7,225 11 1 / 657
93.22 3,369 5 1 / 674
75.51 10,714 15 1 / 714
75.34 3,635 5 1 / 727
27.80 2,204 3 1 / 735
3.10 3,677 5 1 / 735
60.00 2,216 3 1 / 739
69.42 1,485 2 1 / 743
93.37 4,485 6 1 / 748
22.00 2,310 3 1 / 770
82.41 2,377 3 1 / 792
77.21 7,289 9 1 / 810
71.13 5,926 7 1 / 847
83.50 6,921 8 1 / 865
93.32 3,598 4 1 / 900
Estimated Population Total Number of
Census Tract Number Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
43.00 5,429 6 1 / 905
27.60 3,715 4 1 / 929
71.14 4,935 5 1 / 987
93.61 5,145 5 1 / 1029
75.50 3,091 3 1 / 1030
13.00 5,847 5 1 / 1169
6.00 3,643 3 1 / 1214
3.20 2,472 2 1 / 1236
72.02 3,751 3 1 / 1250
94.20 6,298 5 1 / 1260
83.21 2,524 2 1 / 1262
71.99 6,445 5 1 / 1289
27.40 2,697 2 1 / 1349
69.21 4,089 3 1 / 1363
88.25 6,824 5 1 / 1365
69.24 4,201 3 1 / 1400
77.30 2,969 2 1 / 1485
83.22 4,481 3 1 / 1494
11.22 3,101 2 1 / 1551
71.15 6,249 4 1 / 1562
83.40 6,267 4 1 / 1567
78.12 4,972 3 1 / 1657
20.00 3,400 2 1 / 1700
63.53 5,159 3 1 / 1720
78.20 3,460 2 1 / 1730
94.30 9,061 5 1 / 1812
70.43 5,442 3 1 / 1814
93.26 1,828 1 1 / 1828
57.00 3,676 2 1 / 1838
77.22 4,002 2 1 / 2001
327.02 8,232 4 1 / 2058
71.12 6,253 3 1 / 2084
83.60 6,740 3 1 / 2247
88.22 4,588 2 1 / 2294
69.32 6,971 3 1 / 2324
71.20 4,820 2 1 / 2410
21.00 2,415 1 1 / 2415
94.95 4,885 2 1 / 2443
102.00 17,489 7 1 / 2498
69.50 2,571 1 1 / 2571
70.41 2,574 1 1 / 2574
18.20 2,597 1 1 / 2597
92.10 5,481 2 1 / 2741
79.54 8,288 3 1 / 2763
19.01 2,813 1 1 / 2813
11.10 2,828 1 1 / 2828
83.80 5,848 2 1 / 2924
32.00 3,039 1 1 / 3039
10.00 6,092 2 1 / 3046
52.00 3,081 1 1 / 3081
Estimated Population Total Number of
Census Tract Number Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
74.24 6,232 2 1 / 3116
81.62 9,388 3 1 / 3129
78.30 3,287 1 1 / 3287
70.48 6,699 2 1 / 3350
1.10 3,510 1 1 / 3510
97.52 7,072 2 1 / 3536
73.95 14,699 4 1 / 3675
46.10 3,740 1 1 / 3740
69.90 7,800 2 1 / 3900
19.02 4,115 1 1 / 4115
18.10 4,119 1 1 / 4119
69.44 4,207 1 1 / 4207
327.01 4,243 1 1 / 4243
63.91 5,456 1 1 / 5456
63.96 5,544 1 1 / 5544
82.42 5,569 1 1 / 5569
124.00 5,829 1 1 / 5829
72.05 6,007 1 1 / 6007
73.96 12,252 2 1 / 6126
63.87 6,240 1 1 / 6240
93.62 6,727 1 1 / 6727
63.72 6,803 1 1 / 6803
81.32 7,093 1 1 / 7093
63.71 7,237 1 1 / 7237
81.42 7,682 1 1 / 7682
81.61 8,010 1 1 / 8010
71.32 8,429 1 1 / 8429
62.30 18,883 1 1 / 18883
83.70 8,220 0 N/A
78.11 3,989 0 N/A
79.51 9,437 0 N/A
70.44 6,197 0 N/A
70.47 3,748 0 N/A
72.09 8,822 0 N/A
72.07 8,066 0 N/A
77.40 1,622 0 N/A
62.20 8,166 0 N/A
75.32 2,635 0 N/A
58.10 2,944 0 N/A
63.51 4,474 0 N/A
79.53 7,360 0 N/A
106.01 5,328 0 N/A
63.95 3,552 0 N/A
107.00 1,372 0 N/A
63.86 4,359 0 N/A
63.52 3,208 0 N/A
100.00 5,546 0 N/A
68.22 1,984 0 N/A
42.00 428 0 N/A
81.41 7,840 0 N/A
Estimated Population Total Number of
Census Tract Number Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
68.21 3,309 0 N/A
79.33 7,732 0 N/A
74.94 4,655 0 N/A
95.20 4,788 0 N/A
106.02 6,769 0 N/A
72.10 10,046 0 N/A
11.21 10,233 0 N/A
63.93 5,562 0 N/A
63.92 4,579 0 N/A
63.94 2,782 0 N/A
103.00 2,395 0 N/A
2.10 3,332 0 N/A
12.00 4,202 0 N/A
79.41 3,020 0 N/A
63.84 6,236 0 N/A
63.83 9,556 0 N/A
2.20 3,877 0 N/A
93.81 6,097 0 N/A
95.90 5,343 0 N/A
5.00 4,245 0 N/A
4.20 3,453 0 N/A
27.10 2,084 0 N/A
115.61 4,549 0 N/A
79.52 8,365 0 N/A
1.20 3,179 0 N/A
93.90 6,015 0 N/A
94.50 10,565 0 N/A
4.10 2,495 0 N/A
85.00 5,373 0 N/A
Emerging Hot Spot Analysis of
Non-Fatal Shootings
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

¨ 71

¨ 270
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Trend Pattern
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Non-Fatal Shootings
! !

! !! !

New Hot Spot



Persistent Hot Spot

! !
! !

Consecutive Hot Spot

¨ 270

Intensifying Hot Spot


Diminishing Hot Spot

Sporadic Hot Spot
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! ! !! ! ! !
! !! ! !!
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! !! ! !
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City of Columbus
County Boundaries
Major Roadways
Street Centerlines
Map Created By: Communications Bureau | GIS/CAD Unit - LMW January 22, 2021
Emerging Hot Spot Analysis

Background Information
The Emerging Hot-Spot Analysis aggregated 1,435 Non-Fatal Shooting data points into 9,118 fishnet grid locations
over 26 time step intervals. Each fishnet grid location is ¼ mile by ¼ mile square covering the City of Columbus
corporate boundary. Each time step interval was 2 weeks in duration resulting in the total time period being
evaluated as 52 weeks. Of the 9,118 fishnet grid locations, 666 (7.30%) contained at least one data point for at least
one time step interval. There is a statistically significant increase in the Non-Fatal Shooting data point counts over

---- Emerging Hot Spot Analysis Characteristics ----

Input feature time extent 2020-01-01 00:00:00
to 2020-12-31 23:59:59

Number of time steps 26

Time step interval 2 weeks
Time step alignment End

First time step temporal bias 85.71%

First time step interval to on or after
2020-01-01 00:00:00

Last time step temporal bias 0.01%

Last time step interval to on or before
2020-12-31 23:59:59
------------- Overall Data Trend -------------
Trend direction Increasing
Trend statistic 3.4003
Trend p-value 0.0007

Summary of Results
539 of the 666 (80.93%) of the fishnet grid locations detected a hot spot trend as defined below:

New Hot Spot The most recent time step interval is hot for the first

Consecutive Hot Spot All time step intervals are hot throughout the duration of
the time period being analyzed

Persistent Hot Spot At least 90% of the time step intervals are hot

Historical Hot Spot At least 90% of the time step intervals are hot, but the
most recent time step intervals are not

Intensifying Hot Spot At least 90% of the time step intervals are hot and
becoming hotter

Diminishing Hot Spot At least 90% of the time step intervals are hot and
becoming less hot over time

Sporadic Hot Spot Some of the time step intervals are hot

8 New Hot Spots, 56 Consecutive Hot Spots, and 475 Sporadic Hot Spots were detected.
Probability of Non-Fatal Shootings Summary
January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020

Zip Codes with Probabilities Greater than the Citywide Average

Estimated Population Total Number of

Rank Zip Code Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
1 43211 21,429 200 1 / 107
2 43203 8,612 50 1 / 172
3 43227 23,835 117 1 / 204
4 43205 11,698 56 1 / 209
5 43223 21,758 97 1 / 224
6 43219 31,889 124 1 / 257
7 43206 20,142 75 1 / 269
8 43213 19,315 59 1 / 327
9 43204 34,310 103 1 / 333
10 43222 5,099 15 1 / 340
11 43232 36,777 96 1 / 383
12 43207 34,601 86 1 / 402
13 43224 33,615 78 1 / 431

Communities with Probabilities Greater than the Citywide Average

Estimated Population Total Number of

Rank Community Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
1 South Linden 8,169 96 1 / 85
2 North Central 9,362 83 1 / 113
3 Milo-Grogan 2,181 19 1 / 115
4 Franklinton 7,146 58 1 / 123
5 Livingston Avenue Area 6,182 45 1 / 137
6 East Columbus 4,080 18 1 / 227
7 Near East 19,174 82 1 / 234
8 South Side 27,770 107 1 / 260
9 North Linden 29,362 107 1 / 274
10 Mid East 54,534 163 1 / 335
11 Greater Hilltop 66,315 191 1 / 347
12 Northeast 32,638 81 1 / 403
13 Italian Village 3,115 6 1 / 519

Census Tracts with Probabilities Greater than the Citywide Average

Estimated Population Total Number of

Rank Census Tract Number Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
1 93.31 1,288 22 1 / 59
2 7.30 3,660 45 1 / 81
3 75.11 1,887 21 1 / 90
4 48.20 2,728 29 1 / 94
5 51.00 2,306 24 1 / 96
6 25.10 2,850 28 1 / 102
7 15.00 1,973 19 1 / 104
8 28.00 2,132 20 1 / 107
9 75.20 2,845 26 1 / 109
Census Tracts with Probabilities Greater than the Citywide Average

Estimated Population Total Number of

Rank Census Tract Number Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
10 54.10 1,546 14 1 / 110
11 54.20 1,992 18 1 / 111
12 75.12 4,177 36 1 / 116
13 56.10 1,765 15 1 / 118
14 9.20 2,401 20 1 / 120
15 14.00 1,847 14 1 / 132
16 55.00 4,303 32 1 / 134
17 7.20 2,559 19 1 / 135
18 87.30 1,931 14 1 / 138
19 61.00 2,345 17 1 / 138
20 29.00 2,777 20 1 / 139
21 23.00 1,395 10 1 / 140
22 7.10 3,427 24 1 / 143
23 47.00 5,715 39 1 / 147
24 27.50 2,361 16 1 / 148
25 93.33 2,237 15 1 / 149
26 9.10 3,733 25 1 / 149
27 27.70 2,322 15 1 / 155
28 50.00 5,022 31 1 / 162
29 46.20 2,837 17 1 / 167
30 8.20 3,090 18 1 / 172
31 87.10 2,572 14 1 / 184
32 88.12 3,060 16 1 / 191
33 77.10 4,470 21 1 / 213
34 26.00 3,875 18 1 / 215
35 27.30 2,398 11 1 / 218
36 56.20 2,205 10 1 / 221
37 83.11 4,515 19 1 / 238
38 36.00 1,433 6 1 / 239
39 83.12 4,680 19 1 / 246
40 75.33 2,046 8 1 / 256
41 49.00 5,128 20 1 / 256
42 87.20 3,178 12 1 / 265
43 93.12 3,508 13 1 / 270
44 93.34 3,025 11 1 / 275
45 16.00 1,944 7 1 / 278
46 93.25 4,856 17 1 / 286
47 93.11 3,224 11 1 / 293
48 93.72 4,553 14 1 / 325
49 93.23 4,296 13 1 / 330
50 93.71 6,639 20 1 / 332
51 45.00 5,329 16 1 / 333
52 69.23 4,060 12 1 / 338
53 48.10 2,906 8 1 / 363
54 3.30 2,601 7 1 / 372
55 93.73 6,348 17 1 / 373
56 53.00 3,043 8 1 / 380
57 59.00 2,847 7 1 / 407
Census Tracts with Probabilities Greater than the Citywide Average

Estimated Population Total Number of

Rank Census Tract Number Probability
within City of Columbus Non-Fatal Shootings
58 30.00 4,130 10 1 / 413
59 88.11 1,732 4 1 / 433
60 40.00 3,472 8 1 / 434
61 8.10 2,641 6 1 / 440
62 82.10 2,279 5 1 / 456
63 83.30 1,372 3 1 / 457
64 75.31 3,225 7 1 / 461
65 37.00 3,300 7 1 / 471
66 88.13 2,436 5 1 / 487
67 69.43 4,946 10 1 / 495
68 25.20 3,105 6 1 / 518
69 88.21 2,591 5 1 / 518
70 93.36 2,139 4 1 / 535
71 93.74 9,146 17 1 / 538
72 69.45 5,996 11 1 / 545
73 81.63 3,880 7 1 / 554
74 58.20 2,252 4 1 / 563
75 93.21 2,349 4 1 / 587
76 38.00 2,355 4 1 / 589
77 99.00 1,797 3 1 / 599
78 101.00 1,200 2 1 / 600


Week Number 1
Week Number 2
Week Number 3
Week Number 4
Week Number 5
Week Number 6
Week Number 7
Week Number 8
Week Number 9
Week Number 10
Week Number 11
Week Number 12
Week Number 13
Week Number 14
Week Number 15
Week Number 16
Week Number 17
Week Number 18
Week Number 19
Week Number 20
Week Number 21
Week Number 22
Week Number 23
Week Number 24
Week Number 25
Week Number 26
Week Number 27
Week Number 28
Week Number 29
Week Number 30


Week Number 31
Week Number 32
Week Number 33
Week Number 34
Week Number 35
Week Number 36
Week Number 37
Week Number 38
Week Number 39
2020 Non-Fatal Shooting Totals by Week Number of the Year

Week Number 40
Week Number 41
Week Number 42
Week Number 43
Week Number 44
Week Number 45
Week Number 46
R² = 0.3707

Week Number 47
Week Number 48
Non-Fatal Shootings

Week Number 49
y = 0.4284x + 15.706

Week Number 50
Linear Regression Trendline

Week Number 51
Week Number 52

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