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Phil. Communications Satellite Corp. (Philcomsat) vs. Globe Telecom, Inc.

, GR # 147324, May 25, 2004


Philcomsat and Globe entered into an Agreement to establish, operate and provide an earth station
within Cubi Point for the exclusive use of the US Defense Communications Agency (USDCA). At the time,
both parties knew that the Military Bases Agreement between PH and US was to expire.

Under Sec. 25, Art. XVIII of the Constitution, foreign military bases, troops or facilities, shall not be
allowed in the Philippines unless there is a treaty. Subsequently, the Senate expressed its decision not to
concur in the ratification of treaty. The US military forces left Subic Naval Base.

Philcomsat sent Globe a letter demanding payment of its outstanding obligations under the Agreement.
Thereafter, Philcomsat filed a complaint with RTC Makati. Globe filed an Answer insisting that the end of
the Agreement was due to events constituted force majeure under the Agreement. The trial court and
Court of Appeals ruled considering force majeure.


Whether there is force majeure.


Philcomsat and Globe agreed in Section 8 of the Agreement that the following events shall be deemed
events constituting force majeure: (1) Any law, order, regulation, direction or request of the Philippine
Government; (2) Strikes or other labor difficulties; (3) Insurrection; (4) Riots; (5) National emergencies;
(6) War; (7) Acts of public enemies; (8) Fire, floods, typhoons or other catastrophies or acts of God; (9)
Other circumstances beyond the control of the parties.

There is no merit in Philcomsat’s argument that Section 8 of the Agreement cannot be given effect
because the enumeration of events unduly expands the concept of a fortuitous event under Art. 1174.

Under Article 1306 of the Civil Code, parties to a contract may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms
and conditions as they may deem fit, as long as the same do not run counter to the law, morals, good
customs, public order or public policy. Further, Article 1159 of the Civil Code also provides that
"[o]bligations arising from contracts have the force of law between the contracting parties and should
be complied with in good faith." Not being contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public
policy, Section 8 of the Agreement freely agreed upon has the force of law between them.

In order that Globe may be exempt from non-compliance with its obligation to pay rentals under Section
8, concurrence of the following elements must be established: (1) the event must be independent of
human will; (2) the occurrence must render it impossible for debtor to fulfill the obligation in a normal
manner; and (3) the obligor must be free of participation in, or aggravation of, the injury to the creditor.

The Court agrees with Court of Appeals and trial court that the abovementioned requisites are present.

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