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I. Classify each of the following as either nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio

level of measurement.

1. House numbers
2. Type of blood

3. Breed of swine
4. Cell phone numbers
5. First second and third place in a dance contest

6. Attitude towards same sex marriage (favor, not in favor)

7. Number of live births

8. Distance travelled
9. Monthly income
10. Cellphone number
11. Brand of electric fan

12. Number of siblings

13. Birth order of children in the family

14. T-shirt sizes

15. Socio economic status

16. Hair color

17. Number of Facebook friends

18. Course completed in college

19. Weight

20. Parents’ occupation

II. Classify whether the number obtained in the following is discrete or

1. Distance of the school to your house

2. Volume of a bucket of water
3. Number of chairs in the classroom
4. Number of graduates who passed the board exam

5. Floor area of the classroom

6. Scores of students in the final exam

7. Number of electric fans sold

8. Number of seminars and trainings attended

9. Height of basketball players

10. Number of school children vaccinated
11. Number of varieties of rice

12. Number of research published

13. Speed of cars in kilometers per hour

14. Blood pressure

15. Amount of rainfall collected
III. Below are titles of research studies. Identify the independent and
dependent variables. Write your answers on the table that follows. WRITE

1. Scholastic and non-scholastic factors affecting the academic performance of

Grade 10 students.
2. The advantages of modern technology on students’ academic performance.
3. The relationship between the personal characteristics and professional
competencies of presidents of State Universities
4. The effects of adding 2 more years to the Basic Education Curriculum (K to 12)
5. Gender and Achievement: A comparative study on the Math performance of
female and male students of the College of Education.
6. Questioning techniques and student’s class participation in an English class
7. Poor students’ academic performance and teacher shortage. A correlation
8. The influence of parents’ involvement on the academic performance of children
9. The effect of everyday graded recitation on motivation, engagement and
achievement of freshmen students.
10. A comparative investigation on the levels of intrinsic motivation of students
with high and low self-efficacy.

Item Independent variable/s Dependent variable/s

IV. Identify whether the underlined variable is
a. Independent c. Moderator e. Control
b. Dependent d. Mediator

1. There is a significant relationship between students’ IQ and parent’s

highest educational qualification.
2. The researcher investigates the influence of giving problem sets to the
motivation of students and the teacher will eliminate the influence of positive
feedback to students motivation.
3. The researcher investigates the influence of giving positive feedback to
the motivation of students while making effort constant.
4. The researcher investigates the influence of giving positive feedback to the
motivation of students while making effort constant.
5. Academic performance is affected by parent’s involvement because the
more involved the parents are, the higher motivation the students have, and
in turn improves academic performance
6. Academic performance is affected by parent’s involvement because the
more involve the parents, the higher motivation the students have, and in
turn improves academic performance
7. Academic performance is affected by parent’s involvement because the
more involved the parents, the higher motivation the students have, and in
turn improves academic performance
8. Students who are motivated scored high on the test, only when test anxiety
is low.
9. Students from public school who are males have higher academic
performance compared to students from public schools who are females
10. Females have higher effort that males, only for students with high

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