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Quarter 2 - Module 3
Gathering Data Through Appropriate
Instrument and Analytic Designs

Quarter 2 – Module 3 - Data Collection, Instruments, and Data Analysis

Practical Research 1
Quarter 2 – Module 3– Gathering Data Through Appropriate Instrument and Analytic

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Gathering Data Through Appropriate Instrument
and Analytic Designs
(Plans Data Collection, Data Gathering Instrument,
and Analysis Procedures)
Hi! Welcome again to our research class.

As you all know, research is a systematic process of rediscovering

ideas and concepts. It undergoes certain stages as you learned in
previous modules. Today you will be equipped with the knowledge on
data collection, data gathering instrument and analysis procedures.
They play a great part in any research undertaking as success of it
partly lies in them.


Specifically, after working on this module, you should be able to:

1. Distinguish the types of data collection, data gathering instruments and data
analysis procedures.
2. Plan data collection, data gathering instruments and data analysis


HYPOTHETIC GUESS. Identify the word being described in the following sentences.
Choose your answers from the words found in the box and write on your answer sheet.
Data Analysis Qualitative Method Data Collection
Instrument Interview

1. ___________________is a methodological process of gathering and analyzing

specific information to proffer solutions to relevant questions and evaluate the
2. ___________________ is a type of data collection that does not involve numbers
or a need to be deduced through a mathematical calculation, rather it is based
on the non-quantifiable elements like the feeling or emotion of the researcher.
3. ___________________ refers to the devices/instruments used to collect data
such as a paper questionnaire or a computer-assisted interviewing system.
4. ___________________means a face-to-face conversation between two
individuals with the sole purpose of collecting relevant information to satisfy a
research purpose.
5. ___________________ involves interpretation of data gathered through the use
of analytical and logical reasoning to determine patterns, relationships or trends.

How well did you do in your pretest corner?
Well, if you scored 4 or 5, this lesson may not be as much of
a challenge to you. However, you must not worry if you
scored 3 and below for we have a lot of activities in store for
you. But wait! Let’s first understand some new words you will
encounter in this module.


Match the words in column A with their synonyms in column B. Write the letter only on your
notebook/answer sheet.

1. data A. interpretation
2. collection B. information
3. instrument C. tool
4. analysis D. design
5. method E. gathering


Activity 1: TWOFOLD. Determine whether the following situations describe Primary Data
Collection or Secondary Data Collection. Write PDC for Primary Data Collection or SDC for
Secondary Data Collection. Write your answers on your notebook.

1. Marissa went to Barangay Malusog to interview her students about their cultural
practices learned from their ancestors.
2. Arnold read blogs and journal on the internet related to his research problem.
3. He prepared questionnaires and distributed them to his target respondents.
4. Loraine watched the interview of Pres. Duterte as it is the subject of her research.
5. As part of her research problem, Loreto stayed for a month in Barrio Makisig to
observe the ways the locals celebrate special occasions.


The underlying need for data collection is to capture quality evidence that seeks to
answer all the questions that have been posed. Through data collection business or
management can deduce quality information that is a prerequisite for making informed
decisions. To improve the quality of information, it is expedient that data is collected so that
you can draw inferences and make informed decisions on what is considered factual.

Types of Data Collection

Before broaching the subject of the various types of data collection, it is pertinent to note
that data collection in itself falls under two broad categories; Primary data collection and
secondary data collection.

✓ Primary Data Collection is the gathering of raw data collected at the source. It is a
process of collecting the original data collected by a researcher for a specific
research purpose. It could be further analyzed into two segments; qualitative
research and quantitative data collection methods.
✓ Secondary Data Collection is referred to as the gathering of second-hand data
collected by an individual who is not the original user. It is the process of collecting
data that is already existing, be it already published books, journals and/or online
portals. In terms of ease, it is much less expensive and easier to collect.

Qualitative Research Method

The qualitative research methods of data collection does not involve the collection of data
that involves numbers or a need to be deduced through a mathematical calculation, rather it
is based on the non-quantifiable elements like the feeling or emotion of the researcher. An
example of such a method is an open-ended questionnaire.

Surveys (sample surveys or census surveys)
Interview is a data collection strategy in which participants are asked to talk about the
area under consideration.

Steps For An Effective Interview

• Prepare interview schedule
• Select subjects/ key Respondant
• Conduct the interview
• Analyze and interpret data collected from the interview


A. Structured Interviews : In this case, a set of pre-decided questions are there.

B. Unstructured Interviews :In this case, we don’t follow a system of pre-
determined questions.
C. Focused Interviews :Attention is focused on the given experience of the
respondent and its possible effects.

D. Clinical Interviews : Concerned with broad underlying feelings or motivations or
with the course of an individual’s life experience.
E. Group Interviews :a group of 6 to 8 individuals is interviewed.
F. Qualitative and quantitative Interviews :divided on the basis of subject matter
i.e., whether qualitative or quantitative.
G. Individual Interviews : Interviewer meets a single person and interviews
H. Selection Interviews : Done for selection of people for certain Jobs.

Observation is a method under which data from the field is collected with the help of
observation by the observer or by personally going to the field. In the words of P.V Young
“Observation may be defined as systematic viewing, coupled with consideration of seen

Steps for an Effective Observation

• Determine what needs to be observed
• Select participants
• Random/Selected
• Conduct the observation (venue, duration, recording materials, take
• Compile data collected
• Analyze and interpret data collected


A. Structured Observation. When the observation is characterized by a careful

definition of the units to be observed, the style of recording the observed
information, standardized conditions of observation and the selection of related
data of observation.
B. Unstructured Observation. When it takes place without the above
C. Participant Observation happens when the observer is member of the group
which he is observing.
D. Non-Participant Observation occurs when observer is observing people
without giving any information to them.

Questionnaire is predefined set of questions, assembled in a pre-determined order. It is

handy when the researcher is trying to collect information from large numbers of people.

Steps For An Effective Questionnaire

• Prepare questions (Formulate & choose types of questions, order them, write
instructions, make copies)
• Select your respondents (Random/Selected)
• Administer the questionnaire(date, venue, time )
• Tabulate data collected
• Analyze and interpret data collected

A. Open-ended questions give the respondents the ability to respond in their own

B. Close-ended or fixed alternative questions allow the respondents to choose
one of the given alternatives. .Types:- Dichotomous questions and Multiple

Schedules are very similar to Questionnaire method. The main difference is that a
schedule is filled by the enumerator who is specially appointed for the purpose. Here the
enumerator goes to the respondents, asks them the questions from the Questionnaire in the
order listed, and records the responses in the space provided. It is a must that the
enumerator must be trained in administering the schedule.

Now after gathering the data needed using the different research instruments, data
analysis comes next. It is the process of evaluating data using the logical and analytical
reasoning to carefully examine each component of the data collected or provided. Also it is
one of the many steps that are taken when a research experiment is conducted.

Qualitative Data Analysis:

The data obtained through this method consists of words, pictures, symbols and
observations. This type of analysis refers to the procedures and processes that are utilized
for the analysis of data to provide some level of understanding, explanation or interpretation.
Unlike the quantitative analysis, no statistical approaches are used to collect and analyze
this data. There are a variety of approaches to collecting this type of data and interpreting it.
Some of the most commonly used methods are:

Qualitative data refers to non-numeric information such as interview transcripts, notes, video
and audio recordings, images and text documents. Qualitative data analysis can be divided
into the following five categories:

1. Content analysis. This refers to the process of categorizing verbal or behavioural

data to classify, summarize and tabulate the data.
2. Narrative analysis. This method involves the reformulation of stories presented by
respondents taking into account context of each case and different experiences of
each respondent. In other words, narrative analysis is the revision of primary
qualitative data by researcher.
3. Discourse analysis. A method of analysis of naturally occurring talk and all types of
written text.
4. Framework analysis. This is more advanced method that consists of several stages
such as familiarization, identifying a thematic framework, coding, charting, mapping
and interpretation.
5. Grounded theory. This method of qualitative data analysis starts with an analysis of
a single case to formulate a theory. Then, additional cases are examined to see if
they contribute to the theory.

Now that you learned already about data collection

procedure, tools and analysis, get ready for more
interesting tasks!



A. WHAT THE PICS TELL. Label the pictures with the correct research instrument being















B. WHICH IS WHICH? Read the texts below. Then tell which of the type of data
analysis was used in the research and explain why you said so.
TEXT A. These results show that the reference books used by the 19
teachers had issues on contextualization under appropriateness. The IMs are
moderately appropriate to the developmental stage of the learners, their interests
and level and skills.
In support of this, the participants during the FGD emphasized that the
contents of these reference books are found to be difficult on the part of the
students. The participants said “not all students are engaged in the tasks. There are
even some who misbehaved.” “Students do not display much interest because
contents of these materials are only applicable to higher level students” another
respondent added. Although the IMs have moderate extent of contextualization,
teachers should strive for IMs with even higher extent of contextualization. In fact,
the Division Supervisor emphasized that “teacher should not rely only on the
activities found in the book. Rather, they need to use materials that would speak
about the culture, practices, and events in a particular locality, because when they
are used in teaching, learning becomes more meaningful.” In this case, the IMs
become even more appropriate.

My Premise:

My Explanation:


Strauss and Corbin (1998) describe data analysis as a process of breaking

down, organizing, and reassembling data to develop a different understanding of
phenomena. In accord with procedures outlined by Strauss and Corbin regarding data
analysis for grounded theory research, the following coding procedures were
implemented in the current project: open coding, axial coding, and selective coding.
This section describes how data were deconstructed, and subsequently reorganized
to provide an understanding of how school psychologists respond in multicultural
Several individuals, in addition to the researcher, engaged in coding and
interpreting the data for the current project. Two peer debriefers and one peer
auditor participated in the analysis process. Characteristics of both debriefers include
European American background and experience working in school settings. One of
the debriefers is a practicing school psychologist while the other has had a career as
a special educator and is currently in a graduate school psychology program. The
peer debriefers assisted in the coding of data and provided feedback on coding
categories and data interpretations. The auditor for this project is a female, Latina,
Doctoral-level, school psychologist. The auditor monitored the coding and
interpretation process and provided feedback. Further information about the roles of
these individuals is provided later in this chapter.
Examples of coding interview data are included in this chapter to illustrate the
process. Although explained as though the data analysis procedures represent
distinct phases, often this was not the case; different coding tasks began
concurrently. Table 2 lists two passages from the interviews. These passages are
referred to throughout this section to demonstrate the open, axial, and selective
coding phases.

My Premise:

My Explanation:

How’s your journey so far? Well, very good! Let’s proceed for
another challenging task. This time you final task.


Data collection is an integral part of research as this gives flesh to the work.
Researchers who use the qualitative research design employs the following research
instruments: interview, experiment, questionnaires, observations and schedule. From the
raw data, analysis follows and this includes either content analysis, narrative analysis,
discourse analysis, framework analysis or grounded theory.


Below is a news report about bullying in the Philippines. Read and analyze the
problem and plan out what data gathering instrument and data analysis procedure
are appropriate to use. Describe them comprehensively. Copy the graphic organizers
and write your answers on your answer sheet

Viral high school bullying video worries the Philippines

Bullying a recurring concern both for private as well as public schools

Published: December 22, 2018 15:35

Gilbert P. Felongco, Correspondent

Manila: The presidential palace has expressed alarm over viral bullying videos taken at a
reputed Catholic
s educational institution, and called on school authorities to implement laws
against all kinds of intimidation.

A video had surfaced several days ago, showing a high school student from the Ateneo de
Manila bullying and physically assaulting a student from the same school, after challenging
the latter to a fight.

The second student is bloodied in the nose and beaten up by his challenger, known on the campus as
“Taekwondo black belter”. The incident took place inside the school toilets.

It was also apparent that this incident was not the first time involving the bullying student, as other
videos of him involved in fights with other students also surfaced.

Presidential Spokesman Salvador Panelo said he saw the video, admitting that it was worrying. “I think
the school should investigate the incident and do something about it. You cannot be allowing bullying
inside the classroom and school,” Panelo, who is also the Chief Presidential Legal Counsel, said.

The Philippines has rules against mental and emotional intimidation and causing actual physical harm,
and even cyber bullying, inside and outside the campus through the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013.

However, school authorities are apparently holding back on applying the law to every student. In this
case, the student involved in the bullying incident who was said to be related to a prominent industrialist-
businessman with strong political connections.

On the education department’s part, it said it would take action on the incident and such similar
occurrences as it involves the safety and well-being of students. “The Department of Education (DepEd)
observes zero tolerance against any form of violence against the child, as institutionalised by DepEd
Order No. 40, s. 2012, or the ‘DepEd Child Protection Policy,’ which also mandates the establishment of a
Child Protection Committee (CPC) in all public and private schools,” it said.

It added that the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 compels “any school administration, student, parent or
volunteer shall immediately report any instance of bullying”.

“Private schools that fail to comply may face penalties under the law,” the DepEd said.

Rep. Rodel Batocabe, one of the authors of the Anti-Bullying Act said it was disheartening that such
incidents were still happening five years after the law was passed. “I reiterate, the school is not a place
for bullies,” he said, while urging the parents of the student involved to seek professional help for their

Senator Leila de Lima cautioned that the incident should be approached with caution and utter
objectivity, otherwise the victim will also suffer the same fate as the offender in front of the public and in

“When we face incidents of bullying, especially involving children, there is only one legitimate goal: to
stop the bullying. It is not to seek retribution. Punishment, especially in this case, should be a means to an
end: to end the cycle of bullying,” she said.

“To merely pass judgement is counterproductive: society — especially social media — wags an accusatory
finger, the child gets defensive, the parents get defensive, the victim might get some relief, but it doesn’t
solve the underlying problem. Everybody takes sides when, really, we all want the same thing. To make
sure the kid never bullies again,” De Lima said.

Bullying is a recurring concern both for private as well as public school students in the Philippines.

TOPIC: _____________________________________________________________

RESEARCH INSTRUMENT: ____________________________________________

ANALYSIS: __________________________________________________________


Read a sample qualitative research found on the internet or city library. Fill out the
boxes below with the needed information.

Title of the Research:


Research Instruments Used:

Data Analysis Method Used:


After finishing this module, share your learning in this part.


Congratulations! You are now ready to set for another memorable

learning adventure. Goodbye!


Atondo, H. B. (2019). Contextualized Instructional Materials in Teaching Reading and

Writing Skills (unpublished thesis). Bicol University, Legazpi City.

Felongco, G.P. (2018). “Viral high school bullying video worries the Philippines Retrieved
from: ”

“7 Data Collection Methods & Tools For Research” Retrieved from:

“ Qualitative Data Analysis” Retrieved from:

methods/data- analysis/qualitative-data-analysis/


Your Readiness Check

1. Data Collection
2. Qualitative Method
3. Instrument
4. Interview
5. Data Analysis

Your Vocabulary Builder

1. B
2. E
3. C
4. A
5. D

Your Initial Task

1. PDC
2. SDC
3. PDC
4. PDC
5. PDC

Your Discovery Task

1. Interview
2. Questionnaire
3. Observation
4. Survey
5. Experiment
Answers vary.

Your Final Task

Answers vary.


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