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Right On!

2 – Test 3C (Module 3)

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE _______________

CLASS ______________________________________________ SCORE ––––––
(Time 80 minutes)

A. Match to form phrases.

1 see a a football match

2 sample b works of art

3 take c a ride in a capsule

4 watch d delicious street food

Points: ____

B. Label the pictures with the descriptions from Ex. A.

1 _________________ 2 _________________ 3 _________________ 4 _________________

Points: ____

C. Match the places to the activities.

1 theatre a see clowns and acrobats

2 amusement park b attend a performance

3 exhibition centre c go on a roller coaster

4 circus d see a robotics exhibition

Points: ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Right On! 2

Right On! 2 – Test 3C (Module 3)

D. Choose the correct type of TV programme/film.

2 fantasy/cartoon

1 documentary/ 4 animation/action
soap opera

3 adventure/science fiction
Points: ____

E. Complete the sentences with go, do or have in the correct form.

1 Philip likes ________________ windsurfing when he is on holiday.

2 Louise ________________ a sleepover last weekend. It was so much fun!
3 Are you ________________ roller skating this afternoon?
4 My brother and I ________________ tai chi every Friday afternoon.

Points: ____

F. Complete the gaps with will or be going to and the verbs in brackets.

1 Do you think Claire ________________ (come) to the circus with us this weekend?
2 Charlie ________________ (not/go) to the theatre tonight because there aren’t any tickets left.
3 I promise I ________________ (watch) Jamie Oliver’s cookery show with you tonight.
4 ________________ (we/take part) in the sports competition tomorrow?

Points: ____
G. Choose the correct item.

1 Sarah is going to/will go to the circus to see clowns and acrobats this Friday.
2 Are you going to/Will you visit your aunt in Greece this summer?
3 I’m thirsty. I ’m going to/will drink this water.
4 Why don’t you come to the robotics exhibition with us? You ’re going to/’ll love it!

Points: ____
© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Right On! 2
Right On! 2 – Test 3C (Module 3)

H. Choose the correct item.

1 She felt exhausted/exhausting after a day at the amusement park.

2 Henry loved the new fantasy film. He was amazing/amazed by the special effects.
3 We attended a performance at the theatre last night. It was very interested/interesting!
4 The new action film is very excited/exciting. You can’t miss it!

Points: ____

I. Fill in the gaps with: both, neither or either.

1 We can ________________ go to Greece or Italy on holiday this year.

2 ________________ Steven and Becky want to go to the mall tomorrow.
3 ________________ Harry nor Diana are watching the game show on TV tonight.
4 ________________ cookery shows and documentaries are very educational.

Points: ____

J. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1 Connor ________________ (not/go) to the football match unless we ________________ (buy) him a ticket.
2 I ______________ (ride) the new roller coaster at Greenland Amusement Park if my parents ______________
(let) me.
3 If we ________________ (watch) a film, I ________________ (bring) some snacks.
4 When you ________________ (walk) a lot, your legs ________________ (become) tired.

Points: ____

Everyday English
K. Match the sentences (1-5) to the sentences (A-E) to make correct exchanges.

1 What time is it on? A Well, there’s a documentary on Channel 2.

2 Ryan and Alice are coming over to watch the game show! B It started five minutes ago.

3 Do you want to watch it? C Great! I’ll get some popcorn.

4 What else is on? D Not really.

5 Mandy, your favourite sitcom is on. E Really? Let’s watch it.

Points: ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Right On! 2

Right On! 2 – Test 3C (Module 3)

L. Read the email and decide if the statements are R (right), W (wrong) or DS (doesn’t say).

Hi Bianca,
What are you doing this weekend? Are you free on Friday evening? I am having a sleepover at my house
with Chloe. Do you want to come, too? Before we have the sleepover, we are going shopping at Rose Hill
Shopping Centre and then to the cinema to see the new animation film. The film starts at 6:15 pm. I’m so
excited to see it!
After that, we can go and have dinner at Marco’s Italian Restaurant. The pizza is delicious there! Then, at
the sleepover we will read magazines, listen to music and play lots of games. It will be so much fun! The
next morning, we can go to the new amusement park if you want to. They have some amazing roller
coasters there.
OK, I have to go now because I have to do my homework. Let me know about Friday.
Bye for now,

1 Bianca is having a sleepover. ______

2 The girls are going to see an animation film. ______
3 Marco’s Italian Restaurant serves only pizza. ______
4 At the sleepover, they will play board games. ______
5 The new amusement park has some great roller coasters. ______

Points: ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 4 Right On! 2

Right On! 2 – Test 3C (Module 3)

M. Write an email to your English-speaking friend about your plans for the weekend (80-100
words). Write about: where are you going to go, who with, what you’re going to do there.
Invite your friend to come with you.

Hi ____________ ,

How are you? What are you going to do next weekend? I’m going to ______________________________


Let me know if you want to come.

Speak soon,

Points: ____

N. Listen to Natalie and Robert discussing their weekend plans and for questions 1-5,
choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

1 What will Natalie do on Saturday morning?

A go shopping B go the cinema C go to the circus

2 Natalie doesn’t like ______ films.

A science fiction B action C thriller

3 Natalie’s sister isn’t going to the cinema because ______ .

A it’s too expensive B she’s not old enough C she doesn’t like thrillers

4 Adults cinema tickets cost ______ .

A £5 B £6 C £8.50

5 Natalie and Robert will get to the cinema ______ .

A on foot B by bus C by train

Points: ____

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 5 Right On! 2

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